© Copyright 1982 Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Table of Contents The Fight for the Grail
My Children: Joshua Ennio Zander, Jacob Noah Archie & Daniel Elijsha Abe Ottomo
My Friends ~ My Homes Away From Home
To The Inventors – The Real Ones
To Those Hero's You Will Meet Herein
To Those Americans and Others Who Still Keep the Faith & Protect the Democracy.
An Armed Forces Special Salute
Desecrations: Fuck You to all the Following!
To My Formerly Trusted Attorneys:
Blakely, Sokoloff, Taylor & Zafman, LLP
Goldstein Lewin & Co. ~ Gerald R. Lewin, CPA and daughter Erika Lewin
Real 3D, Inc. – Intel, Silicon Graphics, Inc. & Lockheed Martin
The New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department
The New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Second Department
The Supreme Court of New York & Chief Judge Judith Kaye aka Ma Barker
The United States Supreme Court
Others Thinking of Becoming Involved
A Final FU to Anybody Who Does Not "Question Authority" and Just Follows Orders
Chapter 1 - A Messenger of G0d?
Chapter 5 - Out of the Woodwork: “The Click Heard Round the World™”
Chapter 6 - Another Pot of Gold! The “Holy Grail” Inventions or “Sucking Elephants thru Straws”
Chapter 10 - My Fucking Head is Splitting
Chapter 11 - Arthur Andersen & Enron
Chapter 12 - Who Are These People: Friends, Friends, Friends…The Dollar Deal
Chapter 13 - The Cover Up, Throwing Elections
Chapter 14 - The Dirty Courts, Dirty Law
Chapter 16 - Siege on the United States
Chapter 18 - Revisiting His Background
Chapter 20 - Message of the Devil or Message from an Angel
Chapter 21 - Art of War: Who the Fuck is Sun Tzu
Chapter 22 - The Angels, Those Who Feared No Evil
Chapter 23 - The Inventors Wife, Stronger Than Mortal Man
Chapter 25 - Dead Inventor, The Failed Murder Attempt
Chapter 26 - Can’t Change History
Chapter 27 - The Whole Enchilada
Chapter 28 - My Time has Come, the Meaning of the Fucking Ringing in Me’s Head
Canto IV The Judiciary Committee Hearing
Cases @ New York Second Circuit
· Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
· Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
· McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
Legally “Related” Cases to Anderson @ US District Court - Southern District NY
· 07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
· 07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
· 08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
· 08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
· 08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.
· 08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al.
· 08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
· 08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
· 14. 08 cv 6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York
· 06cv05169 McNamara v The State of New York, et al.
Canto VI ~ Busted in Ponzi Schemes including Madoff, Stanford, Drier, Greenberg Traurig and more
Canto VI ~ Freeze, Your Under Arrest, the Motion to Compel
Canto VII ~ Motion to Kiss My Ass
Canto VIII ~ Dropping Like Flies
Eliot’s Uprising – The Thought Journal, a New Path for our Children
warning ~ The names in this book/BLOG have not been changed to protect the guilty
The Fight for the Grail
The Story of the Iviewit Inventions & Patentgate
An ongoing fictional/non-fictional blur of the Iviewit inventions and their effect on America.
The story is not complete and
therefore in perpetual draft form, so stay tuned for new chapters.
Send love/hate mail to the author @
iviewit@iviewit.tv and enjoy the
technobiblical true story @
Stronger than mortal man, fruit of the vine!
Ultimate Fem, Womb of G0d!
On a divine mission to save animals, plants and humankind, a mission they must succeed at for themselves, your children, and their children’s children.
Friends who have risked all to help keep Me alive and you will grow to love them as you read on. Each friend has helped advance the technologies to the next level through their love and friendship of Candice and Me or their hard work.
Ahmed, Mohammad
Air Apparent Travel Inc. - Employees
Anderson Howard Employees
Anderson, Kenneth
Armstrong Hirsch Jackoway Tyerman & Wertheimer, P.C.
Armstrong, James
Ashkenazy, Penelope
Ashkenazy, Severyn
Bader, Robert and Robin
Baker, Sara Courtney
Bank, Vincent
Barrenneck, Lori
Becker, Barry & Stacy and Children
Benham, Blaze
Bernstein, Daniel Elijsha Abe Ottomo
Bernstein, David and Annika and Children
Bernstein, Eliot I. and Candice and Children
Bernstein, Irene
Bernstein, Jacob Noah Archie formerly The Jacob Bernstein 1999 Trust
Bernstein, Joshua Ennio Zander formerly The Joshua Bernstein 1999 Trust
Bernstein, Mark
Bernstein, Simon L. and Shirley
Bernstein, Stanley & Charlotte
Bernstein, Stephen
Bernstein, Theodore and Children
Billotti, Beverly & Chip
Bouhenguel, Redjem
Brady, Frank
Brandon, Jennifer
Brunelas, Charles
Burnham, Frank
Butler, Edward
Abbott, Alec B. and Sherry
Calkins, John & Rebecca
Campion, John & Edmund
Castro, Tony and Children
Chavez, Charles
Chey, Douglas
Chirino, Tony
Clark, Tim
Cohen, James
Cohen, Karen & Laurie
Colter, David
Cookman, John E. Jr.
Cordero, Amber
Cowman, Jenna
Crawford, Megan
Daniels, Patricia
Davis, John & Gregg (on behalf of Marvin & Barbara Davis)
Deleo, Lisa
DiBedart, George
Dietz, Andrew and Donna and Children
Dittner, Chris & Cori
Doyle, Matt and Michelle
Dusha, Bill
Ellis, Stacey
Engle, Noble
Erika R. Lewin
Feigenbaum, Robert
Fischman, Joseph
Frazier, Sherri & Children
Freidkin, Monte
Frenden, Anthony
Friedstein , Jeffrey and Lisa and Children
Fritz, Brian
Gaffney, Esq., Mark W.
Galvin, John
Garber, Edward
Gaspari, Maxemillion
George, William
Giordano, Anthony
Gluzband, Melissa
Gold, Steve
Goldstein, James & Christine
Gonsalves, Gregory
Gonsalves, Joel & Robin and Children
Gonsalves, Thaddeus and Judy and Children
Gonzales, Frank & Renee
Gorge, Sal
Gorman, Mitchell
Gregg, Jason
Grimes, Dale & Carol Groves
Grote, Lorna and Christopher
Guccione, Robert
Hagen, Lisa
Hale, Molly and Todd
Hanes, Leah
Happy Feet Living Trust - Ellen DeGeneres
Heche Trust - Anne Heche
Hendricks, Lisa
Hirschtick, Jon K.
Holfer, Larry
Horowitz, Marcel & Florence
Howard, Brett
Iantoni, Guy & Jill
Irell & Manella
Jackoway, Esq., James and Jackoway, Esq., Michele Marlene Mulrooney and Children
Jacobs, Jon
James, Russell
Jaramillo, Carla
Jurcak, Courtney
Kaye, Timothy
Kennedy, Lori
Kershaw, Sarah
Kiley, Karen & Kevin
Klein, Beth and Frederick
Kluge, Jennifer
Krauel, Heidi
Krokower, Robert
Lauren Lloyd Living Trust
Leavitt, Amanda
Leavitt, Wayne
Leonsis, Ted
Lequeux, Blayne
Lewinter, Esq., Anthony
Liu, Vinnie
Lockwood, Kevin
Lypaczewski, Paul
Magnussen, Ryan
Marino, Susie
McCrirrick, Flip and Leanne
McCullough, Lyle
McFarland, William
McGee, Doc
McKittrick, Alan
Merritt & Sophia Howard Fund
Miah, Hassan
Miller, Paul
Milligan, Beverly
Mink, Matthew
Mitroo, Sumair
Moore, Charles Michael
Morgan, Misty
Morissette, Alanis
Morra, Buddy
Moss, Gina
Nadelman, Ari & Yona
Nance-Poor, Steve
Nathanson, Gary
New Media Holdings, Inc.
Newman, Carolyn
Nielsen, Gary
Niemtschik, Rafeal "Hollywood"
Nixon, Eric
Nixon, Sherri
Noyes, Mark
Ollivier, Jamie
Osterling, James
Heidi Stern
Palermo, Rose
Peake, Don
Perkiss, Corri
Pfeffer, Louis
Phillips, Matt
Natalie Poynor
Preston, Daniel
Raymond, Tammy
Roach, Kevin
Roberman, Robert
Rock-It Cargo, USA Inc. Employees
Rogers, Esq., Caroline P. and Geoffrey and Children
Rogers, Spencer and Dana and Children Cash +
Rosario, Jude
Rosen, Irving
Rosman, Esq., Richard
Rousseaux, Harmony
Ryan, Joseph
Sanford, Thomas
Scanlan, Jack
Schleicher, Stephen
Seibert, Michael J.
Selz, Steven
Shirajee, Zakirul
Siefken, Rob
Silent Owners
Simon, Adam
Simon, David and Pamela and Children
Simon, John
Simpson, Crystal and Lucas
Simpson, Matthew
Sklar, Steve
Slaby, William and Michelle
Staley, Kim
Stanger, Bettie
Stanger, Dana and Children
Stanger, Ginger
Stanger, Jeffrey and Kimberly and Children
Stanger, Lynn & Francis
Stanger, Paul
Stark, Joan
Steven Nevius
Stillman, John
Stomp, Michael and Nikki
Stomp, Sherry
STP Employees
Street, Brian
Stuart, John
Supowitz, Lou
Sutherland, Steven
Terri, Chris
Thagard, Gregory B.
Tidal 4
Tuvia School
Utke, Karen & Brian
Valence, Jane
Veneer, Robert and Kari and Children
Verona, Stephen
Verzaal, Jessica
Wall, Jeremey
Warren, Bruce
Washington, Debbie
Welch, Scott
Welsch, Mitchell & Isa
Westphal, Stew
Winters, Dorothy
World Audience
Young, Alan
Shellie Young
Yuricek, Jeremy
Zamarin, Mitch
Dr. Erwin Angres (G0d rest his soul) and his wife Selma, for all the wonderful days spent in therapy at their most gracious home, plodding through my mind.
Lois Nixon, G0d rest her soul, who made me laugh incessantly in childhood and left an indelible impression upon me.
Norman Bernstein, G0d rest his soul, a great uncle, a kind man.
*all entitled to be a part of the invention royalties as rightfully deserved, once of course the patents are returned to the true and proper inventors.
For unconditional love, tested again, again and again.
A great older brother throughout childhood.
For being Pam.
Pam’s Husband David Simon
For being an attorney, you will meet many more herein.
Rock Solid, True Friend til Bitter End!
Jill’s Husband Guy Iantoni
One of a Kind all around Sweet Human Being and Another Bitter End Friend.
For the many great times we spent as kids and the many great laughs.
Lisa’s Husband Jeff Friedstein
An inventive fellow listed as one of the inventors of one of the key technologies described herein.
Those for unknown reasons, other than the will to be right and good, have risked all, some hardly knowing me, crazy.
To those brave souls poised quietly in the background, waiting to continue the fight shall I fail to knock evil back a few hundred years, let the trumpets sound.
To those Americans dressed in uniform to protect our freedoms and the 3,000 soldiers’ dead in battle, I salute you. To the 500,000 innocent non-combatant Iraqis killed in America’s, or more accurately, Bush’s War of Aggression, my heart bleeds and to the soldiers commissioned to kill them by whacked out leaders, my home is forever open if you need comfort. Whether our leaders have sent our men in uniform into war, rightly or wrongly, based on forged documents and false propaganda, the soldiers never the less have risked life and limb to protect our rights and our great country, they have no fault. I stand not only in support of the troops but also alongside them, with life and limb, for duty, honor, and country. You will see my personal plight herein as a war against the same evils great warriors have died protecting for my kin and me, I instead stand as a one-man army, with only G-d on my side in my battle, or so it appears.
In the Iraq conflict, I stand as the soldiers’ ally, standing alongside them and in honor. The Bush administration that directs our soldiers are direly wrong that they are above the law and their crimes one day forgotten. With their lies exposed, slowly the whole world learns of the horrors, their facade slowly exposed, their war crimes one day tried, as war crimes have no statute of limitations but death. The people running the country are not warriors; they are draft dodging, spoiled rotten rich kids (“Rots”), many bought with bought Ivy League degrees, historical losers, just look at the record of accomplishment of Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, all claim elitist status without earning a dollar other than through criminal misuse of power to steal monies from the people. As for Ivy Leaguers, well Bush almost flunked out of Yale, but daddy bought him back, getting him inducted into the Skulls and as for Cheney, well he flunked out of Yale.
In the current Iraq conflict and last one, the Bush Family Oil Wars, I call them that Our Children Die For, I wish to extend an extra special thanks to our armed forces "RETIRED" Generals. It is not the Generals call to go to war or stand in the face of the machine ordering troops to die for lies and to commit war crimes dressed in legal opinions or even question questionable orders from superiors. Yet, doing the right thing when enlightened to the moral wrong of your superiors, at minimum requires exposure, at maximum opposition, even forceful if necessary, a mutiny so to speak, to stop the war crimes and discharge those executing and giving the criminal orders. Resigning your honorable military careers and posts earned through true heroism and patriotism, the greatest sacrifice of a military man, in order to oppose your Commander & Chief outside the military to avoid charges of Sedition or Treason, is an act of heroism, tantamount to fighting a true enemy of the nation, a medal deserved.
The disregard of illegal orders is the most difficult choice of a soldier and I salute those who stand opposed at total risk to career in order to expose the crimes. Historically, at times, when leaders have gone mad at the expense of the people and misused military for personal gain, it is up to the military leaders, with force or coup, to bring these oppressive leaders down. Our soldiers take oath to defend our country from both Foreign and Domestic Terrorists and Domestic Terrorists of a Treasonous Coup described herein are far more insidious and dangerous to our Democratic Republic than any terrorist who borrows a plane and hits a building or two. Throughout the history of armed conflict, if tyrannous evil men seize the chain of command, if your orders as a soldier are to do the wrong thing, you must call to arms your morals to make your decisions and risk military condemnation amongst comrades in arms, exposing the wrongs.
Hitler's soldiers’ claimed they were "only following orders" the Nuremberg Defense and "what could I do to stop it,” which were not good defenses for their evils. In the end of the Bush Family Wars, when they are tried, these excuses will fall short. Yet, what will be the legacy of the soldiers that had to carry out the illegal acts of torture and murder, who will comfort them when they tremble nightly as Veterans. Certainly not Cheney and Bush, in fact, Halliburton is rumored to own Walter Reed, ya know the place where they leave the soldiers in rotting rooms and unattended while they deny them Vet Benefits to hide the damages. Unfolding, is the fact the military has objected to these orders, predicting disaster will come from executing these war crimes, speaking out against the insanity of being in the wrong country for the wrong reasons and yet the administration just replaces them with a new General, a valueless one. To the honorable Generals, forced to RETIRE in order to make a stand against the Man, if I ever become President, your re-commissioned, promoted high in the ranks and given the Purple Heart for services rendered.
As it comes to pass if this war was right or wrong, what our true military commanders have done is heroic, you know, the commanders who have done a real day of military service in battle, unlike like our Commander in Chief, a draft dodging chicken hawk. For almost all soldiers the stance was clear, America violating the Geneva Convention and Human Rights treatises was wrong, and, the Generals, excuse me, the RETIRED Generals, stood up, and confronted the wrong doings and those who ordered it. When the wrongs became exposed, for example, Abu Ghraib and Gitmoschwitz, RETIRED Generals came forward to stand in the face of wrong and challenge these war criminals, our United States leaders. Our leaders, the guilty MUST now be tried (hopefully under a true military tribunal) no matter how high in the chain of command they come from. The soldiers who were only following orders, tried and vindicated or prosecuted, vindicated if the orders came from above and they testify to that nature. Vindicated by pointing to those superiors who gave the illegal orders, extinguishing the chain of command that ordered the war crimes through trial and conviction is the only option.
Merely trying the soldiers that committed the acts is wrong and will do the country no good without the chain of command destroyed through war crime tribunals. It may appear that America cannot handle the truth but they can, they will and will be better the sooner trials begin. No pardons! Nixon caught doing wiretapping of political opponents, not violating the fucking Geneva Convention, although I would have tried and fried Nixon’s ass too and it was here we first saw that “Nobody is Above the Law” is false. Before the military coup d’état by the RETIRED Generals, our military leaders and soldiers figured out just how and why they were in the wrong country doing the wrong thing. That Domestic Terrorists had seized the country through election fraud that catapulted a tyrannous group of men into power, we have our Supreme Court, and I call them Supreme Jerk Offs that put the Tyrannous Treasonous Coup in power in their 5-4 Bush v. Gore decision. Election Fraud is what gave this administration of corruption the ability to seize control of the House, the Senate and the Executive office. At that moment in history, with the usurping of the Peoples Vote, Constitutional checks, and balances were lost, the country was lost, all no fault of the soldiers. The true military commanders, those that faced condemnations to expose the wrong will one day have the honor deserved bestowed upon them, when the truth known, despite being condemned by this Tyrannous Treasonous administration. G-d Bless these men of war every day, for once again they have paved the way to save this great nation. The question now is will the American people stand up to their leaders, bring them down for their crimes, try and fry them and take the only sane course of action to clear our conscience of their crimes and the wrongs they have done to other nations.
Our country has a Commander and Chief in the Whitehouse who looks more like Mickey in the House of Mouse. A Commander of the armed forces who has a history of Military Draft Dodging and this history covered up at the top by non-military types and daddy. A Commander further surrounded by more cowardly draft dodgers like Rove, Cheney and Rumsfeld, all who have gotten their jobs through Election Fraud. The military must now question the integrity and the orders of their leaders’ decisions, as well as, their right to be in office at all. This questioning of our leaders integrity is especially important where it is the military who is directly responsible to defend the nation and not it's leaders, in fact, to the protect the People from maniacal TREASONOUS leaders who act outside of the scope of law and who violate human rights and military treatises. Not one of our current leaders at the top of the chain is worthy on a battlefield alongside true military men. I cannot thank our true military men enough, including those forced to resign to speak out, for your voices and stance against these clowns masquerading as our leaders. Soldiers have to do the killing and the dying, no matter the politics but upon gaining knowledge of criminal war crimes, torture, or other wrongs, their duty is to expose the crimes at risk of condemnation or even dishonorable discharge.
The fact that our nation has Fraudulent Leaders shall justify your claims that following orders from these Fraudsters committing TREASON has already hurt this nation in profound and complex ways. The Acts of Treason change how the World will view us but it is your statements against them, your stand that has led not only in great part to their undermining but these very acts of bravery may be our saving grace when the crimes are tried and our country shamed by our Fraudulent Leaders. I hope and pray my efforts to “TEAR DOWN THE WALL” will prove as valiant as our soldiers efforts in combat, as they are my role models as protectors of our nation. My efforts aimed at the demise of the TYRANNOUS COUP, the Head of the Beast, in order to help save lives, both soldiers and so mislabeled “enemy combatants,” in what is clearly an ILLEGAL war, a military blunder led by incompetent politicians lining their pockets for oil profits with your blood. I do not think a Presidential pardon should be fitting for these guys who attempted a TREASONOUS COUP D’ÉTAT on this great nation for profit and greed, if found guilty, a six gun military salute to them, blindfolds and bullets free @ www.iviewit.tv.
I cite one of our nation’s greatest military men, Major General Smedley Darlington Butler aka "The Fighting Quaker" "Old Duckboard" and "Old Gimlet Eye", of the US Marine Corps aka “Mother Green and Her Killing Machine”, a horrifying history lesson to learn, which applies to our time perhaps more than his own.
War Is a Racket is the title of two works, a speech and a booklet, by retired U.S. Marine Major General Smedley Darlington Butler, one of only 19 people to be twice awarded the Medal of Honor, in which Butler frankly discusses from his experience as a career military officer how business interests have commercially benefited from warfare.
After he retired from the Marine Corps, Gen. Butler made a nationwide tour in the early 1930s giving his speech "War is a Racket".[1] The speech was so well received that he wrote a longer version as a small book with the same title that was published in 1935 by Round Table Press, Inc., New York. The booklet was also condensed in Reader's Digest as a book supplement which helped popularize his message. In an introduction to the Reader's Digest version, Lowell Thomas, the "as told to" author of Butler's oral autobiographical adventures, praised Butler's "moral as well as physical courage".[2]
In War Is A Racket, Butler points to a variety of examples, mostly from World War I, where industrialists whose operations were subsidised by public funding were able to generate substantial profits essentially from mass human suffering.
The work is divided into five chapters:
1. War is a racket
2. Who makes the profits?
3. Who pays the bills?
4. How to smash this racket!
5. To hell with war!
It contains this key summary:
"War is a racket. It always has been. It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives. A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small 'inside' group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes."
In another often cited quote from the book Butler says:
"I spent 33 years and four months in active military service and during that period I spent most of my time as a high class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer, a gangster for capitalism. I helped make Mexico and especially Tampico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues in. I helped in the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of Wall Street. I helped purify Nicaragua for the International Banking House of Brown Brothers in 1902-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for the American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras right for the American fruit companies in 1903. In China in 1927 I helped see to it that Standard Oil went on its way unmolested. Looking back on it, I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three districts. I operated on three continents."
The book is also interesting historically as Butler points out in 1935 that the US is engaging in military war games in the Pacific that are bound to provoke the Japanese.
"The Japanese, a proud people, of course will be pleased beyond expression to see the United States fleet so close to Nippon's shores. Even as pleased as would be the residents of California were they to dimly discern through the morning mist, the Japanese fleet playing at war games off Los Angeles."
Butler explains that the excuse for the buildup of the US fleet and the war games is fear that "the great fleet of this supposed enemy will strike suddenly and annihilate 125,000,000 people."
In his 1987 biography of Butler, Maverick Marine,[3] Hans Schmidt gave a brief review: "Butler's particular contribution was his recantation, denouncing war on moral grounds after having been a warrior hero and spending most of his life as a military insider. The theme remained vigorously patriotic and nationalistic, decrying imperialism as a disgrace rooted in the greed of a privileged few."
SOURCE: Wikipedia @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Is_a_Racket
In Smedley’s Own Words,
War Is A Racket
By Retired US Marine Corp. Major General Smedley Darlington Butler
WAR is a racket. It always has been.
It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives.
A racket is best described, I believe, as something that is not what it seems to the majority of the people. Only a small "inside" group knows what it is about. It is conducted for the benefit of the very few, at the expense of the very many. Out of war a few people make huge fortunes.
In the World War [I] a mere handful garnered the profits of the conflict. At least 21,000 new millionaires and billionaires were made in the United States during the World War. That many admitted their huge blood gains in their income tax returns. How many other war millionaires falsified their tax returns no one knows.
How many of these war millionaires shouldered a rifle? How many of them dug a trench? How many of them knew what it meant to go hungry in a rat-infested dug-out? How many of them spent sleepless, frightened nights, ducking shells and shrapnel and machine gun bullets? How many of them parried a bayonet thrust of an enemy? How many of them were wounded or killed in battle?
Out of war nations acquire additional territory, if they are victorious. They just take it. This newly acquired territory promptly is exploited by the few -- the selfsame few who wrung dollars out of blood in the war. The general public shoulders the bill.
And what is this bill?
This bill renders a horrible accounting. Newly placed gravestones. Mangled bodies. Shattered minds. Broken hearts and homes. Economic instability. Depression and all its attendant miseries. Back-breaking taxation for generations and generations.
For a great many years, as a soldier, I had a suspicion that war was a racket; not until I retired to civil life did I fully realize it. Now that I see the international war clouds gathering, as they are today, I must face it and speak out.
SOURCE: FOR FULL TEXT OF DARLINGTON’S BOOK @ http://www.ratical.org/ratville/CAH/warisaracket.html
After he retired from the Marine Corps, Gen. Butler made a nationwide tour in the early 1930s giving his speech "War is a Racket".[1] The speech was so well received that he wrote a longer version as a small book with the same title that was published in 1935 by Round Table Press, Inc., New York. The booklet was also condensed in Reader's Digest as a book supplement which helped popularize his message. In an introduction to the Reader's Digest version, Lowell Thomas, the "as told to" author of Butler's oral autobiographical adventures, praised Butler's "moral as well as physical courage".[2]
Founder Judge Judenraut Joseph Proskauer or Porksour
Proskauer Rose LLP or Porksour Rose, as you will learn that the law firm is treif, not Kosher, one of the main criminal conspirators and traitors to our nation, all roads to hell described herein relate to Proskauer. The once democratic law firm that suddenly became a big Republican backer, so fearful of the Republican Party that they left Valerie Plame Wilson in the cold, afraid of the backlash of the Bush Administration. Imagine a Democratic law firm afraid of Republican backlash. Traitors to the Democratic Party and perhaps the greatest single mistake ever to the Republican Party, yet I do not think anyone could have seen their dubious actions before it was too late, as they had been plotting to overthrow our government going way back. For “Jewish” lawyers they are not only a disgrace to the integrity of law but to their race, with no belief in G-d, just greed. Joseph Proskauer, the firms founding partner, stood in the way of a ban on German war goods that could have pressured the Nazis to cease the killings in camps after the US learned of the exterminations, in the last months of the war. The last months, when Hitler ordered mass maniacal killings of everyone that he called inferior and Proskauer in part delayed the United States call to action, great Jew.
So what made Proskauer a political switch hitter, a law firm going from democratic to republican, this question will be largely exposed as you witness their demise herein. Imagine that Proskauer needed to take control of the political and legal systems because they were caught stealing intellectual properties from their inventor clients, for themselves. To pull it off and be safe they needed a partner on the opposite party ticket who could politick around any complaints against them by Republican do gooders. Enter Michael Grebe, whom I refer to as Grubber or Goebbels, as in the Nazi propagandist, with a hint of Hiteresque Delusional psychosis, whose law firm’s name, Foley & Lardner LLP, was on the stolen patents in the wrong inventor’s name. Grebe, also happened to be the Republican National Committee Chief Counsel, together, Proskauer and Foley now needed to work together to take over the United States to prevent prosecution for their crimes they would have to take control of both parties to succeed.
These massive law firms caught red handed in an attempt to rob the Iviewit Inventors, the Iviewit companies and Shareholders, about to go public in the billions, estimated technologies worth trillions valued by leading engineers from Fortune 500 companies over the twenty-year life of the intellectual properties. Why did these law firms need to do commit such crime, were they not happy being paid $600 an hour, was it pure greed? The crime seemed simple at first, they started with a plan to steal inventions, what should have taken a moment to steal is now years of arduous battle and the law firms are fighting for their lives with mounds of evidence and many witnesses against them.
Imagine these lawyers once caught, stopping at nothing to deny due process and procedure to the Iviewit Inventors and Shareholders, to prevent prosecution and loss of all assets and fend off extensive federal prison time. So enthralled by greed with the trillion dollar technologies, they would risk it all and when caught plot a siege on the government to block complaints against them, to prevent losing everything. Driven, as further described herein, once caught in the act, to attempt to blow up the key inventor, me, little ole inventor Eliot Ivan Bernstein and my family, by placing a bomb in our family minivan in an attempt to murder my wife and children, leaving no estate survivors. Destroy me by stealing millions of dollars from my companies’ bank accounts, destroying the corporate records of the companies that Proskauer and the attorneys named herein charged with preserving. Destroy by skewing the entire playing field against me. These law firms would then steal my technologies and employ every anticompetitive practice against me, denying me my rights to my intellectual properties, while they built patent pools to tie and bundle the inventions to a standard’s licensing scheme and claim the royalties for themselves. This is the Iviewit story, which has earned the Moniker worldwide as Patentgate, and all roads of corruption in the current administration will lead to the Iviewit story and the meeting with Proskauer Rose that changed the world. Without understanding this intentionally hidden nugget of inventive history, you will not read history the same. You, dear reader, will not understand why the presidential elections were a fraud in the elections of Bush v. Gore and Bush v. Kerry usurping democracy or how and why the Justice Department was seized or how the Supreme Court was seized and much more.
· Wheeler Bar Complaint Response Bernstein[2]
· Wheeler Bar Complaint Response P. Stephen Lamont[3]
The bar complaint rebuttal cited in the link above to the Florida Bar, was before finding out the complexities of the many crimes committed against myself and my companies and was our first stab at Wheeler on just the basic initial evidence of the patent thefts known at that time. So connected was Proskauer at the Florida Bar that they failed to revoke Wheezler’s license to practice law after his conviction for a “Felony Driving under the Influence with Injury” charge in Florida. In fact, the Florida Bar wrote Wheeler a nice press piece, attempting falsely to claim Wheeler’s crime was only a misdemeanor[4].
Well you could hope for the Florida Bar to be doing something about this criminal disguised as an attorney, as you may believe the State Bar Association, the self-regulatory Bar Association, is protecting consumers from reckless attorneys. Yet, the Bar is just about what its name implies, a drinking establishment, a gentleman’s club, thoroughly devoured by corruption to cover up the crimes of dirty rotten lawyers and keeping them out of the criminal justice system. Many State Bar Association members from Proskauer caught violating their public offices by handling complaints against themselves illegally; amazingly, they have staved off prosecution for those violations of public office thus far.
Wheeler, or more aptly Wheezler, as his name historically now recorded, is worse than a Pedophile, as he will come into your life as your trusted legal advisor and while acting as such trusted advisor, offer candy and rape you of your rights legally. Very similar to how Pedophiles operate, using their adult status and trust with children in order to rape and molest the vulnerable. In this case, the attorneys deny legal rights by violating trust and attorney client privileges, destroying their clients’ lives to enrich themselves. Ah, but every so often the Pedophile/Lawyer is caught with his hand in the pants and ends up, as may be the case in the matters before you, facing a federal penitentiary for crimes against our country. Wheezler, you truly are a menace to society and a disgrace to all good and decent lawyers before you. As the scheme is exposed Wheezler written into history as one of the biggest losers and failures of modern time for the bungled crime of the century. Wheeler, if you go to prison half as long as I am trying to imprison you, you will not only be the largest asshole in history, you will have the largest asshole in history.
You, Wheezler, who brought all of your enemies against me and then led them to their doom, you will not be able to drink the unfolding problems away, you will be held accountable and you will wish for your last breath to come soon, you will think of ending your own life in cowardly but fitting fashion. Your lies under sworn oath in your deposition, that you know nothing about my technologies, well, perhaps that is why you had to have the Proskauer v. Iviewit trial thrown by Judge Jorge Labarga. Yes, the Judge you had your firm planted to throw the United States Presidential election to get Bush in, all in efforts to block my criminal complaints from the top down.
In the Iviewit lawsuit, how much payola paid to avoid Labarga's Court Order for you and Rubenstein to return to your depositions you were afraid of and Rubenstein ran from, at your lawsuit? Since Labarga ordered[5] you back to finish with Rubenstein, you have gone to great lengths to hide from me, to hide from the courts through political mischief and top down denial of due process, to win through violating everything sacred in America. Let me correct you here, my dear enemy Wheezler, you will lose in the end, the end that draws near, your history already recorded, your crimes already exposed, the noose tightens and still you squirm, how lawyerly of you.
How the Shareholders, many strong, many more silent, wait to hear you perjure yourself more at our next hearing. The Shareholders await the answers to the questions[6].
i. Where are the stocks for the companies you set up? The companies’ shareholders were informed of and those that Proskauer set up without notifying the Board of Directors, Management, and Shareholders?
ii. Where are the legal and accounting records for all of the companies set up, including those Arthur Andersen found to have identical names?
iii. Why the patents are in the wrong inventors’ names?
iv. Why patent assignees are not to the entities Wachovia Securities and the Investors were assured assignment to, assured by Proskauer and Goldstein Lewin & Co.?
v. Who are the Inventors, Assignees, and Owners listed on the intellectual properties at the United States Patent Office and Foreign Patent Agencies?
vi. Why there are duplicate corporate formations with identical names to our companies and what assets and liabilities are in each?
vii. Why was Iviewit transferring technologies to Enron Broadband without shareholder knowledge or consent? Yes, you heard it here, Enron bankrupted due to the broadband division that booked revenues in the billions, on a new technology Proskauer had convinced them they had stolen and thought no one would ever find out.
Oh, how the reader will come to see you Wheezler as the failure you are. How did it feel Chris, dragged through the Florida Supreme Court and the Supreme Court of the United States with your Felony DUI stamped to your head for the entire legal world to laugh at, as your scheme to steal the patents unfolding? Forever, historically, your name recorded as a disgraced loser, a loser who lost the Holy Grail, as you called the inventions. Objects of mine that I warned you upfront were a gift from a higher p0wer that it is now time to return. Either you can give it back, or give up and surrender, or I will extract the lifeblood from you and then torment your soul, slowly, painfully, lifting it from your flesh.
You now have more to fear than me, fear from those you have involved in your bungled plan that now want your head but I caution you again to read the "Art of War" and remember it was me who thrust that blow. Your psychotic vision to rob the Patent Office, the greatest jewel of free commerce, foiled by little ole me along with that higher power you failed to have faith in, you are a putz. You have surrounded yourself with the enemies of man, of children, to protect yourself from prosecution, to create an air that you are invincible but even that charade is over. Little dicked men, like you Wheezler with even smaller minds, true megalomaniacal freaks, need to create an impression that you are larger than life, to intimidate for your incompetence. Whereas my power comes from p0wer itself, as I warned you from the start, I am on a mission for G0d, a p0wer you failed to have faith in. To stand in the way, as you have, was severely to underestimate true p0wer. I fear not you or your group of "powerful" men in robes with legal degrees steeped in crime you have recruited to aid and abet you, I actually enjoy tearing you apart bit by bit or byte by byte. I do pray for your soul though but I fear it will have no effect and fall upon deaf ears.
Rubenstein is soulless sole Patent Evaluator and creator of MPEGLA LLC., the criminal RICO organizations storefront for laundering stolen technologies, tied and bundled illegally, against Sherman, Clayton and more and acting as an Anticompetitive Monopolistic Patent Pool. The Anticompetitive nature of patent pools is the very reason the Antitrust Division of the Justice Department busted them up but as the Coup infiltrated and destabilized the DOJ, nothing could stop the pools from reforming. MPEGLA LLC a part of the RICO Criminal Enterprise, subject to RICO law when the crimes are tried, currently the crimes are the subject of a several year federal investigation by the US Patent Office, FBI and more. Dear reader, I would not pay too much to MPEGLA for a license that is worthless without my inventions and whereby you will still have to pay for all the years of usage and collect wrongfully paid monies from Proskauer et al.
WARNING - all inventors, MPEGLA may be a dead inventor pool, whereby they promise inventors a chance to share in royalties of a "standard,” only to steal your invention and then block you from market while they work to get rid of you.
Be wary, these criminals with legal degrees using law firms as front may promise the world to you and then fund your patents with deviously deviant plans to steal from you. If they are doing what they have tried to do with me, they are planning to steal your inventions and ruining or ending your life. Extracting your patents through a variety of racketeering means, if you raise questions or catch them, they will try to murder you or if your inventions are worth enough.
Now here is a guy, this Rubenstein sham, who once given your inventions under attorney/client privilege tries to claim them as his own by putting them into his new law firm Proskauer’s recently acquired patent pool, acquired after learning of our processes Rubenstein then just tries to rub you out. Rubenstein, in our case, hires a crooked attorney, Raymond Anthony Joao, as his partner to file our patents in his name (Joao puts 90 patents in his name, rivaling Edison) talk about brazen. An attorney turned multi-media inventor, an attorney has not had an inventive idea since Socrates proposed law and he was a philosopher first. All the while Joao is taking disclosures on the very inventions he is contracted by Rubenstein and Porksour to patent for me, the other inventors and shareholders with intent to steal them as his own. Rubenstein in his wannabe inventor psychosis then tries to ice you out of your inventions using anticompetitive practices in violation of Sherman and Clayton, with a heavy overtone of Racketeering. In the process, Rubenstein violating virtually all of his oaths as a lawyer, including at the Federal Patent Bar, the State Bar and Disciplinary Committees and clearly violates federal, state and international law. Oh yeah, Rubenstein is under investigation by the United States Patent & Trademark Office for crimes against the United States and foreign nations, along with the FBI, which has caused my patents to be in a limbotic state of suspension, falling outside of codified law. IVIEWIT PATENT SUSPENSION NOTICE[10].
These criminals disguised as lawyers act above the law, as lawyers they figured they could steal the inventions from me like "candy from a baby" or so they thought, ah "the best laid plans." Rubenstein is so grotesque as to become obsessed with your inventions and forget he is even an attorney in his wannabe inventor delusions. Rubenstein is not a lawyer in the sense of doing societal good; he is a lawyer that has learned ways to rob people through law, more similar to a petty thief with eyes on the Jewel of our country, the United States Patent & Trademark Offices. Rubenstein's envy of the inventiveness of inventors is exhibited in virtually his whole being, as he attempts to claim others ideas as his own, he loses part of his brain in the delusions to people like me and I gnaw.
Then when busted, under deposition caught lying, he even tried to claim he never heard of Iviewit or Eliot Bernstein[11], under sworn oath, in the face of insurmountable evidence[12] against him. He felt above the law with Judge Jorge Labarga, (Labarga infamous for failing to recount the Bush election and passing the election to the Supreme Court, leading to the demise of the country) in his pocket. Yet, as the evidence shows, Rubenstein had far more knowledge of Eliot Bernstein and Iviewit, he was in fact a board member, a shareholder, the lead patent attorney for the company, opining to Warner Bros., Huizenga, Wachovia, investors, etc. At Rubenstein’s deposition, confronted with letters from Warner Bros. showing he had opined favorably on the Iviewit inventions, immediately after he claimed that he never heard of us at deposition. You see Rubenstein was our patent counsel and the conflict with his patent pools (which would be worthless without the Iviewit scaling inventions) was beyond obvious and illegal. Rubenstein never thought it would get out control, he had thought this through repeatedly, with other criminal attorneys (I mean criminals disguised as attorneys) and they failed to account for me the little ole inventor armed only with Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution. Not only will Rubenstein’s MPEG patent stealing scheme be worthless when I am done, so soon shall he be, if he is not already tying his noose.
Investors even relied on Rubenstein's opinion to invest and then wrote letters[13] fingering him, making his deposition statements perjurious. Therefore, in his delusional head, to protect his pools from extinction from the Iviewit inventions, Rubenstein had to steal them for his patent pools, as he had done with technologies before. Ken, the Shareholders await the answers to the questions they sent you, how have you failed to answer them, the shareholders of course now want blood, even if it is drip by drip? Ken, your bungled attempt to try to get rid of the Iviewit inventors and investors at any cost, knowing your MPEG sham would be out of business, especially if we collaborated with someone other than MPEG, say Intel. Oops, Intel, they are in this deep with you, so instead say Apple, it would have rendered you, and your sham patent pools, impotent, as they are soon to become. Was Rubenstein behind the car bombing of my family's Minivan which can be seen on the homepage @ http://www.iviewit.tv? No matter, Rubenstein is a part of the top of the RICO Criminal Organization, a true freak of law. Do not trust Rubenstein with patents, as just like Wheezler, one need watch him around the children, as he too may be a Pedophile or candy thief.
· A Message from Our Attorney in the Case Steven Selz regarding Rubenstein lies and evidence against him[14]
(Esq. improperly used whereas it should be Esqueer here.)
Joao initially represented to Iviewit and Eliot with Rubenstein as Proskauer Partner but like Rubenstein, they were both at Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe and Schlissel. Raymond Anthony Joao, Iviewit’s Patent attorney now with 90+ patents in his name, all to do with the Iviewit inventions, what more can be said. The most famous patent ever filed with Rubenstein and Joao as co-inventors was my Invention/Complaint to the US Patent Office for a "System & Method for Fraud on the United States Patent & Trademark Office[16]” (Note to link – First filing with Federal Authorities and done in the very beginning of piecing together the evidence trail). The initial Iviewit complaint filed with the United States Patent Office, against the attorneys who stole the technologies, filed in the style of a patent application on how to commit Fraud upon the US Patent Office, funny, in a dark way.
When my wife and I first met Ray, he told us of haunting dreams of his father, beginning after his death, hopefully I now replace his father, as I will haunt not only his dreams but also his soul, eternally. Joao First Department Bar Complaint Rebuttal - may take a while to load[17]. Five Justices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division unanimously ORDERED INVESTIGATIONS of Krane, Joao and Rubenstein and they are under ongoing investigations at the USPTO, USPTO OED, FBI, EPI and more and we shall see how long they breathe free air. Tick Tock.
· Krane Complaint First Department Exposing Conflicts and Violations of Public Office[21]
Krane, Former New York State Bar President, a senior member of nationwide Disciplinary Committees and Ethics Boards ORDERED[22] for Investigation for conflict of interest and the Appearance of Impropriety by the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division: First Department how revealing. The Investigation so far thwarted, through further conflicts in New York, typical New York crooked politics but being from the Windy City, so named for corrupt politics, this will be New York's Greylord.
Conflict in New York led all the way to Chief Judge Judith Kaye it appeared, who just happened to be married to a Proskauer partner, Stephen Kaye, who G0d’s Darker Angel now prances upon his recently departed soul. Although Stephen Kaye was soulless while living, Proskauer instantly added him to the newly formed Proskauer intellectual property department, formed instantly after learning of the Iviewit inventions, although he had no history in Intellectual Property law, presumably one became a partner in the Proskauer IP department to share in the stolen Iviewit loot. Judith Kaye, also conflicted up the butt with Krane, as Krane was Kaye’s former whipping boy, serving her as a lapdog clerk. Krane, knowing the heat was on, attempted to influence peddle his extensive Ethics background like never before seen in Gotham to diffuse the complaints. Krane needed to block any New York Disciplinary Department actions or American Bar Association complaints filed nationally by Iviewit. Being one of the senior Ethics lawyer in New York, holding a multiplicity of titles, Krane would have to handle this in house, personally, to earn his Proskauer intellectual property partnership wings by blocking Iviewit complaints through conflict and violations of his public offices he held.
Krane would intercede and never reveal his conflicting department roles, trash whatever complaints came, his conflicts concealed for two years before becoming exposed and then ordered for investigation.
Krane and Chief Judge of New York Judith Kaye (Kaye now the proud conflicted owner of her dead husband Stephen Kaye's Proskauer shares of Iviewit) then had to bury the New York Supreme Court ordered investigations against Krane and the Proskauer partners. Krane then goes on to really stick it to himself when he writes his own conflicted defense of his bar complaint, failing to disclose his conflicting positions he held at the disciplinary department and further concealing them in an effort to hide them as he was busted. That is when Krane wrote the Suicide Note[23].
Immediately following his Suicide Note, after Clerk of the Court, Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe, identified Krane as a member of the Disciplinary Committee hearing the Iviewit complaint, a fact he concealed and lied regarding in his Suicide Note. In fact, Wolfe sat on several committees’ with Krane and was stunned that he would be handling a complaint against himself or his partners, she suggested Iviewit file the Motion with the Court that led to the unanimous ruling for investigation. Wolfe was also surprised how Chief Counsel of the Disciplinary, Thomas Cahill, had claimed he did not know Krane or if he was a member of the Court, since they all had a meeting together that night.
Eliot to put in Lamont and Bernstein Call to Cahill Regarding his Soul and later confrontation with Cahill in Scheindlin’s court at Anderson’s trial, “pleased to meet you...”
After five Supreme Court Justices unanimously voted for an INVESTIGATION, Krane, Rubenstein and Joao, did not even have to provide a response to that court, nor provide one to the department charged with the investigations. In a feat unsurpassed in the annals or more astutely the anals of New York, Krane ass kisses or offers his ass up for the taking to evade the investigations ordered against them. Krane so successful in the endeavor to cover-up, using his positions of influence and knowing at the top he was protected that he evaded the court’s orders for investigations without his partners or himself even having to give a statement in their defense. Instead, the disciplinary departments wrote little old me how they were going to dismiss the court ordered investigations without investigation because Krane was a nice person basically and then the investigator began defending Krane on a call with Bernstein and his counsel Marc Garber, entrapping herself in an admitted conflict of interest. It was as if the Supreme Court of New York, Second Department, was actually doing his defense, as they tendered all letters on his behalf, he did not answer a single question or put forth a statement in his defense. You guessed it, the First Department and the Second Department are controlled by Proskauer attorneys, those charged with investigating the conflicts, upon a little scratch of the surface were also found in conflict with the matters, Krane and Kaye, and yet they continued handling the complaints against Proskauer and its partners. Assured with top down control of the courts that their victims could not touch them, with Kaye and Krane controlling the courts, they act above the law. Perhaps for the moment they are above the law, in crime festered New York but they are not above the law of G-d.
Of course, I did not order the investigations. Five Judges did, after reviewing thousands of pages of evidence. Therefore, it begs one to ask why the investigators tried to convince me of their decision to evade the court ordered investigations and did not respond to the court that ordered the investigations. The answer, they could not answer the court with the results of the investigations. No investigations done, the investigators claimed they “dismissed” the cases on review and that this was equal to an investigation. No witnesses called, no evidence tested, those Ordered for Investigations’ did not even have to tender a response in their defense. In fact, the Disciplinary Department drafted their defense for them, on Supreme Court letterhead. [EXHIBIT] How much payola do you think it costs to buy off three court Ordered Investigations. With the help of Judge Judy Kaye and some very large illegal gains from the stolen technologies to make people obfuscate their public office duties, they have succeeded but for the moment at evading charges. Krane stands as the most despicable man in the history of legal ethics, currently found trying to amend laws to protect him and others from prosecution. Perhaps Ken Lay hired him to write some laws to prevent loss of his estate from death or the Bush group has him rewriting war codes to justify torture and protect from prosecution. Either way, there may soon be a lot of Proskauer and other corrupted lawyers cited herein, wishing for an artery to pop to the brain, with Krane's obese gluttony, he will be first. I was wrong here, Judy's husband Stephen Kaye, G-d unrest his soul, first to leave this earthly world for hell for his actions. Krane Complaint First Department[24]
OK breaking news in November 2007 comes in the form of Krane's partner in Crime at the First Department, Thomas Cahill, former Chief Counsel of the Supreme Court of New York First Department, DDC involved in a SEX SCANDAL AT THE NEW YORK ETHICS DEPARTMENT, LEADING TO CAHILL’S EARLY DEPARTURE. Yes, you heard that right, one of the highest and most powerful courts in the country, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, responsible for Wall Street and Manhattan attorney regulation is running a whorehouse. When one thinks of the head of ethics, an image of an awesome legal scholar comes to mind, integrity dripping from breath, a defender of law for order, a defender of the rights of the People, of the Nation and a defender of our Constitution, not a gin drunk, red nosed, aloof, crook but that is Cahill. Read all about it @ http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2007/06/sex-scandal-at-attorney-committee-on.html
It gets far worse for Krane and Cahill, their illegal legal mob crew, busted for burying and whitewashing complaints against attorneys. Oh shit, gets worse as the informant is an insider, Christine C. Anderson, a 62 yr old black female attorney, who is victimized, physically assaulted and terminated from her staff attorney job for her bravery to stand up to wrongdoings at the Department. In a $100M Federal Lawsuit[25], Anderson names Iviewit in Paragraph 97 of the complaint, as to her termination claims. Cahill and Krane’s scheme exposed from the inside, “Holy Cow Batman,” Gotham Bad Guys who have seized and have been raping New Yorkers are going down. The New York Law Journal writes a story exposing Cahill and others for derailing complaints against attorneys, exactly what Iviewit is claiming to the Feds. Holy Big Shit Batman, The New York Times follows with an even more devastating article and now New York is on fire, Kerik, the whole criminal political crime family composed of scumbag lawyers, judges and politicians is flaming downward, hell awaits, my smiling face to greet them. All this instigated by an investigative reporter or perhaps federal agent who writes a blog Expose Corrupt Courts. A one ballsy Frank Brady, in a time of journalistic lack of integrity and complacency with the corruptions read by propaganda readers like Blitzer (whose his daddy), Sanchez (where did this guy get his journalistic wings) and other Fox News Bunnies, Brady emerges as something of a Ben Bradlee, a Woodward, a Bernstein. Kudos also to Dan Wise of the New York Law Journal and Paul Vitello of the New York Times for having the balls to expose corruption in New York's Heart of Darkness.
After reading the complaint by clicking his name above, you have to see how the Flabar, mired in conflicts, responded to the fact that Triggs had like Krane, violated public office positions in the Supreme Court of Florida the Florida Bar, to represent his Porksour partners in conflict. The Flabar, chief legal counsel, Anthony Boggs, even tried to dismiss the Triggs conflicts and violations of Florida Supreme Court offices by citing proposed legislation he had drafted but had not had approved as law, to exculpate them. This should beg the question of just what Florida Bar counsel is doing writing exculpatory letters on behalf of those caught violating their public offices, why again do those accused not have to provide even a response to the complaints against them? I guess Boggs figured nobody would know the real law at the time and with some fresh drafted verbiage could buy Triggs out for violating his Supreme Court Bar post. READ FLORIDA BAR USING PROPOSED LEGISLATION TO EXONERATE AN OFFICER OF THE SUPREME COURT OF FLORIDA CAUGHT IN CONFLICT OF INTEREST AND VIOLATION OF PUBLIC OFFICE, THE LEGISLATION WAS NOT ADOPTED[29] . Amazingly, after you are finished reading that one may then ask, what Triggs responded in his defense? Answer, Triggs never had to put forth one, as the Florida Bar did his legal defense work and responses for him, on Florida Supreme Court stationary.
Foley & Lardner is a law firm that aided and abetted the crimes with Proskauer. Do not take any patent to Foley for they continued Joao’s diabolical work once Joao caught patenting Iviewit’s inventions for himself. Then Foley continued writing patents in the wrong inventors’ names. Foley brought in by Proskauer to cover up for Joao when Shareholders and Board Members asked for investigation when it was first rumored he was patenting patents in his own name faster than Edison.
Former CEO of Foley & Lardner, Former Chief Counsel of the Republican National Committee & Current Chair of the Bradley Foundation. It is May 09, 2007 and several important things have just surfaced. None other than Michael Grebe controlled Foley & Lardner, Porksour’s partner in crime, at the time of the invention thefts, Grebe another Loser accorded a place in history with Wheezler before him. Grebe helped ruin America, through Tyrannous and Treasonous corruption under the disguise of law and justice. Grebe the Grubber was Chief Counsel of the Republican National Committee (RNC). You know, the organization that just got a subpoena from the House Judiciary Committee for missing emails in relation to the Alberto Gonzales mess of firings in the Attorney General’s attempted coup d’état on the Justice Department. The Attorney General getting caught politicizing the Justice department has led to another chip at the corruption at the top of our wholly seized government. G0d bless the few brave people trying to save our country from the abomination we have become. Mike also funds books claiming blacks are mentally inferior to whites through his Bradley Foundation[30] and is working to a New World Disorder, like a plague upon the earth, a Hitler redo where everyone is a slave to him and his NeoCon NAZI freak ball friends who seem more like the Gestapo on steroids. Perhaps it is Grebe or Grubber who engineered how to flood New Orleans, then how to avoid a response, then how to let blacks die drowning in the attic and now how to buy up their land on the cheap, perhaps with his buds Bush and Cheney.
These whack jobs under Grebe’s rule claim blacks really are mentally inferior to whites, according to his Foundations study that paid an Uncle Tom Nigger to write for a 250,000 grant. Grebe photo ops himself at black catholic schools to promote his school voucher plan, which is a plan to get the "inferior blacks" out of schools and back to slavery. Do the research on Grubbers and you find that although he belongs to think tanks that sound smart and NeoCon groups that are named all kinds of flowery names, each of these organizations Grubber belongs to is right wing gone NAZI. Real Nazi as you will see, former Third Reichers’ trying to get a Fourth off the ground here in America. Whole Lotta Info and a simple remedy to kill the cult influence on our country @ www.iviewit.tv/senatecultbill.htm and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Business_Plot . Note who the members of this coup to align America with the Nazis was composed of and take note it was foiled by Major General Smedley Darlington Butler of the US Marine Corp.
How does Grebe’s Chief Counsel role at the RNC play into the Greatest Patent Story Ever Told? Imagine the damage you could do to the political system, if you have on the one side, Proskauer, with strong historical Democratic positioning, working now with Foley, who through Chief Counsel Grebe controls the RNC, to seize the United States top down. Grebe one of the most powerful and influential Republicans, a rolodex of every lawyer in the Republican Party, good and bad, and he choose the bad and in came some of the biggest historical losers from Nixon and beyond, to block due process against Foley and Grebe and steal the technologies, with brute force top down denial of due process. Finally, you need to find a Presidential Puppet, a candidate that can fill the suit of a Republican and at the same time partner up with you in crime. All you need to do is add a bit of election fraud to insure you get your boy in. Grebe backed Bush II., like he has backed several Republicans and in those presidencies we also went to war with oil nations and Iran Contra and all this other Nazi like shit America has been led into, look deep at this man for he is the man who ruined America almost single handedly. This is a behind the scenes man in the corruption of government, law and everything those things stand for, a man who has found a way to rob the patent office through corrupt lawyers, like this guy must beat off to the movie The Firm.
In Florida, a place where prior to meeting Iviewit there was one Foley lawyer, William Dick, and it is questionable where this guy fell from the sky from, we find that today, to stave off any possible chance of investigation of the Iviewit claims, Foley partners basically run the Governor of Florida's office, while Proskauer controls the state Bar Association. Further, you will come to wonder how they quashed the Iviewit claims in the Florida Supreme Court, in one of a series of legal case corruptions. Again, we find a Foley partner, Christopher Kise, falling from the sky to be the Solicitor General of the Florida Supreme Court, the person who argues the cases before the Supreme Court and we find now the Governor of Florida creating special office posts for him as he takes a Foley partnership. Wow, that is power trying to fuck with you but it is power built on a facade, easy to destroy.
Now this Goebbels, I mean Grubber, no Grebe, is a massive amount of the cause and effect of the demise of the Republican Party and really the fall of our country. A disgrace to the honorable soldiers of West Point before him, Grubber is a Kurtz, from Apocalypse or Conrad’s “Heart of Darkness” on Steroids, a Vietnam Vet with a hard-on for Americans. Grebe rose to power through control of a large US law firm, entrenched mainly in Intellectual Property with tremendous political influence. Grebe grows his personal net worth to close to a billion dollars through the law firm and to protect it from the little ole inventor who busted his firm red handed, then attempts to pull a Tyrannous and Treasonous Coup on the United States. Once the criminals were in control of the three branches of government, after the Bush v. Gore election, the country progressively went to hell in a bucket. The country will continue to spiral down until crushing of the Tyrannous and Treasonous Coup. An election in the end that needed the US Supreme Court Jerk Offs to pull the final piece of Election Fraud on the American People. Through a vote of 5-4, the Supreme Court picked the People a President, usurping the People’s Choice and effectively ending democracy in the United States henceforth, fraudulently putting in the Presidential Office, the lowest I.Q. leader of all time, George W. Bush, II. Grebe needed to pull of the Coup as the Iviewit Shareholders and others were catching on fast. Once the Fox were in the henhouse, they began to position bad lawyers, criminals cloaked as lawyers, into key places of government, formerly the American Government, to run the criminal organization and deny due process to their crimes. At first, the coup started to block a few Federal Complaints and a Civil Case, yet as the matters elevated; the need to cover up grew and grew. Further complaints filed against the Conspirators in state, federal and international criminal law venues. Goebbels was the lawyer who if you needed a Republican President planted, had the ability to recruit one. Controlling the RNC, as Chief Counsel, gives one prominence and reach and some say Grebe was the genius behind the Reagan, Bush I and Bush II regimes. Grebe planned for this day for years, for a full coup, since Nam, since induction into the New World Disorder. For the Bush II elections, Grebe the key conspirator to the rigging of the Election Fraud, in order to get his boy Bushwhacky in the Whitehouse in order to block court cases and derail investigations that could personally bankrupt him and send him to prison. Grebe, knowing that without key political appointments and top down control of the government he would never be able to stop the Iviewit claims rising daily against him, had to pull this off, his life depended wholly on success or failure. Fraud an election then position a bunch of allies in key government posts, stack the Supreme Court (which the coup had already been planting from Reagan on), stack the patent authorities, stack the state bars and virtually create an arena where they were impervious to law and regulation. For everyone involved at first, it certainly looked like the easy way and it would only be done to block Iviewit but once they were in, well all roads of the Bush corruptions began here and spiraled out of control, a bunch of yahoo's running the country illegally, with nobody to stop them.
You will have to wait to see if Goebbels was in on the crime from the start, perhaps a behind the scene commander and engineer of the plan from the start or a guy who was thrust into the crime when Dick and Utley were found stealing patents and using Foley to run the patent scams. Why when he could have had an enormous piece of the pie legit would he want to risk it all for a bigger piece? The tentacles to Foley extend deeper and further, in fact, my brother-in-law at Goldman Sachs was very good friends with some of the Foley crew. Could have this been a behind the scene attempt of a few very smart guys, with a history as you will learn of patent theft, to take it all instead earn an honest piece from their client. Goebbels is all covered up, he keeps a low profile and buries himself far from the light, yet the layers of corruption are unfolding, at the moment, his RNC scandal is unfolding due to millions of missing emails from the Whitehouse. What has really been going on at the Whitehouse with the firing of the US Attorney's, all roads will prove to lead to Iviewit. Wherever there are corrupt attorneys it appears to tentacle back to either Proskauer or Foley. The law firms must recruit from the State Bar Associations the most corrupt attorneys, as it is a heck of a place to recruit fresh legal crooks. The State Bars provide no attorney regulation as corrupt attorneys run the Bars.
Goebbels and his Bradley Foundation are all about a "New World Order" (NWO) based on the new generation of American Nazis ruling the world. He had been planning his overthrow of the government meticulously since Nam. He was well on his way to overthrowing the Republican Party to implement his plan, Reagan the first real Manchurian Presidential Puppet, reading teleprompter scripts written by the CFR, just as he did in the B movies. With the Election Fraud, Grebe began to accumulate power in key political and judicial posts and now no one could stop him. In other political elections, the criminals disguised as attorneys gamed the system, funding both a Republican and Democrat Manchurian Candidate, both beholden to the NWO agenda. Both Manchurian Candidates with the intent of a subterfuge of the old school political parties’ values and securing their NWO position under the guise of the former political parties. These criminals disguised as lawyers do not care about upholding the Constitution; they want to destroy it, entirely removing its protections of the People to allow their crimes to succeed. Grebe, being a conniving lawyer, knew that he would have to penetrate legal regulations and law and rewrite the Constitution to allow things like torture, eavesdropping on citizens, concentration camps like Guantanamo, violations of the Geneva Convention, the backbone to the NWO plan and he found that controlling the US Attorney General spot was key to their game plan.
Goebbels had patience and he was ready to command the troops of this sick scheme using his law firm and personal funds, as he was paid back in spades with every implant of a NWO droid in politics, he had one more vote he could rely on. Grebe was accumulating power, when along came the Iviewit technologies, which to him provided all the funding he would need to corrupt anyone who stood in his way.
Found stealing patents in a fraud similar to one at Iviewit with Wheeler & Utley at Diamond Turf Equipment, lackey to Goebbels.
Dick Lackey
Dick lackey
Great imposter, came in to rescue the company and the inventors and notify authorities, turns out he switched to the dark side midstream. Norm referred by friends at Irell & Manella to look into the crimes of Foley & Lardner and Joao, somehow became a conspirator, Norm stay away from the light.
Zafman Lackey
Gerry or Jerry as he claims when asked his name, a complete scumbag, as in a used condom, who brought Proskauer in to evaluate the technologies and was the first person in a position of trust to violate such trust, willingly. Lewin is a man so low as to befriend his friend and neighbor, my father, and steal from both his friend and his friend’s son. Lower in that he recruited his own flesh and blood daughters into the Iviewit crimes to aid and abet him, how low can one go, well Lewin is the benchmark of scum. Lewin has caused great suffering to all those now involved both the guilty and the innocent. Yet to involve one’s own family into a complex corporate shell game whereby they created identical companies to our own, in order to put stolen patents in them is beyond low. Erika Lewin worked for the Iviewit companies, in house as an ally but in the end, as Sun Tzu would call her, she was a "doomed spy" working corruptly and keeping an eye on the companies and making sure Iviewit management, Shareholders and Auditors were snowed, deep behind enemy lines, acting like one of them. Erika caught by Arthur Andersen lying and misleading auditors[33], as she presented the corporate structure for an audit. Erika’s corporate structure patently and intentionally false, in attempt to cover up the hidden companies from the snooping auditors already with raised brow. Finally, Gerald Lewin has the funniest and most revealing deposition quote in the history of the United States;
Fuck You Coming Soon
Fuck You Coming Soon
The Anticompetitive Monopolistic Patent Pooling Scheme controlled by Proskauer, a former real estate law firm, that now is a technology pool centered on stolen patents from Iviewit and dead without them. Ask for your money back if you paid them anything. This fuck you to MPEGLA LLC and all affiliates, licensees or licensors that do not pay the true inventors knowingly, this fuck you runs throughout the story and now into history. The Justice Department traditionally has broken up patent pooling schemes created by greedy lawyers and businesspersons who have tried to use these schemes to steal from inventors. Using dubious tactics like car bombings, death threats, racketeering behaviors and other anticompetitive practices, to inure royalty to them undeservedly, as they have not invented anything, by destroying beautiful inventors. The combination of envy of the inventor and greed by attorneys acting as criminals, leads misguided, totally unethical attorneys like Kenneth Rubenstein, to be creator and sole evaluator of the pools to fulfill a desire to be an inventor. Their doom, the envy and hate turns them into nothing more than criminal lowlifes. Ask MPEG, like any other infringer they work with, how valuable would you be without my inventions, they will tell you MPEG would go back to internet video in small grainy boxes of garbage that nobody was buying and Gates gladly gave to Glazer, for Real :) cuol (cracking up out loud).
Real 3D was the first Iviewit technology partner who ended up doing a technology evaluation Wheeler/Proskauer Opinion Letter to Wayne Huizenga regarding Real 3D Technology Validation[34] regarding OUR technology and then took a license for the technologies and more. Note that Wheezler has a major Freudian slip in the letter and claims the Iviewit technologies as “OUR” technologies when writing the opinion letter to Huizenga. Oh yeah, then under deposition[35] Wheezler claims he knows nothing about the technologies. Perhaps Wheezler’s memory, erased like Lewin.
R3D validated the technologies for investors and shareholders, induced investment including monies from the SBA. They then admitted using it under all kinds of various agreements for all forms of digital imaging and video, for software and hardware to chips and boards, etc. The Iviewit technologies heralded by the engineers from R3D as the "holy grail" technologies of the digital imaging and video worlds. The engineers could not believe or figure out at first, how full screen, full frame rate video was transmitted at low bandwidths, so they signed Non Disclosure Agreements to learn and then signed Strategic Alliances and License Agreements, then violated them. Did they conspire with Rubenstein and others involved to blow up the family minivan, if found guilty, the Intel chips are bloody chips to be avoided. The Iviewit shareholders will call upon Real3D soon to ask how they lived up to their agreements regarding the technologies and why they are paying homage to MPEGLA when they know damn well who invented the processes they use. Real3D knew that Rubenstein was our patent counsel who stole the technologies for his MPEGLA Patent Pools and that he had conflicts up the ass as the MPEGLA Sole Patent Evaluator and his new law firm Proskauer, especially that Proskauer now controls the MPEGLA pools. Some say Real3D, now Intel, owe the Iviewit Inventors and Shareholders since 1998 bazillions of dollars, I say I will use my power of monopolization to make them the only chip without scaling video and imaging, soon. Short the stock that week, coming soon to an insider near you.
Utley, a former IBM henchman, with his buddy Dick who had ran IBM’s Far Eastern patent pooling scheme, both caught stealing intellectual properties from Utley’s former employer Diamond Turf Equipment of Florida and a one Monte Friedkin, Wheeler also involved in that heist. Ask Utley for his resume and see how he lies about his achievements at his former employee or checkout the Iviewit website for his fraudulent resume[36] submitted by Proskauer attorney Chris Wheeler, his best friend. Together, Utley, Wheezler, and Dick, had a prior history of stealing patents and again caught in the act by Diamond Turf Equipment’s Friedkin. Utley was fired once the theft was exposed, forcing a shutdown of Diamond Turf and causing a multimillion-dollar loss to Friedkin. The prior attempted patent theft, evidences that this is a polished group of patent thieves, not one that spontaneously came together to steal the Iviewit technologies. They got lucky that Friedkin was already a billionaire and did not care to hunt them down, suffice it is to say that he must be dancing seeing me take them down. Utley is like this grandpa looking asshole that holds your children and like Wheezler and Rubenstein should be trusted no more than a Pedophile. In fact, as you read on you will see that he has attempted to steal technologies given me by G-d for the children.
I cannot wait until some interested reporter, if any still exists other than Colbert, interview Utley about his claims to the invention Zoom & Pan on a Digital Camera and Digital Zoom Imaging Applet whereby he claims to be sole or soulless inventor[37].
The Florida Bar, hijacked from law by corruption, should convert to a drinking establishment. Attorneys regulating attorneys is like you surgically fixing your own hemorrhoids.
A special FU to the dishonorable Judge, Jorge Labarga, a central figure in the Bush v. Gore Election Fraud now known for his role as the Judge who threw the presidential election by failing to force a recount in Florida and tipped the scales just enough for Bush to steal the Presidency of the United States. Conspiracy theorists claim the election thrown to get Bush into office to aid and abet in the theft of the Iviewit technologies and from that all hell broke loose in our political system. When you see what Labarga did to Iviewit after the elections, it gives no cause for doubt about his character and adds fuel to the conspiracy theorists claims. Keep in mind that the Iviewit Technologies are not merely great inventions but also revolutionized the world, akin to the invention of electricity but in the digital world, estimated worth, over a TRILLION dollars. At first, it must have seemed to the pariah like attorneys that there were only a few inventors to rip off. Convincing or more aptly bribing Labarga at that point in time, when so little evidence had yet to surface, to go along with the Coup, perhaps was cheap but to throw an election though might have cost a bundle. Perhaps get Labarga a leg up to the Florida Supreme Court, as the criminal organization rewards their criminal operatives with ever more lucrative government jobs to aid and abet. In order for the government control necessary to block fair and impartial due process at every level, when their crimes became exposed, would mean you needed a Commander and Chief who could hold off due process at the highest levels of the courts and various regulatory bodies. For this Manchurian President you would need an ignorant failure of school, of business and with an IQ that may be perhaps the lowest of any recorded leader to date. A leader who would follow for the money, ignoring the Constitution and all it stood for, someone who had a long history and family that was close to the Nazi party. Top that off with a drunken, pot smoking, cocaine addict and you had your man and with a dirty judge and a stacked Supreme Court it was all so easy. It was brilliant planning by the criminals cloaked as lawyers, as Bush and bro Jeb quickly inundated key posts to block justice and due process to our claims federally and in Florida. They then planted dirty rotten lawyers in any position in government necessary to block any legal or investigatory actions against them, while they further raped the patent office, the greatest source of money and power in the world. Bush, a former Skull and Bonesmen, planted many other Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and Bonesmen in key posts of the government. These Ivy League cultists have no reason being in their government posts other than being involved with the Bush cultists. Like the Katrina evil idiot Bush plant at the Federal Emergency Mismanagement Administration who was formerly a horse trader, who bungled intentionally the Katrina response and now these planted rotten apples have deregulated regulatory bodies and the courts throughout government. The Criminal RICO Enterprise spearheaded by dirty rotten law firms and lawyers began running scheme after scheme once all the foxes where in the henhouse. All they needed now was to inundate the People with propaganda to take their minds off the crimes being committed against them, say like from an oil war or flood or 9/11. 9/11 a brilliant Bush/Cheney plan designed to cloak Domestic Terrorism in fear of Foreign Terrorists by an intentional Reichstag Fire.
OK, I cannot leave Katrina out and Labarga may as well take blame for this too according to conspiracy theorists, as he started the avalanche. Katrina looked not like a hurricane but more an intentional flooding of the New Orleans inner city, to rid it of black folk. Why? Not entirely so that Texas ranchers could bus survivors to Texas and use as slave labor on their ranches that was not the whole reason. The real reason was that once the City of New Orleans eradicated of them Nigga's, the land could be bought on the cheap by Texas landowners and others of the CFR who want to build new casinos off the coast and hotels on the shores. Sound farfetched, so does Bush's response to Katrina. I heard his chief advisors came in and asked him, George, there was a great flood in New Orleans, what do we do? After finishing reading more of “The Goat” which he was unable to finish since 9/11, he looked at them and said, "Mount the Calvary, call in the troops and rescue them" or words to that effect. His advisors noted to Bush that the price of oil had hit an all time high due to the flooding and he said something like "Call them troops back, let them Nigga's float to the ceiling and then buy the land on the cheap for casinos after HUD declares the areas mold infected." I do not know if this is true but that is what I heard from a bug on the wall, all I can say is we shall see what unfolds.
Back to Iviewit and the Proskauer scam, where all the Coup needed now was a few more crooks who would all be willing to aid and abet the Criminal Enterprise for a piece of the action. The Criminal Enterprise composed of law firms and lawyers began planting more and more people in key posts at Commerce, Justice, the Supreme Court, The SEC, and The United States Patent & Trademark Office. Planting occurred at the Presidential Cabinet level, in case anything got elevated from below, the complaints quashed always from above, capturing the highest post in order to derail any efforts on the way up. Anyone who made it up the chain of corruption would certainly be exhausted mentally, physically and financially when his or her complaint derailed after much effort, a perfect time to fire him or her and replace him or her with one of our own. Once the ballots in Florida, Texas and a few other spots were rigged, no one would see it coming, it would look like a questionable and close election but with everything rigged all the way to the Supreme Jerk Offs down, the rest was child's play and nothing would be able to stop them.
The Supreme Court Jerk Off’s could be bought or intimidated into action if necessary, many of them planted by the CFR and Skulls under Reagan, Carter, Bush I and Clinton, all CFR members, already aligned with the New World Order philosophy. These Skull fuckers had been plotting since WWII and Major General Butler spoiled planning for the overthrow of our government since the Business Plot to align with Hitler failed. Yet, it took only took a few generations of careful planning and planting in high level government posts and throughout Congress to have this Nazi Tyrannous and Treasonous Coup ready and in place to begin their maniacal scheme to rebuild the Reich and make America center stage for the Fourth Reich. For the second Bush II term they did not need Labarga to throw the election, as Kerry and Bush were both Bonesmen[38], again the CFR had a candidate on either side of the ticket. For the second term, with the first Election Fraud still fresh on Americans’ minds, it was easier to have a CFR/Bonesmen as a Republican and Democrat Manchurian candidate. This plot assured victory either way the People really voted and with Congress in pocket already, it was almost too simple[39]. It would have been more difficult with Kerry and the Democratic Party as the Republican Party was far easier to infiltrate by the New World Order Nazis. All you needed to convert good Republicans to go along with bad ideas was to wrap the bad ideas into a tax break and the promise of riches, most Republicans would sell their mother out just to get the tax break. The Democrats on the other hand could go wussy and start actually investigating things on principle. Note to Geeks, what better way to prove elections are hackable then to actually hack them to hell and have Mickey Mouse and the House of Mouse winning elections, really have Mickey Mouse the winner. Not far from what we now have with the Bush administration, Goofy as the Secretary of Defense, Wile E. Coyote as VP and the cast of Criminal Characters goes on and on that have plagued our great nation.
Could this all be true, and the evidence cited throughout Patentgate seems to indicate it that it is, that Labarga threw the election to the Supreme's, they choose the President and we are living in a sham ever since. A sham to steal trillion dollar technologies for a few greedy men who now that they are exposed will stop at nothing to try to evade prosecution, who know not when to "cut bait" that they are beat. Where desecrating everything sacred in our country does not concern them as they live under their own delusional rule. Now this Scull and Bones Cultish Conspiracy to overthrow the United States goes way back and these Boneheads have been playing both sides of political tickets for some time and eking out a government post here and there. Slowly building key positions in government but caught stealing Eliot’s technologies gave reason to gain total control of the Government and the “Holy Grail” technologies catapulted them into power. Know their motto is Bones Above All Else and perhaps this is why Republicans and Democrats today are not in control of their parties and an unseen force seems to be driving both parties to insane actions. Do not shake your head at this, there is mounting evidence that everything said herein, almost, is true but the very sanctity of our government depends on you dear reader looking at the evidence objectively. If ones delves deeply enough into this, you will find that the entire system and key positions within both major political parties has been infiltrated by scumbag criminals disguised as lawyers, again who care nothing about our country other than how it benefits them. Our country to win not only in Patentgate but in taking back our political system, must eradicate these men from within the system, the Constitution demands it, the people must or else they deserve the government they get and one need look no further to see the effects of complacency. We got real problems as a nation and we are not in control of it, we must rise or live with the consequences like the dead in Katrina, the 650,000 dead Iraqi's and 3,000 dead Americans. All around me, I see democrats and republicans alike confused that their parties are not representing them as they should and they cannot figure out why, they must look at the Scull factor recognizing they have been duped. Then they must kill the Scull factor or else succumb to evil ways of evil men who care nothing about common people, in fact, despising them so much as to consider of disposing of them. These men desire you to fear them, believing they are all "powerful", although they are not infallible nor above the law, no matter how they beat their breasts, truly a mere group of criminals who have rigged the country, plotting in secret cults who appear more powerful than they are. Now that we know who they are, eradicating them will be far easier than with Hitler, yet only if we act now and severely.
Can it be true that these crimes cited herein may have led to the real reason for the collapse of Enron, the collapse of Arthur Andersen and the collapse the United States and may be the reason to bring about the change necessary to protect the future of our children? I do not know I am only a conduit. Where initially someone was going to expose the crimes like Arthur Andersen they were vaporized overnight (Andersen)[40] and that was because at the time, nobody knew the complexity of the crimes committed, no one but me saw it coming, Andersen II.[41] That Labarga was the judge who then had evidence that serious crimes had been committed against the United States and went the other way against Iviewit, denying justice at every turn, is telling. That once Labarga led the fox to the henhouse, all hell broke loose in America, Labarga deserving a serious amount of the blame for all the criminal shenanigans in our country today. In the Iviewit court case, on the last day, I tried to moon Labarga for his incompetence but the bailiff intervened and I could not get my suit pants down fast enough. I warned Labarga while being escorted out that his soul was mine, he kept asking what I said, perhaps he did not read Dante’s Inferno, I laughed that devilish laugh of mine.
Since the Labarga aided Election Fraud in our country, America has not been the same and with the clan of Sculls or Skulls controlling the Courts, the Executive Branch and Justice, at once one may feel overwhelmed that our country is under siege by a criminal organization that's initial goal was to overthrow the American Way. This group may seem powerful, as they also took control of the media (almost all major media are members of the CFR), the power of the media good enough to make even Cheney look like an honorable politician versus the truth, that Cheney was nothing more than a failure, a plague, to every administration he touched. The Skulls and CFR are a bunch of spoiled Ivy Leaguers, spoiled rotten kids like Busch I & II who both went to Ivy League schools not on brains but nepotism, off their great grandpa's the Nazi Sympathizer Prescott Bush[i] whose companies were seized for trading with the enemy (Hitler). Prescott’s claim to fame, he was rumored to have stolen Geronimo's skull and placed it at the Sculls headquarters at Yale, some claim to fame. Yet, as they were slowly planting and scheming their way into our political system over the years, Proskauer brought them the instant opportunity to take part in the profits of the trillion dollar inventions, giving them the power and financing they needed to effectuate a full Coup on the United States. The political and legal system have been hijacked, every time we catch these assholes in frauds they create bogus committees that go nowhere, always evading criminal prosecution both the house and senate under siege, most of Congress HOMOMANCHURIANS. No longer does a political party represent the country, they have seized key party positions of the Republicans and Democrats alike, for the Sculls. The parties cannot see it, yet I have even seen that Republicans now are opposed to what is going on and they think they control the country, yet they are not happy with what is coming of their party. This is not how America is supposed to be, it is the cause of an attack on our country by a very corrupt organization, Labarga handed over the Presidency to the courts, removing the Peoples vote and historically Labarga now recorded as one of the biggest Traitors in America, Castro laughing his ass off.
We now have a President who may face charges of war crimes so perverse that only a man who feels above the law through controlling without fear of opposition would ever attempt these other monstrosities. Note that for a blow job Clinton is impeached and for killing an estimated 600,000+ Iraqi's who had not a fucking thing to do with the bombing of the world trade center this President appears bulletproof, why? The fox is in the henhouse and after getting away with one crime the question became why not go for anything they wanted. Since they can violate the law for personal gain, break it without worry of prosecution, nothing stands in their way. Since they have destroyed the legal and judicial processes which took only a few men to overtake, men committed to the same psychotic criminal ideologies to steal the country and run it for personal gain, so if the People do not stop them who will? With a President like Bush, whose business dealings prior were all failures, this robbing and raping of solid middle class Americans sure must have seemed easier than earning money by working hard, especially for a bunch of political have bins like Cheney, Rumsfeld, etc., this was their only way to succeed. Crazy what we now have in America and the question becomes how to absolve ourselves of the past five decades of influence of these cults. With Sandra Day O'Connor stepping off the Supreme Court amiss death threats to her and Ginsberg and stating our country is in the beginning throws of a dictatorship that is better to stop now than later, it is getting clearer, the fog is lifting, the sheep are waking and they should demand blood. Demand the actual blood of Bush and his cultish clan fellows, in the form of a trial for WAR CRIMES for violating the Geneva Convention and a war based on utterly false premise and illegal violations of Human Rights Treatises. By the way, if the intel we went to war on is false, then Congress should have demanded a complete withdrawal of troops upon learning of the lies. Then demanded a return of Saddam to power (hard to believe I wrote that but...) and then American’s should have forced Congress to vote to return to Iraq based on the true intel, instead they found a way to falsely continue the illegal occupation of Iraq with lies and more lies. We invent reasons, bullshit reasons to stay in Iraq and justify our mistake but you must see this war is only about oil, oil price rigging and war profiteering for people like Halliburton and already blood wealthy oilmen. So, why do Texas oilmen need to start wars with old friends, because their oil dried up and they have already robbed the Savings & Loans, the Insurance Carriers, the banks, etc. since Regan to replace their loss. Next up, Social Security and the Stock Market, take note that Bush just planted an ex Goldman Sachs executive to manage the economy, here goes the economy to hell in a bucket? What would an executive making a Gazillion dollars want to jump ship and pursue a 100,000 dollars day job working for the People, watch out for a stock market robbery, here it comes. To purge our souls of these hideous crimes, the only solution and perhaps the reason the country is having a hard time finding solutions, is because the only answer is we must entirely withdraw our troops and say sorry for our leaders’ ways. Admit we are in a war with a wrong country, violating all codes of ethical and legal conduct for war and try the guilty. Perhaps that is why Generals and Scholars are calling these atrocities War Crimes, crimes against their sacred code of war ethics, with no honor and where kids are dying from it, our kids and others. These Generals are honorable and live by true codes of war and they are watching as a Fraudulent President with virtually no military background other than his military Draft Dodging, is taking us to Hitlarian ways. Time for a military coup de-coup, turn the guns against the Domestic Terrorists they are sworn to defend our country against and overthrow an administration based on rigged elections and steeped in War Crimes and more.
A trial to investigate Election Fraud and if it is found to have been fixed, this country will have to go back and fix every single change this Nazi administration has done, change back every letter of the law they have changed to patriotically remove your rights, remove every dirty rotten scumbag they have planted. Ask yourself why they want to read your email and tap your phone, why if they think you are a terrorist they can bag you over the head and deprive you of your human rights. Ask how this shit is really getting by the American People. Without first stopping the election frauds, then ridding the fraudsters of their illegally gained offices, nothing the People do or say can change the Coup from planting administration after administration, as the Peoples’ votes no longer count. Prosecuting the innumerable scandals of the Bush administration and cleansing ourselves of their atrocities to our country, our Constitution, the Geneva Convention and the rest of the world will truly in the end be the beginning for America again, a reboot so to speak of the country and those running, I mean ruining it.
Ask yourself a final war related question. Thomas Aquino, wrote the doctrine of Just War, which Bush incorrectly cites and purposefully misuses the term "enemy combatant". Bush claims that the detainees we hold with no human rights are "enemy combatants" despite their not being dressed in military fatigues of any nation and factually are only non-combatants. According to “Just War Theory”, only military soldiers dressed in military fatigue, classified as Enemy Combatants. Not even suspected spies are enemy combatants until military or civil trials confirm they are in fact soldiers of an enemy nation. "Enemy Combatants" are easy to spot, thus they are not suspected they are military targets, as they are defined as military men, dressed in military clothing, picked up on the battlefield. Not suspect civilians that may be part of this or that plot, enemy combatants are identifiable soldiers of the enemy nation. Both enemy combatants and non-combatants granted the same rights as any other person, enemy combatants tried in military tribunals and enemy non-combatants tried in civil courts, unless found acting as an enemy combatant and then tried in a military tribunal. Rights guaranteed by the Constitution, except now under our new Nazi government. The new Nazi government claims that if you might, or could have been involved in something terroristic, no matter if you are a US citizen or foreigner, our government can grab you, put a bag over your head, detain you, move you to a black site prison or one of our new concentration camps and deprive you of all rights. Our Decider/King says so. The removal of habeas by the Supreme Court Nazi’s follows exactly how the German courts removed human rights for Hitler and appear the beginning of the true Nazi agenda in America.
So, for the Bush administration, if the definition does not fit then change the meaning[42] of an "enemy combatant" with new law that makes it ok to deprive Joe Citizen of his rights because the King is above the Constitution, above law, above the courts, above the Geneva Convention, he is the "Decider" and we the People are not. Today, anyone can be classified a terrorist, especially those of us who want to overthrow this Tyrannous and Treasonous Coup gone mad. Mind you, terrorist action is not always a bad thing, as when oppressed people are fighting for their freedoms and they take terrorist actions to make their point. For example, fighting for our independence from the Decider/King of England, the English accused US Soldiers of terrorism for using guerilla war tactics on the lined up Brits by hiding in the brush. Another example of what some call justified terrorism is the terrorism that forced the Brits out of Israel in Israel's fight for independence, bombing the Brits until they retreated home. To be clear, terrorism is merely a form of warfare, not a target or enemy but a method of warfare for oppressed people to oppose their far larger oppressors. Terrorism is NOT a country or even a group to target. That is how stupid Bush is and the American sheep that follow him are. The war on terror fails properly to identify a true target and then one must act what or who constitutes terror and whose idea of terror is right, etc? America, you are in a war against terror my ass, you are the most feared nation in the world, I personally as an American am not afraid of Osama Bin Laden taking over our country or Saddam Hussein. Americans now hated worldwide due to this desecration of our country and Constitution, our failure as a People to stop and prosecute our Tyrannous War Criminal Leaders and this may incite war against us by other countries for acting like a terrorist nation.
The other type of combatant s Bush and his gang have massacred and killed in their war of terror on the wrong country, for the wrong reasons, are called "Innocent Non-Combatants.” These are people who are not dressed in military drag and they are to be afforded full human rights and access to due process, as are Combatants, but these civilian suspects are granted more rights, until they have been found guilty of crimes in war efforts. Not since Hitler rewrote Just War to include the Nazis killing whoever was not blond haired and blue eyed or putting people in ovens and raping their families while stealing their properties, have violations of Just War Theory been so egregious. Read the Just War principles and see if this oil war for profit and warmongering of a few Texans and other Sculls does not violate them all.
Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of discrimination. The acts of war should be directed towards the inflictors of the wrong, [oops] and not towards civilians caught in circumstances they did not create. The prohibited acts include bombing civilian residential areas that include no military target and committing acts of terrorism or reprisal against ordinary civilians [THAT'S SHOCK AND AWING]. Some believe that this rule forbids weapons of mass destruction of any kind, for any reason (such as the use of an atomic bomb).
Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of proportionality. The force used must be proportional to the wrong endured, and to the possible good that may come. The more disproportional the number of collateral civilian deaths, the more suspect will be the sincerity of a belligerent nation's claim to justness of a war it initiated. [650,000 Iraqi's is far greater than 2500 American dead at Trade Center, sound a bit disproportional, when it is factored that non of the Iraqi dead did anything to us it is insane, perhaps this is why Generals of war are calling for Coup].
Just War conduct should be governed by the principle of minimum force. This principle is meant to limit excessive and unnecessary death and destruction. It is different from proportionality because the amount of force proportionate to the goal of the mission might exceed the amount of force necessary to accomplish that mission.
Torture, of combatants or non-combatants, is forbidden. [OUCH MY ABUGRAB IS KILLING ME]
I mean come on America, this is not what we are about, and you can turn your heads no longer.
Why was Saddam not tried under a true military tribunal like other war criminals perhaps in Geneva, why did Bush need to take over the Iraq government first and then convict Hussein in an Iraqi puppet court with no US Soldiers present? We spent all that time, money and children’s blood hunting him down and then we missed the kill, the trial. Perhaps Saddam would have pointed to real culprits behind his regime’s crimes, say for example, the real people who dropped the Mustard Gas on Iran and financially backed Saddam’s rise to horror, like Bush's father. To protect his father from exposure by Saddam, Bush Jr. needed to create a puppet government, if that is what you call this macabre Iraqi takeover, to avoid having his father’s crimes exposed worldwide. Why do you think that the American People did not see the trial live and where was Nancy Grace with that pig nose of hers, so high and mighty, yet afraid to take on any real issues.
Scott Peterson, which Nancy spent several years daily profiling, merely killed his wife and baby, whereas Bush might have killed a half million innocents, yet Grace cover little murder issues as she too is a media CFR puppet. So here is how stupid the American Sheep have become, they think Osama Bin Laden who factually hates Saddam Hussein and has never been linked to him as a friend or terror butt buddy, have become allies. That Osama kills 2500 people at the Trade Center and we go and kill 650,000 Iraqi NON-COMBATANTS, Osama must be laughing his head off as his greater enemy for far longer is the Iraqis and we are doing the killing of his enemy for him for the wrong reasons. Osama kills US citizens and we go after his enemy Hussein?
I fail to see the proportionate response we had or even the rational and logical response. It is hysterical, or maybe not, I thought there were 52 terrorists we were after in Afghanistan/Iraq, like a deck of cards and somehow we killed 649,948 Innocent Non-Combatants, fuck my conscience cannot handle that. To kill 52 we massacred 649,948 as of today, we must suck at warfare or the clowns misusing war for gain and stirring hate enjoy the massacre as it sells more guns. I hate those six numbers, six million rings a bell, and we, the United States, are a 10th of the way there. Top that with the people we kill had absolutely nothing to do with terror acts against the United States but you best bury that from conscience for fear of looking at your government and seeing them as Gestapo. Saddam only trained troops after Bush's dad funded him to power, while acting as the shortest CIA chieftain in history, funded to give the Bush’s oil favors and to kill Iranians. Oh yeah, that was when they all appeared friends, the Bush's and Bin Laden's and the Bush's and Hussein's, I heard they all went to Yale together. While heading the CIA, George W. Bush I, funded another asshole into power, Osama Bin Laden and now innocent US boys are dying over this and the Bushes have been central to both the funding of the terrorists and then wanting to kill the terrorists, all which has morally bankrupted our country and financially too. I reiterate this history for kids, where it seems this sordid history of the Bush Nazi Family Legacy, was left out of the history books, including Prescott’s involvement in the Business Plot and seizure of his companies for trading with the enemy, Hitler. At this time in America, most people have no clue that George H. Bush put into power Bin Laden and the Hussein’s and their kids all partied together at Yale.
Like all megalomaniacal leaders before Bush II and his clan of thugs, the good shall come and outweigh the evil by no less than 2 to 1 once the evil is exposed, the horns sounded. So looking with a new prospective on the Iran War, American’s are fighting two old friends of George Bush I & II whereby the Bush family is directly responsible through dubious CIA tactics for the rise of who they now call “Terrorists”. Are the Bushes not wholly responsible for the Terrorists and the Iran war a wag the dog? The country and the Iraqi’s country are paying for this mess in dead and Cheney’s Halliburton is profiteering. With a Texan in the Whitehouse and oil dried up in the Texas wasteland, it looks like the Bushes are trying to take over Iraq for personal gain and using the Presidency to achieve their ends. I mean really if we won as Bush claims or even winning, oil should be at 10 cents a gallon, as "to the victors go the spoils". I fear any victory will be a defeat of our consciences, akin to how Americans must hide their horror of the Indian genocide committed, needing to rewrite history to relieve our guilt. Our children looked upon as the children of Nazis, the children may be innocent of anything but born to endure the burden of their maligned leaders’ ways. Guilty though, if they act complacently like sheep instead of opposing a corrupt government. The Hitler youth suffered and hid their pasts, except for Pope[43] Ratzinger, from his Wiki,
Early life: 1927–51
Early life of Pope Benedict XVI
Following his 14th birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was conscripted into the Hitler Youth...In 1941, one of Ratzinger's cousins, a 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome, was taken away by the Nazi regime and killed during the Aktion T4 campaign of Nazi eugenics. In 1943, while still in seminary, he was drafted into the German anti-aircraft corps as Luftwaffenhelfer. Ratzinger then trained in the German infantry, but a subsequent illness precluded him from the usual rigours of military duty. As the Allied front drew closer to his post in 1945, he deserted[?????] back to his family's home in Traunstein after his unit had ceased to exist [??????], just as American troops established their headquarters in the Ratzinger household. As a German soldier, he was put in a POW camp but was released a few months later at the end of the war in the summer of 1945.
Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church
Prior to 2001, the primary responsibility for investigating allegations of sexual abuse and disciplining perpetrators rested with the individual dioceses. In 2001, Ratzinger convinced John Paul II to put the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in charge of all investigations and policies surrounding sexual abuse….
In March 2010, the Pope sent a Pastoral Letter to the Catholic Church in Ireland addressing cases of sexual abuse by Catholic priests to minors, expressing sorrow, and promising changes in the way accusations of abuse are dealt with.[121] Victim groups claim the letter failed to clarify if secular law enforcement has priority over canon law confidentiality pertaining to internal investigation of abuse allegations.[122][123][124][125] The Pope then promised to introduce measures that would 'safeguard young people in the future' and 'bring to justice' priests who were responsible for abuse.[111] In April, the Vatican issued guidelines on how existing church law should be implemented. The guideline dictates that “Civil law concerning reporting of crimes... should always be followed.”[126] The guideline was intended to follow the norms established by U.S. bishops, but it does not require the reporting of "allegations" or crimes where reporting is not required by law.[127]
Allegations of institutional cover-up
German media reported in March 2010 on a former priest, Father Peter Hullermann from the Diocese of Essen, who was accused of abusing several boys in the 1970s and 1980s. He was removed from his parish assignment, and his transfer to Munich for psychiatric treatment was formally approved by the Archbishop of Munich Cardinal Ratzinger. Hullermann was subsequently allowed by the vicar-general of the archdiocese to resume his pastoral duties in the archdiocese of Munich. This was not in accordance with the decision made by the archdiocese and Cardinal Ratzinger to allow the priest to come to Munich only for psychiatric treatment.[128] In 1986, he was convicted of sexually abusing other children in a different parish.[128][129] Questions were raised relating to how much Ratzinger knew about the case and Hullermann's reassignment at the time when he was undergoing treatment. On March 12, 2010 the archdiocese of Munich and Freising published a press release[128] in which the case is described in detail (no English translation available). The former vicar-general "assumes the full responsibility for the wrong decision"[128] to allow the priest to resume his pastoral duties. On March 19, 2010 German media reported that Cardinal Ratzinger did not know anything about the decision of the vicar general: "It was his [Cardinal Ratzinger's] subordinates, the auxiliary bishop, the vicar general, who thought they had the priest under control.“[130].
In early April 2010, attention was drawn to a 1980s sexual abuse case in the United States, in which Cardinal Ratzinger sent a letter concerning the defrocking of Stephen Kiesle that recommended "due caution" and consideration for "good of the universal Church".[131][132] The letter was described by the Vatican as a standard form letter, and the Vatican denied that it indicated Ratzinger resisted pleas to defrock Kiesle.[133] Kiesle was defrocked in 1987.[133]
I fear a resurgence of the Hitler Youth may be arising in America, former Nazis reunited to bring the Fourth Reich to America. Not far from the truth based on the way the government has started dividing the melting pot under this regime, making us become the hating pot. The Left hating the Right, the Democrats hating the Republicans, Americans hating Muslims, Americans hating the French and French Fries, the Whites hating Blacks and vice versa. The Tyrannous Coup following the CFR dictate to destroy all groups, all religions, all borders, for their one world supreme rule by causing inner dissension to break them apart.
OK, OK, so what does this have to do with Labarga, we shall see, as it is my claim he failed justice and became accomplice by first aiding in the election fraud, the country spiraling down since in every direction. With the end of true elections and our Presidents now picked by courts and rigged voting machines, democracy as taught in school is dead for the moment. Jorge, your conscience will devour what is left of your brain, as even a single action can have historically cataclysmic effects and you are the bullet to Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria that allowed this Coup to seize power and all the horrible crimes of this and future illegal administrations are the direct result of you. Thanks also for failing to impart fair and impartial due process under law to the Iviewit counter-complaint. Oh yeah, you asshooooole, competent attorneys filed the counter complaint that alleged that opposing counsel Proskauer and others had committed federal, state and international crimes, tantamount to treason against the United States and foreign nations and YOU buried it. How big a briefcase did you have carry for that payola or did you need a boat? You allowed Rubenstein to perjure himself under deposition and then cancelled our trial without notifying anyone, after cancelling the trial and at the rehearing to schedule another trial date, you allowed both of Iviewit's counsels to resign and so began a never before seen denial of due process to keep the evidence, witnesses and facts from the courts. In fact, one of the firms you allowed to withdraw as counsel, as you well know, had just signed a letter of understanding[44] to not only represent us but for their firm to take an equity interest and fight the guilty parties and you dismissed them as counsel the day of a trial. Yet, somehow, Schiffrin & Barroway corrupted and became part of the swindle to blow us out and resigned as counsel leaving Eliot alone to defend the patents for the Shareholders and Inventors. For your crimes Labarga, your family's name remembered historically as one of sparks of the horror to so many lives. As your crimes unfold, it would serve you best to head out on a boat back to Cuba, where communism and election fraud are commonplace. I guess feeling protected having thrown the election to Bush you felt safe at first but every day in court, I could see deep in your soul that fear raged in you, that you knew now you had met your maker's friend. I hear they have beachfront in Guantanamo where we now bag US citizens and others over the head, deny them trials, courts and civil rights; sounds like Nazism to me, you should get a promotion in the SS for your part and get a guard job or a job as oven cook in your new world order. Blow me!
Case SC04-1078 says it all but they have been trying desperately to destroy the files to hide the conflicts, in spite of ongoing investigations on a federal and international level. The Florida Supreme Court is as corrupt as they come, another state overrun by Election Fraud and with another idiot grandson of a Nazi sympathizer, Jeb Bush. Since Florida was where some of the original Iviewit companies were incorporated and large Shareholders resided they needed someone to head off actions in Florida, what better than the brother of the Decider? Jeb Bush, a Texan in Florida who overlooked the largest crime ever in the state. Jeb’s offices continuously noticed of what was going down with Iviewit and what was his response? The response was the same as his brother’s response to Katrina, NADA, nothing. At every turn in Florida where we filed our claims, these criminals did an excellent job of positioning to deflect the actions in conflict and through a series of violations of public office and not a single institution imparted fair and impartial due process. Before the car bombing, we notified the Florida Supreme Court that our lives were imminent danger. Filing a motion for protective custody because the Boca Raton, Police Department detectives stated the SEC was involved in a joint investigation of some stolen SBA SBIC loans and stolen patents, yet when we contacted the SEC, they knew nothing of any investigation or meeting. Well you can read all about it at,
Then immediately following that warm response from the Florida Supreme Court, to file in the civil courts that we were pleading for protection from, the court where Labarga was and due process was already in question, and a car bomb went off. A bomb that could have killed my family and prevented us from getting the bullshit Florida Supreme Court decision, to not hear the case of their bar officers caught violating public Supreme Court offices, to the Supreme Court of the United States for review. To the members of the Florida courts who took action to protect the guilty and deny due process, may this be cause for actions against all of you, for you have disgraced this once esteemed court and the bar association you are incestuously bound to.
Owned & Operated by Proskauer Rose for the benefit of their criminal activities, spearheaded by Krane if he has not eaten himself to death, now that he is caught handling complaints against himself while holding official positions of influence at the departments investigating him, not much conflict there. Judge Judy, Chief Justice of NY is schtooping a Proskauer partner, married to him and Krane was her clerk, she is at the helm of ship of NY Court Fools blocking due process to Iviewit and the shareholders top down.
Proskauer is a former real-estate law firm, now a technology law firm after stealing inventions from their clients. To block due process of the complaints against them, Proskauer heavily embedded themselves in the New York courts and disciplinary departments, overtaking key posts to block actions against them. How quaint, with Chief Justice Judy Judenraut and Krane on board, Gotham needs a Batman as the Joker has taken over the Commissioner’s office. New York is quickly becoming the Rotten Apple and I once thought good New Yahwkers had backbone and decency, despite their obnoxiousness.
A Supreme Fuck You to you twelve Nazi’s, for without your denial to allow complaints be to filed against public officers of state supreme courts in Florida and New York, someone had time to attempt to murder my family, so make that a FUCK YOU times 4, one for the wife and kids. Fuck You for your supreme failure to take heed that crimes have been committed on a massive scale against our country, including Treason and Fraud on The US Patent Office and you all closed your eyes, allowing the criminals almost to murder wife, my children and me. Yes, that was a bomb planted in my car with intent according to the fire investigator, Rick Lee.
Fuck You further for your failure to notice that the Petition I filed Pro Se for lack of an honest attorney to join me, made your dumb asses well aware that the country was under siege and that crime was being committed against the country, not just against the inventors and shareholders of Iviewit. Finally, Fuck You for your failure to do what the Constitution mandates you to do and instead just closing your eyes and opening your pocketbooks by aiding and abetting the Tyrannous Treasonous Coup. Your true colors showed with your ruling to remove of Habeas rights (exactly as Hitler did when his Brown Shirts pulled a coup on Germany), your allowance of the ANTIPATRIOTIC ACT and finally with the ELECTION FRAUD you conspired in, you sold out our country. Personally, I would hang every fucking one of you bastard NWO freaks. How can you not have reacted even now after seeing that my wife and children were hours away from murdered and yet you still sit there and play see no evil? I await your next move on the chessboard, as it will tie the noose tighter in the end. Remember the Nuremberg Judges’ Trial; they will come hunting Nazi’s like you for another round of trying freaks of law like you that twist law to make concentration camps and torture legal. Mind you on the last filing with this Supreme Nazi Court, Iviewit summoned the Solicitor General to join our efforts in presenting the case for the crimes against the government to you but you denied us due process and procedure and dismissed the case prior to an answer from the Solicitor General, who never answered. A coordinated effort, by the Court charged with protecting the Peoples Rights, to deny Americans their right to have crimes against the country represented in a court of law. Before even hearing if the Solicitor General would join to prosecute on behalf of our government, for the crimes committed against the government and foreign nations, you Jerk Offs rushed to dismiss the case before even getting an answer from him ~ how strange. Were you in a hurry?
Perhaps this is why Sandra Day jumped ship from the Supremes, a job not often rescinded voluntarily and they tried to replace her with some scary candidates. Harriett Meir, Bush's legal girl at the Whitehouse, nominated as a Supreme Court Justice, what a fucking joke. Then there is Alito, who has Skull and other weird club associations, who scares me that he belongs to several college cult groups which are all for discrimination and slavery. Bush needed the Court fully under NWO control, to try to stave off any charges against him for War Crimes and more, he needed a complicit Supreme Court or vice versa. Strange how O'Connor left right when Iviewit filed a Motion for Certiorari at the US Supreme Court[47] and then Rehnquist took a last breath or was his last breath cut short for him and so began the current siege on the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court has become a Supreme Joke, stacked with non-qualified judges violating the Constitution versus upholding it. If that is the case, than as Marie Antoinette used to say, "off with their heads.” Conspiracy Theorists have questioned if Rehnquist’s death was natural, or if he was not going to go along further with this NWO farce, including, Treason, sedition, torture, warrantless wiretapping and war crimes, having a change of heart and so they off’d him.
Next time I come to the doors of the Supreme Court and you blow me off, I will have to call for a judicial cleansing of the Courts to the People, as the Constitution calls for us to take arms against our government when the government has corrupted against the people from Domestic Terrorists like Bush and Cheney. Forced to begin a peaceful uprising to throw your asses from their judicial seats to clean them of the stain you will leave if you do not uphold our Constitution. Yeah, I know you say, "yeah right,” what are you going to do about it? Just ask the other fellows named herein as criminals who underestimated me. I will be frank, so there is no misunderstanding of this Fuck You to You, I am on a mission from G-d, believe it or not, that mission is to rid scum from the earth to clear the way for our children to fix the world. The world that has become a mess from the fucked up laws and payola to dickhead justices like you guys who put your own above the good of all and make laws that have ruined the country and her resources. Your new laws not only violate the people they violate G-D. You are no longer a court to respect, you are a fucking joke, a court of jesters, the people grow weary of you and your laws you pass to protect Nazi ways. You do not scare me with your black robes or the power to do injustice to me to protect your unethical and perhaps in some cases criminal actions. Perhaps send Cheney over to visit me, although shotguns are far less intimidating than car bombs. Perhaps for my strong will to rid our country of scumbags who have infiltrated it for their own benefit, you can twist that into a terrorist threat and put a bag over my head, deny me further counsel, send me to Gitmo and let me rot with the others that are denied their fundamental rights by dickheads like you.
Yet I fear no evil, especially not from a small group of not so clever delusional criminals disguised as public officials and lawyers. You are merely a collection of men, simple public servants; your robes filled with honor or disgrace, your historical call, your actions will define your plight. You may block Patentgate today and perhaps tomorrow but there are generations of interested parties who not only have the evidence but also have claims to the inventions that will go on for years to come. Your actions against the shareholders noted so far will go down in history as people become aware that you prevented shareholders from filing complaints against public officers of state Supreme Courts. Public officers proven violating their public offices and you buried it. Then what, told them to blow up my family, again sounds pretty Nazish around here to me. The country is all ready sick of all the corruptions exploding on the scene, they are looking for some heads to hang for the messes we are in, I shall steer them your way. I will advise you now, forewarn you, and, I know you will laugh but to make us all proud of you and the country we live in, in our future, do your fucking job! Get on with protecting things like inventors’ rights under the Constitution, Human Rights and insuring that Presidential Election Frauds never happen again, by the by, great job on picking the dumbest president ever. So give the Iviewit inventors back their inventions, the Iviewit shareholders their "MTV" and let’s get back to democracy, there is time to "cut bait" and before this becomes a national stain that scares inventors from this country or inventing entirely, sooner than later should be your desire. Finally, next time let the People choose the President and oversight the process to prevent further election frauds or this country is lost. That is until such time that a revolution begins. Oh yeah, remember G-d, the deity you swore oath too, whatever color it may be, to uphold TRUTH - JUSTICE AND THE AMERICAN WAY? Do not forget what false oath is to your maker and do not forget that coveting another's is a cardinal sin. Or else, get ready as we go to battle over this and you may know my motto is:
A huge fu to all those corrupt lawyers, politicians, judges who are criminals cloaked as agents of the free world, who are merely criminals who know no other way to earn an honest day’s work for the man, than to rob others, mostly due to spoiled rotten children syndrome found with most lawyers today. It is a shame when good ideas turn bad like when law used to be a noble undertaking. To those who continue to participate in such crime or the cover up of such crimes as described herein, "To those that attempt to poison and destroy my brother...” Ezekiel, your time is coming after finishing with the core group of nuts.
This Fuck You is for those of you who feel powerless to debunk the coup or fight the corruption or claim they are too powerful and so ignore your duty to defend your country, defend it to the death if necessary. A Fuck You to those who just go along with anything their leaders do because you feel that everyone is doing it, it must be ok, why should not I. You are pathetic to not rise up and defend our country, it is you who are aiding and abetting the ruining of America with your complacency and/or destitute. You are letting a group of old farts with old ideas and criminal hearts tear the fabric of our nation into bullshit for the profit of a few. The last administrations have been like living in a TV non-reality show. The first administration of character actors leading our country began with Reagan, who at the dawning of the Iran Contra affair, instantly claimed he had Alzheimer Disease to evade prosecution. More important in the demise of the countries choosing (or how far back has the election tampering been going) a B rated actor as their Commander and Chief. I thought that was the end of American greatness but Bush Jr. has sunk us to an all time low not only here in the US but across the world. In fact, if we elected him we deserve everything we are getting but I have more confidence in the People of America and thus must side with Conspiracy Theorists and the rest of the world in assuming election fraud is the only answer to this bonehead’s rise to power. From Reagan to Bush Sr. and then onto his bumbling buffoon of a son, Bush Jr, the country has been being infiltrated by the Tyrannous Coup. Yet, the People seem so boob-tubed out, convinced what they see and hear from their corrupted leaders is true and so concerned about nothing that matters when the fox is in the henhouse and then hens are all stoned. People do not care if corruption runs rampant, worried about speaking out. The People are fearful of raising their voices against the government, behavior that now is somehow NOT Patriotic (imagine that), fearing being called a terrorist and thus questioning authority these days has evaporated. , part of the NWO plan is to kill opposition. The 60's dudes I thought would bring about a powerful change, that could have helped their very own children, are the most Hummer abusive mf's I have ever seen, talk about a sellout. I thought as war raged on in Iraq that guys like Jagger and McCartney would have wrote a song or spoke up but they just played for the man at sports outings without word, hard to sing the blues with a billion in the bank, who would want to start a revolution with all that loot. All the government had to do with you old hippy fucks, was spoil you rotten and you sold out, well everyone but Cheney's daughter and Reagan's son. Maybe they are so close to the corruption they just had to rebel, well kudos I say. The bullshit world we are settling for may look good at first but it is not. America has become worse than what we rebelled against back in the 60's and back in the Revolutionary War and what your too worried to lose your Hummer to stand up and say anything against these crimes or will Mommy and Daddy frown upon your stoner ways and yank the trust fund? You 60's Clowns are disgusting. What are you “hippies” teaching your children these days, how to give up, give in and just go along with the plan from the man? I cannot believe that with knowledge of; Election Fraud, Iraq War Crimes committed by us, the USA, that we have abandoned protecting the environment and animals for corporate greed, that you have sold your war won freedoms. That you “hippies” sold out America by allowing a non-patriotic act called the Patriot Act, torture, war crimes without a single protest. Rushing to give up the freedoms earned on the blood of many a good soldier boy protecting the Rights granted by the Constitution, every soldier that fought for you to live your hippie gone yuppie way.
You work for a corrupt government, your Constitution demands that you take actions to correct it, your conscience, if you have one left, should also be causing action but I guess with the plethora of mind numbing manmade disaster drugs all we have is fucking zombie parents and doped up kids. I mean in the 60's and I went to UW - Madtown, we would have had the place blown apart, we did, at even the suggestion that we had gone to war with the wrong country and killed anywhere near the estimated 650,000 people in this oil-war we are in. Vietnam for opium, Iraq for oil but the children’s voices missing, uprising to sing this is not right, now a nation of mutes. The children’s voices suppressed with Prozac, Riddilin, Crystal Meth, etc. afraid of imaginary villains, afraid of Terrorists who do not even own a pair of combat boots.
I see the beginnings of revolution, I hear the voices in the back of my head, a strange brew of new radicals like John Stewart, Colbert and Maher, comedically strange voices to impart change but at least they are trying to open your blind eyes. Wake up and regain the country, stand in the face of what is wrong, stand in front of a tank if necessary, fear no evil, or you have become worse than evil itself. Evil spreads through the good man's complacency but complacency is evil as well. Good men are not complacent they are warriors when they must. I will not soap box you anymore with what turds we have become as Americans, how our government has trampled our basic rights, and we stand idly by. Nor, will I further insult the People at how they fear evil and sold our personal freedoms in such propagandized fear, making our country look ridiculous, cowardice and evil but more and more a country others are eyeing as easy and perhaps necessary to invade and kill. May this story give you the strength to stand in the face of tanks http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O4xtkpO7ZqU, to fear no evil, no matter how puffed its chest, to take arms to defend the beauty we once had and were loved and admired worldwide as being the greatest country ever. For now, the world looks at the United States, as next generation Nazis, a country in the throes of a Tyrannous Treasonous dictatorship and so I say, DOWN WITH THE KING!
I must start this Fuck You with my burning hatred for all those spoiled rotten children who instead of earning a hard day’s work to provide, plotted and schemed instead of how to rob the People because in their minds the People are lame and to be abused by elitists. Being I am on a mission from G-d to help the children, I inform you here and now, that it is my goal to expose your New World DisOrder and to destroy the organization and all those associated with it, one by one and forever. I come to smite you Traitorous sellouts of Democracy that stand in the face of everything good and decent, you Nazi descendant freaks. Starting with your Nazi affiliations and worship of Hitler, a historical loser, exposure of your crimes, like those of your loser Fuehrer, will stain history with your family names. My advice, get a job and try work, oops that is a four letter word to sell out loser Rot kids like you. Let us start with some of the facts surrounding your sick cult clubs @ CONSPIRACIES BY SPOILED KIDS TO FUCK THE MIDDLE CLASS AND KILL THE POOR[48]
People, you must see these Socio-Pathetic cults for what they are, a small group of people who have been “privileged in America” now positioning, using Election Fraud to subterfuge key government regulatory and judicial positions within our great country, to commit crimes and all to avoid getting a fucking job. Most of this Nazi Coup started with Yalee’s who could not get a date, in a freakish cult of power gone mad, of course, so powerful it had to do all of climb to power in secret through lies. There are however some outstanding Yalee's and they should be most interested in weeding out this group that taints the University’s reputation but for those aspiring Nazis. Keep in mind that there is only a handful but through a series of fraud and deceit on America and other nations they have begun consolidating money and quasi power. Exactly how Hitler attempted to take over the world, these smart fucked up kids’ think they can succeed where Hitler failed. They can, only if you are asleep at the wheel and let them change the constitution and perverse laws against you.
If elections were manipulated to put SKULL members like George W I and George W II in power, then we must begin to evaluate how deep these election frauds have ruined our country thus far, we must go back and remove all elements of this sicko group of next generation Nazis before they become more and more deadly. I mean our President belonged to a group known as the ORDER OF DEATH and this should concern all Americans. So, if they have planted in Supreme Courts, at the Inspector General level, etc., they must be removed or put under strict watch by the People, and mind you, they think you are asleep and doped up. They want to start WW III here, check out Zbigniew Brzezinski aka Zibigotnew’s role at the CFR, check out his lineage and involvement in the World Wars fought before. As you have sold your rights under the Constitution, our government, like Hitler’s can imprison the likes of me for speaking out, wrap it up in Patriotism and family values, while they kill of the intellectuals to kill opposition. Keep in mind that the first people the Nazis executed were not Jews, Gays, or Gypsies but in fact, German Intellectuals, those that could have opposed Hitler, the orders to the SS were to shoot and kill these Germans. No wonder it looked as if all Germans were behind the Nazis, all those who could have opposed executed and remember if all German’s really were for Hitler, why did he need Goebbels propaganda machine to brain wash the masses of Germans. Remember, it will be your children who die fixing this and your children, like the children of Germany, who live with the stain of our complicity in the face of evil. What the criminal and tyrannous coups oft do not see, is that it will be their very own “privileged” and “elitist” kids the America People pitchfork to death when they awaken. A worse fate is to know your legacy to your children is historical shame and revolt against them, short sightedness that leads to the execution of their children. How can you spot these Rots? They drive their mommy and daddy's Hummers and take over daddy's job, never having earned their job through greatness and respect. The Rots hate work and they thus treat workers like slaves. The Rots are not one of you, they are the Spoiled Rotten, inheritance their evil. They could reject it, to become themselves but they sell out to the ease their parents make it, they go along, believe whatever their parents shovel up their silver-spooned noses. The Rots have an air of greatness but no claims to victory. Shallow and backstabbing for the Rots have nothing to say to hard working Americans, as they can only relate to other elitist losers. The Rots focus on changing laws to benefit themselves, to protect their trust accounts not to protect the People they despise. Sellouts to the Planet and People for the Rots have no loyalties other than money and false power in their Delusions of Grandeur. You will not find the Rots on the battlefield, their parents mostly lawyers, politicians and rich old fucks, buy them out of that and send your children in to die for their riches. You will not find the Rots with friends, other than ones bought by their parents or Paris’ BFF. Why, one good example of a daddy and mommy butt kiss nipple sucking asshole, that should define the Rots, is our great Fraud of a leader George WW II. Bush defines Spoiled Rotten to the Core being a failure in college, a military draft dodger, a failure in his businesses, including several bankruptcies backed by the Saudi’s and Bin Laden’s, a coke snorting, AA card carrying and Skull & Bones douchbag, perhaps maggot would be more apropos (shit I hate giving maggots a bad name). This is the bio for the Leader of our Country, a Leader who is dangerously close to taking our children into WW III.
In fact, if not for the Election Fraud, this country would never have elected the all time Loser Bush. His successes range from Iraq, through illegal wars now a mini Texas built on dead soldiers, for a few Texas billionaires to recover from the fact that Texas had dried up all its oil resources. Other successes include the financial debacles the Coup has concocted over the years to rip off little old women whose husbands worked hard to save for their families by robbing the Savings & Loans. Remember Neil Bush, the drug dealing Bush from the Silverado Savings & Loan. Next, the thieves loaded up the markets on Junk Bonds and when everyone was in knee deep, they created a bubble and then popped. Other successes might be Oil Price Rigging, Unethical Wars for War Profiteering, Enron, WorldCom, etc. Are we tired of this robbery yet? Than We, the Citizens must rise and fight city hall and if you can’t fight city hall because it has corrupted then blow it up or you are not worthy of being an American, you have no respect for those dead before you who fought for Democracy and your freedom you take for granted.
Be very careful for these Tyrannous and Treasonous Maggots are masters at manipulation through media, they have attended our finest Ivy League schools on nepotism, money not brains. The media once the “Right Arm of Anarchy”, now the Right Arm of Corruption and filled with reporters who can read feed well, unable to form a sentence on their own let alone a story on their own, Manchurian Media Maggots. The Rots mainly study law to use against the People, not law as an honorable profession; they treat the Constitution as toilet paper and despise those who value it. These Scull Fuckering CFR members play both sides of political tickets, so both parties must cleanse themselves from their infiltration. The Rots then must be spanked for mommy and daddy did them a wrong by pampering their asses, a RICO spanking with a seizing of their assets, including the trust funds, force them to get jobs and keep them busy earning a day’s bread. You must take control of the election process, or again, all is lost. We the People must weed out the ill-gotten political appointments in government, gained illegally or we have only put a Band-Aid on a hemorrhaging juggler.
Next, force disclosure of all political candidates’ affiliations in bizarre cults and force them to discuss and disclose it publicly. Perhaps the 2008 Elections will favor the least funded candidate, Nancy Pelosi, I am her only backer at this point, and I am broker than Jesus. At least if we pick the least funded we know they have the least interest groups manipulating them and perhaps can be a leader for the People, not themselves and their money backers. The fact that Bush W II and John Kerry are cousins and both Yaley Skull fucks, leads one to see that America would have been plagued with one of these fucks who have loyalty to their click and not you the People or Our Children. Remove inheritance, reinstate the 95% estate tax, other than a small portion for the kids, and return the money to the whole. I had a mentor in estates, the late John Cohan of Irell and Manella; he developed the Beach Bum Trust, where spoiled rotten kids got a multiple of what they earned out of their trusts, removing the couch potato incentive of not having to work, as without earning income there is no money to loaf. Wealthy parents’ conscious of the dangers of spoiling children loved the work for trust money concept, yet most wealthy parents who earned it the hard way then spoil their kids. The Rots parents, mostly to blame for the Rots, feel that by not passing all their money to their inept children they have created by pampering they will have failed. The money mongering Rotters reject estate taxes, thinking leaving their legacy to their kids is important in building up their kids esteem, necessary for their survival. This will lead to the People killing the Rots in revolt and taking their ill-gotten monies from them, by hook, crook, or hangman’s noose. Since logic and common sense do not work with these mega-gazillionaires destined to leave a legacy of hate and ruin for their children, at the expense of the People, to the benefit of their little spoiled Johnny Rotten, I spit on you. I fear for your children, I see in the future your dead children from your crimes and many Hummers for sale as Americans take back from the Rots. Rots are unable to let go of daddy's money, since their parents failed to teach them to share with the People who built the fortunes, they will die holding on to every last bit, afraid that if it is lost they cannot build it back and are worthless, a realism of truth. I pity the Rots but hate you rich fucks for achieving greatness in America and in your greed failing to turn it back to the People with your death, so that the next great man can succeed instead of Spoiled Johnny. All the money in the world cannot buy your children greatness or protect them from the realities of life and hard work, when this scheme of hording wealth for power is exposed, those sheep of American's you are rapping will certainly kill you to get it back. If George Bush states that running the country is "hard work” one more time, I am going to explode. This silver-spooned cocksucker of a President would not know a hard day’s work, as he has never worked hard a day in his life. When the riled American middle class figure out that the government has stolen their money for worthless Rots to benefit more from their sweat, well, they will rise up with pitchforks and stones and stone the corrupted and those that inherited their stolen monies. The 95% estate tax ends all that nepotism for both the parents and kids and 5% in many instances is a fortune and enough to fuck your kids up by giving it to them but not enough to fuck the People from having an opportunity in America.
Be careful for their wars staged to benefit a few, their propaganda well crafted to hide their crimes, their positions are powerful and they appear to look like you and me, with nothing behind them though. Therefore, as we expose them here and now, it would not surprise me that they will try further to scare you, perhaps with another 9-11, perhaps with nuclear war, Iran, all for you to sell your freedoms while being scared of their propaganda, while they desensitize you of your rights. If you catch on, they will offer you inclusion but as you sell out, know that their loyalties are non-existent and you to will be a subject of their sick ways, perhaps with some money in your pocket to the expense of someone else. You will have sold your children out; you will feel it in the loss of your spirit.
Our great Constitution calls for us to take arms to this siege on America in whatever way, I choose pen. Some may have to choose arms if my pen falls upon deaf ears but as you will learn herein quite a few can hear. Take political actions against the man, use your rights while you still have them to protest the wrongs. If they block free speech, take it back, they fear it. If they block your rights in courts, down with the judges. If they invade your privacy, die protecting it. If they steal your money, take it back, RICO them to death. If they steal your child in wrongful wars, demand trials for treason, reinstate a penalty of death by hanging or life sentences in hell, without their fucking pensions. These guys are worse than a mere psycho-killer who kills but a few, these guys are at 500,000 dead people over Iraq, as cost of business for oil prices that rape millions more in bogus wars that only a dumb ass American would buy into. By the way, if we are winning a war in Iraq should my gas price be lower?
The fact that I have to teach my children Domestic Terrorists are the real terrorists that threaten America, Domestic Terrorists dressed in business suits and judicial garb with no real jobs to occupy their time, is just unbearable. I teach my children the Constitution as it was that no matter the price, even their dead bodies or mine, to die if necessary defending life, liberty and the pursuit of your patents, just absurd. I tell their minds that most smart revolutions start with a cleansing of sorts, where the people go absolutely fucking crazy once they are intolerant and usually whack the heads of corrupted politicians and lawyers first and then their administrations, in that order. That after the People have killed them all, they go back to the drawing board as the Constitution demands and restart, just like a computer reboot. In some instances, where military men are in on the corruption, the people must fight the machine with force but since not a one of these Tyrannous losers ever did battle for duty, honor, or country, the military men of valor will turn on them. The military is using bizarre drugs on our soldiers, to quell any revolt, to disable those who do not obey orders blindly and at the same time raising Private Armies, of psychokillers, i.e. Blackwater. I hear they are also stacking prisons with kids that are in need of pseudo-families, as the Nazis did, these sad pathetic Traitorous Americans always prey upon desperate children, victims of society and then pervert their minds. Hail the Hitler Youth is the Scull Fucker's motto, great legacy the Nazi parents left their children, ah some people never learn.
The only the way America can cleanse itself of these assholes’ WAR CRIMES in Iraq, is to try these people for their ways in a true court of law or international war crime tribunal. True Americans must now show the world that while we may have been asleep and brainwashed as to the truth of our leaders’ crimes, to look now at the blood on the executioner’s block, after war crime trials or impeachments have tried the guilty that we have purged ourselves of the evil within. The only way to purge ourselves to the world as free again is by showing we have woken up and taken the bull by the horns, executing those found guilty of Treason. They have been getting away with crimes, living on prison pensions on the taxpayer, avoiding losing it (the Enron death before taxation of that asshole whose estate may be free of the people forks who he robbed), pardoning themselves, changing laws to fit the crimes, etc. If the world continues to see us as a threat, we will certainly pay the price and you will not see one of these Rots on the battlefield defending us. The Rots will run and hide with the jewels of the country; you must cut them dead in their tracks and take back the country before they spoil the whole further, like a cancer, we must remove the tumors to be healthy again, and remain ever vigilant of its return.
Wake Up America! Take Back America!
Extended List of Defendants @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/oneofthesedays/index.htm and http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Appendix%20A/index.htm#MPEGLALIST
3. PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities
4. STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner,
5. KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities,
6. ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities,
7. ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities,
8. ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities,
9. CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities,
10. MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer,
11. ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities,
12. CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities,
13. MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities,
14. DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities,
15. GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities,
16. DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities,
17. GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities,
18. GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities,
19. LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities,
20. MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities,
21. KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities,
22. STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities,
23. RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities,
24. CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities,
25. JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities,
26. JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities,
27. SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities,
28. BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities,
29. LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities,
30. WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities,
31. DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities,
32. JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities,
33. JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities,
34. GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities,
35. JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities,
36. MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
37. LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities,
38. RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities,
39. FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities,
40. FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
41. MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities,
42. WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities,
43. TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities,
44. ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities,
45. RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities,
46. BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities,
47. JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities,
48. DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities,
49. STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities,
54. ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,
57. HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities,
59. JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities,
60. KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities,
61. LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities,
62. ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities,
63. KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities,
64. JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities,
65. JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities,
66. BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
67. JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities,
69. HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities,
70. HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities,
71. HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities,
72. HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities,
73. HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities,
74. THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities,
75. DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities,
78. ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities,
79. ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities,
81. THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities,
82. PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities,
83. MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities,
85. CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities,
86. HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities,
87. HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities,
88. HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities,
89. HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities,
90. HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities,
93. LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities,
94. DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities,
95. JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities,
96. HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities,
97. HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities,
99. ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities,
102. ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York,
105. ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities,
106. NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities,
107. MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities,
108. LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities,
110. LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities,
111. REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies,
112. GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities,
113. DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities,
114. TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities,
115. ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities,
116. RYJO, INC.,
117. RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities,
119. LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities,
122. BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
123. NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities,
124. THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities,
125. FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities,
126. GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities,
127. WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
128. MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities,
129. MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities,
130. HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
132. ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities,
133. WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities,
134. LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities,
135. YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
136. MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities,
139. STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities,
140. RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities,
141. H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities,
142. MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities,
143. ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities,
144. AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities,
145. MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities,
146. BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities,
147. RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities,
149. ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities,
151. WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities,
152. WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities,
154. BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities,
155. CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities,
156. ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities,
157. CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities,
158. HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
159. BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,
160. FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
161. BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,
162. MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
163. WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,
164. SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
165. BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,
166. SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities,
167. SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
168. RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities,
169. ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities,
170. KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities,
171. CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,
172. ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities,
173. ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities,
174. JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities,
175. IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation,
176. IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation,
177. IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.),
178. UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation,
179. IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.),
180. IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation,
181. IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation,
182. I.C., INC., a Florida corporation,
183. IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation,
184. IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
185. IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company,
186. IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation,
188. Andrew Cuomo in his official and individual capacities, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
189. Justice Richard C. Wesley in his official and individual capacities,
190. Justice Peter W. Hall in his official and individual capacities,
191. Justice Debra Ann Livingston in her official and individual capacities,
192. Justice Ralph K. Winter in his official and individual capacities,
193. P. Stephen Lamont, (Questions about Lamont’s filings on behalf of others and more filed with criminal authorities and this Court notified of the alleged fraudulent activities of Lamont)
194. Justice Shira A. Scheindlin in her official and individual capacities,
195. Alan Friedberg in his official and individual capacities,
196. Roy Reardon in his official and individual capacities,
197. Martin Glenn in his official and individual capacities,
198. Warner Bros. Entertainment, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
199. Time Warner Communications, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
200. AOL Inc., (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
201. Ropes & Gray,
202. Stanford Financial Group,
203. Bernard L. Madoff et al.
204. Marc S. Dreier, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
205. Sony Corporation, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
206. Ernst & Young, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
207. Arthur Andersen, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),
208. Enron,
209. More Defendants or possible Witnesses
210. Christine C. Anderson, Esq.,
211. Nicole Corrado, Esq.,
212. Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown
213. Related Cases
Enough Fuck You’s to the bad guys, there are more and those that think they are insulated and hidden, we are watching you too and one day your name will be recorded in history like the other idiots herein named.
People, please, pretty please, stop this out of control corruption by an evil group of men on a power grab, get off your couch, get in the streets, protest them and their Wal-Mart ways and take back your country before it is too late or more people get tortured and killed!
Long before these miracle inventions discovered in a death dream, from voices within his head, this inventor was unique in so many ways. Our inability to listen to his words has created the need to murder him perhaps. Had I listened, when he said that a higher being sent him on a divine mission, long before meeting me, possessed him on a mission to save my children from me; had I listened, I would not be wishing for my death now. In every way he was what he claimed to be, a messenger from G-d sent to evaluate man, sent to judge me, sent to judge all and to make plans in the event that what he saw and reported was evil outweighing good. He was sent to help the children take back the world, so that they could respect all G-d’s creatures and the planet, which G-d gave them to watch over, not to eat and hunt them into extinction. He was “nurturing a revolution” to save children, if one could be had, before extinction by their parents greed. Eliot would give the children a chance to stop their parents from destroying the planet and creatures, as we are doing at astonishing rates. His opposition, people like me. He was on this mission since waking from a coma 20 years before meeting me, he was already on a mission for G-d, and I just blocked it out.
I lay there in a pool of blood, my wife screaming from the street that she thought I had killed someone, perhaps I did. I really did not care. I could hear the police cars arriving and I wished I had died seconds before. I knew if anyone found out, this would be the death of me politically, I already felt dead inside. He had eaten through me. I could hear my wife telling the police I was wasted, you can read it all here[49], and that I slammed into someone who looked dead. I recall answering a few questions but I could not remember what I said. My mind so far in hell, Dante seemed to have missed a Canto, I could really care less if I did kill someone and certainly, I wanted to kill my wife, I could hear her damning me to the officers. If only I could will my death before asked any other questions, then I passed out. The last thing I remember is the officer asking if I had anything to drink, to smell my breath and then throwing up in his face while soiling myself. When I awoke in jail with my soiled clothes, I knew my time was limited. I never thought a felony Driving Under the Influence with Injury charge would destroy my name all the way to the Florida Supreme Court[50] and then all the way to the top of the legal world. I was brandished a drunk for every lawyer for history to see, worse yet with a wife that tells the cops I was wasted and should not have been driving. Talk about fucked. Do not feel too sorry for me this was the least of my crimes, the very least of my worries. My name forever now in the court history books, up at websites all over the world, including the Florida Supreme Court, The United States Supreme Court[51] and hosts of others.
Yet, I live on but I am dead inside. From such minimalist act, my career as a lawyer was technically over but it was much much worse, it was him I hated, him that had caused this, I could hear him fucking laughing over and over and over. Oh, my life would not be over here, not over a simple felony DUI. The firm had bought off far bigger crimes than this lately; we controlled the government and law through manipulated elections. Much bigger than this wreck, was the wreck coming slowly into my life, it was a train wreck and I was at the center, you cannot be wasted enough to stop the train. Yet the DUI would wreak havoc on my last thread of hope to stave off prosecution for one of the largest crimes in history and this would leave me defenseless eventually in court, my ass to the wind. Nothing is sorer than a lawyer’s ass in prison for a long time. My sentence had already started before I was tried, or convicted, Eliot needed no court, nor judge, nor the establishment to lay his wrath, he was evil incarnate to me, he laughed. I could hear him stating that G-d would defend him and I was starting to believe it. I already had no way out, it was a matter of time now, he was playing with us, tormenting us and all the while, I wished I had never doubted him about his mission. So much evidence against us, so many people around the world knew, at every chance Eliot gave us to give back what he called G-d’s inventions, we just could not let go, we coined the inventions the Grail inventions and at the time I do not think that we saw the meaning. There were investigations we were trying to bribe or buy off, but who was going to believe anything now from a lawyer charged with a felony DUI. Last night was merely a collection of my sins catching up with me, the reckoning with the fact that I would be held accountable for one of the biggest criminal blunders of our time[52], I wished it was over more than ever, my breathing that is, to confirm death.
A crime so profound it took more than just criminal actions, it took a violation of almost every criminal law, every ethics law, every oath we had taken to uphold truth and justice in America in law school. A desecration of the Constitution and Justice, as never before seen in history, by those of us empowered to defend the American way. Blinded by the jewels he brought, we knew we would be violating more than just the laws of man, we knew we would have to violate the laws of G-d as well. Everyone who saw the inventions instantly termed the technologies he waived about as the “Holy Grail” inventions of the digital world. Blinded by these technologies, as if they actually were the Grail, blinded in greed, I hardly noticed my soul as it left my body. So much money was in these technologies that they were as profound as electricity. We called it "digital electricity" it changed everything digital. More money than G-d would have been given to one man, one crazy man, it was what he deserved for his inventions that he claimed were given by G-d in dreams but we could not stand that, we hated him and he did nothing to us but trust us as his lawyers and advisors. We never saw it coming, the evil that is but trust me, he is evil incarnate to some even though he looks like an easy mark, we had given all morals and ethics to the wind, greed had possessed us, we acted without conscience at this point. No Indiana Jones instant death at seeing the Grail, no this was slow and painful, a torturous maddening of the soul and then once mad, a liposuction of sorts of your soul.
They were magical technologies, discovered by what appeared to be a lunatic at first, an inventor possessed to the change the world, in search of what he claimed was a “Thought Journal,” [53] necessary for the children of the world to unite and fix the mess their parents were piling upon them without concern. This was no ordinary man, he truly seemed possessed and believed these wild things from what he stated plain as day to be from “voices in his head.” First, we underestimated him and did not believe the will that drove him to discover the inventions was divine, now there seems no other explanation. We underestimated this divine power when trying to destroy him, not seeing that such divinity would be the same that would destroy our lives, making us living impotent zombies. We far underestimated his will to protect the inventions; we underestimated him for we did not believe in, G-d, we were new age lawyers, we worked for ourselves first and our clients second. We thought that he was fucking nuts at first you would have too. The account of inventions, not just one but three, that he recanted was so farfetched that even a lunatic would have had trouble believing it and we were men of the highest degree, holding the most powerful roles in the land. When asked how he had discovered these Grail technologies, that would come to change the very way you and me see the world, his answer was preposterous, unbelievable, fascinating and mystical; at once overwhelming us, with what we did not know.
We had pulled this kind of invention theft off before and with this maniac, it seemed almost like taking candy from a baby, or so we thought. As we plotted to destroy his life, our lives admitted to hell and he warned us repeatedly but we could not hear, deafened in greed. We laughed at first at Eliot, if that is what you want to call him; he called himself a messenger of G-d. A messenger with important technologies to help children, technologies created in dreams and spawned by a vision in a coma twenty years earlier. Eliot was so out there, no way would he ever catch on to our scheme and we had outsmarted everyone we had pulled this swindle on. Except one heist, our prior attempt to steal technology, immediately prior to meeting Eliot, of all things for lawnmower patents again caught in the act. The prior victim was a small business out of Boca Raton, Florida, owned by Monte Friedkin who was a wealthy philanthropist that Utley and I sat on the board of Florida Atlantic University with. Friedkin hired Utley to run his golf turf lawnmower company and nailed us red handed but he was already a billionaire and let it slide without prosecution, firing Utley, shutting down the business and taking a huge loss on the business.
We had a method. We would get into companies that we saw potential inventions with legs, surrounding the proprietor/inventor with “trusted” counsel. First getting someone in to run the company and then turning them towards various intellectual property lawyers who would complete the process of stealing the inventions while acting as their trusted attorneys. Implementing a number of sophisticated patent schemes all working to walk the patents out the door, without the Inventors and Shareholders ever knowing of the scheme. Before Eliot, the thefts were petty, for small inventions, what Eliot walked in with was unbelievable, a trillion dollar set of technologies, like Edison. Eliot referred to me from his father’s neighbor, Gerald Lewin who owned Goldstein Lewin & Co., an accountancy firm. Lewin and I had worked a few swindles within the past, mainly boiler-room type scams that Boca is famous for and all the players of almost every swindle were good country club buddies of either Lewin or mine. Lewin knew what we had done to Friedkin and knew that we could be trusted to implement the heist and cut him in handsomely. We would control the books through Lewin and his daughter Erika. My law firm Proskauer Rose LLP., a wannabe white shoe New York real estate law firm, would control the IP, and with this solved the scheme seemed bulletproof. At first, as we discussed how to best execute the swindle, everything seemed a walk in the park, a batta-bing, in a few weeks it would be over, no one would ever catch on, almost too easy.
To pull off a crime to steal technologies valued in the hundreds of billions to perhaps over a trillion would take some doing, but we were dealing with a young kid who apparently stumbled into these technologies, unless you believed his story, which was all about G-d and a vision of humanity that possessed him. This was like ripping off Microsoft or better yet being Microsoft and stealing the window from the Apple, like that crime we would need operatives deep in the government to aid and abet. Yet this was far more devious, as we were the retained attorneys for the inventors not a business competitor, we were hired to protect the inventors and all we had to do to steal them was violate our oaths to uphold truth and justice. Then, if all went according to plan, to kill the inventors and have the inventions as our own, to bathe in royalties for years to come.
Now these technologies were so big, affecting almost every form of digital imaging and video hardware and software application, revolutionizing the digital world, advancing digital imaging and video to the next dimension. Yet, this made the task a bit harder, as already the kid was showing people all over the country the technologies, seeking to develop partners and shareholders, we had gotten here at what we thought was ground floor. The task of suppressing the inventions seemed so easy due to our early discovery and involvement with Eliot, we could block or knock off a few of his friends and family and part of our final solution would leave them blaming their friend the inventor for the collapse of the companies. It was now necessary to nip in the bud Eliot recruiting his friends to Iviewit. We would surround him with new people, our people, instead. The crime would get more and more difficult if Eliot could surround himself with anyone outside our circle. We had to control all investments and players in the game, no outsiders. So when Lewin came to my office, it was decided that he would control the main inventor Eliot Bernstein’s father and we would position to control Eliot and his co-inventors, Jude Rosario, Zakirul Shirajee and James Armstrong. Eliot’s father, Simon, was the seed investor of the to be formed company and had come to Lewin, his affluent, St. Andrews Country Club neighbor, looking for someone to help him decide if Eliot’s technologies were truly worth patenting.
Lewin was not a technologically bright individual; in fact, Lewin was an idiot, having trouble booting up his computer. Lewin was unable to assess the technologies and stated that Si would need to find patent counsel to evaluate them. Lewin knew enough though to know that he had never seen anything like it, in the back of his mind, knowing that if we found patentable value, we would be able to extract it from these rummy inventors. Lewin suggested my firm Proskauer to be the Bernstein’s and the inventors as patent and corp. counsel. He swore by our twenty-year friendship that we could be trusted to con the Bernstein's into picking our firm. Our firm impressed Eliot, I did an excellent job snowing them on our history and connections, yet since we were mainly a real-estate firm, we had no intellectual property department to achieve such patent evaluation and this we would have to boogie together overnight to look as if we did. You did not want to start contracting outsiders for this massive theft, we would have to recruit and use family members and people who we knew were already dirty lawyers and judges. The key would be keeping everything controlled so that nobody could see what we were really doing, everyone around Eliot would need to blame Eliot in the end, everything we did to set him up would be to make sure in the end it looked like he lost the patents or never had them.
In the past, the patent thefts we pulled off were through a small group of diverse criminal minds from a variety of different firms, this would not do for this grand of a theft. Shit, this was the biggest crime in the history of the United States; we would not want to let many, if any, outsiders in, easier to control the process and to prevent possible inner dissentions. I told Lewin to arrange a meeting with the Bernstein’s at my Boca Raton office and to let me handle the rough spots. I would claim to them that I would take the invention disclosures to my firm’s HQ in New York and find out if they had value. In the interim, I would have to find patent counsel willing to act as if they were with Proskauer prior to finding his inventions and then willing to rip him off. I would work quickly to line up the right players, our firm already well connected at the top of the dirty lawyers club, as we had been running a Criminal Enterprise out of our firm for some time, my partners would have all the right partners in crime. Joseph Proskauer was a kind of different type Jew and this part of our firm history we kept in the dark. Proskauer was the kind of Jew that left Jews sitting in concentration camps while he lobbied against a boycott of German goods by America, an act that could have forced the Nazi's to concede, if but for even a day early, how many Jew's died per day. Proskauer represents Yale, so in case anything fucked up we could tap into the Scull and Bones but hell, it was never going to get there, nobody would ever know.
Up to this point in my life I was not the most technologically sophisticated person around, I dabbled at the computer, assessing myself as slightly geeky but upon meeting Eliot, I was immediately impressed with his abilities to act with the computer as one, as if it was a part of his being. You and I work a computer like a complex machine; he was somehow a part of the machine, a nano-person of sorts. He came into my office with his computer set up and when he showed me the first invention he invented, I was amazed. Never before had I seen a virtual world where one could explore an image in an almost 3-D perspective. Captivated and mesmerized once you entered the image by the fact that you could zoom on the image from macroscopic to microscopic and the normal pixel distortion that one experienced since the dawn of digital images. The strange thing about the images, the magnificent zoom generated on a small compressed JPEG file, previously thought impossible to zoom virtually at all. I mean you probably take it for granted today, as the technology is now on every digital imaging device and on every digital camera in the world, it has come to be termed “digital zoom.” The inventors originally called it Zoomable Anti-Pixelating Image Technology (“ZAPIT”) and wanted to create a file extension for such images with the ZAPIT brand name. Once I saw it, even as a computer novice, I knew the technology was revolutionary, I knew the world had not seen anything like this.
My imagination ran wild with the possibilities discussed for the technologies, from medical devices, to space telescopes[54], to microscopes, to flight simulators, to games, to anything using still images, all imaging hardware and software. As Eliot showed me his invention, I wondered how far this zoom could go, and Eliot explained you could with proper equipment zoom down from outer space[55] (view of our criminal headquarters from space) the military would die for this, conversely Eliot stated you could turn the telescope to the sky and zoom deep back into time. Could you zoom on an X-Ray or MRI[56], the medical profession would pay handsomely for such technology and I was getting University of Miami and Florida Atlantic University medical imaging experts in to evaluate too. If the technologies applied to consumer digital cameras, the royalties were absurd. I was no expert and our firm had no experts, if I were going to be successful at this crime, not caught by our rank and file partners who knew nothing about the crimes of the firm, I would have to control the swindle from A-Z, no room for error. We would need to get our firm up to speed in patents and trademarks, I would need the blessing of a few senior partners, I knew of a few that would not be afraid of a little white-collar crime.
Throughout the initial meetings with Eliot I was in a haze, trying to focus on what Eliot was saying to me and at the same time trying to figure a way to make it my own. Small group of partners -- perhaps buy an IP firm? Should we use a corporate shell to steal the patents? How would I get rid of Eliot’s father, as Si was a savvy executive? How would we conquer and divide the inventors? Who should come in for the investment? How would we get Utley in without letting on to our hidden past? How many IP lawyers would it take? How would we funnel the technologies to a revenue-producing model for our firm? How would we kill the inventors (Eliot, Jude Rosario, Zakirul Shirazee, James Armstrong, Patty Daniels, Matthew Mink), then Eliot’s family and finally any shareholders already in the game? There was this strange buzzing in my head, it could have been from my meds, it could have been the excitement, the thrill of the crime, yet it was a noise I had never heard before, a noise I would die now to get rid of, it seemed to emanate from Eliot, I must be nuts.
I needed some basics from Eliot before the meeting ended. How many people knew already? Who was involved before me? Minutia but important things to help me plan and understand what it would take to fully execute the crime and clean up all loose ends. I knew I needed to catch the next flight to New York; I needed to buy some time. I remember saying I was pleased to meet him, that the technologies looked promising and that I would get back to them in a few days. I knew I needed more than a few days to round up the right people for the scheme, I figured Lewin could handle diverting them in the mean time with things like business plans and revenue projections.
It was off to New York to meet with a few partners and determine the best course of action. At the meeting, the senior partners decided that the best means to monetize the inventions would be through something like a patent pool. A bit risky are these pools, as patent pools were notorious for illegal practices in the past, yet perfect for our intent. Patent pools historically shut down by the Department of Commerce, it was then decided that we might have to get some people on the inside of Commerce and in the US Patent Office to cover our tracks. Who would be worst hurt by these inventions and we instantly knew that several of the new digital imaging and video patent pooling concepts, like MPEG and JPEG, were already creating monopolistic pools to control digital imaging and video technologies and control the standards, patent pools were ideal to steal inventions. You could evaluate what patents you wanted for your pool, learn about the technologies, take the technologies, effectively usurping the inventors of their inventions. Block them from market by precluding them from the standards body, while starving them out or killing them if necessary. We later even dummied up a Department of Justice approval of the MPEGLA LLC pools and it gets wilder but imagine or guy inside the DOJ aiding and abetting, well that will come later.
The primary attorney spearheading the pooling concept already was a bright MIT graduate and graduate of patent law from NYU, Kenneth Rubenstein, Esq. who worked for a small New Jersey law firm, Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe and Schlissel. Rubenstein would be perfect for this job, the question, how much would it cost to purchase Rubenstein and his patent pooling team at Meltzer. The legal team was already working on systems and methods to steal patents from inventors, Rubenstein and a few friends at MIT & NYU had been using their legal degrees right from college to commit intellectual property crimes. Like those overly bright MIT fellows who figured out how to swindle casinos and then were caught. Kids who had brains and brains can get you into trouble. Rubenstein in college was inducted in into a group of great technologists and instead of joining them to aid them as counsel, Rubenstein envied and hated the inventors at MIT, always thinking of ways to outwit them of their rights to their inventions, why should they make billions and him only a few million. MIT was fertile ground for both great inventions and great invention scam artists to flourish. Rubenstein, lacking original ideas of his own, was not content being the patent nigger to these lucky inventors, doing their legal work as some hired lackey at $400/hour while these lottery winners made billions, Rubenstein had to find a way to beat them.
Rubenstein sat through class after class in law school, learning from the past mistakes of invention fraudsters. Other kids were thinking of how to protect their clients from these historical legal cases and Rubenstein was preparing to swindle inventors by perfecting them. Rubenstein instead formulating and studying how better to protect the fraudster, the trusted lawyer, how to rig the system to beat the anti-trust laws so that he could prevail over these other idiot lawyers who wanted to help their clients. It was not until his first lecture on patent pools that Rubenstein saw the bitter light, a way that if successfully done, could be the answer to not only stealing one invention but cornering the market in certain technologies, a chance to steal dozens of technologies at once, all the while building a dominant force in that industry. Through the pool and licensing scheme, he could actually create a competitive monopolistic standard body in that industry based on a few stolen inventions from inventors with corrupt patent attorneys. For example, say Rubenstein wanted to control the technologies that used in digital video and block out inventors. First, form a patent pool, and then find a patent evaluator to evaluate the technologies inventors submitted to the pool and either find a way to steal them or tie and bundle the products to a licensing scheme and starve the inventor out through attrition. Who better than Rubenstein himself as soulless sole patent evaluator and so it would later be? He could always trust himself, or so he thought. Why would the pool attract inventors to give Rubenstein their inventions, a promise and chance to share in a royalty stream from the pool, false promise but it could work? Revenue split amongst holders of the IP used in the standard, a chance of a lifetime, the best patent counsel, etc. If the inventor chose not to join the standard or was declined admission for this or that reason, we just took their invention and blocked them from the market that the standard applied too. If one controls the standards applicable to video and force that standard on devices that embrace the standard, then for example on every MPEG (Moving Pictures Experts Group) stream of video on DVD’s, certain “chosen” technologies would be deployed. Those technologies elected by the patent evaluator where to be golden, generating fractional revenues for every device that played them and every device that created them. The small and Ma and Pa inventor that the Constitution seeks to protect may have better technology for streaming but cannot get it to market against an entire pool and if the pool just steals Ma’s invention then what is she going to do to get into the market? Ma and Pa blocked entry into the market using illegal Antitrust techniques in violation of Sherman and Clayton until the little inventor is starved out and goes away, kills themselves or gets killed in what appear accidental ways, creating a Dead Inventor Pool. As the inventors go under, the pool would simply rewrite patents of any technologies of Ma and Pa and never have paid royalty to them. This is why when the Justice Department, when it stood for Truth, Justice, and the American Way, traditionally broke up patent pools for acting as illegal monopolies with a history of trying to rub inventors out of their inventions. Rubenstein now wholly focused on how exactly to takeover certain elements of the Justice Department that could get in the way, how to sabotage the patent office with a few people to cover up any problems there and there would be no stopping him. The USPTO was a legal institution and a few corrupt lawyers, working for a piece of the action would probably do to usurp any inventor protections and to execute any diversions necessary, he would need to poison the highest levels of the Antitrust Department & Commerce Department. Rubenstein put all this in his college notes, he says, when he first realized that with only a handful of corrupt attorneys, judges, regulators and politicians, this could very well work, the Crime of the Century.
To execute now on Rubenstein’s plan we needed a few good bad apples deep in the Justice Department to thwart any complaints and viola you have just gained access into the biggest jewel in the history of the world, the US Patent Office. Patents are the power behind free commerce, creating monopoly power legally. With this system for theft and subterfuge of legal rights of the inventors, patent theft easier than stealing candy from babies. Patents could be worth billions, in this case Trillions, with their 20-year monopoly power, Rubenstein dreamed that one day he would steal one this big. So overjoyed with his ingenious plan, Rubenstein recalls the stain in his pants. Rubenstein never imagined just how out of control this scheme of his would end up going, or how to hold the scheme together when we got busted which took ending the American Way brave Americans had died in mass to protect. He heard about these cults running in the Ivy League schools like Skull and Bones, this might be right up their alley, they might be the perfect partner.
The devious part of this pooling plan, is that if you can get a small group of corporate titans to join the scheme, inventors will bring their technologies to the pools, in hopes of getting elected, never suspecting their lives where in jeopardy depending on the magnitude of the IP. Now with a patent evaluator as corrupt as a Tijuana Rolex in place, all one needs to do is reject or even accept the patents, with a plan on how to then embrace the technologies through the pool and infringe upon the inventors without them catching on. If the technology was already out there before submission to the pool, the task is somewhat harder as you must often work to wrangle the technologies in a variety of infringing mechanisms. But on fresh meat, as were these, and with the patent evaluator acting as counsel to the inventor, while maintaining his role as evaluator, acting as counsel and with the accountant in, the task was going to be a no-brainer, shattering the China Wall, fundamental to honorable representation. Rubenstein was the perfect man for the job, bringing him in was merely a matter of how much and how deep we would have to cut him in, possibly we would make him the partner in charge of our to be formed intellectual property department, a department founded on our his inventions.
We decided we would find connections into Rubenstein, have him evaluate the patents to see if there was any prior-art and evaluate them for us and not for Iviewit. What we would tell Eliot would be a wholly different story and he would never know what the real evaluation results from Rubenstein were. They probably would never even know and if they found out, we could muscle it away. The Managing Partner at Proskauer was to get a hold of Rubenstein and perhaps persuade him to leave Meltzer to head our "to be formed" IP department, alternatively we could just buy Meltzer. Buying Meltzer would get sticky but we could just act as if we were expanding Proskauer from a real estate firm, getting in on the internet thing, we might even be able to outsmart them. We had no time to delay thought as it had been weeks since our first meeting with Eliot and they were waiting for our firm to respond to the request to patent the inventions, the next day. We would need to set up IP people in the patent department and have control of anything we filed on their behalf, to guide things into the wrong directions. Assigned the task of getting to know the inventors, in order to control their every move, making sure that we directed them to the right people, I would make it all look so right. I was to get in as Eliot’s friend and embrace him, know his every thought; you never know when he might have had another revolutionary idea. Truthfully, I did not want the job, there was just something about Eliot, he was akin to the Ancient Mariner in the “Rime of the Ancient Mariner” by Coleridge, he lived within you once he entered your soul and I just cannot describe it. I am fast becoming a believer in a higher p0wer.
Back in Boca, I wallowed in fear, fear of learning the whole story of the inventions, how they had come to be. In our first meeting, I lost my notes and as I said, my mind was hardly in the room. I had to avoid him once back, until I got a green light on if things had gone well on the recruiting front or if plan B was necessary; forceful extraction, far more risky. However, no sooner had three weeks passed and Rubenstein was on board, he would operate from Meltzer but we would represent him as a Proskauer partner, head of our intellectual property department, we would present him as Guru.
Ok, it was time to get back to the Bernstein’s, make up some excuse as to why I had dropped off the planet earth for a month after learning of their inventions, when I told them I would be right back at them, a sabbatical or some nonsense of a partners meeting, who cares. Once I would tell them that Rubenstein was the ideal person for the technologies, tell them he was a Proskauer patent expert and had control of the patent pools that the technologies would be embraced by, they would be salivating at the potential for a piece of the pools pie. Never did we envision how thinly the pie would be sliced as the situation grew out of control or how many bribes the cover up would take to contain the fire but we never thought it would get to that point.
I was taking heat from the top, to get control of the inventions, the inventors, put listening devices up their asses, have them followed, copy every document, listen to every call, dig up every dirty deed of their past, know every secret. Gather all information regarding the inventions history, all the things an honest attorney would have done to protect clients’ interests, in reverse. All this while becoming his best friend, kissing the kids and all that jazz. Later, under deposition[57] I even stated:
Q. Okay. Sy Bernstein made all these requests to you to appear [at Iviewit board meetings] as attorney for –
A. Well, he wasn’t there at every meeting, but he made it clear from the very meeting that he wanted me at all the meeting, including those, and they called me over, and he made it clear that he wanted me to try to be with Eliot at all meetings where Eliot was making presentations.
Q. Okay, And this was –
A. At the outset – Go ahead. Started anticipating your question.
Q. No. That’s okay. These meetings that attended, was it from the very outset of Iviewit?
A. Well, my – my participation was minimal up to the time of where it started really ramping up. So for the first two months, January, February. But maybe in March it started really ramping up, and then – and then that’s – it’s probably in that time where Sy made it very clear that he wanted the best of the best and he wanted people to be with Eliot at all times and not to be left alone and whatever.
He had no idea how close we already were to his son and to him, I had brought in a private investigator to monitor their every breath. Thank G-d I got out of my deposition before saying more. That deposition was one of the worst days of my life. I left off the “whatever” part but I was crumbling under deposition and everything I said sounded so insane, that the “whatever” almost came tumbling out with what was in my head, the truth I try so hard to hide from. My attorney kicked me under the table to stop, my ankles were sore by the day’s end. Whatever, would involve consistently breaking into his home to gain further access, photos, video, recordings of his every breath, slowly the more I watched his life the more it seemed to be taking over my own. First on my list was to gain access to the inventors’ lives, divide, and conquer them if possible. Eliot seemed to be the ringleader of the invention team and being Jewish, his two main co-inventors being Muslim, this appeared to be an easy task. It would be best if we could isolate the other inventors from Eliot and draw them into our fold, it did not matter in the end, as they would all meet the same fate.
Strange that Eliot’s father seemed inclined to keep a close tab on his son too, it was like there was something he knew about his son, that we did not, something eerie though. The fear of picking up the phone surprised me at first, when my secretary Gloria Barfield mentioned his name it made me tremble, I was not cognizant of the metamorphic change I was undergoing, I was overwhelmed in the heat of the crime, to busy plotting and scheming to see it. Right in my face it was, constantly, whether I was showing it to colleagues in crime or even my wife, everyone was mesmerized. Nobody who had seen a computer image since the beginnings of computer, had ever seen anything like the imaging invention, what it did to zooming and panning on image was beyond cool. Rubenstein blown away, instantly obvious he too had never seen technology like this before. Utley had been with IBM’s management and Dick was formerly IBM’s far eastern patent department head for years, they had worked to lift inventions together since their IBM days. In fact, our ace in the hole was that Judith Kaye was a related to one of our partners, Chief Judge of New York, a former IBM’er who had connections to help and in the event that anything came in the way of a lawsuit or criminal action in New York we were covered. We instantly made her husband, Stephen Kaye, a partner in the newly formed Proskauer intellectual property department. When IBM Boca blew apart, layoffs and finally the plant shutdown, torn down in an instant, Dick and Utley, relieved of their jobs began plotting to steal core future technologies from IBM before leaving. Butt hurt, with the feeling that a bit of what goes around comes around they set their eyes on some of IBM’s technologies they were already in the process of stealing. IBM had people stealing inventions globally for years and then muscling away the technologies away from all but the toughest and smartest inventors. Eliot was definitely not a tough inventor or so we regrettably thought.
IBM is how Dick, Utley, and I all met. Utley had a plan to steal off with inventions for the touch-pad sensor as they closed down the Boca Raton IBM plant called “T-Rex” that Utley managed, Utley and Dick had a plan to walk off with severance in the righteous way. IBM had bigger problems, its stock in the tank, than to worry about a few lost technologies from employees who ripped off a whole lot more for intellectual properties for them, enough to make IBM king of the patent world, holding more intellectual property than any other company. Freelancing after the fiasco at IBM, on the unemployment line, Dick, Utley and a few other ex-IBM goons, formed a pack to heist technologies from local inventors. Their little patent crime syndicate was going fairly well, when Utley and Dick called me for legal work, helping implement a dummy corporation to write the stolen patents into without the company knowing. The catch, the patents were stolen and therefore I would have to keep this company under the radar and had to find a way to at once assign the stolen IP to Utley’s private company and then bury the transactional records. It was how I earned the name Wheezler, from my partners in crime. The same swindle we used at Friedkin’s lawn mower company would be the same plan we were about to implement on Bernstein, the inventors and their newly formed company Iviewit, Inc. but this time we were confident we would prefect the scheme. We convinced ourselves that we had learned from the Friedkin bungled attempt and we would not make the same mistakes, in fact, we made new ones, many more new ones.
We had not seen anything yet, this Eliot kid and his Indian friends were already somehow involved in video, which was right up Rubenstein’s alley but nobody had seen it yet, they were keeping tight lids on the process they claimed they had. This would be even easier to steal as they were hiding it waiting to find an honest patent attorney to patent it for them. Once I earned his trust, I was certain Eliot would reveal all to me, he trusted me already it appeared.
He had called several times, my assistant Gloria consistently covering for me but the time had come for our scheduled meeting, the meeting where I would fill his head with the advantages of choosing Proskauer as his patent counsel. A masterful play, considering we did not have yet a patent department. He would never know, it would look like I took it to New York and met with our patent expert Rubenstein. Rubenstein was in and wanted me to gather as much data first before wanting to interface with the inventor one on one, the conflict could be deadly if discovered, that his patent pool would soon be the benefactor of the technologies. Rubenstein was just going to be a name to drop as patent counsel at the firm and only for one or two meetings. By then we would patent the inventions for ourselves and get rid of Iviewit, this may have been the single greatest flaw in our initial plan, as we underestimated how easy getting rid of Eliot, the inventors and Iviewit would be. We had no idea of Eliot’s connections to so many people of diverse backgrounds, that word of the inventions would travel at the speed of the light to places and people we did not intend to invite to our dead inventor party.
He was sitting in my offices with computer gear spewing out of his Lladro brief-case and roller suitcase, which contained the player for viewing this new “2 ˝ Dimension” as he called. We all sat down together, Lewin, Si, Eliot and myself, and, I made it like a brain storming session, telling him at first about the great Rubenstein who was head of a technology pool from MIT and all. Lewin had been working the inventors and certain friends of the inventors on developing a business plan for markets they thought the technologies would apply to, the first big market they found it applicable to was for real estate home tours. Rubenstein had already stated that it would apply to the entire digital imaging spectrum, Eliot and the other inventors did not yet even understand the magnitude of their own inventions. Frequently we found Rubenstein muttering aloud that “how could we have missed that” or it is “so out-of-the-box” and we thought he was obsessed with certain elements of the design and yet he appeared troubled at the same time. When asked if he was all right, Rubenstein said he was just talking to himself, we did not think it would be the problem that later would torment him to insanity.
Rubenstein wanted some answers and he sent over some key intellectual property questions for me to ask Eliot, Jude, and Zakirul. Rubenstein’s questions designed to determine the extent of what it would take to control the IP, moving it to our possession and getting rid of the evidence, inventors, and those already involved. So I probed, yet felt probed, and asked the first damn question on the list – How did the inventions come to be?. There was silence, Si looked at his son as if to say do not answer that, a fear of the truth that would come, Eliot ignored this warning glare and began, Si’s face was exasperation. “How did we invent the technologies? Well it started in a coma, a long time ago and it culminated in some dreams that were dependent on solving several key problems of the Internet. Mainly the fact that the video and imaging sucked at low bandwidth and prevented the Internet from becoming anything more than a text based medium. The Internet is necessary for a Thought Journal and a Thought Journal is dependent on a communication device for children to fix the world. It would be near impossible to fix the world if one cannot see it and if those working on fixing it could not understand or see each other but merely type to each other. I am on a mission from G-d to help the children and voices in my head directed me on how to construct the processes so as to overcome these obstacles.” Obstacles on the imaging side were deemed impossible as to create high definition images capable of enormous zoom was not even on the board, let alone on low resolution images. Obstacles on the video side of the equation seemed insurmountable. Engineers worldwide had deemed full frame, full screen low bandwidth video an impossibility and not possible until fiber optics would rule the world, in thirty to forty years, even then Eliot’s invention would still be the preferred mechanism for content creation and distribution, with its 75% savings in bandwidth and processing power it works well at any bandwidth. Far too late, for the children to fix the world as Eliot saw it in his mind, by the time they realized how close to extinction they were it would be catastrophically too late, they would already be burning and dying from ozone holes and the likes. He went on, “in approximately 250 years, since the dawn of the industrial revolution man has destroyed the planet, making permanent extinctions of much of the natural resources and animals, we do not have another 250 to fix it, time is running short” and he was visibly disturbed by all this.
I thought Eliot was kidding at first but he was dead serious. Eliot truly believed the technologies were gifts to him by something akin to Angels that he conversed with in dreams. He said he was working to fix the Internet from a text-based medium, day and night with his co-inventors, his brother-in-law at Goldman Sachs Jeffrey Friedstein, Jude Rosario, Zakirul Shirajee, and James Armstrong and they were failing madly. Eliot said he went to bed, awoke his wife in mid-dream and boom, a voice came through with the schematics and there you have it. His wife, suspicious of madness, said to Eliot to go back to bed and in the morning, they would work on it. Therefore, the next morning they did just that and it worked. Scaling images in a completely unorthodox manner; so bizarre, yet plausible and then real. Eliot was talking about how normally to gain zoom whereby file size increased exponentially, making the end file so large as to make it slow to process the image and too large to download effectively. The prior methods all began by compressing the image first without increasing the size and this left one with a flat image, an image that you could zoom maybe one or two degrees on. That the key was to blow the image up to its maximum size and then hit it with compression. He began by blowing up an image of the Disney Castle [8] he took as a child, to poster size, then scanning it into the scanner at super high resolution, then hitting it with massive compression and then the results were astonishing. You took this oversized image and put it in a virtual reality software program and there you had it, zoom without pixel distortion. Yet Eliot spoke answering Rubenstein’s questions as if he were just a conduit to a higher p0wer.
He asked if I believed in a higher being now. I responded that I most certainly did. He asked concerned that G-d would not get his fair share of the pie as inventor. While I explained the advantages of different corporate setups, he asked two questions, the first was laughable, “Could G-d be named as an inventor” and “could a royalty stream be set up for G-d's interest that funded a charity called “The Thought Journal.” At that moment something of a tsunami wave hit my brain, I was overwhelmed by a feeling I still cannot understand, a feeling that my soul was being challenged, his eyes gazed into mine and then entirely through me, as if he could X-Ray my soul. I knew if I said yes to these questions, he would trust me, if I hesitated, he would wonder why. He was asking me not only if I believed his prophetic nonsense but if I would be a champion of it. If I would act as an assistant to G-d, helping protect the inventions for the kids and making sure that the inventions paid to the higher P0wer’s desire of using the technologies to bring the world and children together, a P0wer Eliot likened to Angel Aliens, reward would be mine in more ways than I could dream he promised. Knowing that I could never do these things, as they would make our plan much more complicated, I lied. We would start a company and a charity I told Eliot, in order to make sure that royalties would inure for the charitable pursuits. I promised to research how to pay royalty to G0d, to fund charities to save the children. I would check if listing G-d, as an inventor, was possible. I promised I would get back with him and that I did not think he was crazy. Eliot then gazed into my eyes and said something very strange; he said that these technologies were a test by G-d of man. I had no idea what he meant, it sounded like a veiled threat, as if he would have G-d destroy me if I swayed from this path I had just sworn to follow as a protector of the inventions and a champion for our children, yeah right, I mumbled and laughed under my breath. Only much later did I learn Eliot had asked everyone involved with the inventions the same questions and made them swear the same oath to G0d, swearing to protect the inventions. Those who violated this promise, well we were all beginning to have problems, almost instantly that dull noise started emanating in my head, it was like static on a bad AM radio station, very light at first, hardly audible, yet all consuming.
Nobody could believe it at first in our first meeting since securing the invention secret for the imaging, how simple it all was once you knew the secret, how had alluded the digital world for so long, how had this madman come across it, he was the envy of technology engineers around the world later. His concept definitely worked, it was fresh, no prior art, it would change digital imaging techniques wholly. Now all we needed was an evaluation of the technology from a leading imaging firm to evaluate it for us, Proskauer, making sure that there were no black box technologies or anything like that already in existence. Everything appeared to be going smoothly and the firm promoted Rubenstein and I. We were beginning a new Intellectual Property department at the firm with a bunch of lawyers who were not only IP lawyers but also lawyers necessary for all the other aspects of the scheme. Everyone involved in the crimes paid through a cut of the revenues derived from the new IP department, which would control the technologies through controlling Rubenstein and MPEGLA LLC. The other partners, those not aware our firm was criminal in any way, would never know. I was like a super-villain my blood coursed swiftly while my brain consumed in thoughts of crime, the excitement might have clouded that feeling slowly overwhelming me that something was wrong, I just could not see any reason to fear so I shucked it off to a feeling of guilt. On top of just sheer excitement, my perks were perked, never before did I imagine I would be riding the highest level of law, what I dreamed about, finally making it. All my dreams coming true, "my car got bigger, my house got bigger, big-time,” I was climbing the ladder to where few attorneys ever get, up to the inner circle. There was more work to do, we would have to button things up quick, find a willing corporate participant, someone that would evaluate the technologies as marketable or not, someone who would collaborate with us to grab them. We would bill our efforts to Eliot, I mean the billing scheme we had going for our clients itself was a brilliant crime.
Rubenstein had an idea, it would take some wiggling but it would definitely give us the analysis we would need and it was with someone I was already on the board of a company with. Gerald Stanley, the CEO of Real 3D, a consortium of Intel, Silicon Graphics, Inc. and Lockheed Martin, we were on the board at Sensormatic. This company was on the cutting edge of 3D imaging since the early days of lunar space exploration. R3D controlled most of the core technologies of 3D digital imaging holding some thirty or so patents that covered most of 3D animation technologies, a patent pool of sorts. They had seen every black-box government imaging idea via Lockheed, they would know if these technologies had value. You could tell already by people gathering around the inventions that they had never seen anything like it before, people who had been watching computer screens for their entire lives where mesmerized when you showed them. What we eventually heard from leading engineers at Intel, SGI, and Lockheed was beyond fucking belief. It was at that meeting that I knew we had to steal the technologies; we had to have them to ourselves. Now how to get Stanley on board, we would have to make him our partner in crime, he too would probably be blinded by greed once he saw it, he already was in a patent pooling scheme that was ripping off inventors of 3-D technologies since the Apollo Lunar Launches.
Then it hit me like a hammer in the head, I would set up a meeting for Stanley and Eliot and see if Stanley had ever seen anything like the technologies, if Stanley had not seen similar technologies they did not exist. Simultaneously, I would have Rubenstein’s team of patent thieves take invention disclosures and Eliot would think all was going well, never noticing our scheme. We would end up telling Eliot that the technologies were out there already or something of that sort, we thought it would be over long before it got anywhere near having to explain that. We would file patents for us prior to filing his for him or gain control of some prior art patents and update those around him, we might even need to tap insiders at the USPTO to help arrange things at the USPTO smoothly. By precisely controlling the filing of Eliot’s patents, with the filing of our copies for us, we could create prior art even but this was minutia and we trusted Rubenstein would have a plan for infiltrating the patent office when and if necessary. Rubenstein already had a partner in crime, Raymond Anthony Joao, Esq., this lawyer, drug addict, would be the person to go down and visit Eliot to learn the exact process for patenting.
OK, now what were going to tell Eliot, his father, the other inventors and those other meddling kids and friends of his that were somehow getting involved? There were two maybe more inventors and people he was granting interest in the patents too. How would we portray our story so that they would not be suspicious or catch on? We would have to make sure that before they knew it, it would be over. Everyone had to be on the same page, a crime like this would involve shaping reality just right, no one involved could slip. We would have to make it look like Rubenstein and Joao were working for Proskauer for a while. That we had some patent department for a while, get them bought on board with sweet packages and partnership incentives, it looked like we were gonna have to get rid of Joao, he was a wild card and looked at times like he was on crack, having strange visions of his recently deceased father. We would have to form the new Proskauer IP department to make it look like we were already in this practice before they arrived. Joao and Rubenstein wanted a call first with the inventor before Joao would go down from New York to Florida. They would have to appear as partners who worked together in our New York office, who would handle the IP, Joao the filing the patents and Rubenstein as the IP advisor and guru. I could sell that but they could not fuck up the line.
They came in like flies on dead meat. By the time I had taken the info to my partners and off the measly information I had given Eliot about Rubenstein’s initial impressions of the possible patentability, they came from nowhere. Not one or two friends, but twenty to thirty, maybe more; who were these people? All of the sudden other lawyers were poking around, Harvard Fellows with legal and accounting degrees, leading Arthur Andersen accountants, out of nowhere. Calls from Eliot almost by the second, with emails by the nanosecond, that there were interested investors, that he had several friends and all the others who were working on the projects with him, and there were many, that were entitled to shares in the company Iviewit I was preparing. The problem was that I was planning to do a dual company with dual patents and the ol’switcheroo; this could complicate things fast if these people somehow got involved and started snooping around. Far worse, Eliot wanted us to now give them stock and worse he wanted to give our firm stock for efforts on his behalf of his mission for G-d. The snooping started faster than I could imagine and not just by run of the mill kids now or schmucks, as the Jews at my Jewish firm called them, these were sophisticated and smart business-fellows. Contemporaries of mine, men of legal cloth, billionaires, corporate executives, Harvard lawyer/accountants[9], Arthur Andersen accountants, geeks abundant, and Goldman Sachs bankers, what was happening freaked me. Overnight there was a buzz? How was I going to explain this to the partners, should we give up the plan now or was there a way to fix this, to prevent it from steamrolling out of control? People at the top of our firm were already calling my offices with requests for information of how to deal with this sudden influx of interested parties and potentially nightmare Shareholders. Questions from these new interested parties flurried in to the patent department, shit we did not even have one yet and they wanted verification that Rubenstein called the technologies the Grail inventions[10]. Requests for meetings and presentations with people came in at lightning speed. I mean people as prestigious as Hassan Miah, a founder of multi-media on the web, was knocking to get a glimpse of the Grail. People from Goldman and Gruntal lined up. I feared turning on my computer, suddenly filled with emails, my cell phone number I gave Eliot began ringing incessantly and I found no way to avoid this blitz on my life. Digitally there was no escape, Eliot and his friends were everywhere. How was I going to explain this to my partners, we would have to make a decision in seconds. “The Click Heard Round the World™” we trademarked it for him (and us), another long story, I did not see the metaphor at the time. It was really the bullet heard round the world that landed right between my eyes, I though it referred to the click of a mouse, he meant the sound of a rifle I think; either way it is now a part of history.
We all waited impatiently to hear about the video breakthroughs Eliot and his team were having. Eliot was a bit hesitant showing us the video invention, something was holding him back, and I had to find out before we made any rash decisions on how to move forward, especially if he really did have a new invention. What are the odds of one-person inventing two separate inventions in one lifetime that would change the world, very few inventors before him had ever done that. None of the prior great inventors though made claims that the inventions were coming from a direct link to G0d through angels. I had to play Eliot a bit longer to find out if the new invention worked, yet now I wonder if who is playing whom, maybe Eliot was taking time to set us up from the start. Video was the buzzword of the Internet, if you could crack the nut of transmitting full screen, full frame rate on internet speeds under 1.5Mbps; you had found the “holy grail” of the internet. In fact, Intel scientists and others had already resided to having the Internet as a text based medium with small graphics, banner ads, small grainy gifs and jpegs and shitty video. Imagine now an internet with no video or no killer graphics, no bloody edge. So shitty was the video that Gates had looked at Internet video prior to the discoveries and handed the division over to his partner Glazer, who left Microsoft to found Real Video. Glazer thought even though the video quality sucked, it had exploitable uses like sex videos, people will even watch sex through scramblers on TV. Gates on the other hand felt that nobody would monetize shitty video ever and dumped his efforts at Windows Media 1 upon hearing the news that at 0-1.5Mbps the video was 1/16 of the screen size, less than 7 frames and with audio/video synch problems. Video at low bandwidth would look like a herky-jerkey-kung-fu movie in a postage stamp viewing screen.[11] No full screen, full frame rate, it was like going back in time to black and white television but worse. Watching video on the Internet was truly a horror show whether you were watching supermodels from Victoria Secrets or Rocky Horror. Eliot called the ability to achieve high bandwidth video through low bandwidth pipes, analogous to “sucking an elephant thru a straw” but he was determined to do just that.
Eliot then said they could almost perfect video using the schematics from another wild dream with answers from angels he again had and claimed it was seconds away from being ready for show. Yeah right, the best engineers in the world from the leading digital companies had given up searching, the math they said could never work. There were scam artists who ripped off hundreds of millions claiming they had found a method to do the impossible, mere charlatans. For example, there was a company Pixelon that claimed to have discovered the ability to transmit full-screen, full frame rate DVD video over a modem and simultaneously to millions over the internet. Eliot was eventually the person who discovered and exposed Pixelon as a fraud, exposing the company to investors as a fraud. Nobody believed Eliot at first, if he was claiming he could do it, why could this guy not? Turns out, he was downloading clips over long periods and once resident on the sucker’s computer, he would tell them to link to his Pixelon player and watch DVD quality over his modem. The links at his site executing the downloaded file and making it appear that you were seeing the unbelievable. Found bilking investors out of millions and later throwing, no shit, a re-union party of The Who that was to be streamed DVD quality live from Las Vegas, The Who showed up and played to a small crowd and thought they were being filmed for this revolutionary internet technology launch to millions and no one could login. It was masterful but it left the investment and technical communities hopeless and a laughing stock for having bought into such a fraud. In the end, David Stanley Kim a.k.a Michael Fenne was found hiding out in California with the stolen investors money and money stolen from his father’s parish and the door was wide open for the next Charlatan.
If the greatest minds in the world had given up, it was doubtful that Eliot and his team could find the answer but we held open the idea that he might have solved for a part of the problem. Never did we envision that not only would they solve for the Internet video problem but that they would change the course of digital video content creation and distribution, affecting the whole food chain of products. Change the way video was viewed (interlacing) for the first time since the creation of television and pave the way for better video at high and low bandwidth. The first video I saw was a video of Si Bernstein and Jerry Lewin, doing interviews for the new company Iviewit. What was amazing was that Eliot could play this video perfectly at full screen, full frame rate over a 56kbps modem, if true, the Holy Grail of the Internet found. Yet, as I mentioned already there were sophisticated swindlers all over the world claiming similar claims, yet nobody could withstand final scrutiny, eventually their schemes revealed. One fraudster actually had everyone believing he could stream DVD quality video through a modem. Actually, he would park a van outside the meeting room with a wireless connection and beam the video through broadband while making it look like it was coming through the modem, these scamming geeks were brilliant. Eliot certainly could have been one of the fraudsters, there was a sense from the chills, the dull reverberation of his words in my head, that he was somehow swindling me, I put it off as paranoia.
What came back on his background was the strangest background check I had ever seen, in one sense, Eliot appeared perfect to defraud but there was so much that made it risky due to the uncertainty and bizarreness of his nature. Eliot was a man with almost thirty years of psychoanalysis, starting in his early youth, because of his fierce obsession with rebellion. No criminal background activity found; Eliot sent away at thirteen for a history of rebellion, really, how much history could a 13 year have. Yet, it seems Eliot had changed 100% and not gotten into trouble since coming back to society at 16. He smoked a lot of marijuana to the normal person; he had been smoking since breaking his face and neck in a massive car accident when he was nineteen, far before pot smoking was fashionable as a pain reliever. Eliot lived in chronic pain but you could never see it, I never knew how much pain he could endure, certainly far more than I could. What was most disturbing was the fact that the report could not pinpoint all of his friends; he seemed to have friends at every level of society, all over the world.
He was different, cut from a different cloth since birth it seemed, I envied him as I read his background, the reports from people who were his friends were even more diverse. On the one hand, he had friends in circles I wish I could have earned a place in, some of the wealthiest and smartest people and this could pose some problems if they got involved. From Eliot’s youth there was a group of friends that were close to him and a few of them gave us valuable information about his past but it was useless his past was chameleon. There were reports that he free-based more cocaine than rock stars, during a job with a rock-n-roll freight forwarder and the stories we heard were wild. He would get gobs of coke and lock himself in bedrooms with harems of women, women loved this man for some strange reason, and Eliot appeared one of them in a male body. Eliot was into exploring every fetish of women and allowed women a freedom they had never had with other men, bringing them all to explore themselves and their fantasies without fear, to liberate their labia’s with libations. Eliot was not shy about anything, he did not seem to fear the repercussions that most people would have in exposing their inner selves and so we would have probably gotten far better insight into Eliot by asking him than the background check provided. Some of the things we dug up were truly unbelievable, yet for every piece of what looked like dirt on Eliot, who he was now, overshadowed what we had found.
The people who had the most to say about Eliot were his family and yet they seemed to know him least. His family knew him well until he was 12 years old as a rebel and their impression of him had not changed, despite the change in him, you know the black sheep. Eliot did not like the fact that his siblings had become obsessed with money when their father became rich and moved them into the rich North Shore of Chicago, to the small but exclusive yuppie haven of Glencoe. Yet, he understood how children could not help themselves when money falls from heaven, unaware of the spoils, this experience of moving across the tracks, seems to be where Eliot began a hatred of spoiled rotten kids. Eliot hated kids who lived off daddy's money teat, breast-fed on daddy’s fortune, turning their noses on the common hard working person. Eliot did not hate these kids, despising them instead for their lack of originality, for their complacency to sell out to their parents’ views for a buck, their inability to nurture their free spirits for fear of their parents cutting off the nipple. Eliot did however hate their parents for depriving their children of life, for making them pathetic. It was sick listening to these kids talk at 13 about their daddy’s cars, yachts, mansions, money, etc. Eliot instead made friends in Glencoe with the hard working kids, the whole two or three of them, those looked down on by the snot nosed rich fucks. Eliot was interested in their father’s stories, many of them had seemed to earn their wealth through good business practice and rising to the top, many had great stories to tell of they conquered poverty. He admired the entrepreneur but hated their kids, these spoiled kids did not know how to earn a living like their father’s, they were not entrepreneurs, and they were syphilitic siphons. Yet, the parents were the real blame, in wanting that their children have not a struggle like themselves, they overwhelmed their children with money, not love, thinking money equaled love, spoiling them good for them. The Rots, as Eliot called them, walked in their parents’ shoes, Gucci of course, yet they had no idea how they got into them, no idea of the work or the struggles it took, all had money just shoved up their asses with silver spoons according to him.
When Eliot’s father struck oil in the insurance business, suddenly the kids uprooted from the not so affluent neighborhood of Skokie and relocated to upscale Glencoe and he watched a perfectly happy family become lost in “new money” success. Instantly, Eliot’s brother and sisters relished in the finer things in life, moving into a mansion, chauffeur, big pool, a ski lodge, big yard, flush with cash, shopping like money was air and they embraced the spoils and a holier than though attitude they had not earned. Forgetting the older poorer world and friends, whoosh gone over night into another world, a world they wished to soon to forget, now that their father’s money had elevated them above that class. Eliot despised the Yuppies for their obsession with materialness, can you blame them, and you might too sell out and forget where you came from. Eliot soon distanced himself from these Rots trying to escape the spoils by causing so much commotion around him, constantly challenging their way of life and knowing it was futile, trying to escape. These children already sold out for the almighty buck. In a sense, learning about Eliot’s way of life, the evils of my life began seeping through my mental block to them. I was beginning to hate Eliot for in describing these Rots, he was describing me.
Yuppies like me hated these kids, kids that came from wealth but rejected it to find their own way in life. Kids who turned on family fortunes to make their own way in life, to find themselves, instead of taking the hand outs flowing like breast milk. From that point Eliot made real friends, with real values, he made sure that his friends were all independent of their parents, rebellious and who made their own way in life. Eliot’s parents so desired to see their son embrace all the riches and the rich kids and could not understand why he so strongly rejected this beautiful world they strived so hard to give him, the world they had to earn a place in. It seemed like he wanted to blow it up instead. His parents, both in therapy from rough childhood experiences, thought perhaps a dose of analysis would help, so at eight years old Eliot began therapy. His parents, fought to avoid the effects of abusive parents with therapy, they thought it would help Eliot and it did. Therapy was the one gift of his parents he did not reject; in fact, he embraced it wholeheartedly.
Instantly Eliot was fascinated with the human mind, instead of rejecting therapy as punishment, he embraced it as a search for truth. He wanted to know everything about the human mind, how it worked, how it adapted, what could possess it, what could control it, how it was shaped, how it conformed, how it prayed, why it prayed, how it had evolved from apes or whatever, he was like a kid in a candy store when it came to knowledge about humans. Sent away for his radical behavior in Glencoe to a bad boy school in Madison Connecticut, Eliot saw Glencoe was a pristine world of fakeness. Coming back from bad boy school Eliot appeared more fired up against spoiled rotten children and the parents who spoiled them. Eliot found great inner strength in accepting his unique positions on the world at this school for kids who rebelled. Eliot found mentors who thought his behavior was right and others actions wrong. Eliot was for the first time challenged to express his self, free of the "normal" response to his "strange" behavior, he was a changed man almost instantly upon arriving there, and Eliot saw the light. The owner of the school, my report showed, was a weird character to begin with, a one Jack Davis, who started this Grove school to help a few kids who were on the border of becoming psycho-killers. Davis was crazy himself, he did not believe in drugging kids, worked to get them all off the plethora of drugs that were prior infused into these kids by shrinks and actually tried to help them. Typical children shrinks figured sedating their patients was easier than curing them, the easy way out and at $100 an hour far easier, especially profitable if you owned the right drug companies stocks. Much easier for these psychoanalytical drug dealers to tell parents, look your kid is hyper, he is dissociated, he is incorrigible, unruly, depressed, anxious, etc., here is a pill that while making him look like a fucking zombie will solve the other problems. Sure, the child would appear catatonic, like a frontal lobotomy victim but that was better than hyperactive, certainly quelling any rebellion?
So many came to this school, fucked up on hosts of drugs like Thorazine, Ritalin, Adapin, Elavil, Sertraline & Thioridazine. Although Eliot went to over 20 years of therapy there was not a single prescription prescribed as a psychological fix for Eliot but he told me that he tried all the psychotropic drugs of the other kids at Grove. Eliot said he wanted to make sure that before he judged any of the "strange" kids, he would first find out where they were coming from, how their brains were not working, medicated into submission. The experiences were wild according to Eliot who experienced their doped new worlds first hand, an experiment to find out what these kids were all about who were in zombie land for being different. Eliot needed to take the drugs to see what was in their heads but more important for his quest was to find what was in there before being drugged, how it had been sedated and where these kids had gone. Who had doped them up and why, they seemed so normal once they removed from the drugs? These magic pills for parents were merely a way for their parents not to deal with their children according to Eliot. Not accepting that these kids were different and allowing their differences to mature to become the force of positive change, a society without rebels is doomed. Society now had ways to make everyone either acceptable or drugged into submission, rebellion once the cornerstone to freedom, eradicated with a pill. Simply remove the problematic children from the system by making zombies but Eliot was somehow resilient to the need for drugs, no psychological problems necessitating prescription psychoactive drugs. Believe me, we thought of using this part of his past to smear Eliot if necessary or force him into an institution if necessary. My partner Albert Gortz and I were writing an estate plan to deal with just such contingency, an estate plan we would control but there was absolutely nothing there in his psychotherapy files that said he was in the slightest crazy. I pored over the files endlessly looking; Eliot attended therapy for over twenty years with the intent of learning to help people it appeared, that would kill us in court. Eliot pursued his dream to learn to help the rebels by studying and obtaining a BS Psychology Major, Astronomy Minor at the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
This bothered me right from the start, his overwhelming care of people and those people who loved him for his efforts on their behalf. Those same people might come to help him if ever he caught on, a band of radical misfits could cause a lot of problems for us but there was such a diverse crowd of friends, not only misfits, but leaders that we overlooked getting caught thinking he was push-over yuppie. These friends from even back when he was a little kid were some of the same people that first started calling me, asking if it were true that our firm had opined favorably on the technologies invented by Eliot and his friends, it seemed like they never stopped coming.[12] Now I was in a remarkably bad situation. Before I could get everyone in our inner circle around Eliot, he seemed to insulate himself with his own friends and friends of friends and more friends of those friends, people I never heard of or knew existed. I quickly needed to get people in place to knock out these friends before they could dig too deep or start asking any questions. He had an A-List of insurance clients[13] he had developed building his family business for them and nobody could believe the extent of love these insurance clients could have for such a young man. I mean he had Marvin Davis and the Bren Companies as clients when he was only twenty-one years old. More perturbing was the number of lawyers and accountants that appeared to be his friends and clients.[14] Frightening were the amount of friends of Eliot who were all independently wealthy, having earned their worth, none were Rots, making bribing them much harder if necessary, impossible to turn against him.
The partners at the firm determined we should proceed ahead in spite of what appeared minor obstacles and plans were being formulated to overcome some of the obstacles, the consensus was that it would be over before many people would be involved or know. That those friends of his that were already involved would not be hard to trick, bribe or muscle out of any involvement. It is great to be in the business of law as a criminal as you can plan your crimes according to the law and if the law is in the way, you just need a few good insiders to change even that or just get a corrupt judge to block anything or suits. It was perhaps a fatal mistake but when asked about his background check at our daily "Eliot partner meeting,” I merely stated that there was not much dirt; he had some friends but that we were dealing with them, surrounding him with our people before anyone could get in. We would have to start trouble in his relationships with his friends and family, I would begin working on starting the riffs but in the meantime the question was really how to stop the influx of so many people. I guess we just figured that we were bigger without checking, as he seemed so small, only G-d on his side.
Questioning him on his background, pure horror, his background was unique up until his near death[58] and from there phantasmagorical. Yes, the link above is the picture of the car Eliot smashed into a car carrier and the carriers’ cars that fell on top of him. I had to see it to believe it, so I had our PI dig it up but the pictures of his face and body we got from hospital showing Eliot’s skull screwed into a Striker Frame in a Spinal Unit, faceless from bloat, blood coming from eyes, mouth, and nose, haunts me to this day. It was the experience where Eliot says he met his mak0r and his life went way out of his control, beyond imaginable, although it was all starting to make perfect sense to me.
My impression of Eliot as this insane sort of inventor started at his son’s bris at his father’s house, Eliot invited me to this historic event of his family’s, where Eliot did the actual circumcision cut of his son, not the Mohel! Eliot said he gave birth to his children and cut the umbilical cords and would not miss the honor to whack their dicks with a knife and bring them to G0d. Then, a man possessed, he did it. Eliot was so far out there, that at first, as I said, he was mesmerizing but somehow now I see that image of his cutting off the penis and I tremble, I fear he may be cutting off my own somehow. You could not believe half of what he was saying and some of it about saving children from doom was preposterous, imagine if upon meeting you he told you he whacked his kids dicks off. Eliot had stories galore, some we found to be meanderings at the time, some we found completely true and verified by our investigators and they were as wild as he claimed. The extreme ones, and there were many, were to hard to trace down, the kid had been on the move since he was a kid, since he was sent away for destruction of the rich town of Glencoe, IL. He was certainly quite the hell raiser that he claimed to be, he had earned a reputation as a child from family and friends as an independent with a wild background. The funny thing is that when questioning Eliot’s friends upon meeting them, all of them had different versions of his character, all profoundly affected by him, as he was by them. Eliot’s psychiatrists all appeared his friend, they had profound impact upon Eliot and the direction he would take in life, and yet, he apparently had a profound effect on them. The worst part is that his main therapist, Dr. Erwin Angres, his father and mother’s therapist as well, was dead and thus no depositions or anything else to use against Eliot would be available from Angres. Angres had left very little in written notes regarding Eliot, virtually nothing damaging about Eliot at all. Eliot never diagnosed with even mild neurosis yet Eliot continued in therapy for personal reasons and understanding of the human mind. Eliot could strike cords within your body that had never been touched and he was particularly manipulative in his mental chess with me it seemed at times, it was as if I was on a mental challenge of some sort since meeting him but I always shrugged off the notion.
I never liked the fact that he was so rebellious, it could pose problems, independent like no other person I had met. His independence from family was remarkable, yet loved by his mother and father and he loved them, this posed a serious threat to our plans for him. Lewin and I would work to separate father from son, mother from son, already he had made his dad Chairman of the Board, and I would have to get working on instigating problems for them. Later in his father’s deposition we tried to make that play and get it on record, it did not go well for us.
Q. Where does Eliot live?
A. In California.
Q. Do you know what city?
A. Escondido.
Q. Mm-hmm. You -- Does he - does he work other than his involvement with Iviewit?
A. I don't know.
Q. How do you not know what your son does?
A. Does your father know what you do?
Q. Yep.
A. You have a better relationship than I do.
Q. Okay. Well, I don't mean to patronize you by asking you these questions if your relationship with your --
A. I don't know. I'm answering your question.
Q. Let me continue. If your relationship with your son is estranged and you don't know what he does for a living, then I accept that and respect that answer.
A. It's not estranged. I talk to Eliot on occasion. I don't know what else he's doing other than still acting as the main person in Iviewit.
Q. Does he run that company out of his house?
A. I don't know.
Q. Is your daughter-in-law pregnant?
A. Yes.
Q. Do you know how - when she's due?
A. Anytime that phone rings.
Q. You're waiting for a baby any day now?
A. I am. Any day now.
Q. Is it a boy or girl?
A. They won't tell me that either.
Q. They don't know?
A. I don't think -- They say they don't I don't know.
Q. Have you spoken to her recently?
A. Yes.
Q. Candace?
A. Yes.
Q. When's the last time you talked to her?
A. I think I spoke to her yesterday.
Q. How's she doing physically?
A. She's complaining. She's not -- She's big and waddling around.
Q. Mm-hmm. Does she have any problems? Is everything coming smoothly?
A. I don't know.
Q. You didn't discuss her health at all?
A. No, I don't. She's having a baby.
Q. What time yesterday did you speak to her?
A. If it was yesterday, it was - I think she called the house to see how my wife was - maybe three o'clock, four o'clock.
Q. In the afternoon?
A. I believe so.
Q. Was Eliot home?
A. I don't know.
Q. How many kids do they have?
A. Two.
Q. Other than the pregnancy?
A. Yes.
Q. Okay.
A. Is this all relevant to this or --
Q. Yeah.
A. Okay. I just thought maybe you were interested in -- I have five - four other children, If you want to know about them too, but --
Q. No, only tell me about what I ask about.
A. Okay. I was just wondering if you were headed in that direction.
Q. Nope.
Part of Eliot’s early childhood problems centered with virtually every form of authority. We could play on this angle and Eliot and his family would never see it coming. I could befriend them and then get the family to betray Eliot in one sense or the other. For now, I would create riffs within the family and try to exclude them from involvement with Iviewit. I could work on Eliot to cause trouble in this regard too, trying to make him angry with his parents and siblings. We would offer Eliot trades, trades he would have to make relating to his friends and family. Say have one of our investors demand that his father be fired from the Board of Directors to get investment funds, see if he would sell out dad, things like that and we later did that with our seed investor Wayne Huizenga. We would tell Eliot we would do the firing of his father, knowing he would volunteer if he went along and that way we could play both of them. We would need to get rid of his nosy wife from working at Iviewit. Eliot and Candice were tied at the hip, virtually inseparable, so we would make his father fire Candice and have him tell Eliot it was not good for investors and that she should stay home and tend the kids, we had already started to plan to get rid of his close allies. We were experts on creating divorce, it was profitable, and eventually we would work on that with Eliot and Candice if we did not kill them first, as divorce can ruin a man overnight, one of our favorite distractions. Set them up with hookers or embroil them in an affair, hell we did that all the time.
I guess we missed the part of Eliot’s life following the accident, the part he claims possession of his soul by Alien Angels of G-d. This part of his life was left out of all analysis of him and when we asked, we ignored the answer he gave, it was as if we listened to it, we would believe it and that alone would prevent us from committing our crimes, selective hearing. Yet we heard him loud and clear, he gave us a “Dinosaur Story[59]” to read, he told us that would give us clear insight into his world, he told us it was partially the cause of the inventions. We did not heed, thought it was some rock n’ roll pipe dream of his, it looked so childish, he said it was for children. We did not see the message or we choose to ignore it, we did not see that it was people just like myself he was determined to destroy, we did not see that he was inviting us to a challenge of Good v. Evil. I now wonder if Eliot is pure good or evil, he blurs that line of distinction where some see him as a devil amongst us and some fear he is an angel. Eliot was testing our characters while we tried to determine his, it began to consume my brain, his comments always lingering but I could not let them through. Now I cannot stop thinking about his words, they consume me and he is not here, although I feel as if he were sitting in the passenger seat beside me at this very moment. We had a team of private investigators, psychologists and others working on profiling Eliot looking to find any weaknesses to exploit and they would find something.
Who really is playing whom? My partners felt that somehow, we were the ones played. Our egos built on self-accreditations kept us from thinking that Eliot could be superior to our thinking. Egos all built on the ability to manipulate law to our choosing, the common person a puppet to fuck over in our play. Egos built not on our success but our ability to thrive off others successes. Ego is blind when superego removed as if in a lobotomy. "A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a hundred men with guns,” Mario Puzzo’s quote from The Godfather, our firm motto. We were now able to rip-off the American people more than ever having rendered law and the Constitution useless. This was beyond in some ways just ripping off his technologies and violating the fundamentals of free commerce, this was a way to rip off the biggest jewel in the world, intellectual properties. I mean come on, these petty thefts or white collar crimes might make you a few million dollars over time, but ripping off inventions could be worth billions and every once in awhile you would get these rare jewels like his. Stealing peoples’ minds, stealing their hard work, stealing their royalties, all the while acting as their trusted legal advisors dressed as politicians, police, regulators and lawmakers, we had hit the jackpot. Rubenstein’s mad dream was paying off rapidly, our firm growing at the speed of light, as if we were the actual inventors of a great technology, when simply common thugs. Thugs who had fallen asleep at the wheel in our false security, who were so self-obsessed with ourselves that we had believed we were above everything, we controlled law, we were above G0d in our minds. Do not like a law, change it to suit your needs. Need a political favor, get a candidate in place for your side by playing both sides of the ticket with your man. Need a judge, buy one or get a dirty lawyer in. We even began recruiting attorneys with convictions from the State Bar Associations, LegalManchurianCandidates, we erased their crimes, if they did favors forward, we had people in at several Bar Associations running the same recruitment scheme to recruit dirty attorneys, and these State Bars were so easy to penetrate. Need a justice department break on a complaint, plant a man in the key spots and have him head off any charges before they arise to problem status. Anyone gets in his way, get a plant above, get rid of the troublemakers and set up Whistleblower agencies to spot any troublemakers in advance. They always fell for that Whistleblower crap, running to us with their complaints and expecting justice, a reward for their stepping out of line in attempts to expose us, simple but it worked.
We beat the system, gamed every facet of law simply by violating our sworn oath under G0d to protect the People with our law degrees. One man could not do much against us, especially where we had all his money from his inventions to throw at beating him and there was so much money, better than counting our Cocaine profits. We controlled the legal system through conflict violations just as we violated oaths as we took them. Position around every move of Eliot, get key political players greased to turn on him; buying politicians was like buying a soda these days. Planting in influential political, judicial and legal positions would be mandatory to stifle any attempts to prosecute the matters if any of the shareholders complained once we eradicated the inventors. We had learned how to plant young greedy attorneys in positions of power, we would back a candidate from both sides, and whoever won the position was a win for us. Many plants had no knowledge of who pushed them into the position or why, merely precautionary planning and they did not need to know anything unless we needed them in the future.
Our goal was to build him up and then dump him, leaving him penniless and hopeless; he might even kill himself and his family, driving him to suicide was one of the plans we discussed. Drive him mad; turn his world against him while destroying everything and everyone in it, another. We would bring Eliot down faster than we built him up and he would go away like all of our victims. Then, when the victim was at the bitter end, off the road he and his family would go, it would look like another car accident for him, this time no G-d would come to save him.
Never did we think we would be studying The Art of War day and night trying to learn about warfare trying to save ourselves against one man. Funny thing is, Eliot had given all his advisors, including myself, the Art of War as a holiday gift, strange holiday gift indeed we thought, again shrugging it off as nothing more than part of his lunacy. Again, we thought he was just learning of the ancient text, not that he was handing us the book to say you better study up. As if Eliot was taunting us in checkmate and giving us a Hoyle chess rules book so we would better prepare for defeat, yet his innocence was deceit, he was a fucking devil, but he looked so peaceful and passive, as to ease your fears. He was evil incarnate yet others saw him as angle incarnate, he was a two faced servant of G-d. Eliot said something about warfare that forever I have attempted to hide deep out of mind, saying that in warfare the spoil of eating your enemy and their children was the victory. No victory sweeter than when you could see your enemy in the primal fear of being eaten alive, after first having had to watch your wife and children devoured. He was a fucking vegetarian for the last 10 years and yet he looked at me and it felt as if he just took a bite of my stomach, and then another. I remember thinking of watching my wife and children devoured by this man, I still hear him gnawing on my bones at night, for he devours the rest of me slowly, like being skinned alive.
Right from the start, Eliot sucked us in with his bullshit and sorely we regret our blindness to what he was really saying. Never did I anticipate that the man we were ripping off was preparing himself for war against men like me since his coma, never did we understand his ramblings of his mission for G-d. He spoke in riddles, said that he had written a Dinosaur Story[60] that he wanted to become a rock-opera to teach the children the dangers of greed. Eliot said the technologies were a test of humanity based on a test of our character; he said if we failed the test, this Supreme B-ing would smite us from the planet. That if Eliot were to fail in helping the children take back the planet, he was instructed to suck as much of the human existence onto a microchip, as small as possible (using the scaling techniques for compression) for later tormenting of the sinful souls. Eliot claimed that if he failed, those guilty for the desecration of the planet, who heeded not the warning, would watch their children, family and friends die repeatedly, eternally, listening to his voice eternally, as if we the devil.
Eliot said his work for G-d brought about by a plea to come back from the dead to visit friends and family for just one more moment as he lay dying in coma. In that moment, as Eliot cried out he would give anything for another moment, he heard a voice that has never left his head. A voice that asked if Eliot was willing to give “everything” for another moment alive, not anything but everything and he said yes and his life was granted back but at the extreme sacrifice that his life was no longer his own. Eliot claimed to have sold his soul and gave everything and this was the price paid for just another breath. What a price paid to be servant to this Higher P0wer, the force that held the key to life and death, a force so powerful as to know past, present and future, this was his only mentor now. Here I lay in my car, wasted and I could only wish for my last breath.
Somehow, and I can’t yet remember how, he made a deal with the Higher Power after seeing the future, a future whereby children were dying from their parents greed and his deal was that he would come back to save the children from their parents ways. Another chill bump runs through me now as I now remember his stating that when he awoke from his coma, without the broken neck (fixed in this miracle dream), he figured the task was simple. He would simply make children see that if their parents’ greed and lack of respect of Mother Nature put their lives in danger, without thought for securing their future, that they would see they are in a war with all their parents have come to believe. That if the children failed to win the war, their parents will have abused their resources so much so, as to leave them with a polluted world. Ozone holes and the likes eventually would kill them all, death of the species from raping Mother Nature. Manunkind forgot to cherish the resources precious for life and sacrificed the planet and her creatures for inanimate riches, always in pursuit of a golden ox, always forgetting to pay homage to a greater P0wer. Again, Eliot stunned me with a comment I shall never forget, he said that if all else failed the children should just begin killing their parents to protect themselves, other creatures, and the planet, before their parents killed them all in greed. I mean he believed this stuff, still we underestimated, and perhaps that is what makes prophets, the ability of them to cloak themselves in righteousness, as if driven by a Higher Power. Historically, underestimating these prophets has left countless biblical verse of heroes from Moses, to Jesus, to Sampson, to Sodom, but at this point, we likened him to a lunatic.
We had to stop Eliot from telling the true story of the inventions to too many people, it was so fascinating, everyone he encountered enthralled and captivated with the story of these inventions from G-d that changed our world. Technologies given to Eliot to help the children fix the world or to be used to torment us in some future world if he failed, you can see that believing this was impossible without faith and even with faith it was a great leap.
We never thought that converting his father to annihilate his son would be so easy. You could see that his father, the epitome of a Nuevo rich pauper turned millionaire was not happy with his sons delusions and he was in agreement with us to limit Eliot in what he could and could not say about the inventions. His father, at first working to protect Eliot from himself it seemed, yet now it seemed he was working to protect us from him. Once we saw his father’s fear, we worked up a plan to let Eliot know his father was limiting him, to make Eliot worked up against his father. Make them fight and have Eliot prevail to get rid of his father, throw him out of the company, trusting us to align him with the right people, turning father against son and son against father. His family seemed to be more than willing to help us against Eliot, they thought we were acting in his best interest and they claimed they were. It was weird, his family saw Eliot in a variety of ways, and none of them seemed to know the slightest thing about him in the end. In fact, their information at first seemed a real assessment, who better to describe to us his nature than his family, this had major ramifications, a major mistake.
Reeling from the reality, caught in the act and now others catching on to our schemes occupied my mind almost every minute of every day. A few minutes a day, that ringing noise grew louder and louder in my head, hell the sound of the car crashing did not even diffuse it, in fact, it intensified. The noise at once would grow from that dull background noise to a full-blown migraine, a nuclear headache. A mushroom cloud that annihilated every other thought in my head, even getting drunk at this point could not stop the ringing. Sleeping could not erase the throbbing, the noise driving me mad. Lewin too was complaining of a similar phenomenon, neither of us could describe it as anything other than related to the time we met Eliot, it was getting worse daily, like a dull voice in the back of my head that at times blasted like a bassoon, reverberating throughout my body. Rubenstein was going mad too and he too related it to a pain in his head, it was as if we were all in some form of Chernobyl brain meltdown. A brief example from his deposition statements will give you an idea of just how fucking mad Eliot was becoming, remember that this was from a lawsuit we filed against our illegally set up companies and they caught onto that as well. Then the request for Rubenstein to take deposition came. Rubenstein was in a panic you could see clearly from his statements his frame of mind. Rubenstein Deposition[61]. I mean with statements like the following:
Then at the same deposition, this little document fell before him utterly contradicting his words as the following letters shows that AOLTW is getting opinions for investment from Rubenstein who is claiming he knows nothing, talk about first class perjury:
This led to Rubenstein making even madder disclosures and statements.
I mean Rubenstein was falling apart fast under questioning, the conflict, if admitted, of him acting as patent counsel for Eliot and then running the MPEG patent pool that Proskauer now controlled, that lived or died now on Iviewit technologies, was obvious. Rubenstein had to maintain that he never heard of Iviewit at all costs. Rubenstein almost exposed that we bought of judge Labarga by stating “Take it Up with the Judge” when he was unwilling and failing to answer questions at his own deposition. I mean we had the judge on payroll now and with a simple promise of a piece of his royalties, he agreed to throw it, hell he already threw the Presidential election for us, we promised him a seat at the Florida Supreme Court. Rubenstein was out of his mind knowing that evidence existed, evidence I stated we destroyed, yet Rubenstein seemed above the fear, knowing we had the judge in our pocket, forgetting that this was a deposition, a permanent record, in the event that the case was ever reheard. Always ahead of the game, or so we thought, we already had plants at the appeal level.
It was
getting bad, they seemed to know more than we thought and even Rubenstein was
beginning to sweat it:
Rubenstein was out of control, denying wholly knowing of Iviewit or Eliot. We were in a billing lawsuit that we instigated against our fraudulent companies set up to steal the patent. Rubenstein’s name was all over the bills for meetings with Iviewit investors, investors like Huizenga and Warner Bros. but he paid no heed, he knew the Labarga was our whore and he felt confident he could just lie his way through this and that by the time shit began to fly, the inventors would be dead in his plan. A few billing entries, which completely annihilated his statements and set Rubenstein up for perjury charges, again he was so emboldened in delusions of grandeur, he now relied on our ability to break any law.
You must understand, it was torture, it was not natural, and it was like when I saw Eliot the voice in my head grew stronger, as if it were calling to me to follow, to some hidden dark recess in my mind, a place I did not know. We were all beginning to wonder if was Eliot somehow putting this in our heads, I mean it is ridiculous to imagine but the noises were attracted to him, as if he controlled them. Rubenstein later claimed that in deposition he the noises in his head were driving the words from his mouth, that he was possessed to reveal himself, he could not control himself.
Compound this fucking noise with the noise of the screaming voices coming through the phone, demanding to know if we had erased the problems. Everyone, but everyone was calling me to find out if there were loose ends. What was I to tell them, that there were more loose ends than could be sewn?
The beginning of the end. Crossbow Ventures had hired Arthur Andersen to conduct an audit of the companies for further investment and they were on to the second set of companies. Fucking we had the patents out the door, the ole switcheroo almost completed, when auditors came in. Crossbow’s funds two-thirds SBA monies on SBIC loans and this was bad, really bad. We would have to destroy the evidence everywhere, we would have to get rid of the dual companies, and we would need unprecedented political favors from the dirtiest of dirty politicians. Talk about a nightmare, talk about the nuclear migraine, day and night, again, it was as if I could only hear Eliot through it, my every thought about him. The calls were nonstop now, partner meetings every hour or so it seemed. The firm decided that we would need to have the highest politicians involved to block anywhere Eliot could strike, take over as much of Congress too, trouble could spread. We had one thing going for us, nobody, including Andersen knew yet of the magnanimity of our crimes. If we destroyed Andersen and Enron in some form of concocted scandal, we could shift the onslaught of questions before anyone knew better. How to get rid of a public company, especially one that was almost the inheritor of the stolen Iviewit technologies and how could we destroy the number one accounting firm before they caught on? Everything we had worked so hard to do to steal the technologies now foiled, it was as if someone was exposing us from the inside or watching us from the outside but that could not be, we were watching Eliot and his friends every move.
Huizenga's former company, Blockbuster, had just released a press release with Enron, to become the largest provider of broadband internet streaming media and now it would all have to die. Fuck Fuck Fuck, I hated Eliot more, somehow, without lifting a finger he was orchestrating this despite there being any indication that he could. People were starting to think we were crazy when we were talking about Eliot. Eliot might now have to die, if for no other reason, to see if the noise ceased too. The goons at Enron were already booking astronomical revenue projections based on owning Eliot’s technologies as we promised and now that they had booked the revenue, it was going to be a fucking nightmare to redact them. We now had almost every lawyer between Foley & Lardner and our firm, looking for ideas to deny due process to this unfolding nightmare in the event any Shareholder started to call in investigatory bodies regarding their fraudulent stock we issued. We would now have a whole list of political positions necessary to buy off, Jack Abramoff would be perfect, and so someone made contact with him to see if we could get some favors and right quick. My adrenalin was pumping non-stop, not in excitement anymore but driven on fear that at any moment, people could piece together our schemes. In some respects we had become convinced that the only way to get out of this may in the end be killing ourselves, would his voice be the last I heard, would it start again in the afterlife, I was going fucking mad.
OK – I mean here we were, with him having just stolen off with the entire office as we were shredding. Arthur Andersen was shredding the Enron papers and if they ever found out the truth about why Enron was suddenly going to diverge into the multi-media market and where his patents were going, well that is for another day. At least Kenneth Lay, if you can believe anything anymore, blew a gasket. Bush, to avoid having Lay nark him out, had either to off him or find him a nice African hideout to retire in, in disguise. Unlike Regan in the Iran Contra affair, Lay could not be shown to have sudden Alzheimer’s under fire he was far to smart and he could never be trusted to pull of an act like that.
Only a few loose ends, we could pull it off still, we would have to destroy him to do it. We could not give up now, although we should have, no one was really onto the whole fraud yet, but people were coming from every direction, scratching the surface. We were in too deep though, we could lose everything if he figured it all out, our houses, our cars, our real estate, our wives, everything. In fact, if convicted of these crimes, the prison time for the federal and international legal violations would be several hundred years. This was not like a mere Enron business fraud against shareholders of a company, petty white-collar stuff. These crimes were frauds against the United States and Foreign Nations in unholy amounts, including violations of the Constitution, law and human rights, some crimes like Treason could bring death or life sentences. No, we would have to buy off a Presidency, perhaps all of Congress, the Justice Department and the courts, the tab, if possible, enormous.
How to avoid prosecution? Royalty split with cover up participants. New York – Florida – The USPTO, OyVey. This is crime far beyond Enron (footnote that Enron going to broadband should have raised a brow and they already were thinking they would be benefactors, the perfect crime so close) but this is a crime against history, a crime against the government of the United States, crime against the Commerce Department and crime against Supreme Courts. I mean the pie was getting thin fast. Well we had an ace in the hole and although he appeared on the surface a diehard Republican lawyer, CEO of Foley & Lardner, Michael Grebe was a fucking military psycho with a plan for a new world order. Grebe was already plotting the overthrow of America in coup d’état, a plan to overcome the heat, a plan that was insane. This Vietnam psycho actually had already been planning the overthrow of America in order to establish a New World Order for years. Grebe was already well entrenched in the Republican party and had been seeding the grounds for a coup since Reagan, planting corrupt people in high places, working with a group the Federalists to take over the Federal Courts and become invincible from law.
Grebe was possessed with the technologies for a different reason than the rest of us who were in for the money. Grebe was in it for the power, seeing this opportunity as the funding vehicle for all of his nihilistic visions. Grebe saw that with the money from the technologies he could finance his way into politics, to destroy politics and create a controlled government, one where nothing could stand in his myopic vision for America, which I might add was sick and Hitlarian. Grebe’s plan on the other hand, a top down overthrow of the government, was the only way I could also see remaining out of prison for the rest of my natural life and so I gave a thumbs up to the plan. Proskauer had been representing the Skull (Scull) & Bones of Yale for years. Adding the Boneheads who had great political operatives and controlled the CIA, now gave us good reach into most political scumbags, many planted already for their New World Order nonsense. Grebe backing these Republican losers of past, flush with Eliot’s invention money, made a strong argument that we could pull this whole thing off. We would need a presidential puppet with the ability to get rid of those in key cabinet posts to replace with our criminal friends. We would now have the cavalry necessary to block complaints against us, no matter where the Iviewit shareholders took their woes and evidences. Grebe, who had earned the nickname Goebbels in this surreal yet very real reincarnation of Nazi ideals, confident that once in control he could get guys in at Justice, stack the Supreme Courts, take over the Defense Department and basically make us bulletproof to any justice. In private conversations with Grebe though, you saw something more demonic, you saw that he was not only interested in blocking Iviewit but that once his plan enacted he had grander ideas of where to take America. This fucking nutcase was obsessed with Iran and Iraq and he was contemplating rewriting the Constitution to allow leaders of the mass to oversight their subjects through invasions of privacy reminiscent of Hitler. If we could steal their intellectual properties and violate free commerce, we could gain access to almost anything. Grebe scared me a bit because he would start with Iviewit and then digress into things like a catalyst terror event to frighten American's like another bombing of the World Trade Center, another Pearl Harbor, something that would make them give their rights up voluntarily and diffuse anyone from digging into the crimes, two birds…
Giving Grebe what he needed to quash, crush and kill Iviewit could have far-reaching impact on so many other things. Nothing mattered more now than blocking Iviewit or so I thought at the time. Now, looking back, I may have the deaths of many of America's children on my hands and as I begin to ponder this, that noise in my fucking head turns to blaring static that blurs my mind, whereby I start to have true feelings of horror for my actions. At the time, nobody thought Goebbels would get much farther in his plan than blocking Iviewit as nobody could see the Avalanche trickling. Goebbels had world domination on his mind and Iviewit appeared to work well for his plan, the funding source, the reason he could achieve his place in history. What were they feeding these West Point cadets, perhaps Grebe had received a dose of Gulf War Cocktail, early on in the testing phase, it was rumored they first experimented on Nam Soldiers and Vets with the cocktails. Convinced that the mass was sheepish, easily executable and that America had become a slum to blacks since the abolishment of slavery, Grebe would conceive of ways to rid entire sections of the country. Once he even prophesized that he could take down the World Trade Centers and pull the wool over Americas eyes to make them think they were being attacked. With something as grand as that, Grebe muttered on, the military aggressively called into action using the cover of terrorism. There were some of us, especially when the Trade Centers actually fell, who knew that this delusional lunatic was truly out of control but nothing we could do would stop him. We would join Grebe in hell, so we had to work to defend his efforts, keeping silent to his madness, afraid of what would happen to us at exposure of Grebe. I felt almost a sense of guilt for the dead firefighters killed, I knew my part, I had to block this from my mind, but it seemed it took all of my energy just to keep out Eliot. If America knew the truth of what was happening there would be civil unrest like never before, hanging us for Treason, I was not sure that in the end this would not be scenario.
New mottos for our country to replace ''Equal Justice under Law'' and ''Justice the Guardian of Liberty'' on the walls of the Supreme Court “No Justice under the Law” and “Justice the Guardian of the Guilty” are more apropos. Buying off state Supreme Courts, this was so out of control. So possessed one does not see ones actions as psychotic, certainly, psychotics see themselves as normal. Would we have to buy off the United States Supreme Court, would we have to kill some to get others on? Sandra Day Quote and Rehnquist reference.
Central to pulling the crime off would be control of the Commerce Department, we would need more people in place inside the offices, we already had a few planted inside who were aiding and abetting our other patent crimes but blocking Iviewit would take a whole lot more. Goebbels was already planning a coup on the elections to get George W. Bush II in place and if and when he succeeded with this election fraud, Bush would appoint new Commerce officials at the top and as he said, once it was completed, the patent office would be as wide open as a "Vietnam whore". He was convinced that once in, we would be able to rob it at will, it would be additional funding for his takeover of the world, the end of free commerce, a concept he abhorred, he would never part with his billion, he had fought hard to amass his wealth, he would eliminate estate taxes so that wealth could consolidate. He would gain access to America's jewels at the patent office, wipe out any annoying inventors, and then control the patent office through patent pools. Goebbels and Rubenstein had come together and in a bit of psychotic revelry, Nazi and Jew worked together to create pools and standards, whereby they could control invention, derail the revenues to the government, choose the standards at will and rape America and its inventors. Fucking brilliance gone mad, in fact, the crazier it got, the less I felt I could do, the more impotent I became.
Spiraling out of control, this was a crime that was quickly becoming more than merely stealing some inventions from would be inventors to something far more arcane.
Now people were starting to lose their minds, great minds of once great attorneys, law enforcement officials and justices going fucking mad. To evade the inevitable, especially where these patent matters last a lifetime, was worse than just surrendering but everyone kept saying if we could just control it, it would be over any day. The madness as they thought through various scenarios of how to deny due process, how to abuse law, how to re-write code to block Eliot, how to control the courts and law enforcement, simply beyond belief. All to beat one man or was there some other force behind him, around him. I finally began realizing nothing Eliot said to me when we met was insane, even the part about wanting to create a Thought Journal and use the revenues from G-d’s portion of the patent royalty to fund the charity. Not remotely insane compared to those around me losing their minds fast in every way all suffering hemorrhoids, ulcers, heartburn, stress, shitting blood, heart attacks and strokes, like Egyptian plagues. Sleepless and sexless nights now our norm, nightmares about Eliot, that made a man impotent night and day. Neurotic, psychotic, sociopathic, pathological thoughts running through our heads, normal thoughts could no longer penetrate our brains. Eliot told me in our first meetings, same he told Lewin, Rubenstein, investors, employees, family members and every single person who saw and became involved with the technologies that if this oath to G-d were not carried out by those sworn to h-m, hell would follow. To see us now desecrating law, desecrating our country that so many had died to give us such freedom, desecrating the Constitution I once believed in, desecrating Truth, Justice and the American Way, was more than even I could handle.
At first, it seemed cool, we knew that could pull off the first or second round of attacks he or any of his friends could launch, hell we had all their stolen royalties, which were already in tens of billions of dollars to use against him. Yet, we did not foresee that in beating him out of everything we were losing everything, we were creating hell for ourselves, I hardly could choke down food at this point and have it taste like anything other than death. Each level we had to block was another canto. I am ashamed to say that I was beginning to have conscience about the magnanimity of what we were doing, as I was teaching my children all the wrong things and ruining their worlds in the process. I was teaching them lawlessness, everything not moral, and they could see it suck the life of me yet they were enthralled with what we were doing. My wife certainly wasn’t, as the police report clearly shows, I mean I was heading to prison for a lengthy stay if this scam on the country and everything failed, and she is turning me in for slamming into some poor asshole drunk to the cops. I could have the sorest ass in the history of prison.
We, the elite spoiled rotten children of the world, silver-spooned from birth, found that other than our parents’ money we were worthless. That our elitist attitudes built on the delusion that we were better than common working people were and yet we never earned anything in our lives and we were now running, excuse me, ruining the country. People like George W. Jr., our leader, the most silver-spooned failure of us all, passing college only due to his father and grandfather’s name and handsome bones to Yale and Scull & Bones. Worse yet, Bush was a prior failure in every business he ran, claiming bankruptcy at every failure, the easy way out of his debt. Here now running the country was perhaps the lowest IQ leader of the free world, more apathetic than Hitler was, at least Hitler earned his way up and could orate. Bush was worthless yet easy to get into position, all we had to do was throw the election and surround him with some other real sick fuckers who never earned a hard day’s work and would follow orders to be elated. Cheney and Rumsfeld were perfect to surround spoiled Bush, they hated the common person only because they were common paupers who could not make it in society fairly, hating they were not part of the elite and would do anything for acceptance. In fact, they hated the common person so much that it was easy for them to try to pull the wool over their stupid fucking eyes, to rob them of their savings accounts with the Reagan administration ripping off the savings and loans from a bunch of retired old fuckers.
To put the Bush family into power again through manipulated elections was not the hard part with Grebe running the Republican National Committee as Chief Counsel, controlling them was not that hard either. In fact, ripping off Eliot for their own gain did not take much arm-twisting, they knew all the right people to help plant in key positions to aid our efforts. All we would have to promise a Texan in the Whitehouse and his father’s cronies was an increase in the oil prices, a piece of the technologies valued now at well over a trillion dollars over twenty years. With that, they would rewrite law to get away with the crime, stack the Supreme Court with Supreme Idiots put in just to deflect Eliot, kill Eliot if we could get them to it would be even better for us using the CIA or the likes. Play the Bonesmen, get them gung-ho on how much money there would be, money to fund their secret society of spoiled Rots, a society secretly founded by Hitler Youth, money to fund their Treasonous Coup. I hear these Bonesmen eat on Hitler’s chinaware and rumored that George W’s grandfather stole Geronimo’s bones from his coffin to earn his skulls and we elected two of his descendants to the White House, well, one elected for us. Our President is a member of a secret society with his friend Kerry who also is a Bonesmen. Frightening that either way the second term election for Bush went we would have a Bonesmen in the House, which was their typical way of gaining and maintaining political spots once they were in. Play both sides with someone who cares about the Bones and CFR agenda far more than We the People.
The Cheney's included because Lynne Cheney already knew all about Iviewit through her board membership at Lockheed Martin and once we confirmed that Lockheed had never seen anything like these technologies, we knew we had a winner on our hands and so did she. Lockheed was the biggest company in military digital imaging and video worldwide and if they did not have it in a black box then nobody did. Cheney, who had lost at everything he ever did, finally saw opportunity for himself both politically and socially by stealing the technologies. Goebbels and Cheney a scary pair and once they teamed up we began doing crimes at every level of debauchery, Cheney had promised that if Goebbels could get Bush planted, with him as second in command, they would be unstoppable and their New World Order would finally have a chance. Cheney was like Goebbels in that both of these nutcases were more about the NWO than about just ripping off the Iviewit shareholders, there was a fear in me that they had far grander plans of something very sick but I was blinded by fear of being caught and so I went along with their schemes.
Everything was out of fucking control! Everything I ever thought about stealing these technologies, the opposite has transpired. Originally this was going to be easy, now about the furthest thing from easy was stealing the technologies and harder yet the cover-up. I mean we started with such a simple plan, now we were overthrowing the government to deny due process and procedure, we were turning the Justice Department upside down, we were at wars that would have never happened if I had not sold my soul and legal career to criminal activities. Worse, the monsters involved in the scam at this point were reeling in insanity and the technologies seemed remote to the whole fucking psychotic shit going in the world due to their subversive and treasonous crimes. Once corruption had succeeded Justice for this little bitty technology, shit just mushroomed out of control. This Grebe from Foley & Lardner with his New World Order ways had found a springboard to launch an all out offensive on the United States for his world domination strategy. Proskauer, well Joseph Proskauer was a colored man in the underworld and plots of overthrow of a President and preventing action against a boycott of Nazi goods that could have saved many Jews was his legacy? I was a goy at a Jewish Democratic New York law firm and I swear it was becoming a law firm for the Third Reich and this Grebe’s vision had many enthralled, many other colored men, all colored blind it appeared. Yet, from the election fraud on, top down control in Florida and New York, as well as, federal top down control. With Bush and Cheney in command or should I say Cheney and his bitch Bush or should I say Grebe and his bitches Cheney and Rove, what could go wrong?
Grebe and Cheney make a scary pair at dinner, they talk is as if you are at the planning of the bombing of London in World War II with Hitler in the peak of delusions of grandeur. Grebe sounded like he was fighting Charlie in Nam when he spoke of destroying the Bernstein family first and then getting rid of any Shareholders who made waves, one by one. Who would not have believed Grebe at this stage, after successfully throwing the Presidency and the road to success seemed paved with roses, no one asked what Plan B was if this whole lunacy was exposed, no one. Not one of four thousand lawyers in this fucking mess ever thought it through. We envisioned a slam-dunk on Iviewit, I would get my dues finally, perhaps my wife would lay me, Grebe already on to other things he could do with his newly found power. Grebe laughed, “The American people are sheep”! Finally, the People so asleep and brainwashed that with a little press manipulation and maybe some phony wars, all the New World Order objectives could finally be complete while they slept. Grebe’s list of crimes to rape America’s businesses and entrepreneurs was out of control but we were all so overwhelmed with his overthrow of the Government and Justice to block Iviewit that we were all starting to believe anything was possible.
Assigned to continuing to rob the United States Patent & Trademark Office, I was overwhelmed that we were going to start directly robbing inventors as they applied for patents, this truly was easier than candy from a baby. Others in the firms were assigned to robbing FEMA, we never thought this Grebe was planning to wipe out parts of New Orleans, he called it a Nigger hole, he hated blacks and had funded a book about blacks being inferior to whites, as I said before I never thought it would get this far. Grebe was planning this coup for years, he had allies in Skull and Bones and all these other neo Nazi freak organizations, and his plan was far more intense than just robbing Iviewit, Eliot and his friends. He had no worries, they were fucking above the law, they were the law, and he could piss on the Constitution at will. Grebe had a team for everything Nazi including how to turn law against the people, so he commissioned a team to get the country into a war on “terror” and “terrorists.” Well versed in war, Grebe was a fucking psycho, planning to herd the American Sheep into giving up their rights and freedoms voluntarily based on perceived threats of terror. The Sheep would Bah and then the real rapping of America could begin. With total control of the Executive Branch and not a single honest lawyer or politician unable to bribe with Iviewit heist money, any obstinate ones threatened and intimidated away, this Grebe fucker planned the sickest crimes of propaganda ever on America. Remember, Grebe backed Regan; Grebe backed Bush I and these New World Skull fuckers were way into big crime, moving the country once already into war for war profiteering and oil price rigging, they didn’t care who died or how many soldiers died for their fucked up NWO plan. Reagan with Iran Contra, Bush I with the Iraq I with his oil buddy and family friend Saddam Hussein, the guy who he put into Iraq to fight the Iranians in the Iran/Iraq war while he was bumbling buffoon at the CIA. At that time, Bush was the head of the CIA for a short while, yet he actually got his position in oil secured with Saddam to replace the loss for Texas oil and feed Texans, like vampires, oil again. Texas ran out of oil and then started a siege on the financial markets of the United States to continue to pay their oil-inflated mortgages. One scam after another; the Savings and Loan debacle, the Junk Bond market and Insurance Company foreclosures, elevating slowly to bigger and bigger crimes like robbing the fucking patent office.
I was willingly duped into believing that this would all work with no problems, nobody could ever catch on and if they did it really did not matter, Grebe now controlled the Supreme Court, the Justice Department, Governors in key states, the Bar Association and every venue one would have to complain against us. As Grebe often said, “if they are catching on to this or that scheme, we can always rewrite the laws” and this is where I started thinking he might be a bit mad. The Patriot Act proved me wrong though and it is funny in a sick way that that relates to Iviewit but once implemented, its use became far more sinister. Grebe, knowing that Iviewit had filed a barrage of complaints needed to find out who knew what and when, so he assigned a team to try and get the phone, computer and other personal records of everyone at Iviewit and he needed a way to do it without breaking thousands of laws. Therefore, change one law to break a thousand was his plan. He had to get American’s into a panic mode, he had to have them voluntarily give up their rights to their freedoms and he had a plan, again a very demented plan but we were living in dementia already so everything seemed normal.
The plan was remarkable, he had almost pulled it off once before with another friend of the Bush family, Osama Bin Laden. Bin Laden, another Bush I plant handpicked to protect the Bush family Afghani drug money from the Russians. The CIA was profiting off the drugs immensely, the inner city crack thing was all about subduing “dumb niggers” in the inner city until they could dealt with, according to Grebe. G0d knows what meant by dealt with but this sick bastard was planning for a mass murder of various people he did not find White enough throughout America. Grebe told us the first World Trade Center bombing was really meant to instill panic in the public so that they would begin marching to a new drummer, so that their attention could be diverted away from the atrocities being committed by our government, the first “wag the dog” terrorist attack. Grebe, behind the scenes of all this madness for so many years, now had an opportunity to redo that plan that went wholly awry with Iran/Contra when the public became aware that something was awry. For Iran/Contra he said, when things got messy he just had Reagan feign Alzheimer’s and go quietly to pasture. The plot stopped midstream and a fucking democrat then won back the Presidency Grebe had worked so hard to conquer. A Democrat won no less, one Grebe would vow to destroy, and all it took was a little indiscretion for a blowjob.
With Clinton out of the way, which coincided nicely with the Iviewit cover-up he would have to capture back the crown by hook or crook when Iviewit like a miracle fell into his lap. Iviewit, where Grebe had saved thousands of attorneys from possible total loss, now had them all willing to sell their souls to his philosophies. Grebe had no fear of legal repercussions, he now had Democratic allies in his Nazi scheme, and he could play both sides of the political scene with equal degradation and complicity. The first election fraud was masterful, he had plans A, B and C, all involving ballot rigging and the likes, all designed to make it look close but no matter the true American vote, he would be offsetting those with crooked votes in places he had influence and control. Proskauer for their other frauds gave Grebe a new idea for legal recruits. To get dirty lawyers, they would run the Bar Associations as they had been in New York for years. Recruit lawyers for discounted Bar Association penalties, lawyers in trouble with nothing to lose. With a favor from the Bar Association, their names cleared of their wrongdoing, kind of like asking a mob boss for a favor and knowing you are in debt. These Bar recruits could be controlled and bribed to achieve his maniacal political and legal ends, with this group in his pocket he could get laws changed almost at will, laws to protect himself from his and his underlings’ crimes.
The Patriot Act, the most unpatriotic piece of legislation was his own masterpiece, a masterpiece of insanity that knew no bounds to lawlessness to achieve his ends years ahead of his intended take over, now all he needed was a way to get it enacted. Drop the Trade Centers, again use Osama as the fall guy and this time ensure the buildings collapsed using controlled demolition of the buildings using implosion techniques, covered up in a terrorist attack.[ii] Now there were skeptics at first but Grebe was amazing in his glory, his military background was like Rubenstein’s patent background, one of maligned intent. America had paid for this man’s services and he took advantage of them to plot his own plan for America, for the world; where Hitler failed, he could succeed. Grebe studied Hitler and other meglofreaks and like a lunatic, we found him often quoting Mien Kampf as inspiration for a NWO. With masterful propaganda, they could stage an “event” that the sheep would bah at and the way he earned his wings as “Goebbels” was for the staging of World Trade Center II and pulling off the propaganda to make Americans believe it was a terrorist attack. This time they got it right, they had certain news publications hard wired to their point of view, having long been planting in the media world slowly to brainwash the Sheep. Everyone in the country would follow the government in shock and get on the war bandwagon, the media would play the terror card over, and over, and over, broadcasting the terror message like it was a No. 1 Pop Hit.
With the Trade Centers falling and all three of them defying the laws of physics regarding the collapse of steel structures and the American Sheep buying into it, we knew this would be easier than anticipated. No matter the fire intensity steel structures endure, they do not fall straight down in free fall. Steel structures melt and bend but only where the heat would be high enough[62] but never do they implode inward down on themselves, a fact that anyone with half a physics brain knows. The investigations into the building demise also derailed in the name of this or that National Security reason, the excrements of the buildings rushed off the scene to prevent evidence gathering. Grebe knew that with enough BS following the initial staged attack using the airplanes painted into the video where necessary, that the initial impact would be lost in the ensuing panic and fear that he would generate in the heart of every American man, woman, and child. Fear of a little dicked man Osama Bin Laden and his force of 52, like a deck of cards. 52 terrorists, against a country that has taken on major world powers in real wars where many buildings really collapsed and who were armed to the teeth and funded well, yet Grebe was convinced that with the initial event he could engineer the rest, following of course Goebbels example gone mad. Instantly, following the staged Trade Center event, Grebe would propose his masterpiece legislation the Patriot Act. Disguised in patriotism, anyone who did not accept the restrictive terms and loss of freedoms the Patriot Act contained labeled anti-American. Once again it worked and you had to give Grebe credit, it even made a little of the Iviewit ringing in my fucking head seem more distant, yet I feared it was growing in its silence, an instinct I should have trusted all along.
The Sheep followed along and took the entire bait, hook line and sinker, the Patriot Act was signed with dissent frowned on to such extent that even the most liberal feared not backing something that appeared to be necessary to prevent terrorism. I am not sure why the American People sold out so quickly but the propaganda was flawless, perhaps they learned from Hitler’s mistake and found better ways to pull the wool over the trusting Germans eyes, I mean Americans. The country mesmerized by fear, congresspersons sold out the Constitution in fear in the face of an enemy, as anticipated with a bunch of draft dodging cowards. If Osama were not really a Bush ally, he would have sent waves of attacks on the United States. Osama laughing at the American Cowards willing to sell out their freedoms to terrorists threats so small, after having conquered enemies so large but Grebe was right, with nonstop propaganda screaming TERROR TERROR TERROR, Americans would act just like the German people did. The cardinal rule when dealing with terrorists, as any true military man will tell you, is to bend to the terrorist even a bit, even in the face of one hundred school children held hostage or worse yet one of your own, is taboo. Ask an Israeli or anyone who has dealt with a terrorist threat. The goal of terrorism is to cause such panic and so most warriors accept it as a part of warfare. Terrorist acts are an effective form of warfare, allowing the weaker side in a battle to use terror for advantage, to force the oppressor to stop the oppression or force them to the bargaining table. Nevertheless, this was not a real war of terror and according to Grebe’s vision, it would allow companies like Carlyle Group and Halliburton the opportunity to gauge the American Sheep even more, further bankrupting them while filling their war profiteering chest. Before the Sheep knew what hit them, Grebe would have bilked the country blind. Now with Grebe free of worry for his crimes, cloaked under the guise of terrorism, he could achieve anything he wanted, violate all checks and balances, and become the power behind the scenes, pulling the strings of the “Decider” Bush, but really, he would be deciding, Grebe always trying to stay hidden from public scrutiny.
At first, it seemed cool, we were unstoppable, anybody who dissented somehow started to disappear or quite down with a shotgun to the face. Or as in the case of Chief Justice Rehnquist who when Iviewit hit the Supreme Court got cold feet, they just put him to sleep a little early, a pillow, a crime of compassion for his ailment, old age. Even though he was part of the original CFR team, he had limits and a conscience to some degree and in his age, these traits were starting to weigh on him. With Rehnquist now out of the way, they needed to get a Skull Fucker NWO boy at the helm of the Supreme Court. First on the NWO Court plan, nominate Harriet Miers, anticipating rejection and outrage from all parties, a ruse so they could sneak Sam Alito on. Roberts perfect to replace Rehnquist, as a leg up for helping kill Rehnquist, justifying his seat on the Court of Clowns. Grebe felt even more powerful with the Supremes in his pocket. Grebe planned a coup on the Supreme Court, planting Justices through Regan and Bush I, and now he almost controlled the Supreme Court. With Grebe’s RNC connections planted in the Republican Party to subvert the Party, Grebe seized the Republican Party. Like a shark pool during a feeding frenzy, lawless lawyers out of control, their grand plan of world domination seemed moments away and I was to be in at the top.
Goodbye America, I could not help thinking that somehow this is not what I wanted for my children, even if they were at the upper echelon of the ruling class, I knew the fate of Nazi’s and their children and I could not wipe that thought from creeping in. I hoped in the back of my mind that it would end, knowing that eventually these crimes would start effecting people I cared about but there was very little I could do about it now. Whistleblow to whom, whistleblowing led directly to Grebe. I kept busy working with my group to infiltrate the Commerce Department, reading patent applications filed before they hit the patent office, if only we could make a first to invent patent system, we could rip off the inventions when the inventor disclosed them to his attorneys, filing applications for ourselves ahead of the inventors. Grebe set up new servers for the RNC to divert White House emails, using the RNC servers as his personal back channel communication for his NWO directives, violating all record retention laws. The siege on the Commerce Department was like a cakewalk for him. Encourage inventors to think they could file online and have security was another idea, intercepting the filings first. Then have the misdirected patent applications reviewed by Grebe’s engineers from Foley & Lardner first. If the patents deemed worthy, Foley had a bag full of tricks to deny the inventor his inventions and royalties and beat him to the punch. Again, with the playing field upside down, this crime would be taking candy from a baby. Everything was growing more complicated as laws had to be broken endlessly in efforts to cover up prior laws broken. So many people removed from longstanding government jobs in order to derail Constitutional checks and balances, it was getting hard to keep the lid on the fact that the scale of justice had tipped over. Tears from Lady Liberties veiled eyes.
Justice derailed by Gonzales, Bush’s dirty little Texan Spic, as Grebe called him but perfect for the job of dismantling Justice for a little piece of the American dream, despite how he had to obtain success. Gonzales selling out every hard working Mexican that ever came to America and all they stood for, a token Spick, a true Uncle Tomasa. A disgrace to everything about Justice that American blood spilled defending. Just like Rehnquist, the minute Ashcroft new that Iviewit was on the way up, he told Grebe et al. to throw in the towel and take a few men down instead of the whole lot. Grebe would have nothing of it, called Ashcroft a coward, claiming Ashcroft was soft hearted, and then Grebe reminded him how deep he already was in, no way out. Grebe promised if Ashcroft would go quietly, Gonzales would takeover. Ashcroft knew that the house of cards would collapse on this Coup for crimes worse than any administration before it. These were not just crimes but constituted Treason & Sedition, Violations of Human Rights and War Crimes, a usurping of everything American for everything Nazism. Concentration camps set up across the world to deprive dissenters of their plans rights. Grebe was deep into rewriting human torture treatises and the fucking Geneva Convention to suit his needs. Grebe’s plan, to have an extermination camp on US soil where he could take anyone he deemed a terrorist threat, whatever in the hell that means and deprive them of habeas corpus and let them rot or die from torture or sheer destitute. Grebe was thinking like the Vietnamese did to Americans they captured, he was still living in a fox hole in Nam it seemed and Guantanamo Cuba was perfect to create Camp Gitmoschwitz. His secret torture chambers for incorrigibles’ would be offshore where he was outside US laws but he really feared that other countries could get messy. Grebe quickly worked to make Camp Gitmoschwitz in the US, complete and write protections for his crimes built into new terror legislation he was writing to offset the crimes. I guess this would be tantamount to the Nazis attempt to write laws making burning people alive and pulling the gold from their dead bodies legal. Grebe despised the Founders of the Constitution for granting freedom on those that did not deserve it. Grebe hated freedom and everything it stood for, since Regan was in office Grebe’s plan was slowly but surely working to undermine the Constitution’s protections with more and more plants. Every post that controlled law and order now usurped by dirty lawyers and politicians and Grebe now possessed an endless list of Republicans and from Proskauer’s list a whole lot of Democratic scum. A message sent loud and clear to any lawyer thinking of filing a lawsuit against their madness when Cheney shotgun blasted a lawyer in the face and threatened if he raised his voice… The lawyer forced to apologize for the shot in the face, Cheney never questioned by prosecutors, absolutely no investigation. Any investigation of course would go nowhere, as the United States Attorney General was in the pocket of Bush/Cheney. Grebe cared not even if the people found out of his crimes, so brazen now, everyone could be replaced, in fact, he ordered Gonzales to fire anyone who was investigating anything like election fraud or Iviewit or anything anti NWO and a list was made.
Ah, but after 6 years of virtually unstoppable power, where he remained in hiding, hidden behind his Nazi SS face plates to his master plan, something went wholly fucking wrong, things we thought were in control went out of control when the Democrats took back the Senate. Holy shit, Grebe had no plan B, like Hitler, it looked like plan B would be a coward’s bullet. Firing squad for people like me to coward to pull the trigger on ourselves, you know attorneys can be beyond cowardly and always are around when the crowd goes mad, fresh blood for the People to rewrite law and order on. Grebe was fucking fuming that somehow the election seemed rigged against his rigging and he could not see how what was a for sure winner went the other way. Who had thrown a chink in the code, how did it happen? We should have wised up, given up at this point, but no, not even in the face of a growing consensus with a new Senate and division growing by working class Americans with his NWO party policies on both sides. Even Republicans who appeared fooled seemed to be waking up to the sins of their party and the party was ripping at the seams. How did it go wrong? Who was working against us and how were they succeeding? Grebe was incensed and a real kick in the balls came when the People elected Nancy Pelosi to run Congress, a “real bitch and a matriarchal cunt,” as Grebe liked to refer to her. He said the whop bitch could cause massive problems with that nigger Conyers at the helm of Justice at the House Judiciary Committee.
Things began a bad spiral, it was like we were being pulled apart by unseen forces, but I could hear it in the back of my fucking head and now it had grown in silence as I feared and fuck we were on our way to hell. Grebe started talking mad, assassinations of some of these people. All out war on their characters to destroy their lives and families but many in the ranks were slowly dissenting. Everything was going to surface, day by day, began a slow unraveling. Grebe on the other hand was plotting World War III with Zbigniew Brzezinski and the likes. Ideas were out there about provoking Russia with Star Wars like threats used in previous administrations, provoking China for poisoning our pet food and contaminating our food, provoking Iran where they had still some favors pending, provoking the whole middle east, the French, most of civilized world other than England who had been helping him all along with NWO domination. Not that he intended on keeping the fucking Brits in the master plan but they were great partners in crime as Blair was another sellout to his people for a promise of a place high up in the NWO and a piece of the Iviewit technologies. World War III where he could conquer and dominate the world resources as his personal pleasure chest, we were all told of a world where our only work would be working the Sheep and tending flocks. Grebe was mad and I was starting to think of giving up but there was no one left to go to that could be trusted or not replaced if they attempted to expose the coup. They had completely sabotaged whistle blower efforts. In fact, they even began exposing spies whose husbands opposed their ways, who would not falsify information so as the whole world would think America was attacking Iraq for real reasons like WMD’s. Joseph Wilson was not bribable nor did he cower to threats, imagine a man of will and integrity with a CIA COVERT spy for a wife. Therefore, like a blast to the face, Wilson’s wife Valerie was exposed as a spy and her career and many other operatives lives where in instant danger. A government that exposes spies because of their husband’s actions is fucking crazy but again these were not men of valor running the government and the CIA. Exposing a spy was Treason but with laws in place and no one to try them or prosecute, who cared was Grebe's view. Imagine that fucking Cheney and Bush were ballsey enough to state that they felt sorry for the convicted felon, I. Scooter Libby. Libby, the fall guy for Rove and Cheney in Plamegate and they cared less about the damage done to a princess spy, her family and CIA operatives who were fighting to protect America from threats, real Patriots our Leaders turned out to be. This scandal will damage the credibility of the CIA eternally. Spies will not spy for you unless completely assured the only time they risk exposure will be for the national good. A Doomed Spy, as Sun Tzu termed them, honored to die spying learning only at the end that he was destined on a mission to death.
Something else was eating at us all, the fact that somehow there seemed to be this invisible force peeling at the Grebe master plan. A powerful force somehow centered on Eliot, no matter how we tried to find how he could be involved or orchestrating the attack, we could find nothing. No one was helping Eliot that we could see. Not even with the Patriot Act letting us violate private phone records and mail, spy on them with bogus National Security Letters, tap their phones, no matter, if people were helping Eliot they were invisible. The fact that Grebe was being exposed bit by bit, they were impenetrable from the outside as there was no inside, it seemed whoever might be helping Eliot prepared well in advance of Grebe’s catching on that he was exposed and busted. Strategy meetings were turning into blame fests, full of distrust and no one knew whom the enemy was anymore. People started fleeing the inner circle, some already caught up in endless investigations that appeared over night, from every direction. Grebe was losing support his claim that no investigation would ever take place with his Coup in place, a fallacy. Now paranoia set in and they began looking for leaks infiltrating the schemes. “Are we played, if so, who could have played us and how” and Grebe was asking these questions now that is when I realized that he was mad. I wished for the courage or cowardice to commit suicide, fearing repercussion for my actions I was too cowardly. Funny enough, I was tired of this entire damn battle, or war as Eliot claimed, this fucking Eliot somehow was kicking the shit out of us. To stop Eliot we had to destroy our own children’s future for Grebe’s mad plan. Stealing patents is one thing but killing 3000+ soldiers and over a half million innocent Iraqi’s and Afghanis’ was not in my former mental capacity as a petty thief lawyer/criminal. Realizing I was central to the cause of the demise of my country, I could hear Eliot’s laugh in the back of my head. You think I’m nuts but he is there, I can start to hear his words on meeting him again, his challenges to my integrity. Packs with G0d, I laughed, ridiculed him and ignored even a remote possibility of his sanity. The first realization that came back in my walk down memory lane was that Eliot claimed to have sold his soul and returned from death on a mission to save the children from their parents or those of them embroiled in greed that were wasting their precious resources in greed.
I overheard a conversation with Eliot’s wife Candice, Eliot was disturbed the technologies were evil in nature v. good due to all this shit it caused their family and friends. Candice retorted that it was perhaps part of Eliot’s mission to save the children. To first cleanse the legal world of the greed and evil that consumed the legal system that now failed to protect even their own children’s world. This fear that no one was protecting the children was one of the first things Eliot told me, so long ago but my mind overlooked it at the time. So focused was I on pick pocketing Eliot of his inventions and yet he may have been looking for evil men like me, when finding them, using them as a pawn in his efforts to fry Nazis and cleanse the world of evil. Was I rooting for Eliot in this regard now, was I rooting for Grebe to go down stopping the insanity, even if it meant my own death? Oh fuck it was horrible, with that little reflection the whole of my head became consumed with what I had missed, what clues might have been available if I had paid attention and meant anything I said to pacify him that I was part of this team of angels he was recruiting. That’s it, Eliot was brought back by angels to earth after his meeting with G0d, awaiting orders from G0d on how to achieve things like the Thought Journal and the Inventions both coming to him in possessed states by voices in his head. The same voices that brought him back to save the kids from their fucked up parents ways and he was looking for the source of the children’s pain, men like Grebe and me and he found them and somehow, fucking somehow, Eliot was destroying them all. Even if it had nothing on the surface to do with Eliot, we could not help but now reconsider what he said and where his powers came from. Eliot was starting to be scary beyond belief, if successful at prosecuting us now, he would have just wiped off the planet one of the greatest evils ever devised to divide and conquer the Peoples of the earth, making the world fall go in a direction opposite of a Thought Journal, to an evil world. Eliot’s Thought Journal where kids globally came together to overcome the problems facing their futures was the force trying to further destroy our entire NWO plans of separating the children to get them to kill each other. Shit I feel like I am writing from his perspective and my life now has importance, albeit sick, I have led a powerful force to the lion’s den and the lion has no idea what has it by the tail. In fact, until it is to late the Lion cannot even see that it is a force of similar interests working against his power and in the end, those who enter the lion’s den who fear no evil and come out alive, usually had a plan going in. Most of those ballsy enough to prophesize the end of evil empires historically where divine in nature. When these prophetic angels came to earth and spoke of their delusions of G0d, the People and Power Establishment questioned them until they proved they had a magic power like the tests of Moses and Jesus. With Eliot, the miracles were the technologies, defined as nothing other than magical. What did the Pharaoh do when Moses approached, he laughed and schemed against Moses further, who simply referred to his G0d and more disaster was heaped upon Pharaoh for each questioning and he further disbelieved and he further was beat by what appeared a singular man with a vision. Against all odds, Moses won. Same for Jesus and many more prophets throughout history who were great and their creativity spawned and attributed to divine forces that fed their spirits. The list is endless of people envied as genius, all with a touch of madness, all too often the ruling elite underestimate the P0wer they were fucking with, blind in greed and other sins of the soul. Jesus overturned the Jewish religious power structure, a rebel angel with a philosophy, again laughed, much like Moses and the Pharaoh. The Jews and Romans warned by Jesus of his angelic nature and their failure to take him seriously, drunk in delusions, brought them disastrous results and the demise of their ways, which had become equally oppressive and skewed against the common man. Fuck, history littered with people who looked as if they singularly beat the man, fought city hall and won but if you ever meet one of them, you should listen first and look for truth before causing them pain, for they invite the pain against them to stand as testament to your evil ways. These Angelic Forces, a force to be reckoned, yet there is no way to reckon when you refuse to relinquish your reign of delusionary power and believe in Angels. Failing to believe you hide from your soul and these Angels politely request that you give all up voluntarily, submit to G0d or else, do not laugh yet. Eliot will live on, where I cannot. Eliot needs neither you, nor me, to confirm his achievements, as he said he already changed the world. The inventions were just a conduit for a bigger picture plan from a bigger picture f0rce that I could not see. Eliot never needed my approval, never needed reward, nor a slap on the back but he had me fooled, believing of my importance in saving the planet. At the time I laughed and coddled him, Eliot was baiting the hook that rings in my head, my importance or impotence in saving the children would come from him extinguishing me. I was bait for the true evil Eliot sought, fed on, evil like Grebe who fed on evil and the hook went deep into our guts. How did Eliot do it, some sort of secret communication with others, invisible smoke signals? We would have to revisit Eliot’s past and our interactions with him to see if there were cryptic messages with ghosts but I knew it was more about revisiting what I had blocked from my mind at the time to find out what he said and with hindsight see how I had taken the bait, how we all had.
Ok to see if we missed anything the first thing we had to do was try and remember what had gone through us the first time as fodder but now seemed to be a possible force to reckon with, more a force to succumb to. There are some things in life that are better left alone and I had a feeling this journey back was more about discovering my future than finding his, it was about trying to live again, to find the answer to the ringing, to find if it would ever stop. I began with Eliot’s poetry, all about loving Mother Nature and warning the children about an impending doom through his Dinosaur Story or his Thought Journal. Whichever way I read his poetry, I saw that it was true, the writings discarded as nonsense to the bottom of my file, the first emails sent were now the key to finding out who and what Eliot was before the inventions.
I could not learn of Eliot’s mental state after the inventions without first understanding where he came from. Eliot said things concerning his past that were laughable at the time, as they seemed so fucking outrageous but now I knew it was the key to understanding what we overlooked all along. Eliot had literally fallen from the heavens to me. When we first met, nobody I knew, knew of Eliot, other than his family as he had just moved to Boca Raton from California with the birth of his first son. We learned volumes about Eliot from his father but G0d only knows if Si is playing us all along, making us think his son was an idiot when he had to have known his true genius the whole time, again we bought it hook line and sinker. Desperate to learn anything about how Eliot operated and failing to fact check. I dreaded this task of trying to decode Eliot, this unlocking of my own demons. Seeing what I missed was everything, truly blinded by the fucking technologies, technologies that I could not get out of my head as to how I would steal them and convert them as my own. A cardinal sin to covet what G0d has given to another and now I see my greed blocked me from seeing something far greater. In overlooking the surreal nature of Eliot, I wondered if my soul had any chance left, soul was not a common worry amongst attorneys now days but I was praying there would be a compassionate and forgiving G0d. A G0d that would somehow overlook my actions but I knew from the noise in my head that G0d had already taken my soul on earth, I was a walking fucking Zombie, everywhere and everyone I encountered I felt people could see through me, that they knew the truth and were laughing at me. Suddenly our dirty little secret seemed the only thing I could hear at a cocktail party, I mean were they really talking about me and my part or was I hallucinating, I was truly starting to feel madness overwhelm me.
How did I miss all this initial stuff, we had tapes, I listened to them before but it was like every time I heard them, when he started to explain how the technologies came in dreams, in a vision, my brain instantly went blank and could not process it.
Complaints from every direction, evidence knee deep, all we were doing was delaying certain death and long prison sentences.
At once, I understood the importance of his early words to me, of the challenge that I had accepted the promise to be true to them, to G-d and the children. It was in that first meeting that I asked how they came to be, that he warned me that the technology was divine. The meeting we had that I was to busy playing Eliot, or he I, was coming back from my unconscious like a bad LSD flashback. Visions were breaking through in a hellish symphony bit-by-bit, byte-by-byte. I wondered if this was the exact reason why people like Rubenstein and Joao were acting insane, were they having suicidal thoughts and all kinds of strange thoughts of afterlife. We all missed it, he threatened us in the most cavalier way and we ignored it, we had other thoughts running through our greedy minds and he spelled it out in black and white.
I made some calls to the others who were feeling this peculiar way, Lewin’s life he claimed was similarly hanging by a thread, everybody in town knew, his kids were involved and named and this kid had smeared us to every single fucking person in the world it seemed. We trademarked it, yes, at the time, we thought what the hell, and it was his tag line “The Click Heard Round the World™.”[15] We had held off the first wave or two of investigations but it would never end and we knew it. We were all desperately trying to remember from deep in our minds his words; in the first meeting he seemed to have warned everybody, upfront, honestly, about these technologies but nobody could remember what exactly he said. It was eating at them too. Nobody could come up with anything other than pieces, a few things but like a puzzle, we now were determined to remember.
I knew first that many of his words were about a coma. What I thought was funniest was his telling of death, I tried to imagine laying there in my own blood if I would have the divine intervention he did. I had almost lost my hate of him, my blood curdling rage at this one man and now saw him as something more, much more. I knew what he said, that he was like me before, until the voices in his head until this meeting with G-d. Was this the noise in the back of my mind, was this what was breaking through a mystical voice? Eliot said he called out. I called out now. It called back but I could not hear it, I knew it was there, how did Eliot tune in? Would G-d come answer my call, my pleas? I know this sounds mad but with everything we had stolen from Eliot, it rang through that part of the warning that day I took oath with Eliot was that anyone not protecting the inventions would be doing a bad deed by G-d, ominous evil omens would follow. Now perhaps I felt at the time that Eliot was nuts and stealing from G-d did not seem such a threat but now the fear consumed me.
I saw what it meant on a me level, a level already destroying everything I once valued, at the very time that I had everything, I thought, I wanted what I could not have, how cliché but true. Truly, I had everything of Eliot’s and still with all this money and the power of his inventions, I felt valueless, I felt worse. I had everything I dreamed of in law school and yet nothing. Money, I wondered when it would all disappear and become Eliot’s, I was living on borrowed money and time and Eliot did not care a bit about a dollar. We thought Eliot was a spoiled rotten kid at first, his father was loaded, and it was a natural thought at first. On the other hand, he was able to survive with money and without any, we had forced him to penniless repeatedly and it hurt and destroyed his family, again and again but they had love and happiness through every bashing. I could not bear the thought of parting with Eliot’s money and yet it was not buying me anything without misery. Even buying the finest luxuries brought thoughts to my head that negated the purchase value. Imagine thinking that everything you had could be gone in a flash, then repeat that thought from the moment you wake until the moment you sleep and then in your dreams, leaving you petrified, repeat every single day. He was pushing a federal complaint with Justice that alleged and sought protection under RICO and rightfully so, it was winner take all. We had certainly far surpassed the tests to prove his racketeering case. The Legal Conspiracy was so wide and deep, now involved so many people and so many crimes, that we had become a law firm of criminals, not a good lawyer amongst us, a criminal organization. We did not protect law we desecrated it.
Do not get me wrong, proving his case was not between Justice and us, it was between G-d and us. I no longer thought about had I robbed Eliot, I wondered if his words about stealing from G-d were true and meant G-d would be my judge, jury and executioner for the crimes against him. Perhaps this is why he could outsmart thousands of lawyers committed to beating him with every breath, as their Porches were at stake. The more lawyers, judges and politicians that fought Eliot, the more found themselves in the same mental condition as I did. I felt remorse, for I knew that they too could not see at first, those bought in to aid and abet, to cover it up. They did not know about his deals with G-d, nor mine. I never told anyone I had sworn allegiance to Eliot with false intent, I am sure there is a commandment broken there, I knew swearing false oath was one of the big Ten Commandments, I knew that too would have a price. Eliot had not told them at first either, testing their souls, testing to see if they would join in our devilish plan. We just bribed these lackey’s and they sold their degrees for a partnership gain, a lift in pay, a chance to play in the big league. Politicians and judges were beyond easy to either bribe or plant. The playing field was completely uneven and yet he was winning, the more we tried to stop him, the more our problems compounded. Everybody was involved at the firm now; we had to bring them in, as the problems grew bigger. Word at board meetings, or should I call them Eliot meetings, was no longer about how to keep the crime from the partners but now about how to protect the firm from him. Our lawyers were spending almost 85% of their billable hours on Eliot. Everybody in the firm now knew, knew that the partnerships and pay were just a temporary benefit if we lost, if he or any shareholder ever got this into a fair and impartial venue, we knew someday... All this energy against Eliot from partners of Proskauer, Foley & Lardner, Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolf & Schlissel, Blakely Sokoloff Zafman & Taylor, Schiffrin & Barroway, Supreme Courts, State Bars and others and yet we were losing. Losing to again what seemed like one man with hosts of friends, friends and more friends, some visible and some apparently invisible. In law, Eliot had the Constitution in his favor and he wielded it, a wicked sword and yet more wicked was his kindness, not just to people but also to animals plants and just about everything good. We would have to try to deny his entire Constitutional rights, deny his rights to claim his inventions and the glories he deserved for changing the world.
His words resounded.
Demons, unseen foes, fear, the lack of will, these are the feelings of one losing everything. There were fires burning all around us, fire that shocked the shit out of us and raged to the top. We could not wake up in the morning and attend a meeting where our focus was how to fight off the wave of attacks, he struck consistently at 4:55pm on Friday’s, like clockwork. Occasionally, when we thought Friday had come and gone without assault, a sigh of relief came over us, hoping the pattern had broken. In a bizarre twist of his repetitive behavior, a major assault launched on a Monday morning, wiping away the weekend relief, a surprise attack when we were sleeping. Eliot by Monday morning sent emails[63] to all the Proskauer and Foley partners, warning and threatening us. Effectively from that time until now, even the weekends were shattered waiting to see whether he now struck or not on Friday or Monday, waiting for what we never knew until it was too late. Every time we thought we had Eliot beat or an effective subterfuge created to a complaint, he conquered it and our mess grew larger. Every victory was ten steps backwards. Just a matter of when he would strike, he had the patience of a saint. Saint, Angel are they not the same and Eliot seemed eternal. The timing of the assaults led us first to think Eliot had a fly on the wall, driving us to paranoia against one another and self-paranoia and paranoia in the true sense from the noises in our heads. Who was leaking information to Eliot, how did he know our plans and strike without striking? How to find the mole? Everyone now suspect and everyone mistrusting the other, if there was a mole, was it from Justice or from Eliot’s camp and was anyone in Eliot’s camp, if so, other than a handful of close friends they remain figments. If they could give Eliot information to ruin us, they obviously already knew a lot and Eliot waited until just the right time to Sodom-ize us, usually very publicly.
For example, take “Fat Bastard” Krane, the man charged with getting us off the hook in the complaints against us with the state Supreme Court bar associations and disciplinary bodies in New York. Eliot launched a flurry of bar complaints against the key people in the scam, Krane, Rubenstein and Joao in New York, William Dick in Virginia and my partner Albert Gortz and I in Florida. Krane was President of the New York State Bar Association and was at the top of the disciplinary committees in New York. Krane caught handling the complaints against Proskauer partners while having public office roles with the very Supreme Court of New York agency investigating the complaints, in conflict with his public offices and in violation of law. This was not the appearance of impropriety by Krane, an ethics expert (in debauchery), this was a gluttonous violation of ethics, and it is hard to write that statement for some reason, gluttonous violation of ethics. When Krane was caught, all of our disciplinary complaints we had held off prosecution with Krane’s conflict so well for so long, imploded upon us and everyone involved in the New York complaints, including the Chief Counsel of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, Thomas Cahill, was ordered for investigation[64]. Yes, you heard that correctly, ordered by unanimous decision by a panel of Five Justices of the Supreme Court of New York Appellate Division. Getting out of this would take a miracle to derail and perhaps get us another moment of free air. Choking on free air, our last hours prior to prison for many of us, strangled endlessly, gasping wistfully for a final breath. In fact, Krane, a key department head at the First Department Disciplinary where Eliot filed the complaints against our partners, caught dead in conflict, perhaps the single most conflicted person in the world. He was a former “whipping boy,” clerk, for Judge Judith Kaye the Chief Judge of the Supreme Court of New York. Judy was already in our pocket from her husband, Stephen Krane, who we made an intellectual property partner, to buy her devotion. Kaye was in deep now, knowing if caught, she and her husband would lose everything and it was her suggestion that Krane would be the perfect candidate to cover up in New York, with her oversight. The plan was working perfectly, we had derailed the complaints with a group of freshly corrupted and planted people, we now controlled top down the New York courts, this was fucking unbelievable, I mean we were running massive scams now through New York and the courts were in our pocket. Judy was confident she could hold it together, Krane, well one look at that fat fuck and you can see how easy he converted, you could have held out a cheeseburger for him to disregard ethics. Krane was all about revising the language of the state bars to allow criminal activity to be committed by any of Judy’s buddies. When attorneys got in trouble, Krane was the go to guy they bought to keep their law licenses. Judy, being the mastermind of that scheme, we had a tap into every dirty lawyer in New York, it was easy to find ones to aid and abet, even commit our crimes for us, just for the favor of a no look on their crime. Judy had a history with IBM and she was all over the concept of stealing the inventions and gave critical input into how to best beat or cheat the law.
Five to five, one Friday afternoon, the whole world for fat boy and the New York boys ruined as Eliot blasted out a letter to everyone, exposing Krane’s dirty secret. How did he find out? How long had he known? How much did he know? Shit, he sent us a copy and began a barrage of harassing calls to the Chairman and Managing Partner of Proskauer, just toying with them. The letter[65], circulated to about a thousand people was Krane’s death, all the evidence of his corruption, irrefutable evidence of conflict and impropriety. That fat fuck was slowly dripping pounds of fat off, but not as fast as he could replace them stuffing his fat face with super-sized meals.
Off to investigation unless we could railroad the investigation with more of Judy’s friends but it was getting much harder to find allies when everything was out there and people were getting trepid about joining our ranks. Boom, the instant the complaints landed at the NY Supreme Court – Second Department, the moment even more trouble arose, more people enlisted and my conscience, what little remained, weighed heavy. In seconds everyone we planted was exposed, we needed the court clerk, who had no business in the disciplinary but was a longtime dick sucker of Krane and butt boy for Kaye, Pelzer, try to write some nonsense to deflect the investigations. The court ordered an investigation and Pelzer would write a letter trying stating that on “review,” not investigation, the investigations were completed, a word game. The investigator stated no investigation completed, in exchange for review, inapposite the court order, her letter a complete joke,[66] yet all it took was a promise of a partnership with Proskauer. Pelzer’s letter[67] was a last ditch attempt to deny due process coming from a guy with absolutely no authority in the matter, speaking on behalf of another bitch he bent over for, Gail Prudenti, who had her head so far in Kaye’s crotch as to earn the nickname Fishhead. This letter comes with both Prudenti and Kearse having conflicts with both Kaye and Krane, refusing to address their conflicts and continue to operate in complete arrogance of the conflicts. A complete stonewalling of justice against Eliot Bernstein and quite truthfully Bernstein did not order the court ordered investigation, five justices did. Yet, they write to Bernstein why they are failing to uphold the court ordered investigation, for they feared writing to the court their decisions to fail to follow the court order. The fact that a court ordered an immediate investigation, not a review, all further correspondence should have been to the Court that ordered the investigation. Instead, since there were no controls, we just did as we pleased, Judith Kaye could cover anything that floated to the top. If he could not respond to anyone, since we controlled everything, there seemed no reason to worry for the moment. It was progressively getting worse though, people were irate with the exposure with the fact that they had become involved in covering up such large scale corruption, it didn’t matter that they knew now, they were in too deep. Nothing they could do except yield to aid us further, not one of these spineless dickheads had the balls to stand up to the corruption, in fact I think many of them were more than eager to use their colored college degrees to advance in crime. He was just jostling with them, telling them to sign their names into the history books, into the larger federal complaint coming and they all acted as if this charade would last forever. Eventually though they would begin to have fears of him that consumed them too, Krane was no longer a functioning man, he was a Jewish bitch, and as such, he was whining day and night. No longer did he wear an attitude of arrogance to his blubber, he was like a stuck pig, his squealing reverberating under my skin like a festering splinter.
The Florida situation, where I was murdered already at the State Bar, my partner Matthew Triggs, also found violating his Supreme Court of Florida Bar Association rules. Triggs caught representing me during a blackout period explicitly against the rules. Plan B, good ol' boy Jeb Bush in Florida in our pockets, we quickly began a smear campaign on Eliot and figured by the time the bar complaint was over, he too would be.
Then there was Virginia, where Dick was getting dicked, caught perjuring himself in his complaint response and submitting a bogus Intellectual Property Docket, which Eliot sent to the US Patent Office and where none of the information matched up. EXHIBIT DICK RESPONSE AND PATENT OFFICE RESPONSE TO DICK DOCKET.
Who was this woman? Talk about underestimate, we missed the boat on his wife Candice. She was not an obstacle; in fact, we figured she would be like most of the widows that had survived their husband’s deaths from our schemes. Normally, in the scam, the inventor would not even see us coming and never even know we were the ones that plotted his demise. In the course of destroying their lives, divorce was a common thread that usually came before the murder or suicide. Sometimes we planned to have them both dead in the same accident, this way we could destroy any inheritor rights and an annoying wife. Off the road they would go.
Once we had achieved the theft of the intellectual properties from an inventor, the last thing we wanted was a bitchy wife coming after us. So we would make sure that before the divorce the inventions were already destroyed, the inventor was on his way and the wife normally collapsed in pain, gave up any fight, turned on her husband and wanted him dead too. From riches to rags, most wives gave up their husbands the minute we forced them into solitude. We would drive up the value of the company with debt from our friends, get them all saturated in money and the belief that their patents were going to spin royalties, get them spending the money, before we pulled the capital plug and pulled it all down, the more debt, the better our scheme would go. Then right as they were enjoying life, we would begin a multifaceted destruction of their lives. Starting with forcing them to bankruptcy, loss of their companies, loss of their IP, loss of their love and throw their lives into a world of shit. The unhappiness and strain would drive a few to kill themselves; this always made our job easier.
Oh dear G-d, did we play her wrong, she grew stronger with destitute, she was invincible to pain, her love grew the more they spiraled into hell. This was not normal; we had never seen anything like her. If he was a messenger from G-d, she was an angel sent to help him. The less she had, the happier she became. She had no bonds to money, power, status, or the typical yuppie housewife role. She did not flinch as their lives became more and more embattled; she became a fierce warrior instead. Where other women would have been hammering their husbands for their failures, not seeing that we were the cause, they normally provided the icing on the cake in strain and stress on their inventor husbands. Wives normally walked out the door in the first months after crisis, women these days did not stand by their man often, love tied to tangibles in most marriages. Not her, she grew stronger and she did not lose a drop of love for her love was based on real things, this was not normal of today’s woman. She had no ties to any possessions, she was unafraid of welfare lines, and she had no shame in getting food stamps for her children. Perhaps to spite us she had more children, more problems for our future.
On the other hand was my wife, Deana, who had everything of hers (Candice's) and nothing of her own and where love was dead… sterile. We had moved up since the crime, the technologies were so rich we did not know what to do with the new monies. She knew what was up, she helped me plot and scheme to destroy both of them. In the beginning we banged for the first time in years in what we thought was our time and ecstasy, her dreams had come true and I was feeling the benefits. So close were we to having it all and now so close were we to losing it. Having made it first, worse for her as we lost it, she hated me now with every passing day, since I told her that we were busted. Her world collapsed, the hate within grew, she could have killed them single handedly coming up with so many creative ideas. She would never let go, they would have to pry it from her.
I was listening into a tape on day from the PI, watching them that rocked my world. Eliot was talking to a friend and he said “when these guys get tried, and they will, they are going to prison for the rest of their lives. We will collect their assets through the RICO, so a few billion more from taking out 5-6 law firms with partner assets galore makes it worth the extra time it takes to bring these low life pieces of shit to justice. What I cannot wait for is to take their cars, houses, and wives. I mean Candice and I will ask their wives if they want to stay in their Fifth Ave penthouse, and if so we will ask them to have sex in unusual ways with unusual things and persons of strange sorts on tape. If they agree and sign written legal contracts, we will let them have the house and then send the tapes to their husbands in prison with a TV and VCR to boot. We will brand the video with powered by Iviewit Technologies in the lower right corner. Just kidding but some of those lawyers have some pretty nice wives who have sold out once, should be easy to have them bend over for easy access.” He was daydreaming and I was having nightmares of him making love to my wife and her enjoying it more than with any man. He was not a man and so I could never emulate him, my dick went limp. We had watched them with a Fat Bastard bug up their butts, at first we were bemused and fascinated. In the midst of crisis, these two did not miss a fuck. Sex every day, sometimes two times, sometimes three times, it was unbelievable, porno was not this good. Good for a moment, until you realized that you were no match, never had been, that you were deprived somehow of this greatest joy in life. Deanna’s envy grew and my boner shrank. Shrank so low that Viagra couldn’t get it awake, I could not perform like that even free of stress, under stress it was that my mind was consumed and every time it I tried, the fucking noise in my head became obscene and I was precluded from enjoyment. Sex at a time like this was not possible, yet their lives were a thousand times worse and yet they rose above it and then beyond it and came in orgasm so freely together.
Lewin said his wife, after watching their sexcapades was so depressed she wanted to kill herself. She too hated Candice, what did Candice posses that she did not, she wondered. Why could her husband not perform like Eliot in bed, impotent instead, always watching porn or grabbing at younger women at the club? Her mind to was consumed by Eliot, I almost felt as if he is what she was thinking about, I grew more jealous and envious. What stopped her from reaching climax like Candice, why could she not shoot cum like Candice in the throes of ecstasy, not even for a night in her entire marriage, she was disgusted with the way she was thinking, what too had she become, and she sobbed? Candice was beautiful and all the men knew it, beautiful in entirety. They watched the tapes in fascination and were in awe of her, not her surface beauty, but her soulful, emanating beauty, that cannot be bought, or sold, no practice, all natural. She was everything a man dreamed of, both in her dedication and love of him and her prowess in bed. In bed, she was so free, her fantasies all realities. A world none of us had with our cold marriages, our wives, dead fish to dead men. Even our hookers could not perform anything like Candice. Candice was not dirty, beyond that, it was more like uninhibited, unrestrained, -- pure ecstasy. We had watched hundreds of PI videos taken while doing casework, we had seen people all fucked up on drugs, having kinky wild sex, we thought we had seen it all, we had seen nothing. In fact, she was the cause of my failure to become erect, I would often muse that it was her not him causing the noise in my head, that she was some form of sex demon, demonizing my mind to make me impotent.
With my shriveled dick in hand, Deana would grow more spiteful, she too wanted that pure love and know, after Eliot and Candice, she knew she never had a day in her life of true love. Her problem seemed similar to my own and one night in frustration, she revealed that her lack of lust was due to this growing ringing in her head, there almost constantly, almost like static. The first time she heard the noise in her head was at Jacob Noah Archie Bernstein’s bris, when Eliot cut his son’s penis himself, refusing to say the prayer to allow the Mohel the right to cut. She had never seen a man as proud with child as to do the circumcision, then to find out he had done his other son Joshua Ennio Zander Bernstein’s circumcision too made her romanticize of him in a strange way. To find he had given birth, pulling his own children from the womb made her revel in jealousy and somehow hate of them. Rumors that Eliot had built an Internet Video Teleconference System so that his father, unable to travel, could share the bris of Eliot’s first son Joshua, broadcasting the video of him doing the cut from California, to his father’s house in Florida. His father hosted a party and everyone watched, this was really, before anything like it existed and yet he built since his father and mother’s health was not good at the time. Now here I was watching this crazy man, hating him too, wishing that I had pulled my son or did anything to bond me as he did for his. My kids were so spoiled and rotten that they were never close to anything but money, like father like son. He sent pictures to us daily of his children; we hated them, for they too were too beautiful, fucking vegetarian, blond hair blue-eyed Jewish supermodels.
Deana revered Eliot and at the same time, she plotted to steal from him and his children, later plotting to kill them with us. She hated Candice from the start. I mean who was this bitch, married to this upscale Boca Raton kid, this California girl, with her endless beautiful legs and blond hair. There was no one at the club that knew them, they had just moved from California at the birth of their second son. Rumors swirled about Eliot, mainly from his family but there was not a single word on her, she was quiet but deadly. At first, I did not get a private investigator to dig up dirt on her. Finding her to be too blonde to worry about, too young and too easy to beat, she seemed unremarkable and no threat. Another fatal mistake, when we destroyed Eliot’s life, family, and friends, they simply moved on to her family. He loved her mother, her grandmother, her sister, her cousin and these women all loved him, another shield to our efforts. This was not typical but after we tried to blow them up for their antics in Florida, like dragging my name and my DUI through the state bar, then to the Supreme Court of Florida (Case # SC04-1078 docket) and then to the United States Supreme Court, everyone seemed to be helping him somehow. They had more friends than we counted on, hers were true street fighters, his had ways and means. Combined they bounced off and deflected every attack of ours in mysterious ways. Oh, we hated them with every subtle attack we laid upon them and every one they laid upon us. Their attacks happened before we knew they were coming, helpless to stop it. The only way we were able to delay it was through complete denial of due process and procedure. Hell on his website, there is a picture of me and it has “Whack the Wheezler” picture on it, when you smack it, my Felony DUI pops up. Smack Rubenstein’s picture and his court ordered investigation appears. Smack the “Gluttonous Fat Bastard” Krane and his court ordered investigation for conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety appears. This was the kind of shit that made us desire to kill them more, imagine Krane, former President of the New York Bar and leading figure in the NY Supreme Court disciplinary, destroyed. Labeled “Fat Bastard” and the “King of Gluttony” on the Iviewit homepage. Our rage met with impotence, knowing that touching him would lead to certain charges against us. Certain investigation, paralyzed like deer in the lights. This was no car though; she was a fucking freight train.
We had to move quickly to destroy now her family, to reduce the threat from the inheritors. We would have to begin causing them some legal troubles out in California. That would have to be accomplished very quietly though, in the background before anyone could catch on that events were related. Her mother, Ginger, was getting divorced, we could infiltrate and cause problems with her counsel or get to her husband’s counsel and really mess with her. One of the mother's brothers was in trouble and we could get in and cause problems for him, perhaps get his dime bag dope charge turned into a life sentence on the three strikes laws. Her sister’s boyfriend was border trouble, perhaps we could get a quick charge against him, we would have to start infiltrating the family and keeping everyone from knowing the true source of their pain. We hired another PI firm to get out to California and find dirt on them they did not seem too difficult to destroy. Not only her family and friends would we now have to target but all of his friends were on my list to find dirt on. We had already begun interfering in almost every one of his relationships and had successfully caused problems with many of them, neither of the parties every making the connection with our firm. So we began on her mother first, the divorce was an easy target, we would have to back the other party, already a true pig of a man and then get the attorney to aid and abet our plan, leave her with nothing, desolate and broke. Let us see how well she would be able to support them with nothing.
When looking back at his life one sees that all of his prior writings like the original "Thought Journal" parallel with Jesus’ story. Prophetic divine voices in his head and people doubting such voices could be Eliot or Jesus. Visions of horror for humanity and the ability to put a finger on the cause of the suffering, the oppressive male dominated and out of control society. They both had vision as to what was wrong with society, they had plans to change it, divine plans and feared no evil in attacking the source of the problem, no matter how powerful it appeared to you and I, mere mortals. I am sure that Jesus was ridiculed, laughed at, as he purported ideas as fresh as "turn the other cheek" and “do unto others” at a time people were crucifying each other and feeding them to lions.
Eliot was attempting to tell people that the New World Order just was not working, that he could see the suffering of our children in the near future, suffering from the greed of a few and the complacency of the mass. Eliot had made the claim that the earth was a womb and her children were the animals, plants, all things both animate and inanimate. He wrote a poem in the Dinosaur Story:
Kill the Planet ~ Save the People!
Kill the People ~ Save the Planet!
Mother Earth, in your veins, poisons we have pumped,
Killing the breast that feeds our young.
Your eyes,
Filled with smog, scum, and soot,
In the name of technology,
Man has forgotten the beauty of ecology.
Fucked humanity,
All creatures that you nurture
For this crime, MAN, alone to blame.
Will we kill the planet,
For the love of gold and to be elite?
Who will save the people,
When resources precious to life they deplete?
Ignore Her no longer,
She dies at your feet;
If you fail this greatest of challenges,
It will be your own defeat.
From generations past that loved Her not,
She might as well be dead.
I blame Her not,
If for our deeds,
She kills us for our greed.
Will we desecrate the planet,
For the love of gold and to be elite?
Who will save the people,
When resources precious to life they deplete?
Against these crimes of Nature.
Once bountiful, Her cup runneth over.
And rape!
And reap!
Was our respect to Her.
Now She and all Her babies die,
Evidence that we were not Her lover.
Will we kill the planet,
For love of gold and to be elite?
Who will save the people,
When resources precious to life they deplete?
VI. Kind Man
I am an animal.
Forgot my name,
Got lost in killing every living thing.
Extincting species by the hour my game,
Will G0D allow me in his fellowship ring?
I will inhabit the earth alone,
If I cannot change my horrible throne.
We were called man"kind,” a great misnomer,
For a creature soon to be a loner.
The question now is how to change our stance
To caretaker of the planets creatures,
A noble cause, and a true alliance.
What nobleness would we receive,
Instead protecting and preserving God’s art pieces?
Where to begin?
Kill the industrial revolution!
Let the new rein in.
If we are not able to undo our ways,
Then surely we will be accountable to pay.
In our children’s lives maybe no ozone.
The sun burning their eyes
Will we cuddle them when they have no skin, but bone?
We will inhabit the planet alone,
If we cannot change our horrible throne.
We were called man"kind,” a great misnomer,
For a creature soon to be a loner.
When the children hold their heads to the sky,
For a sip of water,
Will you cry,
"Stop children! this is a horrible game,
For surely your eyes will fill with acid and pain.
Never ever, should you play in the rain?
For we forgot to protect the water,
Now it tastes like a fucking sewer."
Or better that,
With a Chernobyl in your home,
When missing this or that, they come only with a groan.
We were called man"kind,”
A great misnomer,
For a creature soon to be a loner.
VII. A Lesson From a Dying King
Petty are the thoughts of mankind in the face of
Weary world, wipe your eyes.
See the grander and greater sky.
Center not upon yourself
You are but an integral part.
Your continuous friend in heart.
Answers will never come.
You go through life on instinct.
In your end, you will be known for yours alone.
Accept that you are not the whole,
For that is the fool who has no soul.
Love all equally!
There is no greater or grander thing.
To place yourself on a pedestal so high,
Is to miss the beauty of the skies,
And set yourself apart,
Alone, in the dark.
Above the rest?
Cry not that you missed the best.
Destiny, in your control,
Your every action,
A reflection on your soul.
Selflessness the goal, of a truly loving soul.
We only see,
But for a brief bit of our eternity,
The greater and the grander things,
Which with it this strange life does bring.
For past, present and future are of no concern,
For as a part, you see no start.
Fool hearted to linger on the end.
Before your birth,
In this blind state,
Where did you abate?
When you die,
Where will you next rise?
I ask these questions in disguise,
Too not arose fear within your eyes,
But instead,
To fill your head with the magnanimity of your part.
The glories of life surround you for a second,
Or for eternity?
How far backward or forward can you see,
Fixated on this brief moment in your history?
In one swift breath,
Your life here will expire;
Will one more be your desire?
Or are you content with your lives fire,
Knowing you will forever go higher?
Not frightened of what lies ahead,
Anticipating the wonders of what is now living
And will soon be considered dead.
For you will always be a part,
Of this God's grandest piece of art,
No matter what kind of heart.
But will your soul be filled with the joys,
Of the greater and the grander things,
With which it this strange life does bring?
In orbit all around,
Life's greatest pleasures abound.
Wake to see the morning light,
In a truly selfless plight.
Weary world,
Open your eyes,
And see the changes necessary for life to survive.
Children rise!
Rebellion and revolution must save the skies;
Our self-indulgences are killing us so.
In the race to be civilized,
Mankind has lost chivalry.
Blinded in fright, greed, and insecurity,
Man will never see salvations light,
If the children do not rise up to fight.
Taught from birth to accept their plight;
Evil thoughts and actions will soon look right.
Taught raise not objection.
The child grows in complete deception.
Poor Mother Earth must surely be in hell,
To deliver from Her womb man,
The destructive force that delves to kill Her next born.
To see Her children divided against one another,
Man killing and beating Her lovin' creatures.
No respect for Her wombly nurture,
No life may have a future!
Time has played against Mother Nature.
Will She again be able to nurture?
Maybe it is our time to nurture Her,
From Sea to shining Sea.
Rebuild Her womb,
The atmospheric and environmental sea.
With no time in the looking glass,
Abuses must change fast.
Solutions are easy.
Change seems impossible.
With the answers clear,
What can MANkind truly fear?
Possibly the loss of his wars, creed, and greed,
All sick and wrong claims of his
For humanities most prized possessions,
Seem more the devil's obsessions.
And children behold these problems of old;
To forget the problems only makes them grow.
It is on your heads to make a stance,
For your own and all creatures’ futures chance.
From this gross scene of our ancestors past,
You are responsible to bring it back to beauty at last!
Do not bow in despair,
All is not yet lost.
Conquer these fears.
Or you will pay the cost!
It was killing me to read these lines from his diary, written after his coma, I remember after reading it the first time that I felt a cold chill of the evil I had become. I hated more for the fact that he seemed to blame man and he identified with woman as the savior of the planet or the defeat of their own children. Then I read the DaVinci Code and I almost fell off my chair, as I realized that his words seemed identical to Jesus, he was promoting a New World Order where woman took back the planet in fear of their children being killed from this male dominated, ego-psychotic male testosterone driven world we lived in. He believed that man had stolen the planet in his delusion to become king of the planet and in order to do so unobstructed he reduced woman to less than dog. Depriving the bearer of children the right to be involved in any part of societal direction in a male egotistical power grab for world power without even the women of their kind. If woman did not cooperate with their man, they were beaten and further oppressed into submission. Pure brute force was manunkinds way. Eliot saw that the only way the planet and Her creatures could be saved was by mothers teaching their male children to have respect like a woman, for the planet first, treating it as the embryo of their existence. Since man has no embryonic link to life other than for a brief second, it was impossible for them to understand the need for nurture and therefore they could not place in a hierological order the order for life as number one priority. Manunkind ordered the world without any consideration for Nature’s womb. Megalomaniacal ways brought the world to the sorry state it was in today, polluted and corrupted by greed. Manunkind chasing all the wrong things to accumulate power and wealth, leaving a world with massive ozone holes, water pollution, air pollution, deforestation, etc., bringing the children close to a world lacking essential resources for life. Only man, with no care for life, life even of the children could have directed humanity in this spiral to hell. No woman would have jeopardized the resources precious to all life for things like power or gold, woman see the only precious resource as being their children first and other things second. Man sees only other things first, like power and money, and thus life does not even enter the equation, hence the world we live in.
Could the technologies somehow link to the greater purpose Eliot spoke of when we met? One could conclude that the technologies were actually like the Holy Grail and they were attracting evil across the planet like a magnet, the same evil that fails to protect the children. Attracting every dirty lawyer, judge, and politician, all willingly entangled, once in they were certain to go down with the rest of us. Perhaps the technologies were a trick by G0d that would test the male establishment and their love of their children. Certainly if this were the case, I was doomed. I caused the stealing and coveting of G0d's technologies, a Pedophile who attempted to take advantage of this angel child of G0d. A Pedophile against G0d’s child, I tried to steal gifts from G0d to help the children, the noise in my head was starting to cause physical pain in my skull. Was I being tested? Was the whole male establishment who now tried to block Eliot in his legal efforts to get back the technologies and prosecute the evilness of men like me now coming to trial inside my head and almost certainly, sooner than later in an actual court of law. Even denying him legal rights took enormous efforts from those at the top, thus those at the top were now involved, it was like a fingerprinting of corruption was underway and Eliot was the catalyst, the technologies like a drug that he used to seduce us. I know this is farfetched, I know you may never understand having not been personally involved with these matters yet, but when living through it, you are consumed with it. Everyone who now was involved was up to their asses in it and nobody could explain how this whole affair had gotten so out of control. Could this be as he stated a test of G0d, a test that would show a G0d how distant from G0d we had become in our society, how we could ignore his messengers, ignore his gifts and a test of our worthiness to continue to inhabit the earth. Was G0d disgusted with me and everyone involved, did any of us even believe anymore in such G0d, certainly what we had done to Eliot would be judged harshly but what if we had interfered in technology that was delivered to help our children and we fucked up? How could this hurt my children? I could see so much harm already and I do not think the harm I was focused on was the harm that was coming but it certainly exposed that something greater was occurring all around me.
We were beat and in our desperation, for it made no sense, we conspired to kill him. Kill him before he got to the United States Supreme Court. We would step up the heat on him, he was catching on to the entire scheme, it was so complicated that after two years he still did not see the whole of the scam. Fascinating, so many demented ideas filled our minds, endless possibilities for evil once you were committed. In fact, the mold[68] in his apartment was the first attempt, it was a lucky coincidence but when he had finally come back from California, after fleeing for his life, after Utley went and threatened him when caught with the second set of patents, he moved into a life threatening mold situation in his home in Florida. In fact, that almost ended up in a cluster fuck for us too, as when he went to court, we interceded with his counsel, a little payola to deny him any rights in that court, but this little scheme almost killed his baby son, Daniel. Messy getting messier things were escalating and we damn near murdered a baby, I felt a strange rush of evil course my body. Sitting in my car, drunk, another man helpless in his own, I could not move, paralyzed by a plethora of imagery running through my head.
You must first understand that much earlier in 2001, we sent Utley to threaten him to shut up or else. As we thought Utley’s threat on behalf of our law firm and Foley for him to watch his back and his family, evidence began flying everywhere. Instantly, we started a shredding party of his documents, we started to plan for the end of the Inventors but he was too swift. Overnight, after Utley made the death threat, he called his wife, had her pack up their kids, and moved them to California, in an instant, overnight, and gone. It was like having someone in your sites and then boom, gone before you could pull off a round, gone. You would never believe where they ended up. They fled to a hotel, The St. Regis, where a friend harbored them in the Vice Presidential Suite for weeks at $50 a night, we wondered who his travel agent was, and it was a friend of his wife, a Mollie DeKold. From the St. Regis they then went to Vegas, to another $50 a night set of suites at the Luxor. Checking into hotels with their limited belongings, another great hotel deal from yet another friend, a one Andy and Donna Dietz, pesky Shareholders I despised all along, owners of a travel agency to the best rock stars, Donna, iconic. These Dietz fuckers were harboring the whole family in a hotel while he had time to further plot and scheme against us, attacks that would forever scar us, doom us but we could not stop there. These friends of his came from everywhere, there were people we never saw on any reports, his friends had friends, and we would never recover from the sheer number of people who had the evidence against us and the knowledge that we stole his shit.
We would shatter Eliot’s life, using every resource in our and Foley's firms to annihilate him. Eliot had left with his family his home and office belongings, not to return to Florida until after discovering our court case against our bogus companies, a whole other story of how we were trying to steal the technologies. Since we had moved Eliot into offices directly across the hall Proskauer’s Boca Raton, FL office, we could keep real close to him and it was much easier to bug the offices that way. Who would have thought that Eliot could have been bugging us all along, who thought that he might have known long before he let on what exactly we were doing and played us, I mean is playing us perfectly. A fucking actor he would have had to been and it seems more likely that he is divine versus genius. It did not matter now how or why, we were outwitted, busted, and Eliot had to be murdered. We were going to do it when Eliot came home to his family after Utley threatened him, figuring he would have been too scared to tell anyone but that plan blew up in our face. Utley's threat was too late and Eliot acted faster than anyone could have anticipated and set up in California where we had limited access to him and hid and dodged and hid. We discovered later, Eliot already called and notified the FBI in CA and the Rancho Palos Verdes police of Utley’s death threats and that we were the likely suspects if he turned up murdered. Eliot contacted the patent office next and started contacting various people trying to get answers. Thank g0d Foley lawyers planted inside the USPTO caught wind of Eliot’s efforts first. Right as damage control on one complaint, Eliot started filing complaints with everyone and their mother. Eliot contacted the patent office and claimed we were trying to kill him, they suggested he file a complaint but we had the info at his office in Florida and that is when we started to shred the evidence in high gear. Arthur Andersen was on to us, we were so close to a technology transfer with our friends at Enron, the whole Blockbuster/Enron (Huizenga's idea) deal to be the controllers of digital video and imaging, monopolizing his inventions as our own, now scraped. Talk about a fucking nightmare. My head was splitting and I started drinking more. Seconds away from pulling this Enron Broadband scam off, we had already started accounting for it on Enron's books, illegally of course and it was all going so smoothly. We had a few hurdles left to the finish line but now, right as we could taste the fruits of a perfect swindle, it was unwinding fast. The evidence would have to be destroyed but did Eliot have any backups or copies, we just assumed that Eliot did not care and had nothing at his office in California. Arthur Andersen had to go, they were on to us and had found one of the dummy corporations we set up, where some of the stolen patents in Utley's name resided, and they were sniffing up my ass for info. Nobody had completely discovered the whole scam but they had the coat tails. We had to dissolve Enron, ridding the evidence of an Enron Broadband technology division we started based on having stolen Eliot’s intellectual properties. Problem, the Broadband division had already booked massive revenue based on the presumption that the technologies were in the bag. This would take a major cover up, since continuing transferring the patents to Enron would have been a disaster, so we abandoned ship on other ideas and again began shredding. Nobody would wonder why Enron, an energy company, suddenly jumped into the virtually unheard of Internet broadband video market or why the revenue projections were hundreds of millions overdone, I prayed.
The partners at the firm began meeting incessantly about Eliot, our entire law firm was working time and overtime on only this and we had no other billings that mattered, everyone was at risk if Eliot crossed the finish line at any point in the next twenty to thirty years. If caught every partner in all the law firms involved would lose every single asset they and the partnership had, I mean every single thing and so these attorneys worked from every angle on how to bring Eliot down, to make his life hell before he could find out and get this any messier. How to diffuse all these situations unfolding, how to make Eliot’s life so miserable that he had no time to talk to the authorities was the focus, we believed that if we stopped Eliot nobody would ever know our dirty little secrets. This would give us time to head off any complaints, to destroy the evidence, to plant people where necessary, further derailing any efforts to expose us. Thank G0d we had a plan to buy the Presidency if necessary and it was looking like with the Enron scandal and Cheney and Bush’s involvement there too, we might have to siege the Presidency to hold all these scandals off. The rumor mill was abuzz with talk that Grebe was capable of pulling an election fraud, which many debated as the only way to stay alive, if even for a bit longer but we had to have someone in at the very top. We had to have someone so greed oriented somebody, already in the cabal, with nothing to lose. George W. Bush II was the answer in the end. Cheney was already deeply involved in Iviewit through Lynne's involvement at Lockheed. I took them to Lockheed, that was my ingenious move with Real 3D, the Cheney’s were the dirtiest politicians and always on the political losing ticket, a scandal wherever they went. Just ask Nixon or any other candidates whose candidacy he ruined. Talk about an idiot, getting Bush elected would take election fraud, as the People could not be stupid enough to buy into his ignorance alone. Many debated if Bush’s true idiocy and past, marred in homosexuality, cocaine, drugs and failed businesses, would destroy any chance but rumor was it would not matter. We would back Bush into power, imagine a Democratic law firm backing a Republican candidate. Bush did however have the connections to the Skull and Bones group too and with those connections and a few bumbling idiots to surround him we could stop any attempt at due process or justice. The Supreme Courts already stacked both state and federal from years of planning prior by the Bonesman and, since Regan, many Bonesman had been inducted and their friends, we could still make this work.
Right in the middle of our shredding party, we were stunned when a group of people showed up at the Boca Raton office with moving trucks. They came up to the office and started pulling everything out of the office right beneath our noses. Utley tried to stop them, stating he was President of the company but they said they had Eliot's authority to pull everything from the office, including his desk and chair. The y marched to the computer lab, grabbing every machine, before we could figure out how to run things or erase all the data. So Utley started to steal equipment, this later became another mess with the Boca Raton PD[69]
Boca Raton PD 2[70] we would have to solve. One of the employees actually wrote a statement of how we tried to bribe him with stolen funds from the company and it was damning, letter Frenden[71]. Even with all of these events exploding, we continued in our greed. We had him on the run it seemed, everyone was convinced we could get rid of the evidence and him still. Yet, with the equipment gone and the records gone, we had shredded quite a bit, there was a lot evidence now floating somewhere in space. His former employer, Rock It Cargo, USA, commissioned to come take the entire Florida office to California and now things were getting worse by the minute, the documents taken too. Our partners lamented over what they got away with but again we convinced ourselves that there was not enough belief that we had committed the crimes at this point and that no one would be able to put it together before we obliterated him, his wife, children and the other inventors. It was only a few weeks before that Utley had found a video-conference server plugged into the conference room with active cameras all over the office, could he have been taping us, how could we have missed it? We shut it down immediately and removed Eliot from his domain, in fact, we stole the domain Iviewit.com and shut them all out until we could figure it out but later much of that info somehow resurfaced.
We would now have to track and hunt him in LA and then get back into his life there with some more plants, surround him with fresh faces that would get the company info back to us. What we learned was that the data and docs had been flown to LA and then delivered to a new house he was in, in Palos Verdes, CA, this little fucker was quick, again so many friends, who were these Rock It fucks, this David Bernstein, Andy and Donna Dietz and Barry Becker. Before we could even get around him to stop any flow of data to third parties, complaints had started that needed immediate quashing. At the board meeting, my inside man Utley, terminated for cause. The Board of Directors voting to move the companies to California, close our Boca Raton office, and shut us out, including all of the people we planted around Eliot. This was getting complicated by the minute. With the Feds notified and others, killing him would have to wait and in that time he would do tremendous damage to our plans but fucking Grebe, Mr. Nam was supposed to bail us out with some yet unrevealed fail safe plan that was have this bottled up by 03, I could wait that long. Come on, we almost had him dead minutes before, we were seconds from victory and now it seemed we were fighting for our lives. A fight I still feel today we are losing. This fuck Eliot already surrounded himself with his old California friends and we had not prepared for this, we had made all of our plans for things like killing him in Florida or a set up in New York.
Foley and Larder were involved from the start, operating in the background, with me and Utley's buddy William Dick, IBM's former far east patent counsel and now at Foley, yet we had to bring them out when Eliot caught on to the fact that Joao was not doing his patent work as intended[72]. Funny, when Eliot discovered Joao was scamming he came to me with the disclosure. How foolish and trusting was he, in coming to me regarding Joao, the patent attorney we planted to file bad patents? To calm Eliot, I told him to keep it quiet, not to scare the investors. Claiming Proskauer would begin investigating why patents seemed filed late, why inventors were missing from the applications, why the applications not assigned[73] as promised, why Joao might have patents in his own name that might be overlapping the Iviewit patents and that appeared recently filed. I guess I did not think I could be being played by Eliot, that this was part of "keep your enemies closer" that I somehow overlooked. I was not prepared for this kind of war and he was living for it. Eliot came to me all concerned, as if he had just discovered a few pieces of the Joao scam and wanted Proskauer to investigate. Can you believe it, Eliot wanted us to investigate our own weasel, and this would be too easy, I mean he acted as if conflict was not even an issue. I mean this now caused us to reveal the main patent thief, William Dick of Foley, who would have to come out of the woodwork to replace Joao, I would support that Joao be let go, even though we brought him in and were wholly responsible for his actions. The storyline would be that Joao had done the initial filings quickly and with errors but that, Foley & Lardner would takeover and file from the provisional patent applications to the non-provisional patent pending applications and clean up any errors, correct the inventors and assignees, etc. Dick was already deeply involved in writing the second set of patents for Proskauer behind the scenes. Utley, Dick, and I worked together before at Diamond Turf and pulled out of that one unscathed, this would be simple to diffuse the Joao mess. We would have to bring Dick in gingerly and fail to disclose to Iviewit what had happened at Diamond Turf[74] and that Dick was the attorney who filed the stolen patents[75] for the lawn mower inventions we were stealing from Friedkin.
United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit
Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Plaintiff – Appellant
Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee et al.
Defendants – Appellees
CASE 07 Civ. 11196 (SAS)
Related Case
(07 Civ. 9599) (SAS-AJP) Christine C. Anderson v. the State of New York, et al.
Cases seeking or related to anderson
(07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv00526) Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
(08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv4053) Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv4438) Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
2753 N.W. 34TH STREET
(561) 245.8588 (o) / (561) 886.7628 (c) / (561) 245-8644 (f)
iviewit@iviewit.tv / www.iviewit.tv
TOC \o "1-2" \h \z \u Declaration of inventor eliot ivan bernstein
Judge Winter’s Denial of Stay to join u.s. government officials ACTS AS title 18 obstruction
enron / arthur andersen scandal ties to defendants in these matters
Defendants Proskauer & First Dept Conflicts
Defendants Meltzer, Joao and Dreier Conflicts
This Court & USDC Conflicts Acting to Deny Plaintiff Due Process through Obstruction of Justice
Violations of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes and Law
Violations of US Code Title 18
Violations of Attorney Conduct Codes citing New York Attorney Conduct Codes
New York First Department Rules
New York Lawyer's Code of Professional Responsibility
Halt Case Pending Oversight Review
As this Court is aware, a formal Motion to address multiple Conflict(s) of Interest ( COI ) in Violation of Judicial Cannons ( JC ), Attorney Conduct Codes ( ACC ), Public Office Rules & Regulations ( PORR ) and Law within this Lawsuit and the prior courts, was filed by myself, Eliot Ivan Bernstein ( Appellant or Plaintiff ), on Jan. 31, 2009[1]. The Motion referred to the Panel hearing the Appeal on Feb. 18, 2009[2]. Yet, multiple levels of COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law prevail in this Court, creating Obstruction of Justice and are continuing Illegal acts that are Prejudicial to Plaintiff’s Due Process rights.
The Conflicts now include the conduct of United State Court of Appeals Second Circuit ( USCA ) Judge, the Honorable Ralph K. Winter, Jr. ( Winter ), in denying a prior Motion for an Extension of Time and Stay pending formal appearance and involvement by the Office of the United States Attorney General ( USAG ) and involvement of the “United States” as Petitioned by Plaintiff[3]. Denial by Judge Winter coming after United States District Court Southern District of New York ( USDC ) Judge, the Honorable Shira A. Scheindlin ( Scheindlin ), Sua Sponte without notice dismissed my Lawsuit and six other Lawsuits. Lawsuits which Scheindlin previously marked "Legally Related" to the “Whistleblower” Federal Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson, 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York ( Anderson ), incorporated in entirety by reference herein. In the Dismissal Order[4] of August 8, 2008 of the “Legally Related” Lawsuits, Scheindlin suggests the “Legally Related” Lawsuits seek intervention by the Supreme Court of the United States, the appropriate USAG and the New York Attorney General ( NYAG ) stating:
As discussed below, the United States Constitution does not permit this Court to supervise the departmental disciplinary committees or review the decisions of the courts of New York State. Regardless of the possibility of corruption in the courts of the State of New York, the only federal court that may review their decisions is the United States Supreme Court[5]. Plaintiffs must direct their complaints to the state court system, the Attorney General for the State of New York, or the appropriate United States Attorney. Because the Court lacks jurisdiction to review the decisions of the departmental disciplinary committees, and for the other reasons stated below, these actions are dismissed. [ORDER August 08, 2008]
Plaintiff reminds this Court of the logical inconsistencies in the Scheindlin Dismissal Order as set out in prior motions and Appellant’s Brief to this Court on Appeal, in Scheindlin’s simultaneously recommending action to an appropriate USAG and the NYAG while finding that the USDC has no jurisdiction and that Plaintiff cannot state claims upon which relief may be granted. Plaintiff agrees that action by the appropriate Non-Conflicted USAG and Non-Conflicted NYAG is proper but disputes the Scheindlin finding that the USDC has no jurisdiction to grant relief. Plaintiff further disputes the finding that no claims warrant relief by a federal court as the underlying Intellectual Property rights, anti-trust actions, anti-competitive schemes, and ongoing RICO conspiracy and claims of Fraud on US Government Agencies and Foreign Nations all involve federal questions sufficient for original federal jurisdiction by the United States District Court.
Plaintiff hereby now renews and reargues the prior Motions submitted to this Court and the USDC regarding COI[6] through this Motion to Compel. Plaintiff seeks to compel this Court to address and remove the COI’s and all existing Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR to further Adjudication on Appeal as required by LAW, prior to any other substantive rulings or decisions. The continuing failure to remove such conflicts not only acts as further Obstruction of Justice and due process violations but also impermissibly violates Plaintiff’s due process rights under Civil Settlement programs and policies of the US Courts.
Plaintiff now requests a Stay of Proceedings on Appeal, until official involvement on behalf of the United States by the appropriate USAG, the NYAG, the Supreme Court and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) can intervene. Intervention is sought not only to join the Lawsuit on behalf of the US Government’s interests but also additionally to review the actions of this Court and the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials representing Defendants to address Criminal activities and/or determine if same are taking place in these Proceedings through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The COI now includes this Court’s own Violations of JC, ACC and Law, which would preclude further rulings, decisions or any other action by this Court until all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are removed. If necessary, Conflict resolution requested herein may force certain of this Court’s Justices and Court Personnel recusals and possible transfer of the Proceedings to a Non-Conflicted court. Also, prior Motions Decided and Rulings issued by this Court and the USDC issued based on Pleadings submitted in COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law would need to be vacated and those responsible for the Fraud on the Court Criminally Charged and proceedings returned to proper procedural status pre-Dismissal.
At the time of the filing of the prior Motion for Extension and this Court’s decision to deny a stay pending official appearance by the DOJ, the United States had recently underwent a change in Administration with incoming President, Barack Hussein Obama II, sworn into office in January of 2009, only one month prior. At the time of the prior Motion for Extension, the new Administration had appointed no Solicitor General. Subsequently, on March 19, 2009, The Honorable Elena Kagan appointed as Solicitor General within the DOJ and this Court should Stay matters on Appeal pending her involvement and/or the involvement of the Office of Solicitor General on behalf of the United States. This Court should further undertake its Legal Obligation to seek involvement of the US Solicitor General and all other appropriate State, Federal and International Authorities, including those mentioned herein, on its own motion.
This Court is fully aware that it has Legal and Ethical Duties and Obligations under Law to address and/or negate and report all COI, all Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and further notify all State, Federal, Disciplinary and other Appropriate Authorities of the Violations. The Court has Legal Obligation to negate COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, PRIOR to adjudicating matters. Plaintiff has formally Petitioned the Court to perform its Legal and Ethical Duties and Obligations regarding Conflict Disclosure and this Court has failed Disclosure despite repeated formal and procedural Conflict Disclosure requests by Pro Se Counsel Bernstein, continuing to act in Violation of its Rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law. For this Court to fail these Legal Obligations to follow the Court’s own Rules, is to allow the COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, to create a virtually impenetrable Obstruction of Justice through Conflict. Obstruction achieved by Conflict which becomes part of a FRAUD ON THE COURT[7] by those in charge of the Court, acting to further deny Plaintiff Due Process rights and further Aiding and Abetting the very real Legal RICO Conspiracy Crimes Alleged by Plaintiff before this Court.
In the April 27, 2009 Decision and Order[8] by Scheindlin, in the “Legally Related” Lawsuit of Anderson, Scheindlin formally judicially declared the validity of the Anderson Lawsuit as a “WHISTLEBLOWER”. Scheindlin advancing the case on allegations of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption within the New York Supreme Court involving agencies directly implicated in Plaintiff-Appellant’s case herein and directly involving the conduct of several major law firms named as Defendants herein. Public Office Corruption at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department (First Dept) and the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department ~ Departmental Disciplinary Committee ( DDC ) is center stage in Judge Scheindlin’s Decision advancing the Anderson Lawsuit to Trial. The First Dept and First Dept DDC are among the various offices where disciplinary complaints in Plaintiff’s matters were filed involving the Defendant Law Firms Proskauer, Meltzer, Foley and Others, all directly at issue in this Lawsuit and many Self-Representing themselves in further Violations of ACC, PORR and Law before this Court. Note that the original complaint[9] filed in the Anderson Lawsuit expressly raised the Iviewit matters as relating to the “Systemic” Public Office Corruption that was ongoing in the First Dept and First Dept DDC. The flawed USDC Dismissal Order in this Lawsuit occurred prior to the recent finding of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption in Anderson and wrongfully stated that Plaintiff Bernstein had not stated claims upon which federal relief are available while such Dismissal improperly denied Plaintiff Discovery, Due Process and evidentiary related rights to the Anderson evidence and information.
Due to the continued Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law acting to Obstruct Justice, as corroborated by Anderson, and, the continued and affirmed COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law continuing in this Court, Plaintiff now demands this Court to issue Orders for IMMEDIATE enforcement of COI Rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law and resolution of conflicts. Such Court Order shall mandate FULL CONFLICT DISCLOSURE applicable to all Court Justices, Court Personnel, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials that represent this Lawsuit on behalf of the Court and Counsel for Defendants and forcing compliance with all JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The minute there was correlation to Anderson’s allegations with Plaintiff’s allegations, it is almost impossible to imagine that the Court and USDC did not mandate thorough Conflict Checks of everyone involved in representing the Lawsuit in any Legal Capacity. Yet, even after repeated requests by Plaintiff to this Court and the USDC, these pleas for a Conflict free forum, went wholly ignored.
In the wake of Anderson’s supporting claims of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption for “FAVORED” Lawyers and Law Firms, Aided and Abetted by New York Supreme Court Officials and Disciplinary Agencies by Public Office Lawyers and others, there is now Absolute Evidence of the corruption. Evidence from an insider, as Anderson was a Staff Attorney for the First Department Discipline Committee for six years. Evidence of Obstruction by Anderson necessitates the need IMMEDIATELY to protect against further corruption within the Courts, preventing further crimes from being committed on behalf of the Favored Law Firms and Lawyers in the courts and reducing the number of new defendants. Allegations of Obstruction in Plaintiff’s complaints, prior to Plaintiff learning of Anderson, are almost identical to the Criminal Obstruction exposed by Anderson and act as further cause to Reinvestigate all prior Lawsuits and Disciplinary Complaints filed by Plaintiff in the New York Courts and Disciplinary Departments. Anyone involved in Plaintiff’s prior Disciplinary Complaints at the First Dept and First Dept DDC would be CONFLICTED from acting in any Legal Capacity in these Proceedings, for example Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer. Several Public Officials named in Anderson’s complaint are simultaneously Defendants and Witnesses in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit. For example, Defendant Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe (Wolfe), former clerk of the court for Defendant First Dept and now Clerk of this Court, named in Anderson and this Lawsuit as a Defendant making Wolfe’s direct involvement in the handling of these matters for this Court CONFLICTED.
Wolfe, an initial Defendant in Anderson, will now be a Witness for Anderson and simultaneously a Witness and Defendant in this Lawsuit, creating a massive CONFLICT with her involvement as Clerk of this Court and therefore this Court. Until this Court and Wolfe’s Conflicts are resolved through full Disclosure leading to either Conflict resolution and/or Conflict removal, the Conflict acts to Obstruct Justice in this Court, causing new Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, denying Due Process rights of Plaintiff and cause for Criminal Obstructions charges. Wolfe’s deposition statements are cited on multiple occasions in Scheindlin’s Opinion and Order denying Summary Judgment in the Anderson Lawsuit, dated April 27 2009, whereby Scheindlin[10] stated, “Plaintiff’s [ Anderson’s ] First Amendment Retaliation Claims remain”, “Retaliation” while Anderson should have been protected as a “Whistleblower”.
Anderson testified recently before the New York Senate Judiciary Committee on June 08, 2009[11], in Albany New York and her testimony describes multiple acts of State and Federal Crimes, including Fraud on the Courts through Obstruction of Justice caused by State Officials violating ACC, PORR and Law. As Anderson describes, Court and Public Office Officials achieved Obstruction through Coercion, Threats and Intimidation to attempt to force her to Whitewash complaints against Favored Law Firms and Lawyers. From Anderson’s riveting testimony at the hearings, she claims,
I alleged that upon learning of the DDC's pattern and practice of whitewashing and routinely dismissing complaints leveled against certain select attorneys -- to the detriment of the public that the DDC is duty-bound to serve – I reported this wrongdoing pursuant to my rights under the First Amendment to the United States constitution and, importantly, my own ethical obligations under the New York State Code of Professional Responsibility…
In response, however, rather than attempting to address and rectify the problem, my supervisors embarked upon a campaign of abuse and harassment of myself, including a physical assault on myself…[12]
This intimidation of Anderson by Public Office Officials was to preclude her from exposing the ongoing Corruption at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department and First Department Disciplinary Committee, Corruption that included document destruction, changes to staff attorney reports, physical assault and wrongful termination for her attempts to expose the Crimes of her superiors, including Cahill.
Plaintiff Bernstein was slated to testify at the New York Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Anderson, when suddenly, in the midst of the hearings, the now infamous Albany Coup on the NY Senate occurred on June 08, 2009. The Albany Coup took place approximately 10 minutes before Plaintiff was to testify about the enormous “Systemic” Public Office Corruption alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint in support of Anderson’s testimony. The Albany Coup then forced the shut down of the lights in the building, the cell and Internet communications, and finally, after waiting two hours, cancellation of the hearings. There are several theories as to orchestration and timing of the Albany Coup. One such theory holds that the coup was orchestrated directly to preclude Plaintiff Bernstein from testifying at the Judiciary Committee hearing that was simultaneously ongoing in the Albany Capital building regarding allegations that Law Firms and Lawyers are Stealing Intellectual Properties from Inventors / Clients by committing Frauds Upon the US Patent Office, Worldwide Patent Offices and more. The testimony would have then gone on to include the attempted Cover-Up of the Crimes through Violations of Public Offices, by the same Law Firms and Lawyers that committed the Original Crimes, several of whom were at the hearing[13], several Self-Representing themselves before this Court in this Lawsuit.
This Court is fully aware of its Legal Duties and Obligations under JC, ACC, PORR and Law to address and negate all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and further notify all State, Federal, Disciplinary and other appropriate Authorities of all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, prior to adjudicating matters. Plaintiff has formally petitioned the Court through prior Motions to perform such Legal Duties and Obligations and this Court has failed formally to issue even a courteous reply and instead continued to act in defiance of its own Rules. To fail these Legal Duties and Obligations and allow the COI and Violations of the JC, ACC, PORR and Law to continue is to deny Due Process by creating Obstruction of Justice in this Court.
As recognized by this Court in Dunton v. Lawton cited in my Motion, "there are at least two reasons why a court should satisfy itself that no Conflict exists or at least provide notice to the affected party if one does. First, a court is under a continuing obligation to supervise the members of it’s Bar. E.g., In re Taylor, 567 F.2d at 1191; see Musicus v. Westinghouse Electric Corp., 621 F.2d 742, 744 (5th Cir.1980) (per curiam) (district court obligated to take measures against unethical conduct occurring in proceedings before it). Second, trial courts have a duty "to exercise that degree of control required by the facts and circumstances of each case to assure the litigants of a fair trial." Koufakis v. Carvel, 425 F.2d 892, 900-01 (2d Cir.1970); see ABA Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(A)(4)." As the US Supreme Court has held, due process Violations may arise by the failure to address conflicts. See, Wood v. Georgia, 450 U.S. 261, 101 S.Ct. 1097, 67 L.Ed.2d 220 (1981) (divided loyalties of counsel may create due process Violation).
In the face of long established law in the US Second Circuit and opposite case law, Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Winter denied the prior Motion filed by Plaintiff seeking a Stay on Appeal pending resolution of COI, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and requesting involvement by the DOJ and others on behalf of the United States, despite knowledge of Wolfe’s active conflicted direct involvement at this Court. Such denial included a request by Plaintiff to conduct a Conference Call with the Office of White House Counsel, Office of US Attorney General and other appropriate parties pertaining to the issues and requests presented.
Despite this Court’s direct knowledge that Wolfe is a named Defendant and Witness in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit causing Conflict in Violation of the Court’s own Rules, yet the Court refuses to resolve, regulate or even acknowledge or mitigate the Conflicts by Conference or any other mechanism. Current US Second Circuit Clerk Wolfe directly provided critical information to Plaintiff while working at the First Dept, implicating Defendant Proskauer Lawyer and First Dept DDC Officer, Defendant Steven C. Krane (Krane) and First Department Chief Counsel, Defendant Thomas Cahill (Cahill), informing Plaintiff they were Violating ACC, PORR and Law. Wolfe exposed Violations caused by Krane’s handling of First Dept DDC Disciplinary Complaints against Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer, Rubenstein and Joao, while concealing his CONFLICT caused by Krane’s involvement in the Iviewit Disciplinary Complaints while a Proskauer Partner and simultaneously an Officer of the First Dept DDC, as further defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
Anderson and Wolfe, both now Witnesses for Plaintiff, together add substantive corroboration to Plaintiff’s complaints of Public Office Corruption at the First Dept DDC that Obstructed COURT proceedings and were part of a Fraud on the Court in an effort to deny Due Process to Disciplinary Complaints filed with the New York State courts. Further, Winter’s action in ruling against a Stay of the Appeal to seek intervention by the USAG was ripe with Conflict, given Wolfe's star role in the upcoming Anderson trial. Winter’s relation to Wolfe professionally and personally without Conflict resolution, at minimum, causes the Appearance of Impropriety and additional Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law in this Court’s handling of this Lawsuit.
The Conflicts by Winter and Wolfe are now ever so prominent given the recent ruling by Scheindlin finding a valid First Amendment claim for “Retaliation” by Anderson against the First Dept DDC for speaking out against the “Systemic” Public Office Corruption within the First Dept and First Dept DDC. Yet, in the underlying action filed by Plaintiff, prior to Scheindlin’s finding of possible Public Office Corruption in Anderson and prior to advancing the Anderson matter for Trial, Scheindlin herself had already noted that “substantive issues” including “conflicts” existed in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit, whereby in a Court Order dated March 21 2008[14] Scheindlin claims,
Any further consideration of the substantive issues raised by plaintiffs, including plaintiffs' requests regarding conflicts of interest, must await the resolution of anticipated motions to dismiss.
However, in this most bizarre ruling, prior to the finding of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption in her Opinion and Order denying Summary Judgment in the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit, Scheindlin determined not to address the Conflicts in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit until after Motions to Dismiss were decided. Scheindlin then dismissed the Lawsuit based on Pleadings knowingly tendered in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law by Opposing Counsel. Such Pleadings act as part of the larger Fraud on the Court, therefore the Pleadings and the subsequent Rulings based on them, as part of a Fraud on the Court have no value and will be stricken eventually.
Scheindlin acknowledges “substantive issues” including “conflict” and then improperly, illegally and prejudicially to Plaintiff Appellant Bernstein’s rights fails to execute her Judicial Legal Obligations, prior to or after deciding the Motions to Dismiss. Then, as if dismissing the Lawsuit somehow relieved Scheindlin of her Judicial Legal Obligations under JC, ACC and Law to report the Misconduct and Violations by the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials practicing before her to the proper Authorities, Scheindlin instead created a shield by concealing them.
Scheindlin’s bizarre dismissal occurred despite the fact that the NYAG Assistant AG, Monica Connell, when confronted regarding the NYAG conflicts, indicated that Conflicts in the Lawsuit should be resolved by the USDC and not by the NYAG[15]. The comments and actions by Connell are inherently contradictory and serve as a basis for reversal of the Scheindlin Dismissal Order, upon negating any existing COI at play or moving the matters to a Non-Conflicted court.
Despite Anderson’s direct references to the Iviewit complaints at the First Dept DDC and First Dept, Scheindlin proceeded without allowing any of the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to join the Anderson Lawsuit in Discovery and further related proceedings despite having marked the “Legally Related” cases “related” in the first instance. The March 21, 2008 Scheindlin Order exposes Violations of ACC, PORR and Law and creates reversible errors as Scheindlin acknowledged “substantive” COI and other unknown “substantive issues” on the one hand and on the other allows the Lawsuit to proceed with Pleadings tendered by those in Conflict. For example, Defendant Proskauer, Legally representing Defendant Proskauer in Violation of ACC, moved the Scheindlin court to Stay Service of the Amended Complaint[16], serving certain Amended Complaint Defendants only, despite the fact that Plaintiff filed the Amended Complaint timely and according to court rules at the time, which should have mandated service on all Defendants. Yet, defying the court’s own rules, Scheindlin ruled in favor of Proskauer’s Motion to Stay Service of the Amended Complaint[17] tendered in Conflict, thus interfering with Plaintiff’s legal right to service and Due Process.
If Proskauer was Conflicted at the time of their Motion to Stay Service, which the firm was and remains Conflicted, it was then Improper and Reversible for Scheindlin to permit the Law Firm, a Partnership, to submit Conflicted Pleadings and Motions before the Court on their own behalf that Violate ACC and Law by not addressing the conflicts first. As the Pleading and Motions are submitted in Violation of ACC, it follows that Scheindlin would be unable to Rule on an Improper Pleading or Motion before the Court. The Illegal Pleadings and moving papers submitted by Conflicted Counsel and the Illegal Rulings tendered in response to those Illegal Pleadings by Scheindlin, combine to create a Fraud on the Court that acts to Obstruct Justice and deny Plaintiff Due Process. Scheindlin should have instead followed JC, ACC and Law, which would have forced Proskauer to find Non-Conflicted counsel to submit pleadings on their behalf. Further, Scheindlin should have denied the Conflicted Illegal Pleadings that Non-Conflicted counsel might not have made, having no interest in the Lawsuit. More importantly, Proskauer Partners being direct Witnesses in the case and Defendants should have wanted to avoid Improper and Illegal conduct if they had no blood upon their hands. Certainly, they would have hired counsel to avoid the OBVIOUS Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety their continued Conflicted and Unlawful Conduct creates and the Liabilities created for all the Public and Private parties entangled in the Amended Complaint caused by the continued misconduct.
Similar to the USDC, this Court has permitted Proskauer and other named Defendants to continue to Self-Represent in conflict despite multiple Lawyers within the Firms being direct Defendants and Fact Witnesses to critical parts of the allegations in the underlying Amended Complaint and despite the Law Firms being Partnerships. The Criminal and financial implications of the Crimes will devastate the Law Firms and all Partners in the partnerships who through the partnership are all implicated in the Crimes and now involved in the continuing Cover-Up Crimes through continuous Violations of ACC, PORR and Law that create further Obstruction through continuous Frauds on the Courts.
Since dismissal of the Lawsuit, Judge Scheindlin has still failed to resolve the COI or identify whom the “substantive” Conflicts or “substantive issues” involve (a Conflict mystery) but more importantly has FAILED to report to the proper Authorities the Violations. JC, ACC, PORR and Law all Legally Mandate Reporting “substantive conflict” to all proper Authorities, including whatever other “substantive” issues Scheindlin refers to in her Order. This failure continues despite Judge Scheindlin having since issued a Decision and Order finding corruption in the Anderson case and permitting that case to proceed to trial. Plaintiff has repeatedly complained to both the USDC and this Court about many separate and distinct COI, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, against multiple Conflicted Lawyers, Law Firms, State Actors and State Agencies who are representing Defendants in the Lawsuit. Complaints extending back to the USDC, the State Courts, the initial Attorney Disciplinary Departments and the Civil Court in Florida under Judge Jorge Labarga, all of these conflict infested legal actions defined further in the Amended Complaint and prior motions to this Court, all fraught with Conflicts, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
The initial Disciplinary Complaints against the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials in New York, Florida and Virginia all found fraught with Conflict and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law, creating the overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. In New York, the finding of Conflict in the First Dept DDC led to First Dept COURT ORDERED INVESTIGATIONS of the same Lawyers and Law Firms now Self-Representing in Conflict before this Court. All of the prior Conflicts CONCEALED and inserted in the Disciplinary Complaint process by the Defendants to deflect complaints against them filed in those states, as allegations of Fraud were uncovered against the core conspirators Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer.
Conflicts Confirmed, Ordered for Investigation, Acknowledged by a Federal Judge and the State Courts, yet all continue in this Court, defying logic and Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law. This Court prior to any further substantive acts must address the question of whom and what the “substantive issues” and COI involve that Scheindlin identified and failed to negate prior to adjudicating the Lawsuit. This Court cannot be free of the Prejudicial influence of the Conflicts in the Scheindlin court, especially relying upon Rulings that may be Illegal and in fact is in perpetuation of them by failing to report them and allowing them to continue. Scheindlin erred in failing to resolve the Conflicts before or after her determination in the Motions to Dismiss, allowing the Conflicted Law Firms and Lawyers to continue to move the Lawsuit to dismissal, constituting reason for soon to be filed judicial complaints regarding Scheindlin’s Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
All prior Determinations, Rulings or other Pleadings influenced by “substantive” COI by any Defendant counsel, renders them Inadmissible, Illegal, Dismissible and Punishable under JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Scheindlin failed to exercise her Legal Duties and Obligations to Report and Regulate Violations of ACC, PORR and Law committed by the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials acting before her court. This Court’s similar INACTIONS constitute not only Violations of JC, ACC and Law but also further act to Obstruct Justice by furthering the Fraud on the Court. The Obstruction created denies Plaintiff Due Process rights and rights to his Intellectual Properties and Royalties that underlie the Conflict matters. Such Property rights guaranteed in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution regarding Inventor rights, the 5th and 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, and other Federal and State property laws, including Violations of Anti-Trust Law, RICO and many other State, Federal and International Laws, all clearly defined in the Amended Complaint.
The Conflicts are clear, in mass and Violate numerous JC, ACC, PORR and Law regarding the Pleadings of almost all opposing counsel in this Lawsuit, many whom are also Defendants and Witnesses in this Lawsuit. Action to resolve the “substantive” Conflicts must be immediate and prior to any other action or Ruling by this Court in order to remove the Illegal influence of the Conflicts over all past proceedings and enable moving forward in a judicially ethical manner in compliance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Despite Scheindlin’s flawed and perhaps Culpable actions to dismiss the Lawsuit prior to Conflict resolution when bound by JC, ACC, PORR and Law to remove “Conflict” in any proceeding and report all such Conflicted Parties to the proper Authorities for disposition leaves this Court with resolving the Conflicts prior to further adjudication.
Failure to eliminate Conflict in the Lawsuit prior to adjudication by this Court or any court it is transferred to immediately Prejudices the rights of Plaintiff and thus already in fact has Prejudiced this Lawsuit in this Court, further denying Due Process rights to Plaintiff. For this Court to continue to allow multiple Defendants to be represented by Conflicted Counsel or represent themselves in Conflict and continue to allow Judicial Officers to act outside the established JC, ACC, PORR and Law, further denies Due Process and further acts to Aid and Abet the efforts to subterfuge Plaintiff’s rights through continued Obstruction. This Court, by allowing the Conflicts to continue and failing to affirm or deny its own potential Conflicts, despite repeated written requests, has therefore already become a Culpable Party to such continued Conspiracy to deny Plaintiff’s rights in the New York Courts and now the Federal Courts, through further Illegal Abuse of Process and Fraud on the Courts.
This Court may take Judicial Notice of the Massive Wall Street meltdown occurring since Scheindlin’s Dismissal Order of August 2008 and should note that many of the major Wall Street companies involved in the meltdown also are part of the Iviewit claims. Exposed in a July 15, 2009, article in AmLaw Daily[18] titled “Proskauer Advises Company at Center of Derivatives Probe” is that Defendant Proskauer acting as Legal Advisor to Markit is at the center of an Ongoing Antitrust Investigation by the US DOJ into the TWENTY SIX TRILLION DOLLAR credit default swap market. This the same credit default swap market that has sunk this Country into near financial ruins, leaving millions of people worldwide in financial ruin, jobless, starving, medically deprived and homeless, again, we find Proskauer involved.
The Court can take further Judicial Notice of the massive financial Ponzi and other financial schemes recently unfolding and revealed during this same general timeframe and again find relations too many of the Defendants in this Lawsuit. While paling in comparison to the possible Antitrust Violations regarding Market Manipulation in the Trillions of Dollars are the Billion Dollar Frauds that have further correlations and relationships to Defendants. Evidence of involvement of Iviewit Defendants found in the following financial frauds, including but not limited to:
1. the Bernard Lawrence "Bernie" Madoff[19] ( Madoff ), Chairman of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC ( BMIS ) Ponzi scheme,
2. the Sir Robert Allen Stanford ( Stanford ), Chairman of Stanford Financial Group of Companies ( SFG )[20] Ponzi scheme,
3. Willis Group Holdings involvement in the Stanford Ponzi and Proskauer’s representation of Willis[21],
4. the Marc Stuart Dreier[22] ( Dreier ) of Defendant Dreier & Baritz ( DB ) financial Fraud and
5. the Edward Okun of 1031 Tax Group Fraud.
The COI that continues to prevail in this Court and the lower courts act to Obstruct Justice and were they removed and prosecuted instead of railroaded and further these Schemes and Defendants, including Proskauer, Dreier, Foley and Others, are found directly involved in the above referenced Schemes, then prosecution may have stopped these Schemes years’ earlier. Had the Courts and the Disciplinary Departments acted in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law and not allowed Conflicts to prevail, this could have prevented massive damage to the Victims of these Schemes and instead the Obstruction allowed the schemes to flourish. These schemes appear to be highly sophisticated financial schemes with Lawyers and Former SEC Agents operating or involved in almost all of them. As evidenced herein and in the Amended Complaint[23], all of these Schemes may be efforts to Launder the Stolen and Converted Intellectual Property Royalties of Plaintiff, converted Illegally by Defendants in these matters for their own gain. Other financial crimes may be due to the Fox in the Henhouse analogy where once in, the Fox went on a criminal feeding frenzy, unopposed by any threat of Justice, as the Gonzales Attorney Scandal for political favor, created an Injustice Department for these Schemes to flourish.
The Court is respectfully reminded of the nature of the allegations in my Amended Complaint and that it was the powerful and politically connected Law Firms of Proskauer and Foley, named Defendants in this action, that were at the heart of the scheme to steal my Intellectual Properties worth a Trillion Dollars or more. The Original Intellectual Property Crimes committed through a continuous series of Private and Professional Misconducts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law which were then combined with Public Office Crimes in order to Cover-Up the Original Crimes. The Cover-Up Crimes committed by Defendant Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, creating a shield from prosecution for the Defendants by denying Due Process to the Plaintiff, through Illegally positioning in Conflict and creating Obstruction through further Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
The Court should take Judicial Notice that Proskauer not only has the most clients in the Madoff Scheme (many clients previously thought to be Victim are currently under Investigation[24]) but also simultaneously lies at the very heart of the Stanford / SFG Scheme, Proskauer and Proskauer Partners directly implicated in Stanford / SFG.[25] Defendant Proskauer has been identified in SEC and FBI Criminal and Civil lawsuits, acting as Stanford and SFG Counsel and coaching SFG employees to Mislead investigators, leading to a court ordered Injunction[26] to Freeze the Assets of Stanford / SFG by that court, applicable to Stanford, SFG, SFG Advisors, SFG Lawyers and the Law Firms.
Proskauer is also counsel to Willis Group Holdings, from Proskauer’s 2002 Annual Review “We continue to represent Willis Group Holdings, one of the largest insurance brokers in the U.S. and globally.”[27] The Willis Group Holdings[28] is being sued as part of the Stanford Ponzi for issuing "safe and soundness" letters to potential investors in Stanford that were intended to attract customers to Stanford, leading to Billions of dollars of loss to Victims.
Defendant Proskauer is directly involved in the Stanford / SFG scheme[29] and the ongoing SEC and FBI federal actions[30] which implicate them in the Criminal Complaints filed by the FBI (i) H-09-140M (ii) 309 MJ 56 and the SEC Civil Complaints (i) 3:09-cv-00298-N (ii) 3:09-cv-00298-L (iii) 1:09-mc-00002-JAD. Proskauer implicated in Aiding and Abetting the Stanford / SFG criminal enterprise in Misleading investigators leading to the arrest of SFG employees, the arrest of Stanford and an injunction on all assets.
In the Deposition of the Chief Information Officer of SFG with the SEC, where the financial Scheme was being unraveled by investigators, the Defendant Proskauer Lawyer Partner Thomas Sjoblom[31] (Sjoblom), abruptly left the meeting and the next day sent an email to the SEC withdrawing Proskauer’s and his own prior statements and representations. Plaintiff remains confused as to how one can withdraw prior statements but this nonetheless is an obvious area of inquiry of the Proskauer attorneys and defendants. This bizarre behavior by Proskauer and Sjoblom sent red flags to the SEC that something was amiss and caused the SEC to take immediate actions to protect the Victims. In a final meeting with SFG executives Sjoblom claims, “The Party is Over” and urges them to “Pray”[32].
The deposition statements of the arrested SFG executive, Chief Investment Officer Laura Pendergest-Holt combined with news reports naming Proskauer’s Sjoblom as Attorney A in the SEC and FBI federal complaints put Sjoblom dead center in the Scheme. From the Houston Chronicle on Sunday, March 01, 2009,
They included outside Counsel Thomas Sjoblom of Washington, D.C., referred to as Attorney A, who has since withdrawn from representing Stanford.[33]
Inferred from the initial documentation and news reports in those Lawsuits is that Sjoblom conspired and prepared with SFG executives to perpetrate fraudulent statements and records to the SEC investigators and so Aided and Abetted in the totality of the Fraud and Cover-Up. The FBI has arrested and charged Holt with Obstructing a US Government investigation, including her involvement with Sjoblom in preparing false and misleading information to give investigators. The FBI has arrested Stanford since the prior Motion to this Court alerting the Court to these financial Schemes. Proskauer and Sjoblom may be the next ones charged with similar crimes or worse for their involvement in misleading investigators and coaching Holt to lie to authorities, as well as, their direct involvement in the Stanford / SFG crimes.
Holt has filed a civil suit[34] against Proskauer and Sjoblom for Violations of ACC and more that have left this twenty-four year old charged in Federal Civil and Criminal Complaints, claiming that Sjoblom and Proskauer practically forced her to make the falsified representations to the SEC protecting the more involved senior executives of SFG like Stanford. Sjoblom also made the plea to investigators to have Holt represent SFG in the proceedings, yet Sjoblom was acting Counsel for SFG only at Holt’s deposition and only later was it learned under repeated questioning by investigators that Sjoblom was not representing Holt personally at her Deposition, apparently misleading Holt and SEC investigators initially. Proskauer and Sjoblom treated Holt as a Sacrificial Lamb in efforts to protect those who orchestrated the Crimes, including themselves perhaps and then cowardly abandoned her.
Learned since filing the prior Motion to this Court alerting the Court to these Schemes is further relations of Proskauer to the Madoff Scheme. According to TPM news[35], in 2004, an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot notified the SEC of the possible Madoff Ponzi Scheme but was forced out of her job at the SEC and later the SEC settled a claim against them filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination from the SEC, Lightfoot turned over her report on Madoff to Jacqueline Wood ( Wood ). Wood then buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi years earlier and when she left the SEC, Wood took a partnership at, you guessed it, Defendant Proskauer.
When combined with other information it starts to further tie the Madoff and Stanford Schemes together, as stated in the Times Online on February 18, 2009,
‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank's public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.[36]
To FURTHER PERMIT the Defendants in this Lawsuit, who simultaneously represent themselves in this ongoing RICO, to continue to move this Court on behalf of themselves, without first addressing the multiple layers of Conflict as required by the Laws of this Second Circuit under Dunton and related progeny, is absurd and highly unethical. This unethical behavior Violates this Court's Duty to first make Inquiry into and then resolve the Conflicts cited herein in accordance with Law and its own Rules and PRIOR to Adjudication, not to mention the simultaneous failure of this Court to uphold the New York State Ethics and Disciplinary Rules and Regulations in opposite of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
Finally, there is a common theme, which may have led to the lax Oversight in these unfolding scandals through infiltration of key regulatory posts, in fact, Law 360 states in a recent article
SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe. New York (February 09, 2009) -- Amid criticism stemming from the Madoff scandal, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Director of Enforcement Linda Thomsen is stepping down and could be replaced by Deutsche Bank AG General Counsel Robert Khuzami, according to reports.[37]
Reported from the Memphis Daily News, as it relates directly to these matters:
Before entering private practice, Sjoblom had worked for the SEC for 20 years. From 1987 to 1999, he was an assistant chief litigation counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement – the same division of the agency whose representatives were peppering arrested CIO of Stanford, Pendergest-Holt with questions Feb. 10. After she was put under oath, Sjoblom [of Proskauer] immediately got down to business. Pre-empting the SEC officials, according to a transcript of the day’s testimony, he asked:
“First of all, has there been a criminal referral in this matter?”
[SEC Investigator] King informed Sjoblom of a SEC Form 1662 served upon both he and his client Holt. Among other things, that form reads, “The commission often makes its files available to other governmental agencies, particularly United States Attorneys and state prosecutors. There is a likelihood that information supplied by you will be made available to such agencies where appropriate.”
At press time, criminal charges had not yet been filed against the three executives who were the subject of SEC civil charges last week.
Sjoblom followed up with another question to investigators asking whether the SEC was currently working with the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Northern District of Texas or elsewhere.
“Mr. Sjoblom, I just referred you to SEC Form 1662,” King replied.
Sjoblom pressed on…[38]
The Court should already see how many levels of Conflict continue to plague these matters with Proskauer’s and Others Self-Representations and until stopped, the Public remains exposed through lax regulators and complacent courts or perhaps complicity by the regulators and courts to further Schemes. As this Court, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals noted in United States v. Piervinanzi, 23 F. 3d 670 ( 1994 ), " When a trial judge is made aware of an apparent Conflict of Interest, a duty of inquiry arises to protect the represented defendant's interests. See id. at 272, 101 S.Ct. at 1104; Dunton v. County of Suffolk, 729 F.2d 903, 908-09 (2d Cir.), modified, 748 F.2d 69 (2d Cir.1984)."
This Court must now perform its duty of making inquiry into the multiple levels of Conflict herein or stay such appeal and response briefs by Proskauer and other Conflicted Defendants until federal investigators have ferreted out the Conflicts and determined if this Court can proceed legally. Similarly, the USDC’s failure to negate Conflict creates reversible error and possible grounds for Obstruction of Justice charges and more.
In the fraudulent hedge fund scheme orchestrated by Samuel Israel (whom faked his death in a bogus airplane crash) of the Bayou Group[39] we again find Defendant Proskauer, this time hiring Jeff J. Marwil formerly of Winston Straw and who currently serves as sole managing member of the Bayou Group in its Chapter 11 cases.
In the Dreier scheme, we find former Proskauer partner Sheila M. Gowan[40] selected as the bankruptcy trustee in the Dreier case and again Defendant Proskauer referred Plaintiff to patent attorney Defendant Joao, later fired by Plaintiff for suspected Patent Theft and then transferring to Defendant Dreier Baritz. Again, the web of Conflicts encircles these matters with Proskauer always near the center.
Defendant Dreier, who became involved in this lawsuit through Proskauer and Meltzer attorney Defendant Joao, has now formally pled guilty in federal court to being involved in a Seven Hundred Million Dollar ( US $700,000,000.00 ) financial Fraud and has been sentenced to twenty years with a loss of all assets.
Finally, and most recently, Defendant Foley is being sued for their part in yet another massive Ponzi scheme regarding The 1031 Tax Group LLC schemed by Edward H. Okun who has already pled guilty to that crime and was sentenced to 100 years in prison[41]and[42].
All these schemes, Drier, Stanford, Madoff, Okun and more may be efforts by Defendant Proskauer and their Co-Conspirators to launder the converted monies from Plaintiff’s stolen Intellectual Properties. Based upon prior and newly discovered information that support the allegations made herein and in the prior Motion to this Court regarding investigating Defendants involved in the Stanford, Madoff and Dreier schemes; Plaintiff now moves this Court to renew and reargue the Court's prior Denial of Plaintiff’s prior Emergency Motion[43] to investigate the Defendants Proskauer, Foley, Meltzer and Dreier regarding the financial crimes of Madoff, Stanford, Dreier and Okun. Plaintiff – Appellant likewise is Moving the Court simultaneously to notify all proper Authorities, including the courts where legal actions regarding these frauds are already proceeding and request injunction on all funds recovered. Injunction until it can be determined if the financial schemes are related to this Lawsuit and further determine if the legal proceedings of these financial schemes may be further schemes or Frauds on the Courts to launder Plaintiff’s converted royalties.
Press reports further allege that Stanford has been under investigation for many years, including investigations for his involvement with DRUG CARTELS and Money Laundering Schemes on behalf of such Cartels. This puts Proskauer squarely at the center of not only the financial Frauds but now also ties them to an Organized and Violent Criminal Enterprises. Further, Portfolio.com reports,
Authorities tell ABC News that as part of the investigation, which has been ongoing since last year, Mexican authorities detained one of Stanford's private planes. According to officials, checks found inside the plane were believed to be connected to the Gulf cartel, reputed to be Mexico's most violent gang. [44]
From the Guardian.co.uk online,
The FBI is probing possible money laundering linked to Mexico's infamous narco-trafficking Gulf Cartel in its investigation of Texan billionaire Sir Allen Stanford, US law enforcement sources have told the Observer. An FBI source close to the investigation would not give exact details but confirmed the agency was looking at links to international drug gangs as part of the huge investigation into Stanford's banking activities. [45]
The Proskauer firm and related clients are also squarely in the center of the massive financial Ponzi scheme involving Bernard Madoff that involves ignored Whistleblower allegations by regulators going back many years before government action occurred. In one instance, a Whistleblower complaint that was turned over to the SEC investigators was then buried by an SEC employee who later left the SEC and took a Proskauer partnership, as defined herein.
When combined with other information it starts to further tie the schemes together, as stated in the Times Online on February 18, 2009,
‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank's public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.[46]
For the Court to PERMIT the Defendants, who simultaneously Self-Represent themselves as Counsel in Conflict in this ongoing RICO, to continue to move the Court without first addressing the multiple layers of Conflict, as required by the Laws of this Second Circuit under Dunton and related progeny, is absurd. This unethical behavior Violates this Court's Duty to first make Inquiry into and then resolve the Conflicts cited herein, in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law and PRIOR TO adjudication.
Finally, there is a common theme, which may have led to the lax Oversight on many unfolding scandals through infiltration of key regulatory posts. In fact, Law 360 states in a recent article
SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe. New York (February 09, 2009) -- Amid criticism stemming from the Madoff scandal, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Director of Enforcement Linda Thomsen is stepping down and could be replaced by Deutsche Bank AG General Counsel Robert Khuzami, according to reports.[47]
Reported from the Memphis Daily News, as it relates directly to these matters:
Before entering private practice, Sjoblom had worked for the SEC for 20 years. From 1987 to 1999, he was an assistant chief litigation counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement [emphasis added] – the same division of the agency whose representatives were peppering arrested CIO of Stanford, Pendergest-Holt with questions Feb. 10. After she was put under oath, Sjoblom (of Proskauer) immediately got down to business. Pre-empting the SEC officials, according to a transcript of the day’s testimony, he asked:
“First of all, has there been a criminal referral in this matter?”
[SEC Investigator] King informed Sjoblom of a SEC Form 1662 served upon both he and his client Holt. Among other things, that form reads, “The commission often makes its files available to other governmental agencies, particularly United States Attorneys and state prosecutors. There is a likelihood that information supplied by you will be made available to such agencies where appropriate.”
At press time, criminal charges had not yet been filed against the three executives who were the subject of SEC civil charges last week.
Sjoblom followed up with another question to investigators asking whether the SEC was currently working with the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Northern District of Texas or elsewhere.
“Mr. Sjoblom, I just referred you to SEC Form 1662,” King replied.
Sjoblom pressed on…[48]
The Court should already see how many levels of Conflict continue to plague these matters with Proskauer’s and Others Self-Representations and until stopped, the Public remains exposed through lax regulators and complacent courts or perhaps complicity by the regulators and courts. As this Court, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals noted in United States v. Piervinanzi, 23 F. 3d 670 ( 1994 ), " When a trial judge is made aware of an apparent Conflict of Interest, a duty of inquiry arises to protect the represented defendant's interests. See id. at 272, 101 S.Ct. at 1104; Dunton v. County of Suffolk, 729 F.2d 903, 908-09 (2d Cir.), modified, 748 F.2d 69 (2d Cir.1984)."
This Court must now perform its duty of making inquiry into the multiple levels of Conflict herein or stay such appeal and response briefs by Proskauer and other Conflicted Defendants until federal investigators have ferreted out the Conflicts and determined if this Court can proceed legally. Similarly, the USDC’s failure to negate Conflict creates reversible error and possible grounds for Obstruction of Justice charges and more.
Plaintiff reminds this Court of the nature of my claims, as original Inventor and Owner of “Backbone” digital imaging and video technologies that not only transformed the Internet and Television but also revolutionized a wide range of products and markets, including but far from limited to;
1. Defense and other applications by the US Government (i.e. Satellite Imaging, the Hubble, Weaponry Imaging, Flight and Space Simulators, etc.),
2. Websites Worldwide - note the almost universal use of the inventions on every website that creates, hosts or uses web video (i.e. Google, You Tube / Yahoo, Microsoft Media, Adobe Media Player, Real Player, etc.) and the number of daily worldwide end users watching and posting videos,
3. Digital Television Creation and Transmission - video scaling increased channel output for cable and satellite companies and gave end users a minimum 75% more channels,
4. Imaging Applications – Almost all Medical Imaging devices use scaling imaging and video technologies. Cell Phone video would be impossible, as would Internet video, to transmit in full screen, full frame rate, without Plaintiff’s technologies, thereby creating these markets. Digital Zoom technologies that allow zooming on images with increased magnification, for example Google Maps, Digital Camera’s, Televisions, Hubble, etc. use the Technologies and,
5. Video and imaging hardware and software applications almost all use the technologies.
Note that no Party or Defendant in these matters has ever factually contested (or been required to contest) the basic claim of myself as the original Inventor of the Inventions in any courts or proceedings. Yet, Defendants have been permitted to continue to wrongfully deny and deprive Plaintiff and other rightful owners of the rights, monies, royalties and benefits of the technologies on a continuing basis, which is part of what makes the Dismissal Order in error and cause for reversal, as the Crimes continue on a daily basis. Further, some of the earliest companies to enter into Non-Disclosure Agreements and Strategic Alliance agreements were Defendants Lockheed Martin, Intel Co. and Silicon Graphics, Inc.[49], companies with historically massive contracts with the US Government. Defendant Lockheed regarded as the largest defense and weaponry company in existence in the world and the largest user of “cutting edge” and “black box” digital imaging and video technologies.
At the time of the planning and execution of the initial theft and conspiracy to steal these Holy Grail technologies[50], valued at a Trillion Dollars or more, Lockheed, Intel and SGI were owners of a company called Real 3D, Inc. ( Real 3D ) located in Orlando Florida on property owned by Lockheed Martin. Intel was a twenty percent minority owner of Real 3D and then after learning of the technologies through agreement and contract with Plaintiff and Real 3D in 1998-1999, Intel bought Real 3D from Lockheed and SGI in a transaction where the details remain unknown.
All three companies have since Violated NDA’s, Strategic Alliances and License Agreements through the Real 3D contracts and failed to the report their knowing infringement of the technologies in their annual reports as required under FASB No. 5[51] regarding reporting liabilities. Real 3D was at the time under contract and license with Iviewit and Plaintiff, which allowed Real 3D to demonstrate, test and operate the technologies directly from the Real 3D laboratories.[52]
Link to Real 3D correspondence and evidence involving Iviewit @
Link to Defendant Proskauer Attorney Christopher Clarke Wheeler ( Wheeler ) and Real 3D regarding Iviewit matters in 1999 @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/1999%2006%2011%20Wheeler%20to%20Real3d%20acting%20as%20patent%20counsel%202.pdf.
According to Wikipedia[53],
In 1995, Martin Marietta and Lockheed merged to form Lockheed Martin Corporation, the world’s largest weapons manufacturer. Following the merger, Lockheed Martin decided to market their cutting-edge graphics technology for civilian use by setting up Real 3D, Inc. in partnership with Intel and SGI. In 1999, Real 3D sued ATI Technologies over infringement of its patents (originally issued to General Electric in 1988 and 1990) as well as misappropriation of trade secrets (involving the hiring away of several Real 3D engineers). By October 1, 1999, Real 3D was forced to close its doors and Lockheed sold its remaining stake in Real 3D to Intel on October 14. Following the sale, Intel fired all employees and closed the Orlando office. Interestingly, ATI opened an Orlando office and ostensibly retained many former Real 3D designers.
NOTE: THE US DEPT OF JUSTICE SUBPOENAED GRAPHIC Companies in Dec. 2006 for Anti-Trust related Violations, including ATI Technologies that grew out of Intel’s acquisition of REAL 3D, according to ZDNET News @ http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-150460.html .
According to Wikipedia[54] and other industry sources:
ATI Technologies Inc. (ATI) was a major Canadian designer and supplier of graphics processing units and motherboard chipsets. In 2006, the company was acquired by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and was renamed the AMD Graphics Product Group or ATI Technologies ULC, although the ATI brand was retained for graphics cards.
The AMD Graphics Product Group is a fabless semiconductor company conducting in-house research and development and outsourcing the manufacturing and assembly of its products. Its main competitor is NVIDIA in the graphics and handheld market. The flagship product, the Radeon series of graphics cards, directly competes with NVIDIA's GeoForce. These two companies' dominance of the market forced other manufacturers into niche roles.
On December 1, 2006, as reported by ZDNET[55], “The U.S. Department of Justice's Antitrust Division has issued Subpoenas to Advanced Micro Devices and Nvidia as part of an investigation into potential antitrust Violations.” According to the article,
The DOJ successfully prosecuted the DRAM (dynamic RAM) industry in 2004 and 2005 for colluding to fix prices in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some executives were sent to prison and companies such as Infineon and Hynix paid hefty fines. More recently, the DOJ has been looking into the SRAM (static RAM) industry, looking into companies such as Sony, Samsung, and Mitsubishi.
This Court is also reminded of the large number of Fortune 1000 companies that entered into NDA’s, Strategic Alliance Agreements and other Contracts[56] with myself and the Iviewit companies, including the largest communications, banking and financial companies, including, AT&T, Comcast, JP Morgan, Kodak, Dell, Sony Digital Pictures, Warner Bros., AOLTW, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Wachovia, and more.
In particular, this Court is directed to Evidence Link No. 75[57] @ www.iviewit.tv homepage which is a July 22, 2000 Marketing Letter with other material by Defendant Proskauer Attorney Wheeler regarding PROSKAUER marketing the inventions to their clients. In the Marketing Letter, Proskauer Partner Defendant Wheeler adds a Representative CLIENT List of Defendant Proskauer’s. The clients include Time Warner Inc., MGM, Universal Music, Miss Universe, Inc., National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, National Broadcasting Corporation, National Governor’s Association, Museum of Modern Art, etc, showing the vast network of companies involved with Proskauer early on. Almost all of the Proskauer clients on that list are now infringing on Plaintiff’s inventions that directly benefit Defendant Proskauer and their Client Defendant MPEGLA LLC, to the disadvantage of Plaintiff
The Court again reminded of the Amended Complaint allegations that the Enron / Arthur Andersen ( Andersen ) accounting and financial Frauds were uncovered after Andersen began auditing the books and financial affairs of the Iviewit companies. Crossbow Ventures required this audit[58] for their SBIC Loans as Crossbow’s funds were composed of two-thirds Small Business Administration funds. Andersen’s audit discovered initial evidence of Illegally created fraudulent shell companies, other accounting irregularities and allegations that Iviewit Accountants, Law Firms and Lawyers had misled auditors[59].
Strangely enough, Enron Broadband[60] was the unit of Enron that may have been the largest factor in the collapse of Enron and Enron Broadband was planning a deal with Blockbuster, a company created by Defendant Wayne Huizenga, the Seed Capital Investor in Iviewit. The problem was that Enron booked revenue for the project before there was a dollar of revenue. The Blockbuster/Enron deal could not have existed without Plaintiff’s Technologies. Once Iviewit was under scrutiny of investors and auditors and evidence surfaced regarding the Enron / Blockbuster / Iviewit deal, a deal that Iviewit Management, the Board of Directors and Investors had no idea about, except those Proskauer referred insiders, as defined in the Amended Complaint, the Enron / Blockbuster deal collapsed, as Enron had no technologies to fulfill the Fraudulent revenue projections. There appears to be relations to the Utah streaming tests done by Enron[61] and Proskauer referred management Defendant Utley, who came in under false pretense as later defined herein. Finally, recent reports show possible retrials of the Enron affairs,
In addition to this case, one or more of the defendants accused of crimes over activities in Enron's broad-band division [emphasis added] could be retried. [62]
Perhaps this time the Enron retrials will include the information regarding the Iviewit matters, which Plaintiff, similar to Harry Markopoulos the suppressed Whistleblower of the Madoff affairs, has tried to bring to the attention of Authorities for several years, including now this Court.” This Court should on its own Motion, notify those courts involved with the Enron Lawsuits of the pertinent information regarding this Lawsuit.
Once Andersen uncovered possible Fraud, internal investigations began into the stolen IP. On or about that time, executives of Warner Bros. uncovered further initial evidence indicating Fraud during their Legal Due Diligence for an investment in Iviewit, offered by Wachovia in a Private Placement Memorandum[63]. Fraud including possible IP crimes involving switching patents on file at the USPTO versus what was shown to investors, possible corporate Fraud regarding the corporations setup (similar to what Andersen discovers) and two Illegal Legal Actions, including Fraud on a Federal Bankruptcy Court and a Florida Civil Court. Legal Actions that the Board of Directors, Management and Shareholders had never heard of before, informed of the actions by AOLTW/WB and only now is Plaintiff learning the full extent of these Frauds on the Courts after years of working with Federal and International authorities, including the USPTO, the EPI and FBI figuring them out.
Certain of the information to piece the full Corporate Frauds together with the IP Crimes, is awaiting legislation already presented to Hon. Senator Dianne Feinstein at the prompting of the US Patent Office, information critical to understanding the Frauds, as defined later herein and in the Amended Complaint. Thus, Plaintiff-Appellant Bernstein prevented by current law from obtaining vital and critical information regarding the US Patent Office and International Patent Authorities regarding Fraudulent Patent Applications filed by named Defendants involving the USPTO, filed in others names, despite all reasonable and possible diligence thereby further supporting tolling of any statute of limitation in the event there is any necessity. Further making the District Court’s Dismissal erroneous and premature and therefore should be Vacated and Remanded to an appropriate non – conflicted court IMMEDIATELY. The Amended Complaint contains full preliminary information regarding the Civil Case involving Defendant Proskauer and Iviewit matters in the W. Palm Beach, FL Civil Circuit Court and the Involuntary Bankruptcy in Florida involving Defendant Proskauer and Defendant Proskauer referred management and clients, including Real 3D, Inc.
The finding of initial evidence of Fraud at the time by Warner Bros. killed the investment to Iviewit that was to be in addition to licensing agreements already in place at the time between Warner Bros. and Iviewit. This also killed several other major licensing contracts underway, including Sony and even the funding contracted for with Venture Capitalists. With the Iviewit Intellectual Property theft and financial Crimes exposed at the time, the Enron/Blockbuster deal died instantly and in the next instant Arthur Andersen went extinct and Enron went bankrupt virtually overnight. Both Andersen and Enron then began a document shredding party to rid the evidence of their crimes[64], allegedly including the evidence regarding the attempted theft of the IP. Proskauer was at all times at the heart of all of these Iviewit audits, deals and contracts acting as Counsel and therefore central to the Crimes cited herein and in the Amended Complaint.
The Court again reminded that the allegations herein are neither conjecture, nor speculation, nor Conspiracy Theory but contrary to “Conspiracy Theory”, but instead depict a very real “Legal RICO Conspiracy” whereby various US Government Agencies and other law enforcement agencies of States and abroad are in Ongoing Investigations[65] of the Iviewit matters[66]. One Investigation includes the Director of the Office of Enrollment & Discipline (OED) of the US Patent Office (USPTO), Harry I. Moatz (Moatz), who directed that I, Inventor Eliot Ivan Bernstein, file charges of “Fraud on the USPTO” with the Commissioner of Patents. The filing led to the Commissioner of the US Patent Office placing my Patents in Suspended[67] status pending Investigation by the US Patent Office OED, the USPTO and the FBI. The Investigations are of Hundreds of Crimes, including crimes directly against agencies of the UNITED STATES and FOREIGN NATIONS, including but not limited to, submitting Fraudulent Intellectual Property applications to a Federal Agency and International Intellectual Property Agencies, both Federal Crimes, committed no less, through mail and wire activity sufficient for RICO predicate crimes and more.
Note, USPTO OED Director Moatz directed these filings and charges of “Fraud on the USPTO” personally, after his Investigations began and upon learning that the Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers who represented Plaintiff had submitted to State Disciplinary Agencies in Virginia, Florida and New York, patently false Intellectual Property Documents not matching those on file with the USPTO. Moatz then formed a US Patent Office team to aid Plaintiff in getting the USPTO filings responded to and put into Suspension. Note, Iviewit’s largest investor Crossbow Ventures, whose funds were two-thirds Small Business Administration funds, also signs the USPTO Complaints of FRAUD ON THE US PATENT OFFICE, lending solid support to the fact that the Small Business Administration funds were also invested in the Fraudulent Iviewit companies and Fraudulent Intellectual Properties.
Conflict of Interest Laws – “Conflict of Interest” indicates a situation where a private interest may influence a public decision. Conflict of Interest Laws are laws and regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest. These laws may contain provisions related to financial or asset disclosure, exploitation of one's official position and privileges, etc. In defining the Legal and Ethical Violations of Defendants in Conflict, the following JC, AC, PORR and Law are a handful of those Violated in this Court currently, as well as, in previous Courts and the Disciplinary Agencies and State Bar Associations.
Existing Conflicts discovered and those further created by Defendant Proskauer permitted to Self-Represent Defendant Proskauer before this Court or any court, include but are not limited to,
1. Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Partners have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
2. Defendant Proskauer Partners Mashberg and Smith additionally represent themselves Pro Se in the Lawsuit, while also representing as Counsel, Proskauer their Law Firm and their Proskauer Partners, against Plaintiff, their former Intellectual Property and Business client, creating further conflicts.
3. In this Lawsuit, Defendants Proskauer and Foley initially contacted the NYAG together, with Proskauer acting as Counsel for Defendant Proskauer, a slight conflict, and Foley acting as Counsel for Defendant Foley, another slight conflict, to discuss Legal defense strategy with Monica Connell of the NYAG who represents 30+ State Defendants in these matters. The ability for Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer and Foley to interact directly with the NYAG, acting as their own Counsel to gain information relating to complaints and other sensitive date, discuss strategies against Plaintiff and influence possible Investigations regarding Iviewit Complaints filed against Proskauer and Foley with the NYAG over the last several years is ludicrous. The conflicts which act to Obstruct the NYAG from their duties to protect the public are perhaps criminal, especially where Proskauer represents as Counsel the NYAG, former NY AG Defendant Eliot Spitzer and possibly current NY AG Andrew Cuomo, creating further Conflicts, Violations of PORR, ACC and other Crimes as defined in the Amended Complaint and herein. These Conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible, and at minimum require full Disclosure and Discovery on this specified topic of these specified parties provided to Appellant-Plaintiff Bernstein upon vacating the Order of Dismissal, which should occur immediately.
4. Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints against Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Partners Defendants Gregg M. Mashberg and Joanna F. Smith with the First Dept DDC[68] for their Conflicts before the USDC. With the Complaints not fully resolved, this creates further Conflict with their already Conflicted Self-Representation of Proskauer and Proskauer Partners and their Conflicted Pro-Se Representation. These Conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
5. Due to the fact that the First Dept DDC & First Dept are named Defendants in this Lawsuit, NYAG Connell was to redirect new Disciplinary Complaints filed with the First Dept DDC against Defendants Proskauer, Smith and Mashberg for the Violations before the USDC to a Non-Conflicted third party to handle them, seeing the obvious Conflicts. Plaintiff had contacted Connell to work around the Conflicts in advance and Connell had agreed to move the Complaints and was seeking the appropriate party to transfer them for unbiased review. Instead, while Plaintiff was waiting docketing numbers and for Connell to find a Non-Conflicted authority to handle the Disciplinary Complaints, the First Dept DDC interceded and acted in Conflict by ruling on the Complaints, attempting to dismiss the Complaints[69] against other Defendants in the Lawsuit. Defendant First Dept DDC made Rulings on new Disciplinary Complaints while a Defendant in the same Lawsuit, acting in Conflict and while having Representative Counsel in these matters, the NYAG, whereby as Lawyers the First Dept DDC knew contact with Plaintiff should be through their Representative Counsel the NYAG only. For this brazen attempt to dismiss the Complaints for other Defendants while in Conflict and Violating ACC, PORR and Law, Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints against the First Dept DDC Officers who acted in the dismissal in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law as further defined herein. These Disciplinary Complaints against the Chairman and Chief Counsel of the First Dept DDC, are still awaiting formal Docketing and Disposition and these conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
6. Defendant Proskauer is a Shareholder of Plaintiff’s Iviewit companies conflicting them yet again as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
7. Defendant Proskauer and all Proskauer Partners are not only Defendants, Shareholders of Plaintiff Iviewit companies in this Lawsuit but also many are Material Fact Witnesses to events in this Lawsuit, having previously been the main Law Firm, Lawyers, Shareholders and even Board Members of the Iviewit companies. These Conflicts make Proskauer continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible. Events Proskauer will be a central Witness to, include but are not limited to,
a. Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in the Theft of Plaintiff’s Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
b. Defendant Proskauer and the Proskauer Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role with the direction of the filing of False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Agencies and more, creating further Conflict as defined in the Amended Complaint,
c. Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in creating at least 14 Fraudulent Iviewit Shell Companies[70] and a Fraudulent set of Intellectual Properties in false Inventors names, in order to steal Plaintiff Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
d. Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in a Fraudulent Bankruptcy proceeding against Iviewit companies as defined in the Amended Complaint,
e. Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in a Fraud on a Florida Civil Court in a Fraudulent billing lawsuit against several of the Fraudulent Iviewit Shell Companies they created, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
8. Defendants Proskauer and Rubenstein control a Patent Pooling Scheme through Defendant MPEGLA, LLC that directly competes with their former Intellectual Property client Plaintiff Bernstein’s Technologies causing Conflict and making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
9. Defendant Proskauer Partner Matthew Triggs ( Triggs ) was confirmed by The Florida Bar to have Violated Florida Bar PORR in representing Defendants Proskauer and Proskauer Partner Wheeler in Disciplinary Complaints while Triggs was an Officer of the Florida Bar and Proskauer Partner, creating Conflict. Triggs barred from representing ANY party in ANY Complaints for a period of one year after his service with the Florida Bar, as an Officer of the Florida Bar. Triggs Violated this PORR in handling his Proskauer Partner Wheeler Bar Complaint and based on Anderson’s claims and the fact that the First Dept DDC and Florida Bar information was shared between the two agencies and influenced the decisions of the two agencies, the Triggs PORR Violations and Wheeler Bar Complaint will be appealed shortly, these Conflicts making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
10. Additional Conflict in the Wheeler Florida Bar Complaint includes former President of the Florida Bar, Defendant Kelley Overstreet Johnson, who worked for Defendant Proskauer Partner Wheeler’s brother, Defendant James Wheeler at Defendant Law Firm Broad & Cassel creating Conflict. Johnson simultaneously handled the Wheeler Complaint at the Florida Bar while failing to disclose her Conflict with Wheeler’s brother at her firm and prevented the filing of Bar Complaints against Triggs for his CONFIRMED VIOLATION OF PORR BY THE FLORIDA BAR. Johnson prevented the Triggs complaint from formal docketing and disposition according to Law, in Violation of the US and Florida Constitution and further denying Due Process to Plaintiff. Based on Anderson’s claims, Plaintiff will be appealing the Florida court cases at the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court regarding the Bar Complaints, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
11. Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane acted to Obstruct Justice at the First Dept DDC uncovered in part by Defendant Wolfe who exposed that Krane was representing his firm Proskauer while an Officer of the First Dept DDC and also having other Public Office roles in the NY disciplinary system which Conflicted him, as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
12. Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane, acted to Obstruct Justice at the First Dept DDC which was uncovered in part by Wolfe exposing that Krane was representing his firm Proskauer while an immediate past President of the NYSBA while precluded by NYSBA Rules from representing ANY party in Disciplinary Complaint for a period of one year after Public Office service, Krane’s Violation of this PORR causes Conflict and makes Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
13. Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane’s actions in conspiracy with Defendant Cahill caused complaints against Krane, his Partner Rubenstein, the firm Proskauer, the firm Meltzer and Raymond Joao to be ordered by the First Dept court to be transferred for investigation of the Conflicts, Violations of ACC and PORR which created the Appearance of Impropriety, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
14. Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane’s actions in conspiracy with Defendant Cahill caused complaints against Cahill transferred for an investigative inquiry as proscribed by the PORR of the First Dept DDC and whereby at the time of the Amended Complaint, defendant Martin Gold charged with the Special Inquiry had not investigated the matters making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
15. Defendants Proskauer, Proskauer Partners Rubenstein and Krane, Meltzer and Raymond Joao all ordered in Unpublished Orders by the First Dept for investigation for Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety involving the Krane and Cahill Public Office Violations. Statements made in the “Legally Related” WHISTLEBLOWER Lawsuit of Anderson, by Anderson, further support Plaintiff’s claims of Public Office Corruption involving Cahill. Proskauer, Krane and Cahill’s Conflicts in the First Dept DDC and the fact that the Investigations remain incomplete makes Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
16. Yet another Conflicted Public Office Lawyer and Investigator, Defendant Diane Maxwell Kearse (Kearse) at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Second Department (Second Dept) DDC and other members of Defendant Second Dept. then derailed the First Dept Court Ordered Investigations. Defendant Kearse refused to follow the First Dept court Orders for Investigations[71]. Kearse then refused to docket complaints against her personally and other members of the Second Dept and Second Dept DDC, all in Violation of ACC and PORR. Violating Plaintiff’s right to file complaints against civil servants, a Violation of Plaintiff’s rights under the New York and United States Constitutions. Kearse admitted to Conflict with Krane in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law and then despite repeated requests for Disclosure and Resolution of the Conflict, she continued to act on the matters attempting to dismiss the Complaints on Review in opposite the First Dept Order for “Investigation”, Kearse’s Violation of the Court Order and her Conflicts with Krane, as described in the Amended Complaint, make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Existing Conflicts discovered and those further created by Defendant Meltzer permitted to Self-Represent Defendant Meltzer before this Court or any court, include but are not limited to,
1. Defendant Meltzer and Meltzer Partners, including Joao and Rubenstein, have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally, under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
2. Defendant Meltzer represents as Counsel, Meltzer the Law Firm and the Defendant Meltzer Partners, against Plaintiff, their former Intellectual Property client, creating further conflicts and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
3. Defendant Joao, formerly of Meltzer and Defendant Proskauer Partner Rubenstein formerly of Defendant Meltzer are further Conflicted with Plaintiff, as Joao now has 90+[72] patents in his own name (while submitting fraudulent patents for Plaintiff, some with dates of 1900 and 2020 on a US Patent Application[73]) that compete with Plaintiff’s Technologies as they were learned from Disclosure by Plaintiff with Joao, causing Conflict and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
4. Defendant Rubenstein of Proskauer initially upon meeting Plaintiff was with Defendant Meltzer, yet Proskauer falsely represented to Plaintiff that Rubenstein was with Proskauer. Rubenstein is the sole patent evaluator and Counsel for MPEGLA LLC. who controls the Patent Pooling Scheme of Defendant MPEGLA, LLC that he formed while at Meltzer. MPEGLA, LLC now directly competes with Plaintiff’s Technologies as they were learned from Disclosure by Plaintiff with Rubenstein, causing Conflict as described further in the Amended Complaint and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
5. Defendant Meltzer and the Meltzer Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role in filing the False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Intellectual Property Agencies under the direction of Rubenstein and Proskauer, as defined further in the Amended Complaint, creating further Conflict and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
6. Defendant Meltzer Partners are not only Defendants in this Lawsuit but also are Material Fact Witnesses to critical events in this Lawsuit. Meltzer having previously been one of the main Intellectual Property Law Firms referred by and under the direction of Defendant Proskauer and Rubenstein on behalf of Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies to file the Intellectual Properties, this Conflict making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
7. Defendants Proskauer, Proskauer Partners Rubenstein and Krane, Meltzer and Raymond Joao all ordered in Unpublished Orders by the First Dept for investigation for Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety involving the Krane and Cahill Public Office Violations. Statements made in the “Legally Related” WHISTLEBLOWER Lawsuit of Anderson, by Anderson, further support Plaintiff’s claims of Public Office Corruption involving Cahill. Proskauer, Krane, Rubenstein, Meltzer, Joao and Cahill’s Conflicts in the First Dept DDC ordered for Investigation’s that remain uninvestigated, as described in the Proskauer Conflicts section above, in addition make Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
8. Defendant Joao’s Counsel in these matters and in the initial Disciplinary Complaint matters before the First Dept DDC, John W. Fried, was a party to the actions that led to the still pending First Dept court ordered Investigations, making Fried now a Witness in these matters and a possible future defendant. Fried’s prior actions at the First Dept DDC on behalf of Joao, include making alleged false and perjurious statements to Investigators as part of a Fraud on that Court as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Fried’s continued Conflicted Representation of Joao before this Court impossible,
Existing Conflicts discovered with Defendant Foley, include but are not limited to,
1. Defendant Foley and Foley Partners have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Foley’s Self-Representation before the USDC a Violation of ACC,
2. Defendant Foley initially represented themselves in Conflict in these matters against former retained Intellectual Property client Plaintiff Bernstein and the Iviewit companies, making Foley’s initial Self-Representation a Violation of ACC.
3. Defendant Foley’s role as acting Counsel for the Defendants Virginia Bar, Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Attorney General, all under the aegis of the Virginia Commonwealth cause Conflict and was discovered in a Press Release that states,
Foley & Lardner, a law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C., has been appointed by Virginia Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore to provide legal services to the Commonwealth of Virginia and its agencies in matters of intellectual property. (Press release)[74],
The representation of the Virginia Bar, Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Attorney General by Foley now Conflicts the Virginia Attorney General from Representing the Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court who were involved in the Disciplinary Complaint filed against Defendant Foley Partner William Dick. In fact, despite knowledge that Foley’s Representation of the Virginia Attorney General may cause Conflict in the matters before the Court, the Virginia Attorney General ignores the Conflict Disclosure Requests sent by Plaintiff and continues to submit Pleadings without first confirming if in fact the Virginia Attorney General is Conflicted. In a March 02, 2009 correspondence with Stephen Hall, Assistant Attorney General III for the Virginia Attorney General and Counsel to Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court, Hall states,
I do not know if Foley has represented us in any matters or not. If the matter was completely unrelated to this matter, I am not sure it would matter. For example, if they worked for us in a case having nothing to do with the facts in your complaint, I cannot see how that would violate any ethical rule. I can check tomorrow provided that our office is open, but I am quite certain they did no work related to these facts.
In reply to this email from Hall, Plaintiff responded with the following on March 02, 2009,
One more thing Mr. Hall, it disturbs me greatly that you are just getting around to check if conflict exists when you have known about these issues for months and failed to check or even set up appropriate protections for your offices and me and continued to act in these matters. Just a wee bit late to start fact checking now when you knew the same facts several months ago and just ignored them, as your clients did with the William J. Dick and Foley & Lardner complaints filed at the Virginia Bar. For this action, I wish to levy a complaint against you with your offices and please take this entire document as the initial basis for a formal complaint of such and instantly turn these matters over to your superior. Please direct me to your direct report so that I may take any further steps necessary to request officially formal investigation of you and your offices. Thank you.
Hall fails to ever check or reply formally to date over five months and continues to submit Pleadings to this Court and whereby these Conflicts make the Virginia Attorney General’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible, until both the Conflicts and the Newly Filed Complaint against Hall are resolved,
4. In this Lawsuit, Defendants Proskauer and Foley[75] initially contacted the NYAG together, Proskauer acting as Counsel for Defendant Proskauer, a slight conflict, Foley acting as Counsel for Defendant Foley, another slight conflict, to discuss defense strategy with Monica Connell of the NYAG who represents the 30+ State Defendants in these matters. The ability for Defendants Proskauer and Foley to interact directly with the NYAG as Counsel for themselves and gain information, discuss strategy against Plaintiff and influence possible Investigations regarding Iviewit Complaints filed against Proskauer and Foley with the NYAG over the last several years is ludicrous, perhaps criminal and certainly is Conflicting, making Foley’s Self-Representation before the USDC a Violation of ACC,
5. Upon Plaintiff’s noticing the USDC that Foley was acting in Conflict and that Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints with the First Dept DDC for Foley’s Conflicted Self-Representation, Foley did an immediate about face withdrawing as Self- Representing Counsel, without seeking USDC approval to replace and retain new counsel. New counsel, Friedman, Kaplan, Seiler & Adelman LLP, then attempted to mislead the USDC that Foley had not acted initially as Counsel for themselves when they contacted the NYAG regarding legal strategy against Plaintiff with Proskauer, versus reporting the misconduct of Foley as required by ACC. New Counsel’s failure to report the Misconduct causes yet another Violation of ACC thereby making the integrity of Foley’s new Counsel questionable and subject to full COI Disclosure to this Court and Plaintiff prior to submission of further Pleadings on behalf of Foley. Plaintiff is formulating a complaint for this Violation of ACC against Friedman, Kaplan, Seiler & Adelman LLP for Aiding and Abetting a Fraud on the Court, as soon as the NYAG finds a Non-Conflicted third party to handle new Disciplinary Complaints against First Dept DDC licensed Lawyers.
6. Disciplinary Complaints against Defendant Foley and Foley Partners Defendants Todd C. Norbitz and Anne B. Sekel filed with the First Dept DDC[76] for their Conflicts before the USDC acting as Foley Counsel,
7. Due to the fact that the First Dept DDC & First Dept are named Defendants in this Lawsuit, NYAG Connell was to redirect new Disciplinary Complaints filed with the First Dept DDC against Defendants Foley, Norbitz and Sekel for the Violations before the USDC to a Non-Conflicted third party to handle them, seeing the obvious Conflicts. Plaintiff had contacted Connell to work around the Conflicts in advance and Connell had agreed to move the Complaints and was seeking the appropriate party to transfer them for unbiased review. Instead, while Plaintiff was waiting docketing numbers and for Connell to find a Non-Conflicted authority to handle the Disciplinary Complaints, the First Dept DDC interceded and acted in Conflict by ruling on the Foley complaints, attempting to dismiss the complaints[77] against other Defendants in the Lawsuit. Defendant First Dept DDC made rulings, on new Disciplinary Complaints, while a Defendant in the same Lawsuit, acting in Conflict and while having Representative Counsel in these matters, the NYAG, whereby as Lawyers they knew contact with Plaintiff should be through Counsel only. A brazen attempt to dismiss the Complaints for other Defendants that Plaintiff then filed Disciplinary Complaints against the First Dept DDC Officers who acted in the dismissal in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law,
8. Defendant Foley and all Foley Partners are not only Defendants in this Lawsuit but also many are Material Fact Witnesses to events in this Lawsuit creating Conflict, having previously been one of the main Law Firm’s, Intellectual Property Lawyers and even Board Members of the Iviewit companies, referred by and under the direction of Proskauer and Rubenstein. Events Foley will be a central Witness to, include but are not limited to,
a. Defendant Foley is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in the Theft of Plaintiff’s Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
b. Defendant Foley and the Foley Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role with the filing of False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Agencies, as defined in the Amended Complaint.
The Conflicts existing and further created by Greenberg Traurig ( Greenberg ) acting as Counsel for Defendants The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court are as follows:
1. Defense counsel for The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court, Greenberg, previously retained by Plaintiff to investigate Patent Fraud by Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer, Foley and Others and now represents Defendants Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court against former Client Interests in directly related matters. This Conflict making Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible, and should be immediately rectified together with the other relief requested herein.
2. Greenberg retained[78] as Counsel by Plaintiff through Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esq. to perform initial investigation of the allegations of Intellectual Property Fraud by Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer. The findings by Greenberg of Fraudulent Patent Applications filed at the USPTO and International IP Offices filed at the direction of Proskauer and filed by Foley and Meltzer that did not match the Intellectual Property Dockets given to Plaintiff, the Iviewit companies, Iviewit Shareholders and Investors. After completing part of Phase 1 Greenberg discovered Applications filed solely in Defendant Utley’s name that were previously unknown to the Iviewit companies and many other major inconsistencies between the official filings and the Law Firms IP Dockets, including fraudulent Inventors, Owners and Assignee’s. These findings led to Civil Legal Actions and Complaints with State, Federal and International authorities regarding the Crimes against many of the Defendants, all central to these matters. Intellectual Property Dockets prepared by Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer for Iviewit were used in raising capital, including from the SBA, Wachovia, Huizenga and Crossbow Ventures which contained false and fraudulent information compared to that on file with worldwide Intellectual Property Offices. Greenberg will therefore be a Material Witness for Plaintiff as former Counsel and now for their actions in Conflict a future Defendant and simultaneously Counsel to Defendants directly related to the matter and their former work. It behooves one to think that the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court cannot find Non-Conflicted Counsel to represent them in these matters, certainly they must know another law firm. These Conflicts of Greenberg representing Defendants against their former Client makes Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible,
3. More recently than Greenberg Traurig’s involvement with the Jack Abramoff Scandal, Greenberg Traurig has now been implicated in the Madoff Ponzi scheme, as the lawyers for Madoff’s longtime, now defunct accountant Avellino & Bienes[79]and[80]. Avellino & Bienes convicted by the SEC in the past and issued an,
ORDER OF PERMANENT INJUNCTION AND CIVIL PENALTIES ENTERED AGAINST AVELLINO & BIENES, FRANK AVELLINO AND MICHAEL BIENES. The Commission's complaint alleged that from at least 1962 to at least July 1992, the defendants sold unregistered securities to the public and from at least 1984 through November 1992, A&B, aided and abetted by Avellino and Bienes, operated as an unregistered investment company.[81]
The Commission announced that the Honorable John E. Sprizzo, District Judge for the Southern District of New York, permanently enjoined, by consent, Avellino & Bienes (A&B), Frank Avellino (Avellino) and Michael Bienes (Bienes) from further violations of Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. A&B agreed to pay a civil penalty of $250,000 and Avellino and Bienes each agreed to pay civil penalties of $50,000. Thus, Avellino & Bienes is being implicated as the original Madoff Ponzi Scheme, as Greenberg Traurig was legal counsel for Avellino and as Madoff may have implications with these matters through Defendant Proskauer as well, further Conflict may exist that make Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible,
4. Recently Greenberg Traurig implicated in the SFG / Stanford Ponzi scheme[82]and[83] and their role in the creation of Stanford’s banking operations and interactions with regulators that may be questionable, this Conflict making Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible.
The Conflicts existing and further created by Defendant NYAG permitted to Self-Represent Defendant NYAG, Defendant former NY AG Spitzer and the State Defendants are as follows:
1. Defendant NYAG Self-Represents in the Amended Complaint, as they are a named Defendant in the Amended Complaint, while continuing representation of approximately 30 Defendant State Officials and Public Offices, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time.
2. Defendant Former Disgraced New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer had Conflicts with Defendant Proskauer who Represented the NYAG and Spitzer in Hookergate and Troopergate during the time Plaintiff filed Complaints with the NYAG. Spitzer failed to acknowledge Public Office Corruption complaints filed against Proskauer and Others by Plaintiff[84], Complaints that resulted from the First Dept Court Ordered Investigations of Proskauer et al. NYAG Spitzer failed to acknowledge the initial Complaints while failing to disclose the NYAG / Proskauer Attorney Client relationship, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time.
3. Plaintiff requested the NYAG to re-investigate the initial complaints filed with their offices based on the Krane and First Dept DDC Conflicts based on the new Anderson Public Office Corruption lawsuit[85], which wholly supported Plaintiff’s earlier allegations, while addressing the new information discovered regarding the Conflict between the NYAG and Proskauer. Plaintiff is still awaiting information regarding the Ongoing Investigation by the NYAG which creates further Conflict and possible Obstruction of Justice, as defined further herein, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
4. NY AG Andrew Cuomo replacing Spitzer, then approved Proskauer’s Legal Fee billed to the NYAG and paid for by the State of New York, for Spitzer’s Legal Representation by Proskauer in HookerGate and TrooperGate. Cuomo has initiated Investigations regarding the recently submitted request for re-investigation of the earlier Iviewit complaints, formally confirming receipt and review of the Iviewit Complaint[86]. The question remains if Proskauer remains representing the NYAG Offices and Officers and the full nature and time frame of the relationship that without full Disclosure of Conflicts by the NYAG, this unresolved Conflict makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
5. The NY AG Cuomo may also have Conflict with Judge Judith Kaye due to his father’s appointment to Kaye as Chief Judge and while Scheindlin attempted to answer the question for Cuomo when Plaintiff formally requested Conflict Disclosure from Cuomo, Plaintiff demands full Disclosure from the NYAG directly regarding this and any other Conflicts that may be unknown at this time, PRIOR to any further submissions to this Court which may be tendered in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law, this unresolved Conflict makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
6. NYAG has further Conflicts in representing nearly 30+ Defendants in this Lawsuit in Public Office Corruption related charges with differing and multiple interests, including several similar defendants named in the Anderson Whistleblower Lawsuit. The Conflict created here is that the NYAG is representing State Defendants who are Defendants in Anderson’s Lawsuit, which acts to preclude the NYAG from investigating those same Defendants they are representing as counsel that on the other hand they are the Legally Obligated Public Agency to investigate the Public Office corruption alleged in Anderson against their Client Defendants. This Conflict is particularly nefarious as it creates Obstruction of Justice by preventing the NYAG from investigating their State Defendant Clients they represent as Counsel. The NYAG cannot without at minimum providing Full Disclosure and then instituting a China Wall to prevent Conflict, both represent as Counsel and Investigate as obligated by PORR, the same party. Therefore, the NYAG Public Office Legal Duties and Obligations of Investigation of Defendants First Dept, First Dept DDC, Wolfe, Cahill, etc. are Obstructed by the NYAG’s simultaneous Representation of the same Defendants. The Obstruction created acts to block both Plaintiff and Anderson from having the NYAG Public Integrity Unit responsible for investigating alleged Public Office Crimes perform their Legal Duties and Obligations to investigate on behalf of the Public. Plaintiff has recently sought from the NYAG application of New York State Public Officers Law § 17 Sec 2 (b)[87] to force individual state officers to seek independent and Non-Conflicted counsel, to remove the NYAG Conflict and Obstruction and allow the NYAG to perform their Public Office Legal Duties and Obligations. This Court should similarly force the NYAG to notify their State Defendant Clients to go get a lawyer, or upon the Court’s own motion force similar action, of course, Non-Conflicted lawyers. This unresolved Conflict that causes Obstruction of Justice makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time and may be cause for filing of Obstruction charges against the NYAG,
1. The NYAG creates Conflict and possible Public Office Violations by having strategy sessions with multiple private Defendants, including but not limited to, Foley and Proskauer. The private Defendants acting as their own Counsel before the NYAG in strategy meetings in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law, the same Defendants who the NYAG Public Integrity and related units should be investigating for their part in the Public Office Crimes. Instead, the Defendants are working with the NYAG on Legal Defenses against Plaintiff, Anderson and the “Legally Related” Cases who are exposing the Corruption and Defendants are gaining information from the NYAG on Complaints filed with the NYAG relating to them, not only a MAJOR CONFLICT but perhaps CRIMINAL COLLUSION.
NOTE: ** “State actors” conspiring in violation of 42 USC Sec. 1983 and RICO with private defendants and individuals renders the private defendants “state actors” for liability purposes herein thus clearly rendering the Amended Complaint as having stated valid claims for federal relief and original jurisdiction by the District Court herein which should thus immediately vacate the Aug. 8, 2008 erroneous Order of Dismissal by US District Judge Scheindlin. **
7. Plaintiff has contacted the NYAG Chief of Staff Steven Cohen regarding working out the NYAG’s multiple Conflicts and Obstruction[88]and finding a possible forward path, which avoids filing of Criminal Obstruction charges with the appropriate Criminal Authorities against the NYAG, if such solution is possible. This unresolved Conflict that causes possible further Public Office Crimes makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time and may be cause for filing of Obstruction and Other charges against the NYAG, including participation in the RICO elements of the case. The mere fact that the NYAG has not been able to respond in over a month should be sufficient proof of existing conflicts, which should have been corrected, by the District Court and the US Second Circuit prior to this stage of litigation.
1. Winter and Wolfe’s Conflicts deny Due Process and deny a stay to seek involvement of the DOJ on behalf of interests of the United States. Permitting the Law Firm and Lawyer Conflicts to continue at the US Second Circuit continues to Obstruct Justice and continues the Abuse of Process which furthers the Fraud on this Court as defined herein, that is actionable. Actionable as the Obstruction continues to Aid and Abet the underlying frauds and crimes against the rightful Iviewit Intellectual Property Interest Holders and Inventors by keeping them Covered-Up.
This Court has stated that "[w]hen a potential or actual Conflict of Interest situation arises, it is the court's duty to ensure that the attorney's client, so involved, is fully aware of the nature of the Conflict and understands the potential threat to the protection of his interests." In re Taylor, 567 F.2d 1183, 1191 (2d Cir.1977)." Because of the imminent threat of a serious conflict, disqualification would have been appropriate here even before any proceedings began. See Shadid v. Jackson, 521 F.Supp. 87, 88-90 (E.D.Tex.1981) (granting motion to disqualify in virtually identical case because of "high potential for conflicting loyalties"). Cf. Armstrong v. McAlpin, 625 F.2d 433, 444-46 (2d Cir.1980) (en banc) (disqualification appropriate when conflict will taint a trial by affecting attorney's presentation of a case), vacated on other grounds, 449 U.S. 1106, 101 S.Ct. 911, 66 L.Ed.2d 835 (1981).
As noted in Dunton, The County Attorney's multiple representation in this case was inconsistent with his professional obligation to Officer Pfeiffer. See Hafter v. Farkas, 498 F.2d 587, 589 (2d Cir.1974). It was also inconsistent with Canons 5 and 9 of the ABA Code of Professional Responsibility. A Violation of Canons 5 and 9 of the Code, which call for exercising independent judgment on behalf of a client and avoiding any Appearance of Impropriety, provides ample grounds for disqualifying an attorney. Board of Education v. Nyquist, 590 F.2d 1241, 1246 (2d Cir.1979).
As soon as the County Attorney began to undermine Officer Pfeiffer's good faith immunity defense by stating that Pfeiffer acted as an "irate husband" and not as a police officer, he was not only failing to act as a conscientious advocate for Pfeiffer, but was acting against Pfeiffer's interest. The seriousness of this conflict made disqualification appropriate. Shadid v. Jackson, 521 F.Supp. at 88-90. In holding that the trial court had a duty to inform Pfeiffer of the conflict, we in no way excuse the conduct of the other attorneys here. Attorneys are officers of the court, Clark v. United States, 289 U.S. 1, 12, 53 S.Ct. 465, 468, 77 L.Ed. 993 (1933), and are obligated to adhere to all disciplinary rules and to report incidents of which they have unprivileged knowledge involving Violations of a disciplinary rule. ABA Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 1-102(A), 1-103(A); see In re Walker, 87 A.D.2d 555, 560, 448 N.Y.S.2d 474, 479 (1st Dep't 1982) (as officers of court, attorneys required to notify parties and court of error in court order). The County Attorney had to know of the serious conflict his multiple representation created, see, e.g., App. at 1163, and knew or should have known that he could not fulfill his ethical obligations to the county without seriously undercutting Pfeiffer's legal position. The plaintiff's attorney should also have been aware of the problem and should have called it to the attention of the court. See Estates Theatres, Inc. v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 345 F.Supp. 93, 98 (S.D.N.Y.1972) ("[T]hose attorneys representing other parties to the litigation were obligated to report relevant facts [regarding Conflict of Interest of opponent's attorney] to the Court ....") (citing DR 1-102).
In the Lawsuit at hand, this Court’s own Chief Clerk Wolfe has been involved in the discovery of improprieties by Proskauer attorney Krane and First Dept DDC former Chief Counsel Cahill in relation to the adjudication of complaints and grievances involving Proskauer attorneys at the First Dept DDC relating to Iviewit. Likewise, the NY AG involved in virtually the identical Conflict situation as noted in Dunton above such that Due Process and Fair proceedings would lead to admissions by multiple Public Officers of the First Dept, First Dept DDC and other State agencies also making application of the NY Public Officers Law Sec. 17 by the NYAG required at this time.
Yet, through Judge Winter, Wolfe has been part of the illegal Abuse of Process in this Court to deny a stay of proceedings to seek the involvement of the DOJ, at the same time Wolfe now scheduled to be a star witness in the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit now declared by Scheindlin as involving Public Office Corruption. Again, the original Anderson complaint referenced Iviewit matters as involved in the corruption therein.
In its barest terms, Defendant Proskauer was able to commit crimes against Plaintiff, the Iviewit Shareholders and Inventors then other Proskauer attorneys, Defendants Krane and Triggs, acted to Obstruct Justice and Cover-Up the Crimes through subterfuge of the complaints at the First Dept DDC and the Florida Supreme Court, doing so in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
Triggs also simultaneously represented Proskauer in the Proskauer billing Lawsuit in the Labarga Civil Court in Conflict and Violation of AC, PORR and Law regarding Multiple Representations while a Bar Officer, as defined in the Amended Complaint. Labarga’s Lawsuit represents the initial Fraud on a court; a fraud that remains today being uncovered, new information being learned even recently (i.e. Anderson) as it relates to the totality of the crimes, including the fraudulent books discovered by Arthur Andersen and others, the fraudulent set of patent applications and the fraudulent involuntary bankruptcy. Further, new information shows how all frauds interrelate to the ongoing PATTERN OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY THE ALLEGED RICO CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE COMPOSED PRIMARILY OF LAW FIRMS, LAWYERS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS, AIDED AND ABETTED BY ILLEGAL ABUSE OF PROCESS AND VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICES ACTING TO SUBTERFUGE LEGAL DUE PROCESS CREATING A STRANGLEHOLD ON JUSTICE IN THIS COURT BY CRIMINALS.
Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Defendants Mashberg and Smith, now brazenly represent as Counsel Defendant Proskauer before this Court, as with the USDC as if the word Conflict has no meaning and the Court rules have no relevance. Further, Defendants Mashberg and Smith also represent Defendants Mashberg and Smith as Pro Se Counsel, Conflict that Violates virtually the entire ACC, including the fact that the newbie partners have LEGAL Duties under ACC to Report Violations of the ACC and Law committed by their Partners. All of these Conflicts continuing while Scheindlin acknowledged “substantive conflicts” and yet neither this Court nor that court act to resolve such Conflicts. The Conflicts so thick, so as to render this Court and its rulings a Joke, as further evidence of continued Fraud on the Court.
1. Filed complaints against several Second Dept and Second Dept DDC members and Defendants remain not properly docketed and disposed of according to well-established departmental rules and need to be both docketed and investigated properly to conclusion, free of further Conflict and Obstruction.
2. The First Dept Orders for investigations of Proskauer et al. need investigation to proper conclusion, free of further Conflict, removed from the First Dept DDC and Second Dept DDC, as they are now Defendants in these matters, and cannot handle complaints against themselves. Still recently, even after service of the Original Complaint naming them as Defendants, the First Dept DDC acted in Conflict handling complaints against Cahill and other Defendants in these matters, attempting to dismiss the complaints against Defendants in these matters. The new illegal actions constitute the need for further review of all prior complaints, free of conflict and then reviewed by the non-conflicted parties; complaints filed in relation to certain of these matters already.
This Court, the District Court, the Florida Civil Court, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have failed to uphold the integrity of the Judiciary as already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
This Court, the USDC, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have caused an Appearance of Impropriety by denying Due Process, creating Obstructions of Justice and committing a total Fraud on the Courts and the Disciplinary Agencies as already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
This Court, the USDC, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have failed to perform their Legal Duties and Obligations impartially by Violating their own JC, ACC and Law and acting and allowing a myriad of Conflicts of Interest. Similarly, all Justices have failed to Regulate and/or Report their legal brethren and to report all prior Violations of JC, PORR, ACC and Law, now becoming accomplice to the RICO Conspiracy and other charges alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint.
This Court must now await further direction from all oversight Authorities sought to intervene by Plaintiff, including the Office of the General Counsel Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Plaintiff will shortly file Complaints against this Court for proceeding with multiple Conflicts and committing further Violations of JC, PORR, ACC and Law that combined act to Obstruct Justice casting an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. Continued action by this Court prior to Conflict resolution constitutes reason for further filing of complaints under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 as amended and for new complaints to Law Enforcement regarding Title 18 Violations relating to Obstruction of Justice.
This Court can take this Motion to Compel as FORMAL notice that Criminal Complaints formulated against this Court and others are forthcoming and this Court must now grant Plaintiff enough time for filing, review and decision by all oversight Authorities appealed to prior to further adjudication. Pleadings with requests for Conflict Disclosures Illegally denied response by this Court and Defendant Counsel, therefore Plaintiff demands this Court and all members of the Court, including all Attorneys of record handling these matters in anyway, immediately submit a completed “Checklist for Conflicts”[89] and Plaintiff’s COI Disclosure Form[90] in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law. This Court and all others requested can print Plaintiff’s COI Disclosure Form by visiting the above referenced URL, signing and returning the COI Disclosure Form to Plaintiff, before continuing further handling the Lawsuit or Lawsuit information.
Disclosures again demanded despite whether the oversight Authorities summoned allow this Court to proceed further. All Lawyers, Law Firms, Public Officials, Court Officials or Others handling the Lawsuit must submit proper Conflict Checks as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law, in order that Plaintiff may have Due Process rights assuring a Fair and Impartial, Conflict free forum.
As a federal judge, you have the authority to resolve significant public and private disputes. Sometimes, though, a matter assigned to you may involve you or your family personally, or may affect individuals or organizations with which you have associations outside of your official duties. In these situations, if your impartiality might reasonably be questioned, you must disqualify or recuse yourself from the proceeding (the terms “disqualify” and “recuse” are commonly used interchangeably).
This Court, the USDC and all Counsel acting before this Court must disclose and address involvement in any of the Defendant organizations sued by Plaintiff, Personally or Professionally, including any Attorney or Judicial Disciplinary Organizations, Legal Associations, etc. This Court and all of its members handling these matters in any way must address any relations, Personal or Professional, to any of the hundreds of Defendants in these matters and any stocks owned or other interests in any of the named Defendants Companies or Law Firms, as required by the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Disclosure is necessary for any affiliation or relation to any of the Law Firms or Lawyers named as Defendants, including the thousands of attorneys who work at the Law Firms sued, as well as, any relation to any Defendant named in the Amended Complaint as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
Defendant Companies screened for Conflict should include all Companies’ who are licensors and licensees of Defendant MPEGLA LLC., an updated list found at the website, www.mpegla.com and more Defendant Companies can be found @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Appendix%20A/index.htm#NDALIST . Any Memberships or Affiliations to any Defendants or other unknown Conflicted parties must force recusal of anyone involved in this Lawsuit and replacement by a Non-Conflicted party, unless all parties deem such Conflicts moot. This Lawsuit is unique in that it involves a large mass of the legal community, especially in New York. Therefore, this Court and all members of this Court who are handling these matters, in order to provide a Fair and Impartial hearing, must disclose any iota of Conflict with any of the Defendants and not hide from such formal request giving the Appearance of Impropriety.
For example, Judge Winter is an alumnus of Yale University and currently is Professor (Adjunct) of Law at Yale Law School[91]. The Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint specifically points to a not so secret anymore cult, the Yale “Skull and Bones” as one of the main conspiratorial groups involved in the RICO action and where Defendant Proskauer lists as their client Yale University. This area of possible Conflict of Winter must be explored through full disclosure and any relation to Yale that Winter has must be analyzed for Conflict, as an example, it is unknown if he sits on any boards, etc. that may influence the contracting of Proskauer as Yale counsel or if he has any relations with Proskauer whatsoever. At minimum, affirmation or denial of potential Conflicts prior to further adjudication of the matters by Winter is mandatory. Winter completely avoided Disclosure even after repeated formal written request by Plaintiff who acts as Pro Se counsel with the right to Full Disclosure from Justices and Opposing Counsel handling these matters to ensure Fair and Impartial Due Process. Avoiding Disclosure, especially upon formal written request regarding “substantive” Conflicts creates an Appearance of Impropriety.
In a recent request to this Court for an Extension of Time, attached to the Motion was a COI Disclosure Form, which requested Full Conflict Disclosure by this Court and Opposing Counsel of any Conflict prior to Ruling on the Motion. Yet, somehow, this Court proceeded with the Ruling and failed to confirm or deny Conflict, again, acting outside the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Presumably if there were no Conflict, this Court would sign the requested Conflict Disclosure form, where failure to sign or even formally respond, again evokes an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. Failure to Disclose Conflict upon repeated request will also be basis for additional complaints to oversight Authorities of all Justices, Court Personnel and Opposing Counsel.
Another example of Conflict for Winter or any Justice of this Court that must be resolved prior to further Adjudication through full Conflict Disclosure would be the overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety created by Wolfe, Clerk of this Court. Wolfe, a named Defendant and a material Witness in this Lawsuit and the “Legally Related” Lawsuit of Anderson causes Conflict as already defined herein. A China Wall from here to the moon might enable this Court to continue with the Lawsuit, with the Clerk of the Court in direct Conflict. Wolfe Conflicts others at the Court who are intimate in any way with her, Personally or Professionally, yet it is unlikely at this stage in the Litigation that the Conflict can be resolved, as the China Wall and Conflict Resolution would have had to taken place first and not after the fact of Wolfe’s direct involvement.
In order for this Court to continue to act in these matters, the Court would have to remove Wolfe from any access to the Lawsuit information, including any of her subordinates and provide proof of such to Plaintiff to assure negation of the obvious Conflicts. Wolfe and her staff have already tainted this Lawsuit through reviewing documentation submitted to the Court prior to Disclosure and Resolution of the Conflicts, despite Plaintiff’s repeated requests for Full Conflict Disclosure from Wolfe and this Court. The damage to Plaintiff already done by this Court’s failure to ensure a Fair and Impartial Court by refusing written requests to this Court for Conflict Disclosure regarding Wolfe’s role and preceding as if Conflict disclosure does not apply to the Court, Court Personnel and Opposing Counsel. Plaintiff fears submitting further evidentiary information and legal strategy to a Court with such ongoing Illegal activity whereby Defendants gain access to confidential court files and pleadings, acting to Obstruct the ability of Plaintiff to properly prosecute the Amended Complaint herein and formulate legal strategy by filing with an unbiased and uncorrupted court.
Disqualification is required under Canon 3C(1)(a) to (e) in several situations: you have personal knowledge of disputed facts…
Wolfe, as Defendant and as material Witness of disputed facts in these matters, definitely causes all the Justices and Clerks of this Court to come into Conflict with Plaintiff, as every member of this Court presumably has some Personal and Professional involvement with the affairs of Wolfe. Either way, Full Conflict Disclosure is required due to the obvious Appearance of Impropriety this evokes.
The Court and/or individual Judges should also disqualify under Canon 3C(1) if the circumstances would cause a reasonable person to question your impartiality.
Financial interests: financial interests that result in mandatory disqualification include — service as an officer, director, or active participant in the affairs of a party.
Most of this Court, the Law Firms and Lawyers representing the matters may also be Officers, Directors and active participants in organizations that are Defendants in these matters. Again full and proper disclosure would be the only way Plaintiff can evaluate if all involved are Conflict free with the Defendants and refusal to Disclose Conflict denies Plaintiff the right to evaluate Conflict, again creating Obstruction through Conflict and/or failure to provide proper Conflict Disclosure.
For example, holding membership, officer status and/or actively participating in the affairs of Defendants, including but not limited to, First Dept, Second Dept, the First Dept DDC, the Second Dept DDC and the NYSBA , would cause insurmountable Conflict that would have to be disclosed and resolved or negated prior to continued adjudication of the matters.
Failure by this Court upon repeated requests to disclose memberships and/or affiliations in any Defendant Organization again imparts the Appearance of Impropriety and again Violates well established JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Membership in the NYSBA of itself may not be cause to disqualify a Justice, Law Firm or Lawyer from representing these matters, the NYSBA is a named Defendant and membership that goes beyond passive membership to active participation in the Defendant Organization certainly would be cause for Full Disclosure. Full Disclosure of the relationships is necessary therefore to evaluate the potential Conflicts, without the Disclosure imparts an Appearance of Impropriety and possibly Obstruction.
Full Financial Disclosure required by all those handling this Lawsuit either affirming or denying any Financial Conflicts, including but not limited to, the Defendant Law Firms, the thousands of Lawyers in Defendant Law Firms, the hundreds of Corporations named in the Amended Complaint and the Public Agencies involved. Again, Disclosure and Conflict Checks according to well established JC, ACC, PORR and Law are mandated.
Anderson’s claims of Obstruction as defined herein support the need for immediate Conflict Checks prior to any other action by this Court or anyone involved currently or in the future of this Lawsuit. Conflict screening should most likely include Conflict Checks against all “Legally Related” Lawsuits and their defendants. All “Legally Related” Lawsuits hereby incorporated in entirety by reference herein,
The following checklists can help you create a conflicts list for monitoring purposes (See appendix): Checklist for Financial Conflicts (Form AO-300) Checklist for Other Conflicts (Form AO-301) Conflicts List (Form AO-302) also available @ http://www.utd.uscourts.gov/forms/checklist.pdf
Granting access or preferential treatment to special, private groups.
This Court allows members of the legal community, including members of this Court to continue to act with total disregard to JC, ACC, PORR and Law, imparting preferential treatment to the legal community, Public Officials involved and other Defendants and may further constitute criminal Collusion in the RICO and Obstruction. Further, failing to report the misconduct of their Legal Brethren as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law or take any corrective actions to remedy the Illegal acts again imparts preferential treatment for the legal community through Misuse and Abuse of Judicial Office and Legal Process with Scienter acting to Obstruct Justice, denying Plaintiff Due Process Rights.
Your life before judicial appointment was filled with a wide variety of personal and professional activities. You may continue to participate in these activities, as long as they don’t interfere with judicial duties, cast doubt on your impartiality, or detract from your office.
To remove doubt as to this Court and its Members impartiality, with regard to Personal and Professional activities that may Conflict them, such as Disciplinary Agencies, Bar Affiliations and/or other roles within Defendant Legal Organizations, which they may or may not still be involved with they must give full disclosure. Plaintiff has Legal Rights, including those of counsel in he is represented Pro Se, to request Full Conflict Disclosure and further that Disclosure be given by all parties to remove ALL doubt. Impartiality cast in doubt without such Full Conflict Disclosure creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Plaintiff discovered previous Undisclosed Conflicts by Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials in the matters, which Scheindlin then affirmed, the First Dept confirmed and transferred for formal Investigation and Anderson supported from a Whistleblower perspective. All of these Conflicts involve Allegations that Preferential Treatment occurred for Law Firms, Lawyers and Supreme Court of New York Officials which Prejudiced Plaintiff’s Rights in ALL of the related matters. The Preferential Treatment interfered with Plaintiff’s Rights to Due Process through Obstruction and at great expense in time, money and almost loss of life in a Car Bombing.
The Chapter 73 of United States Code, Title 18 Violations relevant to these Proceedings are: section 1501 (misdemeanor to obstruct a federal process or writ server), section 1503 (felony provision that targets efforts to influence or injure a court officer or juror, as well as other obstructionary efforts), section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)[93], section 1506 (felony to steal or alter a court record or provide a phony bail surety), section 1509 (misdemeanor to obstruct court orders), section 1510 (felony to obstruct criminal investigations), section 1512 (felony to tamper with a witness, victim, or informant) and section 1513 (felony to retaliate against a witness, victim, or informant)[94].
An example of Obstruction comes in the fact that two federal investigations of document tampering remain ongoing with no resolution in the Scheindlin federal court, pertaining to stolen documents from the US Marshals Office[95], including the Original Complaint and Copies for service improper service of Plaintiff’s Original Complaint by the United States Marshal[96]. The removal of the Original Complaints filed by Plaintiff in this Lawsuit from the US Marshal Office remains the subject of ongoing Investigations by the US Marshall and US Post Office as it Obstructed proper service to the Defendants and was a theft of original materials to the USDC. Review of the docket at the USDC evidences Defendants claiming improper service by the US Marshal and missing documentation including failure to serve copies of the Original Complaint. Prior Motions to the USDC to resolve the theft of documents and the improper service prior to beginning adjudicating the matters went wholly ignored. The outcome of the investigations with the U.S. Marshal and US Post Office may materially affect the Lawsuit including showing further continued crimes and again Scheindlin errs dismissing the complaint prior to resolution of the Obstructions of Justice caused via removal of official documents in a federal proceeding. Of course, failure to report such crimes by Scheindlin to the proper authorities again violates the JC, PORR, ACC and Law regarding Legal Obligations relating to reporting illegal activities and official misconduct rendering the claims by Plaintiff-Appellant herein ongoing and sufficient for federal relief and pleading standards under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable federal law.
For example, these new crimes have further nullified arguments of statutes of limitations etc., as the new crimes would further enforce the ongoing criminal activity of the RICO Criminal Enterprise composed of Defendant Law Firms and Others as defined in the Amended Complaint. The fact that Plaintiff cannot even be assured of what documents are making it to the Court free of Obstruction and what eventually is served Defendants by the US Marshal, is further of issue and importance and requiring action when viewed in light of the allegations of Anderson including document destruction and tampering of court documents, etc. Recent information learned in the Defendant Silicon Graphics, Inc. recent Federal Bankruptcy filing also shows that the Iviewit Original Complaint and the Amended Complaint may be still missing from the USDC files to this date[97]. This is also reason for this Court to take protective actions of all documents filed to assure their accuracy and assure accuracy of the served documents on Defendants, anything less with evidence such as this and Anderson’s claims of insider court document tampering could allow further Obstructions.
Another example, fraught with multiple Obstructions of Justice comes from the fact that in the ”Legally Related” Whistleblower Lawsuit of Anderson, Defendants allegedly used Threats, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Whitewashing of Complaints and Official Document Destruction, which illegally altered the outcome of Official Court Proceedings regarding Supreme Court of New York Official Complaints. These tactics used against Anderson, a staff attorney of the First Dept DDC, in efforts to subterfuge proper administration of law to protect “Favored” law firms and attorneys, clearly acts constituting Obstruction and other Violations of ACC, PORR & Law. These Obstructive acts have derailed prior and current legal proceedings and allowed RICO stylized Public Office Corruption crimes to continue which may include Domestic Terrorism through the planting of a CAR BOMB in Plaintiff’s MiniVan. Had Obstruction not taken place, the CAR BOMBING may not have taken place, as the proverbial “onion” would have peeled at that time and Due Process would have found many Defendants in Prison. The Obstructions may also have allowed financial schemes such as Madoff, Stanford, Dreier and more to flourish, creating further damage to Victims of those crimes as already defined herein.
Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or otherwise avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceeding, in any court of the United States, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void, or does not take effect; or Whoever acknowledges, or procures to be acknowledged in any such court, any recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of any other person not privy or consenting to the same— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
This Court, the USDC and the Disciplinary Agencies are all under Court Orders and Court Decrees via the JC, ACC, PORR and Law, which all act as Legal Decrees, issued by the various courts of the United States. Failure to uphold JC, ACC, PORR and Law, acts forcefully to Prevent, Obstruct, Impede and Interfere with Plaintiff’s rights to Due Process and the rights to his Intellectual Property. Failure by this Court to uphold these court orders imparts not only Obstruction but also active Culpable participation in the crimes of the larger RICO conspiracy alleged in the Amended Complaint, through knowingly continuing the Violations and Cover-Up of the prior misconducts, thereby creating an ongoing shield from prosecution for the Defendants.
(a) Whoever willfully endeavors by means of bribery to obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to a Violation of any criminal statute of the United States by any person to a criminal investigator shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Anderson again provides factual evidence from an insider of Obstruction by New York State Officials. Wolfe is central to this Lawsuit and the Anderson Lawsuit who was initially a defendant in Anderson Lawsuit in her role as Clerk of the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and who is now an Officer of this Federal Court. Wolfe acting in Conflict in this Lawsuit as already defined herein, as both a Defendant and Witness who refuses direct written requests for disclosure of Conflict and whereby the Conflicts may act to Obstruct communication of information to investigators and interfere with the communication of information regarding multiple Violations of Criminal Statutes by Defendants.
Anderson evidences that Obstruction occurred through all of the following,
1. threatened and effectuated retaliatory job loss because of her refusal to change investigative reports and exposing corruption of Public Officials including her superiors at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC in typical Whistleblower fashion,
2. evidence that Public Officials, including her superiors at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC, were making changes to investigative reports to minimize investigation of favored lawyers and law firms,
3. coercion by Public Officials at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept DDC, including physical violence against Anderson by her supervisor, Sherry Cohen, to Whitewash official complaints through document destruction and file thinning and
4. favoritism by Public Officers for favored lawyers and law firms, including Illegally changing the outcome of Official Proceedings for those lawyers and law firms with political connections at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC.
All acts Violating hosts of criminal Obstruction statutes, JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Criminal investigators at minimum now should be investigating those Anderson alleges to have been involved in the Public Office Corruption as her claims indicate Criminal Obstruction and other criminal acts.
The USDC’s failure to allow Plaintiff full discovery of the Anderson Obstruction claims by dismissing the Amended Complaint through Fraudulent Rulings fraught with Conflicts of Interest, Violations of AC, JC, PORR and Law create a MASSIVE Fraud on this Court[98]. The Fraud on the Court delays this Lawsuit through further illegal Abuse of Process, adversely affecting Plaintiff’s Due Process rights, again acting as another Obstruction of Justice. This Court’s further failure not to report Scheindlin and the others for Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and instantly correct them is yet another Violation of JC, PORR and Law. Acting to conceal prior Violations knowingly with intent puts this Court as an accessory to the RICO and other alleged crimes by further Aiding and Abetting felonious actions through continued Cover-Up in Official Court Proceedings further Violating Obstruction laws.
(B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters prevented the production of records, documents and other objects in Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws and now this Court through Wolfe may be subject to similar allegations if Wolfe was planted to interfere in Conflict.
(2) Whoever uses physical force or the threat of physical force against any person, or attempts to do so, with intent to—
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters used force to compel her to interfere in Official Court Proceedings at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept DDC.
(A) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters influenced, delayed and prevented testimony in Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws.
(B) cause or induce any person to—
(i) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters attempted to induce Anderson to withhold testimony, withhold records, documents and other objects from Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws.
(ii) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept and now this Court through Wolfe Defendants altered, destroyed, mutilated and concealed evidence with the intent to impair the integrity and the availability of such objects, in order to interfere in Official Court Proceedings and attempted to induce Anderson to do the same Violating Obstruction laws.
(iii) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
The stolen service papers and interference with US Marshal servicing of the Original Complaint at the USDC delayed and stymied the summoning of the Defendants, including high-ranking Public Officials, to appear in Official Court Proceedings. This gave Defendants tremendous additional time to position in Conflict around Plaintiff with Conflicted counsel, etc. One example is the strategy meeting between the NYAG, Proskauer and Foley to discuss legal strategies against Plaintiff Violating Obstruction laws, ACC, PORR and Law as already defined herein.
Scheindlin precluded service of the Amended Complaint to all NAMED Defendants dismissing them Sua Sponte, yet refers in her Dismissal Order to the hundreds of Defendants summoned to Answer the Amended Complaint, knowing the other Defendants were never serviced, summoned or answered. This may be considered another act that Aided and Abetted the evasion of proper and just service of the Amended Complaint to the Defendants Scheindlin refers to in her Dismissal Order and yet another error and cause for reversal in the Dismissal Order and possible cause for Disciplinary action against Scheindlin.
(iv) be absent from an official proceeding to which that person has been summoned by legal process; or hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a Violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
The Obstructions caused by this Court and all courts of the prior related proceedings has hindered, delayed and prevented communication to State, Federal and International law enforcement and judges of the United States, information relating to the commission of Federal, State and International Violations of Law and International Treatises and Violating Obstruction laws.
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(3) The punishment for an offense under this subsection is—
(A) in the case of murder (as defined in section 1111), the death penalty or imprisonment for life, and in the case of any other killing, the punishment provided in section 1112;
(B) in the case of—
(i) an attempt to murder; or
(ii) the use or attempted use of physical force against any person;
imprisonment for not more than 20 years; and
(C) in the case of the threat of use of physical force against any person, imprisonment for not more than 10 years.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or
(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a Violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant’s sole intention was to encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
(f) For the purposes of this section—
(1) an official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense; and
(2) the testimony, or the record, document, or other object need not be admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.
(g) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the circumstance—
(1) that the official proceeding before a judge, court, magistrate judge, grand jury, or government agency is before a judge or court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a Federal grand jury, or a Federal Government agency; or
(2) that the judge is a judge of the United States or that the law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the Federal Government or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the Federal Government or serving the Federal Government as an adviser or consultant.
(h) There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.
(i) A prosecution under this section or section 1503 may be brought in the district in which the official proceeding (whether or not pending or about to be instituted) was intended to be affected or in the district in which the conduct constituting the alleged offense occurred.
(j) If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.
(k) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Every Law Firm, Lawyer and Public Official for any Defendant should be forced to file with this Court verified and affirmed Conflict Checks, according to the ACC, PORR and Law that require Disclosure and Conflict Checks, in order to determine the validity of their Legal Representation and Disclose and Resolve all Conflicts or withdraw representation. This Court must immediately remove all Conflicted parties from any capacity in this Lawsuit; anything short of fulfillment of this request will result in immediate filings of further Disciplinary and Criminal Complaints against all parties acting in Conflict that creates Obstruction of Justice through Violations of JC, ACC and Law in the states of New York, Florida and Virginia.
Plaintiff demands these proceedings HALTED until removal of all Obstructions of Justice created by the Conflicts of the Justices, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials Misconduct, and, all those found to be in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law reported AS REQUIRED to the appropriate Authorities and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Misconduct by Justices, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials is at the heart of both the original crimes and the Cover-Up to the crimes alleged in the Amended Complaint and herein. These continued Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are the glue that binds the RICO conspiracy together, shielding the Criminal Enterprise from prosecution and evidence supporting this contention further confirmed by the allegations in the “Legally Related” Whistleblower Lawsuit of Anderson and the other “Legally Related” Lawsuits or being part of the criminal enterprise itself
The “Legally Related” Lawsuits to Anderson, together with Anderson, further support that Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials were Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law at the highest levels of the New York courts and public offices creating Criminal Obstruction. The very nature and evidence of this behavior now demands oversight of the courts, the Law Firms, the Lawyers and Public Officials and instant criminal investigation of the allegations of criminal Obstruction levied by Anderson and Plaintiff. Especially egregious is that upon repeated requests to the courts, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials in these matters by Plaintiff for Conflict Disclosure ALL have gone wholly unanswered by any of those involved. If no Conflict exists, than why not acknowledge such upon request, whereby failure to respond to formal requests and instead continuing in the Proceedings without Full Disclosure creates an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety.
Scheindlin addressed the Conflicts as “substantive” and the First Dept ordered “investigation” of those involved in the initial Disciplinary Complaints for Conflict and the Appearance of Impropriety yet Due Process still denied, although the Conflicts were serious enough for a court ordered transfer of the Complaints by the First Dept for immediate Investigations and Federal Judge Scheindlin further verified Conflicts. Looking at the very strange Order Dated March 10, 2008 by Scheindlin concerning the multiplicity of Misconducts by the Lawyers, Law Firms, and Public Officials, whereby instead of asking Defendant Counsel if they had Conflict, Scheindlin instead answers for the Conflicted parties on their behalf, as if she were their legal counsel running the Conflict Checks for them. Scheindlin claims,
I have considered plaintiffs' request and have determined that the Attorney General does not face an improper conflict of interest in representing the State Defendants. If, however, the Attorney General concludes that an investigation of defendants is warranted, then independent counsel would be required.
Nothing could warrant an investigation more by the NYAG Public Integrity Unit, then the damning inside Whistleblower Public Office Corruption and Obstruction claims levied by Anderson against Public Officials from the First Dept DDC and First Dept. Yet, the NYAG is busy acting as Defense Counsel preparing the defense of the Public Officials they are now Legally Obligated to Investigate. The Defendant Public Officials exposed by Anderson are now represented by the NYAG, Conflicting the NYAG from their Prosecutorial Duties to ensure Public Office Integrity, as the Defendant Public Officials have retained the NYAG’s legal services first, on the taxpayer dime, leaving no one investigating the corruption, alas Obstruction. The NYAG has not begun an investigation knowing Scheindlin views Anderson as a “Whistleblower” and is advancing Anderson’s Lawsuit to trial. Instead their Legal Representation of the same Defendants Anderson exposes creates a shield from prosecution of the Defendants the NYAG is Representing creating not only Conflict but Culpable crimes in perpetuating the RICO through further Obstruction of Justice of Official Proceedings.
Despite the other logical failures, inconsistencies and conflicted portions of Judge Scheindlin’s erroneous Dismissal of August 8, 2009, Opining that the NY AG may have to Investigate in order to determine Conflict causes reversible error. Further due process violations occur by Scheindlin’s Dismissal Sua Sponte, without first having determined the outcome of the NY AG investigation wherefore Plaintiff should now be provide Discovery and Full Disclosure.
Scheindlin in her Order further errs and again acts as Counsel, this time for the NYAG in determining if they had Conflict. Scheindlin now answers Plaintiff’s Conflict Disclosure request for the NYAG, failing to demand that the NYAG fully Disclose if they had Conflict, perhaps even Conflicts Scheindlin and Plaintiff were not aware of, the reason for Conflict Checking directly with the party Disclosure is requested from. Plaintiff affirmatively asked for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved, including the NYAG and the Virginia AG, to state if they had Conflict. Scheindlin usurped this request and answered on their behalf, Prejudicing and Obstructing the Legally Required Conflict Disclosure by the NYAG, shielding them from performing their Legal Obligation regarding Disclosure of Conflict in matters they represent. By answering for them, Scheindlin shields the NYAG from running Procedural Conflict Checks required under ACC, PORR and Law, Conflict Checks that could have forced China Walls to be instituted PRIOR to the NYAG handling the matters in Conflicting roles. Scheindlin’s actions again Aid and Abet the RICO Cover-Up Crimes and perhaps create further Culpable Public Office Crimes under the RICO.
Scheindlin, acting as Counsel for Defendant NYAG fails in her Order to address on the NYAG’s behalf the Conflict of Interest caused by the fact that Defendant Proskauer Represented the NYAG during the time of alleged wrongdoings and while Plaintiff’s Complaints were filed with the NYAG against Proskauer. Plaintiff complains not that the NYAG failed to investigate as insinuated by Defendants but rather that the NYAG Violated their own Procedural Rules and Regulations in evaluating, docketing and disposing of the Complaints procedurally under Law. Scheindlin was aware of this Conflict, as Plaintiff specifically requested Disclosure on this Conflict in several filed Motions regarding the NYAG Conflicts and yet her Order completely evades answering this Disclosure Request, again shielding the NYAG from making Conflict Disclosure. Scheindlin fails to seek Conflict Disclosure from the NYAG directly of this material Conflict or even check with the NYAG to assure that Proskauer no longer represented the NYAG and if there was current Conflict or Conflict at anytime. In fact, Plaintiff also pointed out to Scheindlin that several of the former NYAG Defendant Spitzer’s employees had taken positions at Proskauer immediately after the fall of Spitzer and Conflicts could again exist if the former NYAG employees were involved in the subterfuge of the Complaints filed against Proskauer et al. while at the NYAG.
These Obstructive actions of Scheindlin are part of the Judicial Complaint against her requesting oversight Authorities in these matters to determine if Scheindlin acted within her Legal Authority and further evaluate if she has Violated JC, PORR and ACC, State and Federal Laws. If Scheindlin did not act within her Legal Authority, all of her Orders instantly should be rescinded and full Investigation commenced immediately into the NYAG/Proskauer Violations, the Scheindlin Cover-Up and her failure to report the misconduct before her court, constituting a Fraud on that court. The Lawsuit should then pass immediately to a NON-CONFLICTED court, one that affirms or denies Conflicts according to well-established procedural rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law PRIOR to taking action in the proceedings before them for further Adjudication.
Another NYAG Conflict is that they are acting as Counsel to many of the NY State Defendants, including themselves, in their Answer to the Amended Complaint, of which they are a named Defendant. The NYAG should therefore be seeking Counsel to represent their Offices and Officers at this point and having the State Defendants find new Non-Conflicted Counsel too. Further, after withdrawal of representation of the State Defendants, the NYAG should consider based on Anderson’s allegations Investigating all of those they are Representing as Counsel for VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICE. Alternatively, the NYAG could seek involvement of a Grand Jury, special prosecutor or other disinterested third party to investigate the Defendants they Counsel, to investigate the NYAG on their behalf, if they cannot overcome their current Conflicts that cause Obstruction and preclude them from performing their legally obligated role to the public.
In the same Order Scheindlin acts again as Counsel for now Defendant former Chief Judge, Judith S. Kaye ( Kaye ) and the NYAG and instead of demanding Disclosure by Kaye and the NYAG in relation to Plaintiff’s request for Conflict Disclosure and Scheindlin states:
Plaintiffs also argue that it is inappropriate for the Attorney General to represent the Hon. Judith S. Kaye on the ground that Judge Kaye was appointed to the bench by the father of the current Attorney General. While the Chief Judge was appointed many years ago by the Attorney General's father, this does not create either a Conflict of Interest or an Appearance of Impropriety in permitting the current Attorney General to represent the Chief Judge in this lawsuit.
Here again Scheindlin errs as the request from Plaintiff was for Conflict disclosure from Kaye and the NYAG, disclosure of Conflicts perhaps that Scheindlin and Plaintiff did not know about, again creating a shield around Kaye and the NYAG which allows them to evade Legally Required Disclosure of Conflict.
Scheindlin next answers for the Law Firms and Lawyers that Plaintiff had requested Conflict Disclosure from, now creating a shield around the Law Firms and Lawyers that allowed them to evade Legally Required Conflict Disclosure. Instead of asking the Law Firms and Lawyers to run internal Conflict Checks as proscribed by ACC, PORR and Law, Scheindlin answers for them, Obstructing the Law Firms and Lawyers from running Conflict Checks PRIOR TO undertaking representation. Instead of forcing Conflict Checks and Full Disclosure, Scheindlin answers for them, wholly outside her authority, as if she runs the Conflict departments for the Law Firms.
In her Order, Scheindlin states:
Plaintiffs request that the Court direct the two law firm defendants to retain independent counsel on the ground that conflicts of interest prevent their attorneys from representing the firms. Plaintiffs have shown no ground for disqualifying attorneys at the defendant law firms from representing the firms.
Scheindlin failed to address in her Order the disqualifying grounds presented to her by Plaintiff regarding Defendants Proskauer and Foley’s Self-Representation before her Court and now this Court and the fact that there are ongoing Federal, State and International Investigations of the same Law Firms and Lawyers giving the Defendants vested interest in the matters they are Self-Representing. Investigations are underway by the Federal Patent Bar and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi), of the very same Law Firms and Lawyers that the State Bar and State Disciplinary Agencies refuse to investigate, instead attempting to dismiss complaints on review. Dismissal of the Disciplinary Complaints in New York, despite ongoing Federal and International investigations at the Disciplinary Departments of the USPTO and EPO, of the same attorneys that caused suspension of Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties by the USPTO Commissioner. Dismissal on review where the reviews and reviewers found mired in Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Scheindlin failed to address the absolute Conflict these investigations of certain Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers posed to continued Self-Representation. Had Scheindlin not acted outside her scope of authority and answered Conflict questions for others versus asking them directly to disclose Conflict, the results from the Conflict Checks by the Law Firms and State Agencies would have precluded their Self-Representation.
Further, Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer are former counsel to Plaintiff, were board members and/or shareholders of Iviewit, further precluding their Self-Representation under ACC. Proskauer is also a founding shareholder of Iviewit companies and thus a Defendant with an interest in the Plaintiff companies Iviewit, another area of Conflict, impossible to overcome.
All of these material and factual Conflicts were overlooked by Scheindlin who prevented the NYAG, the Virginia Attorney General, Proskauer, Meltzer and Foley from having to address Conflicts by answering for them versus forcing Conflict Checks to be run according to well-established ACC, PORR and Law and allowed them to continue to act in Conflict in her court. This disregard for JC, ACC, PORR and Law, achieved by Violating Legal Duties and Obligations regarding Conflict and other Ethical Violations further act to Obstruct Justice through an incestuous orgy of unregulated Conflicts acting to deny Plaintiff Due Process.
Anderson presents Scheindlin with additional information that disqualifies Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers from Self-Representation, if they are currently or were ever involved with the First Dept. Anderson mentions Iviewit in her original complaint and claims that Obstruction of Justice and tampering with case files was ongoing at the First Dept and First Dept DDC involving Defendant Cahill and Wolfe at the time of Plaintiff’s complaints. The relationships to the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit should have been a matter for formal Discovery prior to the Dismissal, a further error by Scheindlin, cause for Reversal and further filing of Obstruction charges, relating to the Legal determination and fact of Scheindlin first marking several lawsuits “Legally Related” and then dismissing them while the related lawsuit moves forward. This bizarre reversal in seven cases is in itself a logical inconsistency and example of the illegally, erroneously, and likely conflicted made sua sponte Dismissal on Aug. 8, 2008 denying due process to Plaintiff and the other “Legally Related” lawsuits.
Scheindlin, in her Prejudicial and Obstructive legal defense claiming that the Law Firms did not have Conflict, again failed to ask for formal disclosure while overlooking the fact that Defendants Proskauer, Rubenstein and Krane directly interfered in complaints against them at the First Dept. Krane handled the complaint responses while holding undisclosed and concealed positions with the First Dept and other roles throughout the Disciplinary community that precluded him from legally representing his firm Defendant Proskauer, his Proskauer Partner Rubenstein and himself in the complaints filed with the First Dept. For example, in additional to his Violations of ACC, PORR and Law at the First Dept, Krane was also former President of the NYSBA. Krane precluded, as immediate former President of the NYSBA, from handling complaints for a period of one year after service against any party and yet Krane Illegally handled the First Dept DDC Disciplinary Complaints against Proskauer, Rubenstein and himself during the exclusionary period, Violating AC, PORR, NYSBA Rules and Regulations and Law.
Further support of disqualifying grounds comes from Defendant and Plaintiff’s witness, Clerk of this Court, Wolfe and the Defendant Justices from the First Dept whose actions led to Unpublished Orders for investigation of Proskauer attorneys, FOR CONFLICT AND THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY. Scheindlin erred further in her response attempting to exculpate the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, acting well outside her Legal Authority when attempting to exonerate them from Conflict and allowing them to continue to submit Legal Pleadings in Conflict. Scheindlin failed to ascertain procedurally if the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials were in Conflict by asking them to comply and comport with Conflict procedures, including running formal in-house Conflict Checks. By answering on their behalf instead, outside the scope of her Legal Authority, Scheindlin Prejudices the Lawsuit and Plaintiff’s rights by creating Obstruction through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law that act to conceal the Conflicts and further the Cover-Up. Further cause for summoning oversight Authorities and filing Criminal Complaints formulated against Scheindlin.
Finally, and in an about face from her former March 10, 2008 Order dismissing Conflicts on behalf of Defendants, Scheindlin, changes course as to the substance of the Conflict matters before her and in her March 21, 2008 Order, states Plaintiff has “substantive issues”. Yet, Scheindlin again errs and Violates JC, ACC, PORR and Law by failing to notify authorities that she is aware of “substantive issues” including “conflicts”. Failure to report the actions of those Violating the ACC, PORR and Law as Legally Mandated forces Plaintiff now to file a complaint against Scheindlin with several Oversight authorities. Plaintiff will similarly be charging this Court with similar Violations of JC, ACC and Law and filing a complaint for failing to report the Conflicts found in Scheindlin that this Court now is aware of and for further allowing the Conflicts to continue. This Court now creates further Obstruction via the same pattern of failing to adhere to JC, ACC and Law relating to reporting Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law to the proper authorities and instead allowing them to continue, perpetuating the Cover-Up.
Any attorney who fails to conduct himself both professionally and personally, in conformity with the standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bar as conditions for the privilege to practice law and any attorney who violates any provision of the rules of this court governing the conduct of attorneys, or with respect to conduct on or after January l, 1970, any disciplinary rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility, as adopted by the New York State Bar Association, effective January 1, 1970, as amended, or with respect to conduct on or before December 31, 1969, any canon of the Canons of Professional Responsibility, as adopted by such bar association and effective until December 31, 1969 or with respect to conduct on or after September l, 1990, any disciplinary rule of the Code of Professional Responsibility, as jointly adopted by the Appellate Divisions of the Supreme Court, effective September l, 1990, or any of the special rules concerning court decorum, shall be guilty of professional misconduct within the meaning of subdivision 2 of section 90 of the Judiciary Law.
Any law firm that fails to conduct itself in conformity with the provisions of the Disciplinary Rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility pertaining to law firms shall be guilty of professional misconduct within the meaning of subdivision 2 of section 90 of the Judiciary Law.
A. A lawyer possessing knowledge, (1) not protected as a confidence or secret, or (2) not gained in the lawyer's capacity as a member of a bona fide lawyer assistance or similar program or committee, of a Violation of DR 1-102 [1200.3] that raises a substantial question as to another lawyer's honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer shall report such knowledge to a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act upon such Violation.
B. A lawyer possessing knowledge or evidence, not protected as a confidence or secret, concerning another lawyer or a judge shall reveal fully such knowledge or evidence upon proper request of a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act upon the conduct of lawyers or judges.
As defined already herein, the Justices, Lawyers and Law Firms involved in these matters have failed wholly to report the Misconduct of their legal brethren, despite their Legal Duties and Obligations to report the Misconduct. Instead, the pattern has been to have ever-increasing Conflict to cover up the prior Misconducts through continuous denial of Due Process and Procedure, in further Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. For their failure to report those Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law, charges will be forthcoming against the Justices, the Law Firms, the Lawyers and the Public Officials involved in the matters that had knowledge and/or involvement in the Cover-Up Crimes. Complaints that will include the Illegal Abuses of Process and Frauds on the Courts that continue to Obstruct Justice and further enable the Criminal Enterprise to continue operations and Illegally Convert Plaintiff’s Royalties.
A. A law firm shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that all lawyers in the firm conform to the disciplinary rules.
B. A lawyer with management responsibility in the law firm or direct supervisory authority over another lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the other lawyer conforms to the disciplinary rules.
C. A law firm shall adequately supervise, as appropriate, the work of partners, associates and non-lawyers who work at the firm. The degree of supervision required is that which is reasonable under the circumstances, taking into account factors such as the experience of the person whose work is being supervised, the amount of work involved in a particular matter, and the likelihood that ethical problems might arise in the course of working on the matter.
D. A lawyer shall be responsible for a Violation of the Disciplinary Rules by another lawyer or for conduct of a non-lawyer employed or retained by or associated with the lawyer that would be a Violation of the Disciplinary Rules if engaged in by a lawyer if:
1. The lawyer orders, or directs the specific conduct, or, with knowledge of the specific conduct, ratifies it; or
2. The lawyer is a partner in the law firm in which the other lawyer practices or the non-lawyer is employed, or has supervisory authority over the other lawyer or the non-lawyer, and knows of such conduct, or in the exercise of reasonable management or supervisory authority should have known of the conduct so that reasonable remedial action could be or could have been taken at a time when its consequences could be or could have been avoided or mitigated.
E. A lawyer shall comply with these Disciplinary Rules notwithstanding that the lawyer acted at the direction of another person.
Defendant Law Firms and Supervisory Lawyers have continued to have Lawyers within their firms act in Violation of well established ACC, PORR and Law; those in Supervisory capacities who ordered these illegal activities violate this section of code. Based on Anderson’s account of events at the First Dept and First Dept DDC, Public Office Lawyers have even used coercion of those below them to force them to Violate ACC, PORR and Law. Such coercion utilized to get the desired results for “favored” Law Firms and Lawyers on Disciplinary Complaints before the Supreme Court of New York Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, constituting yet another complete Fraud on a Court and Violating this section of the ACC.
A. In general.
1. If permission for withdrawal from employment is required by the rules of a tribunal, a lawyer shall not withdraw from employment in a proceeding before that tribunal without its permission.
Foley & Proskauer both represented themselves as Counsel for themselves to the NYAG. The NYAG then sent a letter confirming their Self-Representation in the matters to the USDC copying them as Counsel. The NYAG then confirmed with Plaintiff that the conversation with the Law Firms and Lawyers directly related to these matters, including the fact that it was regarding a legal defense strategy against Plaintiff in these matters. Defendant Foley realized Plaintiff had filed complaints against them with the First Dept court and immediately withdrew from Self-Representation but without USDC approval. Foley failed to properly notify the USDC or seek procedural permission to withdraw. New counsel that replaced Foley then attempted to mislead the USDC[100] that Foley had not been acting as their own counsel despite the NYAG letter to Judge Scheindlin claiming the opposite, despite Proskauer acting as their own counsel as stated to the NYAG.
Proskauer unlike Foley continued to Self-Represent, as Proskauer had formally declared themselves as their own Counsel to the USDC[101] prior to learning of the new complaints filed at the Fist Dept against their Law Firm and Lawyers for the obvious Conflicts and Violations of ACC and Law their Conflicted representation created, including their conversations with the NYAG. Proskauer Counsel Defendants Mashberg and Smith now represent themselves in the Amended Complaint and before this Court as Pro Se counsel while acting as Counsel for their firm Defendant Proskauer and certain Defendant Proskauer Lawyers adding yet another level of bizarre Conflict in Violation of ACC and Law.
B. Mandatory withdrawal.
A lawyer representing a client before a tribunal, with its permission if required by its rules, shall withdraw from employment, and a lawyer representing a client in other matters shall withdraw from employment, if:
1. The lawyer knows or it is obvious that the client is bringing the legal action, conducting the defense, or asserting a position in the litigation, or is otherwise having steps taken, merely for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring any person.
By Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law, and appearing before the USDC and this Court entangled in myriads of overwhelming Conflict, the Conflicted Counsel and Public Officials, in prior Pleadings to the USDC and this Court, are with Scienter conducting knowingly Illegal Legal Defenses and perpetuating a Fraud on the Courts. Defenses with baseless claims tendered in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law designed to harass Plaintiff in order to cause further injury upon Plaintiff by continued Abuse of Process and Frauds on the Courts acting to Obstruct Justice.
2. The lawyer knows or it is obvious that continued employment will result in Violation of a Disciplinary Rule.
The Conflicted Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved in these matters are fully aware that their Conflicted representation is Violating JC, ACC, PORR, and Law, in several states and around the world, yet it is the only way they can continue to prevent prosecution and thus they knowingly continue to Violate their own Rules, Regulations and Law.
A. "Confidence" refers to information protected by the attorney-client privilege under applicable law, and "secret" refers to other information gained in the professional relationship that the client has requested be held inviolate or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing or would be likely to be detrimental to the client.
B. Except when permitted under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (C), a lawyer shall not knowingly:
1. Reveal a confidence or secret of a client.
2. Use a confidence or secret of a client to the disadvantage of the client.
3. Use a confidence or secret of a client for the advantage of the lawyer or of a third person, unless the client consents after full disclosure.
Many of the Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers have Violated the Preservation of Confidences and Secrets of their Former Client Plaintiff Bernstein concerning his Intellectual Properties by placing certain Intellectual Properties in their own names and Other Defendants, including unknowns. As further alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint, the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials have converted Plaintiff’s royalty streams to themselves through illegal Anti Competitive acts, including patent pooling schemes, Antitrust Violations and more, to benefit them at the disadvantage of Plaintiff. Defendants have Violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, most importantly misusing Confidences and Secrets of Plaintiff relating to Invention Disclosure, which also Violates the Federal Patent Bar OED Rules and Regulations.
A. A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment if the exercise of professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be affected by the lawyer’s own financial, business, property, or personal interests, unless a disinterested lawyer would believe that the representation of the client will not be adversely affected thereby and the client consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the lawyer’s interest.
Violations of Judicial Cannon 5 are the crux for the continued Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials Conflict situations as the Legally Licensed Defendants acting in Conflict before this Court and other courts, all have irrefutable knowledge that their judgment on behalf of their client, themselves, is biased. Biased, as their lives depend on the outcome of the Lawsuit both financially and personally and where loss of the Lawsuit could land them with lengthy federal sentences for their crimes, far greater sentences hopefully than the recently levied lax sentence of Madoff of 150 years in prison, this crime in the Trillions far larger. The absurdity of Self-Representation in this Lawsuit where everything rests on the outcome, adversely affects the Law Firms and Lawyers ability to get sound unbiased legal advice and act in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
This Court should take note that no liability carriers are present in the Lawsuit or have counsel present to assess the potential liabilities and risk to their insurance policies and companies, including the legal liability insurance carried by the professional Defendants and Organizations. The lack of presence of insurers or their attorneys indicates that either there are no professional liability carriers insuring Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials or the Defendants failed to give proper disclosure of the risk to the carriers. If Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials failed to Disclose the impending liabilities to the carriers and instead concealed this Litigation, this would represent Insurance Fraud, Fraud that could put insurers and their shareholders at tremendous risk for portions of the Trillion Dollar plus liabilities, again far exceeding the Madoff, Stanford and Dreier schemes combined.
A. A lawyer shall not act, or accept employment that contemplates the lawyer’s acting, as an advocate on issues of fact before any tribunal if the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the lawyer ought to be called as a witness on a significant issue on behalf of the client, except that the lawyer may act as an advocate and also testify:
1. If the testimony will relate solely to an uncontested issue.
2. If the testimony will relate solely to a matter of formality and there is no reason to believe that substantial evidence will be offered in opposition to the testimony.
3. If the testimony will relate solely to the nature and value of legal services rendered in the case by the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm to the client.
4. As to any matter, if disqualification as an advocate would work a substantial hardship on the client because of the distinctive value of the lawyer as counsel in the particular case.
B. Neither a lawyer nor the lawyer’s firm shall accept employment in contemplated or pending litigation if the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the lawyer or another lawyer in the lawyer’s firm may be called as a witness on a significant issue other than on behalf of the client, and it is apparent that the testimony would or might be prejudicial to the client.
C. If, after undertaking employment in contemplated or pending litigation, a lawyer learns or it is obvious that the lawyer ought to be called as a witness on a significant issue on behalf of the client, the lawyer shall not serve as an advocate on issues of fact before the tribunal, except that the lawyer may continue as an advocate on issues of fact and may testify in the circumstances enumerated in DR 5-102 [1200.21] (B)(1) through (4).
D. If, after undertaking employment in contemplated or pending litigation, a lawyer learns or it is obvious that the lawyer or a lawyer in his or her firm may be called as a witness on a significant issue other than on behalf of the client, the lawyer may continue the representation until it is apparent that the testimony is or may be prejudicial to the client at which point the lawyer and the firm must withdraw from acting as an advocate before the tribunal.
Section DR 5-102 [1200.21] prohibits from Self-Representation the Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, including but not limited to, Foley, Meltzer, Proskauer and their Partners, as they are both Defendants and Material Witnesses for Plaintiff and both Defendants and Material Witnesses for their clients themselves in certain instances. This prohibition similarly applies to Defendant Wolfe, a Defendant and Witness for Plaintiff’s Lawsuit and applicable now to Scheindlin who will be called as a Witness for Plaintiff in relation to determining whom she referred to as having “substantive” Conflict and what “substantive issues” she found.
A. A lawyer shall not acquire a proprietary interest in the cause of action or subject matter of litigation he or she is conducting for a client…
Proskauer has proprietary interest in this Lawsuit, as they are shareholders of Iviewit companies stock and have vested interest in the one of the main infringers of the stolen technologies, MPEGLA LLC, as defined in the Amended Complaint. Meltzer, Proskauer and Joao also have proprietary interest in the cause of action and subject matter of the litigation in that Joao now has 90+ patents in his name allegedly filed fraudulently in relation to inventions learned through Disclosure with Plaintiff.
A. A lawyer shall not enter into a business transaction with a client if they have differing interests therein and if the client expects the lawyer to exercise professional judgment therein for the protection of the client…
Defendant Proskauer entered into business transactions with Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies that cause Conflict, including being retained as Counsel and purchasing stock in the Iviewit companies. Proskauer then further acquired a competing interest to Plaintiff, the MPEGLA, LLC patent pooling scheme that they acquired as Client and now control through acquisition of Defendant Rubenstein from Meltzer. Rubenstein, Iviewit’s main Patent Counsel is also the sole patent evaluator, Legal Counsel and a founder of MPEGLA. Defendant MPEGLA is now one of the largest infringers of Plaintiff’s IP. Defendant Proskauer, prior to being retained by Plaintiff, had no Intellectual Property Group and immediately after learning of Plaintiff’s technologies, through disclosure to Defendants Rubenstein and Joao began an IP practice through acquisition of Meltzer’s IP Department, as more fully defined in the Amended Complaint.
1. The transaction and terms on which the lawyer acquires the interest are fair and reasonable to the client and are fully disclosed and transmitted in writing to the client in a manner that can be reasonably understood by the client;
Plaintiff asks this Court to force Proskauer to procure the transactional details of their stock purchases in the Iviewit Companies to the Court so that the Court may understand the terms, as Plaintiff and other former shareholders and former executives also would like to see the terms of their stock purchases and all transactional records relating to such[102].
A. A lawyer shall decline proffered employment if the exercise of independent professional judgment in behalf of a client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by the acceptance of the proffered employment, or if it would be likely to involve the lawyer in representing differing interests, except to the extent permitted under DR 5-105 [1200.24] (C).
B. A lawyer shall not continue multiple employment if the exercise of independent professional judgment in behalf of a client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by the lawyer's representation of another client, or if it would be likely to involve the lawyer in representing differing interests, except to the extent permitted under DR 5-105 [1200.24] (C).
C. In the situations covered by DR 5-105 [1200.24] (A) and (B), a lawyer may represent multiple clients if a disinterested lawyer would believe that the lawyer can competently represent the interest of each and if each consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the simultaneous representation and the advantages and risks involved.
D. While lawyers are associated in a law firm, none of them shall knowingly accept or continue employment when any one of them practicing alone would be prohibited from doing so under DR 5-101 [1200.20] (A), DR 5-105 [1200.24] (A) or (B), DR 5-108 [1200.27] (A) or (B), or DR 9-101 [1200.45] (B) except as otherwise provided therein.
E. A law firm shall keep records of prior engagements, which records shall be made at or near the time of such engagements and shall have a policy implementing a system by which proposed engagements are checked against current and previous engagements, so as to render effective assistance to lawyers within the firm in complying with DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D). Failure to keep records or to have a policy which complies with this subdivision, whether or not a Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D) occurs, shall be a Violation by the firm. In cases in which a Violation of this subdivision by the firm is a substantial factor in causing a Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D) by a lawyer, the firm, as well as the individual lawyer, shall also be responsible for the Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D).
All the Defendant Justices, Law Firms and Lawyers involved in this Lawsuit at every level, in current and former proceedings, have all failed to run proper COI Checks, which would preclude multiple Conflicting representations and would have detailed the numerous Violations of ACC and Law that Self-Representation obviously involves in this Lawsuit. New complaints will be forthcoming regarding the failure under this code section to properly screen for Conflict, serving as new grounds for disciplinary complaints. This Court’s obligation and duty is to immediately cease and halt proceedings pending full Conflict of Interest resolution according to law.
A. Except with the consent of the client after full disclosure a lawyer shall not:
1. Accept compensation for legal services from one other than the client.
2. Accept from one other than the client anything of value related to his or her representation of or employment by the client.
B. Unless authorized by law, a lawyer shall not permit a person who recommends, employs, or pays the lawyer to render legal service for another to direct or regulate his or her professional judgment in rendering such legal services, or to cause the lawyer to compromise the lawyer's duty to maintain the confidences and secrets of the client under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B).
A. Except as provided in DR 9-101 [1200.45] (B) with respect to current or former government lawyers, a lawyer who has represented a client in a matter shall not, without the consent of the former client after full disclosure:
1. Thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person's interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client.
2. Use any confidences or secrets of the former client except as permitted by DR 4-101 [1200.19] (C) or when the confidence or secret has become generally known.
B. Except with the consent of the affected client after full disclosure, a lawyer shall not knowingly represent a person in the same or a substantially related matter in which a firm with which the lawyer formerly was associated had previously represented a client:
1. Whose interests are materially adverse to that person; and
2. About whom the lawyer had acquired information protected by section DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D), when a lawyer has terminated an association with a firm, the firm is prohibited from thereafter representing a person with interests that are materially adverse to those of a client represented by the formerly associated lawyer and not currently represented by the firm only if the law firm or any lawyer remaining in the firm has information protected by DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter, unless the affected client consents after full disclosure.
Plaintiff was a former client of Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers and has not granted permission to his former Counsel for them now to Self-Represent in these matters, against Plaintiff in matters highly related to their alleged Criminal acts while representing Plaintiff under Retainer, again constituting an obvious Conflict and Violation of ACC. Further, the Defendants who were Intellectual Property Counsel ( Proskauer firm, Meltzer firm, Joao, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg & Traurig, etc ) for myself, Plaintiff-Appellant, and Iviewit matters learned information protected under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter and creates further conflicts which must be immediately resolved.
A. When a lawyer employed or retained by an organization is dealing with the organization's directors, officers, employees, members, shareholders or other constituents, and it appears that the organization's interests may differ from those of the constituents with whom the lawyer is dealing, the lawyer shall explain that the lawyer is the lawyer for the organization and not for any of the constituents.
B. If a lawyer for an organization knows that an officer, employee or other person associated with the organization is engaged in action, intends to act or refuses to act in a matter related to the representation that is a Violation of a legal obligation to the organization, or a Violation of law that reasonably might be imputed to the organization, and is likely to result in substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer shall proceed as is reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. In determining how to proceed, the lawyer shall give due consideration to the seriousness of the Violation and its consequences, the scope and nature of the lawyer’s representation, the responsibility in the organization and the apparent motivation of the person involved, the policies of the organization concerning such matters and any other relevant considerations. Any measures taken shall be designed to minimize disruption of the organization and the risk of revealing information relating to the representation to persons outside the organization. Such measures may include, among others:
1. Asking reconsideration of the matter;
2. Advising that a separate legal opinion on the matter be sought for presentation to appropriate authority in the organization; and
3. Referring the matter to higher authority in the organization, including, if warranted by the seriousness of the matter, referral to the highest authority that can act in behalf of the organization as determined by applicable law.
C. If, despite the lawyer’s efforts in accordance with DR 5-109 [1200.28](B), the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization insists upon action, or a refusal to act, that is clearly a Violation of law and is likely to result in a substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer may resign in accordance with DR 2-110 [1200.15].
Not only did Defendant Proskauer represent Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies he founded, Defendants Proskauer brought in senior management Officers for the Iviewit companies, including under false pretenses and with false resume in the case of Defendant Utley, in order to commit the Intellectual Property crimes. In fact, Defendants Utley, Dick[103] and C. Wheeler of Proskauer, had immediately prior to working with Plaintiff companies, been found misappropriating Intellectual Property of another Florida Philanthropist and Businessman, Monte Friedkin. The circumstances surrounding that attempt at Intellectual Property Theft forced Friedkin’s business into closure in a very similar set of circumstances to that of Plaintiff. Defendants Utley, Dick and Wheeler all failed to mention these facts to the Iviewit Board of Directors and Shareholders or to put the information on their resumes. Utley boldly changing his resume claiming a false set of circumstances for his TERMINATION by Friedkin and whereby Wheeler upon referring Utley to Plaintiff failed to mention the fact that Utley was terminated and that Wheeler was also directly implicated in the Friedkin affair. The whole story of the failed prior attempt on Friedkin, later contradicted in multiple instances in Official statements of Utley, Dick and Wheeler in Depositions and Official Statements, to Courts and to State Disciplinary Agencies in Florida, New York and Virginia, as more fully defined in the Amended Complaint.
NOTE: The aforementioned allegations of Defendant lawyers having prior pattern and involvement in a similar and related Intellectual Property scheme involving Friedken and the length of actions and schemes herein exceeding 10 years were and are and remain sufficient to satisfy “continuity” pleading requirements under RICO and Plaintiff thus had adequately stated federal claims sufficient to grant federal relief and exercise federal jurisdiction and the District Court’s erroneous Dismissal must now be immediately reversed.
A. A lawyer may serve as a director, officer or member of a not-for-profit legal services organization, apart from the law firm in which the lawyer practices, notwithstanding that the organization serves persons having interests that differ from those of a client of the lawyer or the lawyer's firm, provided that the lawyer shall not knowingly participate in a decision or action of the organization:
1. If participating in the decision or action would be incompatible with the lawyer's duty of loyalty to a client under DR 5-101 through DR 5-111 [1200.20 through 1200.29]; or
2. Where the decision or action could have a material adverse effect on the representation of a client of the organization whose interests differ from those of a client of the lawyer or the lawyer's firm.
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
A. A lawyer shall not:
1. Handle a legal matter which the lawyer knows or should know that he or she is not competent to handle, without associating with a lawyer who is competent to handle it.
2. Handle a legal matter without preparation adequate in the circumstances.
3. Neglect a legal matter entrusted to the lawyer.
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
A. A lawyer shall not intentionally:
1. Fail to seek the lawful objectives of the client through reasonably available means permitted by law and the Disciplinary Rules, except as provided by DR 7-101 [1200.32] 2. Fail to carry out a contract of employment entered into with a client for professional services, but the lawyer may withdraw as permitted under DR 2-110 [1200.15], DR 5-102 [1200.21], and DR 5-105 [1200.24].
3. Prejudice or damage the client during the course of the professional relationship, except as required under DR 7-102 [1200.33] (B) or as authorized by DR 2-110 [1200.15].
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
A. In the representation of a client, a lawyer shall not:
1. File a suit, assert a position, conduct a defense, delay a trial, or take other action on behalf of the client when the lawyer knows or when it is obvious that such action would serve merely to harass or maliciously injure another.
All of the Defendant Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers, Public Officials and now Counsel for the Defendants before this Court Violate this section by asserting false defenses in Conflict to perpetrate Fraud on the Courts through continued Violation of the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. All Justices who have allowed such Conflict-infested pleadings to prevail in Conspiracy with Defendants have delayed trials, all of these Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law acting to further harass and maliciously injure Plaintiff while destroying his life in attempts to abscond with the Technologies.
2. Knowingly advance a claim or defense that is unwarranted under existing law, except that the lawyer may advance such claim or defense if it can be supported by good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.
Almost all of the Counsel for Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials Violate this section by asserting defenses when they are in Conflict and thus their claims and defenses are all Illegal under existing law as further Fraud on the Court.
3. Conceal or knowingly fail to disclose that which the lawyer is required by law to reveal.
Obviously, all those found in Conflict have concealed such Conflicts with Scienter until discovered years after by Plaintiff. Defendants, made aware of their legal brethrens Crimes and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law by Plaintiff, then failed to report the Crimes and Violations, further Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Failure to report also includes failing to report crimes such as Fraud on the USPTO, fraud on the SBA and Fraud on the Courts.
4. Knowingly use perjured testimony or false evidence.
All of those found in Conflict have used knowingly perjured testimony and false evidence by submitting and allowing Pleadings in Conflict and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, all constituting false evidence to the courts.
5. Knowingly make a false statement of law or fact.
6. Participate in the creation or preservation of evidence when the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the evidence is false.
7. Counsel or assist the client in conduct that the lawyer knows to be illegal or fraudulent.
Conflicted Counsel retained by the Defendants assist Defendants in conduct that the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials know is both Illegal and Fraud on the Courts. Apparently, in some circumstances, acting as their own Counsel they have no representative counsel that can represent them with unbiased advice or advise them that their actions are further Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and to GO GET A NON-CONFLICTED ATTORNEY.
8. Knowingly engage in other illegal conduct or conduct contrary to a Disciplinary Rule.
The Amended Complaint lists hundreds of Illegal acts Defendants committed with Scienter, in addition to those defined already herein, that represent conduct contrary to almost every single applicable JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
B. A lawyer who receives information clearly establishing that:
1. The client has, in the course of the representation, perpetrated a fraud upon a person or tribunal shall promptly call upon the client to rectify the same, and if the client refuses or is unable to do so, the lawyer shall reveal the fraud to the affected person or tribunal, except when the information is protected as a confidence or secret.
For example, this code would force Proskauer to notify the Court and other investigators that they and their client, themselves, have committed Fraud on the Court and other crimes directly on tribunals. Again, due to the Conflicts it appears they cannot get representative counsel to give them such sound advice.
2. A person other than the client has perpetrated a fraud upon a tribunal shall reveal the fraud to the tribunal.
This code section would force the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved directly in the crimes or in the Cover-Up crimes, to turn each other in to authorities for their various crimes. Again, lack of representative counsel makes this impossible and thus more and more Violations of this code occur with every Illegal Legal Action constituting further Fraud on the Courts.
C. In appearing as a lawyer before a tribunal, a lawyer shall not:
1. State or allude to any matter that he or she has no reasonable basis to believe is relevant to the case or that will not be supported by admissible evidence.
The entire defenses submitted by Conflicted Counsel in these matters to this Court and the USDC are irrelevant, legally baseless and Illegal. The Pleadings submitted in Conflict will be admissible as evidence against those in Conflict who have perpetrated these Frauds on the Courts and otherwise stand as frivolous defamatory defenses. The evidence wholly does not support the Defendants’ claims of harassment by Plaintiff against them to this Court and the USDC, making their defenses wholly fraudulent and a FRAUD ON THIS COURT.
2. Ask any question that he or she has no reasonable basis to believe is relevant to the case and that is intended to degrade a witness or other person.
Counsel for Defendants, mainly the Defendants have continued to advance nonsensical defamatory attacks on Plaintiff to mislead the courts and investigators about their involvement in the Crimes, the Lawsuit, their Illegal Self-Representations and Cover-Up Crimes through continuous Conflict and Violations of AC, PORR and Law.
3. Assert personal knowledge of the facts in issue, except when testifying as a witness.
4. Assert a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, as to the credibility of a witness, as to the culpability of a civil litigant, or as to the guilt or innocence of an accused; but the lawyer may argue, upon analysis of the evidence, for any position or conclusion with respect to the matters stated herein.
5. Fail to comply with known local customs of courtesy or practice of the bar or a particular tribunal without giving to opposing counsel timely notice of the intent not to comply.
6. Engage in undignified or discourteous conduct which is degrading to a tribunal.
Undignified and discourteous conduct fails to describe the heinous crimes that have degraded the rule of law in these proceedings and the continuous Fraud on the Courts taking place through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
7. Intentionally or habitually violate any established rule of procedure or of evidence.
Intentionally and habitually, Defendants have Violated almost every established rule of procedure and evidence as described herein and in the Amended Complaint.
B. In an adversary proceeding, a lawyer shall not communicate, or cause another to communicate, as to the merits of the cause with a judge or an official before whom the proceeding is pending except:
1. In the course of official proceedings in the cause.
2. In writing if the lawyer promptly delivers a copy of the writing to opposing counsel or to an adverse party who is not represented by a lawyer.
3. Orally upon adequate notice to opposing counsel or to an adverse party who is not represented by a lawyer.
4. As otherwise authorized by law, or by the Code of Judicial Conduct.
Defendant Proskauer, Foley, Meltzer and perhaps other Defendants have contacted the NYAG to discuss legal strategies against Plaintiff, where contacting Public Officials involved in the Lawsuit may be a Violation of this rule that gave Defendants the ability to infiltrate official proceedings against them.
A. A lawyer who holds Public Office shall not:
1. Use the public position to obtain, or attempt to obtain, a special advantage in legislative matters for the lawyer or for a client under circumstances where the lawyer knows or it is obvious that such action is not in the public interest.
The handling of complaints by Defendants Proskauer, Krane and Triggs Violated PORR in positions they held in several Public Offices in both New York and Florida, in Violation of ACC and Law. Violations of the Public Offices was used to obtain special advantage in the proceedings, knowing that such actions were Violations of ACC, PORR and Law and adverse to Plaintiff and the public interest. Scheindlin’s court, and now this Court, may also be viewed misusing Public Offices to obtain special advantage for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials by allowing Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law to prevail Illegally and further knowingly concealing the Violations of their legal brethren by failing to report the misconduct and therefore Aiding and Abetting the Defendants.
2. Use the public position to influence, or attempt to influence, a tribunal to act in favor of the lawyer or of a client.
The handling of complaints by Defendants Proskauer, Krane and Triggs, Violated PORR, ACC and Law, as they held positions with several Public Offices in New York and Florida, that precluded their handling of complaints. These Violation of ACC, PORR and Law were used to obtain special advantage in the proceedings, knowing that such actions were Violations of Law and adverse to Plaintiff and the Public’s interests. Scheindlin’s court, and this now this Court, allegedly Violating Public Offices in an attempt to further obtain special advantage for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials by allowing Violations of JC, ACC and Law to prevail Illegally and by further knowingly Concealing the Violations of their peers and failing to report the Misconduct.
3. Accept anything of value from any person when the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the offer is for the purpose of influencing the lawyer's action as a public official.
A. A lawyer shall not accept private employment in a matter upon the merits of which the lawyer has acted in a judicial capacity.
B. Except as law may otherwise expressly permit:
1. A lawyer shall not represent a private client in connection with a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially as a Public Officer or employee, and no lawyer in a firm with which that lawyer is associated may knowingly undertake or continue representation in such a matter unless:
a. The disqualified lawyer is effectively screened from any participation, direct or indirect, including discussion, in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom; and
b. There are no other circumstances in the particular representation that create an Appearance of Impropriety.
2. A lawyer having information that the lawyer knows is confidential government information about a person, acquired when the lawyer was a Public Officer or employee, may not represent a private client whose interests are adverse to that person in a matter in which the information could be used to the material disadvantage of that person. A firm with which that lawyer is associated may knowingly undertake or continue representation in the matter only if the disqualified lawyer is effectively screened from any participation, direct or indirect, including discussion, in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom.
3. A lawyer serving as a Public Officer or employee shall not:
a. Participate in a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially while in private practice or non-governmental employment, unless under applicable law no one is, or by lawful delegation may be, authorized to act in the lawyer's stead in the matter; or
b. Negotiate for private employment with any person who is involved as a party or as attorney for a party in a matter in which the lawyer is participating personally and substantially.
C. A lawyer shall not state or imply that the lawyer is able to influence improperly or upon irrelevant grounds any tribunal, legislative body, or public official.
D. A lawyer related to another lawyer as parent, child, sibling or spouse shall not represent in any matter a client whose interests differ from those of another party to the matter who the lawyer knows is represented by the other lawyer unless the client consents to the representation after full disclosure and the lawyer concludes that the lawyer can adequately represent the interests of the client.
A. Prohibition Against Commingling and Misappropriation of Client Funds or Property.
A lawyer in possession of any funds or other property belonging to another person, where such possession is incident to his or her practice of law, is a fiduciary, and must not misappropriate such funds or property or commingle such funds or property with his or her own.
3. Maintain complete records of all funds, securities, and other properties of a client or third person coming into the possession of the lawyer and render appropriate accounts to the client or third person regarding them.
If this Court is to deny Plaintiff request to immediately halt the proceedings pending resolution of each and every Conflict, then Plaintiff asks for a 120 day extension before further having to respond to any decree of this Court to achieve all of the following with such extension also to encompass a stay of appellate proceedings and as follows:
1. formulate complaints against this Court, the USDC and Court Officials involved in this Lawsuit for allowing Conflicts, Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law in order to Prejudice these proceedings in favor of the Defendants and causing Obstruction of Justice,
2. notify the proper oversight Authorities of failures by this Court and the USDC to notify the proper Authorities of Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law by Lawyers and Public Officials acting before the courts, as bound by JC, ACC, PORR and Law,
3. formulate complaints to have reviewed by oversight Authorities to these proceedings, to determine if this Court or the USDC can continue to act in Conflict and allow affirmed “substantive” Conflicts to persist which create an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety that acts to Obstruct Plaintiff’s Due Process rights,
4. formulate complaints for failure of this Court and the USDC to affirm or deny Conflict when Legally requested in Plaintiff’s Pleadings based on existing Conflicts and instead moving the Lawsuit on Defendants Conflict tainted Pleadings, prior to affirmation or denial or removal of the Conflicts,
5. formulate complaints against all Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials for failing to run appropriate Conflict Checks prior to representing themselves in Conflict and failing to affirm or deny Conflict prior to handling these matters.
Continuing Failures to resolve Conflicts Violating Plaintiff’s Due process rights to fair settlement and established Civil Settlement procedures of the US Second Circuit in a Lawsuit where Documentary evidence alone is monumental
Beyond the Prejudicial Rulings of Judge Winter, Plaintiff has suffered further Prejudice due to the failure to address Conflict that adversely affects Plaintiff by denying and depriving Due Process in precluding the exercising of rights to the Second Circuit's Civil Settlement process. This denial of Due Process is particularly egregious in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit, which involves multiple Defendants under written and signed Non Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality agreements, which call out for the economies of true justice to be available in settlement and where the Documentary evidence alone is monumental.
Yet, the US Second Circuit’s civil settlement process railroaded by the Conflicts for nine plus months into the Appeals process. Surely, Non-Conflicted counsel would view the massive financial liabilities to so many at issue, in the light that true counsel should and thus the economies of the Court deprived in failing to perform such duties.
First, Plaintiff, individually, comes to this Court with claims that this Court must remand the Lawsuit back to the USDC for further adjudication or to find a Non-Conflicted forum if the USDC cannot overcome the current Conflicts and continue adjudication. To fail to remand the Lawsuit back for adjudication to a Non-Conflicted court would be a further Obstruction of Plaintiff’s rights, limiting the Lawsuit by Preclusion/Obstruction of material facts that may reverse the prior opinions of the lower court.
Note that Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are the glue that binds the entire RICO Conspiracy together, keeping in play the ongoing Criminal Enterprise by precluding Due Process and Procedure. Evading prosecution for the original Crimes through a Cover-Up involving Public Office crimes and illegal Abuse of Process that perpetrates Fraud on the Courts and other crimes that all act to Aid and Abet the underlying original crimes against not only Plaintiff but also the United States, Foreign Nations and several States.
1. Roy L. Reardon, Esq. Chairman, First Dept DDC[104], Docket number not yet received. The complaint against Reardon filed February 09, 2009, for Conflicts and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law. Filed for Reardon’s part in handling complaints filed recently against Defendants Foley, Proskauer, Smith, Mashberg, Norbitz and Sekel in this Lawsuit. Handling complaints while the First Dept and First Dept DDC are simultaneously Defendants in this Lawsuit who have representative Counsel, the NYAG causes obvious Conflict and Violations of PORR. The NYAG was to move the filed complaints from their Defendant Client First Dept DDC to a Non-Conflicted third party for investigation to avoid the obvious Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety, for the failure to move the complaints and allowing their clients to handle complaints against other Defendants in Conflict, Plaintiff will soon file charges against the NYAG.
2. Alan W. Friedberg, Esq., Chief Counsel, First Dept DDC, Docket number not yet received. The complaint against Friedberg filed February 09, 2009[105] for Conflict and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law. Violations that resulted from the First Dept handling recently filed complaints against Defendants Foley, Proskauer, Smith, Mashberg, Norbitz & Sekel[106], while the First Dept and First Dept DDC are simultaneously Defendants in the Lawsuit and further have representative Counsel, the NYAG. Plaintiff contacted the NYAG prior to filing the complaints, to determine who was to handle the complaints to avoid obvious Conflicts with Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC and have the complaints moved to a Non-Conflicted third party (i.e. Conflict free court, grand jury, etc.). The NYAG was to handle moving the complaints to avoid continuing Violations of ACC, PORR and Law that create the Appearance of Impropriety. Despite assurances by the NYAG that the First Dept and First Dept DDC would not handle the complaints, the First Dept DDC instead acted on the complaints attempting to dismiss the complaints in efforts to exonerate other Defendants. The Dismissal based on baseless claims, in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
3. Foley & Lardner – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Foley according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to the Conflicts their clients Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Foley’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
4. Gregg M. Mashberg, Esq., Proskauer Rose – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Mashberg according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Mashberg’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
5. Joanna F. Smith, Esq., Proskauer Rose – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Smith according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Smith’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
6. Todd C. Norbitz, Esq., Foley & Lardner – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Norbitz according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Norbitz’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
7. Anne B. Sekel, Esq. – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Sekel according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Sekel’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
All newly filed complaints and the Conflicted Dismissal by the First Dept DDC formally and timely appealed to the First Dept DDC and Plaintiff is waiting for further response from the First Dept DDC regarding the Appeal of the Dismissals. Until such time that final decisions can be rendered by the First Dept DDC and oversight Authorities summoned can determine if the First Dept DDC can legally be involved in the handling of Defendant Complaints while a Defendant.
1. Thomas Cahill complaint No. 2004.1122[107] transferred for Special Inquiry to Martin Gold. Recently, it has come to the attention of Plaintiff that Defendant Gold and Quasi Plaintiff Lamont recently attempted to have Gold dismiss the Cahill complaint after years in limbo without any authorization to act on behalf of Iviewit companies in any capacity[108]. Gold, a Defendant in the Lawsuit, obviously blatantly acting in Conflict and Violation of First Dept Rules & Regulations in handling matters against Defendant Cahill which now stands as cause for yet another soon to be filed complaint, this time against Gold, Cahill and Quasi Plaintiff, soon to be defendant, Lamont. Plaintiff has notified the NYAG Andrew Cuomo’s Chief of Staff, Steven Cohen[109], of these recent attempts of Defendants dismissing Disciplinary Complaints against other Defendants and asked for investigation, or referral, to a Non-Conflicted Party to investigate the First Dept, First Dept DDC, Gold and Lamont for their actions in Violation of AC, PORR and Law.
2. Steven C. Krane / Proskauer Rose docket #2004.1883[110]. First Dept ordered investigation. Proskauer Partner Krane was also a First Dept Officer, First Dept DDC Officer, former NYSBA President & Proskauer Partner holding multiple other Public Office roles in Ethics that additionally Conflicted Krane from involvement in any matters before the First Dept and certainly matters implicating his firm Proskauer and himself. Krane found Violating ACC, PORR and Law in his representation of First Dept DDC complaints against his firm Defendant Proskauer, Proskauer Partner Rubenstein and himself while a First Dept Officer. Krane’s Illegal actions creating the Appearance of Impropriety that resulted in court ordered Investigation that never occurred due to further discovered Conflicts with Krane and the new investigator at the Second Dept DDC, Defendant Kearse. Defendant Wolfe exposing Krane’s Conflicting Official Role with the First DDC and Cahill’s attempt to Cover-Up Krane’s involvement.
3. Kenneth Rubenstein / Proskauer Rose docket #2003.0531[111]. First Dept ordered investigation. Proskauer Partner Rubenstein found Violating ACC, PORR and Law, acting in COI with Krane and creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Rubenstein also had Conflict for his representation of Plaintiff as PATENT COUNSEL, while the sole Patent Evaluator for Defendant MPEGLA, a patent pooling scheme he was central to forming. Defendant MPEGLA is now one of the largest infringers of Plaintiff’s Technologies. Rubenstein, initially representing himself as a Proskauer Partner with Defendant Joao when taking Patent disclosures and only later was it learned that both Rubenstein and Joao were from Defendant Meltzer’s law firm. Upon confronting Proskauer with the attorney misrepresentations, Proskauer immediately opened an Intellectual Property practice and moved the entire IP department of Meltzer (except Defendant Joao) to the newly formed Proskauer IP practice, except Joao who was staying behind to finish up the work at Meltzer and then was to transfer to Proskauer. The transfer never occurred as Proskauer undertook investigating initial allegations that Joao, the Attorney Proskauer brought in, was putting Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties into his own name. Along with the transfer of the Meltzer IP department to Proskauer, Proskauer acquired the account MPEGLA, LLC and the patent pools created by and controlled by Rubenstein, a pooling scheme that directly competes with Plaintiff’s Technologies. At the time of the firm transfer, MPEGLA had inferior technologies to Plaintiff’s Technologies and Plaintiff’s Technologies could have been extinguished the pooling scheme had Plaintiff aligned with other interested parties.
4. Proskauer now directly acts in these proceedings as a competitor to Plaintiff’s Technologies and using Anti Competitive actions, including Abuse of Process, Fraud on Courts, Death Threats, Car Bombings, etc., to deny Plaintiff his Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Properties mysteriously converted to Proskauer’s new client MPEGLA in their newly formed IP department, converted to Utley, converted to Joao and unknown Others[112] that directly reaps benefits from their former client’s technologies while abusing him daily for almost a decade.
Certainly, Plaintiff and the True and Proper Inventors of the Technologies have not benefited. Inventor Plaintiff Bernstein, his wife and children have lived much of time from 2001 to present on WELFARE, forced into hiding throughout the country, fleeing home and families and friends, giving up everything, including personal possessions in order to flee dangerous situations, including from Death Threats and Car Bombings and penniless. The Court may want to pause and ask why Plaintiffs PATENT Lawyers are benefiting directly from their former Client’s Technologies, while former Counsel has forced their former Client into poverty through Illegal action after Illegal action. Then, the Court must ask why Proskauer is front and center in many of the biggest financial schemes in the country today where billions of dollars of money are vanishing into thin air. Then the Court must ask if those schemes tie to these events and perhaps constitute further Frauds, legal concocted schemes using the Courts to facilitate the Ponzi schemes as further Fraud on those courts and possible money laundering schemes? Plaintiff already alleged several Frauds on the courts in the Amended Complaint including a Federal Bankruptcy Court, a Florida Civil Court and several State Supreme Courts. As the Criminal Enterprise cloaked as Law Firms, appear to use the courts as part of their Illegal Legal Criminal Enterprise in order commit crimes and evade Prosecution.
5. Raymond A. Joao / Meltzer / Proskauer docket #2003-0352[113]. First Dept court ordered investigation. Joao found Violating ACC, PORR and Law, acting in COI and creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Joao ordered for an investigation that never occurred due to further discovered Conflicts with Defendants Krane and Kearse at the Second Dept DDC. Joao discovered putting patents into his own name directly while retained by Plaintiff and corresponding to the Inventions learned through patent disclosures with Plaintiff. Joao claims that he has 90+ patents in his name now.
6. Christopher C. Wheeler[114]
7. Matthew Triggs[115]
As mentioned already to this Court and the USDC in prior Pleadings, Quasi Plaintiff P. Stephen Lamont has acted in knowing Violation of ACC and Law regarding representing other parties when one is not a licensed lawyer with any bar association. Lamont is aware that it may be Illegal to represent others before a Federal Court without their consent or knowledge, while at the same time not representing any personal interest in the Lawsuit, as Lamont failed to sue individually at all. Lamont, a graduate of Colombia Law with a Degree in Patent Law cannot claim ignorance of the law for these obvious Violations of ACC and Law, as stated in his own words on the www.iviewit.tv homepage,
With more than a fifteen year track record as a multimedia technology and consumer electronics licensing executive and holder of a J.D. in Intellectual Property Law from Columbia University, an M.B.A. in Finance, and a B.S. in Industrial Engineering…
The law is clear! A Non-Licensed law school graduate who fails to pass or even take the bar exam ( Lamont claims he never took the exam ), cannot represent anyone but themselves in the courts. Lamont has clearly proved through his own Pleadings to this Court and the USDC that he is representing the interests of Other Plaintiffs and not himself. The fact that Lamont acts as Counsel for Others is Proved in the filing Caption of the Original Complaint, which he authored entirely, whereby it states “P. Stephen Lamont on Behalf Of…” and NEVER, P. Stephen Lamont individually, leaving him no Legal Basis, except a Fraudulent Basis in this Lawsuit. Plaintiff Inventor Bernstein represents his individual interests. Plaintiff Bernstein, since learning that representing on behalf of others, without their prior consent and a legal license, despite Lamont’s contention that this is somehow legal, notified the Court of the possible Crimes and Violations of ACC this represents and requested this Court and the USDC to withdraw his representation on behalf of anyone but himself. Despite Plaintiff’s repeated advice to Lamont regarding his Illegal Representation, Lamont has failed to file individually and still remains acting Illegally on behalf of Others in this Lawsuit and perpetrates yet another, in a long list, of Frauds on the Courts by impersonating an attorney.
Lamont claims to be representing the Iviewit companies as an Officer, in recent direct letters to Defendants in these matters such as the First Dept, Martin Gold and others, Lamont claiming he is CEO of the Iviewit companies. Once again, Lamont’s own words are his Waterloo, from the www.iviewit.tv homepage quoting Lamont,
By way of introduction, I am P. Stephen Lamont, former Acting CEO of Iviewit (counsel advised all Iviewit executives to resign their posts and work along side Iviewit rather than within Iviewit, as the former Board of Directors, Counsel and Accountants, disbanded without requisite notice to Shareholders in Violation of law, thereby leaving massive liability and exposure) and a significant shareholder in Iviewit.”
Yet, Lamont contacts Defendants[116] as an Iviewit Officer of an Iviewit company in New York, a previously unbeknownst Iviewit company to Plaintiff Bernstein who has no knowledge of any such company licensed in New York but with the number of illegally setup companies by certain Defendants, anything appears possible. Lamont fully aware that he has no Official role at any Iviewit companies and was terminated long ago by Plaintiff individually from employ when Plaintiff learned of possible crimes involving Lamont’s possible Fraud on this Court and the USDC created by his Illegally representing others and more. Lamont additionally was advised by Counsel of the numerous Laws, including hosts of Securities Laws he would Violate if he acted in Official capacity for Iviewit, especially without ANY Board of Director action voting him into any role with Iviewit. Yet, Lamont ignores these warnings from actual lawyers who passed the bar.
Following insanely along, Lamont recently has been contacting Defendants directly, while knowing the Defendants have retained Counsel in the Lawsuit. The NYAG represents the Defendants Lamont is contacting directly which is yet another Violation of ACC if he were a lawyer or one day when he passes the bar. The letters between Lamont and the State Defendants appear as direct Conspiratorial efforts by Lamont to subterfuge Plaintiff Bernstein’s efforts in these proceedings by creating letters of dismissal on Disciplinary Complaints that are in question in the proceedings. Letters obtained through Quasi Plaintiff Lamont contacting Defendants directly versus through Counsel the NYAG and working with the Defendants to secure Dismissal letters for other Defendants in the Lawsuit.
The crimes of Lamont acting as an Officer of a company he knows he is not an Officer of and further interfering and colluding with Defendants in these matters to derail Plaintiff Bernstein’s efforts by perpetrating yet another Fraud on this Court are reasons for new complaints with Law Enforcement and Disciplinary Agencies. A far worse crime comes from this Court’s being aware that Lamont is acting in Violation of ACC and Law regarding his actions impersonating an Attorney and Officer of a company that he is not an Officer of and yet allowing Lamont to continue to file Pleadings despite the obvious Misconduct and possible crimes this creates. This gives Plaintiff Bernstein rights to invoke the solicitation of criminal authorities regarding this Court’s further Aiding and Abetting Violations of ACC and Law by Lamont and other Defendants and the Court’s failure to Report such actions to the proper Authorities.
Plaintiff Bernstein has contacted Steven M. Cohen, Chief of Staff of NY AG Cuomo and notified him of Lamont’s attempted collusion to fix complaints with Defendants that the NYAG represents in these matters, the Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety caused, and perhaps the criminal issues for Lamont and the First Dept DDC Officers involved. Plaintiff is to contact Cohen shortly to asses if the NYAG can continue to handle the matters and if not, whom the appropriate authority is if the NYAG cannot continue.
Plaintiff will be notifying and summoning oversight from all of the following Authorities to evaluate this Court’s and the USDC’s actions and determine if Conflict without resolution can be allowed and if the Lawsuit can continue moving forward in VIOLATION of JC, ACC, PORR, State and Federal Law:
1. Plaintiff will summon the USAG, the Honorable Eric Holder, to represent Crimes alleged committed against the US Government, the USPTO, Foreign Nations and other Title 18 Crimes cited herein and in the Amended Complaint. Plaintiff has previously summoned Holder regarding these matters but Holder may be busy investigating a multitude of senior ranking Government lawyers, law firms and others alleged to have Violated International War Crimes and Torture Treatises. Crimes that led to the Death of Thousands of US Troops and Millions of foreign victims, resulting from War Crimes that were created by predominately Lawyers. On the other hand, perhaps Holder is busy investigating a multitude of senior ranking Government lawyers in regulatory posts who closed their eyes allowing the economic collapse of the nation. On the other hand and we are running out of hands, law firms may be at the center and cause of massive financial crimes and Ponzi schemes actually in Cahoots with lax Regulators. Interesting to note how many lawyers leave firms to undertake a noble and unpaid job in state and federal positions and then return to the fold when discovered committing crimes or covering them up for the firms and criminals involved. Why is this rant important here you may ask? This shows that recently Lawyers at the highest level of Government, the highest levels of Law Enforcement (i.e. the CIA, the USAG and the DOJ) and the highest level of business and economic law have committed and may still be committing very serious crimes. Crimes that are Treasonous, Violate International War & Torture Treatises and hosts of other crimes and where lawyers and the legal profession are at the center, perhaps the instigator of the crimes while wholly betraying the rule of law they are beholden too and sworn to in Oath under G-d. Crimes that collaborate with Plaintiff’s contention in the Amended Complaint that the powerful and politically connected Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers[117]. Once caught, such persons seized control of the Government at the highest levels, in a coup d'état, to prevent prosecution resulting from their crimes and achieve Top down control of the Executive Branch, Courts and Justice Dept and once the fox were in the henhouse, they moved on to more and more serious and lucrative crimes. These crimes have taken our Country into a very Sad and Dark period of her history, one where Government appears ruled by criminals who Violate their own rules and then try to change the rules and laws to make their crimes “legal”. Plaintiff patiently awaits response from Holder regarding the prior summons and will petition his office again regarding the new Obstruction crimes and other crimes defined herein but with an understanding of the far more serious crimes that must be stopped first to prevent further innocent US Soldiers from being murdered by actions resulting from bad lawyers with bad legal advice,
2. US Solicitor General, The Honorable Elena Kagan, will be summoned to join the Lawsuit regarding the claims on behalf of the US Government and Foreign Nations,
3. Congressional Oversight of Judges & Justice from all appropriate Congressional Committees will be sought,
4. Plaintiff will summon US Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit – The Honorable Dennis G. Jacobs regarding the to be filed complaints regarding the Judicial Conduct of this Court and the USDC. Under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, as amended, an adverse ruling by the Chief Judge Jacobs, can and will be petitioned at the Circuit Judicial Council for review if the Chief Judge dismisses the complaint or concludes the proceeding. It is now most likely necessary to transfer the Lawsuit before this Court out of the New York courts where Conflict after Conflict after Conflict remain unresolved and Obstructing Justice. There is a new rule that implements the Breyer Committee’s recommendation that some complaint proceedings should be transferred to a judicial council in a different circuit selected by the Chief Justice, for example, “where the issues are highly visible and a local disposition may weaken public confidence in the process”. It should be not that Judge Ralph K. Winter is also the Chairman of Committee on Judicial Conduct & Disability and any Conflicts should be negated prior to any influence this relation can assert on that process,
5. Plaintiff will summon through Petition the United States Supreme Court to intervene in this Lawsuit and review the conduct of this Court, the USDC, the Law Firms, the Lawyers, the Public Court Officials and others. Scheindlin points the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to take up their rights regarding the corruption in the New York Courts with the Supreme Court, stating that is the only US Court that can resolve the issues of New York Public Office Corruption,
6. Plaintiff will summon the NYAG Public Integrity Unit and New York’s Attorney General the Honorable Andrew Cuomo and his Chief of Staff, Steven Michael Cohen to investigate the matters herein and in the Amended Complaint or find a suitable Non-Conflicted Investigatory Authority to replace them.
7. Plaintiff has summoned the aid of the NYAG as directed by Scheindlin in her Dismissal Order. Problems arise in Plaintiff seeking the aid of the NYAG to investigate the Public Officials and complaints against them, in that NYAG represents the State Defendants so new and old disciplinary complaints against First Dept and First Dept DDC members now must be handled through their respective counsel the NYAG, whom may have to pass the matters to a Non-Conflicted third party to investigate the complaints of the First Dept, First Dept DDC and the actions of the NYAG,
8. Plaintiff has summoned the NYAG, a named Defendant in the Amended Complaint, who now needs to seek Non-Conflicted Counsel for representation of their offices and former officers forward in these matters. The fact that the NYAG is now a Defendant in the Lawsuit creates Conflict in their continued role as Counsel for other Defendants and forces their recusal from the matters. Here again, a Non-Conflicted third party may be necessary to replace the NYAG to conduct further handling and investigation of the Public Office Corruption charges against First Dept, First Dept DDC members and NYAG members, all of whom the NYAG represents currently in response to the Amended Complaint,
9. Plaintiff has spoken recently with NYAG Cuomo’s Chief of Staff Steven Cohen, and directed several follow up letters to him regarding the mass of Conflict and attempt to resolve how to proceed forward to avoid further Obstructions of Justice caused by the Conflicts. Plaintiff requested the NYAG find an authority to replace itself or to give notice to their clients/Defendants to seek other counsel so that they may also proceed in their duties to the public to conduct Public Office Corruption probes, especially when brought by a Whistleblower. This Court must force the NYAG immediately to comply with ACC, PORR and Law, prior to any other Rulings based on their Pleadings tendered in Conflict. The Court must force the NYAG to address the issues of Conflict with their State Defendant Clients that is causing Obstruction and cease their Self-Representation of their Offices and get Counsel, immediately determining if the NYAG and the State Defendants they represent are both now in need of NON-CONFLICTED Counsel to represent them. The Court must force the NYAG to decide if it is intending on fulfilling their Public Office Duties and Legal Obligations to Protect the Public by starting immediate and thorough investigations of Anderson and the “Legally Related” lawsuits’ claims or whom the Plaintiffs should turn to investigate the Public Office Corruption when the NYAG is Conflicted,
10. Plaintiff will summon and file Complaints for all alleged Violations of ACC with the First Dept and First Dept DDC regarding the new Complaint matter discussed herein but will also compel them to find a Non-Conflicted third party to transfer ALL old and new complaints for impartial review too. Plaintiff will request from the new investigator a rehearing of all old complaints based on the Anderson revelations and other new and recent information learned about Conflicts at these Agencies,
11. Plaintiff will summon and file new Complaints with the Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court, yet due to the Conflicts found with these State Agencies and Defendant Foley who acts as their attorneys, Plaintiff will ask that all new complaints and the original complaint against Defendant William (Dick) Dick be transferred for a rehearing by a Non-Conflicted party.
12. Plaintiff will summon the Virginia Supreme Court regarding filing new Complaints against the Virginia AG for his personal Conflicted involvement in this Lawsuit and the Virginia AG’s failure to address his Clients’ Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court Conflicts with Foley and Lardner. Defendant Foley’s Clients being the Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court all failing to address the Conflicts presented by this unique cross representation as required by ACC, PORR and Law.
13. Plaintiff will summon and file new Complaints with the Florida Bar and the Florida Supreme Court, noting the Conflict of their Counsel Greenberg in the matters before this Court, defined already herein and asking for review of the entire Florida Civil Case of Proskauer v. Iviewit and the Bar Complaints filed based on Anderson’s claims.
14. Plaintiff will summon the Office of New York State Office of the State Comptroller - Thomas P. DiNapoli. Plaintiff will file Complaints if necessary to make sure that all state New York State agencies and individuals sued in the lawsuit are properly accounting for the Trillion Dollar plus liability generated by this lawsuit to the State Agencies named as Defendants. The State Agencies have incurred liabilities and may be Violating State Accounting Laws regarding the reporting and accounting of liabilities.
15. Plaintiff will summon and file Complaints if necessary with the New York State Insurance Department - Kermitt J. Brooks, Acting Superintendent regarding filing complaints to make certain that the Law Firms, Lawyers and other Defendants in the Lawsuit have properly noticed insurance carriers and any others, including state agencies, who may have liabilities stemming from the lawsuit,
16. Plaintiff has summoned the New York Senate Judiciary through former Proskauer Rose Attorney and now New York State Senator Democratic Conference Leader, (D, WF) 19th Senate District and Chair of the Judiciary Committee, John L. Sampson. The full committee is already involved reviewing matters directly related to this Lawsuit and is holding hearings in which Anderson and the Iviewit matters slated further to testify at in September. Plaintiff will summon the Senate Judiciary Committee to review the actions of this Court and determine if it may continue to operate in Violation of the rules of the Court and other matters defined herein and in the Amended Complaint,
17. Plaintiff has summoned already the United States House and Senate Judiciary Committees – The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) - Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein and the full committees that are already involved reviewing matters directly related to this Lawsuit, to now review the actions of this Court and determine if it may continue to operate in Violation of the rules of the Court,
18. Plaintiff has already summoned but will again summon regarding new matter, the Honorable Glenn Fine - Inspector General of the Department of Justice, regarding the criminal elements of this Court’s actions complained of herein, as well as, other new crimes recently discovered in the possibly related financial crimes of Madoff, Dreier, Stanford, etc.,
19. Plaintiff has already summoned the Commissioner of Securities & Exchange Commission - Mary L. Schapiro, regarding the filing of additional Complaints against Defendants from BOTH the Original Complaint and the Amended Complaint. Plaintiff filed complaints with the SEC against Intel and Lockheed, to ensure that Defendants whom are required to follow Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) Rule No 5 are accounting and reporting properly in relation to liabilities. Liabilities arise for Defendants named in this Trillion Dollar Lawsuit who must report the lawsuits according to well-established accounting rules. Additional liabilities arise from the knowing and willful Intellectual Property infringement under signed agreements in many instances, for an additional Trillion Dollars or more. This liability resulting from infringement requires reporting to shareholders under FASB No. 5 from the time of infringement in 1998 forward. NOTE: Formal SEC Complaints filed by Plaintiff already referenced herein.
20. Plaintiff will summon the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding complaints relating to Obstruction of federal proceedings and other federal crimes alleged herein and complaints relating to financial crimes causing Trillions of Dollars of risk to Victims that far exceed the Madoff scandal damages directly relating to these matters. Note: See Plaintiff-Appellant Investigations Master List and related Evidentiary Links for Requests, complaints and investigations diligently and continuously initiated by Plaintiff-Appellant Bernstein via the FBI and other relevant agencies, governmental units, etc.
21. Plaintiff will summon the DOJ Antitrust Division, under the leadership of Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney regarding the Antitrust matters as stated in the Amended Complaint and the continued Antitrust & RICO Violations. Plaintiff –Appellant E.I. Bernstein previously wrote to the US Anti-Trust Division regarding MPEG[118]and[119].
22. Plaintiff will address Procedural questions to the Office of the General Counsel, Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, Washington, D.C., 20544, (202-502-1100).
This Court must now address the Conflicts, IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR TO any other substantive Ruling or Order, HALTING the Lawsuit until such time that the all Conflicts removed and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law ceased. Further, this Court shall Cease Ruling on the Appeal, Brief Replies or ANY issue submitted by knowingly Conflicted Counsel and based on Conflicted and perhaps Illegal Rulings by Scheindlin tendered in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Ultimately, the Court must strike these Illegal Pleadings and Rulings from the Record, other than as evidence of Ethical Violations and other Crimes that resulted in Criminal Obstruction and Fraud committed upon this Court with Scienter by those Violating their own Rules and Law before this Court.
This Court must HALT the Lawsuit immediately and issue no further decisions going forward while this Court is aware that Defendant Counsel and Court Personnel are acting in Conflict and Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and thus must rectify the Conflicts and cease allowing Conflicted Counsel and Justices to move the Lawsuit and this Court illegally. The Court cannot LEGALLY proceed under Law knowingly Violating Law.
All prior complaints and court Lawsuits influenced by Conflict, including this Court and the USDC, need rehearing with Non-Conflicted Law Firms and Lawyers representing Defendants and Non-Conflicted Justices and Court Personnel handling and adjudicating the Lawsuit forward and reviewing prior decisions that were infected by the prior Conflicts, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The Court must now HALT the proceedings until resolution from all oversight Authorities Plaintiff is summoning have time to review the overabundance of evidence regarding the alleged Abuse of Process, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law that together constitute Fraud on this Court and determine if the Lawsuit can proceed in Violation of Law. Fraud on the Court committed by members of this Court and members of the USDC, where both courts and their members are Legally Obligated to uphold the JC, ACC, PORR and Law, will vacate all prior Pleadings, Rulings, Orders, etc. in these matters.
The Scheindlin dismissal left standing paves the way to commit Illegal Legal crimes, which sounds so illogical especially when committed by those charged with upholding Law. Defendants who have legal degrees can now use their legal powers to infiltrate the disciplinary committees, the courts and the investigatory agencies that are supposed to be investigating their actions when they are caught in crimes, handle their own complaints in Conflict and then deny Due Process through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Then, through COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, they can further attempt to claim immunity while they control the legal processes to deny Due Process to extend past any Statutes of Limitations, creating a shield for themselves from prosecution to their crimes? To top that the State Defendants have their defenses paid for by the Public, as is the case in the present Lawsuit where the NYAG defends the defendant New York Public Officials and Public Agencies named in the Original Complaint, which are several of the same Public Officials as Anderson identifies as part of the “Systemic” corruption.
The NYAG representing the Public Officials despite an inside Whistleblower revealing several of the same Officials involvement in alleged Public Office Crimes, which should be absolute cause for the NYAG to represent the Public’s interests regarding the Obstruction charges leveled by Anderson against these same Public Officers. The continued representation of these Defendants by the NYAG Conflicts with the duty the NYAG has to protect the Public and this Conflict causes Obstruction blocking the ability of Plaintiff or Anderson to have investigations preformed of these Public Officials. In fact, Scheindlin upon dismissal directs the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to contact the NYAG regarding the crimes committed against them, which is ironic since they are now Conflicted in their client representations from carrying out their Public Office duties creating Obstruction of Justice to the Victims. Most astonishing is that the defense of Anderson, the Whistleblower protecting the Public Interest, paid for out of her own pocket, whilst the NYAG is busy representing the Public Office Defendants named by Anderson on Johnny Q. Public’s expense, despite the Legal Duties of the NYAG to represent and serve the People first prior to possibly corrupt Public Officials
If the internal ethical cleansing needed to restore a Conflict free Court cannot be self-imposed by this Court, on this Court, and, all those involved in the Lawsuit forced to comply with all JC, ACC, PORR and Law, then take this as OFFICIAL notice that Plaintiff is seeking immediate Oversight of this Courts’ actions. Plaintiff will file both civil and criminal Complaints against the Court as defined herein. Until oversight Authorities summoned reach their conclusions, Plaintiff refuses to continue forward in the Proceedings, which are tainted, giving illegal advantage to the Defendants. Therefore, Plaintiff will file no other pleading with this Court until such time that all demands for Justice through Conflict resolution by oversight Authorities sought are finalized and all those involved in these matters comply with JC, AC, PORR and Law. Plaintiff will not submit further submissions and/or pleadings until all Oversight Authorities have rendered final decisions on the alleged Illegal actions of this Court, the USDC, the NYAG, the Law Firms, Lawyers and Disciplinary Committees as defined further herein.
In summation, this Writ of Motion to Compel, Compelling this Court and all those involved with Professional Legal Titles to “Freeze, put your hands up in the air and surrender”. Surrender until all applicable Law Enforcement and oversight Authorities summoned can evaluate your further right to continued involvement in these matters and can determine the degree of Your culpability of which You may become a Defendant in these matters. Freeze, as this is a Citizen’s Arrest[120] and take no further action that Violates JC, ACC, PORR and Law as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law, for a period necessary for Authorities summoned to examine the alleged Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
“You [all Justices, Court Personnel, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Office Officials involved in the Legal Disposition of this Lawsuit] have the right to remain silent. Anything You say [or put in Order or Motion or Pleading, etc. in this Lawsuit] can and will be used against You in a court of law [a conflict free court]…Do You understand these rights?” This reading of Miranda is not a joke but more a Citizen’s Arrest notification that action on Your part forward without the summoned oversight Authorities and Law Enforcement approval of Your actions thus far and continuation going forward will be met with further CRIMINAL AND CIVIL charges against You. ANY ACTION taken prior to such time will incur filing of criminal charges against You with all appropriate authorities. Charges will include US Code Title 18 Obstruction charges, RICO charges and more, as defined herein and in the Amended Complaint and it would be best if YOU TURN YOURSELF IN TO AUTHORITIES versus forcing further rights under a Citizen’s Arrest to Force You into custody.
I remind this Court, which acts outside its own Rules, as if Above the Law, of the all too recent “Judges’ Trial[121]” of the infamous Nuremberg Trials. Proving that no one is Above the Law, not Justices, not Lawyers, nor Presidents or Deciders and that while power may corrupt and perverse those that control law at times, when the Long Arm of the Law regains its reach, the Guilty will be Tried despite their Titles and perceived Entitlement. Changing laws in order to commit crimes by those entrusted to uphold the sanctity of Law is not a defense that holds up well in a fair and impartial courtroom. Once Law and Order was re-established, the NAZI Party crushed and their delusional grandeur deflated, the Judges Trial tried the NAZI justices and lawyers who changed Law to allow Torture, Death Camps and Theft of Personal Properties, all eventually convicted in US Courts acting in Germany for the War Crimes, including for the Abuse and Misuse of Law. Above the Law while deluded in grandeur from sick Abuse of Power, yet in the end sentenced to life imprisonment for their crimes and forever stamped into history as Nazi war criminals. Eventually Justice will return to This Court and those guilty of misusing Law for personal gain to the disadvantage of citizens tried and convicted too.
WHEREFORE, this Court Shall:
1. instantly issue Rule 11 Sanctions against Defendants and/or Defendants Counsel who have appeared in Conflict and in violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law in the USDC and USCA lawsuit for frivolous defense pleadings and illegal conduct or alternatively grant an immediate hearing on this Motion to Compel.
2. instantly follow all JC, ACC, PORR and Law that it is Legally Obligated to follow,
3. instantly force disclosure of all parties in these matters to affirm or deny Conflict with any of the parties to this suit and to all those plaintiffs and defendants in all the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to Anderson,
4. force all Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved in this Lawsuit to run verifiable COI Checks and present the findings to Plaintiff,
5. instantly remove all Conflicted parties that this Court and Scheindlin are aware of,
6. instantly report the misconduct of all those found Violating JC, ACC, PORR and/or Law to all appropriate authorities as proscribed by JC, ACC, PORR and Law,
7. immediately HALT these proceedings until all Oversight Authorities summoned render final decisions relating to the conduct of this Court and others,
8. grant ample time for a healthy recovery of Plaintiff Bernstein from his facial reconstructive surgeries, complete teeth removal, dental replacement and a kidney stone extraction. This Court has thus far forced Plaintiff to continue on schedule, denying time for complete medical recovery according to a Medical Plan submitted to this Court, despite absolute knowledge of the health danger and risk posed for recovery of forcing Plaintiff to continue. Bernstein has been under medical treatment requiring heavy continuous pain medication, repeated surgeries and medical procedures since filing this Appeal, resulting from a life threatening infection causing the need for emergency treatment and additionally currently diagnosed with a Kidney Stone. On July 15, 2009, his dental specialist advised Bernstein that his condition was highly “unstable” and that he needed to restart treatment as soon as possible. Of course, that is impossible while SFG monies remain frozen and in some instances apparently gone.
1. grant additional time for the initially proscribed 18 months of facial reconstructive treatment now further delayed due to the SFG / Stanford Ponzi Scheme’s financial impact on Plaintiff Bernstein’s immediate family, a scheme apparently orchestrated by Defendant Proskauer. Plaintiff requests the time granted be as long as funds in the SFG matter are unrecoverable and/or other funds to continue medical treatment and found. Due to the SFG losses, Plaintiff’s dental treatments have ceased until payment can resume, leaving him in an even further unstable condition because of Defendant Proskauer.
2. appoint Pro Bono counsel to assist in the preparation of the Lawsuit so as not to further limit Plaintiff’s Due Process rights by limiting the ability to prepare this Lawsuit under duress. If this Court is further unsympathetic to Plaintiff’s extreme medical conditions, including Kidney Stones, Facial Reconstruction, Entire Teeth Removal and Implant Replacement necessary due to LIFE THREATENING infection, than Pro Bono counsel would be righteous to assist Plaintiff and if not afforded would be further evidence of Legal Process Abuse to deny Due Process and TOTALLY UNCOMPASSIONATE casting further the Appearance of Impropriety,
3. force recusal of Winter and Wolfe and force full disclosure of any Conflict they had,
4. appoint Pro Bono counsel as Plaintiff has filed suit in relation to a real New York HERO, Christine C. Anderson, in her heroic insider Whistleblower lawsuit that Scheindlin is moving to trial. Since Plaintiff files in New York in order to support such heroic efforts on behalf of the Great State of New York and its heroic citizen in efforts to rid PUBLIC OFFICE CORRUPTION, Pro Bono counsel remains appropriate and denied merely further obstructs,
5. appoint Pro Bono counsel due to the extreme financial loss caused in part by the states actors’ illegal actions outside official duties, as alleged in Anderson that acted to Obstruct Justice costing Plaintiff years and monies and the recent SFG Ponzi which froze income to Bernstein’s immediate family rendering him and his immediate family penniless. The new financial problems at SFG, caused perhaps intentionally and with malice by Defendant Proskauer and Sjoblom have rendered the ability to mount a Legal Defense nearly impossible, as feeding three children has been nearly impossible, again directly acting to Obstruct Plaintiffs Due Process rights.
6. Combined with the medical maladies Plaintiff is barely able to render submissions to this Court and whereby such stress severely is impeding and interfering with a healthy recovery. Plaintiff asks the Court to understand these financial and medical conditions, to take note that the medical narcotics and other drugs proscribed affect the ability of Plaintiff to submit documents in a coherent and timely fashion. The Court, fully aware of these situations has completely ignored Plaintiffs pleas for Compassion and Time. If Pro Bono counsel is granted for Plaintiff, as necessary to prepare a proper Lawsuit in light of the complexities and sheer number of crimes alleged and in light of the Court’s need to rush the Proceedings while fraught in Conflict, despite the medical dangers to Plaintiff, then Plaintiff requests whatever counsel is appointed be prescreened for Conflict. Any Conflict discovered resolved or negated with Plaintiff, prior to the Court’s acceptance of such Counsel.
7. Plaintiff requests the attached Brief Reply Rebuttals filed timely with the Court herein marked Confidential and SEALED, remain SEALED until such time that Oversight Authorities and Law Enforcement sought can determine if this Court can continue in Violation of JC, ACC and Law in a Judicial Capacity necessary to UNSEAL them.
8. Plaintiff requests that the SEALED Rebuttals NOT be Served on Opposing Counsel acting in Violation of JC, ACC and Law until Oversight Authorities summoned determine if they can continue to act in Conflict. Plaintiff refuses to serve Opposing Conflicted Counsel the sealed Brief Reply Rebuttal attached to this Motion to Compel, requesting the Court not Open or Serve it until such time that Counsel for all Defendants and the Court, can affirm or deny they have no Conflict through Procedural Conflict Checks. Further keeping the Brief Reply Rebuttal SEALED until all Oversight sought for prior and current actions of the Law Firms, Lawyers, Public Officials and Justices in these matters have reached conclusions regarding continued Illegal Conflicted Self-Representation and Violations of Public Offices.
9. Plaintiff asks for a minimum of 120 days to formulate complaints to all investigatory agencies, courts and more, notifying them formally of the crimes alleged herein and granting ample time for reply.
10. Immediately notify all other Courts and Investigators in the Financial Crimes described herein, which have possible relation to these matters.
11. Institute protections for document delivery and verification in light of the Obstruction already with the US Marshal Service in the USDC and in light of Anderson’s complaint illustrating a need to protect the documents from insiders who may be operating to alter and change Court pleadings and other Court documentation.
12. Force the Injunctions requested in the Amended Complaint.
13. Institute new injunctions freezing all financial transactions and distributions of funds in relation to the ongoing legal proceedings involving Madoff, Stanford, Dreier, Enron Broadband and SGI, informing those courts of the relations to this Lawsuit exposed herein. That those legal actions may be a result of the stolen Intellectual Properties from Plaintiff and may be further attempts by the all too clever criminal legal Defendants (those Defendants schooled in Law) to again misuse law to hide and redistribute stolen funds. Making the funds vanish in Ponzi and other magic schemes where Billions of Dollars go missing with recoveries paid back to so-called “victims” achieved through further Frauds on those Courts which already appear fraught with receivers in Conflict, some in Conflict with these matters and more. Also strange is how many connector dots between these events exists and how Defendants appear to be attempting to vanish with stolen goods before this Lawsuit explodes on them as Due Process is restored.
14. New Financial Schemes with Preliminary Linkage to Defendants
c. Albert Hu - Aseqneua Beta Fund and Fireside LS Fund[122]
d. The 1031 Tax Group LLC - Edward H. Okun
e. SFG / Stanford - Greenberg Traurig and members of the State of Florida investigated for collusion and regulatory failures in the establishment of SFG banking businesses.
Exhibit 1 – List of COI Filings with USCA & USDC
USDC Filings
1. March 05, 2008 – USDC Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Oposition%20to%20AG%20Cuomo%20letter%20email%20copy.pdf
2. March 05, 2008 – USDC Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20letter%20as%20counsel.pdf
3. March 10, 2008 USDC Order http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/Scheindlin%20Order%2003%2007%202008%20(2).pdf
4. March 13, 2008 USDC Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/Scheindlin%20Order%2003%2007%202008%20(2).pdf
5. March 14, 2008 Plaintiff Letter to NYAG Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080314%20FINAL%20Letter%20to%20NY%20AG%20to%20reistigate%20investigation%20on%20new%20evidence.pdf
6. March 21, 2008 USDC Order http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080321%20Order%20Scheindlin.pdf
7. March 28, 2008 Defendant Foley Counsel Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080328%20Notice%20of%20Appearance%20Friedman%20for%20Foley.pdf
8. Plaintiff Letter to USDC regarding Greenberg Traurig Conflicts http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080401%20Motion%20in%20Opposition%20to%20Motion%20to%20Dismiss%20for%20Florida%20Bar%20et%20al%20filed%20Greenberg%20Traurig.pdf
9. April 09, 2008 Motion in Opposition http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080407%20FILED%20FINAL%20Motion%20in%20Opposition%20to%20Florida%20Bar.pdf
10. April 15, 2008 Plaintiff Letter to USDC re Virginia Bar and Virginia AG http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080415%20FINAL%20SENT%20TO%20COURT%20and%20Letter%20to%20Virginia%20Bar%20Counsel%20Attorney%20General%20Hall%20re%20phone%20conv.doc
11. June 04, 2008 Plaintiff Motion http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080603%20FINAL%20MOTION%20FOR%20EXTENSION%20OF%20TIME%20DUE%20TO%20EXTRANEOUS%20CIRCUMSTANCE.pdf
12. July 18, 2008 Plaintiff Letter Regarding Quasi Plaintiff Lamont http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080718%20FINAL%20SIGNED%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20latter%20dated%20July%2017%202008.pdf
USCA Filings
13. January 09, 2009 Plaintiff Motion to USCA http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090129%20Final%20Extension%20of%20Time%202%20SIGNED%20low.pdf
14. February 13, 2009 Plaintiff Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090213%20FINAL%20SIGNED%20LETTER%20OBAMA%20TO%20ENJOIN%20US%20ATTORNEY%20FINGERED%20ORIGINAL%20MAIL%20l.pdf
15. March 02, 2009 Motion Re Emergency Investigation of Proskauer Re Madoff, etc… http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090302%20FINAL%20Emergency%20Motion%20Re%20Proskauer%20Stanford%20Madoff%20Dreier%20Scandals4017.pdf
Docket No. 08-4873-cv
Appellate Division First Department
Disciplinary Committee
I, Eliot Ivan Bernstein, hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that on the 7th day of September, 2009, I served by United States Mail, Email, Electronic Service and/or hand delivered the document titled EMERGENCY WRIT OF MOTION TO COMPEL TO HALT PROCEEDINGS PENDING AFFIRMED CONFLICT RESOLUTION, REMOVAL OF THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY AND CESSATION OF VIOLATIONS OF JUDICIAL CANNONS, ATTORNEY CODES OF CONDUCT AND LAW RESTORING ORDER TO THIS COURT on the Court. Plaintiff requests this Court serve all named Defendants below via the United States Marshal Service or service directly by the Court as the case in prior filings where the Court has served to the Defendants, although it is further unclear if this Court has served documents to all Amended Complaint Defendants or just a select few Defendants. It is also unclear if Defendants’ counsels similarly have serviced only select Defendants’ and not all the Amended Complaint Defendants and Plaintiffs on Appeal despite referencing the Amended Complaint in their Appeal.
Plaintiff requested the Halting of the Case and the Sealing of the attached Brief Reply Rebuttals and Plaintiff requests that Rebuttals remain sealed until all Oversight authorities summoned in the Motion to Compel have rendered final decisions on the Court and Defendants’ counsel ability to proceed. Therefore, Plaintiff requests not servicing Defendants the requested sealed documents until such time that affirmed Non-Conflicted justices, court personnel and counsel, as requested in the Motion to Compel, are approved to serve proper documents to in compliance with Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes, Public Office Rules and Regulations and Law.
The Amended Complaint list of Defendants necessary to service is as follows:
STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities, DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O'ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.
Eliot Ivan Bernstein,
Pro Se Appellant and Plaintiff
2753 N.W. 34th Street
Boca Raton, Florida 33434
[1] January 29, 2009 Plaintiff’s Motion for Extension of Time to File an Appeal Stay of Appeal / Conflicts / Docketing and Other Errors / and Other Requests http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090129%20Final%20Extension%20of%20Time%202%20SIGNED%20low.pdf
[2] February 18, 2009 Order USCA http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090218%20Motion%20other%20than%20ext%20sent%20to%20panel%20to%20hear%20appeal%20ORDER.pdf
[3] February 13, 2009 Letter to The Honorable President Barack Hussein Obama II Regarding “Fundamental Matters of the Global Economy and Intellectual Property Rights under Article I of the US Constitution involving direct Fraud on the US Patent Office with devastating impacts on future US Intellectual Property development and Fundamental Matters of the Administration of Justice under Law” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090213%20FINAL%20SIGNED%20LETTER%20OBAMA%20TO%20ENJOIN%20US%20ATTORNEY%20FINGERED%20ORIGINAL%20MAIL%20l.pdf
[4] August 08, 2008 USDC Dismissal Order http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080808%20Scheindlin%20Dismissal%20of%20Complaint.pdf
[5] Perhaps the Court should remand this Lawsuit to the Supreme Court as suggested by Scheindlin, for further review and analysis, as well as, precedent setting federal Intellectual Property claims.
[6] See Exhibit A
[7] "Fraud On The Court By An Officer Of The Court ~ State and Federal"
Who is an "officer of the court"? A judge is an officer of the court, as well as are all attorneys. A state judge is a state judicial officer, paid by the State to act impartially and lawfully. A federal judge is a federal judicial officer, paid by the federal government to act impartially and lawfully. State and federal attorneys fall into the same general category and must meet the same requirements. A judge is not the court. People v. Zajic, 88 Ill.App.3d 477, 410 N.E.2d 626 (1980).
What is "fraud on the court"? Whenever any officer of the court commits fraud during a proceeding in the court, he/she is engaged in "fraud upon the court". In Bulloch v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir. 1985), the court stated "Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. ... It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function --- thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted."
"Fraud upon the court" has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to "embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication." Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore's Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, ¶ 60.23. The 7th Circuit further stated "a decision produced by fraud upon the court is not in essence a decision at all, and never becomes final."
What effect does an act of "fraud upon the court" have upon the court proceeding? "Fraud upon the court" makes void the orders and judgments of that court.
[8] April 27, 2009 Scheindlin Decision and Order – Anderson http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090427%2007cv9599%20Decision.pdf
[9] October 26, 2007 Christine C. Anderson v. State of New York et al. Original Complaint, pages 24 and 25 refer to Iviewit First Dept Complaints http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/anderson/20071028%20Anderson%20Original%20Filing.pdf
[10] April 27, 2009 Christine Anderson v The State of New York et al. Opinion and Order http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090427%2007cv9599%20Decision.pdf
[11] June 06, 2009 NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing Testimony Christine Anderson and more http://iviewit.tv/20090608nysjudiciaryhearing/index.htm
[12] June 08, 2009 Judiciary Hearing Transcript http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090608%20New%20York%20Judiciary%20Committee%20Hearing%20First%20Dept%20Transcript.pdf
[13] June 08, 2009 New York Senate Judiciary Committee Outline for Testimony of Plaintiff Bernstein, submitted to the entire Judiciary Committee prior to the Hearings.
[14] March 21, 2008 Scheindlin Order http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080321%20Order%20Scheindlin.pdf
[15] March 05, 2008 Iviewit Letter to Scheindlin regarding the NY Asst AG Connell Conflicts http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Oposition%20to%20AG%20Cuomo%20letter%20email%20copy.pdf
[16] March 09, 2008 Proskauer to Scheindlin to Stay Service of Amended Complaint, Letter Authored in Conflict of Interest and Violation of Attorney Conduct Codes http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080509%20Proskauer%20to%20Scheindlin%20to%20block%20amended.pdf
[17] May 09, 2008 Scheindlin Order Staying Service of Amended Complaint http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080509%20Scheindlin%20Order%20to%20stay%20amended.pdf
[18] July 15, 2009 The AmLaw Daily “Proskauer Advises Company at Center of Derivatives Probe” http://amlawdaily.typepad.com/amlawdaily/2009/07/proskauer-on-derivatives-.html
[19] Madoff Bio @ Wikipedia “Madoff, who once served as a non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange, pled guilty to an 11-count criminal complaint, admitting to defrauding thousands of investors of billions of dollars. Madoff convicted of operating a Ponzi scheme that has been called the largest investor fraud ever committed by a single person. Federal prosecutors estimated client losses, which included fabricated gains, of almost $65 billion. On June 29, 2009, he was sentenced to 150 years in prison, the maximum allowed.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff
[20] Stanford Capital Management, Stanford Group Company, Stanford International Bank f.k.a Guardian International Bank, Bank of Antigua, Stanford Coins and Bullion
[21] Stanford Capital Management, Stanford Group Company, Stanford International Bank f.k.a Guardian International Bank, Bank of Antigua, Stanford Coins and Bullion
[22] Dreier Bio @ Wikipedia http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marc_Stuart_Dreier
[23] May 09, 2008 Amended Complaint http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080509%20FINAL%20AMENDED%20COMPLAINT%20AND%20RICO%20SIGNED%20COPY%20MED.pdf
[24] May 18, 2009 Wall Street Journal “Madoff Victims Investigated Criminal Probe Expands to High-Profile Investors Who Say They Were Stung”
[25] May 13, 2009 Business Week “Stanford's Ex-Lawyer is on the Hot Seat” http://www.businessweek.com/investing/wall_street_news_blog/archives/2009/05/stanfords_lawye.html?chan=top+news_top+news+index+-+temp_news+%2B+analysis
[26] Stanford Documents SEC http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/stanford/Stanford%20SEC%20Court%20Docs%20Low.pdf
[27] Proskauer Rose 2002 Annual Review http://www.proskauer.com/about_the_firm/firm_brochures/content/2003_01_00_i/_res/id=File/2002AnnualReview.pdf
[28] July 03, 2009 Thomson Reuters “Stanford clients sue insurance broker Willis Group” http://www.reuters.com/article/ousiv/idUSTRE5624SE20090703
[29] May 13, 2009 Business Week “Stanford's Ex-Lawyer [Defendant Proskauer Partner Sjoblom] is on the Hot Seat” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090513%20Proskauer%20Sjoblom%20Stanford%20re%20lying%20to%20SEC.pdf
[30] Stanford Court Documents http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/stanford/Stanford%20SEC%20Court%20Docs%20Low.pdf
[31] “From 1979 to 1987, Mr. Sjoblom served as Branch Chief and then Special Counsel to the SEC’s Division of Market Regulation, where he provided interpretive advice to various segments of the securities industry on broker-dealer regulation and transfer agent regulation, back-office issues, trading practices, tender offer practices, market making, and contingency offerings. He also participated in the approval of the "new options products" in the early 1980s, including stock index options and futures and the foreign currency options. Department of Justice Experience While at the SEC, Mr. Sjoblom also served as Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, the Western District of New York, and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.” http://www.proskauer.com/lawyers_at_proskauer/atty_data/8070
[32] March 16, 2009 Memphis Daily News “Miami Meetings at Center of Stanford Woes” http://www.memphisdailynews.com/editorial/Article.aspx?id=41397
[33] February 27, 2009 Houston Chronicle “‘Assets are there,’ Stanford insisted at pivotal meeting” http://www.chron.com/disp/story.mpl/business/stanford/6285534.html
[34] March 28, 2009 Houston Chronicle “Former lawyer for Stanford [Defendant Proskauer] Sued” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/stanford/20090328%20Proskauer%20Sued%20by%20Stanford%20Holt%20Sjoblom%20yeah.pdf
[35] July 09, 2009 Talking Points Memo TPM Media LLC “Bernie Madoff: SEC Investigator Fingered Bernie In '04; SEC Chief Lori Richards ‘Resigns’" http://tpmcafe.talkingpointsmemo.com/talk/blogs/mrs_panstreppon/2009/07/bernie-madoff-sec-investigator.php?ref=reccafe
[36] February 18, 2009 Times Online “Allen Stanford lost money to Bernard Madoff and 'lied to cover it up'” http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5759709.ece
[37] February 09, 2009 Law 360 “SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe.” http://www.law360.com/registrations/user_registration?article_id=86638&concurrency_check=false
[38] February 23, 2009 Memphis Daily News “Stanford Attorney Quits Following CIO’s Testimony” http://www.memphisdailynews.com/editorial/ArticleEmail.aspx?id=40993&print=1
[39] August 05, 2009 The Deal.com “Legal ties that bind” http://www.thedeal.com/newsweekly/dealmakers/legal-ties-that-bind.php
[40] Wall Street Journal Law Blog “January 2, 2009, “Former AUSA Selected as Bankruptcy Trustee in Dreier Case” http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2009/01/02/former-ausa-selected-as-bankruptcy-trustee-in-dreier-case
[41] Law 360, Friday, May 15, 2009 “1031 Victims Sue Citibank, Foley, Others For $140M
- Clients of The 1031 Tax Group LLC, a bankrupt exchange fund firm run by convicted Ponzi schemer Edward H. Okun, have launched a proposed class action to recover $140 million from Bank of America NA, Citibank NA, Foley & Lardner LLP and others for allegedly facilitating the scheme.” http://www.law360.com/company_articles/1440
[42] August 04, 2009 Wall Street Journal “Okun Joins Madoff in Century Club”
[43] February 02, 2009 Plaintiff Motion to USCA http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090302%20FINAL%20Emergency%20Motion%20Re%20Proskauer%20Stanford%20Madoff%20Dreier%20Scandals4017.pdf
[44] February 19, 2009 Condé Nast Portfolio.com “Stanford Round-Up, Drug Edition” http://www.portfolio.com/views/blogs/market-movers/2009/02/19/stanford-round-up-drug-edition
[45] February 22, 2009 Guardian News and Media Limited “The Stanford Affair FBI Investigates possible links with Mexico Drug Gang” http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2009/feb/22/allen-stanford-drugs-trade-mexico
[46] February 18, 2009 Times Online “Allen Stanford lost money to Bernard Madoff and 'lied to cover it up'” http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article5759709.ece
[47] February 09, 2009 Law 360 “SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe.” http://www.law360.com/registrations/user_registration?article_id=86638&concurrency_check=false
[48] February 23, 2009 Memphis Daily News “Stanford Attorney Quits Following CIO’s Testimony” http://www.memphisdailynews.com/editorial/ArticleEmail.aspx?id=40993&print=1
[49] April 10, 2009 Iviewit Proof of Claim in Silicon Graphic Bankruptcy Case 09-11700 thru 09-11704 http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090410%20Proof%20Of%20Claim%20SGI%20BK%20Filing.pdf
[50] April 27, 1999 Letter Richard Rosman, Esq. Regarding Proskauer Opinion Letter to Hassan Miah http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/1999%2004%2027%20Rosman%20to%20Wheeler%20Hassan%20Rubenstein%20Opinion.pdf
[51] March 25, 2009 SEC Complaint - Regarding Intel Corporation and Possible Trillion Dollar
Fraud on Intel Shareholders and Others http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/20090325%20FINAL%20Intel%20SEC%20Complaint%20SIGNED2073.pdf
[52] Real 3D Documents http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Real%203D%20Opinion%20and%20Licensing%20Info.pdf
[53] Wikipedia Real 3D reference http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Real3D
[54] Wikipedia ATI Reference @ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ATI_Technologies
[55] December 01, 2006 ZDnet News “Justice Dept. Subpoenas AMD, Nvidia” @ http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-150460.html
[56] Iviewit Non Disclosure and Other Agreements @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Patents/Confidentialities/confidentialities%20total.pdf
[57] July 22, 2009 Proskauer Client Letter Regarding Marketing the Iviewit Technologies to Proskauer clients http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Armstrong%20Wheeler%20Client%20letter%20with%20highlights.pdf
[58] September 20, 2000 Iviewit Letter to Arthur Andersen http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2000%2009%2020%20Hersh%20to%20Arthur%20Andersen%20Erika%20Lewin%20miffed%20letter.pdf
October 09, 2000 Letter Arthur Andersen to Iviewit http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2000%2011%2027%20ARTHUR%20ANDERSEN%20FILES%20TERMINATION%20LETTER.pdf
Arthur Andersen / Iviewit correspondences http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/ARTHUR%20ANDERSEN%20FILES.pdf
[59] September 20, 2000 Iviewit Letter to Arthur Andersen http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2000%2009%2020%20Hersh%20to%20Arthur%20Andersen%20Erika%20Lewin%20miffed%20letter.pdf
[60] March 13, 2003 Forbes, “Feds Say Enron's Braveheart Was Fiction” http://www.forbes.com/2003/03/13/cx_da_0313topnews.html
[61] March 09, 2001 InternetNews.com “Blockbuster Kills Video-On-Demand Deal with Enron” http://www.internetnews.com/infra/article.php/709941
[62] August 08, 2009 Houston Chronicle “Another Enron barge trial set for February” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/stanford/20090808%20Another%20Enron%20Set%20Of%20Trials%20Houston%20Chron.pdf
[63]January 2001 Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Wachovia%20Private%20Placement%20Memorandum%20-%20with%20bookmarks%20in%20col.pdf
[64] Wikipedia Reference Arthur Andersen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_Andersen
[66] Scheindlin, in her flawed Dismissal Order, states that after review of Plaintiff’s claim of a RICO Conspiracy extending to the highest levels of Government, involving Murder (according to Scheindlin), Attempted Murder, Patent Theft, Fraud on the USPTO, Fraud on Foreign Nations and more versus the defendants’ frivolous claims of harassment by Plaintiff, that she is unsure whose account is true. From her Dismissal Order Scheindlin claims, “While I cannot determine which of these descriptions is more accurate…” and this statement while Scheindlin exposes “substantive issues” and substantive “conflict” relative to Plaintiff’s claims against Defendants making the Dismissal Order again in err and reversible by this Court. The defense of Defendants that they are being harassed makes no sense, as why would Plaintiff want to harass Law Firms composed of thousands of Attorneys, three State Supreme Courts, five State Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary agencies, the NYAG, Justices from State Supreme Courts, etc? Why have these all too powerful legal Defendants not filed a complaint against little ole Inventor Plaintiff or even a Counter Complaint regarding harassment, as if in fear the LAWYERS and JUSTICES would have to defend their frivolous defenses in the courts when they know the baseless defenses are nothing more than Fraud on the Court. Lawyers, Law Firms, State Supreme Courts, State Disciplinary Agencies, State Bars and Judges, all are afraid of a courtroom, afraid of one Pro Se litigant. Yes it is true, as court is the exact place they do not want Plaintiff with Discovery that destroy them and therefore they have used all sorts of Fraud on the Courts, such as Conflicts and Violations of ACC, JC, PORR and Law for almost a decade to prevent Plaintiff from Due Process in a court of law. Defendants know discovery in these matters would lead to their demise and lengthy prison sentences and are willing to risk everything to stave off prosecution.
[67] February 14, 2005 US Patent Office Suspension Notice 1 @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2005%2002%2014%2009%20630%20939%20US%20Patent%20-%202nd%20six%20month%20extension.pdf
July 20, 2005 US Patent Office Suspension Notice 2 @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2005%2007%2020%20-%2009%20587730%20USPTO%20Suspension%20Second%20Six%20Months.pdf
US DOJ Office of Professional Responsibility July 2007 Confirmation Letter @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2007%2007%2016%20US%20Dept%20of%20Justice%20OPR%20Begins%20Review%20of%20Iviewit%20Matters.pdf
Investigations Masters Document @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/INVESTIGATIONS%20MASTER.htm
April 5, 2007 European Professionals Institute Letter referencing Investigation of Defendant Intellectual Property Attorneys @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2007%2004%2005%20EPI%20letter%20response%20insane.pdf
[68] March 09, 2009 Plaintiff’s First Dept DDC Complaints Proskauer and Foley ~ See pages 24-27 @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20letter%20as%20counsel.pdf
[69] January 09, 2009 First Dept DDC Dismissal @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/2009%2001%2012%20First%20Department%20Letter%20Response%20to%20Attorney%20Complaints.pdf
[70] Iviewit Holdings, Inc. (1) – DL, Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (2), Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL (3), Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL, Uview.com, Inc. – DL, Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL, Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL, I.C., Inc. – FL, Iviewit.com LLC – DL, Iviewit LLC – DL, Iviewit Corporation – FL, Iviewit, Inc. – FL, Iviewit, Inc. – DL, Iviewit Corporation
[71] October 05, 2004 Second Dept DDC Dismissal of Complaints transferred for Investigation by First Dept Court Order WITHOUT Investigation, Kearse later found in Conflict with Defendant Krane by her own admission of such http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2010%2005%20Supreme%20Court%20NY%20Second%20Dept%20Kearse%20Krane%20Re.pdf
October 27, 2004 Iviewit Letter to Second Dept DDC Chief Counsel Kearse regarding her Conflict of Interest with Defendant Krane http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/20041026%20Kearse%20Krane%20Letter%20NY%20SUPREME%20COURT%20SECOND%20DEP.pdf
January 12, 2005 Iviewit Formal Complaint Against Kearse and Others for Conflict, Kearse refused to docket and procedurally dispose of the Complaints http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2005%2001%2010%20DiGiovanna%20Krane%20NY%20SUPREME%20COURT%20SECOND%20DEPT%20CERT.pdf
[72] April 22, 2002 Newsday “Ground Control”
[73] US Patent Application 09-522,721 http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/PATENT%20APP%20DATED%20in%201900%20and%202020.pdf
[74] January 2004 Virginia Business Online @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/VAAG%20HIRES%20FOLEY%20LARDNER.pdf
[75] February 29, 2008 Monica Connell Letter to Scheindlin copying Foley and Proskauer as Counsel for Foley and Proskauer. Pages 20-21 @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Oposition%20to%20AG%20Cuomo%20letter%20email%20copy.pdf
[76] March 09, 2009 Plaintiff’s First Dept DDC Complaints Proskauer and Foley ~ See pages 24-27 @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20letter%20as%20counsel.pdf
[77] January 09, 2009 First Dept DDC Dismissal @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/2009%2001%2012%20First%20Department%20Letter%20Response%20to%20Attorney%20Complaints.pdf
[78] Greenberg Traurig Work Product Iviewit http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2002%2009%2020%20Greenberg%20Truarig%20Proposal%20Patents.pdf
[79] January 16, 2009 The New York Times “’92 Ponzi Case Missed Signals About Madoff” http://www.nytimes.com/2009/01/17/business/17ponzi.html
[80] January 19, 2009 The Business Insider, Inc, “Avellino, Bienes And Madoff's Nephew?” http://www.businessinsider.com/2009/1/avellino-bienes-and-madoffs-nephew
[81] November 23, 1993 SEC News http://www.sec.gov/news/digest/1993/dig112393.pdf
[82] July 05, 2009 Eye on Miami “R. Allen Stanford and Miami-based Greenberg Traurig: Why is it always Greenberg Traurig?” http://eyeonmiami.blogspot.com/2009/07/r-allen-stanford-and-miami-based.html
[83] May 17, 2006 Bloomberg “Stanford Financial's `Family' Tie Fails to Impress University” http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=10000103&sid=a.0EEBl4oTSA&refer=us
[84] June 09, 2004 Iviewit Complaint to Paul J. Curran, Esq., and NYS Attorney General Eliot Spitzer Against Defendant Thomas Cahill: http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/200%2006%2009%20Spitzer%20Curran%20Cahill%20Rubenstein%20Krane.pdf
[85] March 14, 2008 Iviewit Letter to NYAG Connell to Open Prior Public Officer Integrity Complaints for Investigation based on Information Learned in Anderson: http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080314%20FINAL%20Letter%20to%20NY%20AG%20to%20reistigate%20investigation%20on%20new%20evidence.pdf
[86] February 27, 2009 NYAG Public Integrity Unit Complaint Intake Letter http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090217%20NYAG%20Integrity%20Confirmation%20of%20First%20Dept%20Complaints.pdf
[87] New York State Public Officers Law. § 17. 2 (b) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the employee shall be entitled to be represented by the attorney general, provided, however, that the employee shall be entitled to representation by private counsel of his choice in any civil judicial proceeding whenever the attorney general determines based upon his investigation and review of the facts and circumstances of the case that representation by the attorney general would be inappropriate, or whenever a court of competent jurisdiction, upon appropriate motion or by a special proceeding, determines that a conflict of interest exists and that the employee is entitled to be represented by private counsel of his choice. http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/supportservices/defibrillators/PublicOfficersLawSect17.pdf
[88] June 13, 2009 Letter to NYAG Chief of Staff Steven Cohen Regarding Conflict of Interest http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090613%20FINAL%20NYAG%20Steven%20Cohen%20Letter%20signed%20low.pdf
[89] Checklist For Financial & Other Conflict http://www.uscourts.gov/guide/vol2/checklist.pdf
[90] Plaintiff’s US Court of Appeals Second Circuit Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090720%20Conflict%20of%20Interest%20Disclosure%20Form%20US%20Circuit%20Court.doc
[91] Yale Law School Website http://www.law.yale.edu/faculty/RWinter.htm
[92] Federal Laws cited as example yet similar State Laws may apply to the crimes alleged herein such as, New York State Law ARTICLE 195 OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SERVANTS GENERALLY and ARTICLE 215 OTHER OFFENSES RELATING TO JUDICIAL AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS. Certain State Obstructions did however Obstruct information regarding Federal, State and International Crimes from exposure to Federal Authorities and continue to Obstruct through failure to report the crimes and misconduct by those who have Legal Binding Obligations to report.
[93] Addressing the gap left by section 1503's limitation to legal proceedings, section 1505 targets "corrupt" efforts to obstruct, impede, or influence the "due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States
Read more: http://law.jrank.org/pages/1620/Obstruction-Justice-Obstruction-agency-proceedings-congressional-inquiries.html#ixzz0OU16xKMy
[94] Obstruction of Justice is a broad concept that extends to any effort to prevent the execution of lawful process or the administration of justice in either a criminal or civil matter. Obstructive conduct may include the destruction of evidence, the intimidation of potential witnesses or retaliation against actual witnesses, the preparation of false testimony or other evidence, or the interference with jurors or other court personnel. The purpose of criminal obstruction statutes—which every jurisdiction has, in one form or another—is thus to help protect the integrity of legal proceedings and, at the same time, protect those individuals who participate in such proceedings. Indeed, one of the earliest congressional enactments was a 1790 criminal statute that, among other things, established a number of obstruction offenses. http://law.jrank.org/pages/1623/Obstruction-Justice.html
Read more: http://law.jrank.org/pages/1623/Obstruction-Justice.html#ixzz0OTODANVT
[95] February 19, 2008 Plaintiff Letter to USDC re Stolen Complaints from US Marshal Office
[96] February 19, 2008 Letter to USDC Regarding Missing US Marshal Papers http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080219%20USDCSDNY%20Letter%20re%20missing%20service%20papers.pdf
[97] August
14, 2009 “Objection of the Debtors to Claim of
[98] Note that all of the various Frauds on the Courts created rulings, orders and pleadings, which transferred through the US Mail, facsimile, telephonically and through the Internet, constituting further crimes such as Federal Mail and Wire Fraud.
[99] New York Rules cited as example of the Attorney Conduct Code, yet similar laws from Florida, Virginia and others may apply to the crimes alleged herein. All Conduct Codes would need to be cited from 1999 or prior, as several of the Defendants have high-ranking Public Office positions in agencies responsible for modifying the Attorney Conduct Codes.
[100] March 28, 2008 Scheindlin Order http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080328%20Scheindlin%20Order%20re%20Foley%20counsel.pdf
May 02, 2008 Foley Counsel Kent Anker Letter to the USDC http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080502%20Foley%20Anker%20Appearance%20and%20letter%20re%20conflicts.pdf
[101] March 05, 2008 Plaintiff Motion to USDC “Plaintiffs Opposition to Proskauer Rose’s March 04, 2008 Letter to this Court....” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20letter%20as%20counsel.pdf
May 05, 2008 USDC Docket Entry 61 “NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Joanna Frances Smith on behalf of Steven C. Krane (in his individual capacity), Kenneth Rubenstein, Proskauer Rose LLP (pl) (Entered: 05/13/2008)“
[102] May 21, 2004 Iviewit Letter to Proskauer Partner Rubenstein re “Demand for Information” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2021%20Officer%20and%20Director%20Questions%20-%20RUBENSTEIN%20low.pdf and
May 05, 2004 Iviewit Letter to Proskauer re “Demand for Information” http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2013%20Officer%20and%20Director%20Questions%20-%20WHEELER%20FINAL.pdf
[103] March 22, 2004 Iviewit Rebuttal to William Dick Virginia Bar Complaint Response http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2003%2012%20William%20Dick%20Virginia%20Bar%20Complaint%20Response%20BOOKM.pdf
[104] July 27, 2009 Expose Corrupt Courts “Roy I. Reardon, Corrupt Chairman of Corrupt Manhattan Ethics Committee / Feds Summon Court Corruption Members to Washington, D.C.” http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2009/07/roy-i-reardon-corrupt-chairman-of.html
[105] February 09, 2009 New York State Office of Attorney General Public Integrity Complaint RE:
I. Roy L. Reardon letter dated January 27, 2009
II. Alan W. Friedberg letter dated January 12, 2009
III. Complaints
A. “New Complaints”
1. Roy L. Reardon, Esq. – Waiting Docket #
2. Alan W. Friedberg, Esq. – Waiting Docket #
B. “2008 Complaints” Matters of Attorney Complaints Docket #2008-0756, appears to attempt to merge multiple complaints into one, waiting formal individual docket #’s from NYAG.
3. Proskauer Rose, LLP – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
4. Foley & Lardner - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
5. Gregg M. Mashberg, Esq. - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
6. Joanna F. Smith, Esq. - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
7. Todd C. Norbitz, Esq. - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
8. Anne B. Sekel, Esq. - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
C. “Old Complaints” (Transferred by Unpublished Orders M3198 - Steven C. Krane / M2820 Kenneth Rubenstein and M3212 Raymond A. Joao on Unanimous Consent of First Dept Justices for Conflict of Interest and the Appearance of Impropriety to Second Department. Second Department failed to conduct formal investigations ordered by First Dept.)
9. Thomas Cahill Special Inquiry No. 2004.1122 (former 1st Dept Chief Counsel) – Ongoing investigation by Martin Gold.
10. Steven C. Krane docket #2004.1883 (1st Dept Officer, former NYSBA President & Proskauer partner)
11. Kenneth Rubenstein docket #2003.0531 (Proskauer partner)
12. Raymond A. Joao docket #2003-0352
13. Proskauer Rose, LLP - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
14. Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Schlissel - First Dep. Failed to formally docket
[106] March 09, 2009 Plaintiff’s First Dept DDC Complaints Proskauer and Foley ~ See pages 24-27 @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20080305%20Final%20Plaintiff%20Opposition%20to%20Proskauer%20letter%20as%20counsel.pdf
[107] June 10, 2004 Iviewit Cahill Complaint sent to Eliot Spitzer http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/200%2006%2009%20Spitzer%20Curran%20Cahill%20Rubenstein%20Krane.pdf
[108] November 07, 2008 Letter from Lamont to First Dept Regarding Cahill Complaint http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20081107%20First%20Department%20Disciplinary%20Letter%20Lamont%20to%20Reardon%20Part%202%20.pdf
[109] June 18, 2009 Eliot Bernstein Letter to Andrew Cuomo Chief of Staff Steven Cohen http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090618%20FINAL%20NYAG%20Steven%20Cohen%20Letter%20Re%20Lamont%20Signed.pdf
[110] May 20, 2004 Iviewit Complaint Against Steven C. Krane of Proskauer at the First Dept DDC http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2019%20KRANE%20COMPLAINT%20AND%20STRIKE%20KRANE%20RESPONSE%20RUBENSTE.pdf
May 21, 2004 Krane Response to First Dept DDC Complaint against him http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2021%20krane%20response%20to%20complaint.pdf
May 26, 2004 Iviewit Response to Krane Response http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2026%20-%20Response%20to%20Krane%20letter%205%2021%2004.pdf
June 29, 2004 Iviewit Letter to Paul Curran regarding Moving the Cahill Complaint due to Conflicts of Krane http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2006%2017%20Cahill%20Motion%20to%20move%20complaints%20krane%20rubenstein.pdf
July 08, 2004 Motion Filed At First Dept by Iviewit regarding Conflicts of Krane, Proskauer, Rubenstein, Joao, Meltzer and Cahill http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2007%2008%20RUBENSTEIN%20KRANE%20JOAO%20MOTION%20FINAL%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
August 11, 2004 First Dept Orders for Investigation and Transfer of Complaints against Krane, Rubenstein, Joao, Meltzer and Proskauer http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20new%20york%20first%20department%20orders%20investigation%20Krane%20Rubenstein%20Joao.pdf
[111] July 02, 2003 Iviewit Rebuttal to Rubenstein Response to First Dept DDC Complaint, authored by Krane acting in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2007%2002%20Iviewit%20Rebuttal%20to%20Rubenstein%20Response%20Final%20ALL%20.pdf
[112] Plaintiff’s former Intellectual Property Attorneys wrote Intellectual Property Applications for Plaintiff’s Technologies into unknown others names as Inventors that now act to prevent the US Patent Office from disclosing the Owner, Assignees and Inventors of those Applications to Plaintiff due to privacy issues. The mystery of who these inventors are is now subject to Congressional Intervention at the request of Harry I. Moatz and subject of Investigation by the USPTO and USPTO OED. The following link to a Letter Dated February 01, 2007 to the Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein provides further information @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2007%2002%2001%20FINAL%20Senate%20Bill%20Signed.pdf
[113] May 26, 2003 Iviewit Rebuttal to Raymond Joao Disciplinary Complaint Response at the First Dept DDC http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2005%2026%20Iviewit%20Rebuttal%20to%20Joao%20Response%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[114] April 30, 2003 Iviewit Rebuttal to Christopher Wheeler Florida Bar Complaint Response, Wheeler’s Response tendered in Conflict and Violation of Florida Bar PORR http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2004%2030%20Bernstein%20response%20Florida%20Bar%20Wheeler%20BOOKMARKED%201.pdf
[115] July 22, 2004 Iviewit Florida Bar Complaint against Proskauer Partner Triggs
[116] November 07, 2008 Lamont Letter to Reardon @ First Department http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20081107%20First%20Department%20Disciplinary%20Letter%20Lamont%20to%20Reardon%20Part%202%20.pdf
http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090127%20First%20Department%20Letter%20Reardon%20Dismissing%20Complaint%20against%20Cahill%20and%20Friedberg.pdf Document Appears not to be on Official Office Letterhead
[117] Defendant Michael Grebe, formerly of Defendant Foley and now President of the Right Wing Bradley Foundation, was Chief Counsel to the RNC and the largest contributor and backer to the George W. Bush ILLEGAL, DISPUTED and FAILED (lowest approval rating of any US President ever on leaving office) Presidency. Both institutional legacies, the Presidency and the RNC ended in tragedy with Bush Administration Officials and Lawyers facing certain eventual War Crime trials and as for the RNC, well who wants to be associated with the Grand Ole Nazi Party as they say today worldwide. The Country owes the guilty of these crimes, crimes directly resulting from Grebe’s man Bush, thrust in the Whitehouse amid voter fraud claims and an Illegal election decided by a 5-4 Supreme Court decision that usurped Democracy at that point and all points forward, a six-gun salute with a firing squad for treason, as always, firing squads free @ www.iviewit.tv.
[118] October 29, 2003 Iviewit Letter to USDOJ – Anti-Trust Division http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2010%2030%20DOJ%20Antritrust%20Final%20Signed%20Digital%20EIB%20+%20PSL.PDF
[120] New York State Consolidated Laws hold that:
Any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence. (N.Y.C.L. 140.30).
[121] The Judges' Trial (or the Justice Trial, or, officially, The United States of America vs. Josef Altstötter, et al.) was the third of the twelve trials for war crimes the U.S. authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany in Nuremberg after the end of World War II. These twelve trials were all held before U.S. military courts, not before the International Military Tribunal, but took place in the same rooms at the Palace of Justice. The twelve U.S. trials are collectively known as the "Subsequent Nuremberg Trials" or, more formally, as the "Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals" (NMT).
The defendants in this case were 16 German jurists and lawyers. Nine had been officials of the Reich Ministry of Justice, the others were prosecutors and judges of the Special Courts and People's Courts of Nazi Germany. They were—amongst other charges—held responsible for implementing and furthering the Nazi "racial purity" program through the eugenic and racial laws.
The judges in this case, heard before Military Tribunal III, were Carrington T. Marshall (presiding judge), former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, James T. Brand from Oregon, Mallory B. Blair from Texas, and Justin Woodward Harding as an alternate judge. Marshall had to retire due to illness on June 19, 1947, at which point Brand became president and Harding a full member of the tribunal. The Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution was Telford Taylor; his deputy was Charles M. LaFollette. The indictment was presented on January 4, 1947; the trial lasted from March 5 to December 4, 1947. Ten of the defendants were found guilty; four received sentences for lifetime imprisonment, the rest prison sentences of varying lengths.
[122] Thursday, March 19, 2009 Gryphon Investigations “ALBERT HU, SILICON VALLEY HEDGE FUND MANGER, ARRESTED IN HONG KONG” http://blog.gryphoninvestigations.com
United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit
Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Plaintiff – Appellant
STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities, DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O'ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.
Defendants – Appellees
07Civ11196 (SAS) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
LEGALLY “Related” Case
07Civ9599 (SAS-AJP) Christine C. Anderson v. the State of New York, et al.
LEGALLY “related” to anderson
07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
08cv02391McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.
08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al.
08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
08cv6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York
06cv05169 McNamara v The State of New York, et al.
2753 N.W. 34TH STREET
(561) 245.8588 (o) / (561) 886.7628 (c) / (561) 245-8644 (f)
iviewit@iviewit.tv / www.iviewit.tv
Table of Contents
TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Introduction – THe JIGGY IS UP on the corruption by court officials, fRAUD ON COURT BY COURT OFFICIALS EXPOSED BY legally related WHISTLEBLOWER lawsuit
What Is and What Is Not MERITORIOUS in the LAWSUIT before this Court
Justice Shira A. Scheindlin of the United States District Court – Southern District of New York
The New York Attorney General ~ Eliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo
whistleblower christine c. Anderson Related Crimes
New York Attorney General – Illegal Representation / Obstruction
First Department Obstructions and other Crimes
New York Assistant District Attorney
Federal Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn
Federal Laws violated, including but not limited to,
Conspiracy Against Rights, 18 U.S.C. § 241.
Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, 18 U.S.C. § 242.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1506 Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1509 Obstruction of court orders
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1514 Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1515 Definitions for certain provisions; general provision
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 152 Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 154 Adverse interest and conduct of officers.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 157 Bankruptcy fraud.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 201 Bribery of public officials and witnesses.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 225 Continuing financial crimes enterprise.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 19 § 371 Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 21 § 402 Contempts constituting crimes.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 31 § 641 Public money, property or records.
TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 95 § 1959 Violent crimes in aid of racketeering activity.
Appellant Bernstein, pro se, moves to compel the appointment of counsel and for extensive relief. Upon due consideration, it is hereby ORDERED that the motion is DENIED to the extent it seeks to compel the appointment of counsel and the appeal is DISMISSED because it lacks an arguable basis in law or fact. See 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e); see also Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S. 319, 325 (1989); see also Pillay v. INS, 45 F.3d 14,17 (2d Cir. 1995) (this Court has "inherent authority, wholly aside from any statutory warrant, to dismiss an appeal or petition for review as frivolous when the appeal or petition presents no arguably meritorious issue for our consideration.''). It is further ORDERED that the remainder of Appellant Bernstein's motion to compel, and all motions that remain pending before this Court, are DENIED as moot.
In response to this Court’s ILLEGALLY TENDERED DISMISSAL of my Appeal on January 05, 2010, herein referred to as “Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal”[1], I want to first thank the Court for providing further evidence of certain members of this Court’s CONTINUED CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT. The Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal provides additional Prima Fascia Evidence for the CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS and REQUEST FOR OVERSIGHT OF THE COURT already filed against members of this Court and contained in the Motion to Compel[2]. The Motion to Compel circulated to Federal and State Criminal Investigators and this Court’s Oversights already and wherefore Plaintiff patiently awaits responses from each, as members of this Court already are allegedly committing felony crimes and conducting a massive FRAUD ON THE COURTS. Criminal charges are alleged against each Court Official who put their fingerprints on this lawsuit by issuing any orders or any other actions constituting involvement in the lawsuit, without first resolving ALL, and there are many, Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Judicial Canons, Violations of Attorney Codes of Conduct and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws. The alleged illegal legal misconduct acts together, in typical legal conspiratorial fashion as alleged in my RICO STATEMENT in my Amended Complaint, illegally to block my legal Due Process and Procedural Rights. The criminal acts committed with scienter to cover-up the original crimes in the courts, act to Obstruct Justice as defined under Title 18 USC and NY State Law, through a myriad of illegal conflict of interest that serve to aid and abet the alleged RICO Criminal Enterprise. The alleged RICO Enterprise defined in the RICO STATEMENT of the Amended Complaint and further defined herein is composed mainly of dirty rotten lawyers, law firms, prosecutors, public officials and judges, whereby the original conspirators were leading US law firms with the ability to infiltrate those public office positions necessary to block due process against them.
Perhaps these are the very “favored lawyers and law firms” Whistleblower Anderson refers to as having disciplinary complaints against them WHITEWASHED by Court Officials. Just who those “favored law firms and lawyers” and which DA and ADA she refers to, all remain a mystery due to a failure to investigate the public officials who are conflicted causing Obstruction and whereby this Court’s attempt to block my rights to discovery of this information in a legally related case, again acts as Obstruction. The fact that Anderson makes claims of a “Cleaner” named Naomi Goldstein at the First Dept. also should demand that all prior disciplinary complaints and lawsuits would need to be re-heard in entirety by non-conflicted parties, not accused of ethical immorality and violations of law. The actions of members of this Court are in flagrant violation of the Attorney Conduct Codes, Judicial Cannons, Public Office Rules & Regulations, State and Federal FELONY laws and this Court’s own Rules and Regulations as described in my Motion to Compel. The Obstruction caused by these crimes committed by court officials further constitutes a continued Fraud on the Court(s). Therefore, sooner or later, all Orders of the Court(s) and all representation by ILLEGALLY CONFLICTED COUNSEL, including but not limited to, the New York Attorney General, Proskauer Rose LLP, Foley & Lardner and others, already described in numerous filings with this Court and the US District Court, stricken and used as Prima Fascia evidence of the Criminal Cover-Up inside the Court(s).
Anderson already has fingered not only high-ranking court officials but also NY State and Federal prosecutorial officials, including but not limited to, the New York Attorney General[3], the US Attorney, the DA and ADA. With Anderson’s revelations in open US Federal Court under sworn oath, Your “Jiggy is Up”, Your robes down, Your cover blown by an insider, all now with tentacles to members of this Court who have allowed these crimes to continue in the Courts, all whome must now be wholly disqualified from further ILLEGAL involvement in the lawsuits. Removed and arrested for crimes already alleged committed and then investigated to determine how many cases have been Whitewashed, by whom, etc. In replacement, an immediate summoning of a Federal Monitor is necessary, as called for in the Anderson lawsuit, to nullify all Conflicts of Interest that Obstruct Justice created by the New York AG and the Judges whom allow the illegal Conflicts to continue. Due to the number of high-ranking Public Officials and Court Officers in New York alleged herein and in Anderson to have participated in these cover-up crimes, all acting to criminally Obstruct Justice in matters against them, the matters must now move outside the tangled web of illegal conflicts in New York and this Court, again Ohio may be more suitable.
Allow me to retort to your Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal and respond in kind with the fact that this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS, now attached to your ILLEGALLY TENDERED DISMISSAL will serve as further evidence in the criminal complaints to Federal, State and Court law enforcement oversight authorities already filed against the members of this Court and others listed in Exhibit 1. Again, let me remind the Court that I already have made a Citizen’s Arrest of certain members of the Court in my Motion to Compel, including but not limited to, Dishonorable Judge Ralph Winters and Defendant and Witness in my RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit, Clerk of this Court, Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe. Wolfe is a central witness in my lawsuit, a Defendant in my lawsuit and formerly Clerk of the Court for Defendant the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department and now Clerk of this Court. Therefore, let this EMERGENCY MOTION TO KISS MY ASS also serve as notice of additional Citizen’s Arrest for FELONY violations of state, federal and international law, against the three new signing Justice’s of the Dismissal Order, Richard C. Wesley, Peter W. Hall and Debra Ann Livingston. Also to be included in the criminal complaints and request for oversight is the New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo for his involvement in the Criminal Obstruction in the state and federal courts, including this Court. Additionally, I will seek leave to amend this RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit, to further include all those new parties listed in Exhibit 1, as additional defendants in the RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. Those parties listed in Exhibit 1 are further noticed herein of their liabilities and will also be defendants in all threatened future and forthcoming litigation. Therefore, this Court and all those listed in Exhibit 1 can take this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS as Formal Service of your involvement as defendants in the ongoing lawsuit and all threatened future lawsuits and further used to notify all state auditors and parties with liabilities resulting from these actions. This lawsuit based upon the Amended Complaint is for no less than 12 Trillion Dollars of Damages. As many of those listed in Exhibit 1 are also sued individually, let this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS serve as personal notification of identical liabilities for all liability carriers you are obligated to report to.
Additionally, let this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS serve as formal notice to the New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo and all members of his staff, who continue ILLEGALLY to represent State Defendants in this lawsuit in VIOLATION OF LAW and simultaneously deny Honest Services to the People of New York, that they are being reported to State, Federal and International Authorities for the Criminal Acts alleged herein and in my Motion to Compel for formal criminal processing. As the NY AG is representing the State Defendants in this Lawsuit, service of this Motion to Kiss My Ass will also serve as formal service of Criminal Allegations levied against them and notice that a formal Citizen’s Arrest for their felonies herein made with a request for them to turn themselves in to the proper authorities.
Due to the failing to heed the Miranda Rights already served in my Motion to Compel[4] for FELONY Criminal Acts already committed by members of this Court and counsel representing Defendants, I again urge the herein named members of this Court and Defendant Counsel to turn yourselves in to criminal authorities for the Felonies you are accused of and to begin procedural processing of the criminal allegations levied herein against you. Let me alert you to the fact that with Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson’s riveting sworn testimony both in a US District Court and before the New York Senate Judiciary Committee, of corruption within the New York State Court System[5] and New York Federal Court System, including Senior Public Officials of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division, the United States Attorney in New York and the New York Attorney General and all of those public officials fingered by Anderson as involved in the OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE, including OFFICIAL DOCUMENT DESTRUCTION, THREATS ON FEDERAL WITNESSES, etc. will now be required to be investigated by LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS.
This Courts herein named members continuing to adjudicate with multiple conflicts of interests, violations of law, violations of attorney conduct codes and judicial canons in these matters, is no longer trusted, in fact, suspect. Court members are now suspect and further alleged complicit in criminal acts in furtherance of the RICO and Antitrust claims of my lawsuit. Until Law Enforcement and Court Oversights can determine the veracity of the criminal allegations herein, in my Motion to Compel and all filings with all courts to have acted legally, the Court’s urgency to dismiss the case despite the request to HALT the case pending review by Law Enforcement and Court Oversights, including the fact that Anderson remains ONGOING, becomes highly suspect. If this Court’s Jesters have nothing to hide, certainly they will welcome a fair review of their actions by their Oversights and Law Enforcement. Again, I urge the Court to Halt the Proceedings pending the outcome of the Criminal Complaints and requests for Oversight of this Court’s members accused herein and filed with Criminal Authorities and Oversights already. All further Orders or Actions while Conflicts exist will further be used as prima fascia evidence of your continued CRIMINAL CONDUCT and every action of the Court’s members will serve as a new complaint for felony violations of law.
What strikes me first is this Court continuing to handle this Appeal despite a plethora of Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Office Rules & Regulations, Violations of Judicial Cannons and VIOLATIONS of State and Federal Felony Laws by court officials and attorneys involved directly in this Lawsuit, many acting illegally as their own counsel. These actions are in violation of law and therefore establish a FRAUD ON THE COURT, which ultimately invalidates all orders and actions by members of this Court. (krh cite laws) Most interesting is that the Court first attempts to dismiss the Motion to Compel to the “extent it seeks to compel the appointment of counsel” while failing to deal with the multitude of other issues, including the Criminal Misconduct of members of this Court. Let me remind you that this Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit was initially filed to complement and support the efforts of a Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson and her heroic efforts to expose systemic corruption inside the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division. In fact, the very beginnings of this lawsuit are wholly related to Anderson, as I was brought into the matters through a former DDC employee, Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown, who knew or knew of Christine Anderson’s plight and other lawsuits and whereby McKeown and several other lawsuits are legally related case to the ongoing Anderson lawsuit. McKeown has also given testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee with Anderson and me. Whereby in her original complaint Anderson mentions my formal complaints against New York Supreme Court Officers as it relates to her lawsuit and then was so enticed to file a Federal RICO lawsuit in support.
As I come in support of Anderson’s effort to help take a bite out of the crime plaguing New York and its dirty courts, the courts should pay my counsel to clean its own house of corruption that extends to this Court, with a lawyer in Ohio perhaps. For is it my job as a US Citizen, an individual, to pay for lawsuits with direct ties to a Whistleblower Lawsuit with claims that Public Officials and Court Officials have violated multitudes of CRIMINAL ACTS INCLUDING OBSTRUCTION IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURT? Where the crimes are virtually identical to those I had claimed for several years before knowing a Whistleblower would come forth wholly supporting and validating my MERITORIOUS claims, further exposing the criminal official misconduct affecting my due process rights through OBSTRUCTION?
What is further wrong with your denial of counsel is that it attempts to dismiss my Motion to Compel without addressing the germane conflicts and violations of law, which would preclude this Court’s handling the Motion to Compel, as the members of this Court named therein would be under investigation for the alleged felonious Court misconduct. The members of this Courts’ criminal acts further act to disable my due process rights, in the fact that my rights to private counsel are denied through a system of EXTORTION of lawyers and court personnel by those in charge of the courts. Anderson and Corrado exposing the methods used to silence SUPREME COURT OFFICIALS who attempt to expose the corruption and the resulting backlash received for standing up to the corruption, which now causes lawyers and court officials acting as Whistleblowers to fear for their lives and livelihoods or comply with the criminal acts. In fact, Corrado had threats levied against her, a New York State Supreme Court First Department STAFF ATTORNEY, on her way to testify in a FEDERAL LAWSUIT again by SUPREME COURT OF NY OFFICIALS, as she went to give deposition testimony in Anderson. The following sworn statement from Anderson exhibits all of the criminal elements of TITLE 18 OBSTRUCTION, EXTORTION OF A FEDERAL WITNESS IN A PUBLIC CORRUPTION TRIAL and more.
From Anderson’s sworn statement I quote,
Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.
During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.
Thus, honest lawyers and lawyers even inside the court system fear for their lives and their livelihoods in attempting to expose YOUR corruption, afraid to spit in your rotten faces for fear of repercussion. I can see no better instance for this Court to provide counsel for a Plaintiff and even protection for the Plaintiff and attorneys brave enough to represent and expose the systemic corruption of the courts. Private attorneys who would normally represent injured parties also fear taking on these cases where Judges, Lawyers, Law Firms and Prosecutors are named Defendants, for fear they will be disbarred or precluded from business by the Courts or worse threatened as Anderson and Corrado evidence.
In fact, it can be argued that the denial of due process caused through this extortionary usurping of both right to counsel and right to fair and impartial due process by the courts, including on complaints against court officers and lawsuits against them, through this extortionary tactic of threatening lawyers and court personnel to be silent about the corruption or else, as described by both Anderson, Corrado and the related cases, furthers Plaintiff’s RICO claims. Anderson further claims that she eye witnessed document destruction of case files and other forms of OBSTRUCTION. Again, further evidence of BRAND NEW Criminal Obstruction of these Federal proceedings denying my inherent right to counsel and inherent right to fair and impartial law due process under the US and NY Constitutions. Bear in mind the very real, non-frivolous, meritorious claims of Anderson that criminal activities in the NY courts are taking place with not only the US Attorneys and the District Attorneys but additionally for yet unknown “favored law firms and lawyers” as she testified in US Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin’s courtroom. Perhaps this Court’s rush to dismiss the related cases to Anderson comes in fear that if Plaintiffs are allowed discovery of who these “favored law firms and lawyers” are, the related cases lawsuits would all be subject to reinvestigation, those involved arrested and convicted and at conflict free hearings, the wall of corruption would come crumbling down upon this Court.
Rights to Counsel prevented through extortion of lawyers by those controlling the legal process and legal establishment, yet this Court attempts to claim that my claims virtually identical to Anderson’s of the corruption, against many of the same people fingered by Anderson are non meritorious. Of course, a conclusion reached by members of this Court acting outside their official duties and in violation of felony law and thus a worthless conclusion concocted as part of the overall Fraud on the Court committed by members of this Court. We shall now allow the Criminal Authorities and your Oversights to have a say about your heavy-handed attempts to deny due process to your victims through this racketeering behavior inside the halls of justice that act to prevent honest attorneys, Whistleblowers and private injured parties from exposing the corruption. The Motion to Compel already forwarded to criminal authorities and the Court’s oversights as an initial formal complaint of the allegations against members of this Court and more.
So let me be clear, straight up and in your face, if members of this Court think they are going to aid and abet the Criminal Enterprise comprised of dirty rotten criminal Law Firms, Lawyers, Prosecutors and Judges, whom with scienter conspire to attempt to steal my Intellectual Properties through the commission of crimes, including but not limited to, Fraud on the United States Patent Office, Fraud on Foreign Nations and Fraud on a United States Court, using brute force Denial of Due Process through Criminal Obstruction to achieve the blocking of my rights, you are seriously mistaken. Your actions to block my rights to Due Process to Aid and Abet in the theft of my Intellectual Properties have now added the members of this Court named herein to the long list of dirty rotten lawyers, judges and public officials masquerading as justice officials that are already Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. I remind you that the case is marked legally “RELATED” to the ongoing WHISTLEBLOWER case of Anderson.
Therefore, take this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS as FORMAL NOTICE that the court officials and others listed in Exhibit 1 are added to my ongoing litigation and all future litigations. Due to the Intellectual Property matters at stake, where the clock has been frozen due to SUSPENSION of the intellectual properties by the US Patent Office due to ONGOING FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS, you can anticipate legal actions to continue at a minimum of 20 years from the time the IP is released from suspension and as all these actions of the Court are part of a larger Fraud on the Courts, these cases will be appealed forever or until justice and order are returned to the Courts and the criminals within the Courts are removed. Therefore, the Court Officials added as new Defendants herein may find this lawsuit going forward similar to a bad divorce that you cannot escape from for the next twenty years or more and as such, I welcome you to Iviewit.
Fraud upon the court" has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to "embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication." Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore's Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, _ 60.23. The 7th Circuit further stated "a decision produced by fraud upon the court is not in essence a decision at all, and never becomes final.
1. Certainly, it is not frivolous that this lawsuit has been marked, along with others, as legally “RELATED” to an ONGOING Whistleblower lawsuit by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin. Anderson, the Whistleblower, has fingered the offices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department – Departmental Disciplinary Committee, the United States Attorney New York Offices, the New York District Attorney Offices, the New York Assistant District Attorney, Favored Law Firms and Lawyers and the New York Attorney General’s Office. Anderson similarly accuses them all of felonious conduct and mentions my companies Iviewit directly in her original filing with the US District Court. Funny enough, some of the exact same agencies and individuals my complaints complain of, alleging similar and identical ILLEGAL TITLE 18 OBSTRUCTIONS OF JUSTICE by the corrupted officials within the agencies. From Anderson’s Jury Decision I quote,
Deprivation of a Federal Right: Plaintiff's Acts of Speech:
Question I. Has plaintiff proven, by a preponderance of the evidence, that she made statements that the DOC failed to diligently prosecute complaints of misconduct made by the public against attorneys? YES / NO
Answer: YES
2. In fact, Anderson and my lawsuit share similar defendants, including a member of this Court, the Clerk of this Court who actively participates in my lawsuit and the related cases in violation of the rules of this Court. Anderson also has as a defendant Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill of the First Dept DDC, accused of almost identical crimes in my lawsuit. In fact, Anderson blew the whistle much after my formal complaints against the same agencies and individuals, filed and then dismissed illegally through a series of Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Offices and Law. Whereby Anderson’s almost identical claims filed years later in her lawsuit, confirmed many of my earlier claims; claims that Conflicts of Interest existed in the courts and now proven not only to exist but now confirmed by an insider gone Whistleblowing.
3. Very real, meritorious and non-frivolous allegations from the Whistleblower, including but not limited to, claims of Conflicts of Interest acting to Obstruct Justice through Criminal Activities for Favored Lawyers and Law Firms, US Attorneys, DA’s, ADA’s and Ethics Department Officials. Again, very real, non-frivolous Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Office, Violations of Judicial Cannons, Violations of Ethical Codes and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws[6].
4. Those very real and non-frivolous allegations by the Whistleblower are similar and identical to my very real and non-frivolous claims of Conflict of Interest, Denial of Due Process and Public Office Violations constituting Criminal Obstruction contained in an earlier filing with the First Department which led to an Order by Five Justices of the First Department for investigations of three attorneys and the Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill for Conflicts and the Appearance of Impropriety. Anderson, in her Original Complaint further points to my Motion filed against these senior members of the NY Supreme Court and Law Firms that led to the Orders for Investigation. Investigations later found derailed through further illegal obfuscations of Justices and where no investigation has yet been performed and whereby the Justices who have failed to force the investigations they ordered are now Defendants in this case. Whereby, the motion Anderson points to, which led to the Orders for Investigation where directed by Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe, Clerk of this Court, Defendant in my Lawsuit, Witness in My Lawsuit, initial Defendant in Anderson’s lawsuit, now witness in Anderson’s lawsuit, who aided me in filing the motion and placing herself heroically into the crossfire by allowing the filing to point directly to her damning statements that led to the orders for investigation in part. Damning statements against heads of the Departments and former Presidents of the New York State Bar Association and tentacle to former head of the New York Courts, Judith Kaye, a central Defendant in my lawsuit.
5. Whereby those very real, non-frivolous and meritorious Orders for Investigation, Unpublished Orders that have never been fulfilled or ruled upon by the First Department since, with those judges failing to notify the proper authorities of what they found as required by their Judicial Cannons for now several years. Instead choosing to conceal and bury away their findings of Conflicts of Interest and the Appearance of Impropriety, in order instead to cover up the crimes discovered and confirmed against senior members of the courts and the disciplinary agencies.
6. The very real, non-frivolous and meritorious fact that Anderson has won in court her claim that her First Amendment Rights to Free Speech were violated in attempting to expose the corruptions.
7. The very real, non-frivolous and meritorious Conflicts of Interest that act to block Due Process by creating Felonious State and Federal Obstruction of Justice. Obstruction that exists in both the Anderson lawsuit and this Lawsuit created by the New York Attorney General acting in Violation of Law through ILLEGAL representation of the accused Public Officials he is obligated by his Public Office duties to investigate.
NY Executive Law: § 63. General duties. The attorney-general shall:
1. Prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in which the state is interested, and have charge and control of all the legal business of the departments and bureaus of the state, or of any office thereof which requires the services of attorney or counsel, in order to protect the interest of the state…
The NYAG instead of advising their state defendant clients to get counsel due to the Conflict of Interest and Legal Obligations to Protect the Public instead has failed to do anything but put up a SHAM defense in Federal Court to protect the accused, failing Honest Service duties to the Public by conflicting their offices from prosecuting allegations of Whistleblowers and more against Public Officials through illegal representations and more and failing, including but not limited to,
Public Officers Rule 17 2(b)
(b) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the employee shall be entitled to be represented by the attorney general, provided, however, that the employee shall be entitled to representation by private counsel of his choice in any civil judicial proceeding whenever the attorney general determines based upon his investigation and review of the facts and circumstances of the case that representation by the attorney general would be inappropriate, or whenever a court of competent jurisdiction, upon appropriate motion or by a special proceeding, determines that a conflict of interest exists and that the employee is entitled to be represented by private counsel of his choice.
8. In fact, this conflict is further insipid in that it entirely blocks investigation by the NY AG for CRIMINAL FELONY ACTS now alleged by Whistleblower Anderson in riveting testimony in US Federal Court, before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee and in Sworn Statements, whereby NY AG Andrew Cuomo’s Office is wholly aware of these allegations against their client defendants but cannot investigate those they are already representing. Thus, the NY AG should have brought in NON CONFLICTED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS to handle the allegations that the NY AG is unable to investigate due to its conflicts and involvement as defendant in many of the related cases to Anderson. This block acts thus OBSTRUCTS JUSTICE through CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICE RULES & REGULATIONS and LAW and must stop. Since certain members of this Court and certain members of the US District Court have failed to stop the illegal representation, even after repeated requests and full notification, it becomes apparent that members of this Court and members of the US District Court have aided and abetted this RICO and Antitrust Criminal Organization.
9. There are very real and non-frivolous Conflicts of Interest in this case on Appeal before this Court, deemed “SUBSTANTIVE” by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin, again very real and all very factual Conflicts of Interest, no frivolity here and factually, the case allowed to proceed without first removing the conflicts, thus blocking due process and procedure.
10. Nicole Corrado Threats to a Federal Witness by Public Officials
11. Ongoing Patent Suspensions and Investigations
12. Ongoing New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings whereby investigations by the Committee have led to formation of Task Force according to Chairman, Hon. Senator John L. Sampson
13. Ongoing House and Senate Judiciary Committee Investigations
14. Other Related cases all with similar claims and all matching Anderson’s general allegations.
15. Car Bomb
16. Officials of This Court refusal to stop ILLEGAL representations of Iviewit Shareholders and Companies by P. Stephen Lamont and in fact ruling ILLEGALLY on those filings, also to be used as additional evidence to State and Federal Authorities of continued Criminal Activities within the Court.
1. This Court and the US District Court’s Orders are all Frivolous. The Dismissal Order dated blah is frivolous and criminal, as is Scheindlin’s Dismissal Order dated August 08, 2008. Both tendered through violations of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes, Public Office Rules and Regulations and Law, serving only as further attempts to deny due process to my valid claims and further aid and abet those “favored lawyers and law firms” in concealing their crimes. All the while avoiding and attempting to CONCEAL material facts in the case before you, perhaps because Court Officials are steeped in the allegations and have very real conflict issues and other violations of law constituting FRAUD ON THIS COURT, by members of this Court, merely criminals in robes. Everything this Court transacts in these matters while failing to follow its own rules and law, to say the least is truly frivolous and at minimum Federal Felonies. As Criminal Authorities and Your Oversights are being formally petitioned to intercede in these in matters and determine if your illegal actions constitute grounds for criminal indictments and prosecution, I wish to halt the proceedings, again pending final resolution of the complaints levied already against this Court, see
SEC, FBI and Others Complaint
17. and for a signed color copy for your records, please print and incorporate in entirety by reference herein, the following URL http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/20100206%20FINAL%20SEC%20FBI%20and%20more%20COMPLAINT%20Against%20Warner%20Bros%20Time%20Warner%20AOL176238nscolorlow.pdf .
18. What is not Frivolous is that the Whistleblower case has not been completed and therefore how can this Court rush to Justice on a related case and attempt to Dismiss the case prior to completion of the related case?
This Court can therefore take this Motion to Kiss My Ass and More and shove it up Yours.
The following CRIMINAL COMPLAINT contains complaints against Public Officials and others who are allegedly Violating Public Office Rules and Regulations, Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conducts Codes, State, Federal and International Laws. Many of those involved have been found violating public offices through Conflicts of Interest and more and therefore, prior to any action on these matters, all investigators or others involved in the procedural handling of these matters are requested to sign and return the attached Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, prior to any action. In addition to the Federal Code Violations below, additional State, Federal and International have been violated in furtherance of a Criminal Conspiracy to commit not only Fraud against myself and Iviewit companies but Criminal Conspiracy to commit Fraud against the United States and Foreign Nations. For a list of Criminal Activities alleged and which all those complained of herein, have aided and abetted, please visit http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/oneofthesedays/index.htm . Note that the laws cited below and in referred link are not complete lists of the Criminal Acts, as due to the denials of due process and procedure in various venues the Criminal Acts continue to pile up daily, also adding new defendants.
Section 241 of Title 18 is the civil rights conspiracy statute. Section 241 makes it unlawful for two or more persons to agree together to injure, threaten, or intimidate a person in any state, territory or district in the free exercise or enjoyment of any right or privilege secured to him/her by the Constitution or the laws of the Unites States, (or because of his/her having exercised the same). Unlike most conspiracy statutes, Section 241 does not require that one of the conspirators commit an overt act prior to the conspiracy becoming a crime. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.
This provision makes it a crime for a person acting under color of any law to willfully deprive a person of a right or privilege protected by the Constitution or laws of the United States.
For the purpose of Section 242, acts under "color of law" include acts not only done by federal, state, or local officials within the their lawful authority, but also acts done beyond the bounds of that official's lawful authority, if the acts are done while the official is purporting to or pretending to act in the performance of his/her official duties. Persons acting under color of law within the meaning of this statute include police officers, prisons guards and other law enforcement officials, as well as judges, care providers in public health facilities, and others who are acting as public officials. It is not necessary that the crime be motivated by animus toward the race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin of the victim. The offense is punishable by a range of imprisonment up to a life term, or the death penalty, depending upon the circumstances of the crime, and the resulting injury, if any.
Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or
Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—
Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
(a) Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, endeavors to influence, intimidate, or impede any grand or petit juror, or officer in or of any court of the United States, or officer who may be serving at any examination or other proceeding before any United States magistrate judge or other committing magistrate, in the discharge of his duty, or injures any such grand or petit juror in his person or property on account of any verdict or indictment assented to by him, or on account of his being or having been such juror, or injures any such officer, magistrate judge, or other committing magistrate in his person or property on account of the performance of his official duties, or corruptly or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication, influences, obstructs, or impedes, or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede, the due administration of justice, shall be punished as provided in subsection (b). If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, and the act in violation of this section involves the threat of physical force or physical force, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.
(b) The punishment for an offense under this section is—
(1) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112;
(2) in the case of an attempted killing, or a case in which the offense was committed against a petit juror and in which a class A or B felony was charged, imprisonment for not more than 20 years, a fine under this title, or both; and
(3) in any other case, imprisonment for not more than 10 years, a fine under this title, or both.
Whoever, with intent to avoid, evade, prevent, or obstruct compliance, in whole or in part, with any civil investigative demand duly and properly made under the Antitrust Civil Process Act, willfully withholds, misrepresents, removes from any place, conceals, covers up, destroys, mutilates, alters, or by other means falsifies any documentary material, answers to written interrogatories, or oral testimony, which is the subject of such demand; or attempts to do so or solicits another to do so; or
Whoever corruptly, or by threats or force, or by any threatening letter or communication influences, obstructs, or impedes or endeavors to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States, or the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any inquiry or investigation is being had by either House, or any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress—
Shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years or, if the offense involves international or domestic terrorism (as defined in section 2331), imprisoned not more than 8 years, or both.
Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or otherwise avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceeding, in any court of the United States, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void, or does not take effect; or
Whoever acknowledges, or procures to be acknowledged in any such court, any recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of any other person not privy or consenting to the same—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
No injunctive or other civil relief against the conduct made criminal by this section shall be denied on the ground that such conduct is a crime.
(1) Whoever kills or attempts to kill another person, with intent to—
(A) prevent the attendance or testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(C) prevent the communication by any person to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(2) Whoever uses physical force or the threat of physical force against any person, or attempts to do so, with intent to—
(A) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(B) cause or induce any person to—
(i) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(ii) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
(iii) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(iv) be absent from an official proceeding to which that person has been summoned by legal process; or
(C) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(3) The punishment for an offense under this subsection is—
(A) in the case of a killing, the punishment provided in sections 1111 and 1112;
(B) in the case of—
(i) an attempt to murder; or
(ii) the use or attempted use of physical force against any person;
imprisonment for not more than 30 years; and
(C) in the case of the threat of use of physical force against any person, imprisonment for not more than 20 years.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or
(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings; shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
(3) arresting or seeking the arrest of another person in connection with a Federal offense; or
(4) causing a criminal prosecution, or a parole or probation revocation proceeding, to be sought or instituted, or assisting in such prosecution or proceeding;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 3 years, or both.
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant’s sole intention was to encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
(f) For the purposes of this section—
(1) an official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense; and
(2) the testimony, or the record, document, or other object need not be admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.
(g) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the circumstance—
(1) that the official proceeding before a judge, court, magistrate judge, grand jury, or government agency is before a judge or court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a Federal grand jury, or a Federal Government agency; or
(2) that the judge is a judge of the United States or that the law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the Federal Government or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the Federal Government or serving the Federal Government as an adviser or consultant.
(h) There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.
(i) A prosecution under this section or section 1503 may be brought in the district in which the official proceeding (whether or not pending or about to be instituted) was intended to be affected or in the district in which the conduct constituting the alleged offense occurred.
(j) If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.
(k) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
(1) A United States district court, upon application of the attorney for the Government, shall issue a temporary restraining order prohibiting harassment of a victim or witness in a Federal criminal case if the court finds, from specific facts shown by affidavit or by verified complaint, that there are reasonable grounds to believe that harassment of an identified victim or witness in a Federal criminal case exists or that such order is necessary to prevent and restrain an offense under section 1512 of this title, other than an offense consisting of misleading conduct, or under section 1513 of this title.
(A) A temporary restraining order may be issued under this section without written or oral notice to the adverse party or such party’s attorney in a civil action under this section if the court finds, upon written certification of facts by the attorney for the Government, that such notice should not be required and that there is a reasonable probability that the Government will prevail on the merits.
(B) A temporary restraining order issued without notice under this section shall be endorsed with the date and hour of issuance and be filed forthwith in the office of the clerk of the court issuing the order.
(C) A temporary restraining order issued under this section shall expire at such time, not to exceed 10 days from issuance, as the court directs; the court, for good cause shown before expiration of such order, may extend the expiration date of the order for up to 10 days or for such longer period agreed to by the adverse party.
(D) When a temporary restraining order is issued without notice, the motion for a protective order shall be set down for hearing at the earliest possible time and takes precedence over all matters except older matters of the same character, and when such motion comes on for hearing, if the attorney for the Government does not proceed with the application for a protective order, the court shall dissolve the temporary restraining order.
(E) If on two days notice to the attorney for the Government or on such shorter notice as the court may prescribe, the adverse party appears and moves to dissolve or modify the temporary restraining order, the court shall proceed to hear and determine such motion as expeditiously as the ends of justice require.
(F) A temporary restraining order shall set forth the reasons for the issuance of such order, be specific in terms, and describe in reasonable detail (and not by reference to the complaint or other document) the act or acts being restrained.
(1) A United States district court, upon motion of the attorney for the Government, shall issue a protective order prohibiting harassment of a victim or witness in a Federal criminal case if the court, after a hearing, finds by a preponderance of the evidence that harassment of an identified victim or witness in a Federal criminal case exists or that such order is necessary to prevent and restrain an offense under section 1512 of this title, other than an offense consisting of misleading conduct, or under section 1513 of this title.
(2) At the hearing referred to in paragraph (1) of this subsection, any adverse party named in the complaint shall have the right to present evidence and cross-examine witnesses.
(3) A protective order shall set forth the reasons for the issuance of such order, be specific in terms, describe in reasonable detail (and not by reference to the complaint or other document) the act or acts being restrained.
(4) The court shall set the duration of effect of the protective order for such period as the court determines necessary to prevent harassment of the victim or witness but in no case for a period in excess of three years from the date of such order’s issuance. The attorney for the Government may, at any time within ninety days before the expiration of such order, apply for a new protective order under this section.
(c) As used in this section—
(1) the term “harassment” means a course of conduct directed at a specific person that—
(A) causes substantial emotional distress in such person; and
(B) serves no legitimate purpose; and
(2) the term “course of conduct” means a series of acts over a period of time, however short, indicating a continuity of purpose.
(a) As used in sections 1512 and 1513 of this title and in this section—
(1) the term “official proceeding” means—
(A) a proceeding before a judge or court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a judge of the United States Tax Court, a special trial judge of the Tax Court, a judge of the United States Court of Federal Claims, or a Federal grand jury;
(B) a proceeding before the Congress;
(C) a proceeding before a Federal Government agency which is authorized by law; or
(D) a proceeding involving the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce before any insurance regulatory official or agency or any agent or examiner appointed by such official or agency to examine the affairs of any person engaged in the business of insurance whose activities affect interstate commerce;
(2) the term “physical force” means physical action against another, and includes confinement;
(3) the term “misleading conduct” means—
(A) knowingly making a false statement;
(B) intentionally omitting information from a statement and thereby causing a portion of such statement to be misleading, or intentionally concealing a material fact, and thereby creating a false impression by such statement;
(C) with intent to mislead, knowingly submitting or inviting reliance on a writing or recording that is false, forged, altered, or otherwise lacking in authenticity;
(D) with intent to mislead, knowingly submitting or inviting reliance on a sample, specimen, map, photograph, boundary mark, or other object that is misleading in a material respect; or
(E) knowingly using a trick, scheme, or device with intent to mislead;
(4) the term “law enforcement officer” means an officer or employee of the Federal Government, or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the Federal Government or serving the Federal Government as an adviser or consultant—
(A) authorized under law to engage in or supervise the prevention, detection, investigation, or prosecution of an offense; or
(B) serving as a probation or pretrial services officer under this title;
(5) the term “bodily injury” means—
(A) a cut, abrasion, bruise, burn, or disfigurement;
(B) physical pain;
(C) illness;
(D) impairment of the function of a bodily member, organ, or mental faculty; or
(E) any other injury to the body, no matter how temporary; and
(6) the term “corruptly persuades” does not include conduct which would be misleading conduct but for a lack of a state of mind.
(b) As used in section 1505, the term “corruptly” means acting with an improper purpose, personally or by influencing another, including making a false or misleading statement, or withholding, concealing, altering, or destroying a document or other information.
(c) This chapter does not prohibit or punish the providing of lawful, bona fide, legal representation services in connection with or anticipation of an official proceeding.
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
A person who—
(1) knowingly and fraudulently conceals from a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court charged with the control or custody of property, or, in connection with a case under title 11, from creditors or the United States Trustee, any property belonging to the estate of a debtor;
(2) knowingly and fraudulently makes a false oath or account in or in relation to any case under title 11;
(3) knowingly and fraudulently makes a false declaration, certificate, verification, or statement under penalty of perjury as permitted under section 1746 of title 28, in or in relation to any case under title 11;
(4) knowingly and fraudulently presents any false claim for proof against the estate of a debtor, or uses any such claim in any case under title 11, in a personal capacity or as or through an agent, proxy, or attorney;
(5) knowingly and fraudulently receives any material amount of property from a debtor after the filing of a case under title 11, with intent to defeat the provisions of title 11;
(6) knowingly and fraudulently gives, offers, receives, or attempts to obtain any money or property, remuneration, compensation, reward, advantage, or promise thereof for acting or forbearing to act in any case under title 11;
(7) in a personal capacity or as an agent or officer of any person or corporation, in contemplation of a case under title 11 by or against the person or any other person or corporation, or with intent to defeat the provisions of title 11, knowingly and fraudulently transfers or conceals any of his property or the property of such other person or corporation;
(8) after the filing of a case under title 11 or in contemplation thereof, knowingly and fraudulently conceals, destroys, mutilates, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any recorded information (including books, documents, records, and papers) relating to the property or financial affairs of a debtor; or
(9) after the filing of a case under title 11, knowingly and fraudulently withholds from a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court or a United States Trustee entitled to its possession, any recorded information (including books, documents, records, and papers) relating to the property or financial affairs of a debtor,
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
A person who, being a custodian, trustee, marshal, or other officer of the court—
(1) knowingly purchases, directly or indirectly, any property of the estate of which the person is such an officer in a case under title 11;
(2) knowingly refuses to permit a reasonable opportunity for the inspection by parties in interest of the documents and accounts relating to the affairs of estates in the person’s charge by parties when directed by the court to do so; or
(3) knowingly refuses to permit a reasonable opportunity for the inspection by the United States Trustee of the documents and accounts relating to the affairs of an estate in the person’s charge,
shall be fined under this title and shall forfeit the person’s office, which shall thereupon become vacant.
A person who, having devised or intending to devise a scheme or artifice to defraud and for the purpose of executing or concealing such a scheme or artifice or attempting to do so—
(1) files a petition under title 11, including a fraudulent involuntary bankruptcy petition under section 303 of such title;
(2) files a document in a proceeding under title 11, including a fraudulent involuntary bankruptcy petition under section 303 of such title; or
(3) makes a false or fraudulent representation, claim, or promise concerning or in relation to a proceeding under title 11, including a fraudulent involuntary bankruptcy petition under section 303 of such title, at any time before or after the filing of the petition, or in relation to a proceeding falsely asserted to be pending under such title,
shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 5 years, or both.
(a) In General.— The Attorney General of the United States shall designate the individuals described in subsection (b) to have primary responsibility in carrying out enforcement activities in addressing violations of section 152 or 157 relating to abusive reaffirmations of debt. In addition to addressing the violations referred to in the preceding sentence, the individuals described under subsection (b) shall address violations of section 152 or 157 relating to materially fraudulent statements in bankruptcy schedules that are intentionally false or intentionally misleading.
(b) United States Attorneys and Agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.— The individuals referred to in subsection (a) are—
(1) the United States attorney for each judicial district of the United States; and
(2) an agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for each field office of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(c) Bankruptcy Investigations.— Each United States attorney designated under this section shall, in addition to any other responsibilities, have primary responsibility for carrying out the duties of a United States attorney under section 3057.
(d) Bankruptcy Procedures.— The bankruptcy courts shall establish procedures for referring any case that may contain a materially fraudulent statement in a bankruptcy schedule to the individuals designated under this section.
(a) For the purpose of this section—
(1) the term “public official” means Member of Congress, Delegate, or Resident Commissioner, either before or after such official has qualified, or an officer or employee or person acting for or on behalf of the United States, or any department, agency or branch of Government thereof, including the District of Columbia, in any official function, under or by authority of any such department, agency, or branch of Government, or a juror;
(2) the term “person who has been selected to be a public official” means any person who has been nominated or appointed to be a public official, or has been officially informed that such person will be so nominated or appointed; and
(3) the term “official act” means any decision or action on any question, matter, cause, suit, proceeding or controversy, which may at any time be pending, or which may by law be brought before any public official, in such official’s official capacity, or in such official’s place of trust or profit.
(b) Whoever—
(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
(A) to influence any official act; or
(B) to influence such public official or person who has been selected to be a public official to commit or aid in committing, or collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
(C) to induce such public official or such person who has been selected to be a public official to do or omit to do any act in violation of the lawful duty of such official or person;
(2) being a public official or person selected to be a public official, directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity, in return for:
(A) being influenced in the performance of any official act;
(B) being influenced to commit or aid in committing, or to collude in, or allow, any fraud, or make opportunity for the commission of any fraud, on the United States; or
(C) being induced to do or omit to do any act in violation of the official duty of such official or person;
(3) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, or offers or promises such person to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent to influence the testimony under oath or affirmation of such first-mentioned person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or with intent to influence such person to absent himself therefrom;
(4) directly or indirectly, corruptly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally or for any other person or entity in return for being influenced in testimony under oath or affirmation as a witness upon any such trial, hearing, or other proceeding, or in return for absenting himself therefrom;
shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
(c) Whoever—
(1) otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty—
(A) directly or indirectly gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official; or
(B) being a public official, former public official, or person selected to be a public official, otherwise than as provided by law for the proper discharge of official duty, directly or indirectly demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of any official act performed or to be performed by such official or person;
(2) directly or indirectly, gives, offers, or promises anything of value to any person, for or because of the testimony under oath or affirmation given or to be given by such person as a witness upon a trial, hearing, or other proceeding, before any court, any committee of either House or both Houses of Congress, or any agency, commission, or officer authorized by the laws of the United States to hear evidence or take testimony, or for or because of such person’s absence therefrom;
(3) directly or indirectly, demands, seeks, receives, accepts, or agrees to receive or accept anything of value personally for or because of the testimony under oath or affirmation given or to be given by such person as a witness upon any such trial, hearing, or other proceeding, or for or because of such person’s absence therefrom;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned for not more than two years, or both.
(d) Paragraphs (3) and (4) of subsection (b) and paragraphs (2) and (3) of subsection (c) shall not be construed to prohibit the payment or receipt of witness fees provided by law, or the payment, by the party upon whose behalf a witness is called and receipt by a witness, of the reasonable cost of travel and subsistence incurred and the reasonable value of time lost in attendance at any such trial, hearing, or proceeding, or in the case of expert witnesses, a reasonable fee for time spent in the preparation of such opinion, and in appearing and testifying.
(e) The offenses and penalties prescribed in this section are separate from and in addition to those prescribed in sections 1503, 1504, and 1505 of this title.
(a) Whoever—
(1) organizes, manages, or supervises a continuing financial crimes enterprise; and
(2) receives $5,000,000 or more in gross receipts from such enterprise during any 24-month period,
shall be fined not more than $10,000,000 if an individual, or $20,000,000 if an organization, and imprisoned for a term of not less than 10 years and which may be life.
(b) For purposes of subsection (a), the term “continuing financial crimes enterprise” means a series of violations under section 215, 656, 657, 1005, 1006, 1007, 1014, 1032, or 1344 of this title, or section 1341 or 1343 affecting a financial institution, committed by at least 4 persons acting in concert.
If two or more persons conspire either to commit any offense against the United States, or to defraud the United States, or any agency thereof in any manner or for any purpose, and one or more of such persons do any act to effect the object of the conspiracy, each shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
If, however, the offense, the commission of which is the object of the conspiracy, is a misdemeanor only, the punishment for such conspiracy shall not exceed the maximum punishment provided for such misdemeanor.
Any person, corporation or association willfully disobeying any lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command of any district court of the United States or any court of the District of Columbia, by doing any act or thing therein, or thereby forbidden, if the act or thing so done be of such character as to constitute also a criminal offense under any statute of the United States or under the laws of any State in which the act was committed, shall be prosecuted for such contempt as provided in section 3691 of this title and shall be punished by a fine under this title or imprisonment, or both.
Such fine shall be paid to the United States or to the complainant or other party injured by the act constituting the contempt, or may, where more than one is so damaged, be divided or apportioned among them as the court may direct, but in no case shall the fine to be paid to the United States exceed, in case the accused is a natural person, the sum of $1,000, nor shall such imprisonment exceed the term of six months.
This section shall not be construed to relate to contempts committed in the presence of the court, or so near thereto as to obstruct the administration of justice, nor to contempts committed in disobedience of any lawful writ, process, order, rule, decree, or command entered in any suit or action brought or prosecuted in the name of, or on behalf of, the United States, but the same, and all other cases of contempt not specifically embraced in this section may be punished in conformity to the prevailing usages at law.
For purposes of this section, the term “State” includes a State of the United States, the District of Columbia, and any commonwealth, territory, or possession of the United States.
Whoever embezzles, steals, purloins, or knowingly converts to his use or the use of another, or without authority, sells, conveys or disposes of any record, voucher, money, or thing of value of the United States or of any department or agency thereof, or any property made or being made under contract for the United States or any department or agency thereof; or
Whoever receives, conceals, or retains the same with intent to convert it to his use or gain, knowing it to have been embezzled, stolen, purloined or converted—
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; but if the value of such property in the aggregate, combining amounts from all the counts for which the defendant is convicted in a single case, does not exceed the sum of $1,000, he shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
The word “value” means face, par, or market value, or cost price, either wholesale or retail, whichever is greater.
(a) Whoever, as consideration for the receipt of, or as consideration for a promise or agreement to pay, anything of pecuniary value from an enterprise engaged in racketeering activity, or for the purpose of gaining entrance to or maintaining or increasing position in an enterprise engaged in racketeering activity, murders, kidnaps, maims, assaults with a dangerous weapon, commits assault resulting in serious bodily injury upon, or threatens to commit a crime of violence against any individual in violation of the laws of any State or the United States, or attempts or conspires so to do, shall be punished—
(1) for murder, by death or life imprisonment, or a fine under this title, or both; and for kidnapping, by imprisonment for any term of years or for life, or a fine under this title, or both;
(2) for maiming, by imprisonment for not more than thirty years or a fine under this title, or both;
(3) for assault with a dangerous weapon or assault resulting in serious bodily injury, by imprisonment for not more than twenty years or a fine under this title, or both;
(4) for threatening to commit a crime of violence, by imprisonment for not more than five years or a fine under this title, or both;
(5) for attempting or conspiring to commit murder or kidnapping, by imprisonment for not more than ten years or a fine under this title, or both; and
(6) for attempting or conspiring to commit a crime involving maiming, assault with a dangerous weapon, or assault resulting in serious bodily injury, by imprisonment for not more than three years or a fine of [1] under this title, or both. (b) As used in this section—
(1) “racketeering activity” has the meaning set forth in section 1961 of this title; and
(2) “enterprise” includes any partnership, corporation, association, or other legal entity, and any union or group of individuals associated in fact although not a legal entity, which is engaged in, or the activities of which affect, interstate or foreign commerce.
While the laws stated above refer to new Defendants, whom will be added to all future litigations, in crimes committed to deny my due process and procedural rights, others in Public Office in New York have aided and abetted the crimes defined already herein through similar State and Federal Laws. Therefore, let this filing also serve as a Formal and Procedural Criminal Complaints against the following agencies and individuals named below. Evidence of the various violated codes provided with links to prior and ongoing complaints.
Criminal violations of NY Law by the Defendants in this action
Part 1
Proskauer Rose attorneys and Lamont(?) And others ____fill in__________________ initially committed the following crimes in order to obtain patent rights:
Their criminal liability is based on the following: (the complete text of mentioned laws is in appendix following)
§ 110.00 Attempt to commit a crime.
§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.
§ 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.
§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.
§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.
The underlying crimes were:
§ 125.25 Murder in the second degree.
§ 125.20 Manslaughter in the first degree.
§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree
§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.
§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.
§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.
§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.
§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.
§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.
§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.
§ 200.04 Bribery in the first degree.
§ 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree.
§ 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office;
§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.
§ 210.45 Making a punishable false written statement.
§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.
Part 2
The following public employees_________________ and the NY Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, committed the following crimes in covering up and protecting the above mentioned criminals in the first paragraph:
§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.
§ 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.
§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.
§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.
The underlying crimes were:
§ 125.25 Murder in the second degree.
§ 125.20 Manslaughter in the first degree.
§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree
§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.
§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.
§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.
§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.
§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.
§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.
§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.
§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.
And they in addition committed the following crimes as public officers:
§ 195.00 Official misconduct.
§ 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree.
§ 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree.
Part 3
Andrew Cuomo in addition to the above crimes in Part 2 violated Executive Law § 63. General duties.
Also, Andrew Cuomo violated Public Officer Law:
§ 74. Code of ethics.
2. Rule with respect to conflicts of interest.
No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity or incur
any obligation of any nature, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest.
3. Standards.
a. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should accept other employment which will impair his independence of judgment in the exercise of his official duties.
d. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself or herself or others, including but not limited to, the misappropriation to himself, herself or to others of the property, services or other resources of the state for private business or other compensated non-governmental purposes.
e. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should engage in any transaction as representative or agent of the state with any business entity in which he has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably tend to conflict with the proper discharge of his official duties.
f. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should not by his conduct give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties, or that he is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any party or person.
h. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should endeavor to pursue a course of conduct which will not raise suspicion among the public that he is likely to be engaged in acts that are in violation of his trust.
Appendix of applicable NY Laws
§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.
When one person engages in conduct which constitutes an offense, another person is criminally liable for such conduct when, acting with the mental culpability required for the commission thereof, he solicits, requests, commands, importunes, or intentionally aids such person to engage in such conduct.
§ 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.
A person is guilty of conspiracy in the fifth degree when, with intent that conduct constituting:
1. a felony be performed, he agrees with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct; or
2. a crime be performed, he, being over eighteen years of age, agrees with one or more persons under sixteen years of age to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct.
Conspiracy in the fifth degree is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of conspiracy in the fourth degree when, with intent that conduct constituting:
1. a class B or class C felony be performed, he or she agrees with one or more persons to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct;
2. a felony be performed, he or she, being over eighteen years of age, agrees with one or more persons under sixteen years of age to engage in or cause the performance of such conduct;
§ 110.00 Attempt to commit a crime.
A person is guilty of an attempt to commit a crime when, with intent to commit a crime, he engages in conduct which tends to effect the commission of such crime.
§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.
A person is guilty of criminal facilitation in the fourth degree when, believing it probable that he is rendering aid:
1. to a person who intends to commit a crime, he engages in conduct which provides such person with means or opportunity for the commission thereof and which in fact aids such person to commit a felony;
A person is guilty of murder in the second degree when:
1. With intent to cause the death of another person, he causes the death of such person or of a third person; except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, it is an affirmative defense that:
(a) The defendant acted under the influence of extreme emotional disturbance for which there was a reasonable explanation or excuse, the reasonableness of which is to be determined from the viewpoint of a person in the defendant's situation under the circumstances as the defendant believed them to be. Nothing contained in this paragraph shall constitute a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of, manslaughter in the first degree or any other crime; or
(b) The defendant's conduct consisted of causing or aiding, without the use of duress or deception, another person to commit suicide.
Nothing contained in this paragraph shall constitute a defense to a prosecution for, or preclude a conviction of, manslaughter in the second degree or any other crime; or
2. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, he recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of death to another person, and thereby causes the death of another person; or
3. Acting either alone or with one or more other persons, he commits or attempts to commit robbery, burglary, kidnapping, arson, rape in the first degree, criminal sexual act in the first degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse, escape in the first degree, or escape in the second degree, and, in the course of and in furtherance of such crime or of immediate flight therefrom, he, or another participant, if there be any, causes the death of a person other than one of the participants; except that in any prosecution under this subdivision, in which the defendant was not the only participant in the underlying crime, it is an affirmative defense that the defendant:
(a) Did not commit the homicidal act or in any way solicit, request, command, importune, cause or aid the commission thereof; and
(b) Was not armed with a deadly weapon, or any instrument, article or substance readily capable of causing death or serious physical injury and of a sort not ordinarily carried in public places by law-abiding persons; and
(c) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant was armed with such a weapon, instrument, article or substance; and
(d) Had no reasonable ground to believe that any other participant intended to engage in conduct likely to result in death or serious physical injury; or
4. Under circumstances evincing a depraved indifference to human life, and being eighteen years old or more the defendant recklessly engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of serious physical injury or death to another person less than eleven years old and thereby causes the death of such person; or
5. Being eighteen years old or more, while in the course of committing rape in the first, second or third degree, criminal sexual act in the first, second or third degree, sexual abuse in the first degree, aggravated sexual abuse in the first, second, third or fourth degree, or incest in the first, second or third degree, against a person less than fourteen years old, he or she intentionally causes the death of such person.
Murder in the second degree is a class A-I felony.
§ 125.20 Manslaughter in the first degree.
A person is guilty of manslaughter in the first degree when:
1. With intent to cause serious physical injury to another person, he
causes the death of such person or of a third person; or
2. With intent to cause the death of another person, he causes the
death of such person or of a third person under circumstances which do
not constitute murder because he acts under the influence of extreme
emotional disturbance, as defined in paragraph (a) of subdivision one of
section 125.25. The fact that homicide was committed under the influence
of extreme emotional disturbance constitutes a mitigating circumstance
reducing murder to manslaughter in the first degree and need not be
proved in any prosecution initiated under this subdivision; or
3. He commits upon a female pregnant for more than twenty-four weeks
an abortional act which causes her death, unless such abortional act is
justifiable pursuant to subdivision three of section 125.05; or
4. Being eighteen years old or more and with intent to cause physical
injury to a person less than eleven years old, the defendant recklessly
engages in conduct which creates a grave risk of serious physical injury
to such person and thereby causes the death of such person.
Manslaughter in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree.
A person is guilty of coercion in the second degree when he or she
compels or induces a person to engage in conduct which the latter has a
legal right to abstain from engaging in, or to abstain from engaging in
conduct in which he or she has a legal right to engage, or compels or
induces a person to join a group, organization or criminal enterprise
which such latter person has a right to abstain from joining, by means
of instilling in him or her a fear that, if the demand is not complied
with, the actor or another will:
1. Cause physical injury to a person; or
2. Cause damage to property; or
3. Engage in other conduct constituting a crime; or
4. Accuse some person of a crime or cause criminal charges to be
instituted against him or her; or
5. Expose a secret or publicize an asserted fact, whether true or
false, tending to subject some person to hatred, contempt or ridicule;
6. Cause a strike, boycott or other collective labor group action
injurious to some person's business; except that such a threat shall not
be deemed coercive when the act or omission compelled is for the benefit
of the group in whose interest the actor purports to act; or
7. Testify or provide information or withhold testimony or information
with respect to another's legal claim or defense; or
8. Use or abuse his or her position as a public servant by performing
some act within or related to his or her official duties, or by failing
or refusing to perform an official duty, in such manner as to affect
some person adversely; or
9. Perform any other act which would not in itself materially benefit
the actor but which is calculated to harm another person materially with
respect to his or her health, safety, business, calling, career,
financial condition, reputation or personal relationships.
Coercion in the second degree is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.
A person is guilty of grand larceny in the first degree when he steals
property and when the value of the property exceeds one million dollars.
Grand larceny in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.
A person is guilty of forgery in the first degree when, with intent to
defraud, deceive or injure another, he falsely makes, completes or
alters a written instrument which is or purports to be, or which is
calculated to become or to represent if completed:
1. Part of an issue of money, stamps, securities or other valuable
instruments issued by a government or governmental instrumentality; or
2. Part of an issue of stock, bonds or other instruments representing
interests in or claims against a corporate or other organization or its
Forgery in the first degree is a class C felony.
§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.
A person is guilty of criminal possession of a forged instrument in
the first degree when, with knowledge that it is forged and with intent
to defraud, deceive or injure another, he utters or possesses any forged
instrument of a kind specified in section 170.15.
Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree is a
class C felony.
§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.
A person is guilty of falsifying business records in the first degree
when he commits the crime of falsifying business records in the second
degree, and when his intent to defraud includes an intent to commit
another crime or to aid or conceal the commission thereof.
Falsifying business records in the first degree is a class E felony.
§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.
A person is guilty of tampering with public records in the first
degree when, knowing that he does not have the authority of anyone
entitled to grant it, and with intent to defraud, he knowingly removes,
mutilates, destroys, conceals, makes a false entry in or falsely alters
any record or other written instrument filed with, deposited in, or
otherwise constituting a record of a public office or public servant.
Tampering with public records in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.
A person is guilty of offering a false instrument for filing in the
first degree when, knowing that a written instrument contains a false
statement or false information, and with intent to defraud the state or
any political subdivision, public authority or public benefit
corporation of the state, he offers or presents it to a public office,
public servant, public authority or public benefit corporation with the
knowledge or belief that it will be filed with, registered or recorded
in or otherwise become a part of the records of such public office,
public servant, public authority or public benefit corporation.
Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree is a class
E felony.
§ 195.00 Official misconduct.
A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with intent to
obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit:
1. He commits an act relating to his office but constituting an
unauthorized exercise of his official functions, knowing that such act
is unauthorized; or
2. He knowingly refrains from performing a duty which is imposed upon
him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office.
Official misconduct is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.
A person is guilty of obstructing governmental administration when he
intentionally obstructs, impairs or perverts the administration of law
or other governmental function or prevents or attempts to prevent a
public servant from performing an official function, by means of
intimidation, physical force or interference, or by means of any
independently unlawful act, or by means of interfering, whether or not
physical force is involved, with radio, telephone, television or other
telecommunications systems owned or operated by the state, or a county,
city, town, village, fire district or emergency medical service or by
means of releasing a dangerous animal under circumstances evincing the
actor's intent that the animal obstruct governmental administration.
Obstructing governmental administration is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 200.04 Bribery in the first degree.
A person is guilty of bribery in the first degree when he confers, or
offers or agrees to confer, any benefit upon a public servant upon an
agreement or understanding that such public servant's vote, opinion,
judgment, action, decision or exercise of discretion as a public servant
will thereby be influenced in the investigation, arrest, detention,
prosecution or incarceration of any person for the commission or alleged
commission of a class A felony defined in article two hundred twenty of
the penal law or an attempt to commit any such class A felony.
Bribery in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree.
A public servant is guilty of bribe receiving in the first degree when
he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any benefit from another person
upon an agreement or understanding that his vote, opinion, judgment,
action, decision or exercise of discretion as a public servant will
thereby be influenced in the investigation, arrest, detention,
prosecution or incarceration of any person for the commission or alleged
commission of a class A felony defined in article two hundred twenty of
the penal law or an attempt to commit any such class A felony.
Bribe receiving in the first degree is a class B felony.
§ 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree.
A person is guilty of rewarding official misconduct in the first
degree when he knowingly confers, or offers or agrees to confer, any
benefit upon a public servant for having violated his duty as a public
servant in the investigation, arrest, detention, prosecution, or
incarceration of any person for the commission or alleged commission of
a class A felony defined in article two hundred twenty of the penal law
or the attempt to commit any such class A felony.
Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree is a class C felony.
§ 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree.
A public servant is guilty of receiving reward for official misconduct
in the first degree when he solicits, accepts or agrees to accept any
benefit from another person for having violated his duty as a public
servant in the investigation, arrest, detention, prosecution, or
incarceration of any person for the commission or alleged commission of
a class A felony defined in article two hundred twenty of the penal law
or the attempt to commit any such class A felony.
Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree is a
class C felony.
§ 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office; definition
of term.
As used in sections 200.45 and 200.50, "party officer" means a person
who holds any position or office in a political party, whether by
election, appointment or otherwise
§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.
A person is guilty of perjury in the first degree when he swears
falsely and when his false statement (a) consists of testimony, and (b)
is material to the action, proceeding or matter in which it is made.
Perjury in the first degree is a class D felony.
§ 210.45 Making a punishable false written statement.
A person is guilty of making a punishable false written statement when
he knowingly makes a false statement, which he does not believe to be
true, in a written instrument bearing a legally authorized form notice
to the effect that false statements made therein are punishable.
Making a punishable false written statement is a class A misdemeanor.
§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.
1. A person is guilty of enterprise corruption when, having knowledge
of the existence of a criminal enterprise and the nature of its
activities, and being employed by or associated with such enterprise,
(a) intentionally conducts or participates in the affairs of an
enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity; or
(b) intentionally acquires or maintains any interest in or control of
an enterprise by participating in a pattern of criminal activity; or
(c) participates in a pattern of criminal activity and knowingly
invests any proceeds derived from that conduct, or any proceeds derived
from the investment or use of those proceeds, in an enterprise.
2. For purposes of this section, a person participates in a pattern of
criminal activity when, with intent to participate in or advance the
affairs of the criminal enterprise, he engages in conduct constituting,
or, is criminally liable for pursuant to section 20.00 of this chapter,
at least three of the criminal acts included in the pattern, provided
(a) Two of his acts are felonies other than conspiracy;
(b) Two of his acts, one of which is a felony, occurred within five
years of the commencement of the criminal action; and
(c) Each of his acts occurred within three years of a prior act.
3. For purposes of this section, the enterprise corrupted in violation
of subdivision one of this section need not be the criminal enterprise
by which the person is employed or with which he is associated, and may
be a legitimate enterprise.
Enterprise corruption is a class B felony.
Executive Law:
§ 63. General duties. The attorney-general shall:
1. Prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in which the state
is interested, and have charge and control of all the legal business of
the departments and bureaus of the state, or of any office thereof which
requires the services of attorney or counsel, in order to protect the
interest of the state, but this section shall not apply to any of the
military department bureaus or military offices of the state. No action
or proceeding affecting the property or interests of the state shall be
instituted, defended or conducted by any department, bureau, board,
council, officer, agency or instrumentality of the state, without a
notice to the attorney-general apprising him of the said action or
proceeding, the nature and purpose thereof, so that he may participate
or join therein if in his opinion the interests of the state so warrant.
2. Whenever required by the governor, attend in person, or by one of
his deputies, any term of the supreme court or appear before the grand
jury thereof for the purpose of managing and conducting in such court or
before such jury criminal actions or proceedings as shall be specified
in such requirement; in which case the attorney-general or his deputy so
attending shall exercise all the powers and perform all the duties in
respect of such actions or proceedings, which the district attorney
would otherwise be authorized or required to exercise or perform; and in
any of such actions or proceedings the district attorney shall only
exercise such powers and perform such duties as are required of him by
the attorney-general or the deputy attorney-general so attending. In all
such cases all expenses incurred by the attorney-general, including the
salary or other compensation of all deputies employed, shall be a county
3. Upon request of the governor, comptroller, secretary of state,
commissioner of transportation, superintendent of insurance,
superintendent of banks, commissioner of taxation and finance,
commissioner of motor vehicles, or the state inspector general, or the
head of any other department, authority, division or agency of the
state, investigate the alleged commission of any indictable offense or
offenses in violation of the law which the officer making the request is
especially required to execute or in relation to any matters connected
with such department, and to prosecute the person or persons believed to
have committed the same and any crime or offense arising out of such
investigation or prosecution or both, including but not limited to
appearing before and presenting all such matters to a grand jury.
4. Cause all persons indicted for corrupting or attempting to corrupt
any member or member-elect of the legislature, or the commissioner of
general services, to be brought to trial.
5. When required by the comptroller or the superintendent of public
works, prepare proper drafts for contracts, obligations and other
instruments for the use of the state.
6. Upon receipt thereof, pay into the treasury all moneys received by
him for debts due or penalties forfeited to the people of the state.
7. He may, on behalf of the state, agree upon a case containing a
statement of the facts and submit a controversy for decision to a court
of record which would have jurisdiction of an action brought on the same
case. He may agree that a referee, to be appointed in an action to which
the state is a party, shall receive such compensation at such rate per
day as the court in the order of reference may specify. He may with the
approval of the governor retain counsel to recover moneys or property
belonging to the state, or to the possession of which the state is
entitled, upon an agreement that such counsel shall receive reasonable
compensation, to be fixed by the attorney-general, out of the property
recovered, and not otherwise.
8. Whenever in his judgment the public interest requires it, the
attorney-general may, with the approval of the governor, and when
directed by the governor, shall, inquire into matters concerning the
public peace, public safety and public justice. For such purpose he may,
in his discretion, and without civil service examination, appoint and
employ, and at pleasure remove, such deputies, officers and other
persons as he deems necessary, determine their duties and, with the
approval of the governor, fix their compensation. All appointments made
pursuant to this subdivision shall be immediately reported to the
governor, and shall not be reported to any other state officer or
department. Payments of salaries and compensation of officers and
employees and of the expenses of the inquiry shall be made out of funds
provided by the legislature for such purposes, which shall be deposited
in a bank or trust company in the names of the governor and the
attorney-general, payable only on the draft or check of the
attorney-general, countersigned by the governor, and such disbursements
shall be subject to no audit except by the governor and the
attorney-general. The attorney-general, his deputy, or other officer,
designated by him, is empowered to subpoena witnesses, compel their
attendance, examine them under oath before himself or a magistrate and
require that any books, records, documents or papers relevant or
material to the inquiry be turned over to him for inspection,
examination or audit, pursuant to the civil practice law and rules. If a
person subpoenaed to attend upon such inquiry fails to obey the command
of a subpoena without reasonable cause, or if a person in attendance
upon such inquiry shall, without reasonable cause, refuse to be sworn or
to be examined or to answer a question or to produce a book or paper,
when ordered so to do by the officer conducting such inquiry, he shall
be guilty of a misdemeanor. It shall be the duty of all public officers,
their deputies, assistants and subordinates, clerks and employees, and
all other persons, to render and furnish to the attorney-general, his
deputy or other designated officer, when requested, all information and
assistance in their possession and within their power. Each deputy or
other officer appointed or designated to conduct such inquiry shall make
a weekly report in detail to the attorney-general, in form to be
approved by the governor and the attorney-general, which report shall be
in duplicate, one copy of which shall be forthwith, upon its receipt by
the attorney-general, transmitted by him to the governor. Any officer
participating in such inquiry and any person examined as a witness upon
such inquiry who shall disclose to any person other than the governor or
the attorney-general the name of any witness examined or any information
obtained upon such inquiry, except as directed by the governor or the
attorney-general, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.
9. Bring and prosecute or defend upon request of the industrial
commissioner or the state division of human rights, any civil action or
proceeding, the institution or defense of which in his judgment is
necessary for effective enforcement of the laws of this state against
discrimination by reason of age, race, creed, color or national origin,
or for enforcement of any order or determination of such commissioner or
division made pursuant to such laws.
10. Prosecute every person charged with the commission of a criminal
offense in violation of any of the laws of this state against
discrimination because of race, creed, color, or national origin, in any
case where in his judgment, because of the extent of the offense, such
prosecution cannot be effectively carried on by the district attorney of
the county wherein the offense or a portion thereof is alleged to have
been committed, or where in his judgment the district attorney has
erroneously failed or refused to prosecute. In all such proceedings, the
attorney-general may appear in person or by his deputy or assistant
before any court or any grand jury and exercise all the powers and
perform all the duties in respect of such actions or proceedings which
the district attorney would otherwise be authorized or required to
exercise or perform.
11. Prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in connection
with safeguarding and enforcing the state's remainder interest in any
trust which meets the requirements of subparagraph two of paragraph (b)
of subdivision two of section three hundred sixty-six of the social
services law.
12. Whenever any person shall engage in repeated fraudulent or illegal
acts or otherwise demonstrate persistent fraud or illegality in the
carrying on, conducting or transaction of business, the attorney general
may apply, in the name of the people of the state of New York, to the
supreme court of the state of New York, on notice of five days, for an
order enjoining the continuance of such business activity or of any
fraudulent or illegal acts, directing restitution and damages and, in an
appropriate case, cancelling any certificate filed under and by virtue
of the provisions of section four hundred forty of the former penal law
or section one hundred thirty of the general business law, and the court
may award the relief applied for or so much thereof as it may deem
proper. The word "fraud" or "fraudulent" as used herein shall include
any device, scheme or artifice to defraud and any deception,
misrepresentation, concealment, suppression, false pretense, false
promise or unconscionable contractual provisions. The term "persistent
fraud" or "illegality" as used herein shall include continuance or
carrying on of any fraudulent or illegal act or conduct. The term
"repeated" as used herein shall include repetition of any separate and
distinct fraudulent or illegal act, or conduct which affects more than
one person.
In connection with any such application, the attorney general is
authorized to take proof and make a determination of the relevant facts
and to issue subpoenas in accordance with the civil practice law and
rules. Such authorization shall not abate or terminate by reason of any
action or proceeding brought by the attorney general under this section.
13. Prosecute any person for perjury committed during the course of
any investigation conducted by the attorney-general pursuant to statute.
In all such proceedings, the attorney-general may appear in person or by
his deputy or assistant before any court or any grand jury and exercise
all the powers and perform all the duties necessary or required to be
exercised or performed in prosecuting any such person for such offense.
15. In any case where the attorney general has authority to institute
a civil action or proceeding in connection with the enforcement of a law
of this state, in lieu thereof he may accept an assurance of
discontinuance of any act or practice in violation of such law from any
person engaged or who has engaged in such act or practice. Such
assurance may include a stipulation for the voluntary payment by the
alleged violator of the reasonable costs and disbursements incurred by
the attorney general during the course of his investigation. Evidence of
a violation of such assurance shall constitute prima facie proof of
violation of the applicable law in any civil action or proceeding
thereafter commenced by the attorney general
Public Officer Law
§ 74. Code of ethics. 1. Definition. As used in this section: The term
"state agency" shall mean any state department, or division, board,
commission, or bureau of any state department or any public benefit
corporation or public authority at least one of whose members is
appointed by the governor or corporations closely affiliated with
specific state agencies as defined by paragraph (d) of subdivision five
of section fifty-three-a of the state finance law or their successors.
The term "legislative employee" shall mean any officer or employee of
the legislature but it shall not include members of the legislature.
2. Rule with respect to conflicts of interest. No officer or employee
of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee
should have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or
engage in any business or transaction or professional activity or incur
any obligation of any nature, which is in substantial conflict with the
proper discharge of his duties in the public interest.
3. Standards.
a. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should accept other employment which will impair
his independence of judgment in the exercise of his official duties.
b. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should accept employment or engage in any
business or professional activity which will require him to disclose
confidential information which he has gained by reason of his official
position or authority.
c. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should disclose confidential information
acquired by him in the course of his official duties nor use such
information to further his personal interests.
d. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should use or attempt to use his or her official
position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself or
herself or others, including but not limited to, the misappropriation to
himself, herself or to others of the property, services or other
resources of the state for private business or other compensated
non-governmental purposes.
e. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should engage in any transaction as
representative or agent of the state with any business entity in which
he has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably
tend to conflict with the proper discharge of his official duties.
f. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should not by his conduct give reasonable basis
for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or
unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties, or
that he is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any
party or person.
g. An officer or employee of a state agency should abstain from making
personal investments in enterprises which he has reason to believe may
be directly involved in decisions to be made by him or which will
otherwise create substantial conflict between his duty in the public
interest and his private interest.
h. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature
or legislative employee should endeavor to pursue a course of conduct
which will not raise suspicion among the public that he is likely to be
engaged in acts that are in violation of his trust.
i. No officer or employee of a state agency employed on a full-time
basis nor any firm or association of which such an officer or employee
is a member nor corporation a substantial portion of the stock of which
is owned or controlled directly or indirectly by such officer or
employee, should sell goods or services to any person, firm, corporation
or association which is licensed or whose rates are fixed by the state
agency in which such officer or employee serves or is employed.
4. Violations. In addition to any penalty contained in any other
provision of law any such officer, member or employee who shall
knowingly and intentionally violate any of the provisions of this
section may be fined, suspended or removed from office or employment in
the manner provided by law. Any such individual who knowingly and
intentionally violates the provisions of paragraph b, c, d or i of
subdivision three of this section shall be subject to a civil penalty in
an amount not to exceed ten thousand dollars and the value of any gift,
compensation or benefit received as a result of such violation. Any such
individual who knowingly and intentionally violates the provisions of
paragraph a, e or g of subdivision three of this section shall be
subject to a civil penalty in an amount not to exceed the value of any
gift, compensation or benefit received as a result of such violation.
Docket No. 08-4873-cv
Appellate Division First Department
Disciplinary Committee
I, Eliot Ivan Bernstein, hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that on the 7th day of September, 2009, I served by United States Mail, Email, Electronic Service and/or hand delivered the document titled EMERGENCY MOTION TO KISS MY ASS AND MORE on the Court. Plaintiff requests this Court serve all named Defendants below via the United States Marshal Service or service directly by the Court as the case in prior filings where the Court has served to the Defendants, although it is further unclear if this Court has served documents to all Amended Complaint Defendants or just a select few Defendants. It is also unclear if Defendants’ counsels similarly have serviced only select Defendants’ and not all the Amended Complaint Defendants and Plaintiffs on Appeal despite referencing the Amended Complaint in their Appeal.
Plaintiff requested the Halting of the Case and the Sealing of this Motion and Plaintiff requests that Motions remain sealed until all Oversight authorities summoned in the Motion to Compel filed previously and/or herein have rendered final decisions on the Court and Defendants’ counsels ability to proceed. Therefore, Plaintiff requests not servicing Defendants the requested sealed documents until such time that affirmed Non-Conflicted justices, court personnel and counsel, as requested in the Motion to Compel and herein, are authorized by Oversight and Law Enforcement to continue to operate illegally and outside of the Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes, Public Office Rules and Regulations and Law.
The Amended Complaint list of Defendants necessary to service is as follows:
STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities, DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O'ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.
To be added New Defendants in the RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit through amendment or in any anticipated future litigations and criminal filings:
Andrew Cuomo in his official and individual capacities,
Justice Richard C. Wesley in his official and individual capacities,
Justice Peter W. Hall in his official and individual capacities,
Justice Debra Ann Livingston in her official and individual capacities,
Justice Ralph K. Winter in his official and individual capacities
Justice Shira A. Scheindlin in her official and individual capacities,
Alan Friedberg in his official and individual capacities,
Roy Reardon in his official and individual capacities,
Martin Glenn in his official and individual capacities,
Warner Bros. Entertainment,
Time Warner Communications,
AOL Inc.,
Ropes & Gray,
Stanford Financial Group,
Bernard L. Madoff et al.
Marc S. Dreier,
Sony Corporation,
Ernst & Young,
Arthur Andersen,
P. Stephen Lamont
Eliot Ivan Bernstein,
Pro Se Appellant and Plaintiff
2753 N.W. 34th Street
Boca Raton, Florida 33434
(561) 245-8588
[1]January 05, 2010 2nd Circuit Dismissal of Appeal http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20100109%20US%20Court%20of%20Appeal%20Denial%20of%20Motion%20to%20Compel%20and%20Appeal.pdf
[3] November 16, 2009 Anderson Motion for Rehearing @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/20091116%20Anderson%20Motion%20Rehearing%20Cuomo%20Conflicts.pdf
[5] June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing with link to Whistleblower Anderson Testimony, Anderson is the second speaker @ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR8OX8uuAbw&feature=player_embedded
October 27, 2009 Filing with US District Court Judge Shira A. Scheindlin @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20091027%20Scheindlin%20Letter%20Regarding%20Anderson%20Criminal%20Elements%20Low.pdf
http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=209 whereby Exhibit 2 at the URL contains Anderson’s sworn statements
[6] Patents have filed in multiple foreign nations fraudulently, see Iviewit homepage for complete listing of Intellectual Properties @ www.iviewit.tv and for a complete listing of International Criminal Codes Violated as alleged in my FEDERAL RICO AND ANTITRUST LAWSUIT @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/oneofthesedays/index.htm
[1] Family Mini-Van hours before it was to be picked up by the wife and kids, after a long and mysterious disappearance to have a battery replaced. The kids would have been in the back seat. Auto. The Boynton Beach Fire Investigator
finds accelerants and evidence that it was intentionally incinerated, the FBI is notified.
To see this car in Iviewit imaging Auto
[2] Christopher Clarke Wheeler Police Report, Del Ray Beach, Florida
[3] A living journal of human thought dedicated to finding solutions to offset the damages we do to our children’s environment and lifeblood. A computer that must solve for the most complicated equation, extinction of our species, the X-Gene.
[4] Department of Justice letter that Rubenstein approval letter was not an approval as claimed by MPEGLA. Iviewit complaint to the Department of Justice
[5] The Congress shall have power to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts and excises, to pay the debts and provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States; but all duties, imposts and excises shall be uniform
throughout the United States;
To promote the progress of science and useful arts, by securing for limited times to authors and inventors the exclusive right to their respective writings and discoveries.
[6] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skull_and_Bones
[7] In this letter to Billionaire Wayne Huizenga, I have a Freudian slip and actually call his technologies “our technologies”, oops. Letter to Huizenga on our technologies.
[8] Starting image – Disney Castle – How many faces can you see.
[9] Proskauer Legal Opinion to interested lawyers and investors. Oh yeah, Hassan is considered to be one the pioneers of multimedia for the internet, heralded for the Intel/CAA multimedia lab. Hassan called it the Holy Grail inventions of the
multimedia world in front of Wayne Huizenga Jr., Lewin, Si, Eliot, myself and Jim Armstrong. No one could believe it.
[10] Proskauer opinion on the technologies to a law firm for investment. Keep in mind that Proskauer states they did no intellectual property work, trying to hide their conflict with the MPEGLA patent pool they now control,
and a pool that is in violation of Antitrust laws. Currently under federal investigation.
[11] Intel engineers exclaims video blows and internet will be destined to be a text based medium
[12] Opinion from Proskauer regarding Kenneth Rubenstein’s evaluation of the inventions.
[14] Letter from Michele M. Mulrooney regarding Eliot’s application for law school referral.
[15] United States Trademark 75/725,802 THE CLICK HEARD 'ROUND THE WORLD June 8, 1999 FILED July 27, 2004
Stay tuned for updates to the fun documents list.
[1] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2004%2030%20Bernstein%20response%20Florida%20Bar%20Wheeler%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[2] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003 04 30 Bernstein response Florida Bar Wheeler BOOKMARKED 1.pdf
[3] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2004%2030%20Lamont%20Response%20Florida%20Bar%20Wheeler%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[5] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2003%2020%20Labarga%20Order%20for%20Rubenstein%20Wheeler%20resume%20depositions.pdf
[6] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2013%20Officer%20and%20Director%20Questions%20-%20WHEELER%20FINAL.pdf
[7] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20Supreme%20Court%20NY%20ruling%20Joao%20and%20Rubenstein.pdf
[8] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20Supreme%20Court%20NY%20ruling%20Joao%20and%20Rubenstein.pdf
[9] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2007%2002%20Iviewit%20Rebuttal%20to%20Rubenstein%20Response%20Final%20ALL%20.pdf
[14] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/selz%20message%20on%20rubenstein%20and%20proskauer%20wheeler.asf
[15] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2009%2011%20Supreme%20Court%20NY%20ruling%20Joao%20and%20Rubenstein%20CERT.pdf
[17] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2005%2026%20Iviewit%20Rebuttal%20to%20Joao%20Response%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[18] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20new%20york%20first%20department%20orders%20investigation%20Krane%20Rubenstein%20Joao.pdf
[19] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20new%20york%20first%20department%20orders%20investigation%20Krane%20Rubenstein%20Joao.pdf
[20] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2007%2008%20RUBENSTEIN%20KRANE%20JOAO%20MOTION%20FINAL%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[21] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2026%20Letter%20to%20Cahill%20Response%20to%20Krane%202004%2005%2021%20lett.pdf
[22] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20new%20york%20first%20department%20orders%20investigation%20Krane%20Rubenstein%20Joao.pdf
[24] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2005%2026%20Letter%20to%20Cahill%20Response%20to%20Krane%202004%2005%2021%20lett.pdf
[25] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/anderson/20071028%20Anderson%20Original%20Filing.pdf
[26] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2007%2022%20TRIGGS%20BAR%20COMPLAINT%20-%20PROSKAUER%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[27] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2007%2022%20TRIGGS%20BAR%20COMPLAINT%20-%20PROSKAUER%20BOOKMARKED.pdf
[31] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2003%2012%20William%20Dick%20Virginia%20Bar%20Complaint%20Response%20BOOKM.pdf
[32] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2003%2012%20William%20Dick%20Virginia%20Bar%20Complaint%20Response%20BOOKM.pdf
[33] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2000%2009%2020%20Hersh%20to%20Arthur%20Andersen%20Erika%20Lewin%20miffed%20letter.pdf
[34] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/1999%2007%2023%20Wheeler%20Branden%20Opinion%20on%20technology%20Huizenga.pdf
[38] http://fpiarticle.blogspot.com/2005/09/bush-and-kerry-both-admit-to-being.html (this link has suddenly gone dead) but two links below in the second hour you will find the Bush/Kerry Skull Bones linkage and that they are cousins
[39] Some Conspiracy Theorist have claimed that Pope Ratzinger, the former Hitler Youth and Nazi in the Reich, had infiltrated the Church to bring it down according to Hitler’s plan. Part of the theory claims that Ratzinger has created HOMOMANCHURIAN
candidates, using skilled Pedophiles to destroy young children’s minds and then use them to set up Church members, slowly controlling or ridding the Church of honest priests. Yet, in the 1980’s, as Ratzinger’s plans were in full motion,, the
Pedophilic Priests, NOT GAY PRIESTS but CRIMINAL PEDOPHILIC PRIESTS, major differences between the two, were exposed.
The Conspiracy Theorists claim that once his Jiggy was exposed, Ratzinger and his band of HOMOMANCHURIAN VICTIMS OF PEDOPHILIC PRIESTS came to America in full force to set up politicians and anyone else who planned to bring charges against the
Pedophile Nazis. Set up in gay sex with young boys’ traps. If you were a Congressman or Investigator, who was going to bring charges against the church, they slipped you a GHB, put you in a hotel with a one or a host of young boys and in the morning showed
you pictures of you with a few dicks in your mouth or up your ass. You get my drift, in the morning they had your vote. This is how Ratzinger kept the PEDOPHILIAC PRIESTS from prosecution in America. To make sure the lid was kept on the scandal within
the Church, Ratzinger, it is said, murdered John Paul II to make sure he had top down control.
One more point, after the War, Ratzinger’s home became an American HQ for the smuggling of Nazi’s into America, using Jewish Concentration Camp Victims identities, what better cover for Nazi’s than Jews, many of them infiltrating Jewish Communities with the intent
to one day destroy Judaism as Hitler intended, many now Rabbis.
From the Ratz’s watered down Wiki, I quote,
“Following his 14th birthday in 1941, Ratzinger was conscripted into the Hitler Youth — as membership was required by law for all 14-year old German boys after December 1939[7] — but was an unenthusiastic member who refused to attend meetings.[8] His father was an enemy of Nazism, believing it conflicted with the Catholic faith. In 1941, one of Ratzinger's cousins, a 14-year-old boy with Down syndrome, was taken away by the Nazi regime and killed during the Aktion T4 campaign of Nazi eugenics.[9] [some say Ratzinger got promoted in Hitler’s regime by turning in his cousin for extermination and this was his leg up in Nazism] In 1943, while still in seminary, he was drafted into the German anti-aircraft corps as Luftwaffenhelfer.[8] Ratzinger then trained in the German infantry, but a subsequent illness precluded him from the usual rigours of military duty. As the Allied front drew closer to his post in 1945, he deserted back to his family's home in Traunstein after his unit had ceased to exist, just as American troops established their headquarters in the Ratzinger household. As a German soldier, he was put in a POW camp but was released a few months later at the end of the war in the summer of 1945. He reentered the seminary, along with his brother Georg, in November of that year.”
“Sexual abuse in the Catholic Church
See also: Catholic sex abuse cases
Prior to 2001, the primary responsibility for investigating allegations of sexual abuse and disciplining perpetrators rested with the individual dioceses. In 2001, Ratzinger convinced John Paul II to put the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith in charge of all investigations and policies surrounding sexual abuse.[112][113] In his role as Head of the CFD, he "led important changes made in church law: the inclusion in canon law of internet offences against children, the extension of child abuse offences to include the sexual abuse of all under 18, the case by case waiving of the statue of limitation and the establishment of a fast-track dismissal from the clerical state for offenders. He is not an idle observer. His actions speak as well as his words."[114] As the Head of the CDF, Ratzinger developed a reputation for handling these cases. According to Charles J. Scicluna, a former prosecutor handling sexual abuse cases, "Cardinal Ratzinger displayed great wisdom and firmness in handling those cases, also demonstrating great courage in facing some of the most difficult and thorny cases, sine acceptione personarum (without exceptions)".[115][116]
[40] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2000%2010%2009%20ARTHUR%20ANDERSEN%20LETTER%20REGARDING%20PROOF%20OF%20HOLDINGS%20OWNING%20TECH.pdf
[44] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2003%2007%2016%20Signed%20Letter%20of%20Understaning%20Iviewit%20&%20SB.pdf
[45] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2010%2008%20Flordia%20Supreme%20Court%20SC104%201078%20motion%20supp%20cert%20.pdf
[46] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2010%2015%20Florida%20Supreme%20Court%20Ruling%20on%20Motion%20for%20Protection.pdf
[50] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2005%2003%2001%20MOTION%20TO%20PROCEED%20SC04-1078%20final%20signed.pdf
[57] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Depositions%20BOOKMARKED%20SEARCHABLE%20with%20hyperlink%20comments.pdf
[62] Iron, out of the ground, melts at around 1510 degrees C (2750°F). Steel often melts at around 1370 degrees C (2500°F).
[64] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2008%2011%20new%20york%20first%20department%20orders%20investigation%20Krane%20Rubenstein%20Joao.pdf
[65] http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2004%2012%2015%20Letter%20to%20Thomas%20Cahill%20Re%20Krane%20Conflict.pdf
[66] CompanyDocs\2004 10 26 Kearse Krane Letter NY SUPREME COURT SECOND DEP….pdf
[67] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2005%2004%2009%20New%20York%20Supreme%20Second%20Dept%20Pelzer%20Letter%20Krane%20comments.pdf
[70] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/POLICE%20REPORT%20-%20STOLEN%20CASH%20TIEDEMANN%20PROLOW%20PROSKAUER.pdf
[71] http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Frenden%20Statement%20Regarding%20Stolen%20Money%20and%20Equipment.pdf
Friday , October 17, 2003
President Bush's grandfather was a director of a bank seized by the federal government because of its ties to a German industrialist who helped bankroll Adolf Hitler's rise to power, government documents show.
Prescott Bush (search) was one of seven directors of Union Banking Corp. (search), a New York investment bank owned by a bank controlled by the Thyssen family, according to recently declassified National Archives documents reviewed by The Associated Press.
Fritz Thyssen (search) was an early financial supporter of Hitler, whose Nazi party Thyssen believed was preferable to communism. The documents do not show any evidence Bush directly aided that effort. His position with Union Banking never was a political issue
for Bush, who was elected to the Senate from Connecticut in 1952.
Reports of Bush's involvement with the seized bank have been circulating on the Internet for years and have been reported by some mainstream media. The newly declassified documents provide additional details about the Union Banking-Thyssen connection.
Trent Duffy, a spokesman for President Bush, declined to comment.
Union Banking was owned by a Dutch bank, Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaardt N.V., which was "closely affiliated" with the German conglomerate United Steel Works, according to an Oct. 5, 1942, report from the federal Office of Alien Property Custodian. The Dutch
bank and the steel firm were part of the business and financial empire of Thyssen and his brother, Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, the report said.
The 4,000 Union Banking shares owned by the Dutch bank were registered in the names of the seven U.S. directors, according a document signed by Homer Jones, chief of the division of investigation and research of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, a
World War II-era agency that no longer exists.
E. Roland Harriman, the bank chairman and brother of former New York Gov. W. Averell Harriman (search), held 3,991 shares. Bush had one share.
Both Harrimans and Bush were partners in the New York investment firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman and Co., which handled the financial transactions of the bank as well as other financial dealings with several other companies linked to Bank voor Handel
that were confiscated by the U.S. government during World War II.
Union Banking was seized by the government in October 1942 under the Trading with the Enemy Act (search).
No charges were brought against Union Banking's American directors. The federal government was too busy trying to fight the war, said Donald Goldstein, a professor of public and international affairs at the University of Pittsburgh.
"We did not have the resources to do these things," Goldstein said.
Fritz Thyssen broke with the Nazis in 1938 over their persecution of Catholics and Jews, and fled to Switzerland. He later was arrested and spent 1941 to 1945 in a Nazi prison. His brother lived in Switzerland from 1932 to 1947 but continued to operate
businesses in Germany.
The new documents were first reported by freelance writer John Buchanan in The New Hampshire Gazette.
[ii] Building implosion
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
June 2006 demolition of the 12-story Tencza Apartment building in Arlington, Virginia. (See video) Building implosion is a term in use in the controlled demolition industry. It refers to strategically placing explosive material
and timing its detonation so that a structure collapses on itself in a matter of seconds minimizing the physical damage to its immediate surroundings.Building implosions (which reduces to seconds a process which could take months or years
to achieve by conventional methods) typically occurs in urban areas and often involves large landmark structures.
The term Building Implosion can be misleading to laymen. Although its name includes the word implosion, it is not an implosion phenomenon. Implosion occurs when the difference between internal to external pressure is such
that a structure collapses on itself. When external pressure on a structure is greater than its internal pressure, the structure implodes. The building implosion technique does not rely on the difference between internal and external pressure
to collapse the building, but simply on the effect of gravity. Numerous small explosions are used to catalyze the collapse, having been strategically planned within the structure and timed to occur in concert, often detonating within
milliseconds of one another. Days or even weeks of preparation frequently precede such an event.
Building implosion is part of the demolition industry history which itself depends directly on explosives history.
Earliest documented attempt to a "building implosion" demolition is the razing of Holy Trinity Cathedral in Waterford Ireland. This 1773 event involved 150 pounds of gunpowder, a low velocity explosive. Although it is not clear
to which extent this attempt was successful in lowering collateral damage, the demolition was a success
With the first skyscrapers being built and Dynamite, which is a high-velocity explosive, being made available in the 1900s, other considerations for the use of explosive demolition of building emerged: the safety of workers and
spectators and limiting collateral damage to surroundings. This is the starting point of experimental research that will eventually lead to building implosion technique being developed. Profiting from dynamite advantages and borrowing
from techniques used in rock-blasting such as delaying detonation and use of several smaller charges instead of a massive one, demolition moved towards more and more efficient building implosion results.
Soon after the end of World War II European military experts had gathered enough practical knowledge and experience in demolition to be able to bring down large structures in dense urban area with no harm to adjacent properties.
[2]The post-WW2 period saw the emerging of a demolition industry, which grew during the second half of the twentieth century to come to maturation, in the meantime research conducted to improve high explosives efficiency
[3] and non-electrical firing systems were developed. These combined to make this period of time an extensive use of the building implosion technique.
This evolution in mastering controlled demolition lead to the world record
[4] demolition of the Seattle Kingdome on March 26 2000
[5]In 1997, a building implosion in Canberra, Australia, went badly wrong. The main building did not fully disintegrate and had to be manually demolished. But far worse, the explosion was not contained on the site and large
pieces of debris were projected towards spectators situated 500 metres away, in a location that nobody considered unsafe or inappropriate. A twelve year old girl was killed instantly, and nine other people were injured. Large
fragments of masonry and metal were found 650 metres from the demolition site.
1. ^ The Irish Times reported that the structure "succumbed to a deafening boom, and was instantly reduced to rubble." quoted from "A History of Structural Demolition in America" by author Brent L. Blanchard
2. ^ A History of Structural Demolition in America" by author Brent L. Blanchard"
4. ^ Seattle Kingdome is the world's largest structure by volume to have been demolished by explosives.[1]
5. ^ details and video available on www.controlled-demolition.com website
6. ^ Madden (ACT Coroner), Shane G. (1999). General Chronology and Overview. The Bender Coronial Decision. ACT Magistrates Court and Tribunals (Coroner's Court). Retrieved on 2007-03-07.
Demolition Simulation Advanced structural analysis for predicting demolitions.
transcript of "A History of Structural Demolition in America" by author Brent L. Blanchard
How Building Implosions Work by Tom Harris on www.howstuffworks.com
Building Implosions Videos