Eliot Bernstein, Iviewit Inventor Supports Terence Finnan’s CuomoTarp Blog Assertions Regarding the Corrupt Andrew Cuomo Attorney General of New York.
CuomoTARP @ http://cuomotarp.blogspot.com reprint courtesy of T. Finnan.
Cuomo’s TARP
Meanwhile, “Carl Paladino — as a more plausible, if extremely longshot, vessel for a “mad as hell” anti-Establishment campaign against the”status Cuomo’, ” will provide no quarter for Cuomo’s clean up promises.
Poor Andrew Gollum Cuomo wanted to be Godlike, and chose Janus, whose two faces point in opposite directions. The god-like Andrew’s one smiling face ignored all the corruption while he was Attorney General and his other smiling face promises to clean up the same corruption.

1. Clean Up Albany
Now, Cuomo has a second chance on September 17 clean his own nest and to restore honor and integrity to his AG office. While his staff protected and put the Cuomo TARP over NY state employees covering up for connected attorney, Allen Issacs, with their prior Federal Court filing, Cuomo on September 17 can now root out and punish corruption with the same action now again before the Federal Court.
Here’s the story: Ms. Luisa Esposito fought back against the connected insider and sexual predator, Alan Issacs, in part with this recording.
Ms.Esposito was stymied by the corruption and official misconduct of various NY State and City employees named in her Federal suit. Cuomo’s office chose in the prior Federal suit to defend the acts of the corrupt, rather than “root out and punish the corruption.” Now, Ms. Esposito’s is asking to reopen her Federal suit with new information and Judge Shira Scheindlin is giving Cuomo’s office a chance to answer by September 17.
Andrew, did you and your office err by condoning and/or obstructing criminal punishment for the following acts described in the Federal action? Here’s the quote from June 1, 2010 Order of “The First Dept. Disciplinary Committee[which} charged respondent (Issacs) with professional misconduct including making unwanted sexual advances to LE. Defendant, Issacs, committed Felony Level Sexual Abuse, Coercion And Soliciting Sex From His Client, Obstruction of Justice, etc., these crimes were reported to Manhattan Special Victims Squad, and listed As "Felony Level Sexual Abuse"; there was an arrest warrant out for Defendant Allen Issacs, which the Police Department never acted upon because, "favors were called".
3. Say any acts by State or City employees that did not carry out official policy and were a cover-up are not subject to immunity from Esposito's suit.
The above E-mailed to Cuomo 9/12/2010
Andrew Cuomo Appears On Another Babuska Doll As Captain Of Keystone Cops
Judge "Yates did not buy what he called the "theoretical argument" that 'in the abstract,' the two [Cuomo] bureaus’ are separate and distinct entities operating in disconnected spheres’.” Keystone Captain Cuomo was claiming his right hand didn’t know what his left was doing. But the judge wrote, “[O]ne office, under the control of one prosecutor is authorized to prosecute Martin Act violations by civil and/or criminal prosecution. Nowhere in this statutory authority conferred upon the Attorney General in either the Executive Law or the General Business Law is there a division of authority.”
Richard L. Spinogatti and Robert J. Cleary of Proskauer Rose represented Gilman whose conviction was overturned. But Keystone Captain Cuomo assuredly was not influenced by Proskauer contributions to his campaign.
The losers were the NY taxpayers who funded this Keystone Cop Farce. Among the winners were Andrew Cuomo and Proskauer Rose. Whether justice was served is lost in this farce.
Was Cuomo MIA With A $1.2 Billion Per Year Fraud: Was It The Peter Principle, The Dilbert Principle, Or Cuomo’s TARP?
“The U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services announced the probe Thursday”
“Medicaid payments to nine state institutions for the developmentally disabled, after the Poughkeepsie Journal revealed the facilities had reimbursement rates of $4,556 per day for each of 1,400 residents.”
“State officials have said the actual cost of care is only about one-third the rate, and that much of the $1.2 billion in federal matching funds every year supports other state programs for the disabled.”
Where was Cuomo and his office? This is fraud, because State Officials say it costs only a third of the claimed $ 1.2 billion amount or $400 million a year. Are Cuomo and his office asleep, incompetent or covering up (the CuomoTARP)?
Has Cuomo risen to his “Peter Principle” level of incompetence? Or, has Cuomo risen from his failures at HUD under theDilbert Principleto Attorney General? Or has Cuomo kept his TARP covering up this immense fraud by State employees and political hacks?
Andrew, since “specifically, the federal agency … pays half the rate as part of a 50-50 state-federal match, where is NY State’s $1.2 billion dollar per year share going? And how much of the state’s share is being shifted onto Local County Tax bills? How can State employees committing such fraud be retained and not prosecuted?
Cuomo Drenched With Albany Swamp Slime Sees It Only On Others
The Cuomo Faced Frog proclaimed its good intentions in 2008, “Andrew’s pretty serious about a real shake up, and he will not give state workers, including judges, more than 60 days to ‘come clean.’” The plan, dubbed “CAP” (Cuomo’s Amnesty Program) by AG lawyers, is said to specifically include all attorneys admitted to practice in New York, whether or not they are state employed. ”Heads will role once the Amnesty Program ends,”
But the Cuomo Faced Frog bloated and fattened while swimming in the Albany swamp and changed its croaking, so that the NYT reported in 2010 that, “Mr. Cuomo was sitting on millions in campaign cash from the very special interests whose influence he said he wanted to limit.”.
Hey, Andrew, which State workers, which judges, which attorneys and which heads rolled?
Letter: August 24, 2010
Andrew M. Cuomo, Attorney General and Barbara D. Underwood, Solicitor General
at The Capital, Albany NY 12224
Carl Paladino
at Paladino for the People, PO Box 447, Buffalo, NY 14205
Rick Lazio
at Lazio 2010, Box 4818, NY, NY 10158
Dear Andrew Cuomo, Barbara Underwood, Carl Paladino and Rick Lazio:
It’s intolerable, Andrew Cuomo. My hospitalization on 6/15/10 for total knee replacement and the subsequent medical complications was aggravated by the depraved criminal acts intended to silence me and prevent filing of an action involving the AG’s Office before US Supreme Court. Dateline follows:
6/15/10 T. Finnan has total knee replacement surgery at Albany Medical,
6/17/10 T. Finnan in great pain and unable to walk is to be transferred to Schenectady Sunnyview Hospital. An ambulance transport is requested by T Finnan.
6/17/21 The nurse comes into his room to get T. Finnan ready to be discharged to two men with his “wife” who are waiting to transport him after discharge.
6/17/10 T. Finnan refuses discharge, telling nurse that he is not married and will leave only by arranged ambulance to Sunnyview Hospital.
6/17/10 Ambulance takes T. Finnan to Sunnyview where deep vein thrombosis and atrial fibrillation and low blood pressure are confirmed.
6/24/10 T. Finnan arranges his departure from Sunnyview and the simultaneous transport of his auto from Albany Medical to his home, 120 miles north of Albany. As T. Finnan is leaving Sunnyview, he learns that two men arrived just then arranging for his discharge to them, but T. Finnan leaves with his prearranged transport.
6/25/10 Visiting Nurse comes to his home and arranges home care and physical therapy at home.
6/26/10 Anonymous call comes to my home to tell me to go on line and check what happened to Sunny Sheu. Not recognizing the name, Sunny Sheu, I go on line and determine Sunny Sheu just died from head injury. T. Finnan becomes distraut and fearful because in his present condition he can hardly walk with his walker and he arranges for a Taxi to Plattsburgh NY Hospital. T. Finnan decides it’s unsafe for him alone at his home and after a follow up appointment with his surgeon, leaves for the State of Georgia and begins Physical Therapy in a safe environment . Both T. Finnan and his family felt that there was danger to his family, if T. Finnan was present at their homes from such characters.
Unluckily for opposing parties, although T. Finnan was unable to personally finalize, serve and send court papers to US Supreme Court, T. Finnan had left that to another before 6/15/10, who filed and served the papers with Supreme Court and docket number 10-70.
Questions for Cuomo:
Were Cuomo or his supporters unhappy with my CuomoTarp.blogspot.com blog?
Was that my ex-wife at the hospital on 6/17/10?
Were Cuomo or his supporters unhappy with my demands to prosecute criminals whether or not they’re judges or lawyers?
Does Cuomo ignore the corruption reported on ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com and believe his duty is to defend crooked lawyers and judges?
Required action:
Right now, Andrew Cuomo, call your client, Judge Kevin K. Ryan, and tell him you can not represent a crooked judge and you’ll indict him based upon my criminal complaint filed in your office, if he doesn’t immediately rectify his errors. Andrew Cuomo, you’re aware for almost four years of the horrors of corrupt NY courts and the malfeasances of the Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Attorney Disciplinary Committees.
Andrew Cuomo, begin with Penal law 195.00 Official misconduct: A public servant is guilty of official misconduct when, with intent to obtain a benefit or deprive another person of a benefit: 2. He knowingly refrains from performing a duty which is imposed upon him by law or is clearly inherent in the nature of his office.
Andrew Cuomo, prosecuting crooked state employees according to above Penal Law is clearly inherent in the nature of your office. There is no judicial immunity by the NY Constitution: “The power of grand juries to inquire into the wilful misconduct in office of public officers … shall never be suspended or impaired by law.”
Were those your goons at the Hospital, Andrew Cuomo, or goons from Marsha Kameron and her attorney, Ara Asadourian?
Mr. Paladino and Mr. Lazio, court corruption steals from the people and deprives them of honest government. Hold Cuomo accountable. See Exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com and this blog, CuomoTarp.blogspot.com/ for continuing documentation.
Terence Finnan
PO Box 354
Keene NY 12942
7/30/9 Letter to Tembeckjian and Commission on Judicial Conduct.
5/4/8 Letter to Judges Plumadore and Ryan with medical records, discharge date and court calendar showing 4/25/8 scheduled court date.
Appellate Affidavit detailing Judge Ryan’s FAX Notice to me when I had no fax receiver and perjury by Marsha Kameron.
Criminal Complaint against Robert Tembeckjian.
Criminal Complaint against Judge Kevin K. Ryan.
Condensed US Supreme Court Filing in July 2010, with criminal complaints against Marsha Kameron filed with US Justice Dept.
P.S. In re “Sunny Sheu”, contact NYC Police, 109 Precinct.
CC: Governor Paterson, FBI-Albany, Essex County DA, Press Republican, others
Cuomo’s Silver Spoon Removed With Hard Knocks Behind The Finance Woodshed
5/20/10 Local Government Assistance Bonds $ 1/4 billion borrow money for present outlays
5/26/10 Service contract Revenue $ 1/2+ billion borrow money from future income
5/26/10 Personal Income Tax Revenue $ 1/2- billion borrow money expecting tax receipts
June 2010 Personal Income Tax Bonds $ 1.2 billion borrow money expecting tax receipts
Aug 2010 Personal Income Tax Bonds $ 1/2- billion borrow money expecting tax receipts
Aug 2010 Dormitory Revenue Bonds $ 77.1 million those students will cough it up
Sept 2010 Personal Income Tax Bonds $ 1/2- billion borrow money expecting tax receipts
Nov 2010 Personal Income Tax Bonds $ 1.7 billion after the election, so the suckers won’t know
Does Cuomo expect income tax revenues to rise or remain constant to cover this projected borrowing or will the difference be made up by more General Obligation borrowing, which wasn’t described in the above NY State Borrowings this year, but which is huge.
How is Cuomo responding to Sheldon Silver’s millionaire’s tax to cover shortfalls when that idea resulted in reduced tax revenues in Maryland and New Jersey .
Did Cuomo fail in Federal Court to defend Gov. Paterson’s one day furlough for State workers out of his incompetence or should we give him credit for a clever subterfuge to fool the voters that he and Paterson wanted to reduce expenses and stand up to the unions, but the Federal Court wouldn’t let them. (The subject of future blog and a definite problem for Cuomo if elected; is Cuomo going to ask the new AG to correct his earlier error and its resulting federal court precedent?)
Here’s the finance lesson that was not included in Andrew’s silver spoon childhood and his entitlement training; and, that is painfully learned by many young people.
Look at your credit card statement. While your balance rises, you ignore the rising interest charged each month. But, your income is decreasing and your expenditures are increasing. This was no problem, because you just paid the minimum amount due each month, but, now, your interest charged approaches your minimum payment. You’ve reached your credit limit and the bank wants a higher minimum payment and won’t advance you more money for present expenditures. You cry out to your parents, why is this happening to me; the bank’s mean; help me; how can I live without my needed purchases; and you whine on.
The painful welcome behind the Finance Woodshed is received by Andrew and other such children to the “Brave New World of Responsible Finances.” Neither your parents nor the Chinese want to loan us money; they want a lot more for a bad risk. And forget about the Greeks and Spaniards; they are looking for money also.
Andrew, putting on the garb of a fiscal conservative to fool the suckers won’t help. Are going to ridicule Sheldon Silver’s fiscal stupidity? And, Andrew, what about the Working Family’s nomination; are going to embrace the unions and Acorn and then tell us you’re for reform and ending corruption?
And Andrew, brace yourself, maybe, go home to your parents, the bond rating agencies* will wise up to your (and Silver’s) words and deeds; maybe before the election.
Andrew, do you think, as governor, you can pull your TARP to cover up even more corruption and mishandled money?
*Standard & Poor’s, | Fitch, | Moody’s |
Cuomo And Fiscal Disaster: The Still Smoking Gun
Verdict: Andrew Cuomo: Guilty of gross fiscal ineptitude leading to economic disaster; a clear and present danger to NY finances; sentenced to pay back from his campaign treasury all those “disproportionately benefited minorities and city residents,” who Andrew Cuomo had claimed to help with his mortgages.
They’ll need a strong Kool-aid for those who would nominate him for Governor.
HUD Archives: News Releases
HUD No. 99-131 | |
Further Information: | For Release |
In the Washington, DC area: 202/708-0685 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 202/708-0685 end_of_the_skype_highlighting | Thursday |
Or contact your local HUD office | July 29, 1999 |
See full chart of higher goals by metropolitan area
WASHINGTON – Housing and Urban Development Secretary Andrew Cuomo today announced a policy to require the nation’s two largest housing finance companies to buy $2.4 trillion in mortgages over the next 10 years to provide affordable housing for about 28.1 million low- and moderate-income families.
Cuomo said the historic action by HUD raises the required percentage of mortgage loans for low- and moderate-income families that finance companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac must buy from the current 42 percent of their total purchases to a new high of 50 percent , a19 percent increase – in the year 2001. The percentage will first increase to 48 percent in 2000.
Commenting on the action, President Clinton said: “During the last six and a half years, my Administration has put tremendous emphasis on promoting homeowners and making housing more affordable for all Americans. Our housing programs and institutions have been a success. Today, the homeownership rate is at an all-time high, with more than 66 percent of all American families owning their homes. Today, we take another significant step. Raising the GSEs goals will help us generate increased momentum in addressing the nation’s housing needs. I congratulate HUD Secretary Andrew Cuomo and the entire HUD team on their efforts in this important area.”
“This action will transform the lives of millions of families across our country by giving them new opportunities to buy homes or move into apartments with rents they can afford,” Cuomo said. “It will strengthen our economy and create jobs by stimulating more home construction, it will help ease the terrible shortage of affordable housing plaguing far too many communities, and it will help reduce the huge homeownership gap dividing whites from minorities and suburbs from cities.”
The mortgage purchase requirement for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac – known as the Affordable Housing Goals – was last set by HUD in 1995, under a requirement mandated by Congress. The goals came up for renewal this year, and HUD had the choice of leaving them unchanged, lowering them, or raising them. In addition to helping low- and moderate-income families, the new initiative will also increase the affordable housing goals for loans made to underserved areas and will raise the goal for mortgages to benefit families with very low incomes.
Under the higher goals, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will buy an additional $488.3 billion in mortgages that will be used to provide affordable housing for 7 million more low- and moderate-income families over the next 10 years. Those new mortgages and families are over and above the $1.9 trillion in mortgages for 21.1 million families that would have been generated if the current goals had been retained.
Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy mortgages for both individual homes and for apartment buildings.
Fannie Mae Chairman Franklin D. Raines joined Cuomo at the news conference in which Cuomo announced the HUD action. Raines committed Fannie Mae to reaching HUD’s increased Affordable Housing Goals.
Others attending the news conference to express support for the new Affordable Housing Goals were National Association of Home Builders President Charles Ruma and Enterprise Foundation CEO Bart Harvey.
In addition, higher Affordable Housing Goals for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac have been sought by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, the National Low-Income Housing Coalition, FM Watch and other groups.
Congress gave HUD the responsibility of regulating Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac because the two companies are Government Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) that were chartered by Congress. The policy announced today will be implemented by HUD regulations. Such regulations go into effect after review by Congress and the Office of Management and Budget, along with a period of full public comment.
The GSEs buy mortgages issued by banks, thrift institutions and other mortgage lenders, and then package the loans and sell them to investors as mortgage-backed securities. When Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac buy the mortgages from lenders, they provide the lenders with the cash needed to issue new mortgages.
Congress has given GSEs special advantages – such an exemption from all state and local taxes except property taxes, and an exemption from Securities and Exchange Commission registration requirements. In addition, the ties of the GSEs to government has helped them get the highest credit rating to reduce their borrowing costs, and has boosted investor confidence in the two companies, thereby helping to increase their earnings. The Treasury Department reports that the benefits of federal sponsorship are worth almost $6 billion annually to the GSEs.
The GSEs are publicly chartered to provide broad public benefits. Congress, through Fannie Mae’s and Freddie Mac’s Charter Acts and the 1992 GSE Act, required that the two GSEs, in return for their publicly provided benefits, extend the benefits of the secondary mortgage market to a broad range of Americans. These include low- and moderate-income families, first-time homebuyers, and residents of communities underserved by mortgage credit.
If Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fail to make a good faith effort to achieve the Affordable Housing Goals set by HUD, the Secretary of HUD has the authority to impose civil money penalties of up to $10,000 for each day the failure occurs.
Families are considered as having low and moderate incomes if they make no more than the area median income, which varies by community. The national average for the median income is $47,800.
In addition to raising the low- and moderate-income goal from 42 percent to 50 percent, HUD acted to raise two other Congressionally mandated goals. A special affordable housing goal for families with very low incomes and low incomes (those with less than 60 percent and 80 percent of area median) jumps from the current 14 percent to 20 percent (a 43 percent increase). In addition, a geographically targeted goal for underserved areas (central cities, rural areas, and underserved communities based on income and minority concentration) goes from 24 percent to 31 percent (a 29 percent increase).
The increase in the Affordable Housing Goals is part of the Clinton Administration’s overall strategy to increase homeownership and the supply of affordable rental housing in the United States.
America’s homeownership rate hit a record annual high in 1998, with 66.3 percent of all households owning their own homes. A total of 69.1 million families owned homes at the end of 1998 – 7.3 million more than when President Clinton took office in 1993. However, the homeownership rate varies a great deal between cities and suburbs, and between whites and minorities, as the chart below shows:
WHITE (non-Hispanic) | 72.6 |
BLACK (non-Hispanic) | 46.1 |
HISPANIC | 44.7 |
SUBURBS | 73.2 |
The higher Affordable Housing Goals will disproportionately benefit minorities and city residents, helping to close the homeownership gap, Cuomo said.
In addition, the higher Affordable Housing Goals will help ease the crisis-level shortage of affordable housing documented by a HUD report issued in March. That report found that the number of families earning less than 50 percent of the area median income and either paying over half their incomes for rent or living in severely substandard housing remains at the record level of about 5.3 million
The Andrew Cuomo Male Babushka Doll; See His Smiling Face
If Cuomo wanted honest and effective government, why did and does he defend crooked NY Lawyers, crooked Judges and crooked State employees and not criminally prosecute them? Here follows a small sample of actions defended by Cuomo involving only the First Department of the NY Courts’ Four Departments which were grouped together at ExposeCorruptCourts.blogspot.com
1. (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al
2. (07cv11196) Bernstein, et al v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al 3. (07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al
4. (06cv05169) McNamara v The State of New York, et al
5. (08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al
6. (08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al
7. (08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al
8. (08cv04053) Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al
9. (08cv04438) McCormick v The State of New York, et al
Andrew Cuomo is the male image on the NY babushka (matryoshkas) doll. Whereas in Russia, many began with Mikhail Gorbachev, then Leonid Brezhnev, then Nikita Khrushchev, Josef Stalin and finally the smallest, Vladimir Lenin, the NY doll begins with Andrew Cuomo’s smiling face announcing for Governor and descends through Andrew’s various incarnations to an ultimate depravity. Stay tuned here, as we look within the NY Cuomo Matryoshkas Doll.
(sneak preview, A young Andrew nursing on the milk of corruption in the arms of the Eliot Spitzer doll)
Oh where, oh where is Andrew gone?
Oh where, oh where can he be?
With his governor announcement time so shortly
and his camapign treasury so full;
Oh where, oh where can he be.
Paterson acts;
while Andrew dithers;
his legacy wanes;
as budget pains wax.
Poor Andrew, like Hamlet, suffers the arrows of outrageous spending excesses;
while waiting for his inherited acumen to arrive.
And what shall he do in the Federal court action;
be something for the People,
or something for the unions and nothing for a solution?
Oh where, oh where are you, Andrew?
Cuomo: Elect me and Discover My Budget Solution
Is it time to sympathize with Gollum Cuomo? He’s entitled as his legacy to be governor. He wants to be our messiah governor, restoring the legacy left by his father. What should he do with the hearing on the restraining order about the NY budget? Will he grant a personal hearing to the union bosses, if they or their attorneys contribute to his treasury and then purposely bungle the action on their behalf and blame it on the court. Or follow the directives of Gov. Paterson. How much money have union connected lawyers or unions contributed to his campaign treasury? Will he use his 11th Amendment Argument against a federal district court as having no jurisdiction as he did in federal action 08-cv-0259 and in so many other cases against NY State that he defended in federal court? Or is that argument reserved only for those who don’t contribute to his treasury?
What is Gollum Cuomo’s solution to the NY budget crisis? Must we wait until after he’s governor to find out? Does Gollum Cuomo believe the voters of NY were happy with the Bush legacy presidency, and receptive to a Cuomo legacy governorship?
Please, Andrew Cuomo; forget the RING and your childhood silver spoon; tell us your budget solution and how it is different from your proclamation to give $1.2 trillion dollars in mortgages to those without resources to pay them back ?
Cuomo Bathes In His Own Hypocrisy In Buffalo
Doesn’t the quote, “Today’s action is yet more evidence that kickbacks and corruption contaminated the Retirement Fund,” said Robert Khuzami, director of the SEC’ Division of Enforcement,” apply equally to Cuomo’s campaign funds which are kickbacks and corruption to Cuomo and his office and are received from attorneys with actions opposed to NY State’s interests. (described in the prior blog post, seen just below, dated 4/27/20100)
Andrew bathes in the Buffalo News headline, “Cuomo widens probe of pay to play schemes,” when he should have apologized “mea culpa” for his own pay to play indirect payment scheme.
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, eliot bernstein, First Department, first department disciplinary, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, New York Attorney General, ny senate judiciary committee, patentgate, sex, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, thomas cahill, xxx