Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC & FBI Complaint with Mary Schapiro & Others against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner
The SEC & DOJ notified of the alleged Major Shareholder Fraud by these leading blue chip companies & Shareholders need to be aware of the Iviewit Complaint and undisclosed massive liabilities.
Corp Management of Time Warner (NYSE: TWX),Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Silicon Graphics, Inc. (delisted NYSE: SGI) & successor Silicon Graphics International (NASDAQ: SGI), Sony Corporation (NYSE/ADR: SNE) , Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Ernst & Young Global Limited have known about the Trillion Dollar Iviewit Liabilities for years & allegedly have concealed the liabilities from Shareholders & in some instances reorganized to the detriment of Shareholders in alleged fraudulent transactions, which may lead to Shareholder Rescissory Rights & catastrophic damage to the companies as complained of to Fed Officials.
The SEC Complaint filed Feb 12, 2010, “Iviewit & Eliot I. Bernstein Official Formal Complaint…against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. & Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged Fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 & other SEC accounting violations & violations of State, Federal & Int’l Laws; Rescissory Rights of Shareholders; Evidence & Important Info for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Sir Robert Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon, Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen & more”
SEC Chair Mary Shapiro
SEC IG, H. David Kotz
IG OF THE US DOJ, Glenn Fine
US AG, Eric Holder
Treasury IG, David Gouvaia
SBA IG, Peggy Gustafson & Daniel O’Rourke
Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Dir of the USPTO, David Kappos
Deputy Under Sec of Commerce for Intellectual Property & Deputy Dir of the USPTO, Sharon Barner
US PRESIDENT, Hon President of the US, Barack H. Obama II
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Barry Meyer
Pres & COO: Alan Horn
EVP & CFO: Edward Romano
VP & Chief Patent Counsel: Wayne Smith
AOL, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Tim Armstrong
GC & EVP: Ira Parker
Counsel – Patent Lit, Prosecution & Licensing: Christopher Day
Exec Escalation Team: Jerry McKinley
Time Warner, Inc.
Chair & CEO: Jeffrey Bewkes
EVP & GC: Paul Cappuccio
Liabilities for the complained of companies centers on both knowing technology infringements & liabilities from failure to report the Fed RICO & ANTITRUST filed by Iviewit & now legally marked “RELATED” to the Whistleblower suit of Christine C. Anderson, a former staff attorney for the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division. Anderson gave riveting testimony of systemic corruption to the NY State Senate Judiciary & in sworn testimony in before Judge Shira Scheindlin of Whitewashing & Criminal Obstruction by Court Officials for “Favored Lawyers & Law Firms, the US Attorney in New York, the DA and Asst DA” or words to that effect. Anderson further fingered one of the “CLEANERS” of ATTORNEY MISCONDUCT COMPLAINTS at the NY Supreme Court as Naomi Goldstein.
A “CLEANER” at the ETHICS department of NY responsible for attorney regulation in Manhattan & the WallStreet financial district, perhaps the reason the country is suffering from a lack of attorney regulation in the heart of the financial district that has led to lax or complicit regulators and prosecutors and a worldwide economic meltdown.
Bernstein testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary of systemic corruption that has blocked due process & procedure via corrupt infiltration of the NY Courts @ http://www.iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=189
The House of Cards is Crumbling on Key Players in the Iviewit Scandal as the NY Corruption Scandal Elevates to Senior NY Political Figures including Cuomo & members of the NY Supreme Court & US Fed Courts in NY.
Proskauer Rose
Proskauer, mastermind of the bungled attempt to steal the Iviewit patents through Fraud on the US Patent Office & further bungled attempts to cover up the crimes in the NY Courts is under further scrutiny with Proskauer’s direct involvement in the Stanford Financial Ponzi & subsequent resignation of partner Thomas Sjoblom, a former SEC enforcement officer, allegedly found coaching Stanford employees on how to lie to SEC & FBI investigators at a Miami Airport Hanger preceding the arrest of Stanford & his employees. Proskauer also sued in a Class Action suit for the entire 7 billion dollar Stanford losses & sued by an arrested Stanford employee. Proskauer has further direct ties to both the Madoff & Dreier Ponzis.
NY Attorney General Cuomo
Following the illegal representation by the NY AG in the Iviewit RICO & ANTITRUST suit & Anderson’s Whistleblower suit under Spitzer as NY AG, the Cuomo Admin continues to represent illegally State Defendants in both cases left over by Spitzer (a named Defendant in the RICO and Antitrust). As the Iviewit & Anderson claims are further investigated & litigated these present the largest liability to Cuomo’s run for any office as the largest scandal brewing in NY begins to unravel with his offices dead center.
With Anderson’s revelations in the US District Court & the Jury finding that her 1st Amendment Rights to Free Speech regarding Whistleblower Allegations had been violated, the whole case has been called into question & further questioned due to the ILLEGAL REPRESENTATION of the NY AG Cuomo’s office. Based on Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Officials, Anderson filed for an entirely new hearing based on the Cuomo’s mass conflicts. Iviewit alleges that NY AG Cuomo’s illegal representation of State Defendants, Officially & Personally, violates his office duties & obligations of honest services to NY, public office rules and violates state & federal laws, whereby the Conflicts of Interest act to block investigation of the State Defendants fingered by Whistleblower Anderson &in Iviewit’s suit, causing Obstruction of Justice through Fraud on the Court. Serious allegations for Cuomo who continues to illegally represent State Officials on public funds, while failing to investigate those same public officials, including former NY Chief Judge Judith Kaye. Also of concern is if these massive liabilities have been reported to State Auditors by Cuomo?
The US 2nd Circuit
In the US Second Circuit, Iviewit filed a “Motion to Compel” compelling that court to follow law, as with Anderson’s revelations exposing court members, that court has tried to ILLEGALLY Dismiss all the legally “related” cases to Anderson in attempts to bury them & keep the lids on the scandal that may lead them to exchange their legal robes for prison garb.
Iviewit & Eliot I. Bernstein Official Formal Complaint sent by Official SEC Email and Official Email Addresses to Other Investigatory Agencies and Committees addressed herein, Against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. and Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 and other SEC, accounting violations and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws; Rescissory rights of Shareholders; Evidence and Important Information for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Sir Robert Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon, Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen and more.
Surf with Vision
Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the US Patent Office, David Kappos @ david.kappos@USPTO.gov
Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the USPTO, Sharon Barner@ Sharon.Barner@USPTO.gov
UNITED STATES OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, The Honorable President of the United States Barack Obama @ Facsimile +1 (202) 456-2461
This FORMAL OFFICIAL COMPLAINT is filed with the Official SEC Complaint Intake Email Address:enforcement@sec.gov & CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.govand also filed with all investigators or committees the letter is addressed to, please make this Formal Complaint a part of all ongoing investigations or committees’ records regarding Iviewit companies and Eliot I, Bernstein, Inventor.
Re:Official Formal Complaint sent by Official SEC Email and Official Email Addresses to Other Investigatory Agencies and Committees addressed herein, Against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. and Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 and other SEC, accounting violations and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws; Rescissory rights of Shareholders; Evidence and Important Information for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen, and more.
Complaint filed against, including but not limited to;
Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc.
Chairman and CEO: Barry M. Meyer; Pres+ident and COO: Alan F. Horn; EVP and CFO: Edward A. Romano; Vice President and Chief Patent Counsel: Wayne M. Smith
AOL, Inc.
Chairman and CEO: Tim Armstrong; General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Corporate Development: Ira Parker; Assistant General Counsel – Patent Litigation, Prosecution, and Licensing: Christopher Day; Executive Escalation Team: Jerry McKinley
Time Warner, Inc.
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: Jeffrey L. Bewkes; Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Time Warner Inc.: Paul T. Cappuccio
* For a more complete list of complained of parties herein from these companies, see Exhibit 1.
Conflict of interest disclosure form – please read and accept prior to further handling of this complaint. The form is listed as exhibit 2.
I, Eliot Bernstein, of 2753 NW 34th Street, Boca Raton, Florida 33434, as one of the Original Owners and Inventors of revolutionary “backbone technologies” that transformed digital video and imaging, am filing this FORMAL COMPLAINT with the SEC and all agencies and committees addressed herein, against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Inc. and Time Warner Cable, whereby these companies and all of their subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors, agents and employees collectively are referred to herein as (“Warner Bros et al.”). Please note that these companies previously were under the same corporate structure during most, if not all, of the critically relevant times to this complaint. This timeframe includes both the original merger of Warner Bros et al. to the recent breakup of Warner Bros et al. and the allegations levied herein may have directly, and illegally, influenced those transactions to the detriment of Shareholders. Future detrimental effects on Shareholders, if failure to investigate these matters is not instant, may result in causing further massive losses to Shareholders of these highly traded New York Stock Exchange companies. The losses could be thousands of times greater than the Ponzi Schemes of Stanford, Madoff and Dreier combined and those schemes evidenced herein have ties to the alleged crimes described herein.
For your convenience, I have attached the following link to a Press Statement issued about the Merger of Warner Bros et al. back in 2000.
In addition, I make a special note concerning the urgency and Time Sensitive nature of these matters predicated upon various factors, including but not limited to, the recent corporate split of AOL Inc. and Time Warner, Inc., which itself should be fully and completely investigated by the SEC as part of this complaint with direct correlation to the matters herein, for all of the reasons set forth herein. The Investigation should, include but not be limited to, all original stock and securities related transactions in the original Warner Bros et al. merger and all transactions forward. All of these transactions dating back to 1998 may have been influenced by the alleged fraud and involvement in criminal activity described herein.
Leading Industry Experts working inside Warner Bros et al. (See attached Exhibit 1 – List of Warner Bros et al. contacts) and related companies, tested, used, viewed, approved, validated, Contracted and Licensed
my technologies under multiple Non Disclosures and other Licensing Agreements. Attached hereto are various Internal communications within Warner Bros et al. documenting the relationship and admitted uses, including an ADMISSION by technologists within the organization, that my Technologies were being infringed upon AFTER NDA’s had been executed. These agreements then resulted in a Signed and Executed Licensing Agreement at that time as illustrated and exhibited herein. Warner Bros et al. and others complained of herein may be perpetrating Massive Fraud on their Shareholders through concealment of these Massive Liabilities resulting from the theft and unauthorized uses of my technologies over almost a decade.
The technologies have revolutionized digital imaging and video hardware and software and instantly heralded by leading experts in 1998 as the “Holy Grail” of the Internet that allows quality video and imaging as now used worldwide by almost every user of a PC. But broader than merely the Internet the technologies are used on virtually every camera, video camera, television, medical imaging device, telescope, microscope, satellite, DVD, graphics chip, gaming hardware and software, flight and space simulators, etc. and paved the way for new markets entirely, such as cell phone video and Voice Over Internet Protocol (“VOIP”).
Then it was discovered that our Intellectual Property Attorneys from Proskauer Rose LLP (“Proskauer”), Foley & Lardner LLP (“Foley”) and Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe & Schlissel LLP (“Meltzer”) with the help of early licensors of my technologies, including Intel Corporation (“Intel”), Lockheed Martin (“Lockheed”), Silicon Graphics Inc. (“SGI” ), Warner Bros., AOL, IBM and more, tried to grab the “Grail”. When caught, as evidenced herein, these powerful law firms and blue chip companies resorted to terrorist styled attacks on the key inventor, including a Car Bombing and Death threats.
As I have attempted to pursue my rights and report their crimes, they have further resorted to a litany of cover up crimes in the courts and at regulatory agencies and again they were caught violating law and public offices over the last nine years in efforts to stave off prosecution for their crimes. All of these offenses are subject to multiple ongoing State, Federal and International investigations and a Twelve 12 Twelve, 12 Trillion Dollar Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit.
. The Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit has been marked legally “RELATED” to a Federal Whistleblower Lawsuit of a New York Supreme Court Staff Attorney, discussed herein in under the section Titled “Discussion of Ongoing Lawsuits and Related Cases to Federal Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson” . Sony, Intel, Lockheed, IBM, Silicon Graphics and others are also complained of herein and all authorities this complaint is addressed too should investigate all those Defendants in my Amended Complaint exhibited herein, many for similar and identical crimes.
Time Sensitive Urgency to this Complaint; POTENTIAL Catastrophic Effects to the Shareholders of Warner Bros et al.; Fraud could Trigger Rescissory Shareholder Rights
To further establish the urgency and Time Sensitive nature of this FORMAL COMPLAINT, please note that the criminal fraud and other crimes described herein will likely trigger Rescissory Rights of Shareholders at all of the respective and related companies of Warner Bros et al., which likely will have Catastrophic impact on both the companies and its Shareholders. Therefore, the SEC must instantly investigate these matters and instantly bring the matters to the attention of the Warner Bros et al. Shareholders, Auditors, Financial Institutions and all other parties with potential liabilities resulting from the allegations herein and whereby if the companies and their Executives fail to notify Shareholders and Regulators, the SEC must act quickly to notify them. The SEC must begin immediate investigation of the Securities Frauds described herein and prevent ongoing and future fraudulent corporate transactions from further harming Shareholders of Warner Bros et al.
Further, I point out to the SEC herein what looks like a recent pattern of Shareholder Fraud and Deceit done with Scienter, beginning on or about March 2009, by Officers, Directors, Counsel and Auditors for Warner Bros et al., which are alleged to have been done in order to commit further fraud upon the Warner Bros et al. Shareholders. That these recent corporate restructurings may be the result of Key Executives of Warner Bros et al. attempting to abscond with corporate assets through a series of recent complex corporate breakups. The breakups began immediately after I contacted Warner Bros. in March 2009 with my business consultant Kevin Hall, Esq. (“Hall”), regarding massive unreported liabilities to their Shareholders
A similar alleged corporate restructuring through the Bankruptcy court was done by SGI several days after notice of liabilities almost identical to those described herein and is discussed in more detail in the section titled “IVIEWIT SEC COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST INTEL, LOCKHEED MARTIN AND SGI”
Liabilities resulting from Warner Bros et. al’s involvement in my Twelve Count Twelve Trillion Dollar Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and additional liabilities resulting from the knowing infringement of my Intellectual Properties and for their failure to report these liabilities under FASB No.5 and other laws.
This Formal Complaint for Investigation of Warner Bros et al. on this day, Friday, February 12, 2010comes after Hall and I made repeated Good Faith attempts since March 2009 to address the Business and Corporate Responsibility issues with Executives, Officers, Board Members and Auditors at the respective companies. Warner Bros et al. was contacted in order to find possible solutions to avoid catastrophic events from occurring to their Shareholders, if possible, prior to further actions with investigators, including the SEC.
The following timeline of events will establish the correlations between the allegations of fraud described herein, in relation to the timing of the corporate restructurings of Warner Bros et al. Correlations in time with both the 2001 merger and now in the 2009 breakup with the frauds described herein, will provide the SEC a basis, mired in factual evidence, to begin immediate investigation of this complaint for massive securities fraud, in order to protect Shareholders from further possible related losses in these highly traded blue chip stocks.
The following Timelines are presented to give a factual timeline to the allegations herein, the exhibits are linked online and all Uniform Resource Locators (“URL”) and Exhibited Links throughout this document are hereby incorporated, in entirety by reference herein, including over 1000 evidentiary links on the homepage at www.iviewit.tv with exhibits that contain thousands of pages of factual evidence.
All Agencies addressed herein, should print all exhibits referenced herein, as the Whistleblower case of Anderson points to Official Document Destruction and Tampering of Evidence.
The timeline will also reveal facts regarding the relationships between many of the Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and Warner Bros et al., including relations to the main perpetrator of the alleged crimes, the law firm Proskauer Rose.
*Note Warner Bros et al. relevant mergers, acquisitions and breakups to these matters in the timeline below are in bold italics.
1998-2002 Relevant Communications Between Iviewit and Warner Bros et al.
1998-2001 Inventions in Imaging and Video Discovered and Intellectual Property Filings begin in 1998. Proskauer Rose was retained Intellectual Property counsel for Iviewit for filing of Intellectual Properties.
2000-2002Warner Bros et al. signs multiple Iviewit Non Disclosure Agreements.
February 08, 2001 ~ Letter from David J. Colter (“Colter”) ~ Vice President Technology – Technological Operations Warner Bros. to Founder of AOL, Ted Leonsis (“Leonsis”), regarding the efficacy of the Iviewit technologies.
oIt is imperative for the SEC to note that after the Signed Licensing and Service Agreement, Iviewit opened a California Office inside a Warner Bros. building, in order to take over encoding operations for their online content, and more. Iviewit began billing according to the Licensing and Service agreement. Please note the language in the Licensing and Service agreement pertaining to the Proprietary nature and Confidentiality of the Iviewit inventions.
Suddenly, after the agreements were signed and operations were underway, Wayne M. Smith ~ Vice President and Chief Patent Counsel at Warner Bros. began seeking a re-review of Proskauer Partner Kenneth Rubenstein’s (“Rubenstein”) prior patent opinions regarding the Iviewit inventions to Warner Bros. employees. Smith then claimed to Colter that he found problems while reviewing Rubenstein’s opinion with the patents on file at the US Patent Office.
It should be noted here that the US Patent Office upon reviewing the patents found enough evidence of FRAUD UPON THE UNITED STATES PATENT & TRADEMARK OFFICE to OFFICIALLY SUSPEND THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES FILED BY PROSKAUER, FOLEY AND MELTZER, while INVESTIGATIONS of the LAWYERS involved is ONGOING, including Proskauer, Foley, Meltzer, Rubenstein and Joao, as further described and exhibited later herein.
At this point, allegedly, a coordinated conspiratorial effort between Smith, Rubenstein and others began to derail the already signed Iviewit agreements with Warner Bros et al.
Allegedly, former “Acting CEO” of Iviewit, P. Stephen Lamont, (a referral emanating from AOL’s Leonsis) Smith and Rubenstein then worked to derail the Licensing and Service Agreement. Warner Bros. then further attempted to deny the existence of this BINDING CONTRACTUAL OBLIGATION as further evidenced in letters exhibited herein, whereby the Signed and Binding agreement is wholly denied. The amount owed in service fees since the signing of the contracts would be an enormous amount over the almost 10 years of use and where Warner Bros et al. have never notified Iviewit they were cancelling such contract, it may still be considered effective. Yet, it would difficult to cancel what one tries to deny the existence of and perhaps the reason no cancellation was formally completed.
oThe emails forward from this point in the timeline begin to attempt to hide from the fact that Licensing and Service Agreements were already in place while also hiding these facts and liabilities from Shareholders and Auditors. The alleged fraud may again have catastrophic effect on these highly traded stocks, reaching back to this point in time and possibly further back.
oThe SEC should also begin FORMAL INVESTIGATION of Sony’s involvement in these matters. Similar calls to those described herein to Warner Bros et al. for sound business discussions to attempt to alleviate shareholder liabilities have gone wholly ignored by Sony’s In House Counsel, Executives and Auditors. I will be filing a more formal complaint shortly with the SEC but this should not delay immediate investigation by the SEC, in order to preclude Massive Liabilities to Shareholders of Sony. The SEC and all other investigators and committees addressed herein, can take this Formal Complaint additionally as a FORMAL COMPLAINT AGAINST SONY.
December 20, 2001 ~ Lamont letter to Rubenstein regarding Smith and Rubenstein and the refusal of Rubenstein to RE-OPINE to Smith due to what he claims is a “CONFLICT”, which led further to the breakdown of relations between Iviewit and Warner Bros et al. Lamont later affirmed to Shareholders in a written communication that Microsoft had planted him in the Iviewit companies. Later Lamont changed that story to AOL and Leonsis’ niece had planted him in Iviewit through AOL Founder Leonsis’ best friend Chuck Brunelas (“Brunelas”). Brunelas recruited under contract Lamont to the Iviewit companies on behalf of Leonsis. Lamont’s revelations of being a plant at the company, which came after he was hired, led to the termination of Lamont at that time.
oBased on new information since that time, it is alleged that Rubenstein, Lamont, Leonsis and Smith operated together to sabotage Iviewit/Warner Bros et al. relations and others, purposefully to breach the prior signed licensing agreements and avoid paying the royalties owed to the Iviewit companies, using the old “good guy / bad guy” routine.
oThe SEC should note here that Hall and I recently reported Lamont to Federal and State authorities for alleged collusion in the RICO and ANTITRUST activities claimed in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit, including ongoing criminal activities.
Also learned since that time, is that P. Stephen Lamont may have had prior fraudulent securities related problems at his former employer Digital Factory, not disclosed in his resume submitted by Brunelas.
Further, Lamont continues to represent himself and Iviewit Shareholders as the Iviewit CEO, when he is fully aware of his termination from employment and that he has no authorization from the Board of Directors, Management or Shareholders to represent their security interests in Iviewit companies, this securities fraud also should be subject for investigation by the SEC.
oLamont claims to be CEO of Iviewit Technologies, Inc. in multiple correspondences and Federal court papers with an address at 175 King Street, Armonk, N.Y. 10504. To the best of my knowledge, no Iviewit office is authorized or incorporated at this address or in the state of New York. The office is directly across the street from Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit IBM’s world headquarters.
oThe SEC should note here that Lamont’s initial resume submitted by Iviewit contracted employment recruiter, Brunelas, is materially different and contradicts what Lamont himself recently claims regarding his past on the Iviewit Homepage, in multiple court filings and other letters to Iviewit shareholders.
Columbia University School of Law ~ J. D. in Commercial and Regulatory Law – May 1992
Columbia University Graduate School of Business ~ M.B.A. in Finance and Accounting – May 1981
State University of New York at Cortland ~ B.A. in Economics – June 1978
2009 Iviewit Homepage Statement written by P. Stephen Lamont claims:
“By way of introduction, I am P. Stephen Lamont, former Acting CEO of Iviewit (counsel advised all Iviewit executives to resign their posts and work along side Iviewit rather than within Iviewit, as the former Board of Directors, Counsel and Accountants, disbanded without requisite notice to Shareholders in violation of law, thereby leaving massive liability and exposure) and a significant shareholder in Iviewit. With more than a fifteen year track record as a multimedia technology and consumer electronics licensing executive and holder of a J.D. in Intellectual Property Law from Columbia University, an M.B.A in Finance, and a B.S. in Industrial Engineering” Source www.iviewit.tv homepage.
Whereby Lamont’s legal and other degrees claimed are wholly different and therefore false in one or both of his background accounts as they are materially different, again causation for further investigation of Lamont by the SEC and other investigators this letter has been copied or addressed to.
Further, you will note that Lamont refers to himself as “former Acting CEO of Iviewit” and claims counsel advised him to resign any official role due to the potential for charges of fraud, and I advised Lamont to follow counsels’ advice and personally, I did not accept any official roles on counsels’ advice. Yet, even in recent court documents and other illegally signed documents executed by Lamont to major Blue Chip companies, including Microsoft, Lamont now represents himself as CEO of Iviewit opposite of counsels’ advice, at an address that is not registered to any company Lamont claims to be employed as CEO by.
Lamont further now claims such executive role in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit, claiming he is CEO of Iviewit, when no Board has ever put him in that position and when he is fully cognizant that he has no authority legally to represent Iviewit Shareholders. Lamont even attempts to represent Iviewit Shareholders and Companies currently in Federal Court, while not having ever passed the bar to practice law and therefore precluding him from representing others in court. Again, cause for further investigation of Lamont.
The SEC should note here that while the document claims service on February 09, 2008, it appears executed February 09, 2009. Whereby the SEC should also note that Lamont does not represent himself individually in the Lawsuit but instead only acts on behalf of Iviewit Shareholders, of which he has no authorization from Iviewit Shareholders or any Iviewit Board of Directors to act on their behalf.
Finally, at the company Digital Factory that Lamont lists as one of his former employers, in his resume previously exhibited herein, one of the company employees later disclosed that Lamont had been in stock trouble for securities fraud with the board of that company, of course Lamont’s resume failed to disclose this material fact.
January 07, 2002 ~ Letters by Lamont regarding his meeting with Rubenstein regarding Warner Bros et al. Rubenstein presented the exhibited document in draft form at his deposition, read it at the deposition and then dodged questions regarding why his name is referenced in relation to opinions he gave to Warner Bros et al. after denying he knew anything about Iviewit or the patents. The letter wholly contradicts his prior denial of knowing of the Iviewit inventions or Eliot Bernstein, contradicting his sworn deposition statements and sworn letters to Judge Jorge Labarga, constituting multiple instances of perjury and more.
Pages 1-100, the exhibits attached to the deposition of Rubenstein show Rubenstein’s denials to the court of knowledge of Iviewit and even claiming he was being harassed, as he knew nothing, which in deposition his statements become clear as wholly perjurious.
February 17, 2002 – Eliot Bernstein letter to Brunelas regarding Smith’s sudden request to have Rubenstein of Proskauer speak to him to re-opine on his former statements, already exhibited herein, regarding the efficacy and novelty of the patents. Rubenstein was acting Patent Counsel to Iviewit as indicated in the exhibited Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum that Proskauer billed to author and distribute to Iviewit potential investors. The links below provide information on Rubenstein’s position as an Iviewit Board member and Iviewit Patent Counsel despite his statements to the contrary. At the time Smith requested to speak with Rubenstein to restate his opinions, Iviewit already terminated Proskauer and Rubenstein and investigations were already underway regarding the patent thefts and more.
Page 4 – “Company has retained Foley & Lardner to shepherd its patent development and procurement. In addition, the Company has retained Kenneth Rubenstein of Proskauer Rose, LLP to oversee its entire patent portfolio – Mr. Rubenstein is the head of the MPEG-2 patent pool.
Page 16 – “Strong and Experienced Board of Directors and Advisory Board.” iviewit’s Board of Directors and Advisors consist of several well-established individuals from the technology, entertainment, and financial community. Directors have extensive backgrounds with top-tier firms such as Goldman Sachs, Kidder Peabody, and McKinsey & Co. Crossbow Ventures has provided $3.0 million in funding and sits on the Board. Technology and entertainment guidance comes from a partner at Armstrong Hirsch Jackoway & Wertheimer and from Kenneth Rubenstein, the head of the MPEG-2 patent pool.
Additionally on Page 16 – “The Company has retained Foley & Lardner to shepherd its patent development and procurement. In addition, the Company has retained Kenneth Rubenstein of Proskauer Rose, LLP to oversee its entire patent portfolio. The Company’s strategy is to establish market precedence through licensing of trade secrets and know-how.
Page 38 – ADVISORY BOARD SECTION “Kenneth Rubenstein Partner, Proskauer Rose LLP. Mr. Rubenstein is a partner at Proskauer Rose LLP law firm and is the patent attorney for iviewit. He is a registered patent attorney before the US. Patent & Trademark Office. Mr. Rubenstein counsels his clients with respect to the validity and infringement of competitors’ patents, as well as prosecutes patent applications. For the past several years he has worked on the formation of a patent pool, for MPEG-2 technology, involving large consumer electronics and entertainment companies. He is also a former member of the legal staff at Bell Laboratories. Mr. Rubenstein received his law degree, cum laude, from New York Law School and his Ph.D. in physics from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology where he also graduated with a B.S. Degree.
oThe SEC should note here that Rubenstein’s attempt to claim he never heard of Iviewit, including at his deposition, allegedly is due to the massive conflicts of interest that Rubenstein had. If Rubenstein were patent counsel to Iviewit and simultaneously counsel to Warner Bros et al. when he originally opined to Colter, without conflict waivers or disclosure, this obviously would have violated attorney conduct codes and law. Additionally, a false statement in a Private Placement Memorandum violates securities laws.
Additionally, Rubenstein is conflicted with Iviewit his client and the patent pooling scheme and artifice to fraud inventors he has created, MPEGLA LLC, where again he acted as counsel and founder of MPEGLA LLC while also patent counsel to Iviewit, no conflict waivers were gained to protect Iviewit. The conflict here is again obvious where the Iviewit technologies were the single greatest threat to his pools as Iviewit has the dominant technology, which without, the MPEG license would be worthless. The SEC should note that Rubenstein initially misrepresented himself and Joao as Proskauer Partners to Iviewit, when prior to learning of my inventions they were both with Meltzer. Rubenstein is counsel and sole patent evaluator for MPEGLA LLC now one of the largest infringers of the Iviewit technologies, licensing Warner Bros et al. and thousands of others.
Proskauer, after learning of my technologies value, estimated at a trillion dollars to “priceless” by leading engineers at Real 3D, Inc. and without a patent department at the time in 1998, then rushed to acquire Rubenstein and his Meltzer patent group and control and monetization of the MPEGLA LLC pools. When the acquisition was complete, Proskauer, my former patent counsel, directly began inuring benefits from the stolen technologies via their new client MPEGLA LLC in their new Intellectual Property department created after learning of my inventions now headed by Rubenstein and other Meltzer partners.
MPEGLA has now tied and bundled my inventions to their pools licensing schemes, converting the royalties from the technologies from Iviewit and through other anticompetitive tactics have kept Iviewit from market in classic RICO and ANTITRUST violations, including violations of Sherman and Clayton, as further defined in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit exhibited already herein.
oThe SEC should note here that Warner Bros et al. and many of those involved directly in these matters are also involved in DVD patent pooling schemes, including but not limited to, DVD6C Patent Pool.
http://www.dvd6cla.com/offer_080904_New.html “On behalf of the DVD6C Licensing Group (DVD6C), we are pleased to offer your company a portfolio license that covers essential patents for certain DVD formats and +R/+RW Disc formats. The members of DVD6C — Hitachi Ltd., Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd (Panasonic), Mitsubishi Electric Corporation, Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd., Sanyo Electric Co., Ltd., Sharp Corporation, Toshiba Corporation, Victor Company of Japan, Ltd. (JVC) and Warner Bros. Home Entertainment Inc. — collectively own hundreds of essential patents for these DVD formats and +R/+RW Disc formats.”
oWhereby, similar to MPEGLA LLC’s illegal use of my technologies, DVD6C has similarly tied and bundled my technologies to their pools licenses, excluding me from royalties and then inuring royalties from others from my technologies directly from their membership position in the pool.
oThe SEC should note that the only Meltzer Intellectual Property attorney not to transfer to Proskauer at the time of acquisition was a one Raymond Joao, who initially with Rubenstein was represented as a Proskauer partner and who took initial patent disclosures with Rubenstein. In 1999-2000, based on early evidence surfacing, Joao allegedly was putting patents into his own name while sabotaging the Iviewit patents. Upon leaving Iviewit, Joao claimed publically that he had 90+ patents in his name and then went to work for Marc S. Dreier, recently prosecuted and convicted by the SEC for an alleged Ponzi scheme, as further evidenced and discussed later herein.
oPlease note that the correspondence exhibited above refers to a notification issued to Warner Bros. at that time, which provided Warner Bros et al. further notice at that time that Cease and Desist letters and threatened litigation would be forthcoming regarding the technology infringements. Warner Bros et al. already was given notice of Breach of Contracts regarding the Intellectual Properties in prior communiqués exhibited and these letters certainly cite specific liabilities Warner was aware of going forward.
Liabilities exist for Warner Bros et al. for their involvement in the alleged criminal RICO and ANTITRUST activities initially discovered from information partially uncovered by Warner Bros et al. in 2001, as they were on the verge of investing $25 Million Dollars of capital to my companies. When doing their due diligence on a $12 Million Dollar Private Placement with Wachovia Securities, corporate and intellectual property frauds were uncovered, including discoveries by Smith regarding the Proskauer/Rubenstein/Joao filed patents and Calkins discovered initial evidence of corporate and bankruptcy frauds. At that time, Warner Bros et al. counsel, including Smith, employees and personnel became aware of frauds relating to both the patents filed with the US Patent Office and additional corporate fraud, additional information regarding similar corporate frauds was also being unearthed at that time in an audit being conducted by Arthur Andersen (“Andersen”) which will be discussed further herein. This information of what Smith and Calkin’s had discovered was relayed to Iviewit by Colter on behalf of both Smith and Calkins as rational for not going forward on the Private Placement investment.
Colter relayed that Warner Bros et al. uncovered fraud, including fraudulent statements made by Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner, former Iviewit counsel, regarding statements made in the Wachovia Private Placement whereby the bankruptcy and lawsuits were not disclosed that were later discovered. The Private Placement Memorandum completed by, billed for and circulated to potential Iviewit investors, including Warner Bros et al., by Proskauer. The Fraudulent statements by counsel and others contained in the Wachovia Private Placement, distributed for capital investment is cause for further SEC investigations of these criminal and SEC violations. Further questions arise as to Wachovia’s actions once they too were aware of the Fraud.
Per Colter, Warner Bros et al. and Smith uncovered Intellectual Property Frauds involving fraudulent oaths to the US Patent Office and Worldwide Patent Authorities, which has in part led to suspension of my Intellectual Properties by the US Patent Commissioner pending investigations by the US Patent Office and the Federal Bureau of Investigation. This series of events led to further uncovering Patent Fraud by my former counsel Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer and others that are subject to several state, federal and international ongoing investigations and legal actions.
Investigations now include one by Harry I. Moatz (“Moatz”), Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office – Office of Enrollment and Discipline (“OED”), charged with oversight of the Federal Patent Bar and patent attorney criminal issues. Moatz confirmed that W. Palm Beach FBI Special Agent, Stephen Lucchesi had joined his investigation of FRAUD ON THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE allegedly committed by attorneys registered with the Federal Patent Bar.
Moatz also directed me to file claims of Fraud on the USPTO with the Commissioner of the US Patent Office that resulted in the exhibited herein patent suspensions. Moatz assembled a team of Patent Office Officials to aid me in getting the Intellectual Properties ready for suspension while investigations proceeded, as he removed all prior counsel from access to the IP. Amazingly, the patent office initial information which led to suspension proved that materially false information on the patents was not only given to the US Patent Office but that similar false information was given by Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer to Wachovia Securities for inclusion into the Private Placement Memorandum.
Per Colter, Calkin’s had found fraud involving a fraudulent billing lawsuit against the Iviewit companies by counsel Proskauer. Prior to Calkin’s information Iviewit corporate officers, directors and management did not know about such lawsuit, except those now charged with the RICO and ANTITRUST crimes and therefore it was not disclosed by Proskauer or Iviewit Accountants to Wachovia Securities for their due diligence and therefore not reflected in the Private Placement, further false statements in a securities document. At the time, I retained independent counsel, Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire to investigate the corporate and patent fraud allegations and it was confirmed that there was a bankruptcy filing and lawsuit that were not disclosed to Wachovia or Iviewit’s Board and Management that were not part of the conspiratorial efforts.
It was later learned that the companies sued by Proskauer were companies fraudulently set up by former counsel Proskauer and had stolen Intellectual Properties in them, this was learned from information discovered directly from the US Patent Office OED Investigations. Whereby, Arthur Andersen on or about this time, while auditing the Iviewit companies for the largest investor Crossbow Ventures of West Palm Beach Florida, whose investment funds were two-thirds SBA SBIC funds, found identical and similarly named companies to the Iviewit companies. The Fraud involving the stolen Small Business Administration Funds is under ongoing investigation with the SBA Inspector General’s office, the SEC through actions involving the Boca Raton Police Department (“Boca PD”) to be discussed in detail herein and other investigators.
Per Colter, Smith discovered Fraud involving Kenneth Rubenstein, a Proskauer Rose law firm partner and sole patent evaluator for one of the largest infringers and criminal suspects in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and this was the supposed reason he want Rubenstein to re-opine. The SEC should note here that in addition to the US Patent Office OED investigation of Rubenstein, Rubenstein also is under investigation with other attorneys, including Joao, all ordered for investigation by unanimous consent of Five Justices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department.
Investigations ordered for “Conflicts of Interest and the Appearance of Impropriety” when a Proskauer partner, Steven C. Krane, violated public office rules at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department – Departmental Disciplinary Committee. Krane caught handling Iviewit/Proskauer complaints, in order to block the complaints against his partner Rubenstein and his firm Proskauer, concealing the massive conflict he had as an Officer of the First Department Disciplinary Committee and other conflicts from other ethical public office positions he maintains in New York, while remaining a Proskauer partner.
After discovery of the alleged Intellectual Property fraudulent filings, Iviewit learned later that Smith, IP counsel for Warner Bros., was now working with Rubenstein who was Iviewit’s former IP counsel, MPEGLA counsel and Warner Bros. counsel. Whereby, upon Smith’s request for Rubenstein to re-opine, Rubenstein claimed he was conflicted with Warner Bros. et al. and Iviewit and therefore could not opine, including even to reiterate his prior opinion, as already evidenced herein. Whereby Warner Bros. et al. then breached their contracts and began illegally using and licensing the technologies to others in violation of the Binding Signed Agreements. The DVD6C, MPEGLA LLC and other patent pooling schemes, where Warner Bros. and Proskauer are major participants, for example in the DVD6C pool which are managed and monetized by Warner Bros., Proskauer and Rubenstein. The pooling schemes are alleged to be merely artifices to STEAL INVENTIONS FROM INVENTORS in violation of multiple Antitrust laws and have illegally precluded me from market in classic RICO and ANTITRUST activities, including death threats and a car bomb.
“On Oct. 20, 2009, One-Blue, LLC issued a call for patents with their essentiality to BD products sold in the United States to be evaluated by Proskauer, Rose LLP (an international law firm that performs similar determinations for MPEG LA, DVD6C and 4C). An initial meeting of essential patent holders is planned for Nov. 6, 2009 in Japan. However, it is far from clear how successful this effort will be with respect to its ultimate participants as well as the scope and terms of any possibly consensual programs.”
“Seeking to avoid the complexities of DVD’s multi-agent system (DVD6C, 4C, 3C, 1C, etc.), MPEG LA began working in 2005 with BD’s multiple stakeholders to establish itself a one-stop essential Blu-ray patent licensing authority. Those who participated in this effort included: CyberLink, Dell, Disney, Hewlett-Packard, Hitachi, Philips Electronics, LG Electronics, Mitsubishi, Panasonic, Pioneer, Samsung, Sanyo, Sharp, Sonic Solutions, Sony, TDK, Victor Company of Japan (JVC) and Warner Home Video.”
The Patent Pooling Schemes that Warner Bros. is directly involved in and inuring benefit from are also using the technologies in violation of Signed and Binding Contracts and Licensing Agreements, admittedly. Yet, since that time Warner Bros. have also excluded Iviewit from market tying and bundling the technologies in their licensing schemes, again in classic RICO and ANTITRUST activities and not only failed to pay Iviewit royalties but have failed to account for the 10 years of knowing infringement and the Massive Liabilities to Shareholders that mounts daily.
2009-2010 Recent Communications with Warner Bros et al.
The SEC should note that while there is a long gap in time between the prior Iviewit and Warner Bros et al. communications and contracts, that during the gap I was nevertheless actively pursuing my rights contrary to Smith’s claim that nothing has been done. Factually, I have given similar information to several state, federal and international investigators, House and Senate Judiciary Committees, the New York Senate Judiciary Committee, many state and federal courts and more over the last several years. During the gap in time, I was also forced to flee my home several times for my family’s safety, including from death threats from Mr. Brian Utley on behalf of the law firms Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner and then from actual Attempted Murder of my family. Attempted Murder through a Car Bombing of my family minivan in Del Ray Beach, FL., images of the Car Bombing can be found on the www.iviewit.tv homepage.
iviewit car bombiviewit car bomb eliot bernsteiniviewit car bomb eliot bernstein
/ Samuel Troice; Horacio Mendez; Annalisa Mendez; Punga Punga Financial, Ltd., on behalf of all investors who purchased or held Certificates of Deposit or otherwise maintained accounts with Stanford International Bank as of February 2009.” Legal action also filed against Proskauer and Sjoblom by Laura Pendergest Holt, one of the Stanford officers arrested by the FBI in the Stanford Ponzi. February 27, 2009 “FBI make first arrest in $8 billion Allen Stanford fraud investigation” Telegraph Media Group Limited · March 27, 2009 Thomas V. Sjoblom and Proskauer Rose, LLP/ Laura Pendergest-Holt · February 19, 2009 “Charges Against Stanford a Long Time Coming, Offshore Banking Experts Say Accused Financier Under Federal Drug Investigation” ABC News by Justin Rood and Brian Ross. Note that Stanford is also under ongoing investigation by the FBI for involvement with leading International Criminal Cartels and where it has been reported that the FBI has been conducting a long-standing investigation of this connection. · James Davis, a key figure also arrested by the FBI in Stanford and Allen Stanford’s longtime friend and second in command, copped a plea deal whereby he pointed to Proskauer and Sjoblom as directly involved, leading to further civil actions by Injured Investors against Proskauer. August 27, 2009, “The Stanford Affair: Another Bad Day for Proskauer’s Tom Sjoblom” Wall Street Journal Legal Blog by Amir Efrati. More information Regarding the Stanford, Proskauer and Iviewit correlations can be found at all of the following URL’s, hereby incorporated in entirety by reference herein: · February 25, 2009 Eliot Bernstein Petition to the US District Court for the Northern District of Texas in the SEC v Stanford lawsuits DOCKETS NO: 3:09-cv-00298-N, 3:09-cv-00298-L and 1:09-mc-00002-JAD titled “IN THE MATTER OF THE APPLICATION AND PETITION-COMPLAINT OF ELIOT BERNSTEIN TO INTERVENE AND/OR JOIN AS A PLAINTIFF IN THE WITHIN ACTION BOTH INDIVIDUALLY AND AS TRUSTEE ON BEHALF OF JOSHUA ENNIO ZANDER BERNSTEIN IRREVOCABLE TRUST, JACOB NOAH ARCHIE BERNSTEIN IRREVOCABLE TRUST & DANIEL ELIJSHA ABE OTTOMO BERNSTEIN IRREVOCABLE TRUST” · March 02, 2009 “EMERGENCY MOTION TO INVESTIGATE PROSKAUER ROSE DEFENDANTS INVOLVEMENT IN THE ALLEN STANFORD FINANCIAL, THE BERNARD MADOFF AND THE MARC DRIER FRAUD SCANDALS. REMOVE PROSKAUER FROM SELF REPRESENTATION IN THESE MATTERS UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE FBI REMOVES THEM FROM THE ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE STANFORD FINANCIAL FRAUD” · August 21, 2009 –08-4873-CV United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit “Iviewit Motion to Compel US Second Circuit Court to Follow Law. Allen Stanford, Bernard Madoff, Marc S. Dreier links to Iviewit via Proskauer Rose and Foley and Lardner implicated in Trillion-Dollar Suit. Citizen Arrest of Judge Ralph Winter & Clerk Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe.” Online Interactive Version @ http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=78 Original Signed Filed Motion · September 24, 2009 New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing and Eliot Bernstein’s testimony before the Committee, Bernstein’s testimony begins at 3 Hours 38 Minutes into the hearings. · October 05, 2009 – “Prepared Statement of Eliot I. Bernstein of Iviewit to New York Senate Judiciary Committee John L. Sampson Regarding Trillion Dollar Iviewit Federal Lawsuit Naming Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, IBM, Intel, SGI, Lockheed and More” Online Interactive Version @ http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=165 Filed Copy The links provided in this Stanford Section are also beneficial for the following sections on Madoff and Dreier Ponzi Schemes and therefore will not be relisted in those sections. This information should be cause for the SEC, FBI and others addressed herein to reanalyze the entire Stanford scheme in light of this new evidence. All asset sales and other distributions should instantly be halted until these material facts can be reviewed to determine if these funds are also relating to the Iviewit stolen patents. Bernard L. Madoff SEC Ongoing Investigation and Conviction as it Relates to Proskauer Rose Several ties between Proskauer and Madoff also exist, learned in part from the SEC OIG stinging report on Madoff, which harshly criticized lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from Whistleblowers and Insiders at the SEC, over a several year period. According to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report, as it goes missing from that point, including information that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. The SEC OIG’s report mentions Wood throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failure, after leaving the SEC, Wood took a cozy Proskauer Rose partnership. “Bernie Madoff: SEC Investigator Fingered Bernie In ’04; SEC Chief Lori Richards “Resigns” TPM Media LLC. July 9, 2009 @ Again, we find an SEC employee, Wood, taking a Proskauer partnership, similar to Sjoblom leaving the SEC for Proskauer and both directly implicated in the SEC failures. This pattern may identify to the SEC how these alleged Criminal Enterprise Law Firms move in and out of Regulatory bodies to stave off investigations or to further complete their Schemes. · March 02, 2009 “EMERGENCY MOTION TO INVESTIGATE PROSKAUER ROSE DEFENDANTS INVOLVEMENT IN THE ALLEN STANFORD FINANCIAL, THE BERNARD MADOFF AND THE MARC DRIER FRAUD SCANDALS. REMOVE PROSKAUER FROM SELF REPRESENTATION IN THESE MATTERS UNTIL SUCH TIME THAT THE FBI REMOVES THEM FROM THE ONGOING INVESTIGATIONS INTO THE STANFORD FINANCIAL FRAUD” I filed Motions at the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals and US District Court, already exhibited herein, with similar claims of regulatory failures of the prior Presidential administration. Failures allegedly directly related to the Madoff case and I have reported this to Federal Authorities. The Motions also discuss Conflicts centering on the Madoff saga where Proskauer publicly identified their firm as having the most clients in the Madoff Ponzi and now it is revealed in the press that many Madoff clients are the subject of ongoing SEC investigations. The Motion at the US Second Circuit is to Compel that court to address the Conflicts of Interest and other matters according to law, laws being ignored while the Court and the Defendants perpetuate never ending Conflicts and Crimes. Note here that the handling of the Madoff Ponzi is by the same courts handling my RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and that the same courts were notified for months of the correlations between the Madoff Ponzi and my Lawsuit and have failed to notify the proper authorities, including the SEC and instead attempted to bury my lawsuit and motions. The SEC should further note that in the courts handling my Lawsuit, many of the judges and clerks are also Defendants in the Lawsuit and despite the obvious conflicts, they continue to handle the matters, as if no rules or laws apply to them. These illegal actions by members of the courts should also be cause for the SEC, FBI and others addressed herein to investigate the members of the courts involved for possible collusion and aiding and abetting these schemes through Fraud on the Courts. Following this Formal Complaint, for the courts failures to address the conflicts and misprision of a felony, the three Second Circuit Judges involved in my appeal will be filed on for Criminal Obstruction and other crimes, as exhibited already in the Motion to Compel. The SEC should note here that the US Second Circuit has recently attempted to evade the Motion to Compel, by attempting to dismiss the Appeal as baseless, while the related Whistleblower case remains ongoing. Sneaky as it sounds, by dismissing the case, the court has evaded addressing the criminal charges levied against them and the request for oversight of their criminal actions, as set forth in the Motion to Compel. This brilliant but failed attempt to evade the Motion to Compel, without having to rule on their conflicts or answer the charges against them, despite factual and material conflicts of interests in the court, further evidences their continued criminal obstruction. All those addressed herein, should therefore immediately begin investigation of the Second Circuit and US District Court for the Southern District of New York court officials involved. Especially concerning their concealment from authorities of these material facts relating to these Schemes, again which may be a Misprision of Felony and whereby had the courts acted within law they could have prevented injury to many victims in these Schemes years earlier, when I initially reported Proskauer’s misdeeds to them. This information should be cause for the SEC to reanalyze the entire Madoff Scheme in light of this new evidence. All asset sales and other distributions should instantly be halted until these material facts can be reviewed to determine if these funds are also relating to the Iviewit stolen patents. Marc S. Dreier SEC Investigation and Conviction The SEC Indictment and Conviction of Marc S. Dreier as it relates to Proskauer, comes from the connection to Patent Attorney Raymond A. Joao. Joao initially introduced to Iviewit as a Proskauer partner by Wheeler, along with Rubenstein, when they were actually with Meltzer at that time. Once investors in Iviewit learned Rubenstein and Joao were not with Proskauer as represented, Proskauer partner Christopher C. Wheeler (“Wheeler”) claimed they were transferring to Proskauer shortly. Rubenstein then transferred almost overnight and Joao was to follow after he finished work at Meltzer but since he was actually writing the patent applications under Rubenstein’s direction for Iviewit, Iviewit had to take an additional retainer to Proskauer’s with Meltzer until Joao transferred. However, Joao never transferred to Proskauer and during his first year of work for Iviewit, it was discovered that Joao allegedly was not filing timely and correct patent applications and patenting inventions in his own name. Joao now under ongoing investigation at the US Patent Office and FBI, ordered for by the First Dept and yet to be completed and more. Wheeler then claimed that Proskauer was beginning an investigation of Joao, ironically, and ignoring the conflicts this presented, as Joao was Proskauer, Wheeler and Rubenstein’s referral. Wheeler then suggested his good friend William Dick (“Dick”) of Foley to replace Joao for filing the patents and reviewing Joao’s work, continuing under Rubenstein’s oversight, as described in the Wachovia Private Placement already exhibited herein. What Wheeler failed to disclose to Iviewit is that Dick had been involved immediately prior to being retained by Iviewit, with both Wheeler and another Proskauer/Wheeler referral to Iviewit, Brian G. Utley, formerly employed by IBM and working with Dick, Utley then becoming President of Iviewit, in another allegedly failed Intellectual Property theft. The prior attempted Intellectual Property heist was against another Florida businessperson, Philanthropist Monte Friedkin of Diamond Turf Equipment Co. and whereby all those addressed herein should take note of the Prior History of these alleged patent thieves, clearly indicating that this is an organized and repeated crime against inventors. The SEC should note that Wheeler presented a falsified resume for his friend Utley to Iviewit that not only failed to disclose the attempted theft but also failed to disclose, and in fact materially falsified Utley’s resume concealing the facts by claiming Utley left the company Diamond Turf a success due to his innovations. Factually, the attempted IP theft, according to Friedkin, led to the firing of Utley by Friedkin and Friedkin’s immediately closing the business and taking a multimillion-dollar loss directly due to the scheme perpetrated by Utley, Dick and Wheeler. Dick also failed to disclose this fact when joining Iviewit. In both Utley and Wheeler’s depositions, already exhibited herein, both Utley and Wheeler contradict each other’s statements when confronted with the Friedkin information and Dick in his Virginia Bar Response to a complaint filed against him further contradicts both Wheeler and Utley regarding the Friedkin events. Supplementary evidence confirming these claims can be found on the Iviewit homepage at www.iviewit.tv . When Dick replaced Joao, the press reported that Joao claimed he now had 90+ patents in his own name, many allegedly directly lifted from Iviewit. Joao then joined the Marc S. Dreier law firm of Dreier & Baritz. This new information should be cause for the SEC to reanalyze the entire Dreier Ponzi Scheme in light of this new evidence, and in fact, the monies of the Dreier Ponzi allegedly directly relate to royalties from sales and licensing of Joao’s stolen Intellectual Properties. The Dreier Ponzi is alleged to be another money-laundering scheme concocted by the Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. The SEC should also cease distribution of assets in the Dreier Ponzi, especially where the Trustee appears conflicted with Proskauer and again the court actions may be further attempts by these all too clever law firms to abscond with funds in further illegal legal actions and Fraud on the Court. In addition to the links in the Stanford section, which deal with the Drier / Joao / Iviewit connection, additional links below substantiate these claims. · Joao’s Dreier & Baritz LLP Bio “Raymond A. Joao joined Dreier & Baritz LLP in 2001 as Of Counsel to the Firm’s intellectual property department. Mr. Joao brings to the Firm an extensive legal, business and engineering background encompassing virtually all aspects of intellectual property, including prosecution of patent applications; reexaminations; preparation of patent opinions; litigation; and counseling clients in the development, management and exploitation of their intellectual property assets. Mr. Joao is also currently an intellectual property management consultant for various start-up software, telecommunication, Internet and e-commerce companies. He regularly directs new business and intellectual property development efforts; negotiates contracts; drafts license agreements; performs due diligence in mergers and acquisitions; assists in the preparation of business plans, executive summaries and other corporate documents; conducts competitive analysis studies; aids in the formulation of litigation strategies; and assists in capital raising efforts. Notably, Mr. Joao is the inventor of 10 issued U.S. patents and has over 80 patent pending technologies. Mr. Joao was also a founder of Electroship (N.Y.), Inc. which was formed to exploit certain patent pending technologies of which Mr. Joao was a co-inventor. Electroship (N.Y.), Inc. was acquired by a public company within six months of its formation. Mr. Joao headed Electroship’s intellectual property and corporate efforts, as well as the merger and acquisition deal leading up to the merger. Prior to joining Dreier & Baritz, Mr. Joao was head of the Intellectual Property Department at Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Schlissel, P.C. in Mineola, New York. He was also formerly a partner at Anderson Kill & Olick, P.C. in New York in the Intellectual Property Group. Prior to the commencement of his legal career, Mr. Joao was an electrical engineer with Loral Corporation in the Systems Engineering Group, and prior to that was an engineer with Sperry Corporation. Mr. Joao obtained a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1982 and a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in 1984 from Columbia University School of Engineering and Applied Science. He received his law degree in 1990 from St. John’s University School of Law. Most recently, in 1999, he obtained a Masters in Business Administration in Finance from Baruch College/City University. Mr. Joao is admitted to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office, the U.S. District Courts for the Southern and Eastern Districts of New York, and the New York State and Connecticut Bars. e-mail: rjoao@dreierbaritz.com. · January 02, 2009 ~ The WallStreet Journal “Former AUSA Selected as Bankruptcy Trustee in Dreier Case” “For a week, it’d been all quiet on the Marc Dreier front. But now a new lawyer is set to be welcomed to the Dreier Party. The NYLJ reports that Sheila M. Gowan (University of Minnesota, Brooklyn Law) has been selected as the bankruptcy trustee in the case. Dreier, founder and sole owner of the law firm Dreier LLP — for those of you took December off — is alleged to have perpetrated a massive fraud against a group of hedge funds. (Here’s our coverage.) Gowan, a former Proskauer associate [Emphasis Added] and AUSA in the Southern District of New York, is now a partner at Diamond McCarthy…” Again, the SEC should note Proskauer’s direct involvement in the Dreier matters as trustee Gowan was a former Proskauer associate. The conflict is absolute in light of the claims herein, now demanding full disclosure by Gowan and conflict waivers from the victims. When viewed in light of the Joao / Proskauer / Dreier connections described and evidenced already herein, these conflicts will preclude Gowan’s continued involvement. Again, the entire crime depends on continued conflicts of interests that preclude due process and procedure by infiltration of the Criminal Enterprise law firms into Regulatory, Prosecutorial and Court actions against them. The law firms are also well versed in court-orchestrated schemes and with infiltration into regulatory agencies are alleged to use the courts actually to effectuate further frauds. · March 03, 2009 ~ USDOJ Letter by Lev L. Dassin, Acting US Attorney to Judge Stuart M. Bernstein. Note that not only Gowan is copied but also Proskauer Attorney Jeffrey W. Levitan, Esq. ( Levitan ) is also copied. The SEC has absolute cause to investigate if Levitan, Gowan and/or Proskauer failed fully to disclose their involvement with Dreier through Joao and the Iviewit matters. Proskauer and presumably Gowan are fully aware of their alleged involvement in my patent theft through my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit against the Proskauer firm. Failure to disclose this material fact to the Bankruptcy court is allegedly further fraudulent activity. The SEC should also note that the courts have been notified in my legal actions and have obligations through Judicial Cannons to notify the proper authorities of any possible attorney misconduct they are aware of, or face Misprision of Felony charges and more. Thus, the courts should have also notified the SEC of the information given them in official court filings in my lawsuit regarding the Dreier lawsuit, including the correlating information in the Stanford case, which would have forced Gowan’s disclosures regarding her involvement with Proskauer and the Dreier matters and her withdrawal as Trustee. Again, all this new information is cause for the SEC to reinvestigate the Dreier Ponzi in light of these facts and whereby the Dreier Ponzi may be further efforts to launder monies gained from the stolen Intellectual Properties; this would represent possible Fraud Upon a United States Bankruptcy Court. All asset sales and other distributions should instantly be halted until these material facts can be reviewed to determine if these funds are also relating to the Iviewit stolen patents. Galleon SEC Ongoing Investigation and Convictions October 16, 2009 SEC Complaint Galleon With information just beginning in this massive SEC insider trading case, the SEC should note that several of the key defendants in these matters are also Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit. Intel Capital Rajiv Goel indicted by SEC and Intel Corporation is a defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit. · Intel Capital Rajiv Goel, a managing director at Intel Corporation has been implicated by the SEC in the Galleon Complaint. o The SEC should take note that one of the first people on the scene at the time of the Iviewit inventions was a one Hassan Miah (“Miah”), who signed NDA’s while analyzing Iviewit as an Investment for EarthLink founders Sky Dylan Dayton and Kevin O’Donnell. Miah had worked at the Intel / Creative Artist Agency (“CAA”) Multimedia Lab prior to involvement with Iviewit and upon viewing the inventions, called them the “Holy Grail” of the Digital Imaging and Video world, including the Internet. Later Miah again joined Intel at Intel Capital. From Miah’s Biography @ Digital Hollywood , I quote, “Hassan Miah is the former Managing Director of Intel Capital, where he led worldwide media and entertainment investments. Today, he remains an advisor to Intel Corporation’s Digital Home Group, which is responsible for the company’s global consumer PC product line. He is also the former head of New Media for CAA, one of Hollywood’s leading entertainment and talent agencies. While at Intel, Mr. Miah led such media related investments as Bellrock Media, Synacor, Zinio, Black Arrow, Clickstar and Gametrust. At CAA, Mr. Miah established and headed the CAA/Intel Media Lab, the first significant collaboration between Hollywood and a major technology company, and helped form Tele-TV, a joint investment by NYNEX, PacBell and Bell Atlantic to provide interactive video television services over phone lines. Before joining CAA, Mr. Miah was a Management Consulting Partner for KPMG LLP, specializing in media and entertainment transactions. At KPMG, he helped structure such transactions as the sale of MCA Universal Studios to Matsushita, the sale of Geffen Records to Universal and Polygram’s acquisition of A&M Records. Mr. Miah also has extensive operating/managerial experience having developed and sold companies in the digital media sector during his career, e.g., after creating the first consumer MP3 recording software, Mr. Miah successfully sold Xing Technology Corp. to Real Networks at a 10x multiple from when he joined the company less than two years after becoming CEO. Mr. Miah is a CPA and received a B.A. in Business from the University of Michigan and a M.B.A. from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business.” o April 27, 1999 letter from Richard R. Rosman, Esq. to Hassan Miah regarding the Iviewit inventions and Proskauer Rose Partner Rubenstein’s opinion on the technologies. Note that Rubenstein and Miah know each other through MPEG and Miah’s former employer XING. Immediately after learning of the Iviewit inventions, Miah sold XING to Real Networks as indicated above. o June 01, 1999 – Donald G. Kane, Managing Director at Goldman Sachs letter regarding Hassan Miah and Miah’s letter requesting to speak to Rubenstein. o Roomy Khan, a convicted felon and former Intel employee is pleading guilty in the Galleon case and the relations between Iviewit and Intel are already described herein. Robert W. Moffat, Jr. ~ Senior Vice President, Integrated Operations at IBM Corporation. · The SEC should note that IBM is a Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit. · The SEC should note that Dick of Foley was former IBM patent counsel for their far eastern patent pooling scheme. · The SEC should note that Utley of Iviewit was formerly a General Manager at the IBM Boca Raton Florida facility. · The SEC should note that Wheeler of Proskauer claimed to have been the real estate legal agent for the Boca Raton, IBM facility. · The SEC should note again that Wheeler, Dick and Utley were part of an attempted theft of Intellectual Property from Florida businessperson Monte Friedkin. · The SEC should note that former Chief Judge of the New York courts Chief Judge Judith Kaye was a former IBM lawyer and married to Proskauer Partner Stephen R. Kaye (deceased). Stephen Kaye became an Intellectual Property partner in the Proskauer Intellectual Property group formed immediately after learning of my inventions. Both Judith Kaye and her deceased husband’s estate are Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit. · The SEC should note that Wheeler not only introduced Utley to Iviewit with a falsified resume but that Utley, Dick and Wheeler also brought in a one Michael Reale, a former IBM employee to work for Iviewit. · The SEC should note that Wheeler and Utley recommended Dick to Iviewit after Joao’s termination from Iviewit and under false pretenses, again failing to notify Iviewit Management, Officers, Board Members and Investors of their prior attempted theft at Friedkin’s business and the resulting loss to Friedkin. Utley also provided a materially false resume for the Wachovia Private Placement. · The SEC should note that it is alleged in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit that IBM is part of a Criminal Patent Theft Ring committing Fraud Upon the US Patent Office and world Intellectual Property Offices. · The SEC should note the recent appointment by President Barack Obama, whom also has been notified of the Iviewit claims as evidenced further herein, of David Kappos (“Kappos”) as Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property. Kappos was a former IBM Vice President and Assistant General Counsel for Intellectual Property.KAPPOS BIO · The SEC should note that IBM has also been notified of the same liabilities as described herein regarding Warner Bros et al. and is believed to have also concealed these liabilities from their Shareholders and where this is again cause for the SEC to investigate IBM to prevent Massive Liabilities to IBM Shareholders. Anil Kumar, Director at McKinsey & Co. · The SEC should note that Calkin’s of Warner Bros. was a former McKinsey employee. The SEC should also note that H. Hickman Powell, of Iviewit’s largest investor, Crossbow Ventures, was also from McKinsey. November 04, 2009 SEC Complaint Galleon Ropes & Gray – Arthur Cutillo, Esq. – Intellectual Property Attorney · The SEC should note that Ropes & Gray is directly involved as counsel in the Silicon Graphics, Inc. Bankruptcy whereby Iviewit has already filed papers in that case, exhibited herein and discussed further in the section titled “IVIEWIT SEC COMPLAINT FILED AGAINST INTEL, LOCKHEED MARTIN AND SGI” · Ropes & Gray – Brien Santarlas – Intellectual Property Attorney · The SEC should note that 3Com is an early purveyor of the Iviewit technologies and under NDA. · The SEC should note that Ropes & Gray has patents listed at its website in digital imaging and video and that patent transfers occurred in SGI’s multiple Bankruptcy cases filed since learning of the Iviewit technologies through Real 3D, Inc. in 1998. Sullivan & Cromwell ~ Michael Kimelman, Esq. – Sullivan & Cromwell may also be involved in the SGI Bankruptcy case. Since the Galleon case is unfolding this information represents the initial correlations of several of the key defendants companies that may have further involvement with the Iviewit matters herein described, amendments will be made to this Formal Complaint with all those agencies addressed herein as more information is learned. Iviewit SEC Complaint Filed Against Intel, Lockheed Martin and SGI (Formerly Owners of Real 3D, Inc.) Please note that this Request for Investigation and Formal Complaint against Warner Bros et al. directly relates to my prior formal complaint to the SEC involving the Intel Corporation, Lockheed Martin, and Silicon Graphics, Inc. March 25, 2009 SEC COMPLAINT – Real 3D, Inc,, Intel, Silicon Graphics and Lockheed Martin These three companies were all owners of the Real3d Inc. company ( later wholly acquired by Intel ), where my Technologies were first tested, used, viewed, approved, validated, Contracted and Licensed under Non Disclosure and other Licensing Agreements. Leading Industry Experts of the three companies at the Real3d Inc. laboratories, similar to Warner Bros et al. completed validation of the novelty of the Intellectual Properties in 1998-1999. Real 3D prior to acquisition by the minority interest owner Intel (20%), were previously located on Lockheed Martin properties in Orlando, Florida. Gerald Stanley was CEO of Real 3D, Inc. until the sale of the company to Intel, whereby Lawrence S. Palley, Director of Business Development for Intel took over the Iviewit agreements. Complaints are on file already with the SEC against these companies for likely fraudulent stock transactions similar to those described herein committed by Warner Bros et al., as well as, likely massive fraud upon their Shareholders, Auditors and Regulators. All transactions, stock transfers, mergers and acquisitions dating back to 1998 should be part of the investigation of these companies, in addition to likely violations of FASB No. 5 and other corporate accounting rules for failure at minimum to book liabilities on the corporate financials and provide notice to Shareholders. Intel · March 06, 2009 Iviewit Letter of Liabilities to Intel · March 25, 2009 Iviewit SEC Complaint Filed · September 15, 2009 Apple Press Release ~ Intel Counsel Bruce Sewell departs Intel to Apple · January 16, 2002 The Register “SGI transfers 3D graphics patents to MS [Microsoft] Lockheed · April 16, 2009 Iviewit Letter to Lockheed’s Counsel James Comey Regarding Iviewit Liabilities · April 27, 2009 Iviewit SEC Complaint Against Lockheed Silicon Graphics Inc. · March 19, 2009 Iviewit Letter to Elena Ramirez regarding SGI Liabilities in the Iviewit matters. · April 01, 2009 SGI Files Chapter 11 Bankruptcy o The SEC should note the immediate proximity of notice to SGI counsel Elena Ramirez on March 18, 2009 to the filing of the Bankruptcy and where Ramirez fails to the notify the court of the Liabilities she was aware of already, evidencing concealment from the Federal US Bankruptcy Court. This transaction may also trigger Rescissory SGI Shareholder Rights for Fraud involving this transaction. o The SEC should note that all transactions of SGI stock from 1998-Present should be investigated for fraud based on SGI’s involvement with Real 3D, Inc. and as it relates to the Iviewit matters. o Voluntary Petition (Chapter 11). Order for Relief Entered. Filed by Mark R. Somerstein of Ropes & Gray LLP on behalf of Silicon Graphics, Inc.. (Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 04/01/2009) · April 13, 2009 Inside HPC News “A visual timeline of the rise and sale of SGI” Timeline of SGI · Vizworld Articles regarding what led to Rise and Fall of SGI ARTICLE 1 AND ARTICLE 2 · April 09, 2009 Federal Bankruptcy Complaint Silicon Graphics, Inc. “Emergency Motion to Establish Proof of Claim; Vacate or Modify Order of Sale; Injunction; Priority of Claims; and Other Relief” · May 05, 2009 Ropes & Gray “OBJECTION OF THE DEBTORS TO EMERGENCY MOTION OF ELIOT I. BERNSTEIN TO ESTABLISH PROOF OF CLAIM; VACATE OR MODIFY ORDER OF SALE; INJUNCTION; PRIORITY OF CLAIMS; AND OTHER RELIEF” (related document(s) 102 ) filed by Mark R. Somerstein on behalf of Silicon Graphics, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A – Original Complaint# 2 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 1)# 3 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 2)# 4 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 3)# 5 Exhibit C – District Court Order) (Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 05/05/2009) Objection to Motion Related Document # 1 Exhibit A – Original Complaint #2 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 1) # 3 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 2) # 4 Exhibit B – Amended Complaint (Part 3) # 5 Exhibit C – District Court Order)BERNSTEIN BANKRUPTCY OBJECTION · May 05, 2009 SGI Counsel Elena Rameriz Declaration to Bankruptcy Court titled, “Affidavit Declaration of Elena Ramirez in Support of the Objection of the Debtors to the Emergency Motion of Eliot I. Bernstein to Establish Proof of Claim; Vacate or Modify Order of Sale; Injunction; Priority of Claims; and Other Relief” filed by Mark R. Somerstein on behalf of Silicon Graphics, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A – Bernstein Letter to General Counsel of Intel Corporation# 2 Exhibit B – Bernstein Letter to the President of the United States# 3 Exhibit C – Bernstein Complaint to SEC) (Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 05/05/2009) · May 08, 2009 Eliot Bernstein prepared statement read into record during hearing of SGI Bankruptcy A copy of this hearing was presumably transcribed into the record and where the SEC and others addressed herein may wish to obtain copies of the hearing as part of this Formal Complaint. · May 08, 2009 – Order Denying “Emergency Motion of Eliot I. Bernstein to Establish Proof of Claim; Vacate or Modify Order of Sale; Injunction; Priority of Claims; and Other Relief.” (Related Doc # 102 , Doc # 318 ) (Tetzlaff, Deanna) (Entered: 05/08/2009) http://www.donlinrecano.com/cases/docketfile.ashx?cl=sgi&c=09-11701&d=367 http://www.donlinrecano.com/cases/docketfile.ashx?cl=sgi&c=09-11701&d=102 http://www.donlinrecano.com/cases/docketfile.ashx?cl=sgi&c=09-11701&d=318 · June 16, 2009 Iviewit “Proof of Claim” SGI Bankruptcy @ · August 14, 2009 “Motion for Objection to Claim(s) Number: 225 – Objection of the Debtors to Claim of Eliot I. Bernstein with hearing to be held on 9/15/2009 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 501 (MG) Responses due by 9/10/2009, filed by Mark R. Somerstein on behalf of Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc.. (Attachments: # 1 Exhibit A# 2 Exhibit B – Part 1# 3 Exhibit B – Part 2# 4 Exhibit B – Part 3# 5 Exhibit C – Ramirez Declaration# 6 Exhibit A to Ramirez Declaration# 7 Exhibit B to Ramirez Declaration# 8 Exhibit C to Ramirez Declaration# 9 Exhibit D# 10 Exhibit E# 11 Exhibit F – Gibson Declaration# 12 Exhibit G# 13 Exhibit H – Proposed Order)(Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 08/14/2009) Docket for SGI Bankruptcy http://www.donlinrecano.com/Dockets/sgi/09-11701 · August 14, 2009 “Notice of Hearing regarding Objection of the Debtors to Claim of Eliot I. Bernstein (related document(s) 606 ) filed by Mark R. Somerstein on behalf of Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc.. with hearing to be held on 9/15/2009 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 501 (MG) Objections due by 9/10/2009, (Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 08/14/2009)” · September 11, 2009 “Response – Claimant – Creditor Eliot I. Bernstein’s Response and Cross Motion to Debtor’s Objections to the Bernstein Proof of Claim” No. 225 filed by Debtor Counsel Ropes and Gray, LLP filed by Eliot I. Bernstein. with hearing to be held on 9/15/2009 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 501 (MG) (Lopez, Mary) (Entered: 09/11/2009) · September 13, 2009 “Response – Reply Of The Debtors To Claimant Creditor Eliot I. Bernstein’s Response And Cross Motions To Debtor’s Objections To The Bernstein Proof Of Claim No. 225 Filed By Debtor Counsel Ropes and Gray, LLP, And Motion To Estimate The Claim Of Eliot I. Bernstein (related document(s) 660 ) filed by Mark R. Somerstein on behalf of Graphics Properties Holdings, Inc.. with hearing to be held on 9/15/2009 at 10:00 AM at Courtroom 501 (MG) (Somerstein, Mark) (Entered: 09/13/2009) · September 15, 2009 “Order Signed on 9/15/2009 Sustaining the Objection of the Debtors to Claim of Eliot I. Bernstein”. (related document(s) 606 ) (Tetzlaff, Deanna) (Entered: 09/15/2009) · November 19, 2009 “Motion to Compel – Letter to the Clerk’s Office with Motion to Compel and Disqualify and Other Relief Under Rule 9024 and FRCP Rule 60 filed by Eliot Ivan Bernstein.” (Lopez, Mary) (Entered: 11/24/2009) o The SEC should note here that this document was not docketed when received by the court on September 18, 2009 · December 30, 2009 “Order Denying Eliot Bernstein’s (1) Motion for Reconsideration Under Bankruptcy Rule 9024 and Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 60 and (2) Motion to Disqualify (Related Doc # 841 ) signed on 12/30/2009” (White, Greg) (Entered: 12/30/2009) o The SEC should note that this document was not served upon me and was found on the docket while preparing this Formal Complaint. Again, all those addressed herein, should note how Federal Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, similar to the US Second Circuit, failed to address the factual conflicts in the case and instead tried to dismiss the complaint while failing to address the conflicts of interest and further conceal the Fraud on the Bankruptcy court. Glenn’s actions reek of illegal behavior, formal criminal complaints will follow this complaint, with all appropriate authorities. o The SEC should intercede in this Bankruptcy on behalf of the Shareholders of SGI. o The Bankruptcy attempts to shift intellectual properties, which may also be related to these matters. Of course, if fraud is determined to have occurred by Executive Officers of Real 3D, Inc., Intel, Lockheed Martin and SGI, again the Shareholders of those companies would have Rescissory Shareholder Rights due to the fraud. Again, the results will be catastrophic, as already described herein and in the former SEC Official Complaints filed against these companies. Whereby the bankruptcies may represent a shell game scheme through another Fraud on a US Federal Bankruptcy court, attempting to hide and distribute assets to Officers and Directors at the expense of Shareholders, again in violation of a mass of SEC laws. Iviewit Additional NEW Information Regarding SEC Investigations of Enron Broadband, Enron and Arthur Andersen This Formal Complaint, as it relates to the herein relevant Federal, State and International Crimes may have direct bearing of the Ongoing Investigations of Enron and Andersen and if those investigations are not currently active, this information may be cause for further new Investigations or re-opening prior investigations in light of this information already provided herein. 2004-Present SEC Investigation of Iviewit Allegations and False Statements by Boca Raton Police Department Detectives to SEC 2004-Present SEC Investigation Regarding Iviewit and Boca Raton, Florida, Police Department regarding Investigations of Stolen Funds and Intellectual Properties. SEC Investigators claim that statements made by the Boca Raton Police Department were false regarding a two-year SEC investigation that the SEC was supposed to have been conducting with the Boca PD per detectives at the Boca PD. SEC agents involved denied ever being informed or jointly working on any investigation with the Boca PD and further denied that they were invited to a meeting at the Boca Raton PD that the Boca PD stated they would be attending. Based on these false claims by the Boca PD, the agents involved at the SEC claimed they were beginning an investigation of the matters at that time. · October 07, 2004 Iviewit Petition to the Florida Supreme Court regarding the SEC and Boca Raton, FL Police Department Bogus Joint Investigation Petition to Florida Supreme Court · October 08, 2004 Supplemental Petition to Florida Supreme Court Regarding SEC and Boca Raton Police Department Bogus Joint Investigation · August 28, 2003 Written Statement to Boca Raton PD Regarding Stolen Funds, Including SBA funds · September 02, 2003 Written Statement to Boca Raton PD Regarding Stolen Intellectual Property Discussion of Ongoing Lawsuits and Related Cases to Federal Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson Related Cases to Whistleblower Case of Christine C. Anderson, marked legally “related” by US Federal Judge Shira A. Scheindlin at the US District Court Southern District NY 1. 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT which other cases have been marked legally “related” to by Federal Judge Shira A. Scheindlin 2. 07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. 3. 07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al. 4. 08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al. 5. 08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al. 6. 08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al. 7. 08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al. 8. 08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al. 9. 08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al. 10. 08cv6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York 11. 06cv05169 McNamara v The State of New York, et al. Cases @ United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit 12. 08-4873-cv Bernstein et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. 13. 08-4879-cv Luisa C. Esposito v The State of New York et al. 14. Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al. 15. McKeown v The State of New York, et al. In reviewing this Formal Complaint the SEC should note one of the biggest problems in bringing these criminals to prosecution is that those involved in the criminal activities are large law firms and therefore have the ability to cover-up their crimes through penetration and perversion of justice, far easier than for most organized criminal enterprises. The ability to infiltrate justice, using their pedigree of law, allows the fox into the henhouse, allowing them to deflect criminal and civil complaints by violating public offices, violating conflict of interest rules and law and fearing no legal repercussions as they control the NY Courts and Regulators top down. In fact, being lawyers, allows them the ability to even, in some circumstances, control law, rewrite law, control the courts and control or replace those who would typically uphold the law. Enter Christine C. Anderson, Esq. to help prove this point of corruption not only in the NY courts but also at the US Attorney, NY Attorney General and NY District Attorney offices. Anderson is a former staff attorney at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee (“First DDC”) and a rare hero in the courts. Anderson fired for standing up to illegal acts and injustices in the NY ETHICS department, injustice at the highest office of law. When the regulatory body for attorney misconduct has no ethics, law becomes lawlessness. Note here, that the First DDC is the ethics department that regulates Wall Street attorneys which of late appears to be more like the streets of Sodom and Gomorra. Anderson filed a Federal Lawsuit and in her original filing mentioned my companies Iviewit, regarding a Motion Iviewit filed against the former Chief Counsel of the First DDC, Thomas Cahill (“Cahill”) and others for violations of public offices. Cahill then ordered for investigation with the former President of the New York Bar Association (“NYSBA”) and head of the ethics’ departments in New York, Steven C. Krane (“Krane”) of Proskauer Rose and his Proskauer partner Rubenstein. October 26, 2007 Anderson Federal Filing Pages 24-25 Orders for investigation were by Unanimous Consent of Five Justices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department (“First Dept”) for the Appearance of Impropriety and Conflicts of Interest, this occurring prior to Iviewit’s learning of Anderson. August 11, 2004 First Dept Court Order for Investigation of Krane, Rubenstein and Joao Krane found handling complaints at the First DDC against his firm Proskauer and Proskauer attorney Rubenstein, while an officer of the First DDC and the head of the ethics’ departments throughout New York. Krane also violated Public Office acting within a one-year blackout whereby the NYSBA precludes officers for a year after service from handling disciplinary complaints. Further, Cahill lied when confronted about Krane’s role at the First DDC and even claimed he did not know if Krane was an officer of the court. Yet, upon contacting then clerk of the First Dept., Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe (“Wolfe”), now clerk of the Second Circuit Court, Wolfe claimed that not only did Cahill know Krane was an acting and present officer of the court but that they had all had a scheduled First DDC meeting shortly. Wolfe is a Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit, as well as, originally a Defendant in Anderson’s complaint only later removed in Anderson’s Amended Complaint. Wolfe directed me to file the Motions against Cahill, Krane, Rubenstein, Proskauer, Meltzer and Joao with First Dept that led to the Orders for Investigation. The New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Second Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee (“Second DDC”) and the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Second Department (“Second Dept”) then derailed the investigations and then further conflicts with Krane were discovered with the investigator at the Second DDC. The SEC should note here that Krane also was a law clerk for Chief Judge Judith Kaye and Kaye was married to Proskauer Partner, Stephen R. Kaye, who late in life became a partner in the newly formed Proskauer Intellectual Property department with Rubenstein, after learning of my inventions. The complaints were then elevated to Federal Authorities, as it appeared that the New York Courts were corrupted top down, with Kaye controlling not only the courts but also the disciplinary departments of New York with Krane. Krane was hands on controlling the complaints filed against Proskauer and Proskauer partners, then even handling his own complaint while still a First Dept. officer. Unbelievable, yet Anderson provides pivotal evidence that the corruption was far worse than merely blocking my individual complaints against Proskauer attorneys, and in fact, exposes the corruption reaching the highest investigatory bodies in New York and in conspiracy with the Ethics Department. In order to support the heroic efforts of Anderson exposing this perverse internal court and ethics corruption, I filed my Federal RICO Lawsuit seeking relation to Anderson’s lawsuit and while Judge Scheindlin did not approve all requests for relation to Anderson, she did mark mine, along with several others, as legally “related” to Anderson. Anderson, in sworn testimony to the New York Senate Judiciary Committee and in open Federal Court in Scheindlin’s court, made claims that made the First Dept. look like a mob run organization, even physically assaulting Anderson who is approximately 63 years old. June 08, 2009 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, Anderson’s testimony starts in the video at 31 min 51 sec Anderson revealed in Federal Court that the First Dept had a “Cleaner” named Naomi Goldstein (“Goldstein”) and that Goldstein was cleaning complaints, with Cahill for not only “favored lawyers and law firms” but that she was cleaning complaints for the US Attorney, the District Attorney and the Assistant District Attorney. Cahill is both a Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and a Defendant in Anderson’s Lawsuit. Anderson went on additionally to support here testimonies with a written statement of the corruptions, including claims of document and evidence destruction in attorney complaints found at the following URL @ http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=209 whereby Exhibit 2 at the URL contains Anderson’s sworn statement. Mind blowing revelations not only confirming my deepest fears of alleged corruption in the ETHICS department but fingering Cahill, Wolfe and others in a CONSPIRATORIAL effort to deny not only individual rights in the courts but to use the Ethics Department as an Attorney Protection Agency. Anderson depicts the First DDC as a self-regulated disaster, a disgrace to the very term Ethics, a disgrace to the profession of Law, with those in charge acting criminally. Pause for a moment to capture the breadth of these implications, not only in relation to this Formal Complaint but also in relation to the problems currently facing the country as a whole. Andersons’ revelations expose the corruption plaguing New York’s legal community but also now force a number of investigations to begin. Investigations of Federal and State Agencies, including but not limited to, the First Dept, the First DDC, the US Attorney, the District Attorney, the Assistant District Attorney and the New York State Attorney General. Investigation into every prior complaint that complains of injustice and denial of due process by all of these agencies, including my complaints with these agencies that mirror almost identically the claims Anderson made. All opinions, orders, rulings, reviews, both in the courts and at the investigatory agencies must now be discarded, re-evaluated and re-investigated by non-conflicted third parties and most likely outside of the corruption that plagues New York at the moment. Anderson it appears had no regulatory or investigatory agency to turn to with her Whistleblower allegations as those charged with investigating such matters were all part of the alleged conspiracy and the very people and agencies she was complaining of in her Federal Lawsuit. In fact, the New Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, whose job it is to investigate New York Public Office Crimes through the Public Integrity Division of the AG, instead represents the State of New York Defendants, both professionally and individually. Representation that appears illegal as the NY AG Cuomo is legally bound to advise the State Defendants to get independent counsel when there is Conflict in his representation. Conflicts that interfere with his duties to the People, as in Anderson’s case, where there is Absolute Conflict force the NY AG to investigate the Public Officials on behalf of the People of New York, not defend them. There are also problems created by the NY AG representing the Anderson defendants both personally and professionally and yet again, the NY AG violates these public office rules. These illegal representations are not only conflicted but the conflicts act to block due process and procedure by creating Obstruction of Justice, as the illegal representations of the defendants leaves no one investigating the defendants. Anderson has filed a complaint with Scheindlin’s court to dismiss the entire hearing in her case due to the AG fraud on the court. While Anderson filed this Motion Pro Se, Scheindlin rejected the filing on the grounds that she has counsel but Scheindlin did not formally rule on the matters yet and where Anderson’s arguments remain valid. November 16, 2009 Anderson’s “Notice of Motion” It should be noted here that similar to Anderson’s claims that the NY AG has acted illegally and perpetrated a fraud on the court, I made very similar claims of internal corruption and for almost identical reasons prior to ever learning of Anderson. The NY AG Cuomo illegally represents as counsel both personally and professionally, the State Defendants in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit in violation of his Public Office Duties. The NY AG also has issues of conflict in my Lawsuit, directly, including the fact that the NY AG is a Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST. Information pertaining to the allegations against the NY AG can found by a thorough review of both my New York District Court and Court of Appeals filings and all of which hereby are incorporated in this Formal Complaint in entirety by reference herein. Therefore, when considering this Formal Complaint and until all investigations ongoing worldwide and especially now in New York are fully completed, I request that any decisions emanating from New York, the First Dept, the First DDC, the New York courts, the Federal Courts, the Florida courts and Florida and Virginia State Bars be wholly discounted. Discounted and discarded entirely, as they have all been influenced by the illegal actions of the First Dept and First Dept DDC. Discarded and expunged other than to serve as evidence of the crimes committed and to fingerprint all those involved in the criminal enterprise operating inside the courts and reveal the hierarchy of criminals inside the courts, regulatory bodies and prosecutorial offices. Note here that in the state of Florida, similar conflicts to New York were discovered, again with Proskauer Partners caught violating Florida Bar Public Offices, the Florida Bar now also a Defendant in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit. The ongoing court cases and investigations in New York and then Florida will all be subject to appeal because they emanate from the complaints filed in the First Dept and First DDC and many agencies may have relied upon the decisions in making their decisions. Due to the material Fraud on the Courts and Fraud inside investigatory agencies committed, through a never-ending series of Conflicts of Interest that act to Obstruct Justice leading to a denial of due process and procedure which influenced the outcomes of my complaints, all complaints and investigations will need to be removed from the persistent and continued conflicts of interest at play in New York and re-examined. Without conflicts, the proverbial “peeling of the onion” will begin, revealing a massive criminal organization led by corrupted law firms inside Public Offices to make the Tammany Hall Scandal in New York of Boss Tweed’s day seem like a parking infraction. On information and belief, another Whistleblower also has emerged from the First Dept, a one Nicole Corrado (“Corrado”), allegedly threatened by a First DDC official on her way to give a deposition in the Anderson case. On information and belief, Corrado’s own claims center upon sexual misconduct allegations. Corrado has been on leave since the Federal Witness Tampering allegations surfaced. Also of note is that on June 28, 2007 an article appeared in Expose Corrupt Courts that further illustrates just how out of control the ETHICS departments are, titled, “Sex Scandal at the Attorney Committee on Character & Fitness”, which may have been part of the cause for the departure of Cahill from the First DDC. The story at EXPOSE CORRUPT COURTS. Hard to believe? Harder to believe that almost all of the ongoing problems in the United States at this time, from the WallStreet Meltdown, to lax or complicit State and Federal Regulators allowing a fleecing of the markets and the People’s home equity to their 401k’s, to Violations of War Crime Statutes and Torture Treatises, all center around lawyers complicity and involvement in crimes. All involve further derailing of justice as described by Anderson, whereby complaints against our leaders are whitewashed illegally to deflect prosecution. In almost all instances, the lawyers come from the state of New York and almost all in the hub of corruption Anderson defines at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department. This sad but true fact of lawyers gone bad evidenced in the Schemes of Madoff, Dreier and Stanford finds lawyers and regulators center stage in the scandals, again many are also Defendants in my RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. Lawyers alleged to be rigging banking laws in Florida to allow the Stanford Ponzi to exist in the first place. Or, directly lax and complicit lawyers, acting as regulators in the Madoff and Stanford Schemes and in both of these, Proskauer and other Defendant lawyers and law firms in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit again tied at the center of the scandals. Apparently, after committing crimes or covering them up through the MISUSE of Public Offices, these dirty rotten lawyers and regulators then hired back to the Criminal Enterprise Law Firms and rewarded with partnerships. One should question why these lawyers are leaving highly paid and comfortable law firm partnerships to take jobs as civil servants in the first place. To prevent conflict, thorough screenings of lawyers and regulators, prior to involvement with cases directly tied to their law firms are mandatory but again we find with no regulators regulating, a complete breakdown of conflict laws allows a further mass of crimes. · January 05, 2010 The AmLaw Daily “TPM Shines Spotlight on Allen Stanford’s Lawyers” by Brian Baxter SEC regulatory failures and Public Pressure for change resulting from Past Administration Regulatory Failures The SEC may have internal problems of its own relating to the Iviewit matters and conflicted cross currents to SEC actions already underway, in relation to Iviewit matters evidenced herein and therefore for several reasons oversight of the SEC must be instituted going forward and why this Formal Complaint includes addressing to the Inspector General for the SEC. With SEC failures now public and a lawsuit for such failures filed recently, the fact that the events herein are during the time where regulatory failure was the SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) at the SEC that led to the recent meltdown of our economy, all these events may have started as efforts to derail SEC investigations into the Iviewit matters. I, therefore respectfully request, that the SEC sign the attached Conflict of Interest Disclosure, prior to ANY action in these matters and by all those charged with handling these matters prior to any involvement or decisions. I also request the SEC to call in immediate oversight authorities if investigation or even reviewing the matters, including but not limited to, the Inspector General whom I already summoned herein. All SEC oversight, Congressional Committees, etc., should be notified to review what, if anything, has occurred in the many years since the SEC had knowledge of criminal allegations resulting from the Iviewit matters with the Boca PD and in the more recent Formal Complaints against major Blue Chip Companies. Oversight to determine if SEC agents involved thus far have followed procedure already in these matters. While your investigation may or may not include my personal involvement the investigation, the investigations need to relegate Conflict of Interest prior to allowing conflicts to seep in and derail due process. As Conflicts of Interest are center stage in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and Public Office violations are already being investigated and further where those Conflicts have led now to criminal allegations against all those who have been found conflicted, as conspirators in the overall RICO and ANTITRUST, an ounce of prevention will be worth its weight in gold. The following public information from recent Press stories concerns me gravely but I reserve my judgment of the SEC’s investigation into all of these matters, including the Iviewit investigation dating far back regarding the Boca Raton PD, until the matters are formally reviewed and addressed per SEC formal complaint procedures. Yet, in the interim, I fear Stockholders of these major companies complained about herein may be horribly compromised in such time and therefore request that the SEC, in order to protect the Shareholders, immediately put restraints on all transactions of these companies named herein and in exhibit. Freezing assets and/or other injunctive actions by the SEC instantly should be enacted to halt further crimes against the Shareholders of the complained of companies and the Injured Ponzi victims. Actions that should last until all of these matters described herein are reviewed by the SEC or sent for a Special Prosecutor to investigate if conflicts are found to already exist. All of these matters described herein must now be reviewed by appropriate oversight and fully adjudicated by all State, Federal and International Authorities who are conducting ongoing investigations of ANY of the matters before further harms can occur to the People. · SEC REPORT – Investigation of Failure of the SEC to Uncover Bernard Madoff’s Ponzi Scheme – Public Version – August 31, 2009 Report No. OIG-509 The SEC and other investigators addressed herein should pay particular attention to the role of Jacqueline Wood, of Proskauer Rose LLP, a former Staff Attorney for the Securities and Exchange Commission, who is central to the SEC regulatory failures and mentioned throughout the report. · “SEC Sued Over Failure To Disclose Post-Madoff Reforms” January 06, 2010 by Nick Pinto @ TPM Media LLC. SEC SUED ARTICLE · The New York Times ~ “The S.E.C.’s Whistleblower Problem” January 21, 2010 by Legal Blog · The Washington Post ~ “At SEC, the system can be deaf to whistleblowing” January 21, 2010 by Zachary A. Goldfarb Washington Post Staff Writer The reason for mentioning these internal regulatory problems currently and in the past is that the SEC now has the ability to tie all these investigations together to the Iviewit matters and prevent Shareholder Fraud on Companies complained of herein and in the attached exhibits and links. This presents an opportunity for the SEC to regain trust and confidence of the public and preclude future lawsuits by injured Shareholders against the SEC and many others. This is not regulatory failure or lack of regulation being complained of herein, these are very real federal allegations of criminal acts committed with Scienter to disable regulatory agencies so that the Criminal Enterprise disguised as Law Firms and Judges can commit crimes without fear of repercussions. Where the criminals may have infiltrated regulatory agencies in the past, it is now time for the SEC to show that it will not allow MAJOR CRIMES on SHAREHOLDERS of BLUE CHIP COMPANIES to continue after receiving legitimate complaints. More importantly for those handling these matters at the SEC is that the SEC is not found COMPLICIT in aiding and abetting the crimes. Certainly, with the new information contained in this Formal Complaint, the SEC will forthright address these issues before exposure to massive liabilities results from failure to investigate and stop the crimes, which is allowing these complained of companies fraudulently to manipulate their corporate stocks. These fraudulent securities transactions possibly being structured to the detriment of Shareholders Worldwide in these most heavily traded blue chip companies must be stopped immediately while formal investigations are undertaken. At this time, however, as noted in my Feb. 2009 letter to the Office of the US President Barack Hussein Obama II and the US Attorney General Eric Holder, I wish to bring to your direct attention the identities of several federal offices already involved in this ongoing national and international Intellectual Properties theft and fraud. February 13, 2009 Letter to President Barack Obama Please note that I provide the FBI and SEC and its various Office and Division heads this background solely as a starting point for full and proper investigations of Warner Bros et al. and related parties in this matter. I remain personally available to provide further information as necessary. It should be noted that a wealth of the history of these matters with additional evidence is available at my website www.iviewit.tv, including links to the current federal complaint filed in the US Court of Appeals 2nd Circuit and the complaint filed with the US District Court – Southern District of New York. List of Current Ongoing Federal, State & International Investigations Investigations that will aid and facilitate the SEC with background information for the proper performance of complete investigations by the SEC allowing for information sharing with these agencies, some of the key offices are as follows: · Glenn A. Fine, Office of Inspector General of the US Department of Justice · Commissioner of Patents, US Patent Office · Harry Moatz, Director, Office of Enrollment & Discipline of the US Patent Office · Hon. Chairman John Conyers, United States House Judiciary Committee · Hon. Dianne Feinstein, United States Senate Judiciary Committee · Senator John L. Sampson, Chairman, New York Senate Judiciary Committee · Inspector General Tax · Inspector General SBA · A List of Ongoing Federal, State & International Actions can be found @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/INVESTIGATIONS%20MASTER.htm . EXHIBIT 1 Warner Bros. Contacts New Contacts Left Message of Shareholder Liabilities 1. Barry M. Meyer ~ Chairman and CEO: 2. Alan F. Horn ~ President and COO: 3. Edward A. Romano ~ EVP and CFO: Past Contacts under NDA, Patent Confidentialities and Licensing Agreement 4. Wayne M. Smith ~ Vice President and Chief Patent Counsel: 5. Massimiliano Gasparri ~ Director Multimedia Technology: 6. Lawrence S. Kelly ~ Director Strategic Planning & Business Development 7. Brent Roberts ~ Director: Workstation Systems WB Online 8. Thomas Sanford 9. Jeremy Wall ~ Manager Business Development – Warner Bros. New Media 10. Clarissa C. Weirick ~ Vice President General Counsel, New Media: 11. Ray Caldito ~ Director of Business Development: 12. Charles L. Dages ~ Senior Vice President Technology Emerging Technology New Media: Colter and Thagard Direct Report, Oversaw Iviewit technology evaluations, etc. 13. David J. Colter ~ Vice President Technology – Technological Operations Warner Bros. 14. Greg B. Thagard ~ Vice President Advanced Technology Technical Operations: 15. Carolyn Wessling ~ Director of Business and Legal Affairs 16. Spencer H. C. Yu ~ Director Business & Legal Affairs 17. Michael Rackman ~ Counsel Patents: Colter sent patent info 18. Alan Rubenstein ~ Counsel Patents: Colter sent patent info 19. John D. Calkins ~ Senior Vice President New Media Business Development 20. Chris Cookson ~ Executive VP Technology Operations: Key decision maker in licensing deal with Iviewit 21. Kevin Tsujihara ~ Executive Vice President: Introduced Iviewit to Dages after review 22. Wendy Aylsworth ~ Vice President Technology 23. Michael Tritter ~ Chief Administrative Assistant to Don Buckley: Referred by Don Buckley, Sam Smith and Chuck Dages to expand Iviewit technologies across all sites and domains 24. Don Buckley ~ Senior Vice President Theatrical Public Relations: 25. Alan Bell ~ Senior Vice President, Technical Operations: 26. Larry Fischer ~ Director Operations & Engineering: 27. Kevin Froning ~ Director Engineering & Maintenance 28. Michael Carroll ~ Senior Staff Scientist, Network Architecture 29. Beattie Katie ~ Warner Online 30. Morgan Keiser ~ Warner Online 31. Jennifer Stewart ~ Software Specialist Advanced Technology 32. Houston T. ~ Manager of Multimedia 33. Sam Smith ~ Vice President Advanced Technology 34. Katie Beattie ~ Manager of Business Development 35. Guy Vardaman ~ Director Production & Original Programming 36. Karen Miller ~ Vice President Content Programming 37. Morgan Hall ~ Senior Producer of Original Programming AOL, Inc. Contacts Recent Contacts 38. Tim Armstrong ~ Chairman and CEO: Contacted Regarding Shareholder Liabilities from Infringement and Lawsuit 39. Ira Parker ~ General Counsel and Executive Vice President, Corporate Development: Contacted Regarding Shareholder Liabilities from Infringement and Lawsuit 40. Christopher Day ~ Assistant General Counsel – Patent Litigation, Prosecution, and Licensing: Contacted Regarding Shareholder Liabilities from Infringement and Lawsuit 41. Jerry McKinley ~ Executive Escalation Team: Contacted Regarding Shareholder Liabilities from Infringement and Lawsuit Past Contacts involved directly with Iviewit and under NDA’s etc. 42. Ted Leonsis ~ Vice Chairman and New Product Officer: Colter contacted and he referred to Raduchel and others 43. Stephen M. Case ~ Chairman of the Board 44. William J. “Bill” Raduchel ~ Chief Technology Officer and Executive Vice President – Leonsis referred the Iviewit investment information to Raduchel for review. 45. Steven Blumenfeld ~ Vice President, Advanced Services-AOL by Phone, AOL Time Warner: Patents sent to him and NDA 46. Janet Hall ~ Technical Director ~ referred to Iviewit by Ted Leonsis and Chuck Brunelas. Meetings in Nov. 2000 47. Ted Maidenberg ~ Senior Analyst: Ted spoke to Hank Powell, Iviewit Investor from Crossbow Ventures of West Palm Beach regarding AOL investment in Iviewit. 48. Matt McConnell ~ Director, Business Affairs & Development: Worked with William Raduchel. 49. Mario Vecchi ~ Head of Broadband Technology, reviewed and passed the information to David Corboy, senior director of technology. 50. Heidi Krauel ~ Associate Business Affairs: Part of AOL review for investment group 51. Velvet Carter ~ Executive Assistant for Mario Vecchi: In August 2000 presented the technologies and she presented them to M. Vecchi 52. Amy Hyde-Juarez ~ AOL Streaming Services 53. Gerald M. Levin ~ Chief Executive Officer of AOL Time Warner Inc.: Time Warner Contacts 54. Chairman and Chief Executive Officer: Jeffrey L. Bewkes Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Time Warner Inc.: Paul T. Cappucci Respectfully Yours, ______________________ Eliot I. Bernstein Founder & Inventor Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL Uview.com, Inc. – DL Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL I.C., Inc. – FL Iviewit.com LLC – DL Iviewit LLC – DL Iviewit Corporation – FL Iviewit, Inc. – FL Iviewit, Inc. – DL Iviewit Corporation cc/ec: The Honorable Elena Kagan Solicitor General US Department of Justice Robert S. Mueller, III. Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Candice M. Will Assistant Director, Office of Professional Responsibility Federal Bureau of Investigation Chris P. Mercer President Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) Steven Michael Cohen Counselor and Chief of Staff for Andrew Cuomo New York Office of the Attorney General Joseph M. Demarest, Jr. FBI Assistant Director in Charge of the New York Division, 26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor New York, NY 10278-0004 David A. Paterson Governor New York State New York Senate Judiciary Committee Members: sampson@senate.state.ny.us ; onorato@senate.state.ny.us ; schneiderman@schneiderman.org ; schneiderman@senate.state.ny.us ; hassellt@senate.state.ny.us ; diaz@senate.state.ny.us ; jdklein@senate.state.ny.us ; eadams@senate.state.ny.us ; espada@senate.state.ny.us ; breslin@senate.state.ny.us ; dilan@senate.state.ny.us ; savino@senate.state.ny.us ; perkins@senate.state.ny.us ; maziarz@senate.state.ny.us ; jdefranc@senate.state.ny.us ; volker@senate.state.ny.us ; saland@senate.state.ny.us ; lavalle@senate.state.ny.us ; bonacic@senate.state.ny.us ; winner@senate.state.ny.us ; nozzolio@senate.state.ny.us ; lanza@senate.state.ny.us ; ranz@senate.state.ny.us ; spotts@senate.state.ny.us . Hon. Andrew Cuomo Attorney General Office of the Attorney General The Capitol Albany, NY 12224-0341 and 120 Broadway New York City, NY 10271-0332 Monica Connell, Esq. Assistant Attorney General – Division of State Counsel Litigation Bureau, State of New York Office of the Attorney General 120 Broadway New York City, NY 10271-0332 Thomas P. DiNapoli Comptroller State of New York Robert Morris Morgenthau District Attorney of New York County One Hogan Place New York, NY 10013 212-335-9000 Lovett & Bellatoni 37A Saw Mill River Road, RT 9A Hawthorne, NY 10532 NY TIMES WASHINGTON POST CNBC RACHEL MADDOW Other Select Media Select Iviewit Shareholders and Patent Interest Owners Enclosure(s)/Attachment(s) Uniform Resource Locator(s) All Uniform Resource Locators ( URL’s) and Exhibited Links are incorporated in entirety by reference herein, including the over 1000 evidentiary links on the homepage at www.iviewit.tv cmb/eib17238 exhibit 2 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form Failure to comply may result in criminal and civil charges against you! Please accept and return signed the following Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (COI) before continuing further with adjudication, review or investigation of the attached OFFICIAL FORMAL COMPLAINT SENT BY OFFICIAL SEC EMAIL AND OFFICIAL EMAIL ADDRESSES TO OTHER INVESTIGATORY AGENCIES AND COMMITTEES ADDRESSED HEREIN, AGAINST WARNER BROS. ENTERTAINMENT, INC., AOL INC. AND TIME WARNER, REGARDING TRILLION DOLLAR ALLEGED FRAUD ON SHAREHOLDERS; FASB NO. 5 AND OTHER SEC, ACCOUNTING VIOLATIONS AND VIOLATIONS OF STATE, FEDERAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAWS; RESCISSORY RIGHTS OF SHAREHOLDERS; EVIDENCE AND IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR THE SEC REGARDING ONGOING SEC INVESTIGATIONS OF BERNARD L. MADOFF, MARC S. DREIER, ALLEN STANFORD, PROSKAUER ROSE, GALLEON ENRON BROADBAND, ENRON, ARTHUR ANDERSEN, AND MORE. This Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form designed to ensure that the review and any determinations from such review of the enclosed materials are not biased by any conflicting financial interest or any other conflicting interest by those reviewers responsible for the handling of this confidential information. Whereby any conflict with any of the main alleged perpetrators listed in the attached List of Parties of the alleged crimes referenced in these matters or any other perpetrators not know at this time must fully be disclosed and affirmed in writing and returned for review prior to any action on your part. Disclosure forms with “Yes” answers by any party to any of the following questions are demanded not to open the remainder of the documents or opine in any manner and instead forward the matters on to the next available reviewer that is free of conflict that can sign and complete the requisite disclosure. Please identify conflicts that you have in writing upon terminating your involvement in the matters. As many of these alleged perpetrators are large law firms, members of various state and federal courts and officers of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, careful review and disclosure of any conflict with those named herein is pertinent in your continued handling of these matters. As these matters involve claims of, including but not limited to, conflicts, violations of public offices, interference with complaints in the Supreme Court of New York, coercion, document destruction, obstructions of justice, tampering with Federal Witnesses, RICO, ATTEMPTED MURDER, the need for prescreening for conflict is essential to the administration of due process in these matters to avoid further OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE. Federal Judge Shira A. Scheindlin has legally related these matters to a Whistleblower Lawsuit who alleges similar claims of public office corruption against Supreme Court of New York personnel and possibly others. Please take this as a formal written request for full disclosure of any conflict on your part to any related matters known or unknown, such request conforming with all applicable state and federal laws, public office rules and regulations, attorney conduct codes and judicial canons or other international law and treatises requiring disclosure of conflicts and recusal from matters where conflict precludes involvement. Failure to comply with all applicable conflict disclosure rules, regulations and laws prior to continued action on your part will be cause for the filing of complaints against you for any decisions or actions you make prior to a signed Conflict Of Interest Disclosure Form with all applicable regulatory agencies. Complaints will be filed with all appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the appropriate, Federal, State, Local and International Law Enforcement Agencies, Public Integrity Officials, Judicial Conduct Officials, State and Federal Bar Associations, Disciplinary Departments and any/all other appropriate oversight agencies for failing to follow well established rules and regulations governing public office conflict, attorney conduct conflicts, judicial conduct and law. I. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate have, any direct or indirect relations (relationships), or interest in any outside entity or any direct or indirect relations (relationships) to the parties listed in attached LIST OF PARTIES to the proceeding of the matters you are reviewing? _____NO ____YES Please describe in detail any identified conflicted parties on a separate and attached sheet. Fully disclose all information regarding the conflict. If the answer is YES, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind. Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters. II. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate have, any direct or indirect relations (relationships), or interest in any outside entity or any direct or indirect relations (relationships) to Any other known or unknown person or known or unknown entity not named herein that will cause your review of the complaint you are charged with investigating to be biased by any conflicting past, present, or future financial interest or any other interest(s)? _____NO ____YES Please describe in detail any identified conflicted parties on a separate and attached sheet. Fully disclose all information regarding the conflict. If the answer is YES, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind. Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters. III. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, receive salary or other remuneration or financial considerations from any entity related to the enclosed parties to the proceeding of the matters including but not limited to campaign contributions whether direct, “in kind” or of any type at all? _____NO ____YES Please describe in detail any consideration(s) on a separate and attached sheet fully disclosing all information regarding the consideration(s). If the answer is Yes, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind. Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters. IV. Have you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, had any prior communication(s), including but not limited to, phone, facsimile, e-mail, mail, verbal, etc. with any person related to the proceeding of the Iviewit or related matters? Please describe in detail any identified communication(s) on a separate and attached sheet fully disclosing all information regarding the communication(s). If the answer is YES, please describe the communication(s) in detail, including but not limited to, who was present, what type of communication, the date and time, please affirm whether such communication(s) present a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind. V. I have run a thorough and exhaustive Conflict of Interest check to conform with any and all state, federal or local laws, public office rules and regulations, judicial cannons, attorney conduct codes and any other professional association rules and regulations regarding disclosure of any conflict(s) to verify that my spouse, my dependents, and I in the aggregate, have no conflict(s) with any parties to the matters referenced herein. _____NO ____YES VI. I have notified all parties with any liabilities regarding my continued actions in these matters, including state auditors and agencies, insurance concerns or any other person with liability that may result from my actions in these matters. _____NO ____YES LIST OF PARTIES · Proskauer Rose, LLP; Alan S. Jaffe – Chairman Of The Board – (“Jaffe”); Kenneth Rubenstein – (“Rubenstein”); Robert Kafin – Managing Partner – (“Kafin”); Christopher C. Wheeler – (“Wheeler”); Steven C. Krane – (“Krane”); Stephen R. Kaye – (“S. Kaye”) and in his estate with New York Supreme Court Chief Judge Judith Kaye (“J. Kaye”); Matthew Triggs – (“Triggs”); Christopher Pruzaski – (“Pruzaski”); Mara Lerner Robbins – (“Robbins”); Donald Thompson – (“Thompson”); Gayle Coleman; David George; George A. Pincus; Gregg Reed; Leon Gold – (“Gold”); Albert Gortz – (“Gortz”); Marcy Hahn-Saperstein; Kevin J. Healy – (“Healy”); Stuart Kapp; Ronald F. Storette; Chris Wolf; Jill Zammas; FULL LIST OF 601 liable Proskauer Partners; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Proskauer partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Proskauer ROSE LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Proskauer related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN, WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C.; Lewis Melzter – (“Meltzer”); Raymond Joao – (“Joao”); Frank Martinez – (“Martinez”); Kenneth Rubenstein – (“Rubenstein”); FULL LIST OF 34 Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. liable Partners; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · FOLEY & LARDNER LLP; Ralf Boer (“Boer”); Michael Grebe (“Grebe”); Christopher Kise (“Kise”); William J. Dick – (“Dick”); Steven C. Becker – (“Becker”); Douglas Boehm – (“Boehm”); Barry Grossman – (“Grossman”); Jim Clark – (“Clark”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Foley & Lardner partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Foley & Lardner; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Foley & Lardner related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP; Richard Schiffrin – (“Schiffrin”); Andrew Barroway – (“Barroway”); Krishna Narine – (“Narine”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP; Norman Zafman – (“Zafman”); Thomas Coester – (“Coester”); Farzad Ahmini – (“Ahmini”); George Hoover – (“Hoover”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP; Martyn W. Molyneaux – (“Molyneaux”); Michael Dockterman – (“Dockterman”); FULL LIST OF 198 Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP liable Partners; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.; Alan M. Weisberg – (“Weisberg”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE; Masaki Yamakawa – (“Yamakawa”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Yamakawa International Patent Office partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Yamakawa International Patent Office; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Yamakawa International Patent Office related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · GOLDSTEIN LEWIN & CO.; Donald J. Goldstein – (“Goldstein”); Gerald R. Lewin – (“Lewin”); Erika Lewin – (“E. Lewin”); Mark R. Gold; Paul Feuerberg; Salvatore Bochicchio; Marc H. List; David A. Katzman; Robert H. Garick; Robert C. Zeigen; Marc H. List; Lawrence A. Rosenblum; David A. Katzman; Brad N. Mciver; Robert Cini; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Goldstein & Lewin Co. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Goldstein & Lewin Co.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Goldstein & Lewin Co. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · INTEL Corporation; · Silicon Graphics Inc.; · Lockheed Martin Corporation; · Real 3D, Inc. (SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN & INTEL) & RYJO; Gerald Stanley – (“Stanley”); Ryan Huisman – (“Huisman”); RYJO – (“RYJO”); Tim Connolly – (“Connolly”); Steve Cochran; David Bolton; Rosalie Bibona – (“Bibona”); Connie Martin; Richard Gentner; Steven A. Behrens; Matt Johannsen; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO; Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO related or affiliated entities, and any successor companies both individually and professionally; · Tiedemann Investment Group; Bruce T. Prolow (“Prolow”); Carl Tiedemann (“C. Tiedemann”); Andrew Philip Chesler; Craig L. Smith; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Tiedemann Investment Group partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Tiedemann Investment Group and any other Tiedemann Investment Group related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners; Stephen J. Warner – (“Warner”); Rene P. Eichenberger – (“Eichenberger”); H. Hickman Hank Powell – (“Powell”); Maurice Buchsbaum – (“Buchsbaum”); Eric Chen – (“Chen”); Avi Hersh; Matthew Shaw – (“Shaw”); Bruce W. Shewmaker – (“Shewmaker”); Ravi M. Ugale – (“Ugale”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners and any other Crossbow Ventures / Alpine Partners related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · BROAD & CASSEL; James J. Wheeler – (“J. Wheeler”); Kelly Overstreet Johnson – (“Johnson”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Broad & Cassell partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Broad & Cassell and any other Broad & Cassell related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · FORMER IVIEWIT MANAGEMENT & BOARD; Brian G. Utley/Proskauer Referred Management – (“Utley”); Raymond Hersh – (“Hersh”)/; Michael Reale – (“Reale”)/Proskauer Referred Management; Rubenstein/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit – Advisory Board; Wheeler/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit – Advisory Board; Dick/Foley & Lardner – Advisory Board, Boehm/Foley & Lardner – Advisory Board; Becker/Foley & Lardner; Advisory Board; Joao/Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe & Schlissel – Advisory Board; Kane/Goldman Sachs – Board Director; Lewin/Goldstein Lewin – Board Director; Ross Miller, Esq. (“Miller”), Prolow/Tiedemann Prolow II – Board Director; Powell/Crossbow Ventures/Proskauer Referred Investor – Board Director; Maurice Buchsbaum – Board Director; Stephen Warner – Board Director; Simon L. Bernstein – Board Director (“S. Bernstein”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Former Iviewit Management & Board partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Former Iviewit Management & Board and any other Former Iviewit Management & Board related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT – WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA; Judge Jorge LABARGA – (“Labarga”); any other John Doe (“John Doe”) FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT – WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time. Hereinafter, collectively referred to as (“15C”); · THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE; Thomas Cahill – (“Cahill”); Joseph Wigley – (“Wigley”); Steven Krane, any other John Doe (“John Doe”) of THE SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION: FIRST JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time; · THE FLORIDA BAR; Lorraine Christine Hoffman – (“Hoffman”); Eric Turner – (“Turner”); Kenneth Marvin – (“Marvin”); Anthony Boggs – (“Boggs”); Joy A. Bartmon – (“Bartmon”); Kelly Overstreet Johnson – (“Johnson”); Jerald Beer – (“Beer”); Matthew Triggs; Christopher or James Wheeler; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) The Florida Bar staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time; · MPEGLA, LLC. – Kenneth Rubenstein, Patent Evaluator; Licensors and Licensees, please visit www.mpegla.com for a complete list; Columbia University; Fujitsu Limited; General Instrument Corp; Lucent Technologies Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corp.; Philips Electronics N.V. (Philips); Scientific Atlanta, Inc.; Sony Corp. (Sony); EXTENDED LIST OF MPEGLA LICENSEES AND LICENSORS; any other John Doe MPEGLA, LLC. Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) MPEGLA, LLC partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to MPEGLA, LLC and any other MPEGLA, LLC related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · DVD6C LICENSING GROUP – Licensors and Licensees, please visit www.mpegla.com for a complete list; Toshiba Corporation; Hitachi, Ltd.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Time Warner Inc.; Victor Company Of Japan, Ltd.; EXTENDED DVD6C DEFENDANTS; any other John Doe DVD6C LICENSING GROUP Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe (“John Doe”) DVD6C LICENSING GROUP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to DVD6C LICENSING GROUP and any other DVD6C LICENSING GROUP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Harrison Goodard Foote incorporating Brewer & Son; Martyn Molyneaux, Esq. (“Molyneaux”); Any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Harrison Goodard Foote (incorporating Brewer & Son) partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Harrison Goodard Goote incorporating Brewer & Son and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Lawrence DiGiovanna, Chairman of the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee; · James E. Peltzer, Clerk of the Court of the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial Department; Diana Kearse, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee; · Houston & Shahady, P.A., any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Houston & Shahady, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Houston & Shahady, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Furr & Cohen, P.A. any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Furr & Cohen, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Furr & Cohen, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A., any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Huizenga Holdings Incorporated any other John Doe (“John Doe”) Huizenga Holdings Incorporated affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Huizenga Holdings Incorporated related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally; · Judge Martin Glenn, New York Southern District Bankruptcy; · Judge Shira A. Scheindlin; · Davis Polk & Wardell; · Ropes & Gray LLP; · Sullivan & Cromwell LLP; · Eliot I. Bernstein, (“Bernstein”) a resident of the State of California, and former President (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries and the founder of Iviewit and principal inventor of its technology; · P. Stephen Lamont, (“Lamont”) a resident of the State of New York, and former Chief Executive Officer (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries; · SKULL AND BONES; · The Russell Trust Co.; · Yale Law School; · Council on Foreign Relations; · The Bilderberg Group; · The Federalist Society; · The Bradley Foundation; · The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; Please include in the COI check the defendants and any other parties in the legally related cases in New York District Court Southern District of New York to Docket No 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT, including but not limited to; A. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit 08-4873-cv B. (07cv11196) Bernstein et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT Defendants, in addition to those already listed herein, include but are not limited to; · STATE OF NEW YORK; · THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM; · STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner; · ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities; · MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer; · JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities; · SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities; · BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities; · LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities; · WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities; · DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities; · JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities; · JAMES H. SHALEK; in his professional and individual capacities; · GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities; · JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities; · TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities; · ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities; · JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities; · STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA; · FLORIDA SUPREME COURT; · HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities; · HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities; · HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities; · HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities; · HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities; · THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities; · DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities; · DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA; · CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA.; · ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities; · ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities; · PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities; · MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities; · SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT; · CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities; · HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities; · HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities; · HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities; · HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities; · HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities; · SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT; · SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE; · HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities; · HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities; · STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION; · ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities; · LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; · OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK; · ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York; · COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA; · VIRGINIA STATE BAR; · ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities; · NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities; · MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities; · LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities; · MPEGLA LLC; LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities; · INTEL CORP.; LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities; · SILICON GRAPHICS, INC.; · LOCKHEED MARTIN Corp; · EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE; · ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities; · WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities; · LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities; · DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC.; · ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities; · HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities; · WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities; · BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities; · BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities; · WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities; · BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities; · SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities; · ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities; · JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities; · IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation; · IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation; · IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.); · UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation; · IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.); · IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation; · IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation; · I.C., INC., a Florida corporation; · IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation; · IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; · IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company; · IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; · IBM CORPORATION; C. Other Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY · 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT; · 07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.; · 07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.; · 08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.; · 08cv6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York Relevant Sections of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes and Law Conflict of interest” indicates a situation where a private interest may influence a public decision. Conflict of Interest Laws are laws and regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest. These laws may contain provisions related to financial or asset disclosure, exploitation of one’s official position and privileges, regulation of campaign practices, etc. The Relevant Sections are merely a benchmark guide and other state, federal and international laws may be applicable to your particular circumstances in reviewing or acting in these matters. For a more complete list of applicable sections of law relating to these matters please visit IVIEWIT RICO STATE FEDERAL AND INTERNATIONAL LAWS BROKEN New York State Consolidated Laws Penal ARTICLE 200 BRIBERY INVOLVING PUBLIC SERVANTS AND RELATED OFFENSES S 200.03 Bribery in the second degree S 200.04 Bribery in the first degree S 200.05 Bribery; defense S 200.10 Bribe receiving in the third degree S 200.11 Bribe receiving in the second degree S 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree S 200.15 Bribe receiving; no defense S 200.20 Rewarding official misconduct in the second degree S 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree S 200.25 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the second degree S 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree S 200.30 Giving unlawful gratuities S 200.35 Receiving unlawful gratuities S 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office; definition of term S 200.45 Bribe giving for public office S 200.50 Bribe receiving for public office ARTICLE 175 OFFENSES INVOLVING FALSE WRITTEN STATEMENTS S 175.05 Falsifying business records in the second degree. S 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree. S 175.15 Falsifying business records; defense S 175.20 Tampering with public records in the second degree S 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree S 175.30 Offering a false instrument for filing in the second degree S 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree NY Constitution ARTICLE XIII Public Officers Public Officers – Public Officers ARTICLE 1 ARTICLE 2 Appointment and Qualification of Public Officers – ARTICLE 15 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS S 468-b. Clients` security fund of the state of New York S 476-a. Action for unlawful practice of the law S 476-b. Injunction to restrain defendant from unlawful practice of the law S 476-c. Investigation by the attorney-general S 487. Misconduct by attorneys S 488. Buying demands on which to bring an action. Public Officers Law SEC 73 Restrictions on the Activities Of Current and Former State Officers and Employees Public Officers Law SEC 74 Code of Ethics Conflicts of Interest Law, found in Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter, the City’s Financial Disclosure Law, set forth in section 12-110 of the New York City Administrative Code, and the Lobbyist Gift Law, found in sections 3-224 through 3-228 of the Administrative Code. TITLE 18 FEDERAL CODE & OTHER APPLICABLE FEDERAL LAW TITLE 18 PART I CH 11 Sec. 201. Bribery of public officials and witnesses Sec. 225. – Continuing financial crimes enterprise BRIBERY, GRAFT, AND CONFLICTS OF INTEREST Sec. 205. – Activities of officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting the Government Sec. 208. – Acts affecting a personal financial interest Sec. 210. – Offer to procure appointive public office Sec. 225. – Continuing financial crimes enterprise TITLE 18 PART I CH 79 Sec 1623 – False declarations before grand jury or court Sec 654 – Officer or employee of United States converting property of another TITLE 18 PART I CH 73 Sec 1511 – Obstruction of State or local law enforcement TITLE 18 PART I CH 96 Sec 1961 RACKETEER INFLUENCED AND CORRUPT Organizations (“RICO”) Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice), Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations) Section 1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement), Section 1952 (relating to racketeering), Section 1957 (relating to engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity), TITLE 18 PART I CH 96 SEC 1962 (A) RICO TITLE 18 PART I CH 96 SEC 1962 (B) RICO TITLE 18 PART I CH 96 SEC 1962 (C) RICO title 18 part i ch 19 sec 1962 (d) RICO TITLE 18 PART I CH 19 CONSPIRACY Sec 371 CONSPIRACY TO COMMIT OFFENSE OR TO DEFRAUD UNITED STATES TITLE 18 PART I CH 95 RACKETEERING SEC 1957 Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity TITLE 18 PART I CH 47 Sec 1031 – Major fraud against the United States Judicial Cannons Canon 1. A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary [1.1] Deference to the judgments and rulings of courts depends upon public confidence in the integrity and independence of judges. The integrity and independence of judges depends in turn upon their acting without fear or favor. Although judges should be independent, they must comply with the law, including the provisions of this Code. Public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary is maintained by the adherence of each judge to this responsibility. Conversely, violation of this Code diminishes public confidence in the judiciary and thereby does injury to the system of government under law. Canon 2. A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities (A) A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary. [2.2][2A] The prohibition against behaving with impropriety or the appearance of impropriety applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge. Because it is not practicable to list all prohibited acts, the proscription is necessarily cast in general terms that extend to conduct by judges that is harmful although not specifically mentioned in the Code. Actual improprieties under this standard include violations of law, court rules or other specific provisions of this Code. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity, impartiality and competence is impaired. Canon 3. A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Impartially and Diligently (B) Adjudicative responsibilities. (l) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism. (2) A judge shall require order and decorum in proceedings before the judge. (D) Disciplinary responsibilities. (1) A judge who receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that another judge has committed a substantial violation of this Part shall take appropriate action. (2) A judge who receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that a lawyer has committed a substantial violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility shall take appropriate action. (3) Acts of a judge in the discharge of disciplinary responsibilities are part of a judge’s judicial duties. (E) Disqualification. (1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned [3.11][3B(6)(e)] A judge may delegate the responsibilities of the judge under Canon 3B(6) to a member of the judge’s staff. A judge must make reasonable efforts, including the provision of appropriate supervision, to ensure that Section 3B(6) is not violated through law clerks or other personnel on the judge’s staff. This provision does not prohibit the judge or the judge’s law clerk from informing all parties individually of scheduling or administrative decisions. [3.21][3E(1)] Under this rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless whether any of the specific rules in Section 3E(1) apply. For example, if a judge were in the process of negotiating for employment with a law firm, the judge would be disqualified from any matters in which that firm appeared, unless the disqualification was waived by the parties after disclosure by the judge. [3.22][3E(1)] A judge should disclose on the record information that the judge believes the parties or their lawyers might consider relevant to the question of disqualification, even if the judge believes there is no real basis for disqualification. Canon 4. A Judge May Engage in Extra-Judicial Activities To Improve the Law, the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice Canon 5. A Judge Should Regulate Extra-Judicial Activities To Minimize the Risk of Conflict with Judicial Duties Public Office Conduct Codes New York PUBLIC OFFICERS LAW Laws 1909, Chap. 51. CHAPTER 47 OF THE CONSOLIDATED LAWS PUBLIC OFFICERS LAW Sec. 17. Defense and indemnification of state officers and employees. 2 (b) Sec. 18. Defense and indemnification of officers and employees of public entities. 3 (b) Sec. 74. Code of ethics. (2) (3) (4) § 73. Business or professional activities by state officers and employees and party officers. NY Attorney Conduct Code (a) “Differing interests” include every interest that will adversely affect either the judgment or the loyalty of a lawyer to a client, whether it be a conflicting, inconsistent, diverse, or other interest. CANON 5. A Lawyer Should Exercise Independent Professional Judgment on Behalf of a Client DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest – Lawyer’s Own Interests. DR 5-102 [1200.21] Lawyers as Witnesses. DR 5-103 [1200.22] Avoiding Acquisition of Interest in Litigation. DR 5-104 [1200.23] Transactions Between Lawyer and Client. DR 5-105 [1200.24] Conflict of Interest; Simultaneous Representation. DR 5-108 [1200.27] Conflict of Interest – Former Client. CANON 6. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Competently CANON 7. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Zealously Within the Bounds of the Law DR 7-102 [1200.33] Representing a Client Within the Bounds of the Law. DR 7-110 [1200.41] Contact with Officials. DR 8-101 [1200.42] Action as a Public Official. DR 8-103 [1200.44] Lawyer Candidate for Judicial Office. A. A lawyer who is a candidate for judicial office shall comply with section 100.5 of the Chief Administrator’s Rules Governing Judicial Conduct (22 NYCRR) and Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Conduct. CANON 9. A Lawyer Should Avoid Even the Appearance of Professional Impropriety DR 9-101 [1200.45] Avoiding Even the Appearance of Impropriety. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements in this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM are true and correct. Executed on this ____ day of _______20__. I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims will subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including possible culpability in the RICO related crimes including the alleged attempted murder of the inventor Eliot Bernstein and his wife and children in a car-bombing attempt on their lives. I agree to accept responsibility for the unbiased review, and presentation of findings to the appropriate party(ies) who also have executed this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM. A lack of signature will serve as evidence that I have accepted this document with conflict in the event that I continue to represent the matters without signing such COI first and will be an admission of such conflict(s). Organizations this COI is applicable to for the attached Document: ADDRESSED TO ALL OF THE FOLLOWING PARTIES: SEC, Chairperson Mary Shapiro @ CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov and enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Office of Chief Accountant @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Office of International Affairs @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Office of International Enforcement Assistance @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Division of Enforcement @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Office of Internet Enforcement @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Division of Corporate Finance @ enforcement@sec.gov, SEC, Division of Corporate Finance Chief Accountant’s Office ( CF-OCA ) @ , enforcement@sec.gov SEC INSPECTOR GENERAL, H. David Kotz @ oig@sec.gov INSPECTOR GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Glenn Fine @ glenn.a.fine@usdoj.gov & oig.hotline@usdoj.gov , FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION – White Collar Crime Unit and all other appropriate divisions @ Miami@ic.fbi.gov , HOUSE AND SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEES @ john.conyers@mail.house.gov , NEW YORK SENATE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE @ members’ individual email addresses, UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL, Eric Holder, Jr., @ inspector.general@usdoj.gov & AskDOJ@usdoj.gov TREASURY INSPECTOR GENERAL FOR TAX ADMINISTRATION, David Gouvaia @ Complaints@tigta.treas.gov and david.gouvaia@tigta.treas.gov SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION INSPECTOR GENERAL, Peggy E. Gustafson & Daniel J. O’Rourke @ daniel.o’rourke@sba.gov & http://web.sba.gov/oigcss/client/dsp_welcome.cfm Complaint Form US DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE INSPECTOR GENERAL, Todd J. Zinser @ hotline@oig.doc.gov UNDER SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND DIRECTOR OF THE US PATENT OFFICE, David Kappos @ david.kappos@USPTO.gov DEPUTY UNDER SECRETARY OF COMMERCE FOR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY AND DEPUTY DIRECTOR OF THE USPTO, Sharon Barner @ Sharon.Barner@USPTO.gov US PATENT OFFICE – OFFICE OF ENROLLMENT AND DISCIPLINE DIRECTOR, Harry I. Moatz @ Harry.Moatz@USPTO.GOV UNITED STATES OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT, The Honorable President of the United States Barack Obama @ Facsimile +1 (202) 456-2461 Print Name & Title______________________________________________________________________ Signature ____________________________________________ Date________/_________/__________ If you are unable to sign this COI and are therefore unable to continue further to pursue these matters, please attach a statement of whom we may contact as your replacement, a copy can be sent to iviewit@iviewit.tv or the mailing address below: Eliot I. Bernstein Inventor Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL Uview.com, Inc. – DL Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL I.C., Inc. – FL Iviewit.com LLC – DL Iviewit LLC – DL Iviewit Corporation – FL Iviewit, Inc. – FL Iviewit, Inc. – DL Iviewit Corporation 2753 N.W. 34th St. Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459 (561) 245.8588 (o) (561) 886.7628 (c) (561) 245-8644 (f) iviewit@iviewit.tv www.iviewit.tv That is where the kids would have been!”]
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2 Responses to “Iviewit & Eliot I. Bernstein Official Formal Complaint sent by Official SEC Email and Official Email Addresses to Other Investigatory Agencies and Committees addressed herein, Against Warner Bros. Entertainment, Inc., AOL Inc. and Time Warner, regarding Trillion Dollar alleged fraud on Shareholders; FASB No. 5 and other SEC, accounting violations and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws; Rescissory rights of Shareholders; Evidence and Important Information for the SEC regarding ongoing SEC Investigations of Bernard L. Madoff, Marc S. Dreier, Sir Robert Allen Stanford, Proskauer Rose, Galleon, Enron Broadband, Enron, Arthur Andersen and more.”
In what seems to some, as never ending Bizarre twists of Conflicts and more in the $65 Billion dollar Bernard Madoff Ponzi Investigation, the newly appointed Chief of the Criminal Division in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, Richard B. Zabel, has recently been forced off the Madoff Investigation. Zabel’s father, William Zabel, represents Jeffrey Picower of Palm Beach, Florida who is allegedly complicit in the Madoff scheme according to the SDNY Bankruptcy Trustee in the Madoff case.
The story linked from ABC News reported by Brian Ross and Joseph Rhee on October 9, 2009. Preet Bharara, who previously was the chief counsel to Senator Charles E. Schumer, confirmed as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York in August 2009, a short time ago. Now, Bharra’s Chief of the Criminal Division Richard Zabel just Appointed this week, October 2009, is removed from all Madoff Investigation matters due to Conflicts of Interest.
“He has recused himself from any involvement in the Madoff case,” a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s office, Rebekah Carmichael, told ABCNews.com Friday. Zabel’s appointment announced Tuesday. The spokeswoman declined to provide any details about who would oversee and supervise the Madoff investigation.
In court documents, trustee lawyers allege Picower was the “biggest beneficiary of Madoff’s scheme,” clearing more than $7.2 billion. The trustee alleged the money was “a form of compensation by Madoff to Picower for perpetuating the Ponzi scheme.” The U.S. Attorney’s office declined to say whether Picower is considered a target of the criminal investigation.
In what has received little if any real attention from the major media sources currently, former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey under former President Bush had previously recused himself from the Madoff Affairs while acting as the top US Attorney General allegedly due to the work of his son Marc Mukasey who was representing Madoff’s right hand man Frank DiPascali. DiPascali has since Pled Guilty in Federal court to Fraud charges in August, the same month Bharra was confirmed by the US Senate to take over the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District.
Marc Mukasey has worked with Rudy Guliani’s firm during these years while Guliani’s former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik awaits trial on federal charges in White Plains, New York including allegations of taking several hundred thousand dollars of renovations from a construction company allegedly connected to organized crime families.
According to one source, Lawyers in the Madoff case say another set of indictments expected shortly after Labor Day have been held up as a new prosecutorial team settles in to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan.
In related news, Trillion Dollar Inventor, Eliot I. Bernstein filed Motions which are still pending at the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to address the very types of conflicts in his 12 Count 12 Trillion Dollar RICO, Anti-trust and related lawsuit, that have surfaced above in the Madoff case. The Bernstein Motions also discuss Conflicts centering on the Madoff saga where the Proskauer Rose law firm publicly identified as having the most clients in the Madoff scheme while simultaneously being at the heart of allegations in the Trillion-dollar Iviewit saga now known as “Patentgate”. Inventor Bernstein’s Motion at the US Second Circuit is to Compel the Court to address Conflicts of Interest and other matters according to law which have been ignored while the Court and attorneys perpetuate never ending Conflicts.
Another Proskauer / Madoff tie came from the SEC OIG stinging report on Madoff harshly criticizing lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from WHISTLEBLOWERS & others inside the SEC, for years. According to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. SEC OIG’s report mentions Wood of Proskauer throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failure. http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/2009/oig-509.pdf . After leaving the SEC, Wood took a Proskauer partnership.
Inventor Bernstein’s RICO and related case was marked legally “related” in the US District Court of Judge Shira Scheindlin to the federal Whistleblower case of Christine C. Anderson who has been exposing systemic corruption within the Manhattan based NYS First Department Appellate Division where Wall Street lawyers are regulated. Anderson subjected to threats, assault and intimidation for exposing the criminal activities of the First Department. The Anderson case is heading to trial soon and now scheduled to begin Jury Selection on Oct 13, 2009 if not delayed by the appearance of recent additional counsel for Anderson.
Inventor Bernstein also has a Motion to Disqualify pending in the SDNY Bankruptcy Court of Judge Martin Glenn for Judge Glenn’s repeatedly failing to respond to and address conflicts of interest in the Bankruptcy proceedings of Silicon Graphics Inc. ( SGI ). SGI filed a second protection petition in Chapter 11 just 6 days after receiving Notice from Bernstein of a Formal SEC Complaint filed by Bernstein alleging a possible Trillion Dollar fraud involving the Intel Corporation ( Intel ), SGI and Defense giant Lockheed Martin ( Lockheed ). Intel, SGI and Lockheed were owners of Real3d Inc., a graphics company located in Orlando, Florida on Lockheed property whose history traces back to the Apollo Lunar Space projects. Real3d Inc was under signed Non Disclosure Agreement and Licensing Agreements and more with Bernstein and his companies Iviewit. The technologies were tested, validated and used in the Real3d Labs and leading Engineers from Intel, Lockheed and SGI and Real3d called the technologies “priceless.”
Inventor Bernstein and his family suffered an Iraqi style Car Bombing of their Family Minivan in Boynton Beach, Florida while preparing Court papers relating to the Trillion Dollar fraud, intellectual property and Patent theft. The claims have elevated to charges of Fraud Upon The United States Patent & Trademark Offices ( USPTO ), World Patent Agencies, the Federal Small Business Administration and more. The Commissioner of Patents suspended Bernstein’s patents several years ago while Harry I. Moatz of the USPTO’s Office of Enrollment and Discipline investigates attorneys involved in the Fraud from Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and more with Federal Agents. Bernstein’s former patent counsel Kenneth Rubenstein of Proskauer and MPEGLA counsel, is alleged to have used Bernstein’s invention to enrich his patent pooling schemes at MPEGLA while using Anticompetitive Monopolistic Practices to annihilate Bernstein and his companies. Proskauer has since acquired Rubenstein and control of the patent pools, blocking Bernstein, their client, from his royalties. Full pictorial evidence of the car bombing found @ www.iviewit.tv .
In the SDNY Bankruptcy Court of Judge Glenn, a major Wall Street law firm, Davis Polk & Wardell LLP ( DPW ) ) was found to be simultaneously representing Lockheed, Silicon Graphics, the Accountants for Silicon Graphics, and major Market players like Morgan Stanley and CIBC at the same time in the case and more. Sales transactions between Lockheed, Silicon Graphics and Intel are at issue in the BK creating obvious and overwhelming Conflicts of Interest for the law firm. Inventor Bernstein also pointed out to the Bankruptcy Court that the law firm had recruited back to the firm former SEC Enforcement officer Linda Chatman Thomsen who left the SEC in Feb. 2009 after coming under fire for the SEC failures in the Madoff matters. According to published sources, Linda Chatman Thomsen recruited back to the DPW firm just 4 days after Inventor Bernstein filed an Emergency Motion in the Bankruptcy Court announcing the related Trillion Dollar fraud and other allegations.
For an interactive Link to the Written Testimony recently submitted by Inventor Bernstein to the NYS Senate Judiciary Committee with press releases and links attached, see: http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=165
Eliot I. Bernstein, a husband to Candice and father of 3 sons living in Boca Raton, Florida and the original Inventor and Owner of Trillion dollar plus Technologies filed formal written Testimony this week with New York State Senate Judiciary Chair John L. Sampson. The NYS Senate Judiciary Committee recently held its second public hearing on the NYS Judiciary and Discipline process and problems in the NYS Court system on Sept. 24, 2009 in Manhattan. Additional hearing dates are expected to be announced soon.
Bernstein had previously traveled to Albany, NY on June 8, 2009 on the first date of Hearings before the Committee and was slated to Testify publicly in the late afternoon when the now infamous “Senate Coup” shut down the NYS Senate building including the lights and internet preventing Mr. Bernstein and others from testifying.
Bernstein’s Testimony outlines a wide and broad range of corruption, theft of the Trillion dollar technologies, forgery and fraudulent Patents and Intellectual Property filings, Fraud on the US & Foreign Patent Offices, Fraud on the Small Business Administration and other foul play, including the Attempted Murder of the Bernstein Family. Attempted Murder via a car bombing of their Family Minivan in Boynton Beach, Florida as Mr. Bernstein and his wife were preparing filings in the US Courts. The car bombing was so strong as to take out 3 cars in the incident with full pictorial evidence available at www.iviewit.tv.
The saga now commonly known as “Patentgate” has tentacles to involvement by the controversial Florida State Supreme Court Judge Jorge LaBarga involved in the Bush 2000 Florida Election debacle, as well as ties to the collapse of Enron and Arthur Andersen thru Enron Broadband and Blockbuster as well as tentacles to public office and professional corruption involving the Florida, Virginia & New York State Courts and Attorney regulatory processes. The seed investment of the Iviewit companies coming from founder of Blockbuster, Waste Management and former Miami Dolphins owner Wayne Huizenga and his son.
Several law firms are alleged to be at the center of the Thefts and wrongdoing including the Proskauer Rose LLP law firm and Foley & Lardner LLP and others. Proskauer has had several high profile issues as of late especially due to a Worldwide Lawsuit over the involvement of the Firm and Partner Thomas Sjoblom in the $8 Billion Sir Allen Stanford Financial Ponzi scheme. Public reports have shown that Proskauer apparently had the most clients in the $65 Billion Madoff Ponzi scheme as well. Other links place Proskauer referred former patent counsel to Iviewit moving to convicted felon Marc S. Dreier and more.
The Bernstein Technologies founded companies known as “Iviewit” and the technologies are backbone to digital video and imaging content creation and distribution, used across all Internet providers hosting video (YouTube, Google, etc.), all digital television providers and paved the way for cell phone video and video conferencing markets. The technologies also used for a host of Defense applications including space and flight simulators, guidance systems and more.
Bernstein has formally Petitioned President Barack Obama, White House Counsel and United States Attorney General Eric Holder in the matters for a variety of reasons, including the broad and fundamental economic implications from the case. Bernstein and Iviewit have alleged hosts of companies including Fortune 1000 companies are infringing on the Bernstein technologies and Holder and others have been petitioned additionally regarding crimes committed directly against US and Foreign Government Agencies. The US Patent Office Commissioner has suspended the Intellectual Properties during investigation and Harry I. Moatz of the US Patent Office has confirmed working with Federal Agents regarding the allegations.
The Technologies used and tested at the Real3d Inc Labs in Orlando, Florida located on property owned by major Defense firm Lockheed Martin and engineers from Real3d Inc described the technologies as priceless. Real3d at the time was a consortium owned by Lockheed Martin ( Lockheed ), the Intel Corporation ( Intel ) and Silicon Graphics Inc. ( SGI ) Real3d Inc traces its history in graphics back to the Apollo Lunar Space program and was Iviewit’s first strategic partner. Minority interest owner (20%) Intel acquired Real3d from Lockheed and SGI.
Bernstein has a multi-party federal lawsuit in the Southern District of New York alleging RICO, anti-trust and other charges involving theft and fraud and US SDNY Judge Shira Scheindlin who also called the Bernstein case about “Murder” and “Attempted Murder” marked the case legally “related” to the Federal WHISTLEBLOWER case of Christine Anderson. Anderson has exposed a wide range of public corruption issues at the Manhattan based First Department Appellate Division of the New York State Supreme Court where Wall Street attorneys and others are regulated. For more information, see Full link to the Bernstein Testimony before the NYS Senate Judiciary and other links below.
In other related news, Bernstein recently filed an application in the Southern District of New York Federal Bankruptcy Court of Martin Glenn seeking the disqualification of Judge Glenn and demanding investigation for conflicts and other charges. Charges came after Bankruptcy Judge Glenn refused to address and further covered up professional conflicts of interest in the SDNY Bankruptcy of Debtor SGI. SGI was part of Real3d who was under Non Disclosure Agreement ( NDA ) and Licensing Agreements for the Bernstein Technologies. Remarkably. SGI filed its second Ch. 11 bankruptcy protection petition just 6 days after Bernstein had officially notified SGI of its involvement in a possible Trillion Dollar accounting fraud with Intel and Lockheed after Bernstein filed a formal SEC Complaint against the Intel Corporation seeking examination of all the sales transactions with the Real3d Inc company. For related links to the Bankruptcy and SEC filings see below.
Testimony of Eliot I. Bernstein to the NYS Senate Judiciary Committee Sept. 2009 Testimony by Bernstein Begins at 4.02.08 in this video @
Federal Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn ( Glenn ) of the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court ( SDNYBK ) Manhattan is under fire & request to be investigated for Title 18 Obstruction of Justice & related charges by Inventor Eliot I. Bernstein ( EIB ) an Inventor of Technologies deemed “priceless” by leading engineers at Real3d Inc ( R3D ) that were stolen & subject of a trillion dollar federal lawsuit. The requests by EIB come as a legally related Whistleblower Christine Anderson heads to public trial in Fed Court in Manhattan under Judge Shira A. Scheindlin & recently publicly called for a Fed Special Prosecutor regarding systemic corruption in the operation of the NYS Courts.
EIB is the original inventor & owner of Technologies relating to video compression & scaling deemed priceless by leading engineers at R3D an Orlando, FL based company located on property owned by Lockheed Martin. R3D was owned together by Lockheed, the Intel Corporation & Silicon Graphics, Inc. ( SGI ), while EIB’s technologies were tested & used in the R3D labs. Other leaders in the graphics industry heralded the technologies as the “Holy Grail” of the digital imaging & video including such industry figures as Hassan Miah formerly of the CAA Intel Labs.
EIB a Claimant & Creditor of the SGI & related companies in the SDNYBK ( cases Jointly Administered under Docket No. 09-11701 ) after the holy grail inventions were stolen & fraudulent patent applications & wrongful actions & other occurred by major law firms & others as the Internet Market was booming in the late ‘90s including law firms Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner. SGI filed a second Ch. 11 bk application on Apr 1, 09 only 6 days after EIB filed a Formal SEC Complaint against the Intel announcing a Trillion Dollar possible accounting fraud, FASB No. 5 violations & more for the infringement of his technologies. The SEC complaint requested an examination of the sales transactions between Intel, SGI & Lockheed involving R3D & SGI In House General Counsel Elena Ramirez was on express notice of the EIB claims & SEC complaint on March 25, 2009, 6 days before SGI filed for its second Ch. 11 protection just months after coming out of bk & after announcing business articles painting a rosy picture for the company.
On April 1, 2009 when SGI filed again in Ch. 11, the company simultaneously asked to employ the firm Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ( DPW ) as Special Counsel & Ropes & Gray, LLP ( RG ). Ironically, DPW admitted to simultaneously representing Lockheed & SGI who are 2 of the 3 Equity owners of R3D that was under Signed NDA with the EIB technologies in addition to DPW representing accountants KPMG for SGI who assisted in the financials for the Ch. 11 filing. DPW attorney Kelly admitted in a Declaration to be an Inside Officer & Counsel for SGI & later outside counsel for SGI thru DPW for the critical years at the heart of the EIB thefts 1998-2004 & 2006 on. DPW also admitted to representing companies also under signed NDA for the Iviewit technologies such as CIBC, Credit Suisse & Morgan Stanley.
Shockingly, Glenn deliberately & knowingly ignored multiple oral & written requests by EIB to address professional conflicts of interests caused by the simultaneous representation by DPW including the fact that RG as lawyers apparently are owners of highly technical patents in the video & digital arenas. EIB had formally noticed Glenn that a case marked legally “related” to his federal RICO & anti-trust & related lawsuit, that of Anderson a Court Inside WHISTLEBLOWER at the First Department DDC heading to public trial in federal court in October on allegations of systemic public office corruption & whitewashing of complaints against attorneys & had discussed the Iviewit technologies at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department ( First Dept ) & also that Harry I. Moatz, Director of the OED of the United States Patent & Trademark Office ( USPTO ) had directed EIB to file Fraud charges against his former lawyers & law firms for FRAUD UPON THE USPTO, Bernstein, his companies & shareholders.
EIB had filed professional complaints at the First Dept against attorneys at Proskauer, including Kenneth Rubenstein who was & is intimately involved as Counsel for the MPEGLA MPEG Patent Pool while simultaneously acting as Iviewit PATENT COUNSEL creating a massive conflict of interest as MPEGLA is now one of the largest alleged infringers of the stolen technologies. Yet all the complaints had been whitewashed which is part of the legal relation to the Anderson case where Anderson & others trying to come forward as Whistleblowers have been subject to physical assault, harassment & intimidation leading Anderson to publicly call for a Federal Special Prosecutor due to corruption in the NY Courts.
Judge Glenn advised formally by EIB in writing of ongoing investigations & actions in the Iviewit saga including actions by Inspector General Glenn A. Fine of the Department of Justice ( DOJ ), the OPR of the FBI, & that US SDNY Judge Scheindlin had referred EIB & other related cases to seek intervention of the US Attorney and/or NY Attorney General all ignored by Glenn.
The law firm DPW also under scrutiny for recruiting back to the firm former SEC head of Enforcement Linda Chatman Thomsen in April 2009 shortly after EIB filed the SEC Complaint against Intel & after Thomsen was ousted at the SEC for failures involving the $65 Billion Madoff scandal. EIB also noted this fact to Glenn, which now placed DPW close to both the center of the EIB Trillion dollar fraud inquiry & the $65 billion Madoff fraud. Proskauer is also at the heart of the EIB claims & likewise currently under fire as a result of Proskauer & Proskauer Partner Thomas V. Sjoblom’s involvement in the $8 Billion Ponzi involving Sir Robert Allen Stanford & Stanford Financial Group.
EIB has recently filed papers with Glenn seeking mandatory disqualification & investigation of Glenn under Title 18 & other laws as a result of Glenn’s intentional failures to address conflicts as required by law allowing the DPW firm to form a wall of conflict & permitting the judicial office to be used as part of the machinery for RICO & related violations of due process. Amazingly, despite multiple requests & filings by EIB, Glenn recently issued an order not even discussing or mentioning such monumental conflicts of interest nor involvement of multiple federal offices in the EIB matters. EIB’s request forwarded to various oversight & related bodies including the Judicial Council, the SDNY US Attorney, the DOJ & NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.
According to Scheindlin, the legally related case of Anderson has validly stated claims for 1st Amendment violations for being terminated from her position of Staff Attorney at the First Dept after 6 years after speaking out about the systemic corruption & whitewashing of complaints against connected law firms.
Attorney Raymond Joao of Yonkers who previously worked at Meltzer Lippe also named Defendant in the EIB Trillion dollar fed lawsuit as Joao allegedly put 90 plus patents into his name while retained by Iviewit companies & relating to inventions he was to patent for Bernstein. Joao went on to Marc Dreier’s firms where Marc S. Dreier has recently plead guilty in fed court to multiple felonies re a $400 million plus Ponzi.
EIB’s case is currently on appeal at the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals where presently a motion is pending to address the multiple layers of conflict in the case according to law. Hundreds of companies under signed NDA with the Iviewit technologies including Fortune 1000 companies & major players like Verizon, Comcast, JP Morgan, AOL – Time Warner, Sony Digital Pictures, Warner Brothers, Kodak, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Telekom, CIBC & more. Action in another case involving lawsuits over IPOs with Internet companies going back to the year 2000 also pending with Scheindlin.
EIB has formally petitioned for involvement of the White House, President Barack Obama, US AG Eric Holder, the US House & Senate Judiciary Committees, Senator Feinstein & others as the Iviewit Technologies are used across all Internet & Cable T.V. providers hosting video, on the Hubble Space Telescope, for a mass of defense applications, & in content creation for both hardware & software involving digital imaging & video scaling & compression, on medical imaging devices & more.
Related links including Anderson’s public call for a Fed Special Prosecutor for the NY Courts below
Pictorial evidence of Car Bombing of EIB family car while Inventor & wife prepared US Supreme Court documents during Bush years @ http://www.iviewit.tv
Bernard Madoff SEC’s Revolving Door & Linda Chatman Thomsen returning to Davis Polk Wardell Apr 13, 09 after EIB files Emergency Motion in SGI BK after SEC complaint against Intel, R3D, Mar 25, 09 @ http://www.oid-ido.org/imprimer.php3?id_article=1030
Federal Judge Martin Glenn, Southern District of NY is under fire & request for investigation for Title 18 Obstruction of Justice & related charges by Inventor Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies as Whistleblower Christine Anderson heads to trial
PRLog (Press Release) – Sep 21, 2009 – Federal Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn ( Glenn ) of the Southern District of New York Bankruptcy Court ( SDNYBK ) Manhattan is under fire & request to be investigated for Title 18 Obstruction of Justice & related charges by Inventor Eliot I. Bernstein ( EIB ) an Inventor of Technologies deemed “priceless” by leading engineers at Real3d Inc ( R3D ) that were stolen & subject of a trillion dollar federal lawsuit. The requests by EIB come as a legally related Whistleblower Christine Anderson heads to public trial in Fed Court in Manhattan under Judge Shira A. Scheindlin & recently publicly called for a Fed Special Prosecutor regarding systemic corruption in the operation of the NYS Courts.
EIB a Claimant & Creditor of the SGI & related companies in the SDNYBK ( cases Jointly Administered under Docket No. 09-11701 ) after the holy grail inventions were stolen & fraudulent patent applications & wrongful actions & other occurred by major law firms & others as the Internet Market was booming in the late ‘90s including law firms Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner. SGI filed a second Ch. 11 bk application on Apr 1, 09 only 6 days after EIB filed a Formal SEC Complaint against the Intel announcing a Trillion Dollar possible accounting fraud, FASB No. 5 violations & more for the infringement of his technologies. The SEC complaint requested an examination of the sales transactions between Intel, SGI & Lockheed involving R3D & SGI In House General Counsel Elena Ramirez was on express notice of the EIB claims & SEC complaint on March 25, 2009, 6 days before SGI filed for its second Ch. 11 protection just months after coming out of bk & after announcing business articles painting a rosy picture for the company.
On April 1, 2009 when SGI filed again in Ch. 11, the company simultaneously asked to employ the firm Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ( DPW ) as Special Counsel & Ropes & Gray, LLP ( RG ). Ironically, DPW admitted to simultaneously representing Lockheed & SGI who are 2 of the 3 Equity owners of R3D that was under Signed NDA with the EIB technologies in addition to DPW representing accountants KPMG for SGI who assisted in the financials for the Ch. 11 filing. DPW attorney Kelly admitted in a Declaration to be an Inside Officer & Counsel for SGI & later outside counsel for SGI thru DPW for the critical years at the heart of the EIB thefts 1998-2004 & 2006 on. DPW also admitted to representing companies also under signed NDA for the Iviewit technologies such as CIBC, Credit Suisse & Morgan Stanley.
Shockingly, Glenn deliberately & knowingly ignored multiple oral & written requests by EIB to address professional conflicts of interests caused by the simultaneous representation by DPW including the fact that RG as lawyers apparently are owners of highly technical patents in the video & digital arenas. EIB had formally noticed Glenn that a case marked legally “related” to his federal RICO & anti-trust & related lawsuit, that of Anderson a Court Inside WHISTLEBLOWER at the First Department DDC heading to public trial in federal court in October on allegations of systemic public office corruption & whitewashing of complaints against attorneys & had discussed the Iviewit technologies at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department ( First Dept ) & also that Harry I. Moatz, Director of the OED of the United States Patent & Trademark Office ( USPTO ) had directed EIB to file Fraud charges against his former lawyers & law firms for FRAUD UPON THE USPTO, Bernstein, his companies & shareholders.
EIB had filed professional complaints at the First Dept against attorneys at Proskauer, including Kenneth Rubenstein who was & is intimately involved as Counsel for the MPEGLA MPEG Patent Pool while simultaneously acting as Iviewit PATENT COUNSEL creating a massive conflict of interest as MPEGLA is now one of the largest alleged infringers of the stolen technologies. Yet all the complaints had been whitewashed which is part of the legal relation to the Anderson case where Anderson & others trying to come forward as Whistleblowers have been subject to physical assault, harassment & intimidation leading Anderson to publicly call for a Federal Special Prosecutor due to corruption in the NY Courts.
Judge Glenn advised formally by EIB in writing of ongoing investigations & actions in the Iviewit saga including actions by Inspector General Glenn A. Fine of the Department of Justice ( DOJ ), the OPR of the FBI, & that US SDNY Judge Scheindlin had referred EIB & other related cases to seek intervention of the US Attorney and/or NY Attorney General all ignored by Glenn.
The law firm DPW also under scrutiny for recruiting back to the firm former SEC head of Enforcement Linda Chatman Thomsen in April 2009 shortly after EIB filed the SEC Complaint against Intel & after Thomsen was ousted at the SEC for failures involving the $65 Billion Madoff scandal. EIB also noted this fact to Glenn, which now placed DPW close to both the center of the EIB Trillion dollar fraud inquiry & the $65 billion Madoff fraud. Proskauer is also at the heart of the EIB claims & likewise currently under fire as a result of Proskauer & Proskauer Partner Thomas V. Sjoblom’s involvement in the $8 Billion Ponzi involving Sir Robert Allen Stanford & Stanford Financial Group.
EIB has recently filed papers with Glenn seeking mandatory disqualification & investigation of Glenn under Title 18 & other laws as a result of Glenn’s intentional failures to address conflicts as required by law allowing the DPW firm to form a wall of conflict & permitting the judicial office to be used as part of the machinery for RICO & related violations of due process. Amazingly, despite multiple requests & filings by EIB, Glenn recently issued an order not even discussing or mentioning such monumental conflicts of interest nor involvement of multiple federal offices in the EIB matters. EIB’s request forwarded to various oversight & related bodies including the Judicial Council, the SDNY US Attorney, the DOJ & NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo.
EIB has formally petitioned for involvement of the White House, President Barack Obama, US AG Eric Holder, the US House & Senate Judiciary Committees, Senator Feinstein & others as the Iviewit Technologies are used across all Internet & Cable T.V. providers hosting video, on the Hubble Space Telescope, for a mass of defense applications, & in content creation for both hardware & software involving digital imaging & video scaling & compression, on medical imaging devices & more.
Iviewit and Eliot Bernstein are the original inventor & owner of Technologies relating to video compression & scaling deemed priceless by leading engineers at R3D an Orlando, FL based company located on property owned by Lockheed Martin. R3D was owned together by Lockheed, the Intel Corporation & Silicon Graphics, Inc. ( SGI ), while Iviewit’s technologies were tested & used in the R3D labs. Other leaders in the graphics industry heralded the technologies as the “Holy Grail” of the digital imaging & video including such industry figures as Hassan Miah formerly of the CAA Intel Labs. Hundreds of companies under signed NDA with the Iviewit technologies including Fortune 1000 companies & major players like Verizon, Comcast, JP Morgan, AOL – Time Warner, Sony Digital Pictures, Warner Brothers, Kodak, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Telekom, CIBC & more. Action in another case involving lawsuits over IPOs with Internet companies going back to the year 2000 also pending with Scheindlin.
September 13, 2009(via Confirmed Overnight Delivery)
The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr. Attorney General of the United States Office of the Attorney General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
The Hon. Preet Bharara
United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York
United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007
Hon. William M. Welch II
Chief, Public Integrity Unit
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001
The Hon. John L. Sampson,Chairman
New York State Senate Judiciary Committee
409 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247
Re: Request for Federal Investigation Into Allegations of Corruption and
Witness Intimidation and Appointment of Federal Monitor
My name is Christine C. Anderson. For six and one-half years, I was a Principal Attorney of the New York State Appellate Division, First Department’s Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”). The DDC is responsible for investigating and disciplining attorneys found guilty of misconduct in representing the public in the Bronx and Manhattan. After discovering and reporting of acts of misconduct and corruption at the DDC, which acts constituted an abuse of power and a fraud upon the public, my employment was summarily terminated in June, 2007.
Prior to my employment with the DDC, I was in private practice for over twenty years. Before that, I worked for the Human Resources Administration of New York City. In other words, I am a thoroughly seasoned attorney, with a broad based knowledge of general practice.
As a result of my wrongful termination in retaliation for my reporting misconduct in violation of my First Amendment rights, I instituted a lawsuit captioned Anderson v. State of New York, et al., 07 Civ. 9599 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). (A copy of my complaint in this action is attached hereto as Exhibit A.) Specifically, I discovered and reported that employees of the DDC had engaged in, inter alia, the “whitewashing” complaints of misconduct leveled against certain “select” attorneys and law firms. This “whitewashing” sometimes involved burying cases or destroying evidence, so that certain complaints were inevitably, unavoidably, dismissed. I witnessed this destruction of evidence myself. Other reported misconduct involves victimizing attorneys lacking privileged positions or connections.
Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.
During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.
On June 8, 2009, I testified at a hearing convened by John L. Sampson, New York State Senator and Chairman of the New York State Standing Committee On The Judiciary. (A copy of my affidavit submitted to the Committee is attached hereto as Exhibit B.) At that hearing, several witnesses testified as to their shocking experiences with the grievance and judiciary committees in New York State. Shockingly, within days of my testimony, in my lawsuit, my sealed medical and psychiatric records were filed and posted publicly on the court’s Internet filing system by counsel for the defendants – i.e., the New York State Attorney General’s Office. I regard those actions as horrifically unethical and malicious, and taken in deliberate retaliation for my testifying at the Senate hearing.
The detailed testimony presented by innumerable witnesses at the June 8th Senate hearing reveals the manifold reports of corruption and abuse by the State’s Disciplinary Committees. (A copy of the transcript of this hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit C.) Charges included concealment of evidence, obstruction of justice, extortionate sexual threats by attorneys, pilfering of estates by attorneys, abuse of power, fraud, conspiracy and repeated violations of state and federal constitutional rights.
In light of the foregoing, it is plain that the enduring practice of allowing attorneys in this state to police themselves is fundamentally flawed. With the numerous reports of abuse by both attorneys and state officials, the corruption in the court system has reached a critical stage. Accordingly, I respectfully request that you authorize the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the epidemic of honest services fraud in the New York state court system, and the appointment of a Federal Monitor, to oversee the lawful operation of the same.
Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your response.
Very truly yours,
Christine C. Anderson
cc w/o enc:
The Hon. David A. Paterson
New York State Governor
Office of the Governor of New York State
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224
The Hon. Boyd M. Johnson III
Deputy United States Attorney for the
Southern District of New York
Public Corruption Unit
United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007
The Hon. Loretta A. Preska
Chief U.S. District Judge
United States Courthouse
Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, New York 10007-1312
The Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General of New York State
The Capitol
Albany, New York 12224-0341
The Hon. Luis A. Gonzalez
Presiding Justice, New York State Appellate Division,1st Department
27 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10010
The Hon. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr.
Assistant Director in Charge, New York Division
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10278-0004
bronx born, black robe wearing, person said…It’s about time. Where do I sign up to talk. September 21, 2009 7:46 AM Anonymous said…these bastards torture this woman, a woman with morals & character and guided by the light and then you post her psychiatric records, you bastards burn in hell……
by the way, that is the way they work Christine, if they can not find your psychiatric problems, they make them up and pass them around……and my FEDS have done nothing about it………..
why, because it will involve to many, maybe ex us attorneys, lawyers, maybe a senator, his prostitue, etc………..
who should all be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!
the evil always hits hardest before a victory!
we will keep praying for Christine Anderson!
September 21, 2009 8:27 AM Anonymous said… hey Christine, I notified my AG office that they are passing around false medical information,
I have names, dates, etc…..
If you need me, contact Frank
and many other Felonies!
September 21, 2009 8:33 AM Anonymous said…My wife works for OCA. She wants to talk to the feds but is afraid of the state employees. What should she do? September 21, 2009 8:35 AM Anonymous said… my FBI is also aware they are passing around false documents, false medical information, altering my medical information,
so I am not allowed to speak as to the felonies they are committing…..
good try boys, we can not find her psych rider, we will just write it on the top of this paper……
you didn’t know I was almost dead,
recovering from major surgery and one of the worst types of misdiagnosed adenomas known……..
where did all that paperwork go?
we will just change all this so she will not be allowed to speak!
bunch of backstabbing, bloodsucking bastards burn in hell
September 21, 2009 8:42 AM Anonymous said…I am sure someone will respond to the question about wife works for OCA and who should she talk to shortly,…… September 21, 2009 9:11 AM Anonymous said… when is resonsible parties at the AG office going to be arrested?
hey FEDS, bring handcuffs to the hearings,throw these bastards in jail September 21, 2009 9:13 AM Anonymous said…hey Maziarz where is the transparency you so greatly claim you want, so what channel and what time will these criminals be televised on Thursday? September 21, 2009 9:16 AM Anonymous said…maybe Christine and Nicole need to file at the FBI/DA’s/us attorney office and have them arrested, use the law to stop their abuse! September 21, 2009 9:33 AM Anonymous said…Sampson has enough information from the June hearings to warrant a federal investigation…so why he is he seeking anything additional…his continued actions are suspect. What has he promised will be his recommendation when he concludes his public airing of MULTIPLE incidences of corruption?
Ms Anderson is absolutley correct in reporting the retaliation BY OCA…against anyone who supports her as well as against herslf.
In my present federal lawsuit my 3 witnesses have been fired after sick leave, fired in general and one forced to quit. OCA’S witnessess spewing perjury have all been promoted…soon after….including the hearing officer who is now the executive director of the 5th judicial district.
In my original federal case against OCA n the 90’s (which this present case is an offshoot of) …I was forced to go to a psychiatrist in order to claim worker’s comp benefits. The judge whom I accused of sexual harassment… his atty…went to a supreme ct judge to seek opening the psychiatric records to the public..because OCA paid for the visits through comp….and that WAS granted.
Once I became aware of this court order..all my visits reported stories and information about the hostile female court employees and the crimes committed by OCA. The atty found that information unpublishable, so he requested an exam by a forensic psychiatrist….which supreme ct said NO to. So this atty was friend’s with the state ins fund lawyer handling my comp case and he went through him. That slick move ended with the state paid doctor finding on my behalf entirely….and him stating to me…OCA IS SCREWING WITH YOU….I hope you get millions. OCA paid him for those reports…that remain hidden somehwhere at the 8th district offices.
As I am now forced to fight them again in federal court due to continued retaliation…the crimes and witness retaliaton has become more agressive and criminal as I have reported on this blog for 3 years.
Ms Anderson…you are not alone as OCA has become a total syndicate of crime and corruption. I await a response to your letters…as I can and will substantiate everything you have stated the NY court system is guilty of…relative to major criminal activity against anyone who dares to expose their illegal activities.
September 21, 2009 10:40 AM Anonymous said… this explains everything they did many years ago, keep passing around your false information,
it is called a FELONY!
and proves who you bastards are!
Is that 8 years for lying to a FED, wouldn’t want those public officials in jail for 8 years….
explains why the FEDS have not arrested them!
Get them ST Christine
ST Nicole! September 21, 2009 10:47 AM Anonymous said…Where’s Cuomo? His lawyers defend these crooks in Federal and State Court actions. Cuomo knows; he doesn’t act. An opportunity for Paterson to ask why Cuomo doesn’t prosecute corruption, but only defends the corrupt. September 21, 2009 11:31 AM Anonymous said… maybe they will send their friends over to masturbate, or have your neighbors file false police reports, screw with your property so you have to file and delete your records, how about banging and clanging everytime you step in your yard
just to try to nail you again, as they did me…….
your DA will do nothing to charge them, the paperwork will disappear…
they will try anything to discredit you………
keep your courage
but most of all thank you for your strength and honesty of the evil that exists in our courts system!
September 21, 2009 11:40 AM Anonymous said…OCA is directed by their counsel’s office…the office that creates the crime and retaliation actions to be carried out against those OCA wishes to defame who move to expose them…as they portray them s crazy or mentally unstable. The information maybe doctored and most often extracted from the hostile and mentally challenged females that work for OCA!
I of course know this from 15 yrs ago and the story I told you above gathered from information from close supervisory sources, oh yes…the CJC and lawyers close to OCA administration….all willing to tell on them. Sorry OCA you just cannot know and attack everyone I have contact with in the legal community.
I also got a heads up about the insanity defamation in my 2004 OIG investigation that I requested relative to OCA retaliation. An employee…. who eventually turned on me…..oh this should make for an interesting trial…whispered in my ear the day the hearing was to begin….. that my supervisor and friend of the removed judge… and heavy politico daughter of a major judicial influential political party….. told her that her goal was to make me appear crazy. This was the same remark made by the atty for the ex-judge in the 90’s….and this lady supervisor worked for as a secretary for 11 yrs and is connected politically to the supreme court judge that is the first cousin of the ex-judge’s atty.
The court system thrives on inflammatory statements…true or altered…. and dares you to prove otherwise.
Ms. Anderson…you must get information personal and work related that reflects workplace unfitness and incompetency… like drug habits, alcohol use at work and driving to or from work in that state,sleeping with hearing officers that rule AGAINST OCA, stolen property in the purchasing of hot goods etc…
about the employees/supervisors that are attacking you and submit them in affidavit form…under penalties of perjury. Don’t be shy…they want to ruin your life!
September 21, 2009 11:52 AM Anonymous said… go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being.
Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!
September 21, 2009 1:09 PM Anonymous said… go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being.
Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!
September 21, 2009 1:09 PM Anonymous said…well if they can say your fat, your a slut, your stupid, they have to use the “your crazy” tactic……nice try you bunch of prostitutes of our New York State Court System! September 21, 2009 1:16 PM Anonymous said…Christine and Nicole you should thank the AG for putting those records on the net, you have just proved the crudibility of the AG Office, it is not to protect and serve, it is to selectively persecute……….
great work by the AG’s Office!
does ST Andrew, really want to be Governor?
September 21, 2009 1:29 PM Anonymous said… maybe Guilaini did it!
see you can not trust any of them when money is involved……
stop the money trail
expose the complaints!
September 21, 2009 1:46 PM Anonymous said…Sure that the FBI knows a great many things, but when are they going to do something? Have seen this before with the FBI and nothing happens because of some elected official. September 21, 2009 2:21 PM Luisa said…GREAT LETTER CHRISTINE…I just mailed out a similar letter this morning to to same individuals..Let’s PRAY that something happens very soon..God Bless..It’t time to ROCK the HOUSE!!!!Lock up all of the THUGS that are responsible and throw away the KEY!!!!Stay Strong. September 21, 2009 3:42 PM
Part 1 The Case All Starts with A Whistleblower Complaint and Iviewit is Marked “Legally Related” by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin to that Case. In the following video of a June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing in New York, Christine C. Anderson (my hero) gives the real jiggy on the NYS Court Corruptions, she is first to testify. In her Original Complaint she mentions Iviewit and the Onion Peels and there goes another.
6:45 Martin Gold, Alan Friedberg (DDC) 32:00 Christine Anderson (whistleblower) 49:00 Kevin Mckeowen (victim of DDC)
1:4:00 Tembeckjian Klonic (CJC)
1:21:00 Judge Hart (target of (CJC)
1:39:00 Pamela Carvel (victim of DDC)
150:00 Paul Altman (victim of DDC)
2:03:00 Luisa Esposito (victim of DDC)
2:12::00 Will Galison (victim of DDC) 2:26 Elanor Capagrossa (target of DDC) 2:41 Bob Ostertag (Former pres. NYBA) – This guy opens by stating that he is going to give the f finger to Will Galison who just completed riviting testimony of the rampant corruption in the courts. Nice display of legal etiquette and manners in a public hearing, the frieghtening part of the story is that he is so angry he is being tapped in a public forum at a Public Hearing. Looney Tunes material. 2:53 John Aretakis (target of DDC)
Eliot Bernstein was slated to testify but the entire hearing was cancelled after a two hour break took place and the now infamous Coup on the NY Senate took place, just in time to shut down and prevent the most riviting testimony against the criminals running the courts was to be given. Urban Legend has it that the Coup was directed at preventing further information on the depth of the corruption from exposure, especially Bernstein’s testimony.
United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit
Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Plaintiff – Appellant
Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee et al.
Defendants – Appellees
CASE 07 Civ. 11196 (SAS)
Related Case
(07 Civ. 9599) (SAS-AJP) Christine C. Anderson v. the State of New York, et al.
Cases seeking or related to anderson
(07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv00526) Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
(08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv4053) Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv4438) Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
EMERGENCY Motion to compel
2753 N.W. 34TH STREET
As this Court is aware, a formal Motion to address multiple Conflict(s) of Interest ( COI ) in Violation of Judicial Cannons ( JC ), Attorney Conduct Codes ( ACC ), Public Office Rules & Regulations ( PORR ) and Law within this Lawsuit and the prior courts, was filed by myself, Eliot Ivan Bernstein ( Appellant or Plaintiff ), on Jan. 31, 2009[1]. The Motion referred to the Panel hearing the Appeal on Feb. 18, 2009[2]. Yet, multiple levels of COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law prevail in this Court, creating Obstruction of Justice and are continuing Illegal acts that are Prejudicial to Plaintiff’s Due Process rights.
The Conflicts now include the conduct of United State Court of Appeals Second Circuit ( USCA ) Judge, the Honorable Ralph K. Winter, Jr. ( Winter ), in denying a prior Motion for an Extension of Time and Stay pending formal appearance and involvement by the Office of the United States Attorney General ( USAG ) and involvement of the “United States” as Petitioned by Plaintiff[3]. Denial by Judge Winter coming after United States District Court Southern District of New York ( USDC ) Judge, the Honorable Shira A. Scheindlin ( Scheindlin ), Sua Sponte without notice dismissed my Lawsuit and six other Lawsuits. Lawsuits which Scheindlin previously marked “Legally Related” to the “Whistleblower” Federal Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson, 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York ( Anderson ), incorporated in entirety by reference herein. In the Dismissal Order[4] of August 8, 2008 of the “Legally Related” Lawsuits, Scheindlin suggests the “Legally Related” Lawsuits seek intervention by the Supreme Court of the United States, the appropriate USAG and the New York Attorney General ( NYAG ) stating:
As discussed below, the United States Constitution does not permit this Court to supervise the departmental disciplinary committees or review the decisions of the courts of New York State. Regardless of the possibility of corruption in the courts of the State of New York, the only federal court that may review their decisions is the United States Supreme Court[5]. Plaintiffs must direct their complaints to the state court system, the Attorney General for the State of New York, or the appropriate United States Attorney. Because the Court lacks jurisdiction to review the decisions of the departmental disciplinary committees, and for the other reasons stated below, these actions are dismissed. [ORDER August 08, 2008]
Plaintiff reminds this Court of the logical inconsistencies in the Scheindlin Dismissal Order as set out in prior motions and Appellant’s Brief to this Court on Appeal, in Scheindlin’s simultaneously recommending action to an appropriate USAG and the NYAG while finding that the USDC has no jurisdiction and that Plaintiff cannot state claims upon which relief may be granted. Plaintiff agrees that action by the appropriate Non-Conflicted USAG and Non-Conflicted NYAG is proper but disputes the Scheindlin finding that the USDC has no jurisdiction to grant relief. Plaintiff further disputes the finding that no claims warrant relief by a federal court as the underlying Intellectual Property rights, anti-trust actions, anti-competitive schemes, and ongoing RICO conspiracy and claims of Fraud on US Government Agencies and Foreign Nations all involve federal questions sufficient for original federal jurisdiction by the United States District Court.
Plaintiff hereby now renews and reargues the prior Motions submitted to this Court and the USDC regarding COI[6] through this Motion to Compel. Plaintiff seeks to compel this Court to address and remove the COI’s and all existing Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR to further Adjudication on Appeal as required by LAW, prior to any other substantive rulings or decisions. The continuing failure to remove such conflicts not only acts as further Obstruction of Justice and due process violations but also impermissibly violates Plaintiff’s due process rights under Civil Settlement programs and policies of the US Courts.
Plaintiff now requests a Stay of Proceedings on Appeal, until official involvement on behalf of the United States by the appropriate USAG, the NYAG, the Supreme Court and the US Department of Justice (DOJ) can intervene. Intervention is sought not only to join the Lawsuit on behalf of the US Government’s interests but also additionally to review the actions of this Court and the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials representing Defendants to address Criminal activities and/or determine if same are taking place in these Proceedings through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The COI now includes this Court’s own Violations of JC, ACC and Law, which would preclude further rulings, decisions or any other action by this Court until all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are removed. If necessary, Conflict resolution requested herein may force certain of this Court’s Justices and Court Personnel recusals and possible transfer of the Proceedings to a Non-Conflicted court. Also, prior Motions Decided and Rulings issued by this Court and the USDC issued based on Pleadings submitted in COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law would need to be vacated and those responsible for the Fraud on the Court Criminally Charged and proceedings returned to proper procedural status pre-Dismissal.
At the time of the filing of the prior Motion for Extension and this Court’s decision to deny a stay pending official appearance by the DOJ, the United States had recently underwent a change in Administration with incoming President, Barack Hussein Obama II, sworn into office in January of 2009, only one month prior. At the time of the prior Motion for Extension, the new Administration had appointed no Solicitor General. Subsequently, on March 19, 2009, The Honorable Elena Kagan appointed as Solicitor General within the DOJ and this Court should Stay matters on Appeal pending her involvement and/or the involvement of the Office of Solicitor General on behalf of the United States. This Court should further undertake its Legal Obligation to seek involvement of the US Solicitor General and all other appropriate State, Federal and International Authorities, including those mentioned herein, on its own motion.
This Court is fully aware that it has Legal and Ethical Duties and Obligations under Law to address and/or negate and report all COI, all Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and further notify all State, Federal, Disciplinary and other Appropriate Authorities of the Violations. The Court has Legal Obligation to negate COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, PRIOR to adjudicating matters. Plaintiff has formally Petitioned the Court to perform its Legal and Ethical Duties and Obligations regarding Conflict Disclosure and this Court has failed Disclosure despite repeated formal and procedural Conflict Disclosure requests by Pro Se Counsel Bernstein, continuing to act in Violation of its Rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law. For this Court to fail these Legal Obligations to follow the Court’s own Rules, is to allow the COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, to create a virtually impenetrable Obstruction of Justice through Conflict. Obstruction achieved by Conflict which becomes part of a FRAUD ON THE COURT[7] by those in charge of the Court, acting to further deny Plaintiff Due Process rights and further Aiding and Abetting the very real Legal RICO Conspiracy Crimes Alleged by Plaintiff before this Court.
Scheindlin Finds “SYSTEMIC” Public OFFICE Corruption in the “LEGALLY RELATED” WHISTLEBLOWER Lawsuit slated for trial
In the April 27, 2009 Decision and Order[8] by Scheindlin, in the “Legally Related” Lawsuit of Anderson, Scheindlin formally judicially declared the validity of the Anderson Lawsuit as a “WHISTLEBLOWER”. Scheindlin advancing the case on allegations of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption within the New York Supreme Court involving agencies directly implicated in Plaintiff-Appellant’s case herein and directly involving the conduct of several major law firms named as Defendants herein. Public Office Corruption at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department (First Dept) and the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department ~ Departmental Disciplinary Committee ( DDC ) is center stage in Judge Scheindlin’s Decision advancing the Anderson Lawsuit to Trial. The First Dept and First Dept DDC are among the various offices where disciplinary complaints in Plaintiff’s matters were filed involving the Defendant Law Firms Proskauer, Meltzer, Foley and Others, all directly at issue in this Lawsuit and many Self-Representing themselves in further Violations of ACC, PORR and Law before this Court. Note that the original complaint[9] filed in the Anderson Lawsuit expressly raised the Iviewit matters as relating to the “Systemic” Public Office Corruption that was ongoing in the First Dept and First Dept DDC. The flawed USDC Dismissal Order in this Lawsuit occurred prior to the recent finding of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption in Anderson and wrongfully stated that Plaintiff Bernstein had not stated claims upon which federal relief are available while such Dismissal improperly denied Plaintiff Discovery, Due Process and evidentiary related rights to the Anderson evidence and information.
Due to the continued Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law acting to Obstruct Justice, as corroborated by Anderson, and, the continued and affirmed COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law continuing in this Court, Plaintiff now demands this Court to issue Orders for IMMEDIATE enforcement of COI Rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law and resolution of conflicts. Such Court Order shall mandate FULL CONFLICT DISCLOSURE applicable to all Court Justices, Court Personnel, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials that represent this Lawsuit on behalf of the Court and Counsel for Defendants and forcing compliance with all JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The minute there was correlation to Anderson’s allegations with Plaintiff’s allegations, it is almost impossible to imagine that the Court and USDC did not mandate thorough Conflict Checks of everyone involved in representing the Lawsuit in any Legal Capacity. Yet, even after repeated requests by Plaintiff to this Court and the USDC, these pleas for a Conflict free forum, went wholly ignored.
In the wake of Anderson’s supporting claims of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption for “FAVORED” Lawyers and Law Firms, Aided and Abetted by New York Supreme Court Officials and Disciplinary Agencies by Public Office Lawyers and others, there is now Absolute Evidence of the corruption. Evidence from an insider, as Anderson was a Staff Attorney for the First Department Discipline Committee for six years. Evidence of Obstruction by Anderson necessitates the need IMMEDIATELY to protect against further corruption within the Courts, preventing further crimes from being committed on behalf of the Favored Law Firms and Lawyers in the courts and reducing the number of new defendants. Allegations of Obstruction in Plaintiff’s complaints, prior to Plaintiff learning of Anderson, are almost identical to the Criminal Obstruction exposed by Anderson and act as further cause to Reinvestigate all prior Lawsuits and Disciplinary Complaints filed by Plaintiff in the New York Courts and Disciplinary Departments. Anyone involved in Plaintiff’s prior Disciplinary Complaints at the First Dept and First Dept DDC would be CONFLICTED from acting in any Legal Capacity in these Proceedings, for example Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer. Several Public Officials named in Anderson’s complaint are simultaneously Defendants and Witnesses in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit. For example, Defendant Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe (Wolfe), former clerk of the court for Defendant First Dept and now Clerk of this Court, named in Anderson and this Lawsuit as a Defendant making Wolfe’s direct involvement in the handling of these matters for this Court CONFLICTED.
Wolfe, an initial Defendant in Anderson, will now be a Witness for Anderson and simultaneously a Witness and Defendant in this Lawsuit, creating a massive CONFLICT with her involvement as Clerk of this Court and therefore this Court. Until this Court and Wolfe’s Conflicts are resolved through full Disclosure leading to either Conflict resolution and/or Conflict removal, the Conflict acts to Obstruct Justice in this Court, causing new Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, denying Due Process rights of Plaintiff and cause for Criminal Obstructions charges. Wolfe’s deposition statements are cited on multiple occasions in Scheindlin’s Opinion and Order denying Summary Judgment in the Anderson Lawsuit, dated April 27 2009, whereby Scheindlin[10] stated, “Plaintiff’s [ Anderson’s ] First Amendment Retaliation Claims remain”, “Retaliation” while Anderson should have been protected as a “Whistleblower”.
Anderson testified recently before the New York Senate Judiciary Committee on June 08, 2009[11], in Albany New York and her testimony describes multiple acts of State and Federal Crimes, including Fraud on the Courts through Obstruction of Justice caused by State Officials violating ACC, PORR and Law. As Anderson describes, Court and Public Office Officials achieved Obstruction through Coercion, Threats and Intimidation to attempt to force her to Whitewash complaints against Favored Law Firms and Lawyers. From Anderson’s riveting testimony at the hearings, she claims,
I alleged that upon learning of the DDC’s pattern and practice of whitewashing and routinely dismissing complaints leveled against certain select attorneys — to the detriment of the public that the DDC is duty-bound to serve – I reported this wrongdoing pursuant to my rights under the First Amendment to the United States constitution and, importantly, my own ethical obligations under the New York State Code of Professional Responsibility…
In response, however, rather than attempting to address and rectify the problem, my supervisors embarked upon a campaign of abuse and harassment of myself, including a physical assault on myself…[12]
This intimidation of Anderson by Public Office Officials was to preclude her from exposing the ongoing Corruption at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department and First Department Disciplinary Committee, Corruption that included document destruction, changes to staff attorney reports, physical assault and wrongful termination for her attempts to expose the Crimes of her superiors, including Cahill.
Plaintiff Bernstein was slated to testify at the New York Senate Judiciary Committee hearings with Anderson, when suddenly, in the midst of the hearings, the now infamous Albany Coup on the NY Senate occurred on June 08, 2009. The Albany Coup took place approximately 10 minutes before Plaintiff was to testify about the enormous “Systemic” Public Office Corruption alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint in support of Anderson’s testimony. The Albany Coup then forced the shut down of the lights in the building, the cell and Internet communications, and finally, after waiting two hours, cancellation of the hearings. There are several theories as to orchestration and timing of the Albany Coup. One such theory holds that the coup was orchestrated directly to preclude Plaintiff Bernstein from testifying at the Judiciary Committee hearing that was simultaneously ongoing in the Albany Capital building regarding allegations that Law Firms and Lawyers are Stealing Intellectual Properties from Inventors / Clients by committing Frauds Upon the US Patent Office, Worldwide Patent Offices and more. The testimony would have then gone on to include the attempted Cover-Up of the Crimes through Violations of Public Offices, by the same Law Firms and Lawyers that committed the Original Crimes, several of whom were at the hearing[13], several Self-Representing themselves before this Court in this Lawsuit.
Judge Winter’s Denial of Stay to join u.s. government officials ACTS AS title 18 obstruction
This Court is fully aware of its Legal Duties and Obligations under JC, ACC, PORR and Law to address and negate all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and further notify all State, Federal, Disciplinary and other appropriate Authorities of all COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, prior to adjudicating matters. Plaintiff has formally petitioned the Court through prior Motions to perform such Legal Duties and Obligations and this Court has failed formally to issue even a courteous reply and instead continued to act in defiance of its own Rules. To fail these Legal Duties and Obligations and allow the COI and Violations of the JC, ACC, PORR and Law to continue is to deny Due Process by creating Obstruction of Justice in this Court.
As recognized by this Court in Dunton v. Lawton cited in my Motion, “there are at least two reasons why a court should satisfy itself that no Conflict exists or at least provide notice to the affected party if one does. First, a court is under a continuing obligation to supervise the members of it’s Bar. E.g., In re Taylor, 567 F.2d at 1191; see Musicus v. Westinghouse Electric Corp., 621 F.2d 742, 744 (5th Cir.1980) (per curiam) (district court obligated to take measures against unethical conduct occurring in proceedings before it). Second, trial courts have a duty “to exercise that degree of control required by the facts and circumstances of each case to assure the litigants of a fair trial.” Koufakis v. Carvel, 425 F.2d 892, 900-01 (2d Cir.1970); see ABA Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(A)(4).” As the US Supreme Court has held, due process Violations may arise by the failure to address conflicts. See, Wood v. Georgia, 450 U.S. 261, 101 S.Ct. 1097, 67 L.Ed.2d 220 (1981) (divided loyalties of counsel may create due process Violation).
In the face of long established law in the US Second Circuit and opposite case law, Second Circuit Court of Appeals Judge Winter denied the prior Motion filed by Plaintiff seeking a Stay on Appeal pending resolution of COI, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and requesting involvement by the DOJ and others on behalf of the United States, despite knowledge of Wolfe’s active conflicted direct involvement at this Court. Such denial included a request by Plaintiff to conduct a Conference Call with the Office of White House Counsel, Office of US Attorney General and other appropriate parties pertaining to the issues and requests presented.
Despite this Court’s direct knowledge that Wolfe is a named Defendant and Witness in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit causing Conflict in Violation of the Court’s own Rules, yet the Court refuses to resolve, regulate or even acknowledge or mitigate the Conflicts by Conference or any other mechanism. Current US Second Circuit Clerk Wolfe directly provided critical information to Plaintiff while working at the First Dept, implicating Defendant Proskauer Lawyer and First Dept DDC Officer, Defendant Steven C. Krane (Krane) and First Department Chief Counsel, Defendant Thomas Cahill (Cahill), informing Plaintiff they were Violating ACC, PORR and Law. Wolfe exposed Violations caused by Krane’s handling of First Dept DDC Disciplinary Complaints against Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer, Rubenstein and Joao, while concealing his CONFLICT caused by Krane’s involvement in the Iviewit Disciplinary Complaints while a Proskauer Partner and simultaneously an Officer of the First Dept DDC, as further defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
Anderson and Wolfe, both now Witnesses for Plaintiff, together add substantive corroboration to Plaintiff’s complaints of Public Office Corruption at the First Dept DDC that Obstructed COURT proceedings and were part of a Fraud on the Court in an effort to deny Due Process to Disciplinary Complaints filed with the New York State courts. Further, Winter’s action in ruling against a Stay of the Appeal to seek intervention by the USAG was ripe with Conflict, given Wolfe’s star role in the upcoming Anderson trial. Winter’s relation to Wolfe professionally and personally without Conflict resolution, at minimum, causes the Appearance of Impropriety and additional Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law in this Court’s handling of this Lawsuit.
The Conflicts by Winter and Wolfe are now ever so prominent given the recent ruling by Scheindlin finding a valid First Amendment claim for “Retaliation” by Anderson against the First Dept DDC for speaking out against the “Systemic” Public Office Corruption within the First Dept and First Dept DDC. Yet, in the underlying action filed by Plaintiff, prior to Scheindlin’s finding of possible Public Office Corruption in Anderson and prior to advancing the Anderson matter for Trial, Scheindlin herself had already noted that “substantive issues” including “conflicts” existed in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit, whereby in a Court Order dated March 21 2008[14] Scheindlin claims,
Any further consideration of the substantive issues raised by plaintiffs, including plaintiffs’ requests regarding conflicts of interest, must await the resolution of anticipated motions to dismiss.
However, in this most bizarre ruling, prior to the finding of “Systemic” Public Office Corruption in her Opinion and Order denying Summary Judgment in the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit, Scheindlin determined not to address the Conflicts in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit until after Motions to Dismiss were decided. Scheindlin then dismissed the Lawsuit based on Pleadings knowingly tendered in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law by Opposing Counsel. Such Pleadings act as part of the larger Fraud on the Court, therefore the Pleadings and the subsequent Rulings based on them, as part of a Fraud on the Court have no value and will be stricken eventually.
Scheindlin acknowledges “substantive issues” including “conflict” and then improperly, illegally and prejudicially to Plaintiff Appellant Bernstein’s rights fails to execute her Judicial Legal Obligations, prior to or after deciding the Motions to Dismiss. Then, as if dismissing the Lawsuit somehow relieved Scheindlin of her Judicial Legal Obligations under JC, ACC and Law to report the Misconduct and Violations by the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials practicing before her to the proper Authorities, Scheindlin instead created a shield by concealing them.
Scheindlin’s bizarre dismissal occurred despite the fact that the NYAG Assistant AG, Monica Connell, when confronted regarding the NYAG conflicts, indicated that Conflicts in the Lawsuit should be resolved by the USDC and not by the NYAG[15]. The comments and actions by Connell are inherently contradictory and serve as a basis for reversal of the Scheindlin Dismissal Order, upon negating any existing COI at play or moving the matters to a Non-Conflicted court.
Scheindlin Flawed Dismissal & Failure to Remove & REPORT MISCONDUCT & CONFLICT. this court’s failure to resolve conflicts as Cause for Title 18 Obstruction Charges
Despite Anderson’s direct references to the Iviewit complaints at the First Dept DDC and First Dept, Scheindlin proceeded without allowing any of the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to join the Anderson Lawsuit in Discovery and further related proceedings despite having marked the “Legally Related” cases “related” in the first instance. The March 21, 2008 Scheindlin Order exposes Violations of ACC, PORR and Law and creates reversible errors as Scheindlin acknowledged “substantive” COI and other unknown “substantive issues” on the one hand and on the other allows the Lawsuit to proceed with Pleadings tendered by those in Conflict. For example, Defendant Proskauer, Legally representing Defendant Proskauer in Violation of ACC, moved the Scheindlin court to Stay Service of the Amended Complaint[16], serving certain Amended Complaint Defendants only, despite the fact that Plaintiff filed the Amended Complaint timely and according to court rules at the time, which should have mandated service on all Defendants. Yet, defying the court’s own rules, Scheindlin ruled in favor of Proskauer’s Motion to Stay Service of the Amended Complaint[17] tendered in Conflict, thus interfering with Plaintiff’s legal right to service and Due Process.
If Proskauer was Conflicted at the time of their Motion to Stay Service, which the firm was and remains Conflicted, it was then Improper and Reversible for Scheindlin to permit the Law Firm, a Partnership, to submit Conflicted Pleadings and Motions before the Court on their own behalf that Violate ACC and Law by not addressing the conflicts first. As the Pleading and Motions are submitted in Violation of ACC, it follows that Scheindlin would be unable to Rule on an Improper Pleading or Motion before the Court. The Illegal Pleadings and moving papers submitted by Conflicted Counsel and the Illegal Rulings tendered in response to those Illegal Pleadings by Scheindlin, combine to create a Fraud on the Court that acts to Obstruct Justice and deny Plaintiff Due Process. Scheindlin should have instead followed JC, ACC and Law, which would have forced Proskauer to find Non-Conflicted counsel to submit pleadings on their behalf. Further, Scheindlin should have denied the Conflicted Illegal Pleadings that Non-Conflicted counsel might not have made, having no interest in the Lawsuit. More importantly, Proskauer Partners being direct Witnesses in the case and Defendants should have wanted to avoid Improper and Illegal conduct if they had no blood upon their hands. Certainly, they would have hired counsel to avoid the OBVIOUS Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety their continued Conflicted and Unlawful Conduct creates and the Liabilities created for all the Public and Private parties entangled in the Amended Complaint caused by the continued misconduct.
Similar to the USDC, this Court has permitted Proskauer and other named Defendants to continue to Self-Represent in conflict despite multiple Lawyers within the Firms being direct Defendants and Fact Witnesses to critical parts of the allegations in the underlying Amended Complaint and despite the Law Firms being Partnerships. The Criminal and financial implications of the Crimes will devastate the Law Firms and all Partners in the partnerships who through the partnership are all implicated in the Crimes and now involved in the continuing Cover-Up Crimes through continuous Violations of ACC, PORR and Law that create further Obstruction through continuous Frauds on the Courts.
Since dismissal of the Lawsuit, Judge Scheindlin has still failed to resolve the COI or identify whom the “substantive” Conflicts or “substantive issues” involve (a Conflict mystery) but more importantly has FAILED to report to the proper Authorities the Violations. JC, ACC, PORR and Law all Legally Mandate Reporting “substantive conflict” to all proper Authorities, including whatever other “substantive” issues Scheindlin refers to in her Order. This failure continues despite Judge Scheindlin having since issued a Decision and Order finding corruption in the Anderson case and permitting that case to proceed to trial. Plaintiff has repeatedly complained to both the USDC and this Court about many separate and distinct COI, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, against multiple Conflicted Lawyers, Law Firms, State Actors and State Agencies who are representing Defendants in the Lawsuit. Complaints extending back to the USDC, the State Courts, the initial Attorney Disciplinary Departments and the Civil Court in Florida under Judge Jorge Labarga, all of these conflict infested legal actions defined further in the Amended Complaint and prior motions to this Court, all fraught with Conflicts, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
The initial Disciplinary Complaints against the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials in New York, Florida and Virginia all found fraught with Conflict and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law, creating the overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. In New York, the finding of Conflict in the First Dept DDC led to First Dept COURT ORDERED INVESTIGATIONS of the same Lawyers and Law Firms now Self-Representing in Conflict before this Court. All of the prior Conflicts CONCEALED and inserted in the Disciplinary Complaint process by the Defendants to deflect complaints against them filed in those states, as allegations of Fraud were uncovered against the core conspirators Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer.
Conflicts Confirmed, Ordered for Investigation, Acknowledged by a Federal Judge and the State Courts, yet all continue in this Court, defying logic and Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law. This Court prior to any further substantive acts must address the question of whom and what the “substantive issues” and COI involve that Scheindlin identified and failed to negate prior to adjudicating the Lawsuit. This Court cannot be free of the Prejudicial influence of the Conflicts in the Scheindlin court, especially relying upon Rulings that may be Illegal and in fact is in perpetuation of them by failing to report them and allowing them to continue. Scheindlin erred in failing to resolve the Conflicts before or after her determination in the Motions to Dismiss, allowing the Conflicted Law Firms and Lawyers to continue to move the Lawsuit to dismissal, constituting reason for soon to be filed judicial complaints regarding Scheindlin’s Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
All prior Determinations, Rulings or other Pleadings influenced by “substantive” COI by any Defendant counsel, renders them Inadmissible, Illegal, Dismissible and Punishable under JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Scheindlin failed to exercise her Legal Duties and Obligations to Report and Regulate Violations of ACC, PORR and Law committed by the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials acting before her court. This Court’s similar INACTIONS constitute not only Violations of JC, ACC and Law but also further act to Obstruct Justice by furthering the Fraud on the Court. The Obstruction created denies Plaintiff Due Process rights and rights to his Intellectual Properties and Royalties that underlie the Conflict matters. Such Property rights guaranteed in Article I, Section 8, Clause 8 of the Constitution regarding Inventor rights, the 5th and 14th Amendment to the US Constitution, and other Federal and State property laws, including Violations of Anti-Trust Law, RICO and many other State, Federal and International Laws, all clearly defined in the Amended Complaint.
The Conflicts are clear, in mass and Violate numerous JC, ACC, PORR and Law regarding the Pleadings of almost all opposing counsel in this Lawsuit, many whom are also Defendants and Witnesses in this Lawsuit. Action to resolve the “substantive” Conflicts must be immediate and prior to any other action or Ruling by this Court in order to remove the Illegal influence of the Conflicts over all past proceedings and enable moving forward in a judicially ethical manner in compliance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Despite Scheindlin’s flawed and perhaps Culpable actions to dismiss the Lawsuit prior to Conflict resolution when bound by JC, ACC, PORR and Law to remove “Conflict” in any proceeding and report all such Conflicted Parties to the proper Authorities for disposition leaves this Court with resolving the Conflicts prior to further adjudication.
Failure to eliminate Conflict in the Lawsuit prior to adjudication by this Court or any court it is transferred to immediately Prejudices the rights of Plaintiff and thus already in fact has Prejudiced this Lawsuit in this Court, further denying Due Process rights to Plaintiff. For this Court to continue to allow multiple Defendants to be represented by Conflicted Counsel or represent themselves in Conflict and continue to allow Judicial Officers to act outside the established JC, ACC, PORR and Law, further denies Due Process and further acts to Aid and Abet the efforts to subterfuge Plaintiff’s rights through continued Obstruction. This Court, by allowing the Conflicts to continue and failing to affirm or deny its own potential Conflicts, despite repeated written requests, has therefore already become a Culpable Party to such continued Conspiracy to deny Plaintiff’s rights in the New York Courts and now the Federal Courts, through further Illegal Abuse of Process and Fraud on the Courts.
Relation of DEFENDANTS to Ponzi Schemes OF MADOFF, Stanford, dreier, okun & the markit group holding antitrust INVESTIGATION
This Court may take Judicial Notice of the Massive Wall Street meltdown occurring since Scheindlin’s Dismissal Order of August 2008 and should note that many of the major Wall Street companies involved in the meltdown also are part of the Iviewit claims. Exposed in a July 15, 2009, article in AmLaw Daily[18] titled “Proskauer Advises Company at Center of Derivatives Probe” is that Defendant Proskauer acting as Legal Advisor to Markit is at the center of an Ongoing Antitrust Investigation by the US DOJ into the TWENTY SIX TRILLION DOLLAR credit default swap market. This the same credit default swap market that has sunk this Country into near financial ruins, leaving millions of people worldwide in financial ruin, jobless, starving, medically deprived and homeless, again, we find Proskauer involved.
The Court can take further Judicial Notice of the massive financial Ponzi and other financial schemes recently unfolding and revealed during this same general timeframe and again find relations too many of the Defendants in this Lawsuit. While paling in comparison to the possible Antitrust Violations regarding Market Manipulation in the Trillions of Dollars are the Billion Dollar Frauds that have further correlations and relationships to Defendants. Evidence of involvement of Iviewit Defendants found in the following financial frauds, including but not limited to:
the Bernard Lawrence “Bernie” Madoff[19] ( Madoff ), Chairman of Bernard L. Madoff Investment Securities LLC ( BMIS ) Ponzi scheme,
the Sir Robert Allen Stanford ( Stanford ), Chairman of Stanford Financial Group of Companies ( SFG )[20] Ponzi scheme,
Willis Group Holdings involvement in the Stanford Ponzi and Proskauer’s representation of Willis[21],
the Marc Stuart Dreier[22] ( Dreier ) of Defendant Dreier & Baritz ( DB ) financial Fraud and
the Edward Okun of 1031 Tax Group Fraud.
The COI that continues to prevail in this Court and the lower courts act to Obstruct Justice and were they removed and prosecuted instead of railroaded and further these Schemes and Defendants, including Proskauer, Dreier, Foley and Others, are found directly involved in the above referenced Schemes, then prosecution may have stopped these Schemes years’ earlier. Had the Courts and the Disciplinary Departments acted in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law and not allowed Conflicts to prevail, this could have prevented massive damage to the Victims of these Schemes and instead the Obstruction allowed the schemes to flourish. These schemes appear to be highly sophisticated financial schemes with Lawyers and Former SEC Agents operating or involved in almost all of them. As evidenced herein and in the Amended Complaint[23], all of these Schemes may be efforts to Launder the Stolen and Converted Intellectual Property Royalties of Plaintiff, converted Illegally by Defendants in these matters for their own gain. Other financial crimes may be due to the Fox in the Henhouse analogy where once in, the Fox went on a criminal feeding frenzy, unopposed by any threat of Justice, as the Gonzales Attorney Scandal for political favor, created an Injustice Department for these Schemes to flourish.
The Court is respectfully reminded of the nature of the allegations in my Amended Complaint and that it was the powerful and politically connected Law Firms of Proskauer and Foley, named Defendants in this action, that were at the heart of the scheme to steal my Intellectual Properties worth a Trillion Dollars or more. The Original Intellectual Property Crimes committed through a continuous series of Private and Professional Misconducts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law which were then combined with Public Office Crimes in order to Cover-Up the Original Crimes. The Cover-Up Crimes committed by Defendant Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, creating a shield from prosecution for the Defendants by denying Due Process to the Plaintiff, through Illegally positioning in Conflict and creating Obstruction through further Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
The Court should take Judicial Notice that Proskauer not only has the most clients in the Madoff Scheme (many clients previously thought to be Victim are currently under Investigation[24]) but also simultaneously lies at the very heart of the Stanford / SFG Scheme, Proskauer and Proskauer Partners directly implicated in Stanford / SFG.[25] Defendant Proskauer has been identified in SEC and FBI Criminal and Civil lawsuits, acting as Stanford and SFG Counsel and coaching SFG employees to Mislead investigators, leading to a court ordered Injunction[26] to Freeze the Assets of Stanford / SFG by that court, applicable to Stanford, SFG, SFG Advisors, SFG Lawyers and the Law Firms.
Proskauer is also counsel to Willis Group Holdings, from Proskauer’s 2002 Annual Review “We continue to represent Willis Group Holdings, one of the largest insurance brokers in the U.S. and globally.”[27] The Willis Group Holdings[28] is being sued as part of the Stanford Ponzi for issuing “safe and soundness” letters to potential investors in Stanford that were intended to attract customers to Stanford, leading to Billions of dollars of loss to Victims.
Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer’s DIRECT involvement in the Stanford, Madoff, Dreier & Okun Financial Frauds
Defendant Proskauer is directly involved in the Stanford / SFG scheme[29] and the ongoing SEC and FBI federal actions[30] which implicate them in the Criminal Complaints filed by the FBI (i) H-09-140M (ii) 309 MJ 56 and the SEC Civil Complaints (i) 3:09-cv-00298-N (ii) 3:09-cv-00298-L (iii) 1:09-mc-00002-JAD. Proskauer implicated in Aiding and Abetting the Stanford / SFG criminal enterprise in Misleading investigators leading to the arrest of SFG employees, the arrest of Stanford and an injunction on all assets.
In the Deposition of the Chief Information Officer of SFG with the SEC, where the financial Scheme was being unraveled by investigators, the Defendant Proskauer Lawyer Partner Thomas Sjoblom[31] (Sjoblom), abruptly left the meeting and the next day sent an email to the SEC withdrawing Proskauer’s and his own prior statements and representations. Plaintiff remains confused as to how one can withdraw prior statements but this nonetheless is an obvious area of inquiry of the Proskauer attorneys and defendants. This bizarre behavior by Proskauer and Sjoblom sent red flags to the SEC that something was amiss and caused the SEC to take immediate actions to protect the Victims. In a final meeting with SFG executives Sjoblom claims, “The Party is Over” and urges them to “Pray”[32].
The deposition statements of the arrested SFG executive, Chief Investment Officer Laura Pendergest-Holt combined with news reports naming Proskauer’s Sjoblom as Attorney A in the SEC and FBI federal complaints put Sjoblom dead center in the Scheme. From the Houston Chronicle on Sunday, March 01, 2009,
They included outside Counsel Thomas Sjoblom of Washington, D.C., referred to as Attorney A, who has since withdrawn from representing Stanford.[33]
Inferred from the initial documentation and news reports in those Lawsuits is that Sjoblom conspired and prepared with SFG executives to perpetrate fraudulent statements and records to the SEC investigators and so Aided and Abetted in the totality of the Fraud and Cover-Up. The FBI has arrested and charged Holt with Obstructing a US Government investigation, including her involvement with Sjoblom in preparing false and misleading information to give investigators. The FBI has arrested Stanford since the prior Motion to this Court alerting the Court to these financial Schemes. Proskauer and Sjoblom may be the next ones charged with similar crimes or worse for their involvement in misleading investigators and coaching Holt to lie to authorities, as well as, their direct involvement in the Stanford / SFG crimes.
Holt has filed a civil suit[34] against Proskauer and Sjoblom for Violations of ACC and more that have left this twenty-four year old charged in Federal Civil and Criminal Complaints, claiming that Sjoblom and Proskauer practically forced her to make the falsified representations to the SEC protecting the more involved senior executives of SFG like Stanford. Sjoblom also made the plea to investigators to have Holt represent SFG in the proceedings, yet Sjoblom was acting Counsel for SFG only at Holt’s deposition and only later was it learned under repeated questioning by investigators that Sjoblom was not representing Holt personally at her Deposition, apparently misleading Holt and SEC investigators initially. Proskauer and Sjoblom treated Holt as a Sacrificial Lamb in efforts to protect those who orchestrated the Crimes, including themselves perhaps and then cowardly abandoned her.
Learned since filing the prior Motion to this Court alerting the Court to these Schemes is further relations of Proskauer to the Madoff Scheme. According to TPM news[35], in 2004, an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot notified the SEC of the possible Madoff Ponzi Scheme but was forced out of her job at the SEC and later the SEC settled a claim against them filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination from the SEC, Lightfoot turned over her report on Madoff to Jacqueline Wood ( Wood ). Wood then buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi years earlier and when she left the SEC, Wood took a partnership at, you guessed it, Defendant Proskauer.
When combined with other information it starts to further tie the Madoff and Stanford Schemes together, as stated in the Times Online on February 18, 2009,
‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank’s public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.[36]
To FURTHER PERMIT the Defendants in this Lawsuit, who simultaneously represent themselves in this ongoing RICO, to continue to move this Court on behalf of themselves, without first addressing the multiple layers of Conflict as required by the Laws of this Second Circuit under Dunton and related progeny, is absurd and highly unethical. This unethical behavior Violates this Court’s Duty to first make Inquiry into and then resolve the Conflicts cited herein in accordance with Law and its own Rules and PRIOR to Adjudication, not to mention the simultaneous failure of this Court to uphold the New York State Ethics and Disciplinary Rules and Regulations in opposite of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
Finally, there is a common theme, which may have led to the lax Oversight in these unfolding scandals through infiltration of key regulatory posts, in fact, Law 360 states in a recent article
SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe. New York (February 09, 2009) — Amid criticism stemming from the Madoff scandal, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Director of Enforcement Linda Thomsen is stepping down and could be replaced by Deutsche Bank AG General Counsel Robert Khuzami, according to reports.[37]
Reported from the Memphis Daily News, as it relates directly to these matters:
Before entering private practice, Sjoblom had worked for the SEC for 20 years. From 1987 to 1999, he was an assistant chief litigation counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement – the same division of the agency whose representatives were peppering arrested CIO of Stanford, Pendergest-Holt with questions Feb. 10. After she was put under oath, Sjoblom [of Proskauer] immediately got down to business. Pre-empting the SEC officials, according to a transcript of the day’s testimony, he asked:
“First of all, has there been a criminal referral in this matter?”
[SEC Investigator] King informed Sjoblom of a SEC Form 1662 served upon both he and his client Holt. Among other things, that form reads, “The commission often makes its files available to other governmental agencies, particularly United States Attorneys and state prosecutors. There is a likelihood that information supplied by you will be made available to such agencies where appropriate.”
At press time, criminal charges had not yet been filed against the three executives who were the subject of SEC civil charges last week.
Sjoblom followed up with another question to investigators asking whether the SEC was currently working with the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Northern District of Texas or elsewhere.
“Mr. Sjoblom, I just referred you to SEC Form 1662,” King replied.
Sjoblom pressed on…[38]
The Court should already see how many levels of Conflict continue to plague these matters with Proskauer’s and Others Self-Representations and until stopped, the Public remains exposed through lax regulators and complacent courts or perhaps complicity by the regulators and courts to further Schemes. As this Court, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals noted in United States v. Piervinanzi, 23 F. 3d 670 ( 1994 ), ” When a trial judge is made aware of an apparent Conflict of Interest, a duty of inquiry arises to protect the represented defendant’s interests. See id. at 272, 101 S.Ct. at 1104; Dunton v. County of Suffolk, 729 F.2d 903, 908-09 (2d Cir.), modified, 748 F.2d 69 (2d Cir.1984).”
This Court must now perform its duty of making inquiry into the multiple levels of Conflict herein or stay such appeal and response briefs by Proskauer and other Conflicted Defendants until federal investigators have ferreted out the Conflicts and determined if this Court can proceed legally. Similarly, the USDC’s failure to negate Conflict creates reversible error and possible grounds for Obstruction of Justice charges and more.
In the fraudulent hedge fund scheme orchestrated by Samuel Israel (whom faked his death in a bogus airplane crash) of the Bayou Group[39] we again find Defendant Proskauer, this time hiring Jeff J. Marwil formerly of Winston Straw and who currently serves as sole managing member of the Bayou Group in its Chapter 11 cases.
In the Dreier scheme, we find former Proskauer partner Sheila M. Gowan[40] selected as the bankruptcy trustee in the Dreier case and again Defendant Proskauer referred Plaintiff to patent attorney Defendant Joao, later fired by Plaintiff for suspected Patent Theft and then transferring to Defendant Dreier Baritz. Again, the web of Conflicts encircles these matters with Proskauer always near the center.
Defendant Dreier, who became involved in this lawsuit through Proskauer and Meltzer attorney Defendant Joao, has now formally pled guilty in federal court to being involved in a Seven Hundred Million Dollar ( US $700,000,000.00 ) financial Fraud and has been sentenced to twenty years with a loss of all assets.
Finally, and most recently, Defendant Foley is being sued for their part in yet another massive Ponzi scheme regarding The 1031 Tax Group LLC schemed by Edward H. Okun who has already pled guilty to that crime and was sentenced to 100 years in prison[41]and[42].
All these schemes, Drier, Stanford, Madoff, Okun and more may be efforts by Defendant Proskauer and their Co-Conspirators to launder the converted monies from Plaintiff’s stolen Intellectual Properties. Based upon prior and newly discovered information that support the allegations made herein and in the prior Motion to this Court regarding investigating Defendants involved in the Stanford, Madoff and Dreier schemes; Plaintiff now moves this Court to renew and reargue the Court’s prior Denial of Plaintiff’s prior Emergency Motion[43] to investigate the Defendants Proskauer, Foley, Meltzer and Dreier regarding the financial crimes of Madoff, Stanford, Dreier and Okun. Plaintiff – Appellant likewise is Moving the Court simultaneously to notify all proper Authorities, including the courts where legal actions regarding these frauds are already proceeding and request injunction on all funds recovered. Injunction until it can be determined if the financial schemes are related to this Lawsuit and further determine if the legal proceedings of these financial schemes may be further schemes or Frauds on the Courts to launder Plaintiff’s converted royalties.
Press reports further allege that Stanford has been under investigation for many years, including investigations for his involvement with DRUG CARTELS and Money Laundering Schemes on behalf of such Cartels. This puts Proskauer squarely at the center of not only the financial Frauds but now also ties them to an Organized and Violent Criminal Enterprises. Further, Portfolio.com reports,
Authorities tell ABC News that as part of the investigation, which has been ongoing since last year, Mexican authorities detained one of Stanford’s private planes. According to officials, checks found inside the plane were believed to be connected to the Gulf cartel, reputed to be Mexico’s most violent gang. [44]
From the Guardian.co.uk online,
The FBI is probing possible money laundering linked to Mexico’s infamous narco-trafficking Gulf Cartel in its investigation of Texan billionaire Sir Allen Stanford, US law enforcement sources have told the Observer. An FBI source close to the investigation would not give exact details but confirmed the agency was looking at links to international drug gangs as part of the huge investigation into Stanford’s banking activities.[45]
The Proskauer firm and related clients are also squarely in the center of the massive financial Ponzi scheme involving Bernard Madoff that involves ignored Whistleblower allegations by regulators going back many years before government action occurred. In one instance, a Whistleblower complaint that was turned over to the SEC investigators was then buried by an SEC employee who later left the SEC and took a Proskauer partnership, as defined herein.
When combined with other information it starts to further tie the schemes together, as stated in the Times Online on February 18, 2009,
‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank’s public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.[46]
For the Court to PERMIT the Defendants, who simultaneously Self-Represent themselves as Counsel in Conflict in this ongoing RICO, to continue to move the Court without first addressing the multiple layers of Conflict, as required by the Laws of this Second Circuit under Dunton and related progeny, is absurd. This unethical behavior Violates this Court’s Duty to first make Inquiry into and then resolve the Conflicts cited herein, in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law and PRIOR TO adjudication.
Finally, there is a common theme, which may have led to the lax Oversight on many unfolding scandals through infiltration of key regulatory posts. In fact, Law 360 states in a recent article
SEC Enforcement Head Resigns amid Madoff Probe. New York (February 09, 2009) — Amid criticism stemming from the Madoff scandal, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Director of Enforcement Linda Thomsen is stepping down and could be replaced by Deutsche Bank AG General Counsel Robert Khuzami, according to reports.[47]
Reported from the Memphis Daily News, as it relates directly to these matters:
Before entering private practice, Sjoblom had worked for the SEC for 20 years. From 1987 to 1999, he was an assistant chief litigation counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement [emphasis added] – the same division of the agency whose representatives were peppering arrested CIO of Stanford, Pendergest-Holt with questions Feb. 10. After she was put under oath, Sjoblom (of Proskauer) immediately got down to business. Pre-empting the SEC officials, according to a transcript of the day’s testimony, he asked:
“First of all, has there been a criminal referral in this matter?”
[SEC Investigator] King informed Sjoblom of a SEC Form 1662 served upon both he and his client Holt. Among other things, that form reads, “The commission often makes its files available to other governmental agencies, particularly United States Attorneys and state prosecutors. There is a likelihood that information supplied by you will be made available to such agencies where appropriate.”
At press time, criminal charges had not yet been filed against the three executives who were the subject of SEC civil charges last week.
Sjoblom followed up with another question to investigators asking whether the SEC was currently working with the U.S. Attorney’s office in the Northern District of Texas or elsewhere.
“Mr. Sjoblom, I just referred you to SEC Form 1662,” King replied.
Sjoblom pressed on…[48]
The Court should already see how many levels of Conflict continue to plague these matters with Proskauer’s and Others Self-Representations and until stopped, the Public remains exposed through lax regulators and complacent courts or perhaps complicity by the regulators and courts. As this Court, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals noted in United States v. Piervinanzi, 23 F. 3d 670 ( 1994 ), ” When a trial judge is made aware of an apparent Conflict of Interest, a duty of inquiry arises to protect the represented defendant’s interests. See id. at 272, 101 S.Ct. at 1104; Dunton v. County of Suffolk, 729 F.2d 903, 908-09 (2d Cir.), modified, 748 F.2d 69 (2d Cir.1984).”
This Court must now perform its duty of making inquiry into the multiple levels of Conflict herein or stay such appeal and response briefs by Proskauer and other Conflicted Defendants until federal investigators have ferreted out the Conflicts and determined if this Court can proceed legally. Similarly, the USDC’s failure to negate Conflict creates reversible error and possible grounds for Obstruction of Justice charges and more.
defendant client frauds
Plaintiff reminds this Court of the nature of my claims, as original Inventor and Owner of “Backbone” digital imaging and video technologies that not only transformed the Internet and Television but also revolutionized a wide range of products and markets, including but far from limited to;
Defense and other applications by the US Government (i.e. Satellite Imaging, the Hubble, Weaponry Imaging, Flight and Space Simulators, etc.),
Websites Worldwide – note the almost universal use of the inventions on every website that creates, hosts or uses web video (i.e. Google, You Tube / Yahoo, Microsoft Media, Adobe Media Player, Real Player, etc.) and the number of daily worldwide end users watching and posting videos,
Digital Television Creation and Transmission – video scaling increased channel output for cable and satellite companies and gave end users a minimum 75% more channels,
Imaging Applications – Almost all Medical Imaging devices use scaling imaging and video technologies. Cell Phone video would be impossible, as would Internet video, to transmit in full screen, full frame rate, without Plaintiff’s technologies, thereby creating these markets. Digital Zoom technologies that allow zooming on images with increased magnification, for example Google Maps, Digital Camera’s, Televisions, Hubble, etc. use the Technologies and,
Video and imaging hardware and software applications almost all use the technologies.
Note that no Party or Defendant in these matters has ever factually contested (or been required to contest) the basic claim of myself as the original Inventor of the Inventions in any courts or proceedings. Yet, Defendants have been permitted to continue to wrongfully deny and deprive Plaintiff and other rightful owners of the rights, monies, royalties and benefits of the technologies on a continuing basis, which is part of what makes the Dismissal Order in error and cause for reversal, as the Crimes continue on a daily basis. Further, some of the earliest companies to enter into Non-Disclosure Agreements and Strategic Alliance agreements were Defendants Lockheed Martin, Intel Co. and Silicon Graphics, Inc.[49], companies with historically massive contracts with the US Government. Defendant Lockheed regarded as the largest defense and weaponry company in existence in the world and the largest user of “cutting edge” and “black box” digital imaging and video technologies.
At the time of the planning and execution of the initial theft and conspiracy to steal these Holy Grail technologies[50], valued at a Trillion Dollars or more, Lockheed, Intel and SGI were owners of a company called Real 3D, Inc. ( Real 3D ) located in Orlando Florida on property owned by Lockheed Martin. Intel was a twenty percent minority owner of Real 3D and then after learning of the technologies through agreement and contract with Plaintiff and Real 3D in 1998-1999, Intel bought Real 3D from Lockheed and SGI in a transaction where the details remain unknown.
All three companies have since Violated NDA’s, Strategic Alliances and License Agreements through the Real 3D contracts and failed to the report their knowing infringement of the technologies in their annual reports as required under FASB No. 5[51] regarding reporting liabilities. Real 3D was at the time under contract and license with Iviewit and Plaintiff, which allowed Real 3D to demonstrate, test and operate the technologies directly from the Real 3D laboratories.[52]
Link to Real 3D correspondence and evidence involving Iviewit @
In 1995, Martin Marietta and Lockheed merged to form Lockheed Martin Corporation, the world’s largest weapons manufacturer. Following the merger, Lockheed Martin decided to market their cutting-edge graphics technology for civilian use by setting up Real 3D, Inc. in partnership with Intel and SGI. In 1999, Real 3D sued ATI Technologies over infringement of its patents (originally issued to General Electric in 1988 and 1990) as well as misappropriation of trade secrets (involving the hiring away of several Real 3D engineers). By October 1, 1999, Real 3D was forced to close its doors and Lockheed sold its remaining stake in Real 3D to Intel on October 14. Following the sale, Intel fired all employees and closed the Orlando office. Interestingly, ATI opened an Orlando office and ostensibly retained many former Real 3D designers.
NOTE: THE US DEPT OF JUSTICE SUBPOENAED GRAPHIC Companies in Dec. 2006 for Anti-Trust related Violations, including ATI Technologies that grew out of Intel’s acquisition of REAL 3D, according to ZDNET News @ http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-150460.html .
According to Wikipedia[54] and other industry sources:
ATI Technologies Inc. (ATI) was a major Canadian designer and supplier of graphics processing units and motherboard chipsets. In 2006, the company was acquired by Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) and was renamed the AMD Graphics Product Group or ATI Technologies ULC, although the ATI brand was retained for graphics cards.
The AMD Graphics Product Group is a fabless semiconductor company conducting in-house research and development and outsourcing the manufacturing and assembly of its products. Its main competitor is NVIDIA in the graphics and handheld market. The flagship product, the Radeon series of graphics cards, directly competes with NVIDIA’s GeoForce. These two companies’ dominance of the market forced other manufacturers into niche roles.
On December 1, 2006, as reported by ZDNET[55], “The U.S. Department of Justice’s Antitrust Division has issued Subpoenas to Advanced Micro Devices and Nvidia as part of an investigation into potential antitrust Violations.” According to the article,
The DOJ successfully prosecuted the DRAM (dynamic RAM) industry in 2004 and 2005 for colluding to fix prices in the late 1990s and early 2000s. Some executives were sent to prison and companies such as Infineon and Hynix paid hefty fines. More recently, the DOJ has been looking into the SRAM (static RAM) industry, looking into companies such as Sony, Samsung, and Mitsubishi.
This Court is also reminded of the large number of Fortune 1000 companies that entered into NDA’s, Strategic Alliance Agreements and other Contracts[56] with myself and the Iviewit companies, including the largest communications, banking and financial companies, including, AT&T, Comcast, JP Morgan, Kodak, Dell, Sony Digital Pictures, Warner Bros., AOLTW, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Wachovia, and more.
In particular, this Court is directed to Evidence Link No. 75[57] @ www.iviewit.tv homepage which is a July 22, 2000 Marketing Letter with other material by Defendant Proskauer Attorney Wheeler regarding PROSKAUER marketing the inventions to their clients. In the Marketing Letter, Proskauer Partner Defendant Wheeler adds a Representative CLIENT List of Defendant Proskauer’s. The clients include Time Warner Inc., MGM, Universal Music, Miss Universe, Inc., National Hockey League, Major League Baseball, National Broadcasting Corporation, National Governor’s Association, Museum of Modern Art, etc, showing the vast network of companies involved with Proskauer early on. Almost all of the Proskauer clients on that list are now infringing on Plaintiff’s inventions that directly benefit Defendant Proskauer and their Client Defendant MPEGLA LLC, to the disadvantage of Plaintiff
enron / arthur andersen scandal ties to defendants in these matters
The Court again reminded of the Amended Complaint allegations that the Enron / Arthur Andersen ( Andersen ) accounting and financial Frauds were uncovered after Andersen began auditing the books and financial affairs of the Iviewit companies. Crossbow Ventures required this audit[58] for their SBIC Loans as Crossbow’s funds were composed of two-thirds Small Business Administration funds. Andersen’s audit discovered initial evidence of Illegally created fraudulent shell companies, other accounting irregularities and allegations that Iviewit Accountants, Law Firms and Lawyers had misled auditors[59].
Strangely enough, Enron Broadband[60] was the unit of Enron that may have been the largest factor in the collapse of Enron and Enron Broadband was planning a deal with Blockbuster, a company created by Defendant Wayne Huizenga, the Seed Capital Investor in Iviewit. The problem was that Enron booked revenue for the project before there was a dollar of revenue. The Blockbuster/Enron deal could not have existed without Plaintiff’s Technologies. Once Iviewit was under scrutiny of investors and auditors and evidence surfaced regarding the Enron / Blockbuster / Iviewit deal, a deal that Iviewit Management, the Board of Directors and Investors had no idea about, except those Proskauer referred insiders, as defined in the Amended Complaint, the Enron / Blockbuster deal collapsed, as Enron had no technologies to fulfill the Fraudulent revenue projections. There appears to be relations to the Utah streaming tests done by Enron[61] and Proskauer referred management Defendant Utley, who came in under false pretense as later defined herein. Finally, recent reports show possible retrials of the Enron affairs,
In addition to this case, one or more of the defendants accused of crimes over activities in Enron’s broad-band division [emphasis added] could be retried. [62]
Perhaps this time the Enron retrials will include the information regarding the Iviewit matters, which Plaintiff, similar to Harry Markopoulos the suppressed Whistleblower of the Madoff affairs, has tried to bring to the attention of Authorities for several years, including now this Court.” This Court should on its own Motion, notify those courts involved with the Enron Lawsuits of the pertinent information regarding this Lawsuit.
Once Andersen uncovered possible Fraud, internal investigations began into the stolen IP. On or about that time, executives of Warner Bros. uncovered further initial evidence indicating Fraud during their Legal Due Diligence for an investment in Iviewit, offered by Wachovia in a Private Placement Memorandum[63]. Fraud including possible IP crimes involving switching patents on file at the USPTO versus what was shown to investors, possible corporate Fraud regarding the corporations setup (similar to what Andersen discovers) and two Illegal Legal Actions, including Fraud on a Federal Bankruptcy Court and a Florida Civil Court. Legal Actions that the Board of Directors, Management and Shareholders had never heard of before, informed of the actions by AOLTW/WB and only now is Plaintiff learning the full extent of these Frauds on the Courts after years of working with Federal and International authorities, including the USPTO, the EPI and FBI figuring them out.
Certain of the information to piece the full Corporate Frauds together with the IP Crimes, is awaiting legislation already presented to Hon. Senator Dianne Feinstein at the prompting of the US Patent Office, information critical to understanding the Frauds, as defined later herein and in the Amended Complaint. Thus, Plaintiff-Appellant Bernstein prevented by current law from obtaining vital and critical information regarding the US Patent Office and International Patent Authorities regarding Fraudulent Patent Applications filed by named Defendants involving the USPTO, filed in others names, despite all reasonable and possible diligence thereby further supporting tolling of any statute of limitation in the event there is any necessity. Further making the District Court’s Dismissal erroneous and premature and therefore should be Vacated and Remanded to an appropriate non – conflicted court IMMEDIATELY. The Amended Complaint contains full preliminary information regarding the Civil Case involving Defendant Proskauer and Iviewit matters in the W. Palm Beach, FL Civil Circuit Court and the Involuntary Bankruptcy in Florida involving Defendant Proskauer and Defendant Proskauer referred management and clients, including Real 3D, Inc.
The finding of initial evidence of Fraud at the time by Warner Bros. killed the investment to Iviewit that was to be in addition to licensing agreements already in place at the time between Warner Bros. and Iviewit. This also killed several other major licensing contracts underway, including Sony and even the funding contracted for with Venture Capitalists. With the Iviewit Intellectual Property theft and financial Crimes exposed at the time, the Enron/Blockbuster deal died instantly and in the next instant Arthur Andersen went extinct and Enron went bankrupt virtually overnight. Both Andersen and Enron then began a document shredding party to rid the evidence of their crimes[64], allegedly including the evidence regarding the attempted theft of the IP. Proskauer was at all times at the heart of all of these Iviewit audits, deals and contracts acting as Counsel and therefore central to the Crimes cited herein and in the Amended Complaint.
The Court again reminded that the allegations herein are neither conjecture, nor speculation, nor Conspiracy Theory but contrary to “Conspiracy Theory”, but instead depict a very real “Legal RICO Conspiracy” whereby various US Government Agencies and other law enforcement agencies of States and abroad are in Ongoing Investigations[65] of the Iviewit matters[66]. One Investigation includes the Director of the Office of Enrollment & Discipline (OED) of the US Patent Office (USPTO), Harry I. Moatz (Moatz), who directed that I, Inventor Eliot Ivan Bernstein, file charges of “Fraud on the USPTO” with the Commissioner of Patents. The filing led to the Commissioner of the US Patent Office placing my Patents in Suspended[67] status pending Investigation by the US Patent Office OED, the USPTO and the FBI. The Investigations are of Hundreds of Crimes, including crimes directly against agencies of the UNITED STATES and FOREIGN NATIONS, including but not limited to, submitting Fraudulent Intellectual Property applications to a Federal Agency and International Intellectual Property Agencies, both Federal Crimes, committed no less, through mail and wire activity sufficient for RICO predicate crimes and more.
Note, USPTO OED Director Moatz directed these filings and charges of “Fraud on the USPTO” personally, after his Investigations began and upon learning that the Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers who represented Plaintiff had submitted to State Disciplinary Agencies in Virginia, Florida and New York, patently false Intellectual Property Documents not matching those on file with the USPTO. Moatz then formed a US Patent Office team to aid Plaintiff in getting the USPTO filings responded to and put into Suspension. Note, Iviewit’s largest investor Crossbow Ventures, whose funds were two-thirds Small Business Administration funds, also signs the USPTO Complaints of FRAUD ON THE US PATENT OFFICE, lending solid support to the fact that the Small Business Administration funds were also invested in the Fraudulent Iviewit companies and Fraudulent Intellectual Properties.
Examples of Un-resolved Conflicts of interest that act to obstruct Justice through continued Violations of judicial cannons, attorney conduct codes, public office rules & Regulations and law
Conflict of Interest Laws – “Conflict of Interest” indicates a situation where a private interest may influence a public decision. Conflict of Interest Laws are laws and regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest. These laws may contain provisions related to financial or asset disclosure, exploitation of one’s official position and privileges, etc. In defining the Legal and Ethical Violations of Defendants in Conflict, the following JC, AC, PORR and Law are a handful of those Violated in this Court currently, as well as, in previous Courts and the Disciplinary Agencies and State Bar Associations.
Defendants Proskauer & First Dept Conflicts
Existing Conflicts discovered and those further created by Defendant Proskauer permitted to Self-Represent Defendant Proskauer before this Court or any court, include but are not limited to,
Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Partners have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partners Mashberg and Smith additionally represent themselves Pro Se in the Lawsuit, while also representing as Counsel, Proskauer their Law Firm and their Proskauer Partners, against Plaintiff, their former Intellectual Property and Business client, creating further conflicts.
In this Lawsuit, Defendants Proskauer and Foley initially contacted the NYAG together, with Proskauer acting as Counsel for Defendant Proskauer, a slight conflict, and Foley acting as Counsel for Defendant Foley, another slight conflict, to discuss Legal defense strategy with Monica Connell of the NYAG who represents 30+ State Defendants in these matters. The ability for Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer and Foley to interact directly with the NYAG, acting as their own Counsel to gain information relating to complaints and other sensitive date, discuss strategies against Plaintiff and influence possible Investigations regarding Iviewit Complaints filed against Proskauer and Foley with the NYAG over the last several years is ludicrous. The conflicts which act to Obstruct the NYAG from their duties to protect the public are perhaps criminal, especially where Proskauer represents as Counsel the NYAG, former NY AG Defendant Eliot Spitzer and possibly current NY AG Andrew Cuomo, creating further Conflicts, Violations of PORR, ACC and other Crimes as defined in the Amended Complaint and herein. These Conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible, and at minimum require full Disclosure and Discovery on this specified topic of these specified parties provided to Appellant-Plaintiff Bernstein upon vacating the Order of Dismissal, which should occur immediately.
Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints against Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Partners Defendants Gregg M. Mashberg and Joanna F. Smith with the First Dept DDC[68] for their Conflicts before the USDC. With the Complaints not fully resolved, this creates further Conflict with their already Conflicted Self-Representation of Proskauer and Proskauer Partners and their Conflicted Pro-Se Representation. These Conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Due to the fact that the First Dept DDC & First Dept are named Defendants in this Lawsuit, NYAG Connell was to redirect new Disciplinary Complaints filed with the First Dept DDC against Defendants Proskauer, Smith and Mashberg for the Violations before the USDC to a Non-Conflicted third party to handle them, seeing the obvious Conflicts. Plaintiff had contacted Connell to work around the Conflicts in advance and Connell had agreed to move the Complaints and was seeking the appropriate party to transfer them for unbiased review. Instead, while Plaintiff was waiting docketing numbers and for Connell to find a Non-Conflicted authority to handle the Disciplinary Complaints, the First Dept DDC interceded and acted in Conflict by ruling on the Complaints, attempting to dismiss the Complaints[69] against other Defendants in the Lawsuit. Defendant First Dept DDC made Rulings on new Disciplinary Complaints while a Defendant in the same Lawsuit, acting in Conflict and while having Representative Counsel in these matters, the NYAG, whereby as Lawyers the First Dept DDC knew contact with Plaintiff should be through their Representative Counsel the NYAG only. For this brazen attempt to dismiss the Complaints for other Defendants while in Conflict and Violating ACC, PORR and Law, Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints against the First Dept DDC Officers who acted in the dismissal in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law as further defined herein. These Disciplinary Complaints against the Chairman and Chief Counsel of the First Dept DDC, are still awaiting formal Docketing and Disposition and these conflicts make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer is a Shareholder of Plaintiff’s Iviewit companies conflicting them yet again as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer and all Proskauer Partners are not only Defendants, Shareholders of Plaintiff Iviewit companies in this Lawsuit but also many are Material Fact Witnesses to events in this Lawsuit, having previously been the main Law Firm, Lawyers, Shareholders and even Board Members of the Iviewit companies. These Conflicts make Proskauer continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible. Events Proskauer will be a central Witness to, include but are not limited to,
Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in the Theft of Plaintiff’s Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendant Proskauer and the Proskauer Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role with the direction of the filing of False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Agencies and more, creating further Conflict as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in creating at least 14 Fraudulent Iviewit Shell Companies[70] and a Fraudulent set of Intellectual Properties in false Inventors names, in order to steal Plaintiff Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in a Fraudulent Bankruptcy proceeding against Iviewit companies as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendant Proskauer is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in a Fraud on a Florida Civil Court in a Fraudulent billing lawsuit against several of the Fraudulent Iviewit Shell Companies they created, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendants Proskauer and Rubenstein control a Patent Pooling Scheme through Defendant MPEGLA, LLC that directly competes with their former Intellectual Property client Plaintiff Bernstein’s Technologies causing Conflict and making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partner Matthew Triggs ( Triggs ) was confirmed by The Florida Bar to have Violated Florida Bar PORR in representing Defendants Proskauer and Proskauer Partner Wheeler in Disciplinary Complaints while Triggs was an Officer of the Florida Bar and Proskauer Partner, creating Conflict. Triggs barred from representing ANY party in ANY Complaints for a period of one year after his service with the Florida Bar, as an Officer of the Florida Bar. Triggs Violated this PORR in handling his Proskauer Partner Wheeler Bar Complaint and based on Anderson’s claims and the fact that the First Dept DDC and Florida Bar information was shared between the two agencies and influenced the decisions of the two agencies, the Triggs PORR Violations and Wheeler Bar Complaint will be appealed shortly, these Conflicts making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Additional Conflict in the Wheeler Florida Bar Complaint includes former President of the Florida Bar, Defendant Kelley Overstreet Johnson, who worked for Defendant Proskauer Partner Wheeler’s brother, Defendant James Wheeler at Defendant Law Firm Broad & Cassel creating Conflict. Johnson simultaneously handled the Wheeler Complaint at the Florida Bar while failing to disclose her Conflict with Wheeler’s brother at her firm and prevented the filing of Bar Complaints against Triggs for his CONFIRMED VIOLATION OF PORR BY THE FLORIDA BAR. Johnson prevented the Triggs complaint from formal docketing and disposition according to Law, in Violation of the US and Florida Constitution and further denying Due Process to Plaintiff. Based on Anderson’s claims, Plaintiff will be appealing the Florida court cases at the Florida Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court regarding the Bar Complaints, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane acted to Obstruct Justice at the First Dept DDC uncovered in part by Defendant Wolfe who exposed that Krane was representing his firm Proskauer while an Officer of the First Dept DDC and also having other Public Office roles in the NY disciplinary system which Conflicted him, as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane, acted to Obstruct Justice at the First Dept DDC which was uncovered in part by Wolfe exposing that Krane was representing his firm Proskauer while an immediate past President of the NYSBA while precluded by NYSBA Rules from representing ANY party in Disciplinary Complaint for a period of one year after Public Office service, Krane’s Violation of this PORR causes Conflict and makes Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane’s actions in conspiracy with Defendant Cahill caused complaints against Krane, his Partner Rubenstein, the firm Proskauer, the firm Meltzer and Raymond Joao to be ordered by the First Dept court to be transferred for investigation of the Conflicts, Violations of ACC and PORR which created the Appearance of Impropriety, making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Proskauer Partner Krane’s actions in conspiracy with Defendant Cahill caused complaints against Cahill transferred for an investigative inquiry as proscribed by the PORR of the First Dept DDC and whereby at the time of the Amended Complaint, defendant Martin Gold charged with the Special Inquiry had not investigated the matters making Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendants Proskauer, Proskauer Partners Rubenstein and Krane, Meltzer and Raymond Joao all ordered in Unpublished Orders by the First Dept for investigation for Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety involving the Krane and Cahill Public Office Violations. Statements made in the “Legally Related” WHISTLEBLOWER Lawsuit of Anderson, by Anderson, further support Plaintiff’s claims of Public Office Corruption involving Cahill. Proskauer, Krane and Cahill’s Conflicts in the First Dept DDC and the fact that the Investigations remain incomplete makes Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Yet another Conflicted Public Office Lawyer and Investigator, Defendant Diane Maxwell Kearse (Kearse) at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division Second Department (Second Dept) DDC and other members of Defendant Second Dept. then derailed the First Dept Court Ordered Investigations. Defendant Kearse refused to follow the First Dept court Orders for Investigations[71]. Kearse then refused to docket complaints against her personally and other members of the Second Dept and Second Dept DDC, all in Violation of ACC and PORR. Violating Plaintiff’s right to file complaints against civil servants, a Violation of Plaintiff’s rights under the New York and United States Constitutions. Kearse admitted to Conflict with Krane in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law and then despite repeated requests for Disclosure and Resolution of the Conflict, she continued to act on the matters attempting to dismiss the Complaints on Review in opposite the First Dept Order for “Investigation”, Kearse’s Violation of the Court Order and her Conflicts with Krane, as described in the Amended Complaint, make Proskauer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendants Meltzer, Joao and Dreier Conflicts
Existing Conflicts discovered and those further created by Defendant Meltzer permitted to Self-Represent Defendant Meltzer before this Court or any court, include but are not limited to,
Defendant Meltzer and Meltzer Partners, including Joao and Rubenstein, have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally, under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Meltzer represents as Counsel, Meltzer the Law Firm and the Defendant Meltzer Partners, against Plaintiff, their former Intellectual Property client, creating further conflicts and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Joao, formerly of Meltzer and Defendant Proskauer Partner Rubenstein formerly of Defendant Meltzer are further Conflicted with Plaintiff, as Joao now has 90+[72] patents in his own name (while submitting fraudulent patents for Plaintiff, some with dates of 1900 and 2020 on a US Patent Application[73]) that compete with Plaintiff’s Technologies as they were learned from Disclosure by Plaintiff with Joao, causing Conflict and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Rubenstein of Proskauer initially upon meeting Plaintiff was with Defendant Meltzer, yet Proskauer falsely represented to Plaintiff that Rubenstein was with Proskauer. Rubenstein is the sole patent evaluator and Counsel for MPEGLA LLC. who controls the Patent Pooling Scheme of Defendant MPEGLA, LLC that he formed while at Meltzer. MPEGLA, LLC now directly competes with Plaintiff’s Technologies as they were learned from Disclosure by Plaintiff with Rubenstein, causing Conflict as described further in the Amended Complaint and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Meltzer and the Meltzer Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role in filing the False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Intellectual Property Agencies under the direction of Rubenstein and Proskauer, as defined further in the Amended Complaint, creating further Conflict and making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Meltzer Partners are not only Defendants in this Lawsuit but also are Material Fact Witnesses to critical events in this Lawsuit. Meltzer having previously been one of the main Intellectual Property Law Firms referred by and under the direction of Defendant Proskauer and Rubenstein on behalf of Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies to file the Intellectual Properties, this Conflict making Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendants Proskauer, Proskauer Partners Rubenstein and Krane, Meltzer and Raymond Joao all ordered in Unpublished Orders by the First Dept for investigation for Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety involving the Krane and Cahill Public Office Violations. Statements made in the “Legally Related” WHISTLEBLOWER Lawsuit of Anderson, by Anderson, further support Plaintiff’s claims of Public Office Corruption involving Cahill. Proskauer, Krane, Rubenstein, Meltzer, Joao and Cahill’s Conflicts in the First Dept DDC ordered for Investigation’s that remain uninvestigated, as described in the Proskauer Conflicts section above, in addition make Meltzer’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation before this Court impossible,
Defendant Joao’s Counsel in these matters and in the initial Disciplinary Complaint matters before the First Dept DDC, John W. Fried, was a party to the actions that led to the still pending First Dept court ordered Investigations, making Fried now a Witness in these matters and a possible future defendant. Fried’s prior actions at the First Dept DDC on behalf of Joao, include making alleged false and perjurious statements to Investigators as part of a Fraud on that Court as defined in the Amended Complaint, making Fried’s continued Conflicted Representation of Joao before this Court impossible,
Defendant Foley’s Conflicts and the Virginia Attorney General Conflicts with Foley that Conflict the Virginia Attorney General from further Representation of Defendants
Existing Conflicts discovered with Defendant Foley, include but are not limited to,
Defendant Foley and Foley Partners have multiple vested Personal and Professional interests in the outcome of the Lawsuit. Interests include possible loss of all assets professionally and personally under the RICO Count and potential lengthy federal prison sentences when convicted, these conflicts make Foley’s Self-Representation before the USDC a Violation of ACC,
Defendant Foley initially represented themselves in Conflict in these matters against former retained Intellectual Property client Plaintiff Bernstein and the Iviewit companies, making Foley’s initial Self-Representation a Violation of ACC.
Defendant Foley’s role as acting Counsel for the Defendants Virginia Bar, Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Attorney General, all under the aegis of the Virginia Commonwealth cause Conflict and was discovered in a Press Release that states,
Foley & Lardner, a law firm headquartered in Washington, D.C., has been appointed by Virginia Attorney General Jerry W. Kilgore to provide legal services to the Commonwealth of Virginia and its agencies in matters of intellectual property. (Press release)[74],
The representation of the Virginia Bar, Virginia Supreme Court and the Virginia Attorney General by Foley now Conflicts the Virginia Attorney General from Representing the Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court who were involved in the Disciplinary Complaint filed against Defendant Foley Partner William Dick. In fact, despite knowledge that Foley’s Representation of the Virginia Attorney General may cause Conflict in the matters before the Court, the Virginia Attorney General ignores the Conflict Disclosure Requests sent by Plaintiff and continues to submit Pleadings without first confirming if in fact the Virginia Attorney General is Conflicted. In a March 02, 2009 correspondence with Stephen Hall, Assistant Attorney General III for the Virginia Attorney General and Counsel to Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court, Hall states,
I do not know if Foley has represented us in any matters or not. If the matter was completely unrelated to this matter, I am not sure it would matter. For example, if they worked for us in a case having nothing to do with the facts in your complaint, I cannot see how that would violate any ethical rule. I can check tomorrow provided that our office is open, but I am quite certain they did no work related to these facts.
In reply to this email from Hall, Plaintiff responded with the following on March 02, 2009,
One more thing Mr. Hall, it disturbs me greatly that you are just getting around to check if conflict exists when you have known about these issues for months and failed to check or even set up appropriate protections for your offices and me and continued to act in these matters. Just a wee bit late to start fact checking now when you knew the same facts several months ago and just ignored them, as your clients did with the William J. Dick and Foley & Lardner complaints filed at the Virginia Bar. For this action, I wish to levy a complaint against you with your offices and please take this entire document as the initial basis for a formal complaint of such and instantly turn these matters over to your superior. Please direct me to your direct report so that I may take any further steps necessary to request officially formal investigation of you and your offices. Thank you.
Hall fails to ever check or reply formally to date over five months and continues to submit Pleadings to this Court and whereby these Conflicts make the Virginia Attorney General’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible, until both the Conflicts and the Newly Filed Complaint against Hall are resolved,
In this Lawsuit, Defendants Proskauer and Foley[75] initially contacted the NYAG together, Proskauer acting as Counsel for Defendant Proskauer, a slight conflict, Foley acting as Counsel for Defendant Foley, another slight conflict, to discuss defense strategy with Monica Connell of the NYAG who represents the 30+ State Defendants in these matters. The ability for Defendants Proskauer and Foley to interact directly with the NYAG as Counsel for themselves and gain information, discuss strategy against Plaintiff and influence possible Investigations regarding Iviewit Complaints filed against Proskauer and Foley with the NYAG over the last several years is ludicrous, perhaps criminal and certainly is Conflicting, making Foley’s Self-Representation before the USDC a Violation of ACC,
Upon Plaintiff’s noticing the USDC that Foley was acting in Conflict and that Plaintiff filed Disciplinary Complaints with the First Dept DDC for Foley’s Conflicted Self-Representation, Foley did an immediate about face withdrawing as Self- Representing Counsel, without seeking USDC approval to replace and retain new counsel. New counsel, Friedman, Kaplan, Seiler & Adelman LLP, then attempted to mislead the USDC that Foley had not acted initially as Counsel for themselves when they contacted the NYAG regarding legal strategy against Plaintiff with Proskauer, versus reporting the misconduct of Foley as required by ACC. New Counsel’s failure to report the Misconduct causes yet another Violation of ACC thereby making the integrity of Foley’s new Counsel questionable and subject to full COI Disclosure to this Court and Plaintiff prior to submission of further Pleadings on behalf of Foley. Plaintiff is formulating a complaint for this Violation of ACC against Friedman, Kaplan, Seiler & Adelman LLP for Aiding and Abetting a Fraud on the Court, as soon as the NYAG finds a Non-Conflicted third party to handle new Disciplinary Complaints against First Dept DDC licensed Lawyers.
Disciplinary Complaints against Defendant Foley and Foley Partners Defendants Todd C. Norbitz and Anne B. Sekel filed with the First Dept DDC[76] for their Conflicts before the USDC acting as Foley Counsel,
Due to the fact that the First Dept DDC & First Dept are named Defendants in this Lawsuit, NYAG Connell was to redirect new Disciplinary Complaints filed with the First Dept DDC against Defendants Foley, Norbitz and Sekel for the Violations before the USDC to a Non-Conflicted third party to handle them, seeing the obvious Conflicts. Plaintiff had contacted Connell to work around the Conflicts in advance and Connell had agreed to move the Complaints and was seeking the appropriate party to transfer them for unbiased review. Instead, while Plaintiff was waiting docketing numbers and for Connell to find a Non-Conflicted authority to handle the Disciplinary Complaints, the First Dept DDC interceded and acted in Conflict by ruling on the Foley complaints, attempting to dismiss the complaints[77] against other Defendants in the Lawsuit. Defendant First Dept DDC made rulings, on new Disciplinary Complaints, while a Defendant in the same Lawsuit, acting in Conflict and while having Representative Counsel in these matters, the NYAG, whereby as Lawyers they knew contact with Plaintiff should be through Counsel only. A brazen attempt to dismiss the Complaints for other Defendants that Plaintiff then filed Disciplinary Complaints against the First Dept DDC Officers who acted in the dismissal in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law,
Defendant Foley and all Foley Partners are not only Defendants in this Lawsuit but also many are Material Fact Witnesses to events in this Lawsuit creating Conflict, having previously been one of the main Law Firm’s, Intellectual Property Lawyers and even Board Members of the Iviewit companies, referred by and under the direction of Proskauer and Rubenstein. Events Foley will be a central Witness to, include but are not limited to,
Defendant Foley is alleged and being investigated currently for their central role in the Theft of Plaintiff’s Technologies, as defined in the Amended Complaint,
Defendant Foley and the Foley Intellectual Property Lawyers Licensed with the USPTO are under ONGOING Investigation by the USPTO, the USPTO OED and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) for their central role with the filing of False and Fraudulent Intellectual Property Applications with US Government and International Agencies, as defined in the Amended Complaint.
Former IP Counsel to Plaintiff Greenberg Traurig Conflict Representing Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court
The Conflicts existing and further created by Greenberg Traurig ( Greenberg ) acting as Counsel for Defendants The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court are as follows:
Defense counsel for The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court, Greenberg, previously retained by Plaintiff to investigate Patent Fraud by Defendants Proskauer, Meltzer, Foley and Others and now represents Defendants Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court against former Client Interests in directly related matters. This Conflict making Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible, and should be immediately rectified together with the other relief requested herein.
Greenberg retained[78] as Counsel by Plaintiff through Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esq. to perform initial investigation of the allegations of Intellectual Property Fraud by Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer. The findings by Greenberg of Fraudulent Patent Applications filed at the USPTO and International IP Offices filed at the direction of Proskauer and filed by Foley and Meltzer that did not match the Intellectual Property Dockets given to Plaintiff, the Iviewit companies, Iviewit Shareholders and Investors. After completing part of Phase 1 Greenberg discovered Applications filed solely in Defendant Utley’s name that were previously unknown to the Iviewit companies and many other major inconsistencies between the official filings and the Law Firms IP Dockets, including fraudulent Inventors, Owners and Assignee’s. These findings led to Civil Legal Actions and Complaints with State, Federal and International authorities regarding the Crimes against many of the Defendants, all central to these matters. Intellectual Property Dockets prepared by Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer for Iviewit were used in raising capital, including from the SBA, Wachovia, Huizenga and Crossbow Ventures which contained false and fraudulent information compared to that on file with worldwide Intellectual Property Offices. Greenberg will therefore be a Material Witness for Plaintiff as former Counsel and now for their actions in Conflict a future Defendant and simultaneously Counsel to Defendants directly related to the matter and their former work. It behooves one to think that the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court cannot find Non-Conflicted Counsel to represent them in these matters, certainly they must know another law firm. These Conflicts of Greenberg representing Defendants against their former Client makes Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible,
More recently than Greenberg Traurig’s involvement with the Jack Abramoff Scandal, Greenberg Traurig has now been implicated in the Madoff Ponzi scheme, as the lawyers for Madoff’s longtime, now defunct accountant Avellino & Bienes[79]and[80]. Avellino & Bienes convicted by the SEC in the past and issued an,
ORDER OF PERMANENT INJUNCTION AND CIVIL PENALTIES ENTERED AGAINST AVELLINO & BIENES, FRANK AVELLINO AND MICHAEL BIENES. The Commission’s complaint alleged that from at least 1962 to at least July 1992, the defendants sold unregistered securities to the public and from at least 1984 through November 1992, A&B, aided and abetted by Avellino and Bienes, operated as an unregistered investment company.[81]
The Commission announced that the Honorable John E. Sprizzo, District Judge for the Southern District of New York, permanently enjoined, by consent, Avellino & Bienes (A&B), Frank Avellino (Avellino) and Michael Bienes (Bienes) from further violations of Sections 5(a) and 5(c) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 7 of the Investment Company Act of 1940. A&B agreed to pay a civil penalty of $250,000 and Avellino and Bienes each agreed to pay civil penalties of $50,000. Thus, Avellino & Bienes is being implicated as the original Madoff Ponzi Scheme, as Greenberg Traurig was legal counsel for Avellino and as Madoff may have implications with these matters through Defendant Proskauer as well, further Conflict may exist that make Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible,
Recently Greenberg Traurig implicated in the SFG / Stanford Ponzi scheme[82]and[83] and their role in the creation of Stanford’s banking operations and interactions with regulators that may be questionable, this Conflict making Greenberg’s continued Conflicted Representation before this Court impossible.
Defendant New York Attorney General Conflicts Create Obstruction of Justice and Conflict discovered with Defendant NYAG being Represented by Defendant Proskauer
The Conflicts existing and further created by Defendant NYAG permitted to Self-Represent Defendant NYAG, Defendant former NY AG Spitzer and the State Defendants are as follows:
Defendant NYAG Self-Represents in the Amended Complaint, as they are a named Defendant in the Amended Complaint, while continuing representation of approximately 30 Defendant State Officials and Public Offices, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time.
Defendant Former Disgraced New York Attorney General Eliot Spitzer had Conflicts with Defendant Proskauer who Represented the NYAG and Spitzer in Hookergate and Troopergate during the time Plaintiff filed Complaints with the NYAG. Spitzer failed to acknowledge Public Office Corruption complaints filed against Proskauer and Others by Plaintiff[84], Complaints that resulted from the First Dept Court Ordered Investigations of Proskauer et al. NYAG Spitzer failed to acknowledge the initial Complaints while failing to disclose the NYAG / Proskauer Attorney Client relationship, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time.
Plaintiff requested the NYAG to re-investigate the initial complaints filed with their offices based on the Krane and First Dept DDC Conflicts based on the new Anderson Public Office Corruption lawsuit[85], which wholly supported Plaintiff’s earlier allegations, while addressing the new information discovered regarding the Conflict between the NYAG and Proskauer. Plaintiff is still awaiting information regarding the Ongoing Investigation by the NYAG which creates further Conflict and possible Obstruction of Justice, as defined further herein, this Conflict making the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
NY AG Andrew Cuomo replacing Spitzer, then approved Proskauer’s Legal Fee billed to the NYAG and paid for by the State of New York, for Spitzer’s Legal Representation by Proskauer in HookerGate and TrooperGate. Cuomo has initiated Investigations regarding the recently submitted request for re-investigation of the earlier Iviewit complaints, formally confirming receipt and review of the Iviewit Complaint[86]. The question remains if Proskauer remains representing the NYAG Offices and Officers and the full nature and time frame of the relationship that without full Disclosure of Conflicts by the NYAG, this unresolved Conflict makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
The NY AG Cuomo may also have Conflict with Judge Judith Kaye due to his father’s appointment to Kaye as Chief Judge and while Scheindlin attempted to answer the question for Cuomo when Plaintiff formally requested Conflict Disclosure from Cuomo, Plaintiff demands full Disclosure from the NYAG directly regarding this and any other Conflicts that may be unknown at this time, PRIOR to any further submissions to this Court which may be tendered in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law, this unresolved Conflict makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time,
NYAG has further Conflicts in representing nearly 30+ Defendants in this Lawsuit in Public Office Corruption related charges with differing and multiple interests, including several similar defendants named in the Anderson Whistleblower Lawsuit. The Conflict created here is that the NYAG is representing State Defendants who are Defendants in Anderson’s Lawsuit, which acts to preclude the NYAG from investigating those same Defendants they are representing as counsel that on the other hand they are the Legally Obligated Public Agency to investigate the Public Office corruption alleged in Anderson against their Client Defendants. This Conflict is particularly nefarious as it creates Obstruction of Justice by preventing the NYAG from investigating their State Defendant Clients they represent as Counsel. The NYAG cannot without at minimum providing Full Disclosure and then instituting a China Wall to prevent Conflict, both represent as Counsel and Investigate as obligated by PORR, the same party. Therefore, the NYAG Public Office Legal Duties and Obligations of Investigation of Defendants First Dept, First Dept DDC, Wolfe, Cahill, etc. are Obstructed by the NYAG’s simultaneous Representation of the same Defendants. The Obstruction created acts to block both Plaintiff and Anderson from having the NYAG Public Integrity Unit responsible for investigating alleged Public Office Crimes perform their Legal Duties and Obligations to investigate on behalf of the Public. Plaintiff has recently sought from the NYAG application of New York State Public Officers Law § 17 Sec 2 (b)[87] to force individual state officers to seek independent and Non-Conflicted counsel, to remove the NYAG Conflict and Obstruction and allow the NYAG to perform their Public Office Legal Duties and Obligations. This Court should similarly force the NYAG to notify their State Defendant Clients to go get a lawyer, or upon the Court’s own motion force similar action, of course, Non-Conflicted lawyers. This unresolved Conflict that causes Obstruction of Justice makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time and may be cause for filing of Obstruction charges against the NYAG,
The NYAG creates Conflict and possible Public Office Violations by having strategy sessions with multiple private Defendants, including but not limited to, Foley and Proskauer. The private Defendants acting as their own Counsel before the NYAG in strategy meetings in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law, the same Defendants who the NYAG Public Integrity and related units should be investigating for their part in the Public Office Crimes. Instead, the Defendants are working with the NYAG on Legal Defenses against Plaintiff, Anderson and the “Legally Related” Cases who are exposing the Corruption and Defendants are gaining information from the NYAG on Complaints filed with the NYAG relating to them, not only a MAJOR CONFLICT but perhaps CRIMINAL COLLUSION.
NOTE: ** “State actors” conspiring in violation of 42 USC Sec. 1983 and RICO with private defendants and individuals renders the private defendants “state actors” for liability purposes herein thus clearly rendering the Amended Complaint as having stated valid claims for federal relief and original jurisdiction by the District Court herein which should thus immediately vacate the Aug. 8, 2008 erroneous Order of Dismissal by US District Judge Scheindlin. **
Plaintiff has contacted the NYAG Chief of Staff Steven Cohen regarding working out the NYAG’s multiple Conflicts and Obstruction[88]and finding a possible forward path, which avoids filing of Criminal Obstruction charges with the appropriate Criminal Authorities against the NYAG, if such solution is possible. This unresolved Conflict that causes possible further Public Office Crimes makes the NYAG’s continued Conflicted Self-Representation and Representation for ANY Defendants before this Court impossible at this time and may be cause for filing of Obstruction and Other charges against the NYAG, including participation in the RICO elements of the case. The mere fact that the NYAG has not been able to respond in over a month should be sufficient proof of existing conflicts, which should have been corrected, by the District Court and the US Second Circuit prior to this stage of litigation.
Winter and Wolfe’s Conflicts deny Due Process and deny a stay to seek involvement of the DOJ on behalf of interests of the United States. Permitting the Law Firm and Lawyer Conflicts to continue at the US Second Circuit continues to Obstruct Justice and continues the Abuse of Process which furthers the Fraud on this Court as defined herein, that is actionable. Actionable as the Obstruction continues to Aid and Abet the underlying frauds and crimes against the rightful Iviewit Intellectual Property Interest Holders and Inventors by keeping them Covered-Up.
This Court & USDC Conflicts Acting to Deny Plaintiff Due Process through Obstruction of Justice
This Court has stated that “[w]hen a potential or actual Conflict of Interest situation arises, it is the court’s duty to ensure that the attorney’s client, so involved, is fully aware of the nature of the Conflict and understands the potential threat to the protection of his interests.” In re Taylor, 567 F.2d 1183, 1191 (2d Cir.1977).” Because of the imminent threat of a serious conflict, disqualification would have been appropriate here even before any proceedings began. See Shadid v. Jackson, 521 F.Supp. 87, 88-90 (E.D.Tex.1981) (granting motion to disqualify in virtually identical case because of “high potential for conflicting loyalties”). Cf. Armstrong v. McAlpin, 625 F.2d 433, 444-46 (2d Cir.1980) (en banc) (disqualification appropriate when conflict will taint a trial by affecting attorney’s presentation of a case), vacated on other grounds, 449 U.S. 1106, 101 S.Ct. 911, 66 L.Ed.2d 835 (1981).
As noted in Dunton, The County Attorney’s multiple representation in this case was inconsistent with his professional obligation to Officer Pfeiffer. See Hafter v. Farkas, 498 F.2d 587, 589 (2d Cir.1974). It was also inconsistent with Canons 5 and 9 of the ABA Code of Professional Responsibility. A Violation of Canons 5 and 9 of the Code, which call for exercising independent judgment on behalf of a client and avoiding any Appearance of Impropriety, provides ample grounds for disqualifying an attorney. Board of Education v. Nyquist, 590 F.2d 1241, 1246 (2d Cir.1979).
As soon as the County Attorney began to undermine Officer Pfeiffer’s good faith immunity defense by stating that Pfeiffer acted as an “irate husband” and not as a police officer, he was not only failing to act as a conscientious advocate for Pfeiffer, but was acting against Pfeiffer’s interest. The seriousness of this conflict made disqualification appropriate. Shadid v. Jackson, 521 F.Supp. at 88-90. In holding that the trial court had a duty to inform Pfeiffer of the conflict, we in no way excuse the conduct of the other attorneys here. Attorneys are officers of the court, Clark v. United States, 289 U.S. 1, 12, 53 S.Ct. 465, 468, 77 L.Ed. 993 (1933), and are obligated to adhere to all disciplinary rules and to report incidents of which they have unprivileged knowledge involving Violations of a disciplinary rule. ABA Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 1-102(A), 1-103(A); see In re Walker, 87 A.D.2d 555, 560, 448 N.Y.S.2d 474, 479 (1st Dep’t 1982) (as officers of court, attorneys required to notify parties and court of error in court order). The County Attorney had to know of the serious conflict his multiple representation created, see, e.g., App. at 1163, and knew or should have known that he could not fulfill his ethical obligations to the county without seriously undercutting Pfeiffer’s legal position. The plaintiff’s attorney should also have been aware of the problem and should have called it to the attention of the court. See Estates Theatres, Inc. v. Columbia Pictures Industries, Inc., 345 F.Supp. 93, 98 (S.D.N.Y.1972) (”[T]hose attorneys representing other parties to the litigation were obligated to report relevant facts [regarding Conflict of Interest of opponent's attorney] to the Court ….”) (citing DR 1-102).
In the Lawsuit at hand, this Court’s own Chief Clerk Wolfe has been involved in the discovery of improprieties by Proskauer attorney Krane and First Dept DDC former Chief Counsel Cahill in relation to the adjudication of complaints and grievances involving Proskauer attorneys at the First Dept DDC relating to Iviewit. Likewise, the NY AG involved in virtually the identical Conflict situation as noted in Dunton above such that Due Process and Fair proceedings would lead to admissions by multiple Public Officers of the First Dept, First Dept DDC and other State agencies also making application of the NY Public Officers Law Sec. 17 by the NYAG required at this time.
Yet, through Judge Winter, Wolfe has been part of the illegal Abuse of Process in this Court to deny a stay of proceedings to seek the involvement of the DOJ, at the same time Wolfe now scheduled to be a star witness in the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit now declared by Scheindlin as involving Public Office Corruption. Again, the original Anderson complaint referenced Iviewit matters as involved in the corruption therein.
In its barest terms, Defendant Proskauer was able to commit crimes against Plaintiff, the Iviewit Shareholders and Inventors then other Proskauer attorneys, Defendants Krane and Triggs, acted to Obstruct Justice and Cover-Up the Crimes through subterfuge of the complaints at the First Dept DDC and the Florida Supreme Court, doing so in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
Triggs also simultaneously represented Proskauer in the Proskauer billing Lawsuit in the Labarga Civil Court in Conflict and Violation of AC, PORR and Law regarding Multiple Representations while a Bar Officer, as defined in the Amended Complaint. Labarga’s Lawsuit represents the initial Fraud on a court; a fraud that remains today being uncovered, new information being learned even recently (i.e. Anderson) as it relates to the totality of the crimes, including the fraudulent books discovered by Arthur Andersen and others, the fraudulent set of patent applications and the fraudulent involuntary bankruptcy. Further, new information shows how all frauds interrelate to the ongoing PATTERN OF CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY THE ALLEGED RICO CRIMINAL ENTERPRISE COMPOSED PRIMARILY OF LAW FIRMS, LAWYERS AND PUBLIC OFFICIALS, AIDED AND ABETTED BY ILLEGAL ABUSE OF PROCESS AND VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICES ACTING TO SUBTERFUGE LEGAL DUE PROCESS CREATING A STRANGLEHOLD ON JUSTICE IN THIS COURT BY CRIMINALS.
Defendant Proskauer and Proskauer Defendants Mashberg and Smith, now brazenly represent as Counsel Defendant Proskauer before this Court, as with the USDC as if the word Conflict has no meaning and the Court rules have no relevance. Further, Defendants Mashberg and Smith also represent Defendants Mashberg and Smith as Pro Se Counsel, Conflict that Violates virtually the entire ACC, including the fact that the newbie partners have LEGAL Duties under ACC to Report Violations of the ACC and Law committed by their Partners. All of these Conflicts continuing while Scheindlin acknowledged “substantive conflicts” and yet neither this Court nor that court act to resolve such Conflicts. The Conflicts so thick, so as to render this Court and its rulings a Joke, as further evidence of continued Fraud on the Court.
Filed complaints against several Second Dept and Second Dept DDC members and Defendants remain not properly docketed and disposed of according to well-established departmental rules and need to be both docketed and investigated properly to conclusion, free of further Conflict and Obstruction.
The First Dept Orders for investigations of Proskauer et al. need investigation to proper conclusion, free of further Conflict, removed from the First Dept DDC and Second Dept DDC, as they are now Defendants in these matters, and cannot handle complaints against themselves. Still recently, even after service of the Original Complaint naming them as Defendants, the First Dept DDC acted in Conflict handling complaints against Cahill and other Defendants in these matters, attempting to dismiss the complaints against Defendants in these matters. The new illegal actions constitute the need for further review of all prior complaints, free of conflict and then reviewed by the non-conflicted parties; complaints filed in relation to certain of these matters already.
Violations of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes and Law
In defining the Legal and Ethical Violations of Defendants with Legal Titles, the following JC, ACC and Law are a handful of those Violated in this Court currently, in previous courts, in Public Offices and the Disciplinary Agencies that have handled these matters since the year 2000.
Judicial Canon 1. A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary
This Court, the District Court, the Florida Civil Court, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have failed to uphold the integrity of the Judiciary as already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
Judicial Canon 2. A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities
This Court, the USDC, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have caused an Appearance of Impropriety by denying Due Process, creating Obstructions of Justice and committing a total Fraud on the Courts and the Disciplinary Agencies as already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
Judicial Canon 3. A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Impartially and Diligently
This Court, the USDC, Others named herein and in the Amended Complaint by failing to adhere to the JC, PORR, ACC and Law, have failed to perform their Legal Duties and Obligations impartially by Violating their own JC, ACC and Law and acting and allowing a myriad of Conflicts of Interest. Similarly, all Justices have failed to Regulate and/or Report their legal brethren and to report all prior Violations of JC, PORR, ACC and Law, now becoming accomplice to the RICO Conspiracy and other charges alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint.
Judicial Canon 5. A Judge Should Regulate Extra-Judicial Activities To Minimize the Risk of Conflict with Judicial Duties
This Court must now await further direction from all oversight Authorities sought to intervene by Plaintiff, including the Office of the General Counsel Administrative Office of the United States Courts. Plaintiff will shortly file Complaints against this Court for proceeding with multiple Conflicts and committing further Violations of JC, PORR, ACC and Law that combined act to Obstruct Justice casting an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. Continued action by this Court prior to Conflict resolution constitutes reason for further filing of complaints under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980 as amended and for new complaints to Law Enforcement regarding Title 18 Violations relating to Obstruction of Justice.
This Court can take this Motion to Compel as FORMAL notice that Criminal Complaints formulated against this Court and others are forthcoming and this Court must now grant Plaintiff enough time for filing, review and decision by all oversight Authorities appealed to prior to further adjudication. Pleadings with requests for Conflict Disclosures Illegally denied response by this Court and Defendant Counsel, therefore Plaintiff demands this Court and all members of the Court, including all Attorneys of record handling these matters in anyway, immediately submit a completed “Checklist for Conflicts”[89] and Plaintiff’s COI Disclosure Form[90] in accordance with JC, ACC, PORR and Law. This Court and all others requested can print Plaintiff’s COI Disclosure Form by visiting the above referenced URL, signing and returning the COI Disclosure Form to Plaintiff, before continuing further handling the Lawsuit or Lawsuit information.
Disclosures again demanded despite whether the oversight Authorities summoned allow this Court to proceed further. All Lawyers, Law Firms, Public Officials, Court Officials or Others handling the Lawsuit must submit proper Conflict Checks as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law, in order that Plaintiff may have Due Process rights assuring a Fair and Impartial, Conflict free forum.
Judicial Conflicts of Interest and Recusal
As a federal judge, you have the authority to resolve significant public and private disputes. Sometimes, though, a matter assigned to you may involve you or your family personally, or may affect individuals or organizations with which you have associations outside of your official duties. In these situations, if your impartiality might reasonably be questioned, you must disqualify or recuse yourself from the proceeding (the terms “disqualify” and “recuse” are commonly used interchangeably).
This Court, the USDC and all Counsel acting before this Court must disclose and address involvement in any of the Defendant organizations sued by Plaintiff, Personally or Professionally, including any Attorney or Judicial Disciplinary Organizations, Legal Associations, etc. This Court and all of its members handling these matters in any way must address any relations, Personal or Professional, to any of the hundreds of Defendants in these matters and any stocks owned or other interests in any of the named Defendants Companies or Law Firms, as required by the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Disclosure is necessary for any affiliation or relation to any of the Law Firms or Lawyers named as Defendants, including the thousands of attorneys who work at the Law Firms sued, as well as, any relation to any Defendant named in the Amended Complaint as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
Defendant Companies screened for Conflict should include all Companies’ who are licensors and licensees of Defendant MPEGLA LLC., an updated list found at the website, www.mpegla.com and more Defendant Companies can be found @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/Appendix%20A/index.htm#NDALIST . Any Memberships or Affiliations to any Defendants or other unknown Conflicted parties must force recusal of anyone involved in this Lawsuit and replacement by a Non-Conflicted party, unless all parties deem such Conflicts moot. This Lawsuit is unique in that it involves a large mass of the legal community, especially in New York. Therefore, this Court and all members of this Court who are handling these matters, in order to provide a Fair and Impartial hearing, must disclose any iota of Conflict with any of the Defendants and not hide from such formal request giving the Appearance of Impropriety.
For example, Judge Winter is an alumnus of Yale University and currently is Professor (Adjunct) of Law at Yale Law School[91]. The Plaintiff’s Amended Complaint specifically points to a not so secret anymore cult, the Yale “Skull and Bones” as one of the main conspiratorial groups involved in the RICO action and where Defendant Proskauer lists as their client Yale University. This area of possible Conflict of Winter must be explored through full disclosure and any relation to Yale that Winter has must be analyzed for Conflict, as an example, it is unknown if he sits on any boards, etc. that may influence the contracting of Proskauer as Yale counsel or if he has any relations with Proskauer whatsoever. At minimum, affirmation or denial of potential Conflicts prior to further adjudication of the matters by Winter is mandatory. Winter completely avoided Disclosure even after repeated formal written request by Plaintiff who acts as Pro Se counsel with the right to Full Disclosure from Justices and Opposing Counsel handling these matters to ensure Fair and Impartial Due Process. Avoiding Disclosure, especially upon formal written request regarding “substantive” Conflicts creates an Appearance of Impropriety.
In a recent request to this Court for an Extension of Time, attached to the Motion was a COI Disclosure Form, which requested Full Conflict Disclosure by this Court and Opposing Counsel of any Conflict prior to Ruling on the Motion. Yet, somehow, this Court proceeded with the Ruling and failed to confirm or deny Conflict, again, acting outside the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Presumably if there were no Conflict, this Court would sign the requested Conflict Disclosure form, where failure to sign or even formally respond, again evokes an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety. Failure to Disclose Conflict upon repeated request will also be basis for additional complaints to oversight Authorities of all Justices, Court Personnel and Opposing Counsel.
Another example of Conflict for Winter or any Justice of this Court that must be resolved prior to further Adjudication through full Conflict Disclosure would be the overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety created by Wolfe, Clerk of this Court. Wolfe, a named Defendant and a material Witness in this Lawsuit and the “Legally Related” Lawsuit of Anderson causes Conflict as already defined herein. A China Wall from here to the moon might enable this Court to continue with the Lawsuit, with the Clerk of the Court in direct Conflict. Wolfe Conflicts others at the Court who are intimate in any way with her, Personally or Professionally, yet it is unlikely at this stage in the Litigation that the Conflict can be resolved, as the China Wall and Conflict Resolution would have had to taken place first and not after the fact of Wolfe’s direct involvement.
In order for this Court to continue to act in these matters, the Court would have to remove Wolfe from any access to the Lawsuit information, including any of her subordinates and provide proof of such to Plaintiff to assure negation of the obvious Conflicts. Wolfe and her staff have already tainted this Lawsuit through reviewing documentation submitted to the Court prior to Disclosure and Resolution of the Conflicts, despite Plaintiff’s repeated requests for Full Conflict Disclosure from Wolfe and this Court. The damage to Plaintiff already done by this Court’s failure to ensure a Fair and Impartial Court by refusing written requests to this Court for Conflict Disclosure regarding Wolfe’s role and preceding as if Conflict disclosure does not apply to the Court, Court Personnel and Opposing Counsel. Plaintiff fears submitting further evidentiary information and legal strategy to a Court with such ongoing Illegal activity whereby Defendants gain access to confidential court files and pleadings, acting to Obstruct the ability of Plaintiff to properly prosecute the Amended Complaint herein and formulate legal strategy by filing with an unbiased and uncorrupted court.
Grounds for Judicial Disqualification
Disqualification is required under Canon 3C(1)(a) to (e) in several situations: you have personal knowledge of disputed facts…
Wolfe, as Defendant and as material Witness of disputed facts in these matters, definitely causes all the Justices and Clerks of this Court to come into Conflict with Plaintiff, as every member of this Court presumably has some Personal and Professional involvement with the affairs of Wolfe. Either way, Full Conflict Disclosure is required due to the obvious Appearance of Impropriety this evokes.
The Court and/or individual Judges should also disqualify under Canon 3C(1) if the circumstances would cause a reasonable person to question your impartiality.
Financial interests: financial interests that result in mandatory disqualification include — service as an officer, director, or active participant in the affairs of a party.
Most of this Court, the Law Firms and Lawyers representing the matters may also be Officers, Directors and active participants in organizations that are Defendants in these matters. Again full and proper disclosure would be the only way Plaintiff can evaluate if all involved are Conflict free with the Defendants and refusal to Disclose Conflict denies Plaintiff the right to evaluate Conflict, again creating Obstruction through Conflict and/or failure to provide proper Conflict Disclosure.
For example, holding membership, officer status and/or actively participating in the affairs of Defendants, including but not limited to, First Dept, Second Dept, the First Dept DDC, the Second Dept DDC and the NYSBA , would cause insurmountable Conflict that would have to be disclosed and resolved or negated prior to continued adjudication of the matters.
Failure by this Court upon repeated requests to disclose memberships and/or affiliations in any Defendant Organization again imparts the Appearance of Impropriety and again Violates well established JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Membership in the NYSBA of itself may not be cause to disqualify a Justice, Law Firm or Lawyer from representing these matters, the NYSBA is a named Defendant and membership that goes beyond passive membership to active participation in the Defendant Organization certainly would be cause for Full Disclosure. Full Disclosure of the relationships is necessary therefore to evaluate the potential Conflicts, without the Disclosure imparts an Appearance of Impropriety and possibly Obstruction.
Full Financial Disclosure required by all those handling this Lawsuit either affirming or denying any Financial Conflicts, including but not limited to, the Defendant Law Firms, the thousands of Lawyers in Defendant Law Firms, the hundreds of Corporations named in the Amended Complaint and the Public Agencies involved. Again, Disclosure and Conflict Checks according to well established JC, ACC, PORR and Law are mandated.
Anderson’s claims of Obstruction as defined herein support the need for immediate Conflict Checks prior to any other action by this Court or anyone involved currently or in the future of this Lawsuit. Conflict screening should most likely include Conflict Checks against all “Legally Related” Lawsuits and their defendants. All “Legally Related” Lawsuits hereby incorporated in entirety by reference herein,
Judicial Conflict Screening
The following checklists can help you create a conflicts list for monitoring purposes (See appendix): Checklist for Financial Conflicts (Form AO-300) Checklist for Other Conflicts (Form AO-301) Conflicts List (Form AO-302) also available @ http://www.utd.uscourts.gov/forms/checklist.pdf
Use and Misuse of Judicial Office — Areas of Concern
Granting access or preferential treatment to special, private groups.
This Court allows members of the legal community, including members of this Court to continue to act with total disregard to JC, ACC, PORR and Law, imparting preferential treatment to the legal community, Public Officials involved and other Defendants and may further constitute criminal Collusion in the RICO and Obstruction. Further, failing to report the misconduct of their Legal Brethren as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law or take any corrective actions to remedy the Illegal acts again imparts preferential treatment for the legal community through Misuse and Abuse of Judicial Office and Legal Process with Scienter acting to Obstruct Justice, denying Plaintiff Due Process Rights.
Outside Activities
Your life before judicial appointment was filled with a wide variety of personal and professional activities. You may continue to participate in these activities, as long as they don’t interfere with judicial duties, cast doubt on your impartiality, or detract from your office.
To remove doubt as to this Court and its Members impartiality, with regard to Personal and Professional activities that may Conflict them, such as Disciplinary Agencies, Bar Affiliations and/or other roles within Defendant Legal Organizations, which they may or may not still be involved with they must give full disclosure. Plaintiff has Legal Rights, including those of counsel in he is represented Pro Se, to request Full Conflict Disclosure and further that Disclosure be given by all parties to remove ALL doubt. Impartiality cast in doubt without such Full Conflict Disclosure creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Plaintiff discovered previous Undisclosed Conflicts by Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials in the matters, which Scheindlin then affirmed, the First Dept confirmed and transferred for formal Investigation and Anderson supported from a Whistleblower perspective. All of these Conflicts involve Allegations that Preferential Treatment occurred for Law Firms, Lawyers and Supreme Court of New York Officials which Prejudiced Plaintiff’s Rights in ALL of the related matters. The Preferential Treatment interfered with Plaintiff’s Rights to Due Process through Obstruction and at great expense in time, money and almost loss of life in a Car Bombing.
Violations of US Code Title 18[92]
The Chapter 73 of United States Code, Title 18 Violations relevant to these Proceedings are: section 1501 (misdemeanor to obstruct a federal process or writ server), section 1503 (felony provision that targets efforts to influence or injure a court officer or juror, as well as other obstructionary efforts), section 1505 (felony to obstruct proceedings before departments, agencies, committees)[93], section 1506 (felony to steal or alter a court record or provide a phony bail surety), section 1509 (misdemeanor to obstruct court orders), section 1510 (felony to obstruct criminal investigations), section 1512 (felony to tamper with a witness, victim, or informant) and section 1513 (felony to retaliate against a witness, victim, or informant)[94].
An example of Obstruction comes in the fact that two federal investigations of document tampering remain ongoing with no resolution in the Scheindlin federal court, pertaining to stolen documents from the US Marshals Office[95], including the Original Complaint and Copies for service improper service of Plaintiff’s Original Complaint by the United States Marshal[96]. The removal of the Original Complaints filed by Plaintiff in this Lawsuit from the US Marshal Office remains the subject of ongoing Investigations by the US Marshall and US Post Office as it Obstructed proper service to the Defendants and was a theft of original materials to the USDC. Review of the docket at the USDC evidences Defendants claiming improper service by the US Marshal and missing documentation including failure to serve copies of the Original Complaint. Prior Motions to the USDC to resolve the theft of documents and the improper service prior to beginning adjudicating the matters went wholly ignored. The outcome of the investigations with the U.S. Marshal and US Post Office may materially affect the Lawsuit including showing further continued crimes and again Scheindlin errs dismissing the complaint prior to resolution of the Obstructions of Justice caused via removal of official documents in a federal proceeding. Of course, failure to report such crimes by Scheindlin to the proper authorities again violates the JC, PORR, ACC and Law regarding Legal Obligations relating to reporting illegal activities and official misconduct rendering the claims by Plaintiff-Appellant herein ongoing and sufficient for federal relief and pleading standards under the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and applicable federal law.
For example, these new crimes have further nullified arguments of statutes of limitations etc., as the new crimes would further enforce the ongoing criminal activity of the RICO Criminal Enterprise composed of Defendant Law Firms and Others as defined in the Amended Complaint. The fact that Plaintiff cannot even be assured of what documents are making it to the Court free of Obstruction and what eventually is served Defendants by the US Marshal, is further of issue and importance and requiring action when viewed in light of the allegations of Anderson including document destruction and tampering of court documents, etc. Recent information learned in the Defendant Silicon Graphics, Inc. recent Federal Bankruptcy filing also shows that the Iviewit Original Complaint and the Amended Complaint may be still missing from the USDC files to this date[97]. This is also reason for this Court to take protective actions of all documents filed to assure their accuracy and assure accuracy of the served documents on Defendants, anything less with evidence such as this and Anderson’s claims of insider court document tampering could allow further Obstructions.
Another example, fraught with multiple Obstructions of Justice comes from the fact that in the ”Legally Related” Whistleblower Lawsuit of Anderson, Defendants allegedly used Threats, Physical Abuse, Mental Abuse, Whitewashing of Complaints and Official Document Destruction, which illegally altered the outcome of Official Court Proceedings regarding Supreme Court of New York Official Complaints. These tactics used against Anderson, a staff attorney of the First Dept DDC, in efforts to subterfuge proper administration of law to protect “Favored” law firms and attorneys, clearly acts constituting Obstruction and other Violations of ACC, PORR & Law. These Obstructive acts have derailed prior and current legal proceedings and allowed RICO stylized Public Office Corruption crimes to continue which may include Domestic Terrorism through the planting of a CAR BOMB in Plaintiff’s MiniVan. Had Obstruction not taken place, the CAR BOMBING may not have taken place, as the proverbial “onion” would have peeled at that time and Due Process would have found many Defendants in Prison. The Obstructions may also have allowed financial schemes such as Madoff, Stanford, Dreier and more to flourish, creating further damage to Victims of those crimes as already defined herein.
§ 1506. Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail
Whoever feloniously steals, takes away, alters, falsifies, or otherwise avoids any record, writ, process, or other proceeding, in any court of the United States, whereby any judgment is reversed, made void, or does not take effect; or Whoever acknowledges, or procures to be acknowledged in any such court, any recognizance, bail, or judgment, in the name of any other person not privy or consenting to the same— Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
§ 1509. Obstruction of court orders
Whoever, by threats or force, willfully prevents, obstructs, impedes, or interferes with, or willfully attempts to prevent, obstruct, impede, or interfere with, the due exercise of rights or the performance of duties under any order, judgment, or decree of a court of the United States, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
This Court, the USDC and the Disciplinary Agencies are all under Court Orders and Court Decrees via the JC, ACC, PORR and Law, which all act as Legal Decrees, issued by the various courts of the United States. Failure to uphold JC, ACC, PORR and Law, acts forcefully to Prevent, Obstruct, Impede and Interfere with Plaintiff’s rights to Due Process and the rights to his Intellectual Property. Failure by this Court to uphold these court orders imparts not only Obstruction but also active Culpable participation in the crimes of the larger RICO conspiracy alleged in the Amended Complaint, through knowingly continuing the Violations and Cover-Up of the prior misconducts, thereby creating an ongoing shield from prosecution for the Defendants.
§ 1510. Obstruction of criminal investigations
(a) Whoever willfully endeavors by means of bribery to obstruct, delay, or prevent the communication of information relating to a Violation of any criminal statute of the United States by any person to a criminal investigator shall be fined under this title, or imprisoned not more than five years, or both.
Anderson again provides factual evidence from an insider of Obstruction by New York State Officials. Wolfe is central to this Lawsuit and the Anderson Lawsuit who was initially a defendant in Anderson Lawsuit in her role as Clerk of the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and who is now an Officer of this Federal Court. Wolfe acting in Conflict in this Lawsuit as already defined herein, as both a Defendant and Witness who refuses direct written requests for disclosure of Conflict and whereby the Conflicts may act to Obstruct communication of information to investigators and interfere with the communication of information regarding multiple Violations of Criminal Statutes by Defendants.
Anderson evidences that Obstruction occurred through all of the following,
threatened and effectuated retaliatory job loss because of her refusal to change investigative reports and exposing corruption of Public Officials including her superiors at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC in typical Whistleblower fashion,
evidence that Public Officials, including her superiors at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC, were making changes to investigative reports to minimize investigation of favored lawyers and law firms,
coercion by Public Officials at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept DDC, including physical violence against Anderson by her supervisor, Sherry Cohen, to Whitewash official complaints through document destruction and file thinning and
favoritism by Public Officers for favored lawyers and law firms, including Illegally changing the outcome of Official Proceedings for those lawyers and law firms with political connections at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept and First Dept DDC.
All acts Violating hosts of criminal Obstruction statutes, JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Criminal investigators at minimum now should be investigating those Anderson alleges to have been involved in the Public Office Corruption as her claims indicate Criminal Obstruction and other criminal acts.
The USDC’s failure to allow Plaintiff full discovery of the Anderson Obstruction claims by dismissing the Amended Complaint through Fraudulent Rulings fraught with Conflicts of Interest, Violations of AC, JC, PORR and Law create a MASSIVE Fraud on this Court[98]. The Fraud on the Court delays this Lawsuit through further illegal Abuse of Process, adversely affecting Plaintiff’s Due Process rights, again acting as another Obstruction of Justice. This Court’s further failure not to report Scheindlin and the others for Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and instantly correct them is yet another Violation of JC, PORR and Law. Acting to conceal prior Violations knowingly with intent puts this Court as an accessory to the RICO and other alleged crimes by further Aiding and Abetting felonious actions through continued Cover-Up in Official Court Proceedings further Violating Obstruction laws.
(B) prevent the production of a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters prevented the production of records, documents and other objects in Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws and now this Court through Wolfe may be subject to similar allegations if Wolfe was planted to interfere in Conflict.
(2) Whoever uses physical force or the threat of physical force against any person, or attempts to do so, with intent to—
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters used force to compel her to interfere in Official Court Proceedings at the Supreme Court of New York First Dept DDC.
(A) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters influenced, delayed and prevented testimony in Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws.
(B) cause or induce any person to—
(i) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept Officials and Defendants in these matters attempted to induce Anderson to withhold testimony, withhold records, documents and other objects from Official Court Proceedings Violating Obstruction laws.
(ii) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the integrity or availability of the object for use in an official proceeding;
Anderson provides evidence that certain First Dept and now this Court through Wolfe Defendants altered, destroyed, mutilated and concealed evidence with the intent to impair the integrity and the availability of such objects, in order to interfere in Official Court Proceedings and attempted to induce Anderson to do the same Violating Obstruction laws.
(iii) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
The stolen service papers and interference with US Marshal servicing of the Original Complaint at the USDC delayed and stymied the summoning of the Defendants, including high-ranking Public Officials, to appear in Official Court Proceedings. This gave Defendants tremendous additional time to position in Conflict around Plaintiff with Conflicted counsel, etc. One example is the strategy meeting between the NYAG, Proskauer and Foley to discuss legal strategies against Plaintiff Violating Obstruction laws, ACC, PORR and Law as already defined herein.
Scheindlin precluded service of the Amended Complaint to all NAMED Defendants dismissing them Sua Sponte, yet refers in her Dismissal Order to the hundreds of Defendants summoned to Answer the Amended Complaint, knowing the other Defendants were never serviced, summoned or answered. This may be considered another act that Aided and Abetted the evasion of proper and just service of the Amended Complaint to the Defendants Scheindlin refers to in her Dismissal Order and yet another error and cause for reversal in the Dismissal Order and possible cause for Disciplinary action against Scheindlin.
(iv) be absent from an official proceeding to which that person has been summoned by legal process; or hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a Violation of conditions of probation, supervised release, parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
The Obstructions caused by this Court and all courts of the prior related proceedings has hindered, delayed and prevented communication to State, Federal and International law enforcement and judges of the United States, information relating to the commission of Federal, State and International Violations of Law and International Treatises and Violating Obstruction laws.
shall be punished as provided in paragraph (3).
(3) The punishment for an offense under this subsection is—
(A) in the case of murder (as defined in section 1111), the death penalty or imprisonment for life, and in the case of any other killing, the punishment provided in section 1112;
(B) in the case of—
(i) an attempt to murder; or
(ii) the use or attempted use of physical force against any person;
imprisonment for not more than 20 years; and
(C) in the case of the threat of use of physical force against any person, imprisonment for not more than 10 years.
(b) Whoever knowingly uses intimidation, threatens, or corruptly persuades another person, or attempts to do so, or engages in misleading conduct toward another person, with intent to—
(1) influence, delay, or prevent the testimony of any person in an official proceeding;
(2) cause or induce any person to—
(A) withhold testimony, or withhold a record, document, or other object, from an official proceeding;
(B) alter, destroy, mutilate, or conceal an object with intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding;
(C) evade legal process summoning that person to appear as a witness, or to produce a record, document, or other object, in an official proceeding; or
(D) be absent from an official proceeding to which such person has been summoned by legal process; or
(3) hinder, delay, or prevent the communication to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States of information relating to the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense or a Violation of conditions of probation [1] supervised release,,[1] parole, or release pending judicial proceedings;
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both.
(c) Whoever corruptly—
(1) alters, destroys, mutilates, or conceals a record, document, or other object, or attempts to do so, with the intent to impair the object’s integrity or availability for use in an official proceeding; or
(2) otherwise obstructs, influences, or impedes any official proceeding, or attempts to do so,
shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
(d) Whoever intentionally harasses another person and thereby hinders, delays, prevents, or dissuades any person from—
(1) attending or testifying in an official proceeding;
(2) reporting to a law enforcement officer or judge of the United States the commission or possible commission of a Federal offense;
or attempts to do so, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both.
(e) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, it is an affirmative defense, as to which the defendant has the burden of proof by a preponderance of the evidence, that the conduct consisted solely of lawful conduct and that the defendant’s sole intention was to encourage, induce, or cause the other person to testify truthfully.
(f) For the purposes of this section—
(1) an official proceeding need not be pending or about to be instituted at the time of the offense; and
(2) the testimony, or the record, document, or other object need not be admissible in evidence or free of a claim of privilege.
(g) In a prosecution for an offense under this section, no state of mind need be proved with respect to the circumstance—
(1) that the official proceeding before a judge, court, magistrate judge, grand jury, or government agency is before a judge or court of the United States, a United States magistrate judge, a bankruptcy judge, a Federal grand jury, or a Federal Government agency; or
(2) that the judge is a judge of the United States or that the law enforcement officer is an officer or employee of the Federal Government or a person authorized to act for or on behalf of the Federal Government or serving the Federal Government as an adviser or consultant.
(h) There is extraterritorial Federal jurisdiction over an offense under this section.
(i) A prosecution under this section or section 1503 may be brought in the district in which the official proceeding (whether or not pending or about to be instituted) was intended to be affected or in the district in which the conduct constituting the alleged offense occurred.
(j) If the offense under this section occurs in connection with a trial of a criminal case, the maximum term of imprisonment which may be imposed for the offense shall be the higher of that otherwise provided by law or the maximum term that could have been imposed for any offense charged in such case.
(k) Whoever conspires to commit any offense under this section shall be subject to the same penalties as those prescribed for the offense the commission of which was the object of the conspiracy.
§ 1519. Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy
Whoever knowingly alters, destroys, mutilates, conceals, covers up, falsifies, or makes a false entry in any record, document, or tangible object with the intent to impede, obstruct, or influence the investigation or proper administration of any matter within the jurisdiction of any department or agency of the United States or any case filed under title 11, or in relation to or contemplation of any such matter or case, shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both.
Violations of Attorney Conduct Codes citing New York Attorney Conduct Codes[99]
Every Law Firm, Lawyer and Public Official for any Defendant should be forced to file with this Court verified and affirmed Conflict Checks, according to the ACC, PORR and Law that require Disclosure and Conflict Checks, in order to determine the validity of their Legal Representation and Disclose and Resolve all Conflicts or withdraw representation. This Court must immediately remove all Conflicted parties from any capacity in this Lawsuit; anything short of fulfillment of this request will result in immediate filings of further Disciplinary and Criminal Complaints against all parties acting in Conflict that creates Obstruction of Justice through Violations of JC, ACC and Law in the states of New York, Florida and Virginia.
Plaintiff demands these proceedings HALTED until removal of all Obstructions of Justice created by the Conflicts of the Justices, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials Misconduct, and, all those found to be in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law reported AS REQUIRED to the appropriate Authorities and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Misconduct by Justices, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials is at the heart of both the original crimes and the Cover-Up to the crimes alleged in the Amended Complaint and herein. These continued Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are the glue that binds the RICO conspiracy together, shielding the Criminal Enterprise from prosecution and evidence supporting this contention further confirmed by the allegations in the “Legally Related” Whistleblower Lawsuit of Anderson and the other “Legally Related” Lawsuits or being part of the criminal enterprise itself
The “Legally Related” Lawsuits to Anderson, together with Anderson, further support that Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials were Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law at the highest levels of the New York courts and public offices creating Criminal Obstruction. The very nature and evidence of this behavior now demands oversight of the courts, the Law Firms, the Lawyers and Public Officials and instant criminal investigation of the allegations of criminal Obstruction levied by Anderson and Plaintiff. Especially egregious is that upon repeated requests to the courts, Lawyers, Law Firms and Public Officials in these matters by Plaintiff for Conflict Disclosure ALL have gone wholly unanswered by any of those involved. If no Conflict exists, than why not acknowledge such upon request, whereby failure to respond to formal requests and instead continuing in the Proceedings without Full Disclosure creates an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety.
Scheindlin addressed the Conflicts as “substantive” and the First Dept ordered “investigation” of those involved in the initial Disciplinary Complaints for Conflict and the Appearance of Impropriety yet Due Process still denied, although the Conflicts were serious enough for a court ordered transfer of the Complaints by the First Dept for immediate Investigations and Federal Judge Scheindlin further verified Conflicts. Looking at the very strange Order Dated March 10, 2008 by Scheindlin concerning the multiplicity of Misconducts by the Lawyers, Law Firms, and Public Officials, whereby instead of asking Defendant Counsel if they had Conflict, Scheindlin instead answers for the Conflicted parties on their behalf, as if she were their legal counsel running the Conflict Checks for them. Scheindlin claims,
I have considered plaintiffs’ request and have determined that the Attorney General does not face an improper conflict of interest in representing the State Defendants. If, however, the Attorney General concludes that an investigation of defendants is warranted, then independent counsel would be required.
Nothing could warrant an investigation more by the NYAG Public Integrity Unit, then the damning inside Whistleblower Public Office Corruption and Obstruction claims levied by Anderson against Public Officials from the First Dept DDC and First Dept. Yet, the NYAG is busy acting as Defense Counsel preparing the defense of the Public Officials they are now Legally Obligated to Investigate. The Defendant Public Officials exposed by Anderson are now represented by the NYAG, Conflicting the NYAG from their Prosecutorial Duties to ensure Public Office Integrity, as the Defendant Public Officials have retained the NYAG’s legal services first, on the taxpayer dime, leaving no one investigating the corruption, alas Obstruction. The NYAG has not begun an investigation knowing Scheindlin views Anderson as a “Whistleblower” and is advancing Anderson’s Lawsuit to trial. Instead their Legal Representation of the same Defendants Anderson exposes creates a shield from prosecution of the Defendants the NYAG is Representing creating not only Conflict but Culpable crimes in perpetuating the RICO through further Obstruction of Justice of Official Proceedings.
Despite the other logical failures, inconsistencies and conflicted portions of Judge Scheindlin’s erroneous Dismissal of August 8, 2009, Opining that the NY AG may have to Investigate in order to determine Conflict causes reversible error. Further due process violations occur by Scheindlin’s Dismissal Sua Sponte, without first having determined the outcome of the NY AG investigation wherefore Plaintiff should now be provide Discovery and Full Disclosure.
Scheindlin in her Order further errs and again acts as Counsel, this time for the NYAG in determining if they had Conflict. Scheindlin now answers Plaintiff’s Conflict Disclosure request for the NYAG, failing to demand that the NYAG fully Disclose if they had Conflict, perhaps even Conflicts Scheindlin and Plaintiff were not aware of, the reason for Conflict Checking directly with the party Disclosure is requested from. Plaintiff affirmatively asked for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved, including the NYAG and the Virginia AG, to state if they had Conflict. Scheindlin usurped this request and answered on their behalf, Prejudicing and Obstructing the Legally Required Conflict Disclosure by the NYAG, shielding them from performing their Legal Obligation regarding Disclosure of Conflict in matters they represent. By answering for them, Scheindlin shields the NYAG from running Procedural Conflict Checks required under ACC, PORR and Law, Conflict Checks that could have forced China Walls to be instituted PRIOR to the NYAG handling the matters in Conflicting roles. Scheindlin’s actions again Aid and Abet the RICO Cover-Up Crimes and perhaps create further Culpable Public Office Crimes under the RICO.
Scheindlin, acting as Counsel for Defendant NYAG fails in her Order to address on the NYAG’s behalf the Conflict of Interest caused by the fact that Defendant Proskauer Represented the NYAG during the time of alleged wrongdoings and while Plaintiff’s Complaints were filed with the NYAG against Proskauer. Plaintiff complains not that the NYAG failed to investigate as insinuated by Defendants but rather that the NYAG Violated their own Procedural Rules and Regulations in evaluating, docketing and disposing of the Complaints procedurally under Law. Scheindlin was aware of this Conflict, as Plaintiff specifically requested Disclosure on this Conflict in several filed Motions regarding the NYAG Conflicts and yet her Order completely evades answering this Disclosure Request, again shielding the NYAG from making Conflict Disclosure. Scheindlin fails to seek Conflict Disclosure from the NYAG directly of this material Conflict or even check with the NYAG to assure that Proskauer no longer represented the NYAG and if there was current Conflict or Conflict at anytime. In fact, Plaintiff also pointed out to Scheindlin that several of the former NYAG Defendant Spitzer’s employees had taken positions at Proskauer immediately after the fall of Spitzer and Conflicts could again exist if the former NYAG employees were involved in the subterfuge of the Complaints filed against Proskauer et al. while at the NYAG.
These Obstructive actions of Scheindlin are part of the Judicial Complaint against her requesting oversight Authorities in these matters to determine if Scheindlin acted within her Legal Authority and further evaluate if she has Violated JC, PORR and ACC, State and Federal Laws. If Scheindlin did not act within her Legal Authority, all of her Orders instantly should be rescinded and full Investigation commenced immediately into the NYAG/Proskauer Violations, the Scheindlin Cover-Up and her failure to report the misconduct before her court, constituting a Fraud on that court. The Lawsuit should then pass immediately to a NON-CONFLICTED court, one that affirms or denies Conflicts according to well-established procedural rules, JC, ACC, PORR and Law PRIOR to taking action in the proceedings before them for further Adjudication.
Another NYAG Conflict is that they are acting as Counsel to many of the NY State Defendants, including themselves, in their Answer to the Amended Complaint, of which they are a named Defendant. The NYAG should therefore be seeking Counsel to represent their Offices and Officers at this point and having the State Defendants find new Non-Conflicted Counsel too. Further, after withdrawal of representation of the State Defendants, the NYAG should consider based on Anderson’s allegations Investigating all of those they are Representing as Counsel for VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICE. Alternatively, the NYAG could seek involvement of a Grand Jury, special prosecutor or other disinterested third party to investigate the Defendants they Counsel, to investigate the NYAG on their behalf, if they cannot overcome their current Conflicts that cause Obstruction and preclude them from performing their legally obligated role to the public.
In the same Order Scheindlin acts again as Counsel for now Defendant former Chief Judge, Judith S. Kaye ( Kaye ) and the NYAG and instead of demanding Disclosure by Kaye and the NYAG in relation to Plaintiff’s request for Conflict Disclosure and Scheindlin states:
Plaintiffs also argue that it is inappropriate for the Attorney General to represent the Hon. Judith S. Kaye on the ground that Judge Kaye was appointed to the bench by the father of the current Attorney General. While the Chief Judge was appointed many years ago by the Attorney General’s father, this does not create either a Conflict of Interest or an Appearance of Impropriety in permitting the current Attorney General to represent the Chief Judge in this lawsuit.
Here again Scheindlin errs as the request from Plaintiff was for Conflict disclosure from Kaye and the NYAG, disclosure of Conflicts perhaps that Scheindlin and Plaintiff did not know about, again creating a shield around Kaye and the NYAG which allows them to evade Legally Required Disclosure of Conflict.
Scheindlin next answers for the Law Firms and Lawyers that Plaintiff had requested Conflict Disclosure from, now creating a shield around the Law Firms and Lawyers that allowed them to evade Legally Required Conflict Disclosure. Instead of asking the Law Firms and Lawyers to run internal Conflict Checks as proscribed by ACC, PORR and Law, Scheindlin answers for them, Obstructing the Law Firms and Lawyers from running Conflict Checks PRIOR TO undertaking representation. Instead of forcing Conflict Checks and Full Disclosure, Scheindlin answers for them, wholly outside her authority, as if she runs the Conflict departments for the Law Firms.
In her Order, Scheindlin states:
Plaintiffs request that the Court direct the two law firm defendants to retain independent counsel on the ground that conflicts of interest prevent their attorneys from representing the firms. Plaintiffs have shown no ground for disqualifying attorneys at the defendant law firms from representing the firms.
Scheindlin failed to address in her Order the disqualifying grounds presented to her by Plaintiff regarding Defendants Proskauer and Foley’s Self-Representation before her Court and now this Court and the fact that there are ongoing Federal, State and International Investigations of the same Law Firms and Lawyers giving the Defendants vested interest in the matters they are Self-Representing. Investigations are underway by the Federal Patent Bar and the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi), of the very same Law Firms and Lawyers that the State Bar and State Disciplinary Agencies refuse to investigate, instead attempting to dismiss complaints on review. Dismissal of the Disciplinary Complaints in New York, despite ongoing Federal and International investigations at the Disciplinary Departments of the USPTO and EPO, of the same attorneys that caused suspension of Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties by the USPTO Commissioner. Dismissal on review where the reviews and reviewers found mired in Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Scheindlin failed to address the absolute Conflict these investigations of certain Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers posed to continued Self-Representation. Had Scheindlin not acted outside her scope of authority and answered Conflict questions for others versus asking them directly to disclose Conflict, the results from the Conflict Checks by the Law Firms and State Agencies would have precluded their Self-Representation.
Further, Defendants Proskauer, Foley and Meltzer are former counsel to Plaintiff, were board members and/or shareholders of Iviewit, further precluding their Self-Representation under ACC. Proskauer is also a founding shareholder of Iviewit companies and thus a Defendant with an interest in the Plaintiff companies Iviewit, another area of Conflict, impossible to overcome.
All of these material and factual Conflicts were overlooked by Scheindlin who prevented the NYAG, the Virginia Attorney General, Proskauer, Meltzer and Foley from having to address Conflicts by answering for them versus forcing Conflict Checks to be run according to well-established ACC, PORR and Law and allowed them to continue to act in Conflict in her court. This disregard for JC, ACC, PORR and Law, achieved by Violating Legal Duties and Obligations regarding Conflict and other Ethical Violations further act to Obstruct Justice through an incestuous orgy of unregulated Conflicts acting to deny Plaintiff Due Process.
Anderson presents Scheindlin with additional information that disqualifies Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers from Self-Representation, if they are currently or were ever involved with the First Dept. Anderson mentions Iviewit in her original complaint and claims that Obstruction of Justice and tampering with case files was ongoing at the First Dept and First Dept DDC involving Defendant Cahill and Wolfe at the time of Plaintiff’s complaints. The relationships to the “Legally Related” Anderson Lawsuit should have been a matter for formal Discovery prior to the Dismissal, a further error by Scheindlin, cause for Reversal and further filing of Obstruction charges, relating to the Legal determination and fact of Scheindlin first marking several lawsuits “Legally Related” and then dismissing them while the related lawsuit moves forward. This bizarre reversal in seven cases is in itself a logical inconsistency and example of the illegally, erroneously, and likely conflicted made sua sponte Dismissal on Aug. 8, 2008 denying due process to Plaintiff and the other “Legally Related” lawsuits.
Scheindlin, in her Prejudicial and Obstructive legal defense claiming that the Law Firms did not have Conflict, again failed to ask for formal disclosure while overlooking the fact that Defendants Proskauer, Rubenstein and Krane directly interfered in complaints against them at the First Dept. Krane handled the complaint responses while holding undisclosed and concealed positions with the First Dept and other roles throughout the Disciplinary community that precluded him from legally representing his firm Defendant Proskauer, his Proskauer Partner Rubenstein and himself in the complaints filed with the First Dept. For example, in additional to his Violations of ACC, PORR and Law at the First Dept, Krane was also former President of the NYSBA. Krane precluded, as immediate former President of the NYSBA, from handling complaints for a period of one year after service against any party and yet Krane Illegally handled the First Dept DDC Disciplinary Complaints against Proskauer, Rubenstein and himself during the exclusionary period, Violating AC, PORR, NYSBA Rules and Regulations and Law.
Further support of disqualifying grounds comes from Defendant and Plaintiff’s witness, Clerk of this Court, Wolfe and the Defendant Justices from the First Dept whose actions led to Unpublished Orders for investigation of Proskauer attorneys, FOR CONFLICT AND THE APPEARANCE OF IMPROPRIETY. Scheindlin erred further in her response attempting to exculpate the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, acting well outside her Legal Authority when attempting to exonerate them from Conflict and allowing them to continue to submit Legal Pleadings in Conflict. Scheindlin failed to ascertain procedurally if the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials were in Conflict by asking them to comply and comport with Conflict procedures, including running formal in-house Conflict Checks. By answering on their behalf instead, outside the scope of her Legal Authority, Scheindlin Prejudices the Lawsuit and Plaintiff’s rights by creating Obstruction through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law that act to conceal the Conflicts and further the Cover-Up. Further cause for summoning oversight Authorities and filing Criminal Complaints formulated against Scheindlin.
Finally, and in an about face from her former March 10, 2008 Order dismissing Conflicts on behalf of Defendants, Scheindlin, changes course as to the substance of the Conflict matters before her and in her March 21, 2008 Order, states Plaintiff has “substantive issues”. Yet, Scheindlin again errs and Violates JC, ACC, PORR and Law by failing to notify authorities that she is aware of “substantive issues” including “conflicts”. Failure to report the actions of those Violating the ACC, PORR and Law as Legally Mandated forces Plaintiff now to file a complaint against Scheindlin with several Oversight authorities. Plaintiff will similarly be charging this Court with similar Violations of JC, ACC and Law and filing a complaint for failing to report the Conflicts found in Scheindlin that this Court now is aware of and for further allowing the Conflicts to continue. This Court now creates further Obstruction via the same pattern of failing to adhere to JC, ACC and Law relating to reporting Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law to the proper authorities and instead allowing them to continue, perpetuating the Cover-Up.
New York First Department Rules
§603.2 Professional Misconduct Defined
Any attorney who fails to conduct himself both professionally and personally, in conformity with the standards of conduct imposed upon members of the bar as conditions for the privilege to practice law and any attorney who violates any provision of the rules of this court governing the conduct of attorneys, or with respect to conduct on or after January l, 1970, any disciplinary rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility, as adopted by the New York State Bar Association, effective January 1, 1970, as amended, or with respect to conduct on or before December 31, 1969, any canon of the Canons of Professional Responsibility, as adopted by such bar association and effective until December 31, 1969 or with respect to conduct on or after September l, 1990, any disciplinary rule of the Code of Professional Responsibility, as jointly adopted by the Appellate Divisions of the Supreme Court, effective September l, 1990, or any of the special rules concerning court decorum, shall be guilty of professional misconduct within the meaning of subdivision 2 of section 90 of the Judiciary Law.
Any law firm that fails to conduct itself in conformity with the provisions of the Disciplinary Rules of the Code of Professional Responsibility pertaining to law firms shall be guilty of professional misconduct within the meaning of subdivision 2 of section 90 of the Judiciary Law.
New York Lawyer’s Code of Professional Responsibility
DR 1-103 [1200.4] Disclosure of Information to Authorities
A. A lawyer possessing knowledge, (1) not protected as a confidence or secret, or (2) not gained in the lawyer’s capacity as a member of a bona fide lawyer assistance or similar program or committee, of a Violation of DR 1-102 [1200.3] that raises a substantial question as to another lawyer’s honesty, trustworthiness or fitness as a lawyer shall report such knowledge to a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act upon such Violation.
B. A lawyer possessing knowledge or evidence, not protected as a confidence or secret, concerning another lawyer or a judge shall reveal fully such knowledge or evidence upon proper request of a tribunal or other authority empowered to investigate or act upon the conduct of lawyers or judges.
As defined already herein, the Justices, Lawyers and Law Firms involved in these matters have failed wholly to report the Misconduct of their legal brethren, despite their Legal Duties and Obligations to report the Misconduct. Instead, the pattern has been to have ever-increasing Conflict to cover up the prior Misconducts through continuous denial of Due Process and Procedure, in further Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. For their failure to report those Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law, charges will be forthcoming against the Justices, the Law Firms, the Lawyers and the Public Officials involved in the matters that had knowledge and/or involvement in the Cover-Up Crimes. Complaints that will include the Illegal Abuses of Process and Frauds on the Courts that continue to Obstruct Justice and further enable the Criminal Enterprise to continue operations and Illegally Convert Plaintiff’s Royalties.
DR 1-104 [1200.5] Responsibilities of a Partner or Supervisory Lawyer and Subordinate Lawyers
A. A law firm shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that all lawyers in the firm conform to the disciplinary rules.
B. A lawyer with management responsibility in the law firm or direct supervisory authority over another lawyer shall make reasonable efforts to ensure that the other lawyer conforms to the disciplinary rules.
C. A law firm shall adequately supervise, as appropriate, the work of partners, associates and non-lawyers who work at the firm. The degree of supervision required is that which is reasonable under the circumstances, taking into account factors such as the experience of the person whose work is being supervised, the amount of work involved in a particular matter, and the likelihood that ethical problems might arise in the course of working on the matter.
D. A lawyer shall be responsible for a Violation of the Disciplinary Rules by another lawyer or for conduct of a non-lawyer employed or retained by or associated with the lawyer that would be a Violation of the Disciplinary Rules if engaged in by a lawyer if:
1. The lawyer orders, or directs the specific conduct, or, with knowledge of the specific conduct, ratifies it; or
2. The lawyer is a partner in the law firm in which the other lawyer practices or the non-lawyer is employed, or has supervisory authority over the other lawyer or the non-lawyer, and knows of such conduct, or in the exercise of reasonable management or supervisory authority should have known of the conduct so that reasonable remedial action could be or could have been taken at a time when its consequences could be or could have been avoided or mitigated.
E. A lawyer shall comply with these Disciplinary Rules notwithstanding that the lawyer acted at the direction of another person.
Defendant Law Firms and Supervisory Lawyers have continued to have Lawyers within their firms act in Violation of well established ACC, PORR and Law; those in Supervisory capacities who ordered these illegal activities violate this section of code. Based on Anderson’s account of events at the First Dept and First Dept DDC, Public Office Lawyers have even used coercion of those below them to force them to Violate ACC, PORR and Law. Such coercion utilized to get the desired results for “favored” Law Firms and Lawyers on Disciplinary Complaints before the Supreme Court of New York Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, constituting yet another complete Fraud on a Court and Violating this section of the ACC.
DR 2-110 [1200.15] Withdrawal from Employment
A. In general.
1. If permission for withdrawal from employment is required by the rules of a tribunal, a lawyer shall not withdraw from employment in a proceeding before that tribunal without its permission.
Foley & Proskauer both represented themselves as Counsel for themselves to the NYAG. The NYAG then sent a letter confirming their Self-Representation in the matters to the USDC copying them as Counsel. The NYAG then confirmed with Plaintiff that the conversation with the Law Firms and Lawyers directly related to these matters, including the fact that it was regarding a legal defense strategy against Plaintiff in these matters. Defendant Foley realized Plaintiff had filed complaints against them with the First Dept court and immediately withdrew from Self-Representation but without USDC approval. Foley failed to properly notify the USDC or seek procedural permission to withdraw. New counsel that replaced Foley then attempted to mislead the USDC[100] that Foley had not been acting as their own counsel despite the NYAG letter to Judge Scheindlin claiming the opposite, despite Proskauer acting as their own counsel as stated to the NYAG.
Proskauer unlike Foley continued to Self-Represent, as Proskauer had formally declared themselves as their own Counsel to the USDC[101] prior to learning of the new complaints filed at the Fist Dept against their Law Firm and Lawyers for the obvious Conflicts and Violations of ACC and Law their Conflicted representation created, including their conversations with the NYAG. Proskauer Counsel Defendants Mashberg and Smith now represent themselves in the Amended Complaint and before this Court as Pro Se counsel while acting as Counsel for their firm Defendant Proskauer and certain Defendant Proskauer Lawyers adding yet another level of bizarre Conflict in Violation of ACC and Law.
B. Mandatory withdrawal.
A lawyer representing a client before a tribunal, with its permission if required by its rules, shall withdraw from employment, and a lawyer representing a client in other matters shall withdraw from employment, if:
1. The lawyer knows or it is obvious that the client is bringing the legal action, conducting the defense, or asserting a position in the litigation, or is otherwise having steps taken, merely for the purpose of harassing or maliciously injuring any person.
By Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law, and appearing before the USDC and this Court entangled in myriads of overwhelming Conflict, the Conflicted Counsel and Public Officials, in prior Pleadings to the USDC and this Court, are with Scienter conducting knowingly Illegal Legal Defenses and perpetuating a Fraud on the Courts. Defenses with baseless claims tendered in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law designed to harass Plaintiff in order to cause further injury upon Plaintiff by continued Abuse of Process and Frauds on the Courts acting to Obstruct Justice.
2. The lawyer knows or it is obvious that continued employment will result in Violation of a Disciplinary Rule.
The Conflicted Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved in these matters are fully aware that their Conflicted representation is Violating JC, ACC, PORR, and Law, in several states and around the world, yet it is the only way they can continue to prevent prosecution and thus they knowingly continue to Violate their own Rules, Regulations and Law.
CANON 4. A Lawyer Should Preserve the Confidences and Secrets of a Client
DR 4-101 [1200.19] Preservation of Confidences and Secrets of a Client
A. “Confidence” refers to information protected by the attorney-client privilege under applicable law, and “secret” refers to other information gained in the professional relationship that the client has requested be held inviolate or the disclosure of which would be embarrassing or would be likely to be detrimental to the client.
B. Except when permitted under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (C), a lawyer shall not knowingly:
1. Reveal a confidence or secret of a client.
2. Use a confidence or secret of a client to the disadvantage of the client.
3. Use a confidence or secret of a client for the advantage of the lawyer or of a third person, unless the client consents after full disclosure.
Many of the Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers have Violated the Preservation of Confidences and Secrets of their Former Client Plaintiff Bernstein concerning his Intellectual Properties by placing certain Intellectual Properties in their own names and Other Defendants, including unknowns. As further alleged herein and in the Amended Complaint, the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials have converted Plaintiff’s royalty streams to themselves through illegal Anti Competitive acts, including patent pooling schemes, Antitrust Violations and more, to benefit them at the disadvantage of Plaintiff. Defendants have Violated the Attorney/Client Privilege, most importantly misusing Confidences and Secrets of Plaintiff relating to Invention Disclosure, which also Violates the Federal Patent Bar OED Rules and Regulations.
CANON 5. A Lawyer Should Exercise Independent Professional Judgment on Behalf of a Client
DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest – Lawyer’s Own Interests
A. A lawyer shall not accept or continue employment if the exercise of professional judgment on behalf of the client will be or reasonably may be affected by the lawyer’s own financial, business, property, or personal interests, unless a disinterested lawyer would believe that the representation of the client will not be adversely affected thereby and the client consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the lawyer’s interest.
Violations of Judicial Cannon 5 are the crux for the continued Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials Conflict situations as the Legally Licensed Defendants acting in Conflict before this Court and other courts, all have irrefutable knowledge that their judgment on behalf of their client, themselves, is biased. Biased, as their lives depend on the outcome of the Lawsuit both financially and personally and where loss of the Lawsuit could land them with lengthy federal sentences for their crimes, far greater sentences hopefully than the recently levied lax sentence of Madoff of 150 years in prison, this crime in the Trillions far larger. The absurdity of Self-Representation in this Lawsuit where everything rests on the outcome, adversely affects the Law Firms and Lawyers ability to get sound unbiased legal advice and act in Conflict and Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
This Court should take note that no liability carriers are present in the Lawsuit or have counsel present to assess the potential liabilities and risk to their insurance policies and companies, including the legal liability insurance carried by the professional Defendants and Organizations. The lack of presence of insurers or their attorneys indicates that either there are no professional liability carriers insuring Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials or the Defendants failed to give proper disclosure of the risk to the carriers. If Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials failed to Disclose the impending liabilities to the carriers and instead concealed this Litigation, this would represent Insurance Fraud, Fraud that could put insurers and their shareholders at tremendous risk for portions of the Trillion Dollar plus liabilities, again far exceeding the Madoff, Stanford and Dreier schemes combined.
DR 5-102 [1200.21] Lawyers as Witnesses
A. A lawyer shall not act, or accept employment that contemplates the lawyer’s acting, as an advocate on issues of fact before any tribunal if the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the lawyer ought to be called as a witness on a significant issue on behalf of the client, except that the lawyer may act as an advocate and also testify:
1. If the testimony will relate solely to an uncontested issue.
2. If the testimony will relate solely to a matter of formality and there is no reason to believe that substantial evidence will be offered in opposition to the testimony.
3. If the testimony will relate solely to the nature and value of legal services rendered in the case by the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm to the client.
4. As to any matter, if disqualification as an advocate would work a substantial hardship on the client because of the distinctive value of the lawyer as counsel in the particular case.
B. Neither a lawyer nor the lawyer’s firm shall accept employment in contemplated or pending litigation if the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the lawyer or another lawyer in the lawyer’s firm may be called as a witness on a significant issue other than on behalf of the client, and it is apparent that the testimony would or might be prejudicial to the client.
C. If, after undertaking employment in contemplated or pending litigation, a lawyer learns or it is obvious that the lawyer ought to be called as a witness on a significant issue on behalf of the client, the lawyer shall not serve as an advocate on issues of fact before the tribunal, except that the lawyer may continue as an advocate on issues of fact and may testify in the circumstances enumerated in DR 5-102 [1200.21] (B)(1) through (4).
D. If, after undertaking employment in contemplated or pending litigation, a lawyer learns or it is obvious that the lawyer or a lawyer in his or her firm may be called as a witness on a significant issue other than on behalf of the client, the lawyer may continue the representation until it is apparent that the testimony is or may be prejudicial to the client at which point the lawyer and the firm must withdraw from acting as an advocate before the tribunal.
Section DR 5-102 [1200.21] prohibits from Self-Representation the Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials, including but not limited to, Foley, Meltzer, Proskauer and their Partners, as they are both Defendants and Material Witnesses for Plaintiff and both Defendants and Material Witnesses for their clients themselves in certain instances. This prohibition similarly applies to Defendant Wolfe, a Defendant and Witness for Plaintiff’s Lawsuit and applicable now to Scheindlin who will be called as a Witness for Plaintiff in relation to determining whom she referred to as having “substantive” Conflict and what “substantive issues” she found.
DR 5-103 [1200.22] Avoiding Acquisition of Interest in Litigation
A lawyer shall not acquire a proprietary interest in the cause of action or subject matter of litigation he or she is conducting for a client…
Proskauer has proprietary interest in this Lawsuit, as they are shareholders of Iviewit companies stock and have vested interest in the one of the main infringers of the stolen technologies, MPEGLA LLC, as defined in the Amended Complaint. Meltzer, Proskauer and Joao also have proprietary interest in the cause of action and subject matter of the litigation in that Joao now has 90+ patents in his name allegedly filed fraudulently in relation to inventions learned through Disclosure with Plaintiff.
DR 5-104 [1200.23] Transactions Between Lawyer and Client
A lawyer shall not enter into a business transaction with a client if they have differing interests therein and if the client expects the lawyer to exercise professional judgment therein for the protection of the client…
Defendant Proskauer entered into business transactions with Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies that cause Conflict, including being retained as Counsel and purchasing stock in the Iviewit companies. Proskauer then further acquired a competing interest to Plaintiff, the MPEGLA, LLC patent pooling scheme that they acquired as Client and now control through acquisition of Defendant Rubenstein from Meltzer. Rubenstein, Iviewit’s main Patent Counsel is also the sole patent evaluator, Legal Counsel and a founder of MPEGLA. Defendant MPEGLA is now one of the largest infringers of Plaintiff’s IP. Defendant Proskauer, prior to being retained by Plaintiff, had no Intellectual Property Group and immediately after learning of Plaintiff’s technologies, through disclosure to Defendants Rubenstein and Joao began an IP practice through acquisition of Meltzer’s IP Department, as more fully defined in the Amended Complaint.
The transaction and terms on which the lawyer acquires the interest are fair and reasonable to the client and are fully disclosed and transmitted in writing to the client in a manner that can be reasonably understood by the client;
Plaintiff asks this Court to force Proskauer to procure the transactional details of their stock purchases in the Iviewit Companies to the Court so that the Court may understand the terms, as Plaintiff and other former shareholders and former executives also would like to see the terms of their stock purchases and all transactional records relating to such[102].
DR 5-105 [1200.24] Conflict of Interest; Simultaneous Representation
A. A lawyer shall decline proffered employment if the exercise of independent professional judgment in behalf of a client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by the acceptance of the proffered employment, or if it would be likely to involve the lawyer in representing differing interests, except to the extent permitted under DR 5-105 [1200.24] (C).
B. A lawyer shall not continue multiple employment if the exercise of independent professional judgment in behalf of a client will be or is likely to be adversely affected by the lawyer’s representation of another client, or if it would be likely to involve the lawyer in representing differing interests, except to the extent permitted under DR 5-105 [1200.24] (C).
C. In the situations covered by DR 5-105 [1200.24] (A) and (B), a lawyer may represent multiple clients if a disinterested lawyer would believe that the lawyer can competently represent the interest of each and if each consents to the representation after full disclosure of the implications of the simultaneous representation and the advantages and risks involved.
D. While lawyers are associated in a law firm, none of them shall knowingly accept or continue employment when any one of them practicing alone would be prohibited from doing so under DR 5-101 [1200.20] (A), DR 5-105 [1200.24] (A) or (B), DR 5-108 [1200.27] (A) or (B), or DR 9-101 [1200.45] (B) except as otherwise provided therein.
E. A law firm shall keep records of prior engagements, which records shall be made at or near the time of such engagements and shall have a policy implementing a system by which proposed engagements are checked against current and previous engagements, so as to render effective assistance to lawyers within the firm in complying with DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D). Failure to keep records or to have a policy which complies with this subdivision, whether or not a Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D) occurs, shall be a Violation by the firm. In cases in which a Violation of this subdivision by the firm is a substantial factor in causing a Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D) by a lawyer, the firm, as well as the individual lawyer, shall also be responsible for the Violation of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D).
All the Defendant Justices, Law Firms and Lawyers involved in this Lawsuit at every level, in current and former proceedings, have all failed to run proper COI Checks, which would preclude multiple Conflicting representations and would have detailed the numerous Violations of ACC and Law that Self-Representation obviously involves in this Lawsuit. New complaints will be forthcoming regarding the failure under this code section to properly screen for Conflict, serving as new grounds for disciplinary complaints. This Court’s obligation and duty is to immediately cease and halt proceedings pending full Conflict of Interest resolution according to law.
DR 5-107 [1200.26] Avoiding Influence by Others than the Client
A. Except with the consent of the client after full disclosure a lawyer shall not:
1. Accept compensation for legal services from one other than the client.
2. Accept from one other than the client anything of value related to his or her representation of or employment by the client.
B. Unless authorized by law, a lawyer shall not permit a person who recommends, employs, or pays the lawyer to render legal service for another to direct or regulate his or her professional judgment in rendering such legal services, or to cause the lawyer to compromise the lawyer’s duty to maintain the confidences and secrets of the client under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B).
DR 5-108 [1200.27] Conflict of Interest – Former Client
A. Except as provided in DR 9-101 [1200.45] (B) with respect to current or former government lawyers, a lawyer who has represented a client in a matter shall not, without the consent of the former client after full disclosure:
1. Thereafter represent another person in the same or a substantially related matter in which that person’s interests are materially adverse to the interests of the former client.
2. Use any confidences or secrets of the former client except as permitted by DR 4-101 [1200.19] (C) or when the confidence or secret has become generally known.
B. Except with the consent of the affected client after full disclosure, a lawyer shall not knowingly represent a person in the same or a substantially related matter in which a firm with which the lawyer formerly was associated had previously represented a client:
1. Whose interests are materially adverse to that person; and
2. About whom the lawyer had acquired information protected by section DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter.
C. Notwithstanding the provisions of DR 5-105 [1200.24] (D), when a lawyer has terminated an association with a firm, the firm is prohibited from thereafter representing a person with interests that are materially adverse to those of a client represented by the formerly associated lawyer and not currently represented by the firm only if the law firm or any lawyer remaining in the firm has information protected by DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter, unless the affected client consents after full disclosure.
Plaintiff was a former client of Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers and has not granted permission to his former Counsel for them now to Self-Represent in these matters, against Plaintiff in matters highly related to their alleged Criminal acts while representing Plaintiff under Retainer, again constituting an obvious Conflict and Violation of ACC. Further, the Defendants who were Intellectual Property Counsel ( Proskauer firm, Meltzer firm, Joao, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg & Traurig, etc ) for myself, Plaintiff-Appellant, and Iviewit matters learned information protected under DR 4-101 [1200.19] (B) that is material to the matter and creates further conflicts which must be immediately resolved.
DR 5-109 [1200.28] Organization as Client
A. When a lawyer employed or retained by an organization is dealing with the organization’s directors, officers, employees, members, shareholders or other constituents, and it appears that the organization’s interests may differ from those of the constituents with whom the lawyer is dealing, the lawyer shall explain that the lawyer is the lawyer for the organization and not for any of the constituents.
B. If a lawyer for an organization knows that an officer, employee or other person associated with the organization is engaged in action, intends to act or refuses to act in a matter related to the representation that is a Violation of a legal obligation to the organization, or a Violation of law that reasonably might be imputed to the organization, and is likely to result in substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer shall proceed as is reasonably necessary in the best interest of the organization. In determining how to proceed, the lawyer shall give due consideration to the seriousness of the Violation and its consequences, the scope and nature of the lawyer’s representation, the responsibility in the organization and the apparent motivation of the person involved, the policies of the organization concerning such matters and any other relevant considerations. Any measures taken shall be designed to minimize disruption of the organization and the risk of revealing information relating to the representation to persons outside the organization. Such measures may include, among others:
1. Asking reconsideration of the matter;
2. Advising that a separate legal opinion on the matter be sought for presentation to appropriate authority in the organization; and
3. Referring the matter to higher authority in the organization, including, if warranted by the seriousness of the matter, referral to the highest authority that can act in behalf of the organization as determined by applicable law.
C. If, despite the lawyer’s efforts in accordance with DR 5-109 [1200.28](B), the highest authority that can act on behalf of the organization insists upon action, or a refusal to act, that is clearly a Violation of law and is likely to result in a substantial injury to the organization, the lawyer may resign in accordance with DR 2-110 [1200.15].
Not only did Defendant Proskauer represent Plaintiff and the Iviewit companies he founded, Defendants Proskauer brought in senior management Officers for the Iviewit companies, including under false pretenses and with false resume in the case of Defendant Utley, in order to commit the Intellectual Property crimes. In fact, Defendants Utley, Dick[103] and C. Wheeler of Proskauer, had immediately prior to working with Plaintiff companies, been found misappropriating Intellectual Property of another Florida Philanthropist and Businessman, Monte Friedkin. The circumstances surrounding that attempt at Intellectual Property Theft forced Friedkin’s business into closure in a very similar set of circumstances to that of Plaintiff. Defendants Utley, Dick and Wheeler all failed to mention these facts to the Iviewit Board of Directors and Shareholders or to put the information on their resumes. Utley boldly changing his resume claiming a false set of circumstances for his TERMINATION by Friedkin and whereby Wheeler upon referring Utley to Plaintiff failed to mention the fact that Utley was terminated and that Wheeler was also directly implicated in the Friedkin affair. The whole story of the failed prior attempt on Friedkin, later contradicted in multiple instances in Official statements of Utley, Dick and Wheeler in Depositions and Official Statements, to Courts and to State Disciplinary Agencies in Florida, New York and Virginia, as more fully defined in the Amended Complaint.
NOTE: The aforementioned allegations of Defendant lawyers having prior pattern and involvement in a similar and related Intellectual Property scheme involving Friedken and the length of actions and schemes herein exceeding 10 years were and are and remain sufficient to satisfy “continuity” pleading requirements under RICO and Plaintiff thus had adequately stated federal claims sufficient to grant federal relief and exercise federal jurisdiction and the District Court’s erroneous Dismissal must now be immediately reversed.
DR 5-110 [1200.29] Membership in Legal Service Organization
A. A lawyer may serve as a director, officer or member of a not-for-profit legal services organization, apart from the law firm in which the lawyer practices, notwithstanding that the organization serves persons having interests that differ from those of a client of the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm, provided that the lawyer shall not knowingly participate in a decision or action of the organization:
1. If participating in the decision or action would be incompatible with the lawyer’s duty of loyalty to a client under DR 5-101 through DR 5-111 [1200.20 through 1200.29]; or
2. Where the decision or action could have a material adverse effect on the representation of a client of the organization whose interests differ from those of a client of the lawyer or the lawyer’s firm.
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
CANON 6. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Competently
DR 6-101 [1200.30] Failing to Act Competently
A. A lawyer shall not:
1. Handle a legal matter which the lawyer knows or should know that he or she is not competent to handle, without associating with a lawyer who is competent to handle it.
2. Handle a legal matter without preparation adequate in the circumstances.
3. Neglect a legal matter entrusted to the lawyer.
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
CANON 7. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Zealously Within the Bounds of the Law
DR 7-101 [1200.32] Representing a Client Zealously
A. A lawyer shall not intentionally:
1. Fail to seek the lawful objectives of the client through reasonably available means permitted by law and the Disciplinary Rules, except as provided by DR 7-101 [1200.32] 2. Fail to carry out a contract of employment entered into with a client for professional services, but the lawyer may withdraw as permitted under DR 2-110 [1200.15], DR 5-102 [1200.21], and DR 5-105 [1200.24].
3. Prejudice or damage the client during the course of the professional relationship, except as required under DR 7-102 [1200.33] (B) or as authorized by DR 2-110 [1200.15].
Multiple Violations of this section already defined herein and in the Amended Complaint.
DR 7-102 [1200.33] Representing a Client Within the Bounds of the Law
A. In the representation of a client, a lawyer shall not:
1. File a suit, assert a position, conduct a defense, delay a trial, or take other action on behalf of the client when the lawyer knows or when it is obvious that such action would serve merely to harass or maliciously injure another.
All of the Defendant Justices, Law Firms, Lawyers, Public Officials and now Counsel for the Defendants before this Court Violate this section by asserting false defenses in Conflict to perpetrate Fraud on the Courts through continued Violation of the JC, ACC, PORR and Law. All Justices who have allowed such Conflict-infested pleadings to prevail in Conspiracy with Defendants have delayed trials, all of these Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law acting to further harass and maliciously injure Plaintiff while destroying his life in attempts to abscond with the Technologies.
2. Knowingly advance a claim or defense that is unwarranted under existing law, except that the lawyer may advance such claim or defense if it can be supported by good faith argument for an extension, modification, or reversal of existing law.
Almost all of the Counsel for Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials Violate this section by asserting defenses when they are in Conflict and thus their claims and defenses are all Illegal under existing law as further Fraud on the Court.
3. Conceal or knowingly fail to disclose that which the lawyer is required by law to reveal.
Obviously, all those found in Conflict have concealed such Conflicts with Scienter until discovered years after by Plaintiff. Defendants, made aware of their legal brethrens Crimes and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law by Plaintiff, then failed to report the Crimes and Violations, further Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Failure to report also includes failing to report crimes such as Fraud on the USPTO, fraud on the SBA and Fraud on the Courts.
4. Knowingly use perjured testimony or false evidence.
All of those found in Conflict have used knowingly perjured testimony and false evidence by submitting and allowing Pleadings in Conflict and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, all constituting false evidence to the courts.
5. Knowingly make a false statement of law or fact.
6. Participate in the creation or preservation of evidence when the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the evidence is false.
7. Counsel or assist the client in conduct that the lawyer knows to be illegal or fraudulent.
Conflicted Counsel retained by the Defendants assist Defendants in conduct that the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials know is both Illegal and Fraud on the Courts. Apparently, in some circumstances, acting as their own Counsel they have no representative counsel that can represent them with unbiased advice or advise them that their actions are further Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and to GO GET A NON-CONFLICTED ATTORNEY.
8. Knowingly engage in other illegal conduct or conduct contrary to a Disciplinary Rule.
The Amended Complaint lists hundreds of Illegal acts Defendants committed with Scienter, in addition to those defined already herein, that represent conduct contrary to almost every single applicable JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
B. A lawyer who receives information clearly establishing that:
1. The client has, in the course of the representation, perpetrated a fraud upon a person or tribunal shall promptly call upon the client to rectify the same, and if the client refuses or is unable to do so, the lawyer shall reveal the fraud to the affected person or tribunal, except when the information is protected as a confidence or secret.
For example, this code would force Proskauer to notify the Court and other investigators that they and their client, themselves, have committed Fraud on the Court and other crimes directly on tribunals. Again, due to the Conflicts it appears they cannot get representative counsel to give them such sound advice.
2. A person other than the client has perpetrated a fraud upon a tribunal shall reveal the fraud to the tribunal.
This code section would force the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved directly in the crimes or in the Cover-Up crimes, to turn each other in to authorities for their various crimes. Again, lack of representative counsel makes this impossible and thus more and more Violations of this code occur with every Illegal Legal Action constituting further Fraud on the Courts.
DR 7-106 [1200.37] Trial Conduct
C. In appearing as a lawyer before a tribunal, a lawyer shall not:
1. State or allude to any matter that he or she has no reasonable basis to believe is relevant to the case or that will not be supported by admissible evidence.
The entire defenses submitted by Conflicted Counsel in these matters to this Court and the USDC are irrelevant, legally baseless and Illegal. The Pleadings submitted in Conflict will be admissible as evidence against those in Conflict who have perpetrated these Frauds on the Courts and otherwise stand as frivolous defamatory defenses. The evidence wholly does not support the Defendants’ claims of harassment by Plaintiff against them to this Court and the USDC, making their defenses wholly fraudulent and a FRAUD ON THIS COURT.
Ask any question that he or she has no reasonable basis to believe is relevant to the case and that is intended to degrade a witness or other person.
Counsel for Defendants, mainly the Defendants have continued to advance nonsensical defamatory attacks on Plaintiff to mislead the courts and investigators about their involvement in the Crimes, the Lawsuit, their Illegal Self-Representations and Cover-Up Crimes through continuous Conflict and Violations of AC, PORR and Law.
3. Assert personal knowledge of the facts in issue, except when testifying as a witness.
4. Assert a personal opinion as to the justness of a cause, as to the credibility of a witness, as to the culpability of a civil litigant, or as to the guilt or innocence of an accused; but the lawyer may argue, upon analysis of the evidence, for any position or conclusion with respect to the matters stated herein.
5. Fail to comply with known local customs of courtesy or practice of the bar or a particular tribunal without giving to opposing counsel timely notice of the intent not to comply.
6. Engage in undignified or discourteous conduct which is degrading to a tribunal.
Undignified and discourteous conduct fails to describe the heinous crimes that have degraded the rule of law in these proceedings and the continuous Fraud on the Courts taking place through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
7. Intentionally or habitually violate any established rule of procedure or of evidence.
Intentionally and habitually, Defendants have Violated almost every established rule of procedure and evidence as described herein and in the Amended Complaint.
DR 7-110 [1200.41] Contact with Officials
In an adversary proceeding, a lawyer shall not communicate, or cause another to communicate, as to the merits of the cause with a judge or an official before whom the proceeding is pending except:
1. In the course of official proceedings in the cause.
2. In writing if the lawyer promptly delivers a copy of the writing to opposing counsel or to an adverse party who is not represented by a lawyer.
3. Orally upon adequate notice to opposing counsel or to an adverse party who is not represented by a lawyer.
4. As otherwise authorized by law, or by the Code of Judicial Conduct.
Defendant Proskauer, Foley, Meltzer and perhaps other Defendants have contacted the NYAG to discuss legal strategies against Plaintiff, where contacting Public Officials involved in the Lawsuit may be a Violation of this rule that gave Defendants the ability to infiltrate official proceedings against them.
CANON 8. A Lawyer Should Assist in Improving the Legal System
DR 8-101 [1200.42] Action as a Public Official
A. A lawyer who holds Public Office shall not:
1. Use the public position to obtain, or attempt to obtain, a special advantage in legislative matters for the lawyer or for a client under circumstances where the lawyer knows or it is obvious that such action is not in the public interest.
The handling of complaints by Defendants Proskauer, Krane and Triggs Violated PORR in positions they held in several Public Offices in both New York and Florida, in Violation of ACC and Law. Violations of the Public Offices was used to obtain special advantage in the proceedings, knowing that such actions were Violations of ACC, PORR and Law and adverse to Plaintiff and the public interest. Scheindlin’s court, and now this Court, may also be viewed misusing Public Offices to obtain special advantage for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials by allowing Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law to prevail Illegally and further knowingly concealing the Violations of their legal brethren by failing to report the misconduct and therefore Aiding and Abetting the Defendants.
2. Use the public position to influence, or attempt to influence, a tribunal to act in favor of the lawyer or of a client.
The handling of complaints by Defendants Proskauer, Krane and Triggs, Violated PORR, ACC and Law, as they held positions with several Public Offices in New York and Florida, that precluded their handling of complaints. These Violation of ACC, PORR and Law were used to obtain special advantage in the proceedings, knowing that such actions were Violations of Law and adverse to Plaintiff and the Public’s interests. Scheindlin’s court, and this now this Court, allegedly Violating Public Offices in an attempt to further obtain special advantage for the Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials by allowing Violations of JC, ACC and Law to prevail Illegally and by further knowingly Concealing the Violations of their peers and failing to report the Misconduct.
3. Accept anything of value from any person when the lawyer knows or it is obvious that the offer is for the purpose of influencing the lawyer’s action as a public official.
CANON 9. A Lawyer Should Avoid Even the Appearance of Professional Impropriety
DR 9-101 [1200.45] Avoiding Even the Appearance of Impropriety
A. A lawyer shall not accept private employment in a matter upon the merits of which the lawyer has acted in a judicial capacity.
B. Except as law may otherwise expressly permit:
1. A lawyer shall not represent a private client in connection with a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially as a Public Officer or employee, and no lawyer in a firm with which that lawyer is associated may knowingly undertake or continue representation in such a matter unless:
a. The disqualified lawyer is effectively screened from any participation, direct or indirect, including discussion, in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom; and
b. There are no other circumstances in the particular representation that create an Appearance of Impropriety.
2. A lawyer having information that the lawyer knows is confidential government information about a person, acquired when the lawyer was a Public Officer or employee, may not represent a private client whose interests are adverse to that person in a matter in which the information could be used to the material disadvantage of that person. A firm with which that lawyer is associated may knowingly undertake or continue representation in the matter only if the disqualified lawyer is effectively screened from any participation, direct or indirect, including discussion, in the matter and is apportioned no part of the fee therefrom.
3. A lawyer serving as a Public Officer or employee shall not:
a. Participate in a matter in which the lawyer participated personally and substantially while in private practice or non-governmental employment, unless under applicable law no one is, or by lawful delegation may be, authorized to act in the lawyer’s stead in the matter; or
b. Negotiate for private employment with any person who is involved as a party or as attorney for a party in a matter in which the lawyer is participating personally and substantially.
C. A lawyer shall not state or imply that the lawyer is able to influence improperly or upon irrelevant grounds any tribunal, legislative body, or public official.
D. A lawyer related to another lawyer as parent, child, sibling or spouse shall not represent in any matter a client whose interests differ from those of another party to the matter who the lawyer knows is represented by the other lawyer unless the client consents to the representation after full disclosure and the lawyer concludes that the lawyer can adequately represent the interests of the client.
DR 9-102 [1200.46] Preserving Identity of Funds and Property of Others; Fiduciary Responsibility; Commingling and Misappropriation of Client Funds or Property; Maintenance of Bank Accounts; Record Keeping; Examination of Records
A. Prohibition Against Commingling and Misappropriation of Client Funds or Property.
A lawyer in possession of any funds or other property belonging to another person, where such possession is incident to his or her practice of law, is a fiduciary, and must not misappropriate such funds or property or commingle such funds or property with his or her own.
3. Maintain complete records of all funds, securities, and other properties of a client or third person coming into the possession of the lawyer and render appropriate accounts to the client or third person regarding them.
If this Court is to deny Plaintiff request to immediately halt the proceedings pending resolution of each and every Conflict, then Plaintiff asks for a 120 day extension before further having to respond to any decree of this Court to achieve all of the following with such extension also to encompass a stay of appellate proceedings and as follows:
formulate complaints against this Court, the USDC and Court Officials involved in this Lawsuit for allowing Conflicts, Violating JC, ACC, PORR and Law in order to Prejudice these proceedings in favor of the Defendants and causing Obstruction of Justice,
notify the proper oversight Authorities of failures by this Court and the USDC to notify the proper Authorities of Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law by Lawyers and Public Officials acting before the courts, as bound by JC, ACC, PORR and Law,
formulate complaints to have reviewed by oversight Authorities to these proceedings, to determine if this Court or the USDC can continue to act in Conflict and allow affirmed “substantive” Conflicts to persist which create an overwhelming Appearance of Impropriety that acts to Obstruct Plaintiff’s Due Process rights,
formulate complaints for failure of this Court and the USDC to affirm or deny Conflict when Legally requested in Plaintiff’s Pleadings based on existing Conflicts and instead moving the Lawsuit on Defendants Conflict tainted Pleadings, prior to affirmation or denial or removal of the Conflicts,
formulate complaints against all Defendant Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials for failing to run appropriate Conflict Checks prior to representing themselves in Conflict and failing to affirm or deny Conflict prior to handling these matters.
Continuing Failures to resolve Conflicts Violating Plaintiff’s Due process rights to fair settlement and established Civil Settlement procedures of the US Second Circuit in a Lawsuit where Documentary evidence alone is monumental
Beyond the Prejudicial Rulings of Judge Winter, Plaintiff has suffered further Prejudice due to the failure to address Conflict that adversely affects Plaintiff by denying and depriving Due Process in precluding the exercising of rights to the Second Circuit’s Civil Settlement process. This denial of Due Process is particularly egregious in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit, which involves multiple Defendants under written and signed Non Disclosure Agreements and Confidentiality agreements, which call out for the economies of true justice to be available in settlement and where the Documentary evidence alone is monumental.
Yet, the US Second Circuit’s civil settlement process railroaded by the Conflicts for nine plus months into the Appeals process. Surely, Non-Conflicted counsel would view the massive financial liabilities to so many at issue, in the light that true counsel should and thus the economies of the Court deprived in failing to perform such duties.
First, Plaintiff, individually, comes to this Court with claims that this Court must remand the Lawsuit back to the USDC for further adjudication or to find a Non-Conflicted forum if the USDC cannot overcome the current Conflicts and continue adjudication. To fail to remand the Lawsuit back for adjudication to a Non-Conflicted court would be a further Obstruction of Plaintiff’s rights, limiting the Lawsuit by Preclusion/Obstruction of material facts that may reverse the prior opinions of the lower court.
Note that Conflicts and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law are the glue that binds the entire RICO Conspiracy together, keeping in play the ongoing Criminal Enterprise by precluding Due Process and Procedure. Evading prosecution for the original Crimes through a Cover-Up involving Public Office crimes and illegal Abuse of Process that perpetrates Fraud on the Courts and other crimes that all act to Aid and Abet the underlying original crimes against not only Plaintiff but also the United States, Foreign Nations and several States.
New DISCIPLINARY Complaints Filed against first dept Chairman & Chief counsel for Violations of Public Offices rules and regulations. COMPLAINTS remain pending and before the nyag Andrew Cuomo
Roy L. Reardon, Esq. Chairman, First Dept DDC[104], Docket number not yet received. The complaint against Reardon filed February 09, 2009, for Conflicts and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law. Filed for Reardon’s part in handling complaints filed recently against Defendants Foley, Proskauer, Smith, Mashberg, Norbitz and Sekel in this Lawsuit. Handling complaints while the First Dept and First Dept DDC are simultaneously Defendants in this Lawsuit who have representative Counsel, the NYAG causes obvious Conflict and Violations of PORR. The NYAG was to move the filed complaints from their Defendant Client First Dept DDC to a Non-Conflicted third party for investigation to avoid the obvious Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety, for the failure to move the complaints and allowing their clients to handle complaints against other Defendants in Conflict, Plaintiff will soon file charges against the NYAG.
Alan W. Friedberg, Esq., Chief Counsel, First Dept DDC, Docket number not yet received. The complaint against Friedberg filed February 09, 2009[105] for Conflict and Violations of ACC, PORR and Law. Violations that resulted from the First Dept handling recently filed complaints against Defendants Foley, Proskauer, Smith, Mashberg, Norbitz & Sekel[106], while the First Dept and First Dept DDC are simultaneously Defendants in the Lawsuit and further have representative Counsel, the NYAG. Plaintiff contacted the NYAG prior to filing the complaints, to determine who was to handle the complaints to avoid obvious Conflicts with Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC and have the complaints moved to a Non-Conflicted third party (i.e. Conflict free court, grand jury, etc.). The NYAG was to handle moving the complaints to avoid continuing Violations of ACC, PORR and Law that create the Appearance of Impropriety. Despite assurances by the NYAG that the First Dept and First Dept DDC would not handle the complaints, the First Dept DDC instead acted on the complaints attempting to dismiss the complaints in efforts to exonerate other Defendants. The Dismissal based on baseless claims, in Violation of ACC, PORR and Law.
Foley & Lardner – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Foley according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to the Conflicts their clients Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Foley’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
Gregg M. Mashberg, Esq., Proskauer Rose – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Mashberg according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Mashberg’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
Joanna F. Smith, Esq., Proskauer Rose – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Smith according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Smith’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
Todd C. Norbitz, Esq., Foley & Lardner – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Norbitz according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Norbitz’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
Anne B. Sekel, Esq. – The First Dept DDC failed to formally docket & number the complaint filed against Sekel according to PORR and Law. The NYAG was to have the complaints moved and handled by a Non-Conflicted third party due to Conflicts their client Defendants First Dept and First Dept DDC had regarding their Conflict as Defendants in the matters. The First Dept DDC instead acted in Conflict and Violation of ACC and PORR, skirting their Counsel the NYAG and attempting to dismiss Defendant Sekel’s complaint directly with Plaintiff while the First Dept DDC is also a Defendant. The dismissal formally and timely appealed.
All newly filed complaints and the Conflicted Dismissal by the First Dept DDC formally and timely appealed to the First Dept DDC and Plaintiff is waiting for further response from the First Dept DDC regarding the Appeal of the Dismissals. Until such time that final decisions can be rendered by the First Dept DDC and oversight Authorities summoned can determine if the First Dept DDC can legally be involved in the handling of Defendant Complaints while a Defendant.
Thomas Cahill complaint No. 2004.1122[107] transferred for Special Inquiry to Martin Gold. Recently, it has come to the attention of Plaintiff that Defendant Gold and Quasi Plaintiff Lamont recently attempted to have Gold dismiss the Cahill complaint after years in limbo without any authorization to act on behalf of Iviewit companies in any capacity[108]. Gold, a Defendant in the Lawsuit, obviously blatantly acting in Conflict and Violation of First Dept Rules & Regulations in handling matters against Defendant Cahill which now stands as cause for yet another soon to be filed complaint, this time against Gold, Cahill and Quasi Plaintiff, soon to be defendant, Lamont. Plaintiff has notified the NYAG Andrew Cuomo’s Chief of Staff, Steven Cohen[109], of these recent attempts of Defendants dismissing Disciplinary Complaints against other Defendants and asked for investigation, or referral, to a Non-Conflicted Party to investigate the First Dept, First Dept DDC, Gold and Lamont for their actions in Violation of AC, PORR and Law.
Steven C. Krane / Proskauer Rose docket #2004.1883[110]. First Dept ordered investigation. Proskauer Partner Krane was also a First Dept Officer, First Dept DDC Officer, former NYSBA President & Proskauer Partner holding multiple other Public Office roles in Ethics that additionally Conflicted Krane from involvement in any matters before the First Dept and certainly matters implicating his firm Proskauer and himself. Krane found Violating ACC, PORR and Law in his representation of First Dept DDC complaints against his firm Defendant Proskauer, Proskauer Partner Rubenstein and himself while a First Dept Officer. Krane’s Illegal actions creating the Appearance of Impropriety that resulted in court ordered Investigation that never occurred due to further discovered Conflicts with Krane and the new investigator at the Second Dept DDC, Defendant Kearse. Defendant Wolfe exposing Krane’s Conflicting Official Role with the First DDC and Cahill’s attempt to Cover-Up Krane’s involvement.
Kenneth Rubenstein / Proskauer Rose docket #2003.0531[111]. First Dept ordered investigation. Proskauer Partner Rubenstein found Violating ACC, PORR and Law, acting in COI with Krane and creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Rubenstein also had Conflict for his representation of Plaintiff as PATENT COUNSEL, while the sole Patent Evaluator for Defendant MPEGLA, a patent pooling scheme he was central to forming. Defendant MPEGLA is now one of the largest infringers of Plaintiff’s Technologies. Rubenstein, initially representing himself as a Proskauer Partner with Defendant Joao when taking Patent disclosures and only later was it learned that both Rubenstein and Joao were from Defendant Meltzer’s law firm. Upon confronting Proskauer with the attorney misrepresentations, Proskauer immediately opened an Intellectual Property practice and moved the entire IP department of Meltzer (except Defendant Joao) to the newly formed Proskauer IP practice, except Joao who was staying behind to finish up the work at Meltzer and then was to transfer to Proskauer. The transfer never occurred as Proskauer undertook investigating initial allegations that Joao, the Attorney Proskauer brought in, was putting Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties into his own name. Along with the transfer of the Meltzer IP department to Proskauer, Proskauer acquired the account MPEGLA, LLC and the patent pools created by and controlled by Rubenstein, a pooling scheme that directly competes with Plaintiff’s Technologies. At the time of the firm transfer, MPEGLA had inferior technologies to Plaintiff’s Technologies and Plaintiff’s Technologies could have been extinguished the pooling scheme had Plaintiff aligned with other interested parties.
Proskauer now directly acts in these proceedings as a competitor to Plaintiff’s Technologies and using Anti Competitive actions, including Abuse of Process, Fraud on Courts, Death Threats, Car Bombings, etc., to deny Plaintiff his Intellectual Properties. Intellectual Properties mysteriously converted to Proskauer’s new client MPEGLA in their newly formed IP department, converted to Utley, converted to Joao and unknown Others[112] that directly reaps benefits from their former client’s technologies while abusing him daily for almost a decade.
Certainly, Plaintiff and the True and Proper Inventors of the Technologies have not benefited. Inventor Plaintiff Bernstein, his wife and children have lived much of time from 2001 to present on WELFARE, forced into hiding throughout the country, fleeing home and families and friends, giving up everything, including personal possessions in order to flee dangerous situations, including from Death Threats and Car Bombings and penniless. The Court may want to pause and ask why Plaintiffs PATENT Lawyers are benefiting directly from their former Client’s Technologies, while former Counsel has forced their former Client into poverty through Illegal action after Illegal action. Then, the Court must ask why Proskauer is front and center in many of the biggest financial schemes in the country today where billions of dollars of money are vanishing into thin air. Then the Court must ask if those schemes tie to these events and perhaps constitute further Frauds, legal concocted schemes using the Courts to facilitate the Ponzi schemes as further Fraud on those courts and possible money laundering schemes? Plaintiff already alleged several Frauds on the courts in the Amended Complaint including a Federal Bankruptcy Court, a Florida Civil Court and several State Supreme Courts. As the Criminal Enterprise cloaked as Law Firms, appear to use the courts as part of their Illegal Legal Criminal Enterprise in order commit crimes and evade Prosecution.
Raymond A. Joao / Meltzer / Proskauer docket #2003-0352[113]. First Dept court ordered investigation. Joao found Violating ACC, PORR and Law, acting in COI and creating the Appearance of Impropriety. Joao ordered for an investigation that never occurred due to further discovered Conflicts with Defendants Krane and Kearse at the Second Dept DDC. Joao discovered putting patents into his own name directly while retained by Plaintiff and corresponding to the Inventions learned through patent disclosures with Plaintiff. Joao claims that he has 90+ patents in his name now.
Christopher C. Wheeler[114]
Matthew Triggs[115]
REMOVAL OF quasi Plaintiff P. STEPHEN LAMONT from these proceedings and all related matters and reporting his actions before this court and more to the proper authorities
As mentioned already to this Court and the USDC in prior Pleadings, Quasi Plaintiff P. Stephen Lamont has acted in knowing Violation of ACC and Law regarding representing other parties when one is not a licensed lawyer with any bar association. Lamont is aware that it may be Illegal to represent others before a Federal Court without their consent or knowledge, while at the same time not representing any personal interest in the Lawsuit, as Lamont failed to sue individually at all. Lamont, a graduate of Colombia Law with a Degree in Patent Law cannot claim ignorance of the law for these obvious Violations of ACC and Law, as stated in his own words on the www.iviewit.tv homepage,
With more than a fifteen year track record as a multimedia technology and consumer electronics licensing executive and holder of a J.D. in Intellectual Property Law from Columbia University, an M.B.A. in Finance, and a B.S. in Industrial Engineering…
The law is clear! A Non-Licensed law school graduate who fails to pass or even take the bar exam ( Lamont claims he never took the exam ), cannot represent anyone but themselves in the courts. Lamont has clearly proved through his own Pleadings to this Court and the USDC that he is representing the interests of Other Plaintiffs and not himself. The fact that Lamont acts as Counsel for Others is Proved in the filing Caption of the Original Complaint, which he authored entirely, whereby it states “P. Stephen Lamont on Behalf Of…” and NEVER, P. Stephen Lamont individually, leaving him no Legal Basis, except a Fraudulent Basis in this Lawsuit. Plaintiff Inventor Bernstein represents his individual interests. Plaintiff Bernstein, since learning that representing on behalf of others, without their prior consent and a legal license, despite Lamont’s contention that this is somehow legal, notified the Court of the possible Crimes and Violations of ACC this represents and requested this Court and the USDC to withdraw his representation on behalf of anyone but himself. Despite Plaintiff’s repeated advice to Lamont regarding his Illegal Representation, Lamont has failed to file individually and still remains acting Illegally on behalf of Others in this Lawsuit and perpetrates yet another, in a long list, of Frauds on the Courts by impersonating an attorney.
Lamont claims to be representing the Iviewit companies as an Officer, in recent direct letters to Defendants in these matters such as the First Dept, Martin Gold and others, Lamont claiming he is CEO of the Iviewit companies. Once again, Lamont’s own words are his Waterloo, from the www.iviewit.tv homepage quoting Lamont,
By way of introduction, I am P. Stephen Lamont, former Acting CEO of Iviewit (counsel advised all Iviewit executives to resign their posts and work along side Iviewit rather than within Iviewit, as the former Board of Directors, Counsel and Accountants, disbanded without requisite notice to Shareholders in Violation of law, thereby leaving massive liability and exposure) and a significant shareholder in Iviewit.”
Yet, Lamont contacts Defendants[116] as an Iviewit Officer of an Iviewit company in New York, a previously unbeknownst Iviewit company to Plaintiff Bernstein who has no knowledge of any such company licensed in New York but with the number of illegally setup companies by certain Defendants, anything appears possible. Lamont fully aware that he has no Official role at any Iviewit companies and was terminated long ago by Plaintiff individually from employ when Plaintiff learned of possible crimes involving Lamont’s possible Fraud on this Court and the USDC created by his Illegally representing others and more. Lamont additionally was advised by Counsel of the numerous Laws, including hosts of Securities Laws he would Violate if he acted in Official capacity for Iviewit, especially without ANY Board of Director action voting him into any role with Iviewit. Yet, Lamont ignores these warnings from actual lawyers who passed the bar.
Following insanely along, Lamont recently has been contacting Defendants directly, while knowing the Defendants have retained Counsel in the Lawsuit. The NYAG represents the Defendants Lamont is contacting directly which is yet another Violation of ACC if he were a lawyer or one day when he passes the bar. The letters between Lamont and the State Defendants appear as direct Conspiratorial efforts by Lamont to subterfuge Plaintiff Bernstein’s efforts in these proceedings by creating letters of dismissal on Disciplinary Complaints that are in question in the proceedings. Letters obtained through Quasi Plaintiff Lamont contacting Defendants directly versus through Counsel the NYAG and working with the Defendants to secure Dismissal letters for other Defendants in the Lawsuit.
The crimes of Lamont acting as an Officer of a company he knows he is not an Officer of and further interfering and colluding with Defendants in these matters to derail Plaintiff Bernstein’s efforts by perpetrating yet another Fraud on this Court are reasons for new complaints with Law Enforcement and Disciplinary Agencies. A far worse crime comes from this Court’s being aware that Lamont is acting in Violation of ACC and Law regarding his actions impersonating an Attorney and Officer of a company that he is not an Officer of and yet allowing Lamont to continue to file Pleadings despite the obvious Misconduct and possible crimes this creates. This gives Plaintiff Bernstein rights to invoke the solicitation of criminal authorities regarding this Court’s further Aiding and Abetting Violations of ACC and Law by Lamont and other Defendants and the Court’s failure to Report such actions to the proper Authorities.
Plaintiff Bernstein has contacted Steven M. Cohen, Chief of Staff of NY AG Cuomo and notified him of Lamont’s attempted collusion to fix complaints with Defendants that the NYAG represents in these matters, the Conflicts and Appearance of Impropriety caused, and perhaps the criminal issues for Lamont and the First Dept DDC Officers involved. Plaintiff is to contact Cohen shortly to asses if the NYAG can continue to handle the matters and if not, whom the appropriate authority is if the NYAG cannot continue.
Oversight Sought TO REVIEW THE VIOLATIONS OF THIS COURT PERTAINING TO VIOLATIONS OF Judicial cannons, attorney conduct codes, public office rules & Regulations and law
Plaintiff will be notifying and summoning oversight from all of the following Authorities to evaluate this Court’s and the USDC’s actions and determine if Conflict without resolution can be allowed and if the Lawsuit can continue moving forward in VIOLATION of JC, ACC, PORR, State and Federal Law:
Plaintiff will summon the USAG, the Honorable Eric Holder, to represent Crimes alleged committed against the US Government, the USPTO, Foreign Nations and other Title 18 Crimes cited herein and in the Amended Complaint. Plaintiff has previously summoned Holder regarding these matters but Holder may be busy investigating a multitude of senior ranking Government lawyers, law firms and others alleged to have Violated International War Crimes and Torture Treatises. Crimes that led to the Death of Thousands of US Troops and Millions of foreign victims, resulting from War Crimes that were created by predominately Lawyers. On the other hand, perhaps Holder is busy investigating a multitude of senior ranking Government lawyers in regulatory posts who closed their eyes allowing the economic collapse of the nation. On the other hand and we are running out of hands, law firms may be at the center and cause of massive financial crimes and Ponzi schemes actually in Cahoots with lax Regulators. Interesting to note how many lawyers leave firms to undertake a noble and unpaid job in state and federal positions and then return to the fold when discovered committing crimes or covering them up for the firms and criminals involved. Why is this rant important here you may ask? This shows that recently Lawyers at the highest level of Government, the highest levels of Law Enforcement (i.e. the CIA, the USAG and the DOJ) and the highest level of business and economic law have committed and may still be committing very serious crimes. Crimes that are Treasonous, Violate International War & Torture Treatises and hosts of other crimes and where lawyers and the legal profession are at the center, perhaps the instigator of the crimes while wholly betraying the rule of law they are beholden too and sworn to in Oath under G-d. Crimes that collaborate with Plaintiff’s contention in the Amended Complaint that the powerful and politically connected Defendant Law Firms and Lawyers[117]. Once caught, such persons seized control of the Government at the highest levels, in a coup d’état, to prevent prosecution resulting from their crimes and achieve Top down control of the Executive Branch, Courts and Justice Dept and once the fox were in the henhouse, they moved on to more and more serious and lucrative crimes. These crimes have taken our Country into a very Sad and Dark period of her history, one where Government appears ruled by criminals who Violate their own rules and then try to change the rules and laws to make their crimes “legal”. Plaintiff patiently awaits response from Holder regarding the prior summons and will petition his office again regarding the new Obstruction crimes and other crimes defined herein but with an understanding of the far more serious crimes that must be stopped first to prevent further innocent US Soldiers from being murdered by actions resulting from bad lawyers with bad legal advice,
US Solicitor General, The Honorable Elena Kagan, will be summoned to join the Lawsuit regarding the claims on behalf of the US Government and Foreign Nations,
Congressional Oversight of Judges & Justice from all appropriate Congressional Committees will be sought,
Plaintiff will summon US Chief Judge of the Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit – The Honorable Dennis G. Jacobs regarding the to be filed complaints regarding the Judicial Conduct of this Court and the USDC. Under the Judicial Conduct and Disability Act of 1980, as amended, an adverse ruling by the Chief Judge Jacobs, can and will be petitioned at the Circuit Judicial Council for review if the Chief Judge dismisses the complaint or concludes the proceeding. It is now most likely necessary to transfer the Lawsuit before this Court out of the New York courts where Conflict after Conflict after Conflict remain unresolved and Obstructing Justice. There is a new rule that implements the Breyer Committee’s recommendation that some complaint proceedings should be transferred to a judicial council in a different circuit selected by the Chief Justice, for example, “where the issues are highly visible and a local disposition may weaken public confidence in the process”. It should be not that Judge Ralph K. Winter is also the Chairman of Committee on Judicial Conduct & Disability and any Conflicts should be negated prior to any influence this relation can assert on that process,
Plaintiff will summon through Petition the United States Supreme Court to intervene in this Lawsuit and review the conduct of this Court, the USDC, the Law Firms, the Lawyers, the Public Court Officials and others. Scheindlin points the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to take up their rights regarding the corruption in the New York Courts with the Supreme Court, stating that is the only US Court that can resolve the issues of New York Public Office Corruption,
Plaintiff will summon the NYAG Public Integrity Unit and New York’s Attorney General the Honorable Andrew Cuomo and his Chief of Staff, Steven Michael Cohen to investigate the matters herein and in the Amended Complaint or find a suitable Non-Conflicted Investigatory Authority to replace them.
Plaintiff has summoned the aid of the NYAG as directed by Scheindlin in her Dismissal Order. Problems arise in Plaintiff seeking the aid of the NYAG to investigate the Public Officials and complaints against them, in that NYAG represents the State Defendants so new and old disciplinary complaints against First Dept and First Dept DDC members now must be handled through their respective counsel the NYAG, whom may have to pass the matters to a Non-Conflicted third party to investigate the complaints of the First Dept, First Dept DDC and the actions of the NYAG,
Plaintiff has summoned the NYAG, a named Defendant in the Amended Complaint, who now needs to seek Non-Conflicted Counsel for representation of their offices and former officers forward in these matters. The fact that the NYAG is now a Defendant in the Lawsuit creates Conflict in their continued role as Counsel for other Defendants and forces their recusal from the matters. Here again, a Non-Conflicted third party may be necessary to replace the NYAG to conduct further handling and investigation of the Public Office Corruption charges against First Dept, First Dept DDC members and NYAG members, all of whom the NYAG represents currently in response to the Amended Complaint,
Plaintiff has spoken recently with NYAG Cuomo’s Chief of Staff Steven Cohen, and directed several follow up letters to him regarding the mass of Conflict and attempt to resolve how to proceed forward to avoid further Obstructions of Justice caused by the Conflicts. Plaintiff requested the NYAG find an authority to replace itself or to give notice to their clients/Defendants to seek other counsel so that they may also proceed in their duties to the public to conduct Public Office Corruption probes, especially when brought by a Whistleblower. This Court must force the NYAG immediately to comply with ACC, PORR and Law, prior to any other Rulings based on their Pleadings tendered in Conflict. The Court must force the NYAG to address the issues of Conflict with their State Defendant Clients that is causing Obstruction and cease their Self-Representation of their Offices and get Counsel, immediately determining if the NYAG and the State Defendants they represent are both now in need of NON-CONFLICTED Counsel to represent them. The Court must force the NYAG to decide if it is intending on fulfilling their Public Office Duties and Legal Obligations to Protect the Public by starting immediate and thorough investigations of Anderson and the “Legally Related” lawsuits’ claims or whom the Plaintiffs should turn to investigate the Public Office Corruption when the NYAG is Conflicted,
Plaintiff will summon and file Complaints for all alleged Violations of ACC with the First Dept and First Dept DDC regarding the new Complaint matter discussed herein but will also compel them to find a Non-Conflicted third party to transfer ALL old and new complaints for impartial review too. Plaintiff will request from the new investigator a rehearing of all old complaints based on the Anderson revelations and other new and recent information learned about Conflicts at these Agencies,
Plaintiff will summon and file new Complaints with the Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court, yet due to the Conflicts found with these State Agencies and Defendant Foley who acts as their attorneys, Plaintiff will ask that all new complaints and the original complaint against Defendant William (Dick) Dick be transferred for a rehearing by a Non-Conflicted party.
Plaintiff will summon the Virginia Supreme Court regarding filing new Complaints against the Virginia AG for his personal Conflicted involvement in this Lawsuit and the Virginia AG’s failure to address his Clients’ Defendants Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court Conflicts with Foley and Lardner. Defendant Foley’s Clients being the Virginia Bar and Virginia Supreme Court all failing to address the Conflicts presented by this unique cross representation as required by ACC, PORR and Law.
Plaintiff will summon and file new Complaints with the Florida Bar and the Florida Supreme Court, noting the Conflict of their Counsel Greenberg in the matters before this Court, defined already herein and asking for review of the entire Florida Civil Case of Proskauer v. Iviewit and the Bar Complaints filed based on Anderson’s claims.
Plaintiff will summon the Office of New York State Office of the State Comptroller – Thomas P. DiNapoli. Plaintiff will file Complaints if necessary to make sure that all state New York State agencies and individuals sued in the lawsuit are properly accounting for the Trillion Dollar plus liability generated by this lawsuit to the State Agencies named as Defendants. The State Agencies have incurred liabilities and may be Violating State Accounting Laws regarding the reporting and accounting of liabilities.
Plaintiff will summon and file Complaints if necessary with the New York State Insurance Department – Kermitt J. Brooks, Acting Superintendent regarding filing complaints to make certain that the Law Firms, Lawyers and other Defendants in the Lawsuit have properly noticed insurance carriers and any others, including state agencies, who may have liabilities stemming from the lawsuit,
Plaintiff has summoned the New York Senate Judiciary through former Proskauer Rose Attorney and now New York State Senator Democratic Conference Leader, (D, WF) 19th Senate District and Chair of the Judiciary Committee, John L. Sampson. The full committee is already involved reviewing matters directly related to this Lawsuit and is holding hearings in which Anderson and the Iviewit matters slated further to testify at in September. Plaintiff will summon the Senate Judiciary Committee to review the actions of this Court and determine if it may continue to operate in Violation of the rules of the Court and other matters defined herein and in the Amended Complaint,
Plaintiff has summoned already the United States House and Senate Judiciary Committees – The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein and the full committees that are already involved reviewing matters directly related to this Lawsuit, to now review the actions of this Court and determine if it may continue to operate in Violation of the rules of the Court,
Plaintiff has already summoned but will again summon regarding new matter, the Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General of the Department of Justice, regarding the criminal elements of this Court’s actions complained of herein, as well as, other new crimes recently discovered in the possibly related financial crimes of Madoff, Dreier, Stanford, etc.,
Plaintiff has already summoned the Commissioner of Securities & Exchange Commission – Mary L. Schapiro, regarding the filing of additional Complaints against Defendants from BOTH the Original Complaint and the Amended Complaint. Plaintiff filed complaints with the SEC against Intel and Lockheed, to ensure that Defendants whom are required to follow Financial Accounting Standards Board ( FASB ) Rule No 5 are accounting and reporting properly in relation to liabilities. Liabilities arise for Defendants named in this Trillion Dollar Lawsuit who must report the lawsuits according to well-established accounting rules. Additional liabilities arise from the knowing and willful Intellectual Property infringement under signed agreements in many instances, for an additional Trillion Dollars or more. This liability resulting from infringement requires reporting to shareholders under FASB No. 5 from the time of infringement in 1998 forward. NOTE: Formal SEC Complaints filed by Plaintiff already referenced herein.
Plaintiff will summon the Federal Bureau of Investigation regarding complaints relating to Obstruction of federal proceedings and other federal crimes alleged herein and complaints relating to financial crimes causing Trillions of Dollars of risk to Victims that far exceed the Madoff scandal damages directly relating to these matters. Note: See Plaintiff-Appellant Investigations Master List and related Evidentiary Links for Requests, complaints and investigations diligently and continuously initiated by Plaintiff-Appellant Bernstein via the FBI and other relevant agencies, governmental units, etc.
Plaintiff will summon the DOJ Antitrust Division, under the leadership of Assistant Attorney General Christine Varney regarding the Antitrust matters as stated in the Amended Complaint and the continued Antitrust & RICO Violations. Plaintiff –Appellant E.I. Bernstein previously wrote to the US Anti-Trust Division regarding MPEG[118]and[119].
Plaintiff will address Procedural questions to the Office of the General Counsel, Administrative Office of the United States Courts, Thurgood Marshall Federal Judiciary Building, Washington, D.C., 20544, (202-502-1100).
Halt Case Pending Oversight Review
This Court must now address the Conflicts, IMMEDIATELY AND PRIOR TO any other substantive Ruling or Order, HALTING the Lawsuit until such time that the all Conflicts removed and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law ceased. Further, this Court shall Cease Ruling on the Appeal, Brief Replies or ANY issue submitted by knowingly Conflicted Counsel and based on Conflicted and perhaps Illegal Rulings by Scheindlin tendered in Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Ultimately, the Court must strike these Illegal Pleadings and Rulings from the Record, other than as evidence of Ethical Violations and other Crimes that resulted in Criminal Obstruction and Fraud committed upon this Court with Scienter by those Violating their own Rules and Law before this Court.
This Court must HALT the Lawsuit immediately and issue no further decisions going forward while this Court is aware that Defendant Counsel and Court Personnel are acting in Conflict and Violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law and thus must rectify the Conflicts and cease allowing Conflicted Counsel and Justices to move the Lawsuit and this Court illegally. The Court cannot LEGALLY proceed under Law knowingly Violating Law.
All prior complaints and court Lawsuits influenced by Conflict, including this Court and the USDC, need rehearing with Non-Conflicted Law Firms and Lawyers representing Defendants and Non-Conflicted Justices and Court Personnel handling and adjudicating the Lawsuit forward and reviewing prior decisions that were infected by the prior Conflicts, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. The Court must now HALT the proceedings until resolution from all oversight Authorities Plaintiff is summoning have time to review the overabundance of evidence regarding the alleged Abuse of Process, Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law that together constitute Fraud on this Court and determine if the Lawsuit can proceed in Violation of Law. Fraud on the Court committed by members of this Court and members of the USDC, where both courts and their members are Legally Obligated to uphold the JC, ACC, PORR and Law, will vacate all prior Pleadings, Rulings, Orders, etc. in these matters.
The Scheindlin dismissal left standing paves the way to commit Illegal Legal crimes, which sounds so illogical especially when committed by those charged with upholding Law. Defendants who have legal degrees can now use their legal powers to infiltrate the disciplinary committees, the courts and the investigatory agencies that are supposed to be investigating their actions when they are caught in crimes, handle their own complaints in Conflict and then deny Due Process through Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law. Then, through COI and Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law, they can further attempt to claim immunity while they control the legal processes to deny Due Process to extend past any Statutes of Limitations, creating a shield for themselves from prosecution to their crimes? To top that the State Defendants have their defenses paid for by the Public, as is the case in the present Lawsuit where the NYAG defends the defendant New York Public Officials and Public Agencies named in the Original Complaint, which are several of the same Public Officials as Anderson identifies as part of the “Systemic” corruption.
The NYAG representing the Public Officials despite an inside Whistleblower revealing several of the same Officials involvement in alleged Public Office Crimes, which should be absolute cause for the NYAG to represent the Public’s interests regarding the Obstruction charges leveled by Anderson against these same Public Officers. The continued representation of these Defendants by the NYAG Conflicts with the duty the NYAG has to protect the Public and this Conflict causes Obstruction blocking the ability of Plaintiff or Anderson to have investigations preformed of these Public Officials. In fact, Scheindlin upon dismissal directs the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to contact the NYAG regarding the crimes committed against them, which is ironic since they are now Conflicted in their client representations from carrying out their Public Office duties creating Obstruction of Justice to the Victims. Most astonishing is that the defense of Anderson, the Whistleblower protecting the Public Interest, paid for out of her own pocket, whilst the NYAG is busy representing the Public Office Defendants named by Anderson on Johnny Q. Public’s expense, despite the Legal Duties of the NYAG to represent and serve the People first prior to possibly corrupt Public Officials
If the internal ethical cleansing needed to restore a Conflict free Court cannot be self-imposed by this Court, on this Court, and, all those involved in the Lawsuit forced to comply with all JC, ACC, PORR and Law, then take this as OFFICIAL notice that Plaintiff is seeking immediate Oversight of this Courts’ actions. Plaintiff will file both civil and criminal Complaints against the Court as defined herein. Until oversight Authorities summoned reach their conclusions, Plaintiff refuses to continue forward in the Proceedings, which are tainted, giving illegal advantage to the Defendants. Therefore, Plaintiff will file no other pleading with this Court until such time that all demands for Justice through Conflict resolution by oversight Authorities sought are finalized and all those involved in these matters comply with JC, AC, PORR and Law. Plaintiff will not submit further submissions and/or pleadings until all Oversight Authorities have rendered final decisions on the alleged Illegal actions of this Court, the USDC, the NYAG, the Law Firms, Lawyers and Disciplinary Committees as defined further herein.
In summation, this Writ of Motion to Compel, Compelling this Court and all those involved with Professional Legal Titles to “Freeze, put your hands up in the air and surrender”. Surrender until all applicable Law Enforcement and oversight Authorities summoned can evaluate your further right to continued involvement in these matters and can determine the degree of Your culpability of which You may become a Defendant in these matters. Freeze, as this is a Citizen’s Arrest[120] and take no further action that Violates JC, ACC, PORR and Law as required by JC, ACC, PORR and Law, for a period necessary for Authorities summoned to examine the alleged Violations of JC, ACC, PORR and Law.
“You [all Justices, Court Personnel, Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Office Officials involved in the Legal Disposition of this Lawsuit] have the right to remain silent. Anything You say [or put in Order or Motion or Pleading, etc. in this Lawsuit] can and will be used against You in a court of law [a conflict free court]…Do You understand these rights?” This reading of Miranda is not a joke but more a Citizen’s Arrest notification that action on Your part forward without the summoned oversight Authorities and Law Enforcement approval of Your actions thus far and continuation going forward will be met with further CRIMINAL AND CIVIL charges against You. ANY ACTION taken prior to such time will incur filing of criminal charges against You with all appropriate authorities. Charges will include US Code Title 18 Obstruction charges, RICO charges and more, as defined herein and in the Amended Complaint and it would be best if YOU TURN YOURSELF IN TO AUTHORITIES versus forcing further rights under a Citizen’s Arrest to Force You into custody.
I remind this Court, which acts outside its own Rules, as if Above the Law, of the all too recent “Judges’ Trial[121]” of the infamous Nuremberg Trials. Proving that no one is Above the Law, not Justices, not Lawyers, nor Presidents or Deciders and that while power may corrupt and perverse those that control law at times, when the Long Arm of the Law regains its reach, the Guilty will be Tried despite their Titles and perceived Entitlement. Changing laws in order to commit crimes by those entrusted to uphold the sanctity of Law is not a defense that holds up well in a fair and impartial courtroom. Once Law and Order was re-established, the NAZI Party crushed and their delusional grandeur deflated, the Judges Trial tried the NAZI justices and lawyers who changed Law to allow Torture, Death Camps and Theft of Personal Properties, all eventually convicted in US Courts acting in Germany for the War Crimes, including for the Abuse and Misuse of Law. Above the Law while deluded in grandeur from sick Abuse of Power, yet in the end sentenced to life imprisonment for their crimes and forever stamped into history as Nazi war criminals. Eventually Justice will return to This Court and those guilty of misusing Law for personal gain to the disadvantage of citizens tried and convicted too.
WHEREFORE, this Court Shall:
instantly issue Rule 11 Sanctions against Defendants and/or Defendants Counsel who have appeared in Conflict and in violation of JC, ACC, PORR and Law in the USDC and USCA lawsuit for frivolous defense pleadings and illegal conduct or alternatively grant an immediate hearing on this Motion to Compel.
instantly follow all JC, ACC, PORR and Law that it is Legally Obligated to follow,
instantly force disclosure of all parties in these matters to affirm or deny Conflict with any of the parties to this suit and to all those plaintiffs and defendants in all the “Legally Related” Lawsuits to Anderson,
force all Law Firms, Lawyers and Public Officials involved in this Lawsuit to run verifiable COI Checks and present the findings to Plaintiff,
instantly remove all Conflicted parties that this Court and Scheindlin are aware of,
instantly report the misconduct of all those found Violating JC, ACC, PORR and/or Law to all appropriate authorities as proscribed by JC, ACC, PORR and Law,
immediately HALT these proceedings until all Oversight Authorities summoned render final decisions relating to the conduct of this Court and others,
grant ample time for a healthy recovery of Plaintiff Bernstein from his facial reconstructive surgeries, complete teeth removal, dental replacement and a kidney stone extraction. This Court has thus far forced Plaintiff to continue on schedule, denying time for complete medical recovery according to a Medical Plan submitted to this Court, despite absolute knowledge of the health danger and risk posed for recovery of forcing Plaintiff to continue. Bernstein has been under medical treatment requiring heavy continuous pain medication, repeated surgeries and medical procedures since filing this Appeal, resulting from a life threatening infection causing the need for emergency treatment and additionally currently diagnosed with a Kidney Stone. On July 15, 2009, his dental specialist advised Bernstein that his condition was highly “unstable” and that he needed to restart treatment as soon as possible. Of course, that is impossible while SFG monies remain frozen and in some instances apparently gone.
grant additional time for the initially proscribed 18 months of facial reconstructive treatment now further delayed due to the SFG / Stanford Ponzi Scheme’s financial impact on Plaintiff Bernstein’s immediate family, a scheme apparently orchestrated by Defendant Proskauer. Plaintiff requests the time granted be as long as funds in the SFG matter are unrecoverable and/or other funds to continue medical treatment and found. Due to the SFG losses, Plaintiff’s dental treatments have ceased until payment can resume, leaving him in an even further unstable condition because of Defendant Proskauer.
appoint Pro Bono counsel to assist in the preparation of the Lawsuit so as not to further limit Plaintiff’s Due Process rights by limiting the ability to prepare this Lawsuit under duress. If this Court is further unsympathetic to Plaintiff’s extreme medical conditions, including Kidney Stones, Facial Reconstruction, Entire Teeth Removal and Implant Replacement necessary due to LIFE THREATENING infection, than Pro Bono counsel would be righteous to assist Plaintiff and if not afforded would be further evidence of Legal Process Abuse to deny Due Process and TOTALLY UNCOMPASSIONATE casting further the Appearance of Impropriety,
force recusal of Winter and Wolfe and force full disclosure of any Conflict they had,
appoint Pro Bono counsel as Plaintiff has filed suit in relation to a real New York HERO, Christine C. Anderson, in her heroic insider Whistleblower lawsuit that Scheindlin is moving to trial. Since Plaintiff files in New York in order to support such heroic efforts on behalf of the Great State of New York and its heroic citizen in efforts to rid PUBLIC OFFICE CORRUPTION, Pro Bono counsel remains appropriate and denied merely further obstructs,
appoint Pro Bono counsel due to the extreme financial loss caused in part by the states actors’ illegal actions outside official duties, as alleged in Anderson that acted to Obstruct Justice costing Plaintiff years and monies and the recent SFG Ponzi which froze income to Bernstein’s immediate family rendering him and his immediate family penniless. The new financial problems at SFG, caused perhaps intentionally and with malice by Defendant Proskauer and Sjoblom have rendered the ability to mount a Legal Defense nearly impossible, as feeding three children has been nearly impossible, again directly acting to Obstruct Plaintiffs Due Process rights.
Combined with the medical maladies Plaintiff is barely able to render submissions to this Court and whereby such stress severely is impeding and interfering with a healthy recovery. Plaintiff asks the Court to understand these financial and medical conditions, to take note that the medical narcotics and other drugs proscribed affect the ability of Plaintiff to submit documents in a coherent and timely fashion. The Court, fully aware of these situations has completely ignored Plaintiffs pleas for Compassion and Time. If Pro Bono counsel is granted for Plaintiff, as necessary to prepare a proper Lawsuit in light of the complexities and sheer number of crimes alleged and in light of the Court’s need to rush the Proceedings while fraught in Conflict, despite the medical dangers to Plaintiff, then Plaintiff requests whatever counsel is appointed be prescreened for Conflict. Any Conflict discovered resolved or negated with Plaintiff, prior to the Court’s acceptance of such Counsel.
Plaintiff requests the attached Brief Reply Rebuttals filed timely with the Court herein marked Confidential and SEALED, remain SEALED until such time that Oversight Authorities and Law Enforcement sought can determine if this Court can continue in Violation of JC, ACC and Law in a Judicial Capacity necessary to UNSEAL them.
Plaintiff requests that the SEALED Rebuttals NOT be Served on Opposing Counsel acting in Violation of JC, ACC and Law until Oversight Authorities summoned determine if they can continue to act in Conflict. Plaintiff refuses to serve Opposing Conflicted Counsel the sealed Brief Reply Rebuttal attached to this Motion to Compel, requesting the Court not Open or Serve it until such time that Counsel for all Defendants and the Court, can affirm or deny they have no Conflict through Procedural Conflict Checks. Further keeping the Brief Reply Rebuttal SEALED until all Oversight sought for prior and current actions of the Law Firms, Lawyers, Public Officials and Justices in these matters have reached conclusions regarding continued Illegal Conflicted Self-Representation and Violations of Public Offices.
Plaintiff asks for a minimum of 120 days to formulate complaints to all investigatory agencies, courts and more, notifying them formally of the crimes alleged herein and granting ample time for reply.
Immediately notify all other Courts and Investigators in the Financial Crimes described herein, which have possible relation to these matters.
Institute protections for document delivery and verification in light of the Obstruction already with the US Marshal Service in the USDC and in light of Anderson’s complaint illustrating a need to protect the documents from insiders who may be operating to alter and change Court pleadings and other Court documentation.
Force the Injunctions requested in the Amended Complaint.
Institute new injunctions freezing all financial transactions and distributions of funds in relation to the ongoing legal proceedings involving Madoff, Stanford, Dreier, Enron Broadband and SGI, informing those courts of the relations to this Lawsuit exposed herein. That those legal actions may be a result of the stolen Intellectual Properties from Plaintiff and may be further attempts by the all too clever criminal legal Defendants (those Defendants schooled in Law) to again misuse law to hide and redistribute stolen funds. Making the funds vanish in Ponzi and other magic schemes where Billions of Dollars go missing with recoveries paid back to so-called “victims” achieved through further Frauds on those Courts which already appear fraught with receivers in Conflict, some in Conflict with these matters and more. Also strange is how many connector dots between these events exists and how Defendants appear to be attempting to vanish with stolen goods before this Lawsuit explodes on them as Due Process is restored.
New Financial Schemes with Preliminary Linkage to Defendants
Albert Hu – Aseqneua Beta Fund and Fireside LS Fund[122]
The 1031 Tax Group LLC – Edward H. Okun
SFG / Stanford – Greenberg Traurig and members of the State of Florida investigated for collusion and regulatory failures in the establishment of SFG banking businesses.
By: _________________________ Eliot Ivan Bernstein
Docket No. 08-4873-cv
Appellate Division First Department
Disciplinary Committee
I, Eliot Ivan Bernstein hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that on the 9th day of September 2009 served by United States Mail, Facsimile, Email or hand delivery the
EMERGENCY Motion to compel
on this Court, requesting this Court serve all named Plaintiffs, Defendants and other necessary parties via the United States Marshal Service or other method this Court deems acceptable, or otherwise so reply to as the correct parties for these cases with all applicable addressing information.
The Amended Complaint list of Defendants necessary to service is as follows:
STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities, DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.
[5] Perhaps the Court should remand this Lawsuit to the Supreme Court as suggested by Scheindlin, for further review and analysis, as well as, precedent setting federal Intellectual Property claims.
[6] See Exhibit A
[7] “Fraud On The Court By An Officer Of The Court ~ State and Federal”
Who is an “officer of the court”? A judge is an officer of the court, as well as are all attorneys. A state judge is a state judicial officer, paid by the State to act impartially and lawfully. A federal judge is a federal judicial officer, paid by the federal government to act impartially and lawfully. State and federal attorneys fall into the same general category and must meet the same requirements. A judge is not the court. People v. Zajic, 88 Ill.App.3d 477, 410 N.E.2d 626 (1980).
What is “fraud on the court”? Whenever any officer of the court commits fraud during a proceeding in the court, he/she is engaged in “fraud upon the court”. In Bulloch v. United States, 763 F.2d 1115, 1121 (10th Cir. 1985), the court stated “Fraud upon the court is fraud which is directed to the judicial machinery itself and is not fraud between the parties or fraudulent documents, false statements or perjury. … It is where the court or a member is corrupted or influenced or influence is attempted or where the judge has not performed his judicial function — thus where the impartial functions of the court have been directly corrupted.”
“Fraud upon the court” has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to “embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication.” Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore’s Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, ¶ 60.23. The 7th Circuit further stated “a decision produced by fraud upon the court is not in essence a decision at all, and never becomes final.”
What effect does an act of “fraud upon the court” have upon the court proceeding? “Fraud upon the court” makes void the orders and judgments of that court.
[13] June 08, 2009 New York Senate Judiciary Committee Outline for Testimony of Plaintiff Bernstein, submitted to the entire Judiciary Committee prior to the Hearings.
[19] Madoff Bio @ Wikipedia “Madoff, who once served as a non-executive chairman of the NASDAQ stock exchange, pled guilty to an 11-count criminal complaint, admitting to defrauding thousands of investors of billions of dollars. Madoff convicted of operating a Ponzi scheme that has been called the largest investor fraud ever committed by a single person. Federal prosecutors estimated client losses, which included fabricated gains, of almost $65 billion. On June 29, 2009, he was sentenced to 150 years in prison, the maximum allowed.” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bernard_Madoff
[20] Stanford Capital Management, Stanford Group Company, Stanford International Bank f.k.a Guardian International Bank, Bank of Antigua, Stanford Coins and Bullion
[21] Stanford Capital Management, Stanford Group Company, Stanford International Bank f.k.a Guardian International Bank, Bank of Antigua, Stanford Coins and Bullion
[31] “From 1979 to 1987, Mr. Sjoblom served as Branch Chief and then Special Counsel to the SEC’s Division of Market Regulation, where he provided interpretive advice to various segments of the securities industry on broker-dealer regulation and transfer agent regulation, back-office issues, trading practices, tender offer practices, market making, and contingency offerings. He also participated in the approval of the “new options products” in the early 1980s, including stock index options and futures and the foreign currency options. Department of Justice Experience While at the SEC, Mr. Sjoblom also served as Special Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Central District of California, the Western District of New York, and the Eastern District of Pennsylvania.” http://www.proskauer.com/lawyers_at_proskauer/atty_data/8070
[41] Law 360, Friday, May 15, 2009 “1031 Victims Sue Citibank, Foley, Others For $140M
- Clients of The 1031 Tax Group LLC, a bankrupt exchange fund firm run by convicted Ponzi schemer Edward H. Okun, have launched a proposed class action to recover $140 million from Bank of America NA, Citibank NA, Foley & Lardner LLP and others for allegedly facilitating the scheme.” http://www.law360.com/company_articles/1440
[42] August 04, 2009 Wall Street Journal “Okun Joins Madoff in Century Club”
[66] Scheindlin, in her flawed Dismissal Order, states that after review of Plaintiff’s claim of a RICO Conspiracy extending to the highest levels of Government, involving Murder (according to Scheindlin), Attempted Murder, Patent Theft, Fraud on the USPTO, Fraud on Foreign Nations and more versus the defendants’ frivolous claims of harassment by Plaintiff, that she is unsure whose account is true. From her Dismissal Order Scheindlin claims, “While I cannot determine which of these descriptions is more accurate…” and this statement while Scheindlin exposes “substantive issues” and substantive “conflict” relative to Plaintiff’s claims against Defendants making the Dismissal Order again in err and reversible by this Court. The defense of Defendants that they are being harassed makes no sense, as why would Plaintiff want to harass Law Firms composed of thousands of Attorneys, three State Supreme Courts, five State Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary agencies, the NYAG, Justices from State Supreme Courts, etc? Why have these all too powerful legal Defendants not filed a complaint against little ole Inventor Plaintiff or even a Counter Complaint regarding harassment, as if in fear the LAWYERS and JUSTICES would have to defend their frivolous defenses in the courts when they know the baseless defenses are nothing more than Fraud on the Court. Lawyers, Law Firms, State Supreme Courts, State Disciplinary Agencies, State Bars and Judges, all are afraid of a courtroom, afraid of one Pro Se litigant. Yes it is true, as court is the exact place they do not want Plaintiff with Discovery that destroy them and therefore they have used all sorts of Fraud on the Courts, such as Conflicts and Violations of ACC, JC, PORR and Law for almost a decade to prevent Plaintiff from Due Process in a court of law. Defendants know discovery in these matters would lead to their demise and lengthy prison sentences and are willing to risk everything to stave off prosecution.
[87] New York State Public Officers Law. § 17. 2 (b) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the employee shall be entitled to be represented by the attorney general, provided, however, that the employee shall be entitled to representation by private counsel of his choice in any civil judicial proceeding whenever the attorney general determines based upon his investigation and review of the facts and circumstances of the case that representation by the attorney general would be inappropriate, or whenever a court of competent jurisdiction, upon appropriate motion or by a special proceeding, determines that a conflict of interest exists and that the employee is entitled to be represented by private counsel of his choice. http://www.ogs.state.ny.us/supportservices/defibrillators/PublicOfficersLawSect17.pdf
[92] Federal Laws cited as example yet similar State Laws may apply to the crimes alleged herein such as, New York State Law ARTICLE 195 OFFICIAL MISCONDUCT AND OBSTRUCTION OF PUBLIC SERVANTS GENERALLY and ARTICLE 215 OTHER OFFENSES RELATING TO JUDICIAL AND OTHER PROCEEDINGS. Certain State Obstructions did however Obstruct information regarding Federal, State and International Crimes from exposure to Federal Authorities and continue to Obstruct through failure to report the crimes and misconduct by those who have Legal Binding Obligations to report.
[93] Addressing the gap left by section 1503’s limitation to legal proceedings, section 1505 targets “corrupt” efforts to obstruct, impede, or influence the “due and proper administration of the law under which any pending proceeding is being had before any department or agency of the United States
[94] Obstruction of Justice is a broad concept that extends to any effort to prevent the execution of lawful process or the administration of justice in either a criminal or civil matter. Obstructive conduct may include the destruction of evidence, the intimidation of potential witnesses or retaliation against actual witnesses, the preparation of false testimony or other evidence, or the interference with jurors or other court personnel. The purpose of criminal obstruction statutes—which every jurisdiction has, in one form or another—is thus to help protect the integrity of legal proceedings and, at the same time, protect those individuals who participate in such proceedings. Indeed, one of the earliest congressional enactments was a 1790 criminal statute that, among other things, established a number of obstruction offenses. http://law.jrank.org/pages/1623/Obstruction-Justice.html
[98] Note that all of the various Frauds on the Courts created rulings, orders and pleadings, which transferred through the US Mail, facsimile, telephonically and through the Internet, constituting further crimes such as Federal Mail and Wire Fraud.
[99] New York Rules cited as example of the Attorney Conduct Code, yet similar laws from Florida, Virginia and others may apply to the crimes alleged herein. All Conduct Codes would need to be cited from 1999 or prior, as several of the Defendants have high-ranking Public Office positions in agencies responsible for modifying the Attorney Conduct Codes.
May 05, 2008 USDC Docket Entry 61 “NOTICE OF APPEARANCE by Joanna Frances Smith on behalf of Steven C. Krane (in his individual capacity), Kenneth Rubenstein, Proskauer Rose LLP (pl) (Entered: 05/13/2008)“
[105] February 09, 2009 New York State Office of Attorney General Public Integrity Complaint RE:
I. Roy L. Reardon letter dated January 27, 2009
II. Alan W. Friedberg letter dated January 12, 2009
III. Complaints
A. “New Complaints”
1. Roy L. Reardon, Esq. – Waiting Docket #
2. Alan W. Friedberg, Esq. – Waiting Docket #
B. “2008 Complaints” Matters of Attorney Complaints Docket #2008-0756, appears to attempt to merge multiple complaints into one, waiting formal individual docket #’s from NYAG.
3. Proskauer Rose, LLP – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
4. Foley & Lardner – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
5. Gregg M. Mashberg, Esq. – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
6. Joanna F. Smith, Esq. – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
7. Todd C. Norbitz, Esq. – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
8. Anne B. Sekel, Esq. – First Dep. Failed to formally docket
C. “Old Complaints” (Transferred by Unpublished Orders M3198 – Steven C. Krane / M2820 Kenneth Rubenstein and M3212 Raymond A. Joao on Unanimous Consent of First Dept Justices for Conflict of Interest and the Appearance of Impropriety to Second Department. Second Department failed to conduct formal investigations ordered by First Dept.)
9. Thomas Cahill Special Inquiry No. 2004.1122 (former 1st Dept Chief Counsel) – Ongoing investigation by Martin Gold.
10. Steven C. Krane docket #2004.1883 (1st Dept Officer, former NYSBA President & Proskauer partner)
[112] Plaintiff’s former Intellectual Property Attorneys wrote Intellectual Property Applications for Plaintiff’s Technologies into unknown others names as Inventors that now act to prevent the US Patent Office from disclosing the Owner, Assignees and Inventors of those Applications to Plaintiff due to privacy issues. The mystery of who these inventors are is now subject to Congressional Intervention at the request of Harry I. Moatz and subject of Investigation by the USPTO and USPTO OED. The following link to a Letter Dated February 01, 2007 to the Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein provides further information @ http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/2007%2002%2001%20FINAL%20Senate%20Bill%20Signed.pdf
[117] Defendant Michael Grebe, formerly of Defendant Foley and now President of the Right Wing Bradley Foundation, was Chief Counsel to the RNC and the largest contributor and backer to the George W. Bush ILLEGAL, DISPUTED and FAILED (lowest approval rating of any US President ever on leaving office) Presidency. Both institutional legacies, the Presidency and the RNC ended in tragedy with Bush Administration Officials and Lawyers facing certain eventual War Crime trials and as for the RNC, well who wants to be associated with the Grand Ole Nazi Party as they say today worldwide. The Country owes the guilty of these crimes, crimes directly resulting from Grebe’s man Bush, thrust in the Whitehouse amid voter fraud claims and an Illegal election decided by a 5-4 Supreme Court decision that usurped Democracy at that point and all points forward, a six-gun salute with a firing squad for treason, as always, firing squads free @ www.iviewit.tv.
Any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence. (N.Y.C.L. 140.30).
[121] The Judges’ Trial (or the Justice Trial, or, officially, The United States of America vs. Josef Altstötter, et al.) was the third of the twelve trials for war crimes the U.S. authorities held in their occupation zone in Germany in Nuremberg after the end of World War II. These twelve trials were all held before U.S. military courts, not before the International Military Tribunal, but took place in the same rooms at the Palace of Justice. The twelve U.S. trials are collectively known as the “Subsequent Nuremberg Trials” or, more formally, as the “Trials of War Criminals before the Nuremberg Military Tribunals” (NMT).
The defendants in this case were 16 German jurists and lawyers. Nine had been officials of the Reich Ministry of Justice, the others were prosecutors and judges of the Special Courts and People’s Courts of Nazi Germany. They were—amongst other charges—held responsible for implementing and furthering the Nazi “racial purity” program through the eugenic and racial laws.
The judges in this case, heard before Military Tribunal III, were Carrington T. Marshall (presiding judge), former Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ohio, James T. Brand from Oregon, Mallory B. Blair from Texas, and Justin Woodward Harding as an alternate judge. Marshall had to retire due to illness on June 19, 1947, at which point Brand became president and Harding a full member of the tribunal. The Chief of Counsel for the Prosecution was Telford Taylor; his deputy was Charles M. LaFollette. The indictment was presented on January 4, 1947; the trial lasted from March 5 to December 4, 1947. Ten of the defendants were found guilty; four received sentences for lifetime imprisonment, the rest prison sentences of varying lengths.
[122] Thursday, March 19, 2009 Gryphon Investigations “ALBERT HU, SILICON VALLEY HEDGE FUND MANGER, ARRESTED IN HONG KONG” http://blog.gryphoninvestigations.com
I Eliot Bernstein, Creditor and Claimant previously filed an Emergency motion seeking injunctive and other relief in April of 2009, and filed Proof of Claim No. 225 herein, and recently moved for various relief including but not limited to an extension of time to respond to objections to my proof of claim with such objections filed by Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, motion for an adjournment of a hearing on Sept. 15, 2009 for the appointment of counsel to Eliot Bernstein, motion for the determination of conflicts of interest, and other relief now move to compel the immediate Disqualification of SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, Vacating all Orders of SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn in these jointly administered proceedings specifically including an Order dated September 15, 2009, and for an immediate stay of proceedings pending oversight and assignment of these proceedings to an independent and neutral Judge in accordance with due process and Rules and Codes of Conduct applicable herein.
SGI, hereinafter the Debtors, herein, filed for Ch. 11 Bankruptcy Protection on April 1, 2009 several months after emerging from a prior Ch. 11 case.
More importantly, however, is that SGI’s filing in Ch. 11 on April 1, 2009 came within 6 days of the filing of a formal SEC complaint by myself against the Intel Corporation announcing a Trillion Dollar fraud to the SEC also involving Debtors SGI as well thru a Company which was mutually owned by Intel and SGI along with Lockheed Martin called Real3d Inc of Orlando, Florida.
That company Real3d Inc. is at the heart and central of a host of investigations and complaints as well as having been under signed NDA with myself and the Iviewit technologies dating back to 1998 or so.
The alleged “sales” transactions between Intel, the Debtors SGI, and Lockheed Martin involving Real3d Inc. were expressly made a part of the Formal SEC Complaint filed on March 25, 2009, 6 days before the SGI bankruptcy on April 1, 2009.
As referenced in my Emergency Motion filed April 9, 2009, In House General Counsel for Debtors SGI Evelyn Ramirez was expressly placed on notice of the formal SEC Intel Real3d Inc and related complaint on March 25, 2009 just days before the Ch. 11 filing herein.
Despite this express notice on March 25, 2009, the April 1, 2009 Ch. 11 filing wholly failed to List the claims of Eliot Bernstein and related claims herein amounting to a Fraud in filing by SGI upon which THIS Court, SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, was duly noticed.
SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn was further upon direct Notice as of April 9, 2009 with my Emergency filing of the existence of ongoing and open investigations involving multiple federal offices including at the USPTO where Harry Moatz, Director of the OED of the USPTO and a federal official had specifically directed me to file Fraud against the USPTO. Further, Moatz assembled a team of patent office officials to work with myself to file to remove all former counsel from the applications and respond to outstanding issues to move the IP into a suspended status. After review of the allegations, the Commissioner of Patents then Suspended various Patent applications herein pending investigation relating to the Trillion Dollar Technologies at issue. Inventor change forms filed to change the fraudulent inventors and certain IP that has falsified inventors were not changeable without an Act of Congress to change existing USPTO privacy policies, Senator Dianne Feinstein has been reviewing these matters, as well as, members of the House Judiciary Committee.
SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn was further placed on express notice of actions by the Office of Inspector General Glenn A. Fine of the US DOJ, pending matters with the OPR of the FBI and the federal whistleblower case of Christine Anderson now heading to trial in the Southern District of NY which my Amended Complaint at the US District Court was marked legally “related” to by District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin.
SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn was further on direct notice that the Debtors SGI had simultaneously moved at the time of filing Ch. 11 on April 1, 2009 to simultaneously Employ as Special Counsel the law firm of Davis Polk Wardell (DPW) and Ropes and Gray, LLP by an application filed on such date by Ropes and Gray, LLP including a Declaration by William Kelly of DPW and that DPW was simultaneously representing the Lockheed Martin Corporation and SGI, the Debtors herein, both of whom were Equity owners in Real3d Inc which was under signed NDA with my technologies and at the heart of my complaints and investigations herein.
Most shockingly, the Declaration of DPW attorney William Kelly places Mr. Kelly as an Inside Officer at SGI during ALL of the Relevant initial years of the Technologies theft with SGI and Real3d Inc. and later as Outside counsel for SGI while at DPW who simultaneously represents Lockheed Martin, the other Company with Intel at the heart of the Technology thefts with Real3dInc and violations of signed NDAs.
Thus, Clear Facial Conflicts appeared on the Records and Dockets of these proceedings certainly as of the date of my Emergency Motion filing on April 9, 2009 and thus SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn should be charged with knowledge of such conflicts as of at least April 9, 2009.
Additional specified conflicts made in writing prior to the Sept. 15, 2009 hearing which have been knowingly, deliberately and intentionally disregarded as part of the wall of conflicts machinery of RICO activity in legal proceedings include DPW further simultaneously representing Lockheed, SGI owners in Real3d Inc, while also simultaneously representing the Financial Accountants KPMG employed by SGI in this Ch. 11 bankruptcy while further representing other major companies under NDA with my technologies such as CIBC and Morgan Stanley creating conflict within conflict herein.
It is noted for Historical reference at this time that the Formal SEC complaint filed in March of 2009 expressly referenced failures to follow FASB No. 5 and similar Accounting Rules in this Trillion dollar fraud. As of the filing of my Emergency Motion on April 9, 2009, the Nation ( United States ) has heard almost daily reports of Financial Fraud and related investigations after the collapse of Wall Street, the $65 Billion plus Madoff fraud, and $8Billion Stanford fraud and more while Davis Polk Wardell simultaneously represents multiple players in the Wall Street debacle and most interestingly Recruited and Hired back to DPW former head of Enforcement at the SEC Linda Chatman Thomsen who left the SEC under fire for the failures that lead to the $65Billion Madoff fraud. Such facts involving the Madoff and SEC and Linda Chatman Thomsen matter were of such public knowledge that SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn should be presumed to have taken judicial notice herein. Published sources claim that Linda Thomsen was recruited back to DPW in April 2009 shortly after my filings herein.
Many threads tie together several of these financial schemes with the Iviewit technologies and companies, including Madoff, Dreier and Stanford, as pled in my federal RICO case, fully incorporated herein by reference, US 2nd Circ. Docket No. ( 08-4873-cv ) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. and USDC SDNY Docket No. ( 07cv11196 ) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
As noted by the US 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in an appeal of a case coming out of Operation Greylord, a massive FBI investigation into Judicial corruption in Cook County of Illinois, the United States Supreme Court “has observed that “[a] fair trial in a fair tribunal is a basic requirement of due process.” In re Murchison, 349 U.S. 133, 136, 75 S.Ct. 623, 99 L.Ed. 942 (1955); see also McBride, 428 F.3d at 667 (”Fairness of course requires an absence of actual bias in the trial of cases…”).” See, Guest v McCann, http://ftp.resource.org/courts.gov/c/F3/474/474.F3d.926.04-3736.html .
28 USC 455 provides in part as follows: “(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”
Disqualification is thus mandatory and shall be compelled where “impartiality might reasonably be questioned”.
SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn is required under the federal Rules of Judicial Conduct as follows:
A. Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all
times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the
judiciary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with
knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. . . . . . . . . . “
At the time of the first hearing in which I participated by Telephonic testimony on May 8, 2009, I, Eliot I. Bernstein, specifically requested On the Record of proceedings for Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, LLP AND THIS Court, Hon. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn, to affirm and disclose affirmatively that no conflicts of interest exist. Also a Conflict of Interest disclosure form was submitted to the Court for review and affirmation or denial of any Conflicts.
Both Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, LLP and Judge Glenn Stood SILENT and knowingly, Intentionally and deliberately failed to affirm or disaffirm if conflicts of interest existed in the proceedings herein.
It was at ALL Times Reasonable then on May 8, 2009 to question the Impartiality of Bankruptcy Judge Glenn for failing to require Special Counsel Ropes & Gray to Affirm or disaffirm conflicts herein and also for the Judge himself to fail to affirm or disaffirm conflicts and it was further reasonable to question Judge Glenn’s commitment to obligations to uphold law since the Court has an affirmative duty to address conflicts in the proceedings and regulate the conduct of the attorneys.
Nonetheless, I Eliot I. Bernstein in most reasonable fashion thereafter specifically outlined in further detail the conflicts of interest which were Facially existent on the Record of Proceedings as of April 9, 2009 by a Response to Special Counsel Ropes & Gray filed Sept. 10, 2009 which noted the Silence of Ropes and Gray and Judge Glenn on May 8, 2009, and again asked for affirmance or denial of conflict and to resolve conflicts prior to proceeding.
Special Counsel Ropes & Gray had been placed on further specified notice by myself in this filing of Sept. 10, 2009 that Ropes and Gray as Lawyers claim to own highly technical Patents in the realm of digital and video imaging which is not only precise part of the area where my Original owner status in Technologies exists, but further that the very nature of the Fraud on the USPTO urged to be filed by Federal official Harry Moatz as Director of the OED of the USPTO involved Fraud in filings and applications by Lawyers and likewise Judge Glenn and Ropes and Gray were informed in Writing by my filing on Sept 10, 2009 that the legally “related” federal Whistleblower case of Christine Anderson heading to trial in the District Court of Judge Scheindlin of the SDNY involved the Iviewit technology matters and systemic public corruption involving the whitewashing of professional complaints of attorneys at the DDC of the NYS First Department.
Yet, despite the prior request orally on May 8, 2009 and the now written motion and specified notice and request of Sept. 10, 2009, Special Counsel Ropes and Gray files a nearly 13 page reply to my response with Judge Glenn and yet STILL fails to affirm or deny conflict and deliberately glosses over and disregards all such matters which are at the heart and core of these proceedings.
At the hearing Sept. 15, 2009 appearing telephonically again, I reiterated and repeated my requests for conflict resolution and disclosure of both Special Counsel Ropes and Gray and Judge Martin Glenn making this the second request Orally now on two separate proceeding dates, May 8, 2009 and Sept. 15, 2009, in addition to the written filings of my Emergency motion dated April 9, 2009 which should have placed Judge Glenn on Notice of the conflicts and my subsequent written motion and response on Sept 10, 2009 which specifically demanded and requested conflict disclosure and resolution and of course the requirements and operation of law and due process necessitating that the Judge be independent, neutral and free from conflict and regulate the proceedings in like manner.
Yet, in what appears to be the Standard Equation or Recipe as it were for RICO and corruption advanced through the machinery of Judicial Office, Judge Martin Glenn has knowingly, deliberately, purposely and intentionally disregarded law, Rule and codes of conduct by issuing an Order on Sept. 15, 2009 in writing which wholly, fully and absolutely disregards the core issues at hand and the requirements of law, the federal Rules of Judicial Conduct and other despite full knowledge of same by Judge Martin Glenn and by merely reciting somewhat meaningless facts to provide the Order with a false appearance of legitimacy.
Under such circumstances, the impartiality of Judge Glenn is reasonably in question along with failure to follow and enforce law including the law of conflicts and thus Judge Martin Glenn is compelled and mandated to Disqualify himself under 28 USC 455, federal Rules of Judicial Conduct, and law from these proceedings and Vacate all orders herein and any act short of this immediate result is a further Obstruction of Justice and actionable due process violation herein.
It is noted that this fraudulent Order of Sept. 15, 2009 contains no mention whatsoever of any request to address conflicts much less any analysis or reason or rationale and the Order therefore lacks a rationale basis and is likewise Void under FRCP 60 and is otherwise void and to be vacated under FRCP Rule 60 as a fraud upon the court and proceedings. More importantly there is no analysis, discussion or portion of the Order which address the Core Fraud and Factual issues contested in the proceedings which necessarily implicate the Conflicts not addressed and include but are not limited to Fraud by SGI in the original 2006 filings and the subsequent Fraud in filings on April 1, 2009 upon recent discovery of entanglement and a Formal SEC Complaint in a Trillion Dollar accounting and related fraud involving equity partners Lockheed Martin and Intel from Real3d Inc.
It is further noted for historical reference that the fraudulent and voidable Order of Judge Martin Glenn dated Sept. 15, 2009 was issued in less than a mere few hours of taking the motions of Eliot I. Bernstein “under advisement” and was issued without even a remote appearance or attempt at a full and fair Hearing which should have mandated Conflict resolution and provision for Discovery on contested issues and mandated an extension and adjournment of time herein.
Moreover such fraudulent and void Order fails to discuss or analyze in any manner the claims of Eliot I. Bernstein and the Specified list of Engineers and Business managers and officers referenced in the Formal SEC complaint of March 25, 2009 involving Real3d Inc, Intel, Lockheed Martin and SGI, the Debtors herein and that the Debtors SGI did not even attempt to advance any engineer or technical person to counter the claims of Eliot Bernstein involving the Technology herein at minimum creating contested factual issues appropriate for discovery and contested adversary proceedings.
It is noted that the actions herein shall be investigated against SDNY Judge Glenn and applicable staff for Title 18 obstruction of justice and related fraud crimes and for due process RICO conspiracy actions.
It is further noted that On the Record of proceedings on Sept. 15, 2009, SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn was affirmatively requested to sign a Conflicts of interest disclosure which he wrongfully refused to affirm or deny.
My Sept. 10, 2009 filing specifically referenced SDNY Bankruptcy Court Operations Manager Mr. Diamond and Staff in relation to my attempts to secure appointment of counsel and other relief herein.
Despite Operations Manager Mr. Diamond indicating he should be consulted for Policies of the SDNY in relation to Appointment of Counsel, in prejudicial manner Judge Glenn disregarded all such matters and requests in a further abuse of discretion herein.
For all the reasons noted herein, and it is further noted that filings before Judge Glenn indicated that SDNY US District Court Judge Scheindlin had called my case a “Murder” case while I alleged formally attempted murder shown by the car bombing of my minivan at my website www.iviewit.tv Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glen shall:
Immediately Disqualify himself from these proceedings and Vacate all Orders herein specifically including the Order of Sept. 15, 2009 and the order denying an injunction and Order approving Sale ( quickest bankruptcy Ch. 11 sale ) and all such Orders herein;
Self Report the conduct herein to all appropriate oversight bodies, Committees, the Judicial Council, the OIG of the DOJ, the US Attorney for the SDNY, the DOJ, the USPTO and OED of the USPTO, applicable NY State and related Bar Associations, the NY AG Public Integrity and related units, the US House and Senate Judiciary Committees, and other;
Immediately stay proceedings upon disqualification pending assignment and transfer to an independent and neutral Bankruptcy Judge;
And for such other and further relief as may be proper.
OF THE DEBTORS TO CLAIM OF ELIOT I. BERNSTEIN ) on this Court, requesting this Court serve all named Plaintiffs, Defendants, Creditors, Debtors and other necessary parties via the United States Marshal Service or other method this Court deems acceptable, or otherwise so reply to me as to the correct parties to further serve for this case with all applicable addressing information.
Proskauer Rose Sued in Stanford Ponzi – Blood Oaths with Regulators – Iviewit Suit “LEGALLY” related to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine Anderson Heading to Trial with Judge Shira Scheindlin
Whistleblower Suit Set for Trial
As the public federal trial of systemic corruption allegations inside the NY State Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department (First Dept) approaches, more bad news for the Proskauer Rose law firm erupted. Last week WSJ reported CFO of Stanford Financial Group, James Davis, involved in the $7 Billion Robert Allen Stanford Ponzi. Davis pleaded Guilty to fed charges while appearing to implicate counsel Proskauer & partner Thomas Sjoblom orchestrating a plan to Obstruct SEC & FBI investigations into Stanford & more. http://blogs.wsj.com/law/2009/08/28/sjoblom-proskauer-rose-face-fallout-from-stanford-affair
Christine C. Anderson a former Staff Attorney at the First Dept filed WHISTLEBLOWER allegations in a fed suit slated for trial Oct 13 in US District Court Southern District NY (USDC), Anderson v State of NY, 07cv09599. http://iviewit.tv/press/press1.pdf
Anderson’s suit set to bring volcanic like testimony involving public office corruption & testimony by officials of the NY State Unified Court system, including Court of Appeals Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, Presiding Judge at the First Dept during the firing of Anderson. Along with Lippman will be Defendants in Anderson, First Dept Supervisor Sherry Cohen, Former Chief Counsel Thomas J. Cahill, Hon John Buckley, David Spokony & Catherine O’Hagen Wolfe, Clerk @ US Second Circuit Court of Appeals (USCA), an initial Anderson defendant in her former job as Clerk for the First Dept, now witness in Anderson. Anderson claims Physical Abuse & Harassment by Cohen for her heroic WHISTLEBLOWING, Anderson gave riveting testimony to the NY Senate Judiciary Committee headed by former Proskauer asst Sen. John L. Sampson. Anderson testimony @ 30min http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HR8OX8uuAbw&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fiviewit%2Etv%2F&feature=player_embedded
Prior to permitting Anderson to trial, Scheindlin marked 7 suits, including Iviewit’s Trillion Dollar suit http://iviewit.tv/press/press3.pdf legally “related” to Anderson.
Proskauer Ties to Stanford, Madoff & Dreier
The Stanford Ponzi investigation may be the card that knocks down the house of cards at Proskauer. Uncovering of the $65 Billion Madoff Ponzi led the SEC & FBI to intensify investigations into Stanford,
Ironically, Sjoblom worked for the SEC & now is implicated in FBI & SEC actions, advising client Stanford on “how” to lie to the SEC. Huffington Post on Feb 20, 09 claims,
Sjoblom, a partner at law firm Proskauer Rose doing work for Stanford’s company’s Antigua affiliate, told authorities that he ‘disaffirmed’ everything he had told them to date…Sjoblom spent nearly 20 years at the SEC, & served as an Asst Chief Litigation Counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement from 1987-1999.
The week after Bernard Madoff was charged with running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Proskauer Rose…offered a telephone briefing on the scandal for its wealthy clients. With only a day’s notice, 1,300 Madoff investors dialed in. ‘This is a financial 9/11 for our clients’, said Proskauer litigation partner Gregg Mashberg…‘People are dying for information.’ http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aO32KOhrPtRw&refer=us
Following the “client” call, investigations began into major “clients” involved in Madoff, Proskauer having perhaps the most Madoff “clients”, many who originally claimed to be victims may now be accomplice. SEC OIG delivered a stinging report on Madoff harshly criticizing lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from WHISTLEBLOWERS & others inside the SEC, for years. http://www.foxbusiness.com/story/markets/industries/government/report-set-criticize-sec-madoff-scheme/
Proskauer has further ties to Madoff according to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. SEC OIG’s report mentions Wood of Proskauer throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failure. http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/2009/oig-509.pdf
Laura Pendergest-Holt, Stanford’s CIO, criminally charged in the Stanford investigation, then filed a civil suit against Proskauer & Sjoblom claiming they “hung her out to dry” before the SEC. Meanwhile, Sjoblom solicited a multi-million dollar retainer from Stanford’s Chairman, A. Stanford, the night before the events with Holt at the SEC. http://www.memphisdailynews.com/editorial/Article.aspx?id=41707
WSJ reports filing of a Class Action suit against Sjoblom & Proskauer in TX after Davis’ incriminating plea agreement implicated Proskauer, seeking damages for the entire $7 Billion in damages for Proskauer’s role Aiding & Abetting,
Snell working for Spitzer at the NY AG when Iviewit filed complaints with the First Dept & NY AG against attorneys involved in the patent thefts. Spitzer a named Defendant in the suit, other Defendants include First Dept, law firms ( Proskauer Rose, Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Schlissel, Foley & Lardner ) & corp defendants include, Intel Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Silicon Graphics, Inc., IBM, MPEG-LA, LLC, Crossbow Ventures, Wayne Huizenga, & many more.
Cease & Desist
Iviewit secured seed funding from billionaire Wayne Huizenga & Crossbow Ventures whose investments were two-thirds SBA funds. Iviewit signed & executed NDAs, licensing agreements & strategic alliances starting in 1998 with many Fortune 1000 companies. Companies with signed agreements include; Real 3D, Inc., ( a consortium of Intel, Lockheed & SGI ) Dell, Wachovia, Warner Bros., AOLTW, Raymond James, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, CIBC World Markets / Oppenheimer, Kodak, Motorola, General Instrument Corporation, Paine Webber, Pequot, Sony, MGM, NCR & more.
Recent formal Cease & Desist & Demand Letters have gone out to major players Intel, Lockheed & SGI, who formed Real 3D, where leading experts & engineers from the companies tested & used the technologies. Iviewit filed a formal complaint to SEC Chairperson, Mary Shapiro against Intel & others. The complaints filed for possible violations of FASB No. 5 resulting from possible failure to report liabilities to Shareholders. Liabilities resulting from the Trillion Dollar suit they are named defendants in & failure to report liabilities resulting from knowing & willful infringement in violation of signed agreements for almost 10 yrs. Accounting for the liabilities should appear in the Annual Report to Stockholders as required under FASB. http://iviewit.tv/press/press4.pdf
Microsoft was issued an Injunction that awarded hundreds of millions in damages to i4i, for willful infringement of technologies embedded in MS Word. The injunction also forces a product recall of ALL products with MS Word since 2003. http://news.idg.no/cw/art.cfm?id=582697AC-1A64-6A71-CE533A73F07D7ED4
Injunction in the Iviewit suit forcing a Cease & Desist & product recall would shut down internet video, reduce digital TV channels by over 75%, recall hardware & software that uses the technologies since 1998, a recall unparalleled in history. The Iviewit matters involve investigations ongoing with the DOJ, DOJ OIG Glenn Fine, Harry Moatz, Director OED US Patent Office, the FBI OPR, the SBA OIG, former US AG Michael Mukasey, current US AG Eric H. Holder, Jr & more. Feb 09 petition to President Barack Obama & Holder @ http://iviewit.tv/press/press5.pdf
While waiting for Wes McKinley the courageous State Representative from Colorado to call-in Carl Person elaborates to Paula Gloria the development of his ideas for the many possible solutions for the difficult times we face, including MyCLads.com Paula points out the problem of iviewit technology the people who developed video compression the imperative technology to allow YouTube to become as valuable as it did
Table I: Federal Securities Class Action Litigation
(substantially related proceedings listed in Table IV, below)
Parties (Defendants/Plaintiffs)
D&O Diary
Stanford Group Company; Stanford Financial Group; Stanford International Bank Ltd; Stanford Capital Management LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James Davis; Laura Pendergast-Holt; Jay Comeaux; Jason Green/ Jerry Adams, Jerry Errington, Ben Gomez, Michael Hicks, on behalf of all persons who purchased securities and CDs sold by defendant Stanfrod between January 1, 2000 and February 17, 2009 {Note: These same plaintiffs filed a substantially identical action in the Northern District of Texas as well, refer here}
(duplicate or substantially related proceedings are listed in Table IV, below)
Parties (Defendants/Plaintiffs)
D&O Diary
Tex. Dist.Ct.
Stanford Group Company; Stanford Financial Group; Stanford Capital Management LLC; Stanford Venture Capital Holdings, Inc.; Stanford Group Holdings, Inc.; Stanford International Bank, Ltd; R. Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laure Pendergast-Holt/ Johan Pieter Dahl, Trustee of the Rocky Mountain Trust
Stanford Group Company; Stanford Financial Group; Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Holdings, Inc.; Stanford Capital Management; R. Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laura Pendergast-Holt; Jay Comeau; Jason Green; John M. Fry; Louis M. Perry/ Robert Conte as Trustee of Corporate Healthcare Management Defined Benefit Plan
Trustmark National Bank; HSBC Bank PLC; The Toronto-Dominion Bank; SG Private Banking (Suisse) S.A.; Bank of Houston/ Peggy Roif Rotstain; Guthrie Abbott; Catherine Burnell; Steven Queyrouze; Jaime Alexis Arroyo Bornstein; Juan C. Olano, on behalf of all individuals who were customers or SIBL
(duplicate or substantially related proceedings are listed in Table IV, below)
Parties (Defendants/Plaintiffs)
D&O Diary
N.D. Tex
Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Group Company; Stanford Capital Management LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laura Pendergest-Holt/Securities and Exchange Commission
R. Allen Stanford/Stanford Financial Group;Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Group Company; Stanford Capital Management LLC; James Davis; Laura Pendergest-Holt/ Jim Sunderji on behalf of purchasers of Stanford International Bank Certificates of Deposit
Securities and Exchange Commission and unknown agents thereof; Unknown Agents of the U.S. Marshal’s Service; Ralph S. Jenney, Appointed Receiver for Stanford International Bank Ltd, et al./Tory Dearmond, Cindy Dore, et al.
Willis of Colorado, Inc.; Willis Group Holdings, Ltd.; Amy Baranoucky; Robert S. Winter; Bowen, Miclette & Britt, Inc./ Samuel Troice; Martha Diaz; Punga Punga Financial Ltd, on behalf of Mexican investors who purchased Certificates of Deposit from Stanford International Bank
The Commonwealth of Antigua and Barbuda/Joan Gale Frank; Jon A. Bell; Samuel Burkinsky; Jamie Alexis Arroyo Bornstein; Peggy Roif Rotstain; Juan C. Olano: John Wade in hiw capacity as Trustee of the Microchip ID System, on behalf of all individuals who, and entities that, as of February 16, 2009, were customers of SIBL, with monies on deposit at SIBL and/or holding CDs issued by SIBL
Glenn Ayarton; Ayrton Financial Inc.; Clearwealth Advisors, Inc.; Clearwealth Adviors, A Partnership; Sora Group Wealth Advisors, Inc.; Sora Group Wealth Advisors A Partnership/Michael Drance; Sylvia Slosel; Mr. Michael Drance, Inc.
Stanford International Bank, Ltd; Stanford Group Company; Stanford Capital Management LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James M. Davis; Laura Pendergast-Holt/ John Cohron on behalf of all persons who purchased CDs from SIB or shares in SIB’s SAS program between February 19, 2004 and February 17, 2009
Stanford Group Company; Stanford Financial Group; Stanford International Bank Ltd; Stanford Capital Management LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James Davis; Laura Pendergast-Holt; Jay Comeaux; Jason Green/ Jerry Adams, Jerry Errington, Ben Gomez, Michael Hicks, on behalf of all persons who purchased securities and CDs sold by defendant Stanfrod between January 1, 2000 and February 17, 2009 {Note: These same plaintiffs filed a substantially identical action in the Southern District of Texas as well, as noted above}
Stanford Group Company; Stanford Financial Group; Stanford International Bank, Ltd.; Stanford Holdings, Inc.; Stanford Capital Management, LLC; R. Allen Stanford; James Davis; Laura Pendergast-Holt/
Sandra Allen on behalf of all persons who purchased securities or certificates of deposit sold by or through defendant Stanford entities from January 1, 2000 through February 17, 2009
Willis of Colorado, Inc.; Willis Group Holdings Ltd.; Amy S. Baranoucky; Robert S. Winter; Bowen, Miclette & Britt, Inc./ Manuel Canabal; Daniel Gomez Ferreiro; Promotora Villa Marino, C.A.
WSJ on the cases, trends and personalities of interest to the business community.
August 28, 2009, 5:42 PM ET
Sjoblom, Proskauer Rose Face Fallout From Stanford Affair
By Amir Efrati
Wow. Plaintiffs’ lawyers work fast!
On Thursday, as we wrote, the former No. 2 executive at Stanford Financial Group pleaded guilty to aiding a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme and appeared to implicate Stanford’s outside lawyer, Tom Sjoblom, in a scheme to obstruct a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into the firm.
Well, lo-and-behold, on the same day, several victims of the fraud filed a class-action lawsuit against Sjoblom (pictured) and his law firm, Proskauer Rose.
The suit, filed in federal court in Dallas, says Sjoblom and Proskauer are liable for $7 billion in damages for aiding and abetting Stanford’s alleged fraud.
According to a story by the NLJ’s Leigh Jones, Proskauer said in a statement that the lawsuit was “legally flawed and factually erroneous.” (Click here for the complaint and scroll to page 19 for the relevant allegations.) Sjoblom’s lawyer, James Cole, declined to comment. Sjoblom hasn’t been criminally charged with any wrongdoing.
The civil suit is largely based on a plea agreement that we mentioned in this post yesterday, which focuses in part of the alleged actions of Sjoblom, who became outside counsel for Stanford’s international bank, based in Antigua in the Caribbean, starting in 2005.
One of the first examples of alleged wrongdoing by Sjoblom and Proskauer involves a 2006 fax sent to Sjoblom by Leroy King, an Antigua banking regulator, whom prosecutors say was being bribed by Stanford to rubber-stamp Stanford’s activities. (King was criminally charged by U.S. prosecutors and could be extradited to the U.S.)
In the fax, King allegedly asked for Sjoblom’s help in crafting a response to a different Caribbean banking regulator who was asking about the firm. The lawsuit states: “Recognizing that he had already been paid through cash bribe payments from Stanford, King concluded the August 1, 2006 facsimile transmission with the following handwritten words: ‘Please do not bill me (laugh), Thanks a million, Lee.”
Let us offer up an observation: Judging from the outcome of a recent and slightly analogous situation, the claims against Proskauer might be a long shot.
In a separate recent case in which a partner at a major law firm was charged and convicted of aiding his client’s fraud, the firm so far hasn’t had to pony up cash, despite the best efforts of members of the plaintiffs’ bar. A former partner at Mayer Brown, Joseph Collins, was convicted earlier this year of helping to cover up fraud at his client, Refco Inc., a commodities broker. A story yesterday by AmLaw Litigation Daily notes that Mayer Brown “succeeded in beating back nearly every attempt to hold it liable in civil suits for the damage caused by Refco’s collapse” in 2005. The commodities broker had hidden $430 million in bad debts from the company’s auditors and investors.
Tuesday’s indictment (click here) in the Stanford Financial Group matter was focused primarily at Laura Pendergest-Holt, the firm’s chief information officer. Pendergest-Holt pleaded not guilty on Thursday to the two charges lodged against her — both related to an alleged plot to obstruct an SEC investigation into the company.
But the indictment also turns up the heat on Proskauer Rose partner Tom Sjoblom, about whom we’ve posted before (here, here and here), and whom Pendergest-Holt herself sued in March. Click here for a story from Business Week on the matter.
The indictment alleges that “Attorney A” (Sjoblom) and others made misleading statements to the SEC in February in order to cause the agency to delay interviewing Allen Stanford and the Stanford CFO about the firm’s financial condition. Sjoblom, the indictment alleges, also misled the SEC by telling the agency that Pendergest-Holt and Stanford’s president would be better witnesses who could offer the agency better information regarding the firm. Sjoblom allegedly said that Stanford and his CFO “were executive level officers who were not involved in the ‘nuts and bolts’ of business operations and could not tell the SEC attorneys about details” of the firm’s assets. The SEC agreed to delay the depositions of Stanford and his CFO.
Sjoblom has not been charged with wrongdoing.
The indictment then alleges that Sjoblom sent an email to Pendergest-Holt and the Stanford CFO regarding the need to tell the SEC about all of the firm’s investments. He wrote that they needed to “rise to the occasion” and that “our livelihood depends on it.”
Later, of course, prosecutors say Pendergest-Holt twice lied during sworn testimony before the SEC by saying she didn’t know about a key part of the firm’s investments, known as Tier III. The value of those investments, purportedly worth billions of dollars, was largely fictional, the trustee of Stanford’s firm said in a recent report.
James Cole, Sjoblom’s attorney, did not immediately return a phone call. We’ll let you know if we hear back.
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Sjoblom got his law degree at something called William Mitchell College of law — no kidding. So what do you expect?
6:24 pm May 14, 2009
anon wrote:
I thought lying to the SEC was the job.
6:50 pm May 14, 2009
Warren Burger, CJ, went to Billy Mitchell wrote:
Let’s not be so snobbish about law schools. There are fine lawyers that graduated from William Mitchell, although I know nothing about Mr. Sjoblom. I don’t understand why anon at 4:46 would smear all graduates of that school. And I’m not defending it because I went to it — actually, my degree is from a Big Ten law school (aka, the best collection of law schools in the country).
9:02 pm May 14, 2009
Ben Matlock wrote:
If Laura Pendergest-Holt is the firm’s chief information officer, she must know everything, right? Not the CEO, not the CFO. Once again, the SEC has shown it is an agency in total collapse, staffed by incompetent clerks who look to indict nobodies while leaving the masterminds alone, if the SEC can. Stanford should have been called before the SEC first, he was running the show. Instead, the SEC calls Laura in, represented by an attorney who tosses her to the wolves. There is a difference between being wrong with the facts and lying, a difference the SEC bureaucrats do not care about when they are looking to indict low hanging fruit. And Laura Pendergest-Holt is some peach, although that is no justification for a homely SEC female functionary to push for poor Laura’s indictment.
6:43 am May 15, 2009
why do they even have law schools wrote:
anybody that went to willy mitchell or a big ten law school is a joke — michigan and northwestern are pretenders and the mid-20 rankings of the also-rans like iowa, minnesota, etc. — are you kidding? so sad.
1:31 pm May 15, 2009
Thank God my name isn’t “Sjoblom” wrote:
What in the name Hades is the derivation of “Sjoblom”?
3:03 pm May 15, 2009
Unwarranted Snobbery wrote:
At 6:43a, the poster says that it is “so sad” that the Big Ten even has law schools. Well, it has eight schools in the top 35. With my Big Ten law degree, over the last 30 years, I’ve trounced lots of people with Top 5 law degrees — too many to count, both in court and in the workplace. I very successfully competed against the Ivies and other so-called T14s (what a joke to try to separate those from the rest!) when I was at a federal agency, and I very successfully compete with them now that I am a partner at a Top 20 law firm. The joke is on the poster, who thinks that his/her T14 degree gives some clear advantage. Don’t look in the mirror — you’re about to be run over by someone with a degree that is not T14. Then go and whine that “they just don’t get it.” Correct: we just don’t get it.
4:23 pm May 15, 2009
Sjoblom wrote:
1:31 asks the derivation of “Sjoblom.” It’s obviously Norwegian. Great name. Love those Norwegian names.
3:12 pm August 20, 2009
Eliot Bernstein wrote:
Investors who have been burned in these scams should start to seek redress from the lawyers who were involved with these scams. I personally have been trying to notify regulators and authorities of a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR scam that is putting states like New York and Florida at huge risk, as well as, companies like Intel, Lockheed, SGI and IBM. The states and companies involved in the fraud fail to acknowledge the risk exposing shareholders and citizens to impending liabilities. Investigators, courts and federal agents ignoring the crimes and evidence, including a car-bombing attempt on my life. I know how Harry Markopolos felt trying to expose Madoff in a world without regulation.
Did I hear Proskauer Rose is involved in Madoff (involved many clients too) and acted as Allen Stanford’s attorney. Investors who lost money in these scams should start looking at the law firm Proskauer’s assets for recovery. First, Proskauer partner Gregg Mashberg claims Madoff is a financial 9/11 for their clients, if they directed you to Madoff sue them. Then, Proskauer partner Thomas Sjoblom former enforcement dude for SEC and Allen Stanford attorney, declares PARTY IS OVER to Stanford employees and advises them to PRAY, this two days before SEC hearings. Then at hearings, he lies with Holt to SEC saying she only prepared with him but fails to mention Miami meeting at airport hanger. Then Sjoblom resigns after SEC begins investigation and sends note to SEC disaffirming all statements made by him and Proskauer, his butt on fire. If you were burned in Stanford sue Proskauer.
Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and Michael Grebe (former RNC Counsel, Bradley Foundation CEO and Former Foley CEO) are also in a TRILLION dollar FEDERAL LAWSUIT legally related to a WHISTLEBLOWER CASE also in FEDERAL COURT. Marc S. Dreier, brought in through Raymond A. Joao of Meltzer Lippe after putting 90+ patents of mine in his own name, is also a defendant in the Federal Case.
The Trillion Dollar suit according to Judge Shira Scheindlin is one of PATENT THEFT, MURDER & A CAR BOMBING. For graphics on the car bombing visit http://www.iviewit.tv.
The Federal Court cases
United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket 08-4873-cv – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT
Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY
(07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT
(07cv11196) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
(07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al.,
(08cv00526) Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.,
(08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al.,
(08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al.,
(08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al., and,
(08cv4053) Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
(08cv4438) Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
( ) John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York
A patent holding company has sued Foley & Lardner, claiming that the law firm disclosed confidential patent information learned during settlement talks.
The suit claims Foley & Lardner used the information to file a lawsuit on behalf of its client, Japanese electronics manufacturer Kyocera, according to The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times and the Am Law Litigation Daily. The Kyocera suit sought a declaratory judgment that it did not infringe the patents of the holding company, SPH America.
SPH America had earlier sued Kyocera for infringement of a different patent used in cell phone technology. The new suit says SPH disclosed in confidence during settlement negotiations that it also held patent rights for 3G wireless technology, but it did not plan to sue Kyocera over those patents. Kyocera’s discovery judgment action concerned the 3G technology, but was not filed under seal, according to the BLT summary of the SPH suit.
The SPH suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. SPH America was formed in 2008 by a former associate at Fish & Richardson.
June 08, 2009 NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing – Testimony of Christine C, Anderson Whistleblower from the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department testifies second. Eliot Bernstein was to testify minutes later when the NY Senate Coup took down the capital building of communications and power, closing the hearings before the Iviewit Patentgate story could be told. The hearings show a deep and penetrating corruption of the New York Court System and Attorney Disciplinary.
For VIDEO of the HEARINGS @ http://iviewit.tv/20090608nysjudiciaryhearing/index.htm
Proskauer lays off 35 associates and 25 staff Legal Week by Zach Lowe – December 5, 2008
Proskauer Rose is laying off 35 associates and 25 administrative staff, reports The Am Law Daily. The news was announced in a memo, sent out by the firm yesterday (4 December), although which offices or practice areas will suffer the most is not specified. The New York firm said the layoffs are due to both the economic crisis and the “unprecedented reduction in our historical lawyer attrition rate.” Proskauer launched an office in London last year with hire of Matthew Hudson, the former head of O’Melveny & Myers’ City arm. In September, the firm also secured its long-awaited Asia launch after hiring a two-partner team in Beijing from Heller Ehrman. Proskauer has been one of the most upwardly-mobile practices in the US in recent years, successfully expanding beyond its core employment practice into a stronger corporate profile. During the last two weeks a raft of US firms have made layoffs, including Reed Smith, White & Case, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, while firms including Cravath Swaine & Moore and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett have cut back associate bonuses.
On Friday, August 24, 2007, we ran “Justice Department Widens ‘Patentgate’ Probe Buried by Ethics Chief Thomas J. Cahill:
In a letter dated July 16, 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Professional Responsibility, announced from its Washington, D.C. headquarters that it was expanding its investigation into a bizarrely stalled FBI investigation that involves an almost surreal story of the theft of nearly 30 U.S. Patents, and other intellectual property, worth billions of dollars. The probe reaches some of New York’s most prominent politicians and judges, and has already proven to be a stunning embarrassment to the State’s ethics watchdog committees. (Click here to see the July 16, 2007 letter “D.O.J. Widens Patentgate Probe”)
The Fox and the Hen House
It was only recently exposed in July that the underlying “Patentgate” inquiries were effectively buried, or derailed, under the leadership of Manhattan’s top State ethics Chief Counsel, Thomas J. Cahill, Esq. Mr. Cahill’s “retirement” was then quickly announced after his own ethical failings in the Patentgate matter, along with other ethics complaints that were made, became known.
While no one can exactly figure out how inquiries under Mr. Cahill’s charge went so awry, one thing is certain. At the same time the Patentgate probes were being secreted by state officials in New York, the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent bar increased their own investigation into the same matter implicating the same attorneys. (Note: Mr. Cahill’s replacement was recently decided, and an announcement is expected as early as next week by the Appellate Division, First Department Presiding Justice, Jonathan Lippman.)
The defrauded company is called “Iviewit” – pronounced, “I-view-it.” The company’s internet site originally advertised their groundbreaking technology. Now, the opening page of the company website (www.iviewit.tv) displays unsettling photographs of the inventor’s family vehicle after it was bombed.
“This is quite serious,” says an investigator close to the federal probe. “The charges allege that valuable ‘back-bone enabling digital imaging technology’– MPEG type intellectual property– was stolen by the inventor’s own attorneys, the once-untouchable Manhattan based law firm Proskauer Rose. This is going to get very ugly,” he says.
Members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Judiciary Committees have known about the Iviewit investigation since about September of 2006, and it is in our nation’s capital where the matter quickly earned its moniker “Patentgate.” And the story was also globally known in technical, Intellectual Property circles. But the big question remains: how did such an explosive story like Patentgate stay off every mainstream media’s radar screen—especially in New York.
“I know how,” says a retired federal agent who asked not to be identified. “Phone calls were made—many phone calls. Plain and simple.” And while this retired federal agent isn’t surprised by the apparent “cover-up,” he is alarmed by his own findings after a month-long independent review of all submitted Iviewit papers. “I can’t find one discrepancy in the allegations, not one unsubstantiated charge,” he says. “For one, you have the highest state courts in New York white-washing this thing with ‘unpublished’ rulings. And then you have state ethics committees contradicting themselves– in writing, no less. It’s a complete meltdown,” he concludes. “The broken system appears to have finally fallen apart.”
“Iviewit was been radio-active from day one,” says one prosecutor who asked not to be named. “Considering who was involved, you know the phones were ringing off the hook, and with a simple directive: ‘don’t go near it’ (an inquiry).” He believes, however that a serious shake-up is imminent. “The powers that be can’t contain this story anymore—it’s out, U.S. Senators and Congressman are talking about it. This involves national Commerce issues: attorneys stealing U.S. Patents from their own client, and the illegal failings of a state’s ethics agency by its own cover-up, and selective, self-dealing, politically-based inaction. Patentgate appears to have exposed the true, and troubling, underbelly of ethics investigations in New York State. And its not pretty.”
Additional Background Information
The original complaint involving Thomas Cahill and the Proskauer Rose law firm has been “pending” since February of 2004. The Cahill Proskauer Complaint is a high priority for the new State Chief Administrative Judge, the Honorable Ann T. Pfau.
The Cahill Proskauer issue became a hot topic in Washington, D.C. in early 2007 at the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and the U.S. Department of Commerce (The United States Patent and Trademark Office). And it has specifically caught the attention of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and U.S. House Representatives John D. Dingell and Nita Lowey. The Cahill Proskauer Scandal involves many allegations: the alleged theft by Proskauer of numerous U.S. Patents from their own client; claimed losses over 10 years on a trillion dollar technology pool that has affected all forms of digital imaging and video; and the March, 2005 bombing in Boynton Beach, Florida of the inventor-client-complainant’s family mini-van.
It is alleged that Mr. Cahill masterminded the scheme to indefinitely delay complaints against Proskauer Rose, himself, and former New York State Bar Association President and Proskauer partner Steven C. Krane, Proskauer Partner Kenneth Rubenstein, chief counsel for MPEGLA, and attorney Raymond Joao of Yonkers. It is also alleged that attorney Steven C. Krane initially interceded, with Mr. Cahill’s knowledge and consent, in handling disciplinary complaints involving himself at the same time he was associated with the 1st Department in Manhattan. Attorney Krane’s conflicts were exposed when officials from the Iviewit company contacted Katherine O’Hagan Wolfe, who contradicted Cahill’s statements and Krane’s written denial of his 1st Dept roles. Ms. O’Hagan Wolfe advised that she was, in fact, on a Committee at the 1st Dept with both Cahill and Krane, and that they even had a meeting that same night.
The various Cahill Proskauer issues bounced around under the public radar screen at the Court of Appeals in Albany and were ultimately transferred from the 1st Department to the 2nd Department in Brooklyn. This was done after 5 justices of the 1st Dept ruled unanimously to investigate Krane, Rubenstein and Joao for conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety after their review of the 1st Department complaint. The Cahill inquiry is apparently “still pending” under attorney Martin R. Gold who, insiders say, was directed to “sit on it…forever.” Earlier this year, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. assigned additional agents to the Public Integrity Corruption squad at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, and where agents have been actively conducting interviews.
Anonymous said… YOU CAN’T MAKE THIS SHIT UP, EVEN IF YOU WANTED TO…THIS IS TOO SURREAL..BUT, WAIT,STAY TUNED.. BECAUSE NEW YORK IS ABOUT TO BE ROCKED…THE BIGGEST THUGS ARE ABOUT TO FALL AND REAL HARD..GO TO JAIL..DIRECTLY TO JAIL AND DON’T PASS GO..HE WHO LAUGHS LAST, LAUGHS BEST…HA-HA-HA-HA-HA December 6, 2008 8:10 AM Happy Retirement said… WAIT a minute here…Wasn’t Chief Judge Judith Kaye married to the main Partner of Proskauer & Rose..and he’s recently passed away? HUGE PROBLEM HERE…I smell a RAT..a BIG DIRTY RAT..I wonder how Judge Kaye’s going to look in stripes? Wow, what a way to have to spend the rest of one’s life, behind JAIL CELL BARS..HAPPY RETIREMENT JUDGE KAYE December 6, 2008 8:17 AM Anonymous said… Is Saint Andrew going to defend the witch, Kaye and her gaggle of vipers. Why wasn’t Saint Andrew doing his elected work for the people? Saint Andrew was informed of the corruption by his boss, the people, but Saint Andrew apparently acts on his higher duty as Patron Saint of crooked lawyers and judges. December 6, 2008 9:12 AM ex p.r. emp. said… you don’t the half of it. just the tip of the iceberg at PR. i know, i worked there! December 6, 2008 11:44 AM gopher said… this couldn’t happen to a nicer group! free us from lawyers and this country would be better! December 6, 2008 12:37 PM Anonymous said… they bombed the minivan?
ATF does not fool around someone should have been arested imidiatly for something like that.
When the mob has done things like that the govt was quick to find out who did it and prosecute.
People should have already bennsent to jail. I think the Senators should have already done something about this beside taking campaign donations from law firms. December 6, 2008 12:41 PM hmmmmm, hic said… Proskauer Rose was alway$ very appreciative, if you know what I mean ($$) of DDC employee$ Tom Cahill and $herry Cohen…. $omehow the Manhattan attorney ethic$ committee, where the drunkards Cahill and Cohen drink, er, worked, always seemed to loose complaint$ again$t Pro$kauer Ro$e lawyer$. December 6, 2008 1:18 PM P. Stephen Lamont, CEO Iviewit, Lead Appellant 08-4873-cv said… ex p.r. emp. — tell us more!! December 6, 2008 10:50 PM CompuSerb said… Proskauer Rose LLP attorney Navid Soleymani conspired in theft and destruction of Court Documents and then committed Misprision of Felony, see Indisputable Evidence. January 2, 2009 1:23 PM
On Thursday, January 10, 2008, U.S. Federal District Court Judge Shira A. Scheindlin directed that the 1.5 Billion dollar Iviewit “patentgate” case, filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York on December 12, 2007, be assigned to her court.
Allegations of covering-up and whitewashing complaints against favored attorneys find both cases seeking the appointment of a federal monitor to take over New York’s statewide attorney ethics committees. A third lawsuit, filed December 28, 2007, is currently under review by Judge Scheindlin to be designated as an associated case in the state ethics scandal, Tammany Hall II.
Federal Magistrate Judge Douglas F. Eaton has also been assigned to both the Anderson and Iviewit matters.
In another order, signed January 9, 2008, Judge Scheindlin directed U.S. Marshals to serve the Iviewit lawsuit on the listed defendants.
Anonymous said… This should make the DDC and OCA sweat more than they have been…this is the big push needed for invasion into the operation of the NY STATE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION and their operations for at least the past 17 yrs…the DE-KAYE reign! God, this is a blessing for all NY STATE TAXPAYERS AND VICTIMS OF THE FRAUDULENT CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR OF the most sacred of government entities in this country…the COURT SYSTEM! January 12, 2008 10:16 AM Anonymous said… I pray that you’re right. The whole system has been Teflon coated for so long, most of us (read: victims) gave up hope a long time ago, and are waiting in the wings dreaming of vindication.”Life being what it is, one dreams of revenge.”
- Paul Gauguin January 12, 2008 11:51 AM Anonymous said… I’ll believe it when i see it happen…These thugs are invincible, and very well protected. January 12, 2008 2:17 PM Anonymous said… No one is invincible or that well protected..opportunities eventually find one person that can originate the fall…Rome remembers!
Thugs that flip from law enforcers to criminals cannot psychologically perfect the two! January 12, 2008 2:30 PM Anonymous said… I’ve been reading this blog for months but have never left a comment until now.I’ve known about the corruption in the NYS courts for many years as my husband worked as a judge’s law secretary until he retired last year.Maybe- just maybe -there is hope with this Federal Justice Scheindlin. January 12, 2008 3:31 PM manhattan surrogate court victim said… I too filed complaints against attorneys in the 1st Dept., the result being that Thomas Cahill double talked me. I always wonder why, what was going on. Now I can understand a little. It was all corrupt, the fix was in. As a direct result I gave up and never filed a complaint against the Surrogage Judge which I should have done. I will try to join this law suit also. God Bless Judge Scheindlin January 14, 2008 2:16 PM Anonymous said… How complaints against attorneys or law firms were buried over the years? One can only guess at how many complaints against Judges received the same fare. January 16, 2008 10:36 PM
Tammany Hall II, Public Corruption Scandal Grows – by $1.5 BillionNumerous reports confirm the hearing quickly turned extraordinary.
Federal Judge Scheindlin first read into the record a list of 8 different people from around the world who had copied the court on various correspondence concerning the New York Ethics Scandal and their support for the appointment of a federal monitor.
Posted by Corrupt Courts Administrator at 11:31 AM
panaramic view said… This is a good start! I’ll be watching. December 13, 2007 11:44 AM iviewit fan said… I can’t wait to see the Iviewit filing. December 13, 2007 2:09 PM Dirk Raat the Netherlands said… Excellent news! Let the lawsuits fly in! Overhere, in the Netherlands, I am still working on a amended ethics grievance — against Melvyn Weiss and associates at Milberg Weiss — which will reveal, in most obvious terms, that the Disciplinary Committee whitewashed the ethics grievance against Mel Weiss. My case is not a billion dollar issue, though I will hold the Disciplinary Committee responsible for their severe negligence [tort] in my case. Secondly: I have a surprise due for judge Greenaway in the Genta litigation:-)) Stay tuned! December 13, 2007 2:55 PM ny attorney said… I was present for part of the Anderson v. State matter, then it was annouced that Mr. S. Lamont/Iviewit had just filed this case – WOW! Even the Judge took note! From what I could see there were some other folks that additionally wanted to join in. Good Luck it looks to be interesting. December 13, 2007 3:40 PM Anonymous said… Here is hoping NYC gives a big push to cases filed in areas outside of it! It should be more impactful if federal court sees cases filed against OCA AGENCIES ALL OVER THE STATE! Good luck to all of what is going on in NYC! December 13, 2007 4:42 PM Anonymous said… just take a look at the list of employees over thier. Just look at
at the racial diversity of Manhattan and then look at how few minoritys that work thier.
Look at how they hire people not by qualifications by who they know to get in.
IF any private company had such a small percentage of minoritys they probably would be sued and forced to become equal opertunity employers. December 13, 2007 4:50 PM writing on the wall said… That’s the way the big law firms especially the “white Shoe” ones get to control the system and get away with all their criminal doings – they don’t want any n*****s in the wood pile! December 13, 2007 8:31 PM Anonymous said… Is the State of New YOrk standing up for the crooks now? Is part of a coverup? December 13, 2007 9:34 PM appalled said… I’ve seen the website on “Iviewit” the ones that filed this federal suit, man it’s wild! There are pictures of this guy Bernstein’s car that the lawyers/thugs blew-up! This is serious dude! December 13, 2007 9:54 PM Promising… said… Luisa Esposito said…I was there and I think Honorable Scheindlin was great. Hopefully they’ll assign federal monitoring and Justice will PREVAIL…. December 13, 2007 10:33 PM Shyster Busters.. said… Thank God for CorruptCourts..how else would we know what these shysters were up to. December 13, 2007 10:36 PM Anonymous said… Lord only knows what else these creeps got away with… people were too afraid to go against these monsters and bullies, therefore, never reporting it..or reported it and it was swept under the rug. December 13, 2007 10:41 PM Anonymous said… i want to see Cahill and Cohen in handcuffs for all the damage that they have done to good people! December 13, 2007 11:31 PM Anonymous said… oops, I meant exposecorruptcourts..typo December 14, 2007 7:00 AM Anonymous said… Can’t wait to see the complaint against the woman that was sexually abused by her attorney Allen H. Isaac and how they are protecting him..He should be behind bars and disbarred..but yet he continues to practice law..go figure..he’s got the DDC in his pocket also…I hope she exposes their corruption in her lawsuit, so that all could see how the DDC even protects sexual predators. December 14, 2007 7:15 AM visitor said… While surfing I came across this blog which is very good. It is even more important because approximately 6 years ago I filed several complaints against attorneys in the 1st Dept. that just died. I kept calling speaking with various people including Mr. Thomas Cahill and all I was told was to resend the complaints because they could not find them, they had been lost. After the 5th time I gave up! Reading all this I now have a pretty good handle on what happened. December 14, 2007 9:52 AM Anonymous said… OCA cannot get away with anything more. Shortly, some DISCOVERY will be expressed, exposed and manifested…much to the stupidity and arrogance of their legal dept and ATTY JOHN J. SULLIVAN, ESQ. What is included in this document is going to be A ball buster and shock for these losers! OCA never knew what went on upstate for years! The type of people, the events and finally the judicial actions taken without any knowledge of all of this ( only an attempt by NYC employees and judiciary to protect the ethnicity and political status of these hacks), will be a JOY to present! MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR jan 2, 2008! December 14, 2007 9:58 AM Anonymous said… When is the NY TImes going to FULLy run a story on the corruption. December 14, 2007 11:31 AM Anonymous said… IS THIER GOING to be a public hearing on January 2, 2008?the fedral building on Pearl st
someone posted a comment.
IF YES, please post the information
that should be good December 15, 2007 12:50 AM
History in the making, folks. Tammany Hall Part II is in full swing. See Iviewit’s November 23, 2007 Press Release….MORE….
Press Release
November 23, 2007
For Immediate Release:
United States of America (Press Release ) November 23, 2007 — In an explosive $80 Million federal lawsuit http://www.iviewit.tv/CCA-2-amended.pdf a staff attorney at the New York Supreme Court claims officials whitewashed Iviewit complaints against Proskauer Rose, Steven C. Krane, Esq. (former NYSBA Pres & clerk to Chief Judge Judith Kaye) & other high ranking NY Supreme Court officers. The inside whistleblower also claims she was physically assaulted & then terminated to keep Iviewit claims of fraud on the US Patent Office and other government agencies buried.
The New York Law Journal @ http://www.law.com/jsp/article.jsp?id=1193648632218 and The New York Times @ http://www.nytimes.com/2007/11/01/nyregion/01suit.html?ref=nyregion reported on a federal lawsuit claiming high ranking members on the New York Supreme Court, purposely and with intent to cover-up for other high ranking court officials, caused the whitewashing of complaints against attorneys and senior court officials who committed hosts of state, federal, and international crimes against a multiplicity of governmental agencies, and in fact, threatened and coerced Plaintiff Anderson, including wrongfully terminating her and physical assault, for voicing concern that there was irrefutable evidence of wrongdoings by the attorneys and court officials to cover up the crimes committed against the United States.
In the lawsuit http://www.iviewit.tv/CCA-2-amended.pdf filed on October 27, 2007 in the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, filed as Christine C. Anderson v. The State of New York, et. al. S.D.N.Y., October 27, 2007 the Plaintiff affirmatively claims support by the Iviewit matters of patent sabotage, FRAUD ON THE UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, intellectual property theft, and an attempted murder perpetrated by, among others, the once respected Proskauer Rose LLP and its members Kenneth Rubenstein, Steven C. Krane, (former New York State Bar President, former clerk to Chief Judge Judith Kaye), Chief Judge Judith Kaye and her late Proskauer partner husband Stephen Kaye, Christopher C. Wheeler, Foley & Lardner LLP led by its former Chairman and former Republican National Committee, Chief Counsel, Michael C. Grebe and others.
In that lawsuit, the Plaintiff factually alleges that:
Upon information and belief, defendants also state that the timing of the, Plaintiff’s abrupt firing was connected to the newly circulated revelations concerning Cahill’s status as an individually named defendant in a lawsuit entitled In the Matter of Complaints Against Attorneys and Counselors-At-Law; Kenneth Rubenstein-Docket 2003.0531; Raymond Joao-Docket 2003.0532; Steven C. Krane- Docket 2004.1883; Thomas J. Cahill- Special Inquiry #2004.1122; and the Law Firm of Proskauer Rose, LLP; filed by Eliot I. Bernstein, Pro Se and P. Stephen Lamont Both Individually and On Behalf of Shareholders of: Iviewit et. al., Petitioners. [Iviewit's].petition was filed in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, Appellate Division: First Department.
** M3212 Raymond A. Joao and Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Schlissel and,
** Thomas J. Cahill – Special Inquiry #2004.1122 – Cahill was transferred for Special Inquiry and Investigation to Martin Gold per First Dept rules.
Original First Dept Complaints:
** Kenneth Rubenstein – Docket 2003.0531 First Department, ** Raymond Joao – Docket 2003.0532 First Department, ** Steven C. Krane – Docket 2004.1883 First Department, ** the Law Firm of Proskauer Rose, LLP and, ** the Law Firm of Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe and Schlissel
Additionally, and similar to the NYLJ and the NYT, as reported in an article aptly titled “Justice Department Widens ‘Patentgate’ Probe Buried by Ethics Chief Thomas J. Cahill” @ http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2007/08/justice-dept-widens-patentgate-probe.html the Iviewit inquiries have reached the highest levels of New York & Washington political circles and into many judicial chambers as well.
The original inquiries revealed that New York ethics Chief Counsel Thomas J. Cahill of the First Department Disciplinary Committee whitewashed investigations, which recently led to his abrupt departure.
In a letter dated July 16, 2007, H. Marshall Jarret’s office, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Professional Responsibility, announced from its Washington, D.C. headquarters that it was expanding its investigation into a bizarrely stalled FBI and US Attorney investigation, initiated in 2001, that involves the theft from Iviewit of nearly 30 patents, trademarks and other intellectual properties, with an estimated value of a trillion dollars. The OPR investigation was sparked by a request from the DOJ – OIG, Inspector General Glenn Fine’s Office whom is also conducting an ongoing investigation. The patent pending applications and other IP have been suspended by the Commissioner of Patents pending the outcome of ongoing state, federal and international investigations. The probe reaches some of New York’s most prominent politicians and judges, and has already proven to be a stunning embarrassment to the State’s ethics watchdog committees.
As a backdrop to the technologies in question, Mr. Bernstein’s inventions, the Iviewit video scaling and image overlay systems, are the backbone, enabling technologies for the transmission of video and images across almost all transmission networks and viewable on all display devices, an elegant upstream solution (towards the content creator) of reconfiguring video frames to unlock bandwidth, processing, and storage constraints — the “Holy Grail” inventions of the digital imaging and video worlds that enable low bandwidth video on the Internet and mobile phones.
As previously reported, the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Judiciary Committee(Representative John Dingell, Chair of the Energy & Commerce Committee forwarded the Iviewit matters to John Conyers, Chair of the House Judiciary Committee for investigation) have known about the Iviewit investigation since about September of 2006. Sen. Dianne Feinstein’s office is also championing the Iviewit cause. The story is globally known in technical and intellectual property circles, with ongoing investigations at international patent offices such as the European Patent Office as well.
Full information available @ http://www.iviewit.tv/, including full pertinent documentation and images of the car bombing attempt on inventor Bernstein’s life.
Eliot I. Bernstein & P. Stephen Lamont
Iviewit Technologies, Inc.
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. http://www.iviewit.tv/
About Iviewit Technologies, Inc. and Iviewit Holdings, Inc., Iviewit’s innovative patent pending imaging and video technologies deliver to millions of people around the world digital video and images every day. Founded in 1998 by Eliot I. Bernstein, Jude Rosario and Zakirul Shirajeee, Iviewit’s core backbone technologies deliver video and images to top web properties in all major global markets enhancing the overall web experience for users. For more information, visit www.iviewit.tv . Currently the Iviewit patent pending applications have been suspended by the USPTO pending investigations by state, federal and international authorities concerning
the theft of the IP by patent attorneys charged with filing them.
For more information:
39 Little Ave
Red Bluff, CA 96080
Visit our website: http://iviewit.tv
Eliot Bernstein & P. Stephen Lamont
Visit author’s site
Proskauer Rose
New York Times
New York Law Journal Steven C. Krane
New York
AMAZED said… You can’t make this stuff up….these people (mostly lawyers) steal things and get away with it through the Courts…..they should all go to JAIL. November 24, 2007 4:16 PM Anonymous said… Hang all these son of bitches November 24, 2007 5:11 PM Anonymous said… I’m and attorney and I’m numb. A friend referred me to this site this morning and I’ve read a few stories. There are some very serious issues here. All of this is VERY concerning: the DDC and Iviewit allegations, just to start… November 24, 2007 6:46 PM Anonymous said… This guy Bernstein, the lawyers had a hit out on, do you believe it? They blewup his car. It’s only right Bernstein should see some people and put out a hit on all of them. What comes around goes around. Screw them all November 24, 2007 9:35 PM Anonymous said… This guy Bernstein, the lawyers had a hit out on, do you believe it? They blewup his car. It’s only right Bernstein should see some people and put out a hit on all of them. What comes around goes around. Screw them all November 24, 2007 9:35 PM Anonymous said… Sara Jo Hamilton also need to be looked into by the feds.
I was told the EEOC could not look into the DDC a few years ago. Hopefully with the lawsuit maybe the EEOC will look into it.
It is amazing that these people have unions. In the lawsuit it says that they have a union.
I do not understand
in the lawsuit it says they are union workers. If they work for the State jobs should be open and competitive. They also should be held to standards that other state employess are held to. They are
state jobs that are not equal oppertunity, that are not open to
all who qualify regardless of race and other influences.
If it the Unified court system writting the checks. What does the Unified Court system and the State answering questions about who they hire at the DDC?Spitzer should get involved.
He claims he is going to clean up Albany. November 25, 2007 3:06 AM From the top to the bottom said… First he needs to look at what judicial favors are coming out of Cuomo’s office. November 25, 2007 8:34 AM nys taxpayer said… If the Feds have dropped the ball on this one where is our fighting Attorney General Andrew Cuomo? November 25, 2007 11:30 AM always in the know about the courts and unions said… First of all, the EEOC is a massive hack office of the federal gov.! they told me i did not have a case and i knew i did from a past federal action and my extensive experience and education from OCA….THANK you OCA! I FORCED THEM to investigate (WNY) and maryanne drabczyk, eeoc, did… an i’m screwing you, lazy girl attempt from her desk and telephone to OCA’S hack and admin. heads, and then made outrageous, untrue, lies and statements in writing. Butt, funny she did give me the right to sue letter. for the second phase of my case, termination by OCA, she pretended she would just send a right to sue letter immediately to my home…. acting sweet as liquor. but after consultation with andrew eisenberg, non-judicial admin., for chief judge sharon townsen, 8th dist., from OCA, she sucker punched me and sent it to the washington bureau of the dept of justice, DOJ, first, for their approval…hoping they would see that no investigation was done and, not knowing that she sent me a right to sue a few months prior, they, the dept of justice would reject it! BUT…. i got word from my excellent investigative sources that she did this and i called DC and gave DOJ THE MANY details they needed…. and soon after i got the right to sue letter!!!! EEOC does business with OCA through the STATE division of human rights and, therefore will do whatever they can to negate your complaints about any agency within OCA..no matter how serious they are. EEOC needs to be investigated also ,and they are part of my federal complaint… they will always work with NY courts behind your back! always file and force them to investigate, even if they accuse you of taping them? huh?..oh yes, until they give you the right to sue letter!
as far as the unions….CSEA is in collusion with OCA….fact! CSEA’S only interest is securing small cost of living raises for its dues paying brothers and sisters, while spending the other 3 years playing with each other…check out what they do in their offices and how they pretend to represent you, when they ‘never” “WIN any cases that don’t include a bunch of employees….singulair cases take play time and play money from CSEA big shots and, allows OCA to play hardball at contract time!….right donahue?! CSEA and OCA are in concert with pillow talk! November 25, 2007 1:04 PM victim said… The system doesn’t work! It has been hijacked by gangsters and is not responsive to the people. November 25, 2007 11:45 PM Anonymous said… Hi,I am Luisa Esposito, my story is listed on October 10, and October 11, 2007.(Esq. sex scandal). I cannot believe what is going on with our Judicial System, Police Departments, District Attorney’s Office, etc. After reading what happened to Mr. Bernstein,and Ms. Anderson, it leads me to believe that all of my conspiracy theories might be valid. I along with Mr. Bernstein and Ms. Anderson, have substantial evidence of a possible cover-up within the DDC Dept.and other Agencies. I was allegedly sexually abused by my former Attorney Allen H. Isaac, Esq.I presented my evidence, DVD Audi-Video tape with Mr. Isaac’s admissions on it to the District Attorney’s Office along with witnesses.I was victimized by the Chief of the Sex Crimes Unit,she had me in tears for approx. 3 hours. My evidence was never presented to the Grand Jury. I went to the Manhattan Special Victims Squad and the Detective told me “Mr. Isaac was getting arrested”. The Police Report reads “Felony, Sexual Abuse, Wanted Allen H. Isaac. Will Prosecute, Yes”.The Detective told me” favors were getting called in and they were not allowing the arrest”. Thus Far, there has not been an arrest. Attorney Anthony Denaro sent a letter to Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly, a Notice and Demand to arrest on reported “Felony level Sexual Abuse”. In addition,i filed a complaint at the DDC in 2005, and could not believe what i was experiencing at the hands of these proceedings.The DDC transcribed my DVD Audio-video tape which had numerous ommissions regarding pertinent and critical conversations. They told me i could not have an Attorney present during the hearings, they were not submitting the Police Report into evidence,witnesses on my behalf were not getting called in to corroborate my complaint. An Intern that worked for Mr. Isaac came forward saying that this was not an isolated incident, the Office staff warned her to steer clear of him. She was not getting called in as a witness.The harrassment i experienced at their hands was beyond believable. My testimony was blackened out with magic marker, after i tried to address my concerns about the hearings. Why is our system failing us, Is it Greed, Money, Power? God Bless us all, let’s band together as citizen’s to try and stop all of this corruption.Go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UJlvm7-56S4 and listen to my video and read the comments. November 26, 2007 11:05 AM Anonymous said… Mr. Bernstein, I admire your courage and fortitude. This Country is full of cowards, they allow these animals and thiefs to steal our souls from us.That is why they continue to get away with lying, stealing, and corrupting our system. Hang in there, i hope they lock up all of these bums, and throw away the key. November 26, 2007 2:11 PM so sick of the office of court administration! said… Our judicial system is failing and in full participation of many forms of conspiracy, because there is no accountability, tons of greed and way too much power given to weak and cowardly people with mental issues! The only salvation is for the masses to come together and demand a federal investigation, national media coverage and removal of the top administraters…Kaye goes first and foremost,along with Lippman and Plumadore!I am hoping this will begin by the beginning of 2008! People please get MAD!!!!!! November 26, 2007 5:46 PM Anonymous said… I’ve read Anderson’s amended complaint, and I’ve read Iviewit’s press release, which is, at various parts, factually inaccurate.But Iviewit is correct about one thing: heads need to role on what happened to them. November 26, 2007 7:24 PM where the hell am I said… How can you trust a government that allows this? They certainly make it difficult to debate with my european and canadian friends on these and various other issues.It’s a joke!! Hard to defend my country and it’s system with crap like this!! November 27, 2007 12:49 PM Anonymous said… What was ray joao’s role? Can someone explain. Thanks. November 29, 2007 8:18 PM Eliot said… A few comments to the bloggers here.
Ray Joao was retained by Proskauer Rose to patent Iviewit inventions as Kenneth Rubenstein’s lackey. Both Rubenstein and Joao were at Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Schlissel and Wolfe prior to Proskauer grabbing Rubenstein immediately after learning of the inventions and starting an IP department based on stealing those inventions. Raymond Joao is beyond a disreputable scum, he is scum from the bottom of hell, he put 90 patents into his own name, all to do with Iviewit inventions. A true bottom feeder and lackey for Proskauer and Foley and Lardner doing the dirty work. Ray purposely filed false patent applications a federal crime and violated almost all of his federal patent bar regulations. Ray also is a flat out liar, he tried to say he never met inventors Jude Rosario and Zakirul Shirajee but mounds of evidence refute that. Ray is under investigation at the USPTO OED with all these criminal attorneys, I mean attorney criminals.
As for Luisa Esposito, I admire this woman who has been hosed by the system to protect some sexually perverted attorney who solicits bj’s for legal work, hope when she gets hers, he will like giving bj’s to his roomie homey in New York’s finest prison.
As for me, well we can stop this crap now, yank these public servants gone mad from their jobs and try them for their abuse of power. It is not impossible, oh, you mean Dick Cheney has impeachment papers at the Judiciary Committee for war crimes, etc. and Alberto Bongo is gonzo, well it takes time but history is replete with incidence whereby crap like this is removed in a single flush into the New York historical sewer.
New Yorkers must now get enraged at their public officials and call them to the light, they hate the light, demand answers, file complaint after complaint, force them to jump down into the sewer to escape the light.
Fear not who they are from title, title is earned, they brought down Nixon and he had a pretty powerful title.
Fight now or you are cowards and your children will spit on you when they see you were a coward who sold out their freedoms and government.
My kids are making noise now
The government is trying to suppress rebellion and what they are about to find out is that New Yorkers and most Americans are not going to stand for this shit much longer before we pitchfork their heads. Fool me once.
If you can’t fight city hall, tear it down!
Anarchy 101 November 30, 2007 11:44 AM Anonymous said… Eliot…you are sooo right, so honest as well as graphic…which is necessary… and correct about piling it on till they can’t breathe..plus you crack me up! Give the judicial system what they give us…a blast of living hell! The respect for the ROBE is gone and now the courts cannot do business as it needs to. Criminals rule this state! December 2, 2007 7:22 AM
A federal court-ordered hearing in the New York State Ethics Scandal Case (Anderson v. State of New York 07cv 9599) was held in Courtroom 15C of the United States Courthouse at 500 Pearl Street in Manhattan on Wednesday, December 12, 2007 before U.S. District Court Judge Shira A. Scheindlin.
Judge Scheindlin accepted the Iviewit lawsuit, Bernstein v. Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, as related to the pending New York attorney ethics scandal case, Anderson v. The State of New York.
Proskauer Rose is laying off 35 associates and 25 administrative staff, reports The Am Law Daily. The news was announced in a memo, sent out by the firm yesterday (4 December), although which offices or practice areas will suffer the most is not specified. The New York firm said the layoffs are due to both the economic crisis and the “unprecedented reduction in our historical lawyer attrition rate.” Proskauer launched an office in London last year with hire of Matthew Hudson, the former head of O’Melveny & Myers’ City arm. In September, the firm also secured its long-awaited Asia launch after hiring a two-partner team in Beijing from Heller Ehrman. Proskauer has been one of the most upwardly-mobile practices in the US in recent years, successfully expanding beyond its core employment practice into a stronger corporate profile. During the last two weeks a raft of US firms have made layoffs, including Reed Smith, White & Case, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, while firms including Cravath Swaine & Moore and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett have cut back associate bonuses.
On Friday, August 24, 2007, we ran “Justice Department Widens ‘Patentgate’ Probe Buried by Ethics Chief Thomas J. Cahill:
In a letter dated July 16, 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Professional Responsibility, announced from its Washington, D.C. headquarters that it was expanding its investigation into a bizarrely stalled FBI investigation that involves an almost surreal story of the theft of nearly 30 U.S. Patents, and other intellectual property, worth billions of dollars. The probe reaches some of New York’s most prominent politicians and judges, and has already proven to be a stunning embarrassment to the State’s ethics watchdog committees. (Click here to see the July 16, 2007 letter “D.O.J. Widens Patentgate Probe”)
The Fox and the Hen House
It was only recently exposed in July that the underlying “Patentgate” inquiries were effectively buried, or derailed, under the leadership of Manhattan’s top State ethics Chief Counsel, Thomas J. Cahill, Esq. Mr. Cahill’s “retirement” was then quickly announced after his own ethical failings in the Patentgate matter, along with other ethics complaints that were made, became known.
While no one can exactly figure out how inquiries under Mr. Cahill’s charge went so awry, one thing is certain. At the same time the Patentgate probes were being secreted by state officials in New York, the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent bar increased their own investigation into the same matter implicating the same attorneys. (Note: Mr. Cahill’s replacement was recently decided, and an announcement is expected as early as next week by the Appellate Division, First Department Presiding Justice, Jonathan Lippman.)
The defrauded company is called “Iviewit” – pronounced, “I-view-it.” The company’s internet site originally advertised their groundbreaking technology. Now, the opening page of the company website (www.iviewit.tv) displays unsettling photographs of the inventor’s family vehicle after it was bombed.
“This is quite serious,” says an investigator close to the federal probe. “The charges allege that valuable ‘back-bone enabling digital imaging technology’– MPEG type intellectual property– was stolen by the inventor’s own attorneys, the once-untouchable Manhattan based law firm Proskauer Rose. This is going to get very ugly,” he says.
Members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Judiciary Committees have known about the Iviewit investigation since about September of 2006, and it is in our nation’s capital where the matter quickly earned its moniker “Patentgate.” And the story was also globally known in technical, Intellectual Property circles. But the big question remains: how did such an explosive story like Patentgate stay off every mainstream media’s radar screen—especially in New York.
“I know how,” says a retired federal agent who asked not to be identified. “Phone calls were made—many phone calls. Plain and simple.” And while this retired federal agent isn’t surprised by the apparent “cover-up,” he is alarmed by his own findings after a month-long independent review of all submitted Iviewit papers. “I can’t find one discrepancy in the allegations, not one unsubstantiated charge,” he says. “For one, you have the highest state courts in New York white-washing this thing with ‘unpublished’ rulings. And then you have state ethics committees contradicting themselves– in writing, no less. It’s a complete meltdown,” he concludes. “The broken system appears to have finally fallen apart.”
“Iviewit was been radio-active from day one,” says one prosecutor who asked not to be named. “Considering who was involved, you know the phones were ringing off the hook, and with a simple directive: ‘don’t go near it’ (an inquiry).” He believes, however that a serious shake-up is imminent. “The powers that be can’t contain this story anymore—it’s out, U.S. Senators and Congressman are talking about it. This involves national Commerce issues: attorneys stealing U.S. Patents from their own client, and the illegal failings of a state’s ethics agency by its own cover-up, and selective, self-dealing, politically-based inaction. Patentgate appears to have exposed the true, and troubling, underbelly of ethics investigations in New York State. And its not pretty.”
Additional Background Information
The original complaint involving Thomas Cahill and the Proskauer Rose law firm has been “pending” since February of 2004. The Cahill Proskauer Complaint is a high priority for the new State Chief Administrative Judge, the Honorable Ann T. Pfau.
The Cahill Proskauer issue became a hot topic in Washington, D.C. in early 2007 at the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and the U.S. Department of Commerce (The United States Patent and Trademark Office). And it has specifically caught the attention of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and U.S. House Representatives John D. Dingell and Nita Lowey. The Cahill Proskauer Scandal involves many allegations: the alleged theft by Proskauer of numerous U.S. Patents from their own client; claimed losses over 10 years on a trillion dollar technology pool that has affected all forms of digital imaging and video; and the March, 2005 bombing in Boynton Beach, Florida of the inventor-client-complainant’s family mini-van.
It is alleged that Mr. Cahill masterminded the scheme to indefinitely delay complaints against Proskauer Rose, himself, and former New York State Bar Association President and Proskauer partner Steven C. Krane, Proskauer Partner Kenneth Rubenstein, chief counsel for MPEGLA, and attorney Raymond Joao of Yonkers. It is also alleged that attorney Steven C. Krane initially interceded, with Mr. Cahill’s knowledge and consent, in handling disciplinary complaints involving himself at the same time he was associated with the 1st Department in Manhattan. Attorney Krane’s conflicts were exposed when officials from the Iviewit company contacted Katherine O’Hagan Wolfe, who contradicted Cahill’s statements and Krane’s written denial of his 1st Dept roles. Ms. O’Hagan Wolfe advised that she was, in fact, on a Committee at the 1st Dept with both Cahill and Krane, and that they even had a meeting that same night.
The various Cahill Proskauer issues bounced around under the public radar screen at the Court of Appeals in Albany and were ultimately transferred from the 1st Department to the 2nd Department in Brooklyn. This was done after 5 justices of the 1st Dept ruled unanimously to investigate Krane, Rubenstein and Joao for conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety after their review of the 1st Department complaint. The Cahill inquiry is apparently “still pending” under attorney Martin R. Gold who, insiders say, was directed to “sit on it…forever.” Earlier this year, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. assigned additional agents to the Public Integrity Corruption squad at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, and where agents have been actively conducting interviews.
An author of one of the letters, P. Stephen Lamont of Iviewit, immediately advised the court that he was withdrawing his copying of his letter to the court in light of an associated federal complaint filed shortly before the hearing.
A court law clerk then handed Judge Scheindlin a copy of the just-filed complaint, Bernstein v. 1st Dept. Disciplinary Committee, et al. (S.D.N.Y 07cv 11196, filed December 12, 2007)
The $1.5 Billion Dollar Bernstein complaint alleges widespread public corruption in the handling of ethics complaints involving fraud and stolen U.S Patents by various New York law firms and attorneys. The action by Bernstein has been marked as an associated case to the Anderson lawsuit since both matters concern allegations of Ethics Committee Public Corruption and, additionally, both cases seek the appointment of a federal monitor over New York State ethics committees.
Bernstein’s allegations, and known as “Patentgate” are currently under review by numerous U.S. Senators, the U.S. Congress, the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the FBI’s watchdog unit, the Office of Professional Responsibility in Washington, D.C.
The defense counsel in the Anderson matter, a Lee Alan Adlerstein from the New York State Attorney General’s office, attempted to categorize the Anderson case as a simple wrongful termination action, but the Judge did not see it that way– and said so.
“This case is not a garden variety…it’s a whistleblower…there is that aspect to it…,” said Judge Scheindlin.
Informed sources reveal that at least one more associated federal complaint will be filed soon, along with other various filings that will pull together serious allegations of ethics related public corruption from every corner of New York State.
Stay tuned to this story: Tammany Hall II – this is history, albeit ugly, in the making…
And we’ll be posting the One and one-half Billion dollar Patentgate lawsuit soon!
Proskauer Rose is laying off 35 associates and 25 administrative staff, reports The Am Law Daily. The news was announced in a memo, sent out by the firm yesterday (4 December), although which offices or practice areas will suffer the most is not specified. The New York firm said the layoffs are due to both the economic crisis and the “unprecedented reduction in our historical lawyer attrition rate.” Proskauer launched an office in London last year with hire of Matthew Hudson, the former head of O’Melveny & Myers’ City arm. In September, the firm also secured its long-awaited Asia launch after hiring a two-partner team in Beijing from Heller Ehrman. Proskauer has been one of the most upwardly-mobile practices in the US in recent years, successfully expanding beyond its core employment practice into a stronger corporate profile. During the last two weeks a raft of US firms have made layoffs, including Reed Smith, White & Case, Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe, while firms including Cravath Swaine & Moore and Simpson Thacher & Bartlett have cut back associate bonuses.
On Friday, August 24, 2007, we ran “Justice Department Widens ‘Patentgate’ Probe Buried by Ethics Chief Thomas J. Cahill:
In a letter dated July 16, 2007, the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Professional Responsibility, announced from its Washington, D.C. headquarters that it was expanding its investigation into a bizarrely stalled FBI investigation that involves an almost surreal story of the theft of nearly 30 U.S. Patents, and other intellectual property, worth billions of dollars. The probe reaches some of New York’s most prominent politicians and judges, and has already proven to be a stunning embarrassment to the State’s ethics watchdog committees. (Click here to see the July 16, 2007 letter “D.O.J. Widens Patentgate Probe”)
The Fox and the Hen House
It was only recently exposed in July that the underlying “Patentgate” inquiries were effectively buried, or derailed, under the leadership of Manhattan’s top State ethics Chief Counsel, Thomas J. Cahill, Esq. Mr. Cahill’s “retirement” was then quickly announced after his own ethical failings in the Patentgate matter, along with other ethics complaints that were made, became known.
While no one can exactly figure out how inquiries under Mr. Cahill’s charge went so awry, one thing is certain. At the same time the Patentgate probes were being secreted by state officials in New York, the United States Patent and Trademark Office Patent bar increased their own investigation into the same matter implicating the same attorneys. (Note: Mr. Cahill’s replacement was recently decided, and an announcement is expected as early as next week by the Appellate Division, First Department Presiding Justice, Jonathan Lippman.)
The defrauded company is called “Iviewit” – pronounced, “I-view-it.” The company’s internet site originally advertised their groundbreaking technology. Now, the opening page of the company website (www.iviewit.tv) displays unsettling photographs of the inventor’s family vehicle after it was bombed.
“This is quite serious,” says an investigator close to the federal probe. “The charges allege that valuable ‘back-bone enabling digital imaging technology’– MPEG type intellectual property– was stolen by the inventor’s own attorneys, the once-untouchable Manhattan based law firm Proskauer Rose. This is going to get very ugly,” he says.
Members of the U.S. Senate and U.S. House Judiciary Committees have known about the Iviewit investigation since about September of 2006, and it is in our nation’s capital where the matter quickly earned its moniker “Patentgate.” And the story was also globally known in technical, Intellectual Property circles. But the big question remains: how did such an explosive story like Patentgate stay off every mainstream media’s radar screen—especially in New York.
“I know how,” says a retired federal agent who asked not to be identified. “Phone calls were made—many phone calls. Plain and simple.” And while this retired federal agent isn’t surprised by the apparent “cover-up,” he is alarmed by his own findings after a month-long independent review of all submitted Iviewit papers. “I can’t find one discrepancy in the allegations, not one unsubstantiated charge,” he says. “For one, you have the highest state courts in New York white-washing this thing with ‘unpublished’ rulings. And then you have state ethics committees contradicting themselves– in writing, no less. It’s a complete meltdown,” he concludes. “The broken system appears to have finally fallen apart.”
“Iviewit was been radio-active from day one,” says one prosecutor who asked not to be named. “Considering who was involved, you know the phones were ringing off the hook, and with a simple directive: ‘don’t go near it’ (an inquiry).” He believes, however that a serious shake-up is imminent. “The powers that be can’t contain this story anymore—it’s out, U.S. Senators and Congressman are talking about it. This involves national Commerce issues: attorneys stealing U.S. Patents from their own client, and the illegal failings of a state’s ethics agency by its own cover-up, and selective, self-dealing, politically-based inaction. Patentgate appears to have exposed the true, and troubling, underbelly of ethics investigations in New York State. And its not pretty.”
Additional Background Information
The original complaint involving Thomas Cahill and the Proskauer Rose law firm has been “pending” since February of 2004. The Cahill Proskauer Complaint is a high priority for the new State Chief Administrative Judge, the Honorable Ann T. Pfau.
The Cahill Proskauer issue became a hot topic in Washington, D.C. in early 2007 at the U.S. House Energy and Commerce Committee, the U.S. House Judiciary Committee and the U.S. Department of Commerce (The United States Patent and Trademark Office). And it has specifically caught the attention of U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, and U.S. House Representatives John D. Dingell and Nita Lowey. The Cahill Proskauer Scandal involves many allegations: the alleged theft by Proskauer of numerous U.S. Patents from their own client; claimed losses over 10 years on a trillion dollar technology pool that has affected all forms of digital imaging and video; and the March, 2005 bombing in Boynton Beach, Florida of the inventor-client-complainant’s family mini-van.
It is alleged that Mr. Cahill masterminded the scheme to indefinitely delay complaints against Proskauer Rose, himself, and former New York State Bar Association President and Proskauer partner Steven C. Krane, Proskauer Partner Kenneth Rubenstein, chief counsel for MPEGLA, and attorney Raymond Joao of Yonkers. It is also alleged that attorney Steven C. Krane initially interceded, with Mr. Cahill’s knowledge and consent, in handling disciplinary complaints involving himself at the same time he was associated with the 1st Department in Manhattan. Attorney Krane’s conflicts were exposed when officials from the Iviewit company contacted Katherine O’Hagan Wolfe, who contradicted Cahill’s statements and Krane’s written denial of his 1st Dept roles. Ms. O’Hagan Wolfe advised that she was, in fact, on a Committee at the 1st Dept with both Cahill and Krane, and that they even had a meeting that same night.
The various Cahill Proskauer issues bounced around under the public radar screen at the Court of Appeals in Albany and were ultimately transferred from the 1st Department to the 2nd Department in Brooklyn. This was done after 5 justices of the 1st Dept ruled unanimously to investigate Krane, Rubenstein and Joao for conflict of interest and the appearance of impropriety after their review of the 1st Department complaint. The Cahill inquiry is apparently “still pending” under attorney Martin R. Gold who, insiders say, was directed to “sit on it…forever.” Earlier this year, FBI headquarters in Washington, D.C. assigned additional agents to the Public Integrity Corruption squad at 26 Federal Plaza in Manhattan, and where agents have been actively conducting interviews.
The Honorable President Barack Hussein Obama II
The United States Office of the President
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
The Honorable Gregory Craig, White House Counsel
The White House, Oval Office
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20500
The Honorable Eric H. Holder, Jr., United States Attorney General
Office of the United States Attorney General
U.S. Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20530-0001
Re: Fundamental Matters of the Global Economy and Intellectual Property Rights under Article I of the US Constitution involving direct Fraud on the US Patent Office with devastating impacts on future US Intellectual Property development and Fundamental Matters of the Administration of Justice under Law[1]
Dear Honorable President Barack Hussein Obama II:
I, Eliot Ivan Bernstein, am writing to bring to your attention as the 44th President of the United States urgent matters fundamental to the United States and global economy, regarding an ongoing investigation of Fraud on the United States Patent & Trademark Office (“USPTO”) and fraud on International Patent Authorities through violations of international trade treatises arising under Article I of the United States Constitution and further involving the fundamental operation and administration of Justice under the Law in the federal Courts and urgent matters implicating the integrity and operation of Federal and state agencies in estopping Free Commerce, including but not limited to the USPTO, Federal Bureau of Investigation (“FBI”), actions of the Offices of US Attorneys around the nation, the US Postal Inspector’s Office, the US Marshals Service and more. It is ever more apparent with the revelation of the alleged crimes of your predecessor that these crimes and the denials of due process came from a top down set of orders, similar to the alleged war crimes, where even whistleblowers feared coming forward or nothing was done to protect them.
Of paramount importance to the interests of the “United States” is the fact that I, Eliot Bernstein, have been specifically urged by Harry I. Moatz, (“Moatz”) Director of the Office of Enrollment & Discipline of the USPTO (“OED”) to seek Congressional legislation to correct these urgent matters impacting the fundamental integrity of the USPTO and adversely impacting the future and development of Inventions and protection of patent rights in the United States with obvious corresponding implications for the future of the US economy and commerce.
In this regard, as you will note herein, I am urging the immediate and active involvement of the Office of President and any and all appropriate federal executive powers and agencies to correct these matters herein and protect Article I of the US Constitution, the integrity of the USPTO and Justice system for the future of the United States and for the Hope and desire for Change that brought about your election to the Office of President as the new Executive and instrument for change.
I write to you as the Original Inventor and Owner of key technologies involving video scaling and imaging processes which were stolen in 1998 and have since been used throughout the United States and across the globe through the value chain of content creation and distribution both software and hardware for the transmission of Internet and Digital Video and Imaging across all spectrums, including, Television, DVD, HD DVD, Chips as well as a mass of applications for Defense, Flight & Space Simulation, including on the Hubble Space Telescope (providing a deeper view into time) and on virtually all Medical Imaging Devices, and more. Technologies heralded as the “holy grail” and valued in the hundreds of billions to a trillion dollars over the life of the IP, having transformed the world of digital imaging and video that now considered part of daily life.
More importantly, I write to you as the Victim of not only the financial crimes but an Attempted Murder, after death threats were made for me to keep the lid on information exposing a Fraud on the USPTO by licensed IP attorneys, at Proskauer Rose LLP, Foley and Lardner LLP, threats became real for my life and the life of my lovely wife, Candice Michelle, and my three sons, Joshua Ennio Zander, Daniel Elijsha Abe Ottomo and Jacob Noah Archie as a result of the Iraqi style Car Bombing of my Mini-Van in Boynton Beach, Florida on or about March 2005. Full pictorial images of this Car Bombing are available for your review at www.iviewit.tv and the fire inspector for the Boynton Beach Fire Department, Rick Lee, Plans Reviewer/Fire Protection Engineer, determined that accelerants were the cause of the bombing.
This event was reported to the FBI investigator, Special Agent Stephen Lucchesi (“Lucchesi”) in the West Palm Beach FBI offices, who also was investigating for several years the Iviewit companies’ affairs and mainly the crime directly against the United States of Fraud on the USPTO in conjunction with Moatz. Moatz directed me to file with the Commissioner of Patents a complaint notifying the USPTO that Fraud against the United States had occurred in the submission of fraudulent applications to the USPTO as well as on my companies’ shareholders and me. I also wish to point out as you can see, find and review from the website www.iviewit.tv that Iviewit has a host of shareholders including folks like Ellen DeGeneres[2] who has done an infomercial supporting Iviewit and other performers like Alanis Morissette and more.
More recently and surreally Special Agent Lucchesi has gone missing per the FBI, with the case files and this has elevated the matters to The Honorable Glenn Alan Fine (“Fine”), Inspector General ~ Department of Justice (“DOJ”) who invoked The Honorable H. Marshall Jarrett (“Jarrett”) from the FBI Office of Professional Responsibility (“OPR”) to further investigate, where again we were stonewalled by Bush Justice Department officials who have sought to avoid the matters through obfuscation and dereliction of their duties and oaths versus resolving them according to law. A brute force, top down denial of due process and procedure that precludes me from my inventions, precludes me from pursuing my rights legally and thus constituting a Constitutional violation that denies the core of free commerce, rights to your Intellectual Properties the Founders intended as the backbone of free commerce denied by the very people charged with upholding these rights. The fact that those in charge of protecting one’s rights executed the crimes and committed the covered-up makes the crimes even more egregious.
At the present moment in time, President’s Day 2009, neither the Attempted Murder against my life and family nor the multi-year conspiracy to steal my Inventions and Technologies and defraud the rightful and proper owners and interest holders in that Technology have been corrected under Law despite ongoing and continuing actions and efforts by myself and others via the FBI, US Attorneys, US Courts, The European Patent Office, The Japanese Patent Office, The Korean Patent Office, Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi), State Courts of Florida and New York, The Honorable John Conyers Jr. – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee and more[3]. The patents remain suspended by the Commissioner of Patents[4] outside the law defined in Title 35 of the Patent Act pending the investigation of charges of Fraud on the USPTO by licensed USPTO attorneys, further denying my rights to monetize my inventions.
Since my attorneys stole my inventions by placing them in their own names[5] and the names of non-rightful inventors, Moatz, directed me to seek an Act of Congress because the current laws due to privacy issues and other matters preclude me as the Original Inventor from making changes on stolen patents in others names necessary to convert them back to the true and proper inventors. This precedent setting case has invoked me to seek an Act of Congress on advice of Moatz to have legislation that returns the inventions to the true and proper inventors when Fraud upon the United States has occurred.
The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein (“Feinstein”) was contacted next with such request for new legislation[6] and we eagerly await actions from her offices, which started with contacting the DOJ, and again appear to have stalled under the corruption that plagued the Bush Administration politicization of the DOJ under Mssrs. John Ashcroft, Alberto Gonzales and Michael Mukasey. This new federal legislation is but one matter for which I am specifically seeking the active involvement of the Office of the President and Congress and any and all appropriate federal agencies herein.
Most interestingly although despicably, during the Administration of your predecessor President George W. Bush not a single media report of this Car Bombing was ever reported to this very day and no protections by any law enforcement agency have been implemented to protect me and many others involved who are exposing such crimes, either through the Courts or DOJ. In fact, many conflicts of interest and violations exist within the private legal community involving disciplinary and ethic laws combined with Public Office violations within federal and state government lawyers and agents charged with investigating the complaints, and handling the legal actions, further disabling our efforts at justice while defiling the halls of Justice.
It is expressly noted to your Office that the underlying technologies that were stolen and are the subject of my federal lawsuit and request herein are intertwined with the Enron Scandal, Enron Broadband, and the collapse of Arthur Andersen LLP with Enron related parties believed to be connected to various Defendants in my underlying lawsuit. The original parties to the crime have further created an anticompetitive monopolistic patent pooling scheme MPEGLA LLC and others, whereby such anticompetitive actions to convert the royalties’ everyday from the true and proper inventors of the technologies further impacts daily commerce and free trade and continues to sustain the criminal organization.
President O’Bama, I also respectfully wish to bring to your attention a news source claiming Federal authorities as a source in this information, which indicates an alleged implication for US Senator Charles Schumer in the ongoing Madoff Ponzi Scheme money scandal in Manhattan. I am not making any conclusions on this information nor am I making any accusations. However, I do wish to remind you that, like my case and that of Iviewit herein, Harry M. Markopolos of Boston was trying to blow the Whistle on the Bernard Madoff scam over 10 years ago including an in person meeting with then NYS Attorney General Eliot Spitzer who was supposed to be the Sheriff of Wall Street.
I specifically bring this information located on the Internet[7] to your attention both because US Senator Schumer is a member of the Senate Judiciary Committee with influence over the selection of federal judges and prosecutors and also because the NY Post just reported that US Senator Schumer wishes to make his Chief Counsel at the Senate the next US Attorney for the Southern District where my case was filed and where the Wall Street Financial meltdown is still being investigated along with the Madoff scandal. Like Markopolos, I too have been trying to notify proper authorities of a Trillion Dollar scandal, perhaps one of many such patent frauds, involving tremendous liabilities to state and federal agencies that are implicated in the cover-up and fraud named Defendants in the federal lawsuit[8] and have been ignored, despite overwhelming evidence and very real patent suspensions. I urge your Office and staff to pursue diligently all possible implications of this information relating to US Senator Schumer to ensure the Integrity of the DOJ and Offices of the US Attorneys and for the good of the Nation.
There are several hundred Iviewit Signed Non Disclosures, Non Competes, Strategic Alliances, Licensing Agreements signed with many Fortune 1000 companies worldwide dating back to 1998 including but not limited to financial institutions, investors, and others as this Technology was deemed the “Holy Grail” of the Internet and Television by leading experts from Lockheed Martin, Intel Corporation, Silicon Graphics, Inc., AOLTW, Sony and others, by permitting Video at a reduced bandwidth which fundamentally transformed the Internet from a Text based medium to a Multimedia based medium and transformed digital television and video.
Injunctive relief has been sought to prevent the illegal monopolization and violations of antitrust law including Sherman and Clayton that would dwarf the Rimm v. Blackberry harm to the public had that injunction not been settled by the court. Injunctive release in this case, while appropriate would effectively halt the transmission of Internet video to even your blackberry device, cripple the digital transmission of television by limiting bandwidth by over 75% thus reducing channel capacity by a similar percentage. Injunction would force a product recall in hardware and software of digital imaging and video products since 1998 unparalleled in the history of invention.
Simply reviewing the List of companies nationally and internationally and the law firms involved who spearheaded the crime[9], mainly Proskauer Rose, LLP and Foley and Lardner LLP, should be a stark and clear message to your Administration as to the breadth and scope of Economic implications created by this ongoing RICO conspiracy fundamentally impacting day to day commerce, company trading and mergers, rightful owners and holders of contracts and agreements, and directly impacting the daily choices of billions of consumers worldwide in the internet and related markets. In fact, the largest owner of the Iviewit companies stock is the Small Business Administration (“SBA”) through SBIC loans to one of the lead investors, Crossbow Ventures of West Palm Beach Florida, making the government one of the largest interest holders in the Intellectual Properties and shareholders of the Iviewit companies.
Since the thefts and conspiracies involved herein directly implicate the true owners and holders of Patent rights under Article I, this urgent matter must be addressed by the full force and powers of the Office of the US President to fundamentally protect and uphold the US Constitution in general but specifically including free trade and commerce and Patent law under Article I.
It is noted that but one example of the continuing violations of fundamental due process within both state and federal justice systems is that I, Eliot Bernstein, as the original Inventor and Owner of the “Technology” have Never been permitted an opportunity to Testify and provide evidence or proof in one single proceeding in any state or federal court neither with respect to the “Technology” or the varying ongoing crimes committed during this period including but not limited to the Iraqi car bombing of my family’s Mini-van nor any matter relating to the theft and wrongful misappropriation of the technology and the resulting royalties and license agreements in wrong parties.
Remarkably, such fundamental due process denial continues despite the fact that since day one in 1998 I have remained armed with an Arsenal of legal weaponry by way of the hundreds of signed agreements as well as massive evidence that shows the crimes against the United States and many witnesses to the true and correct history regarding the inventions. Incredible and illegal efforts to block my due process rights have occurred at almost every venue relief has been sought to preclude me from the courtroom, which is ironic when I sue several thousands lawyers globally, several states supreme court justices, three state bar agencies, multiple disciplinary agencies, etc.
Present and Immediate Threats to the Administration of Justice under the Law
The most imminent and pressing reasons for currently seeking the active involvement of the Office of the US President relates to my recent application made to the United States Court of Appeals of the US Second Circuit specifically seeking an Extension of Time to submit and perfect an Appeal in my federal Rico and 42 USC 1983 and related Complaint filed in the Southern District Court specifically in order for the “new” “United States” which officially came about upon your Inauguration as the 44th President to officially intervene and appear in the federal case currently at the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals.
A copy of my extension motion[10] referenced herein and respectfully you will note that I specifically referenced that there was a “new” “United States” ( or new administration therein ) under Law as the “United States” had Not officially appeared or intervened in the federal action under your predecessor in Office George W. Bush.
As you will note, I specifically requested this relief from the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals and specifically asked the US Second Circuit to take all appropriate steps to seek involvement of the “United States” and NOTIFY your recently confirmed United States Attorney General Eric Holder and the Solicitor General of the US Dept. of Justice of the ongoing actions in this SDNY federal RICO complaint and specifically seek the Active intervention of the US Attorney General and Solicitor General and all other appropriate offices of the US DOJ to formally Appear and Intervene on behalf of the “United States” as contemplated under Federal Rule 4 of the Federal Rules of Appellate Procedure.
In what is viewed as a direct threat to the “United States” and Article I of the US Constitution and the integrity of the US Patent Office and more, a “conflicted” and named Defendant in my federal complaint by way of one Catherine O’Hagen Wolfe (“Wolfe”) who is presently a Clerk at the US Second Circuit was the “conflicted” party at the US Second Circuit on behalf of US Judge Ralph Winters who quickly denied my Extension[11] request WITHOUT ever Notifying US Attorney General Holder, nor any official of the “United States” and simply thrust upon me a short timeframe to submit an Appeal when in fact I have provided ample medical proof of serious medical conditions which prevent me from properly submitting an Appeal in such a short timeframe which does not even consider that I should not be in a position to alone be acting for the interests of “United States”.
Wolfe is directly conflicted as being a Necessary Witness in future proceedings as it was Wolfe herself who helped Uncover widespread corruption and conflict while she worked at the NYS First Department by way of the conflicts of Steven C. Krane former President of the New York State Bar Association of Proskauer Rose LLP who simultaneously represented Proskauer while having an Official capacity at the Supreme Court of New York Appellate Division First Department at the very Attorney Discipline Committee investigating. Interestingly, Wolfe obtained her current job at the Second Circuit Court of Appeals while complaints were proceeding from the state courts into the federal courts, placing her in unique position to have influence over the proper adjudications of my claims.
What makes this even more egregious and pressing for official involvement by the United States and the Office of President is that my case was marked “Related” by US SDNY Judge Scheindlin to an ongoing Whistleblower case coming out of the NYS First Dept. DDC involving Whistleblower Christine Anderson who names my companies in her lawsuit where reports have emerged of Death Threats being investigated by the FBI and yet in her “conflicted” actions in dismissing the “related” cases to the Anderson Whistleblower case Judge Scheindlin specifically suggested that the “Related” cases seek involvement of the appropriate US Attorney in these matters.
Thus, Second Circuit Judge Winters and Clerk O’Hagen Wolfe, despite this Specific referral by SDNY Judge Scheindlin to an appropriate US Attorney and my specific request for Intervention by the US DOJ in my extension request have disregarded all of this by the recent actions and I implore your Office that this is sufficient to exercise any and all Executive Powers to Stay matters in this Appeal and/or utilize any and all Executive Powers to seek Formal investigation concerning why Second Circuit Judge Winters and a “conflicted” Clerk of the Federal Court would Not even bother to seek involvement of the United States in such a landmark case with ongoing crimes and related actions.
Therefore, I respectfully seek the involvement of the Office of the President in these matters through all appropriate powers including the initiation of investigations, referring the matter to the US Attorney General Eric Holder for official involvement of the United States, and further in exercising any and all appropriate powers of the Office of President and US Attorney General and Executive federal agencies to seek appropriate Congressional legislation per the recommendation of Moatz and any other and further appropriate action herein.
Please feel free to directly contact me or have one of your trusted advisors contact me for any further information you may need in determining your executive powers to ensure free commerce and due process. I am at your service personally if necessary at your convenience in any way to serve my country alongside your administration in restoring our country. In fact, this could be a defining case of your legacy and fulfill your promise to the American People to restore Truth, Justice and the American Way to the Country, the system of Jurisprudence and the financial markets.
Both Respectfully and Regretfully Yours,
Eliot I. Bernstein
Founder & Inventor
Iviewit Technologies, Inc.
cc & ec:
The Honorable John Conyers Jr. ~ Chairman, House Judiciary Committee
The Honorable Glenn Fine ~ Inspector General, United States Department of Justice
John J. Doll ~ Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office – Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office
The Honorable Harry I. Moatz ~ Director, Office of Enrollment & Discipline, United States Patent & Trademark Office
Eric Himpton Holder, Jr. ~ Attorney General, United States
The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein
Gene Dodaro ~ Acting Comptroller General of the United States
David A. Paterson ~ Governor, New York State
Andrew Cuomo ~ Attorney General of New York State, State of New York Office of the Attorney General
Thomas P. DiNapoli ~ Comptroller, State of New York
Charlie Crist, Governor, State of Florida
Greenberg Traurig, as Counsel for the Florida Public Office Defendants
CNN; MSNBC; FOX; NY TIMES; Washington Post; LA Times; Miami Herald;
Other Select Media and Political Contacts
Intellectual Property Interest Holders and Iviewit former Shareholders
Enclosure(s) – All Uniform Resource Locators incorporated in entirety by reference herein.
[1]The cases currently in federal court are,
United States Court of Appeal of the Second Circuit Docket 08-4873-cv
United States District Court – Southern District of New York Docket 07civ11196 related to a Whistleblower Case Docket 07 Civ. 9599 (SAS-AJP) Christine C. Anderson v. the State of New York, et al. United States District Court – Southern District of New York
[5] Patent attorney Raymond Anthony Joao has 90+ patents in his own name, rivaling Edison in invention, filing many in applications learned while retained by me to protect my inventions
The Anderson Ethics Corruption Trial has been moved by U.S. District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin to Monday, August 31, 2009, with the specific addition by the Court that the trial may be additionally postponed…..
Staff Attorney’s $10 Million Lawsuit Proceeds Against Discipline Committee The New York Law Journal by Daniel Wise – April 30, 2009
An attorney who was fired after working six years as a staff lawyer at the 1st Department’s disciplinary committee may proceed with a $10 million damage lawsuit that she was discharged in retaliation for claiming her superiors were “whitewashing” cases, a Southern District of New York judge ruled Monday. However, the judge, Shira A. Scheindlin, threw out the attorney’s claim that she had been fired because she is black, in ruling on a summary judgment motion brought by the Office of Court Administration. Christine C. Anderson contended that her June 2007 firing was in retaliation for complaints she made to her superiors at the disciplinary committee that at least nine cases had been handled too leniently because the lawyers being investigated were politically connected or were represented by attorneys who had previously worked for the committee (NYLJ, Oct. 30, 2007). Anderson, who was born in Jamaica, also claimed the committee had discriminated against her on the basis of race, color and national origin.
The disciplinary committee operates under the aegis of the Appellate Division, First Department, and Anderson sued the OCA; Thomas J. Cahill, the committee’s chief counsel during the years Anderson was employed there; Sherry K. Cohen, who became deputy chief counsel and Anderson’s supervisor in 2003; and David Spokoney, the 1st Department’s deputy clerk. With the exception of Cahill, who resigned in 2007 after 10 years in the post (NYLJ, July 23, 2007), the other individual defendants remain at their jobs. The 1st Department’s disciplinary committee polices the conduct of attorneys practicing in Manhattan and the Bronx.
In allowing Anderson to proceed with her retaliation claim, Scheindlin found that her contention that the committee had “whitewashed” as many as nine cases touched upon a subject of public concern and was protected under the First Amendment. A jury will have to determine whether the defendants fired Anderson because of the concerns she raised or because she had been insubordinate, as the defendants contend, Justice Scheindlin concluded in Anderson v. State of New York, 07 Civ. 9599. Scheindlin noted that Anderson in a “host” of e-mails had made “evident” her “hostility toward” and “refusal to cooperate” with Cohen, her supervisor. Nonetheless, Scheindlin ruled that “a reasonable jury could find that the defendants refused to remove Cohen as Anderson’s supervisor so they could use Anderson’s inevitable resistance to Cohen’s continuing supervision as a pretext for firing her.”
In concluding that Anderson’s complaints touch upon matters of public concern, Scheindlin rejected OCA’s argument that Garcetti v. Ceballos, 547 U.S. 410, a 2006 U.S. Supreme Court precedent, was controlling. The attorney general’s office, which represented OCA and the individual defendants, contended that Anderson’s First Amendment claim must be rejected under the authority of Garcetti. The Supreme Court rejected a First Amendment retaliation claim brought by a deputy district attorney who claimed he was fired because he recommended the dismissal of a case. The prosecutor had urged dismissal because a flawed affidavit was used to obtain a search warrant. Rather than raising an issue of public concern, Justice Anthony M. Kennedy wrote in a 5-4 ruling in Garcetti that the prosecutor was acting as a public employee with regard to an internal matter when he “fulfill[ed] a responsibility to advise his supervisor about how best to proceed with a pending case.” Scheindlin found Anderson’s case to be “patently distinguishable” from Garcetti. ”The prosecutor in Garcetti spoke about a single case pending in his office,” she wrote, while “Ms. Anderson spoke out about systemic problems at the [disciplinary committee], thereby making her speech protected.” ”Where a public employee’s speech concerns a government agency’s breach of trust, as it does here,” she wrote, “the speech relates to more than a mere personal grievance and therefore falls outside Garcetti’s restrictions.”
Scheindlin found that none of the three remarks that Anderson alleged Cohen made had any bearing on her bias claims. One alleged remark — that the homeless are “smelly” — did not reflect upon a group protected by federal civil rights laws, the judge ruled. The other two alleged comments — that there are too many blacks in the subway and blacks were moving near Cohen’s vacation home — were not “directed” at Anderson, “unrelated to her discharge” and allegedly uttered about one year before her firing, Scheindlin wrote.
Anderson also presented deposition testimony from three present or former minority employees who had expressed views that Cohen was biased. Two of those witnesses, one of whom was a lawyer, expressed views that reflected subjective beliefs that are “devoid of any factual circumstances linking Cohen to any discriminatory conduct,” Scheindlin found. The testimony of the third minority witness, Kenneth Van Lew, an investigator who left the office at the time of his deposition, provided “concrete instances in which he believes he was treated less favorably by Cohen than similarly situated Caucasian employees,” Scheindlin wrote. But even though Van Lew’s testimony provided “some credible evidence” of discrimination, the bias-based claims had to be dismissed, Scheindlin concluded, because “there is simply no evidence” that any alleged bias had tainted the decision of the ultimate deciding authority, the 1st Department’s justices serving upon the court’s Departmental Disciplinary Liaison Committee. The state defendants were represented by Assistant Attorneys General Lee A. Alderstein and Wesley E. Bauman. The attorney general’s office did not respond to a request for comment. Anderson was represented by John A. Beranbaum of Beranbaum Menken Ben-Asher & Bierman.