Tag Archives: William Gallison

“From Ponzi to Madoff to Hevesi to DiNapoli; New York Learns Anew About Bond Losses And A Phony Safe 7.5% Pension Return” Iviewit World Renowned Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports T. Finnan of CuomoTarp’s claims of New York’s Phony Pension Plan Rate of Return and Suggestion to Buy EU Backed Greek Bonds and Dump New York Bonds Before they Turn to Sand

“From Ponzi to Madoff to Hevesi to DiNapoli; New York Learns Anew About Bond Losses And A Phony Safe 7.5% Pension Return” Iviewit World Renowned Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports T. Finnan of CuomoTarp’s claims of New York’s Phony Pension Plan Rate of Return and Suggestion to Buy EU Backed Greek Bonds and Dump New York Bonds Before they Turn to Sand

November 15, 2010 Reprint Courtesy of T. Finnan @ www.CuomoTARP.blogspot.com


Exposing corruption in the NY Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in Court, when he should protect the People. Lifting the Cuomo TARP cover (cover-up).


From Ponzi to Madoff to Hevesi to DiNapoli; New York Learns Anew About Bond Losses And A Phony Safe 7.5% Pension Return

Madoff had promised safe returns of 10% before the economic recession began.
The SEC warns in its Ponzi Schemes – Frequently Asked Questions that Ponzi schemes share common characteristics:
High investment returns with little or no risk
Overly consistent returns.

NY Comptroller, DiNapoli now promises safe returns of 7.5%, when the NY pension plan for the prior ten years, when higher safe returns were possible, never earned over 4%.  DiNapoli had claimed the NY Pension Funds were getting 8% expected returns for his first three and one half years in office.

Now look at Greece, where, Greek bond yields, a measure of investor confidence in the country’s finances, rose on Monday, with the rate on 10-year paper up to 11.280 percent from 11.184 percent on Friday.”
and “The Greek economy shrank 4.5 percent in the last 12 months, official data showed on Friday. Gross domestic product contracted by 1.1 percent in the third quarter.

Now back to NY, where “The Federal Reserve Bank of New York reported its manufacturing activity index dropped to minus -11.1 points in November, from a positive +15.7 points in the previous month.  The Empire State Manufacturing Survey index is considered a bellwether of the manufacturing sector which has been a key strength in the economic recovery.  It was the first time the index fell below zero since July 2009, the month after the worst recession in decades was officially declared over.  The sharp 27-point decline surprised analysts, who had forecast on average a slip to a positive 11.7-point reading. The new orders index plummeted to minus 24.4 points, from positive 12.9 points in October.

Now, tax receipts are down (24.4 points) from manufacturing (a bellweather) of non-government sources; there’s a 420% increase in the taxpayer share of pension costs; NY’s borrowing costs for next year which earlier were predicted at $5.6 Billion with the TIC (True Interest Cost) of recent offering: 3.357%will quickly move up to paying the Greek rate of 11.28%. Thus NY’s borrowing costs will move up from $5.6 Billion to $18.8 Billion. ($5.6 Billion times 11.28% divided by 3.357% = $18.8 Billion)

Did you think public corruption would be rooted out?   Not yet as,  Cuomo Hedges On Signing Over New Investigatory Powers To Schneiderman For Public Corruption Cases.”

But alas, as Ponzi and Madoff learned, economic reality (interest rates, revenues and spending) is a harsh task master, irregardless of your protectors.
Follow the money, Comptroller DiNapoli! Oops, the money’s disappeared!
Hoping for the Tooth Fairy, an understanding Congress, iou’s for bond holders or State workers?
Quick sell your NY Bonds. Greek bonds pay 11.28% guaranteed by the EU. Who’s guaranteeing NY Bonds?

Tags: Add new tag, Andrew Cuomo, bernard madoff, eliot bernstein, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, foley & lardner, Hevesi, inventor, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, lockheed, marc dreier, martin glenn, meltzer, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, New York Attorney General, ny senate judiciary committee, patent, patentgate, proskauer, ralph winter, sex, sgi, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, silicon graphics, steven c. krane, theft, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, video, wayne huizenga, xxx

Andrew Cuomo Meets “The Ghost Of NY Yet To Come”; Was It Thomas Dewey? Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports T. Finnan’s Claims of Cuomo Corruption.

Andrew Cuomo Meets “The Ghost Of NY Yet To Come”; Was It Thomas Dewey? Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports T. Finnan’s Claims of Cuomo Corruption.

Reprint Courtesy of T. Finnan @ http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com/

Andrew Cuomo Meets “The Ghost Of NY Yet To Come”; Was It Thomas Dewey?

Last night, Andrew was visited by the Ghost of NY Yet To Come.

Last night, a Ghostly figure, who looked like a groom figurine with a mustache on a wedding cake, appeared to Andrew and showed him 2011 Newspaper clippings where all the NY Budget predictions in a prior post had come true. Andrew then was carried to Seoul, South Korea, where he read the next day’s headline in Financial Times, “China tees up G20 showdown with US.” Andrew heard China’s Cui Tiankai say, “that the US plan for limiting current account surpluses and deficits to 4 per cent of gross domestic product harked back “to the days of planned economies”.

Now the Ghost of NY Yet To Come carried Andrew into many varied homes of rich and not-so-rich NYer’s. Andrew saw each cringing at finding their tax- free NY municipal bonds had diminished in value because of the interest rate increase of 231% due to Obama/Federal Reserve printing money. He saw the calculations were written on all their walls, 100% divided by 231% = 43% and saw they were crying at the new 57% ( 100% -43% = 57%) lower value of their tax-free bonds. He saw all these angry tax-free bond holders packing up to leave NY, while cursing Andrew who destroyed their income protection. “A pox on Andrew and them all. Where will Andrew get any money when we leave,” they snickered.

Then, another ghostly figure appeared. He heard that apparition say I’m the Ghost of Arnold of California Past. And grinning, the ghost picked from the mantle top a large vessel inscribed Trophy of Total Fiscal Failure and handed it to Andrew. The Ghost of Arnold of California Past then gave Andrew a Bill in the the ghost’s name for $40 million dollars a day borrowed to pay unemployment insurance, and said to Andrew, “this too will haunt you.”

The Ghost of Arnold of California laughingly said, “I had only $80 billion in General Obligation Debt and you had $120 billion and a whole lot less people to spread it among.” The ghost kept laughing and said, “my State was described as the Lindsay Lohan of States, but yours will fare worse as the John Belushi of States.”

Andrew turned to the Ghost of NY Yet To Come with his mustache and said, “you look familiar.” The Ghost replied, “I was a former Governor and Prosecutor.” Andrew asked, “why do I dread you so?” “I’m the harbinger of the your new tormentor, who will rise in my former role.” And the Ghost of NY Yet To Come carried Andrew back to his bed passing over endless angry crowds screaming, “He’s impoverished us.” .

Andrew awoke sweating. A Pox? Was that Thomas Dewey? Was he just imagining that he saw pitchforks? Oh, no, there’s the Trophy of Total Fiscal Failure.

Tags: Andrew Cuomo, bernard madoff, cuomotarp, eliot bernstein, eric holder, foley & lardner, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, MICHAEL GREBE, ny senate judiciary committee, patentgate, proskauer, RAYMOND A. JOAO, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, steven c. krane, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom

Proskauer Rose Law Firm Accused of Murder by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Over the IviewIt Technologies Scandal. Foley & Lardner and Michael Grebe also Accused of Attempt to Murder World Famous Inventor of Scaling Video and Imaging Technologies Eliot I. Bernstein

Proskauer Rose Law Firm Accused of Murder by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox Over the IviewIt Technologies Scandal. Foley & Lardner and Michael Grebe also Accused of Attempt to Murder World Famous Inventor of Scaling Video and Imaging Technologies Eliot I. Bernstein

Repost Courtesy of Crystal Cox Investigative Blogger @ http://www.industrywhistleblower.com/2010/11/proskauer-rose-law-firm-accused-of.html

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Proskauer Rose Law Firm Accused of Murder by Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox over the iViewit Technologies Scandal.

I Believe Proskauer Rose Law Firm Big Wigs Murdered Steven Krane and Stephen Kaye and Tried to Murder iViewit Technolgy Founder and One of the Iviewit Inventors Eliot Bernstein and his Entire Family.

Ever Wonder Why a Man’s Car is Bombed in a Public Place in the State of Florida and the Local Police, District Court, Sheriff, County Attorney and Supreme Courts does nothing to EVEN look into it? Are You Kidding Me..? and the FBI File mysteriously disappears.. Come on

Well that is Because Proskauer Rose LLP will do as they Damn Well Please and you will Sit Down, Shut Up and Take it or.. YOU will DIE. .. at the Very Least you will Lose your Quality of Life and all you knew to be your Life before you became Proskauer Rose’s Target..

See when Proskauer Rose’s Corrupt Patent Attorney Christopher Wheeler first jumped on the Let’s Steal an Awesome Invention idea well Kenneth Rubenstein (MPEG LA attorney – with Proskauer Rose) was not working with Proskauer Rose, though Kenneth Rubenstein is kind of the Last Man Standing Now… as Christopher Wheeler Esq. was removed from Proskauer Rose LLP awhile back to keep him silent on the Iviewit Stolen Technology .. oh and the WHOLE Christopher Wheeler got drunk, almost killed a guy .. paid for his Silence thing. and Christopher Wheeler using Corrupt Proskauer Rose LLP connections to Steal HIS Grandchildren and Hospitalize their Mother ILLEGALLY.. . anyway..

Kenneth Rubenstein, joined the Lets Steal iViewit Technologies Invention for Lockheed Martin and MPEG LA Party.. well alittle Late.. and Odd Kenneth Rubenstein, Corrupt Patent Attorney – and Well seriously “in bed with MPEG LA” – well Kenneth Rubenstein is Alive and Well, and still at Proskauer Rose LLP – despite the Perjured Deposition over the iViewit Technology theft, which you would think a powerful law firm like Proskauer Rose would Frown on..

On the Record, and Recorded in Voice – Perjured Deposition Kenneth Rubenstein – MPEG LA
Scroll Down past the MPEG LA, Proskauer Rose, Lockheed Martin SEC Complaint..

a Proven Criminal and Still Proskauer Rose keeps him around and MPEG LA just loves him.. there is a BIG reason for this..

Kenneth Rubenstein – Proskauer Rose LLP, a Self Proclaimed “Wealth Protection Attorney” is a Proven Criminal and this Corrupt Proskauer Rose LLP attorney is protected in every way, as well, he has the power to bring in Billions on Top of Billions with the MPEG LA company using the iViewit Technology by Illegal Patent Pools.. Also with the SILENCE of Kenneth Rubenstein.. MPEG LA – Lockheed Martin stays out of Indictments and Massive Scandals in RICO and Recovery, in SEC Fraud, and a Federal RICO Lawsuit – as does Time Warner Inc., AOL, Intel Corp. , Warner Bros. , Sony and many more involved in the Massive Shareholder Fraud over the Stolen IViewit Technlogy. ( http://www.deniedpatent.com/ )

so Kenneth Rubenstein has them all by the Balls.. and well he is certainly protecting their wealth for now.. thing is Kenneth Rubenstein forgot to Factor in .. well the TRUTH and those who Seek it.. such as me.. He Failed miserably to recognize that there would be some Mad Dog Blogger someday who would get all Truth Telling, Conspiracy Exposing, Illegal Activity Proclaiming on his Ass.

AND prove IT .. without a Doubt in the Mind of any Honest Court, Ethical Attorney.. , Law Abiding Judge or well, anyone with a Brain !!!

See Kenneth Rubenstein, last Man Standing at Proskauer Rose in the Iviewit Scandal.. well certainly he knows of the Murders of his Collegues by the Big Wigs at Proskauer Rose ? Why is Kenneth Rubenstein still with Proskauer Rose? hmmm..

Steven Krane, Proskauer Rose BIG Wig Attorney connected to Ex-Supreme Court Judge Judith Kaye, who was appointed by Mario Cuomo.. ( and well is the Wife of “Deceased” Stephen Kaye.. well Steven Krane died at 53 .. come on . I believe that Proskauer ROSE murdered both Steven Krane and Stephen Kaye..

Believe what makes you Sleep best at Night.

But as for me. I believe it was Murder flat out, to hide what they knew about the 13 Trillion Dollar Technology that Kenneth Rubenstein, Christopher Wheeler – Proskauer ROSE Thugs STOLE for MPEG LA.. and Lockheed Martin..

… and to hide the Facts they Knew about the Attempted Murder of the Eliot Bernstein Family.. So I Believe, Proskauer Rose LLP Killed their Own Top Attorneys.. to Protect “the Firm” ..

Surely Proskauer Rose has connections to Big Pharma Companies that can help them in a drug that will induce a Natural Cause of Death such as a Heart Attack.. How about.. Say .. Regeneron Pharmceuticals, Inc. – connected to Textron.. in a Behind the Scenes.. Scratch your Back .. way.. Hmm.. kind of Gets ya Thinking.. (Trivia: what Connects Textron to Lockheed to Proskauer to Regeneron… oh and then back to me.. ) hmm.. ???

I also believe that Chris Wheeler formerly of Proskauer Rose, along with the NY Proskauer Rose THUGS hired someone to BOMB the Mini Van of Inventor Eliot Bernstein in effort to Kill Eliot Bernstein – iviewit inventor and his family… and Proskauer ROSE paid off the Boca Police in Order To Cover Up the Bombing.. therefore it was NEVER investigated.. and funny .. I am a Homeland Security Risk for BLOGGING.. and a Bombing was not even investigated.. and covered up by local cops as well as a Florida Supreme Court Judge (Jorge Larbarga) .. Shocking to Say the Least.. Well I guess.. 13 Trillion Dollars is a Whole Lot of Money..

Oh and Don’t Forget Eric Turner Florida Bar Attorney and the Flat Out Suppression of Truth by the Corrupt Supreme Court Judge Jorge Labarga … All Bought and Paid for By the Corrupt, Evil, Immoral, Criminals at Proskauer Rose LLP – Law Firm.

oh and Foley and Lardner of Course.. .Michael Grebe was in On ALL of it.. Attempted Murder to Steal an Invention where by he was the Patent Attorney Firm in Charge of the Protection of the Inventor.. Michael Grebe is the Most “Well Connected Corrupt Attorney in America” – Says Investigative Blogger Crystal L. Cox.. “Me” and well, thats a Fact.. !!!
(Note: Proskauer Rose is Filthy Rich, Evil and Connected, but Michael Grebe is the ONE who has the Power to Bug My home Phones, to put me on a Homeland Security list and to monitor my phone calls.. and well Duh.. I know how long you have been doing it.. I have NOTHING to Hide.. I am NOT the Criminal.. I am the Voice of TRUTH !!

Oh and Don’t Forget the FBI Lost the File on the Bombing.. That was a Michael Grebe Cover Up as Well..

So Proskauer Rose LLP and Foley and Lardner,
You Boys Bout’ Decided what to Do about Me Yet?

.. or YOU going to let the Textron THUGS
continue to do your Dirty Work?

..by the way.. I Love the Way you paid for MORE SPACE in the GOOGLE search to push me down.. thing is the” Truth is Like Cream” and it Rises to the Top..
so Keep On Coming.. Thugs and Thieves..

I Fear No Evil ..

So Proskauer Rose, Michael Grebe, Lockheed Martin, Intel Corp, Warner Bros., Jeffrey Bewkes, Bruce Sewell, Foley and Lardner, MPEG LA, Kenneth Rubenstein.. I have Decided it is Officially Time for YOUR COME TO JESUS Party to Begin.. Ready ?


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” Andrew Cuomo’s Predatory Heart Of Darkness ” Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports Terence Finnan’s claims of Cuomo’s Heart of Darkness, THE HORROR, THE HORROR, THE HORROR. Cuomo Defendant in Trillion Dollar Fed RICO & ANTITRUST Lawsuit of Iviewit, Legally Related by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin to a New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson.

” Andrew Cuomo’s Predatory Heart Of Darkness ” Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports Terence Finnan’s claims of Cuomo’s Heart of Darkness, THE HORROR, THE HORROR, THE HORROR. Cuomo Defendant in Trillion Dollar Fed RICO & ANTITRUST Lawsuit of Iviewit, Legally Related by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin to a New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Lawsuit of Christine C. Anderson.

Reprint Courtesy of Terence Finnan @ http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com

Cuomo’s TARP

Exposing rampant corruption in the NY State and NY Federal Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in both State and Federal actions, when he should protect the People. This lifts the cover off rather than place a TARP over (cover-up).

Andrew Cuomo’s Predatory Heart Of Darkness

A journey begins into a modern “Heart of Darkness.” Reuters reports, “Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis.”

Predatory lending began in the first Bush administration reports Lucy Komisar and was refined under Andrew Cuomo where, “As Secretary of HUD, Andrew Cuomo reversed the policy of selling defaulted mortgages so that families could keep their homes. Instead, he chose to foreclose on mortgages, which meant that families lost their homes and insiders cleaned up on fire-sale priced properties. The US Treasury also lost billions.”    “Cuomo reinstated the old HUD cash-cow-for-political-friends system.   Cuomo took the profits from the loan sales and used them to justify huge new [mortgage insurance] originations, creating a huge housing bubble with the elimination of down payments, encouraging people who could not afford houses to buy them. Defaults went up.   And now instead of working out the defaulted single-family mortgages, he was foreclosing. There was a spike in families losing their homes and investments. But contractors and people handling property management and disposition made money. And there was sharply reduced recovery for the government.”

Cuomo enlarged the trough and the swine came running.

And who benefited from Cuomo? “The General Accounting Office (GAO)…in 2000 found that the Department was allowing lenders in the federally-insured mortgage business to engage in fraud and “flipping” that left homebuyers with crumbling houses and unaffordable mortgage payments. The fraudsters would buy property, often in poor neighborhoods, make cosmetic repairs and get puffed up property appraisals based in part on falsified documents attesting that homes had been renovated. They would sell them at high prices, with inflated mortgages, to unsuspecting buyers who trusted the appraisals. The owners of the houses quickly discovered their state, but often couldn’t afford to repair their homes, or pay the mortgages, so the mortgages were foreclosed, generating fees for property managers. And “flipped” again. It was the fraud dramatized by the Sopranos.”

“In fiscal 1999, HUD announced that it required $59 billion of “undocumentable adjustments” to balance the books…It had lost track of $59 billion! [But] Cuomo did not order the HUD IG to investigate the reason for the missing billions or to try to get the money back.”

Who was Cuomo protecting? The most important man in Andrew Cuomo’s personal and political life, topping even his ex-governor father, is obscure, 46-year-old developer Andrew Farkas, who’s ponied up over $2 million for the front-running attorney general candidate in recent years.   That includes $1.2 million in salary that Farkas’s firm, Island Capital, paid Cuomo in 2004 and 2005, as well as over $800,000 in identifiable campaign contributions from varied Farkas companies, family members, and business associates. It does not include an undisclosed amount Island paid Cuomo up to June 2006.“, “

And what Cuomo did:  Although, “Farkas personally signed a preliminary settlement that August, agreeing to repay HUD $5 million of the management fees it had diverted. In March 1998, the final settlement required the company to pay another $2.4 million, still $200,000 less than the amount the government said Insignia had diverted. The company admitted no wrongdoing, paid no penalties, and was explicitly not required to surrender any of its HUD contracts.” Cuomo’s “HUD even said in the 21-page agreement, also signed by Cuomo’s top counsel Howard Glaser, that it would not in any way seek “to limit Insignia’s participation” in agency programs.”

Looking into Andrew  Cuomo’s heart reveals his “love” for the those benefiting from his tenure at HUD and for his benefactor, Farkas.    While, Andrew Cuomo’s rapacious heart could feel nothing for the unfortunate who were foreclosed to flip properties to his preferred, or the HUD tenants deprived of services,  it wasn’t racial as implied in  “Racial predatory loans fueled U.S. housing crisis.”.   It was Andrew Cuomo and the Devil demanding their due.  Andrew’s heart, like the heart of his parabiosis, Gollum, encloses the darkest depravity.  Is Cuomo or the Devil racist?   No, Black, White, Brown or Yellow sheeple are equally fodder to be picked clean by the Devil’s vultures circling their local chieftain, Andrew Cuomo.

As in “Heart of Darkness, where, Themes developed in the novella’s later scenes include the naïveté of Europeans (particularly women) regarding the various forms of darkness in the Congo; the British traders and Belgian colonialists‘ abuse of the natives and man’s potential for duplicity,“  the same themes repeat with the naïveté  of New Yorkers regarding HUD’s (Cuomo’s) evil intent, the government employees’ and HUD lenders’ and contractors’ abuse of the Black and White natives of NY and Cuomo’s duplicity.

Why could this happen?   Because the “Devil’s running dogs” covered and are still covering Cuomo’s tracks.  i.e., Fred Dicker (The Post), The NY Times, The Times Union

Posted by T Finnan at Tuesday, October 05, 2010

Tags: Add new tag, Andrew Cuomo, bernard madoff, eliot bernstein, First Department, first department disciplinary, foley & lardner, inventor, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, marc dreier, MICHAEL GREBE, mpeg, mpegla, New York Attorney General, ny senate judiciary committee, patentgate, proskauer, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, steven c. krane, thomas cahill, thomas sjoblom, xxx

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports T. Finnan Claims of Andrew Cuomo’s “Shredgate”. Cuomo also a Defendant in the Iviewit Federal RICO & ANTITRUST lawsuit legally related by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin to Christine Anderson New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Lawsuit!!! Read All About It

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports T. Finnan Claims of Andrew Cuomo’s “Shredgate”. Cuomo also a Defendant in the Iviewit Federal RICO & ANTITRUST lawsuit legally related by Fed Judge Shira Scheindlin to Christine Anderson New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Lawsuit!!! Read All About It

Reprint Courtesy of T. Finnan @ CuomoTarp


Cuomo’s TARP

Exposing rampant corruption in the NY State and NY Federal Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in both State and Federal actions, when he should protect the People. This lifts the cover off rather than place a TARP over (cover-up).


Andrew Cuomo can tell us about “Shredgate” (25,000 documents) which began under Spitzer and ended under Cuomo. “The allegations should violate anyone’s sense of justice: state workers shredding thousands of written requests for name-clearing hearings from people accused of child abuse, then falsely declaring that the accused had withdrawn their requests.”   “The shredding party went on for a month in 2004 in the state Office of Children and Family Services’ headquarters in Albany, carried out as most illicit acts are: after midnight, when no one is watching.” 

“But the state attorney general’s office, according to a spokesman, never investigated possible crimes or other violations that might have resulted in disciplinary action against the supervisors who ordered the shredding. The attorney general surely was aware of the allegations; his office defended the state in the lawsuit.”

The pattern repeats.   Cuomo’s staff places the Cuomo TARP over crimes and/or malfeasances by State employees. The Cuomo TARP protects crooked lawyers, crooked judges and crooked State employees.  Criminal and reprobate State employees have much to thank Cuomo for.

And a Hymn of Thanksgiving, which can be sung by a Choir of Reprobates in praise of their protector has been written.  It’s to the tune of “What a friend we have in Jesus.”

What a friend we have in Andrew,
all our sins and crimes to bear!
What a relief to not worry
with Andrew in the Attorney General chair!
O what peace we ought to forfeit,
O what pain and jail we ought bear,
but we are spared and protected
with Andrew in the Attorney General chair.

2. Have we trials and lamentations?
Are there indictments anywhere?
We need never be discouraged;
when we pay up with Andrew’s Share.
Can we find an Attorney General so faithless
who will forsake the People so?
Andrew forgives our crime and avarice;
when we pay up with Andrew’s share.

3. Are we fat and heavy laden,
cumbered with a load of care?
Precious Andrew, still our refuge;
when we pay up with Andrew’s share.
Do the Voters despise and hate us?
Well, we’ll pay up with Andrew’s share!
In his arms he’ll hide and shield us;
we will find our protection there.


The People’s Enlightenment Daily Prepares Us For Our New Governor

Things are so much better in NY.    In North Korea, “Leader Kim Jong-il likely to use Workers’ party assembly to signal he is choosing youngest son Kim Jong-un as successor.” Here in New York, Mario’s oldest son was anointed governor in waiting by Mario.
In North Korea, “an internal propaganda document praising Jong-un for his skill at organising a fireworks display and his expert handling of military vehicles. He is a genius of geniuses, the document said. He has been endowed by nature with special abilities. There is nobody on the planet who can defeat him in terms of faith, will and courage.” And here in NY, The People’s Enlightenment Daily, aka the NYT, has praise for our new governor in waiting and his flawless tenure in a real job as Attorney General and harsh criticism for the party spoilers.
Praise be to Mario for raising, preparing and giving us our next governor.    And for our environmental image concerns, we wish for new colorful pictures of our governor in waiting in a “green” Mao suit.   And, of course, a identical looking version for the Cuomo Babuska doll.

Cuomo’s Dual Role As Both A Financial And A Corruption Moral Hazard

Wikipedia describes “moral hazard:”“Politicians and regulators representing the taxpayer and voter may regulate financial institutions to lend money to specific voting blocks, special ethnicities, special interests, favored companies, and unionized businesses with favored unions, rather than regulate financial institutions to lend money in such a fashion as to reduce the risk the taxpayer will have to bail them out, particularly if the bailout is likely to happen after the next elections.” This aptly describes Andrew Cuomo’s acts as HUD Secretary.   But Cuomo’s also succeeded in extending “moral hazard” to NY State corruption. 

“Andrew Cuomo became a“corruption moral hazard”, to add to his prior “financial moral hazard” status. In an earlier post here, Cuomo’s CAP program’s failure to be implemented was the beginning part of Cuomo’s “corruption moral hazard” And in the same post, “Cuomo turned the Federal Housing Administration mortgage program into a sweetheart lender with sky-high loan ceilings and no money down, and he legalized what a federal judge has branded “kickbacks” to brokers that have fueled the sale of overpriced and unsupportable loans “ This was Cuomo’s earlier incarnation as the “financial moral hazardwhich directly caused the Federal Tarp bailout and our present economic malaise.  See Cuomo’s “smoking gun.”

Cuomo as a “corruption moral hazard” was accentuated by his representation of crooked lawyers, judges and other State employees in Federal lawsuits. This is the direct cause of a newly  pending federal action08 Civ 2391, which concerns fraud, NY State corruption and $140,000.00 stolen from American Red Cross 9/11 donation money- still unpaid; and which names

and the following State employees
THOMAS J. CAHILL, in his official and individual capacity;
SHERRY K. COHEN, in her official and individual capacity;
GARY L. CASELLA, in his official and individual capacity;
NANCY J. BARRY, in her official and individual capacity;
FRANCIS A. NICOLAI, in his official and individual capacity;
JOSEPH M. ACCETTA, in his official and individual capacity,
ROBERT M. DIBELLA, in his official and individual capacity;
ANTHONY A. SCARPINO, in his official and individual capacity

Cuomo’s duty is to NY State and a honest lawful government, not to the protection of crooked State employees.  But, Andrew Cuomo used NY State funds and employees to defend fraud, theft and corruption criminal acts and to obstruct justice by not protecting NY State’s interest in honest government and instead defending the criminal acts by State employees.

Luke 16:13 “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve God and mammon.”

Andrew Cuomo, you cannot serve the People of NY and Mammon’s corrupt NY courts.  Your failure to carry out your CAP program encouraged more corruption and your multiple defenses of crooked State employees in a large number of Federal Corruption cases while Attorney General encouraged even more. The “smoking gun post” has a exact copy of your memo creating a financial moral hazard and along with it our current recession (depression?).


Constitution Day 9/18/2010, Cuomo Replaces Bill Of Rights With Cuomo’s TARP

The US Constitution gave us the Bill of Rights (first ten amendments) in federal actions, and after the Civil War the fourteenth amendment extended the Bill of Rights to the citizens of all States for State actions.    This was codified in federal law in 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
Although Supreme Court First Justice Marshall stated: “The Government of the United States has been emphatically termed a government of laws, and not of men. It will certainly cease to deserve this high appellation if the laws furnish no remedy for the violation of a vested legal right,” when citizens of NY attempt to get federal remedy in federal courts for the deprivation of their civil rights by NY State, Andrew Cuomo through his attorneys claims that they can’t obtain those rights
.   ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com lists TEN federal cases in the growing New York Ethics Scandal.
1. (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al
2. (07cv11196) Bernstein, et al v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al
3. (07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al 

4. (06cv05169) McNamara v The State of New York, et al

5. (08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al

6. (08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al
7. (08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al
8. (08cv04053) Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al
9. (08cv04438) McCormick v The State of New York, et al
10.(08cv05455) Capogrosso v The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al
In NY, the Bill of Rights, Laws and any remedy for their deprivation  has been replaced by the Bill of Protection for crooked lawyers, judges and other protected State employee, aka, Cuomo’s Tarp.
And we have the benefit of government by anointed men with the expected  “Legacy” ascension of Andrew Cuomo to Governor.


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Another One Bites the Dust! Defendant in Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson’s Federal Lawsuit, Sherry K. Cohen of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee joins Thomas Cahill in early retirement. Iviewit Inventor, Eliot I Bernstein Supports Criminal Actions Against Cohen, Cahill and other Members of the New York Supreme Court. EXTRA — READ ALL ABOUT IT @ EXPOSE CORRUPT COURTS!!!

Another One Bites the Dust! Defendant in Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson’s Federal Lawsuit, Sherry K. Cohen of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee joins Thomas Cahill in early retirement. Iviewit Inventor, Eliot I Bernstein Supports Criminal Actions Against Cohen, Cahill and other Members of the New York Supreme Court. EXTRA — READ ALL ABOUT IT @ EXPOSE CORRUPT COURTS!!!

Copy courtesy of Expose Corrupt Courts Here

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Corrupt Ethics Attorney Sherry K. Cohen Departing, Finally
Sherry Kruger Cohen, the corrupt Deputy Chief Counsel of the Appellate Division, First Department Attorney Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”) has agreed to take the state-offered buy-out. Mrs. Cohen, a graduate of Hofstra University Law School, will leave her post at the 61 Broadway state offices at the end of the year.


Wall Street Attorney said…

Someone should suggest a presidential stimulus package for the Wall Street bars and liquor stores. After Sherry leaves the DDC, there will be a dramatic hit on the liquor business.September 16, 2010 12:03 PM  

Sherry Cohen Victim said…

This corrupt, mean-spirited bitch should rot in hell for her illegal actions. Whoever you God is, Sherry, you should be frozen with fear!September 16, 2010 12:51 PM  

Anonymous said…

Holy crap. Can you imagine the drinking that’ll be going on when the Sherry leaves the DDC. First, everyone who works there will have a party that’ll last for days. Also, Sherry won’t be bothered with destroying and creating evidence anymore, she’ll be drinking more than ever, if that’s even possible.Is anyone taking a collection. Let’s send her a few hundred cases of booze. Or instead of a gold watch, how about golden handcuffs. 

September 16, 2010 12:58 PM  

Quietly Smiling said…

Ah, the departure of the “cleaner” is oh so interesting. Think she’ll wind up at the First Department Court in some capacity?September 16, 2010 1:12 PM  

Anonymous said…

Why is she waiting for the end of the year, so they can find some other corrupt corner to put her in?September 16, 2010 1:27 PM  

Anonymous said…

Why would the state offer any buy out……like they did those corrupt banks & corporations…..
No money for Cohen, she did the dirty deeds, she has gotten caught and paybacks are a bitch!September 16, 2010 1:30 PM  

Anonymous said…

let those lawyers & law firms she covered up for pay her a “consultant fee” !!!!!September 16, 2010 1:42 PM  

Anonymous said…

let those lawyers & law firms she covered up for pay her a “consultant fee” !!!!!September 16, 2010 1:42 PM  

Anonymous said…

Oh Sherry, hic up, hic up..Did Allen Isaac find you another position somewhere else?..maybe at the DA’s Office next to ADA Lisa Friel!!!Is Naomi Goldstein going anywhere?..Is she still at the DDC? I’m sure she’s going to be promoted Chief Counsel soon!! 

Good bye and good riddens Sherry Cohen…have you confirred with your pal Allen Isaac about your departing plans??????

September 16, 2010 2:59 PM  

Maybe!!!! said…

TaTa Sherry..don’t let the door hit you in the arzzzzzzzz!!!!! Btw,don’t forget to bring the rest of the thugs along with you…I hope and pray the Feds grab all of you while you’re walking out the door!!!!!September 16, 2010 4:53 PM  

Anonymous said…

Where are the beefy exhibits Frank E Baby? Anyone got beef with my hero Scheindlin for what she already did for you all by having Anderson sing death lullaby to Cahill, Sherry, AG Cuomo, Spookany, etc. must take it up with me, her soon to be Supreme Court chauffeur. You never know what gun is put to the head of those who do the right thing immediately after and what it may cause them to do after, like gun to granddaughter head can be swaying to some but you can never forget that pristine moment of heroism. You must worship it forever, despite what the future holds. Now be prepared in that scenario of Scheindlin acting off to fire off complaints against her if she does not follow the law but file them with love and pain, as I do with Catherine Wolfe and others. To all those waiting for her, stop and do something bold with what is already before you, be proactive stop waiting for Frank or Shira or Cuomo, fire off some criminal complaints against all those Anderson fingered with everybody, the more the merrier.
And to those most unethical ethics officers who have cast an evil upon this land filled with pain and suffering and death, take comfort that I, Eliot and I A-m That I A-m have a special place for you in hell. I personally will be your eternal tour guide, if you think my writing is long wait until you hear my voice eternally damning you, 24.7.Eternally. Ask Cahill if his soul has been sucked from his being, ask him my name and you will see fear.
Sherry K. Cohen, I already have sucked the lifeblood from your soul. Remember me in Scheindlin’s court, the devilish looking angel that your eyes were fixated upon? Your breath sucked dry, as I sat directly in front of your lying and evil soulless body, remember the conversation that only you could hear? I already hear your prayers, your whiney begging and know they will not be answered as that conversation was had, the jury out. This sentence will be long, slow and eternally painful, you will pray more and more for swift death but the beginning is now, death will not help, it is when the fun with you really begins.
Your Travel Guide to Hell
Bat Out of Hell
Mad Inventor
Eliot Ivan BernsteinSeptember 16, 2010 7:38 PM  

Tax payer said…

The first time I saw Sherry K. Cohen the mental image was of her is the uniform of an SS Nazi guard.
Her subsequent appearances have not dissuade me of this representation. How much did her continued silence cost the 1st DEPT. aka the NYS Illegal System?
How much of the taxpapers money did the dirtbags spend?

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Christine C. Anderson, New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Comes Out Swinging at New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, claims Cuomo Violating Public Office Duties Aiding Abetting Criminal Obstruction of Justice??? Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports Anderson’s Heroic Claims of Corruption in the New York Supreme Courts and Prosecutors Offices. READ ALL ABOUT IT @ Expose Corrupt Courts!!!

Christine C. Anderson, New York Supreme Court Whistleblower Comes Out Swinging at New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo, claims Cuomo Violating Public Office Duties Aiding Abetting Criminal Obstruction of Justice??? Iviewit Inventor Eliot Bernstein Supports Anderson’s Heroic Claims of Corruption in the New York Supreme Courts and Prosecutors Offices. READ ALL ABOUT IT @ Expose Corrupt Courts!!!

Expose Corrupt Courts

MLK said: “Injustice Anywhere is a Threat to Justice Everywhere”

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Court employee, judge or citizen – Report Corruption in any Court Today !! As of September 6, 2010, we’ve received over 109,900 tips…KEEP THEM COMING !! CorruptCourts@gmail.com

Most Read Stories

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


Anderson Moves to Disqualify NY Attorney General




Christine C. Anderson,

Case No.: 07cv9599
Plaintiff-Appellant, (SAS) (AJP)

2d Cir. No. 09-5059-cv v.

The State of New York,



PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that upon the accompanying affirmation, Plaintiff-Appellant Christine C. Anderson will move this Honorable Court, at the United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, New York, New York 10007, at a date and time to be determined by the Court, for an order:

(1)DISQUALIFYING the Office of the New York State Attorney General from representation of defendants; and

(2) for such other and further relief as the Court may find just and proper.

Dated: New York, New York

September 14, 2010

Christine C. Anderson, plaintiff, pro se

227 Riverside Drive – Suite 2N

New York, New York 10025

917-817-7170 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 917-817-7170 end_of_the_skype_highlighting tel

To: Monica Wagner, Esq., Assistant Attorney General, Office of the NYS Attorney General, 120 Broadway, 24th floor, New York, New York 10271


Christine C. Anderson,

Case No.: 07cv9599
Plaintiff-Appellant, (SAS) (AJP)

2d Cir. No. 09-5059-cv


The State of New York,




I, Christine C. Anderson, make the following affirmation under penalties of perjury:

I, Christine C. Anderson, am the plaintiff-appellant in the above entitled action, and respectfully move this court to issue an order disqualifying the Office of the New York

State Attorney General from representing defendant-employees of the State of New York

in any legal proceeding involving the herein before any federal or state court, agency or any other tribunal. The reasons why I am entitled to the relief I seek, and pending remand to the district court for a new trial as herein explained, are the following:

I. Introduction

1. The trial court abused its discretion in denying my request for a new trial, a reversible error, inter alia. That error continues before this appellate body and requires immediate correction. Because of the unique perspective of the trial judge, the decision as to whether to grant a new trial is committed to the district court’s sound discretion and will be reversed only for a clear abuse of that discretion. Kempner Mobile Electronics, Inc. v. Southwestern Bell Mobile Systems, 428 F.3d 706, 716 (7th Cir. 2005); Latino v. Kaizer, 58 F.3d 310, 314 (7th Cir.1995). The trial judge advanced a miscarriage of justice by denying the application for a new trial. Remand is clearly indicated in this matter.

2. Fed.R.Civ.P. 59 does not list the grounds for which a new trial may be granted. (Wright § 95). In federal courts, common law must be looked to in determining the available grounds. Of the numerous grounds justifying a grant of new trial, one is that the “interests of justice” require a new trial. See e.g., Fort Howard Paper Co. v. Standard Havens, Inc., 901 F.2d 1373, 1379 (7th Cir. 1990) (affirming grant of new trial after a three-week jury trial). Among the grounds cited for seeking new trials are the following:

(1) Irregularity of the proceedings;

(2) Misconduct of jury;

(3) Accident or surprise;

(4) Newly discovered evidence;

(5) Insufficient evidence;

(6) Verdict against law;

(7) Error in law;

(8) Excessive or inadequate damages.

3. A court has broad discretion in considering a Rule 59(e) motion. Hagerman v. Yukon Energy Corp., 839 F.2d 407, 413 (8th Cir.), cert. denied, 488 U.S. 820 (1988). Rule 59(e) was adopted to clarify that “the district court possesses the power to rectify its own mistakes in the period immediately following the entry of judgment.” White v. New Hampshire Dep’t of Employment Sec., 455 U.S. 445, 450 (1982) (internal quotations omitted). A Rule 59(e) motion may be granted to correct a manifest error of law or fact, or to consider newly-discovered evidence. See Hagerman, 890 F.2d at 414.

II. The Attorney General’s Representation of the Defendants Constitutes

A Clear Conflict of Interest, and Violates Plaintiff’s Right to Due Process

4. In this action, plaintiff Anderson was confronted with an unquestionably unfair set of circumstances. She brought her complaint against three individuals, who, although employed by the State of New York, were also sued in their individual capacities. These defendants in turn were at all times represented by the New York State Attorney General. Thus, while the plaintiff charged the defendants with serious violations of law, the Attorney General stood before the jury defending these very same actions as proper and within the law. This arrangement seriously prejudiced the plaintiff, as jurors could and likely did conclude that the State of New York supported fully the conduct of the defendants.

Ongoing Conflict of Interest

5. Representation by the New York Attorney General’s office in the pending appeal continues the improper prejudice against plaintiff. Furthermore, not only did the Attorney General’s representation of the defendants unduly prejudice the plaintiff, but it also raised serious conflict of interest issues with respect to the defendants themselves. To protect their own rights, each of the defendants had to have their own attorneys in order to permit them to cross claim or make admissions, including their own right to protect their own individual rights in this appeal. Under New York State and federal conflict of interest rules, each of the defendants must be free to undertake these independent actions. To do so, they must have their own counsel. (See NYS Code of Professional Conduct Cannon 5 Conflict of Interest Rules.) The Attorney General as a state attorney is bound by these rules as well.

6. This constitutes New York State law, and the attorney who violates these safeguards must be immediately removed from the case. Further, should the defendants seek to waive the conflict- they would have to submit an affidavit to that effect to the court. Notwithstanding a defendant’s attempt to waive his right to independent counsel, the court can deny the waiver, based on a finding that ultimately this conflict cannot properly be waived. The trail court improperly ignored the obligation to address the inherent conflict up to and including the trial. This court, however, must now disqualify the Attorney General from any representation of the defendants.

7. As a result of these conflict of interest issues, the Attorney General cannot properly represent the defendants, either as a group or individually, in these appellate proceedings. Each defendant must have the right to advance his or her own position on appeal, to cross claim against the others, and to bring a counterclaim against the State. These actions most certainly could not be undertaken in a case where the Attorney General represents all the named defendants. All defendants clearly are in conflict with each other, especially in their individual capacities. Without question, the Attorney General violated its ethical rules and the public trust in undertaking to represent all of the defendants. The Attorney General continues to violate its ethical rules by appearing before this appellate body. This would be the case, even were it established that the defendants had sought to consent to such representation.

The Clear Need For Remand

8. The involvement of the New York Attorney General in refuting plaintiff’s allegations, which involved serious violations of federal and state law and ethical standards, and in presenting the case of each defendants, denied plaintiff’s due process and equal protection guarantees, and right to a fair and impartial trial. See Snyder v. Massachusetts, 291 U.S. 97, 105 (1934) (“if a practice or rule offends some principle of justice so rooted in the traditions and conscience of our people as to be ranked as fundamental”) and Eldridge v. Williams, 424 U.S. 319 335 (1974)

9. The conflict here is particularly acute given the nature of the claims brought by plaintiff Anderson. Plaintiff’s charges warranted an independent investigation by the New York State Attorney General’s Office to review the basic claims given that Anderson was formerly a Departmental Disciplinary Committee staff attorney with considerable experience and over the years received excellent evaluations. The fact is that these are not allegations from a lay person.

10. While at the DDC, Plaintiff Anderson was charged with investigating cases involving possible criminal and civil misconduct by attorneys. She carried out her duties as a duly authorized officer of the Court. The New York State Attorney General’s Office was therefore obligated to protect her and to investigate her claims of serious misconduct against the named parties. To the Contrary, the New York State Attorney General’s Office failed to do so.

11. The Attorney General is a publicly funded arm of the State. It was conflicted from the outset of this case because it could not possibly defend any of the defendants, while simultaneously investigating plaintiff’s claims of serious ongoing misconduct by the defendants. Indeed, no explanation has ever been provided as to why the Attorney General did not represent plaintiff Anderson againstany of the original defendants. This was itself a misappropriation of public funds by a state investigative agency with prosecution powers.

12. Federal law mandates that a special prosecutor be substituted into the case, and this was not done. The actions of the Attorney General here confused, misled and confounded the jury, by creating a false impression that the acts were officially sanctioned by the state.

13. Furthermore, Christine Anderson’s allegations have substantial impact on the public, the bench and bar, and cannot be ignored by the New York State Attorney General’s Office merely because they were motivated to defend this lawsuit. This serious conflict demanded independent counsel for the defendants as a matter of fairness and high ethical conduct to all involved, particularly to Christine Anderson. Having denied independent counsel to the defendants, the Attorney General prejudiced plaintiff by making it appear to the jury that the State of New York and the New York State Attorney General’s Office supported defendants’ conduct. This was a burden Christine Anderson could never overcome and, at a minimum, warrants a new trial. The unfair burden continues before this appellate court.

14. Additionally, Remand is also certain as the trial Court was concerned about the aforestated conflict of interest and in one of its last instructions to the jury, the Court warned the jury not to draw a negative inference adverse to the defendants for their joint representation by the New York State Attorney General’s Office. That instruction was injurious to the plaintiff, Christine Anderson, in that it prejudiced the jury against her and in and of itself warrants a new trial for the following reasons:

a. It was one of the last instructions to the jury and thus was ingrained in the minds of the jury as a lasting impression. Furthermore, as one of the last instructions to the jury, it elevated its importance over and above all prior instructions as something that had to be considered indifference to all else.

b. There was no countervailing instruction to the jury that it could find a negative inference of the representation by the New York State Attorney General’s Office favorable to the plaintiff. This failure prejudiced the jury against the plaintiff by implying at a minimum, that the state supported all of the defendants’ conduct and found that it was within the bounds of the law.

c. Had the Court even given the jury an instruction not to draw a negative inference of the representation of the defendants by the New York State Attorney General’s Office as against either or both the plaintiff and the defendants, such an instruction only demonstrates the proof that there is an impermissible conflict of interest in the manner in which this case was conducted, that can only hurt one party over another. Further, the representation by the New York State Attorney General’s Office made it appear New York State supported the defendants’ conduct and that it was within the bounds of the law.

d. By the Court issuing the jury instruction not to draw a negative inference adverse to the defendants for their representation by the New York State Attorney General’s Office, the court preserved the argument to be raised in this motion and appeal.

e. Allowing all of the defendants to be represented by the same counsel and by the New York State Attorney General’s Office created an impermissible conflict of interest. Indeed, the conflict was so strong, that had the jury ruled against any one or all of the defendants, they would have been entitled to seek a new trial for impermissible conflict of interest as they would entitled to their own independent counsel. This court is thus faced with the fact any unsuccessful litigant in this case appeal could be expected to move for and would be entitled to a new trial because of the impermissible conflict of interest, as all of the defendants are required to have their own independent counsel, and to be represented their own counsel.

15. The American Bar Association’s Code of Professional Responsibility elaborates on the duty of a public prosecutor such as the New York Attorney General to seek justice as follows:

“This special duty exists because: (1) the prosecutor represents the sovereign and therefore should use restraint in the discretionary exercise of governmental powers, such as in the selection of cases to prosecute; (2) during trial the prosecutor is not only an advocate but he also may make decisions normally made by an individual client, and those affecting the public interest should be fair to all ….” (ABA Code of Prof. Responsibility, EC 7-13, emphasis added.)

16. Therefore, a prosecutor’s duty of neutrality is born of two fundamental aspects of his employment. First, the prosecutor, in this case the Attorney General, is a representative of the sovereign, and consequently must act with the impartiality required of those who govern. Second, the Attorney General can at all times call upon the vast power of the government, by utilizing public funds, and therefore must refrain from abusing that power by failing to act evenhandedly.

17. These key duties are not limited to criminal prosecutions, but must also be observed in civil cases as well. These safeguards are included in the ABA Code. “A government lawyer in a civil action or administrative proceeding has the responsibility to seek justice and to develop a full and fair record, and he should not use his position or the economic power of the government to harass parties or to bring about unjust settlements or results.” (Id., EC 7-14, emphasis added.)

18. In the present case, the Attorney General was under the ethical duty to withdraw in order to preserve plaintiff’s right to a fair and impartial trial. In a case such as this, not only is the Attorney General’s neutrality essential to a fair outcome for the plaintiff, it is critical to the proper function of the judicial process as a whole. Our system of justice relies for its validity on the confidence of society. Without a continuing belief by the people that the system is just and impartial, the concept of the rule of law cannot survive. (See id., EC 9-1, 9-2.)

19. The New York State Attorney General is a public official elected by statewide ballot . The American Bar Association’s Code of Professional Responsibility addresses the special considerations applicable to a lawyer who is also a public official as follows: “A lawyer who is a public officer, whether full or part-time, should not engage in activities in which his personal or professional interests are or foreseeably may be in conflict with his official duties.” (ABA Code of Prof. Responsibility, EC 8-8.) “[A]n attorney holding public office should avoid all conduct which might lead the layman to conclude that the attorney is utilizing his public position to further his professional success or personal interests.” (ABA Committee on Prof. Ethics, opn. No. 192 (1939); see also People v. Conner, 34 Cal.3d 141, 146.)

20. The government’s investigative and prosecutorial interests must be balanced against the public interest in insuring that the individuals and organizations receive effective representation, and are accorded their full constitutional rights and protections.

21. There are at least two reasons why a court should satisfy itself that no conflict exists or at least provide notice to the affected party if one does. First, a court is under a continuing obligation to supervise the members of its Bar. E.g., In re Taylor, 567 F.2d at 1191; see Musicus v. Westinghouse Electric Corp., 621 F.2d 742, 744 (5th Cir.1980) (per curiam) (district court obligated to take measures against unethical conduct occurring in proceedings before it). Second, trial courts have a duty “to exercise that degree of control required by the facts and circumstances of each case to assure the litigants of a fair trial.” Koufakis v. Carvel, 425 F.2d 892, 900-01 (2d Cir.1970); see ABA Code of Judicial Conduct, Canon 3(A)(4).

22. For example, when a litigant’s statutorily appointed counsel is acting against that person’s interests because of a conflict that the party has not been informed of and cannot be expected to understand on his own, it can be concluded that the litigant is not receiving a fair trial. Cf. Wood v. Georgia, 450 U.S. 261, 101 S.Ct. 1097, 67 L.Ed.2d 220 (1981) (divided loyalties of counsel may create due process violation).

23. Attorneys are officers of the court, Clark v. United States, 289 U.S. 1, 12, 53 S.Ct. 465, 468, 77 L.Ed. 993 (1933), and are obligated to adhere to all applicable disciplinary rules, and to report incidents of which they have unprivileged knowledge involving violations of a disciplinary rule. ABA Code of Professional Responsibility, DR 1-102(A), 1-103(A); see In re Walker, 87 A.D.2d 555, 560, 448 N.Y.S.2d 474, 479 (1st Dep’t 1982) (as officers of the court, attorneys are required to notify parties and the court of errors including conflicts of interest).

24. Occupying a position of public trust, the Attorney General, as any public prosecutor is ‘possessed … of important governmental powers that are pledged to the accomplishment of one objective only, that of impartial justice.’ (Professional Responsibility: Report of the Joint Conference (1958) 44 A.B.A.J. 1159, 1218.) The duty of a government attorney has been characterized as ‘a sober inquiry into values, designed to strike a just balance between the economic interests of the public and those of the landowner,’ is of high order.” (Id. at p. 871.)

25. Canon 9, “A Lawyer Should Avoid Even the Appearance of Professional Impropriety,” has been invoked by this Court in attorney conflict cases. See, e.g., Fund of Funds, Ltd. v. Arthur Andersen & Co., 567 F.2d 225, 234-35 (2d Cir.1977). The Model Rules of Professional Conduct, adopted by the ABA House of Delegates on August 2, 1983 contain similar provisions and language. See Rules 1.7, 8.4.

26. Furthermore, and central to the issue of preventing prejudicial influence of government attorneys on court proceedings, it is common for states to adopt statutes or regulations that prohibit those holding the office of Attorney General, as well as their

deputies and staff attorneys, from participating as attorneys in private litigation matters. (see e.g. Arizona Revised Statutes §41-191 Attorney general;Florida Statutes, Section 27.51(3), Maryland Statutes and Procedures Governing Pro Bono Services of Attorney General Office .)

27. The reason for adopting these restrictions is most obvious. For the Attorney General or any member of the staff to participate in a civil trial involving a private litigant will create the prejudicial inference that the state has reviewed and approved the position advocated by the government attorney. Such an inference can and likely will influence the outcome of the matter to the detriment of the opposing party.

28. It is for the above stated reasons that no Attorney General or staff member should be permitted to represent a private litigant in any adversarial proceeding. Only such an outright prohibition will properly preserve the standards of fairness and impartiality guaranteed to all litigants under federal and state constitutions. The present lack of statutory and/or ethical policy guidelines barring the participation of state law officers from representing private litigants in civil proceedings must be addressed by courts even if not by policy makers.

III. The Attorney General’s Office Cannot Ethically Continue Any Representation

29. The irregularity of the proceedings below were confusing, misleading and prejudicial to the plaintiff enough without the involvement of the Attorney General. Indeed, remand will result after review of the Instructions to the jury, the court marked-up Verdict Sheet after a written jury question to the court concerning the whitewashing of attorney ethics complaints and wide-practiced corruption that, in fact, counsel for the defendants- The New York State Attorney General’s Office- had an obligation to investigate, inter alia.

30. Improperly, the top law enforcement officer of the state was silent and action was, and is, absent. This cannot be condoned by this appellate court.

31. The involvement of the Attorney General’s office improperly left the jury, and proceeding itself, in an unclear, puzzling and convoluted condition. This confusion resulted in a proceeding which is in a word repugnant.

32. The mere presence of the Attorney General has at all times been prejudicial to the plaintiff and, at best, confusing to the jury. It has been established that both inconsistent or equivocal instructions and incorrect statements of the law may be prejudicially erroneous, Bollenbach v. United States, 326 U.S. 607, 612, 66 S.Ct. 402, 90 L.Ed. 350 (1946); United States v. Neilson, 471 F.2d 905, 908 (9th Cir. 1973); Bolden v. Kansas City Southern Ry. Co, 468 F.2d 580; Ratay v. Lincoln National Life Ins. Co., 378 F.2d 209 (3d Cir.), cert. denied, 389 U.S. 973, 88 S.Ct. 472, 19 L.Ed.2d 465 (1967), and that comments made by the court shortly before the jury retires are critical, Norfleet v. Isthmian Lines, Inc., 355 F.2d 359, 362 (2d Cir. 1966).

33. The lower court improperly allowed representation of the defendants by the Attorney General. In fact, the court below improperly condoned the Attorney General’s presence, accordingly directing the jury that the Attorney General’s representation was proper when it was not. It is generally assumed that juries “act in accordance with the instructions given them…and that they do not consider and base their decisions on legal questions with respect to which they are not charged.” Dist. Council 37 v. New York City Dept. of Parks and Recreation 113 F3d 347,356 (2d Cir. 1997).

34. It was never up to the jury to consider the ethical failings of the Attorney General’s representation. It was the obligation of the Attorney General’s office, and upon the failure of that duty, the obligation of the court.

35. There is also no record that the role of the Attorney General as defense counsel was properly and adequately explained to the jury. While this also constitutes another reversible error by the Court which will be addressed by the appeal itself, representation of the Attorney General’s office improperly remains.

IV. Newly Discovered Evidence At Trial Required Immediate Disqualification

36. The court gave the jury above-referenced instructions and its members adjourned to the jury room to deliberate at approximately 1:25 pm on Thursday, October 29, 2009. After the jury left the courtroom, the court first announced that she had denied the defendants’ pending motion for a directed verdict. She next stated words to the effect that she found that , “….Cahill was aware of the whitewashing allegations…” (Exhibit A, pages 808-809) The judge read this statement related to defendant Cahill’s conduct into the record as part of her order denying defendant’s directed verdict. This fact alone requires a new trial, and should have resulted in the Attorney General’s office immediately withdrawing from the case.

37. In addition, Courts have an obligation to report and order investigation into official and at times criminal misconduct. This is a duty of the Court. There is no record to date as to any action having been undertaken by the Court regarding this central question. (See also recent decisions on spoliation of evidence which are state and federal crimes. Acorn v. Nassau County - cv052301 (2009 USDistLEXIS 19459) and Gutman v. Klein, 03cv1570. 2008 WL 5084182, 2008 WL 4682208.

38. The Court’s finding of culpability on the part of Defendant Cahill constitutes newly discovered evidence, which directly supports the fundamental allegations of Plaintiff.

Remand to the District Court for a new trial is highly likely as the trial court abused its discretion in denying a new trial. The Attorney General’s failure to withdraw is, in fact, sanctionable and worthy of referral to the attorney ethics committee.

39. Clearly the newly discovered fact that defendant Cahill, as the head of the DDC and supervisor of the other named defendants, had full knowledge of whitewashing activities would in all likelihood have changed the outcome of the case. This central fact establishing the liability of all named defendants could not have been discovered earlier and is not merely cumulative or impeaching. (See Farragher v. Boca Raton , 524 U.S. 775, 18 S. Ct. 2275 (1998)which imputes liability to supervisors in any event. In Farragher, the Supreme Court held that an employer is vicariously liable for actionable discrimination caused by a supervisor.All defendants are jointly and severally liable here. In fact, the State of New York is liable under Faragher, all while representation of the Attorney General’s office improperly continued.


40. Here, the new evidence establishes that in the view of the Court, Defendant Cahill, the head officer of the DDC and the supervisor of the other defendants, had full knowledge of the practice of whitewashing as alleged by Plaintiff, leading to the parallel conclusion that whitewashing was accepted as a common practice by the defendants, and presumably other staff members of the DDC. Had such facts been confirmed during the trial stage, the jury would have come to know and understand the illegal activities that were accepted as everyday practice by the DDC staff, a finding totally consistent with a main element of Plaintiff’s case. At all times relevant, however, the Attorney General’s office improperly continued their representation of the very people the Court found had acted illegally.

41. The Court’s statement after the close of trial accepting the establishing the whitewashing activities by Defendant Cahill will demand remand for a new trial. Meanwhile, the damage to the rule of law and ethics by the Attorney General’s office must be dealt with by this appellate court.

V. Witness Tampering – Threat on Witness in a Federal Proceeding

42. The Attorney General and the trial court were aware that in August of 2008, one of the plaintiff’s witnesses, DDC staff attorney Nicole Corrado, was threatened. Two days prior to her deposition testimony, state employee, and DDC Deputy Chief Counsel, Andral N. Bratton, and who had been her immediate supervisor for approximately 5 years, confronted Corrado. Bratton advised Corrado that in 2007 he had admitted himself into a psychiatric hospital for serious emotional problems, that he had “suicidal tendencies,” and that he was “warning” her accordingly. When Corrado asked Bratton why he was warning her, Bratton simply repeated several times in a very serious and stern tone by saying, “I’m just warning you.”

43. Following Corrado’s deposition testimony on August 21, 2008, Bratton’s behavior toward Corrado became more harassing, troubling, frightening and threatening as he began to follow her inside and outside of the state office where they both worked. Corrado subsequently reported these serious issues to DDC chief counsel Allan Friedberg, Deputy chief Counsel Sherry Cohen, a defendant in the current proceeding, and DDC Chief Investigator Vincent Raniere- all of whom who took no required action.

44. Plaintiff’s former counsel, John Beranbaum, advised the court, and by copy, the Attorney General, of this incident in a letter to the court dated October 24, 2008. In the Beranbaum submission, it was made clear to the court and the Attorney General that Ms. Corrado was given a ‘“warning’ about the testimony she was to gave at the deposition[,]” and further advised that “Ms. Corrado is very upset about the entire experience.

45. Mr. Beranbaum again raised the issue on the record four days later on October 30, 2008. (See Exhibit, “B” – Transcript of October 30, 2008 hearing, Page 26 (lines 17-25), and page 27 (lines 1-8). The court, in responding to the letter advising of the threat on plaintiff’s witness, commented, “You [Mr. Beranbaum] seem to want to tell me something or report it to me. Okay. You report it to me.”

46. It is plaintiff’s belief that the court had an obligation to report the matter to federal agents and, further, to interview Ms. Corrado concerning the incident. In addition, the Attorney General also had an obligation as the state’s top enforcer of the law.

  1. Plaintiff believes she has been severely prejudiced by the threat upon her witness, Ms. Corrado, and, as the lower court and Attorney General were aware, Ms. Corrado did not appear as a witness in this proceeding.

48. While plaintiff is aware that counsel within the Office of the New York Attorney General’s office offered to “fully” compensate Mr. Beranbaum for ALL of his legal fees, expenses, etc., if plaintiff settled her case, she is unaware of the exact timing of when the compensation offer, believed to be between $120,000.00 and $150,000.00, was actually made.

VI. Conclusion

49. For the reasons set forth, Moving respectfully requests that this Court in the interest of justice issue an order restraining the Office of the New York State Attorney General’s office from representing employees of the State of New York in any legal proceeding involving the herein before any federal or state court, agency or any other tribunal grant a new trial.

50. As noted, the participation of the Attorney General in failing to investigate the charges submitted by plaintiff against the defendants, and subsequently representing these same persons in the instant court proceedings, denied plaintiff’s constitutionally protected right to a fair and impartial trial. This denial of basic rights was compounded by unclear, confusing and convoluted instructions to the jury, discovery of new evidence and serious allegations of intimidation of witnesses, which all support the de novo pending appeal and granting of the instant motion for disqualification.

51. Wherefore, Moving respectfully requests that the court grant the within Motion, as well as such other and further relief that may be just and proper. I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.

Executed on September 14, 2010

New York, New York Christine C. Anderson

Plaintiff, Pro Se


http://www.law.cornell.edu/ethics/ny/code/NY_CODE.HTM ; Conflict of Interest Disciplinary Rule 5


As head of the Department of Law, the Attorney General is both the “People’s Lawyer” and the State’s chief legal officer. As the “People’s Lawyer,” the Attorney General serves as the guardian of the legal rights of the citizens of New York, its organizations and its natural resources. In his role as the State’s chief legal counsel, the Attorney General not only advises the Executive branch of State government, but also defends actions and proceedings on behalf of the State. http://www.oag.state.ny.us/our_office.html

The Supreme Court set out the following balancing test for applying procedural due process protections: “[I]dentification of the specific dictates of due process generally requires consideration of three distinct factors: first, the private interest that will be affected by the official action; second, the risk of an erroneous deprivation of such interest through the procedures used, and the probable value, if any, of additional or substitute procedural safeguards; and, finally, the Government’s interest, including the function involved and the fiscal and administrative burdens that the additional or substitute procedural requirement would entail.”

The fact that the Attorney General is elected by the voters of New York State raises a question with respect to the qualification of the jurors. No juror in the present case was asked whether he or she had voted for Attorney General Andrew Cuomo at the last election, or, for that matter, whether they supported the actions undertaken by him since assuming office, or further. whether they, as a general matter, agree with the general or specific policies of or initiatives undertaken and/or advocated by his office.

B. The attorney general and his assistants shall devote full time to the duties of the office and shall not directly or indirectly engage in the private practice of law or in an occupation conflicting with such duties, except:

1. Such prohibition shall not apply to special assistants, except that in no instance shall special assistants engage in any private litigation in which the state or an officer thereof in his official capacity is a party.

2. Assistant attorney general may, but in no circumstances shall be required to, represent private clients in pro bono, private civil matters under the following circumstances:

(a) The representation will be conducted exclusively during off hours or while on leave and the attorney will not receive any compensation for such services.

(b) The client is not seeking an award of attorney fees for the services.

(c) The services are for an individual in need of personal legal services who does not have the financial resources to pay for the professional services or for a nonprofit, tax exempt charitable organization formed for the purpose of providing social services to individuals and families.

(d) The representation will not interfere with the performance of any official duties.

(e) The subject matter of pro bono representation is outside of the area of practice to which the attorney is assigned in the attorney general’s office and the activity will not appear to create a conflict of interest.

(f) The activity will not reflect adversely on this state or any of its agencies.

(g) The assistant attorney general’s position will not influence or appear to influence the outcome of any matter.

(h) The activity will not involve assertions that are contrary to the interest or position of this state or any of its agencies.

(i) The activity does not involve a criminal matter or proceeding or any matter in which this state is a party or has a direct or substantial interest.

(j) The activity will not utilize resources that will result in a cost to this state or any of its agencies.

(k) The attorney’s supervisor may require the attorney to submit a prior written request to engage in pro bono work which includes a provision holding the agency harmless from any of the work undertaken by the attorney.

Florida Statutes,Section 27.51 provides:”Each public defender shall serve on a full-time basis and is prohibited fromengaging in the private practice of law while holding office. Assistant public defendersshall give priority and preference to their duties as assistant public defenders andshall not otherwise engage in the practice of criminal law.” (e.s.)

Private practice of Law and Pro Bono Representation.

Posted by Corrupt Courts Administrator at 7:43 AM




Have had it with cuomo said…

I like Anderson’s vote on Election Day! Great motion!
Everyone should vote on the next election day to DISQUALIFY everyone who currently holds office of any kind. Yep, Andy, that includes you. The thuggery at the attorney general’s office must end. Andy and Elliot can go off and play golf, etc., with Tiger. New Yorkers have had it with spineless, ass-kissing-for-supporters-only corrupt bastards operating under the color of law. I’m a lifelong democrat but will NOT be voting for Andrew Cuomo ever again. September 15, 2010 8:44 AM

Anonymous said…

The Office of Andrew Cuomo is pro pedophiles and that is why he protects his friends such as Bernadette E. Lupinetti, Esq. from Orange County New York. A pimp selling children in child custody cases to be sexually exploited. September 15, 2010 9:08 AM

Anonymous said…

Christine Anderson you rock!

Albany, Andy, Houston

You got a problem!

Paladino won!

September 15, 2010 9:09 AM

Anonymous said…

Christine Anderson you rock!

Albany, Andy, Houston

You got a problem!

Paladino won!

September 15, 2010 9:09 AM

Anonymous said…

Andy and Eliot can take Sheldon & Lippman with them!

The baseball bats are out guys!

September 15, 2010 9:10 AM

Anonymous said…


Anonymous said…

Bratton advised Corrado that in 2007 he had admitted himself into a psychiatric hospital for serious emotional problems, that he had “suicidal tendencies,” and that he was “warning” her accordingly

what was this guy going to make up paperwork for her, pass it around behind her back………
that is an old one
you guys gotta think of new tricks!

September 15, 2010 9:25 AM

LE said…

Christine, you’re my hero!! Now, let’s ALL go after the AG’s Office full force with our motion’s to disqualify!!!

I can’t wait to see how the AG’s Office responds to my motion and letter to disqualify!!

Best Regards,


September 15, 2010 10:45 AM

Anonymous said…

this is very interesting. will be more interesting to see some real action come from it and best of luck to Christine Anderson.

I’ve been watching these comments about Will Galison being a “plant”. Let me get this straight:

Hoffer is the son-in-law of Zbigniew Brzezinski and therefore a pawn of the CFR and the New World Order

The FBI is the organization that hasn’t done a damn thing for us all this time and has harmed many of us.

Golia is the judge who stole Sunny Sheu’s house from him and had him kidnapped according to an NYPD Officer and you can read about this at the BlackStarNews.com.

Golia may or could be involved in the death / murder of Sunny Sheu and it is absolutely clear that
Golia has some serious problems with the Sunny Sheu case by permitting the Finance Company involved in Illegally “buying back” Sunny’s property from a Fraudulent Buyer that the Finance Company should have never Closed with in the first place and did so for only $1000 when Sunny’s mortgage had been at just over $200,000.

That type of great “under market price” transaction is PER SE SUSPECT to any reputable member of the Judiciary or Oversight or Federal authorities not to mention Sunny had 2 NYPD Officers who were trying to come forward before Golia with evidence from the Criminal prosecution of the Fraud – Fake buyer and Seller in the first place??

So, these three parties are “pissed” at Will Galison, and that makes Galison ……bad?

September 15, 2010 11:53 AM

Eliot Bernstein / Bat Out of Hell / Iviewit said…

Go Christine, I sat on the edge of my seat and wondered when the charge of criminal Title 18 Obstruction and Obstruction of Fed Witness and Obstruction through Conflict would be asserted against the AG Clown Cuomo but I guess it is there subtly in the call for Special Prosecutor and Obligations of those in charge. Still I feel that Court should be put on notice that allowing the conflict is obstruction so if they continue, wham we are reporting it and their felonies to the man, right now the man with no cajones, HoldOff and other appropriate oversight and criminal authorities. Every related case should file this document with criminal authorities with jurisdiction demanding investigation. Where’s the Press???
Who is Will?
Bat Out of Hell on Bat Phone Calling the Troops.
Question for Luisa have you filed to get rid of NY AG Cuomo or filed criminal complaints against the office for their part in the gang raping of your rights and personal liberties to cover up for slimedog millionaire Isaacs?
Eliot I. Bernstein
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL (yes, two identically named)
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL
Uviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Uview.com, Inc. – DL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL
Iviewit.com LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (561) 245.8588 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (o)
(561) 886.7628 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting (561) 886.7628 end_of_the_skype_highlighting (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)




Other Websites I like:












http://www.VoteForGreg.us Greg Fischer



http://www.killallthelawyers.ws/law (The Shakespearean Solution)

Also, check out
Eliot’s Testimony at the NY Senate Judiciary Committee Hearings Part 1

and Part 2 @

Christine Anderson Whistleblower Testimony @

and Eliot Part 1 – The Iviewit Inventions @

September 15, 2010 2:11 PM

Anonymous said…

Is there anyone else who is going to Federal Court to file for violation of Civil Rights for the failure of the OCA, Disciplinary Commissions, Courts, etc., to protect Constitutionally Protected rights and to do the jobs they are required to do by law and rule?

Just asking.

September 15, 2010 2:15 PM

Anonymous said…

All the Anderson info and action is great. But, if the Feds were really going to “rock” NY as stated over two years ago, you may think they would just show up to this event tomorrow sponsored by the Wall Street Journal featuring Gov Paterson and former Govs Spitzer and Pataki.

Markopoulous contacted Spitzer as AG about Madoff and we all know Frank Brady and Kevin McKeown wrote to Governor Paterson about a Special Prosecutor and Pataki’s links to corruption and likely organized crime are infamous even though the Feds never did anything about it and stuck New Yorkers with this great system

Think the G-Men will show up? Not talking about the Football Giants here either:


September 15, 2010 4:11 PM

Anonymous said…

Has anyone clued the Paladino campaign into this blog and Cuomo’s history of ignoring complaints?

Cuomo’s has done nothing in the four years he’s been AG, and now he is campaigning as someone who is going to clean up the mess he’s been ignoring.

I hope Paladino has the stuff to call him on this.

September 15, 2010 6:16 PM

Anonymous said…

Yes, I hope Paladino takes Cuomo’s mask off and ask him about the sexual abusers he helps. September 15, 2010 7:19 PM

T Finnan said…

Answer to 2:15; yes within this week. Answer to 6:16; yes; Paladino is aware. AG Cuomo has covered up corruption with his office. CuomoTARP.blogspot.com exposes and will expose more about Cuomo. Check out: Two faces as Cuomo changes pay to play to indirect payment; or, Cuomo as Gollum; or, the Cuomo babuska doll and its faces of Cuomo; or, Cuomo’s silver spoon removed; or,Cuomo drenched in Albany Swamp Slime; or,Cuomo, 1.2 billion fraud, is it the Peter or Dilbert principle; or, Cuomo as Keystone cop; and Can Cuomo clean his nest. September 15, 2010 7:25 PM

Eliot said…

Ok, if none of you NuYookers have the cojones (excuse my vulgarity) to arrest Cuomo, Spitzer and some Lawyers & Judges who are actually criminals I guess I will just have to fly there again and citizen arrest their criminal butts. First, I would get the kids and huddle them together for a protest party. We would need signs so that we could march on their lawns first and greet them at dawn with video cameras and loud questions demanding public answers. Then follow them to work with a set of leg iron and cuffs, demand they turn themselves in or else, when they run like the cowards they are, chase them down, tackle them and bring them in for prosecution of their felonies despite name, elitist delusion, position or title. In New York we don’t give a damn who or what you are, if you ripped us off we want blood and all our money back. Wait, you NuYookers really want a Cubbie fan to clean your shit hole of corruption, I guess if necessary, I will but I thought more of you.

Next, once we have chained them and cuffed them and although my personal desire would be to torture them for those they have tortured and wronged in their crimes but I am not them, so I will leave that to the long arm of justice to decide and a jury of their peers. If Justice fails to do justice claiming others above the law or immune why just grab their butt, cuff them and take them to the next available processing center for felons, you got rights NuYookers, use them.


The definition is simple enough: a “citizen’s arrest” is an arrest by any civilian (not necessarily a “citizen” in some states) who does not have official government authority to make an arrest. In fact “citizen arrests” are legal in every state, though state laws with respect to the situations in which such arrests are permissible vary.

As a general rule, every state permits a civilian to make an arrest if a “felony” (a very serious crime) is being perpetrated in the presence of that civilian. Where differences among the states occur is in matters involving “misdemeanors” (less serious crimes), and where a felony is not witnessed by the civilian.

Since 2007, Karl Rove has (at least) three times been the subject of attempted citizen’s arrests. In Iowa last July, a group of four attempted to place him under citizen’s arrest when he went to Des Moines to speak at a fundraiser. As it would turn out, the four would be citizen-constables were themselves arrested. They were subsequently cited for trespassing and released. The Cedar Rapids Gazette reported that two of the four had attempted a citizen’s arrest of Rove one year previously. That time they were also arrested, but were released without charges.

In October, a Code Pink protester in San Francisco tried to slap the cuffs on Rove for treason while he participated in a panel discussion for the Mortgage Bankers Association’s annual convention. Code Pink’s official release on the incident (which contains the Arrest Complaint against Rove) states that five protesters were removed from the building but not charged.

So, can people legally perform citizen’s arrests? The short answer is yes. In virtually all states, private individuals can lawfully arrest someone whom they witness committing a felony.

New York State Consolidated Laws hold that: Any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence.New York Penal Code

§ 140.05 Arrest without a warrant; in general.

A person who has committed or is believed to have committed an offense and who is at liberty within the state may, under circumstances prescribed in this article, be arrested for such offense although no warrant of arrest therefor has been issued and although no criminal action therefor has yet been commenced in any criminal court.

§ 140.30 Arrest without a warrant; by any person; when and where authorized.

1. Subject to the provisions of subdivision two, any person may arrest another person (a) for a felony when the latter has in fact committed such felony, and (b) for any offense when the latter has in fact committed such offense in his presence.

2. Such an arrest, if for a felony, may be made anywhere in the state. If the arrest is for an offense other than a felony, it may be made only in the county in which such offense was committed.

§ 140.35 Arrest without a warrant; by person acting other than as a police officer or a peace officer; when and how made.

1. A person may arrest another person for an offense pursuant to section 140.30 at any hour of any day or night.

2. Such person must inform the person whom he is arresting of the reason for such arrest unless he encounters physical resistance, flight or other factors rendering such procedure impractical.

3. In order to effect such an arrest, such person may use such physical force as is justifiable pursuant to subdivision four of section

35.30 of the penal law.

§ 140.40 Arrest without a warrant; by person acting other than as a police officer or a peace officer; procedure after arrest.

1. A person making an arrest pursuant to section 140.30 must without unnecessary delay deliver or attempt to deliver the person arrested to the custody of an appropriate police officer, as defined in subdivision five. For such purpose, he may solicit the aid of any police officer and the latter, if he is not himself an appropriate police officer, must assist in delivering the arrested person to an appropriate officer. If the arrest is for a felony, the appropriate police officer must, upon receiving custody of the arrested person, perform all recording, fingerprinting and other preliminary police duties required in the particular case. In any case, the appropriate police officer, upon receiving custody of the arrested person, except as otherwise provided in subdivisions two and three, must bring him, on behalf of the arresting person, before an appropriate local criminal court, as defined in subdivision five, and the arresting person must without unnecessary delay file an appropriate accusatory instrument with such court.

2. If (a) the arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law and (b) owing to unavailability of a local criminal court the appropriate police officer having custody of the arrested person is unable to bring him before such a court with reasonable promptness, the arrested person must be dealt with in the manner prescribed in subdivision three of section 140.20, as if he had been arrested by a police officer.

3. If the arrest is for an offense other than a class A, B, C or D felony or a violation of section 130.25, 130.40, 205.10, 205.17, 205.19 or 215.56 of the penal law, the arrested person need not be brought before a local criminal court, as provided in subdivision one, and the procedure may instead be as follows:

(a) An appropriate police officer may issue and serve an appearance ticket upon the arrested person and release him from custody, as prescribed in subdivision two of section 150.20; or

(b) The desk officer in charge at the appropriate police officer’s station, county jail or police headquarters, or any of his superior officers, may, in such place, fix pre-arraignment bail and, upon deposit thereof, issue and serve an appearance ticket upon the arrested person and release him from custody, as prescribed in section 150.30.

4. Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a police officer is not required to take an arrested person into custody or to take any other action prescribed in this section on behalf of the arresting person if he has reasonable cause to believe that the arrested person did not commit the alleged offense or that the arrest was otherwise unauthorized.

5. If a police officer takes an arrested juvenile offender into custody, the police officer shall immediately notify the parent or other person legally responsible for his care or the person with whom he is domiciled, that the juvenile offender has been arrested, and the location of the facility where he is being detained.

6. As used in this section:

(a) An “appropriate police officer” means one who would himself be authorized to make the arrest in question as a police officer pursuant to section 140.10;

(b) An “appropriate local criminal court” means one with which an accusatory instrument charging the offense in question may properly be filed pursuant to the provisions of section 100.55.

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports Terence Finnan’s CuomoTarp Blog Assertions Regarding the Corrupt Andrew Cuomo Attorney General of New York

Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports Terence Finnan’s CuomoTarp Blog Assertions Regarding the Corrupt Andrew Cuomo Attorney General of New York.

CuomoTARP @ http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com reprint courtesy of T. Finnan.

Cuomo’s TARP

Exposing rampant corruption in the NY State and NY Federal Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in both State and Federal actions, when he should protect the People. This lifts the cover off rather than place a TARP over (cover-up).


Andrew Cuomo provides us with another babuska doll where he appears as the Roman God Janus. “Cuomo’s campaign to the center has also infuriated the left, and at the victory party for the likely Attorney General nominee, Eric Schneiderman, jubilation was mixed with an eagerness to rub Cuomo’s nose in it.”
Meanwhile, “Carl Paladino — as a more plausible, if extremely longshot, vessel for a “mad as hell” anti-Establishment campaign against the”status Cuomo’, ” will provide no quarter for Cuomo’s clean up promises.
Poor Andrew Gollum Cuomo wanted to be Godlike, and chose Janus, whose two faces point in opposite directions.   The god-like Andrew’s one smiling face ignored all the corruption while he was Attorney General and his other smiling face promises to clean up the same corruption.
We open with Cuomo’s promises from his website Cuomo2010 in blue: 

1. Clean Up Albany

We must restore honor and integrity to government.
We must restore honor and integrity to government, with tough new ethics standards, expanded disclosure requirements, independent investigators to root out and punish corruption

Now, Cuomo has a second chance on September 17 clean his own nest and to restore honor and integrity to his AG office.  While his staff protected and put the Cuomo TARP over NY state employees covering up for connected attorney, Allen Issacs, with their prior Federal Court filing, Cuomo on September 17 can now root out and punish corruption with the same action now again before the Federal Court.

Here’s the story:  Ms. Luisa Esposito fought back against the connected insider and sexual predator, Alan Issacs, in part with this recording.

Ms.Esposito was stymied by the corruption and official misconduct of various NY State and City employees named in her Federal suit.   Cuomo’s office chose in the prior Federal suit to defend the acts of the corrupt, rather than “root out and punish the corruption.” Now, Ms. Esposito’s is asking to reopen her Federal suit with new information and Judge Shira Scheindlin is giving Cuomo’s office a chance to answer by September 17.

Andrew, did you and your office err by condoning and/or obstructing criminal punishment for the following acts described in the Federal action?   Here’s the quote from June 1, 2010 Order of  “The First Dept. Disciplinary Committee[which} charged respondent (Issacs) with professional misconduct including making unwanted sexual advances to LE.  Defendant, Issacs, committed Felony Level Sexual Abuse, Coercion And Soliciting Sex From His Client, Obstruction of Justice, etc., these crimes were reported to Manhattan Special Victims Squad, and listed As "Felony Level Sexual  Abuse"; there was an arrest warrant out for Defendant Allen Issacs, which the Police Department never acted upon because, "favors were called".

Here's what to do, Andrew:  In your answer on September 17, before Federal Judge Scheindlin:
1. Support Ms. Esposito's application to Reopen.
2. Say you still claim immunity for all State employees for their official actions, but only for actions which carried out "your" and State policy to root out and punish corruption

3. Say any acts by State or City employees that did not carry out official policy and were a cover-up are not subject to immunity from Esposito's suit.

The above E-mailed to Cuomo 9/12/2010


Andrew Cuomo Appears On Another Babuska Doll As Captain Of Keystone Cops

We open another Cuomo Babushka doll and inside is Andrew in a Police uniform with a badge saying Keystone Cop Captain.  Sadly, the Keystone State is Pennsylvania, but that doesn't prevent Andrew from happily smiling. 

"A New York state judge has tossed out the felony convictions of two former Marsh & McLennan Cos. executives after finding that the state attorney general's office had failed to turn over to the defense potentially exculpatory evidence, including some 700,000 documents obtained during a related civil proceeding."

Judge "Yates did not buy what he called the "theoretical argument" that 'in the abstract,' the two  [Cuomo] bureaus’ are separate and distinct entities operating in disconnected spheres’.”  Keystone Captain Cuomo was claiming his right hand didn’t know what his left was doing. But the judge wrote,  “[O]ne office, under the control of one prosecutor is authorized to prosecute Martin Act violations by civil and/or criminal prosecution. Nowhere in this statutory authority conferred upon the Attorney General in either the Executive Law or the General Business Law is there a division of authority.”

Richard L. Spinogatti and Robert J. Cleary of Proskauer Rose represented Gilman whose conviction was overturned.   But Keystone Captain Cuomo assuredly was not influenced by Proskauer contributions to his campaign.

The losers were the NY taxpayers who funded this Keystone Cop Farce.  Among the winners were Andrew Cuomo and Proskauer Rose.   Whether justice was served is lost in this farce.


Was Cuomo MIA With A $1.2 Billion Per Year Fraud: Was It The Peter Principle, The Dilbert Principle, Or Cuomo’s TARP?

Federal probe:
“The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the probe Thursday”
“Medicaid payments to nine state institutions for the developmentally disabled, after the Poughkeepsie Journal revealed the facilities had reimbursement rates of $4,556 per day for each of 1,400 residents.”
“State officials have said the actual cost of care is only about one-third the rate, and that much of the $1.2 billion in federal matching funds every year supports other state programs for the disabled.” 

Where was Cuomo and his office?   This is fraud, because State Officials say it costs only a third of the claimed $ 1.2 billion amount or $400 million a year.   Are Cuomo and his office asleep, incompetent or covering up (the CuomoTARP)?

Has Cuomo risen to his “Peter Principle” level of incompetence? Or, has Cuomo risen from his failures at HUD under theDilbert Principleto Attorney General?    Or has Cuomo kept his TARP covering up this immense fraud by State employees and political hacks?

Andrew, since “specifically, the federal agency … pays half the rate as part of a 50-50 state-federal match, where is NY State’s $1.2 billion dollar per year share going? And how much of the state’s share is being shifted onto Local County Tax bills? How can State employees committing such fraud be retained and not prosecuted?

This blog continues again after my partial recovery following my knee replacement surgery due to an auto accident and complications resulting from that surgery, which made it difficult to sit before a computer. This post is in several parts with the letter to Cuomo and his opponents below (mailed on 8/24/10) in this post and the attachments detailing action in US Supreme Court in following posts.

Letter:                                                                August 24, 2010

Andrew M. Cuomo, Attorney General and Barbara D. Underwood, Solicitor General
at The Capital, Albany NY  12224

Carl Paladino
at Paladino for the People, PO Box 447, Buffalo, NY 14205

Rick Lazio
at Lazio 2010, Box 4818, NY, NY 10158

Re: Intolerable corruption, abuse, criminal conduct, Cuomo’s duty under New York Law
Demand for protection and prosecution

Dear Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Underwood, Carl Paladino and Rick Lazio:

It’s intolerable, Andrew Cuomo. My hospitalization on 6/15/10 for total knee replacement and the subsequent medical complications was aggravated by the depraved criminal acts intended to silence me and prevent filing of an action involving the AG’s Office before US Supreme Court.           Dateline follows:

6/15/10 T. Finnan has total knee replacement surgery at Albany Medical,

6/17/10 T. Finnan in great pain and unable to walk is to be transferred to Schenectady Sunnyview Hospital. An ambulance transport is requested by T Finnan.

6/17/21 The nurse comes into his room to get T. Finnan ready to be discharged to two men with his “wife” who are waiting to transport him after discharge.

6/17/10 T. Finnan refuses discharge, telling nurse that he is not married and will leave only by arranged ambulance to Sunnyview Hospital.

6/17/10 Ambulance takes T. Finnan to Sunnyview where deep vein thrombosis and atrial fibrillation and low blood pressure are confirmed.

6/24/10 T. Finnan arranges his departure from Sunnyview and the simultaneous transport of his auto from Albany Medical to his home, 120 miles north of Albany. As T. Finnan is leaving Sunnyview, he learns that two men arrived just then arranging for his discharge to them, but T. Finnan leaves with his prearranged transport.

6/25/10 Visiting Nurse comes to his home and arranges home care and physical therapy at home.

6/26/10 Anonymous call comes to my home to tell me to go on line and check what happened to Sunny Sheu. Not recognizing the name, Sunny Sheu, I go on line and determine Sunny Sheu just died from head injury. T. Finnan becomes distraut and fearful because in his present condition he can hardly walk with his walker and he arranges for a Taxi to Plattsburgh NY Hospital.     T. Finnan decides it’s unsafe for him alone at his home and after a follow up appointment with his surgeon, leaves for the State of Georgia and begins Physical Therapy in a safe environment . Both T. Finnan and his family felt that there was danger to his family, if T. Finnan was present at their homes from such characters.

Unluckily for opposing parties, although T. Finnan was unable to personally finalize, serve and send court papers to US Supreme Court, T. Finnan had left that to another before 6/15/10, who filed and served the papers with Supreme Court and docket number 10-70.

Questions for Cuomo:

Were Cuomo or his supporters unhappy with my  CuomoTarp.blogspot.com blog?

Was that my ex-wife at the hospital on 6/17/10?

Were Cuomo or his supporters unhappy with my demands to prosecute criminals whether or not they’re judges or lawyers?

Does Cuomo ignore the corruption reported on ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com and believe his duty is to defend crooked lawyers and judges?

Required action:

Right now, Andrew Cuomo, call your client, Judge Kevin K. Ryan, and tell him you can not represent a crooked judge and you’ll indict him based upon my criminal complaint filed in your office, if he doesn’t immediately rectify his errors.     Andrew Cuomo, you’re aware for almost four years of the horrors of corrupt NY courts and the malfeasances of the Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Attorney Disciplinary Committees.

Andrew Cuomo, begin with Penal law 195.00 Official misconduct: A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with intent to obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit: 2. He knowingly refrains from performing a duty which is imposed upon him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office.

Andrew Cuomo, prosecuting crooked state employees according to above Penal Law  is clearly inherent in the nature of your office. There is no judicial immunity by the NY Constitution: “The power of grand juries to inquire into the wilful misconduct in office of public officers … shall never be suspended or impaired by law.”

Were those your goons at the Hospital, Andrew Cuomo, or goons from Marsha Kameron and her attorney, Ara Asadourian?

Mr. Paladino and Mr. Lazio, court corruption steals from the people and deprives them of honest government. Hold Cuomo accountable. See Exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com and this blog, CuomoTarp.blogspot.com/ for continuing documentation.

Terence Finnan
PO Box 354
Keene NY 12942

7/30/9 Letter to Tembeckjian and Commission on Judicial Conduct.

5/4/8 Letter to Judges Plumadore and Ryan with medical records, discharge date and court calendar showing 4/25/8 scheduled court date.

Appellate Affidavit detailing Judge Ryan’s FAX Notice to me when I had no fax receiver and perjury by Marsha Kameron.

Criminal Complaint against Robert Tembeckjian.

Criminal Complaint against Judge Kevin K. Ryan.

Condensed US Supreme Court Filing in July 2010, with criminal complaints against Marsha Kameron filed with US Justice Dept.

P.S. In re “Sunny Sheu”, contact NYC Police, 109 Precinct.

CC: Governor Paterson, FBI-Albany, Essex County DA, Press Republican, others


Cuomo’s Silver Spoon Removed With Hard Knocks Behind The Finance Woodshed

The Cuomo apologists have dismissed the smoking gun of Cuomo’s HUD press release with “he was well intentioned.” Some advice for Cuomo:  1. payday loans are not wise things; 2. you and who else expects income tax revenue to go up this year in NY;  and what happens if anticipated income tax revenue decreases?  So,now, what are Cuomo’s well intentions for the following anticipated borrowings based only on anticipated income or to fund current outlays by NY State for the remainder of this year listed below:? 

5/20/10       Local Government Assistance Bonds  $ 1/4 billion     borrow money for present outlays
5/26/10       Service contract Revenue                  $ 1/2+ billion    borrow money from future income
5/26/10       Personal Income Tax Revenue           $ 1/2- billion     borrow money expecting tax receipts
June 2010    Personal Income Tax Bonds              $ 1.2 billion      borrow money expecting tax receipts
Aug 2010     Personal Income Tax Bonds             $ 1/2- billion     borrow money expecting tax receipts
Aug 2010      Dormitory Revenue Bonds              $ 77.1 million    those students will cough it up
Sept 2010      Personal Income Tax Bonds          $ 1/2- billion     borrow money expecting tax receipts
Nov 2010      Personal Income Tax Bonds          $ 1.7 billion     after the election, so the suckers won’t know

Does Cuomo expect income tax revenues to rise or remain constant to cover this projected borrowing or will the difference be made up by more General Obligation borrowing, which wasn’t described in the above NY State Borrowings this year, but which is huge.

How is Cuomo responding to Sheldon Silver’s millionaire’s tax to cover shortfalls when that idea resulted in reduced tax revenues in Maryland and New Jersey .

Did Cuomo fail in Federal Court to defend Gov. Paterson’s one day furlough for State workers out of his incompetence or should we give him credit for a clever subterfuge to fool the voters that he and Paterson wanted to reduce expenses and stand up to the unions, but the Federal Court wouldn’t let them.  (The subject of future blog and a definite problem for Cuomo if elected; is Cuomo going to ask the new AG to correct his earlier error and its resulting federal court precedent?)

Here’s the finance lesson that was not included in Andrew’s silver spoon childhood and his entitlement training;  and, that is painfully learned by many young people.

Look at your credit card statement.   While your balance rises, you ignore the rising interest charged each month.  But, your income is decreasing and your expenditures are increasing.  This was no problem, because you just paid the minimum amount due each month, but, now, your interest charged approaches your minimum payment.  You’ve reached your credit limit and the bank wants a higher minimum payment and won’t advance you more money for present expenditures.    You cry out to your parents, why is this happening to me; the bank’s mean; help me; how can I live without my needed purchases; and you whine on.

The painful welcome behind the Finance Woodshed is received by Andrew and other such children to the “Brave New World of Responsible Finances.”  Neither your parents nor the Chinese want to loan us money; they want a lot more for a bad risk.  And forget about the Greeks and Spaniards; they are looking for money also.

Andrew, putting on the garb of a fiscal conservative to fool the suckers won’t help.  Are going to ridicule Sheldon Silver’s fiscal stupidity?   And, Andrew, what about the Working Family’s nomination; are going to embrace the unions and Acorn and then tell us you’re for reform and ending corruption?

And Andrew, brace yourself,  maybe, go home to your parents,  the bond rating agencies* will wise up to your (and Silver’s) words and deeds; maybe before the election.

Andrew, do you think, as governor, you can pull your TARP to cover up even more corruption and mishandled money?

*Standard & Poor’s, Fitch, Moody’s

Cuomo And Fiscal Disaster: The Still Smoking Gun

Andrew Cuomo’s gun which is still smoking and it’s firing which caused our economic recession/depression is found copied below.   It’s the official HUD release and the important parts are in red.   I’ve done the arithmetic for the financially challenged Cuomo:   50% of $2.4 trillion dollars is $1.2 trillion dollars in mortgages, which Federal TARP was supposed to bail out.
Verdict:  Andrew Cuomo: Guilty of gross fiscal ineptitude leading to economic disaster; a clear and present danger to NY finances; sentenced to pay back from his campaign treasury all those “disproportionately benefited minorities and city residents,” who Andrew Cuomo had claimed to help with his mortgages.
They’ll need a strong Kool-aid for those who would nominate him for Governor. 

HUD Archives: News Releases


HUD No. 99-131
Further Information: For Release
In the Washington, DC area: 202/708-0685 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202/708-0685 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Thursday
Or contact your local HUD office July 29, 1999



See full chart of higher goals by metropolitan area

WASHINGTON – Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo today announced a policy to require the nation’s two largest housing finance companies to buy $2.4 trillion in mortgages over the next 10 years to provide affordable housing for about 28.1 million low- and moderate-income families.
Cuomo said the historic action by HUD raises the required percentage of mortgage loans for low- and moderate-income families that finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must buy from the current 42 percent of their total purchases to a new high of 50 percent , a19 percent increase – in the year 2001. The percentage will first increase to 48 percent in 2000.
Commenting on the action, President Clinton said: “During the last six and a half years, my Administration has put tremendous emphasis on promoting homeowners and making housing more affordable for all Americans. Our housing programs and institutions have been a success. Today, the homeownership rate is at an all-time high, with more than 66 percent of all American families owning their homes. Today, we take another significant step. Raising the GSEs goals will help us generate increased momentum in addressing the nation’s housing needs. I congratulate HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and the entire HUD team on their efforts in this important area.”
“This action will transform the lives of millions of families across our country by giving them new opportunities to buy homes or move into apartments with rents they can afford,” Cuomo said. “It will strengthen our economy and create jobs by stimulating more home construction, it will help ease the terrible shortage of affordable housing plaguing far too many communities, and it will help reduce the huge homeownership gap dividing whites from minorities and suburbs from cities.”
The mortgage purchase requirement for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – known as the Affordable Housing Goals – was last set by HUD in 1995, under a requirement mandated by Congress. The goals came up for renewal this year, and HUD had the choice of leaving them unchanged, lowering them, or raising them. In addition to helping low- and moderate-income families, the new initiative will also increase the affordable housing goals for loans made to underserved areas and will raise the goal for mortgages to benefit families with very low incomes.
Under the higher goals, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will buy an additional $488.3 billion in mortgages that will be used to provide affordable housing for 7 million more low- and moderate-income families over the next 10 years. Those new mortgages and families are over and above the $1.9 trillion in mortgages for 21.1 million families that would have been generated if the current goals had been retained.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages for both individual homes and for apartment buildings.
Fannie Mae Chairman Franklin D. Raines joined Cuomo at the news conference in which Cuomo announced the HUD action. Raines committed Fannie Mae to reaching HUD’s increased Affordable Housing Goals.
Others attending the news conference to express support for the new Affordable Housing Goals were National Association of Home Builders President Charles Ruma and Enterprise Foundation CEO Bart Harvey.
In addition, higher Affordable Housing Goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been sought by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, FM Watch and other groups.
Congress gave HUD the responsibility of regulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because the two companies are Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) that were chartered by Congress. The policy announced today will be implemented by HUD regulations. Such regulations go into effect after review by Congress and the Office of Management and Budget, along with a period of full public comment.
The GSEs buy mortgages issued by banks, thrift institutions and other mortgage lenders, and then package the loans and sell them to investors as mortgage-backed securities. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy the mortgages from lenders, they provide the lenders with the cash needed to issue new mortgages.
Congress has given GSEs special advantages – such an exemption from all state and local taxes except property taxes, and an exemption from Securities and Exchange Commission registration requirements. In addition, the ties of the GSEs to government has helped them get the highest credit rating to reduce their borrowing costs, and has boosted investor confidence in the two companies, thereby helping to increase their earnings. The Treasury Department reports that the benefits of federal sponsorship are worth almost $6 billion annually to the GSEs.
The GSEs are publicly chartered to provide broad public benefits. Congress, through Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Charter Acts and the 1992 GSE Act, required that the two GSEs, in return for their publicly provided benefits, extend the benefits of the secondary mortgage market to a broad range of Americans. These include low- and moderate-income families, first-time homebuyers, and residents of communities underserved by mortgage credit.
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fail to make a good faith effort to achieve the Affordable Housing Goals set by HUD, the Secretary of HUD has the authority to impose civil money penalties of up to $10,000 for each day the failure occurs.
Families are considered as having low and moderate incomes if they make no more than the area median income, which varies by community. The national average for the median income is $47,800.
In addition to raising the low- and moderate-income goal from 42 percent to 50 percent, HUD acted to raise two other Congressionally mandated goals. A special affordable housing goal for families with very low incomes and low incomes (those with less than 60 percent and 80 percent of area median) jumps from the current 14 percent to 20 percent (a 43 percent increase). In addition, a geographically targeted goal for underserved areas (central cities, rural areas, and underserved communities based on income and minority concentration) goes from 24 percent to 31 percent (a 29 percent increase).
The increase in the Affordable Housing Goals is part of the Clinton Administration’s overall strategy to increase homeownership and the supply of affordable rental housing in the United States.
America’s homeownership rate hit a record annual high in 1998, with 66.3 percent of all households owning their own homes. A total of 69.1 million families owned homes at the end of 1998 – 7.3 million more than when President Clinton took office in 1993. However, the homeownership rate varies a great deal between cities and suburbs, and between whites and minorities, as the chart below shows:

WHITE (non-Hispanic) 72.6
BLACK (non-Hispanic) 46.1

The higher Affordable Housing Goals will disproportionately benefit minorities and city residents, helping to close the homeownership gap, Cuomo said.
In addition, the higher Affordable Housing Goals will help ease the crisis-level shortage of affordable housing documented by a HUD report issued in March. That report found that the number of families earning less than 50 percent of the area median income and either paying over half their incomes for rent or living in severely substandard housing remains at the record level of about 5.3 million


The Andrew Cuomo Male Babushka Doll; See His Smiling Face

Cuomo announces for Governorwith video saying, “Andrew Cuomo works for us … for my business and for my family;”  “I’m Andrew Cuomo, and I work for you;” and “Together, we can make New York great again. Let’s get to work.” And on his campaign website, which includes titles like “New York doesn’t work,” Cuomo calls for “honest, effective government.” 

If Cuomo wanted honest and effective government, why did and does he defend crooked NY Lawyers, crooked Judges and crooked State employees and not criminally prosecute them?  Here follows a small sample of actions defended by Cuomo involving only the First Department of the NY Courts’ Four Departments which were grouped together at ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com

1. (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al
2. (07cv11196) Bernstein, et al v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al 3. (07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al
4. (06cv05169) McNamara v The State of New York, et al
5. (08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al
6. (08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al
7. (08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al
8. (08cv04053) Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al
9. (08cv04438) McCormick v The State of New York, et al

10.(08cv05455) Capogrosso v The New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al
When Cuomo says he works for you and your family and business, what family/business is he referring to?  The Colombian Lawyers Association, or the lawyers with actions against NY State who contributed to his campaign treasury, or Wall Street’s Goldman, who he hasn’t criminally prosecuted? After blowing away $1.2 trillion dollars, is Cuomo now going to tell us he learned something about government finances?
Is Cuomo telling us, he’ll carry on his father’s legacy, by not prosecuting Chief Judge Lippman and his Appellate buddy Judge Ramos for stealing $40 million dollars?

Andrew Cuomo is the male image on the NY babushka (matryoshkas) doll. Whereas in Russia, many began with  Mikhail Gorbachev, then Leonid Brezhnev, then Nikita Khrushchev, Josef Stalin and finally the smallest, Vladimir Lenin, the NY doll begins with Andrew Cuomo’s smiling face announcing for Governor and descends through Andrew’s various incarnations to an ultimate depravity.  Stay tuned here, as we look within the NY Cuomo Matryoshkas Doll.
(sneak preview,  A young Andrew nursing on the milk of corruption in the arms of the Eliot Spitzer doll)


Oh where, oh where is Andrew gone?

Oh where or where is our Andrew Cuomo gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his governor announcement time so shortly
and his camapign treasury so full;
Oh where, oh where can he be. 

Paterson acts;
while Andrew dithers;
his legacy wanes;
as budget pains wax.

Poor Andrew, like Hamlet, suffers the arrows of outrageous spending excesses;
while waiting for his inherited acumen to arrive.

And what shall he do in the Federal court action;
be something for the People,
or something for the unions and nothing for a solution?

Oh where, oh where are you, Andrew?
Cuomo: Elect me and Discover My Budget Solution

MLK paraphrased:  “Judge a man not on the color of his skin or his father’s identity, but on the content of his character.” 

Is it time to sympathize with Gollum Cuomo?  He’s entitled as his legacy to be governor.   He wants to be our messiah governor, restoring the legacy left by his father.  What should he do with the hearing on the restraining order about the NY budget?   Will he grant a personal hearing to the union bosses, if they or their attorneys contribute to his treasury and then purposely bungle the action on their behalf and blame it on the court.  Or follow the directives of Gov. Paterson.   How much money have union connected lawyers or unions contributed to his campaign treasury?   Will he use his 11th Amendment Argument against a federal district court as having no jurisdiction as he did in federal action 08-cv-0259 and in so many other cases against NY State that he defended in federal court?  Or is that argument reserved only for those who don’t contribute to his treasury?

What is Gollum Cuomo’s solution to the NY budget crisis?  Must we wait until after he’s governor to find out?  Does Gollum Cuomo believe the voters of NY were happy with the Bush legacy presidency, and receptive to a Cuomo legacy governorship?
Please, Andrew Cuomo; forget the RING and your childhood silver spoon; tell us your budget solution and how it is different from your proclamation to give $1.2 trillion dollars in mortgages to those without resources to pay them back ?


Cuomo Bathes In His Own Hypocrisy In Buffalo

In Buffalo, the bully, Cuomo, has grabbed all the ‘pay to play’ marbles for himself, because his rules are for others and not for himself, as he is predestined by his father’s legacy.  Comptroller, Thomas P. DiNapoli,  learned about  Cuomo’s “do as I say, not as I do.” When will Cuomo appoint an independent prosecutor to probe his office’s and his personal dealings with  Global Strategies Group?
Doesn’t the quote,  “Today’s action is yet more evidence that kickbacks and corruption contaminated the Retirement Fund,” said Robert Khuzami, director of the SEC’ Division of Enforcement,” apply equally to Cuomo’s campaign funds which are kickbacks and corruption to Cuomo and his office and are received from attorneys with actions opposed to NY State’s interests.  (described in the prior blog post, seen just below, dated 4/27/20100) 

Andrew bathes in the Buffalo News headline, “Cuomo widens probe of  pay to play schemes,” when he should have apologized “mea culpa” for his own pay to play indirect payment scheme.

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“Cuomo Can Clean Sexual Abuse From His Own Nest on 9/17/2010 Before He Cleans Up Albany.” Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor supports T. Finnan in efforts to expose Cuomo’s part in cover up and aiding & abetting lawyer molester Allen H. Issacs, Esq. in assault on Luisa Esposito. Why is Cuomo using the AG’s office to defend Public Office Defendants in the crimes and not to protect Luisa Esposito, Cover-Up & Obstruction by AG Cuomo!!!

“Cuomo Can Clean Sexual Abuse From His Own Nest on 9/17/2010 Before He Cleans Up Albany.” Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor supports T. Finnan in efforts to expose Cuomo’s part in cover up and aiding & abetting lawyer molester Allen H. Issacs, Esq. in assault on Luisa Esposito. Why is Cuomo using the AG’s office to defend Public Office Defendants in the crimes and not to protect Luisa Esposito, Cover-Up & Obstruction by AG Cuomo!!!

Reprinted from @ http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com/2010/09/cuomo-can-clean-sexual-abuse-from-his.html by T. Finnan


Cuomo’s TARP

Exposing rampant corruption in the NY State and NY Federal Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in both State and Federal actions, when he should protect the People. This lifts the cover off rather than place a TARP over (cover-up).


We open with Cuomo’s promises from his website Cuomo2010 in blue: 

1. Clean Up Albany

We must restore honor and integrity to government.
We must restore honor and integrity to government, with tough new ethics standards, expanded disclosure requirements, independent investigators to root out and punish corruption

Now, Cuomo has a second chance on September 17 clean his own nest and to restore honor and integrity to his AG office.  While his staff protected and put the Cuomo TARP over NY state employees covering up for connected attorney, Allen Issacs, with their prior Federal Court filing, Cuomo on September 17 can now root out and punish corruption with the same action now again before the Federal Court.

Here’s the story:  Ms. Luisa Esposito fought back against the connected insider and sexual predator, Alan Issacs, in part with this recording.

Ms.Esposito was stymied by the corruption and official misconduct of various NY State and City employees named in her Federal suit.   Cuomo’s office chose in the prior Federal suit to defend the acts of the corrupt, rather than “root out and punish the corruption.” Now, Ms. Esposito’s is asking to reopen her Federal suit with new information and Judge Shira Scheindlin is giving Cuomo’s office a chance to answer by September 17.

Andrew, did you and your office err by condoning and/or obstructing criminal punishment for the following acts described in the Federal action?   Here’s the quote from June 1, 2010 Order of  “The First Dept. Disciplinary Committee[which} charged respondent (Issacs) with professional misconduct including making unwanted sexual advances to LE.  Defendant, Issacs, committed Felony Level Sexual Abuse, Coercion And Soliciting Sex From His Client, Obstruction of Justice, etc., these crimes were reported to Manhattan Special Victims Squad, and listed As “Felony Level Sexual  Abuse”; there was an arrest warrant out for Defendant Allen Issacs, which the Police Department never acted upon because, “favors were called”.

Here’s what to do, Andrew:  In your answer on September 17, before Federal Judge Scheindlin:
1. Support Ms. Esposito’s application to Reopen.
2. Say you still claim immunity for all State employees for their official actions, but only for actions which carried out “your” and State policy to root out and punish corruption

3. Say any acts by State or City employees that did not carry out official policy and were a cover-up are not subject to immunity from Esposito’s suit.

The above E-mailed to Cuomo 9/12/2010

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Andrew Cuomo Appears On Another Babuska Doll As Captain Of Keystone Cops. Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports T. Finnan’s Claims re Proskauer Rose partners Richard Spinogatti and Robert J. Cleary. Proskauer sued in Trillion $$$$ Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit involving a car bombing of a US Citizen. More @ www.iviewit.tv

Andrew Cuomo Appears On Another Babuska Doll As Captain Of Keystone Cops. Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports T. Finnan’s Claims re Proskauer Rose partners Richard Spinogatti and Robert J. Cleary. Proskauer sued in Trillion $$$$ Federal RICO and ANTITRUST Lawsuit involving a car bombing of a US Citizen. More @ www.iviewit.tv

September 9th, 2010

Post from http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com written by T. Finnan


Remove Cuomo’s TARP

Exposing rampant corruption in the NY State and NY Federal Courts and Government covered up by Attorney General, Andrew Cuomo, who defends the corrupt in both State and Federal actions, when he should protect the People. This lifts the cover off rather than place a TARP over (cover-up).


Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Andrew Cuomo Appears On Another Babuska Doll As Captain Of Keystone Cops

We open another Cuomo Babushka doll and inside is Andrew in a Police uniform with a badge saying Keystone Cop Captain.  Sadly, the Keystone State is Pennsylvania, but that doesn’t prevent Andrew from happily smiling. 

“A New York state judge has tossed out the felony convictions of two former Marsh & McLennan Cos. executives after finding that the state attorney general’s office had failed to turn over to the defense potentially exculpatory evidence, including some 700,000 documents obtained during a related civil proceeding.”

Judge “Yates did not buy what he called the “theoretical argument” that ‘in the abstract,’ the two  [Cuomo] bureaus’ are separate and distinct entities operating in disconnected spheres’.”  Keystone Captain Cuomo was claiming his right hand didn’t know what his left was doing. But the judge wrote,  “[O]ne office, under the control of one prosecutor is authorized to prosecute Martin Act violations by civil and/or criminal prosecution. Nowhere in this statutory authority conferred upon the Attorney General in either the Executive Law or the General Business Law is there a division of authority.”

Richard L. Spinogatti and Robert J. Cleary of Proskauer Rose represented Gilman whose conviction was overturned.   But Keystone Captain Cuomo assuredly was not influenced by Proskauer contributions to his campaign.

The losers were the NY taxpayers who funded this Keystone Cop Farce.  Among the winners were Andrew Cuomo and Proskauer Rose.   Whether justice was served is lost in this farce.