Tag Archives: Eliot Bernstein

The Rise & Fall of Intel Corporation ( NASDAQ: INTC ). Competition Case Update 2nd Notice of Intel Network SEC Violations Ref# HO-1248999. Similar allegations as Ivieiwt inventor Eliot I. Bernstein Federal RICO & ANTITRUST Trillion Dollar Lawsuit, Intel named as key Defendant. Complaints filed with DOJ Eric Holder, VP Joe Biden, SEC Mary Shapiro implicating Intel in RICO with Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, AOL, Inc. ( NYSE: AOL ) & more. Read all about it @ www.iviewit.tv .

The Rise & Fall of Intel Corporation ( NASDAQ: INTC ). Competition Case Update 2nd Notice of Intel Network SEC Violations Ref# HO-1248999. Similar allegations as Ivieiwt inventor Eliot I. Bernstein Federal RICO & ANTITRUST Trillion Dollar Lawsuit, Intel named as key Defendant. Complaints filed with DOJ Eric Holder, VP Joe Biden, SEC Mary Shapiro implicating Intel in RICO with Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, AOL, Inc. ( NYSE: AOL ) & more. Read all about it @ www.iviewit.tv .

Blog Post by Real True and Honest Investigative Reporter/Blogger/Whistleblower & Revealer of Light Crystal C. Cox @


http://Proof Of Intel Cartel – RICO Proof

Proof Of Intel Cartel – RICO Proof -

Full Screen Link


Intel FTC – Intel FTC 9341 – Intel Corp. Fraud

Ceo Paul Otellini – Paul Otellini – Paul S. Otellini Intel Corp. is Corrupt – Intel is a Cartel – Intel is a Super Power and in Intel Nation – You Lose !!!! ~ Blog Owned by

Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox


SEC Galleon, Intel Capital Complaint Click Here

Correspondence with D. Bruce Sewell, Barrett and Paul Otellini – They KNEW

Blog Owned By Crystal L. Cox Industry Whistleblower as Part of Exposing to You the Story on the Iviewit Stolen Patent and Defense of ALL who have been Beaten down and Taken Advantage of By Billion Dollar Tech Companies Above the Law.

Major Shareholder Fraud – Mary Schapiro – SEC Complaint

Click Here for SEC Complaint

to Mary Schapiro and the SEC
Regarding Intel, Warner Bros,
Jeffrey Bewkes, Lockheed Martin,
Foley and Lardner, Proskauer Rose,
Kenneth Rubenstein, Christopher C. Wheeler,
the USPTO, Sony, SGI, Bankruptcy Courts,
Time Warner, Intel Corp, Time Inc.,
Wayne Smith of Warner, Douglas Chey,
John Calkins, P. Stephen Lamont,
the New York Attorney General,
NY Supreme Court, Florida Supreme Court,
the US Patent Office, IBM,
CEO Paul Otellini of Intel Corp., the Florida Attorney Bar,
the New York Attorney Bar, Michael Grebe,
the Bradley Foundation and a whole lot More.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

http://Proof Of Intel Cartel – RICO Proof

Statement From Mike Bruzzone FTC TA Operating in Civic Service Capacity. Intel Docket 9341

“” September 7, 2010

To: Crystal L. Cox
Investigative Blogger

Fm: Mike Bruzzone
Camp Marketing
FTC TA Operating in Civic Service Capacity

Re: FTC v Intel Docket 9341 Public Comment
Nation Interest Publication version 3.12

Here’s my FTC v Intel 9341 public comment.

You may have noticed Intel, and the Intel Communications herd, quickly followed August 4, 2010 FTC announcement of finalizing 9341 Proposed consent agreement . . . as the confirmed settlement.

Which of course is not true pending Commissioner public comment review, and then potential ratification of proposed consent agreement in all or part. I believe the consent agreement will be accepted in part and denied in part.

Honest, even for me from industry, I have never witnessed Intel comms spreading so much disinformation so quickly on August 4.

Also believe Senate and Congressional Committee’s on Commerce are watching this outcome; as a potential regulatory breakdown. We’ll get to see just how with it, or out of it, Wash DC is with this outcome. We know it bad . . . but can it show worse?

If the proposal is not accepted . . . that is a hopeful indicator toward governance & regulatory fiduciary responsibility

Obviously the FTC had a hand in this misrepresented settlement pitch. A little premature for Chairman Leibowtiz, Counsel Brill and Bureau of Competition Director Feinstein to be swept up with Intel Network to position the matter as settled . . . when in fact settlement is pending Commissioner ratification and they all know this . . .

There’s an FTC video of the August 4 proposed consent agreement press conference . . . and oh was that an Intel celebration.

Perhaps the Chairman is a little bite more cunning?

Perhaps Intel Network and comms herd are about to experience a severe conceptual discontinuity; Commissioner non acceptance of consent order as proposed.

That would be fateful twist. And I would think spark the legitimate press to lead in legitimate counterpoint response.

Mike Bruzzone

Summary Overview of 9341 proposed consent agreement; attached in full:

That entering into Bureau of Competition Docket 9341 proposed consent agreement with Intel Corporation would enable continued monopolization and non address of standing violations of Federal Law including antitrust, commerce and trade, racketeering, penal and securities law by the Federal Trade Commission.

Proposed consent agreement should be partially accepted for plaintiff sales relief and partially denied for antitrust omissions. Chartered to act under the laws of the Unites States Bureau of Competition Docket 9341 negotiated settlement proposal in current form is insufficient on antitrust environmental circumstances of fact, discovery, law precedent and Commission fiduciary responsibilities.

And should be sent back to the negotiating table where the future of democratic capitalism and civil society are truly at stake. We cannot overlook all the major Intel Network System crimes or the fiduciary and governance breakdowns which proposed order omits.

Including seven of the most hideous system crime categories;

1) Vertical by horizontal tying.

2) Intel multiple laterals of combination.

3) Intel tied charge through channels metering devices.

4) Intel Corporate plus Media tied sales attraction.

5) Network political & jurist multipoint and consumer manipulations.

6) Intel Insider Quanda stock and market rigging systems.

7) Microsoft OS horizontally tied by OEM license to Intel below cost product.

These seven categories of Intel systems deliver debilitating tendencies. System, social, and financial consequence’s on competition, enterprise, industry, regulatory, law enforcement and protection, political body, Nation’s stability, financial markets and capital creation potential. And continue to perpetuate hurdles in the way of system remedies from over 18 years of not owing up to many Intel and Microsoft antitrust violations, and concealing PC Media system crimes that have destroyed industries, competition and legitimate governance functions.

Accordingly back too the negotiating table. Docket 9341 should proceed too FTC hearing stage focused on Sherman Act Section 1 and 2 per se condemnations of law known under Section 5 umbrella which is Docket 9341.

FTC Focus -

1) Competitor limiting by vertical restraints for multiple laterals of combination.

2) Limited by horizontal contract in combinations including conspiracy to conceal.

3) In combinations cartel routing & price fixing raising consumer PC price by 6%.

4) In combinations monopoly price impact on consumers from media manipulation.

5) Validate recovery for consumer monopoly price, routing & price fixing harms.

Finally, for Docket 9341 in hearing too verify the criminal components of these competition case matters in proceeding transcript for Department of Justice timely follow on complaint;

DOJ Focus -

1) Recovering consumer monopoly price, product routing and price fixing harms.

2) Prosecuting competition, commercial frauds and racketeering that are criminal

components of the FTC Docket 9341 competition case violation’s themselves.

SEC Focus –

1) Documenting Accounting Fraud and with DOJ prosecuting Stock Market Rig.

In Summary -

Any ruling away from complete documentation of Docket 9341 case facts, in open proceedings, would deny the United States, American People, elected representatives in Congress and Senate the knowledge reference to act on the complete set of case facts.

Complete assessment of proposed order and included oversight clauses attached.


Mike Bruzzone
Camp Marketing Consultancy


Commissioners of the Federal Trade Commission – In the Matter of Intel Corporation FTC Docket 9341

See Link Below for More Information

Posted by Crystal L. Cox at 8:23 PM

Labels: Congressional Committees, FTC 9341, FTC Corruption, FTC Misrepresentation, Intel Corp., Intel Docket 9341, Intell Communications, Mike Bruzzone, Senate Committee



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SEC Complaint Iviewit – Intel Corp.

Intel Lawsuits

Derivative Action Lawsuit
Intel is Corrupt in My Opinon and the SEC needs to Wake Up and Shut Down the Intel Mafai as Intel Corp. continues to violate Anti-Trust Laws and stomp on competitors that have better – cheaper products.

The Intel Cartel needs to Obey the laws that all the other smaller Tech Companies seem to have to obey..

Click Here for Intel Derivative Action

To Intel – Paul Otellin – Bruce Sewell from Eliot Bernstein

Iviewit – Intel – Sewell – Otellini Documents

Letters to Intel – What Bruce Sewell
and Intel Knew – Click HERE.

Intel involved in Pending Trillion
Dollar international RICO Conspiracy lawsuit.

Intel Corporation


Intel Was Only Company Interested In McAfee, Could Impact Symantec

Times of the Internet

- Sep 07, 2010

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Intel Corporation to acquire wireless solutions business of Infineon Technologies

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Angel of sometimes Darkness says I love you to the Angel of Light, wishing to Join the Light as Darkness is such a headache!

Tags: allen stanford, Andrew Cuomo, barroway, bernard madoff, copyright, crossbow ventures, eliot bernstein, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, intel, inventor, iviewit, Joe Biden, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, lockheed, marc dreier, martin glenn, meltzer, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, ny senate judiciary committee, patent, patentgate, PONZI, proskauer, ralph winter, RAYMOND A. JOAO, SEC, sex, sgi, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, video, wayne huizenga, xxx

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Technologies Notifies Governor Charlie Crist of Florida Corruption for 19th Florida Grand Jury at Suggestion of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum re The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court Public Office Corruptions, including Judge Jorge Labarga, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and more. Read All About It!

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Technologies Notifies Governor Charlie Crist of Florida Corruption for 19th Florida Grand Jury at Suggestion of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum re The Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court Public Office Corruptions, including Judge Jorge Labarga, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and more. Read All About It!

http://www.foley-lardner.com/2010/09/eliot-bernstein-iviewit-technologies.html by Angel of Light & Investigative Blogger Crystal Cox

Friday, September 3, 2010


Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Technologies Notifies Governor Charlie Crist of Florida Corruption at Suggestion of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum

Eliot Bernstein Notifies Florida Governor of Massive Florida Corruption at the Suggestion of Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum.

” Friday, September 03, 2010

Hon. Governor Charlie Crist
Office of Governor Charlie Crist
State of Florida

Dear Honorable Governor Charlie Crist,

Per the Attorney General of the Great State of Florida, I write to you for inclusion into the ongoing Nineteenth Statewide Grand Jury, the Eliot Bernstein and Iviewit companies claims of criminal RICO and ANTITRUST activities by certain members of the Florida Supreme Court, the Florida Bar, the Boca Raton P.D., the law firms Proskauer Rose LLP, Foley & Lardner LLP and more.

The extent of these claims of Public Office Corruption reach the highest levels of Florida government and thus are germane to the Grand Jury’s request for information and stated purpose, “The Office of Statewide Prosecution has established a public corruption hotline for anyone who believes they have information concerning a criminal offense involving public corruption or wishes to suggest issues the Statewide Grand Jury should investigate regarding public corruption.

Below is a communication from Attorney General McCollum in response to my request to his offices for inclusion, whereby he urges me to contact and join your offices of these most serious allegations as well.

I am contacting your offices again, as I have contacted them in the past regarding these matters and am asking that your offices take all actions necessary to have these allegations investigated by the Florida Grand Jury your office has convened, as well as, any other criminal actions you may deem appropriate in investigating these matters and notifying the proper authorities of the allegations alleged herein and in the URL links provided herein.

I am happy to provide additional information or testimony relating to the matters to any investigators you deem appropriate or before the Grand Jury.

Many of these matters have crossed state lines through the law firms accused and in New York, a NY Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine Anderson, Esq. has identified a Racketeering type organization within not only the NY Courts and NY Disciplinary Agencies but the NY prosecutorial offices, including the US Attorney, the NY Attorney General Cuomo’s offices and the NY District Attorneys Office.

The allegations rise to senior members of these public offices acting in conspiracy to deprive due process to citizens’ complaints against them and in fact, a “Cleaner”, Naomi Goldstein of the NY Supreme Court was allegedly according to Anderson Whitewashing attorney complaints for these prosecutors. In addition, Anderson claims “favored lawyers and law firms” had their complaints cleaned as well.

The Anderson case now also involves Federal Obstruction of Justice in a federal Lawsuit, with death threats on Federal Witnesses on their way to testify in Federal Court. Extortion of state employees is also evidenced in Anderson, replete with physical assaults on the 60 yr. female Anderson, to either aid and abet or else by Senior New York Supreme Court Officials.

My Trillion Dollar Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit filed alongside and in support of Anderson’s Historic and Heroic Whistleblower claims, was legally “related” to the Anderson Whistleblower lawsuit by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin.

Many of the defendants in my Fed RICO and ANTITRUST are located here in Florida, in fact all of my claims began in Florida, as that is where my companies and myself were located at the time the criminal activities were first discovered.

Proskauer partners were ordered for Investigation for Conflicts of Interest and Violations of Public office by the New York Supreme Court, in a unanimous consent of five justices of that court but those investigations are now under investigation for their failure to investigate.

The allegations in NY are almost identical to those I filed in Florida just different players from the same firms often having infiltrated and violated public offices to deny due process to my complaints in violation of law and attorney and judicial conduct codes.

All of my complaints in Florida in the courts and to all state agencies are herein officially requested to be re-opened in light of the revelations of new and damning information revealed in Anderson and new evidence against certain defendants in my lawsuit from Florida.

New evidence includes Defendant Proskauer Rose LLPand Partner Thomas Sjoblom’s involvement in the ExSir Robert Allen Stanford Ponzi scheme, Sjoblom found aiding and abetting Stanford Employees in a Miami Airport Hanger teaching them how to lie to SEC and FBI investigators.

As you know, Proskauer has been sued in a Global Class Action for the entire damages of Stanford, approximately 7 Billion US Dollars. Another thread to Florida is another Defendant in my Fed RICO, now infamous Ponzi schemer, Marc S. Dreier, Esq., who has been sentenced to 20 years for his Ponzi scheme.

Greenberg Traurig law firm, who represents the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court in my Fed RICO, acting in conflict as Greenberg Traurig was also former Patent Counsel for my companies and myself, where Greenberg has recently been alleged running a large Ponzi scheme in Florida, more information below. A link too many of the Florida specific crimes can be found at



Complaints filed in Florida with the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court are requested to be re-opened by your offices with oversight by your offices to mitigate any further conflicts of interest and violations of Public Offices and law.

Complaints filed with the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court against, Florida Bar employees, Florida Supreme Court Public Officials, Proskauer Partners Christopher Clarke Wheeler, Esq. who was convicted of Felony DUI with Injury in Florida and Matthew Triggs who violated Florida Bar Rules in handling Complaints in multiple conflicts and violation of public office of the Florida Bar, are also being requested herein to have formal investigations into the matters reheard entirely based on a plethora of new information and evidence against the defendants in those matters and again instituted with oversight of your offices.

Similarly, we are requesting that your offices investigate the Florida Civil Court Case Civil Case No. 502001CA004671XXCDAB with new evidence showing a complete fraud on the court was orchestrated by Proskauer and Judge Jorge Labarga of the Florida Supreme Court, prior to your appointment of Labarga to the Florida Supreme Court.

I also note that members of your inner staff are formerly with Defendant Foley & Lardner, who acted as Solicitor General to the Florida Supreme Court while my complaints were being reviewed by that Court.

I also note that Justice Jorge Labarga and several of the Florida Supreme Court Justice and Court Officials are Defendants in my Trillion Dollar Fed RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. I also note that several members or former members of the Florida Bar are Defendants in my Trillion Dollar Fed RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit.

Therefore, I request further that your offices in handling these matters proceed with extreme caution in ferreting out ALL Conflicts of Interest prior to involvement by any party, to preclude further possible charges against members of your office or any other party your offices join into these matters.

I have attached a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form for all parties, including yourself, to sign and return to my office at 2753 NW 34th St. Boca Raton, FL 33434, prior to ANY Actions you take in even considering the matter.

As a mass of Conflicts of Interest have been discovered in these matters already and the Whistleblower further identifying a criminal conspiracy within state agencies, this Conflict form is essential to ensuring fair and impartial due process of law by non conflicted parties. Any conflicts identified may be considered based on full disclosure and agreement by ALL parties involved or new non conflicted parties must be retained prior to disclosure of even the most basic information.

As these matters in New York and Florida are against some of the highest ranking officials in the states, I know that in New York Anderson and now other related cases and witnesses who testified to the New York Senate Judiciary Committee are seeking various forms of witness protection, I similarly would like to know what options for this type of protection are available to those who come forward in Florida.

As a car bombing victim of the RICO Criminal Enterprise, described in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit I feel that certain protections should already have been availed, in fact, I petitioned the Florida Supreme Court for such once already and this Motion is located at the URL

October 07, 2004 Supreme Court of Florida Motion Final Cert
as well as, repeated requests since it was determined by Florida Fire Investigator Rick Lee that accelerants’ were the cause of the explosion that blew up three cars next to it, in Boynton Beach Florida. Despite repeated notice to Florida Law Enforcement, as you can see from the previous link they too were involved in the second act that protection from the court was requested for and therefore have never investigated these matters through public office corruption after public office corruption after public office corruption as defined herein and in the attached URL’s.

Please make all exhibits and links fully incorporated by reference herein into this letter for formal docketing in the Florida Grand Jury Request of Eliot Bernstein and the Iviewit Companies, each URL may have several URL’s, also hereby incorporated entirely by reference herein and for further use by the Grand Jury.

As Whistleblower Anderson in a sworn statement has claimed that she witnessed document destruction of investigatory files first hand (Anderson’s Statement to the New York Judiciary Committee attached below), please print each and every url in entirety for inclusion into this document and due to the fact that these matters pertain to US Patent Rights of an inventor, please retain these files and information for a period of no less than 20 yrs.

There are over a thousand documents at the URL http://www.iviewit.tv/ on the homepage under the Evidence Section on the homepage for your review and for docketing with the complaints and for review by investigators or Grand Jurors.

Despite whether the Florida Grand Jury investigates these most serious allegations of corruption at the highest levels of Florida Government, let this letter also serve as a formal request that your offices begin all necessary notices and/or investigations and notify all investigatory bodies necessary to investigate all those persons named in my Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit from Florida and notify them of the new evidence and requests for an entire review of all prior actions by any Florida Agency listed herein or in the URL’s embedded herein.

Please formally notify the following offices of this submission, including but not limited to, the Florida Inspector General (copied herein), the Florida US Attorney, the necessary Florida District Attorneys and the Florida Attorney General of the allegations and information contained herein, please have all parties sign prior to acceptance of ANY materials a Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, again prior to ANY actions or decisions being rendered or transfer of any confidential information.

Please take this communication as both a request to join the 19th Florida Grand Jury and Request for Formal Investigations of all of the following Florida Defendants in my Fed RICO and ANTITRUST by the Florida Governor and Florida Attorney General’s offices, please docket a separate complaint for each Florida organization and individual listed below;

PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners,

Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and
individual capacities,

CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional
and individual capacities,

MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual
capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and
individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer,

ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional
and individual capacities,

CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional
and individual capacities,

MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional
and individual capacities,AMENDED

professional and individual capacities,

GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional
and individual capacities,

DAVID GEORGE, in his professional
and individual capacities,

GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional
and individual capacities,

GREGG REED, in his professional
and individual capacities,

LEON GOLD, in his professional
and individual capacities,

MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional
and individual capacities,

KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional
and individual capacities,

STUART KAPP, in his professional
and individual capacities,

RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional
and individual capacities,

CHRIS WOLF, in his professional
and individual capacities,

JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional
and individual capacities,

FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners,
Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and
individual capacities,

MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional
and individual capacities,

WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional
and individual capacities,



HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities,


JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities,

and individual capacities,

official and individual capacities,

ERIC TURNER in his official and individual

KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual

JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual

JERALD BEER in his official and individual
capacities,BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners,

Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and
individual capacities,

JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional
and individual capacities,


HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and
individual capacities,

HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and
individual capacities

HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and
individual capacities,

HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and
individual capacities,

HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and
individual capacities,

THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual

DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and
individual capacities,



BOCA RATON Police Department

ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and
individual capacities,

ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual



STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional
and individual capacities,

RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional
and individual capacities,

professional and individual capacities,

MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional
and individual capacities,

ERIC CHEN, in his professional
and individual capacities,

AVI HERSH, in his professional
and individual capacities,

MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional
and individual capacities,

BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional
and individual capacities,

RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional
and individual capacities,


ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional
and individual capacities,


WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional
and individual capacities,

WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional
and individual capacities,

HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,

FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,

MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,

SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities,

SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities,

SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities,

ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities,

KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities,

CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities,

ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities,

ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, ”


Above Letter From Eliot Bernstein Iviewit Technologies Founder and Main Inventor to Florida’s Governor Charlie Crist … AGAIN… What will Governor Charlie Crist of Florida do with this Knowing of Blatant and Widespread Corruption This Time ??

I will Let You Know.

In My Opinion, if Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum and if Governor Charlie Crist IGNORES this information, Well Time for a RICO Lawsuit, a Whistleblower Lawsuit AGAINST the STATE of FLORIDA for aiding and abetting Massive Shareholder Fraud, Major Crime and Corruption, Government Corruption and for Hiding Secrets that will Cost Taxpayers – Investors – Shareholders BILLIONS of Dollars.

More on the Massive Corruption in Florida

Posted Here by
Investigative Blogger
Crystal L. Cox

got a Tip on Corruption in Florida,
or on Bill McCollum Florida Attorney General,
Or On Governor Charlie Crist ??
eMail me


Check out Eliot Bernstein on Dick Woelfle’s We The People TV – Part 1 – The Inventions now playing @


Additional Info Attached to Letter

—–Original Message—–
From: AG [mailto:AG@MyFloridaLegal.com]
Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 6:01 PM
To: iviewit@iviewit.tv
Subject: From Attorney General Bill McCollum

Florida Attorney General Bill McCollum received your email regarding the Florida Bar and the Florida Supreme Court.  Attorney General McCollum asked that I respond on his behalf.

Attorney General McCollum issued the following statement on the Florida Supreme Court’s order to convene a statewide grand jury on public corruption: McCollum Grand Jury Statement

The Statewide Prosecutor will serve, by law, as the statewide grand jury’s counsel.  As mentioned in the above statement, our Statewide Prosecutor will work with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and Florida’s state attorneys to identify investigations and cases to bring before the statewide grand jury.  I am forwarding your correspondence to the Statewide Prosecution Office for review.  However, due to the confidential nature of investigations, the Statewide Prosecution Office is not at liberty to comment further.  We will keep your concerns under advisement.

If you have not already done so, I also encourage you to convey your concerns to Governor Charlie Crist’s Office at:

Office of the Governor

The Capitol

Tallahassee, Florida  32399-0001

Telephone:  (850) 488-4441

Website: http://www.flgov.com

You should consult your private attorney for any legal advice you may need.  By law our office cannot give legal advice, statutory interpretations, or legal opinions to private individuals or businesses.

Thank you for giving us the opportunity to review your concerns.


Samantha Santana

Office of Citizen Services


To contact this office please visit the Attorney General’s website at www.myfloridalegal.com and complete the on-line contact form.  Again, thank you for contacting the Office of the Florida Attorney General.



Eliot Bernstein

2753 nw 34th st

Boca Raton, FL 33434

Email: iviewit@iviewit.tv

RE: Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg Traurig, FL Supreme Court Justices, Florida Bar and more

Subject: Public Corruption Grand Jury

I have spoken at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee who is holding hearings on Court Corruption in NY related to the NY Supreme Court Whistleblower case listed below.  My RICO and Antitrust, involving many FL attorneys and Judges is related to the Whistleblower Lawsuit.

Florida Supreme Court & Florida Bar sued in Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST LAWSUIT – Radio Interview Inventor Eliot Bernstein on Les Winston’s Disbar the Florida Bar Iviewit Technologies Inventor, Eliot Bernstein, Interviews with Disbar the Florida Bar’s Radio Host Les Winston ~ The Biz 880am regarding Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST Lawsuit against Florida Bar, FL Supreme Court, Justice Jorge Labarga, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg Traurig & more.

Lawsuit Legally “Related” to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson who reveals an attorney complaint case fixer “Cleaner”, Naomi Goldstein at NY Ethics Dept which regulates WallStreet.

Press Release Distributed @


or online interactive version @


Disbar the Florida Bar Radio Host Les Winston interviews Iviewit Tech Inventor Eliot Bernstein regarding illegal activities at the Florida Supreme Court, Florida Bar & Judge Jorge Labarga.





World-renowned Inventor of Digital Video & Imaging Mathematical Scaling Formulas, Eliot Bernstein discusses with radio talk show host Les Winston of Disbar the Florida Bar his Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST Lawsuit, naming the Florida Bar, Florida Supreme Court & Labarga as Defendants. The suit marked “legally” related by Judge Shira Scheindlin to a NY Whistleblower suit filed by a Supreme Court of NY Staff Attorney, Christine C. Anderson, Esq.

Bernstein’s Amended Complaint

Anderson alleges the NY Attorney Disciplinary Dept, responsible for the oversight of WallStreet lawyers, has been whitewashing and cleaning disciplinary complaints against attorneys, including US Attorney’s, DA’s & ADA’s.  Anderson named a “Cleaner” from the Ethics Dept of the NY Supreme Court, Naomi Goldstein, supervisor at the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee.  No wonder WallStreet melted down & attorney regulators go unpunished for failures after causing massive damage to the American People, only to then leave government positions for cushy law firm partnerships.  Anderson claimed staff attorney, Nicole Corrado Esq., on her way to testify at deposition supporting Anderson’s suit was threatened & intimated by a Sr. Court Official regarding giving testimony, creating Federal Obstruction of Justice, Witness Tampering & more by Court Officials.

Bernstein suing the FL & NY Supreme Courts, State Bars & Disciplinary Agencies, claims conflicted members of the courts, partners from Proskauer Rose LLP law firm, the main conspirator in Bernstein’s case along with law firm Foley & Lardner, illegally handled complaints against partners while holding official title with the courts & disciplinary agencies.  In NY, Bernstein’s

allegations led to unanimous consent of 5 justice of the NY Supreme Court to have former NY State Bar Association President, Steven Krane, a Proskauer partner, ordered for investigation for conflicts & the appearance of impropriety.  Proskauer’s Kenneth Rubenstein, the sole (soulless) patent evaluator for MPEGLA LLC, ordered for investigation along with attorney Raymond Joao, who claims to have put 90+ patents into his own name.  Bernstein claims patents filed by Joao were during & after the time Iviewit retained Joao to patent inventions for Bernstein, Joao patented them for himself instead.  After termination as Iviewit counsel, Joao worked for infamous convicted felon Marc S. Dreier, sentenced July 13, 2009, to 20 years in prison.  Thomas Cahill, former

Chief Counsel of the First Dept whom Anderson alleges to be the ringleader at the First Dept, ordered for Special Inquiry.  Cahill’s investigation relates to Krane’s conflicts & Cahill’s role in aiding and abetting the RICO Criminal Enterprise, which Bernstein claims is composed mainly of corrupt mob type law firms.  Anderson under oath in Scheindlin’s US Fed Court stated “Cleaner”

Goldstein was cleaning complaints against “favored law firms and lawyers”.

NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo fingered by Anderson & Bernstein for illegal representation of the accused NY State Officials in violation of his public office duties.  Cuomo represents the State Officials both professionally & personally on the broke NY State taxpayers’ dime and Bernstein alleges the NY Attorney General is guilty of Felony Title 18 Obstruction of Justice. Obstruction caused by Cuomo’s conflicting his offices with scienter from investigating the accused State Defendants they represent while simultaneously failing to call in a non-conflicted investigator to investigate the Defendants on behalf of the People of NY. Cuomo is duty bound by Public Officer Law 17(2)(b), which dictates the Attorney General not represent State Defendants when conflict with their offices exist.

Yet Cuomo not only represents the State Defendants when conflict exists in both Bernstein and Anderson’s lawsuit but has failed to call in any outside investigator to investigate the State Defendants, his clients, creating a block to prosecution & obstructing justice.  Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer & the NY Attorney General’s office are Defendants in Bernstein’s suit.  The fact they are Defendants makes the continued representation of the State Defendants by the Attorney General’s office bizarre and further illegal.  Bernstein filed criminal complaints with the Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn Fine, the US Attorney General Eric Holder & others regarding the criminal activities of both the NY and FL Officials.

Bernstein is the inventor of digital imaging & video technologies that revolutionized the Internet, Television & Digital Imaging, the technologies valued over a Trillion Dollars over the 20 yr patent life.  Bernstein’s patents are currently on Suspension with the US Patent & Trademark Office by the Commissioner of Patents while the Office of Enrollment & Discipline (OED)

Director at the US Patent Office, the Federal Patent Bar, investigates Bernstein’s attorneys for crimes including Fraud Upon the US Patent & Trademark Office.


Bernstein claims Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Stephen Lucchesi claimed to be working with Harry I. Moatz, Director of the OED investigating allegations of crimes against the US & more, Bernstein claims Moatz confirmed collaboration with the FBI. Bernstein calls for the end of attorney self regulation & self discipline by their peers, which has obviously failed, in favor of charging attorneys with criminal acts to criminal prosecutors, warning that victims of attorneys, judges and prosecutors who file with attorney run state attorney regulators are doing themselves a disfavor.  Bernstein claims the attorneys gain advantage through using the state disciplinary agencies, defending themselves in conflict and gaining confidential information against them, while feathering their caps with conflicted decisions on Supreme Court letterhead.  Bernstein along with Anderson, testified before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee in NY @




Chaired by Hon. Senator John Sampson, the hearings to investigate allegations of corruption in the NY Supreme Court Appellate Divisions.  Hearings remain ongoing & claims made by NY Senators attending to begin a Task Force to investigate victims’ claims of legal process abuse. According to Bernstein, one look only at the recent plethora of criminal activity in the stock market & Ponzi schemes to see that all of these schemes are run by law firms. Bernstein claims the Ponzis are illegal money laundering operations for monies illegally obtained by the law firms Criminal RICO Enterprise activities.  Bernstein points to recent schemes such as Bernard Madoff, former “Sir” Allen Stanford, Marc S. Dreier & Greenberg Traurig’s involvement directly in a Ponzi, as evidence that lawyers are behind the schemes & directly involved in intentionally creating subterfuge of the regulatory agencies that could have prevented these schemes.  Greenberg, recall was central to Abramoff’s fraud and linked to the Stanford Regulatory Failures.

Other Defendants, reported to the SEC for alleged Shareholder Frauds relating to the Iviewit RICO & ANTITRUST include Time Warner (NYSE: TWX), Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Silicon Graphics, Inc. (delisted NYSE: SGI) & successor Silicon Graphics International (NASDAQ: SGI), Sony Corporation (NYSE/ADR: SNE) , Lockheed Martin

Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Ernst & Young Global Limited @

http://www.free-press-release.com/news-eliot-bernstein-of-iviewit-technologies-f iles-sec-fbi-complaint-with-mary-schapiro-others-against-warner-bros-aol-inc-time-warner-intel-sgi-268580941.html






Information regarding these Ponzi schemes and the relation to the Iviewit crimes @

•         Information regarding Greenberg Traurig’s involvement in a recent Ponzi, “The American Lawyer is reporting today, May 13, 2010, that the law firm of Greenberg Traurig has been sued for its willful participation in and facilitation of what it knew to be an illegal Ponzi scheme” @


Greenberg represents in conflict the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court Defendants in Bernstein’s Trillion Dollar RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit, as Greenberg was retained patent counsel by Bernstein & therefore acts wholly in violation of law representing Defendants in the matter.

•         Information re the Bernard Madoff, Stanford & Dreier connections to Defendant Proskauer @


“Proskauer Rose and Partner Thomas Sjoblom Further Implicated in the Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, Failures of SEC in Stanford Cited Further Supporting Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein’s Federal Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Claims”


“Proskauer (Porksour) Rose Law Firm Going Down in Allen Stanford Ponzi, next the trail of money may lead to Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein’s stolen Trillion Dollar Patents”


“Florida Bar Under Fire for Lack of Regulation in Robert Allen Stanford & Scott Rothstein Ponzi scheme, Kenneth Marvin defendant in Iviewit Multi Trillion Dollar Lawsuit”.  After reading

the article, one wonders if the Florida Bar reported this liability in the Iviewit Multi Trillion Dollar Federal Lawsuit to State Auditors? The legally related cases to Anderson are @

Cases @ New York Second Circuit

1.       08-4873-cv United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT

2.       Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.

3.       Esposito v The State of New York, et al.

4.       McKeown v The State of New York, et al.

Related Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY

5.       07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. - WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT which other cases have been marked legally “related” to by Fed. Judge Shira A. Scheindlin @


6.       07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.


7.       07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.


8.       08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.,


9.       08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al.


10.   08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.,

11.   08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al.


12.   08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.


13.   08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.


14.   08 cv 6368   John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York


15.   06cv05169 McNamara v The State of New York, et al.


Other Press Releases


Iviewit Press Release: World Renowned Inventor of Internet Video and Image Scaling Formulae Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies files SEC & FBI CRIMINAL Complaint with Mary Schapiro & Others against Warner Bros., AOL Inc., Time Warner, Intel, SGI, Lockheed Martin, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner for Patent Theft, a car bombing and more.  Read all about it Online Interactive Version of Press Release




Hard Copy of the Release


(Copy & paste the urls to address bar if not clickable or see attached PDF)

Prior Press Release re Supreme Court of New York Whistleblower Lawsuit

US Federal Whistleblower Lawsuit (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al.  Criminal Allegations Requiring Senator John L. Sampson’s Immediate Attention. In Judge Shira A. Scheindlin’s US Federal Court Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson Reveals a “Cleaner”, Naomi Goldstein, at the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department ETHICS Committee allegedly Whitewashing Complaints for US Attorneys, DA’s and more, a scene more reminiscent of the Gotti Trial on the 26th Floor of the same Federal Courthouse…Inventor Eliot Bernstein’s Family Minivan Bombed in US Patent Office Fraud files Twelve Trillion Dollar RICO Suit legally “related” by Judge Scheindlin to the Whistleblower case (08-4873-cv US Court of Appeals Second Circuit) and US District Court (07cv11196).

Where was the Press through all this, the Right Arm of Anarchy, not a single report in over five years regarding a Car Bombing so powerful it blew up three cars next to it in Boynton Beach Florida and not a single press story? Where was the Press for the Whistleblower revelations of Whitewashing of Complaints by the New York Supreme Court for US Attorneys and District Attorneys, a Cleaner at the Ethics Department that regulates Wall Street Lawyers?  Has Investigative Journalism died?  If there are any Journalists or Investigative Reporters left on earth, please feel free to call me, Eliot Bernstein @ 561-245-8588 or write iviewit@iviewit.tv to break the greatest patent story ever told.

For an Interactive version of the attached Adobe PDF Letter to the New York Senate Judiciary Committee and Senator John L. Sampson below with Links to all Exhibits @


From: Eliot Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@hotmail.com]

Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2009 6:43 AM

To: John L. Sampson, Chairman ~ New York Senate Judiciary Committee ( sampson@senate.state.ny.us )

Cc: The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee ( john.conyers@mail.house.gov ); The Honorable Glenn Fine ~ Inspector General @ United States Department of Justice ( glenn.a.fine@usdoj.gov ); The Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General Department of Justice; The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein (Business Fax); Jennifer Duck, Chief Counsel ~ Senator Dianne Feinstein ( jennifer_duck@judiciary-dem.senate.gov ); The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ ( Inspector.general@usdoj.gov ); The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ ( AskDOJ@usdoj.gov ); The Honorable Shira A. Scheindlin @ United States District Court ~ Southern District of New York ( shira_a._scheindlin@NYSD.uscourts.gov ); Elena Kagan, Charles Hamilton Houston Professor of Law Dean of the Faculty of Law @ Harvard Law School ( ekagan@law.harvard.edu ); Harry I. Moatz ~ Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office – Office of Enrollment & Discipline; David Kappos ~ Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO ( david.kappos@USPTO.gov ); John J. Doll – Commissioner for Patents; David Gouvaia @ Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration ( david.gouvaia@tigta.treas.gov ); Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman @ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov ); Enforcement @ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ( enforcement@sec.gov ); Chris P. Mercer, President ~ Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (epi) ( cpm@carpmaels.com ); Steven Michael Cohen, Counselor and Chief of Staff @ New York Office of the Attorney General ( steven.cohen@oag.state.ny.us ); Timothy Spotts Esq. ~ Counsel @ Senate Standing Committee on the Judiciary ( spotts@senate.state.ny.us ); ‘George Onorato (D-NY 12th) ( onorato@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Senator Ruth E. Hassell-Thompson (D-NY 36th) ( hassellt@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Ruben Diaz (D-NY 32nd) ( diaz@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Jeffrey D. Klein (D-NY 34th) ( jdklein@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘ ( eadams@senate.state.ny.us )’; New York State Senator Pedro Espada Jr. (D) @ 33rd Senate District ( espada@senate.state.ny.us ); ‘Senator Neil D. Breslin (D-NY 46th) ( breslin@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘ ( dilan@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Diane J. Savino (D-NY 23rd) ( savino@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Bill Perkins (D-NY 30th) ( perkins@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘George D. Maziarz (R-NY 62nd) ( maziarz@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Senator John A. DeFrancisco (R-NY 50th) ( jdefranc@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘David J. Valesky (D-NY 49th) ( volker@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Stephen M. Saland (R-NY 41st) ( saland@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘William J. Larkin, Jr. (R-NY 39th) ( lavalle@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Senator John J. Bonacic (R-NY 42nd) ( bonacic@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘George H. Winner, Jr. (R-NY 53rd) ( winner@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Michael F. Nozzolio (R-NY 54th) (

nozzolio@senate.state.ny.us )’; ‘Andrew J. Lanza (R-NY 24th) ( lanza@senate.state.ny.us )’; New York State Senator Michael H. Ranzenhofer (R, C, IP) @ 61st Senate District ( ranz@senate.state.ny.us ); Monica Connell, Assistant Attorney General – Division of State Counsel Litigation Bureau ~ State of New York Office of the Attorney General ( monica.connell@oag.state.ny.us ); Rory J. Bellantoni, Partner @ Lovett & Bellantoni, LLP ( info@lovett-bellantoni.com ); Jonathan Lovett, Partner @ Lovett & Bellantoni, LLP ( info@lovett-bellantoni.com ); Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire ( caroline@cprogers.com ); Marc R. Garber, Esquire @ Flaster Greenberg P.C.; Michele Marlene Mulrooney Jackoway Esq. ( MMulrooney@JTWAMM.com ); ‘Andy Dietz’; Barry Becker @ Rock-It Cargo USA, Inc. ( barryb@rockitcargo.com ); ‘Terry’; Pat Handley (  svm231@aol.com ); Kevin R. Hall Esq. ( krhall007@aol.com ); ‘ iviewit@gmail.com  ‘; ‘Iviewit Press Release’; TourCandy; ‘Guy Iantoni’; James F. Armstrong ( jim@6armstrongs.com ); Alessandra Dupont ( dupontalessandra1@gmail.com ); Betsy Combier @ Parent  Advocates; ‘Christine C. Anderson ( tallawah@earthlink.net )’; Eleanor Capogrosso Esq. ( eleanor.capogrosso@gmail.com ); Frank Brady @ Expose Corrupt Courts ( CorruptCourts@gmail.com ); ‘Gizella Weisshaus ( GizellaWeisshaus@yahoo.com )’; Jackie Weaver ( jaweaver13@yahoo.com ); Kathryn Grace Jordan @ E.N.D. ~ End Discrimination Now – E.N.D. ( info@enddiscriminationnow.com ); ‘Luisa Esposito’; ‘Pamela Carvel ( estatecrimes@gmail.com )’; Ruth M. Pollack ( ruthmpollack@yahoo.com ); Ruth M. Pollack Esq. ( Ruth@ruthmpollackesq.com ); Scott H. Robb ( shrobb@msn.com ); ‘Tembani Selepi Xaba ( tembani@earthlink.net )’; William Galison ( wgalison@aol.com ) Subject: US Federal Whistleblower Lawsuit (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al. Criminal Allegations Requiring Your Immediate Attention, Revelation of “Cleaner” at NY First Dept Ethics Committee, Whitewashing Complaints for US Attorneys, District Attorneys and Assistant DA’s and  More.



Surf with Vision

Dear Hon. John L. Sampson, Chairman of the New York Senate Judiciary Committee,

Please review the attached PDF Document or


which is a letter regarding the Criminal Allegations levied in the Christine C. Anderson v. New York State et al. case to you and requires actions on the part of the NY Senate Judiciary Committee.

Very Truly Yours,

Eliot I. Bernstein


Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL


World Renowned Inventor of Trillion Dollar + Technologies and Car Bombing Victim Eliot Bernstein filed written testimony to supplement his live testimony before a September 24, 2009 NY State Senate Judiciary Committee hearing under Chair, NY Senator John L. Sampson, as announced in the attached press release. An interactive version of the press release is @


and the Formal Written Prepared Statement is @


The technologies are claimed to be used across all Internet and Digital Television providers hosting and distributing video, on Defense applications, Space and Flight simulators, Guidance Systems, Medical Imaging Devices, GPS Mapping like Google Maps, You-Tube, the Hubble Space Telescope and much more.  Major Fortune 1000 and Wall street interests implicated in the case include Intel, SGI, Lockheed, IBM, Comcast, Verizon, AOL TW, Yahoo, Universal Studios, Morgan Stanley, CIBC and much more.  In what is commonly now referred to as “Patentgate”, the attention of Washington, DC and Federal Agencies have been trailing the case for years which involves allegations of Fraud on the US Patent Office and the Attempted Murder of the Inventor’s Family by a Car Bombing in Boynton Beach, Florida strong enough to take out 3 cars, images @ www.iviewit.tv .

Bernstein filed a TWELVE COUNT – TWELVE TRILLION DOLLAR Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act ( RICO ) Federal complaint, the case moved its way in to New York when Bernstein’s case was marked legally “related” by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin, to a Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine Anderson.  Anderson case comes from alleged corruption out of the Supreme Court of NY First Department in Manhattan, which is heading to trial very on October 19, 2009. Major Law Firms and Wall Street interests implicated in the matter include major Defense firm Lockheed Martin, the Intel Corporation, Silicon Graphics Inc and others.

Law firms Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner implicated as central players in the theft and fraud on the United States Patent & Trademark Offices, which have led to suspension of the intellectual Properties by the US Patent Office Commissioner are under investigation, the patents suspended while federal investigations continue.  Proskauer recently sued for aiding and abetting the Stanford Ponzi scheme and a former SEC Proskauer partner has resigned from the firm, leaving the firm with a global class action for the entire billions stolen by Stanford.  Ties to Madoff and Proskauer also abound and Proskauer is also found representing themselves in court against Bernstein their former client, in MASS conflicts of interest.

The press release contains Links to Written Testimony and other releases including a Petition to President Obama and US Attorney General Eric Holder. The full NY senate Judiciary Committee hearing regarding the Public Office Corruption in NY can be found @



Bernstein’s Testimony comes at 4.02.08 on the video timeline where he declares that the State Bar Association is a drinking establishment and that it should be “blown up” and “hard pipe hitting investigators who hate lawyers” should be charged with investigating and prosecuting dirty lawyers, judges and politicians, to the jeers of the packed hearing room.

Press Release appeared originally at the totally awesome Free Press Release


Amended Complaint – 12 Trillion Dollars


February 13th 2009 Letter to President Barack Hussein Obama II to enjoin The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General ~ Department of Justice


More @ Expose Corrupt Courts “BREAKING NEWS IN NEW YORK STATE COURT CORRUPTION TRIAL – Anderson Pulls in Powerhouse Trial Team to Confront Court Ethics Corruption”


Christine Anderson Statement

Exhibit 2 – Christine C. Anderson Statement

Christine C. Anderson

Attorney at Law

227 Riverside Drive, Ste. 2N

New York, New York 10025

September 13, 2009 (via Confirmed Overnight Delivery)

The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr.

Attorney General of the United States

Office of the Attorney General

United States Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. Preet Bharara

United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

United States Department of Justice

One St. Andrews Plaza

New York, New York 10007

Hon. William M. Welch II

Chief, Public Integrity Unit

United States Department of Justice

950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.

Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. John L. Sampson,Chairman

New York State Senate Judiciary Committee

409 Legislative Office Building

Albany, NY 12247

Re: Request for Federal Investigation Into Allegations of Corruption and Witness Intimidation and Appointment of Federal Monitor


My name is Christine C. Anderson. For six and one-half years, I was a Principal Attorney of the New York State Appellate Division, First Department’s Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”). The DDC is responsible for investigating and disciplining attorneys found guilty of misconduct in representing the public in the Bronx and Manhattan. After discovering and reporting of acts of misconduct and corruption at the DDC, which acts constituted an abuse of power and a fraud upon the public, my employment was summarily terminated in June, 2007.

Prior to my employment with the DDC, I was in private practice for over twenty years. Before that, I worked for the Human Resources Administration of New York City. In other words, I am a thoroughly seasoned attorney, with a broad based knowledge of general practice.

As a result of my wrongful termination in retaliation for my reporting misconduct in violation of my First Amendment rights, I instituted a lawsuit captioned Anderson v. State of New York, et al., 07 Civ. 9599 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). (A copy of my complaint in this action is attached hereto as Exhibit A.) Specifically, I discovered and reported that employees of the DDC had engaged in, inter alia, the “whitewashing” [of] complaints of misconduct leveled against certain “select” attorneys and law firms. This “whitewashing” sometimes involved burying cases or destroying evidence, so that certain complaints were inevitably, unavoidably, dismissed. I witnessed this destruction of evidence myself. Other reported misconduct involves victimizing attorneys lacking privileged positions or connections.

Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.

During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.

On June 8, 2009, I testified at a hearing convened by John L. Sampson, New York State Senator and Chairman of the New York State Standing Committee On The Judiciary. (A copy of my affidavit submitted to the Committee is attached hereto as Exhibit B.) At that hearing, several witnesses testified as to their shocking experiences with the grievance and judiciary committees in New York State. Shockingly, within days of my testimony, in my lawsuit, my sealed medical and psychiatric records were filed and posted publicly on the court’s Internet filing system by counsel for the defendants – i.e., the New York State Attorney General’s Office. I regard those actions as horrifically unethical and malicious, and taken in deliberate retaliation for my testifying at the Senate hearing.

The detailed testimony presented by innumerable witnesses at the June 8th Senate hearing reveals the manifold reports of corruption and abuse by the State’s Disciplinary Committees. (A copy of the transcript of this hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit C.) Charges included concealment of evidence, obstruction of justice, extortionate sexual threats by attorneys, pilfering of estates by attorneys, abuse of power, fraud, conspiracy and repeated violations of state and federal constitutional rights.

In light of the foregoing, it is plain that the enduring practice of allowing attorneys in this state to police themselves is fundamentally flawed. With the numerous reports of abuse by both attorneys and state officials, the corruption in the court system has reached a critical stage. Accordingly, I respectfully request that you authorize the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the epidemic of honest services fraud in the New York state court system, and the appointment of a Federal Monitor, to oversee the lawful operation of the same.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Christine C. Anderson

cc w/o enc:

The Hon. David A. Paterson

New York State Governor

Office of the Governor of New York State

State Capitol

Albany, New York 12224

The Hon. Boyd M. Johnson III

Deputy United States Attorney for the

Southern District of New York

Public Corruption Unit

United States Department of Justice

One St. Andrews Plaza

New York, New York 10007

The Hon. Loretta A. Preska

Chief U.S. District Judge

United States Courthouse

Southern District of New York

500 Pearl Street

New York, New York 10007-1312

The Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo

New York State Attorney General

Office of the Attorney General of New York State

The Capitol

Albany, New York 12224-0341

The Hon. Luis A. Gonzalez

Presiding Justice, New York State Appellate Division,1st Department

27 Madison Avenue

New York, New York 10010

The Hon. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr.

Assistant Director in Charge, New York Division

26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor

New York, New York 10278-0004

End Anderson Letter******The Committee should take URGENT notice of the following information exposed by the Internet Legal Site, Expose Corrupt Courts, in relation to Anderson’s claims perhaps of Targeting Federal Witnesses for Harassment, I again quote and read into the record @ http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/2008/11/breaking-news.html : FBI Probes Threats on Federal Witnesses in NY Ethics Scandal.

Honorable Governor Crist, in closing, I welcome the opportunity to work with your offices in cleaning the Great State of Florida of one of the largest Public Office Corruption scandals of the century.  Thank you in advance for your cooperation in these matters.  Please formally docket this FORMAL COMPLAINT and REQUEST FOR GRAND JURY participation and confirm such in writing with my offices via US Mail as soon as possible.

Yours truly,

Eliot Ivan Bernstein, Inventor

Surf with Vision

EliotI. Bernstein
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (yes, two identically named)
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL
Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Uview.com, Inc. – DL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)

Other Websites I like:





http://www.VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer

http://www.killallthelawyers.ws/law (The Shakespearean Solution)

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Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form

Failure to comply may result in criminal and civil charges against you

Friday, September 03, 2010

Please accept and return signed the following Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form (COI) before continuing further with adjudication, review, dismissal, investigation or ANY other action in regard to the the attached GRAND JURY REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN ONGOING Nineteenth Florida Grand jury and formal complaint requests for docketing and formal disposition with governor charlie crist’s office.

dante Gates of Hell

This Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form designed to ensure that the review and any determinations from such review of the enclosed materials are not biased by any conflicting financial interest or any other conflicting interest by those reviewers responsible for the handling of this confidential information.  Whereby any conflict with any of the main alleged perpetrators listed in the attached List of Parties of the alleged crimes referenced in these matters or any other perpetrators not know at this time must fully be disclosed and affirmed in writing and returned for review prior to any action on your part.

Disclosure forms with “Yes” answers by any party to any of the following questions are demanded not to open the remainder of the documents or opine in any manner and instead forward the matters on to the next available reviewer that is free of conflict that can sign and complete the requisite disclosure.  Please identify conflicts that you have in writing upon terminating your involvement in the matters.  As many of these alleged perpetrators are large law firms, members of various state and federal courts and officers of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies, careful review and disclosure of any conflict with those named herein is pertinent in your continued handling of these matters.

As these matters involve claims of, including but not limited to, conflicts, violations of public offices, interference with complaints in the Supreme Court of New York, coercion, document destruction, obstructions of justice, tampering with Federal Witnesses, RICO, ATTEMPTED MURDER, the need for prescreening for conflict is essential to the administration of due process in these matters to avoid further OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE.  Federal Judge Shira A. Scheindlin has legally related these matters to a Whistleblower Lawsuit who alleges similar claims of public office corruption against Supreme Court of New York personnel and possibly others.  Please take this as a formal written request for full disclosure of any conflict on your part to any related matters known or unknown, such request conforming with all applicable state and federal laws, public office rules and regulations, attorney conduct codes and judicial canons or other international law and treatises requiring disclosure of conflicts and recusal from matters where conflict precludes involvement.

Failure to comply with all applicable conflict disclosure rules, regulations and laws prior to continued action on your part will be cause for the filing of complaints against you for any decisions or actions you make prior to a signed Conflict Of Interest Disclosure Form with all applicable regulatory agencies.  Complaints will be filed with all appropriate authorities, including but not limited to the appropriate, Federal, State, Local and International Law Enforcement Agencies, Public Integrity Officials, Judicial Conduct Officials, State and Federal Bar Associations, Disciplinary Departments and any/all other appropriate oversight agencies for failing to follow well established rules and regulations governing public office conflict, attorney conduct conflicts, judicial conduct and law.

  1. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate have, any direct or indirect relations (relationships), or interest in any outside entity or any direct or indirect relations (relationships) to the parties listed in attached LIST OF PARTIES to the proceeding of the matters you are reviewing?

_____NO                ____YES

Please describe in detail any identified conflicted parties on a separate and attached sheet.  Fully disclose all information regarding the conflict. If the answer is YES, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind.  Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters.

  1. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate have, any direct or indirect relations (relationships), or interest in any outside entity or any direct or indirect relations (relationships) to Any other known or unknown person or known or unknown entity not named herein that will cause your review of the complaint you are charged with investigating to be biased by any conflicting past, present, or future financial interest or any other interest(s)?

_____NO                ____YES

Please describe in detail any identified conflicted parties on a separate and attached sheet.  Fully disclose all information regarding the conflict. If the answer is YES, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind.  Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters.

  1. Do you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, receive salary or other remuneration or financial considerations from any entity related to the enclosed parties to the proceeding of the mattersincluding but not limited to campaign contributions whether direct, “in kind” or of any type at all?

_____NO                ____YES

Please describe in detail any consideration(s) on a separate and attached sheet fully disclosing all information regarding the consideration(s). If the answer is Yes, please describe the relations, relationships and / or interests and please affirm whether such presents a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind. Please indicate if you are seeking waiver of the conflict(s) or will be disqualifying from involvement in these matters.

  1. Have you, your spouse, and your dependents, in the aggregate, had any prior communication(s), including but not limited to, phone, facsimile, e-mail, mail, verbal, etc. with any person related to the proceeding of the Iviewit or related matters?

_____NO                ____YES

Please describe in detail any identified communication(s) on a separate and attached sheet fully disclosing all information regarding the communication(s). If the answer is YES, please describe the communication(s) in detail, including but not limited to, who was present, what type of communication, the date and time, please affirm whether such communication(s) present a conflict of interest in fairly reviewing the matters herein without undue bias or prejudice of any kind.

  1. I have run a thorough and exhaustive Conflict of Interest check to conform with any and all state, federal or local laws, public office rules and regulations, judicial cannons, attorney conduct codes and any other professional association rules and regulations regarding disclosure of any conflict(s) to verify that my spouse, my dependents, and I in the aggregate, have no conflict(s) with any parties to the matters referenced herein.

_____NO                ____YES

  1. I have notified all parties with any liabilities regarding my continued actions in these matters, including state auditors and agencies, insurance concerns or any other person with liability that may result from my actions in these matters.

_____NO                ____YES



  • Proskauer Rose, LLP; Alan S. Jaffe – Chairman Of The Board – (”Jaffe”); Kenneth Rubenstein – (”Rubenstein”); Robert Kafin – Managing Partner – (”Kafin”); Christopher C. Wheeler – (”Wheeler”); Steven C. Krane – (”Krane”); Stephen R. Kaye – (”S. Kaye”) and in his estate with New York Supreme Court Chief Judge Judith Kaye (“J. Kaye”); Matthew Triggs – (”Triggs”); Christopher Pruzaski – (”Pruzaski”); Mara Lerner Robbins – (”Robbins”); Donald Thompson – (”Thompson”); Gayle Coleman; David George; George A. Pincus; Gregg Reed; Leon Gold – (”Gold”); Albert Gortz – (”Gortz”); Marcy Hahn-Saperstein; Kevin J. Healy – (”Healy”); Stuart Kapp; Ronald F. Storette; Chris Wolf; Jill Zammas; FULL LIST OF 601 liable Proskauer Partners; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Proskauer partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Proskauer ROSE LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Proskauer related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • MELTZER, LIPPE, GOLDSTEIN, WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C.; Lewis Melzter – (”Meltzer”); Raymond Joao – (”Joao”); Frank Martinez – (”Martinez”); Kenneth Rubenstein – (”Rubenstein”); FULL LIST OF 34 Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. liable Partners; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. partner, affiliate, company, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein, Wolf & Schlissel, P.C. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • FOLEY & LARDNER LLP; Ralf Boer (”Boer”); Michael Grebe (“Grebe”); Christopher Kise (“Kise”); William J. Dick – (”Dick”); Steven C. Becker – (”Becker”); Douglas Boehm – (”Boehm”); Barry Grossman – (”Grossman”); Jim Clark – (”Clark”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Foley & Lardner partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Foley & Lardner; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Foley & Lardner related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP; Richard Schiffrin – (”Schiffrin”); Andrew Barroway – (”Barroway”); Krishna Narine – (”Narine”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Schiffrin & Barroway, LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP; Norman Zafman – (”Zafman”); Thomas Coester – (”Coester”); Farzad Ahmini – (”Ahmini”); George Hoover – (”Hoover”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Blakely Sokoloff Taylor & Zafman LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP; Martyn W. Molyneaux – (”Molyneaux”); Michael Dockterman – (”Dockterman”); FULL LIST OF 198 Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP liable Partners; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.; Alan M. Weisberg – (”Weisberg”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Christopher & Weisberg, P.A.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Christopher & Weisberg, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE; Masaki Yamakawa – (”Yamakawa”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Yamakawa International Patent Office partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Yamakawa International Patent Office; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Yamakawa International Patent Office related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • GOLDSTEIN LEWIN & CO.; Donald J. Goldstein – (”Goldstein”); Gerald R. Lewin – (”Lewin”); Erika Lewin – (”E. Lewin”); Mark R. Gold; Paul Feuerberg; Salvatore Bochicchio; Marc H. List; David A. Katzman; Robert H. Garick; Robert C. Zeigen; Marc H. List; Lawrence A. Rosenblum; David A. Katzman; Brad N. Mciver; Robert Cini; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Goldstein & Lewin Co. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Goldstein & Lewin Co.; Partners, Associates, Of Counsel, Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Goldstein & Lewin Co. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • INTEL Corporation;
  • Silicon Graphics Inc.;
  • Lockheed Martin Corporation;
  • Real 3D, Inc. (SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN & INTEL) & RYJO; Gerald Stanley – (”Stanley”); Ryan Huisman – (”Huisman”); RYJO – (”RYJO”); Tim Connolly – (”Connolly”); Steve Cochran; David Bolton; Rosalie Bibona – (”Bibona”); Connie Martin; Richard Gentner; Steven A. Behrens; Matt Johannsen; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO; Employees, Corporations, Affiliates and any other Intel, Real 3D, Inc. (Silicon Graphics, Inc., Lockheed Martin & Intel) & RYJO related or affiliated entities, and any successor companies both individually and professionally;
  • Tiedemann Investment Group; Bruce T. Prolow (”Prolow”); Carl Tiedemann (”C. Tiedemann”); Andrew Philip Chesler; Craig L. Smith; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Tiedemann Investment Group partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Tiedemann Investment Group and any other Tiedemann Investment Group related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Crossbow Ventures  / Alpine Partners; Stephen J. Warner – (”Warner”); Rene  P. Eichenberger – (”Eichenberger”); H. Hickman  Hank  Powell – (”Powell”); Maurice Buchsbaum – (”Buchsbaum”); Eric Chen – (”Chen”); Avi Hersh; Matthew Shaw – (”Shaw”); Bruce W. Shewmaker – (”Shewmaker”); Ravi M. Ugale – (”Ugale”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Crossbow Ventures  / Alpine Partners partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Crossbow Ventures  / Alpine Partners and any other Crossbow Ventures  / Alpine Partners related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • BROAD & CASSEL; James J. Wheeler – (”J. Wheeler”); Kelly Overstreet Johnson – (”Johnson”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Broad & Cassell partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Broad & Cassell and any other Broad & Cassell related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • FORMER IVIEWIT MANAGEMENT & BOARD; Brian G. Utley/Proskauer Referred Management – (”Utley”); Raymond Hersh – (”Hersh”)/; Michael Reale – (”Reale”)/Proskauer Referred Management; Rubenstein/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit – Advisory Board; Wheeler/Proskauer Rose Shareholder in Iviewit – Advisory Board; Dick/Foley & Lardner – Advisory Board, Boehm/Foley & Lardner – Advisory Board; Becker/Foley & Lardner; Advisory Board; Joao/Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe & Schlissel – Advisory Board; Kane/Goldman Sachs – Board Director; Lewin/Goldstein Lewin – Board Director;  Ross Miller, Esq. (“Miller”), Prolow/Tiedemann Prolow II – Board Director; Powell/Crossbow Ventures/Proskauer Referred Investor – Board Director; Maurice Buchsbaum – Board Director; Stephen Warner – Board Director; Simon L. Bernstein – Board Director (“S. Bernstein”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Former Iviewit Management & Board partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Former Iviewit Management & Board and any other Former Iviewit Management & Board related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT – WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA; Judge Jorge LABARGA – (”Labarga”); any other John Doe (”John Doe”) FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT – WEST PALM BEACH FLORIDA staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time.  Hereinafter, collectively referred to as (”15C”);
  • THE FLORIDA BAR; Lorraine Christine Hoffman – (”Hoffman”); Eric Turner – (”Turner”); Kenneth Marvin – (”Marvin”); Anthony Boggs – (”Boggs”); Joy A. Bartmon – (”Bartmon”); Kelly Overstreet Johnson – (”Johnson”); Jerald Beer – (”Beer”); Matthew Triggs; Christopher or James Wheeler; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) The Florida Bar staff, known or not known to have been involved at the time;
  • MPEGLA, LLC. – Kenneth Rubenstein, Patent Evaluator; Licensors and Licensees, please visit www.mpegla.com for a complete list; Columbia University; Fujitsu Limited; General Instrument Corp; Lucent Technologies Inc.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corp.; Philips Electronics N.V. (Philips); Scientific Atlanta, Inc.; Sony Corp. (Sony); EXTENDED LIST OF MPEGLA LICENSEES AND LICENSORS; any other John Doe MPEGLA, LLC. Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) MPEGLA, LLC partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to MPEGLA, LLC and any other MPEGLA, LLC related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • DVD6C LICENSING GROUP – Licensors and Licensees, please visit www.mpegla.com for a complete list; Toshiba Corporation; Hitachi, Ltd.; Matsushita Electric Industrial Co. Ltd.; Mitsubishi Electric Corporation; Time Warner Inc.; Victor Company Of Japan, Ltd.; EXTENDED DVD6C DEFENDANTS; any other John Doe DVD6C LICENSING GROUP  Partner, Associate, Engineer, Of Counsel or Employee; any other John Doe (”John Doe”) DVD6C LICENSING GROUP partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to DVD6C LICENSING GROUP and any other DVD6C LICENSING GROUP related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Harrison Goodard Foote incorporating Brewer & Son; Martyn Molyneaux, Esq. (“Molyneaux”); Any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Harrison Goodard Foote (incorporating Brewer & Son) partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Harrison Goodard Goote incorporating Brewer & Son and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Lawrence DiGiovanna, Chairman of the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee;
  • James E. Peltzer, Clerk of the Court of the Appellate Division, Supreme Court of the State of New York, Second Judicial Department; Diana Kearse, Chief Counsel to the Grievance Committee of the Second Judicial Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee;
  • Houston & Shahady, P.A., any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Houston & Shahady, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Houston & Shahady, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Furr & Cohen, P.A. any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Furr & Cohen, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Furr & Cohen, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A., any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A., affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Moskowitz, Mandell, Salim & Simowitz, P.A. related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.  The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. partners, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. and any other related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA, affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Sachs Saxs & Klein, PA related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Huizenga Holdings Incorporated any other John Doe (”John Doe”) Huizenga Holdings Incorporated affiliates, companies, known or not known at this time; including but not limited to Huizenga Holdings Incorporated related or affiliated entities both individually and professionally;
  • Judge Martin Glenn, New York Southern District Bankruptcy;
  • Judge Shira A. Scheindlin;
  • Davis Polk & Wardell;
  • Ropes & Gray LLP;
  • Sullivan & Cromwell LLP;
  • Eliot I. Bernstein, (“Bernstein”) a resident of the State of California, and former President (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and its affiliates and subsidiaries and the founder of Iviewit and principal inventor of its technology;
  • P. Stephen Lamont, (“Lamont”) a resident of the State of New York, and former Chief Executive Officer (Acting) of Iviewit Holdings, Inc. and all of its affiliates and subsidiaries;
  • Andrew Cuomo in his official and individual capacities,
  • Justice Richard C. Wesley in his official and individual capacities,
  • Justice Peter W. Hall in his official and individual capacities,
  • Justice Debra Ann Livingston in her official and individual capacities,
  • Justice Ralph K. Winter in his official and individual capacities
  • Justice Shira A. Scheindlin in her official and individual capacities,
  • Alan Friedberg in his official and individual capacities,
  • Roy Reardon in his official and individual capacities,
  • Judge Martin Glenn in his official and individual capacities,
  • Warner Bros. Entertainment,
  • Time Warner Communications,
  • AOL Inc.,
  • Sony Corporation,
  • Ropes & Gray,
  • Stanford Financial Group,
  • Bernard L. Madoff et al.
  • Marc S. Dreier,
  • Sony Corporation,
  • Ernst & Young,
  • Arthur Andersen,
  • The Russell Trust Co.;
  • Yale Law School;
  • Council on Foreign Relations;
  • The Bilderberg Group;
  • The Federalist Society;
  • The Bradley Foundation;
  • The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation;
  • Trilaterals
  • Freemasonry,

Please include in the COI check the defendants and any other parties in the legally related cases in New York District Court Southern District of New York to Docket No 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT, including but not limited to;

  1. United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit 08-4873-cv
  2. (07cv11196) Bernstein et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT Defendants, in addition to those already listed herein, include but are not limited to;
  • STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner;
  • ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer;
  • JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities;
  • JAMES H. SHALEK; in his professional and individual capacities;
  • GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities;
  • TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities;
  • THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities;
  • DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities;
  • ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities;
  • ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities;
  • PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities;
  • MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities;
  • CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities;
  • HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities;
  • HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities;
  • HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities;
  • HON. JUDITH  S. KAYE in her official and individual  capacities;
  • ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities;
  • ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York;
  • ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities;
  • NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities;
  • MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities;
  • LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities;
  • MPEGLA LLC; LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • INTEL CORP.; LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities;
  • WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities;
  • LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities;
  • ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities;
  • BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities;
  • BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities;
  • WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities;
  • BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities;
  • SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities;
  • ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities;
  • JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities;
  • IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation;
  • IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation;
  • IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.);
  • UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation;
  • IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.);
  • IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation;
  • IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation;
  • I.C., INC., a Florida corporation;
  • IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation;
  • IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company;
  • IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company;
  • IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation;
  1. Other Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY
  • 07cv09599        Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT;
  • 07cv11196        Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.;
  • 07cv11612        Esposito v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv00526        Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.;
  • 08cv02391        McKeown v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv02852        Galison v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv03305        Carvel v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv4053          Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv4438          Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.;
  • 08cv6368          John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York

Relevant Sections of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes and Law

Conflict of interest” indicates a situation where a private interest may influence a public decision. Conflict of Interest Laws are laws and regulations designed to prevent conflicts of interest. These laws may contain provisions related to financial or asset disclosure, exploitation of one’s official position and privileges, regulation of campaign practices, etc.

New York State Consolidated Laws Penal

S 200.03 Bribery in the second degree

S 200.04 Bribery in the first degree

S 200.05 Bribery; defense

S 200.10 Bribe receiving in the third degree

S 200.11 Bribe receiving in the second degree

S 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree

S 200.15 Bribe receiving; no defense

S 200.20 Rewarding official misconduct in the second degree

S 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree S 200.25 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the second degree

S 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree

S 200.30 Giving unlawful gratuities

S 200.35 Receiving unlawful gratuities

S 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office; definition of term

S 200.45 Bribe giving for public office

S 200.50 Bribe receiving for public office


S 175.05 Falsifying business records in the second degree. S 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

S 175.15 Falsifying business records; defense

S 175.20 Tampering with public records in the second degree

S 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree

S 175.30 Offering a false instrument for filing in the second degree

S 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree

NY Constitution ARTICLE XIII Public Officers

Public Officers  – Public Officers ARTICLE 1

ARTICLE 2 Appointment and Qualification of Public Officers – ARTICLE 15 ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS

S 468-b. Clients` security fund of the state of New York

S 476-a. Action for unlawful practice of the law

S 476-b. Injunction to restrain defendant from unlawful practice of the law

S 476-c. Investigation by the attorney-general

S 487. Misconduct by attorneys

S 488. Buying demands on which to bring an action.

Public Officers Law SEC 73 Restrictions on the Activities Of Current and Former State Officers and Employees

Public Officers Law SEC 74 Code of Ethics

Conflicts of Interest Law, found in Chapter 68 of the New York City Charter, the City’s Financial Disclosure Law, set forth in section 12-110 of the New York City Administrative Code, and the Lobbyist Gift Law, found in sections 3-224 through 3-228 of the Administrative Code.



Sec. 201. Bribery of public officials and witnesses

Sec. 225. – Continuing financial crimes enterprise


Sec. 205. – Activities of officers and employees in claims against and other matters affecting the Government

Sec. 208. – Acts affecting a personal financial interest

Sec. 210. – Offer to procure appointive public office

Sec. 225. – Continuing financial crimes enterprise

TITLE 18 PART I CH 79 Sec 1623 – False declarations before grand jury or court

Sec 654 – Officer or employee of United States converting property of another

TITLE 18 PART I CH 73 Sec 1511 – Obstruction of State or local law enforcement


Section 1503 (relating to obstruction of justice),

Section 1510 (relating to obstruction of criminal investigations)

Section 1511 (relating to the obstruction of State or local law enforcement),

Section 1952 (relating to racketeering),

Section 1957 (relating to engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity),




title 18 part i ch 19 sec 1962 (d) RICO


TITLE 18 PART I CH 95 RACKETEERING SEC 1957 Engaging in monetary transactions in property derived from specified unlawful activity

TITLE 18 PART I CH 47 Sec 1031 – Major fraud against the United States

Judicial Cannons

Canon 1.  A Judge Should Uphold the Integrity and Independence of the Judiciary

[1.1] Deference to the judgments and rulings of courts depends upon public confidence in the integrity and independence of judges. The integrity and independence of judges depends in turn upon their acting without fear or favor. Although judges should be independent, they must comply with the law, including the provisions of this Code. Public confidence in the impartiality of the judiciary is maintained by the adherence of each judge to this responsibility. Conversely, violation of this Code diminishes public confidence in the judiciary and thereby does injury to the system of government under law.

Canon 2. A Judge Should Avoid Impropriety and the Appearance of Impropriety in All Activities

(A) A judge shall respect and comply with the law and shall act at all times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the judiciary.

[2.2][2A] The prohibition against behaving with impropriety or the appearance of impropriety applies to both the professional and personal conduct of a judge. Because it is not practicable to list all prohibited acts, the proscription is necessarily cast in general terms that extend to conduct by judges that is harmful although not specifically mentioned in the Code.  Actual improprieties under this standard include violations of law, court rules or other specific provisions of this Code. The test for appearance of impropriety is whether the conduct would create in reasonable minds a perception that the judge’s ability to carry out judicial responsibilities with integrity, impartiality and competence is impaired.

Canon 3. A Judge Should Perform the Duties of the Office Impartially and Diligently

(B) Adjudicative responsibilities.

(l) A judge shall be faithful to the law and maintain professional competence in it. A judge shall not be swayed by partisan interests, public clamor or fear of criticism.

(2) A judge shall require order and decorum in proceedings before the judge.

(D) Disciplinary responsibilities.

(1) A judge who receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that another judge has committed a substantial violation of this Part shall take appropriate action.

(2) A judge who receives information indicating a substantial likelihood that a lawyer has committed a substantial violation of the Code of Professional Responsibility shall take appropriate action.

(3) Acts of a judge in the discharge of disciplinary responsibilities are part of a judge’s judicial duties.

(E) Disqualification.

(1) A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in a proceeding in which the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned

[3.11][3B(6)(e)] A judge may delegate the responsibilities of the judge under Canon 3B(6) to a member of the judge’s staff. A judge must make reasonable efforts, including the provision of appropriate supervision, to ensure that Section 3B(6) is not violated through law clerks or other personnel on the judge’s staff. This provision does not prohibit the judge or the judge’s law clerk from informing all parties individually of scheduling or administrative decisions.

[3.21][3E(1)] Under this rule, a judge is disqualified whenever the judge’s impartiality might reasonably be questioned, regardless whether any of the specific rules in Section 3E(1) apply. For example, if a judge were in the process of negotiating for employment with a law firm, the judge would be disqualified from any matters in which that firm appeared, unless the disqualification was waived by the parties after disclosure by the judge.

[3.22][3E(1)] A judge should disclose on the record information that the judge believes the parties or their lawyers might consider relevant to the question of disqualification, even if the judge believes there is no real basis for disqualification.

Canon 4. A Judge May Engage in Extra-Judicial Activities To Improve the Law, the Legal System, and the Administration of Justice

Canon 5. A Judge Should Regulate Extra-Judicial Activities To Minimize the Risk of Conflict with Judicial Duties

Public Office Conduct Codes New York

PUBLIC OFFICERS LAW Laws 1909, Chap. 51.


Sec. 17. Defense and indemnification of state officers and employees.

2 (b)

Sec. 18. Defense and indemnification of officers and employees of public entities.

3 (b)

Sec. 74. Code of ethics.




§ 73. Business or professional activities by state officers and employees and party officers.

NY Attorney Conduct Code

(a) “Differing interests” include every interest that will adversely affect either the judgment or the loyalty of a lawyer to a client, whether it be a conflicting, inconsistent, diverse, or other interest.

CANON 5. A Lawyer Should Exercise Independent Professional Judgment on Behalf of a Client

DR 5-101 [1200.20] Conflicts of Interest – Lawyer’s Own Interests.

DR 5-102 [1200.21] Lawyers as Witnesses.

DR 5-103 [1200.22] Avoiding Acquisition of Interest in Litigation.

DR 5-104 [1200.23] Transactions Between Lawyer and Client.

DR 5-105 [1200.24] Conflict of Interest; Simultaneous Representation.

DR 5-108 [1200.27] Conflict of Interest – Former Client.

CANON 6. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Competently

CANON 7. A Lawyer Should Represent a Client Zealously Within the Bounds of the Law

DR 7-102 [1200.33] Representing a Client Within the Bounds of the Law.

DR 7-110 [1200.41] Contact with Officials.

DR 8-101 [1200.42] Action as a Public Official.

DR 8-103 [1200.44] Lawyer Candidate for Judicial Office.

A. A lawyer who is a candidate for judicial office shall comply with section 100.5 of the Chief Administrator’s Rules Governing Judicial Conduct (22 NYCRR) and Canon 5 of the Code of Judicial Conduct.

CANON 9. A Lawyer Should Avoid Even the Appearance of Professional Impropriety

DR 9-101 [1200.45] Avoiding Even the Appearance of Impropriety.

I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing statements in this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM are true and correct.  Executed on this ____ day of _______20__.  I am aware that any false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims will subject me to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties, including possible culpability in the RICO related crimes including the alleged attempted murder of the inventor Eliot Bernstein and his wife and children in a car-bombing attempt on their lives. I agree to accept responsibility for the unbiased review, and presentation of findings to the appropriate party(ies) who also have executed this CONFLICT OF INTEREST DISCLOSURE FORM.  A lack of signature will serve as evidence that I have accepted this document with conflict in the event that I continue to represent the matters without signing such COI first and will be an admission of such conflict(s).

Organization – GRAND JURY REQUEST FOR INCLUSION IN ONGOING Nineteenth Florida Grand jury and formal complaint requests for docketing and formal disposition with governor charlie crist’s office.

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If you are unable to sign this COI and are therefore unable to continue further to pursue these matters, please attach a statement of whom we may contact as your replacement, a copy can be sent to iviewit@iviewit.tv or the mailing address below:

Eliot I. Bernstein


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Tags: Add new tag, allen stanford, Andrew Cuomo, barroway, bernard madoff, crossbow ventures, crystal cox, eliot bernstein, eric holder, expose corrupt courts, First Department, first department disciplinary, foley & lardner, intel, inventor, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, lockheed, marc dreier, martin glenn, meltzer, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, ny senate judiciary committee, okun, ownership, patent, patentgate, person, proskauer, ralph winter, RAYMOND A. JOAO, sex, sgi, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, steven c. krane, theft, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, United States Patent & Trademark Office, video, wayne huizenga, xxx

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein, Guest on Dick Woelfle’s We the People TV on Network 125 Television @ http://wethepeopletv.com. Discussion of Intel, SGI, Lockheed, AOL, Time Warner, IBM. Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner involvement in Federal RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit legally related to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine Anderson lawsuit and more coming soon

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein, Guest on Dick Woelfle’s We the People TV on Network 125 Television @ http://wethepeopletv.com. Discussion of Intel, SGI, Lockheed, AOL, Time Warner, IBM. Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner involvement in Federal RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit legally related to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine Anderson lawsuit and more coming soon

From: Eliot Ivan Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@iviewit.tv]
Sent: Monday, August 23, 2010 11:46 AM
To: Subject: Eliot Bernstein, Guest on Dick Woelfle’s We the People TV on Network 125 Television, Part 1 the Inventions
































Part 16


Eliot Bernstein, Guest on Dick Woelfle’s We the People TV on Network 125 Television, Part 1, the inventions.  From Video circumcision to video technologies that changed the world.  More to come soon.  Sign up to Network 125 tv and for 5 bucks you can watch tv on hundreds of stations on the internet or connected to your tv.


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Eliot I. Bernstein
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
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Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL
Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Uview.com, Inc. – DL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)






Also, check out

Eliot’s Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Professional Video courtesy of NY Senate, my fav part at end

Eliot’s Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Professional Video Handheld Camera View, my favorite version at the very end


Christine Anderson New York Supreme Court Attorney Ethics Expert Whistleblower Testimony, FOX IN THE HENHOUSE and LAW WHOLLY VIOLATED TOP DOWN EXPOSING JUST HOW WALL STREET / GREED STREET / FRAUD STREET MELTED DOWN AND WHY NO PROSECUTIONS OR RECOVERY OF STOLEN FUNDS HAS BEEN MADE. Anderson in US Fed Court Fingers, US Attorneys, DA’s, ADA’s, the New York Attorney General and “Favored Lawyers and Law Firms” @

and finally latest blog


Eliot Part 1 – The Iviewit Inventions @

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #1

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #2

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #3

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Guest on Les Winston DisBar the Florida Bar Show #4

Eliot Bernstein Iviewit Inventor Televison Interview Dick Woelfle Network 125

Eliot for President in 2012 Campaign Speech 1 with No Top Teeth, Don’t Laugh, Ok, laugh but very important

Eliot for President in 2012 Campaign Speech 2 with No Top OR Bottom Teeth, Don’t Laugh, Ok, laugh again but more important

Eliot for President in 2012 Campaign Speech 3 most important


Other Websites I like:










http://www.VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer









“We the people are the rightful master of both congress and the courts – not to overthrow the Constitution, but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution.” – Abraham Lincoln

“Whensoever the General Government assumes undelegated powers, its acts are unauthoritative, void, and of no force.” — Thomas Jefferson, The Kentucky Resolutions of 1798

“If a law is unjust, a man is not only right to disobey it, he is obligated to do so.” Thomas Jefferson

“Each time a person stands up for an ideal, or acts to improve the lot of others, or strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope, and crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, these ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance.” – Robert F. Kennedy

“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take, but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!” – Patrick Henry

“Dick: The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers.” The Shakespearean Solution, Sam The Butcher, Henry The Sixth, Part 2 Act 4, scene 2, 71–78

I live by the saying from Ellen G. White:
“The greatest want of the world is the want of men, –men who will not be bought or sold; men who in their inmost souls are true and honest, men who do not fear to call sin by its right name; men whose conscience is as true to duty as the needle to the pole, men who will stand for the right though the heavens fall.” -Education, p. 57(1903)

If you are one of these people, nice to be your friend ~ Eliot

Steven C. Krane of Proskauer Rose LLP lawfirm obituary, lackey to Judith “Judenraut” Kaye former Chief Judge of New York. GOOD RIDDANCE KRANE FROM IVIEWIT & ELIOT BERNSTEIN

Steven C. Krane of Proskauer Rose LLP lawfirm obituary, lackey to Judith “Judenraut” Kaye former Chief Judge of New York. GOOD RIDDANCE KRANE FROM IVIEWIT & ELIOT BERNSTEIN

Could not have said this better as to what a piece of crap Krane was to the US, a fascist Nazi Judenraut pig!  Go Nando.




Saturday, August 7, 2010

Profiles in Human Waste: ABA Hitman Steven C. Krane

On August 5, 2008, the ABA Standing Committee on “Ethics and Professional Responsibility” issued Formal Opinion 08-451, i.e. the infamous Outsourcing Opinion. This placed the ABA’s stamp of approval on U.S. law firms’ hiring foreign lawyers and non-lawyers for American legal discovery. Here is the text of that dastardly opinion:


There is some good news: the chair of this committee, Steven C. Krane of New York – “an expert on legal ethics” – recently died of a heart attack, at age 53. You talk about poetic justice! This could not have happened to a better person. After all, he financially killed THOUSANDS of American JDs, who otherwise could have paid their bills and student loans with doc review gigs.

“Steven C. Krane, the general counsel of Proskauer Rose and a former state bar president who was instrumental in a wide-ranging reformulation of the state’s attorney ethics rules, died of a heart attack Tuesday. He was 53.

Mr. Krane collapsed at the conclusion of a business lunch at a restaurant near Proskauer’s office at 47th Street and Broadway. He was pronounced dead at Roosevelt Hospital at 2:19 p.m.”

We can see that Porky allowed his arteries to become clogged. (I suppose all the time he spent on screwing working-class lawyers and their families, and covering up for high-dollar, corporate criminals did not permit this porker to exercise. Hence, his health declined to the point where he died of a heart attack, at age 53.) I am sure his “business lunch” cost more than many of us slap down for two weeks’ worth of groceries.
For an interesting read on the workings of Krane and Co. at Proskauer Rose LLP, check out the link above. If the allegations are true, then this is a stinging indictment against this man, his firm, and the New York judicial system.


And how can we complete this entry, without providing the link to ABA “president” Carolyn Lamm’s truly EMBARRASSING hagiography of Krane? [Disclaimer: Do not read this garbage if you have recently eaten anything – especially a business lunch.]

“The legal profession has lost one of its shining stars.
Hopefully, you are not eating right now. The New York State Bar Association renamed a fund, to honor this (massive) waste of space, i.e. “NEWLY RENAMED STEVEN C. KRANE FUND TO ASSIST YOUNG LAWYERS WORKING IN PUBLIC SERVICE WITH PAYING STUDENT LOANS.”Did this influential porker EVER advocate for lower tuition?! Did he ever push to make student loans dischargeable in bankruptcy?!?!
Apparently, Krane “held significant concern” about the plight of recent, debt-soaked law grads working in public service positions – all while helping his corporate firm earn $643 million in revenues for 2009. (And thoughts/concerns speak louder than actions, right?!?!) What a Renaissance man!


Fatty served on several ABA and New York State commissions, including an appointment bythat shining beacon of integrity, David A. Paterson, to the “New York State Commission on Public Integrity” – whatever the hell that is.
In the final, brutal analysis, anyone who crushes the livelihoods for THOUSANDS of professionals – with a few keystrokes – is NOT deserving of one ounce of respect or one iota of sympathy. This fat pig made a lot of money by squashing little people, and protecting white collar scum.
Burn in hell for eternity, you piece of trash. Do not shed a single tear for this “man.” He devoted his entire “professional” life to screwing people over a wooden crate. It doesn’t matter that Krane has been in a wooden coat for less than 2 months. (On a positive note, at least the worms and crickets will be able to feast on his large remains for quite some time.)


Steven C. Krane, general counsel for Proskauer Rose, was a brilliant lawyer, wonderful leader and good friend to so many in the American Bar Association.

Steven also was one of the nation’s foremost experts in the field of ethics and professional responsibility and was a model in those areas in his daily life. I was honored to have him serve on my Commission on Ethics 20/20, designed to look at the U.S. system of lawyer regulation in the context of advances in technology and global legal practice developments.”

New York State Bar Article on Fat Bastard


Scammed Hard! said…

Delightfully brutal as always, Nando. I think you hit the nail on the head with this one: “Anyone who crushes the livelihoods for THOUSANDS of professionals – with a few keystrokes – is NOT deserving of one ounce of respect or one iota of sympathy.”People like this guy will be remembered for selling out the many for the sake of the few, for accelerating the overall decline of the legal industry, and seeing thousands of attorney jobs shipped overseas. How’s that for “ethics!”

August 7, 2010 8:44 PM

Anonymous said…

I actually think nando went easy on this worthless, corrupt piece of shit.August 7, 2010 9:04 PM

Anonymous said…

No need to beat a dead horse Nando. If Krane had not authored the ethics opinion, someone else would have. Let the man rest in peace. I mean if you had to live a life looking like Steven Krane, you would want a brief life too. I hope he wasn’t buried wearing that awful looking tie (with the caribou and girafe pattern-I actually saw this tie on sale at Marshall’s a few years ago for $5).The ABA is not interested in advancing the interests of law students or shitlaw solos. Every week I open my jurisdiction’s law journal and read about a young attorney who is being disciplined by the bar for stupid shit (e.g., putting trust monies in business accounts, not communicating with clients within 24 hours, not having retainer agreements, etc.). Only the principals at Biglaw can lie, cheat and steal from their clients without fear of repercussion. However, if you are a solo and God forbid you pocketed 10 cents by accident from your attorney trust account-automatic disbarment. Life’s not fair despite Krane’s early demise. Krane is not the enemy. He was merely a minion of the ABA/Biglaw lobby.

August 7, 2010 10:44 PM

AJ said…

Why can’t the legal profession abide by universal ethics? Why must they make their own rules and then claim morality by only abiding by those specific rules? Just shows that the purpose of the law is to protect those in power.August 8, 2010 5:02 AM

Anonymous said…

Age 53 is a very young age. I think this goes to show that we, as lawyers, shouldn’t take this “law” stuff too seriously. Life is so short.When it comes down to it, the “law” is really just a bunch of chatter between us human beings.

Some people treat the law as something to sacrifice their life, family, and spouses for. However, we need to keep in mind that far more matters than the “law.”

August 8, 2010 7:50 AM

Anonymous said…



Tyson said…

I think the problem is that there are not enough lawyers. We need more lawyers because only other lawyers understand what us lawyers actually do. Nobody else in our society truly understands how valuable we are and how hard *most* of us really work.

Also, hiring lawyers is not that costly. It is only costly for people without money. Actually, legal services of $400/hr for an army of lawyers is fairly cheap for a corporation when considering that they handle multi-million dollar transactions.

There are great complexities in our capitalist society and only lawyers have the acumen to figure them out.

August 8, 2010 8:38 AM Anonymous said…

Screwing over the little fish is never acceptable. Fuck Steven Krane, though we should pray the Lord has mercy on him for even the worst sinner may gain salvation.August 8, 2010 9:24 AM

Anonymous said…

Nando you are nothing more than a hack. You could actually write a legitimate blog with legitimate journalism techniques to actually shed light on what is going on in the industry instead you cut and past nearly every article on here and seemingly just substitute different numbers for tuition and different names of the school along with a picture of a different overflowing toilet/sewer system. And now you are dancing on the graves of those who have passed.Yes, the market is terrible and yes, there are many people to blame for this, but your efforts are nothing more than self-promotion.August 8, 2010 11:30 AM

Tyson said…

MYTH: If a job isn’t on the internet, then it doesn’t exist.TRUTH: Law firms do not usually like to post hiring activities on the internet because it makes a law firm look unstable, unattractive, weak, and understaffed. Instead, firms like to hire discreetly. Firms also like to hire people they personally know already and like to find that “perfect fit” – something a firm can’t really assess by electronic applications.SOLUTION: Get your butt out there and get to know some people!

TIP: Grades and school rank matter a whole lot less than how you work in a team, and how likely you are to positively “represent” the firm as a whole. Grades are a factor, but so are MANY other factors in landing a MUTUAL business relationship.

August 8, 2010 1:58 PM

Anonymous said…

If trying to become a lawyer isn’t worth it to people (considering previous investment, job prospects, hassle, etc.) then don’t be a lawyer!If you failed to adequately research job prospects BEFORE you entered law school, then that’s the individual’s mistake for relying too much on one single statistic. You should have thought about that BEFORE you entered law school. Now live with it your error.August 8, 2010 2:23 PM

Nando said…

Tyson, how are things in Gaithersburg, MD, and Washington, DC? Why do you bother posting the same mindless drivel on this blog?To wit:“There are great complexities in our capitalist society and only lawyers have the acumen to figure them out.”

Also, did you mean to say, “There are great disparities of wealth in our capitalist society”? Thanks for the update, by the way. I didn’t realize that until you pointed it out. Regarding your belief that only lawyers can figure them out is arrogant, preposterous and silly. (Are you being deliberately dense? This is an act, right?)

As a self-admitted third year law student, what practical career advice do you have for the readers of this blog – other than “get your butt out there and get to know some people”? By the way, genius, PLENTY of law students have done exactly this, and are still unemployed. What is your excuse/explanation for this situation? Do these JDs suffer from poor hygiene, or poor social skills?! COULD IT BE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TOO MANY JDs FOR THE AVAILABLE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY POSITIONS?!?!

Also, why the over-reliance on straw men? Did anyone here state that if a job isn’t on the internet, it doesn’t exist? (Such jobs exist, and are posted internally. Good luck to the recent law grad who thinks he will be a candidate for such a position.)

To the tool at 11:30,

Steven Charles Krane devoted his entire “professional” life to crushing little people. This blog is backed up by the facts. I apologize if the harsh tone of this site offends your sensibilities. Perhaps, you should not visit this site, if it is not to your liking. You don’t think this portly man ever giggled himself silly, thinking about all those he screwed over?

You are correct, in that I don’t give a damn if Krane’s carcass has been in the ground for not quite 2 months. It is called schadenfruede. Look it up. (Should I feel sympathy for a serial rapist who dies in a shootout with police? If someone deliberately burns my house down, and then dies in a bus crash 2 years later, should I wait for an “appropriate” amount of time to pass before casting stones at the scoundrel?)

If you want to mourn this man’s passing, you are free to do so. However, DO NOT expect recent JDs and attorneys to share in that sentiment. Maybe, you can make a donation to the Steven C. Krane Fund, so you can help public interest lawyers pay back their student loans. Or, perhaps, you can toast his memory at your next business lunch.

August 8, 2010 2:56 PM

Anonymous said…

http://nylaw.typepad.com/new_york_civil_law/2007/10/the-state-comis.html Looks like the big guy was under investigation for patent fraud. A natural choice to head up ABA and NYSBA ethics commissions.”Wonder why Steven Krane was one of the guys who was elected for Judy’s post but he would have been nuts to take it as this would have been the first issue in his campaign. Krane who violates ethics, while acting under ethics titles, is sweating, and he needs to, as the matters of Iviewit were recently forwarded by John Dingell, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee to the House Judiciary Committee where it is now under review.”August 8, 2010 3:24 PM

tyson said…

@ Nando: “COULD IT BE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TOO MANY JDs FOR THE AVAILABLE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY POSITIONS?!?!”If a firm or company wants you because of your value (brains, personality, real world experiences), then *poof* a “position” will appear. Its not like there are only a SET number of attorney positions – that is a ludicrous suggestion. The “positions” are based upon a firm or company’s WANTS and NEEDS and if you are valuable, you will land a “position.Do you know how many “braindead” people in every sector of our economy get paid $45k a year to basically do jack squat? A LOT. If you’re telling me that a very intelligent lawyer, who works fairly diligently won’t land at least a $45k job too, then you must be smoking some good ganja, ese.The money during the first two years as a lawyer doesn’t matter anyway. Even doctors start out at $40k / yr when they are residents. Law schools do not have residency programs… and maybe they should! Its about the long run.Besides, who cares if new law schools open? They are really just full of students who couldn’t get in anywhere else. Can’t you compete with these clowns? And if you can’t, then whose problem is it really? 

August 8, 2010 3:30 PM

Anonymous said…

http://www.i-newswire.com/iviewit-inventor-eliot-bernstein/44119 “Bernstein suing the FL & NY Supreme Courts, State Bars & Disciplinary Agencies, claims conflicted members of the courts, partners from Proskauer Rose LLP law firm, the main conspirator in Bernstein’s case along with law firm Foley & Lardner, illegally handled complaints against partners while holding official title with the courts & disciplinary agencies. In NY, Bernstein’s allegations led to unanimous consent of 5 justice of the NY Supreme Court to have former NY State Bar Association President, Steven Krane, a Proskauer partner, ordered for investigation for conflicts & the appearance of impropriety. Proskauer’s Kenneth Rubenstein, the sole (soulless) patent evaluator for MPEGLA LLC, ordered for investigation along with attorney Raymond Joao, who claims to have put 90+ patents into his own name. Bernstein claims patents filed by Joao were during & after the time Iviewit retained Joao to patent inventions for Bernstein, Joao patented them for himself instead.”Another glimpse into this mess. I hope people open these documents up in another browser and read what they contain.August 8, 2010 3:30 PM

Anonymous said…

3:30pm: I’m not sure what all this proves. Its just a complaint. It may be all dismissed on summary judgment. It would only take me about 2 months to read the complaint, considering it is about 323 pages of a legal area I know nothing about.August 8, 2010 4:48 PM

Anonymous said…

Might just be me, but 90 patents by a lawyer? Strange he wasn’t an engineer and saved the 200K.August 8, 2010 5:40 PM

Anonymous said…

There’s really not that big of a surplus of attorneys. If there were, you would expect BIGlaw salaries to drop significantly due to the surplus of unemployed T14s. And while BIGlaw salaries haven’t increased much in the last five years, they certainly haven’t dropped by any staggering amount.Although there are some examples of unemployed lawyers who are now venting, and kernels of truth to the “no law jobs” voice, I think this cry is mainly an exaggeration.Of course, if you are one of the few unemployed attorneys, it will feel like the end of the world and you would probably start a blog describing your woes.August 8, 2010 9:02 PM

Anonymous said…

That’s right 9:02pm. Another thing, who cares if there are no jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The free market will work it all out. If law school is truly a bad deal, then people will stop going.August 8, 2010 9:18 PM Anonymous said…9:02 and 9:18 must be industry shills.No way could anyone be that stupid.August 8, 2010 9:20 PM

Anonymous said…

@9:20pm: You’ve got your opinion and you’re going to assert it!August 8, 2010 10:08 PM

Anonymous said…

Does anyone else find it odd that Nando sits around and preaches about the job market for attorneys when he has yet to take a bar exam or look for a job within the legal field? Additionally, if he was so much more intelligent than anyone else who has ever gone to law school then why a) did he only get in to Drake and more importantly b) did he go to law school at all?August 8, 2010 10:20 PM

Iviewit Federal RICO & ANTITRUST DEFENDANT MARC S. DREIER partner in crime free of 20 Year Sentence due to Drunkeness, Fed Court Judge Kimba “Love Judge” Wood whitewashes crimes using Alcohol excuse. Fed Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson legally related to Iviewit complaint by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin

Iviewit Federal RICO & ANTITRUST DEFENDANT MARC S. DREIER partner in crime free of 20 Year Sentence due to Drunkeness, Fed Court Judge Kimba “Love Judge” Wood whitewashes crimes using Alcohol excuse. Fed Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson legally related to Iviewit complaint by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin

<iframe src=”http://www.businessinsider.com/embed?id=4c35d7707f8b9ac04c400200&amp;width=600&amp;height=430” width=”600″ height=”430″ border=”0″ frameborder=”0″></iframe>


He just escaped a potential 20-year prison sentence by telling the judge that he used to be a “fearful, self-loathing suicidal alcoholic,” says the Wall Street Journal. He was just too drunk to realize that he was participating in a fraud.

It’s like he told his lawyer: ‘No matter how drunk I was, I wouldn’t have” [done it had I known it was a fraud].

Now Miller won’t have to spend anytime in jail. He will just have to live under “supervised release” for 2 years.

This is amazing because Miller already plead guilty to conspiracy to commit securities fraud, wire fraud and securities fraud in November.

Apparently, entering a guilty plea was just Miller’s laying the groundwork, because here’s how the judge saw it: She thought it showed his immediate acceptance of his crime.

Here’s the rest of the story about how he got out of it, starting from the beginning.

Miller was paid $100,000 to work for Marc Dreier.

Dreier was the mastermind behind a huge scheme that, as NYMag puts it, involved staging fictional conference calls, and impersonating executives, sometimes personally, sometimes with the help of an associate, all while snapping up Warhols and waterfront homes, partying with pop stars and football players, and chasing an endless parade of much-younger women.

Dreier pled guilty last year and really will have to spend 20 years in prison.

But Miller, the “associate” who helped Dreier, told the judge that he only did it because he was a drunk. A drunk who was too drunk too realize that he was participating in a fraud.

His lawyer explained to the judge: “If he had been aware this was a bogus note, if he had known this was to deceive, he himself has said, ‘No matter how drunk I was, I wouldn’t have” [done it], Laufer said. “He just came apart at the seams.”

This excuse totally worked.

From Dow Jones:

U.S. District Judge Kimba M. Wood said she believed that when Miller helped Dreier it was an “act born of desperation” in an otherwise laudable life.

Now Miller is wholly reformed having embraced Alcoholics Anonymous and begun working as a counselor in a California rehabilitation facility.

**Round of applause.**

Courtney Comstock is a writer at Clusterstock.
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Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/robert-miller-alcoholic-2010-7##ixzz0tBgHntnu

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein posts draft Motion to Kiss My Ass to be filed at the United States Second Circuit Court. Court Officials fingered by New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson, read all about it!!! Extra! Extra! Cuomo Alleged representing Public Officials OBSTRUCTING Investigations!!!

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein posts draft Motion to Kiss My Ass  to be filed at the United States Second Circuit Court. Court Officials fingered by New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson, read all about it!!! Extra! Extra! Cuomo Alleged representing Public Officials OBSTRUCTING Investigations!!!


OK, since so many want the ROUGH Draft Release here is the Second Circuit Filing coming soon with additional criminal complaints against Court Officers and Coumo and more….this is still rough rough


Table of Contents























Conspiracy Against Rights, 18 U.S.C. § 241.35

Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, 18 U.S.C. § 242.36

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 §1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees37

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally37

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 73 > § 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees.38

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1506 Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail39

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1509 Obstruction of court orders39

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.39

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1514 Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness42

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1515 Definitions for certain provisions; general provision44

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1519 Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy46

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 152 Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery.46

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 154 Adverse interest and conduct of officers.47

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 157 Bankruptcy fraud.48

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 158 Designation of United States attorneys and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to address abusive reaffirmations of debt and materially fraudulent statements in bankruptcy schedules.48

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 201 Bribery of public officials and witnesses.49

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 225 Continuing financial crimes enterprise.52

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 19 § 371 Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States.52

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 21 § 402 Contempts constituting crimes.52

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 31 § 641 Public money, property or records.53

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 95 § 1959 Violent crimes in aid of racketeering activity.54




United States Court of Appeal for the Second Circuit

Eliot Ivan Bernstein

Plaintiff – Appellant


DEFENDANTS: STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities,DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.


Andrew Cuomo in his official and individual capacities, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Justice Richard C. Wesley in his official and individual capacities,

Justice Peter W. Hall in his official and individual capacities,

Justice Debra Ann Livingston in her official and individual capacities,

Justice Ralph K. Winter in his official and individual capacities,

P. Stephen Lamont, (Questions about Lamont’s filings on behalf of others and more filed with criminal authorities and this Court notified of the alleged fraudulent activities of Lamont)

Justice Shira A. Scheindlin in her official and individual capacities,

Alan Friedberg in his official and individual capacities,

Roy Reardon in his official and individual capacities,

Martin Glenn in his official and individual capacities,

Warner Bros. Entertainment, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Time Warner Communications, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

AOL Inc., (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Ropes & Gray,

Stanford Financial Group,

Bernard L. Madoff et al.

Marc S. Dreier, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Sony Corporation, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Ernst & Young, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),

Arthur Andersen, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed and approved),


More Defendants or possible Witnesses

Christine C. Anderson, Esq.,

Nicole Corrado, Esq.,

Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown

Related Cases

Defendants – Appellees





















January 05, 2010 US Second Circuit (Circus) order

Appellant Bernstein, pro se, moves to compel the appointment of counsel and for extensive relief. Upon due consideration, it is hereby ORDERED that the motion is DENIED to the extent it seeks to compel the appointment of counsel and the appeal is DISMISSED because it lacks an arguable basis in law or fact. See 28 U.S.C. § 1915(e); see also Neitzke v. Williams, 490 U.S. 319, 325 (1989); see also Pillay v. INS, 45 F.3d 14, 17 (2d Cir. 1995) (this Court has “inherent authority, wholly aside from any statutory warrant, to dismiss an appeal or petition for review as frivolous when the appeal or petition presents no arguably meritorious issue for our consideration.”). It is further ORDERED that the remainder of Appellant Bernstein’s motion to compel, and all motions that remain pending before this Court, are DENIED as moot.

In response to this Court’s ILLEGALLY TENDERED DISMISSAL of Plaintiff’s Appeal on January 05, 2010, herein referred to as “Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal” , Plaintiff wants to first thank the Court for providing further evidence of certain Members of this Court’s CONTINUED CRIMINAL MISCONDUCT. The Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal provides additional Prima Fascia Evidence for the CRIMINAL COMPLAINTS and REQUEST FOR OVERSIGHT OF THIS COURT already filed with authorities against Members of this Court as explained in Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel . The Motion to Compel circulated to both Federal and State Criminal Investigators and this Court’s Overseers already and wherefore Plaintiff patiently awaits responses from each as exhibited in the attached Exhibit 1. Members of this Court have already allegedly committed and have been reported for felony crimes and yet they continue conducting massive FRAUD ON THE COURT. Whereby criminal charges are alleged against each Court Official who has put their fingerprints on this lawsuit by issuing any orders or any other actions constituting involvement in the lawsuit, without first resolving ALL, and there are many, Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Judicial Canons, Violations of Attorney Codes of Conduct and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws. All actions and orders of this Court issued prior to resolution of the Conflicts of Interest causing Obstruction of Justice are merely further evidence of the criminal RICO enterprise’s continued illegal activities alleged in Plaintiff’s Federal RICO and Anti-Trust lawsuit.

The alleged illegal legal misconduct acts together, in typical legal conspiratorial fashion as defined below in 18 U.S.C §241 and alleged in Plaintiff’s RICO STATEMENT, to illegally block Plaintiff’s legal Due Process and Procedural Rights, further obstructing Constitutional Rights to Plaintiff’s Inventions as guaranteed in Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8 of the United States Constitution and federal law. The criminal acts of this Court with scienter to cover-up the crimes in the courts, Obstruct Justice as defined under Title 18 USC and NY State Law, acting to aid and abet the cover-up of multiple violations of Federal, State and International codes of law by the alleged RICO Criminal Enterprise commissioned in the theft of Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties. Again, the alleged RICO Enterprise defined in the RICO STATEMENT is composed mainly of dirty rotten lawyers, law firms, prosecutors, public officials and judges, which is not hard to believe when one knows the original conspirators were leading US law firms with the ability to infiltrate those positions necessary within the courts and prosecutorial offices to block due process.

Then there is Christine C. Anderson (“Anderson”), who filed the legally “related” WHISTLEBLOWER lawsuit. Anderson fingering in open US Federal Court and before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee, high-ranking court officials, NY State and Federal prosecutorial officials, including but not limited to, the New York Attorney General , the US Attorney, the DA and the ADA. Anderson in a catchall statement claims the WHITEWASHING and FEDERAL AND STATE OBSTRUCTION was also for unnamed “favored lawyers and law firms”. Until discovery and investigation into just who the “favored” lawyers and law firms are, Plaintiff has absolute rights to DEMAND conflict disclosure from any/all lawyers involved in this lawsuit. Plaintiff DEMANDS disclosure from all lawyers participating in this lawsuit, including but not limited to, those acting on behalf of the US Attorney, DA, ADA, New York Attorney General, judges (including those at this Court) and all lawyers in any disciplinary regulatory roles acting under the auspice of the New York Supreme Courts.

In fact, Anderson names a “Cleaner” employed by the First Department, Naomi Goldstein, who allegedly “Cleans” dirty rotten unethical attorney complaints, including for dirty rotten unethical attorney public officials including US Attorneys, DA’s and ADA’s. Exactly who those “favored law firms and lawyers” and which US Attorneys, DA’s and ADA’s Anderson refers to, all remain a mystery due to a failure by public officials to investigate public officials, in many instances themselves, instead representing defendants ILLEGALLY both personally and professionally and CONFLICTING with their public office duties to investigate the accused public officials. These Conflicts of Interest by prosecutorial offices cause Obstruction of Justice and other violations of law described further herein. Finally, the Attorney General’s offices is a defendant in the Amended Complaint and is in need of counsel for their offices in this lawsuit and thus are further conflicted in representing other defendants in this Court, again conflicts being the glue that bind this conspiracy together to block due process.

In fact, in an Order dated March 07, 2008, Scheindlin states,

By letter to the Court dated March 5, 2008, plaintiffs request that the Court investigate whether the Attorney General for the State of New York suffers from conflicts of interest that prevent him from representing certain defendants (the “State Defendants”) in this matter. Plaintiffs suggest that the Attorney General is conflicted because they requested that he investigate the allegations underlying this action and because they believe he will be called upon to investigate related allegations as they are exposed. I have considered plaintiffs’ request and have determined that the Attorney General does not face an improper conflict of interest in representing the State Defendants. If, however, the Attorney General concludes that an investigation of defendants is warranted, then independent counsel would be required.

What better reason to investigate the State Defendants then the fact that Anderson has fingered many of the named Defendants in this lawsuit with insider revelations of Obstruction, including but not limited to, Document Destruction, Tampering with Official State and Federal Records, Extortion by Senior Court Officials of Federal Witnesses and more. With Anderson’s revelations in US Federal Court of the Court and Public Office Corruptions “Your “Jiggy is Up”, Your robes down, Your cover blown and all by an insider; all with tentacles to Members of this Court, all whom must now be wholly disqualified from further ILLEGAL involvement in this lawsuit and arrested for felony crimes already committed.

Whereby Plaintiff/Appellee properly has requested a halting of these proceedings in the Motion to Compel in order to investigate the criminal allegations of both Federal and State Obstruction of Justice Laws and more levied by Anderson and now necessary to find out whom exactly the public officials and “favored lawyers and law firms” are, before proceeding. Your attempts to hurry and dismiss the entire case, prior to resolution by state, federal and international criminal authorities, in efforts to feather your cap with Orders vindicating yourselves and others is laughable to say the least, criminal in fact. Especially in light of the fact that there are ongoing investigations that have led to Suspensions of Plaintiffs Intellectual Properties and there remain ongoing state, federal and international investigations and yet, only in New York are their coordinated efforts to dismiss the matters prior to formal investigations being completed through a plethora of conflicts of interest.

Plaintiff DEMANDS a Federal Monitor! A Federal Monitor has also been called for in the Anderson lawsuit and other legally “related” lawsuits for similar Conflicts of Interest that Obstruct Justice. Conflicts committed again and again by the New York Attorney General, State and Federal Prosecutorial Offices, lawyers and law firms representing the Defendants and the Judges whom allow the illegal Conflicts of Interest to continue to Obstruct Justice with scienter in their courtrooms. Therefore, due to the incestuous conflicts between the New York State and Federal Courts with the New York State and Federal Prosecutorial Offices as testified to by Whistleblower Anderson, this lawsuit must now be moved outside the tangled web of illegal conflicts in New York. Due to the number of Defendants that are high-ranking State and Federal Public Officials in New York alleged herein to have participated in the cover-up crimes whereby it is now further impossible to gain fair and impartial due process in the both the New York courts and investigatory agencies. Further, until discovery in the Anderson case is completed in order to determine just whom exactly these New York Public Officials are that act to criminally Obstruct Justice, fair and impartial due process cannot be had. Therefore, all Orders of the Court(s), all actions by State and Federal investigatory agencies and all representations by ILLEGALLY CONFLICTED COUNSEL, ILLEGALLY CONFLICTED PUBLIC OFFICIALS and COURT OFFICIALS, will eventually be stricken, only to be used as further Prima Fascia evidence of the Criminal Cover-Up inside the Court(s) and state and federal prosecutorial offices.

RETORT TO ILLEGALLY TENDERED ORDER OF DISMISSAL – ADDITIONAL citizen’s arrest of NEW members of this court and the new york attorney general andrew cuomo’s ofFICE for felony obstruction OF justice and more

Allow me to retort to your Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal and respond in kind with the fact that this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS will now be attached to your ILLEGALLY TENDERED DISMISSAL and submitted to those same criminal investigators and overseers already petitioned regarding criminal activities of Members of this Court. Your Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal will serve as further Prima Facie evidence of continued corruption and serve as new evidence for additional complaints against those Court Officials who signed the Illegally Tendered Order of Dismissal, additional to those criminally charged that signed Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel and other Orders in these matters.

Again, let Plaintiff remind the Court that Plaintiff has already made a Formal Citizen’s Arrest, as defined by Black’s Law Dictionary as, “The apprehending or detaining of a person in order to be forthcoming to answer an alleged or suspected crime” Ex parte Sherwood, (29 Tex. App. 334, 15 S.W. 812)” and further defined within New York State Consolidated Law which holds that “Any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence” (N.Y.C.L. 140.30) of certain Members of the Court in Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel, including but not limited to, Dishonorable Judge Ralph Winters and Defendant and Witness in Plaintiff’s RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit and Witness and former Defendant in Anderson, Clerk of this Court, Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe (“Wolfe”) . Wolfe is also a central Witness in this lawsuit, a Defendant in Plaintiff’s lawsuit, formerly Clerk of the Court for Defendant the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department and now the Clerk of this Court handling THIS LAWSUIT. Wolfe, refusing along with the other accused Second Circuit (Circus) Judges and all those handling these matters preceding them to affirm or deny conflict by signing a simple and necessary affirmed Conflict of Interest Waiver attached as Exhibit 3, prior to ANY action in this lawsuit. A simple conflict disclosure prior to action to insure fair and impartial due process, denied repeatedly by every lawyer and judge already involved in these matters, many now Defendants, in a lawsuit already fraught with CONFIRMED Conflicts of Interest.

Confirmed Conflicts of Interest by Hon. Judge Shira Scheindlin whereby in an order dated March 21st 2008, Scheindlin states, “Any further consideration of the substantive issues raised by plaintiffs, including plaintiffs’ requests regarding conflict of interest, must await resolution of anticipated motions to dismiss.” Where Motions to Dismiss were decided on August 08, 2008 and yet resolution of the conflicts remains un-resolved and thus one must ask how a case fraught with identified conflicts can continue to move forward and continue compiling more and more unresolved and allowed with scienter Conflicts of Interest in order to Obstruct Justice. Plaintiff denied due process from the start, as conflict existed from the start and where due process that is wholly dependent on a CONFLICT FREE COURT cannot exist in a Court fraught with unresolved and further confirmed Conflicts. Whereby Scheindlin erred in attempting to dismiss the case based on pleadings submitted in conflict and must be forced by this Court to first clear the conflicts and then after independent non-conflicted counsel submits new pleadings, then rule, after all those in conflict are removed.

Whereby Plaintiff now again DEMANDS signing of the attached Conflict of Interest Disclosure in Exhibit 3 by any member of this Court or any Officer of the Court, including Defendant Counsel, prior to any action, including ruling in any way or in part on this Motion to Kiss My Ass. Let this EMERGENCY MOTION TO KISS MY ASS also serve as notice of additional Citizen’s Arrest for felony violations of state, federal and international law, against the three new signing Justice’s of the Illegally Tendered Dismissal Order, Richard C. Wesley, Peter W. Hall and Debra Ann Livingston and additionally the New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo.. Criminal Investigators and Oversight authorities already noticed of the prior felony crimes of this Court will be notified to start Criminal Investigations of the new Members of the Court and NY AG, involved in attempting to illegally derail this Lawsuit and bury the Whistleblower claims of Anderson. Additionally, Plaintiff seeks Leave to Amend the RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit to include all those listed in Exhibit “1” as additional defendants in the RICO lawsuit based on new evidence of the criminal activities of the RICO Enterprise.

Additionally, let this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS serve as formal notice to the New York Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo and all Members of his staff, who continue ILLEGALLY to represent State Defendants, including their offices, in this lawsuit. Representations that are in VIOLATION OF LAW and PUBLIC OFFICE DUTIES, while simultaneously denying Honest Services to the People of New York in prosecuting internal corruption in the Courts, that they too are being reported to State, Federal and International Authorities for their Criminal Acts alleged herein and in Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel. Due to the fact that the New York Attorney General is representing the State Defendants in this Lawsuit, service of this Motion to Kiss My Ass will also serve as formal notice of Criminal Allegations levied against the New York Attorney General’s office. This Motion to Kiss My Ass will also further serve as notice that a Citizen’s Arrest for felonious misconduct made herein also serves as a request for Members of the New York Attorney General involved already in these matters to turn themselves in to the proper authorities for their felonious misconduct and for criminal prosecution under law.

Members of this Court named herein and in Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel who continue to adjudicate despite confirmed obvious multiple conflicts that obstruct in violations of law, violations of attorney conduct codes and judicial canons in these matters, are no longer trusted, in fact, they are suspect and soon to be Defendants in all forthcoming lawsuits and any amended complaint in this lawsuit. Court Members who have allowed these conflicts with scienter and continue to issue orders tendered in Conflict constituting Fraud on the Court, now not only are considered suspect but also alleged complicit accomplices in the furtherance of the RICO and Antitrust claims of Plaintiff’s lawsuit. As the orders of this Court are fraudulently concocted, then conveyed interstate through transmission via facsimile and US Mail, additional charges of mail and wire fraud will be reported to those Criminal Authorities and Overseers already petitioned regarding this Court’s illegal conduct. Whereby, until such time that Law Enforcement and legitimate Court Overseers already petitioned herein and in Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel, can determine the veracity of the criminal allegations and render Your illegal legal actions legal, Plaintiff ignores all such Orders and actions of the Court. The Court’s haughty urgency to dismiss this case, despite the request to HALT the case pending review by Law Enforcement and legitimate Court Overseers, as it is protocol and Plaintiff’s due process rights that any appearance of conflict or impropriety must be removed to allow for a fair and ethical court proceeding. In addition, the fact that Anderson’s case remains ONGOING which is highly reflective of issues of this case at bar, makes this Court and its associates highly suspicious for refusing to HALT the case pending review.

If this Court’s Jesters have nothing to hide, certainly they will welcome a fair review of their actions by their Oversights and Law Enforcement. Again, Plaintiff urges the Court to Halt the Proceedings pending the outcome of the Criminal Complaints and requests for Oversight of this Court’s Members accused herein and filed with Criminal Authorities and Oversights already. All future Orders or Actions while Conflicts exist will further be used as prima fascia evidence of this Court and its corrupt cronies continued CRIMINAL CONDUCT and every action of the Court’s Members will serve as a new complaint for felony violations of law.

Denial of Due Process through Denial of Right to Counsel through Extortion of Lawyers and Court Personnel to obstruct justice, evidenced in LEGALLY RELATED whistleblower anderson lawsuit

It is only comprehensible that the Court continues handling the Appeal despite a plethora of Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Office Rules & Regulations, Violations of Judicial Cannons and VIOLATIONS of State and Federal Felony Laws by court officials and attorneys involved directly in this Lawsuit, many acting illegally as their own counsel because they are not truly intelligent and qualified attorneys/judges. Since their only manner to win a case is by illegal and unethical means, their actions are in violation of law and therefore establish a FRAUD ON THE COURT, which ultimately invalidates all orders and actions by Members of this Court. Most interesting is that the Court first attempts to dismiss the Motion to Compel to the “extent it seeks to compel the appointment of counsel” while failing to deal with the multitude of other issues, including the Criminal Misconduct of Members of this Court. As a reminder, this Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit was initially filed to complement and support the efforts of a Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson and her heroic efforts to expose systemic corruption inside the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division. In fact, the very beginnings of this lawsuit are wholly related to Anderson, as Plaintiff was brought into the matters through a former DDC employee, Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown, who knew or knew of Christine Anderson’s plight and other lawsuits and whereby McKeown and several other lawsuits are legally related cases to the ongoing Anderson lawsuit. McKeown has also given testimony before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee with Anderson and me. Whereby, Anderson in her original complaint mentions Plaintiff’s formal complaints against New York Supreme Court Officers as it relates to her lawsuit and then was so enticed to file a Federal RICO lawsuit in support thereof.

My support of Anderson’s efforts are to help take a bite out of the crime plaguing New York and its dirty courts. The courts should pay Plaintiff’s counsel to clean its own house of corruption that extends to this Court, with a lawyer in Ohio perhaps. For is it Plaintiff’s job as a US Citizen, an individual, to pay for lawsuits with direct ties to a Whistleblower Lawsuit with claims that Public Officials and Court Officials have violated multitudes of CRIMINAL ACTS INCLUDING OBSTRUCTION IN STATE AND FEDERAL COURTS!!! Where the crimes are virtually identical to those I had claimed for several years before knowing a Whistleblower would come forth wholly supporting and validating Plaintiff’s MERITORIOUS claims, further exposing the criminal official misconduct affecting Plaintiff’s due process rights through OBSTRUCTION? Even cases that are not identical, the victims still suffer due to similar behind-the-scene corrupt cronies that converge as to how they can milk the last dime from a victim no matter the circumstances nor the issues. Blatant crimes are committed because the link of the cronies allow for favors and cover-ups and in the long run, the same hierarchy are the ones that ultimately are behind the schemes.

Further, the denial of counsel is an attempt to dismiss Plaintiff’s Motion to Compel without addressing the germane conflicts and violations of law, which would preclude this Court’s handling the Motion to Compel, as the Members of this Court named therein would be under investigation for the alleged felonious Court misconduct. The criminal acts of the Members of this Court are purposely calculated to disable Plaintiff’s due process rights, so that Plaintiff’s rights to private counsel are denied through a system of EXTORTION of lawyers and court personnel by those in charge of the courts. Anderson and (ASK ELIOT TO define Corrado) Corrado each in their Whistleblowing Motions exposed the methods used to silence SUPREME COURT OFFICIALS who attempt to make public the corruption. The resulting backlash is to bully these Whistleblowers for standing up to the corruption, which now causes lawyers and court officials who wish to act as and who do act as Whistleblowers to fear for their lives and livelihoods or comply with the criminal acts. In fact, Corrado had threats levied against her, a New York State Supreme Court First Department STAFF ATTORNEY, on her way to testify in a FEDERAL LAWSUIT by shockingly SUPREME COURT OF NY OFFICIALS, as she went to give deposition testimony in support of the Anderson case. The following sworn statement from Anderson exhibits all of the criminal elements of TITLE 18 OBSTRUCTION, EXTORTION OF A FEDERAL WITNESS IN A PUBLIC CORRUPTION TRIAL and more.

From Anderson’s sworn statement Plaintiff quotes,

Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.

During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.

Thus, honest lawyers inside the court system or outside of the court system fear for their lives and their livelihoods in attempting to expose THIS COURT’s corruption. They are afraid to show their true feelings of spitting in your rotten faces for fear of them being bullied and suffering repercussion. For these reasons this Court should provide counsel for a Plaintiff and even protection for the Plaintiff and attorneys who are brave enough to represent and expose the systemic corruption of the courts if this Court’s true intent is to uphold the law and give justice, otherwise by this Court’s refusal to provide counsel for a Plaintiff and protection for the Plaintiff and attorneys, just confirms that this Court is just as corrupt and in league and partners with the despicable and loathsome bullies in this matter at bar. Private attorneys who would normally represent injured parties also fear taking on these cases where Judges, Lawyers, Law Firms and Prosecutors are named Defendants, for fear they will be disbarred or precluded from business by the Courts or worse threatened in the same manner that Anderson and Corrado were threatened, bullied and eventually suffered loss of their employment.

In fact, the evidence proves that this argument confirms the denial of due process caused through this extortionary usurping of both right to counsel and right to fair and impartial due process by the courts, including on complaints against court officers and lawsuits against them, through this extortionary tactic of threatening lawyers and court personnel to be silent about the corruption or else be bullied, as described by both Anderson, Corrado and the related cases which furthers Plaintiff’s RICO claims. Anderson also testified that she eye-witnessed document destruction of case files and other forms of OBSTRUCTION. Again, further evidence of BRAND NEW Criminal Obstruction of these Federal proceedings deny Plaintiff’s inherent right to counsel, right to fair and impartial law and denial of Plaintiff’s due process rights under the US and NY Constitutions. The very real, non-frivolous, meritorious claims of Anderson are that criminal activities in the NY courts are taking place with not only the US Attorneys and the District Attorneys involved, but additionally for yet the unknown “favored law firms and lawyers” as Anderson testified in US Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin’s courtroom. Perhaps this Court’s rush to dismiss the related cases to Anderson comes in fear that if Plaintiffs are allowed discovery of who these “favored law firms and lawyers” are, the lawsuits that have related cases would all be subject to reinvestigation, the corrupt judges, lawyers and their vine work of cronies would be exposed, arrested and convicted and at conflict free hearings, the wall of corruption would come crumbling down upon this Court.

The Constitutional Rights to Counsel is being prevented through extortion of lawyers by those controlling the legal process and legal establishment, yet even with all this evidence, including the fact that Plaintiff’s case is virtually identical to Anderson’s which exposes the corruption, and Plaintiff’s case which is against many of the same people fingered by Anderson, this Court states that Plaintiff’s claims are non meritorious. Therefore, any conclusion reached by Members of this Court, acting outside their official duties, and in violation of felony law, are worthless conclusions as they are concocted as part of the overall Fraud on the Court proceedings and committed by Members of this Court. We shall now allow the Criminal Authorities and your Overseers to have a say about your heavy-handed attempts to deny due process to your victims through this racketeering behavior inside the halls of justice, that act to prevent honest attorneys, Whistleblowers and private injured parties from exposing any corruption. The Motion to Compel which was already forwarded to criminal authorities and the Court’s overseers is an initial formal complaint of the allegations against Members of this Court and more.

Even though you have turned a deaf ear, Plaintiff will continue to be straight up and in your face. If the crooked Members of this Court think they are going to aid and abet the Criminal Enterprise which is comprised of dirty rotten criminal Law Firms, Lawyers, Prosecutors and Judges, whom with scienter conspire to attempt to steal Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties through the commission of crimes, including but not limited to, Fraud on the United States Patent Office, Fraud on Foreign Nations and Fraud on a United States Court, using brute force Denial of Due Process through Criminal Obstruction to achieve the blocking of Plaintiff’s rights, you are seriously mistaken. There are too many of us that you have abused for too long, therefore your actions to block Plaintiff’s rights to Due Process to Aid and Abet in the theft of Plaintiff’s Intellectual Properties have now added the Members of this Court named herein to the long list of dirty rotten lawyers, judges and public officials masquerading as justice officials that are already Defendants in Plaintiff’s Federal RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit. Plaintiff again reminds you that the case is marked legally “RELATED” to the ongoing WHISTLEBLOWER case of Anderson.

Therefore, take this MOTION TO KISS MY ASS as FORMAL NOTICE that the court officials and others listed in Exhibit “1” are added to Plaintiff’s ongoing litigation and all future litigations. Due to the Intellectual Property (“IP”) matters at stake, where the clock has been frozen due to SUSPENSION of the intellectual properties by the US Patent Office due to ONGOING FEDERAL INVESTIGATIONS, each crooked participant can anticipate legal actions to continue at a minimum of twenty (2)0 years from the time the IP is released from suspension and as all these actions of the Court are part of a larger Fraud on the Courts, these cases will be appealed forever or until justice and order are returned to the Courts and the criminals within the Courts are removed. Therefore, the Court Officials added as new Defendants herein may find this lawsuit going forward similar to a bad divorce that you cannot escape from for the next twenty years or more and as such, Plaintiff welcomes you to Iviewit.

What Is and What Is Not MERITORIOUS in the LAWSUIT before this Court

Fraud upon the court” has been defined by the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals to “embrace that species of fraud which does, or attempts to, defile the court itself, or is a fraud perpetrated by officers of the court so that the judicial machinery can not perform in the usual manner its impartial task of adjudging cases that are presented for adjudication.” Kenner v. C.I.R., 387 F.3d 689 (1968); 7 Moore’s Federal Practice, 2d ed., p. 512, _ 60.23. The 7th Circuit further stated “a decision produced by fraud upon the court is not in essence a decision at all, and never becomes final.

What Is Not Frivolous

  1. Certainly, it is not frivolous that this lawsuit has been marked, along with others, as legally “RELATED” to an ONGOING Whistleblower lawsuit by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin. Anderson, the Whistleblower, has fingered the offices of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department, the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department – Departmental Disciplinary Committee, the United States Attorney New York Offices, the New York District Attorney Offices, the New York Assistant District Attorney, Favored Law Firms and Lawyers and the New York Attorney General’s Office. Anderson similarly accuses them all of felonious conduct and mentions Plaintiff’s companies Iviewit directly in her original filing with the US District Court. Anderson fingers some of the exact agencies and individuals as the ones that Plaintiff has pointed out in Plaintiff’s complaints, alleging similar and identical ILLEGAL TITLE 18 OBSTRUCTIONS OF JUSTICE by the corrupted officials within the agencies.
  2. In fact, Anderson and Plaintiff’s lawsuit share similar defendants, including a member of this Court, the Clerk of this Court who actively participates in Plaintiff’s lawsuit and the related cases in violation of the rules of this Court. Anderson also has as a defendant Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill of the First Dept DDC, accused of almost the identical crimes in Plaintiff’s lawsuit. In fact, Anderson blew the whistle much after Plaintiff’s formal complaints against the same agencies and individuals which Plaintiff complained of, but Plaintiff’s filed complaints were dismissed illegally through a series of Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Offices and Law. Whereby Anderson’s almost identical claims filed years later in her lawsuit, confirmed many of Plaintiff’s earlier claims; claims that Conflicts of Interest existed in the courts and now proven not only to exist but now confirmed by an insider gone Whistleblowing.
  3. Very real, meritorious and non-frivolous allegations were made by the Whistleblower, including but not limited to, claims of Conflicts of Interest acting to Obstruct Justice through Criminal Activities for Favored Lawyers and Law Firms, US Attorneys, DA’s, ADA’s and Ethics Department Officials. Again, very real, non-frivolous Conflicts of Interest, Violations of Public Office, Violations of Judicial Cannons, Violations of Ethical Codes and Violations of State, Federal and International Laws were exposed by the Whistleblower.
  4. Those very real and non-frivolous allegations by the Whistleblower are similar and identical to Plaintiff’s very real and non-frivolous claims of Conflict of Interest, Denial of Due Process and Public Office Violations constituting Criminal Obstruction, contained in an earlier filing with the First Department which led to an Order by Five Justices of the First Department for investigations of three attorneys, and the Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill for Conflicts and the Appearance of Impropriety. Anderson, in her Original Complaint further points to Plaintiff’s Motion filed against these senior Members of the NY Supreme Court and Law Firms that led to the Orders for Investigation. Investigations later found derailed through further illegal obfuscations of Justices and where no investigation has yet been performed and whereby the Justices who have failed to force the investigations they ordered are now Defendants in this case. Whereby, the motion Anderson points to, which led to the Orders for Investigation where directed by Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe, Clerk of this Court, Defendant in Plaintiff’s Lawsuit, Witness in My Lawsuit, initial Defendant in Anderson’s lawsuit, now witness in Anderson’s lawsuit, who aided me in filing the motion and placing herself heroically into the crossfire by allowing the filing to point directly to her damning statements, and also led to the orders for investigation in part. Damning statements against heads of the Departments and former Presidents of the New York State Bar Association and tentacle to former head of the New York Courts, Judith Kaye, is a central Defendant in Plaintiff’s lawsuit.
  5. Whereby those very real, non-frivolous and meritorious Orders for Investigation, Unpublished Orders that have never been fulfilled or ruled upon by the First Department since, shows that those judges failed to notify the proper authorities of what they found as required by their Judicial Cannons for now several years. Instead, these crooked First Department choose to conceal and bury away their findings of Conflicts of Interest and the Appearance of Impropriety, in order to cover up the crimes discovered and confirmed against senior Members of the courts and the disciplinary agencies.
  6. The very real, non-frivolous and meritorious fact that Anderson has won her claim in court further proved that her First Amendment Rights to Free Speech were violated during her attempt to expose the corruptions.
  7. The very real, non-frivolous and meritorious Conflicts of Interest that act to block Due Process by creating Felonious State and Federal Obstruction of Justice. Obstruction that exists in both the Anderson lawsuit and this Lawsuit created by the New York Attorney General acting in Violation of Law through ILLEGAL representation of the accused Public Officials he is obligated by his Public Office duties to investigate.

NY Executive Law: § 63. General duties. The attorney-general shall:

1. Prosecute and defend all actions and proceedings in which the state is interested, and have charge and control of all the legal business of the departments and bureaus of the state, or of any office thereof which requires the services of attorney or counsel, in order to protect the interest of the state…

The NYAG instead of advising their state defendant clients to get counsel due to the Conflict of Interest and Legal Obligations to Protect the Public instead has failed to do anything but put up a SHAM defense in Federal Court to protect the accused, failing Honest Service duties to the Public by conflicting their offices from prosecuting allegations of Whistleblowers and more against Public Officials through illegal representations and more and failing, including but not limited to,

Public Officers Rule 17 2(b)

(b) Subject to the conditions set forth in paragraph (a) of this subdivision, the employee shall be entitled to be represented by the attorney general, provided, however, that the employee shall be entitled to representation by private counsel of his choice in any civil judicial proceeding whenever the attorney general determines based upon his investigation and review of the facts and circumstances of the case that representation by the attorney general would be inappropriate, or whenever a court of competent jurisdiction, upon appropriate motion or by a special proceeding, determines that a conflict of interest exists and that the employee is entitled to be represented by private counsel of his choice.

  1. In fact, this conflict is further insipid in that it entirely blocks investigation by the NY AG for CRIMINAL FELONY ACTS now alleged by Whistleblower Anderson in riveting testimony in US Federal Court, before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee and in Sworn Statements, whereby NY AG Andrew Cuomo’s Office is wholly aware of these allegations against their client, the defendants but cannot investigate those they are already representing. Thus, the NY AG should have brought in NON CONFLICTED CRIMINAL INVESTIGATORS to handle the allegations that the NY AG is unable to investigate due to its conflicts and involvement as defendant in many of the related cases to Anderson. This block acts thus as OBSTRUCTION OF JUSTICE through CONFLICTS OF INTEREST, VIOLATIONS OF PUBLIC OFFICE RULES & REGULATIONS and LAW and must stop. Since certain Members of this Court and certain Members of the US District Court have failed to stop the illegal representation, even after repeated requests and full notification, it becomes apparent that Members of this Court and Members of the US District Court have aided and abetted this RICO and Antitrust Criminal Organization.
  2. There are very real and non-frivolous Conflicts of Interest in this case on Appeal before this Court, deemed “SUBSTANTIVE” by Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin, again very real and all very factual Conflicts of Interest, no frivolity here and factually, the case allowed to proceed without first removing the conflicts, thus blocking due process and procedure.
  3. Nicole Corrado Threats to a Federal Witness by Public Officials
  4. Ongoing Patent Suspensions and Investigations
  5. Ongoing New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings whereby investigations by the Committee have led to formation of Task Force according to Chairman, Hon. Senator John L. Sampson
  6. Ongoing House and Senate Judiciary Committee Investigations
  7. Other Related cases all with similar claims and all matching Anderson’s general allegations.
  8. Car Bombing
  9. Officials of This Court refusal to stop ILLEGAL representations of Iviewit Shareholders and Companies by P. Stephen Lamont and in fact ruling ILLEGALLY on those filings, also to be used as additional evidence to State and Federal Authorities of continued Criminal Activities within the Court.

What Is Frivolous

  1. This Court and the US District Court’s Orders are all Frivolous. The Dismissal Order dated blah is frivolous and criminal, as is Scheindlin’s Dismissal Order dated August 08, 2008. Both tendered through violations of Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes, Public Office Rules and Regulations and Law, serving only as further attempts to deny due process to Plaintiff’s valid claims and further aid and abet those “favored lawyers and law firms” in concealing their crimes. All the while avoiding and attempting to CONCEAL material facts in the case before you, perhaps because Court Officials are steeped in the allegations and have very real conflict issues and other violations of law constituting FRAUD ON THIS COURT, by Members of this Court, merely criminals in robes. Everything this Court transacts in these matters while failing to follow its own rules and law, to say the least, is truly frivolous and at minimum Federal Felonies. As Criminal Authorities and Your Overseers are being formally petitioned to intercede in these matters and determine if your illegal actions constitute grounds for criminal indictments and prosecution, Plaintiff wishes to HALT the proceedings, again pending final resolution of the complaints levied already against this Court, see

SEC, FBI and Others Complaint



  1. and for a signed color copy for your records, please print and incorporate in entirety by reference herein, the following URL


  1. What is not Frivolous is that the Whistleblower case has not been completed and therefore how can this Court rush to Justice on a related case and attempt to Dismiss the case prior to completion of the related case?










Justices Richard C. Wesley, Peter W. Hall and Debra Ann Livingston of the New York Second Circuit Court and Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe – Clerk of the Court

  • March 02, 2010 Expose Corrupt Courts ~ Committee On Public Integrity Calls On Feds for Federal Monitor Over NY State Court System – “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” (Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)


Justice Shira A. Scheindlin of the United States District Court – Southern District of New York

The New York Attorney General ~ Eliot Spitzer and Andrew Cuomo

New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department – Departmental Disciplinary Committee ~ Roy Reardon, Alan Friedberg

  • March 05, 2010 Expose Corrupt Courts – Committee on Public Integrity Asks Governor David A. Paterson to Stop Funding State Ethics Committees and Order Immediate Performance Audits


P. Stephen Lamont

whistleblower christine c. Anderson Related Crimes

New York Attorney General – Illegal Representation / Obstruction

First Department Obstructions and other Crimes

US Attorney – New York

New York District Attorney

New York Assistant District Attorney

Federal Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn

Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, Virginia Attorney General, Meltzer Lippe Goldstein & Schlissel, Raymond Joao & Greenberg Traurig

The following CRIMINAL COMPLAINT contains complaints against Public Officials and others who are allegedly Violating Public Office Rules and Regulations, Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conducts Codes, State, Federal and International Laws. Many of those involved have been found violating public offices through Conflicts of Interest and more, and therefore, prior to any action on these matters, all investigators or others involved in the procedural handling of these matters are requested to sign and return the attached Conflict of Interest Disclosure Form, prior to any action.

In addition to the Federal Code Violations below, additional State, Federal and International laws have been violated in furtherance of a Criminal Conspiracy to commit not only Fraud against myself and Iviewit companies, but Criminal Conspiracy to commit Fraud against the United States and Foreign Nations. For a list of Criminal Activities alleged and of all those complained of herein, have aided and abetted, please visit http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/oneofthesedays/index.htm . Note that the laws cited below and in referred link are not complete lists of the Criminal Acts, as due to the denials of due process and procedure in various venues the Criminal Acts continue to pile up daily, also adding new defendants.

Federal Laws violated, including but not limited to,

Conspiracy Against Rights, 18 U.S.C. § 241.

Deprivation of Rights Under Color of Law, 18 U.S.C. § 242.

****{ELIOT TO draft as follows and I will edit: include Title 18 #1346, see link for discussionWikipedia link:


also, comment only government attorneys can use this.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 §1505. Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1503. Influencing or injuring officer or juror generally

TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 73 > § 1505 Obstruction of proceedings before departments, agencies, and committees.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1506 Theft or alteration of record or process; false bail

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1509 Obstruction of court orders

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1512 Tampering with a witness, victim, or an informant.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1514 Civil action to restrain harassment of a victim or witness

******{Eliot to comment who is the local agent in each bankruptcy district used? Does the insert go here or within the DEFEINITIONS as specific area of bankruptcy is discussed below? Or on PAGE 50 Under Bankruptcy FRAUDS}

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1515 Definitions for certain provisions; general provision

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 73 § 1519 Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 152 Concealment of assets; false oaths and claims; bribery.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 154 Adverse interest and conduct of officers.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 157 Bankruptcy fraud.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 9 § 158 Designation of United States attorneys and agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to address abusive reaffirmations of debt and materially fraudulent statements in bankruptcy schedules.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 201 Bribery of public officials and witnesses.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 11 § 225 Continuing financial crimes enterprise.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 19 § 371 Conspiracy to commit offense or to defraud United States.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 21 § 402 Contempts constituting crimes.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 31 § 641 Public money, property or records.

TITLE 18 PART I CHAPTER 95 § 1959 Violent crimes in aid of racketeering activity.

While the laws stated above refer to new Defendants, whom will be added to all future litigations, in crimes committed to deny Plaintiff’s due process and procedural rights, others in Public Office in New York have aided and abetted the crimes defined already herein through similar State and Federal Laws. Therefore, let this filing also serve as a Formal and Procedural Criminal Complaints against the following agencies and individuals named below. Evidence of the various violated codes provided with links to prior and ongoing complaints.

****{Eliot to comment on defrauded Patent Office and federal courts – - Does it go here???}


Criminal violations of NY Law by the Defendants in this action

*****{Eliot to comment what lawful orders are there here? – - Does this go here?}

Part 1

Proskauer Rose attorneys and Lamont(?) And others ____fill in__________________ initially committed the following crimes in order to obtain patent rights:

Their criminal liability is based on the following: (the complete text of mentioned laws is in appendix following)

§ 110.00 Attempt to commit a crime.

§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.

§ 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.

§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.

§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.

The underlying crimes were:

§ 125.25 Murder in the second degree.

§ 125.20 Manslaughter in the first degree.

§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree

§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.

§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.

§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.

§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.

§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.

§ 200.04 Bribery in the first degree.

§ 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree.

§ 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office;

§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.

§ 210.45 Making a punishable false written statement.

§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.


************{Eliot to comment re: Cuomo is not covered by Public Officers Law, but his underlings are.

Part 2

The following public employees_________________ and the NY Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, committed the following crimes in covering up and protecting the above mentioned criminals in the first paragraph:

§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.

§ 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.

§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.

§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.

The underlying crimes were:

§ 125.25 Murder in the second degree.

§ 125.20 Manslaughter in the first degree.

§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree

§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.

§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.

§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.

§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.

§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.

§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.

§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.

§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.

And they in addition committed the following crimes as public officers:

§ 195.00 Official misconduct.

§ 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree.

§ 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree.


Part 3

Andrew Cuomo in addition to the above crimes in Part 2 violated Executive Law § 63. General duties.

Also, Andrew Cuomo violated Public Officer Law:

§ 74. Code of ethics.

2. Rule with respect to conflicts of interest.

No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should have any interest, financial or otherwise, direct or indirect, or engage in any business or transaction or professional activity or incur

any obligation of any nature, which is in substantial conflict with the proper discharge of his duties in the public interest.

3. Standards.

a. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should accept other employment which will impair his independence of judgment in the exercise of his official duties.

d. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should use or attempt to use his or her official position to secure unwarranted privileges or exemptions for himself or herself or others, including but not limited to, the misappropriation to himself, herself or to others of the property, services or other resources of the state for private business or other compensated non-governmental purposes.

e. No officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should engage in any transaction as representative or agent of the state with any business entity in which he has a direct or indirect financial interest that might reasonably tend to conflict with the proper discharge of his official duties.

f. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should not by his conduct give reasonable basis for the impression that any person can improperly influence him or unduly enjoy his favor in the performance of his official duties, or that he is affected by the kinship, rank, position or influence of any party or person.

h. An officer or employee of a state agency, member of the legislature or legislative employee should endeavor to pursue a course of conduct which will not raise suspicion among the public that he is likely to be engaged in acts that are in violation of his trust.



§ 20.00 Criminal liability for conduct of another.

. § 105.05 Conspiracy in the fifth degree.

§ 105.10 Conspiracy in the fourth degree.

§ 110.00 Attempt to commit a crime.

§ 115.00 Criminal facilitation in the fourth degree.

§ 135.60 Coercion in the second degree.

§ 155.42 Grand larceny in the first degree.

§ 170.15 Forgery in the first degree.

§ 170.30 Criminal possession of a forged instrument in the first degree.

§ 175.10 Falsifying business records in the first degree.

§ 175.25 Tampering with public records in the first degree.

§ 175.35 Offering a false instrument for filing in the first degree.

§ 195.00 Official misconduct.

§ 195.05 Obstructing governmental administration in the second degree.

§ 200.04 Bribery in the first degree.

§ 200.12 Bribe receiving in the first degree.

§ 200.22 Rewarding official misconduct in the first degree.

§ 200.27 Receiving reward for official misconduct in the first degree.

§ 200.40 Bribe giving and bribe receiving for public office; definition

of term.

§ 210.15 Perjury in the first degree.

§ 210.45 Making a punishable false written statement.

§ 460.20 Enterprise corruption.

Executive Law:

§ 63. General duties. The attorney-general shall:

Public Officer Law

§ 74. Code of ethics.


From: Eliot Ivan Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@gmail.com] On Behalf Of Eliot I. Bernstein

Sent: Tuesday, September 08, 2009 1:01 PM

To: Pro Se Cases @ United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (prosecases@CA2.uscourts.gov); Civil Cases @ United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (civilcases@CA2.uscourts.gov); ‘Deborah Holmes (Deborah_Holmes@CA2.uscourts.gov)’

Cc: The Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General Department of Justice, Lonnie Davis Miami Field Office; ‘Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire (caroline@cprogers.com)’; Marc R. Garber Esq. @ Flaster Greenberg P.C. (marc.garber@flastergreenberg.com); Michele M. Mulrooney Esq. – Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris (MMulrooney@JTWAMM.com); ‘Andy Dietz’; ‘Barry Becker’; The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (john.conyers@mail.house.gov); The Honorable Glenn Fine ~ Inspector General @ United States Department of Justice (glenn.a.fine@usdoj.gov); ‘The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ (AskDOJ@usdoj.gov)’; The Honorable United States Senator Dianne Feinstein; The Honorable Harry I. Moatz, Director, Office of Enrollment & Discipline ~ United States Patent & Trademark Office; ‘The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ (inspector.general@usdoj.gov)’; Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman @ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov); David Gouvaia @ Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (david.gouvaia@tigta.treas.gov); David Axelrod, Senior Advisor to President Barack H. Obama (info@askps.com); Daniel O’Rourke – Small Business Administration Inspector General Office; ‘Frank Brady @ Expose Corrupt Courts (CorruptCourts@gmail.com)’; ‘Robert E. Casey Jr. @ Special Agent in Charge, FBI Dallas (fbi.dallas@ic.fbi.gov)’; ‘guy@nipllc.com’; Jennifer Duck, Chief Counsel ~ Senator Dianne Feinstein (jennifer_duck@judiciary-dem.senate.gov); Jon W. Dudas ~ Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office; Jim Molinari, State Director @ Senator Dianne Feinstein (Jim_Molinari@feinstein.senate.gov); John J. Doll, Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Acting Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office – Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Deputy Director of the United States Patent ; ‘Michael King, Branch Chief @ SEC Division Headquarters in Ft. Worth, Texas (kingm@sec.gov)’; Steven Michael Cohen, Counselor and Chief of Staff @ New York Office of the Attorney General (steven.cohen@oag.state.ny.us); Andrew Barroway @ Barroway Topaz Kessler Meltzer & Check, LLP. (abarroway@btkmc.com); Andrew Philip Chesler (andrewchesler@yahoo.com); Andrew Philip Chesler @ Tiedemann Investment Group (andrew@i2ihelp.com); ‘Bradley S Shraiberg @ Shraiberg, Ferrara & Landau (bshraiberg@sfl-pa.com)’; Brian G. Utley (brian.utley@teamwheretolive.com); Bridget Smitha @ Greenberg Traurig, LLP. (smithab@gtlaw.com); Bruce T. Prolow (bprolow@tig.to); Bruce T. Prolow, General Partner @ Tiedemann Investment Group (bprolow@tiedemanntrust.com); C. David Brown, II @ Broad and Cassel (dbrown@broadandcassel.com); Carl Tiedemann @ Tiedemann Investment Group ; ‘Chris Abbuhl @ Greenberg Traurig, LLP. (abbuhlc@gtlaw.com)’; Craig L. Smith, General Partner @ Tiedemann Investment Group (csmith@tiedemanntrust.com); ‘Cris V. Branden, Vice President @ Huizenga Holdings Incorporated (cbranden@huizenga.com)’; D. Bruce Sewell, Senior Vice President – General Counsel @ Intel Corporation(bruce.sewell@intel.com); Elena Ramirez, General Counsel @ SGI (ramirez@sgi.com); Eric M. Chen (viconcerto@aol.com); Gerald W. Stanley (geraldwstanley@aol.com); Glenn T. Burhans Jr., Shareholder @ Greenberg Traurig, LLP. (burhansg@gtlaw.com); Gregg M. Mashberg @ Proskauer Rose LLP (gmashberg@proskauer.com); H. Wayne Huizenga Jr., Vice President @ Huizenga Holdings, Inc. (whuizengajr@huizenga.com); ‘IBM Non-Management Directors, c/o Chair, IBM Directors and Corporate Governance Committee, International Business Machines Corporation, (nonmanagementdirectors@us.ibm.com)’; James B. Comey, General Counsel @ Lockheed Martin Corporation (james.b.comey@lmco.com); James J. Wheeler @ Broad and Cassel (jwheeler@broadandcassel.com); Joanna F. Smith @ Proskauer Rose LLP (jfsmith@proskauer.com); John W. Fried, Partner @ Fried & Epstein LLP (johnwfried@fried-epstein.com); Kent Kari Anker, Partner @ Friedman, Kaplan, Seiler & Adelman LLP (kanker@fklaw.com); Lawrence A. Horn, CEO @ MPEG LA, LLC (lhorn@mpegla.com); Martyn Molyneaux c/o Paul Sanderson @ Harrison Goddard and Foote (psanderson@hgf.com); Martyn W. Molyneaux @ Wildman, Harrold, Allen & Dixon LLP(molyneaux@wildmanharrold.com); Matthew Shaw (jwolf@sunrockventures.com); Matthew Shaw (tgarrett@sunrockventures.com); Matthew Shaw, Managing Director @ Sunrock Ventures (mshaw@sunrockventures.com); Michael A. Reale (Realem@prodigy.net); Michael Dockterman (dockterman@wildman.com); Monica Connell, Assistant Attorney General – Division of State Counsel Litigation Bureau ~ State of New York Office of the Attorney General (monica.connell@oag.state.ny.us); ‘Patrick Walsh @ State of New York Office of the Attorney General (Patrick.Walsh@oag.state.ny.us)’; Paul S. Otellini, President and Chief Executive Officer @ Intel Corporation (paul.otellini@intel.com); Richard L. Handley, Senior Vice President & General Counsel @ Huizenga Holdings, Inc. (rhandley@huizenga.com); Richard M. Howard, Partner @ Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Breitstone, LLP (rhoward@meltzerlippe.com); ‘Richard Schiffrin @ Grant & Eisenhofer (rschiffrin@gelaw.com)’; ‘Richard Schiffrin c/o Grant & Eisenhofer (sgrant@gelaw.com)’; ‘Richard Schiffrin c/o Grant @ Eisenhofer (jeisenhofer@gelaw.com)’; ‘Robert C. Weber, Senior Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs, & General Counsel @ IBM Corporation (rcweber@us.ibm.com)’; Robert Furr @ Furr & Cohen P. A. (rfurr@furrcohen.com); Robert J. Henninger (rhenninger@huizenga.com); Robert J. Stevens, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer @ Lockheed Martin Corporation (robert.j.stevens@lmco.com); Robert L. Shuftan (shuftan@wildman.com); Royal O’Brien (info@bitraider.com); Royal O’Brien, CEO @ BitRaider (invest@bitraider.com); Ryan Huisman (ryan@majestic.com); Ryan Huisman (ryan@ryjo.com); Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer @ IBM Corporation (Sam@us.ibm.com); Stephen J. Warner (102247.622@compuserv.com); Stephen J. Warner, Chairman/CEO @ Crossbow Ventures™ (SWarner@crossbowventures.com); Steven R. Rodgers, Vice President and Associate General Counsel Legal and Corporate Affairs, Director Litigation @ Intel Corporation (steve.r.rodgers@intel.com)

Subject: Docket No. 08-4873-cv – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.

Deborah ~ Attached is an EMERGENCY MOTION TO COMPEL, I will send copies shortly to the Court. Please process this to the judges in the interim as there are very serious and imminent issues contained in the filing. If you would like a copy of the final pdf digitally signed to accompany this scanned copy, please reply and I will send it over. Thank you ~ Candice Bernstein

From: Eliot Ivan Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@gmail.com]

Sent: Friday, February 12, 2010 10:53 PM

To: The Honorable President of the United States Barack Hussein Obama II (president@whitehouse.gov); Mary L. Schapiro, Chairman @ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (CHAIRMANOFFICE@sec.gov); Enforcement @ U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (enforcement@sec.gov); H. David Kotz ~ Inspector General @ Securities Exchange Commission Inspector General Office (oig@sec.gov); The Honorable Glenn Fine – Inspector General Department of Justice; The Honorable Glenn Fine ~ Inspector General @ United States Department of Justice (glenn.a.fine@usdoj.gov); The Honorable Madam Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (sf.nancy@mail.house.gov); The Honorable Shira A. Scheindlin @ United States District Court ~ Southern District of New York (shira_a._scheindlin@NYSD.uscourts.gov); The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ (inspector.general@usdoj.gov); The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ (AskDOJ@usdoj.gov); Miami Division @ Federal Bureau of Investigation (Miami@ic.fbi.gov); The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (john.conyers@mail.house.gov); Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (Complaints@tigta.treas.gov); David Gouvaia @ Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration (david.gouvaia@tigta.treas.gov); Daniel O’Rourke – Small Business Administration Inspector General Office; The Honorable Inspector General Todd J. Zinser @ Department of Commerce (TZinser@OIG.DOC.GOV); David Kappos ~ Under Secretary of Commerce for Intellectual Property and Director of the USPTO (david.kappos@USPTO.gov); Sharon Barner ~ Deputy Director @ United States Patent & Trademark Office (sharon.barner@uspto.gov); Harry I. Moatz ~ Director of the United States Patent & Trademark Office – Office of Enrollment & Discipline; Mail Stop OED-Ethics Rules (ethicsrules.comments@uspto.gov); ’sampson@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘onorato@senate.state.ny.us’; ’schneiderman@schneiderman.org’; ’schneiderman@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘hassellt@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘diaz@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘jdklein@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘eadams@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘espada@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘breslin@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘dilan@senate.state.ny.us’; ’savino@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘perkins@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘maziarz@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘jdefranc@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘volker@senate.state.ny.us’; ’saland@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘lavalle@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘bonacic@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘winner@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘nozzolio@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘lanza@senate.state.ny.us’; ‘ranz@senate.state.ny.us’; Timothy Spotts Esq. ~ Counsel @ Senate Standing Committeeon the Judiciary (spotts@senate.state.ny.us)

Cc: Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire (caroline@cprogers.com); Michele M. Mulrooney Esq. – Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris (MMulrooney@JTWAMM.com); Marc R. Garber, Esquire @ Flaster Greenberg P.C.; Andrew Dietz @ Rock-It Cargo USA, Inc. (andyd@rockitcargo.com); Iviewit Breaking News – Read All About It; Kevin R. Hall Esq. (krhall007@aol.com); Kevin R. Hall; Pat Handley (svm231@aol.com); Guy T. Iantoni (guy@nipllc.com); ‘Christine C. Anderson (tallawah@earthlink.net)’; Nicole Corrado (ncorrado242@yahoo.com); Frank Brady @ Expose Corrupt Courts (CorruptCourts@gmail.com); Rachel Maddow @ MSNBC (rachel@msnbc.com); Michael Moore (mike@michaelmoore.com)


To all addressed parties in the TO field of the Email,

Please take this Formal Written Complaint and immediately begin formal investigative procedures and docket this complaint as such. If you are already investigating the Iviewit matters, please include this complaint in your ongoing file for the Iviewit companies complaint and those of Inventor, Eliot I. Bernstein. I have attached a signed PDF file that is fingerprinted as the formal complaint to docket and have attached a Word document unsigned and unprinted for reading convenience only and to access the hyperlinked exhibits with greater ease. Due to Whistleblower allegations of document destruction regarding prior complaints filed with certain departments, as evidenced in the complaint, please print each and every exhibit referenced via URL’s in the attached document as part of the permanent record to this complaint. As these matters and investigations are part of an ongoing US Patent Office investigation and central to protecting the inventors’ rights please maintain this Formal Complaint and all Exhibits for a period of no less than twenty years or until the issues have been fully resolved by all investigatory agencies and courts worldwide. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me directly, my personal contact information below. Please confirm receipt of this message and all attachments, formally docket the complaint and please note to sign the conflict of interest disclosure embedded in the document as Exhibit 2, prior to any action on your part.

Thank you in advance for your time, effort and consideration of the Time Sensitive Matters ~ Eliot Bernstein


Surf with Vision

Eliot I. Bernstein


Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL

Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL

Uview.com, Inc. – DL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL

I.C., Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com LLC – DL

Iviewit LLC – DL

Iviewit Corporation – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Corporation

2753 N.W. 34th St.

Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459

(561) 245.8588 (o)

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(561) 245-8644 (f)





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From: Eliot Ivan Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@gmail.com]

Sent: Thursday, February 18, 2010 8:08 AM

To: ‘Preet Bharara ~ United States Attorney Southern District of New York @ USDOJ (Preet.Bharara@usdoj.gov)’; ‘Jeffrey Zients ~ Executive Chair @ Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE). (cigie.information@oig.usda.gov)’

Cc: ‘Wendy Olsen Clancy ~ Victim/Witness Coordinator @ United States Attorney’s Office (Wendy.Olsen@usdoj.gov)’; The Honorable Eric H. Holder Jr., United States Attorney General @ US DOJ (inspector.general@usdoj.gov); The Honorable Glenn Fine ~ Inspector General @ United States Department of Justice (glenn.a.fine@usdoj.gov); The Honorable John Conyers Jr. (D-MI 14th) – Chairman of the House Judiciary Committee (john.conyers@mail.house.gov); Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire (caroline@cprogers.com); Michele M. Mulrooney Esq. – Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris (MMulrooney@JTWAMM.com); Marc R. Garber, Esquire @ Flaster Greenberg P.C.; Andrew Dietz @ Rock-It Cargo USA, Inc. (andyd@rockitcargo.com); ‘Barry Becker’; Guy T. Iantoni (guy@nipllc.com); ‘Crystal@CrystalCox.com’; TourCandy; Richard Kuse (wildmans@verizon.net); Robert Morningstar (robertmorningstar@gmail.com); Rachel Maddow @ MSNBC (rachel@msnbc.com); Yoel Weisshaus (yoelweisshaus@yahoo.com); Kevin R. Hall, Esquire; Michael Moore (mike@michaelmoore.com); Milton @ Black Star News (milton@blackstarnews.com); Alessandra Dupont (dupontalessandra1@gmail.com); Betsy Combier @ Parent Advocates; Children’s Right to Both Parents Equally (pcalma2075@yahoo.com); ‘Christine C. Anderson (tallawah@earthlink.net)’; Frank Brady @ Expose Corrupt Courts (CorruptCourts@gmail.com); ‘Gizella Weisshaus (GizellaWeisshaus@yahoo.com)’; Greg Fischer (perfect100@hotmail.com); Jackie Weaver (jaweaver13@yahoo.com); Kathryn Grace Jordan @ E.N.D. ~ End Discrimination Now – E.N.D. (info@enddiscriminationnow.com); Kevin R. Hall Esq. (krhall007@aol.com); Linda D. Misek-Falkoff (Ph.D.J.D.) (respectful.interfaces@gmail.com); ‘Luisa Esposito’; Mary Keon @ The Westchester Guardian (wguardianmaryads@aol.com); Matthew Reiss, Visiting Professor ~ Department of Journalism & Media @ Rutgers University (nyreport@hotmail.com); ‘Pamela Carvel (estatecrimes@gmail.com)’; Pat Handley (svm231@aol.com); ‘Paul Altman’; ‘Ruth M. Pollack (ruthmpollack@yahoo.com)’; Scott H. Robb (shrobb@msn.com); ‘Tembani Selepi Xaba (tembani@earthlink.net)’; Terrence “Terry” Finnan (Tskeene@westelcom.com); William Galison (wgalison@aol.com)


Dear Hon. Preet Bharara, Hon. Jeffrey Zients and Wendy Olsen Clancy,

Please accept the attached SEC, FBI and Others Complaint and immediately begin a formal docketing and investigation of the attached complaint, as it relates directly to your offices and Members of the office who have been named by a Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson, as being involved in the Whitewashing of Attorney Complaints in a Federal Court under the jurisdiction of the Hon. Shira A. Scheindlin. I have a 12 Count 12 Trillion Dollar Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit marked legally “related” to the Whistleblower by Judge Scheindlin. The SEC, FBI and Others complaint has preliminary information for your inquiry, including information for investigation of USDOJ employees and please feel free to contact me personally at my numbers and contact information below. Please formally respond that your offices have received the Formal Complaint attached. An online Unsigned Interactive Version of the document with links to hundreds of pieces of evidentiary materials can be found at http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=274 a signed color non-interactive copy can also be found @

. Thank you in advance for time, effort and consideration of these matters ~ Eliot Bernstein

Attorney for Plaintiff Bernstein

Eliot Ivan Bernstein, Pro Se

2753 NW 34th St.

Boca Raton, FL 33434

Tel.: (561) 245-8588

By: _________________________ Eliot Ivan Bernstein



DOCKET NO. 08-4873-CV


Appellate Division First Department

Disciplinary Committee et al.

I, Eliot Ivan Bernstein, hereby certify under the penalty of perjury that on the 7th day of September, 2009, I served by United States Mail, Email, Electronic Service and/or hand delivered the document titled EMERGENCY MOTION TO KISS MY ASS AND MORE on the Court. Plaintiff requests this Court serve all named Defendants below via the United States Marshal Service or service directly by the Court as the case in prior filings where the Court has served to the Defendants, although it is further unclear if this Court has served documents to all Amended Complaint Defendants or just a select few Defendants. It is also unclear if Defendants’ counsels similarly have serviced only select Defendants’ and not all the Amended Complaint Defendants and Plaintiffs on Appeal despite referencing the Amended Complaint in their Appeal.

Plaintiff requested the Halting of the Case and the Sealing of this Motion and Plaintiff requests that Motions remain sealed until all Oversight authorities summoned in the Motion to Compel filed previously and/or herein have rendered final decisions on the Court and Defendants’ counsels ability to proceed. Therefore, Plaintiff requests not servicing Defendants the requested sealed documents until such time that affirmed Non-Conflicted justices, court personnel and counsel, as requested in the Motion to Compel and herein, are authorized by Oversight and Law Enforcement to continue to operate illegally and outside of the Judicial Cannons, Attorney Conduct Codes, Public Office Rules and Regulations and Law.

The Amended Complaint list of Defendants necessary to service is as follows:

STATE OF NEW YORK, THE OFFICE OF COURT ADMINISTRATION OF THE UNIFIED COURT SYSTEM, PROSKAUER ROSE LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. KRANE in his official and individual Capacities for the New York State Bar Association and the Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee, and, his professional and individual capacities as a Proskauer partner, KENNETH RUBENSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ESTATE OF STEPHEN KAYE, in his professional and individual capacities, ALAN S. JAFFE, in his professional and individual capacities, ROBERT J. KAFIN, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER C. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW M. TRIGGS in his official and individual capacity for The Florida Bar and his professional and individual capacities as a partner of Proskauer, ALBERT T. GORTZ, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER PRUZASKI, in his professional and individual capacities, MARA LERNER ROBBINS, in her professional and individual capacities,DONALD “ROCKY” THOMPSON, in his professional and individual capacities, GAYLE COLEMAN, in her professional and individual capacities, DAVID GEORGE, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE A. PINCUS, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGG REED, in his professional and individual capacities, LEON GOLD, in his professional and individual capacities, MARCY HAHN-SAPERSTEIN, in her professional and individual capacities, KEVIN J. HEALY, in his professional and individual capacities, STUART KAPP, in his professional and individual capacities, RONALD F. STORETTE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRIS WOLF, in his professional and individual capacities, JILL ZAMMAS, in her professional and individual capacities, JON A. BAUMGARTEN, in his professional and individual capacities, SCOTT P. COOPER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRENDAN J. O’ROURKE, in his professional and individual capacities, LAWRENCE I. WEINSTEIN, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM M. HART, in his professional and individual capacities, DARYN A. GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JOSEPH A. CAPRARO JR., in his professional and individual capacities, JAMES H. SHALEK, in his professional and individual capacities, GREGORY MASHBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, JOANNA SMITH, in her professional and individual capacities, MELTZER LIPPE GOLDSTEIN WOLF & SCHLISSEL, P.C. and its predecessors and successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, LEWIS S. MELTZER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAYMOND A. JOAO, in his professional and individual capacities, FRANK MARTINEZ, in his professional and individual capacities, FOLEY & LARDNER LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL C. GREBE, in his professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM J. DICK, in his professional and individual capacities, TODD C. NORBITZ, in his professional and individual capacities, ANNE SEKEL, in his professional and individual capacities, RALF BOER, in his professional and individual capacities, BARRY GROSSMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, JIM CLARK, in his professional and individual capacities, DOUGLAS A. BOEHM, in his professional and individual capacities, STEVEN C. BECKER, in his professional and individual capacities, BRIAN G. UTLEY, MICHAEL REALE, RAYMOND HERSCH, WILLIAM KASSER, ROSS MILLER, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, STATE OF FLORIDA, OFFICE OF THE STATE COURTS ADMINISTRATOR, FLORIDA, HON. JORGE LABARGA in his official and individual capacities, THE FLORIDA BAR, JOHN ANTHONY BOGGS in his official and individual capacities, KELLY OVERSTREET JOHNSON in her official and individual capacities, LORRAINE CHRISTINE HOFFMAN in her official and individual capacities, ERIC TURNER in his official and individual capacities, KENNETH MARVIN in his official and individual capacities, JOY A. BARTMON in her official and individual capacities, JERALD BEER in his official and individual capacities, BROAD & CASSEL, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, JAMES J. WHEELER, in his professional and individual capacities, FLORIDA SUPREME COURT, HON. CHARLES T. WELLS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. HARRY LEE ANSTEAD, in his official and individual capacities HON. R. FRED LEWIS, in his official and individual capacities, HON. PEGGY A. QUINCE, in his official and individual capacities, HON. KENNETH B. BELL, in his official and individual capacities, THOMAS HALL, in his official and individual capacities, DEBORAH YARBOROUGH in her official and individual capacities, DEPARTMENT OF BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL REGULATION – FLORIDA, CITY OF BOCA RATON, FLA., ROBERT FLECHAUS in his official and individual capacities, ANDREW SCOTT in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORKAPPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, THOMAS J. CAHILL in his official and individual capacities, PAUL CURRAN in his official and individual capacities, MARTIN R. GOLD in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION FIRST DEPARTMENT, CATHERINE O’HAGEN WOLFE in her official and individual capacities, HON. ANGELA M. MAZZARELLI in her official and individual capacities, HON. RICHARD T. ANDRIAS in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID B. SAXE in his official and individual capacities, HON. DAVID FRIEDMAN in his official and individual capacities, HON. LUIZ A. GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND JUDICIAL DEPARTMENT, SUPREME COURT OF NEW YORK APPELLATE DIVISION SECOND DEPARTMENT DEPARTMENTAL DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE, LAWRENCE DIGIOVANNA in his official and individual capacities, DIANA MAXFIELD KEARSE in her official and individual capacities, JAMES E. PELTZER in his official and individual capacities, HON. A. GAIL PRUDENTI in her official and individual capacities, HON. JUDITH S. KAYE in her official and individual capacities, STATE OF NEW YORK COMMISSION OF INVESTIGATION, ANTHONY CARTUSCIELLO in his official and individual capacities, LAWYERS FUND FOR CLIENT PROTECTION OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, OFFICE OF THE ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, ELIOT SPITZER in his official and individual capacities, as both former Attorney General for the State of New York, and, as former Governor of the State of New York, COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA, VIRGINIA STATE BAR, ANDREW H. GOODMAN in his official and individual capacities, NOEL SENGEL in her official and individual capacities, MARY W. MARTELINO in her official and individual capacities, LIZBETH L. MILLER, in her official and individual capacities, MPEGLA, LLC, LAWRENCE HORN, in his professional and individual capacities, REAL 3D, INC. and successor companies, GERALD STANLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, DAVID BOLTON, in his professional and individual capacities, TIM CONNOLLY, in his professional and individual capacities, ROSALIE BIBONA, in her professional and individual capacities, RYJO, INC., RYAN HUISMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, INTEL CORP., LARRY PALLEY, in his professional and individual capacities, SILICON GRAPHICS, INC., LOCKHEED MARTIN, BLAKELY SOKOLOFF TAYLOR & ZAFMAN, LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, NORMAN ZAFMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, THOMAS COESTER, in his professional and individual capacities, FARZAD AHMINI, in his professional and individual capacities, GEORGE HOOVER, in his professional and individual capacities, WILDMAN, HARROLD, ALLEN & DIXON LLP, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MARTYN W. MOLYNEAUX, in his professional and individual capacities, MICHAEL DOCKTERMAN, in his professional and individual capacities, HARRISON GOODARD FOOTE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, EUROPEAN PATENT OFFICE, ALAIN POMPIDOU in his official and individual capacities, WIM VAN DER EIJK in his official and individual capacities, LISE DYBDAHL in her official and personal capacities, YAMAKAWA INTERNATIONAL PATENT OFFICE, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, MASAKI YAMAKAWA, in his professional and individual capacities, CROSSBOW VENTURES, INC., ALPINE VENTURE CAPITAL PARTNERS LP, STEPHEN J. WARNER, in his professional and individual capacities, RENE P. EICHENBERGER, in his professional and individual capacities, H. HICKMAN “HANK” POWELL, in his professional and individual capacities, MAURICE BUCHSBAUM, in his professional and individual capacities, ERIC CHEN, in his professional and individual capacities, AVI HERSH, in his professional and individual capacities, MATTHEW SHAW, in his professional and individual capacities, BRUCE W. SHEWMAKER, in his professional and individual capacities, RAVI M. UGALE, in his professional and individual capacities, DIGITAL INTERACTIVE STREAMS, INC., ROYAL O’BRIEN, in his professional and individual capacities, HUIZENGA HOLDINGS INCORPORATED, WAYNE HUIZENGA, in his professional and individual capacities, WAYNE HUIZENGA, JR., in his professional and individual capacities, TIEDEMANN INVESTMENT GROUP, BRUCE T. PROLOW, in his professional and individual capacities, CARL TIEDEMANN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW PHILIP CHESLER, in his professional and individual capacities, CRAIG L. SMITH, in his professional and individual capacities, HOUSTON & SHAHADY, P.A., and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BART A. HOUSTON, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, FURR & COHEN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BRADLEY S. SCHRAIBERG, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, MOSKOWITZ, MANDELL, SALIM & SIMOWITZ, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, WILLIAM G. SALIM, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SACHS SAX & KLEIN, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, BEN ZUCKERMAN, ESQ. in his professional and individual capacities, SPENCER M. SAX, in his professional and individual capacities, SCHIFFRIN & BARROWAY LLP, and any successors, and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, RICHARD SCHIFFRIN, in his professional and individual capacities, ANDREW BARROWAY, in his professional and individual capacities, KRISHNA NARINE, in his professional and individual capacities, CHRISTOPHER & WEISBERG, P.A., and, all of its Partners, Associates and Of Counsel, in their professional and individual capacities, ALAN M. WEISBERG, in his professional and individual capacities, ALBERTO GONZALES in his official and individual capacities, JOHNNIE E. FRAZIER in his official and individual capacities, IVIEWIT, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Uview.com, Inc.), UVIEW.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGIES, INC., a Delaware corporation (f.k.a. Iviewit Holdings, Inc.), IVIEWIT HOLDINGS, INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Florida corporation, I.C., INC., a Florida corporation, IVIEWIT.COM, INC., a Delaware corporation, IVIEWIT.COM LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, IVIEWIT CORPORATION, a Florida corporation, IBM CORPORATION.

To be added New Defendants in the RICO and Antitrust Lawsuit through amendment or in any anticipated future litigations and criminal filings:

Andrew Cuomo in his official and individual capacities, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed),

Justice Richard C. Wesley in his official and individual capacities,

Justice Peter W. Hall in his official and individual capacities,

Justice Debra Ann Livingston in her official and individual capacities,

Justice Ralph K. Winter in his official and individual capacities,

P. Stephen Lamont, (Questions about Lamont’s filings on behalf of others and more filed with criminal authorities and this Court notified of the alleged fraudulent activities of Lamont)

Justice Shira A. Scheindlin in her official and individual capacities,

Alan Friedberg in his official and individual capacities,

Roy Reardon in his official and individual capacities,

Martin Glenn in his official and individual capacities,

Warner Bros. Entertainment, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Time Warner Communications, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

AOL Inc., (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Ropes & Gray,

Stanford Financial Group,

Bernard L. Madoff et al.

Marc S. Dreier, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Sony Corporation, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Ernst & Young, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Arthur Andersen, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

Enron, (Already named in the lawsuit since the amended complaint filed)

More Defendants or possible Witnesses

Christine C. Anderson, Esq.,

Nicole Corrado, Esq.,

Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown

Related Cases


Eliot Ivan Bernstein,


Pro Se Appellant and Plaintiff

2753 N.W. 34th Street

Boca Raton, Florida 33434

(561) 245-8588

Eliot I. Bernstein


Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL

Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL

Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL

Uview.com, Inc. – DL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL

I.C., Inc. – FL

Iviewit.com LLC – DL

Iviewit LLC – DL

Iviewit Corporation – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – FL

Iviewit, Inc. – DL

Iviewit Corporation

2753 N.W. 34th St.

Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459

(561) 245.8588 (o)

(561) 886.7628 (c)

(561) 245-8644 (f)





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Tags: allen stanford, Andrew Cuomo, barroway, crossbow ventures, eliot bernstein, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, foley & lardner, intel, inventor, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, lockheed, marc dreier, martin glenn, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, ny senate judiciary committee, okun, patent, patentgate, proskauer, ralph winter, sgi, silicon graphics, steven c. krane, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, video

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Interview with Disbar the Florida Bar’s Radio Host Les Winston ~ The Biz 880am regarding Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST lawsuit against Florida Bar, FL Supreme Court, Justice Jorge Labarga, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg Traurig & more. Lawsuit legally “related” to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson who reveals an attorney complaint case fixer “Cleaner”, Naomi Goldstein at NY Ethics Dept which regulates WallStreet

Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Interview with Disbar the Florida Bar’s Radio Host Les Winston ~ The Biz 880am regarding Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST lawsuit against Florida Bar, FL Supreme Court, Justice Jorge Labarga, Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner, Greenberg Traurig & more. Lawsuit legally “related” to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower, Christine C. Anderson who reveals an attorney complaint case fixer “Cleaner”, Naomi Goldstein at NY Ethics Dept which regulates WallStreet.

Press Release Distributed @ http://www.free-press-release.com/news-iviewit-inventor-eliot-bernstein-interview-with-disbar-the-florida-bar-les-winston-the-biz-880am-regarding-trillion-dollar-fed-rico-suit-against-flo-1276897073.html

Disbar the Florida Bar Radio Host Les Winston interviews Iviewit Tech Inventor Eliot Bernstein regarding illegal activities at the Florida Supreme Court, Florida Bar & Judge Jorge Labarga.

LISTEN TO INTERVIEW @ http://disbarthefloridabar.com/?page_id=96 or http://www.iviewit.tv/DisbarFloridaBar23.mp3

World-renowned Inventor of Digital Video & Imaging Mathematical Scaling Formulas, Eliot Bernstein discusses with radio talk show host Les Winston of Disbar the Florida Bar his Trillion Dollar Federal RICO & ANTITRUST Lawsuit, naming the Florida Bar, Florida Supreme Court & Labarga as Defendants. The suit marked “legally” related by Judge Shira Scheindlin to a NY Whistleblower suit filed by a Supreme Court of NY Staff Attorney, Christine C. Anderson, Esq. Bernstein’s Amended Complaint

Anderson alleges the NY Attorney Disciplinary Dept, responsible for the oversight of WallStreet lawyers, has been whitewashing and cleaning disciplinary complaints against attorneys, including US Attorney’s, DA’s & ADA’s. Anderson named a “Cleaner” from the Ethics Dept of the NY Supreme Court, Naomi Goldstein, supervisor at the NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee. No wonder WallStreet melted down & attorney regulators go unpunished for failures after causing massive damage to the American People, only to then leave government positions for cushy law firm partnerships. Anderson claimed staff attorney, Nicole Corrado Esq., on her way to testify at deposition supporting Anderson’s suit was threatened & intimated by a Sr. Court Official regarding giving testimony, creating Federal Obstruction of Justice, Witness Tampering & more by Court Officials.

Bernstein suing the FL & NY Supreme Courts, State Bars & Disciplinary Agencies, claims conflicted members of the courts, partners from Proskauer Rose LLP law firm, the main conspirator in Bernstein’s case along with law firm Foley & Lardner, illegally handled complaints against partners while holding official title with the courts & disciplinary agencies. In NY, Bernstein’s allegations led to unanimous consent of 5 justice of the NY Supreme Court to have former NY State Bar Association President, Steven Krane, a Proskauer partner, ordered for investigation for conflicts & the appearance of impropriety. Proskauer’s Kenneth Rubenstein, the sole (soulless) patent evaluator for MPEGLA LLC, ordered for investigation along with attorney Raymond Joao, who claims to have put 90+ patents into his own name. Bernstein claims patents filed by Joao were during & after the time Iviewit retained Joao to patent inventions for Bernstein, Joao patented them for himself instead. After termination as Iviewit counsel, Joao worked for infamous convicted felon Marc S. Dreier, sentenced July 13, 2009, to 20 years in prison. Thomas Cahill, former Chief Counsel of the First Dept whom Anderson alleges to be the ringleader at the First Dept, ordered for Special Inquiry. Cahill’s investigation relates to Krane’s conflicts & Cahill’s role in aiding and abetting the RICO Criminal Enterprise, which Bernstein claims is composed mainly of corrupt mob type law firms. Anderson under oath in Scheindlin’s US Fed Court stated “Cleaner” Goldstein was cleaning complaints against “favored law firms and lawyers”.

NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo fingered by Anderson & Bernstein for illegal representation of the accused NY State Officials in violation of his public office duties. Cuomo represents the State Officials both professionally & personally on the broke NY State taxpayers’ dime and Bernstein alleges the NY Attorney General is guilty of Felony Title 18 Obstruction of Justice. Obstruction caused by Cuomo’s conflicting his offices with scienter from investigating the accused State Defendants they represent while simultaneously failing to call in a non-conflicted investigator to investigate the Defendants on behalf of the People of NY.

Cuomo is duty bound by Public Officer Law 17(2)(b), which dictates the Attorney General not represent State Defendants when conflict with their offices exist. Yet Cuomo not only represents the State Defendants when conflict exists in both Bernstein and Anderson’s lawsuit but has failed to call in any outside investigator to investigate the State Defendants, his clients, creating a block to prosecution & obstructing justice. Cuomo, Eliot Spitzer & the NY Attorney General’s office are Defendants in Bernstein’s suit. The fact they are Defendants makes the continued representation of the State Defendants by the Attorney General’s office bizarre and further illegal. Bernstein filed criminal complaints with the Department of Justice Inspector General Glenn Fine, the US Attorney General Eric Holder & others regarding the criminal activities of both the NY and FL Officials.

Bernstein is the inventor of digital imaging & video technologies that revolutionized the Internet, Television & Digital Imaging, the technologies valued over a Trillion Dollars over the 20 yr patent life. Bernstein’s patents are currently on Suspension with the US Patent & Trademark Office by the Commissioner of Patents while the Office of Enrollment & Discipline (OED) Director at the US Patent Office, the Federal Patent Bar, investigates Bernstein’s attorneys for crimes including Fraud Upon the US Patent & Trademark Office. http://iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/USPTO%20Suspension%20Notices.pdf Bernstein claims Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Stephen Lucchesi claimed to be working with Harry I. Moatz, Director of the OED investigating allegations of crimes against the US & more, Bernstein claims Moatz confirmed collaboration with the FBI.

Bernstein calls for the end of attorney self regulation & self discipline by their peers, which has obviously failed, in favor of charging attorneys with criminal acts to criminal prosecutors, warning that victims of attorneys, judges and prosecutors who file with attorney run state attorney regulators are doing themselves a disfavor. Bernstein claims the attorneys gain advantage through using the state disciplinary agencies, defending themselves in conflict and gaining confidential information against them, while feathering their caps with conflicted decisions on Supreme Court letterhead. Bernstein along with Anderson, testified before the NY Senate Judiciary Committee in NY @


& http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=knQLll5hmjs&feature=player_embedded Chaired by Hon. Senator John Sampson, the hearings to investigate allegations of corruption in the NY Supreme Court Appellate Divisions. Hearings remain ongoing & claims made by NY Senators attending to begin a Task Force to investigate victims’ claims of legal process abuse.

According to Bernstein, one look only at the recent plethora of criminal activity in the stock market & Ponzi schemes to see that all of these schemes are run by law firms. Bernstein claims the Ponzis are illegal money laundering operations for monies illegally obtained by the law firms Criminal RICO Enterprise activities. Bernstein points to recent schemes such as Bernard Madoff, former “Sir” Allen Stanford, Marc S. Dreier & Greenberg Traurig’s involvement directly in a Ponzi, as evidence that lawyers are behind the schemes & directly involved in intentionally creating subterfuge of the regulatory agencies that could have prevented these schemes. Greenberg, recall was central to Abramoff’s fraud and linked to the Stanford Regulatory Failures.

Other Defendants, reported to the SEC for alleged Shareholder Frauds relating to the Iviewit RICO & ANTITRUST include Time Warner (NYSE: TWX), Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., AOL Inc. (NYSE: AOL), Intel Corporation (NASDAQ: INTC), Silicon Graphics, Inc. (delisted NYSE: SGI) & successor Silicon Graphics International (NASDAQ: SGI), Sony Corporation (NYSE/ADR: SNE) , Lockheed Martin Corporation (NYSE: LMT), Ernst & Young Global Limited @





http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/20100206 FINAL SEC FBI and more COMPLAINT Against Warner Bros Time Warner AOL176238nscolorlow.pdf

Information regarding these Ponzi schemes and the relation to the Iviewit crimes @

  • Information regarding Greenberg Traurig’s involvement in a recent Ponzi, “The American Lawyer is reporting today, May 13, 2010, that the law firm of Greenberg Traurig has been sued for its willful participation in and facilitation of what it knew to be an illegal Ponzi scheme” @ http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=313 Greenberg represents in conflict the Florida Bar and Florida Supreme Court Defendants in Bernstein’s Trillion Dollar RICO and ANTITRUST lawsuit, as Greenberg was retained patent counsel by Bernstein & therefore acts wholly in violation of law representing Defendants in the matter.
  • Information re the Bernard Madoff, Stanford & Dreier connections to Defendant Proskauer @

ohttp://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=307 “Proskauer Rose and Partner Thomas Sjoblom Further Implicated in the Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, Failures of SEC in Stanford Cited Further Supporting Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein’s Federal Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Claims”

ohttp://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=256 “Proskauer (Porksour) Rose Law Firm Going Down in Allen Stanford Ponzi, next the trail of money may lead to Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein’s stolen Trillion Dollar Patents”

http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=254 “Florida Bar Under Fire for Lack of Regulation in Robert Allen Stanford & Scott Rothstein Ponzi scheme, Kenneth Marvin defendant in Iviewit Multi Trillion Dollar Lawsuit”. After reading the article, one wonders if the Florida Bar reported this liability in the Iviewit Multi Trillion Dollar Federal Lawsuit to State Auditors?

The legally related cases to Anderson are @

Cases @ New York Second Circuit

  1. 08-4873-cv United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT
  2. Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
  3. Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
  4. McKeown v The State of New York, et al.

Related Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY

  1. 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT which other cases have been marked legally “related” to by Fed. Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
  2. 07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
  3. 07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
  4. 08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.,
  5. 08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
  6. 08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.,
  7. 08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al.
  8. 08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
  9. 08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
  10. 08 cv 6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York

15.  06cv05169 McNamara v The State of New York, et al

Links of interest

Eliot Ivan Bernstein

Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL
Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Uview.com, Inc. – DL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)

Other Websites I like:





http://www.VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer

http://www.killallthelawyers.ws/law (The Shakespearean Solution)

Tags: allen stanford, Andrew Cuomo, barroway, bernard madoff, crossbow ventures, disbar the florida bar, eliot bernstein, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, foley & lardner, greenberg traurig, intel, inventor, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, Les Winston, lockheed, marc dreier, martin glenn, meltzer, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, ny senate judiciary committee, patent, patentgate, proskauer, RAYMOND A. JOAO, sex, sgi, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, silicon graphics, steven c. krane, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, video, wayne huizenga, xxx

Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein Support Jack Thompson’s Allegations against The Florida Bar and Greenberg Traurig re Greenberg’s Involvement in $900 Million Ponzi Scheme

Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein Support Jack Thompson’s Allegations against The Florida Bar and Greenberg Traurig re Greenberg’s Involvement in $900 Million Ponzi Scheme

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From: Jack Thompson [mailto:amendment...@comcast.net]

Sent: Thursday, May 13, 2010 11:36 AM

Subject: Notice to my federal judge of Greenberg Traurig Ponzi scheme



Case No. 6:10-cv-442

















COMES NOW plaintiff, John B. Thompson (Thompson) and moves this

court to take judicial notice of the following:

The American Lawyer is reporting today, May 13, 2010, that the

law firm of Greenberg Traurig has been sued for its willful participation in

and facilitation of what it knew to be an illegal Ponzi scheme. Attached

hereto as Exhibit A is the American Lawyer article. Note that by going on

the Internet to the following link one can access the electronic version of

this article, embedded in which is a link to the actual Ponzi scheme

complaint filed against Greenberg Traurig in federal court:


It can be accessed by the PACER system as well, of course, Case 2:10-cv-01025-JWS.

Plaintiff asks this Honorable Court to take judicial notice of

the formal filing of this complaint because the allegations therein

corroborate the shocking culture of corruption that permeates the Greenberg

Traurig law firm, which was retained by the defendant Florida Bar because

of, not in spite of, this firm-wide, top-to-bottom corruption. The Florida

Bar wanted a law firm that would be willing to do and say anything to

protect its corrupted lawyer disciplinary system which the American Bar

Association itself says is fatally flawed and highly susceptible to

corruption. What a surprise (not) that Greenberg Traurig has insinuated

itself onto the Board of Governors of the Arizona State Bar in order that

that lawyer disciplinary entity might look the other way.

No lawyer in the Office of the Florida Attorney General, which

should be representing The Florida Bar as the “official arm” of the Florida

Supreme Court would be willing to do and say what The Bar’s private sector

law firm, Greenberg Traurig, has done to protect The Florida Bar from

Thompson’s rightful claims and the claims of others.   The Bar has Greenberg

on permanent retainer to handle such claims, when it should be using the

Office of the Attorney General of Florida.

If Greenberg Traurig enters a formal appearance on behalf of The

Bar in this case, then plaintiff will file a motion to disqualify that firm,

as certain lawyers therein will be indispensable fact witnesses herein.

That is one reason for this request of judicial notice.

For example, it is not a coincidence that Greenberg Traurig

advised The Bar, as asserted in the First Amended Complaint, to waive all

insurance coverage as to Thompson. It was so that Greenberg Traurig,

without any insurance industry oversight, would be free to violate state and

federal laws to harm Thompson.   It was The Bar’s carrier that shut down The

Bar’s earlier illegal acts against Thompson. The Bar had in Greenberg

Traurig, as the federal lawsuit filed in Arizona District Court indicates, a

corrupted law firm, ready, willing, and able to deprive Thompson of his

constitutional rights just as it is alleged to have ripped off investors in


The four million dollars paid Greenberg Traurig out of Florida

Bar members dues over the last several years bought a lot of lawyerly

corruption-unavaialbe to it if the Florida Attorney General had been

properly representing The Bar. Thompson can prove that The Bar certainly

got its money’s worth of corruption from Greenberg.

I hereby certify that a copy of this motion has been provided

this 13th day of May, 2010, to all of the parties directly, as plaintiff is

waiting to hear whether they will waive formal service of the summons and

first amended complaint herein.


Plaintiff pro se

5721 Riviera Drive

Coral Gables, Florida 33146

Phone: 305-666-4366


Jack Thompson, J.D.

5721 Riviera Drive

Coral Gables, Florida 33146

305-666-4366, cell 305-588-3005


“An error does not become truth by reason of multiplied propagation, nor

does truth become error because nobody will see it.” — Mahatma Gandhi

Tags: Add new tag, allen stanford, bernard madoff, eliot bernstein, foley & lardner, greenberg traurig, iviewit, Jack Thompson, patentgate, proskauer, The Florida Bar, The Florida Supreme Court

Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein Support Terence “Terry” Finnan’s Press Release re Andrew Cuomo’s TARP re Senator Pedro Espada, a New York RipOff by Spoiled Rottens running Injustices through the NY AG Office

Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein Support Terence “Terry” Finnan’s Press Release re Andrew Cuomo’s TARP re Senator Pedro Espada, a New York RipOff by Spoiled Rottens running Injustices through the NY AG Office


The Andrew Cuomo, TARP, And Senator Espada Dots Are Connected Today On CuomoTARP.blogspot To Show NY State Getting Nothing



Andrew Cuomo “ritual”song and a dance about Senator Pedro Espada for the Liar’s club provided little benefit for the NY Taxpayers as reported today on CuomoTARP blog



Terence Finnan reports today on his blog CuomoTARP.blogspot.com about Andrew Cuomo’s “magnificent civil suit against the uppity Senator Pedro Espada who finagled to become majority leader.” Mr. Finnan asks, as did Senator Espada, “why didn’t Cuomo file criminal charges?” Mr. Finnan report that Senator Espada is right, that Cuomo’s civil suit won’t be resolved until after Cuomo hopes he’s governor. And worse, the money which could have gone into the State Treasury from a successful NY RICO prosecution of Pedro Espada now cannot go toward NY’s Budget needs. Mr. Finnan had reported earlier that Espada’s alleged crime represents just 0.001% of the fraud (potential RICO money for the NY Treasury?) involved in the federal TARP program’s “assets.” The Federal TARP program, supposedly, was to remove those toxic mortgage assets from our financial system, which were generated from Cuomo’s Time as Federal HUD Secretary.

Then continuing with Mr. Finnan’s comparison of legacy leaders such as Nero with birth rights to office, he comments on how “Nero” Cuomo’s NY State is burning from budget shortfalls, while Cuomo’s priority is for Pedro Espada to face a civil suit. Mr. Finnan reports Cuomo’s action against Espada is either too little or too late, or a part of Cuomo’s “mating” ritual display to become Governor. Mr. Finnan asks why does Cuomo ignore the $40 million dollar fraud involving the Chief Judge, Lippman, and Judge Ramos, when he and his staff’s work is already done for them, because the witnesses and papers are already available for a Grand Jury and a Trial?

Mr. Finnan concludes by asking Andrew “Gollum” Cuomo to lift his NY TARP (Toxic Attorneys and Reprobates Protector) covering up NY corruption and prosecute corruption and tells Cuomo, if you want “The Ring,” earn it.


For more information:
Visit our website: http://www.CuomoTARP.blogspot.com

Keywords: Andrew Cuomo,TARP,Senator Espada


Source: http://www.Free-Press-Release.com/

Tags: Andrew Cuomo, eliot bernstein, eric holder, Gollum, HUD, iviewit, nero, New York Attorney General, ny senate judiciary committee, RICO, senator pedro espada, TARP, Terence Finnan, Terrence Finnan

Proskauer Rose and Partner Thomas Sjoblom Further Implicated in the Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, Failures of SEC in Stanford Cited Further Supporting Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein’s Federal Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Claims before Federal Judge Shira Scheindlin

Proskauer Rose and Partner Thomas Sjoblom Further Implicated in the Allen Stanford Ponzi Scheme, Failures of SEC in Stanford Cited Further Supporting Iviewit & Eliot Bernstein’s Federal Trillion Dollar Lawsuit Claims


April 19, 2010 4:14 PM

Report Rips SEC, Andrews Kurth Partner

Posted by Zach Lowe

It has been a very bad year for the Securities and Exchange Commission, and it got even worse Friday with the release of a report from the agency’s inspector general’s office which concludes the SEC bungled its investigation into Allen Stanford’s alleged $8 billion Ponzi scheme. The 159-page report, available here, says that on four occasions starting in 1997, examiners in the SEC’s Fort Worth, Texas, offices recommended the agency investigate Stanford for what some examiners characterized as an obvious fraud, according to Reuters. More interesting from our perspective is the report’s recommendation that an Andrews Kurth partner face possible sanctions for doing legal work on Stanford’s behalf just months after leaving the same SEC office that was investigating Stanford for possible fraud.

The report lays much of the blame on Spencer Barasch, a former Assistant Director of the SEC’s Forth Worth enforcement office and now a partner at Andrews Kurth. (Barasch did not respond to a message seeking comment.) Other SEC employees who wanted to pursue Stanford told the inspector general that Barasch and Harold Degenhardt, another top SEC official in Fort Worth who left in 2005 for a job at Fulbright & Jaworski, preferred smaller cases that were easier to prove and resolve quickly. The Stanford case would take a lot of time, and the two men made their lack of interest in it clear, the report states. “[Degenhardt] came from a big law firm, and he quickly decided the way to impress people was to come up with lots of numbers,” one SEC staffer told the inspector general’s office. “And [Barasch], of course, was part of that.” Degenhardt was at Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher before joining the SEC, according to his current firm bio, which remains on Fulbright’s Web page even though the firm claims Degenhardt retired in 2007. The firm’s Web site lists him as a special consultant.

Still, the central figure who takes the bulk of the blame in the report is undoubtedly Barasch. He left the SEC in the middle of 2005, and within weeks of leaving, he had already asked the agency for permission to represent Stanford in matters before it, the report says. Agency officials denied the request, saying Barasch would be violating federal rules that ban top federal employees from doing work on a matters they previously investigated at a federal agency, the report states. Barasch responded in 2006  by saying he could not remember investigating Stanford even though records show he attended meetings about the possible Ponzi scheme throughout his tenure at the SEC.

When the SEC finally charged Stanford in 2009, Barasch once again asked if he could get involved with the case. “Every lawyer in Texas and beyond is going to get rich over this case,” Barasch reportedly told the inspector general in explaining his continued requests to work on the Stanford case, according to the inspector general’sreport. “Okay? And I hated being on the sidelines.”

The report includes testimony and e-mail records indicating Barasch had performed at least 12 hours of billable work for Stanford even though the SEC denied him permission to do so. Barasch claimed he had merely reviewed a draft of one letter, but e-mails and other records show he was in close contact with Thomas Sjoblom, the former Proskauer Rose partner who was once Stanford’s go-to lawyer. (You may recall that Sjoblom himself is the target of legal action for his alleged conduct in representing Stanford, as we have previously reported.) The inspector general has referred Barasch to ethics committees in Washington, D.C. and Texas for possible action, the report states.

The report also shows that internal SEC employees complained that Barasch showed little interest in pursuing Stanford while at the SEC. The agency dropped one early investigation when Stanford did not comply with a voluntary request for documents. They dropped another in 1998 when Wayne Secore, one of Stanford’s early lawyers, assured Barasch that Stanford was legit, the report says. The decisions surprised other SEC employees, and one of those employees recalled that the 1998 decision came up again when she, Barasch, and others dined out in New Orleans last year. Barasch again mentioned at dinner that the assurances of Stanford’s lawyer were good enough for him, the employee told the inspector general. Barasch has denied ever saying that, calling the employee’s account “absurd,” the report says. “I would never accept an attorney’s representation about anything,” he told the inspector general.

According to the report, things improved at the SEC when Katherine Addleman took over Barasch’s position in the Fort Worth enforcement office at the SEC. Addleman, now a partner at Haynes and Boone, was less obsessed with what critics called “slam dunk” cases and more willing to take on bigger projects such as the Stanford investigation, the report says. Addleman did not return a call seeking comment.

One other note: The report gives further ammunition to critics who suggest the SEC is more likely to go easy on entities who hire ex-SEC lawyers to represent them during the early phases of an investigation. Remarks from an anonymous SEC enforcement attorney included in the inspector general’s report indicate Stanford’s hiring of Sjoblom, a former higher-up at the SEC, helped stave off an aggressive investigation of Stanford in 2005. “Here we had this kind of legitimate looking operation with a lawyer [Thomas Sjoblom] that used to be with the SEC, and he’s making these representations to us, and there was just so much that we didn’t have,” the lawyer told the inspector general. “So what kind of case could we bring?”

Critics have recently raised questions about the SEC’s revolving door in the context of the agency’s prolonged failure to sniff out alleged fraud at the fund Allied Capital. In the early stages of the investigation in 2004, Allied retained a former SEC lawyer who joined Venable and registered as a lobbyist for Allied within weeks of leaving the SEC, according to our prior reporting. Later, Allied retained Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale and Dorr’s William McLucas, former director of enforcement at the SEC, who appeared to intimidate SEC staffers, according to a separate inspector general’s report released last month.

That’s right—two really bad inspector general’s reports in the last few weeks alone. Like we said: It has been a very bad few months for the SEC.

Contact Zach Lowe at zlowe@alm.com.


SEC Engages in High-Risk Game Financial Times

Report Finds SEC Dropped the Ball in Stanford Case Austin American Statesman
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Eliot Bernstein

Check out Inventor Eliot Bernstein Testimony @ The New York Judiciary Committee headed by John L. Sampson @

Investors who have been burned in these scams should start to seek redress from the lawyers who were involved with these scams. I personally have been trying to notify regulators and authorities of a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR scam that is putting states like New York and Florida at huge risk, as well as, companies like Intel, Lockheed, SGI and IBM. The states and companies involved in the fraud fail to acknowledge the risk exposing shareholders and citizens to impending liabilities. Investigators, courts and federal agents ignoring the crimes and evidence, including a car-bombing attempt on my life. I know how Harry Markopolos felt trying to expose Madoff in a world without regulation.
Did I hear Proskauer Rose is involved in Madoff (involved many clients too) and acted as Allen Stanford’s attorney. Investors who lost money in these scams should start looking at the law firm Proskauer’s assets for recovery. First, Proskauer partner Gregg Mashberg claims Madoff is a financial 9/11 for their clients, if they directed you to Madoff sue them. Then, Proskauer partner Thomas Sjoblom former enforcement dude for SEC and Allen Stanford attorney, declares PARTY IS OVER to Stanford employees and advises them to PRAY, this two days before SEC hearings. Then at hearings, he lies with Holt to SEC saying she only prepared with him but fails to mention Miami meeting at airport hanger. Then Sjoblom resigns after SEC begins investigation and sends note to SEC disaffirming all statements made by him and Proskauer, his butt on fire. If you were burned in Stanford sue Proskauer.
Proskauer Rose and Foley & Lardner are also in a TRILLION dollar FEDERAL LAWSUIT legally related to a WHISTLEBLOWER CASE also in FEDERAL COURT. Marc S. Dreier, brought in through Raymond A. Joao of Meltzer Lippe after putting 90+ patents of mine in his own name, is also a defendant in the Federal Case.
The Trillion Dollar suit according to Judge Shira Scheindlin is one of PATENT THEFT, MURDER & A CAR BOMBING. For graphics on the car bombing visit www.iviewit.tv.
The Federal Court cases
Cases @ New York Second Circuit
1. 08-4873-cv United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT
2. Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.
3. Esposito v The State of New York, et al.
4. McKeown v The State of New York, et al.
Related Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY
5. 07cv09599 Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT which other cases have been marked legally “related” to by Fed. Judge Shira A. Scheindlin
6. 07cv11196 Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
7. 07cv11612 Esposito v The State of New York, et al.,
8. 08cv00526 Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.,
9. 08cv02391 McKeown v The State of New York, et al.,
10. 08cv02852 Galison v The State of New York, et al.,
11. 08cv03305 Carvel v The State of New York, et al., and,
12. 08cv4053 Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
13. 08cv4438 Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
14. 08 cv 6368 John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York

Eliot I. Bernstein
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