Another One Bites the Dust! Defendant in Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson’s Federal Lawsuit, Sherry K. Cohen of the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Departmental Disciplinary Committee joins Thomas Cahill in early retirement. Iviewit Inventor, Eliot I Bernstein Supports Criminal Actions Against Cohen, Cahill and other Members of the New York Supreme Court. EXTRA — READ ALL ABOUT IT @ EXPOSE CORRUPT COURTS!!!
Copy courtesy of Expose Corrupt Courts Here
Thursday, September 16, 2010

Wall Street Attorney said…
Someone should suggest a presidential stimulus package for the Wall Street bars and liquor stores. After Sherry leaves the DDC, there will be a dramatic hit on the liquor business.

Sherry Cohen Victim said…
This corrupt, mean-spirited bitch should rot in hell for her illegal actions. Whoever you God is, Sherry, you should be frozen with fear!

Anonymous said…
Holy crap. Can you imagine the drinking that’ll be going on when the Sherry leaves the DDC. First, everyone who works there will have a party that’ll last for days. Also, Sherry won’t be bothered with destroying and creating evidence anymore, she’ll be drinking more than ever, if that’s even possible.Is anyone taking a collection. Let’s send her a few hundred cases of booze. Or instead of a gold watch, how about golden handcuffs.

Quietly Smiling said…
Ah, the departure of the “cleaner” is oh so interesting. Think she’ll wind up at the First Department Court in some capacity?

Anonymous said…
Why is she waiting for the end of the year, so they can find some other corrupt corner to put her in?

Anonymous said…
Why would the state offer any buy out……like they did those corrupt banks & corporations…..
No money for Cohen, she did the dirty deeds, she has gotten caught and paybacks are a bitch!

Anonymous said…
let those lawyers & law firms she covered up for pay her a “consultant fee” !!!!!

Anonymous said…
let those lawyers & law firms she covered up for pay her a “consultant fee” !!!!!

Anonymous said…
Oh Sherry, hic up, hic up..Did Allen Isaac find you another position somewhere else?..maybe at the DA’s Office next to ADA Lisa Friel!!!Is Naomi Goldstein going anywhere?..Is she still at the DDC? I’m sure she’s going to be promoted Chief Counsel soon!!
Good bye and good riddens Sherry Cohen…have you confirred with your pal Allen Isaac about your departing plans??????

Maybe!!!! said…
TaTa Sherry..don’t let the door hit you in the arzzzzzzzz!!!!! Btw,don’t forget to bring the rest of the thugs along with you…I hope and pray the Feds grab all of you while you’re walking out the door!!!!!

Anonymous said…
Where are the beefy exhibits Frank E Baby? Anyone got beef with my hero Scheindlin for what she already did for you all by having Anderson sing death lullaby to Cahill, Sherry, AG Cuomo, Spookany, etc. must take it up with me, her soon to be Supreme Court chauffeur. You never know what gun is put to the head of those who do the right thing immediately after and what it may cause them to do after, like gun to granddaughter head can be swaying to some but you can never forget that pristine moment of heroism. You must worship it forever, despite what the future holds. Now be prepared in that scenario of Scheindlin acting off to fire off complaints against her if she does not follow the law but file them with love and pain, as I do with Catherine Wolfe and others. To all those waiting for her, stop and do something bold with what is already before you, be proactive stop waiting for Frank or Shira or Cuomo, fire off some criminal complaints against all those Anderson fingered with everybody, the more the merrier.
And to those most unethical ethics officers who have cast an evil upon this land filled with pain and suffering and death, take comfort that I, Eliot and I A-m That I A-m have a special place for you in hell. I personally will be your eternal tour guide, if you think my writing is long wait until you hear my voice eternally damning you, 24.7.Eternally. Ask Cahill if his soul has been sucked from his being, ask him my name and you will see fear.
Sherry K. Cohen, I already have sucked the lifeblood from your soul. Remember me in Scheindlin’s court, the devilish looking angel that your eyes were fixated upon? Your breath sucked dry, as I sat directly in front of your lying and evil soulless body, remember the conversation that only you could hear? I already hear your prayers, your whiney begging and know they will not be answered as that conversation was had, the jury out. This sentence will be long, slow and eternally painful, you will pray more and more for swift death but the beginning is now, death will not help, it is when the fun with you really begins.
Your Travel Guide to Hell
Bat Out of Hell
Mad Inventor
Eliot Ivan Bernstein

Tax payer said…
The first time I saw Sherry K. Cohen the mental image was of her is the uniform of an SS Nazi guard.
Her subsequent appearances have not dissuade me of this representation. How much did her continued silence cost the 1st DEPT. aka the NYS Illegal System?
How much of the taxpapers money did the dirtbags spend?
Tags: Andrew Cuomo, eliot bernstein, eric holder, First Department, first department disciplinary, hofstra, iviewit, JUDITH KAYE, kenneth rubenstein, marc dreier, New York Attorney General, ny senate judiciary committee, patent, patentgate, proskauer, sherry cohen, sherry k cohen, SHIRA SCHEINDLIN, steven c. krane, thomas cahill, xxx