Steven C. Krane of Proskauer Rose LLP lawfirm obituary, lackey to Judith “Judenraut” Kaye former Chief Judge of New York. GOOD RIDDANCE KRANE FROM IVIEWIT & ELIOT BERNSTEIN
Could not have said this better as to what a piece of crap Krane was to the US, a fascist Nazi Judenraut pig! Go Nando.
Saturday, August 7, 2010

Anonymous said…
No need to beat a dead horse Nando. If Krane had not authored the ethics opinion, someone else would have. Let the man rest in peace. I mean if you had to live a life looking like Steven Krane, you would want a brief life too. I hope he wasn’t buried wearing that awful looking tie (with the caribou and girafe pattern-I actually saw this tie on sale at Marshall’s a few years ago for $5).The ABA is not interested in advancing the interests of law students or shitlaw solos. Every week I open my jurisdiction’s law journal and read about a young attorney who is being disciplined by the bar for stupid shit (e.g., putting trust monies in business accounts, not communicating with clients within 24 hours, not having retainer agreements, etc.). Only the principals at Biglaw can lie, cheat and steal from their clients without fear of repercussion. However, if you are a solo and God forbid you pocketed 10 cents by accident from your attorney trust account-automatic disbarment. Life’s not fair despite Krane’s early demise. Krane is not the enemy. He was merely a minion of the ABA/Biglaw lobby.
AJ said…
Why can’t the legal profession abide by universal ethics? Why must they make their own rules and then claim morality by only abiding by those specific rules? Just shows that the purpose of the law is to protect those in power.
Anonymous said…
Age 53 is a very young age. I think this goes to show that we, as lawyers, shouldn’t take this “law” stuff too seriously. Life is so short.When it comes down to it, the “law” is really just a bunch of chatter between us human beings.
Some people treat the law as something to sacrifice their life, family, and spouses for. However, we need to keep in mind that far more matters than the “law.”
Anonymous said…

Tyson said…
Also, hiring lawyers is not that costly. It is only costly for people without money. Actually, legal services of $400/hr for an army of lawyers is fairly cheap for a corporation when considering that they handle multi-million dollar transactions.
There are great complexities in our capitalist society and only lawyers have the acumen to figure them out.
Anonymous said…
Screwing over the little fish is never acceptable. Fuck Steven Krane, though we should pray the Lord has mercy on him for even the worst sinner may gain salvation.
Nando you are nothing more than a hack. You could actually write a legitimate blog with legitimate journalism techniques to actually shed light on what is going on in the industry instead you cut and past nearly every article on here and seemingly just substitute different numbers for tuition and different names of the school along with a picture of a different overflowing toilet/sewer system. And now you are dancing on the graves of those who have passed.Yes, the market is terrible and yes, there are many people to blame for this, but your efforts are nothing more than self-promotion.
Tyson said…
MYTH: If a job isn’t on the internet, then it doesn’t exist.TRUTH: Law firms do not usually like to post hiring activities on the internet because it makes a law firm look unstable, unattractive, weak, and understaffed. Instead, firms like to hire discreetly. Firms also like to hire people they personally know already and like to find that “perfect fit” – something a firm can’t really assess by electronic applications.SOLUTION: Get your butt out there and get to know some people!
TIP: Grades and school rank matter a whole lot less than how you work in a team, and how likely you are to positively “represent” the firm as a whole. Grades are a factor, but so are MANY other factors in landing a MUTUAL business relationship.
If trying to become a lawyer isn’t worth it to people (considering previous investment, job prospects, hassle, etc.) then don’t be a lawyer!If you failed to adequately research job prospects BEFORE you entered law school, then that’s the individual’s mistake for relying too much on one single statistic. You should have thought about that BEFORE you entered law school. Now live with it your error.
Nando said…
Tyson, how are things in Gaithersburg, MD, and Washington, DC? Why do you bother posting the same mindless drivel on this blog?To wit:“There are great complexities in our capitalist society and only lawyers have the acumen to figure them out.”
Also, did you mean to say, “There are great disparities of wealth in our capitalist society”? Thanks for the update, by the way. I didn’t realize that until you pointed it out. Regarding your belief that only lawyers can figure them out is arrogant, preposterous and silly. (Are you being deliberately dense? This is an act, right?)
As a self-admitted third year law student, what practical career advice do you have for the readers of this blog – other than “get your butt out there and get to know some people”? By the way, genius, PLENTY of law students have done exactly this, and are still unemployed. What is your excuse/explanation for this situation? Do these JDs suffer from poor hygiene, or poor social skills?! COULD IT BE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TOO MANY JDs FOR THE AVAILABLE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY POSITIONS?!?!
Also, why the over-reliance on straw men? Did anyone here state that if a job isn’t on the internet, it doesn’t exist? (Such jobs exist, and are posted internally. Good luck to the recent law grad who thinks he will be a candidate for such a position.)
To the tool at 11:30,
Steven Charles Krane devoted his entire “professional” life to crushing little people. This blog is backed up by the facts. I apologize if the harsh tone of this site offends your sensibilities. Perhaps, you should not visit this site, if it is not to your liking. You don’t think this portly man ever giggled himself silly, thinking about all those he screwed over?
You are correct, in that I don’t give a damn if Krane’s carcass has been in the ground for not quite 2 months. It is called schadenfruede. Look it up. (Should I feel sympathy for a serial rapist who dies in a shootout with police? If someone deliberately burns my house down, and then dies in a bus crash 2 years later, should I wait for an “appropriate” amount of time to pass before casting stones at the scoundrel?)
If you want to mourn this man’s passing, you are free to do so. However, DO NOT expect recent JDs and attorneys to share in that sentiment. Maybe, you can make a donation to the Steven C. Krane Fund, so you can help public interest lawyers pay back their student loans. Or, perhaps, you can toast his memory at your next business lunch.

Anonymous said… Looks like the big guy was under investigation for patent fraud. A natural choice to head up ABA and NYSBA ethics commissions.”Wonder why Steven Krane was one of the guys who was elected for Judy’s post but he would have been nuts to take it as this would have been the first issue in his campaign. Krane who violates ethics, while acting under ethics titles, is sweating, and he needs to, as the matters of Iviewit were recently forwarded by John Dingell, Chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee to the House Judiciary Committee where it is now under review.”

tyson said…
@ Nando: “COULD IT BE THAT THERE REALLY ARE TOO MANY JDs FOR THE AVAILABLE NUMBER OF ATTORNEY POSITIONS?!?!”If a firm or company wants you because of your value (brains, personality, real world experiences), then *poof* a “position” will appear. Its not like there are only a SET number of attorney positions – that is a ludicrous suggestion. The “positions” are based upon a firm or company’s WANTS and NEEDS and if you are valuable, you will land a “position.Do you know how many “braindead” people in every sector of our economy get paid $45k a year to basically do jack squat? A LOT. If you’re telling me that a very intelligent lawyer, who works fairly diligently won’t land at least a $45k job too, then you must be smoking some good ganja, ese.The money during the first two years as a lawyer doesn’t matter anyway. Even doctors start out at $40k / yr when they are residents. Law schools do not have residency programs… and maybe they should! Its about the long run.Besides, who cares if new law schools open? They are really just full of students who couldn’t get in anywhere else. Can’t you compete with these clowns? And if you can’t, then whose problem is it really?

Anonymous said… “Bernstein suing the FL & NY Supreme Courts, State Bars & Disciplinary Agencies, claims conflicted members of the courts, partners from Proskauer Rose LLP law firm, the main conspirator in Bernstein’s case along with law firm Foley & Lardner, illegally handled complaints against partners while holding official title with the courts & disciplinary agencies. In NY, Bernstein’s allegations led to unanimous consent of 5 justice of the NY Supreme Court to have former NY State Bar Association President, Steven Krane, a Proskauer partner, ordered for investigation for conflicts & the appearance of impropriety. Proskauer’s Kenneth Rubenstein, the sole (soulless) patent evaluator for MPEGLA LLC, ordered for investigation along with attorney Raymond Joao, who claims to have put 90+ patents into his own name. Bernstein claims patents filed by Joao were during & after the time Iviewit retained Joao to patent inventions for Bernstein, Joao patented them for himself instead.”Another glimpse into this mess. I hope people open these documents up in another browser and read what they contain.

Anonymous said…
3:30pm: I’m not sure what all this proves. Its just a complaint. It may be all dismissed on summary judgment. It would only take me about 2 months to read the complaint, considering it is about 323 pages of a legal area I know nothing about.

Anonymous said…
Might just be me, but 90 patents by a lawyer? Strange he wasn’t an engineer and saved the 200K.

Anonymous said…
There’s really not that big of a surplus of attorneys. If there were, you would expect BIGlaw salaries to drop significantly due to the surplus of unemployed T14s. And while BIGlaw salaries haven’t increased much in the last five years, they certainly haven’t dropped by any staggering amount.Although there are some examples of unemployed lawyers who are now venting, and kernels of truth to the “no law jobs” voice, I think this cry is mainly an exaggeration.Of course, if you are one of the few unemployed attorneys, it will feel like the end of the world and you would probably start a blog describing your woes.
That’s right 9:02pm. Another thing, who cares if there are no jobs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!The free market will work it all out. If law school is truly a bad deal, then people will stop going. Anonymous said…9:02 and 9:18 must be industry shills.No way could anyone be that stupid.

Anonymous said…
@9:20pm: You’ve got your opinion and you’re going to assert it!

Anonymous said…
Does anyone else find it odd that Nando sits around and preaches about the job market for attorneys when he has yet to take a bar exam or look for a job within the legal field? Additionally, if he was so much more intelligent than anyone else who has ever gone to law school then why a) did he only get in to Drake and more importantly b) did he go to law school at all?