Surf with Vision

Patent Filings / US District Court Docket / US Court of Appeal Docket / Court Evidence Exhibits

Try the new hyperactive nonfiction fiction book from the inventor of scaled imaging and video.  Learn the truth about how America became Nazi America and how these "Holy Grail" technologies may be the key to stopping the corruption in our government.

"The Fight for the Grail"


Question : What does it take to get constitution protection of basic and fundamental civil rights in America or be put in a witness protection program in this country when trying to expose corruption in the government, at least for your wife and children after all of the following actions are taken against you?

·        Your family’s minivan being bombed with a bomb so powerful it blew up three cars next to it.  An hour before your family was to be driving in it.

·        Death threats from your former President & COO, Brian Utley made on behalf of law firms Foley and Lardner and Proskauer Rose, LLP, that if the crimes were exposed to authorities that your family would be murdered.

·        Patents, trademarks and copyrights stolen from you

·        Millions of dollars of investors monies stolen from your company, including monies from the SBA through SBIC loans

·        The destruction of your life.  Being forced to flee with your family for over 6 years, moving into hotels at first to hide and build a case, then running from home to home, back and forth between Florida and California 4 times, attempting to expose the crimes and pleading for justice, all the while fearing for the lives of your wife and children

·        Dastardly acts by your former attorneys, or former mobsters disguised as attorneys to destroy the evidence of their crimes against you, worse yet, their crimes against the United States.  Using a system of Racketeering and Public Office Abuse to turn law against you, justice against you, the courts against you and block due process and procedure of the complaints filed against them and the investigations ordered of the matters.

·        Destroying your ability to earn a living, destroying your ability to relax and enjoy your infant children, heaping pressure after pressure on your marriage, your friendships and overall ability to live life; denied of life, liberty and the pursuit of anything sane. 

·        The FBI and US Attorney’s office losing your case files not only for the Iviewit matters but the attempted murder and car bombing

·        Court ordered investigations derailed that would have blown the lid off and perhaps ended the nightmare

The time for the government to protect you is once the system of justice not only fails to uphold constitutional mandates to you protect but denies you both civil and criminal legal remedies and instead violates law, denies due process and procedure and acts as accomplice to the crimes against you.  In the Iviewit matters it is crazy as those entrusted with the administration of law and protecting the Constitution are found abusing their public offices to effectuate crimes.


When the attorneys and other criminals named herein are tried through due process and procedure.  When the denial of due process through violations of conflicts of interest and violations of public offices by those entrusted to uphold law are stopped.  When those corrupted few, charged with upholding law and admonishing Justice, stop trying to rewrite the Constitution to protect their criminal activities and shield themselves from prosecution of their crimes when caught.

Only when those involved in these matters are tried for treasons for their crimes against the United States and foreign nations.  Tick Tock

From the Pre Bush Constitution of the United States

Article 1, Section 8, Clause 8

"Congress shall have the power ... to promote the Progress of Science and Useful Arts, by Securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their Respective Writings and Discoveries."

Those words protect inventors' inventions and are fundamental to free commerce, unless:

The criminals disguised as lawyers and public officers have also taken over Congress and try to remove Article 1 from the Constitution, which with this Administration of Corruption seems high on their agenda.  Hey - what is this Patent Act reform HR 1908


They attempt to rewrite laws to escape prosecution for their crimes, like for example with Enron, Halliburton, Oil Price Fixing, War Crimes and Human Torture violations, all of which they are in the process of doing to usurp the Constitution to make it an instrument of crime.


recent filing against Rumsfeld and others for war crimes and violations of human torture treatises, check out who filed it and who joined



Far fetched this all seems, especially where the technologies invented by the Iviewit Inventors was the catalyst, the fire starter to tip the scale to these cults.  With this Administration and all the scandals erupting around them, their failure as public servants to answer to Congress, their lies to Congress, their violations of laws, war crimes, human torture, their taking the fifth, refusing subpoena's and all these other secret agenda's becoming public, it will certainly cause one to wonder if and how all these crimes are inter-related to the crimes against Iviewit starting back in 1997, including the election fraud which allowed criminals to seize America.  A historical reminder to all those involved in the treasonous plot to overthrow America, as will be further defined herein, once a corrupt government or legal system is uncovered and exposed to the People, which is already happening as the onion peels, the People will take pitchfork to all those involved or floggings are historically big.

Once the pitchforks are firmly planted in the foreheads of the guilty, the People will take all they have gained while abusing their civic duties, the true "Evil Doers" of Democracy quashed, as the Constitution demands.  As they plead for mercy, pitchfork in head, begging for mercy from the angry mob, citing how the new laws they changed to allow their crimes against the People, the People will no longer buy the spin (a clever old trick that historically fails), the final thrust of the pitchforks will be levied for the death blow.  Once dead the laws will be changed back over their dead bodies.  Tick Tock.

Personally, as American's we have never been into violating treatises like the Geneva Convention and nor would we allow our government to do such but this government you must keep in mind is a body of corrupt individuals who have seized political power by corrupt elections and illegal choosing of our Decider by our Supreme Jokers at the Supreme Court, who have picked the worst President in the history of America.  That is because it will become evident herein, that they were placed in power awaiting this day to take over the Constitution, to rewrite it to their will and a secret agenda, an agenda that works to undermine Democracy.

Once in power these subversive cult members needed to take the public eye off their crimes and disguise their actions in patriotic terms, they needed to frighten you into allowing you to surrender your Freedom, so their dictatorship could work.  Freedoms that American's have died for since the beginning to give you, you surrendered like fucking Wussie's, sheep, in fear of a small group of thugs. Guys on fucking camels with pea shooter rifles, with NO army, NO country, NO shoes, dressed in sandals only, NO Kevlar, NO Hummies, NO F-16's, all they got is a catchy name of "Terrorists", so as to fool any idiot incapable of thinking for her/himself, that they are in real (yellow green red) dangers.  Terror mind you is not the name of an enemy but the name given to normally oppressed people to fight the "MAN", as the man oppresses and uses large scale might against those resigned to acts of terror with civilian casualty.  Thus, America is guilty of terrorist tactics in fighting to free ourselves of oppression, yet they appear hero's of freedom because every idiot knows there is no land called Terror, there is no army called Terror, there are no such things as Terrorists to fear, sure there will always be the oppressed fighting oppression, as long as manunkind exists to oppress but should we side against those fighting against oppression, then evil will win???  Use your fucking heads you dumb ass shit heads of America, the terrorists are the guys who are ruining our country from within, those subversive cultists who have seized power and are changing laws and rules to the benefit of themselves.  We have problems but it is not the stooges of Bush I, his buds Bin Laden or Osama, it is the group of people like Bush I and Bush II and Reagan, all who have just a little bit to much invested in oil and war companies to stop the problem, in fact they fuel it and dumb ass American's who seem to accept shit shoved down their throats buy it without wondering why no one is questioning it.  Ask any American, would you surrender rights in the Constitution because of guys on camels?

So it is that we live with a flunky generation of pussy apathetic American wimps who are brainwashed to accept what ever CNN puts in your cup, you should be ashamed of yourselves because you will become the wimpiest most pathetic excuse of American's ever, unless when you learn to understand what this is all really about and how it came to be, you come out with vengeance, not pardons, pitchforks.  Pitchforks supplied free on Iviewit, call to pick one up.

 How could America surrender freedom, when we fought major super powers with major armies and surrendered none of what we have today in the name of a deck of card terrorists.  For Shame America!  Osama Bin Laden, George Bush I funded him into place and who would sell their freedoms to some little dicked terrorist, not even if the Russkies dropped a hundred bombs, even nukes should we sell out our freedoms.  What happened to die for country?  Now that is patriotic, not letting a misnomer of legislation aptly titled the Patriotic Act, remove personal freedom for fear of a propagandized threat of nobodies.   No, the real threat is to country as you will learn herein, as the whole world other than Americans already sees, comes from the "terrorists" running our country.

The Iviewit story is now less about the stolen patents and more about the attempt of the Administration of Corruption and some very powerful legal fellows, all aligned with secret cults like Skull and Bones and the Federalists, who are attempting to take over America now that they have total control after planning this immediately after the fall of Hitler.  Iviewit exemplifies the corruption and reveals amongst their growing list of crimes against the People, they are funding their endeavors by robbing the Patent Office and the Commerce Department, the countries greatest source of revenue.  The crime show how this Administration is stealing personal property as their own, as your Deciders and with no worries since they have usurped the laws and check and balances instituted to protect your personal property rights.


Why, because it is the root that is fundamental to free commerce that our democracy is founded upon.

Otherwise everything invented and the royalties derived from inventions would be owned by the King/Decider/Dictator and his crooked lawyers and court of jesters, not the inventors who invented them.  Therefore, invention which yields rights and royalties under the Constitution of yesteryear, is fundamental to personal property rights, another key factor of democracy.  Nowhere will you find that royalties under the Constitution should pass in any way to ones lawyers or the government or the Decider, as was almost the case with Iviewit and currently is the case.  It is clear that the Constitution grants those to rights and royalties to the inventors of the Intellectual Property for the reason that without it democracy and free commerce are worthless. 

WHY IS INVENTION SO IMPORTANT THAT THE FOUNDERS PUT THE JOB OF THE INVENTOR, EVEN LITTLE OLD MA AND PA INVENTORS, AT THE VERY TIP TOP OF THE CONSTITUTION IN ARTICLE I?  See above car bombing attempt to get full impact of why the inventor will need such help against forces that would try to rip from them the inventions.

 This is why protection of the inventor rests with Congress to change whatever laws to protect those rights, yet what happens when the law and system of protections actually work against the inventor, read on...


  Because without inventors who yield royalties for their inventions for themselves, you have nothing but Communism or a Dictatorship, systems that have failed due perhaps to lack of invention.  So if the Constitution fails Iviewit, the inventors and shareholders here, the Patent office and the Judicial will have also failed due to self interested parties manning those posts not on behalf of the People but on behalf of lining their pockets at the determinant of Democracy.  Public officers who will have violated their sworn oaths to G0d to uphold the Constitution, their oaths to the People to serve and protect and if we do not stop it, well then we are the first to invent in the Decider's Nazi Kingdom.

You will be next though if you sit by complacently without doing what the Constitution mandates us to do, which is to find and wipe out corruption in the government, in fact, it allows you take arms against it if necessary.  This is frightening as it will rest on the children of the next generation to do regain their freedoms.  Your personal property will be next to be seized and by a government run by a corrupt few, so read on to find out how to prevent this from continuing, your child may be the next great inventor.

So without protections, inventors will begin to go elsewhere, to more friendly countries than the US, where patent attorneys are not rumored to being stealing and converting their client inventions and where the system of jurisprudence has not corrupted so much so, as to give the impression that it is aiding and abetting the crimes through denials of due process and granting false inventors others ideas.

With just one inventor who flees to say China with the hottest new and novel revolutionary idea, China will have the patent and the royalty streams and we will pay dearly for our loss both to the Chinese for the license we will pay them and for the loss of an inventor. 

A personal note from inventor Eliot Bernstein ~ Personally, I believe I will die soon, refer to car bombing and death threats above and the fact that there are no protections in place to prevent such as you will learn by reading through the documents.  Yet I am content dying as many before me, defending for my children the values I hold dear in the old Constitution and fighting the new King Bush version.

The Constitution must prevail, no matter the forces attempting to destroy it for personal gain, no matter their perceived strength, no matter their size, no matter how many, or all is lost in America.

We must win or die trying, so that we may teach our kids about democracy, not about false wars for profits and concentration camps we set up to violate human rights, not about cities like New Orleans where we must now live with shame, not about dead Iraqi children who were killed through aggression for no reason, otherwise you will be teaching your children escape routes to the nightmare we have allowed this country to become.

The following information that inventors may die delivering to you (one already missing), to protect you and yours, if you can follow all of this, will evidence that to save Democracy and our Country, the crimes herein, sooner or later must be tried, the crime treason.

The inventions must be returned to their rightful owners, those that committed the crimes and the riff raff that violated public offices to aid and abet the criminals in robbing the United States Patent Office and other treasonous acts against the People must be put to death for treason, nothing short will allow this country to regain its rights.  Nothing short will set the example to the children that treason is not a wise endeavor.

Bank robberies, stock scandals (Enron, Arthur Andersen, Worldcomm, etc., read on to find out how these are related to Iviewit) all counted together, are infinitely smaller crimes in comparison to how much can be stolen if the Patent Office and Commerce Department are robbed.  Even one patent, as the case is here can be worth a trillion dollars, you can put that on your sticky pad (another invention worth a fortune.

Figuring out how to rip-off the patent office is the crime of the century that must be stopped dead in its tracks.  This crime against our nations treasure chest of invention is the crown jewel of the nation, the steam engine of free commerce.  This is the reason protecting invention is at the top of Congress' list of to-do's to protect free commerce, that is why Congress must now take action in these matters.  Inaction points now only to the guilty holding off due process showing you the People that this country is under siege and giving you a pretty good fingerprint of the Corrupters/Deciders, who now rule in delusions of grandeur.  We shall see how the Judiciary Committees, Feinstein, the FBI, the USPTO, the USPTO-OED, the DOJ-OIG and all those charged with protecting inventors rights act, will they continue to protect the clown at the top, pointing to eventual Patentgate or will they do what their oaths to the People demand?

Without American invention and the gazillions of dollars it brings to the country for things like:

Lining the inventors' pockets with royalties, as it is the highest paying job in the world if you invent a winner that changes the world.  Think inventions that have changed the world.  Think Edison, now that rings a bell, or a Bell, without those two inventors think where the world would be today, a darker world with the US mail being the fastest transmitter of news,

Creating the only legal right to monopolize, spurring everyone to try and creat something that changes the world, as invention is the basis of almost every product created, manufactured and sold worldwide.

Without invention our country and democracy would have stagnated to death like all other forms of government before it, where the people have no motivation to invent, where invention only made the King/Decider and a few wealthier.  Inventors flee dictatorships or just plain stop inventing for lack of reward, imagine in those other governments what happens when the King/Decider likes your inventions but does not like you.  This is why Russia and Communism stagnate at some point, the People have no real incentive to invent, in fact, it becomes a deadly job the better your invention is, as once it is given to the King, it may be off with your head, as the King then claims your invention as his own.

Invention employ's almost 90% of the workforce worldwide, in building the future for our children, it is the lead source to technologies which benefit the world.  A future in America where invention is gone will set us back technologically, as it was invention that put us in the lead as the greatest nation in the world, the most technologically advanced, etc.

Anywhere on the planet, from any person, of any size, any age, any creed or color, wherever and whomever invents a concept can change the world, in profound and beautiful ways, as the Iviewit inventions have already changed yours, without this the world will also stagnate, as we will become dependent on our leaders to invent, our Decider will be the only one who will invent as People will have no incentive, and George Bush and Dick Cheney can only invent false wars and things like that, they are two most moronic leaders ever.  This is how our country will start to make money, by stealing from the People and war mongering for oil profiteering, how inventive, how productive to the nation, what a future for our children this will provide.

"To the Victor goes the Spoils" will soon be replaced with "To the Corrupt and Greedy goes the Spoils".  Will our children be forced to arms against a corrupt government that has begun to manipulate inventions (how not inventive), violate the Constitution, violate war codes of ethics and treatise, legal ethics, etc.  Looks that way for now.

People, refuse to accept this for our country, demand Justice be restored to the Justice Department, demand accountability from your leaders, they are not your Deciders, they are just public servants.  These leaders are Demagogues, not people who earned their power, they are not the leaders you want to follow, unless you want to be part of genocide and human torture and all the new ideas of our leaders.  Following our leaders without holding them accountable to the People for their actions, is certain to lead us into hell for our children.  This Administration now stands above the law, above Congress (if they are not part of the problem), stands above law, above the People and that leaves the People serving the pleasure of the President, claiming in the end "I was only following orders."  Where the people in charge of government now "serve the pleasure of the President", not the People, we as a nation are in grave danger, the same dangers German's were subjected to when they allowed their leader to run amuck unchecked and blindly submitted to his pleasure, look where that got them.  The German's who were not directly involved in the Nazi regime are still historically tarnished for their complacency, not for their direct involvement, the shame and embarrassment worldwide still lingering on their nation, fairly or unfairly, had they raised objection and fought their leaders, they would have been looked on as hero's.  How will Americans be viewed in history after this Decider and his regime.

Die now for the principals of true democracy, so as to show the children what to do as corruption rears its evil head, so as to show your children what to do in the face of a corrupt government.  The inventors at Iviewit have stood in the face of the machine to expose the crimes against the United States, to set example to the children that Spartans still exist.  A small group destined to stand for what is right, despite the system that is supposed to stand alongside them, seemingly acting against them.  Ask where is the Justice Department and the Legal community to protect not the inventors but the United States.  These crimes where committed against the United States, in fact, Iviewit was directed by Harry Moatz, Director of the Office of Enrollment and Discipline at the Patent Office, upon discovery of fraud in the patent applications possibly, to draft a request to the Commissioner of Patents requesting suspension of the patent applications based on claims of Fraud on the United States Patent and Trademark Office, that filing was answered with patent suspensions pending investigation!!!!

May you wonder what the hell this long diatribe is doing on a worldwide corporate web and not a far left blog, read on, touch the evidence, feel free to call on the witnesses.  If you find after this exercise that the evidence reveals the alleged crimes are true, after digging deep to the center facts, not being dissuaded  by their attempts to make it to complex for the common man or burying you in paperwork, if upon reaching the conclusion that it is all true, that the real inventors are not the lawyers who committed these treasonous crimes, well then let it frighten you to take action, not feeling hopeless like you can't fight city hall, get your pitchforks.  If true, than these events will reveal not only who the true and proper inventors are but will provide you with a clear path to understanding how and why the government was then seized by this same group of people and how the fox got in the henhouse and why our country has gone to hell since.  You will understand why elections were gained through fraud and usurping the Constitution to select a leader not chosen by the People but chosen for them by Supreme Court Justices who also think they are above the law, not merely public servants and you will see that our leaders where placed in power to stave off due process and procedure against the attorneys who stand to lose everything, including their lives if treason is the crime that they are charged with in the end, the crime they committed. 

We the People must be frightened by this story to rid our system of the few corrupt souls for the sanctity of the Nation.  We must fight the true terror and terrorists fighting Democracy, for I do not think Bin Laden or Hussein where capable of forcing the American people to surrender their rights to freedom, though through propaganda and manipulation of the media, Americans like sheep did.  Fallen asleep where the People, trusting government inapposite of the Constitution's mandate to keep it check and balance through inherent distrust to keep them honest.  Fear of being called unpatriotic making you surrender your rights, why just look how your leaders in Congress rolled over to the leader and surrender your rights for you, fearful of being deemed unpatriotic.  You need only look to those promoting these terms as basis for their actions to find the true terrorists of democracy.  Guys like little dicked Bin Laden who attack women and children to make a point, well, look at Israel, even the Israeli's have not surrendered a single freedom in fear of him or Hussein. hmmmmmm

Meet the real terrorists of the Nation, criminals disguised as politicians (Bush and Cheney) belonging to secret Nazi cults with hidden agendas against the People, criminals manipulating elections, war profiteering off our children soldiers, oil profiteering through wars based on falsified documents and information (since Texas wells dried up and these idiots cannot get a day job to pay their way), rapping the People through stock scams, rapping the legal system to benefit and shield them in crime, trying to rewrite law and the Constitution to protect their criminals actions, robbing the Patent Office, stealing personal property from the People, this is how our spoiled rotten kids ruining the government operate, of course since they are spoiled and come from wealth they feel entitled to call themselves elite, when really they have never earned a thing.  Sounds far fetched but just open your eyes, discount the tainted media that hides things like the war crimes and deaths of our boys in Iraq and Afghanistan,  as the media is now the left arm of corruption, not the right arm of anarchy, sedating you and taking your eye off reality.  These Terrorists could destroy the very fabric of our Constitution and remove your freedoms, desecrate the values of our Nation that many have died to give you, thereby destroying the future of the children, unless of course your name is Bush, Cheney, etc. one of the elitist few.  This is where we now stand America, the fox is in the henhouse, the Iviewit story can only help you see how, why and who it was overtaken by, from there the rest will depend on you the People, as it seems that much of the government has corrupted in unison and others fear changing it, for fear of shotguns to the face or guys in trench coats showing up at the Intensive Care Unit you are recovering at with papers to sign and large bulges in their trench coats.

Perhaps the inventor is protected expressly under the Constitution for the reason that our Founding Fathers reasoned that the greatest forces in the world work to try and steal and convert the invention as their own and that since the loss to the inventor, even one, would be the greatest threat to the value of their creation, they put the entire weight of the Constitution and Congress behind even the lowliest of inventors.  Knowing if the inventor in all his smallness lost to the larger forces, the principles of Democracy would be destroyed and the King/Decider we Americans died to break free from, again would rule and the People would no longer be free. 


No matter what Media player you use on the Internet to view that video, it uses the Iviewit processes. Without the processes Internet video was garbage, Bill Gates would have given up on media and gave his media player to Glazer to go start Real Player, wait, he did, until he learned of the the Iviewit inventions and since then he has had over 10 revisions of Media player, all the while trying to wipe Real Player off the map with anticompetitive practices.  No matter the television station your are viewing and how high the definition, the video was created and distributed using the scaling processes invented by the Iviewit inventors. 

Bet Ellen had no idea at the time how profound her statement would be and how much of the country is really at stake over it.

Ellen DeGeneres Speaks Out on Iviewit Technology - "Use Iviewit for the Sake of the Country"


Fascist Plot to Overthrow the United States by the likes of Bush's grandpa Prescott and the plot to overthrow Roosevelt.


The Dark Heart Of Fascism In The United States

The Whitehouse Coup

BBC Audio Documentary

Document uncovers details of a planned coup in the USA in 1933 by right-wing American

The coup was aimed at toppling President Franklin D Roosevelt with the help of half-a-million war veterans. The plotters, who were alleged to involve some of the most famous families in America, (owners of Heinz, Birds Eye, Goodtea, Maxwell Hse & George Bush’s Grandfather, Prescott) believed that their country should adopt the policies of Hitler and Mussolini to beat the great depression.

Mike Thomson investigates why so little is known about this biggest ever peacetime threat to American democracy.

1933 Attempted Coup on Franklin Roosevelt

Click Here for Full Story


After listening to that, look at the next article to see how Proskauer Rose and Joseph Proskauer (Nazi disguised as Jew) were part of the plot.  We learn here how these New World Order / Skull & Boneheads really operate.  They are not beholden to anything higher than these secret cult clubs they bond with in gay ways (no offense to homosexuals meant).  Therefore, one may ask how could a Jew be called a Nazi, it is because Jew is second to the NWO / SB values.  They infiltrate all religions, all political parties and virtually all social outlets, looking and appearing as one of you, with a secret plan though.  They intend to destroy that which you belong, whether Jew, Hispanic, White, Black, Democrat, Republican, Catholic, Christian, they want to incite you to hate each other, it feeds their goal.  Just look around, this is what plagues America.






Waterboarding - We should stand proud behind our country and its leaders who believe in this.  I have never prouder to be an American.



July 30, 2007 Jerusalem Post - Joseph Proskauer Aids Nazi cause, lets Jews die in concentration camps, hiding knowledge that camps existed.


or this one

Non Zionist and Zionist in America

or this one

Joseph Proskauer named stooge in plot to kill FDR


July 11, 2005

Julian Bond continues his persona vendetta against conservatives

NAACP Chairman Julian Bond opened the NAACP's national convention in Milwaukee as he has other such gatherings in the past -- by attacking George W. Bush and other conservatives.

The NAACP's national confab got underway yesterday in Milwaukee. Bond took the opportunity to take swipes at Bush and others, of course, reserving special venom for black conservatives.

Bond opened with an attack, saying, "Milwaukee is the home of beer, of brats and the Bradley Foundation," and blasting Bush for failing to appear at the NAACP's annual convention for the fifth straight year.

Bond explained his reference to the Milwaukee-based Bradley Foundation later in the speech, saying it is among entities that fund what he called "fraudulent" civil rights organizations.

He charged that the organizations appear to back civil rights but push school vouchers, use legal means to assault affirmative action and try to redraw political boundaries in hopes of preventing people of color from being elected to office.

Such organizations have had black "hucksters" on their payrolls for 20 years, said Bond to thunderous applause.

"Like ventriloquist dummies, they speak in their puppet master's voice, but we can see his lips moving," he said.

Similarly, Bond fired at organizations that have tried to "seduce black clergy" to conservative causes and criticized what he said is an attempt by the Bush administration to replace vital public welfare programs with faith-based organizations.

He gave special importance to the continuing battle over Bush's judicial nominees, especially a replacement for retiring Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, saying the high court needs another independent-minded justice like her. Too many Bush nominees to federal judgeships have made rulings that hurt the civil rights movement, he said, calling newly named federal appeals court judge Janice Rogers Brown "the female Clarence Thomas."

The former Democratic Georgia state senator blasted the Republican-controlled U.S. Senate for failing to hold a roll call vote on a resolution apologizing for failing to enact an anti-lynching law first proposed 105 years ago. He named eight Republican senators who did not co-sponsor the resolution, saying, "If a United States senator in 2005 cannot apologize for that, what outrage is deserving of an apology?"

Targeting the Bush administration, Bond said it was "outsourcing torture" by sending terrorism suspects to foreign lands and backing economic policies that have created "an ownership society, where you're really on your own."

"They profess to being true believers, but they're really true deceivers," he said.


Grebe Nazi Links


Grebe 1


Grebe 2


Grebe 3


Grebe 4


Grebe Backs Bush and Bush Nazi Links


Here's where and who Mike has been hanging out with lately to turn America into garbage after ruining Foley and Lardner, then the RNC and now Charity @ The Bradley Foundation of right wing gone to Heart of Darkness

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Michael Grebe

One of the country's largest and most influential right-wing foundations, the Bradley Foundation is known for its clearly articulated political and ideological vision. In addition to providing funding for a host of right-wing organizations, Bradley contributes to conservative and often highly controversial scholarship, publications and "academic" research aimed at legitimizing far-right policy positions.

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
PO Box 510860
Milwaukee, WI 53203-0153
Website: www.bradleyfdn.org

Established: 1942
President/CEO: Michael W. Grebe
Board of Directors: Thomas L. Rhodes (Chairman), Reed Coleman (Vice-Chairman), Michael Grebe, William L. Armstrong, and more.
Finances: $665,329,753 (2004) assets
Grants awarded, annually: $33,332,537 (2004) grants awarded
Employees: 20
Publications: The Lion Letter, annual reports outlining contributions and donations
Formerly known as: Allen-Bradley Foundation
Prize Recipients 2005: George F. Will (syndicated columnist), Ward Connerly (anti-affirmative action, founder of American Civil Rights Institute), Heather McDonald (Olin fellow at the Manhattan Institute), and Robert P. George (professor, former presidential appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights).

Principal Issues

·         The Bradley Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic foundations responsible for the financial backing of the right-wing agenda for nearly twenty years.

·         Bradley’s philanthropy supports right-wing organizations, privatized educational programs, as well as many non-partisan social programs and civic organizations.

·         Issues Bradley supports include: private school vouchers, faith-based social services, and welfare reform.

·         According to Bradley, the projects sponsored by the foundation “encourage improved government, a more vital sense of citizenship, and a strong belief in personal responsibility.”

·         Bradley has been accused of underreporting the grant amounts that it gives to many of the right-wing organizations that it supports.


Bradley has made right-wing inroads in academia by establishing chairmanship positions, undergraduate and graduate programs, fellowships, and whole departments at many prestigious universities including: Boston College, Boston University, Bowling Green State University, Carnegie Mellon University, Catholic University, Columbia University, Georgetown University, George Mason University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Kenyon College, Marquette University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California- Berkeley, University of California- Los Angeles, University of California- San Diego, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin, and Washington University- St. Louis.

Bradley has supported and in some cases, had to defend controversial right-wing recipients of their grants, particularly Charles Murray and Dinesh D’Souza.

Charles Murray - Murray, author of “The Bell Curve,” which argues that intelligence is predicated on race, and “Losing Ground,” whose thesis is that social programs should be abolished. Murray’s work was so controversial and objectionable that the right-wing Manhattan Institute, supported by Bradley and for which he worked, asked him to leave. However, the Bradley Foundation stood by him because Murray, according to former Bradley President Michael Joyce, “is one of the foremost social thinkers in the country.” Bradley extended Murray’s $100,000 per year grant when he went to the American Enterprise Institute.
Dinesh D’Souza - D’Souza, in his book, “The End of Racism,” attempts to absolve Whites from discrimination against Blacks during slavery, claiming that Blacks were too uncivilized to be a part of society anyway.

List of Right-Wing Grantees

Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
American Civil Rights Institute
American Civil Rights Union
American Conservative Union Foundation
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Becket Fund
Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)
Research Center
Center for Individual Rights
Center for Education Reform
Center for Public Justice
Center for the Study of Popular Culture
Children’s Educational Opportunity Foundation America
Citizens for the Preservation of Constitutional Rights
Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy
Collegiate Network
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Foundation for Policy Research
Evergreen Freedom Foundation
Equal Opportunity Foundation
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Friends of Choice in Urban Schools
Free Congress Research and Education Foundation
Galen Institute
Heartland Institute
Heritage Foundation
Hudson Institute
Hoover Institute
Institute for American Values
Institute for Justice
Leadership Institute
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
National Association of Scholars
National Center for Policy Analysis
Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

 President Bush on the Bradley Foundation

“The reason that I am so happy that my friend Mike Grebe is here and Mike Joyce and others from The Bradley Foundation is because "Foundation America" must be a part of the revitalization of our communities as well. And The Bradley Foundation has always been willing to see different solutions. They have been willing to challenge the status quo. They say where we find failure, something else must occur. And the Foundation not only has been kind and generous with its donations, the Foundation also has been willing to help people think anew, and I appreciate you all coming. I am honored you're here and thanks for your good work.”
– President George W. Bush,
speaking at the Bradley Foundation-supported Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ, Milwaukee, July 2002.


Bradley Foundation Under Reports Grants and to whom



#unreported grants

Total unreported amount

American Council of Trustees and Alumni



American Enterprise Institute



American Foreign Policy Council



American Jewish Committee
(Commentary fund)



American Spectator Education Foundation
("special projects" )



American Studies Center



Argus Project



Association of Literary Scholars and Critics



Becket Fund, Inc.



University of Wisconsin
(evaluation of Wisconsin Works welfare reform)



Boston College



Boston University



Boys & Girls Club of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.



Capital Research Center



Carnegie Mellon University



Catholic University of America



Cato Institute



Center for Individual Rights



Center for Parental Freedom in Education



Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments



Center for the Study of Popular Culture



CESA Foundation, Inc.



Christian Methodist Episcopal Church



Citizens for a Sound Economy Foundation



Claremont Graduate University



Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship.



Claremont McKenna College



Collegiate Network



Columbia University



Community Enterprises of Greater Milwaukee, Inc.



Competitive Enterprise Institute



Corporation for the Advancement of Policy Evaluation



Discovery World: James Lovell



Empire Foundation for Policy Research



Environmental Defense Fund



Esperanza Unida, Inc.



Ethics and Public Policy Center, Inc.



Family House Incorporated



Family Service of Milwaukee



Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies



First Stage Milwaukee



Florentine Opera Company, Inc.



Fordham University



Foundation for Cultural Review



Foundation Saint-Simon (Paris)



Free Congress Research and Education Foundation



Freedom House, Inc.



Fund for American Studies



George C. Marshall Institute



George Mason University Foundation



Georgetown University



Harvard University



Heritage Foundation



Houghton College



Hudson Institute



Indiana University



Institut Fur Die Wissenschaften Vom Menschen



Institute for American Values



Institute for Contemporary Studies



Institute for International Economics



Institute for International Studies



Institute for Justice



Institute for Policy Innovation



Institute on Religion and Democracy, Inc.



Institute on Religion and Public Life



Intercollegiate Studies Institute



International Center for Economic Growth



International Republican Institute



Johns Hopkins University



Kenyon College



Libro Libre



Manhattan Institute for Public Policy



Marquette University



Medical College of Wisconsin



MHS., Inc. Messmer High School



Michigan State University



Middle East Forum



Milwaukee Area Technical College Foundation, Inc.



Milwaukee Art Museum



Milwaukee Ballet Company



Milwaukee Brewers Student Achievers Account



Milwaukee County War Memorial Center, Inc.



Milwaukee Foundation



Milwaukee Kickers Soccer Club Foundation, Inc.



Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Inc.



Milwaukee Rescue Mission



Milwaukee School of Engineering



Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra



MMAC Community Support Foundation



Morley Institute



National Affairs>
(Public Interest, National Interest)



National Association of Scholars



National Bureau of Economic Research



National Center for Neighborhood Enterprise



National Center for Policy Analysis



National Council for History Education, Inc.



National Endowment for Democracy



National Fatherhood Initiative



National Forum Foundation



National Strategy Information Center



New Citizenship Project, Inc.



New York University



Next Door Foundation



Nixon Center



Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic School



Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy



Partners Advancing Values in Education (PAVE)



Penfield Children's Center



Peterhouse College



Progressive Foundation



Puebla Institute



Reason Foundation



Roper Center for Public Opinion Research



St Camillus Ministries, Inc.



St. Francis Children's Center



St. Mary's and St. Nicholas Joint Education...



Salvation Army Wisconsin & Upper Michigan



Sand County Foundation



Skylight Opera Theatre Corp



Social Philosophy and Policy Foundation



St. Leo School, Inc.



State of Wisconsin
"legal fees in defense of const. of the amended Milwaukee School Choice program"



Taliesin Preservation Commission, Inc.



Texas A & M University



Thomas Aquinas College



Thoreau Institute



TransCenter for Youth, Inc.



United Negro College Fund, Inc.



University of California-Irvine



University of California-Malibu



University of California-Berkely



University of Chicago



University of Maryland Foundation



University of Notre Dame



University of Oklahoma



University of Toronto



University of Virginia



University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee



UWM Foundation



Washington University



Wisconsin Center for Academically Talented Youth



Wisconsin Conservatory of Music



Wisconsin Correctional Service



Wisconsin Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc.



Wisconsin Policy Research Institute, Inc.



Wisconsin Public Radio



Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars



Yale University



Youth Leadership Academy






Total unreported grants




Now understanding that Bradley funds Yale for his Federalist ideology to brainwash young greed centered children who probably would not have got into Yale without substantial daddy donations, we see a link as to how two organizations steeped in separate plots against the United States came together into one New World Order plot run by spoiled kids and their parents who spoil them wanting to create wealth of kings by hording it all and screwing the middle and poor classes. 

What is frightening is that they have taken advantage of American's who are used to saying your such a conspiracy theorist, no plot could be in play by the rich people who are so nice to the poor.   I think the next You Tube debate question should be:

As candidate for the next President to take oath of office to and for the People,

1.please announce any/all allegiances or oaths to any other organization that you have sworn public or private oath to, including any Federalist organizations, secret organizations such as Skull and Bones, fraternal organizations, etc.

2.who are your ten largest political campaign contributors and briefly describe the special interests behind them?

3.if you were President would you endorse legislation that would make it a crime tried by treason for any public employee who falsifies information or fails to disclose membership to any group that has dissimilar interests to the People and upholding the Constitutional sworn too?

4. if you were President how would you have handled the Libby situation which is a stain on American Justice and the Presidency?


How much does this next piece sound like Nazi Germany, with 9/11 leading to Patriot Act, leading to humanitarian rights violations and the removal of Habeus Corpus as similar, almost step by step, to the Nazi master plan.

Edited from Wikipedia (listed as a skull member on politicalfriendster.com) from the entry on Adolph Hitler and his rise to power).  We cannot let history repeat itself.

"Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759

US author, diplomat, inventor, physicist, politician, & printer (1706 - 1790)

Having become Chancellor, Hitler [Bush Grebe Cheney] foiled all attempts to gain a majority in parliament and on that basis [committed election fraud] persuaded President Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag again. Elections were scheduled for early March, but on 27 February 1933, the Reichstag building was set on fire.[26] [9/11 Twin Towers, although there were three, the Pentagon, etc.] Since a Dutch independent communist was found in the building, [not sure any bodies were ever found of the supposed terrorists, rumble was quickly removed for new building that is, need some spin there] the fire was blamed on a Communist plot ["Terrorist" Plot by deck of cards terrorists (52 thugs mainly funded by Bush's father, Hussein & Bin Laden, America so scared of these 52 guys that we sold our freedoms to the bs propaganda spun @ cnn, fox and payollastream media] to which the government reacted with the Reichstag Fire Decree [Patriot Act] of 28 February which suspended basic rights, including habeas corpus [that came later in this plot but the Patriot removed all the other important ones first]. Under the provisions of this decree, the German Communist Party and other groups were suppressed [Democrats & Republicans alike], and communist functionaries and deputies were arrested [shot gunned in the face, the AG/SS at your bedside, threats to Supreme Court justices, concentration camp Gitmoschwitz set up for dissenters] put to flight, or murdered.

Campaigning continued, with the Nazis making use of paramilitary violence [immediately after 9/11 attacking a country that had nothing to do with terrorists, only Saddam who factually hated and killed terrorists, gotta give these guys credit for spinning AL QAEDA into Iraq or 9/11 based on forged and false propaganda], anti-Communist hysteria [anti Muslim, Chinese Poisoning the Chinese Food, Mexican's as humans capable only of jobs Hitler's boys won't do and anti-American dissenters who do not go along with Decider decisions], and the government's resources for propaganda [CNN, FOX, etc] On election day, 6 March, the NSDAP increased its result to 43.9% of the vote, remaining the largest party, but its victory was marred by its failure to secure an absolute majority, necessitating maintaining a coalition with the DNVP.[27]

Removal of remaining limits

With this combination of legislative and executive power, Hitler's government further suppressed the remaining political opposition. The KPD and the SPD were banned, while all other political parties dissolved themselves. Labour unions were merged with employers' federations into an organisation under Nazi control, and the autonomy of German state governments was abolished.


Keith Olbermann on Skull and Bones - Bush and Kerry


A Primer on the New World Order

Endgame: Elite's Blueprint For Global Enslavement 1 of 4

Part 2

Endgame: Elite's Blueprint For Global Enslavement 2 of 4



OK, that said, this next link will scare the shit out of you

May 25, 2007 C-Span Washington Journal Bush Signs Law Giving Him Unlimited Powers in Emergency over State Federal Tribal Local Government - Similar to Hitler Grab for Power

Now Listen to Wesley Clark on Bill Maher and his Analysis.  This is a decorated Four Star General with a brain, not a draft dodging Bush or Cheney.

and more from Wesley on Iran


Reuters Photo Wire Picks Up Bush
Nazi Salute June 15, 2005, the similarities are visual.  Hitler had charisma and public appeal, Bush does not even maintain those qualities, making him more pathetic than hero.




Hitler also used the SA paramilitary to push Hugenberg into resigning [Cheney sends Gonzales to Ashcroft Bedside] and proceeded to politically isolate Vice Chancellor Papen. Because the SA's demands for political and military power caused much anxiety among military leaders [Comey, Generals, Ex-General], Hitler used allegations of a plot by the SA leader Ernst Röhm to purge the SA's leadership during the Night of the Long Knives. Opponents unconnected with the SA were also murdered, notably Gregor Strasser and former Chancellor Kurt von Schleicher

President Paul von Hindenburg died on 2 August 1934. Rather than holding new presidential elections, Hitler's cabinet passed a law proclaiming the presidency dormant and transferred the role and powers of the head of state to Hitler as Führer und Reichskanzler (leader and chancellor).[29] Thereby Hitler also became supreme commander of the military, whose officers then swore an oath not to the state or the constitution but to Hitler personally [hmmm, that sounds like Gonzales and others who work "for the pleasure of the President - Yavolt]. [29] In a mid-August plebiscite, these acts found the approval of 84.6%[30] of the electorate. Combining the highest offices in state, military and party in his hand, Hitler had attained supreme rule that could no longer be legally challenged!


After watching this picture transform, click on it to see what it means







Extract from America Betrayed, Bush, bin Laden, 9-11. by R. Joseph, Ph.D. University Press, ISBN: 0971644578 http://universitypress.info/AmericaBetrayed11.html Prescot Bush and Rockefeller's Standard Oil had been in business with the Hitler regime and the Nazis since 1933, and in 1942, three Bush businesses were seized by the U.S. government, for violation of the Trading With the Enemies Act.   IT ALL BEGINS AT YALE: SKULL & BONES

George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
by Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin



Bush Property Seized -- Trading with the Enemy

In October 1942, ten months after entering World War II, America was preparing its first assault against Nazi military forces. Prescott Bush was managing partner of Brown Brothers Harriman. His 18-year-old son George,
the future U.S. President, had just begun training to become a naval pilot.

On October 20, 1942, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of Nazi German banking operations in New York City which were being conducted by Prescott Bush.

Under the "Trading with the Enemy Act", the government took over the "Union Banking Corporation," in which Bush was a director. The U.S. Alien Property Custodian seized Union Banking Corp.'s stock shares, all of which were owned by Prescott Bush, E. Roland "Bunny" Harriman, three Nazi executives, and two other associates of Bush. Note #1

The order seizing the bank "vest[ed] [seized] all of the capital stock of Union Banking Corporation, a New York corporation," and named the holders of its shares as:

 See #b|"E. Roland Harriman -- 3991 shares." Harriman was chairman and director of Union Banking Corp. (UBC); this is "Bunny" Harriman, described by Prescott Bush as a place holder who didn't get much into banking affairs; Prescott managed his personal investments.

 See #b|"Cornelis Lievense -- 4 shares." Lievense was president and director of UBC, and a New York resident banking functionary for the Nazis.

 See #b|"Harold D. Pennington -- 1 share." Pennington was treasurer and director of UBC, and an office manager employed by Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman.

 See #b|"Ray Morris -- 1 share." Morris was director of UBC, and a partner of Bush and the Harrimans.

 See #b|"Prescott S. Bush -- 1 share." Bush was director of UBC, which was co-founded and sponsored by his father-in-law George Walker; he was senior managing partner for E. Roland Harriman and Averell Harriman.

 See #b|"H.J. Kouwenhoven -- 1 share" Kouwenhoven was director of UBC; he organized UBC as the emissary of Fritz Thyssen in negotiations with George Walker and Averell Harriman; he was also managing director of UBC's Netherlands affiliate under Nazi occupation; industrial executive in Nazi Germany, and also director and chief foreign financial executive of the German Steel Trust.

 See #b|"Johann G. Groeninger -- 1 share." Groeninger was director of UBC and of its Netherlands affiliate; he was an industrial executive in Nazi Germany.

The order also specified: "all of which shares are held for the benefit of ... members of the Thyssen family, [and] is property of nationals ... of a designated enemy country...."

By October 26, 1942, U.S. troops were underway for North Africa. On October 28, the government issued orders seizing two Nazi front organizations run by the Bush-Harriman bank: the "Holland-American Trading Corporation" and the "Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation." Note #2

U.S. forces landed under fire near Algiers on November 8, 1942; heavy combat raged throughout November. Nazi interests in the "Silesian-American Corporation," long managed by Prescott Bush and his father-in-law George Herbert Walker, were seized under the Trading with the Enemy Act on November 17, 1942. In this action, the government announced that it was seizing only the Nazi interests, leaving the Nazis' U.S. partners to carry on the business. Note #3

These and other actions taken by the U.S. government in wartime were tragically, too little and too late. President Bush's family had already played a central role in financing and arming Adolf Hitler for his takeover
of Germany; in financing and managing the buildup of Nazi war industries for the conquest of Europe and war against the U.S.A.; and in the development of Nazi genocide theories and racial propaganda, with their
well-known results.

The facts presented here must be known, and their implications reflected upon, for a proper understanding of President George Herbert Walker Bush and of the danger to mankind that he represents. The President's family
fortune was largely a result of the Hitler project. The powerful Anglo-American family associations, which later boosted him into the Central Intelligence Agency and up to the White House, were his father's
partners in the Hitler project.

President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with Enemy Act. The order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, Note #4 explained nothing about the
Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the "Thyssen family" of "Germany and/or Hungary" -- "nationals ... of a designated enemy country."

By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corp. were legally "front men for the Nazis", the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way "were Hitler's Nazis
themselves hired, armed, and instructed by" the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? Let us examine the Harriman-Bush Hitler project from the 1920s until it was partially broken up, to seek an answer for that question.

2. Origin and Extent of the Project

Fritz Thyssen and his business partners are universally recognized as the most important German financiers of Adolf Hitler's takeover of Germany. At the time of the order seizing the Thyssen family's Union Banking Corp., Mr. Fritz Thyssen had already published his famous book, "I Paid Hitler",

#5 admitting that he had financed Adolf Hitler and the Nazi movement since October 1923. Thyssen's role as the leading early backer of Hitler's grab for power in Germany had been noted by U.S. diplomats in Berlin in 1932.

Note #6 The order seizing the Bush-Thyssen bank was curiously quiet and modest about the identity of the perpetrators who had been nailed.

But two weeks before the official order, government investigators had reported secretly that "W. Averell Harriman was in Europe sometime prior to 1924 and at that time became acquainted with Fritz Thyssen, the German industrialist." Harriman and Thyssen agreed to set up a bank for Thyssen in New York. "[C]ertain of [Harriman's] associates would serve as directors...." Thyssen agent "H.J. Kouwenhoven ... came to the United
States ... prior to 1924 for conferences with the Harriman Company in this connection...."

Note #7

When exactly was "Harriman in Europe sometime prior to 1924"? In fact, he was in Berlin in 1922 to set up the Berlin branch of W.A. Harriman & Co. under George Walker's presidency.

The Union Banking Corporation was established formally in 1924, as a unit in the Manhattan offices of W.A. Harriman & Co., interlocking with the  Thyssen-owned "Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart" (BHS) in the Netherlands.

The investigators concluded that "the Union Banking Corporation has since its inception handled funds chiefly supplied to it through the Dutch bank by the Thyssen interests for American investment."

Thus by personal agreement between Averell Harriman and Fritz Thyssen in 1922, W.A. Harriman & Co. (alias Union Banking Corporation) would be transferring funds back and forth between New York and the "Thyssen interests" in Germany. By putting up about $400,000, the Harriman organization would be joint owner and manager of Thyssen's banking operations outside of Germany.

"How important was the Nazi enterprise for which President Bush's father was the New York banker?"

The 1942 U.S. government investigative report said that Bush's Nazi-front bank was an interlocking concern with the Vereinigte Stahlwerke (United Steel Works Corporation or "German Steel Trust") led by Fritz Thyssen and his two brothers. After the war, congressional investigators probed the Thyssen interests, Union Banking Corp. and related Nazi units. The investigation showed that the Vereinigte Stahlwerke had produced the
following approximate proportions of total German national output: "50.8% of Nazi Germany's pig iron; 41.4% of Nazi Germany's universal plate; 36.0% of Nazi Germany's heavy plate; 38.5% of Nazi Germany's galvanized sheet;

45.5% of Nazi Germany's pipes and tubes; 22.1% of Nazi Germany's wire;

35.0% of Nazi Germany's explosives." Note #8

This accounts for many, many Nazi submarines, bombs, rifles, gas chambers, etc.

Prescott Bush became vice president of W.A. Harriman & Co. in 1926. That same year, a friend of Harriman and Bush set up a giant new organization for their client Fritz Thyssen, prime sponsor of politician Adolf Hitler.
The new "German Steel Trust," Germany's largest industrial corporation, was organized in 1926 by Wall Street banker Clarence Dillon. Dillon was the old comrade of Prescott Bush's father Sam Bush from the "Merchants of Death" bureau in World War I.

In return for putting up $70 million to create his organization, majority owner Thyssen gave the Dillon Read company two or more representatives on the board of the new Steel Trust. Note #9

Thus there is a division of labor: Thyssen's own confidential accounts, for political and related purposes, were run through the Walker-Bush organization; the Steel Trust did its corporate banking through Dillon
- * * * -

The Walker-Bush firm's banking activities were not just politically neutral money-making ventures which happened to coincide with the aims of German Nazis. All of the firm's European business in those days was organized around anti-democratic political forces.

In 1927, criticism of their support for totalitarianism drew this retort from Bert Walker, written from Kennebunkport to Averell Harriman: "It seems to me that the suggestion in connection with Lord Bearsted's views that we withdraw from Russia smacks somewhat of the impertinent.... I think that we have drawn our line and should hew to it." Note #1 Note #0

Averell Harriman met with Italy's fascist dictator, Benito Mussolini. A representative of the firm subsequently telegraphed good news back to his chief executive Bert Walker: "... During these last days ... Mussolini ...
has examined and approved our c[o]ntract 15 June." Note #1 Note #1

The great financial collapse of 1929-31 shook America, Germany, and Britain, weakening all governments. It also made the hard-pressed Prescott Bush even more willing to do whatever was necessary to retain his new place in the world. It was in this crisis that certain Anglo-Americans determined on the installation of a Hitler regime in Germany.

W.A. Harriman & Co., well-positioned for this enterprise and rich in assets from their German and Russian business, merged with the British-American investment house, Brown Brothers, on January 1, 1931. Bert Walker retired to his own G.H. Walker & Co. This left the Harriman brothers, Prescott Bush, and Thatcher M. Brown as the senior partners of the new Brown Brothers Harriman firm. (The London, England branch of the Brown family firm continued operating under its historic name -- Brown, Shipley.)

Robert A. Lovett also came over as a partner from Brown Brothers. His father, E.H. Harriman's lawyer and railroad chief, had been on the War Industries Board with Prescott's father. Though he remained a partner in
Brown Brothers Harriman, the junior Lovett soon replaced his father as chief exexcutive of Union Pacific Railroad.

Brown Brothers had a racial tradition that fitted it well for the Hitler project. American patriots had cursed its name back in Civil War days.  Brown Brothers, with offices in the U.S.A. and in Engla nd, had carried on
their ships fully 75 percent of the slave cotton from the American South over to British mill owners; through their usurious credit they controlled and manipulated the slave-owners.

Now, in 1931, the virtual dictator of world finance, Bank of England Governor Montagu Collet Norman, was a former Brown Brothers partner, whose grandfather had been boss of Brown Brothers during the U.S. Civil War. Montagu Norman was known as the most avid of Hitler's supporters within British ruling circles, and Norman's intimacy with this firm was essential to his management of the Hitler project.

In 1931, while Prescott Bush ran the New York office of Brown Brothers Harriman, Prescott's partner was Montagu Norman's intimate friend Thatcher Brown. The Bank of England chief always stayed at the home of Prescott's partner on his hush-hush trips to New York. Prescott Bush concentrated on the firm's German actitivites, and Thatcher Brown saw to their business in old England, under the guidance of his mentor Montagu Norman. Note #1 Note #2

3. Hitler's Ladder to Power

Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany January 30, 1933, and absolute dictator in March 1933, after two years of expensive and violent lobbying and electioneering. Two affiliates of the Bush-Harriman organization played great parts in this criminal undertaking: Thyssen's German Steel Trust; and the Hamburg-Amerika Line and several of its executives. Note #1 Note #3

Let us look more closely at the Bush family's German partners.

"Fritz Thyssen" told Allied interrogators after the war about some of his financial support for the Nazi Party: "In 1930 or 1931 ... I told [Hitler's deputy Rudolph] Hess ... I would arrange a credit for him with a Dutch bank
in Rotterdam, the Bank fussaur Handel und Schiff [i.e. Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart (BHS), the Harriman-Bush affiliate]. I arranged the credit ... he would pay it back in three years.... I chose a Dutch bank because I did not want to be mixed up with German banks in my position, and because I thought it was better to do business with a Dutch bank, and I thought I would have the Nazis a little more in my hands....

"The credit was about 250-300,000 [gold] marks -- about the sum I had given before. The loan has been repaid in part to the Dutch bank, but I think some money is still owing on it...." Note #1 Note #4

The overall total of Thyssen's political donations and loans to the Nazis was well over a million dollars, including funds he raised from others -- in a period of terrible money-shortage in Germany.

"Friedrich Flick" was the major co-owner of the German Steel Trust with Fritz Thyssen, Thyssen's longtime collaborator and sometime competitor. In preparation for the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg, the U.S. government said that Flick was "one of leading financiers and industrialists who from 1932 contributed large sums to the Nazi Party ... member of 'Circle of Friends' of Himmler who contributed large sums to the SS." Note #1 Note #5

Flick, like Thyssen, financed the Nazis to maintain their private armies called Schutzstaffel (S.S. or Black Shirts) and Sturmabteilung (S.A., storm troops or Brown Shirts).

The Flick-Harriman partnership was directly supervised by Prescott Bush, President Bush's father, and by George Walker, President Bush's grandfather.

The Harriman-Walker Union Banking Corp. arrangements for the German Steel Trust had made them bankers for Flick and his vast operations in Germany by no later than 1926.

The "Harriman Fifteen Corporation" (George Walker, president, Prescott Bush and Averell Harriman, sole directors) held a substantial stake in the Silesian Holding Co. at the time of the merger with Brown Brothers, January 1, 1931. This holding correlated to Averell Harriman's chairmanship of the "Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation," the American group owning one-third of a complex of steelmaking, coal-mining and zinc-mining
activities in Germany and Poland, in which Friedrich Flick owned two-thirds.
Note #1 Note #6

The Nuremberg prosecutor characterized Flick as follows:

"Proprietor and head of a large group of industrial enterprises (coal and iron mines, steel producing and fabricating plants) ... 'Wehrwirtschaftsfuehrer,' 1938 [title awarded to prominent industrialists for merit in armaments drive -- 'Military Economy Leader']...." Note #1 Note #7

For this buildup of the Hitler war machine with coal, steel, and arms production, using slave laborers, the Nazi Flick was condemned to seven years in prison at the Nuremberg trials; he served three years. With
friends in New York and London, however, Flick lived into the 1970s and died a billionaire.

On March 19, 1934, Prescott Bush -- then director of the German Steel Trust's Union Banking Corporation -- initiated an alert to the absent Averell Harriman about a problem which had developed in the Flick partnership. Note #1 Note #8 Bush sent Harriman a clipping from the "New York Times" of that day, which reported that the Polish government was fighting back against American and German stockholders who controlled "Poland's largest industrial unit, the Upper Silesian Coal and Steel Company...."

The "Times" article continued: "The company has long been accused of mismanagement, excessive borrowing, fictitious bookkeeping and gambling in securities. Warrants were issued in December for several directors accused of tax evasions. They were German citizens and they fled. They were replaced by Poles. Herr Flick, regarding this as an attempt to make the company's board entirely Polish, retaliated by restricting credits until
the new Polish directors were unable to pay the workmen regularly."

The "Times" noted that the company's mines and mills "employ 25,000 men and account for 45 percent of Poland's total steel output and 12 percent of her coal production. Two-thirds of the company's stock is owned by Friedrich Flick, a leading German steel industrialist, and the remainder is owned by interests in the United States."

In view of the fact that a great deal of Polish output was being exported to Hitler's Germany under depression conditions, the Polish government thought that Bush, Harriman, and their Nazi partners should at least pay
full taxes on their Polish holdings. The U.S. and Nazi owners responded with a lockout. The letter to Harriman in Washington reported a cable from their European representative: "Have undertaken new steps London Berlin ... please establish friendly relations with Polish Ambassador [in Washington]."

A 1935 Harriman Fifteen Corporation memo from George Walker announced an agreement had been made "in Berlin" to sell an 8,000 block of their shares in Consolidated Silesian Steel. Note #1 Note #9 But the dispute with Poland did not deter the Bush family from continuing its partnership with Flick.

Nazi tanks and bombs "settled" this dispute in September, 1939 with the invasion of Poland, beginning World War II. The Nazi army had been equipped by Flick, Harriman, Walker, and Bush, with materials essentially stolen from Poland.

There were probably few people at the time who could appreciate the irony, that when the Soviets also attacked and invaded Poland from the East, their vehicles were fueled by oil pumped from Baku wells revived by the Harriman/Walker/Bush enterprise.

Three years later, nearly a year after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the U.S. government ordered the seizure of the Nazis' share in the Silesian-American Corporation under the Trading with the Enemy Act. Enemy
nationals were said to own 49 percent of the common stock and 41.67 percent of the preferred stock of the company.

The order characterized the company as a "business enterprise within the United States, owned by [a front company in] Zurich, Switzerland, and held for the benefit of Bergwerksgesellschaft George von Giesche's Erben, a German corporation...." Note #2 Note #0

Bert Walker was still the senior director of the company, which he had founded back in 1926 simultaneously with the creation of the German Steel Trust. Ray Morris, Prescott's partner from Union Banking Corp. andBrown Brothers Harriman, was also a dir ector.

The investigative report prior to the government crackdown explained the "NATURE OF BUSINESS: The subject corporation is an American holding company for German and Polish subsidiaries, which own large and valuable coal and zinc mines in Silesia, Poland and Germany. Since September 1939, these properties have been in the possession of and have been operated by the German government and have undoubtedly been of considerable assistance to that country in its war effort." Note #2 Note #1

The report noted that the American stockholders hoped to regain control of the European properties after the war.

4. Control of Nazi Commerce

Bert Walker had arranged the credits Harriman needed to take control of the Hamburg-Amerika Line back in 1920. Walker had organized the "American Ship and Commerce Corp." as a unit of the W.A. Harriman & Co., with contractual power over Hamburg-Amerika's affairs.

As the Hitler project went into high gear, Harriman-Bush shares in American Ship and Commerce Corp. were held by the Harriman Fifteen Corp., run by Prescott Bush and Bert Walker. Note #2 Note #2

It was a convenient stroll for the well-tanned, athletic, handsome Prescott Bush. From the Brown Brothers Harriman skyscraper at 59 Wall Street -- where he was senior managing partner, confidential investments manager and advisor to Averell and his brother "Bunny" -- he walked across to the Harriman Fifteen Corporation at One Wall Street, otherwise known as G.H. Walker & Co. -- and around the corner to his subsidiary offices at 39 Broadway, former home of the old W.A. Harriman & Co., and still the offices
for American Ship and Commerce, and of the Union Banking Corporation.

In many ways, Bush's Hamburg-Amerika Line was the pivot for the entire Hitler project.

Averell Harriman and Bert Walker had gained control over the steamship company in 1920 in negotiations with its post-World War I chief executive, "Wilhelm Cuno", and with the line's bankers, M.M. Warburg. Cuno was
thereafter completely dependent on the Anglo-Americans, and became a member of the Anglo-German Friendship Society. In the 1930-32 drive for a Hitler dictatorship, Wilhelm Cuno contributed important sums to the Nazi Party.
Note #2 Note #3

"Albert Voegler" was chief executive of the Thyssen-Flick German Steel Trust for which Bush's Union Banking Corp. was the New York office. He was a director of the Bush-affiliate BHS Bank in Rotterdam, and a director of the Harriman-Bush Hamburg-Amerika Line. Voegler joined Thyssen and Flick in their heavy 1930-33 Nazi contributions, and helped organize the final Nazi leap into national power. Note #2 Note #4

The "Schroeder" family of bankers was a linchpin for the Nazi activities of Harriman and Prescott Bush, closely tied to their lawyers Allen and John Foster Dulles. Baron Kurt von Schroeder was co-director of the massive Thyssen-Huette foundry along with Johann Groeninger, Prescott Bush's New York bank partner. Kurt von Schroeder was treasurer of the support organization for the Nazi Party's private armies, to which Friedrich Flick contributed. Kurt von Schroeder and Montagu Norman's proteaageaa Hjalmar Schacht together made the final arrangments for Hitler to enter the government. Note #2 Note #5

Baron Rudolph von Schroeder was vice president and director of the Hamburg-Amerika Line. Long an intimate contact of Averell Harriman's in Germany, Baron Rudolph sent his grandson Baron Johann Rudolph for a tour of Prescott Bush's Brown Brothers Harriman offices in New York City in December 1932 -- on the eve of their Hitler-triumph. Note #2 Note #6

Certain actions taken directly by the Harriman-Bush shipping line in 1932 must be ranked among the gravest acts of treason in this century. The U.S. Embassy in Berlin reported back to Washington that the "costly
election campaigns" and "the cost of maintaining a private army of 300,000 to 400,000 men" had raised questions as to the Nazis' financial backers.  The constitutional government of the German republic moved to defend national freedom by ordering the Nazi Party private armies disbanded. The U.S. Embassy reported that the "Hamburg-Amerika Line was purchasing and distributing propaganda attacks against the German government, for attempting this last-minute crackdown on Hitler's forces." Note #2 Note #7

Thousands of German opponents of Hitlerism were shot or intimidated by privately armed Nazi Brown Shirts. In this connection, we note that the original "Merchant of Death," Samuel Pryor, was a founding director of both the Union Banking Corp. and the American Ship and Commerce Corp. Since Mr. Pryor was executive committee chairman of Remington Arms and a central figure in the world's private arms traffic, his use to the Hitler project was enhanced as the Bush family's partner in Nazi Party banking and trans-Atlantic shipping.

The U.S. Senate arms-traffic investigators probed Remington after it was joined in a cartel agreement on explosives to the Nazi firm I.G. Farben. Looking at the period leading up to Hitler's seizure of power, the senators found that "German political associations, like the Nazi and others, are nearly all armed with American ... guns.... Arms of all kinds coming from America are transshipped in the Scheldt to river barges before the vessels arrive in Antwerp. They then can be carried through Holland without police inspection or interference. The Hitlerists and Communists are presumed to get arms in this manner. The principal arms coming from America are Thompson submachine guns and revolvers. The number is great." Note #2 Note #8

The beginning of the Hitler regime brought some bizarre changes to the Hamburg-Amerika Line -- and more betrayals.

Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corp. notified Max Warburg of Hamburg, Germany, on March 7, 1933, that Warburg was to be the corporation's official, designated representative on the board of Hamburg-Amerika. Note #2 Note #9

Max Warburg replied on March 27, 1933, assuring his American sponsors that the Hitler government was good for Germany: "For the last few years business was considerably better than we had anticipated, but a reaction is
making itself felt for some months. We are actually suffering also under the very active propaganda against Germany, caused by some unpleasant circumstances. These occurrences were the natural consequence of the very excited election campaign, but were extraordinarily exaggerated in the foreign press. The Government is firmly resolved to maintain public peace and order in Germany, and I feel perfectly convinced in this respect that there is no cause for any alarm whatsoever." Note #3 Note #0

This seal of approval for Hitler, coming from a famous Jew, was just what Harriman and Bush required, for they anticipated rather serious "alarm" inside the U.S.A. against their Nazi operations.

On March 29, 1933, two days after Max's letter to Harriman, Max's son Erich sent a cable to his cousin Frederick M. Warburg, a director of the Harriman railroad system. He asked Frederick to "use all your influence" to stop all anti-Nazi activity in America, including "atrocity news and unfriendly propaganda in foreign press, mass meetings, etc." Frederick cabled back to Erich: "No responsible groups here [are] urging [a] boycott [of] German goods[,] merely excited individuals." Two days after that, On March 31, 1933, the "American-Jewish Committee," controlled by the Warburgs, and the "B'nai B'rith," heavily influenced by the Sulzbergers' ("New York Times"), issued a formal, official joint statement of the two organizations, counselling "that no American boycott against Germany be encouraged, [and advising] ... that no further mass meetings be held or similar forms of agitation be employed." Note #3 Note #1

The American Jewish Committee and the B'nai B'rith (mother of the "Anti-Defamation League") continued with this hardline, no-attack-on-Hitler stance all through the 1930s, blunting the fight mounted by many Jews and
other anti-fascists. Thus the decisive interchange reproduced above, taking place entirely within the orbit of the Harriman/Bush firm, may explain something of the relation ship of George Bush to American Jewish and Zionist leaders. Some of them, in close cooperation with his family, played an ugly part in the drama of Naziism. Is this why "professional Nazi-hunters" have never discovered how the Bush family made its money?

-* * *-

The executive board of the "Hamburg Amerika Line" "(Hapag)" met jointly with the North German Lloyd company board in Hamburg on September 5, 1933. Under official Nazi supervision, the two firms were merged. Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corp. installed Christian J. Beck, a longtime Harriman executive, as manager of freight and operations in North America for the new joint Nazi shipping lines "(Hapag-Lloyd)") on November 4, 1933.

According to testimony of officials of the companies before Congress in 1934, a supervisor from the "Nazi Labor Front" rode with every ship of the Harriman-Bush line; employees of the New York offices were directly
organized into the Nazi Labor Front organization; Hamburg-Amerika provided free passage to individuals going abroad for Nazi propaganda purposes; and the line subsidized pro-Nazi newspapers in the U.S.A., as it had done in Germany against the constitutional German government. Note #3 Note #2

In mid-1936, Prescott Bush's American Ship and Commerce Corp. cabled M.M. Warburg, asking Warburg to represent the company's heavy share interest at the forthcoming Hamburg-Amerika stockholders meeting. The Warburg office replied with the information that "we represented you" at the stockholders meeting and "exercised on your behalf your voting power for Rm [gold marks] 3,509,600 Hapag stock deposited with us."

The Warburgs transmitted a letter received from Emil Helfferich, German chief executive of both Hapag-Lloyd and of the Standard Oil subsidiary in Nazi Germany: "It is the intention to continue the relations with Mr. Harriman on the same basis as heretofore...." In a colorful gesture, Hapag's Nazi chairman Helfferich sent the line's president across the Atlantic on a Zeppelin to confer with their New York string-pullers.

After the meeting with the Zeppelin passenger, the Harriman-Bush office replied: "I am glad to learn that Mr. Hellferich [sic] has stated that relations between the Hamburg American Line and ourselves will be continued
on the same basis as heretofore." Note #3 Note #3

Two months before moving against Bush's Union Banking Corp., the U.S. government ordered the seizure of all property of the Hamburg-Amerika Line and North German Lloyd, under the Trading with the Enemy Act. The investigators noted in the pre-seizure report that Christian J. Beck was still acting as an attorney representing the Nazi firm. Note #3 Note #4

In May 1933, just after the Hitler regime was consolidated, an agreement was reached in Berlin for the coordination of all Nazi commerce with the U.S.A. The "Harriman International Co.," led by Averell Harriman's first cousin Oliver, was to head a syndicate of 150 firms and individuals, to conduct "all exports from Hitler's Germany to the United States". Note #3 Note #5

This pact had been negotiated in Berlin between Hitler's economics minister, Hjalmar Schacht, and John Foster Dulles, international attorney for dozens of Nazi enterprises, with the counsel of Max Warburg and Kurt von Schroeder.

John Foster Dulles would later be U.S. Secretary of State, and the great power in the Republican Party of the 1950s. Foster's friendship and that of his brother Allen (head of the Central Intelligence Agency), greatly aided
Prescott Bush to become the Republican U.S. senator from Connecticut. And it was to be of inestimable value to George Bush, in his ascent to the heights of "covert action government," that both of these Dulles brothers
were the lawyers for the Bush family's far-flung enterprise.

Throughout the 1930s, John Foster Dulles arranged debt restructuring for German firms under a series of decrees issued by Adolf Hitler. In these deals, Dulles struck a balance between the interest owed to selected,
larger investors, and the needs of the growing Nazi warmaking apparatus for producing tanks, poison gas, etc.

Dulles wrote to Prescott Bush in 1937 concerning one such arrangement. The German-Atlantic Cable Company, owning Nazi Germany's only telegraph channel to the United States, had made debt and management agreements with the Walker-Harriman bank during the 1920s. A new decree would now void those agreements, which had originally been reached with non-Nazi corporate officials. Dulles asked Bush, who managed these affairs for Averell Harriman, to get Averell's signature on a letter to Nazi officials, agreeing to the changes. Dulles wrote: "Sept. 22, 1937 "Mr. Prescott S. Bush "59 Wall Street, New York, N.Y.

"Dear Press,

"I have looked over the letter of the German-American [sic] Cable Company to Averell Harriman.... It would appear that the only rights in the matter are those which inure in the bankers and that no legal embarrassment would result, so far as the bondholders are concerned, by your acquiescence in the modification of the bankers' agreement.

"Sincerely yours,

"John Foster Dulles"

Dulles enclosed a proposed draft reply, Bush got Harriman's signature, and the changes went through. Note #3 Note #6

In conjunction with these arrangements, the German Atlantic Cable Company attempted to stop payment on its debts to smaller American bondholders. The money was to be used instead for arming the Nazi state, under a decree of the Hitler government.

Despite the busy efforts of Bush and Dulles, a New York court decided that this particular Hitler "law" was invalid in the United States; small bondholders, not parties to deals between the bankers and the Nazis, were
entitled to get paid. Note #3 Note #7

In this and a few other of the attempted swindles, the intended victims came out with their money. But the Nazi financial and political reorganization went ahead to its tragic climax. For his part in the Hitler revolution, Prescott Bush was paid a fortune.

This is the legacy he left to his son, President George Bush.


1. Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order Number 248. Signed by Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed October 20, 1942; F.R. Doc. 42-11568; Filed, November 6, 1942. 7 Fed. Reg. 9097 (November 7, 1942).

The "New York City Directory of Directors", 1930s-40s, list Prescott Bush as a director of Union Banking Corp. from 1934 through 1943.

2. Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 259: Seamless Steel Equipment Corporation; Vesting Order Number 261: Holland-American Trading Corp.

3. Alien Property Custodian Vesting Order No. 370: Silesian-American Corp.

4. "New York Times," December 16, 1944, ran a five-paragraph page 25 article on actions of the New York State Banking Department. Only the last sentence refers to the Nazi bank, as follows: "The Union Banking
Corporation, 39 Broadway, New York, has received authority to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway."

The "Times" omitted the fact that the Union Banking Corporation had been seized by the government for trading with the enemy, and the fact that 120 Broadway was the address of the government's Alien Property Custodian.

5. Fritz Thyssen, "I Paid Hitler", 1941, reprinted in (Port Washington, N.Y.: Kennikat Press, 1972), p. 133. Thyssen says his contributions began with 100,000 marks given in October 1923, for Hitler's attempted "putsch" against the constitutional government.

6. Confidential memorandum from U.S. Embassy, Berlin, to the U.S. Secretary of State, April 20, 1932, on microfilm in "Confidential Reports of U.S. State Dept., 1930s, Germany," at major U.S. libraries.

7. October 5, 1942, Memorandum to the Executive Committee of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, stamped CONFIDENTIAL, from the Division of Investigation and Research, Homer Jones, Chief. Now declassified in United States National Archives, Suitland, Maryland annex. Note Record Group 131,
Alien Property Custodian, investigative reports, in file box relating to Vesting Order Number 248.

8. "Elimination of German Resources for War": Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Com mittee on Military Affairs, United States Senate, Seventy-Ninth Congress; Part 5, Testimony of [the United States] Treasury
Department, July 2, 1945. Page 507: Table of Vereinigte Stahlwerke output, figures are percent of German total as of 1938; Thyssen organization including Union Banking Corporation pp. 727-731.

9. Robert Sobel, "The Life and Times of Dillon Read" (New York: Dutton-Penguin, 1991), pp. 92-111. The Dillon Read firm cooperated in the development of Sobel's book.

10. George Walker to Averell Harriman, August 11, 1927, in W. Averell Harriman papers, Library of Congress (hereafter "WAH papers").

11. "Iaccarino" to G. H. Walker, RCA Radiogram Sept. 12, 1927.

12. Andrew Boyle, "Montagu Norman" (London: Cassell, 1967).

Sir Henry Clay, "Lord Norman" (London, MacMillan & Co., 1957), pp. 18, 57, 70-71.

John A. Kouwenhouven, "Partners in Banking ... Brown Brothers Harriman" (Garden City: Doubleday & Co., 1969).

13. Coordination of much of the Hitler project took place at a single New York address. The Union Banking Corporation had been set up by George Walker at 39 Broadway. Management of the Hamburg-Amerika Line, carried out through Harriman's American Ship and Commerce Corp., was also set up by George Walker at 39 Broadway.

14. Interrogation of Fritz Thyssen, EF/Me/1 of Sept. 4, 1945 in U.S. Control Council records, photostat on page 167 in Anthony Sutton, "An Introduction to The Order" (Billings, Mt.: Liberty House Press, 1986).

15. "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Supplement B", by the Office of United States Chief of Counsel for Prosecution of Axis Criminality, U. S. Government Printing Office, (Washington, D.C., 1948), pp. 1597, 1686.

16. "Consolidated Silesian Steel Corporation - [minutes of the] Meeting of Board of Directors," October 31, 1930 (WAH papers), shows Averell Harriman as Chairman of the Board.

Prescott Bush to W.A. Harriman, Memorandum December 19, 1930 on their Harriman Fifteen Corp.

Annual Report of United Konigs and Laura Steel and Iron Works for the year 1930 (WAH papers) lists "Dr. Friedrich Flick ... Berlin" and "William Averell Harriman ... New York" on the Board of Directors.

"Harriman Fifteen Coporation Securities Position February 28, 1931," WAH papers. This report shows Harriman Fifteen Corporation holding 32,576 shares in Silesian Holding Co. V.T.C. worth (in scarce depression dollars) $1,628,800, just over half the value of the Harriman Fifteen Corporation's total holdings.

The "New York City Directory of Directors" volumes for the 1930s (available at the Library of Congress) show Prescott Sheldon Bush and W. Averell Harriman as the directors of Harriman Fifteen Corp.

"Appointments," (three typed pages) marked "Noted May 18 1931 W.A.H.," (among the papers from Prescott Bush's New York Office of Brown Brothers Harriman, WAH papers), lists a meeting between Averell Harriman and Friedrich Flick in Berlin at 4:00 P.M., Wednesday April 22, 1931. This was followed immediately by a meeting with Wilhelm Cuno, chief executive of the Hamburg-Amerika Line.

The "Report To the Stockholders of the Harriman Fifteen Corporation," October 19, 1933 (WAH papers) names G.H. Walker as president of the corporation. It shows the Harriman Fifteen Corp.'s address as 1 Wall Street -- the location of G.H. Walker and Co.

17. "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Supplement B", "op. cit.," p. 1686.

18. Jim Flaherty (a BBH manager, Prescott Bush's employee), March 19, 1934 to W.A. Harriman.

"Dear Averell:

"In Roland's absence Pres[cott] thought it adviseable for me to let you know that we received the following cable from [our European representative] Rossi dated March 17th [relating to conflict with the Polish government]...."

19. Harriman Fifteen Corporation notice to stockholders January 7, 1935, under the name of George Walker, President.

20. Order No. 370: Silesian-American Corp. Executed November 17, 1942 Signed by Leo T. Crowley, Alien Prop. Custodian. F.R. Doc. 42-14183; Filed, December 31, 1942; 8 Fed. Reg. 33 (Jan. 1, 1943).

The order confiscated the Nazis' holdings of 98,000 shares of common and 50,000 shares of preferred stock in

The Nazi parent company in Breslau, Germany wrote to Averell Harriman at 59 Wall St. on Aug. 5, 1940, with "an invitation to take part in the regular meeting of the members of the Bergwerksgesellsc[h]aft Georg von Giesche's Erben...." WAH papers.

21. Sept. 25, 1942, Memorandum To the Executive Committee of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, stamped CONFIDENTIAL, from the Division of Investigation and Research, Homer Jones, Chief. Now declassified in United States National Archives, Suitland, Maryland annex. See Record Group 131,
Alien Property Custodian, investigative reports, in file box relating to Vesting Order Number 370.

22. George Walker was a director of American Ship and Commerce from its organization through 1928. Consult "New York City Directory of Directors".

"Harriman Fifteen Corporation Securities Position February 28, 1931," "op. cit." The report lists 46,861 shares in the American Ship & Commerce Corp.

See "Message from Mr. Bullfin," August 30, 1934 (Harriman Fifteen section, WAH papers) for the joint supervision of Bush and Walker, respectively director and president of the corporation.

23. Cuno was later exposed by Walter Funk, Third Reich Press Chief and Under Secretary of Propaganda, in Funk's postwar jail cell at Nuremberg; but Cuno had died just as Hitler was taking power. William L. Shirer, L.,
"The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich" (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1960), p. 144. "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression, Supplement B", "op. cit.," p. 1688.

24. See "Elimination of German Resources for War," "op. cit.," pages 881-882 on Voegler.

See Annual Report of the (Hamburg-Amerikanische-Packetfahrt-Aktien-Gesellschaft (Hapag or Hamburg-Amerika Line), March 1931, for the board of directors. A copy is in the New York Public Library Annex at 11th Avenue, Manhattan.

25. "Nazi Conspiracy and Aggression -- Supplement B," "op. cit.," pp. 1178, 1453-1454, 1597, 1599.

See "Elimination of German Resources for War," "op. cit.," pp. 870-72 on Schroeder; p. 730 on Groeninger.

26. Annual Report of Hamburg-Amerika, "op. cit."

Baron Rudolph Schroeder, Sr. to Averell Harriman, November 14, 1932. K[night] W[ooley] handwritten note and draft reply letter, December 9, 1932.

In his letter, Baron Rudolph refers to the family's American affiliate, J. Henry Schroder [name anglicized], of which Allen Dulles was a director, and his brother John Foster Dulles was the principal attorney.

Baron Bruno Schroder of the British branch was adviser to Bank of England Governor Montagu Norman, and Baron Bruno's partner Frank Cyril Tiarks was Norman's co-director of the Bank of England throughout Norman's career.
Kurt von Schroeder was Hjalmar Schacht's delegate to the Bank for International Settlements in Geneva, where many of the financial arrangements for the Nazi regime were made by Montagu Norman, Schacht and
the Schroeders for several years of the Hitler regime right up to the outbreak of World War II.

27. Confidential memorandum from U.S. Embassy, Berlin, "op. cit."

28. U.S. Senate "Nye Committee" hearings, Sept. 14, 1934, pp. 1197-1198, extracts from letters of Col. William N. Taylor, dated June 27, 1932 and January 9, 1933.

29. American Ship and Commerce Corporation to Dr. Max Warburg, March 7, 1933.

Max Warburg had brokered the sale of Hamburg-Amerika to Harriman and Walker in 1920. Max's brothers controlled the Kuhn Loeb investment banking house in New York, the firm which had staked old E.H. Harriman to his 1890s buyout of the giant Union Pacific Railroad.

Max Warburg had long worked with Lord Milner and others of the racialist British Round Table concerning joint projects in Africa and Eastern Europe. He was an advisor to Hjalmar Schacht for several decades and was a top executive of Hitler's Reichsbank. The reader may consult David Farrer, "The Warburgs: The Story of A Family" (New York: Stein and Day, 1975).

30. Max Warburg, at M.M. Warburg and Co., Hamburg, to Averill [sic] Harriman, c/o Messrs. Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., 59 Wall Street, New York, N.Y., March 27, 1933.

31. This correspondence, and the joint statement of the Jewish organizations, are reproduced in Moshe R. Gottlieb, "American Anti-Nazi Resistance, 1933-41: An Historical Analysis" (New York: Ktav Publishing
House, 1982).

32. "Investigation of Nazi Propaganda Activities and Investigation of Certain Other Propaganda Activities": Public Hearings before A Subcommittee of the Special Committee on Un-American Activities, United States House of Representatives, Seventy Third Congress, New York City, July 9-12, 1934 -- Hearings No. 73-NY-7 (Washington, D.C., U.S. Govt. Printing Office, 1934).
See testimony of Capt. Frederick C. Mensing, John Schroeder, Paul von Lilienfeld-Toal, and summaries by Committee members.

See "New York Times," July 16, 1933, p. 12, for organizing of Nazi Labor Front at North German Lloyd, leading to Hamburg-Amerika after merger.

33. American Ship and Commerce Corporation telegram to Rudolph Brinckmann at M.M. Warburg, June 12, 1936.

Rudolph Brinckmann to Averell Harriman at 59 Wall St., June 20, 1936, with enclosed note transmitting Helferrich's letter.

Reply to Dr. Rudolph Brinkmann c/o M.M. Warburg and Co, July 6, 1936, WAH papers. The file copy of this letter carries no signature, but is presumably from Averell Harriman.

34. Office of Alien Property Custodian, Vesting Order Number 126. Signed by Leo T. Crowley, Alien Property Custodian, executed August 28, 1942. F.R. Doc. 42-8774; Filed September 4, 1942, 10:55 A.M.; 7 F.R. 7061 (Number 176, Sept. 5, 1942.)

July 18, 1942, Memorandum To the Executive Committee of the Office of Alien Property Custodian, stamped CONFIDENTIAL, from the Division of Investigation and Research, Homer Jones, Chief. Now declassified in United States National Archives, Suitland, Maryland annex. See Record Group 131, Alien Property Custodian, investigative reports, in file box relating to Vesting Order Number 126.

35. "New York Times," May 20, 1933. Leading up to this agreement is a telegram which somehow escaped the shredder. It is addressed to Nazi official Hjalmar Schacht at the Mayflower Hotel, Washington, dated May 11,
1933: "Much disappointed to have missed seeing you Tueday afternoon.... I hope to see you either in Washington or New York before you sail. with my regards W.A. Harriman" (WAH papers).

36. Dulles to Bush, letter and draft reply in WAH papers.

37. "New York Times," Jan. 19, 1938.

George H. Bush (left of clock) with the Skull and Crossbones group at Yale University, New Haven, CT circa 1947

Look who's standing to the left of the clock.

Class of 1900

seated (left to right)Frederick Baldwin Adams, Hulbert Taft.
Standing (left to right):

John Morgan Hopkins, Ashley Day Leavatt, Frank Dexter Cheney, Stuart Brown Camp, James Cowan Greenway, Malcolm Douglas, Corliss Esmonde Sullivan, John Walter Cross, Percy Avery Rockefeller, Brace Whitman Paddock, Frederic Winthrop Allen, George Armstrong Lyon.

''The men called their organization the Brotherhood of Death, or, more informally, the Order of Skull and Bones. They adopted the numerological symbol 322 because their group was the second chapter of the German organization and founded in 1832. They worshiped the goddess Eulogia, celebrated pirates, and plotted an underground conspiracy to dominate the world. Fast-forward 170 years. Skull and Bones has curled its tentacles into every corner of American society. This tiny club has set up networks that have thrust three members into the most powerful political position in the world. And the group's influence is only increasing-the 2004 presidential election might showcase the first time each ticket has been led by a Bonesman. The secret society is now, as one historian admonishes, " 'an international mafia'. . . unregulated and all but unknown." In its quest to create a New World Order that restricts individual freedoms and places ultimate power solely in the hands of a small cult of wealthy, prominent families, Skull and Bones has already succeeded in infiltrating nearly every major research, policy, financial, media, and government institution in the country. Skull and Bones, in fact, has been running the United States for years.''




My new hero, a Congressman that speaks the truth!


Ok but that was the first President Bush with Skulls and here is the next in line to this sick elitist shit George W. Bush II hanging out with the same shit.  Whose oath does he honor more, Skulls or the American people, well it is all too obvious now, get to know these guys and girls now as they are fucking up America at alarming rates.  The head of the Department of Justice has fled, not for any other reason than the world has caught on, now we are joining in the wasting of this group of freaks who pray to old Nazi party values in Tombs and wear funny outfits and are sabotaging the Constitution. 

George Bush Jr. A Skull & Bones Anti-Catholic Freemason Surrounded by Apron Wearing Freemasons in Texas (2000 A.D.)
When asked on Meet the Press about 'Skull and Bones', listen to how President Bush answers: watch his demeanor: by
clicking here



I thought you would all be interested in this snippet (an Excerpt) from a chapter of the book Codeword Barbêlôn.

—————— Chapter XXXII ——————

 To assist in keeping up the deception, we will form secret societies and clubs… and so by fair means or by foul we shall gain our ends and carry on our dishonest proceedings with impunity. ~ Plato, The Republic. Book II, p.48.

“The pope is the ruler of the world. All the emperors, all the kings, all the princes, all the presidents of the world are as these altar boys of mine.” ~ D.S. Phelan, Catholic priest.

DURING HIS PRESIDENTIAL CAMPAIGN of 2000, George W. Bush gave a 90-minute talk (on July 31) with the managing editor of the Illuminati controlled TIME magazine/CNN (so says Jesuit Professor Carroll Quigley: see later chapter titled “The Rhodes Gang”). At one point in the interview, Walter Isaacson asked Mr. Bush whether it troubled him at all that he had been initiated into the secret Society of Skull and Bones, to which Bush responded exuberantly, “No qualms at all. I was honored.”[1] The problem with that response is that the secrets of this Order mark its members as infidels and debauchees, with skeletons in their closets. The reason the ‘literary society’ of Skull and Bones is of particular concern is that its members are required to take an oath (see later) that completely absolves them from—takes precedence over—allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, including the negating of any subsequent oath which they may be required to take, that conflicts with the interests of the Order. To whom then do they swear their ultimate allegiance? We must go back to the origin of the Order to see the roots that sustain these branches.

Significantly, in the book Proofs of a Conspiracy (previously cited) Prof. Robison described the initiation ceremony into the “Regent Degree” of the Illuminati; and according to author Kris Millegan, in his book Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, “It [the Illuminati’s initiation ceremony] bears a striking resemblance to the… ritual for entry into Skull and Bones at Yale.” Kris Millegan, Fleshing Out Skull and Bones, op. cit., p. 17.

The oath taken by the Illuminati requires the initiated to disregard all bonds of allegiance whether to father, mother, brothers, sisters, relations, friends or to the king, magistrates, and any other authority to which loyalty, obedience, or service may have been sworn. The particular passage reads: “faithfulness and everlasting obedience to all superiors and regulations of the Order…. you are free from the so-called oath to country and laws: swear to reveal to the new chief… what you may have seen or done, intercepted, read or heard, learned or surmised, and also seek for and spy out what your eyes cannot discern. Honour and respect the Aqua Tofana (a slow poison) as a sure, prompt, and necessary means of purging the globe by death of those who seek to vilify the truth [their ideology] and seize it from our hands... in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.”

This brings us back nicely to the question of why Bush said in his autobiography: “[in] My senior year (at Yale) I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society, so secret, I can’t say anything more.”  Why not? Is that not a fair question to ask, intelligent reader? Bill Cooper says it is because: “Members of the Order take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath, which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order... according to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull and Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States means nothing.”

here is part of a 2000 interview (original transcript) given by the son, President George W. Bush Jr.:

 “TIME: But you [George W. Jnr.] sure shared a lot of the same upbringing: Andover, Yale, even Skull and Bones. Did you have any qualms, say, about joining an elite secret club like Bones?

 Bush: No qualms at all. I was honored. I was fairly nonchalant. I didn’t view it as a great heritage thing. I didn’t take it all that seriously.

TIME: Demystify it a bit for those who might think it’s a cross between a Masonic Lodge and the Trilateral Commission. Did your father show up for your initiation, like your grandfather showed up for his?

Bush: Without revealing all the great secrets? I got a few of my old club mates who could demystify it right off the bat. My dad didn’t tap me. Someone a year ahead of me tapped me. There was an entry celebration. I can’t remember whether my dad showed up or not…. ”

1 - Interview by Walter Isaacson, “George W. Bush: ‘My Heritage Is Part Of Who I Am.’” Time Magazine, August 7th 2000 (Time Volume 156, No. 6) ; also reported on cnn.com (Times/CNN, August 1, 2000): www.cnn.com/2000/ALLPOLITICS/stories/08/01/bush.7_31.a.tm



Conspiracy Too Monstrous To Conceive
By Henry Makow Ph.D.
"The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists." J. Edgar Hoover

The world is in the malignant grip of a satanic cult.  People recoil at the suggestion but proof stares us in the face every day.  George W. Bush, President of the "Free World" is a member of "Skull and Bones" a chapter of the Illuminati order. His father, grandfather and uncle are also members.  In his autobiography, "A Charge to Keep" Bush writes, "My senior year I joined Skull and Bones, a secret society so secret I can't say anything more." In Aug. 2000 he said his "heritage is part of who I am."

Isn't this a conflict of interest?

Hello! Can a man hold any public office, let alone the most important, and belong to a "secret society"? If this society were benign, would it have to be secret?

What a secret society it is! The Illuminati is the hidden hand behind all modern cataclysms, including the French and Russian Revolutions, Communism, the Depression and Nazism. To affect the course of history only takes money. The people behind the Illuminati have plenty.

It's time we faced reality. Murphy's Law applies to humanity. "If it can go wrong, it will."
It has. The world is ruled by a satanic cult.


The Illuminati originates in the Jewish Kabala, Babylonian mystery cults, the Templars, Freemasons and assorted interests dedicated to Satan worship and absolute power. On May 1 1776, Adam Weishaupt, a professor at the University of Inglestadt in Germany, founded "The Order of the Illuminati." Many people believe Weishaupt was sponsored by Prince William of Hesse Casel and his banker Meyer Amschel Rothschild, the wealthiest man in the world.

The Illuminati's goal was to destroy Western Civilization and to erect a new world order ruled by them. Its method was to dissolve all social ties (employer, nation, religion, race, family) by exploiting social discontent and promising a golden age of "human brotherhood." This is now called "globalization."

Attracted by the promise of power and change, people served without realizing who or what they were supporting. Weishaupt urged his followers to "practise the art of counterfeit." New recruits were told the Illuminati expressed the original spirit of Christianity. Weishaupt marvelled that even churchmen could be gulled. "Oh! Men, of what cannot you be persuaded?" (Nesta Webster, World Revolution, 1921, p. 27)

Bush & Kerry Admit Membership in Skull & Bones - Either way America, the Republican & Democratic Parties Lose.  The American People stuck with a Skull Fucker, all was then lost

After reading all that, that is all they have, a bunch of spoiled rotten third generation rich kids, blowing smoke up your ass as to how powerful they are using Nazi type propaganda.  We as American's have faced much bigger threats to our country but they use propaganda to make you think you are a helpless victim, with no way to fight city hall or corruption.  Did we really sell out our freedoms and allow them to change the Constitution over Saddam and Osama. 

Over 52 terrorists?   Come on America, take back America and hit them where it hurts, in their trust funds.  Then they will go get jobs or kill themselves or something more productive than ruining the country and destroying the Constitution.  I say any politician who was involved in making one penny from the war for war profiteering be tried 3400 times for each dead American that bloodied the price at the pump. 

If Cheney or Bush made money via Halliburton or others, they should be stripped of all and hung at dawn, ropes provided free on Iviewit.  Show up early as the matinee hangings of their accomplices should be fun too, be sure to bring the kids so that they may learn what happens to treasonous treacherous men.  That is if you can catch them before they commit suicide like the Fuehrer they worship.  I mean to even know the President is involved admittedly in the occult Nazi cult The Order of Death and has sworn allegiance to that versus your family or countries best interest, is enough to try him, if not, then what, we have to catch him with an intern and cigar?



"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act."


Is Skull and Bones ripping off the IRS?



From the Existentialist Cowboy


Thursday, October 25, 2007

Bush desperately seeking World War III

At a recent press briefing Bush was asked about Vladimir Putin's plans to hold on to power when his term runs out. Bush smirked and quipped: "I've been planning that myself." We should take Bush at his word. We should take that remark just as seriously as his recent veiled threat of World War III. We should take it as seriously as we should have taken his remark about how much easier it would all be "...if this was a dictatorship!"

So I told people [European leaders] that if you're interested in avoiding World War III, it seems like you ought to be interested" in ensuring Iran not gain the capacity to develop such weapons.

--George W. Bush, Sociopath-in-Chief

How seriously should we take Bush's offhand remarks? His quips and unguarded remarks are the only truths to come out of his mouth. That applies to sinister references to summary executions in his 2003 State of the Union address: "Let's just say they are no longer a threat to the United States of America." It applies as well to his wistful longing for "dictatorship". Certainly, Bush is articulate only when he speaks of death, torture, vengence, warfare, execution, or punishment. He never stumbles, he never struggles to find the right word to describe pain, death or suffering!!

More recently, the temporal proximity of his "warnings" of WWIII and his "quip" about staying in power after his term, may be clues to what is in fact talked about inside the Oval Office.

Despite the president's occasional contempt for the law, THREAT LEVEL doesn't believe that he's going to declare a state of emergency and cancel the 2008 election. But in July, we filed some FOIA requests anyway. We asked five Justice Department offices for documents produced or revised after August 2001 "addressing the feasibility, advisability or lawfulness of deferring, rescheduling or canceling a US national election."

Bush Quips He Might Stay in Power (Threat Level Plays Along

Simply, the mechanisms by which Bush achieves his permanent dictatorship are already in place. Another terrorist attack will do the trick. [See How a Second Terrorist Attack Will Benefit George W. Bush] Measured against our standard, the Bush administration is a catastrophe. Measured against Bush's hidden agenda, he is very near to achieving what Richard Nixon could not --an absolute dictatorship in the United States. That means, of course, that Bush will have reduced Congress to a debating club, the Supreme Court to a mere advisory panel. Sadly, it is SCOTUS who helped write themselves out of a real job. Fools!

The most ominous new development is the Bush administration's push to name the Iranian Revolutionary Guards a terrorist organization.

"The U.S. has designated any number of states over the years as state sponsors of terrorism," says Leverett. "But here for the first time the U.S. is saying that part of a government is itself a terrorist organization."

This is what Leverett and Mann fear will happen: The diplomatic effort in the United Nations will fail when it becomes clear that Russia's and China's geopolitical ambitions will not accommodate the inconvenience of energy sanctions against Iran.

--The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran

What Bush has done already may be summarized briefly:

He lied the nation into two wars. Neither have been won, neither had anything to do with the perpetrators of 911!

Against our own US criminal codes and numerous international treaties, Bush has arrogated unto himself the power to abduct, imprison and torture anyone that he decides is an "enemy". He has assumed for himself a title: "Decider".

He has built up a private army, a Praetorian Guard, to enforce his edicts: Blackwater USA.

Is Bush capable of starting WWIII, nuking Iran, staying put after his term ends? In a word --yes! Bush "gets off" on death. Immediately prior to his announcement that the US military was in action in Iraq, Bush --unaware that cameras were on and broadcasting --"pumped his fist" and declared: "I feel GOOD!"

Bush savors the little hints he drops, disguising them as "quips" or un-funny jokes. Tucker Carlson reported that Bush puckered his lips to mock Carla Fay Tucker's final plea for her life. "Please, Mr. Bush, don't kill me", he whined. As Governor of Texas, Bush chalked up 152 "kills" of many who were never competently defended, who were convicted upon phony or unreliable evidence, whose cases were tainted by dubious psychiatric evidence.

One need not be a licensed therapist to call him a sociopathic nut job, a threat to humankind and Western Civilization. He is clearly without empathy --that human quality upon which ethics and morality are based. Dr. Gustav Gilbert was the American psychologist who interviewed Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg. Based on his research there, Gilbert concluded that evil was best described as an utter lack of empathy. Bush is, therefore, at the very least, a psychopathic monster, for the theologically inclined --a Satan incarnate.

"Sociopathy can be recognized early in an individual. Before the age of around 15 - 16 years, a child showing sociopathic traits is titled with conduct disorder. Signs of this early stage of sociopathy might include immunity to parental punishment and pain. Other signs may be the torturing of animals, fire setting, vandalism, consistent lying, theft, or aggression towards others. Nothing usually works in trying to change the behavior of this type of child. Therefore, the parent(s) usually give up, making the situation worse. But it must be noted that many children with conduct disorder do not progress on to sociopaths. After the age of 15 - 16, those who continue to show sociopathic signs are then labeled as having sociopathy or antisocial personality disorder

Carter & Golant, 1998; Sabbatini, 1998; See also: Horton, The Sociopath

Old friends who knew Bush as a boy describe a diabolical monster who reveled in inflicting pain and suffering. They verify a well-circulated story that the Junior Bush used to shove firecrackers up horned frogs to watch them explode when he tossed them into the air. The New York Times reported that at Yale during his Skull and Bones days, Bush indulged the sadistic practice of "branding" fraternity pledges with "brands" made of metal coat hangers. The blind folded pledges still have the scars to prove it. Li'l George promised never do it again but never figured out why others thought it such a "big deal". Tragically for the world, li'l George now has nukes with which to bully the world.

Dick Cheney, Halliburton's plant inside the Bush administration, can be counted on to look after the interests of big, no-bid contractors, primarily his own Halliburton. It says a lot about him that he actually likes being called "Darth". Recently the Guardian reported that "Darth" may be winning the behind the scenes maneauvering in Bush's evil empire.

The balance in the internal White House debate over Iran has shifted back in favour of military action before President George Bush leaves office in 18 months, the Guardian has learned.

The shift follows an internal review involving the White House, the Pentagon and the state department over the last month. Although the Bush administration is in deep trouble over Iraq, it remains focused on Iran. A well-placed source in Washington said: “Bush is not going to leave office with Iran still in limbo.”

--Guardian Unlimited

A false-flag operation is most certainly on the table. Every US president has made such plans, notably Nixon's "Operation Garden Plot" and Reagan's "REX 84 Alpha". "Executive Directive 51" is absurdly vague about when and how Bush may declare his dictatorship, describing only a "catastrophic emergency."

Catastrophic Emergency" means any incident, regardless of location, that results in extraordinary levels of mass casualties, damage, or disruption severely affecting the US population, infrastructure, environment, economy, or government functions.

--"Executive Directive 51"

In other words, Bush will simply declare an emergency following any "second terrorist" attack, terrorism being whatever Bush decides it is.

The Washington source said Mr Bush and Mr Cheney did not trust any potential successors in the White House, Republican or Democratic, to deal with Iran decisively. They are also reluctant for Israel to carry out any strikes because the US would get the blame in the region anyway.

"The red line is not in Iran. The red line is in Israel. If Israel is adamant it will attack, the US will have to take decisive action," Mr Cronin said. "The choices are: tell Israel no, let Israel do the job, or do the job yourself."

Almost half of the US's 277 warships are stationed close to Iran, including two aircraft carrier groups. The aircraft carrier USS Enterprise left Virginia last week for the Gulf. A Pentagon spokesman said it was to replace the USS Nimitz and there would be no overlap that would mean three carriers in Gulf at the same time.

--Cheney pushes Bush to act on Iran, Guardian Unlimited

Bush will declare martial law, postpone the 2008 elections indefinitely, and assume a title: Imperial Decider Guy, or some other bullshit title of his psychotic imagining

Scenario for 2008: Sometime in middle to late summer, perhaps early fall, a "terrorist attack," or a natural disaster occurs, allowing Bush to suspend the elections in the name of "national security," and take the control of the government via the "National Security Presidential Directive/NSPD 51" and "Homeland Security Presidential Directive/HSPD-20," released by the WH May 9th of this year. He could remain in control as long as he wanted. Now, wouldn't THAT be an interesting nightmare?

--Naomi Wolf, Huffington Post

Given the quagmire in Iraq, Bush will be "forced" to nuke Iran, having secretly hoped for the opportunity. Iran will blockade the straits of Hormuz and attack US fleets in the Gulf and Mediterranean. World War III will have begun.

Bush will call his dictatorship a "Constitutional Continuity" enabled for the sake of the father...uh..."the homeland".

Aided and abetted by right-wing Republicans and spineless Democrats in Congress he has rendered the Constitution utterly useless as an instrument for protecting the people from his authoritarian excesses. He has offered his profane opinion of the Constitution thus, "... it's just a God-damned piece of paper''

--Doug Thompson in Capitol Hill Blue, Dec 5, 2005.

Quietly, and without solemn ceremony, the law of the land, the very rule of law, i.e, the US Constitution will be set aside, as, in fact, it already has been. A few "bitter enders" may object only to find themselves interred in FEMA camps, KBR contructed "detention centers" built to accommodate anyone opposing the Imperial Decider Guy.

When Bush ordered the war of aggression against Iraq, Saddam was in the process of converting petro-dollars to Euros. Among US motivations for Middle East wars of aggression, the war against Iraq has not had the effect of shoring up the dollar. Bush fails again. Bush seems content, however, to balance the US trade deficit upon the backs of the middle class and the poor, already bearing the brunt of his tax cuts for tiny rich elites.

The terms sociopath or psychopath often bring to mind images of sadistically violent individuals such as Ted Bundy or the fictional character of Dr. Hannibal "The Cannibal" Lecter in the book and movie The Silence of the Lambs. But I believe the defining characteristic traits of sociopaths actually cover a much broader spectrum of individuals than most of us would ever imagine. The sociopath is that truly self-absorbed individual with no conscience or feeling for others [emphasis mine, LH] and for whom social rules have no meaning. I believe that most all of us know or have come in contact with sociopathic individuals without even knowing it.

-- Horton, The Sociopath

Indeed, we have. He occupies the Oval Office, a lofty perch from which he bullies the world and threatens, perhaps forever, the precious few chances we have for peace, plenty and prosperity.

Bush Eloquent and TOO Emphatic
on his Favorite Subject: Torture!

Who are the Nazi's Now - Fascism Comes to America

Additional resources

Sun sets early on the American Century

Torture, Paramilitarism, Occupation and Genocide

US Treasury Holds Disaster Drill in Tampa Bay

Why is the 9/11 'Fringe' Movement So Mainstream?The Secret History of the Impending War with Iran

KBR awarded Homeland Security contract (Concentration Camp Construction) worth up to $385M

"The contract may also provide migrant detention support to other government organizations in the event of an immigration emergency, as well as the development of a plan to react to a national emergency, such as a natural disaster, the company said."

From What Really Happened: Straitjacket Bush

National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive

The Praetorian Guard: The U. S. Role in the New World Order



Valerie Plame on Sixty Minutes (Excerpts)

Talk by Naomi Wolf - The End of America

Bette Midler - One For My Baby

The Existentialist Cowboy

Second Attack
Indict Bush
Bush Dictatorship
GOP Crime Syndicate

Wednesday, September 05, 2007


Republican Culture of Corruption: 2007 So Far

Fellow blogger "SenateGuru2008" has a great run down of the Republican Party's recent ethics problems and criminal behavior. It doen't look like they learned anything from their 2006 humiliation.

Does it seem like there's a new Republican scandal in the news every single week? Well, that may be because there is:

January 23, 2007: Republican radio personality Scott Eller Cortelyou of Denver arrested on suspicion of using the Internet to lure a child into a sexual relationship

January 29, 2007: Republican former Jefferson County, Colorado, Treasurer Mark Paschall indicted on two felony charges "in connection with an allegation that Paschall solicited a kickback from a bonus he awarded one of his employees"

January 31, 2007: Republican Congressman Gary Miller is named by Republicans as ranking member of oversight subcommittee of House Financial Services Committee despite the FBI's investigation into his land deals

February 14, 2007: Major Republican fundraiser Brent Wilkes and former CIA executive director Kyle "Dusty" Foggo are indicted by a grandy jury for corrupting CIA contracts

March 5, 2007: Ethics complaint filed against Republican Senator Pete Domenici for his role in the Attorney Purge scandal

March 6, 2007: I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby, former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney found guilty of obstruction of justice and perjury

March 8, 2007: Republican former U.S. Congressman and Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich admits to extramarital affair

March 23, 2007: Former Deputy Interior Secretary J. Steven Griles, an oil and gas lobbyist who became an architect of George W. Bush's energy policies, pleads guilty to obstructing justice by lying to a Senate committee

March 27, 2007: Criminal charges filed against Republican Pennsylvania State Senator Robert Regola in connection with the death of a teenage neighbor who was shot with the senator's gun; he is accused of three counts of perjury, allowing possession of a firearm by a minor, recklessly endangering another person and false swearing

March 27, 2007: Ronald Reagan's budget director, David Stockman, "indicted on charges of defrauding investors and banks of $1.6 billion while chairman of Collins & Aikman Corp., an auto parts maker that collapsed days after he quit"

March 28, 2007: Robert Vellanoweth, a Republican activist and appointee of Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, is arrested on suspicion of gross vehicular manslaughter and felony driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, after a crash that killed three adults and one child

April 18, 2007: The FBI raids the home of Republican Congressman John Doolittle, investigating his ties to Jack Abramoff

April 19, 2007: The FBI raids a business tied to the family of Republican Congressman Rick Renzi, as part of an investigation into his business dealings

April 23, 2007: The FBI questions Republican Congressman Tom Feeney about his dealings with Jack Abramoff

April 23, 2007: Federal auditors find repeat violations of federal election law from the 2004 Senate campaign of Republican Senator Mel Martinez, Chairman of the Republican National Committee.

April 26, 2007: David Huckabee, son of Republican Presidential candidate Mike Huckabee, is arrested at an Arkansas airport after a federal X-ray technician detected a loaded gun in his carry-on luggage

May 4, 2007: Republican state Assemblyman Michael Cole is censured and stripped of his leadership position after the married father of two spent the night at a 21-year-old intern's apartment

May 11, 2007: A field coordinator for Republican Congressman Patrick McHenry is indicted for voter fraud in North Carolina

May 12, 2007: NBC News breaks the story that the FBI is investigating Republican Nevada Governor Jim Gibbons for suspicion of accepting bribes in exchange for securing government contracts

May 15, 2007: Connecticut Republican Party Chairman Chris Healy is arrested for drunk driving (he pled no contest on June 1, but didn't publicly disclose the event until June 11)

May 18, 2007: Republican former South Dakota State Representative Ted Klaudt is charged with eight counts of second-degree rape, two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor, one count of sexual contact with a child younger than 16, two counts of witness tampering and one count of stalking against two foster children in his care

June 11, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig is arrested for lewd conduct in the men's bathroom of an airport

June 19, 2007: South Carolina Republican state Treasurer and South Carolina Chairman of Giuliani for President Thomas Ravenel is indicted by a grand jury on cocaine distribution charges

July 3, 2007: A grand jury report declares that the sale of public land to Republican Congressman Ken Calvert and his business partners violated the law

July 11, 2007: Republican state Representative and Florida co-Chairman of McCain for President Bob Allen is arrested for soliciting a male undercover police officer, offering to pay $20 to perform oral sex

July 16, 2007: Republican Senator David Vitter holds press conference acknowledging being on the D.C. Madam's list and past involvement with prostitutes

July 16, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski was involved in a sweetheart real estate deal

July 24, 2007: Michael Flory, former head of the Michigan Federation of Young Republicans, pleads guilty to sexual abuse

July 26, 2007: Media report that Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski will sell back land purchased in a sweetheart deal, following close scrutiny of the shady transaction

July 29, 2007: Glenn Murphy Jr., recently-elected Chairman of the Young Republican National Federation, is accused of sexually assaulting a sleeping man

July 30, 2007: The FBI and IRS raid the home of Republican Senator Ted Stevens following investigations into Stevens' dealings with the corrupt VECO Corporation

August 2, 2007: Bush administration senior adviser Karl Rove disregards a Congressional subpoena and refuses to testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee

August 6, 2007: House Republican Leader John Boehner leaked classified information regarding a secret court ruling over warrantless wiretapping

August 8, 2007: Republican Senator Larry Craig pleads guilty to misdemeanor disorderly conduct following his June 11 arrest

August 9, 2007: Major Republican donor Alan Fabian is charged with 23 counts of bankruptcy fraud, mail fraud, money laundering, obstruction of justice, and perjury

August 22, 2007: Republican consultant Roger Stone resigns his role with the New York state Senate Republicans after reports surfaced that he made a "threatening, obscenity-laced" phone call to the 83-year-old father of Governor Eliot Spitzer

August 27, 2007: Story breaks that Republican Senator Larry Craig was arrested and pled guilty - he had not publicly disclosed the events to that point



"To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but morally treasonable to the American public."

I guess that says that Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice, Rove, etc. should not be impeached but tried for treason!

Patents suspended due to the investigation of fraud on the United States Patent & Trademark Offices and other federal, state and international felonies against these criminals named herein.

The claim before investigators is that the technologies were invented by the Iviewit inventors, not their lawyers from Proskauer Rose, LLP, Meltzer Lippe Goldstein Wolfe and Schlissel and Foley and Lardner and how it is that through Proskauer's acquisition of Rubenstein and the MPEGLA LLC patent pooling scheme they have converted those technologies to inure benefits for their law firms.  How they have denied due process through a series of obscene public office corruptions will be clearer as you understand how they knew to block the evidence and witness was to seize the government.

The crooks are far more insidious than your run of the mill mobster as they have legal degrees and so are able to deny due process through planting criminals in their organization in public offices, including the courts, at every level.  Sounds far fetched, outrageous, not really if you are trying to rob the United States Patent Office and the United States.  A crime like this is not committed by one man, it take a criminal enterprise with tentacles deep within the government and when you are caught with evidence and witness against you, you need a lot of payola and a lot of criminals disguised as lawyers, politicians, justice officials as getting caught could destroy your entire criminal enterprise.  You must risk everything to block due process, even if you have to seize the government from top down, even if you have to fix elections.  Even if you have to put your criminals into Justice Department roles like say Attorney General.  Fighting for your life leaves one this desperate but as you will see, these criminals are not just ordinary criminals, they have been plotting to overthrow Democracy since Hitler failed, the Iviewit inventors just stumbled into the lions den and brought what they heralded as the Holy Grail, they should have thought that through before making the grab but greed beholden attorneys cannot see.

Hmmmmm.  When were the Presidential elections held that were decided by a crooked judge in Florida, Jorge Labarga, who blocked a recount of the People's vote for President that was fraught with fraud in that critical state, who passed it to the corrupt Florida Supreme Court, who pushed it further up to the Supreme Court.  The Supreme's should have demanded a recount of the People's vote and instead pulled a fast one on the nation and selected their boy Bush and Cheney, cronyism playing part as most of the Justices were picked by Republican Presidents aligned with secret cult organizations, like Skull and Bones and the Federalists, the long awaited plan of overthrow came with that decision by the Court to force a Decider upon the People.  With no basis in law, these Justices usurped the fundamental of Democracy, a leader chosen by the People and instead gave us a President from their 5-4 decision steeped in conflict with the candidates.  Since that time, this country has been on a crash course to hell for the People, with no one to stop it, all checks and balances removed, public servants who boldly claim they are above the law, positioning of idiot friends and family to key government posts who are unqualified and therefore easy to claim they did not know how the agency was robbed and mismanaged, unimaginable but true.

Funny that election fraud coincides exactly with the time that Arthur Andersen first exposed that Iviewit had problems, that technologies were being transferred to illegally set up corporations bearing similar name to Iviewit but with no books showing the owners, that unauthorized technology transfers were being inked with Enron's newly created Broadband division (that should raise the brow).  Knowing that this would expose them, plans were made between the criminals to block due process and destroy everyone who was catching on to their scam.  Immediately thereafter, Arthur Andersen and Enron where destroyed, to hide any evidence that had been being gathered, plans were made to destroy any one else.  Yet, that was not enough, as the criminals being smart guys gone sociopath knew that investigations would be forthcoming and the knew the only way to stop due process entirely was to siege the institutions that control due process from the top down.  Once a President that was planted, they could appoint various corrupt friends in key government posts to stop almost any complaint as it elevated.

Now this Administration of Organized Crime and our Deciders Bush and Cheney are facing, sooner or later, trials for; war crimes, war mongering and profiteering, human torture, oil profiteering racketeering and price fixing, possible involvement in the Trade Center bombings to incite fear in the People and take them to war on falsified intel and fraudulent documents, exposing CIA covert agents who would opposed their regime, intimidation of government officials via showing up at their Intensive Care Unit bedsides with documents to sign for illegal programs to be enacted to legislation by resigned Attorney General Ashcroft who refuted the program as illegal, shot gunning people in the face, stealing inventions, robbing the Patent Office and all together TREASON.

One must give these guys credit for their treasonous attempts, as they have so taken control of the government, the press and all checks and balances of our nation, that for all those alleged crimes above they act as if they are above law, unafraid of impeachment, where Clinton had impeachment charges for a blow job, I mean come America, if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck...

Another duck here though is the American People or sitting ducks, swayed to believe whatever this corrupt group throws at them, as again they have removed checks and balances so that their crimes cannot be tried or even brought against them.  Ask how they have spun all of the following and used media to create false history, false truth and brainwash the American Sheep to believe horseshit:

An illegal war in Iraq, against a country that never harbored a terrorist group, had nothing to do with 9/11 (as Hussein liked no other terrorist in Iraq other than himself) and spun it into a justifiable war even when evidence showed it was based on falsified intel,

To make Americans take pity on I. Scooter (Poopsy) Libby while hating Valerie Plame, an esteemed servant in the CIA whose husband tried to expose the Sheep to the fact that the intel they were going to war with Iraq on was false and then denying Valerie and her husband Joe civil rights, while exculpating Libby from his treasonous and felonious crimes he was tried for in exposing her, through Presidential interference with no basis in law,

To believe that Iraq had Al Qaeda or Al Queda or Al Kida as Bush pronounces it, whatever the hell that is, in its country plotting the overthrow of America when none of these "Terrorists" have any form of army or ally will they swim across the ocean on Camel with Pea Shooter's and shoulder rockit launchers, really, will all 52 of them make it across?

To believe that these friends of Bush I and II "Terrorists" are so powerful that unpatriotic legislation that removes your rights was in order to protect you from this unseen world power that should force you resign you freedoms in fear in terror,

To believe that Alberto Gonzales should continue to run the InJustice Department after lying to Congress, perjuring himself to Congress, violating the Patriot Act he implemented to spy on American's illegally and attempting to coerce Justice Department senior members at their hospital beds,

To believe that bringing the boys back home from an illegal war of war crimes would somehow be unpatriotic where leaving them in such war makes us all war criminals equal to Nazi's,

To believe that opposing the Decider and his demonic crew is unpatriotic, I quote Theodore Roosevelt "To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but morally treasonable to the American public."

To allow the Decider to sign legislation giving him ruling powers of a king, inapposite of Democracy entirely and as show later herein to be almost an identical series of events used by Hitler to illegally seize power of Germany, frightening but true,

To trusting politicians who spin for whoever lines their coffers, however despicable their agenda and allowing guys like Karl Rove and his buddy Abramoff influence our politicians illegally,

To believing that Katrina was not the result of careful planning by these sick demented leaders to wipe the black out of New Orleans, leaving them floating to the ceiling with no help or aid, so as to take the survivors back to Texas ranches for slave labor and stealing their land to build future casino's to further rape people,

To all of the following from an excerpt from

"The scandal sheet ~ Print it out, send it to Harry Reid, or just read it and weep. Here are 34 scandals from the first four years of George W. Bush's presidency -- every one of them worse than Whitewater."

By Peter Dizikes

Keep in mind these are the first four years

1. Memogate: The Senate Computer Theft

The scandal: From 2001 to 2003, Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee illicitly accessed nearly 5,000 computer files containing confidential Democratic strategy memos about President Bush's judicial nominees. The GOP used the memos to shape their own plans and leaked some to the media.

The problem: The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act states it is illegal to obtain confidential information from a government computer.

The outcome: Unresolved. The Justice Department has assigned a prosecutor to the case. The staff member at the heart of the matter, Manuel Miranda, has attempted to brazen it out, filing suit in September 2004 against the DOJ to end the investigation. "A grand jury will indict a ham sandwich," Miranda complained. Some jokes just write themselves.

2. Doctor Detroit: The DOJ's Bungled Terrorism Case

The scandal : The Department of Justice completely botched the nation's first post-9/11 terrorism trial, as seen when the convictions of three Detroit men allegedly linked to al-Qaida were overturned in September 2004. Former Attorney General John Ashcroft had claimed their June 2003 sentencing sent "a clear message" that the government would "detect, disrupt and dismantle the activities of terrorist cells."

The problem: The DOJ's lead prosecutor in the case, Richard Convertino, withheld key information from the defense and distorted supposed pieces of evidence -- like a Las Vegas vacation video purported to be a surveillance tape. But that's not the half of it. Convertino says he was unfairly scapegoated because he testified before the Senate, against DOJ wishes, about terrorist financing. Justice's reconsideration of the case began soon thereafter. Convertino has since sued the DOJ, which has also placed him under investigation.

The outcome: Let's see: Overturned convictions, lawsuits and feuding about a Kafkaesque case. Nobody looks good here.

3. Dark Matter: The Energy Task Force

The scandal: A lawsuit has claimed it is illegal for Dick Cheney to keep the composition of his 2001 energy-policy task force secret. What's the big deal? The New Yorker's Jane Mayer has suggested an explosive aspect of the story, citing a National Security Council memo from February 2001, which "directed the N.S.C. staff to cooperate fully with the Energy Task Force as it considered the 'melding' of ... 'operational policies towards rogue states,' such as Iraq, and 'actions regarding the capture of new and existing oil and gas fields.'" In short, the task force's activities could shed light on the administration's pre-9/11 Iraq aims.

The problem: The Federal Advisory Committee Act says the government must disclose the work of groups that include non-federal employees; the suit claims energy industry executives were effectively task force members. Oh, and the Bush administration has portrayed the Iraq war as a response to 9/11, not something it was already considering.

The outcome: Unresolved. In June 2004, the U.S. Supreme Court sent the case back to an appellate court.

4. The Indian Gaming Scandal

The scandal: Potential influence peddling to the tune of $82 million, for starters. Jack Abramoff, a GOP lobbyist and major Bush fundraiser, and Michael Scanlon, a former aide to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas), received that amount from several Indian tribes, while offering access to lawmakers. For instance, Texas' Tigua tribe, which wanted its closed El Paso casino reopened, gave millions to the pair and $33,000 to Rep. Robert Ney (R-Ohio) in hopes of favorable legislation (Ney came up empty). And get this: The Tiguas were unaware that Abramoff, Scanlon and conservative activist Ralph Reed had earned millions lobbying to have the same casino shut in 2002.

The problem: Federal officials want to know if Abramoff and Scanlon provided real services for the $82 million, and if they broke laws while backing candidates in numerous Indian tribe elections.

The outcome: Everybody into the cesspool! The Senate Indian Affairs Committee and five federal agencies, including the FBI, IRS, and Justice Department, are investigating.

5. Halliburton's No-Bid Bonanza

The scandal: In February 2003, Halliburton received a five-year, $7 billion no-bid contract for services in Iraq.

The problem: The Army Corps of Engineers' top contracting officer, Bunnatine Greenhouse, objected to the deal, saying the contract should be the standard one-year length, and that a Halliburton official should not have been present during the discussions.

The outcome: The FBI is investigating. The $7 billion contract was halved and Halliburton won one of the parts in a public bid. For her troubles, Greenhouse has been forced into whistle-blower protection.

6. Halliburton: Pumping Up Prices

The scandal: In 2003, Halliburton overcharged the army for fuel in Iraq. Specifically, Halliburton's subsidiary Kellogg, Brown & Root hired a Kuwaiti company, Altanmia, to supply fuel at about twice the going rate, then added a markup, for an overcharge of at least $61 million, according to a December 2003 Pentagon audit.

The problem: That's not the government's $61 million, it's our $61 million.

The outcome: The FBI is investigating.

7. Halliburton's Vanishing Iraq Money

The scandal: In mid-2004, Pentagon auditors determined that $1.8 billion of Halliburton's charges to the government, about 40 percent of the total, had not been adequately documented.

The problem: That's not the government's $1.8 billion, it's our $1.8 billion.

The outcome: The Defense Contract Audit Agency has "strongly" asked the Army to withhold about $60 million a month from its Halliburton payments until the documentation is provided.

8. The Halliburton Bribe-apalooza

The scandal: This may not surprise you, but an international consortium of companies, including Halliburton, is alleged to have paid more than $100 million in bribes to Nigerian officials, from 1995 to 2002, to facilitate a natural-gas-plant deal. (Cheney was Halliburton's CEO from 1995 to 2000.)

The problem: The Foreign Corrupt Practices Act prohibits U.S. companies from bribing foreign officials.

The outcome: A veritable coalition of the willing is investigating the deal, including the Justice Department, the SEC, the Nigerian government and a French magistrate. In June, Halliburton fired two implicated executives.

9. Halliburton: One Fine Company

The scandal: In 1998 and 1999, Halliburton counted money recovered from project overruns as revenue, before settling the charges with clients.

The problem: Doing so made the company's income appear larger, but Halliburton did not explain this to investors. The SEC ruled this accounting practice was "materially misleading."

The outcome: In August 2004, Halliburton agreed to pay a $7.5 million fine to settle SEC charges. One Halliburton executive has paid a fine and another is settling civil charges. Now imagine the right-wing rhetoric if, say, Al Gore had once headed a firm fined for fudging income statements.

10. Halliburton's Iran End Run

The scandal: Halliburton may have been doing business with Iran while Cheney was CEO.

The problem: Federal sanctions have banned U.S. companies from dealing directly with Iran. To operate in Iran legally, U.S. companies have been required to set up independent subsidiaries registered abroad. Halliburton thus set up a new entity, Halliburton Products and Services Ltd., to do business in Iran, but while the subsidiary was registered in the Cayman Islands, it may not have had operations totally independent of the parent company.

The outcome: Unresolved. The Treasury Department has referred the case to the U.S. attorney in Houston, who convened a grand jury in July 2004.

11. Money Order: Afghanistan's Missing $700 Million Turns Up in Iraq

The scandal: According to Bob Woodward's "Plan of Attack," the Bush administration diverted $700 million in funds from the war in Afghanistan, among other places, to prepare for the Iraq invasion.

The problem: Article I, Section 8, Clause 12 of the U.S. Constitution specifically gives Congress the power "to raise and support armies." And the emergency spending bill passed after Sept. 11, 2001, requires the administration to notify Congress before changing war spending plans. That did not happen.

The outcome: Congress declined to investigate. The administration's main justification for its decision has been to claim the funds were still used for, one might say, Middle East anti-tyrant-related program activities.

12. Iraq: More Loose Change

The scandal: The inspector general of the Coalition Provisional Authority in Iraq released a series of reports in July 2004 finding that a significant portion of CPA assets had gone missing -- 34 percent of the materiel controlled by Kellogg, Brown & Root -- and that the CPA's method of disbursing $600 million in Iraq reconstruction funds "did not establish effective controls and left accountability open to fraud, waste and abuse."

The problem: As much as $50 million of that money was disbursed without proper receipts.

The outcome: The CPA has disbanded, but individual government investigations into the handling of Iraq's reconstruction continue.

13. The Pentagon-Israel Spy Case

The scandal: A Pentagon official, Larry Franklin, may have passed classified United States documents about Iran to Israel, possibly via the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a Washington lobbying group.

The problem: To do so could be espionage or could constitute the mishandling of classified documents.

The outcome: A grand jury is investigating. In December 2004, the FBI searched AIPAC's offices. A Senate committee has also been investigating the apparently unauthorized activities of the Near East and South Asia Affairs group in the Pentagon, where Franklin works.

14. Gone to Taiwan

The scandal: Missed this one? A high-ranking State Department official, Donald Keyser, was arrested and charged in September with making a secret trip to Taiwan and was observed by the FBI passing documents to Taiwanese intelligence agents in Washington-area meetings.

The problem: Such unauthorized trips are illegal. And we don't have diplomatic relations with Taiwan.

The outcome: The case is in the courts.

15. Wiretapping the United Nations

The scandal: Before the United Nations' vote on the Iraq war, the United States and Great Britain developed an eavesdropping operation targeting diplomats from several countries.

The problem: U.N. officials say the practice is illegal and undermines honest diplomacy, although some observers claim it is business as usual on East 42nd Street.

The outcome: Little fuss here, but a major British scandal erupted after U.K. intelligence translator Katherine Gun leaked a U.S. National Security Agency memo requesting British help in the spying scheme, in early 2003. Initially charged under Britain's Official Secrets Act for leaking classified information, Gun was cleared in 2004 -- seemingly to avoid hearings questioning the legality of Britain's war participation.

16. The Boeing Boondoggle

The scandal: In 2003, the Air Force contracted with Boeing to lease a fleet of refueling tanker planes at an inflated price: $23 billion.

The problem: The deal was put together by a government procurement official, Darleen Druyun, who promptly joined Boeing. Beats using a headhunter.

The outcome: In November 2003, Boeing fired both Druyun and CFO Michael Sears. In April 2004, Druyun pled guilty to a conspiracy charge in the case. In November 2004, Sears copped to a conflict-of-interest charge, and company CEO Phil Condit resigned. The government is reviewing its need for the tankers.

17. The Medicare Bribe Scandal

The scandal: According to former Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.), on Nov. 21, 2003, with the vote on the administration's Medicare bill hanging in the balance, someone offered to contribute $100,000 to his son's forthcoming congressional campaign, if Smith would support the bill.

The problem: Federal law prohibits the bribery of elected officials.

The outcome: In September 2004, the House Ethics Committee concluded an inquiry by fingering House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas), saying he deserved "public admonishment" for offering to endorse Smith's son in return for Smith's vote. DeLay has claimed Smith initiated talks about a quid pro quo. The matter of the $100,000 is unresolved; soon after his original allegations, Smith suddenly claimed he had not been offered any money. Smith's son Brad lost his GOP primary in August 2004.

18. Tom DeLay's PAC Problems

The scandal: One of DeLay's political action committees, Texans for a Republican Majority, apparently reaped illegal corporate contributions for the campaigns of Republicans running for the Texas Legislature in 2002. Given a Republican majority, the Legislature then re-drew Texas' U.S. congressional districts to help the GOP.

The problem: Texas law bans the use of corporate money for political purposes.

The outcome: Unresolved. Three DeLay aides and associates -- Jim Ellis, John Colyandro and Warren RoBold -- were charged in September 2004 with crimes including money laundering and unlawful acceptance of corporate contributions.

19. Tom DeLay's FAA: Following Americans Anywhere

The scandal: In May 2003, DeLay's office persuaded the Federal Aviation Administration to find the plane carrying a Texas Democratic legislator, who was leaving the state in an attempt to thwart the GOP's nearly unprecedented congressional redistricting plan.

The problem: According to the House Ethics Committee, the "invocation of federal executive branch resources in a partisan dispute before a state legislative body" is wrong.

The outcome: In October 2004, the committee rebuked DeLay for his actions.

20. In the Rough: Tom DeLay's Golf Fundraiser

The scandal: DeLay appeared at a golf fundraiser that Westar Energy held for one of his political action committees, Americans for a Republican Majority, while energy legislation was pending in the House.

The problem: It's one of these "appearance of impropriety" situations.

The outcome: The House Ethics Committee tossed the matter into its Oct. 6 rebuke. "Take a lap, Tom."

21. Busy, Busy, Busy in New Hampshire

The scandal: In 2002, with a tight Senate race in New Hampshire, Republican Party officials paid a Virginia-based firm, GOP Marketplace, to enact an Election Day scheme meant to depress Democratic turnout by "jamming" the Democratic Party phone bank with continuous calls for 90 minutes.

The problem: Federal law prohibits the use of telephones to "annoy or harass" anyone.

The outcome: Chuck McGee, the former executive director of the New Hampshire GOP, pleaded guilty in July 2004 to a felony charge, while Allen Raymond, former head of GOP Marketplace, pleaded guilty to a similar charge in June. In December, James Tobin, former New England campaign chairman of Bush-Cheney '04, was indicted for conspiracy in the case.

22. The Medicare Money Scandal

The scandal: Thomas Scully, Medicare's former administrator, supposedly threatened to fire chief Medicare actuary Richard Foster to prevent him from disclosing the true cost of the 2003 Medicare bill.

The problem: Congress voted on the bill believing it would cost $400 billion over 10 years. The program is more likely to cost $550 billion.

The outcome: Scully denies threatening to fire Foster, as Foster has charged, but admits telling Foster to withhold the higher estimate from Congress. In September 2004, the Government Accountability Office recommended Scully return half his salary from 2003. Inevitably, Scully is now a lobbyist for drug companies helped by the bill.

23. The Bogus Medicare "Video News Release"

The scandal: To promote its Medicare bill, the Bush administration produced imitation news-report videos touting the legislation. About 40 television stations aired the videos. More recently, similar videos promoting the administration's education policy have come to light.

The problem: The administration broke two laws: One forbidding the use of federal money for propaganda, and another forbidding the unauthorized use of federal funds.

The outcome: In May 2004, the GAO concluded the administration acted illegally, but the agency lacks enforcement power.

24. Pundits on the Payroll: The Armstrong Williams Case

The scandal: The Department of Education paid conservative commentator Armstrong Williams $240,000 to promote its educational law, No Child Left Behind.

The problem: Williams did not disclose that his support was government funded until the deal was exposed in January 2005.

The outcome: The House and FCC are considering inquiries, while Williams' syndicated newspaper column has been terminated.

25. Ground Zero's Unsafe Air

The scandal: Government officials publicly minimized the health risks stemming from the World Trade Center attack. In September 2001, for example, Environmental Protection Agency head Christine Todd Whitman said New York's "air is safe to breathe and [the] water is safe to drink."

The problem: Research showed serious dangers or was incomplete. The EPA used outdated techniques that failed to detect tiny asbestos particles. EPA data also showed high levels of lead and benzene, which causes cancer. A Sierra Club report claims the government ignored alarming data. A GAO report says no adequate study of 9/11's health effects has been organized.

The outcome: The long-term health effects of the disaster will likely not be apparent for years or decades and may never be definitively known. Already, hundreds of 9/11 rescue workers have quit their jobs because of acute illnesses.

26. John Ashcroft's Illegal Campaign Contributions

The scandal: Ashcroft's exploratory committee for his short-lived 2000 presidential bid transferred $110,000 to his unsuccessful 2000 reelection campaign for the Senate.

The problem: The maximum for such a transfer is $10,000.

The outcome: The Federal Election Commission fined Ashcroft's campaign treasurer, Garrett Lott, $37,000 for the transgression.

 27. Intel Inside ... The White House

The scandal: In early 2001, chief White House political strategist Karl Rove held meetings with numerous companies while maintaining six-figure holdings of their stock -- including Intel, whose executives were seeking government approval of a merger. "Washington hadn't seen a clearer example of a conflict of interest in years," wrote Paul Glastris in the Washington Monthly.

The problem: The Code of Federal Regulations says government employees should not participate in matters in which they have a personal financial interest.

The outcome: Then White House counsel Alberto Gonzales, spurning precedent, did not refer the case to the Justice Department.

28. Duck! Antonin Scalia's Legal Conflicts

The scandal: Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia refused to recuse himself from the Cheney energy task force case, despite taking a duck-hunting trip with the vice president after the court agreed to weigh the matter.

The problem: Federal law requires a justice to "disqualify himself from any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned."

The outcome: Scalia stayed on, arguing no conflict existed because Cheney was party to the case in a professional, not personal, capacity. Nothing new for Scalia, who in 2002 was part of a Mississippi redistricting ruling favorable to GOP Rep. Chip Pickering -- son of Judge Charles Pickering, a Scalia turkey-hunting pal. In 2001, Scalia went pheasant hunting with Kansas Gov. Bill Graves when that state had cases pending before the Supreme Court.

29. AWOL

The scandal: George W. Bush, self-described "war president," did not fulfill his National Guard duty, and Bush and his aides have made misleading statements about it. Salon's Eric Boehlert wrote the best recent summary of the issue.

The problem: Military absenteeism is a punishable offense, although Bush received an honorable discharge.

The outcome: No longer a campaign issue. But what was Bush doing in 1972?

30. Iraq: The Case for War

The scandal: Bush and many officials in his administration made false statements about Iraq's military capabilities, in the months before the United States' March 2003 invasion of the country.

The problem: For one thing, it is a crime to lie to Congress, although Bush backers claim the president did not knowingly make false assertions.

The outcome: A war spun out of control with unknowable long-term consequences. The Iraq Survey Group has stopped looking for weapons of mass destruction in Iraq.

31. Niger Forgeries: Whodunit?

The scandal: In his January 2003 State of the Union address, Bush said, "The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa."

The problem: The statement was untrue. By March 2003, the International Atomic Energy Agency showed the claim, that Iraq sought materials from Niger, was based on easily discernible forgeries.

The outcome: The identity of the forger(s) remains under wraps. Journalist Josh Marshall has implied the FBI is oddly uninterested in interviewing Rocco Martino, the former Italian intelligence agent who apparently first shopped the documents in intelligence and journalistic circles and would presumably be able to shed light on their origin.

32. In Plame Sight

The scandal: In July 2003, administration officials disclosed the identity of Valerie Plame, a CIA operative working on counterterrorism efforts, to multiple journalists, and columnist Robert Novak made Plame's identity public. Plame's husband, former Ambassador Joseph Wilson, had just written a New York Times opinion piece stating he had investigated the Niger uranium-production allegations, at the CIA's behest, and reported them to be untrue, before Bush's 2003 State of the Union address.

The problem: Under the Intelligence Identities Protection Act it is illegal to disclose, knowingly, the name of an undercover agent.

The outcome: Unresolved. The Justice Department appointed special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald to the case in December 2003. While this might seem a simple matter, Fitzgerald could be unable to prove the leakers knew Plame was a covert agent.

33. Abu Ghraib

The scandal: American soldiers physically tortured prisoners in Iraq and kept undocumented "ghost detainees" in the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq.

The problem: The United States is party to the Geneva Conventions, which state that "No physical or mental torture, nor any other form of coercion, may be inflicted on prisoners of war to secure from them information of any kind whatever."

The outcome: Unresolved. A Pentagon internal inquiry found a lack of oversight at Abu Ghraib, while independent inquiries have linked the events to the administration's desire to use aggressive interrogation methods globally. Notoriously, Gonzales has advocated an approach which "renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions." More recently, Gonzales issued qualified support for the Geneva Conventions in January 2005 Senate testimony after being nominated for attorney general. Army reservist Charles Graner was convicted in January 2005 for abusing prisoners, while a few other soldiers await trial.

34. Guantanamo Bay Torture?

The scandal: The U.S. military is also alleged to have abused prisoners at the U.S. Navy's base in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. FBI agents witnessing interrogations there have reported use of growling dogs to frighten prisoners and the chaining of prisoners in the fetal position while depriving them of food or water for extended periods.

The problem: More potential violations of the Geneva Conventions.

The outcome: An internal military investigation was launched in January 2005.


Other scandals not in the list

35. Patentgate

The scandal: US attorneys from major US law firms were found to be converting their client, Iviewit's intellectual property as their own through falsified patent applications with false declarations of oath, wrong inventors, wrong assignees and missing disclosures for the Iviewit shareholders Intellectual Properties.  Simultaneously, the were found illegally creating companies to harbor stolen Intellectual Properties that had the right stuff in the Intellectual Properties but the companies, while identically named to Iviewit companies are owned by unknown parties.  Further, the attorneys involved were found with a history of patent thefts.

To deflect prosecution, these attorneys violated various public offices, including state Supreme Courts, where it has been speculated that a top down control was necessary to block complaints that may have infiltrated key positions in the Executive, Legislative and Judicial branches of government. 

The problem: Without the sanctity of the Commerce Department, free commerce in America will cease to exist and personal property will be owned by the Decider.

The outcome: Ongoing federal, state and international investigations were begun in 2000 and continue today with the intellectual property having been suspended.  The FBI and US Attorney offices lost case files pertaining to the Iviewit matters and a car bombing attempt on the main inventor's family minivan, elevating the matters to the highest levels in the Justice Department and the House and Senate Judiciary Committees.

36. Skull and Bones Influence on the President and Vice President

The scandal: George W. Bush is a third generation Bush to be members in a formerly secret cult that worships the ideology of Nazi Germany, rituals include mutual masturbation in coffins and eating off Nazi flatware.  The members take oath to Skull and Bones above all else and it's agenda of creating an elitist New World Order that thrives on separating the classes, starting class wars, segregation, slavery, world wars for profit, Ebonics (population thinning through the spread of disease, war, etc.) and the control of government for the cult, usurping the rights of the People.  Dick Cheney, although attending Yale was such a big fat loser that despite approximately nine other family members chosen, could not weasel his way in and thus he dropped out of Yale but has become the cults friend through his support of their policies and influence in the government using his political connections to funnel money to their organizations in often illegal ways, ie Halliburton and the Carlyle Group.  Finally, in the last election, John Kerry was also a Skull and Bonehead and thus either way the country voted the boneheads would have had their agenda in the Whitehouse.  This tactic of playing both sides of a ticket has elevated Boners into the highest levels of government.

The Problem: No public servant is to swear false oath to the People as this constitutes treason when the opposing agenda is inapposite the Constitution.

The outcome:  The government has been seized, the Bonehead agenda is ruining and running the country, Ebonics such as New Orleans, War Profiteering War Crimes in Iraq, systematic undermining of the Constitution to remove personal freedoms, illegal legislation to give the President powers for marshal law, concentration camps set up, removal of Habeus Corpus (the first thing Hitler did to seize Germany, staged terror events such as the Trade Center with a forward looking event human torture atrocities, intimidation of politicians and Supreme Court members, hijacking of the Justice Department to use it at the Pleasure of the Decider Boner Bonehead disguised as President.

37. The Federalist Plot

The Scandal:

The Problem:

The Outcome:

38. RNC Missing Emails

The Scandal:  Thousands perhaps millions of emails, circumventing Presidential Record Retention laws and the Hatch Act

The Problem: Email servers set up by the RNC allowed RNC members to set up a back channel for secretive and perhaps subversive activities.  Problem is it's wholly illegal.

The Outcome: Congress subpoenaed the information, they refused, stay tuned...

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Unreported Bush Scandals with Supporting Web Links

August 3, 2004

All The Unreported Bush Scandals

1) Novak-Gate:

It is going on a year now, with little or NO COVERAGE. I suggest The Media CorpSE check out in FindLaw's Cases & Codes Section. Look at Title 50, Chapter 15, Subchapter IV, Section 421 of The United States Code. That Section only deals with the "protection of CIA Agents", so their cover does not get blown by jerks like Novak. Sure sounds like Novak, The White House and the media corpSE could give a damn about that law.

Does Congress remember that THEY passed these laws? Ask yourself HOW FAST would the media and The Republican Congress be all over Clinton IF HIS White House Administration DID THIS to GET BACK AT O'Reilly, Coulter, Limbaugh or Hannity and they had a wife or husband working as a Covert CIA Agent? Yet the media yawns and Novak is still employed by CNN and newspapers to this very day!!

Laws On The Books Against People Like Novak

2) FBI-Ashcroft-Gate:

Sibel Edmonds worked as translator for FBI. She uncovered The FBI's plan to "get more workers" at The FBI after 9/11, by making the people work slowly. You heard me right!!! If you were a conscience worker who did your translation as fast as possible to help get the bastards who bombed us with civil aircraft, your translations would get deleted by your boss. Your boss would then tell you the next day: "Let that be a lesson to you". Translated, take long coffee and lunch breaks and "translation work be damn".

Edmonds also told Congress about The FBI's very poor and sloppy background checks for new workers. New translators got into the FBI who were members of "the other side". There are words for this, and it is known as ENEMIES doing ESPIONAGE.

She complained to Senators Leahy and Grassley, who had the information about Sibel on their computers and papers in their offices. Both Senators are on the committee, which oversees The FBI. When Sibel got fired from the FBI for complaining, she took The FBI to court. Ashcroft re-classified all the documents that Leahy and Grassley had as Classified Material and the information was promptly removed from their computers and offices.

Ashcroft has just had the case thrown out by a Republican Judge, and all the documents are still classified. This is known, for you in the media corpSE, as a COVER-UP!!

The 9/11 Commission Report only has Sibel Edmonds in their report in footnote number 25. Check out all stories and interviews regarding this and start covering the real news.

Do a Google search on "Sibel Edmonds" and look at all your hits. Then go to any Major Newspaper website around the country and do the same search of the newspaper's website. Likewise, go to the so-called News Media corpSE and check out how many stories they have on "Sibel Edmonds". Most of them are for the web and un-reported on television because Scott Peterson and Kobe Bryant are "more important".

60 Minutes Transcript - Lost In Translation

FBI Informant Sibel Edmonds Articles

Whistleblowers Who Tried To Prevent 9/11

Sibel Edmonds Calls 9/11 Investigation Inadequate

3) NO WMD-Gate: Bush thinks he is funny by making a joke about NO WMD by looking under his desk and says "Nope, No WMD Under Here Either" at this year's Correspondence Dinner. Tim Russert and many other journalists thought it was a "good joke".

How many soldiers has BUSH killed with LIES? How many families have had to attend unwanted funerals? The Bush-Reporters at FOX must have been laughing their stitches out, at his NO WMD HERE jokes.

Gee, I wonder if Bush would give Lila, who lost her son in the F-9/11 movie, a tape of his Correspondence Dinner laughing show?

No WMD Joke Backfires On Bush

Media Reacts To Bush's No WMD Joke

4) Iran-Code-GATE: Chalabi gets told that The United States has broken "Iran's Secret Code". So much for the "secret". Chalabi pays us back by telling Iran. Slow, investigations and NO REPORTING by The Media CorpSE continue through today.

I'm putting all my money on Iran, as our next NON-SCRUTINIZED WAR by BOTH Reporters and Republicans - and that Bush will make sick jokes about that war after thousands are killed.

Why should Bush care? It's not HIS DAUGHTERS on the FRONT LINES with an M-16 in their hands, firing at the enemy and getting blown-up by hidden bombs in the roadway.

Iraq's Chalabi Tells Iran That US Broke Their Code

What Really Happen to Chalabi?

5) Nuke-Gate: There have been THREE (3) LEAKS of Classified Information from Los Alamos, in New Mexico, in the past EIGHT (8) MONTHS!!!

For those of you who are young or do not follow the news or history, Los Alamos is where they do Atomic Research and made two small weapons, also known as Atomic Bombs, that President Harry Truman dropped on Japan to end WWII. Nothing To PANIC About!!!

And Bush is worrying about "Nuclear Problems" with Iraq, Iran and Korea? Sounds like Bush, The Media CorpSE and The Voters had better get their act together, and start worrying about the leakers within our OWN country.

You don't think that Al-Quida have gotten into Los Alamos, do you? What the hell, if they could infiltrate The FBI, what is stopping them from Los Alamos? Perhaps this is why Ridge DID NOT raise the "color level", but he did make a speech that sounded like we were in trouble a few weeks ago. You remember don't you? It was just as Kerry picked Edwards for his running mate. Coincidence?

So lets see here. We have a CIA Agent OUTED by The White House via Novak. Then Al-Quida INFILTRATES The FBI and Ashcroft hushed up the Sibel Edmonds story. Then someone tells Chalabi that we broke Iran's code and Chalabi tells Iran. And now, we have nuke secrets out there somewhere, three times in eight months.

I'm "not worried" about the way Bush is handling our "top-secrets". Are You??

Computerworld Reports on Third Security Breach at Los Alamos in Eight Months

6) Anthrax-Gate: It was back in 2001 that we had the anthrax attacks. Yet, in 2004, the person accused, Steven Hatfill, still has not had his fair trial.

Is my memory slipping, or has Ashcroft ransacked the "Due Process Under The Law" that you are supposed to have, when you are accused and arrested?

Does this mean that YOU could be next to get thrown in jail without "due process" by Johnny?

Steven Hatfill Still Not Tried For Anthrax Charges by Ashcroft in 2001

7) Forgotten-Gate: Say the name "bin Laden" to Bush, and he would say, "bin Laden "WHO"?

9/11 Commission Says No Link Between Iraq and Al Quida

I seem to remember this guy who claims to be our President, once saying the following sentence about Bin Laden: "And there's an old poster out West, I recall, that says, 'Wanted: Dead or Alive".

Bush Makes "Dead or Alive" Statement on 9/17/2001

So instead we go after the guy in Iraq "who tried to kill my dad".

Saddam Tried To Kill My Daddie

Now Pakistan has been ORDERED by BUSH to catch bin Laden, during the summer of 2004. Why now? Why, THREE YEARS after 9/11, would Bush suddenly want to go after bin Laden this year - BY THE END OF SUMMER?

Bush Orders Bin Laden Captured by Election

Back when Clinton was facing Impeachment (for sex) and he went after Bin Laden, we had the Media CorpSE and Every Republicans in Congress all yelling about "WAG THE DOG". Why aren't the Republicans and lame media corpSE all over this "sudden change of direction" in Bush's war plan?

8) Voter-Purge-Gate: Here we go again. States are purging "felons" off the voter lists again. Problem is many of the voters, mostly blacks, are NOT felons. One "FUTURE FELON" has a crime date in January 30, 2007!!! What's Wrong With This Picture??

Try another election gimmick Bush; and there is going to be an outbreak of WAR, here on the streets in The United States. It will make the riots of 1968's Democratic Convention and the Kent State protest on May 1-4, 1970, for those of you who can remember back then, look like they were tame, quiet and peaceful.

Florida will become the new "Kent State" or "Vietnam War Riots" in America's history books if "Innocent" or "Future Crime" voting purges occur in Florida again.

Thank goodness for investigative reporters Greg Palast and Fintan Dunne. America won't carry their articles. I wonder why?

Future Felon Purged off Florida Voting List

Greg Palast Articles on The Theft of A Presidency

The Protest At Kent State on May 1-4, 1970

Protests and Uproar of Vietnam War

9) Judicial-Gate: Republicans break into Democratic Judiciary Office / Computer for over a year, and find out how Senator Leahy and Democrats are going to fight Bush Judicial Nominations.

Media Replies with a big yawn. It's must be their addiction to sleeping pills.

Republicans Infiltrate Democratic Judicial Senate Files For A Year

Republican Judicial Committee Memo Gate

10) Halliburton-Gate: Name says it all and it would take a "War and Peace" book to write to you about all of it. Media skims over and Halliburton on its Cheney stories, and then it's onto more important stories about Kobe Bryant and Scott Peterson. I know the American Press is LAME when I have to go to The Moscow Times (2nd link) to get current articles on Bush Scandals.

Independent Media Looks At Cheney Scandals

Cheney, Halliburton and His Iraq Deals

Halliburton Faces Trial For Iran Links

11) Religion Gate: Republicans cross the "Church vs State" boundaries by signing up voters in church.

And the "UNbiased" media is "worried" about a "Catholic" becoming President again?

Push for Bush Voter Registration in Churches Could Cost it Tax Breaks

12) Compassionate-Gate: Republican Mouthpiece LimBORE says, "the soldiers were just blowing off some steam", when the soldiers were taking pics of nude Iraq people.

Then The Vice-President then tells Senator Leahy, in The Senate Chamber to "F Himself".

Bush then sends soldiers off into battle, and proceeds to cut their pay and VA Benefits. I guess that takes care of the "compassionate side" within The Republican Party.

Potty Mouth Cheney

Thanks for Serving Because I'm Slashing Your Benefits

13) Conservative-Gate: Last time I knew what Conservatives stood for, it meant being a tightwad with money.

So what has this Republican White House, Republican House and Republican Senate given to us with their tightwad spending habits?

The "Conservative" Republicans have given us a Two-Trillion Dollar Deficit. It sure looks like the Republican media corpSE got their big tax-cuts and could give a damn about reporting how LARGE the deficit has grown under Bush and The Republicans.

All of "Liberal", Democratic President Clinton Surplus went right down the drain. It could have been used on the military, education and health benefits but people like Cheney needed their $800,000 tax cut.

The Republican Spending Explosion

The Amazing Disappearing Budget Surplus

If Bush Is Elected, All Agencies Will Get Budget Cuts

More From

The Carpetbagger, May 18, 2004: Let's see, I can think of about a dozen, but I'm sure I'm missing a few. In no particular order...

Cheney's secretive Energy Task Force was investigated by the GAO and the case is currently pending at the Supreme Court.

Bush's Medicare scam and the circumstances that led the administration to lie to Congress about the cost of the legislation is under investigation by the HHS inspector general's office.

The massive intelligence failure that led Bush to lie to the world about the Iraqi threat is under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which Bush fought the creation of).

Bribes offered on the House floor to Rep. Nick Smith (R-Mich.) in exchange for his vote on Bush's Medicare plan are under investigation by the House Ethics Committee and the Justice Department.

Attorney General John Ashcroft was under investigation by the Federal Election Commission for violating campaign finance laws in 2000, and the FEC concluded that Ashcroft accepted $110,000 in illegal contributions.

An investigation into House Majority Leader Tom DeLay's criminal fundraising schemes in Texas -- which allegedly used corporate funds to help state GOP lawmakers -- is already before a Texas grand jury.

Republican staffers on the Senate Judiciary Committee were investigated for stealing thousands of confidential memos from Dem computers, a matter that has now been referred to the Justice Department for a possible criminal probe.

Republican Connecticut Gov. John Rowland is under a criminal investigation (and an impeachment investigation) after he lied about prominent state contractors and several government aides paying for refurbishments to his lake-front cottage.

Former Rep. Bill Janklow (R-S.D.) was under investigation for vehicular manslaughter, a crime for which he was later convicted.

The Pentagon launched a formal investigation into well-armed evangelist and three-star General William "Jerry" Boykin, Bush's pick for deputy undersecretary of defense for intelligence, and his record of extreme religious rhetoric.

The circumstances that led to the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001 are under investigation by a congressionally-authorized independent commission (which, again, Bush fought the creation of and then later resisted cooperating with).

And honorable mentions should go, of course, to investigations into Halliburton (Dick Cheney's former company) and Enron (George Bush's biggest corporate supporter).

California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger was investigated for violating state campaign finance laws, a charge for which he was later found guilty by a state judge. The state has a $100,000 cap on candidate loans; Schwarzenegger loaned himself over $4 million in the closing days of his campaign. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader Josh C. for the tip.)

The forged documents that led Bush to inaccurately claim that Iraq had sought to purchase uranium from Niger are under investigation by a Senate committee and the FBI. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader N.Z. for the tip.)

John Korsmo, Bush's choice to chair the Federal Housing Finance Board, is the target of an ongoing Justice Department criminal probe related to his political fundraising activities and their subsequent cover-up. The scandal cost Korsmo his career; he was forced to resign from his position last week. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader R.G. for the tip.)

The Texas GOP's decision to seek assistance from the FAA to track down Democratic lawmakers fleeing the state to deny a legislative quorum was the subject of two formal inquiries -- one from the U.S. Department of Transportation, the other from the Department of Homeland Security. (Updated 3/21/04, thanks to reader Joe C. for the tip.)

* The General Accounting Office is investigating the legality of White House "video news releases" -- news-like proganda paid for with tax dollars -- which contain highly questionable claims about the alleged benefits of Bush's Medicare plan. (Updated 3/25/04, thanks to reader K.L. for the tip.)

* The Treasury Department's inspector general's office has launched a "preliminary" investigation into whether officials were misused to calculate data for GOP talking points on John Kerry's tax proposals. (Updated 4/7/04)

* The Federal Election Commission investigated the National Republican Congressional Committee and determined that the GOP illegally transferred donations to outside independent groups for assistance in the 2000 campaign. The NRCC was fined $280,000. (Updated 4/9/04)

Best List Yet but it's long

Bush Scandals List: http://www.netrootsmass.net/Hugh/Bush_list.html
updated 8/16/07, recent changes in red. please contact us with corrections and additions.

INTRODUCTION: George Bush, the Connecticut cowboy, the good old boy from Yale is a man of mediocre intelligence, little imagination, and great stubbornness and vindictiveness. He may be the Decider but his handlers have long known how to manipulate him. The key is to hook him with short, simple sells. Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and Condoleezza Rice know that once he has consulted his gut and perhaps his higher father his decision is forever. So whoever gets to him first is likely to carry the day because he doesn't like to be challenged and is, quite simply, too lazy to change his mind. The Bubble is a natural consequence of this decision making process where logic, reason, and facts have little or no role.

....Bush's Presidency began in the shadow of a contested and likely stolen election and promised to be unsuccessful in a largely forgettable and unremarkable way. 911 changed all that and transformed a plodding, and essentially AWOL one termer into an accidental hero. Enormous power flowed to his office but Bush had no idea how to use it. He liked to campaign, not govern. In those around him, he prized loyalty over competence and honesty. A believer in the notion of "to the victor go the spoils," he was the perfect mark for every conniver, bumbler, bungler, hack, hanger on, and would be crony that Karl Rove, Dick Cheney, and their friends could find. In the normal course of things, this would have spelled failure. Post-911, it was catastrophic.

....At this critical juncture in our history we needed an adult but got an adolescent. Instead of responsibility, we got a truant. In place of flexibility we got obduracy. In the face of great and complex challenges, we got strawmen, a black and white universe, my way or the highway, regurgitated stump speeches, and a steadfast refusal to compromise not just with opponents but with reality.

....What all this comes down to is that George Bush should never have become our President. He is not just a bad President but the worst one we could have had, the worst our country has ever seen. This is a judgment that many Americans have come to but which our political establishment and media, even after 6 years, have yet to acknowledge, accept, and act on. This is the tragedy and crime of our times.

1. Walter Reed outpatient treatment, poor living conditions, undelivered mail, lack of caseworkers to oversee and facilitate patient care for amputees, brain injured, and psychologically disabled veterans; Walter Reed is not the only military hospital about which questions have been raised; also out there the underfunding of the VA.

....The problems at Walter Reed came to the public's attention through a series of articles by Dana Priest beginning February 18, 2007. Following them, Gen. George Weightman who ran Walter Reed for 6 months resigned March 1, followed by the forced resignation of Secretary of the Army Francis Harvey the next day. Weightman's boss Army Surgeon General Gen. Kevin "I don't do barracks inspections at Walter Reed" Kiley who lived across from the notorious Building 18 and who had run the hospital from 2002-2004 lasted one day as the new head of Walter Reed before he was removed. He resigned from the Army on March 12.

....One source of the difficulties at Walter Reed was the Base Realignment and Closure Commission (BRAC) decision on August 25, 2005 to close Walter Reed. Planned renovations were canceled. Another was the privatizing of support services at the hospital. The workforce dropped from 350 experienced professionals to 50 who were not and the contract was given to IAP. IAP began work at Walter Reed in 2003. In 2004, IAP lobbied successfully against an Army recommendation not to privatize the workforce. The OMB reversed the Army finding and the services contract was given to IAP in January 2006 although its implementation was delayed a year. IAP is run by two former KBR executives and had a well connected board of directors as well as being owned by a powerful holding company the Cerberus hedge fund.

....However, the generally low priority given to ongoing patient care for wounded soldiers was probably the single greatest reason for the woes at Walter Reed. It bears remembering that there were problems noted as early as 2004 and certainly by 2005 and that Walter Reed is located in the nation's capital minutes from the White House, the Congress, and the offices of major media outlets. Washington didn't know about Walter Reed because it didn't want to know.

2. Firing of US attorneys. Most of the country's 93 US attorneys are usually replaced within the first 2 years of a new administration and this is what happened when Bush came into office in 2001. US attorneys are political appointees and are chosen to reflect the policy priorities of a President. Still their primary job is to uphold the law, and the law is not supposed to be partisan. Karl Rove, of course, had other ideas. He believes that government should be politicized and populated with compliant partisan hacks loyal to him and his.

....The plan was to create a list of political hires and fires of US attorneys under the direction of the White House (i.e. Rove and Harriet Miers) which Gonzales (and Bush) would then dutifully sign off on. There were two components. First, on February 7, 2006, regulations were published giving Attorney General Alberto Gonzales the power to hire and fire all non-civil service employees of the Justice Department (DOJ). On March 1, 2006, Gonzales signed an order delegating this power (subject to his nominal final approval) to two fairly junior and inexperienced staffers: Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling his senior counselor and liaison with the White House and his Chief of Staff Kyle Sampson. Second, sometime late in 2005 (shortly before the conference report for the Patriot Act Extension was filed on December 8, 2005), language originating at the DOJ was surreptitiously inserted into the act by Brett Tolman which allowed Gonzales to make indefinite interim US attorney appointments without Senate approval. The conference report was passed and became law on March 9, 2006. So again, the two parts were first to set up a system where Rove could control the hiring and firing of US attorneys and second to bypass the Senate confirmation process which might interfere with the first part.

....On December 7, 2006, eight US attorneys were notified that they would be fired. Most came from swing states. Most were considered not to have aggressively enough prosecuted Democrats or voter fraud cases in the run up to November 2006 elections, the idea being that such prosecutions would have helped Republicans in close elections. Worse some were investigating and had even prosecuted prominent Republicans. And then there were those partisan hacks waiting in the wings to replace them.

1. Carol Lam, Southern California, convicted Rep. Duke Cunningham and indicted the former No. 3 at the CIA Dusty Foggo.

2. H. E. Cummins III, Eastern Arkansas, had been asked to investigate the Republican Governor in the neighboring state of Missouri. He announced the investigation finished in October 2006 a month before the election but was fired anyway to make way for Timothy Griffin, an aide to Karl Rove who had been the principal opposition researcher in the Bush 2004 campaign.

3. David Iglesias, New Mexico, angered Republican Senator Pete Domenici and Representative Heather Wilson when he refused to push for indictments of Democratic officials before the election after they inappropriately contacted him.

4. Daniel Bogden, Nevada, similarly was replaced by Brett Tolman who was crucial to bypassing Senate scrutiny of these appointments.

5. Paul K. Charlton, Arizona, was investigating Republican Representative Rick Renzi for corruption.

6. John McKay, Western Washington, angered state Republicans for not creating voter fraud cases in the 2004 Governor's race which Democrat Christine Gregoire won by 129 votes.

7. Margaret Chiara, Western Michigan. It is not clear why she was fired. She was on the Native American Issues Subcommittee (NAIS) of US attorneys. It may have been to make way for Russell Stoddard who had been languishing out in Guam as First Assistant Attorney after Frederick Black got demoted for investigating Abramoff's activities in the North Marianas.

8. Kevin V. Ryan, Northern California, is the only one of the 8 who deserved to be on the list because he did run his office poorly. DOJ actually wanted to keep him on but a federal judge forced the issue and his name was added to the list.

....As they say, it is not the crime but the coverup. Gonzales has given so many different and contradictory stories about the firings that it is hard to keep up and then there is his memory. In his Senate testimony of April 19, 2007, he answered he couldn't remember by some counts 71 times. He didn't know who had called for such a list. He couldn't remember having been very involved in the process. He even forgot to mention the March 1, 2006 order in his testimony. In fact, he knew very little about what were major decisions at the department he supposedly ran but, despite this, he did know there was nothing improper in any of it. Testifying in the House on May 10, 2007, his memory and his believability were little improved. Kyle Sampson too had memory problems but did contradict Gonzales' claim that he had not been involved. For his part, Sampson described himself as just the guy that others dropped their files off to and his contribution to the process was to keep them in his desk drawer. Initially, Monica Goodling took an indefinite leave of absence, then resigned, then said she would take the 5th in any Congressional testimony. On May 23, 2007, after a grant of immunity she testified that Paul McNulty the Deputy Attorney General was more aware of events surrounding the firings (although this is far from clear), that she had crossed the line (i.e. broken the law) in asking career DOJ hires about their political affiliations, that Gonzales' statements were inaccurate (i.e. he lied), and that Gonzales had sought to harmonize their stories (i.e. obstruct justice). Goodling, like Sampson, tried to portray herself as a bit player despite Gonzales' extraordinary grant of authority to them both. On June 21, 2007, Paul McNulty testified before the Congress and basically stonewalled, saying that he was out of the loop, that he didn't know who created the firing list, that there was no problem at the DOJ, and that there was no contradiction between his testimony and that of anyone else, including Monica Goodling. On July 11, 2007, Sara Taylor who left her post of White House political director in May randomly invoked Executive privilege and otherwise and like so many others had a bad memory. She did state that she had had no dealings with Bush concerning the firings. Along with her selective use of Executive privilege, this contention further undermined the claim that an Executive privilege was involved and left the possibility of a contempt citation. On July 12, 2007, former White House counsel Harriet Miers refused to appear pursuant to a House Judiciary Committee subpoena, leaving her open to contempt proceedings as well.

....From this use of Executive privilege, it is clear that the White House, and more specifically Karl Rove, was involved in the firings and was, in fact, calling the shots in this affair, and that those at Justice, including the Attorney General, were just the eager, if dim, facilitators of it.

....In addition to the Sampson and Goodling resignations, Michael Battle Director of the Executive Office for US Attorneys (EOUSA) who informed the US attorneys of their firing left the DOJ on March 16, 2007. Paul McNulty the No. 2 at the DOJ and Deputy Attorney General announced his resignation on May 14, 2007 to become effective later in the summer. Although left out of the loop on the details of the firings and giving false Congressional as a result for which he apologized, McNulty did approve the firings and through his Chief of Staff Michael Elston warned several of those fired to stay quiet about them. Elston announced his resignation on June 15, 2007. The DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) informed the Senate in June 2007 that it was investigating Goodling's claim that Gonzales had tried to tamper with her testimony.

....Congress intervened and changed the relevant provision of the Patriot Act to re-instate the Senate's role in confirming US attorneys (May 22, 2007). This was signed into law June 14, 2007. Provocatively, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales continued to make interim appointments right up to the Presidential signing.

3. Plamegate. Scooter Libby Chief of Staff to the Vice President was convicted on March 6, 2007 on two counts of perjury before the Grand Jury and one count each of obstruction of justice and making false statements to the FBI. Placing political payback (against an individual and an agency) above national security, the Vice President's office orchestrated the outing of a covert CIA agent, Valerie Plame, her cover company Brewster Jennings, other agents which had used this same cover, and her contacts. All this was done in retaliation for an op-ed in the New York Times on July 6, 2003 written by her husband ambassador Joe Wilson. In it, he publicly debunked the "16 words" in Bush's January 28, 2003 State of the Union which claimed that Saddam Hussein had sought to obtain uranium from Africa (Niger). This undercut the argument that Iraq posed an imminent nuclear threat and showed that the Bush Administration had known this was so in advance of the war. Wilson had been sent to Niger to investigate this charge in February 2002 at the request of the CIA and had reported nearly a year before its use in the SOTU that it was false. After several attempts by among others Karl Rove to pitch Plame's identity to the media, on July 14, 2003, Valerie Plame was outed in a column by Robert Novak In his closing argument at the Libby trial, Patrick Fitzgerald detailed Cheney's guiding hand in the conspiracy behind the outing and spoke of a "cloud" over the Vice President. That cloud remains.

....On June 5, 2007, Scooter Libby received a preliminary sentence of 30-month term in federal prison, with a 2-year term of supervised release following the completion of that sentence, a $250,000 fine, and a requirement of 400 hours of community service. This was confirmed June 14 and bail during appeal was denied. Scooter's defense solicited letters on his behalf from Washington's conservative elite. These praised his legal expertise and national security credentials and were likely counterproductive since they made clear he was well aware of the legal ramifications of lying to a grand jury and the security implications of outing a CIA agent. A group of conservative attorneys led by Robert Bork also filed an unsuccessful, last minute amicus brief questioning the legitimacy of Patrick Fitzgerald's appointment as prosecutor. It called the appointment a "close" question although its rationale depended upon a lone Supreme Court dissent in a case that was not closely decided and its effect would be to prevent independent investigations of high US officials. On July 2, 2007, a three judge panel of the Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit unanimously denied Libby's appeal. Hours later George Bush commuted Libby's sentence eliminating any jail time. This is an Administration that believes it is outside the law and acts accordingly. It is not so much that they have contempt for the law. Rather they have contempt for us. The cloud that was over Cheney now covers Bush as well.
....A civil suit filed by Valerie Plame was dismissed on July 19, 2007 by judge John D. Bates who ruled that, while Plame's complaint had merit, the court did not have jurisdiction.

4. Iraq: axis of evil, lack of preparation for occupation, looting, including the National Museum, too few troops, lack of training, lack of equipment, lack of securing loose Iraqi munitions, disbanding the Iraqi army, banning the Baathists, the CPA, cronyism, Paul Bremer, losing tons of money literally, lack of international inclusion in reconstruction and security, weak Constitution, formation of sectarian parties, weak government, denial of actual conditions in Iraq, for example, its civil war, ignoring 4 years of failed policies and the basic proposal of the Iraq Study Group to withdraw, escalating instead, continuing lack of any discernible mission.

5. Afghanistan, transferring resources to Iraq before the job was finished, the results: a resurgent Taliban, continuing warlordism, and exploding opium production.

6. Iran and saber rattling, axis of evil, lack of engagement, refusal to talk to, addressing the nuclear issue through threats, clumsy attempts to blame Iran for the debacle in Iraq and a failure to recognize their very real interests there.

7. North Korea, axis of evil, ditching the 1994 agreement and freezing of bank accounts because of dubious uranium program, the plutonium program which led to a fizzled first nuclear test, and something like a return to the 1994 agreement.

8. Osama bin Laden, where are you? The blown opportunity at Tora Bora. Al Qaeda, the Taliban, and the roles of Pakistan and Saudi Arabia in terrorism. Pakistan's intelligence service the ISI created the Taliban. The government of Pervez Musharraf continues to give it safe haven in Pakistan and its efforts against al Qaeda in Pakistan which do occur are limited and often timed to the visits of American dignitaries. The Saudis for their part fund radical madrassas throughout the Moslem world and have a domestic educational system run by the most extreme of their homegrown extremists. Saudi and Gulf oil dollars find their way to many terrorist groups as well as the Sunni insurgency in Iraq.

9. Civilian contractors; also no bid contracts; in Iraq Halliburton tainted food and water, overpriced gas; Blackwater use of private security contractors, what used to be called mercenaries, with little or no accountability.

10. The Military Commissions Act: torture, indefinite detention, the end of habeas corpus, and kangaroo courts. One of the last acts of the Congress before the November 2006 elections, it passed the Senate on September 28 and the House the next day and was signed into law by Bush on October.

17. The short story on this is that, pre-election, the Republicans pushed it and the Democrats caved on it. As bad as the military commissions envisioned in the act are, the Combatant Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs) which designate who is to be tried are even worse. They were complete shams. Decisions were made on the flimsiest and most general information without challenge or taking into account the methods (torture) used to obtain it. Detainees lacked effective legal representation, and the CSRTs did not come close to meeting minimal standards of judicial process, even a preliminary one. To top it off, as later military judges have found, the CSRTs designated detainees "enemy combatants" which does not meet the Military Commissions Act standard of "unlawful enemy combatants" vitiating their findings to date. Even when they make up the rules they can't get it right.

....On July 20, 2007, a three judge panel of the DC Circuit in Boumediene v. Bush and Al Odah v. US rejected parts of the Detainee Treatment Act (DTA) of 2005 asserting that it will expect to examine all information bearing on a detainee's case and not just what the government used in deciding to hold a detainee. SCOTUS on June 29, 2007 changed its mind and decided to take a look at these cases in the fall, especially in light of what the Circuit Court might decide.

11. Hurricanes Rita and Katrina, the destruction of New Orleans, FEMA and "Heck of a job, Brownie," lack of preparation, lack of emergency aid, slowness of reconstruction, Bush ignores for days then gives address from Jackson Square in New Orleans promising aid which never comes or much of which goes to politically connected outstate no bid contractors, disparity between response to Louisiana and Republican Trent Lott's Mississippi; Bush refuses to waive 10% state match for federal funds (waived in many previous disasters) increasing the bureaucratic paperwork, reducing aid to affected areas, and further slowing and complicating rebuilding.

12. Bush authorized warrantless NSA wiretapping in October 2001. Under the 1978 Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) a warrant would be needed from the FISA court (federal judges entrusted with these decisions in addition to their regular jobs) for domestic to international telephone or internet communication. The bar for such a warrant is extraordinarily low, has almost never been denied, and can be granted up to 3 days after the surveillance as begun (in order to give maximum flexibility in emergency situations). This is in contrast to international to international communications which have always been considered legitimate targets for US intelligence organizations and require no warrant. The Bush program acquired its legal basis from a John Yoo memo originating in the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC). It went much further than cutting FISA out of the loop and probably included surveillance of not just domestic to international communication but also domestic to domestic surveillance of any communication with the original domestic participant. It is conceivable that this continued to those domestic contacts and then to their contacts in ever expanding (and less relevant) circles of surveillance. In such a scenario the number of surveilled increases exponentially and perhaps explains the rumors of data mining since such techniques would be needed to get some kind of a handle on such a mammoth undertaking. Another controversial aspect of the program is that it might be a justification to surveille reporters and politicians, especially opposition politicians.

....In any case in March 2004, the OLC under its new head Jack Goldsmith a defense oriented conservative rejected Yoo's reasoning and reversed its position on the NSA warrantless wiretapping program. Attorney General John Ashcroft and Deputy Attorney General James Comey both conservatives and Bush appointees accepted this finding. Then Ashcroft came down with acute gallstone pancreatitis and transferred his powers to his deputy Comey who became Acting Attorney General. In a scheme apparently orchestrated by Vice President Cheney, Bush called Mrs. Ashcroft and Cheney "on the President's behalf" ordered then White House Counsel Alberto Gonzales and Chief of Staff Andrew Card to go to the hospital and get the ailing and doped up Ashcroft to sign off on the surveillance program. Mrs. Ashcroft informed her husband's Chief of Staff David Ayers about the impending visit and he contacted Comey. Comey in turn contacted FBI Director Robert Mueller to order the FBI agents guarding Ashcroft to remain in his room (as witnesses) and raced to the hospital and Ashcroft's room in the ICU. This set the scene for the now famous March 10, 2004 hospital room confrontation where Gonzales and Card ignoring Comey tried to get Ashcroft's signature. Ashcroft was, however, lucid enough to refuse to sign and to point out the obvious: that he did not have the power to do so since Comey was the Acting Attorney General. Despite the refusal by the DOJ to vouch for the program's legality, Bush re-authorized it anyway. A threat by Ashcroft, Comey, and Mueller to resign did, however, result in changes to the program. The OLC came up with a narrower justification under the AUMF for a more limited program which became the TSP (Terrorist Surveillance Program). It should be noted that this program in all of its manifestations and despite its various justifications has been illegal on its face since its inception.

....The program became public when the New York Times reported on it in December 2005. In 2006 various unsuccessful attempts were made to accommodate the program. This included the infamous attempted "compromise" by Arlen Specter to legalize its worst excesses and retroactively amnesty any illegalities. Under mounting pressure and with a new Democratic Congress, Alberto Gonzales announced on January 18, 2007, a "deal" with the FISA court which would put the program under its supervision. Gonzales maintained, however, that Bush still had Article II power to go outside the court if he wanted to.

....On July 24, 2007, Gonzales testified under oath before Senate Judiciary Committee that before going to the hospital to see Ashcroft he had met with a bipartisan group of Congressional leaders overseeing intelligence matters (the Gang of 8) and that they had approved the predecessor to the TSP. Several of the Democratic members of the Gang of 8 denied that such approval was ever given. Additionally, Gonzales asserted that the program discussed was not the TSP but another program. Both General Hayden then head of the NSA and John Negroponte then DNI have indicated that this was precisely the program discussed albeit in its unmodified form. Finally, Gonzales maintained in his testimony that there had been no serious disagreement about the program despite the objections from the DOJ. Along with his constantly changing testimony concerning the US Attorney firings, this discrepancy led four Democratic members of the Senate Judiciary Committee on July 26, 2007 to ask Solicitor General Paul Clement (in his role of Acting Attorney General for matters in which Gonzales has recused himself) to name a special prosecutor to determine whether Gonzales has obstructed justice, perjured himself, and made false statements.

....Despite previous abuses, April 10, 2007 intelligence czar DNI John McConnell proposes allowing NSA to conduct domestic surveillance of foreign nationals completely outside of FISA, extend from 3 days to one week surveillance without seeking FISA permission "in emergency situations," immunize telecoms, and extend FISA warrants from 120 days to one year.

....On August 5, 2007, Bush signed into law a 6 month revision of FISA which would allow warrantless wiretapping of non-American individuals "reasonably" thought to be outside the US and incidentally of US citizens as long as these are not the primary targets of surveillance. The Attorney General would oversee that the program was properly carried out. In effect, this is a backdoor way to surveille Americans without a warrant, supervised by the thoroughly untrustworthy and eminently impeachable Alberto Gonzales. The bill written by the Republicans was raised at the last minute as lawmakers were on their way out of town for the August recess and would not have come to a vote and won passage except for the parliamentary machinations of Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. It represents another failure of Democrats to stand up to a deeply unpopular President and oppose his power grabs.

13. SWIFT surveillance of international financial transactions.

14. Black prisons and extraordinary rendition to facilitate interrogation by torture.

....Khalid El-Masri a German citizen was detained by Macedonian police in late 2003. His name was similar to the alleged mentor of the al Qaeda Hamburg cell (of which two of the 911 pilots Mohamed Atta and Marwan al-Shehhi as well as Ramzi Binalshibh were members). He was held for 3 weeks and then released. Although the CIA knew that this El-Masri was not the one they were looking for, they kidnapped him and took him to Afghanistan where he was interrogated and beaten for months. Eventually, on May 28, 2004, after two orders from then National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice and being made to promise never to talk about what happened, El-Masri was dumped at night on a road in Albania. On December 6, 2005, the ACLU filed suit on his behalf in federal court. On May 18, 2006, Federal District Judge T.S. Ellis III dismissed the case accepting the government's contention that a suit into Masri's illegal detention would compromise national security. The dismissal was upheld by the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals on March 2, 2007. On January 31, 2007, a German prosecutor issued warrants for 13 people suspected of participation in the kidnapping. For his part, since his release, El-Masri has had a troubled history. On May 17, 2007, after an argument with clerks about a defective iPod, he set fire to the store and burned it down.

....Meanwhile on February 17, 2003, the CIA kidnapped a cleric Abu Omar in Milan and rendered him to Egypt where he was held and tortured. In December 2005, an Italian court issued arrest warrants for 22 CIA agents. Abu Omar was released early in 2007.

....Several European countries are looking into the rendition programs. These efforts are complicated by US stonewalling and the complicity of their own intelligence services.

....As for black prisons, these were created to hold high value ghost detainees up to one hundred in number beyond the oversight of the judiciary and Congress, essentially so that they could be tortured. 14 of these, including Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and Abu Zubaydah, were eventually transferred to Guantanamo. In Europe, Poland and Romania were rumored to be sites of the prisons. US bases in Iraq and Afghanistan held others. The remainder were scattered throughout the world in complicit countries and on other US bases. Although there had been previous revelations, the story broke officially in a Dana Priest Washington Post report of November 2, 2005. President Bush acknowledged their existence nearly a year later on September 6, 2006.

....The purpose of both rendition and black prisons was to gain actionable intelligence, an obsession in the Bush Administration. In its pursuit, they stooped to torture and bartered our image as a champion of human rights for a stack of unreliable information. It is an exchange that is impossible to justify.

15. Homeland Security: white elephant (organization), black hole (money), Tom Ridge and threat levels, Michael Chertoff and general incompetence.

....As of May 1, 2007 at DHS, under Chertoff's direction, there were 138 vacancies and another 92 currently being recruited among the department's top 575 positions. Most of these were in the department's policy, legal and intelligence sections, immigration agencies, FEMA, and the Coast Guard. Luckily, nothing important.

16. K Street Lobbyists, Jack Abramoff, North Marianas, removal of investigating US attorney Frederick Black (Guam), Gale Norton and Steven Griles at Interior, go betweens Italia Federici for Norton and Susan Ralston for Rove, tribal casinos; conviction of Rep. Bob "Freedom Fries" Ney (R-OH) for conspiracy and false statements re Abramoff's Indian casinos scam.

17. Kyle "Dusty" Foggo, No. 3 at the CIA under Porter Goss, tied to the Duke Cunningham scandal, and poker "read money laundering" parties with limos and hookers for government officials and representatives. Foggo was indicted for fraud February 13, 2007 by fired US attorney for Southern California Carol Lam two days before she left office. On May 10, 2007, an expanded, superseding indictment was filed against Foggo, and Cunningham associate and co-conspirator Brent Wilkes.

18. Duke Cunningham convicted of receiving $2.4 million in bribes from defense contractors and conspiracy to commit bribery, mail fraud, wire fraud, and tax evasion, the MZM connection. Mitchell Wade the founder of the defense contracting firm MZM purchased Cunningham's Del Mar home for $1,675,000 then put it back on the market a month later for $975,000. Cunningham lived in Washington on a yacht owned by Wade. In exchange for these kinds of bribes and favors, Cunningham steered contracts to MZM. One of the first in July 2002 was for $140,000 for computers and office furniture for Vice President Cheney which turned out in actuality to be for anthrax screening (for which MZM had zero expertise). Another in September 2002 was for a data storage system for CIFA (see item 158 on CIFA's domestic spying). $5.4 million of the $6.3 million contract was profit. As it turned out the system was incompatible with CIFA's and was never installed. As often happens in these kinds of arrangements, Lt. Gen. James C. King who helped set up CIFA went to work at MZM and became its President in June 2005 replacing Wade. By the time that Cunningham pled guilty on November 28, 2005, he had managed to steer $150 million in contracts to MZM, a firm which before Cunningham and Wade hooked up received no important government contracts. Another player in the Cunningham scandals was Brent Wilkes who founded ADCS a data conversion firm. He too won contracts through Cunningham and according to Wade set up a prostitution ring for the benefit of Cunningham and other legislators at the Watergate and Westin Grand hotels.

19. Tom Delay, creator of the K Street Project, squeezing lobbyists to finance Republicans only, indicted for conspiracy to violate campaign finance laws (money laundering) in Texas, also connections to the Abramoff scandal. Major figure in Washington culture of corruption.

20. Mark Foley, chairman of the House Caucus on Missing and Exploited Children, resigned over the House page scandal: sending sexually explicit messages to pages.

21. Cheney's Energy Policy, Big Oil's writing of it, and refusal to divulge that participation.

22. Tax cuts for the wealthiest, corporations and on capital gains; retention of the AMT.

23. Global warming: denial of manmade origin, followed by minimization of the effects of the manmade contribution, continued reliance on fossil and carbon based fuels, little movement on CAFE standards and conservation, and political interference in scientific reports:

March 13, 2001, Bush rejects Kyoto Protocols (finished December 1997 but never ratified by the US Senate) and casts doubt on the causes of climate change.

June 11, 2001, in reference to a report by the National Academy of Sciences, Bush questions both the extent of global warming, its impact, and the manmade contribution to it.

February 14, 2002, Bush announces his Clear Skies Initiatives which lacks any limits on CO2.

April 2002, at the urging of ExxonMobil Bush blocks reelection of Robert Watson, chairman of the UN's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and advocate of reducing greenhouse gases.

June 3, 2002, an EPA report to the UN admits global warming largely due to human activities.

June 4, 2002, Bush dismisses the report as "put out by the bureaucracy" and reiterates his opposition to Kyoto.

September 2002, for the first time in six years, the annual EPA report on air pollution "Latest Findings on National Air Quality: 2001 Status and Trends" omits the section on global warming.

June 23, 2003, the EPA issues "Draft Report on the Environment 2003" in which the section on global warming was pulled after the Administration sought to replace data showing sharp increases in global temperatures with references to a study funded by the American Petroleum Institute questioning the evidence for global warming.

Early 2005, Bush meets with author, non scientist, and global warming skeptic Michael Crichton. Bush had read his novel "State of Fear" which depicts global warming as a conspiracy.

June 1, 2005, Rick Peltz a scientist at the U.S. Climate Change Science Program (USCCSP) resigns and accuses Phillip Cooney, the then chief of staff of the White House Council on Environmental Quality, a former lobbyist for the American Petroleum Institute, and a non scientist, of editing scientific papers so that they would agree with Administration policies on climate change.

June 10, 2005, Cooney resigns

June 13, 2005, Cooney is hired by ExxonMobil

December 2005, NASA climatologist James Hansen reported his work was being monitored and his access to the press limited by a 24 year old Bush political appointee in NASA's PR department George C. Deutsch. Deutsch also tried to qualify references to the Big Bang as this conflicted with his fundamentalist beliefs.

February 7, 2006, Deutsch resigns after it becomes known that he lied on his resume about having a college degree.

April-November 2006, the Smithsonian (almost all of whose $1.1 billion budget comes from the government) self censors an exhibit on climate change in the Arctic which it had delayed six months while trying to tone it down.

May 31, 2007, in an NPR interview, NASA Administrator Michael Griffin admits that global warming exists but doubts that it is a problem "to be wrestled with".

(see also item 42)

24. Terri Schiavo (family and privacy rights in end of life cases); Senate Majority leader Bill Frist making his famous (and erroneous) video diagnosis; the memo written by Brian Darling, the legal counsel for Senator Mel Martinez (R-FL) that the Schiavo case was a great political issue which could be used against the Democratic Senator from Florida Bill Nelson. Republicans who had cast the Schiavo case as a "moral" issue initially declared the memo a Democratic plant and dirty trick before the real source came out.

25. Big budget deficits and vastly increased national debt; the national debt as of the date of Bush's 2001 inauguration was $5.7 trillion in mid-April 2007 it was $8.8 trillion an increase of 35%.

26. The stacking of SCOTUS with right wing conservatives Roberts and Alito; the threat to Roe v. Wade; April 18, 2007 in a 5-4 decision in Gonzales v. Carhart SCOTUS upholds a ban on "partial birth" abortions (intact dilation and extraction). The procedure is rare and performed for medical reasons. Such a ban has been a goal of abortion foes who see it both as a step in a direct overturning of Roe and as part of an indirect approach to place so many restrictions on abortions as to effectively eliminate them.

....The opinion written by Kennedy is remarkable for its inflammatory use of language (partial birth abortion, abortion doctors, killing the fetus, etc.) and example (an account of the procedure by an anti-abortion nurse). Kennedy manages to condescend not only to women but to their physicians as well. He essentially gives them both his considered medical opinion, as a lawyer, and orders them to follow it. The word hubris comes to mind.

27. Medicare: a bigger time bomb than Social Security left unaddressed.

28. Medicare Part D: the 3 hour vote in the House, the doughnut hole, hitting elders with confusing multiple plans, boon to insurance and drug companies, prohibition on Medicare using its market power to negotiate with drug companies for lower prices.

29. Healthcare (in general)!!!

30. Cooked intelligence and the Office of Strategic Plans/ Doug Feith; stovepiping and Cheney's alternate intel operation; pitching stories to credulous compliant reporters like Judy Miller then citing these stories as independent evidence; Ahmed Chalabi and the Iraqi National Congress feeding fake stories and dubious sources like "Curveball" into the mix; the subsequent coverup and Republican delayed and deep sixed Congressional investigations into the politicization of intelligence; an Inspector General's report of February 9, 2007 declared Feith's activities inappropriate but stopped short of calling them illegal. The IG's rationale seemed more political than legal since Feith was running an intelligence operation which would be illegal.

31. 2000 Presidential election; voter suppression and cooked felons list, Secretary of State Katherine Harris, Governor Jeb Bush, Bush consigliere Jim Baker oversaw the recount, Theodore Olson argued Bush v. Gore: SCOTUS decided 7-2 to stop recounts because of inconsistent procedures and 5-4 insufficient time to begin new recount, giving Bush the election.

32. 2004 Presidential election; Ohio voter irregularities that consistently favored Bush; Ken Blackwell was the Republican Secretary of State and honorary co chair of the Bush campaign who oversaw the election in Ohio. He opted for touch screen voting machines which left no paper trail and were sold by Diebold whose CEO Walden O'Dell was a Republican fundraiser. Long lines and too few machines in traditionally Democratic and minority areas also occurred.

....The Ohio Republican Party was unusually corrupt and was largely voted out in the November 2006 elections. It was epitomized by Tom Noe a Bush Pioneer who made illegal contributions to the Bush campaign at the same time he was looting millions from the state's workers comp program in a kooky coin investment scheme. He's currently serving ~20 years on state and federal charges.

33. Attempts to torpedo the 911 Commission.

34. Failure to implement the 911 Commission recommendations.

35. Marginalization of the UN; UN hating John Bolton made our UN ambassador (in a recess appointment); as Undersecretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Bolton requested raw NSA transcripts 10 times in an effort to spy on and embarrass his bosses and coworkers. NSA transcripts are required to have the names of Americans redacted. Raw transcripts contain the names. It later came out that the release of unredacted transcripts was much more common than previously thought and that up to 10,000 names had been so released to various departments of government.

36. Preventive war doctrine, aka Cheney's one percent doctrine and the Bush doctrine. Bush first enunciated it at a speech at West Point on June 1, 2002. Preventive war is different from pre-emptive war. In preventive war, there is no imminent threat and this type of war is considered a war crime. (Think of Hitler attacking Poland.) In pre-emptive war, there is an imminent threat and this type of war is sanctioned by international law. (Think of the Israelis striking the Egyptian army in the Sinai in 1967) After the failure to find WMD in Iraq, the Administration dropped any pretense of imminence and overtly embraced the preventive war doctrine, asserting the right to eliminate threats before they develop.

37. Loss of US reputation internationally after massive post-911 world support.

38. No serious attempt to achieve peace between Israelis and Palestinians. The epitome of this was Condoleezza Rice's announcement in Luxor on January 15, 2007 of talks on talks to develop a "political horizon" for a return to the "road map" leading to a final Israeli-Palestinian settlement. This is not serious.

39. Underfunding of basic research.

40. Alberto Gonzales: politicization of the department, even down to the intern program, decimation of career lawyers and evisceration of divisions, like civil rights. The US attorney firings and the use of political litmus tests in hiring. The use of corruption, voter suppression, and voter fraud cases to influence elections.

....Gonzales was counsel to the President before becoming Attorney General. This should have meant that he moved from being the President's lawyer to the people's lawyer but it is clear that he continues to see his main client as the President. Some think that he is dishonest; others say he is incompetent. He is both.

41. FDA: drug testing; food safety: underfunding, cutback in inspections and inspection staff (a decrease of 12% between 2003 and 2006), reliance on self-policing, lack of inspection of imported foods, and inability to force recalls.

42. EPA: mercury levels for coal plants, delay in release of climate change reports; failure to address CO2 levels in global warming: Massachusetts v. EPA April 2007. On May 14, 2007, Bush asked government agencies to come up with a plan and submit it to him 3 weeks before he leaves office. The stalling continued on May 31, 2007, when Bush called for what was termed an aspirational goal of coming up with voluntary limits to greenhouse gases in the next 18 months (or again just before he leaves office) to go into effect after Kyoto expires in 2012.

43. Porter Goss and the gutting of the CIA: Goss a conservative Republican Congressman who chaired the House Intelligence Committee was chosen to replace George Tenet in 2004. He promised to be non-partisan in his new role, a promise he did not keep and which it is difficult to imagine anyone took seriously at the time. He brought with him some of his House staff, the "goslings". Their doctrinaire style produced confusion, demoralization, resignations, and not much else. Having done what damage he could and being largely isolated, he resigned suddenly on May 5, 2006, achieving the distinction of being one of the few people who was too big an embarrassment even for the Bush Administration, well that and that he was outmaneuvered and marginalized by the Director of National Intelligence John Negroponte.

44. Militarization of intelligence: Rumsfeld perhaps out of pique that the Afghanistan operation was largely a CIA affair and conceiving the world as one big turf battle pressed to put all special operations under Pentagon control. The vast majority of intelligence funding is already funneled through the Defense Department. In addition to this, the current intelligence czar the Director of National Intelligence John Michael McConnell is a retired vice admiral. The CIA is currently headed by an active duty general Michael Hayden (USAF). The top man at the NSA (formerly headed by Hayden) is Lt. Gen. Keith B. Alexander (Army). And the National Counterterrorism Center is headed by another retired vice admiral John Scott Redd. General James R. Clapper Jr. is Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence, Lt. Gen. William J. (Jerry) Boykin is Deputy Under Secretary for Intelligence, Marine Corps Maj. Gen. Michael Ennis is Deputy Director for Human Intelligence at the CIA. And retiring Army Lt. General Dell Dailey, currently the Director of the Center for Special Operations at the Pentagon which runs black ops, has been nominated to head the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism (S/CT) at the State Department.

45. Rampant cronyism!!!

46. Signing statements: As of early 2007, there have been 147 signing statements challenging over 1,140 provisions in about 150 federal bills. In the past signing statements were used to establish grounds for a possible future challenge of a law by the Executive branch or to assert that signing a specific bill did not imply a surrender of an underlying Presidential power. Bush has used them to maintain that he will only obey a law or a part of a law when it suits him.

47. Unilateral (aka Unitary) Executive doctrine: the brainchild of John Yoo and David Addington which seeks to establish a legal framework through misreading the Constitution for a Presidential dictatorship. 

48. Overuse and abuse of the National Guard and Reserves; posse comitatus; decreased ability to deal with natural disasters; also much National Guard equipment is now in Iraq and there is currently a $24 billion shortfall in equiping National Guard units in this country.

49. Increasing unpreparedness of US ground forces (Army and Marines): too many tours, extended tours, too little rest between tours, insufficient training.

50. US balance of trade deficit. This is a measure both of our general indebtedness and our competitiveness. In 2001 it was $389 billion. In 2006 it was $758.5 billion, a 95% increase. The deficit in goods (as opposed to services) accounts for almost all of this.

51. 2005 Grassley Bankruptcy bill heavily favoring lenders.

52. Mexican cross border trucking and safety concerns.

53. Karl Rove did not lose his security clearance after his participation in the Valerie Plame case. Instead it was quietly renewed in late 2006. Henry Waxman would like to know why.

54. Detention of families for immigration violations; large ICE raids which leave children of detainees unaccounted for; immigrant detentions for long periods in a hodgepodge of facilities without adequate medical care (resulting in deaths), suicide prevention, or legal representation.

55. Dubai Ports deal.

56. The Patriot Act that no one had time to read and passed anyway; the Patriot Act extension that people had the time to read and passed anyway.

57. Attempts to privatize Social Security dating all the way back to a stacked commission report of December 11, 2001; Andrew Biggs who favors privatization made deputy director of Social Security in a recess appointment after the Senate made it clear it would not take up his nomination because of his privatization views.

58. The War on Science.

59. Conviction of David Safavian for lying and obstruction June 20, 2006 re his dealings with Jack Abramoff. In the 1990s, Safavian was a business partner of Grover Norquist. In 2002, he was named Senior Advisor and Acting Deputy Chief of Staff at the GSA and in November 2003 was made head of the Office of Federal Procurement Policy at the OMB in the White House.

60. Presidential adviser Claude Allen stealing from Target.

61. Bush casually admits to lying about decision to fire Rumsfeld.

62. Armstrong Williams and paid propagandists.

63. Decimation of the Labor Department presided over by Elaine Chao, married to Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell; job safety, job creation, wage increases, unions, and workers' rights have languished under her stewardship. Edwin Foulke who heads OSHA continues the Administration policy of trusting to self-regulation of industry, by industry, for industry.

64. Net neutrality and media content and ownership policies.

65. Backing Israel while it destroyed Lebanon July 12, 2006-August 14, 2006.

66. Presidential Daily Brief August 6, 2001: Bin Laden determined to attack in US.

67. EPA chief Christie Todd Whitman declares toxic filled Ground Zero safe for cleanup. On August 9, 2003 the EPA Inspector General finds differently. In Congressional testimony June 25, 2007, Whitman states that it was not her fault and blames the terrorists for the site being toxic.

68. Sago mining disaster hearings and MHSA's David Dye who walked out of the hearings; Bush push for reduction in fines for safety violations and non-collection of them since 2001.

69. Bush nominates Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court on October 3, 2005. She was serving as White House counsel after Alberto Gonzales went to the DOJ. A typical Bush crony appointment, nevertheless it quickly runs into problems. Miers has little knowledge of Constitutional law, but what dooms her nomination is that conservatives don't think she is conservative enough. Think Roe v. Wade. The nomination is withdrawn October 27, 2005. A few months later Miers' involvement in the firings of the US attorneys begins.

70. Bush vetoes a stem cell research bill July 19, 2006 (Bush's first veto). Bush vetoes a second stem cell research bill June 20, 2007 (Bush's third veto).

71. Attack on Plan B contraception, staffing Women's Health positions with religious conservatives: Dr. Eric Keroack at Health and Human Services who thought birth control demeaning to women and Dr. David Hager at FDA who tried to keep Plan B prescription only. His wife contended in divorce proceedings that he had repeatedly sod*mized her without her consent.

72. Clear Skies Act of February 14, 2002 a failed attempt to weaken the Clean Air Act. Bush reacted by changing standards on nitrogen oxide, SO2, and mercury through the EPA. The Healthy Forest Restoration Act of 2003 based on bad science in how to protect communities from forest fires and on the effects of "thinning" forests, i.e disrupting ecosystems. The real aim was to remove public scrutiny on sweetheart deals with logging companies by claiming such deals were to protect communities even when there were no communities in the vicinity.

73. Missile defense shield that doesn't work. So far the only tangible result is that Vladimir Putin has used it as an excuse to introduce a new class of MIRVed (multiple warhead) ICBMs and threaten the Europeans. This is payback for the US withdrawal from the ABM Treaty announced December 12, 2001 and entered into effect June 13, 2002. On June 14, Russia announced that it was pulling out of START II (negotiated in the 1990s) which covered the de-MIRVing of ICBMs and which Russia had never gotten around to ratifying anyway. Putin knows that Russia is not threatened by such an ineffective system and that Russia has plenty of conventional ICBMs to overwhelm it even if it did work. As for targeting Europe, although it sounds scary, this represents little change from current policy. De-targeted Russian (and US) missiles can be re-targeted in a matter of seconds to minutes. On July 14, 2007, Putin suspended Russia's participation in the Conventional Forces in Europe treaty. The Bush missile shield is providing an excellent excuse for Russia to detach itself from the security framework put in place at the end of the Cold War.

74. Leandro Aragoncillo naturalized Filipino-American in Cheney's office (previously Gore's) accused of spying for the Philippines and possibly France, pled guilty to unlawfully possessing secret US government documents. He was sentenced to 10 years on July 18, 2007.

75. Defunding overseas AIDS programs that promoted condom use for prevention; ineffective abstinence only programs. With these should be mentioned domestic abstinence only programs directed at teens which have proven to be abysmal failures.

76. Call for a constitutional amendment declaring marriage to be between one man and one woman.

77. Opening up Bristol Bay, the last pristine large-scale salmon fishery in the world, to oil drilling. Congress has also sanctioned further drilling in the Gulf of Mexico including off the coast of Florida. Interior has proposed drilling off the coast of Virginia which would need Congressional approval which isn't likely.

78. Accusation that Clintons trashed the White House before leaving, including stealing the Ws from keyboards.

79. Gannon/Guckert a working male prostitute in the White House press corps.

80. Native American trust funds and Trust Responsibility to Indian Country.

81. Selling creationist materials at the Grand Canyon gift shop claiming it was 6000 years old.

82. Banning photographing return of coffins of slain American soldiers!!!

83. False military reporting: Pat Tillman, Jessica Lynch. Pat Tillman was an NFL player who post-911 joined the Army and was killed in Afghanistan April 22, 2004. He was immediately mythologized John Wayne-style by the military. On May 28, 2004, it came out that he died in a friendly fire incident. Details of Tillman's death and the coverup surrounding it continue to dribble out. On July 13, 2007, the Bush White House invoked Executive privilege on its communications with the Pentagon concerning the story pursuant to requests from the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee. It is likely that Bush knew within a week of Tillman's death that the initial accounts of it were false. Executive privilege has become an indispensable tool in the stonewall this Administration has constructed around itself.

....On July 31, 2007, retired Lt. Gen. Philip Kensinger who headed Army special forces received a letter of reprimand from Army Secretary Pete Geren for his role in the affair and may lose a star and a tenth of his retirement pay. Lt. Gen. Stanley McChrystal who heads the Special Operations (black ops) Command approved Tillman's Silver Star citation on April 28, 2004 in which Tillman is described as being killed by devastating enemy fire. The next day he sent a back channel memo saying he thought Tillman may have been the victim of friendly fire. McChrystal remains on active duty and has never been punished although a Pentagon Inspector General's report recommended that action be taken against him for misleading and inaccurate statements.

84. AIPAC espionage scandal; former DOD employee Lawrence Franklin pled guilty to passing information on Iran to Israel through two AIPAC employees.

85. Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo, Bagram; the Marine massacre of 24 Iraqi civilians at Haditha and its coverup. A few cases:

Rasul: On June 28, 2004 SCOTUS in a 6-3 decision ruled that the US court system had jurisdiction over non US nationals held at Guantanamo. Rasul had been released to the UK before the ruling on March 29, 2004.

Hamdi: On June 28, 2004 SCOTUS 8-1 ruled that U.S. citizens can not be detained indefinitely as enemy combatants without due process. Hamdi was released to Saudi Arabia on October 9, 2004 on condition that he give up his US citizenship.

Hamdan: On June 29, 2006, SCOTUS in a 5-3 decision ruled that Bush's military tribunals were illegal under the UCMJ and the Geneva Conventions and needed Congressional authorization (which was supplied by the Military Commissions Act or MCA of September 2006)

Khadr/Hamdan: On June 4, 2007, a military court dismissed charges against them because their Combat Status Review Tribunals (CSRTs) had designated them enemy combatants. The MCA authorizes trials for "unlawful" enemy combatants only, which they had not been designated.

al Marri: On June 11, 2007, the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 that a legal US resident (similar to Hamdi) can not be denied due process and held indefinitely as an enemy combatant outside the purview of the US judicial system.

86. Asserted right to open US mail.

87. The housing bubble, its collapse, subprime mortgage crisis. Since about 1998, subprime mortgage loans have accounted for about 1/4 of US home sales. Such mortgages allowed people with low or bad credit ratings to purchase homes. Easy credit resulted in a housing boom/bubble between 2000 and 2005 and was touted as a major plank of Bush's "ownership society". The problem was people were sold too much house financed by loans that they could initially, if marginally, afford but which they could not after a few years as the terms on their loans changed and monthly payments greatly increased. The effects of this nonsensical lending and speculation were delayed for awhile as the housing market was on the way up and the value of homes (including those financed by subprime loans) steadily increased, but in late 2006 the bubble became unsustainable and burst. Ameriquest the largest subprime lender went belly up after a $325 million settlement with 30 state Attorney Generals for deceptive lending and marketing practices. (Its former CEO Robert Arnell was appointed Ambassador to the Netherlands by George Bush.) It was not alone. Other subprime lenders like Mortgage Lenders Network USA and Ownit followed suit. Market analysts try to downplay the significance of the subprime disaster but its effects continue to ripple through financial markets. For one thing most of the mortgage loans were not held by the original lenders but sold to investors and hedge funds. As a result two Bear Stearns funds failed and on August 9, 2007 the French bank BNP Paribas froze withdrawals from 3 of its funds due to subprime losses sparking a major sell off in stock markets and forcing central banks to inject ~$180 billion into markets over a 24 hour period to avoid a credit crunch. The fallout from this housing bubble collapse will be with us for years and is going to be very, very expensive.

88. Bush connections to Enron and Ken Lay. Lay was connected to the elder Bush but helped finance the younger Bush's gubernatorial campaign. In 2000 he was a Bush Pioneer, and gave hundreds of thousands of dollars to fund the Republican convention and the Bush inaugural celebration. Through Enron, he also contributed more than a million dollars in soft money to the Republican party. In exchange, Bush stayed out of the California energy crisis and Lay participated in Cheney's Energy Task Force which wrote Bush's business friendly energy policy. When Enron collapsed, Bush could barely remember ever having met the man.

89. Refusing to intervene in the California electricity crisis in early 2001.

90. Lack of action on Darfur despite Congress declaring it genocide in a resolution of June 22, 2004 and Bush's own Secretary of State Colin Powell on September 9, 2004.

91. Failure to adequately fund programs to reduce poorly secured nuclear material in Russia.

92. Refusal to grant security clearances to OPR (Office of Public Responsibility) lawyers investigating the role of Gonzales both as WH counsel and later as AG in authorizing warrantless NSA wiretapping thus quashing the investigation.

93. Political interference in the Justice Department lawsuit against Big Tobacco. 

94. White House involvement in election day phone jamming of Democrats in New Hampshire November 5, 2002; Charles McGee, former executive director of the New Hampshire Republican Party pled guilty to conspiracy; James Tobin New England head of the National Republican Senatorial Campaign Committee made two dozen calls to the White House over a three day period during this time. He was convicted for his participation. This was reversed on appeal March 21, 2007 and his case was sent back to the district court.

95. Sweetheart plea deal for Steven Griles former No. 2 at the Interior Department. Griles and his then girlfriend Italia Federici worked with Jack Abramoff and later lied to Congress about it. The proposed deal by the government: no cooperation demand, the minimum 10 months, 5 to be served at the home of his now wife Sue Ellen Wooldridge who had just left Justice where she was an assistant attorney general heading the environment division. She signed a generous consent decree with ConocoPhillips despite being friends with a Conoco vice president and despite the fact that Conoco was being represented by Griles.

....On June 26, 2007, US District Judge Ellen Huvelle sentenced Griles. Griles asked for probation and blamed the Senate for his lying. The judge didn't buy this or the government's deal and doubled his prison time to the full 10 months. He was also fined $30,000 and given 3 years probation.

96. The unfired (Bush appointed) US attorneys who targeted 80% of their political corruption cases against Democrats. 

97. Insertion into the Patriot Act extension of language allowing US attorneys to be named without Senate approval. This provision originated with Daniel Collins a former Associate Deputy AG back in 2003 but was taken by then Assistant AG for Legislative Affairs (now Principal Associate Deputy AG) William Moschella in 2005 and forwarded to Brett Tolman, a protege of Utah Senator Orrin Hatch on Arlen Specter's staff who snuck it into the bill. Specter denied knowledge of the insertion and said he had not read the bill. He admitted, however, that his chief of staff Michael O'Neil did know. As a reward, Tolman was nominated US attorney for Utah and confirmed by the Senate July 21, 2006 in the usual way and not the one he slipped into the Patriot Act. Gonzales approved but maintained he didn't know how it happened.

98. Massive and illegal abuse by FBI of National Security Letters (administrative warrants) or NSLs. A report by DOJ Inspector General Glenn Fine of March 2007 estimated that 143,000 NSLs had been issued between 2003 and 2005. An exact number was not possible because recordkeeping was so bad that an unknown number were never properly recorded. In response to the IG's findings, Alberto Gonzales stated that he was unaware of abuses in the program although he had begun receiving reports about them beginning in 2005. On June 15, 2007, DC federal district court judge John Bates ordered the FBI to begin producing documents related to NSL abuse pursuant to a FOIA request by the Electronic Frontier Foundation by July 5. On July 13, 2007, Attorney General Gonzales and FBI Director Mueller announced that a new office would be formed within DOJ's National Security Division to oversee the program and prevent abuses. Of course, these were the same people who promised that there would be no abuses in the first place.

99. Attempted use of GSA to promote Republican candidates; presentation by Scott Jennings deputy political director to Karl Rove at a video conference of 40 political appointees hosted by GSA head Lurita Doan in violation of the Hatch Act. Later, Doan testifying before Congress had severe memory loss. Doan at GSA has been involved in various contract irregularities. In a letter to Bush on June 8, 2007, the Office of Special Counsel which investigates this kind of thing called for Doan to be punished to the fullest extent for violations of the Hatch Act and obstructing its investigation.

....At least 20 other meetings involving senior officials from 15 government agencies and the White House discussing political prospects were held before the 2006 elections also in violation of the Hatch Act. The Office of Special Counsel (OSC) has begun investigations into these.

100. Karl Rove and the culture of corruption. What did Karl Rove see in George Bush that he tied his fortunes to Bush's political star? Rove saw Bush as inhabiting the intersection of often disparate and conflicting elements of the Republican Party. Bush came from a powerful Texas family. His father had been President and that meant not only name recognition but contacts to the Republican Establishment. Bush Senior was also tightly connected to the conservative monied classes in Texas, the Northeast, and the country more generally. Despite this, Bush Junior assiduously cultivated and exploited a "good ole boy" image so at odds with his family's wealth and power. Although born in Connecticut and schooled in the Northeast, as a Texan and with the Everyman shtik, Bush could also lay claim to being both a Southerner and a Westerner and so tap into two important bastions of the Republican Party. As a recovering alcoholic turned to religion, Bush Junior added in another part of the Republican base the religious Right, evangelical and family values vote. With this and a smattering of Spanish, Rove saw Bush could court the Hispanic vote as well. In other words, from Rove's point of view Bush was a political goldmine.

....Here were two men with little knowledge of or curiosity about the world, motivated by no great philosophy but with a great thirst for power and a willingness to do anything no matter how sleazy or dirty to win it. This was not about consensus building. It was about 50% plus 1 or close enough for a court to decide in their favor. Rove probably would have sought to politicize the federal government in favor of the Republican Party anyway but the disputed nature of the 2000 vote gave him an added incentive and 911 supplied him with a golden opportunity. The result has been the most thoroughgoing politicization, often in contravention of the law, of all aspects of government in our lifetimes.

....The goal was to carve out a permanent majority using the 50% plus one philosophy, but there were two problems. First, while Bush personified the many facets of the modern Republican Party, neither he nor Rove ever unified them. The conflicts between social conservatives, libertarians, and the wealthy remained. The wealthy got their tax cuts but the financial situation of Nascar dads became more precarious. Social issues got two Supreme Court justices but no real money, and to date little change in the law. Nativist types clashed with pro-business ones over immigration. Rove's outreach to the expanding numbers of minorities in the country came crashing down. The result was a peeling off not a building up until Bush and Rove were left with only their hardcore base of 25-30%. Second, placing political loyalty above professionalism and experience in government did not strengthen the Republican Party or the conservative cause. It created instead an environment of corruption, cronyism, incompetence, and failure. Examples of this can be found everywhere in this Administration and form much of the content of this list, but the epitome of this collision between ideology and the real world is Iraq. The practical problem with politicization of government is that it doesn't work and produces bad results of which Iraq is the most obvious and worse.

....On August 13, 2007, Karl Rove Bush's chief political adviser throughout his entire political career announced his resignation to become effective on August 31, 2007. From his 5 appearances before the grand jury in the Valerie Plame/outing of a CIA agent case, to violations of the Hatch Act and the Presidential Records Act, the US Attorney firings, and lobbyist Jack Abramoff's influence peddling schemes, investigations have swirled around Rove. Bush has invoked Executive Privilege to protect him. It may not have been enough. In Washington's culture of corruption, all roads lead to Rove.

101. Voter suppression, voter ID laws, exaggerating the problem of voter fraud, attempts to eviscerate the Voting Rights Act on its renewal; Hans von Spakovsky, a Republican volunteer in the Florida recount, was Counsel to the Assistant Attorney General for the DOJ's Civil Rights division where he signed off on Tom Delay's 2003 Texas redistricting plan and a 2005 Georgia voter ID law overruling staff recommendations that they were discriminatory. Both were struck down in the courts. In the Georgia case, a federal appeals judge compared the ID system to Jim Crow poll taxes. In April 2005, on his own and without consulting voting rights attorneys, Spakovsky incorrectly advised the Arizona Secretary of State that provisional ballots should not be given to voters who lacked proper ID. Spakovsky went on to be a Commissioner at the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) in a January 6, 2006 recess appointment.

....The head of the voting section of the Civil Rights Division during this period was Bradley Schlozman. Schlozman was highly political. He wanted to know if prospective hires were Republicans and forced out employees who committed the sin of not agreeing with him. Although having no prosecutorial experience, Schlozman was named US attorney for Western Missouri on March 23, 2006. In a blatant attempt at voter suppression and in contravention of DOJ guidelines, he filed voter fraud cases days before the November elections. His was one of the first of the "interim" appointments made under the revised provisions snuck into the Patriot Act and there have been suggestions that his predecessor Todd Graves was forced out to make way for him. He left in April 2007 to work at the Executive Office for US Attorneys (EOUSA). Schlozman testified about his activities before the Senate on June 5, 2007. Like most recent DOJ witnesses, he suffered from extreme memory loss. He testified that Craig Donsanto OK'ed the pre-election Missouri cases although Donsanto is the one who wrote the DOJ guidelines. A May 2007 update to these guidelines weakens or eliminates the prohibition on bringing politically sensitive cases near to an election.

....The current head of the Civil Rights Division is Wan J. Kim, an Orrin Hatch protege.

102. Campaign finance and political corruption.

103. Swift boating of John Kerry (2004); push polling and McCain's black baby in the South Carolina primary (2000); Sam Fox made Ambassador to Belgium in a recess appointment. Fox's nomination was withdrawn in the Senate where it faced certain defeat. Fox was controversial because he had given $50,000 to the anti-Kerry smear campaign of the Swift Boat Veterans for Truth.

104. No Child Left Behind, based on flawed and false data, chronically underfunded, capricious in its evaluations, places test scores above knowledge; allegations have arisen that people at the Department of Education pushed reading programs as part of NCLB that they had financial interests in.

105. Susan E. Dudley made administrator of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs at the Office of Management and Budget. Dudley who doesn't believe in regulation except in extreme cases when the "market fails" was named to this powerful regulatory post in a recess appointment on April 4, 2007.

106. Paul Wolfowitz, after his disastrous hyping of the Iraq war, did a McNamara and went to the World Bank to do good. He brought his neocon values, a doctrinaire, secretive management style, and a real gift for poor leadership to rail against corruption in 3rd world countries while practicing some of it himself closer to home. Prohibited from supervising his girlfriend, Shaha Riza, a senior communications officer at the bank, he detailed her to the Department of State, gave her a raise of $47,340 twice what was permitted, and then a further raise of $13,000 bringing her salary to $193,000 tax free and making her the highest paid official in the State Department and that includes Condoleezza Rice. Wolfowitz's eventual defense of the raise was that Riza was very angry at leaving the Bank and might have sued although as the Bank later pointed out she did not have grounds to do so. Her initial boss at state was none other than Liz Cheney. Her job through State was to set up the Foundation for the Future to promote civil society in the Middle East. After 1 1/2 years there, it still has no permanent office, executive officers, or staff and has yet to disperse a grant. There is also the matter of a security clearance that Riza, a non-citizen unaffiliated with an allied government, would need to work at Defense (through an earlier contract with the defense contractor SAIC arranged by Wolfowitz through Doug Feith) or more recently at State and which would be extremely unusual to give to someone in her situation.

....Wolfowitz dragged out his departure from the Bank for nearly a month doing serious damage to the institution. He was eventually forced to announce his resignation on May 17, 2007 effective June 30, 2007. In keeping with his double standard on corruption and despite his disastrous stewardship at the Bank, he will not go cheaply into the night. His severance package will be in the neighborhood of half a million dollars. The poor should get such deals. On June 25, 2007, pro-business, free trader (and like Wolfowitz) neocon Robert Zoellick was approved as the World Bank's new president.

107. Kenneth Tomlinson chairman of the CPB politicized public broadcasting, commissioned a biased study to monitor liberalism on Bill Moyer's show NOW, resigned after an IG report alleged political tests and inappropriate dealings in the creating of a new show; later he was put on the board of governors for the Voice of America where there were further allegations of hiring a friend, misuse of staff, improper billing, and use of his office to run a horse racing operation.

108. Matteo Fontana, a general manager in the Office of Federal Student Aid in the Education Department held and sold shares worth at least $100,000 in Student Loan Xpress whose activities he was ostensibly overseeing. He was placed on paid leave. Fontana's boss who oversees the student loan program Theresa Shaw resigned on May 8, 2007 a few days before Education Secretary Margaret Spellings was to testify before Congress. The official reason given for Shaw's leaving was that she had "plans to take some time off." This is part of the larger scandal of sweetheart deals between universities and companies making loans to students to the detriment of students. On June 1, 2007, the Department of Education came out with new rules to regulate the $85 billion student lending business.

109. A 9th US prosecutor Tom Heffelfinger in Minnesota was replaced by Rachel Paulose. Paulose at age 33 joined the DOJ and after less than 2 months as a senior counsel to deputy attorney general Paul McNulty she was named to the USA position in Minnesota. She was also reputed to be good friends with Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling and had a reputation for quoting the bible and dressing down staff. As a result on April 5, 2007, three of her top assistants, career prosecutors, resigned their administrative positions and voluntarily demoted themselves rather than work with her in a sign of their complete lack of faith in her abilities.

....The push to oust Heffelfinger appears to have resulted from an attempt to suppress the Native American vote in 2004. In Minnesota, many Native Americans vote Democratic, live off reservation, and have tribal IDs as their principal source of identification. The Republican Secretary of State Mary Kiffmeyer refused to accept these for voting purposes. An assistant US attorney in Heffelfinger's office Rob Lewis contacted Joseph Rich a career prosecutor and the head of the voting section of the DOJ's Civil Rights Division. Rich recommended an investigation which was vetoed by Bradley Schlozman. Attempts to gather further information were effectively derailed by Hans von Spakovsky. Shortly before the November election, federal District Judge James Rosenbaum ruled that tribal IDs could be used. Heffelfinger who was cited in testimony by Monica Goodling as spending too much time on Native American issues (He headed the US attorneys subcommittee on Native American issues) resigned effective February 28, 2006. As one of her first acts, interim USA Paulose got rid of Rob Lewis.

110. Use of GWB43.com email servers through the RNC to transact government business outside the White House logging and archiving system in contravention of the law; also similar use of Blackberries; a large but unknown number of emails have now been reported "lost", a situation that is nearly impossible given current backup systems.

111. Georgia Thompson a purchasing agent in Wisconsin was convicted of steering a contract to a company in which 2 executives had contributed the maximum to Democratic Governor Jim Doyle's re-election campaign. Thompson had been a hire of the previous Republican governor and no evidence was produced at trial that she knew of the contributions. Remanded by the Republican judge who heard the case, she served 4 months of an 18 month sentence before an appeals court overturned her conviction after oral arguments where one judge typified the government's case as "beyond thin" and ordered her freed the same day. The case was brought by Bush appointed US attorney Steven Biskupic during the campaign and was used in Republican campaign ads to accuse Doyle of corruption.

112. US attorney for New Jersey and former Bush "Pioneer" Chris Christie issued subpoenas in a corruption probe of Democratic Senator Bob Menendez two months before the Nov. 2006 elections. Menendez was in a tight race with Tom Keane. After Menendez won, the investigation went away.

113. Kay Coles James, dean of Pat Robertson's Regent's government school, made director of the Office of Personnel Management in 2001. In 2002, John Ashcroft eases qualifications for DOJ hiring. The influx into the DOJ of young, poorly qualified lawyers on a conservative religious mission begins. 

114. In a rushed process, Bernard B. Kerik, a Rudy Giuliani protege and former New York City Police Commissioner, was nominated to be Secretary of Homeland Security December 3, 2004. He withdrew his name a week later ostensibly because of his employment of an undocumented immigrant as a nanny. However, it quickly came out that Kerik was also involved in a dubious stock sale of stun gun manufacturer Taser International shortly before a critical report by Amnesty International, a sexual harassment suit, connections to a construction company tied to organized crime, use of an apartment donated for 911 relief as a love nest where he could meet his girlfriends, including Judith Regan, and accepting gifts in contravention of ethics rules (for which he paid a $221,000 fine). Kerik was also the inept Interim Minister of the Interior in Iraq under Paul Bremer's CPA in 2003.

115. The Bush back story: The time in the TANG, the transfer to the Alabama National Guard, the lost years, the 1976 DUI in Maine, the business bailouts, the governorship, hardline on drug crimes despite his own past history and a fast and loose approach to the death penalty.

116. As of February 2006, the terrorist watchlist of the National Counterterrorism Center: the bizarrely named Terrorists Identity Datamart Environment (TIDE) has 400,000 names representing 300,000 people. The Transportation Security Administration's no-fly list had 44,000 names on it as of October 2006. 75,000 others are on an extra screening list (CBS). The size of the lists, that they contain numerous errors, that it is difficult or impossible to remove names or correct errors, the presence of common names, and the ease with which these lists can be subverted by real terrorists raise questions why such large, sloppy lists exist at all.

117. Insta-declassification in contravention of Bush's own Executive order 13292 and without consultation with the original classifying agency. Also abusive and indiscriminate classification (secrecy for secrecy's sake) of government documents.

118. Vice President Cheney shoots 78 year old lawyer Harry Whittington Feb. 11, 2006 during a quail hunt at the Armstrong ranch in Texas. The shooting is not reported until the next day and then by the ranch owner to a Corpus Christi reporter. Under pressure and despite his disdain for the press, Cheney finally breaks his silence Feb. 15 on Fox News. Any real investigation is smothered by the powerful Armstrong family (who by the way are the ones who set Cheney up in his job at Halliburton) and the story remains incomplete.

119. Homeland Security's Automated Targeting System (ATS) database which makes a terrorist risk assessment on anyone traveling to or from the US by any means and keeps it for 40 years.

120. Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia refuses to recuse himself from Cheney's appeal of a Sierra Club lawsuit to keep records of his 2001 Energy Task Force secret. Shortly after SCOTUS agreed to take up the case, Scalia flew with Cheney on Jan. 5, 2004 on Air Force Two to Louisiana for a duck hunting trip. Cheney stayed two days and Scalia four. June 24, 2004, SCOTUS decides 7-2 to send the case back to the district court for reconsideration of the government's separation of powers argument. Scalia and Thomas going further concurred and dissented thinking that the appellate court should have been the one to deny the Sierra Club's discovery request. May 1, 2005, the DC Court of Appeals dismisses the Sierra Club case holding that Cheney could keep the participation of oil companies in his Energy Task Force secret.

121. The Election Assistance Commission which was created to do election research after the 2000 election debacle issued a December 2006 report which changed the conclusions of its experts and exaggerated the problem of voter fraud. Previously, the Commission released a report only under Congressional pressure that indicated that voter ID programs suppressed voter turnout among minorities. The EAC also has oversight of voting machines and voting software in which it has failed.

122. Bush tried unsuccessfully to kill the confirmation of Mohammed ElBaradei to a third term as head of the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency). ElBaradei and the IAEI had stated in the runup to the Iraq war that the famous aluminum tubes were for rockets not centrifuges, that the Niger documents were fakes, that there was no evidence that Iraq was trying to reconstitute a nuclear program, and that the Iraqis had been cooperative with IAEA inspections. As part of the Bush campaign in 2005 to oust him, the NSA tapped his phones in an unsuccessful attempt to show he was being soft on Iran. John Bolton unsuccessfully lobbied for more aggressive surveillance of him. ElBaradei was reconfirmed and later that same year won the Nobel Peace Prize.

123. Alice Fisher named to head the Criminal Division at the DOJ in a recess appointment, later confirmed September 19, 2006 (just before the Nov. 2006 elections). A protegee of Michael Chertoff, she worked under him as deputy head of the Criminal Division but has no experience as a criminal prosecutor. She also worked on the Senate investigation into the Clinton era Whitewater scandal and was a lobbyist of HCA the healthcare company controlled by the family of the recent Republican Majority Leader Bill Frist. She has opposed rescinding the more gratuitous aspects of the Patriot Act, favored its extension unchanged, participated in discussions of abusive interrogation methods at Guantanamo, and reportedly has social ties to Tom Delay's defense team. Under her leadership, the investigation into Abramoff's many connections (some of which go back to Delay) has gone nowhere.

124. After being admonished 3 times by the House Ethics Committee in 2004, Tom Delay through Dennis Hastert had the Republican head of the committee replaced and staff fired. Ethics rules were also changed making it easier to kill ethics investigations. An initial provision to allow an indicted member of the House leadership to continue to hold his position was rescinded after negative publicity.

125. Collusion of the media: the NYT, WaPo, Time, Newsweek, cable and network news in the Bush disasters through silence, lack of investigation, and above all accepting uncritically whatever spin came out of the White House on anything.

126. Failure of the Democratic Party to act as an opposition party for nearly 5 years.

127. A supreme lack of oversight by a rubberstamping Republican Congress over the same 5 years.

128. The use of the 2002 AUMF against Iraq to justify the Bush invasion and an ongoing US military presence there. The UN Resolutions it cites, including those sanctioning military force, are from the 1990-1991 Gulf War. The UN never passed a resolution that authorized the use of military force in the Second Gulf War. On June 28, 2004, the US returned sovereignty to the reconstituted state of Iraq and in doing so acknowledged that the Iraq referenced in the AUMF as well as the legal rationale for a US presence in (and occupation of) the country no longer existed.

129. President Bush awards the Medal of Freedom, the highest civilian honor, to General Tommy Franks, George Tenet, and Paul Bremer for their efforts to create the disaster that Iraq has become.

130. Real ID Act of 2005 mandates essentially a national identity card by forcing states to have nationally compatible driver's licenses. The program has multiple goals: facilitate surveillance and data mining and make it harder for illegal aliens to get jobs and for the poor to vote.

131. Jose Padilla. This is not about a bad and deluded man, but rather that an American citizen held in the United States could be held for 3 1/2 years (May 8, 2002-January 3, 2006) outside the purview of American courts and tortured. He was transferred to the regular US legal system only because his case challenging Bush's power to declare him an illegal enemy combatant was wending its way to the Supreme Court. The transfer successfully pre-empted this when the Court declined April 3, 2006 to hear the case. The lack of a Supreme Court determination and passage of the Military Commissions Act mean that any American can still be declared an illegal enemy combatant and held indefinitely without charge, and if the MCA is to be believed (and unlike the Padilla case) without any right to habeas corpus.

....On May 14, 2007, Padilla who was initially accused of being a terrorist mastermind behind a plot to detonate a dirty bomb inside the US was put on trial for being a minor member of a conspiracy to murder, kidnap, and maim outside the US. Among the many dubious and disturbing aspects of this case: the length and nature of detention, his mental fitness to stand trial, the change in jurisdiction from military to civilian, and the major reduction in the scope of the charges and Padilla's role in them, the government claims it "lost" evidence, specifically a DVD of Padilla's last interrogation as an enemy combatant from March 2, 2004. On August 16, 2007, he and his codefendants Adham Amin Hassoun and Kifah Wael Jayyousi were found guilty on all counts.

132. National All Schedules Prescription Electronic Reporting Act of 2005. This sets up a state by state but nationally compatible data base of prescribed controlled substances available to many agencies. The substances include not only painkillers taken for more than a couple days but also tranquillizers and sleeping pills.

133. Jean-Bertrand Aristide the President of Haiti who was certainly no Boy Scout was flown out of the country on February 29, 2004 in the midst of an insurrection that was not exactly opposed by the Bush Administration "willingly" according to American authorities, "kidnapped" according to Aristide.

134. Hugo Chavez the controversial President of Venezuela was briefly deposed in a military coup April 11, 2002. The Bush Administration initially recognized the interim government of Pedro Carmona the head of the national business federation and said that Chavez had brought the coup on himself. The coup collapsed and Chavez resumed power two days later on April 13, 2002. Later the Bush Administration condemned the coup.

135. Bush's ethanol program will not solve America's energy problems. It is a boon to corn state farmers and the politicians who represent them but depletes soil that would be better reserved for food production. Ethanol is also a carbon based fuel and contributes to global warming directly through its burning and indirectly through its production.

136. Post the November 2006 elections, the Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has repeatedly used the filibuster to obstruct Congressional action. This has happened so far on Iraq resolutions (even some co-sponsored by Republicans), an intelligence bill requiring greater accountability, and a bill to allow Medicare to negotiate with drug companies. This is especially egregious in light of the last Congress where then Republican Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist repeatedly threatened Democratic Senators contemplating a filibuster with the "nuclear option" of doing away with it by changing Senate rules.

137. The stacking of the federal judiciary with unqualified rightwing hacks; the role of the Gang of 14 (7 Democrats and 7 Republicans) who came together to avoid the nuclear option and push hyper-conservative judicial choices: Janice Rogers Brown (DC Circuit), William Pryor (11th Circuit), and Priscilla Owen (5th Circuit); no agreement could be made on two others William Myers and Henry Saad and their names were eventually withdrawn. The Gang of 14 was also involved in the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh (also to the important DC Circuit). Kavanaugh had no trial experience but had worked for essentially partisan causes, such as Kenneth Starr's Clinton investigations for 5 years, the 2000 Florida recount, and as an Associate Counsel in the current Bush Administration where he worked to nominate and confirm unqualified, radically conservative candidates rather like himself.

....On June 27, 2007, Senator Patrick Leahy raised the possibility that Kavanaugh might be prosecuted for lying to Congress. In testimony, Kavanaugh said he had taken no part in developing the Administration's policy with regard to enemy combatants. Recent articles in the Washington Post indicate that he had.

138. Ralph "I need to start humping in corporate accounts" Reed led the Christian Coalition in the 1990s and was an associate of both Jack Abramoff and Grover Norquist. Abramoff funneled millions in 1999 and 2000 to Reed in exchange for Reed's mobilizing evangelicals in support of Abramoff's various schemes. These included: spiking an Alabama law which would have allowed gaming at dog tracks in competition with Choctaw casinos which were Abramoff clients; similar opposition to an Alabama state lottery; opposition to the Internet Gambling Prohibition Act (the rationale, a major stretch, was that it didn't go far enough) for his client eLottery; opposition to a Tigua casino in Texas to the benefit of his clients the Lousiana Coushatta; and then in 2002 persuading the Tigua that he Abramoff could use his connection to Reed to help them get back their casino. Reed was an indispensable cog in the Abramoff machine.

139. Aggressive proselytizing by Christian evangelical faculty and cadets at the US Air Force Academy. A report was issued June 2005 but it is not clear if much has changed. The USAF Academy also has a recurrent history of cheating and sexual assault.

140. The Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives, an idea for those who don't believe in the separation of church and state or the Establishment Clause in the Constitution (First Amendment). A political and financial sop to rightwing Christians, the program has given no money to non-Christian groups. It is unclear how much money has actually gone through the program. The real problem is that any money should be distributed in this way.

....On June 25, 2007, SCOTUS ruled 5-4 in Hein, Director, White House Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives et al v. Freedom from Religion Foundation, Inc. et al that taxpayers do not have standing to contest this spending in violation of the Establishment clause A) because they can not show direct harm and B) because Establishment challenges under Flast v. Cohen are only allowed if a specific Congressional statute is at issue. SCOTUS held that the Office of Faith Based and Community Initiatives had been created wholly within the Executive Branch and that no specific monies had been appropriated to it by Congressional statute so no challenge could be made. This is fairly squirrely reasoning (increasingly typical of the Roberts Court) because the money didn't just appear out of nowhere and what money the Congress does appropriate and how it is spent by the Executive must meet Constitutional requirements such as the Establishment Clause. In any case, the bottom line is that in the view of SCOTUS the Congress and/or another President are the ones to change this. Ordinary Americans need not apply.

141. Military disability ratings: A 30% rating is the cutoff between receiving payments, staying within the military healthcare system, and eligibility for family coverage and is now given out more rarely than before the beginning of the Iraq war, despite the large number of soldiers with severe injuries.

142. Earmarks: Special interest funding directed to a specific project by an individual legislator. The most famous example was Republican Senator Ted Stevens' $223 million for a bridge to nowhere in Alaska. Earmarks exploded in number and expense under the Republicans. Bush only decided that there was something bad about them (nearly 6 years into his Presidency) when Democrats won control of the Congress.

143. Medicare privatization. This began in 1982 and grew throughout the 1990s with 17.3% of Medicare recipients enrolled in 1999 in private plans when it went into decline. Since the start of Medicare Part D (passed 2003, went into effect January 1, 2006), numbers have begun to rise again. One of the reasons for this increase is that they are being aggressively, and often unscrupulously, marketed to unsuspecting elders. In addition, private plans receive government subsidies to make them competitive with Medicare itself. This is money that could go to reducing Medicare premiums generally but instead goes to higher overhead and profits for private providers.

144. Signing of a nuclear cooperation deal with India December 18, 2006. This is another example of the Bush Administration and Congress's selective approach to nuclear non-proliferation. Israel's nuclear program is ignored. Iraq is, in part, invaded for a mythical program that existed only in the fevered imaginations of Cheney, Feith, Bush, and Rice. At the same time, nuclear moves in North Korea and Iran are opposed. Meanwhile the deal with India will allow it to dedicate some of its facilities completely to nuclear arms production.

145. Julie MacDonald, who has a degree in civil engineering and no background in the natural sciences, was named the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Fish and Wildlife and Parks in the Interior Department on May 2004. She altered and reversed conclusions in scientific reports to prevent species from being protected. The Bush Administration to date has listed 58 species (54 as the result of litigation) as endangered as opposed to 512 in the Clinton years and 234 by the first President Bush. MacDonald also hired Todd Willens who worked with the former Republican Representative and anti-environmentalist Richard Pombo. According to a March 2007 Inspector General report, she also passed on internal department documents to the oil industry and land developers in contravention of federal rules and to aid filing of lawsuits against the department. Facing oversight hearings, she resigned April 30, 2007.

....The endangered species program has been without a director for a year and, as of July 2007, 30% of its positions are unfilled. On July 20, 2007, H. Dale Hall the current director of the Fish and Wildlife Service announced that 8 decisions made by MacDonald concerning species protection and land use would be reviewed and likely reversed.

146. From tales of the revolving door. Darleen Druyun was a principal deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for acquisition and management where she negotiated a sweetheart deal worth $23 billion for leasing air tankers from Boeing. She was also negotiating at the same time for an executive position at Boeing. The deal was made. She left the Air Force and took up her new position at Boeing. In a 2004 plea agreement, Druyun pled guilty to fraud and was sentenced to 9 months in a minimum security prison, 7 months of home detention, 150 hours of community service, and required to pay a $5,000 fine.

147. Luis Posada Carriles is an anti-Castro terrorist who masterminded the October 6, 1976 bombing of a Cubana airliner killing 73. He had worked before this with the CIA and after the Cubana bombing during the Reagan Administration helped funnel aid to the Contras. In 1997, he directed a series of bombings in Cuba against the growing tourist industry there. In April 2005, running out of places to hide, he requested asylum in the US but the following month was detained for entering the country illegally. Despite his terrorist past, he was released on bond to home detention on April 19, 2007. On May 8, 2007, a federal judge in Texas dismissed the case against him for lying to immigration authorities. Contrast his treatment to that of terrorists like the "waterboarded" Khalid Sheikh Mohammed. Apparently it is not what you bomb but who you bomb that counts.

148. James Knodell, Director of the Office of Security at the White House, in testimony before the House Committee on Government Reform chaired by Henry Waxman said that no internal White House investigation was ever initiated (contrary to Executive order 12958 requiring one) in the period between July 14, 2003 when Valerie Plame a covert CIA agent was outed in a column by Robert Novak and September 29, 2003 when the Department of Justice asked the FBI to investigate pursuant to a request from the CIA of September 16, 2003.

149. Robert Cobb, NASA's tame Inspector General since 2002, tipped off former NASA head Sean O'Keefe to audits he would be performing and search warrants the FBI would be executing. O'Keefe, primarily known for his forceful dealing with the 1991 Tailhook scandal, was an accountant by training without a scientific or engineering background whose tenure at NASA was marked by drift. He got the top NASA job in December 2002 through his connection with Dick Cheney and, while still NASA administrator, campaigned for Bush in 2004 as a "private citizen". He left in February 2005. The inappropriate contact between NASA administrators and the NASA Inspector General continues as well as its coverup. The NASA General Counsel Mike Wholley illegally destroyed a tape of a meeting (between the current NASA head Michael Griffin and Cobb and his staff) to avoid it ever becoming public under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).

150. Evangelos Dimitros Soukas a convicted felon serving 8 years for tax fraud was scheduled to testify on April 12, 2007 before the Senate Finance Committee on identity theft and filing false tax returns. The Department of Justice challenged the right of the Congress to order a prisoner in federal custody to appear before it, even though this has happened numerous times in the past. A federal district judge did not agree with the DOJ and Soukas testified. The DOJ move appeared baffling, an empty assertion of Executive power, but, may have been pre-emptive to prevent more controversial prisoners from testifying in the future.

151. Excessive corporate pay, retirement, and severance packages in the Bush era. Even post-Enron, control over executive compensation still rests largely in the hands of the executives themselves and the compliant boards of directors they often select. Pay is still not coupled to performance and stock options still encourage executives to manipulate stock prices (which is very much not the same thing as performance as the Enron case showed) for their own benefit. Reporting the cost of stock options was not mandated by the SEC until August 2006. The total cost of multi-year options is still not reported fully but treated as a year by year expense making the true cost look smaller. Back dating of options so they could be purchased at a lower price was also fairly common until somebody noticed it constituted fraud. Spring loading, a variant of insider trading, i.e. exercising an option and buying just before news that will drive up the stock price, still occurs.

152. Eliot Spitzer the then New York State Attorney General (and not the SEC or the Bush Administration) announced on May 21, 2002 that Merrill Lynch had agreed to sever contacts between its analysis and investment divisions and to pay a $100 million fine. The lack of such separation was behind a lot of the dot com bubble in the 1990s as well as propping up Enron and facilitating its scams. It is a recognition of sorts of a systemic problem, although the fine was a tiny fraction of what investors lost and it is unclear how "objective" analysts are going to be even with the supposed wall to the investment side.

153. Scott Bloch initially deputy director for the Task Force for Faith Based and Community Initiatives became the head of the Office of Special Counsel (whose function is to protect whistleblowers) on January 5, 2004. Once there he summarily closed hundreds of ongoing cases, decried cases that had a "homosexual agenda", tried to use the office to protect a non-governmental employee who was a defender of Intelligent Design, gave 12 of his in-office critics the choice of immediate re-assignment to field offices or be fired, and was the subject of complaints filed with his own office. In April 2007, Bloch announced an investigation into Karl Rove's political machinations. The real aims of such an investigation probably do not include carrying out a real probe but are more likely an attempt by Bloch to hold on to his job, derail efforts to remove the OSC from the purview of the White House, stymie other investigations into Karl Rove, conduct a whitewash, and/or run out the clock.

154. Lax security at US nuclear facilities and airports exposed by whistleblowers Richard Levernier and Bogdan Dzakovic for which they were punished.

155. The 120,000 hours of counter terrorism related recordings that the FBI had not translated by September 2004; related to this is the case of Sibel Edmonds. She blew the whistle on the backlog and the dubious skills and allegiances of some of the translators the FBI was employing. For this she was rewarded by being fired.

156. Monica "Loyalty oaths" Goodling comes up again in an investigation of the DOJ's Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) into whether she used party affiliation in determining hires of entry level prosecutors. Did she? Given Gonzales‚ March 1, 2006 order delegating hiring authority to her and her role in the US attorney hiring and firing scandal, the answer is obvious.

157. Michael Baroody who was Executive Vice President of the National Association of Manufacturers a powerful K Street lobbying group was nominated by Bush on March 1, 2007 to head the Consumer Products Safety Commission. NAM has sought to limit or even eliminate corporate liability for unsafe products and environmental practices. NAM decided to give Baroody a $150,000 extraordinary payment on his way out the door. It is hard to say whether this is simply a further conflict of interest or just straightforward bribery. On May 23, 2007, Baroody withdrew his nomination, one day before the beginning of hearings.

158. The Pentagon's Counterintelligence Field Activity (CIFA) created February 19, 2002 created a database the Joint Protection Enterprise Network (JPEN) [sorry for the acronym gobbledygook] composed of TALONs Threat and Local Observation Notices. These are basically raw unvalidated reports of threats posed by dangerous civilian group like the Quakers. The idea of the military spying on civilians is unsettling. The Founding Fathers after all fought a revolution over such abuses and in the 4th Amendment enunciated: "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures." Beyond this, CIFA did not follow its own guidelines in how it managed the material it obtained. The story does not end there. Duke Cunningham swung CIFA work to Mitchell J. Wade's company MZM in exchange for bribes. He was aided in this by CIFA Director David A. Burtt II and his top deputy Joseph Hefferon. In August 2006, Burtt resigned and Hefferon retired when the Cunningham-MZM connection was made public.

....On November 30, 2005, two days after Duke Cunningham enters into a plea agreement, all TALON reports were deleted from the JPEN database. However, the TALON program continues. (These programs never really die.) In keeping with the DOD (Department of Defense) Inspector General's usual lackluster performance, a report requested by Congresswoman Anna Eshoo in January 2006 and released June 27, 2007 on TALON failed to address who was responsible for violations in following the program's guidelines or why they occurred. The report also didn't examine if current safeguards were adequate or if the program should continue.

159. Bush's March 6, 2003 news conference. Less than two weeks before the start of the Iraq War, the "independent" press willingly play-acted spontaneity in what was a heavily scripted propaganda piece promoting the war.

160. An investigation into Bill Frist former Senate Majority Leader was closed on April 27, 2007. He was not indicted for insider trading in selling his stock in the family's large healthcare company HCA shortly before a major fall in its stock price. It was all just a coincidence, a very profitable coincidence.

161. Julie Myers was made Assistant Secretary of DHS to head Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) in a recess appointment on January 4, 2006 after the Senate failed to vote on her nomination. Bush re-nominated her January 9, 2007. Myers is another Bush hire whose lack of experience is overshadowed by who she is related to. At ICE, she has sponsored aggressive, high profile, and controversial raids against illegal immigrants. The irony of someone whose success is based not on hard work but on connection imprisoning those who are hard working but without connection is I suspect lost upon her.

162. Randall Tobias, US Director of Foreign Assistance and head of US Agency for International Development (USAID) with the rank of Deputy Secretary of State since March 29, 2006. Before this he was our first Global AIDS Coordinator (October 2003) where he criticized condom use, discouraged outreach to sexworkers, and promoted abstinence only programs. As Director of Foreign Assistance, he continued to oversee the Global AIDS program. He resigned April 27, 2007 after it came out that he had been named as using a Washington escort service. I am not a prude about these things but I do see a problem between his personal activities and his public positions.

163. Robert E. Coughlin II, deputy chief of staff of the Criminal Division at the DOJ, resigned on April 6, 2007. He was a friend and colleague of Kevin Ring who was an Abramoff associate.

164. Stuart Bowen was Inspector General for the Bremer's CPA and documented that $8.8 billion had gone missing. He stayed on as Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction (SIGIR) chronicling waste, abuse, and fraud. In the 2007 Defense appropriations act an item was snuck in terminating Bowen's job, because well, he was doing his job. When this became known, funding was restored. In April 2007, Bowen released reports showing that in a sample of what reconstruction projects there were and which were deemed successful, most were not being maintained and were no longer usable for their original functions.

....Bowen a Republican whose investigations have proved an embarrassment to the Bush Administration is now under investigation himself subject to a complaint by a group of former employees who left his office on less than amicable terms. The complaint has been taken up by the President's Council on Integrity and Excellence headed by Clay Johnson III, a longtime friend of the President, and by Thomas Davis III the ranking Republican on the House Government Reform Committee. Davis says this is not about retribution although at this point that is exactly what it looks like.

165. Continued Republican support of the Iraq war after the November 2006 elections flying in the face of public opinion, the election results, and reality. Republican losses were largely attributable to Iraq but have done little to change the minds of Republican lawmakers. Bush and Republicans demanded that Democrats come up with an Iraq plan. When they proposed withdrawal, they were accused of micromanagement. Yet withdrawal is precisely what Republicans pushed for during the Clinton Administration when they tried to force legislative ends to deployments in both the Balkans and Somalia. War resolutions have been filibustered by Senate Republicans, sometimes and even despite the fact they co-sponsored them. Opposition to Bush's war policies are portrayed as "fringe" although they are supported by 60%-70% of the American people. They accuse Democrats of not backing the troops and then vote on a near perfect party line basis against a supplemental to fund the troops and applaud the President's veto of it on May 1, 2007 (the 4th anniversary of Bush's catastrophically wrong Mission Accomplished speech). They ask for patience and to give the surge a chance even after a record of 4 years of failure, constantly worsening conditions in Iraq, and inaction by the Iraqi government.

166. George Bush signed the "Secure Fence Act" into law on October 26, 2006. Its purpose is to construct a barrier to stem illegal immigration into the country along the Mexican border. How a 700 mile fence along a 2100 mile border would accomplish this or what effect it would have on the 12 million undocumented immigrants already in the country is unclear. The initial estimate for its cost was $2 billion, and $1.2 billion was budgeted for it. The final cost, however, if it is ever built (which is unlikely), could be between $8 billion and $30 billion. In other words, it is an expensive, pointless gesture to anti-immigrant feeling without addressing what an immigration policy could or should be.

167. Development of a coverup strategy to fight Congressional oversight that involves more than a little Karl Rove and obstruction of justice. In addition to the public relations campaign that there is nothing to see and they have cooperated anyway, we have:

1. Threatening witnesses (Chief of Staff to the Deputy Attorney General Michael Elston acting, he says, on Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty's orders to tell 3 of the 8 fired US attorneys to stay quiet or else)

2. Preventing witnesses from testifying (Condi Rice directing Simon Dodge not to testify about his early identification of the uranium from Niger for Iraq documents as fakes and Rice's knowledge of this as National Security Advisor)

3. Large but incomplete docudumps that are missing key information (for example, the November 15-December 4 email gap around the time that the US attorney firings were being finalized)

4. Attempted destruction of evidence and/or Claiming that evidence has been lost (Rove's deleted emails, Monica Goodling's instruction to remove older versions of files)

5. Slow response or non-response (the failure of Rice to answer written questions; dragging out the document production process)

6. Claims of executive privilege regardless of merit (to keep Karl Rove and Harriet Miers from testifying under oath or to block production of emails, even those on non-White House servers, and even after the assertion that Bush was not part of the firing process)

7. Coaching of testimony known to be false by the coachers (Karl Rove and Kyle Sampson misleading Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty into giving testimony that attorneys were fired for "performance" reasons, which Rove and Sampson knew to be false)

8. Testifying but with severe amnesia (Gonzales, Kyle Sampson, Lurita Doan)

9. Lying (as evidenced by Gonzales' numerous stories, Sampson misstating his role in the attorney firings, or Victoria Toensing in defining who is and is not a covert agent)

168. When Oregon Senator Gordon Smith was up for re-election in 2002, Dick Cheney working with Sue Ellen Wooldridge (Stephen Griles' current wife who was deputy chief of staff to Gale Norton at the Interior Department before moving on to Justice) moved to divert more water from the Klamath River for irrigation purposes to help the area's Republican farmers. In February 2002, Bush and Karl Rove announced their support for the idea. In March after a preliminary report by the National Academy of Sciences requested by Cheney, Interior's Gale Norton approved the diversion and quashed scientific views to the contrary. As a result, in the following months, water levels dropped resulting in a large die off of salmon but Senator Smith won his election. In March 2006, a federal judge put limits on the draw off in an attempt to protect Northwest fisheries.

169. Debra Wong Yang the US attorney for Central California (Los Angeles) left office on November 11, 2006 a month ahead of the more well known firings of 8 US attorneys on December 7, 2006. She had been investigating Representative Jerry Lewis. Part of this was an offshoot of USA-San Diego Carol Lam's investigation into Representative Duke Cunningham and defense contractor and briber Brent Wilkes. I say part because Jerry Lewis has been rated one of the most corrupt members of Congress. And then there are the interesting connections. The Cerberus group, for example, which gave large contributions to Lewis and his organizations, owns IAP the outfit involved in the Walter Reed scandal. As for Debra Yang, after resigning for "personal" reasons, she joined the law firm representing Lewis and received a highly unusual $1.5 million dollar signing bonus.

170. Nepotism Cheney-style. Although she had no background in Middle Eastern affairs, in the run up to the Iraq war in 2002, Elizabeth Cheney, Dick Cheney's daughter, was named to the newly created position of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs (where she could keep an eye on things for her father at a critical juncture in the fabrication of the case for war). She left in 2003 to work on her father's re-election campaign but returned after the election in 2005 as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs and as such was the second ranking diplomat at State for the Middle East. She was Shaha Riza's boss when she came to State. She also headed the Iran-Syrian Operations Group (ISOG) with a budget of $80 million. This was a kind of reprise at State of what Douglas Feith's Office of Strategic Plans had been at the Pentagon. It was aimed at regime change in the two countries, especially Iran. She left State in 2006. She is married to Philip Perry, general counsel at the Department of Homeland Security.

171. Dick "I had other priorities in the 60s than military service" Cheney received 5 deferments to avoid service in Vietnam. He did no more than what many did at the time. Still it is a very strange start for one who prides himself on being a superhawk and who views our relations with the rest of the world as a matter of will, and paranoia. As Vice President, he has been the extremist behind the throne, one of the few for whom 911 was a godsend because it furnished him the opportunity to realize his most radical tendencies. Unlike Karl Rove who believes in turning government into an extension of the Republican Party, Cheney believes in making government a direct extension of the President. And if that President is weak and uninvolved, well then all that accumulated power flows quite naturally to the next person in line who is more engaged, the Vice President say. Of course, Cheney will only use this power against our enemies. Unfortunately, he sees enemies everywhere.

....Cheney understands that sometimes lies must be used to serve a higher truth and that even after being exposed they still have power, hence the repetition of even the most thoroughly debunked assertions, like the connection between Saddam and al Qaeda or that the Vice Presidency is not part of the Executive Branch. It doesn't matter that they are untrue. They take up time and energy. They delay, misdirect, and confuse action on issues.

....While Cheney has been spectacularly successful in acquiring power, he has been a disaster in using it. The results are a preventive and preventable war in Iraq, domestic spying, welfare for the rich, largesse for Halliburton, a mania for secrecy, and a whittling away of Constitutional rights and safeguards, in other words a country less safe, more unequal, and less free.

172. Johnnie Burton, director of the Minerals Management Service since 2002 resigned May 7, 2007 after an Interior Inspector General report of December 2006. During her tenure, she reduced audits and depended on self-reporting by energy companies resulting in underreporting and underpayment of royalties. The first auditor Bobby Maxwell who noticed a problem had his job eliminated.

...As part of this, Burton also failed to review leases. Only 9% have been since 2000. In a particularly egregious case, approximately 1100 bungled oil and gas leases for the Gulf of Mexico dating from 1998-1999 which failed to tie royalties to changes in oil and gas prices were left unexamined for years and then not promptly addressed and renegotiated once they were known. The GAO estimates that $1 billion in royalty payments has been lost on these leases and that another $6.4 billion to $9.8 billion could go uncollected over their lifetime.

173. Punishment of defense counsel at Guantanamo for doing their jobs. Lieutenant Commander Charles Swift who won the Hamdan v. Rumsfeld case which held that the Executive could not set up military tribunals on its own without approval by the Congress was forced out of the Navy JAG corps as a result. Major Michael Mori who defended Australian Guantanamo detainee David Hicks got for him a plea deal on March 26, 2007 whereby he was given 7 years all but 9 months of which were suspended and which he could serve in Australia. As a reward, Mori was passed over for promotion, offered remote postings, and rejected as a judge trainee. To date, 4 of 6 military defense attorneys up for promotion have been similarly passed over. Another Lieutenant Commodore Matthew Diaz has been convicted of giving secrets to the benefit of a foreign government for having given a list of Guantanamo detainees to a New York law firm the Center for Constitutional Rights in 2005. On May 18, 2007, he was sentenced to 6 months in the brig and discharge. At the time (before the Military Commissions Act), the Center had won the right in Rasul v. Bush to file habeas briefs on behalf of detainees but the US sought to block these by refusing to turn over the names and so preventing the detainees from getting legal representation. The US has fought such disclosure despite Rasul and even though it is obligated to release this information at least to the Red Cross under the Geneva Conventions and failure to do so is a violation of international law.

174. Despite backlogs and a 2005 budget that resulted in a $1.3 billion deficit, VA officials received $3.8 million in bonuses. About half a million went to officials who sat on the review boards giving out the bonuses.

175. The Privacy and Civil Liberties Oversight Board was recommended by the 911 Commission to make sure that in countering terrorism the privacy rights and civil liberties of Americans were respected. Established by law on December 17, 2004, it first met more than a year later on March 14, 2006. Its first public meeting was on December 5, 2006. Its 5 members currently are chosen by the President although there is currently legislation to make it an independent agency. The Board's chairwoman is Carol Dinkins a former law partner of Alberto Gonzales. Theodore Olson who argued Bush v. Gore is also a member. In its first report (2007) to Congress, the Administration made over 200 changes even after the final draft had been approved by the committee, resulting in the resignation of the one of the board members Lanny J. Davis.

176. Johnnie Frazier, the Commerce Department's Inspector General who is supposed to investigate and prevent this kind of thing, was found by the government's whistleblower agency the Office of Special Counsel to have wrongly demoted his top deputy, Edward Blansitt, and his chief counsel, Allison Lerner, after Blansitt refused to sign off on expenses Frazier incurred during an August 2006 junket to Boston and New York. When Frazier learned of the investigation, he sought to destroy emails concerning his activities. Additionally, Frazier's Deputy Assistant Inspector General Thomas Phan has filed a civil rights complaint against him charging harassment and has also sought an investigation by the OSC. Frazier is also facing an inquiry by the President's Council on Integrity and Efficiency (PCIE).

177. In 2007, Bill Roderick the Acting Inspector General for the EPA tried to cut his staff of 360 by 60. They are tasked with making sure that the EPA enforces its pollution rules. Roderick cited potential budget cuts for the proposed reductions just before he got a $15,000 bonus.

178. Janet Rehnquist, daughter of the late Chief Justice, was Inspector General at the Department of Health and Human Services from August 2001 to March 2003. She replaced numerous senior staff including all six of her deputy inspector generals through involuntary retirements and reassignments. She delayed an audit of Florida's pension fund before the 2002 election in which the President's brother Jeb Bush was running for re-election. The audit would have shown that the fund had lost $300 million in the Enron collapse.

179. Karla Corcoran was strictly speaking a Clinton appointment having been made the Post Office's Inspector General in 1997. Nevertheless, she extends into the Bush era and no discussion of Inspector General misconduct would be complete without her. She resigned in August 2003. Her tenure was marked by "rampant waste, cronyism, questionable management and personnel practices, and substandard performance." Her office was incredibly inefficient in uncovering fraud and waste. On the other hand, she held really good parties bringing her whole staff of 750 to Washington once a year for a week at a cost of $1 million each time.

180. Russian scientists in conjunction with the World Wildlife Fund set up a meeting to discuss the problem of increased human-polar bear interactions. These have become more frequent and dangerous as the bears are forced out of their usual ranges due to the melting of arctic ice packs. A polar bear expert Craig Perham from the Fish and Wildlife Service was invited along by Margaret Williams of the WWF. Perham was told by the Interior Department in February 2007 that he could not talk about global warming at the meeting because it was not part of the agenda, even though the meeting had no agenda and global warming was the cause of the change in polar bear movements.

181. The American Center for Voting Rights Legislative Fund (AVCR) is a fake "voting rights" group created by Republicans to give "non-partisan" testimony on the dangers of that most Republican of obsessions and inexistent of problems, voter fraud. It was registered on March 17, 2005 and was the only voting rights group to testify 4 days later on March 21, 2005 in House hearings held by now convicted Representative Bob Ney on voting problems in Ohio in 2004. The group was put together by Thor Hearne, both national and Missouri counsel for the 2004 Bush campaign, and Missouri's Republican Senator Kit Bond. Like the Swiftboaters, this is another group with a highly partisan agenda masquerading as an impartial observer.

182. In 2000 the EPA announced plans to phase out over 4 years the gasoline additive MTBE which had been found to be contaminating ground water supplies. These were canceled when Bush took office. As a result, MTBE is still in use but, due to law suits against oil companies, state bans, and lack of Congressional agreement in 2005, its production is half of what it was.

183. On May 30, 2002 Attorney General John Ashcroft removed restrictions on domestic spying by the FBI in counterterrorism investigations, including political and religious groups without probable cause. Unsurprisingly, the FBI used its new powers (as it admitted on November 23, 2003) to spy on antiwar protesters.

184. On August 23, 2004, the Labor Department changed regulations contained in the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) of 1938 to raise the minimum salary (from $155 to $455/week) at which executive, administrative, and professional employees must be paid overtime. I expect the idea was that they should be happy to have a job and that there was no reason to go overboard and actually pay them for their work.

185. In a show of rare prescience, on May 6, 2002 George Bush voided the US signature on the treaty (signed by Clinton) establishing an International Criminal Court at the Hague and so set the US and its leaders effectively outside its jurisdiction.

186. On August 9, 2002, the Department of Health and Human Resources changed its medical privacy regulations. While patients were given the right to review and correct their medical records and not have medical information disclosed to their employers without their consent, doctors, hospitals, and healthcare providers could do so among themselves and with insurance companies for treatment and billing purposes. Pharmacies were also allowed to enter into agreements with drug companies to promote their brands to patients without disclosing this relationship.

187. The Public Utilities Holding Company Act of 1935 is one of those acts which no one has ever heard of and since its repeal in the Energy Policy Act of 2005 it is likely no one ever will. PUHCA kept regulated energy companies from moving into unregulated businesses and so placed limits on their size, activities, and abilities to manipulate markets. You might think that was a good idea after the 2000-2001 electricity debacle in California. The Bush Administration and a Republican Congress more responsive to lobbyists than facts disagreed.

188. May 24, 2007 Bush nominates James Holsinger as the next Surgeon General. Holsinger believes that homosexuality is a lifestyle not an orientation and that it is incompatible with Christian teaching. The Surgeon General is described as the nation's top health educator.

....On July 10, 2007, Richard Carmona Surgeon General from 2002 to 2006 testified that he had been muzzled by Bush political appointees and prevented from discussing stem cell research, emergency contraception, prison healthcare, mental health issues, and the effectiveness of abstinence only programs. He related that a report on the health effects of secondhand tobacco smoke was delayed for years and its conclusions weakened.

....A 2006 report on poverty and world health has still not been released as of July 2007 because of the efforts of William R. Steiger the 37 year old head of the Office of Global Health Affairs at Health and Human Services and godson of the elder Bush. Steiger has held the post since 2001 although he has no background in health or medical issues. Steiger criticized inaccuracies and lack of analysis in the report which was pre-read and well received by healthcare professionals. In fact, Steiger's real gripe was that the report did not promote Bush health policies. This is not the first time that Steiger has engaged in such behavior. In 2004, at the behest of food manufacturers and sugar producers, he sought changes in a health report on obesity.

189. In June 2007, Italia Federici agreed to plead guilty to tax evasion and obstructing a Congressional investigation. She was Jack Abramoff's go between for the Interior Department. She headed the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy, a fake pro-business anti-environmental group created by Gale Norton (who went on to become Secretary of the Interior 2001-2006) and Grover Norquist. At the time of her Abramoff related activities, she was romantically involved with the Deputy Secretary of the Interior Stephen Griles who has also pled guilty to obstructing a Congressional investigation. Her sentence (~ 16 months) will depend on her cooperation.

190. Thomas Barnett entered the DOJ's antitrust division in April 2004 and became its head (assistant attorney general) on February 10, 2006. Barnett sent a memo to state prosecutors in May 2007 urging them to drop an investigation into a complaint by Google that Microsoft's new Vista operating system slowed Google's search engine in preference to Microsoft's own version. The Google complaint has its origins in a consent decree monitoring Microsoft's antitrust compliance. Before coming to the Justice Department, Barnett was the Vice Chair of the Antitrust and Consumer Protection Practice Group of Covington & Burling, the Washington law firm which had represented Microsoft in the antitrust proceedings. Barnett's efforts seem to have backfired for now, but not for want of trying on his part. On June 19, 2007, Microsoft agreed to modify Vista later this year to allow users to disable the Microsoft version and choose another search engine, thus solving the speed problem.

191. The Palestinian civil war. January 2006 the populist and rejectionist Hamas (one of the Islamist organizations that Israel had supported in the past as a counterweight to Fatah) wins Parliamentary elections pushing out of government a corrupt but well entrenched Fatah. Clashes between Fatah and Hamas militants begin almost immediately. Despite Bush's oft stated support of democracy in the Middle East, the US organizes a boycott of Hamas. The US and the Europeans cut off funds to the Palestinian Authority (PA). Israel holds back tax receipts. International banking transactions are blocked preventing aid from other countries. The result is a sharp increase in unemployment, poverty, and radicalism in the Territories, especially Gaza where Hamas is strongest. At the same time, the background pattern of Israeli and Palestinian attacks and counter-attacks continues. In the deepening humanitarian and political crisis, Western governments led by the US seek to do end runs around Hamas funneling aid directly to the Palestinian people bypassing the PA and backing the Fatah Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas as an alternative to Hamas. In addition to political support, the US supplies Fatah security forces with weapons. A national unity government is finally cobbled together in February 2007 but doesn't last. In May, 500 Fatah fighters enter Gaza from Egypt with Israeli approval and Bush okays $40 million to train 4,000 troops directly under Abbas' control. Violence flares in June 2007 and greatly outnumbered and outgunned Fatah fighters are kicked out of Gaza. On June 14, 2007, Abbas dissolves the "national unity" government. A few days later on June 16, Fatah forces effectively expel Hamas from the West Bank. Instead of accepting the results of a democratic election and engaging with its opponents, the Bush Administration fomented a civil war. As has happened so many times before, it didn't do its homework or the math, and the consequences were once again not those it expected. The Palestinians are even weaker and more divided. Gaza has real potential to become a full blown humanitarian crisis. The situation is more dangerous and peace even further away.

192. Selling the war: Part 1. Iraq the reasons. Some say there was no reason for the war. This is untrue. Many reasons were given for it, just no good one. Here are a dozen of them grace of Bush, Cheney, the neocons from the Project for the New American Century (PNAC), and the 2002 AUMF.

1. WMD

2. Saddam Hussein behind 9/11

3. Saddam Hussein connected with al Qaeda

4. Fighting terrorists there so we don't have to fight them here

5. Spread democracy

6. Saddam Hussein was a bad man

7. Iraqi violations of UN Resolutions

8. The 1993 assassination attempt against GHW Bush

9. Oil

10. Bases

11. Defend Israel

12. Bad intel

193. Selling the war: Part 2. Iraq the turning points. While enough for a pentadecagon, not enough to make a difference.

1. May 1, 2003 End of major combat operations announced on board the aircraft carrier USS Lincoln: Mission accomplished

2. July 22, 2003 Saddam Hussein's sons Uday and Qusai killed

3. December 13, 2003 Saddam Hussein captured

4. March 8, 2004 Interim Constitution

5. June 28, 2004 Interim government formed/Sovereignty returned

6. November 2004 Second siege of Fallujah

7. January 30, 2005 First elections for transitional assembly

8. May 3, 2005 Transitional government formed

9. October 15, 2005 Vote on constitution

10. December 15, 2005 Elections for permanent assembly

11. April 22, 2006 Nuri al Maliki replaces interim PM Ibrahim Jaafari in forming a permanent government

12. May 20, 2006 Maliki presents permanent government: the key ministries of Defense, Interior, and National Security are left unfilled

13. June 7, 2006 Jihadist Abu Musab al-Zarqawi killed; June 8, 2006 last ministries filled in permanent government (175 days after the elections)14. December 30, 2006 Saddam Hussein executed by hanging

15. January 10, 2007 Bush announces his New Way Forward plan, aka the "surge". Deployment of surge forces completed June 15, 2007. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and General David Petraeus claim progress is being made.

194. Torture and Guantanamo

September 25, 2001, John Yoo at the DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) writes a memo to then White House counsel Alberto Gonzales in which he opines that in the war on terror the President's decisions are "for him alone and are unreviewable."

January 9, 2002, John Yoo together with Robert Delahunty assert in a memo to the Pentagon that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to the Taliban and al Qaeda.

January 22, 2002, Jay Bybee, Assistant Attorney General and head of the OLC, communicates this finding to White House counsel Gonzales.

January 25, 2002, Gonzales sends a memo (written by David Addington) to George Bush in which he argues that the war on terror "renders obsolete Geneva's strict limitations on questioning of enemy prisoners and renders quaint some of its provisions."

January 26, 2002, Secretary of State Colin Powell writes to Gonzales arguing that the Geneva Conventions should be applied to Taliban and al Qaeda whether or not there is a legal duty to do so.

January 27, 2002, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld declares that Guantanamo detainees are not prisoners of war, i.e. not covered by the Geneva Conventions.

January 29, 2002, Bush agrees with Rumsfeld.

February 1, 2002, Attorney General John Ashcroft weighs in and agrees with Yoo, Bybee, Gonzales, Rumsfeld, and Bush that the Geneva Conventions to do not apply to Taliban and al Qaeda detainees.

February 2, 2002, agreeing with Colin Powell, the State Department's top lawyer William Taft IV points out that non-observance of the Geneva Conventions could endanger American troops.

Febraury 7, 2002, Bush signs an executive order that says the Geneva Conventions do not apply to Taliban and al Qaeda detainees and further asserts his authority to suspend compliance with the Conventions in future conflicts.

February 26, 2002, it having been decided that the Geneva Conventions do not apply to Taliban and al Qaeda detainees, Jay Bybee further informs the Pentagon that these detainees have no protection against self incrimination since they are outside the purview of US courts.

August 1, 2002, Jay Bybee writes to Gonzales his now infamous memo (drafted by John Yoo with the help of then legal counsel to the VP David Addington and then deputy White House counsel Timothy Flanigan) in which he asserts that "Physical pain amounting to torture must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death."

October 2002, officers at Guantanamo request permission to use "harsh interrogation techniques" (i.e. torture) on detainees.

November 4, 2002, Major General Geoffrey Miller takes command of the prison at Gunatanamo with a mandate to get actionable information from detainees.

November 27, 2002, Rumsfeld signs off on harsh interrogation techniques at Guantanamo.

January 15, 2003, Rumsfeld looking for greater legal cover both for himself and interrogators rescinds his order and directs Pentagon General Counsel William Haynes II to create a review panel to come up with new interrogation rules. Haynes chooses Air Force General Counsel Mary Walker to head the panel. (Walker's previous claim to fame was that she had been behind a coverup of sexual abuse scandals at the Air Force Academy.)

March-April 2003, Judge Advocate Generals of the Army, Navy, and Air Force protest the dumping of the Geneva Conventions and the well established doctrine of the UCMJ.

March 13, 2003, Jay Bybee confirmed as federal judge to the 9th circuit (West Coast) Court of Appeals.

March 14, 2003, Yoo delivers a memo to DOD General Counsel Haynes addressing issues before the Walker panel and is taken as the controlling legal opinion for it. The memo has, I believe, never been released.

April 4, 2003, the Walker panel accepts the definition of torture outlined in Bybee's August 2002 memo and okays harsh interrogation techniques.

April 16, 2003, Rumsfeld signs off on some of the recommended harsh interrogation techniques.

Summer 2003, John Yoo leaves the OLC and returns to UC Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law.

December 2003, things begin to unravel. The new head of the OLC Jack Goldsmith (although he had worked for DOD General Counsel Haynes) informs his former boss that the March 2003 Yoo memo is under review and "should not be relied upon for any purpose."

July 14, 2004, Acting Assistant Attorney General of the OLC (acting head) Patrick Philbin in Congressional testimony puts the onus back on the Secretary of Defense saying that harsh interrogation techniques must be conducted "in accordance with the limitations and safeguards specified by the Secretary," and that the President's Article II powers as Commander in Chief can not be used as a justification.

December 2004, General Craddock head of Southern Command appoints Air Force Lieutenant General Randall Schmidt to investigate FBI allegations of torture at Guantanamo. He finds abuses and recommends that Major General Geoffrey Miller be held accountable and admonished, a recommendation which General Craddock who had been Rumsfeld's senior military assistant rejects.

February 4, 2005, Acting Assistant Attorney General of the OLC Daniel Levin writes to DOD General Counsel Haynes reminding him again of both Goldsmith's opinion and Philbin's testimony. He informs Haynes that the March 2003 Yoo memo has been formally withdrawn.

March 17, 2005, Haynes rescinds the Walker panel report based on the March 2003 Yoo memo and sanctioning harsh interrogation techniques, writing "I determine that the Report of the Working Group on Detainee Interrogations is to be considered a historical document with no standing in policy, practice, or law to guide any activity of the Department of Defense."

December 30, 2005, Bush signs into law the 2006 Defense Appropriations bill which contains the McCain Detainee Treatment Act which ostensibly limits harsh interrogation techniques. The act is weakened by the Kyl-Levin amendment which allows evidence gained by torture and restricts habeas corpus rights of detainees to challenge their treatment. Bush completely vitiates the provision by appending a signing statement which states that the President will abide by its limitations, if he feels like it.

October 17, 2006, Bush signs the Military Commissions Act into law. It immunizes torturers retroactively to November 26, 1997.

July 20, 2007, in accordance with the Military Commissions Act, Bush signs an Executive order allowing the CIA to engage in aggressive interrogation techniques but without specifying what they are claims that these will not amount to torture.

195. Torture and Iraq

March 2003, Stephen Cambone is made Under Secretary of Defense for Intelligence.

Summer 2003, Stephen Cambone almost certainly with Rumsfeld's blessing sends Lt. General William G. (Jerry) Boykin to Guantanamo to see Major General Miller about prisons in Iraq. Boykin a born again Christian gained a reputation for his anti-Islamic remarks. He is currently the Deputy Undersecretary for Intelligence at the DOD.

Aug. 31-Sept. 9, 2003, Miller goes to Iraq and Abu Ghraib where he recommends that prisons become part of the intelligence gathering process. Per Brig. General Janis Karpinski commandant of Abu Ghraib, Miller pushes to gitmo-ize the prison. Miller later denies this.

October-December 2003, period of torture and abuse at Abu Ghraib.

January 13, 2004, Army Spec. Joseph M. Darby, an MP with the 800th at Abu Ghraib, leaves a disc with photographs of prisoner abuse on the bed of a military investigator.

February 26, 2004, Major General Antonio Taguba issues a classified report on the abuse at Abu Ghraib.

April 28, 2004, Sixty Minutes II airs the photos after a 2 week delay, setting off an international firestorm.

April 30, 2004, Seymour Hersh's New Yorker article on Abu Ghraib appears online; Major General Geoffrey Miller is picked to replace Janis Karpinski and oversee detainee operations in Iraq.

Early May 2004, the Taguba report is leaked.

May 6, 2004, Taguba meets with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld who professes ignorance of his report, asks whether torture occurred, and claims not to have seen the photos from Abu Ghraib although 4 months have passed from the initial report and more than 2 months from the in house release of Taguba's report.

May 7, 2004, Rumsfeld testifies before the Senate and professes surprise and ignorance of events at Abu Ghraib. He does name Joseph Darby for the first time as the one who notified authorities about the abuse. Darby subsequently received death threats and he and his family had to enter protective military custody.

The aftermath: Despite numerous reports, no attempt was made to investigate up the military chain of command or the civilian political leadership of the Pentagon and the White House. So far, about a dozen enlistees have been convicted of various Abu Ghraib related offenses. One special forces officer Lieutenant Colonel Steven Jordan is facing charges. Colonel Thomas Pappas who ran the intelligence section where the abuses occurred received a reprimand. Brigadier General Janis Karpinski was demoted and some of her underlings were also reprimanded. Lieutenant General Ricardo Sanchez the military commander in Iraq retires without his extra star. And, of course, Major General Antonio Taguba who did his duty in a professional manner was forced to retire as of January 1, 2007, no sir, can't have people behaving like that in this Administration.

196. Vice President Cheney's bizarre assertion that the Office of the Vice President (OVP) is not part of the Executive Branch. (If it isn't, where does it fit in our Constitutional system, or does it?) As a result, since 2003, he has unilaterally exempted his office from compliance with Executive Order 12958 which requires information about its classification and declassification activities be provided to the National Archives so that national security materials can be safeguarded. In 2004, the OVP blocked an on-site inspection by the Information Security Oversight Office (ISOO) part of the National Archives. In mid 2006, the ISOO wrote to Cheney's Chief of Staff David Addington twice on the subject but received no answer. In January 2007, the ISOO asked Alberto Gonzales and the DOJ to resolve the matter. Cheney's response was to seek to abolish the ISOO and eliminate the National Archives' ability to refer disputes to the DOJ.

....Additionally, in 2001 the OVP refused to tell the GAO as part of its oversight function who had participated in Cheney's Energy Task Force. This was a governmental request and is different from the Sierra Club lawsuit. (The GAO sued but the case was dismissed by a compliant conservative judge John D. Bates on the grounds that the GAO lacked standing and that the matter fell outside the purview of the court.) Cheney has also refused to disclose travel paid for by special interests as required by law. Since 2004, he has denied requests to name the political appointees on his staff. He has asserted control over Secret Service documents which detail visitors to his residence and exempted these from Freedom of Information requests. Finally, per Executive Order 13233 of November 2001, the Vice President is given authority to prevent public release of his (the OVP's) papers after he leaves office.

197. Another wrinkle on the US attorney scandal. On June 22, 2007, Bill Mercer Acting Associate Attorney General (from September 2006) withdrew his nomination for the permanent No. 3 position at the DOJ 4 days before his confirmation hearings. Mercer has been US attorney for Montana since April 20, 2001. In June 2005, he was given a second position as Principal Associate Deputy Attorney General in Washington. On October 20, 2005, US District Chief Judge Donald Molloy of Billings informed Attorney General Gonzales that Mercer was in violation of federal law since he no longer lived in the district. On November 10, 2005, Gonzales wrote back to the judge stating that Mercer still had a domicile there, returned on a regular basis, and would return permanently as soon as his "temporary" assignment was finished. The same day at Mercer's request, Brett Tolman (who had snuck in the interim US attorney language into the Patriot Act extension) inserted a second provision which allowed US attorneys to live outside their districts and hold other jobs. Mercer's confirmation hearing would have raised embarrassing questions about his role as an absentee US attorney and changing the language in the Patriot Act. His name also appeared in emails concerning the US attorney firings. He has stated his intention to return to his US attorney position in Montana.

198. On June 19, 2007, John Rizzo testified in confirmation hearings for the position of CIA General Counsel. Rizzo has been Acting Counsel for the last 3 years and is a 30 year veteran of the agency. He has also served as Senior Deputy General Counsel and as Deputy General Counsel for Operations. This means that he was part of or headed the CIA legal team that gave guidance to CIA personnel at the time that the CIA was engaged in running black prisons, conducting kidnappings and renditions to countries that practiced torture, and using interrogation methods that amounted to torture. In this last regard, there is the question of an unreleased August 2002 memo (not the Bybee one) from Justice to the CIA listing approved interrogation techniques, including waterboarding, hypothermia, refusal of pain medication for injuries, sleep deprivation, light and sound bombardment, and forced positions for prolonged periods of time. At his hearings, Rizzo described the CIA's interrogation program based on the 2002 memo as humane. He also didn't deny that the CIA could kidnap an American citizen overseas, saying only that it would be "extremely problematic". In other words, Rizzo is a classic enabler of policy no matter how dubious or illegal that policy is.

199. The Public Interest Declassification Board (PIDB) is another obscure governmental body that has no reason to exist. Created in 2000, its nine members (actually still two short at seven) were not appointed until 2004, and it was not funded until 2005. Meant to cut down on unnecessary classification, it has to date made no recommendation to declassify anything. Most recently, a Senate attempt to declassify the Intelligence Committee's report on pre-Iraq war assessments of WMD, including Ahmed Chalabi's input into them hit a brick wall when members sought to go through the PIDB. The PIDB noted that it could only consider a request to declassify if it originated with the President. This is a classic Catch-22. If a President classified something and wanted it kept classified, he/she would not make such a request. If the President wanted something declassified, it is unclear why he/she would bother going through the PIDB. So why does the PIDB exist?

200. On June 28, 2007, the Supreme Court 5-4 in Parents Involved in Community Schools v. Seattle School Dist. No. 1 eliminated the use of racial classification to avoid racial segregation in public schools. Its version of color blindness is to ignore the effects of past discrimination. The ruling is another indication that the two Bush appointees Roberts and Alito have no intention of honoring stare decisis (respect for precedent) which they swore to uphold at their confirmation hearings. It effectively undermines the 1954 landmark decision Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka by leaving school districts few or no options to address and prevent segregation or re-segregation in their educational systems.

....The pattern of the Roberts court with respect to precedent is becoming clear. Using a majority of 5 conservative judges: Roberts, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, and Kennedy, the court has embarked on a course to overturn hallmark decisions like Roe and Brown, not by direct reversal but by dismantling them piece by piece until all the meaning in them is gone. It has also sought to roll back other laws and time elsewhere as well. In doing so, its reasoning has been remarkable for its inconsistency. This is Bush's court and with Iraq it may well be his most enduring and pernicious legacy.

201. On May 29, 2007, SCOTUS decided 5-4 in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Inc. that Ledbetter had only 180 days to file an EOCC complaint of salary discrimination based on sex and that although the discrimination had been going on for years, the court would consider only wage discrimination that had occurred within 180 days of her filing.

....It further stipulated the unrealistic and onerous condition that "Ledbetter should have filed an EEOC charge within 180 days after each allegedly discriminatory employment decision was made and communicated to her." This was an example of the Court ignoring how the world actually functions. Corporations often prohibit employees from discussing their remuneration and make doing so grounds for dismissal. Employees may not come to know that they are being discriminated against for some time, what means are available to challenge such discrimination, if it is worth their while to contest it, and if they have the courage to do so. The decision greatly reduces the scope of discrimination claims and effectively gives corporations a Get Out of Jail Free card for patterns of long term discrimination.

202. On June 25, 2007, SCOTUS decided 5-4 in Federal Election Commission v. Wisconsin Right to Life, Inc. that corporations could use their general funds to run "issue" oriented ads, even those naming candidates, within 30 days of a federal primary election or 60 days of a federal general election in contradiction of requirements of the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002. This is a continuation of the infamous dictum that money equals free speech. Apparently SCOTUS thinks there isn't sufficient money in our political system or that it is not sufficiently bought. Another interesting aspect of the case is that the specific timeframe in question occurred during the 2004 election cycle and had long been rendered moot. Nevertheless, it was resurrected by invoking the notion that the controversy was capable of repetition, yet evading review. In other words, the Court will, if it wants to and regardless of the facts, look at a case long over (as here), take a very restricted view of time limits as in Ledbetter, or declare it moot as in Padilla.

203. On June 25, 2007, SCOTUS decided 5-4 in Morse et al v. Frederick that a school principal acted appropriately in confiscating a banner from a student which read Bong Hits 4 Jesus because it appeared to advocate drug use in violation of school policy. The decision confirmed the view that SCOTUS has a solid majority of prigs who were never teenagers and were born with their sense of humor and proportion permanently disconnected. SCOTUS did not have to take up this case but, having done so, it did not need to be so mindlessly Victorian about it. Curiously, while the Court was eager to rush to protect children's Fourteenth Amendment rights in the Seattle/Louisville case, it showed little regard for their First Amendment rights in Morse v. Frederick. Go figure.

204. On June 28, 2007, SCOTUS decided 5-4 in Leegin Creative Leather Products, Inc. v. PSKS, Inc., DBA Kay's Kloset . . . Kay's Shoes that a manufacturer/distributor can fix the minimum price at which its goods can be sold by a retailer. The theory championed by Robert Bork among others is that by giving a manufacturer/distributor more control of its brand (including its price) it can better protect its brand. Putting it another way, by reducing competition within a brand, competition can be encouraged between brands. Such an approach may have some validity in high end niche markets for limited periods of time, but the key here is that it only may have a beneficial effect (albeit a highly restricted one) not that it will have one. Under such circumstances, is a potential, ephemeral advantage really worth undermining the Sherman Anti-Trust Act with its well understood and well accepted ban on price fixing? The current hyper-conservative (and extremely activist) Court thinks so.

Once again, so much for stare decisis.

205. A no bid Department of Homeland Security (DHS) contract to the consulting firm Booz Allen Hamilton beginning in May 2003 ballooned over 4 years from $2 million to $124 million. This is part of the saga of the privatizing of intelligence services and the ongoing mismanagement and incompetence at DHS. It was presided over by Cheney crony and Booz Allen Vice President James Woolsey. When the contract (now split into 5 parts) was finally put up for bid by DHS, Booz Allen won them all. You have to wonder what message DHS was trying to send by rewarding those who had effectively screwed them over.

206. April 28, 2006, HUD Secretary Alphonso Jackson stated in a speech that he cancelled a contract with a minority advertising firm because the contractor had said he did not support Bush. Later, Jackson in the face of mounting criticism said he made the story up. However, his chief of staff testified (as part of an Inspector General's investigation) that Jackson had intervened in the contracting process when contractors had known Democratic ties. In keeping with the pattern of tame IGs who permeate the Bush bureaucracy, the HUD IG downplayed the issue by saying, "there were some limited instances where political affiliation may have been a factor in contract issues involving Jackson." Even if limited, such instances violate department policies and more importantly violate the law by establishing a political test, something that neither Jackson nor his IG seem to have any problems with.

207. Donald Rumsfeld Defense Secretary from 2001-2006, master of Shock and Awe and Abu Ghraib, famously said on December 8, 2004, "As you know, you go to war with the Army you have. They're not the Army you might want or wish to have at a later time." This was in response to a question about raiding garbage dumps to cobble together armor for flimsily protected Humvees. The problem was that this was over two years from when the buildup to the Iraq invasion began and over a year and a half after Bush's Mission Accomplished speech declared major hostilities over. At the same time, Pentagon spokesmen defended Rumsfeld saying that he was not involved on a day to day basis with Iraq due to his work on the Pentagon's quadrennial review. In other words, he was too busy with the Army he wished to have as opposed to the one he had or the one he needed for Iraq. This was all supposed to result in "force transformation" of the military into small, light but lethal units for future wars, again the very opposite of the no frills but numerous boots on the ground that General Shinseki had correctly predicted were needed for Iraq. Rumsfeld's treatment of Shinseki sent a clear message to the uniformed military that they could agree with Rumsfeld and his minions or else. This was a sure guarantee for compliant generals and bad military advice.

....Rumsfeld also took on the Pentagon's arcane and antiquated procurement process. Under his leadership, he made a bloated and inefficient system even more so. Examples can be found here (An excellent resource for waste in government and in the Pentagon in particular.)

....Rumsfeld ran the gamut from arrogantly dismissive to insincerely reflective. He told us that he not only knew that Saddam had WMD but he knew where they were. On March 30, 2003, he assured us, "They're in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat." When massive, uncontrolled looting broke out in Baghdad, his response on April 11, 2003 was "Stuff happens" and "freedom is untidy." Yet in his October 16, 2003 memo to General Myers, Paul Wolfowitz, Douglas Feith, and General Peter Pace, victory which he continued to believe in to the end had already become "a long, hard slog." Such an admission might have been expected to lead to a certain belated humility or at least a change in policy, but in the event it resulted in neither.

....Rumsfeld could be unintentionally revealing, "illustrative" he would call it, as when he opined, "Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns -- the ones we don't know we don't know." While comically convoluted, in the end he missed the point. It was not all the knowns that were the problem. It was what he thought he knew and didn't that was. Long after the insurgency got started Rumsfeld was still talking about "deadenders". By the time Rumsfeld got around to admitting the insurgency's existence, Iraq was already well on its way to civil war. Rumsfeld couldn't see past his preconceptions. He punished those who disagreed with them. The result was he was constantly behind the curve addressing issues that had moved on.

....In his list of accomplishments which he left at the Pentagon before leaving, Rumsfeld cites the liberation of Afghanistan and Iraq and the training and equipping of 131,000 Iraqi Ministry of Defense and 180,000 Iraqi Ministry of Interior forces as number one and two. Guantanamo is number four. Can anything be more telling? One country in civil war, another trending that way, a shell army, a cover for militias and death squads, and an international human rights controversy, these are what Rumsfeld without irony points to as his monuments.

208. January 10, 2003, the Bush administration issues guidelines that would exempt up to twenty million acres of "isolated" wetlands and seasonal streams from protection under the Clean Water Act (CWA). This went to court and in Rapanos v. United States June 19, 2006, Kennedy's opinion was controlling but his definition of what constituted wetlands was unclear. He defined them as those that "alone or in combination with similarly situated lands in the region, significantly affect the chemical, physical, and biological integrity" of the navigable waters covered by the CWA. However, land adjacent to non-navigable tributaries must be decided on a case by case basis. This was a recipe for regulatory mayhem. In September 2006, draft guidelines prepared by the EPA and the Corps of Engineers to address the issues raised by SCOTUS were pulled at the urging of big coal, developers, and cattle ranchers. They were reworked by the White House's Council on Environmental Quality and re-issued in June 2007 to track more closely with commercial concerns.

209. As with wetlands, a goal of the Bush Administration has been to open up all federally held lands and resources to commercial exploitation, no matter how short term, no matter now destructive. A case in point is the Roadless Rule.

January 12, 2001, in the last days of Bill Clinton's Presidency, the Roadless Rule is published in the Federal Register. It prohibits roadbuilding in 58.5 million acres of roadless wilderness. This accounts for about 1/3 of the nation's forests.

February 5, 2001, Agriculture Secretary Anne Veneman suspends the Roadless Rule.

December 12, 2002, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the Roadless Rule overturning an Idaho challenge to it.

December 23, 2002, the Bush Administration announces plans to give governors the right to seek exemptions to the Roadless Rule.

June 9, 2003, Undersecretary for Natural Resources and the Environment Mark Rey repeats the Administration's intention to change the Roadless Rule to grant governors waivers to it.

December 23, 2002, the 17 million acres (about 4% of which is old growth) of Alaska's Tongass National Forest, the planet's largest temperate rainforest, is exempted from the Roadless Rule.

July 12, 2004, Ann Veneman proposes a new rule which would give governors an 18 month window in which to petition the US Forest Service to open up "roadless" areas to roadbuilding to facilitate logging and drilling for gas and oil.

May 13, 2005, Bush issues the new rule allowing state petitions.

August 5, 2005, the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals blocks the Tongass National Forest management plan and bars roadbuilding pending revision of it.

August 28, 2005, several states and environmental groups sue and the case is assigned to federal District Judge for Northern California Elizabeth Laporte.

September 20, 2006, Judge Laporte reinstates the Roadless Rule nationwide with the exception of the Tongass National Forest.

February 6, 2007, Judge Laporte enjoins roadbuilding in conjunction with drilling permits and leases issued since May 2005.

April 9, 2007, the Forest Service with the timber industry appeal Judge Laporte's decision to the 9th Circuit.

After 6 years, the Administration has neither given up on nor cut back on its plans. It goes to show how singleminded and persistent the Bush Administration is. The Roadless Rule is popular and supported by most Americans. We would like to see some of our national patrimony preserved both for ourselves and future generations. This has not caused the Administration to hesitate for a second in its attempts to overturn it. Only the efforts of states and environmental groups in the courts have kept them so far from succeeding.

210. The invocation of national security can be used to cover so many faults. On March 6, 2006, there was a leak of 35 liters of highly enriched uranium at the Nuclear Fuel Services plant in Erwin, Tennessee. If this material had pooled anywhere to a depth of a few inches, a nuclear reaction would have ensued with subsequent release of radiation and potential for (non-nuclear) explosion and fire. As it was, the plant was closed for 7 months. Neither the public nor the Congress was informed until an annual report 13 months later in April 2007. As a result of the accident, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) modified the facility's license in a confirmatory order dated February 21, 2007. By law, such a change requires a period of public comment but the notice for public comment was itself stamped Official Use Only and not made public. This was pursuant to a memo of August 24, 2004 in which all correspondence whether sensitive or not (including the memo stating this policy) was to be kept out of public view. After talks with staff from the House Committee on Energy and Commerce, the NRC agreed to re-release its order for public comment.

211. How it gets done. Back in the 1990s, the state of Utah challenged the Bureau of Land Management's grant of interim protection from mining, drilling, and logging on 2.6 million acres of the San Rafael Swell pending a Congressional decision on whether it would receive wilderness status. In 1998, the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against Utah on all but one count of its complaint and the suit became moribund. That should have been the end of it. But in 2003, Utah Governor Mike Leavitt and Interior Secretary Gale Norton came to an agreement. In March 2003, Utah amended its complaint re-opening the suit and on April 11, 2003, the Bush Administration settled it on Utah's terms. It did this by capping wilderness areas at the 22 million acres already so designated, effectively excluding the San Rafael Swell and opening it up to commercial exploitation. On August 11, 2003, Bush nominated Leavitt for the post of Administrator at the EPA. Leavitt had no experience in the field but he had helped out in the Utah deal and favored in general the Bush policy on the environment of voluntary controls and weakened oversight. He was confirmed October 28, 2003 and served 2 years before replacing Tommy Thompson at Health and Human Services.

212. That compassionate conservative thing. December 19, 2002 the White House's Office of Management and Budget instructs EPA to value the lives of senior citizens at 63 percent that of younger Americans when calculating the costs and benefits of air pollution regulations. The result decreases, of course, the benefits side of the equation and weakens the case for regulation.

213. A June 27, 2007 report by the Department of Defense Inspector General detailed two companies Force Protection and Armor Holdings awarded single source contracts worth $2 billion dollars to deliver armor kits for Humvees and other vehicles used in Iraq. The armor was not adequately tested, delivered late, and often contained unusable or missing parts. The contract was let despite the fact that other suppliers were available and could have competed for the work.

214. A whiff of hypocrisy. July 9, 2007, Senator David Vitter (R-LA) releases a statement admitting to using the DC Madam's (Deborah Palfrey) Escort Service. Vitter is a "family values" social conservative against abortion and gay marriage and for abstinence only programs. Vitter's admission came after the release of telephone records and an investigation funded by Hustler's Larry Flynt which showed that Vitter had used the escort service at least 5 times between 1999 and 2001.

215. On July 12, 2007, the GAO released a follow up to a 2003 report. It found that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's licensing procedures for radioactive materials remained ineffective. GAO investigators incorporated a bogus company, got a post office box in West Virginia (one of 16 states which does not handle such applications), submitted an application for a radioactive materials license directly to the NRC, received it within 28 days, modified it, and were able to successfully approach two companies which sold road testing equipment containing americium-241 and cesium-137. The exercise was to see how easy it would be to get materials for a "dirty bomb." The NRC downplayed the threat but changed its procedures. It now requires face to face visits with applicants from unfamiliar companies (a recommendation from the 2003 report). The GAO also recommended in 2006 that the NRC take steps to prevent counterfeiting and modification of licenses. It is unclear what is being down on this front.

216. Hedge funds buy companies, make some changes, and then sell them or their parts off at a vast profit. Their managers receive enormous compensations (hundreds of millions) for this which are not taxed as income but at the much lower rates of capital gains (max 15%). That is not the end of it. One hedge fund Blackstone recently went public to the tune of $4.75 billion for its managers. On this, they paid $553 million in taxes, most of it at the 15% rate. It does not end here. Managers maintain that their going public represented a sale of $3.7 billion worth of the company's brand identity (called its "good will") and are currently claiming deductions based on the depreciation of the Blackstone brand (for going public), not at the 15% capital gains rate but at the much higher 35% income tax rate. Over 15 years, this deduction will result in a return of $750 million to them or $197 million more than what they originally paid in taxes. We will end up paying them for taking their company public and for the huge profit they made doing so. The rich are not like us, and neither are the laws that cover them.

217. More how it gets done. Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the 9th largest defense contractor and is an integral part of the military-industrial complex. Its board and upper ranks are filled with heavy hitters from the military and intelligence communities who use the revolving door to cycle back and forth between the company and government. It is a convenient arrangement. Not only does the company have easy access to contracts with either little or no bidding but it has inbuilt protection against its failures and misdeeds. The result is no matter how badly a job is bungled penalties vary from minimal to non-existent. The costs to the nation's security as a result of such boondoggles are large but unquantifiable. A few examples:

The NSA needed a computer system to process and manage the huge number of communications it monitors. SAIC got a $280 million contract and 26 months to develop the system called Trailblazer. 4 years and a billion dollars later with no program in sight, the NSA finally pulled the plug it. But since it still needed the system, the NSA relet the contract which was again won by SAIC this time for $361 million.

SAIC was also behind the FBI's disastrous program to computerize its case and filing system into a single integrated database. The contract was worth $124 million. After 3 years the Virtual Case File as it was called didn't work and was abandoned.

From 1993 to 2002, David Kay was at SAIC where he became director of its Center for Counterterrorism Technology and Analysis. He was a major promoter of the idea that Iraq had large WMD programs and championed the case for the Second Gulf War. In 2003-2004, he ran the hunt for WMD in Iraq. When none were found, he said on January 28, 2004 that "it turns out that we were all wrong." But it really wasn't "we", but those like Kay who had pressed the case so hard by ignoring what evidence there was and relying instead on highly dubious sources produced by the likes of Ahmed Chalabi. When Bush appointed a commission to investigate what had happened, three of those on the commission had ties to SAIC. Naturally no fingers were pointed SAIC's or Kay's way and no conflict of interest concerns were raised.

The SAIC story emblematic of so many companies represents the problems and dangers of outsourcing essential services to private contractors. The results are sweetheart deals, cost overruns, delays, systems that don't work, and very, very little accountability. Companies that do this kind of work and those that run them wrap themselves in a patriotic flag even as they loot the nation's treasury and weaken its security with shoddy products that don't work.

218. The MRAP case. As early as December 2003, a need was seen for heavier vehicles than the Humvee in Iraq (MRAPs) that could withstand and deflect IED blasts. Rumsfeld's emphasis on force transformation and lighter, faster vehicles; his punitive and dictatorial management style; the Pentagon's institutional slowness; the usual pitfalls with contracting, generals unwilling to risk their careers by disagreeing with Rumsfeld; the Pentagon's year in year out insistence that troop levels would soon be reduced, all these things delayed MRAPs being made a priority for 3 1/2 years (until May 2007 when Secretary Gates made it one). It is estimated that since December 2003 when the need was first noted about 30% of US combat deaths in Iraq have come from the lack of such vehicles.

219. Another emasculation of oversight. The Intelligence Oversight Board is a civilian intelligence oversight panel created in the 1970s with the purpose of notifying the President and the Attorney General of intelligence activities which it deems to be illegal. During the first two years of the Bush Administration, the board was vacant. During the first 5 1/2 years (2001-2006), the board made no notifications --this was while the FBI was playing fast and loose with NSLs, the CIA was engaged in torture and black prisons, and the NSA was conducting massive warrantless wiretapping.

220. These are the people protecting you. The Department of Homeland Security outsources many security duties to private contractors like the Wackenhut Corporation. This included the DHS headquarters in Washington at least until numerous security breaches were reported there. The worst and wackiest of these involved an anthrax scare where Wackenhut officials took what was called a suspicious white powder into Secretary Chertoff's office and disposed of it by dumping it out the window.

221. In the ongoing saga of Rove inspired Hatch Act violations, before the November 2006 elections drug czar John Walters and his deputies traveled at government expense to some 20 political events for at risk Republican candidates where federal grants and actions benefiting their districts were announced. The violation is that government funds are not to be spent for political purposes, and, as a natural extension of this, (un-elected) government officials acting in their official capacities are not to engage in partisan activities.

222. President Bush has promised to veto an extension of the State Children's Health Insurance Program (SCHIP). This program afforded some medical coverage to 6.9 million children in 2006. Its purpose is to cover children from families making more than the cutoff for Medicaid eligibility but not enough to afford private insurance. The proposal which has provoked the veto threat would increase the limit from 200% to 300% of the Medicaid cutoff and cover an additional 3.3 million children. It would be paid for by increasing the cigarette tax to $1 per pack. Over 5 years, program costs would increase from $35 billion to $60 billion (in other words ~$12 billion/year or about what is being spent for a single month of the Iraq war in 2007). Bush contends that this would cause the poor to shift from (expensive) private plans to the more affordable SCHIP program, showing that Bush is more interested in the health of insurance companies than in that of the nation's children.

223. How it is done up North. In December 2006, Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska) bought a $300,000 property along the Kenai River from a major campaign contributor Bob Penney for $179,400. After the story refused to go away, Murkowski announced in July 2007 that she would sell back the property at the original price.

....Meanwhile in 2000 Senator Ted "Slow Toobz" Stevens had renovations to his house doubling its size paid for by Veco an oil services company. On July 30, 2007, the FBI and IRS raided the Stevens home. Stevens also steered $558,000 to a former aide Trevor McCabe for the purchase of property near one of his pet projects, the Alaska SeaLife Center in Seward. This sale is under investigation by the FBI and the Interior Department. McCabe is also a business partner of Stevens' son Ben a former state senator who is himself under investigation for how federal grants to the seafood industry were distributed.

....Finally, Representative Don Young agreed to return only part of $5,500 in illegal campaign contributions, the part on which the statute of limitations had not run out. Also Young is being investigated for a yearly pork roast hosted for 10 years by Veco CEO Bill Allen which was used to funnel money to Young in exchange for contracts. Allen recently pled guilty to federal bribery and conspiracy charges.

224. 44 former state Attorney Generals signed a petition of July 13, 2007 addressed to the Chairs of the House and Senate Judiciary Committees asking for a full review of the investigation, prosecution, sentencing, and detention of former Democratic Alabama Governor Don Siegelman. Siegelman was convicted of re-appointing healthcare executive Richard Scrushy to a hospital board in exchange for a $500,000 donation to a lottery campaign. The government sought 30 years but, on conviction, he was sentenced to 7 years 4 months. Despite not being a flight risk and having substantial grounds for appeal, he was immediately remanded into custody.

....There is more than a hint that the prosecution was politically motivated. A lawyer Dana Jill Simpson working on Republican Bob Riley's gubernatorial campaign submitted an affidavit describing a 2002 conference call in which a top GOP strategist Bill Canary said Karl Rove had promised him that the Department of Justice would go after Siegelman. In the event, an investigation was begun by US Attorney Leura Canary, Bill Canary's wife. She recused herself only after objections were raised by Siegelman's attorneys. The case was taken over by Acting US Attorney Louis V. Franklin who claimed he decided "independently" to pursue an investigation which had already been going on for months.

225. Another heckuva job. Trying to avoid legal liability, FEMA lawyers banned the testing of 120,000 trailers purchased to house Katrina victims for high levels of formaldehyde, a carcinogen. The Sierra Club did test dozens of trailers and found formaldehyde levels high enough in 83% of them that would have required federal workers to wear respirators if they were exposed all day to it. 60,000 of the trailers are still in use.

226. The DOJ's Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) issued a memorandum of July 10, 2007 declaring that Harriet Miers had been absolutely immunized by the White House from responding to a subpoena to appear and testify before the Senate Judiciary Committee. The basis of the opinion goes to the sloppy and disdainful way in which the Bush Administration responds to legal challenges. The Attorney General delegates authority to the Assistant Attorney General of the OLC to issue these kinds of opinions to agencies within the Executive branch. The Assistant Attorney General (AAG) of the OLC may in turn delegate this authority but must supervise the delegated work. As it is, Gonzales has recused himself from matters pertaining to the US Attorney firings. So the opinion should have been given by the AAG of the OLC, but here's the catch.

....The opinion was signed by Steven Bradbury. Bradbury was made acting AAG and nominated twice to be made permanent AAG. However, the Senate returned his nomination to the President more than 210 days before the issuance of the memo. (They did so by the way because of Bradbury's role in justifying the NSA warrantless wiretapping program. The quashed OPR probe mentioned in item 92 also involved possible wrongdoing by Bradbury and the OLC.)

....Pursuant to Title5 of the US Code 3346(b)(2)(B): "if a second nomination for the office is submitted to the Senate after the rejection, withdrawal, or return of the first nomination, the person serving as the acting officer may continue to serve . . . for no more than 210 days after the second nomination is rejected, withdrawn, or returned." So Bradbury was no longer acting AAG of the OLC and had no authority to issue the opinion. What this means is that the White House has asserted a vast and absolute Executive privilege based on a legal rationale that has as much legal force as if you, me, or your neighbor's dog had written it.

227. The House and Senate can vote a statutory contempt citation if the conditions of a subpoena are not met. By law, the contempt citation is then referred to the US Attorney for the District of Columbia "whose duty it shall be to bring the matter before the grand jury for its action." With regard to citations in response to claims of Executive privilege in the US Attorney firings scandal, unnamed Administration officials have asserted that the Congress has no power to force the Department of Justice through the US Attorney for DC to convene a grand jury and pursue charges of contempt. They are basing this position on an untested May 30, 1984 opinion by then head of the Office of Legal Counsel (OLC) Theodore Olson. Olson argued that since the Executive executes the laws in specific cases, it is an infringement of the separation of powers that Congress should substitute its judgment for the Executive's and direct it to apply a law against any specific individual. He then seeks to marry this concept to the situation of an individual receiving a contempt citation from the Congress in an Executive privilege case. According to Olson, prosecutorial discretion allows the Executive to decline to pursue such a case.

....What Olson is really arguing, however, is not separation of powers but that the Executive is an independent power.

"The Executive's exclusive authority to prosecute violations of the law gives rise to the corollary that neither the Judicial nor the Legislative Branches may directly interfere with the prosecutorial discretion of the Executive by directing the Executive Branch to prosecute particular individuals." p.115

As such, the Executive is unaccountable to anyone in how the laws are executed, except in the broadest terms I suppose of election, funding, and impeachment. Olson's argument also assumes the duties of US Attorneys are identical with the interests of the Executive, which in practice are those of the sitting President. If this view were to be accepted, US Attorneys would cease to be agents of the law and become agents of a particular President and his/her agenda. In other words, they would become political not legal officers. It was precisely the Administration's attempts to erase this difference which produced the Attorney firings scandal in the first place.

228. Political appointees serve at most until a change in Administrations. Civil service employees are forever. Matthew McKeown, a protege of current Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne, was appointed to the Solicitor's Office at Interior in 2001. McKeown was also an associate of the now convicted Stephen Griles and his wife Sue Ellen Wooldridge. In 2005, he followed Wooldridge to the DOJ and its environmental division where he remained until July 2007. McKeown has backed Bush's Healthy Forests Initiative (see item 72) and in 2004, he called the Endangered Species Act hospice care at a convention of the Property Rights Foundation. On July 23, 2007, he was hired into the career civil service position of deputy associate solicitor at Interior meaning he and his ideas will be there long after Bush is gone.

229. On October 24, 2006, the night before John Brownlee the US Attorney for the Western District of Virginia completed a plea bargain with Oxycontin manufacturer Purdue Pharma, he received a phone call from Michael Elston Chief of Staff to Deputy Attorney General Paul McNulty who urged him to go slow. Elston was acting on behalf of a Purdue Pharma executive and was contacted by Mary Jo White a former US Attorney representing Purdue Pharma. It is unlikely that Elston acted without McNulty's knowledge.

....The Oxycontin case had been brought because Purdue Pharma had downplayed the dangers and addictive nature of the painkiller. Between 2000 and 2001, it was blamed for 146 deaths and may have been responsible for as many as 318 others. Despite Elston's call, Brownlee went through with the plea deal which included the company pleading guilty to one felony and being fined $635 million. Three former executives also pled guilty to misdemeanors. This was actually a fairly light punishment seeing as the company had made billions off Oxycontin and none of the executives pled to felonies. 8 days after the settlement, Brownlee's name appeared on a list kept by Elston of US Attorneys to be fired. In the event, Brownlee kept his job.

230. According to a GAO report of July 31, 2007 up to December 2005 there was no centralized system of records to track equipment transfers to Iraqi security forces. While the commander of the Multinational Security Transition Command- Iraq (MNSTC-I ) in 2004-2005 a certain David Petraeus reported that "about 185,000 AK-47 rifles, 170,000 pistols, 215,000 items of body armor, and 140,000 helmets were issued to Iraqi security forces as of September 2005," "the MNSTC-I property books contain records for only about 75,000 AK-47 rifles, 90,000 pistols, 80,000 items of body armor, and 25,000 helmets." This results in a discrepancy of "about 110,000 AK-47 rifles, 80,000 pistols, 135,000 items of body armor, and 115,000 helmets reported as issued to Iraqi forces as of September 22, 2005." Petraeus called it a clerical error but it is likely that much of this equipment ended up in the hands of militias, making Petraeus, not Iran, the biggest illicit arms supplier in Iraq.

231. Another upside-down nomination. David Palmer a DOJ careerist was nominated by Bush on September 15, 2006 to chair the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). Palmer is chief of the Employment Litigation section in the DOJ's Civil Rights Division. 8 of his colleagues wrote a letter to the Senate committee overseeing his nomination in which they noted that Palmer was not much of a lawyer, did not understand the principles of Title VII and constitutional law which served as the basis of the section's activities, and was himself the subject of a complaint of employee abuse. When he became section head, he treated people badly and morale and productivity plummeted. After 11 months, Palmer withdrew his nomination over the weekend of August 4-5, 2007.

232. And another. Peter Kirsanow an arch-conservative opponent of affirmative action was named on December 6, 2001 by direct appointment to a 6 year term on the Civil Rights Commission by President Bush. The appointment was contested but ultimately confirmed by the DC Court of Appeals in May 2002. On July 19, 2002, Kirsanow said that if there were another terrorist attack, "you can forget civil rights in this country" and that if it came from a certain ethnic community "I think we will have a return to Korematsu." (Korematsu was the Supreme Court decision validating the internment of Japanese-Americans during World War II). As a Civil Rights Commissioner, he had a report critical of Bush's civil rights record removed from the commission's site and testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in support of the Supreme Court nominations of both John Roberts and Samuel Alito.

....On November 16, 2005 and again on February 10, 2006, he was nominated to the National Labor Relations Board. He was given a recess appointment by Bush on January 4, 2006. Kirsanow's labor background is that of an anti-union attorney opposed to the minimum wage.

233. In the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 which Bush signed into law on March 9, 2006, death penalty advocates included language which stripped federal judges from determining if states in death penalty cases had provided defendants with adequate legal counsel. The act gave this power instead to the Attorney General. In Texas, Alberto Gonzales then Governor Bush‚s general counsel from 1994-1997 was known for his skimpy, biased clemency recommendations in capital cases. DOJ regulations on this issue are due to take effect in late summer 2007.


Clinton got ousted for a blow job, nobody died, nobody got hurt but Hillary and kids, this should be another scandal.


So what's wrong with today's media corpSE? Why have they been so MUTE about ALL these UN-reported and UN-investigated "Bush-Gates"? WHY?? Did Bush threaten to take their White House Reporting Privileges away, if they openly report about any of these scandals?

Very Polite Press Corp Has No Guts Today

Back during Watergate, when Nixon would hold a press conference, Sam Donaldson and Helen Thomas, along with others, would ask Nixon tough questions. Once Nixon tried to get around an answer, and Donaldson responded to Nixon, "Hold on Mr. President"!!

Donaldson didn't just go after Republican Nixon. He also went after President Carter, President Reagan, President Bush #1 and President Clinton. He held each President's "feet" to the fire. Today's media corpSE could learn plenty form Donaldson, but they refuse.

Only in Ireland do they try that today. When Bush had a one-on-one interview with an Irish reporter, on his trip to Europe in 2004, the women reporter (Carole Coleman) was not afraid to stop Bush in mid-sentence when she heard a lie.

Irish Reporter Throws Real Hardball Questions At Bush

Irish Reporter Didn't Get Memo To Ask Puffball Questions



Fun Links

One Thousand Reasons (1500 now) George Bush Sucks

From American's, like senators, representatives & Concerned citizens who still give a shit about our country.  who still care about freedom & have some balls to take on the corruption that threatens our country, the terrorists within.


From the Ass of the Asshole in Deciderly his own words

"The same folks that are bombing innocent people in Iraq were the ones who attacked us in America on September the 11th." -- George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., July 12, 2007
(That is scary, did Bush just have a Freudian Slip and admit that he bombed the 9/11 towers and Pentagon)


"You know, one of the hardest parts of my job is to connect Iraq to the war on terror." --interview with CBS News' Katie Couric, Sept. 6, 2006


"My job is a job to make decisions. I'm a decision -- if the job description were, what do you do -- it's decision maker." --George W. Bush, Tipp City, Ohio, April 19, 2007

"Iraq is a very important part of securing the homeland, and it's a very important part of helping change the Middle East into a part of the world that will not serve as a threat to the civilized world, to people like -- or to the developed world, to people like -- in the United States." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., April 3, 2007

"Suiciders are willing to kill innocent life in order to send the projection that this is an impossible mission." --George W. Busy, Washington, D.C., April 3, 2007

"And there is distrust in Washington. I am surprised, frankly, at the amount of distrust that exists in this town. And I'm sorry it's the case, and I'll work hard to try to elevate it." --George W. Bush, interview on National Public Radio, Jan. 29, 2007

"The best way to defeat the totalitarian of hate is with an ideology of hope -- an ideology of hate -- excuse me --with an ideology of hope." --George W. Bush, Fort Benning, Ga., Jan. 11, 2007

"You teach a child to read, and he or her will be able to pass a literacy test.'' —Townsend, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2001

"Tribal sovereignty means that; it's sovereign. I mean, you're a — you've been given sovereignty, and you're viewed as a sovereign entity. And therefore the relationship between the federal government and tribes is one between sovereign entities." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 6, 2004 (Watch video clip)

"I couldn't imagine somebody like Osama bin Laden understanding the joy of Hanukkah." —at a White House menorah lighting ceremony, Washington, D.C., Dec. 10, 2001

"The British government has learned that Saddam Hussein recently sought significant quantities of uranium from Africa." —State of the Union Address, Jan. 28, 2003, making a claim that administration officials knew at the time to be false

"The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him." —Washington, D.C., Sept. 13, 2001

"I don't know where bin Laden is. I have no idea and really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." —Washington, D.C., March 13, 2002

"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" --George W. Bush, Florence, South Carolina, Jan. 11, 2000

"Can we win? I don't think you can win it." —after being asked whether the war on terror was winnable, "Today" show interview, Aug. 30, 2004

"I just want you to know that, when we talk about war, we're really talking about peace." —Washington, D.C. June 18, 2002

"I trust God speaks through me. Without that, I couldn't do my job." —to a group of Amish he met with privately, July 9, 2004

"Major combat operations in Iraq have ended. In the battle of Iraq, the United States and our allies have prevailed." —speaking underneath a "Mission Accomplished" banner aboard the USS Abraham Lincoln, May 1, 2003

“We found the weapons of mass destruction. We found biological laboratories … And we'll find more weapons as time goes on. But for those who say we haven't found the banned manufacturing devices or banned weapons, they're wrong, we found them." —Washington, D.C., May 30, 2003

I'm the decider, and I decide what is best. And what's best is for Don Rumsfeld to remain as the Secretary of Defense." --Washington, D.C. April 18, 2006 (Read more; listen to audio clip; watch video clip)

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we." —Washington, D.C., Aug. 5, 2004 (Watch video clip)

"There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again." —Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 17, 2002 (Watch video clip)

Best Bush Sucks Music Video

Best Bush Sucks Roast By Stephen Colbert at Presidential Press Conference

Unedited Version - click link


Best Bush Sucks Latin American Music Video - for all our Latino friends who do the jobs American's don't want to and have done excellent work, who are now being flogged for helping us do those jobs, with a title of "illegal" aka cheap labor.  We are sorry for the current view expressed by our leadership gone mad.

Best Bush Absolutely Wrong but Righteous

Bush Sucks Music Video

Bush - Hu's on First

Best Bush Sucks Impersonator

More Bush Impersonation

Best Dude Telling Bush - YOU SUCK

Best Bush Suck Country Western Video

Lil Bush on Bush (watch the infomercial after each segment for continuous laughs)

Donald Trump - George Bush Sucks Worse Than Any President Ever
(used to dislike Trump but he earns your heart here)

Bush v. Zomies aka Cheney's

The Real Karl Rove - "Bites the Heads off Small Animals" - Grandpa Rove built gas chambers for Hitler.  Bloodline should be extincted on Ebonics first and worst to go basis. 

Bush Regime Lies on Iraq WMD's
If no WMD's  = Bush Cheney, Rummy, Condi, You & Me are all war criminals.
Perhaps we should kill Joe & Valerie Plame Wilson before anyone finds out the truth.

"I Don't Need Your War Machines ~ I Don't Need Your Ghetto Scenes"

Table of Horror



Humor / Commentary

Bush Sucks Links

There's just to much Reality on George Bush Sucking for any website, perhaps the entire web to hold, without eating all the bandwidth in the universe!  So we picked the humor to the right.

Finally a reporter with balls ~ Stephen Colbert - Presidential Press Conference

Bush Impersonator - Presidential Press Conference


Gallup Poll may say it all though July 2007 Bush & Cheney Gallup Polls

George Soros Compares Bush to Nazi

George Soros Compares Bush to Nazi


Is Bush an "Idiot"? - quotes from Dixie Chicks and Linda Ronstandt and the idiot himself

Eminem ~ Mosh ~ I'll take it from a rapper since rockers seem all sold out these days or the Dixie's !

Republican Sex 101

2007 08 23 Bush Sucks Iraq v. Vietnam

Bush Sucks 1

Bush Sucks 2

Bush Sucks 3

Bush Sucks 4 - Ok maybe rock n roll is making it back to revolution

Bush Sucks 5 - Hu's on first

Another Rock Bush Sux, Bring it on through music

Bush Sucks Site


Hitler, assassination attempt, Munich, Nov 8.1939 - where are these guys when you need them? 

Dump Dick - Evil Dick (Cheney) v. Tricky Dick (Nixon)


New US Attorney Scandal


Dean Loren on Michael Mukasey, Bush Appointment to replace Bongo Gonzo and his background and ties to mob in NY



July 26, 2007 Senate Calls for Solicitor General Paul Clemente to Appoint Special Counsel to Investigate Perjury Against Gonzales ~ we ask how does Gonzales wake up and walk into the halls of Justice after viewing this

July 26, 2007 Republican Specter calls for a special prosecutor! 

July 25, 2007 - House Judiciary Committee Meeting for Contempt of Congress Citations for Harriett Meirs and Joshua Bolton 

July 26, 2007 FBI Senate Hearings on National Security Letter Abuse Against Citizens Like you and I whereby Mueller contradicts Gonzales testimony to Congress

Senator Whitehouse Grills Gonzo on Ashcroft, I need a bongo

Senator Whitehouse Damns Gonzales

July 24, 2007 Senate Judiciary Cmte. Hearing with Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales whereby he is basically called a liar, perjurer and General Scumbag 

July 24th 2007 Full Gonzales hearing at 3 hours & 12 minutes there is the scariest statement of all by senator Sheldon Whitehouse about the dangers of exposing these thugs disguised in robes of justice. Gonzales Senate Hearing - Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies, Lies and Perjury


Feinstein Grills Gonzo on Who Changed Law to Replace US Attorney's w/out Senate Confirmation

Chuck Schumer of New York Questions Gonzo on Showing Up At Ashcroft's Bedside

GONZALES: Pressured Hospitalized Ashcroft to OK Spying - Here comes Gonzo-Gate

Howard Coble at the Gonzales Attorney Firing Hearings Asks About Patent Theft and Criminal Organizations that use such to fund their criminal organizations - Could he have been referring to the Iviewit case that now is missing from the US Attorney's Office?  You make the call

May 10, 2007 WASHINGTON, DC : CSPAN3 Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales at House Judiciary Cmte. Oversight Hearing - Morning. The investigation into the firing of eight U.S. Attorneys continues. This hearing follows the appearance of former Deputy A.G. James Comey, who testified before the Cmte. on May 3.



7.24 GONZALES HEARING: Public Shouts for Gonzo to Resign



Olbermann: The New Way Of Taking The Fifth

"I'm honored to be here with the eternal general of the United States, mi amigo Alberto Gonzales." --George W. Bush, Washington, D.C., May 4, 2007 (Watch video clip)

The War Veteran who kept tabs on how many times GonzoBongo said "I Don't Recall", "Don't Remember" and "I Can't Recall Now What I Knew Then Because Your Asking About Things I Am Trying to Erase From My Memory" - It came up to about 400





Iraq War Crimes War


recent filing against Rumsfeld and others for war crimes, check out who filed it and who joined

Lies from Bush Cheney Rummy Connie etc regarding Iraq WMD's, lies to install fear in you to give up your rights 

War Veteran Calls for War Crime Trials Against Bush

Rumsfeld and Bush charged with War Crimes ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8isj8LkbZno 

Liberty News TV Ep 21 October 2006 Iraq War Crimes, Bush USA  ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=57NbLBWLNF0 

War Crimes Caught on Video - Come on, when are they gonna be tried for this shit, American's must try the Administration for treason and war crimes, this is the sickest video to date

U.S.M.C Staff Sergeant describes U.S war crimes in Iraq ~ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zxsgna5XZcs 


Donald Trump Lambastes Bush Policies

Gulf War Syndrome and how the George Bush administration supplied Iraq with chemical and biological warfare materials,
allowed US servicemen and women to be exposed to them and then covered up the entire scandal by Air Force Captain Joyce Riley

Bush - Gulf War Experiments on Soldiers

Bush - Gulf War Experiments on Soldiers, Chemical & Biological




Guantanamo Bay / Gitmoschwitz / Human Torture

July 27, 2007: House Hearing On Guantanamo Bay Detainees - "Upholding the Principle of Habeas Corpus for Detainees." Witnesses testified about the operation of military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, detainee treatment and interrogation, access to defense counsel, and judicial review of procedures used by federal courts. 

Arlen Specter Questions Alberto Gonzales: No Constitutional Right of Habeas Corpus

Lil Bush on Torture - Comedy Central

Jail Bush ~ For War Crimes






9/11 Giving up freedom in fear of "terrorist" dressed in Sandals w. Russian Rifle on Camel with 52 thugs and no army.  Propaganda will destroy ya!


Dean Loren - 9/11 Truth Interview

911 / The Greatest Lie Ever Told

The Great Conspiracy - 911 News Special Question to 911 Commission

911 the Great Illusion

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game of the Illuminati (1of 2)

911 - The Great Illusion - End Game Of The Illuminati (1 of 2)




Convincing evidence reveals that operatives within the U.S. Government purposely let 9/11 occur. It was a "false-flag" attack to set the stage for invading the Middle-East & curtail our rights at home.

For example: hijacked airliners flew all over the eastern U.S. for hours without any military activity (a complete stand-down).

WTC Building #7 was 350 feet away from the nearest tower, yet it inexplicably imploded in a controlled demolition.

Six years later, the gov't still refuses to release any clear video of what crashed at the Pentagon.

Furthermore, the Bush/Cheney regime is totally out of control and is openly subverting our U.S. Constitution. They may declare martial law and/or suspend elections after another false-flag.

Please watch "9/11 Mysteries" or "Painful Deceptions" free on Google videos. Please visit patriotic truth sites like the ones below & do your own research. Wake-up now, our nation is in peril!
















The following links courtesy of

The American Voice

Part 1  

Part 2  

( 09:57)

Part 3  


Part 4  


Part 5  


Part 6  


Next 9/11 Truth Video:

9/11 Solution

Here's the video Google took down!


See This about What 9/11 Solution Contains

From 9/11 Mysteries Website:

We encourage you to see the entire "911 Mysteries" video and make up your own mind. 


A rasher of angry mail arrived at our doorstep
right after actor James Brolin
drew attention to this website on the ABC TV show "The View" (12/6/06) .  


At a recent screening in Arizona, the brother of a 9/11 victim stepped up to the microphone and rebuked us for creating and screening our DVD. "Why did you make this movie?" he asked over and over.  Here's the answer:

This movie was made because there was a demand for it. Although many Americans would like to blame Arabs for the attacks of 9/11 and feel justified in seeking revenge for such violence, there are also a great many who wish to find out who was behind the event without assuming that what our media keeps telling us is correct.  The very suspicious collapse of the towers and Building 7 -- defying the laws of physics -- and the continued refusals of authorities to formally and scientifically defend the official story is greatly disturbing.  Why is there no forum for discussion of 9/11 except on the Internet and as organized by ordinary people themselves?

Therefore, this movie was created for the citizens of the world, in the effort to present an alternative and perhaps more plausible 9/11 thesis.  The sharing of ideas is the best gift we have to give each other!


Watch 9/11 Mysteries NOW!


Part 1, 2, & 3
View All Three 30 Minutes Segments Here


9/11 Mysteries

(1.5 Hours Long)


This Video is excellent for both Seasoned Researchers & 

Mainstream TV Viewers Who Are Not Yet Awake 

9/11 Mysteries Official Website


9/11 Mysteries Video in Text Form
(English Script from Video)
Also in Italian


(Download Flyer Here)

9/11 Mysteries Evidence

9/11 Conspiracies (History Channel Special)


Next Video:

Flight 93 Rare Footage of "Crash" in PA
This Footage Never Shown Again on TV

Video Transcript:

Woman reporter: 

"The debris here is spread over a 3 to 4 mile radius which has now been completely sealed off and is being treated, according to the FBI, as a crime scene.", 

"No smoke, no fire", 

"This is one of those cases where the pictures really do tell the story, that, sort of the most horrifying aspect of this particular crash scene is how little debris is visible.",

"There is a large crater in the ground.", 

"That's really all you see is a large crater in the ground and, and, just tiny, tiny bits of debris.", 

"There's been at least one report that, the uh, investigators out there, and there are hundreds of them, as I said tonight, um, have found nothing larger than a phone book."  

Next, an eyewitness of the "crash" site, a photographer from the Pittsburgh Fox affiliate, 
Chris Kanicky (phonetically spelled), is interviewed by another reporter, and the eyewitness says, 

"The only thing you could see from where we were, uh, was a big gouge in the earth and some broken trees.", 

"We could see some people working, walking around in the area, but, from where we could see, there wasn't much left."  

Reporter asks, "Any large pieces of debris at all?" 

"No, there was nothing, nothing that you could distinguish that a plane had crashed there.

Then, the reporter asks, "Smoke, fire?" 

"Nothing, it was absolutely quiet, it was uh, actually very quiet, um, nothing going on down there, no smoke, no fire, just a couple of people walking around, they looked like part of the NTSB crew, walking around, looking at the pieces." 

Reporter:  "How big would you say that hole was?"  

"Uh, from my estimates I would guess it was probably about 20 to 15 feet, uh, long, and probably about 10 feet long", (he says accidentally, and then corrects himself), "or, 10 feet wide."  

"What could you see on the ground, other than dirt and ash?" 

"You couldn't see anything, you could just see dirt, ash, 
and people walking around, broken trees."

9/11 Videos


9/11 Evidence


Building 7, WTC


9/11 Archive






Skull & Bones + The Federalist Party = End America as Democracy Crap

1933 Attempted Coup on Franklin Roosevelt

Bush & Kerry Admit Membership in Skull & Bones, The Brotherhood of Death

CBS Exposes Skull & Bones

June 14, 2004 CBS News on Skull & Bones in Power Elite

April 21 2001 Yale Daily News ~ Skull and Bones Airs on ABC

History of Skull & Bones


Bush Family Skull & Bones Secrets

Presidential Election of a Bonesman ~ Skull & Bones positions candidates on both Republican & Democratic Tickets

WhiteHouse.org on Secret Societies

Matrix of Evil - Howard Jones & Ron Paul

Bush Regime Shadow Government 

Online Book About the Bush Blood Dynasty

Nazi's Infiltrate Republican Party

Unholy Trinity

Mae Brussell Archives - Truth

The John Birch Society  


Word from John F. Kennedy on Secret Societies & Freedom of the Press - Dig this guy up



CNN - Prescott Bush Stole Geronimo's Bones

Corruption in High Places ~ Skull & Bones

Find out who is funding the propaganda machine



Bilderberg / Skull and Bones - Very Informative Article



George Bush Grandfather Steal Geronimo Skull from Sacred Burial Grounds

The Order of Skull & Bones: Everything you wanted to know, but were afraid to ask

Skull and Bones ~ How it Really Works and Who Runs It

Rotten Stinking Skull and Bones

80 Years of Bush Secrets and Friends

Bush Family Business Dealings

Bush II's Dirty Secrets Lists and List of Crimes he committed

Bush Campaign Funding Scam 

Bush a Loser Texas Governor

Bush Dirty Oil Deals


Skull and Bones Codeword Barbelon

Congressman McFadden on the Federal Reserve Corporation

Remarks in Congress, 1934 AN ASTOUNDING EXPOSURE

How the Rockefellers Raped America






Cooperative Research














Who Controls America? You Shall Know The Truth, and It Will Make You Mad - An excerpt from the book, Fourth Reich Of The Rich, by Des Griffin.

Mike Ruppert - CIA & Drug Running


"A clique of U.S. industrialists is hell-bent to bring a fascist state to supplant our democratic government and is working closely with the fascist regime in Germany and Italy. I have had plenty of opportunity in my post in Berlin to witness how close some of our American ruling families are to the Nazi regime. . . Certain American industrialists had a great deal to do with bringing fascist regimes into being in both Germany and Italy. They extended aid to help Fascism occupy the seat of power, and they are helping to keep it there."-William E. Dodd, U.S. Ambassador to Germany, 1937. See: Shadow of the Swastika

US Fascist Plot 1

US Fascist Plot 2

American Dictators

Blackstone IPO= Bush=Skulls=Death=Satan; Get It?

Nazi's the Occult Conspiracy Part 1

Nazi's the Occult Conspiracy Part 2

Eugenics sites (the Bush family are among the world's top
advocates for eugenics)

Not Dead Yet.org
Eugenics 1
Eugenics 2
Eugenics 3
Eugenics 4
Eugenics 5
Eugenics 6

Henry Luce's (CNN+TIME) Empire of Fascism


Philadelphia Enquirer 9/10/98 David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush
backer one of several with possible Nazi links," September 10, 1988.

Project Paperclip: the CIA Nazi recruitment program - many of the
think tanks and organizations behind Bush got their ideas directly
from these former Nazi officials.

CIA Nazi Human Torture Experiments  

Philadelphia Enquirer 9/10/98 David Lee Preston, "Fired Bush
backer one of several with possible Nazi links," September 10, 1988.

Project Paperclip: the CIA Nazi recruitment program - many of the
think tanks and organizations behind Bush got their ideas directly
from these former Nazi officials.

1998 Philadelphia Enq. - Fired Bush Back one of several with Nazi ties

Head of Florida holocaust Museum links Bush family to Nazis "The Bush family fortune came from the Third Reich." -John
Loftus, former US Justice Dept. Nazi War Crimes investigator and President of the Florida Holocaust Museum quoted in the
Sarasota Herald-Tribune 11/11/2000

Bush Family Money Tied to Third Reich

4/14/1990 New York Times quotes George Bush as stating,
"Lets forgive the Nazi war criminals."

US releases Nazi documents (AP)

Bush "Let's Forgive the Nazi's

Josef Goebbels on propaganda - Understand how the Big Lie
techniques used by the Bush campaign work

Josef Goebbels - Hitler Propaganda Used by Bush Regime



Bush the Decider / King George the Idiot


Darth Cheney

MAY 25, 2007 C-SPAN WASHINGTON JOURNAL ~ GEORGE BUSH'S POWER GRAB... IS MARTIAL LAW COMING?  Bush Attempts to Make Himself Decider / Dictator


RNC / Whitehouse / Rove Missing Email Scandal - greatest violation of Presidential Records Act in history

Election fraud, November 2, 2004?


Cheney links

Cheney Connections to Halliburton & Brown & Root

Election Fraud November 2, 2004

Cheney @ The Helm

Cheney - A Political Loser, Check out every campaign he touched and see how they tanked the Candidate No Wonder he does not care about poll ratings

Cheney's Multi Million Revolving Door

How Weapons Makers Are Shaping US Policy

How Weapons Makers are Shaping US Policy 2


P. Stephen Lamont, Former Iviewit CEO 

P. Stephen Lamont - You Tube Candidate Submission #1

The Greatest Patent Story Ever Told - Episode 1

The Greatest Patent Story Ever Told - Episode 2






Eliot Bernstein / Inventor

Iviewit Inventions Explained

Iviewit Inventor Funny


December 30 2006 Iviewit Shareholder Statement 2 Regarding Car Bombing, etc.

Ellen DeGeneres - Use Iviewit for the Country







Fun Documents and Evidence to Review Regarding Patentgate


09 522 721 Change of Inventorship Form ALL PATENTS CROSSBOW S.pdf


1900 03 10 to 2020 03 10 Patent Application Oath & Declaration filed by Joao.  This application is a fraud and the fax headers on the page are part of the explanation.  Both fax machines' dates were changed to look like 3/10/00 but instead come out as 3/10/1900 and 3/10/2020.  This application also is entirely different than the application signed by Rosario, Bernstein and Shirajee. 


1997 07 Rubenstein.pdf


1997 08 07.pdf


1998 12 29 IVIEWIT BIZ PLAN.doc


1999 01 08 Wheeler Letter re delay getting back after receiving patent disclosures.doc




1999 01 15 Proskauer letter regarding Iviewit Corporation, a company that does not exist or perhaps it is another Proskauer owned entity involved in theft of the patents through a complex shell game with identically named and similarly named companies


1999 01 28 Letter to Gortz asking why is Rubenstein not at Proskauer and instead at Meltzer when they told us he was at Proskauer.




1999 02 17 - Interactive Week article where Intel engineers are quoted as stating the Internet at speeds under 1.5Mbps would be text based with banners, no video or imaging of quality at the lower bandwidths.


1999 02 18 Wheeler letter regarding Proskauer and Rubenstein review of patents, that Rubenstein is patent expert reviewing the patents for patentability.


1999 02 18 Wheeler letter regarding Rubenstein review of patents 2


1999 02 22 Raymond Joao Patent App Before He Says He Knows Us and said he filed in March although it was supposed to be in January this application is missing from his bills.pdf


1999 02 22 Raymond Joao patent application before he says he knows Iviewit, Joao bills for patent in March stating he is working on application.  Yet, the filing card shows it was sent in 2/99.




1999 03 02 Rubenstein letter to Eliot advising of filing Rubenstein in deposition stated he never spoke with Eliot.pdf


1999 03 02 Rubenstein letter to Eliot regarding how to do patents.  Rubenstein states in deposition that he does not know Bernstein or anything about the inventions.


1999 04 16 - Wheeler gets CD with fullscreen videos and in his deposition he states that at this time he was unaware of fullscreen video inventions


1999 04 16 Proskauer and Wheeler get info for fullscreen video invention.  Wheeler in deposition states he did not know of video invention prior to Real3D meeting.  This indicates he had seen the videos and retained cd's with the inventions on them. 


1999 04 26 NDA - Goldman Sachs - Jeffrey Friedstein & Donald Kane


1999 04 26 Proskauer opinion letter for Hassan Miah and Earthlink investors Sky Dayton and Kevin O'Donnell.  Wheeler sends the opinion to Richard Rosman, Esq. = Contradictory evidence Wheeler states in deposition that Proskauer never reviewed the Iviewit patents and never made any opinions 


1999 04 27 Rosman to Wheeler Hassan Rubenstein patent attorney


1999 04 27 Rosman to Wheeler letter showing Hassan wants opinion of Proskauer's Rubenstein who he knows from MPEGLA, Wheeler sends a Proskauer opinion stating their retained counsel finds it to be novel and patentable.  Wheeler lies under deposition and to Florida Bar stating he does not know anything about the technologies and never opined.


1999 04 27 Rubenstein/Wheeler/Proskauer patent opinion


1999 05 14 REAL DEAL.WPD


1999 05 24 Real 3D Meeting bibona 2.pdf


1999 05 30 Miah letter asking to email Iviewit patent counsel Rubenstein some questions


1999 05 30 Miah Letter ASKING TO EMAIL RUBENSTEIN.pdf


1999 05 30 Miah Letter ASKING TO EMAIL RUBENSTEIN.pdf


1999 06 01 Donald G. Kane letter on structuring the companies








1999 06 03 Joao Patent Filing with Blanked Out Date


1999 06 03 Joao Patent Filing with Blanked Out Date.pdf


1999 06 09 - Epstein letter to Wheeler confirming Proskauer and Rubenstein Patent Opinion for Investors contradicts Wheeler and Rubenstein Deposition Entirely.pdf


1999 06 09 Epstein to Wheeler regarding Rubenstein Opinion Letter for Investors.pdf


1999 06 11 Wheeler notes regarding Intel/SGI/Lockheed/Real 3D disclosure meeting of video and imaging


1999 06 11 Wheeler to Real3d (Intel + Silicon Graphics Inc + Lockheed Martin acting as patent counsel contradicting his deposition testimony entirely that he knew nothing of the technologies.pdf


1999 06 18 Proskauer bill for Iviewit Corporation, a company that does not exist, we think


1999 06 24 Lewin letter to Wheeler regarding his conflict of interests with Visual Data.  Visual Data was an early violator of their NDA and when we found out we also found out that Lewin had undisclosed conflict.


1999 06 24 Lewin to Wheeler regarding conflict of interest with Lewin and his and Wheelers client Visual Data Wheeler failed to disclose it was his client too.pdf


1999 06 30 - Gerald Stanley CEO of Real 3D (Intel/SGI and Lockheed) opinion and information forwarded to Huizenga


1999 06 30 Real 3D Opinion and Licensing Info - We start to see evidence of companies we never heard of. Now there appears an Iviewit LLC and an Iviewit.com LLC.


1999 07 19 Epstein to Wheeler why are NDA in iviewit inc.pdf


1999 07 23 Proskauer/Wheeler to Huizenga/Branden opinion on technology for Wayne Huizenga investment.  


1999 07 23 Wheeler Branden Opinion on technology Huizenga.pdf


1999 09 08 PR Wheeler to Lewin for Payment after Huizenga funding.  Wheeler in deposition states payments were not based on funding.


1999 09 08 Proskauer Retainer Letter almost one year after being retained, bogus document by Utley and Wheeler.pdf


1999 09 08 Proskauer Retainer Letter, comes over a year after engaging Iviewit?


1999 09 20 Rubenstein Joao Utley Filipeck Meeting NY Proskauer/Rubenstein Office, yet Rubenstein denies even knowing us other than to refer Joao.




1999 Utley resume given to Iviewit by Wheeler (his best friend) showing false statements about his past.  He conceals former patent thefts from his past employer with Wheeler and Dick.  Also, false academia credits.


2.19.99 proskauer.jenex agree.doc


2000 03 09 Utley writes letter to Joao, after Joao is thought to be writing patents wrong and possibly in his name.  Decision is made to replace Joao with Dick and Foley - Utley suddenly claims Joao patents have mistakes and major missing items.  Good Guy - Bad Guy.  Dick replaces Joao but instead of correcting Joao errors and wrong info and inventors they perpetuate the fraud.


2000 04 01 Armstrong letter regarding Utley screwing up patents.pdf


2000 04 11 Foley and Lardner - Invitation to Correct Defect 2 - Invitation to Correct Defects .tif


2000 04 11 Foley and Lardner - Invitation to Correct Defects 3 - Invitation to Correct Defects .tif


2000 04 11 Foley and Lardner - Invitation to Correct Defects.tif


2000 04 16 Iviewit to Meltzer to transfer patent docs to Foley and Lardner.doc


2000 05 11 - Foley and Lardner Letter Stating Problems with Joao Patents in Letter to Meltzer Lippe, all patents are not assigned to Iviewit Holdings per patent office.tif


2000 05 11 Wachovia Letter from Foley and Lardner on Patents and it is wholly wrong regarding assignments and other issues according to information from the United States Patent & Trademark Office.pdf


2000 05 11 Wachovia Letter from Foley stating false information regarding assignments and missing inventions.  False statements for a Wachovia Private Placement by Foley.


2000 05 19 Epstein Investor Letters Showing Rubenstein as Patent Advisor with Dick.pdf


2000 05 25 Dr Christopher Taylor Consulting Agreement


2000 05 25 Dr Christopher Taylor Consulting Agreement.tif


2000 06 06 Foley and Lardner request Meltzer Joao files claiming information is missing and not on file.pdf


2000 06 06 Foley and Lardner request MLGWS/Joao files, stating that Joao has not transferred all patent applications and files, Joao does not send a US application and tries to replace with a PCT.  Once caught he sends file 5865-10 which he replaces patent signed by Eliot, Jude and Zakirul with his initial provisional filing.  This is the application with fax dates of 1900 and 2020 stamped on them.


2000 06 09 Copy Spitzer of Curran Investigation of Cahill Rubenstein Krane conflicts of interest and violations of public office.pdf


2000 06 13 FOLEY Patent Portfolio.pdf


2000 06 22 PR News Ellen Degeneres.MDI


2000 06 23 iviewit.com Unveils Streaming Video Coverage
the ELLEN DEGENERES ‘Americana 2000’
Up Comedy Tour at SHOWBIZ EXPO.


2000 07 07 Sun Sentinel Article Iviewit Eliot Bernstein.MDI


2000 07 22 - Proskauer Marketing Letter to Clients Regarding Iviewit Technologies


2000 07 24 FOLEY Patent Portfolio.pdf


2000 07 24 Letter from Steven Becker stating Joao patents suck and are missing info and disclosure.tif


2000 07 25 Dr Christopher Taylor Milwaukee Engineering Video study showing Iviewit invention for video plays better than true full-screen video, very cool.


2000 07 25 Dr Christopher Taylor Report Iviewit Scaling Video Tests.tif


2000 07 25 Foley and Lardner Attempting to Switch Patent Portfolio After Learning of Utley Patents written without authorization.pdf


2000 07 25 FOLEY Patent Portfolio Copy 2.pdf


2000 07 31 Taped Meeting Foley and Lardner


2000 07 31 Transcript of Meeting with Foley and Lardner and Board Members regarding finding patents in wrong names and assignees.pdf


2000 07 iviewit MTV License draft Proskauer has final.pdf


2000 08 02 taped foley meeting part 1


2000 08 02 taped foley meeting part 2


2000 08 02 Taped Meeting Foley and Lardner Part 1 busted stealing patents.asf


2000 08 02 Taped Meeting Foley and Lardner Part 2 busted stealing patents.asf


2000 08 03 Letter From Doug Boehm stating he filed patents with 10 minutes why so late.tif


2000 08 04 Letter From Jim Armstrong finding math errors on filed patent applications.tif


2000 08 04 Taped Meeting Foley and Lardner Part 1


2000 08 04 Taped Meeting Foley and Lardner Part 1 busted stealing patents.asf


2000 08 09 Armstrong Foley Boehm letter regarding Foley patent error that were corrected but still filed wrong.  This was beginning to discovery that something was afoul with Foley, we had no idea the extent at the time


2000 08 09 Boehm Foley Letter to Iviewit Math Errors and Liability letter tries to diffuse blame on Eliot for Foley's errors


2000 08 09 Foley & Lardner Trying to Explain how math and other errors were filed in once corrected patent applications.tif


2000 08 09 James Armstrong Letter to Foley and Lardner regarding the errors in the patent filings.pdf


2000 08 25 Wheeler sends to Rubenstein PATENT PORTFOLIO BINDERS, contradicts Rubenstein's entire deposition


2000 08 25 Wheeler to Rubenstein PATENT BINDER wholly contradicts Rubenstein Wheeler and Utley Depositions, Rubenstein claims he never received or saw Iviewit Patents OUCH.pdf


2000 08 29 Wachovia Securities Letter to chairman of the board regarding Due Diligence, Foley states Iviewit Holdings, Inc. is owner and assignee of all patents.  Patent office information from OED Director Moatz contradicts this.  Also in taped meetings held later Foley admits that not all patents are assigned.  Foley materially misrepresents to Wachovia the status and fails to list a missing Joao application, securities fraud.


2000 08 29 Wachovia Securities Letter to Simon Bernstein Board Member Regarding Investment Due Diligence.pdf


2000 09 01 Grabbing the Holy Grail of Digital Webcasting - Digital Webcast.MDI


2000 09 05 Intel/RYJO letter warning of using Iviewit technologies in violation of Intel NDA, RYJO tries to steal concepts and get intellectual property in his name.


2000 09 08 Armstrong Where Are Assignments


2000 09 08 James Armstrong Letter to Board asking Where Are Assignments on the Patents Foley failed to file.pdf


2000 09 09 Bernstein and Boehm letters regarding bad math filed and other issues.  Foley busted here.


2000 09 09 Bernstein Letter & Foley Letter Pertaining to errors in Patents filed.pdf


2000 09 18 - 60 233 344 - Utley Zoom and Pan Camera Filing contradicts Utley deposition that he knows nothing about a camera patent application in his name, oops.


2000 09 20 Hersh Iviewit CFO Letter to Arthur Andersen stating Erika Lewin, CPA Iviewit Account was Miffed at being accused of misleading auditors.pdf


2000 09 20 Hersh to Arthur Andersen, Erika Lewin accused of misleading auditors on corporate structure, it turns out to be entirely true.








2000 10 09 Arthur Andersen letter requesting proof that Iviewit Holdings, Inc. is owned by shareholders, turns out several Iviewit Holdings, Inc. exist, unraveling a corporate shell game where the other Iviewit Holdings, Inc. are owned by Proskauer Rose.




2000 11 27 Arthur Andersen termination of audit letter, terminates Iviewit after almost one year of audit, after accusing Erika Lewin of fraud


2000 11 30 Foley and Lardner Attempting to Switch Patent Portfolio 2.pdf


2000 11 30 Foley and Lardner Attempting to Switch Patent Prortfolio 3.pdf


2000 11 30 FOLEY Patent Portfolio UTLEY VERY STRANGE.pdf


2000 11 30 FOLEY Patent Portfolio with 57103-122 being two di.pdf


2000 11 30 FOLEY Patent Portfolio with 57103-122 being two di.pdf


2000 11 30 Portfolio Page Foley Does not match up missing 120.pdf


2000 12 20 Letter to Utley to Modify Patents to include all things missing.htm


2000 12 21 John Caulkin ltr.doc


2000 12 Digital Webcast Article 2nd part.MDI


2000 FOLEY Patent Portfolio Missing Date Utley Busted.pdf


2000 Iviewit Income Accounts for Encoding and Streaming Licenses.tif


2000 Jorge Labarga's Part in the Bush Presidential Election Fraud.htm


2001 01 01 - Rubenstein bio in Wachovia PPM and as Iviewit PATENT COUNSEL & BOARD DIRECTOR contradicts his, Wheeler & Utley Depositions


2001 01 01 Rubenstein listed in Wachovia Private Placement as patent counsel and board director, contradicts his entire deposition


2001 01 01 Utley resume in Wachovia securities private placement memorandum containing materially false and misleading claims about his former employment where he was caught stealing patents with none other than Dick and Wheeler


2001 01 01 Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum - with bookmarks showing Rubenstein "iviewit patent counsel" and retained intellectual property counsel


2001 01 01 Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum Bookmarked


2001 01 17 Utley List Rubenstein for SBA Compliance Request for Crossbow SBIC Loans this completely contradicts Utley Rubenstein and Wheeler Deposition Statements they never used Rubenstein as Advisor and that he was not on Board.pdf


2001 01 17 Utley Lists Rubenstein as board director for SBA loan compliance documents and to Crossbow, this is contradicted in his deposition when he claims he never used Rubenstein as an advisor and Rubenstein had NOTHING to do with Iviewit, oops.


2001 01 22 Rubenstein named as patent attorney in Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum


2001 01 Rubenstein bio in Wachovia PPM and as Iviewit Counsel.pdf


2001 01 Wachovia Private Placement Memorandum - with bookmarks in col.pdf


2001 04 14 Utley Fingers Rubenstein in Minutes of the Board Meeting contradicting his deposition Rubenstein and Wheeler who all denied Rubenstein as Advisor.msg


2001 04 18 Utley states in Board Letter that Wheeler checked with Rubenstein as advisor to board completely contradicting Utley Wheeler and Rubenstein Depositions.pdf


2001 04 18 Utley writes letter to Board of Directors claiming that he checked with Rubenstein as an advisor to board.  This  contradicts Utley deposition statement that he never used Rubenstein as advisor, ouch.


2001 04 21 - James Armstrong letter regarding Utley screwing up patents and company


2001 05 04 Foley letter to Utley after he is fired re his pat.pdf


2001 05 08 - Board Meeting.doc


2001 06 07 Utley police report full.pdf


2001 06 07 Utley police report, Embezzlement and Theft of Proprietary Systems


2001 06 12 - Book One NDA.tif


2001 06 12 - Book Three NDA.tif


2001 06 12 - Book Two NDA.tif


2001 06 12 - List of Confidentialities.tif


2001 06 25 - David Colter to Steve Case founder of AOLTW/WB Regarding Eliot Bernstein and the Thought Journal


2001 07 12 Blakely Portfolio Showing Utley Patents, suddenly after Utley and Foley are caught with patents in wrong places, BSTZ is retained and Foley sends patent portfolios that contain all kinds of new patents with all kinds of screw ups.


2001 07 12 Blakely Portfolio.pdf


2001 07 13 Utley police report embezzlement & theft leads to Utley returning stolen proprietary computers.  Later discovered that computers were taken to New Jersey company owned partially by investor Tiedemann Prolow.  Violates officer and director responsibilities and Utley's non-compete


2001 07 17 BSZT Patent Status Report.pdf


2001 07 26 - Power of Attorney Revocation 2.tif


2001 07 26 - Power of Attorney Revocation.tif


2001 08 01 Blakley Sokoloff Zafman and Taylor Legal Opinion Patent Review.tif


2001 08 01 BSZT patent evaluation, showing Utley had patents in his own name that were not assigned or owned by company, completely contradicting Utley deposition statements.  This is a majordomo f'up.


2001 08 01 Iviewit Investor AOL Presentation_.ppt


2001 08 04 BSTZ Letter to Iviewit showing Utley on Patents


2001 08 04 BSTZ Letter to Iviewit showing Utley on Patents.pdf


2001 08 29 - Irell & Manella Bill for AOL License Agreement.tif


2001 09 17 Jeffrey Friedstein Power of Attorney BSTZ


2001 09 18 BSTZ request for Utley Power Of Attorney signed by Bernstein on Utley's behalf to remove him from applications he was found to be on.  Evidence shows that patent filings were made with Utley in Japan by BSTZ after Utley was gone.


2001 12 10 Crossbow Attempts to Call Loans.tif










2002 01 15 AOLTW RUBENSTEIN OPINION comments


2002 03 19 - BSTZ Japanese Filing of Utley Patent After He Was Fired Over One Year, did not discover this until US Investigations led to research in Japan and this is when BSTZ was further found to be part of the conspiracy.  This evidences that BSTZ portfolios had false and misleading information regarding these patents.


2002 03 28 Anthony Frenden Statement Regarding Stolen Investors Money and Proprietary Equipment


2002 04 22 Joao Article - Ninety Patents in his name, this article needs to be checked for accuracy in true publication.


2002 04 22 Raymond Joao Article Stating Joao has 90 patents in his name and showing his stolen Airplane Video patent concept from Iviewit.pdf


2002 04 23 Kasser Book Keeper Letter to Eliot regarding Lewin, CPA accounting fraud on financial projections.pdf


2002 04 23 Kasser to Eliot regarding Lewin fraud on financial documents submitted to lenders


2002 06 09 Patent Portfolio Compilation.xls


2002 06 09 Patent Portfolio2.xls


2002 06 11 System and Method for Fraud on USPTO.doc


2002 06 11 System and Method for Fraud on USPTO.htm


2002 06 11 USPTO Complaint filed as patent System & Method for Fraud on the USPTO.doc


2002 06 17 Joao timeline of events and analysis of his documents and the frauds committed.xls


2002 08 22 Utley deposition states all patents are assigned to Iviewit and no patents in his name.  Contradictory evidence = patents in his name and all patents not assigned - confirmed by USPTO and leading to patent suspensions by commissioner


2002 08 22 Utley deposition states Rubenstein is not an advisor, nor has he ever used him - Contradicted by Utley sending patent documents to Rubenstein as an advisor to the Board and other evidence


2002 08 23 Utley deposition - States Dick was attorney that wrote patents into Utley name at his former employer DTE which led to business closure due to the thefts.  Wheeler/Proskauer set up the company where the stolen patents were transferred.  Wheeler lies to bar and states he never did work for Utley then gets caught lying in deposition.  All three of them failed to disclose the prior patent heist to anyone


2002 08 23 Utley deposition on Diamond Turf patent dispute over stolen intellectual properties by Utley, Dick and Wheeler from Utley's former employer


2002 08 23 Utley deposition statement stating Wheeler knew about Diamond Turf patent disputes.  Wheeler while recommending Utley as President of Iviewit failed to disclose this little patent theft or that he was involved.  Dick never discloses his involvement.  This shows there intent through the concealment.  Wheeler delivers Utley resume to the shareholders and completely fabricates Utley's past.


2002 08 23 Utley deposition statement that Dick never filed the patents for DTE but Dick in his statement to the Virginia Bar states he filed the patents in Utley's name to a company Wheeler/Proskauer had set up, Premiere Connection.  


2002 08 23 Utley deposition statement that he knew nothing about a zoom and pan camera patent application.  Contradictory evidence = Patent Application for Zoom and Pan on a Digital Camera filed in Utley's name without assignment to the company


2002 08 23 Utley deposition statement that there were patent disputes at Diamond Turf which he failed to put in his resume led to the closure of his former emplyer.  Where Dick, Wheeler and Utley were all involved shows a criminal enterprise of patent thieves


2002 08 23 Utley deposition statement that Wheeler never represented him.  Wheeler states that he did not to the Florida Bar and then in deposition states that he formed company for Utley.  The reason they want to hide this company is that it is where the stolen patents from DTE went


2002 08 23 Utley deposition states he did not graduate college, this contradicts his sworn statements in a Wachovia Private Placement that he said he did graduate college


2002 09 20 Greenberg Truarig Proposal Patents


2002 09 20 Greenberg Truarig Proposal Patents.pdf


2002 10 16 Notice of Appeal.pdf


2002 10 25 Rubenstein Statement to Labarga Proskauer


2002 10 25 Rubenstein Statement to Labarga Proskauer 2


2002 11 20 Kenneth Rubenstein Deposition with Exhibits CERT


2002 11 20 Rubenstein Deposition Regarding unsure of Conflict Check


2002 11 20 Rubenstein deposition states he does not have Iviewit patent docs - Contradictory Evidence Wheeler Sending Him Entire Patent Portfolio


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition does not know about video invention - Contradictory evidence shows that Wheeler was sent video invention disclosures and then later in his deposition he claims to have been at video disclosure meeting with Intel/Real3D engineers.


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition does not know about video invention.pdf


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition regarding no conflicts check


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition statement that Iviewit was a portal and that Proskauer was hired for portal services and not to patent the inventions.  Contradictory evidence is overwhelming.


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition statement that no Proskauer conflict of interest check was done


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition statement that Proskauer and Wheeler represented Utley in the past.  They failed to disclose that this former work was for a company where stolen patents went at Utley's former employer.  Contradictory evidence = Wheeler's statements under deposition and to the Florida Bar that conflict, constituting perjury.  Also, Utley states in deposition that Wheeler never did work for him.


2002 11 21 Wheeler deposition stating Proskauer never opined on the technologies or had anything to do with patents.  Contradictory evidence = Wheeler/Proskauer opinions for investors.  Wachovia Private Placement showing Wheeler and Rubenstein on the Board of Directors and representing that they are retained patent counsel.


2003 01 11 Palm Beach Post Article Crossbow Sells Iviewit!  Problem -- they do not own it to sell.  Evidence shows that SBA loans were written down and then other securities were sold in violation of private securities law


2003 01 11 Palm Beach Post Article Crossbow Sells Iviewit.pdf


2003 01 11 Palm Beach Post Article Crossbow Sells Iviewit2


2003 01 11 Palm Beach Post Article Crossbow Sells Iviewit2.pdf


2003 01 28 Counter Complaint Filed


2003 01 31 Eliot Bernstein Deposition


2003 02 25 Joao 9th district original complaint - somehow gets transferred to the wrong district for prosecution


2003 02 26 Original Rubenstein Bar Action


2003 02 26 Original Rubenstein Bar Action.pdf


2003 02 26 Wheeler Bar Action


2003 03 20 Labarga order for rubenstein and wheeler to return to deposition to answer previously unanswered questions






2003 04 07 - Wheeler Proskauer Response to Bar Complaint tendered by matthew triggs in violation of his public office with supreme court agency the florida bar


2003 04 07 - Wheeler Proskauer Response to Florida Bar Complaint tendered by Matthew Triggs Proskauer Partner who acted in conflict of interest and violation of Public Office with his Supreme Court of Florida Bar Position.pdf


2003 04 08 Joao response to NY Bar


2003 04 08 Joao response to NY Bar Complaint.pdf


2003 04 11 - Rubenstein repsonse to New York Bar Complaint by Steven C. Krane who acted in conflict of interest and violation of public offices with the Supreme Court of New York First Department and in violation of his role as former President of the NY BAR ASSOCIATION within a one year blackout from handling any bar complaints.pdf


2003 04 11 - Rubenstein response authored by Proskauer attorney Steven C. Krane (Former New York State Bar Association President and former law clerk to Chief Judge of New York, Judith Kaye) in conflict of interest and abuse of public office.  Sidebar -- Kaye is married to a Porksour partner!!!!!


2003 04 16 NY Disciplinary Department with Joao Response


2003 04 30 Bernstein response Florida Bar Wheeler BOOKMARKED


2003 04 30 Bernstein response Florida Bar Wheeler BOOKMARKED 1


2003 04 30 Lamont Response Florida Bar Wheeler BOOKMARKED


2003 05 05 Florida Bar Receipt Filing


2003 05 06 Proskauer Florida Bar Receipt Filing


2003 05 23 Wheeler Admits Perjury and False Statements made to Florida Bar


2003 05 23 Wheeler Admits Perjury and False Statements to the Florida Bar and tries hard to explain them away.pdf


2003 05 23 Wheeler Response to Florida Bar Rebuttal 2 tendered by Matthew Triggs who acted in violation of his Florida Supreme Court Bar position in representing Wheeler.pdf


2003 05 23 Wheeler Response to Rebuttal authored by Matthew Triggs in violation of his public office with supreme court agency the Florida Bar


2003 05 23 Wheeler Response to Rebuttal Partial


2003 05 26 Iviewit Rebuttal to Joao Response BOOKMARKED


2003 05 26 Iviewit Rebuttal to Joao Response BOOKMARKED.pdf


2003 06 03 Iviewit Rebuttal to Wheeler 2nd BOOKMARKED


2003 06 03 Iviewit Rebuttal to Wheeler 2nd BOOKMARKED.pdf


2003 06 03 Iviewit Rebuttal to Wheeler 2nd Response Final


2003 06 04 Lorraine Christine Hoffman Cover letter


2003 06 13 Rubenstein affidavit to his deposition, where he writes in his answers without precedence.  Judge orders him to return to deposition and answer questions he refused the first time after walking out of his deposition.  Remember this is his deposition in his firms law suit.  


2003 07 01 Florida Bar Hoffman Response Wheeler Complaint


2003 07 01 Florida Bar Response Wheeler Complaint trying to claim that the federal state and international crimes presented them were more a civil matter.pdf


2003 07 02 Iviewit Rebuttal to Rubenstein Response Final ALL .pdf


2003 07 02 Iviewit rebuttal to Rubenstein response, this is quite lengthy as it is full of evidence of the crimes and evidence of false statements to both a civil court, the New York disciplinary department and the Florida Bar


2003 07 04 Welsch Letter of Understanding.pdf


2003 07 04 Welsch Letter of Understanding.pdf


2003 07 16 Signed Letter of Understanding between Iviewit & Schiffrin & Barroway for two million dollars and full funding of all legal counsel in all legal actions.  One must ask where are they and the story can be found in complaints filed at the Pennsylvania State Bar.  


2003 07 18 - Krishna taking over patents to Weisberg.pdf


2003 07 18 - Krishna taking over patents to Weisberg.pdf


2003 07 22 - Narine Weisberg Transfer of patents.pdf


2003 07 22 - Overnight and billing for transfer of patents to.pdf


2003 07 22 Bernstein confirm patent transfer to Weisberg.pdf


2003 07 24 Crossbow Distream Deal.tif


2003 07 24 DiStream Draft Term Sheet with Iviewit Inc. and Iviewit Holdings Never Executed


2003 07 25 Selz letter regarding stand down orders in Labarga litigation because Schiffrin and Barroway operating under the signed LOU asked to replace him in the case.


2003 07 25 Selz Letter to Schiffrin Regarding Stand Down as Counsel Orders.pdf


2003 07 28 Proskauer Draft Settlement that had so many flaws no one could sign it without repercussions of committing fraud against the Shareholders.


2003 08 01 Labarga grants Schiffrin and Barroway motion to withdraw as counsel, in a surprise move at a rehearing scheduling days before trial.  This leaves Iviewit with no counsel on the eve of trial, two counsels re


2003 08 01 Labarga grants Selz motion to withdraw as counsel 


2003 08 01 Labarga Selz Notice to Withdraw and Trial Scheduling.pdf


2003 08 01 Schiffrin and Barroway Notice to Withdraw as Counsel.pdf


2003 08 01 Selz withdrawal as counsel.pdf


2003 08 02 - Iviewit letter to Narine on Weisberg failure to .pdf


2003 08 02 - Weisberg Letter.pdf


2003 08 04 Christopher & Weisberg Withdrawal.pdf


2003 08 05 - Weisberg email.pdf


2003 08 08 Federal Bureau of Investigation West Palm Beach Florida Original Filing with Glenda Moffatt.doc


2003 08 12 Andy Barroway PA Bar action1.doc


2003 08 13 Iviewit demand Schiffrin & Barroway for performance under signed and binding LOU


2003 08 13 Schiffrin & Barroway Demandl.pdf


2003 08 14 Wheeler Involvement In Florida Atlantic University Foundation Scandal & Fuzion Fraud.  Utley and Wheeler controlled FAU foundation when scandal took place.  Wheeler was reported taking tax deduction on his portion of contribution to Corvette


2003 08 28 Boca Raton Police Written Statement - Stolen Cash from Iviewit including funds from Tiedemann/Prolow investment, Crossbow and SBA Loan


2003 09 02 - Boca Raton Police Dept Written Statement - Stolen Intellectual Property


2003 09 02 New York Bar Response Joao and Rubenstein


2003 09 02 New York Bar Response Joao and Rubenstein comes way late and document is probably fraudulent.  Tries to dismiss complaint as civil for the state, federal and international crimes against the government and foreign nations.  Also refers to a "Committee Member" who made decision, turns out to be Steven C. Krane of Proskauer who was acting in conflict of interest and violation of public offices he held with the first department and his former role as NYSBA President.pdf


2003 09 17 OED Written Statement _Final 4_09172003.pdf


2003 09 19 Motion for Mistrial labarga Version 4_Final


2003 09 23 OED Written Statement Final 5_09232003_Corrected1




2003 09 25 Certified Letter Harry Moatz and William Dick.pdf


2003 09 26 - Iviewit Florida Bar Letter notice that civil case was over - Missing Doc


2003 09 New York Bar Response Joao and Rubenstein


2003 10 02 - Letter to Florida Bar - Missing


2003 10 02 - Letter to Florida Bar - Not Signed Missing Exhibits


2003 10 02 Iviewit letter to florida bar to re file wheeler complaint civil litigation complete


2003 10 02 Lorraine Hoffman Re File Wheeler Complaint Civil Case Ended.pdf


2003 10 08 Virginia Bar Response Dick to initial Complaint


2003 10 08 Virginia Bar Response Dick to initial Complaint.pdf


2003 10 13 - Florida Bar Letter.pdf


2003 10 13 florida bar letter again delaying wheeler complaint based on civil litigation


2003 10 15 Labarga Kennerly Judicial Qualifications Commissio.pdf


2003 10 30 DOJ Antitrust Final Signed Digital EIB + PSL


2003 10 30 DOJ Antritrust Final Signed Digital EIB + PSL.PDF


2003 10 30 Fax receipt for Dick Bar Complaint Response


2003 11 09 AICPA Lewin Complaint


2003 11 10 - Florida Bar Letter Response


2003 11 10 - Florida Bar Letter Response.pdf


2003 11 14 Lamont to BSTZ where is the IP docket


2003 11 14 Lamont to BSTZ where is the IP docket.pdf


2003 11 17 - Final Signed Judgement 2.pdf


2003 11 17 - Final Signed Judgment labarga litigation default for failure to retain replacement counsel


2003 11 19 - Iviewit letter to turner regarding florida bar review


2003 11 19 Iviewit Letter to Turner Regarding Review.pdf


2003 11 20 - BSTZ Portfolio Showing Japanese Patents and Utley Patents


2003 11 20 - Florida Bar Re-examination notice.pdf


2003 11 20 florida bar letter regarding re-examination of wheeler complaint


2003 11 22 - European Patent Office Filing Exposing Fraud on the EPO


2003 11 23 - P010 Response Martyn Molyneaux EPO fraud filing


2003 11 23 - P010 Response Martyn Mulyneaux EPO fraud filing.pdf


2003 11 24 Patent Portfolio BSZT.pdf


2003 11 25 Response to PA Bar - Schiffrin & Barroway.pdf


2003 12 11 Blakely Writes Letter Regarding Missing Files Sent by Foley Lardner.pdf


2003 12 11 judicial qualification commission - brooke Kennerly Response Final EIB PSL signed




2003_10_30_Virginia bar Response william dick - foley & lardner


2004 01 06 Utley declaration for Dick's Virginia Bar Response = contradictory statements to his deposition regarding the filing of stolen patents from his former employer DTE


2004 01 08 - Dick Statement to Virginia Bar Involvement with Utley at DTE and Patents Were Filed - Contradicts Utley Deposition


2004 01 08 - Foley Lardner portfolio from Dick VA Bar.pdf


2004 01 08 Dick Statement to Virginia Bar Shows that Premiere Connections Received Patents (This is the Company that Wheeler set up for Utley).  Wheeler lies to bar that he never did work for Utley and then contradicts himself in deposition.  This ties Utley, Wheeler and Dick together in former theft of patents from Utley's prior employer


2004 01 09 - Response to Cahill New York Bar Rubenstein Joao .pdf


2004 01 09 - Response to New York Bar Rubenstein Joao 


2004 01 09 BSZT Letter Response to Coester Final


2004 01 09 BSZT Letter Response to Coester Final.pdf


2004 01 10 BSZT Letter Response to Coester Final.pdf


2004 01 13 Antitrust Division Response


2004 01 13 Antitrust Division Response.pdf


2004 01 20 florida bar response to not investigate wheeler and now opinions by florida bar in favor of proskauer with no investigation and inapposite rules regulating florida bar


2004 01 20 Florida Bar Response.pdf


2004 01 21 - Virginia Bar Dick statement filed patents for Utley contradicts utley deposition statement stating patents were never filed


2004 01 21 - Virginia Bar William Dick Foley Lardner Response


2004 01 25 iviewit response to florida bar regarding wheeler complaint


2004 01 25 Response to Eric Turner Florida Bar.pdf


2004 01 27 Wildman Martyn Molyneaux leaves firm


2004 01 27 Wildman Martyn Molyneaux leaves firm.pdf


2004 01 28 eric turner final


2004 02 02 Eric Turner 2nd response To Complainant Florida Bar


2004 02 04 - Eric Turner Response to 2004 02 02 letter


2004 02 04 - Iviewit Response to Eric Turner 2004 02 02 letter


2004 02 11 - 09 587 026 Filing with patent office.pdf


2004 02 14 Eric Turner 3rd response Florida Bar


2004 03 02 - Warner Crossbow Re Patent Problems


2004 03 03 - 09 522 721 Filing with USPTO FAX COPY Crossbow Inventor Change


2004 03 03 Crossbow Ventures CEO Warner signs statement to patent office that fraud was committed by the attorneys against the 


2004 03 04 - 09 522 721 Change of Inventorship Form ALL PATENTS CROSSBOW


2004 03 04 - 09 587 026 Change of Inventorship Form CROSSBOW SIGNED.pdf


2004 03 04 - 09 630 939 - 2004 03 04 Approval of Request for Suspension.pdf


2004 03 05 Eric Turner Florida Bar Letter


2004 03 12 William Dick Virginia Bar Complaint Response


2004 03 16 - AICPA letter regarding lewin complaint


2004 03 17 Lucchesi FBI Letter


2004 03 22 Patent Portfolio BSZT weider.pdf


2004 03 22 Portfolio Compilation MLGS Foley & BSZT.xls


2004 03 22 William Dick Virginia bar rebuttal response


2004 03 23 Letter to shareholders being billed for Utley pate.pdf


2004 03 23 Patent Office Correspondence Utley Patents are not Companies


2004 03 23 Patent Office Correspondence Utley Patents are not owned by company or inventors


2004 03 23 Shareholder Communication re Patent Office Correspondence Utley Patents are not Company an.pdf


2004 03 25 Patent Portfolio BSZT based on weider call


2004 03 25 Patent Portfolio BSZT based on weider call.pdf


2004 03 26 Moatz letter to take time responding for complaint.pdf


2004 03 29 Patent Commissioner Suspension ALL Patent Trade….pdf


2004 03 29 Patent Commissioner Suspension of patents


2004 03 29 withdrawal of attorneys bszt and foley.pdf




2004 04 03 - 09 587 730  - 2004 04 03 Approval of Request for Suspension.pdf


2004 04 19 - 09 587 026 - 57103-115 2004 04 19 Letter of six month suspens.pdf


2004 04 21 Director Officer Advisory Board and Professionals


2004 04 21 Director Officer Advisory Board and Professionals Letter of Liabilities email no.pdf


2004 04 29 Runaway Patent Full Version.xls




2004 04 30 d&o meeting.pdf




2004 04 30 Response AICPA Final Executed.pdf


2004 04 30 TeleconferenceMinutes.pdf


2004 04 Shareholder Letter ~ Letter of Liability


2004 05 01 Officer and Director Questions LEWIN


2004 05 02 Minutes of Former Board and Officers Meeting


2004 05 02 Teleconference_Minutes2.pdf


2004 05 13 Officer and Director Questions - WHEELER FINAL


2004 05 19 KRANE COMPLAINT AND STRIKE KRANE RESPONSE tendered in conflict on behalf of Rubenstein


2004 05 19 Krane Complaint Signed Lamont Bernstein Cahill








2004 05 21 Eric Turner Florida Bar Response


2004 05 21 Eric Turner Illiterate Florida Bar Response to florida supreme court petition


2004 05 21 krane response to complaint suicide note


2004 05 21 Officer and Director Questions - RUBENSTEIN


2004 05 24 Eric Turner Letter to Put Everything in Writing


2004 05 24 Supreme Court NY First Dept Strike Response of Krane for Conflict and Violation of Public Offices.pdf


2004 05 25 Supreme Court Strike Response of Steven Krane for Conflict of Interest & Violation of Public Offices.pdf


2004 05 26 - Response to Krane letter 5 21 04


2004 05 26 Krane Biography showing conflicting first department roles


2004 05 26 Letter to first department Response to Krane 2004 05 21 letter


2004 05 26 Response to Foley and Lardner.doc


2004 05 27 - Eric Turner Response to letter dated 2004 05 21


2004 05 27 - Iviewit Letter to Eric Turner Response to letter dated 2004 05 21


2004 06 01 - Eric Turner Letter Regarding Process for Elevating the Complaint


2004 06 01 Turner Letter Explaining Elevation Process


2004 06 02 - Eric Turner Response to Letter


2004 06 06 Triggs confirmation of Bar Grievance from Bar - microsoft media file


2004 06 14 Japanese Office Action.pdf


2004 06 17 Cahill Motion to move complaints krane rubenstein




2004 06 23 cahill complaint fax to curran second send direct


2004 06 23 CAHILL MOTION FINAL lamont.pdf


2004 06 24 Eric Turner EIB PSL Executed


2004 06 25 - cahill to gold


2004 06 25 - Curran Transfer of Cahill Complaint to Gold


2004 06 25 Eric Turner Letter Regarding Complaint Review of Wheeler Complaint


2004 06 29 - ORIGINAL Krane NY Complaint 2 - Sent to Curran


2004 06 30 Eric Turner Florida Bar Complaint


2004 06 30 Florida Bar Kelly Overstreet Johnson - Accepts Letter Fails to Disclose Conflicts with Wheeler's Brother


2004 06 30 Wheeler Biography Showing False Claims of bar positions


2004 07 01 debbie yarbrough supreme court florida fax cover


2004 07 01 Eric Turner Complaint Against Eric Turner The Florida Bar


2004 07 01 Eric Turner Complaint Receipt


2004 07 01 eric turner fax cover complaint against turner florida bar


2004 07 01 Florida Supreme Court Case SC04-1078 - Acknowledgement of New Case and Stricken Due to Petitioner Not A Member of The Florida Bar Representing A Corporation


2004 07 01 Florida Supreme Court Fax Yarbrough Wheeler Turner


2004 07 01 Letter to Debbie Yarbrough Supreme Court Florida Regarding Florida Bar Half Truth on File Return Message


2004 07 01 Yarbrough Supreme Court Florida Message Boggs Misleads Yarbrough Stating Florida Bar Would Return File to Petitioner But Fails to State That The Florida Bar Would Destroy Their Work Product Necessary to Evaluate the Confirmed Conflicts for Prosecution - Windows Media File


2004 07 02 Marvin regarding Turner Florida Bar




2004 07 08 Cahill Motion Supreme court new york FINAL




2004 07 09 Florida Bar Boggs Confirming Conflict of Triggs and Wheeler


2004 07 09 Florida Bar Boggs letter confirms triggs conflict


2004 07 12 cahill motion to move krane


2004 07 12 Supreme Court Case Update


2004 07 13 Florida Bar Complaint Wheeler 2nd


2004 07 15 - AIG D&O Policy Internal Affairs Letter


2004 07 15 aig internal affairs letter.pdf


2004 07 16 Florida Bar Boggs Triggs Wheeler Turner.pdf


2004 07 22 Boggs Receipt of Triggs Complaint


2004 07 22 Johnson Receipt of Triggs Complaint


2004 07 22 matthew TRIGGS BAR COMPLAINT never docketed




2004 07 23 Florida Supreme Court Ruling Company Cannot Be Represented Pro Se


2004 07 23 STRICKEN - The Affirmed Amended Petition for: Injunctive Relief; Declaratory Relief; Begin Immediate Investigation of Complaint Against Christopher C. Wheeler; and Move Complaints to the Next Highest Level of Review, Void of Conflict of Interest and Appearance Of Impropriety


2004 07 26 lamont to moatz.pdf


2004 07 28 boggs letter response


2004 07 28 cahill to move krane.tif


2004 07 28 Crossbow Signed Fraud on the Patent Office.pdf


2004 07 28 Florida Supreme Court Case LAMONT SIGN SC04-1078 2


2004 07 28 Florida Supreme Court Case LAMONT SIGN SC04-1078 2ND AMMENDMENT FINAL SIGNED EIB PSL CERT3


2004 07 28 Florida Supreme Court SC04-1078 amended FILING


2004 07 28 Iviewit Response to Boggs Letter Confirming Triggs Conflict - Johnson CC'd Fails to Disclose Conflicts


2004 07 28 Patent Commissioner Moatz Suspension ALL Patent Trademarks FINAL2


2004 07 29 - Supreme Court of Florida The Style of the Case Has Been Changed From Iviewit Holdings, Inc. v. The Florida Bar to Eliot Bernstein, et. al versus The Florida Bar




2004 07 29 Supreme Court of Florida Ruling to Not Destroy Iviewit files sc04-1078.pdf


2004 07 29 Yarborough Supreme Court Florida - Florida Bar to Halt Destruction of File Message


2004 08 03 Florida Bar Turner Letter Trying to Deny Triggs Complaint Filing


2004 08 09 Japanese Investigation Letter


2004 08 11 New York first department orders investigation Krane Rubenstein Joao


2004 08 11 Supreme Court NY ruling Joao and Rubenstein.pdf


2004 08 19 Letter to Goodman Virginia Bar William Dick notice of conflicts in new york and florida


2004 08 23 lamont fbi lucchessi letter.pdf


2004 08 25 Letter to Goodman Virginia Bar William Dick notice of conflicts of interest in new york and florida


2004 08 27 patent office correspondence.pdf


2004 09 07 Cahill Cover Letter Transfer 2nd Dept false


2004 09 08 Sony Zoom TV using Iviewit technologies news clip


2004 09 09 Krane New Biography Changed - krane covering up conflicts




2004 09 11 Supreme Court NY ruling Joao and Rubenstein CERT


2004 09 21 Letter to Goodman Virginia Bar William Dick notice of conflicts in new york and florida


2004 09 22 USPTO Suspension Notices


2004 10 05 Supreme Court New York Second Dept Kearse Krane NO COMMENTS


2004 10 05 Supreme Court NY Second Dept Kearse Krane Re


2004 10 07 Supreme Court Florida Motion Final Cert Signed


2004 10 08 Florida Bar Message Confirming Triggs Dates of Service with The Florida Bar


2004 10 08 Florida Supreme Court SC104 1078 motion supp cert


2004 10 08 matthew triggs conflict of interest confirmation florida bar




2004 10 11 SUPREME COURT FLORIDA SCO4 1078 RULING florida bar to RESPOND to petition


2004 10 13 - SC104-1078 Update Docket cert


2004 10 13 AIG D&O LETTER


2004 10 15 Denial of Motion for protective custody - failure to invoke courts jurisdiction


2004 10 15 Florida Supreme Court Denial of Motion for Declaratory Relief; Intervene in Third Party Investigations of the Boca Raton Police Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the Securities and Exchange Commission with the Courts oversight to ensure due process and an emergency order for the Immediate Protective Custody of Eliot I. Bernstein, Candice M. Bernstein, Joshua EZ Bernstein, Jacob NA Bernstein, Daniel EAO Bernstein, P. Stephen Lamont & P. Stephen Lamont II - Failure to Invoke Court Jurisdiction


2004 10 15 Florida Supreme Court Ruling on Motion for Protective custody


2004 10 15 USPTO


2004 10 18 Gold Curran Letter First Dept New York


2004 10 18 Kelly Overstreet Johnson read receipt on Service of Florida Supreme Court petition.  Johnson fails to disclose at this time or previously that she has conflict with Wheeler's brother as his direct report at small Florida firm Broad & Cassell


2004 10 20 AIG POLICY 872-99-99 showing Utley fraud on application and a policy on a non-existent company.


2004 10 20 AIG POLICY 872-99-99cert


2004 10 22 Florida Bar Response to Petition to Supreme Court


2004 10 22 Florida Bar Response to Petition to Supreme Court


2004 10 22 Florida Bar Response to Supreme Court Turner with humorous comments on the illiteracy.pdf


2004 10 22 Florida Bar to Supreme Court eib comments


2004 10 25 Petition Response 09 522 721.zip


2004 10 26 Kearse Krane Letter NY SUPREME COURT SECOND DEP…


2004 10 26 St Paul Claim Letter Garcia & Stallone regarding joao


2004 11 04 Department of Professional Regulation


2004 11 04 Motion to Extend Repsonse SC04-1078.pdf


2004 11 09 - New York 2nd Department Letter Kearse


2004 11 09 - New York 2nd Department Letter Kearse.pdf


2004 11 10 - Supreme Court of Florida - Granted Extension of Time


2004 11 11 SC 04-1078 IVIEWIT RESPONSE TO FLABAR WHEELER cert.pdf








2004 11 22 Garcia and Stallone Response to Raymond Joao St Paul Insurance Claim.pdf


2004 11 25 EPO Letter Response Legal.pdf




2004 12 15 Letter to Thomas Cahill Re Krane Conflict.pdf


2004 12 15 Wheeler Arrest Report DUI Felony Del Ray PD


2004 12 15 Wheeler drunk driving police report from Del Ray Beach PD, check out his wife's statement to the police that even despite her pining for him not to drive, he did not listen.


2004 12 20 Second Department Response DiGiovanna


2004 12 22 USPTO Groody Regarding Suspensions.doc


2004 12 24 Stephen Kaye Bio.pdf


2004 12 24 Updated Krane Bio.pdf




2005 01 12 - Petition For All Writs Jurisdiction is Hereby Denied and Allow The Florida Bar to Destroy Files


2005 01 12 - Petitioners Motion for Judgment Non Prosequitur is Hereby Denied


2005 01 12 Petition for All Writs Jurisdiction Denied Destroy Files


2005 01 13 09 587 734 additional six month suspension.pdf


2005 01 25 - Draft Florida Response to Ruling


2005 01 26 SC04-1078 Motion for Rehearing Clarification and Certification


2005 02 03 Wheeler arrest report for Driving Under the Influence Felony with Injury charges


2005 02 05 - Eric Turner of The Florida Bar Defending Wheeler for his Drunk Driving and Recklessly Labeling the DUI as a Misdemeanor.  The DUI was a Felony Count as Injury was incurred and as noted in the Police Report.  This Shows Unequivocally That Turner Will Go to Any Length to Protect Wheeler Using The Florida Bar to Achieve This End


2005 02 05 wheeler dui story


2005 02 14 09 630 939 US Patent - 2nd six month extension


2005 02 15 The Florida Bar Boggs Letter Regarding Motion for Clarification, Rehearing and Certification


2005 02 23 Florida Bar Boggs Letter SC04-1078.pdf


2005 02 23 Second Dept Clerk Pelzer Letter


2005 02 23 Supreme Court Second Dept Pelzer Kearse DiGiovanna.pdf


2005 02 25 Response to the EPO Letter.doc


2005 03 01 MOTION TO PROCEED SC04-1078 final signed


2005 03 05 Florida Court Docket Wheeler DUI submission


2005 03 09 Insipid little cockroaches of minimal brain.doc


2005 03 11 Pelzer regarding Kaye and Prudenti Conflict Cert


2005 03 14 Car Bombing Inventor Bernstein Family Minivan PDF


2005 03 14 Car Bombing Inventor Bernstein Family Minivan USING IVIEWIT TECHNOLOGY TO VIEW


2005 03 16 Lucchesi FBI Letter


2005 03 17 Hague Police to have FBI contact them.pdf


2005 03 18 New York Supreme Second Dept Transfer to Appellate


2005 03 27 Steven Krane NYSBA Positions.pdf


2005 04 05 krane ties to bush.pdf


2005 04 09 New York Supreme Second Dept Pelzer Letter Krane comments


2005 04 20 Response to Second Department Krane Rubenstein Fin


2005 04 22 Patacki & Spitzer Cover Letter for Document


2005 04 25 Florida Supreme Court Denial of Motion for Rehearing clarification and  certification


2005 04 25 Patacki & Spitzer Cover Letter for Document


2005 05 25 EPO Letter Regarding Denial of Suspension.pdf


2005 06 18 - Florida Supreme Court Case Docket SC04-1078


2005 06 18 Letter to Jamses Groody and Glenn Fine USPTO status.pdf


2005 06 20 Letter to USPTO fax FBI.pdf


2005 06 27 Department of Business Professional Regulation Lewin.pdf


2005 07 13 Supreme Court Petition for Extension of Time.pdf


2005 07 20 - 09 587730 USPTO Suspension Second Six Months.pdf


2005 08 14 Krane Proskauer Counsel for NYSBA.htm


2005 08 26 EPO 00955352.pdf


2005 10 03 Patent 09 522 721 Dismiss Petition.pdf


2005 10 05 Patent 09 587 026 Notice of Abandonment.pdf


2005 10 Skull Alito.pdf


2005 11 18 EPI Mercer Investigation.pdf


2005 11 28 United States Supreme Court Denial of Petition.pdf


2005 12 21 EPO Response _3_.pdf


2006 01 06 inewswire.pdf


2006 01 07 Iviewit News Release Dingell Lowey.pdf


2006 01 18 Iviewit Press Release Sachin Garg Eworld.pdf


2006 01 19 Tech Dirt Iviewit News.pdf


2006 03 03 USPTO Commissioner Letter.pdf


2006 04 06 EPI Letter to Refile Complaints.pdf


2006 04 19 Letter to Congress Senator Dianne Feinstein D California Signed.pdf


2006 04 19 Letter to the Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein D California Signed.pdf


2006 06 16 Lewin Department Business Prof Regulation Insp General.pdf


2006 07 25 Charlie Crist Foley and Lardner Conflict Article.MDI


2006 08 02 EPI Chris Mercer Letter.pdf


2006 08 14 Chris Mercer epi response signed.pdf




2006 09 19 EPI Response.pdf


2006 09 29 Lamont to Nita Lowey US Congress1.pdf


2006 11 03 Stephen Kaye Death Notice.pdf


2006 11 28 Nita Lowey to John Dingell letter.pdf


2006 Kaye Proskauer Owns New York Article.pdf


2006 Proskauer Plame 3.MDI


2007 01 11 Iviewit Press Release Dingell to Judiciary Committee 2.pdf


2007 01 18 Lamont to House Judiciary Committee.pdf


2007 01 19 Letter to House Judiciary Committee_Final.pdf


2007 01 28 Skull 11 Lou Dobbs on Skull Bones.MDI


2007 02 01 FINAL Senate Bill Signed email.pdf


2007 02 01 Investigations for Senate Bill.pdf


2007 02 05 EPO Response Letter Wim van der Eijk.pdf


2007 04 05 EPI letter response insane.pdf


2007 04 09 Iviewit Response to EPO Letter FINAL.mdi


2007 04 10 EPO response to 2007 02 05 Letter.pdf


2007 04 17 Iviewit Request for FBI IA and OIG investigation of FBI case.pdf


2007 04 20 Iviewit Request for FBI IA and OIG investigation of FBI case downlow.pdf


2007 06 11 EPO Response Wim van der Ejik.pdf


2007 06 14 FBI OPR FINAL.htm


2007 06 28 EPO Kendrick Response.doc


2007 07 17 Patent Status Report.pdf


2007 Denial of Due Process.htm


60 233 341 - 57103-123 - BSZT Utley Stolen Patents.pdf


60 233 341 - 57103-123 Utley Theft.pdf


60 233 344 - 57103-122 - BSZT Copy Utley Theft 2.pdf


60 233 344 - Utley Zoom and Pan Camera Filing.pdf


872 99 99 aig d&o insurance policy face page


Anthony Boggs Message Regarding Kelly Overstreet Johnson Cannot Accept Files - After it was discovered that she had conflicts of interest with Wheeler brother - Windows Media File


Armstrong Hersh Documents Part 2.pdf




Bankruptcy documentation of Intel/RYJO Utley Reale Hersh they file on companies they have no contracts with and get caught.  At the time we did not know these were mirror companies of the shareholder companies with stolen patents.  We thought they filed on the wrong companies and were idiots.  It was not until the patent office told us that patents were in some of these companies that we learned that Proskauer had fraudulently set up corporations that mirrored companies and had second set of stolen patents going into them.  This action was filed without company knowledge and the company found out from AOLTW/WB that this action existed.


Barroway Bar Complaint_Final.pdf


Barroway Breach Issues.doc


Blakely Letter to USPTO removing Utley from patents never happened.pdf


Blakely patent portfolio versus Foley and Meltzer.pdf


BSTZ Japanese Filings Portfolio.pdf


BSTZ Japenese Filing of Utley Patent after he is gone.pdf






Crossbow Ventures and on Behalf of the SBA files charges of Fraud On the United States Patent & Trademark Office with Iviewit.pdf


Depositions (Eliot Bernstein, Simon Bernstein, Kenneth Rubenstein, Christopher Wheeler, Gerald Lewin, William Kasser, Brian Utley) SEARCHABLE with hyperlink comments


Dick Involvement with Utley at DTE and Virginia Bar Statement.pdf


Dick Statement Contradict Utley on Filing Patent.pdf


Eliot Timeline of email 98-99.tif


Ellen DeGeneres Video Netfomercial Regarding Iviewit


epo fraud filing.pdf


Erika Lewin notes on corporate structure to Ernst Young Completely false and misleading.pdf


Exhibit B - Tiedemann Prolow Loan Documents.pdf


Exhibit B2 Utley Emp Agreement and NonCompete.pdf


Exhibit I Lewin COI and Wheeler.pdf


Flaster withdraw as counsel.pdf


florida supreme court case docket sc04-1078.pdf


Foley Lardner Patent Portfolio submitted to the Virginia Bar.  When this was sent to Harry Moatz at the United States Patent Office it was found to contain false and misleading information regarding certain patent applications.


FREE PRESS INTERNATIONAL Bush and Kerry both admit to being members of Skull and Bones.htm


gail prudenti judith kaye conflict.pdf










Holy Grail Articles


I-Newswire Press Release on Data Compression Article.MDI


Investigations Master Sheet Showing Denial of Due Process and Procedure for derailed investigations.htm


Investor Presentation v2.ppt


Iviewit / Cyberfyds Early Site


Iviewit Master Attorney Document.pdf


Iviewit Press Release Sachin Garg Eworld.pdf


Iviewit Press Release.pdf


Iviewit Stock Certs.pdf


JOAO and utley PATENTS.doc


Joao at Dreier Baritz Law Firm.MDI


Joao at Dugan and Dugan PC.MDI


Joao destroying documents.wav


Joao distance learninig patent.pdf




Joao Inventions 2.MDI


Joao Inventions List.MDI


joao patents 2.mdi


joao patents.mdi


Joao was told of bad claims prior to filing by Utley.wav


Joao's biggest client himself article.pdf


johnson receipt of triggs complaint.pdf


Kasser Corporate Books.pdf


Kaye Article Proskauer In Firm


kaye prudenti accepts awards for her.pdf


kaye prudenti on board together.pdf


kaye prudenti problems in other case.pdf


krane bio 2


Krane President of NY Bar Rubenstein.pdf


Krane Proskauer Bio.pdf


Krane Suicide Letter Tendered in Conflict and Violation of Public Office in Response to Complaint against him and Proskauer


Letter to Jackie Selebi President of Interpol.pdf


Letter to the Honorable Senator Dianne Feinstein D California Signed.pdf


Lewin Deposition Fingering Rubenstein


Lewin Deposition on Memory page 666


LEWIN video


list of bar actions and others


List of Patent Suspensions


List of State Federal and other crimes


lucchesi letter re Interpol.pdf


Mark Gaffney_Supporting Documents.htm


Matthew Triggs of Proskauer represents Wheeler while in blackout period of his Supreme Court of Florida Bar position in conflict of interest and violation of public office.pdf


missing inventors joao and foley.wav


missing inventors joao patents told to wheeler and foley 1.wav


missing inventors joao patents told to wheeler and foley 2.wav


Motion for Mistrial_Version 4_Final.PDF


Motion for Rubenstein and Wheeler to resume depositions.pdf


Narine Bar Complaint_Final.pdf


NDA - Goldman Sachs - Jeffrey Friedstein.pdf


NDA Infringers.pdf


nda violators


New York State Bar Represented by Proskauer Rose making whole bar disciplinary system conflicted.pdf


News Crossbow Iviewit Investment 1500000


News Crossbow Iviewit Investment 1500000




office of solictor general.pdf


Officers Directors Profesisonals Summary Version 2.doc


Outline of Crimes


Patent Pool Infringers




press ellen degeneres full story.MDI


Proskauer Bills - Summary General Ledger.pdf


Proskauer Client Infringers


Proskauer Intellectual Property Billings Rubenstein


Proskauer Patent Bills.pdf


proskauer plame wilson lawsuit.pdf


Proskauer Rose v. Iviewit - Pleadings 1 2001 05 to 2002 08




Proskauer Technology Department 2.pdf


Proskauer v Iviewit CA 01 04671 AB


Proskauer v Iviewit CA 01 04671 AB.pdf


Proskauer Wheeler Business Plan Bills


Proskauer Wheeler Patent Copyright and related bills


prudenti proskauer conflicts.pdf


Real 3D and Huizenga info.pdf


Real 3D Opinion and Licensing Info.pdf


Response to AICPA Final Executed.PDF






Rubenstein as counsel 2.pdf


Rubenstein Depo I know nothing.pdf


Rubenstein Joao Utley Filipeck Meeting NY Rubenstein Office.pdf




RYJO/INTEL claim Iviewit technologies as their own and seek intellectual properties on iviewit technology while under nda


SBA Loan Due Diligence Utley Sends info with Rubenstein as Board Member.pdf


selz message on rubenstein and proskauer wheeler.asf








skull 10.MDI


Skull 7 Bush Plame.MDI


skull 8.MDI


skull 9.MDI






skull3 cbs news.pdf










Stephen Selz, esq. message on Rubenstein and wheeler documents showing the opposite of their statements to courts and bars 




Stock Certs for Iviewit Technologies, Inc.


Summary of Damages


Tech Dirt Iviewit News.pdf


The Fight for the Grail




USPTO cannot give information on Utley patent1.pdf




USPTO correspondence two.pdf


USPTO USC Title 35 Patent Laws


Utley Background Lies Exposed During His Deposition forgot to put on resume Proskauer Wheeler tendered that Foley's Dick, Wheeler and himself were found stealing patents at his last job 


Utley Depo Dick Never Filed Patent at Diamond Turf contradicts Dick's statement to Virginia Bar that he did.pdf


Utley Depo PATENT PROBLEMS Diamond Turf 1.pdf


Utley Depo PATENT PROBLEMS Diamond Turf.pdf


Utley Depo Wheeler Knew About Diamond Turf 2.pdf


Utley Depo Wheeler Knew About Diamond Turf.pdf


Utley Depo Wheeler Never Represented Me - Wheeler contradicts this in his deposition saying he represented Utley.pdf


Utley Deposition camera application.pdf




Utley Deposition NO COLLEGE CLEAN.pdf


Utley Deposition Patents All Assigned to Iviewit.pdf


Utley Deposition Rubenstein Not An Advisor.pdf


Utley Dick Attorney at DTE.pdf


Utley Patent Dispute at DTE


Utley Resume - Perfect Copy.pdf


Utley Statement for Dick Foley Virginia Bar Response.pdf


Utley stolen patent samples


Utley to Joao Major Missing Items in patent - clean copy.pdf


va bar.pdf


va fl bar correspondences williams turner.pdf


Weisberg and Selz orders from Schiffrin Barroway.pdf


Wheeler Articles FAU Scandal & Fuzion Fraud.pdf


Wheeler Depo Iviewit Portal not Inventions.pdf


Wheeler Deposition I represented Utley.pdf


Wheeler Deposition Regarding Conflicts Check.pdf


Wheeler deposition stating NO PATENT OPINION.pdf


Wheeler Guilty of Felony DUI with Injury.pdf


Wheeler supplement to deposition.pdf


Wheeler/Proskauer marketing letter with client list, show's that Wheeler, Rubenstein and Proskauer knew far more about the technology than they now claim


zak on feasibility study.wav


zak on joao having switch and signing patents.wav


zak testimony on joao meeting wheeler4.wav


zak testimony on rubenstein joao meeting wheeler.wav


zak testimony on rubenstein joao meeting wheeler.wav


zak testimony on rubenstein joao meeting wheeler2.wav


zak testimony on rubenstein joao meeting wheeler2.wav


zak testimony on signing patents.wav


zak testimony on signing patents2.wav




Zakirul Shirajee testimony on Rubenstein Joao patent disclosure meetings at Wheeler's Proskauer office


Zakirul Shirajee testimony 


Zakirul Shirajee testimony 




2000 06 14 Proskauer Rose Generated Business Plan Iviewit with Rubenstein as Advisor Legal Counsel


1999 06 09 Proskauer Investigating Lewin, CPA Document and Lewin Conflict Letter re Visual Data


1999 06 14 Proskauer Kept Confidentiality Agreements


2000 08 26 Iviewit Business Plan Generated by Utley with Rubenstein as Advisor to Board Contradicting all Deposition of Rubenstein Utley and Wheeler


2000 06 09 Document Service Internation License Agreement.tif


2000 06 20 Goldman Sachs receiving Patents as Investment Banker for Iviewit


1999 04 26 Goldstein Lewin Financial Projections Iviewit


00938124.5Complete file.pdf


00938126.0Complete file.pdf


00942690.9Complete file.pdf


00955352.0Complete file.pdf


00944619.6Complete file.pdf


2007 07 16 US Department of Justice Letter stating they are beginning review of the Iviewit matters


Meet the TREASONOUS Conspirators Against the United States and Their Friends

Learn how they disguise themselves in all kinds of flowery named organizations, all working to usurp your rights and the Constitution.  At first they will seem large and ominous but when you add it up they are very small.  Some have a lot of money, mostly from their daddy's.  They have positioned well for three generations while American's were doing "hard work" a thing George Bush has not done one day of. 

Michael Grebe, immediately after evidence surfaced that his law firm, Foley & Lardner, had filed fraudulent patent applications, federal crimes against the United States Patent Office, jumped ship from Foley (????) knowing that the only way to block complaints was a siege on the United States Justice system, through a top down control of the legal and political processes to deny due process to the Iviewit claims.  So he jumped to the most right wing organizations, full of most of the guys now found committing crimes, like Enron, Halliburton, war crimes for profiteering and funded all his Federalist buddies with monies converted to his law firm from the stolen Iviewit inventions. 

Mik also found a way to seize the day on corrupting the government once he had stolen election and then re-write laws to his likings.  With his new buddy or perhaps old friends at Porksour Rose, the Nazi law firm disguised as Jews, legal counsel for Yale and Skull and Bones, this was his opportunity to control the government without worry of repercussion.  Like Hitler, he would disable the legal rights of the people to challenge him and any dissenters he would send the Brown coats to their bedsides and they would sign in fear, hell he chased Sandra Day off the Court and that bitch Ginsberg was next, she was already crumbling under just a few death threats, he would keep the pressure on.

Now that the government was seized, the people did not even see it coming, he worked daily to plant more of their friends in key government posts through hook or crook.  With election fraud, the Courts at bay, his military style overthrow of the government was almost complete, the military was still giving him grief but he was replacing Generals faster than he could train new ones, it was hard to get people to back the war blindly and these military assholes were giving him dissention, why couldn't they just read the fucking script.  He knew the first plot against FDR failed because of a military coup by some asshole military guy who valued Honor, Duty and Country more than that he would have received greatness and reward in the New World Party.  How he hated him, hated the military for this.

So with all his new money, here is where Mike went shopping for people to sell out the Constitution and buy favors for favors, promising each their agenda's would be part of the master plan, that they would be at the top of the NWO.  He hated most of them too but he would deal with that later, like the Jews, these guys would have to go too, they knew too much already.  So using high balls and a lot of briefcases of payola, here is where Mik has been.  Those highlighted in red have direct relations with Grebe or the Bradley Foundation he runs now.

Right Wing Organizations

For over 25 years, People For the American Way Foundation (PFAWF) has countered the Right Wing’s efforts to roll back, or stop, social justice progress and to reshape government and society to its liking. Our research center monitors the power of right-wing groups, documenting their connections, funding, and reporting on their political influence.

Right-wing organizations come in all shapes and sizes, from think tanks to legal groups, local and national lobbying organizations, foundations and media forums. At any given moment, the Right is at work in our public school systems, courthouses, in Congress and state assemblies. At the same time, right-wing groups are reaching huge audiences through media outlets they own or influence—promoting regressive policies that seek to drive wedges between and among Americans.

These often single-issue groups have the ability to create multi-issue networks that can respond on a wide range of issues. People For the American Way Foundation’s library has files on over 800 groups and almost 300 individuals documenting their activities and providing information about their efforts to reshape society. This section presents a small portion of that information.

Accuracy in Academia

African-American Life Alliance

All Children Matter Inc.

Alliance Defense Fund

American Center for Law and Justice

American Civil Rights Institute

American Conservative Union

American Enterprise Institute

American Family Association

American Legislative Exchange Council

American Life League

American Society for Tradition, Family and Property

Americans for Tax Reform

Arlington Group

Black America's Political Action Committee

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation

Campaign for Working Families PAC

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

Cato Institute

Center for the Study of Popular Culture

Christian Coalition of America

Christian Legal Society

Club for Growth

Collegiate Network

Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Committee for Justice

Concerned Women for America

Eagle Forum

Eagle Forum Collegians

Family Research Council

Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

Focus on the Family


Free Congress Research and Education Foundation


Heritage Foundation

High Impact Leadership Coalition

Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

Independent Women's Forum

Institute for Justice

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration

Judicial Confirmation Network

Landmark Legal Foundation

Leadership Institute

Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research

Madison Project

National Association of Scholars

National Center for Policy Analysis

National Right to Life Committee

National Taxpayers Union

New Coalition for Economic and Social Change

State Policy Network

Students for Academic Freedom

Toward Tradition

Traditional Values Coalition


Young America's Foundation

Accuracy in Academia

4455 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 330
Washington, DC 20008

Founded: by Reed Irvine in 1985
Executive Director: Malcolm “Mal” Kline
Finances: $285, 643 (2002 budget)
Publications: Campus Report, a monthly newspaper
Affiliated with: Accuracy in Media

AIA's Principal Issues:

Main issues: combating Title IX, multicultural education, and abortion, and fighting “liberal” ideas that are offensive to right-wing students. Asserts that many colleges and universities are openly dedicated to “indoctrinating” students with liberal or communist philosophy.

AIA seeks to expose “the exploitation of the classroom or university resources to indoctrinate students; discrimination against students, faculty or administrators based on political or academic beliefs; and campus violations of free speech.”

AIA’s Activities:

AIA monitors and documents “[t]he use of classroom and/or university resources to indoctrinate students.” AIA’s monthly publication Campus Report focuses on “three issues: the exploitation of the classroom or university resources to indoctrinate students; discrimination against students, faculty or administrators based on political or academic beliefs; and campus violations of free speech.”

Sponsors an annual “Conservative University” conference. Recent speakers include: John Lott, author of More Guns, Less Crime, Joseph Farah of WorldNetDaily, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-Colo.), Lori Waters of Eagle Forum and Conservative Caucus chairman Howard Phillips.

Sells books such as Ann Coulter’s Treason,Why the Left Hates America by Daniel Flynn and Preachers of Hate: Islam and the War on America by Kenneth Timmerman.

AIA has characterized the NAACP’s founder, W.E.B. Du Bois, as the “Father of Bad Multiculturalism.” According to AIA, “W.E.B. Du Bois is the father of the multiculturalism that is currently pervasive on American campuses. This is a multiculturalism that is…preoccupied with the negative aspects, both real and imagined, of our own culture.”

AIA's History:

Founded by Reed Irvine to monitor college and university professors for teaching “disinformation” and “liberal” bias. The group clamed that 10,000 known Marxists teach on university campuses nationwide. Accuracy, Fairness and Balance in Higher Education” published in 1985. According to AIA “youth are being indoctrinated” on liberal arts campuses. AIA will investigate reports from students of seriously inaccurate information being imparted by classroom instructors—either through lectures or required reading material. AIA will try to discuss the matter with the teacher to determine whether or not the complaint is valid and to see if the teacher would be willing to make a correction. In cases where the professor declines this opportunity, AIA will employ other means to call the error to the attention of students and others who may be interested, including AIA supporters throughout the country. In the eighties the group’s monitoring campaign caused widespread controversy on higher education campuses, eliciting fear and anger among academics and students. President Reagan’s Secretary of Education, William Bennett, called Irvine’s academic watchdog group “a bad idea.” Malcolm Kline was named AIA’s new executive director in fall 2003. He worked at the National Journalism Center for twenty years. Kline has written for: Newsmax.com, National Catholic Register, Catholic News Service, and Washington Times’s Insight magazine. AIA’s former Executive Director was Daniel Flynn, author of Why the Left Hates America.

Quotes about AIA:

“Accuracy in Academia plays an indispensable role in fighting the political distortions and biases that pass for knowledge on today’s college campuses. I am looking forward to being part of a campaign to challenge students to think more accurately and broad-mindedly about the fundamental issues that affect their lives.” -- Dinesh D’Souza, author and right-wing speaker

“Accuracy in Academia is reaching the leaders of tomorrow with the truth about the sexual revolution ignited in the 60s and raging today all about them. This awareness is critical to properly equipping the leaders of tomorrow. Accuracy in Academia is a lone voice carrying the message of truth and hope to a generation that seldom, if ever, is able to access the truth about America's crucial and fragile social constructs that have made us free. I am proud to stand with AIA as they relentlessly seek to provide to America's college student America's measured and true standard for a free society's smallest building block, marriage and family.” -- Judith A. Reisman, a right-wing speaker and author, published Crafting “Gay” Children: An Inquiry into the Abuse of Vulnerable Youth via Government Schooling & Mainstream Media in 2001.

“If sanity ever returns to the academic world, part of the credit will go to a small newspaper called Campus Report, which has exposed innumerable incidents of brainwashing replacing education on college campuses, storm trooper tactics being accepted and rewarded by ‘responsible’ college administrators, and academic and behavioral double standards being applied to the group to which one belongs, rather than one’s own behavior or performance.” -- Thomas Sowell, author and syndicated columnist

African-American Life Alliance

The African-American Life Alliance (AALA) is a small, religious, anti-choice organization whose mission is to preach against abortion, sexual promiscuity and “illicit moral activities.” Though AALA is predominately a one-person group, its founder and director Paulette Roseboro is frequently quoted in right-wing and anti-choice materials in an effort to reach out to the African American community.

The African-American Life Alliance
One Staton Drive
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 3722, Capitol Heights, Maryland 20791
Website: www.lifedrum.org
Founder/Executive Director: Paulette Roseboro [bio]
Founded: 1991

Purpose/Mission Statement

The stated mission of the African-American Life Alliance (AALA) is “to educate the Black Community about how sexual promiscuity and illicit moral activities have invaded our communities and are eroding our families, organizations, schools, and churches.” The AALA focuses primarily on abolishing abortion, and preaches abstinence; it promotes teaching creationism in schools, and advocates traditional gender roles for men and women. As described by its website, the AALA argues that “The Church must be on constant vigil for Satan lurks in his darkness like a voracious lion awaiting attack. He camouflages himself in worldly reason and logic, giving unsound rationale to sinful acts.”

The AALA is a religious organization that strictly interprets the Bible and condemns the practice of abortion. The AALA equates the 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade (which legalized abortion) to the 1857 Dred Scott Case, which legalized slavery. Both Blacks and the “Unborn” were ruled to be “non-persons,” whose lives were/are in the hands of the slave-owner or the mother, respectively.

The African-American Life Alliance accepts nothing less than abstinence until marriage for sexual activity; it claims that “sexual purity is achieved only through chastity and abstinence for teens and singles and marital fidelity for marriedes [sic].” AALA argues that “condoms provide virtually no protection” against sexually-transmitted diseases.


Anti-abortion articles by Paulette Roseboro have appeared on numerous right-wing sites. Roseboro also testified against human cloning before the National Bioethics Advisory Commission in 1997. Her testimony has also been posted to the anti-cloning site, BlackGenocide.org. Roseboro also assisted with the 1999 Newark, New Jersey to Washington, DC, “Say So March” – organized by the Life Education and Resource Network (LEARN), the largest, African-American “pro-life” ministry in the country.


The African-American Life Alliance was founded in 1991 by Washington, D.C. native Paulette Roseboro, who quit her job in the federal government to pursue anti-abortion activism full-time. Roseboro is on the staffs of several religious and right-wing political organizations, such as the Greater Washington Christian Education Association, the Maryland Constitution Party – Prince George’s County Chapter and serves on the executive council of the National Clergy Council – “Dedicated to bringing classical Christian moral instruction into discourse on public policy.”

All Children Matter Inc.

All Children Matter (ACM) raises money through a network of organizations to help fund campaigns for pro-voucher political candidates.

229 S. Washington Street - Suite 115
Alexandria VA 22314
Website: www.allchildrenmatter.org

Executive Director: Greg Brock
Founded: 2003
Directors: Betsy DeVos, Richard Sharp, Greg Brock
Key Staff: Lisa Lisker, Keith Davis
Finances: $7.6 million projected expenditures in 2006


Dick and Betsy DeVos started All Children Matter (ACM) in the spring of 2003, to recruit, train and fund candidates who will promote vouchers across the country. Today, ACM Inc, a federal “527” organization, is the lead organization of a network of affiliates classified as state or federal Political Action Committee’s (PACs), which can donate money directly to and campaign on behalf of political candidates. With its base of wealthy funders and ability to stealthily intervene in local, state and federal political races, the ACM network is an effective tool for the movement to privatize public education.


All Children Matter was started to fund pro-voucher political candidates Aside from donating directly to campaigns, ACM also funds slick ‘issue ads’ that heavily favor pro-voucher candidates.


In 2004, ACM paid for fliers in support of President Bush’s re-election campaign in Florida. The fliers do not mention vouchers, privatization or even the Right’s favorite euphemism “school choice.” The flier falsely claimed that Senator John Kerry “opposed equal opportunity in education” and stated that President Bush supported increased education funding. Campaign finance laws require political groups to clearly identify themselves on their ads. Though the phrase “no matter what, All Children Matter” appears at the bottom of the flier, ACM inc. does not explicitly claim responsibility for it.

Also in 2004, ACM paid for a last minute radio ad blitz in Missouri on behalf of gubernatorial candidate Matt Blunt. After his election, Blunt appointed Ed Martin, ACM-MO’s treasurer to be his Chief of Staff and personally pushed pro-voucher legislation backed by ACM.

In the summer of 2004, the estate of Wal-Mart heir John Walton donated more than $2 million to All Children Matter-Virginia, which, according to the Virginia Public Access Project promptly funneled money to an affiliate group in Florida. The Florida group then spent that money to support pro-voucher candidates in the state, without having to disclose the individuals who donated it. Relevant disclosure forms for the Florida groups will show only that money came in from All Children Matter-Virginia, with no disclosure of a connection to the Walton family. All Children Matter-Virginia appears to be the centerpiece of this scheme. ACM-VA is seeing an unprecedented cash flow even though it can only spend money in Virginia on state races and there are none in 2006. ACM-VA acts a conduit to stealthfully distribute money to other states.

According to campaign finance records, just before the 2006 primary elections in Missouri, businessman and financial analyst Rex Sinquefield donated $100,000 to an All Children Matter affiliate in that state, which in turn spent the entire sum in the eight days leading up to the election on behalf of only five pro-voucher candidates. All Children Matter enabled Sinquefield to donate much more to each of these candidates than would have been legal had he given money directly to their campaigns.

In a 2006 Colorado primary, ACM began pouring thousands of dollars into one race in the form of direct mail and advertisements to support a pro-voucher state incumbent who was far behind his opponent in fundraising.


The All Children Matter network receives large amounts of funding from a small group of ultra-wealthy donors. These donors include Dick DeVos and other members of his family, the estate of Wall-Mart heir John Walton, JC Huizenga, Ted Forstman, Dino Cortopassi, John D. Bryan, Joseph Robert, Jr., Peter Flannigan, Richard Gilder, Rick Sharp, Roger Hertog, Virginia Manheimer, and Bruce Kovner.


"I know a little something about soft money, as my family is the largest single contributor of soft money to the national Republican Party. I have decided, however, to stop taking offense at the suggestion that we are buying influence. Now I simply concede the point. They are right. We do expect some things in return.” - Betsy DeVos (Roll Call, 1997)

Alliance Defense Fund

Founded by a group of high-profile Religious Right leaders such as D. James Kennedy and James Dobson, the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) sees itself as a counter to the ACLU. As a legal group, it assists and augments the efforts of other right-wing groups to “keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel.” The ADF has been active on issues including pushing “marriage protection,” exposing the “homosexual agenda” and fighting the supposed “war on Christmas.”

Alliance Defense Fund
15333 N. Pima Road - Suite 165
Scottsdale AZ 85260
Website: www.alliancedefensefund.org

Founders: Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ; Larry Burkett, founder of Christian Financial Concepts; Rev. James Dobson, founder of Focus on the Family; Rev. D. James Kennedy, founder of Coral Ridge Ministries; Marlin Maddoux, President of International Christian Media; Don Wildmon, founder of American Family Association; and 25+ other ministries.
Founded: 1994
President and General Counsel: Alan Sears
Officers, Directors, Trustees, and Key Employees: Alan Sears, Wayne N. Swindler, Marv McCarthy
Other Staff: 38 employees
Finances: $15,744,101 (2003 budget)
Major Donors: Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation, Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation,
Bradley Foundation.

Principal Issues

·         The Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is a Christian legal firm established by more than 30 Christian ministries to help defend “family values” and work against the ACLU (American Civil Liberties Union).

·         ADF defines itself by its ability to strategize and coordinate with lawyers all over the United States. Lawyers who sign up for their “Blackstone Legal Institute” are expected to donate 450 pro bono hours over a three year period.

·         ADF has coordinated more than 750 lawyers and 125 right-wing organizations, and many conservative ministries on behalf of ADF-defined Christian legal issues.

·         ADF claims 25 “victories” before the Supreme Court, including: Boy Scouts of America v. Dale (2000), which allowed the Boy Scouts to fire a Scout Leader due solely to his sexual orientation; United States v. American Library Association (2003), in which the Court voted to allow the federal government to withhold federal funds if libraries did not comply with the filtering called for by the Children’s Internet Protection Act of 2000; and Zelman v. Simmons-Harris (2002), upheld Ohio’s school voucher system, which allows for parents to send their children to private or religious schools with taxpayer-funded vouchers.

·         ADF has linked more than 125 groups to create a combined effort to fight for their issues. They’ve brought together attorneys and allied legal groups to help develop a national strategy on controversial social issues, for example they worked with others to develop a national strategy to “protect marriage” across the United States after Vermont's decision to legalize civil unions for gays and lesbians.

·         In addition to organizing lawyers and ministries, ADF also trains and recruits and provides grants to support legal cases as well as pro-bono assistance.

·         ADF also defends the right of Christians to “share the gospel” in workplaces and public schools, claiming that any efforts to curb proselytizing at work and school are anti-Christian.

·         ADF has had success in anti-gay cases all over the US, from Alaska to Massachusetts.


·         Unique to the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF) is their collective of high-power founders, including wealthy right-wing organizations such as Dobson’s Focus on the Family and D. James Kennedy’s Coral Ridge Ministries.

·         The ADF embodies the beliefs of its founders, harnessing the efforts of a cadre of right-wing groups with hundreds of millions of dollars at their disposal. All of these groups are influential members of the Right; they are pro-life and anti-gay, and their ultimate goal is to see the law and U.S. government enshrined with conservative Christian principles.

·         The relationship between ADF and it’s founders is one of mutual self-interest; ADF has access to the resources and networking of large organizations, who in turn are equipped with an endless supply of readily-available lawyers.

·         ADF’s strength goes beyond their budget due to their influence with well-funded religious-right groups.

·         Two issues common to each of ADF’s founders are their work against the right to abortion, and against the civil rights/liberties of gays and lesbians. They are particularly persistent in attacking attempts by homosexuals to have families, establish domestic partnerships or civil unions, or to be protected from discrimination in employment or housing.

Alan Sears’ Background

Alan Sears was the Executive Director of the Attorney General’s Commission on Pornography under President Ronald Reagan. Sears was a federal prosecutor for former Secretary of Interior Don Hodel (former Christian Coalition President), and has produced several anti-gay works, such as The Homosexual Agenda in paperback, and Exposing the Homosexual Agenda on broadcast cassette.


“The Alliance Defense Fund is a servant organization that provides the resources that will keep the door open for the spread of the Gospel through the legal defense and advocacy of religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and traditional family values.”
– The Alliance Defense Fund website, February 2006

American Center for Law and Justice

Founded by Pat Robertson, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) and its Chief Counsel Jay Sekulow quickly established themselves as key players in the right-wing movement, litigating a variety of cases at all levels, including the Supreme Court. The ACLJ has been particularly active in fighting marriage equality and defending the Pledge of Allegiance, while Sekulow has maintained very close ties to the Bush White House and played a central role in pushing for the confirmation of Supreme Court Justices Roberts and Alito.

American Center for Law and Justice
PO Box 64429
1000 Regent University Drive
Virginia Beach, VA 23467
Website: www.aclj.org

Founder: Pat Robertson, founder of the 700 Club, Christian Coalition, Operation Blessing, Regent University
Date established: 1990
Executive Director/Chief Counsel: Jay Sekulow
Publications: Newsletter, education pamphlets, reports, and Foundations of Freedom, a free booklet on the "nation's most important documents."
Annual Budget: $14,650,162 (2004)
Employees: 50
Media: Sekulow has been a popular guest on nationally televised news programs on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, FOX, MSNBC, CNBC, and PBS. He is also frequently quoted in articles published in the mainstream press.
Media: “Jay Sekulow Live!” is a daily weekday radio show that is aired on over 550 radio stations in the U.S., heard by 1.5 million listeners; "ACLJ This Week" broadcasts throughout the week on multiple cable TV channels.

Principal Issues

·         The American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) is a legal advocacy group “dedicated to defending and advancing religious liberty, the sanctity of human life, and the two-parent, marriage-bound family.”

·         ACLJ is a strong supporter of the Federal Marriage Amendment intended to ban same-sex marriage.

·         ACLJ has been involved with more than 30 cases before the United States Supreme Court and has been successful in many of its lawsuits.

·         ACLJ is a strong supporter of school vouchers and filed a friend-of-the-court brief in the 2002 Cleveland voucher case before the Supreme Court.

·         The ACLJ supports the funding of faith-based social services, religious proclamations in the public domain, and often equates religious expression with patriotism.

·         ACLJ strongly opposes the right to legal, safe abortion and provides legal help to pro-life protesters who harass women seeking reproductive services.

·         The ACLJ challenges domestic partnership benefits for city and state employees, anti-discrimination ordinances that include sexual orientation, and generally fights against the right of gays and lesbians to be parents.

·         The ACLJ's legal services are free.


·         In 2004-2005, the American Center for Law and Justice (ACLJ) played a key role in the effort to eliminate the minority party’s ability to make use of a senatorial filibuster for judicial nominees.

·         ACLJ gives free legal advice and counsel and maintains a national Christian Affiliate Attorney list for referrals.

·         Two of the Supreme Court cases argued by Sekulow have become benchmark cases in the area of religious liberty litigation. In Board of Education of Westside Community Schools v. Mergens (496 US 226), Sekulow argued the right of public school students to form Bible clubs and religious organizations on their school campuses. In Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches School District, Sekulow defended the rights of religious groups to use public school property for religious meetings after hours.

·         A few other examples of ACLJ cases:  

o    ACLJ defended a group of parents who drove a transsexual teacher out of her job in Minnesota,

o    Supported a Kmart pharmacist who refused to dispense birth control pills, and

o    Pursued litigation over various claims that children are being told that they cannot pray on school grounds or talk about their religion.

About Jay Sekulow

·         Jay Sekulow helped draft the Defense of the Marriage Act (DOMA), which passed both houses and was signed into law by President Bill Clinton in 1996. DOMA allows states to reject the legitimacy of same-sex marriage licenses awarded in other states, although, to this day no state offers marriage licenses to same-sex couples. Sekulow helped draft DOMA: “[and] at the request of several pro-family legislators, [I] gave expert testimony to both houses of Congress on this bill.” (Jay Sekulow, 1997)

·         The National Law Journal has twice named Sekulow one of the “100 Most Influential Lawyers” in the United States. (1994, 1997); he is a leading conservative lawyer, and has argued numerous cases before the Supreme Court.

·         In 2005, Sekulow was named one of the "25 Most Influential Evangelicals" in America by TIME Magazine.

·         Sekulow has also worked closely with the White House in promoting and defending the Bush administration’s Supreme Court nominees.


"This great American institution [Boy Scouts of America] has come under attack from homosexual activists—who may well set their sights on your church next."
– Jay Sekulow, direct mail, March 2000

"Can you imagine, that in public schools of America today, students are being taught that homosexual conduct, which in many states is still deemed illegal, is not only a viable alternative lifestyle, but is actually equal to heterosexual relationships?"
– Jay Sekulow, January 2, 1997, Danbury News-Times

American Civil Rights Institute

Founder Ward Connerly and the American Civil Rights Institute (ACRI) oppose affirmative action and any government/education policies that grant priority or preference to certain racial groups over others. ACRI has promoted legislation and “reform” in state policies and individual university or college criteria to end such programs. Continuing his state-by-state attack on affirmative action policies, Connerly co-founded the so-called “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative” (MCRI), a 2006 ballot initiative to ban affirmative action in state “hiring, contracting, and admissions to public schools.” On November 7, 2006, Michigan voters approved the affirmative action ban by 58-42 percent.

American Civil Rights Institute
P.O. Box 188350
Sacramento CA 95818
Website: www.acri.org

Founder/Chairman: Ward Connerly
Vice Chairman: Thomas L. Rhodes (2003)
Founded/Place: 1997, California
Director: Edward J. Blum
Finances: $2,203,864 (2004)
Publications: The Egalitarian (newsletter)
Affiliate Groups: American Civil Rights Coalition;
Michigan Civil Rights Initiative


The American Civil Rights Institute (ACRI) opposes affirmative action and any government/education policies that take race into consideration. It has promoted legislation and “reform” in state policies and individual university or college criteria to end such programs. Founder Ward Connerly and ACRI’s attacks on affirmative action policies have proved successful in California, Washington State and Michigan, but their efforts have failed in Florida.


In 1996, Ward Connerly led the so-called “California Civil Rights Initiative” – the successful campaign for a ballot referendum (Proposition 209) to end all affirmative action programs in California state government. The American Civil Rights Institute – American Civil Rights Coalition was formed by Connerly in 1997 to take the battle against affirmative action nationwide. Critics charge that Connerly used his 12-year position as a University of California Regent (1993-2005) as a “bully pulpit” to promote his divisive agenda.


·         1998: Washington state voters approve “Initiative 200” which bans the state from using race, gender or sex to give preferential treatment in employment, contracting or public education admissions.

·         1999: Connerly launches a petition drive in support of a 2000 ballot initiative to overturn affirmative action policies in Florida. While proponents of the “Florida Civil Rights Initiative” gathered enough signatures and waited for the state Supreme Court to approve the ballot language, momentum faltered and organizing stopped. In March 2000, a march on the state capitol in Tallahassee by thousands of civil rights supporters angered over Gov. Jeb Bush’s own anti-affirmative action plan (“One Florida”), along with the concern of many Republicans that a 2000 ballot measure would increase moderate/progressive voter turnout and would hurt GOP presidential candidate George W. Bush, may have doomed the Florida Civil Rights Initiative.

·         2002: ACRI’s “Racial Privacy Initiative” – a "proposed constitutional amendment that would ban state and local governments from collecting racial data" – is certified for the California ballot. On October 7, 2003 California voters defeated the Racial Privacy Initiative (Prop 54) by a margin of 64% to 36%. Connerly blames “legal challenges filed by the unholy triumvirate of the American Civil Liberties Union, the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, and the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People” against ACRI and the American Civil Rights Coalition along with having the measure moved to the special election to recall Gov. Gray Davis as causes for its failure to pass.

·         January, 2003: The Individual Rights Foundation – the legal arm of David Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture – submits an amicus brief [PDF file] on behalf of Ward Connerly to the U.S. Supreme Court inGrutter v. Bollinger & Gratz v. Bollinger, attacking the affirmative action policies of the University of Michigan.

·         January 2003: The American Civil Rights Institute, along with the Center for Equal Opportunity and the Independent Women's Forum, filed an amicus brief [PDF file] with the U.S. Supreme Court supporting the petitioners in Grutter v. Bollinger & Gratz v. Bollinger.

·         October 2003: The American Civil Rights Institute, along with the Center for Equal Opportunity and the Independent Women's Forum, files a friend-of-the-court brief [PDF file] with the U.S. Supreme Court. The brief urges the Court to grant review in Grutter v. Bollinger.

·         Connerly is a co-founder of the “Michigan Civil Rights Initiative” – which formed to place an anti-affirmative action ballot measure on the 2006 ballot. According to its website, the Michigan Civil Rights Initiative (MCRI) would amend “the Michigan Constitution to prohibit discrimination by state and local governments against anyone based on their race, sex, color, ethnicity or national origin. The ban would apply to hiring, contracting, and admissions to public schools.” The MCRI was endorsed by the Mystic Knights of the Ku Klux Klan. On November 7, 2006, Michigan voters approved the affirmative action ban (Proposal 2) by 58-42 percent.


The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation of Milwaukee gave Connerly $700,000 in 2001 for the anti-affirmative action campaign in California. That same year he got $200,000 from Richard Mellon Scaife, and another $150,000 from the Olin Foundation. In 2005, Connerly was named a “Bradley Prize” honoree by the Bradley Foundation and awarded $250,000 by the right-wing foundation.


"Recent events in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina have reaffirmed for me, however, the complete folly of any Republican strategy to increase black representation in the Republican Party by appeals based on race. Whatever the name – 'African American Outreach' or 'Black Republicans for Bush' – any effort to attract blacks or any other ethnic group to the Republican party, based on explicit or implicit appeals to race or ethnic identity, are not only a waste of time and resources, but are also misguided and potentially quite damaging to the nation." – Ward Connerly ["End the Race Party," National Review, September 30, 2005]

"Let it be said that when given a chance to complete the liberation of black Americans, on June 23, 2003 five justices consigned them to another generation — or, perhaps, a term of indefinite duration — of virtual enslavement to the past." – Ward Connerly, responding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Michigan rulings ["Murder at the Supreme Court," National Review, July 26, 2003]

"The Grutter and Gratz decisions, taken together, represent a sad and tragic chapter in American history." – Ward Connerly, responding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Michigan rulings [National Review, July 26, 2003]

"The court made a very ambiguous ruling - and a sickening one. It left the nation in the position of agony. . . . We will be fighting this battle for another 25 years or more." – Ward Connerly, responding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s Michigan rulings [Washington Times, July 24, 2003]

"Passionate ideological opposition to race preferences does not seem to be part of the Bush DNA, and President Bush has been no exception to this rule . . . It is not the legitimate business of government in America to promote 'diversity.'" – Ward Connerly on the White House briefs in the Supreme Court Michigan cases, Washington Times [January 21, 2003]

American Conservative Union

Founded by William F. Buckley in 1964, the American Conservative Union (ACU) is one of the nations oldest lobbying groups on the Right. It is best known for its annual ratings of Congress and its sponsorship of the annual Conservative Political Action Convention (CPAC), a gathering of Washington insiders, right-wing pundits and grassroots activists from across the country.

American Conservative Union
1007 Cameron Street
Alexandria, Virginia 22314
Websites: www.conservative.org or www.cpac.org

Founders: William F. Buckley, Jr.: L. Brent Bozell: Frank S. Meyer; John Chamberlain; Jameson Campaigne, Sr.; John Ashbrook; Katherine St. George; and Robert E. Bauman
Chairman: David A. Keene
Established: December 1964
Finances: American Conservative Union [501(c)4] - $3,810,745 (2004) and American Conservative Union Foundation [501(c)3] - $1,068,592 (2005)
Board members include: Senator Jesse Helms; Grover Norquist, Morton Blackwell, also on the Conservative Leadership PAC and Free Congress Foundation boards; and Becky Norton Dunlop, also serves on boards of the Heritage Foundation, the Family Foundation and Century Communications
Frequent Donors:
  Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; the Bill and Berniece Grewcock Foundation; and the William E. Simon Foundation
Affiliated with: American Conservative Union Foundation, American Conservative Union PAC, Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)
Publications: Battle Line quarterly newsletter, along with reports and legislative guides for Congress

Principle Issues

·         The American Conservative Union (ACU) defines itself as the nation's oldest conservative lobbying organization.

·         ACU is a multi-issue, umbrella organization that specializes in grassroots organizing as well as organizing and supporting conservative leadership.

·         The organization’s mission statement describes its commitment to “a market economy, the doctrine of original intent of the framers of the Constitution, traditional moral values, and a strong national defense.”


·         Since 1971, the American Conservative Union (ACU) has published Congressional member ratings on a scale of zero to 100, according to their conservative standards.

·         Since 1974, ACU has hosted the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC). CPAC is the largest conservative conference in the United States. CPAC speakers have included: Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft, Pat Robertson, Pat Buchanan, Dick Armey, Jesse Helms, Tom DeLay, Trent Lott, Senator Sam Brownback, Bob Barr, Phyllis Schlafly, Beverly LaHaye, William Bennett, Ralph Reed, columnist George Will, Gary Bauer, Alan Keyes, Grover Norquist, Charlton Heston of the NRA, Condoleezza Rice, Ann Coulter, David Horowitz, Florida Secretary of State Katherine Harris, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, Oliver North, Rev. Lou Sheldon of Traditional Values Coalition, and many other conservative pundits, writers, and politicians.

·         ACU claims its “most significant efforts,” include “fighting to keep OSHA off the backs of small businesses; opposing the Panama Canal giveaway; challenging the SALT treaties; supporting aid to freedom fighters in communist countries; promoting the confirmation of conservative justices to the Supreme Court; advocating near-term deployment of strategic defenses; and battling against higher taxes and wasteful government spending.”

·         In 1992, the ACU Board of Directors endorsed Patrick Buchanan's presidential candidacy.

·         During the Clinton presidency, ACU remained a strong, vocal critic on issues such as health care. ACU’s director Donald Devine led a country-wide bus tour, called the “National Health Care Truth Tour.” Hillary Clinton herself stated that ACU’s activities were largely responsible for the defeat of the administration’s health plan proposal in 1993.

·         ACU opposes the Patriot Act and in March 2005, joined the "Patriots to Restore Checks and Balances," coalition which includes groups ranging from the Americans for Tax Reform and the American Civil Liberties Union.


·         In 1974, ACU established and sponsored the first Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC).

·         Reagan was a “long-time friend and ally” of ACU. In 1975, ACU asked Ronald Reagan to run for president, and has since assumed credit for the success of his ultimate election in 1980.

·         ACU and its state affiliates established one of the first independent campaigns on behalf of a presidential candidate. ACU orchestrated the campaign to elect Reagan, running hundreds of radio and newspaper ads comparing candidate Reagan to President Ford, labeling Reagan a conservative visionary and Ford a liberal.

·         ACU launched "Project One Million" in 1981, seeking at least one million backers of a "Petition of Support" for Reagan's economic plan.

Quotes about ACU

“The ACU doesn't rate presidents, but a president can rate you. This is a fine group of decent citizens, principled citizens, and tonight I am proud to stand with the ACU.”
– President George W. Bush, 2004 (ACU website)

"ACU is the key to my plans to change the direction of government."
– President Ronald Reagan (ACU website)

"Conservatives all across America can be proud of what ACU has accomplished over the years. Moreover, its future promises a vital role in the struggle to return our nation to the principles upon which it was founded."
– Senator Jesse Helms (ACU website)

Quotes from ACU

“A body turned up on Capitol Hill this past week – beaten to a pulp, almost unrecognizable. Its name: Comprehensive Immigration Reform (CIR). That’s the bill that would have granted amnesty to 12 million illegal aliens and invited the world to come UNINVITED to our house and bring the kids. The death of CIR is a victory for our side. But sadly, like the Frankenstein monster, CIR will probably rise from the dead after the fall elections.”
ACU Action Alert, September 28, 2006

“We MUST demand -- NOW -- that a united Republican delegation bring ALL conservative nominees to the floor for an up-or-down vote! Some of the best judges in the nation have been left twisting in the wind -- literally for years -- while conservatives bicker among themselves. The time to break the back of liberal judicial obstruction once and for all is NOW!”
ACU Action Alert, August 29, 2006

American Enterprise Institute

The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research (AEI) is one of the oldest and most influential of the pro-business right-wing think tanks. It promotes the advancement of free enterprise capitalism, and has been extremely successful in placing its people in influential governmental positions, particularly in the Bush Administration. AEI has been described as one of the country's main bastions of neoconservatism.

American Enterprise Institute
1150 Seventeenth Street NW
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.aei.org

Established: 1943
President/Executive Director: Christopher DeMuth
Finances: $24,934,545 (2003 income)
Employees: more than 50 resident scholars and fellows

Board of Trustees:

Chairman Bruce Kovner (Caxton Associations, LLC); Vice Chair Lee R. Raymond (Exxon Mobil Corporation); Treasurer Tully M. Friedman (Friedman, Fleischer, & Lowe LLC); Gordon M. Binder (Coastview Capital, LLC); Harlan Crow (Crow Holdings); Christopher DeMuth (American Enterprise Institute); Morton H. Fleischer (Spirit Finance Corp.); Christopher B. Galvin (Motorola); Raymond V. Gilmartin (Merck & Co.); Harvey Golub (American Express Co.); Robert F. Greenhill (Greenhill & Co., LLC) ; Roger Hertog (Alliance Capital Management Corporation); Martin M. Koffel (URS Corporation); John A. Luke, Jr. (MeadWestvaco Corp.); L. Ben Lytle (Anthem, Inc.); Alex Mandl (Gemplus International); Robert A. Pritzker (Colson Associates, Inc.); J. Joe Ricketts (Ameritrade Holding Corporation); Kevin B. Rollins (Dell, Inc.); John W. Rowe (Exelon Corp.); Edward B. Rust, Jr. (State Farm Insurance Co.); William S. Stavropoulos (Dow Chemical Co.); Wilson H. Taylor (CIGNA Corp.); Marilyn Ware (American Water); James Q. Wilson (Pepperdine University)
Publications: Monthly newsletter, dozens of books and hundreds of articles and reports each year, and a glossy policy magazine, The American Enterprise.

Principal Issues

·         American Enterprise Institute (AEI) is a think tank for conservatives, neoconservatives, and conservative libertarians.

·         Areas of interest include: America’s “culture war,” domestic policy and federal spending, education reform, neoconservatism, affirmative action, and welfare reform.

·         President George W. Bush has appointed over a dozen people from AEI to senior positions in his administration. AEI claims that this is more than any other research institution.


·         AEI sponsors and participates in debates and lectures on many issues.

·         AEI scholars have testified before Congress on a variety of issues.

·         Several AEI scholars have written articles in favor of government censorship of the arts.

·         Scholar Michael Novak has argued that prayer belongs in public schools and that it doesn’t violate the establishment clause.

·         AEI scholars have advocated federally-funded school voucher programs.

Background and History

·         Most of AEI’s Board of Directors are CEOs of major companies, including ExxonMobil, Motorola, American Express, State Farm Insurance, and Dow Chemicals.

·         Big donors include the top conservative foundations, including Smith-Richardson Foundation, the Olin Foundation, the Scaife Foundation, and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation.

·         Corporate supporters have included: General Electric Foundation, Amoco, Kraft Foundation, Ford Motor Company Fund, General Motors Foundation, Eastman Kodak Foundation, Metropolitan Life Foundation, Proctor & Gamble Fund, Shell Companies Foundation, Chrysler Corporation, Charles Stewart Mott Foundation, General Mills Foundation, Pillsbury Company Foundation, Prudential Foundation, American Express Foundation, AT&T Foundation, Corning Glass Works Foundation, Morgan Guarantee Trust, Smith-Richardson Foundation, Alcoa Foundation, and PPG Industries.

·         Kenneth Lay, CEO of Enron, was until recently on the board of trustees of American Enterprise Institute. Other famous former trustees include Vice President Dick Cheney.

AEI Fellows and Scholars [partial list]

·         Lynne Cheney, wife of Vice President Dick Cheney and former chair of the National Endowment for the Humanities.

·         Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House.

·         David Frum, a presidential speechwriter for President Bush, contributing editor to the right-wing magazine Weekly Standard.

·         Christina Hoff Sommers, anti-feminist crusader, author of Who Stole Feminism? How Women Betrayed Women.

·         Charles Murray, author of The Bell Curve, a book that asserted inherent intelligence differences between the races.

·         Ben J. Wattenberg, host of PBS weekly show “Think Tank.”

The American Family Association

Principal Issues

·         The American Family Association (AFA) targets the media and entertainment industry’s "attack" on "traditional family values."

·         Two of the main duties that AFA assigns to itself are "promoting the centrality of God in American life" and "promoting the Christian ethic of decency."

·         "Indecent” influences in American culture include: television, the separation of church and state, pornography, "the homosexual agenda," premarital sex, legal abortion, the National Endowment for the Arts, gambling, unfiltered internet access in libraries, and the removal of school-sponsored religious worship from public schools.


·         The American Family Association (AFA) produces a radio show, “AFA Report,” a 30-minute feature available on about 1,200 local radio stations nationwide. AFA launched their broadcast ministry American Family Radio (AFR) in 1987. AFR has approximately 200 radio stations in 27 states across the country. According to American Family Radio, “AFR has built more stations in a shorter time than any other broadcaster in the history of broadcasting.” The AFA built their small radio empire by applying for “noncommercial educational licenses.” When the FCC refused to certain licenses, the AFA sued the FCC in federal court arguing that to deny religious groups noncommercial broadcasting licenses violates their First Amendment and Equal Protection rights.

·         AFA Action – the legislative action arm of the American Family Association – co-sponsored the 2006 Values Voter Summit with FRC Action, Focus on the Family Action, and Gary Bauer’s Americans United to Preserve Marriage.

·         For over twenty years, one of AFA’s primary activities has been the organization of boycotts against sponsors of TV shows with “anti-Christian” messages and ideas. A few of the hundreds of boycott targets on AFA’s list have included “Saturday Night Live,” “Roseanne,” “Nightline,” “NYPD Blue,” “Ellen,” and “Desperate Housewives.”

·         A major target of AFA’s had been Disney and its subsidiaries; “Disney’s attack on America’s families has become so blatant, so intentional, so obvious, that American Family Association has called for a boycott of all Disney products until such time as this activity ceases.” AFA ended its boycott of Disney in 2005, citing the departure of Disney CEO Michael Eisner and its divestiture of Miramax films as rationale, but openly stating “AFA had moved on to other important issues, such as an increasingly activist judiciary and the push for same-sex marriage.”

·         AFA has created two websites - OneMillionMoms.com and OneMillionDads.com to “help parents do something about the trash on TV.” Both websites organize weekly on-line boycotts of offensive advertising or television shows.

·         The American Family Association (AFA) is alerting its members to companies who are supportive of GLBT employees and is asking “Christian consumers…to think twice before they patronize companies that support the homosexual agenda.” AFA lists major corporations that have non-discrimination policies that include sexual orientation or that offer domestic-partner benefits for same-sex couples, including Eastman Kodak, Citigroup, PepsiCo., American Airlines, Allstate Insurance, and the Coca-Cola Company. “One company losing five to ten percent of its sales will send a clear message to every company in America,” offers Don Wildmon. AFA attacked Kraft Foods (owner of brand names Post, Oscar Meyer, and Maxwell House, among others) for the company’s support of the 2006 Gay Games in Chicago.

·         Wal-Mart and its affiliate Sam’s Club became an AFA boycott target because of the retailer’s support for the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce.

·         The American Family Association has called for a national boycott of the Ford Motor Company over the manufacturer’s sponsorship of gay pride events and continued advertising in gay publications. AFA claims its boycott has played a major part in Ford’s drop in sales.

·         Donald Wildmon has called for the shutdown of PBS and as a result of the AFA's campaign, many state legislatures reduced funding for public broadcasting. The AFA spearheaded the attack on the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) in the 1980’s, using direct mail and extensive print advertising to distort the NEA's record of sponsorship of the arts.

·         The AFA participates in Pornography Awareness Week.

AFA Center for Law and Policy

·         In 1990, the American Family Association established the AFA Center for Law & Policy as a litigation and public policy arm of the organization.

·         The Center for Law & Policy (CLP) is staffed by six full-time attorneys with a network of more than 400 affiliate lawyers. The CLP states that they provide representation to Christians in courts throughout the country, and advise state and federal legislators on constitutional, political, and legal issues.

·         The CLP has been involved in several cases where they push for religious worship and symbols in public schools as well as the removal of curriculum that doesn’t reflect “traditional family values.”

·         AFA has spearheaded a campaign to have their “In God We Trust” posters posted in every classroom, in every school in the United States. In 2001, the Mississippi state legislature passed a law requiring that each public school classroom, auditorium and cafeteria display a “In God We Trust” poster. However, when the Mississippi state legislature did not provide any funding for the bill, AFA/CLP volunteered to be the coordinator for the project. AFA/CLP is responsible for organizing and distributing 32,000 free “In God We Trust” posters in public schools in the state of Mississippi.

·         AFA/CLP has encouraged other states to follow Mississippi’s example, promising that anyone who may be afraid of a lawsuit would be defended by the AFA Center for Law & Policy for free. In 2001, AFA distributed 250,000 “In God We Trust” posters nationwide.
CLP represented the anti-gay group “Take Back Maryland” when they were accused of falsifying signatures for a petition to reverse an anti-discrimination bill that protected gays and lesbians from bias discrimination in employment and housing.

·         AFA filed lawsuits attempting to ban the curriculum, “Impressions,” from public school classrooms on the grounds that it “promotes the religion of witchcraft.”

·         AFA sponsored a rally in support of Judge Roy Moore of Alabama who refused to remove the Ten Commandments from his courtroom.

·         AFA Center for Law & Policy (CLP) won a lawsuit on behalf of pro-life protesters in Elkhorn, Wisconsin, over protest signs confiscated and held by city officials.

AFA State Affiliates

·         Many of AFA’s state chapters are very active on a state and local level. Gary Glenn of AFA Michigan has become a lightening rod in the state for controversy over civil rights protections for gays and lesbians. Glenn has opposed the anti-discrimination policies of several Michigan cities by asserting that if passed, public bathrooms and showers would become co-ed. After the legislation passed in several towns, Glenn organized petitions to overturn the legislation, asserting that gays and lesbians pose a “public health hazard.” Glenn also has targeted a 4th grade environmental education course, alleging that the program is “anti-human” and promotes paganism.

·         The former California director for AFA was Scott Lively of Abiding Truth Ministries and the Pro-Family Law Center. Lively is a long-time anti-gay activist who has written such books as The Pink Swastika which claims that “homosexuals [are] the true inventors of Nazism and the guiding force behind many Nazi atrocities.” [From the The Pink Swastika preface.] Lively has also written 7 Steps to Recruit-Proof Your Child and The Poisoned Stream: “Gay” Influence in Human History. Under his leadership, AFA California launched the “California Campaign to Take Back the Schools” to stop the “homosexualization of American public schools.”


“Now the Bush Administration is opening its arms to homosexual activists who have been working diligently to overthrow the traditional views of Western Civilization regarding human sexuality, marriage and family… AFA would never support the policies of a political party which embraced the homosexual movement. Period.” – Don Wildmon, AFA Press Release, April 16, 2001

“We believe the national motto incorporates the foundational belief of our culture, and its words ‘In God we trust’ are a message our children need to see in school.” – Don Wildmon, AFA Journal cover story, July 2001

“But the National PTA continued right along, increasingly becoming a tool to promote a left-wing philosophy instead of helping the children with their educational needs. The latest project for the National PTA is the promotion of the homosexual agenda…Stop the PTA from using your children to promote their left-wing political agenda.” – Don Wildmon, AFA Journal, February 2001

“Over the years, AFA has consistently addressed the homosexual movement's obsession with infiltrating the public school system. Its eye-opening video ‘It's Not Gay’, which presents a heartbreaking look at the physical and emotional consequences of the homosexual lifestyle, has been the most popular video ever produced by AFA.” (“Homosexuals push for control of schools,” May 2001)

“Nothing disappointed the [American Family Association] more than Disney's enthusiastic embrace of [the homosexual] movement that rejects everything that is sacred to Christians about human sexuality, marriage and family.” (“Why the Disney Boycott Shouldn't Go Away,” April 2001)

On Christians in the public square: “Christians must be equally willing to take the heat, and to shrug off the rabid attacks of the media babblers who see Christians as the enemy.” – News Editor Ed Vitagliano, AFA Journal, July 2005

“The church and this nation cry out for a revival of masculine Christianity, which is to say that we church leaders need to stop being such, for lack of a better word, sissies when it comes to social and political issues. We need to spend as much time confronting perpetrators as we do comforting victims. We need to do less fretting, and more fighting for righteousness. For every motherly, feminine ministry of the church such as a Crisis Pregnancy Center or ex-gay support group, we need a battle-hardened, take-it-to-the-enemy masculine ministry like Operation Rescue (questions of civil disobedience aside). For every God-hating radical in government, academia and media we need a bold, no-nonsense, truth-telling Christian counterpart: trained, equipped and endorsed by the local church.” – Scott Lively, author of The Pink Swastika and former Director of AFA California (source)

“Under homosexual activists' political agenda, our children would face a future in which traditional marriage and families have been legally devalued, while state government – despite the severe threat it poses to personal and public health – not only legally endorses but uses our tax dollars to subsidize deadly homosexual behavior.” – Gary Glenn, Director of AFA Michigan (Press Release, February 17, 2001)

American Legislative Exchange Council

Founded in the early 1970s to promote right-wing policies at the state level, the American Legislative Exchange Council’s focus has shifted to favor the promotion of state legislation and regulation that benefits its corporate sponsors. A fact that should come as no surprise given its funding by right-wing foundations and corporate membership fees ranging from $5000 to $50,000. The council boasts a large clearinghouse of research, model bills, and legislative strategies to promote its agenda.

American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC)
1129 20th Street NW - Suite 500
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.alec.org

Founders: Paul Weyrich, Henry Hyde, Lou Barnett, and others
Executive Director: Duane Parde
Established: 1973
Financials: $5,640,684 (2003 budget)
Employees: 29
Board Members: Georgia Representative Earl Ehrhart; Kansas Senator Susan Wagle; Iowa Representative Delores Mertz; Arkansas Senator Steve Faris; Nebraska Senator L. Patrick Engel; Mississippi Senator William G. Hewes III
Private Enterprise Board: Kurt L. Malmgren, PhRMA; Jerry Watson, American Bail Coalition; Scott Fisher, Altria Corporate Services; Pete Poynter, BellSouth; Michael K. Morgan, Koch Industries; Allan E. Auger, Coors Brewing Co.; Ronald F. Scheberle, Verizon Communications, Inc.
Membership: claims 2,400 state legislators as members
Publications: ALEC Policy Forum: A Journal for State and National Policymakers, policy papers, Task Force reports (9), Leadership Briefing (newsletter), Inside ALEC (monthly publication)

For more information see "Corporate America’s Trojan Horse in the States" from Defenders of Wildlife and National Resources Defense Council.

Principal Issues

·         The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) is a right-wing public policy organization with strong ties to major corporations, trade associations and right-wing politicians.

·         ALEC’s agenda includes rolling back civil rights, challenging government restrictions on corporate pollution, limiting government regulations of commerce, privatizing public services, and representing the interests of the corporations that make up its supporters.

·         ALEC’s mission: “To promote the principles of federalism by developing and promoting policies…To enlist state legislators from all parties and members of the private sector who share ALEC’s mission…To conduct a policy-making program that unites members of the public and private sector in a dynamic partnership to support research, policy development, and dissemination activities.”

·         ALEC claims that it is “the nation’s largest bipartisan, individual membership association of state legislators”—all of ALEC’s officers who are state legislator members are Republican.

·         ALEC is supported by many right-wing foundations and organizations, including, but not limited to: National Rifle Association, Family Research Council, Heritage Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Milliken Foundation, DeVos Foundation, Bradley Foundation, and the Olin Foundation.

·         ALEC has over three hundred corporate sponsors. Several well-known and closely-tied organizations include: Enron, American Nuclear Energy Council, American Petroleum Institute, Amoco, Chevron, Coors Brewing Company, Shell, Texaco, Union Pacific Railroad, Pharmaceutical Research & Manufacturers of America, Phillip Morris, and R.J. Reynolds Tobacco.

·         ALEC has proposed that many public services, such as schools, prisons, public transportation, and social and welfare services, be taken over by for-profit private businesses.

·         One of ALEC’s central concerns is government regulations of businesses, especially ones that protect the environment and/or public health.


·         ALEC develops and creates “model” legislation and through its national political network lobbies to get it passed in state legislatures. According to ALEC: “During the 1999-2000 legislative cycle, ALEC legislators introduced more than 3100 pieces of legislation based on our models, and more than 450 of these were enacted…In the legislative sessions of 2000, there were more than 2150 introductions promoting ALEC policy.”

·         ALEC has 9 “Task Forces” - Commerce & Economic Development Task Force; Criminal Justice Task Force; Energy, Environment, Natural Resources & Agriculture Task Force; Tax & Fiscal Policy Task Force; Trade & Transportation Task Force; Health & Human Services Task Force; Education Task Force; Telecommunications & Information Technology Task Force; and the Federalism Task Force.

·         ALEC works closely with the State Policy Network, a national network of right-wing groups and foundations that push their agenda on the local and state level.

·         ALEC has been a strong supporter of deregulation of various industries. For example, in the 1990’s ALEC championed deregulation of the electricity industry by arguing that states had a monopoly over the “utility markets.” During this time Kenneth Lay of Enron was an active, outspoken member who strongly supported deregulation.

·         ALEC has had some success in attempts to privatize education. It created the first private school voucher legislation that proposed giving public education funds to private schools, and is currently celebrating the 2005 passage of a school choice bill in Utah. ALEC strongly supports Bush’s No Child Left Behind Act, and argues that market competition will force public schools to improve or be put out of business.
ALEC applauds the decision to not sign the “economy-busting Kyoto Protocol,” which it accurately describes as the “international treaty to regulate emissions of greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide.”


·         Between 1985-2002, ALEC received 53 grants totaling $2.836 million from a short list of conservative foundations. These included the Allegheny Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation, the Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, and the Koch, Bradley, and Olin Foundations, among others.

·         Corporate membership fees range between $5,000 and $50,000 with additional annual fees to participate in certain task forces.

·         In 2002, Exxon contributed $193,200 to ALEC, jumping to $290,000 the following year.


·         ALEC’s early years conformed to Paul Weyrich’s vision, focusing on standard right-wing causes such as opposing abortion and women’s rights and supporting school prayer.

·         In the 1980s ALEC’s focus changed due to increased corporate interest and donations.

·         ALEC was one of President Reagan’s strongest supporters throughout the 1980s, for which it gained significant notoriety. Many of ALEC’s key employees were offered jobs in the Reagan administration.

·         In the mid-1980s ALEC began its own political action committee, ALEC-PAC, which targeted key races to influence partisan control of state legislatures.

ALEC Quotes:

·         “Our members join for the purpose of having a seat at the table. That’s just what we do, that’s the service we offer. The organization is supported by money from the corporate sector, and, by paying to be members, corporations are allowed the opportunity to sit down at the table and discuss the issues that they have an interest in.”
-Dennis Bartlett, ALEC, 1997

American Life League

Founded by Judie and Paul Brown with help from right-wing strategist Paul Weyrich, the American Life League (ALL) is a spin-off from the National Right to Life Committee with a more grassroots orientation. ALL is closely aligned with the Catholic Church and opposes birth control, stem cell research and euthanasia. ALL was an enthusiastic backer of the extreme anti-abortion tactics promoted by Operation Rescue.

American Life League
P.O. Box 1350, Stafford, VA 22555
Website: www.all.org

Established: 1979
President/Founder: Judie Brown
Finances:: $7,365,884 (2003)
Membership: claims 300,000 members
Formerly known as: American Life Lobby
Board Members: Judie Brown; Scarlett Clark; Mildred F. Jefferson, M.D.; Robert Sassone, Esq.; and Phillippe Schepens, M.D.

Principal Issues

·         To end all forms of abortion without any exceptions made for the health and life of the mother, rape or incest.

·         ALL's work includes campaigns against the use of all contraceptives, lobbying for “abstinence-only education” and the elimination of sex education in public schools.

·         ALL also fights against euthanasia, fetal tissue and embryo research, and questions the use of vaccines, such as rubella, that are created from human tissue cells.

·         Brown has strongly criticized President George W. Bush for not supporting the Human Life Amendment and has chastised other conservative groups for giving him any support.

·         According to Judie Brown, “Abortion is never necessary to save a mother's life.”


·         Organizes grassroots activists.

·         Lobbies on behalf of its issues.

·         Produces educational materials and publishes a weekly newsletter.

·         Participates in legal action.

·         ALL has its own voting mobilization project.

·         Sells anti-abortion clothing, jewelry, stickers, and brochures.

·         In 2004, ALL published a full-page advertisement in USA Today urging Catholic priests and bishops to deny Communion to Catholic legislators who support abortion rights.

Judie Brown is the grandmother of the modern anti-choice movement

·         ALL’s early networking created the foundation for the outspoken anti-abortion movement in the 1980s and the established movement as it exists now.

·         ALL helped to establish the “rescue” movement, which made the use of aggressive tactics to disrupt reproductive health services commonplace.

·         These tactics, adopted and popularized by ALL, include “sidewalk counseling,” clinic blockades, and the systematic harassing and intimidation of patients, clinics and doctors.

·         According to Brown these activities are “free speech” and in 1994 ALL filed charges over the Freedom of Access to Clinics Act (FACE) in American Life League v. Reno. ALL lost in the 4th Circuit Court of Appeals and the Supreme Court refused to hear the case.

Friends and Allies in High Places

·         ALL defends anti-choice activists who have been arrested for blocking clinics and has applauded the controversial work of Operation Rescue and Randall Terry.

·         In 1996 when Bill Bennett and Ralph Reed questioned the GOP’s absolutist anti-abortion plank, Judie Brown gathered together 11 pro-life leaders including Family Research Council’s Gary Bauer and Focus on the Family’s James Dobson to express their strong support of the Human Life Amendment and collective rejection of any exceptions for abortion.

·         Judie Brown is allegedly a member of the clandestine right-wing organization Council for National Policy.


·         In 1979, Judie Brown broke from the National Right To Life Committee to form ALL.

·         Within less than a year of its founding, ALL had 68,000 members. ALL received virtually free publicity from religious-right leader Paul Weyrich with the help of right-wing direct mail specialist Richard Viguerie’s massive membership lists.

American Society for Tradition, Family and Property

This right-wing Catholic group is one of many Tradition, Family, Property groups (TFPs) worldwide, inspired by the work of the Brazilian Catholic intellectual, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. They are frequent sponsors of protests of books and movies they consider “anti-Catholic” and focus on organizing young people against “leftist bias” on campus.

American Society for Tradition, Family, and Property
1358 Jefferson Road
Spring Grove, Pennsylvania 17362
Website: www.tfp.org

President: Raymond E. Drake
Founded: 1973
Secretary-Treasurer: Benjamin A. Hiegert
Board of Directors: Luiz A. Fragelli; Raymond E. Drake; Robert E. Ritchie; John W. Horvat II; Charles P. Noell III; and Gary J. Isbell
Staff: 60 paid staff members and 75 full-time volunteers
Finances: $2,660,546 (2004 net assets) $4,953,327 (2004 total revenue)
Publications: Rejecting the Da Vinci Code; Defending a Higher Law: Why We Must Resist Same-Sex "Marriage" and the Homosexual Movement; Revolution and Counter-Revolution; anti-abortion papers; Crusade magazine; and LulaWatch, the electronic bi-weekly publication of the TFP Washington Bureau
Affiliate Groups: America Needs Fatima (120,000 members); Student Action


In words of the American Society for Tradition, Family, and Property they are “a civic organization of Catholic inspiration that seeks to defend in a legal and peaceful way, the basic values of Christian Civilization, namely tradition, family and property.” The American TFP bases its ideas on the principles outlined in the handbook Revolution and Counter-Revolution by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.


·         The American TFP holds public meetings, lectures, youth and adult seminars, and a youth summer program. They also conducts protests, boycotts, petitions, ad campaigns and letter-writing campaigns, and publishes books and articles. TFP staffs St. Louis be Montefort Academy, an all-boys Catholic boarding school, in Herndon, Pennsylvania.

·         TFP Student Action’s website sponsors seminars bringing college students together from across the nation to analyze, discuss pressing issues of the day. [source]

·         Sponsored the “Reject the DaVinci Code” campaign to promote protests against the 2006 film and offered an organizers’ handbook with downloadable posters, brochures, newspaper ads and more. They claim to have inspired more than 2000 protests in front of movie theaters across the country.


The TFP is financed by a network of individual donors nationwide.


The organization was started in Brazil in 1960 by Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, and now claims over twenty TFPs or TFP-inspired groups worldwide.

Americans for Tax Reform

As an organization, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) is best known for its “Taxpayer Protection Pledge,” which asks candidates for federal and state office to commit themselves in writing to oppose all tax increases. The group is led by Grover Norquist, described by the Wall Street Journal as the “the V.I. Lenin of the anti-tax movement.” He is renowned in right-wing and Republican circles for his ability to unite the various right-wing interests into coalitions to achieve a common goal.

Americans for Tax Reform
1920 L Street NW - Suite 200
Washington DC 20036
Website: www.atr.org

Established: Americans for Tax Reform was founded in the mid-80s inside the Reagan White House. Norquist was tapped to head the group as an in-house operation to build support for the 1986 tax reform bill.
President/Executive Director: Grover Norquist
Finances: $3,912,958 (2004); ATR is a 501(c)(4) organization.
Employees: 14
High-profile staffers include: Peter Ferrara, ATR’s former general counsel and chief economist, is currently founder and President of the Virginia Chapter for the Club for Growth.
Membership: 60,000
Affiliations: Americans for Tax Reform Foundation is the education and research arm of ATR. ATR is a member of the State Policy Network and of townhall.com, a right-wing Internet portal founded by the Heritage Foundation.
Publication: The Tax Reformer

·         From Americans for Tax Reform's mission statement: “ATR opposes all tax increases as a matter of principle. We believe in a system in which taxes are simpler, fairer, flatter, more visible, and lower than they are today. The government’s power to control one’s life derives from its power to tax. We believe that power should be minimized… ATR serves as a national clearinghouse for the grassroots taxpayers’ movement by working with approximately 800 state and county level groups.”

·         ATR serves as the operational base for President Grover Norquist’s vast political operation.

·         ATR Foundation has received a number of grants from right wing foundations, including Olin, Scaife, Bradley, etc.

·         ATR is heavily funded by a number of corporate backers, with the tobacco, gambling and alcohol industries figuring most prominently in 1999. Other recent ATR funders have included Microsoft, Pfitzer, AOL Time Warner and UPS.


·         Americans for Tax Reform provides support to right-wing policies and candidates. In 1999, it spent $4.2 million on a television ad campaign touting the GOP tax plan.

·         ATR has also taken a lead in other causes dear to the GOP’s right wing, such as opposing campaign finance reform and attacking the 2000 presidential bid of Senator John McCain.

·         During the 1996 elections ATR flooded 150 congressional districts with mail and phone calls which was supported by a $4.6 million donation from the Republican National Committee.

·         In 2001 ATR formed the “State Legislature Advisory Project,” described as a “national effort to involve state legislators and Indian nations in federal policy…[which] provides a backdrop of the state delegation’s opinion when the issue becomes one of national importance.” This Project calls annually for extensions and permanence of conservative, costly tax cuts. In 2001 it encouraged states to pass the Economic Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act, and in subsequent years pushed for permanently ending the “Death Tax,” abolishing the Alternative Minimum Tax, privatizing Social Security, and drastically increasing defense spending. This project works closely with the President and Majority Members in the House and Senate.

·         ATR supported John G. Roberts’ nomination to the Supreme Court, and criticized opponents for “subjecting [Roberts] to litmus tests on a laundry list of the extreme Left’s pet issues.”

·         ATR president Grover Norquist conducts an invitation-only, off-the-record Wednesday meetings that includes representatives of the National Rifle Association, the Christian Coalition, the Heritage Foundation, reporters and editors from conservative media outlets, and a variety of corporate lobbyists. Since the arrival of President Bush, the meetings also include representatives of the White House, the Republican National Committee and the House and Senate leadership.

History and Background

·         Americans for Tax Reform was originally founded inside the Reagan White House and later became officially independent.

·         Norquist was a key grassroots proponent of the Contract With America and was Gingrich’s top unofficial advisor.

·         ATR, in 1999, received major donations from Phillip Morris, the Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians (a group represented by the controversial lobbyist Jack Abramoff), Microsoft, Time Warner, and Pfizer. Phillip Morris contributed $685,000, and the Choctaw Indians, $360,000.

About Grover Norquist

·         Grover Norquist is also on the boards of the National Rifle Association of America and the American Conservative Union.

·         Norquist forged an early alliance with President Bush, traveling to Austin, Texas to meet with then-Governor Bush and his political advisor Karl Rove right after Bush's 1998 reelection. Norquist threw the full force of his influence behind the Bush campaign, playing a key role in defeating Sen. John McCain in the South Carolina primaries.

·         Norquist was a campaign staffer on the 1988, 1992, 1996 Republican Platform Committees and executive director of both the National Taxpayers' Union and the College Republicans.

·         Norquist writes the monthly politics column for the American Enterprise Institute magazine and used to write a monthly column for the American Spectator.

ATR alumni in the Bush administration

Nina Shokraii Rees, who now leads the Office of Innovation and Improvement (OII) at the U.S. Department of Education, was formerly a policy analyst for ATR. She then served as a chief education analyst at the Heritage Foundation. She is a proponent of private school vouchers, and helped draft the "No Child Left Behind Act" education blueprint for the Bush-Cheney transition team.

Quotes by Grover Norquist 

On Pat Robertson's 700 Club, Norquist said the following about the Bush Administration, “We is them, and they is us. When I walk through the White House, I recognize as many people as when I would walk through the Heritage Foundation.”

“My goal is to cut government in half in twenty-five years, to get it down to the size where we can drown it in the bathtub.” – The Nation, 10/12/2004

”In point of fact, it's a myth that the religious right wishes to impose values on others.” – Frontline interview, 10/12/2004

“I want to reduce the size of government in half as a percentage of GNP [gross national product] over the next 25 years. We want to reduce the number of people depending on government so there is more autonomy and more free citizens.” – Washington Post, 03/11/2001

“I've been a 'winger' from way back. I was an anti-Communist first, and then I became an economic conservative. I think I've gotten more radical as I've gotten older." – The Nation, 05/14/2001

Quotes about Americans for Tax Reform

Grover Norquist is “the person who I regard as the most innovative, creative, courageous and entrepreneurial leader of the anti-tax efforts and of conservative grassroots activism in America . . . He has truly made a difference and truly changed American history.”
– Former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA)

“Americans for Tax Reform is a wonderful-sounding name. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a front organization for Grover Norquist’s lobbying activities.”
– Former Sen. Warren Rudman (R-NH)

Norquist is “the V.I. Lenin of the anti-tax movement.”
– Columnist Paul Gigot, Wall Street Journal, 04/14/1994

“Americans for Tax Reform is a front for the Republican Party. Republicans are hiding money in this group, and that is fundamentally dishonest.”
– Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity

“You can wear too many hats and [Norquist] does. He’s a whole hat store. And that’s the conflict of interest: He’s head of a non-profit. He’s a corporate lobbyist. He’s a foreign lobbyist. This gives nonprofits, which are supposed to be doing research, a bad name.”
– Charles Lewis, executive director of the Center for Public Integrity. New York Times, 06/08/1997

Arlington Group

The Arlington Group (AG) is the newest coalition of the leaders of Religious Right groups brought together by right-wing strategist Paul Weyrich and Don Wildmon, head of the American Family Association, to coordinate activities. The group is widely credited with being the driving force behind the effort to put marriage protection amendments on the ballot in 11 states in the 2004 election.

The Arlington Group
801 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20001
Website: www.arlingtongroup.org

Founded/Place: 2002 in Arlington, Virginia
Executive Director: Shannon Royce
Membership: Members include the heads of 75 (as of September 2006) Religious Right groups such as Paul Weyrich, Don Wildmon, James Dobson, and Gary Bauer. The complete list of members and their affiliations is located here.


The Arlington Group describes itself as a “powerful coalition of leaders from the pro-family community, [that] develops and executes national and grassroots strategies to: protect the traditional institution of marriage, increase respect for every human life, limit judicial activism, and act on other moral issues of concern.”


·         The group is credited with much of the effort to put marriage protection amendments on the ballot in 11 states in the 2004 election. According to member Paul Weyrich, the resources to go “full-tilt” in Ohio were raised by group members. Arlington Group members contributed $1,989,545 million in 2004 to pass ballot measures nationwide. In Ohio their contributions totaled $1.18 million, 98% of the total expenditures for the Ohio ballot.

·         AG works to organize support in the African-American community for a federal marriage amendment. In 2004, the Rev. William Owens, head of the Coalition of African-American Pastors in Memphis organized a meeting of his organization with the executive board of the Arlington Group. Owens is now a member of the AG Executive Committee.

·         In 2005, the Group threatened to withhold support for the President's proposed Social Security reforms if Bush did not actively work to pass a federal marriage amendment banning same-sex marriage. A letter sent to White House political adviser Karl Rove said, “We couldn’t help but notice the contrast between how the president is approaching the difficult issue of Social Security privatization, where the public is deeply divided, and the marriage issue, where public opinion is overwhelmingly on his side.”

·         When Justice Sandra Day O’Connor first resigned from the Supreme Court, The Arlington Group quickly announced plans to run a multimillion-dollar campaign to pressure the administration to select a right-wing successor. The group planned to target 20,000 pastors and congregations and use Christian talk radio and television, direct mail, and grassroots organizing.

·         The group offers voting recommendations on 2006 ballot initiatives across the country.


"People who voted for (Bush) voted for him to put in conservative judges," Tim Wildmon said. "We'll have to see what he does. We've been disappointed before by presidents who said they were going to do that ... and then appointed judges who voted to uphold Roe vs. Wade and have been liberal on other social issues.

"I feel this time, with the strength of our groups, hopefully President Bush will do the right thing. If he wavers, we're here to let people know."
–Tim Wildmon of the American Family Association describing the Arlington Group’s influence

"For the first time, virtually all of the social issues groups are singing off the same sheet of music, this has never happened before. From the beginning of the pro-life movement through the development of the pro-family movement, everybody did their own thing. But working together we have helped to reelect the President and added a number of conservative senators."
–Religious Right strategist Paul Weyrich speaking about the Arlington Group

Black America's Political Action Committee

Black America's Political Action Committee (BAMPAC) – founded and chaired by Alan Keyes – is the nation’s largest minority political action committee and among the top 25 well-funded PAC’s in the country. Although self-described as non-partisan, BAMPAC has historically benefited only Republican candidates who strictly adhere to its right-wing policies, such as supporting anti-abortion legislation, public school vouchers, the privatization of Social Security, and tax cuts.

Black America's Political Action Committee
2029 P Street NW Suite 202
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.bampac.org

President & CEO: Alvin Williams
Founder and Chairman of the Board: Ambassador Alan Keyes
Board Members: Jackie Cissell (The Quandt Group), William C. Cleveland (former City Councilmember and Vice Mayor, Alexandria VA), Dr. Mario Lewis (Senior Fellow, Competitive Enterprise Institute), Amy Moritz Ridenour (President, National Center for Public Policy Research), Alvin Williams (President and CEO; co-founder, BAMPAC)
Finances: $1,617,000 (2004 total revenues)
Publications: BAMPAC Bulletin
Media: President Alvin Williams is often featured as a BAMPAC spokesperson in The New York Times, and The Atlanta Journal Constitution, and has appeared on ABC’s Nightline, MSNBC’s Equal Time, and BET’s News with Ed Gordon.
Incorporated: 1994


BAMPAC was created to specifically mobilize and garner “support for African-American candidates generally who advocate a common sense approach in resolving the important issues facing America in the 21st century.” BAMPAC is instrumental in garnering financial support for candidates via grants or direct and assisted contributions. It is one of the nation’s largest political action committees, and is the largest minority PAC in the country.


BAMPAC provides funding and resources to conservative candidates running for political offices at all levels of government. According to SourceWatch.org, [BAMPAC’s] name misleadingly suggests that it represents the point of view of African-Americans, but in fact, opinion polls and voting patterns show that the vast majority of African-Americans disagree with BAMPAC’s political positions. BAMPAC claims to be nonpartisan, but its IRS tax statement explicitly states that its mission is to elect “Republicans.” Black America's PAC - SourceWatch

Current/Past Members/Staff

·         BAMPAC’s former Political Director, Robert L. Trayham, II, moved on from his position at BAMPAC to work for Pennsylvania U.S. Senator Rick Santorum, and is currently the Deputy Chief of Staff and Director of Communications for the Senate Republican Conference.

·         In 2004, BAMPAC Chairman Alan Keyes was defeated by Illinois state Senator Barak Obama for the open U.S. Senate seat in Illinois. In 2005, Keyes recommended the nomination of Judge Roy Moore to the United States Supreme Court, on the basis that he is a strong believer in God and a strict constitutionalist. (Judge Moore resigned his position at the Alabama Supreme Court because he refused to comply with a U.S. Supreme Court demand that he take down a replica of the Ten Commandments.) Alan Keyes is also a regular speaker at right-wing anti-gay rallies throughout the country.

Issue Advocacy

·         Supports school choice in the form of vouchers, charter schools, public-private alliances, and home-schooling.

·         Advocates tax cuts and other financial incentives for entrepreneurs and businesses to increase development in neglected and rural areas.

·         BAMPAC is ‘pro-life’ and condemns government-subsidized abortions; the PAC is in absolute opposition to partial-birth abortions.

·         BAMPAC advocates the privatization of Social Security, a program which it claims has a “disproportionately detrimental affect on African-American families, especially males.”


BAMPAC’s donor base has grown to over 137,000 donors, generating more than $1,000,000 in

direct and assisted contributions to candidates.


BAMPAC is the largest minority PAC and ranks among the top 25 PACS among 45,000 PACs in the United States.


Alan Keyes on the Republican Party

In 1992, according to the Washington Post, as Republican nominee in Maryland’s U.S. Senate contest that year, Keyes denounced the national leadership of his party as racist, saying senior GOP officials had ignored or disparaged his campaign because he is black. GOP leaders “basically are sending the message that beyond a certain level blacks need not apply,” Keyes said. “If I can work out in the fields, I think I ought to be allowed to come into the house for dinner.”
–Washington Post, “GOP Hopeful Says Party Is Racist,” August 14, 1992

Keyes on Moderate Republicans
“On all the matters that touch upon the critical moral issues, Arnold Schwarzenegger is on the evil side. This is a fact. A mere list of the positions he supports is enough to make this plain: abortion as a ‘right,’ cloning of human beings, governmental classification of citizens by race, public benefits for sexual partners outside of marriage, disrespect for property rights against environmental extremism, repudiation of the right to bear arms - no more need be said to show that this candidate is wrong where human decency, human rights and human responsibility bear directly on political issues.”
–WorldNetDaily, “Arnold’s corruption of Republican Party,” October 6, 2003

Keyes on Black Leaders
“ I think part of it is that the Black leadership, the vocal ones that the media concentrates on, are all bought-and-sold, step-and-fetch-its of depravity for the Democratic party.”
–People For the American Way Foundation, “Eyewitness Report from the C-PAC Conference,” February 21, 1999

“I think it would be a terrible shame to abandon the fate of America or the black community to the likes of people who are speaking as Julian Bond has spoken, but more importantly, the likes of people who have supported policies that have destroyed the black family, that support abortion, which is committing genocide against black people in this country with devastating demographic results that we have already seen in the course of the last census.”
–Hannity and Colmes, “Interview with Alan Keyes,” July 12, 2004

Keyes on Reproductive Choice
“The violation on [sic] innocent human life is the same whether you commit terrorism or commit abortion.”
–People For the American Way Foundation, “The Vocabulary of Terror: Anti-abortion politics since 9/11,” April 10, 2002

“I will never again cast a vote for an individual I in conscience believe to be pro-choice, pro-abortion, not pro-life. Based on the confession of his heart in New Hampshire, when John McCain told us clearly that he would tell his daughter it was her choice -- and every woman is somebody’s daughter, so if you tell the daughters of America it’s their choice, you’re pro-choice. He is pro- choice, he is not pro-life. I will not support a pro-choice, pro- abortion candidate.”
–Republican Presidential Debate, March 2, 2002

Keyes on Homosexuality
“Hitler and his supporters were Satanists and homosexuals. That’s just a true statement.” He added that, “The notion that is involved in homosexuality, the unbridled sort of satisfaction of human passions” leads to “‘totalitarianism,’ ‘Nazism,’ and ‘communism.’”
–People For the American Way Foundation, “Hostile Climate 1997,” p.26

Keyes on Equal Rights for Gay Americans
“It’s about time we all faced up to the truth. If we accept the radical homosexual agenda, be it in the military or in marriage or in other areas of our lives, we are utterly destroying the concept of family. We must oppose it in the military. We must oppose it in marriage. We must oppose it if the fundamental institution of our civilization is to survive. Those unwilling to face that fact and playing games with this issue are doing so irresponsibly at the price of America’s moral foundations.”
–Republican Presidential Debate, January 6, 2000

Keyes on Hate Crimes Legislation
“The whole push with respect to hate crimes legislation is an effort to create a body of law that allows the government to coerce opinions, and to punish people because of their opinions. In this particular case, the opinion that is going to be punished is the opinion that homosexuality is immoral and against the laws of God. That opinion is now going to become a crime. And this whole push with respect to hate crimes is an effort to establish that agenda.”
–WorldNetDaily, “The Trouble with ‘Hate Crimes’,” October 16, 1998

Keyes on the Courts and Prayer in Public Schools
“If they tell us that we cannot pray in the classroom, we should pray. If they tell us that we cannot pray in the hallways, we should pray. If they tell us that we cannot pray at graduation ceremonies, we should pray. Because what they are doing fundamentally violates probably the most important of our God-given rights, which is the right to appeal for aid to our Almighty God.”
–Renew America, “Alan Keyes on the Issues

Keyes on Taxes
“The income tax is a twentieth-century socialist experiment that has failed. Before the income tax was imposed on us just 80 years ago, government had no claim to our income. Only sales, excise, and tariff taxes were allowed. ... Only abolition of the income tax will restore the basic American principle that our income is both our own money and our own private business not the government’s.”
–Renew America, “Alan Keyes on the Issues

Keyes on the Democratic Party
“Democrats are going to have to go on record standing against the marriage-based family, standing for the continued annihilation of new generations of young black babies through the promotion of abortion in the black community. This is devastating, the truth is going to be told.”
–Hannity and Colmes, “Interview with Alan Keyes,” July 12, 2004

Keyes on Affirmative Action
“Moreover, preferential affirmative action patronizes American blacks, women, and others by presuming that they cannot succeed on their own. Preferential affirmative action does not advance civil rights in this country. It is merely another government patronage program that secures money and jobs for the few people who benefit from it, and breeds resentment in the many who do not. It divides us as a people, and draws attention away from the moral and family breakdown that is the chief cause of the despair and misery in which too many of our fellow citizens struggle to live decently.”
–Renew America, “Alan Keyes on the Issues

Keyes on Jews and Anti-Semitism
“The tragic and violent clashes between blacks and Jews are unhappily not the product of a unique and isolated set of circumstances. I believe that, unwittingly, Jewish supporters of the government-dominated welfare state approach to the economic and social problems of the black community helped to create the mentality that now produces anger and anti-Semitism in black neighborhoods.”
–Alan Keyes, “Our Character, Our Future,” May 2, 1996, p. 48-50

Keyes on the First Amendment and Separation of Church and State
“[The Founding Fathers] put an amendment in the Constitution with … wording intended to tell the Congress and thereby the national government that the whole business of religious belief, that whole business of any regime, any attitude to be imparted through law, that it was none of the federal government’s business.

“Now, that still gives rise to the possibility. Some folks don’t want to see it. There might be states in which they require a religious test or oath of office. There might be states in which they have established churches, where subventions are given to schools and so forth to teach the Bible. There might be places where you and I might disagree with the religion some folks wanted to put in place over their communities. But guess what the Founders believed? They believed that people in their states and localities had the right to live under institutions they would put together to govern themselves according to their faith.”
–Roy Moore Rally, Montgomery, Alabama, August 16, 2003

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation - Michael Grebe

One of the country's largest and most influential right-wing foundations, the Bradley Foundation is known for its clearly articulated political and ideological vision. In addition to providing funding for a host of right-wing organizations, Bradley contributes to conservative and often highly controversial scholarship, publications and "academic" research aimed at legitimizing far-right policy positions.

Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
PO Box 510860
Milwaukee, WI 53203-0153
Website: www.bradleyfdn.org

Established: 1942
President/CEO: Michael W. Grebe
Board of Directors: Thomas L. Rhodes (Chairman), Reed Coleman (Vice-Chairman),
Michael Grebe, William L. Armstrong, and more.
Finances: $665,329,753 (2004) assets
Grants awarded, annually: $33,332,537 (2004) grants awarded
Employees: 20
Publications: The Lion Letter, annual reports outlining contributions and donations
Formerly known as: Allen-Bradley Foundation
Prize Recipients 2005: George F. Will (syndicated columnist), Ward Connerly (anti-affirmative action, founder of American Civil Rights Institute), Heather McDonald (Olin fellow at the Manhattan Institute), and Robert P. George (professor, former presidential appointee to the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights).

Principal Issues

  • The Bradley Foundation is one of the largest philanthropic foundations responsible for the financial backing of the right-wing agenda for nearly twenty years.
  • Bradley’s philanthropy supports right-wing organizations, privatized educational programs, as well as many non-partisan social programs and civic organizations.
  • Issues Bradley supports include: private school vouchers, faith-based social services, and welfare reform.
  • According to Bradley, the projects sponsored by the foundation “encourage improved government, a more vital sense of citizenship, and a strong belief in personal responsibility.”
  • Bradley has been accused of underreporting the grant amounts that it gives to many of the right-wing organizations that it supports.


Bradley has made right-wing inroads in academia by establishing chairmanship positions, undergraduate and graduate programs, fellowships, and whole departments at many prestigious universities including: Boston College, Boston University, Bowling Green State University, Carnegie Mellon University, Catholic University, Columbia University, Georgetown University, George Mason University, Harvard University, Johns Hopkins University, Kenyon College, Marquette University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Michigan State University, New York University, Princeton University, Stanford University, University of California- Berkeley, University of California- Los Angeles, University of California- San Diego, University of Chicago, University of Michigan, University of Notre Dame, University of Pennsylvania, University of Virginia, University of Wisconsin, and Washington University- St. Louis.

Bradley has supported and in some cases, had to defend controversial right-wing recipients of their grants, particularly Charles Murray and Dinesh D’Souza.

Charles Murray - Murray, author of “The Bell Curve,” which argues that intelligence is predicated on race, and “Losing Ground,” whose thesis is that social programs should be abolished. Murray’s work was so controversial and objectionable that the right-wing Manhattan Institute, supported by Bradley and for which he worked, asked him to leave. However, the Bradley Foundation stood by him because Murray, according to former Bradley President Michael Joyce, “is one of the foremost social thinkers in the country.” Bradley extended Murray’s $100,000 per year grant when he went to the American Enterprise Institute.

Dinesh D’Souza - D’Souza, in his book, “The End of Racism,” attempts to absolve Whites from discrimination against Blacks during slavery, claiming that Blacks were too uncivilized to be a part of society anyway.

List of Right-Wing Grantees

Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty
Alexis de Tocqueville Institution
American Civil Rights Institute
American Civil Rights Union
American Conservative Union Foundation
American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research
Becket Fund
Black Alliance for Educational Options (BAEO)
Capital Research Center
Center for Individual Rights
Center for Education Reform
Center for Public Justice
Center for the Study of Popular Culture
Children’s Educational Opportunity Foundation America
Citizens for the Preservation of Constitutional Rights
Claremont Institute for the Study of Statesmanship and Political Philosophy
Collegiate Network
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Empire Foundation for Policy Research
Evergreen Freedom Foundation
Equal Opportunity Foundation
Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Friends of Choice in Urban Schools
Free Congress Research and Education Foundation
Galen Institute
Heartland Institute
Heritage Foundation
Hudson Institute
Hoover Institute
Institute for American Values
Institute for Justice
Leadership Institute
Mackinac Center for Public Policy

Manhattan Institute for Policy Research
National Association of Scholars
National Center for Policy Analysis
Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy
Thomas B. Fordham Institute

President Bush on the Bradley Foundation

“The reason that I am so happy that my friend Mike Grebe is here and Mike Joyce and others from The Bradley Foundation is because "Foundation America" must be a part of the revitalization of our communities as well. And The Bradley Foundation has always been willing to see different solutions. They have been willing to challenge the status quo. They say where we find failure, something else must occur. And the Foundation not only has been kind and generous with its donations, the Foundation also has been willing to help people think anew, and I appreciate you all coming. I am honored you're here and thanks for your good work.”
– President George W. Bush, speaking at the
Bradley Foundation-supported Holy Redeemer Institutional Church of God in Christ, Milwaukee, July 2002.

Campaign for Working Families PAC

The Campaign for Working Families (CWF) is a political action committee founded by Religious Right activist Gary Bauer to support like-minded candidates. Like the Club for Growth, CWF is known for supporting “pro-family” candidates over more mainstream Republican candidates in GOP primaries. In 1998, it was the fifth largest national PAC.

Campaign for Working Families
2800 Shirlington Road - Suite 605
Arlington, VA 22206
Websites: www.cwfpac or www.campaignforfamilies.org

Established: 1996 by Gary Bauer, former Family Research Council president and United States presidential candidate
President/Chairman: Gary Bauer
Finances: Spent $1,060,284 during the 2003-2004 campaign cycle

Principal Issues

·         CWF’s motto: “Unapologetically pro-family, pro-life, and pro-growth.” CWF says that it “takes the guesswork out of identifying the true conservatives from the pretenders.”

·         CWF often supports right-wing Republican candidates over moderate Republicans and CWF has waged many aggressive campaigns against those candidates.

·         CWF supports state ballot measures that reject gay and lesbian civil rights or those that increase restrictions on access to abortion.

·         CWF endorses and financially supports anti-choice, anti-gay candidates for political office, such as Alan Keyes.

·         In 2004, CWF’s most recent endorsements included:
CWF Congressional Endorsements
U.S. Senate: 13
Jim Holt (AR), Mel Martinez (FL), Alan Keyes (IL), Sam Brownback (KS), Jim Bunning (KY), David Vitter (LA), Richard Burr (NC), Mike Liffrig (ND), Richard Ziser (NV), Tom Coburn (OK), Jim DeMint (SC), John Thune (SD), and George Nethercutt (WA).
U.S. House of Representatives: 49
Marvin Parks (AR-2), Rick Renzi (AZ-1), Trent Franks (AZ-2), Roy Ashburn (CA-20), Marilyn Musgrave (CO-4), Tom Tancredo (CO-6), Bob Beauprez (CO-7), Bev Kilmer (FL-2), Dave Weldon (FL-15), Tom Feeney (FL-24), Calder Clay (GA-3), Cathrine Davis (GA-4), Tom Price (GA-6), Lynn Westmoreland (GA-8), Max Burns (GA-12), Mike Gabbard (HI-2), Phil Crane (IL-8), Chris Chocola (IN-2), Dan Burton (IN-5), Mike Pence (IN-6), Steve King (IA-5), Kris Kobach (KS-3), Geoff Davis (KY-4), Bobby Jindal (LA-1), Ron Crews (MA-3), John Kline (MN-2), Mark Kennedy (MN-6), Todd Akin (MO-2), Bill Federer (MO-3), Virginia Foxx (NC-5), Robin Hayes (NC-8), Patrick McHenry (NC-10), Charles Taylor (NC-11), Jeff Fortenberry (NE-1), Scott Garrett (NJ-5), Steve Pearce (NM-2), Joe Pitts (PA-16), Larry Diedrich (SD), Louie Gohmert (TX-1), Ted Poe (TX-2), Arlene Woflgenmuth (TX-17), Randy Neugebauer (TX-19), Tom DeLay (TX-22), Pete Sessions (TX-32), John Swallow (UT-2), Thelma Drake (VA-2), Frank Wolf (VA-3), and Cathy McMorris (WA-5).

CWF's Activities:

·         During the 2004 election cycle, the Campaign for Working Families spent $244,000.00 endorsing Republican candidates, such as the candidates listed above. Tom Tancredo in Colorado received $2,500, Mel Martinez of Florida $8,000, Alan Keyes in Illinois $5,000, Tom Coburn in Oklahoma $8,000, and Tom DeLay in Texas, $5,000. [PoliticalMoneyLine]

·         During the 2002 election cycle CWF contributed $200,988 in campaign donations, endorsing Scott Garett for New Jersey with $7,000, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina with $7,000, John Thune of South Dakota with $10,000, and James Talent of Missouri with $10,000. [PoliticalMoneyLine]

·         In 2002 CWF was ranked number 21 out of the Top 50 ‘Nonconnected’ PAC’s by Receipts, having totaled $953,881 in contributions. [source]

·         In 2000 election cycle CWF endorsed 121 candidates and 83% of which were elected. In 2000, over 50% of incoming freshmen Republican members of the 107th Congress were endorsed by CWF.

·         In the 2000 election cycle, CWF spent tens of thousands of dollars on a 12-state “Get-Out-The-Vote” effort on behalf of Republican candidates.

·         In 2000, CWF endorsed such right-wing stalwarts such as: John Ashcroft, Trent Lott, Tom DeLay, Dick Armey, Rick Santorum, Bob Barr, Tom Tancredo, Ernest Istook, and Judge Roy Moore. Of their 113 nominees for the U.S. House and Senate, 3 are Democrats and 1 Independent.

·         In 1998 election cycle, CWF supported over 200 candidates and 64% of CWF’s endorsees were elected.

·         CWF keeps profiles on legislation and politicians and provides information for campaigns.

·         CWF has supported successful “Defense of Marriage” state ballot initiatives in Alaska, California, Nebraska, Nevada, and Hawaii.


·         In 1996 and 1997 Bauer put CWF on the map by taking big risks and rejecting Republican leadership pressure. In 1998 in California there was a special election due to the death of Rep. Walter Capps (CA-D). The GOP leadership had tapped a moderate Republican candidate, Rep. Brooks Firestone, and CWF supported a more conservative candidate, Tom Bordonaro. CWF led an expensive, controversial advertising attack campaign against Firestone and was credited with helping Bordonaro win the runoff. Bordonaro ultimately lost the seat to Capps’ widow.

·         By 1998 CWF became the 5th largest PAC in the country, raising over $7 million in just two years.

·         Early in CWF’s history right-wing heavyweight James Dobson lent his support to the group, sending out mass mailings to 350,000 members of his organization Focus on the Family.

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights

The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights calls itself a defender of “religious freedom rights and the free speech rights of Catholics whenever and wherever they are threatened,” but it is known primarily for the abrasive and confrontational style and over-the-top rhetoric of its president, William Donohue.

Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights
450 Seventh Avenue - Floor 34
New York NY 10123
Website: www.catholicleague.org

President/CEO: William Donohue
Founded: 1973
Board of Directors: Rev. Philip Eichner (Chairman); Bernadette Brady (Vice President); Marilyn Lundy (Vice Chair); William Lindner (Secretary); Jerome McDougal (Treasurer); and David Gregory (General Counsel)
Board Members: Thomas Blee; Thomas Brennan; Nunzio Cardone; Ann Corkery; Robert Goldschmidt; Robert Lockwood; Kathleen O’Connell Murphy; Frank Salas; Jodie Thompson Jr.; Kathleen McCreary; and Kenneth Whitehead
Board of Advisors: Brent Bozell III; Gerard Bradley; Linda Chavez; Robert Destro; Dinesh D’Souza; Laura Garcia; Robert George; Mary Ann Glendon; Dolores Grier; Alan Keyes; Stephen Krason; Lawrence Kudlow; Thomas Monaghan; Michael Novak; Kate O’Beirne; Thomas Reeves; Patrick Riley; Robert Royal; Russell Shaw; William Simon; Jr., Paul Vitz; and George Weigel
Membership: 350,000
Revenue: $2,628,533 (2005); Net Assets $7,950,716 (2005)
Publications: Catholic League’s Report on Anti-Catholicism (published annually), Catalyst journal (published ten times a year)
Affiliates: Chapters located in El Paso, Texas; Ann Arbor, Michigan; Baltimore, Maryland; Los Angeles, California; Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; and Rockford, Illinois


The Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights (Catholic League) proclaims that it “works to safeguard both the religious freedom rights and the free speech rights of Catholics whenever and wherever they are threatened and acts “as a watchdog agency and defender of the civil rights of all Catholics.”


The Catholic League claims to defends the Church against any “slanderous assaults” that appear in newspapers or on radio and television by issuing press releases and encouraging boycotts of sponsors. The organization was involved in the right-wing campaign to confirm both John Roberts and Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court by warning those opposed to these nominees about, and sometimes accusing them of, anti-Catholic bigotry. The Catholic League has also been involved in battling the so-called “War on Christmas,” organizing against stores and corporations who use the term “holiday” instead of “Christmas.” In 2005, Donohue blasted Wal-Mart, saying it was “practicing discrimination” and “insulting Christians by effectively banning Christmas.”


The Catholic League was founded in 1973 by Father Virgil C. Blum. According to his bio, William Donohue serves on the board for the Washington Legal Foundation, the Educational Freedom Foundation, the Society of Catholic Social Science, Catholics United for the Faith, the Jewish Action Alliance, Ave Maria Institute, Christian Film & Television Commission, and Project Moses. He is also an adjunct scholar at the Heritage Foundation and serves on the board of directors of the National Association of Scholars.


“Hollywood is controlled by secular Jews who hate Christianity in general and Catholicism in particular. It’s not a secret, OK? And I’m not afraid to say it.”
– Bill Donohue on opposition to Mel Gibson’s “The Passion” movie, MSNBC’s “Scarborough Country,” 12/08/04

“The fact that Jew baiting did not accompany the nominations of Ginsburg and Breyer shows how this nation has progressed. Unfortunately, within 24 hours of Roberts’ nomination, Catholic baiting has raised its ugly head. And the fact that it is coming from a mainstream liberal source is even more disconcerting. We hope this is not the beginning of an ugly few months.”
– On the issue of Supreme Court nominee John Roberts’ faith, News Release, 07/20/05

“The anti-religious secularists on the Left are more concerned about keeping abortion-on-demand legal and keeping our society free from religious influence than any other issues. It is what defines them. Imbued with hate, they are already targeting the Christian status of Harriet Miers.”
– On the short-lived nomination of Harriet Miers to the Supreme Court, News Release, 10/05/05

“Some are already commenting that if Alito is confirmed he would be the fifth Catholic on the Supreme Court. For example, the Associated Press ran a story at 7:45 a.m.—before Bush formally announced his choice for the high court—with the headline, ‘Alito Would be the Fifth Catholic Justice on Supreme Court.’ So what? Currently, Jews comprise 22 percent of the Justices, even though they are only 1 percent of the population. Is that a problem?

“The next time the ‘Catholic’ issue is raised, it would be wise to remember that both Sen. Kennedy and Sen. Santorum are Catholic.”
– On the nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court, News Release, 10/31/05

“First, the cultural fascists banned crèches, and now they want to ban the Christmas tree. All of this is done, perversely, in the name of tolerance and diversity.”
– On the supposed “War on Christmas,” News Release, 12/07/05

“Foley’s lawyer says his client never molested anyone, which begs the question: why play the Catholic card? Together with his other maladies, Foley is obviously seeking to exculpate his behavior, despite protestations to the contrary by his attorney … As for the alleged abuse, it’s time to ask some tough questions. First, there is a huge difference between being groped and being raped, so which was it Mr. Foley? Second, why didn’t you just smack the clergyman in the face? After all, most 15-year-old teenage boys wouldn’t allow themselves to be molested. So why did you?”
– Commenting on the scandal involving former congressman Mark Foley, News Release, 10/04/06

Cato Institute

The Cato Institute is a libertarian think tank that often works in coalitions with right-wing groups. Cato’s extensive publications program deals with a host of policy issues including budget issues, Social Security, monetary policy, natural resource policy, military spending, government regulation, international trade, and myriad other issues. While the Cato Institute has increased its ties to right-wing policymakers over the years, it often reveals it's libertarian philosophy in addressing government intrusion into privacy issues, recently calling the proposed federal marriage amendment “unnecessary, anti-Federalist, and anti-democratic.”

Cato Institute
1000 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W.
Washington DC 20001-5403
Website: www.cato.org

Established: 1977
Founders: Edward Crane and Charles G. Koch
President: Edward Crane
Finances: $12,975,701 (2003)
Employees: 90 staff members, 60-adjunct scholars, 16 fellows, 14 Board Members
Board of Directors: K. Tucker Andersen, Senior Consultant, Cumberland Associates LLC; Frank Bond, Chairman, The Foundation Group; Edward H. Crane, (President); Richard J. Dennis, President, Dennis Trading Group; Ethelmae C. Humphreys, Chairman, Tamko Roofing Products, Inc.; David H. Koch, Executive Vice President, Koch Industries, Inc.; John C. Malone, Chairman, Liberty Media Corporation; William A. Niskanen, Chairman, Cato Institute; David H. Padden, President, Padden & Company; Lewis E. Randall, Board Member, E*Trade Financial; Howard S. Rich, President, U.S. Term Limits; Frederick W. Smith, Chairman & CEO, FedEx Corporation; Jeffrey S. Yass, Managing Director, Susquehanna International Group, LLP; Fred Young, Former Owner, Young Radiator Company (Board of Directors)
Publications: Inquiry magazine, Cato Journal, quarterly magazine Regulation, bimonthly Cato Policy Report, as well as books, monographs, briefing papers and shorter studies.

Principal Issues

·         A libertarian public policy organization that aspires to work outside the traditional conservative v. liberal political framework.

·         Labels itself a “market-liberal” organization with the caveat that liberal “has clearly been corrupted by contemporary American liberals.”

·         Cato was named for “Cato’s Letters” - a series of libertarian tracts that the organization credits as a catalyst for the American Revolution.

·         Cato leads the push for privatization of government services; as early as 1983, Cato initiated the first push for the privatization of Social Security, and has heavily backed it ever since.

·         Cato supports the wholesale elimination of eight cabinet agencies – Commerce, Education, Energy, Labor, Agriculture, Interior, Transportation and Veterans Affairs – and the privatization of many government services.


·         In 2001, the Washington Post, noting Cato’s influence, said it “has spent about $3 million in the past six years to run a virtual war room to promote Social Security privatization.”

·         Cato sponsors periodic policy forums and book forums, major policy conferences, Cato has held major conferences in London, Moscow, Shanghai, and Mexico City.

History and Background

·         Cato Institute was founded by Ed Crane with a $500,000 grant from Charles Koch, a chemical and petroleum heir who was active with Crane in the Libertarian Party.

·         In 2002, the Washington Post called Crane “the man who housebroke libertarianism.”

High-profile Staffers

·         David Boaz, published in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, National Review, and Slate on-line

·         Doug Bandow, writer for Fortune, worked as special assistant to President Ronald Reagan

Alumni in the Bush administration

·         Former Rep. Tim Penny (D-MN), Commission to Strengthen Social Security

·         Sam Beard, Commission to Strengthen Social Security

·         Carolyn Weaver, Commission to Strengthen Social Security

·         Randy Clerihue, spokesman, Commission to Strengthen Social Security

·         Andrew Biggs, staff member, Commission to Strengthen Social Security

·         Mark Groombridge, Special Assistant, Office of the Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security, State Department

Other non-Bush Administration alumni include former board members: Rupert Murdoch and Theodore J. Forstmann, also founding chairman of Empower America, now FreedomWorks.

Corporate sponsors

Cato's corporate sponsors include: Philip Morris, R.J. Reynolds, Bell Atlantic Network Services, BellSouth Corporation, Digital Equipment Corporation, GTE Corporation, Microsoft Corporation, Netscape Communications Corporation, NYNEX Corporation, Sun Microsystems, Viacom International, American Express, Chase Manhattan Bank, Chemical Bank, Citicorp/Citibank, Commonwealth Fund, Prudential Securities and Salomon Brothers. Energy conglomerates include: Chevron Companies, Exxon Company, Shell Oil Company and Tenneco Gas, as well as the American Petroleum Institute, Amoco Foundation and Atlantic Richfield Foundation. Cato's pharmaceutical donors include Eli Lilly & Company, Merck & Company and Pfizer, Inc.

Additional Funding

80% of Cato’s income comes from individual donations and subscriptions, 8% from corporations (such as ExxonMobil, which donated $30,000 during 2001), another 8% from foundations, and the remainder from conference and book sales, etc. Cato has received $15,633,540 in 108 separate grants from only nine different foundations: Castle Rock Foundation; Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation; Earhart Foundation; JM Foundation; John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.; Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation; Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; and the branches of the Scaife Foundation

Quotes about Cato

"A soup-to-nuts agenda to reduce spending, kill programs, terminate whole agencies and dramatically restrict the power of the federal government." - Washington Post on the Cato Handbook for Congress
"My contact with [Cato] was strange. They’re ideologues, like Trotskyites. All questions must be seen and solved within the true faith of libertarianism, the idea of minimal government. And like Trotskyites, the guys from Cato can talk you to death." - Nat Hentoff, columnist

Quotes from Cato

“I think Franklin Roosevelt was a lousy president. What he did – which is to impose this great nanny state on America – was a great mistake.” - Ed Crane

Center for the Study of Popular Culture

4401 Wilshire Drive, 4th Floor
Los Angeles, California 90010
www.cspc.org and www.frontpagemag.org

President/Founder: David Horowitz
Established in: 1988 by David Horowitz and Peter Collier
Finances: $2.9 million (2002 budget)
Employees: 5 (listed on website)
Membership: claims 40,000 supporters
Publications: Front Page Magazine
Affiliated with: Front Page Magazine, Individual Rights Foundation

About CSPC:

·  CSPC serves as the home for founder David Horowitz’s various anti-Left, anti-Democrat Party enterprises, such as the controversial FrontPage Magazine and the legal group the Individual Rights Foundation.

·  CSPC sells and distributes pamphlets and information on fighting the Left.  

·  CSPC also sells right-wing books and heavily promotes David Horowitz’s own books. Horowitz titles include: Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes, The Hate America Left and The Politics of Bad Faith: The Radical Assault on America’s Future.  

·  CSPC also hosts the “Wednesday Morning Club” which is a forum for right-wingers in the entertainment industry. Guest speakers for the club include: Governor George W. Bush (1999), then Secretary of Defense Dick Cheney, Newt Gingrich, Robert Bork, Representatives Tom DeLay and Henry Hyde, Senators Trent Lott, Bill Frist and Joseph Lieberman, editor of the Weekly Standard Fred Barnes, columnist George Will, and many other pundits and politicians.  

·  After controversial right-wing columnist Ann Coulter got fired from National Review Online for the radical, anti-Muslim comments she made after the September 11th attacks, David Horowitz’s FrontPage Magazine picked up her regular column.

Right Wing Donors:

·  CSPC gets regular, generous grants from top right-wing foundations.

·  CSPC has received nearly $5 million dollars from the Bradley Foundation alone since 1989.

·  CSPC has received donations from all of Richard Scaifes foundations, the Olin Foundation, and the Carthage Foundation.

Quotes from CSPC publications:

"Paradoxically, at the same time, the destructive Left sees in American democracy and the Constitution that created it, a powerful weapon it can use to destroy the system. Consequently - and again somewhat paradoxically -- the anti-American Left has directed a significant part of its political energy towards attacks on the American court system and on the Constitution itself. David Horowitz, "Out of Many, One" November 24, 2003

"Everybody knows -- but no one wants to say -- that the Democratic Party has become the party of special interest bigots and racial dividers. It runs the one-party state that controls public services in every major inner city, including the corrupt and failing school systems in which half the students -- mainly African American and Hispanic -- are denied a shot at the American dream. It is the party of race preferences which separate American citizens on the basis of skin color providing privileges to a handful of ethnic and racial groups in a nation of nearly a thousand. The Democratic Party has shown that it will go to the wall to preserve the racist laws which enforce these preferences, and to defend the racist school systems that destroy the lives of millions of children every year."
David Horowtiz, "Challenging the Racist Democrats in California," August 5, 2003

Most of the groups that adamantly oppose the USA PATRIOT Act are oriented toward worrying more about terrorists civil liberties than their murderous intentions: The ACLU, People for the American Way, Human Rights Watch.from Anti-Patriot Feminists, Chris Weinkopf, Front Page Magazine, July 10, 2003

Christian Coalition of America

The Christian Coalition, once one of the country’s most influential Religious Right groups, has seen its fortunes decline in recent years since the departure of high profile leaders Pat Robertson and Ralph Reed. At the height of its influence, the Christian Coalition was best known for the distribution of slanted voter guides and political surveys and for its strategy of urging conservative Christian candidates to conduct stealth campaigns to win elections.

Christian Coalition of America
P.O. Box 37030
Washington, DC 20013-7030
Website: www.cc.org

Founder and former President: Rev. Pat Robertson
President: Dr. Joel C. Hunter was announced as President in October 2006 to replace Roberta Combs
Founded: 1989
Membership: Claimed nearly 2 million members at the height of its influence, but other data suggested 300,000-400,000 members.
Directors or Trustees as of 2004: Dr. Billy McCormack; Drew McKissick; Roberta Combs, Chair
Finances: In 1999, the Christian Coalition was stripped of its 501(c)(3) non-profit status for violating various IRS rules that govern non-profits. Contributions to the group have dropped from a record of $26.5 million in 1996 to their 2004 revenue, which was $1,321,774. The CC is now a non-profit 501(c)(4) organization supported through member dues.
State chapters: As many as 30 chapters were listed on their website, though those lists have since been removed. Several state chapters have dropped their affiliation in 2006.
Publications: The coalition creates and distributes voter guides during primaries and elections in every state. They also have action alerts and newsletters via e-mail on state and federal legislation.
Affiliated Groups: Pat Robertson also created the 700 Club, Christian Broadcasting Network, American Center for Law and Justice, and Regent University, which awards graduate and law degrees and offers a bachelor degree completion program. Two CC projects that are no longer associated with the group are the Samaritan Project and the Catholic Alliance. The Christian Coalition launched the Catholic Alliance in an attempt to boost its membership among pro-family, anti-choice Catholics. The Samaritan Project was the Christian Coalition's vehicle for outreach to African Americans.

Principal Issues

The Christian Coalition (CC) has two central goals: to control the agenda of the Republican party by working from the grassroots up; and to train and elect pro-family, Christian candidates to public office. The group has had considerable success in both areas, and their impact in state and national elections can be detected through their work during primaries and ability to mobilize Christian conservative voters. The CC describes itself as “the largest and most active conservative grassroots political organization in America.”


·         In recent years, the Coalition has fallen on hard times. IRS records show that the Christian Coalition's red ink climbing. Its debts exceeded its assets by $983,000 in 2001, $1.3 million in 2002, $2 million in 2003 and $2.28 million at the end of 2004. Some of the most active and influential chapters, such as the Christian Coalition of Iowa, have cut ties with the national organization. [source]

·         In 2000, the Christian Coalition launched what they claim was their biggest election year campaign ever, distributing 70 million voter guides to their members and conservative churches in every state. Robertson is given credit for throwing his support behind Bush very early in his candidacy, and helping Bush gain the support of the Religious Right. The coalition is credited with assisting Bush with winning the South Carolina presidential primary through their strong get-out-the-vote activities. During the 2000 election Pat Robertson taped a telephone message criticizing presidential candidate John McCain on the eve of the February Michigan primary.

·         The coalition is a major lobbying force on Capitol Hill and has many strong ties to Congress.

·         The Christian Coalitions annual conference, Road to Victory, speakers list reads like a veritable whos who in right-wing and mainstream conservative circles. In 2000 their list of speakers included: Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott, House Majority Leader Dick Armey, House Speaker Dennis Hastert, Majority Whip Tom DeLay, Rev. Jerry Falwell, RNC chairman Jim Nicholson, and then-presidential candidate George W. Bush via videotape.

·         The Christian Coalition's principal "contribution" to electoral politics is the distribution of election-eve voters guides. Nominally nonpartisan but plainly directive, the guides outline the candidates' positions on a variety of issues. The Coalition's descriptions, however, are often manipulative. They describe a supporter of the National Endowment for the Arts, for example, as a proponent of "tax-funded obscene art." Many candidates refuse to respond to the questionnaires for fear of distortion, however the group filled it in for them by reviewing voting records. These non-partisan voter guides eventually led to the group losing its tax-exempt status. The Federal Election Commission charged that the Christian Coalition endorsed Republican candidates with its voter guides in the 1990 and 1992 elections, and illegally coordinated its activities with the Bush reelection campaign.


·         The Christian Coalition's initial approach to elections, popularly known as "stealth" tactics, has three essential parts: targeting low-profile elections that normally attract few voters, focusing get-out-the-vote efforts on certain conservative churches, and instructing the candidates to hide their views from the public by avoiding public appearances and refusing to fill out questionnaires. In 1992, Ralph Reed told a Coalition gathering, "The first strategy, and in many ways the most important strategy, for evangelicals is secrecy."

·         The Coalition's strategy first attracted national attention in 1990, when a coalition of right-wing groups led by the Christian Coalition helped candidates in San Diego win 60 of 90 races for a variety of offices, such as school and hospital boards.

·         Reed boasted of their early success with a few choice comments that helped make him famous. "[S]tealth was a big factor in San Diego's success," he said. "But that's just good strategy. It's like guerrilla warfare. If you reveal your location, all it does is allow your opponent to improve his artillery bearings. It's better to move quietly, with stealth, under cover of night." Continuing, "I want to be invisible. I do guerrilla warfare. I paint my face and travel at night. You don't know it's over until you're in a body bag. You don't know until election night." Later, under intense pressure, Reed renounced his covert tactics and now denies the group ever used them.

Recent problems

·         The Christian Coalition has undergone several changes in leadership since the departure of Executive Director Ralph Reed [see PFAW’s report on Reed] in September of 1997. It has also suffered a severe decline in donations, from $26.5 million in 1996 to an estimated $3 million in 2000. As a result of this steep loss in revenue, the group has reorganized by cutting staff and dropping its minority outreach program, the Samaritan Project. Another recent stumbling block for the Christian Coalition has been a series of racial discrimination lawsuits by their employees.

·         In February of 2001, ten black employees filed a racial discrimination suit against the organization. Alleging that they were treated with Jim Crow-style segregationist rules, the black employees also stated in their lawsuit that the Christian Coalition’s director was “uncomfortable” when the black employees joined company-sponsored prayer sessions and eventually stopped inviting them. In March, two more black employees and a white employee filed discrimination charges against the organization. The white employee claims he was fired by the evangelical organization when he refused the director’s request to spy on the black employees who had filed the lawsuit.

·         In December 2001, Pat Robertson stepped down as the President of the Christian Coalition. Robertson said it was because he wanted to spend more time on his ministry work.

·         In March 2004 a law firm that has worked for the CC since 1989 asked a judge to garnish the assets of the group for $75,000 in unpaid legal fees.

Quotes from Pat Robertson

On women’s Equality: "I know this is painful for the ladies to hear, but if you get married, you have accepted the headship of a man, your husband. Christ is the head of the household and the husband is the head of the wife, and that's the way it is, period.” – The 700 Club, 01/08/92

Referring to the President of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, Pat Robertson had this to say; "If he thinks we're trying to assassinate him, I think we really ought to go ahead and do it. It's a whole lot cheaper than starting a war." – The 700 Club, 08/22/05

" [The people in the United States] have allowed rampant secularism and occult, etc. to be broadcast on television. We have permitted somewhere in the neighborhood of 35 to 40 million unborn babies to be slaughtered in our society. We have a court that has essentially stuck its finger in God's eye and said we're going to legislate you out of the schools. We're going to take your commandments from off the courthouse steps in various states. We're not going to let little children read the commandments of God. We're not going to let the Bible be read, no prayer in our schools. We have insulted God at the highest levels of our government. And, then we say "why does this happen?" Well, why its happening is that God Almighty is lifting his protection from us. And once that protection is gone, we all are vulnerable because we're a free society, and we're vulnerable. We lay naked before these terrorists who have infiltrated our country. There's probably tens of thousands of them in America right now. They've been raising money. They've been preaching their hate and overseas they've been spewing out venom against the United States for years. All over the Arab world, there is venom being poured out into people's ears and minds against America. And, the only thing that's going to sustain us is the power of the Almighty God." – 700 Club, 09/13/01

"The worse thing in the world for somebody who is a person of color, black, African American, whatever term is in vogue these days to hold grudges and say well 100 years ago my ancestors were in slavery, and therefore I hate you. That doesn't fly. And to live in the past is the most numbing experience because what it does is sap your energy for the future. And, what everybody's got to do is to say before God I'm going to ask God to bring forgiveness into my life. And, I am just totally against these leaders who stir up the divisions and the hatred. You've seen it - talking about all these offenses and things that happened. And, they're doing it for publicity. They're doing it to raise money. They're doing it to get a following so they'll be elected to some office, and so forth. That's wrong. To play on the hatred of people for your own personal gain is abhorrent, and there are many people who do that." – 700 Club, 02/06/01

"The concept that one God, "Thou shall have no other gods before me", will somehow upset a Hindu, that's tough luck! America was founded as a Christian nation. Our institutions presuppose the existence of a Supreme Being, a Being after the Bible. And we as Americans believe in the god of the Bible. And the fact that somebody comes with what amounts to an alien religion to these shores doesn't mean that we're going to give up all of our cherished religious beliefs to accommodate a few people who happen to believe in something else. You just can't do that. And that's been the thing that's been pushed over and over again. Clarence Thomas, Supreme Court Justice, said as I read the constitution, it's very clear. It says Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion. It says nothing of about a school district letting book covers be passed out" – 700 Club, 10/05/00

Pat responds to the question “Certain denominations are beginning to accept homosexual behavior in the church. Do you feel that it is for benefit, political gain or social acceptance?” sent in by a 700 Club viewer. His response was, “"I think that we have a pressure in our society right now called political correctness where it is not appropriate any longer to criticize anybody for their religion, their lifestyle, their race, their creed, their color, national origin, disabilities, or anything. You can't criticize anybody for anything. And so, if somebody has a quote lifestyle, that's their thing, and if somebody said, 'I'll make it with a duck', well, you know, who are you to criticize them. Well that isn't what the Bible says. The Bible has standards, and the standard makes it very clear that the acceptance of homosexuality in a society is the last stage after God has given a people up."… "How can a church open their arms and say 'You keep on with the lifestyle.'" – 700 Club, 10/17/00

"In the Old Testament and the New Testament boys and girls didn't make decisions like this, they were betrothed by their parents. We've got a couple here at Regent University whose parents arranged the marriage and they're very, very happy. I honestly think if we went back to that kind of thing you'd have a whole lot less problems--It'll help. I think it would cut down the divorce rate." – 700 Club, 0214/00

"We want...as soon as possible to see a majority of the Republican Party in the hands of pro-family Christians by 1996." – Denver Post, 10/26/92

"The feminist agenda is not about equal rights for women. It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians." – Pat Robertson direct mail, Summer 1992

"I believe that during the next couple of years there will be a fierce struggle between the militant leftists, secular humanists, and atheists who have dominated the power centers of American culture for the past 50 years and the Evangelical Christians, pro-family Roman Catholics, and their conservative allies. The radical left will lose its hold, and by the end of this decade control of the major institutions of society will be firmly in the hands of those who share a pro-family, religious, traditional value perspective." – Pat Robertson's Perspective, July-August/1991

Christian Legal Society

The Christian Legal Society (CLS) is a nationwide network of lawyers and law students who are committed to “serving Jesus Christ through …the practice of law.” Through its Center for Law and Religious Freedom, CLS advocates and litigates issues ranging from religious liberty to reproductive choice.

Christian Legal Society
4208 Evergreen Lane Suite 222
Annandale, VA 22003-3264
Website: www.clsnet.org

President: James A. Davids
Founded/Place: 1961 in Chicago, Illinois, by Paul Bernard, Gerrit P. Groen, Henry Luke Banks, and Elmer Johnson.
Executive Director/CEO: Samuel B. Casey
Board of Directors: Euguene H. Fahrenkrog, Jr. (Chairman), Peter F. Rathbun (Secretary), and Timothy C. Klenk (Treasurer).
Membership: Includes attorneys, judges, law students, and anyone else who pays CLS dues and professes their commitment to the Faith. They are organized in more than 1100 cities into attorney chapters, law student chapters, and fellowships throughout the United States. Source
Finances: $1,945,268 (2004); CLS is a 501(c)(3) organization
Publications: The Christian Lawyer (quarterly), The Christian Lawyer Digest (an audiotape soon to be available on CD), The Defender (publication of CLS' Center for Law and Religious Freedom).
Affiliate Groups: Center for Law and Religious Freedom (litigation arm of CLS)


CLS’ vision is succinct: “Seeking Justice with the Love of God.” Their mission is "To be the national grassroots network of lawyers and law students, associated with others, committed to proclaiming, loving and serving Jesus Christ, through all we do and say in the practice of law, and advocating biblical conflict reconciliation, legal assistance for the poor and the needy, religious freedom and the sanctity of human life.” Source


·         CLS hosts annual, national conventions in Naples, Florida, which unites all members nationwide and holds prayer and religious ceremonies, while discussing the ministry of law. CLS has been involved in thousands of litigation suits, many dealing with First and Fourteenth Amendment rights; notably, those dealing with in-school recitations of the Pledge of Allegiance, and the separation of church and state.

·         Formed the Center for Law and Religious Freedom in 1975 to address religious liberties and the sanctity of life issues in federal, local, and state governments.


According to CLS’ 990 form for 2004, the organization reported $1,018,819 in “gifts, grants, and contributions received.”


Christian Legal Society was officially founded in 1961 by a group of attorneys and professors who met at the 1959 American Bar Association national convention. Both founders were determined to create a nationwide association of Christian lawyers to create a network for sharing problems and for sharing fellowship. The goal was to integrate their faith with their profession. Today, CLS’s core purpose is to enlist “lawyers and law students everywhere to faithfully serve Jesus Christ in the diligent study and ethical practice of law.”


National: Alabama, Arizona, California, Colorado, District of Columbia, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New York, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and Washington.

International: Australia, Canada, Great Britain, Peru, and South Africa.


Collegiate Network

The Collegiate Network was established in 1979 to provide financial and technical assistance to right-wing student newspapers on college campuses. It is heavily funded by right-wing foundations and claims its newspapers have a combined distribution of more than two million each year.

Collegiate Network
3901 Centerville Road
P.O. Box 4431
Wilmington, DE 19807
Website: www.collegiatenetwork.org

President: T. Kenneth Cribb
Finances: $1,249,161 (2003)
Affiliated with: Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Publications: Campus magazine, Stop the Presses!, online news; Start the Presses!, handbook; and a network of 80 student-run college newspapers
Formally known as: Institute for Educational Affairs (changed in 1980)

Principal Issues

·         The Collegiate Network (CN) calls itself “The Home of Conservative College Journalism,” and provides financial and technical assistance to student editors and writers of conservative publications at colleges and universities.

·         From CN’s mission statement, “to focus public awareness on the politicization of American college and university classrooms, curricula, student life, and the resulting decline of educational standards.”

·         Among the college campuses where 80 CN-connected newspapers can be found: Princeton University, Yale University, American University, Amherst University, SUNY-Binghamton, Boston College, Bowdin College, North Carolina State University, Brown University, University of California- Berkeley, UNC-Chapel Hill, Johns Hopkins University, University of Chicago, University of Iowa, SUNY Albany, Brandeis University, University of Texas at Austin, Cornell University, Boston College, Bucknell University, Catholic University, Dartmouth University, Georgetown University, George Washington University, Harvard University, Kenyon College, Vanderbilt University, and Villanova University.


·         CN helps students establish, organize and fund right-wing newspapers. CN hosts bi-annual training seminars on college student journalism and teaches students how to set up their own newspaper. CN awards general operations grants to many of its members.

·         CN hosts an annual Editor’s Conference featuring right-wing media celebrities, such as John Leo; Weekly Standard editor Fred Barnes; Wall Street Journal editorial writers John Fund, William McGurn, and Robert Bartley; Thomas Sowell; Robert Bork; and Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.

·         Campus Outrage Awards, referred to as the "Pollys," are nominations by right-wing students to expose “radical campus activists” who “undermine the traditional curriculum, implement speech codes that persecute politically incorrect students, enforce group-identity politics with sensitivity seminars, and treat students with a double-standard emanating from a multiculturalist perspective.” The Wall Street Journal has called the Pollys "a great public service."

Famous CN Newspaper Alumni

·         Columnist Ann Coulter wrote for Cornell Review — “My only regret with Timothy McVeigh is he did not go to the New York Times Building.” Read

·         Rich Lowry wrote for Virginia Advocate

·         Dinesh D’Souza wrote for Dartmouth Review; author of The End of Racism — a book, among other claims, that attributes racial inequality and oppression to African Americans themselves.


·         Founders Tod Lindberg and John Podhoretz are now both professional writers. Lindberg is a columnist often published in the Washington Times and is an editor at the Hoover Institution. Podhoretz is a writer for the New York Post.

·         CN’s President T. Kenneth Cribb worked for the Reagan Administration for eight years. Cribb was Assistant to the President for Domestic Affairs in the Reagan Administration, counselor to the Attorney General of the United States, Deputy Chief Counsel of the Reagan-Bush Campaign and supervised thirty of President-elect Reagan's transition teams.

·         Cribb has been published in National Review, The American Spectator, The Intercollegiate Review, Modern Age, and Human Events.


The Collegiate Network has received, from the years 1995-2003, $4,615,000 in grants from conservative foundations such as the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Kirby Foundation, Carthage Foundation, and the John M. Olin Foundation, among others.
Quotes about The Collegiate Network

"Editing America’s leading conservative magazine [National Review] is no easy task. But I learned the ins and outs of taking on the far Left as the editor of the Virginia Advocate, the Collegiate Network’s independent publication at the University of Virginia.” — Rich Lowry, National Review

"When I was 20 years old and writing for the Michigan Review, I hoped that one day I might work for National Review. Today I do, and the Collegiate Network is a huge part of the reason why.” — John J. Miller, National Review

"As an alternative source of information on today's campuses, the papers in the Collegiate Network cannot be beaten for timely and newsbreaking stories." — John Fund, The Wall Street Journal

"Affirmative Action, multiculturalism, grade inflation, bureaucratic weaseling - these are all fat targets for the slings and arrows of CN papers, who deflate the most self-important of the educrats. Journalists at certain dailies could learn from these college students. There is journalism for clones . . . and then there is journalism for individuals - the Collegiate Network." — Jeff Jacoby, Boston Globe

Coalition for a Fair Judiciary

Though it claims to be an “organization comprised of more than 75 grassroots organizations,” the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary (CFJ) appears to be little more than a one-person, part-time operation run by right-wing operative Kay Daly.

Coalition for a Fair Judiciary
1155 21st Street NW Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.fairjudiciary.com

President/Executive Director: Kay Daly
Founded: 2001 by Kay Daly (originally Americans for Ashcroft)
"Experts" List: Jay Sekulow (president, American Center for Law and Justice), Jan LaRue (Chief Counsel, Concerned Women for America), Phyllis Schlafly (president, Eagle Forum), and Genevieve Wood, (political consultant, Family Research Center), among others.
Membership: Approximately 70-80 smaller grassroots organizations, top officials in some mainstream conservative organizations
Finances: CFJ is a 501(c)(4) organization
Publications: "Daly Report" with Kay Daly on RighTalk—a daily radio program


The Coalition for a Fair Judiciary was created as an umbrella organization for roughly 75 smaller center-right grassroots organizations dedicated to confirming the nominations of conservative, “constitutionalist” judges, and to combat “judicial activism.” After the successful support for the confirmation of John Ashcroft for Attorney General following the 2000 Presidential election, President Kay Daly organized the 75 grassroots organizations to create CFJ as a 501(c)4 organization.


The Coalition focuses primarily on organizing and mobilizing its grassroots bases by encouraging constituents to engage in letter-writing, editorial contributions to local newspapers, calling in to radio talk-shows, and to make direct contact with their Congressmen.

Kay Daly is eager enough to physically fly in supporters for Senate judiciary hearings in order to pack the confirmation hearings with friendly faces and maximize visibility of constituents.

About Kay Daly

Kay Daly is the President of the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary. An experienced political strategist and corporate marketer, Daly received the “Ronald Reagan Award” at the American Conservative Union’s “CPAC” conference in 2003 where ACU’s president, David Keene, called her “the new Phyllis Schlafly.”

She is a tireless and determined campaigner, and is especially concerned with promoting Bush’s judicial nominees. She is “not afraid to get her hands dirty on behalf of client or party,” and has been the center of several controversial and suspicious “information gathering” scandals, all of which she has denied (source). Daly received a citation from Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA) for “Distinguished Service to the United States Senate.”


Originally a coalition of groups organized to support the nomination and confirmation of John Ashcroft as Attorney General following the 2000 Presidential election, Kay Daly founded the Coalition for a Fair Judiciary as an umbrella organization for this coalition of over 75 “grassroots” organizations. Among these groups are the notable Americans for Tax Reform, the Family Research Council, and the Christian Coalition. It is a 501(c)(4) organization, meaning it is political, and donates specifically to political campaigns and efforts. In this case, the Coalition was formed to support “impartial” conservative judicial nominees.


“One need not look further than the ill-conceived "V-Day" campaign to demonstrate just how downright bizarre feminism has become. Basically, V-Day is an alternative feminist holiday to that evil celebration of love on St. Valentines Day. So instead of candy, flowers, and romantic dinners on February 14th, feminists are organizing events to celebrate the vagina. That's right, an entire day for females across the nation to focus on their genitalia. Isn't it the entire antithesis of feminism to reduce women (and therefore their value) down to nothing more than their genitalia? How in the world does that prevent the sexual objectification of women?”
–Kay R. Daly, "Feminist Follies," GOPUSA, February 28, 2005

“Many conservative parents who can beautifully articulate the most intricate conservative philosophy are almost completely blind to the liberal claptrap that has infected their child-rearing practices.”
–Kay R. Daly, “It's a Matter of Parenting: The Twixters,” January 18, 2005

"The Left, apparently unaware of the outcome of the last two elections, will continue to attempt to dictate to the President the terms of the nomination and confirmation process. The Constitution, however, is clear on that matter which is quite inconvenient to those on the Left who have attempted to mask judicial activists as consensus nominees and any other choice as 'outside the mainstream.' It is nonsense to believe that Senators Ted Kennedy, Chuck Schumer and Harry Reid, along with their pals at NARAL, NOW, the ACLU and People for the American Way have the slightest notion what 'the mainstream' of America believes.”
–Kay R. Daly, “CFJ Praises the Roberts Nomination, Laments the Reaction from the Left,” July 19. 2005

Committee for Justice

Launched at the behest of Senate Republicans and initially led by right-wing stalwart C. Boyden Gray, the Committee for Justice exists primarily for the purpose of providing the appearance of “grassroots” support and activism for President George W. Bush’s judicial nominees.

1275 Pennsylvania Avenue NW
Washington, DC 20004
Website: www.committeeforjustice.org

Chairmen: C. Boyden Gray, Ronald A. Cass (former Dean of Boston University School of Law), Spencer Abraham (former Senator, former Secretary of Energy under George W. Bush, co-founder of the Federalist Society)
Place/Date of Founding: Washington, D.C. in 2002 by former White House Counsel C. Boyden Gray and Sean Rushton
Executive Director: Sean Rushton
Board of Directors: C. Boyden Gray, Edward M. Rogers, and Edwin Williamson (all former members of George H.W. Bush’s administration)
Board Members: Frank Keating (President and CEO of the American Council of Life Insurers), Connie Mack, Jennifer C. Braceras (Senior Fellow at the Independent Women’s Forum), John Engler (former Michigan governor and current President of National Association of Manufacturers), among others.
Finances: $26,250 (2003 revenue); $122,611 (2003 expenses)
Publications: Online “Daily Blog” and numerous television ads promoting judicial nominees.
Affiliate Groups: Committee for Justice Foundation

Principal Issues

·         The Committee for Justice (CFJ) is staffed by legal scholars and practitioners, and was created for the purpose of promoting and supporting constitutionalist (as opposed to “activist”) judicial nominees to the federal courts. It strives to educate the public on the importance of judges and the court system to American life.

·         CFJ defines “constitutionalism” as “the belief that a judge’s proper role is as neutral interpreter of the natural law, not as pioneer of new law or social policy through judicial activism.”

About C. Boyden Gray

·         Partner at the law firm of Wilmer Cutler & Pickering and lobbyist for corporate clients such as Citigroup, Inc.

·         In 2002, Gray was recruited by Representative Trent Lott to start an organization specifically tailored to oppose the filibuster of judicial nominees in the Senate. With additional support from Bush political strategist Karl Rove, Gray formed the CFJ, and began his mission to raise funds from corporate sources.

·         Gray has strong ties to the Bush family; at the onset of CFJ, George H.W. Bush – for whom Gray had worked as Legal Counsel and Counsel to the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief while Bush was Vice President; and later as Director of the Office of Transition Counsel for the Bush transition team and Counsel to President Bush from 1989-1993 – threw a large fund-raising cocktail party in his Houston home, raising $250,000 for the new organization. Gray served as Counsel to the Presidential Task Force on Regulatory Relief, chaired by Vice President Bush, then later as Director of the Office of Transition Counsel for the Bush transition team, and as Counsel to the first President Bush from 1989-1993. In 1993 he returned to William Cutler & Pickering.

·         Gray sits on the Boards of Progress for America (a conservative group that spent millions in opposition to John F. Kerry’s race for the presidency), and FreedomWorks, a nonprofit organization in favor of lower taxes and less government regulation.

·         Named Ambassador to European Union by President Bush in July 2005.


·         CFJ bolsters support for ultra-conservative judicial nominees, many of whom are opposed by Democratic senators, by strategically airing and publishing advertisements in favor of the nominee in a senator’s home state. In August of 2005, CFJ President Rushton reported that his group would be targeting Democratic senators in the red states of Arkansas, Louisiana, Nebraska, Colorado, Indiana, and North and South Dakota with radio ad buys later on in the month.

·         The organization has lent its support to nominees such as Charles Pickering, Janice Rogers-Brown, and Miguel Estrada, with ads featuring African-American and Latino politicians.


CFJ was created in 2002 by C. Boyden Gray in order to advocate greater constitutionalism in the federal courts. Its primary goal is to see the conservative Bush nominees through the Senate confirmation process, and does so largely by appealing to the public with television and published advertisements.


“This is a single-issue litmus test that strikes at the heart of an independent judiciary. It proves that the Democratic Party is increasingly focused solely on the issue of abortion on demand. Their greatest fear is a nonpolitical judge who will read the law as it's written."
– Sean Rushton, responding to female U.S. Senators who say that they will vote against Supreme Court nominee John G. Roberts Jr. unless he vows to uphold abortion rights. Washington Times, July 29, 2005

Concerned Women for America

Founded by Beverly LaHaye, wife of Religious Right activist Tim LaHaye, as a counter to the progressive National Organization of Women, Concerned Women for America (CWA) describes itself as “the nation's largest public policy women's organization.” CWA opposes gay rights, comprehensive sex education, drug and alcohol education, and feminism, while advocating what it calls “pro-life” and “pro-family” values.

Concerned Women for America
1015 Fifteenth Street NW - Suite 1100
Washington, DC 20005
Website: www.cwfa.org

Founder and Chairman: Beverly LaHaye
President: Wendy Wright
Founded: 1979, San Diego, CA
Finances: Concerned Women for America - $8,484,108 (2004); Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee - $555,477 (2004)
Membership: CWA claims over 500,000 members.
State chapters: 500 regional groups across the country.
Staff: 34
Donations: In 2002, CWA reported earnings in the form of “gifts, grants and contributions received” in the amount of $10,731,558
Publications: Family Voice (published monthly, has 200,000 subscribers) and Issues at a Glance (monthly). Family Watch, a church communication, reaches 500,000 people in churches across the country. CWA also offers many books, cassettes, and video tapes to their supporters on a wide variety of subjects.
Radio: CWA's daily radio show, "Concerned Women Today," is broadcast on 75 stations and reaches an estimated weekly audience of over 1 million.
Affiliate groups: Concerned Women for America Education and Legal Defense Foundation, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC), the Beverly LaHaye Institute, and the Culture and Family Institute.

Principal Issues

·         Concerned Women for America is “the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization…[CWA seeks] to protect traditional values that support the Biblical design of the family.”

·         CWA is anti-gay, anti-choice, anti-feminism and anti-sex education. Beverly LaHaye started CWA to respond to the advances of feminism after watching NOW founder Betty Friedan on television in 1978. CWA identifies feminism as “anti-god, anti-family.” CWA identifies state-level Equal Rights Amendments (ERAs) as responsible for the breakdown of families, “The ERA proposes the elimination of our God-given roles as men and women, resulting in the redefinition -- and eventual destruction -- of family.”


·         CWA has lobbied against the Freedom of Choice Act and gay rights legislation in many states. Grassroots activity in most states is led by a CWA Area Representative and a steering committee. According to its 2003 990 Report, CWA spent a total of $92,560 in lobbying expenditures to influence both public opinion and legislative bodies.

·         This group monitors state legislation, organizes Prayer/Action chapters and coordinates the CWA's “Project 535” grassroots congressional lobbying program. (“Project 535” refers to the total number of Members of Congress in both the House and Senate.)

·         CWA fights against sex education curricula that is not completely abstinence based and opposes anti-drug and alcohol abuse programs that emphasize self-esteem. Many challengers to books and curricula in public schools use CWA-produced materials. CWA has been active in the fight against using Harry Potter books in schools. Publications such as “Harry Potter: Seduction of the Occult” claim that the books promote the practice of witchcraft among children. CWA offers books and videos such as, “Harry Potter: Witchcraft Repackaged: Making Evil Look Innocent.” (Produced by Tim LaHaye, Beverly LaHaye’s husband.)

·         CWA has also been active in supporting the teaching of Creationism and “Intelligent Design theory” in science classrooms.

·         CWA’s anti-gay work covers many issues, from supporting the Boy Scouts of America ban against gay participants, to opposing any openly gay people in President Bush’s administration. CWA has been active in opposing any and all gay and lesbian civil rights measures, including supporting the right to discriminate against gays and lesbians in employment. CWA supports the “Truth in Love” campaign that says that homosexuality is a sin and claims gays and lesbians can become “straight” through “the love of Jesus Christ.” CWA established the Culture and Family Institute (CFI) to combat gay and lesbian civil rights. Robert H. Knight, a long time anti-gay crusader, leads the Culture and Family Institute.

·         During John Ashcroft’s confirmation hearings in the Senate, CWA and many other “pro-family” groups held a press conference of conservative women leaders, which they claim resulted in 13,000 e-mails to senators, phone calls from members, hand-deliver information to senators and appeared on several major news networks. CWA called Ashcroft’s critics “anti-religionists.”

·         As a leader of the religious right, Beverly and her husband Tim LaHaye are strong supporters of other Religious-Right groups and leaders. For instance, in the summer of 2001 the LaHayes gave Jerry Falwell’s Liberty University $4.5 million. (Beverly LaHaye is a trustee of the university.)

·         Beverly LaHaye, alongside many other conservative leaders, has lobbied to de-fund the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA). In 1991, she testified before the Committee on Appropriations, Interior Subcommittee, of the House of Representatives to argue for de-funding of the NEA.

·         In 2002, CWA vehemently opposed ratification of CEDAW (the United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women), claiming its pro-women empowerment and equality sections comprised a “leftist utopian wish list.” The Convention, which opposes the discrimination or subordination of women across the globe, was criticized by LaHaye Institute Fellow Janice Shaw Crouse, as imposing contemporary colonialist, neo-Marxist agendas. CEDAW was ratified on January 7, 2005, by 71 countries, and endorsed by 76 signatories. The United States was not one of them.


·         In 1994 CWA filed suit on behalf of an anti-abortion protester who was arrested during a protest against the federal Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act (FACE), which banned protesters from blocking clinic entrances. In 1995 the Court of Appeals upheld FACE and CWA appealed to the Supreme Court, although the Court refused to hear the case.

·         In 1994 the Virginia State Democratic Committee filed an injunction against CWA to stop the distribution of CWA’s “nonpartisan” voter guides. CWA and the Family Foundation (of Virginia) appealed to the courts, which ordered the ban lifted.

·         In 1993 CWA-Iowa claimed victory by helping to defeat the state ERA with a 52 percent majority vote.

·         In 1988, Beverly LaHaye testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee in the confirmation hearings for Judge Anthony Kennedy to the U.S. Supreme Court.

·         During the 1987 Supreme Court nomination hearings for Robert Bork, CWA led a national petition drive, sponsored a “Women for Bork” rally, and organized 350 people to lobby senators on Bork’s behalf.

Former Employees

Mike Farris: Founder and former President (until 2000) of the Home School Legal Defense Association, Mike Farris worked for CWA as a full-time attorney while still upholding his responsibilities to home-schooling. HSLDA is an organization that defends a parent’s right to home-school their children, and frequently defends parents who have been contacted by Social Services for reasons ranging from educational neglect to physical child abuse. Farris is no longer President, yet he still remains the Chairman of the Board and General Counsel at HSLDA. Farris was the Republican nominee for Lieutenant Governor of Virginia in 1993, and is the President of Patrick Henry College. Farris is also the founder and president of The Madison Project, a political action committee supporting “Republicans who clearly demonstrate their conservatism.”
Michael Schwartz: Schwartz was the Vice President for Legislative Affairs and the Vice President of Governmental Relations at CWA. During his career with CWA, Schwartz co-authored Gays, AIDS, and You, and was a leading advocate for the sanctity of life, parental rights, and religious freedom. Schwartz is currently the chief of staff in the office of Senator Tom Coburn (R-OK).

State Activities

Many of the CWA state groups are very active on local issues. For instance, in 1998 the CWA-California Bay Area chapter helped gather 60,000 necessary signatures to force the Board of Supervisors to either repeal or place on the ballot a domestic partnership ordinance. The Board repealed the ordinance.

Quotes from Beverly LaHaye

“Christian values should dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the Bible to guide their public and private lives do not belong in office.” Read

“Most women know the feminist agenda has failed. They see our culture crumbling from its influence. In fact, feminism has harmed women and families worldwide as its proponents have used the United Nations to spread their agenda." (CWA’s Family Voice, July-August, 1999, pg. 5)

"Yes, religion and politics do mix. America is a nation based on biblical principles. Christian values dominate our government. The test of those values is the Bible. Politicians who do not use the bible to guide their public and private lives do not belong in office." (“Ms.” magazine, 2/87)

On censorship: "I am aware that America is and must always be a land of freedom including freedom of speech. But there is a right time and place for everything." (CWA News, 3/91)

Mrs. LaHaye warned her members that homosexuals "want their depraved 'values' to become our children's values. Homosexuals expect society to embrace their immoral way of life. Worse yet, they are looking for new recruits!" (CWA direct mail, 5/92)

Eagle Forum

316 Pennsylvania Ave., SE, Ste. 203
Washington, DC 20003

President/Founder: Phyllis Schlafly
Executive Director: Lori (Cole) Waters
Date of founding: 1972
Place of founding: Alton, IL
Membership: 80,000
Finances: $2.3 million (2000)
Staff: 8
State Chapters: 30 listed on website.
Publications: The Phyllis Schlafly Report, published monthly. From the Eagle's Nest, a weekly newsletter just for teens. The Eagle’s Voice, a weekly e-mail newsletter for college students. “Crisis in the Classroom,” a video on “hidden agendas” in public schools. “Radical Feminism,” a video which outlines the destructive force of feminism. Schlafly’s weekly syndicated column appears in 100 newspapers. EF also publishes other reports on their issues.
Radio: Schlafly’s radio commentaries are heard daily on 460 stations, and her radio talk show on education called "Phyllis Schlafly Live" is heard weekly on 40 stations. Cole has appeared on the United Radio Network NewsMaker, USA Radio Network.
Television: Cole has been a guest on Fox News The O'Reilly Factor, Hannity and Colmes , Beyond the News, CNN Talk Back Live, ABC’s Politically Incorrect , and MSNBC.
Affiliate Groups: Eagle Forum Education and Legal Defense Fund, the Eagle Forum’s foundation. The Eagle Forum Collegians, a network for conservative college students. The Eagle Forum PAC contributes to right-wing political campaigns. Schlafly co-founded the Republican National Coalition for Life in 1990.

Eagle Forum’s Principal Issues:

·  The Eagle Forum has expanded from a group that spent a decade campaigning against a single issue to lobbying congress on a variety of issues, establishing leadership training seminars, and reaching out to college students to help develop future conservative leaders. 

·  Phyllis Schlafly is often identified as the mother of the women’s conservative movement, and through EF she has been an outspoken opponent of many issues including: sex education (unless its “abstinence only”), reproductive rights, AIDS education, sexual harassment legislation, federal support for daycare and family leave, United States involvement with the United Nations, the international Chemical Weapons Treaty, affirmative action, bilingual education, multiculturalism and diversity education, gay and lesbian rights, teaching the theory of evolution in schools, environmental protection efforts, the dangers of pornography, and immigration.  

·  Schlafly has championed “traditional family values,” such as women staying home to care for their children, and has raised 6 children in addition to writing or editing 20 books, earning a Master’s in Political Science in 1945 from Harvard, and spearheading national campaigns for over thirty years. Mrs. Schlafly is also a lawyer and served as a member of the Commission on the Bicentennial of the U.S. Constitution, 1985-1991, appointed by President Reagan. 

·  Schlafly has testified before more than 50 Congressional and State Legislative committees on constitutional, national defense, and family issues.  

·  The Eagle Forum has organized against curricula and textbooks in public schools that violate “Christian values” and Schlafly’s work is cited frequently by local schoolbook censors. EF also campaigns heavily against the National Education Association and the American Teacher's Federation, claiming that both groups intentionally obstruct the ability of children to learn so that they can make a profit.

Eagle Forum's History:

·  Phyllis Schlafly established the Eagle Forum (EF) to combat the “Equal Rights Amendment” and the radical feminist agenda.

·  Schlafly takes credit for defeating the Equal Rights Amendment, and her anti-feminism efforts made her a household name in the Equal Rights Amendment battle in the 1970’s; She was responsible for popularizing the misconception that if the ERA was passed, separate bathrooms for the sexes would be illegal.

Phyllis Schlafly quotes:

“The teachers unions are more eager to expand job opportunities for the remedial reading bureaucracy, and for servicing the social problems caused by illiteracy, than they are in teaching the basics.” – website essay, “How to Make America Better”

“Abolishing the Department of Education was one of Ronald Reagan's campaign promises when he ran for President in 1980. Fulfilling that promise is long overdue, and the time to do it is now…The goal [in public schools] is clearly to infuse (i.e., cause to penetrate) the gay/lesbian propaganda into every level of school: every grade K through 12, every academic subject, and every school and social activity. “
-The Phyllis Schlafly Report, September 1995

“Nothing about contraception should be taught in schools. There is no question that it will encourage sexual activity.” – New York Times, 10/17/92

“You can’t get into negotiations with the feminists because you will lose. They will slit your throat. They have no sense of fair play or compromise.” –National Affairs Briefing, 8/92

Eagle Forum Collegians

316 Pennsylvania Ave. SE, Suite 203
Washington, DC 20003

Founded: by Phyllis Schlafly in 1993
President: Phyllis Schlafly
Assistant Director: Jessica Echard
Finances: unknown, see Eagle Forum
Affiliated with: Eagle Forum
Publications: Eagle’s Voice, a weekly newsletter

EFC's Issues:

·  EFC’s main issues: fighting feminism and women’s studies curricula, opposing “the gay agenda,” opposing affirmative action programs, opposing multicultural approaches to education, and targeting the campus funding of “liberal” student organizations.

·  EFC helps students sponsor right-wing speakers and bring them to their campuses to “counter the multitude of liberal messages in the classrooms, the dorms, the student center, and the special lectures.” The only speaker heavily promoted through the group is Phyllis Schalfy.

EFC's Activities:

·  ECF has chapters on college and university campuses. These groups focus on electing conservative students to student government.
·  Hosts an annual Leadership Summit in Washington, DC. Guest lecturers have included: Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA), CNN host Tucker Carlson, Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO), and Rep. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA). The 2003 conference claimed to have had students from 119 schools. The 2004 conference included the following speakers: Phyllis Schlafly, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-TX), Rep. Charlie Norwood (R-GA), Rep. Tom Feeney (R-FL), Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ), Rep. John Hostettler (R-IN), Rep. Robert Aderholt (R-AL) and Tim Goeglein of the White House Office of Public Liaison. The 2004 conference claimed to have had students from over 100 schools. Previous speakers also include Ann Coulter and House Majority Leader Dick Armey.
·  EFC has a“Book Project”whose central purpose is to promote Phyllis Schlafly’s books and get students to pressure college and university libraries to purchase copies of her books. The Book Project also suggests that students pressure their Women’s Studies Departments to make Schlafly’s recent book on “feminism's forty-year war against women,” Feminist Fantasies, required reading.
·  EFC offers students internships in their national Washington DC headquarters.

Family Research Council

801 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20001

President: Tony Perkins
Date of founding: 1983
Membership: 455,000 members.
Finances: $10 million (2000 revenue)
Staff: 120
State groups: 40
Publications: Washington Watch (monthly) and Family Policy (bimonthly). Ed Facts (available via fax, e-mail or internet on a weekly basis). CultureFacts (available by fax or e-mail). I.E. (Ideas & Energy) monthly newsletter provides articles on political, social, and cultural trends for high-school students. Also produces numerous issue papers.
Radio: Ken Connor’s “Washington Watch,” a daily radio program hosted by FRC’s president.
Affiliate groups: American Renewal, Family Policy Councils

FRC’s Principal Issues:

·  Since the early 1990’s, FRC has emerged as a leading conservative think-tank championing “traditional family values” by lobbying for state-sponsored prayer in public schools, private school “vouchers,” abstinence-only programs, filtering software on public library computers, the right to discriminate against gay men and lesbians.

·  FRC’s objective is to establish a conservative Christian standard of morality in all of America’s domestic and foreign policy. 

·  FRC has dedicated itself to working against reproductive freedom, sex education, equal rights for gays and lesbians and their families, funding of the National Endowment for the Arts and the Corporation for Public Broadcasting. FRC supports a school prayer amendment and would like to ‘disestablish’ the Department of Education.

FRC's Activities:

FRC has testified before congress on many “pro-family” issues, filed amicus briefs, and published a lot of reports that they regularly circulate to politicians.

·  In September 2001, FRC’s president attacked President Bush for his “implicit endorsement of the homosexual political agenda” with the appointment of two openly gay men by the Bush administration.  

·  FRC has also defended the Boy Scout’s discriminatory practices against gay men and lesbians and has criticized the Girl Scouts for not having the same practice. FRC has joined many other right-wing conservative groups by attacking and boycotting Disney’s “gay-friendly” policies. FRC has lobbied against many “equal rights” measures that extend civil rights protections to gay and lesbian people, and has promoted the “ex-gay” movement as a way to combat civil rights measures for gay men and lesbians.

·  FRC strives to ban all federal or state support for family planning services and overturn the right to an abortion. FRC is a strong supporter of “abstinence-only” education and opposes sex education that addresses contraception.

FRC history:

·  FRC was originally established by Dr. James Dobson, of the behemoth right-wing group Focus on the Family, to lobby for “traditional family values” in Washington, DC. In 1988 the group was led by Gary Bauer, former head the Reagan Administration’s Office of Policy Development and Reagan’s chief adviser on domestic policy. The ambitious Bauer set out to make FRC the voice of social conservatives in Washington, DC.

·  Under Bauer, FRC became a division of Dr. James Dobson’s Focus on the Family from 1988 until October 1992, when IRS concerns about the group’s lobbying led to an amicable administrative separation. When Ralph Reed stepped down as executive director of the Christian Coalition, Bauer emerged as an emerging star of the religious right.

·  Bauer’s leadership helped establish the group as one most well-known conservative lobbying groups in Washington, DC. In 1999, Bauer left FRC to run for president of the United States. After his failed bid for the presidency, in 2000 Bauer returned to American Values, a group he had formed years ago but had been dormant for several years.

·  In 1999, Attorney Ken Connor was tapped to be FRC’s next president, a seasoned anti-choice activist from Florida. Connor stepped down as FRC's president in August 2003. 

·  FRC appointed former Louisiana state Rep. Tony Perkins as their new president in September 2003. 

·  Perkin's Louisiana legislative background includes:

    ·  author of legislation requiring public schools to install filtering software.

    ·  author of American History Preservation Act, which "prevents censorship of America's     Christian heritage in Louisiana public schools."

    ·  authored legislation providing "a daily time of silent prayer in Louisiana public schools."

    ·  author of the first Covenant Marriage Law.
·  In 1998, Perkins founded the Louisiana Family Forum due to his concern for "increasing influence of the homosexual community on public policy issues."

Quotes from the Family Research Council:

“We are encouraged that the President is now saying he will support amending the Constitution to protect marriage. However, I am concerned that the President thinks counterfeit institutions such as same-sex unions are OK and do not threaten to devalue the real thing. This administration has spent millions of dollars to prevent the counterfeiting of our currency which threatens the health of our economy. Counterfeit marriages called "civil unions" pose a serious threat to the health of our culture, and while the President may believe this is an issue to be resolved at the state level, he should use his moral leadership to steer states away from such culture-threatening unions - not encourage them by showing indifference or political tolerance." -Tony Perkins, Washington Update, December 17, 2003

"Supporters of V. Gene Robinson, the newly consecrated homosexual Episcopal bishop, claim his elevation sends "a powerful message of love and tolerance." However, it is not "tolerant" to brush off opposition to the consecration of a homosexual bishop. Nor is it "loving" to suppress evidence that homosexual behavior is a "death-style" that is sending young people to an early grave." -Tony Perkins, Washington Update, November 4, 2003

“Do you really think that when our troops from Delta Force crawl into Osama bin Laden’s cave in Afghanistan or into the face of the muzzle of a terrorist machine gun, that they are doing it so that women can kill their children, so that pornographers can peddle their smut, so that people of the same sex can marry? If those features of American life become the fixtures of American life, I fear that our nation may not long endure.” -- President Ken Connor,
from “Reflections After the Terror,”October 2, 2001

"This is another attempt by the homosexual lobby to indoctrinate children as young as kindergarten in the homosexual lifestyle. Young people who are sexually confused need the facts about homosexuality. They need to know that research shows they aren't `born gay,' that there is hope for a way out of the lifestyle, and that continuing in homosexuality presents serious health risks. The NEA’s proposal would censor such honesty." --Family Research Council spokeswoman Genevieve Wood on the National Education Association, Washington Times, July 4th, 2001

“With today’s effective [internet] filtering technology, there is no excuse for schools and libraries to become a virtual dirty peep-show open to kids and funded by taxpayers." -- spokeswoman Jan LaRue, March 20, 2001 press release

"...one of the primary goals of the homosexual rights movement is to abolish all age of consent laws and to eventually recognize pedophiles as the 'prophets' of a new sexual order." --“Homosexual Behavior & Pedophilia,” a FRC publication, July 1999, http://www.frc.org/misc/bl057.pdf

"Gaining access to children has been a long-term goal of the homosexual movement." --"Homosexual Behavior and Pedophilia," FRC publication, July 1999, http://www.frc.org/misc/bl057.pdf

Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies

Since its inception, the Federalist Society has played a key role in advancing the right-wing agenda. As a ideological proving ground for ultra-conservative activists, lawyers, and scholars, the Federalist Society has long served as a valuable professional network for those on the Right and has proved to be a valuable resource from which the Bush administration has culled not only numerous administration officials, but also judicial nominees.

Federalist Society for Law and Public Policy Studies
1015 18th Street NW Suite 425
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.fed-soc.org

Established: 1982 by a group of right-wing law students President/Executive Director: Eugene Meyer
Board of Directors: National Co-Chairmen Prof. Steven Calabresi and David M. MacIntosh, Directors Prof. Gary Lawson, and Eugene B. Meyer, Hon. T. Kenneth Cribb (President of Collegiate Network), and Mr. Brent O. Hatch, treasurer.
Membership: The FS Lawyers Division has 25,000 legal professionals; Student Division has more than 5,000 law students at 145 law schools; 60 metropolitan lawyers’ chapters; 15 nationwide practice groups; and a new Faculty Division with unpublished membership numbers.
Finances: $5,450,536 (total revenue for 2004)
Grants: Since 1985, The Federalist Society has received over $12 million in grants from conservative foundations, such as the Earhart,
Bradley, Simon, and Olin Foundations, as well as the Carthage, Koch, and Scaife Foundations.
Publications: Several e-mail newsletters on different topics, a quarterly law journal, a “Conservative and Libertarian Pre-Law Reading List,” and various reports on legal issues.

Principal Issues

·         The Federalist Society hopes to transform the American legal system by developing and promoting far-right positions and influencing who will become judges, top government officials, and decision-makers. FS is “dedicated to reforming the current legal order.”

·         The Federalist Society is a well established network of right-wing lawyers, politicians, pundits, and judges.
Many members of the Federalist Society advocate a rollback of civil rights measures, reproductive choice, labor and employment regulations, and environmental protections.
In Federalist Society’s guide to forming and running a chapter of the society, FS says it “creates an informal network of people with shared views which can provide assistance in job placement.”

·         The Federalist Society has 15 different “practice groups” that focus on particular legal issues, such as civil rights and labor and employment law.

·         Read PFAW Foundation's detailed report, The Federalist Society: From Obscurity to Power [PDF file].

Federalist Society Members in the Bush Administration [partial list]

note how many formers

·         Former Attorney General John Ashcroft

·         Former Secretary of the Department of Energy Spencer Abraham

·         Secretary of the Department of Interior Gale Norton

·         Former Solicitor of Labor Eugene Scalia (Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia’s son)

·         Former General Counsel of the Department of Education Brian Jones

·         Former Deputy Attorney General Larry Thompson

·         Former Solicitor General Ted Olson

·         Former Assistant Attorney General for Legal Policy Viet Dinh

·         Inspector General of Department of Defense Joseph E. Schmitz

·         Former Asst. Attorney General for Environment and Natural Resources Thomas L. Sansonetti

·         Former Principal Deputy Solicitor General Paul Clement [Currently Solicitor General]

·         Former Associate Deputy Attorney General and former Director of the Federal Trade Commission's Office of Policy Planning R. Ted Cruz

·         Former Director of National Institute of Justice Sarah V. Hart

·         Former Associate White House Counsel Bradford Berenson

·         Former Associate White House Counsel Noel Francisco

Federal Judicial Nominees

·         Samuel Alito, confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court

·         John Roberts, confirmed to the U.S. Supreme Court

·         Janice Rogers Brown, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit

·         Miguel Estrada, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit [withdrawn]

·         Brett Kavanaugh, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit

·         D. Brooks Smith, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit

·         Michael Chertoff, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, currently Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security

·         William Haynes, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit

·         Edith Brown Clement, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

·         Priscilla R. Owen, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit

·         Henry Saad, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit [withdrawn]

·         Susan Neilson, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

·         Deborah Cook, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

·         Jeffrey Sutton, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

·         David W. McKeague, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit

·         Diane Sykes, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit

·         Steven Collonton, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

·         Raymond Gruender, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit

·         Carlos Bea, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

·         Carolyn B. Kuhl, nominated to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit [withdrawn]

·         Jay Bybee, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit

·         Harris L. Hartz, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

·         Michael McConnell, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

·         Timothy M. Tymkovich, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit

·         William Pryor, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit

·         Thomas B. Griffith, confirmed to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the DC Circuit

Other High-Profile Federalist Society Members [partial list]

·         Justice Antonin Scalia, U.S. Supreme Court

·         Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah)

·         Kenneth Starr, former White House Independent Counsel whose investigation led to President Clinton’s impeachment

·         Judge Robert Bork, failed Supreme Court nominee

·         Linda Chavez, President of the Center for Equal Opportunity

·         Charles Murray, controversial author who asserted that some races are inherently less intelligent than others

·         Don Hodel, former Christian Coalition president

·         Michigan Governor John Engler

·         Justice Maura Corrigan, Michican Supreme Court Chief Justice (4 other justices on the state supreme court are also members of the FS)

·         Former Attorney General Don Stenberg, Nebraska

·         Former Attorney General Alan Lance, Idaho

Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family founder and chairman James Dobson is perhaps the most influential right-wing Christian leader in the country, with a huge and loyal following that he can reach easily through an impressive media empire.

Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920
Website: http://www.family.org/

Founder: Dr. James C. Dobson
President/Chief Executive Officer: James D. Daly
Established: 1977
Finances: $137,848,520 (2004 Focus on the Family revenue); $24,988,036 (2004 Focus on the Family Action revenue)
Board of Directors: Ted Engstrom, Bobb Beihl, Lee Eaton, Shirley Dobson, Don Hodel, Stephen W. Reed, Robert Hamby, Anthony Wauterlek, Daniel Villanueva; Lt. Gen. Patrick P Caruana, Elsa Prince Broekhuizen, Steve Largent, Dr. Albert Mohler, Jr., Dr. Kathleen Nielson (2004)
Staff: approximately 1,300 employees
Publications: 2.3 million subscribers to ten monthly magazines. Magazine titles include: Focus on the Family, Citizen Magazine, Parental Guidance, Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr. Focus on the Family also publishes a wide variety of books, tapes, films and videos.
Media: Dr. Dobson is heard daily on more than 3,400 radio facilities in North America, in 15 languages, on approximately 6,300 facilities in 164 countries. Dobson’s estimated listening audience is over 220 million people every day, including a program translation carried on all state-owned radio stations in the Republic of China. In the United States, Dobson appears on 80 television stations daily.
State affiliates: FOF is affiliated with 36 state groups such as the Pennsylvania Family Institute, the North Carolina Policy Council and the Rocky Mountain Family Council.
Affiliate groups: Focus on the Family Institute, FOF’s college program, and Focus on the Family Action, which is FOF’s cultural action organization formed under the IRS section 501(c)(4). FOF has 74 different international ministries and has established conservative Christian ministries for attorneys, doctors, teachers, and other groups.

Principal Activities

·         Focus on the Family's mission is to cooperate with the Holy Spirit in disseminating the Gospel of Jesus Christ to as many people as possible, and, specifically, to accomplish that objective by helping to preserve traditional values and the institution of the family.

·         Focus on the Family (FOF) is the largest international religious-right group in the United States, a multi-media empire that includes its own “campus” and zip code in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

·         FOF is a strong supporter of the Defense of Marriage Act; since the decision of Massachusetts to recognize same-sex unions, FOF closely monitors the status of same-sex marriage prevention measures being enacted in each state across the country.

·         Focus on the Family Action launched an ad campaign in 16 states urging calls to U.S. senators in support of an up-or-down vote on President Bush’s judicial nominees.

·         FOF provides “Evangelical Christian” self-help in a variety of forums, via radio and their publications, and by conducting seminars across the country to help evangelical Christians become involved in the political process. Focus on the Family uses its radio show and magazine, Citizen, to urge "pro-family" voters to become active in state and local primaries and caucuses.

·         FOF is anti-choice, anti-gay, and against sex education curricula that are not strictly abstinence-only. Local schoolbook censors frequently use Focus on the Family's material when challenging a book or curriculum in the public schools. FOF also focuses on religion in public schools, encouraging Christian teachers to establish prayer groups in schools.

·         FOF supports student-led prayer in public schools, although it points out that it doesn’t support teacher-led prayer for fear that a teacher would encourage Christian students “to pray to Allah, Buddha or the goddess Sophia against the wishes of the parents and/or students.” (“Religion in Public Schools,” February 1998.)

·         FOF also supports private school vouchers, tax credits for religious schools, rejects education efforts that address multiculturalism or homosexuality, and recommends that Christian parents withdraw from the Parents and Teachers Association (PTA) on the grounds that it has a liberal social agenda. FOF supports faith-based social services and “charitable choice.”

·         FOF works against “special rights” for homosexuals and hate crime legislation, and supports “reparative therapy” for homosexuality, which has been widely discredited and rejected by the vast majority of doctors and physicians. FOF sponsors “Love Won Out,” conferences held around the U.S. that claim to prove that “homosexuality is preventable and treatable,” where many of the speakers are “ex-gays.” “Love Won Out” is from the title of a book by John Paulk, an “ex-gay” who is the host of the conferences and is an employee of Focus on the Family.

·         For those ex-gays who cannot change, FOF considers sexual celibacy another option. FOF regularly asserts the idea that there is a “homosexual agenda” and associates homosexuals with pedophilia and recruitment of children as sex partners.


·         According to Ministry Watch, Focus on the Family is the eighth largest ministry in terms of revenues in their database. FOF receives a substantial portion of its revenue from its countless resources, including book, periodical, CD, video, and magazine sales, as well as conference and retreat costs, yet still, in its 2004 990 form, declares $118,263,318 of grants, contributions and gifts received from donors. Focus on the Family’s ownership of its land (it prefers to own rather than rent its space) and buildings add up to $48 million on its books, and in 2004 they cited the cost of upkeep and improvements on their property to be over $101.5 million.

·         James Dobson pays FOF a yearly sum of $5000 for radio show fees.

·         Shirley Dobson, wife of James and head of the National Day of Prayer, works in conjunction with FOF for funding for the events of the National Day of Prayer; in 2004 the total cost of the events came to $164,000, which was apparently in part reimbursed by a $150,000 donation to FOF by the National Prayer Committee (NPC).

About Founder James Dobson

·         Dobson served as the President and CEO of the group from the time it was founded until he stepped down in Spring of 2003. Dobson still serves as the Chairman of the Board and the host of Focus on the Family radio broadcasts.

·         Dr. James Dobson is the author of 17 books, most of which deal with raising Christian children in a culture that he views as hostile to fundamentalist Christians.

·         Dr. Dobson has been heavily involved with Republican administrations as an expert on the “family.” Dobson was appointed by President Ronald Reagan to the National Advisory Commission to the office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1982-84. From 1984-87 he was regularly invited to the White House to consult with President Reagan and his staff on family matters. He served as co-chairman of the Citizens Advisory Panel for Tax Reform, in consultation with President Reagan, and served as a member and later chairman of the United States Army's Family Initiative, 1986-88. Dobson served on Attorney General Edwin Meese's Commission on Pornography, 1985-86.

·         Dobson also consulted with former President George H.W. Bush on family related matters.

·         In December 1994, Dr. Dobson was appointed by Senator Robert Dole to the Commission on Child and Family Welfare, and in October, 1996, by Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott to the National Gambling Impact Study Commission.

·         James Dobson also founded and helped establish another successful conservative group, Washington, DC’s Family Research Council. Established in 1981 by Dobson, the group was designed to be a conservative lobbying force on Capital Hill. In the late 1980’s the group officially became a division of FOF, but in 1992, IRS concerns about the group’s lobbying led to an administrative separation.

·         James Dobson has a PhD in child development from the University of Southern California.

·         Read PFAW's in-depth report on James Dobson.

About President Jim Daly

Before coming to FOF Jim Daly worked at International Paper, where he gained experiences in banking, insurance, and product sales. He joined FOF in 1989, when he started out as the assistant to the President of Public Affairs. He eventually moved on to manage the International Field Director position which address relations in Asia, Africa, and Australia. His position now as President is the result of his experienced corporate and business skills, coupled with his ability to make cross-cultural ties.

Quotes from Dr. James Dobson

In response to 9/11: “Question: Has God withdrawn His protective hand from the US?”
James Dobson responds: “Christians have made arguments on both sides of this question. I certainly believe that God is displeased with America for its pride and arrogance, for killing 40 million unborn babies, for the universality of profanity and for other forms of immorality. However, rather than trying to forge a direct cause-and-effect relationship between the terrorist attacks and America’s abandonment of biblical principles, which I think is wrong, we need to accept the truth that this nation will suffer in many ways for departing from the principles of righteousness. "The wages of sin is death," as it says in Romans 6, both for individuals and for entire cultures. ”
– Focus on the Family website

“[The homosexual] agenda includes teaching pro-homosexual [sic] concepts in the public schools, redefining the family to represent "any circle of people who love each other," approval of homosexual adoption, legitimizing same-sex marriage, and securing special rights for those who identify themselves as gay. Those ideas must be opposed, even though to do so is to expose oneself to the charge of being "homophobic."
– “Complete Marriage and Family Home Reference Guide” by James Dobson

"Does the Republican Party want our votes, no strings attached--to court us every two years, and then to say, 'Don't call me; I'll call you'--and to not care about the moral law of the universe?...Is that what they want? Is that the way the system works? Is this the way it's going to be? If it is, I'm gone, and if I go, I will do everything I can to take as many people with me as possible."
– Statement from 02/07/98 Council for National Policy meeting, Washington Times, February 17, 1998


801 G Street NW
Washington, DC 20001

Established: 1992
Finances: 501(c)(4) lobbying organization
President: Kenneth Connor
Executive Director: Richard Lessner, Ph.D.
Formerly known as:American Renewal

FRCAction's Principal Issues:

·  "A renewal of ethical monotheism and traditional Judeo-Christian standards of morality-- the "Laws of Nature and Nature’s God"-- to which the founding fathers appealed in the Declaration of Independence.” (From FRCAction’s mission statement.)

·  Pledges to fight until Roe v. Wade is repealed or reversed. 

·  Judiciary— FRCAction fights for conservative “strict constructionist” appointments. 

·  Rejects laws that give civil rights/civil liberties protections to gays and lesbians. Fights against laws that protect or recognize same-sex couples as a family.

FRCAction's Activities:

·  In 2001 and 2002 the group has been targeting Senate Majority Leader Tom Daschle in his home state of South Dakota in newspaper and radio ads.

·  In March 2002, as American Renewal (AR), the group delivered over 5,200 of their pro-family citizen's petitions to Arizona Sen. Jon Kyl. AR says that the petitions send the following message, Millions of Americans who support traditional moral values want to see their elected representatives promote policies that strengthen the family as a special institution created by God.

·  AR worked against same-sex marriage/civil unions in Vermont. AR continues to be involved in Vermont and pledges to be involved in any other state where same-sex marriage/civil unions are a legislative issue.

·  Op-eds by AR's director appear in major newspapers such as the LA Times.

FRCAction's Background:

·  AR sponsored a print media campaign on behalf of John Ashcroft, supporting his confirmation. Full-page ads appeared in USA Today and other major newspapers.

·  Led the fight to reject the Clinton-appointee Joycelyn Elders from the post of U.S. Surgeon General.

·  In 1996 AR successfully pressured the GOP to keep conservative pro-family statements and the anti-abortion plank in the Republican Party platform.

·  Executive Director Richard Lessner was the senior campaign advisor for former FRC president Gary Bauers failed bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2000.

Free Congress Research and Education Foundation

717 Second St., NE
Washington, DC 20002

President/Founder: Paul Weyrich
Date of founding: 1977
Finances: $11.4 million (1997 revenue)
Publications: Free Congress Commentaries, three e-mail newsletters, “Notable News Now,” “Coalition for Constitutional Liberties,” and “Coalition for Judicial Restraint, ” as well as reports and op-eds.
Media: Paul Weyrich is a cable tv and radio talk show host, as well as an op-ed contributor for The New York Times, The Washington Post, The Wall Street Journal.
Affiliated with: Free Congress, Coalitions for America

FCF’s Principal Issues:

·  Free Congress Research and Education Foundation (FCF) describes its mission as fighting the culture war and returning America back to its traditional conservative roots. “[O]ur main focus is on the Culture War. Will America return to the culture that made it great, our traditional, Judeo-Christian, Western culture? Or will we continue the long slide into the cultural and moral decay of political correctness? If we do, America, once the greatest nation on earth, will become no less than a third world country.” 

·  FCF’s targets include multi-culturalism, “judicial activism,” Democratic politicians, and “moral decay and political correctness.”  

·  Weyrich’s vision is for cultural conservatives to eventually dominate all aspects of American culture and politics.  

·  Since the tragedy of 9/11, FCF has published many anti-Islamic papers and essays, “This hard-hitting new paper dissects and devastates the notion that Islam is a ‘peaceful, tolerant’ religion. It isn't and it never has been. Learn why and how Islam is making war on Christians everywhere- and what the West needs to do in response.”

Paul Weyrich’s Background:

·  Paul Weyrich, president of Free Congress, has had an extensive history with the Religious Right and is often referred to as the father of the Religious Right.  

·  Weyrich helped draft Rev. Jerry Falwell to head the Moral Majority, and founded the Heritage Foundation. 

·  After less than a year at the Heritage Foundation, Weyrich went on to establish the Free Congress Foundation (FCF). During the early 1980s, the foundation had a reputation as being a pacesetter for Religious Right politics, in part because of the coalitions that operated under the group's umbrella project, Coalitions for America. These coalitions cooperated to draft legislation, plan media strategies, and exchange ideas and research. 

·  Much of FCF’s clout among the religious right centers around Weyrich’s ability to organize. Weyrich holds weekly a “ Weyrich Strategy Lunch,” sponsored by Coalitions for America,. The lunch is held when Congress is in session and has 75 conservative leaders representing their organizations. These weekly lunches include regular briefings by leading Bush administration officials and key conservative congressional leaders. 

·  Weyrich is known for his aggressive involvement in grassroots activism. He pioneered America's Voice (formerly known as National Empowerment Television), a cable network designed to rapidly mobilize Religious Right followers for grassroots lobbying.  

·  Weyrich is also one of the founders of American Legislative Exchange Council and is the former treasurer (1981-1992) of the highly secretive Council for National Policy. Weyrich is currently on the Executive Committee of the CNP. 

·  Weyrich’s awards from other right wing groups include: 1998 American Patriot Award from Concerned Women for America, September 1998; “One Who Makes A Difference Award” from Eagle Forum, September 1998; President's Award from the National Association of Religious Broadcasters, January 1998.

FCF’s Centers:

·  As an institution, FCF has several areas of focus outlined by their major “centers.” These centers include: The Center for Technology Policy, The Center for Law and Democracy, The Center for Cultural Conservatism, and the Center for Governance. 

·  Under FCF’s Center for Law and Democracy, the Judicial Selection Monitoring Project (JMSP) lobbies for the appointment of judicial conservatives to the federal courts. Launched in August 1992, the project seeks to establish an extensive national network that can be ready to organize support for conservative appointees to the courts and opposition to moderate or liberal appointees. JMSP’s former director Thomas Jipping has testified before congress several times on various issue of concern to FCF.  

·  The Center for Cultural Conservatism is chiefly concerned with building conservative constitutions and defunding any institutions that don’t conform to a narrow belief system. 

·  “The New Traditonalist Project” has a “manifesto” which aggressively outlines a battle plan to build up cultural conservatives and their institutions and asserts that the “[Cultural Conservative] Movement Must Serve as a Force of Social Intimidation…We must be feared, so that they will think twice before opening their mouths.”  

·  The Center for Technology Policy concentrates on constitutional liberties, publishes a weekly update for its “Coalition for Constitutional Liberties” which reads like a “who’s who” list of right-wing, conservative groups. The Center for Conservative Governance organizes and offers training for conservatives groups to become more active in the political process-- currently it is working to develop interactive, online training in early 2002.

Quotes from Paul Weyrich:

“The politics of hubris will not work. You may think the Democrats in leadership will end up operating in the best interests of the country. They will not. They will slit your throat.” --“Open Letter to President George W. Bush,” 1/15/02

“The culture has continued to deteriorate. Today, the old rules of conduct are not merely broken, they are scorned. The ideology we know as political correctness -- it is really Marxism translated from economic into cultural terms -- proclaims the old virtues to be vices and the old vices to be virtues…So what is to be done? Continuing with a strategy that has failed is folly and guarantees defeat. Instead of attempting to use politics to retake existing institutions, my proposal is that we cultural conservatives build new institutions for ourselves: schools, universities, media, entertainment, everything -- a complete, separate, parallel structure. In every respect but politics, we should, in effect, build a new nation among the ruins of the old.” --“Separate & Free,” Washington Post, 3/7/99

Quotes from Free Congress Foundation:

“The [Free Congress] Foundation has proposed a new strategy to deal with America’s cultural disintegration: cultural independence. Instead of trying to retake existing cultural institutions from the forces of Political Correctness, we propose that cultural conservatives should build their own separate, parallel institutions. This is already occuring [sic] in primary and secondary education through the home schooling movement. The Foundation seeks to promote similar efforts in respect to every major cultural insitution [sic] , including higher education, the media, entertainment, and high culture including art, architecture and music. While these would begin as institutions for a cultural minority, their success would over time make traditional Western culture once again the majority American culture.” --“A Short History of Cultural Conservatism,” by William Lind, Director of The Center for Cultural Conservatism.

“The purpose of the ideology known commonly as "multiculturalism" is to destroy America. In the 21st-century world of fourth-generation warfare, it is likely to succeed. To understand why we first must understand both phenomena… While many average Americans recognize American Muslims as a dangerous fifth column, the multiculturalist elite demands a ‘tolerance of diversity’ that Islam itself does not know. A Republican administration invites mullahs to the White House to celebrate Islamic holidays. That multiculturalism preaches the suicide of the West is no surprise to those who know its historic origins.” --“Multiculturalism Reigns Over the West,” by William Lind, Insight Magazine, 12/31/01


FreedomWorks was formed with the 2004 merger of Citizens for a Sound Economy, headed by former House Majority Leader Dick Armey, and Empower America, co-founded by supply-side pioneer Jack Kemp, to push for lower taxes – especially on investment and inheritance – smaller safety-net programs, and fewer regulations on business and industry.

1775 Pennsylvania Avenue NW - 11th Floor
Washington, DC 20006-5805
Website: www.freedomworks.org

Chairman: Dick Armey
President: Matt Kibbe
Formed: 2004, with the merger of Citizens for a Sound Economy (founded 1984) and Empower America (founded 1993)
Board of Directors: Dick Armey; Matt Kibbe; James H. Burnley; Thomas Knudson; Richard J. Stephenson; Bill Jaeger; Ted Abram (American Institute for Full Employment); and Frank M. Sands, Sr.
Finances: $5,772,520 ($3,082,191, 2004 revenue for FreedomWorks, Inc., a 501(c)4, and $2,690,329, 2004 revenue for FreedomWorks Foundation, a 501(c)3. In addition, FreedomWorks PAC spent just $1,862 on 2006 candidates by September 30.
Publications: Congressional scorecard, candidate survey, FreedomTalks (blog), various reports and opinion columns
Affiliate Groups: FreedomWorks Foundation, FreedomWorks PAC


FreedomWorks avows that its mission is to advocate for “lower taxes, less government and more economic freedom for all Americans,” by “combin[ing] the stature and experience of America’s greatest policy entrepreneurs with the grassroots power of hundreds of thousands of volunteer activists.”

Its “freedom agenda” is headed by privatizing Social Security, implementing a flat tax and abolishing the estate tax, limiting tort liability, and expanding school vouchers. Other issues FreedomWorks is involved in include judicial nominations (it favors eliminating the filibuster), industrial and environmental regulation, immigration, and welfare.


FreedomWorks claims full-time staff in ten states and “over 800,000 grassroots volunteers nationwide.” The group puts together a variety of campaigns both nationally and in individual states.

In 2003, FreedomWorks’ predecessor organization Citizens for a Sound Economy orchestrated a major campaign to fight a tax increase in Alabama, proposed by the state’s Republican governor, who cited a Christian duty to aid the poor. “The 7,000 members of Alabama CSE made defeating Gov. Bob Riley’s tax increase their top priority,” Armey wrote after the referendum failed. “In a 100 day campaign CSE members and staff crisscrossed the state, distributed literature, yard signs, bumper stickers and flooded talk radio and local papers with our voice for lower taxes, less government and more freedom.”

Shortly after the 2004 elections, abortion opponents lobbied against incoming Senate Judiciary Chairman Arlen Specter (R-Pennsylvania), who is pro-choice. Although not involved in the abortion issue, FreedomWorks, then co-chaired by former White House counsel C. Boyden Gray (who formed the Committee for Justice to push Bush’s judicial nominees) joined the effort with a web site NotArlen.com,
calling for a chairman who “will enthusiastically back the president’s judicial nominees and domestic economic agenda.”

The group heavily lobbied for carving “personal retirement accounts” out of Social Security. A few months before the merger of their two groups to form FreedomWorks, Dick Armey and Jack Kemp formed a separate 501(c)4 group, the
Alliance for Retirement Prosperity, to advocate privatization. During President Bush’s national tour in early 2005 promoting his Social Security reform plan, FreedomWorks bused in members to town hall meetings, and its activists – such as Sandra Jacques, FreedomWorks’ Iowa state director – even appeared on stage with the president as “regular folks.” Although Bush’s legislative effort appears to have collapsed, FreedomWorks continues its campaign, pressing potential 2008 presidential candidates to take a position on the issue.


In 2004, Citizens for a Sound Economy (CSE) and Empower America merged to form FreedomWorks.

CSE was founded by prominent right-wing funder David Koch in 1984. In the 1990s the group “won plaudits from both the business community and GOP leaders” for its role in mobilizing grassroots opposition against Clinton administration proposals on an energy tax and health care, according to National Journal, which noted that “Even some business lobbyists acknowledged that CSE has at times served as a fig leaf for corporate lobbying efforts.” CSE spent $1 million on a 1993 campaign against the proposed energy tax, including advertising and bringing grassroots pressure on Congress; most of the money came from corporations and trade groups such as the American Petroleum Institute and the National Association of Manufacturers. CSE spent $5 million against Clinton’s health care proposal, dogging the White House’s nationwide bus tour with its own bus and rallies. For a 1997 campaign, CSE spent hundreds of thousands of dollars per week running radio ads in 20 markets against proposed new EPA air standards.

An internal CSE document obtained by The Washington Post in 2000 outlined the close correlation between corporate donations and issue advocacy.

Empower America was founded in 1993, after Bill Clinton’s election to the presidency, as a kind of “shadow government” of policy advocacy, in the words of co-founder Jack Kemp, a former congressman and Housing secretary and future vice-presidential candidate. Gathering Kemp, Bush “drug czar” William Bennett, former UN Ambassador Jeane Kirkpatrick, and former Minnesota congressman Vin Weber, The Wall Street Journal said the group “illustrates how such tax-exempt nonprofits have become safe harbors for elite figures in the conservative movement.” Leading up to Kemp’s 1996 bid, the group provided a “base” for him “to make $1 million to $2 million a year” giving speeches, and it played a key role in the Dole-Kemp campaign.

Its early activities included operating “candidate schools” for Republicans in the 1994 elections, running attack ads against Clinton’s health plan, and opposing from the right an early Republican plan for welfare reform.


President George W. Bush: “Folks, you’ve got to get to know this organization ... They have been doing a great job all over the country educating people.”

FreedomWorks Chairman Dick Armey on the Religious Right: “Where in the hell did this Terri Schiavo thing come from? There’s not a conservative, Constitution-loving, separation-of-powers guy alive in the world that could have wanted that bill on the floor. … Dobson and his gang of thugs are real nasty bullies. I pray devoutly every day, but being a Christian is no excuse for being stupid.”

FreedomWorks honorary co-chair Jack Kemp on the “golden opportunity“ to implement a right-wing economic “blueprint” after Katrina: “[T]he capital gains tax is not a tax on the rich, it’s a tax on the poor who want to get rich.”

Heritage Foundation

The best-known and most influential right-wing think tank, the Heritage Foundation owes much of its success to savvy marketing and PR and the generous donations of right-wing benefactors, foundations and wealthy corporations. The foundation boasts about its influence on Capitol Hill yet insists that it does not “lobby.”

Heritage Foundation
214 Massachusetts Avenue NE
Washington, DC 20002
Website: www.heritage.org

President/Executive Director: Dr. Edwin Feulner
Established: In 1973 by Joseph Coors (of Coors Beer) and Paul Weyrich.
Finances: $52,292,374 revenue (2004); $123 million in assets (2004) (2004 990)
Officers: Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., President; Phillip N. Truluck, Executive Vice President; Stuart M. Butler, Vice President; Becky Norton Dunlop, Vice President; Michael G. Franc, Vice President; Rebecca Hagelin, Vice President; Kim R. Holmes, Vice President; John Von Kannon, Vice President & Treasurer; Edwin Meese III, Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow in Public Policy; Robert E. Russell, Jr., Counselor and others.
Board of Trustees: David R. Brown, M.D., Chairman; Richard M. Scaife, Vice Chairman; J. Frederic Rench; Douglas F. Allison; Holland H. Coors; Midge Decter; Edwin J. Feulner, Jr.; Jerry Hume; Kay Cole James; Hon. J. William Middendorf, II; Barb Van Andel-Gaby; and others.
Employees: 173 excluding fellows
Membership: 275,000
Publications: annual report, monthly newsletter “Insider,” publishes numerous detailed public policy papers for Congress, average of 10 or more a month.

Principal Issues

·         Heritage Foundation’s mission is “to formulate and promote conservative public policies based on the principles of free enterprise, limited government, individual freedom, traditional American values, and a strong national defense.”

·         Heritage is the largest conservative think tank in Washington, DC.

·         It researches, publishes, lectures on, and markets right-wing public policy.

·         It organizes right-wing activists on domestic and foreign policy issues.

·         Heritage’s publications are distributed to many thousands of people, including Members of Congress, congressional aides and staff, journalists, and major donors.

·         It takes credit for much of President Bush’s policy, both domestic and foreign, referring to Bush’s policies as “straight out of the Heritage play book.”

·         Heritage supports faith-based initiatives, school vouchers, ban on abortion, overturning affirmative action programs.

Recent Activities

·         The Heritage Foundation (HF) suggested that Bush open up an “Office of Marriage Initiatives” to promote marriage, but instead Bush folded HF’s “pro-marriage” proposals into his welfare reform package, setting aside $300 million dollars for states and local communities to “promote marriage.”

·         Heritage’s new office space, renovated in 2002, includes intern and fellow apartments, a 200-seat auditorium, a private fitness center, and two floors dedicated to expanding the research department.

·         Published “Priorities for the President,” written for President Bush. Heritage also wrote “A Budget for America,” a companion volume written for the Bush administration.

·         Internet activities: in 2001, Heritage reported 4.8 million visitors to their homepage, and 14.4 million visitors to their conservative Internet portal, Townhall.com.


·         According to Media Transparency, the Heritage Foundation received $61,944,537 in foundation grants from organizations such as: the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Scaife Foundations, the John M. Olin Foundation, Inc., Castle Rock Foundation, JM Foundation, Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, the Richard and Helen DeVos Foundation, and the Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation.

·         Heritage has received donations from the East Asian nations of South Korea and Taiwan; SourceWatch reports that in 1988 Korean intelligence discovered that Heritage received $2.2 million from the South Korean National Assembly during the 1980’s. Although Heritage denies this claim, they do admit to receiving a $400,000 grant from the Korean conglomerate Samsung.

·         The Korea Foundation, a conduit of the Korean government, has also donated almost $1 million to Heritage in the past three years.

Former Heritage Foundation employees who have served in the Bush Administration

·         Elaine Chao: Department of Labor Secretary; formerly a Heritage Distinguished Fellow

·         Kay Coles James: Director of the Office of Personnel Management; formerly Heritage’s Citizenship Project director

·         Angela Antonelli: Chief Financial Officer of the Department of Housing and Urban Development; formerly Heritage’s director for Roe Institute for Economic Policy Studies

·         Mark Wilson: Deputy Assistant Secretary of Labor; formerly Heritage Foundation’s Research Fellow

·         Alvin Felzenberg: a member of Rumsfeld’s “team” at the Department of Defense; formerly Heritage Foundation’s Visiting Fellow

·         Gale Norton: Secretary of the Interior; Founder of the National Chair of the Council of Republicans for Environmental Advocacy (heavily funded by Heritage Foundation).

Other Employees and Board Members of Note

·         Famous Heritage staffers include: Ed Meese (President Ronald Reagan’s Attorney General), William Bennett (Reagan’s Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities and Secretary of Education, and President Bush Sr.’s “drug czar”). Virginia Thomas (wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas) Heritage President Edward J. Feulner was a consultant for the Reagan administration, serving as chairman of the Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy.

·         High profile right wing Heritage board members have included: Richard Scaife, Joseph Coors, Holland “Holly” Coors, Steve Forbes, Jay Van Andel (co-founder and senior chairman for Amway Corporation), and Barb Van Andel-Gaby (the vice president of corporate affairs for Amway Corporation), among others.

History and Background

·         Prominent right-wing figure Paul Weyrich was Heritage’s first president. Heritage’s start was financially supported by co-founder Joseph Coors, of Colorado’s Coors Brewing Company.

·         Right-wing financier Richard Scaife became a major funder of the Heritage Foundation after its first year, donating millions of dollars through the Sarah Scaife Foundation.

·         Corporate sponsors of the organization have included: General Motors, Ford Motors, Proctor and Gamble, Chase Manhattan Bank, Dow Chemical, the Reader’s Digest Association, Mobil Oil, and Smith Kline Corporation.

·         In 1980, Heritage published a 1,077-page book called Mandate for Leadership, which contained 2000 policy recommendations. It was presented to Attorney General Ed Meese a week after Reagan’s election. Meese was quoted as saying that “the Reagan Administration will rely heavily on the Heritage Foundation.” These recommendations included: rollback of minority programs, dramatic increase in military spending, and cutting taxes. In 1985 Heritage claimed that the Reagan administration’s policy reflected 60 to 65 percent of their policy measures. Heritage publishes a new edition every four years for subsequent administrations.

Quotes about the Heritage Foundation

The Wall Street Journal says, “No policy shop has more clout than the conservative Heritage Foundation.”

“Keep up the wonderful work of truth which emanates from Heritage.”
– John Ashcroft in praise of Heritage

“Some of the finest conservatives in America today do their work in The Heritage Foundation. For those of you new to all this, The Heritage Foundation is America’s leading conservative think tank.”
– Rush Limbaugh, November 10, 2000. Read

The Democratic Policy Committee Annual Report says, “It is hard to overstate the impact The Heritage Foundation has had on the direction of U.S. policy since the late 1970’s.” Read.

“The Heritage Foundation will continue to be a key element in the phalanx of rightist groups with an agenda of austerity for the poor, hostility to minorities and women, upward distribution of wealth for the rich, economic domination of the Third World, with repression and bloodletting for those who rebel.”
– Russ Bellant, The Coors Connection, 1991

High Impact Leadership Coalition

Bishop Harry Jackson, a fervent opponent of gay rights and an equally fervent supporter of President George W. Bush, founded the High Impact Leadership Coalition to promote his “Black Contract With America on Moral Values,” a six-point platform calling for a prohibition of same-sex marriage, school vouchers, and private Social Security investment accounts, among other things. During the 2004 election, Jackson played a prominent media role in efforts to encourage African-Americans to vote for President George W. Bush.

High Impact Leadership Coalition
PO Box 505
College Park, MD 20741-0505
Website: www.himpactus.com

Chairman/President: Bishop Harry R. Jackson, Jr.
Founded/Place: February 1, 2005 in Los Angeles, CA
Publications: “Battle Scars? Wear ‘Em like a Badge!” pamphlet; “Black Contract with America on Moral Values” pamphlet, book, and CD; The In-laws, Outlaws and a Functional Family, a book by Bishop Harry Jackson; Surviving and Thriving in the Midst of Crisis by Pastor Michele; The Warriors Heart, a guide through daily life as a Christian by Bishop Jackson. Co-author with George Barna of “High Impact African American Churches” (Regal Books, 2004).


The stated goal of the High Impact Leadership Coalition (HILC) is – according to its website – to “help educate and empower church, community, and political leaders in urban communities in the United States focus on moral value issues.”


The High Impact Leadership Coalition (HILC) is particularly opposed to marriage equality for same-sex couples, and promotes a biblical interpretation of marriage. “The Black Contract with America on Moral Values” – composed by Bishop Harry Jackson – lists the following policies as necessary for politicians and political parties to promote in order to “improve the plight of black America”:

·         Family Reconstruction; protection of marriage, end abortion, black child adoption by “stable Christian families”

·         Wealth Creation; transformation of minority communities to encourage indigenous business, “prison after-care,” Social Security reform, job manufacturing to lower unemployment

·         Education Reform; school choice that doesn’t destabilize existing public schools, increase black education participation, lessen drop-out rates, encourage No Child Left Behind structure

·         Prison Reform; improve “3 strikes you’re out” system, avoid recidivism with legislation like the Second Chance Act

·         Health Care; affordable health care for blacks, long-term health education

·         African Relief; direct funds to build infrastructure and stop the genocide in Sudan, stop U.S. companies from exploiting the Khartoum people by negotiating with it’s government for fossil fuels.


·         The mission of the High Impact Leadership Coalition (HILC) is to have, as it indicates on its website, people sign the “Black Contract with America on Moral Values” which is explained in the “Issues” section of this profile. HILC first and foremost focuses its energy on a strictly heterosexual definition of marriage.

·         Members of the High Impact Leadership Coalition joined Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tennessee) in a May 19, 2005, press conference in support of the stalled judicial nomination of Judge Janice Rogers Brown.

·         In August 2005, Bishop Harry Jackson spoke at the "Justice Sunday II: God Save the United States and This Honorable Court.” event sponsored by Focus on the Family and Family Research Council.

·         Apart from the L.A. Conference in February of 2005, other national Contract with Black America conferences will be/have been held in Miami, New York, Chicago, Atlanta, Houston, and Washington, DC.


At a conference on February 1, 2005, a large group of black pastors met at the Crenshaw Christian Center in Los Angeles, where the Bishop Harry R. Jackson III unveiled the “Black Contract with America on Moral Values.” The pastors were accompanied by, and the event was co-sponsored by, the Rev. Louis P. Sheldon of the Traditional Values Coalition – a “Christian right network of churches with close ties to the White House, RNC chair Ken Mehlman, and other senior Bush administration officials.” The number one priority of the black pastors at the conference was to endorse a heterosexual, biblical interpretation of marriage on behalf of the black community.

Many critics claim that this group was formed and inspired by the GOP in an attempt to reach out to minorities on issues of homosexuality. Jasmyne Cannick, director of public relations at the Black AIDS Institute, says “When a group of black pastors decides that the number one priority for black Americans is the protection of heterosexual marriage, they're doing the GOP's dirty work.”


“I have been praying, preaching and talking about these issues locally for many years…our nation is in a moral crisis and the Church must lead the way to healing our nation. It is time for both righteousness and justice to reign in America and strong biblical principles must lead the way," – Bishop Jackson, senior pastor of the nearly 3,000 member Hope Christian Church just outside Washington, DC.

“I believe that what God is doing today is calling for the black church to team with the white evangelical church and the Catholic Church and people of moral conscience. And in this season, we need to be able to tell both [political] parties, 'listen, it's our way or the highway.' We're not just going to sit back. You and I can bring the rule and reign of the Cross to America and we can change America on our watch, together.” –Bishop Jackson, speaking at the Family Research Council’s “Justice Sunday II” event.

Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute

The Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute (HAPI) claims to be a grassroots organization but its Board of Advisors and Policy Board are made up of high-level Republican political operatives with deep ties to various Republican administrations. As part of the “National Coalition To End Judicial Filibusters,” HAPI – in conjunction with the Committee for Justice, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, James Dobson’s Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, and others – supported the use of the so-called “nuclear option” to eliminate Senator's ability to filibuster against President George W. Bush’s right-wing judicial nominees.

Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute
1101 Pennsylvania Avenue - Suite 700
Washington, DC 20004
Website: www.haprogressinstitute.org

Chairman: The Honorable Manuel Lujan, Jr. [Former GOP U.S. Representative, New Mexico, and Secretary of the Interior under the Bush I Administration; Founder, Excellence in Education Scholarship Foundation, New Mexico]
Board of Advisors: Mr. Adrian Arriaga, Texas; Mr. Andres Bande, New York; Mr. Elias Behar-Ybarra, Florida; Mr. Cesar A. Cabrera, Puerto Rico; Mr. Jose Canchola, Arizona; Mr. Lupe Cruz, California; Mr. Ted Cruz, Texas; Mrs. Patricia Diaz-Dennis, Texas; Mr. Robert A. Estrada, Texas; Hon. Lou Gallegos, New Mexico; Hon. Raul A. Gonzalez, Texas; Mr. Abel Guerra, Florida; Hon. Jimmy Gurule, Indiana; Ms. Margaret Martin, Texas; Mr. Jacob Monty, Texas; Mr. Jose Nino, Maryland; Mrs. Rita Nunez, New Mexico; Hon. Bob Pacheco, California; Mr. Raul Romero, DC; Mr. Louis Sanchez, Florida; and Dr. Josh Valdez, California.
Policy Board: Mr. Juan Carlos Benitez, DC; Mr. Rudy Beserra, Georgia; Mr. Troup Coronado, DC; Mrs. Ann Costello, DC; Mr. Henry Gandy, DC; Mr. Mike Hernandez, Texas; Mr. Juan Carlos Iturregui, DC; Mr. Joseph Samora, DC; Mr. Scott Styles, Virginia; and Mrs. Bobbie Kilberg, Virginia.
2005 Corporate Members: Altria Corporate Services, Inc., American International Group (AIG), Bellsouth Corporation, Ford Motor Company, IBC Bank, National Association of Realtors, and R.J. Reynolds.


The Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute (HAPI) claims to be a grassroots organization but its Board of Advisors and Policy Board are made up of high-level Republican political operatives with deep ties to Republican administrations (Reagan, Bush I and Bush II). HAPI’s boards are composed almost entirely of Republican players, including lobbyists, donors, and political appointees. Lujan and his former boss, President George H.W. Bush, launched the organization at a 2004 gala in New York City.


·         Supports the nomination of Priscilla Owen to the Supreme Court of the United States.

·         As part of the “National Coalition To End Judicial Filibusters,” HAPI – in conjunction with other conservative organizations such as the Committee for Justice, Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform, the Free Congress Foundation, Focus on the Family, the Family Research Council, and the Liberty Legal Institute – supported the use of the so-called “nuclear option” to eliminate the ability to filibuster judicial nominees.

·         Supports CAFTA, claiming it would lower tariffs and promote job growth, allowing more growth in the textile industry, “a huge helping hand at a time when China is sucking up textile manufacturing jobs.” HAPI launched a fundraising and phone-calling campaign to promote legislation that would pass CAFTA in Congress.

·         Corporate Member, CoMPASS – Coalition for the Modernization and Protection of America’s Social Security – an organization formed to promote Social Security reforms proposed by President George W. Bush such as personal retirement accounts.

·         The Hispanic Alliance for Progress Institute has awarded its “American Dream” award to U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, Secretary of Commerce Carlos Gutierrez, U.S. Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas), White House Chief of Staff Andrew Card, and Sen. Pete Domenici (R-New Mexico) for their efforts on behalf of Hispanic Americans.

Hoover Institution on War, Revolution, and Peace

mailing address:
Hoover Institution
Stanford University
Stanford, CA 94305-6010

Established:1919 by Herbert Hoover
Director: John Raisian
Finances: $25 million annual budget, $250 million endowment
Employees: approximately 250
Media: Uncommon Knowledge, a weekly half-hour television program on public policy carried on NPR and PBS.
Publications: Policy Review (bimonthly), Hoover Digest (quarterly), Education Next (quarterly), Hoover Institution newsletter (weekly), as well as the Hoover Press, which publishes works by many of Hoover Institution’s fellows.

About Hoover:

·  Hoover is well-known for its prominent influence over national Republican policy. 

·  Named for founder Herbert Hoover, the Hoover Institution is “a prominent center devoted to interdisciplinary scholarship and advanced research in the social sciences with an emphasis on public policy relevance. The Institution houses one of the world's largest private archives and libraries on political, economic, and social change in the 20th century and has more that 100 researchers consisting of both resident fellows and visiting scholars from throughout the world.” 

·  Three Primary Programmatic Themes: American Institutions and Economic Performance, Democracy Free Markets, and International Rivalries and Global Cooperation  

·  Hoover’s approach to some of these areas is described as: “Societies based on individualism rather than classes, thus confronting the issues of race, gender, ethnicity, and so forth;” and “The appropriate scope of government's involvement in areas such as education, health care, and the environment as it provides public services and regulates private enterprise.”  

·  Some of Hoover’s major issues: education reform that centers around private school vouchers and charter schools, dismantling affirmative action, privatization of social services, “flat tax” and other tax reduction schemes, deregulation of industry, Reagan’s policy legacy, and “character education.”

Hoover’s Activities:

·  Hoover is well-known for its influential role in developing President Bush’s economic policy, the Hoover Institution is “the…conservative think tank President Bush looks to for ideas.” 

·  Forging strong ties between right-wing ideologues, right-wing think tanks and right-wing policy makers; many of its scholars have worked for various Republican Presidential Administrations-- Nixon, Ford, Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and the current President W. Bush. 

·  Currently there are 8 Hoover fellows on the Defense policy board advising Defense Secretary Rumsfeld.

·  California Gubernatorial candidate Arnold Schwartzenegger hired several Hoover Institution members as consultants for his 2003 election campaign.  

·  Hoover publishes and funds research and public policy by its own scholars and fellows.

Hoover's Scholars and the White House: Bush (former and present), Reagan, Nixon, and Ford

Organized by Presidential Administration Affiliation

President George W. Bush’s Administration:

·  Condoleezza Rice, Assistant to President George W. Bush for National Security Affairs, served as a Hoover senior fellow 1991- 1993, corporate board member for Chevron, the Hewlett Foundation, and Charles Schwab. 

·  John F. Cogan, economic advisor to President George W. Bush, appointed by President Bush to serve on a bipartisan commission on Social Security reform in 2001. 

·  Williamson M. Evers, education policy advisor to George W. Bush, appointed to White House Commission on Presidential Scholars, appointed by Secretary of Education Paige to National Educational Research Policy and Priorities Board, research fellow at Independent Institute; formerly served on California State Commission for the Establishment of Academic Content and Performance Standards, editor-in-chief of Cato Institute’s Inquiry Magazine. 

·  Kiron K. Skinner, member of Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld's Defense Policy Board.

President George H.W. Bush’s Administration: 

·  Peter M. Robinson, edits Hoover Digest and hosts Hoover's television program, “Uncommon Knowledge.” Former Vice President George Bush’s chief speechwriter, special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, worked for Rupurt Murdoch (owner of Fox Television); Robinson authored the “tear down this wall!” Berlin Wall address by President Reagan. 

·  John B. Taylor, undersecretary for international affairs at the U.S. Department of the Treasury under President G.W. Bush. 

·  Bill Whalen, published in Washington Times, National Review Online, Insight Magazine (Washington Times publication), and RightTurns.com. Former speechwriter for the 1992 Bush-Quayle election campaign. 

·  Diane Ravitch, former assistant secretary for educational research and improvement and as a counselor to the U.S. Department of Education under President George H.W. Bush, www.dianeravitch.com, member of the board for the New America Foundation.

President Reagan’s Administration:

        ·  Ronald Reagan is a Hoover Institution Honorary Fellow. 

·  Robert Bork, Reagan judicial nominee to Supreme Court. 

·  John H. Bunzel, former commissioner of the U.S. Civil Rights Commission during the Reagan Administration, author of “Anti-Politics in America; New Force on the Left.” 

·  Milton Friedman, senior research fellow since 1977, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize, member of President Ronald Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board, “informal” economic advisor for several presidential campaigns: Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan.

·  Robert E. Hall, advised several government agencies on national economic policy, Justice Department, the Treasury Department, and the Federal Reserve Board during Reagan Administration. Hall co-authored an early Wall Street Journal article on “The Flat Tax” in 1981.

·  Ed Meese, former attorney general of the United States under President Reagan, distinguished fellow at the Heritage Foundation.

·  Paul Craig Roberts, syndicated columnist, former Fellow at the Cato Institute, former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan.

·  Peter M. Robinson, edits Hoover Digest and hosts Hoover's television program, “Uncommon Knowledge.” Former Vice President George Bush’s chief speechwriter, special assistant and speechwriter to President Ronald Reagan, worked for Rupurt Murdoch (owner of Fox Television); Robinson authored the “Tear down this wall!” Berlin Wall address by President Reagan.

·  George P. Schultz, Secretary of State under President Reagan, chairman of President Ronald Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board, worked for President Nixon as Secretary of Labor.

President Nixon’s Administration: 

·  Richard T. Burress, joined Hoover in 1973. Formerly: assistant to President Ford, deputy counsel to President Richard Nixon, member of the Reagan for President Committee, staff director of the Republican Policy Committee, minority counsel of the House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor, deputy assistant general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, and special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, assistant to the chairman of the Republican National Convention, assistant to the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention. 

·  Milton Friedman, senior research fellow since 1977, recipient of the 1976 Nobel Memorial Prize, member of President Ronald Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board, “informal” economic advisor for several presidential campaigns: Barry Goldwater, Richard Nixon, and Ronald Reagan. 

·  George P. Schultz, Secretary of State under President Reagan, chairman of President Ronald Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board, worked for President Nixon as Secretary of Labor.

President Ford’s Administration: 

·  Richard T. Burress, joined Hoover in 1973. Formerly: assistant to President Ford, deputy counsel to President Richard Nixon, member of the Reagan for President Committee, staff director of the Republican Policy Committee, minority counsel of the House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor, deputy assistant general counsel of the National Labor Relations Board, and special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, assistant to the chairman of the Republican National Convention, assistant to the permanent chairman of the Republican National Convention.

Hoover Scholars: Right-Wing Leaders, Academics and Writers:

·  Newt Gingrich, former Speaker of the House and “de facto leader of the Republican Party” in the mid-nineties, elected to U.S. House of Representatives in 1978. 

·  Pete Wilson, former governor of California (1991-1999), former Senator, former mayor of San Diego, and former California Assemblyman.  

·  Clint Bolick, co-founder of Institute for Justice  

·  Peter Berkowitz, published in National Review 

·  Michael J. Boskin, member of corporate board of directors for: Exxon Mobil, Oracle Corporation 

·  Timothy Charles Brown, published in Wall Street Journal, Washington Times Weekly 

·  Bruce Bueno De Mesquita, received grants from Scaife Foundation and Carthage Foundation 

·  Dinesh D’Souza, senior domestic policy analyst during the Reagan administration, prominent right-wing writer and speaker. 

·  Mary Eberstadt, published in Weekly Standard, American Spectator, Wall Street Journal, and former special assistant to Ambassador Jeane J. Kirkpatrick. Author of controversial “’Pedophilia Chic’ Reconsidered” published in Weekly Standard 01/2001. 

·  Chester E. Finn, Jr., president and trustee of the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation, National Association of Scholars boardmember, Center of the American Experiment boardmember; former senior fellow at Hudson Institute, founding partner of Edison Project, assistant secretary for research and improvement and counselor to the secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Published in: Weekly Standard, the Christian Science Monitor, the Wall Street Journal, Commentary, the Public Interest, the Washington Post, the Chronicle of Higher Education, Harvard Business Review, the American Spectator, the Boston Globe, and the New York Times. Co-author of “The Educated Child” with Reagan education secretary William J. Bennett. 

·  R. Richard Geddes, former Heritage Foundation fellow, published by Cato Institute, American Enterprise Institute. 

·  Marci Kanstoroom, research director at the Thomas B. Fordham Foundation. 

·  Stanley Kurtz, contributing editor at National Review Online, published in Weekly Standard, Wall Street Journal. 

·  Tod Lindberg, published in Weekly Standard, Washington Times columnist, Wall Street Journal.  

·  Jennifer Roback Morse, founding member of the Academic Advisory Boards of the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty, the Institute for Justice, and the Women's Freedom Network. Published in American Enterprise, Fortune, Reason, the Wall Street Journal, and Religion and Liberty. 

·  Paul Craig Roberts, syndicated columnist, former Fellow at the Cato Institute, former editor and columnist for the Wall Street Journal, served as Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy under President Reagan. 

·  Richard Sousa, senior associate director at Hoover. 

·  Thomas Sowell, syndicated columnist published in over 150 newspapers. 

·  Shelby Steele, author of controversial books on race relations, member of the National Association of Scholars, published in Wall Street Journal, contributing editor for Harper’s.  

·  Charles J. Sykes, senior fellow at the Wisconsin Policy Research Institute. 

·  Robert Zelnick, Emmy Award-winning journalist, covered political and congressional affairs for ABC Morning News, World News Tonight Saturday/Sunday, and This Week. Recently published “Winning the Florida Election: How the Bush Team Fought the Battle” (Hoover Press, 2001) and "The Myth of a Stolen Election," (Wall Street Journal, July 17, 2001).

Quotes About Hoover:

Vice President Dick Cheney, Feburary 2003 Hoover Overseers Meeting:
"I do think we are off to a good start, and it is important that we have the support and enthusiastic involvement of organizations like the Hoover Institution, one of the leading think tanks and sources of ideas. Donald Rumsfeld, Condoleezza Rice, John Taylor, and many others have been key as we developed our campaign and policy. We want to thank you for what you have done for us and ask you to be a part of the debate during the next few years."

Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, February 2003, Hoover Overseers Meeting:
“I'm delighted to be able to be here. I just came out of a meeting with the president with Mitch Daniels, who I understand is going to be here soon. And I saw Karl Rove over there, who I guess is going to be one of your panelists or something later today. They're all friends of Hoover and recognize that this institution is surely one of the -- America's great centers of learning.”

Independent Women's Forum

The Independent Women’s Forum (IWF) is an anti-feminist organization housing various "experts" who weigh in on a wide array of issues ranging from feminism and family issues to economics, environmental policy, and international affairs. IWF bills itself as the "home to the next wave of the nation’s most influential scholars – women who are committed to promoting and defending economic opportunity and political freedom."

Independent Women’s Forum
1726 M Street NW - Tenth Floor
Washington, DC 20036
Website: www.iwf.org / www.shethinks.org

Established: 1992
President & CEO: Michelle D. Bernard
National Advisory Board Chairman: Christina Hoff Sommers
Board of Directors: Heather R. Higgins, Chairman; Mary Arnold; Carol T. Crawford; Randy Parris Kendrick; Larry Kudlow; Nancy Mitchell Pfotenhauer; and R. Gaull Silberman
Directors Emeritae: Lynne V. Cheney; Midge Decter; Kimberly O. Dennis; Wendy Lee Gramm; Elizabeth Lurie; Kate O’Beirne; and Louise V. Oliver
Finances: $1,317,157 (2004)
Publications: The Women’s Quarterly, Ex Femina newsletter, Shethinks magazine, Inkwell (blog), and issue reports
Affiliate Organization: Independent Women’s Voice

Principal Issues

·         The International Women's Forum (IWF) is an anti-feminist women’s organization founded to counter the influence of the National Organization for Women (NOW) and "radical feminists" on society.

·         Frequent targets: Title IX funding, affirmative action, the Violence Against Women Act, full integration of women in the military, and those who oppose President Bush’s controversial judicial nominees.

·         Opposes the United Nation’s Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW).

·         IWF’s credo/mission: "The Independent Women's Forum provides a voice for American women who believe in individual freedom and personal responsibility. We have made that voice heard in the U.S. Supreme Court, among decision makers [sic] in Washington, and across America's airwaves. It is the voice of reasonable women with important ideas who embrace common sense over divisive ideology."

·         IWF was organized in defense of Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas during his controversial nomination hearings.

·         In the words of Media Transparency, “The Independent Women’s Forum is neither Independent, nor a Forum. Not independent because it is largely funded by the conservative movement. Not a forum because it merely serves up women who mouth the conservative movement party line."


·         To raise awareness about their ideas in the media and through its speakers bureau, made up of their high profile, often controversial members and supporters.

·         "Taking Back the Campus" project which focuses on helping "students inundated with rigid political correctness," offering articles, research and student activist guides, including SheThinks Web-based magazine.

·         IWF frequently makes the case that it is men and boys, not women and girls, who suffer due to gender-based discrimination in American society.

·         Rejects the idea of pay inequities between men and women and that there are "glass ceilings" in the workplace.

·         IWF claims it will be launching a 501(c)(4) sister organization called the Independent Women’s Voice for greater advocacy purposes.

Connections to Bush Administration

·         Former Board Member Elaine Chao, Secretary of Labor, Bush Administration

·         Former Board Member Linda Chavez, Secretary of Labor nominee, President of Center for Equal Opportunity

·         IWF Director Emeritae Lynne Cheney

·         IWF’s CEO Nancy Pfotenhauer, appointed by Bush to the U.N. Commission on the Status of Women

·         Board Member Pat Ware, Presidential Advisory Council on HIV/AIDS


From the years 1994-2003, IWF received a total of $6,971,000 in 90 grants from foundations such as the Sarah Scaife Foundation, the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, and the John M. Olin Foundation, among others. From 1994 to 2001, the top five foundation supporters were: Sarah Scaife Foundation, $1.2 million; Olin Foundation, $700,000; Bradley Foundation, $420,000; Carthage Foundation, $300,000; and Castle Rock Foundation, $100,000.

About IWF’s Right-Wing Members and Supporters

Christina Hoff Sommers, IWF’s National Advisory Board Chairman, is currently a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, and the author of two controversial books The War Against Boys: How Misguided Feminism Is Harming Our Young Men and Who Stole Feminism? How Women Have Betrayed Women. Sommers has been published in Wall Street Journal, New York Times, Washington Post, Boston Globe, USA Today, National Review, New Republic, Weekly Standard and the Chicago Tribune.

According to SourceWatch, "IWF members include women who are paid to write papers that denigrate the idea of equity for girls and women in education."

Who the IWF "Loves" – Ann Coulter, Peggy Noonan, Miss Manners, Nora Vincent, Michelle Malkin, among others. Who the IWF, in their own language, "Hates" – Maureen Dowd, Susan Estrich, Ellen Goodman, and Kathy Pollitt. [source]


"In my book, Who Stole Feminism, I question the basic premise of the contemporary American feminist movement: that American women are oppressed. I do not believe that women in contemporary American society are oppressed; they do not constitute a subordinate class. I believe American women are among the freest and most liberated in the world. It is no longer reasonable to say that as a group women are worse off than men." – Christina Hoff Sommers, “Sex, Lies, and Feminism” speech, University of Chicago, January 2003

"Our nation’s Founders would be proud of the work and ideals of the Independent Women’s Forum. This is a group of dedicated and caring women committed to the principles of individual freedom and personal responsibility for everyone…I am optimistic about the opportunities younger generations of women will have because of the path that was cleared by women like those in the Independent Women’s Forum. Together, we can make changes that are in the best interests of all working women." – Secretary Elaine Chao, April 2001 statement

"One of the most important of the institutions captured by the Left is the Supreme Court. For the last half century, the Court has been a revolutionary force in American culture and politics, taking the lead in remaking America. For example, in past terms, there have been decisions defining the family, protecting pornography, adopting rules rendering it virtually impossible to prosecute obscenity, refusing states the authority to support all-male military academies, creating special rights for homosexuals, limiting school disciplinary procedures, and banishing religion from public life. And, of course, inventing a right to abortion." – Robert Bork, writing for Ex Feminia newsletter, October 2000

"Without a doubt, the definition of feminism is controversial. What started with the gutsy Susan B. Anthony morphed itself into the The Feminine Mystique and eventually degenerated into a movement of hypocritical, male-bashing libertines." – from SheThinks.org

"Women went to college, the old joke went, to get their 'Mrs.' Now they can attend conferences in kinky sex and S&M, or take courses in lesbian and gay studies--and that is not a joke." – Candice deRussy, "Sex and Bondage 101"

"[T]o the extent there is any hope at all of arresting America's moral decay, conservative elites must take the lead not only in lamenting the consequences of the sexual revolution, but in actually enforcing a sense of shame. Enforcement, moreover, may mean more than judgmental gossip. It also may mean sanctions ranging from chilly social greetings to total social ostracism and even loss of a job." – Melinda Ledden Sidak, "Not at My Table"

Institute for Justice

The Institute for Justice (IJ) sees itself as the Right Wing’s preeminent public interest law firm, committed to “challenging government's control over our lives.” Unlike other such groups on the Right, IJ says it does not engage in “compromise” but rather advances “a tactically and philosophically consistent, long-term strategy” that allows it to “succeed on principle” rather than “fail on politics.”

Institute for Justice
901 N. Glebe Road - Suite 900
Arlington, VA 22203
Website: www.ij.org

Founded: 1991 by Clint Bolick and Chip Mellor
President/General Counsel: William “Chip” Mellor III
Board of Directors: David Kennedy (chairman) - President Emeritus, Earhart Foundation; Mark Babunovic - Vice President, Bank of New York; Arthur Dantchik, Partner, Susquehanna Investment Group; Robert A. Levy - Senior Fellow in Constitutional Studies, Cato Institute; Jim Lintott - Principal, Freedom Management Group LLC; Chip Mellor - President and General Counsel, Institute for Justice; Stephen Modzelewski - Managing Member, Maple Engine L.L.C.; Abigail Thernstrom - Commissioner, U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, and Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute; Gerrit Wormhoudt - Attorney-at-Law, Fleeson, Gooing, Coulson and Kitch.
Finances: $7,507,175 (2005 revenue)
Publications: Liberty & Law, a bimonthly newsletter, Carry the Torch, a report on IJ, law review articles, also publishes reports on a variety of issues.
Affiliate Groups: The Institute for Justice has affiliate offices located in Arizona, Minnesota, and Washington; The IJ also created the Castle Coalition, a “nationwide grassroots property rights activism project” that “teaches home and small business owners how to protect themselves and stand up to the greedy governments and developers who seek to use eminent domain to take private property for their own gain.”

Principal Issues

·         Self-described as “America’s premier libertarian public interest law firm.”

·         IJ provides pro bono legal advice and representation on conservative legal cases.

·         Strong supporter of “school choice” and vouchers. Includes high profile litigation in Cleveland and Milwaukee.

·         Opposes affirmative action policies, refers to them as “racial preferences” and “reverse discrimination”—in an opinion piece for the Wall Street Journal, Clint Bolick criticized President Clinton’s nominee of Lani Guinier, a former lawyer for the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, calling her “Clinton’s Quota Queen” because of her idea to draw more racially-conscious districts with the hope of having greater racially-proportionate representation in the legislature and the courts.

·         Supports government-subsidized, faith-based social service programs.

·         IJ has an extensive training program for young lawyers and law students and sponsors an annual Policy Activists Conference on their issues.


·         The Institute for Justice's School Choice Research Center provides pro-voucher research.

·         IJ is active in defending private property and opposing what it considers abuse of the government’s power of eminent domain.

·         IJ has an annual Policy Activist Conference on Public Interest Litigation that trains conservative activists to use litigation as an advocacy tool.

·         IJ holds conservative lawyer conferences to train them to identify potential cases and create highly visible lawsuits, as well as other litigation tactics.

·         IJ’s grassroots work is performed by their Human Action Network (HAN), which is made up of lawyers who have attended their conferences. The HAN is a network of hundreds of lawyers that IJ organizes to match with pro bono cases, give legal advice, and work together on their issues. These lawyers also serve to inform IJ on grassroots activities.


·         Clint Bolick, formerly of right-wing Landmark Legal Foundation, and Chip Mellor, former president of right-wing Pacific Research Institute, founded the organization. Bolick has since gone on to become the president of the Alliance for School Choice.

·         Grants and contributions from major right-wing foundations include: Olin Foundation, Bradley Foundation, Sarah Scaife Foundation, Kirby Foundation, Donner Foundation, and the Claude R. Lambe Foundation.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute

The Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) is helping to identify, educate and promote the next generation of right-wing leaders, primarily through its funding of college newspapers, its speakers programs and its promotion of conservative professors and journalists.

Intercollegiate Studies Institute
3901 Centerville Road
Wilmington, DE 19807
Websites: www.isi.org and www.isibooks.org

President: T. Kenneth Cribb
Chairman: Edwin J. Feulner, Jr., president of the Heritage Foundation
Vice-President: John F. Lulves, Jr.
Board of Trustees: E. Victor Milione (President Emeritus); Jay Bayard Boyle, Jr. (Vice President); Alfred Regnery; Edwin Meese (former Atty. General for President Ronald Reagan); T. William Boxx; James Burnley; Richard Allen; Holland Coors (of Coors Brewing Company); M. Stanton Evans; Robert Miller; Marion Wells; George Carey; Arthur Rasmussen; Thomas Pauken; William Campbell; Merrill Moyer; and Edwin J. Feulner, Jr. [Board of Trustees]
Date Established: 1953
Finances: $10,669,218 (2004)
Publications: Campus America Student Newspaper, education pamphlets; Modern Age, quarterly review; The Intercollegiate Review, scholarship and opinion; Modern Age journal; The Political Science Reviewer; Continuity, semi-annual journal, Intercollegiate Review and its own publishing company, ISI Books.
Affiliated Groups: The Collegiate Network, Young America’s Foundation and the Fund for American Studies.

Principle Issues

The declared mission of the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) is to combat the supposed left-wing indoctrination on college campuses by organizing lectures, conferences, publications, and fellowships for students and faculty, “ISI seeks to enhance the rising generation's knowledge of our nation's founding principles — limited government, individual liberty, personal responsibility, the rule of law, market economy, and moral norms.”


·         Sponsors the Collegiate Network, which supports over seventy different right-wing publications on college and university campuses. Publications include the Harvard Salient, Princeton Tory, Stanford Review, Yale Free Press, Duke Review, theRed and Blue at the University of Pennsylvania and the Virginia Advocate at the University of Virginia.

·         ISI sponsors its own fellowship programs for graduate students whose work fits within its agenda.

·         ISI hosts regional conferences for college students all over the United States.

·         Promotes the hiring of conservative educators and journalists.

·         ISI event speakers have included President Ronald Reagan, President George W. Bush (videotaped message), ISI alumnus Antonin Scalia, Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell, Doug Bandow, Dinesh D’Souza, Jeane Kirkpatrick, William F. Buckley and Marvin Olasky.

·         ISI Books publishes the work of: Doug Bandow, Michael Barone, William Bennett, L. Brent Bozell, William F. Buckley and more than eighty right-wing authors.


Right-wing donors include: Sarah Scaife Foundation; Allegheny Foundation; The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation; Earhart Foundation; JM Foundation; John M. Olin Foundation; Philip M. McKenna Foundation; Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation; Castle Rock Foundation; and the Carthage Foundation.

Quotes about the Intercollegiate Studies Institute

“By the time the Reagan Revolution marched into Washington, I had the troops I needed---thanks in no small measure to the work with American youth ISI has been doing since 1953. I am proud to count many ISI products among the workhorses of my two terms as President.” – Ronald Reagan

“It’s my pleasure…to support ISI, which is an organization that I was affiliated with long before I was who I am in Washington. I was a professor…when I first began to take part in the ISI program of trying to stimulate the intellectual debate in the nation’s capital.” – Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia

“Were it not for the ISI chapter during my undergraduate days, I would not have gained the philosophical underpinnings that are necessary for one to develop political knowledge and understanding.” – Edwin J. Feulner Jr., president of The Heritage Foundation and former chairman of ISI’s Board of Trustees.

Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration

An offshoot of Rick Scarborough’s Vision America, the primary purpose of the Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCCR) appears to be leveling allegations of anti-Christian bigotry against any member of the federal judiciary who issues rulings that do not advance to the right-wing agenda. The organization first came to prominence in 2005 when it held a conference entitled “Confronting the Judicial War on Faith.”

PO Box 10
Lufkin, TX 75902
Website: www.stopactivistjudges.org

Chairman: Dr. Rick Scarborough (President and Co-Chairman of Vision America)
Executive Committee: Jerry Falwell (The Moral Majority), Rick Scarborough, Alveda King (The Alexis de Tocqueville Institute, Priests for Life), Mike Valerio, Ray Flynn (Catholics for the Common Good), Mike Farris (Home School Legal Defense Fund), Frank Pavone (Priests for Life), Dave Meyers, Phyllis Schlafly (Eagle Forum), and Tom Smith
Membership: Major ministries, churches, pro-family groups, conservative non-profit organizations


The Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration is a coalition of ministries and organization united for the purpose of confronting a “growing assault on the faith by an ever-overreaching judiciary,” and combating “judicial activism.”


The Judeo-Christian Council for Constitutional Restoration (JCCR) was founded in early 2004, and formalized in January of 2005 as a result of what its founders felt had been a culmination of assaults against religion and faith in the form of court decisions. The main thrust for the formation of the JCCCR came after former Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court Roy Moore was removed from his position for refusing to take down a Ten Commandments monument from the Alabama Judiciary building. In addition, the case of Terri Schiavo, the incapacitated woman whose husband was allowed by a federal judge to remove here from life support after she was diagnosed as being in an incurable persistent vegetative state, served as an impetus for forming the JCCCR.


·         The JCCCR rejects certain Supreme Court civil liberty decisions, such as those allowing freedom of reproductive rights, prohibiting coercive sectarian prayer in public schools, overturning sodomy laws, and removing religious symbols like the Ten Commandments from public spaces.

·         In 2005 the JCCCR campaigned to impeach Judge Joseph Bataillon of Nebraska because of his view that banning the marriage of same-sex couples is in violation of the 14th Amendment of the Constitution. JCCCR claims that Bataillon’s action will effectively subvert the intention of the Constitution.

·         JCCCR's conference Confronting the Judicial War on Faith, held April 7-8, 2005, addressed “judicial tyranny…from a faith perspective.” Key speakers included House Majority Leader Tom DeLay Congressman Lamar Smith of Texas, David C. Gibbs, Esq. (lead attorney for the parents of Terri Schiavo), former Alabama Chief Justice Roy Moore, Ambassador Alan Keyes, Phyllis Schlafly, Tony Perkins (of the Family Research Council), Tom Jipping (aide to Sen. Orin Hatch), Mike Farris (of Patrick Henry University and the Home School Legal Defense Association), Alveda King (niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.), Patrick Reilly (of the Cardinal Newman Society), and Rabbi Aryeh Spero. About the JCCCR Conference


“The President must be true to his word. He must keep his faith with the folks who elected him twice. In other words, he must replace Sandra Day O’Connor with a strict constructionist. The president has a God-given opportunity to change the balance on the Supreme Court. On issue after issue—abortion, sodomy, public display of the Ten Commandments—O’Connor has sided with the court’s liberal bloc. Time and again, Justice O’Connor and her colleagues have used the Constitution as an excuse to force weird social experiments on the nation.”
—Rick Scarborough on the 2005 Supreme Court vacancy, July 1, 2005.

“Not to be outdone, lawyer-author Edwin Vieira told the gathering [JCCR’s 2005 conference] that Kennedy [Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy] should be impeached because his philosophy, evidenced in his opinion striking down an anti-sodomy statute, ‘upholds Marxist, Leninist, satanic principles drawn from foreign law.’

Ominously, Vieira continued by saying his ‘bottom line’ for dealing with the Supreme Court comes from Joseph Stalin. ‘He had a slogan, and it worked very well for him, whenever he ran into difficulty: “no man, no problem,”’ Vieira said.

The full Stalin quote, for those who don't recognize it, is ‘Death solves all problems: no man, no problem.’”
—Dana Milbank, “And the Verdict on Justice Kennedy Is: Guilty,” Washington Post, April 9, 2005

“As the battle over the Roberts nomination moves to the floor of the Senate, there's intense speculation about President Bush's second Supreme Court nominee. Increasingly, pro-faith conservatives are telling the White House to think Brown. Recently confirmed to the DC Circuit Court of Appeals (called the second most powerful court in the land), Janice Rogers Brown is a dream nominee for folks like you and me.”
—Rick Scarborough on the vacancy to the Supreme Court, September 22, 2005

“In every event in the life of a nation -- as in our personal lives -- God is always speaking to us. It is imperative that we hear Him and heed His voice. These thoughts I offer with deep humility. Scriptures teach us that God will not be mocked. The scenes of devastation in New Orleans we're witnessing on the nightly news show us a catastrophe of Biblical proportions. If that weren't enough, the chaos that's sweeping the ravaged city is a sad reminder that when God brings the deluge, the floodgates will open and unimaginable evil will wash over us.”
—Rick Scarborough on Hurricane Katrina, September 2, 2005

Judicial Confirmation Network

The Judicial Confirmation Network (JCN) was created just as the debate in the Senate over Republican leaders’ plans to eliminate the use of the filibuster on judicial nominations was reaching its apex. JCN was also active in the right-wing campaign to confirm Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.

Judicial Confirmation Network
PO Box 791
Alexandria, VA 22313-0791
Website: www.judicialnetwork.com

Executive Director: Gary Marx (Bush-Cheney ’04, The Family Foundation of Virginia)
Counsel: Wendy Long (former law clerk for Justice Clarence Thomas)
Founded: 2004


The Judicial Confirmation Network (JCN) was created to ensure that “highly qualified individuals” are confirmed to United States’ highest courts. It calls for a “fair, impartial confirmation process” and strongly advocates the up-or-down vote. JCN believes in judges who “strictly interpret the Constitution” and that do not “impose his or her personal or political agenda on the people.” It firmly supported Judge John Roberts for confirmation to the United States Supreme Court.


·         JCN was very active in the battle over the “nuclear option” which would have eliminated the use of the filibuster to block the confirmation of judicial nominees. In fact, JCN came into existence mainly to help fight that battle.

·         JCN quickly launched a national advertising campaign in support of the "nuclear option," targeting mainly Democratic senators from “red states” as well as moderate Republicans.

·         JCN was also very active during the confirmation process for John Roberts, defending his record, praising him in the press and on television, and attacking Democrats.

·         JCN partnered with “dozens of other grassroots and civic organizations including Focus on the Family, Americans for Tax Reform, the Committee for Justice, Americans for Limited Government and the American Center for Law and Justice” to distribute its e-mails and alerts.


Gary Marx was invited by Jay Sekulow, a close friend and president of the ultra-conservative American Center for Law and Justice, in 2004 to create the JCN. The organization also has very close ties to Progress for America.


In preparation for Supreme Court nomination battles, the JCN was expected to be the main repository of money raised from business groups and other Republican allies. It promised to spend about $18 million for radio and TV ads, phone banks, and other grassroots tools.

About Gary Marx

Before his position at JCN, Marx served on the 2004 Bush-Cheney campaign as the national conservative coalition director who helped organize church-sponsored voter drives in Ohio. Marx was also involved in Bush’s campaign while working at the firm Century Strategies, where his task was outreach to pro-family conservative voters during the primary and general election races.

Century Strategies was founded and is led by former Christian Coalition director Ralph Reed, who advises Fortune 500 companies while heavily endorsing political candidates. Reed has worked on seven presidential campaigns and has advised on 88 campaigns for U.S. Senate, Governor and Congress in 24 states. He was the Chairman of the Georgia Republican Party in 2002, and ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor of Georgia in 2006.


"The Republican base, which worked hard to elect President Bush twice, does not think the Supreme Court should be stuck in the mentality of the 1960s, which has proven so destructive to the rule of law and respect for our American institutions. Liberal groups now arguing for 'balance' on the Court and the appointment of a 'moderate' Justice just want to keep the Supreme Court on a leftward march, away from the Constitution. When the people speak through their elected representatives on political and policy matters, as they are entitled to do in our representative democracy, the liberal Left runs to the courts to implement opposite policies through judicial tyranny.”
—Wendy Long, “JCN: Americans Deserve Better From U.S. Supreme Court,” July 7, 2005

"Seeking a 'consensus' candidate is not the right thing to do. It is not what the Constitution contemplates, in our system built on the consent of the governed... By definition, those will never be 'consensus' nominees. Justices Ginsburg and Breyer were not 'consensus' nominees, nor should any Republican nominees be—particularly when Republicans control the Senate, for heaven's sake."
—Wendy Long, June 22, 2005

Landmark Legal Foundation

The Landmark Legal Foundation specializes in battling opponents of school vouchers, unions, and environmental regulations in the name of opposing “big government.” Landmark’s president, Mark Levin, is a high-profile right-wing media figure who hosts his own radio program, contributes to the National Review, and is the author of Men in Black: How the Supreme Court Is Destroying America.

Landmark Legal Foundation
19415 Deerfield Avenue Suite 312
Leesburg, VA 20176
Website: www.landmarklegal.org

President: Mark R. Levin
Founded/Place: 1976
Advisory Council Member: Becky Norton Dunlop
Board of Directors: Roy Innis (Congress of Racial Equality), Walter Williams (CATO Institute, Heritage Foundation), Edwin Meese III, (Former Attorney General), WM. Bradford Reynolds (Federalist Society), Steve A. Matthews, Gary L. McDowell, Lawrence F. Davenport, John Richardson
Former President: Jerald Hill
Finances: $1,728,056 (2003 revenue)
Media: The Mark Levin Show, aired on the radio weekly on WABC AM station.
Publications: Men in Black: How the Supreme Court is Destroying America, a book by President Mark Levin


Landmark Legal Foundation (LFF) is a legal advocacy group that litigates based on the principles of individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited government. Among others, LLF has targeted the National Education Association, the Democratic National Committee, the AFL-CIO, Emily’s List, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Forest Service.


·         Landmark Legal Foundation (LLF) initiates litigation against major non-profit, governmental, and social institutions.

·         LLF focuses primarily on education and environmental litigation, in an attempt to dismantle institutions that preserve universal public schooling and that promote and fight for a clean environment. It assists state legislators in their pursuit to enact educational reforms such as providing school vouchers, private management of public schools, and other voucher initiatives.

·         Mark Levin is a contributing editor of National Review, as well as a frequent contributor to the Washington Times and Human Events.

·         Works for welfare reform.

·         Played a role in supporting Paula Jones during the Clinton sexual scandal by receiving funds from the Scaife Foundation and finding lawyers for Jones. Salon, "Newsreal: The men who kept Paula Jones lawsuit going"

Judicial Nominees Activity

·         Landmark Legal Foundation is a member of Kay Daly’s Coalition for a Fair Judiciary, along with Free Congress Foundation, American Conservative Union, Family Research Council, Concerned Women for America, and the Christian Coalition. Source

·         Landmark Legal adamantly opposed the Senate Democrats’ use of the filibuster against judicial nominees. In an op-ed in January of 2005, Levin explained that, “Whatever the politics of ending the Senate’s judicial filibusters, and one can only speculate, defending the Constitution is paramount…By denying the president numerous key appointments to vacancies on the federal bench, the judiciary grows increasingly activist due to the remaining numerous Clinton appointees.” Landmark Legal Foundation op-ed


·         According to MediaTransparency, Landmark received $8,935,200 between 1986 and 2003 in a total of 118 grants.

·         Landmark has received $20,000 from ExxonMobil Foundation since 1998

·         According to its 990 report, Landmark Legal Foundation received $1,567,258 in gifts, grants, and contributions in 2002.

·         Other funders include the Allegheny Foundation, Lynde and Harry Bradley, Foundation, Inc., Carthage Foundation, Castle Rock Foundation, JM Foundation, Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, Philip M. McKenna Foundation, Inc., John M. Olin Foundation, Inc., Sarah Scaife Foundation, and the Scaife Family Foundation.


Landmark Legal Foundation, one of the earlier conservative legal organizations, was founded in 1976, and initially called the Great Plains Legal Foundation. It was created to address the special interest groups and unions “dedicated to tearing down [individual liberty, free enterprise, and limited government] and advancing Big Government.”

About President Mark R. Levin

Mark Levin is a former employee of the Reagan Administration, and represented former Reagan Attorney General Edwin Meese during the Iran-Contra investigation. He was a leading advocate of the impeachment of Bill Clinton, and Rush Limbaugh named him head of his (Limbaugh’s) “legal division.” In 2001 Levin received the Ronald Reagan Award from the American Conservative Union. Finally, Levin strongly disapproves of the United Nations, which he claims is anti-Semitic and disorganized (see quote below).

“How can [John Kerry] support an organization that anti-Semitic? I would like to know how the U.N., given the make-up of the august body, is any different than the KKK or all the rest of it. They've got people in that U.N. that are torturers, mass-murderers, anti-Semites, anti-Americans, anti-freedom, and we're supposed to keep conferring our decisions to them. Why?”—Mark R. Levin audio

“Landmark Legal Foundation is presently engaged in a two front battle – the most ambitious and arguably the most important we’ve ever faced. It is quite literally a battle for America's future.

“We’re confronting the nation’s chief obstacle to substantive education reform - the NEA - not only at the national level, but in the states where the union spends millions in tax exempt funds on unreported and hence illegal political activities. In the coming months we will launch the first wave of complaints against key NEA state affiliates. In addition, the Foundation will undertake a major outreach initiative to regional, national and specialty media and key opinion leaders to garner attention and caste the spectrum of public debate where it belongs – on the actions of a union that has no respect for the law. Landmark’s complaints and public outreach efforts will bring to the state unions the same unremitting and unwelcome scrutiny from governmental agencies and the media that has resulted in a full IRS field audit and Labor Department investigation of the national union.

“We are also challenging what may be the most insidious legacy of modern liberalism – judicial activism and the radical judges who use it to advance an extremist social agenda. America’s courts have become the final bulwark for the advocates of big government who have been defeated time after time at the ballot box at the local, state and federal level. Through an aggressive and multifaceted public education campaign, Landmark’s Judicial Reform Initiative is helping to reshape the public debate and crystallize public sentiment about the mission of America’s courts and the proper limits on their authority. With the Roberts Nomination to the Supreme Court currently before the Senate – as well as the ongoing controversy about filibusters in the Senate over nominees to federal district and appeals courts, this has become one of Landmark’s highest priorities.” Source

Leadership Institute

1101 North Highland Street
Arlington, VA 22201

President: Morton C. Blackwell

Established: In 1979 by Morton C. Blackwell
Finances: $8,230,655 budget (2000)
Employees: 54
Graduates of LI programs: Over 30,000 people (according to LI)

Leadership Institute’s Principal Issues and Activities:

·  The Institute’s mission is “to increase the number and effectiveness of conservative public policy leaders. We not only want to identify, recruit and place conservatives, but we want to properly equip our future leaders as well.” 

·  The Institute recruits, trains and finds jobs for right-wing activists in the public policy field. 

·  In 22 years, the Institute has trained over 30,000 activists.  

·  The Institute’s F.M. Kirby National Training Center has 18 educational programs: Campaign Leadership, Candidate Development, Capitol Hill staff, Capitol Hill writing, Grassroots organizing, Internet leadership, Public Relations, Public Speaking, Student Publications, Youth Leadership, and Broadcast Journalism. LI has space to hold trainings to accommodate nearly 500 people at a time and free dormitory space is available.  

·  LI has an intern program, an Employment Placement Service and a Broadcast Journalism Placement Service. LI has placed program graduates in positions at: National Rifle Association, Christian Coalition, American Conservative Union, and working for Florida Governor Jeb Bush.  

·  LI alumni include: Ralph Reed, Former Executive Director of the Christian Coalition, Senator Mitch McConnell (R-Kentucky), former Virginia Governor Jim Gilmore, Grover Norquist, President of Americans for Tax Reform, Congressman David McIntosh (R-Indiana), Congressman Mark Souder (R-Indiana).  

·  The Institute also has a “Bi-Partisan Congressional Advisory Board” of 117 members, 4 are Democrats and the rest are Republicans.  

·  LI has organized over 200 conservative student groups on college campuses nationwide. LI specializes in countering “political correctness” on college campuses. 

·  LI receives funding from many large conservative foundations such as the F.M. Kirby Foundation and the DeVos Foundation. 

·  President Ronald Reagan said that the Leadership Institute is "paving the way for a new generation of conservative leadership."

Morton Blackwell’s Background:

·  Since 1991, Blackwell has served as Executive Director of the secretive Council for National Policy, a foundation composed of leaders of right wing public policy organizations, major donors and other noted conservative leaders.  

·  From 1981-1984, Morton worked as the Special Assistant to President Reagan. Blackwell was a liaison to conservative groups, veteran's groups, most religious organizations, and civic and fraternal groups. 

·  Blackwell co-authored President Reagan's Voluntary Prayer Amendment.

Pioneer Institute for Public Policy Research

85 Devonshire Street, 8th Floor
Boston, MA 02109

Established: 1988 by Lovett C. Peters
Founding Chairman: Lovett C. Peters
Chairman: Colby Hewitt, Jr.
President/Executive Director: Stephen Adams
Finances: $2.5 million budget (2000)
Employees: 18
Affiliated with: Massachusetts Charter School Resource Center, Pioneer Institute, Inc.
Publications: Books, policy papers, “Pioneering Spirit” magazine, newsletters, and op-eds.

Pioneer Institute’s Principal Issues: 

·  PI “seeks to change the intellectual climate in Massachusetts” by challenging the progressive bias of the state. 

·  PI describes itself as “Massachusetts’s leading think tank.” PI has three “centers”—the Charter School Resource Center, the Shamie Center for Restructuring Government and the Center for Urban Entrepreneurship.  

·  PI’s issues are broken down into its “E4 strategy-- educational excellence, effective public management, economic opportunity, and emerging issues.”

·  PI is a proponent of school vouchers and deregulation of workman’s compensation insurance. PI opposes bilingual education.  

·  PI’s approach to education reform is defined by its support of school vouchers and charter schools.  

·  PI’s founding chairman, Lovett C. Peters, is also a trustee for the Foundation for Economic Education and for Hillsdale College

·  PI’s work has been acknowledged by other right wing groups. Peters was awarded the “Roe Award” from the State Policy Network. Both Peters and his wife Ruth Stott Peters received the “Champions of Freedom Award” from the Mackinac Center for Public Policy.  

·  PI is a member of the State Policy Network, “the professional service organization for America's state-based, free market think tank movement.”

Madison Project

The Madison Project (MP)
PO Box 100
Centreville, VA 20122

Established: 1994 by Michael Farris
Chairman: Michael Farris
President: Michael Bowman
Publications: We the People, a bimonthly newsletter

Madison Project's Principal Issues:

·  The Madison Project is a PAC was established to help and support new conservative “family values” anti-choice candidates, to build a “true pro-life, conservative majority.”

·  Madison Project calls itself “A Political Network for Pro-Life Conservatives.” [letterhead 1999] 

·  The Madison Project organizes and "bundles" small contributions by individuals to amass large contributions. It is modeled after Emily's List. [We the people, nov/dec 1994]  

·  Madison Project’s Board of Directors include famous conservatives Paul Weyrich and Tim LaHaye. Madison Project’s “Advisory Committee” is a group of congresspeople that the group helped to elect.  

·  MP does not support incumbents and it often focuses on elections in its home state of Virginia.

Madison Project's Recent Activities:

Candidates MP supported in 2002 election:

MP Wins:
Senate Races:
Missouri US Senate: Jim Talent (v. Jean Carnahan)
House Races:
Colorado: 4th CD Marilyn Musgrave (v. Stan Matsanka)
Florida: 13th CD Katherine Harris (v. Jan Schneider)
New Mexico: 2nd CD Steve Pearce (v. John Arthur Smith)
New Jersey: 5th CD Scott Garrett (v. Anne Summers)
Texas: 5th CD Jeb Hensarling (v. Ron Chapman)
Senate Races:
Delaware: US Senate: Clatworthy (v. Biden)
Louisiana US Senate: Perkins (v. Landrieu)
House Races:
California: 39th CD: Tim Escobar (v. Linda Sanchez)
Kentucky: 4th CD: Geoff Davis (v. Ken Lucas)
Louisiana 5th CD: Clyde Holloway (v. Rodney Alexander)

MP's Election History:

·  In 2000, MP claims they elected 10 new pro-life Republicans to Congress. They also launched their “Vote Your Values!” get-out-the-vote project, targeting conservative religious voters in Michigan and Florida. [11-17-00] 

·  In Summer 1999, MP headed a campaign to “bundle” contributions for the GOP House Managers who prosecuted the impeachment of President Clinton. MP claims it gave more money to the House Managers than their own official House Managers PAC. [11-17-00 direct mail] 

·  During the 1999 primary, MP ranked #1 among pro-life organizations and #3 among 117 conservative organizations in funneling money to candidates. [ibid] 

·  In 1996 MP gave $340,000 to 14 candidates, helping to elect Sam Brownback (R-KS). [MP 2/98 direct mail] 

·  In 1994 MP gave $179,000 to 9 candidates. Of those nine, 4 were elected. (Steve Largent (R-OK), Mark Neumann(R-WS), Andrea Seastrand(R-CA), and Doc Hastings(R-WS).) [ibid]

About MP’s Founder Michael Farris:

·  In 2001 Farris was hired by the Bush campaign as a consultant. Farris stepped down as Executive Director and named Michael Bowman, former Vice President of Government Relations at the Family Research Council. [9-24-01, direct mail] 

·  Farris was responsible for arranging the instrumental Fall 1999 meeting between top conservatives and candidate George W. Bush. The meeting was an opportunity for Bush to privately reassure the far-right that they share the same values. [WT 10-8-1999]  

·  Michael Farris ran a failed campaign for lieutenant governor of Virginia. 

·  Farris is known for his role in the Christian conservative home schooling movement, president of the Home School Defense Association. Farris has also established a college for Christian conservative home schooled kids, Patrick Henry College.  

·  Farris also served as general counsel to Concerned Women for America.

Madison Project quotes:

"Madison Project not only has a unique mission and strategy, but we have a proven record of accomplishment with over a million dollars delivered directly to candidates and many solid victories for conservatives." -Michael Farris [1-03 website]

“The Madison Project has been responsible for electing ten of the most constitutionally conservative Congressmen in history. These are men and women who are solid on the issues you and I care about the most.”- Madison Project, direct mail 1-97?

“You know I have to say sincerely that I stand before you because of the Madison Project.” –Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth, R-ID [1-97 direct mail]

“Madison Project put us over the hump, and for that I am eternally grateful.”- Congressman Steve Largent, R-OK [direct mail 1-97]

“Together we’ve helped elect eight principled leaders to the U.S. House of Representatives and one to the U.S. Senate. That is nine Congressmen who, day in and day out vote for the principles you and I hold dear.” –July 4, 1997 direct mail from Michael Farris on behalf of the Madison Project

""Madison Project provided me with critical funding when I needed it the most: in the primary!" -Rep. Joe Pitts (R, Penn.) [1-03 website]

National Association of Scholars

221 Witherspoon Street, Second Floor
Princeton, New Jersey 08542-3215

Founded: 1985
President: Stephen H. Balch
Publications: NAS Update quarterly newsletter, Academic Questions quarterly journal, and Science Insights; and occasional reports
Finances: Has an income of less than $25,000 per year.

NAS Principle Issues:

·  NAS was founded to bring together conservatives in academia to fight the “liberal bias” on college and university campuses and to target multiculturalism and affirmative-action policies.  

·  NAS organizes professors, graduate students, college administrators and trustees, and scholars who believe that there is a “[d]ogmatic hostility to Western civilization, and turning the study of non-Western cultures into an instrument for denouncing American society” on college campuses.  

·  Fights against the “[d]ecline in civility on college and university campuses.”

NAS Principle Activities:

·  NAS builds scholar networks, organizes panels, conferences, and lectures and creates NAS campus communities. NAS organizes outreach programs to recruit new members.

Major Right Wing Donors:

·  Sarah Scaife Foundation 

·  The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, Inc  

·  Castle Rock Foundation  

·  John M. Olin Foundation

NAS’s Board of Advisors:

·  John H. Bunzel, Hoover Institution 

·  Edwin J. Delattre, American Enterprise Institute 

·  Chester E. Finn, Fordham Foundation  

·  Gertrude Himmelfarb, Independent Women’s Forum

·  Paul Hollander, National Review, Front Page Magazine 

·  Harry V. Jaffa, Claremont Institute 

·  Donald Kagan, Project for the New American Century 

·  Jeane J. Kirkpatrick, UN Ambassador under President Reagan, American Enterprise Institute 

·  Irving Kristol, American Enterprise Institute 

·  Richard D. Lamm, American Reform Party 

·  Leslie Lenkowsky, National Review 

·  Seymour Martin Lipset, Hoover Institution 

·  Christina Hoff Sommers, Independent Women’s Forum

·  Shelby Steele, Hoover Institution, Manhattan Institute

·  Stephan Thernstrom, Manhattan Institute

·  James Q. Wilson, Manhattan Institute

National Center for Policy Analysis

12655 North Central Expressway, Suite 720
Dallas, TX 75243-1739

Established: 1983
President/Executive Director: John C. Goodman
Finances: $5,237,217 (total expenditures in 2001)
Employees: 22
Affiliations: NCPA is a member of the State Policy Network, a network of national and local right-wing think tanks, and of townhall.com, a right-wing internet portal created by the Heritage Foundation.
Publications: NCPA sponsors two of its own syndicated columnists: Pete du Pont (Scripps Howard) and Bruce Bartlett (Creators Syndicate). Bartlett's column appears under contract twice a week in the Washington Times and in the Detroit News.

NCPA’s Principal Issues:

·  A right wing think tank with programs devoted to privatization in the following issue areas: taxes, Social Security and Medicare, health care, criminal justice, environment, education, and welfare.  

·  NCPA describes its close working relationship with Congress, saying it “has managed to have more than a dozen studies released by members of Congress – a rare event for a think tank – and frequently members of Congress appear at the NCPA's Capitol Hill briefings for congressional aides.” 

·  Right-wing foundations funding includes: Bradley, Scaife, Koch, Olin, Earhart, Castle Rock, and JM Foundations

·  In the early 90s, NCPA created the Center for Tax Studies. NCPA’s website describes the inspiration for the Center: “Very few think tank studies are released by members of Congress.”

NCPA's Activities and History:

·  In the early 90s, NCPA established the Center for Tax Studies.  

·  NCPA's website describes the inspiration for the Center: "Very few think tank studies are released by members of Congress. One of the first NCPA exceptions was a 1990 study on how Social Security rules penalize senior citizens and discourage them from working. The study was released on Capitol Hill by more than 50 members of the House of Representatives. This was the first of many such events for the NCPA and led to the creation of the Center for Tax Studies, which makes policy recommendations that help to guide the decisions of lawmakers."  

·  In the mid-90s, NCPA saw more opportunities with the new Republican Congress.
NCPA describes its accomplishments: 

·  "A package of pro-growth tax cuts, designed by the NCPA and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 1991, became the core of the Contract With America in 1994. Three of the five proposals (capital gains tax cut, Roth IRA and eliminating the Social Security earnings penalty) became law. A fourth proposal - rolling back the tax on Social Security benefits - passed the House of Representatives in 2000."  

·  "NCPA Senior Fellow Bruce Bartlett's proposal for an across-the-board tax cut became the centerpiece of Bob Dole's 1996 presidential campaign and the focal point of the recent pro-growth approach to tax cuts. Bartlett's proposal also became the centerpiece of President Bush's tax cut proposal." 

·  "At the request of congressional leadership, we produced a major study on the tax relief bill passed in Congress but vetoed by President Clinton." 

·  "The repeal by Congress of the estate tax last year (vetoed by President Clinton) and again by the House of Representatives this year reflects the continued work of the NCPA. At the request of congressional leadership, the NCPA produced a policy backgrounder on the case for abolishing death taxes. A later NCPA study on this issue was released on Capitol Hill, timed to coincide with the Senate debate on the issue. This year, the issue is again before the Congress, with a president who strongly favors repeal."

NCPA alumni in the Bush administration:

·  Senior Fellow Thomas R. Saving was appointed to the Board of Trustees of the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds.  

·  Dr. Saving was also named to the President’s Social Security Commission.

High-profile Staffers and Board Members:

High-profile board members:
Former Delaware governor Pete du Pont
Virginia Manheimer, funder of right-wing and pro-voucher organizations in New York

High-profile staffers include:
Senior Fellow Bruce Bartlett

National Right to Life Committee

512 10th St. NW
Washington, DC 20004

President: Wanda Franz
Date of founding: 1973
Finances: $12.4 million (1998 revenue)
State chapters: Over 3,000 “Right to Life” chapters in all 50 states and District of Columbia.
Publications: National Right to Life News, monthly newsletter with “nearly” 400,000 subscribers, and a "Hot List" e-mail news listserv.
Affiliated with: National Right to Life Committee Educational Trust Fund, National Right to Life Conventions, National Right to Life PAC, and the Horatio R. Storer Foundation.

NRLC’s Principal Issues:

·  NRLC is the nation's largest anti-abortion grassroots organization. 

·  NRLC specializes in lobbying congress and organizing grassroots activists on anti-abortion issues. NRLC also has a political action committee and educational trust fund.  

·  One of the central goals of the organization is the passage of a constitutional amendment banning all abortion. 

·  While NRLC defines itself as a “single-issue” organization, they are also active in other issues such as partial-birth abortion, euthanasia, stem cell research, in vitro fertilization, and cloning. NRCL opposes RU-486 and some forms of contraceptives, including "the pill." 

·  In 1999, Fortune magazine placed NRLC number 8 on its “Power 25” list, which ranks the most influential lobbying groups in Washington, D.C..

NRLC Activities:  

·  NRLC organizes letters-to-congress campaigns on behalf of legislation that relates to their issues. 

·  NRLC encourages its members to approach local schools so they can give talks in the classroom, they call it “Captivating the Captive Audience.” In materials that explain how to convert students to their cause, they emphasize the effectiveness of using NRCL’s educational resources, such as videos, pamphlets, cd-roms, and “fetal models.”  

·  In Fall 2001 the NRL Educational Trust Fund purchased a building halfway between the White House and Capitol Hill. The value of the building is assessed at $2 million dollars.

National Taxpayers Union

108 North Alfred St.
Alexandria, Virginia 22314

Established: Founded in 1969.
President: John Berthoud
Finances: $1,222,825 (2000 NTUF budget)
Employees: 20
Membership: 335,000
Organization Affiliates: National Taxpayers Union Foundation, National Taxpayers Union Campaign Fund, Iowans for Tax Relief, Nebraska Taxpayers for Freedom,
Arlington County Taxpayers Association

NTU’s Principal Activities:

·  NTU’s main focus is lobbying Congress. NTU bills its congressional scorecards as “the only scorecard that grades representatives on every roll call vote affecting fiscal policy, including taxes and regulation.” NTU also gives “Taxpayers’ Friend Awards” to the highest scoring legislators. Like most lobbying groups, NTU sends alerts about pending legislation to be used by activists, testifies before Congress, and provides policy papers for its legislative allies. 

·  NTUF was founded in 1977 and “is the charitable, research, and educational affiliate of NTU.” 

·  National Taxpayers Union Campaign Fund (NTUCF) was created by NTU in 1994 and “makes endorsements of candidates, distributes information to voters on the tax records -- good and bad -- of officeseekers, and which conducts its own self-directed “independent expenditure” campaigns in certain political contests.”

History and Background:

·  NTU lists the following among its accomplishments: “Dozens of successful state and local tax limitation movements -- activists have defeated 90% of the 50 major tax increases that appeared on state ballots over the past five years;” “Bringing the Balanced Budget Amendment to the Constitution within one vote of passing the Congress;” and “Landmark "Taxpayer Bill of Rights" laws that help to safeguard against IRS abuses.”  

·  Right-wing foundations that help fund NTUF include: Scaife, John M. Olin and JM Foundations.

High-profile Staffers:

·  Grover Norquist was NTU’s Executive Director before being tapped by the Reagan White House to head Americans for Tax Reform.

High Profile Board Members:

·  David M. Stanley, Chairman of the Board 

·  Steve Forbes, two-time candidate for GOP presidential nomination  

·  J. Kenneth Blackwell, Ohio Secretary of State  

·  J. Patrick Rooney, a right-wing funder

Quotes about NTU:

“My Administration came to Washington to achieve many of the goals shared by the National Taxpayers Union – Reduction of income tax rates, control of government spending…NTU’s support for the across-the-board tax rate reduction and income tax indexing helped pave the way for Congressional adoption during the first years of this Administration.”- Former President Ronald Reagan

“The National Taxpayers Union…is the Grand-daddy of the tax revolt organizations.”
-San Francisco Chronicle

“After Howard Jarvis’ victory on California’s landmark Proposition 13 tax-limitation referendum in 1978, the NTU helped to convert the victory into national momentum for the Reagan agenda.”
-Human Events magazine

Quotes from NTU:

“If we don’t seize on this revolutionary moment to rein in taxes and rein in entitlements, we could be looking at a government headed for financial oblivion…and a populace that is so over-taxed and so desperate that we could be talking about real revolutions.”
- David Keating in 1995

New Coalition for Economic and Social Change

The New Coalition for Economic and Social Change is a coalition of black conservatives affiliated with free-market advocacy group The Heartland Institute – itself member a of the right-wing State Policy Network, a national network of state-based think tanks.

The New Coalition for Economic and Social Change
19 South LaSalle Street #903
Chicago, IL 60603
Website: www.newcoalition.org

Founder & President: Lee H. Walker in 1980
Board of Directors (Heartland Institute): Herbert J. Walberg, Chairman, Joseph L. Bast (President and CEO The Heartland Institute), James L. Johnston (Amoco Corporation, retired), Thomas Walton (General Motors Corporation), Walter F. Buchholtz (ExxonMobil Corporation), Roy E. Marden (Philip Morris), David H. Padden (Padden & Co.), Robert Buford (Planned Realty Group), Frank Resnik (Medline Inc., retired), Paul Fisher Piper (Marbury, Rudnick & Wolfe), Leslie Rose (Fidelity Bank), James Fitzgerald (BankNote Capital LLC), Lee Tooman (Golden Rule Insurance Company), Dan Hales (Peterson & Ross), Lee H. Walker (New Coalition for Economic & Social Change), William Higginson (Chicago Equity Fund Inc.).
Finances: The New Coalition estimates its finances for 2005 at $175,000
Publications: New Coalition “News and Views” Newsletter, sent to a mailing list of approximately 1,100 allies and opinion leaders, as well as occasional articles, studies, and research papers on issues of particular interest to people of color.
Affiliate Groups:
The Heartland Institute


The new Coalition lists its goals and strategies as the following:

·         To make black Americans more economically independent;

·         To formulate a coherent black strategy to deal with “black pathologies” such as crime, poor health, unemployment, and “miseducation;”

·         To publicize the fact that there is great diversity within the black community;

·         To create new leaders and new alliances;

·         To foster black experts able to comment on a wide variety of issues, not just those commonly associated with black concerns.

The New Coalition is “committed to conservative multiculturalism,” which views social order from historical and personal experiences not shared by whites, that result in conservative or libertarian conclusions.


The New Coalition engages in public speaking, media interviews, writing letters to editors and elected officials, op-eds for newspapers, and feature articles for magazines and newsletters, as well as holding seminars and providing easy-access literature for the multicultural community. On its website it lists the following activities:

·         Presenting the Booker T. Washington "New Citizenship" Award annually to Americans who have succeeded against the odds;

·         Hosting an annual leadership conference on the New Black Agenda;

·         Producing a series of small-scale seminars for the purpose of exploring specific public policy issues;

·         Publishing a newsletter and studies and research papers on urgent issues; and

·         Networking with other organizations.

·         New Coalition Cultural Information Exchange Project (NCCIEP), an educational development program for Chicago Public Schools Technology Initiatives


The New Coalition lists the Stuart Family Foundation, ExxonMobil Corporation, the Ceres Foundation, and the Milbank Foundation for Rehabilitation as several of its 97 donors.

The New Coalition is a partner with the Heartland Institute, which receives funding from Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation, Claude R. Lambe Charitable Foundation, JM Foundation, John M. Olin Foundation, Inc.,
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Scaife Foundations, and from the Phillip Morris tobacco company. It claims to have annual revenues of over $2 million.


The New Coalition was founded in 1980 following a major conference in San Francisco at the Fairmont Hotel. Speakers featured that day included former U.S. Attorney General Ed Meese III, economist Milton Friedman, Thomas Sowell, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, and Walter Williams.

According to the New Coalition’s website, “The Heartland Institute, a national research organization (or ‘think tank’) founded in 1984 in Chicago, has an annual budget of $2 million and a full-time staff of 13. Prior to joining forces with Mr. Walker, however, it was not having much success reaching nonwhite audiences. As a result, a partnership formed between The New Coalition and The Heartland Institute, a project under Mr. Walker's direction that combined The New Coalition's extensive contacts with nonwhite opinion leaders with access to The Heartland Institute's staff, publications, and national network of donors and opinion leaders. Mr. Walker–a long-time member of Heartland's Board of Directors–has taken the title of Senior Fellow at Heartland and President of The New Coalition.”

According to Sourcewatch.org, the Heartland Institute has ties to the tobacco industry… “Roy E. Marden, a member of Heartland's board of directors, is the manager of industry affairs for the Philip Morris tobacco company…[and] In a May 1991 document prepared for Philip Morris, Marden listed Heartland's ‘rapid response network’ as a ‘potential spokesperson’ among the ‘portfolio of organizations’ that the company had cultivated to support its interests.

The Heartland Institute is also a member of the State Policy Network, a national network of state-based right-wing organizations, predominately think tanks.

State Policy Network

6255 Arlington Boulevard
Richmond, CA 94805

Founding Chairman: Thomas Roe
Established: 1992
Formerly Known As: The Madison Group
President: Tracie Sharp
Financials: $391,496 (2001 budget)
Membership: 40 state membership groups in 37 states
Publications: SPN News (quarterly newsletter), SPN group directory.

SPN's Principal Issues:

·  SPN is a national network of state-based right-wing organizations in 37 states as well as prominent nationwide right-wing organizations. Through its network SPN advances the public policy ideas of the expansive right-wing political movement on the state and local level.

·  Due to SPN's state think tank network, smaller organizations have met with success by following the Heritage Foundation model of extensive public relations to court the media and politicians in an effort to have more impact on public policy. The agenda of Heritage and most of SNP's network members are nearly identical: privatization of most public services and hostility to public education.

·  SPN's Purpose: “The Era of Big Government is not over. Federal control has merely been reinforced by state mandates. This is the reality of the 'New Federalism.' Independent think tanks that promote market-oriented public policy ideas at the state and local levels are confronting that reality head-on, working in the trenches at the forefront of the movement for free market policy solutions, and State Policy Network is boosting its capacity to support them.”

·  SPN's leadership work includes "program planning, delivery, evaluation" and establishing "outreach programs" to help smaller organizations to market and promote themselves to lawmakers and business leaders.

·  SPN is a network of “state-based think tanks,” organizations, corporations, and foundations in the “conservative/free market movement.”


SPN's Activities:

·  SPN provides seminars and workshops on areas such as market analysis and fundraising strategies for non-profits to market themselves in the for-profit world.

·  The State Policy Network has received funding from the Olin Foundation, the Richard & Helen DeVos Foundation, the Bradley Foundation and the Castle Rock Foundation (Coors affiliated). The Network meets regularly to share strategies and coordinate activities.

·  Through SPNs network the different state membership groups lobby and organize on a local and state level for privatization of many public services including schools and mass transportation, deregulation of business, and opposition to organized labor.

SPN's Members and Associates: [partial list]

Acton Institute
Alabama Policy Institute
American Legislative Exchange Council
Allegheny Institute for Public Policy
Americans for Tax Reform
Arkansas Policy Foundation
Atlas Economic Research Foundation
Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
Cascade Policy Institute
Commonwealth Foundation
Competitive Enterprise Institute
Foundation for Economic Education
Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
Georgia Public Policy Foundation
Heartland Institute
Heritage Foundation
Institute for Justice
Landmark Legal Foundation
Mackinac Center for Public Policy
National Center for Policy Analysis
Pacific Legal Foundation
Pacific Research Institute
Pioneer Institute
Reason Foundation
Southeastern Legal Foundation

SPN Quotes:

"The number of state think tanks has tripled during the past decade. In 1989, there were 12 independent, market-oriented, state-based public policy research organizations. Now there are 40 groups in 37 states, complementing the many national groups promoting free market policy solutions.

From About SPN: State Policy Network Background

Students for Academic Freedom

1015 15th Street, NW, #900
Washington, DC 20005

Founded: by David Horowitz in June 2003
National Campus Director: Sara Dogan (formerly Sara Russo)
Affiliated with: David Horowitz, Center for the Study of Popular Culture, and Frontpagemag.com.

SAF's Issues:

·  SAF was created as part of a campaign by David Horowitz to pass the “Academic Bill of Rights” and combat liberalism and Democrats on college and university campuses.

·  SAF’s founder David Horowitz claims that American colleges and universities are “indoctrination centers for the political left” and that many higher education professors “hate America.”

·  SAF suggests that students investigate the professors at their schools for “bias” by searching voter registration records, create a spreadsheet of the data and send it to SAF.

·  SAF claims that conservative students and professors are “blacklisted” at their colleges and universities.

SAF's Activities:

·  SAF is promoting the “Academic Bill of Rights” nationwide to pressure schools that receive state funding to implement affirmative action-like programs to hire conservative professors. SAF claims that Georgia, Colorado and Mississippi are “on the verge” of getting legislators and university boards to ratify the bill. According to SAF, “Our goal is to get more than 500,000 signatures -- 10,000 per state -- to present to lawmakers, alumni, regents and administrations across the nation!”

·  SAF organizes campus chapters. As of June 2004 they list chapters at 135 schools nationwide, including Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Columbia, Duke, Brown, UCLA, UC-Berkeley, U. Wisconsin-Madison, Missouri, Emory, Georgia Tech, Michigan and American University.

·  SAF distributes and promotes the booklet “Unpatriotic University” which Horowitz describes as “a wealth of information about the bias in hiring, the anti-American rhetoric, and the shutting out of conservative points of view both in classrooms and on speakers' platforms.” (Horowitz’s Center for the Study of Popular Culture publishes the booklet.)

·  Promotes Front Page Magazine’s book store which includes titles such as David Horowitz’s “Hating Whitey and Other Progressive Causes,” books by Charles Murray, Sean Hannity, Daniel Pipes, as well as many anti-Islam and anti-Clinton books. Front Page Magazine publishes controversial columnist Ann Coulter.

Toward Tradition

Since founding Toward Tradition, Rabbi Daniel Lapin has gone on to become one of the Religious Right’s favorite Rabbis for his efforts to broker an alliance between Jews and evangelical Christians over social issues. Lapin ran into a stumbling block over his connections to lobbyist Jack Abramoff.

Toward Tradition
PO Box 58
Mercer Island, WA 98040
Website: www.towardtradition.org

President: Rabbi Daniel Lapin
Chairman: Samuel H. Silver
Founded: 1991
Board of Directors: Jim Aitkins, Dr. Brian Beckman, Ray Dally, Stanley Ellberger, Peter Huizenga, Cary H. Humphries, Lewis J. Kaufman, Michael Medved, Dr. Maria Ohm, Carl Pearlston, Jim Polack, Dr. Ed Pritzker, Dr. Martin Rabin, Dr. Daniel Schneeweiss, Abe Shamash, Carrie Simms, Leo Strauss, Kenneth VonKohorn, Don Wallis, Fred Weiss
Membership: Range of membership levels from $18 to $1000
Finances: $561,427 (2003)
Publications: America’s Real War, Buried Treasure, and Thou Shall Prosper, all by Rabbi Daniel Lapin, radio and television show
Affiliate Groups: Cascadia Business Institute


Toward Tradition aims to promote “traditional values” within the context of Jewish and Judeo-Christian teachings. Some of these issues include faith-based principles of government, a strong military, a moral public culture, and free markets.


Toward Tradition television show addresses issues involving “Faith, Family, Friends, and Fortune” with solutions from the Bible. Lapin lectures at synagogues across the country to present his ideas. He also has a weekly radio show. There are four segments of the organization. The Macabee Project aimed toward “combating anti-Jewish/anti-Christian bigotry; defending Christians unjustly accused of anti-Semitism.” The Biblical Blueprint Institute has a goal of “sharing ancient Jewish wisdom with all Americans through Rabbi Daniel Lapin’s Torah teaching.” The American Alliance of Jews and Christians is a “partnering of Jews and Christians to strengthen America and our allies.” The Ethical Capitalism Project focuses on “restoring American respect for the dignity and morality of business.”

Lapin is a frequent speaker at Religious Right events and conferences including the Christian Coalition’s Road to Victory Conference, Massachusetts Family Institute, Mayday for Marriage rallies in Seattle, WA and Washington DC, the Judeo-Christian Alliance (CA) and the Family Research Council’s Pastor Briefing.

Following the terrorist attack of September 11, Toward Tradition ran an ad in the November 13, 2001 edition of the New York Times calling for an “Urgent Alliance” of American Jews and Christians based on the observation that “a religious America is a safe America.” The press release describing the ad said they hoped it would “spark renewed commitment to the goal of saving America by reviving the place of religion in public life.”

About Rabbi Daniel Lapin

Rabbi Daniel Lapin immigrated to the United States from South Africa in 1973. He founded the Pacific Jewish Center, a well-known Orthodox synagogue in Venice, California, along with conservative film critic Michael Medved. He and his family relocated to Washington State in 1991 to develop Toward Tradition. Lapin has taught at the Christian Coalition, U.S. Army, Harvard Law School, and the Family Research Council. He serves on the board of the Jewish Policy Center in Washington, DC, and was appointed by President Bush to the Commission for the Preservation of America’s Heritage Abroad on October 24, 2001.

Former Staff/Board Members

Rabbi Lapin has close ties to lobbyist Jack Abramoff who served on Toward Tradition’s Board of Governors. Lapin introduced Abramoff to Rep. Tom DeLay (R-Texas). The connection between Abramoff and DeLay has been the subject of investigations by the Senate, the House, the Justice Department, and a federal grand jury.

Abramoff has admitted that he funneled money through Toward Tradition in an effort to influence aides of Rep. Tom DeLay. Lapin says neither he nor his board knew the money was part of a scheme to influence Congress.


Toward Tradition has received money from right-wing foundations including the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, the Scaife Family Foundation, and the Roe Foundation.


·         Rabbi Daniel Lapin along with film critic and conservative author Michael Medved and lobbyist Jack Abramoff [source] founded Towards Tradition in 1991 in Washington State, where he also began his weekly radio talk show.

·         In October of 1994, Toward Tradition, along with the Jewish Policy Center and the Claremont Institute sponsored a conference titled, Toward a New Alliance; American Jews and Political Conservatism. Featured panelists included Grover Norquist (Americans for Tax Reform) Ralph Reed (Christian Coalition) William Kristol (editor of the Weekly Standard) and David Horowitz (Center for the Study of Popular Culture), among others. Some 300 attendees strongly endorsed a right-wing social agenda and announced a call for a new alliance with the Religious Right. [Human Events, 10/28/94]


“We have a tough choice, I will concede. We can continue on with our secular society entirely stripped of faith or move toward a benign society that has returned to its Christian faith… We can only thrive under the conditions of law and order and we are here to affirm that our allies in returning America to these conditions are [Christian conservatives].”
– Rabbi Daniel Lapin, quoted in Human Events, October 28, 1994

Traditional Values Coalition

The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is a small but influential organization that appears to consist mostly of the Rev. Lou Sheldon and his daughter Andrea Sheldon Lafferty. Both are mainstays on the conservative circuit, though their reputation has been damaged by revelations that Lou Sheldon took money from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff to help kill an anti-gambling bill that would have hurt one of Abramoff’s clients.

Traditional Values Coalition
100 S. Anaheim Boulevard - Suite 320
Anaheim, CA 92805

Traditional Values Coalition
139 C Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Website: www.traditionalvalues.org

Chairman/Founder: Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
Executive Director: Andrea Sheldon Lafferty
Date of founding: 1980
Membership: Claims over 43,000 churches nationwide representing 12 denominations
Publications: Monthly letters are sent to pastors of member churches, along with action alerts and special letters from Founder “Lou” Sheldon. Occasionally publishes reports.
Revenue: Traditional Values Coalition, its 501(c)4 organization - $6,389,448 (2004) [According to tax forms, TVC carried nearly

Traditional Values Coalition

The Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) is a small but influential organization that appears to consist mostly of the Rev. Lou Sheldon and his daughter Andrea Sheldon Lafferty. Both are mainstays on the conservative circuit, though their reputation has been damaged by revelations that Lou Sheldon took money from disgraced lobbyist Jack Abramoff to help kill an anti-gambling bill that would have hurt one of Abramoff’s clients.

Traditional Values Coalition
100 S. Anaheim Boulevard - Suite 320
Anaheim, CA 92805

Traditional Values Coalition
139 C Street SE
Washington, DC 20003
Website: www.traditionalvalues.org

Chairman/Founder: Rev. Louis P. Sheldon
Executive Director: Andrea Sheldon Lafferty
Date of founding: 1980
Membership: Claims over 43,000 churches nationwide representing 12 denominations
Publications: Monthly letters are sent to pastors of member churches, along with action alerts and special letters from Founder “Lou” Sheldon. Occasionally publishes reports.
Revenue: Traditional Values Coalition, its 501(c)4 organization - $6,389,448 (2004) [According to tax forms, TVC carried nearly $4 million in debt at the end of the year]; and Traditional Values Education & Legal Institute, its 501(c)3 arm - $716,032 [nearly $80,000 in debt]
Media: Lou Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty have appeared on many mainstream news programs to discuss the TVC perspective on social issues. TVC also runs television ads during political campaigns.
Affiliate organizations: Traditional Values Education & Legal Institute, the foundation arm of TVC, and the Task Force for the Preservation of the Heterosexual Ethic in America (defunct)

$4 million in debt at the end of the year]; and Traditional Values Education & Legal Institute, its 501(c)3 arm - $716,032 [nearly $80,000 in debt]
Media: Lou Sheldon and Andrea Lafferty have appeared on many mainstream news programs to discuss the TVC perspective on social issues. TVC also runs television ads during political campaigns.
Affiliate organizations: Traditional Values Education & Legal Institute, the foundation arm of TVC, and the Task Force for the Preservation of the Heterosexual Ethic in America (defunct)

Principal Issues

Traditional Values Coalition (TVC) describes itself as the largest church-lobby in the United States. TVC’s mission is “to restore America’s cultural heritage” by opposing gay and lesbian civil rights, reproductive freedom, the teaching of evolution in public schools, and sex education curricula that does not stress abstinence to the exclusion of information on birth control and disease prevention, and promotes prayer in schools.

TVC is active both as a group that lobbies Congress and as a grassroots organization that gives marching orders to churches to oppose local, state, and federal legislation.

TVC distributes information about gays and lesbians, often referring to gays and lesbians as “sexual predators” and “pedophiles.”

TVC has also worked on issues relating to the dangers of pornography, including supporting the use of internet filters at public libraries.

Under their “Judicial Nominee Monitoring Project” the group has lobbied for a conservative judicial system and right wing judicial nominees/appointments.


·         TVC’s website includes an interactive guide to the presence or absence of Marriage Protection laws in each of the 50 states.

·         Rev. Louis Sheldon was outraged by the 2005 decision of the San Francisco Superior Court to rule California’s gay marriage ban as unconstitutional, and along with TVC and other CA state legislators, has proposed two amendments that would protect marriage from being redefined by activist judges.

·         TVC created a "Judge John Roberts Action Center" on a separate website, “Our Battle Plan,” where it provided talking points for proponents of Roberts, and admonished the “anti-God Left [that] has been using America’s courts to impose an anti-religion, anti-family agenda on America…”

·         Before President Bush nominated Judge John Roberts to the Supreme Court, TVC promoted its “$4.5 Million Supreme Court Battle Plan” for a “massive national grassroots mobilization and media campaign to fight the radical left and pressure the Senate to confirm President Bush’s nominee.”

·         Following Roberts’ nomination, TVC activated a “Supreme Court Nominee Action Center” urging its members to pray for Judge Roberts because “character assassins are already out in full force trying to destroy his chances of confirmation.” Members were asked to send pre-written “thank-you” letters to President Bush, praising his Supreme Court nominee choice.

·         TVC actively lobbies against hate crime legislation because according to its executive director, hate crime legislation will be “used by homosexual activists to punish any person who has the courage to speak out against the recruitment of children by homosexuals."

·         Most of TVC’s work is concerned with homosexuality, which it opposes by working against civil unions, supporting Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) statutes, and accusing gays and lesbians of “recruiting” children into homosexuality.

·         TVC and many other Religious Right groups oppose the rules that prohibit churches from directly supporting political candidates, either through endorsement or campaign contributions.

·         TVC was active in state battles over constitutional amendments outlawing civil rights protections for gays and lesbians in Colorado and Oregon. TVC has also helped organized anti-gay initiatives in California, Arizona, Missouri, and Washington.

·         The group was instrumental in convincing the California State Board of Education to reject a health education curriculum that touched on such subjects as homosexuality and AIDS. TVC has also worked to preserve sodomy laws in California.

·         TVC occasionally runs ads on televisions in elections in certain congressional districts. TVC offers a weekly e-mail service alerting constituents how their congressional representative voted on TVC issues.

·         TVC operates an extensive “non-partisan” voter education program. During elections, TVC distributes district specific voter guides which featured side by side profiles of the candidate's positions and/or their voting records.

·         Andrea Sheldon Lafferty, founder Louis Sheldon’s daughter, is a former Reagan administration official who works out of the TVC DC office as a Capitol Hill lobbyist.

Quotes from Andrea Sheldon Lafferty

Andrea Sheldon Lafferty says supporters of hate crimes laws that include sexual orientation as a protected category "are trying to take a handful of hideous, horrible crimes and use that to force acceptance of the homosexual lifestyle."

In reference to fetal tissue research, Lafferty says "I think we're going to have to apologize to the Nazis for this."

Quotes from Rev. Louis P. Sheldon

“As Homosexuals continue to make inroads into public schools, more children will be molested and indoctrinated into the world of homosexuality. Many of them will die in that world.” (“Homosexuals Recruit Public School Children,” by Louis Sheldon, special report, Vol. 18, No. 11)

“Americans should understand that their attitudes about homosexuality have been deliberately and deceitfully changed by a masterful propaganda/marketing campaign that rivals that of Adolph Hitler. In fact, many of the strategies used by homosexuals to bring about cultural change in America are taken from Hitler’s writings and propaganda welfare manuals.” (“Homosexual Propaganda Campaign Based on Hitler’s ‘Big Lie’ Technique,” by Louis Sheldon, special report, Vol. 18, No. 10)

“Give us a few more years under the belt and we will learn how to replace many of the school board members. Give us more time to understand how the system works, and we’ll work the system even better than one could ever imagine.” (CNN News, September 9, 1990)

“There is a war waging in America. The battle is over values, beliefs and the cultural basis of western civilization.... the elitist avant-garde arts community uses the NEA to advertise and disseminate their political beliefs. The NEA then uses our scarce tax dollars to fund works which are intended to shock Americans into an acceptance of dysfunctional behavioral lifestyles and to destroy the family.” (Hearing on the National Endowment for the Arts, April 1991)


WallBuilders is an organization founded by Republican Party activist and self-proclaimed historian David Barton for the purpose of “educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country.” Barton and his work are routinely cited by those on the Right who claim that the United States was founded by Christian men on explicitly Christian principles.

PO Box 397
426 Circle Drive
Aledo, TX 76008-0397
Website: www.wallbuilders.com

Founder/President: David Barton
Founded: 1989
Board of Directors: Rose Barton, Jeff Fisher, Richard Watson, Stephen McDowell (Providence Foundation)
Finances: $1,450,327 (2004 revenue)
Publications: Dozens of books, pamphlets, CDs, tapes, videos, and DVDs as well as articles and a quarterly newsletter.


·         WallBuilders bills itself as an “organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built—a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined.”

·         WallBuilders’ mission consists of “(1) educating the nation concerning the Godly foundation of our country; (2) providing information to federal, state, and local officials as they develop public policies which reflect Biblical values; and (3) encouraging Christians to be involved in the civic arena.”

·         In this capacity, David Barton has established himself as the Right’s pre-eminent “historian” on the religious views of the Founding Fathers and their desire to establish a nation founded on Christian principles.


·         WallBuilders produces and distributes dozens of books, DVDs, and other products that seek to apply “the lessons of our history to contemporary issues.” Among them are “Original Intent: The Courts, the Constitution, and Religion,” which claims that the Supreme Court has diluted “the Biblical foundations upon which [the Constitution] was based,” “Restraining Judicial Activism” which advocated the impeachment of federal judges, and “Setting the Record Straight: American History in Black & White” which bills itself as an examination of African American political history, but merely attempts to tie the Democratic Party of today to the evils of slavery, the Ku Klux Klan, and lynching.

·         WallBuilders also annually hosts “Pastors’ Briefings” bringing ministers to Washington D.C. “for exclusive briefing sessions with some of the top Christian Senators and Representatives…serving in Congress. The Members brief pastors on a variety of issues related to Biblical values and share their hearts regarding their personal faith and its application in public office. Additionally, the Members impart practical information for pastors to carry home and implement in their communities and congregations.” As an added bonus, Barton personally leads a “Spiritual Heritage Tour of the U. S. Capitol” which is “hosted by a Member of Congress.”

·         In addition, WallBuilders hosts annual “Pro-Family Legislators” conferences where right-wing legislators can meet to gain “a fresh perspective on the historical application of Scripture to public policy-making with a deeper look into what the Bible says about current issues” and meet other legislators to learn about right-wing legislation introduced elsewhere and “give and receive ideas for modeling legislation to avoid pitfalls and mistakes already made by others.”

·         Barton also travels the country, giving hundreds of presentations a year to various groups. In 2003, he was hired by the Republican National Committee to share his brand of pseudo-history at some 100 RNC-sponsored events. Barton is also personally active in the Republican Party, having served as vice-chairman of the Texas Republican Party from 1998 until 2006.


·         WallBuilders emerged out of Barton’s own research into a supposed correlation between the banning of prayer in public schools and a rise in alcohol consumption and crime rates. Despite the fact that Barton is not a historian and that his educational background is limited to a “Bachelor of Arts degree from Oral Roberts University and an Honorary Doctorate of Letters from Pensacola Christian College,” his work has been embraced by Right and hailed by the likes of James Dobson and Jerry Falwell.

·         The name “Wallbuilders” was taken from the book of Nehemiah in the Old Testament: “the nation of Israel rallied together in a grassroots movement to help rebuild the walls of Jerusalem and thus restore stability, safety, and a promising future to that great city. We have chosen this historical concept of ‘rebuilding the walls’ to represent allegorically the call for citizen involvement in rebuilding our nation’s foundations.”


Sen. Bill Frist once praised Barton for his “detailed research into the religious heritage of our nation.”

Sen. Sam Brownback stated that Barton’s “research provides the philosophical underpinning for a lot of the Republican effort in the country today -- bringing God back into the public square.”

In 1995, Republican Senator Arlen Specter wrote in the Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy that many of Barton’s arguments “range from the technical to the absurd” and that they “proceed from flawed and highly selective readings of both text and history.” Specter went on to state that Barton’s “pseudoscholarship would hardly be worth discussing, let alone disproving, were it not for the fact that it is taken so very seriously by so many people.”

Young America's Foundation

F. M. Kirby Freedom Center
110 Elden Street, Suite A
Herndon, VA 20170-4809

Founded: 1969
Finances: $11.1 million (2002 annual budget)
President: Ron Robinson
Staff: 36
Publications: Libertas, annual publication of Comedy and Tragedy, Trailblazers, Campus Impact
Affiliated with: National Journalism Center, Reagan Ranch Center

YAF’s Principal Issues:

·  From mission statement: “Young America’s Foundation is committed to ensuring that increasing numbers of young Americans understand and are inspired by the ideas of individual freedom, a strong national defense, free enterprise, and traditional values.”

·  Major issues include: combating affirmative action, feminism, communism and Marxism.

·  YAF was established to “counter-balance ‘New Left’ and Communist influence on campuses.”

·  Reagan. In 1998 YAF purchased the “Western White House,” the California vacation ranch Reagan used as president. The foundation has raised millions of dollars to preserve Reagan’s southern California home. YAF also runs the Reagan Ranch Project at the historic site, which includes leadership training and lectures dedicated to continuing the legacy of President Reagan.

YAF’s Activities:

·  YAF calls itself “The Voice of Freedom on Campus: America’s Largest Campus Outreach Program.”

·  Provides assistance to college students and independent student groups in the form of guest lecturers, organizing and training seminars, networking opportunities, promotional merchandise, and other resources. The National Journalism Center maintains a job bank for college graduates and program alumni.

·  YAF’s “Conservative Speakers Program” helps students bring controversial right-wing speakers to college campuses. Some of these speakers include: Ann Coulter, Alabama’s Judge Roy Moore, Ward Connerly, Phyllis Schlafly, Ralph Reed, Christina Hoff Sommers, Dinesh D’Souza, David Horowitz, Oliver North, Edwin Meese III, Dan Quayle, Robert Novak, Patrick Buchanan, Jack Kemp, Newt Gingrich, Rep. Steve Largent, Walter Williams, Bay Buchanan, Bob Barr, Jeane Kirkpatrick, Michael Medved, Ben Stein and Kenneth Starr.

·  YAF sponsors the National Journalism Center (NJC). Established in 1977, the NJC sponsors trainings for aspiring student journalists and helps coordinate internships and permanent jobs for its alumni at many mainstream news outlets.

·  YAF holds a national student conference each year, bringing in speakers, educational materials, and providing seminars to help educate America’s conservative youth. In 2003 their national conference guest speaker was Vice President Dick Cheney. YAF also hosts regional conferences and workshops.

·  YAF’s “Club 100” awards the most active on their campuses by giving them points for holding events and hosting speakers. “Club 100” qualifiers get invitations to special networking events, free books, and free merchandise.

·  YAF is a co-sponsor of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference held annually in Washington, DC.

·  YAF compiles “Comedy and Tragedy,” a list of college courses being taught throughout the nation to allow parents and taxpayers to be aware of what their students are learning.

YAF’s History:

·  Promoted Ronald Reagan for president in 1974. YAF’s early support and exposure is credited in some right-wing circles as helping Reagan get elected president in 1980.

·  In 1979, YAF organized its first major conference to promote right-wing speakers and ideas.

·  Early publications include: “Corporate Profits: Too Much or Not Enough?” and “Pacifism, An Anti-Christian Philosophy.”

Quotes about YAF:

“The Young America’s Foundation programs offer invaluable assistance to the young men and women searching for the encouragement and understanding necessary to reinforce the values of a free society and individual responsibility. As young conservatives, you have a very special task before you – that of developing the political awareness of your fellow students.” -Ronald Reagan


"If you want to know who is giving it to you hard up the ole proverbial arse, all you need do to see the light is but turn around and open your eyes."


Now combine Grebe's Federalist grubby buddies with his Proskauer Skull and Bones friends and you have a massive treasonous attempt to siege the United States through illegal means and cover those illegal means through the eradication and rewriting of laws, real good that did Hitler in the end when the People awake.  I always say the People will awake to what these monstrous men have done to our country, take their trust funds, try them for treason and rewrite the Constitution back to original Glory and use for ink their blood.  Upon doing this America will cleanse itself to the world, "The Truth Shall Set You Free".  These guys have never told the truth, time to pay for their sins.  Jiggy's up!!!



Skull and Bones Society


Founded in 1832 at Yale. Originally called the Eulogian Club. The society owns Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River.







Known for

Victor Ashe




US Ambassador to Poland

Roy L. Austin




US Ambassador to Trinidad

David L. Boren




Governor and Senator from Oklahoma

James L. Buckley




US Senator from New York 1971-77

William F. Buckley




National Review

William Bundy




Cold War advisor to JFK, LBJ

George H.W. Bush

Head of State



41st US President, 1989-93

George W. Bush

Head of State



43rd US President

Jonathan J. Bush




Brother of George H.W. Bush

Prescott Bush




US Senator from Connecticut, 1952-63

Henry Sloane Coffin




Meaning of the Cross

William Sloane Coffin




Civilly disobedient chaplain

Bill Donaldson




SEC Chairman, 2003-05

Irving Fisher




The Theory of Interest

W. Averell Harriman




Ambassador to USSR, Governor of NY

John Heinz




US Senator from Pennsylvania, 1977-91

Robert Kagan




Influential neocon, cofounded PNAC

John Kerry




US Senator from Massachusetts

Winston Lord




US Ambassador to China, 1985-89

Henry R. Luce




Founded Time Magazine

Archibald Macleish





F. O. Matthiessen




American Renaissance

Robert D. McCallum, Jr.




US Ambassador to Australia

Dana Milbank




Washington Post White House reporter

Donald Grant Mitchell




Reveries of a Bachelor

John Negroponte




US Director of National Intelligence, 2005-07

Stephen A. Schwarzman




Co-Founder, Blackstone Group

Frederick W. Smith




Founder and CEO of Federal Express

Potter Stewart




US Supreme Court Justice

Henry L. Stimson




US Secretary of War 1911-13, 1940-45

Alphonso Taft




Attorney General under Grant

William Howard Taft

Head of State



27th US President, 1909-13

Strobe Talbott




Time journalist, US diplomat

Morrison Waite




US Supreme Court Chief Justice, 1874-88

George Herbert Walker III


c. 1931


US Ambassador to Hungary

James Whitmore




Tora! Tora! Tora!

William C. Whitney




US Secretary of the Navy 1885-89




The Skulls - Small Powerful and Sick

The Skull & Bones law firms are:

***Proskauer Rose, LLP represents Yale and Yale Law School where boneheads all come from

* Lord Day Lord
* Davis Polk Wardwell
* Simpson Thacher Bartlett
* Debevoise Plimpton Lyons & Gates
* Cravath Swaine & Moore
* Covington & Burling
* Dewey Ballantine Palmer & Woods
* Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy.


·         William Huntington Russell (1833), Connecticut State Legislator; cousin of Samuel Russell

who allegedly established Russell and Company for the "purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China"

·         Alphonso Taft (1832), U.S. Attorney General (1876-1877); Secretary of War (1876);

Ambassador to Austria-Hungary (1882) and Russia (1884-1885); father of William Howard Taft

List of Notable Members


·         Walter Camp (1880), Founder of the first national collegiate football All-American squad

·         Clint Frank (1938), 1937 Heisman Trophy winner

·         Larry Kelley (1937), 1936 Heisman Trophy winner

·         Amos Alonzo Stagg (1888), One of the all-time winningest college football coaches

·         George W. Woodruff (1889), College Hall of Fame football coach, Acting Secretary of the Interior and Pennsylvania state attorney-general


·         Frederick Baldwin Adams (1900), Chairman of the West Indies Sugar Corp.

·         Thomas Cochran (1904), JP Morgan partner

·         Alfred Cowles (1913), Founder of the Cowles Commission

·         Henry P. Davison Jr. (1920), Senior partner at JP Morgan Guaranty Trust Company

·         Artemus Gates (1918), President of New York Trust Company, Union Pacific Railroad, TIME-Life, and Boeing Company

·         Robert Gow (1955), Business associate of George H. W. Bush; president of Bush's Zapata Oil

·         E. Roland Harriman (1917), Businessman; railroad executive; president of American Red Cross

·         Pierre Jay (1892), First chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

·         Franc Kahn, Heir to Kahn Brothers Securities & Investments Group

·         H. Neil Mallon (1917), CEO of Dresser Industries where Prescott Bush served on the Board for 22 years along with E. Roland Harriman;

gave George H.W. Bush his first job in 1948; namesake for Bush's son Neil Mallon Bush;

"tried to be helpful to Allen Dulles in the CIA, especially in the procurement of individuals to serve in that important agency"

·         Percy Rockefeller (1900), Director of Brown Brothers Harriman, Standard Oil, and Remington Arms

·         Frederick W. Smith (1966), Founder of FedEx

·         Harold Stanley (1908), Founder of investment house Morgan Stanley

·         Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt (1898), Son of Cornelius Vanderbilt II; brother of

·         Gertude Vanderbilt Whitney

·         George Herbert Walker, Jr. (1927), Financier and co-founder of the New York Mets; uncle to President George Herbert Walker Bush

·         Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser (1896), Heir to the Weyerhaeuser Paper Co.

·         Harry Payne Whitney (1894), Husband of Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney; investment banker
Dean Witter, Jr. (1944), Son of the founder of investment house Dean Witter Reynolds


·         R. Inslee Clark, Jr. (1957), Director of Undergraduate Admissions who helped Yale become coeducational; former Headmaster of Horace Mann School

·         Timothy Dwight V (1849), Yale acting Treasurer 1887-1889, Yale President 1886-1899

·         John E. Ecklund (1938), Yale Treasurer 1966-1978; Partner in Bones-dominated New Haven law firm Dana & Wiggin

·         Charles Stafford Gage (1925), Yale Treasurer 1954-1966; member of Bones family firm Mathiesson Chemical

·         Daniel Coit Gilman (1852), Studied at the University of Berlin (1854-1855) under Karl Von Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenderg;

attache to the American legation at St. Petersburg; 2nd President of the University of California; 1st President of Johns Hopkins University;

President of the Carnegie Institution

·         Arthur T. Hadley (1876), Yale acting Treasurer 1909-1910,; Yale President 1899-1921

·         Henry Coit Kingsley (1834), Yale Treasurer 1862-1887; Daniel Coit Gilman's uncle

·         Charles Seymour (1908), President of Yale 1937-1951

·         Lawrence G. Tithe (1916), Yale Treasurer 1942-1954; Director/Partner Brown Brothers Harriman

·         Andrew Dickson White (1853), Co-founder and first President of Cornell University

Government and Politics

·         Victor Ashe (1967), Tenn. State House (1968-1975); Tenn. State Senate (1976-1984); Mayor of Knoxville, Tenn. (1988-2003);

appointed Ambassador to Poland (2004-Present) by George W. Bush

·         Roy Leslie Austin (1968), Appointed ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago by George W. Bush

·         Howard M. Baldridge (1918) - U.S. Representative (R-Nebraska 1931-1933)

·         Simeon Eben Baldwin (1861), Governor and Chief Justice, State of Connecticut; son of Roger Sherman Baldwin

·         Jonathan Brewster Bingham (1936), U.S. Representative (D-New York 1965-1983); Council on Foreign Relations

·         William Bissell, Governor of Illinois (1857-1860); brother of Richard M. Bissell, Jr.)

·         David Boren (1963), Governor of Oklahoma, U.S. Senator, President of the University of Oklahoma

·         Augustus Brandegee (1849), Speaker of the Connecticut State Legislature in 1861

·         Frank Bosworth Brandegee (1885), U.S. Representative (R-Connecticut 1902-1905); U.S. Senator (R-Connecticut 1905-1924)

·         James L. Buckley (1944), U.S. Senator (R-New York 1971-1977)

·         McGeorge Bundy (1940), Special Assistant for National Security Affairs; National Security Advisor; Professor of History

·         William P. Bundy (1939), State Department liaison for the Bay of Pigs invasion

·         George H. W. Bush (1948), 41st President of the United States; 43rd Vice-President of the United States;

son of Prescott Bush; father of George W. Bush

·         George W. Bush (1968), 43rd President of the United States; Governor of Texas

·         Prescott Bush (1916), Father of George H.W. Bush, grandfather of George W. Bush

·         John Chafee (1947), U.S. Senator; Secretary of the Navy and Governor of Rhode Island; father of Lincoln Chafee

·         John Sherman Cooper (1923), U.S. Senator (R-Kentucky 1946-1949, 1952-73); member of the Warren Commission

·         Hugh Cunningham (1934), Rhodes Scholar; CIA

·         F. Trubee Davison (1918), Director of Personnel at the CIA

·         Endicott Peabody Davison (1948), George H.W. Bush lawyer

·         Chauncey Depew (1855), U.S. Senator (R-New York 1899-1911)

·         Richard Dale Drain (1943), CIA; co-authored early paper proposing the Bay of Pigs invasion,

"A Program of Covert Action against the Castro Regime"

·         William Henry Draper III (1950), Chair of United Nations Development Programme and Import-Export Bank of the United States

·         William Maxwell Evarts (1837), U.S. Secretary of State; Attorney General; Senator; grandson of Roger Sherman

·         Evan G. Galbraith (1950), Ambassador to France; managing director of Morgan Stanley

·         William Henry Gleason (1853), Lt. Governor of Florida; founder of Eau Gallie, Florida; lawyer and land speculator

·         Averell Harriman (1913), U.S. Ambassador and Secretary of Commerce; Governor of New York;

Chairman and CEO of the Union Pacific Railroad, Brown Brothers & Harriman, and the Southern Pacific Railroad;

wife Pamela Churchill Harriman helped fund Bill Clinton's presidential campaign

·         H. J. Heinz II (1931), Heir to H. J. Heinz Company; father of H. John Heinz III

·         William Jorden (1925), U.S. Ambassador to Panama; National Security Council

·         John Kerry (1966), U.S. Senator (D-Massachusetts 1985-present); Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts 1983-1985; 2004 Democratic Presidential nominee

·         Charles Edwin Lord (1949), U.S. Comptroller of the Currency

·         Winston Lord (1959), Chairman of Council on Foreign Relations; Ambassador to China; Assistant U.S. Secretary of State

·         Robert A. Lovett (1918), Partner of Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers Harriman; Secretary of Defense; "Father of the CIA"

·         Robert McCallum, Jr (1968), Ambassador to Australia

·         Lee McClung (1892), Yale Treasurer 1904-1909; U.S. Treasurer 1909-1912

·         Gifford Pinchot (1889), First Chief of U.S. Forest Service

·         Dino Pionzio (1950), CIA Deputy Chief of Station during Allende overthrow

·         Potter Stewart (1936), U.S. Supreme Court Justice

·         William Howard Taft (1878), 27th President of the United States; Chief Justice of the United States; Secretary of War; son of Alphonso Taft

·         Robert A. Taft (1910), U.S. Senator (R-Ohio 1939-1953)

·         Morrison R. Waite (1837), U.S. Supreme Court Justice

·         Howard Weaver (1945), CIA

·         Edward Baldwin Whitney (1878), New York Supreme Court Justice

·         William Collins Whitney (1863), U.S. Secretary of the Navy; New York City financier

Publications and Writing

·         Amory Howe Bradford (1934), General manager for the New York Times; CIA

William F. Buckley, Jr. (1950), Founder of National Review; author; CIA

·         Russell Davenport (1923), Editor of Fortune magazine; created Fortune 500 list

·         Briton Hadden (1920), Co-founder of Time-Life Enterprises

·         Henry Luce (1920), Co-founder of Time-Life Enterprises

·         Archibald MacLeish (1915), Poet and author

·         F. O. Matthiessen, Historian; literary critic

·         David McCullough (1955), U.S. historian; two-time Pulitzer Prize winner

·         Donald Ogden Stewart (1916), Author; screenwriter; Academy Award winner for The Philadelphia Story

Science and Engineering

·         John Rockefeller Prentice (1928), Grandson of John D. Rockefeller;

pioneer of artificial insemination in farm animals as a means of improving their genetic pool



By Eric Samuelson, J.D.

I am presently researching a biography on David Rockefeller. An overview of the book will soon be sent to a New York City agent for circulation among all the major publishing houses. Among the topics that will be covered is the role of British USA Round Table member Rep. Wayne Hays (Demo-Ohio) in "killing" the Reece Committee investigation of tax-exempt foundations, the disappearance of the research on the Rockefeller-funded Kinsey studies and the "disposal" threats made to Reece Investigator Norman Dodd by a lobbyist for the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

In 1986, Hoover scholar Antony C. Sutton published his "magnum opus" - AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT: AN INTRODUCTION TO THE ORDER OF SKULL AND BONES. In his preface Sutton said he had been given an eight-inch batch of documents which was "nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious -- this was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power with a capital P." Throughout the book Sutton hinted at even deeper revelations he would make in books to come. However, the full list never was published by Sutton. In making inquiries of those who knew Sutton, I was told that he had become exiled in his own country. For months I searched the Web looking for a list of the members of Skull and Bones. At long last, a notebook was given to me which required the use of a magnifying glass to make out the names. So, the following semi-final list is about 97% accurate. It opens the door to the Bones realm at a time that one of their own is now hitting the campaign trail for the Republican presidential nomination.

For about the past ten years I have been studying secret elite groups. The average person has almost no knowledge of them and there are very few sources of information. These secret groups include the Bilderbergers, the Council on Foreign Relations, The Knights of the Garter, The Knights of Malta, The 33rd Degree Masons, the Rhodes Scholars, The Skull and Bones and the Trilateral Commission. What is needed is a historical roster of the membership of each of these groups.

The list that follows is only the first of an upcoming series of historic exposes of these secret societies. If you have any biographical information on any of these individuals, your sharing will be appreciated and reciprocated. Any suggestions or corrections appreciated.

Bushes at Yale Year Notes

·        Reverend James Bush 1844 Paternal grandfather of Prescott

·        Robert E. Sheldon, Jr.  1904 Prescott’s maternal uncle

·        Prescott Bush 1917 Father of GHW Bush, grandfather of GW Bush

·        James Smith Bush 1922 Prescott’s brother Prescott S. Bush, Jr. 1944 Did not graduate. Left after his junior year

·        George H.W. Bush 1948 41st President of the U.S.-- Son of Prescott

·        Jonathan James Bush 1953 GHW Bush’s brother William Henry Trotter Bush  1960 GHW Bush’s brother George W. Bush  1968  GHW Bush’s son Prescott Bush III 1970 Prescott Jr’s son William P. Bush 1986 William H.T. Bush’s son

·        Barbara Bush 2004 GW Bush’s daughter

George W. Bush's Skull and Bones Class  

1968 --- The First Class to Include Blacks, Muslims and Jews

·        Roy Leslie Austin

·        Robert Richards Birge

·        Christopher Walworth Brown

·        George Walker Bush

·        Kenneth Saul Cohen

·        Rex W.F. Cowdry

·        Donald Etra

·        G. Gregory Gallico III

·        Robert Karl Guthrie

·        Britton Ward Kolar

·        Robert Davis McCallum Jr.

·        Muhammad Ahmed Saleh

·        Thomas Carlton Schmidt

·     Donald Arthur Schollander

· Brinkley Stimpson Thorne


John Kerry


Both 2004 U.S. presidential candidates (GWB & JFK) are members of this Yale University secret society.


10 votes to keep.

(3 ratings)

More about this connection...





George W. Bush


Both presidential 2004 U.S. presidential candidates (GWB & JFK) are members of this Yale University secret society.


10 votes to keep.

(3 ratings)

More about this connection...





William Donaldson


Donaldson - Chairman of SEC - is also a member of Skull and Bones


1 vote to keep.

(0 ratings)

More about this connection...





Robert McCallum


McCallum - Associate Attorney General - was another fellow Bonesman of 1968 with GWB


2 votes to keep.

(2 ratings)

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Donald Etra


Another 1968 Bonesman

(3 ratings)

More about this connection...





Roy Leslie Austin


Austin - Ambassador to Trinidad & Togabo - was also in Bush Skull and Bones class of 1968

(0 ratings)

More about this connection...





Edward McNally


McNally - general counsel to the Office of Homeland Security - is also a Bonesman

(4 ratings)

More about this connection...





Evan Galbraith


Pentagon’s representative in Europe - Yet another member of Skull and Bones

(0 ratings)

More about this connection...





Richard Helms


Helms was a member.


1 vote to delete.

(1 rating)

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Yale University


Skull and Bones is a secret society at Yale.


7 votes to keep.

1 vote to delete.

(2 ratings)

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Prescott Bush


Prescott Bush (W'S grandfather) was a member of Skull and Bones, just as H.W. and W are.


3 votes to keep.

(3 ratings)

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Skull & Bones members have had major influence in the founding and running of the CIA.

(2 ratings)

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The Bilderberg group


Skull & Bones helped to found the CIA. The CIA helped to found the Bilderbergs


2 votes to keep.

5 votes to delete.

(2 ratings)

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Brown Brothers Harriman


Lots of Bonesmen have worked here.


1 vote to keep.

(2 ratings)

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Prescott Bush grave robbed Geronimo's skull. The skull is kept in the Skull & Bones temple at Yale

(3 ratings)

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Nazi Holocaust


Skulls & Bones too


1 vote to keep.

1 vote to delete.

(6 ratings)

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George H. W. Bush


Member, class of 1950.

(1 rating)

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Quill & Dagger


Members have worked together.

(13 ratings)

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William Huntington Russell


Co-Founder of this organization

(0 ratings)

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Alphonso Taft


Co-Founder of this organization

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Russell Trust Association


Corporate name of Skull & Bones

(13 ratings)

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Kellogg Brown and Root


1937 Kellogg Charles Poole 1890 Kellogg Fred William 1883 Kellogg Stephen Wright

(0 ratings)

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In 1998, Halliburton made another major purchase, acquiring Dresser Industries for some $7.7 billion. Dresser had been founded by Solomon Dresser in 1880, and taken over in 1928 by W.H. Harriman & Co...

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William Averall Harriman.


Averell Harriman initiated Yale Class of 1915

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E. Roland Harriman


E. Roland Harriman Yale Class of 1917

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Knight Wooley


Knight Wooley Yale Class of 1917

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Union Banking Corporation


Bonesmen at UBC include Harrimans, Bush, Wooley and more.

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Harold Stanley


Harold Stanley Yale Class 1908

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Percy Rockefeller


Skull and Bones Yale Class of 1900

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Henry R. Luce


Skull and Bones Yale Class of 1920 Founder of TIME Magazine.

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Time Magazine


Founder Luce was Bonesman Class of 1920

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120 Broadway in 1917


The Equitable Life Building on the corner of Wall Street had a list tenents that reads like Who's Who of Skull and Bones business.

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Henry Luce


Luce was a member of Yale's Skull & Bones

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Antony Sutton


Dr. Sutton is a Hoover scholar who's published research books on the Skull and Bones as well as other US covert investment alliances.

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Silverstein Properties Inc.


No one leases office space to more Bones business operations than Silverstein.

(1 rating)

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Winston Lord


Yale Bonesman Class of 1959, president of CFR 1977-1985,Ambassador to People’s Republic of China 1985- 1989, a time of dynamic change.

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Blackstone Group, L.P.


Co-Founder Schwarzman was a Bonesman Yale Class of 1969.

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George Herbert Walker III


Yale grad and Bonesman Class of 1953.

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Jonathan J. Bush


Yale Bonesman Class of 1953.

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Averell Harriman


Bonesman at Yale Class of 1913.

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Robert A. Lovett


Bonesman Yale Class of 1918.

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Henry Stimson


Bonesman Yale Class of 1888.

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Bohemian Grove


For Republicans the club is an antechamber to the White House. A who's who of the Bonesmen belong including Teddy Roosevelt and Bush 1&2,

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The Deer Island Club Corporation


Article III of the Charter 2-1-1907 reads: "Any person who shall be a member of the Russell Trust Association (New Haven, Conn.) shall become a member of this corporation."

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Italian Mafia


Bonesmen are the WASP Mafia. Bones covert political power, judicial appointments, media control and muscle have let the world's most powerful organized crime ring grow to a global force.

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Skull and Bones Class of 1900


The Bonesmen of 1900 include the leaders of a movement toward Corporate-Political rule in America by families like Cheney, Rockefeller, Taft...

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Robert Alphonso Taft


Grandson of Russell Trust founder and Bonesman in Yale Class of 1910.

(0 ratings)

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Archer Daniels Midland (ADM)


1914 Bonesman, founder Thomas Daniels created the largest agro-business and grain cartel with Uncle Sam's Bonesmen's help.

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National Review


William F. Buckley, Jr. Bones 1950, Founder of the leading conservative magazine in the United States. Brother James (Skull & Bones l944)

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Des Moines Register


Alfred Cowles, Yale Bones 1913 founded empire based on the Des Moines Register and the Minneapolis Star Tribune, which play a key role in the "Iowa" presidential primaries.

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Morgan Stanley


Bonesman Harold Stanley 1908 founded the investment bank Morgan Stanley. Henry P. Davison Bones l920 key partner in the Morgan banking and financial trust networks.

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Frederick W. Smith


Yale Bonesman 1966, where he wrote an undergrad paper on the idea of FedEx. The story has grown to an urban legend.

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Federal Express


Bonesman founded and funded, nurtured to market dominance with generous government contracts.

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Forbes Family China Trade


Forbes and Russells merged their Opium trade, joint fortune created many alliances including Yale's Skull & Bones the world's most powerful secret society.

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David Lyle Boren


Senator from Oklahoma, bonesman Yale 1963, chairman, Select Committee on Intelligence 100-102nd Congresses, Joint Committee on the Organization of Congress 103rd Congress, President, University of Ok...

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Thomas D. Rowe Jr.


Bonesman Yale 1964, Supreme Court law clerk, Rand Corporation, law prof. Duke, UVA, UCLA, Georgetown.

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General Motors GM


The $$8.5 million dollar per year CEO and G. Richard Wagoner Jr. is a Bonesman Class of 1977.

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G. Richard Wagoner, Jr.


The $$8.5 million dollar per year CEO of General Motors, G. Richard Wagoner Jr. is a Bonesman Class of 1977.

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Alfred Cowles


Alfred Cowles born September 15, 1891, B.A., Yale University Class of 1913, died December 28, 1984.

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Ford Foundation


Bonesman Bundy was head of the Foundation for 13 years and close ties to other Bonesmen including Dulles suggest a covert CIA link.

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McGeorge "Mac" Bundy


Bundy was a Bonesman in the Yale Class of 1940.

(0 ratings)

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William P. Bundy


A bonesman like his brother McGeorge. William Bundy was Yale Class of 1939.

(0 ratings)

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LINK- Wikipedia is an open source site with basic details and easy links to additional research information.

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American Historical Association


The U.S. school system, itself created by Bonesmen, has little interest in exploring the underworld (and overlord) aspects of the families in U.S. public power and through the U.S., global power. Thi...

(0 ratings)

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Andrew Dickson White


Bonesman Yale Class of 1853. He became active in Republican politics and was elected to the New York State Senate in January 1864, where he met his fellow senator, Ezra Cornell.

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Joseph Earl Sheffield


Endower of Yale's Scientific school and father of financier George St. John Scheffield Bonesman Class of 1863. Obituary with other family connections below.

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William Walter Phelps


This Bonesman, Yale Class of 1860 was a NY banker and Congressman who was appointed to key judicial and embassy posts.

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Lyme Disease


Lyme disease was first identified in 1975 as the cause of an epidemic of arthritis occuring near Old Lyme, Connecticut site of Bonesman dominated Sheffield Scientific School at Yale.

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Charles Edwin Lord II


Yale Bonesman class of 1949.

(0 ratings)

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America's Secret Establishment


For 170 years they have met in secret. From out of their initiates come presidents, senators, judges, cabinet secretaries, and plenty of spooks. They are the titans of finance and industry and have n...

(0 ratings)

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Skull & Bones Class of 1892


Yale Bones Class of 1892 seated left to right Ernest Kyle, Hugh Aiken Bayne. Standing left to right Knight Dexter Cheney, Benjamin Lewis Crosby, Clive Day, William Lloyd Kitchel, Henry Solon Graves,...

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Russian Investment


The discovery of the Skull & Bones was the result of Hoover scholar Antony Sutton's research into American industrial development of Soviet Russia. Covert finance deals tie Bonesman companies to the...

(0 ratings)

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Skull & Bones Yale Flying Unit


Pictured Bonesmen Class of 1918 went on to be the heart of US policy. Robert A. Lovett was Assistant Secretary of War for Air 1941-45, Secretary of Defense 1951-53, and a leading member of the CFR. ...

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John Chipman Farrar


Following WWII he was a founder of Farrar, Straus and Giroux. Notable success in the field of publishing was achieved by many of the Skull and Bones classmen in those years.

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Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart


Yale Bonesman 1937, Stewart was expected to be nominated by Nixon to the post of Chief Justice but Stewart did not want the Senate hearings.

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Henry Neil Mallon


Yale Bonesman Class of 1917 with Ellery Sedgewick James, E.A. Harriman and Prescott Bush. Neil Bush is named for Mallon, GHWB's first boss at Dresser Industries and mentor in the oil world.

(1 rating)

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Ellery Sedgewick James


Bonesman Yale Class of 1917 with E,A. Harriman, Neil Mallon, Prescott Bush.

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Edmund P. Pillsbury


Bonesman Class of 1936.

(1 rating)

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Donald Ogden Stewart


Bonesman Class of 1916. He did the adaptation of The Philadelphia Story, he either wrote or collaborated on The Barretts of Wimpole Street (1934), Holiday (1938), That Uncertain Feeling (1941), Life...

(0 ratings)

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Mortimer Ashmfad Seabury


Seabury was a bonesman class of 1909 and JP Morgan investment banker.

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HJ Heinz Company


In this family business, HJ Heinz son, Henry J. Heinz II was a Bonesman Yale Class of 1931. Heinz II was the heir and took the helm from 1941 -1972.

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Young Americans for Freedom


Founding members, including William F. Buckley were Yale Bonesmen.

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Warren Commission


Secret findings and CIA bonesmen are tied to every part of the Kennedy killing. Bonesman George H. W. Bush, was the CIA agent who identified Lee Harvey Oswald as the lone gunman. Bones '23 John ...

(1 rating)

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Harvey Hollister Bundy


Bundy was a Bonesman 1909, head of one of the most powerful and least recognised Bones power families.

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Iran Contra scandal


If it involves drugs and covert operations there are always Bonesmen involved. The Bush family is a legacy. The same men who were found guilty and pardoned by GHW Bush, work in the White House agai...

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Where there is death, destruction and disregard for nature a Bonesman business grows with federal favors. Founded by Frederick Edward Weyerhaeuser, Yale Bonesman Class of 1896.

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Many ruling families of the Illuminati, like Bundy, are at the core of Bones leadership and others like DuPont just run amok in America with their untouchable status.

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Park Avenue Cowboys


Dulles and Luce ran this piece of propaganda mind control project which is STILL Classified. See Luce link to Park Ave and Dulles misc. links for details.

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Endicott Davison


Attorney Endicott Davison, representing Skull and Bones, denied that the society had Geronimo's skull. He claimed the logbook was a hoax.

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Wallace Erskine Simmons


Yale bonesman class 1890 and Bush family patriarch.

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Bodies and Evidence


There is no unsolved case, killing or coverup in American government where the members have not investigated and benefited. There's never more than three degrees of seperation between any unsolved p...

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Roger Sherman Baldwin


RTC - Skull and Bones, Yale Class of 1847.

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Salvador Allende


Bonesmen of the CIA were behind the September 11, 1973 overthrow of Allende who nationalized the Rockefeller oil and other mining interests in Chile.

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Charles Dewey Hilles Jr.


S&B 1924, Hilles was from a powerful Republican family. He headed the American Cancer Society and had ties to tobacco and Nazis.

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Allan A. Ryan Jr.


Ushers at his wedding included Charles Dewey Hilles Jr., Thomas Frederick David Haines, Clifton Samuel Thompson, and Edwin Foster Blair, all Skull & Bones 1924;

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American Cancer Society


Skull & Bones has played key roles in tobacco and efforts to protect tobacco profits from lawsuts, managing anti-smoking campaigns, Surgeon General Reports and the Cancer Society focused on treatment...

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Fortunate Son


The "fraternity" is downplayed by the Bonesman owned media but the circle of friends run the American intelligence, controll the Congressional purse strings and operate Washington like an organized c...

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Cable News Network (CNN)


TIME founder Luce was a bonesman and historically the companies under the TIME umbrella have supported the petrochemical holdings and hawkish agenda of its members. That includes propaganda and omis...

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Eugenics Records Office


Under auspices of the Eugenics Records Office the Bonesmen Harriman, Bundy and Dulles had "scientific" spies. Over 15 years more than 250 field workers collected pedigree data in house-to-house surv...

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Chief Justice Morrison Remick Waite


Bonesman, Yale Class of 1837. On the Supreme Court, Waite helped to extend Jim Crowe laws and singlehandedly gave corporations the rights of personhood.

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William Howard Taft I


Son of Skull & Bones founder, 27th President and the 10th Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. He delivered an Opium monopoly to "the family" by criminalizing drug posession in 1911.

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Manhattan Project


The Manhattan project was intimately connected to the Yale Bonesman. Harvey Hollister Bundy (S&B 1909) was one of the most significant figures in the supervision of the Manhattan Project developing ...

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General Douglas MacArthur


Lovett, Marshall, Harriman, and Acheson went to work to unhorse Gen. Douglas MacArthur, commander of U.S. forces in Asia. Lovett replaced MacArthur, teamed with Harriman shifting the defense and inte...

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Jupiter Island


This play ground for the rich prepsters was the venue for initial CIA operations, part elite fun and part global control, the perfect Bonesman mix. Silver spoon democracy, got one?

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Operation Gladio


After the discovery by judge Felice Casson of documents on Gladio in the archives of the Italian military secret service in Rome, Giulio Andreotti, head of Italian government, revealed to the Chambe...

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Zapata Petroleum


Zapata is a classic Bones business from its founders to the CIA, Bay of Pigs invasion code named Zapata to the disappearing records the SEC had on file for GHW Bush . Some kind of luck!!

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Congress of Eugenics


Once upon a time Eugenics was openly supported by the Blue Blooded, Brahmans and Bonesmen. Harrimans are key supporters and bankers to Hitler, is there a theme?

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Military Industrial Complex


As General James P. Mullins, former commander of the Air Force Logistics Command, remarked, the defense business “is not business as usual among independent parties. This is a family affair among ter...

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Guaranty Trust Company


Members of Skull & Bones In Guaranty Trust : (Date Initiated) Harold Stanley 1908, W. Murray Crane 1904, Harry P. Whitney 1894,

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Franklin D. Roosevelt



Warren Delano, Jr.: chief of Russell and Co. in Canton; grandfather of U.S. President Franklin Delano Roosevelt.

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Council on Foreign Relations


The CFR membership list notes the Bonesmen, Bilderbergs and Rhodes Scholars in the group.

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Vicente Fox


Politics and drugs are ruled by the Bonesmen. Here's the details of the Justice Department investigation.

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Eli Lilly and Company


Eli Lilly and Company synthesized LSD for the CIA, a Skull and Bones outfit, during the 1950's.

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David Gaub McCullough


Bonesman Class of 1955, went on to write history and serve as Editor, American Heritage Publishing.

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Robert Haigh Gow


Bonesman Class of '55 who joined forces with fellow Bonesman, George HW Bush '53 in the Zapata Oil affair. Gow served as CEO of Zapata.

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William H. Draper III


Bonesman Class of 1950, high level appointments, and investment in GW Bush's Arbusto Energy.

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Archibald MacLeish


Bonesman, Yale Class of 1915, he went on to served as director of the War Department's Office of Facts and Figures and as the assistant director of the Office of War Information. These jobs were he...

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Atlantic Fruit & Sugar Company


Bonesman Directors, Allen Harvey Richardson Yale 1901 and Percy Rockefeller.

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Allan Harvey Richardson


Skull and Bones, Yale Class of 1901, Richardson was President of McCall Co.

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Joseph Richardson Dilworth


Part of the Richardson family of Bonesmen, J.R was involved with the favorite S&B operations of Standard Oil, Chase and assorted petrochemical companies.

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Stephen A. Schwarzman


Yale class of 1969, Skull & Bones, managing director Kuhn Loeb and Lehman before founding Blackstone Group.

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Skull and Bones Tobacco Fronts


The Health Establishment and the Order of Skull&Bones, has played key roles in the anti-smoking movement and tobacco

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Dan Wende Lufkin


Yale Skull & Bones Class of 1953.

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Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette (DLJ)


Founding Partners Donaldson & Lufkin were Classmates and fellow Bonesmen Yale 1953.

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Skull & Bones aka Skull & Bones Links


Same Group different name but all the links are in the details of this connection. The alternate name is Scull & Bones, not sure how to change aka in title

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1900 By 1900, all PhD's in the United States were trained in Prussia (Germany). The degree is a German invention. These German educated men would become presidents of American Universities, heads of ...

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American Medical Association AMA


The degree became the tool in establishing the AMA's power. 1900 AMA began to achieve goal of replacing existing medical system with allopathy (system that treats diseases with drugs). Perfect fit wi...

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Knights of Malta


Many of the CIA Bonesmen were given the honor of induction into the Knights of Malta, some for their work with the CIA in Italy during the WWII era.

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John F. Kennedy JFK


Link to the Executive Order 11094 February 26th, 1963 restoring the banks to the public that many believe was a motive for the Bonesmen to have JFK killed.

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Reverand Henry Sloane Coffin


Reverend Henry Sloane Coffin (S&B 1897), had also been a ``peace'' agitator, and an oligarchical agent. Uncle Henry was for 20 years president of the Union Theological Seminary, whose board chairman ...

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William Sloane Coffin


Coffin, tapped for 1949 Skull and Bones by George Bush and his Bone companions, was from a long line of Skull and Bones Coffins. William Sloane Coffin was famous in the Vietnam War protest days as a ...

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George W. Bush II Friends @ www.politicalfriendster.com


Dick Cheney Friends, although he has none @ www.politicalfriendster.com


George W. Bush I Friends @ www.politicalfriendster.com


Michael Grebe Friends @ www.politicalfriendster.com


Skull & Bones Friends@ www.politicalfriendster.com


Federalist Society Friends@ www.politicalfriendster.com


Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation @ www.politicalfriendster.com



The List of Skull and Boneheads from the start

Bonesmen 1900 to present

Members of Skull and Bones class of 1900

seated (left to right): Frederick Baldwin Adams, Hulbert Taft.
(left to right):
John Morgan Hopkins, Ashley Day Leavatt, Frank Dexter Cheney, Stuart Brown Camp, James Cowan Greenway, Malcolm Douglas, Corliss Esmonde Sullivan, John Walter Cross, Percy Avery Rockefeller, Brace Whitman Paddock, Frederic Winthrop Allen, George Armstrong Lyon.
Hulbert Taft
Frederick Baldwin Adams
Frederic Winthrop Allen
Stuart Brown Camp
Frank Dexter Cheney
John Walter Cross
Malcolm Douglas
James Cowan Greenway
John Morgan Hopkins
Ashley Day Leavatt
George Armstrong Lyon
Brace Whitman Paddock
Percy Avery Rockefeller
Corliss Esmonde Sullivan


Members of Skull and Bones class of 1901

James Mandeville Carlisle
Thomas Langdon Cheney
Henry Hall Christian
Sherman Lockwood Coy
Philip Cheney
Richard Henry Edwards
John Shepard Eels
Robert Hixon
Warren J. Hoysradt
John Arthur Keppelman
Ray Morris
Allan Harvey Richardson
George Arnold Welch
Alfred Parks Wright



? = Hyperlink

1902 Alfred Ludlow Ferguson?
1902 George Boone Carpenter?
1902 Alfred Miller Cressler?
1902 Charles Cyprian Strong Cushing
1902 William Edwards Day?
1902 Raymond Gano Guernsey?
1902 Roderick Potter?
1902 Bronson Case Rumsley?
1902 Frank H. Sincerrbeaux?
1902 Alan McLean? Taylor?
1902 Harold Stone?
1902 Joseph Rockwell Swan?
1902 Mason Throwbridge?
1902 Percy Gardiner White?


1903 George Brewster Chadwick?
1903 Harold Terry Clark?
1903 Erastus Corning?
1903 John Martin Dreisbach?
1903 Chauncey Jerome Hamlin?
1903 Brower Hewitt?
1903 Henry Chandler Holt
1903 Albert Richard Lamb?
1903 Frank Wood Moore?
1903 Stuart Bruen Sutphin?
1903 Donald Thompson?
1903 Henry Mitchell Wallace?
1903 Antonio Johnston Waring?
1903 John Richards White?
1903 Frederick William Wilhelmi?


Members of Skull and Bones class of 1904

1904 Russell Cheney
1904 Thomas Cochran?
1904 Winthrop Murray Crane, Jr.?
1904 Walter Snell Cross?
1904 Francis Talmage Dodge?
1904 Percy Hall Jennings?
1904 John Caspar Kittle?
1904 Harold Grant Metcalf?
1904 James Ely Miller?
1904 Frederick Erastus Pierce?
1904 Lansing Parmalee Reed?
1904 Willard Burr Soper?
1904 Thomas Day Thacher?
1904 Thomas Thacher
1904 Allan Wardwell?
1904 Frederick H. Wiggin?


1905 Arthur Howe Bradford?
1905 Berrien Hughes?
1905 John Stoughton Ellsworth?
1905 Stuyvesant Fish?
1905 James Joseph Hogan?
1905 Buell Hollister
1905 John Hiram Lathrop?
1905 Gardner Richardson?
1905 Edmund Pendleton Rogers?
1905 Murray Sargent?
1905 John Sloane?
1905 Robert Fingland Tilney II?
1905 Harold McLeod Turner
1905 William Knickerbocker Van Reypen, Jr.?
1905 Edwin Sheldon Whitehouse?


1906 Donald Bruce?
1906 Louis deVierville Dousman?
1906 Grosvenor Ely?
1906 Alexander Rex Flynn?
1906 Lydic Hoyl?
1906 John Gillespie MaGee?
1906 James Gore King McClure, Jr.?
1906 Donald Ashbrook McGee?
1906 William S. Moorhead?
1906 Frank O'Brien?
1906 Lee James Perrin?
1906 Foster Harry Rockwell?
1906 Bruce Donald Smith?
1906 Spencer Turner?
1906 Hugh Robert Wilson?


1907 George Coolidge Tuttle?
1907 William Deluce Barnes?
1907 William McCormick Blair?
1907 Arthur Goodwin Camp?
1907 Forest Leonard Daniels?
1907 Richard Ely Danielson?
1907 Theodore Polehemus Dixon?
1907 Philip Lyndon Dodge?
1907 Georges Brette Glaenzer?
1907 Hugh Smith Knox?
1907 Mitchell Stuart Little?
1907 Samuel Finley Brown Morse?
1907 Calvin Truesdale?
1907 Harold Sherman Wells?
1907 Heathcote Morison Woolsey?


1908 Lucius Horatio Biglow?
1908 George Dahl?
1908 Walter Goodwin Davis?
1908 Tyson Dines?
1908 Joseph Taylor Foster?
1908 Dwight Torrey Griswold?
1908 Lester William Perrin?
1908 Charles Seymour?
1908 Roger Bulkley Shepard?
1908 Harold Stanley?
1908 James Carlton Thorton?
1908 George Henry Townsend?
1908 Charles Law Watkins?
1908 James Willard Williams?


1909 Harvey Hollister Bundy?
1909 Hollister Bundy?
1909 Robert Boyd Burch?
1909 Charles Soutter Campbell?
1909 Avery Artison Clark?
1909 Gayer Gardner Dominick?
1909 James Merriam Howard?
1909 Henry Almy Howe?
1909 Edward Francis Jefferson?
1909 Allen Trafford Klots?
1909 Henry Lippitt?
1909 John Bates Perrin?
1909 Stuart Craig Rand?
1909 Benjamin Sanderson?
1909 Mortimer Ashmfad Seabury?
1909 Harold Phelps Stokes?


1910 Edward Harris Coy?
1910 Stanhope Bayne-Jones?
1910 Albert De Silver?
1910 Charles Pascal Franchot?
1910 Robert Dudley French?
1910 George Leslie Harrison?
1910 John Heron?
1910 Lyndon Marrs King?
1910 Augustus Knight?
1910 Walter Seth Logan?
1910 Carl Albert Lohmann?
1910 Frederick James Murphy?
1910 Stephen Philbin II?
1910 Robert Alphonso Taft
1910 R.A. Wodell?


1911 Clinton Wildes Davis?
1911 Sherwood Sunderland Day?
1911 Cornelius Ennis Lombardi?
1911 Paul Bradford Badger?
1911 Alan Lyle Corey?
1911 Frederick Joseph Daly?
1911 John Bourne Dempsey?
1911 Arthur Amory Gammell?
1911 Frederick Walton Hyde?
1911 John Vincent Mc Donnell?
1911 Francis Fitz Randolph?
1911 John T. Rowland?
1911 Leslie Soule?
1911 Henry Brinsmade VanSinderen?
1911 Lawrence Raymond Wheeler?


1912 Robert Abbe Gardner?
1912 Donald R. Hyde?
1912 Henry Abbott Street?
1912 Edwin Augustus Strout, Jr.?
1912 Alexander Campbell Tener?
1912 Francis T. Boyd?
1912 Cavour Hartley?
1912 Arthur Howe?
1912 Archibald McClure?
1912 Henry Newton Merritt?
1912 Frederic Parsons Mullins?
1912 Charles Henry Paul?
1912 J. Gregory Smith?
1912 Edward Bancroft Twombly?
1912 Gerald Clery Murphy?


1913 Calvin Durand Allen?
1913 Clarence Emir Allen, Jr.?
1913 Richard Wheeler Baker?
1913 Colgate Henry Auchincloss?
1913 George Bruce Cortelyou
1913 Alfred Cowles?
1913 Archer Harman?
1913 W. Averell Harriman
1913 August Sidney Lovett?
1913 Alexander?
1913 Jesse Holladay Philbin?
1913 Homer Eugene Sawyer, Jr.?
1913 Allan Shelden?
1913 William Otis Waters?


1914 Benjamin F. Avery?
1914 Percy Gillette Cornish, Jr.?
1914 Thomas Leonard Daniels?
1914 Gile Clement Moses?
1914 George Gill Jones?
1914 Henry Holman Ketcham?
1914 Stoddard King?
1914 William Jackson Lippincott?
1914 Richard Osborn?
1914 George Washington Patterson?
1914 Herman Livingston Rogers?
1914 Lorrin Andrews Shepard?
1914 William Candee Warren, Jr.?
1914 Edwin A. Buritt?


1915 Lyon Carter?
1915 Thomas Hilary Cornell?
1915 Stephen Rintoul Davenport?
1915 Thomas Bayne Denegre?
1915 Ranald Mac Donald II?
1915 Archibald Mac Leish?
1915 Louis Shelton Middlebrook?
1915 Irving Paris?
1915 Harold Armstrong Pumpelly?
1915 John Sylvester Reilly?
1915 William Martindale Shedden?
1915 Edwin Lyon Slocum?
1915 Edward James Stackpole?
1915 Walker Ely Swift?


1916 Arthur Burr Darling?
1916 Samuel Gourdin Gaillard, Jr.?
1916 Morris Hadley?
1916 Henry Webb Johnstone?
1916 Farwell Knapp
1916 Wesley M. Oler?
1916 Gilbert Edwin Porter III?
1916 Phelps Putnam?
1916 Charles Holmes Roberts, Jr?
1916 Donald Carrington Shepard?
1916 Donald Ogden Stewart?
1916 Kinley John Tener?
1916 Laurence Gotzian Tighe?
1916 Herman Vademar Von Holt?
1916 Charles Rumford Walker?
1916 Alfred Rammond Bellinger?


1917 Prescott Sheldon Bush
1917 Henry Sage Fenimore Cooper?
1917 Oliver Bulg Cunnigham?
1917 Samuel Sloan Duryee?
1917 Edward Roland "Bunny" Noel Harriman
1917 Henry Peter Isham?
1917 Ellery Sedgewick James?
1917 Harry William Le Gore?
1917 Henry Neil Mallon?
1917 Albert William Olsen?
1917 John William Overton?
1917 Frank Parsons Shepard, Jr.?
1917 Kenneth Farrand Simpson?
1917 Knight Woolley?
1917 Allen Wallace Ames?


1918 Howard Malcolm Baldridge?
1918 Cassius Marcellus Clay?
1918 F. Trubee Davison
1918 Robert Barr Deans?
1918 Newell Garfield?
1918 Artemus L. Gates
1918 Gould James?
1918 Robert Abercrombie Lovett?
1918 Raymond Franklin Snell?
1918 Charles Jacob Stewart?
1918 Charles Phelps Taft?
1918 John Martin Vorys?
1918 John Eliot Woolley?
1918 Parker Breese Allen?


1919 Sherman Baldwin?
1919 Alan Barnette Campbell?
1919 Frederic Dewhurst Carter?
1919 Canson Goodyear Depew?
1919 Edward McCrady Gaillard?
1919 Hamilton Hadley?
1919 Charles C. Haffner, Jr.?
1919 John Howard Mallon?
1919 Alexander Agnew McCormick, Jr.?
1919 Elmore Mcneill McKee?
1919 Winter Mead
1919 James Sanford Otis?
1919 Traver Smith?
1919 George Nesmith Walker?
1919 Lewis G. Adams?


1920 Harry Pomeroy Davison
1920 Frank Peavey Heffelfinger?
1920 John Morris Hincks?
1920 Francis Thayer Hobson?
1920 David Sinton Ingalls?
1920 Henry Robinson Luce
1920 James Mc Henry?
1920 Morehead Patterson?
1920 Theodore Lee Safford?
1920 Joseph Weir Sargent?
1920 Alfred Cosler Schermerhorn?
1920 De Forest Van Slyck?
1920 Daniel R. Winter?
1920 John Sidney Acosta?


1921 Charles Harvey Bradley?
1921 Walter Rice Brewster?
1921 Frederick McGeorge Bundy?
1921 William Sheffield Cowles?
1921 Bartow Lewis Heminway?
1921 Stephen Young Hord?
1921 Marcien Jenckes?
1921 Willard David Litt?
1921 Storer Boardman Lunt?
1921 James E. Neville?
1921 Langdon Parsons?
1921 Edward Leonard Shevlin?
1921 John Stewart?
1921 Edwin Wheeler Winter II?
1921 Malcolm Pratt Aldrich?


1922 James Smith Bush
1922 Ward Cheney
1922 Albert Hastings Crosby?
1922 Albert Carl Frost, Jr.?
1922 Frederick Whitney Hilles?
1922 Robert Johnson Larner?
1922 William Galey Lord
1922 Robert Guthrie Page?
1922 Lee Patterson?
1922 Wells Root?
1922 Robert Folger Solley?
1922 Henry Barnard Strong?
1922 John Allen Miner Thomas?
1922 Frederic dePeyster Townsend, Jr.?
1922 Stanley Woodward?
1922 G. Campbell Becket?


1923 Jonathan Ogden Bulkey?
1923 John Sherman Cooper?
1923 Russell Wheeler Davenport?
1923 Huntington T. Day?
1923 Maxwell E. Foster?
1923 Louis Kepler Hyde, Jr.?
1923 Ralph Edward Jordan?
1923 Charles Pinckney Luckey?
1923 Francis Otto Matthiessen
1923 George Washington Norton, Jr.?
1923 Bernard Berenger Pelly?
1923 Alfred Newton Wheeler
1923 Henry Elisha Allen?


1924 George Frederick Baer Appel?
1924 Edwin Foster Blair?
1924 John Cabot Diller?
1924 Sherman Ewing?
1924 Thomas Frederick David Haines?
1924 George Wright Peavy Heffelfinger?
1924 Charles Dewey Hilles, Jr.?
1924 Walter Edwards Houghton?
1924 William Thompson Lusk?
1924 William Neely Mallory?
1924 Revell Mc Callum?
1924 William Davis Melton, Jr.?
1924 Charles Merville Spofford?
1924 Clifton Samuel Thomson?
1924 William Preston Johnston?


1925 Rushton Leigh Ardrey?
1925 Frank Davis Ashburn?
1925 Edward Cajetan Bench?
1925 William Truesdale Bissell?
1925 James Grant Blair?
1925 Charles Stafford Gage?
1925 Gerard M. Ives?
1925 Walter Clyde Jones?
1925 Winslow Meston Lovejoy?
1925 Richard John Luman?
1925 William Bunnell Norton?
1925 Henry Clarkson Scott?
1925 Marvin A. Stevens?
1925 Donald D. Stevenson?
1925 Daniel Allen?


1926 James Davis Bronson?
1926 Henry Cornice Coke, Jr.?
1926 Henry Stetson Crosby?
1926 Benjamin Crawford Cutler?
1926 John A Davenport?
1926 Alfred L. Ferguson, Jr.?
1926 John A. Mc Hoysradt?
1926 Howard Thayer Kingsbury?
1926 Oswald Bates Lord?
1926 Anthony Lee Michel?
1926 Charles Graydon Poore?
1926 Reginald Dean Root?
1926 Frank Ford Russell?
1926 Richard Lodge Tighe?
1926 Charles Hastings Willard?
1926 Phil W. Bunnell?


1927 Allen M. Look?
1927 Harris Mc Intosh?
1927 Lawrence Mason Noble?
1927 Thomas Cleveland Patterson?
1927 Russell Lee Post?
1927 Wallace Parks Richie?
1927 William Wells Robbins?
1927 Frederick Flower Robinson?
1927 Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr.?
1927 George Herbert Walker, Jr.?
1927 Edward Rogers Wardwell?
1927 John Davock Warren?
1927 Charles Watson III?
1927 Dana Treat Bartholomew?


1928 George Bart Berger, Jr.?
1928 Charles Tiffany Bingham?
1928 Dwight Brown Fishwick?
1928 Herbert Stanton Griggs, Jr.?
1928 George Winthrop Haight?
1928 Barton Lee Mallory, Jr.?
1928 John Rockefeller Prentice?
1928 Howard Copland Robertson, Jr.?
1928 Lancelot Patrick Ross?
1928 Stewart Patterson Scott?
1928 Peter Hellwege Stewart?
1928 Stoughton Walker
1928 Albert Blackhurst Ashforth?


1929 Granger Kent Costikyan?
1929 George Crile, Jr.?
1929 Edmund Lockwood Decker, Jr.?
1929 Washington Dodge?
1929 Maxon Hunter Eddy?
1929 John Joseph Garvey?
1929 Kenrick S. Gillespie?
1929 Manasses Jacob Grove?
1929 Hiram Edward Manville, Jr.?
1929 Henry Riddle Merrill?
1929 Ralph D. Paine, Jr.?
1929 Lloyd Hilton Smith?
1929 Damon de Blois Wack?
1929 George Wells II?
1929 Robert Seaman Allison, Jr.?


1930 Harland Montgomery Ellis?
1930 Raymond Walleser Ellis?
1930 Albert DeW Erskine, Jr.?
1930 Walter Wood Garnsey?
1930 Waldo Wittenmyer Greene?
1930 Samuel Lawrence Gwin?
1930 Robert A. Hall?
1930 Charles Anderson Janeway?
1930 Louis Williams Ladd, Jr.?
1930 George B. Longstreth?
1930 Frank Byron Look?
1930 John Miller Musser?
1930 Arthur Edward Palmer?
1930 Tom Prideaux?
1930 David Edward Austen?


1931 Gaylord Donnelley?
1931 Henry John Heinz II
1931 Lewis Abbot Lapham?
1931 Frederic William Loeser?
1931 William A. Lydgate?
1931 Robert L. Messimer, Jr.?
1931 William Learned Peitz?
1931 Joseph Cornelius Rathborne?
1931 James Ross Stewart?
1931 Walter Moore Swoope?
1931 Luther B.D. Tucker?
1931 Francis T. Vincent?
1931 John Mercer Walker?
1931 F.B. Adams, Jr.?


1932 Herster D. Barres?
1932 Emmert Warren Bates?
1932 George Hopper Fitch?
1932 Robert Brank Fulton?
1932 S.Hazard Gillespie Jr.?
1932 William Van Derveer Hodges, Jr.?
1932 Mortimer Hamlin Laundon, Jr.?
1932 John Townsend Lindenberg?
1932 John Reagan Mc Crary, Jr.?
1932 James Paul Mills?
1932 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, Jr.?
1932 Alfred Ogden?
1932 Bouifelle Savage, Jr.?
1932 Samuel Goode Williams?
1932 Samuel Smith Caldwell, Jr.?


1933 Francis Judd Cooke?
1933 Richard Marden Davis?
1933 Alexander Charles Fletcher?
1933 William Smith Garnsey?
1933 Frederick Bagry Hall, Jr.?
1933 Theodore S. Jones?
1933 Walter B. Levering?
1933 Frances Vinton Lindley?
1933 John Michael McGauley?
1933 James Quigg Newton, Jr.?
1933 Robert Boyd Parker?
1933 Henry Mc Ilvaine Parsons?
1933 M. Parsons?
1933 Hart Lyman Stebbins?
1933 John Smith Wilbur?


1934 Amory Howe Bradford?
1934 Hugh Terry Cunningham?
1934 George Arthur Gordon?
1934 John Folsom Hallett?
1934 Thomas Edward Hambleton Harper, Jr.?
1934 Harry Halsted Holmes?
1934 John Grier?
1934 John Herrick Jackson?
1934 Johm M. Kilcullen?
1934 Walter S. Kimball
1934 Edward Ensign Mills?
1934 John Bolt Morse?
1934 Edward Nichols?
1934 George Alfred Ranney?
1934 Eugene William Stetson, Jr.?
1934 John Eliot Bowles?


1935 Samuel Carnes Collier?
1935 Francis Clare Curtin?
1935 Stanley Evert Fuller?
1935 Joseph.Hale Johnson?
1935 William Skinner Kilborne?
1935 John Sargent Pillsbury, Jr.?
1935 Thomas Rodd III?
1935 Charles Seymour, Jr.?
1935 Roger Bulkley Shepard, Jr.?
1935 Lyman B. Spitzer, Jr.?
1935 George Schley Stillman?
1935 H.P.Baldwin Terry?
1935 Bowen Charleton Tufts?
1935 Richard James Barr, Jr.?


1936 Jonathan Brewster Bingham?
1936 Robert Barbour Cooke?
1936 Horace Webber Davis II?
1936 James Bulloch Dunwody
1936 B.Gill?
1936 Frederick Peter Haas?
1936 Jesse Angell Hall?
1936 John Richard Hersey?
1936 John Merrill Knapp?
1936 Richard Anthony Moore?
1936 Edmund Pennington Pillsbury?
1936 B. Courtney Rankin?
1936 B. Shepard?
1936 Robert Train?
1936 Louis Walker?
1936 Mather Kimbal Whitehead?
1936 Dexter B. Blake?


1937 F.H. Brooke, Jr.?
1937 Charles Clinton Burke, Jr.?
1937 Richard James Cross?
1937 Arthur Joy Draper?
1937 John Warner Field?
1937 L.M. Kelley?
1937 John Briggs Mc Lemore, Jr.?
1937 Richard Curtis Miles?
1937 William H. Orrick, Jr.?
1937 John Trunbull Robinson?
1937 John Felch Bertram Runnals?
1937 Potter.Stewart?
1937 Louis T. Stone, Jr.?
1937 H.M. Turner?
1937 Bradford Warwick Davenport?


1938 James Howard Dempsey, Jr.?
1938 Joseph Richardson Dilworth?
1938 Lawrence Boardman Dunham, Jr.?
1938 John E. Ecklund?
1938 Joseph Carrere Fox?
1938 Clinton E. Frank?
1938 Edward McGuire Gordon?
1938 Albert Hessberg II?
1938 Raymond White Lapham?
1938 Amos Egmont Schermerhorn?
1938 Joseph B. Stevens, Jr.?
1938 John R. Thompson?
1938 George Haines Weed?
1938 Francis Slingluff Whitman, Jr.?
1938 Richard Emery Wilbur?
1938 Gaspard d'Andelot Belin?


1939 Jerred Gurley Blanchard?
1939 William Putman Bundy?
1939 George Hastings Chittenden?
1939 Lowell Melcher Clucas?
1939 Arthur Delma Dyess, Jr.?
1939 Clement D. Gile?
1939 Archibald Robinson Hoston, Jr.?
1939 W.W. Kellogg?
1939 Andrew Otterson Miller?
1939 Charles Lewis Miller, Jr.?
1939 Harry H. Mitchell?
1939 Lloyd Montgomery Sheapard, Jr.?
1939 Frederick William Wilhelmi, Jr.?
1939 Burch Williams?
1939 Mc George Bundy?


1940 Thomas Franklin Erickson?
1940 Charles C. Glover III?
1940 James Gordon Grayson?
1940 Reuben A. Holden?
1940 Harold Howe II?
1940 Andrew Downey Orrick?
1940 David B. Rodd?
1940 Joseph William Stack Jr.?
1940 Albert B. Stevens?
1940 Peter Gordon Bradley Stillman?
1940 William McDowell Stucky?
1940 Edward Francis Swenson, Jr.?
1940 Peter Brinckerhoff Thorne?
1940 William Berkley Watson, Jr.?
1940 W.R. Cross, Jr.?


1941 Donald S. Devor, Jr.?
1941 F.Henry Ellis Jr.?
1941 Edward Tuck Hall?
1941 William E. Jackson?
1941 Delaney Kiphuth?
1941 John Beckwith Madden?
1941 Lawrence Kimball Pickett?
1941 Charles Baird Price Jr.?
1941 Peter O.A. Solbert?
1941 Charles P. Stevenson?
1941 Walton D. Thomas?
1941 Laurence Gotzian Tighe, Jr.?
1941 Warren Benton White?
1941 William Gardiner White?
1941 Barry Zorthian?


1942 William Anderson Aycrigg II?
1942 Alan Edmund Bartholemy?
1942 William Tompkins Bell?
1942 Rene Auguste Chouteau?
1942 William Ford?
1942 Cary Travers Grayson, Jr.?
1942 Ralph Wetmore Halsey, Jr.?
1942 Fred Harold Harrison?
1942 J.B. Jessup?
1942 J.B. Kemp?
1942 George W. Kirchwey?
1942 Howard Freeman Smith, Jr.?
1942 Frank Arnoit Sprole?
1942 John S. Walker?
1942 David Campton Acheson?


1943 George Peck Caulkins, Jr.?
1943 John H. Daniels?
1943 Duncan Hunter Doolittle?
1943 Richard Dale Drain?
1943 Harold Harris Healy, Jr.?
1943 Donald Wright Hoagland?
1943 Allen Trafford Klotts, Jr.?
1943 Frank Walder Liley, Jr.?
1943 John Helm McLean?
1943 Dudley Livingston Miller?
1943 Spencer Dumaresq Mosely?
1943 Zeph Stewart?
1943 John Kaye Tabor?
1943 Tom D. Vogt?
1943 Samuel Taylor Glover Brown?


1944 James Lane Buckley?
1944 Shehand Daniel Elebash?
1944 Alexander Ellis, Jr.?
1944 James Lord Ferguson?
1944 John Bannister Goodenough?
1944 William Cabell Grayson?
1944 John Morgan Holden?
1944 Townsend Walter Hoopes?
1944 W.C. Kelly II?
1944 David A. Lindsay?
1944 Stuart W. Little?
1944 Jeffrey Pond Walker?
1944 James Allen Whitmore, Jr.?
1944 Dean Witter, Jr.?
1944 Archibald J..Allen, Jr.?


1945 [Gilman Dorr Blake, Jr
1945 Walter Henderson Brown?
1945 John Carey?
1945 William Judkins Clark?
1945 L. Connick?
1945 George Cook III?
1945 Edwin Lyon Dale, Jr.?
1945 Endicott Peabody Davison?
1945 Hobart Evans Early?
1945 Francis Bolton Elwell, Jr.?
1945 Archer Harman, Jr.?
1945 Gordon Buckland Huribut, Jr.?
1945 R.Vincent Lynch?
1945 Benjamin Thomas McElroy?
1945 Guy Ennis Mc Gaughey, Jr.?
1945 William S. Moorhead?
1945 Irving Seaman, Jr.?
1945 Josiah Augustus Spaulding?
1945 William S. Sumner?
1945 Elliot Evans Vose?
1945 George U. Warren?
1945 Valleau Wilke?
1945 Charles Booth Alling, Jr.?


1945 George Burgwin Holmes?
1945 Thomas Ridgway Mallon?
1945 Phillip O'Brien Jr.?
1945 Charles Pratt W Twichell?
1945 W Winthrop Ross Wickwire?


1947 Edward Williamson Andrews, Jr.?
1947 William M. Boulos (Bouliaratis)?
1947 David Bennet Bronson?
1947 John M. Chafee?
1947 John George Gilpin Finley?
1947 William Skinner Goedecke?
1947 Donald Loyal Leavenworth?
1947 James I. Moore?
1947 Frank O'Brien, Jr.?
1947 Charles Edward Palmer?
1947 Richard Rollins Read?
1947 H.C. Robinson, Jr.?
1947 Carl Tucker, Jr.?
1947 Charles Sheldon Whitehouse?
1947 Thomas William Ludlow Ashley?



1948 Lucius Horatio Biglow, Jr.?
1948 George Herbert Walker Bush
1948 John Ervin Caulkins?
1948 William James Connelly, Jr.?
1948 David Charles Grimes?
1948 Richard Elwood Jenkins?
1948 Richard Gesrtle Mack?
1948 Thomas Wilder Moseley?
1948 G.H. Pfau, Jr.?
1948 Samuel Sloan Walker,Jr.?
1948 Howard Sayer Weaver?
1948 Valleau Wilkie, Jr.?
1948 Richard Pfeifer Baribault


1949 Barton Bradley Bassett II?
1949 Rev. William.S. Coffin, Jr.?
1949 Daniel Pomeroy Davison?
1949 Robert M. Goodyear?
1949 J. B. Hollister, Jr.?
1949 A. Lavelli, Jr.?
1949 Joseph McCarrell Leiper?
1949 David McCord Lippincott?
1949 Charles Edwin Lord II?
1949 Peter Wende Lufkin, Sr.?
1949 George T.P. Raymond?
1949 Franklin Goldwaithe Sherrill?
1949 Vance Van Dine?
1949 John Gerald Breen?


1950 William Frank Buckley, Jr.
1950 William Draper III?
1950 Victor H. Frank, Jr.?
1950 Evan Griffith Galbraith?
1950 Thomas Henry Guinzburg?
1950 Victor William Henningsen, Jr.?
1950 Philip Sperry Kemp?
1950 Paul Christopher Lambert?
1950 Sidney Lovett?
1950 Charles Pinckney Luckey?
1950 William Mac Leish?
1950 Robert Mc Lean III?
1950 Dino John Pionzio?
1950 Donald Carrington Shepard?


1951 Thomas Hill Anderson?
1951 John W. Eden?
1951 Garrison McClintock Noel Ellis?
1951 G. Corson Ellis, Jr.?
1951 Ralph Frank Love?
1951 Chauncey F. Lufkin?
1951 Craig Mathews?
1951 Charles Theodore Mayer?
1951 Thomas Philip McNamara?
1951 Raymond Kissam Price,Jr.?
1951 Edward Snover Reed?
1951 Richard Warren Russell?
1951 Joseph Mather Ryan?
1951 Charles R.S. Shepard?
1951 Donlan Vincent Aberg, Jr.?


1952 Fergus Reid Buckley?
1952 Abram Claude, Jr.?
1952 Andrew Jackson Connick?
1952 Paul Fessenden Cruikshank, Jr.?
1952 Colin Tobias Eisler?
1952 Graham Stanley Finney?
1952 Charles S. Haight, Jr.?
1952 John Winslow Hincks?
1952 Frank Dutton Kittredge?
1952 George Brooke Roberts, Jr.?
1952 Edward Charles Senay?
1952 Robert Samuel Spears?
1952 Martin W. Vorys?
1952 Jonathan Duncan Bulkey?


1953 Jonathan James Bush?
1953 William Henry Donaldson?
1953 Edwin A. Durham II?
1953 Christy Payne Emerson?
1953 Dan Wende Lufkin?
1953 John Birnie Marshall?
1953 James Price Mc Lane?
1953 John Dennis Menton?
1953 Joseph Berry Mitinger?
1953 Lawerence Mason Noble, Jr.?
1953 David A. Novkov?
1953 George Herbert Walker III?
1953 John William Weber?
1953 Harold Edward Woodsum, Jr.?
1953 Harry Bryner Benninghoff?


1954 T. Boyd Evans?
1954 S. Joseph Fortunato?
1954 Richard C. Gifford?
1954 Arthur R. Gisen, Jr.?
1954 Richard Hyde Hiers?
1954 Walter C. Kilrea?
1954 Russell William Meyer, Jr.?
1954 Thruston Ballard Morton, Jr.?
1954 Richard Frank Polich?
1954 Ross E. Price?
1954 Robert Gordon Reponen?
1954 Thomas D. Rowe, Jr.?
1954 Allan A. Ryan III?
1954 Spencer Jason Schnaitter?
1954 Francis Henry Slade?
1954 Edmund Braxton Thorton?


1955 Lloyd Thomas Bryan, Jr.?
1955 Stephen Elliott De Forest?
1955 Gerald F. Fehr?
1955 Richard Haigh Gow
1955 Charles Grady Green?
1955 Hugh G. Guidotti?
1955 Roger Allen Hansen?
1955 Franklin Donald Hudson?
1955 Philip Mathias II?
1955 David G. Mc Cullough?
1955 Thorne Martin Shugart?
1955 Richard Cooke Steadman?
1955 Ray Carter Walker
1955 Howard D. Banks?


1956 James Emanuel Boasberg III?
1956 Andrew Squire Dempsey?
1956 C. Gibson Durfee, Jr.?
1956 Caldwell Blakesman Esselstyn, Jr.?
1956 Milton J. Gaines?
1956 Ingalls, Jr. David Sinton?
1956 Thomas Crawford Jamieson, Jr.?
1956 Terrence R. Malloy?
1956 Jack F. Mc Gregor?
1956 James Paul Menton?
1956 Andrew Alexander Orr?
1956 James Breckinridge Speed?
1956 Peter A. Traphagen?
1956 Stephen H. Ackerman?


1957 Ralph David Bowman?
1957 Ray Allen Carlsen?
1957 Russell Inslee Clark, Jr.?
1957 Charles W. Cushman?
1957 George J. Dunn?
1957 Peter B. Fritzche?
1957 Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.?
1957 Anthony Hookey Loughran?
1957 Richard Anthony Lumpkin?
1957 John P. Oberlin?
1957 L. Guy Palmer II?
1957 Wallace Parks Ritchie, Jr.?
1957 John W. Somerville?
1957 William Bruce Williams?
1957 Charles E. Allen?


1958 Linden Stanley Blue?
1958 John A. Cassel?
1958 Ronald Lawton Cheney?
1958 Lt. Gen. Robert Edgar Cushman, Jr.?
1958 John Frank Embersits?
1958 Gary Woodson Howe?
1958 Robert Willis Morey, Jr.?
1958 John Fowler Pendexter?
1958 Howard T. Phelan?
1958 Russell Lee Post, Jr.?
1958 John Louis Preston?
1958 Robert Campbell Shackelford?
1958 Thomas Beardsley Wheeler?
1958 Stephen Adams?


1959 William Camp Bodman?
1959 James Joseph Connors, III?
1959 John Parick Cooke?
1959 Alexander Tonio Ercklentz?
1959 Erik Canfield Esselstyn?
1959 James Tierney Hemphill?
1959 John Holbrook, Jr.?
1959 Charles C. Kingsley?
1959 Richard Bissett Lightfoot?
1959 Winston Lord?
1959 Michael B. Mayor?
1959 James Rockwell Sheffield?
1959 Peter Andreas Thorson?
1959 Cheever Tyler?
1959 David George Ball


1960 Frank Eastman Beane, Jr.?
1960 Paul Capron III?
1960 David DeWitt Dominick?
1960 Frederick Vincent Ernst?
1960 William Herrick Garnsey?
1960 Robert F. Giegengack, Jr.?
1960 David Doubleday Holbrook?
1960 Richard Hugo Lindgren?
1960 Peter A. Lusk?
1960 Charles Edward McCarthy
1960 John Burgess Meek?
1960 Robert Smitter Northrup?
1960 Eugene Lytton Scott?
1960 Bruce Donald Smith III?
1960 George Thomas Bissell?


1961 Richard Charles Bockrath, Jr.
1961 William Carter Bowles, Jr.?
1961 Thomas W. Clark?
1961 John Marshall Cogswell?
1961 John Phillip De Neufville?
1961 Charles B. Hamlin?
1961 Dale Alton Lindsay, Jr.?
1961 Kenneth Mac Lean, Jr.
1961 Michael J. Pyle?
1961 Thomas Bernard Ross?
1961 George Wheeler Seeley?
1961 Sextus Shearer?
1961 Thomas Singleton II?
1961 James C. Stewart?
1961 Geoffrey Hamilton Waddell
1961 John Joseph Walsh, Jr.?
1961 Samuel H. Back?


1962 John Henry Brandt?
1962 James Henry Brewster IV?
1962 Tristam Anthony Brooks?
1962 Charles Bentley Burr II
1962 Henry Clay Childs?
1962 Norman Victor Chimenti?
1962 William Hamilton?
1962 Henry Thompson Holland?
1962 Ronald Eaton LeFevre?
1962 Thomas B. Ligon?
1962 Arthur John Peck, Jr.?
1962 Robert W. Spitz?
1962 Wyllys Terry III?
1962 Bernard Benjamin Zucker?
1962 Roger S. Ahlbrandt, Jr.?


1963 Peter Logan Becket?
1963 David Lyle Boren?
1963 Jesse Loring Clay?
1963 Charles Augustus Frank III?
1963 Brendan Gill?
1963 Michael Gates Gill?
1963 Samuel Lawrence Gwin, Jr.?
1963 Henry H. Hewitt?
1963 William Lee Marsh?
1963 Richard Eugene Moser?
1963 William D. Nordhaus?
1963 Timothy James O'Connell?
1963 Jonathan Chapman Rose?
1963 Patrick Rulon-Miller?
1963 Geoffry Donald Charles Best?


1964 John Arthur Cirie?
1964 Alexander Stephens Clay?
1964 Samuel Hopkins Francis?
1964 Howard Frank Gillette, Jr.?
1964 Dennis Patrick Lynch?
1964 Jonathan Evans Mc Bride?
1964 Thomas Harrison Prindle?
1964 Charles Alexander Pulaski, Jr.?
1964 Eugene Van Loan?
1964 John Smith Wilbur, Jr.?
1964 Stephen Wolfe II?
1964 Mehdi Raza Ali?


1965 Charles Edward Benoit, Jr.?
1965 Gerald Holland Clark?
1965 Stephen Edward Clark?
1965 Timothy J. Clay?
1965 Orde Musgrave Coombs?
1965 Alan Lyle Corey III?
1965 Peter Earl Desjardins?
1965 Philip Jay Fetner?
1965 Bengt M. Lagercrantz?
1965 John Mercer Pinney?
1965 Jeffrey Craig Pond?
1965 James Perrin Quarles III?
1965 John H.F. Shattuck?
1965 Peter Franz Zallinger
1965 John R. Bockstoce?


1966 George Clifford Brown?
1966 Alan W. Cross?
1966 Michael Thomas Dalby?
1966 Howard James Ernest?
1966 John Forbes Kerry
1966 Forrest David Laidley?
1966 Richard Warren Pershing?
1966 David Mc Iver Rumsey?
1966 Ronald Leonard Singer?
1966 Frederick W. Smith
1966 William Burks Stanberry, Jr.?
1966 David Hoadley Thorne?
1966 Thomas Vargish?
1966 Bernard Ikecukwu Afeoju?


1967 Victor Henderson Ashe
1967 Timothy Mc Fall Bradford?
1967 Derek George Bush?
1967 David John Foster?
1967 Walter W. Garnsey, Jr.?
1967 Robert McGregor Lilley?
1967 James Whipple Miller?
1967 H. Coleman Mitchell, Jr.?
1967 Geoffrey Mark Neigher?
1967 James Marshall Preston?
1967 Davi Alan Richards?
1967 James M. Sanon?
1967 Bradford Curie Smith?
1967 Roy Anthony Swil?
1967 Stepehn Eberly Thompson, Jr.?
1967 Roy Lesley Austin?


1968 Robert Richards Birge?
1968 Christopher Walworth Brown?
1968 George Walker Bush
1968 Kenneth Saul Cohen?
1968 Rex William Cowdry?
1968 Donald. Etra?
1968 G. Gregory Gallico III?
1968 Robert K. Guthrie III?
1968 Bruton Ward Kolar?
1968 Robert Davis Mc Callum, Jr.?
1968 Muhammad Ahmed Saleh?
1968 Thomas Carl Schmidt?
1968 Donald Arthur Schollander?
1968 Brinkley Stimpson Thorne?
1968 Robert E. Arras, Jr?


1969 Michael Frederic Bouscaren?
1969 Charles Henry Buck III
1969 Thomas Francis Cosgrove, Jr.?
1969 Frank Edward Demares II?
1969 Brian J. Dowling?
1969 Henry W. Fuller?
1969 Richard H.B. Livingston II?
1969 B. Patrick Madden?
1969 Wentworth Earl Miller?
1969 John Joseph O 'Leary, Jr.?
1969 Stephen Allen Schwarzman
1969 Duane Arthur Selander?
1969 William Mc Ilwaine Thompson, Jr.?
1969 Douglas Preston Woodlock?
1969 William Scott Brown?


1970 Philip Benham Case, Jr.?
1970 Earl S. Downing III?
1970 Lawrence L. Eyre?
1970 Johnathan David Friedland?
1970 Stephen David Greenberg?
1970 Douglas Michael Hodes?
1970 Terrence John Jackson?
1970 Thomas Clairborne Miller?
1970 Robert Mc Nair Morgan?
1970 Kwaku Ohene - Frempong?
1970 Daniel James Peters?
1970 Thomas B. Scattergood?
1970 Jonathan Penfield Thompson?
1970 C. Christopher Trower?
1970 James Anthony Babst?


1971 James Taylor Bryan?
1971 Richard Henry Ekfelt?
1971 James Vincent Feinerman?
1971 Jeffrey Fortgang
1971 Michael Gerard Galvin?
1971 Thomas M. Halpin?
1971 Carols Arturo Hernandez?
1971 Robert D. Inman?
1971 William Theodore Kosturko?
1971 Charles Herbert Levin?
1971 James W. Morgan?
1971 Edward Mac Arthur Noyes?
1971 Thomas Prindle Taft?
1971 Russell Joseph Cangelosi?


1972 Douglas Wells Clark?
1972 Michael F. Csar?
1972 Peter Seelye Evans?
1972 Scott B. Fisher?
1972 Mark Sanders Lewis?
1972 Karl Evan Lutz?
1972 Richard J. Mac Donald II?
1972 Michael G. Mc Laren?
1972 Douglas Richard Moyer?
1972 Stephen G. Ritterbush, Jr.?
1972 Richard Alan Salbeh?
1972 Robert S. Walden?
1972 Zebuon Vance Wilson?
1972 Stan Warren Ziegler?
1972 Alan Sidney Barasch?


1973 Tedric Lawrence Bellis?
1973 C. Roger Finney?
1973 Benjamin P. Green?
1973 Philip Henry Highfill III?
1973 Mark Christopher Huey?
1973 Coit Redfearn Liles?
1973 David B. Lonsdorf?
1973 Stephen Joseph Mac Donald II?
1973 Fred Walter Mattlin?
1973 Stephen Joseph Mc Phee?
1973 David Clement Moore?
1973 William Iain Scott?
1973 James Sothern Sulzer?
1973 Richard Mason Barge?


1974 Jon Michael Bellis?
1974 Larry R. Bisaro?
1974 Robert Lewis Cohen?
1974 David Michael Connors?
1974 Peter C. Diamond?
1974 Thomas James Doyle, Jr.?
1974 Bruce Alan Eisenberg?
1974 Timoteo F. Gonzalez?
1974 George Emanuel Lewis?
1974 Brian Cameron Murchison?
1974 Wesley John Spear?
1974 Charles Hedges McKinstry Thorne?
1974 Alan Thompson Ashenfelter?


1975 Kenneth Arthur Bender?
1975 Christopher Taylor Buckley
1975 James Eugene Burke III?
1975 William Deshay English, Jr.?
1975 Edwin Frank Gaines?
1975 Rudolph Green?
1975 Kenneth Malcolm Mac Kenzie?
1975 Douglas Scott Reigeluth?
1975 David Saffen?
1975 Thomas Allen Struzzi?
1975 Stephen George Wald?
1975 Gregory Jannig Zorthian?
1975 Robert William Blattner?


1976 John Kim Brubaker?
1976 Douglas Daniel Capozzalo?
1976 Christopher Dyson Casscells?
1976 Starling Winston Childs?
1976 Philip Turner Davies?
1976 Donald Kenneth Fort?
1976 Edward Raymond Gates?
1976 Richard Channing Gibson, Jr.?
1976 Dennis Charles Hart?
1976 Miles Watson Leverett?
1976 Arjay Singh Mehta?
1976 Marc Jaime Morgenstern?
1976 Clark Kimberly Oler, Jr.?
1976 Darryl L. Williams?
1976 Marvin Blakely?


1977 James Robert Brubaker?
1977 Carnell Cooper?
1977 Joel Richard Fredericks?
1977 Richard Julius Goldberg?
1977 William Cabell Grayson, Jr.?
1977 Patrick William Lalley?
1977 Quentin John Lawler?
1977 Thomas Montgomery Newman?
1977 David Bulkey Perry
1977 Stephen Rimar III?
1977 Daniel Adam Schlesinger
1977 Larry Glenn Scott?
1977 Chan Bruce Tom III?
1977 Paul Berem Albritton?


1978 Mark R. Baran?
1978 Keith Alan Bassi?
1978 J. Bruce Clark?
1978 Lawrence Maclester Gile?
1978 Peter Samuel Holmes?
1978 Noble Hook?
1978 David Leonard Marinelli?
1978 Samuel L. Owens?
1978 Geoffrey D. Piel?
1978 Robert John Rizzo
1978 John Marcus Roy?
1978 Charles S. Sullivan?
1978 Elvin D. Turner?
1978 Robert Nelson Brown?


1979 Anthony O. Edozien?
1979 John Arthur Fore?
1979 Jeffrey Arthur Holmbee?
1979 David Harold Lorenson?
1979 Edward E. Mc Nally?
1979 Jack Thomas Moses?
1979 Kurt D. Nondorf?
1979 Donald Patrick O' Brien?
1979 Eric Brooks Peters?
1979 Stephen Thomas Skrovan?
1979 Charles Stevenson?
1979 Richard H. Westerfield?
1979 Daniel Richard Wilson?
1979 James B. Yent, Jr.?
1979 Samuel Monroe Austin?


1980 Maxwell O. Chibundu?
1980 George Leovy Davenport?
1980 Mark Samuel De Vore
1980 George Toby Dilworth?
1980 Andrew T. Fleming?
1980 John J. Hatem?
1980 Gary Martin Lawrence?
1980 Daniel Kevin Mulhern?
1980 Elliot Remsen Peters?
1980 Eric Eugene Stevens?
1980 Joseph Benjamin Teig?
1980 Timothy Michael Tumpane?
1980 Lawrence John Zigerelli?


1981 Stanton B. Bullock?
1981 Kimberly C. Campbell?
1981 Mats Erik Carlsson?
1981 Christopher James Choa?
1981 Joseph Leo Conway, Jr.?
1981 Thomas Allan Grandine?
1981 David Gerard Novosel?
1981 Regis James O' Keefe?
1981 Kenneth Graham Peters?
1981 Paul Clifford Peterson?
1981 Richard George Russell?
1981 Karl Eric Staven?
1981 Daniel James Stratton?
1981 Douglas Stuart Tingey?
1981 Alexander Troy?
1981 James Edward Bass?


1982 Jonathan Breslau
1982 Gregory James Burkus?
1982 Gavin Elliott Campbell?
1982 Michael William Devlin?
1982 Frederick Anthony Leone?
1982 William Andrew Mc Afee
1982 Bryan Fitch Meyers?
1982 Robert W. Murchison
1982 David Isaiah Rachlin?
1982 Jasper Reid?
1982 Mark Joseph Salzman?
1982 Eddie Sanhago?
1982 Jonathan David Towers?
1982 William Henry Wright II?
1982 James Ting-Yeh Yang?
1982 Peter Mark Abrams?


1983 Peter Moody Brooks?
1983 Michael Ernest Cerveris?
1983 Richard David Franklin?
1983 Frederick Scott Gale?
1983 Michael John Montesano III?
1983 Christopher Noel?
1983 Carlos Pinela?
1983 Jonathan Douglas Sharp?
1983 John Van Loon Sheffield?
1983 Victor Edmond Wagner?
1983 Paul James Andrie?


1984 Earl Gilbert Graves, Jr.?
1984 Douglas Robert Henston?
1984 David Nathaniel Herskovits?
1984 Edward Scott Lampert
1984 David Geoffrey Litt?
1984 Steven Alan Skibell?
1984 Conzalo Urquijo?
1984 Adam Weinstein?
1984 Stephen Wiseman II?
1984 John Chipman Farrar?


1985 James Emanuel Boasberg
1985 William John Carr Carlin Jr.?
1985 Ashok Jai Chandrasekhar?
1985 Scott David Frankel?
1985 Jay Alan Grossman?
1985 Wei-Tai Kwok?
1985 Peter Barnes Lindy?
1985 Timothy Charles Misner?
1985 Steven Terner Mnu Chin?
1985 James Gerard Petela
1985 Richard Hart Powers?
1985 Morgan Robert Smock?
1985 Horace Dutton Taft 2?
1985 Gregory Allan Thomson?
1985 Kevin Sanchez Walsh


2007 Hyder Akbar
2007 Derrick Wilson




William Frank Buckley, Jr. (b. 1925) — also known as William F. Buckley, Jr. — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., November 24, 1925. Brother of James Lane Buckley; married 1950 to Patricia Taylor. Conservative. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; candidate for mayor of New York City, N.Y., 1965. Catholic. Irish and Swiss ancestry. Member, Skull and Bones. Leader of the conservative movement; founder and editor of National Review magazine; author and lecturer; host of television news show "Firing Line"; recipient of the Presidential Medal of Freedom on November 18, 1991. Still living as of 2004.

o    See also: Internet Movie Database profile.

o    Books by William F. Buckley, Jr.: Getting It Right (2003); God and Man at Yale : The Superstitions of 'Academic Freedom' (1951); Spytime : The Undoing of James Jesus Angleton (2000); Nearer, My God : An Autobiography of Faith (1997); The Lexicon : A Cornucopia of Wonderful Words for the Inquisitive Word Lover (1998); Airborne : A Sentimental Journey (1984); In Search of Anti-Semitism (1992); Brothers No More (1995); Up From Liberalism (1959); The Committee and its critics : a calm review of the House Committee on Un-American Activities (1962); Elvis in the Morning (2001); Execution eve, and other contemporary ballads (1975); Four reforms : a guide for the seventies (1973); Gratitude : reflections on what we owe to our country (1990); Nuremberg : the reckoning (2002); Overdrive : a personal documentary (1983); United Nations Journal : A Delegate's Odyssey (1974); The unmaking of a mayor (1966); Ronald Reagan: An American Hero (2001)

o    Fiction by William F. Buckley, Jr.: Stained Glass : A Blackford Oakes Novel (1978); Marco Polo, If You Can : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1981); Saving the Queen : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1976); See You Later, Alligator : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1985); Tucker's Last Stand : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1991); Mongoose, R.I.P. : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1990); A Very Private Plot : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1994); High Jinx : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1986); Who's on First : A Blackford Oakes Mystery (1980); The Redhunter : a novel based on the life of Senator Joe McCarthy (1999)

o    Books about William F. Buckley, Jr.: John B. Judis, William F. Buckley, Jr.: Patron Saint of the Conservatives

George Herbert Walker Bush (b. 1924) — also known as George Bush; "Poppy"; "Sheepskin"; "Timberwolf" — of Midland, Midland County, Tex.; Houston, Harris County, Tex. Born in Milton, Norfolk County, Mass., June 12, 1924. First cousin thrice removed of David Davis; son of Prescott Sheldon Bush and Dorothy (Walker) Bush (1901-1992); married, January 6, 1945, to Barbara Pierce; father of George Walker Bush and John Ellis Bush. Republican. Served in the U.S. Navy during World War II; delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, 1964; candidate for U.S. Senator from Texas, 1964, 1970; U.S. Representative from Texas 7th District, 1967-71; U.S. Representative to United Nations, 1971-73; Chairman of Republican National Committee, 1973-74; U.S. Liaison to China, 1974-75; director, U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, 1976-77; candidate for Republican nomination for President, 1980; Vice President of the United States, 1981-89; President of the United States, 1989-93; defeated, 1992. Episcopalian. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; American Legion; Society of the Cincinnati; Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon; Phi Beta Kappa. Still living as of 2003.

o    Cross-reference: Caspar W. Weinberger; John H. Sununu

o    See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.

o    Books by George H. W. Bush: All The Best, George Bush: My Life and Other Writings (1999); Looking Forward (1987, out of print); A World Transformed (1998)

o    Books about George H. W. Bush: John Robert Greene, The Presidency of George Bush; Tim O'Shei & Joe Marren, George H. W. Bush (for young readers)

o    Critical books about George H. W. Bush: Kevin Phillips, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; Kitty Kelly, The Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty

George Walker Bush (b. 1946) — also known as George W. Bush; "Dubya"; "Shrub"; "The Smirking Chimp" — of Midland, Midland County, Tex.; Crawford, McLennan County, Tex. Born in New Haven, New Haven County, Conn., July 6, 1946. Grandson of Prescott Sheldon Bush; son of Barbara (Pierce) Bush and George Herbert Walker Bush; married, November 5, 1977, to Laura Welch; brother of John Ellis Bush. Republican. Delegate to Republican National Convention from Texas, 1988; Governor of Texas, 1995-2000; President of the United States, 2001-. Methodist. Member, Skull and Bones; Delta Kappa Epsilon. Still living as of 2004.

o    See also: Internet Movie Database profile.

o    Books by George W. Bush: A Charge to Keep (1999)

o    Books about George W. Bush: J. H. Hatfield et al, Fortunate Son : George W. Bush and the Making of An American President; Roger Simon, Divided We Stand : How Al Gore Beat George Bush and Lost the Presidency; Frank Bruni, Ambling into History : The Unlikely Odyssey of George W. Bush; Bryan Laberge, George W. Bush : In the Whirlwind; Lou Dubose et al, Boy Genius: Karl Rove, the Brains Behind the Remarkable Political Triumph of George W. Bush; Bill Sammon, Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry, and the Bush Haters; David Aikman, A Man of Faith: The Spiritual Journey of George W. Bush; Bob Woodward, Bush at War; Bob Woodward, Plan of Attack; Craig Unger, House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship Between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties; Bill Sammon, Misunderestimated: The President Battles Terrorism, John Kerry, and the Bush Haters; Sandra J. Kachurek, George W. Bush (for young readers); Tim O'Shei & Joe Marren, George W. Bush (for young readers)

o    Critical books about George W. Bush: Molly Ivins, Shrub: The Short But Happy Political Life of George W. Bush; David Corn, The Lies of George W. Bush : Mastering the Politics of Deception; Kevin Phillips, American Dynasty: Aristocracy, Fortune, and the Politics of Deceit in the House of Bush; John Dean, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; Kitty Kelly, The Family : The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty; John W. Dean, Worse Than Watergate: The Secret Presidency of George W. Bush; Ron Suskind, The Price of Loyalty: George W. Bush, the White House, and the Education of Paul O'Neill; Robert C. Byrd, Losing America: Confronting a Reckless and Arrogant Presidency; Jack Huberman, The Bush - Haters Handbook: A Guide to the Most Appalling Presidency of the Past 100 Years

William Averell Harriman (1891-1986) — also known as W. Averell Harriman — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born November 15, 1891. Married to Pamela Beryl Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman. Democrat. U.S. Ambassador to Soviet Union, 1943-46; Great Britain, 1946; , 1961, 1965-69; U.S. Secretary of Commerce, 1946-48; candidate for Democratic nomination for President, 1952, 1956; delegate to Democratic National Convention from New York, 1952, 1956, 1960; Governor of New York, 1955-59. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Knights of Pythias; Skull and Bones. Received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 1969. Died July 26, 1986. Interment at Arden Farm Graveyard, Arden, N.Y.

o    Books about Averell Harriman: Walter Isaacson, The Wise Men : Six Friends and the World They Made

John Forbes Kerry (b. 1943) — also known as John F. Kerry; "Liveshot" — of Boston, Suffolk County, Mass. Born in Fitzsimmons Army Hospital, Aurora, Adams County, Colo., December 11, 1943. Married the widow of Henry John Heinz III; married, May 23, 1970, to Julia Stimson Thorne (divorced 1988) and Teresa Heinz. Democrat. Served in the U.S. Navy during the Vietnam War; lawyer; Lieutenant Governor of Massachusetts, 1983-85; U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, 1985-; delegate to Democratic National Convention from Massachusetts, 2000, 2004. Catholic. Member, Council on Foreign Relations; Skull and Bones. Still living as of 2004.

o    See also: congressional biography; Internet Movie Database profile.

o    Books by John Kerry: A Call to Service : My Vision for a Better America (2003); The New War: The Web of Crime That Threatens America's Security (1997); Our Plan for America: Stronger at Home, Respected in the World, with John Edwards (2004)

o    Books about John Kerry: Douglas Brinkley, Tour of Duty : John Kerry and the Vietnam War; Michael Kranish et al, John F. Kerry: The Complete Biography By The Boston Globe Reporters Who Know Him Best; Paul Alexander, The Candidate: Behind John Kerry's Remarkable Run for the White House; George Butler, John Kerry: A Portrait

o    Critical books about John F. Kerry: John E. O'Neill & Jerome R. Corsi, Unfit for Command: Swift Boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry; David N. Bossie, The Many Faces of John Kerry

Potter Stewart (1915-1985) — Born in Jackson, Jackson County, Mich., January 23, 1915. Served in the U.S. Army during World War II; Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th Circuit, 1954-58; Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1958-81. Episcopalian. Member, Freemasons; Skull and Bones. Died in Hanover, Grafton County, N.H., December 7, 1985. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

Henry Lewis Stimson (1867-1950) — also known as Henry L. Stimson — of New York, New York County, N.Y.; Huntington, Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y. Born in New York, New York County, N.Y., September 21, 1867. Republican. Candidate for Governor of New York, 1910; U.S. Secretary of War, 1911-13, 1940-45; delegate to New York state constitutional convention at-large, 1915; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1916, 1932; colonel in the U.S. Army during World War I; U.S. Secretary of State, 1929-33. Presbyterian. Member, Skull and Bones. Died in Huntington, Suffolk County, Long Island, N.Y., October 20, 1950. Interment at Memorial Cemetery, near Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N.Y.

o    See also: Internet Movie Database profile.

o    Books about Henry L. Stimson: Godfrey Hodgson, The Colonel : The Life and Wars of Henry Stimson, 1867-1950; David F. Schmitz, Henry L. Stimson : The First Wise Man

Charles Phelps Taft II (1897-1983) — also known as Charles P. Taft — of Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, September 20, 1897. Great-grandson of Peter Rawson Taft; grandson of Alphonso Taft; nephew of Charles Phelps Taft and Henry Waters Taft; son of William Howard Taft and Helen (Herron) Taft; first cousin of Walbridge S. Taft; brother of Robert Alphonso Taft; married, October 6, 1917, to Eleanor K. Chase; uncle of William Howard Taft III and Robert Taft, Jr.; father of Seth Chase Taft; granduncle of Robert A. Taft II. Republican. Served in the U.S. Army during World War I; lawyer; Hamilton County Prosecuting Attorney, 1927-28; member, Cincinnati City Council, 1938-42; Republican candidate for Governor of Ohio, 1952, 1958 (primary); mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio, 1955-57. Episcopalian. Member, American Bar Association; American Legion; Skull and Bones; Beta Theta Pi; Phi Beta Kappa; Phi Delta Phi. Died in 1983. Burial location unknown.

Henry Waters Taft (1859-1945) — also known as Henry W. Taft — of Manhattan, New York County, N.Y. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, May 27, 1859. Grandson of Peter Rawson Taft; son of Alphonso Taft; half-brother of Charles Phelps Taft; brother of William Howard Taft; father of Walbridge S. Taft; uncle of Robert Alphonso Taft and Charles Phelps Taft II; granduncle of William Howard Taft III, Robert Taft, Jr. and Seth Chase Taft; great-granduncle of Robert A. Taft II. Republican. Lawyer; candidate for Justice of New York Supreme Court, 1898; delegate to Republican National Convention from New York, 1920, 1924. Member, American Bar Association; Skull and Bones; Psi Upsilon. Died in 1945. Burial location unknown.

William Howard Taft (1857-1930) — also known as William H. Taft; "Big Bill" — of Ohio. Born in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio, September 15, 1857. Grandson of Peter Rawson Taft; grandson-in-law of Ela Collins; son of Alphonso Taft; nephew by marriage of William Collins; married to the sister-in-law of Henry Lippitt; half-brother of Charles Phelps Taft; married, June 19, 1886, to Helen Herron; brother of Henry Waters Taft; uncle of Walbridge S. Taft; father of Robert Alphonso Taft and Charles Phelps Taft II; grandfather of William Howard Taft III, Robert Taft, Jr. and Seth Chase Taft; great-grandfather of Robert A. Taft II. Republican. Superior court judge in Ohio, 1887-90; Judge of U.S. Court of Appeals, 1892-1900; Governor of the Philippine Islands, 1900-04; U.S. Secretary of War, 1904-08; President of the United States, 1909-13; defeated, 1912; Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court, 1921-30. Unitarian. English ancestry. Member, Freemasons; Skull and Bones; Phi Alpha Delta; Psi Upsilon. Died in Washington, D.C., March 8, 1930. Interment at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, Va.

o    Cross-reference: Walter P. Johnson; Fred Warner Carpenter

o    Books about William Howard Taft: Paolo Enrico Coletta, The Presidency of William Howard Taft; James Chace, 1912 : Wilson, Roosevelt, Taft and Debs : The Election that Changed the Country; Alpheus Thomas Mason, William Howard Taft

o    Critical books about William Howard Taft: Nathan Miller, Star-Spangled Men : America's Ten Worst Presidents

Nelson Strobridge Talbott III (b. 1946) — also known as Strobe Talbott — of Ohio. Born in 1946. U.S. Ambassador to , 1993-94. Member, Skull and Bones. Still living as of 1994.


This site has a wealth of information regarding cults affecting our nation

Skull and Bones Exposed

This  movie is also helpful



Misanthropic Whims


B26100 / Sat, 1 Dec 2007 19:16:41 / Intelligence


They think we are sheeple.
Lesser men.

They are the only ones who exhibit the knowledge and right to lead and dictate where our world is heading. No one knows what they call themselves, but hints have snuck out. The Light Bringers.
Illuminated ones.

The Illuminati.

First founded on May 1, 1776, by Adam Weishaupt. Weishaupt was a teacher at Inglecot University when he started the Illuminati. His plan called for the invidious takeover of colleges to direct the attentions of students and to check the flock for the intelligence they needed. Those deemed usable were funneled through grants and scholarships into positions of power. This is still occurring in the disguise of Rhodes Scholars and Skull & Bones (Russell Trust), among others.

His next goal was the takeover and disruption of all governments. This was to be achieved by the placing of agents in places of power and behind the scenes. Monetary bribes and sexual bribes were not out of the question. Money was supplied by the ever helpful International Bankers.

Finally he advocated the complete takeover of the media. All information was to be owned and farmed out by agents of the Illuminati.

At the time, the two greatest Empires belonged to France and Britain. Weishaupt immediately implemented plans to fan the fires of revolution in both France, and the New World, America. In 1784, a book containing the history of the Illuminati and the plan for starting the French Revolution in 1789 was sent by carrier from Germany to France. The messenger, Lanze, in the infamous “Act of God”, was struck and killed by lightning.

The book fell into the hands of the Bavarian authorities. Fearing this was a true conspiracy to ignite wars and revolutions, a warrant was issued to raid the organized lodgers of the Grand Orient and all of its influential members’ homes. Finding more than enough evidence of some type of nefarious cabal was intent on claiming World Domination, the Bavarian government declared the secret society of the Illuminati to be an illegal organization.

In order to foil the attempts at disbanding the Illuminati, Weishaupt ordered them to form Secret Societies inside other secret societies. They were to corrupt all these movements towards the final goal of an Illuminati-dominated world. Out they went, infiltrating every organization they could.


contains a very valuable list of Secret Societies and their website addresses.

Though this is considered the dawning of the society, the fact is many of the families can trace their lineage back farther than that. These families believe that they possess superior genes. To maintain the proper purity of their bloodlines, they intermarry among the 13 families and even among their own families. This practice is a duplicate of the Royal “Blue Bloods” marrying each other. In fact, many members of the Illuminati are left over Royalty who believe they are destined to rule and we are destined to be led. They are called the “Black Nobility”.

The 13 families, actually more but only 13 rule, are constantly bickering and conniving to improve their status among the others. The known Illuminati families are: Astor, Bundy, Collins, Dupont, Freeman, Kennedy, Li, Onassis, Reynolds, Rockefeller, Rothschild, Russell, Van Duyn, and the 13 Illuminati Bloodline, the so-called holy bloodline, Merovingian (European Royalty). Families known to have dealings with the Illuminati are Disney, Krupp, and McDonald. For a detailed look at each family, check out this:


Through the collection of massive amounts of wealth, intelligence, and control of governments, these international bankers dictated the direction of modern day society. From wars, to elections, to dictators, the Illuminati made their presence felt, if not known. Dr. Carroll Quigley, Clinton thanked him during his inauguration speech, wrote a book called “Tragedy and Hope”. It’s an account where he follows the roles International Bankers made in forming the world.


In the early 50’s Prince Bernhard, leader of the Black Nobility, flew to America to begin the formation of a group to better foster trade and relations between the Western nations. He was married to Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands. The former German, Ex-SS, met with Rockefeller.

They planned a meeting in May 1954, at a hotel owned by Prince Bernhard, The Bilderberg Hotel in Oosterbeek, Netherlands. Hence the name, the Bilderberg Group. To be invited you have to be someone. Someone like a president, King, CEO, Professor and/or any other position of power. The press is not invited, but the CEO of the Media are invited. There is a guarantee that what you say will remain confidential. The “Chatham House Rule.” Security is provided by military. The hotel was an elite resort, as they have all been.

The Bilderberg Group has an uncanny knack for inviting people who later turn up in positions of power. Clinton attended his first meeting in 1991. Tony Blair went in 1993. These people pick and choose who will run the free world.

Americans of note who have attended one of the numerous Bilderberg Group outings: Allaire, Paul A. (CEO Xerox); Dam, Kenneth S. (US Department of Treasury); Dodd, Christopher J. (Senator Connecticut); Donilon, Thomas E. (Executive Vice President FannieMae); Eisenhower, Susan(Asst. Director Tufts University); Feldstein, Martin (Professor of Economics, Harvard); Glickman, Dan (Partner, Akin, Gump, Strauss, Haur and Feld); Graham, Donald E. (CEO The Washington Post Company); Hagel, Chuck (Senator Nebraska); Johnson, James A. (Johnson Capital, Vice-Chairman Perseus); Jordan Jr, Vernon E. (Managing Director Lazard Freres and co); Kissinger, Henry A. (Chairman Kissinger Associates Inc); Kravis, Henry R. (Founding Partner, Kohlberg, Kravis, Roberts & Co); Kravis, Marie Jos©e (Senior Fellow, Hudson Institute Inc); Lewis, Bernard (Emeritus Professor of Near Eastern Studies, Princeton University); Mathews, Jessica T. (President, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace); Moskow, Michael H. (President, Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago); Pearl, Frank H. (Chairman and CEO, Perseus); Perle, Richard N. (Resident Fellow, The American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research; Chairman and chief executive officer, Hollinger Digital, Inc.; Director, Jerusalem Post); Prestowitz Jr, Clyde V. (Founder & President, Economic Strategy Institute [areas of expertise: Globalization, Asia, Technology Policy, Business Strategy]); Rattner, Steven (Investment Banker, Director and Managing Principal Quandrangle Group; US Treasury advisory committee on IMF matters); Rockefeller, David (Chairman of the International Advisory Committee, Chase Manhattan Bank; Member JPMorgan International Council; Founder and Honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission); and Thornton, John L. (Director, Ford Motor Co.; President and co-CEO, Goldman Sachs & co Inc). For an extended list of American attendees:


Or just more information about the Bilderberg Group:


Other groups with secret agendas and just as secret meetings, Bohemian Grove (Every Republican President since 1923 has attended this one), The Committee of 300, Freemasons, The Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Stanford Research Institute, Tavistock Institute, Club of Rome, etc…





The Council on Foreign Relations, run and backed by many Bonesman

What is the CFR, watch the video on


September 5, 2007 - Wednesday

FR Stacks The Deck With Both Democrat And Republican Presidential Candidates
Category: News and Politics


CFR Stacks The Deck With Both Democrat And Republican Presidential Candidates


Editor's Note: 2004 was the year of the Skull & Bones presidential candidates, and now 2008 seems to be the year of the CFR presidential candidates. Democrat or Republican, it matters not which rook they choose to elect. We lose either way. The 2004 elections were marred by the stench of a fixed fight. Bush and Kerry both Yale Bonesmen and related by blood running for the presidency. Now the Council on Foreign Relations has nearly every presidential candidate in their pocket. We need to elect Ron Paul. Let's redeem America and restore the Constitution. Ronald Reagan said, "It's Morning In America." Now we are mourning America as she descends into tyranny.

The 2004 Democratic National Convention may be remembered most for a young and energetic senator that immediately drew comparison to the Kennedys. Obama's speech launched his name and image into the public spotlight, and his fresh style of rhetoric filled a growing anti-war political void - He voted against the Iraq war and wasn't afraid to criticize it's handling. Excitement and support for the senator eventually snowballed into his current presidential campaign. He enjoys a popular image as a liberal democrat, and his harsh criticism of the Iraq war has earned him support from a population united in it's discontent with the current government. To a select crowd of Americans, Obama preaches against the handling of the Iraq war. To other more private groups, Obama advocates military strikes on new middle eastern countries. Obama has aligned himself with several lobbying firms and nongovernmental organizations who seek further US militarization of the world. In several speeches and essays, Obama makes his foreign policy goals clear - and he is not anti-war. Is Obama intentionally sending a deceptive message to his constituency?

In a recent speech given to the American Israeli Political Action Committee, Obama outlines a plan for U.S. hegemony. He suggests polarizing political alignments that are already breeding anti-U.S. sentiment. Specifically, Obama pledges unfaltering military support to Israel. The U.S. has long supported Israel - this year they were given $30 billion for defense of the young state. To put this in perspective, less than $7 billion has been federally granted to rebuild homes destroyed after hurricane Katrina. Although the U.S. has always given billions in aid to Israel, his alliance backs preemptive strikes against countries deemed a threat. Israel is unpopular in the region, and is threatened by Iran's desire for modern nuclear energy in the future. Regarding Iran's nuclear program, Obama states "We should take no option, including military action, off the table". The US has already constructed massive permanent military bases in Iraq and Afghanistan to serve as hubs for such an operation. The fleet of aircraft carriers in the Persian Gulf continues to grow, while politicians and media simultaneously hype a nonexistent enemy. This reckless policy leaves the U.S. on the brink of full scale war at all times.

Obama differed from many of his peers by admitting the Iraq war was heavily motivated by Iraq's oil reserves. Iran's oilfields, and the military buildup of the Persian Gulf creates and incentive for military action. It has been questioned if the U.S. military even has the capability of securing the strategic oil reserve. Iran has some of the most lucrative oilfields in the region, and provides energy to Asia and Europe. International economies would be disenfranchised with the US military disruption of its energy supplies. Meddling in other countries' foreign affairs has spurred backlash against the U.S. This phenomenon is referred to as "blowback", or, the consequences from provoking actions. Ignoring this cause and effect, Obama advocates troops in Iraq be redeployed to Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight amorphous groups of "terrorists" . Regarding the war on terror, Obama differs from his colleagues in that he does not believe nuclear weapons should be used - a small concession for an ambitious military operation. This policy still backs preemptive strikes and the further militarization of the middle east, all at the expense of US resources.

Obama outlines his ambitious geopolitical plans in a recent essay for Foreign Affairs magazine. Foreign Affairs is published by the Council on Foreign Relations, which describes itself as a non-partisan group of which he is a member. Established in the 1920's and headquartered in New York, its membership includes prominent politicians and business elite, including heads of academia and media. The organization seeks to centralize both political power and market power to craft legislation outside the checks and balances of democracy. The CFR is rarely mentioned by the mainstream media, making it difficult to fully gauge its influence. When it is mentioned in the press, it is likely whitewashed as trivial or irrelevant. Notable members of the CFR include:

Dick Cheney

John Kerry

Bill Clinton

Al Gore

Ronald Reagan

George H. W. Bush

Gerald Ford

Richard Nixon

John, David & Nelson Rockefeller

Condolezza Rice

Paul Wolfowitz

Alan Greenspan

Colin Powell

Henry Kissinger

Angelina Jolie (Yes, the actress has a five year term membership as an ambassador)

Its membership list is a who's who of Washington and Wall St. elite going back nearly a century. It should not be surprising that most presidential candidates in the 2008 election are CFR members. Candidates do not advertise their CFR membership to the public. They pose as "liberals" and "conservatives" to control all aspects of the debate. The CFR has stacked the deck for the 2008 election with several members in the race from both sides of the aisle:

Democrat CFR Candidates:

Barack Obama

Hillary Clinton

John Edwards

Chris Dodd

Bill Richardson

Republican CFR Candidates:

Mitt Romney

Rudy Giuliani

    Watch Giuliani dance around the question of his membership in CFR

See Rudy lie himself into a corner at this LA campaign stop. If you go to the CFR Website you can read Rudy's latest Fascist "How-To" Manual. We cannot allow this man to get the nomination.





John McCain

Fred Thompson

Newt Gingrich

The mainstream media's self-proclaimed "top tier" candidates are united in their CFR membership, while an unwitting public perceives political diversity. The unwitting public has been conditioned to instinctively deny such a mass deception could ever be hidden in plain view. Presidential Candidate & Congressman Ron Paul is the only "top tier" candidate who is not a member of the CFR.

Although many politicians hold membership, It must be noted that the Council on Foreign Relations is a non-governmental organization. The CFR's membership is a union of politicians, bankers, and scholars, with several large businesses holding additional corporate memberships. Corporate members include:

Halliburton of Dubai

British Petroleum

Dutch Royal Shell

Exxon Mobile

General Electric (NBC)


Lockheed Martin

Merck Pharmaceuticals

News Corp (FOX)



Time Warner

JP Morgan/ Chase Manhattan

& several other major financial institutions

Members are united in their interventionist intentions with the goal of a consolidated global governance. The CFR's mission is to influence policy through the reach of its members and publications. Those who study the CFR ideology are recruited and cultured for membership. The best and brightest university students are taught to propagate the CFR model. Individuals who both subscribe to the CFR ideology and can bring an element of capital (political status, business influence, money) to the group will be given membership. Members meet at the CFR headquarters in Manhattan and Washington DC, and round-table style discussions are held for its membership to discuss foreign affairs and make recommendations on policy. The CFR often creates "task forces" to report " findings and policy prescriptions" (cfr.org) for specific current world events, and also publishes the periodical Foreign Affairs magazine. CFR authors are often found in mainstream media publications. In a recent issue of TIME magazine, one CFR member writes: "The US should make (Pakistani President & US intelligence asset) Musharraf the best dictator he can be". Another author, this time in Newsweek magazine objectively argues to the readers that the world really isn't all that bad in an article titled "Don't Worry, Be Happy". Currently, the front page of CFR.org features essays on European anti-terrorism measures, radical Iranians, and the reemergence of the nuclear threat (CFR members in government control the nuclear football). Many prominent publications are influenced and controlled by the CFR:



US News & World Report

Atlantic Monthly


& several major publishing houses

Members of the CFR in the media intend to inject it's pro-globalist arguments into the mainstream consciousness. Although the CFR is self-described as a non-partisan association, it unabashedly promotes a one-world-government agenda without regard for US sovereignty or the desires of the American people.

The goals of the CFR is best described by its very own members. Bill Clinton's Georgetown mentor and CFR member Carroll Quigley states: "The Council on Foreign Relations is the American branch of a society which originated in England... (and) ...believes national boundaries should be obliterated and one world rule established.". Quigley differs from many of his CFR colleagues in that he believes their plan for a new world order should be more publicly disclosed. In his book Tragedy and Hope, Quigley concedes he is unique among his peers in that he believes the new world order plan of global government's "role in history is significant enough to be known". Quigley also admits that the two-party system allows for both groups to be controlled at the highest level but operate like bitter rivals. As Quigley says, this gives the voters the chance to "throw the rascals out at any election without leading to any profound of extreme shifts in policy.". Controlling Washington elite allowed private central banks to " dominate the political system... ...and economy of world as a whole" and implement a new system of "feudalist fashion" through "secret agreements". Although he believes the CFR's intentions should be more public, Quigley understands the average person doesn't understand feudalism or serfdom and will never read his book.

Surprisingly, many of its own members admit the CFR goal is to subvert the democratic process. CFR member and Judge Advocate General of the US Navy Admiral Chester Ward writes "The main purpose of the (CFR) is promoting the disarmament of US sovereignty and national dependence and submergence into and all powerful, one world government.". This high ranking military officer went on to explain their procedures for influencing policy, claiming: "Once the ruling members of the CFR shadow government have decided that the US government should adopt a particular policy, the very substantial research facilities of the CFR are put to work to develop arguments, intellectual and emotional, to support the new policy and to confound and discredit, intellectually and politically, any opposition.".

The CFR's strategy is also being used to promote world government as well as the new environmental agenda. Obama and most candidates have made the environment a major issue in the policy. The CFR has long suggested a global tax, specifically identifying the environmental movement as a means for its advancement. All CFR candidates align themselves with the position that the government has both the ability and responsibility to maintain the world's environment. Good intentioned individuals may genuinely seek environmental protection, but nongovernmental organizations are quickly capitalizing on land acquisitions and taxes in the name of global warming. While most scientist agree the planet earth is undergoing a degree of climactic change, the CFR admits the environmental argument will be used to erode national sovereignty and build up their global authority. Proposed "Carbon Taxes" place carbon expenditure ratings on mundane human activities. Contrary to popular misconceptions, CO2 is by no means a pollutant. As an essential gas for life, plants thrive on increased levels of CO2 which in turn they produce higher levels of oxygen. Furthermore, carbon based life forms emit carbon to the atmosphere, hence a "Carbon Tax" is a tariff for doing nothing but maintaining life. A popular movement lead by the CFR's own Al Gore would have you believe CO2 is the root cause of environmental woes while ignoring real industrial pollution in developing countries. There are serious environmental problems that are ignored in favor of issues that can be used to tax the broad population.

Environmental protection has already lead countries to willingly surrender control of natural resources. The US has ceded control of natural resources to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in a land grab under the guise of environmental protection. UNESCO is part of the United Nations, an organization controlled by many CFR members like permanent US ambassador John Bolton. The CFR's President Richard N. Haass boldly admits "Some governments are prepared to give up elements of sovereignty to address the threat of global climate change.". He adds that this "Globalisation thus implies that sovereignty... ...needs to become weaker.". While it is important to be conscious of humans' effects on the earth, nongovernmental organizations like the CFR see an opportunity to redistribute wealth through selective enforcement targeting the US. The CFR openly states its intentions of using the environmental movement and other emotional arguments to build up global authority and undermine US sovereignty.

The CFR backs other programs that promote regional governments. Another ambitious goal of the CFR is the implementation of regional unions under the control of a central world government. World leaders are moving towards a regional partnership of North America consisting of Canada, the US, and Mexico. In 2005, the CFR released a report titled "Building an American Community" which sought to eliminate borders between the three North American countries. One part of the plan called for decreasing government control of cross-border traffic in an effort to dissolve national borders. Robert Pastor, a vice chairman of the task force that released "Building a North American Community", names the " Amero" as a hypothetical unified North American currency similar to the Euro. Carried out with precision, the private, run-for-profit federal reserve bank has massively devalued the US dollar, allowing foreign corporations to buy up US resources for literal pennies on the dollar.

The European Union is a similar model to the North American partnership. The EU was hugely opposed by Europeans, and took a half century for the complicit European power elites to fully implement the union. During his time as Prime Minister, Tony Blair tried several times for the United Kingdom's adoption of the unpopular EU constitution that was also staunchly rejected by French and Dutch voters. The current Prime Minister Gordon Brown continues to advance a similar constitution under a new name. Like the EU, American countries would keep their governmental infrastructure but all policy would be superseded by a regional constitution.

Already in place in North America is the Security and Prosperity Partnership (spp.gov) established in a meeting between Bush, Mexican President Vicente Fox, and Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin. The SPP consolidates protection of the North American Union by establishing a security perimeter extending north of Canada to the Mexican/ Guatemalan border. This measure was authorized under Bush's ambiguous executive authority, thus avoiding any congressional input or oversight. It is a precursor to a trilateral authority between the three North American economies.

A similar measure to the SPP in the establishment of a unified North American region is the NAFTA "Superhighway" which eliminates border restrictions on shipping, allowing imported goods destined for the US to arrive in North America at ports in Mexico. Rather than arriving at the port of Long Beach, imported goods would enter the US via a "port" in the mid-west that lies along the shipping lane. This measure has been unanimously opposed by US cities in proximity of the highway, but the democratic voice is ignored as the government covertly advances. Congress has largely looked away from the issue. Members who are aware of this plan avoid this issue and prefer that it stay secret, and the CFR presidential candidates will not address it. The presidential candidates' association with the the self-described "shadow government" compromises the the voting process and defrauds the constituency.

Barack Obama has captivated voters from all parties with his refreshing new style of rhetoric. He has the voting record to back his criticism of the Iraq war. But like his CFR colleagues, he vows to continue the pursuit of a shadowy enemy under the vague threat of "terrorism" - a policy that has cost citizens their personal liberties, trillions in debt and untold lives. The war on terror has been crafted to spend the US into bankruptcy and setup a domestic police state. Money continues to be being printed out of thin air by the private run-for-profit Federal Reserve, while China remains leveraged with over $1 trillion in US dollar holdings. In the middle east, the CFR's blank check for U.S. military operations will deplete U.S. resources while inciting sectarian strife and anti-U.S. sentiment, ignoring the history of blowback as documented by the CIA. Obama and other CFR candidates affiliation with the organization is not promoted on their websites or in any press releases because the organization has centralized political power and financial capital to set policy the public would otherwise oppose. The career politicians in the CFR know corporate sponsorship is frowned upon by voters. The Council is one of the major conduits between government and business leaders in the US. The CFR is guaranteeing power by owning all the horses in the race that is the 2008 election. Obama is captivating unlike most of his competition, undoubtedly intelligent enough to understand his political niche. Another CFR US president guarantees more of the same costly foreign policy that protects corporate interests and isolates the US. Like his colleagues, Barack Obama's stated foreign policy intentions foment the long term militarization and balkanization of the middle east while resources will continue to be spent in deficit to finance an illegal foreign policy. Only when the control of the CFR is fully exposed will the voters have a real democratic choice.

The Consortium: The Masonic/Illuminati Power Structure and the New World Order…Doug Michael

October 8th, 2007 | Uncategorized

To students of this type of information, very little if any of this will seem new; however, I present this information, based on over ten years of extensive research, for the newcomer. I remember when I had so many questions, and knew something was not right in the world, but couldn’t put my finger on it. That feeling of restlessness initiated a massive awakening for me that led to a tidal wave of information, impulses, thoughts, experiences and others that were also searching, flooding into my life and my awareness. It prompted over a decade of intensive research into the global control paradigm, and a wide range of topics, that led me to understand so much; that placed so much into perspective for me.

My writing is geared to those who are searching, and I try to be concise, and to use simple language to explain what I’ve discovered over the years. There are so many great researchers/writers that have contributed to the understanding of the New World Order and its machinations. They are to be commended. I’ve noticed that there appears to be two crucial areas where most researchers will not dare to tread. One area is the study of Ufology and its relationship to the global power structure, and the other is matters of spirituality. I’ve noticed that so many great researchers seem to be blinded by their religious belief systems, failing to realize that religion has been and still is one of the prime controlling forces that enslaves so many minds and spirits. Information presented by these researchers is filtered through their beLIEf systems and so prevents them in many cases from making a specific connection or realizing a greater truth if you will.

They still serve humanity well, and offer crucial information, but many will never understand just how deep the rabbit hole really goes. What we are dealing with, ultimately, is a highly intelligent, off-world presence, that is extremely malevolent. This “force” wages war on human consciousness and the battlefield is the mind. With regards to the global power structure, we can identify many of the organizations, networks, fraternal groups, secret societies, political think-tank bodies, and people that act as fronts for this highly imbalanced consciousness which seeks to enslave and views humanity as nothing more than cattle to be exploited mercilessly.  

It would be difficult, if not impossible to identify the true behind-the-scenes rulers, but there are a few fearless researchers that I believe have come very close. The real controllers do not come into the spotlight; why would they? The place-men and women that willingly serve the hidden rulers are henchmen for this malevolent consciousness.

Many in the political spotlight are unaware of the forces that manipulate them, on the other hand, many are fully aware and serve evil willingly. Many are simply drawn to the prestige, power and wealth that comes with serving the power structure, even if they haven’t a clue what they are being used for. Ultimately, the war that is in full swing is a war on the mind.

The physical wars, bombings, tension and bloodshed is merely an outer manifestation of a highly imbalanced, collective consciousness. That is the idea. Since thought creates, the true controllers must continuously manipulate human consciousness to serve the imbalance, and this is done on so many levels and its machinations are simply ingenious. Some may use the term “spiritual war,” but to me, that has too many religious implications; although we are attacked on the spiritual level continuously. Human beings are nothing more than commodities to these ruthless elites, and there is a growing awareness that something is amiss, and an accelerated awakening occurring across the globe as the planetary control paradigm is being exposed like never before. The elite network is working desperately and feverishly to establish their New World Order, so much so, that they have become very sloppy and careless. What is this elite network? What are some of the institutions and organizations that are used to perpetuate its agenda? What is its agenda? I would like to try and shed some light on these matters, particularly for those who are new to this information.  

The Consortium

Many researchers have dubbed the elite network the “Illuminati.” I think that name is confusing to the newcomer, because there was/is an organization with that name, which I feel is simply just one strand in the web; albeit, a fairly major one. I choose to call this network The Consortium, as I feel it is a simple enough term, and in some ways describes what the network is. Consortium is defined as: “an international business alliance.” Well this network is certainly international; it operates globally, and they certainly form a business alliance. Their business is to consolidate power and wealth and to create a totalitarian, feudalistic, global government which is now widely understood as the New World Order. 

 The Consortium works through an endless web of interconnected secret societies, political think-tank groups, regulatory agencies, governing bodies, so called charitable organizations and many other institutions which it uses to perpetuate its ultimate agenda, the establishment of the New World Order. The Consortium controls the medical field, and the drug companies that are joined at the hip with it. It controls what we bravely refer to as “education.” It controls the scientific community, the military industrial complex, religions, the banking establishment, the media and all key areas that control humanity. The Consortium has its finger in every pie, so to speak.

The majority cannot even begin to conceive that a conspiracy of such magnitude even exists, and that is the Consortium’s lifeblood, its secrecy. It is everywhere and it is nowhere.  Humanity is misdirected and distracted so much, as to keep all eyes away from the discovery that there is indeed a Consortium that is operating to establish its sadistic New World Order. However, as stated, there does currently appear to be an awakening occurring, as more and more people become aware of this knowledge, and a few brave researchers/activists etc. courageously work to expose the Consortium and the NWO.   

Humanity must be continuously distracted, dehumanized, disillusioned and diverted to be kept in unawareness, and this is done on so many levels. Physically, additives are placed into the food that keeps the body from operating at its optimum. Technology that interferes with the body’s magnetic field is pushed onto an unwitting public. Toxic vaccines loaded with poisonous additives are injected into our babies under the guise of “protecting” them from illness. Pharmaceuticals which destroy the body are ingested like candy, not to mention illegal drugs, which permeate so many societies. We have a banking system that literally enslaves people from cradle to grave. Not to mention the endless wars that steal our children from us for the benefit of our enslavers.

On the mental level, we have an education system that is purposely designed to encourage conformity and to instill a version of reality that benefits the Consortium by people mindlessly believing it. We have an established media that daily dictates a version of events to ignorant sheeple that are incapable of engaging in any critical thinking. We have one of the greatest mind control devices ever invented, the television. Then of course there’s religion, which ensnares the minds and spirits of so many, and creates a dichotomy that keeps man divided from his fellow man, and rather than celebrate diversity, it fosters differences that people are willing to blindly murder each other over.  The Consortium is behind all of this and more. Its reach is vast and all-encompassing, and it uses so many networks to hide its presence. Let’s take a look at a few of those networks/organizations that the Consortium operates through: 

The Round Table Network

There are many great books out there that go into heavy detail exposing the Consortium’s vast network. In my upcoming book, I go into greater detail as well, so here I will just lightly touch upon the groups/institutions/networks/organizations that people should be aware of.

 The Round Table Network consists of six political think-tank organizations that enact policy to establish the NWO. This network was essentially the brainchild of a man by the name of Cecil Rhodes, a notorious man whose globalist philosophies are being enacted by the day. Rhodes had staked claims to the vast diamond fields in South Africa, and formed the De Beers mining company in 1880. By 1891, De Beers which is controlled by the Oppenheimer family, owned and controlled nearly 90% of the world’s diamond production. It was in the exploitation of the diamond mines (and African people) that Rhodes earned his fortune, and he set up the Rhodes scholarship funds at Oxford University. Rhodes scholars are placed into positions of power and decision making to enact the philosophies of Rhodes, John Ruskin and other globalists. One famous Rhodes Scholar was former US president, Bill Clinton. 

Rhodes’s mentor was a man named John Ruskin, a professor at Oxford University. Ruskin was the son of a wealthy wine merchant and he believed in the philosophy of a one-world-order, centrally controlled, dictatorial system of government. Each year, roughly 70 students are awarded Rhodes scholarships and they overwhelmingly go on to occupy positions in politics, banking, media, corporate and other key areas.  In 1891, Rhodes created a group known as “the Society of the Elect,” which passed onto a British statesman, called Lord Alfred Milner, and it became known as the Milner Group. In 1919, the Milner Group officially became what is known today as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA). In 1921, the RIIA merged with its American sister organization, a group known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).  

The CFR was founded in the US by a globalist so few Americans have ever heard of, by the name of Col. Edward Mandell House. House, the son of a wealthy banker and Freemason, became chief adviser to President Woodrow Wilson and was described as “the most powerful individual in the US” during that time.  

House was a globalist that claimed that both the democratic and republican parties would be controlled and used to establish a socialistic form of government. His vision has most certainly been realized. During Wilson’s first year as president, two things happened at the behest of Mandell House that have been crucial in the destruction of the United States. The first was the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, which effectively gave control of the US monetary system to the international banking cartel (the Rothschild/Rockefeller network) and the second, was the introduction of the graduated income tax. The year was 1913, and as those familiar with this type of research will know, the number 13 is mystically significant. The Consortium is steeped within occult ritual and symbolism.

House was also deeply involved with the Ku Klux Klan. The CFR and RIIA are made up of top level politicians, bankers, media moguls, financiers, corporate leaders, industrialists, educators, lawyers and top military brass. Today, the active chairman of the CFR is David Rockefeller, a globalist, Consortium gopher. One of the chief goals of the CFR was realized after WW II, with the inception of the United Nations. The UN was founded by CFR members, and it is essentially a stalking horse for global government. One of the main goals today of the CFR is to create a pan-American union, by dissolving the borders between the US, Canada and Mexico, and this North American Union is well underway to being established.  

Coupled with the Consortium’s plan to create a pan-American union, is the agenda to create a single, North American currency, just as has been done in Europe with the Euro. Eventually, this single currency is designed to become electronic and to evolve into the inception of implantable microchips. People the world over have already been implanted, with products such as Verichip and it’s estimated that 2,000 people are now fitted with their slave ID tags. In Barcelona, Spain, several club goers have been voluntarily implanted, to avoid having to wait in lineups. The Verichips won FDA approval, and recently (9/9/07) the AP issued a report stating that laboratory tests showed that the chips induced malignant tumors in animals.          

The RIIA is a think-tank group that wields enormous influence over British and global policy and operates from Chatham House in London, the global epicenter of the Consortium. The RIIA was founded in 1920 as theInstitute of International Affairs, following the Versailles Peace Conference in Paris in 1919 which was held at the Hotel Majestic and was made up of a group of influential international elites backed by the powerful Rothschild banking network. As with all Consortium controlled networks, the CFR and RIIA operate in a pyramidal structure, with an inner and an outer court. Those within the outer court will never be made fully aware of the intentions of the inner elites that willingly serve the Consortium.   The most secretive group of the Round Table Network is an organization called the Bilderberg Group (BG). The BG was founded in 1954 as a secretive, think-tank organization, and just as the CFR and RIIA, it is made up of top level politicians, corporate CEOs, financiers, media moguls etc. Much of the membership of the BG includes European royalty, as well as the heads of the World Bank, the IMF, the bank of International Settlements, the Federal Reserve Bank and the European Central Bank. The BG was founded by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former card-carrying member of the Nazi SS, and also a former associate of the I.G. Farben chemical cartel, which was involved in forced slave-labor in the concentration camps during WW II.     

The BG meets to set policy which involves the inception of world government. These people are globalists, working towards the agenda of implementing a world government, and the BBC uncovered documents that showed that the European Union, and the single European currency, the Euro were both contrived by the BG. Two others involved in the formation of the BG were Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger, a Polish socialist, Jesuit priest, and high level Freemason, and C.D. Jackson, the publisher for Life magazine, who had heavy CIA connections, and had served under President Dwight D. Eisenhower as a “special consultant for psychological warfare.”  Since 1991, the chairman position of the BG has been held by the NATO Secretary General, Lord Peter Carrington.

Each year, the BG meets in secret, at a five star hotel, to enact policies that further the Consortium’s agenda of establishing the New World Order. When the BG meets, all civilians are removed from the hotel that hosts the conference, and it is taken over by the Bilderbergers and their armed, military security teams as well as local police. In 2004, the mainstream press actually mentioned the Bilderbergers when the New York Times reported that John Edwards, John Kerry’s running mate, for the presidency in 2004, delivered a speech at the Bilderberg conference that was so well received, that he was chosen to become Kerry’s potential Vice President.  The BBC reported in 2004 that a former journalist named Tony Gosling claimed to have discovered the plan of the US to invade Iraq from information leaked from the 2002 Bilderberg conference. The Round Table Network is the front line political establishment that enacts the Consortium’s policies. 

The Trilateral Commission (TC) was founded in 1971 by globalist David Rockefeller (CFR, BG). The TC is yet another Consortium front group that works to establish policies to enact the New World Order. Rockefeller was inspired to form the TC largely by the philosophies of Zbigniew Brzezinski (CFR, BG) a professor atColumbia University and former National Security Adviser to Jimmy Carter (CFR).   One main goal of the TC in its early stages was to place a TC influenced, groomed puppet into the Whitehouse, just as the CFR had done with Woodrow Wilson acting completely at the behest of Col. Edward Mandell House. The TC needed someone in the presidency that would act on behalf of the commission and work towards enacting its policies. They found their man with Jimmy Carter, an obscure Democratic Governor from Georgia, who promptly filled his administration with CFR and Trilateral Commission members.TC affiliation includes the US, Europe and Japan, and this group works in concert with the CFR, BG, and the RIIA to further the agenda of the Consortium. 

Established in 1968, the Club of Rome is another arm of the Consortium’s Round Table Network. Membership includes 100 affiliates from 52 countries and five continents, and is made up of business, political, academic and other elite leaders just as the BG, CFR, RIIA and the Trilateral Commission. The Club of Rome was officially launched by the Italian Freemason, Aurelio Peccei. Peccie was the CEO for the Fiat Motor Company, serving under its president Giovanni Agnelli (BG).  As with all of the other Round Table groups, the Club of Rome supports and promotes world government under a centralized, totalitarian super-state, and was backed by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families. One of the purposes of the Club of Rome is to enact global environmental policies, and to create and promote propaganda to support their global policies, such as the current global warming hysteria.  The Club of Rome is also behind many of the policies that prohibit land development in poverty stricken countries through economic warfare and other means and they also enacted post-industrial zero growth policies, including fierce opposition to nuclear power development thereby forcing dependency upon the fossil fuel industry which the Consortium controls.   The Club of Rome is the driving force behind the massive global warming panic, and puppets like CFR member, Al Gore have no problem dutifully touring the country and delivering the Round Table’s propaganda. Gore’s film An Inconvenient Truth has gained popularity and has grossed $23.7 million. The film is being shown in classrooms all over the country serving the purpose it was designed to at the behest of the Club of Rome. 

The United Nations is also part of the Round Table Network, and it is designed to promote globalist policies under the guise of “peace.” Interestingly, the UN building in New York was built on land donated by Rockefeller that was formerly a slaughterhouse. This is no accident; there is a ritualistic side to everything that the Consortium is and does. In fact, they even leave clues, in the form of symbolism, but so many in the western world are completely unaware of the meanings of the symbolism that surrounds us. I go into great depth and detail of the hidden language of symbolism in my book, and I think it is crucial to understand the language of occult symbolism. 

Consortium-controlled Secret Societies In addition to political front groups, the Consortium operates through a stream of secret societies, and perhaps one of the most crucial, is Freemasonry. It’s so important to understand that when researchers like me refer to Masonry, we are not talking about the Masons that live in your neighborhood. We are not talking about people like your uncle who are “Blue Lodge” Freemasons. What we are referring to is what is known as “Illumined” Freemasonry. Just as the Round Table groups operate within a pyramidal system, so do the secret society networks that have been infiltrated or created by the Consortium.  

Freemasonry is an ancient, global, fraternal order that was infiltrated in the late 1700s by a secret society known as the Bavarian Illuminati. The term Illuminati refers to those who are illuminated into the esoteric secrets that the majority have no concept of. Freemasonry was founded as a philanthropic organization, and to this day remains so, at the outer levels. Within the inner, illumined levels however, Masonry has a far different agenda, and it is joined at the hip with the Consortium.  

Some researchers and historians attest that Freemasonry can be traced back to Egyptian times; however, prior to the Middle Ages, historical evidence is scarce and much of that assertion is based on speculation. It is interesting though, that Freemasonry displays many Egyptian symbols in their regalia and in their lodges.  

Again, the term Illuminati refers to those illuminated, or initiated into the esoteric secrets that remain hidden from the general population. The word esoteric simply means “hidden” knowledge. Those within the upper echelons of illumined Freemasonry use this esoteric knowledge for their nefarious purposes; they can absolutely be considered black magicians.  Ferdinand, the Duke of Brunswick, who was a high level Grand Master of world Freemasonry warned in the late 18th century:

 “I have been convinced that we, as an order, have come under the power of some very evil occult order, profoundly versed in science, both occult and otherwise, though not infallible, their method being Black Magic, that is to say, electro-magnetic power, hypnotism and powerful suggestion. We are convinced that the order is being controlled by some Sun Order, after the nature of the Illuminati, if not by that Order itself.” 

The Duke’s statement of a “sun order” is very interesting. Solar symbolism appears everywhere, and the upper level illuminists pay homage to the sun in their rituals, art, and symbolism. The Consortium is obsessed with solar symbolism. Those within the upper echelons of the Consortium can be considered high priests and priestesses of the “solar church.”

What Ferdinand warned against is precisely what happened.  The Bavarian Illuminati was founded on May 1st, 1776, by a former Jesuit by the name of Adam Weishaupt. He was a professor of Canon law at the University of Ingolstadt in Bavaria, Germany. Weishaupt formed the order as the “Order of Perfectibilists,” which later became the Illuminati, and he adopted the name of “Spartacus.” Weishaupt formed the Order of Perfectibilists with a man called Adolph Freiherr Knigge, a Freemason and German writer. The Illuminati was formed as a secret society whose mission was to establish a New World Order.  Because the intentions of the Illuminati to overthrow governments were discovered, the Bavarian government outlawed the Illuminati in 1785. This forced them to go underground, and shortly thereafter, Weishaupt ordered his fellow illuminists to infiltrate the blue lodges of Freemasonry, which is precisely what happened.  

A man by the name of John Robison, a high level Mason, was entrusted by Weishaupt with the secret documents of the Illuminati, outlining their intentions to establish global government. Robison warned Masonic leaders in America about the Illuminati’s infiltration into their established order, just as the Duke of Brunswick had issued his warnings. John Quincy Adams, a Mason, also issued orders concerning the Illuminati.Adams wrote three letters to Col. William L. Stone, a high level Mason, detailing how Thomas Jefferson was using the Masonic lodges for the Illuminati. Those letters still exist, in the Library in Whittenburg Square, in Philadelphia.  

In 1834, the Illuminati recruited into the order an Italian revolutionary by the name of Giuseppe Mazzini, a 33rd degree Mason. Mazzini founded the notorious criminal entity known as the Mafia in 1860. Mazzini recruited a man into the order by the name of Albert Pike, who he wanted to head the American chapter of illumined Freemasonry. In a letter to Pike, Mazzini outlined the intentions to infiltrate the order of Freemasonry and to create a secret society within the already established order: 

 “We must allow all the federations to continue just as they are, with their systems, their central authorities and their diverse modes of correspondence between high grades of the same rite, organized as they are at the present, but we must create a super rite, which will remain unknown, to which we will call those Masons of high degree whom we shall select. With regard to our brothers in Masonry, these men must be pledges to the strictest secrecy. Through this supreme rite, we will govern all Freemasonry which will become the one international center, the more powerful because its direction will be unknown.” 

Most modern, blue lodge Masons are completely unaware of this. The majority of the founders of the US were in fact Freemasons, but how many were actually illumined Freemasons? Is it possible, that the Revolutionary War was a cover for the shift from overt control, to covert control by the Illuminati, as per Weishaupt’s vision to weaken the British Empire in America? Many researchers do believe so.  Albert Pike served as a Brigadier General in the Confederate Army, and was tried for treason, only to be pardoned by President Andrew Johnson, a fellow Freemason. Pike was one of the founders of the Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, and also one of the founders of the infamous Ku Klux Klan, and one of the top leaders of that organization. Pike was said to be a Satanist who was heavily into the occult. Illumined Freemasons are entrenched within the occult and their symbolism appears everywhere.

In fact, the entire city of Washington DC was designed on esoteric principles and sacred geometry, and its monuments, statues, buildings, street layouts etc. contain heavy occult themes. A French Freemason by the name of Pierre Charles L’Enfant was employed to design the city on esoteric and occult themes. 22 zodiacs are sequestered into the street plan of Washington DC, and even the name “District of Columbia” has significant occult meaning. The Egyptian hieroglyph for the star Sirius, is the dome, the 5 pointed star and the obelisk. In Washington DC, there is an obelisk (also a phallic symbol, symbolic of the penis of the sun god Osiris, which represents male energy) the Pentagon, (5 points) and the capitol building (also symbolic of the womb, or female energy). 

Freemasons have a dictum known as “Ordo Ab Chao,” which is Latin for: “Order out of Chaos.” Simply put, a crisis is created or engineered (911, Oklahoma bombing, Waco, Gulf of Tonkin etc.) from which order can be established, which invariably involves the removal of freedom and the consolidation of power, and this is the illuminist, Masonic mode of operation for advancing their agenda towards the New World Order. Illumined Freemasonry is an influential force for the Consortium and they control and direct just about every significant area of society that you could imagine, including religion, education, the medical establishment, the media, and on and on the list goes. 

Today’s modern, Scottish Rite of Freemasonry evolved from an ancient order known as the Knights Templar. Official history teaches that the Templar Knights were founded by nine knights, whose job it was to protect pilgrims journeying to Jerusalem during the Crusades. “The poor knights of Christ,” as they were known, rapidly developed into a military order, under the authority of the Church of Rome. The Knights Templar also became extremely wealthy, and to this day, our banking practices are based on the ancient Templar practice of lending money that does not exist and charging interest on it, or fractional reserve lending as we understand it today.  

The church endowed the Knights Templar with papal bulls that enabled them to collect tithing money and to levy taxes in the areas they controlled. The Templar Knights were granted the Al- Aqsa mosque, which sat on the alleged site of Solomon’s Temple. Upon excavation of the temple, the Templar Knights discovered a vast tunnel network, and many hidden treasures. Scholars allege that the Templar Knights found artifacts, scriptural scrolls, codices and documents on sacred geometry, art, science, astronomy and other esoteric knowledge of the Egyptian/Judaic, ancient mystery schools beneath theTemple Mount.

Perhaps vast amounts of gold were also found, because the Templar Knights grew to become enormously wealthy. Archeological digs in more recent times have provided evidence of Templar excavations beneath the Temple Mount. The Knights Templar expanded rapidly, and eventually they became landholders in England, France, Spain, Scotland, Portugal, Germany, Austria, Hungary, Italy, and Constantinople.

The Templar Knights had recruited noblemen, which had to give over their land and wealth in order to join the Knights Templar.  The Templars were great builders, and constructed temples and vast estates in southern France and Jerusalem. They were granted the right to build churches and constructed many of the medieval, European cathedrals based on the principles of sacred geometry and often constructed them on ancient, sacred sites, such as the Chartres Cathedral, located in France, southwest of Paris, which was built on the ruins of an ancient, Druidic site. Churches and temples are constructed on ancient sacred sites, because of the focus of energy upon those particular areas. Certain points of the Earth act as energy grids, and the Consortium constructs churches, monuments, temples, governmental buildings etc. on those energy grids and there is a reason for that as well. Certainly, the Templar Knights brought back from the Middle East, advanced, esoteric knowledge, and put it to use with the construction of their temples and churches, with an advanced style of architecture that Europe had never seen prior to the Templars. Eventually, the Templar Knights amassed enormous wealth, and were rivaled only by the Roman Catholic Church. Between the treasures the Templar Knights had brought back from beneath theTemple Mount, and their banking/lending practices, they became so rich that the Church of Rome considered them a threat. Aristocrats and noblemen were deeply indebted to the Templar Knights, so a plot was hatched to eliminate them. The Knights Templar had gained enormous control over industry and finance, and had evolved into a formidable military force complete with their own navy. Philippe IV, king of France, (Philippe the Fair) was deeply in debt to the Knights Templar, envious of their enormous wealth, and angered at the Templar Knights refusal to accept him into the order. In 1305, Philippe the Fair went to Rome to convince Pope Clement V that the Templar Knights were plotting to destroy the Church of Rome, and his word was accepted by Clement.

Philippe the Fair and Clement had an agreement, that the French king would support Clement’s position as Pope, if he would help Phillip to destroy the Templar Knights. King Phillip returned to France and issued secret orders to French authorities against the Templars, and drew up a laundry list of charges against them, including heresy. 

The orders to move against the Templar Knights were issued on Friday, October 13, 1307, and the French authorities began rounding up all the Knights they could find. This is why to this day, Friday the 13th is considered “unlucky.” The captured knights were imprisoned, tortured, executed and charged with a number of offenses including: necromancy, heresy, blasphemy and black magic. Some of the surviving knights that were scattered around Europe after the purge became known as the Teutonic Knights, and others joined a group known as the Knights Hospitallers, another military order involved with the Crusades. In 1312, the Knights Templar was officially dissolved, and in 1314, the Grand Master Jacques Molay was burned at the stake.

The Skull and Bones Society, or Brotherhood of Death, is a modern day secret-society network that is under heavy Consortium influence. This fraternity, located at Yale University, was founded by William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft in 1833. Russell’s stepbrother Samuel ran a company called Russell and co. which amassed an enormous fortune from the Opium trade. In 1856, the order of Skull and Bones became incorporated as the Russell trust, and Skull and Bonesmen are also known among researchers as Russell Trust Agents

Each year, the S&B society inducts 15 people into the order, who usually go on to fill high positions in politics, banking, the media, the corporate world etc. Sometimes, Bonesmen even compete against each other, to keep the movie interesting. For instance, in the 2004 presidential selection, both G.W. Bush and John Kerry (who represented opposite parties) are brothers in the Skull and Bones fraternity. When both were interviewed separately, concerning their affiliation with the S&B, by TV reporter Tim Russert, on Meet the Press, neither of the two denied S&B membership, but both claimed that it was too secret to talk about! And so few Americans saw a conflict of interest there! Not only are Bush and Kerry fellow Bonesmen, they are also genetically related; they are cousins! It’s the same bloodline that has always been in control, and American politics are no different. The figureheads that get into high positions of political power are those with genetic connections to the European aristocracy; the ones that will serve the Consortium, not the people.  The Brotherhood of Death is an influential arm of the Consortium’s network. In her book Secrets of the Tomb, author Alexandra Robbins claims: 

 “Under the society’s direction, Bonesmen developed and dropped the nuclear bomb and navigated the Bay of Pigs invasion. Skull and Bones members had ties to Watergate and the Kennedy assassination. They control the Council of Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission so that they can push their own political agenda. Skull and Bones government officials have used the number 322 as codes for highly classified diplomatic assignments.”  This list of secret societies which are under Consortium influence, or complete control, could go on and on. I just wanted to touch on a few of the key ones to give a very basic summary, and again, in my upcoming book I go into much greater detail. I just want to mention a few more key groups that the Consortium controls/influences: 

The Knights of Malta or Knights Hospitaller was a military order of the church just as the Knights Templar. They still exist to this day, and are apparently heavily connected to the Jesuit Order. Remember that Adam Weishaupt, the founder of the Bavarian Illuminati, and Dr. Joseph Hieronim Retinger, one of the original Bilderbergers were both Jesuit trained. Eric Jon Phelps author of a thoroughly researched book titled: Vatican Assassins: Wounded in the House of My Friends, exposes the Jesuit Order as being intimately linked to Illumined Freemasonry, and a major player in the New World Order agenda.

It is well known among researchers that the Vatican was deeply involved in assisting the escape of Nazi war criminals after WW II. Pope Pius II worked closely with a Cardinal Spellman, to provide safe haven to escaping Nazi war criminals. Many of the eugenics scientists that served the Nazi movement were smuggled into the US by intelligence and military services under the code name Operation Paperclip. Knights of Malta passports with sovereign status and fake identities were issued to the escaping Nazis. Cardinal Spellman was the “Grand Protector” of the Knights of Malta. The Catholic Church is a major arm of the Consortium and has always been deeply corrupted and heavily involved with advancing the agenda for the inception of the New World Order.

The Knights of Malta has intimate connections with illumined Freemasonry, and was intimately involved in the P2 Masonry scandal in Italy in the 1980s. P2 was apparently implicated in numerous scandals, including a nationwide bribery scandal, the collapse of the Vatican affiliated bank, Banco Ambrosiano, and the murders of journalist Mino Pecorelli, Prime Minister Aldo Moro and banker Roberto Calvi. Between 1965 and 1981, the P2 Masonry lodge began infiltrating the Italian judiciary, media, military and parliament by sending its agents into those organizations, just as the Illuminati infiltrated Masonic lodges in the late 1700s.

The Knights of Malta claim to be a philanthropic organization that aids the poor and provides humanitarian and medical assistance to the underprivileged, and do, at the lower levels, but within its inner court, the Knights of Malta are intimately connected to Illumined Freemasonry, the Vatican and the CIA. Just as with Freemasonry, and other Consortium front-groups, the Knights of Malta must hide behind the smokescreen of philanthropy to keep the actions of its inner court in concealment. The order claims to have approximately 12,000 members worldwide. 

The Knights of Malta, as with all other Consortium-controlled organizations, operates in a compartmentalized manner, so that those of the outer court will never be made aware of the workings, true goals and intentions of the inner court. It is this method of compartmentalization that keeps the inner workings of the Consortium hidden and shrouded in secrecy. The Knights of Malta answer to the Vatican, but not the church that the public is presented with; that’s just a smokescreen. The real power behind the Vatican is the Jesuit order, and their general is known as the “Black Pope.” The current Jesuit, Black Pope is a man by the name of Count Peter Hans Kolvenbach, and the Jesuit order is one of the major Consortium-controlled networks. The “White Pope” is the front man that the Vatican places in the public spotlight, just as the CFR and Bilderberg group places their front men/women into political office, while the true controllers remain in the shadows.

A few other secret society groups that students of this information should be aware of are: The Bohemian Club, which is made up of rich leaders in politics, banking, the media etc. Each year, the club meets among 2,700 acres of redwoods in Northern California, and engages in bizarre, occult rituals. They worship in front of a 45-foot stone owl, representative of the ancient Phoenician Deity, Moloch, while burning a human effigy in mock human sacrifice rituals. This ceremony is called the Cremation of Care, and these are top leaders in business, politics, and all the rest, that engage in this behavior.

Here are a few others that operate at the behest of the Consortium: B’nai B’rith, the Thule Society, the Theosophical Society, the Committee of 300, the ADL, the Knights of Columbus, and the list goes on and on.

Once the astute student begins to understand the language of symbolism, one can begin to see the occult symbols of the Consortium everywhere: in government buildings, on the currency, on nations’ flags, in corporate logos, in schools, in churches, intelligence agencies’ logos, on monuments, literally everywhere. I highly recommend that students of this information get familiar with symbolism; it shifts the perspective, because as stated, the Consortium places its symbolism all around us; nothing is truly hidden. I’d like to also mention that the Consortium controls the intelligence agencies such as the CIA, the Mossad, the ISI, the MI5, and all the rest, ultimately, the intelligence agencies are one agency at the top of the Consortium’s pyramid of power.

The New World Order agenda

The Consortium’s agenda quite simply is to establish a one-world, centralized government that will be an overtly fascist, totalitarian super-state. They wish to depopulate the planet by roughly 80% and literally enslave those who remain and herd them into compact cities. The depopulation agenda is already underway, as with vaccination campaigns in third-world countries, in which masses of people are being injected with sterilization agents. This has been proven as I mention in my upcoming book. The depopulation agenda has been outlined in official documents such as the NSMM 200 report.

The Consortium plans to create global economic blocs with single currencies for each bloc and it plans to eventually evolve the single currency into electronic, implantable, microchips. As any remotely aware person can see, people are already being implanted, and as mentioned, the Verichip has won FDA approval.

Since at least the mid-nineties, the Consortium, through their food companies, and through their technology corporations, have been introducing additives and technology that interfere with human DNA functioning, such as: cell-phones, Thimerosol (vaccine additive), MSG, Aspartame (artificial sweetener), sodium benzoate (soft drink additive), Sodium Lauryl Sulfate (foaming agents in shampoos and conditioners), rBGH (bovine growth hormones in milk), GMO (genetically modified food), and this list could go on for days. Humanity is at a turning point, we are on the cusp of enormous changes, electromagnetic and otherwise, that will affect human consciousness.

The DNA acts sort of as a biological computer and the Consortium is doing everything it can to disrupt its functioning. We are at the culmination point of multiple cycles, and the additives and technology that abound are purposely designed to interfere with our natural evolvement. The DNA interfering consumables and technology are designed to keep us locked within our baser instincts, within physical, body identification. The higher levels of self that our DNA connects us with are being shut down. There are also aerial, spraying operations that have been underway for some time, that are designed to do the same thing, and are now widely known as “chemtrails.”

To enforce their global prison paradigm, the Consortium wishes to establish a world army, and is using organizations such as NATO to achieve this end. Concentration camps exist in the US, and a company called Halliburton was recently awarded billions to build more. What are they for?

The Consortium is trying to prevent something huge from happening, and they are desperate. They are scrambling to instill their Novus Ordo Secrlorum and the house of cards is tumbling down. Eventually, the plan is to incorporate nanotechnology into human beings and create literal robots out of us.

The game is almost over, and whether humanity creates a new paradigm for itself or not, remains to be seen/experienced, created and birthed into existence. I believe that we can, but that perhaps we are simply done experiencing here in third density Earth. Perhaps it’s simply time for us to move on to new and greater experiences? Either way we win, and the Consortium is too blind and drunk with power and too spiritually depraved to realize it. The imbalance is so great, that I believe every force conceivable; including the Earth itself will unite to bring balance back.

If humanity were to become physically extinct, it would not be a tragedy. You are not your physical body! In fact I believe we incarnate here on purpose to experience the third density Earthgame, to evolve and to grow in what is essentially a galactic, third density school. Maybe it’s just that school’s out soon? If we create a new paradigm for human experience on Earth, or simply leave this experience behind, what does it really matter? Either way we continue on. We are creation in contemplation of itself and we are immense, amazingly intricate, spiritual beings. If it weren’t so, the Consortium would not need to so comprehensively control us on so many levels.

As I stated, the true war that is in full swing, is the war on human consciousness. The main weapon in the Consortium’s arsenal is that four-letter word that controls billions of human sheeple each moment: F-E-A-R. Fear is the grand weapon so flagrantly used to keep humanity locked within its unaware state of numb subservience, denial and ignorance. And not only the ignorance of what is going on in the world, but more importantly, the ignorance of what we truly are, and what our purpose is for incarnating here.

 Have you noticed the obsession these days with the physical? It’s a superficial standard of beauty that is paraded before us, and the idea is to make people believe that the physical is all there is. We have organized religion, that perverts true spirituality, and promotes fear of an angry god, and a burning wasteland that awaits the disobedient and we have science that claims that this world is all there is. Both institutions are creations of the Consortium. Not to mention the absolute obsession with youth, including surgical procedures that destroy the body, pills, toxic food additives etc. that deny true experience. This fear of aging creates such an artificial and shallow, purely physical experience. I kind of get a kick out of observing it!

It’s crucial these days to enter into the observer mode. I think it’s important to not get so sucked up into all of the artificial bullshit that abounds and entraps the minds/spirits of so many. You can actually detach and develop a sense of humor at what is happening, because much of it is laughable. Humanity is tricked into giving away its power to the Consortium and this bogus paradigm and all of the bullshit that goes along with experiencing here at this time. We are an overpopulated planet of victims, and the fostering of the “victim consciousness” has been one of the prime weapons of the Consortium network.

Once one has entered into the observer mode for a time, I think it becomes obvious that the upper, hidden echelons of the Consortium are indeed off world intelligences that are dark to the core and thoroughly malevolent. The level of inhumanity, darkness, and complete imbalance is staggering. Perhaps this force is alien, or perhaps we are dealing with other dimensional intelligences?  I think that Maybe it’s both. After being in the observer mode for a time, you begin to see how intricate and ingenious the Consortium’s methods are; they’re purely dark and imbalanced but brilliant nonetheless.

The New World Order is not new at all. This is a very ancient agenda, which is another aspect of this that convinces me that we are dealing with other-worldly intelligence. The New World Order is thousands of years old, we just so happen to be living in the final phases of its inception. This is the culmination point.

What we will see unfold over the next few years will be unprecedented in human history. Not only will we see negative things happen, but also positive discoveries, realizations, awakenings etc. This is the age of revealing. The imbalance will be displayed in full view for all to see. Unfortunately, so many are so comprehensively caught up in the Consortium’s control paradigm, they will not even see it. They are unaware, apathetic sleepers who will sleep to the very end.

There is no such thing as death; there is only transition. We are in the final days of this prison paradigm, and on a higher level, it’s time to rejoice, not be saddened or in fear. The few remaining days ahead will be intense indeed. Whatever is to be, either a new paradigm or an exiting of this human experience, we should take comfort in knowing that we are at the end of this enslaving, corrupted, imbalanced, inhumane, portion of our experience. I don’t believe abject suffering should be built into the human experience. The Consortium creates, maintains and gets off on misery and suffering. It’s as if our negative energy empowers them. To see their power source taken away from them would be quite satisfying.

This long winded blog is just a basic summary. After over a decade of intense research, contemplation, etc. I’m just beginning to put the pieces together. I’ve realized that this hasn’t so much been a learning process, but an un-learning process. My intention is for my work to help those that are beginning to unlearn, as I was over a decade ago. Everything mentioned here will be in much greater detail in my upcoming book, which is as yet untitled. I appreciate the few that have taken the time to read my blogs, and hope sincerely that it could assist you in some way. I no longer give a flying shit if people think I am “weird,” “crazy,” “paranoid,” “insane,” or whatever. People’s uninformed and ignorant, Consortium approved opinions mean nothing to me whatsoever. In fact, I get a kick out of observing people respond with their programmed conditioning.

The conditioning process begins at birth, and so few ever break free from it. It seems however, that more and more are and I believe that is a sign of the times, and perhaps a result of the multiple cycles that are occurring now. The great mystics the Mayas spoke of these times, and I think they were onto something. I certainly don’t believe that there will suddenly be a mass awakening; too many are too locked within the control paradigm thought forms to ever be shaken awake. This is happening on a much more individual level.

The efforts of the Consortium to enslave us and reduce us to nothing more than cattle are futile. They are too blinded by their own imbalanced, victimizing mentality to even see it. They think they have won, when they cannot possibly realize their agenda. The imbalance will be corrected, even if the Earth has to play a major role in it. The Earth is a living being, and the imbalance upon him/her right now is too great to remain unresolved for much longer. This will not happen some time in the future; it is well underway, and we will witness it in our lifetimes. I would suggest that we intentionally chose to do so.

May you find balance, and may your days be filled with peace, love and learning. May your higher self/spirit grow from its experience here. May you find joy amidst all of this imbalance. When you feel overwhelmed with the dark energies, take the time to laugh! You won’t regret it. If you look at it all as one big cosmic fucking joke, it really can lighten the load.

All the best!

Doug Michael.

source http://rinf.com/blogs/observations/2007/10/08/the-consortium-the-masonicilluminati-powr-structure-and-the-new-world-orderdoug-michael


 Vem är Vad inom New World Order Eliten

Publicerat september 30, 2007 av worldsecrets

George Bush - Skull & Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Illuminati

Bill Clinton - Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, CFR

Saddam Hussein - 33° Freemason

King Hussein - 33° Freemason

Tony Blair - 33° Freemason, Bilderberger

Gerhard Schroeder - 33° Freemason

Benjamin Netanyahu - 33° Freemason

Yasser Arafat - 33° Freemason

Ronald Reagan - 33° Freemason (on sight), Knights of Malta, Rosicrucian Order

Michail Gorbatjov - 33° Freemason

Helmut Kohl - Committee of 300

Shimon Peres - 33° Freemason

Francois Mitterand - 33° Freemason (Grand Orient Lodge)

Yitzak Rabin - 33° Freemason

Willy Brandt - Committee of 300

Gerald Ford (frm President USA) - 33° Freemason

Karl Marx - (Grand Orient Lodge)

Frederick Engels - (Grand Orient Lodge)

Franklin D. Roosevelt - (32 or 33° Freemason)

Sir Winston Churchill - 33° Freemason (but Resigned from the English Lodge!) Member of the Druid Order

Harry S. Truman - 33° Freemason

Neville Chamberlain - (Committee of 300)

Vladimir Lenin - Illuminati (Grand Orient Lodge)

Joseph Stalin - Illuminati (Grand Orient Lodge)

Leon Trotsky - (Grand Orient Lodge)

Henry Kissinger - (Committee of 300, P2 Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, Bilderberger)

J. Edgar Hoover - 33° Freemason

Cecil Rhodes - 33° Freemason

Aleister Crowley - Grandmaster Ordo Templi Orientis

Walt Disney - 33° Freemason

Olof Palme - Committee of 300, Bilderberger

Al Gore - 33º Freemason

Josef Mengele (Dr. Green) - Illuminati Implanter

Robert McNamara - 33° Freemason (at least)

Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (from Volvo) - Committee of 300

Percy Barnevik (ABB Sweden) - Committee of 300

Col. James “Bo” Gritz - 33° Freemason

Billy Graham - 33° Freemason

John Glenn (33° Freemason)

Buzz Aldrin (33° Freemason)

Virgil I. Grissom (Freemason)

Edgar D. Mitchell (Freemason)

Plato (Illuminati)

Francis Bacon (Freemason, Rosicrucian Grand Master)

Lord David Owen - (Royal Institute of Int. Affairs, Committee of 300)

Lord Peter Carrington - (Committee of 300, Bilderberger)

Richard Holbrooke - (33° Freemason, Committee of 300)

Jimmy Carter - (Tril. Comm., CFR)

Carl Bildt - (Bilderberger)

David Rockefeller - Czar of the Illuminati

Edmund de Rothschild - Illuminati

Alan Greenspan - Federal reserve Bank (Committe of 300)

Peter Wallenberg - S-E Bank of Sweden (Committee of 300)

Queen Elisabeth II - Queen of the Committee of 300

Prince Phillip - 33° Freemason, Committee of 300

Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands - Committee of 300 (Bilderberger)

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - Committee of 300 (Bilderberger)

King Carl XVI Gustaf - (Bilderberger)

Prince Bertil - (Grande Orient Lodge of Freemasonry)

Illuminati Members

John Jacob Astor

McGeorge Bundy

Andrew Carnegie

Walter Freeman

W. Averell Harriman

Ted Kennedy

John D. Rockefeller Sr.

David Rockefeller

Lee Teng-hui

Baron Guy de Rothschild

Hillary Clinton - (6° Grand Dame)

Albert Pike - (founder of Ku Klux Klan)

Sam & Edgar Bronfman Jr. - (Seagram Whiskey)


David, Nelson, Winthrop, Laurence, John D. III

Lord J. Rothschild

Bertrand Russell (scientist)

Otto of Habsburg

George W. Bush Jr. - Illuminati , Skull & Bones

Irenee du Pont, Illuminati

Adam Weishaupt Founder of the Bavarian Illuminati

 Dessa är bara några få av medlemmarna i NWO eliten

Andra bloggar om: new world order, nwo, illuminati, bilderber, president, usa, england, masoner, frimurare, masons

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« Hacking Democracy Fake Usama Bin Laden Video »

Sunday, September 16, 2007




Regarding the Catholic Church suddenly becoming a defender of democracy ~ I ask you sincerely, what does that institution know about democracy? Its headquarters, Vatican City ~ a supposed independent state ~ is the only surviving theocracy in Europe. The Vatican loves to interfere in the politics and spiritual matters of other nations, but there is no opportunity for anyone to repay the compliment.


A little Middle Eastern meddling. Young Muslim Nazis circa 1940

The Catholic Church has happily allied itself with just about every totalitarian regime that has emerged over the centuries in Europe - and quite a few in Asia. Viet Nam was a wonderful opportunity to remove millions of "heathen Buddhists" under the Catholic Vietnamese regime of the time. At the moment it is in bed with the crypto-fascist regime in Poland so it is hard to believe this tiger has changed its stripes in the least. It is still a predatory hunter.


Former Croatian Jesuit, Silipovic-Majstrovic joined the Ustasa and worked in Jasenovac concentration camp. He murdered many prisoners with his own hands and became notorious for his cruelty.

Another fine young Ustashe showing off a trophy.


Jesuit Ustashi with yet another grisly trophy ~ the head of a Serbian Orthodox priest.

That the Order once ruled the world,except for a few such as England and the Netherlands, prior to its Suppression is without controversy. But when Pope Clement XIV issued his bull of Suppression and Extinction in 1773, the Order went underground. From there a host of secret societies were formed, including the Bavarian Illuminati.

Skilled in the arts of politics and flattery, trained and educated to manipulate and steal, the Order received open protection from Russia's Catherine II the Great and Prussia's Frederick II the Great. Its secret protector was England's King George III. In control of the Jacobins, the Order launched and led the French Revolution and later brought Napoleon to power, he waging his Napoleonic Wars executing vengeance upon the monarchs who dared to suppress and expel the Society from their borders ~ including the Knights of Malta.

In August of 1814, the Order was restored by Pope Pius VII; from that moment on it wielded control over the White Pope until finally declaring him to be "infallible" in 1870. THIS DECLARATION OF PAPAL INFALLIBILITY ENABLED THE ORDER TO CONTROL THE ENTIRE ROMAN HIERARCHY THROUGH ONE MAN ~ THE POPE. This explains the silence of Pope Pius XII during the Order's Eurasian "burnt offering" of Jews via Himmler's SS ~ secretly commanded by the Bavarian German Jesuit and Pius's confessor, Robert Leiber.

The Black Pope's Second Thirty Years' War (1914-1945) consolidated all political power into the hands of the Order; the Cold War ~ including the Berlin Airlift intended by both Masons Stalin and Truman to distract attention away from the Order's Vatican Ratlines including ODESSA ~ was a mop-up of Europe and build-up of Soviet Russia, China and the Muslim world in preparation for this new THIRD THIRTY YEARS' WAR ~ THE BLACK POPE'S "WAR ON TERROR" ~ THE POPE NOW CONTROLS BOTH SIDES OF THE CURRENT CONFLICT.


Recognize this Hezbollah salute?
A sure sign of Vatican influence as with the Nazis.
Yes, the Vatican does support all sides of the argument!


SATAN HAS SOUGHT TO CONSOLIDATE ALL OCCULT POWER INTO THE HANDS OF HIS "BLACK POPE." This includes all Freemasonry, the Crusading Orders including the Priory of Zion (said by one of the author's of Holy Blood, Holy Grail to have been taken over by the Jesuits in 1619), the Templars (high-level Masons), the Hospitallers (Knights of Malta) and the German Teutonic Knights ~ revived as Himmler's SS.

Roman Catholic servants of the Vatican in WWII

SATAN HAS ALWAYS SOUGHT TO RULE THE WORLD THROUGH ONE MAN. This was evidenced in his temptation of Jesus Christ when the Lord was offered all the kingdoms of the world if He would but worship the devil.

Certainly Satan/the Vatican, thought they had found their man in Adolph Hitler, who at one point stated: “I have learnt most of all of my inspiration from the Jesuit Order. A good part of that organization I have transported direct to my own party. I will tell you a secret, I am founding an Order. In Himmler I see our Ignatius de Loyola.” Well, their new favourite son is in place, firmly, G W BUSH.


 The Bushes leaving Red Mass with the Vatican representative in Washington.

Hitler played the part of the Pope; Bormann (Hitler's "Brown Eminence") played the part of the Cardinal Secretary of State; and the Nazi Hierarchy was patterned after the Roman Hierarchy. Outside of this Nazi political power was the SS. Himmler was the Jesuit General; his SS Generals acting as his Jesuit Assistants, his SS being dressed in Black as the Jesuits have always been called "the men in black."





To hide Vatican involvement, the Nazis declared they were atheist, non Christian.


Karl Marx was tutored by Jesuits for nearly thirty years.

Lenin and Bernito Mussolini were both trained by Jesuits when in Geneva ~ the Order's international banking haven for which reason Switzerland never goes to war.

Joseph Stalin was trained by Jesuits while in the Tiflis Orthodox Seminary in Georgia.

Fidel Castro was trained by Jesuits for seven years in Cuba, was put in power by the CIA, and advised by a Jesuit, Fr. Armando Llorente, during the revolution.

Douglas MacArthur was trained by Jesuits according to an Army Colonel who personally knew him.

Lyndon Johnson was trained by Jesuits at Georgetown University for a time.

Bill Clinton was Jesuit trained, despite the tales of being a Rhodes scholar. The Jesuit schools throughout the United States are used for abuse and programming. Clinton went to the Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. WILLIAM JEFFERSON CLINTON, CFR MEMBER, WAS GROOMED TO BE THE ORDER'S CRUSADER AGAINST THE ORTHODOX SERBIAN PEOPLE, a role he filled all too well to the sorrow of the Islamic population in the 90’s. Did he not claim more than once in his Governorship and Presidency that he was BAPTIST?


Clinton in his early days, graduating from his Jesuit training at Georgetown U.


There is NO WAY Bill Clinton would be taking this sacrament of Communion if he were NOT a Roman Catholic.
On this the Church is very specific.
Guess he lied, that is what politicians do best!


John C. Gannon, the real father of the Order's Department of Homeland Security (our American Gestapo) was a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps and was affiliated with Georgetown University while an ex-CIA officer and CFR member.

Pat Buchanan, a Knight of Malta (SMOM), is affiliated with the Jesuits.

John McLaughlin of the McLaughlin Group, and was Jesuit-trained at Georgetown.

George J. Tenet, SMOM and former CIA Director ~ the man in charge of bringing down the WTC and attack on the Pentagon via a Cruise missile, also Jesuit affiliated. TENET is one of the connections, along with SMOM RUDOLF GUILIANI, that enables us to connect the ARCHBISHOP OF NEW YORK, EDWARD CARDINAL EGAN, TO 911 AND THUS BUSH'S "WAR ON TERROR."

Chris Matthews of Hardball was Jesuit-trained at College of the Holy Cross, he serving for many years as the assistant for another Jesuit-trained Coadjutor and Kennedy assassin.

Thomas "Tip" O'Neill, Speaker of the House and Jesuit Boston College trustee.

CFR President Peter G. Peterson, holding an honorary doctorate from Georgetown University is the head of the Pope's Federal Reserve Bank of New York ~ where all of the nation's gold is in storage thanks to FDR's gift of our Ft. Knox gold to the Federal Reserve.

JFK attended Georgetown for a while as well as the Order's Fabian Socialist London School of Economics. The Order prepared him for the presidency, obtained his "election," and then killed him for being a disobedient "tyrant and a usurper." He placed his country over the demands of the Vatican and paid. We ALL paid!


 The present Black Pope, Superior General Fr. Peter-Hans Kolvenbach, with his crew


Ratzinger, the current Pope, as a young lad as a Nazi

The Jesuits train or influence those who will rule on their behalf. The State Department is full of those having graduated from the Order's School of Foreign Service started by Jesuit Edmund A. Walsh ~ the master of both military tribunals after WWII and backer of Jesuit-trained inquisitor Joseph McCarthy.

Wherever the Jesuits have planted missions, opened seminaries, and established colleges, they have been careful to inculcate these principles in the minds of the youth; thus sowing the seeds of future tumults, revolutions [the Black Civil Rights movement], regicides [the murder of JFK], and wars [the Vietnam War]. In the past they have also attempted to shut down the great enemy of the Church, Science, by threat and trial.



This tenet sits at the heart of one the Order's most effective lies ~ THAT ADAM WEISHAUPT WAS A JEW (contrary to the Order's Constitutions until 1946), that he defected from the Jesuit Order (as he had been an instructor of Canon Law and Jesuit "Moral Theology" at Ingolstadt College in Bavaria ~ Bavaria being the Company's mightiest stronghold north of the Alps) and that his founding of the Illuminati was completely free of Jesuit influence. A CLEVER DECEPTION!


People say that Bush is a Zionist and Pro Israel but his father and grandfather were pro-Nazi. ZIONISTS ARE MASONIC JEWS WHO WORK FOR THE VATICAN through the Illuminati and is a movement which is not for the Jewish people at all. Just study their history and sacrifice of other Jews to the camps!


ONCE AGAIN, THE VATICAN BELIEVES THEY HAVE FOUND THEIR OPPORTUNITY FOR WORLD DOMINATION THROUGH THE BUSH FAMILY AND THEIR CABAL OF CRIMINALS. What Bush is doing in Iraq is a full fledged CATHOLIC CHURCH INQUISITION AGAINST MUSLIMS identical to those of times past. The Bush administration making it legal for them to torture is no small coincidence. That is a trademark of the Vaticanites from Hell. Abu Graib uses many traditional inquisition style methods devised by the Jesuits and Vatican in those dark days past. They even brought religion into it by desecrating the Muslims’ Qur’an and religion. These not-so-secret CIA prisons are just like the secret chambers the Vatican and Catholic Priests had set up all over the place including under the Vatican itself!

Self explanatory

Winston Churchill, Mason and Fabian Socialist destroyer of the Protestant British Empire and Protestant Dresden, responsible for the unnecessary and horrible firestorm and incineration of Protestant Germans, also promoted this Jesuitism, blaming the Bolshevik Revolution on those "godless Bolshevik Jews."

Coughlin did the same as do the new Father Coughlins ~ Texe Marrs, Michael Collins Piper, Daryl Bradford Smith, Hal Turner, Louis Farrakhan and a host of others too numerous to number. They divert attention from the Vatican and point directly to the Masons and the Zionists, as an unintentional service to the Papacy. The Order has been extremely careful to keep their guiding "black hand" out of sight in the histories covering both the French Revolution and the Bolshevik Revolution. Oh, and of course the assassination of Abraham Lincoln.

Farrakhan, between anti Semitic rants against Jews, with friends.

 The historical truth of their involvement in the massacre of First Nations and native peoples, the hell of the Inquisition, the many wars they financed, the sinking of the Titanic, massacre of the Serbs, support of the Nazis and running of the camps, 911. Just to name a few!!! Nothing was safe from these Jesuits. Nothing.

Americans are now greatly in peril.


More Jesuit work in the camps of Croatia


This is an out and out fabrication!
Let me ask you one question.
Where is their king?
Who else parades themselves around like this


I mean, besides Liz Taylor in "Cleopatra"?

AT THIS MOMENT, WE ARE SUFFERING FROM APPROXIMATELY ONE HUNDRED YEARS OF ROCKEFELLER-FUNDED, CFR-BACKED, CENSORED AND REWRITTEN HISTORY. They have well hidden the histories of the Jesuit General's Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945) among many other things, including the Labour Movement in America.


Mein Kampf in Arabic

Masonic Jewish Zionist and CFR-member William L. Shirer authored The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich ~ eliminating all papal collaboration in the rise of Hitler while refusing to name Himmler's Jesuit minions throughout the SS. These included Dr. Richard Korherr, the "traditionalist" Roman Catholic who tabulated Himmler's secret totals of murdered Jews for Bavarian German Jesuit and confessor to Pius XII, Robert Leiber; Edmund Veesenmayer, Hitler's overseer of the Jesuit and Franciscian-led Ustachis murdering one million Jews and Serbs in Croatia; Walter Rauff who worked with the Jesuits personally in helping SS men escape Europe through the Brenner Pass into Italy; and Josef Mengele, Auschwitz's "Angel of Death," nicknamed "Father Mengele" while at the Frankfurt University Institute of Hereditary Biology and Racial Hygiene. Mengele, by the way, relocated in American via Operation Paperclip where he continued his horrific experiments in mind control until his passing in the early 60’s.

Today the Vatican has America firmly in its grip through the current regime.



Does anyone see a pattern here? Is anyone getting a tad nervous?

 Let there be no mistake. Bush is the Pope’s man. He is a Knight of Malta and takes his oath to the papacy seriously. Unlike Kennedy, the Bush cabal did NOT stand up against the Vatican but has quietly delivered his servile people and nation over to these grasping creatures. He was the FIRST President to visit the Vatican.

Remember, THE SKULL AND BONES CLUB, is a Jesuit society just as the skull and bones are the TRADEMARK of the Jesuits. Remember how many political leaders of America, (and Hitler in the German Thulle Society, its equivalent) are members of this society and sworn to eternal brotherhood under Lucifer



Jeb Bush, thug, thief and all-around criminal, kneels at the feet of his master.


John Kerry taking Holy Communion, a RC sacrament only permitted to baptized Catholics.


Relay for Truth

We are opposed around the world by a monolithic ruthless conspiracy

President John F. Kennedy Waldorf-Astoria Hotel New York City, April 27, 1961

The Secret Government

Milton William Cooper

History is replete with whispers of secret societies. Accounts of elders or priests who guarded the forbidden knowledge of ancient peoples. Prominent men, meeting in secret, who directed the course of civilization are recorded in the writings of all people.

The oldest is the Brotherhood of the Snake, also called the Brotherhood of the Dragon, and it still exists under many different names. It is clear that religion has always played a significant role in the course of these organizations. Communication with a higher source, often divine, is a familiar claim in all but a few.

Brotherhood of the Snake

The secrets of these groups are thought to be so profound that only a chosen, well-educated few are able to understand and use them. These men use their special knowledge for the benefit of all mankind. At least that is what they claim. How are we to know, since their knowledge and actions have been secret? Fortunately, some of it has become public knowledge.

I found it intriguing that in most, if not all, primitive tribal societies all of the adults are members. They are usually separated into male and female groups. The male usually dominates the culture. Surprisingly, this exactly resembles many civilized secret societies. This can only mean that the society is working not against established authority, but for it. In fact, could be said to actually be the established authority. This would tend to remove the validity of any argument that all secret associations are dedicated to the "destruction of properly constituted authority." This can only apply, of course, where the secret society makes up the majority or entirety of any people which it affects. Only a very few fall into this category.

Secret societies in fact mirror many facets of ordinary life. There is always an exclusivity of membership, with the resultant importance attached to being or becoming a member. This is found in all human endeavors, even those which are not secret, such as football teams or country clubs. This exclusivity of membership is actually one of the secret societies' most powerful weapons. There is the use of signs, passwords and other tools. These have always performed valuable functions in man's organizations everywhere. The stated reason, almost always different from the real reason, for the societies' existence is important.

The comradeship is especially important. Sharing hardships or secrets has always been a special thrill to man. No one who undergone the rigors of boot camp is ever likely to forget the special feeling of belonging and comradeship that was shared between the victims of the drill sergeant or company commander. It is an emotion born of initiation. The most potent tool of any secret society is the ritual and myth surrounding initiation. These special binding ceremonies have very deep meaning for the participants.

Initiation performs several functions which make up the heart and soul of any true secret society. Like boot camp, the initiation into the armed forces, important aspects of human thought that are universally compelling, are merged to train and maintain the efforts of a group of people to operate in a certain direction. Initiation bonds the members together in mysticism.

Neophytes gain knowledge of a secret, giving them special status. The ancient meaning of neophyte is "planted anew or reborn." A higher initiation is in reality a promotion inspiring loyalty and the desire to move up to the next rung. The goals of the society are reinforced, causing the initiated to act toward those goals in everyday life. That brings about a change in the political and social action of the member. The change is always in the best interest of the goals of the leaders of the secret society. The leaders are called adepts. This can best be illustrated by the soldier trained to follow orders without thinking. The result is often the wounding or death of the soldier for the realization of the commander's goal which may or may not be good for the overall community.

Initiation is a means of rewarding ambitious men who can be trusted. You will notice that the higher the degree of initiation the fewer the members who possess the degree. This is not because the other members are not ambitious but because a process of very careful selection is being conducted. A point is reached where no effort is good enough without a pull up by the higher members. Most members never proceed beyond this point and never learn the real, secret purpose of the group. The frozen member from that point on serves only as a part of the political power base as indeed he has always done. You may have guessed by now that initiation is a way to determine who can and cannot be trusted.

A method of deciding exactly who is to become an adept decided during initiation by asking the candidate to spit upon the christian cross. If the candidate refuses, the members congratulate him and tell him, "You have made the right choice, as a true adept would never do such a terrible thing." The newly initiated might find it disconcerting, that he/she never advances any higher. If instead, the candidate spits upon the cross, he/she has demonstrated a knowledge of one of the mysteries and soon will find him/herself a candidate for the next higher level. The mystery is that religion is but a tool to control the masses. Knowledge (or wisdom) is their only god, through which man himself will become god. The snake and the dragon are both symbols of wisdom. Lucifer is a personification of the symbol. It was Lucifer who tempted Eve to entice Adam to eat of the tree of knowledge and thus free man from the bonds of ignorance. The WORSHIP (a lot different from STUDY) of knowledge, science, or technology is Satanism in its purest form, its secret symbol is the all-seeing eye in the pyramid.

Undesirable effects of secret societies and their aura of mystery has sometimes given them the reputation for being abnormal associations or, at the very least, strange groups of people. Whenever their beliefs are those of the majority they are no longer considered antisocial. A good example is the Christian church, which was at one time a secret society under the Roman Empire. In fact, the "Open Friendly Secret Society" (the Vatican) actually ruled most, if not all, of the known world at one time.

Most secret societies are generally considered to be antisocial; they are believed to contain elements that are not liked or are outright harmful to the community in general. This is exactly the case in some instances. Communism and fascism are secret societies in many countries where they are prohibited by law. In this country the Nazi party and the Ku Klux Klan are secret societies due mostly to the fact that the general public is disgusted by them. Their activities are sometimes illegal, thus the secrecy of their membership. The early Christians were a secret society because Roman authorities considered them from the start to be dangerous to imperial rule. The same was true of the followers of Islam. The Druseed and Yezidis in Syria and Iraq consider the Arabs a dangerous secret society dedicated to the takeover of the world. The Arabs today think the same of the Jews. Catholics and Freemasons used to have precisely the same ideas about each other.

In many primitive or backward societies initiation into the highest degrees of the group involved subjection to trials which not infrequently resulted in death or insanity for the candidate. It can be seen that social right and wrong is not the yardstick in estimating the value of a secret society. In Borneo, initiates of hunting societies, consider it meritorious and compulsory to hunt heads. In Polynesia, infanticide and debauch were considered essential for initiation into their societies, where the tribal code needed members who indulged in these things, as pillars of

Since the beginning of recorded history, governmental bodies of every on have been involved with maintaining the status quo to defend the establishment against minority groups that sought to function as states within states or to oust the constituted authority and take over in its place.

Many of these attempts have succeeded but have not always lasted. Man's desire to be one of the elect is something that no power on earth has been able to lessen, let alone destroy. It is one of the "secrets" of secret societies. It is what gives them a political base and lots of clout. Members often vote the same and give each other preference in daily business, legal, and social activities. It is the deepest desire of many to be able to say, "I belong to the elect."

Houses of worship and sacrifice existed in the ancient cities. They were in fact temples built in honor of the many gods. These buildings functioned often as meeting places for philosophers and mystics who were believed to possess the secrets of nature. These men usually banded together in seclusive philosophic and religious schools.

The most important of all of these ancient groups is the Brotherhood of the Snake, or Dragon, and was simply known as the Mysteries. The snake and dragon are symbols that represent wisdom. The father of wisdom is Lucifer, also called the Light Bearer. The focus of worship for the Mysteries was Osiris, the name of a bright star that the ancients believed had been cast down onto the earth. The literal meaning of Lucifer is "bringer of light" or "the morning star." After Osiris was gone from the sky, the ancients saw the Sun as the representation of Osiris ("...it is claimed that, after Lucifer fell from Heaven, he brought with him the power of thinking as a gift for mankind." Fred Gittings,
Symbolism in Occult Art)

Most of the greatest minds that ever lived were initiated into the society of Mysteries by secret and dangerous rites, some of which were very cruel. Some of the most famous were known as Osiris, Isis, Sabazius, Cybele and Eleusis. Plato was one of these initiates and he describes someof the mysteries in his writings.

Plato's initiation encompassed three days of entombment in the Great Pyramid, during which time he died (symbolically), was reborn, and was given secrets that he was to preserve. Plato's writings are full of information on the Mysteries. Manly P. Hall stated in his book, The Secret Teachings of All Ages that, "...the illumined of antiquity...entered its (pyramid of http://www.illuminati-news.com/ufos-and-aliens/Graphics/manly-p-hall.jpgGiza) portals as men; they came forth as gods." The ancient Egyptian word for pyramid was khuti, which meant "glorious light." Mr. Hall says also, "The pyramids, the great Egyptian temples of initiation..."

According to many, the great pyramids were built to commemorate and observe a supernova explosion that occurred in the year 4000 B.C.Dr. Anthony Hewish, 1974 Nobel Prize winner in physics, discovered a rhythmic series of radio pulses which he proved were emissions from a star that had exploded around 4000 B.C. The Freemasons begin their calendar from A.L., "In the Year of Light," found by adding 4000 to the modern year. Thus 1990 + 4000 = 5990 A.L. George Michanowsky wrote in The Once and Future Star that "The ancient Sumerian cuneiform...described a giant star exploding within a triangle formed by...Zeta Puppis, Gamma Velorum, and Lambda Velorum...located in the southern sky....[An] accurate star catalogue now stated that the blazing star that had exploded within the triangle would again be seen by man in 6000 years." According to the Freemason's calendar it will occur in the year 2000, and indeed it will.

The spacecraft called Galileo is on its way to Jupiter, a baby star with a gaseous makeup exactly the same as our sun, with a load of 49.7 pounds of plutonium, supposedly being used as batteries to power the craft. When its final orbit decays in December 1999, Galileo will deliver its payload into the center of Jupiter. The unbelievable pressure that will be encountered will cause a reaction exactly as occurs when an atomic bomb is exploded by an implosion detonator. The plutonium will explode in an atomic reaction, lighting the hydrogen and helium atmosphere of Jupiter and resulting in the birth of the star that has already been named Lucifer. The world will interpret it as a sign of tremendous religious significance. It will fulfill prophecy. In reality it is only a demonstration of the insane application of technology by the JASON Society which may or may not even work. They have practiced overkill to ensure success, however, as the documents that I read while in Naval Intelligence stated that Project GALILEO required only five pounds of plutonium to ignite Jupiter and possibly stave off the
coming ice age. Global warming is a hoax. It is easier for the public to deal with and will give the ruling elite more time before panic and anarchy replace government. The reality is that overall global temperatures are becoming lower. Storms are becoming more violent and less predictable.



1 "At that time there shall arise Michael [JUPITER IN ANGELIC/CHERIBUM FORM], the great prince, guardian of your people; It shall be a time unsurpassed in distress since nations began until that time. At that time your people shall escape, everyone who is found written in the book.
2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake; some shall live forever, others shall be an everlasting horror and disgrace.
3 But the wise shall shine brightly like the splendor of the firmament, And those who lead the many to justice shall be like the stars forever.
4 "As for you, Daniel, keep secret the message and seal the book until the end time; many shall fall away and evil shall increase."

The icecaps at the poles are growing larger. The temperate zones where food can be grown are shrinking. Desertification is increasing in the tropics. An ice age is on its way, and it will occur suddenly.

Simultaneously a vault containing the ancient records of the earth will opened in Egypt. The opening of the vault will usher in the millennium. A great celebration has already been planned by the Millennium Society to take place at the pyramids in Egypt. According to the January 3, 1989, edition of the Arizona Daily Star, "President-elect Bush is spending this New Year's holiday at Camp David, Maryland, but in 10 years he may be in Egypt. Organizers of the Millennium Society say he's already committed to ushering in the next century at the Great Pyramid of Cheops in Giza.

The first secret that one must know to even begin to understand the Mysteries is that their members believe that there are but few truly mature minds in the world. They believe that those minds belong exdusively to them. The philosophy that follows is the classic secret-society view of humanity:

"When a person of strong intellect is confronted with a problem which calls for the use of reasoning faculties, they keep their poise and attempt to read a solution by garnering facts bearing upon the question. On the other hand, those who are immature, when confronted by the small problem, are overwhelmed. While the former may be said to be qualified to solve the mystery of their own destiny, the latter must be led like a bunch of animals and taught in the simplest language. Like sheep they are totally dependent upon the shepherd. The able intellect is taught the Mysteries and the esoteric spiritual truths. The masses are taught the literal, exoteric interpretations. While the masses worship the five senses, the select few observe, recognizing in the gulf between them the symbolic concretions of great abstract truths.

"The initiated elect communicate directly to Gods (ALIENS?) who communicate back to them. The masses sacrifice their lambs on an altar facing a stone idol that can neither hear or speak. The elect are given knowledge of the Mysteries and are illumined and are thus known as The Illluminati or the Illuminated Ones, the guardians of the 'Secrets of the Ages."'

Three early secret societies that can be directly connected to a modern descendant are the cults of Roshaniya, Mithras and their counterpart, the Builders. They have many things in common with the Freemasons of today as well as with many other branches of the Illuminati. Forinstance, common to the Brotherhood are the symbolic rebirth into a new life without going through the portal of death during initiation; reference to the "Lion" and "the Grip of the Lion's Paw" in the Master Mason's degree; the three degrees, which is the same as the ancient Masonic rites before the many other degrees were added; the ladder of seven rungs; men only; and the "all-seeing eye."

The Illuminati logo (See US $1 bill)

Of special interest is the powerful society in Afghanistan in ancient times called the Roshaniya--illuminated ones. There are actually references to this mystical cult going back through history to the House of Wisdom at Cairo. The major tenets of this cult were: the abolition of private property; the elimination of religion; the elimination of nation states; the belief that illumination emanated from the Supreme Being who desired a class of perfect men and women to carry out the organization and direction of the world; belief in a plan to reshape the social system of the world by first taking control of individual countries one by one, and the belief that after reaching the fourth degree one could communicate directly with the unknown supervisors who had imparted knowledge to initiates throughout the ages. Wise men will again recognize the Brotherhood.

The important fact to remember is that the leaders of both the right and the left are a small, hard core of men who have been and still are Illuminists or members of the Brotherhood. They may have been or may be members of the Christian or Jewish religions, but that is only to further their own ends. They give allegiance to no particular nation, although they have used nationalism to further their causes. Their only concern is to gain greater economic and political power. The ultimate objective of the leaders of both groups is identical. They are determined to win for themselves undisputed control of the wealth, natural resources, and manpower of the entire planet. They intend to turn the world into their conception of a totalitarian socialist state. In the process they will eliminate all Christians, Jews, and atheists. You have just learned one, but only one, of the great mysteries.

The Roshaniya also called themselves the Order. Initiates took an oath that absolved them of all allegiance except to the Order and stated, "I bind myself to perpetual silence and unshaken loyalty and submission to the Order....All humanity which cannot identify itself by our secret sign is our lawful prey." The oath remains essentially the same to this day. The secret sign was to pass a hand over the forehead, palm inward; the countersign, to hold the ear with the fingers and support the elbow in the cupped other hand. Does that sound familiar? The Order is the Order of the Quest. The cult preached that there was a spirit state completely different from life as we know it. The spirit could continue to be powerful on earth through a member of the Order, but only if the spirit had been itself a member of the Order before its death. Thus members of the Order gained power from the spirits of the dead members.

The Roshaniya took in travelers as initiates and then sent them on their way to found new chapters of the Order. It is believed by some that the Assassins were a branch of the Roshaniya. Branches of the Roshaniya or "the illuminated ones" or the Illuminati existed and still exist everywhere. One of the rules was not to use the same name and never mention "the Illuminati." That rule is still in effect today. I believe that it is the breaking of this rule that resulted in Adam Weishaupt's downfall.

One of the greatest secrets of the ages is the true story of the Holy Grail, the robe of Jesus, the remains of the Cross of Crucifixion, and whether Jesus actually died or if he survived and produced a child. Many myths surround the Knights Templar concerning these relics, and most myths throughout history always have at least some basis in fact. If my sources are correct, the Knights Templar survive today as a branch of the Illuminati and guard the relics, which are hidden in a location known only to them.

We know that the Templars are Illuminati because the Freemasons absorbed and protected those that escaped persecution of the church and France, just as the Freemasons would absorb and protect Weishaupt's Illuminati centuries later. The Knights Templar exist today as a high degree of Freemasonry within the Templar Order. In fact, the Knights Templar is a branch of the Order of the Quest. The DeMolay Society is a branch of the Freemasons that consecrates the memory of the persecution of the Knights Templar and in particular, their leader Jacques deMolay. I know, because I was a member of the DeMolay Society as a young adult. I loved the mystery and ritual. I became separated from the Society when my family moved to a location out of reach of any lodge. I believe to this day that my association with the DeMolay Society may have been the reason for my selection for Naval Security and Intelligence.

According to members of the intelligence community, when the New World Order is solidified the relics will be taken out, will be united with the Spear of Destiny, and will, according to legend, give the world's ruler absolute power. This may confirm beliefs passed down through the ages that describe the significance of these relics when united in the hands one man. It explains Hitler's desperate search World War II. (Gen. Patton had claimed it after defeat)

The Knights Templar were founded sometime during the 11th cent. in Jerusalem by the Prieure de Sion for the express purpose of guarding remaining relics of Jesus and to provide military protection for the religious travelers during their pilgrimage to the Holy City.

The Prieure de Sion was a religious order founded upon Mount Sion in Jerusalem. The Order set for itself the goal of preserving and recording the bloodline of Jesus and the House of David. Through every means available to them, the Prieure de Sion had found and retrieved the remaining relics. These relics were entrusted to the Knights Templar for safekeeping. I am amazed at the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail and the information that they have unearthed. Most of all I am amazed at their inability to put the puzzle together. The treasure hidden in France is not the treasure of the Temple of Jerusalem. It is the Holy Grail itself, the robe of Jesus, the last remaining pieces of the Cross of Crucifixion, and, according to my sources, someone's bones. I can tell you that the reality of the bones will shake the world to its very foundations if I have been told the truth. The relics are hidden in France. I know the location and so do the authors of Holy Blood, Holy Grail, but they do not know that they know-- or do they?

The Prieure de Sion logo

Adam Weishaupt, a young professor of canon law at Ingolstadt University in Germany, was a Jesuit priest and an initiate of the Illuminati. The branch of the Order he founded in Germany in 1776 was the same Illuminati previously discussed. The Jesuit connection is important, as you will see later in this chapter. Researchers agree that he was financed by the House of Rothschild (mentioned in "Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars"). Weishaupt advocated "abolition of all ordered national governments, abolition of inheritance, abolition of private property, abolition of patriotism, abolition of the individual home and family life as the cell from which all civilizations have stemmed, and abolition of all religions established and existing so that the ideology of totalitarianism may be imposed on mankind."

In the same year that he founded the Illuminati he published Wealth of Nations, the book that provided the ideological foundation for capitalism and for the Industrial Revolution. It is no accident that the Declaration of Independence was written in the same year. On the obverse of the Great Seal of the United States the wise will recognize the all-seeing eye and other signs of the Brotherhood of the Snake.

Every tenet was the same. Date and beliefs confirm that Weishaupt's Illuminati is the same as the Afghan Illuminated Ones and the other cults which called themselves "illuminated." The Alumbrados of Spain were the same as were the "illuminated" Guerinets of France. In the United States they were known as the Jacobin clubs. Secrets within secrets within secrets--but always at the heart is the Brotherhood.

I believe that Weishaupt was betrayed and set up for persecution because he ignored the rule that the word "illuminati" or the existence of the Brotherhood would never be exposed to public knowledge. His exposure and outlawing accomplished several goals of the still-hidden and still very powerful brotherhood. It allowed members to debunk claims of its existence on the grounds that the Illuminati had been exposed and outlawed and thus was no longer a reality. It allowed members to deny allegations of conspiracy of any kind. The Brotherhood of the Snake is adept at throwing out decoys to keep the dogs at bay. Weishaupt may have been a fool--or he may have been doing exactly what he was told.

Weishaupt said, "The great strength of our Order lies in its concealment; let it never appear in its own name, but always covered by another name, and another occupation."

http://www.illuminati-news.com/ufos-and-aliens/Graphics/adam_weishaupt.jpgAllegations that the Freemason organizations were infiltrated by the Illuminati during Weishaupt's reign are hogwash. The Freemasons have always contained the core of Illuminati within their ranks, and that is why they so freely and so willingly took in and hid the members of Weishaupt's group. You cannot really believe that the Freemasons, if they were only a simple fraternal organization, would have risked everything, including their very lives, by taking in and hiding outlaws who had been condemned by the monarchies of Europe. It is mainly Freemason authors who have perpetuated the myth that Adam Weishaupt was the founder of the Illuminati and that the Illuminati was destroyed, never to surface again.

In 1826 an American Freemason wrote a book revealing Masonic secrets entitled llustrations of Freemasonry. One of the secrets that he revealed is that the last mystery at the top of the Masonic pyramid is the worship of Lucifer. We have since learned the secret of the "story of the murder of Hiram Abif." Hiram Abif represents intelligence, liberty and truth, and was struck down by a blow to the neck with a rule, representing the suppression of speech by the church; then he was struck in the heart with the square, representing the suppression of belief by the State; and finally he was struck on the head by a maul, representing the suppression of intellect by the masses. Freemasonry thus equates the Church, the State, and the masses with tyranny, intolerance, and ignorance. What Morgan revealed was that the Freemasons were pledged to avenge Hiram Abif and that their plan was to strike down the Church, the State, and the freedom of the masses.

Morgan caused a small uproar against the Masons. The small uproar turned into a full blown anti-Freemason movement when the author, William Morgan, disappeared. Morgan had apparently been abducted and drowned in Lake Ontario. It was alleged that fellow Masons had done it, and that they deny to this day. Who else would have done it? I believe they murdered him. The newspapers of the time state without reservation that he was murdered by Masons. The oath of initiation into the Freemasons states that if secrets are told, the initiate will be murdered. A nationwide furor ensued that resulted in the creation of an anti-Masonic political party in 1829 by Henry Dana Ward, Thurlow Weed, and William H. Seward. Interest in several anti-Masonic books was revived during that period, with the result that Freemasonry suffered a severe loss of membership. It lasted only a few years and by 1840 the anti-Masonic party was extinct. Time really does cure all ills.

We know that the British Freemasons are a totally self-serving group that discriminates in favor of its own whenever jobs, promotions, contracts, or careers are concerned. The English Freemason organization was used by the KGB to infiltrate and take over British Intelligence. British Intelligence is synonomous with Chatham House, more commonly known as the Royal Institute for International Affairs, the parent organization of the Council on Foreign Relations in the United States. The English state police, Scotland Yard, ordered its personnel not to join the Masons for fear the same would happen to them. Of course, you have been told all your life that the Freemasons are only a benevolent fraternal organization bent only on community service. Read on, O innocent one.

Probably the most notorious Freemason lodge is the P2 lodge in Italy. This group has been implicated in everything from bribery to assassinations. P2 is directly connected to the Vatican, the Knights of Malta, and to the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency. It is powerful and dangerous. The P2 lodge has succeeded in infiltrating the Vatican and has scored a coup of tremendous significance: the Pope, John Paul II, has lifted the ban against Freemasonry. Many high-level members of the Vatican are now Freemasons.

I tell you now that Freemasonry is one of the most wicked and terrible organizations upon this earth. The Masons are major players in the struggle for world domination. The 33rd Degree is split into two. One split contains the core of the Luciferian Illuminati and the other contains those who have no knowledge of it whatsoever.

ALL of the intelligence officers that I worked for while in Naval Intelligence were Masons. As I stated before, I believe that my association with the DeMolay Society as a young adult may have been the reason that I was selected for Naval Security and Intelligence. However, that is only a guess.

I had intended to go into great detail linking P2, the Prieure de Sion, the Vatican, the CIA, organizations for a United Europe, and the Bilderberg Group. Fortunately, Michael Baigent, Righard Leigh & Henry Lincoln beat me to it. I say fortunately, because they confirm my previous allegation that I published in my paper "The Secret Government" that the CIA had plants, called moles, deep within the Vatican. You must read Holy Blood, Holy Grail and The Messianic Legacy, both by Baigent, Leigh, & Lincoln. Any reputable bookstore should carry them. Between pages 343 and 361 of The Messianic Legacy you can read of the alliance of power that resulted in a secret world government.

Most members of the Freemasons are not aware that the Illuminati practices what is known as "secrets within secrets," or organizations within organizations- That is one purpose of initiation. I cannot excuse any of the members, however, or anyone who joins a society without knowing everything about the organization is indeed a fool. Only those at the top who have passed every test truly know what the Masons are hiding, thus rendering it impossible for anyone outside to know much at all about the group. What does that say about new members or those who are already members but do not know the ultimate secrets? It tells me that fools abound. Unlike authors who out of fear have acted as apologists for the Freemasons, I decline to absolve them of responsibility and guilt. The Freemasons, like everyone else, are responsible for the cleanliness of their home. The occupant of a secret house within a secret house within a secret house cannot clean if he cannot see the number of rooms or what they contain. Their house is a stinking cesspool. Look to the Masons for the guilty party if anything happens to me. I believe that they have murdered in the past and that they will murder in the future.

Their goal is to rule the world. The doctrine of this group is not democracy or communism, but is a form of fascism. The doctrine is totalitarian socialism. You must begin to think correctly. The Illuminati are not Communists, but some Communists are Illuminati. (1) Monarchism (thesis) faced democracy (antithesis) in WWI, which resulted in the formation of communism and the League of Nations (synthesis). (2) Democracy and communism (thesis) faced fascism (antithesis) in WWII and resulted in a more powerful United Nations (synthesis). (3) Capitalism (thesis) now faces communism (antithesis) and the result will be the New World Order, totalitarian socialism (synthesis).

The 1953 report of the California Senate Investigating Committee on Education stated: "So-called modern Communism is apparently the same hypocritical world conspiracy to destroy civilization that was founded by the illuminati, and that raised its head in our colonies here at the critical period before the adoption of our Constitution." The California Senate understood that communism is the work of the Illuminati. They failed to realize that the Council on Foreign Relations and theTrilateral Commission are also the work of the Illuminati. You MUST begin to think correctly. The enemy is not communism, it is Illuminism. The Communists are not going to be much happier with the New World Order than we.

I hope to show that most modern secret societies and especially those that practice degrees of initiation, and that is the key, are really one society with one purpose. You may call them whatever you wish--the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society, the Roshaniya, the Qabbalah, the Knights Templar, the Knights of Malta, the Knights of Columbus, the Jesuits, the Masons, the Ancient and Mystical Order of Rosae Crucis, the Illuminati, the Nazi Party, the Communist Party, the Executive Members of the Council on Foreign Relations, The Group, the Brotherhood of the Dragon, the Rosicrucians, the Royal Institute of International Affairs, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberg Group, the Open Friendly Secret Society (the Vatican), the Russell Trust, the Skull & Bones, the Scroll & Key, the Order--they are all the same and all work toward the same ultimate goal, a New World Order.

Many of them, however, disagree on exactly who will rule this New World Order, and that is what causes
http://www.illuminati-news.com/ufos-and-aliens/Graphics/skull_bones322.jpgthem to sometimes pull in opposite directions while nevertheless proceeding toward the same goal. The Vatican, for instance, wants the Pope to head the world coalition. Some want Lord Maitreya to head the New World Order. Lord Maitreya is the front runner, I believe, since witnesses say he was present on the ship at Malta with Bush, Gorbachev, and the ten regional heads of the New World Order. "Approximately 200 dignitaries from around the world attended a major conference initiated by Maitreya in London on April 21 and 22,1990. Representatives of governments (including the USA), members of royal families, religious leaders and journalists, all of whom had met with Maitreya previously, attended the conference." Quote from "Prophecy Watch" column of Whole Wheat No. 8, Minneapolis.

Someone has also spent an awful lot of money announcing his presence. The Pope will have to approve him if Maitreya is selected, however, and that would fulfill the Bible prophecy in the Book of Revelation that states that the first beast will be given his power by Rome. If you can interpret Revelation as I can, then you know that the Pope will ultimately win out and will reign as the second beast.

In 1952 an alliance was formed, bringing them all together for the first time in history. The Black Families, the Illuminati (the Order), the Vatican, and the Freemasons now work together to bring about the New World Order. All will protest their innocence and will do everything within their power to destroy anyone who suggests otherwise. I will undoubtedly become a target when this book is published.

You may notice that some of those listed in the preceding paragraphs do not, or so it appears, practice degrees of initiation. That is the public view. Look at the Council on Foreign Relations. Many members--in fact, the majority--never serve on the executive committees. They never go through any initiation of any kind. They are, in fact, the power base and are used to gain a consensus of opinion. The majority are not really members but are made to feel as if they are. In reality they are being used and are unwilling or unable to understand. The Executive Committee is an inner core of intimate associates, members of a secret society called the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society, devoted to a common purpose. The members are an outer circle on whom the inner core acts by personal persuasion, patronage and social pressure. That is how they bought Henry Kissinger. Rockefeller gave Kissinger a grant of $50,000 in the early '50s, a fortune in those days, and made dear old Henry a member of the CFR. Anyone in the outer circle who does not toe the mark is summarily expelled and the lesson is not lost on those who remain. Do you remember the human desire to be a member of the elect? That is the principle at work.

The real power are men who are always recruited without exception from the secret societies of Harvard and Yale known as the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key. Both societies are secret branches (also called the Brotherhood of Death) of what is otherwise historically known as the Illuminati. They are connected to parent organizations in England (The Group of Oxford University and especially All Souls College), and Germany (the Thule Society, also called the Brotherhood of Death). I learned this when I was with Naval Intelligence. I was not able to explain why some members of the Executive Committee were not listed under the "Addresses" of Chapter 322 of the Skull & Bones Society until I read The Wise Men by Walter Isaacson & Evan Thomas, Simon and Schuster, New York. Under illustration #9 in the center of the book you will find the caption "Lovett with the Yale Unit, above far right, and on the beach: His initiation into Skull and Bones came at an air base near Dunkirk." I have found that members of these two societies were chosen on an ongoing basis by invitation based upon merit post-college and were not confined to only Harvard or Yale attendees.

Only members of the Order are initiated into the Order of the Quest, the JASON Society that makes up the executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations and, in fact, the Trilateral Commission as well. The executive members of the Council on Foreign Relations are the real elect in this country. George Bush is a member of the Order. Surprised? You shouldn't be. His father was also a member who helped finance Hitler.

It is important that you know that the members of the Order take an oath that absolves them from any allegiance to any nation or king or government or constitution, and that includes the negating of any subsequent oath of allegiance which they may be required to take. They swear allegiance only to the Order and its goal of a New World Order. George Bush is not a loyal citizen of the United States but instead is loyal only to the destruction of the United States and to the formation of the New World Order. According to the oath Bush took when he was initiated into Skull & Bones, his oath of office as President of the United States of America means nothing.

The Trilateral Commission is an elite group of some 300 very prominent business, political, and intellectual decision-makers of Western Europe, North America, and Japan. This enterprise is a private agency that works to build up political and economic cooperation among the three regions. Its grand design, which it no longer hides, is a New World Order.

The Trilateral Commission was the idea of its founder, American banking magnate David Rockefeller. The real reason for its formation was the decline of the Council on Foreign Relation's power as a result of the people's dissatisfaction with the Vietnam War. The reasoning behind the move toward the Trilateral Commission was the same as entering two horses in the same race. It doubles the chances of winning. The real power has always remained solidly in the hands of the Council on Foreign Relations. The Rockefeller family was, is and always will be the benefactor of both organizations. Rockefeller, though powerful is not in control in this country or anywhere else. The key to the REAL power is the fact that Rockefeller had to put out feelers at a Bilderberg Group meeting in 1972 about forming a private group of trilateral leaders. The Bilderberg Group gave the nod and Rockefeller's man Zbigniew Brzezinski gathered up a membership and organized the Trilateral Commission in 1972, not in 1973 as the Commission claims.

David Rockefeller & Zbignew Brzezinsky -
founders of The Bilderbergers and the
Trilateral Commission -

A key to the danger presented by the Trilateral Commission is its "Seminal Peace," written for them by Harvard Professor Samuel P. Huntington in the mid '70s. In the paper Professor Huntington recommended that democracy and economic development be discarded as outdated ideas. He wrote as co-author of the book The Crisis of Democracy, "We have come to recognize that there are potential desirable limits to economic growth. There are also potentially desirable limits to the indefinite extension of political democracy. A government which lacks authority will have little ability short of cataclysmic crisis to impose on its people the sacrifices which may be necessary."

.....Remember that George Bush was a member of the Trilateral Commission and only resigned as an expediency to get elected. He believes wholeheartedly in the Commission and its ideas and ideals. We have elected a President who believes that democracy and economic development must be discarded- I tell you now that he is working toward that end. Bush is still a member of the Order and the CFR.

The JASON Society, or JASON Scholars, takes its name from the story of Jason and the Golden Fleece, and it is a branch of the Order of the Quest, one of the highest degrees in the Illuminati. The golden fleece takes on the role of truth to JASON members. Jason represents the search for the truth. Therefore the name JASON Society denotes a group of men who are engaged in a search for the truth. The name Jason is spelled with capital letters when used as the name of the JASON Society. Lower-case letters are never used when referring to this secret group. The name may even have a deeper meaning, as the name "Jason" and the Golden Fleece appear throughout history in relation to various other secret societies. In these instances the story represents man (Jason) lookingfor himself (Golden Fleece).

Top Secret documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence stated that President Eisenhower had commissioned the JASON Society to examine all of the evidence, facts, lies, and deception and find the truth of the alien question.

Founders of the JASON Group (not the same as the JASON Society) include members of the famous Manhattan Project, which brought together almost every leading physicist in the nation to build the atomic bomb during World War II. The group is made up mostly of theoretical physicists and is the most elite gathering of scientific minds in the United States. As of 1987 the membership included four Nobel Prize winners. Today JASON continues to offer scientific help the government cannot find anywhere else. They are probably the only group of scientists in the United States that know the true state of highest technology.

JASON is shrouded in what appears to be unnecessary secrecy. The group refuses to release its membership list. None of the members list JASON membership on their official resumes. Working completely behind the scenes, JASON has guided the nation's most important security decisions. These include, but are not limited to, Star Wars, submarine warfare, and predictions about the greenhouse effect. The JASON members are each paid a $500 per-day consultant's fee.

In the documents that I read while with Naval Intelligence the JASONS predicted that the greenhouse effect would lead ultimately to an ICE AGE.

According to the Pentagon, the JASONS hold the highest and most restrictive security clearances in the nation. They are given the protocol rank of rear admiral (two stars) when they visit or travel aboard ships or visit military bases. The only other reference to the JASON group that I have been able to find is in The Pentagon Papers. The papers stated that JASON was responsible for designing the electronic barrier between North and South Vietnam for the purpose of sealing off infiltration of the South by North Vietnamese regulars during the Vietnam War. I was stationed on the DMZ and I can tell you that it did not work.

The veil of secrecy drawn around the JASON Group has been so tight and so leak-proof since its conception that those who think the government cannot keep a secret need to reexamine that position. The government was able to contain the JASON secret except for the one leak; but the JASON Group itself, a civilian group, did even better. No leaks have ever occurred from within JASON. JASON is administered by the Mitre Corporation Government contracts allotted to the Mitre Corporation are in reality allotted to the JASON scientists. This is done so that the name JASON does not ever appear in documents which may come under public scrutiny.

What is the difference between the JASON Scholars or JASON Society and the JASON Group? The documents that I read referred to the JASON Society in exactly those words. In public documents the only JASON reference is to the JASON Group, administered by the Mitre Corporation. I believe the JASON Society is one of the highest degrees above the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key in the Illuminati. In other words, it is a higher level of initiation. The JASON Group is a scientific organization formed and hired by the JASON Society and the U.S. Government for obvious reasons.

I know a lot more about the JASON Society and the JASON Group, but I do not want to injure Mr. Grant Cameron, who has done extensive research on these subjects. He will publish his research in the coming months. I guarantee his findings will amaze you.

The Council on Foreign Relations has been the foremost flank of America's foreign-policy establishment for more than half a century. The Council on Foreign Relations is a private organization of business executives, scholars, and political leaders that studies global problems and play a key role in developing U.S. foreign policy. The CFR is one of the most powerful semi-offlcial groups concerned with America's role in international affairs. It is controlled by an elect group of men recruited from the Skull & Bones and the Scroll & Key societies of Harvard and Yale, which are both chapters of a secret branch of the Illuminati known as Chapter 322 of the Order. The members of the Order make up the Executive Committee of the Council on Foreign Relations after undergoing initiation into the Order of the Quest, also known as the JASON Society.

The Council on Foreign Relations is an off-shoot sister organization to the British Royal Institute of International Affairs. Their goal is a New World Order. Although it existed as a dinner dub in New York, it did not take on its present power until 1921, when it merged with the Royal Institute of International Affairs and received its financial base from J.P. Morgan, the Carnegie Endowment, the Rockefeller family, and other Wall Street banking interests.

The Council on Foreign Relations controls our government. Through the years its members have infiltrated the entire executive branch, State Department, Justice Department, CIA, and the top ranks of the military. Every director of the Central Intelligence Agency has been a member of the CFR. Most presidents since Roosevelt have been members. The members of the CFR dominate ownership of the press and most, if not all, of America's top journalists are members. The CFR does not conform to government policy. The government conforms to CFR policy.

I read Top Secret documents while with Naval Intelligence that stated that President Eisenhower had appointed six of the Executive Committee members of the CFR to sit on the panel called Majesty Twelve also known as Majority Twelve for security reasons. Majesty Twelve is the secret group that is supposed to control extraterrestrial information and projects. The documents stated that Eisenhower had also appointed six members from the Executive branch of government who were also members of the CFR. The total membership of Majesty Twelve was nineteen, including Dr. Edward Teller and the six members from the JASON scientific group. Again, whether this is true or disinformation depends solely upon the existence of aliens.

The Knights of Malta play a powerful role in this scenario. In the 1930's General Smedley Butler was recruited to help take over the White House. He was told that he was needed because of his general popularity with the military. General Butler blew the whistle and named several prominent Americans as part of the plot. At the top of the list was John J. Raskob, who was a founding member of the U.S. branch of the Knights of Malta. He was board chairman of General Motors. He was, at he time, the U.S. Treasurer of the Knights of Malta. Congressional hearings were held to investigate the plot, but none of those named, induding Raskob, was ever called to testify and nothing ever came of the hearings. Although you will find this in the Congressional records, you will never find it in any history book anywhere.

It is significant that the Iran-Contra episode has many similarities to the 1930s plot. William Casey was a member of the Knights of Malta. William Casey, with the help of Vice President Bush, Anne Armstrong and Donald Regan, caused the President's Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board to be emasculated so that Bush, Casey, North and others could carry out their dirty deeds without oversight. They had also developed a plan to suspend the Constitution of the United States and were preparing to implement the plan when they were caught. These facts emerged from the hearings but were suppressed by the committee chairman, Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii. You must understand that tremendous power was involved in both attempts to overthrow the United States Government.

William Casey was the Director of the CIA. He was a member of the CFR. Casey was a Knight of Malta. He was the head of Ronald Reagan's political campaign. He was head of the Securities and Exchange Commission. During the Nixon administration he was head of the Export- Import Bank.

Casey arranged financing for the Kama River truck factory in the Soviet Union with 90% of the funds guaranteed or furnished by the U.S. taxpayer. This factory built military truck and tank engines for the Soviet Army. It was, and may still be, the largest factory in the world and could produce more heavy trucks than all U.S. factories together. I believe Casey was murdered.

The Knights of Malta is a world organization with its threads weaving through business, banking, politics, the CIA, other intelligence organizations, P2, religion, education, law, military, think tanks, foundations, the United States Information Agency, the United Nations, and numerous other organizations. They are not the oldest but are one of the oldest branches of the Order of the Quest in existence. The world head of the Knights of Malta is elected for a life term, with the approval of the Pope. The Knights of Malta have their own Constitution and are sworn to work toward the establishment of a New World Order with the Pope at its head. Knights of Malta members are also powerful members of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission.

The Vatican has been infiltrated over many years by the Illuminati. This is easily proven by the fact that in 1738 Pope Clement XII issued a Papal Bull which stated that any Catholic who became a Mason would be excommunicated, a very serious punishment. In 1884 Pope Leo XIII issued a proclamation stating that Masonry was one of the secret societies attempting to "revive the manners and customs of the pagans" and "establish Satan's kingdom on Earth." Piers Compton, in his book The Broken Cross, traces the infiltration of the Catholic Church by the Illuminati. He has found the use of the all-seeing eye in the triangle by leading Catholics and by the Jesuits. It was used in the seal of the Philadelphia Eucharistic Congress in 1976. It was on a special issue of Vatican stamps in 1978, announcing the final Illuminati victory to the world. Mr. Compton claims that Pope John XXIII wore the "all-seeing eye in the triangle" on his personal cross. Compton is adamant that several hundred leading Catholic priests, bishops and cardinals are members of secret societies. He quotes an article in an Italian Journal that lists more than 70 Vatican offlcials, including Pope Paul VI's private secretary, the director general of Vatican radio, the Archbishop of Florence, the prelate of Milan, the assistant editor of the Vatican newspaper, several Italian bishops, and the abbot of the Order of St. Benedict. Those are only the ones that are known and only the ones known in Italy. It is widely believed that this Pope, John Paul XXII, is a member of the Illuminati. I believe, according to my research, that it is true. The best indication of infiltration is that on November 27,1983, the Pope retracted all of the Papal Bulls against Freemasonry and allowed Catholics, after several hundred years, to again become members of secret societies without fear of excommunication. The goal of the Illuminati to elect one of their own to the Papacy appears to have come to fruition. If that is the case, the New World Order is just on the horizon. Now is the time.

The first U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican was William Wilson, a Knight of Malta. His appointment was probably illegal and, for a fact, was highly unethical. Wilson could not possibly have represented the U.S. when his allegiance was sworn to the Pope.

Wilson, if you will remember, took an unauthorized trip to Libya and met privately with Libyan offlcials at a time when travel to Libya had been banned by the President. President Ronald Reagan had called Col. Khadafi "a mad dog" and made a few strong threats. The U.S. had been resolute in bombing Libya even though civilians were killed. Following Wilson's trip, Khadafi issued a press release stating that "an American diplomat had been sent to reduce tensions with Libya." The State Department denied that any such thing had taken place. Ambassador Wilson closed his mouth and refused any comment. To this day he has said nothing, even though his actions made a liar of the United States and embarrassed us worldwide.

A due to what was happening is the fact that while we had cut off Libya and even bombed them and while travel by U.S. citizens to Libya was forbidden, five huge oil conglomerates were filling their pockets dealing with Khadafi. One of the companies was headed by J. Peter Grace, President of W.R. Grace. Eight members of the W.R. Grace Company are members of the Knights of Malta. According to an article by Leslie Geld in the New York Times, administration officials had expressed concern about Mr. Wilson's activities. These actions, they said, often seem to revolve around his contacts and interest in the oil business.

Wilson should have been fired, but instead nothing happened except that he and his wife attended a Papal Easter Mass and stood next to George Schultz and his wife. In diplomatic language this indicated private approval of his actions. George Schultz, of course, is a member of the CFR, the Bohemian Club and the Bechtel Corporation, all of which have close ties to the Order and the Knights of Malta.

Wilson engaged in several other improprieties during his ambassadorship. Again, in each case nothing happened. Finally he resigned. Later, if you will remember, President Reagan suffered a fall from a horse on William Wilson's ranch in Mexico. Do you seriously think that President Reagan would have visited Wilson's home in Mexico if he had not approved of Wilson's actions while he was the U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican?

Knight of Malta Myron Taylor was President Roosevelt's envoy. Knight of Malta John McCone was President Kennedy's envoy and he was also the Director of the CIA during the early '60s. A former mayor of New York City, Robert Wagner, was President Jimmy Carter's envoy. Frank Shakespeare replaced William Wilson. Frank Shakespeare is a Knight of Malta, and so it goes. President Reagan spoke at the annual Knights of Malta dinner.

The Knights of Malta all have diplomatic immunity. They can ship goods across borders without paying duty or undergoing customs check Does that ring any bells? In any case, that is power.

The Knights of Malta is held up by a backbone consisting of nobility. Nearly half of the 10,000 members belong to Europe's oldest and most powerful families. This cements the alliance between the Vatican and the "Black Nobility." The Black Nobility is mostly the richand powerful of Europe. The head of the Black Nobility is the family that can claim direct descendancy from the last Roman emperor. Maybe now you can see that things are beginning to fall into their proper place. Membership in the Knights of Malta entails obedience to one's superior in The Order and ultimately to the Pope. Therefore, a U.S. ambassador who is also a member of the Knights of Malta faces a conflict of interest. Why is this fact ignored? President Bush appointed Knight of Malta Thomas Melledy to the post of U.S. Ambassador to the Vatican.

The Vatican has founded the Pope John Paul II Center for Prayer and Study for Peace at 1711 Ocean Avenue, Springlake, New Jersey, in a mansion overlooking the ocean. The mansion was given to the New York Archdiocese by the estate of Elmer Bobst, who died in 1978. He was a multimillionaire and chairman of Warner Lambert Company. Richard Nixon was a frequent visitor. Directors of the Center were Kurt Waldheim, former Secretary General of the United Nations and ex-nazi war criminal; Cyrus Vance, former Secretary of State under Carter and member of both the Council on Foreign Relations and the Trilateral Commission; Clare Booth Luce, a dame of the Knights of Malta; and J. Peter Grace of W.R. Grace Company, who is head of the Knights of Malta in the United States.

The Center was set up by the Vatican as a part of the Pope's new peace plan, which will bring the world together. The Center has two roles: (1) Educate Catholics and their children to accept the New World Order. (2) Provide residence for the world-peace-solution computer and an ongoing study for peaceful solutions to any future problems which may endanger world peace. The computer is hooked to the world capitals via satellite. All nations have agreed to relinquish sovereignty to the Pope and submit future problems to the computer for solution. Of course, this will not go into effect until the New World Order is publicly announced. I believe that the New World Order was born in secrecy on January 19,1989. Now you know.
The Vatican has stated at various times that "the Pope is for total disarmament; the Pope is for elimination of the sovereignty of the nation states; the Pope is also stating that property rights are not to be considered true property rights. The Pope believes that only the Vatican knows what is right for man."

In the early 1940s, the I.G. Farben Chemical Company employed a Polish salesman who sold cyanide to the Nazis for use in Auschwitz. The same salesman also worked as a chemist in the manufacture of the poison gas. This same cyanide gas along with Zyklon B and malathion was used to exterminate millions of Jews and other groups. Their bodies were then burned to ashes in the ovens. After the war the salesman, fearing for his llfe, joined the Catholic Church and was ordained a priest in 1946. One of his closest friends was Dr. Wolf Szmuness, the mastermind behind the November/78 to October/79 and March/80 to October/81 experimental hepatitis B vaccine trials conducted by the Center for Disease Control in New York, San Francisco and four other American cities that loosed the plague of AIDS upon the American people. The salesman was ordained Poland's youngest bishop in 1958. After a 30-day reign his predecessor was assassinated and our ex-cyanide gas salesman assumed the papacy as Pope John Paul II. 1990 is the right time with the right leaders: ex-chief of the KGB Mikhail Gorbachev, ex-chief of the CIA George Bush, ex-Nazi cyanide gas salesman Pope John Paul II, all bound by an unholy alliance to ring in the New World Order.

The Pope has challenged world leaders by claiming that the people of the world already recognize the absolute authority of Rome because they observe the Sunday Sabbath that was ordered by the Pope in the Council of Laodicea (A.D. 364). The original Ten Commandments given to Moses ordered that we should: "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it Holy. Six days shalt thou labor, and do all thy work but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter,thy man servant, nor thy maid servant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates: for in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day, and hallowed it."

The seventh day, the Sabbath as handed to Moses is Saturday. The celebration of Sunday as the Sabbath is verification that the people recognize the Pope as superior to God. The only whole people who have not recognized the authority of the Pope are the Jewish people, and that is why the Vatican has not and will not recognize the state of Israel. The Vatican refuses even to call it Israel. Instead the Vatican says Palestine when talking about Israel. Again, I must remind you that what you believe makes not one bit of difference. The important thing to understand is that if they believe this, it is going to give you nightmares.

"The Pope has a lot of charisma and in a one world system you need a religious head for power. Khomeini proved that. This Pope has enough following and charisma to make what we consider a great threat in this move." [Quote from The Mantooth Report]

"Pope John Paul II is most anxious to complete his goal. His goal is to reunite the Christian World under the leadership of the papacy. If at all possible, he hopes to reach his goal by the end of this century. This is the primary reason behind the Pope's many worldwide trips." [From an article by Gene H. Hogberg, Nov./Dec. 1989, Plain Truth.]

Were you aware that Hitler and his entire staff were Catholic? Did you know that the Nazis dabbled in the occult? Did you know that the New York Times of April 14, 1990, quotes George Bush as stating, "Let's forgive the Nazi war criminals." I wonder why he said that? Did you know that the Los Angeles Times December 12, 1984, quoted Pope John Paul II as saying, "Don't go to God for forgiveness of sins, come to me." The Pope committed blasphemy, thus fulfilling prophecy according to the book of Revelation. The Pope is telling us that he is God!

Remember, never worship a leader. If you worship a leader, you then no longer have the ability to recognize when you have been deceived!

On July 21, 1773, Pope Clement XIV "forever annulled and extingutshed the Jesuit Order." France, Spain and Portugal had independently come to realize that the Jesuits were meddling in the affairs of the state and were therefore enemies of the government. The Pope's action was a response to pressure applied by the monarchies. King Joseph of Portugal signed a decree "by which the Jesuits were denounced as 'traitors, rebels and enemies to the realm..."' Pope Pius VII in August, 1814, reinstated the Jesuits to all of their former rights and privileges.

Ex-President John Adams wrote to his successor, Thomas Jefferson: "I do not like the reappearance of the Jesuits. If ever there was a body of men who merited eternal damnation on earth...it is this Society...." Jefferson replied: "Like you, I disapprove of the restoration of the Jesuits, for it means a step backwards from light into darkness."

The Jesuits are still in trouble today as they have been throughout their existence. On February 28,1982, Pope Paul II told the Jesuits to "keep clear of politics, and honor Roman Catholic tradition." U.S. News and World Report stated that the Jesuits had indeed meddled in the affairs of nations. The article stated: "Jesuits have played leading roles in Nicaragua's Sandinista revolution. Some Jesuits have joined Communist parties. One priest in El Salvador has claimed that his order is working for the advancement of Marxism and revolution, not for God....Jesuits have joined left wing rebel movements in Central America and the Philippines, and have advocated a melding of Marxism and Roman Catholicism in what is called 'liberation theology."'

When the United States wanted to employ the nastiest forms of the Haig-Kissinger depopulation policy in Central America it was the Jesuits who organized and prodded the people into civil war. Wherever the Jesuits go, revolution quickly follows. I am always sad when I see or hear of people being hurt; but according to my research, the Jesuit priests murdered in Central America probably deserved it.

The most powerful secret organization in the world is the Bilderberg Group, organized in 1952 and named after the hotel where its first meeting took place in 1954. The man who organized the Bilderberg Group, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, has the power to veto the Vatican's choice of any Pope it selects. Prince Bernhard has this veto power because his family, the Hapsburgs, are desended from the Roman emperors. Prince Bernhard is the leader of the Black Families. He claims descent from the House of David and thus can truly say that he is related to Jesus. Prince Bernhard, with the help of the CIA, brought the hidden ruling body of the Illuminati into public knowledge as the Bilderberg Group. This is the official alliance that makes up the world governing body.

The core of the organization is three committees made up of thirteen members each. Thus the heart of the Bilderberg Group consists of 39 total members of the Illuminati. The three committees are made up exclusively of members of all the different secret groups that make up the Illuminati, the Freemasons, the Vatican, and the Black Nobility. This committee works year round in offices in Switzerland. It determines who is invited to the annual meeting and what policies and plans will be discussed. Every proposal or plan that has ever been discussed at an annual meeting of the Bilderberg Group has come to pass usually within one or two years following the meeting. The Bilderberg Group is directing the "quiet war" that ls being waged against us. How can they do it? These are the men who really rule the world.

The numbers 3, 7, 9,11,13, 39 and any multiple of these numbers have special meaning to the Illuminati. Notice that the Bilderberg Group has core of 39 members who are broken into 3 groups of 13 members in each group. Notice that the core of 39 answers to the 13 who make up the Policy Committee. Take special notice that the 13 members of the Policy Committee answer to the Round Table of Nine. You know that the original number of states in the United States of America was 13. The Constitution has 7 articles and was signed by 39 members of the Constitutional Convention.

The United States was born on July 4, 1776. July is the 7th month of the year. Add 7 (for July) and 4 and you have 11; 1+7+7+6 = 21, which is a multlple of 3 and 7. Add 2+1 and you get 3. Look at the numbers in 1776 and you see two 7s and a 6, which is a multiple of 3. Coincidence, you say? For those of you who still say it's accidental, however, I offer the following evidence I could write a book just on numerical links, but I won't.

Manly P. Hall, 33rd-degree Mason, probably the most renowned expert on these subjects, wrote in his book The Secret Destiny of America,"For more than three thousand years, secret societies have labored to create the background of knowledge necessary to the establishment of an enlightened democracy among the nations of the world...all have continued...and they still exist, as the Order of the Quest. Men bound by a secret oath to labor in the cause of world democracy decided that in the American colonies they would plan the roots of a new way of life. The Order of the Quest...was set up in America before the middle of the 17th century....Franklin spoke for the Order of the Quest, and most of the men who worked with him in the early days of the American Republic were also members....Not only were many of the founders of the United States Government Masons, but they received aid from a secret and august body existing in Europe which helped them to establish this country for a particular purpose known only to the initiated few." I found these quotes in a book on page 133.
When added together, 1+3+3 equal the number 7--coincidence?

We can get a little insight into the Order of the Quest from Franklin D. Roosevelt's Secretary of Agriculture, Henry Wallace, the man directly responsible for the printing of the reverse of the Great Seal of the United States on the one-dollar bill. Mr. Wallace, a member of the Order of the Quest, wrote in a letter to the Russian mystic and artist Nicholas Roerich: "The Search, whether it be for the lost word of Masonry, or the Holy Chalice, or the potentialities of the age to come, is the one supremely worthwhile objective. All else is karmic duty. But surely everyone is a potential Galahad? So may we strive for the Chalice and the flame above it." The Holy Grail has a way of popping up on a regular basis in the writings of secret societies.

In the Great Seal of the United States we see the ancient symbol of the Brotherhood of the Snake (or Dragon), which as you already know is the all seeing eye in the pyramid representing the form of wisdom.

Just below the pyramid you will note "Novus Ordo Seclorum" which translated means, "New World Order" There are:
9 tail feathers on the eagle;
13 leaves in the olive branches;
13 bars and stripes;
13 arrows;
13 letters in "E Pluribus Unum;
13 stars in the green crest above;
13 stones in the pyramid;
13 letters in "Annuit Coeptis"

First version of the US flag. (Note the All-Seeing Eye)

All of these mystical numbers also have special meaning to the Freemasons. You would have to be a devout skeptic to miss the tremendous significance of all of these supposed coincidences. Who among you can still say that there is no link?

I read while in Naval Intelligence that at least once a year, maybe more, two nuclear submarines meet beneath the polar icecap and mate together at an airlock. Representatives of the Soviet Union meet with the Policy Committee of the Bilderberg Group. The Russians are given the script for their next performance. Items on the agenda include the combined efforts in the secret space program governing Alternative 3. I now have in my possession offlcial NASA photographs of a moonbase in the crater Copernicus.

This method of meeting is the only way that is safe from detection and/or bugging. The public outcry that would result would destroy everything should these meetings be discovered. A BBC-TV documentary program entitled "Science Report" revealed these same facts butsubsequently issued a retraction. In their retraction they stated that the show had been fiction. It must be noted here that "Science Report" was a very respected documentary, nonfiction program in Britain.

Never in its history had it ever aired fiction. This subject is explored in depth in another chapter. There is no other method that I know of to verify these meetings short of somehow becoming a crew member on one of the submarines. Is Alternative 3 true, or is it a part of the plan to ring in the New World Order? It really doesn't matter, because either way we're screwed. The quicker you understand that, the wiser you become.

The members of the Bilderberg Group are the most powerful financiers, industrialists, statesmen and intellectuals, who get together each year for a private conference on world affairs. The meetings provide an informal, off-the-record opportunity for international leaders to mingle, and are notorious for the cloak of secrecy they are held under. The headquarters office is in The Hague in Switzerland, the only European country never invaded or bombed during World Wars I and II. Switzerland is the seat of world power. The goal of the Bilderberg Group is a one-world totalitarian socialist government and economic system. Take heed, as time is running short.

You must understand that secrecy is wrong. The very fact that a meeting is secret tells me that something is going on that I would not approve. Do not ever believe that grown men meet on a regular basis just to put on fancy robes, hold candles, and glad-hand each other. George Bush, when he was initiated into the Skull & Bones, did not lie naked in a coffin with a ribbon tied around his genitalia and yell out the details of all his sexual experiences because it was fun. He had much to gain by accepting initiation into the Order, as you can now see. These men meet for important reasons, and their meetings are secret because what goes on during the meetings would not be approved by the community. The very fact that something is secret means there is something to hide.

John Robison wrote Proofs of a Conspiracy in 1798, and I believe he said it best in the following passage from the book. "Nothing is so dangerous as a mystic Association. The object remaining a secret in the hands of the managers, the rest simply put a ring in their own noses, by which they may be led about at pleasure; and still panting after the secret they are the better pleased the less they see of their way. A mystical object enables the leader to shift his ground as he pleases, and to accommodate himself to every current fashion or prejudice. This again gives him almost unlimited power; for he can make use of these prejudices to lead men by troops. He finds them already associated by their prejudices, and waiting for a leader to concentrate their strength and set them in motion. And when once great bodies of men are set in motion, with a creature of their fancy for a guide, even the engineer himself cannot say, 'Thus far shalt thou go, and no farther.'"

Is the common man really as stupid as the elite seem to believe? If he is, then maybe the average citizen is better off ignorant, being manipulated this way and that, whenever the elite deem it necessary. We will discover the answer very quickly when the common man finds that his ticket to Fantasy Land has just expired.

U.S. President Bush and Soviet President Gorbachev arrived yesterday on this Mediterranean island for a summit conference beginning today during which both hope to start the search for a New World Order." -New York Times December 1, 1989



Sunday, October 14, 2007

The New World Order and Its Origins

To this writer, evaluation of current data clearly indicates that the New World Order is, in fact, real and came into being, and operates, as a consequence of, and a result of the inter-relationships of and between the following:

·         Cecil Rhodes – His commitment to a conspiracy to establish a World Government was set down in a series of seven wills made between the ages of 24 and 46. He died at age 48. (American Rhodes Scholarships, Frank Aydelotte). Rhodes’ biographer, Sara Millin, put it thusly: “The government of the world was Rhodes’ simple desire.” For the uninitiated, the African country of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe and Zambia) was named after him. He made his fortune in the mid-1880’s in the South African Kimberley diamond mines; today’s De Beers is an offshoot.

o    Best known of the seven wills are the first, known as the Secret Society Will, and the last, which established the Rhodes Scholarships.

In the first will, his aim is most specific: “The extension of British rule throughout the world . . . the foundation of so great a power as to hereafter render wars impossible and promote the interests of humanity.”

In the first will, the Secret Society Will, his ‘Confession of Faith’ enlarges upon these ideas. “The model for the proposed secret society was the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits), though he mentions also the Masons.”

In his third will, in 1888, Rhodes leaves his entire fortune to Lord Rothchild (his financier in mining enterprises.) Rothchild moved to the background, as a trustee, and was replaced by Lord Rosebury.

A secret society was organized in 1891 utilizing Rhodes funds. It was known as the Round Table (also, the Round Table Group). It was organized on the conspiratorial pattern of circles within circles.

In 1914, the Round Table Group created front organizations in each dominion of foreign industrial and financial power.

In England, the front group is known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs (RIIA).

In the United States, the American round table is known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).

This was the front for J.P. Morgan and Company in the early 1900’s, in association with a small group of the American Round Table, also known as the Insiders.

It was made to appear that the CFR, in America, and the RIIA, in Britain, “were really independent bodies, lest the American public become aware the CFR was in fact a subsidiary of the Round Table Group and react in patriotic fury.”

·         It was the Insider crowd which created the Federal Reserve System (the Fed).

·         It was these same individuals who created the CFR, not because they had nothing better to do with their time and money but because it was a tool to further their ambitions - generate profits.

·         Its original corporate members included: the Rockefeller family; Kuhn, Loeb & Company; Dillon Read and Company; Brown Brothers Harriman.

·         Also included were: Paul Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Averell Harriman, Frank Vanderlip, Nelson Aldrich, Bernard Baruch, J.P. Morgan and John D. Rockefeller.

·         The CFR has come to be known as “The Establishment” and “the invisible government”. This semi-secret organization unquestionably has become the most influential group in America today.

·         Jekyll Island, Ga. – 1910: Here a secret meeting was held by the Insider financiers to formulate the blueprint for what was to become the Federal Reserve Act and ultimately the Federal Reserve System. This created a central bank with the ability to inflate the monetary scope of national (and international) finance.

o    In some quarters, the result of this meeting on Jekyll Island, “the Fed” has come to be referred to as “the Creature from Jekyll Island.”

o    The Insiders, the seven men who combined, represented one-quarter of the world’s wealth at the time, who attended this secret cartel meeting were:

Nelson W. Aldrich, Republican “whip” of the Senate, Chairman of the National Monetary Commission, business associate of J.P. Morgan, father-in-law to John D. Rockefeller, Jr.;

Abraham Piatt Andrew, Assistant Secretary of the United States Treasury;

Frank A. Vanderlip, President of the National City Bank of New York, the most powerful of the banks at that time, representing William Rockefeller and the international investment banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company;

Henry P. Davison, senior partner of the J.P. Morgan Company;

Charles D. Norton, president of J.P. Morgan’s First National Bank of New York;

Benjamin Strong, head of J.P. Morgan’s Bankers Trust Company;

Paul W. Warburg, a partner in Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a representative of the Rothchild banking dynasty in England and France, and brother to Max Warburg who was head of the Warburg banking consortium in Germany and the Netherlands.

o    The objective of the meeting was to:

Conceive of the idea of a central bank cartel;

Decide how to protect its members from competition;

Develop a strategy of how to convince Congress and the public that this cartel (the Federal Reserve System) was an agency of the United States government, when in fact it was anything but that. It has been said that the Federal Reserve System may be a system but is not federal and has no reserve.

o    Anthony Sutton, former Research Fellow at the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution and Peace, has written of the Federal Reserve as “a legal, private monopoly of the money supply operated for the benefit of the few under guise of protecting and promoting the public interest.”

o    Of Paul W. Warburg, his biographer, Harold Kellock, wrote, he was “the mildest mannered man that ever personally conducted a revolution. It was a bloodless revolution: he did not attempt to rouse the populace to arms. He stepped forth armed simply with an idea. And he conquered. That’s the amazing thing. A shy, sensitive man, he imposed his idea on a nation of a hundred million people.”

o    This same tool, the Fed, has been expanded internationally through the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank in order to create worldwide inflation, pay enormous sums of interest on never paid-up loans to Insider banks, and to socialize the Third World – and now, us.

·         There is, on the international level, an organization equivalent to the CFR. The group calls itself the Bilderbergers. The name comes from the site of the group’s first meeting at the Hotel de Bilderberg, in Oostebeek, Holland, in May 1954.

o    It was created by Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, an important figure in Royal Dutch Petroleum (Shell Oil) and the Societé General de Belgique, a huge conglomerate cartel with world-wide holdings. Prince Bernhard made no effort to hide the fact that “the ultimate goal of the Bilderbergers is a world government.”

o    They meet once or twice a year. Knowledge of meetings may be known but attendees names are never published. (Acknowledgement of the meetings in the media is strictly controlled as most of the owners of the media are Bilderbergers.)

As Anthony Holder, a former UN correspondent for the (London) Economist, said, “The Bilderbergers have been removed from our assignment list years ago by executive order.” Or as Thierry de Segonzac, a French broadcaster put it, “The Bilderbergers are too powerful and omnipresent to be exposed.”

o    Bernhard’s counterpart in America was David Rockefeller, Chairman of the Board of the CFR, whose economic base was the giant Chase Manhattan Bank and Standard Oil.

o    Other Bilderbergers include:

Baron Edmond de Rothchild of the House of Rothchild;

C. Douglas Dillon (CFR) of Dillon Read & Company;

Robert McNamara of the World Bank;

Sir Eric Roll of S.G. Warburg & Co., Ltd.;

Pierce Paul Schweitzer of the International Monetary Fund;

George Ball (CFR) of Lehman Brothers, the investment house;

Henry Kissinger

o    Bilderberger Steering Committee members (have) include(d):

George Ball, Henry J. Heinz II, James D. Zellerbach, Dean Rusk, and General Walter Bedell Smith, among others.

It is no coincidence that every single one of those named as past and present members of the Bilderberger Steering Committee is or was a member of the Council on Foreign Relations.

o    The Bilderberger Advisory Committee forms an even more “inner circle” than the Steering Committee. Those named above were all on this committee.

o    “If the Bilderberger seem more publicity shy than ever, that is, among other reasons, because their proposals, implemented by subservient agencies such as the IMF, have caused more mass devastation in recent years than World War II ever did.” The foregoing is a quote from Michael Thomas, the patrician Wall Street investment banker, known among financial columnists as “the last truth teller.”

o    Periodic meetings of the Bilderbergers are usually held every couple of years at various sites throughout the world. The host country’s police and military forces are aggressively used to insure the complete privacy and security of attendees and the agenda that is addressed therein. No media leaks or coverage are tolerated – up to the point of arrest and lethal force being used. Secrecy is jealously guarded. Just try to locate any minutes of their meetings. They don’t exist – not for the public.

·         The Trilateral Commission – was formally established in 1973. David Rockefeller was the founding chairman and Zbigniew Brzezinski the founding director of the North American branch. Most members are also members of the CFR.

o    Membership consists of “leaders in business, banking, government, and mass media from North America, Western Europe, and Japan.

o    Zbigniew Brzezinski, in his book “Between Two Ages” declares that “‘National sovereignty is no longer a viable concept,’ and that ‘Marxism represents a further vital and creative stage in the maturing of man’s universal vision.’”

o    According to Jeremiah Novak, the “Atlantic” magazine (July 1977): “The Trilateralists’ emphasis on international economics is not entirely disinterested, for the oil crisis forced many developing nations, with doubtful repayment abilities, to borrow excessively. All told, private multinational banks, particularly Rockefeller’s Chase Manhattan, have loaned nearly $52 billion to developing countries. An overhauled IMF would provide another source of credit for these nations, and would take the big private banks off the hook. This proposal is the cornerstone of the Trilateral plan.”

o    According to Senator Barry Goldwater, in his book “With No Apologies”, he called “the Commission ‘David Rockefeller’s newest international cabal,’ and said, ’It is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the United States.’”

o    Jimmy Carter became a founding member of the Trilateral Commission in 1973.

With Carter, the Commission found their candidate. With Wall Street banker’s money, intellectual influence of the academic community – which is subservient to the wealth of the great tax-free foundations – and the media controllers represented in the membership of the CFR and Trilateral Commission, Carter was in. Even though seven months before the Democratic nominating convention, the Gallup poll found less than four percent of Democrats favored Carter for president.

o    The membership is made up of present and past Presidents, Ambassadors, Secretaries of State, Wall Street investors, international bankers, foundation executives, think tank executives, lobbyist lawyers, NATO and pentagon military leaders, wealthy industrialists, media owners and executives, university presidents and key professors, select Senators and Congressmen, and wealthy entrepreneurs.

·         George Bush (Senior) has been a longtime member of the Trilateral Commission and has interlocking leadership with the senior Bilderberg group.

·         William Jefferson Clinton, as of 2007, had been a Trilateralist for 21 years and had been promoted to the Bilderberg in 1991. Thus, the world shadow government owned both presidential candidates in a typical win-win race.

o    When Clinton promised to sign the Rio Treaty, it was the first indication that there may have been a Bilderberg “tilt” toward Clinton to punish Bush for stalling on the Rio Treaty and resisting more new taxes after his broken pledge of 1990 turned into political suicide.

·         High on the Bilderberg agenda is the establishment of a new, huge United Nations bureaucracy on the environment, so the industrialists can reap immense profits from new technology to “clean up” the world’s air and water. We see “the environment” becoming an ever more visible hot topic in governmental actions.

o    We can see the results of this today. When Clinton signed the Rio Treaty, it called for billions of American tax dollars to be circulated around the world in the name of “clean environment.” We see this continuing today

o    In other areas, it is a typical Bilderberger project, for example, to use public funds – the lion’s share coming from American taxpayers – to “pay” for the right to extract oil and precious metals from the former Soviet Union, for example, and reap immense profits.

o    We see our congress refuse to allow drilling for petroleum off our coasts to provide energy independence for America, insuring high oil prices and profits for international member bankers and corporations.

·         We saw this same ploy going on in the Balkans. Where, “when a million and a half people are slaughtered in Africa, it is news; when 2,000 are killed in Kosovo, it is genocide.”- R. Naustdal. And the Elite have an excuse to start a war in order to create a great need to fund troops, munitions, war materièl, supplies for refugees, etc. And to do this, loans must be made which will generate interest income for the financiers, and materièl must be manufactured, which will be destroyed, which will create inflation, which will put more money into the pockets of the power Elite. Look for a repeat of this scenario in Iraq.

·         George W. Bush, as of December 31, 2006 – A Yale grad and member of the Skull & Bones Society (as are many members of the government elite.) We can find no reference to his being a CFR member – but it should be noted that the vice president and 9 out of 10 of his appointees are CFR members and he will undoubtedly be influenced by them.

·         The Club of Rome – Members are academics, economists, sociologists, business leaders, students, officials of youth movements and officials of non-governmental organizations (NGO’s). NGO is a key phase used by both the Club of Rome and the UN. NGO is becoming a term in common usage with the media today. Look for it.

o    Established in Rome, Italy, 1968;

o    Club goals are the establishment of a one world government though the development and management of environmental crises; it is anti-nationalistic; anti-technology; population-growth limiting; pro one-world view in nature;

o    The club motto is “Think globally, act locally.” (Seen the bumper sticker lately?)

·         The term “global governance” is now replacing the term “new world order” in public communication since the latter is becoming a liability, being a lightning rod for opponents of global government. This is akin to substituting the term “affirmative action” for the word “war” as was done by then House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt in reference to our military incursion in the Balkans.

·         The newest move being perpetrated on the American public is referred to as the SPP – (the North American) Security and Prosperity Partnership. This innocent sounding little gem, being quietly pushed by Bush Jr. and the Canadian and Mexican governments, aims at merging the three governments into one, along with a new currency - the Amero. The first moves in this direction are already underway with Mexican truckers being allowed to haul cargo, unchecked, through the US into Canada. A new superhighway tollway, developed, owned and run by foreign corporations, is now in the planning stage. The new North Carolina Driver’s License includes a hologram of North America on its reverse just like that used as a logo on the SPP web site (www.ssp.gov). Check it out. The license is North American Union ready. These latest gambits illustrate the old question, “How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.” This, all under Bush who openly talks about the New World Order, is how our sovereignty is being eaten away, little by little, over time.


1.      The Federal Reserve Cartel – http://www.execpc.com/~jfish/fwiw/fwiw0075.txt

1.      The Creature From Jekyll Island – http://www.marianland.com/jekyll.html

2.      Establishing the Establishment – http://www.biblebelievers.org.au/nonedare.htm

3.      The Bilderbergers – http://www.livelinks.com/sumeria/politics/bilders.html

4.      Secret Bilderberger meeting in Canada – http://iahushua.com/WOI/bilderberg.html

5.      The Trilateral Commission – http://www.applicom.com/pnews/tril.htm

6.      Trilateral Commission (TC) – http://www.4rie.com/rie%205.html<!--[if !supportNestedAnchors]--><!--[endif]-->

7.      Organisation of the Club of Rome – http://www.clubofrome.org/organisation/02.htm

8.      A Chronological History of the NWO – http://www.khouse.org/nwo_cuddy.html

9.      Creators of the Banking Beast - http://www.kamron.com/jeckel_island_gang.htm

10.  Bill Clintons Mentor – http://www.aero-vision.com/~rayj/ma01006.htm

11.  The CFR & the NOW – http://www.dcia.com/now.html

12.  Selected Elites - http://biblebelievers.org.au/weeke.htm

13.  Rooster of Prominent CFR/Trilat - http://www.techmgmt.com/restore/cfrrost.htm

14.  The Creature from Jekyll Island - http://a-albionic.com/a-albionic/gopher/conspiracy/books/jeckle.html

15.  CFR & The Federal Reserve - http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/2807/emfed.html

16.  The Truth About Bosnia - http://www.trufax.org./reports4/bosnia.html

17.  Rabin’s Last Days - http://www.prophezine.com/search/database/is63.8.html

18.  Poor Nations and the Debt Trap - http://www.nytimes.com/99/04/30/editorial30fri2.html

19.  Review of “Unlimited Access” - http://www2.1starnet.com/k5oq/aldrich.html

20.  Geo. W. Bush and the CFR - http://www.thenewamerican.com/tna/2000/07-17-2000/vo16no15_bush.htm

Writer’s comment:
One of the best reviews and historical outlines on the New World Order is contained in Reference # 9 above. Authored by D. L. Cuddy, Ph D., this analysis is clearly written and relatively non-biased. Cuddy has been a teaching and research professor at the University of North Carolina and has worked as a research consultant for the United States Department of Education. He has been called Clinton’s mentor. His views have been supported by both Democrats and Republicans.
If you have time to read nothing else, I urge you to read # 9 above.
If this one article does not peak your interest, scare you to death, or just push you toward further investigation, I don’t know what will. The above references are only a few of the thousands available on these subjects to be found on the Internet and in your public library.
Be aware that those of you who may come to hold the view that even a portion of the above may be true, you may, and probably will, be labeled as a “conspiracy nut” and be dismissed as a crackpot. It just may be that that is just what those who are involved in this business want. If a conspiracy has been perpetrated upon the American people, indeed upon the world, then what better way to keep it secret than to make it unbelievable – make those who call it by its real name into crackpots. If there is any truth to the above, then there is little difference between the two parties, Democrats and Republicans: their leader’s goals are the same. Indeed, there is little real choice left to Americans as to electoral outcome. The candidates may not be pre-determined but the results of the candidates’ actions, for the most part, are pre-determined.

Most importantly, if even a portion of this conspiracy is true, then the American dream has been gutted. The people are left to believe that they determine their country’s future through their votes and those they put into office. The fact may well be that their votes may have an impact on local issues but where important national and international issues are concerned those decisions have already been made by the Insider Elite.


Posted by RICHARD NAUSTDAL at 5:09 PM  

Labels: The New World Order



The main conspirators and their affiliations, the conspirators named herein that have stole the Iviewit inventions and now seized control of the government to deny due process to crimes they committed under the guise of law and once in committed hosts of crimes, made hosts of law changes, made false and fraudulent intelligence information to take us to war, act as if they are above the law, cause they changed it to be so illegally while sworn oath to subversive terrorist agenda's against the People and generally are ruining America and raping the American People like never before in the history of America. 

These main conspirators seem large at first but when viewed as they really are, maybe 50 third generation spoiled children and the company's their grandpappy's built backing them,  (mind you by living the old American dream) while they spit on the rank and file workers and change laws to repeal their rights and benefits.  Yes, rich kids with law degree's, beholden to formerly secret societies as detailed herein, that have agenda's wholly against the Constitution and People, who feel they are above those things, when in fact most of them have not earned and honest or hard nickel. Nothing better to do than join secret societies with sworn oaths to Nazi like agenda's in diametric opposition to the Constitution and the American People whom they have sworn false oath too.  To rape and pillage as kings and deciders of you, not expecting you, the People to raise your right to destroy corruption in the Constitution and restore order to Democracy. 

Yes they had infiltrated the government slowly and methodically to the point that two candidates raced for the Presidency with sworn oath to Skull and Bones, so no matter which party won they had a man in the House.  Imagine the odds of a secret society with 15 members annually that resides in the anals of Yale and two of the members running against each other for President have secret agenda's in treasonous ways against the People, this is not conspiracy theory, this is conspiracy and conspiring against the People and violating these offices is


Once in they took the eye of the people off the crimes they were committing in changing laws, changing war ethics, etc. and sedate the People will false and controlled propaganda, terrorists from thin air requiring invasions of oil countries with not one terrorist, except Saddam who hated terrorists.  Hey this is straight from the Skull and Bones and Federalist agenda's, not my interpretation.  Since election fraud, also treason, is now talked about as fact, once they were in at the top they got all the crooked lawyers from the state bars and  quickly make many appointments, almost all radical and cronies to their demented agenda's to the Courts, the Judiciary, the Commerce Department, the Executive Branch, Justice and to not only deny due process to Iviewit but to repeal due process as a concept entirely.  Come on the right to Habeus Court removed, who do they really think they are our Decider's.  I have confidence and history is replete, as the People awake they are going to be tried and every last one of them lawyers, politicians and business men involved on this coup on Democracy, by those who should be thankful to those who really built their empires, for it will be those of them who rip it from them and redistribute to the People.

Ever since the first presidential election fraud, well you know the story now.  Our entire system in question, checks and balances gone, the guys at the top seem to have amnesia, are dodging bullets to their crimes, committees are mounting against them, honest people want honest answers, key Whitehouse people are fleeing as it were Sodom, pleading the fifth, dodging congressional subpoena's, lying under oath, challenging the press as to their involvement, they are requesting meetings with no transcripts, tapes and normal checks and balances sounds Hitlerish, if I were congressman/congresswoman I would be a little skeptical at showing up at the room with guys who show up at hospital bedsides with agenda's other than here's a Teddy Bear and best on the recovery, one  of mafia style intimidation to force sick people to pass illegal laws against the People.  What would have happened if Comey did not show up, we look carefully at that in the treason trials.  Once in jail they will not look that powerful, not matter the family name or high ranking in the administration, in fact that will work against them.

They think they can suppress it but that is the final delusional stage of all these subversive plots that have historically threatened the world with their we own the world and you are slaves so we can have lots of hummers or bigger castles while you suffer in labor schemes.   Historically, most of those schemes were similar to these where power centered to much through inheritance, the People got more and more screwed until they awoke...

So now what? 

·                     Understand and Know Your Enemy (see above) 

·                     Fear Not the Enemy, Fear Comes From Not Knowing the Enemy

Confront the Enemy

·                     Try to Win Without Fighting, Some Enemies Choose War Instead

·                     If Peaceful Methods Fail Consult Sun Tzu

part iv - Steps To Take Back America from Criminal Organizations and Subversive Cults Running/Ruining It and return the iviewit inventions to their true and proper inventors by returning America to the people, for the people

1. Force disclosure of all politicians, PUBLIC SERVANTS who have sworn oath to Protect and Serve the People, to fully disclose any other organizations (Multinational Chairman’s Group, Unacknowledged Special Access Programs, Bohemian Grove, Bilderberg, Council on Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission, Le Cercle, 1001 Club, Pilgrim Society, Sun Valley Meetings, JASON Group, Yale’s Skull and Bones, Council of World Churches, World Trade Organization, Summit of the America’s, World Economic Forum, International Criminal Court, World Bank) and more to come. they have sworn oath too that may or may not have conflicting ideology with the oath of their office and to the People.  This way check and balance on this is restored.  Anyone found belonging to a subversive organization would be held liable for various degree's of treason against the United States and subject to death for gross abuse, all assets swept, worst jail cell.

2. Question all current government employee's to see if they currently belong too or have ever been involved in any organization that has a secret or undisclosed agenda.  For those who are found to be involved in any active organizations not disclosed and have sworn oath or allegiance to any ideology or belief that stands in opposition to their oath to the People and Constitution, they shall be tried at dawn.  Treason for those found acting in anyway to advance such agenda's through misuse of public office at all senior levels of government.

3. Take back elections to the People as Constitutionally intended.  Question how good of Supreme Court you have for picking the worst President, question if how it was handled was proper, if not, after seeing how many belong or were put in power by a Skull president, a few seats should open, get some good and honest judges with a history take their honors among the greats.  I mean Bush a sworn Bonesman from a family of them, was going to add his White House counsel with no history added to that list and the Supreme Court did not outrage, they should have resigned at the nomination but it shows where that has gone.

Same for Justice Dept that has corrupted to Department of Injustice

To the CIA which is wholly Bones influenced

To the FBI which may have gone to the dark side

Anyone found manipulating election results to be tried for treason against the United States or whatever body the election was manipulated for, for Presidency for sure treason.

4. Any politician, lawyers, public servants found guilty of felonious activity, to lose all rights to pardon, where clear cause for the bettering of society can not be shown, with equal loss of personal assets and total loss of rights to ever hold any public office.  Scarlet Letter to be attached to Albatross. 

5. Reach back into history and find any officials who belonged to any of the groups who hold treasonous intent to overthrow the government and remove their influences.

6. Entirely ban politicians from campaign contributions and have fixed equal fixed budget, paid for by the People, for each to campaign fairly.  If politicians want to be wealthy, let them earn it.

7. Take back the Justice system and have them follow same protocol of disclosure to any subversive organizations as 1-

8.  Get rid of BongoGonzales who must have some pretty decent reefer to have lost his short and long term memory permanently.

9. Bring treason charges to anyone in this Administration found to have committed any violations of any laws and bring war crime charges where needed.  For Iviewit, well as soon as fair and impartial due process can be established, well, those few will lose all their assets under RICO and should be in Federal prisons for a long time on those crimes alone which were all against the United States, foreign nations and the People of same.

10. Require all lawyers and politicians to uphold strict conflict of interest and ethics laws, and again, for the guilty found violating our altering them, violations punished to the max.  Institute a Court and Bar system whereby those involved in the process cannot be biased or part of the process in handling complaints against themselves and where lawyers are again subject to the same rule of law as the People and do not try to stand or act above it.

11. If laws were changed to remove freedoms through debauchery and trickery, to relegate an agenda in opposition to the intent of the Constitution, rewrite the laws and use the new laws to punish those who attempted to change them with malice...triple the jury sentence.

12. Institute a 70% estate tax law, as it was when it was providing 11% of tax revenue for the country and keeping wealth circulating back to the People and stopping spoiled rotten "trust fund baby's" from accumulating to much wealth by sitting on their asses and joining secret cults, etc. in attempts to increase family wealth by treasonous acts against hard working Americans.  Do you know why Bush and Cheney were hiding the Skull agenda because it is treasonous, and now that you can see it and see that it actually is happening you should be alarmed to action.  The fact they both admit it to the Press and refuse to disclose info is absolute cause to remove them and their cronnies.

13. Exception to Rule 12, entrepreneurs who make it, can opt to pay off up to 50% of their estate tax by transferring assets such as company's to their employees who built the company's with them through vehicles such as ESOP's.  Insurance to protect against estate taxes only up to 10% of the estate value.

14. Stop all Antitrust, monopolistic activities, it just breeds spoiled children and there is a reason they are termed spoiled.  Institute strict antitrust and enforce it, activity to prevent monopolization of corporations (ie, Microsoft, Walmart, AT&T for like the third time, the Press (ie, Murdoch, etc.) which harms the People and is inapposite of Constitutional intent.

15. Get our soldiers home from a war profiteering, war crime war, for a few families and corporations benefit to the disadvantage and deadriment of the soldiers, the innocent non-combatant victims (600k est. Iraqi's to get 52 bad guys) and rape the American pocket book steeped in BS wars again that are profiting them a conflict again worthy of treason charges.  A war voted on and agreed to by Congress based on fraud and deceit to the American People by their leaders on both tickets.  Kill those involved for treason or we will never close this horrible chapter in history of the greatest treason against the government and the People, ever planned by a bunch of sicko's with law degrees and trust funds and family wealth and too much time on their hands. 

16. Endorse the Senate Cult Bill


17. Boycott their companies!  This is the death blow, stop Walmart by shopping elsewhere.  Boycott oil companies that back or belong to these groups.  Boycott every single product made by a Skull, Trilateral or CFR member.  Anything to do with a Rockefeller or Rothschild boycott today.  Boycott John Kerry by buying Catsup other than Heinz.  To find out who and what they are, below is the membership roster of some of the leading cults infecting America.  If you stop supporting them financially they are powerless.


Michael Tsarion - Some excerpts, Reloaded

Otherwise, what they have done to Iviewit, will happen to you next, it already is happening.  You are just starting to see it, not having the whole truth and you will not have the whole historical truth, including Iviewit's part, both in regard to invention and the whole enchilada, until you reach the end of the homepage here.  Do not let them change history and the events of history or you have lost, your country has lost, the People will have lost, until our children must die to regain their rights. 

Up to this point you could not see the devil as he is devilish in his ways and deeds and preys on your complacency and good will to succeed.  Slowly and methodically, he works next to you acting as friend, swearing false oaths, etc. The devil fears the light, exposure, inquiries and most of all what happens when the good People awake to see the crimes committed against them and take pitchfork to their heads, taking back their ill gotten and converted in crime assets (enron, libby, worldcom, Haliburton, Carlyle, etc.) to be to be redistributed to the People.  The People they were supposed to be working for, the hard working American's and the soldiers and other civil servants, who do "hard work" and rewrite law and order over their dead greedy treasonous bodies. 

Do not let them force false propaganda on you by considering the source.

Do not let them change law to cover crimes or use political friendships to get out of due process, they are not above the law.

How can you tell it is them, they work for the Pleasure of the President, who works for the Pleasure of himself.  They want no accountability as our benevolent (yeah right) deciders and that whole concept is false, these are just public servants working for the People, not the other way around.  Just remove them and try them, fear not the country's conscience and how we will handle it, the People will be fine after the hangings, divvying up the money back to the People after hanging fee's, ropes free on Iviewit.  The world will applaud Democracy at work and future generations of trust fund pukes will have an example to what happens to treasonous men who join secret societies by masturbating together in coffins from lack of a day job. 

The Iviewit war is all about saving free commerce and democracy for the People of this great nation.  It is about paving a path for the children of the world built on the right stuff and using tools to rebuild our planet, restore our resources and come together as one People, one planet.  This is what these spoiled pukes hate.

"Tear Down the Wall"

Children ~ Rise Rebel Revolt

Oh yeah and it is also worth it to Iviewit and its shareholders, to the following tune of a gazillion dollars as this draft


For purposes of valuing the various patent interests the following assumptions were made:

1. Offline broadcast revenues from the major transmission networks (Terrestrial, Cable, Satellite, and IPTV) are the subject of a future Iviewit license agreement that, rather than a royalty per stream, constitute a revenue share of 15% to Iviewit. Thereafter, this revenue stream to Iviewit is capitalized at a revenue multiplier of 7x's revenues to arrive a preliminary value of Iviewit for this business segment; 2. Online video revenues from the major video players (Macromedia Flash, Windows Media Player, Real Player, and QuickTime/Video iPod are the subject of a future Iviewit license agreement that, rather than a royalty per stream, constitute a revenue share of 15% to Iviewit. Thereafter, this revenue stream to Iviewit is capitalized at a revenue multiplier of 25x's revenues to arrive a preliminary value of Iviewit for this business segment; 3. Future Iviewit license agreements with the major digital camera manufacturers will derive a $1.00 royalty per unit on the installed base of digital cameras assuming the entire installed base has the functionality of digital zoom; 4. The revenues from 1, 2, and 3 above are totaled and attributed to the various patent interests according to the various patents interest percentages.

Valuation Estimates Include Streaming of Scaled Video via the Major Delivery Systems ONLY and EXCLUDES: Encoding and Decoding of Scaled Video on Software (except for Adobe products) and Hardware Devices; and Image Overlay on Software and Hardware (except for digital cameras).

cap table or excel cap2


illustrates.  Ah, finally, the motive for the original crime that gave them untold power and money through evil, the "holy grail" that they will burn for stealing.  Watch Indiana Jones for what happens to Grail robbers.  Those in the capitalization in red have lost their interests and stock due to all of the above crimes and until such time that their guilt or innocence is determined by a fair and impartial court with fair and impartial due process, in a nation where democracy again rules and is a shining example to our friends worldwide.  They will all applaud our awakening and the ensuing hangings and the return of the inventions to the true and proper inventors.

Iviewit salutes all American's of every creed color and kind that fights in anyway to change these historical mistakes caused by a few spoiled kids and works to protect and enable a free democracy in our country.  To our soldiers special thanks to you is already in the book, The Fight for the Grail in the Special Thanks section, we fight alongside you for country.

Do It Yourself Impeachment - Video

Do It Yourself Impeachment Document - Read This




ANTONY C. SUTTON  - Trine D a y Updated Reprint 2002

ANTONY SUTTON was a research Fellow at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, from 1968 to 1973. He is a former economics professor at California State University Los Angeles. He was born in London in 1925 and educated at the universities of London, Gottingen and California with a D.Sc. degree from University of Southampton, England.

Other Books by Author Technological Treason The Diamond Connection Gold Versus Paper Wall Street and The Rise of Hitler The War On Gold Energy, The Created Crisis Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution Wars and Revolutions Parts 1 and 2 Wall Street and Franklin D. Roosevelt Trilaterals Over Washington - Volume 1-Volume 2 Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1917--1930 Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1930-1945 Western -Technology and Soviet Economic Development 1945-1965 National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union in 19'3 Introduction to The Order How The Order Controls Education How The Order Creates War and Revolution The Secret Cult of The Order The Best Enemy Money Can Buy ©1983, 1986, 2002 Antony C. Sutton Sutton, Antony C. America's secret establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones Includes bibliographical references and index ISBN 0-9720207-4-8 Paper ISBN 0-9720207-0-5 Hardcover 1.Order of Skull & Bones-Political Activity. 2. Secret Societies-United States 36620 109876543

We offer no objections to their existing clan No one disputes with them this right, we question but the plan On which they act, - that only he who wears upon his breast

Their emblem, he for every post shall be considered best.

Anonymous Yale student, 1873.


Page AUTHORS PREFACE ............................... vii MEMORANDUM NUMBER ONE: Is there a conspiracy explanation for 1 recent history? ........ MEMORANDUM NUMBER TWO: THE ORDER. What it is and how it 5 began ................ MEMORANDUM NUMBER THREE: How much is known about THE 11 ORDER? ............... MEMORANDUM NUMBER FOUR: Who is in this secret 17 society? .......................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER FIVE: What organizations has it 25 penetrated? ................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER SIX: Operations of THE 30 ORDER .......................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER SEVEN: How THE ORDER relates to the CFR and 36 Trilaterals ........ MEMORANDUM NUMBER EIGHT: The Chain of Influence: how it 41 works ................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER NINE: The Bundy 47 Operation .............................. MEMORANDUM NUMBER TEN: Keeping the lid on the 53 pot............................


Education (continued) MEMORANDUM NUMBER EIGHT: Summary ....................................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER NINE: Conclusions and recommendations ....................


Page MEMORANDUM NUMBER ONE: Created Conflict and the Dialectic Process ............... MEMORANDUM NUMBER TWO: Operational Vehicles for Conflict Creation ............... MEMORANDUM NUMBER THREE: Thesis: The Order Creates the Soviet Union .............. MEMORANDUM NUMBER FOUR: Antithesis: Financing the Nazis ........................ MEMORANDUM NUMBER FIVE: Angola and China - the New Dialectic ................. 175 164 138 124 117



Page MEMORANDUM NUMBER ONE: Introduction to the Cult of The Order ................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER TWO: Organization of The Order ........................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER THREE: Ritual of The Order ................................ MEMORANDUM NUMBER FOUR: Satanic aspects of The Order ......................... 207 212 MEMORANDUM NUMBER FIVE: Is The Order also Illuminati? .......................... REPRINTS OF RARE MATERIAL ON THE ORDER ITEM NUMBER ONE: Anonymous SKULL & BONES ....................... ITEM NUMBER TWO: Anonymous THE FALL OF SKULL & BONES ........... 185



Page MEMORANDUM NUMBER ONE: it all began at Yale ................................. MEMORANDUM NUMBER TWO: The look-say reading scam ........................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER THREE: The Illuminati Connection ........................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER FOUR: The Leipzig Connection ............................. MEMORANDUM NUMBER FIVE: The Baltimore Scheme .............................. 62 71 77 81 88

191 200

216 227

 MEMORANDUM NUMBER SIX: The Troika spreads its 92 wings .......................... MEMORANDUM NUMBER SEVEN: The Order's objective for 101 education ....................

 ITEM NUMBER THREE: THE ICONOCLAST ............................... ITEM NUMBER FOUR: FOUR YEARS AT YALE "Senior Societies................ 248 238

 uthors Preface: America's Secret Establishment

After 16 books and 25 years in basic research I thought I'd heard it all ... the world was a confused mess, probably beyond understanding and certainly beyond salvation - and there was little 'l could do about it. Back in 1968 my Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University. In three substantial volumes I detailed how the West had built the Soviet Union. However, the work generated a seemingly insoluble puzzle - why have we done this? Why did we build the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts? Why have we boosted Soviet military power? And simultaneously boosted our own? In subsequent books, the Wall Street series, I added more questions - but no answers. I had more or less arrived at the conclusion that there was no rational answer that could be proven. Then a year or so ago I received an eight-inch batch of documents - nothing less than the membership lists of an American secret society. Glancing through the sheets it was more than obvious - this was no ordinary group. The names spelled Power, with a capital P. As I probed each individual a pattern emerged ... and a formerly fuzzy world became crystal clear. The book you will read here is a combined version of a series reporting on this research. Each volume builds on the previous volume in a logical step-by-step process. These volumes will explain why the West built the Soviets and Hitler; why we go to war, to lose; why Wall Street loves Marxists and Nazis; why the kids can't read; why the Churches have become propaganda founts; why historical facts are suppressed, why politicians lie and a hundred other whys. This series is infinitely more important than the original Western Technology series on technological transfers. If I have a magnum opus, this is it. ANTONY C. SUTTON Phoenix, Arizona July 30, 1983





New Initiates Into The Order for 1985

1985 BOASBERG, James Emanuel, 3136 Newark Street, NW, Washington, D.C.20008 CARLIN, William John Carr, Jr., 21 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. CHANDRASEKHAR, Ashok Jai, 120 East 34th Street, New York, New York 10016. FRANKEL, Scott David, 3290 Kersdale Road, Pepper Pike Ohio 44124. GROSSMAN, Jay Alan, 48 Niles Road, Randolph, Massachusetts 02368. KWOK, Wei-Tai, 5 109 Philip Road, Annandale, Virginia 22003. LINDY, Peter Barnes, 105 South Perkins, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. MISNER, Timothy Charles, 1009 Crest Park Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20903. MNU CHIN, Steven Terner, 721 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10022. PATELA, James Gerard, 47 Knollwood Drive, Branford, Connecticut 06405. POWERS, Richard Hart, 21 Haigh Avenue, Niantic Connecticut 06357. SMOCK, Morgan Robert, 4017 Louisiana Avenue North, New Hope, Minnesota 55427. TAFT, Horace Dutton, 403 St. Ronan Street, New Haven, Connecticut 06511. THOMPSON, Gregory Allan, 118 Whitman Drive, Brooklyn, New York 11234. WALSH, Kevin Sanchez, 1030 Clay Avenue, Pelham Manor, New York 10803.

Introduction for 2002 Edition

AMERICAS SECRET ESTABLISHMENT has had an unusual publishing history.

The book began with an anonymous donation to the author of an 8-inch package of documents in the early 1980s. Nothing less than the membership list and supporting documents for a truly secret society the Yale Skull and Bones. The late Johnny Johnson, of Phoenix Arizona was the spark that moved me to write first a four-part series and later, a jumbo volume based on this material. This volume went to several editions with several publishers, even a Russian edition of 12,000 copies. Probably in the past few years, as many copies have been sold in Russia as in the United States. America's Secret Establishment has had little publicity, few reviews ignored by mainline distributors yet, has sold steadily for the past 16 years at a rate of several hundred copies a month. This activity, in turn, has generated other articles and books by other authors. But my real intent, to generate an exploration of Hegelian influence in modern America, has not been fulfilled. In great part, this can be attributed to an educational system based on a statist-Hegelian philosophy, and which has already achieved the "dumbing down" of America. This disastrous, destructive philosophy, the source of both Naziism and Marxism, has infected and corrupted our constitutional republic. Much of the blame for this corruption is with an elitist group of Yalie "Bonesmen." Their symbol of Skull and Bones, and their Hegelian philosophy, says it all, although with typical duplicity, they would have you believe otherwise. Hegelianism glorifies the State, the vehicle for the dissemination of statist and materialist ideas and policies in education, science, politics and economics. Wonder why we have a "dumbed-down" society? Look no further than the Bonesman troika who imported the Prussian education system into the U.S. in the 19`h Century. A political philosophy in direct opposition to the classical liberalism nurtured in 19`h Century British and American history. In classical liberalism, the State is always subordinate to the individual. In Hegelian Statism, as we see in Naziism and Marxism, the State is supreme, and the individual exists only to serve the State. Our two-parry Republican-Democrat (= one Hegelian party, no one else welcome or allowed) system is a reflection of this Hegelianism. A small group - a very small group - by using Hegel, can manipulate, and to some extent, control society for its own purposes. More than that, reflect on their pirate flag. An emblem found on poison bottles, the symbol of the Nazi Death Head Division in World War Two. Not only did Skull and Bones become a major force in drug smuggling (the Bush and Prescott families in the 1860s), but in true Hegelian fashion, generated the antithesis, the so-called "war on drugs." This hypocritical policy maintains the price of drugs, controls supply, and puts millions in jail while the gainers, in great part, are none other than the same "Bonesmen" who pass the laws to prohibit (Bonesman Taft, 1904).

Right and Left - A Control Device

For Hegelians, the State is almighty, and seen as "the march of God on earth." Indeed, a State religion. Progress in the Hegelian State is through contrived conflict: the clash of opposites makes for progress. If you can control the opposites, you dominate the nature of the outcome. We trace the extraordinary Skull and Bones influence in a major Hegelian conflict: Naziism vs. Communism. Skull and Bones members were in the dominant decision-making positions - Bush, Harriman, Stimson, Lovett, and so on - all Bonesmen, and instrumental in guiding the conflict through use of "right" and "left." They financed and encouraged the growths of both philosophies and controlled the outcome to a significant extent. This was aided by the "reductionist" division in science, the opposite of historical "wholeness." By dividing science and learning into narrower and narrower segments, it became easier to control the whole through the parts. In education, the Dewey system was initiated and promoted by Skull and Bones members. Dewey was an ardent statist, and a believer in the Hegelian idea that the child exists to be trained to serve the State. This requires suppression of individualist tendencies and a careful spoon-feeding of approved knowledge. This "dumbing down" of American education is not easily apparent unless you have studied in both foreign and domestic U.S. universities - then the contrast becomes crystal clear. This dumbing down is now receiving attention. Two excellent books are The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, by Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt (Conscience Press, Revenna Ohio, 2001), and The Dumbing Down of America, by John Taylor Gotta. Both books trace this process to the impact of education, and both give remarkable detail of the process. We go further, in that we trace the import of the system to three Yalies members of Skull & Bones. For Iserbyt, in The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America, the American education system begins with Rockefeller and Gates. But in fact, this statist system is a reflection of the Hegelian ideas brought to the United States by the Skull and Bones "troika" of Gilman, White and Dwight, and then financed by Rockefeller.

 People Control

Today in California, one can see in real time the use of controlled conflict to achieve a desired outcome. The debate over the energy crisis is carefully contained to a debate over price caps and price control. Republicans want no caps and no controls. Most Democrats want price controls through caps. But look at what is NOT discussed anywhere. The entire spectrum of almost free energy, based on a decade of research is carefully kept out of the discussion. Isn't this highly relevant to an energy crisis? In fact, the existence of free energy systems just down the road is the reason for the controlled debate. Mills Blacklight Power now has its patents and some utilities have already bought in. Bearden's MEG energy from space, is under discussion. Working models exist. The maligned cold fusion has hundreds of successful experiments, but so far as we know, cannot be repeated with sufficient assurance. Other systems have come into the view of government agencies, and then disappear from sight. A knowing public would ask, Why are these not included in the discussion?" - Simple. Because the utilities know they are for real, and only a few years down the road. The problem for utilities is not the price of energy today, but how to dump their fixed assets (hydro plants, transmission lines, etc.) onto the public. These "valuable" assets will have zero value down the road, because all new systems are stand-alone units which don't need fixed plant and transmission lines. If the public is aware of the dilemma of the utilities, the ability to dump assets onto the State is heavily reduced. The Republican-Democrat debate over "caps" is a diversion. The relevant question carefully avoided is, how long will it take to get these new systems into production? Another example is Monsanto Corporation development of genetic engineering and predator seed, a barely-concealed effort for world domination of agriculture. President George Bush, Jr. , a Bonesman, appoints a Monsanto vice president, Dr. Virginia Weldon, as Director of Food and Drug Administration, which has the power to block labeling of genetically-engineered foods, and pass on other corporate control efforts. Just before this, in New Technology, we had the 1989 dramatic announcement of "cold fusion." When this announcement was made public, President George Bush (also a Bonesman) called establishment scientist the late physicist Seagrum into his office and gave instructions. We don't know what was said, but we know what happened. Cold fusion, a valid process for free energy, as was subsequently revealed, was slandered and harassed by the establishment, no doubt fearful of what free energy would do to the oil industry.

 What is to be Done?

If the voting public was even vaguely aware of this rampant and concealed scenario, it could, and possibly would force change. However, this is not a likely possibility. Most people are "go-along" types, with limited personal objectives and a high threshold for official misdeeds. What has taken over a century to establish cannot be changed in a few years. The initial question is education. To eliminate the Hegelian system that stifles individual initiative and trains children to become mindless zombies, serving the State. We need a lot less propaganda for "education" and a more individual creative search for learning. Instead of more money for education, we need to allocate a lot less. The existing system of education is little more than a conditioning mechanism. It has little to do with education in the true sense, and a lot to do with control of the individual. It is more likely that time, rather than the voting booth, will erode the secret power of this Yale group, Nothing this outrageous can survive forever.

 Antony Sutton

 Memorandum Number One: Is There A Conspiracy Explanation For Recent History?

The reader anxious to get into the story of The Order should go directly to Memorandum Number Two. This section concerns methods, evidence and proof. Essential, but perhaps boring for most readers. During the past one hundred years any theory of history or historical evidence that falls outside a pattern established by the American Historical Association and the major foundations with their grantmaking power has been attacked or rejected - not on the basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the acceptability of the argument to the so-called Eastern Liberal Establishment and its official historical line. The Official Establishment History There is an Establishment history, an official history, which dominates history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library shelves. The official line always assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals, assassinations, are more or less random unconnected events. By definition events can NEVER be the result of a conspiracy, they can never result from premeditated planned group action. An excellent example is the Kennedy assassination when, within 9 hours of the Dallas tragedy, TV networks announced the shooting was NOT a conspiracy, regardless of the fact that a negative proposition can never be proven, and that the investigation had barely begun. Woe betide any book or author that falls outside the official guidelines. Foundation support is not there. Publishers get cold feet. Distribution is hit and miss, or non-existent. Just to ensure the official line dominates, in 1946 the Rockefeller Foundation allotted $139,000 for an official history of World War Two. This to avoid a repeat of debunking history books which embarrassed the Establishment after World War One. The reader will be interested to know that The Order we are about to investigate had great foresight, back in the 1880s, to create both the American Historical Association and the American Economic Association (most economists were then more historians than analysts) under their terms, with their people and their objectives. Andrew Dickson White was a member of The Order and the first President of the American Historical Association. Failure of Official History Times have changed. The weaknesses, inconsistencies and plain untruths in official history have surfaced. In the 1980s it is rare to find a thinking reader who accepts official history. Most believe it has been more or less packaged for mass consumption by naive or greedy historians. Although an historian who will stick out his neck and buck the trend is rare, some who do are victims of an even deeper game. Conspiracy then is an accepted explanation for many events at the intelligent grass roots level, that level furthest removed from the influence of The Order. We can cite at random the Kennedy assassination where the official "lone gunman" theory was never accepted by Americans in the street; Watergate, where a "deep throat" informer and erased tapes reek of conspiracy, and Pearl Harbor, where Rear Admiral Husband E. Kimmel and Major General Walter C. Short took the rap for General George C. Marshall and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. The revisionist historian has a double burden as well as a double task. The double burden is that research likely to question the official historical line will not get financed. The double task is that research must be more than usually careful and precise. A non-official work is not going to be judged on its merits. The work will be judged on the basis of its acceptability to a predetermined historical standard. What this standard is we shall explore later. Hypotheses and Method Which brings us to methodology. In this volume we will present three hypotheses. What is a hypothesis? A hypothesis is a theory, a working theory, a start point, which has to be supported by evidence. We arrived at these three hypotheses by examining certain documents which will also be described. The official history hatchet mongers will scream that our hypotheses are now being presented as proven assertions - and whatever we write here will not stop the screams. But again, these are only hypotheses at this point, they have to be supported with evidence. They are a first step in a logical research process. Now in scientific methodology a hypothesis can be proven. It cannot be disproven. It is up to the reader to decide whether the evidence presented later supports, or does not support, the hypotheses. Obviously no one author, critic, or reader can decide either way until all the evidence has been presented. We also intend to use two other principles of scientific research ignored by official establishment historians. Firstly, in science the simplest explanation to a problem is always the most acceptable solution. By contrast, in establishment history, a simple answer is usually criticized as "simplistic." What the critic implies is "The poor writer hasn't used all the facts," In other words, it's a cheap "putdown" without the necessity of providing an alternate answer or additional facts. Secondly, again in science, an answer that fits the most cases, i.e., the most general answer, is also the most acceptable answer. For example, you have 12 events to explain and a theory that fits 11 of these events. That theory is more acceptable than a theory that fits only 4 or 5 of the events.

The Devil Theory of History Using this methodology we are going to argue and present detailed precise evidence (including names, dates and places) that the only reasonable explanation for recent history in the United States is that there exists a conspiracy to use political power for ends which are inconsistent with the Constitution. This is known by the official historians as the "devil theory of history," which again is a quick, cheap device for brushing facts under the rug. However, these critics ignore, for example, the Sherman Act, i.e., the anti-trust laws where conspiracy is the basic accepted theory. If there can be a conspiracy in the market place, then why not in the political arena? Are politicians any purer than businessmen? Following the antitrust laws we know that conspiracy can only be proven in a specific manner. A similar pattern of market actions is not proof of conspiracy. Just because something looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and all the ducks act similarly, does not make it a duck - or a conspiracy. Under the Sherman Act a similar pattern of prices, where all prices are the same, is not proof of conspiracy. Similarity of prices can occur in a purely competitive market. Neither is similar political action necessarily a conspiracy. Proof of conspiracy requires specific types of evidence, i.e.,: (a) there must be secret meetings of the participants and efforts made to conceal joint actions, (b) those meetings must jointly agree to take a course of action, (c) and this action must be illegal. The Council on Foreign Relations Widely accepted explanations of recent history based on a conspiracy theory do not present evidence that fits the above criteria. For example, the Council on Foreign Relations cannot be claimed as a conspiracy even for the period since its founding in 1921. Membership in the CFR is not a secret. Membership lists are freely available for the cost of a postage stamp. There is no proof that the entire membership conspires to commit illegal acts. What has to be proven in any conspiracy explanation of history is that the participants have secret groupings, and meet to plan illegal actions. Members of the CFR, when accused of being involved in a conspiracy, have protested to the contrary. And by and large they are right. Most CFR members are not involved in a conspiracy and have no knowledge of any conspiracy. And some personally known to the author are about the last people on earth to get involved in an illegal conspiracy. HOWEVER, there is a group WITHIN the Council of Foreign Relations which belongs to a secret society, sworn to secrecy, and which more or less controls the CFR. CFR meetings are used for their own purposes, i.e., to push out ideas, to weigh up people who might be useful, to use meetings as a forum for discussion. These members are in The Order. Their membership in The Order can be proven. Their meetings can be proven. Their objectives are plainly unconstitutional. And this ORDER has existed for 150 years in the United States.

Memorandum Number Two: The Order - What It Is And How It Began

THOSE on the inside know it as The Order. Others have known it for more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German secret society. More formally for legal purposes, The Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust in 1856. It was also once known as the "Brotherhood of Death." Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it, call it "Skull & Bones," or just plain "Bones." The American chapter of this German order was founded in 1833 at Yale University by General William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft who, in 1876, became Secretary of War in the Grant Administration. Alphonso Taft was the father of William Howard Taft, the only to be both President and Chief Justice of the United States.

What Is The Order?

The Order is not just another campus Greek letter fraternal society with passwords and handgrips, common to most campuses. Chapter 322 is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence. It only exists on the Yale campus (that we know about). It has rules. It has ceremonial rites. It is not at all happy with prying, probing citizens - known among initiates as "outsiders" or "vandals." Its members always deny membership (or are supposed to deny membership) and in checking hundreds of autobiographical listings for members we found only half a dozen who cited an affiliation with Skull & Bones. The rest were nt. An interesting point is whether the many members in various Administrations or who hold government positions have declared their members in the biographical data supplied for FBI "background checks. Above all, The Order is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the reader will persist and examine the evidence to be presented - which is overwhelming - there is no doubt his view of the world will suddenly come sharply into focus, with almost frightening clarity. t Before we go further we need to add a couple of important observations about The Order:  It is a Senior year society which exists only at Yale. Members are chosen in their Junior year and spend only one year on campus, the 5enior year, with Skull & Bones. In other words, the organization is oriented to the post graduate outside world. The Order meets annually - patriarchs only - on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River.  Senior societies are unique to Yale. There are two other senior societies at Yale, but none elsewhere. Scroll & Key and Wolf's Head are supposedly competitive societies founded in the mid-19th century. We believe these to be part of the same network. Rosenbaum commented in his Esquire article, very accurately, that anyone in the Eastern Liberal Establishment who is not a member of Skull & Bones is almost certainly a member of either Scroll & Key or Wolf's Head. What is the significance of the "322" in Chapter 322? William Russell imported the society from Germany and so it has been argued the 322 stands for '32 (from 1832), the second chapter, of this German organization. Possibly a chapter 320 and a chapter 321 may exist somewhere And 323 is the designation of a room within the Skull & Bones temple at Yale. Another interpretation is that The Order is descended from a Greek fraternal society dating back to Demosthenes in 322 B.C. This has perhaps some credibility because Bones records are dated by adding 322 to the current year, i.e., records originating in 1950 are dated Anno - Demostheni 2272.

How A Member Is Chosen By The Order?

The selection procedure for new members of The Order has not changed since 1832. Each year 15, and only 15, never more, never fewer', are selected. In the past 150 years about 2500 Yale graduates have been initiated into The Order. At any one time about 500-600 are alive and active. Roughly about one-quarter of these take an active role in furthering the objectives of The Order. The others either lose interest or change their minds. They are silent drop-outs.

A Yale Junior cannot ask to join. There is no electioneering. Juniors are invited to join and are given two options: accept or reject. Apparently some amount of personal information is gathered on potential members. The following is the kind of evaluation made in the last century; we doubt it has changed too much down to the present time:  "Frank Moore is an ideal Bones man, he is a hard worker and a man whose efforts have been more for Yale than himself. He is manager of the Musical clubs and has been active in Dwight Hall. His election will be well deserved and popular."  "Don Thompson is a sure man whom the class wishes well for and will be glad to see go. He comes from a Bones family." In selection emphasis is placed on athletic ability - the ability to play on a team. The most unlikely potential member of The Order is a loner, an iconoclast, an individualist, the man who goes his own way in the world.

1 Readers who want more on the cermonial and initiation aspects should read the September. 1977 Esquire article by Ron Rosenbaum. ' The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones` Unfortunately, the article completely misses the historical significance of Skull & Bones, although it is an excellent source of lurid details and the mumbo-jumbo rites

The most likely potential member is from a Bones family, who is energetic, resourceful, political and probably an amoral team player. A man who understands that to get along you have to go along. A man who will sacrifice himself for the good of the team. A moment's reflection illustrates why this is so. In real life the thrust of The Order is to :)ring about certain objectives. Honors and financial rewards are guaranteed by the power of The Order. But the price of these honors and rewards is sacrifice to the common goal, the goal of The Order. Some, perhaps many, have not been willing to pay this price.

Inside The Order

Entry into The Order is accompanied by an elaborate ritual and no doubt by psychological conditioning. For example: "Immediately on entering Bones the neophyte's name is changed. He is no longer known by his name as it appears in the college catalogue but like a monk or Knight of Malta or St. John, becomes Knight so and so. The old Knights are then known as Patriarch so and so. The outside world are known as Gentiles and vandals." The Catalogue (or membership list - it became "Addresses" sometime in this century) of Chapter 322, however, is made with the usual "outside" names and is unique and impressive. Each member has a copy bound in black leather with peculiar symbols on the outside and inside. The symbols presumably have some meaning. The owner's name and the single letter "D" is gilt-stamped' on the outer cover of earlier issues, at least up to the mid-19th century. It then appears to have been omitted, at least on copies we have seen: Each righthand page, printed one side only, about 6 x 4 inches, has the members listed for one year and surrounded by a heavy black border, :hick in the early years, not so thick in recent decades. This symbolizes the death of the person named as he adopts his new name and new life upon entering The Order. Most interesting is an entry between the decade lists of members. On the 1833 list, before the 15 founders' names, are the words "Period 2 Decade 3." Similarly, before names on the 1843 list are the words "Period 2 Decade 4." In brief, "Period" stays the same throughout the years, but the "Decade" number increases by one in each ten years. No doubt this means something to The Order, else it wouldn't be there. Another mystical group of letters and numbers is at the top of the first list of names in 1833, "P.231-D.31." The numbers increase by one in each succeeding class. In 1834, for example, the entry reads "P.232-D 32." Furthermore, the first class list of 1833 has two blank lines in place of the eleventh name on the list. This supports the argument that the society has German origins and this is the listing of the anonymous German connection.

The Members of 1833

We estimate that at any one time only about one-quarter of the membership is active. Even the active quarter is not always effective or successful. It's instructive to compare 1833 with 1983 and how, over the century and a half span, a group of 20-30 families has emerged to dominate The Order. The very first name on the very first membership list, Samuel Henshaw Bates, was a private in the Union Army, went west to farm in Santa Rosa, California, at that time very much in the boondocks, and died in 1879. A life not different to millions of other Americans. In fact, out of the first 15 members (actually 14 plus the anonymous member), achievements were not much greater than we would expect from the cream of a Yale "class". Rufus Hart spent several years in the Ohio Senate, Asahel Hooker Lewis was in the Ohio Legislature for a couple of years, Samuel Marshall was an Illinois State Legislator for a while, and Frederick Mather was in the New York Legislature. Other members, apart from the two founders of The Order, did nothing much with their lives or for The Order. By contrast, the two founding members, William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft, went far. William Russell was a member of the Connecticut State Legislature in 1846-47, a General in the Connecticut National Guard from 1862-70, and founded the Collegiate and Commercial Institute in New Haven, Connecticut. Alphonso Taft went further: he was Secretary of War in 1876 - the first of several members of The Order to hold this post down into the 1950s. Taft became U.S. Attorney General in 1876-7, then U.S. Minister to Austria in 1882-4, and finally U.S: Ambassador to Russia in 1884-5. During the 150-year interval since 1833, active membership has evolved into a core group of perhaps 2030 families; it seems that active members have enough influence to push their sons and relatives into The Order, and there is significant inter-marriage among the families. These families fall into two major groups. First we find old line American families who arrived on the East coast in the 1600s, e.g., Whitney, Lord, Phelps, Wadsworth, Allen, Bundy, Adams and so on. Second, we find families who acquired wealth in the last 100 years, sent their sons to Yale and in time became almost old line families, e.g., Harriman, Rockefeller, Payne, Davison. Some families, like the Whitneys, were Connecticut Yankees and acquired wealth in the nineteenth century. In the last 150 years a few families in The Order have gained enormous influence in society and the world.

One example is the Lord family. Two branches of this family date from the 1630s: Those descended from Nathan Lord and those from Thomas Lord. Other Lords arrived in the U.S. over the years but do not enter our discussion. Of these two main branches, only the Thomas Lord group appears to have contributed members to The Order. Their ancestry traces to Thomas Lord, who left Essex, England in 1635 in a company led by Rev. Thomas Hooker, and settled in what is now Hartford, Connecticut. In fact, part of Hartford is still known as Lord's Hill. The line of descent for this Lord family is full of DeForest and Lockwood names because intermarriage is more than common among these elite families. The first Lord to be initiated into The Order was George DeForest Lord (1854), a New York lawyer. Together with his father, Daniel Lord (another Yale graduate), George DeForest Lord established the New York law firm of Lord, Day and Lord. Among its present day clients are The New York Times and the Rubin Foundation. The Rubin Foundation is one of the financial angels for the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. In the next hundred years five more Lords were initiated into The Order: Franklin Atkins Lord ('98) ('22) William Galey Lord Oswald Bates Lord ('26) Charles Edwin Lord, II ('49) Winston Lord ('59) When we ask the question, what have these members achieved? And what are they doing today? a dramatic picture emerges . . . as demonstrated in the chart . . .

Memorandum Number Three: How Much Is Known About The Order?

The openly published literature on The Order amounts to merely two articles over a span of one hundred years: The Iconoclast (Volume One, Number One only) published October 13, 1873 and an already cited article in Esquire by Ron Rosenbaum, published in 1977. This book and its successors are based on unpublished archival material originating with The Order.

The Iconoclast October 1873)

Back in October 1873 an enterprising Yale student, stung to action because The Order had taken over Yale finances and left the University near poverty, took it upon himself to publish an expose. Unfortunately, some of the anonymous student's acutest observations were buried in not-so-good verse. We will reprint some of the verse below as in the original Iconoclast because it's impossible to summarize. The Yale college newspapers, Courant and Record, had a blackout policy on The Order. As Iconoclast puts it, "We speak through a new publication, because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones'." The College Press was controlled by The Order. From time to time Yale newspapers were run by Editors in The Order. For example, one noteworthy editor of the Yale Record also in The Order was Thomas Cochran ('94), who went on to make a career as an influential partner in the influential banking firm of J.P. Morgan. Three paragraphs in this anonymous publication summarize the Iconoclast accusation. First, there is a Yale secret society open only to a select few: "For more than forty years a secret society called Skull and Bones has existed in Yale College. It receives a certain number of men from each class. These are chosen nominally by the members of the class . . ., although it is understood that a prominent man's influence avails for his friends and relatives through several years after his graduation. By observing the men elected from year to year, we find that they are chosen with a distinct end in view, namely, that of obtaining for the society the most honors. Some of these honors are given to literary, some to wealthy men. This, then, is the case. Men receive marks of distinction from Yale College or from their entire class, because of which they are taken into this secret society. Since Yale honors men, this fraternity professes to honor them also." Secondly, the Iconoclast states that The Order has obtained control of Yale, and its members care more for their society than for Yale:

"Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become, in many instances, leaders in society. They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and be subject to their will. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Men in Wall Street complain that the college comes straight to them for help, instead of asking each graduate for his share. The reason is found in a remark made by one of Yale's and America's first men: Few will give but Bones men, and they care far more for their society than they do for the college.' " Finally, the Iconoclast calls The Order a "deadly evil" growing year by year: "Year by year the deadly evil is growing. The society was never as obnoxious to the college as it is today, and it is just this ill-feeling that shuts the pockets of non-members. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps the College Press and endeavors to rule it all. It does not deign to show its credentials, but clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt. To tell the good which Yale College has done would be well nigh impossible. To tell the good she might do would be yet more difficult. The question, then, is reduced to this - on the one hand lies a source of incalculable good, - on the other a society guilty of serious and farreaching crimes. It is Yale College against Skull and Bones!! We ask all men, as a question of right, which should be allowed to live?" The power of The Order is put to use on behalf of its members even before they leave Yale. Here's a case from the late 19th century which predates the cases we will present later and suggests how long immoral use of power has prevailed within The Order:

"The Favoritism Shown To Bones Men"

"Are not we coming to a sad state when open injustice can be done by the Faculty, and when the fact that a man is a member of Skull and Bones can prejudice them in his favor? Briefly, the case which calls forth this question is this: Two members of the Senior class, the one being a neutral, the other a Bones man, returned at the beginning of the college year laden with several conditions, some of which, upon examination, they failed to pass. Up to this point the cases were parallel, and the leniency, if there was to be leniency, should have been shown to the neutral, who has done all that lay in his power to further the interests of the college, rather than to the Bones man, who has, during his three years at Yale, accomplished nothing that we wot of. But, strange to say, the former has been suspended until the end of the term and obliged to leave town, not being permitted to pass another examination until he returns. The Bones man, on the contrary, is allowed to remain in New Haven, attends recitation daily, is called upon to recite, and will have a second examination in less than six weeks. Why is this distinction made? `O, Mr. So-and-so's is a special case,' said a professor (a Bones man), - the specialty, we presume, being the fact that Mr. So-and-so wears a death's head and cross bones upon his bosom. We understand that Mr. So-and-so claims to have been ill during vacation and offers the illness as an excuse for not passing the examination; but the neutral gentleman was also ill, as the Faculty were expressly informed in a letter from his father." "The circumstance has caused a very lively indignation throughout the Senior class. It is certainly time for a radical reform when the gentlemen who superintend our destinies, and who should be just if nothing else, can allow themselves to be influenced by so petty a thing as society connections."

Esquire (September 1977)

Only one article is known to have been published within the last 100 years on The Order. Unfortunately, it is a superficial, almost mocking, review and provides some enlightenment but little contribution to historical knowledge. The article is the "Last Secrets of Skull and Bones" by Ron Rosenbaum (Esquire, September 1977). Rosenbaum is a Yale graduate attracted by the fictional possibilities of a secret society out to control the world; he is apparently not aware of the political implications. The contribution is a blend of known authentic documents and outright hearsay. On the other hand, Rosenbaum does make some notable observations. Among these are: ". . . the people who have shaped America's national character since it ceased being an undergraduate power had their undergraduate character shaped in that crypt over there" (i.e., the "temple" on the Yale campus). Another comment: when a new member is initiated into The Order, "tonight he will die to the world and be born again into The Order as he will thenceforth refer to it. The Order is a world unto itself in which he will have a new name and fourteen new blood brothers, also with new names." And when Rosenbaum starts to inquire about The Order, he is told: "They don't like people tampering and prying. The power of Bones is incredible. They've got their hands on every lever of power in the country. You'll see - it's like trying to look into the Mafia. Remember they're a secret society too." The Esquire piece is well worth reading, it gives a side of The Order that doesn't concern us too much.

The "Addreses" Books

As The Order is a secret society it does not publish minutes or journals. As Rosenbaum suggests, "they don't like people tampering and prying.,, This author does, however, possess copies of the "Addresses" books, which used to be called "Catalogues." These are the membership lists all the way back to 1832, the founding date in the United States. How did this material make its way into outside hands? It is possible that one or more members, although bound by oath, would not be dismayed if the story became public knowledge. That's all we will say. Other material exists, Skull & Bones is always a lively topic for Yale conversation. Some time back a few practical minded students made their own investigation; they did a break-in job, a "Yalegate." A small hoard of Bones momentos, a layout diagram and considerable embarrassment resulted.

The core of the research for this book is the "Addresses" books. With these we can reconstruct a picture of motives, objectives and operations. The actions of individual members are already recorded in open history and archives. By determining when members enter a scene, what they did, what they argued, who they appointed and when they faded out, we can assemble patterns and deduce objectives.

Memorandum Number Four: Who Is In This Secret Society?

The membership list of about 2500 initiates into The Order has very obvious features:  Most members are from the Eastern seaboard United States. As late as 1950 only three members resided in Los Angeles, California, but 28 members resided in New Haven, Connecticut.  Members are all males and almost all WASPS (White Anglo Saxon Protestant). In great part they descended from English Puritan families, their ancestors arrived in North America in the 1630-1660 period.  These Puritan families either intermarried with financial power or invited in sons of money moguls, e.g., Rockefellers, Davisons, and Harrimans, whose sons became members of The Order. From this preliminary information we can derive Hypothesis One: THERE EXISTS [N THE UNITED STATES TODAY, AND HAS EXISTED SINCE 1833, A SECRET SOCIETY COMPRISING MEMBERS OF OLD LINE AMERICAN FAMILIES AND REPRESENTATIVES OF FINANCIAL POWER. The chart on page 19 presents a simplified layout of this hypothesis. Full information remains for a later book - for now we'll give details of just two key families, the Whitneys and the Harrimans.

The Whitney Family

A key family is the Whitneys, descended from English Puritans who came to the U.S. about 1635 and settled in Watertown, Mass. Eight Whitneys have been members of The Order. Of these, three had brief lives; Emerson Cogswell Whitney died a few months after initiation and Edward Payson Whitney "disappeared in 1858" according to his biographer. However, three Whitneys, William Collins Whitney and his two sons, are the core of Whitney influence in The Order which survives today through the Harriman family and intermarriage with Paynes and Vanderbilts.

Whitneys In The Order: Initiation 1851 1854 1856 1863 1878 1882 1894 1898 Field Name Education: "Died December Emerson Cogswell Whitney 1, 1851." Edward Payson Whitney Medicine: "Disappeared in 1858" Library work: Boston James Lyman Whitney Library Secretary of Navy (1885-9) William Collins Whitney Promoter and Financier Edward Baldwin Whitney Law: Justice, New York Supreme Court Joseph Ernest Whitney Education: "Died Feb. 25, 1893" Payne Whitney Finance: Knickerbocker (son of W.C. Whitney) Trust Co. Harry Payne Whitney Finance: Guaranty Trust (son of W.C. Whitney) and Guggenheim Explora tion Co.

William Collins Whitney (1841-1904) is a fine example of how members of The Order rise to fame and fortune. W.C. Whitney was initiated in 1863 and by 1872 had only advanced his career to Inspector of Schools for New York. However, in the last three decades of the century, he rolled up a massive fortune, became a power behind the throne in the Cleveland Administration, and directed the often unscrupulous activities of a cluster of capitalists known as "the Whitney Group". A brief quotation suggests the power that Whitney amassed in a brief 30 years. This is a list of Whitney estates at the turn of the century: ". . . a city residence in New York, a Venetian palace and 5,000 acres in Wheatley Hills, near Jamaica, L.I.; a Sheepshead Bay house, with a private track covering 300 acres; a mansion at Berkshire Hills, Mass., with 700 acres of land; October Mountain house, with a large tract of land; Stony Ford Farm, New York, used as an auxiliary to his Kentucky Stock Farm; an Adirondack game preserve of 16,000 acres; a lodge at Blue Mountain Lake with a fine golf course, a Blue Grass farm of 3,000 acres in Kentucky; and an estate at Aiken, S.C., comprising a mansion, race course, and 2,000 acres of hunting land."

William C. Whitney married Flora Payne, daughter of Standard Oil Treasurer Oliver Payne. The Paynes are not in The Order, but adding the Payne piece of the Standard Oil fortune made Whitney's fortune that much larger. Their two sons, Harry Payne ('94) and Payne Whitney ('98), went to Yale and became members of The Order. After Yale Harry Payne promptly married Gertrude Vanderbilt in 1896 and so the Whitney-Payne fortune now joined some Vanderbilt money. This financial power was channeled into Guaranty Trust, the J.P. Morgan and Guggenheim outfits. And it gets more complicated. For example, the son of Harry Payne Whitney, Cornelius Vanderbilt Whitney, married Marie Norton. After their divorce, Marie Norton Whitney married W. Averell Harriman (his first wife) who is today at 91 a key member. It is these tightly woven family and financial interlocks that make up the core of The Order. So let's take a look at the Harriman family.

The Harriman Family

In the first few days of June 1983 a prominent American, a private citizen, flew to Moscow for a confidential chat with Yuri Andropov. A State Department interpreter went along. This American was not the President, nor the Vice-President, nor the Secretary of State, nor any member of the Reagan Administration. It was a private individual - W. Averell Harriman. The first time any American had talked with Yuri Andropov since the death of his predecessor, Brezhnev. So who is W. Averell Harriman?

The elder Harriman, a prominent and not too scrupulous railroad magnate, sent both his sons to Yale. William Averell Harriman ('13) and Edward Roland Noel Harriman ('17) joined The Order. A good example of how old line families in The Order absorbed new wealth families, although as history has unfolded it may be that Harriman and his fellow investment bankers have dominated the direction of The Order in the past few decades.

Brown Brothers Harriman, advertisement from Wall Street Journal listing partners.

In the 1930s W.A. Harriman & Company merged with Brown Brothers. This was an older financial house whose partners were also members of The Order. Alexander Brown was founded 1800 in New York and Philadelphia. By the 1970s the relatively unknown private international banking firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman, with assets of about one-half billion dollars, had taken in so many of "the Brotherhood" that out of 26 individual partners, no fewer than 9 were members of The Order. We don't know of any greater concentration of members. And to make it more interesting, Prescott Bush, father of President George H. W. Bush (both in The Order), was a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman for over 40 years. Finally, because Brown Brothers, Harriman is a private banking firm it has relatively no government supervision and does not publish an annual report. In other words, we know NOTHING about its operations - at least we know nothing from Brown Brothers, Harriman sources. Here's a line-up of Brown Brothers, Harriman partners who were also members of The Order in the mid 1970s: Name of Partner Walter H. Brown Prescott Sheldon Bush Granger Kent Costikyan Edward Roland Noel Harriman W. Averell Harriman Stephen Young Hord Robert Abercrombie Lovett John Beckwith Madden Knight Woolley Date Initiated 1945 1917 1929 1917 1913 1921 1918 1941 1917

It's worth thinking about this concentration of names and the power it represents in the light of outside comments on The Order over the years. After the title page of this volume we reprint the verse of an anonymous Yale student of the 1870s. He commented on the requirement to put The Order ahead of all else. The Editor of The Iconoclast (also in the 1870s) wrote: And on their breasts they wear a sign That tells their race and name It is the ghastly badge of death And from his kingdom came The son of Satan, son of sin The enemy of man. Another writer in the 1870s called The Order the "Brotherhood of Death": Outside already, in the doubtful dawn, Thither, from this side and from that, slow sweep, And settle down in silence solidly, Crow-wise, the frightful Brotherhood of Death. Black-hatted and black-hooded huddle they, With black cravats a-dangling from each neck; So take they their grim station at the door, Torches lit, skull-and-cross-bones-banner spread.

Ron Rosenbaum in his 1977 Esquire article a century later, was no less caustic. Rosenbaum called it a Mafia. From evidence to be presented later this author would term The Order "an international Mafia" . . . unregulated and all but unknown. To the outside world, however, it's merely Brown Brothers, Harriman, 59 Wall Street, New York. But obviously Yuri Andropov over in Moscow knows who holds the cards.

The British Connection

Some well read readers may raise a question - how does The Order the its families relate to Cecil Rhodes secret society, Milners Round Table, the Illuminati and the Jewish secret society equivalents? How do these fit into the picture? We are concerned here only with the core of a purely American phenomenon with German origin. It is undoubtedly linked to overseas groups. The links between The Order and Britain go through Lazard Freres and the private merchant bankers. Notably the British establishment was also founded at a University Oxford University, and especially All Souls College at Oxford. The British element is called "The Group." The Group links to the Jewish equivalent through the Rothschilds in Britain (Lord Rothschild was an original member of Rhodes "inner circle"). The Order in the U.S. links to the Guggenheim, Schiff and Warburg families. There were no Jews at all in The Order until very recently. In fact, The Order has, as Rosenbaum suggests, some definite anti-semetic tendencies. Token Jews (and token blacks) have been admitted in recent years. There is an Illuminati connection. Some details are in the Esquire article, more details will be in our future volumes. All these groups have cooperative and competitive features. But to argue that all the world's ills can be ascribed to any one of these groups is false. The core of The Order, like the core of "The Group" in England, comprises about 20 families. In the U.S. case they are mostly descendents from the original settlers in Massachusetts. New wealth did not enter The Order until the mid-19th century and until recently, has never dominated The Order. On the other hand, key families, the Whitneys and the Harrimans, are linked to their own banking interests. In many ways these old line Yankee families have outsmarted the bankers. The Puritans diverted bankers' wealth to their own objectives without always absorbing the banker families. The Order controls the substantial wealth of Andrew Carnegie, but no Carnegie has ever been a member of The Order. The Order used the Ford wealth so flagrantly against the wishes of the Ford family that two Fords resigned from the board of the Ford Foundation. No Ford has been a member of The Order. The name Morgan has never appeared on the membership lists, although some Morgan partners are with the inner core, for example, Davison and Perkins. Interestingly, the Astor name is prominent in "The Group" in England, but not in The Order in the U.S.

The Order has either set up or penetrated just about every significant research, policy, and opinionmaking organization in the United States, in addition to the Church, business, law. government and politics. Not all at the same time, but persistently and consistently enough to dominate the direction of American society. The evolution of American society is not, and has not been for a century, a voluntary development reflecting individual opinion, ideas and decisions at the grass roots. On the contrary, the broad direction has been created artificially and stimulated by The Order. Not all organizations know they have been penetrated or used for another purpose. It's a situation very much as Quigley (see page 30) found in "The Group": "there is . . . an inner core of intimate associates who unquestionably knew that they were members of a group devoted to a common purpose and an outer circle of a larger number on whom the inner circle acted by personal persuasion, patronage distribution and social pressure. It is probable that most members of the outer circle were not conscious that they were being used by a secret society." Therefore our Hypothesis Number Two is:


Memorandum Number Five: What Organizations Has It Penetrated?

The Order Is The Original Impulse

One observation is that The Order gets the ball rolling in new organizations, i.e., puts in the FIRST President or Chairman and the ideas and then, when operations are rolling along, often just fades out of the picture. Among universities we can cite Cornell University, where Andrew Dickson White ('53) was its FIRST President, and Johns Hopkins University, based on the German educational system, where Daniel Coit Gilman ('52) was the FIRST President (1875-1901). Among academic associations the American Historical Association, the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society, and the American Psychological Association were all started by members of The Order or persons close to The Order. These are key associations for the conditioning of society. This phenomenon of The Order as the FIRST on the scene is found especially among foundations, although it appears that The Order keeps a continuing presence among Foundation Trustees. It does more than just be FIRST where money is concerned. It stays around to keep an eye on expenditures. The FIRST President of the Carnegie Institution (1902-5) was Daniel Coit Gilman, but other members of The Order nave been on Carnegie boards since the turn of the century. Gilman .vas on the scene for the founding of the Peabody, Slater, and Russell 5age Foundations. McGeorge Bundy was President of the Ford Foundation from 1966-1979. The FIRST Chairman of an influential but almost unknown organization established in 1910 was also a member of The Order. In 1920 Theodore Marburg founded the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of International Disputes, but Marburg was only President. The FIRST Chairman was member William Howard Taft ('78). The Society .vas the forerunner of the League to Enforce the Peace, which developed into the League of Nations concept and ultimately into the United Nations. In United Nations we find, for example, that Archibald McLeash ('15) was the brains behind the constitution of the UNESCO organization. We find the same FIRST on the scene phenomenon in "think tanks." :n 1960, James Jeremiah Wadsworth ('27) set up the Peace Research Institute. In 1963 this was merged to become the Institute for Policy Studies, along with Marcus Rashkin, who had been National Security Council Aide (1961-3) to McGeorge Bundy ('40), a very active member of The Order.

The Church

About 2 percent of The Order is in the Church (all Protestant denominations), although this percentage has declined in recent years.

A key penetration is the Union Theological Seminary, affiliated with Columbia University in New York. This Seminary, a past subject of investigation for Communist infiltration, has close links to The Order. Henry Sloane Coffin ('97) was Professor of Practical Theology at Union from 1904 to 1926 and President of Union Theological Seminary, also known as the "Red Seminary," from 1926 to 1945. Union has such a wide interpretation of religious activity that has, or used to have, an Atheists Club for its students. Henry Sloane Coffin, Jr. ('49) was one of the Boston Five indicted on federal conspiracy charges. And this is only part of The Order's penetration into the Church.

The Law

The major establishment law firms in New York are saturated with The Order. In particular, Lord, Day and Lord, dominated by the Lord family already discussed; also Simpson, Thacher and Bartlett, especially the Thacher family; David, Polk, Wardwell and Debevoise, Plimpton, the Rockefeller family law firm.


There has been a significant penetration into communications. Some examples: · Henry Luce of Time-Life is in The Order. · so is William Buckley ('50) of National Review · and Alfred Cowles ('13), President of Cowles Communications, Des Moines Register, Minneapolis Star · and Emmert Bates ('32) of Litton Educational Systems, plus ' Richard Ely Danielson ('07) of Atlantic Monthly · Russell Wheeler Davenport ('23), Fortune ' John Chipman Farrar ('18), of Farrar, Straus, the publishers. The most prestigious award in journalism is a Nieman Fellowship at Harvard University. Over 300 were granted from 1937-68. The FIRST Director of the Nieman Fund was member Archibald McLeash.


The oil companies have their links to The Order. Members Percy Rockefeller, the Paynes, the Pratts, all link to Standard Oil. Shell Oil, Creole Petroleum, and Socony Vacuum also link. A wide variety of manufacturing firms have members in The Order from the Donnelley family in Chicago (printers of the Official Airline Guide and other references); lumber companies like Weyerhaeuser, who is also a Trilateralist; Dresser Industries, and so on.

The Federal Reserve System

A dozen members can be linked to the Federal Reserve, but one appointment is noteworthy, Pierre Jay ('92), whose only claim to fame in 1913 was to run a private school and be an obscure Vice President of Manhattan Bank yet he became FIRST Chairman of the New York Federal Reserve, the really significant Reserve Bank.

The White House, Politics and Government

This is the area where The Order has made headway: with names like Taft, Bush, Stimson, Chafee, Lovett, Whitney, Bundy and so on. It will take a separate volume to cover this story and in Memorandum Nine we describe just one example, THE BUNDY OPERATION.

Memorandum Number Six: Operations Of The Order

In 1981 The Anglo American Establishment, by Carroll Quigley, was published in New York by a small antiEstablishment publisher. Quigley was formerly instructor at Princeton and Harvard and then Professor at the School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University. The publisher notes in his introduction that Quigley had been unable to find a major publisher for the manuscript. This is not surprising. The book blows the lid off the British equivalent of The Order. The Anglo American Establishment has nothing at all to do with the American establishment, which is hardly mentioned, but it has a lot to do with the British establishment. The publisher probably inserted the word "AMERICAN" into the title to enhance marketability in the States. Quigley describes in minute detail the historical operations of the British establishment controlled by a secret society and operating very much as The Order operates in the U.S. This is the real significance of Quigley's explosive book.

The Group

The British secret society, known as "The Group" or just plain "US", was founded at Oxford University, much as The Order was founded at Yale, but without the Masonic mumbo jumbo. As we noted in Memorandum Five. the Group operates in a series of concentric circles and like The Order consists of old line families allied with private merchant bankers, known in the U.S. as investment bankers. Bearing in mind. the proven existence of The Group. the operations of The Order and the kind of penetration it has achieved cannot be explained by mere chance. By examining The Order's operations we can generate a picture of its objectives without access to any internal constitution or statement of objectives even if such exists. It may only be word of mouth. By contrast. The Group's objective is recorded in Cecil Rhodes' will. It was: The extension of British rule throughout the world, the perfecting of a system of emigration from the United Kingdom and of colonization by British subjects of all lands wherein the means of livelihood are attainable by energy. labor and enterprise ... and the ultimate recovery of the United States of America as an integral part of the British Empire. This objective is, of course. ridiculous and somewhat immature, but no less ridiculous and immature than the New World order objective of The Order. Yet The Group has controlled British policy for a hundred years and still does.

Both The Group and The Order have been created by Anglophiles who want to pattern the world on a Hegelian-Anglo hybrid culture. Where the Latins, the Slavs and the Sino races fit is not considered, but clearly these cultures will be disinclined to become pawns of either the British Empire or New England Yankees. Even within the Commonwealth, a voluntary association of nations, it is unlikely that Canada, Australia and New Zealand would accept the constitutional bondage envisaged by Cecil Rhodes. Both secret organizations overlook, and there is a philosophic basis for this neglect, the natural right of any ethnic group, be it white, black or yellow, English, Slavic or Latin, to develop its own culture without coercion. Unlike this author, Quigley sympathizes with the ends of The Group, although he terms their methods despicable. Both The Group and The Order are unwilling or unable to bring about a global society by voluntary means, so they opted for coercion. To do this they have created wars and revolutions, they have ransacked public treasuries, they have oppressed, they have pillaged, they have lied - even to their own countrymen. How have they done this?

Modus Operandi Of The Order

The activities of The Order are directed towards changing our society, -hanging the world, to bring about a New World Order. This will be a planned order with heavily restricted individual freedom, without Constitutional protection, without national boundaries or cultural distinction. We deduce this objective by examining and then summing up the actions of individual members: there has been a consistent pattern of activity over one hundred years. Part of this activity has been in cooperation with The Group, with its parallel and recorded objectives. Now if, for example, we found that the dominant interest of members .vas raising ducks, that they wrote articles about ducks, bred ducks, sold ducks, formed duck-studying councils, developed a philosophy of ducks, then it would be reasonable to conclude that they had an objective concerning ducks, that this is not mere random activity. Historically, operations of The Order have concentrated on society, now to change society in a specific manner towards a specific goal: a New World Order. We know the elements in society that will have to be changed in order to bring about this New World order, we can then examine The Order's actions in this context. More or less these elements would have to be: Education - how the population of the future will behave, Money - the means of holding wealth and exchanging goods, Law - the authority to enforce the will of the state, a world law and a world court is needed for a world state, Politics - the direction of the State, Economy - the creation of wealth, History - what people believe happened in the past, Psychology - the means of controlling how people think, Philanthropy - so that people think well of the controllers, Medicine - the power over health, life and death, Religion - people's spiritual beliefs, the spur to action for many, Media - what people know and learn about current events, Continuity - the power to appoint who follows in your footsteps. Operations in each of these areas will be detailed in subsequent volumes. For example, in the next volume, The Order Controls Education, we will describe how Daniel Coit Gilman, President of Johns Hopkins University, imported Wundt psychological methods from Germany, then welded education and psychology in the U.S., established laboratories, brought these educational laboratories into major Universities and generated 100s of PhDs to teach the new educational conditioning system. One of the first of these Johns Hopkins doctorates was John Dewey. The result we well know. The educational morass of the '80s where most kids - not all - can't spell, read or write, yet can be programmed into mass behaviour channels. The Order's next move was to control the Foundations. They got all the big ones - Carnegie, Ford, Peabody, Slater, Russell Sage and so on. That's the topic of another volume. As in education, the modus operandi of The Order was to get in FIRST and set the stage for the future. The initial objective was to establish a direction in an organization. Selection of managers, intuitive or amoral enough to catch on to the direction, kept the momentum going. In the case of Foundations, The Order has usually maintained a continuing presence over decades. When it comes to activities by individual members, at first sight the pattern is confusing and superficially inconsistent. Let's give some examples: · Andrew Carnegie profited from war through his vast steel holdings, but under the guidance of member Daniel Coit Gilman, Carnegie was also an enthusiastic president and financial backer of the American Peace Society. This is seemingly inconsistent. Could Carnegie be for war and peace at the same time?

· The League to Enforce the Peace, founded by members William H. Taft and Theodore Marburg, was promoting peace, yet active in urging U.S. participation in World War One. How could the League be for war and peace at the same time?

 In the 1920s, W. Averell Harriman was a prime supporter of the Soviets with finance and diplomatic assistance, at a time when such aid was against State Department regulations. Harriman participated in RUSKOMBANK, the first Soviet commercial bank. Vice-President Max May of Guaranty Trust, dominated by the Harriman-Morgan interests, became the FIRST Vice President of RUSKOMBANK in charge of its foreign operations. In brief, an American banker under guidance of a member of The Order had a key post in a Soviet bank! But we also find that Averell Harriman, his brother Roland Harriman, and members E.S. James and Knight Woolley, through the Union Bank (in which they held a major interest) were prime financial backers of Hitler. Now our textbooks tell us that Nazis and Soviets were bitter enemies and :heir systems are opposites. How could a rational man support Soviets and Nazis at the same time? Is Harriman irrational or is the inconsistency explainable? · The Bundy family (we have a Memorandum on them later) gives us another example of seeming inconsistency. William Bundy was with the Central Intelligence Agency for a decade. McGeorge Bundy was National Security Assistant to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. So the Bundys presumably support U.S.-European policy which is pro-NATO. Yet the Bundys have been linked to activities and organizations which are anti NATO and, indeed, pro-Marxist - for example, the Institute for Policy Studies. Are the Bundys inconsistent? · Among individual members of The Order we find a wide variety of publicly proclaimed beliefs, ideologies and politics. William Buckely periodically chews out the Soviets. On the other hand, member John Burtt has been a member of a dozen communist front groups. Member William S. Coffin, Jr. spent three years with CIA and then became a leader of anti-Vietnam war activity through the National Conference for a New Politics and Clergy and Laymen Concerned about Vietnam. In fact, Coffin was one of the Boston Five charged and indicted for conspiracy to violate Federal laws. And, of course, W. Averell Harriman is elder statesman of the Democratic Party. Quite a mixture of beliefs and activities. Do they reflect inconsistent philosophies? How can The Order have a consistent objective with this potpourri of individual actions?

The answer is, they are not at all inconsistent: because the objective of The Order is above and beyond these actions and in fact needs these seeming contradictions.

The State is Absolute

How can there exist a common objective when members are apparently acting in opposition to one another?

Probably the most difficult task in this work will be to get across to the reader what is really an elementary observation: that the objective of The Order is neither "left" nor "right." "Left" and "right" are artificial devices to bring about change, and the extremes of political left and political right are vital elements in a process of controlled change. The answer to this seeming political puzzle lies in Hegelian logic. Remember that both Marx and Hitler, the extremes of "left" and "right" presented as textbook enemies, evolved out of the same philosophical system: Hegelianism. That brings screams of intellectual anguish from Marxists and Nazis, but is well known to any student of political systems. The dialectical process did not originate with Marx as Marxists claim, but with Fichte and Hegel in late 18th and early 19th century Germany. In the dialectical process a clash of opposites brings about a synthesis. For example, a clash of political left and political right brings about another political system, a synthesis of the two, neither left nor right. This conflict of opposites is essential to bring about change. Today this process can be identified in the literature of the Trilateral Commission where "change" is promoted and "conflict management" is termed the means to bring about this change. In the Hegelian system conflict is essential. Furthermore, for Hegel and systems based on Hegel, the State is absolute. The State requires complete obedience from the individual citizen. An individual does not exist for himself in these so-called organic systems but only to perform a role in the operation of the State. He finds freedom only in obedience to the State. There was no freedom in Hitler's Germany, there is no freedom for the individual under Marxism, neither will there be in the New World Order. And if it sounds like George Orwell's 1984 - it is. In brief, the State is supreme and conflict is used to bring about the ideal society. Individuals find freedom in obedience to the rulers. So who or what is the State? Obviously it's a self-appointed elite. It is interesting that Fichte, who developed these ideas before Hegel, was a freemason, almost certainly Illuminati, and certainly was promoted by the Illuminati. For example, Johann Wolfgang Goethe (Abaris in the Illuminati code) pushed Fichte for an appointment at Jena University. Furthermore, the Illuminati principle that the end justifies the means. a principle that Quigley scores as immoral and used by both The Group and The Order, is rooted in Hegel. Even the anonymous Yale student who wrote the verse in Memorandum Three observed this principle at work on the Yale campus. This, then, is a vital part of our explanation of The Order. When its co-founder, William Russell, was in Germany in 1831-2, there was no way he could have avoided Hegelian theory and discussion. It was the talk of the campus. It swept intellectual Germany like a Pac Man craze. Most Americans haven't heard of it. And those who have don't want to hear any more about it. Why? Because its assumptions are completely at variance with our sense of individual freedom and Constitutional guarantees. Most of us believe the State exists to serve the individual, not vice versa. The Order believes the opposite to most of us. That is crucial to understanding what they are about. So any discussion between left and right, while essential to promote change, is never allowed to develop into a discussion along the lines of Jeffersonian democracy, i.e., the best government is least government. The discussion and the funding is always towards more state power, use of state power and away from individual rights. So it doesn't matter from the viewpoint of The Order whether it is termed left, right, Democratic, Republican, secular or religious - so long as the discussion is kept within the framework of the State and the power of the State. This is the common feature between the seemingly dissimilar positions taken by members - they have a higher common objective in which clash of ideas is essential. So long as rights of the individual are not introduced into the discussion the clash of ideas generates the conflict necessary for change. As the objective is also global control an emphasis is placed on global - _' - inking, i.e., internationalism. This is done through world organizations and world law. The great contribution of the Tafts to The Order w as on the world court system and world law - to the internationalist aspect of the New World Order.

Memorandum Number Seven:

How The Order Relates To The Council On Foreign Relations, Trilateral Commission And Similar Organizations

Organizations like the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) do not fit the requirements for a conspiracy. They are simply too large and their membership is not secret. The membership list for The Order has never surfaced until now. Anyone can obtain a list of members for the CFR and the Trilateral Commission. Also, too many people are included as members in these organizations who are just not given to membership in conspiratorial groups. Certainly there is off-the-record discussion and certainly the general direction of U.S. policy reflects majority thinking in these organizations - but they are not conspiracies. Moreover, the CFR and its sister organizations are not geared to action and implementation of policy. Compare, for example, the Brown Brothers, Harriman firm with nine members of The Order and the CFR. Obviously the first is more cohesive, yet more low profile, more able to conceal its actions, yet more action oriented. The larger open organizations are a forum for discussion, a place where ideas can be kicked around, "a rich man's club", as someone commented, where people can be assessed, where discrete comment and criticism can be made away from a nosy press and a possibly unsympathetic public. They may not be elected bodies, but neither are they conspiracies; they fall in the shadow of a conspiracy. They are neither democratic or dictatorial.

The Role Of The Order

The Order is represented in these organizations but does not always dominate. David Rockefeller, a former chairman of the CFR, is not a member of The Order (only Percy Rockefeller has represented the family), but the present CFR chairman, Winston Lord, is. We can represent the relationship between The Order and the larger groups as a series of concentric circles. The CFR, etc. form an outer circle, i.e., a penumbra. They exist in a shadow cast by an inner organization. It is this inner organization that needs to be surfaced. The Order is the inner circle and Chapter 322 is a part of this inner circle because it is unlikely Chapter 322 is the only chapter in the U.S. We suspect, but cannot yet prove, at least one other.

How Chapter 322 Of The Order Relates To Other Organizations

In brief, it looks like three segments: (1) The outer circle, made up of large, open organizations with some membership coming from The Order. (2) The inner circle, made up of one or more secret societies like Chapter 322. We can only prove one chapter at this time. (3) The inner core, a secret society within a secret society. This is the inner decision-making core. We cannot prove it exists, but logic suggests that some members of the inner circle will form an executive committee, an action group, an inner core. While we cannot prove the existence of an inner core, there are some obvious candidates for membership and we could hazard a guess as to the identity of the Chairman.

The Outer Circle

The Council on Foreign Relations is the largest organization in the outer circle. It has about 2500 members at any one time, as many as The Order in its entire history. The Trilateral Commission has 200 members world wide, but only 70 in the United States. These are younger organizations. The CFR dates from 1922, The Pilgrims from 1900, The Trilateral Commission from 1973, and the Bilderbergers from the 1950s. How many members of The Order are in the CFR? This is not the place for an exhaustive analysis, but a general idea can be gained from looking at names in The Order beginning with the letter "B": The following are members of The Order and the Council on Foreign Relations: Jonathan Bingham (Congressman)

William F. Buckley (Editor, National Review and The Order's house conservative) McGeorge Bundy (Foundation executive) William Bundy (Central Intelligence Agency) George Herbert Walker Bush (President of the United States) The make-up of the Council on Foreign Relations reflects its purpose as a meeting ground, a discussion forum. The CFR mainly consists of government officials, industrialists and academics. The Order has a distinctly different make-up, i.e., many more lawyers, for example, and a wider variety of declared occupations with far fewer industrialists. The

Trilateral Commission

The Trilateral Commission was founded in 1973 by David Rockefeller and comprises 200 members world wide, of whom about 77 are American. There is no overlap among memberships; for example, lumber industrialist Frederick Weyerhaeuser was in The Order, but his son is in the Trilateral Commission and not The Order. Similarly, Robert Taft, Jr., is in the Trilateral Commission but not The Order, even though The Order was co-founded by his great grandfather and eight Tafts have been members. The link is elusive, conceivably there may not be a link. The Trilateral Commission is not a conspiracy. Its membership list is completely public - it costs a postage stamp to get one. The Commission publishes dozens of booklets. The organization is completely above ground. In fact, this author has openly debated with George Franklin, Jr., Coordinator of the Trilateral Commission on the radio. Mr. Franklin did show a rather ill-concealed dislike for the assault on his pet global New World Order - and made the mistake of attempting to disguise this objective, but evasion and hostility do not constitute conspiracy. Conspirators just don't appear on radio talk shows to debate their objectives. Temporarily the following facts should be held in mind: ' J. Richardson Dilworth, at Room 3600 Rockefeller Plaza, and the Rockefeller Family Associates' chief financial and administrative officer, is a member of The Order. ' Percy Rockefeller (1900) was a member of The Order, but no other Rockefeller name is on the list. J It may be that the Trilateral Commission will prove to be a purely David Rockefeller personal endeavor rather than a broader establishment vehicle. However, Trilateral purposes, as portrayed in the literature, are almost identical to those of The Order. It may be a vehicle to attain an interim goal, i.e., three regional groupings. In this case J. Richardson Dilworth is the conduit and liaison.


So far as we can trace, only William F. Buckley is a member of the Bilderbergers and The Order.

Pilgrim Society

The Order does not show up directly on the Executive Committee of !he Pilgrim Society, but only through family names, i.e., Aldrich and Pratt. The Pilgrim Society is probably a rather harmless social club using its annual dinners to cement ties between the British and American establishment.

The Inner Circle

Chapter 322 of The Order differs from the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and similar organizations in that it is truly a secret society. Its purposes and membership are not disclosed. It is paranoid about secrecy and in covering its trail. The circumstances that surround the founding of Scroll & Key in the 1850s suggest this secret society may in fact be Chapter 323. But this is pure speculation. So we have two secret societies that differ extensively from the CFR, Trilaterals and others and which can be seen as making up an inner circle.

Even this inner circle is too large for decision making. No doubt it includes many active or just plain bored members, even many who have forgotten they were ever initiated and who might be shocked to read in this book that they belong to a subversive organization. So logically there is a secret society within the secret society. Again, we cannot prove it, but it's a logical deduction. This would be an executive committee that controls finances and makes basic decisions.

Another important distinction between the outer core and the inner circle is in funding. This is important because funding controls everything. The families in The Order are closer to more foundations and more sources of funding than the Rockefeller family. To be sure, the Rockefeller family has 1 percent of Chase Manhattan stock, enough for control, and it has influence in the Rockefeller Foundation, but this doesn't compare to the centuries long pervasive influence of The Order. Remember, it was The Order that got John D. Rockefeller off the ground with his General Education Board, not the other way round. It's an open question quite how the Trilaterals fit with The Order. It may be the international aspect of The Order, it may be a Rockefeller dominated group. Many of these old line families see the Rockefellers as upstarts, as nouveau riche, not quite on the outside looking in, but definitely not socially acceptable without some reservations - except for their money, of course. Anyone who heard Nelson Rockefeller speak and compared his syntax to the polished charm of a Boston Brahmin will understand. There's a New England saying that "the Lowells only talk to the Cabots and the Cabots only talk to God." The Rockefellers just are not in this league. And if we may be excused a little gossip: we have been told by several establishment people that David Rockefeller is just "not too bright," and Nelson Rockefeller was the only man in America who could torture the English language to the extent of placing two "non sequiters" in one sentence. If we were to look back to 1983 from the year 2083, it could be that the Rockefellers will have followed in the footsteps of the Carnegies and the Morgans. Names in dusty files but no longer represented in the power group.

Memorandum Number Eight: The Chain Of Influence

Initiates into The Order are assured of career advancement and success, even wealth, providing they follow the rule "to get along you must 3o along" Intermarriage consolidates the power of the families and expands their span of influence. Finally, a chain of influence spread over many years guarantees continuity and must be extraordinarily impressive to any new initiate who doubts the power of The Order. We can identify two types of influence chains: a horizontal chain and a vertical chain. Both types are duplicated many times, for the moment well give a single example. Members of The Order are to be found in every segment of society: in education, in foundations, in politics, in government, industry, law and finance. Consequently, at any time The Order can tap influence in any area of society. The occupational breakdown of The Order demonstrates the great breadth of this horizontal chain of influence. The major occupations of members are law, education, business, finance and industry. Approximately, the breakdown is as follows: Occupation Percent of members involved (approximately)

Horizontal Chains of Influence

Law Education Business Finance Industry

18 percent 16 percent 16 percent 15 percent 12 percent 77 percent

In other words, these five occupations account for over three quarters of the membership, and these are the key fields for control of society. Government and politics account for only about 3 percent at any one time. This is misleading, as any member in the above five fields can find himself temporarily in and out of government through the "revolving door" phenomenon. The Church accounts for only 2 percent of members. These are concentrated in the Union Theological Seminary (the so-called "Red Seminary") and the Yale School of Divinity. Notably the areas of society least represented are those with the least ability to influence the structural direction of society. They may give depth and richness to society, but are not essential to its control and direction. For example, very, very few engineers have ever been members of The Order - we only identified five engineers in the 150 year span. Yet engineering and technology are key elements to the success of the material aspects of American society. Art, architecture, and music are under-represented. We can only identify 16 members in these three occupations over 150 years. Again, these occupations are not influential in determining the structure of society. Farmers are under-represented; only 16 in 150 years, but we suspect some took up farming to get away from The Order. In brief: at any one time The Order can call on members in any area of American society to do what has to be done.

"That only he who wears upon his breast, Their emblem, he for every post shall be considered best." The practice of absolute preferment for members of The Order has worked to perpetuate its influence over time in a remarkable manner. Before we look at this chain of influence we need to look at some basic statistics. The Order has only initiated about 2500 members in its history in the United States. Each year 15 new members are initiated, no more, no less. On the other hand, between 800,000 and 1 million persons receive college degrees each year from an institute of higher learning, including about 30,000 doctorates. When you follow the chain of influence below, hold in mind that out of 30-40 million degree holders, a few hundred men (never women) or in this case less than a dozen men, are presumed to be the only ones fit to occupy top posts in government. No one else is even seriously considered. We are asked to believe that only a few hundred members of The Order are capable of guiding the United States.

Vertical Chains of Influence A tribute to the success of The Order has been an ability to implement one of its principles. This principle is:

If we assume a random distribution of ability throughout the United States, then our evidence cannot be accounted for by chance. It must reflect, just on the basis of mathematical laws of average, a conscious series of choices. Unless you want to assume that all wisdom and a11 ability in the United States is generated solely by 15 Yale graduates each year. And that gets you back to the argument of this book.




Secretary of War 1911-13 Secretary of State 1929-33 Secretary of War 1940-45 AND Junior Fellow, Society of Fellows Harvard University



On Active Service In Peace And War authored by two members of The Order

Furthermore, there are approximately 2500 institutions of higher learning in the United States. Are we to believe that only one of these institutions can generate the talent to lead the country?

The Whitney-Stimson-Bundy-Acheson Chain of Influence

Four families provide an example of one such chain of influence. Multiply this chain by a few dozen and you readily see how control is perpetuated by a small group. The families in this chain are Whitney, Stimson, Acheson and Bundy. The Acheson family is only partly in The Order. Dean Acheson was a member of Scroll & Key at Yale. This is an offshoot of The Order and at least influenced by it. Dean Acheson's daughter, Mary Acheson, married William Bundy (The Order). Dean Acheson's son, David, is a member of The Order.

(1) We start with the Whitneys in the late 19th century. Whitney The Order), along with Ryan and a handful of other capitalists, have been heavily criticized in several books on grounds of massive corruption and fraud. New York street railway franchises generated enormous profits for the Whitney group. When Whitney was Secretary of the Navy he promoted a giant naval ship building program - which didn't hurt his friends who owned shipyards and steel mills. Whitney's attorney and close associate was Elihu Root. Although not a member of The Order, Root has been called "Whitney's artful attorney" (Point "A" on our chart). Root, one of the sharpest legal minds n American history and a power in his own right, worked along with the purposes of The Order. (2) 1n 1890 along comes young Henry Stimson, fresh out of Yale, The Order, and Harvard Law School. Stimson joins Root's law firm - B"). then called Root & Clark. After a while, in 1897, it became mown as Root, Howard, Winthrop & Stimson and by 1901 it became Winthrop and Stimson. In the meantime ("C"), Stimson married Mabel White daughter of Charles A. White (The Order). Stimson proved he was capable in the law and when Taft (The Order) was looking for a Secretary of War in 1911, he appointed Stimson (The Order) . which brings us to Point "D." Then Stimson's career went like this:

· As Secretary of War Stimson completed a reorganization begun by his predecessor none other than Elihu Root. · From 1917 to 1922 Stimson was in the Army, with ranks up to Brigadier General. · In 1927 Coolidge appointed Stimson Governor-General of the Philippine Islands. ·In 1929 Herbert Hoover appointed Stimson Secretary of State Poin t "E" on the chart).

· In 1940 Franklin D. Roosevelt appointed Stimson Secretary of War (Point "F" on the chart). · In 1945, as Truman's Secretary of War, Stimson recommended the atomic bomb drops on Japan. (3) During World War II Stimson had a special assistant - Harvey Hollister Bundy (The Order), (Point "G"). Special Assistant Harvey Bundy was the key Pentagon man on the Manhattan Project and was Stimson's constant companion to conferences in North Africa, Italy and Germany. (4) While Stimson was still Secretary of War he brought Harvey Hollister's son, McGeorge Bundy (The Order), into the Pentagon to work on a book manuscript ("H" on the chart). This was published in 1948, entitled On Active Service In Peace And War. The joint authorship (see illustration) gave McGeorge Bundy a quick start in his career, as we shall describe in the next Memorandum when we pick up the career of the two younger Bundys, both members of The Order. In a nutshell: · Stimson was appointed to government offices by every President, except Harding, from 1911 to 1946, i.e., Taft, Wilson, Coolidge, Hoover, Roosevelt, and Truman. · Stimson used his office to advance the career of fellow members of The Order, in particular Harvey Hollister Bundy and his son, McGeorge Bundy.

If The Order had a reasonably "normal" life style, there would be no necessity for, and no substance in, this book. Unfortunately for us they do not have a normal life style. The Order does not just go to college, look for a secure post with an establishment law firm, intermarry with the sisters and daughters of :):her members, get noisily drunk at the country club and go to church on Sunday. These may be reasonably "normal" patterns, but certainly not topics for research and analysis. A proportion of The Order follows a life style which can best be described as: AMBITIOUS ACTIVISM TOWARDS A NEW WORLD ORDER GOAL. Let's select one family - the Bundy family - fairly typical of another 2O or so families in The Order, and take a closer look. The Bundy family came to the United States from England before 1635 and settled first in Boston, then in Taunton, Massachusetts. The family is one of lawyers and politicians with four members in The Order. Date Initiated 1909 Name Harvey Hollister Bundy Key Activities

Memorandum Number Nine: The Bundy Operation

Special assistant to Secretary of War Stimson. 1921 Frederick McGeorge Bundy Selling fish fillets 1939 William Putnam Bundy CIA, Editor Foreign Affairs. :940 McGeorge Bundy Government and foundation official. Frederick McGeorge Bundy is an example of a member who is initiated and then, apparently, is disinclined to do more. We can safely ignore Fred: his great achievement in life was Chairman of the North Atlantic Fillet Council which sounds vaguely like a government policy organization, but is concerned merely with marketing fish fillets. If the oher Bundys had followed in Fred's honest, industrious footsteps and confined their activism to fish fillets, the world would be a lot safer, saner place. Unfortunately, they didn't. The other three Bundys - Harvey Hollister and two of his three sons, William Putnam and McGeorge - we key activists and the activism has a Hegelian pattern, i.e., creation :r conflict to bring about change. Let's take a look at each of the activist Bundys:

Harvey Hollister Bundy

Born Grand Rapids, Michigan 1888, died 1963. His grandfather was a lawyer and Congressman, and his father was a lawyer too. Harvey Hollister described himself as lawyer and government official. Bundy was initiated into The Order in 1909. After a Harvard law degree and some world travel he became law clerk to Supreme Court Associate Justice Wendell Holmes (1914-1915). By coincidence, Alger Hiss, later convicted of perjury in the celebrated Chambers-Hiss trials involving Soviet espionage, was also a law clerk to Justice Holmes (1929-1930). Harvey Hollister Bundy senior had five children, of whom three linked themselves to The Order. The eldest son, Harvey Hollister, graduated Yale 1938, but was not initiated into Skull & Bones. He's a banker who, like Fred, keeps away from activism. The next eldest is William Putnam Bundy, initiated in 1939. The next son is McGeorge Bundy, initiated in 1940. The eldest daughter, Harriet Lowell Bundy, married Gasper d'Andelot Belin, a partner in Covington and Burling and initiated with William Bundy in 1939. The youngest daughter, Katherine Lawrence Bundy, married Hugh Auchincloss, Jr. The two Bundy boys have been the real activists. Here's William Bundy's career in brief: · 1947-1951 Law firm Covington & Burling in Washington. D. C. · 1951-1961 Central Intelligence Agency · 1960 Staff Director of Presidential Commission on Na tional Goals · 1961-3 Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Inter national Security Affairs · 1964-9 Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs in the Vietnam War period. · 1969-71 Visiting Professor at Center for International Studies, MIT Editor of Foreign Affairs, the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) quarterly and the most · 1972 pres tigious foreign affairs journal in the U.S. A guide for all policy makers. Winston Lord (The Order) is Chairman of CFR. . Bundy is a member of the American Assembly and the Council on Foreign Relations. Clearly, Mr. Bundy has been appointed to some very influential positions in the last 30 years. As the Washington law firm of Covington & Burling is intimately linked to Government regulatory affairs, it's reasonable to presume that Bundy probably had CIA dealings in the 1947-51 period and then moved to CIA to expand on these projects. The firm of Covington & Burling represents more than 100 top U.S. firms in Washington. Former partners have included William Bundy's father-in-law, Dean Acheson, and brother-in-law, Gasper Belin, (The Order).

William P. Bundy

An interesting aspect of this law firm, where the Bundy family consists of the single most influential element in the past few decades, is its creation of "left wing" political activity. This creative activity brings to mind the McCarthy Senate hearings on subversion of the 1953 era when Senator Joseph McCarthy wanted to call William Bundy as a witness before the Committee and found the establishment strongly arrayed against this idea (Bundy had given $400 to the Alger Hiss Defense fund). In retrospect it may have been more than McCarthy's harsh treatment of witnesses - which is on the record - that prompted establishment horror. There may indeed have been some skeletons in the closet (and perhaps some bones) that the Senator could have unwittingly unearthed, and these skeletons had nothing to do with domestic communism. In any event, as Quigley pointed out in Tragedy and Hope, the J.P. Morgan firm had financed the noncommunist left in the United States =or political control. It seems that Covington & Burling may well be another conduit. Some preliminary evidence: · Covington & Burling partner John Douglas is the son of Paul H. Douglas - who was one of the most prominent radicals of the 30s and 40s and an outspoken member of the non-communist left. John Douglas was a key coordinator in the 1972 George McGovern campaign: McGovern, of course, being on the left end of the political spectrum. · Another former partner is Senator Charles Mathias, whose political stance is more or less at the left end of the Republican Party and along the lines of George Bush's (The Order) internationalist line · Yet another partner is Michael Boudin. son of Leonard Boudin and brother of Kathy Boudin. This should raise some eyebrows as Kathy was on the FBI "Most Wanted" list. Leonard Boudin is the long time communist front lawyer and member of the National Lawyers Guild ("The foremost legal bulwark of the Communist Party''), New Masses ("a communist periodical") and a dozen other Communist fronts. Kathy was a founder of Students for a Democratic Society and a leader in its terrorist Weathermen faction. A bomb manufacturing enterprise got the group into trouble with the law and Kathy onto the FBI list.

In brief, we have the elements of a hypothesis that left wing activity in the U.S., down to bomb making and outright terrorism, may link to Covington and Burling - and the CIA. This is not a new assertion. Statements have been made before that the CIA has funded the left in the U.S. This claim hasn't received too much publicity for two reasons: (a) it offends the establishment media, which prefers to pose the CIA as a "right" organization and (b) it doesn't make much sense. It certainly doesn't make any sense unless you throw your mind back to Memorandum Number Six and the Hegelian dialectic process. In this process change requires conflict, and conflict requires the clash of opposites. You can't just have a "right," you must have a "right" and a "left." You can't have just a pro-Vietnam War policy, you must also have an anti-Vietnam War policy. Else the dialectical process won't bring about change. An interesting thought. To move on, in 1960 Bundy, while still at CIA, became Staff Director for the newly formed Presidential Commission on National Goals. Such a commission, even in its title, assumes conscious direction. If you have goals, you logically need a device to achieve these goals. In a society like the U.S. it should be a superfluous sort of commission unless there is some "guiding hand," something more than the voting booth and the market place at work. The Report of this Commission came up with some quotes which are almost pure Hegelianism: (a) "a role of government is to stimulate changes of attitude" (b) "in the 1960s every American is summoned to extraordinary personal responsibility, sustained effort, and sacrifice" (c) "The American citizen in the years ahead ought to devote a larger portion of his time and energy directly to solution of the nation's problems ... many ways are open for citizens to participate in the attainment of national goals." Now the basic set of rules governing our society is the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. There is nothing in these constitutional documents to support any of these demands. What the demands imply is that an American citizen has a DUTY to advance the will of the State. But such an assumption is definitely NOT implicit in the philosophy under which the United States was founded and presumably operates today.

In 1972, after a stint of government service, Bundy took over Foreign Affairs, the most prestigious and influential foreign affairs journal in the U.S.: the bible for policy makers. So William Bundy is a very influential man. Enough that three aspects of his career require further investigation:

· The Hegelian tinge, that a citizen has a duty to the State,

· The operation of the Hegelian dialectic and whether any "left" operations can be traced more directly to Covington and Burling, · Whether Bundy's service in Government shows promotion of "right" operations, needed to balance off the "left" operations.

McGeorge Bundy

Preferential treatment has been accorded McGeorge Bundy all the way along the line. Graduating Yale and joining The Order in 1940, Bundy spent a while at Harvard and then joined the U.S. Army "as a private'' Within 12 months Bundy had rocketed to captain and staff officer working on Operation Husky (the invasion of Sicily) and Operation Overlord (the invasion of Normandy). If there is one job in this world that requires experience, it must be a staff planning officer for an amphibious operation. Only experience can make the calculations of timing and logistics for personnel and supplies come out right. And men's lives depend on this experience. Can a 23-year-old, with no military experience, undertake planning for amphibious operations? The answer is obviously no even if his father (The Order) is in the Pentagon as an aide to the Secretary of War (The Order). The war in Europe finished, Bundy now a veteran of 27 years, went straight to the Pentagon as assistant to the Secretary of War, Henry Stimson. We have already noted Bundy worked on the manuscript of On Active S e r v i c e In P e a c e And W a r and was rewarded with co-authorship, a definite leg up in his career. Then, in quick succession, Bundy became consultant to the Economic Cooperation Administration, although he presumably knew no more about economics than amphibious landing, then foreign policy analyst for Presidential candidate Thomas Dewey, then analyst for the Council on Foreign Relations. By 1949 Bundy was invited to Harvard University and in four years (1953) was made Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. We are asked to believe that out of hundreds, perhaps thousands, of experienced academics with decades of hard-won credentials, an assistant professor- who has been, skipping around the non-academic world for ten years is the most talented for the post of Harvard Dean! We might accept the lack of experience in amphibious warfare planning and economic programs planning, but Dean of a prestigious Harvard department in four years! No, that's too much. It smells of "pull" and few readers will dispute that conclusion. From 1961 to 1966 Bundy was Special Assistant for National Security Affairs to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson. There is a significant aspect of this sensitive post which only surfaced under Henry Kissinger. The post can be used to screen information reaching the President: in fact, that is one of its major purposes, to stop a flood of paper reaching the Presidential desk. The other side to this screening process is that it could place the President in an artificial information environment. If the options presented to the President are controlled, so are the decisions. Selected information can control the options. McGeorge Bundy was National Security Adviser in the early years of the Vietnam debacle. While McGeorge Bundy (The Order) was in the White House his brother, William P. Bundy (The Order) was in key positions relating to the Far East in Defense and State Departments. By acting jointly, the Bundy brothers could have controlled absolutely the flow of information relating to Vietnam from Intelligence, State and DOD. We are not saying this happened. We believe it to be a hypothesis worthy of examination. As they are blood brothers in a secret organization of which we know very little - and nothing voluntarily - we have reason to make this further examination. In 1966 McGeorge Bundy was appointed President of the Ford Foundation, a post he retained until 1979. While at Ford, Bundy brought in as Vice President in charge of Education and Research Division another member of The Order - Harold Howe 11, Howe's qualifications, apart from a Yale undergraduate degree, can be described in Howe's own words:

". . . in the old scheme of things I would not have qualifications to be a professor - I have no PhD degree, no scholarly research publications to my credit. 1 once applied to the Yale Graduate School but was turned down as academically unpromising." (Apparently The Order doesn't reach everywhere, even at Yale). Some of the half-baked ideas Howe and Bundy promoted with Ford Foundation money probably stem from Howe's philosophy. In Howe's own words, "When in doubt, do it." For example, we have this gem from Howe: "... we will have to re-think American values regarding cooperation and competition . . . many schools (particularly secondary schools) would define as "cheating" the kinds of cooperative activities whereby students help each other instead of competing for places on the ladder of academic success." This is pure Hegelian collectivism. It undoubtedly works to the advantage of The Order: this moves the citizen to a dependency role and away from reliance on individual faculties. It is noteworthy that both Fords on the board resigned in disgust with Ford Foundation policies.

The Order's control of history, through foundations and the American Historical Association, has been effective. Not so much because of outright censorship, although that is an important element, but more because of the gullibility of the American "educated public:' From time to time their plans go awry. The bubbling pot of political manipulation - it's called conflict management on the inside - threatens to spill over into public view. It is extraordinary how newspaper editors, columnists, TV and radio commentators, and publishers either lack insight to see beyond the superficial or are scared witless to do so. Even worse, the educated public, the 30-40 million degree holders, lets these opinion molders get away with it. Outright censorship has not been too effective. There has certainly been a campaign to suppress revisionist interpretations of history. Witness Harry Elmer Barnes in The Struggle Against The Historical Blackout: It may be said, with great restraint, that, never since the Dark and Middle Ages, have there been so many powerful forces organized and alerted against the assertion and acceptance of historical truth as are active today to prevent the facts about the responsibility for the second World War and its results from being made generally accessible to the American public. Even the great Rockefeller Foundation frankly admits (Annual Report, 1946, p. 188) the subsidizing of a corps of historians to anticipate and frustrate the development of any neo-Revisionism in our time. And the only difference between this Foundation and several others is that it has been more candid and forthright about its politics. This author's personal experience of attempted outright censorship was at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University, when the Director attempted to suppress publication of my then forthcoming National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union. The facts weren't in question. Unfortunately, the book offended the Nixon-Kissinger program to aid the Soviets while they were aiding the North Vietnamese - so in effect, Americans were being killed by our own technology. In this case neither author nor publisher was in a mood to listen, and the Establishment put tail between legs and called it a day. More effective than outright censorship is use of the left-right political spectrum to neutralize unwelcome facts and ideas or just condition citizens to think along certain lines. The "left" leaning segment of the press can always be relied upon to automatically assault ideas and information from the "right" and vice versa. In fact, media outlets have been artificially set up just for this purpose: both Nation and New Republic on the "left" were financed by Willard Straight, using Payne Whitney (The Order) funds. On the "right" National Review published by William Buckley (The Order) runs a perpetual deficit. presumably made up by Buckley. Neither the independent right nor the independent left sees the trap. They are so busy firing at each other they've mostly forgotten to look behind the scenes. And The Order smugly claims control of the "moderate" center. A neat game, and it's worked like a charm. But the establishment has a problem . . .

Memorandum Number Ten: Keeping The Lid On The Pot

In Fact, It Has Several Problems

They are on the inside looking out. We are on the outside looking in. They may call us "peasants" but we have the advantage of knowing about the real world and its infinite diversity. Their global objectives are dreams based on skewed information. Dangerous dreams, but still dreams. (1) The Order Lives In A Cultural Straightjacket All the power in the world is useless without accurate information. If you meet these people as this author has more or less casually over 30 years, one impression comes to the forefront - they are charming but with a limited perception of the world. They may have global ambitions, they may act politically like miniature power houses, but their knowledge of the world comes from an in-group and those who play along with the in-group. And the in-group lacks morality and diversity. It's a kind of jet Set Politburo. Charming, power-hungry and myopic simultaneously. All it can offer to the outsider is an invitation, almost an ultimatum, "You are part of the establishment." Which has as much interest for many as a Frederick Bundy fish fillet. Perhaps one of the exceptions is house conservative William Buckley, Jr. - at least his cynicism is marked by witty incisiveness. The rest are a pretty sad bunch. (2) An Easy Prey For the Ambitious Limited perception makes members of The Order a target and an easy prey for the ambitious outsider . . . who needs only the ability to say the right things at the right time to the right people, coupled with a sense of unscrupulousness. Henry Kissinger is a prime example - an outsider who wants desperately to stay on the inside. More devious than clever, but expert at using deviousness for his own ends. Conservative readers may not agree, but Secretary of State Dean Acheson, who defended a guilty Alger Hiss to the bitter end, was probably more stupid than culpable. Which leads us to, (3) Genetic Problems Extensive intermarriage among the families raises a serious question of genetic malfunctions. Membership lists are heavily laced with Dodge, Whitney, Phelps, Perkins, Norton, Putnam used as middle (maternal) names. Cultural inhibitions are obvious, the intellectual limitations from genetic factors are more difficult to analyze and describe. (4) Shallow Power Base It may be as Rosenbaum comments, that The Order is "incredibly powerful". On the other hand, it is also incredibly weak - there is no philosophic or cultural depth to The Order. Diversity is strength and The Order lacks diversity. The vast bulk of the American people, that giant melting pot of Anglo, Germanic, Slavic, Hispanic, black, yellow, and who knows what else has been suckered. Many of them know it. Some are now going to know by whom. When they've overcome the disbelief, the shock and perhaps some fear, they are surely going to say "What do we do?." The great strength of individualism, an atomistic social order where the individual holds ultimate sovereignty, is that any counter revolution to an imposed social order where the State is boss, can take a million roads and a million forms. No one is going to create an anti-The Order movement. That would be foolish and unnecessary. It could be infiltrated, bought off, or diverted all too easily. Much too easily. Why play by the rules set by the enemy? The movement that will topple The Order will be extremely simple and most effective. It will be ten thousand or a million Americans who come to the conclusion that they don't want the State to be boss, that they prefer to live under the protection of the Constitution. They will make their own independent decision to thwart The Order, and it will take ten thousand or a million forms. The only weakness is communication. The Order has so wrecked education that reading comprehension is difficult for many - that's part of the brainwashing program. But there are more than enough readers. Most people prefer to talk, anyway.

The program of The Order might work in Russia, which has a history of obedience to the State; it's barely working in Poland, while in England "The Group" survives because enough of class structure and attitude remain. It can never work in the United States.


In the first introductory volume we have laid out the preliminary groundwork and suggested some hypotheses we need to examine. An understanding of The Order, the havoc it has wreaked on American society, its plans for future havoc - perpetual war for perpetual peace - is a logical step by step process. The next step is to look at education. Our present educational chaos can be traced to three members of The Order: Daniel Coit Gilman (First President of University of California and First President of Johns Hopkins University), Timothy Dwight (twelfth President of Yale University) and Andrew Dickson White (First President of Cornell University). Gilman imported the experimental psychology of Hegelian physiologist Wilhelm Wundt from Germany. This psychology was grafted onto the American education system through the educational laboratories at Columbia and Chicago University. And they moved a familiar name, John Dewey, a pure Hegelian in philosophy, along the fast track in his career. This has been aptly termed "The Leipzig Connection" by Lance J. Klass and Paolo Lionni. Then we shall look at the Foundations, how these were captured by The Order and their gigantic funds used to finance a Hegelian educational system designed to condition future society. It is doubtful if John D. Rockefeller or Mrs. Russell Sage, and certainly the Ford family, ever quite understood how their philanthropies were used for a long-term conditioning plan. It is also doubtful if The Order forecast the public backlash of the 1970s and 1980s - not all children have succumbed to the social conditioning brainwashing, parents have more than once risen in part revolt, private schools have sprouted like spring flowers in the desert and perhaps enough academics have slipped through a net designed to contain and neutralize independent research and thinking. After we have looked at education and foundations we still have to work our way through the system of "perpetual war for perpetual peace." How The Order has financed revolution and profited from war. The objective? To keep the conflict boiling because conflict for Hegel is essential for change and the forward motion of society. Then we have to look at the financial system and the Federal Reserve. The Order was there right from the start. In conclusion we must emphasize one point. An understanding of The Order and its modus operandi is impossible unless the reader holds in mind the Hegelian roots of the game plan. Hegelianism is alien to grass roots America. The national character is straightforward and to the point, not devious and tortuous. The grass roots are still closer to the American Revolution, the Jeffersonian Democrats, the classical liberal school of Cobden and Bright in England, and the Austrian School of Economics where Ludwig von Mises is the undisputed leader.

These schools of thought have been submerged in the public eye by pirate-like onslaught of The Order and its many minions, but they still very much represent the daily operation of American society. From billionaire Bunker Hunt in Dallas, Texas to the seventeen year old black trying to "survive" in the Los Angeles ghetto, individual initiative is still more than obvious in American society. A Statist system is the objective of The Order. But in spite of constant prattling about "change" by zombie supporters - such a system is foreign to deeply held beliefs in this country. Above all the reader must - at least temporarily while reading this work - put to one side the descriptive clichés of left and right, liberal and conservative, communist and fascist, even republican and democrat These terms may be important for self recognition, they do provide a certain reassurance, but they are confusing in our context u nless seen as essential elements in a game plan. You will never understand The Order if you try to label it right or left. A Robert Taft and a William Buckley on the right are just as important -- the forward motion of society, the fundamental change desired by The Order, as a William Sloan Coffin and a Harry Payne Whitney (who financed the left). Their conflict is essential for change.

Which brings us to HYPOTHESIS NUMBER THREE: THE ORDER U SES THE HEGELIAN DIALECTIC PROCESS TO BRING ABOUT SOCIETY IN WHICH THE STATE IS ABSOLUTE, i.e., ALL POWERFUL. This hypothesis, of course, reflects the gulf between The Order and American society. The gulf stems from the differing views of the relationship between the State and the individual. Which is superior? Our whole way of life is based on the assumption -at the individual is superior to the State. That the individual is the ---mate holder of sovereignty. That the State is the servant of the people. It's deeply engrained within us. The Order holds the opposite - that the State is superior, that the common man (the peasant) can find freedom only by obedience to the State. Now, of course, the State is a fiction. So who or what controls the State? Obviously, The Order.

Memorandum Number One: It All Began At Yale

The first volume of this series introduced The Order, presented three preliminary hypotheses with examples of the evidence to come. We also asserted that any group that wanted to control the future of American society had first to control education, i.e., the population of the future. This volume will outline the way in which education has been controlled by The Order. It all began at Yale. Even the official Yale history is aware of Yale's power and success: "The power of the place remain(s) unmistakable. Yale was organized. Yale inspired a loyalty in its sons that was conspicuous and impressive. Yale men in after life made such records that the suspicion was that even there they were working for each other. In short, Yale was exasperatingly and mysteriously successful. To rival institutions and to academic reformers there was something irritating and disquieting about old Yale College."1 "Yale was exasperatingly and mysteriously successful," says the official history. And this success was more than obvious to Yale's chief competitor, Harvard University. So obvious, in fact, that in 1892 a young Harvard instructor, George Santanyana, went to Yale to investigate this "disturbing legend" of Yale power. Santanyana quoted a Harvard alumnus who intended to send his son to Yale - because in real life "all the Harvard men are working for Yale men."2 But no one has previously asked an obvious question - Why? What is this "Yale power"?

A Revolutionary Yale Trio

In the 1850s, three members of The Order left Yale and working together, at times with other members along the way, made a revolution that changed the face, direction and purpose of American education. It was a rapid, quiet revolution, and eminently successful. The American people even today, in 1983, are not aware of a coup d'etat. The revolutionary trio were:

· Timothy Dwight ('49) Professor in the Yale Divinity School and then 12th President of Yale University. · Daniel Coit Gilman ('52), first President of the University of California, first President of the Johns Hopkins University and first President of the Carnegie Institution. · Andrew Dickson White ('53), first President of Cornell University and first President of the American Historical Association.

This notable trio were all initiated into The Order within a few years of each other (1849, 1852, 1853). They immediately set off for Europe. AD three went to study philosophy at the University of Berlin, where post-Hegelian philosophy had a monopoly. · Dwight studied at the Universities of Berlin and Bonn between 1856 and 1858, · Gilman was at the University of Berlin between 1854 and 55 under Karl von Ritter and Friedrich Trendelenberg, both prominent "Right" Hegelians, and · White studied at the University of Berlin between 1856 and 1858. Notably also at the University of Berlin in 1856 (at the Institute of Physiology) was none other than Wilhelm Wundt, the founder of experimental psychology in Germany and the later source of the dozens of American PhDs who came back from Leipzig, Germany to start the modern American education movement. Why is the German experience so important? Because these were the formative years, the immediate post graduate years for these three men, the years when they were planning the future, and at this period Germany was dominated by the Hegelian philosophical ferment. There were two groups of these Hegelians. The right Hegelians, were the roots of Prussian militarism and the spring for the unification of Germany and the rise of Hitler. Key names among right Hegelians were Karl Ritter (at the University of Berlin where our trio studied), Baron von Bismarck, and Baron von Stockmar, confidential adviser to Queen Victoria over in England. Somewhat before this, Karl Theodor Dalberg 1744-1817), arch-chancellor in the German Reich, related to Lord Acton in England and an Illuminati (Baco v Verulam in the Illuminati code), was a right Hegelian. There were also Left Hegelians, the promoters of scientific socialism. Most famous of these, of course, are Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Heinrich Heine, Max Stirner and Moses Hess. The point to hold in mind is that both groups use Hegelian theory of :he State as a start point, i.e., the State is superior to the individual. Prussian militarism, Nazism and Marxism have the same philosophic roots. And it left its mark on our trio.

2 E.E.

1 George

Wilson Pierson, YALE COLLEGE 1871-1922 (Yale University Press. New Haven. 1952) . olume One, p. 5. Slosson, GREAT AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES (New York, 1910) pp. 59-60.

Daniel Coit Gilman

Gilman wrote his sister in 1854 that what he most desired to do on returning home to America was to "influence New England minds." An extract from one Gilman letter is worth quoting at length.

Daniel C. Gilman in the early seventies as president of the University of California.

Daniel C. Gilman in the early seventies as president of the University of California

Gilman wrote his sister from St. Petersburg in April, 1854: And what do you think I am "keeping" for? Tell me, some day when you write, for every year makes me feel that I must draw nearer to a point. When I go home to America I must have some definite notions. Day and night I think of that time, and in all I see and do I am planning for being useful at home. I find my wishes cling more and more towards a home in New England, and I long for an opportunity to influence New England minds. If I am an editor, New York is the place; but, to tell the truth, I am a little afraid of its excitements, its politics, its money-making whirl. I look therefore more and more to the ministry as probably the place where I can do more good than anywhere else; that is to say, if I can have a congregation which will let me preach such things as we have talked over so many times in our up-stairs confabs. I am glad you remember those talks with pleasure, for I look upon them as among the greatest "providences" of my life. If ever I make anything in this world or another I shall owe it to the blessed influences of home. For me, it seems as though new notions and wider views of men and things were crowding upon me with wonderful rapidity, and every day and almost every hour I think of some new things which I wish to have accomplished in America.... I find my thoughts, unconsciously, almost, dwelling on the applications of Christianity or the principles of the New Testament to business, study, public education, political questions, travel, and so forth. I had a long talk with Mr. Porter in Berlin (it was three days long with occasional interruptions) on topics related to such as I have named, and he assures me that there are many places in New England ripe for the advocacy of some such views upon these questions as I have often hinted to you at home. I told him a great deal about my thoughts on such things, talking quite as freely and perhaps more fully than I have ever done with you girls at home: He seemed exceedingly interested .... He told me that the kind of preaching I spoke of was the kind now needed - the kind which would be most influential of good - and on the whole he encouraged me to attempt it. I feel more and more desirous to do so, and shall keep on, in all I see and hear abroad, with the examination of every influence now working upon men - churches and schools, politics and literature . . .1 Daniel Coit Gilman is the key activist in the revolution of education by The Order. The Gilman family came to the United States from Norfolk, England in 1638. On his mother's side, the Coit family came from Wales to Salem, Massachusetts before 1638.

1 Fabian Franklin, THE LIFE OF DANIEL COIT GILMAN (Dodd, Mead. New York, 1910), pp. 28-9.

Gilman was born in Norwich, Connecticut July 8, 1831, from a family laced with members of The Order and links to Yale College (as it was known at that time). Uncle Henry Coit Kingsley (The Order '34) was Treasurer of Yale from 1862 to 1886. James I. Kingsley was Gilman's uncle and a Professor at Yale. William M. Kingsley, a cousin, was editor of the influential journal New Englander. On the Coit side of the family, Joshua Coit was a member of The Order in 1853 as well as William Coit in 1887. Gilman's brother-in-law, the Reverend Joseph Parrish Thompson ('38) was in The Order. Gilman returned from Europe in late 1855 and spent the next 14 years in New Haven, Connecticut - almost entirely in and around Yale, consolidating the power of The Order. His first task in 1856 was to incorporate Skull & Bones as a legal entity under the name of The Russell Trust. Gilman became Treasurer and William H. Russell, the cofounder, was President. It is notable that there is no mention of The Order, Skull & Bones, The Russell Trust, or any secret society activity in Gilman's biography, nor in open records. The Order, so far as its members are concerned, is designed to be secret, and apart from one or two inconsequential slips, meaningless unless one has the whole picture. The Order has been remarkably adept at keeping its secret. In other words, The Order fulfills our first requirement for a conspiracy - i.e., IT IS SECRET. The information on The Order that we are using surfaced by accident. In a way similar to the surfacing of the Illuminati papers in 1783, when a messenger carrying Illuminati papers was killed and the Bavarian police found the documents. All that exists publicly for The Order is the charter of the Russell Trust, and that tells you nothing. On the public record then, Gilman became assistant Librarian at Yale in the fall of 1856 and "in October he was chosen to fill a vacancy on the New Haven Board of Education." In 1858 he was appointed Librarian at Yale. Then he moved to bigger tasks.

The Sheffield Scientific School

The Sheffield Scientific School, the science departments at Yale, exemplifies the way in which The Order came to control Yale and then the United States. In the early 1850s, Yale science was insignificant, just two or three very small departments. In 1861 these were concentrated into the Sheffield Scientific School with private funds from Joseph E. Sheffield. Gilman went to work to raise more funds for expansion.

Gilman's brother had married the daughter of Chemistry Professor Benjamin Silliman (The Order, 1837). This brought Gilman into contact with Professor Dana, also a member of the Silliman family, and this group decided that Gilman should write a report on reorganization of Sheffield. This was done and entitled "Proposed Plan for the Complete Reorganization of the School of Science Connected with Yale College." While this plan was worked out, friends and members of The Order made moves in Washington, D.C., and the Connecticut State Legislature to get state funding for the Sheffield Scientific School. The Morrill Land Bill was introduced into Congress in 1857, passed in 1859, but vetoed by President Buchanan. It was later signed by President Lincoln. This bill, now known as the Land Grant College Act, donated public lands for State colleges of agriculture and sciences .... and of course Gilman's report on just such a college was ready. The legal procedure was for the Federal government to issue land scrip in proportion to a state's representation, but state legislatures first had to pass legislation accepting the scrip. Not only was Daniel Gilman first on the scene -o get Federal land scrip, he was first among all the states and grabbed all of Connecticut's share for Sheffield Scientific School! Gilman had, of course, tailored his report to fit the amount forthcoming for Connecticut. No other institution in Connecticut received even a whisper until 1893, when Storrs Agricultural College received a land grant. Of course it helped that a member of The Order, Augustus Brandegee ('49), was speaker of the Connecticut State Legislature in 1861 when the state bill was moving through, accepting Connecticut's share for Sheffield. Other members of The Order, like Stephen W. Kellogg ('46) and William Russell ('33), were either in the State Legislature or had influence from past service. The Order repeated the same grab for public funds in New York State. All of New York's share of the Land Grant College Act went to Cornell University. Andrew Dickson White, a member of our trio, was the key activist in New York and later became first President of Cornell. Daniel Gilman was rewarded by Yale and became Professor of Physical Geography at Sheffield in 1863. In brief, The Order was able to corner the total state shares for Connecticut and New York, cutting out other scholastic institutions. This is the first example of scores we shall present in this series - how The Order uses public funds for its own objectives. And this, of course, is the great advantage of Hegel for an elite. The State is absolute. But the State is also a fiction. So if The Order can manipulate the State, it in effect becomes the absolute. A neat game. And like the Hegelian dialectic process we cited in the first volume, the Order has worked it like a charm.

Back to Sheffield Scientific School. The Order now had funds for Sheffield and proceeded to consolidate its control. In February 1871 the School was incorporated and the following became trustees: Charles J. Sheffield Prof. G.J. Brush (Gilman's close friend) Daniel Coit Gilman (The Order, '52) W.T. Trowbridge John S. Beach (The Order, '39) William W. Phelps (The Order, '60) Out of six trustees, three were in The Order. In addition, George St. John Sheffield, son of the benefactor, was initiated in 1863, and the first Dean of Sheffield was J.A. Porter, also the first member of Scroll & Key (the supposedly competitive senior society at Yale).

How The Order Came To Control Yale University

From Sheffield Scientific School The Order broadened its horizons. The Order's control over all Yale was evident by the 1870s, even under the administration of Noah Porter (1871-1881), who was not a member. In the decades after the 1870s, The Order tightened its grip. The Iconoclast (October 13, 1873) summarizes the facts we have presented on control of Yale by The Order, without being fully aware of the details: "They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and be subject to their will. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Men in Wall Street complain that the college comes straight to them for help, instead of asking each graduate for his share. The reason is found in a remark made by one of Yale's and America's first men: `Few will give but Bones men, and they care far more for their society than they do for the college.' The Woolsey Fund has but a struggling existence, for kindred reasons." "Here, then, appears the true reason for Yale's poverty. She is controlled by a few men who shut themselves off from others, and assume to be their superiors . . . " The anonymous writer of Iconoclast blames The Order for the poverty of Yale. But worse was to come. Then-President Noah Porter was the last of the clerical Presidents of Yale (1871-1881), and the last without either membership or family connections to The Order. After 1871 the Yale Presidency became almost a fiefdom for The Order. From 1886 to 1899, member Timothy Dwight ('49) was President, followed by another member of The Order, Arthur Twining Hadley (1899 to 1921). Then came James R. Angell (1921-37), not a member of The Order, who came to Yale from the University of Chicago where he worked with Dewey, built the School of Education, and was past President of the American Psychological Association. From 1937 to 1950 Charles Seymour, a member of The Order was President followed by Alfred Whitney Griswold from 1950 to 1963. Griswold was not a member, but both the Griswold and Whitney families have members in The Order. For example, Dwight Torrey Griswold ('08) and William Edward Schenk Griswold ('99) were in The Order. In 1963 Kingman Brewster took over as President. The Brewster family has had several members in The Order, in law and the ministry rather than education. We can best conclude this memorandum with a quotation from the anonymous Yale observer: "Whatever want the college suffers, whatever is lacking in her educational course, whatever disgrace lies in her poor buildings, whatever embarrassments have beset her needy students, so far as money could have availed, the weight of blame lies upon this ill-starred society. The pecuniary question is one of the future as well as of the present and past. Year by year the deadly evil is growing. The society was never as obnoxious to the college as it is today, and it is just this ill-feeling that shuts the pockets of nonmembers. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps the College Press and endeavors to rule in all. It does not deign to show its credentials, but clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt."


BEEBE, William BEERS, Henry A. BELLINGER, Alfred R. DAHL, George DARLING, Arthur B. DAY, Clive DEXTER, Franklin B. DWIGHT, Timothy FARNAM, Henry FARNAM, William FRENCH, Robert D. GILMAN, Daniel C. GRAVES, Henry S. GRUENER, G. HADLEY, Arthur T. HILLES, Frederick W. HOLDEN, Reuben A. HOPPIN, James M.




1873 1869 1917 1908 1916 1892 1861 1849 1874 1866 1910 1852 1892 1884 1876 1922 1940 1840

Position at Yale Professor of Mathematics (1882-1917) Professor of English Literature (1874-1926) Professor of Greek (1926 Professor Yale Divinity School (1914-1929) Professor of History (1925-1933) Professor of Economic History (1902-1938) Secretary, Yale University (1869-99) President of Yale University (1886-98) Professor of Economics (1880-1933) Trustee Sheffield Scientific School (1894-1923) Professor of English (1919-1950 See text. Dean, Yale School of Forestry (1900-1939) Professor of German (1892-1928) President of Yale (1899-1921) Professor of English (1931 Assistant to President (1947 Professor of History of Art (1861-99)

INGERSOLL, James W. JONES, Frederick S. LEWIS, Chariton M. LOHMAN, Carl A. LYMAN, Chester McLAUGHLIN, Edward T. NORTHROP, Cyrus PACKARD, Lewis R. PECK, Tracy PERRIN, Bernadotte PIERCE, Frederick E. ROOT, Reginald D. SCHWAB, John C. SEYMOUR, Charles SEYMOUR, Charles Jr. SILLIMAN, Benjamin Jr. STOKES, Anson P. SUMNER, William G. TAFT, William H. TARBELL, Frank B. THACHER, Thomas A. THOMPSON, John R. WALKER, Charles R. WOOLSEY, Theodore S. WRIGHT, Henry B. WRIGHT, Henry P.

1892 1884 1886 1910 1837 1883 1857 1856 1861 1869 1904 1926 1886 1908 1935 1837 1896 1863 1878 1873 1835 1938 1916 1872 1898 1868

Professor of Latin (1897-1921) Dean, Yale College 1909-1926 Professor of English (1898-1923) Secretary, Yale University (1927 Professor of Mechanics (1859-1890) Professor of English (1890-93) Professor of English (1863-84) Professor of Greek (1863-84) Professor of Latin (1889-1908) Professor of Greek (1893-1909) Professor of English (1910-35) Yale football coach (1933-48) Professor of Political Economy (1893-1906) Professor of History (1915-37) President (1936-1950) Professor of Art (1949 Professor of Chemistry (1846-85) Secretary of Yale (1899-1921) Professor of Economics (1872-1909) Professor of Law (1913) Professor of Greek (1882-87) Professor of Latin (1842-86 Professor of Law (1949 Assistant Secretary (1943-45) Professor of International Law (1878-1929) Professor of History (1907-11) Professor of Latin (1871-1918) Dean, Yale College (1884-1909)

Memorandum Number Two: The Look-Say Reading Scam

A tragic failure of American education in this century has been a failure to teach children how to read and write and how to express themselves in a literary form. For the educational system this may not be too distressing. As we shall see later, their prime purpose is not to teach subject matter but to condition children to live as socially integrated citizen units in an organic society - a real life enactment of the Hegelian absolute State. In this State the individual finds freedom only in obedience to the State, consequently the function of education is to prepare the individual citizen unit for smooth entry into the organic whole. However, it is puzzling that the educational system allowed reading to deteriorate so markedly. It could be that The Order wants the citizen components of the organic State to be little more than automated order takers; after all a citizen who cannot read and write is not going to challenge The Order. But this is surmise. It is not, on the basis of the evidence presently at hand, a provable proposition. In any event, the system adopted the look-say method of learning to read, originally developed for deaf mutes. The system has produced generations of Americans who are functionally illiterate. Yet, reading is essential for learning and learning is essential for most occupations. And certainly those who can read or write lack vocabulary in depth and stylistic skills. There are, of course, exceptions. This author spent five years teaching at a State University in the early 1960s and was appalled by the general inability to write coherent English, yet gratified that some students had not only evaded the system, acquired vocabulary and writing skills, but these exceptions had the most skepticism about The Establishment. The Order comes into adoption of the look-say method directly and indirectly. Let's start at the beginning.

The Founder Of Deaf Mute Instruction Look-say reading methods were developed around 1810 for deaf mutes by a truly remarkable man, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet. Thomas H. Gallaudet was the eldest son of Peter Wallace Gallaudet, descended from a French Huguenot family, and Jane Hopkins. Jane Hopkins traced her ancestry back to John Hopkins and the Reverend Thomas Hooker in the seventeenth century, who broke away from the Congregational Church to help found Hartford, Connecticut. This parallels the story of the Lord family (see Volume One). The Lords also traced their ancestry back to Hopkins and Hooker and the Lords founded Hartford, Connecticut. And it was in Hartford, Connecticut in 1835 that a printer named Lord produced Thomas Gallaudet's first look-say primer, Mother's Primer. Gallaudet's original intention was to use the look-say method only for deaf mutes who have no concept of a spoken language and are therefore unaware of phonetic sounds for letters. For this purpose, Gallaudet founded the Hartford School for the Deaf in 1817. The Gallaudet system works well for deaf mutes, but there is no obvious reason to use it for those who have the ability to hear sounds. Anyway, in 1835 Mother's Primer was published and the Massachusetts Primary School Committee under Horace Mann immediately adopted the book on an experimental basis. Later we shall find that Horace Mann ties directly to The Order - in fact, the cofounder of The Order. On pages 73-74 we reproduce two pages from the second edition of 1836, with the following directions to the teacher: . . . pointing to the whole word Frank, but not to the letters. Nothing is yet to be said about letters..."

Why did Horace Mann push a method designed for deaf mutes onto a school system populated with persons who were not deaf mutes? There are two possible reasons. The reader can take his or her pick. First, in 1853 Mann was appointed President of Antioch College. The most influential Trustee of Antioch College was the co-founder of The Order - Alphonso Taft. Second, Mann never had a proper education and consequently was unable to judge a good method from a bad method for reading. Here's a description of Mann's school days: "The opportunities for the lad's schooling were extremely meager. The locality enjoyed the reputation of being the smallest school district, with the poorest school house and the cheapest teacher in the State." Mann's teacher was Samuel Barratt and we quote: "In arithmetic he was an idiot. He could not recite the multiplication table and could not tell the time of day by the clock ... Six months of the year he was an earnest and reliable teacher, tasting nothing stronger than tea, then for another six months he gave himself up to a state of beastly drunkenness . . ."

By 1840 there was a backlash, and the look-say system was dropped in Massachusetts. The Second Attempt Towards the end of the 19th century The Order came on the scene - and the look-say method was revived. The youngest son of Thomas Hopkins and Sophia Gallaudet was Edward Miner Gallaudet. Two of -is sons went to Yale and became members of The Order: · Edson Fessenden Gallaudet ('93), who became an instructor of physics at Yale, and · Herbert Draper Gallaudet ('98), who attended Union Theological Seminary and became a clergyman. Then the method was adopted by Columbia Teachers' College and :he Lincoln School. The thrust of the new Dewey-inspired system of education was away from learning and towards preparing a child to be a unit in the organic society. Look-say was ideal for Deweyites. It skipped one step in the learning process. It looked "easy," and de-emphasized reading skills. The educational establishment rationalized look-say be claiming that up to the turn of the century reading was taught by "synthetic" methods, i.e., children were taught letters and an associated sound value. Then they learned to join syllables to make words. This was held to be uninteresting and artificial. Educational research, it was claimed, demonstrated that in reading words are not analyzed into component letter parts but seen as complete units. Therefore, learning to read should start with complete units.


Of course, there is a gigantic non-sequitur in this reasoning process. Certainly a skilled reader does see words as complete units. And a really skilled reader does see lines and paragraphs at a glance. But the accuracy of perceiving the whole is based on the degree of understanding and knowledge of the component parts. The educational establishment argues today in the 1980s that, based on further experimental testing, it is easier for a child to read the line "the rocket zoomed into space" than "the cat sat on the mat." The first line has "contrasting visual structure" and the second quote has a "similar visual pattern." What they have done now is to make a mountain out of a molehill, convert the relatively simple task of learning to read into an unnecessarily complex system. Why? That we shall see as the story progresses.

How children are taught to read - and why they can't.

Memorandum Number Three: The Illuminati Connection

We need to trace three historical lines in modern education: the first we looked at in Memorandum Number Two, the development of the look-say method of reading, its abandonment and its later adoption around the turn of the century. Another line is the import of the experimental psychology of Wilhelm Wundt into the United States by The Order. This we shall examine in Memorandum Number Four. For the moment we want to briefly trace the influence of Johann Friedrich Herbart, a major German philosopher of the early 19th century. There was at one time in the United States a National Herbart Society for the Scientific Study of Education to adapt Herbartian principles to American education. Later, this became just National Society for the Study of Education. You don't hear too much about Johann Herbart today, but his influence survives in the so-called "enriched" school curricula and in current educational methodology. Our purpose in this memorandum is twofold: to show the Hegelian aspects of Herbartian theory and to trace the Illuminati connection. There is no direct connection to The Order. However, in a subsequent book, we will trace The Order to the Illuminati and this section will then fa ll into a logical place. Herbart was an educational theorist as well as philosopher and psychologist, and strongly influenced Wilhelm Wundt. For Herbart, education had to be presented in a scientifically correct manner, and the chief purpose of education for Herbart is to prepare the child to live properly in the social order of which he is an integral part. Following Hegel, the individual is not important. The mere development of individual talent, of individual fitness, mental power and knowledge is not .he purpose of education. The purpose is to develop personal character and social morality, and the most important task of the educator is to analyze the activities and duties of men within society. The function of instruction is to fulfill these aims and impart to the individual socially desirable ideas. Morality for Herbart, therefore, is what is good for society, following Hegelian theory. Herbartians favor grouping of subjects around a core topic, i.e., the grouping of history, social science and English literature. This enables the teacher to more easily draw out those notions useful to the objective. All of these ideas we can recognize in today's educational philosophy came into American education through the Herbartian groups.

The Illuminati Connection Johann Herbart studied at the University of Jena, and came under the influence of Johann Herder, Friedrich Schiller, Johann Fichte and Johann Goethe. Later, in Switzerland, Herbart came into contact with Johann Pestalozzi. What is interesting about these names, and they comprise the most important influence on Herbart, is that they are either known members of the Illuminati or reputed to be close to the Illuminati Order. Let's take each name in turn: · Johann Gottried Herder (1744-1803) was "Damascus pontifex" in the Illuminato. · Johann Fichte, we have already noted in the previous volume, was close to the Illuminati and pushed by Goethe ("Abaris") for the post at the University of Jena, where Johann Herbart was studying. · Friedrich Schiller (1759-1805) was known in the circle but not reliably recorded as an Illuminati member. · Johann Wolfgang Goethe (1749-1832) was "Abaris" in the Illuminati.

We have an even more precise connection for another prominent Illuminati, Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi (1746-1827), a Swiss teacher of some renown living at Interlaken, and known as "Alfred" in the Illuminati code. Before Herbart completed his doctorate, just after the turn of the 19th century, he spent three years at Interlaken in Switzerland. Out of his contact with Pestalozzi came a book on Pestalozzi's educational theories, much of which rubbed off onto Herbart. The book is PestaIozzi's Idee Eines A B C D e r Anschaung Unters ucht Und W is se ns chaf tl ic h As ugef uh r t (Pestalozzi's idea of an ABC of sense impression). This book has been translated and we reproduce a copy of .he title page of the 1896 New York edition. This is not insignificant. It is a commentary by a prominent influence on today's education upon an Illuminati book.

1785 and 1787 several batches of internal documents came to the Bavarian Government. Subsequent investigation determined that the aim of the Illuminati was world domination, using any methods to advance the objective, i.e., the end always justifies the means. It was antiChristian, although clergymen were found in the organization. Each member had a pseudonym to disguise his identity.

Why Is The Illuminati Connection Significant? The Illuminati was founded May 1, 1776 by Professor Adam Weishaupt of the University of Ingolstadt. It was a secret society, but in

During its time, the Illuminati had widespread and influential membership. After suppression by the Bavarian Government in 1788 it was quiet for some years and then reportedly revived. The significance for this study is that the methods and objectives parallel those of The Order. In fact, infiltration of the Illuminati into New England is known and will be the topic of a forthcoming volume. So far as education is concerned, the Illuminati objective was as follows: "We must win the common people in every corner. This will be obtained chiefly by means of the schools, and by open, hearty behaviour, show, condescension, popularity and toleration of their prejudices which we shall at leisure root out and dispel." As Rosenbaum has pointed out in his Esquire article, the Illuminati ceremony has similarities to The Order. For example, John Robison in Proofs Of A Conspiracy: l "The candidate is presented for reception in the character of a slave; and it is demanded of him what has brought him to this most miserable of all conditions. He answers - Society - the State - Submissiveness - False Religion. A skeleton is pointed out to him, at the feet of which are laid a Crown and a Sword. He is asked whether that is the skeleton of a King, a Nobleman or a Beggar? As he cannot decide, the President of the meeting says to him, "the character of being a man is the only one that is of importance." Finally, in conclusion, we can trace the foundation of three secret societies, in fact the most influential three secret societies that we know about, to Universities. The Illuminati was founded at University of Ingolstadt. The Group was founded at All Souls College, Oxford University in England, and The Order was founded at Yale University in the United States. The paradox is that institutions supposedly devoted to the search for truth and freedom have given birth to institutions devoted to world enslavement.


John Robinson, PROOFS OF A CONSPIRACY (Americanist Classics, Belmont, 1967), p. 110.

Memorandum Number Four: The Leipzig Connection*

The link between German experimental psychology and the American educational system is through American psychologist G. Stanley Hall, in his time probably the foremost educational critic in the U. S. The Hall family is Scotch and English and goes back to the 1630s, but Hall was not a Yale graduate, and at first sight there is no connection between Hall and The Order. On the other hand, Hall is a good example of someone whose life has major turning points and on probing the turning points, we find The Order with its guiding hand. The detail below is important to link Hall with The Order. It is an open question how much Hall knew, if he knew anything at all, about The Order and its objectives. After graduation from Williams College, Hall spent a year at the Union Theological Seminary, New York. Our "Addresses" books for The Order do not give church affiliations for members citing the ministry as their occupation. We do know that Rev. Henry Sloane Coffin ('97) was Associate Professor of Practical Theology at Union from 1904-1926 and President of Union Seminary from 1926 to 1945, but we cannot trace any members at Union before 1904. Fortunately, Hall was an egocentric and wrote two long, tedious autobiographies: Recreations Of A Psychologist and Life And Confessions Of A Psychologist. This is how Hall described his entry to Union in t he latter book (pp. 177-8): "Recovering from a severe attack of typhoid fever the summer after graduation and still being very uncertain as to what I would be and do in the world, I entered Union Theological Seminary in September 1867." Later Hall adds, "The man to whom t owe far more in this group than any other was Henry B. Smith, a foreign trained scholar, versed more or less not only in systematic theology, which was his chair, but in ancient and modern philosophy, on which he gave us a few lectures outside the course. Of him alone I saw something socially. He did me perhaps the greatest intellectual service one man can render another by suggesting just the right reading at the right time. It was he, too, who seeing my bent advised me to go to Europe."

'The Leipzig Connection is the title of an excellent little booklet by Lance J. Klass and Paoli Lionni, published by The Delphian Press. Route 2, Box 195, Sheridan, Oregon 97378 ($4 00 postpaid), The book came out in 1967 and was the first to trace the Wundt link It has more detail on Wundt than this memorandum, but, of course, is not concerned with The Order.

The Rev. Henry Boynton Smith cited by Hall was Professor of Church History at Union Seminary from 1850 to 1874, and in the "liberal" wing of the Presbyterian Church, he edited Theological Review from 1859-1874 and translated several German theological works. Smith was not a member of The Order. How did Hall, who says he was broke, get from New York to Europe, specifically to Germany? Here's the interesting twist. Someone he didn't know (but whom today we can trace to The Order) gave him $1,000 - a lot of money in those days. Here's how it happened. While preaching in Pennsylvania in 1868, Hall received a letter from Rev. Henry Ward Beecher, whose church he attended in New York: ". . . asking me to call on him. I immediately took the train and Beecher told me that through the Manns (friends) he had learned that I wished to study philosophy in Germany but lacked the means . . . (he) gave me a sealed note to the lumber magnate Henry Sage, the benefactor of Cornell, which I presented at his office without knowing its contents. To my amazement, after some scowling and a remark to the effect that his pastor took amazing liberties with his purse, he gave me a check for one thousand dollars. Taking my note to repay it with interest, he told me to sail for Germany the next day" (Confessions, p. 182).

Who was "lumber magnate Henry Sage, the benefactor of Cornell"? The Sage family had several "Henrys" involved with Yale and Cornell Universities in those days. The "Henry Sage" cited is probably William Henry Sage (1844-1924) who graduated Yale 1865 and then joined the family lumber company, H.W. Sage & Company in New York. Henry Sage was a member of Scroll & Key the sister Senior Society to Skull & Bones at Yale. Furthermore, two of Henry Sage's nephews were in The Order, but well after 1868: · Dean Sage ('97) · Henry Manning Sage ('90) Both Sages entered the family lumber business, by then renamed Sage Land & Lumber. In brief: the funds to get Hall to Germany on his first trip came from a member of Scroll & Key, i.e., Henry Sage, while Sage's two nephews joined The Order later in the century. In Germany, Hall studied philosophy at the University of Berlin for two years under Hegelians Trendelenberg (Gilman of The Order also studied under Trendelenberg) and Lepsius. There were few American students in Berlin at this time. So few that the American Minister George Bancroft could entertain them at the U.S. Embassy to meet German Chancellor von Bismarck.

Hall At Antioch College

Hall returned to the U.S. from Germany in 1871 and by design or accident found himself under the wing of The Order. Again, the detail is important. There are two versions of Hall's life immediately after returning from his first trip to Germany. According to Hall's Confessions, he became tutor for the Seligman banking family in New York and was then contacted by James K. Hosmer, Professor at Antioch College, Yellow Springs, Ohio. Hosmer asked, and this is very unusual, if Hall would like his professorial post at Antioch. Said Hall, "I gladly accepted." There is another version in National Cyclopaedia Of American Biography which states, "In 1872 he (Hall) accepted a professorship at Antioch College, Ohio, that formerly was held by Horace Mann." In any event Hall went to Antioch, a "liberal" Unitarian college with a more than "liberal" view of education. And at Antioch College, G. Stanley Hall was at the core of The Order. Horace Mann, whom we met in Memorandum Two as the promoter of "look-say" reading, was the first President of Antioch (1853-1860). The most prominent trustee of Antioch College was none other than the co-founder of The Order, Alphonso Taft. According to Hall, "(I) occasionally spent a Sunday with the Tafts. Ex-President Taft was then a boy and his father, Judge Alonzo (sic) Taft was a trustee of Antioch College" Confessions, p. 201). Furthermore, Cincinnati, Ohio, at that time was the center for a Young Hegelian movement including famous left Hegelian August Willich, and these were well known to Judge Alphonso Taft.

In brief, while at Antioch College in Yellow Springs, Ohio, Hall came under the influence of four groups: (a) the legend of Horace Mann, a hero of the modern education movement. (b) the Unitarian Church, which will enter our later reports, (c) a Hegelian discussion group comprised of left Hegelians, and (d) the co-founder of The Order, Alphonso Taft. And Hall knew William Howard Taft, also a member of The Order ('78) and future President and Chief Justice of the United States. Hall stayed four years at Antioch, then took off again for Europe, while Alphonso Taft went to Washington, D.C. as Secretary of War, then as Attorney General in the Grant Administration. Hall paused a while in England and then went on to Germany, to Leipzig and Wilhelm Wundt. He became the first of a dozen Americans to receive a Ph.D. in psychology (a new field) under Wundt. The Hegelian Influence On Hall So between 1870 and 1882, a span of twelve years, Hall spent six years in Germany. As Hall himself comments, "I do not know of any other American student of these subjects (i.e., philosophy and psychology) who came into even the slight personal contact it was my fortune to enjoy with Hartmann and Fechner, nor of any psychologist who had the experience of attempting experimental work with Helmholtz and I think I was the first American pupil of Wundt. The twelve years included in this span, more than any other equal period, marked and gave direction to modern psychology . . ."1 Who were these four German philosophers who so influenced Stanley Hall? Eduard von Hartmann (1842-1906), a prominent philosopher. Hartmann's views on individual rights are entirely contrary to our own, i.e., "The principle of freedom is negative . . . in every department of life, save religion alone, compulsion is necessary ... What all men need is rational tyranny, if it only holds them to a steady development, according to the laws of their own nature." There isn't too much difference between Hegel and Hartmann on the idea of social progress. Individual freedom is not acceptable to these philosophers, man must be guided by "rational tyranny." Gustav Theodor Fechner (1801-1887). Fechner disliked Hegel, who Fechner said, "unlearned men to think." However, Fechner was mainly interested in psycho-physics, i.e., parapsychology:

1 G.

Stanley Hall. FOUNDERS OF MODERN PSYCHOLOGY. Appleton & Co., London, 1912, pp. v-vi.

" . . . he was particularly attracted to the unexplored regions of the soul and so he became interested in somnambulism, attended seances when table tapping came into vogue." Herman L. F. von Helmholtz (1821-1894) was undoubtedly Germany's greatest scientist in the 19th century and was rooted in Kant, the predecessor of Hegel. For Helmholtz:

"The sensible world is a product of the interaction between the human organism and an unknown reality. The world of experience is determined by this interaction but the organism itself is only an object of experience and is to be understood by psychology and physiology." Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt Wilhelm Wundt (1832-1920), Professor of Philosophy at University of Leipzig, was undoubtedly the major influence on G. Stanley Hall. Modern education practice stems from Hegelian social theory combined with the experimental psychology of Wilhelm Wundt. Whereas Karl Marx and von Bismarck applied Hegelian theory to the political field, it was Wilhelm Wundt, influenced by Johann Herbart, who applied Hegel to education, which in turn, was picked up by Hall and John Dewey and modern educational theorists in the United States. Wilhelm Maximilian Wundt was born August 16, 1832 at Neckarau, a suburb of Mannheim, Germany. His father Maximilian (1787-1846) was a minister. Wundt's grandfather on the paternal side is of significant interest: Kirchenrat Karl Kasimir Wundt (1744-84) was Professor at Heidelberg University in the history and geography of Baden and pastor of the church at Wieblingen, a small neighborhood town. The Illuminati-Order documents show that "Raphael" in the IIluminati is identified as this same Professor Karl Kasimir Wundt and is referred to in the Illuminati Provincial Report from Utica (i.e., Heidelberg) dated September 1782. 1 The magnum opus of Wilhelm Wundt, i.e., Volkerpsychologie, is also today a recommended book in Internationales Freimaurer Lexikon (page 50).

Historical links aside, Wundt is important in the history of American education for the following reasons: (1) He established in 1875 the world's first laboratory in experimental psychology to measure individual responses to stimuli.

'Richard van Dulman, Der Geheimbund Der Illuminaten (Stuttgart, 1977, p. 269).

(2) Wundt believed that man is only the summation of his experience, i.e., the stimuli that bear upon him. It follows from this that, for Wundt, man has no self will, no self determination. Man is in effect only the captive of his experiences, a pawn needing guidance. (3) Students from Europe and the United States came to Leipzig to learn from Wundt the new science of experimental psychology. These students returned to their homelands to found schools of education or departments of psychology, and trained hundreds of Ph.D.s in the new field of psychology. The core of our problem is that Wundt's work was based on Hegelian philosophical theory and reflected the Hegelian view of the individual as a valueless cog in the State, a view expanded by Wundt to include man as nothing more than an animal influenced solely by daily experiences. This Wundtian view of the world was brought back from Leipzig to the United States by G. Stanley Hall and other Americans and went through what is known among psychologists as "The Americanization of Wundt." Although Hall was primarily psychologist and teacher, his political views were partially Marxist, as Hall himself writes: ". . . (I) had wrestled with Karl Marx and half accepted what I understood of him" (Confessions, p. 222). In the next Memorandum, Number Five, we will link Hall with Gilman and trace their joint influence on American education.

Memorandum Number Five: The Baltimore Scheme

While G. Stanley Hall was in Leipzig working under Wilhelm Wundt, the revolutionary trio GilmanDwight-White were moving events back home - and The Order ran into its first organized opposition. The protesting "neutrals" at Yale had no hope of winning. Even under independent President Noah Porter in the 1870s, The Order had Yale University under its control. But while Yale students were watching, protesting and writing bad verse, Daniel Gilman ran into opposition 3000 miles away - and if the leaders of this counter revolution had known the story we are recounting here, they might just have stopped The Order dead in its tracks. In 1867 Daniel Gilman received an offer as President of the University of Wisconsin. This he declined. In 1872 Gilman was offered the Presidency of the newly established University of California. This offer he accepted. In California Gilman found a political hornets' nest. For some years there had been increasing popular concern about the railroad monopolies, government subsidies to railroads and - oddly enough the Morrill Bill which gave federal land grants to agricultural and scientific colleges. The reader will recall that in Connecticut and New York, The Order had grabbed the total state's share for Yale and Cornell respectively. Californians believed that the University of California, a land grant college, should teach agriculture and science, whereas Gilman had different ideas. Unrest over corruption, including corruption among University of California Regents and the railroads (in which members of The Order had widespread interests), led to formation of a new California political party.

In 1873 the party was known as the Patrons of Husbandry or the Grangers. Then members of the Republican Party broke away and joined with the Grangers to form the Peoples Independent Party (known also as the Dolly Varden Party). They won a decisive victory in the 1873 California elections and following investigations by the Grangers, a petition was sent to the Legislature concerning operation of the University of California under Daniel Giiman. At that time Henry George was editor of the San Francisco Daily Evening Post and George used his considerable journalistic skills to attack the University, the Regents, Gilman, and the land grants. Although Henry George is known as a socialist, we classify him as an independent socialist, not part of the Hegelian right-left spectrum. His main target was land monopoly, whereas the "scientific" Hegelian socialism of Karl Marx is geared to establishing monopolies of all kinds under state control, following the Hegelian theory of the supremacy of the State.

This populist furor scared Gilman, as he freely admits: ". . . there are dangers here which I could not foresee. . . . This year the dangers have been averted but who can tell what will happen two years hence"? I feel that we are building a superior structure but it rests over a powder mill which may blow it up any day. All these conditions fill me with perplexity." Reading between the lines, Daniel Gilman was not too anxious to =ace the populist west. He needed a more stable base where prying journalists and independent politicians could be headed off. And this base presented itself in the "Baltimore scheme."

Daniel Gilman Becomes President Of Johns Hopkins

Johns Hopkins, a wealthy Baltimore merchant, left his fortune to establish a University for graduate education (the first in the United States along German lines) and a medical school. Hopkins' trustees were all friends who lived in Baltimore. How then did they come to select Daniel Coit Gilman as President of the new University? In 1874 the trustees invited three university presidents to come to Baltimore and advise on the choice of a President. These were Charles W. Eliot of Harvard, Andrew Dickson White of Cornell, and James B. Angell of Michigan. Only Andrew Dickson White was in The Order. After meeting independently with each of these presidents, half a dozen of the trustees toured several American Universities in search of further information - and Andrew D. White accompanied the tour. The result . as in the words of James Angell: "And now I have this remarkable statement to make to you, that without the least conference between us three, we all wrote letters telling them that the one man was Daniel C. Gilman of California,"1 The truth is that Gilman not only knew what was going on in 3aitimore, but was in communication with Andrew White on the Baltimore scheme," as they called it. In a letter dated April 5, 1874, Gilman wrote as follows to Andrew D. White "( could not conclude on any new proposition without conferring upon it with some of my family friends, and I have not felt at liberty to do so. I confess that the Baltimore (italics in original) scheme has often suggested itself to me, but I have no personal relations in that quarter."2

'John C. French. A HISTORY OF "I HE UNIVERSITY FOUNDED BY JOHNS HOPKINS (The Johns Hopkins Press. Baltimore. 1946), p. 26. 2 LIFE OF DANIEL COIT GILMAN. p. 157.

Here's the interesting point: the board appointed by Johns Hopkins to found a university did not even meet to adopt its by-laws and appoint committees until four weeks before this letter i.e., March 7, 1874. Yet Gilman tells us "the Baltimore scheme has of times suggested itself to me... In brief: Gilman knew what was happening over in Baltimore BEFORE HIS NAME HAD BEEN PRESENTED TO THE TRUSTEES! Gilman became first President of Johns Hopkins University and quickly set to work.

Johns Hopkins had willed substantial amounts for both a University and a medical school. Dr. William H. Welch ('70), a fellow member of The Order, was brought in by Gilman to head up the Hopkins medical school. (Welch was President of the Board of Directors of the Rockefeller Institute of Medical Research for almost 25 years, 1910-1934. This we shall expand upon later in the series when we examine how The Order came to control medicine). For the moment let's return to G. Stanley Hall who was in Leipzig while Johns Hopkins was acquiring its new President.

Gilman Starts The Revolution in American Education

When he returned to the United States Hall was feeling pretty low: "I came home, again in the depths because of debt and with no prospects, took a small flat on the edge of Somerville, where my two children were born, and waited, hoped and worked. One Wednesday morning President Eliot (of Harvard University) rode up to the house, rapped on the door without dismounting from his horse and asked me to begin Saturday of that week a course of lectures on education . . ." As Hall recounts it, he had a "very impressive audience" for these lectures. Sometime later, "In 1881 I was surprised and delighted to receive an invitation from the Johns Hopkins University, then the cynosure of all aspiring young professors, to deliver a course of twelve semi-public lectures on psychology." At the end of the lecture series, Gilman offered Hall the chair of Professor of Psychology and Pedagogy. This puzzled Hall because others at Johns Hopkins were "older and abler" than himself and "Why the appointment for which all of them had been considered fell to me I was never able to understand unless it was because my standpoint was thought to be a little more accordant with the ideals which then prevailed there." Hall was given a psychological laboratory, a thousand dollars a year for equipment and, with the encouragement of Gilman, founded The American Journal Of Psychology. And what did Hall teach? Again in his own words: "The psychology I taught was almost entirely experimental and covered for the most part the material that Wundt had set forth in the later and larger edition of Physiological Psychology." The rest is known. The chart demonstrates how doctoral students from Wundt and Hall fanned out through the United States, established departments of psychology and education by the score; 117 psychological laboratories just in the period up to 1930. Prominent among these students were John Dewey, J.M. Cattell and E.L. Thorndike - all part of the founding of Columbia Teachers' College and Chicago's School of Education - the two sources of modern American education. Their activities can be measured by the number of doctorates in educational psychology and experimental psychology granted in the period up to 1948. The following list includes psychologists with training in Germany under Wilhelm Wundt before 1900, and the number of doctorates they in turn awarded up to 1948:

American Students of Wundt Teaching at U.S. Universities G. Stanley Hall J. McKeen Cattell E. W . Scripture E.B. Titchener H. Gale G.T.W. Patrick C.H. Judd Career At Johns Hopkins and Clark University Columbia University Yale University Cornell University Minnesota University Iowa University University of Chicago Number of Doctorates They Awarded up to 1948 149 doctorates ; 344 doctorates 138 doctorates 112 doctorates 123 doctorates 269 doctorates 196 doctorates

Of these only E.B. Titchener at Cornell could be called a critic of the Wundt school of experimental psychology. The rest followed the party line: an amalgamation of Hegelian philosophy and Wundtian animal psychology. So from the seed sown by Daniel Coit Gilman at Johns Hopkins grew the vast network of interlocking schools of education and departments of psychology that dominates education today.

Around the turn of the century The Order had made significant penetration into the educational establishment. By utilizing the power of members in strategic positions they were able to select, groom and position non-members with similar philosophy and activist traits. In 1886 Timothy Dwight (The Order) had taken over from the last of Yale's clerical Presidents, Noah Porter. Never again was Yale to get too far from The Order. Dwight was followed by member Arthur T. Hadley ('76). Andrew Dickson White was secure as President of Cornell and alternated as U.S. Ambassador to Germany. While in Berlin, White acted as recruiting agent for The Order. Not only G. Stanley Hall came into his net, but also Richard T. Ely, founder of the American Economic Association. Daniel Gilman, as we noted in the last memorandum, was President of Johns Hopkins and used that base to introduce Wundtian psychology into U.S. education. After retirement from Johns Hopkins, Gilman became the first President of the Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C. The chart overleaf summarizes the achievements of this remarkable troika. Now let's see how The Order moved into more specialized fields of education, then we need to examine how The Order fits with John Dewey, the source of modern American educational philosophy, then how The Order spread Dewey throughout the system.

Memorandum Number Six: The Troika Spreads Its Wings

Founding Of The American Economic Association

Academic associations are a means of conditioning or even policing academics. Although academics are great at talking about academic freedom, they are peculiarly susceptible to peer group pressures. And if an academic fails to get the word through his peer group, there is always the threat of not getting tenure. In other words, what is taught at University levels is passed through a sieve. The sieve is faculty conformity. In this century when faculties are larger, conformity cannot be imposed by a President. [t is handled equally well through faculty tenure committees and publications committees of academic associations.

We have already noted that member Andrew Dickson White founded and was first President of the American Historical Association and therefore was able to influence the constitution and direction of the AHA. This has generated an official history and ensured that existence of The Order is never even whispered in history books, let alone school texts. An economic association is also of significance because it conditions how people who are not economists think about the relative merits of free enterprise and state planning. State economic planning is an essential part of State political control. Laissez faire in economics is the equivalent of individualism in politics. And just as you will never find any plaudits for the Ninth and Tenth Amendments to the Constitution in official history, neither will you find any plaudits for individual free enterprise. The collectivist nature of present day college faculties in economics has been generated by the American Economic Association under influence of The Order. There are very few outspoken preachers of the Austrian School of Economics on American campuses today. They have been effectively weeded out. Even Ludwig von Mises, undisputed leader of the school, was unable to find a teaching post in the United States. So much for academic freedom in economics. And it speaks harshly for the pervasive, deadening, dictatorial hand of the American Economics Association. And the controlling hand, as in the American Psychological Association and the American Historical Association, traces back to The Order. The principal founder and first Secretary of the American Economic Association was Richard T. Ely. Who was Ely? Ely descended from Richard Ely of Plymouth, England who settled at Lyme, Connecticut in 1660. On his grandmother's side (and you have heard this before for members of The Order) Ely descended from the daughter of Rev. Thomas Hooker, founder of Hartford, Connecticut. On the paternal side, Ely descended from Elder William Brewster of Plymouth Colony. Ely's first degree was from Dartmouth College. In 1876 he went to University of Heidelberg and received a Ph.D. in 1879. Ely then returned to the United States, but as we shall describe below, had already come to the notice of The Order. When Ely arrived home, Daniel Gilman invited Ely to take the Chair of Political Economy at Johns Hopkins. Ely accepted at about the same time Gilman appointed G. Stanley Hall to the Chair of Philosophy and Pedagogy and William Welch, a member of The Order we have yet to describe, to be Dean of the Johns Hopkins medical school.

Fortunately, Richard Ely was an egocentric and left an autobiography, Ground Under Our Feet, which he dedicated to none other than Daniel Coit Gilman (see illustration). Then on page 54 of this autobiography is the caption "I find an invaluable friend in Andrew D. White." And in Ely's first book, French And German Socialism, we find :he following: "The publication of this volume is due to the friendly counsel of the Honorable Andrew D. White, President of Cornell University, a gentleman tireless in his efforts to encourage young men and alive to every opportunity to speak fitting words of hope and cheer. Like many of the younger scholars of our country, I am indebted to him more than I can say." Ely also comments that he never could understand why he always received a welcome from the U.S. Embassy in Berlin, in fact from the Ambassador himself. But the reader has probably guessed what Ely didn't know - White was The Order's recruiter in Berlin. Ely recalls his conversations with White, and makes a revealing comment: "I was interested in his psychology and the way he worked cleverly with Ezra Cornell and Mr. Sage, a benefactor and one of the trustees of Cornell University." The reader will remember it was Henry 5age who provided the first funds for G. Stanley Hall to study in Germany. Then Ely says, "The only explanation I can give for his special interest n me was the new ideas I had in relation to economics." And what were t hese new ideas? Ely rejected classical liberal economics, including free trade, and noted that free trade was "particularly obnoxious to the German school of thought by which I was so strongly impressed." In other ,words, just as G. Stanley Hall had adopted Hegelianism in psychology from Wundt, Ely adopted Hegelian ideas from his prime teacher Karl Knies at University of Heidelberg.


First President of Johns Hopkins University, creative genius in the field of education; wise, inspiring and courageous chief under whom I had the good fortune to begin my career and to whom I owe an inestimable debt of gratitude, I dedicate this book.

And both Americans had come to the watchful attention of The Order. The staff of the U.S. Embassy in Berlin never did appreciate why a young American student, not attached to the Embassy, was hired by Ambassador White to make a study of the Berlin City Government. That was Ely's test, and he passed it with flying colors. As he says, "It was this report which served to get me started on my way and later helped me get a teaching post at the Johns Hopkins."

The rest is history. Daniel Coit Gilman invited Richard Ely to Johns Hopkins University. From there Ely went on to head the department of economics at University of Wisconsin. Through the ability to influence choice of one's successor, Wisconsin has been a center of statist economics down to the present day. Before we leave Richard Ely we should note that financing for projects at University of Wisconsin came directly from The Order - from member George B. Cortelyou ('13), President of New York Life Insurance Company. Ely also tells us about his students, and was especially enthralled by Woodrow Wilson: "We knew we had in Wilson an unusual man. There could be no question that he had a brilliant future." And for those readers who are wondering if Colonel Edward Mandell House, Woodrow Wilson's mysterious confidant, is going to enter the story, the answer is Yes! He does, but not yet. The clue is that young Edward Mandell House went to school at Hopkins Grammar School, New Haven, Connecticut. House knew The Order from school days. [n fact one of House's closest classmates at Hopkins Grammar School was member Arthur Twining Hadley ('76), who went on to become President of Yale University (1899 to 1921). And it was Theodore Roosevelt who surfaced Hadley's hidden philosophy: "Years later Theodore Roosevelt would term Arthur Hadley his fellow anarchist and say that if their true views were known, they would be so misunderstood that they would both lose their jobs as President of the United States and President of Yale."1 House's novel, Philip Dru, was written in New Haven, Connecticut and in those days House was closer to the Taft segment of The Order than Woodrow Wilson. In fact House, as we shall see later, was The Order's messenger boy. House was also something of a joker because part of the story of The Order is encoded within

Philip Dru!

We are not sure if The Order knows about House's little prank. It's just like House to try to slip one over on the holders of power.

American Medical Association

Your doctor knows nothing about nutrition? Ask hom confidentially and he'll probably confess he had only one course in nutrition. And there's a reason. Back in the late 19th century American medicine was in a deplorable state. To the credit of the Rockefeller General Education Board and the Institute for Medical Research, funds were made available to staff teaching hospitals and to eradicate some pretty horrible diseases.


Morris Hadley. ARTHUR TWINING HADLEY, Yale University Press. 1948, p. 33.

On the other hand, a chemical-based medicine was introduced and the medical profession cut its ties with naturopathy. Cancer statistics tell you the rest. For the moment we want only to note that the impetus for reorganizing medical education in the United States came from John D. Rockefeller, but the funds were channeled through a single member of The Order. Briefly, the story is this. One day in 1912 Frederick T. Gates of Rockefeller Foundation had lunch with Abraham Flexner of Carnegie Institution. Said Gates to Flexner: "What would you do if you had one million dollars with which to make a start in reorganizing medical education in the United States?"1 As reported by Fosdick, this is what happened: "The bluntness was characteristic of Mr. Gates, but the question about the million dollars was hardly in accord with his usual indirect and cautious approach to the spending of money. Flexner's reply, however, to the effect that any funds - a million dollars or otherwise - could most profitably be spent in developing the Johns Hopkins Medical School, struck a responsive chord in Gates who was already a close friend and devoted admirer of Dr. Wi!liam H. Welch, the dean of the institution." Welch was President of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research from 1901, and a Trustee of the Carnegie Institution from 1906. William H. Welch was also a member of the Order and had been brought to Johns Hopkins University by Daniel Coit Gilman.

Other Areas Of Education

We should note in conclusion other educational areas where The Order had its influence. In theology we have already noted that The Order controlled Union Theological Seminary for many years, and was strong within the Yale School of Divinity. The constitution for UNESCO was written largely by The Order, i.e., member Archibald MacLeish. And member William Chauvenet (1840) was "largely responsible for establishing the U.S. Naval Academy on a firm scientific basis." Chauvenet was director of the Observatory, U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis from 1845 to 1859 and then went on to become Chancellor of Washington University (1869). Finally, a point on methodology. The reader will remember from Memorandum One (Voume One) that we argued the most "general" solution to a problem in science is the most acceptable solution. In brief, a useful hypothesis is one that explains the most events. Pause a minute and reflect. We are not developing a theory that includes numerous superficially unconnected events.

1 Raymond D. Fosdick. ADVENTURE IN GIVING (Harper & Row. New York. 1962), p. 154.

For example, the founding of Johns Hopkins University, the introduction of Wundtian educational methodology, a psychologist G. Stanley Hall, an economist Richard T. Ely, a politician Woodrow Wilson - and now we have included such disparate events as Colonel Edward House and the U.S. Naval Observatory. The Order links to them all . . . . and several hundred or thousand other events yet to be unfolded. In research when a theory begins to find support of this pervasive nature it suggests the work is on the right track. So let's interpose another principle of scientific methodology. How do we finally know that our hypothesis is valid? If our hypothesis is correct, then we should be able to predict not only future conduct of The Order but also events where we have yet to conduct research. This is still to come. However, the curious reader may wishto try it out. Select a major historical event and search for the guiding hand of The Order. Members Of The Order In Education

(For Yale University see list at end of Memorandum Number One)

Name BURTT, Edwin A.

Date Initiated 1915

ALEXANDER, Eben BLAKE, Eli Whitney CAPRON, Samuel M. CHAUVENET, William

1873 1857 1853 1840

Affiliations Professor of Philosophy, University of Chicago (1924-1931) and Cornell Universi ty (1931-1960) Professor of Greek and Minister to Greece (1893-97) Professor of Physics, Cornell (18681870) and Brown University (1870-95) Not known U.S. Naval Academy (1845-59) and Chancellor Washington University (1862-9) Not known New England Conservatory of Music Professor of Greek, Center College (1855-1866), Rutgers University (1866-1904) Not known Not known President, Western Reserve University (1871-1886) Not known Professor of Greek, Olivert College, and President (1865-1904)

COLTON, Henry M. COOKE, Francis J. COOPER, Jacob

1848 1933 1852

CUSHING, William CUSHMAN, Isaac LaFayette CUTLER, Carroll DALY, Frederick J. DANIELS, Joseph L.

1872 1845 1854 1911 1860


1841 1848 1891 1851

Professor of Greek, Beloit College (1848-1888) Not known Connecticut State Legislature (19321936) Professor of Mathematics, Cornell University (1868-1872)

EWELL, John L. FEW SMITH, W. FISHER. Irving FISK, F.W. GREEN, James Payne GRIGGS, John C. GROVER, Thomas W. HALL, Edward T. HARMAN, Archer HARMAN, Archer, Jr. HEBARD, Daniel HINCKS, John H. HINE, Charles D. H0LLISTER, Arthur N. HOPKINS, John M. HOXTON. Archibald R. HOYT, Joseph G. IVES, Chauncey B. JOHNSON, Charles F.

1865 1844 1888 1849 1857 1889 1874 1941 1913 1945 1860 1872 1871 1858 1900 1939 1840 1928 1855

JOHNSTON, Henry Phelps J OHNSTON, William

1862 1852

Professor of Church History, Howard University (1891-1910) Not known Professor of Political Economy, Yale (1893-1935) President, Chicago Theological Seminary (1887-1900) Professor of Greek, Jefferson College (1857-59) Vassar College (1897-1927) Not known St. Mark's School Southborough, Mass. St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H. St. Paul's School, Concord. N.H. Not known Professor of History, Atlanta University (1849-1894) Secretary, Connecticut State Board of Education (1883-1920) Not known Not known Episcopal High School Chancellor, Washington University (1858-1862) Adirondack-Florida School Professor of Mathematics, U.S. Naval Academy (1865-1870). Trinity College (1884-1906) Professor of History, N.Y. City College (1883-1916) Professor of English Literature, Washington & Lee (1867-1877) and Louisiana State University (1883-1889) Institute of Contemporary Art Not known Not known Not known Westminster School Not known Princeton University Not known Professor of Church History, Doshiba College, Japan (1876-1928) Professor of Zoology, University of Pitts burgh (1925-30), Rutgers (1932-6) Library of Congress (1939-1944), UNESCO, State Dept., OWI, Howard University NES, Theodore S. J UDSON, Isaac N. KELLOGG, Fred W. KIMBALL, John KINGSBURY, Howard T. KINNE, William {.APP, John M. KNOX, Hugh LEARNED, Dwight Whitney


1933 1873 1883 1858 1926 1948 1936 1907 1870 1891 1915



ACLEISH, Archibald

MACLEISH, William H. MACLELLAN, George B. MOORE, Eliakim H. MORSE, Sidney N. NICHOLS, Alfred B. NORTON, William B. OWEN, Edward T. PARSONS, Henry Mcl PERRY, David B. PINCKARD, Thomas C. POMEROY, John POTWIN, Lemuel S. REED, Harry L. RICHARDSON, Rufus B. RUSSELL, William H. SEELY, Wm. W. SHIRLEY, A. SOUTHWORTH, George CS SPRING, Andrew J. STAGG, Amos A. STILLMAN, George S. SUTHERLAND, Richard O. THACHER, William L. TIGHE, Lawrence G. TWICHELL, Charles P. TYLER, Charles M. TYLER, Moses Coit VOGT, T.D. WALKER, Horace F. WATKINS, Charles L. WHITE, John R. WHITNEY, Emerson C. WHITNEY, Joseph E. WILLIAMS, James W. WOOD, William C. YOUNG, Benham D. YARDLEY, Henry A.

1950 1858 1883 1890 1880 1925 1872 1933 1863 1848 1887 1854 1889 1869 1833 1862 1869 1863 1855 1888 1935 1931 1887 1916 1945 1855 1857 1943 1889 1908 1903 1851 1882 1908 1868 1848 1855

Not known Not known Professor of Mathematics, University of Chicago (1892-1931) Not known Professor of German, Simmons College (1903-1911) Professor of History, Boston Univ. Professor of French, University of Wiscon sin (1879-1931) Columbia University President, Douana College (1881-1912) Not known Professor of Law, University of Illinois (1910-1924) Professor, Western Reserve University (1871-1906 President, Auburn Theological Seminary (1926-1939) Director of American School of Classical Studies, Athens (1893-1903) Collegiate School, Hartford Dean, Medical Faculty, University of Cin cinnati (1881-1900) Not known Bexley Theological Seminary (1888-1900 Not known Director Physical Education, University of Chicago St. Paul's School Not known Not known Treasurer of Yale St. Louis Country Day School Professor of History, Cornell University (1891-1903) Professor at Corneli (1867-1900 Not known Not known Director, Phillips Art School Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known Not known Berkeley Divinity School (1867-1882)

Memorandum Number Seven: The Order's Objectives For Education

We can deduce The Order's objectives for education from evidence already presented and by examining the work and influence of John Dewey, the arch creator of modern educational theory.

How do we do this? We first need to examine Dewey's relationship with The Order. Then compare Dewey's philosophy with Hegel and with the philosophy and objectives of modern educational practice. These educational objectives have not, by and large, been brought about by governmental action. In fact, if the present state of education 7 had been brought about by legislation, it would have been challenged on the grounds of unconstitutionality. On the contrary, the philosophy and practice of today's system has been achieved by injection of massive private funds by foundations under influence, and sometimes control, of The Order. This implementation we will describe in a future volume, How The Order Controls Foundations. In fact, the history of the implementation of Dewey's objectives is also the history of the larger foundations, i.e., Ford, Carnegie, Rockefeller, Peabody, Sloan, Slater and Twentieth Century. How John Dewey Relates To The Order John Dewey worked for his doctorate at Johns Hopkins University fr om 1882-86 under Hegelian philosopher George Sylvester Morris. Morris in turn had his doctorate from University of Berlin and studied under the same teachers as Daniel Gilman, i.e., Adolph Trendelenberg and Hermann Ulrici. Neither Morris nor Dewey were members of The Order, but the link is clear. Gilman hired Morris, knowing full well that Hegelianism is a totally integrated body of 'knowledge and eas y to recognize. It is a d ifferent from the British empirical school of John Stuart Mill as night and day. John Dewey's psychology was taken from G. Stanley Hall, the first American student to receive a doctorate from Wilhelm Wundt at University of Leipzig. Gilman knew exactly what he was getting when he hired Hall. With only a dozen faculty members, all were hired personally by the President. In brief, philosophy and psychology came to Dewey from academics hand-picked by The Order. From Johns Hopkins Dewey went as Professor of Philosophy to University of Michigan and in 1886 published Psychology, a blend of Hegelian philosophy applied to Wundtian experimental psychology. It sold well. In 1894 Dewey went to University of Chicago and in 1902 was appointed Director of the newly founded - with Rockefeller money - School of Education.

The University of Chicago itself had been founded in 1890 with Rockefeller funds - and in a future volume we will trace this through Frederick Gates (of Hartford, Connecticut), and the Pillsbury family (The Order). The University of Chicago and Columbia Teachers' College were the key training schools for modern education. The Influence Of Dewey Looking back at John Dewey after 80 years of his influence, he can be recognized as the pre-eminent factor in the collectivization, or Hegelianization, of American Schools. Dewey was consistently a philosopher of social change. That's why his impact has been so deep and pervasive. And it is in the work and implementation of the ideas of John Dewey that we can find the objective of The Order. When The Order brought G. Stanley Hall from Leipzig to Johns Hopkins University, John Dewey was already there, waiting to write his doctoral dissertation on "The Psychology of Kant." Already a Hegelian in philosophy, he acquired and adapted the experimental psychology of Wundt and Hall to his concept of education for social change. To illustrate this, here's a quote from John Dewey in My Pedagogic Creed: "The school is primarily a social institution. Education being a social process, the school is simply that form of community life in which all those agencies are concentrated that will be most effective in bringing the child to share in the inherited resources of the race, and to use his own powers for social ends. Education, therefore, is a process of living and not a preparation for future living." What we learn from this is that Dewey's education is not child centered but State centered, because for the Hegelian, "social ends" are always State ends. This is where the gulf of misunderstanding between modern parents and the educational system begins. Parents believe a child goes to school to learn skills to use in the adult world, but Dewey states specifically that education is "not a preparation for future living." The Dewey educational system does not accept the role of developing a child's talents but, contrarily, only to prepare the child to function as a unit in an organic whole - in blunt terms a cog in the wheel of an organic society. Whereas most Americans have moral values rooted in the individual, the values of the school system are rooted in the Hegelian concept of the State as the absolute. No wonder there is misunderstanding! The Individual Child When we compare Hegel, John Dewey, and today's educational thinkers and doers, we find an extraordinary similarity. For Hegel the individual has no value except as he or she performs a function for society: "The State is the absolute reality and the individual himself has objective existence, truth and morality only in his capacity as a member of the State." John Dewey tried to brush the freedom of the individual to one side. In an article, "Democracy and Educational Administration" (School & Society, XVL, 1937, p. 457) Dewey talks about the "lost individual," and then restates Hegel in the following way: "freedom is the participation of every mature human being in formation of the values that regulate the living of men together." This is pure Hegel, i.e., man finds freedom only in obedience to the State. As one critic, Horace M. Kallen stated, John Dewey had a "blindness to the sheer individuality of individuals." In other words, for Dewey man has no individual rights. Man exists only to serve the State. This is directly contradictory to the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution with the preamble "We the people." They then go on to define the rights of the state which are always subordinate and subject to the will of "We the people." This, of course, is why modern educationists have great difficulty in introducing the Constitution into school work. Their ideas follow Hegel and Dewey and indirectly the objectives of The Order. For example: "An attempt should be made to redress the present overemphasis on individualism in current programs . . . students need to develop a sense of community and collective identity." (Educational Leadership, May 1982, William B. Stanley, Asst. Professor, Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Louisiana State University). The Purpose Of Education What then is the purpose of education, if the individual has no rights and exists only for the State? There was no need for Hegel to describe education, and so far as we Know there is no statement purely on education in Hegel's writings. It is unnecessary. For Hegel every quality of an individual exists only at the mercy and will of the State. This approach is reflected in political systems based on Hegel whether it be Soviet Communism or Hitlerian national socialism. John Dewey follows Hegel's organic view of society. For example: "Education consists either in the ability to use one's powers in a social direction or else in ability to share in the experience of others and thus widen the individual consciousness to that of the race" (Lectures For The First Course In Pedagogy).

This last sentence is reminiscent of the Hitlerian philosophy of race (i.e., right Hegelianism). And today's educators reflect this approach. Here's a quote from Assemblyman John Vasconcellos of California, who also happens to be Chairman of the Joint Committee on the Master Plan for Higher Education and the Education Goals Committee for the California State Assembly - a key post: "It is now time for a new vision of ourselves, of man, of human nature and of human potential, and a new theory of politics and institutions premised upon that vision. What is that vision of Man? That the natural, whole, organismic human being is loving . . . that man's basic thrust is towards community" (quoted in Rex Myles, Brotherhood and Darkness, p. 347). What is this "widen(ing) the individual conscienceness" (Dewey) and "thrust . . . towards community" (Vasconcellos)?

Stripped of the pedantic language it is new world order, a world organic society. But there is no provision for a global organic order within the Constitution. In fact, it is illegal for any government officer or elected official to move the United States towards such an order as it would clearly be inconsistent with the Constitution. To be sure, Dewey was not a government official, but Vasconcellos has taken an oath of allegiance to the Constitution. The popular view of a global order is probably that we had better look after our problems at home before we get involved in these esoteric ideas. Political corruption, pitifully low educational standards, and insensitive bureaucracy are probably of more concern to Americans. It's difficult to see what the new world order has to do with education of children, but it's there in the literature. Fichte, Hegel's predecessor from whom many of his philosophical ideas originated, had a definite concept of a League of Nationas (Volkerbund) and the idea of a league to enforce peace. Fichte asserted "As this federation spreads further and gradually embraces the whole earth, perpetual peace begins, the only lawful relation among states . . ." The National Education Association, the lobby for education, produced a program for the 1976 Bicentennial entitled "A Declaration Of Interdependence: Education For A Global Community. " On page 6 of this document we find: "We are committed to the idea of Education for Global Community. You are invited to help turn the commitment into action and mobilizing world education for development of a world community." An objective almost parallel to Hegel is in Self Knowledge And Social Action by Obadiah Silas Harris, Associate Professor of Educational Management and Development New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico: "When community educators say that community education takes into consideration the total individual and his total environment, they mean precisely this: the field of community education includes the individual in his total psycho-physical structure and his entire ecological climate with all its ramifications - social, political, economical, cultural, spiritual, etc. It seeks to integrate the individual within himself (sic) and within his community until the individual becomes a cosmic soul and the community the world." And on page 84 of the same book: "The Cosmic soul ... the whole human race is going to evolve an effective soul of its own - the cosmic soul of the race. That is the future of human evolution. As a result of the emergence of the universal soul, there will be a great unification of the entire human race, ushering into existence a new era, a new dawn of unique world power." This last quote sounds even more like Adolph Hitler than Assemblyman John Vasconcellos. It has the same blend of the occult, the ethnic and absolutism. In conclusion we need only quote the Constitution, the basic body of law under which the United States is governed. The generally held understanding of the Constitution on the relationship between the individual and the State is that the individual is Supreme, the State exists only to serve individuals and the State has no power except by express permission of the people. This is guaranteed by Amendments IX and X of the Constitution. Amendment IX reads, "The enumeration in the Constitution of certain rights shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the People." Note, the "retained". And, Amendment X reads, "The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people." In brief, the proposals of John Dewey and his followers are un constitutional. They would never have seen the light of day in American schoolrooms unless they had been promoted by The Order with its enormous power.

Mind Blank - The Order's Objective For Education

Memorandum Number Eight: Summary

Up to this point we have established the following: (1) By the 1870s The Order had Yale University under its control. Every President of Yale since Timothy Dwight has either been a member of The Order or has family connections to The Order. It also appears that some Yale graduates who are not members of The Order will act towards objectives desired by The Order. Some of these, for example Dean Acheson, we can identify as members of Scroll & Key, or with relatives in The Order. Others yet to be brought into our discussion are members of Wolf's Head (for example, Reeve Schley, who worked for the Rockefellers). Still others, for example Robert Maynard Hutchins (Fund for the Republic), are Yale graduates but not yet identified as members of any Yale senior society. It appears at this point that Ron Rosenbaum's assertion (in Esquire, 1977), that members of the Eastern Establishment who are not members of Skull & Bones will be members of either Scroll & Key or Wolf's Head is holding up. (2) So far as education is concerned, look-say reading originated with Thomas Gallaudet and was designed for deaf mutes. The elder Gallaudet was not a member of The Order, but his two sons (Edson and Herbert Gallaudet) were initiated in 1893 and 1898. Horace Mann, a significant influence in modern educational theory and the first promoter of "look-say," was not a member. However, Mann was President of Antioch College, and the Tafts (The Order) were the most powerful trustees of Antioch. (3) We traced John Dewey's philosophy, that education is to prepare a person to fit into society rather than develop individual talents, to Herbart who was influenced by the Swiss Pestalozzi. Personal development cannot be achieved by developing individual talents, it must take the form of preparation to serve society, according to Herbart, Dewey and Pestalozzi. Pestalozzi was a member of the Illuminati, with the code name "Alfred." This raises new perspectives for future research, specifically whether The Order can be traced to the illuminati. (4) The scene shifts in the late 19th century from Yale to Johns Hopkins University. Member Daniel Coit Gilman is the first President of Johns Hopkins and he has handpicked either members of The Order (Welch) or Hegelians for the new departments. G. Stanley Hall, the first of Wilhelm Wundt's American students, began the process of Americanization of Wundt, established the first experimental psychology laboratory for education in the United States with funds from Gilman, and later started the Journal Of Psychology. John Dewey was one of the first doctorates from Johns Hopkins (under Hall and Morris), followed by Woodrow Wilson, who was President of Princeton University before he became President of the United States.

We noted that at key turning points of G. Stanley Hall's career the guiding hand of The Order can be traced. Hall also links to another member of The Order, Alphonso Taft. We noted that Wilhelm Wundt's family had Illuminati connections. (5) The Order was able to acquire all the Morrill Act land grant entitlements for New York and Connecticut for Cornell and Yale respectively. However, member Gilman ran into trouble as President of University of California on the question of the California land grants and corruption among the University regents. The first organized opposition to The Order came from the San Francisco Times, but editor Henry George was not fully aware of the nature of his target. (6) The core of The Order's impact on education can be seen as a troika: Gilman at Johns Hopkins, White at Cornell (and U.S. Minister to Germany) and Dwight, followed by member Hadley, at Yale. Andrew White was first President of the American Historical Association. Richard T. Ely (not a member but aided by The Order) became a founder and first secretary of the American Economic Association. Members can also be traced into such diverse areas as the U.S. Naval Observatory and the Union Theological Seminary. (7) John Dewey, the originator of modern educational theory, took his doctorate at Johns Hopkins under Hegelians. Dewey's work is pure Hegel in theory and practice, and is totally inconsistent with the Constitution of the U.S. and rights of the individual. A comparison of German Hegelians, John Dewey and modern educational theorists demonstrates the parallelism. Children do not go to school to develop individual talents but to be prepared as units in an organic society. Experimental schools at University of Chicago and Columbia University fanned the "new education" throughout the United States. In brief, The Order initiated and controlled education in this century by controlling its CONTENT. The content is at variance with the traditional view of education, which sees each child as unique and the school as a means of developing this uniqueness. Criticism of the educational system today bypasses the fundamental philosophic aspect and focuses on omissions, i.e., that the kids can't read, write, spell or undertake simple mathematical exercise. If we look at the educational system through the eyes of The Order and its objectives, then the problems shift. If teachers are not teaching basics, then what are they doing? They appear to be preparing children for a political objective which also happens to be the objective of The Order. The emphasis is on global living, preparing for a global society. It is apparently of no concern to the educational establishment that children can't read, can't write, and can't do elementary mathematics...but they are going to be ready for the Brave New World.

Memorandum Number Nine: Conclusions And Recommendations

A general conclusion is that The Order has been able to convert the educational system from one aimed at developing the individual child to one aimed at conditioning the child to be a unit in an organic, i.e., Hegelian, society. When we look at philanthropic foundations in the next volume we shall see the way this has been implemented by private foundation funds. There is not sufficient evidence to argue whether the decline in educational standards is an accidental byproduct of this "new education" or a deliberate subsidiary policy. In any event, the Reagan Administration policy of merit pay will compound, not solve, the problem. Recommendations for reform have been forthcoming at intervals since the late 1950s when educational problems first surfaced. At the time of Sputnik there was a hue and cry about the backward nature of U.S. training in mathematics and science, which at the University level are not at all backward. Anyway the educational establishment recognized an opportunity and cried, "more, more money." They got it, and there was a massive expansion in the '60s. But the funds have been poured into social conditioning. Mathematics and sciences have taken back seat in the last 30 years. Then in 1981, James S. Coleman of the University of Chicago produced a study of public schools for the U.S. Department of Education. In this study Coleman used the National Opinion Research Center to contact 58,728 sophomores and seniors in 1,016 public, parochial, and private schools across the United States. His findings were: · private and parochial schools provide an education closer to the common school ideal than do public schools, · private school students learned more than public school counterparts, · Coleman wrote it was paradoxical that "catholic schools function much closer to the American ideal of the common school . . . than do public schools." · private schools provide "a safer, more disciplined and more ordered environment" than public schools, · "blacks and Hispanics perform better at private schools." The reason? Private schools are less under the influence of the Dewey educational philosophy. They still have to use accredited teachers, but these teachers - quite bluntly - have been able to survive the teacher training conditioning. Yet the educational establishment does not see the writing on the wall. In Fall 1983 a report by John Goodlad, Dean of the School of Education at University of Southern California, will be published. John I. Goodlad wrote the Foreword to Schooling For A Global Age (McGraw Hill, 1979) which includes these comments: "Enlightened social engineering is required to face situations that demand global action now" (page xiii). "Parents and the general public must be reached . . . otherwise children and youth enrolled in globally oriented programs may find themselves in conflict with values assumed in the home." And more. Another 345 pages of globalony follows. Nothing about the child as an individual. Nothing about the child as a repository of talents that need to be encouraged. Nothing about basic education: the 3 R's. Yet this Goodlad report is being pushed in The New York Times July 19, 1983) as the most "comprehensive report" ever made on American schools. These are some Goodlad proposals: · education should start at 4 years old · schools should be smaller · head teachers with doctorates should have more pay. And this does nothing, of course, to stop what a former Commissioner of Education called "a rising tide of mediocrity." If the United States is to survive in the coming technologically intensive age, then certain recommendations follow. These are: · the function of the school is to develop individual talent. Social engineering as an objective has to be discarded. · A thorough grounding in the 3 R's is essential for a good education. In other words, "content" is all important. · It follows that Schools of Education should be abolished (this is under serious discussion at Duke University and has been proposed at University of Michigan and even Cal Berkeley). · Teacher credentials should be based on subject matter entirely, not educational theory. · All restrictions on private schools should be abolished. · Public schools should be returned to local control.


The operational history of The Order can only be understood within a framework of the Hegelian dialectic process. Quite simply this is the notion that conflict creates history. From this axiom it follows that controlled conflict can create a predetermined history. For example: When the Trilateral Commission discusses "managed conflict", as it does extensively in its literature, the Commission implies the managed use of conflict for long run predetermined ends - not for the mere random exercise of manipulative control to solve a problem. The dialectic takes this Trilateral "managed conflict" process one step further. In Hegelian terms, an existing force (the thesis) generates a counterforce (the antithesis). Conflict between the two forces results in the forming of a synthesis. Then the process starts all over again: Thesis is. antithesis results in synthesis.

The synthesis sought by the Establishment is called the New World Order. Without controlled conflict this New World Order will not come about. Random individual actions of persons in society would not lead m this synthesis, it's artificial, therefore it has to be created. And this is being done with the calculated, managed, use of conflict. And all the while this synthesis is being sought, there is no profit in playing the involved parties against one another. This explains why the International bankers backed the Nazis, the Soviet Union, North Korea, North Vietnam, ad nauseum, against the United States. The "conflict" built profits while pushing the world ever closer to One World Government. The process continues today. We apologize for the poor quality of some documents included in this volume. These are the best copies in existence today. In fact, it is a miracle they survived at all ... For example, letters between Patriarch Amos Pinchot (Club D. 95) and Patriarch William Kent (Club D. 85) Would almost certainly have been destroyed if a New York State Commission had not seized the documents as part of an investigation into subversion in the United States. However, even where contents cannot be clearly identified, the very existence of even a fragmentary text proves a vital point: There is a joint calculated effort among Patriarchs to bring about a specific objective. Furthermore, the diverse conflicting nature of these efforts, commented upon even in letters between Patriarchs, can only be explained in the terms of the Hegelian dialectic. In brief, the existence of these documents is just as important as the nature of the contents. It demonstrates joint planned actions, ergo: A Conspiracy! Antony C. Sutton April, 1984

Memorandum Number One: Created Conflict And The Dialectic Process

I. INTRODUCTION The first volume of this series (Introduction To The Order described in broad terms the nature and objectives of The Order. Our first hypothesis, that the U.S. was ruled by an elite, secret society . was supported by documentary evidence: such a secret society does exist, its membership is concealed, and disclosure of membership is not a voluntary effort. Further, since publication of the first volume, the Sterling Library at Yale University which has major holdings of their _records has refused to allow researchers further access to Russell Trust papers (the legal name for The Order). We also argued in the first volume that the operations of The Order must be seen and explained in terms of the Hegelian dialectic process. Their operations cannot be explained in terms of any other philosophy; therefore The Order cannot be described as "right" or "left," secular or religious, Marxist or Capitalist. The Order, and its objectives, is all of these and none of these. In Hegelian philosophy the conflict of political "right" and political "left," or thesis and antithesis in Hegelian terms, is essential to the forward movement of history and historical change itself. Conflict between thesis and antithesis brings about a synthesis, i.e., a new historical situation. Our descriptive world history in the West and Marxist countries consists only of description and analysis within a political framework of "right" or "left." For example, historical work published in the West looks at communism and socialism either through the eyes of financial capitalism or Marxism. Historical work published in the Soviet Union looks at the West only through Marxist eyes. However, there is another frame for historical analysis that has never (so far as we can determine) been utilized, i.e., to use a framework of Hegelian logic, to determine if those elites who control the State use the dialectic process to create a predetermined historical synthesis. Only tantalizing glimpses of any such creative process can be found in modern historical works. The most convincing glimpses are in the late Carroll Quigley's Tragedy And Hope which we shall quote below. Rarely some politicians on the periphery of elitist power have allowed brief insights into the public eye. For example, President Woodrow Wilson made the revealing statement: "Some of the biggest men in the U.S. in the fields of commerce and manufacturing know that there is a power so organized, so subtle, so complete, so pervasive that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it." Who or what is this power? And how is it used? This series argues that the current world situation has been deliberately created by this elitist power more or less by manipulation of "right" and "left" elements. We argue that the most powerful of all world elites has during the past 100 years or so developed both right and left elements to bring about a New World Order. There is no question that the so-called establishment in the U.S. uses "managed conflict." The practice of "managing" crises to bring about a favorable outcome, that is, favorable to the elite, is freely admitted in the literature of, for example, The Trilateral Commission. Furthermore, there is no question that decisions of war and peace are made by a few in the elite and not by the many in the voting process through a political referendum. This volume explores some major conflict decisions made by the few in The Order and the way in which right-left situations have been deliberately created and then placed in a conflict mode to bring about a synthesis. Finally, we will tie these decisions and operations back to the elite and specifically to The Order.

II. HOW THE DIALECTIC PROCESS WORKS Throughout the last 200 years, since the rise of Kant in German philosophy, we can identify two conflicting systems of philosophy and so opposing ideas of the State, society and culture. In the U.S., the British Commonwealth and France, philosophy is based on the individual and the rights of the individual. Whereas in Germany from the time of Kant, through Fichte and Hegel up to 1945, the root philosophy has been universal brotherhood, rejection of individualism and general opposition to Western classical liberal thought in almost all its aspects. German idealism, as we noted in earlier volumes of this series, was the philosophical basis for the work of Karl Marx and the Left Hegelians as well as Bismarck, Hitler and the Right Hegelians. This is the paradox: that Hegel gave a theoretical basis not only to the most conservative of German movements, but also to most of the revolutionary movements of the 19th century. Both Marx and Hitler have their philosophical roots in Hegel. From the Hegelian system of political thought, alien to most of us in the West, stem such absurdities as the State seen as the "march of God through history," that the State is also God, that the only duty of a citizen is to serve God by serving the State, that the State is Absolute Reason, that a citizen can only find freedom by worship and utter obedience to the State. However, we also noted in How The Order Controls Education that Hegelian absurdities have thoroughly penetrated the U.S. educational system under pressure from such organizations as the National Education Association and major foundations. From this system of Hegelian philosophy comes the historical dialectic, i.e., that all historical events emerge from a conflict between opposing forces. These emerging events are above and different from the conflicting events. Any idea or implementation of an idea may be seen as THESIS. This thesis will encourage emergence of opposing forces, known as ANTITHESIS. The final outcome will be neither thesis nor antithesis, but a synthesis of the two forces in conflict. Karl Marx, in Das Kapital, posed capitalism as thesis and communism as antithesis. What has been completely ignored by historians, including Marxists, is that any clash between these forces cannot lead to a society Which is either capitalist or communist but must lead to a society characterized by a synthesis of the two conflicting forces. The clash of opposites must in the Hegelian system bring about a society neither capitalist nor communist. Moreover, in the Hegelian scheme of events, this new synthesis will reflect the concept of the State as God and the individual as totally subordinate to an all powerful State. What then is the function of a Parliament or a Congress for Hegetians? These institutions are merely to allow individuals to feel that opinions have some value and to allow a government to take advantage of whatever wisdom the "peasant" may accidentally demonstrate. As Hegel puts it: "By virtue of this participation, subjective liberty and conceit, with their general opinion, (individuals) can show themselves palpably efficacious and enjoy the satisfaction of feeling themselves to count for something." War, the organized conflict of nations for Hegelians, is only the visible outcome of the clash between ideas. As John Dewey, the Hegelian darling of the modern educational system, puts it: "War is the most effective preacher of the vanity of all merely finite interests, it puts an end to that selfish egoism of the individual by which he would claim his life and his property as his own or as his family's." (John Dewey, German Philosophy And Politics, p. 197) Of course, this war-promoting Dewey paragraph is conveniently forgotten by the National Education Association, which is today busy in :he "Peace Movement" - at precisely that time when a "peace" movement most aids the Hegelian Soviets. Above all, the Hegelian doctrine is the divine right of States rather than the divine right of kings. The State for Hegel and Hegelians is God on earth: "The march of God in history is the cause of the existence of states, their foundation is the power of Reason realizing itself as will. Every state, whatever it be, participates in the divine essence. The State is not the work of human art, only Reason could produce it." (Philosophy Of Right) For Hegel the individual is nothing, the individual has no rights, morality consists solely in following a leader. For the ambitious individual the rule is Senator Mansfield's maxim: "To get along you have to go along." Compare this to the spirit and letter of the Constitution of the United States: "We the people" grant the state some powers and reserve all others to the people. Separation of church and state is built into the U.S. Constitution, a denial of Hegel's "the State is God on earth." Yet, compare this legal requirement to the actions of The Order in the United States, The Group in England, the Illuminati in Germany, and the Politburo in Russia. For these elitists the State is supreme and a self-appointed elite running the State acts indeed as God on earth.

III. J.P. MORGAN USES THE DIALECTIC PROCESS The concept of the Hegelian dialectic is obviously beyond the comprehension of modern textbook writers. No historical or political theory textbook that we know of discusses the possible use of the Hegelian dialectic in American politics. Yet its use has been recorded by Professor Carroll Quigley in Tragedy And Hope, a trade book based on documents of the Council on Foreign Relations. Quigley not only describes banker J.P. Morgan's use of the "right" and the "left" as competitive devices for political manipulation of society, but adds an eye-opening comment: "Unfortunately we do not have space here for this great and untold story, but it must be remembered that what we do say is part of a much larger picture." (Tragedy And Hope, p. 945) This much larger picture is partly revealed in this book. First let's briefly note how J.P. Morgan used the dialectic process as a means of political control for financial ends. The only college attended by Morgan was 2-3 years in the mid-1850s at University of Gottingen, Germany, which was a center of Hegelian activism. We have no record that Morgan joined any secret society, no more than the KONKNEIPANTEN, one of the student corps. Yet German Hegelianism is apparent in J.P. Morgan's approach to political parties - Morgan used them all. As Quigley comments: "The associations between Wall Street and the Left, of which Mike Straight is a fair example, are really survivals of the associations between the Morgan Bank and the Left. To Morgan all political parties were simply organizations to be used, and the firm always was careful to keep a foot in all camps. Morgan himself, Dwight Morrow, and other partners were allied with Republicans; Russell C. Leffingwell was allied with the Democrats; Grayson Murphy was allied with the extreme Right; and Thomas W. Lamont was allied with the Left. Like the Morgan interest in libraries, museums, and art, its inability to distinguish between loyalty to the United States and loyalty to England, its recognition of the need for social work among the poor, the multipartisan political views of the Morgan firm in domestic politics went back to the original founder of the firm, George Peabody (1795-1869). To this same seminal figure may be attributed the use of tax-exempt foundations for controlling these activities, as may be observed in many parts of America to this day, in the use of Peabody foundations to support Peabody libraries and museums. Unfortunately, we do not have space here for this great and untold story, but it must be remembered that what we do say is part of a much larger picture." (Ibid) Quigley did not know of the link between the Morgan firm, other New York financial interests and The Order. As we have noted before, Quigley did publish a valuable expose of the British Establishment known as "The Group." And we know from personal correspondence that Quigley suspected more than he published, but identification of an American elite was not part of Quigley's work. The names Harriman, Bush, Acheson, Whitney - even Stimson - do not appear in The Anglo American Establishment. We can therefore take the above paragraph from Quigley's Tragedy And Hope and insert identification of The Order. The paragraph then becomes more revealing. Although Morgan himself was not a member of The Order, some of his partners were, and after Morgan's death the firm became Morgan, Stanley & Co. The "Stanley" was Harold Stanley (The Order 1908). In Morgan's time the influence of The Order came through partner Henry P. Davison, whose son H.P. Davison, Jr. was initiated in 1920. The elder Henry P. Davison brought Thomas Lamont and Willard Straight into the Morgan firm. These partners were instrumental in building the left wing of Morgan's dialectic, including the Communist Party U.S.A. (with Julius Hammer, whose son is today Chairman of Occidental Petroleum). Morgan partner Thomas Cochran was initiated in 1904. However, it was in the network of Morgan dominated and affiliated firms, rather than in the partnership itself, that one finds members of The Order. In firms like Guaranty Trust and Bankers Trust, somewhat removed from the J.P. Morgan financial center, although under Morgan control, we find concentrations of initiates (as we shall describe below). This practice by The Order of supporting both "right" and "left" persists down to the present day. We find in 1984, for example, that Averell Harriman (The Order '13) is elder statesman of the Democratic Party while George Bush (The Order '49) is a Republican Vice President and leader of the misnamed "moderate" (actually extremist) wing of the Republican Party. In the center we have so-called "independent" John Anderson, who in fact receives heavy financial support from the elite. IV. THE CREATION OF WAR AND REVOLUTION This manipulation of "left" and "right on the domestic front is duplicated in the international field where "left" and "right" political structures are artificially constructed and collapsed in the drive for a one-world synthesis. College textbooks present war and revolution as more or less accidental results of conflicting forces. The decay of political negotiation into physical conflict comes about, according to these books, after valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately, this is nonsense. War is always a deliberate creative act by individuals. Western textbooks also have gigantic gaps. For example, after World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials recording Western assistance to Hitler. By the same token, Western textbooks on Soviet economic development omit any description of the economic and financial aid given to the 1917 Revolution and subsequent economic development by Western firms and banks. Revolution is always recorded as a spontaneous event by the politically or economically deprived against an autocratic state. Never in Western textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need finance and the source of the finance in many cases traces back to Wall Street. Consequently it can be argued that our Western history is every bit as distorted, censored, and largely useless as that of Hitler's Germany or the Soviet Union or Communist China. No Western foundation will award grants to investigate such topics, few Western academics can "survive" by researching such theses and certainly no major publisher will easily accept manuscripts reflecting such arguments. In fact, there is another largely unrecorded history and it tells a story quite different than our sanitized textbooks. It tells a story of the deliberate creation of war, the knowing finance of revolution to change governments, and the use of conflict to create a New World Order. In the following Memorandum Number Two we will describe the operational vehicles used to create two revolutions and one world conflict. Then, in Memoranda Three and Four, we will explore thesis and antithesis in one major historical episode - the development and construction of the Soviet Union (thesis) and Hitler's Germany (antithesis),

In Memorandum Five we will explore the continuation of this dialectic conflict into the last few decades, specifically Angola and China today. We will show that the purpose of The Order is to create a new synthesis, a New World Order along Hegelian lines where the State is the Absolute and the individual can find freedom only in blind obedience to the State.

Memorandum Number Two: Operational Vehicles For Conflict Creation

I. A UNIVERSAL MIND SET Our first task is to break an almost universally held mind set, i.e., that communists and elitist capitalists are bitter enemies. This Marxist axiom is a false statement and for a century has fooled academics and investigators alike. To illustrate this mind set, let's look at a report on revolutionaries in the U.S. compiled by the respected Scotland Yard (London) in 1919. London police investigators were then tracking the Bolshevik Revolution and attempting to identify its Western supporters. When it came to men with long beards and even longer overcoats, most police departments had no problem - they looked like revolutionaries, therefore, they must be revolutionaries. But when it came to respectable black-suited bankers, Scotland Yard was unable to rise above its mind set and recognize that bankers might equally be revolutionaries. Witness this extract from a Scotland Yard Intelligence Report. l "Martens is very much in the limelight. There appears to be no doubt about his connection with the Guarantee (sic) Trust Company. Although it is surprising that so large and influential an enterprise should have dealings with a Bolshevik concern." Scotland Yard had picked up an accurate report that the Soviets were deeply involved with Guaranty Trust of New York, but they couldn't believe it, and dropped this line of investigation. Even today the FBI has a similar mind set. For example, David Rockefeller has met regularly with a KGB agent in the United States - weekly lunch meetings is a close description. Yet the FBI presumably can't bring itself to investigate David Rockefeller as a potential Soviet agent, but if Joe Smith of Hoboken, N.J. was lunching weekly with the KGB, you can be sure the FBI would be on his tail. And, of course, our domestic U.S. Marxists find it absolutely inconceivable that a capitalist would support communism. Organizations like Scotland Yard and the FBI, and almost all academics on whom investigators rely for their guidelines, have a highly important failing: they look at known verifiable historical facts with a mind set. They convince themselves that they have the explanation of a problem even before the problem presents itself. The key to modern history is in these facts: that elitists have close working relations with both Marxists and Nazis. The only questions are who and why? The common reaction is to reject these facts.

1 A copy is in U.S. State Department Decimal File, Microcopy 316, Roll 22, Frame 656.

On the other hand, national security alone demands that we face these unwelcome relations before any more damage is done to our way of life. In this memorandum we will present the concept that world history, certainly since about 1917, reflects deliberately created conflict with the objective of bringing about a synthesis, a New World Order. The operation actually began before 1917. In later volumes we will explore the Spanish-American War and the Anglo-Boer War of 1899. The first was created by The Order, i.e., the U.S. elite, and the second by "The Group," i.e., the British elite (with some U.S. assistance). We might aptly term these the First and Second Hegelian Wars, but this is another story. In this volume we are limited to the rise of Hitler in Germany and the rise of the Marxist state in the Soviet Union. The clash between these two powers or the political systems they represent was a major source of World War II.

After World War II the world stage was changed. After 1945 it became the Soviet Union on one side versus the United States on the other. The first dialectical clash led to the formation of the United Nations, an elementary step on the road to world government. The second dialectical clash led to the Trilateral Commission, i.e., regional groupings and more subtly to efforts for a merger of the United States and the Soviet Union. In Introduction To The Order we-established the existence of a secret society, The Order. We are now going to demonstrate how The Order created and developed two global arms needed for Hegelian conflict. Since 1917 the operational vehicles for this global battle have been: (a) Guaranty Trust Company of New York, the same firm cited in the 1919 Scotland Yard report, and (b) Brown Brothers, Harriman, private bankers of New York. Before 1933 Brown Brothers, Harriman consisted of two firms: W.A. Harriman Company and Brown Brothers. Numerous members of The Order have been in both firms, but one individual stands out above all others as the key to the operation of The Order: W. Averell Harriman (The Order ' 13) .

D. W. AVERELL HARRIMAN (THE ORDER'13) 1 The name William Averell Harriman turns up behind world political scenes more frequently than any other member of The Order. Possibly as because Harriman is a remarkably active man. Born in 1891, graduated Yale 1913, Harriman is still newsworthy in the 1980s. In June 1983 Harriman had a private meeting with Yuri Andropov in Moscow and in December 1983, at 92, broke his right leg while swimming in the sea off Barbados. Whatever else we say here about Averell, we must record his truly remarkable energy and longevity. In official Harriman biographies, however, there is no mention of The Order, Skull & Bones, or the Russell Trust. Like other initiates Harriman has carefully expunged membership from the public record. We have not yet determined if this membership was ever made known to the FBI for use in background checks needed for government positions, or maybe no one ever bothered to ask for a background check on Averell Harriman. To understand Averell Harriman we need to go back to his father, Edward H. Harriman, the 19th century "robber baron." Edward Harriman's biography (E.H. Harriman: A Biography) is as self-serving as all hired biographies. It was written by George Kennan (published by Houghton Mifflin in 1922) who was active in the Dean Acheson State Department. The author of the famous - some say infamous - National Security Council document 68 was none other than George Kennan. (See page 175) Edward Harriman started work at 14 with little education, but married Mary Averell, daughter of a New York banker and railroad president. At 22, Harriman bought a seat on the New York Stock Exchange and got lucky or smart with Union Pacific after the crash of 1893. Even the widely accepted Dictionary of American Biography states that Harriman was subsequently guilty of a combination in restraint of trade (1904 Northern Securities case), that his dubious financial activities netted him $60 million in a manner which led to investigation by the Interstate Commerce Commission. This source cites Harriman as .. an example of how a road may be drained of its resources for the benefit of insiders." Harriman printed securities with a nominal value of $80 million to expand capitalization of his railroads. On the other hand, Harriman neglected to acquire improvements and property for more than $18 million. In other words, $60 million of the securities was water, mostly sold through Kuhn Loeb & Co., his backers and bankers. The $60 million went into Harriman's pocket.

1 Names of Brown Brothers, Haniman partners in 1972 were included in Introduction To The Drder, pages 20-21. About 100 Harriman related documents from the 1920s may be found in U.S. State Department Decimal File, Microcopy 316, Roll 138 (861.6364-6461).

The 1904 ICC report stated: "It was admitted by Mr. Harriman that there was about $60 million of stock and liabilities issued, against which no property had been acquired and this is undoubtedly an accurate estimate." 1 In brief, Mr. Edward H. Harriman was apparently a thief, a crook, and a felon, because fraudulent conversion of $60 million is a felony. Harriman stayed out of jail by judicious expenditures to politicians and political parties. Biographer George Kennan relates how Harriman responded to President Theodore Roosevelt's 1904 plea for $250,000 for the Republican National Committee.2 These funds were turned over to the Committee by Harriman's friend and attorney, Judge Robert Scott Lovett. Lovett was also general counsel for the Union Pacific Railroad and could be described as Harriman's bagman. Judge Lovett's son, Robert Abercrombie Lovett (The Order '18) went to Yale and with the two Harriman boys, Roland and Averell, was initiated into The Order. We shall catch up again with Robert Abercrombie Lovett in the 1950s as Secretary of Defense, partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman, and a key force to have President Harry Truman recall General Douglas MacArthur from Korea. By itself the Lovett family is incidental. When we link it to the Harriman family we have an example of how these families help each other along the way for a common objective. In any event, $250,000 hardly changed Theodore Roosevelt's view of Harriman. Two years after the gift, Roosevelt wrote Senator Sherman and described Harriman as a man of "deep seated corruption," an "undesirable citizen" and "an enemy of the Republic." 3 Another description of Averell Harriman's father is in Concise Dictionary Of National Biography (page 402) : "Self confident, dominant, cold and ruthless, he spared neither friend nor foe if they blocked his plans."

Now we cannot visit the sins of the father onto his sons, but we should keep this background in mind when we look at the careers of the Harriman boys, Averell and Roland. At least we have reasons to probe behind the public relations facade and perhaps suspect the worst.

Gustavus Myers. History Of The Great American Fortunes (Modern Library, New York, 1937) p 500. George Kennan. op cit., p 192 3 Augustus Myers, op cit., p. 214.

1 2

Superficially, Averell Harriman's life has been quite different than his fathers Here's an official summary of Averell Harriman's long career: · Married three times (1) 1915 Kitty Lanier Lawrence (2) 1930 Marie Norton Whitney4 (3) 1971 Pamela Churchill Hayward 5 · Groton Prep School, then Yale. Initiated into The Order in 1913. · Started with his father's company, Union Pacific Railroad 1917 organized the Merchant Shipbuilding Corporation, sold all shipping interests in 1925 1917 Director of Guaranty Trust. Family holdings of about one-third of Guaranty stock were put into a J.P. Morgan voting trust in 1912



For Marie Norton Whitney, see Volume One, p 29 The Order, p. 29.

Pamela Hayward was formerly married to Randolph Churchill, thus linking Harriman to the British establishment.

· 1920 established W.A. Harriman Company, with his brother Roland as Vice-President · 1923 formed Georgian Manganese Company

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

1933 W.A. Harriman merged with Brown Brothers to become Brown Brothers, Harriman 1934 Special assistant administrator of Roosevelt's National Recovery Act 1941 Minister to Great Britain in charge of Lend Lease for Britain and Russia 1941Ambassador to the Soviet Union 1946 Ambassador to Great Britain 1946 Secretary of Commerce 1948 U.S. representative to ECA in Europe 1950 Special Assistant to President Truman 1951 U.S. representative at NATO defense meetings 1951 Director of Mutual Security Agency 1955 Governor of State of New York 1961 Ambassador at Large 1961 Assistant Secretary of State for Far East 1963 Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs 1968 U.S. representative at Paris "peace" talks on Vietnam 1974 Chairman Democratic Party Foreign Policy Task Force 1975 Limited Partner Brown Brothers, Harriman 1983 Visits Yuri Andropov in Moscow

With this lengthy global experience one might suspect that Harriman has developed a deep knowledge, understanding and perception of the world. But in fact his writings suggest he is either rather stupid or one of the most deceptive men ever to walk the face of our earth. Let's take one example: an article written by Averell Harriman, published in Look. October 3, 1967 and entitled "From Stalin to Kosygin: the myths and the realities." Here are two extracts: (1) "Therefore in the early twenties my firm participated in credits to finance trade with Russia. We found as others did that the new government was most meticulous in meeting its financial commitments." In fact, the Soviets expropriated the concessions of the 1920s including Harriman's, usually without reimbursement. Harriman was double-crossed by the Soviets in his Georgian manganese concession, then persuaded to take $3 million in Soviet bonds as compensation.

(See documents printed on pages 154-155). This Soviet "compensation" in effect put Harriman in a position of making the first U.S. loan to Russia, so breaching United States law against such loans. But this is what Harriman told John B. Stetson, Jr. of the State Department (861.637-Harriman) "Mr. Harriman said that they expect to drop about three million dollars which they would charge off to experience." This, Harriman calls "most meticulous in meeting its financial obligations." (2) "On the Russian side, one of the most troublesome myths is that America is run by a `ruling circle,' made up of Wall Streeters and industrialists who have an interest in continuing the cold war and the arms race to prop up the 'capitalist' economy. Anybody who knows American politics knows what nonsense this is." Unfortunately, the Russians are largely right on the political aspects of this one. In making the above statement Harriman not only confirms Russian paranoia, i.e., that capitalists can't be trusted to tell the truth, but also deceives the American reading audience in Look that they do, in fact, have a participation in running political affairs. Compare this paragraph to this series on The Order and you will see the devious way the Harriman mind works, perhaps not so different than Harriman senior. The previously described official Harriman biography suggests that Harriman, given his decades on the political inside, must be well aware of the dependence of the Soviet Union on Western technology: that the Soviet Union can make no economic progress without Western enterprise technology. In fact, Stalin himself told Harriman as much back in 1944. Here's an extract from a report by Ambassador Harriman in Moscow to the State Department, dated June 30, 1944:

"Stalin paid tribute to the assistance rendered by the United States to Soviet industry before and during the war. He said that about two-thirds of all the large industrial enterprises in the Soviet Union had been built with United States help or technical assistance." 1 Stalin could have added that the other one-third of Soviet industry had been built by British, German, French, Italian, Finnish, Czech and Japanese companies. In brief, Harriman knew first hand back in 1944 at least that the West had built the Soviet Union. Now examine Harriman's official biography with its string of appointments relating to. NATO, Mutual Security Agency, State Department, foreign policy, and so on. In these posts Harriman actively pushed for a military build-up of the United States. But if the Soviet Union was seen to be an enemy in 1947, then we had no need to build a massive defense.

'Original in U.S. State Department Decimal File 033.1161 Johnston Eric/6-3044 Telegram June 30. 1944.

What we should have done was cut off technology. There was no Soviet technology - and HARRIMAN KNEW THERE WAS NO SOVIET TECHNOLOGY. Furthermore, Harriman has been in the forefront of the cry for "more trade" with the Soviet Union - and trade is the transfer vehicle for technology. In other words, Harriman has been pushing two CONFLICTING POLICIES SIMULTANEOUSLY. (a) a build-up of Soviet power by export of our technology, and (b) a Western defense against that power. Isn't this the Hegelian dialectic? Thesis versus antithesis, then conflict which leads to a new synthesis. In the following memoranda we will show how Harriman and his fellows in the Brotherhood of Power went about this program of conflict creation. Moreover, Harriman is understandably highly sensitive when challenged on his pious "I am always right about the Soviets" attitude. One memorable occasion was back in 1971 when author Edward (Teddy) Weintal was at a dinner party with Harriman when Harriman trotted out his well worn line: "I was the first to warn of Soviet dangers...." Weintal stopped him cold. In research for a book, Weintal had found documents incriminating Harriman in the National Archives (similar to those reproduced later in this book). In particular, Weintal cited a State Department telegram dated February 12, 1944 from Harriman to Roosevelt. Said Weintal, "You told Roosevelt that you were convinced that the Soviets did not want to introduce a Communist government into Poland." So up jumped 79-year-old Harriman from the dinner table and waved his fists at 70-year-old Weintal. Shouted Harriman, "If you print anything like that in your book, I'll break your jaw." Reportedly, the agitated host separated the two men, but not before a Washington Post reporter noted the details (See Washington Post, March 17, 1971, VIP Column by Maxine Cheshire).

Guaranty Trust was founded 1864 in New York. Over the next 100 years the banking firm expanded rapidly by absorbing other banks and trust companies; in 1910 it merged Morton Trust Company, in 1912 the Standard Trust Company, and in 1929 the National Bank of Commerce. The J.P. Morgan firm has effectively controlled Guaranty Trust since 1912 when Mrs. Edward Harriman (mother of Roland and Averell Harriman) sold her block of 8,000 shares of the total outstanding 20,000 shares to J.P. Morgan. By 1954 Guaranty Trust had become the most important banking subsidiary of the J.P. Morgan firm and since 1954 the merged firms have been known as Morgan-Guaranty Company. The original capital for Guaranty Trust came from the Whitney, Rockefeller, Harriman and Vanderbilt families, all represented in The Order, and on the Board of Guaranty Trust by family members throughout the period we are discussing. Harry Payne Whitney (The Order'94) inherited two Standard Oil fortunes from the Payne and the Whitney families. H.P. Whitney was a director of Guaranty Trust, as was his father, William C. Whitney (The Order '63). Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt (The Order '99) represented the Vanderbilt family until he drowned at sea in the sinking of the Lusitania :n 1915. (His sister Gertrude married Harry Payne Whitney, above). The power of The Order is reflected in a bizarre incident as Alfred Gwynne Vanderbilt boarded the Lusitania in


New York on its fateful voyage. A telegram warning Vanderbilt not to sail was delivered to the Lusitania before it sailed - but never reached Vanderbilt. Consequently, Vanderbilt went down with the ship. The Harriman investment in Guaranty Trust has been represented by W. Averell Harriman. The Rockefeller investment in Guaranty Trust was represented by Percy Rockefeller (The Order '00). In brief, The Order was closely associated with Guaranty Trust and Morgan-Guaranty long before 1912 when Mrs. Edward Harriman sold her interest to J.P. Morgan. Averell Harriman remained on the Board of Guaranty Trust after the transfer. The following members of The Order have also been officers and directors of Guaranty Trust Company: Harold Stanley (The Order 1908): Harold Stanley, born 1885, was the son of William Stanley, an inventor associated with General Electric Company. Stanley prepared for Yale University at the elitist Hotchkiss School, Lakeville, Connecticut. An excellent athlete, Stanley graduated Yale in 1908 and was initiated into The Order. After Yale, Stanley joined National Bank of Albany and then, between 1913-1915, was with J.G. White (prominent in construction of the Soviet First Five Year Plan). In 1915 Stanley joined Guaranty Trust as Vice President. From 1921 to 1928 he was President of Guaranty Trust and then a partner in the firm of J.P. Morgan, replacing William Morrow. From 1935 to 1941 he was President of Morgan, Stanley & Company, then a partner from 1941 to 1955 and a limited partner after 1956, until his death in 1963. In brief, a member of The Order was Vice President, then President of Guaranty Trust Company in the years 1915 to 1928 - the years which record the Bolshevik Revolution and the rise of Hitler to power in Germany. Joseph R. Swan (The Order '02). The Guaranty Company was a subsidiary of Guaranty Trust Co. Joseph Rockwell Swan (The Order '02) was President of the Guaranty Company as well as a director of Guaranty Trust Company. Percy Rockefeller (The Order '00). Percy Rockefeller, born 1878, was the son of William D. Rockefeller (brother of John D. Rockefeller) and inherited part of the Standard Oil fortune. Percy was a director of Guaranty Trust in the 1915-1930 period.

How The Order Relates To Guaranty Trust Company And Brown Brothers, Harriman



Order '00)







IV. BROWN BROTHERS, HARRIMAN The other operational vehicle used by The Order was the private banking firm of Brown Brothers, Harriman. Before 1933 W.A. Harriman Company was the vehicle, and Brown Brothers did not enter the picture. After 1933, the merged firm continued Harriman Company activities. In Introduction To The Order we presented details of the merged firm (pp. 29-33). There is, however, one aspect we want to identify: the extraordinary role of the Yale Class of '17 in Brown Brothers, Harriman and the events to be described in Memoranda Three and Four. The following five members in the class of '17 (only fifteen were initiated) were involved: Knight Woolley (The Order '17) was with Guaranty Trust from 1919-1920, Harriman Company from 1927-1931, then Brown Brothers, Harriman from 1933 to the present time. Woolley was also a director of the Federal Reserve Bank. Frank P. Shepard (The Order '17) also joined Guaranty Trust in 1919 and was a Vice President from 1920 to 1934, the period concerned with development of both Soviet Russia and Hitler's Nazi Party. From 1934 onwards Shepard was with Bankers Trust Company, a member of the Morgan group of banks. Ellery Sedgewick James (The Order '17) was a partner in Brown Brothers, Harriman. And finally, two interesting characters: Edward Roland Noel Harriman (The Order '17) and Sheldon Prescott Bush (The Order '17), the father of President George Herbert Walker Bush (The Order '49), and grandfather of President George Walker Bush (The Order '68). V. THE ORDER'S "FRONT MAN": MATTHEW C. BRUSH From World War I until well into the 1930s The Order's "front man" in both Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman was Matthew C. Brush. Brush was not Yale, nor a member of The Order, but through an accidental meeting in the 1890s his talents were used by The Order. Brush became a Knight Templar, a 32nd degree Mason and a Shriner, but not - so far as we can trace - more closely linked to the power center. Brush was born in Stillwater, Minnesota in 1877 and was a graduate of the Armour Institute of Technology and MIT. By accident his first job in the 1890s was as a clerk with Franklin MacVeagh & Company of Chicago. Franklin MacVeagh was a member (The Order '62) and later Secretary of the Treasury (1909-1913) under President William Taft (The Order '78).

MacVeagh himself, as distinct from Brush, is a little difficult to classify. In 1913 MacVeagh left the Treasury and resigned as trustee of the University of Chicago. By 1919 he had become delinquent in his fees to Russell Trust. We have a copy of a dunning notice sent to MacVeagh by Otto Bannard (The Order '76), President of New York Life and Treasurer for The Order in 1919. The notice asked MacVeagh to pay up his dues.

While the trail of MacVeagh fades out after 1913, that of Matthew Brush, his one-time clerk, blossoms forth. After a series of posts in railroad companies, Brush was made Vice President of American International Corporation in 1918 and President in 1923. He was also Chairman of the Equitable Office Building, also known as 120 Broadway, illustrated on page 139. Moreover, Brush was President of Barnsdall Corporation and Georgian Manganese Company; the significance of these posts will be seen in the next memorandum. The purpose of this memorandum has been to demonstrate control of two banking houses by members of The Order. Both Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman can truly be said to have been dominated and substantially owned by individuals identified as members. Furthermore, both Guaranty Trust and the original W.A. Harriman Company were established by members of The Order. Brown Brothers was not absorbed until 1933. Now, let's examine the evidence that these two banking firms have been vehicles for creation of war and revolution.

Memorandum Number Three: Thesis ­ The Order Creates The Soviet Union

In an earlier book, published in 1974, we presented major evidence of Wall Street assistance for the Bolshevik Revolution. This assistance was mainly cash, guns and ammunition, and diplomatic support in London and Washington, D.C. Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution also introduced the concept which Quigley described, i.e., that Morgan and other financial interests financed and influenced all parties from left to right in the political spectrum. This Memorandum continues the story, but now links The Order to the earlier evidence of Wall Street involvement. On the following pages we reproduce a map of the Wall Street area and a list of firms connected with the Bolshevik Revolution and financing of Hitler located in this area. We can now identify the influence, in fact the dominant influence, of The Order in these firms. Revolutionary activity was centered at Equitable Trust Building, 120 Broadway, in the building in the photograph on page 139. This had been E.H. Harriman's address. The American International Corporation was located at 120 Broadway. The Bankers' Club, where Wall Street bankers met for lunch, was at the very top of the building. It was in this plush club that plans were laid by William Boyce Thompson for Wall Street participation in the 1917 Russian Revolution. Guaranty Securities was in 120 Broadway, while Guaranty Trust was next door at 140 Broadway (the building can be seen to the left of 120).


Fortunately we have a copy of the memorandum written by a member of The Order, summarizing intentions for the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution. The memorandum was written by Thomas D. Thacher (The Order'04), a partner in the Wall Street law firm of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett. Thacher's address was 120 Broadway. Today this law firm, now in Battery Plaza, has the largest billing on Wall Street and has former Secretary of State Cyrus Vance (Scroll & Key) as a partner. In 1917 Thacher was in Russia with William Boyce Thompson's Red Cross Mission. After consultations in New York, Thacher was then sent to London to confer with Lord Northcliffe about the Bolshevik Revolution and then to Paris for similar talks with the French Government. The Thacher memorandum not only urges recognition of the barely surviving Soviet Government, which in early 1918 controlled only a very small portion of Russia, but also military assistance for the Soviet Army and intervention to keep the Japanese out of Siberia until the Bolsheviks could take over.


120 Broadway Edward H. Harriman (before his death) 59 Broadway W.A. Harriman Company

120 Broadway 23 Wall 120 Broadway 120 Broadway 120 Broadway 14 Wall 120 Broadway 15 Broad 120 Broadway 110 W. 60 Broadway 120 Broadway 120 Broadway 120 Broadway 120 Broadway 140 Broadway 233 Broadway

American International Corporation J.P. Morgan firm Federal Reserve Bank of New York Bankers Club (top floor) Thomas D. Thacher (of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett) William Boyce Thompson Guggenheim Exploration Stetson, Jennings & Russell C.A.K. Martens of Weinberg & Posner (the first Soviet "ambassador") 40th Street Soviet Bureau Amos Pinchot's office Stone & Webster General Electric Sinclair Gulf Corp. Guaranty Securities Guaranty Trust Company Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERS OF THE ORDER AT 120 Broadway: George Webster Adams (The Order '04) Allen Wallace Ames (The Order '18) Philip Lyndon Dodge (The Order '07) Here are the main sections from the Thacher memorandum: "First of all ... the Allies should discourage Japanese intervention in Siberia. In the second place, the fullest assistance should be given to the Soviet Government in its efforts to organize a volunteer revolutionary army. Thirdly, the Allied Governments should give their moral support to the Russian people in their efforts to work out their own political systems free from the domination of any foreign power ... Fourthly, until the time when open conflict shall result between the German Government and the Soviet Government of Russia there will be opportunity for peaceful commercial penetration by German agencies in Russia. So long as there is no open break, it will probably be impossible to entirely prevent such commerce. Steps should therefore be taken to impede, so far as possible, the transport of grain and raw materials to Germany from Russia." 1 The reader should note in particular paragraph two: "In the second place, the fullest assistance should be given to the Soviet Government in its efforts to organize a volunteer revolutionary army." This assistance has been recorded in my National Suicide: Military Aid To The Soviet Union. It was in fact the hidden policy adopted at the highest levels, in absolute secrecy, by the United States and to some extent by The Group (especially Milner) in Great Britain. Thacher apparently did not have too much success with the French Government. When President Woodrow Wilson sent U.S. troops to hold the Trans-Siberian railroad, secret instructions were given by Woodrow Wilson in person to General William S. Graves. We have not yet located these instructions (although we k'now they exist), but a close reading of the available files shows that American intervention had little to do with anti-Bolshevik activity, as the Soviets, George Kennan and other writers maintain. So grateful were the Soviets for American assistance in the Revolution that in 1920 - when the last American troops left Vladivostok - the Bolsheviks gave them a friendly farewell. Reported the New York Times (February 15, 1920 7:4):

1 The full document is in U.S. State Department Decimal File Microcopy 316, Roll 13, Frame 698.

Note in particular the sentence: . . . calling the Americans real friends, who at a critical time saves this present movement." Normally reports inconsistent with the Establishment line are choked, either by the wire services or by the rewrite desks at larger newspapers (small papers unfortunately follow New York Times). This is one report that got through intact. In fact, the United States took over and held the Siberian Railroad until the Soviets gained sufficient power to take it over. Both British and French military missions in Siberia recorded the extraordinary actions of the United States Army, but neither mission made much headway with its own government. So far as aiding the Soviet Army is concerned, there are State Department records that show guns and ammunition were shipped to the Bolsheviks. And in 1919, while Trotsky was making anti-American speeches in public, he was also asking Ambassador Francis for American military inspection teams to train the new Soviet Army. l

1 See Antony C Sutton, Notional Suicide (Arlington House, New York, 1974) and Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution (Arlington House, New York. 1974) "

II. THE ORDER PUSHES FOR THE SOVIETS IN THE UNITED STATES However, it was in Washington and London that The Order really aided the Soviets. The Order succeeded not only in preventing military actions against the Bolsheviks, but to so-muddy the policy waters that much needed vital raw materials and goods, ultimately even loans, were able to flow from the United States to the Soviets, in spite of a legal ban. The following documents illustrate how members of The Order were able to encourage Soviet ambitions in the United States. While the Department of Justice was deporting so-called "Reds" to Russia, a much more potent force was at work WITHIN the U.S. Government to keep the fledgling Soviet Union intact.

Publisher's Note: To assist readers with the very poor reproductions of the following two letters we print our reading from the copies that we have. 211

Hon. William Kent, Washington, D.C. Dear Billy:

May 29, 1919 U.S. Tariff Commission,

This will introduce to you my friend, Professor Evans Clark, now associated with the Bureau of Information of the Russian Soviet Republic. He wants to talk with you about the recognition of Wolchak, the raising of the blockade, etc., and get your advice in regard to backing up the senators who would be apt to stand up and make a brave fight. Won't you do what you can for him. As I see it, we are taking a (unreadable) Russia that will leave our, until now, mightily good reputation, badly damaged. Hope to see you in Washington soon. Faithfully yours, A. P. 1543 Mr. Santeri Nourteva, Finnish Information Bureau, 299 Broadway, City November 22, 1918 Dear Mr. Nuorteva: Let me thank you for your very kind letter of November 1st; I apologize for not answering sooner. I have read your bulletin on the barrage of lies, and I am, needless to say, heartily sympathetic with your view of the situation and with the work you are doing. One of the most sinister things at present is the fact that governments are going into the advertising business. They are organized so that they can make or wreck movements. f am sending you, under separate cover, a copy of a letter I have written, which I hope will interest you. With kindest regards, I am Sincerely yours, Amos Pinchot.

The above letter is from Amos Pinchot (The Order '97). His brother, conservationist Gifford Pinchot (The Order '89) was also a member. Amos Pinchot was a founder of the American Civil Liberties Union and active in aiding the Soviets during the early days of the Bolshevik Revolution. The above letter, exemplifying this assistance, was sent to Santeri Nourteva, November 22, 1918, just a year after the 1917 Revolution. Pinchot was "heartily sympathetic with your view of the situation and the work you are doing."1 Who was Nourteva? This name was an alias for Alexander Nyberg, a Soviet representative in the United States. Nyberg worked for the Soviet Bureau (at first called the Finnish Information Bureau - a cover name), along with Ludwig C.A.K. Martens, the first Soviet Ambassador and formerly a Vice President of Weinberg & Posner. The New York office of Weinberg & Posner was at - 120 Broadway! Nyberg's assistant was Kenneth Durant, an American newspaper man, later TASS correspondent in the U.S. and one time aide to "Colonel" Edward House, mystery man of the Wilson Administration. Director of the Commercial Department in this Soviet Bureau was "Comrade Evans Clark." Clark later became Executive Director of the influential Twentieth Century Foundation, and at Twentieth Century Foundation we find a member of The Order - in this case Charles Phelps Taft (The Order '18), nephew of President and Chief Justice William Howard Taft. In the coming volume on FOUNDATIONS, we shall see how Evans Clark and The Order, working together at Twentieth Century Foundation, had a significant role in the Hegelization of American education. The document on page 147 is a brief biography of "Comrade Evans Clark", issued by the Soviet Bureau in 1919 on his appointment as Assistant, Director of the Commercial Department of the Bureau, with the task of establishing trade relations with the U.S. Note the Harvard and Princeton associations. Trade was vital for the survival of the Soviet Union. In 1919 all Russian factories and transportation were at a standstill. There were no raw materials and no skills available. For assistance Evans Clark turned to The Order. On May 29, 1919, Amos Pinchot wrote fellow Skull & Bones member and strong Republican William Kent about raising the blockade against the Soviets. William Kent (The Order'87) was on the U.S. Tariff Commission and in turn wrote Senator Lenroot to request an interview for "Professor" Evans Clark. (Albert Kent, his father, was a member [The Order '53] and he married the daughter of Thomas Thacher (The Order '35]. In brief, two members of The Order, Pinchot and Kent, cooperated to push a known Bolshevik operator onto an unsuspecting Senator. N either member of The Order advised Senator Lenroot about Clark's affiliation with the Soviet Bureau.

'Exhibit Number 1543 from the Lusk Committee files, New York.

Exhibit Number 1500 From the Lusk Committee Files, New York.

III HOW THE ORDER DEVELOPED THE STAGNANT SOVIET UNION Between 1917 and 1921 the Soviets pushed their control of Russia into Siberia and the Caucasus. As we have noted, the United States intervened in Siberia along the Trans-Siberian Railroad. Histories of U.S. Intervention by George Kennan and the Soviets maintain this was an anti-Soviet intervention. In fact, it was nothing of the kind. The U.S. spread troops along the Siberian railroad only to keep out the Japanese, not to keep out the Soviets. When they left through Vladivostok, the Soviet authorities gave American forces a resounding send-off. But this is yet another untold story, not in the textbooks. The immediate problem facing the Soviets was to restore silent Russian factories. This needed raw materials, technical skills and working capital. The key to Russian reconstruction was the oil fields of the Caucasus. The Caucasus oil fields are a major segment of Russian natural resource wealth. Baku, the most important field, was developed n the 1870s. In 1900 it was producing more crude oil than the United States, and in 1901 more than half of the total world crude output. The Caucasus oil fields survived Revolution and Intervention without major structural damage and became a significant factor in Soviet economic recovery, generating about 20 percent of all exports by value; the largest single source of foreign exchange. The Bolsheviks took over the Caucasus in 1920-1, but until 1923 oil field drilling almost ceased. During the first year of Soviet rule ". . . not one single new well has started giving oil" and even two years after Soviet occupation, no new oil-field properties had been developed. In addition, deepening of old wells virtually ceased. As a result, water percolated into the wells, and the flow of crude oil became a mixture of oil and water. Drilling records are an excellent indicator of the state of oil field maintenance, development, and production. The complete collapse after the Soviet takeover is clearly suggested by the statistics. In :900, Russia had been the world's largest producer and exporter of crude oil; almost 50,000 feet of drilling per month had been required in Baku alone to maintain this production. By early 1921, the average monthly drilling in Baku had declined to an insignificant 370 feet or so ,0.7 percent of the 1900 rate), although 162 rigs were in working order. Then, Serebrovsky, Chairman of Azneft (the Soviet oil production trust), put forward a program for recovery in a Prauda article. The plan :or 1923 was to increase oil well drilling to 35,000 Sazhens per year 245,000 feet). This would require 35 rotary drills (to drill 77,000 feet) and 157 percussion drills (to drill 130,000 feet). Serebrovsky pointed out that Azneft had no rotary drills, and that Russian enterprise could not supply them. Rotary drilling, however, was essential for the success of the plan.

1 U.S. State Dept. Decimal File, 316-137-221.

He then announced: "But just here American capital is going to support us. The American firm International Barnsdall Corporation has submitted a plan ... Lack of equipment prevents us from increasing the production of the oil industry of Baku by ourselves. The American firm . . . will provide the equipment, start drilling in the oil fields and organize the technical production of oil with deep pumps." 1 During the next few years International Barnsdall, together with the Lucey Manufacturing Company and other major foreign oil well equipment firms, fulfilled Serebrovsky's program. Massive imports of equipment came from the United States. International Barnsdall inaugurated the rotary drilling program, initiated Azneft drilling crews into its operational problems, and reorganized oil well pumping with deep well electrical pumps. The first International Barnsdall concession was signed in October 1921, and was followed in September of 1922 by two further agreements. There is no doubt that Barnsdall did work under the agreements. Prauda reported groups of American oil field workers on their way to the oil fields, and a couple of months previously the United States, Constantinople Consulate, had reported that Philip Chadbourn, the Barnsdall Caucasus representative, had passed through on his way out of Russia. The U.S. State Department Archives contain an intriguing quotation from Rykov, dated October 1922: "The one comparatively bright spot in Russia is the petroleum industry, and this is due largely to the fact that a number of American workers have been brought into the oil fields to superintend their operation." 2 Who, or what, was International Barnsdall Corporation? The Chairman of International Barnsdall Corporation was Matthew C. Brush whom we previously identified as The Order's "front man." Guaranty Trust, Lee, Higginson Company and W.A. Harriman owned Barnsdall Corporation, and International Barnsdall Corporation was owned 75% by the Barnsdall Corporation and 25% by H. Mason Day. The Guaranty Trust interest was represented by Eugene W. Stetson (also a Vice President of Guaranty Trust), whose son, Eugene W. Stetson Jr., was initiated into The Order in 1934. The Lee Higginson interest was represented by Frederick Winthrop Allen (The Order '00).

1 Prauda,

September 21, 1922.


U.S. State Department Decimal File, Microcopy 316, Roll 107, Frame 1167.

In brief, The Order controlled International Barnsdall Corporation.

The second potentially largest source of Soviet foreign exchange in the 1920s was the large Russian manganese deposits. In 1913, tsarist Russia supplied 52 percent of world manganese, of which about 76 percent, or one million tons, was mined from the Chiaturi deposits in the Caucasus. Production in 1920 was zero, and by 1924 had risen only to about 320,000 tons per year. The basic problem was: "that further development was seriously retarded by the primitive equipment, which was considered grossly inadequate even according to prewar standards." The Chiaturi deposits, situated on high plateaus some distance from Batum, were mined in a primitive manner, and the ore was brought on donkeys from the plateaus to the railroads. There was a change of gauge en route, and the manganese had to be transshipped between the original loading point and the port. When at the port, the ore was transferred by bucket: a slow, expensive process. The Soviets acquired modern mining and transportation facilities for their manganese deposits, acquired foreign exchange, and finally shattered American foreign policy concerning loans to the U.S.S.R., in a series of business agreements with W.A. Harriman Company and Guaranty Trust. l On July 12, 1925, a concession agreement was made between the W.A. Harriman Company of New York and the U.S.S.R. for exploitation of the Chiaturi manganese deposits and extensive introduction of modern mining and transportation methods. Under the Harriman concession agreement, $4 million was spent on mechanizing the mines and converting them from hand to mechanical operation. A washer and reduction plant were built; and a loading Elevator at Poti, with a two-million ton capacity and a railroad system were constructed, together with an aerial tramway for the transfer of manganese ore. The expenditure was approximately $2 million for the railroad system and $1 million for mechanization of the mines. The Chairman of the Georgian Manganese Company, the Harriman operating company on the site in Russia, was none other than The Order's "front man" Matthew C. Brush. -The interested reader is referred to over 300 pages of documents in the U.S. State Dept. Decimal File 316-138-12/331, and the German Foreign Ministry Archives.

Walter Duranty described the Harrimen contract as "utterly inept" and von Dirksen of the German Foreign Office as "a rubber contract." THE full contract was published [Vysshii sovet nardnogo khoziaistva, Concession Agreement Between The Government Of The U.S.S.R and W.A. Harrimon & Co. Inc. Of New York (Moscow, 1925)].

State Department Letter to U.S. Embassy In London (861.637/1)

IV. THE ORDER TOO POWERFUL FOR STATE DEPARTMENT TO INVESTIGATE While The Order carried out its -plans to develop Russia, the State Department could do nothing. Its bureaucrats sat in Washington D.C. like a bunch of mesmerized jackrabbits. Firstly, in the 1920s loans to the Soviet Union were strictly against U.S. law. While American citizens could enter Russia at their own risk, there were no diplomatic relations and no government support or sanction for commercial activity. Public and government sentiment in the United States was overwhelmingly against the Soviets - not least for the widespread atrocities committed in the name of the Revolution. Secondly, the Harriman-Guaranty syndicate, which reflected The Order, did not inform the State Department of its plans. As the attached letter (page 152) from Washington to the London Embassy describes, the first information of the Harriman manganese deposit came from the American Embassy in London, which picked it up from London newspaper reports. In other words, Averell Harriman sneaked an illegal project past the U.S. Government. If this is not irresponsible behavior, then nothing is. And this was the man who was later to become the U.S. Ambassador to Russia. The State Department letter to London is quite specific on this point: "The memorandum transmitted by you embodies the first information received by the Department concerning the concession other than that which has appeared in the public press."

A month or so later came a letter from Department of Commerce asking for confirmation and more information. Apparently, Harriman didn't bother to inform Commerce either.

Now we reach the truly extraordinary point. The U.S. Government was not informed by W.A. Harriman or Guaranty Trust that they intended to invest $4 million developing Soviet manganese deposits. Yet this was clearly illegal and a move with obvious strategic consequences for the U.S. Neither was the U.S. Government able to pick up this information elsewhere; in those days there was no CIA. Economic intelligence was handled by the State Department. It is also obvious that Government officials were interested in acquiring information, as they should have been. The truly extraordinary point is THAT THE U.S. GOVERNMENT WAS NOT ABLE TO PURSUE AN INVESTIGATION. We reproduce on page 155 a memorandum from Evan E. Young in Division of Eastern European Affairs to Assistant Secretary of State Carr. Note this is a memorandum at the upper levels of the State Department. Young specifically writes: ". . . there are certain and very definite reasons why I consider it very unwise for the Department to initiate any investigation with respect to the reported manganese concession." And Assistant Secretary of State Carr scribbles on the bottom, "I defer to your judgment upon this" (presumably after the suggested oral communication). The distinct impression is that some behind-the-scenes power was not to be challenged.

V. THE ORDER MAKES ITS OWN LAW The Order kept a hold on every non-government strategic position related to the Soviet Union. Nothing appears to have escaped their attention. For example, the Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce was created in 1920 to promote trade with Russia - desperately needed by the Soviets to restore idle Tsarist industry. The Chairman of its Executive Committee, the key post in the Chamber, was held by Samuel R. Bertron (The Order '85), a Vice President of Guaranty Trust and formerly a member of the 1917 Root Mission to Russia. Elihu Root, Chairman of the Mission, was, of course, the personal attorney to William Collins Whitney (The Order '63), one of the key members of The Order. The letter from Bertron's Anglo-Russian Chamber of Commerce to State Department, printed on page 158 is noteworthy because :: asks the question: "What date trading in Russian credits was prohibited in the United States by Federal authorities?" This means that The Order was well aware in 1921 that "credits" to the U.S.S.R. were illegal and indeed were not made legal until President Roosevelt took office in 1933. However, illegal or not, within 18 months of this Bertron letter, Guaranty Trust established more than trading in Russian credits. Guaranty Trust made a joint banking agreement with the Soviets and installed a Guaranty Trust Vice President, Max May, as director in charge of the foreign division of this Soviet -Dank, the RUSKOMBANK (See document on page 157). In brief, while the U.S. public was being assured by the U.S. Government that the Soviets were dastardly murderers, while "Reds" were being deported back to Russia by the Department of Justice, while every politician (almost without exception) was assuring the American public :hat the United States would have no relations with the Soviets - while this barrage of lies was aimed at a gullible public, behind the scenes the Guaranty Trust Company was actually running a division of a Soviet bank! And American troops were being cheered by Soviet revolutionaries for helping protect the Revolution. That, dear readers, is why governments need censorship. That's why even 50 years after some events, it is almost impossible for independent researchers (not the bootlickers) to get key documents declassified.

VI. THE ORDER'S LAW FIRMS New York establishment law firms, several founded by members of The Order, have close links to banks and specifically those operational vehicles for revolution already cited. Take the example of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett which in the 1920s was located at 120 Broadway, New York. The firm was founded by Thomas Thacher (The Order '71) in 1884. His son Thomas Day Thacher (The Order '04) worked for the family law firm after leaving Yale and initiation into The Order. The younger Thomas Thacher went to work for Henry L. Stimson (The Order'88), a very active member of The Order discussed in Volume One of this series. About this time Tha cher, who wrote The Order's statement on the Bolshevik Revolution (page 138), became friendly with both Felix Frankfurter and Raymond Robins. According to extensive documentation in the Lusk Committee files, both Frankfurter and Robins were of considerable assistance to the Soviets. Another link between the 1917 Revolution and Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett is through the daughter of Thomas Anthony Thacher (The Order '35) who married William Kent (The Order '87) who we have linked to member Amos Pinchot in the case of intervention on behalf of the Soviets in Washington, D.C.

Furthermore, readers of Wall Street And The Bolshevik Revolution will recall that member Samuel Bertron was on the Root Mission to Russia in 1917. Moreover, Thomas Thacher (The Order '04) was a member of the Red Cross Mission with Allan Wardwell, son of Thomas Wardwell, Standard Oil Treasurer and a partner in another Wall Street aw firm, Statson, Jennings & Russell (the links of this firm to The Order will be described in a later volume). Eugene Stetson, Jr., for example, is ^. The Order ('34) . Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett represented the Soviet State Bank in ::e U.S. and was the vehicle used by The Order to inform State Department of activities that might otherwise be blocked by low level bureaucrats following the government rulebook. For example, in 1927 Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett informed the U.S. Government that the Soviets were in the process of substantially increasing deposits in the U.S. This increase was in preparation for the enormous outlays to be channeled to a few favored U.S. firms to build the Soviet First Five Year Plan. The letter read closely is definite; it puts words in the mouth of the State Department, i.e., this is what we are going to do and in spite of the U.S. Government, there is no reason why we should not go ahead. Note, for example, the last paragraph: ". . . it seems to us there is no reason why the Bank should not so increase its deposits notwithstanding our Government has not recognized the U.S.S.R."


During the past four years the Government of the United States has maintained the position that it would be both futile and unwise to enter into relations with the Soviet Government so long as the Bolshevik leaders persist in aims and practices in the field of international relations which preclude the possibility of establishing relations on the basis of accepted principles governing intercourse between nations. It is the conviction of the Government of the United States that relations on a basis usual between friendly nations can not be established with a governmental entity which is the agency of a group who hold it as their mission to bring about the overthrow of the existing political, economic and social order throughout the world and who regulate their conduct towards other nations accordingly. The experiences of various European Governments which have recognized and entered into relations with the Soviet regime have demonstrated conclusively the wisdom of the policy to which the Government of the United States has consistently adhered. Recognition of the Soviet regime has not brought about any cessation of interference by the Bolshevik leaders in the internal affairs of any recognizing country, nor has it led to the acceptance by them of other fundamental obligations of international intercourse. Certain European states have endeavored, by entering into discussions with representatives of the Soviet regime, to reach a settlement of outstanding differences on the basis of accepted international practices. Such conferences and discussions have been entirely fruitless. No state has been able to obtain the payment of debts contracted by Russia under preceding governments or the indemnification of its citizens for confiscated property. Indeed, there is every reason to believe that the granting of recognition and the holding of discussions have served only to encourage the present rulers of Russia in their policy of repudiation and confiscation, as well as in their hope that it is possible to establish a working basis, accepted by other nations, whereby they can continue their war on the existing political and social order in other countries. Current developments demonstrate the continued persistence at Moscow of a dominating world revolutionary purpose and the practical manifestation of this purpose in such ways as render impossible the establishment of normal relations with the Soviet government. The present rulers of Russia, while seeking to direct the evolution of Russia along political, economic and social lines in such manner as to make it an effective "base of the world revolution", continue to carry on, through the Communist International and other organizations with headquarters at Moscow, within the borders of other nations, including the United States, extensive and carefully planned operations for the purpose of ultimately bringing about the overthrow of the

existing order n such nations. A mass of data with respect to the activities carried on in the United States by various Bolshevik organizations, under the direction and control of Moscow, was presented by the Department of State to a subcommittee of the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations in January 1924.


All this Soviet-building activity recorded in the Lusk Committee and State Department files was carefully concealed from the American public. What the public was told can only be described as a pack of lies, f rom beginning to end. To demonstrate the degree of falsehood, we reprint here a page on Russia" from a document "Excerpt from a statement entitled `Foreign Relations' by the Honorable Frank B. Kellogg, Secretary of State, published by the Republican National Committee, Bulletin No. 5, I928." Among the falsehoods promoted by Secretary Kellogg is the following: ". . . the Government of the United States has maintained the position that it would be both futile and unwise to enter into relations with t he Soviet Government." In fact, at this ver y time the United States, with implicit government approval, was involved in planning the First Five Year Plan in Russia. The planning work was done actively by American firms. l Construction of the Soviet dialectic arm continued throughout the 1930s up to World War II. In 1941 W.A. Harriman was appointed Lend Lease Administrator to assure the flow of United States t echnology and products to the Soviet Union. Examination of- Lend -ease records shows that U.S. law was violated. The law required military goods only to be shipped. In fact, industrial equipment in extraordinary amounts was also shipped and Treasury Department currency plates so that the Soviets could freely print U.S. dollars. Since World War II the United States has kept the Soviets abreast of modern technology. This story has been detailed elsewhere. In brief, the creation of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. The early survival of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. The development of the Soviet Union stems from The Order. But above all, this story has been concealed from the American public --,"politicians . . . more of this later. Now let's turn to the financing of the Nazi Party in Germany.

1 This story has been described in my Western Technology And Soviet Economic Development 917-1930 and 1930-1945, published by the Hoover Institution at Stanford University.

The Marxist version of the Hegelian dialectic poses financial capitalism as thesis and Marxist revolution as antithesis. An obvious puzzle in this Marxian statement is the nature of the synthesis presumed to evolve out of the clash of these opposites, i.e., the clash of financial capitalism and revolutionary Marxism. Lenin's statement that the State will wither away at the synthesis stage is nonsensical. In fact, as all contemporary Marxist states testify, the State in practice becomes all powerful. The immediate task of "the revolution" is to convey all power to the state, and modern Marxist states operate under a constant paranoia that power may indeed pass away from the hands of the State into the hands of the people. We suggest that world forces may be seen differently, although still i7, terms of the Hegelian dialectic. If Marxism is posed as the thesis and national socialism as antithesis, then the most likely synthesis becomes a Hegelian New World Order, a synthesis evolving out of the clash o: Marxism and national socialism. Moreover, in this statement those who finance and manage the clash of opposites can remain in control of the synthesis. If we can show that The Order has artificially encouraged and developed both revolutionary Marxism and national socialism while retaining some control over the nature and degree of the conflict, then it follows The Order will be able to determine the evolution and nature of the New World Order.

Memorandum Number Four: Antithesis - Financing The Nazis

I. WHERE DID THE NAZIS GET THEIR FUNDS FOR REVOLUTION? In Wall Street And The Rise of Hitler we described several financial conduits between Wall Street and the Nazi Party. This was later supplemented by publication of a long suppressed book, Hitler's Secret Backers. l Still other books have emphasized the Fritz Thyssen financial connection to Hitler. After he split with Hitler, Thyssen himself wrote a book, I Paid Hitler. We are now in a position to merge the evidence in these books with other material and our documentation on The Order. The records of the U.S. Control Council for Germany contain the post-war intelligence interviews with prominent Nazis. From these we have verification that the major conduit for funds to Hitler was Fritz Thyssen and his Bank fur Handel and Schiff, previously called von Heydt's Bank. This information coincides with evidence in

Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler and Hitler's Secret Backers, even to the names of the people and banks involved, i.e., Thyssen, Harriman, Guaranty Trust, von Heydt, Carter, and so on. The document reproduced on page 167 slipped through U.S. censorship because the Office of Director of Intelligence did not know of the link between Fritz Thyssen and the Harriman interests in New York. Documents linking Wall Street to Hitler have for the most part been removed from U.S. Control Council records. In any event, we reproduce here the Intelligence report identifying Fritz Thyssen and his Bank fur Handel und Schiff (No. EF/Me/1 of September 4, 1945) and page 13 of the interrogation of Fritz Thyssen entitled "Financial Support of the Nazi Party." lI. WHO WAS THYSSEN"? Fritz Thyssen was the German steel magnate who associated himself with the Nazi movement in the early '20s. When interrogated in 1945 under Project Dustbin, Thyssen recalled that he was approached in 1923 by General Ludendorf at the time of French evacuation of the Ruhr. Shortly after this meeting Thyssen was introduced to Hitler and provided funds for the Nazis through General Ludendorf. In 1930-31 Emil Kirdorf approached Thyssen and subsequently sent Rudolf Hess to negotiate further funding for the Nazi Party. This time Thyssen arranged a credit of 250,000 marks at the Bank Voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V. (the Dutch name for the bank named by Thyssen in the attached document), at 18 Zuidblaak in Rotterdam, Holland. Thyssen was former head of the Vereinigte Stahlwerke, The German 1 Wall Street And The Rise Of Hitler and Hitler's Secret Backers are obtainable from Research Publications, P.O. Box 39850, Phoenix Arizona 85069. Some other aspects are covered in Charles Higham. Trading With The Enemy (Delacorte Press).

steel trust, financed by Dillon Read (New York), and played a decisive role in the rise of Hitler to bower by contributing liberally to the Nazi Party and by influencing his fellow industrialists to join him in support of the Fuehrer. In reward for his efforts, Thyssen was showered with political and economic favors by the Third Reich and enjoyed almost unlimited power and prestige under the Nazi regime until his break with Hitler in 1939 over the decision to invade Poland and precipitate the Second World War. This incident and Thyssen's subsequent publication, 1 Paid Hitler, has a parallel with the history of his father, August Thyssen. Through a similar confession in 1918 the elder Thyssen, despite his record as a staunch backer of pan-Germanism, succeeded in convincing the Allies that sole responsibility for German aggression should be placed on the Kaiser and German industrialists should not be blamed for the support they had given to the Hohenzollerns. Apparently influenced by August Thyssen and his associates, the Allies made no effort to reform German industry after World War I. The result was that Thyssen was allowed to retain a vast industrial empire and pass it on intact to his heirs and successors. It was against this background that Fritz Thyssen took over control of the family holdings following the death of his father in 1926. The new German steel baron had already achieved fame throughout the Reich by his defiance of the French during their occupation of the Ruhr in 1923. Like Hitler, Thyssen regarded the Treaty of Versailles as "a pact of shame" which must be overthrown if the Fatherland were to rise again This is the story in Hitler's Secret Backers. Thyssen set out along the same road as his father, aided by ample Wall Street loans to build German industry. August Thyssen had combined with Hugenburg, Kirdorf, and the elder Krupp to promote the AllDeutscher Verband (the Pan-German League), which supplied the rationale for the Kaiser's expansionist policies. His son became an active member of the Stahlhelm and later, through Goring, joined the Nazis. Finally, after the crash of 1931 had brought German industry to the verge of bankruptcy, he openly embraced national socialism. During the next 2 years Thyssen dedicated his fortune and his influence to bring Hitler to power. In 1932 he arranged the famous meeting in the Dusseldorf Industrialists' Club, at which Hitler addressed the leading businessmen of the Ruhr and the Rhineland. At the close of Hitler's speech Thyssen cried, "Heil Herr Hitler," while the others applauded enthusiastically. By the time of the German Presidential elections later that year, Thyssen obtained contributions to Hitler's campaign fund from the industrial combines. He alone is reported to have spent 3,000,000 marks on the Nazis in the year 1932.


This flow of funds went through Thyssen banks. The Bank fur Handel and Schiff cited as the conduit in the U.S. Intelligence report was a subsidiary of the August Thyssen Bank, and founded in 1918 with H.J. ·: Kouwenhoven and D.C. Schutte as managing partners. In brief, it was Thyssen's personal banking operation, and affiliated with the W.A. Harriman financial interests in New York. Thyssen reported to his Project Dustbin interrogators that: "I chose a Dutch bank because I did not want to be mixed up with German banks in my position, and because I thought it was better to do business with a Dutch bank, and I thought I would have the Nazis a little more in my hands." Hitler's Secret Backers identifies the conduit from the U.S. as "von Heydt," and von Heydt's Bank was the early name for Thyssen's Bank. Furthermore, the Thyssen front bank in Holland - i.e., the Bank voor -iandel en Scheepvaart N.V. - controlled the Union Banking Corporation in New York. The Harrimans had a financial interest in, and E. Roland Harriman The Order 1917), Averell's brother, was a director of this Union Bankng Corporation. The Union Banking Corporation of New York City was a joint Thyssen-Harriman operation with the following directors in 1932:

E. Roland Harriman (The Order 1917) H.J. Kouwenhoven (Nazi) Knight Wooley (The Order 1917) Cornelius Lievense

Vice President of W.A. Harriman & Co., New York

Nazi banker, managing partner of August Thyssen Bank and Bank voor Handel Scheepvaart N.V. (the transfer bank for Thyssen's funds) Director of Guaranty Trust, New York and Director Federal Reserve Bank of N. Y. President, Union Banking Corp. and Director of Holland-American Investment Corp. Partner, Brown Brothers, & Co., New York

Ellery Sedgewick James (The Order 1917)

Johann Groninger (Nazi) J.L. Guinter Prescott Sheldon Bush (The Order 1917)

Director of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart and Vereinigte Stahlwerke (Thyssen's steel operations) Director Union Banking Corp Partner, Brown Brothers. Harriman. Father of President G. H. W. Bush

The eight directors of Union Banking Corporation are an interesting bunch indeed. Look at the following: · Four directors of Union Banking are members of The Order: a:: initiated at Yale in 1917 - members of the same Yale class. A:: four were members of the same cell (club) D 115. · E. Harriman was the brother of W. Averell Harriman and a Vice-President of W.A. Harriman Company. · Guaranty Trust was represented by Knight Woolley. · Two of the Union directors, Kouwenhoven and Groninger, were Nazi directors of Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart. formerly the von Heydt Bank. Von Heydt was the intermediary between Guaranty Trust and Hitler named in Hitler's Secret Backer. · Ellery S. James and Prescott S. Bush were partners in Brown Brothers, later Brown Brothers, Harriman. Out of eight directors of Thyssen's bank in New York, we can therefore identify six who are either Nazis or members of The Order. This private bank was formerly named Von Heydt Bank and von Heydt is named by Sharp in Hitler's Secret Backers as the intermediary from Guaranty Trust in New York to Hitler between 1930 and 1933. Above all, remember that Shoup was writing in 1933 when this information was still only known to those on the inside. Out of tens of thousands of banks and bankers, Shoup, in 1933, names those that evidence surfacing decades later confirms as financing Hitler. In brief, when we merge the information in PROJECT DUSTBIN with Shoup's Hitler's Secret Backers, we find the major overseas conduit for Nazi financing traces back to THE ORDER and specifically cell D 115.

IV. PROFIT FROM CONFLICT Out of war and revolution come opportunities for profit. Conflict can be used for profit by corporations under control and influence of The Order. In World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnamese War we can cite examples of American corporations that traded with "the enemy" for profit. This "blood trade" is by no means sporadic or limited to a few firms; it is general and reflects higher policy decisions and philosophies. Corporations - even large corporations - are dominated by banks and trust companies, and in turn these banks and trust companies are dominated by The Order and its allies. (This will be the topic of a forthcoming volume). Although the U.S. did not officially go to war with Germany until 1941, legally, and certainly morally, the U.S. was at war with Nazi Germany after the Destroyer deal with Great Britain in December 1940, :.e., the exchange of 50 old U.S. destroyers for strategic bases in British territory. Even before December 1940 the MS "Frederick S. Fales" owned by Standard Vacuum Company was sunk by a German submarine on September 21, 1940. Yet in 1941 Standard Oil of New Jersey (now EXXON) had six Standard Oil tankers under Panamanian registry, manned by Nazi officers to carry fuel oil from Standard Oil refineries to the Canary Islands, a refueling base of Nazi submarines. A report on this dated July 15, 1941 from Intelligence at Fifth Corps :n Columbus, Ohio is reproduced on page 172. The report is in error recording that no Standard Oil ships had been sunk by the Nazis; Major Burrows apparently did not know "Frederick S. Fales" in 1940. Another example of profit from war is recorded in the document on page 173. This records the association of RCA and the Nazis in World War II. RCA was essentially a Morgan-Rockefeller firm and so linked to The Order. Yet another example is that of Chase Bank. Chase was linked to The Order through the Rockefeller family (Percy Rockefeller, The Order 1900) and Vice-President Reeve Schley (Yale, Scroll & Key). Directors of Chase in The Order included Frederick Allen (The Order 1900), W.E.S. Griswold (The Order 1899) and Cornelius Vanderbilt, whose brother Gwynne Vanderbilt (The Order 1899) represented the family before his death. President of Chase was Winthrop Aldrich. This was :he Harvard branch of the Aldrich family, another branch is Yale and The Order. Chase Manhattan Bank is not only a firm that plays both sides of the political fence, but with Ford Motor Company, was selected by Treasury Secretary Morgenthau for post-war investigation of pro-Nazi activities: These two situations [i.e., Ford and Chase Bank] convince us that it is imperative to investigate immediately on the spot the activities of subsidiaries of at least some of the larger American firms which were operating in France during German occupation . . . The extent of Chase collaboration with Nazis is staggering - and this was at a time when Nelson Rockefeller had an intelligence job in Washington aimed AGAINST Nazi operations in Latin America. In December 1944 Treasury Department officials examined the records of the Chase Bank in Paris. On December 20, 1944 the senior U.S. examiner sent a memorandum to Treasury Secretary Morgenthau with the preliminary results of the Paris examination. Here's an extract from that report:

a. Niederman, of Swiss nationality, manager of Chase, Paris, was unquestionably a collaborator; b. The Chase Head Office in New York was informed of Niederman's collaborationist policy but took no steps to remove him. Indeed there is ample evidence to show that the Head Office in New York viewed Niederman's good relations with the Germans as an excellent means of preserving, unimpaired, the position of the Chase Bank in France. c. The German authorities were anxious to keep the Chase open and indeed took exceptional measures to provide sources of revenue. d. The German authorities desired "to be friends" with the important American banks because they expected that these banks would be useful after the war as an instrument of German policy in the United States. e. The Chase, Paris showed itself most anxious to please the , German authorities in every possible way. For example, the Chase zealously maintained the account of the German Embassy in Paris, "as every little thing helps" (to maintain the excellent relations between Chase and the German authorities). f. The whole objective of the Chase policy and operation was to maintain the position of the bank at any cost. In brief, Chase Bank was a Nazi collaborator, but the above preliminary report is as far as the investigation proceeded. The report was killed on orders from Washington, D.C. On the other hand, Chase Bank, later Chase Manhattan Bank, has been a prime promoter of exporting U.S. technology to the Soviet Union. This goes all the way back to the early 1920s when Chase broke U.S. regulations in order to aid the Soviets. As early as 1922 Chase was trying to export military LIBERTY aircraft engines to the Soviet Union! In conclusion, we have seen that the two arms of the dialectic described in Memoranda Three and Four clashed in World War II. Furthermore, the corporate segment of the elite profited from Lend Lease to the Soviets and by underground cooperation with Nazi interests. The political wing of The Order was at the same time preparing a new dialectic for the post World War 11 era.

Memorandum Number Five: The New Dialectic - Angola And China

THE NECESSITY FOR A NEW DIALECTIC PROCESS World War II was the culmination of the dialectic process created in the 1920s and 1930s. The clash between "left" and "right," i.e., the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany, led to creation of a synthesis - notably the United Nations, and a start towards regional groupings in - :,e Common Market, COMECON, NATO, UNESCO, Warsaw Pact, SEATO, CENTO, and then the Trilateral Commission. A start towards New World Order. World War II left The Order with the necessity to create a new dialectical situation to promote more conflict to achieve a higher level synthesis. The source of the current process may be found in National Security Memorandum No. 68 of 1950, with its extraordinary omissions (analyzed in The Phoenix Letter, January 1984). NSC 68 opened up the road for Western technology to build a more advanced Soviet Union - which it did in the 1960s and 1970s with computerized space-age technology. At the same time NSC 68 presented the argument for massive expansion of U.S. defenses - on the grounds of a future Soviet threat. The omission in NSC 68 was quite elementary, i.e., that :he Soviets could not progress without Western technology. NSC 68 allowed that technology transfer to go on. In other words, by allowing Western firms to expand the Soviet Union, NSC-68 also pari passu created the argument for a U.S. defense budget. We identified in our 'Phoenix Letter article the link between NSC-68 and The Order. Unfortunately for The Order, but not surprisingly, given their limited perception of the world, the dialectic plan based on NSC-68 misfired. The principal devices used to control the dialectic process in the past two decades have been (a) information, (b) debt and (c) technology. These have become diluted over time. They just don't work as well today as they did in the 1950s. By and large, control of information has been successful. The intellectual world is still locked into a phony verbal battle between "left" and "right," whereas the real struggle is the battle between individual freedom and the encroaching power of the absolute State. The Soviet Union, with its tight censorship, presents a strictly Marxist (i.e., "left") orientation to its citizens. The enemy is always the "fascist" United States. The West is a little more complicated but not much more so. Quigley's argument in Tragedy And Hope, that J.P. Morgan used financial power to control politics, has been extended to The Order's control of information. In the West the choice is basically between a controlled "left-oriented" information and a controlled "right-oriented" information. l The conflict between the two controlled groups keeps an apparent informational conflict alive. Unwelcome facts that fall into neither camp are conveniently forgotten. Books that fall into neither camp can be effectively neutralized because they will incur the wrath of both "right" and "left". In brief, any publication which points up the fallacy of the Left-Right dichotomy is ignored ... and citizens keep trooping down to the polling booths in the belief they have a "choice". The second control mechanism is debt. If Marxist countries have to import technology, they need to earn or borrow Western currencies to pay for it. Loans have to be repaid. So to some extent, debtors are under control of creditors, unless they default. Default is the weakness The third control mechanism is technology. If technology to advance to more efficient production levels has to be imported, then the recipient is always kept away from the "state of the art". The weakness for The Order is that military technology does not require a market system. The dialectic plan therefore misfired for several reasons. Firstly, the informational blackout has not been as successful as The Order expected. We shall describe later how control of Time and Newsweek gave The Order dominance over weekly news summaries. The TV networks have been able to orchestrate viewer reactions - to some extent For example, the three ABC blockbusters in 1983 were The Day After. Thornbirds, and Winds Of War, all with a common propaganda theme But The Order was unable to restrict individuals and relatively small non-academic groups, almost always outside Universities, from exploring obvious inconsistencies in establishment propaganda. These groups often mistakenly termed "left" or "right" are outside the generally manipulated left-right spectrum. Secondly, the debt weapon was over-used. Communist countries are now saturated with debt to Western bankers. Thirdly, while technology is still a useful weapon, there are distinct stirrings among independent analysts of the danger posed for the Western world by building enemies. Consequently, in today's world we can identify two facts in construction of a new dialectic. First, cautious reinforcement of the Marxian arm (the thesis presented in Memorandum Three), i.e., Marxist Angola gets a green light, but a Marxist Grenada got a red light. Second, the construction of a completely new arm, that of Communist China, itself Marxist, but with conflict potential for the Soviet Union. Major efforts by The Order are in progress, only partly revealed in the press, to create a new superpower in a conflict mode with the Soviet Union. This is the new antithesis, replacing Nazi Germany.

1 There are exceptions. Obviously Review Of The News, American Opinion and Reason are large outside the controlled right' frame. To some extent the U.S. Labor Party is outside the left frame but includes so much spurious material that its publications are hardly worth reading. Henry George sit clear-cut left exception.

THE ORDER CREATES A MARXIST ANGOLA Angola, a former Portuguese province on the southwest coast of Africa, is a contemporary example of continued, but more cautious, creation of the Marxist arm of the dialectic process. The official establishment view of Angola is that Angola was a Portugu ese colony and oppressive Portuguese rule led to an independence movement in which the Marxists won out over "democratic" forces. This view cannot be supported. If the Portuguese were colonists in Angola, then so are the Boston Brahmins in Massachusetts. Luanda, the chief town in Angola, was settled by the Portuguese in 1575 - that's half a century before the Pilgrims landed in Massachusetts. The indigenous population of Angola in 1575 was less than the Indian population of Massachusetts. Over three centuries the Portuguese treated Angola more as a province than as a colony, in contrast to British, French and Belgian colonial rule in Africa. So if Angola belonged to non-existent indigenous natives, then so does Massachusetts logically belong to American Indians. In the early 1960s the United States was actively aiding the Marxist cause in Angola. This is clear from former Secretary of State Dean Acheson. The following extracts are from a memorandum recording a conversation between Dean Acheson (Scroll & Key), McGeorge Bundy The Order '40), and President Kennedy dated April 2, 1962: "He [Kennedy] then turned to the negotiations with Portugal over the Azores base. He said that not much seemed to be happening and that he would be grateful to have me take the matter over and see if something could be done. I asked him for permission to talk about the situation for a few minutes and said about the following: "The Portuguese were deeply offended at what they believed was the desertion of them by the United States, if not the actual alignment of the United States with their enemies. The problem, it seemed to me, lay not so much in negotiations with the Portuguese as in the determination of United States policy. The battle would be in Washington, rather than in Lisbon." Then Dean Acheson comments on a topic apparently already known -D President Kennedy, that the United States was supporting the revolutionary -nary movements in Angola: "The President then asked me why I was so sure that there was no room for negotiations under the present conditions. I said that, as he perhaps knew, we had in fact been subsidizing Portugal's enemies; and that they strongly suspected this, although they could not prove it. He said that the purpose of this was to try to keep the Angolan nationalist movement out of the hands of the communist Ghanians, etc., and keep it in the most moderate hands possible. I said that I quite understood this, but that it did not make what the Portuguese suspected any more palatable to them. We were also engaged in smuggling Angolese out of Angola and educating them in Lincoln College outside o· Philadelphia in the most extreme nationalist views. Furthermore the head of this college had secretly and illegally entered Angola and on his return had engaged in violent anti-Portuguese propaganda. We voted in the United Nations for resolutions "condemning" Portugal for maintaining order in territory unquestionably under Portuguese sovereignty. I pointed out that the Portuguese were a proud people, especially sensitive because they had declined to such an impotent position after such a glorious history. They would rather proceed to the ruin of their empire in a dignified way, as they had in Goa, than be bought or wheedled into cooperating in their own destruction." There is an extremely important, although seemingly minor, point in President Kennedy's comments. Kennedy apparently believed the U.S. was financing Nationalists, not Marxists, whereas the U.S. was actually aiding Marxists, as it was later to do in South Africa, following a pattern going back to the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution in Russia. There is a point well worth following up in the Kennedy files, i.e., just how much Kennedy knew about CIA and State Department operations, where The Order was in control. The Marxists under Neto's MPLA obtained control of Angola. The Order with powerful allies among multinational corporations has exerted pressure on successive Administrations to keep Angola as a CubanSoviet base in Southern Africa. Back in 1975 the U.S. in conjunction with South Africa did indeed make a military drive into Angola. At a crucial point, when South African forces could have reached Launda, the United States called off assistance. South Africa had no choice but to retreat. South Africa learned the hard way that the U.S. is only nominally anti-Marxist. In practice the U.S. did to South Africa what it had done many times before - the elite betrayed its anti-Marxist allies. By the early 1980s The Order's multinational friends came out of the woodwork while carefully coordinating public actions with Vice President Bush (The Order 1948). For example, in March 27, 1981 The Wall Street Journal ran a revealing article, including some nuggets of reality mingled with the Establishment line. This front page article viewed U.S. multinational support for the Angolan Marxists under the headline "Friendly Foe: companies urge U.S. to stay out of Angola, decline aid to rebels" (these rebels being anti-Marxist Savimbi's UNITA forces aided by South Africa). The leader of the pro-Marxist corporate forces in the U.S. is Melvin J. Hill, President of Gulf Oil Exploration & Production Company, a unit of Gulf Oil which operates Gulf Cabinda. This is a refinery complex in Angola, protected from Savimbi's pro-Western rebels by Cubans and Angolan Marxist troops. Hill told the WSJ "Angola is a knowledgeable, understanding and reliable business partner." Hill not only appeared before Congress with this pro-Marxist line, but met at least several times with then Vice President Bush. PWJ Wood of Cities Service added more to the Gulf Oil mythology. Said Wood: "The Angolans are more and more development oriented. They aren't interested in politicizing central Africa on behalf of Cubans or the ' Soviet Union. Our people aren't persona non grata in Angola." Hill and Wood, of course, are no more than public relations agents for Marxist Angola, although we understand they have not registered as foreign agents with the U.S. Department of Justice. Angola is very much a Cuban-Soviet base for the take-over of Southern Africa, yet 17 western oil companies and other firms are in Angola. They include Gulf, Texaco, Petrofina, Mobil, Cities Service, Marathon Oil and Union Texas Petroleum. Other firms include Allied Chemical, Boeing Aircraft, General Electric - and Bechtel Corporation. It should be remembered that both Secretary of State Schultz and Secretary of Defense Weinberger are on loan from Bechtel Corporation. Gulf Oil Corporation is controlled by the Mellon interests. The largest single shareholder of the outstanding shares. The Mellon Bank is represented on the Board of Gulf Oil by James Higgins, a Yale graduate but not, so far as we can determine, a member of The Order. The next largest shareholder is the Mellon Family comprising the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, the Richard King Foundation, and the Sarah Scaife Foundation. This group, which thinks of itself as "conservative," holds about 7 percent of the outstanding shares. Morgan Guaranty Trust (a name we have encountered before) holds 1.8 million shares or about 1 percent of the outstanding shares. To a great extent these corporations with Angolan interests have themselves out on a limb. It is surprising, for example, that South Africa has not moved to take counter action against Angolan based firms, especially General Electric, Boeing, Morgan Guaranty Trust, Gulf Oil and Cities Service. After all, the South Africans are directly losing men ~Dm the massive support given to the Angolan Marxists by these firms. It would be cheaper in South African lives to direct retaliatory action against the corporations rather than against Cubans and Angolans. After U.S. betrayal of South Africa in 1975, when South African forces could have reached Luanda, it is a tribute to South Africa's caution that it has not used this rather obvious counter weapon. After all, a South African surgical strike on Cabinda would neatly remove the Angolans' largest single source of foreign exchange, and give multinational Marxists a little food for thought. We are not, of course, recommending any such action, but it does remain an option open to South Africa. And the possible U.S. reaction? Well the State Department and CIA had best be ready with an explanation for the U.S. Embassy plane caught photographing South African military installations! We cite the above only to demonstrate the dangerous nature of The Order's conflict management scenarios. III. THE ORDER BUILDS A NEW DIALECTIC ARM IN CHINA Just as we found the Bush family involved with the early development of the Soviet Union, then with financing the Nazis, and vaguely behind the scenes in Angola, so we find a Bush active in construction of the new dialectic arm: Communist China. In 1971 Mr. Nixon appointed George "Poppy" Bush (The Order 1948) as U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, irrespective of the fact that Bush had no previous experience in diplomacy. As chief U.S. delegate, Bush had responsibility for defense against the Communist Chinese attack on the Republic of China, an original free enterprise member of the United Nations. With the vast power of the United States at his disposal, Bush failed miserably: the Republic was expelled from United Nations and Communist China took its seat. Shortly after that fiasco, Bush left United Nations to take over as Chairman of the Republican National Committee. This is not the place to tell the whole story of American involvement in China. It began with Wall Street intervention into the Sun Yat Sen revolution of 1911 - a story not yet publicly recorded. During World War II the United States helped the Chinese Communists into power. As one Chinese authority, Chin-tung Liang, has written about General Joseph W. Stilwell, the key U.S. representative in China from 1942 to 1944: "From the viewpoint of the struggle against Communism . . . [Stilwell] did a great disservice to China."' Yet Stilwell only reflected orders from Washington, from General George C. Marshall. And as Admiral Cooke stated to Congress, ". . . in 1946 General Marshall used the tactics of stoppage of ammunition to invisibly disarm the Chinese forces.

'Chin-Tun Liang, General Stilwell In Chino, 1942-1944: The Full Story. St. John's University 1972, p. 12.

2 Ibid., p. 278.

But when we get to General Marshall we need to remember that in the U.S. the civilian branch has final authority in matters military and :',at gets us to then Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson, Marshall's superior and a member of The Order (1888). By an amazing coincidence, Stimson was also Secretary of War in 1911 - at the time of the Sun Yat Sen revolution. The story of the betrayal of China and the role of The Order will have :o await yet another volume. At this time we want only to record the decision to build Communist China as a new arm of the dialectic - a ,decision made under President Richard Nixon and placed into operation by Henry Kissinger (Chase Manhattan Bank) and George "Poppy" Bush (The Order). As we go to press (early 1984) Bechtel Corporation has established a new company, Bechtel China, Inc., to handle development, engineering and construction contracts for the Chinese government. The new ?resident of Bechtel China, Inc. is Sydney B. Ford, formerly marketing manager of Bechtel Civil & Minerals, Inc. Currently Bechtel is working on studies for the China National Coal Development Corporation and he China National Offshore Oil Corporation - both, of course, Chinese Communist organizations. It appears that Bechtel is now to play a similar role to that of Detroit based Albert Kahn, Inc., the firm that in 1928 undertook initial studies and planning for the First Five Year Plan in the Soviet Union. By about the year 2000 Communist China will be a "superpower" built by American technology and skill. It is presumably the intention of The Order to place this power in a conflict mode with the Soviet Union. There is no doubt Bechtel will do its job. Former CIA Director Richard Helms works for Bechtel, so did Secretary of State George 5hultz and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. That's a powerful, influential combination, if any Washington planner concerned with national Security gets out of line sufficiently to protest. Yet, The Order has probably again miscalculated. What will be Moscow's reaction to this dialectic challenge? Even without traditional Russian paranoia they can be excused for feeling more than a little uneasy. And who is to say that the Chinese Communists will not make their peace with Moscow after 2000 and join forces to eliminate the super-super-power - the United States?

Memorandum Number One: An Introduction to the Secret Cult of the Order

Secret political organizations can be - and have been - extremely dangerous to the social health and constitutional vitality of a society. In a truly free society the exercise of political power must always be open and known.

Moreover, organizations devoted to violent overthrow of political structures have always, by necessity, been secret organizations. Communist revolutionary cells are an obvious example. In fact, such revolutionary organizations could only function if their existence was secret. In brief, secrecy in matters political is historically associated with coercion. Furthermore, the existence of secrecy in organizations with political ambitions or with a history of political action is always suspect. Freedom is always associated with open political action and discussion while coercion is always associated with secrecy. There are numerous historical examples to support this premise. Back in the late 17th century the Elector of Bavaria, the constitutional government of Bavaria, banned the Illuminati organization. Accidental discovery of Illuminati documents demonstrated that a secret organization was devoted to the overthrow of the Bavarian state and establishment of a world society run by elitist Illuminati. More recently in England there have been startling discoveries involving use of the Masonic movement by the Soviet KGB to subvert and infiltrate British intelligence. True freemasonry is an establishment conservative organization, but its organizational structure can be - and has been - used for revolutionary purposes. Masonic aims are publicly stated to be fraternity and charity, but it is also well known that masons help each other in areas supposedly based on talent. In The Brotherhood 1 Stephen Knight comments that many have suffered because freemasonry has entered segments of society where it has no place: . . . there can be no doubt that many . . . have suffered because of freemasonry entering into areas of life where, according to all its publicly proclaimed principles, it should never intrude. The abuse of freemasonry causes alarming miscarriages of justice" (p. 4).

1 Stephan Knight, The Brotherhood: The secret World of the Freemasons, Granada, London, 1984.

In England at any rate freemasonry has become a self-serving organization always discriminating in favor of its own members when it comes to contracts, jobs, careers and promotions. Moreover, we now know that the masonic movement in England was used by the Russian KGB to infiltrate, take over and finally head British intelligence organizations. In September 1984 Scotland Yard in London advised all its police officers not to join the freemasons lest its reputation for impartiality be lost. Given this background, The Order, a secret society also known as Skull & Bones, is a clear and obvious threat to constitutional freedom in the United States. Its secrecy, power and use of influence is greater by far than the masons, or any other semi-secret mutual or fraternal organization. How secret is Skull & Bones? The most careful analysis of the society is by Lyman Bagg in Four Years At Yale1 published in 1871, but still the only source of documented information on the cultic aspects of The Order. According to Bagg, The Order is intensely secret: · "They (the senior societies at Yale) are the only Yale societies whose transactions are truly secret." · "Their members never mention their names, nor refer to them in any way in the presence of anyone not of their own number, and as they are all seniors, there are no old members in the class above them to tell tales out of school." This intense secrecy even extends to documents printed for internal use. On the next page we reprint an internal circular distributed among Patriarchs which has disguised references as follows: "P" i.e., Patriarch "P---s" Patriarchs If The Order has this intense secrecy, then how are we able to reproduce its documents and memberships rolls? Simply because secrecy attracts attention. Secrecy creates suspicion of intentions. This in turn generates action to break the secrecy. This series of books is based on several sources, including contemporary "moles." However, information on the cultic aspects comes from a century-old Yale concern about the operations and intentions a= Skull & Bones. This concern generated two pamphlets, one issue of a journal and a chapter in a book, as follows:

(1) An anonymous pamphlet entitled Skull & Bones. This is an account of the 1876 break-in at the "Bones" Temple on the Yale campus


Lyman Bagg, Four Years at Yale, Henry Holt & Co., New York, 1871. The chapter "Senior Societies" is reprinted in full as an appendix to this book.

An extremely rare document, it is reproduced in full as an appendix to this book. The pamphlet begins:

"As long as Bones shall exist the night of September 29th (1876) will be to its members the anniversary of the occasion when their temple was invaded by neutrals, their rarest memorabilia confiscated and their most sacred secrets unveiled to the eyes of the uninitiated." This is reference to a break-in by a group of Yale students, and the pamphlet describes in minute detail the contents of the Temple. For example, it describes the walls, e.g., ". . . the walls are adorned with pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale and of the members of the Society in Germany when the Chapter was established here in 1832." This sentence becomes of interest when the Illuminati aspect is discussed in Memorandum Five below. Here's another interesting paragraph from this pamphlet: "Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University. It should properly be called, not Skull & Bones Society but Skull & Bones Chapter. General R------ (Russell), its founder, was in Germany before Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to found a chapter here. Thus was Bones founded." Think about this: Skull & Bones is not American at all. It is a branch of a FOREIGN secret society. Presumably this is one reason why intense secrecy is vital. It also raises the question of just who and what this foreign organization is and whether its objectives are compatible with those of the Constitution of the United States. (2) The Order, The Fall of Skull and Bones (New Haven, 1876) This is an anonymous satire published 1876 apparently in New Haven, Connecticut by a group calling itself The Order. The subtitle reads "Compiled from the minutes of the 76th regular meeting of The Order of the File and Claw." The opening paragraphs are as in Skull & Bones cited above (1). however, the text continues with considerably more detail and appears to have been written by another member of the break-in crew. In particular, this book gives the identification of the owner of the human skull found in one of the rooms of the Temple: "A light is always kept burning in the Jo (D) which is ornamented with a dilapidated human skull . . . here is also a tombstone marked SPERRY, seemingly taken from the same grave as the skull." In brief, it appears this "respected" Order of Yale gentlemen is no more than a coven of grave robbers hoarding skulls, skeletons and tombstones. Then further down is the following: "In the Pantry (F) are large quantities of dishes, each piece of crockery ornamented with a picture of a skull and crossbones, each spoon and fork marked S.B.T." (Skull and Bones Trust). This suggests a preoccupation with skulls and human bones is built into the cultic structure of The Order. Then on page 4 we learn that each member of Skull & Bones (as well as Scroll & Key) has an "inside name" and these names bear a remarkable resemblance to those used by the Illuminati, e.g., Chilo, Eumenes, Glaucus, Prisaticus and Arbaces. The conclusion of this pamphlet is: we will say that a thorough examination of every part of the Temple leads us to the conclusions that the most powerful of college societies is nothing more than a pleasant convivial club." This conclusion ignores other evidence presented elsewhere. It is acceptable given only the findings of the break-in crew. (3) The Iconoclast, New Haven 1873

"...Only one issue of this journal has been found, and only a single copy of that issue exists. It is reproduced as an appendix below. The editor of The Iconoclast considered Skull & Bones "a deadly evil" and emphasized their interest in political control. Moreover, the Iconoclast states that The Order obtained control of Yale, and its members care more for their society than for Yale: Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become, in many instances, leaders in society. They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and be subject to their will.

(4) Chapter "Senior Societies" in Lyman Bagg, Four Years at Yale. This is the reference cited above at the beginning of this chapter. Other sources include an article in Esquire Magazine by Ron Rosenbaum entitled "The last secrets of Skull and Bones" (September 1977). From this article we learn such tidbits as: "Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart ... dressed up in a skeleton suit, howled wildly at an initiate in a red velvet room inside the tomb ,, "McGeorge Bundy wrestled naked in a mud pile as part of his initiation." According to a dossier obtained by Ron Rosenbaum, the 1940 initiation ceremony went like this:

New man placed in coffin - carried into central part of building. New man chanted over and reborn into society. Removed from coffin and given robes with symbols on it (sic). A bone with his name on it is tossed into bone heap at start of evening. Initiates plunged naked into mud pile. Again, we have a sordid preoccupation with coffins, skeletons and death. This about summarizes sources of information. Strangely enough, the long-time proponent of conspiracy theories, the John Birch Society, has made little contribution to our knowledge of The Order. Apparently JBS recognizes its existence but considers it merely a "recruiting ground," which, of course, it is. This "recruiting ground" interpretation suggests several points. Firstly, the documentary evidence is quite clear: Knights, i.e., the just recruited initiates, spend only one year as Knights. They become Patriarchs after leaving Yale and spend a lifetime as Patriarchs. Second, continual correspondence and meeting as Patriarchs continues after leaving Yale. In fact, the Deer Hand Club is specifically for annual meetings of Patriarchs and the Russell Trust Association is run entirely by Patriarchs. In brief, the JBS "recruiting ground" theory just doesn't match all the facts. Furthermore, The Order is the ONLY fully documented example we have of a secret society within the U.S. establishment. JBS has never produced membership lists of any other society and yet seems unwilling to recognize the existence of The Order. Similarly, New Solidarity, i.e., the Lyndon LaRouche outfit, claims to have exposed The Order back in 1979. Unfortunately, neither Lyndon LaRouche nor anyone else can produce documents dated 1983 and 1984 in 1979. In any event, the degree of documentation in our volumes on The Order has not been matched elsewhere. The answer is that this author does have - and fully admits to having - clandestine sources within The Order. We understand that for specific reasons these sources are not available to either JBS or Lyndon LaRouche. At that point we will leave our discussion of sources and move on to the ritual aspects of The Order.

Memorandum Number Two: The Organization of The Order

The Yale Senior society system is unique to Yale University. There is nothing like it elsewhere in the United States or for that matter in the entire world. According to Lyman Bagg in Four Years at Yale, "the senior societies are such peculiarly Yale institutions that it will be difficult for an outsider fully to appreciate their significance" (Bagg, p. 142, see page following for full context). Nothing like them exists elsewhere and according to Bagg, "Harvard is the only college where, under similar conditions they possibly could exist." There are three senior societies, Skull & Bones, Scroll & Key and Wolfs Head. Each year 15 male Yale juniors are tapped for admission. They spend only one year in the society, an entirely different procedure to fraternal organizations found on other campuses, Skull & Bones was founded in 1833 and has initiated 15 members each year since 1833 (except for 1945 when only 10 were tapped). Every year during commencement week 15 Yale juniors receive an invitation "Skull & Bones. Accept or reject?" Those who accept, presumably the greater number, are invited to attend the Bones Temple on campus to undergo an initiation ceremony. (See next page)

Tap day in modern times is a private, almost concealed operation; it was not always that way. Before 1953 juniors were herded into a yard and representatives from senior societies would circulate among assembled students, selecting those wanted for initiation. In those days rejection by a senior society was considered social suicide, so Yale ordered tapping a private affair, to avoid the traumatic wait and fear of rejection by the assembled juniors. For the ambitious, "tapping" is the magic password to a future career. Wherever he turns, the success of the Yale senior society system is obvious. Yale University President, A. Bartlett Giamatti, was a member of Scroll & Key, while George Bush, Vice President of the United States was a member of Skull & Bones. The Yale campus student is well aware that the senior society system is geared to the affluent outside world, to the world after graduation. Money and connections flow from membership. Reportedly, Skull & Bones donates $15,000 and a grandfather clock to each initiate. Certainly alumni pay for everything associated with society meetings. In one case reported by New York Times (April 16, 1983), the alumni paid for a three-hour phone call from Colorado to Yale by two members of Scroll & Key unable to attend a meeting in the Scroll & Key tomb.


2:00 p.m. B:00 P.M. 8:00 p.m. 9:00 p.m. )0:00 a.m. 11: 30 a.m. 3:00 p.m. 4:00 p.m. 7:00 p.m. 8:00 p.m. 8:30 p.m. 9:30 a.m. FRIDAY, MAY 25 President and Mrs. Giamatti's Reception for members of the Senior Class and their guests, 43 Hillhouse Avenue. Commencement Review by the Yale Dramatic Association, University 'I heater 222 York Street. SATURDAY MAY 26 Commencement Review. (See notice for Friday.) Senior Dance, Branford College and Saybrook College Courtyards. SUNDAY, MAY 27 Baccalaureate Address by President Giamatti, Woolsey Hall for students in Berkeley, Branford, Davenport, Timothy Dwight, Morse, and Ezra Stiles Colleges. For students in Calhoun, Jonathan Edwards, Pierson, Saybrook, Silliman, and Trumbull Colleges. (Guest seating only at 11: 10.) Class Day Exercises (in academic costume), Old Campus. Receptions in Master:' [louses for Seniors and guests. Concert by the Yale Band, Old Campus. Commencement Review (see notice for Friday). Concert by the Yale Glee Club and Whiffenpoofs of 1984, Woolsey Hail. MONDAY, MAY 28 Assembly of 'Seniors (in academic costume), College Courtyards.

10:30 a.m. Commencement Exercises, Old Campus. 12:00 noon Presentation of diplomas at the individual Colleges and Schools by the Masters and Deans. (Presentation of Ph.D. diplomas in Woolsey Hall.) THURSDAY, MAY 31

322 V111 S. B. T.

(Supper at 7:00 p.m.) FRIDAY, JUNE I Reunions for the Classes of 1919, 1919S, 1924-245, 1929, 1934, 1954, 1959: 1964, 1969 1974, and 1979. (The Classes of 1939, 1944, and 1949 held Fall 1983 Reunions.) Registration at Class headquarters. Rooms available Thursday, May 31 . SATURDAY, JUNE 2 9:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. 11:00 a.m. Panel discussion: "College Admissions and Financial Aid," W William L. Harkness Hall, Room 201. Panel discussion: "Education at Yale College," Sprague Hall. SUNDAY, JUNE 3 Yale-Harvard Boat Race, Now London.

11: 30 a.m. Interfaith Service of Remembrance, Sprague flail. 12:30 p.m. Picnic for All Reunion Classes on the Cross Campus.

Although the John Birch Society, the long time conservative promoter of conspiracy theory, emphasizes that these senior societies are merely recruiting grounds, in effect the societies are the source of a vast establishment network, a formalized "old boy" network that effectively shuts out the newcomers and the non-Yale talented from the halls of power. Because these are senior societies, the emphasis is not on campus activities but on post graduation ambitions. That is the fundamental difference to all other campus societies in the U.S. As Bagg points out: "The statement is therefore again repeated that Bones and Keys are peculiarly Yale institutions, genuine outgrowths of a system that flourishes nowhere else, the only organizations of the kind existing in - he country" (p. 183) and the senior society "is an association with no weak members whatever and the history of the matter shows that unless -his ideal is adhered to with reasonable closeness, such a society cannot live long at Yale" (p. 144). CLUBS OF THE ORDER Each annual class of new initiates forms a club consisting of 15 members. Initiates are called Knights in the first year and thereafter Patriarchs. The annual announcement of new initiates has not varied over the ears. We reproduce on page 194 the announcement of new members =or 1917 and on pages 195-196 those for 1984 and 1985. Each club has a number. This is located in the top right hand corner Of the announcement sheet (i.e., D 115 for 1917 and D 183 for 1984). Further, one member is designated a "club chairman" or agent, with the =unction to act as liaison with the Secretary of the Russell Trust Association in New York.

1985 BOASBERG, James Emanuel, 3136 Newark Street, NW, Washington, D.C.20008 CARLIN, William John Carr, Jr., 21 Schermerhorn Street, Brooklyn, New York 11201. CHANDRASEKHAR, Ashok Jai, 120 East 34th Street, New York. New York 10016. FRANKEL, Scott David, 3290 Kersdale Road, Pepper Pike Ohio 44124. GROSSMAN, Jay Alan, 48 Niles Road, Randolph, Massachusetts 02368. KWOK, Wei-Tai, 5 109 Philip Road, Annandale, Virginia 22003. LINDY, Peter Barnes, 105 South Perkins, Memphis, Tennessee 38117. MISNER, Timothy Charles, 1009 Crest Park Drive, Silver Spring, Maryland 20903. MNU CHIN, Steven Terner, 721 Fifth Avenue, New York, York 10022. PATELA, James Gerard, 47 Knollwood Drive, Branford, Connecticut 06405. POWERS, Richard Hart, 21 Haigh 06357. SMOCK, Morgan Robert, 4017 Hope, Minnesota 55427. TAFT, Horace Dutton, 403 St. Ronan Street, New Haven ticut 06511. THOMPSON, Gregory Allan, 118 Whitman Drive, Brooklyn, New York 11234. WALSH, Kevin Sanchez, 1030 Clay Avenue, Pelham Manor, New York 10803.


Each member of The Order receives an updated annual catalog of -:embers. At one time it was a single volume bound in black leather.



The latest practice is to issue the catalog in two clothbound volumes: Volume One for Living Members and Volume Two for Deceased Members. Preceding is the title page of the October 1983 catalog, the latest =sued. Volume Two is the same with "Deceased Members" in place of Living Members." Inside the title page is the address of the Secretary of the Russell Trust Association responsible for administration of the current affairs of The Order: "Please send any corrections or changes of address to: The Secretary RTA Incorporated P.O. Box 2138 Yale Station New Haven, Conn. 06520" Then follows an alphabetical listing of members and brief information on the following: Name and class year with awarded degrees. A brief notation of occupation, i.e., law, education, finance, business. Date of birth is followed by current business and private addresses. Then follows a list of positions held starting with current position. Military and civilian awards and honors follow, usually extensive because The Order "old boy" network can guarantee awards to each other - an excellent means of mutual support to build up collective power and prestige. The final item is a listing of wives and children.


The Order's retreat is the Deer Iland (spelled Iland after the request of Patriarch G.D. Miller) Alexandria Bay on the St. Lawrence River, New York. The island was donated in 1906 by Patriarch Miller and renovated over the years, but particularly in the 1950s and 1980s. Here's an extract from the latest February 29, 1984, report to Patriarchs: Deer Iland had another successful year in 1983, the 76th season of the Club since its establishment under the direction of George Douglas Miller, D. 68' in 1907. Was it the best year ever? Maybe. They're getting better and better. The results of the past five or six years have seen the Club become a much more viable enterprise from the years of the late '60s and early '70s when its future was much in doubt. The positive response made by Patriarchs is seen in the following paragraph from the same annual report: Increased use of the island is not the only factor in its present sound financial footing. Your generosity through your contributions to our annual fund drives has kept the Club going through lean times and supports it today. Most recently, the splendid response to the special capital fund drive in 1981-82, commemorating the 75th anniversary of the Club, has enabled us to make major capital improvements to our facilities - a process which is still underway. I should add that those special contributions are not being used to meet current operating expenses but are specially designated for capital improvements. Current income from all sources - guest receipts, the G.D. Miller trust, and the annual appeal - has met or exceeded our expenses for seven years, giving us both welcome security and the means to improve further the island's classic river-style structures. (I don't want to use the word "modernize" except perhaps in reference to the plumbing. You may so inform your wives.) In brief: the organization of The Order both as Russell Trust Association and Deer Iland Corporation is essentially geared towards the post graduation world, the outside world. It is a senior society. Knights spend only one year as Knights. The rest of their lives are spent as Patriarchs in an active influential organization able to guarantee wealth and ambition.

* D. 68 - It is a practice for members to place their Club identification after their name in writing each other.

Memorandum Number Three: The Ritual of The Order

The ritual of The Order is a closely held secret. The most that anyone can do at this stage is piece together some elements of the ritual and their probable meaning. The extraordinary secrecy is itself part of a ritual. Members are sworn not to discuss the organization, its procedures or its objectives. Presumably, only an FBI or Congressional investigation could break this code of "omerta" (Mafia = silence). The secrecy is carried to extraordinary lengths. Members may not remain in the room if The Order is under discussion. Words spoken within The Order may not be placed on paper, even in letters to fellow members. For example, witness the following extract from a letter circulated to members by W. lain Scott (D. 171), President of Deer Iland Club Corporation: But beyond these mere quantitative measures of success, it is the quality of the Deer Island experience that commends the Club to your attention. There are few, if any, places where the B-n-s life thrives in such luxuriance outside the thick and tomblike walls in New Haven. Our Order is, to use an economic term, very much horizontally integrated. That is, our ties to it are strongest through a very narrow slice of time - one special year. Deer Iland, for me and I believe many others, has expanded these ties vertically through contact with younger and older members. Visitors to the island last summer ranged from D. 124 to D. 182, twelve of them. It serves as prelude to the music of the B-n-s for the "newly fledged exalted K---- ts" and as an endlessly rising canon on that wonderful theme to the p-tr--rchs." Notice three abbreviations to conceal internal use of words from any possible outsider who may stumble on a copy of the letter: B-n-s =Bones (cited twice) k---- ts = Knights p-tr--rchs = Patriarchs The reader may consider this juvenile, and it may well be. On the other hand, these "juveniles" are the men today running the United States. Chapter meetings of Patriarchs are announced using a format which has not changed since the early 19th century. An interesting and significant aspect of these announcements is the manner in which they reflect elements of the ritual: the skull and bones, the periods into which The Order has placed its history and the club numbers. We reproduce below announcements for the following years:

1. July 28, 1859 - the earliest year for which we have a copy. Note the Roman letters VI in the center of the sheet. 2. July 23, 1868 - the last year for which we have a record of the VI appearing. We understand that 1869 was actually the last year with VI. 3. July 21, 1870 - the first year with VIII in the center. Note that VII appears to have been skipped completely. 4. June 17, 1936 - note that the format remains almost the same. This one was signed by Potter Stewart, later (1958-1981) Supreme Court Justice. 5. May 31, 1984 - the latest announcement notice. Note that the Club number D. 183 now appears, but in essence the sheet remains exactly as in 1859. It appears they even used the same skull and bones. The initiation ceremony itself has been partially described in both the 1876 documents (reproduced below) and a century later by Ron Rosenbaum in "The Last Secrets of Skull & Bones" (Esquire, September 1917). Each year 15 newly tapped members are put through what has been described as a "harrowing" ordeal presumably to test their manhood - a manner traditional with fraternity hazing. According to Rosenbaum, "one can hear strange cries and moans coming from the bowels of the tomb" during initiation. Four elements of the initiation ceremony are recorded: · that the initiate has to lie naked in a sarcophagus, · that he is required to tell the "secrets" of his sex life to fellow initiates, · that Patriarchs dressed as skeletons and acting as wild-eyed lunatics howl and screech at new initiates.

· that initiates are required to wrestle naked in a mud pile. Undoubtedly there is more. However, the above is enough to warrant branding The Order as based on behavior more suited to juvenile delinquents. Undoubtedly the more serious part of the initiation process is peer pressure, the conversion of juveniles into presumably responsible -embers of an unelected elite. As Rosenbaum comments, "the real purpose of the institution was . . . devoted to converting the idle progeny of the ruling class into morally serious leaders of the establishment." What happens in the initiation process is essentially a variation of brain-washing or encounter group processes. Knights, through heavy peer pressure, become Patriarchs prepared for a life of the exercise of power and continuation of this process into future generations. In brief, the ritual is designed to mold establishment zombies, to ensure continuation of power in the hands of a small select group from one generation to another. But beyond this ritual are aspects notably satanic.

Memorandum Number Four: Satanic Aspects of The Order

Even with our limited knowledge of the internal ritual of The Order we can make three definite statements about the links between The Order and satanic beliefs. These observations should be seen as a start point for further research and consideration. The first link is through photographic evidence of the association of Skull & Bones with satanic devices, i.e., the skull and crossed bones. The second link is through satanic symbolism. The third link is through the association of The Order with the New Age Movement, well documented in a remarkable new book by Constance Cumbey, The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow (Huntington House, Inc., Suite G, 1200 North Market Street, Shreveport, LA 71107).


Photographic evidence exists of the use of the satanic devices of a skull and crossed bones in ceremonies of The Order. We reproduce on the following page a photograph of the "Class of 1869." Fifteen members of the Club, thirteen standing and two seated, are grouped around crossed thigh bones and a skull. A handwritten list of these men is also reproduced. In the background is a grandfather clock. From 1833 to the present time a grandfather clock is presented to each Knight upon initiation and stays with him throughout his life as a memento of what is called "the Bones experience." We also reproduce two other photographs of other classes seated around a skull and bones. According to other evidence, at least three sets of skulls and assorted bones are kept within the Bones Temple on the Yale campus. An obvious point is that these bones and skulls are former human beings. Instead of sacred treatment, they are exhibited and used for ceremonial purposes. Where the bones should be resting decently in a grave, they have become the center of a secret ceremony. In brief, the photographs reveal the men portrayed as grave robbers who reject human dignity and decency and use satanic devices.

THE SATANIC SYMBOLISM OF THE SKULL Artist Elizabeth Stucki 1 has commented on the mask and the skull in modern art and the symbolic meaning. Says Stucki: "The Skull - Mortality Unmasked The opposite of the mask is the skull. The face of the person is a fleshy skin worn between the two. People who deny the person as made in the image of God directly, and individually created and loved by Him, will seek either of these exits to being truly human - the mask which covers the mortal man or the skull which is left after mortal man has departed. Primitive minds who have not yet found God and sophisticates who have rejected Him, desire the mask and the skull." Collectivist artist Picasso, darling of New York establishment elitists. was also preoccupied with skulls in a manner very similar to members of Skull and Bones. The preoccupation is portrayed by Leo Steinberg in Art News, October 1971. Artist Stucki comments on Picasso's morbid interest in skulls as follows: In 1945, Picasso painted "Skull and Pitcher." Leo Steinberg states that in it "the light's character is consistently altered." The light is as hard as an axe-blade, not softly spiritual. Steinberg also gives the painting a Freudian interpretation of sexuality and interprets the pitcher to be the "receiving part in a Satanic annunciation." He refers to Morgenstern's poetry on sex and the skull. In this article he feels that Picasso projected himself into the skulls. He made eight skulls in one week as a method of mastering his fear o: death. In 1930, Picasso was self-projecting into the Minotaur monsters he painted. He had painted skulls all along; an earlier one in 1907, is in a still-life now in Leningrad. In the same year, he discarded the idea of using a skull in his "Demoiselles d'Avignon." In the mid-1940s, he used it as a mask, on an owl, or on a horse face."


Constance Cumbey in The Hidden Dangers of the Rainbow identifies several organizations linked to The Order and the objectives of The Order. Cumbey identifies Benjamin Creme and the Tara Center based in New York, Los Angeles, Amsterdam and London as a New Age phenomenon. To Creme are linked Unity and Unitarian Church leaders. Unknown to Cumbey, The Order has long-standing and significant links to the relatively small Unitarian Church. In fact, former President William Taft, whose father co-founded The Order, was President of the Unitarian Association in his time. Cumbey identifies the link between Hitler and the New Age movement and former research by this author linked The Order to the founding and growth of Naziism. Most significantly, Cumbey states that the New Age movement plans to bring about a New World Order "which will be a synthesis between the U.S.S.R., Great Britain and the United States." Finally, Cumbey points out that the anti-Christ and satanic aspects are woven into the cult of the New Age movement.

The period is constant at "2" while the Decade increases by one each ten years, i.e., decade 3, 4, 5, etc. The "D" number is always less than the class number. Up to 1970 by 2 and after 1970 by 1. In other words the first list of members - the class of 1833 was designated "P. 231-D.31." In brief, the organization started in the United States was in the third decade of the second period. So a sensible question is - where does that place the start? Presumably in Germany. The first decade of the second period would then begin in 1800 and the first period would have ended in the decade 1790 to 1800. That places us in the time frame of the elimination of Illuminati by the Bavarian Elector.

Margaret Elizabeth Stucki, War on Light: from Freedom University Press), p. 7.


The Destruction of the Image of God in Man Through Modern Art (Available

Anonymous SKULL AND BONES No date An account of the break-in "Bones Temple" 1876.

Let it be stated in advance that this pamphlet is published solely with a view to clear away the "poppy-cock" which surrounds the greatest society in college. It has no malicious intent. The sole design of the publishers and those who made the investigations, is to cause this Society to stand before the college world free from the profound mystery in which it has hitherto been enshrouded and to lessen, at least in some degree, the arrogant pretensions of superiority.

Table of Contents: I. - Methods of Investigation. II. - Description of the Temple iII. - Histology of the Society III. ­Histology of the Society

--------------APPENDIX Plan of the Building


Any one who was noticing the Bones men of '77, on the morning of Sunday, Oct. 1st, 1876, was probably struck by the crestfallen air which characterized them all. As long as Bones shall exist, the night of September 29th will be to its members the anniversary of the occasion when their temple was invaded by neutrals, their rarest memorabilia confiscated and their most sacred secrets unveiled to the eyes of the uninitiated. We have thought a description of how this was done might be of interest to the collegeworld. The back cellar windows of the eulogian temple were fortified as follows: First, to one seeking entrance from the outside was a row of one inch iron bars; behind them was a strong iron netting fastened to a wooden frame; behind this another row of iron bars 11/a inches thick; and still behind this a heavy wooden shutter. Formidable as these defenses appear, we determined to effect an entrance. The work proceeded slowly and it was only after many hours of patient work that one of the outside iron bars was cut into. Next, by means of a powerful claw, the long nails that fastened the iron netting to the wooden frame were drawn out. Then the bar was refastened in it place by means of a little putty, and we retired to wait a favorable nigh: for completing the undertaking; 8 o'clock, Friday evening, Sept. 29. was the time selected. First, one of our number proceeded to remove the iron bar and netting; and then, for the sake of more room, he, with considerable difficulty, got out the strong wooden frame to which the latter had been fastened. Pushing head and shoulders into the opening thus made, there still remained a strong row of 11/a inch iron bars. Fortunately, there was no need to file these through. They were fastened above in a thick joist, but below, ran into a brick "damp-wall" that was built up inside and two inches from the stone foundation of the building By the aid of a hatchet, it was the work of but a very few moments to dig away about twenty inches of this wall and thus loosen an iron plate through which the lower ends of the bars ran. Upon pushing this plate inward, the bars all fell out of their own weight; the flimsy wooden shutter was then wrenched from its position, and, at just half-past ten, a-: entrance was effected. Passing in through the window, we broke open the wooden door at the top of the cellar stairs, opened the two iron shutters which close the back windows of the main hall and proceeded to examine the temple at our leisure. A WARM SUMMER'S NIGHT witnessed the other entrance and the fuller investigation which enables us to enlighten the hitherto mystified college world about the interior of the recent addition. It also supplied the missing links in the history of the society and the mode of working it, which the previous investigators neglected to secure.

One day in the Spring, a young man happened to be passing Bones hall, late Thursday night, and noticed a gleam of light from the skylight in the roof. Reasoning that where that ray appeared there must be some entrance, sometime afterwards several public spirited under-graduates made the exploration we chronicle. They got a ladder, which the painters who were rejuvenating the old brick row were using, some stout rope, a dark lantern, a small crow bar, a hatchet, cold chisel and jimmy. One Sunday night, about eleven o'clock, they carried the ladder across the campus and placed it against the rear of the building. One man was stationed across High Street to act as watchman. The others ascended the ladder; previously, however, they took the precaution to remove their shoes and went up in their stocking feet, to avoid all noise. Going over the roof to the skylight, they easily pried it open with the crow bar. The opening would admit them, one at a time. The

rope was tied to the skylight.. Separately, with joy and trembling, the investigators slide down. They were now in the mystic recesses of Bones. As the result of their investigations is summarized with the result of prior research, we need not go into it more at length here. Suffice to say that shortly before dawn they climbed the rope, refastened the skylight, descended to the ground and put the ladder back where they had got it. It may be safely said that no hearts in the whole college were more Joyful and no sincerer thanks went up in chapel that morning, than from chose daring men, who had taken such great risks to disclose the inner parts of our Yalensian Juggernaut.


Besides the cellar the temple is divided into two stories Fig. 1 is a rough plan of the cellar: a a a a - Windows. A - Entrance. B - Furnace. c c - Stairways to first floor. D - Jo. E - Kitchen. F - Storeroom There is always kept burning in the Jo a lamp which is ornamented with a dilapidated human skull and a framed set of "Directions to new Eulogians." The kitchen is well appointed, and the furnace a new one. Each dish on the kitchen shelves is ornamented with the skull and bones. Each spoon and fork is marked S.B.T. On ascending the stairs from the cellar, you find yourself, after bursting open the door C, in a entry, from which a winding staircase (M leads to the upper floor. The door C is of wood, but broken open easily.

H is the outside iron door covered on the inside with a pair of light frame doors. 8 is a small toilet room. D opens into the lodge called 324. is fitted up in black velvet, even the walls being covered with that material. A glass case here holds quite a quantity of memorabilia - among which may be seen a hat said to belong to Pret. Pierson, a number of base balls and several textbooks. G contains two side-boards of mahogany and one large table in the center. Besides these the walls are adorned with pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of the members of the Society in Germany, when the Chapter was established here in 1832' There are also two smaller tables. The glassware, decanters; &c., on the side-board, all have the skull and the bones blown into the glass. Ascending to the next floor, we come into a long hall (F) . Entering room A immediately on the left is seen a book-case which contains the Bones library and which is very complete, containing about every book of note ever published at Yale. Hanging on the wall toward High street was a handsomely-framed cushion of velvet on which were fastened the pins of every society ever in Yale University. On the south side of the room is a handsome open fireplace and above this a marble mantel a: and a mirror. On the mantel were two casts of the pin; one in silver and the other in bronze - the first about two inches in diameter, the second about three. Several mystical engravings hung on the walls. The room a handsomely furnished. Tobacco, pipes and cards are abundant. Room B, called 322, is the "sanctum sanctorum" of the temple. Its distinguishing feature is a facsimile of the Bones pin, handsomely inlaid in the black marble hearth, just below the mantel, and also inlaid in marble is the motto: "Rari Quippe Boni," in old English text. This room is ~ furnished in red velvet, and is very luxurious. On the wall is a star with a finger pointed towards it. On the walls of the long hall F are hung groups of pictures of each Bones' crowd. H is an old plain lock safe. but contained nothing save a knife covered with blood stains. C is memorabilia room, and contains the old college bell, old boating flags old mss.,&c. D contains two Brunswick & Balke combination tables (billiard) and a `bouffe', beside cue racks &c. E is a Jo and toilet room.

Bones has no constitution. Its grip &c., are handed down from fifteen to fifteen. The records though, which are made at each meeting, show all anybody could want to know. These records are profusely illustrated, making an interesting memorial to future Eulogians. Some well-skilled amateur has evidently spent much time illustrating them. The motto "Boni bonis adpacunt" constantly appears.


Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University. It should properly be called, not Skull and Bones Society, but Skull and Bones Chapter. General R--, its founder, was in Germany before Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college authority to found a chapter here. Thus was Bones founded. The 322 on the pin has been commonly supposed to mean, founded in '32 and 2nd chapter. But the Bones man has a pleasing fiction that his fraternity is the descendant of an old Greek patriotic society, dating back to Demosthenes 322, B.C. .he Bones records, 1881 for example, with huge pride, are headed Anno-Demostheni 2203. A secondary date is from the time of the fire in t he hall or annoconflagrationis, as the records style it. Immediately on entering Bones, the neophyte's name is changed. He s no longer known by his name as it appears in the college catalogue, but, like a monk or knight of Malta or St. John, becomes Knight so and so. The old Knights are then known as Patriarch so and so. The outside world are known as Gentiles and vandals. We have tried to prepare this brief sketch without injuring the feelings :r susceptibilities of any PERSON. It has been done through an earnest belief that Bones, as at present conducted, is a blight on Yale College. It makes bitter the time when all should be pleasing. It forms emities and creates discussions when all should be harmony. But, above all, it lowers our standard of honor and detracts from that manliness which is our pride.

Anonymous THE FALL OF SKULL AND BONES Published by The Order, New Haven 1876. Satirical essay.


Anyone who was noticing the Bones men of '77 on the morning of Sunday October 1st, 1876., was probably struck by the crest-fallen air which characterized all of them. At any rate there were those who observed that during the church services their eyes suspiciously scanned the faces of one neutral after another, and invariably dropped if their glance was returned. The reason for this is a simple one. As long as Skull and Bones Society shall exist, the night of September 29th will be to its members the anniversary of the occasion when their Temple was invaded by neutrals, some of their rarest memorabilia confiscated, and their most sacred secrets unveiled to the vulgar eyes of the uninitiated. We have thought that a description of how this was done might be of interest to the college world. The back-cellar windows of the Eulogian Temple were fortified as follows: First, to one seeking entrance from the outside, was a row of one inch iron bars; behind them a strong iron netting fastened to a wooden frame; behind this another row of iron bars, one and one quarter inches thick; and still behind this a heavy wooden shutter. Formidable as these defenses appear, the Order of the File and Claw, having procured a supply of files, skeleton keys, etc., determined to attempt to effect an entrance. For reasons that need not be rehearsed here, the work proceeded slowly, and it was only after many hours of patient and cautious labor that one of the outside bars was cut in two. Next, by means of a powerful claw, the long nails that fastened the iron netting to the wooden frame were drawn out. Then the bar was re-fastened in its place by means of a little putty, and we retired to await a favorable night for finishing the job. Eight o'clock Friday evening, September 29th, was the hour selected. First, one of our number proceeded to remove the iron bar and the netting, and then, for the sake of more room, he, with considerable difficulty, got out the strong wooden frame to which the latter had been fastened. Pushing head and shoulders into the opening thus made there still remained a strong row of one and one quarter inch iron bars Fortunately there was no need to file through these. It was found that they were fastened above in a thick joist, but below ran into a brick "damp-wall" that was built up inside, and two inches from the stone foundation-wall of the building. By the aid of a claw and a hatchet. It was the work of but a few moments to dig away about twenty inches of this wall, and thus loosen an iron plate through which the lower ends of the bars ran. Upon pushing this plate inward, the bars all fell out with their own weight; the flimsy wooden shutter was then easily wrenched from its position, and at just half past ten o'clock an entrance into the cellar was obtained. Passing in through the window, we broke open the wooden door at the top of the cellar stairs, opened the two iron shutters which close the back windows of the main hall, and proceeded to examine the Temple at our leisure. For the benefit of future explorers, and as a directory for new-fledged Bones men for all time, we will now give a brief description of THE INTERIOR OF SKULL AND BONES HALL Besides the cellar, the Temple is divided into two stories. Fig. 1 is a rough plan of the cellar:

A light is always kept burning in the Jo (D), which is ornamented with a dilapidated human skull and a framed set of "Directions to Freshmen," signed Thomas Clap, and dated Yale College, 1752. Here is also a tombstone marked Sperry, seemingly taken from the same grave as the skull. On the west wall of the kitchen (E), which contained the ordinary conveniences, hangs a picture of Napoleon Bonaparte. In the Pantry (F) are large quantities of dishes, each piece of crockery ornamented with a picture of a skull and crossbone and each spoon and fork marked. S.B.T.

On ascending the stairs from the cellar, you find yourself, after bursting open the door C, Fig. 2, in an entry (A), from which a winding staircase (K) leads to the next floor. The door C, which is of wood, we found locked, but broke open without difficulty. H is the outside iron door, covered on the inside with a pair of light frame doors. B is a small toilet room. The door D, which is without a lock, opens into the main hall (F), called by the initiated "324". The floor is of colored tiles; the walls are rather gaudily frescoed, mainly in red and black, somewhat like those of D K hall. A few settees, resembling those in Linonia Hall, and a table, make up the furniture of the room. The wood work is painted white, and, like the walls, is in many places scratched and dirty. EE are two narrow windows, guarded by strong iron shutters. The latter are concealed from view by some light wooden blinds stained to look like walnut. The only objects of interest in the room were a glass case in the southeast corner containing a large number of gilded base-balls, each inscribed with the date, score, etc., of a university game, and a well-thumbed text-book, either a Physics or a Human Intellect, on the fly-leaf of which was inscribed the autograph of Bones' irrepressible annoyer, Arjayjay of '76. Thus far we had found little to compensate us for our trouble, but on ascending to the next floor, and passing, on our right a little store-room and draw-bridge which extend over the front entrance from High Street, our pains was rewarded.

Entering the room C, Fig. 3, immediately on the left is seen a bookcase, which contains the Skull and Bones library, including a complete set of the Yale Lit., handsomely bound college catalogues and books published by Bones men. Here, too, was the Constitution of the Ph Beta Kappa and a catalogue of Scroll and Key Society, containing a list of members down to 1868. It was bound in black, and had on the front cover the letters C.S.P. and on the back C.C.J. In Old English text. For -he year LI only eleven names are given, and for XLII only twelve. It contains several typographical errors, as for instance; D. Cady Eaton's first name is printed Samuel. Opposite the names of the first two Keys men for LXII, some one has written, in a bold hand, the mystic symbol "Ass". And at the top of the page which give the men of LII, is written, "Croud packed by Boies," and Boies is the name of a Keys man of that :ear. From the catalogues we learn that the President and Secretary of Scroll and Key are known "inside" as Chilo and Eumenes, and that, as n Bones, each member has a nickname given him. Some of these are handed down from class to class, of these Glaucus, Prisaticus and Arbaces appear to be the favorites. Hanging on the wall towards High street was a handsomely-framed cushion of dark velvet, on which were fastened the pins of all the societies which have existed in college, including Spade and Grave, Bull and Stones, and the like. On the south side of the room is a fireplace, and above this a mantel and mirror. Upon the mantel were a Skull and Bones of silver, the skull about two inches in diameter, and engraved "32 from the S.E.C. of 1858;" another of bronze, a little larger than the silver one, and various other insignia relating to Skull and Bones. On the west wall hung, among other pictures, an old engraving representing an open burial vault, in which, on a stone slab, rest four human skulls, grouped about a fool's-cap and bells, an open cook, several mathematical instruments, a beggar's scrip, and a royal crown. On the arched wall above the vault are the explanatory words, :n Roman letters, "We War Der Thor, Wer Weiser, Wer Bettler Oder Kaiser?" and below the vault is engraved, in German characters, the sentence;

"Ob Arm, Ob Beich, im Tode gleich,"

The picture is accompanied by a card, on which is written, "From the German Chapter. Presented by Patriarch D.C. Gilman of D. 50" The room is handsomely furnished; tobacco and pipes were abundant, and packs of well worn cards served to indicate how the society manages to ;ill five or six hours every Thursday evening. The pipe-bowls, which are representations of skulls, and bear the stamp of M. Gambier, Paris, nave the Eulogian name of the owner and his decade written upon .hem with red ink; for instance the one belonging to the present Member from Bath" was marked "Trim, D. 75." Room D, the Bones name of which is "322," is the sanctum sanctorum of the Temple. Its distinguishing feature is a life-size facsimile of the Bones pin handsomely inlaid in the black marble hearth. Just below the mantel, and also inlaid in marble, is the motto:

Bari Quippe Boui

in old English text. This room is even more richly furnished than "323", but contains no book-case, and no pictures of special significance. On the walls of the long hall B are hung a couple of score of photographs, about 12x20 inches, each representing fifteen Bonesmen grouped around a table, on which rest a human skull and crossbones. As the finish of these pictures is poor and of an antiquated style, it is probable that they are taken each year with the apparatus belonging to the society. H is an old-fashioned plain-lock safe, size about 20x26 inches, and 15 inches deep, set in the wall. It is probably used as a place of deposit for money and valuables, but on the night of the 29th contained only a bunch of keys and a small gold-mounted flask half filled with brandy. K is a small closet in which are kept unbound sheets of the Bones Society catalogues and a set of handsome memorable books, one for each year. Some of the old memorable is quite curious, and the collections relating to recent years are very complete. The Bones catalogue is essentially as described in Four Years at Yale. The doors to E and F, which are used as general storerooms, are protected by plates of sheet-tin, but the locks were not "what we may call" proof against skeleton keys. The memorabilia in these rooms was noteworthy for amount rather than quality. However, in the midst of a good deal of rubbish we found four or five boating flags, and a number of old Greek, Latin and German works in MS. None of these were society records, but works of well-known authors; into the genuine antiquity of the MSS. We have not as yet been able to examine. In conclusion, we will say that a thorough examination of every part of the Temple leads us to the conclusion that "the most powerful of college societies" is nothing more than a pleasant convivial club. The kitchen contains the materials for serving refreshments for the inner man; there are neither billiard tables nor any kind of musical instrument in the building; there is a total absence of all the "machinery" which we had been led to expect; the bell heard on initiation nights is not "the old college bell;" Skull and Bones has no secrets beyond a few that may be handed down annually by word of mouth, and no written constitution beyond -a few directions similar to the suggestions appended to the Delta Kappa by-laws. Before leaving the hall, it was asked whether we should inform other members of the college of what we had done, and throw open the hall to the public. We think no one will deny that we had it in our power at one stroke not only to take away forever all the prestige which her supposed secrecy has given this society, but to make her the laughing-stock of all college, and render her future existence extremely doubtful. But while we had no consideration for the mysterious poppiecock of Skull and Bones Society, we nevertheless remembered that some of the Bones men of '77 are our warm personal friends, and therefore we preferred a less radical course. To Bones as a pleasant convivial club, we have no objections. Let her live on as long as men enjoy good suppers and quiet whist. But her mystery and her secrecy are at an end, and we hope her absurd pretensions and her poppiecock are dead also. The burglary was not discovered until the following evening, at about eight o'clock. All day Saturday the great Skull and Bones lay at the mercy of any one who might notice the back window. How thoroughly the society was frightened can be seen by the way they have sealed up the window through which we entered, as well as more recently all of the other five basement openings. We have no idea that Skull and Bones will deny that their hall has been entered, for we are not without proofs that our tale is true. We have above spoken of different manuscripts, trinkets and memorabilia as existing in the Temple. In several cases we should have written "existed" for the place that knew them shall know them no more forever. In short, while robbery was not our errand, on the principle that the second thief is the best owner we helped ourselves to a few pieces of memorable, which can be put on exhibition, and a few documents which can be printed, should any authoritative denial be made to any essential point in this statement. Nor will Bones usual policy of silence avail to throw discredit upon our story. Part of our memorable has been seen by Senior neutrals, and the remainder will be put where it will do the most good, as soon as the protection of a sheepskin has been placed between us and the Faculty and the law. YALE COLLEGE, 1877.

Anonymous THE ICONOCLAST New Haven, October 13, 1873 Volume 1 Number 1 (All published) Strong Yale campus criticism of the Brotherhood of Death.

Anonymous (Lyman H Bagg) FOUR YEARS AT YALE 1871 Henry Holt & Company New York An excellent account of the senior society system at Yale. Out of copyright. Can be reproduced freely.


Peculiarities of these Societies - Skull and Bones - Its Badge Pin and Numeral - Hall and Corporate Title - Origin - Catalogue Mode of Giving out Elections - Initiations - Mode of Summoning Members to the Annual Convention - Attendance upon the Regular and Special Meetings - Peculiar Customs and Traditions - Scroll and Key - Its Badge Pin and Vignette - Hall and Corporate Title - Origin and Growth - Customs and Traditions - Spade and Grave - Its Origin, Precarious Existence, Change of Name, and Final Catastrophe - the Societies and the Neutrals - Bull and Stones - The Coffin of '69 - The Tea-Kettle of '53 Crown and Scepter - Star and Dart - Notable Members of the Existing Societies - Mode of Packing and Making up a Crowd Comparison of the Societies - Their "Policies," Actual and Possible - Failure of their Imitators in Other Colleges - General Facts about all the Class Societies - Comparison of their Importance in Each Year - General Result of the System.

The societies of the first three years, though possessed of special characteristics, have yet such a general resemblance to one another and to those of other colleges, that their position in the system can be readily comprehended by any reader of these pages, - at least, if he be college-bred. But the senior societies are such peculiarly Yale institutions, that it will be difficult for an outsider fully to appreciate their significance. Nothing like them exists in other colleges; and Harvard is the only college where, under similar conditions, they possibly could exist. In the first place, they are the only Yale societies whose transactions are really secret. Their members never even mention their names, nor refer to them in any way, in the presence of anyone not of their own number; and, as they are all Seniors, there are no "old members in the :lass above them" to tell tales out of school. There is no electioneering nor pledging for these societies, and no Junior is approached upon the subject in any way until an election is actually offered him. The number of elections given out to each class is small and never varies, and no -lass nor honorary elections are ever allowed. Both societies combined comprise but little more than one fourth the members of an average :lass, and the part played by them in politics is simply a negative one. A man's chances for office are never bettered because he belongs to a senior society, but are frequently, for that simple reason, injured or destroyed altogether. The societies do not take their names from the initials of a Greek motto, but from the peculiar emblems adopted as a badge. This badge is constantly worn by active members; by day upon the shirt bosom or neck-tie, by night upon the night dress. A gymnast or coating man will be sure to have his senior badge attached to what little clothing he may be encumbered with while in practice; and a swimmer, divested of all garments whatever, will often hold it in his mouth or -and, or attach it to his body in some way, while in the water. Only graduate members wear the badge upon the vest, where for the first few years they display it quite regularly. Old graduates seldom "swing out" except on special occasions, or while visiting New Haven; and members of the faculty, except may be young freshman tutors, never display a society badge when engaged in their official duties. Members who have ceased to show the badge openly, nevertheless may wear it about them pretty constantly, perhaps by night as well as day, for quite a number of years. The senior societies, in theory, are composed exclusively of "big men"; of those who, for whatever reason, have become preeminent above their fellows in college repute. In this they differ from those of the two preceding years, which of necessity are half made up of comparatively second-rate men. There are a certain number - say twenty - in each class, who, at the end of the third year, may be picked out as the confessed superiors of the others in popular esteem. Were it possible to do this a year or more earlier, and were one junior society preeminently "the best", it is doubtful if the twenty could all be persuaded to join it, or the society to elect them all; for it is plain that their individual political influence would be greater in separate societies, partly made up of less important men. The senior-society type, on the other hand, is an association with no weak members whatever; and the history of the matter shows that unless this ideal is adhered to with reasonable closeness such a society cannot live long at Yale. There are two of these societies, but as one takes its tone from the other it may be well to describe them separately, and treat first of the oldest and most famous member of the modern system. Its name is "Skull and Bones," - formerly printed "Scull and Bone," - and its badge, of solid gold, consists of the face of a skull, supported by the crossed thigh bones, with a band, bearing the number "322," in place of the lower jaw. Its original badge was a rectangular gold plate, about the size and shape of the present Beta Xi pin, whereon the skull-and-bones design and the numeral were simply engraved. Its wood-cut vignette merely represents the emblems, and is identical with that employed for general purposes in college papers elsewhere. The number "322" is always printed below it, though the size of the type is not invariable. In the cut formally used, the design was smaller than that now than in vogue, but there never has been added to the simple emblems anything in the way of ornament or embellishment. Popularly the society !s known as "Bones," and its members as "bones men". The pin 'sometimes called a "crab" from its supposed resemblance to that animal. The hall, erected in 1856, is situated on High street, near the corner of Chapel, about opposite the Yale Art Building. It is a grim looking, windowless, tomb-like structure, of brown sandstone, rectangular in shape, showing a front of about 35 and a length of 44 feet is, at a guess 35 feet in height. The entrance in front is guarded by a pair of massive iron doors, a dozen feet high, finished off in panels, and of a dark green color; while heavy clasps of brass close over the keyholes and are secured by padlocks, beneath one of which the bell-pull is concealed. Previous to 1864, when these doors were put in position, their places were occupied by commoner ones of iron, upon which the society emblems were displayed. The roof is nearly flat, and is covered with half-inch plates of iron, which in 1867 took the place of the tin before employed. There is a skylight, similarly protected, and the chimneys and ventilators are ranged along the edges of the roof. Behind, are a pair of small windows barred with iron, and close to the ground are two or three scuttle holes, communicating with the cellar. The building is rapidly becoming covered with the "Virginia creeper," first planted there in 1864, and stands back a rod or more from the street, being separated from it by a post-andchain fence. The dimensions of the lot upon which it stands are about 40 feet (front) by 70 (deep); and total value of the premises must be upwards of $30,000. Before taking possession of its present quarters, the society for many years, - perhaps from its original organization, - occupied a low-studded back room in the third story of what is now the Courant building, opposite. the college yard. At the May, 1856, session of the State Legislature the society was incorporated as the "Russell Trust Association," with the same legal formulas as those quoted in the case of Psi U. The names mentioned in the act were William H. Russell of '33, John S. Beach of '39, Henry B. Harrison of '46, Henry T. Blake of '48, Henry D. White of '51, and Daniel C. Gilman of '52; - the first of whom has since acted as president, the one next to the last as treasurer, of the association. All are residents of new Haven. The society was originated in 1832 by fifteen members of the class which graduated the following year. General Russell, the valedictorian of that class, is its reputed founder, and the best known of his associates is Judge Alphonso Taft of Cincinnati. Some injustice in the conferring of Phi Beta Kappa elections seems to have led to its establishment, and apparently it was for some time regarded throughout college as a sort of burlesque convivial club. It is said that the faculty once broke in upon one of its meetings, and from what they saw determined upon its abolishment, but by the intercessions and explanations of its founder, then serving as tutor among them, were finally induced to spare it. The popular college tradition, that it was transplanted from a German university, is scouted by old neutral graduates as absurd. But, whatever be the facts as to its origin, the mystery now attending its existence is genuine, and forms the one great enigma which college gossip never tires of discussing. Its catalogue is a unique affair, having a page six inches by four, printed upon one side only. Each right-hand page contains the members of a year - fifteen names indicated in full and alphabetically arranged - with the residences, printed in old-English text, and surrounded by a heavy border of black. A title page, bearing the society cut and the words "Period 2. Decade 3," precedes the list of the founders, and a similar one, "Period 2. Decade 4," stands before the class of '43, and so on for every successive ten years, the "Period" being always "2", but the "Decade" increasing each time by one. At the top of the first list of names - the class of '33 - and separated from them by a broad line of black, are the characters, "P.231.D.31," which regularly increase by one with each succeeding class, and are therefore, for the class of 7 1, "P.269-D.69." The first page of the book displays, in full-faced old-English capitals, the letters. "Otirunbeditf," arranged in a semi-oval, between two black lines. The catalogue is black-edged, and is bound in black- leather, with the owner's name and "D.", stamped in gilt upon the cover, - though of late the "D." is less often indicated. It will be observed that the "D." is always two less than the class; thus, a catalogue labeled "John Smith. D.62", would belong to a member of the class of '64, and so on. What these "Periods" and "Decades" and "P.'s" and "D.'s" may signify is known only to the initiated; but, as the catalogue is never shown to outsiders, they were probably not put there for mystification solely. That the founders are put down as belonging to the "third decade of the second period" may seem to make in favor of the German university theory, in the minds of many; and the blank space in place of the eleventh man's name in the list of the founders, may perhaps be thought a straw in the same direction. The last edition of the catalogue was prepared in December, 1870, and was as usual sent out in unbound sheets to each surviving member of the society. The total membership of the 39 classes represented was of course 585. The elections to this society are always given out on the Thursday evening which precedes Presentation Day. Since no Junior is eve, pledged or spoken to in advance, the excitement which prevails among the "likely men" is intense, though suppressed, as the hour of fate draws nigh. All college, too, is on the alert, to find what the result may be. It is said that formerly the fifteen Bones men, at midnight, silently moved from their hall to the rooms of the chosen ones, when the leader, in each case displaying a human skull and bone, said simply. "Do you accept?" and, whatever was the reply, the procession as silently departed. As the neutrals got into the way of tagging about, insulting and annoying the society on its march, this plan was abandoned in favor of the less formal one now in vogue. According to this, at an early hour of the appointed evening, a Bones Senior quietly calls at the room of a Junior, and having been assured that "we are alone," says: "1 offer you an election to the so-called Skull and Bones. Do you accept? If the answer is affirmative the Senior - and perhaps the graduate member who sometimes accompanies him - shakes hands with the neophyte, and bidding him to keep to his room for the present, hurries back to the hall to report the result. If the election is refused, the result is likewise reported to headquarters, and influential members are sometimes sent back to argue the case; but, as a rule, the few men who refuse elections are not offered a chance to repent. Bones will not be dictated to, and when a man says, "I accept, in case So-and-So is elected with me," or "in case Such-aOne is kept out," he is never allowed to carry his point; Yes or No is the only answer recognized. Suppose the elections begin to be given out about seven, in case there are no refusals the whole number will be made up before nine o'clock; if there are refusals it may take an hour longer. In anticipation of this possibility, a halfdozen extra men are chosen in Bones, in addition to the regular fifteen, and in case any of the latter fail to say Yes,, elections are offered to a corresponding number of these "second choices," in the order in which they were elected. By going quickly and quietly about their business the Bones men manage to elude in great part the attentions of the rabble, which ranges about the college yard on the night in question, - barring up the entry doors, raising false alarms, and otherwise disporting itself. The names of the chosen men, however, are known about as quickly as the elections are conferred, and many in the crowd make out complete lists of them, for circulation at the breakfast table or in the division-room upon the following morning, when they form the sole topic of discussion throughout the college. Usually, the names are first printed in the Courant of the Wednesday following; though for a year or two past some of the city dailies have had the tact to secure them for their next morning's issue. The initiation begins, after the close of the Wooden Spoon Exhibition, at midnight of the following Tuesday, and lasts till about daybreak. The candidates for the ceremony are assembled in a room of the college Laboratory, which is guarded by Bones men, and are singly escorted thence, by two of the latter, to the hall. As the grim doors open for each new member, there are sounds of a fish horn, as of many feet hurrying up an uncarpeted stairway, as of a muffled drum and tolling bell, - all mingling in a sort of confused uproar, like that from a freshman initiation a good many miles away. Perhaps, while being led to the hall, a candidate may pass between rows of neutral Juniors or other college men, some of whom may "bid him good bye," with expressions of congratulation and good will, if they think his election deserved, or insult and revile him, if their belief goes in the contrary direction. There is usually someone to flash a dark lantern upon each approaching candidate, and, if he makes no other personal comments, to at least shout forth his name, for the edification of the rest. To all this the Bones men of course pay no attention. It perhaps takes an hour or more thus to initiate the fifteen candidates; and when the self-constituted leader of the outside hangers on announces that "the last man's in", his followers agree that the fun is over, and sullenly disperse. If they stayed longer perhaps they might hear songs sung to strange old tunes, and the tones of the orator's voice, and the applause which follows it, and the prolonged cheers for "the Skull and the Bones". And of course there is a supper. Every resident graduate attends the initiation, as well as many from New York and elsewhere, some of whom come to town as early as election night; and the initiation itself, at least the outside part of it, is conducted by graduates alone. Long ago, it is said, the initiation took place on the evening of Presentation Day. "The annual convention of the Order" is held on the evening of Commencement. Three weeks previous to this, - which, of late years, is therefore at the time of the first regular meeting, two nights after initiation, - a printed invitation is sent to every living member of "the Club ", whose whereabouts are known. This invitation is upon the first page of a sheet of note paper. Below the society cut is the date - for example. "Thursday evening, July 22, 1869" - of Commencement night: followed by VI. S.B.T.;" a Latin quotation, playing upon the word "Bones"; the signature of the secretary, and the date. Upon the third page is the list of new members, printed alphabetically in old-English text, and surrounded by the black borders, exactly as in the catalogue. of which it in fact constitutes a new "P." and "D." Each one who receives it, by fitting the new leaf to his catalogue, thus keeps the same perfect from year to year. These pages are doubtless stereotyped, and preserved by the society, whose entire catalogue is thus always kept in readiness for the printer. With this invitation and catalogue-page, is also sent a printed slip specifying the exercises of Commencement week. A card-size photograph of the new members, grouped - in front of an antique clock whose hands point to the hour of eight about a table on which lies a skull, is also sent to graduates, at this time or afterwards. In the picture, the thigh bones are held by certain members, - sometime_ the tablecloth has the emblems embroidered upon it, and the whole arrangement of the group is apparently significant. Official notes to old members are written upon black bordered paper of the catalogue size. with or without the society cut at the head; and society communication= sent through the mails are often enclosed in black-edged envelopes. - bearing at the end a printed request to the postmaster to return them to the society's post-office box if not delivered within a certain time. - sealed with a skull and bones and the letters "S.C.B.," impressed upon black wax. Bones men never display in their college rooms any posters or other reminders of their society, - though it is rumored that actual skulls were formerly used for this purpose, - but graduates often keep on the walls before them a richly-framed photographic group of the classmates who made up their own special "D.", - the picture being simply an enlargement of the card photograph before noted. As specimen jokes from the convention invitations the following may be quoted: "Nisi in bonis amicitia esse non potest" (Cic. de Am. 5.1); "Grandiaque effossis mirabitur ossa sepulchris" (Virg. Georgs. 1497); "Quid dicam de ossibus? Nil nisi bonum"; and, in 1856, at the time of erecting the hall, "Quid dicam de ossibus? (Cir. de Nat. Decorum. II. 55.) O fortunati, quorum jam moenia surgunt!" (Virg. A.En. I. 430). At the head of the editorial column of the city dailies, on Commencement morning, was usually displayed the "322 VI. S.B.T." notice, between parallel black rules, but for the past few years the practice has been abandoned. Up to about the same time printed announcements of the place and time of the Commencement meeting, headed by the cut, were posted about college, and upon the notice-boards of the different churches, a few days in advance. Formerly, too, similar warnings were printed, in connection with the society cut, among the advertisement of the city papers. As their hall is called "the Temple" by Bones men, a current guess - and a wrong one - interprets "S.B.T." as "Skull and Bones Temple". A more likely reading makes "T." stand for "time", and so interprets the notice, "Six minutes before eight", - the hour eight being "Bones time". The meetings are held on Thursday evening, commencing exactly at eight o'clock, and every acting member is obliged to be in attendance from that time until the adjournment, at two or three in the morning. The society formerly had a way of marching from its hall in dead silence, - tramp, tramp, tramp, - to the north entry of North College, where it might leave a man or two, and so on, silently, in front of the row, growing smaller as it passed the different buildings, until at the south entry of South the few who were left disbanded. Formerly, too, it was customary, before breaking up, to sing a college song whose refrain was, "And I shall be his dad"; but this practice, for lack of voices perhaps, was abandoned some years ago. A Bones Senior is never seen about New Haven after eight o'clock of a Thursday evening. Nothing but actual sickness ever keeps him from his society, except it be absence from town, - and those who have been absent are apt to appear for the first time at Friday morning chapel. A good share of the fresh graduates who are residents, and many of the older ones, are also ordinarily in attendance at the regular weekly meetings. Aside from the annual convention on Commencement night, there are two other "bums" held during the year, - one each at about the middle ofthe first and second terms - which bring many graduates from out of town. These usually reach the city just before the meeting, and leave it on the midnight trains, so that their coming and going is not known to outsiders, except from the hotel registers or a chance contact upon the street. Each Bones man has a nick-name by which he is known to his initiated classmates. One or two of these names, probably official titles. are retained from year to year, but most of them change with the classes, and are apparently conferred according to individual peculiarity or caprice. All members of the society are also spoken of among themselves by a certain general title; another is conferred upon members of the other senior society, and a third is bestowed upon the neutrals. As these titles, especially the latter, might convey a wrong impression if generally known, they are not mentioned here. The society-itself, among its members, is known as "Eulogia," or the "Eulogian. Club". It is believed to have little or no regard to any formal, written constitution, but to be governed chiefly by tradition in its customs and usages. The hall is reputed to be a sort of repository for old college mementos; like the "first college bell", the original "bully-club", the constitutions of defunct societies, etc., which are all said to be preserved there; and when anything of the kind disappears, this is surmised to be its final destination. Though Thursday night is the regular time of meeting, when attendance is compulsory, the hall is generally frequented on Saturday and other nights also, and is often visited in the day time besides. An old member often goes there as soon as he reaches town, especially, if in quest of information in regard to classmates who were formerly associated there with him. At convention time, the members who cannot in person attend, send to the society such facts as to their whereabouts and occupations for the year, as may interest old classmates and friends; and their letters are filed away for future reference. Every book or pamphlet written by a member is also preserved in the society archives; and its collection of printed and manuscript "Yalensia" is said to be very complete. To discover the exact meaning of the inevitable numeral "322," has long been a problem for college mathematicians. According to some, :: signifies "1832," or the year the society was founded; others make :c "3 + 2 + 2" or "7," which is said to be the number of "founders" in the class of '33, who persuaded the other eight to join them in making up the original fifteen; still another surmise sets it at "3X2X2", or "12." which might refer to the midnight hour of breaking up, or something equally mysterious; while a fourth guess interprets it to mean "the year 322 B.C.", and connects it with the names of Alexander or Demosthenes. What these heroes may have in common with the Skull and Bones society, aside from departing this life on or just before the year in question, is not very plain; but it is pretty well established that Bones "322" refers to that year B.C., whatever may be its additional significance. While the class of '69 were in college the hall, according to report, was twice broken into by neutrals, and strange stories were circulated of the wonderful mysteries there discovered by the interlopers. It is probably a fact that these men did really enter the hall, through the skylight in the roof; but there is no reason for trusting their own account of their exploits any further than this, since, if, as is not unlikely, the arrangement of things inside prevented their making any important discoveries, they would of course invent a sufficient number of suppositious mysteries, to clear themselves of the reproach of having ventured upon a fool's errand. None of their statements, therefore, have been thought worth repeating here. A surreptitious visit, real or pretended, was hardly necessary as a preliminary to assuring the college -.hat "Bones keeps its most valuable documents locked up in an iron safe," since the same fact holds good for every society after sophomore ,.'ear. "Scroll and Key" is the name of the other senior society, which was founded nine years later than its more famous rival, that is to say, in 1841, by a dozen members of the class of '42. Popularly it is known as "Keys," though this abbreviation has only come into general use within .he last half-dozen years. Its pin, of plain gold, represents a key lying across a scroll, and its wood-cut simply copies it. The design is such that t is difficult to tell the right side from the wrong, and the cut, when printed bottom upwards, as it often is, is rarely noticed as possessing other than its ordinary look. The original badge was a rectangular gold plate, of the same size and shape as the old Bones pin, whereon were engraved an eagle, poised above, suspending a scroll, and a right hand below, grasping a key. This is still worn, by a single member at a time, in :)lace of the usual scroll and key, presumably as a mark of office, like society president or something of the sort. The letters "C.S.P.," 'C.C.J.," are always printed with the society cut, - the former above, the latter below it, - and with it usually serve as the only introduction to the lists of members printed in the Banner and elsewhere, though the name "Scroll and Key" is sometimes prefixed. The Bones lists, on the other hand, are always headed with the full name of the society. The posters which, until within a few years, were put up about the college yard and elsewhere at Commencement season, for the benefit of graduates, displayed an eagle poised above the ordinary emblems, with -o print - in addition to the inevitable letters - except the day and our of the meeting, - "9 P.M.," perhaps, - or the numeral "142," A small, seal-like wood-cut of the society, displays the clasped hands upon an open scroll, with "Adelphoi" in Green capitals at the top, 1852" below, and at the bottom two hieroglyphic characters, the one like a Gothic "T," the other like an old style Greek "T," while the only --ace of the key is its head, which projects from the top of the scroll. Another, steel-engraved, seal, represents the eagle, looking down from above upon the central scroll and key, upon which the letters are indicated, while an open right hand reaches up from below. The framework of the device is made up of fifteen oblong links, and its shape cannot be better described than by saying that if there were sixteen links it would be an eight-pointed star; as it is, the ten lower links make up five points, but the upper five - in place of the six, which would make the remaining three - are simply rounded together. This, too, was the shape of the inner frame-work of the old gold plate badge. The present pin has been said to be plain, because the eagle and hand, faintly outlined upon it, do not change this general appearance. Neither of the senior badges have their owners' names or anything of the sort engraved upon their backs. The invitations to the "Z.S." - or; "bum" held at the middle of the first and second terms - are printed within a scroll like design from which the key is absent; or else with the ordinary cut at the head of the note. The company of the "brother" is simply requested upon the appointed evening, and he is directed to answer the secretary. which officer is designated by the letter "G," and is his "in truth." Aside from these initial letters, there is no mystery about the affair, which is either printed in gilt, or, if in black, has mourning bands about the edges of the page. All society communications are also forwarded in black edged "return" envelopes, as in the case of Bones, sealed in black wax with the society emblems and letters. There have been several editions of the society catalogue; and it is probable that a printed list of the elections is forwarded each year to every old member, in connection with the invitation to the celebration of Commencement night. A card-size photograph of each new group of fifteen is doubtless similarly distributed, either then or afterwards. In this picture, the central figure holds a large gilt model of the society badge, - the six letters being indicated on the scroll, - and each of the end men grasps a large key pointed towards the center of the group. Eight are seated, including the three mentioned, and the remainder are standing, but the position of each individual is probably not significant. Enlarged photographs of the same sort are handsomely framed and hung in the rooms of graduate= The anniversary of Commencement night used to be announced among the ordinary advertisements of the city papers, in connection with the society cut. More recently, at the head of their editor,-&' columns of Commencement morning, "C.S.P. - P.V.S.P.M. - C.C.J.," or something of the sort, appeared, between double rules of black. But this practice has now been abandoned. The hall hitherto (since 1847, when the house where it stayed was destroyed by fire) occupied by the society is in the fourth story of the Leffingwell Building, corner of Church and Court streets, across from the Tontine Hotel. The headquarters of the Yale "law department" are upon a lower floor of the same building, and a Masonic lodge-room divides the upper story with Keys. Judged from the outside, this hall must at the most be limited to two not very large rooms, and the Keys men, when assembled in force, be cribbed, cabined and confined together in uncomfortably close proximity. This old order of things, however, has recently come to an end, and Keys is now in possession of a hall, far superior in costliness and architectural beauty, not only to Bones hall, but to any college-society hall in America. It stands on the north-west corner of College and Wall streets, and its erection had been planned and talked about for a dozen years or more. At midnight of Thursday, Nov. 25, 1869, - the date of the fall "Z.S.," - the society, graduates and all, marched to the vacant lot, round which they formed a ring, while prayer was offered, and a society-song sung, after which, a graduate with a silver spade formally broke ground for the new edifice. Then came the singing of the "Troubadour" song, and the procession, dangling its keys, silently moved back to the old quarters on Church street. Only the foundation of the building was laid before the setting in of winter; but the work was resumed the following May, and rapidly pushed to completion; and it is presumed that the formal ceremonies of entering and taking possession will be celebrated at the next Commencement. The structure has a front of 36 feet on College street, with 6 feet of ground each side, and is 55 feet long, with an open space of about 20 feet before and behind, in other words, it stands in the center of a lot 48 by 92. Its height is perhaps 35 feet. The light yellow Cleveland stone is the chief material of which it is composed. This is set off by thin layers of dark blue marble, while four pillars of Aberdeen granite, with marble cappings, sustain the three projecting arches in front. Each arch surrounds a narrow opening, provided with three bull's eyes for the admission of air. Below the central arch are a pair of paneled, massive iron doors, to which entrance a flight of half-a-dozen stone steps leads up from either side.

Five similar arches, though without projections or supports, serve to adorn and ventilate each side, and a corresponding number of closely protected scuttle-windows communicate with the cellar below. Rows of short pillars - four at each end, six at each side - surround the top, - the central two at the rear end serving to hide the chimneys, - and a couple of stars are cut out in the stone between every pair of them. The architect was Richard M. Hunt of New York, and the builders were Perkins & Chatfield of New Haven. The value of the entire property cannot be much less than $50,000, and it is to be presumed that a good share of that amount has already been raised by the society. The "Kingsley Trust Association," which is the legal style thereof, was incorporated at the May, 1860, session of the State Legislature, in the names of John A. Porter, of '42, William L. Kingsley of '43, Samuel C. Perkins of '48, Enos N. Taft of '51, Lebeus C. Chapin, George E. Jackson, and Homer B. Sprague of '52, Charlton T. Lewis of '53, Calvin G. Child and Josiah W. Harmar of '55, and Edward G. Mason and Mason Young of '60. These comprise its best known names, and were perhaps chosen on that account, since only the president, Mr. Kingsley, is a resident of the city. In the Yale Banger of 1845, published by the Sigma Theta Sophomores, is a burlesque of the Keys cut, representing the Scroll as a "Declaration of Independence from the Scull and Bone," signed by the "great seal", which consists of a view of the historical fox reaching after the equally celebrated sour grapes. This probably represents, with substantial accuracy, the motive which originated Keys. Its founder, not being lucky enough to secure elections to Bones, determined to start in business upon their own account, and hence the society. Its ceremonies, customs, hours of meeting, etc., have all been patterned after those of Bones, and the nearer it approaches to its model the more of a success it is judged to be, both by its own members and by the college at large. Its existence for the first dozen years was apparently a precarious one. In only three classes before 1852 did it obtain the regular number of members (15), which Bones has never varied in electing, but ranged from nine - the lowest, in '51 - to fourteen. Since that time exactly fifteen names for each class have always been printed in its public lists, and since 1860 exactly fifteen men and no more have joined the society from each class. Previous to the latter date, it was a common thing to give out one or two or more class or secret elections, so that in some classes there have been seventeen or eighteen members, and almost all the classes which at first fell below the regular number, now appear in the catalogue with their full complement of fifteen names apiece. The men who accepted these after-elections to the society usually displayed their badge like the others, though sometimes the fact of their membership was kept a secret and they were not allowed to wear them about the college, not until after graduation Hence in every class to the present day there are almost always one o· two men, who are believed by many to be "secret members" of Keys. because, being friends of the "crowd," they naturally associate with :as they would were there no such society in existence. It is also rumored, with less probability, that notable men are sometimes chosen as honorary members. George Vanderhoff, the reader, is one of them, according to the authority of the Banger, which, however, may have meant the statement for a joke. Similar rumors are also sometime; started in regard to Bones, but are far less generally credited, and are probably altogether groundless. Certain it is that the fact of there being a secret or honorary member, of there being more or less than fifteen members from each and every class since 1833, has never been in a single case authenticated. Up to as recent a date as 1860, Keys had great difficulty in making up its crowd, rarely being able to secure the full fifteen upon the night of giving out elections, but, by dint of electioneering and "packing" in the interval between that time and initiation night. managed - after 1851 - to swing out the orthodox number of new badges upon Presentation morning. Probably it would have given pledges in advance, like the lower-class societies, save that in those days any one standing the slightest chance for Bones preferred it to a .'sure thing on" the other society. The true Caesar-or-no-one sentiment seems to have had full sway, and the best men of the class who did not secure Bones elections apparently preferred to go through senior year as neutrals rather than as members of a confessedly inferior society. The proportion of "big men" among the neutral Seniors was consequently much greater then than in these latter days. Keys, in fact, up to the time when it attained its twenty-first birthday, occupied a position in college regard very much analogous to that more recently held by the Diggers' society, to be described hereafter. It is only within the last lustrum that it has come to be a rival of Bones, and that the half-loaf sentiment has grown common, which prompts a man when his chances for the latter are spoiled, to "lay" diligently for the former. The Keys mode of giving out elections - as well as the rest of its customs - corresponds as nearly as possible to the practice of Bones. Formerly the fifteen members, each carrying a key some two feet in Length, in a body silently marched to the rooms of the men who had . been chosen; and then the leader - possibly displaying the large gilt scroll-and-key model before mentioned - may have said simply, "Do you accept?" Of late, however, the practice is for two members, - one s Senior, the other a graduate, - each carrying one of the exaggerated keys, to proceed together to the room of each chosen man. The Senior raps sharply with his key upon the door, and, both stepping in, says, "I offer you an election to the so-called Scroll and Key. Do you accept?" If the answer is Yes, both Keys men shake the Junior by the hand, and --amp back to their hall, where the result of the first election is received before the party start out to confer the second, and so on for the others. On this account the elections progress much more slowly than in the case of Bones, and more opportunities are given to the rabble in the yard to yell "Keys! Keys! Keys!" and surge about the bearers of those implements, whose approach is usually announced, by self-stationed outposts, in the neighborhood of the State House steps. In 1868, all the Bones elections had been given out for more than an hour, and the packed Keys crowd" of '69; had begun to feel a trifle nervous, when the first key-bearers appeared in the yard. There seems to be no very great significance in the order in which the elections are conferred, except that the one first received is perhaps to be interpreted as especially honorable; but on the other hand this is sometimes offered to a man, who is by no means the society's first choice, in order if possible to anticipate Bones in securing him. The initiation takes place at the same time as the other one, and like it lasts till morning. The rendezvous for the candidates is probably some room in the neighborhood of the hall, at all events is outside the college yard, and as the hall is not so convenient to the colleges as that of Bones the neutrals pay less attention to what takes place there on initiation night. Visitors who may be stopping at the Tontine Hotel on the night of Wooden Spoon, however, seldom sleep very soundly, if their rooms chance to be situated upon the north side of the building. Resident and other graduates attend the initiations, and the regular meetings also. - though to a less extent than in Bones, - and the rule requiring the presence of active members on Thursday nights from eight o'clock till two, is also strictly enforced. An absent member of '68, suspected of make-believe sickness, was one time forcibly hurried off to the meeting by two classmates, who rushed up from the hall for that purpose, with a great display of crossed keys; and the procedure may be gone through with in other instances which excite less attention than did that, - though the cases where it is necessary to enforce discipline are of course uncommon. At the close of its meetings, the society was in the habit of marching up through the green, past the State House, to the college yard, singing on the way, or just before disbanding, the well-known song, "Gaily the Troubadour touched his Guitar." Though this was always finely done, and very acceptable to all who heard it, the faculty - induced, it is said, by the discordant howlings of the "Stones men" - included Keys in the general edict promulgated last year against society : singing, and ordered its discontinuance. The current traditions in regard to Keys are not very numerous, nor is the belief in its mysterious origin wide-spread, as in the case of Bones. Its letters are supposed to signify: "Collegium Sanctum Pontificum; Collegium Conservat Jupiter." Bone; having set up Demosthenes as its patron saint, Keys seemed deter-mined to "go one better" and claim the recognition of great Zeus himself. "Zenome" is one the society words supposed to possess mysterious significance. According to rumor, a magnificent stuff eagle forms one of the chief decorations of its hall; though as this report originated with a '66 neutral who professed to have "been there," not much reliance should be placed upon it. Keys, like Bones, also keeps the photographs of its members, a library, paintings, pictures, obsolete society badges, old college mementos, and general memorabilia. A third senior society also existed during the time that the class of '6g was in college. Its name, taken from its badge, was "Spade and Grave." The spade, partly thrust into the grave, rested upon the footstone of the same, and upon the headstone was represented a crown, - gold of course being the material of the entire pin. The grave was perhaps a Little more than an inch in length, and the badge had one or two variations in size and shape. The "Bed and Broom," it was at first called by outsiders; and, by the more respectful ones, the society was known as "Graves," and its members as "Graves men." None of these -names were ever popular, however, and "Diggers" soon came to be the on.",,:, title by which the society or its members were referred to. Bones men. among themselves, also adopted this name for them. "To give community and sweetness to the eating of sour grapes" was, even more notoriously than in the case of the original Keys men, the object for which the Diggers started their society. The immediate cause which banded them together in the scheme was a quarrel in the class of '64. Of the five Yale, Lit. editors in that class, three had been chosen to Bones and two were neutrals. One of these two published, as a leading article in the magazine for February of that year, a piece called "Collegial Ingenuity," reflecting on the mode by which men may worm their way into Bones, and, it was claimed, making personal insinuations against a particular member of that society; and on this latter ground the Bones editors, who formed a majority of the five, voted to suppress the article, and requested its writer to produce another to take the place of it, - themselves meanwhile seizing upon all the printed copies. The neutral editor refused to obey, and called a class meeting which voted to sustain him, and commanded the Bones editors to surrender the magazines with a certain time, or be expelled from office. As they paid no attention to the order, the class elected three neutrals in their places, and these, with the two original neutral editors, duly brought out a new edition of the February number, "Collegial Ingenuity" and all, and edited the two following numbers, - with the latter of which their term of office expired by limitation. The Bones editors meanwhile issued the February number, - with an explanation of their action printed in place of the obnoxious "leader," but otherwise unchanged, - and duly published the two remaining numbers of their term, still keeping the five original names at the head of the title-page, as if nothing had happened. Thus, for three months, there were two issues of the Lit. each of which claimed to be the "regular" one. The Bones editors were really in the right, as the class had no legal power to interfere in the matter, and the three magazines issued by the other editors have been known as the "second issue." The five members of that second editorial board of '64 have the credit of founding Diggers,' and they with ten other classmates first swung out the Spade and Grave badge at the beginning of the summer term of that year. On the Thursday before Presentation Day, elections were given out to fifteen members of '65, who were the first Diggers to have their names in print (in the Banner of the following autumn). The grave scene in "Hamlet," wherein the digger tosses up the skull and bones with his spade, is said to have suggested the badge as a fit emblem to typify the hostility of the new society to the old one and its power ultimately to work the overthrow of the haughty Skull and Bones itself. Its hall was in the Lyon Building, on Chapel street, on the same floor with that of Gamma Nu; was supplied with common iron doors without and a billiard table within; and was reputed to be elegantly furnished, and among other things to have one of its rooms entirely covered with black velvet. In February, 1870, as already stated, its premises were taken possession of and have since been occupied by the munity and sweetness to the eating of sour grapes" was, even more notoriously than in the case of the original Keys men, the object for which the Diggers started their society. The immediate cause which banded them together in the scheme was a quarrel in the class of '64. Of the five Yale, Lit. editors in that class, three had been chosen to Bones and two were neutrals. One of these two published, as a leading article in the magazine for February of that year, a piece called "Collegial Ingenuity," reflecting on the mode by which men may worm their way into Bones, and, it was claimed, making personal insinuations against a particular member of that society; and on this latter ground the Bones editors, who formed a majority of the five, voted to suppress the article, and requested its writer to produce another to take the place of it, - themselves meanwhile seizing upon all the printed copies. The neutral editor refused to obey, and called a class meeting which voted to sustain him, and commanded the Bones editors to surrender the magazines with a certain time, or be expelled from office. As they paid no attention to the order, the class elected three neutrals in their places, and these, with the two original neutral editors, duly brought out a new edition of the February number, "Collegial Ingenuity" and all, and edited the two following numbers, - with the latter of which their term of office expired by limitation. The Bones editors meanwhile issued the February number, - with an explanation of their action printed in place of the obnoxious "leader," but otherwise unchanged, - and duly published the two remaining numbers of their term, still keeping the five original names at the head of the title-page, as if nothing had happened. Thus, for three months, there were two issues of the Lit. each of which claimed to be the "regular" one. The Bones editors were really in the right, as the class had no legal power to interfere in the matter, and the three magazines issued by the other editors have been known as the '`second issue." The five members of that second editorial board of '64 have the credit of founding Diggers,' and they with ten other classmates first swung out the Spade and Grave badge at the beginning of the summer term of that year. On the Thursday before Presentation Day, elections were given out to fifteen members of '65, who were the first Diggers to have their names in print (in the Banner of the following autumn). The grave scene in "Hamlet," wherein the digger tosses up the skull and bones with his spade, is said to have suggested the badge as a fit emblem to typify the hostility of the new society to the old one and its power ultimately to work the overthrow of the haughty Skull and Bones itself. Its hall was in the Lyon Building, on Chapel street, on the same floor with that of Gamma Nu; was supplied with common iron doors without and a billiard table within; and was reputed to be elegantly furnished, and among other things to have one of its rooms entirely covered with black velvet. In February, 1870, as already stated, its premises were taken possession of and have since been occupied by the sophomore society of Theta Psi. Its wood cut was simply a copy of its badge; and the same design, enlarged, carved in black-walnut and mounted in a frame of the same wood, was displayed in the rooms of members, as a sort of poster; though the practice was not much in vogue after the first year or two. The society started under a cloud, and never emerged from it, but rather seemed to fall deeper and deeper into its shade the older it grew. It was always despised and looked down upon. Even those who joined it, in many cases cursed and ridiculed it by turns, up to the very moment of accepting their elections. In spite of careful packing and electioneering in advance, it always had difficulty in making up its crowd on the same night with the other societies and it always had elections refused. No one standing the least chance for Bones or Keys could be got to go to it, and the best of those left out by these societies preferred to remain neutrals altogether. Psi U men used to boast that no member of their society ever became a Digger; and the four classes between the first and last were certainly composed exclusively of Delta Phi and DKE men. There was, however, one member of Psi U among the founders, and four in '69 accepted elections, - much to the chagrin of their comrades. Everyone sneered at the society, including many of course who would gladly have joined it had they been able; but the scrubbiest neutral of them all would affect to take offense were such an idea hinted at, and stoutly assert, that, "had the Diggers ventured to offer him an election, he would have indignantly hurled back the insult in their faces!" This show of independence after election time is past is quite a common thing; but the men of '69, even as Juniors, used to shout a sort of chorus, "Todtengraber ist gut," to the tune of "Truncadillo;" they equipped a burlesque `spade and grave" in the college yard one day; and in other ways so defied the powers above them that it became a problem whether the Diggers of '68 could secure any successors. There was the usual amount of electioneering and packing, but on election night only three men could by the most entreaties be secured, from the indefinite number to whom elections were offered; so these three were released and no new Digger pins were swung forth upon the morning of Presentation Day. The next public appearance of the society was on the first Friday morning of the following October, when fifteen senioric shirt bosoms were adorned by as many new badges, the design being a crown from within which projected the ends of a crossed sword and scepter. This was superseded the following term by a larger sized pin of the same pattern. By a pretty thorough canvassing of the class, in the three months' interval, these new members had been raked together, and induced to "run" the society for a year, in the hope that under a changed name the same old story could not be told concerning them. At least half of them were secretly pledged and initiated before Commencement, and wore the old Grave badge during vacation, in localities where they would be unlikely to meet with Yale undergraduates. From the headstone of this old badge, it will be observed, the crown itself was taken. Above the old cut, in the Banner, :he name "Spade and Grave" was printed in full; while above the new crown design were simply the letters, "S.L.M." (popularly translated "Slim" or "Slimy"), which had not before been made public, though reckoned among the original mysteries of Diggers'. Freshmen spoke of -_he society as "Crown and Scepter," or "Sword and Crown," but upper-class men clung relentlessly to the old title, and the doom of Diggers' was sealed. Its usual arts were wasted upon the class of '70 not one of them would pledge, either before, on, or after, election night; and so, after a precarious existence of five years, it was forced to give up the hopeless fight and the ghost. Like Keys', its customs were all modeled as closely as possible after :hose of Bones, which it was to spade out of existence so quickly. Three men always came up from the hall to give out each election, two of the trio walking abreast in front, and the third following close upon their rear. A dark lantern or a club was often carried by one of them. The yell and outcries with which the rabble greeted the approach of Digger election carriers were far more prolonged and uproarious than in the case of the other societies. The Juniors upon whom they called would be invoked with such cries as "Kick 'em out, Jim!" "Oh Tom! Don' be a Digger!" "Shut your door on 'em Jack! Don't let 'em fool you!" and so on; while the Diggers themselves would be treated to all manner of compliments and personal attentions, such as were never bestowed upon the other election carriers. "How can I leave Thee," was the song sometimes sung outside at the close of the meetings, either while marching, or on arriving at the college yard; otherwise the procession silently tramped up Chapel street to South College, and so on in front of the row, dropping its men at each entry until none were left. It was believed to have had a good many secret members, - even including some from the Scientific School, - and several '63 men are known to have belonged to it. After the change of base in 1868, the graduate members ceased to wear the old Grave badge. The society was unincorporated, and had never printed any catalogue. Its letters were supposed to represent the motto, Sceptrum Ligonibus Mors. Not only do senior-society men never mention their own society in the presence of others, but then never even refer to the existence of a rival society, and when an outsider mentions this in their presence, even to a third party, they appear to take offense, and perhaps withdraw. So, too, they are offended if a man sings, or even hums the air, of the songs which they sometimes sing in public; though these are familiar melodies, and have long been procurable in the form of sheet music. This same fact holds true, to a lesser extent, in the case of the junior and sophomore societies. A certain air gets in a measure identified with a particular society song; and as members of the society never use it except in singing together, they dislike to hear it whistled by an outsider. A Sophomore, for instance, a few years ago, by persistently whistling, "AI on a summer's day," would probably have injured his chances of a DKE election; and, in the case of Psi U, perhaps the same would still be true of one who should be constantly humming, "In a few days." Senior society men may also refuse to speak when passing in front of their hall, and in some cases to notice a neutral classmate whom they may chance to meet after eight o'clock of a Thursday evening. An instance is related in the class of '67 of two Bones men who brought from their meeting a sick classmate and put him to bed in his room, without paying any attention to his neutral chum who was there present, though he was also a classmate with whom they were on friendly terms. This exaggerated display of secrecy is quite a modern outgrowth, however, being altogether unknown to the old members of fifteen or twenty years ago. and it attained its highest pitch in the class just mentioned, - since when, senior-society men have conducted themselves much more sensibly. For many evident reasons, the costs of membership in a senior society are much greater than in any other, though most of their money is raised by voluntary contributions, and a man eligible in other respects is not kept out on account of his poverty. On the other hand, a man's wealth of course adds to his chances of election in senior years more than in any other. The annual running expenses of a society, in which graduates take so prominent a part, cannot and ought not to be borne by fifteen men alone, and there are doubtless permanent funds whose income is available for such purposes, - at least in Bones, whose property is fully paid for. To increase this fund, almost every old member sends in an annual contribution, according to his means, for five or ten years after graduation day. It is in senior year alone that the neutrals largely outnumber the society men, that they have nothing to hope for in the way of class elections. and that they are not overawed by the presence of upper-class men. These three circumstances combine to foster in some of them a sort of reckless hostility towards these societies, such as is not felt towards those of the earlier years. This displays itself in a variety of ways. The conduct of the neutrals when the senior elections are given out has been already described, and the fact notice, at least by implication, that they never in the least interfere with the similar ceremonies of the other societies. Nor yet do they ever attempt to break into the halls of the latter. It was in the class of '66 that this hostility-first definitely displayed itself, in the institution of a sort of a mock "society" called "Bowl and Stones," - the name being a take-off on that of Bones, and the duties of its members being simply to range about the colleges at a late hour on Thursday night, or early on Friday morning when the senior societies disbanded, singing songs in ridicule of the latter, blocking up the entries, and making a general uproar. The refrain of one song, to the tune of "Bonnie Blue Flag" was "Hurrah! Hurrah! for jolly Bowl and Stones;" of another, to the tune of "Babylon," "Haughty Bones is fallen, and we gwine down to occupy the Skull." Another function of the `Stones men" was to offer bogus elections to simple minded classmates, or even to under-class men, - whom they were sometimes able to "sell." In the class of '67 they were at their worst, and wantonly smashed bottles of ink upon the front of Bones hall, and tore the chains from its fence. On the Thursday morning which preceded the Presentation Day of 1868, the Stones men of that class posted up a comic handbill, purporting to show the "order of exercises" which would be observed by the senior societies in giving out their elections that evening. There was some little wit employed in the composition of this notice, and it was the only thing emanating from the "society" that was not at once weak and discreditable. The modified name, "Bull and Stones," then first appeared; which form has since been retained. Some members of the class of '70 even went so far as to procure a small gilt representation of "a bull" standing upon "stones," which was worn as a burlesque badge pin, even in public, and in some cases quite regularly, during the first term of their senior year. Of course there is nothing to this "society" except what has been told; its "members" are few or many according to the state of the weather; and any neutral senior who is ready to join a crowd for making an uproar on Thursday night is, from that fact only, a good and regular "Stones man." Indeed, the name has of late come to be accepted as a synonym for any senior-society neutral whatever; and every one not elected to either of the two societies is said to "belong to Stones." At the time of the last initiation, the Stones men seized upon and confiscated for their own use the ice-cream and other good things which the confectioner was engaged in taking into Bones hall. Since then, one or two projected "raids" of the same sort have been frustrated by the presence of a policeman. Now-a-days, Thursday night is the favorite time for the more depraved Stones men to "go off on a bum" together, and afterwards wake the echoes of the college yard with their discordant howling. That this "society" showed no signs of existence in the class of '69 was perhaps due in great measure to the existence of another more creditable organization, some of whose members would probably, save for it, have been leading "Stones men." On the morning of Presentation Day, 1868, fourteen men, who had been neutrals since freshman year, were noticed to wear upon their shirt bosoms, gilt coffin lids, about an inch in length.

Their names were printed in the annuals of the next term, under the "senior-society" heading, beneath a woodcut of the badge, above which appeared the letters "E.T.L.," but no name. They were spoken of as `Coffin men," or "ETL's," when mentioned at all. and, so far as known, met quite regularly on Thursday nights, perhaps in some room rented for the purpose. They said nothing in regard to themselves or the regular senior societies, and they attempted to give no elections in the class of'70. The society passed in the class for a jokes but, for the negative benefit it effected in restraining some who would otherwise have been uproarious, as well as for the positive advantages it may have conferred upon all its members, it deserves to be held in grateful recollection. Perhaps somewhat similar to this was the "TeaKettle" society, established in the class of '53, which has left nothing behind it save the announcement of its birth in the Lit. Another short lived association was the "Sword and Crown" which was existing :n 1843 with fifteen members. Its badge was a rectangular gold plate, upon which, within an ornamental border, the appropriate emblems were engraved. These did not much resemble the last badge of the Diggers, as the crown was a much more elaborate and highly ornamented affair, and the sword and scepter were crossed behind rather than within it. An existing poster showing a wood-cut of the simple emblems bears the direct, "S.T.G. 8.30 a.m." Another poster, which perhaps had no connection with this or any other society, shows the three letter= "Iota Kappa Sigma," printed in heavy black type, with "24 D" appended. Still another, represents a naked figure just trundling over - precipice a wheelbarrow in which are loaded a skull and some bone` and a scroll and a key and a star and a dart. The "Star and Dart" society was established in 1843, and apparently occupied a position somewhat analogous to the present one of Bull and Stones, though it really had a7 organization of some sort. The frame-work of its rectangular gold-plate badge was an exact copy of that of the Bones pin, and the emblems of the two societies now existing formed the chief part of the engraved central design. The eagle of Keys, that is to say, was represented as fiercely picking to pieces the Skull and Bones at its feet, while a Dart. appearing in the right upper corner, was about to destroy the eagle, an: a Star in the left upper corner was supposed to denote "the prosper.-; and final success of the society over its rivals." A woodcut copy of this design surmounted the following notice printed among the advertisements of a New Haven newspaper: "Nos in vita fratres sumus. C 2954a F. 8 dd Z DL. There will be a general meeting in New Haven on Thursday evening, Aug. 15, 1944. Yale College, Aug. 10." Possibly there were other Commencement times at which a similar notice was printed, and doubtless posters to the same effect used also to be displayed about the college buildings at such seasons. After a period Cc suspended animation, the society was revived in the class of '49, and the members belonging to it in the classes of '50 and '51 (fifteen in one case, eleven in the other) had their names published in the Banner, in connection with the society cut and the numeral "2954." From this publicity, as well as the character of many of the members, it is to be inferred that there was really a little something to the society, and that its existence was not altogether contemptible. Whether it had a hall of its own, and regular weekly meetings and exercises; whether it made any pretensions to equality with the two reputable societies; whether it was so hostile to them as its badge would imply; whether its crowd was made up before, at the same time, of after the other elections were given out; and whether it died by choice or by necessity, - all these things, on the other hand, must remain uncertainties, until some traitorous ex-member thereof shall reveal to an anxiously expectant world the real history and mystery of the late Star and Dart. Among the many Bones men worthy of mention are: Henry C. Kingsley of '34, treasurer of the college; Prof. Thomas A. Thacker of '35; Col. Henry C. Deming of '36; Attorney General William M. Evarts, Profs. Chester S. Lyman and Benjamin Silliman, of '37; Rev. Dr. Joseph P. Thompson of '38; Provost Charles J. Stille of '39; Prof. James M. Hopping of '40; Gen. William T.S. Barry and Donald G. Mitchell, of '41; Henry Stevens, F.R.S., of '43; Senator Orris S. Ferry of '44; Ge. Dick Taylor of '45; Henry B. Harrison of '46; Henry T. Blake and Dwight Foster, of '48; Charles G. Came, Profs. William B. Clark and Timothy Dwight, of '49; President Andrew D. White of '53; Dr. John W. Hooker of '54; Rev. Elisha Mulford of '55; William H.W. Campbell, editor of the Norwich Bulletin, Chauncy M. Depew, N.Y. secretary of State, and Prof. Lewis R. Packard, of '56; Gen. John T. Croxton and Prof. Cyrus Northrop, of '57; Addison Van Name of '58, librarian of the college; Eugene Schuyler of '59, U.S. consul at Moscow; Edward R. Sill of '61; and Prof. Edward B. Coe of '62. The most prominent Keys men have already been mentioned in naming its twelve incorporators, but additional names to be noticed are: Gen. Theodore Runyon of '42; Rev. Dr. Gordon Hall of '43; Robert P. Farris of '47, editor of the Missouri Republican; Rev. John E. Todd of '55; son of Rev. Dr. Todd, the opponent of college secret societies; Sidney E. Morse of '56, publisher of the N.Y. Observer; Gen. John W. Swayne of '56; Dr. Daniel G. Brinton of '58; Prof. Daniel C. Eaton of '60; and Joseph L. Shipley of '61 editor of the Scranton Republican. Five Keys men and one Digger make up the famous "Wilbur Bacon crew" of 1865.

Formerly, when Seniors took a more active part than now in the junior societies, men who did not belong to these were often chosen to the senior societies, but of late a membership in the former is a necessary stepping stone for admission to the latter; not confessedly, of course, but by the rule which is sure to force a junior society into electing every man eligible for election a year later, and to compel every such man to accept such election. It has been noticed of late years that Psi U generally has a majority in Bones, and DKE in Keys, though in '71 Psi U had six men in Bones and nine in Keys, to DKE's nine and six. It should not be inferred from this that senior-society men allow their junior year or earlier society connections to prejudice them in electing their successors. They apparently have regard for the interest of their senior society simply, and choose those whom they think will most benefit it, without much regard to outside considerations. Much of the excitement over the election of Cochs and Lit. Editors turns upon the question of senior societies. Each one of these officers is supposed to "stand a chance," and shortly after their election the two "crowds" begin definitely to be made up. There are always some "sure men" to form a nucleus, - the Spoon Man for instance, is always certain of receiving a Bone selection, - and about these the "Likely" ones who are not quite so "sure" try to "pack" themselves. Thus a "crowd" is made up in the interest of each society. Its members "run" together constantly, call one another by their first names, and make a great display of familiarity, - especially in the presence of "their" Seniors, - as much as to say, "We can't be separated. Take all of us or none." This sort of thing is practiced chiefly by prospective Keys men, who can make up their crowd with a tolerable certainty that their evident wishes will be respected by the society. It is seldom that Keys ventures to keep out more than a single man from a well defined pack, and substitute one of their own choosing in his place. Such a pack really has the power in its own hands, and should the members of it agree to "stand by one another" they could of course carry their point; but the refusal of a senior-society election, even conditionally, seems so terrible a thing, that they have rarely the courage to make a direct demand. Keys, however, has in some instances been obliged to submit to such dictation. The society undoubtedly winks at "packing," and indirectly gives it on occasions its official aid, - though not as frequently nor as extensively as is sometimes reported. There are so many conflicting elements in the Bones crowd that it is never organized into a regular pack, and there is always more doubt as to the way its elections will turn. The nearest approach to a pack is when two or three "sure men" take it upon themselves to persistently "run" another, and make such a display of their fondness for him as to secure his election also. However Bones may allow its action to be affected indirectly, it will not be dictated to when once its elections have been made up, and it is useless for a man to attempt to alter the result by conditionally refusing his election, in favor of or against some particular classmate. Though the Bones crowd may be pretty accurately guessed at for some days before the elections are issued, it is the chance of its individuals which are estimated, not of the crowd as such, as in the case of Keys. There is no such general collusion of all the members of the Bones crowd; it is rather made up of separate cliques of two and threes, and single individuals, who hope for Bones elections, but have not much else in common. The fact that elections to this latter society have been refused in favor of Keys is hence not very difficult of explanation. A man whose chances for Bones are rather doubtful may be willing to throw them away altogether for the sake of the comparatively "sure thing" which he gains by joining a pack for Keys. So, receiving an election to Bones, he is in honor bound to decline it, and cling to the men with whom he had joined his fortunes. It will be found that all the Bones refusals in '67 and '70, over which so much ado was made, came in every case from men previously packed for Keys. Thus, Bones' greater independence and ceremoniousness sometimes work to its own disadvantage. A man may go to Keys for the sake of taking a friend or two with him whose companionship he could not be sure of were he to become a Bones man; and in general one has less uncertainty as to whom he will have to fraternize with when he packs for the former society. In a direct comparison of the societies, it is seen that Bones in reputation, influence and prestige is altogether superior to its rival; and it seems almost as certain that it must always retain this preeminence. It is, in its main features, essentially unique. No other college society can show so large a proportion of distinguished and successful members. It is probably not too much to add that of the Yale graduates of the past generation who have attained a fair degree of worldly eminence, nearly half will be found to have been included within the mystic fifteens of this organization. Its apparent aim is to secure at once the best of the good scholars, good literary men, and good fellows; the former to bring it dignity and "tone," the latter to preserve its social and convivial character; and its success in equalizing these three elements - one of which is apt to predominate in a society - has been remarkable. It develops in its members, too, a genuine pride and affection, such as they feel in or towards no other society. Men who are careless and frivolous and selfish as to everything else, manifest an earnestness and a generosity where Bones is concerned, that is really surprising. And this, too, in a way not calculated to attract attention, nor suggest an appearance of exaggeration or make-believe. Keys men, on the other hand, are rather given to displaying their society zeal as much as possible. Old members who come from abroad to attend the "bums" are apt to make their presence generally known, and take pains to exhibit the extent of their "interest." Their affection for the society is no doubt genuine enough, but their carefulness in displaying it suggests the idea that its inspiration comes quite as much from an oppressive self-consciousness of the need of "going one better" than Bones, as from the simple force of pleasant associations. Since the time, say about 1860, when Keys came to be recognized as a reputable society, settled upon an invariable membership of fifteen, and ceased to give out any class, secret, or honorary elections, its policy has seemed to be the making prominent of the social elements, the choosing of good, jolly fellows, men of ability if possible, but at all events congenial and in the college sense of the word gentlemanly. Ability in the absolute, that is to say, has been accounted of secondary importance as a qualification for membership. Upon a strict and more rigorous adherence to this policy in the future - if it be worth while to express a prevalent college opinion - the success of the society will in great measure depend. In the latter's own chosen field, it can never hope to seriously rival Bones. To the "solid," thoughtful men of the class - the big scholars and writers - Bones will always be the more attractive, and if Keys enters into competition for them it will as inevitably have to take up with second-rate representatives of the "heavy," "respectable" element, at the same time that, by this very action, it renders itself less alluring to the "popular men," who are and should be its "best hold." If, on the other hand, it has the tact to depart for once from its Bones model, and set up an independent standard of qualifications of its own, it may in time gain in its own particular field a recognized pre-eminence. Keys' real "mission," as it seems to an outsider, is to draw together a genial. gentlemanly crowd, rather than an "able" one. If a pleasant, agreeable fellow chances to be possessed of something more substantial than popularity, - if besides being a gentleman, he be also a scholar, a writer, and energetic worker, - he should of course be all the more desirable; yet the first mentioned, more trivial, qualities should be regarded as the essential ones, after all, which recommend him for election. Ability, real or reputed, should never of itself elect a man to Keys. The prestige the society may gain by taking a man simply for his reputation cannot make up for what it thereby loses in attractiveness for "popular men." Keys' great opportunity is, by excluding all others, to make itself the most desirable society for the agreeable, jolly fellow in every senior class. If it resolutely adopts this "lay," it may, with the help of its hall, ere many years, leave bones in the lurch, so far as "popular" men are concerned; and, by occupying an independent field, prevent the possibility of direct comparisons which must always be to its own disadvantage. This seems so manifest that nothing but a foolish overconfidence in its own strength can induce it to engage in a "straight fight" on Bones' own chosen field, where, with all the odds against it, it must ever suffer defeat. Bones, on the other hand, would do well to consider whether it will be worth its while much longer to take in men for their popularity and agreeableness simply. It is just here that it has met with its most humiliating rebuffs hitherto, and that it is likely to meet with worse ones hereafter, unless it changes its policy. Four of the five '70 men who rejected; Bones in favor of Keys, were simply "good fellows," who would have been somewhat out of .their element in the crowd of the former society; and the case in the class of %7 was very similar. If Bones should insist more strongly than now upon ability as a prime essential in all its members, and upon this basis, modified by a reasonable regard for social qualities and harmoniousness, elect them, it would secure itself almost absolutely from having an election rejected, as well as add to its own lasting reputation, - even at the sacrifice of one of its cherished traditions, which it has managed to perpetuate thus far on the whole with a fair share of success. Whether Bones makes this concession with good grace at the outset, or waits to be forced into it by the success of Keys, when the latter shall turn all its energies upon this one point, remains to be seen. But appearances certainly point to the coming, at no distant day, of what may be termed a senior society millennium, when Bones and Keys shall each occupy an undisputed field of its own, and each be recognized as in its own sphere preeminent; and when the only question in a man's mind shall be, "In which field, on the whole, is supremacy the more desirable?" Then shall the Death's head be, even more certainly than now, the badge of intellectual superiority in college repute, and the unfolded Scroll be, even more invariably, the emblem of gentlemanly good fellowship and social popularity. It was remarked at the beginning of the chapter that societies like Bones and Keys would be possible only at one other college than Yale, and that as a matter of fact they are peculiar to the latter institution. They are not, however, without imitators. At Columbia College is an "Axe and Coffin;" at Michigan University an "Owl and Padlock;" and at Wesleyan University are a "Skull and Serpent" and an "Owl and Wand." None of them are of any importance, and with the possible exception of the second, are in every way inferior to the Greekletter societies connected with their respective institutions. There is no special difficulty in imitating the peculiar names and mummeries of the Yale senior societies; but the gaining of a similar prestige and influence is quite another matter. It is the high character of their members, not their names and forms and ceremonies, which give the Yale societies their fame. It was a belief in the power of these latter non-essentials that induced the Diggers to persist so long in a worse than hopeless fight. At Yale, the strictly class societies of the first three years supply the machinery by which every class is carefully sifted and its best men are "brought out" in readiness for the senior societies. Yet even here, with from one hundred to one hundred and twenty men to pick from, and the three years' sifting process reduced almost to an exact science, it has been absolutely demonstrated that no more than two societies, of fifteen men each, can exist. Indeed, it was for a long time a problem whether more than one could live, and even now the two, to be at their best, must occupy somewhat different fields. But at other colleges, where no such class system prevails, where the numbers to select from are much smaller, where the competing societies are more numerous, the attempt to ape Bones and Keys can succeed in nothing save in making the would-be societies ridiculous. In view of their real worth, people may be willing to overlook the silly practices of the Yale senior societies; but when mock mystery and cheap ceremonials are the only things which a society has to boast of, it cannot well help falling into contempt. The statement is therefore again repeated that Bones and Keys are peculiarly Yale institutions, genuine out-growths of a system that flourishes nowhere else, the only organizations of the kind existing in the country. In concluding this account of the class societies, it may be well to add a few additional facts that are true alike of many or all of them, and to compare directly their general character in the different years. Each society, save Gamma Nu, has a "grip" of its own, but society men, in either of the four years, do not generally employ it in greeting one another. It is not a popular device with them, and comparatively few would be able, a year or two after graduation, to give the four different grips correctly, were they to try. Many of the active members, even, of these societies cannot remember their grips without an effort, and in junior year, when visitors from other chapters are expected, there is need of some preliminary practice before the guests can be welcomed in true mysterious fashion. At other colleges the society grips are constantly made use of, and when a Yale man who has forgotten his grip meets an outside brother he extends his hand with all the fingers separated, and returns the grip that he receives, in full faith that he has given "the right one" and concealed his ignorance. It is easy enough for an outsider to find out from someone or other the reputed grips of the dozen or less societies, and it is more than likely that these are really the true ones in many cases. But the whole matter is made so little of by Yale men that none of these peculiar hand shakings are worth describing. In the published report of a recent DKE convention, that society announced that it had adopted a new grip and motto, - presumably on account of the discovery of its old ones, and probably at the instance or - the outside chapters. Whether the changes were really made, or the announcement offered simply as a "blind," the result was of course the same. The only two Yale society mottoes that seem to be unknown to outsiders are, oddly enough, those of Delta Kap and Theta Psi. That or the former used to be, aavpo; Kevqw;, and was as well known as Sigma Eps' is at present, but the one which superseded it and is now invogue has been by some miracle prevented from leaking out. Every junior society man can find out without much difficulty the mottoes and "secrets" of the other societies in his class, but he feels in duty bound not to make public his knowledge, and the neutrals are generally in ignorance of these matters. At Yale, one society never thinks of breaking into the hall of another, and making public all its mysteries, as is the practice at some of the smaller colleges. It is through these that some of the Yale junior-society secrets are divulged. Chapters which think it a fine thing to steal the constitution and documents of as many rival societies as possible, when they chance to gain those of societies which are also rivals at Yale, may forward to their brothers at the latter place their ill-gotten knowledge: knowledge which the latter are usually honorable enough to keep to themselves. It is only in the songs of the first two years that the societies mention the names of their rivals - to ridicule them, of course, but in a good natured way. A secret ballot, upon each candidate separately, in which a single blackball rejects, is the mode of election in all these societies. Every society has a janitor whom it allows to wear its badge. While '69 was in college the same individual was at once janitor of Delta Kap, Theta Psi and Psi U, and wore either one of the badges indifferently, though never displaying two at a time. A senior-society janitor is not allowed to serve for under-class organizations. The present Bones janitor is a negro named Robert, who assists the professors in the experiments at the philosophical lectures, and is a sort of college supernumerary. His predecessor, also a black man, died in the service, and was followed to his grave by the whole Bones society, resident graduate, solemn professors, and all. The societies of the two upper years have boxes at the post office wherein is placed all mail matter directed either to their popular or official, trust association, titles. A letter directed to either of the lower-class societies is exposed to view beside the general-delivery window, until discovered and called for by one of the members. Society men as a rule preserve all their badges, - sometimes, in senior year, mounting their previously gained insignia in a velvet-lined, ornamental frame or case. Quite a number of freshman pins are disposed of, however, when the time for wearing them is past, and some sophomore and a very few junior badges go the same way, but a senior-society pin is kept by its owner until death doth them part. By other college men their junior-society badge, usually the only one they ever possess, is as a rule always preserved, and is in many cases steadily worn for some years after graduation. Yale men, who were senior neutrals, sometimes display their junior badge, on special occasions, after graduation, but never the pin of lower society. When a Freshman leaves college he usually takes off his society pin, but a Sophomore, if a society man, is likely to wear his badge for some time after his withdrawal. In taking a general look at the societies of the four years, the first seems a working ground where Freshmen may display their abilities, and induce the Juniors to pledge them; the second, a place where these pledged men as Sophomores may be kept quiet until they are further inspected, and the poor ones got rid of; the third, another working ground of narrower limits, where the select Juniors who have passed safely through two sifting processes may, by making the most of their talents before the Seniors, prevail upon the latter to spare them in the last grand turn of the sieve, and elect them into the fourth, beyond which there is nothing higher. It is a fault of the system that each society save the last is only a stepping stone to the next, and when the last is reached the time left to enjoy it in is short indeed. The size of the classes, and the class feeling thereby engendered, makes any other system impossible, while the system in turn tends to strengthen and perpetrate the class feeling. From his freshman society, a man usually gains considerable solid advantage, and a fair amount of pleasure. The direct benefit of a sophomore-society experience is not very great, and a man loses less by being a neutral this year than any other, - sophomore neutrals being often elected to senior societies, - but still. he does lose something, both in a peculiar sort of "fun," and in general social position. In a third-year society the advantages are many, and are of a general as well as local character. The occasions thus afforded for members of different colleges to fraternize together, the opportunities given for making pleasant acquaintances at unexpected places, are evidently of considerable value. A man's interest in his junior society is not as intense or as lasting at Yale as at other colleges, yet it is altogether greater than that which he feels toward any lowerclass society. One Yale graduate would not be apt to claim introduction to another on the score of belonging to the same junior society, yet, once acquainted for some other reason, this fact would form a sort of bond between them. The attempt to make an outsider realize the overwhelming fascination. which a senior society exerts upon the mind of the average Yale undergraduate, would probably be useless. An election thereto is valued more highly than any other college prize of honor; and in fact these honors derive a good part of their attractiveness from their supposed efficacy in helping to procure the coveted election. There is nothing in the wide world that seems to him half as desirable. It is the one thing needful for his perfect happiness. And if he fails in gaining it. the chances are that he becomes a temporary misanthropist, that is to say, an ardent "Stones man." Though the advantages of membership are no doubt exaggerated in anticipation, the real benefit gained in belonging to a senior society is certainly considerable, - far more valuable in fact, than that which accrues from membership in any other. Quite aside from the enjoyment of the senior year itself, the facts that in after life a man is thus introduced to the best graduates of the college. wherever he may meet them, and that, whenever he visits New Haven, he is sure of being entertained by the best of the oldest undergraduates. and instructed as to the doings and whereabouts of the best of his former classmates, - these facts, other things being equal, of themselves make membership in a senior society especially desirable. College friendships do not at Yale run very closely in society lines. A pair of friends may be brought together or separated by almost numberless society combinations. They may belong to the same society in each of the four years, or in the first and last, or in the second and third, or in none at all, or one may be a society man and another a neutral for all the course, and so on through all the possible permutations. Still, it is pleasant for friends to keep in the same societies, and a general tendency of certain crowds to go together, year after year, has been already remarked upon. No neutral as such is looked down upon or avoided by society men. If the latter usually "run" together, it is because of similar tastes and proclivities, which would induce them to do so, were no societies in existence. In senior year there is hardly a society man without one or two special friends who are neutrals, and with whom he has quite as much to do as with his own regular associates. Such pairs often chum together than do two from rival societies; though this sometimes happens and previous to senior year is not at all uncommon. Aside from a man's real or reputed ability, good nature, and popularity, a thing which often helps to elect him is his relationship to a former or active member of the society. If a father or an uncle or a brother has preceded him, the fact helps him to follow in their footsteps, especially if they were in any way famous. An older brother in the class above, or even one or two classes removed, is almost certain to secure the election of a younger one, unless the latter is peculiarly unqualified or obnoxious. This species of favoritism attracts the most attention in the case of the senior societies, into which nearly every year, by his relationship with an older and worthier member, is dragged one man at least who is without other qualifications sufficient to recommend him. The cases of poor men taken in are, by the bye, a good deal more common and noticeable than those of desirable men left out. Every year almost there is a great show of indignation over the injustice in the seniorsociety elections which bring several big men to grief, yet it rarely happens that the good policy of the society in leaving them out is not vindicated within a twelve month. When fifteen men are to be shut up together for six successive hours, every week, and be thrown in with each other constantly, it is essential that they should be reasonably harmonious if not congenial; and an organization whose members should be chosen for their reputation and ability simply, could not be in the right sense of the word a society. Without now discussing whether college opinion always awards men the positions they deserve, it may be said, in conclusion, that the society system, viewed as a means for separating those who, for whatever reason, are high in college esteem, from those who, for whatever reason, are not, must be admitted to be in the main a fair and successful one. No one can reasonably deny that it has this effect, and that the society men of every year are as a class superior in college repute to the neutrals. It would of course be foolish to judge an individual solely by his society connections, but it would be far less foolish than to judge him solely by the number of prizes, or scholarships, or honors he could lay claim to, as is not infrequently the practice. To set up any one arbitrary standards whereby to judge character is manifestly unfair, yet, if it is to be done, there is no single test which embraces so many, in making an estimate of a Yale man's importance, as his share in the society system. Blockheads and simpletons certainly find their way into the senior societies, yet there are few generalities of the sort deserving of more confidence than these, that in a Bones man you will find ability and force of character, in a Keys man politeness and geniality, and in both the most favorable samples of the Yale graduate of the period.



College or University

Member limit

Active or honorary

The NoZe Brotherhood


Baylor University



Bishop James Madison Society

1812, 20th century

College of William and Mary



Flat Hat Club

1750, 1913-1943, 1972-present

College of William and Mary



Seven Society, Order of the Crown and Dagger


College of William and Mary



Philolexian Society


Columbia University


Latin society

Quill and Dagger


Cornell University


Class society

Casque and Gauntlet


Dartmouth College


Class society

The Sphinx


Dartmouth College


Class society

Dragon Society


Dartmouth College


Class society

Fire & Skoal


Dartmouth College


Class society



Dartmouth College


Class society

Abaris Society[2]


Dartmouth College


Class society

Cobra Society[3]


Dartmouth College


Class society

Gryphon Society[4]


Dartmouth College


Class society

D.V.S. Senior Honor Society


Emory University



Burning Spear Society


Florida State University



Anak Society


Georgia Institute of Technology



Eucleian Society


New York University


Latin society

Philomathean Society


New York University


Latin society

St. Anthony Hall


Princeton University


Class society

Cap and Skull


Rutgers University



Order of the Bull's Blood (actual existence is "highly questionable")


Rutgers University



The Order of the Red Lion


Rutgers University


Class society

The Squires Society


Southern Methodist University



The Machine


University of Alabama


Class society

Order of the Golden Bear


University of California, Berkeley


Free speech society

Petal and Thorn


University of Delaware



Florida Blue Key


University of Florida


Key society

The Senior Skull Honor Society


University of Maine

Senior Men


Iron Arrow Honor Society


University of Miami



Order of Angell


University of Michigan, Ann Arbor





University of Missouri-Columbia



Mystical Seven

known publicly since 1907

University of Missouri-Columbia



Society of Innocents


University of Nebraska-Lincoln



Order of Gimghoul


University of North Carolina


Class society

Order of the Gorgon's Head


University of North Carolina


Class society

The Philomathean Society


University of Pennsylvania


Latin society

The Eyes of Texas


University of Texas





University of Toronto


Class society

IMP Society


University of Virginia


Class society

Raven Society


University of Virginia


Class society

Seven Society


University of Virginia


Class society

Z Society


University of Virginia


Class society

Malt & Barley Editors


University of Wisconsin-Madison

Law school

Review editors



Washington University in St. Louis


Class Society

Theta Nu Epsilon


Wesleyan University


Class society



College of Charleston

"Upper Classmen"

"Men of Distinction"

Skull and Bones


Yale University


Class society

Scroll and Key


Yale University


Class society



Yale University


Class society

Book and Snake


Yale University


Class society

St. Anthony Hall


Yale University

Three year


Wolf's Head


Yale University


Class society



Yale University


Class society

Manuscript Society


Yale University


Class society

Sage and Chalice


Yale University



Mace and Chain


Yale University


Class society

Ox (Society)


Yale University


Class society

Secret societies of colleges/universities in Latin America:



College or University


Member limit

Active or honorary


OFUS Sigma Mi [5]



Mexico (Monterrey)


Class society

Existing and active


Skull & Bones aka Scull & Bones Members 1900 to Present

Bonesmen 1900 to 1985 (we are looking for the membership list from 1986 to Present but it remains a secret


Hulbert Taft

Frederick Baldwin Adams
Frederic Winthrop Allen
Stuart Brown Camp
Frank Dexter Cheney
John Walter Cross
Malcolm Douglas
James Cowan Greenway
John Morgan Hopkins
Ashley Day Leavatt
George Armstrong Lyon
Brace Whitman Paddock
Percy Avery Rockefeller
Corliss Esmonde Sullivan


James Mandeville Carlisle

Thomas Langdon Cheney
Henry Hall Christian
Sherman Lockwood Coy
Philip Cheney
Richard Henry Edwards
John Shepard Eels
Robert Hixon
Warren J. Hoysradt
John Arthur Keppelman
Ray Morris?
Allan Harvey Richardson
George Arnold Welch
Alfred Parks Wright?


Alfred Ludlow Ferguson?

George Boone Carpenter?
Alfred Miller Cressler?
Charles Cyprian Strong Cushing
William Edwards Day?
Raymond Gano Guernsey?
Roderick Potter?
Bronson Case Rumsley?
Frank H. Sincerrbeaux?
Alan McLean? Taylor?
Harold Stone?
Joseph Rockwell Swan?
Mason Throwbridge?
Percy Gardiner White?


George Brewster Chadwick?

Harold Terry Clark?
Erastus Corning?
John Martin Dreisbach?
Chauncey Jerome Hamlin?
Brower Hewitt?
Henry Chandler Holt
Albert Richard Lamb?
Frank Wood Moore?
Stuart Bruen Sutphin?
Donald Thompson?
Henry Mitchell Wallace?
Antonio Johnston Waring?
John Richards White?
Frederick William Wilhelmi?





Russell Cheney
Thomas Cochran?
Winthrop Murray Crane, Jr.?
Walter Snell Cross?
Francis Talmage Dodge?
Percy Hall Jennings?
John Caspar Kittle?
Harold Grant Metcalf?
James Ely Miller?
Frederick Erastus Pierce?
Lansing Parmalee Reed?
Willard Burr Soper?
Thomas Day Thacher?
Thomas Thacher
Allan Wardwell?
Frederick H. Wiggin?


 Arthur Howe Bradford?
Berrien Hughes?
John Stoughton Ellsworth?
Stuyvesant Fish?
James Joseph Hogan?
Buell Hollister
John Hiram Lathrop?
Gardner Richardson?
Edmund Pendleton Rogers?
Murray Sargent?
John Sloane?
Robert Fingland Tilney II?
Harold McLeod Turner
William Knickerbocker Van Reypen, Jr.?
Edwin Sheldon Whitehouse?


Donald Bruce?
 Louis deVierville Dousman?
 Grosvenor Ely?
 Alexander Rex Flynn?
 Lydic Hoyl?
 John Gillespie MaGee?
 James Gore King McClure, Jr.?
 Donald Ashbrook McGee?
 William S. Moorhead?
 Frank O'Brien?
 Lee James Perrin?
 Foster Harry Rockwell?
 Bruce Donald Smith?
 Spencer Turner?
 Hugh Robert Wilson?


 George Coolidge Tuttle?
 William Deluce Barnes?
 William McCormick Blair?
 Arthur Goodwin Camp?
 Forest Leonard Daniels?
 Richard Ely Danielson?
 Theodore Polehemus Dixon?
 Philip Lyndon Dodge?
 Georges Brette Glaenzer?
 Hugh Smith Knox?
 Mitchell Stuart Little?
 Samuel Finley Brown Morse?
 Calvin Truesdale?
 Harold Sherman Wells?
 Heathcote Morison Woolsey?






Lucius Horatio Biglow?
 George Dahl?
 Walter Goodwin Davis?
 Tyson Dines?
 Joseph Taylor Foster?
 Dwight Torrey Griswold?
 Lester William Perrin?
 Charles Seymour?
 Roger Bulkley Shepard?
 Harold Stanley?
 James Carlton Thorton?
 George Henry Townsend?
 Charles Law Watkins?
 James Willard Williams?


Harvey Hollister Bundy?
 Hollister Bundy?
 Robert Boyd Burch?
 Charles Soutter Campbell?
 Avery Artison Clark?
 Gayer Gardner Dominick?
 James Merriam Howard?
 Henry Almy Howe?
 Edward Francis Jefferson?
 Allen Trafford Klots?
 Henry Lippitt?
 John Bates Perrin?
 Stuart Craig Rand?
 Benjamin Sanderson?
 Mortimer Ashmfad Seabury?
 Harold Phelps Stokes?


 Edward Harris Coy?
 Stanhope Bayne-Jones?
 Albert De Silver?
 Charles Pascal Franchot?
 Robert Dudley French?
 George Leslie Harrison?
 John Heron?
 Lyndon Marrs King?
 Augustus Knight?
 Walter Seth Logan?
 Carl Albert Lohmann?
 Frederick James Murphy?
 Stephen Philbin II?
 Robert Alphonso Taft
 R.A. Wodell?

Clinton Wildes Davis?
 Sherwood Sunderland Day?
 Cornelius Ennis Lombardi?
 Paul Bradford Badger?
 Alan Lyle Corey?
 Frederick Joseph Daly?
 John Bourne Dempsey?
 Arthur Amory Gammell?
 Frederick Walton Hyde?
 John Vincent Mc Donnell?
 Francis Fitz Randolph?
 John T. Rowland?
 Leslie Soule?
 Henry Brinsmade VanSinderen?
Lawrence R. Wheeler?






Robert Abbe Gardner?
 Donald R. Hyde?
 Henry Abbott Street?
 Edwin Augustus Strout, Jr.?
 Alexander Campbell Tener?
 Francis T. Boyd?
 Cavour Hartley?
 Arthur Howe?
 Archibald McClure?
 Henry Newton Merritt?
 Frederic Parsons Mullins?
 Charles Henry Paul?
 J. Gregory Smith?
 Edward Bancroft Twombly?
Gerald Clery Murphy?


Calvin Durand Allen?
 Clarence Emir Allen, Jr.?
 Richard Wheeler Baker?
 Colgate Henry Auchincloss?
 George Bruce Cortelyou
 Alfred Cowles?
 Archer Harman?
 W. Averell Harriman
 August Sidney Lovett?
 Jesse Holladay Philbin?
 Homer Eugene Sawyer, Jr.?
 Allan Shelden?
William Otis Waters?


Benjamin F. Avery?
 Percy Gillette Cornish, Jr.?
 Thomas Leonard Daniels?
 Gile Clement Moses?
 George Gill Jones?
 Henry Holman Ketcham?
 Stoddard King?
 William Jackson Lippincott?
 Richard Osborn?
 George Washington Patterson?
 Herman Livingston Rogers?
 Lorrin Andrews Shepard?
 William Candee Warren, Jr.?
Edwin A. Buritt?







Lyon Carter?
 Thomas Hilary Cornell?
 Stephen Rintoul Davenport?
 Thomas Bayne Denegre?
 Ranald Mac Donald II?
 Archibald Mac Leish?
 Louis Shelton Middlebrook?
 Irving Paris?
 Harold Armstrong Pumpelly?
 John Sylvester Reilly?
 William Martindale Shedden?
 Edwin Lyon Slocum?
 Edward James Stackpole?
Walker Ely Swift?


Arthur Burr Darling?
 Samuel Gourdin Gaillard, Jr.?
 Morris Hadley?
 Henry Webb Johnstone?
 Farwell Knapp
 Wesley M. Oler?
 Gilbert Edwin Porter III?
 Phelps Putnam?
 Charles Holmes Roberts, Jr?
 Donald Carrington Shepard?
 Donald Ogden Stewart?
 Kinley John Tener?
 Laurence Gotzian Tighe?
 Herman Vademar Von Holt?
 Charles Rumford Walker?
 Alfred Rammond Bellinger?


Prescott Sheldon Bush
 Henry Sage Fenimore Cooper?
 Oliver Bulg Cunnigham?
 Samuel Sloan Duryee?
 Edward Roland "Bunny" Noel Harriman
 Henry Peter Isham?
 Ellery Sedgewick James?
 Harry William Le Gore?
 Henry Neil Mallon?
 Albert William Olsen?
 John William Overton?
 Frank Parsons Shepard, Jr.?
 Kenneth Farrand Simpson?
 Knight Woolley?
Allen Wallace Ames?


Howard Malcolm Baldridge?
 Cassius Marcellus Clay?
 F. Trubee Davison
 Robert Barr Deans?
 Newell Garfield?
 Artemus L. Gates
 Gould James?
 Robert Abercrombie Lovett?
 Raymond Franklin Snell?
 Charles Jacob Stewart?
 Charles Phelps Taft?
 John Martin Vorys?
 John Eliot Woolley?
 Parker Breese Allen?






Sherman Baldwin?
 Alan Barnette Campbell?
 Frederic Dewhurst Carter?
 Canson Goodyear Depew?
 Edward McCrady Gaillard?
 Hamilton Hadley?
 Charles C. Haffner, Jr.?
 John Howard Mallon?
 Alexander Agnew McCormick, Jr.?
 Elmore Mcneill McKee?
 Winter Mead
 James Sanford Otis?
 Traver Smith?
 George Nesmith Walker?
Lewis G. Adams?

Harry Pomeroy Davison
 Frank Peavey Heffelfinger?
 John Morris Hincks?
 Francis Thayer Hobson?
 David Sinton Ingalls?
 Henry Robinson Luce
 James Mc Henry?
 Morehead Patterson?
 Theodore Lee Safford?
 Joseph Weir Sargent?
 Alfred Cosler Schermerhorn?
 De Forest Van Slyck?
 Daniel R. Winter?
John Sidney Acosta?


Charles Harvey Bradley?
 Walter Rice Brewster?
 Frederick McGeorge Bundy?
 William Sheffield Cowles?
 Bartow Lewis Heminway?
 Stephen Young Hord?
 Marcien Jenckes?
 Willard David Litt?
 Storer Boardman Lunt?
 James E. Neville?
 Langdon Parsons?
 Edward Leonard Shevlin?
 John Stewart?
 Edwin Wheeler Winter II?
 Malcolm Pratt Aldrich?


James Smith Bush
 Ward Cheney
 Albert Hastings Crosby?
 Albert Carl Frost, Jr.?
 Frederick Whitney Hilles?
 Robert Johnson Larner?
 William Galey Lord
 Robert Guthrie Page?
 Lee Patterson?
 Wells Root?
 Robert Folger Solley?
 Henry Barnard Strong?
 John Allen Miner Thomas?
 Frederic dePeyster Townsend, Jr.?
 Stanley Woodward?
G. Campbell Becket?






Jonathan Ogden Bulkey?
 John Sherman Cooper?
 Russell Wheeler Davenport?
 Huntington T. Day?
 Maxwell E. Foster?
 Louis Kepler Hyde, Jr.?
 Ralph Edward Jordan?
 Charles Pinckney Luckey?
 Francis Otto Matthiessen
 George Washington Norton, Jr.?
 Bernard Berenger Pelly?
 Alfred Newton Wheeler
Henry Elisha Allen?

George Frederick Baer Appel?
 Edwin Foster Blair?
 John Cabot Diller?
 Sherman Ewing?
 Thomas Frederick David Haines?
 George Wright Peavy Heffelfinger?
 Charles Dewey Hilles, Jr.?
 Walter Edwards Houghton?
 William Thompson Lusk?
 William Neely Mallory?
 Revell Mc Callum?
 William Davis Melton, Jr.?
 Charles Merville Spofford?
 Clifton Samuel Thomson?
 William Preston Johnston?


Rushton Leigh Ardrey?
 Frank Davis Ashburn?
 Edward Cajetan Bench?
 William Truesdale Bissell?
 James Grant Blair?
 Charles Stafford Gage?
 Gerard M. Ives?
 Walter Clyde Jones?
 Winslow Meston Lovejoy?
 Richard John Luman?
 William Bunnell Norton?
 Henry Clarkson Scott?
 Marvin A. Stevens?
 Donald D. Stevenson?
Daniel Allen?


James Davis Bronson?
 Henry Cornice Coke, Jr.?
 Henry Stetson Crosby?
 Benjamin Crawford Cutler?
 John A Davenport?
 Alfred L. Ferguson, Jr.?
 John A. Mc Hoysradt?
 Howard Thayer Kingsbury?
 Oswald Bates Lord?
 Anthony Lee Michel?
 Charles Graydon Poore?
 Reginald Dean Root?
 Frank Ford Russell?
 Richard Lodge Tighe?
 Charles Hastings Willard?
Phil W. Bunnell?






Allen M. Look?
 Harris Mc Intosh?
 Lawrence Mason Noble?
 Thomas Cleveland Patterson?
 Russell Lee Post?
 Wallace Parks Richie?
 William Wells Robbins?
 Frederick Flower Robinson?
 Anson Phelps Stokes, Jr.?
 George Herbert Walker, Jr.?
 Edward Rogers Wardwell?
 John Davock Warren?
 Charles Watson III?
Dana Treat Bartholomew?


George Bart Berger, Jr.?
 Charles Tiffany Bingham?
 Dwight Brown Fishwick?
 Herbert Stanton Griggs, Jr.?
 George Winthrop Haight?
 Barton Lee Mallory, Jr.?
 John Rockefeller Prentice?
 Howard Copland Robertson, Jr.?
 Lancelot Patrick Ross?
 Stewart Patterson Scott?
 Peter Hellwege Stewart?
 Stoughton Walker
Albert Blackhurst Ashforth?


Granger Kent Costikyan?
 George Crile, Jr.?
 Edmund Lockwood Decker, Jr.?
 Washington Dodge?
 Maxon Hunter Eddy?
 John Joseph Garvey?
 Kenrick S. Gillespie?
 Manasses Jacob Grove?
 Hiram Edward Manville, Jr.?
 Henry Riddle Merrill?
 Ralph D. Paine, Jr.?
 Lloyd Hilton Smith?
 Damon de Blois Wack?
 George Wells II?
Robert Seaman Allison, Jr.?


 Harland Montgomery Ellis?
 Raymond Walleser Ellis?
 Albert DeW Erskine, Jr.?
 Walter Wood Garnsey?
 Waldo Wittenmyer Greene?
 Samuel Lawrence Gwin?
 Robert A. Hall?
 Charles Anderson Janeway?
 Louis Williams Ladd, Jr.?
 George B. Longstreth?
 Frank Byron Look?
John Miller Musser?
1930 Arthur Edward Palmer?
1930 Tom Prideaux?
1930 David Edward Austen?


Gaylord Donnelley?
 Henry John Heinz II
 Lewis Abbot Lapham?
 Frederic William Loeser?
 William A. Lydgate?
 Robert L. Messimer, Jr.?
 William Learned Peitz?
 Joseph Cornelius Rathborne?
 James Ross Stewart?
 Walter Moore Swoope?
 Luther B.D. Tucker?
 Francis T. Vincent?
 John Mercer Walker?
F.B. Adams, Jr.?


Herster D. Barres?
 Emmert Warren Bates?
 George Hopper Fitch?
 Robert Brank Fulton?
 S.Hazard Gillespie Jr.?
 William Van Derveer Hodges, Jr.?
 Mortimer Hamlin Laundon, Jr.?
 John Townsend Lindenberg?
 John Reagan Mc Crary, Jr.?
 James Paul Mills?
 Eugene Gladstone O'Neill, Jr.?
 Alfred Ogden?
 Bouifelle Savage, Jr.?
 Samuel Goode Williams?
Samuel Smith Caldwell, Jr.?


Francis Judd Cooke?
 Richard Marden Davis?
 Alexander Charles Fletcher?
 William Smith Garnsey?
 Frederick Bagry Hall, Jr.?
 Theodore S. Jones?
 Walter B. Levering?
 Frances Vinton Lindley?
 John Michael McGauley?
 James Quigg Newton, Jr.?
 Robert Boyd Parker?
 Henry Mc Ilvaine Parsons?
 M. Parsons?
 Hart Lyman Stebbins?
John Smith Wilbur?

Amory Howe Bradford?
 Hugh Terry Cunningham?
 George Arthur Gordon?
 John Folsom Hallett?
 Thomas Edward Hambleton Harper, Jr.?
 Harry Halsted Holmes?
 John Grier?
 John Herrick Jackson?
 Johm M. Kilcullen?
 Walter S. Kimball
 Edward Ensign Mills?
 John Bolt Morse?
 Edward Nichols?
 George Alfred Ranney?
 Eugene William Stetson, Jr.?
John Eliot Bowles?






Samuel Carnes Collier?
 Francis Clare Curtin?
 Stanley Evert Fuller?
 Joseph.Hale Johnson?
 William Skinner Kilborne?
 John Sargent Pillsbury, Jr.?
 Thomas Rodd III?
 Charles Seymour, Jr.?
 Roger Bulkley Shepard, Jr.?
 Lyman B. Spitzer, Jr.?
 George Schley Stillman?
 H.P.Baldwin Terry?
 Bowen Charleton Tufts?
Richard James Barr, Jr.?


Jonathan Brewster Bingham?
 Robert Barbour Cooke?
 Horace Webber Davis II?
 James Bulloch Dunwody
 Frederick Peter Haas?
 Jesse Angell Hall?
 John Richard Hersey?
 John Merrill Knapp?
 Richard Anthony Moore?
 Edmund Pennington Pillsbury?
 B. Courtney Rankin?
 B. Shepard?
 Robert Train?
 Louis Walker?
 Mather Kimbal Whitehead?
Dexter B. Blake?


F.H. Brooke, Jr.?
 Charles Clinton Burke, Jr.?
 Richard James Cross?
 Arthur Joy Draper?
 John Warner Field?
 L.M. Kelley?
 John Briggs Mc Lemore, Jr.?
 Richard Curtis Miles?
 William H. Orrick, Jr.?
 John Trunbull Robinson?
 John Felch Bertram Runnals?
 Louis T. Stone, Jr.?
 H.M. Turner?
Bradford Warwick Davenport?


James Howard Dempsey, Jr.?
 Joseph Richardson Dilworth?
 Lawrence Boardman Dunham, Jr.?
 John E. Ecklund?
 Joseph Carrere Fox?
 Clinton E. Frank?
 Edward McGuire Gordon?
 Albert Hessberg II?
 Raymond White Lapham?
 Amos Egmont Schermerhorn?
 Joseph B. Stevens, Jr.?
 John R. Thompson?
 George Haines Weed?
 Francis Slingluff Whitman, Jr.?
 Richard Emery Wilbur?
Gaspard d'Andelot Belin?






Jerred Gurley Blanchard?
 William Putman Bundy?
 George Hastings Chittenden?
 Lowell Melcher Clucas?
 Arthur Delma Dyess, Jr.?
 Clement D. Gile?
 Archibald Robinson Hoston, Jr.?
 W.W. Kellogg?
 Andrew Otterson Miller?
 Charles Lewis Miller, Jr.?
 Harry H. Mitchell?
 Lloyd Montgomery Sheapard, Jr.?
 Frederick William Wilhelmi, Jr.?
 Burch Williams?
Mc George Bundy?

Thomas Franklin Erickson?
 Charles C. Glover III?
 James Gordon Grayson?
 Reuben A. Holden?
 Harold Howe II?
 Andrew Downey Orrick?
 David B. Rodd?
 Joseph William Stack Jr.?
 Albert B. Stevens?
 Peter Gordon Bradley Stillman?
 William McDowell Stucky?
 Edward Francis Swenson, Jr.?
 Peter Brinckerhoff Thorne?
 William Berkley Watson, Jr.?
W.R. Cross, Jr.?


Donald S. Devor, Jr.?
 F.Henry Ellis Jr.?
 Edward Tuck Hall?
 William E. Jackson?
 Delaney Kiphuth?
 John Beckwith Madden?
 Lawrence Kimball Pickett?
 Charles Baird Price Jr.?
 Peter O.A. Solbert?
 Charles P. Stevenson?
 Walton D. Thomas?
 Laurence Gotzian Tighe, Jr.?
 Warren Benton White?
 William Gardiner White?
Barry Zorthian?


William Anderson Aycrigg II?
 Alan Edmund Bartholemy?
 William Tompkins Bell?
 Rene Auguste Chouteau?
 William Ford?
 Cary Travers Grayson, Jr.?
 Ralph Wetmore Halsey, Jr.?
 Fred Harold Harrison?
 J.B. Jessup?
 J.B. Kemp?
 George W. Kirchwey?
 Howard Freeman Smith, Jr.?
 Frank Arnoit Sprole?
 John S. Walker?
David Campton Acheson?





George Peck Caulkins, Jr.?
 John H. Daniels?
 Duncan Hunter Doolittle?
 Richard Dale Drain?
 Harold Harris Healy, Jr.?
 Donald Wright Hoagland?
 Allen Trafford Klotts, Jr.?
 Frank Walder Liley, Jr.?
 John Helm McLean?
 Dudley Livingston Miller?
 Spencer Dumaresq Mosely?
 Zeph Stewart?
 John Kaye Tabor?
 Tom D. Vogt?
Samuel Taylor Glover Brown?


James Lane Buckley?
 Shehand Daniel Elebash?
 Alexander Ellis, Jr.?
 James Lord Ferguson?
 John Bannister Goodenough?
 William Cabell Grayson?
 John Morgan Holden?
 Townsend Walter Hoopes?
 W.C. Kelly II?
 David A. Lindsay?
 Stuart W. Little?
 Jeffrey Pond Walker?
 James Allen Whitmore, Jr.?
 Dean Witter, Jr.?
Archibald J..Allen, Jr.?


Gilman Dorr Blake, Jr
 Walter Henderson Brown?
 John Carey?
 William Judkins Clark?
 L. Connick?
 George Cook III?
 Edwin Lyon Dale, Jr.?
 Endicott Peabody Davison?
 Hobart Evans Early?
 Francis Bolton Elwell, Jr.?
 Archer Harman, Jr.?
 Gordon Buckland Huribut, Jr.?
 R.Vincent Lynch?
 Benjamin Thomas McElroy?
 Guy Ennis Mc Gaughey, Jr.?




William S. Moorhead?
 Irving Seaman, Jr.?
 Josiah Augustus Spaulding?
 William S. Sumner?
 Elliot Evans Vose?
 George U. Warren?
 Valleau Wilke?
 Charles Booth Alling, Jr.? George Burgwin Holmes?
Thomas Ridgway Mallon?
Phillip O'Brien Jr.?
Charles Pratt W Twichell?
W Winthrop Ross Wickwire?





Edward Williamson Andrews, Jr.?
 William M. Boulos (Bouliaratis)?
 David Bennet Bronson?
 John M. Chafee?
 John George Gilpin Finley?
 William Skinner Goedecke?
 Donald Loyal Leavenworth?
 James I. Moore?
 Frank O'Brien, Jr.?
 Charles Edward Palmer?
 Richard Rollins Read?
 H.C. Robinson, Jr.?
 Carl Tucker, Jr.?
 Charles Sheldon Whitehouse?
Thomas William Ludlow Ashley?


Lucius Horatio Biglow, Jr.?
 George Herbert Walker Bush
 John Ervin Caulkins?
 William James Connelly, Jr.?
 David Charles Grimes?
 Richard Elwood Jenkins?
 Richard Gesrtle Mack?
 Thomas Wilder Moseley?
 G.H. Pfau, Jr.?
 Samuel Sloan Walker,Jr.?
 Howard Sayer Weaver?
 Valleau Wilkie, Jr.?
Richard Pfeifer Baribault

Barton Bradley Bassett II?
 Rev. William.S. Coffin, Jr.?
 Daniel Pomeroy Davison?
 Robert M. Goodyear?
 J. B. Hollister, Jr.?
 A. Lavelli, Jr.?
 Joseph McCarrell Leiper?
 David McCord Lippincott?
 Charles Edwin Lord II?
 Peter Wende Lufkin, Sr.?
 George T.P. Raymond?
 Franklin Goldwaithe Sherrill?
 Vance Van Dine?
John Gerald Breen?

William Frank Buckley, Jr.
 William Draper III?
 Victor H. Frank, Jr.?
 Evan Griffith Galbraith?
 Thomas Henry Guinzburg?
 Victor William Henningsen, Jr.?
 Philip Sperry Kemp?
 Paul Christopher Lambert?
 Sidney Lovett?
 Charles Pinckney Luckey?
 William Mac Leish?
 Robert Mc Lean III?
 Dino John Pionzio?
Donald Carrington Shepard?





Thomas Hill Anderson?
 John W. Eden?
 Garrison McClintock Noel Ellis?
 G. Corson Ellis, Jr.?
 Ralph Frank Love?
 Chauncey F. Lufkin?
 Craig Mathews?
 Charles Theodore Mayer?
 Thomas Philip McNamara?
 Raymond Kissam Price,Jr.?
 Edward Snover Reed?
 Richard Warren Russell?
 Joseph Mather Ryan?
 Charles R.S. Shepard?
Donlan Vincent Aberg, Jr.?


Fergus Reid Buckley?
 Abram Claude, Jr.?
 Andrew Jackson Connick?
 Paul Fessenden Cruikshank, Jr.?
 Colin Tobias Eisler?
 Graham Stanley Finney?
 Charles S. Haight, Jr.?
 John Winslow Hincks?
 Frank Dutton Kittredge?
 George Brooke Roberts, Jr.?
 Edward Charles Senay?
 Robert Samuel Spears?
 Martin W. Vorys?
 Jonathan Duncan Bulkey?


Jonathan James Bush?
 William Henry Donaldson?
 Edwin A. Durham II?
 Christy Payne Emerson?
 Dan Wende Lufkin?
 John Birnie Marshall?
 James Price Mc Lane?
 John Dennis Menton?
 Joseph Berry Mitinger?
 Lawerence Mason Noble, Jr.?
 David A. Novkov?
 George Herbert Walker III?
 John William Weber?
 Harold Edward Woodsum, Jr.?
 Harry Bryner Benninghoff?


T. Boyd Evans?
 S. Joseph Fortunato?
 Richard C. Gifford?
 Arthur R. Gisen, Jr.?
 Richard Hyde Hiers?
 Walter C. Kilrea?
 Russell William Meyer, Jr.?
 Thruston Ballard Morton, Jr.?
 Richard Frank Polich?
 Ross E. Price?
 Robert Gordon Reponen?
 Thomas D. Rowe, Jr.?
 Allan A. Ryan III?
 Spencer Jason Schnaitter?
 Francis Henry Slade?
Edmund Braxton Thorton?






Lloyd Thomas Bryan, Jr.?
 Stephen Elliott De Forest?
 Gerald F. Fehr?
 Richard Haigh Gow
 Charles Grady Green?
 Hugh G. Guidotti?
 Roger Allen Hansen?
 Franklin Donald Hudson?
 Philip Mathias II?
 David G. Mc Cullough?
 Thorne Martin Shugart?
 Richard Cooke Steadman?
 Ray Carter Walker
Howard D. Banks?


James Emanuel Boasberg III?
 Andrew Squire Dempsey?
 C. Gibson Durfee, Jr.?
 Caldwell Blakesman Esselstyn, Jr.?
 Milton J. Gaines?
 Ingalls, Jr. David Sinton?
 Thomas Crawford Jamieson, Jr.?
 Terrence R. Malloy?
 Jack F. Mc Gregor?
 James Paul Menton?
 Andrew Alexander Orr?
 James Breckinridge Speed?
 Peter A. Traphagen?
Stephen H. Ackerman?


Ralph David Bowman?
 Ray Allen Carlsen?
 Russell Inslee Clark, Jr.?
 Charles W. Cushman?
 George J. Dunn?
 Peter B. Fritzche?
 Vernon R. Loucks, Jr.?
 Anthony Hookey Loughran?
 Richard Anthony Lumpkin?
 John P. Oberlin?
 L. Guy Palmer II?
 Wallace Parks Ritchie, Jr.?
 John W. Somerville?
 William Bruce Williams?
Charles E. Allen?


Linden Stanley Blue?
 John A. Cassel?
 Ronald Lawton Cheney?
 Lt. Gen. Robert Edgar Cushman, Jr.?
 John Frank Embersits?
 Gary Woodson Howe?
 Robert Willis Morey, Jr.?
 John Fowler Pendexter?
 Howard T. Phelan?
 Russell Lee Post, Jr.?
 John Louis Preston?
 Robert Campbell Shackelford?
 Thomas Beardsley Wheeler?
Stephen Adams?






William Camp Bodman?
 James Joseph Connors, III?
 John Parick Cooke?
 Alexander Tonio Ercklentz?
 Erik Canfield Esselstyn?
 James Tierney Hemphill?
 John Holbrook, Jr.?
 Charles C. Kingsley?
 Richard Bissett Lightfoot?
 Winston Lord?
 Michael B. Mayor?
 James Rockwell Sheffield?
 Peter Andreas Thorson?
 Cheever Tyler?
David George Ball

Frank Eastman Beane, Jr.?
 Paul Capron III?
 David DeWitt Dominick?
 Frederick Vincent Ernst?
 William Herrick Garnsey?
 Robert F. Giegengack, Jr.?
 David Doubleday Holbrook?
 Richard Hugo Lindgren?
 Peter A. Lusk?
 Charles Edward McCarthy
 John Burgess Meek?
 Robert Smitter Northrup?
 Eugene Lytton Scott?
 Bruce Donald Smith III?
 George Thomas Bissell?

Richard Charles Bockrath, Jr.
 William Carter Bowles, Jr.?
 Thomas W. Clark?
 John Marshall Cogswell?
 John Phillip De Neufville?
 Charles B. Hamlin?
 Dale Alton Lindsay, Jr.?
 Kenneth Mac Lean, Jr.
 Michael J. Pyle?
 Thomas Bernard Ross?
 George Wheeler Seeley?
 Sextus Shearer?
 Thomas Singleton II?
 James C. Stewart?
 Geoffrey Hamilton Waddell
 John Joseph Walsh, Jr.?
Samuel H. Back?


John Henry Brandt?
 James Henry Brewster IV?
 Tristam Anthony Brooks?
 Charles Bentley Burr II
 Henry Clay Childs?
 Norman Victor Chimenti?
 William Hamilton?
 Henry Thompson Holland?
 Ronald Eaton LeFevre?
 Thomas B. Ligon?
 Arthur John Peck, Jr.?
 Robert W. Spitz?
 Wyllys Terry III?
 Bernard Benjamin Zucker?
Roger S. Ahlbrandt, Jr.?






Peter Logan Becket?
 David Lyle Boren?
 Jesse Loring Clay?
 Charles Augustus Frank III?
 Brendan Gill?
 Michael Gates Gill?
 Samuel Lawrence Gwin, Jr.?
 Henry H. Hewitt?
 William Lee Marsh?
 Richard Eugene Moser?
 William D. Nordhaus?
 Timothy James O'Connell?
 Jonathan Chapman Rose?
 Patrick Rulon-Miller?
Geoffry Donald Charles Best?


John Arthur Cirie?
 Alexander Stephens Clay?
 Samuel Hopkins Francis?
 Howard Frank Gillette, Jr.?
 Dennis Patrick Lynch?
 Jonathan Evans Mc Bride?
 Thomas Harrison Prindle?
 Charles Alexander Pulaski, Jr.?
 Eugene Van Loan?
 John Smith Wilbur, Jr.?
 Stephen Wolfe II?
Mehdi Raza Ali?

Charles Edward Benoit, Jr.?
 Gerald Holland Clark?
 Stephen Edward Clark?
 Timothy J. Clay?
 Orde Musgrave Coombs?
 Alan Lyle Corey III?
 Peter Earl Desjardins?
 Philip Jay Fetner?
 Bengt M. Lagercrantz?
 John Mercer Pinney?
 Jeffrey Craig Pond?
 James Perrin Quarles III?
 John H.F. Shattuck?
 Peter Franz Zallinger
 John R. Bockstoce?


George Clifford Brown?
 Alan W. Cross?
 Michael Thomas Dalby?
 Howard James Ernest?
 John Forbes Kerry
 Forrest David Laidley?
 Richard Warren Pershing?
 David Mc Iver Rumsey?
 Ronald Leonard Singer?
 Frederick W. Smith
 William Burks Stanberry, Jr.?
 David Hoadley Thorne?
 Thomas Vargish?
Bernard Ikecukwu Afeoju?






Victor Henderson Ashe
 Timothy Mc Fall Bradford?
 Derek George Bush?
 David John Foster?
 Walter W. Garnsey, Jr.?
 Robert McGregor Lilley?
 James Whipple Miller?
 H. Coleman Mitchell, Jr.?
 Geoffrey Mark Neigher?
 James Marshall Preston?
 Davi Alan Richards?
 James M. Sanon?
 Bradford Curie Smith?
 Roy Anthony Swil?
 Stepehn Eberly Thompson, Jr.?
Roy Lesley Austin?


Robert Richards Birge?
 Christopher Walworth Brown?
 George Walker Bush
 Kenneth Saul Cohen?
 Rex William Cowdry?
 Donald. Etra?
 G. Gregory Gallico III?
 Robert K. Guthrie III?
 Bruton Ward Kolar?
 Robert Davis Mc Callum, Jr.?
 Muhammad Ahmed Saleh?
Thomas Carl Schmidt?
Donald Arthur Schollander?
Brinkley Stimpson Thorne?
Robert E. Arras, Jr?

Michael Frederic Bouscaren?
 Charles Henry Buck III
 Thomas Francis Cosgrove, Jr.?
 Frank Edward Demares II?
 Brian J. Dowling?
 Henry W. Fuller?
 Richard H.B. Livingston II?
 B. Patrick Madden?
 Wentworth Earl Miller?
 John Joseph O 'Leary, Jr.?
 Stephen Allen Schwarzman
 Duane Arthur Selander?
 William Mc Ilwaine Thompson, Jr.?
 Douglas Preston Woodlock?
William Scott Brown?

Philip Benham Case, Jr.?
 Earl S. Downing III?
 Lawrence L. Eyre?
 Johnathan David Friedland?
 Stephen David Greenberg?
 Douglas Michael Hodes?
 Terrence John Jackson?
 Thomas Clairborne Miller?
 Robert Mc Nair Morgan?
 Kwaku Ohene - Frempong?
 Daniel James Peters?
 Thomas B. Scattergood?
 Jonathan Penfield Thompson?
 C. Christopher Trower?
 James Anthony Babst?





James Taylor Bryan?
 Richard Henry Ekfelt?
 James Vincent Feinerman?
 Jeffrey Fortgang
 Michael Gerard Galvin?
 Thomas M. Halpin?
 Carols Arturo Hernandez?
 Robert D. Inman?
 William Theodore Kosturko?
 Charles Herbert Levin?
 James W. Morgan?
 Edward Mac Arthur Noyes?
 Thomas Prindle Taft?
Russell Joseph Cangelosi?


Douglas Wells Clark?
 Michael F. Csar?
 Peter Seelye Evans?
 Scott B. Fisher?
 Mark Sanders Lewis?
 Karl Evan Lutz?
 Richard J. Mac Donald II?
 Michael G. Mc Laren?
 Douglas Richard Moyer?
 Stephen G. Ritterbush, Jr.?
 Richard Alan Salbeh?
 Robert S. Walden?
 Zebuon Vance Wilson?
 Stan Warren Ziegler?
Alan Sidney Barasch?


Tedric Lawrence Bellis?
 C. Roger Finney?
 Benjamin P. Green?
 Philip Henry Highfill III?
 Mark Christopher Huey?
 Coit Redfearn Liles?
 David B. Lonsdorf?
 Stephen Joseph Mac Donald II?
 Fred Walter Mattlin?
 Stephen Joseph Mc Phee?
 David Clement Moore?
 William Iain Scott?
 James Sothern Sulzer?
 Richard Mason Barge?


Jon Michael Bellis?
 Larry R. Bisaro?
 Robert Lewis Cohen?
 David Michael Connors?
 Peter C. Diamond?
 Thomas James Doyle, Jr.?
 Bruce Alan Eisenberg?
 Timoteo F. Gonzalez?
 George Emanuel Lewis?
 Brian Cameron Murchison?
 Wesley John Spear?
 Charles Hedges McKinstry Thorne?
Alan Thompson Ashenfelter?






Kenneth Arthur Bender?
 Christopher Taylor Buckley
 James Eugene Burke III?
 William Deshay English, Jr.?
 Edwin Frank Gaines?
 Rudolph Green?
 Kenneth Malcolm Mac Kenzie?
 Douglas Scott Reigeluth?
 David Saffen?
 Thomas Allen Struzzi?
 Stephen George Wald?
 Gregory Jannig Zorthian?
Robert William Blattner?


John Kim Brubaker?
 Douglas Daniel Capozzalo?
 Christopher Dyson Casscells?
 Starling Winston Childs?
 Philip Turner Davies?
 Donald Kenneth Fort?
 Edward Raymond Gates?
 Richard Channing Gibson, Jr.?
 Dennis Charles Hart?
 Miles Watson Leverett?
 Arjay Singh Mehta?
 Marc Jaime Morgenstern?
 Clark Kimberly Oler, Jr.?
 Darryl L. Williams?
Marvin Blakely?

James Robert Brubaker?
 Carnell Cooper?
 Joel Richard Fredericks?
 Richard Julius Goldberg?
 William Cabell Grayson, Jr.?
 Patrick William Lalley?
 Quentin John Lawler?
 Thomas Montgomery Newman?
 David Bulkey Perry
 Stephen Rimar III?
 Daniel Adam Schlesinger
 Larry Glenn Scott?
 Chan Bruce Tom III?
Paul Berem Albritton?


Mark R. Baran?
 Keith Alan Bassi?
 J. Bruce Clark?
 Lawrence Maclester Gile?
 Peter Samuel Holmes?
 Noble Hook?
 David Leonard Marinelli?
 Samuel L. Owens?
 Geoffrey D. Piel?
 Robert John Rizzo
 John Marcus Roy?
 Charles S. Sullivan?
 Elvin D. Turner?
 Robert Nelson Brown?





Anthony O. Edozien?
 John Arthur Fore?
 Jeffrey Arthur Holmbee?
 David Harold Lorenson?
 Edward E. Mc Nally?
 Jack Thomas Moses?
 Kurt D. Nondorf?
 Donald Patrick O' Brien?
 Eric Brooks Peters?
 Stephen Thomas Skrovan?
 Charles Stevenson?
 Richard H. Westerfield?
 Daniel Richard Wilson?
 James B. Yent, Jr.?
Samuel Monroe Austin?


Maxwell O. Chibundu?
 George Leovy Davenport?
 Mark Samuel De Vore
 George Toby Dilworth?
 Andrew T. Fleming?
 John J. Hatem?
 Gary Martin Lawrence?
 Daniel Kevin Mulhern?
 Elliot Remsen Peters?
 Eric Eugene Stevens?
 Joseph Benjamin Teig?
Timothy Michael Tumpane?
Lawrence John Zigerelli?

Stanton B. Bullock?
 Kimberly C. Campbell?
 Mats Erik Carlsson?
 Christopher James Choa?
 Joseph Leo Conway, Jr.?
 Thomas Allan Grandine?
 David Gerard Novosel?
 Regis James O' Keefe?
 Kenneth Graham Peters?
 Paul Clifford Peterson?
 Richard George Russell?
 Karl Eric Staven?
 Daniel James Stratton?
 Douglas Stuart Tingey?
 Alexander Troy?
James Edward Bass?


Jonathan Breslau
 Gregory James Burkus?
 Gavin Elliott Campbell?
 Michael William Devlin?
 Frederick Anthony Leone?
 William Andrew Mc Afee
 Bryan Fitch Meyers?
 Robert W. Murchison
 David Isaiah Rachlin?
 Jasper Reid?
 Mark Joseph Salzman?
 Eddie Sanhago?
 Jonathan David Towers?
 William Henry Wright II?
 James Ting-Yeh Yang?
Peter Mark Abrams?






Peter Moody Brooks?
 Michael Ernest Cerveris?
 Richard David Franklin?
 Frederick Scott Gale?
 Michael John Montesano III?
 Christopher Noel?
 Carlos Pinela?
 Jonathan Douglas Sharp?
 John Van Loon Sheffield?
 Victor Edmond Wagner?
Paul James Andrie?


Earl Gilbert Graves, Jr.?
 Douglas Robert Henston?
 David Nathaniel Herskovits?
 Edward Scott Lampert
 David Geoffrey Litt?
 Steven Alan Skibell?
 Conzalo Urquijo?
 Adam Weinstein?
 Stephen Wiseman II?
 John Chipman Farrar?

James Emanuel Boasberg
 William John Carr Carlin Jr.?
 Ashok Jai Chandrasekhar?
 Scott David Frankel?
 Jay Alan Grossman?
 Wei-Tai Kwok?
 Peter Barnes Lindy?
 Timothy Charles Misner?
 Steven Terner Mnu Chin?
 James Gerard Petela
 Richard Hart Powers?
 Morgan Robert Smock?
 Horace Dutton Taft 2?
 Gregory Allan Thomson?
Kevin Sanchez Walsh














































Hyder Akbar
Derrick Wilson












Date of Death & Good Riddance



Bates, Samuel Henshaw








Priv, Union Army, Civil War

Beach, John Campell









Bishop, Noah








Presbyterianyterian Minister

Crump, John      




Medical Student





Davis, Benjamin Franklin








Served Seminole War

Hart, Rufus Erastus








Mbr 1845-47, OH State Senate

Lewis, Asahel Hooker




Literary Work




Mbr 1847-48, OH State Legislature

Marshall, Samuel Davies




Law, Literary Work




Mbr, IL State legislature; Major, Mexican War

Mather, Frederick Ellsworth








Mbr 1845, NY State Legislature

Miller, Phineas Timothy          









Robertson, Robert                          




Literary Work





Russell, William Huntington








Mbr 1846-47, CT State Legislature, Founder Collegiate and Commercial Institute (New Haven); Maj-Gen 1862-70, CT Natnl Guard, Co-Founder of Bones

Taft, Alphonso








US Minister Austria 1882-84, Russia 1884-85; Sec1876, War US; Attny Gen 1876-77, US; Mbr 1872-82, Yale Corp; Founding member The Order Skull & Bones w/William H Russell.

Wood, George Ingersoll








Congregrational Minister

Beaumont, George Anson Oliver









Burr, William Shedden         








Iron Industry

Coffing, Churchill 









Emerson, Alfred    








Congregrational minister; Prof Mathematics and Astronomy 1853-56, Western Reserve College

Foster, Eleazar Kingsbury  








Spkr 65, Mbr 1844-45, CT State Legislature; Judge of Probate 1845-46, 1848-49 (New Haven, CT)

Gordon, Alexander Blucher 









Hall, Daniel Emerson









Houston, John Wallace    








Assoc Justice 1855-93, DE Superior Court; Mbr 1845-51, Congress; Sec of State1841-44, DE

Kendall, John Newton        









Kingsley, Henry Coit




Law, Finance




Treas 1862-87, Yale U

Lea, James Neilsen








Assoc Justice, LA Supreme Court 1855-63; Mbr 1846, LA State Legislature

Southmayd, Samuel Gray









Spencer, George Gilman








Wholesale grocer

Tweedy, John Hubbard     








Mbr 1853, WS State Legislature; Mbr 1847-48 US Congress;

Washington, William Henry  








Mbr  1841-43 US Congress; Mbr, NC State Legislature

Anderson, Edwin Alexander








Pres NC Med Soc; Surgeon, Confederate Army, Civil War

Davis, John









Howard, Oran Reed  








Episcopal Minister

Johnston, Frank                             1835




Literary Work





McLellan, William                           1835








Bank Pres

Mills, Ethelbert Smith  








Pres, Brooklyn Trust; drowned

Rafferty, John Chandler








Mbr, PA State Senate

Seeley, John Edward








Mbr 1870-71, US Congress; Judge

Seymour, John Forman









Sheffey, Hugh White








Judge 1865-69, Superior Court; Spkr 1861-65, Mbr 1846, VA State Legislature

Strong, Caleb       








Presbyterian Minister

Stubbs, Alfred








Epsicopal Minister

Sturges, Thomas Benedict 








Congregrational Minister

Thacher, Thomas Anthony








Prof 1842-86, Latin Yale College; Mbr 1856-77, CT State Bd Educ

Walsh, Hugh









Darling, Thomas








Banker; USN, Civil War

Deming, Henry Champion 








Mbr 1863-67, Congress

Dent, Henry Hatch









Dunwody, James Bulloch 








Presbyterian Min

Harris, Henry Reeder 









Hurd, John Codman     




Law, Literary Work





Martin, John Griffith









Marvin, George Lockwood    









Pierson, William Seward      








Brig Gen, Union Army, Civil War

Preston, Henry Kirk     









Rowland, William Sherman









Sherman, Frederick Roger









Swift, John Morton  









Tyler, George Palmer








Presbyterian Minister

Wray, James McAlpin                     1836









Carter, Edwin Osgood  








Judge 1863, (MA); 1862 US Asst Assessor; Civil Engineer,1845 (Chilie), 46-49 (Peru)

Coit, William                  









Day, Thomas Mills          




Literary Work




State printer, CT; Aide to Governor, CT; Newspaper Publisher, Editor,1855-66, Hartford Courant; LT Col, Militia, CT

Evarts, William Maxwell 



US attny


 & Sec of State






 Mbr 1885-91, US Senate; Secretary of state 1877-81, US; Attny Gen 1868-69, US; Deputy US District Attorney 1849, Southern NY; Mbr 1872-91, Yale Corp; Counsel for Andrew Johnson's Impeachment trial

Hatch, Walter Tilden








Banker & Broker, WT Hatch & Sons (NYC)

Hyatt, Robert Underwood








Lawyer, Dane School (Cambridge, MA)

Law, William Fabian








Farmer, Lawyer, Dane Law School (Cambridge, MA); US District Attny (GA)

Lyman, Chester Smith








Prof Emeritus 1889-90, Prof 1884-89, Astronomy, 1871-84, Physics, 1859-71, Industrial mechanics, Yale U

Owen, Allen Ferdinand








Mbr 1848-52, US Congress; Mbr 1843-47, GA State Legislature; US Consul Havana; Dane Law School (Cambridge, MA)

Robeson, Abel Bellows                      1837









Scarborough, William Smith  








Mbr 1846, CT State Senate

Silliman, Benjamin Jr.








Prof 1846-49 54-85 ,  Chemistry Yale U; Prof 1849-1854, Medical Chemistry, Toxicology U Louisville; Mbr Common Council (New Haven); Dir, New Haven Gas Works; Original member National Academy of Sciences

Waite, Morris Remmick 








Chief Justice, 1874-88, U.S. Supreme Court; Mbr 1849, OH State Legislature; Mbr 1882-88, Yale Corp

Williams, Henry








US Dist Attny 1849-54 (GA); Dane Law School (Cambridge, MA); Lt, Confederate Army, Civil War

Yerkes, Stephen








Pres, Prof 1857-66, 67-96,  Biblical and Oriental Lit, Danville Theological Seminary (KY); Acting Prof 1866-67, Greek, Centre College (Danville); Prof 1852-57, Ancient Languages, Transylvania U 

Bartlett, John Knowlton








Pres, WS Med Soc

Cooper, William Frierson       








Judge1861-62, 77-86, TN Supreme Court

Dodd, Albert 






6/1844 Drowned



Fleming, William Stuart








Chancellor 1870-86, 8th Div of TN

Jones, Seaborn Augustus     









Key, Thomas Marshall   








Mbr 1858-61, KY State Senate; Col Union Army Civil War

Law, William Lyon   









Lynde, Charles James            









Ribeiro, Carlos Fernando 









Rich, Charles            









Spaulding, Ebenezer      









Talcott, Thomas Grosvenor    









Thompson, Joseph Parrish








Congregrational Min

Varnum, Joseph Bradley       








Mbr1849, 50, 57 (Spkr 51), NY State Legislature

Williams, Thomas Scott 









Beach, John Sheldon








RTA Incorporator

Biddle, Thomas Bradish









Chandler, William Henry










Mbr 1867-71, CT State Senate; Mbr 1847, CT State Legislature

Eldridge, Charles St. John     









Faulkner, Endress       









Hubbard, Richard Dudley    








Gov 1877-79, CT; Mbr 1867-69, US Congress; Mbr CT 1842-43 55,58, state legislature; Mbr1877-79, Yale Corp

Jackson, Henry Rootes








Pres 1894-98, American National Bank of Brunswick; US Minister Mexico 1885-88,  Austria 1854-58; US Dist Attny 1843-49, (GA); Judge for Eastern Circuit GA Superior Court; 1861, "Georgia" Secession Convention; Pres, Georgia Historical Society; Brig Gen, Confederate Army, Civil War; Col, Mexican War

Norris, William Herbert








Episcopal Minister

Putnam, James Osborne 








Chancellor U Buffalo; US Minister 1880-82, Belgium; US Consul 1861-66, Havre, France; Mbr 1854-55, NY State Senate,

Stille, Charles Janeway




Literary Work




Provost 1868-82, Prof 1866-68, Belles-Letteres U PA; Mbr, US Sanitary Comm, Civil War

Trotter, Silas Flournoy






died prior 1860


Lawyer & Planter

Washington, George  









Watson, John Marsh









Williams, William Perkins 









Wolcott, Elizer  









Beirne, Christopher James



State Legislature






Mbr WV State Legislature

Benedict, Theodore Hudson



State Legislature






Mbr1850, NY State Legislature

Burnham, Curtis Field         



State Legislature/

KY State Senate






Mbr 1899, 1903, KY State Senate; Asst Treasurer 1875-76, US; Mbr 1851, 59-63, KY State Legislature

Chauvenet, William








Chancellor, Washington U, (St Louis)

Fisk, Stuart Wilkins      








Col, Inf Confederate Army Civil War

Hoppin, James Mason 








Prof emeritus 1899-1906, Prof History of Art 1879-99, Prof of Homiletics 1861-79, Yale U

Hoyt, Joseph Gibson  








Chancellor, Prof  1858-62, Greek Washington U

Hudson, Ward Woodridge









Jesup, James Riley    









March, Daniel      








Congregrational Minister

McCall, Henry 









Perkins,  John








Mbr 1853-57, US Congregress; Sec Navy, Confederate States, Civil War; Chairman of the 1861 Louisiana Secession Convention.

Perkins, William








Drowned, 1854

Richards, George                            1840








Mbr 1868-70, Yale Corp; Congregrational Minister

Tiffany, William Henry









Barry, William Taylor Sullivan










Chairman 1861, "Mississippi" Secession Convention; Mbr1861, Confederate Provisional Congress; Mbr US Congress 53-55; Mbr 1849-53, MS State Legislature;  Served Confederate Army, Civil War

DeSa, Pompeo Ascenco









Emerson, Joseph








Prof, Greek 55-88, Ancient Languages1848-55, Beloit College

Eustis, William Tappan








Congregrational Min

Field, David Irvine 









Gillette, Augustus Canfield




Law & Literary Work





Helfenstein, Charles Philip








Coal Business

Leaf, Edmund








Episcopal Minister

Learned, William Law 








Justice 1870-92 (presiding justice 1875-92), NY Supreme Court; Pres, Albany Law School

Mitchell, Donald Grant




Literary Work




US Consul 1854, Venice

Raymond, Henry Hunter








Maj, Confederate Army, Civil War

Sturges, Hezekiah








Judge, NY Supreme Court

Willis, Richard Storrs




Music, Literary Work





Woolfolk, William Grey








Planter; Confederate Army, Civil War

Yarnall, Thomas Coffin








Episcopal Rector

Benton, Joseph Augustine








 Pres, Prof1869-92, Pacific Theological Seminary

Brown, Joseph Venen









Buttles, Albert Barnes









Edwards, Newton









Gready, William Postell








Presbyterian minister

Halsey, Jacob            









Henen, William Davison 








Major Confederate Army Civil War

Huggins, William Sidney








Presbyterian Minister

Lewis, Henry









MacWhorter, Alexander                         1842








Epsicopal minister; Prof 1859-60, Metaphysics, English Lit, Troy U

Mathews, Albert




Law, Literary Work





Miller, Francis William  









Perkins, Nathaniel Shaw









Peters, John Andrew  








Chief Justice 1883-1900, Assoc Justice 1873-83, ME Supreme Court; Mbr 1866-73, US Congress;  Attny Gen 1864-66, (ME); Mbr 1864, ME State legislature; Mbr 1862-63, ME State Senate,;

Pratt, Julius Howard         








Mngr, Arlington Cemetary

Baratte, Julius Adolphus








Collector of Customs

Chambers, William Lyon        








Pres, Chambersburgh National Bank

Eames, Benjamin Tucker   






 state Senator






Mbr 1881-79, Congress; Mbr 1854-56, 59, 63, 84, RI State Senator; Mbr, 1868, Spkr 69, RI State legislature

Gachet, Charles Nicholas








Served Confederate Army, Civil War

Grammar, Christopher









Granger, Gideon 









Hart, Roswell








Mbr 1864-66, US Congress

Havens, Daniel William








Presbyterian Minister

Lambert, Alfred                      









Lane, William Griswold  









Lent, John Abram        




Business, Law





Moody, Thomas Hudson  









Robb, John Hunter 









Robinson, Lucius Franklin   








w/Robinson & Robinson

Stevens, Henry




Literary Work




Bibliophile, Fellow, London Society of Antiquaries

Bell, Richard Dobbs Spaight









Breed, Edward Andrews









Elliot, William Horace









Felder, John Henry




 State Legislature






Mbr 1852-61, SC State Legislature; 1st Lt, Inf Confederate Army, Civil War

Ferry, Orris Sanford











Mbr 1866-75, US Senate; Mbr 1859-61, US Congress; Mbr 1855-56, CT State Legislature; Brig Gen Union Army Civil War

Fewsmith, William








US Civil Service Commissioner; Examiner, US Civil Commision

Fisk, Samuel Augustus









Foote, Thaddeus








Col, Cavalry Union Army Civil War

Lanier, Alexander Chalmers 









Lovell, Joseph     








Brig Gen, Confederate Army, Civil War

Robb, James Madison   









Walker, Joseph Burbeen   




Farming, Business




Mbr 1893, NH State Senate; 1866-67, NH State Legislature; Pres 1889-93, Mbr 1885 NH State Forestry Comm; Mbr, NH Bd Agriculture; Trustee, NH Coll of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Washburn, William Barrett




Industrial, Finance




Mbr 1874-75, US Senate; Gov 1872-74, MA; Mbr 1862-72 US Congress; Mbr 1853-54 MA State Legislature; Mbr 1850, MA State Senate; Mbr 1872-81, Yale Corp

Wetherell, John Walcott








Col, Union Army Civil War

Wilson, Archelaus









Brickell, James Noaille








1st Lt, Ord Confederate Army, Civil War

Conner, Lemuel Parker 








Maj, Confederate Army, Civil War

Conner, William Gustine








Planter; Maj, Confederate Army, Civil War

Cushman, Isaac LaFayette









Esty, Constantine Canaris            





 & Senate






Mbr 71-79, MA Bd of Education; Mbr 1872-73 US Congress; Mbr 1866, MA State Legislature; Mbr 1857-58, MA State Senate

Gould, James Gardner     









Harding, John Wheeler








Congregrational Minister

Hill, George Canning 




Literay Work





Hyde, Alvan Pinney     








Hyde, Gross & Hyde (Hartford); Mbr 1854, 58, 63, CT State Legislature

Kennedy, Thomas









Metcalfe, Orrick








Prof 1845-47, Languages Jefferson College; Surgeon, Confederate Army, Civil War

Nickerson, Sereno Dwight








Sec, Grand Lodge of Freemasons MA

Rankin, Robert                   









Taylor, Richard








Planter; Mbr 1856-60,  LA State Senate;  Service Mexican War; Lt Gen, Confederate Army Civil War

Wales, Leonard Eugene








Judge 1884-97, US Distr Court (DE); Union Army, Civil War

Backus, Joseph Willes








Congregrational Minister; Mbr 1875-99 Yale Corp

Brisbrin, John Ball



State Legislature






Mbr1858,1864, MN State Legislature

Eakin, William Spencer 









Harrison, Henry Baldwin








Gov 1885-87, CT; Mbr 1865, 1873, Spkr 1883, CT State Legislature; Mbr 1854-56, CT State Senate; Mbr 1872-85, Yale Corp; RTA Incorporator

Hawley, David          









Kellogg, Stephen Wright








Mbr 1869-73, US Congress; Judge 1864, New Haven Cty Ct; Judge 1854-61, Probate, Waterbury Dist; Mbr 1856, CT State Legislature; Mbr 1853, CT State Senate

Linton, Stephen Duncan 








Cotton Planter

Mulford, David Humphrey 








Iron Business

Nelson, Rensselaer Russell               








Assoc Justice 1857-58, Supreme Ct (Territory MN); Judge 1858-96, US District Ct (MN)

Nevins, William Russell           









Phinney, Elihu      









Savage, Josiah









Steele, Henry Thornton









Stiles, Joseph








Civil Engineer

Trask, Charles Hooper








Rhodes Scholar, Oxford

Allison, Samuel Perkins








General; Lawyer

Baldwin, Roger Sherman









Bayne, Thomas Levingston








Lt Col Artillery, Confederate Army, Civil War

Coon, John   








Mngr, Rocky Mt Oil Co. Pueblo CO; Paymaster, Union Army, Civil War

Fitch, James









Haight, Ducald Cameron









Hayden, William Hallock








Mfg Saddlery Hardware

McLallen, Philemon Fredinand         









Mills, Alfred 









Moore, William Eves                      1847








Presbyterian minister; 2d Lt Union Army, Civil War

Munn, John                       









Olmstead, John Hull  




Literary Work





Sanford, Charles Frederick  









Smith, John Donnell  








Capt, Confederate Army Civil War

Wilson, John









Abbe, Frederick Randolph








Congregrational Minister

Aitchison, William








Missionary Peking, China

Blake, Henry Taylor








Incorporator RTA

Colton, Henry Martin








Congregrational Minister

Condit, Charles









Emerson, Samuel









Foster, Dwight



Atty Gen/


Supreme Court






Assoc Judge 66-69, MA Supreme CT; Attny Gen 1861-64, MA

Hitchcock, Henry








Dean 1867-79; Prof of law 1867-84, St Louis Law School, Washington U; Adj-Gen, Union Army, Civil War

Kinne, William









Mesick, Richard Smith         








Mbr, CA State Senate; Dist Judge, Judge Supreme Court NV

Pinckard, Thomas Cicero









Strickler, Samuel Alexander   









White, George









Willcox, Giles Buckingham         









Young, Benham Daniel









Brandegee, Augustus



st CT







Mbr 1863-67, US Congress; Mbr 1854-57, Spkr  61, CT State Legislature; Lawyer, Brandegee, Noyes & Brandegee

Came, Charles Green






Literary Work




Editor Boston Journal; Mbr 1852-55, Maine State Legislature

Campbell, James    








RR business

Clarke, William Barker








Chittenden Prof 1863-66, Divinity Yale U; Pastor (Durham, CT)

Dwight, Timothy








Pres Emeritus 1899-1916, Pres 1886-99, Acting Treas 1886-88, Prof of Sacred literature, 1858-86; Yale U; Changed Yale College to Yale U;  Editor 1866-74, New Englander; Editor, Translator 1874-84, American Com Revison of New Testament

Finch, Francis Miles  








Dean 1896-1903, Prof, History and evolution of Law 1895-1903, Cornell Law School; Assoc Judge 1880-1896, NY Court of Appeals

Fisk, Franklin Woodbury








Pres 87-1900, Prof, Sacred Rhetoric 1857-1900, Chicago Theological Seminary; Prof, Rhetoric and English Literature 1854-59, Beloit College

Hough, Edward Clement              









Hurlbut, Joseph        




Theological Student





Kirby, Jacob Brown    




Farming, Industrial





Metcalfe, Henry Laurens                








Confederate Army, Civil War

Miles, James Browning 








Congregrational Minister; Sec, Am Peace Society

Morris, Edward Dafydd  








Presbyterian Minister; Prof 1868-98, ecclesiastical history, Lane Theological Seminaryinary

Richardson, Walker                           








Planter; Confederate Army, Civil War

Rockwell, John   









Bentley, Edward Warren








Dutch reform minister

Bliss, Robert









Bliss, William Root








w/Equitable Life Assurance Co

Camp, Clinton 




Theological Student





Chase, Henry









Mbr 1865, VT State Legislature; Inspector of Immigration

Colton, Willis Strong








Congregrational Minister

Condit, Albert Pierson









 Mbr1886, 67, NJ State legislature, Spkr 1871

Converse, George Sherman          








Episcopal Minister

Dechert, Henry Martyn








Lawyer, Pres, Commonwealth Title Ins & Trust Co. (Philadelphia); Pres, State Asylum for Chronic Insane of PA; 1st Lt, Inf, Union Army

Foote, Joseph Forward 









Ludden,  William








Music Author, Publisher and Musical Merchandise Dealer

Manross, Newton Spaulding                 








Prof 1861-62, Chemistry Amherst College; Capt, Union Army Civil war

Roberts, Ellis Henry








Treas 1899-1903, Asst Treas1889-1893, US; Mbr 1871-75, US Congress;  Mbr 1867, NY State Legislature

Storrs, Cordial









Woodford, Oswald Langdon




Ministry, Farming




Mbr 1865, CT State Legislature; Congregrational Minister

Alexander, William Felix








Cotton Broker, Insurance agent; served Confederate Army during Civil War

Beman, Henry DeWitt








Served Confederate Army, Civil War

Brinsmade, Horatio Walsh




Medical Student





Crampton, Rufus Cowles   








Pres 1877-81, Prof 1854-88, Mathematics & astronomy, Illinois Coll; Lt Col, Union Army, Civil War

Dana, William Buck








Publisher, WB Dana & Co

Evans, Evan Wilhelm






ophy and astronomy Marietta Col; 68-72 Prof of Mathematics Cornell U


Prof, Mathematics 1868-72, Cornell U; Prof, Natural Philosophy and astronomy1857-64, Marietta College

Haldeman, Richard Jacobs




Literary Work




Mbr 1869-73, US Congress

Hebard, Albert









Little, Robbins 




Library Work




Supt 1878-96, The Astor Library (NYC); Examiner of Claims1873-78, War Dept; Instr 1865-69, International Law, US Naval Academy

Manice, William DeForest 









Slade, John Milton 








dry goods

Vose, James Gardiner   








Congregrational Minister; Prof 1856-64, Rhetoric, Amherst College; Trustee 1886-08 Andover Theol Seminary

Wells, Henry Dorrance        









White, Henry Dyer








1st Treas, Incorporator, RTA

Whitney, Emerson Cogswell









Bigelow, Albert








Prebyterian Minister

Blakeslee, Henry Clay









Bliss, Charles Miller




Literary Work




2nd Lt, Inf, Union Army, Civil War

Cooper, Jacob








Prof of logics and metaphysics 1893-04, Prof of Greek 66-93, Rutgers Col , Prof of Greek 1855-62, 63-66 Center College; Chaplin, Union Army Civil War

Crapo, William Wallace         





 state legislature






Pres 13, Bedford Institution for Savings, MA; Pres 13, Wamsutta Mills; Pres 1893 Mechanics' National Bank; Mbr 1875-83, US Congress; Mbr 1857, MA State Legislature

Gilman, Daniel Coit








Co-incorporator of the Russell Trust; Pres 02-05, Carnegie Institution of Washington;  First Pres 1875-1901, John Hopkins U; First Pres 1872-75, U of CA; Prof, Geology 1863-72, Sheffield Scientific School; Librarian 1858-65, Yale College;  Sec 1865-66, CT State Bd Education

Helmer, Charles Downs








Congregrational Min

Houghton, Edward                            1852









Johnston, William Preston








1st Pres 1883-1899, Tulane; Pres 1880-1883, LSA; Prof  1867-77, English Lit, History & Political Economy Washington & Lee U; Col, Confederate Army Civil War

Marmaduke, Vincent 




Literary Work




Mbr 1882-84, State Legislature; Col, Confederate Army, Civil War

McCormick, Henry








Farmer, Banker, Iron Business; Co, Union Army Civil War

Ross, William Baldwin








Union Army, Civil War

Safford, George Blagden      









Sill, George Griswold        








US Dist Attny CT 1888-1892; Mbr 1882-83, CT State Legislature; Lt Gov 1873-77, CT; Mbr Yale Corp 1873-77

Stanley, William                           1852









Aiken, William Pope








Congregrational Minister

Babcock, Henry Harper









Baldwin, George William








Asst, Adjunct Gen of Volunteers Spanish-American War

Capron, Samuel Mills








Princpal, Hartford High School

Coit, Joshua   








Congregrational Minister

Davies, Thomas Frederick








1889-1905 Episcopal Bishop of MI; Prof Hebrew 1862, Berkeley Divinity School

Gleason, William Henry








Mbr 1864-65, NY State Legislature; Dutch Reform Minister

Grout, Alfred         









Heard, Albert Farley 









Jack, Thomas Mckinney 








Mbr 1859-61, TX Legislature; 1856-58, Cty Judge; Lt Col, Calvary Confederate Army Civil War

Johnson, George Asbury








Attny Gen 1886-90, CA; Mbr 1882-1886, CA State Senate; Judge 1872-1874, 17th Judicial Circuit Court

Kent, Albert Emmett








Banker, AE Kent & Sons (San Rafael, CA)

White, Andrew Dickinson








Founding Pres 1866-85, Prof 1866-85, Hist, Cornell U; US Minister 1892-94 Russia; US Minister 1879-81,1897-1902 Germany; Prof 1857-66, Hist and English Lit, U MI;Trustee, Carnegie Institute and Carnegie Endowment for Peace; psychic researcher

Whiton, James Morris 




Ministry, Literary Work




Editorial Staff 13, The Outlook (NYC); Prof  1893-94 Ethics & Econmoist, Meadville Theol School; Congregrational Minister;

Willard, Andrew Jackson 









Blackman, Samuel Curtis









Cutler, Carroll








Pres 1871-86, Prof of metaphysics and rhetoric1860-89, Western Reserve Coll; Prof of theology Biddle U

Denny, Thomas 








Thomas Denny & Co

Fenn, William Henry








Congregrational Minister

Hooker, John Worthington








Prof of Hygiene 1860-63, Amehrst College

Lambert, Edward Wilberforce     









Lombard, James Kittredge








Episcopal Minister

Lord, George DeForest









Morris, Luzon Burritt








Gov CT 1892-94; Mbr 1855,56,70,76,80,81, CT State Legislature; Mbr 1874, CT State Senate

Potwin. Lemuel Stoughton








Prof 06-07 Emeritus, 1892-1906 English, 1871-92 Latin, Western Reserve U

Purnell, Charles Thomas









Slade, Francis Henry 








dry goods

Twombly, Alexander Stevenson








Congregrational Minister

White, Charles Atwood









Whitney, Edward Payton




Medical Student


disappeared 1858



Alexander, William DeWitt








 Surveyor General 1871-1900, Hawaii; VP Bd Educ HI; Pres 1864-71, Prof of Greek 1858-64, Oahu College, Commisioner HI Government to DC; Member HI Privy Council; Historian of HI

Barnes, William Henry Lienow









Bumstead, Nathaniel Willis








Mining; Pres JF Bumstead Co, (Boston); Capt, Inf, Union Army, Civil War

Child, Linus Mason   








Mbr 1868-69, MA State Legislature

Cobb, Henry Nitchie








Sec of Bd of Foreign Missions of the Reformed Church in America

Granger, John Albert









Johnson, Charles Fredrick








Prof Emeritus 06-31, Prof English 1884-1906, Trinity College; Asst Prof 1865-70, Mathematics, US Naval Academy

Kittredge, George Alvah








Dir, Bombay Tramway Co; Am Vice-Consul (Bombay)

Lampson, George   









Mulford, Elisha




Ministry, Literary Work




Episcopal Minister

Spring, Andrew Jackson








Sgt Major Confederate Army Civli War

Tyler, Charles Mellen








Trustee, 1886-1892, 1907-18, Prof Emeritus 03-18, Sage Prof 1891-03, History and Philosophy of Religion, Cornell U; Mbr 1862, MA State Legislature; Chaplin Capt, Union Army Civil War

Wheeler, William  








Capt, Union Army, Civil War

Woodward, Stanley        








Judge, Supreme Court, 11th Judicial Dist, PA; Capt, Union Army, Civil War

Yardley, Henry Albert








Prof 1867-82, Homiletics and Christian Evidences, Berkeley Div School

Arnot, Matthias Hollenback








Banker, Elmira NY

Barker, George Payson









Brown, John Mason








Cav, Union Army, Civil War

Campbell, William Harvey Wilson




Literary Work





Condit, Stephen









Depew, Chauncy Mitchell










Mbr 1899-1911, US Senate; Regent 1874-1904, U of the State of NY; Appointed US Minister 1866, Japan, (resigned); Sec of State,1863-65 US; Mbr 1861-63, NY State Legislature; Chmn Bd, Dir, NY Central Lines, NYC; Mbr 1888-1906, Yale Corp; Col, Judge Advocate, Civil War

Dickinson, Arthur








Commissary Dept, Confederate Army, Civil War

Eakin, Emmet Alexander   









Fischer, Louis Christopher








Sec, Treas, Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co (Baltimore)

Magruder, Benjamin Drake








Justice 1891-1900,  Chief Justice 1885-1906, IL Supreme Court

Nettleton, Edward Payson 








Asst 1869-73, US Dist Attny (Boston); Col Union Army Civil War

Packard, Lewis Richard








Hillhouse Prof 1867-84, Asst Prof 1863-67 Greek Yale U

Paine, Levi Leonard              








Dean of Faculty, Prof 1870-1902, Church History, Bangor Theological Seminary

Robinson, George Chester 








Methodist Minister

Whitney, James Lyman




Library Work




Librairan, Boston Public Library

Blackman, Charles Seymour









Blake, Eli Whitney Jr








Prof 70-95, Physics Brown U; Prof 1868-1870, Physics, Cornell

Buckland, Joseph Payson                     1857




Law/ Education





Butler, Francis Eugene








Presbyterian Chaplain, Inf, Union Army, Civil War

Croxton, John Thomas



Ambass Bolivia






US Minister 1873-74, Bolivia; Brig Gen, Inf Union Army Civil War

Day, John Calvin









Edwards, Alfred Lewis 









Green, James Payne








Planter; Prof Greek, Mathematics 1857-59, Jefferson College; Lt  Cavalry, Confederate Army, Civil War

Holmes, John Milton








Congregrational Minister

Jackson, Joseph Cooke  








US Commissioner Naval Credits; Asst US Dist Attny 1870, (Southern Dist NY); Brig Gen, Union Army Civil War

Northup, Cyrus








Pres Emeritus 11-22, Pres 1884-1911 U MN; Prof 1863-84, English Rhetoric & Literature, Yale U

Pratt, George      








Mbr 1860, 64, 65 & 69, CT State Legislature

Seymour, Storrs Ozias








Mbr 1880-84, CT State Bd Education; Trustee Berkeley Divinity School; Episcopal Minister

Tyler, Moses Coit








Prof 1881-00, Am History Cornell U; Prof English Lang, Lit 1873-81, Prof 1867-73 Rhetoric and English Lit, U MI

Wells, Nathan Dana









Blake, Edward Foster




Law Student




Maj, Inf, Union Army, Civil War

Eichelberger, Martin Smyser








Pres, York Wire Cloth Co (York, PA)

Grant, Edward Dromgoole       




Real Estate




Real Estate Broker

Haskell, Robert Chandler                   1858








Mfg Floor Oil Cloth

Heermance, Edgar Laing








Presbyterian Minister

Hollister, Arthur Nelson









Kimball, John Edwin








Supt Schools  (Newton, MA)

Lee, Samuel Henry




Ministry, Education




Pres Emeritus 08-18, Pres 1893-1908, Prof History, Political Economy 1890-1908, Am International College (Springfield, MA); Prof Political Economy 1872-76, Oberlin College

MacLellan, George Boardman








Asst Engineer, Confederate Army Civil War

Perkins, Thomas Albert








Cotton Broker; Sgt Union Army, Civil War

Porter, Edward Clarke         








Episcopal Minister

Scott, Eben Greenough         








1st Lt, Union Army Civil War

Stevens, Frederic William         




Law, Finance





Van Name, Addison 




Library Work




Librarian Emeritus 05-22, Librarian 1865-05, Yale U

Woodward, William Herrick









Bristol, Louis Henry








Lawyer, Bristol, Stoddard & Bristol

Brodhead, Henry









Carpenter, Robert John       








Paper Mfg

Clay, Green 








Mbr 1902, MO State Legislature; 1891 Mbr MO State Senate; Sec 1861-62, US Legation Russia, 62-68 to Italy; Mbr MS State Legislature; Pres MS Levee Bd; Col Union Army, Civil War

Dunham, George Elliott                









Hall, William Kittredge








Presbyterian minisiter; Chaplain, Union Army, Civil War

Hannahs, Diodate Cushman




Law Student




Capt, Calvary Union Army Civil War

Harrison, Burton Norvel        








Asst Prof of physics1859-60, U of MS; Private Secretary, Jefferson Davis, Civil War

Robertson, Charles Franklin








Episcopal Bishop (MO)

Schuyler, Eugene








Service in US Diplomatic Service as Sec, Consul and Minister 1867-90, to Russia, Turkey, England, Italy, Greece, Roumania, Serbia and Egypy

Smith, Eugene 









Stiles, William Augustus               




Literary Work




Editor & Treas, Garden and Forest (NYC)

Taylor, Alfred Judd









White, Roger Sherman









Wilcox, Asher Henry     








Congregrational Minister

Beckley, John Werley









Boies, Charles Alred




Theological Student





Boltwood, Edward








Pres, Berkshire Life Insurance Co

Daniels, Joseph Leonard








Prof of Greek 1865-1906, acting Pres 1903-04, Dean of faculty 1892-93, Olivet College; Congregrational Minister

Davis, Lowndes Henry











Mbr 1879-1885, Congress; Mbr 1876, MO State Legislature; Attny 1865-69, 10th Judical Dist of MO; Circuit Attny (Cape Girardeau, MO);

Davis, Robert Stewart








Proprietor, The Call; Mngr, Atlantic City RR

Fowler, William      








Capt, Inf Union Army, Civil War

Furbish, Edward Brown








Congregrational Minister; Chaplain, Union Army Civil War

Hebard, Daniel








Deaf Mute instr; Asst Adj-Gen Union Army Civil War

Johnston, William Curtis








Presbyterian; Chaplain, Inf Union Army Civil Wars

Jones, Luther Maynard








Brown, Shipley & Co ( London, England); Union Army, Civil war

Owen, Charles Hunter




Literary Work




Mbr 1882, CT State Legislature; Capt Heavy Artillery, Union Army Civil War

Phelps, William Walter




Law, Government



Drown, Elizabeth

Mbr 1873-74, 83-89, US Congress; US Minister 1881-82 Austria, 1889-93 Germany; Judge1893-94 NJ Court Errors & Appeals 1893-94; Mbr 1872-92 Yale Corporation

Seeley, John Frank 









Smith, William Thayer








Dean 1896-1909, Prof Surgery 1907-09, Prof 85-1907 Assoc Prof 1883-85, Physiology, Dartmouth Med School

Baldwin, Simeon Eren










Prof Emeritus 1919-1927,  Prof of Law 1872-1919, Yale; Governor 1907-10,  CT;  Assoc Justice1893-1907, Chief Justice 1907-1910,  CT Supreme Court of Errors; Mbr1911-14, Yale Corp

Brown, Hubert Sanford








Lt Col, Union Army, Civil War

Chamberlain, Robert Linton   








Priv Inf, Union Army, Civil War

Dexter, Franklin Bowditch








Asst Librarian 1869-1912, Sec 1869-99, Larned Prof of American History 1877-88, Yale U

Fuller, William Henry








Mfr, Wall Paper

Higgins, Anthony








Mbr 1889-95, US Senate; US Dist Attny1869-76, (DE)

Kernochan, Francis Edward  








Proprietor, Bell Air Mill

Mitchell, John Hanson       









Newel, Stanford          








US Minister 1897-1905, Netherlands

Park, William Edwards          








Congregational Minister

Peck, Tracy








Prof Emeritus 08-21, Prof 1880-1908, Latin, Yale U; Prof 1871-1889, Latin, Cornell U,

Root, Alexander Porter        








Pres, First National Bank, Houston; Maj, Cavalry Confederate Army, Civil War

Shearer, Sextus      




Theological Student





Sill, Edward Rowland




Literary Work




Prof 1874-82, English U CA

Williams, Ralph Omsted




Literary Work




Union Army, Civil War

Adams, Frederick








Judge 03-19, Circuit Ct Essex County NJ; 1897-1903, Circuit Court of Errors and Appeals of NJ 

Chamberlain, Daniel Henry   









Governor 74-76, SC; Atty Gen 1868-72, SC; 1st Lt, Union Army, Civil War

Coe, Edward Benton








Dutch Reform Min; Street Professor of Modern Languages 1864-79, Yale U

Day, Melville Cox 









Eaton, Sherburne Blake








Eaton, Lewis & Rowe (NYC); Eaton & Lewis (NYC); Capt, Union Army, Civil War

Johnston, Henry Phelps








Prof Emeritus 16-23, Prof 1863-1916, History, College of the City of NY; 2nd Lt, Union Army, Civil War

Kitchel, Cornelius Ladd 




Ministry, Education




Sec Emeritus 09-29, Sec 04-09, Bureau of Appointments, Yale U; Priv, Union Army, Civil War

Lampson, William          








Pres, Bank of LeRoy (Leroy NY)

MacVeagh, Franklin








Sec 09-13, Treasury US; Trustee 01-13 (U Chicago); Chmn 14, First International Congress of Social Insurance; Wholesale Grocers, Franklin MacVeagh & Co (Chicago)

Ripley, George Coit








1st Lt, Inf Union Army, Civil War

Seely, William Wallace








Dean faculty 1881-1900, Prof 1866-1900, Opthalmology, Otology Med Col OH, now U Cincinatti

Stebbins, Henry Hamlin








Presbyterian Minister

Taylor, John Phelps








Trustee, Abbot Academy; Prof 1883-99, Biblical Theology Andover Theological Seminary

Ward, John Abbott   









Weeks, Robert Kelley        




Literary Work. Law





Allen, Walter




Literary Work




Editor NY World; Acting Asst Paymaster, USN, Civil War

Arms, Charles Jesup








Mbr 1894-95, RI State Senate; Cpt Union Army, Civil War

Bingham, Egert Byron








Congregrational Minister

Bull, Cornelius Wade                








Acting Asst Paymaster, USN, Civil War

Butler, John Haskell



state Legislature






Mbr 1880-81, MA State Legislature; USN, Civil War

Chamberlain, Leander Trowbridge








Judge Advocate, USN, Civil War

Dimock, Henry Farnam








Treas, Metropolitan Steamship Co; Mbr 1899-1911, Yale Corp

Fowler, Horace Webster  








Capt, Artillery Union Army, Civil War

Kernochan, Joseph Frederick     









Perry, David Brainard








Pres 1881-1912, Prof 1873-81, Greek, Latin, Doane College; Congregrational Minister

Sheffield, George St. John       









Southworth, George Champlin Shepard








Prof 1889-1900, English Language and Literature, Case School Applied Science; Prof 1881-88, Belles-lettres, Kenyon College; Prof Sacred Theology Bexley Theological Seminary 1885-88; Mbr 1871,  MA Legislature

Sumner, William Graham








Prof Emeritus 1909-10, Pelatiah Perit Prof 1885-1909, Prof 1872-85, Political and Social Science, Yale U

Wesson, Charles Holland









Whitney, William Collins








Sec 1885-89, Navy

Boltwood, Thomas Kast









Borden, Matthew Chaloner Durfee








Owner, The American Printing Co, (Fall River, MA)

Boyden, Henry Paine




Literary Work





Clark, Albert Barnes       








Insurance, Fruit Raising; Asst Paymaster USN, Civil War

Hewitt, Thomas Browning









MacLean, Charles Fraser








Police Commisioner; Justice 1895-1909, NY Supreme Court

Merriam, George Spring




Literary Work





Miller, Allanson Douglas 








Episcopal Minister

Owen, Henry Elijah     









Palmer, William Henry 









Pratt, William Hall Brace   









Pugsley, Isaac Platt








Judge 1883-1903, Court of Common Pleas; Asst Paymaster, US Navy, Civil War

Sterling, John Williams








Shearman & Sterling (NYC)

White, Oliver Sherman     









Woodruff, Francis Eben            








Commissioner1865-97, Custom Service of China

Bent, Joseph Appleton









Brooks, John Edward








Brooks Bros clothier

Brown, Henry Armitt









Bulkey, Tuzar  




Law Student





Bushnell, William Benedick









Caskey, Taliaferro Franklin  








Rector Emeritus, St John's (American) Church Dresden, Germany

Charnley, Charles Meigs








Pres, American Cooperage Co, (Chicago, IL)

Ewell, John Lewis








Prof, Church History and Hebrew Exegesis 1891-1910, Howard U; Prof, Latin 1866-67, Washington U; Congregrational Minister

Ford, George Tod 









Merrill, Payson            








Merril & Rogers (NYC); Mbr 05-22, Yale Corp; Founder, Chmn 00-02, Yale Alumni U Fund Assn; Union Army, Civil War

Riggs, Benjamin Clapp      









Smith, Charles Edgar 








Priv Union Army Civil War

Stimson, Henry Albert                      1865








Lecturer, Oberlin Theological Seminaryinary, Andover, Chicgao, Yale; Acting Prof, of Homiltics Hartford Theol Seminary; Trustee Carleton College, Drury, Mt Holyoke, Hartford Theol Seminary; Dir, Chicago Theol Seminary, Congregrational Minister

Stone, William









Warren, Henry Waterman








Mbr 1882, 85, MA State Legislature; Mbr 1870-75, MS State Legislature; card leather mfg

Adams, Charles Hemmenway




Literary work




Editor Hartford Courant

Brand, James








Congregrational Minister; Sgt, Union Army, Civil War

Coffin, Edmund









Cole, Hamilton









Farnam, William Whitman








Treas 1889-99, Yale U; Trustee 1894-1923, Sheffield Scientific School; Mbr 1885-89, Yale Corp

Foote, Harry Ward




Law student





Hall, John Manning








 Pres 1893-03, NY, NH & H RR Co; Pres 1899, CT State Senate; Judge 1889-93, CT Superior Court; Mbr 1870-72, 1878, Spkr 1882, CT State Legislature

Hincks, Edward Young 








 Prof emeritus 22-27, Prof Biblical Theology 08-22, Harvard U; 00-08, w/The Christian; Prof Biblical Theology1883-00, Andover Theological Seminary

Holt, George Chandler                








Holt & Butler (NYC); US Dist Judge 03-14, Southern Dist of NY

Judson, Frederick Newton       








Mbr 10-11, National Securities Comm; Mbr 12, Bd Arbitration Eastern Rrs & Engineers; Pres 07, Am Assoc Political Science; 1893, Judson & Taussig (St Louis, MO)

Lampman, Lewis      




Ministry, Education





Sloane, Henry Thompson   








Treas, W & J Sloane, carpet business (NYC)

Southgate, Charles McClellan








Trustee 1894-1912, Hartford Theological Seminary; Congregrational Minister

Wade, Levi Clifford       




Law, Transportation




Mbr 1876-75 (Spkr 79)MA State Legislature; Pres Mexican Central R'y

White, George Edward                  








Treas, The Yale & Towne Mfg Co

Bissell, Arthur Douglas








Pres, The People's Bank of Buffalo

Dexter, Morton    




Literary Work




Congregrational Minister and Editor, The Congregrationalist

DuBois, John Jay









Dunning, Albert Elijah     








Editor, The Congregrationlist

Harding, Wilder Bennett








Princpal, Washington Academy (Salem NY)

Hartshorn, Joseph William








Congregrational Minister

Hedge,  Thomas








Lawyer, Hedge & Blythe ( Burlington IA); Mbr 1899-07, US Congress; 2nd Lt, Union Army Civil War

Lamb, Albert Eugene








Johnson & Lamb, Brooklyn

Libbey, Frank 








Lumber business, 13, wFrank Libbey & Co (NY/DC);  1893 w/Libbey, Bittlinger & Miller (DC)

Merriam, James Fiske








investment banker

Seymour, Horatio                           1867








Mng Dir, MI Land & Iron Co; State Engineer & Surveyor 1877-81, of NY

Spencer, James Magoffin








Prof 1867-73, Mathematics, Gallaudet College (DC), Writer 13 (Munich, Germany)

Taft, Peter Rawson









Wetmore, George Peabody       








Mbr 1895-13, US Senate; Gov 1885-57, RI

Woodward, Richard William       









Berry, Coburn Dewees









Brewster, Chauncey Bunce








Episcopal Bishop 1899-1928, (CT)

Coffin, James








Sugar Merchant, Mining & Banking

Colt, LeBaron Bradford     



US Judge






 Mbr 1913-24, US Senate; US Circuit Judge  1884-1913; US Dist Judge 1881-84, RI;

Dixon, William Palmer








1893, Peckham & Dixon, (NYC); 1913, Dixon & Holmes NYC; Trustee, Mutual Life Ins Co; Dir, Am Exchange Natl Bank, Fidelity & Casualty Co, Lawyers Title & Trust Co, Mortgage Bond Co, City of NY Ins Co

Farnam, Charles Henry









Lewis, John








w/Am RR & Corp, IL; Union Army, Civil War

McKinney, William Allison








Union Army, Civil War

Sloane, Thomas Chalmers  








Mbr 1889-1890, Yale Corp

Thacher, James Kingsley           








Prof 1887-91,Clinical Medicine, 1879-91, Physiology, Yale Med School

Tinker, Anson Phelps    








Congregrational minister

Tweedy, Samuel    








Tweedy, Scott & Whittlesey (Danbury, CT)

Tytus, Edward Jefferson   








wholesale paper dealer

Wood, William Curtis









Wright, Henry Park              








Prof Emeritus 09-18, Dunham Prof 1876-09, Latin ,  Asst Prof 1871-76, Latin Yale U; Dean 1884-1909 Yale College; Trustee, CT College for Women; Sgt, Inf Spanish-American War

Bannard, Henry Clay









Beers, Henry Augustin








16-26 Prof Emeritus, Prof 1880-1916, Asst Prof1874-80, English Lit, Yale U

Bissell, Wilson Shannon








Postmaster 1893-95, US; Vice-Chancellor 1895-1902, Chancellor 02-03, U Buffalo

Brown, Alexander Lardner









Eno, John Chester









Foster, John Pierrepont Codrington









Freeman, Henry Varnum  








Presiding Justice 1898-1915, Appellate Court (IL); Judge 1893-1898, Superior Court; Dir, Chicago Public Library; Lawyer, Freeman & Walker (Chicago); Capt, Inf Union Army Civil War

Heaton, Edward      








Lt, Artillary Union Army, Civil War

Hooker, Thomas








Pres, First Natl Bank, New Haven

Isham, John Beach    









Lear, Henry 








Pres, Doylestown National Bank; Pres,  Doylestown Electric Co  (Doylestown, PA)

Perrin, Bernadotte








Prof Emeritus 09-20, Prof 1893-1909, Greek, Yale U; Prof 1881-93, Greek, Western Reserve College; Pres Am Philosphy Assn

Raymond, Henry Warren




Literary Work




Editor & Publisher, Germantown Telegraph; lecturer on US Navy

Richardson, Rufus Byam








Prof 1882-1893, Dartmouth; Prof 1880-82, IN U, Dir 1893-1903, Am School Classical Studies at Athens; Corp, Inf Union Army, Civil War

Shirley, Arthur




Ministry, Education




Congregrational Minister

Andrews, John Wallingford Jr.








US district attorney1879-80, MT

Gulliver, William Curtis









Johnston, Ross                              1870








Whsl Shoe Business

Learned, Dwight Whitney








Prof 1876-1928, Church History, Bible Theology, Greek, Doshisha Coll, Japan; Prof 1873-75, Greek, Mathematics, Thayer College; Mbr Com for revision of Japanese version of New Testament

Mason, Henry Burrall








Mason Brothers

McClure, James Gore King








Pres Emeritus 28-32, Pres 05-28, McCormick Theological Seminary; Pres 1897-1901, Lake Forest U

McCutchen, Samuel St. John 









Miller, George Douglas








Owner of Deer Island, Builder of Weir Hall; Dir of Deer Island Corp

Perry, John Hoyt








Pres, Savings Bank of Southport, CT; Pres 10-21, Bd Commnrs CT State Police; Mbr 13-15, CT State Senate; Mbr CT1877, 78, 81-, Spkr 1889, State Legislature

Selden, Edward Griffin








Minister Reformed Church; Congregrational Min

Shattuck, John Waldon  









Stearns, Edwin Russell








Treas, The Stearns & Foster Co, Cotton Mfg (Cincinnati)

Strong, Charles Hall








Episcopal Minister

Tilney, Thomas Joseph    









Welch, William Henry








Prof Emeritus 31-34, Prof Hist Medicine 26-31, Dir 16-26, School Hygiene and Public Health, Dean 1893-98, Medical Faculty, Baxley Prof 1884-16, Anatomy, John Hopkins U; Pres 1898-1922, MD State Bd Health; Pres Bd of Dir 10-34, Rockefeller Institute of Med Research; Trustee 06-34, Carnegie Inst; Prof Pathological Anatomy 1879-84, Bellevue Hops Med College; Assoc fellow, Trumbull Coll Yale U; Col, Med Corps WWI

Clark, Charles Hopkins




Literary Work




Editor Hartford Courant; Dir, Collins Co, CT Mutual Life Ins Co, Phoenix Ins Co, Wadsworth Athenaeum Mbr 10-25, Yale Corp

Collin, Frederick  








 Assoc Judge 1910-21, NY Court of Appeals;Mayor 1894-98, Elmira, NY

Elliot, Henry Rutherford       




Literary Work




Sec, Textile Publishing Co

Hine, Charles Daniel








Sec 1883-1920, CT State Bd Educ; Mbr, State Council of Defense WWI

Kinney, Herbert Evelyn       









Lea, Robert Brinkley









Mansfield, Howard         








Treas 02-29, Met Museum Art; Chmn Advisory Bd, Compulsory Service, WWI

Mason, Alfred Bishop








Mngng Dir, Sprague, Duncan & Hutchinson, Ltd (NYC), electrical engineers

Mead, Frederick








Merchant, Fredrick Mead & Co (NYC)

Perry, Wilbert Warren








Mbr CT 1883, State Legislature; Asst 1877-81, State's Attny (CT)

Sperry, Watson Robertson




Literary Work




Editorial Writer, Hartford Courant; US Minister 1892-94,  Persia

Strong, George Arthur








Martin & Strong (NYC)

Sweet, Edwin Forrest      








Asst Sec13-21, Dept Commerce US; Mbr 11-13, US Congress; Mayor 04-06 (Grand Rapids MI); Mbr, War Industries Bd WWI

Thacher, Thomas                         









Townsend, William Kneeland   








Prof 1881-07, Yale Law School; Judge 02-07, US Circuit Court of Appeals 2d Circuit; Judge 1892-02, US Dist Court (CT)

Coe, Robert Elmer 









Cushing, William Lee








Founder, Princpal, Westminster School, (NY)

Deming, Charles Clerc             









Deming, Clarence




State Legislature


Literary Work




Collector 1869-72, Internal Revenue; Mbr 1863-67, US Congress; Mbr 1849, 50, 59, 60, CT State Legislature; Col, Union Army, Civil War

Deming, Henry Champion








Sec, Mercantile Trust

Dennis, Frederic Shepard








Prof Emertius 10-34, Prof of Clinical surgery 1898-1910, Cornell U Medical School; Prof of Surgery1883-93, Bellvue Hosp Medical College

Hincks, John Howard




Ministry, Education




Prof History, Social Science, Dean of Faculty, VP,  U GA (Atlanta)

Hoppin, Benjamin   




Literay Work




w/ Robert Peary 1896

Merriam, Alexander Ross        








 Prof Emeritus 1918-1927, Prof 1893-1918, practical theology, Christian sociology, Hartford Theological Seminary

Moore, George Foot 








Prof Emeritus 28-31, Frothingham Prof History Religion 04-28, Prof 02-04, Theology Harvard U; Pres 1899-1901, Prof 1883-1902, Hebrew Andover Theological Seminary

Owen, Edward Thomas








Prof Emeritus, Prof 1879-1915, French U WI

Payson, Henry Silas   









Ramsdell, Charles Benjamin 








Acting Pres, Winsdor College; Pastor, North Presbyterian Church( DC); Union Army Civil War

Spaldin, George Atherton









Woolsey, Theodore Salisbury








Prof Emeritus 11-29, Prof 1878-1911, International Law, Yale U

Alexander, Eben








US Minister 1893-97, Greece; 1877-86, 1897-1910 Prof of Greek UNC; 1877-86 Prof of ancient languauges U of TN

Allen, Arthur Huntington








Presbyterian Min

Beebe, William








 Prof, 1898-1917, Asst Prof 1882-87, Math, Astronomy 1887-98, Yale U; Treas, Dir, Deer Island Club Corp

Daniels, Rensselaer Wilkinson              1873








Grain Merchant; w/Title Guarantee and Trust Co, LA, CA

Denslow, Herbert McKenzie








Prof Emeritus 1927-1944, Prof of Pastoral Theology1902-27, General Theological Seminary; Instructor 1873-74, Gen Russell's Collegiate and Commercial Institute, (New Haven CT)

Elder, Samuel James









Elder, Whitman & Barnum (Boston); Elder, Wait & Whitman (Boston); Mbr 1885, MA State Legislature

Flagg, Wilbur Wells








w/Rock Mountain Bell Telephone Co

Grubb, Charles Ross 








1913, c/o Morgan, Harjes & Co, Paris; Investment Officer, International Finance Corp, (DC); Lt Cmndr 42-46, USNR

Johnes, Edward Rudolph     








Johnes & Willcox  (NYC)

Judson, Issac Nichols








Teacher, Central High School (St Louis, MO)

Lathe, Herbert William








Congregrational Minister

Ord, Joseph Pacificus 








Comptroller, GE Co

Prentice, Samuel Oscar  








Chief Justice 13-20, Judge 01-20, CT Supreme Court; Prof 01-16, Pleading, Yale Law School

Tarbell, Frank Bigelow








Prof 1894-18, Classical Archaeology, Assoc Prof 1893-94, Greek, U Chicago; Dir 18898-89, 1892-93 Am School Classical Studies, Athens; Asst Prof 1882-87, Greek, Yale U

Thomas, Charles Henry









Aldis, Owen Franklin








Real Estate, Aldis, Aldis & Northcote

Barnes,  Pearce









Bushnell, Samuel Clarke








Congregrational Minister

Farnam, Henry Walcott








Pres 27-33, Hopkins Grammer School; Prof Emeritus 18-33, Prof of economics 12-18, Prof of Political Economy1880-1912, Yale U; Mbr, CT State Coucil of Defense, WWI; Editor, Yale Review; Pres, Am Economic Assn

Grover, Thomas Williams









James, Henry Ammon 









Munroe, George Edmund









Parkin, William  








MacFarland & Parker (NYC)

Robbins, Edwards Denmore       








Prof 1899-1903, Gen Medical & Jurisprudence Yale U; Mbr 1882-83, CT State Legislature; Mbr 1884-1919, CT State Bd Education; Trustee CT College for Women; General Counsel, NY, NH & H RR Co

Stapler, Henry Beidleman Bascom     








Asst Dist Attny 1891-93, (NYC); w/Stapler, Smith & Tomlinson

Townsend, James Mulford 








Pres 12-13, Trustee 04-13, NY Law School

Walden, Russell         









Wickes, Thomas Parmelee








Hatch & Wickes (NYC)

Witherbee, Frank Spencer








Iron and mining business, Witherbee, Sherman & Co (NY)

Wood, John Seymour 









Avery, Charles Hammond









Brooks, James Wilton



State Legislature


Law/ Literay Work




Mbr 1882-1884,  NY State Legislature; Pres Univ Magazine Co

Chester, Carl Thurston








Prof, Buffalo Law School

Clarke, Thomas Slidell 









Day, Robert Webster




Real Estate




Proprietor, Hyde Park Hotel (Chicago); Sec, Ellicott Square Co (Buffalo)

Gulliver, Henry Strong








Princpal, Waterbury HS

Hothhkiss,  William Henry 








Dry Goods, Mbr JN Adams & Co (Buffalo, NY)

Jenks, Almet Francis








Judge 1896-1921, presiding Judge 11-21, Supreme Court (NY); Judge Advocate Gen 1891-95, NY

Jones, Dwight Arven








Pres, St Joseph Lead Co; Pres, Doe Run Lead Co (MI) Pres 13,  River and Bonne Terre RR 1913 NYC

Jones, Frank Hatch                       1875








Sec 13, Continental and Commercial Trust and Savings Bank (Chicago); 1st Asst Postmaster Gen  1893-97, US

Patton, John  Jr       








Mbr 1894-95, US Senate

Seymour, John Sammis                       1875








US Comissioner Patents 1893-1897; Mbr 1891-92, CT State Senate

Smith, Edward Curtis








Pres, Central VT RR; Gov 1898-1900, VT; Mbr 1890, VT State Legislature

Southworth, Edward Wells









Tillinghast, Charles









Allen, John DeWitt Hamilton








Wholesale Commission and Grocery Business, CA

Andrews, John Wolcott









Bannard, Otto Tremont








Pres, The NY Trust Co, NYC; Commisioner of Educ, NYC; Mbr 10-28 Yale Corp

Blaine, Walker








Examiner of Claims 1889-90, State Department; 82-85 Asst attorney for the US before Court of Commissioners of Alabama Claims; 3rd Asst 1881-82, Sec of State; 

Bottum, Elisha Slocum








Asst States Attny (Cook Co, IL)

Cook, Robert Johnston








Editor, Publisher Philadelphia Press

Dawes, Chester Mitchell            








Asst US Attny1884-86, (northern district of IL); Gen Counsel for CB&Q RR

Fowler, Charles Newell








Pres, Equitable Mortgage Co (NYC); Mbr 1895-1911, Congress

Hadley, Arthur Twining








Pres Emeritus 21-30, Pres 1899-1921, Acting Tres 09-10,  Dean Grad School 1892-1895, Prof Pol Econ 1891-99, Prof Pol & Soc Science 1886-91, Tutor 1879-83; Yale U;  One of original editors, 1892 Yale Review; Writer, Asst Editor 1883-86, Railroad Gazette; Commissioner 1885-87, Labor Statistics, CT; Father-in-law, Luzon B Morris, CT Gov 1882;  Pres, American Economic Association 1899; Chmn 1910, Railroad Securities Comission; Bd Dir 13, NY, New Haven & Hartford; Dir, Atchinson, Topeka & Santa Fe RR

Howe, Elmer Parker  









Hyde, William Waldo








Hyde, Gross & Hyde; Mayor1892-94, Hartford

Marvin, Joseph Howard  









Russell, Philip Gray 








Prindle & Russell (DC)

Smith, Rufus Biggs                       1876








Judge Superior Court, Cincinnati; Prof 1896-1900, Law, Chmn Bd Trustees Cincinnati Law School

Worcester, Edwin Dean  








13 w/Worcester, Williams & Saxe; 1893 w/Saunders, Webb & Worcester (NYC)

Barnum, William Milo







Phelps, Theresa

Banking 04-08, Harvey Fisk & Sons; Lawyer, Simpson, Thatcher & Barnum 04;  Dir American Locomotive; Pres, Chmn Bd, Pacific Coast Co, Steamers SF, Seattle, AK; Dir Yale Alumni Fund; Dir, Deer Island Club Corp

Bigelow, Walter Irving








Broker, AM Bigelow & Co; Dir, Whitney-Adams Co, Gorton-Pew Fisheries Co

Brooks, Walter








Brooks Bros clothier, lived abroad many years, Brussels, BE; author "A Child and a Boy" Bretanos NY

Chapin, Charles Frederick




Literary Work



Mattison, Katherine

Editor, Waterbury American, (CT)

Collin, William Welch   








Lumber Merchant, Crosby-Collin (Pittsburgh), Iron ore, Founder Collinwood TN;

Cooke, Eldridge Clinton            







Turner, Isabella Boies

Pres Minneapolis Trust Company, Chmn Bd Dir First Minneapolis Trust Company; Dir First Natl Bank of MN

Eaton, Samuel Lewis 







Hellelfinger, Mary P; Hasbrouck, Annie S Mrs

Medical Examiner, Prudential Ins Co; Trustee, Staff Newton Hosp (MA); Newton Highlands Nervine (private sanitorium)

Gould, Anthony




Law & Literary Work





Hoysradt, Albert








Mbr 1886-87, NY State Senate

Kimball, Arthur Reed




Literary Work




Ed Writer, Assoc Editor, Waterbury American; Pres, Morris Plan Bank (Waterbury); Pres, Second Mortage Co; Pres, CT Chamber of Commerce; Dirs, Colonial Trust Co, Dime Savings Bank, Chase Companies, Waterbury Clock Company; Mbr, Yale Corp

Percy, Frederick Bosworth          







Livingston, Ada Lieber

Prof Emeritus 15-28, Prof Clinical Medicine 08-15, Assoc Prof 1891-89, Prof 1898-1909, Materia Medica Boston U Med School; Physician 1893-1914, MA Homeopathic Hosp; Physician 05-18, Westboro Hosp for the Insane

Sears, Joshua Montgomery   




Finan, Farming




Capitalist & Farmer

Thacher, John Seymour  








Prof 03-22, Clinical Medicine, Columbia U; Bellvue Hosp (NY)

Tuttle, George Montgomery          







Kirkbride, Mable Holden

Prof  1885-03, Gynecology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia U

Winston, Frederick Seymour  








Winston & Meagher (Chicago)

Campbell, Treat









Carter, Charles Francis  








Congregrational Min; Mbr State Council of Defense, WWI

Curtis, George Louis








Presbyterian Minister

Edwards, George Benjamin








Pres, National Deposit Bank, (Russellville, KS)

Foster, Roger   








Lecturer, Yale Law School on Federal Jurisprudence

James, William Knowles     








1893, w/Reed, James & Randolph (St Joseph, MO); Circuit Judge;  Mbr, MO State Legislature

Jenks, Tudor Storrs




Law, Literary Work





Kelsey, Clarence








Pres, Title Guarantee & Trust Co (NYC); Mbr 10-25, Yale Corp

Knott, George Tapscott            




Farming, Industrial




Fruit Growing; Collector, IRS

Pollock, George Edward









Seely, Edward Howard Jr.             




Literary Work




Editor, The New Peterson Magazine, Philadelphia

Spencer, Charles Langford   








Clerk 1892-1921, US Dist Court MN; US Commissioner1895-1921

Stone, Charles Martin     




Law, Industrial




Crandal, Stone & Co, Mfg, Real Estate (Binghamton, NY)

Taft, William Howard








 Chief Justice US 21-30; Kent Prof13-21, Law Yale Coll and Prof of Constitutional Law Yale Law School;Pres US 08-12;Sec War 1904-08; Gov 01-04, Philippine Islands; Prof Law, Dean 1896-00, Cincinnati Law School; Judge 1890-92, US Circuit Court; Solictor-Gen 1890-92 of US; Mbr Yale Corp 1906-13, 22-25; Trustee Carnegie Institution

Whitney, Edward Baldwin








Justice 09-11, NY Supreme Court; Asst Attny Gen 1893-97, US

Bowers, Lloyd Wheaton








Solicitor-General, 09-10 US

Burpee, Lucien Francis        








Judge 21-24, CT Supreme Court of Errors; Judge 09-21, CT Superior; Lt Col, Judge Advocate US Vols Spanish-American War

Foster, George Ferris  








Sec, FA Stokes Co

Green, Henry Sherwood  




Library Work




Mgr 1913, Acme Press (Morgantown, WV); Prof Greek 01-12,  Assoc Prof Greek 00-01, Yale U; Prof Greek 1896-00, Bethaney College

Hitchcock, Henry









Hyde, Frank Eldridge   








US Consul 1893-97, Lyons France; Mbr 1887-89, CT State Legislature

James, Walter Belknap








Prof 19-18, Clinical Medicine, Bard Prof of Medicine 04-09, Prof of Medicine 02--4, College of Physians & Surgeons; Am Red Cross WWI (Fgn Service)

Livingston, Herman








Iron Ore Mining

Perrin, John Orlando








Chmn Bd, Federal Reserve Agent, Federal Reserve; VP, Perrin (National Bank, Lafayette, IN)

Platt, Lewis Alfred








Sec, Pres, The Platt Bros & Co, Mfg (Waterbury, CT); Mbr 10-12, CT State Senate

Rodman, Robert Simpson




Farming, minig




viticulture, olives

Swinburne, Louis Judson




Literary Work





Thompson, Oliver David           









Tighe, Ambrose                








Special Asst 17-19, Attny Gen MN; Mbr 03, 07, MN State Legislature

Woodruff, Timothy Lester     




Business, Finance




Lt Gov 1897-1903, NY; Pres, The Maltine Mfg Co (Brooklyn)

Allen, William Palmer




Literary Work





Amundson, John Arnold









Bentley, Edward Manross








Patent Lawyer, Bentley & Blodgett, Boston; Sheffield, Bentley & Betts NYC

Camp, Walter                            1880








Pres, Treas, Gen Mgr & Asst Treas, New Haven Clock Co; Head advisory football coach 1888-1912, Yale; Chmn U Atheletic Assn; Chmn Intercollegiate Football Rules Com; Chmn Athletic Div, Navy Comm on Training Camp activities and dir of athletics, Naval Training Camps WWI

Green, Edmund Frank








Pres, Pacific Coast Casualty Co (SF, CA)

Jennings, Walter








Pres 13, Natl Fuel Gas Co, (NYC); 1893 w/Standard Oil Co; Dirs, Standard Oil NJ, Manhattan Bank, NY Trust Co

Nichols, Alfred Bull








Prof 03-11, German, Simmons College

Ordway, Henry Choate           








Butts & Ordway (Boston)

Parker, Wilbur                         








Oil & Gas; Mbr 1892-93, OH State Senate; Mbr 1890-1891, OH State Legislature;

Partridge, Sidney Catlin








incharge, Divinty School, Wuchang China; Prot Espicopal Bishop of 11-30, West MO; 00-11, Kyoto, Japan

Peters, William Allison 








Strudwick & Peters (Seattle)

Scudder, Doremus  








Congregrational Minister; Minister Central Union (Honolulu); Maj, Am Red Cross WWI (Fgn Service).

Spencer, Edward Curran            









Taft, Henry Waters            








13 w/Strong & Cadwalader NYC; 1893 w/Page & Taft (NYC); Spec Asst to 05-07, Attny Gen of US; Mbr 25-26, Comm on Reorganization of NY State Government; Trustee, College of the City of NY

Witherbee, Walter Crafts








Treas, Witherbee, Sherman and Co; Pres, Natl Bank; VP, Port Henry Iron Ore Co; Secret Service work for DOJ, WWI

Aiken, Edwin Edgerton








Missionary Peking, China

Barney, Danford Newton








Mbr 1905, CT State Senate

Bartlett, Philip Golden








Lawyer, Simpson, Thatcher & Barnum

Burrel, Joseph Dunn








Presbyterian Min; Chaplain Capt, American Red Cross, WWI (Foreign Service)

Coleman,  John Caldwell









Evarts, Sherman 









Fuller, Philo Carroll








Treas, Fuller & Rice Lumber & Mfg Co; Dir, First Natl Bank (Grand Rapids)

Ives, Henry








Broker 1913, Zurich Insurance Co; Pres, Treas 1893, The Edgewood Co (New Haven)

Leighton, James    




Law Student





Osborne, Thomas Burr 









Thompson, Norman Frederick    








Asst Sec, Treas Equitable Mortgage Co 1893; Pres Manufacturers Natl Bank, Treas Cty Rockford IL 1913

Van deGraaff, Adrian Sebastian








Hargrave & Van de Graaf (Tuscaloosa, AL); Mbr 18-22, Al State Legislature; Judge 15-22, 6th AL Dist; Prof 1891-97, Statutory and Common Law, U AL Law School

Vernon, Frederick Richardson     









Walden, Howard Talbott









White, Henry Charles 








13 w/White, Dagget & Hooker; 1893 w/White & Dagget (New Haven)

Badger, Walter Irving









Brewster, Benjamin








Episcopal Bishop 16-40, (ME); Missionary Bishop13, (Western CO)

Campbell, James Alexander               









Eno, Wiliam Phelps








Real Estate; Author of world's first street traffic regulations (NYC, London and Paris) and other traffic control systems, including road traffic control codes of allied troops in WWI and II; Dir, Home Defense League of DC WWI

French, Asa Palmer   








US District Attny 1906-14 (MA); US District Attny 1902-06, (SE MA),

Johnson, Barclay









Knapp, Howard Hoyt   








Seymour & Knapp, (Bridgeport, CT); City Attny

Lyman, Chester Wolcott          








Intrnl Paper Co; Chmn, Red Cross and War Work Comm, WWI

McBride, Wilber      









Osborne, Arthur Sherwood








Chemist, CT Agricultural Experiment Station

Platt, Henry Barstow




Insurance, Transportation




Gen Supt, US Express Co (NYC); Dir Bureau Personnel, Overseas Service, Atlantic Div, Am Red Cross WWI; VP Fidelity and Depsoit Co

Pollock, William           









Wells, John Lewis 









Whitney, Joseph Ernest









Worcester, Franklin Eldred             








RR business

Burpee, Charles Winslow                




Literary Work




Asst Editor, Bridgeport Standard, (CT); Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co, Hartford); Col, CT State Guard, WWI; Volunteer aide on Col staff, 1st CT Inf, Spanish-American War

Deming, Lawrence Clerc








Asst Sec, Atchinson, Topeka & Santa FE RR

Folsom, Henry Titus









Foote, Charles Seward 




State Assembly






Mbr 1900-01, NJ State Assembly; lawyer w/Parrish & Pendleton, (NYC)

Frost, Elihu Brintnal









Hillard, Lord Butler        




Law, Business




Pres, WY Valley Lumber Co (Wilkes-Barre PA); Pres, Bd of Prison Comm

Hull, Louis Kossuth   








US Dist Attny 1885-87,  ND; Col,  Spanish-American War

Kellogg, Fred William









McLaughlin, Edward Tompkins








Asst Prof 1890-93, English, Prof 1893, Rhetoric and Belles lettres, Yale U

Moore, Eliakim Hastings








Prof Mathematics 1892-1931, Assoc Prof 1891-1892, U Chicago; Asst Prof 1889-91, Mathematics Northwestern U

Palmer, Harry Herbert




Literary Work





Parrott, Joseph Robinson




Law, Transportation




VP, Gen Counsel Jack, St Aug. & I R R'y Co; Pres, FL East Coast R'y Co; Pres, FL East Coast Hotel Systems; Pres, P & O SS Co (Jacksonville)

Taft, Horace Dutton








Founded the Taft School, 1890 , Headmaster 1890-1936, Headmaster Emeritus 36-43, Trustee 26-43, Pres of the Bd 26-36

Thacher, Sherman Day 








Founded Thacher School 1899; Teacher Casa Peidra Ranch School, Ojai Valley, CA

Woodward, John Butler








Judge 13-25, Court of Common Pleas, 11th Judicial Dist PA; Wheaton, Darling & Woodward ( Wilkes-Barre, PA)

Blodgett, George Reddington








Lawyer, Bentley & Blodgett, Boston

Booth, Samuel Albert








Lawyer, Ripley, Brennan & Booth, (Minneapolis)

Booth, Wilbur Franklin








Judge 25-44,  8th US Circuit; US Dist Judge 14-25, (MN); MN State Dist Judge 1909-14 (MN);   Asst Counsel, St Louis RR Co

Evarts, Maxwell








 Asst US Attny 1890-92, (Southern NY)

Foster, Reginald    









Gruener, Gustav








Prof German 13, Yale U; Iron Mines; Pres, Dir, Deer Island Corp

Jenks, Paul Emmott








Pres, Continental Filter Co; Asst Deputy City Treas, (Brooklyn); US Vice-Counsel 16-23, Yokohama, Japan

Jones, Frederick Scheetz








Dean Emeritus 26-44, Dean 09-26, Yale U; Assoc Fellow 33-44, Berkeley Coll, Yale U; Chmn 18-39, CT State Bd Education; Chmn Bd 21-42, The Hotchkiss School; Dean 01-09, College of Engineering, Prof 1899-1909, Physics, U MN

Lambert, Alexander 








Prof 1898-1931, Clinical Medicine Cornell U Med College; Col, Med Corps WWI AEF

Lawrance, Thomas Garner 









McMillan, William Charles  








Dir, MI Peninsular Car Co; Pres, Detroit Gas Co

Painter, Henry McMahon        








Prof 06-20, Obstetrics, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia U

Tompkins, Ray 








wholesale grocer, CM & R Thompkins

Twombly, Henry Bancroft                    1884



Psi Upsilon




Doane, Frances

Putney & Bishop (NYC); Putney, Twombly, Hall & Skidmore (NYC); Dirs, Gen Counsel, Intrnl Salt Co, Lobsitz Mills, Berkshire Industrial Farms

Wilder, Amos Parker                       1884




Literary Work




Editorial Writer 1893, Commericial Advertiser (NYC); Editor, WS State Journal; US Counsel Gen 06-09 Hong Kong, 19-14 Shanghai

Arnot, John Hulett








Banker, Elmira NY

Baldwin, Henry DeForest







Pinney, Jessie

Pres 08-25, Queens Co Water Co; Chmn 22-23, NY City Charter Comm; Lord, Day & Lord 1900 -; Asst Corp Counsel 1895-98, NYC; CFR

Bertron, Samuel Reading








Banker, Bertron, Griscom & Co, NYC; Advisor 17-21, Excess Profits Tax Bd; Mbr 18, US Mission to Russia; VP Equitable Mortage Co; established French War Relief Bureau, WWI

Brandegee, Frank Bosworth                   











Mbr 05-24, US Senate; Mbr 02-05, Congress; Mbr 1888, Spkr 1899,  CT State Legislature; Lawyer, Brandegee, Noyes & Brandegee

Bridgman, John Cloyse








Gen Mgr, Hazard Mfg Co (Wilkes-Barre, PA)

Brooks, Henry Stanford








Spec Agent ATT; General Commercial Supt, ATT Co,(NYC); Chmn 1916-18, Yale Alumni Fund

Flanders, Henry Richmond









Hidden, Edward      








VP 13, Commonwealth Trust Co (St Louis); Chmn, US Com on relations w/Hati

Hobbs, Charles Buxton








 Ptnr 13, Gifford, Hobbs & Beard (NYC); 1893, Hobbs & Gifford (NYC)

Mallon, Guy Ward      








Mallon, Coffey & Mallon, Cincinnati; Trustee 1896-1933, VP 32-33 Berea College; Mbr 1890-91, OH State Legislature; Mbr 06-08, Cincinatti City Council; Trustee 03-19, OH State U

McHenry, John








Asst Sec, Treas, Mercantile Trust and Deposit Co (Baltimore); Sec, Treas MD & PA R'y Co

Richards, Eugene Lamb








NY Deputy Attny Gen 1896-70; Janeway, Thacher & Richards. NYC

Robinson, Lucius Franklin  








Pres 1890-91, Hartford Common Council; Pres 33, CT Constitutional Conv; Chmn 17-38, CT State Park and Forest Comm; w/Robinson & Robinson; w/Robinson, Robinson & Cole (Hartford)

Terry, Wyllys 








Insurance broker; Benedict & Terry; Sec & Treas, Van Brunt St & Erie Basin RR Co.

Worcester, Wilfred James








Sec 13, US Trust Co of NY; 1893 w/Kerr & Worcester (NYC)

Anthony, Benjamin Harris








Publisher, Evening Standard, New Bedford , MA; Trustee, Dir Savings Bank; VP Assoc Press

Bremmer, Samuel Kimball









Cowles, Alfred









Crapo, Stanford Tappan 








Pres BF Berry Coal Co; Pres, Treas 1913, Huron, and Wyandotte Portland Cement Co, Detroit; w/ Flint & Pere Marquette RR, 1893

Day, Thomas Mills









Knapp, Wallace Percy 








Larned, Warren & Knapp (NYC)

Lewis, Charlton Miner








w/Sullivan and Cromwell

Peters, Frank George









Phelps, Edward Johnson                    1886








Pres of Bd Dir, Yale U; Sec & Treas, Northern Trust Safe Deposit Company (Chicago); Mbr 10-16, Yale Alumni Bd;

Phelps, Sheffield 




Literary Work




Editorial Writer, New York Mail and Express

Pierson, Charles Wheeler 








w/Alexander & Green (NYC)

Schwab, John Christopher.








Librarian of Yale U 05-16, Prof 1898-1905 Asst Prof 1893-98, Political Economy Yale U; Trustee Mt Holyoke Coll

Shipman, Arthur Leffingwell        








04-08, CT Corp Counsel of Hartford; Mbr 1892, Hartford Common Council; 13 w/Gross, Hyde & Shipman (Hartford); 1893 w/Henney & Shipman

Stewart, Philip Battel









Winston, Dudley          








mortgage banker, Winston & Co (Chicago, IL)

Bennetto, John









Corwin, Robert Nelson








 Prof 1899-1944, Asst Prof 1897-99, German, Chmn Bd of Admissions 19-33, Assoc Fellow 33-44, Pierson Coll, Yale U; Pres  29-30, NE Assoc of College and Secondary Schools

Cowles, William Hutchinson








Publisher, Spokane Review

Coxe, Alexander Brown 








Coal Mining

Douglass, Willard Robinson  









Hare, Clinton Larue









Haven, George Griswold








Banker 13, Strong, Sturgis & Co (NYC); Sec, Treas 1893, St Paul & Duluth RR and of NY & Northern R'y

Jennings, Oliver Gould








Editorial Staff, St Nicholas; Dir, Am Trading Co and others

Kendall, William Burrage Jr. 








Carpet Business, WB Kendall & Sons (NYC)

Kent, William








Banker, AE Kent & Sons (Chicago); Mbr 11-27, US Congress; Mbr17-21 US Tariff Comm

Knight, Samuel      








w/Myrick & Deering, (CA); asst US Attny 1893-98, US Attny 27-31, (Northern Dist CA); Maj, Judge Advocate General's Dept WWI AEF

Pomeroy. John Norton








Prof 11-24, Asst Prof 10-11, Law, U IL

Rogers, John 








Prof Emeritus 26-39, Prof Clinical Surgery 10-26, Cornell U Medical College

Sheppard, Walter Bradley          




Literary Work





Thacher, William Larned



Psi Upsilon




Blumer, Hilda

Emeritus 31-, Teacher, Assoc, Hdmstr 1895-31, Thacher School (Ojai, CA); Sec 1889-94, Students Movement Assoc (NYC)

Cooley, Harlan Ward




Law & Insurance





Fisher, Irving








Prof Emeritus 35-47, Prof of Political Economy1898-1935, Asst Prof, Political Economy 95-98, Asst Prof, Mathematics 1893-95, Yale U; Founding President of the American Eugenics Society

Gill, George Metcalf








Sec, Treas, The Gill Engraving Co (NYC)

Hurd, Richard Melancthon








Mbr 15-18. Prison Comm NY State; Pres 1913, Lawyers Mortgage Co, (NYC); Mbr 1893, US Morgtage Co of NYC

Isbell, Orland Sidney   








1913, w/Lawyer Mortgage Co NYC; 1893 w/Jerome & Hood (Denver, CO)

McMillan, James Howard    








Transportation; Maj, Spanish-American War

Morison, David Whipple   








13 w/Coffee Business (NYC); 1893 w/Great Northern R'y Co

Roby, Samuel Sidney Brese









Seward, William Henry




Law, Finance




Banking, WH Seward & Co (Auburn, NY)

Solley, Fred Palmer                 









Stagg, Amos Alonzo



Psi Upsilon




Robertson, Stella

Prof Emeritus 33, Prof, Dir 00-33, Assoc Prof1892-1900 , Dir Dept Physical Culture and  Atheletcis, U Chicago 1892-1900; Prof Emeritus 47, Football Coach 33-46, College of the Pacific; Adv Football Coach, Susquehanna U 47-52; Adv Coach Stockton Coll 53; Olympic Committees

Stevenson, Frederic Augustus 








Gen Supt of Plant, ATT (NYC)

Stimson, Henry Lewis



Psi Upsilon





Sec War 40-45; Chmn Am Delg 30, London Naval Conferences; Mbr 32, Am Delg to Disarmament Conferences; Sec State 29-33; Gov Gen 27-29, Philippines; Specl Rep of Pres 27, Nicaragua; Sec War 11-13; Attny 06-09, Southern Dist NY; 1901w/Winthrop & Stimson; 1897 w/Root, Howard, Winthrop & Stimson; 1893, w/Root & Clarke (NYC); Lt Col AEF WWI

Waite, Morison Remich







Resor, Fannie

Gen Solicitor 18-46, B&O Western Lines; Gen Atty 17-19, for OH, IN of B&O RR Co;Gen Solicitor 09-17, C, H&D R'wy Co, 11-14, B&O SW R'wy Co; 09-16, w/Waite & Schipdel 16- Waite, Schindel & Bayless; Law, Cincinnati 1890; Bankruptcy Referee 1898-1906; Trustees Kenyon College, Cincinnati Public Library

Walker, Samuel Johnson








Prof Pediatrics 08-19, Asst Prof 00-08, Neurology, Chicago Polyclinic Post Graduate Schoo; Clinical Prof 08-19, Rush Medical College; Major, American Red Cross, WWI (fgn Service)

Buchanan, Thomas Walter




Literary Work





Corbin, William Herbert     








Pres 39-45, Hartford Pub Library; Tax Commissioner 1907-20, CT; Sec & Treas 1913, The Wm H Wiley & Son Co, (Hartford); Hdmstr 1893, Pingry School, Elizabeth, NJ; Mbr 10-30, Yale Alumni Bd

Donnelley, Thomas Elliott








RR Donnelley & Sons Co; Dir, Pulp & Paper Div, War Industries Bd, WWI; Chmn 1922, Citizens' Comm (Chicago); Mbr 25-32, Council Yale-in-China

Fisher, Samuel Herbert      







Sargent, Margaret

Bristol, Stoddard, Beach & Fisher (New Haven); Pollok & Mason; Dir, NY Trust Co, Nazarerth Cement Co (NY) and others; 41-42 Admin of Defense, (CT); Chm 36-40, CT Highway Saftey Comm; Chmn 33-35, CT Tercentenary Com; Fellow 20-35, Yale Corp

Gill, Charles Otis








Sec, Treas The Gill Engraving Co, (NYC); InterChurch World Movement Work in New England; Fed Council of Churches of Christ in Am,(OH)

Griggs, John Cornelius








Prof English, Dept Head 1920-27, Assoc Prof English19-29, Canton Christian College; Assoc Prof Music 1897-19, Vassar College

McQuaid, William Adolph 








1st Deputy 11-14, Attny Gen NY; Asst Dist Attny NYC

Pinchot, Gifford








Gov 23-27, 31-35, PA; Public Emeritus 36-46, Prof 03-36, Forestry Yale U; Commsioner 20-23, Forestry, PA; US Forester & Chief of Division 1889-1910, US; Mbr, US Food Admin, WWI; VP 12, First International Eugenics Congress

Reed, Harry Lathrop



Alpha Delta Phi




Otheman, Elsie Maynard

Pres Emeritus 37-; Pres, Prof, asst Prof, Dir 03-37, Auburn Theological Seminary; Pastor First Presbyerterian Albany, OR 1897-1903; Trustee 14-49, Wells College 14-49; Congregrational Min 1897

Robinson, Henry Seymour   









Smith, Herbert Augustine         








Instr 1892-98, English Yale U; 01-37 w/US Forest Service

Stokes, Horace Sheldon









Walker, Horace Flecher









Wells, Herbert Wetmore








Episcopal Minister; Instr, Army Educ Corps WWI ( Fgn Service)

Woodruff, George Washington  








Public Service Commisioner 31-33, PA; Attny Gen 23-27, PA; Fed Judge 09-10 (HI); Acting Sec 07, Interior US; Asst Attny Gen 07-09, US

Bayard, Thomas Francis








Mbr 22-29, US Senate; Solicitor 17-19, Wilmington City; Govt. Appeal Agent Wilmington, WWI

Corwith, John White  









Crosby, John    




Law & Industrial



Hastings, Margaret

Pres, Washburn Crosby, Minneapolis; Trustee, Dunwoody Industrial Inst; Mbr, Federal Adv Council (DC); Mbr 1894-1948, Minneapolis City Council

Day, Arthur Pomeroy 







Bruce, Lucy B

Chmn Bd, Hartfort-CT Trust Co; Treas  1893, LE Rhodes Co; Sec, VP, CT Trust & Safe Deposit Co, (Hartford); Dir, CT Gen Life Ins Co, EG Whittlesey & Co, Russell Mfg Co, Spencer Turbine Co, Am Hardware Co, Arrow, Hart & Hegeman Electric Co, Aetna Ins Co, World Fire & Marine Ins Co, Century Indemnity Co, Spencer Aircraft Motors Inc; Trustee Mechanic Savings Bank; Mbr, Hartford Redevelopment Com, CT River Bridge and Hwy Comm

Farnham, John Dorrance     









Harrison, Fairfax








Chmn 17, Railroad War Bd

Haslam, Lewis Scofield








Counsel, Asst Treas 13, Simmons Hardware Co, (St Louis Mo); Attny 1893, Lord, Day & Lord (NYC); Mbr 33-35, Alumni Bd

James, Norman 








13 w/N W James & Co, Lumber Merchants, (Baltimore); Sec 1893, Central R'y Co, Baltimore; Dirs Citizen's National Bank, Safe Deposit and Trust Co, Savings Bank of Baltimore

Kellogg, Charles Poole    








Sec 1895-1928, CT Dept of Public Welfare

Kneeland, Yale








Grain Merchant, Kneeland & Co (NYC)

Morse, Sidney Nelson









Sage, Henry Manning




real Estate




wholesale lumber HW Sage & Co, Albany; Pres, Sage Land & Improvement Co Albany; Chmn 22-32, Hudson River Regulating Bd; Mbr 11-21. NY State Senate; Mbr 1898-99, NY State Legislature; Trustee 00-04, Cornell U

Simmons, Wallace Delafield








Asst Treas, Pres, Simmons Hardware Co (St Louis); War Industries Bd, WWI

Stewart, Percy Hamilton      







Cochran, Elinor De Witt

Mbr 31-32  US Congress; Mbr 23-29, NJ State Highway Comm; Mbr 19-21, NJ State Bd Education; Mayor Plainfield, NJ 12-13; Civilian Aide to the Adj Gen WWI

Tracy, Evarts  








Tracy & Swartwout; Lt Col, Eng Corps, WWI AEF

Calhoun, Governeur                    








Attny 1913, St Louis; Supt Office 1877, Western Div LS&MS RR

Cox, John Joughin  




Law Student





Doane, John Wesley Jr.








Broker, Diltons, Ltd (Montreal); Wholesale drug business (NYC); 1893, w/Pullman's Palace Car Co (Chicago)

Estill, Joe Garner



state legislature






Mbr 32-34,34-36, CT State Legislature; Master Mathematics, Hotchkiss School

Graves, William Phillips








Prof, Emertus 32-33, Prof, Gynecology 11-32, Harvard Med School 

Isham, Edward Swift                      1891








dry goods

Kenerson, Vertner      








Surgeon, Spanish-American War

McClintlock, Norman








Faculty 32-36, Rutgers;Prof 25-30, Dept Zoology, U PA; w/Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co

Morison, Samuel Benjamin    








13, w/Coffee Business (NYC)

Poole, William Frederick            









Simms, William Erskine  









Thomson, Samuel Clifton                    1891








Trade Advsr 17-18, Export Div, War Trade Bd

Townsend, John Barnes








Asst Business Mgr, Mgr, The Press (Philadelphia)

Tweedy, Henry Hallam                      1891








Prof 09-37, Practical Theology, Yale Div School

Walcott, Frederic Collin 







Guthrie, Mary Hussey

Mbr 25-29, CT State Senate; Mbr 29-35, US Senate; Welfar Commsnr 35-39, (CT); Mfg cotton cloth; Banker, Mfgr 07-15, Officer & Dir many Corps untill 1922; Mbr 21-29, State Bd of Fisheries & Game and State Water Comm; Mbr Exec Comm 15-17, Carnegie Inst of Washington;  Belgian, Polish Relief Work; US Food Admin 17-19, WWI

Bayne, Hugh Aiken







Cheney, Helen

Counsel 20-26, Reparation Com Paris; Counsel 19, Liquidation Com of War Dept; Attny 05-14, Strong & Cadwalader; Lt Col, Judge Advocate Generals' Depts, WWI AEF

Boltwood, Edward




Literay work





Cheney, Howell 



Psi Upsilon




Bunce, Anne Kimberly

Silk Manufacturer 1893-35; Dir, Sec 25-35, Cheney Bros; Trustee 1900-05, Manchester Savings Bank;  Mbr 07, CT Com  on Consolidation of State Comms; Mbr 09-19, CT State Bd of Education; Chmn13-38, CT Unemployment Com; Chmn Comm on State Prision Systems, Mbr 13-38, Yale Corp; Chmn War Savings Com  CT

Cheney, Knight Dexter Jr. 








Silk Manufacturer

Crosby, Benjamin Lewis Jr.             




Law Student





Day, Clive







Lewis, Elizabeth Dike

Prof 22-38, Political Economy, Prof 07-22, Asst Prof 02-07, Economic History, Yale U; Instr 1895-98, History U CA; Mbr 31-33, CT Unemployment Comm; Chmn 18, Balkan Div, US Peace Comm, Paris

Graves, Henry Solon







Welch, Ella Marian

Prof Emeritus 39, Dean 22-39, Prof, Dir 00-10, Yale Forestry School, Provost 23-27, Yale U; Asst Chief 1898-1900, Div of Forestry, Chief Forester 10-20, USDA; Lt Col, Eng Corps WWI AEF

Husted, James William








Mbr15-23, Congress; Mbr Congressional Investgation Comm in France, WWI; Mbr 1895-97, NY State Legislature

Ingersoll, James Wernham Dunsford








Asst Prof 1897-1921, Latin, Yale U

Jay, Pierre








Hon Chmn 45- , Chmn Bd 30-45, Fiduciary Trust Co of NY; Natl Treas 41, Russian War Relief; Am Mbr 26-30, Transfer Comm, Deputy Agt of Reparations (Berlin); Chmn Bd, Federal Reserve Agent 14-26, Federal Reserve Bank of New York; VP 09-14, Manhattan Co, NY; Bank Commisioner 06-09, (MA); VP 03-06, Old Colony Trust Co, Boston; 1899-1903 w/Post & Flagg,( NY); 1893 w/The Beni Gum Co, La Paz, Bolivia; Gov, Yale Publishing Assn.

Kitchel, William Lloyd         









McClung, Thomas Lee            








Treasurer of 09-12, US; Treas 04-09, Yale U; Furniture Business (TN)

Morison, Stanford Newel








Raising Coffee

Price, Frank Julian








Asst Corp Counsel 11-18 (NYC); Mbr 00-01, NY State Legislature; ; Dir, Sec Deer Island Club

Ryle, Ernest 








Iron Business, Scranton; Canteen worker, WWI (French Army)

Begg, William Reynolds









Cooke, James Barclay 








Sec & Treas, Passaic Structural Steel Co, NJ

Dwight, Winthrop Edwards








Assoc Fellow 35-1944, Tomothy Dwight College, Yale U

Gallaudet, Edson Fessenden








Pres, Gallaudet Engineering Co; Instructor Physics 1897-1900, Head Crew Coach 1900, Yale U

Hay, Logan








Mbr 07-14,  IL State Senate

Ives, Sherwood Bissell    









Jones, Alfred Henry  









Lambert, Adrian VanSinderen     







Robinson, Mary Shipman

NY Hosp, Lincoln Hosp, Roosevelt Hosp, Bellevue Hosp, Coll Physicians and Surgeons, Collumbia U

Martin, George Greene   









Parker, William White Wilson             




Law, Finance





Parsons, Francis




Finance, Law




Mbr 25-37, Yale Corp; Trustee 36-37, Peabody Museum Nat History; Capt, Am Red Cross, WWI (fgn service)

Robinson, John Trumbull 








US Attny 08-12, Dist of CT

Roby, Joseph 









Rogers, Derby








Supply Sgt, CT State Guard

Wallis, Alexander Hamilton        








Cprl 17, CT Home Guard

Case, George Bowen     








Mbr, Red Cross War Council, WWI

Cochran, Thomas      








VP Astor Trust Co NYC; Mem JP Morgan and Co; Pres Liberty Natl Bank, NY; Dir various corps; Trustee numerous Companies and RRs

Davies, Thomas Frederick








Episcopal Bishop 11-36, (Western MA); Representative YMCA War Work Council, WWI (fgn service)

Hall, John Loomer







Morgan, Dorthy Brinley

Choate, Hall & Stewart (Boston); Dir, NY, NH & H RR, Merchants Natl Bank of Boston, Westinghouse Electric & Mfg Co, The CT R'wy Co, MA Fire & Marine Ins Co, Am Sugar Refinig Co, United Shoe Co; VP, Boston Herald-Traveler Corp; Pres, Trustee, Boston Public Library; Naval Intell WWI

Hare, Meredith 









Holter, Edwin Olaf  








State Commisioner 13, Prisons (NY) ; Pres Prison Assn NY; Trustee, Am Scandinavian Foundation; 2nd Lt, Signal Corps US Vol Spanish American War

Howland, John 








Prof 12-26, John Hopkins; 10-12, Pediatrics Washington U; Maj, Med Corps WWI

James, Robert Campbell









McMillan, Philip Hamilton                 




Law, Business




Pres, Detroit and Cleveland Navigation Co; Sec, Treas, Detroit Free Press; Trustee Estate of James McMillian

Paine, Ralph Delahaye  




Literary Work




Mbr 18-20, NH State Legislature; Mbr18, Fed Fuel Comm; War correspondent Cuba, Spanish-American War, China-Bover Rebellion; Bureau of Public Information & Navy Department, WWI (fgn service)

Stewart, Walter Eugene Jr.            








2d Lt, Inf Spanish-American War

Stillman, Leland Stanford                 




Law, Finance




Asst Sec, Astor Trust Co; Priv, Cav Spanish-American War

Walcott, William Stuart  




Business, Farming





Whitney, Harry Payne 







Vanderbilt, Gertrude

Married Gertrude Vanderbilt, investment banker.

Word, Charles Francis








Mbr 03-04, MT Stqate Legislature; Sec to 1897-1901, Gov MT

Beard, Anson McCook









Buckner, Mortimer Norton








Pres, VP, NY Trust Co, (NYC); Mbr Bd 28-40, Yale Corp; Assoc Fellow 34-42, Calhoun Coll; Mbr 22-28, Yale Alumni Bd

Butterworth, Frank Seiler



state Senator






Mbr 07-09, CT State Senate; 2nd Lt Chemical Warfare Service, WWI, AEF

Cable, Benjamin Stickney








General Attny, C, RI & P Ry; Asst Sec of Commerce and Labor 09-13, US

Carter, Walter Frederick          









Clark, Alexander Ray                  








Stockbroker w/Jewett Brothers NYC

Cooke, Walter Evans 








w/ Passaic Structural Steel Co

Davis, Benjamin








asst US Attny 1913, (Chicago)

Denison, Lindsay




Literary Work




Journalist, The Evening World, (NYC); Capt, QMC WWI AEF

Harrison, Francis Burton 








Governor General Philippines 13-21, later Advisor to Pres. Phillipines; Mbr 03-05 07-13 US Congress;  Capt, Adj Gen

Hinkey, Frank Augustus








Zinc Smelting

McKee, Lanier                     








Author, The Land of Nome

Phelps, Zira Bennett     








VP, Comptroller, Dir Security Mutual Life Insurance Co (NY); Dir, Bayless Pulp and Paper Co; Dare Lumber Co

Shepley, Arthur Behn








Prof 10-13, Equity, Washinton U, Law School; Service Spanish-American War

Sloane, William  








Pres, W & J Sloane, Inc (NYC); Trustee, Robert College (Instanbul); Chmn, Natl War Work Council, YMCA, WWI

Beard, William Mossgrove









VP, Union Carbide (NY); Prtnt Beard & Paret (NYC); Mbr,12 NJ State Legislature

Brown, Alexander








Horseman, Brown Brothers & Company; Asst Paymaster, USN, Spanish-American War

Cheney, Ward                  




Literary Work




1st Lt, Inf, US Army, Spanish-American War

Cross, William Redmond








Keeper of Maps 31-39, Yale U Library; Broker, Redmond & Co (NY); Mbr, Sec 1898-1905, Morton Bliss & Co, Morton Trust Co, Treas, Cuba Co, (NY); Mbr 1897-98, Manhattan Trust Compnay (NY); Pres 37-40, NY Zoologocal Soc

DeSibour,  Jules Henri  








Architect for French Embassy and other public buildings

Griggs, Maitland Fuller








Attny, (NY); Chmn 26-41, Originator, Founder, Associates in Fine Arts, Chmn Comm on Accessions 28-40, Yale Art Gallery, Yale U; Lt Col, Ord Dept WWI

McKee, McKee Dunn              








Pres, Two Kings Mining Co, (Mexico); Buck Run Coal Co, (PA); Compressed Gas Capsule Co (NY); Bertron & Storrs, (NY); 2nd Lt, Spanish-American War

Neale, James Brown








 VP, Dir 05-, Sonman Shaft Coal; Worker, Pennsylvania Coal Co; Treas, Dir 03-, Darkwater Coal Co; Pres, 1899-, Buck Run Coal Co (Minersville, PA)

Smith, Winthrop Davenport 




Business, Finance




Merchant, Ptnr, Keller & Smith; Fred Macey Co, Ltd (NY); Baltimore, Chesapeake & Atlantic RR; Hartley & Graham (NY)

Stokes, Anson Phelps




Ministry, Education



Mitchell, Caroline Green

Extensive World Traveler; Founder, Trustee, Am U Union in Europe; Trustee, Rockefeller Foundation, Gen Education Bd, International Educ Bd; Dir, Educ Dept YMCA; AEF WWI; Sec1899-21, Yale U; Canon 24-30, Washington Cathederal; Chmn Bd Trustees, Yale-in-China; Pres Emeiruts, Stokes Foundation; Trustee Brookings Inst;  Author

Thorne, Samuel







Cheney, Ethel M

Delafield, Howr, Thorne & Rogers; Dirs, Leonia-Englewood Estates, Mandings Dvlpmnt Corp, Missionary Aexposition Co, Silver Bay Assn; Attny, w/Joline, Larkin & Rathbone; Deputy Asst Dist Attny 01-05 (NYC); Attny 00-01 w/Stimson & Williams; Dirs, Pemeta Oil Co, Church Properties Fire Insurance Co, Church Life Ins Corp; Dirs, Pres, Church Pub Assn Inc, Church Army in the USA; Trustee, Yale-in-China; Pvt, Home Guard WWI

Thorne, Samuel Brinckeroff








Chmn Bd 22-24, Dir 14-22, Treas, 01-03, Temple Coal, Co;  Pres, 09-30 Thorne, Neale & Co NYC; Tres 01-30 Buck Run Coal Co; Pres 03-07, Darkwater Coal;  Trustees, East River Savings Bank, Title Guarantee & Trust Co, NY, Museum Natural History (NY); Captain, hero Yale football; service on Comm sent abroad by Fed Fuel Admin, WWI

Treadway, Ralph Bishop                      1896








Attny 00-13, Land Dept Chicago & Northwestern RR Co (Chicago); Attny 1899-00, Jackson, Busby & Lyman; Russia Merchant, W Ropes & Co; Pres 1893, Petroffshy Oil Works Co; 

Trudeau, Edward Livingston Jr.                 









Weyerhaeuser, Frederick Edward








Pres 28-45, Treas 06-28,  Weyerhaeuser Timber Company; Founder 03, Weyerhaeuser Sales Company; Pres 00, Southern Lumber Company (AR); Various Dir; Comm of Fine Arts, Yale; Gov, Yale Publishing Assoc

Bailey, Philip Horton








2nd Lt, Regular Army Spanish-American War

Brooke, George Clymer








Banker, Broker, George S Fox & Sons, Philadelphia

Coffin, Henry Sloane  







Beecher, Lyman

 Mbr 44-46, NY City Comm on Racial and Rel Tolerance; Mbr 43-44, NY State Comm on Birth Control legislation, Moderator Gen assembly of the Presbyterian Ch; Mbr 21-45, Yale Corp; YMCA Chaplin WWI Foreign service

Fincke, Clarence Mann







Whitman, Elizabeth

Chmn Bd, Dir 48, Home Life Ins Co, Manhattan Fire & Marine Ins Co, Seaboard Surety Co; 32, w/Greenwich Savings Bank, (NYC); 20-31,w/ Bank of Am; Asst Sec 17-20, Franklin Trust Co  

Garrison, Elisha Ely








Mgr, WS State Journal (Madison); US Volunteer Calvary (Rough Riders) Spanish American War, LT Col FA WWI AEF

Gerard, Sumner       







Coster, Helen div '26

Pres, Aeon Realty Corp, GBW Construction Co, Aeonitt Realty Corp; Sgt US Vol Cavalary (Rough Riders) Spanish American War, Maj FA WWI

Gillette, Curtenius








Post-Grad U Bavaria; Bellvue Hosp; Manhattan State Hosp; LT Col, Med Corps WWI AEF

Kerr, Albert Boardman 








Chief Counsel 18, US Housing Corp; Prtnr 1913, Zabrinskie, Murray, Sage & Kerr ( NYC)

Kitchel, Cornelius Porter









Pinchot, Amos Richards Eno








Priv Calvary, Spanish-American War; Founder 17, ACLU, Inc; Organizer 17, Am Com War Finance

Sage, Dean








Chmn Bd of Trustees 29-43, Atlanta U; Mayor Mendham NJ 17-22; Deputy Asst 02, Dist Attny NY County; Civilian Army Transport Service WWI

Smyth, Nathan Ayer








Asst Dir 17-18, Gen US Employment Service; Asst Gen Counsel 21-211Gen Counsel 22-25, US Shipping BD Emergency Fleet Corp; Asst Dist Attny NYC 1902-1910

Sumner, Graham








13 w/Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett (NYC)

Wheelwright, Joseph Storer








Major, Med Corps WWI AEF

Williams, Norman Alton 









Cheney, Clifford Dudley      








Silk Manufacturer; Capt, Cav, Mexican Border; Lt Col, Ord Dept, WWI AEF

Fearey, Morton Lazell       








Chmn Selective Service Bd, WWI

Gallaudet, Herbert Draper




Ministry & Literary Works




Congregrational Minister; Capt FA WWI AEF

Hale, Eugene Jr.








Broker 1913, (NYC); Priv, Med Corps WWI

Hinsdale, Frank Gilbert     








Asst to Treas, Wilkes-Barre Lace Mfg Co (PA)

Kernochan, Frederic                          1898








Chief Justice 16-37, Assoc Justice 13-16, NY Court of Spec Sessions; Asst Dist Attny 03-05, NYC; Light Artillery Spanish American War

Lord, Franklin Atkins








Sec US Shipping Bd 23-32; Dpty Police Commsr NYC

Montgomery, Grenville Dodge     







Alle, Anne Carrington

Cadet, USN Spanish-American War; Officer Candidate, FA WWI

Parker, Grenville








Emanuel, Parker & Co (NYC); Officer Candidate FA WWI

Rogers, David Francis








Bonds, Rogers & Gould NYC

Simmons, Frank Hunter








 1913 w/Iron Business (NYC); Treas, Jihn Simmons Co; Dir, Vulcan Rail & Construction Co, Essex Foundry

Wadsworth, James Wolcott Jr.          







Hay, Alice

Chmn 50, Natl Security Training Comm 50;  Mbr 32-50, US Congress; Mbr 15-27 US Senate 15-27; Livestock, Farming 1899-; Mgr 11-15, Ranch Palodoro (TX); Dir Genesee Valley Natl Bank & Trust Co (Geneseo, NY); Spkr 06-10, NY State Legislature; Pvt, Spanish American War

Whitney, Payne








Pres, Interlake Pulp and Paper Co; VP, Whitney Realty Co; 13 w/Great Northern Paper Co (NY); Dir, Knickerbocker Trust Co 

Wickes, Forsyth  







Haven, Marian Arnot

13 w/Crocker & Wickes; Sr Ptnr, Wickes, Riddell, Bloomer, Jacobi & McGuire (NYC ); Founder, Bd Chmn, The French Lycee (NY); Maj, AEF WWI

Wright, Henry Burt  








Prof 14-23, Christian Methods, Asst Prof 11-14, History, Asst Prof 07-11, Roman History and Latin Lit, Yale U; acting Sec 1899-1900, Yale U; Yale College in China

Adams, Mason Tyler









Ames, Sullivan Dobb




Law Student





Bowles, Henry Thornton







Hauckel, Ida Louise


Brooke, Frederick Hiester







Mckee, Dunn Mrs

Capt Air Service, WWI

Brown, Jamot








Real Estate

Callahan, Hugh Andrew            



state legislature






Mbr 30-33, AZ House of Reps; City Clerk, City Magistrate 22-27, Phnx; Chief Clerk 17-18, AZ House of Rep; Sec Bd Dirs, 17-18, AZ State Institutions; Deputy Factory Inspector 1913, IL: Lumber Dealer Chicago

Day, Dwight Huntington








Treas, Foreign Mission Bd, Presbyterian, NYC; YMCA Sec WWI

Griswold, William Edward Schenck







Sloane, Evelyn; Emery, Ruth

Dir, W&J Sloane, Commercial Solvents Corp, CT Light & Power Co, Greenwich Savings Bank, Northern Pacific Rwy Co; Sec 09-11, Railroad Securities Comm

Maffitt, Thomas Skinner








VP, MO Iron Co (St Louis); Capt, Military Intelligence Div WWI

Magee, James McDevitt     








Beatty, Magee & Martin (Pittsburgh); Mbr 23-27, US Congress; Capt, Air Service WWI

Preston, Ord







Converse, Frances Jane; Murray, Carolyn Merritt; Coe, Margaret Helen

Chmn Bd 45-46, Pres 32-45, Dir 12, Union Trust Co; Mbr NY Stock Exchange, Mbr 05-12, E Welles & Co; Pres 23-30, Dir 10, Washington (DC) Gas & Light Co; 02-05, w/Neale & Thorne coal operators, PA; Clrk 00-02, WH Goadby & Co, Brokers, (NYC); Major, Air Service, WWI

Sweet,  Carroll Fuller    








Grand Rapids Lumber Co

Vanderbilt, Alfred Gwynne









Welles, Charles Hopkins Jr.              







O'Malley, Grace

13, w/Wells & Torrey; Ptnr 1893, Welles & Mackie (Scranton, PA);

Whitehouse, William Fitzhugh








Mbr 24, 26, RI State Senate; Maj, WWI AEF

Adams, Frederick Baldwin







Delano, Ellen Walters

Banking, NYC; Pres West Indies Sugar Corp; Chmn Atlantic Coast Line RR, Louisville & Nashville RR, Clinchfield RR; Dir of many subsudary and affiliated RR corps; also officer or dir of many other corps

Allen, Frederick Winthrop








Private banker Lee, Higginson & Co, NY; Trustee 28-33, Barnard College; 31-33 Trustee John Hopkins; 23-27 Yale Alumni Brd; Mbr Raw materials Cmtte; Dir 17, War Savings for Greater NY; VP 1913, Mechanics & Metals, Nat Bank NY

Camp, Stuart Brown









Cheney, Frank Dexter 








Silk Manufacturer; CT State Council of Defense

Coffin, William Sloane








 Pres 31-33, Metropolitian Museum of Art; YMCA Work; WWI Foreign Service

Cross, John Walter







Page, Lily Lee; Hoyt, Katherine (Mather)

1907-42, Cross & Cross (NYC), Ross & Son, (NYC); Chief Architect 18, US Housing Corp; Mbr, Natl Comm of Fine Arts; NY Art Comm

Douglas, Malcolm    








Maj, Med Corps, AEF WWI

Greenway, James Cowan 







Lauder, Harriet M

Assoc Atending Physician 08-16, NY Hosp; Dir 16-36, Yale U Health Dept; Major 17-18, Medical Corps

Hopkins, John Morgan









Leavitt, Ashley Day



Psi Upsilon




Hart, Myrtle R

Congregrational Minister, (Hartford, CT, Concord, NH, Brookline MA); National Council Preacher; Chmn  26-38, 44-46, Prudential Comm ABCFM

Lyon, George Armstrong       








Invst Banker, NW Halsey & Co (Boston); Capt, Inf WWI  AEF

Paddock, Brace Whitman       









Rockefeller, Percy Avery








Founder, VP Owenoke Corp; Dirs, Air Reduction Co, Am International Corp, Atlantic Fruit Co, Anaconda Copper Mining Co, Bethlehem Steel Corp, Bowman Biltmore Hotels Co, Cuba Co, Chile Copper Co, Consoldated Gas Co, Greenwich Trust Co, WA Harriman& Co, Mesabi iron Co, National City NBank of NY, National City Company, NewYork Edison Co,North Am Reassurance Co, National Surety Company, Provident Loan Society, Remington Arms Co, United Electric Light & Power Co, Western Union Telegraph Co; Trustee John Sterling, Yale-1863

Sullivan, Corlis Esmonde                    1900








VP, Glens Run Coal Co (Cleveland); Mbr 21-24, Advisory Council Fed Res Bd

Taft, Hulbert 







Leaman, Nellie

Pres 30, Editor 07, Assoc Editor 02-07, Reporter 01-02, Cincinnati Times-Star; Mbr, Cincinatti Home Guard WWI

Allen, Arthur Dwight









Carlisle, James Mandeville








Maj, Adj Gen Dept WWI

Cheney, Philip 








Silk Manufacturer; Capt, Inf, WWI AEF

Cheney, Thomas Langdon    








Silk Manufacturer

Christian, Henry Hall  









Coy, Sherman Lockwood 








Cloquet Lumber Co, (MN); The Northern Lumber Co, (MN)

Edwards, Richard Henry  



Psi Upsilon




Camp, Anna R

Dir, Natl Council on Religious Education in Higher Education; Natl War Council YMCA WWI; Mbr 41-46, Fed Council of Churches

Eels, John Shepard  







Coffin, Marion

Real Estate Broker (Marin Cnty CA)

Hixon, Robert 








Lumber; Maj, Am Red Cross, WWI (fgn service)

Hoysradt, J Warren








1913, w/Guaranty Trust Co (NYC)

Keppelman, John Arthur   








Federal Food Adminstrator  (Berks City, PA)

Morris, Ray







Grinnell, Katherine

Mbr 49, Brown Bros Harriman; Pres Investment Bankers Assn of America 25-26; Mbr10-20, White, Weld & Co (NYC); Mng Editor Editor RR Gazette 1903-10; Dir, Exec Comm, Gen Security Assurance Corp, Am Woolen Co; Dir, Finace Comm, Symington-Gould Corp; Dirs, Holly Sugar Co, Sinclair Oil & Refining Corp, McCall Corp, Sidney Blumenthal & Co, The Best Foods, Inc, Grand Union Co, Punta Alegre Sugar Corp, SKF Industries, Inc; w/Federal Reserve Bank during World War

Richardson, Allan Harvey 








Pres, The McCall Co; Treas 12-15, Puerto Rico

Welch, George Arnold   









Wright, Alfred Parks









Carpenter, George Boone 




Farming, Writer



Morrill, Rhea


Cressler, Alfred Miller      








Treas, Kerr Murray Mfg Co, (Wayne, IN)

Cushing, Charles Cyprian Strong




Literary Work




YMCA Secretary, WWI (fgn Service)

Day, William Edwards







Hall, Florence

w/Thomas C Day Co, (Indianaplois)

Ferguson, Alfred Ludlow 







Howard, Ruth

Executive (NYC); Treas, Windsor Print Works (MA)

Guernsey, Raymond Gano 








Officer Candidate, FA WWI

Potter, Roderick       








Treas, Ellicot Square Co, Buffalo

Rumsey, Bronson Case




Education, Farming



Perkins, Anna Bowditch; Lynah, Elizabeth

Mbr 32-40, WY St Senate; Capt, Am Field Service WWII

Sincerbeaux, Frank Huestis



Psi Upsilon




Batterson, Jessie Marion

 44- w/Sincerbeaux & Shrewsbury; Assoc 44, Bowers & Sands;  26-44 w/Middlebrook & Sincerbeaux;06-26 w/Middlebrook & Borland; Trustee, The Greenwich Savings Bank; Dirs, Eugene A Hoffman Estate, Inc, Forest Hills Garden, Inc, Eva Gebhard Gourgaud Foundation

Stebbins, Edwin Allen







Sibley, Elizabeth

Pres, Rochester Savings Bank; Dirs, Savings Banks Trust Co, Sibley, Lindsay & Curr Co; Dir, Rochester C of C and Bureau Muncipal Research; Fruit Grower & Wholesale Merchant (Rochester, NY)

Stone, Harold  








US Public Service Res, US Employment Service, Dept Labor, WWI

Swan, Joseph Rockwell







Henderson, Nathalie

Pres, Dir Am Hard Wall Plaster Co; 38-44 w/Smith Barney & Co; Ptnr 34-37, EB Smith & Co; Pres 28-34, Dir, VP 19-28, Guaranty Co of NY; Ptnr 10-19, Kean Taylor & Co (NYC); Treas, Union Trust Co, Albany 07-10;  Chmn Bd 46-, Pres 38-46 NY Botanical Gardens; Maj, Am Red Cross WWI

Taylor, Alan McLean








Rector, Episcopal Church (Boston)

Trowbridge, Mason 







Fox, Helen

Asst Prof 15-16, Yale Law School; Asst 04-05, English Dept Yale U; Deputy Asst 06, 09 Dist Attny NYC

White, Percy Gardiner









Chadwick, George Brewster   








Mgr, The Patterson Mfg Co, Ltd East (Toronto): Capt Chemical Warfare Service, WWI

Clark, Harold Terry             







Sanders, Mary Ermina ; Odenkirk, Marie

Mbr 13-38, Squire, Sanders & Dempsy; Dir, Cleveland Electric Illuminating Co, Kelley Island Line & Transport Co, Cleveland Quarries Co, Fisher Bros Co, Rayen Co; Pres, Dir, Lakeside Marblehead RR Co; Sec, Dir, Cleveland City Forge; Trustee, Society for Savings, Cleveland; Asst to Chmn 18, US War Industries Bd, Bernard Baruch; Mbr 18, American Peace Commision, Paris;

Corning, Erastus 








Chief Surgeon1919-, AM Exp Force, Archangel, Russia; Lt Col Med Corps WWI AEF

Dreisbach, John Martin








VP, Macan Jr Co, (Easton PA)

Hamlin, Chauncey Jerome          



Alpha Delta Phi

Investment Banker, Law



Gray, Emily; Wilkeson, Elizabeth; Gayle, Ella

Ptnr 41- , Hamlin & Lunt; Ptnr 40-41, Langdon B Wood  & Co; Specl Ptnr 37-,  Wood, Trubeee & Co; O'Brien & Hamlin, later Obrian, Hamlin, Donovon & Goodyear; 05-07 Rogers, Locke & Milburn (Buffalo); Dir 1931, Buffalo, Rochester & Pittsburg R'wy; Trustee, Am Museum Natural Hist (NYC); Capt, FA AEF WWI

Hewitt, Brower     








RR Business 1913; Treas, Marine Historical Assn of Mystic Seaport

Holt, Henry Chandler      







Carson, Margaret

Chmn, Treas, International Grenfell Assn; Pres, Central Hanover Safe Deposit Co; Clerk, Asst Sec, VP  06-46, Central Trust Co (NYC)

Lamb, Albert Richard







Foster, Helen

Presbyterian Hosp (NYC); Maj, Med Corps WWI AEF

Moore, Frank Wood








Prof Emeritus 30-47, Asst Prof Hoilectics 17-30, Auburn Theological Seminary

Sutphin, Stuart Bruen                      1903








Dir, Natl Bank; Capt QMC

Thompson, Donald









Wallace,  Henry Mitchell 







Andrews, Louise

VP, American Brass Co

Waring, Antonio Johnston                  1903








Capt, Med Corps WWI

White, John Richards









Wilhelmi, Frederick William               








Supt 13, Cloquet Tie & Post Co (Cloquet MN); Intelligence Branch, US Army WWI

Adams, Charles Edward







Shearson, Phyllis Elizabeth

Banker, NYC; President-1921, Treasurer-1918, Air Reduction Company, NYC; Investments, Callaway, Fish & Company 1911-16, Foster & Adams, NYC 17-18; Chief Iron and Steel Div, War Production Board WWII

Adams, George Webster







Ferris, Hester (Bishop)

Partner, Foster & Adams, NYC 1912-

Cheney, Russell  








Painter, Mbr, CT Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1916-18 Colorado sanatorium

Crane, Winthrop Murray







Eaton, Ethel G

Pres, Gen Mgr Crane & Co, Inc 1923- ; Dir, Otis Elevator Co, Inc, Guaranty Trust Co (NY), Am Banknote Co, Air Reduction Co, Agrctrl Natl Bank (Pittsfield), Berkshire Life Insurance Co, Eaton Paper Co ; Yale Alumni Bd; Lt Col, Ord Dept WWI

Cross, Walter Snell







Crosby, Ruth Chadwick

Pres 50-51, The Mother Church, First Church of Christian Scientist, (Boston MA); Lt, Chaplin Army WWI

Dodge, Francis Talmage







Partridge, Helen

Pres 04-52, Dodge & Olcott, Co(Manufauturers & Importers of Essential Oils)

Jennings, Percy Hall







Auchincloss, Elizabeth (Russell)

Pres -1921-, Asst Treas, American Trading Co NYC (export/import merchants); Maj Air Service AEF WWI

Kittle, John Caspar     







Woolsey, Marjorie Ellinwood

Sec, Kittle Const Co (SF, CA), Manager Mailliard & Scmiedell (Orient-import dept. SF, CA) Manager American Trading Company-1913-17 (Oriental import department, SF, CA); Capt, QMC WWI AEF

Metcalf, Harold Grant







Nye, Maud Edna

w/mill 04, asst Treas 05-21, VP 21-28, Pres 28-41, Vice Chmn 41-48, Chmn Bd 48-52, Columbian Rope Co (Auburn NY)

Miller, James Ely







Kissel, Gladys Godfrey

Capt, Air Service AEF WWI (First American Aviator killed in combat in France)

Pierce, Frederick Erastus







Squires, Delma Louise

Assoc Prof 26-35, Asst Prof 10-26, English Yale U

Reed, Lansing Parmalee                  1904







Lawrence, Ruth (Cunningham)

Lawyer, Partner, Stetson, Jennings, Russell and Davis 1915-, NYC; Mbr, Bd Dirs Guaranty Trust Company-1924; Trustee 29-37, Union Theological Seminary; Chmn Yale 30-32, U Fund Assoc

Soper, Willard Burr 







Crocker, Helen Tufts

Assoc Clinical Prof 27-31, Medicine Yale U; Physician, NY; Maj, Med corps WWI

Thacher, Thomas Day







Burrall, Eunice Booth; Lloyd, Eleanor L

Judge 43-48, NY Court Appeals; Corp Counsel 43, City of NY; Solicter Gen 30-33, US; Judge 25-30, US Dist Court Southern Distr NY; 06-07,19-24, 33-43 w/Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; Asst US Attny Southern Dist NY 07-08; Chmn NYC Charter Comm; Maj, Sec Am Red Cross Mission to Russia7/17-3/18, WWI (Fgn Service)

Wiggin, Fredrick Holme



Psi Upsilon




Jackson, Ruth Parker

34- w/Wiggin & Dana (New Haven); Ptnr 16-34, Bristol & WhiteLaw;  07-13 w/Bristol, Stoddard, Beach & Fisher; Dir, First Natl Bank & Trust Co (New Haven); Gov, Yale Publishing Assoc; Capt, FARE WWI

Bradford, Arthur Howe







Price, Frances Eugenia

Minister 18-52, Central Congregrational, Providence RI; 13-18 Rutland Congregrational; Asst Minister 09-12, South Congregrational Church, Springfield MA; preacher Yale, Phillips Exeter Acad; Mbr 25-52 Yale Corporation

Ellsworth, John Stoughton








Asst Treas, The Arlington Co (NYC)

Fish, Stuyvesant 








Broker; Lt. FA WWI

Hogan, James Joseph                      1905









Hollister, Buell     







Knowlton, Louise Rockwell

Broker, Sr Ptnr, Pyne, Kendall & Hollister (NYC);Pres, Dir, Independent Gold Mining Co; Chmn Bd, Cornell Dubilier Electric Corp; Bd, YMCA NYC; Am Red Cross WWI

Hughes, Berrien   








Capt, FA WWI

Lathrop, John Hiram  








Mbr 44-49, Appellate Judicial Com of MO

Richardson, Gardner        



Alpha Delta Phi




Davies, Dorthea SK

First Sec 38-47, Dept of State; Commericial Attache 26-38, Dept of Commerce; 12-14 w/White, Weld & Co (NYC); Asst Pub 05-12, Independent Mag;  12-14;  Am Ambulance Field Service 14-15; Comm for Relief, Belgium 15-17; Chief Amer Relief Adminis, Hungary 19-20, Austria 20-23; Dir for Austria of Commonwealth Fund 23-25; Commericial Attache 26-29  Athens,  29-30 Vienna & Belgrade, 30-33, 34-38 Vienna, 38-39, Bucharest, 39-41, Istanbul, 41, First Sec Berlin, 41  Berne;   Exec Asst to Dir 48, Gen International Refugee Org; Capt Inf 17-18, Assigned to Intelligence Sec GHQ US Army; AEF WWI

Rogers, Edmund Pendleton







Elliot, Edith January; Goodyear, Dorothy Knox

Banker & Broker; Officer Candidate, FA WWI

Sargent, Murray 







Cunningham, Mary Hale

Pres, Bd Chmn 1907, Sargent & Co, New Haven; Dir 27-34, 1st National Bank (New Haven); Trustee, Blue Cross Plan; Pres, Knickerbocker Hosp; War industries Board

Sloane, John                            







Nicoll, Elsie; Jerome, Hope Colgate

Chmn Bd, Dir, W J Sloane; Pres, Di,r William John Corp; Dirs, Duttons, Inc, Gorham Inc, Centennial Ins Co, Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Co; Trustees, Am Surety Co of NY, Atlantic Mutual Indemnity Co, Mutual Ins Co of NY, US Trust Co of NY; Dirs, Company of Master Craftsmen; 18 w/WWI Mil Intell Div, Combat Sec, General Staff (DC); Intell Officer, NY State Guard, retired as Col

Tilney, Robert Fingland II









Turner, Harold McLeod








Lt, NY Natl Guard WWI

Van Reypen, William Knickerbocker  Jr.         




Law Student





Whitehouse, Edwin Sheldon 







Alexander, Mary

US Minister 33-34, Columbia; US Minister 30-33, Guatamala

Bruce, Donald







deBussy, Beatrice

Forest Service Missoula MT; Ptnr, Mason, Bruce & Girad; Capt, Eng Corp AEF, WWI

Dousman, Louis deVierville








Mbr, Billings City Park Bd, MT State Park Bd

Ely, Grosvenor








Treas, Ashland Cotton Co (CT); Dir, Thames Natl Bank, Chelsea Savings Bank; Capt, CT State Guard, Chief of Section, War Industry BD, WWI; Vice-Chmn, CT State War Finance Comm, WWII; Mbr, CT State Banking Advisory Council

Flinn, Alexander Rex   








Mbr 43-50, Bd of Education (Pittsburg); AEF WWI

Hoyt, Lydig








Sec to US 07, Ambassador to Great Britain; Deputy Police Commsr (NYC); 1st LT, FA AEF WWI; Capt, Am Field Service WWII

Magee, John Gillespie








Fellow Jonathan Edwards Coll 46-53; Chmn, International Red Cross, Nanking, China WWII

McClure, James Gore King  Jr.,  







Cramer, Elizabeth Skinner

Pres 20-, Farmer's Federation, Inc; Pres, Farmers Loan Corp; Pres, Appalachian Mutual, Inc; Pres 37-41, Am Forestry Assn; Mbr 25-33, NC Bd of Conversation & Development; Mbr, Natl Com for Public Schools; Pub Dir 37-40, Home Loan Corp; Vice-Chmn, Farmer's Cooperative Council, Inc

McGee, Donald Ashbrook    








Mbr 16, Troop D Ntnl Guard NJ, Mexico Border Service; Dist Dir, War Dept Comm Training Camp Activites, WWI

Moorhead, William Singer







Barr, Constance

Attny w/Moorhead & Knox, Pittsburgh; Chmn 22-24, US Tax Simplification Bd; Lecturer 09-18, U Pittsburg School Law; Trustees, Carnegie Library, Carnegie Inst, Carnegie Inst Technology

O'Brien, Frank









Perrin, Lee James








Officer Candidate, FA WWI

Rockwell, Foster Haven                    1906








Chmn 08-11, AZ Horticulture Comm; Maj, Am Red Cross WWI (fgn service)

Smith, Bruce Donald








Conslt to Gen Mgr 48, Atomic Energy Comm; 34-41 w/Red Cross; 13 w/Northern Trust Co Chicago; Capt Chemical Warfare Service WWI AEF

Turner, Spencer   








Exec Dir, Cotton Goods Section, War Industries Bd, WWI

Wilson, Hugh Robert








Assoc Fellow 41-46, T Dwight Coll, Yale U; 41-45 w/OSS; US Diplomatic Service 1912-41; Sec - Lisbon, Guatemala, Buenos Aires, Berlin, Berne, Washington 11-21; Counselor - Tokoyo, Mexico and Washington 24-27; Minister Berne, Switz 27-37; Asst Sec State 37-38; Ambassador Germany 38; Spec Asst to Sec State 39-41; Sec Gen 27, Three Power Naval Arms Limitation Conf (Geneva); Advisor 30, Naval Conference London; Mbr 32-37, Am Delegation to 54 Nation Disarmament Parley (Geneva); US repressentative 31, Advisory Com on Manchuria;

Barnes, William Deluce





Minisitry/ Public Works




Congregrational Min; Mbr 49-51, CT State Legislature; Chmn St Com of Crime & Delinquencey; Pres, CT Probation and Parole Assoc; Ex Sec CT Prison Assoc

Blair, William McCormick







Bowen, Helen

Ptnr, William Blair Co; Dir, Continental Casualty Company, Continental Assurance Co, Peoples Gas Light and Coke Co; Life Trustee & Pres 58-66, Art Inst of Chicago; Trustee Field Museum; Life Trustee, U of Chicago; Trustee, 38-58, Groton Schl; Exec Com, Alumni Bd Yale U; Pvt, 18 Army

Camp, Arthur Goodwin                 









Daniels, Forest Leonard                    1907









Danielson, Richard Ely



Psi Upsilon

Literary Work




Pres, Editor1940, The Atlantic Monthly; Pres 27-37, Sportsman Pub Co ; Editor 24-28, Boston Independent; Bond Business1913, c/o Central Trust Co IL, Chicago; Capt Inf WWI AEF; Intell, Lt Col GSC WWII

Dixon, Theodore Polhemus








Capt, Intelligence WWI

Dodge, Philip Lyndon







Booth, Ethel Forgan

Ptnr, Laird, Bissell & Meeds; Yale Alumin Fund

Glaenzer, Georges Brette









Knox, Hugh Smith








Yeoman, USN WWI

Little, Mitchell Stuart







Hapgood, Elizabeth Hill

 Founder, Pres 12-, MS Little Mfg Co; Pres The Smyth Mfg Co, Sigourney Tool Co; Chmn EC Fuller Co; Sec 10-12, Whitlock Coil Pipe; Dirs, Terry Steam Turbine Co, Aetna Life Ins Co, Aetna Casualty & Surety Co, Automobile Ins Co, Hartford Gas Co, The Collins Co, Whitlock Mfg Co, Arrow-Hart & hegeman Electric Co, Standard Screw Co, Hartford Natl Bank & Trust Co; Trustee, Socety for Savings; Mbr, Alumni Bd

Morse, Samuel Finley Brown 







Thompson, Anne C; Ford, Relda; Church, Maurine

Chmn Bd, Del Monte Properties Co; Pres 19-68, Peeble Beach; Mgr 15-62 Pacific Improvement Co; Pres 08-10 SFB Morse Devvelopment Co; Mgr 10-15, Crocker Huffman Land & Water Co

Truesdale, Calvin         








Bonds; Lt, FA Res Corps WWI

Tuttle,  George Coolidge    




Law, Mfg



Freeman, Mabel


Wells, Harold Sherman      








13 w/Public Utility, Pacific Power & Light (Portland OR); Capt Am Red Cross, WWI (Fgn Service)

Woolsey, Heathcote Muirson                 1907








Goodwin, Bullard & Woolsey; Officer's Training School, WWI

Biglow, Lucius Horatio









Mbr 49, CT Legislature; Capt 17-19, Inf AUS

Dahl, George







Curtis, Elizabeth Eudora

 Holmes Prof Hebrew 1910-49, Yale Divinty School; Congregrational Min; YMCA, Education Division WWI

Davis, Walter Goodwin




Law & Finance




Mbr 1921, ME House of Rep; Pres ME Historical Soc; Pres Maine Gen Hosp Corp; Capt WWI AEF Military Intelligence

Dines, Tyson Manzey              








Durham Coal & Iron Co, (Chattanooga)

Foster, Joseph Taylor   







Schlager, Jeannette

Dines, Dines & Holme (Denver)

Griswold, Dwight Torrey









Perrin, Lester William  







Fisher, Vieva M

Ptnr, Lazard Feres et Cie (NYC); Mayor 40-44, (Bernardsville, NJ); Capt 17-19, Inf

Seymour, Charles



Alpha Delta Phi




Watkins, Gladys Marion

Pres Emeritus 50-63, Pres 37-50,  Provost 28-37, Master Berkeley Coll 33-37,  Prof 18-37, Instr 11-17. History, Yale U; Trustee Carnegie Found, Archaeological Institute; Curator Edward M House Collection, Yale U; 18-19, American Comm to Negoiate Peace; US Delegate 19, Czechoslovak and Rumanian Comm (Paris); Chmn 43-45, Post War Planning Com; Dept State WWI; Dir, 2d Natl Bnk (New Haven); Close friend of Col Edward M House

Shepard, Roger Bulkley







Kohlsaat, Katherine

Chmn, Bd Dirs 40-, Federal Reserve Bank (Minneapolis, St Paul MN);Pres 23-, Sec & Treas 14-23, Asst Treas 10-14, Finch, Van Slyck & McConville (St Paul); Clrk 08-10, Harris Trust & Savings Bank (Chicago); Dir, Merchants Bank (merged w/First Nat Bank; Ensign 17-18, USN

Stanley, Harold







Thurston, Edith; Todd, Louise Ross (Gilbert)

Founder, Pres 35-41,  Morgan, Stanley & Co, Inc (NY); Partnr 28-35, JP Morgan & Co; VP 16-28, Guaranty Trust; 10-15, w/JG White & Co(NYC); w/Nat Commercial Bank, Albany, NY

Thornton, James Carlton 








Treas, Watkins Coal Co (NYC); Capt, FA WWI AEF

Townsend, George Henry








Pres, Motometer Co (NY); Industrial War Service, WW I & II

Townsend, James Mulford Jr








Sec & Treas, Watkins Coal Co; Lt, Inf WWI

Watkins, Charles Law








Organizer, Dir 29-45, Phillips Gallery Art School; adjunct Prof 43-45, Social Art, American U; lecturer, Consultant 37-45, Fine Arts, Hood College 37-45; 13 w/Watkins Coal Co (NYC); Aspirant, French Army WWI

Williams, James Willard                     1908







Welles, Charlotte Taintor

Gov 45, Drummer Acad; Master 30-44, Gunnery Sch; Hdmstr 25-30, Tamalpais Sch; Instrctr 22-25, Biology Phillips Andover; Teacher 16-22, Biology, College of Yale in China, Changsha, China; Teacher 10-13, English, Choate School

Bundy, Harvey Hollister







Putnam, Katherine L

Ptnr Choate, Hall & Stewart, (Boston); Chmn of Trustees, Carnegie Endowment for Intrnl Peace; Chmn 46-52, Boston Chptr, Am Red Cross; Asst Sec State, 31-33; Special Asst 41-45, Sec of War, US; Asst Counsel 17-19, US Food Admin; Yale Alumni Bd; Pres World Peace Foundation; Sec 14-15, Justice OW Holmes

Burch, Robert Boyd 







Whitaker, Louise; Diffin, Beatrice Burnside

Judge 39-67, Superior CT, San Diego County; Judge 49, Juvenile Court; Major Inf, WWI AEF

Campbell, Charles Soutter








Asst headmaster Kingsley School, NJ; Chmn Advisory Bd, Yale Christian Assn

Clark, Avery Artison  







Anderson, Jean

Sugar Mfg

Dominick, Gayer Gardner              







Hoyt, Cordelia Eleanor

Limited Ptnr, Dominick & Dominick, (NYC); Governor 3 terms, Stock Exchange; Pres 48-53, Roosevelt Hosp; Trustee 55, Iolani School, Honolulu, HI; Lt, WWI Navy-Submarine, Lighter-than-Air

Howard, James Merriam   







Hunter, Gertrude

Dir  30-35, Union Theo Seminary;  Pastorates 14-20 Bronx, 20-25, South Street Presbyterian, 25-36 Bedford Park; occas preacher 21-46, Sec Dwight Hall 09-10  Yale U; Capt Chaplain FA WWI

Howe, Henry Almy








Exporter; Maj FA WWI AEF

Jefferson, Edward Francis








Hotchkiss School; YMCA Sec, WWI (Fgn Service)

Klots, Allen Trafford







FitzBrown, Mary I

Chmn 57- , Mayor's Comm on the Courts (NYC);  Mayor 42-48, (Laurel Hollow NY); Spec Asst 31-32, Sec of State; Lt, FA WWI

Lippitt, Henry 







Almy, Marion


Perrin, John Bates









Rand, Stuart Craig








Mbr 43-46, MA State legislature; Mbr Yale Alumni Bd; Capt, Air Service WWI

Sanderson, Benjamin Blethen







Brown, Emily Hart

Chmn 40-44, Portland Chapter, Red Cross; Corporator Maine Medical Ctr

Seabury, Mortimer Ashmfad







Semler, Frida

Investment Counselor; Yale Alumni Bd; AUS Ordnance, WWI

Stokes, Harold Phelps







King, Elizabeth Miner

Sec 24-25, Commerce, US; Editorial Staff NY Times 26-37; DC Corres 19-23; Corres Paris Peace Conf 19, Albany Corres 13-17, Reporter 11-13,  NY Evening Post; traveled europe 04-05, Far East 09-10; 1st Lt FA WW1

Bayne-Jones, Stanhope



Zeta Psi




Smith, Nannie Moore

Consultant in Medical Research to Surgeon Gen; Chmn 57-58, Med Edu US Dept HEW; Pres 47-53, Joint Adm Bd, NY Hsp/Cornell U Med Ctr; ; Prof Bacteriology 32-47, Dean 35-40, Yale Med School, Master 32-38, Trumbull Coll, Yale U; Prof of Bacteriology/Immunology 24-32, Univ ofRochester; Assoc Prof 19-24, Bacteriologyy, John Hopkins; Mbr 57-58 Yale Corp;17-19 WWI; Brig Gen 42-46, Military Cross(British) WWII

Coy, Edward Harris     








Dir, Munsey Trust Co, (DC); Treas, Girl Scouts of Am; Durham Coal & Iron Co, (Chattanooga)

DeSilver, Albert        









Franchot, Charles Pascal 







Winston, Lillian

Pres, Gen Counsel Buffalo Electric Furnance Corp; Chmn Bd Dir, Gen Counsel Sonotone Corp; Pres, Dir Burden Iron Co; Dir, Gen Counsel, Neville Island Glass Co; VP, Gen Counsel 26-27, Rand Kardex Bureau Inc; Dir, Gen Counsel 27-45, Remington Rand Inc; Mbr 46, Franchot, Corwin & Dressner (NY, DC); 44-48, Franchot & Dressner; 37-42, Franchot & Schachtel;  22-37, Franchot & Warren; 20-26, Kenefick, Cooke, Mitchell & Bass; Consular agent for France 16-26, Buffalo; Special Legal Adviser to Dir 46-50, Naval Petroleum Reserves; Maj Calvary WWI AEF; Capt USNR JAG WWII

French, Robert Dudley







Means, Margaret Stewart

Chmn English Dept 45-47, Prof 30-54, Assoc Prof 26-29, Asst Prof, English 1919-26, Master Jonathan Edwards College1930, Yale U; Known as Yale's Secretary of War.

Harrison, George Leslie                 




Law , Insurance



Grayson, Gertrude Gordon

Pres Dir 41-, NY Life Ins Co; Pres 36-40, Gov 28-36, Dep Gov 20-28, Fed Res Bank NY; Asst Gen Counsel 14-18, General Counsel 19-20, Federal Reserve Bd, DC; ; Dir First Natl Bank NY; Trustee Columbia U; Mbr NY State Banking Bd, Mbr 48, Natl Council of the Com for the Marshall Plan; Special Consultant to Sec of War 43-46; Lgl Sec 13-14, OW Holmes; Vice Chmn, NY Red Cross; Mbr Exec Comm, Pilgrims of the US; Capt Am Red Cross WWI (Fgn Service)

Heron, John    








Capt, Inf WWI AEF

King, Lyndon Marrs                      1910







Abbott, Helen D; Washburn, Elizabeth P

Pres, Chmn Bd Northrup, King Co (Minneapolis)

Knight, Augustus







French, Katharine

Bond Broker; Alderman 27-31 (Evanston)

Logan, Walter Seth







McCutcheon, Verna

VP, Pres, Gen Counsel 28-53, Fed Reserve Bank NY; 22-28, w/Reynolds, Richards, McCutcheon & Logan; General Counsel 20-22, Fed Reserve Bd; 1st Lt 18-19, Chemical Warfare Service

Lohmann, Carl Albert








Mbr 54-56, NH, CT Bd Park Comm;  Sec 27-53, Yale U; Sec 25-27, Alumni Advisory Bd; Curator 26-30, 46-53, Prints Yale Art Gallery; Assoc Fellow, Jonathan Edwards; Mbr Alumni Bd

Murphy, Frederick James 








Coach Footbal, Basketball Northwestern U (Evanston IL); Dirs Archer Daniels Midland, Cherry-Burrel Corp; Container Corp Am; Mbr 58-66, U Council; Mbr 66-,Yale Corp; Capt 42-44, 50-53, USMC

Philbin, Stephen H II   









Taft, Robert Alphonso



Psi Upsilon




Bowers, Martha Wheaton

Mbr 38-53, US Senate; Mbr 31-32, OH Senate, 21-26 OH House of Rep; 23- w/Taft, Stettinius & Hollister; 13-17 w/Maxwell & Ramsey; Dirs, Central Trust Co, Covington & Cincinnati Bridge Co; Asst Counsel 17-18, US Food Admin; Counsel 18-19, Am Relief Admin; Mbr 36-53, Yale Corp

Wodell, Ruthven Adriance                         1910








Chief Yeoman, USNRF WWi

Badger, Paul Bradford







Mills, Margaret

Socony Oil; Bond salesman, Merrill, Oldham & Co, MA

Corey, Alan Lyle   







Johnson, Marguerite

1913, Guarantee Trust Co, NYC ; Ensign USNRF WWI

Daly, Frederick Joseph








Phillips Academy; 1st Lt. Motor Transport Corps WWI AEF; Major AUS WWII

Davis, Clinton Wildes








 w/Portland Packing Co (Portland ME); Maj FA WWI

Day, Sherwood Sunderland







Webster, Margaret

Presbyterian minister; YMCA Sec in India, (Calcutta)

Dempsey, John Bourne       



OH legislature





Johnson, Jeanette

Mbr 23-27, OH House of Representatives; Mbr 48-55, Yale U Council; Chmn 40-43, Alumni Bd; Capt FA WWI

Gammell, Arthur Amory








Mbr 24-55, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; Dir 33-45, Albany & Susquehanna RR; Mbr 42-45, Selective Service Bd #50 NYC; Major 17-19, FA AEF

Hyde, Frederick Walton      








CCI Co, Lumbering Dept (Marquette, MI)

Lombardi, Cornelius Ennis 








Chmn Bd Comm, Redevelopment Authority (KC, MO); Mbr, Yale Alumni Bd; 1st Lt, FA AEF WWI

McDonnell, John Vincent








Columbia Oil Co (NYC); Sgt, Inf WWI

Randolph, Francis Fitz







Bulkley, Sarah Todd; Hadley, Mary Hill

Sr Ptnr 40-, J&W Seligman & Co 23-; Chmn Exec Comm, Tricontinental Investment Co (NYC); 14-17 w/Cravath & Henderson; Asst Counsel 15-16, B&O RR; Chmn Bd, Exec Comm 40-52, Globe & Rutgers Fire Ins Co and American Home Fire Ins Co; Pres 46-60, M-K-T RR Co; Mbr Exec Comms, Tri-Continental Corp, National Investors Corp, Bond St Investing Co, Union Service Corp, Union Securities Corp, Gen Shareholdings Inc,  Whitehall Fund, Inc; Mbr Exec Comms, Dirs General Properties Corp, Am ReisuranceCo, Park Properties Corp; Chmn Bd, Exec Com, Globe & Rutgers Fire Ins Co, Am Home Fire Assurance Co; Chmn Exec Comm, Ins Co State of PA; Chmn Exec Comm,  Dir 40-61, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co; Trustee, Mbr Exec Comm, Bowery Savings Bank; Trustee Chmn Find Comm, Vassar 46-65, College; Trustee 52-58, Colege Retirement Equities Fund; Treas 46-48, Metro Opera Guild; Chief 19, Paris Bureau Armenia Rumania amer Relief Adminis; Mbr 19-20,  War Loan Staff, US Treasury, Peace Conf Paris; Mbr Jekyll Island Club; Treas, RTA; Capt 16-19, US Army Calvary & FA

Rowland, John Tilghman




Literary Work



Monteith, Helen G; Hyde, Mary

Author; Editor Outing Pub Co;  Lt 17-21, Naval Air Service; Cmndr 42-45, USNR

Soule, Leslie  







MacLeod, Evelyn

Treas, Masoneilan Div, Worthington Corp; Lt 17-18, USN

Van Sinderen, Henry Brinsmade     







White, Katharine Lyman

Bd Chmn, Pres 45-VP 19-45, C Tennant Sons & Co(NYC); 11-17 w/Am Trading Co (Yokohama, Japan); Dir 17-18, Bureau of Exports War Trade Bd (DC); Capt AUS WWI

Wheeler, Lawrence Raymond








Senior Editor 35-38, US Forest Service

Boyd, Francis T







Wilson, Sidney V

VP, Natl Research Bureau; 1st Asst Sec 28-35, NY Stock Exchange;  Capt 17-19, 2nd Mobile Ordinance Repair Unit, 2nd Div AEF, WWI

Gardner, Robert Abbe







Keep, Katherine

Mbr 19, Mitchell-Hutchins & Co; 15-19, w/Peabody Coal; 12-15 w/Consumers Co (Chicago);  Dir, Chicago & Great Western R'wy; Trustee, Phillips Andover Academy; Mbr Alumni Bd, 1st Lt, FA WWI AEF; Col, GSC WWII

Hartley, Cavour 







Munger, Carolyn W

Real Estate; 2nd Lt, FA AEF WWI; Lt, USNR WWII

Howe, Arthur



Psi Upsilon




Armstrong, Margaret Marshell

Pres 31-40, Hamptom Inst; Asst Prof  27-30, Citizenship Dartmouth; Asst Hdmstr, Chaplin 18-27 Taft Schl, Watertown CT; 16-18, Loomis Schl, Winsdor CT; Mbr Natl Council, Boy Scouts of Am; Dir, CT US Boys, WWI

Hyde, Donald Robertson







Weston, Corrine

Treas, John G Patton Co; Chmn 50-54, Greenwich Recreation Comm; Col Artillery, Ordnance WWI, WWII

McClure, Archibald                   









Merritt, Henry Newton








Depty Attny Gen 31-35, PA

Mullins, Frederic Parsons







Silver, Esther Ida

Ptnr, AE Masten & Co(Pitttsburgh); Pres, School Bd; 1st Lt AEF WWI

Murphy, Gerald Clery







Wiborg, Sara Sherman

United Shoe Machinery Co (NYC)

Paul, Charles Henry   







Paine, Alice; Weinzirl, Gertrude

Lawyer; Judge 25-27, WA State Superior Court (King Cnty); 1st Lt 17-19, 364th Inf 91st Div

Smith, James Gregory








Pres, Equities, Inc; Welden National Bank (VT)

Street, Henry Abbott    








Capt, Ord Dept WWI AEF

Strout, Edwin Augustus Jr.             









Tener, Alexander Campbell       







Clement, Marion; Logan, Ethel Drew

Judge 43-45, Orphans Court (Allegheny Cty PA); Renegotiation Bd Pittsburg

Twombly, Edward Bancroft            



Alpha Delta Phi




Hadra, Mildred

Sr Ptnr, Putney, Twombly, Hall & Skidmore (NYC); Mbr Common Council, 22-25, Pres 26-28, Mayor 29-31 (Summitt NJ); Dir, Mbr Finance Comm, Preferred Accident Ins Co. NY and Protective Indemnity Co; Dirs, Gen Counsel Mica Insulator Co, Eugene Munsell & Co, Distributors Group Inc, Johnson Magazines; Counsel, Group Securities; Trustee, Temple U; Chmn Defense Council WWII; Lt Col 16, Calvary Inf, Mexican Border War; Capt 18-19, WWI; Lt Col 21

Allen, Calvin Durand



psi upsilon




Marshall, Frances Barton

CT Mutal Life Ins Co; Capt 17-18, AUS

Allen, Clarence Emir Jr.



zeta psi





1st Lt, Inf, WWI

Baker, Richard Wheeler



psi upsilon





2nd Lt, Air Services WWI

Colgate, Henry Auchincloss      



psi upsilon




Wallace, Linda Lee

Ptnr, Wood, Struthers Co; Dir, Colgate-Palmolive-Peet Co, Intrnl Paper Co, Grand Union Stores, Morristown Trust Co; Mbr Bd Trustees, Colgate U; Trustee, Boys Club NY; Trustee, Natl Soc for Prevention of Blindness; 2nd Lt Air Service WWI

Cortelyou, George Bruce



psi upsilon




Fearn, Irwin

Sr. Consultant James Talcott, Inc; Asst Treas 55-retired, NY Life Ins Co; Pres 30-32, Distributors Group; Asst Treas Central Trust Co of IL; Capt 17-19, 17th Engineers WWI

Cowles, Alfred







Strong, Elizabeth Livingston; Lamb, Louise

Pres 33- , Cowles Comm for Res in Economics; Pres 25-38, Cowles & Co, (CO Springs); Dir 39-68, (Chicago)Tribune Co, WGN Inc, Ontario Paper Co Ltd, Ilinois Atlantic Corp, Marlhill Mines Ltd, News Syndicate Inc, Chicago Tribune-New York News Syndicate Inc, Quebec & Ontario Transportation Co, Quebec North Shore Paper Co, WI Radio Inc; Dir, Chmn Rialto Trust; Dir 55-63, Continental IL Natl Bank & Trust Co, (Chicago); Dir 52-65, VSI Corp; Dir 48-65, Passavant Mem Hosp; Trustee 25-53, CO College

Harman, Archer








Dir of Guidance, Wellesly High School (MA); Capt, FA WWI

Harriman, William Averell



psi upsilon




Lawerence, Kitty Lanier; Whitney, Marie Norton;Digby Churchill Haywood Pamela

Lmtd Ptnr 46- , Ptrnr 31-46, Brown Bros Harriman & Co; Chmn Bd 32-46, VP 15-17, Union Pacific RR; Chmn Bd 17-25, Merchant Shipbldg Corp; WA Harriman & Co, Inc 20-31; Chmn Exec Comm 31-42, Dir 15-46, IL Cntrl RR; US Rep 68-69, Vietnam Peace Talks (Paris); Ambassador at large 65-69;  Asst Sec of State 61-65, Far Eastern Affairs; Ambassador at large 61; Gov 55-59, NY; Dir Mutual Security Agency 51-53; Spcl Asst to Pres 50-52; American Rep at NATO 51-52; US rep in Europe under Econ Coop Act 48-50; Sec of Commerce 46-48; US Ambassador 46, Great Britain; 41-46, LendLease Russia/Great Britain; US Ambassador 43-46, Russia; Rep 42, London of Combined Shipping Bd;  Spec Rep of Pres 41, Great Britain; US Ambassador 41, USSR; NRA 34

Lovett, August Sidney



psi upsilon

Ministry, Finance



Mills, Rebekah Bartlett; Parker, Esther

Dir Memorial Gifts, Yale Alumni Fund; Exec Sec Yale-in-China 59-64; Chaplain 32-58, Yale U; Master 53-58, Pierson College Yale U; Woolsey Prof Biblical Lit; Minister, Mt Vernon Church, Boston 19-32; Pres RTA

McAndrew, Alexander             



zeta psi






Philbin, Jesse Holladay



psi upsilon

Law, Business




Asst Gen Counsel & Sec 27, Fed Reserve Bank (NY); 2d Lt & Aide to Gen Hatch AEF WWI; State Dept WWII

Sawyer, Homer Eugene Jr.             







Motley, Kathryn

Capt, Aef WWI

Schwab, Laurence vonPost



psi upsilon





2d Lt, Air Service, WWI

Shelden, Allan    



psi upsilon






Waters, William Otis 








2nd Lt, WWI AEF

Avery, Benjamin F.







Stone, Mary Adelaide

Pres 27-29, Canadain Soc of Forest Engineers; 2nd Lt, Inf, AUS

Cornish, Percy Gillette Jr.     








 Prv 17-18, Medical Corps

Daniels, Thomas Leonard



Psi Upsilon




Drumheller, June

Founder, Dir, Emeritus14-17, 29- , Archer-Daniels-Midland Co; US Diplomatic Service 22-29, (Brussels, Rio, Rome); War Board Production & War Food Admin 42-43; Dir, Northwestern Natl Bank & Trust Co (MN); Trustee, Carlton College (St Paul); Major 17-19, US Army

Gile, Clement Moses







Ryce, Anne Bunce


Hobson, Henry Wise



Psi Upsilon




Bryan, Edomnia Taylor

retired 1959, Bishop, Protestant Episcopal Church, Diocese of Southern Ohio; Chmn Exec Com Fwrd Movement Publications Espic Church 34-; Exec Council 37-46, 49-55 Espiscopal Church; Bishop 30-59, Rector 21-30, All Saints Church Worcester MA; Asst Minister 20-21, St John's Waterbury CT; Trustee Phillips Acad, Andover 37-66; Pres 47-66; Trustee 30-59, Kenyon College; Major, Inf Army WWI

Jenks, Almet Francis




Literary Work

April 18/1892


Fenner,  Charlotte [Biddle] Williams,

Magazine Writer, Saturday Evening Post, Harper's; 1st Lt Cav AEF WWI; Maj USMCR WWII

Jones, George Gill







Shepardson, Margaret


Ketcham, Henry Holman






WA, Seattle

Peters, Gena

Chmn, Henry H Ketchum Lumber Co (Seattle); Dir, Seattle Trust & Savings Bank; Belgium Consul for WA; 68, Natl Footbal Hall of Fame; Major17-19, FA

King, Stoddard




Literary Work




Capt, Inf WA Natnl Guard WWI

Lippincott, William Jackson     









Osborn, Richard 








Broker, Towne, Brayton & Osborn (MA); Service Sanitaire, 5th French Army, 1st Lt, Coast Artillery Res Corps.

Patterson, George Washington   








Artillery, French Army WWI

Rogers, Herman Livingston








Maj, FA WWI AEF; Chie,f French Section WWII

Shepard, Lorrin Andrews                    1914







Moffat, Virginia

Asst Sec to Reuben Holden 59-62, in charge of Foreign visitors Yale U; Dir 57-58, Intrnl House; Medical Dir and Surgeon 27-57, Am Hosp Istanbul; Med Dir Mission Hosp, Gaziantep 19-25; Daughter Constance JOLLY

Warren, William Candee Jr.             







Kimberly, Susan

Attny w/Magavern, Lowe & Beilewech (Buffalo); Trustee, Sec Counsel, Buffalo Gen Hosp; Trustee, Treas, Fresh Air Mission; Trustee, Treas, Pres Bd, Presbyterian of Western NY; Mbr, Yale Alumni Bd; Capt, FA AEF WWI; ordance Dept WWII

Burtt, Edwin Arthur







Murray, Marjorie Frances

Philosophy Staff 21-23 , Columbia; 23-32, U of Chicago; 32-60 , Sage Prof of Philosophy 60-, Cornell

Carter, Lyon








1st Lt, CAC WWI

Cornell, Thomas Hilary









Davenport, Stephen Rintoul







Bonnell, Mariana

VP, Yardley of London, Inc; Capt 17-19, CAC AEF WWI

Denegre, Thomas Bayne 








W/First Natl Bank of Biloxi; 1st Lt FA WWI AEF

MacDonald, Ranald Hugh Jr







Thompson, Anne

Consultant, Gen Ptnr, Dominick & Dominick; Pres 48-58, Natl Shares Corp; Trustee Exec Comm 37-61, Franklin Savings Bank (NY); Trustee, Finance Comm 44-61, Pratt Inst; Gov 42-46, Invest Bankers Assn, 42-46 Assn Stock Exch Firms, 44-50, NY Stock Exchange; 2nd Lt 17-19, USAF

MacLeish, Archibald




Literary Work, Education



Hitchcock, Ada

Boylston Prof Harvard 49-62; Asst Sec 44-45, State; Librarian  39-44, of Congress; Dir 41-42, US Office of Facts and Figures; Asst Dir 42-43, OWI (Office of War Information); Yale U Council 66-71; Poetry 32, 52 Drama 69, Pulitzer Prize ; Capt 17-18, AEF

Middlebrook, Louis Shelton 








1st Lt, FA AEF WWI

Paris, Irving       







Russell, Barbara; Kenny, Margueritte I

Lt, Naval Aviation, WWI

Pumpelly, Harold Armstrong 








Lt, Naval Service WWI

Reilly, John Sylvester







Mulqueen, Estelle

Pres, Gordon & Dilworth, Inc & Diplomat Products, Inc; Capt 17-19, Ordnance

Shedden, William Martindale







Blodgett, Ruth

Instr, Anatomy, Harvard Sch; Instr Surgery, Tufts U Med Sch; Chief Surgeon, Veterans Adminis Hosp (Lake City FL); Cmdr 42-45, USN MC 42-45

Slocum, Edwin Lyon  







Curtiss, Marion

Acct Exec, Francis I Dupont (NYC); Capt 17--18, Inf

Stackpole, Edward James







Bailey, Frances

Slsmn 15-17, Gen Mgr 21-36, Pres,Treas, Dir 36- Telegraph Press (Harrisburg PA ); Pres, Treas, Dir  WHP radio 31-; Sec-Treas, Dir 36, Am Aviation Assoc Inc; Dirs Harrisburg Trust Co, Penn-Harris Hotel Co, Harrisburg Hotel Co; Dir, Pres, Soliders Orphans School (Scotland PA); Capt Inf WWI, Brig Gen of the line WWII

Swift, Walker Ely           









Darling, Arthur Burr








Engaged in research and writing on British-American Relations; Fullbright Sr Fellow 55-56, Italy;  Historian 51-54, US Govt; Chmn 33-51, History Dept, Phillips Academy (Andover); Instr/Assoc Prof 22-33, Yale; Current History Assoc 24-31, NY Times; Ensign 17-19, USNRF

Gaillard, Samuel Gourdin Jr. 







Hall, Alcy Elizabeth

1st Lieut, Ord Dept WWI AEF

Hadley, Morris







Blodgett, Katherine Cunnock

Ptnr, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCoy (NYC); Mbr 31-41, Yale Corp; Trustee, Chmn Bd 39-41, Vassar College; Trustee 38, Pres 43-58, NY Pub Library; Trustee 47-67, Chmn 55-66, Carnegie Corp of NY; Deputy Dir41-42, OWI; Major16-19, FA Army AEF

Johnstone, Henry Webb 







Grieb, Beatrice

Sr VP, Dir, Merck & Co, Inc; Dir 58-64, Kent & Queen Anne's Hosp, Chestertown MD; 1st Lt 17-19, Army

Knapp, Farwell       








Pres 38-42, Dean, Instructor Law 28-38, Hartford Coll of Law; Asst Tax Commissioner 25-37, CT;  Sgt, FA WWI AEF

Oler, Wesley Mardon







Rubel, Imogene M

Dir 42-65, PR Overseas Operations Div, General Motors Corp; Ptnr 29-42, Pershing & Co; VP 17-29, American Ice Co;  1st Lt 17-18, USAF, Flying Instr, Army Test Pilot

Porter, Gilbert Edwin III








1st Lt, FA WWI

Putnam, Howard Phelps       




Literary Work





Roberts, Charles Holmes Jr.      








Rep 39*-41, MA General Court; Lt, Naval Air Service WWI (fgn service)

Shepard, Donald Carrington           







Smith, Sylvia

1st Lt FA WWI

Stewart, Donald Ogden  




Literary Work



Ames, Beatrice; Steffens, Ella Winter (widow of Lincoln Steffens)

Author, Playwright, Screen Writer; Academy Award 1941 Best Screenplay,  Philadelphia Story, Kitty Foyle, The Barretts of Wimpole, Life with Father; Chief Quartermaster 18-19, USNRF

Tener, Kinley John      









Tighe, Laurence Gotzian                  1916







Smith, Hester

Treas 42-53, Assoc Treas 38-42, Yale U; Dir 34-38, Ptnr 30-34, 24-34, w/Brown Bros, Brown Bros Harriman; 21-24 w/Stacy & Braun (Boston); Sales 21, SW Straus & Co, Boston; Asst Treas 19-20, FH Swift & Co, Inc (Boston); 19 w/Kalman, Matteson & Wood (St Paul, MN); Clerk 16-17, Equitable Trust Co (NYC); dir PA Water & power Co, CT Light & power Co, Natl Sugar Refining Co, Industrial Enterprises Inc, NY, First Natl Bank & Trust Co, New Haven; Corporator New Haven Savings Bank; Treas Bd Trustees Shefield Scientific Schl; Treas Yale Alumni Fund, Yale atheletic Assn, Yale Library Assoc; Trustee Yale-in-China; Capt FA WWI

von Holt, Herman Vademar    







Value, Betty

Estate Mngmt (Honolulu); Treas 23-48, St Andrew's Catherdral Parrish; Mbr 32-38,Honolulu Parks Bd; Dir, Chmn Invest Comm 32-69, Episc Church HI; 2nd Lt, 17-19 US Tanks Corps AEF

Walker, Charles Rumford







George, Adelaide

Curator 62-, Yale Technology and Society Collection, Sterling Mem Library, Yale U; Asst Sec 42-45, Yale U; Dir 45-62, Technology Project, Sr Research Fellow 55-62 Yale U; 1st Lt 18-19,

Bellinger, Alfred Rammond







Brinsmade, Charlotte

Prof Emeritus of Latin 59-78, Faculty 23-59 Yale U; Acting Dean 53-54, Fellow 33- Saybrook Coll; Pres, Sec 68, RTA; 1st Lt 17-19, Air Service WWI

Bush, Prescott Sheldon







Walker, Dorthy

Mbr 52-63, US Senate R-CT; Ptnr 1930-72 Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, NY; VP 26-30 WA Harriman & Co; Dir Pan Am Airways, CBS, Dresser Industries, Inc, Simminos Co, Vanadium Corp of Am; Chmn Bd PA Water & Power Co, US Guarantee Co; Chmn 42 Natl Campgn USO; Pres1935, USGA; Trustee Yale U,  Mbr 48-58 Yale Corp

Cooper, Henry Sage Fenimore







Guy, Katherine Lemoine

Physian, Park Ave NYC; Attending Surgeon 37-60, Preby Hosp, NYC; 2nd Surigical Service 26-36, Bellvue Hosp; Capt 17-19, FA

Cunningham, Oliver Bulg









Duryee, Samuel Sloan







Ballard, Mary

Lawyer, of Counsel, Parker, Duryee, Zunino, Malone & Carter (NYC); Chief 40-41, Tax Amortization Section, Office under Sec War; Chmn 41-42, Tax Amortization Bd; Pres 48-58, Hosp for Special Surgery; Dir, Am Subsidiaries of Zurich Ins Co; Pres, Trustee 48-65, Groton School; Capt 17-19, FA AEF

Harriman, Edward Roland "Bunny" Noel (S&B 1917)







Fries, Gladys Cahill

 Pres 34-57, Chmn 57-  Ptnr Brown Bros Harriman; Chmn Bd Dir, UP RR; Dirs, Delaware & Hudson Co, Merchants Sterling Corp, Am Bank Note Co, Anaconda Copper Mining Co, Newsweek, Mutual Life Ins Co of NY, Provident Fire Insurance Co; Mbr Finance Advsry Comm, Royal Exchange Assurance; Trustee, Boys Club NY; Pres 50-53, Chmn 63-, American Red Cross; Lt 17-19, US Army

Isham, Henry Porter







Totten, Elizabeth

Isham, Licoln & Beale, Chicago; Pres Clearing Industrial Dist Inc; Dirs, Marshall Field & Co, Clearing Machine Corp, First Natl Bank of Chicago, Am Shipbuilding Co; Chmn Bd, Clearing Industrial Dist Inc, (Chicago); Sec, Pres 33-47, Passavant Mem Hosp; Trustee Field Museum; Capt FA AEF WWI; Chief Purchaser 43-46, Termination and Renegotiation Policy, Chicago Ordnance Dist AUS

James, Ellery Sedgewick









LeGore, Harry William








Mbr 34-38, MD State Senate; Mbr 30-34, MD House of Delegates; w/Legore Lime Co, Capt, USMC AEF WWI

Mallon, Henry Neil







Thayer, Anne W

Chmn Bd, Pres, Dir 29-, Dresser Industries (Cleveland), Pres 31-, Dresser Mfg Ltd (Toronto); Chmn Bd, Dir Bryant Heater Co (Cleveland);  Fctry Mgr, Gen Mgr, Dir 20-29, US Can Co (Cincinnati); 19-20 w/Continental Can Co (Chicago); Dirs Bovaud & Seyfang Mfg Co (Bradford Pa), Clark Bros Inc (Olean NY), Day & Night Mfg Co (Monrovia CA), Intrnl Derrick & Equipment Co (Columbus OH), Kobe, Inc (Huntington Park CA), Pacific Pumps, Inc (CA), Roots-Connesville Blower Corp (Connersville IN), Security Engineering Co (Whitter CA), Stacey Bros, Gus Construction Co (Cincinnati), Pharis Tire & Rubber Co (Newark, OH), Petrolite Corp (St Louis), Magazines of Industry (NYC), Hydrocarbon Research Inc (NY), Carthage Hydrocol Corp (NY);  Maj 17-19, FA

Olsen, Albert William







Richards, Gertrude Woodruff

VP, NY Trust Co; 1st Lt 18, FA US Army

Overton, John Williams








1st Lt, Marine Corps, WWI AEF

Shepard, Frank Parsons Jr.







McMillan, Katherine

VP Banker's Trust Co (NYC); 1st Lt 18-19, FA

Simpson, Kenneth Farrand








Mbr 40-41 US Congress; US Attny 25-27, Southern Dist NY; Spec Asst 26, Attny Gen US; Mbr 37-40, Rep Natl Comm; Capt, FA WWI AEF

Woolley, Knight



Psi Upsilon




Currier, Sarah; Fleming, Marjorie

Ptnr 31-, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, NYC; Ptnr 27-31, Harriman Bros; 20-27 w/Am National Exchange Bank; 19-20 w/Guaranty Trust Co; Dirs Southern RR System, Merchants Sterling Corp, Orama Corp, Tiger Corp, Air Reduction Co, Inc, Am Hawaiian SS Co, Caledonia Am Ins Co, Natl Sugar Refing Co, Hewitt-Robins, Inc; Trustee, Treas, Boy's Club NY; Major 17-19, FA US Army

Ames, Allen Wallace







Egan, Catherine

Marine Midland Trust; LT USN Air Service, WWI; Capt, USNAS  WWII

Baldridge, Howard Malcolm







Connell, Regina

 Mbr US Congress, Omaha, NE; Capt FA WWI; Col AF WWII

Clay, Cassius Marcellus        





Beta Theta Pi

Law, Farming



Thomas, Emily Harvie; Berle, Miriam Blossom

 Mbr 53-55, KY  Senate, 57 Pres pro tem; Mbr 33-41, KY State Legislature; 1941-45 Gen Solicitor B&O RR; re-organization Mgr 41-42, MP RR Co; Asst Gen Counsel 33-41, Reconstruction Finance Corp, (in charge of RR section) DC; Assoc 27-32, Beekman, Bogue; 21-27, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett; 1st LT FA WWI

Davison, Fredrick Trubee 







Peabody, Dorthy

Director of Personnel at the CIA 51; Pres 33-53, American Museum of Natural History; Assistant U.S. secretary 26-33 War for Air; Trustee, Mutual Life Ins Co; Mbr 21-26, NY State Legislature; Mbr 31-53, Yale Corporation; Lt jg, Naval Air Service WWI; Brig Gen, USAF WWII

Deans, Robert Barr







Babbage, Dorthy

Ptnr, CS Halsey & Co, Dillon & Read; Acct Exec, Travel Consultants, Inc (DC); Mbr 48-61, CIA; Col 17-19, 42-46, USAF; OBE, Crown of Italy, Order of St George, Bronze Star

Farrar, John Chipman




Literary Work



Petherbridge, Margaret

Chmn Bd Farrar, Straus & Giroux Inc NYC; Editor, Chmn Bd 46, Farrar & Strauss; 29-44 Editor, VP Chmn Bd Farrar & Rinehart; Editor 21-27, The Bookman; Dir 27, Doubleday Doran & Co; Editor 25, George H Doran; 1919-21 Reporter, NY Sunday World; Lecturer 46, Publishing course, Columbia U; Mbr 40-43, Writers Bd for World Government; Mbr 46-50, Federal Grand Jury Assoc; 1st Lt 17-19, USAF; Mbr 43-44 Psychological Warfare Branch OWI; Editor, USA and Die Amerikanische Rundschau 44-45, Overseas Publications of OWI,

Garfield, Newell







Wyatt, Louise

VP Zephyr Textiles (Ormestown, Canada); Dir, Riggs & Lombard, Ames Textiles (Lowell, MA); Major17-18, FA

Gates, Artemus Lamb







Davison, Alice T

Chmn Bd, Dir, Lawyers Title Corp of NY; President of New York Trust Company 29-41; Dir, Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company, Am Superpower Corp, North British & Mercantile Ins Cos; Trustee, Mutual Life Insurance; Assistant 41-45, Navy Secretary for Air; Under Sec 45, Navy; Lt Cmndr 17-19, Naval Air Service

Gould, James









Lovett, Robert Abercrombie







Brown, Adele Quartley

 Ptnr 1928-40, 46-, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co (NY); Sec 51-53, Defense; Deputy Sec 50-51, Defense ; Under Sec 47-49, State; Assistant Secretary 41-45,  War for Air, War; Chmn Exec Comm 53-66, Union Pacific RR; Clerk 1926, Natl Bank of Commerce (NY); Trustee 49-61, Rockefeller Found; Trustee 37-65, Carnegie Found for Adc Teaching; Trustee 48-, Carnegie Inst of Washington, DC; Trustee 31-40, Met Museum Art; Dirs, Los Angeles & Salt Lake City RR Co, OR Short Line RR Co, OR-WA RR & Navigation Co, Royal-Liverpool Group Ins Cos, St Joseph & Grand Island R'wy Co; Mbr, CFR; Harriman's childhood friend; Lt Cmndr 17-18, USN Air Service

Snell, Raymond Franklin      







Parker, Natalie; Savage, Valarie Dade

Financial Mgmnt (NYC); 2d Lt 17-19, FA

Stewart, Charles Jacob







Tenison, Maud Emily; Gledhill, Clothilde

Chmn Bd, Manufacturers Hanover Trust Co; Dir, Greenwich Savings Bank; 2d Lt 18-19, FA

Taft, Charles Phelps







Chase, Eleanor K

Headley, Taft & Headley 46-; 24-37 w/Taft, Stettinius & Hollister;  23 w/Taft & Taft; Prosecuting Attny 27-28; Mayor 55-57, City Councilman 38-42, 48-51, 55 (Cincinnati); Dir 43-45, Wartime Econ Affairs, Dept. of State; Pres 47-48, Federal Council of Churches 47-48; Central Comm 37-54, World Council of Churches; Trustee, Twentieth Century Fund;

Vorys, John Martin



Psi Upsilon




West, Lois Isabella

 Mbr 39-59, US Congress; 26-38 w/Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease; Sec 21-22, Am Delegation Conf on Limitation of Armaments (DC); Dir 25-65, YMCA; Rep 23-25, OH General Assembly; Mbr 25-27, OH State Senate; Dir 29-31,  of Aeronautics (OH); Teacher 19-20, College of Yale China; USN pilot WWi, CAP pilot 42

Woolley, John Eliot 







Brown, Grace Maitland


Allen, Parker Breese







Weeks, Elizabeth

 Chmn Bd, Meriden Gravure Co; 2nd Lt17-19, FA, Lt Col 42-45 AF; OBE

Baldwin, Sherman







Rantoul, Harriet C

Trustee 34-54, Brearley Schl; Trustee 51-61, 62-65, Vassar College; 30-48 Trustee Pomfret School; Mbr Bd, Exec Com47- , NY Botanical Garden; Trustee 63-67, Metro Museum of Art,  Trustee, Sec, Exec Comm 45-69, American Academy of Rome; Mbr 35-50 Yale Alumni Bd 

Campbell, Alan Barnette 








2nd Lt FA WWI

Carter, Frederic Dewhurst           








Mbr Alumni Bd; 1st Lt, FA WWI

Depew, Ganson Goodyear








Asst Dist Attny 22-24, (Western NY); Lt, Naval Air Service

Gaillard, Edward McCrady 







Ticknor, Virginia

Pres 43-63, Chmn 63-68, Union & New Haven Trust Co; Mbr 56, Yale Development Board; Dir 48, United Illuminating Co; Dir 56-60, Wallace Silversmith Co; Pres 37-40, CT Banksers Assn; 1st Lt, FA WWI 17-19; Dir RTA

Hadley, Hamilton




Law, Writer



Morris, Emily Hammond

Ptnr 29-40, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts; Dir (now emeritus) 33, Research Corp; Trustee 36, US Trust Co, (NYC); Dir, VP 29-40, Am Superpower Corp; VP, Niagara Hudson Power Corp, Commonwealth and Southern Corp;  Capt 17-19, AEF Air Service

Haffner, Charles Christian Jr.







Donnelley, Clarissa; Cotton, Mary

Treas 35-40, VP 45- , Chmn Finance Comm, formerly Chmn, CEO RR Donnelley & Sons Co (Chicago); Exex VP  33-34, City Natl Bank & Trust Co; Exec VP 31-33, Central Republic Bank & Trust Co; Cashier-VP 27-28, Centeral Trust Co (Chicago); Major General 40-46, Division Cmmndr 103rd

Mallon, John Howard                 







Coward, Eleanor

Sr VP, Louisville Cement Co; Dir 59-64, 70-77, Louisville Water Co;1st Lt 17-19, 151st FA

McCormick, Alexander Agnew Jr.








Lt Naval Air Service, WWI ( Frgn Srvc)

McKee, Elmore McNeill







Truslow, Katharine A; Gilkinson, Sona K

 64-67 w/Albuquerque Public schools; Conslt-lecturer 63-64, Peace Corps training Ctr Latin America U NM; Field Reporter & Orginator 50-51, The People Act Project 20th Century Fund; Dir 52-55, same project, Ford Foundation; Head of Mission 46-47, Am Friends Service Co (US Zone Germany); 36-46, St George's NYC; Rector 30-36, Trinity Church (Buffalo); Chaplain 26-30, Yale U; Rector 22-26, St Pauls (New Haven); Asst 21-22, St John's (Church Waterbury); Trustee 26-30, Taft School; Exec Comm 40-43, Comm on Just and Durable Peace Fed Council Churces; Author; 1st Lt 17-19, Sanitary Corps

Mead, Winter








Mbr, Bd Assessors (Morristown, NJ); 2nd Lt, FA WWI; Chmn Civl Defense (Morristown) WWII

Otis, James Sanford 







Berry, Violetta Lansdale

Lt, Naval Avaition

Smith, Traver






MT/Big Timber

Clinton, Catherine

Rancher; Lt USN 17-18, Aviation

Walker, George Nesmith                    1919







Pond, Sophie

w/Moboil Oil Corp; Capt 17-18, FA AEF

Adams, Lewis G.







Kellogg, Emeline W

Ptnr Adams & Woodbridge; Cmdr 17-19, 41-45, USNR

Davison, Harry Pomeroy







Sparks, Eleanor M A

Sr VP, JP Morgan & Co. NYC; Lt, Naval Air Service WWI; Cmndr, USN WWII

Hadden, Briton




Literary Work




Co-Founder 1923, Time Magazine; 2nd Lt, FA WWI

Heffelfinger, Frank Peavey







Bradley, Elizabeth E

Hon Chmn Bd, Exec Com, Peavey Co (MN); VP, Gen Mgr 29-39, Monarch Elevator Co; VP 25-29, Globe Elevator Co; Sec 21-25 Northern Elevator Co; British Am Elevator Co 20, Port Arthur Elevator Co 1920; Dir, Great Northern R'wy Co; Mbr, Republican Natl Finance Co; Trustee Hazelden Found; Dirs Trout Unlimited, North Star Res & Dev Inst, Natl Football Found, Natl Tax Equality Assn; 2nd Lt US Army WWI; Reg Dir, War Production Bd WWII

Hincks, John Morris




Insurance, Finance



Warner, Olive Burch

Chmn 44, Middlesex Mutual Assurance Co (Middletown, CT); 30-42, w/Calvin Bullock; 22-30,w/Hincks Bros

Hobson, Francis Thayer




Literary Work



Garrabrants, Isabelle Lavis

Chmn Bd 31-, Pres  William Morrow & Co Publishers (NYC); Ptnr, Thayer Hobson & Co; Dir, MS Mill Co Inc, Jefferson House Inc

Ingalls, David Sinton  







Harkness, Louise

Pres, Publisher 54-58, Cincinnati Publishing Co; VP & Mngr 40-42, Charge of Overseas Operations 45-49 Pan American World Airways; Dir 33-35, Health & Welfare (Cleveland); Asst Sec 29-32, Navy for Aeronautics; Mbr 26-29, Ohio House of Rep; 23-29 w/Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (Cleveland); US Naval Aviation 17-19, 42-45; Capt; Rear Admiral USNR WWI, WWII

Luce, Henry Robinson




Literary Work



Hotz, Lila Ross; Brokaw, Clare Boothe

Founder of/and editor-in-Chief Time'23, Life '36, Fortune '30, Sports Illustrated, Architectural Forum, House & Home, NYC; Dir Aid Refugee Chinese Intellectuals, American'Korean Found, Korea Soc, Union Theol Seminary, Univ of Andes Found; trustee Ame heritage Found, China Inst of Am, Met Museum Art, Yale-in-China Assn; Sponsor, Intrnl Freindship League, Save the Children Fund, World BrotherhoodI; Mbr 47-56, Yale U Council. Bonesman with David Ingalls and Harry Pomeroy; 2nd Lt FA WW

McHenry, James   







Ober, Marjorie

Ptnr, Alex, Brown & Sons, Baltimore; 2nd Lt FA WWI; Capt USMCR WWII

Patterson, Morehead  







Parsons, Elsie; Clark, Helen Mitchell; Bissell, Margaret Tilt

; VP, Dir, International Cigar Machinery Co; Dir, Durham-Enders Razor Co; Deputy US Rep 54, UN Disarmament Comm (London); US Rep 54-55, International Atomic Agency Negotiations; Asst Counsel, Asst VP, VP, Pres, Dir, Chmn 26-27-, American Machine & Foundry Co (NYC); 2d Lt, FA WWI

Safford, Theodore Lee   








2d Lt, FA WWI

Sargent,  Joseph Weir  







Conrad, Frances Vinson

2d Lt 17-18, FA

Schermerhorn, Alfred Cosler









Van Slyck, DeForest








Pres, Hon Chmn Bd, Intrnl Student House (DC); 46-60 w/CIA (DC); Ptnr 37-46, Fahnestock & Co (NYC); Assoc 29-37 Lazard Freres (NYC); Instr and Asst Prof 20-29, Yale; Mbr 57-67, Yale Dev Com;  WWI Quartermaster 18,  USNR; Col 42-45, USAAF WWII

Winter, Daniel Robbins







Rose, Elizabeth

Asst Gen Mgr, Direct Marketing, Gulf Oil (Pittsburgh, PA); Vol Ambulance Field Service 17, WWI; 2d Lt 18-79, FA

Acosta, John Sidney








2nd Lt FA WWI

Bradley, Charles Harvey







Coffin, Carolyn

Pres 24-55, WJ Holliday & Co; Pres, Monarch Steel Co;  Pres, Chmn Bd, PR Mallory & Co, Inc; Pvt 17-18, USMC

Brewster, Walter Rice







McIntosh II, Jean

Mbr Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; Assoc Fellow 70-, Trumbull Coll, Yale U; Dir 60-62, Rogers Peet Co; Assoc Govt Appeal Agnt 41-42, US Selective Service; 2nd Lt, 18-23, FA Officers Reserve Corp WWI; Lt Cmdr, 42-45, USNR WWII

Bundy, Frederick McGeorge








Chmn Bd Cape Ann Bank & Trust; Asst Treas, Chmn Bd 23-68, Groton's of Gloucester, (MA); Mbr  53-54, Natl Fisheries Inst; Mbr 56-59, Yale Alumni Bd; 2nd Lt, US Army

Cowles, William Sheffield







Krech, Margaret

 Ptnr 30-69, Wood, Walker & Co; Mbr 49-55, CT State Legislature, Spkr of House 54-55; Mayor 56-60, Farmington; Lt 18-20, USMC; Capt 41-46, USN Admiral Halsey's staff

Heminway, Bartow Lewis







Hubbard, Annabel Ruth

Pres, Heminway Corp (CT); Dir, Exec Comm, Colonial Bank & Trust Co (CT); Trustees, Taft School, St Margaret's School for Girls; 2nd Lt, FA WWI

Hord, Stephen Young







Norcross, Catherine

Gen Ptnr 45- , 32-45,  w/Brown Bros Harriman & Co; 27-32, w/Lee Higginson & Co Chicago; 21-27 w/Chicago; Northern Trust Co Chicago; Dir 68- , Chmn Invstmnt Com Pension Fund 70- , Abex Corp; Dir, Mbr Finance Com 47-69, Am Auto Ins Co; Dir  57-69, Assoc Indemnity Corp; Dir Mbr Exec Comm 62- , IL Central Industries, Inc; Dir 45- , IL Central RR; Dir  52-57, Rotary Elec Steel Co Detroit; Dir 57-61, Calvert Drilling Inc ; Dir 64-69, Natl Surety Corp (NY); Dir 57-68, Symington Wayne Corp; Dir 47-70, Midwest Stock Exchange; Dirs, Chicago Tunnel Co, Tunnel Transport Co, Clearing Machine Corp,  Yazoo & MS Valley RR; Mbr 54- ,Chicago Panel of Arbitrators NYSE; Charter Trustee 63-68, Phillips Academy Andover; CFR; Pvt 18-22, USMC AEF 5th reg

Jenckes, Marcien   







Cromwell, Mollie Webb

Ptnr Choate, Hall & Stewart, Boston; 2nd Lt 18-19, FA Army

Litt, Willard David  









Lunt, Storer Boardman        




Literary Work



McElderry, Margaret Knox

Chmn, WW Norton Co, Inc (NYC); Mbr, Gov Bd 55-65, Yale U Press; Pres 62-65, Am Book Publisher's Council; Pres 65-69, Natational Publisher's Ass; 2nd Lt 17-18, FA

Neville, James Eugene








Asst US Attny, Coolidge Admin

Parsons, Langdon        







Hungerford, Elizabeth

Gynecologist, Surgeon; Dir 63-71, Alumni Relations, Harvard Med School; Prof Emeritus 66-, Clinical Prof 63-66, Gyn Harvard Med School; Prof 49-62, Obs & Gyn, Boston U School Med; Lt Col 42-46, MC, US Army

Shevlin, Edward Leonard








2d Lt, FA WWI

Stewart, John                 







Rodgers, Dorothy Browning; Leaf, Frances Trenchard; Gloninger, Josephine Wiley

Investment Counsel; VP Cooke & Bieler; Pres 55, Baxter & Stewart, Inc; VP 65,  Cooke & Beller, Inc; Chmn Bd 50-54,Henry B Warner & Co; Salesman 54-55, Harrison & Co; Mgr Stock Dept 37-40, Merril, Lynch, Fenner & Smith, Phils; Pres 40-49, Donner Corp;  Dirs, Teleflex, Inc, Bryn Mawyr Hosp, Chesapeake Utilities Corp; Wellington Tech Industries, Inc, Cooke & Bieler, Inc; Chmn Bd, Church Farm School (PA); Lt 18, FA US Army 18

Winter, Edwin Wheeler II               







Elting, Ruth

2d Lt, FA WWI

Aldrich, Malcolm Pratt







Buffington, Ella F

Chmn of Bd The Commonwealth Fund; Dir, Trustee 31-59, NY Trust; 33-40, 58-72 Southern Pacific; 40-55 NY Central RR; 53-58 Natl Distillers & Chmcl Corp; 56-72 Equitable Life; 62-66 Phelps Dodge; 64-70 American Elec Pwr; 38-68 Am Mus. Of Nat Hist; 51-70 Met Mus of Art; Spec Asst to Asst Sec of Navy for Air, 42-45 Capt USN; Mayor 31-39, North Hills NY; Assoc Fellow 32- Davenport Coll; Pres, 57-58, Mbr 53-58, Unvrsty Council; Yale Alumni Fund

Bush, James Smith







Patterson, Caroline; Kieffer, Lois

Pres Inter Mundi; Curator 50-56, U Of MO; managing Dir 59-63, Export-Import Bank of WA; Lt Col  42-45, USA

Cheney, Ward







Davison, Frances

Pres, Dir  Cheney Bros, Textile Mfrs; Dir, Pioneer Parachute Co; Chmn, Com for Dept of Fine Arts at Yale; Pvt, OTC, WWI; Cmdr, USN, WWII

Crosby, Albert Hastings









Frost, Albert Carl, Jr.







Gardner, Rena Harris

Rep, Bache & Corp

Hilles, Frederick Whiley







Morse, Susan Toy

Bodman Prof English Emeritus Chmn 47-56, 62-64, Mbr 26-65 English Dept, Dir of Humanities 56-59 Yale U; VP 58-, Yale U press; App Seaman, USN WWI; Lt Col, AUS WWII; Hon OBE; Pres RTA

Larner, Robert Johnson 








Gunnery Sgt, USMCAR WWI

Lord, William Galey







Norton, Frances

Pres, Galey & Lord, Exec VP, Burlington Industries; Dir 49-69, V Chmn Brooklyn Museum; Mbr 62-67, Yale U Council

Page, Robert Guthrie







Townsend, M Jermain

Chmn Exec Com, formerly Pres, Bd Chmn  Phelps Dodge Corp (NYC); Spec Asst to Under Sec of Navy 40; Reg Adminis 35, SEC; Sec 26-27, Justice Louis D Brandeis

Root, Wells







Segal, Lin; Doyle, Mimi

Instructor, Theatre Arts, UCLA, CA; Author, 32 Feature Screenplays, 75 TV Shows, books, Ma 42-45,j AAF

Solley, Robert Folger        







Nelson, Dorothy; Childress, Lila; Switzler, Jane

Physician,  Asst Paqthologist, Asst, Assoc, Attending then Consulting Phyisicain 29-70, St Lukes Hosp (NYC); Consltng Physician Nantucket Cottage Hosp; Asst Physician 35-46, Preby Hosp and Neurological Inst (NYC); Cmdr 42-46, MC USNR

Strong, Henry Barnard                     1922







Flaherty, Helen

Rep, Gen Assembly CT; Exec Sec 43-47, Govs Baldwin, McConaughy; Navy WWI

Thomas, John Allen Miner   




Literary Work





Townsend, Frederic dePeyster Jr.   







Bass, Susan


Woodward, Stanley 







Rutherford, Sarah C

US Foreign Service 25-53, except 34-37, when Commissioner Fairmount Park, Phila, PA; Ambassador 50-53, Canada; Chief of Protocol 45-50, US Dept State; Yale-in-China; Sgt 18, FA US Army

Becket, George Campbell







Granbery, Elise

Attny, Ptnr, Shipman & Goodwin, CT; Justice of the Peace 40-71, 78-83,  Trial Justice 42-60, Salisbury, CT; Dir, Torrington Savings Bank

Bulkey, Jonathan Ogden








Pulp & Paper Dist, (NYC); Corporal SSU, WWII

Cooper, John Sherman    




stateKY rep

Warren Comm





Rowan, Loraine

of Counsel, Covington & Burling, DC; Mbr 47-49, 53-55, 57-73, US Senate KY; County Judge 30-38,  (Pulaski County KY); elected 45, Circuit Judge; Mbr, 49-51 Gardner, Morrison & Rogers (DC); US Delegate 49, UN General Assembly Session; Ambassador 55-56, India & Nepal; Advisor 50, Sec of State Acheson; Mbr  63-65   Warren Comm named by Pres Johnson to investigate assassination of President Kennedy; 60-65 Yale U Council, Prvt to Capt 42-46, US Army, Military Police

Davenport, Russell Wheeler




Literary Work



Gluck, Marcia

Pub Officer 47, CBS; Chief Editorial Writer 42-44, Life; Editor, Writer, Chmn Bd 1930-41, Fortune Magazine (created the Fortune 500 companies list); Reporter 24-25, Spokesman Review, (WA); Editorial Staff 23-24, Time; Prvt Ambulance Services, WWI AEF

Day, Huntington Townsend







Campbell, Cornelia Addis

Ptnr, Wiggin & Dana, New Haven, CT

Foster, Maxwell Evarts









Hyde, Louis Kepler  Jr.







Overton, Penelope Witherington

Chmn Bd, Dir, EW Axe & Co, Inc, Pres, Axe-Houghton Fund Tarrytown NY; Ptnr Barringer, Nelson & Hyde 41-48; Mbr 46-51, Permanent Mission to UN; Dept Trade relations Advisor 43-44, Foreign Econ Admin; Asst to Sec State 45, in charge of policy review & analysis; Dep Dir 42-43, Planning & Dev Staff, Spec Asst to Dep Adminstrator Lend-Lease Admin; VP 35-41, Wasserman, Nelson, Barringer & Hyde, Inc; Pres Simplex Universal Joint, Inc 29-32; VP 26-59, Riverside Coal & Timber Co; VP 26-39, Union County Ivenstment Co; Dir 41-52, 58 - , Katzenbach & Warren, Inc; Dir 58-, Axe-Houghton Stock Fund Inc; Dir 58- , Henry WT Mali & Co, Inc; Dir Muskogee Elec Traction Co 36-55

Jones, Edwin Alfred







McKee, Katharine Grosvenor

Chmn-Pres Globe Iron Co, Globe Metallurgical Corp, Golden Globe Citrus Assn, Interlake Steel Corp; Chmn Naples Golf & Beach Club

Jordan, Ralph Edward                









Luckey, Charles Pinckney







Allen, Elisabeth

Banker, NYC; Yale Alumni Bd; Pvt FA WWI

Matthessen, Francis Otto    








Bergebn lecturer 48, Instr 27-29 Yale U; Cadet RAF Canada WWI

Norton, George Washington  Jr.







Morton, Jane

Pres, WAVE-TV (Louisville); Major, USAF WWII

Pelly, Bernard Berenger               







Nute, Elizabeth

Sr VP, Balfour, Guthrie & Co, Ltd; Pres, Balfour Chemicals, Inc; Pvt 18, SATC

Tighe, Richard Lodge









Wheeler, Alfred Newton







Bristow, Romaine; Thornton, Elizabeth

VP, Marine Midland Grace Trust Co of NY; Prvt 17-18, WWI

Allen, Henry Elisha



Psi Upsilon




Davis, Helen E

Prof of Religion 47-70 , U MN; Pres 41-46 Keuka Coll; 30-41 Dpt Religon, Lafayette Coll; 24-26 The Hill Schl; Dir 46-47, National Planned Parenthood, NY,

Appel, George Frederick Baer







Thomas, Elizabeth

Ptnr Townsend, Elliott & Munson, Phill, PA; 44-45 Foreign Econ Admin; 42-44 Lend Lease Admin

Blair, Edwin Foster







Kane, Rosemary

Ptnr, Hughes, Hubbard, Blair & Reed NYC; Dir, Union Bag & Paper, TD Jones & Co; Fellow 46-, Yale Corp;  Chmn 42-44, Alumni Fund, Chmn 49-52, Alumni Bd, Yale U; Assoc Fellow 44-, Branford Coll, Yale U; many other charity and Yale football/club activities

Diller, John Cabot







Wells, Margaret O; Ketchin, Helen E

Assoc Dir 27-32, Bureau of Appointments; Capt 16-19, AUS Inf; Col 42-45, USAF

Ewing, Sherman







Hellelfinger, Mary P

Lawyer (NYC)

Haines, Thomas Frederick David







Wickes, Marian Forsyth

Pres, Ciba Pharmaceuticals Prodcuts, Inc

Heffelfinger, George Wright Peavey







Jones, Ruth

Exec VP, FH Peavey & Co (MN); Pres, Russell Miller Milling Co; Lt Col, USAAF WWII

Hilles, Charles Dewey Jr.







Train, Helen

Spec Legal Advisor 54-55, US High Commisioner for Germany; Dad was sec to Pres Taft

Houghton, Walter Edwards             




Education, Literary Work



Rhoads, Esther Lowrey

Prof of English emeritus, Editor, The Wellesley Index to Victorian Periodicals, Prof 48-68, Assoc Prof 42-48 Asst Prof 35-41, Tutor ,Wellesley College (MA); Tutor instrctr 31-35, Harvard Radcliffe; Master 27-29, Phillips Academy 27-29; Master 24-25, The Hill School

Lusk, William Thompson                  1924







Adams, Katharine

Dir 30-, Pres 55-67, Exec VP 52-55, VP 32-52 Tiffaney & Co (NY); Trustee 43-56, Pres 46-48, VP 44-46, New Canaan Country School

Mallory, William Neely 








Dir 37-45,Treas 38-45, Southwestern College; Maj, USA AF WWII

McCallum, Revell







Wilman, Esta

Chmn Propper-McCallum Hosiery; VP, Clausner Hosiery Co; Asst Dir, Rockefeller Memorial Hosp

Melton, William Davis Jr.







Ford, Anne Gaillard; Lovvorn, Martha

Asst Gen Counsel, Duke Power Co (Charlotte, NC)

Spofford, Charles Merville







Walker, Margaret; Andre, Carolyn S; Brewster, Sydney Ruan

Ptnr w/Davis, Polk & Wardwell (NYC); Instr 24-25, Yale; assoc 28-30, Isham, Lincoln & Beal (Chicago); Trustees, Carnegie Corp, NY, Mutual Life Ins Co (NY); Dir, CFR; Dirs Distillers Co, Ltd, Mutual Life Ins Co of NY, CIBA Corp, Uniroyal, Inc; Dir Metropolitan Opera Assn; Trustee, Juilliard Musical Found; Dir, Atlantic Council of US Inc; Lt Col to Brigadier Gen 42-44; Staff Officer in Mediterranean, ETO 42-45; US Deputy Rep, North Atlantic Council (perm Rep) w/rank ambassador 50-52

Thomson, Clifton Samuel 







Deyer, Charlotte

Mining; Ptnr 34-, Appleto, Rice & Perrin; Gen Counsel, Dir 46-64, CIBA Corp; Mayor 40-47, (Sands Point NY)

Ardrey, Rushton Leigh







Wolfe, Elizabeth Johnson

Sr VP. Republic Natl Bank, Dallas; VP, Treas, American Liberty Oil, Co; Asst Treas, Guaranty Trust;  Asst VP, Bank of Manhattan

Ashburn, Frank Davis






MA, Andover

Batcheller, Phyllis; Lane, Jean

Chmn 60-62 , Coll Entrance Exam Bd; Mbr1947-54 Yale Univ Council; 53-55 Natl Council Ind Schls, Chmn; Headmaster-Brooks School; Trustee Brooks, Winsor & Miss Porter's, Brockwood Seminary

Bench, Edward Cajetan







Mulligan, Marian R

 Gen Ptnr 47-60, Clark, Dodge & Co; VP31-47, Bank of NY; Spec Asst to Asst Sec of Navy for Air, Capt 42-45, USNR

Bissell, William Truesdale







Latane, Elinor

Hartford Natl Bank & Trust; Hartford Fire Ins Co; NY Herald Tribune, Newsweek, Harper & Bros; Staff 43-45, Office of Lend-Lease Admin, DC; Chief India-SE Asia Foreign Economic Adm

Blair, James Grant








Pres, Hopi-Grants-Pinon-Shiprock Oil Companies

Gage, Charles Stafford







Siegfried, Margaret

Treas 54-65, Yale Univ;  Mbr, 25-54, ER Suibb & Son, Mathiesson Chem Co; Dir 61-74, United Illuminating Co; Dir 61-69, Union-New Haven Trust Co; 41-44, US Lend Lease Admin; Trustee 50-76, Phillips Academy; Gov 65, Mbr 50-65, Yale Athelectic Bd; Mbr 52, Alumni Bd

Ives, Gerard Merrick







Pratt, Ruth

Sr VP, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co (NYC); Lt Col 42-45, Chief of Ordnance

Jones, Walter Clyde     







Watt, Emily

Gen Solicitor IL Bell Telephone Co

Lovejoy, Winslow Meston







Post, Josephine Graham

Ptnr Lovejoy, Wasson, Lundgren & Ashton (NYC); Pres 55-58, Yale Football Y Assn; Maj 42-46, AUS; Pres, RTA

Lufkin, Elgood Moulton








Deputy Dist Chief, Acting Dist Chief 41-45, NY Ordnance Dist; Mbr, Advisory Bd NY, Ordnance Dists

Luman, Richard John   







Bailey, Louise

Deputy State Treas 59-63, WY; Mbr 53-59, Chmn 63-, WY Public Service Comm (Cheyenne); WY State Senate 45-49; Speaker 43-45, Rep 37-45, WY State Legislature

Norton, William Bunnell







Smith, Mildred Elsie

Prof Emeritus History, Teacher, Overseas Grad program in Intrnl Relations, Boston U

Scott, Henry Clarkson   







Bouvier, Michell; Murphy Agnes; Kelly, Jean

Asst Proj Mgr, Dorado Beach Development, Inc, Dorado beach Puerto Rico; Gen Mgr 60-67, Pan Am Hotel Development; VP 55-60, West Indies Sugar Co; Pres 54, Caldwell & Scott, Inc; VP 38-55, Iglehart, Caldwell & Scott, Inc; Asst Supt 25-38, Thompson-Starret Constr Co

Stevens, Marvin Allen







Abbey,Barbara; Hill, Dorothy

Orthopedic Surgeon; Head Football Coach 34-41, NYU; Teaching Fellow 34-36, NYC Hosp for Special Surgery; Asst Prof 36-47, Yale Med School; Mbr Exec Com Natl Football and Hall of Fame; Cmdr 42-45, USN

Stevenson, Donald Day







Davis, Lois

Chief Forester 52-68, Buckeye Cellulose Corp(Perry FL); Division Forester 45-52, Champion Papers (Canton NC); Prof 35-45, Forestry PA State;   Instrctr, 30-33 Lingnan U (China)

Allen, Daniel                         







Frick, Madeline

 Mayor 58-60, Larksburg; Cty Council, 56-63  Larksburg

Bronson, James Davis







Prins, Elsie T; Hutchings, Lucille; Turton, Marjorie

Dir, Pres, Boise Cascade; Pres, Prosser Orchard, Inc (Yakima); Consolodated Lumber Co; Pres 58-59, Western Pine Assoc; Pres 62-65, American Forest Industries

Coke, Henry Cornice Jr.               







Cock, Kathleen

Ptnr Coke & Coke; Major 1942-45, USAF

Crosby, Henry Stetson









Cutler, Benjamin Crawford







Campbell, Flora; Powers, Eustacia

Owner, Ben Cutler Orchestras; Pres 63-68, Natl Assn Orchestra Leaders

Davenport, John








Editor 49-54, Barron's Magazine; Bd Editors, Asst Managing Editor, Staff 37-49, Fortune Magazine; 48, Hoover Plan

Ferguson, Alfred L. Jr.           







Kinney, Janet

Investment Banker; Lt Col 42-46, Army Air Force

Hoysradt, John McArthur







Burns, Marion; Oltman, Dorthoy

Star, NBC "Gimme A Break" John Hoyt; Actor, Writer, Director; Pres Theatre 40 Group, 75 Movies, Spartacus, Blackboard Jungle, Cleopatra, original doctor in Star Trek TV series, Mbr, Orson Welles's Mercury Theatre

Kingsbury, Howard Thayer







Wales, Ellen Munroe

Dean 54-69, Head 30-41, Math Dept Brooks School; Lt Col 41-46, Army

Lord, Oswald Bates






FL, Hobe Sound

Pillsbury, Mary Stinson

Exec VP, Pres, Dir 1923- ,  Galey & Lord, Div Burlington Ind; Dir 37-, Aberfoyle Inc, Norfolk; Pres 41-51, Judson Health Ctr (NYC); Married Mary Pillsbury of the Minnesota based Pillsbury Flour Corporation.

Michel, Anthony Lee







Prescott, Sarah Barnard

Counsel, Gardner, Carton, Douglas, Chilgren & Waud (Chicago)

Poore, Charles Graydon         




Literary Work



Carter, Mary

Writer; formerly Book Critic New York Times, Chief Book Critic Harper's Magazine in 50's; retired to write; Mbr Yale U Council & Publications Comm; Major 42-45, GSC US Army

Root, Reginald Dean







Fritzell, Mabel

Dir Financial Aid, Dir Personnel, Dean of Men, 53-72, U WA; Coach Football 48-52, U WA; Coach 29-48, Football & Lacrosse, Yale;

Russell, Frank Ford







Abely, Alice

Chmn Bd 50-67, Pres 44, Dir 37, Sec 32, VP 29, National Aviation Corp; Gen Mgr 43-44, Natnl Aircraft Production Council; Slsmn 28, Guaranty Co of NY; Dirs, Chase Manhattan Bank, Otis Elevator, Worthington Corp, Cerro de Pasco Corp, NYC, Lockheed Aircraft Corp, South American Development Co, Union Sulphur Co

Willard, Charles Hastings      







Olney, Nancy

Lawyer, Davis, Polk & Wardwell (NYC): Mbr, Investment Council, Phi Beta Kapa

Bunnell, Phil W.   







Nichols, Margaret Elizabeth

Investments Harris Upham & Co; Major 41-45 ASF

Look, Allen MacMartin







Auchincloss, Maria S

Mbr 69-, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamship Authority; VP Wellington Sears Co (NYC)

McIntosh, Harris







Knight, Elizabeth

Pres, Toledo Scale, Co

Noble, Lawrence Mason             







McLanahan, Louise Suydam

Dir, Recruitment & Scholarships 67 -70 , United World Colleges(NYC); Lawyer 30-32, Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett (NYC); Faculty 32-66, Groton School; Varsity Hockey Coach 28-30, JV Footbal Coach 28-30, Yale U

Patterson, Thomas Cleveland                  1927




Literary Work





Post, Russell Lee           









Ritchie, Wallace Parks







Otis, Alice

Clinical Prof Neurosurgery, U MN; Major 41-45, Med Corp Army

Robbins, William Wells








Lend-Lease Adminis 43, (Cairo)

Robinson, Frederick Flower    







Spitzer, Suzanne

Chmn Bd, National Aviation Corp (NYC); Asst Adminis 37-, Natl Unemployment Census; Deputy Adminis 33-34, Natl Recovery Adminis

Stokes, Anson Phelps Jr.             







Procter, Hope

Bishop 56-70, Episcopal Diocese MA; Asst/Rector St Mark's Ch (Shreveport, LA), Rector Trinity Ch (Columbus OH); Canon 45-50, St Andrews Catherdral (Honolulu); Rector St Batholomews Ch (NYC)

Wadsworth, James Jeremiah







Tilton, Harty G; Alphin, Mary

Mbr 65-69, Fed Communications Comm (FCC); US Ambassador on assignment 62-65; US Rep 60-61, UN; US Rep 60-61, UN; Deputy US Rep 53-60, UN; Acting Adminis 52-53, FCDA; Deputy Adminis 50-52, Fed Civil Defense 50-52; Asst to Administrator 48-50 Econ Co-operation Adminis; Div Dir 45-46, War Assts Adminis;  Mbr 31-41, NY State Assembly

Walker, George Herbert  Jr.







Carter, Mary

Sr Managing Ptnr, GH Walker & Co (NYC); Gov, Assn of Stock Exchange Firms; Mbr 54-60, Yale Corp; Exec Comm of Bd, Yale Dev; Treas, RTA; Co-founder of the NY Mets; Major, USAAF WWII

Wardwell, Edward Rogers               







Morgan, Lelia A

Ptnr, Davis, Polk & Wardwell (NYC); Lt Col, US Army Air Force

Warren, John Davock                       1927







Lynch, Helen G

Ptnr, GH Walker & Co (NYC)

Watson, Charles III   







Fay, Polly

Pres 37-48, Dry-Pack Corp; Ptnr 27-37, Cassatt & Co; Managing Dir 49-66, Yale Alumni Fund

Bartholomew, Dana Treat






CT, Lyme

Griswold, Adela Sloane

CFO, Exec VP, Dir 38-70, Alcan Aluminium Ltd, Monteral; United Aircraft; Trust Bd, Citibank, 1st National Bank of NY; Asst VP 29-38, Tricontinental Corp NY; Dir Scovil Mfg; 2nd Lt 42-44, Reserve Army of Canada

Berger, Jr., George Bart









Bingham, Charles Tiffany







Howell, Kathleen W

Assoc Attending Physician49-60, Hartford Hosp, other medical pstns, many about alcholism; Clinical Instr 48-49, Medicine, Yale Medical Schl; Cmdr 43-46, (MC) USN

Fishwick, Dwight Brown








Lt Col, Medical Corps WWII

Griggs, Herbert Stanton Jr.             








Lt Cmndr, USNR WWI

Haight, George Winthrop   







Uppercu, Mary Lillian

Lawyer, Decker, Hubbard & Welden, (NY); Lawyer of Counsel, Forsyth, Decker & Murray

Ives, Chauncey Bradley







Boyd, Jane

Asst Prof 60-70 Assoc Prof 70- Rutgers U; Assoc Prof 57-60, Guilford Coll NC; Major, Am Field Service 41-4; Civilian, OSS 45-46

Lapham, Raymond White                     1928







Jarratt, Madge

Capt, AUS

Mallory, Barton Lee Jr.           







Howell, Agnes A

Chmn Bd, Pres, Memphis Compress & Storage Co

Prentice, John Rockefeller  




Business, Law



Cantrill, Abra

Owner 41-67, American Breeders Service, Inc Chicago; Law 31-41; Major 41-46, FA

Robertson, Arthur Clendenium




Literary Work




Inst 30-32, History, Yale U; Maj 42-46, Inf

Ross, "Lanny" Lancelot Patrick







White, Olive

Singer, Actor; Major 43-46, Army

Scott, Stewart Patterson           







Loomis, Elizabeth; Griffith, Mildred

Installment Credit Banking, Denver United States Natl Bank; 1st Lt, USAAF WWII

Stewart, Peter Hellwege 









Walker, Stoughton            







Brevoort, Jean R

Industrial Consultant; Dir, Fifth Ave Assn (NY); Lt Col, Ordnance Dept, Gen Staff Corps WWII

Ashforth, Albert Blackhurst









Costikyan, Granger Kent







Taylor, Margaret Lawernce

Ptnr Brown Brothers Harriman, (NY); Sr VP 62-69, First Bank System, (Minneapolis, MN); VP 59-62, Chemical Bank; 29-59, NY Trust Co

Crile, George Jr.   







Halle, Jane; Sandburg, Helga

General Surgery, Cleveland Clinc; Cmdr 42-46, USN

Decker, Edmund Lockwood Jr.             









Dodge, Washington 



Alpha Delta Phi




Hubbard, Helen Keep; Brown, Helen Manning

Broker, VP, Clark, Dodge & Co, Inc, (NYC); Mbr 41-44, NY Stock Exchange; Roberts & Co; Financial Editor, Time; editorial assignments, Fortune; Ptnr 37, Arthur Wiesenberger & Co; Public Relations 33-37, Barret & Co; Dir, AG Spaulding & Bros, Inc

Eddy, Maxon Hunter     




Education Medicine



Marshall, Virginia

Prof of Surgery Haile Slassie U, Public Health Coll, Condar Ethopia; Surgeon, Nepal; Sr Attend Surgeon, Chief General Surgery, Bridgeport Hosp; Consulting Surgeon, Milford Hosp; Lt Cmdr 43-46, MC USNR

Garvey, John Joseph    









Gillespie, Kenrick Samson







Cuddihy, Emma

Ptnr in Charge of Correspondent Services, Loeb, Rhoades & Co (NYC)

Grove, Manasses Jacob     







Grote, Noreen Mae

 Investment Analyst 57-70, U TX; VP 45-55, Mercantile-Safe Deposit & Trust Co, (Baltimore); Tech Sgt 41-42, AUS; Cmndr 42-45, USNR

Manville, Hiram Edward Jr.







Schniewind, Ethel; Hawn, Doris

Dir, Johns-Manville Corp; Trustee, Hiram Edward Manville Foundation

Merrill, Henry Riddle                







Myers, Lois Anne

VP, Norton Co (Troy NY)

Paine, Ralph Delahaye Jr.




Literary Work



von Hoershelman, Elena Dimitrievna; Dauphinot, Anne White

VP 64-67, R&D Time, Inc; Publisher 52-64, Managing Editor 41-52, Fortune; War Correspondent 45, Pacific; Mng Dir 39-40, March of Time, Ltd London, in charge of all Time Mag European Operations, Editorial Asst to Pres Time Inc 38-39, Business Editor 33-38, 31, w/Time Mag; Securities Analyst 29-31, Edward B Smith & Co (NYC); 2nd Lt 29-34, ROC;

Smith, Lloyd Hilton      







Zevely, Jane Clay; Wiess, Elizabeth Keth

Oil Gas Production, Investments; Pres, Parafinne Oil corp; Dirs, First Natl Bank Houston, Natnl Review, Curtiss-Wright Corp, Information Storage Systems, Falcon Seaboard Corp, Kinetics Internatl Corp; Adv Dir 56-70, First City National Bank Housto ; Lt Cmndr 42-45, USNR

Wack, Damon deBlois                     1929









Wells, George







Wood, Katherine

Exec VP, Sexton Can Co (Everett MA); Treas, Richards, Sexton & Wells, Inc; Town Clerk (Lincoln MA); Trustees, DeCordova Museum; Concord Academy, Middlesex Institution for Savings; Phillips Exter Academy

Allison, Robert Seaman Jr.








Sec, Treas Colorizer Associates; Utah art community

Ellis, Harland Montgomery         








Mbr, Yale Alumni Bd

Ellis, Raymond Walleser   







Gwin, Eleanor Humphreys

Ptnr, Choate, Hall & Stewart; Lt 43-46, USN

Erskine, Albert DeW. Jr.            









Garnsey, Walter Wood







Kennedy, Jane

Pres, Stokes Canning Co

Greene, Waldo Wittenmyer







Brooks, Shirley Amanda

Citrus grower; Lt Cmndr 42-46, Naval Aviation

Gwin, Samuel Lawrence







Thomas, Elizabeth Chadwick

Ptnr, Choate, Hall & Stewart (Boston); Major 42-45, USAAF

Hall, Robert Andrew




Law, Theatre




VP, Dir, Natl Footbal Fdn & Hall of Fame; Staff 42-45, Office of Pres of US, Lend-Lease Admin, Australia, Spec Deputy, State Dept

Janeway, Charles Anderson







Bradley, Elizabeth

Prof, Pediatrics Harvard U Med Schol; Physician-in-chief Children's Hosp Med Ctr (Boston); Pres 71, Am Pediatric Soc; Pres 54-65, Iran Foundation, Inc, lots of other councils and soc

Ladd, Louis Williams Jr.







Schutz, Barbara; Brown, Edith Gardiner

Physician, internal Medicine; Asst Prof 55-70, Medicine Western Reserve U; Capt 42-46, MC AUS

Longstreth, George Brown







Pullman, Alice Lakin

Exec VP, Peoples Savings Bank (Bridgeport, CT); Trustee, Treas 60- , Fairfield Country Day School

Look, Frank Byron







Keene, Virginia D

Gen Mgr, New Bedford, Woods Hole, Martha's Vineyard & Nantucket Steamship Authority (MA); Lt Cmndr 41-47, USNR

Musser, John Miller          







Willet, Elizabeth

Dir, Exec Comm, Weyerhauser Co (St Paul); Dirs 1st Natl Bank of StPaul, St Paul Insurance Cos, Aspen Inst Humanstic Studies, Weil-McLain Inc, Intrnl Time-Sharing, Inc; Chmn Bd 58-61, Trustee 47-, Carleton College; Pres 65-, VP 64-65, Yale U Council

Palmer, Arthur Edward







Reed, Julia Cunningham

Environmental Lawyer American reading Council, NYC; Mbr 65-68, John Lindsay's Cabinet; Ptnr 60-65, White, Weld & Co; Ptnr 47-60, Assoc 35-47, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts; Dir RTA

Prideaux, Tom           









Austen, David Edward









Donnelley, Gaylord







Ranney, Dorthy Williams

Chmn Exec Com, RR Donnelley & Sons Company, (IL); Dir 61- Dun & Bradstreet, Inc, 46- Reuben H Donnelley Corp, 66-75 Borg Warner, 65-73 1st Natl Bank of Chicago, 1st Chicago Corp; Trustee 65-73, Chmn Bd U of Chicago; Trustee, Sarah Lawerence; Mbr 53-59, Yale U Council; Gov, Yale U Press, 64-71 Yale Dev Bd; Lt Cmmndr 42-45, USNR Air Group, IX USS Essex

Heinz, Henry John II  



zeta psi




Diehl, Joan; Jenney, Jane Ewing; Maher, Drue English

Chmn Bd HJ Heinz Co PA Pittsburg; Chmn Bd 59-, Pres 41-59, HJ Heinz; Dirs 41, Mellon Natl Bank & Trust Co, 69, Overseas Development Council; Trustees 41-, Carnegie Inst, 59- Carnegie-Mellon U, Com for Econ Dev; Trustee 47, Chmn 47-51, International Chamber of Commerce; Advisor 57, Am Delgation GATT; Chmn 58-59, US Delegation, Geneva ECE

Lapham, Lewis Abbot







Foster, Jane

Dir, Pres 68-74,  Chmn of Exec Comm 59-66, VChrmn 66-74, Bankers Trust Co; Pres 57-59, Comm of Am Steamship Lines; VP, Dir 70- , Assn of Registered Bank Holding Companies; Pres  70, NY State Bankers Assn; Pres 53-59, Grace Line, Inc; Pres 47-53, American-Hawaiian Steamship Co; Dirs, Medusa Corp. Tri-Continental Corp, HJ Heinz Co, Macmillan Inc, Ntnl Assn Bd, Smithsonian, Celanese Corp of America, Mobil Oil Corp, Chubb Corp, Crane Co, Barber Oil Co, North American Phillips Corp, Newport News Shipbuilding & Drydock Co; Mbr Supervising Bd of NV Phillips, The Netherlands; Exec Asst to 41-45, Commanding General, SF Point of Embarkation; Sec 30-31, RTA; son served as General counsel 73-79, CIA (Anthony A  '56)

Loeser, Frederic William  







Stearns, Marjorie

Pres, Ecology, Inc (NH); NH Buick Co, Fred L Loeser & Son; Dir 38-, New Haven Boy's Club; 1st Lt 52-55 USMC

Lydgate, William Anthony             



Alpha Delta Phi




Smith, Virginia Everett; Barry, Constance

Chmn, Earl Newsom & Co, Inc NY; Editor 35-, American Institute of Public Opinion (Gallop Poll); VP, Trustee, Yale-in-China Assn; Chmn 66- , Foreign Policy Assn; Public Relations; Writer 32-35, Time Mag; Author, What Our People Think

Messimer, Robert Laughlin Jr.



zeta psi




Cowdrey, Dorothy; Hetz, Margaret

Systems Mgr, Ward Howell Assoc, Inc, executive recuiting

Peltz, William Learned   



alpha delta phi




Adams, Margaret Ruth

Prof Clinical Psychiatry, U PA Medical School; Fellow 40-42, Branford College, Yale; Med; Capt-Major, Army Med Corps, 39th Gen Hosp (Yale Unit), Pacific 42-45; Expert Civilian Consultant 51, Korean conflict 51

Rathborne, Joseph Cornelius  









Stewart, James Ross            



alpha delta phi




Cobb, Elizabeth

Ptnr, Arter & Hadden (Cleveland); Trustee Hathaway Brown School for Girls; Col 42-45, AUS, Gen Staff Corps

Sutherland, Richard Orlin








Dept Chemical Engineering MO School of Mines & Metalurgy

Swoope, Walter Moore   



alpha delta phi




Fryberger, Mary Louise

Ptnr, Bell, Silberblatt Swoope (Clearfield, PA); T/Sgt 43-45, Army

Tucker, Luther B.D.



zeta psi




Pullman, Josephine

Pres, 69- Financial Mngmnt Inc, Minister, Indian Hill Church (Cincinatti); asst Christ Chirch (Cambridge, MA); Far East Sec 36-38, World Student Christian Fed; Trustee 36-59, Yale-in-China; Sec 38-40, Natl Student Council, YMCA; related to Nick F Brady Y '99 

Vincent, Francis Thomas








Southern New England Telephone Co (New Haven); CT Savings Bank (New Haven); son Fay Jr, Pres & CEO 81, Colombia Pictures Industries

Walker, John Mercer 



psi upsilon

Medicine, Finance



Mead, Louise

Lmtd Ptnr, Alex Brown & Sons (MD); Consultant, 78-82 Merrill Lynch; Cnsltnt 74-78 White Weld; Ptnr, GH Walker & Co (NYC); Deputy Medical Dir, 51-58, Chmn Exec Comm, CEO 60-64, Memorial Sloan Kettering Hosp; Private Practice 50- Surgery; Dir Alumni Fund; Lt Col 42-46, MC US Army

Adams, Frederic Baldwin Jr.







Potter, Ruth; Abbott, Betty; de Croy, Lousie

 Dir Emeritus 48-69, Pierpoint Morgan Library NY; Pres 59-71, Governing Brd 52-, Yale U Press; Mbr 64-71, Yale Corp; 49-58 Unvrsty Council; Pres NY Hstrcl Scty

Barres, Herster D.







Marshall, Dorothy

Asst to Dir 48-51, Office of Civil Defense, DC; Chaplin 48-51, Hotchkiss Schl; 47-48 Asst Chaplin Yale; Dir 44-48, Natl Yale Alumni Placement Service; Vrsty End Football Coach 44, Yale; former headmaster; Dir 47-48, RTA

Bates, Emmert Warren







Schweigert, Ruth Ann

Sr VP Litton Educational Publishing, Inc, NY; Mbr 34-37 Yale Alumni Bd

Fitch, George Hopper







Lawerence, Dorthy Quincy; Johnson, Muriel Maud

Dir, Distillers Co Ltd, Gordon's Gin Co; Bd, Yale U Art Gallery; Trustee 51, Am Federation of Arts; Dir, de Young Museum Society (SF); other Arts; Major 42-46, Army Air Force

Fulton, Robert Brank







Edwards, Anne Louise

Prof Philosophy, Religion Parsons College (Fairfield IA); Teaching, Research 63-67, Western Reserve College (OH); Visting Prof 62-63, Miles College (Brimingham, AL); Prof Chmn Dept of Philosphy, Religion 56-62, Inter-American U (Puerto Rico); 53-56 Lake Forest (IL); Chaplain, Prof Religion 51-53, Union College (Schenectady, NY); Lecturer 39-41, Yenching U (Peking); Teacher 33-35, 43-51 China, Hon Trustee 51,(Yale-in-China) 

Gillespie,  Samuel Hazard Jr.








Of Counsel, Ptnr, Davis, Polk, Wardwell (NYC); US Attny 59-61(So Dst of NY); Dir, Allis Chalmers Corp

Hodges, William VanDerveer Jr.







Cantwell, June

Lawyer, Davis, Graham & Stubbs (CO); Lt Cmmndr 42-45, USNR

Laundon, Mortimer Hamlin Jr.







Kinney, Jean

Pres, Bryant Equipment Corp; Mbr67, Alumni Bd

Lindenberg, John Townsend




Literay Work





McCrary, John Reagan Jr.








Chmn, Texcomm, Inc (NYC); Tex McCary Inc(NYC)

Mills, James Paul







duPont, Alice

Dist Mgr 46-49, NYC Slick Airways; Inv Banking 33-41, Smith Barney; Dirs 41-46 Middlebirg Natl Bank, Allegheny Airlines; Trustee MC duPont Found; Dirs, Middleburg Bank; Hickory Tree Farm; Lt Col 41-46, Sr Pilot USAF

Ogden, Alfred







Jordan, Mary Fell

Lawyer of Counsel 81-, Reboul, MacMurray, Hewitt, Maynard & Krostol, NYC; 79-80 w/Morgan, Lewis & Bockius; 76-78 w/Wickes, Riddell, Bloomer, Jacobi & McGuire; Ptnr 55-75, Alexander & Green (120 Bdwy, NYC) Ptnr 46-51 Blair & Ogden; Pres, Dir 52-54, C Tennant, Sons & Co (NY); 35-42 w/Dunnington, Bartholow & Miller, Shearman & Sterling & Wright, McCanliss & Early; Trustee, Finance Comm, Guggenheim Foundation; Col 42-46, US Army

O'Neill, Eugene Gladstone, Jr




Education, Literary Work





Savage, Boutelle Jr.







Webber, Martha Ruth

Chmn Bd Hanaford Bros Co (Portland, ME); Pres-Treas, TR Savage Co; Dir 55, Merril Trust Co (Bangor); Trustee, Maine Central Inst

Williams, Samuel Goode







McCoy, Helena Olivia

Mgr, Pricing, Seaboard Coast Line RR Co (Jacksonville, FL)

Caldwell, Samuel Smith Jr.







Bixby, Frances Cushing

Chmn, CEO, VP, Gen Mgr, WR Willet Lumber Co; Sgt 43-45, US Army

Cooke, Francis Judd








Lecturer music; 59-60 Assoc Prof Music Yale; 39-70 Teacher of Music, New England Conservatory; Music Business

Davis, Richard Marden







Newton, Nancy

Ptnr, Davis, Grahm & Stubbs, (Denver CO); Civilian Aide 52-54, Sec of Army; 60-62, Administrative Conf of US; Lt Col 42-45, USAF

Fletcher, Alexander Charles







Dixon, Ethel

VP & Gen Sales Mgr, Four Roses Distillers Corp, (NYC); Lt 42-45, USN

Garnsey, William Smith


st senator






Herrick, Louisa Bolton

Pres, Garnesy & Wheeler, Ford Dealer; Mortage Loans & Capital Life Insurance Co; Mbr 67-75, CO State Senate; Lt Cmmndr 42-45, USNR

Hall, Frederick Bagby Jr.











Jones, Theodore Stephen







Eustis, Eleanor Tileston

Prop, Theodore S Jones & Co (Natl Placement Service for Designers); Conslt 68, Pathfinder Fund Latin America; Consultant, Columbia 59, Korea 59, AID;  Exec Dir 48-59, Design in Industry, Boston Inst Cont Art; Dean 45-48, Hamilton College; Teacher 35-41, Pomfret school; Cmndr 42-45, USNR

Levering, Walter Barnum







Gerard, Betty; Hvistendahl, Else

Ptnr 33-75, Carlisle De Coppet & Co (NYC); Dirs 58-, Oaklawn Foundation (NYC),  60- , Scott-Paine Marine Corp (Stamford),  69- , Wellington Computer Systems (NYC),  70- , Rolfite, Co (Stamford); Gov 60-62, 66-68, Assn of Stock Exchange Firms; Trustee 50-, Boys, Club (NYC); Trustee, The Hill School; Pres 67, 52-, Amsterdam House; Dir, RTA; Cmndr 42-45, USNR

Lindley, Frances Vinton









McGauley, John Michael







Adams, Ruth

Insurance Broker, New England Life (NYC); Major 42-46, Air Corps

Newton, James Quigg Jr.







Shaforth, Virginia

Pres 63-75, The Commonwealth Fund (NYC); Pres 56-63, U  CO; Dir Public Affairs, VP 55-56, Ford Found; Mayor 47-55 (Denver); Pres 46-47, Sec Bd Trustee 38-42, U Denver; Mbr 49-51, Yale U Council, Mbr 51-55, Yale Corp; Cmdr 42-46, USNR

Parker, Robert Boyd







Richmond, Elizabeth; Sweet, Brenda

Asst to Chmn, Abex Corp (NYC)

Parsons, Henry McIlvaine







Oakman, Renee; Svetlova, Marina; Thorson, Marjorie

Consultant Hummrro (VA); Exec Dir 74-79, Institue for Behavioral Research, Pres, Experimental College of IBR; VP Research 69-70, Riverside Research Inst; Pres 68-69, Human Factors Soc; Sr Human Factors Scientist 58-64, System Development Corp; Soc of Engineering Psychologists; Fellow Am Psychological Assn; Lt Cmdr 42-45, USNR

Stebbins, Hart Lyman







Froelicher, Madeleine

Pres, Catholic United for Faith, Inc (New Rochelle, NY)

Wilbur, John Smith







Miller, Atheline

VP, Cleveland-Cliffs Iron Co (Cleveland); Capt 41-45, FA US Army

Bradford, Amory Howe







Rothschild, Carol Warburg

Mbr 75 -, US EPA; Mbr 73-74, Dept EPA CT; 51-52, NATO Secretariat, London; Grant Advisor 63-65, Ford Foundation; Asst to Publisher 47-54 Sec, 54-57, Dir 55-63, VP & Business Mgr 57-60, VP & General Manager 60-63,  N.Y. Times; Attny 37-47, Davis, Polk, Wardwell, Gardiner & Reed, NYC; Married Carol Warburg Rothschild, div 1965

Cunningham, Hugh Terry 






VA, Alexandria

Hawley, Mary Jane

Mbr 45-47, Central Intelligence Group; Director of Training 69-73, Mbr 47-73, CIA; Instructor history and literature 39-42, Harvard & Radcliffe; Rhodes Scholar; Major 42-46, AUS

Gordon, George Arthur




Literary Work



Ryan, Jane; Bartlett, Pamela

Editorial Dir, Guidepost 74-81; Staff Writer 65-74, Reader's Digest; Editor-in-Chief, Cosmopolotian 46-48; Managing Editor 39-41, Good Housekeeping; Lt Col 42-45, AAF

Hallett, John Folsom







Koerber, Katherine

Pres, Concord Consultant, Inc, Boston MA; Pres Bio-Controls (SF, CA); Financial VP American Tool & Machine, Co Fitchburg, MA; Dir, Gum Products, Lion Research Corp; 69-70, International Mgt & Marketing Group Inc (Boston); Pres 66-69, Harbor National Bank (Boston); VP 49-62, Sr VP 62-65, First Natl Bank (St Louis); Asst VP 47-49, Chemical Bank & Trust (NYC); Asst Treas 34-47, NY Trust Co; Representative  37-40, 46-48, 10 Dist Greenwich, CT Town Meeting; Dir 63-65, KETC (ST Louis); Lt Cmndr 42-46, Cmndr 54-, USNR,

Hambleton, Thomas Edward







Hoysradt, Caroline Lucinda; Hopkins, Merrell M

Managing Dir, Phoenix Theatre (NYC); VP, Theatre Inc; Yale U Council 55-60; Lt 42-46, Cmndr USNR

Harper, Harry Halsted Jr.




Literary Work



Jopling, Mary Hewitt

Exec Editor, VP, Bd Dir, Reader's Digest, NY; Capt 42-46, USMC

Holmes, John Grier






MA, Hingham


Pres, John Holmes Associates, Inc; Sec 52-57, Vassar College; Asst to Pres 48-52, Sarah Lawerence College

Jackson, John Herrick









Kilcullen, John MacHale






France, Biarritz

Jouhannet, Marcelle

Transportation Consultant; Europe Mgr 59-70, States Marine & Isthmanian Lines; Traffic Mngr 46-49, US Army Transp Corps (Europe); Master 46-49, US Merchant Marine; Lt Cmmndr 41-46, USN

Kimball, Walter Sugden






WA, Seattle

Munoz, Alcia Perea

Orthopedic Surgeon; Capt 44-47, MC

Mills, Edward Ensign








Exec VP, David McKay Co, Inc (NYC); Gov 59-70, Yale Press

Morse, John Bolt






CA/Peeble Beach

Schwartz, Virginia

Painter, Trustee, SF Art inst; Cmndr 41-45, USN

Nichols, Edward







Webb, Barbara St John

Physician; Major 42-45, MC US Army

Ranney, George Alfred




Industrial, Law



Ryerson, Nora

Bd Dir 54- , Sr VP 69-, Inland Steel Co (IL); Dir 67-, Harris Trust & Savings; Ptnr 51, Sidley & Austin 51; Trustee 51-, U Chicago ; Dir Chicago Urban League

Stetson, Eugene William Jr.







Richardson, Grace S; Ray, Kathryna H

Sr VP, Weiss, Vosin & Co, NYC; Asst Cashier 34-37, Citizens & Southern Natl Bank; Asst Mgr 37-41, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co; VP 46-51, Adv Com 51-64, Chemical Bank; Ptnr 51-55, Stetson & Co; Chmn, Exec Comm 56-70, Winslow Cohu & Stetson, Inc; Pres, Fairhill Oil & Gas;  Dirs, Scott Paine Marine corp, City Investment Co, Southeastern Compress Warehouse; Dir, Exec Comm 41-68. Canada Dry Corp; Dir 52-56, Yale & Towne Mfg, Inc; Lt Cmndr 41-46, USNR

Bowles, John Eliot







Donkin, Sheilah J

Officer, Chemical Bank; Bowery Savings Bank; Lt Comdr 42-46, USN

Collier, Samuel (Sam) Carnes









Curtin, Francis Clare







Beaulac, Marion Helen

Teacher, Needham High School; Lt 43-46, USNR

Fuller, Stanley Evert






Erie, PA

Chamberlain, Jean

Administrator, County Juvenile Court; Chief Probation and Parole Officer (Erie Cnty, PA)

Haas, Frederick Peter




Business, Law



Parke, Mary Helen

VP, Gen Counsel, Dir, Ligget & Meyers, Inc (NYC);Assoc, Ptnr 38-65, Webster, Sheffield, Fleischmann, Hitchcock & Brookfield; Lt Cmndr 43-46, USN

Johnson, Joseph Hale







Davis, Ann

Mgr Stamford area, Hartford Electric Light Co; Assoc Dir 58-75, State Ntnl Bank of CT; Dir 68-, Barnes Engineering Co; Trustee 68-, Citizens Savings Bank; lots civic; Lt Cmnd 42-46, USN

Kilborne, William Skinner







Briggs, Elizabeth

Chmn 69-75, Harkil Corp (NYC); Spec Asst to 53-57, US Sec Commerce; 37-53 w/William Skinner & Sons; Comm 40-41, NY County

Pillsbury, John Sargent Jr.







Clark, Katharine Harrison

Chmn Bd 77-81, Chmn, CEO, Pres 56-77, Northwest Natl Life Insurance Co (Minneapolis);40-56 Ptnr, Faegre & Benson; 35-37, The Pillsbury Co; Chmn 67, Life Insurance Assn; Lt Cmdr 42-45, USN Air Combat Intelligence Ofcr

Rodd, Thomas







Morgan, Wendy

VChmn, Dir, VP, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co (NYC); Majo,r USMCR 42-45

Seymour, Charles Jr.







Ball, Charloette

Prof History of Art, Curator Italian Art Yale U; Curator 39-42, 46-49, Natl Gallery Art; 42-45 w/War Dept; Pres, RTA

Shepard, Roger Bulkley Jr.







Reed, Mary

Sr VP, St Paul Fire & Marine Insurance Co (MN); Lt Cmdr 42-45, USN

Spitzer, Lyman B.  Jr.







Canaday, Doreen D

Prof Astronomy, Chmn, Astrophysical Sciences Dept, Dir Observatory, Chmn, U Research Bd, Princeton U (NJ); Mbr, Yale U Council

Stillman, George Schley




Museum work



Mason, France Mount

Sec, Museum of Modern Art (NYC); Lt Cmdr USNR WWII

Terry, Henry Porter Baldwin







Mason, Barbara

VP, Alexander & Alexander Inc (NYC); Lt Col 44-47, FA

Tufts, Bowen (Sonny) Charleton









Barr, Richard James Jr.






TX, Dallas



Bingham, Jonathan Brewster







NY, Bronx

Rossbach, June

Mbr 1965-, Congress, 23rd Dist of NY; 61-64 Alt Rep to four UN General Assemblies, other UN positions; Sec 55-58, Governor, NY (Harriman); Ptnr, 39-41, 46-51, 53-54, 59-60 law practice, last, Goldwater & Flynn, NYC; Alumni Fellow 49-51, Yale Corporation; Exec comm 51-53, Yale Law Schl Assn; Head Alien Enemy Control Section 45, u/Braden, State Dept; Legal Advisor 41, Machinery Branch of the Price Division, DC; Military Intel Service 42, War Dept; Pvt to Capt 43-45, AUS

Cooke, Robert Barbour







Creamer, Helen; Rappleye, Elizabeth Willard

Asst to Dir Public Relations, Harry M Stevens, Inc, (NY); Dir Public Relations  61-67, F&M Brewing; Broadcaster 58-61, CBS; Sports Editor and Reporter 1937-58, NY Herald Tribune; Lt 42-45, USAF

Davis, Horace Webber II







Arnold, Jean

Dir, Treas 56, Farnham Neighborhood House, Inc; Bank of NY; Trust Officer, Union & New Haven Trust; Lt Cmndr USNR WWII

Gill, Brendan  




Literary work




Staff, New Yorker Magazine

Hall, Jesse Angell







Barnes, Louise

Sales, Lezius-Hiles, Co (OH): 45-47 Dresser Ind, (Cleveland; Teacher Math 41, Taft School; Major 42-46, FA 

Hersey, John Richard




Literary Work



Cannon, Frances AnnDay, Barbar Jean

Author, writer, coresspondent 40's, Time/Life/New Yorker (Russia, China); A Bell for Adano, Into the Valley, Men on Bataan, Hiroshima-author; Mbr 60-70, Yale University Council; Master 65-70, Pierson College, Yale U

Knapp, John Merrill







Campbell, Elizabeth-Ann

Prof Emeritus, Dean, Woolworth Ctr, Princeton U; Intel School, DC 1942, Asst Op Officer Admiral TS Wilkinson;  Lt Cmmndr 42-46, USN Intelligence

Moore, Richard Anthony








Ambassador 89-92, Ireland; Of Counsel 75-, Wilner & Scheiner (DC); 70-75, Government service; Pres Southwestern Cable TV Co; Pres 51-62, Times Mirror Broadcasting Co; Lawyer, Exec 46-51, ABC; Attny 42, Cravath, Swaine & Moore; 39-41 w/Breed, Abbot & Morgan; Founder, Ptnr TV Station, Tulsa; Dir 63-68, KCET; Spec Asst to 70, Attny Gen of US; Spec Counsel to 71-75, Pres of US; Capt 42-46, Army Air Corps, Spec Asst to Chief of Military Intelligence  

Pillsbury, Edmund Pennington








Pillsbury Mills (LA, CA), (Chicago), (Minneapolis); Flight Instr Army Cadets, WWII

Rankin, Bernard Courtney







McKean, Ellen Jane

Cnslting Ptnr, Dickinson, Wright, Moon, VanDusen & Freeman (MI); 43-47 w/Dickinson, Wright, Davis, McKean & Cudlip Detroit; 42 w/Sullivan & Cromwell (NYC); 42-43 w/Navy Dept (DC)

Shepard, Blake







Troxell, Nancy

Pres, WA Lang Co (St Paul MN); 46- w/JC Griswold & Co, Inc (NYC); 38-43 w/WR Grace & Co(NYC); Lt 42-46, USNR

Train, Robert







Jones, Geraldine

Pres Bibb Mfg Co (Macon GA); Lt Cmdr 41-45, USNR

Walker, Louis






Hobe Sound, FL

White, Grace Ballard

VP, Tucker, Anthony, RL Day, Inc (CT); VP, White Weld, Inc; Mngng Ptnr, GH Walker & Co (NYC, Hartford, CT); Sales Mgr, Dir, Western Newspaper Union  Material; 43-44 w/Command AAF; Admin Officer 44-46, Psychological Warfare Div, SHEAF

Whitehead, Mather Kimbal







Uihlein, Elizabeth Ilma

VP, Treas, International Mining Corp (NYC); Harris Hall & Co (NY); Lt Cmdr 42-46, USN

Blake, Dexter B.







Rutledge, Eleanor F

Physician, Anesthesia, Morristown Memorial Hosp; Lt Cmdr 42-45, USN

Brooke, Frederic Hiester  Jr.







Chaffee, Carolyn

Dir of Planning, Intrnl Staff, Raytheon; Alumni Fund;  Cmdr 41-4,6 USN

Burke, Charles Clinton Jr.







Schweizer, Emily Josephine

Sr VP, Fiduciary Trust Co of NY; 2nd Lt 43-46, US Army inf

Cross, Richard James







Lee, Margaret W

1963 Dean of Faculty of Medicine U of Ghana; Prof of Medicine, Assoc Dean1959-63, U of Pittsburg Med Schl; Prof Medicine Rutgers Med School, New Brunswick NJ; Capt 42-46, MC AUS

Draper, Arthur Joy







Gair, Denise

Capt, MC, USN, Commanding Officer US Naval Hosp Newport RI; many hosp and commands

Field, John Warner







Brown, Priscilla

Pres, Mine Hill Consultants (CT);Pres CEO, Warnaco Inc (Bridgeport, CT); Dir, Insilco Corp, CT Natl Bank, People Savings Bank, Speedo Holdings Ltd (Austrailia); Trustee 63-70, Colby College; War Correspondent, Time, Inc

Kelley, Lawernce Morgan









McLemore, John Briggs Jr.








Sales Rep, TN Mirror Co; Attny 40-42, Curtis. Mallet, Prevost, Mosle (NY); Major 42-46, US Office of War Information

Miles, Richard Curtis







Hayes, Joan

Mgt Consultant, McKinsey & Co, Inc (NYC); Maj 42-46, USAF

Orrick, William Horsley Jr.







Naffziger, Marion

US Dist Judge, Northern Dist of CA; Ptnr, Orrick, Herrington, Rowley & Sutcliffe, SF, CA; Asst Attny Gen 61-62, US, Civil Div, Anti-Trust Div 63-65; Dpty Under Sec 62-63, State for Admins; Capt 42-46, Army

Robinson, John Trumbull







Hemingway, Elizabeth; deFontaine, Audrey

Teacher, Coach Watkinson School (Hartford); Lt 43-45, USN

Runnalls, John Felch Bertram




Theological Student




Maj, AUS Military Intelligence WWII

Stewart, Potter.







Bertles, Mary Ann

Assoc Justice, 58-81 US Supreme Court; Judge 54-58, US Circuit Court of Appeals 6th Circuit, Mbr 50-54,Cincinatti City Council; Lt 42-45, USN

Stone, Louis Talcott Jr.








Maj, AUS WWII, Military Intelligence, War Dept

Turner, Harold McLeod




Library Work



Binford, Virginia W

Lecturer, School of Library Service, Columbia U; Spec 1/C 42-46, US Coast Guard

Davenport, Bradfute Warwick






VA, Richmond

Orr, Martha

Ptnr, Hunton, Williams, Gay, Powell & Gibson; Mbr 65-68, Alumni Bd; Lt Col 41-45, US Army

Dempsey, James Howard Jr.







Bolton, Julia C

Ptnr, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey (Cleveland, OH); Mayor 52-58, (Huntington Valley, OH); Trustee, Cleveland Museum of Art; Lt Cmdr 41-45, USN

Dilworth, Joseph Richardson






NJ, Princeton

Cushing, Elizabeth McKay

Sr Financial adviser 58-, Rockefeller Family & Assoc, (NYC); Dir, Chmn 58, Rockerfeller Center; Dir 61- RH Macy, 58- Chase Manhatten Bank, 69-73, Diamond Shamrock Corp, 62- Chrysler Corp, 62- Selected Risk Investments, 59- International Basic Economy Corp, 67- Omega Fund, 66-69 Picklands Mather & Co, 50-66 Rockwell Standard Co, 56-59 Rockwell Spring & Axle Co; Buying Dept 46-51, Ptnr 52-58, Kuhn, Loeb & Co; 59- Fellow Yale Corporation; Staff  42-45, Cmdr in Chief Pacific Fleet USN

Dunham, Lawrence Boardman Jr.







Fales, Angelica V R

Sr Dir, Office of U Development, Yale U; Sec RTA; Lt USN WWII

Ecklund, John Edwin







Sizer, Mary T

Treas 66-78, Yale U; Ptnr 51-66, Wiggin & Dana; Dir 66 Yale Hosp; Mbr 55-57 Alumni Bd; Pres, Dir, Sec 46-56,  RTA; Lt 42-46, USNR

Fox, Joseph Carrere







Lee, Louise Freeman

VP, Kidder, Peabody & Co, Inc (NYC); Dir 61-65, Fiduciary Mutual Investment Co; Dir 67, Movie Star Inc; Mbr 68, Alumni Bd; Lt Cmdr 41-45, USN

Frank, Clinton E.







Price, Frances; Rathje, Margaret

Chmn, Bridlewood Corp; Chmn Exec Comm, Clinton E Frank, Inc (IL); Lt Col 41-45, USAF

Gordon, Edward McGuire









Hessberg, Albert II







Goold, Elizabeth FS

Ptnr,  Poskanzer, Hessberg, Blumberg, Dolin & Muffson (Albany, NY); Trusts & Estates Se 67,c NY State Bar; Lt Cmmndr 41-45, USNR

Schermerhorn, Amos Egmont







Cambell, Zanita (Muller)

Stockbroker, White, Weld & Co (SF); Cmdr, USNR WWII

Stevens, Joseph Benson Jr.







Pine, Frances Elizabeth

Chmn, CEO, Pres, Harry M Stevens, Inc (NYC); Lt Cmdr 40-45, USN

Thompson, John R.







Lynch, Margaret E

Lawyer Spec Asst Corp Counsel City NY 70-; Law Clerk Chief Justice fred Vinson US Supreme Court 47-48; Yale Law School Faculty 49-56;  Asst Corp Counsel City NY 66-70,

Weed, George Haines







Sweney, Alice Warren

Manufacturer's Rep, Duluth Filter Co (MN); Pres, WH Sweney Paint Co; Pres, Lion Brand Paint Div. Valspar Corp (Minneapolis, MN); Cmdr 41-47, USNR

Whitman, Francis Slingluff Jr.








Assoc Adv Dir, The Sunpapers (Baltimore); Pres 52-56, Baltimore Symphony; Major 41-46, Army

Wilbur, Richard Emery







Steger, Roberta K

Journalist, Business Editor, Tuscon Daily Citizens, Tuscon; T/3 42-46, Army

Belin, Gaspard d'Andelot







Bundy, Harriet Lowell

Ptrnr Choate, Hall & Stewart; General Counsel 62-65, US Treasury Dept; Vice-Chmn 60-, Yale Develpmnt Bd; Mbr 65-68 Yale Alumni Bd; Mbr 66- Yale Law Schl Alumni Exec Com; ; Dir 76-79, RTA; Capt 42-45, US Army

Blanchard Jerred Gurley







Armistead, Eugeuia Maude; Boschart, Helen

Ptnr, Rickey, Shankman, Blanchard, Agee & Harpster; Ptnr Laskey, Dudley & Blanchard; 1968-72 Memphis City Council; 41-46, 51-53  Col Army Air Force

Bundy, William Putman







Acheson, Mary

 64-69, Ast Sec State for Far Eastern Affairs; 63-64, Asst Sec;  61-63, Depty Asst Sec of Defense for Inatl Security Affairs;  Senior Research Assoc, MIT; Staff Dir 60,  Pres Com on Natl Goals; 51-61 Bd of Natl estimates, CIA; 47-51 Covington & Burling; Mbr 61-, Yale Corp; Major 41-46, Army Signal Corps; OSS (WWII)

Chittenden, George Hastings







Carey, Laura

Bank Consultant, Arthur D Little, Inc, (NYC); SR VP 65-76, Internatl Banking Div, Morgann Guaranty Trust; Dir, Morgan Guaranty International Finance Corp, JP Morgan of Canada, Ltd; Pres 57-59, Forex Club; Chmn 60-61, Rye United Fund; Pres 62-63, Bankers Assn for Foreign Trade; Trustee 65-73, Vassar College; Dir RTA; 48- Yale Alumin Fund; Capt 42-46, USAF

Clucas, Lowell Melcher








Principle, Harlan & Clucas; Dir Corporate Communications 58-72, Crown Zellerbach; Dir 72-, 0CA Life Corp, 60-72 KQED-TV; 52-54 US Public Affairs, (Bavaria); 42-45 Office of War Information

Dyess, Arthur Delma Jr. 






TX, Houston

Booth, Elizabeth Treman

Retired Assoc Justice, Ct of Appeals, Houston; Ptnr 71-78, Foreman, Dyess, Prewett, Rosenberg & Henderson; 62-71, Prewett & Henderson; Lecturer on Law 53-70, Rice U; Mbr 56-58, Alumni Bd; Lt 42-45, USN

Gile, Clement Dexter







Tyner, June Hill

VP, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co (NYC); LT Cmndr 40-45, USN

Hoxton, Archibald Robinson Jr.







deWindt, Ruth

Headmaster 67-81, Epsicopal High School (Alexandria); 53-67, Green Vale Sch; Hdmstr 50-53, Fairfield Cnty Day Sch; 45-50, w/Episcopal HS; 39-41, w/Hotchkiss Sch; Lt Cmndr 41-45, USN

Kellogg, William Welch







Thorson, Elizabeth

Sr Meteorologist, Dir Lab Atmospheric Science, Assoc Dir Natl Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), Boulder; Assoc Dir 64, NCAR; more science Bds, NASA, Dept Commerce; Head 51-64, Planetary Science Dept, Rand Corp; Res Assoc, Asst Prof 47-51, UCLA; Teaching Asst 40-41, U CA; Teacher 39-40, Brooks Sch; Capt 41-46, USAAF

Miller, Andrew Otterson   







White, Jean Loring

Ptnr, White & Case; Dirs 50-56,  Distillers Corp-Seagrams Ltd; 62-72, Nease Chemical Corp; 61-72, Lanvin-Charles of the Ritz, Inc; 64-74, Salant & Salant, Inc; 69-70, Argus, Inc; 60-62, Chicago Pnuematic Tool International; Major 42-46, USAF

Miller, Charles Lewis  Jr.







Little, Virginia

VP, CT Bank & Trust, Co (Hartford); Mbr 66-70,Alumni Bd; 1st Lt 42-46, USAAF

Mitchell, Harry Hartwood







Merril, June Elizabeth

Chmn Bd, CEO, CA Life Insurance Co & CA Life Corp (CA); Pres Vanguard intrnl (Oakland CA); Acting Chief Legal Advisor 1949, US Military Governor US Occupied Germany; Capt 43-46, US Army

Shepard, Lloyd Montgomery  Jr.







Brown, Mary Helen

Pres, Berrien County Abstract & Title Co (St Joesph MI); Cmdr 41-46, USN

Wilhelmi, Frederick William Jr.







Shoemaker, Mary

Antique Dealer, The Eagle Eye

Williams, Burch







Maxim, Marjorie Jane

Sr VP, Blyth Eastman Dillon & Co, Inc (NY); Gen Ptnr, Eastman, Dillon, Union Securities & Co; Gen Ptnr 55-65, Reinholdt & Gardner(St Louis); VP 51-55, Murphy Oil Co; Major 41-45, USAAF

Bundy, McGeorge







Lothrop, Mary B

Scholar in Residence at the Carnegie Corporation; Chmn 90-93, Carnegie Corporation's committee on reducing nuclear danger; Pres 66-79, Ford Foundation; National Security Advisor 61-66,  Kennedy and Johnson; Dean of Faculty Arts & Sciences 53-61, Prof 54, Assoc Prof 51, visiting lecturer 49, Harvard; Consultant 48, Econ Co-Op Admin; Analysis for Tom Dewey 48 campaign; Political analyst 48, CFR; Asst 46-48, Henry Stimson;  Capt 42-46, US Army

Erickson, Thomas Franklin






GA, Atlanta

Walters, Charlotte

Ptnr, VP, Walters & Erickson Inc; Mbr 62-70, Bd Govenors, Chmn 65-68, Atlanta Mdse Mart; Bd Mbr 65-68, Natl Assn of Bedding Mfrs; Lt 42-45, Naval Air Corps

Glover, Charles Carroll III







Dougherty, Virginia

Ptnr, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering; Dir 54, Eugene & Agnes Meyer Foundation; Trustee 57, American U, Mbr, Yale Development Corp; Dir 70, Riggs Natl Bank; Military Intelligence 43-46, Office of Chief of staff, War Dept

Grayson, James Gordon







Norris, Laura May

Sr Investment Officer, World Bank/International Finance Corp (DC); Lt Cmndr 42-46, USNR

Holden, Reuben Andrus







Walker, Elizabeth Carter

Sec 53-71, Yale U;  Assoc Sec 52-53; Asst to Pres 47-51, Asst to Dean 46-47, Yale College; Chmn Hazen Found 66- ;Trustees, Warren Wilson College (NC), Yale-in-China; Pres 65-68, Community Progress Inc; Lt Col  41-45, Inf US Army

Howe, Harold II







Lamb, Priscilla Foster

VP 71-78, Education Ford Foundation (NYC);Harvard Gradute School Business; Program Advisor Educ Ford Found India 69-70 Dir 64-65, Learning Inst of NC; Supt Scarsdale Sch 60-64; High School Teacher, Principal 40-41,47-50 50-60; History Teacher 47-50, Andover; Mbr 65, Pres Johnson's Task Force on Intrnl Educ; Trustee 58-66, Vassar College; Trustee 62-66, College Entrance Exams; Mbr 65-68, US Comm of Educ; Lt 42-46, USNR

Orrick, Andrew Downey







Soule, Marjorie

Ptnr Orrick, Herrington, Rowley & Sutcliffe (SF, CA); Mbr SEC 55-60, SF Reg Admin 54-55, SEC; Dir Del Monte properties Co; United California Bank; Pres 66-,Trustee 63-69, Marin Country Day School; involved w/Monterey Inst Intrnl Studies; Capt 42-46, Army

Rodd, David Beckwith









Stack, Jr., Joseph William







Rorick, Wolcott

Pres, William Stack Associates, Inc (NYC); Dir RTA; Lt Cmndr 40-45, USN

Stevens, Albert B.







Berger, Elizabeth

Sales Mgr, Lee Co (CT)

Stillman, Peter Gordon Bradley







Watters, Eugenia W

Hdmstr, Riverdale Country School (NY); Asst Headmaster, Dean of Faculty, Choate School (Wallingford CT); Capt 40-46, Army

Stucky, William McDowell







Smith, Robyn

Assoc Dir, American Press Institute, Columbia U (NYC); Lt Cmdr, USNR WWII

Swenson, Edward Francis Jr.







Bassett, Marie A

Owner/Mgr Investment Counsleor, Edward F Swenson & Co (Miami FL); Trustee, Everglade School for Girls, U Miami ;Chmn Yale Development Bd; Capt 43-46, Army

Thorne, Peter Brinckerhoff









Watson, Jr., William Berkley







Baur, Helen

Chmn Bd, Pres, Chester Electronics Corp (Chester CT) subsidiary GTE Corp; Lt 42-46, USNR

Cross, Walter Redmond Jr.







Smith, Sally C

Pres Langeloth Foundation, (NYC); Sr VP 67-69, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co; Dir Natnl Sugar Refining Co, 74- Amax, Inc, 70- Crompton Co, 73- NY Times, 75- Caramoor Inc; VP NY Trust; Mbr 52-64, Alumni Bd; Lt 43-46, USN

Devor, Donald S. Jr.







Coryell, Barbara; Robinson, Nancy

Marketing, Citicorp Industrial Credit, Inc, (NY); VP, (Radio & TV) Wm Esty Co Inc; Lt 43-46, USN

Ellis, Franklin Henry Jr.







Watson, Elizabeth D

Chief Carduovascular Surgery, Lahey Clinic Foundation (Boston, MA); Harvard, Mayo Clinic; Yale  Alumni Bd; Lt jg 46-48, USNR

Hall, Edward Tuck








Owner, Hdmstr, 79- The Deck House, ME; Instructor 75-78, Bostwanna; Hdmstr 68-74, St Marks, School, Scouthboro MA; 52-68, The Hill School; 41-42, Phillips Andover Acdmy; 42-52, St Marks; 1st Lt 42-46, Infantry, Intelligence

Jackson, William Eldred






NYC, 1 Chase Manhattan Plaza

Roosevelt, Nancy Dabney

Ptnr,  Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; Asst to US Chief Prosecutor, Nuremberg; Governor, St Albans School (DC); CFR; LT, Office General Counsel, Navt Dept (DC)

Kiphuth, Delaney







Baillie, Janet

Dir Athletics 54-76, Yale U; Dir Athletics Hotchkiss School; Mbr 43-45, US Army

Madden, John Beckwith







Ritter, Mary Audrey

Mngng, Gen Ptnr Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, NYC; Pres, Bd Trustees, Packer Collegiate Inst; Trustee, Treas, Boys Club; Trustees Brooklyn Hosp, Brookly Savings Bank; Mngr Delware & Hudson Co; Dirs, Delaware & Hudson Railroads Corp, Orama Securities, Merchant Sterling Corp; Treas, Dir RTA; Capt 41-46, US Army

Pickett, Lawrence Kimball







Ferguson, Pauline Ann

Assoc Dean, 73-, Prof Surgery, Pediatrics, Dept Surgery, Yale U School Med; Mbr 64-68, Alumni Bd; Capt  51-53, MC US Army; Pres 70, RTA

Price, Charles Baird Jr.







Williams, Charlotte

Chmn Bd, CEO, Booker-Price Co (KY); Pres, Wholesale Furniture Co (Louisville); Lt Col 41-46, FA

Solbert, Peter O.A.







Kirk, Deborah

Ptnr Davis, Polk & Wardwell (NYC); Deputy Asst Sec 63-65, Defense ISA; Lt Cmndr 41-46, USN

Stevenson, Charles Porter







Lord, Mary-Louise

Pres, Treas, Dir, Eastman Machine Co (Buffalo); Dir Ltd Eng; Dirs, Manufactureres & Traders Trust Co, Furnco Const, Millard Fillmore Hosp; Lt 42-45, USN

Thomas, Walton Dowdell







Magin, Jane

Surgeon, Chmn Bd, Managing Ptnr, Milwaukie Medical Clinic; Assoc Clinical Prof Surgery, Med Coll WS, also Marquette; Lt Cmndr44-45-53-55, USN

Tighe, Laurence Gotzian  Jr.







Moffat, Frances

Pres 49-54 Bedford Org; English Teacher, Bedford-Rippowam School (Bedford NY); Sales 45-49, International Div, St Regis Paper Co; 1st 42-43, Lt Inf; Dir, RTA

White, Warren Benton







Hogan, Edith

Pres, Owner, Trend Petroleum, Inc OKC; Lt  41-45, USN

Zorthian, Barry




Business, Government



Aylain, Margaret

Sr VP, Gray & Co (DC); Pres, Washington/Baltimore Regional Assn; VP 75-79, Time Inc; Pres 69-74, Time-Life Broadcast Inc (NYC); Pres 63-64, American International Sch New Delhi; US Foreign Service Information Officer 64-68, Minister-Counselor for Information, US Mission to Vietnam, Saigon; Foreign Service Officer 61, US Information Agency; writer, editor, policy officer, program mgr 48-61, Voice of America; Senior News Writer 47-48, CBS; Reporter 46-47, New Haven Register; Col 42-46, USMCR

Aycrigg, William Anderson II






MIA 1/24/1944



Bartholemy, Alan Edmund







Duley, Helen T

Pres, Bartholemy Assoc; VP, Gen Mgr, SPS, Inc; Exec Dir, 1960 Olmpic Winter Games; Major 42-46, USMC

Bell, William Tompkins







West, Billie Byrd

VP, Administrator-Assoc Sec, National Geographic Society, DC; Bd Mbr Washington Hosp; Yale Alumni Fund; Lt Comdr 42-46, USN

Chouteau, Rene Auguste








1st Lt, USMC, Aviation, WWII

Ford, William







Woodman, Pauline

Ptnr, Becket, Ford, Dooley & Bearns, VT; Judge 54-70, Probate Dist of Salisbury; Mbr 55, Bd of Finance (Salisbury); Incorporater 58, CT Blue Cross

Grayson, Cary Travers, Jr.







Roessle, Priscilla Alden

Pres, Potomac Books (DC); Mbr 58-60, Dept of State: Mbr 61-64 Peace Corps; Capt 42-46, USMC

Halsey, Ralph Wetmore Jr.







Copp, Betsey

Ptnr, Halsey Assoc (CT); Dirs, Mory's, 62-72 Security Insurance, 55-65 Kaneb Services, 76- Tropical Gas Co, 76- CT Savings Bank, 76- Middlesex Insurance, 76- IXL Mfg, 76- Essex Engineering, 52-74 Hotchkiss School; Dir, Asst Treas RTA

Harrison, Fred Harold







Alexander, Marjorie J

History Teacher, Athletic Dir, Phillips Academy, Andover; Mbr 1958- , Yale Alumni Comm on Adm and scholarships; Pres Kennedy's Council on Youth Fitness 60-63; Mbr 59-61, MA Bd of USO; Pres & Dir Andover YMCA 61- ; Lt Col 42-46 ,Active Reserve 46-70, US Army

Jessup, John Baker







Milburn, Dorothy; Thompson, Nancy Hope

Ptrnr 59- , Assoc 48-58, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts (NYC);Lt 42-46, USNR

Kemp, Frank Alexander






CO, Denver

Wilson, Pauline Claire

Mbr 66-70, CO State Senate; Mbr, 52-54, 62-66 Gen Assmbly (CO); Livestock Feeder Farm; VP, Wilhelm Co, Denver; Ptnr 50-62, Etcheoare & Kemp; Mbr 68-70, Yale Alumni Bd; Capt 42-47, USMC

Kirchwey, George Washington








VP, WR Grace & Co, Overseas Chem Div  (NYC)

Smith, Howard Freeman Jr.







Miller, Marion Jarveis; McDonald, Betty

Pres, Lasalle Building Corp (Detroit); 1st Lt 42-46, USMC

Sprole, Frank Arnoit







Knapp, Sarah Louise

Vchmn Bd, VP, Gen Counsel, Bristol Myers Co (NYC); Dirs, 73- Xomox Corp, 50- The Knapp Fund; Lt 42-45, USNR

Walker, John Stanley







Davidson, Katherine

Ptnr, Reavis, Pogue, Neal & Rose (DC); Comm Counsel 51-53, Joint Comm on Atomic Energy, US Senate and House; Experiment in Intrnal Living 61-; Dir 65, COSERV; 1st Lt 41-45, Army Air Force

White, William Gardiner









Acheson, David Campion







Castles, Patricia James

Ptnr Drinker, Biddle & Reath, DC; Ptnr 74-78, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue; VP & General Consel 67-74, Communications Satelite Corp; Spcl asst 65-67, Sec Tres; US attorney 61-65, DC; Ptnr 58-61 Covington & Burling; Mbr Bd Regents, Chmn Exec Comm Smithsonian Inst; Dir, Com on the Present Danger, Sundstrand Corp; Pres 77-80, Natl Cathedral Assn; Lt. 42-46 USNR

Caulkins, George Peck







Newman, Eleanor

Pres, Caulkins Management, Pres, Caulkins Oil Co; Gnrl Partner, Caulkins Citrus Partnerships; Lt USN

Daniels, John Hancok







Williams, Martha Hill

Dir, Mbr Exec Com, Chmn Bd, Pres, CEO, Archer-Daniels-Midland Company; Chmn National City Bankcorporation, (Minneapolis, MN); Pres 70-93, Mulberry Resources, Inc; Civilian Aide  66-69, Sec Army

Doolittle,  Duncan Hunter







Lewis, Anne W; Southerland, Clare A

Pres 79-83, RI Energy Corp; VP, Gen Mgr 46-79, Machine Tool Div, Browne & Sharpe Mfg Co (N Kingston, RI) ; Capt 43-46, FA US Army; author, A Soldier's Hero, General Sir Archibald Hunter

Drain, Richard Dale







Noland, Margenne

Foundation Admin 73-76, Washington Cathederal; Mbr 51-73, CIA; 1967 w/Department of Army; Reserve Officer 57-67, Foreign Service; Special Asst 57, US Sec of State; Special Asst 55, US Pres; Assoc 48-51, Drain & Weaver; Lt Cmdr 43-45, US Army

Healy, Harold Harris Jr.







Debevoise, Elizabeth Anne

Ptnr, Debevoise, Plimpton, Lyons & Gates (NYC); Resident Partner 63-66 (Paris); Exec Asst US Attny General 57-58; Treas 69- , Legal Aid Society (NY); Capt 43-46, FA Army

Hoagland, Donald Wright







Tiedman, Mary

Ptnr, Davis, Graham & Stubbs (Denver); Asst Administrator 64-66, US AID; Pres 67- , CO Urban League; Conslt 67-, Govt of Indonesia & US AID; Assoc 48-51, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts (NYC); Lt 42-45, USN Air Corps

Klots, Allen Trafford Jr.








Exec Editor, Dodd,Mead & Co; Dir, City Center of Music & Drama (NYC); LT 43-45, USNR

Liley, Frank Walder Jr.









MacLean, John Helm            








1st Lt, Armored Force AUS WWII

Miller, Dudley Livingston







Gerdes, Margery; Matthews, Marilyn

Sr Ptnr, Miller, Montgomery & Spaulding (NYC, Tokyo, Taipei); Mayor 51-59 (Laurel Hollow NY); Sec, Dir, Boys Harbor, Inc; 2nd Lt, Med Admin AUS WWII

Moseley, Spencer Dumaresq







Kleitz, Virginia

Pres, 67-69 Mangood; Pres 69-71, REA Express; Pres 62-67, Gatax Corp; 75 w/US Olympic Com;  Dirs Archer Daniels Midland, Cherry-Burrel Corp; Container Corp Am; Yale Corp 66-72; Capt42-44, 50-53, USMC

Stewart, Zeph







Childers, Diane

Prof, Greek Latin, Master of Lowell House Harvard U; Trustee, Hotchkiss school;Capt 43-47, 51-53, AUS ; Dir, Pres, RTA

Tabor, John Kaye







Williams, Kate Hill

Sec 63-67, Commerce, Sec 67-68, Internal Affairs, Sec 68-69, Labor and Industry (PA); w/Reavis & McGrath (formerely Purcell & Nelson)(DC); 50-73, w/Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Johnson & Hutcheson (Pittsburgh); Assoc, 50-53, Winthrop Stimson Putnam & Roberts; Lt 43-46, USNR

Vogt, Tom D.








Rhodes School (NY)

Brown, Samuel Taylor Glover







Patton, Nanacy R

VP 67- , Smith, Barney, Harris, Upham & Co, CO; Mbr 47-60, Dean Witter & Co; Mbr 60-67, Kidder, Peabody & Co; Lt  43-46, USN

Buckley, James Lane








Cooley, Anne Frances

Pres, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty; Undersecretary of State for Security Assistance  81-82; US Senator 71-77,  R-NY; VP 53-70, The Catawba Corp; Assoc 49-53, Wiggin & Dana, (CT); Lt jg  43-46, USN

Elebash, Shehand Daniel




Theatre, Business


AL, Montgomery

Foss, Barbara

Lt 43-45, USAAF

Ellis, Alexander Jr.







Bush, Nancy Walker

Pres, Chmn, Fairfield & Ellis, Inc Boston MA; Commissioner 65-68, Commonwealth Service Corp; Dir, Natl Assn Casualty & Surety Agents; GHW Bush's brother-in-law; Capt 43-46 AA

Ferguson, James Lord







Willgoos, Alice Elizabeth

Ptnr, Gorsuch, Kirgis, Campbell, Walker & Grover (Denver, CO); Mbr 68, Alumni Bd; Lt 43-46, AUS

Goodenough, John Bannister








Prof Inorganic Chemistry, Oxford (England); Research Physicists, Leader Electronics, Materials Group, Lincoln Lab, MIT (Lexington MA); Research Engineer 51-52, Westinghouse; Capt 43-48, USAAF

Grayson, William Cabell               








Consultant 64, Smithsonian Institution; Program Mgr, Sales Rep 48-62, WRC-TV, WRC Radio

Holden, John Morgan




Education, Theatre




Prof, Dir of Theatre 66-,  Portville College (CA); 60-62, w/Patrian Producations (LA);  52-55, w/Stumptown Theatre; 1st Lt 43-46, Army

Hoopes, Townsend Walter







Schmidt, Marion C; Merrifield, Ann (Cunningham)

Pres, Assoc of American Publishers, Inc, DC; VP, Dir Cresap, McCormick & Paget Inc, Intrnl Mgmnt Conslt; Under Sec  67-69, Air Force; Principal Deputy Asst Sec 66-67, Defense for Intrnl Security Affairs;  Depty Asst Sec  65-66, Defense/ISA Near east-South Asia; Ptrnr 58-64, Cresao, McCormick & Paget;  Sec  57-58, Military Panel, Rockefeller Bros Fund, Spec Studies project; Assoc 55-57, JH Whitney & Co; Cnslt 54, White House on Organization of NSC; Consultant  54, State, Defense on overseas military bases; Asst to Pres 53-55, Spencer Chemical Co; Asst to 48-53, Sec Defense; DC Editorial Writer 47-48, Buffalo Evening News; Asst to Chmn 47-48, Comm on Armed Services, House of Rep; Mbr CFR; Lt 43-46, USMC

Kelley, William Cody II







Brown, Karen L

Ptnr, Brooks, Kelly & Barroni; Vice Mayor 57-59, Councilman 53-59, Cincinnat; Lt 43-46, FA

Lindsay, David Alexander









Little, Stuart West




Literary Work



Raben-Levetzau, Anastazia

Writer; News Writer 54-58, NBC; former Theater news reporter NY Herald Tribune, monthly column Saturday Review; Treas, Trustee Am-Scaninavian Found; Dir Theater Dev Fund; Sgt 43-45, OSS

Walker, Jeffrey Pond







Pomeroy, Dorothy Ritchie

Farmer; Trustee, Treas, Salisbury (CT) School, Marvelwood School (Cornwall, CT); Dir, Salisbury Bank & Trust; Lt 43-46, USNR

Whitmore, James Allen Jr.









Witter, Dean Jr.







Atkins, Faith; van Clief, Faith

Ptnr, Exec VP, Dir, Mbr Exec Com, Dean Witter & Co (NYC); Lt 43-46, USNR

Allen, Archibald John Jr.








 2nd Lt 43-45, AUS; Freelance writer

Blake, Gilman Dorr Jr.









Connick, Louis Jr.






c/o Asia Foundation CA/SF


Co-Ordinator 80-81, CT Senate Refugee Resettlements; Cnslnt to US and Foreign Governments on Third World Rural Development Proj; 79-80 Intrntnl Inst of CT; 75-79, Intnl Human Asst programs;  71-75 USAID; 62-71 Overseas Dir, Asia Foundation; 62-71 Overseas Dir, Asia Fdn; 61-62, U IL; 60-61 Fullbright Teacher, Burma; Teacher Hotchkiss School, 56-60 William Penn Charter School; Asst to Dir of Admissions 54-56, Yale U  

Dale, Edwin Lyon Jr.







Hastings, Mary Todd

Asst Dir Public Affairs, Office Management and Budget, (DC); Reporter 51-55, Worcester Evening Gazette; 51-55, NY Herald Tribune; 55-76, Washington Bureau, NY Times; Lt jg, USN

Davison, Endicott Peabody







Ingalls, Jane

Ptnr, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, (NYC); Yale Development Bd; Dir, RTA

Early, Hobart Evans






GA, Alanta


Attny, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta

Elwell, Francis Bolton Jr.








Asst District Attny 52-57 (NYC); Legal Adviser Defense Air Transportation Admin, US Dept Comm

Harman, Archer Jr.







Brainerd, Mari

Hdmstr, St George's School Newport RI; Trustee St Andrew's Sch (RI); Dynamy Sch (MA);Lt 43-46, USNR

Lynch, Russell Vincent







Peabody, Rose; Arand, Nell

Owner, Mngng Ptnr, RV Lynch & Co; Gen Ptnr, Lynch, Aberg & Co Dallas; Chmn Bds, Lane Wood Inc, Riata Oil & Gas Co, Inc, Lynch Locke Corp, RVL Operating Inc; Dir, Richardson Savings & Loan; Lt 43-45, US Naval Aviation

McElroy, Benjamin Thomas







Harris, Linda Lee

Ptnr, McElry & Boyd, White, McElroy & White (TX, Dallas); Legislative Asst 49-50, US Congressman TX; Asst Attny Gen 50-52, TX; Lt 43-46, USNR

McGaughey, Guy Ennis Jr.








Proprietor, McGaughey Bldg (IL)

Moorhead, William Singer Jr. 






PA, Pittsburgh

Galpin, Lucy

Mbr 58-80, US Congress; Ptnr 49-70, Moorehead & Knox; Asst City Solicitor 54-57 (Pittsburgh, PA); Lt 43-46, USN

Seaman, Irving Jr.







Carry, June

Sr Cnsltnt 82-, Burson-Marsteller (IL); Pres, CEO, Sears Bank & Trust; Chmn Exec Com, CEO 61-76,  National Boulevard Bank (Chicago); VP 47-61, Continental IL Natl Bank & Trust Co; VP 68, Dir, Abbot Labs; Dirs, Am Chain & Cable Co, Wm Wrigley Jr Co, Pullman Co, Big Foods; Chmn, Better Business Bureau; Pres 66-69, Lake Forest Country Day School; Lt 44-46, USN

Spaulding, Josiah Augustus







Bowdoin, Helen Hamilton

Attny, Ptnr Bingham, Dana & Gould (Boston); Pres, Bd Trustees, Shore Country Day School (Beverly MA); Trustee Pingree School (Hamilton MA); Dir, Boys Clubs (Boston); Capt 42-45, USMC

Sumner, William Sayre







Strong, Janet Lord

Mnging Dir, VP Marsh & Mclennan, Inc (Pittsburgh); Lt 43-46, USN

Brown, Walter Henderson







Barnett, Catherine G

Ptnr, Brown Brothers, Harriman & Co

Carey, John







Frank, Patricia F

Chmn 70-, Intrnl league for Rights of Man; Ptnr, Coudert Brothers, NY; Adjunct Asst Prof 66-, NYU Law Schl; Alt Mbr 66-, UN Subcomission on prevention of discrim and Protection of Minorities; Asst Dist Attny 52-54, (Philadelphia); Lt jg 43-46, USNR

Finney, J.John Warren







Slotky, Barbara

News Editor, Reporter NY Times (DC Bureau); Ensign 43-46, USN

Holmes, George Burgwin







Trowbridge, Nancy

Foreign Service Officer 72-80 Valletta, 68-71 London, 61-63 Yaounde, 54-57 Stockholm, 50-52 Brussells, US Embassy; Lt 43-46, USNR

Hurlbut, Gordon Buckland Jr.







Miller, Mary Louise

Farmer, County Commsr  68-72 (Leavenworth KS); Ensign USNR

Mallon, Thomas Ridgway







Bohmer, Patricia

Gen Mgr, Materials Div, Arundel Corp (Baltimore); Ensign 43-46, USNR

Moseley, Thomas Wilder







Morley, Barbara

General American Transportation Corp; Regional Sales Mgr 53-76, Gatax; 48-53w/ Weyerhauser Sales Co; S/Sgt 43-45, US Army

O'Brien, Phillip Jr.








Attny; Army

Twichell, Charles Pratt







Chase, Ann Martin

VP Faculty, Head Classics Dept, Choate School (Wallingford, CT); Lt 43-46, USNR

Vose, Elliot Evans







Daly, Pamela

Sr VP, Aerospace Marketing, Grumman International, Inc (NY); Dir 67-69, VP 67-68, VP Latin American Div 61-67, Asst to Pres, Singer Co 55-61, Singer Co (NYC); Assoc 50-55, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts (NYC); Lt 43-46, USNR

Warren, George Upson







Harvey, Dorothy

Dean Admission, RI School of Design (Providence); Chmn 64-66, History Dept Princeton Day School; Chmn Faculty 67, Simon's Rock College; 1st Lt 44-46, 51-52, USMCR

Wilkie, Valleau Jr.







Hankin, Marjorie

Exec VP, Sid W Richardson Fdn (TX); Headmaster, Governor, Drummer Academy (Byfield MA); Instr Hist 48-59, Phillips Academy Andover; 1st Lt 42-45, USAF

Alling, Charles Booth Jr.







McMasters, Abigail Parsons

Investment Banker; Managing Dir, Eastern Region, Spencer, Stuart & Assoc, NYC; SD Fuller & Co, Inc; Mbr, 47-72 Yale Alumni Fund; Founder Independent Party; Cpt 44-45  AF, DFC

Andrews, Edward Williamson Jr.







Smith, Allison Hale

Pres, RD Merrill Co; Controller Skinner Corp; Cprl 43-45 USA

Boulos (Bouliaratis), William M.







Davidson, Barbara (div)

Asst VP, Natl Bank of Commerce (Seattle); Cprl 50-52, US Army

Bronson, David Bennet




Education/ Minisitry



Berger, Martha Carolyn

High School Teacher, CT; 65-66, Swartmore Coll; Prof 59-65, New Testament, Episc Theol Seminary, KY; 1950-54 Parish Ministry; 54-59 Harvard Divinity Schl; Capt 42-45, USNR, USMCR, AFB

Chafee, John Hubbard





state legislature





Coates, Virginia

Mbr 77-, US Senate, (RI); Secretary of Navy 69-72 US; Governor 63-69, RI; Mbr 56-62, RI State Legislature; Attny 53-56, Law Practice (RI); Capt 42-45, USMC

Finley, John George Gilpin







Simmons, Anne

Gen Mgr, CIA Minera Disputada, Chilie; Deputy Mgr, Corp Planning Dept, Standard Oil Co; Mbr 51-55, CIA; Economic Analyst 51-54, US Govt; Sgt 43-45, US Army

Goedecke, William Skinner







Chatman, Janet

1st VP, Dir, Smith Barney, Harris Upham & Co (NYC); Sgt 41-46, US Army

Leavenworth, Donald Loyal







McKenzie, Cynthia

Hdmstr, Chadwick School; Hdmstr, La Jolla Country Day School; Asst Hdmstr 54-57, Crane Country Day School (CA); Teacher 50-54, Valley School (Lignor, PA); 1st Lt 43-45, USAAAF

Moore, James I.




Law/Real estate




Attny & Realator (NYC)

O'Brien, Frank Jr.







Mead, Marianna H

Ptnr, Obrien Associates (MA); Dir, Dev & Alumni Affairs, Mbr, English Dept, Varisty Baseball, Hockey Coach, Groton Schoo (Groton, MA); Dir 63-, Mead Investment Co (Dayton Oh); 1st LT 42-46, USAAF

Palmer, Charles Edgar







Tracy, Louise

Marketing VP, AS Harrison Co (South Norwalk, CT); 2nd Lt, USAAF WWII

Read, Richard Rollins







Ryan, Carol Meriam

Lt, USN Avaiation WWII

Robinson, Howard Copeland Jr.







Ely, Alice

Dir, Adv Services, Liggett & Meyers, Inc (NYC); Dir 69-73, Assn of Natl Advertisers; 2d Lt 43-46, USAF

Tucker, Carl Jr.







O'Conner, Emily G

Newspaper Publisher, Patent Trader (Mt Kisco NY); Pres, Financial Management, Inc (Mt Kisco); Sec, Trustee Chatham Hall VA; Ist Lt, USAAF WWII

Whitehouse, Charles Sheldon







Rand, Mary C

Diplomat, Foreign Service;Ambassador 75-78, Thailand, 73-75 Laos; Deputy Ambassador 72-73, Saigon; Deputy for CORDS III CTZ, 69-70, Vietnam; Deputy Asst Sec of State for Foreign Affairs; 48-51 w/US Embassy Brussels; Consulate general, Instanbul 54-55; Pretoria 59-61; Canabry 66-68; MACU 69-71; Capt 42-46, USMC

Ashley, Thomas William Ludlow







Lucey, Kathleen

Business Attny NYC;  Mbr 1955-81, US Congress, 9th Dist, OH; Co-Dir, Press Section, Asst Dir, Special Projects 1952-54, Radio Free Europe; Mbr 69-70, Yale Honorary Degress Com; Cprl 43-45, USA

Biglow, Lucius Horatio  Jr.






WA, Seattle

Wheatland, Nancy

Attny; 43-46 AUS

Bush, George Herbert Walker



Congress, B




Apt 8, 5000 Longmont Dr Houston, TX

Pierce, Barbara

Pres 89-92, VP 81-88, US;  Dir 74-75, CIA; Chief US Liason Officer 73-74, China;  Chmn Republican Party; Ambassador 71-72, UN; Pres, Chmn Bd 58-66,  Zapata Off-Shore Co; Mbr 66-70, US Congress; Lt jg 42-45, USNR

Caulkins, John Ervin








Treas, HJ Caulkins & Co, Detroit, MI

Clark, William Judkins







Thompson, Mary DeMoville

Chmn 74-76, Hale & Yale Associates; Pres 66-71, Ciba Products Co, Div Ciba-Geigy Corp, Summit NJ;  VP 59-63, Owens-Corning Fiberglass Corp; Bd 57-64, Deer Island Club Corp; Mbr 67-, Alumin Bd; LT  43-46, Pilot USAF

Connelly, William James Jr.







Wykoff, Jean

Dir of Advertising, Mellon Natl Bank & Trust Co, Pittsburgh, PA; 1969-74 Alumini Bd; Capt Pilot, 42-46, USAAF

Cook, George III







Hubbard, Elizabeth Skinner

Licensing Co-Ordinator Natl Distleers & Chemical Corp, NYC; Mgr 55-68, Owens-Corning Fiberglas, Gen Mgr 63-64, Europe; Pres 56-58, Deeer Island Club Corp; 2nd Lt 43-46, Mountain Inf

Grimes, David Charles







Olander, Suzanne

Pres, Chmn Brentwood S&L; Pres, Dir, First Brentwood Corp; VP, 58-64 Republic Natnl Bank,(Dallas); Ensign Pilot43-46, USN Air Corps

Jenkins, Richard Elwood







Wilmore, Margaret

VP, Mid-Continent Sales, Fluor Engineers, Inc (TX); Pres, Ecodyne Corp, Flour Cooling Products Co, Cooling Tower Mfg; Pfc 43-45, Inf US Army

Mack, Richard Gesrtle








Pres, South Pacific Foods, Ltd

Pfau, George Harold Jr.







Spencer, Elisabeth

Sr VP, Blyth Eastman Paine Webber (CA); Gen Ptnr, White, Weld & Co (SF, CA); Dirs, Systron-Donner Corp, Sierra Pacific Industries; Trustee, Town School for Boys (SF); Cprl 42-44, US Army; Am Field Service 44-45, Italy

Walker, Samuel Sloan Jr.







Bready, Beth

Pres, Walker Publishing Co, Inc, NY; Pres, 59- Walker & Co, NY; VP 51-59, Radio Free Europe; Dir 51-59, Free Europe Press; VP Free Europe Com, NY; Asst to Research Dir 49-51, Time, Inc; War Correspondent, 45-45 w/NY Post, Paris; Chmn Resources for Learning, Inc( NYC); Dir, Trustee, Am Field Service

Weaver, Howard Sayer







Drummond, Deborah

Dean of Faculties of Art, School of Art & Architecture; Asst Dir 59-64, Yale U Press; Dir, Yale-in-China; Acting Sec 63-64 Yale U; Asst to Pres for External Relations and Assoc Sec 64-67, Yale U; Acting Dean 67-68, School of A & A; Inf Officer 51-53, US Embassy Bangkok; European Dir, Free Europe Press, Munich 54-57; 1st LT 43-45, USAF; Sec, RTA

Baribault, Richard Pfeifer







Jones, Jule Marie

VP Procuremnet, Alcoa; Works Mgr 70-74, International Alloys Ltd, England; Mbr Yale Schools Comm; Capt, 43-46 ETO USAAF

Bassett, Barton Bradley II






Rckfrd , IL

Compton, Mary Sue

Circulation Dept, Town & Country Buyers Guide, IL; Capital Equipment Engineer 56-67, Barber Colman Co, IL

Coffin, William S. Jr.








Minister, The Riverside Church, NYC; Chaplain 58-75, Yale

Davison, Daniel Pomeroy






England, London

Cheremeteff, Catherine

Gen Mgr, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co (London); Chmn, Pres, US Trust Corp; Sr VP, Morgan Guranty Trust; Dir, Scovill Mfg Co; Burlington Northern; Todd Shiptards; Atlantic Companies; Discount Corp; Northwestern States Portland Cement Co; Yale Development Bd; Alumni Bd; 2nd Lt 1943-45, USAAF

Goodyear, Robert M.




Cattle Business


SC, Aiken


Rancher, registered Aberdeen Angus cattle

Hollister, John Baker Jr.







Boyle, Ruth Elizabeth

VP Sales, Cleveland Cliffs Iron Co; VP Federal Lime & Stone, subsidary Federal Ore & Mineral Corp, (Shaler Heights OH); Sgt 43-45, Inf Army

Lavelli, Anthony  Jr.








Director, Bella Music & Theatre Co  (NYC)

Leiper, Joseph McCarrell II







Howell, Janet Cook

Deputy Asst Commissioner, NYC Dept of Transportation

Lippincott, David McCord




Literary Work




Author, Novelist, E Pluribus Bang!, Voice of Armageddon, Tremor Violet (motion picture Armageddon), The Blood of October, Savage Ransom, Salt Mine, Dark Prism, Unholy Morning, The Nursery, The Home; V Chmn 67-69, Bd Erwin Wasey, Inc; Exec Dir 65-67, McCann-Erickson Ltd (London); Sr VP  50-65, McCann Erickson Inc(NYC); Mng Dir 62-65, Ctr for Adv Practice; Intelligence Work; M/Srgt 43-45, US Army

Lord, Charles Edwin II







Plunkett, Margaret A

Chmn Bd, Dir 68- Allied Bank Intrnl; First VP, VChmnm Bank of US, DC; Sr Advisor to, First Deputy, Acting, Comptroller of the Currency 79-81, US Treasury Dept;  Pres, CEO, Dir, Hartford Natl Corp, Hartford Natl Bank & Trust (CT); Dirs, 69-, Aetna Life & Causalty Co, 69-76 Insilco Corp, 68-76 Kamma Corp; Mbr 64-69, Alumni Bd; Mbr  67- , Yale Dev Bd

Lufkin, Sr., Peter Wende







Cook, Blakeslee

Broker; Pres, Winner Boats, Inc (TN); S/Sgt 43-46, Army Air Force

Raymond, George Tod Perkins







Chestreil, Francoise

European Sales Dir, Cabot Corp; 53-55 w/Godfrey L Cabot Inc Boston; Acting 1st Officer 41-46, USN

Sherrill, Franklin Goldwaithe







Taylor, Mary Chamberlin

Rector, Grace Church (Brooklyn NY); Rector 58-67, Ascension Mem Church (Ipswich, MA) 53-58 (St John's Dickinson ND(

Van Dine, Vance







Brewster, Isabel Erskine

Mngng Dir, Ptnr Morgan Stanley & Co, NYC; Seaman 1/C 43-46, USN

Wickwire, Winthrop Ross







Denny, Ellen J

VP, Operations, Wickire Bros, Inc (Courtland, NY); 1st Lt 43-46, AAF

Breen, John Gerald







Young, Lillian Barbara


Buckley, William Frank Jr.




Literary Work



Taylor, Patricia

Editor-in-Chief 1955- , Natl review; Asst Instr 47-51, Spanish Yale; Assoc Editor 52, American Mercury; Syndicated Columnist 63- ; Host Firing Line 66-; USIA ADvisory Comm 69-; Chmn Bd, Starr Broadcasting Group

Draper, William Henry III






CA, Atherton

Culbertson, Phyllis

Pres, Chmn Export-Import Bank of US; Chmn 86, UN Development Program; Pres, Founder Draper & Johnson Investment Co; Pres 65-70, Ptnr 70-81, Sutter Hill Capital Corp (Palo Alto, CA); Pres 67-68, Western Assn Venture Capitalists; 59-62 Assoc Draper, Gaither & Anderson; sales 54-59, Inland Steel Co; Dir 67, Measurex, Century Data System; Lt 46-47, 51-52, Inf US Army

Frank, Jr., Victor Harry







Barker, Elizabeth Randol

VP Info Resources, CPC International (NJ); Tax Counsel, CPC International Inc (NJ)

Galbraith, Evan Griffith 







Burdick, Nancy d '62; Rockwell, Marie Helene 64-

Sec. Defense Rumsfeld’s rep. Europe & Defense advisor U.S. mission to NATO; US Ambassador to France; Advisory director w/Morgan Stanley, chairman of the board, National Review and a member of the board, Groupe Lagardere S.A. Paris. Untill 1998, Chmn Bd, LVMH Moet Hennessy Locus Vultton Inc., New York. Groupe Lagardere S.A. controls, with Daimler Benz, EADS (European Aerospace and Defense Systems), Europe's largest defense contractor /principal owner of Airbus. Managing Dir 75-81, Dillon Read;  Chmn 69-75, Bankers Trust International Ltd, London subsidary Bankers Trust Co; 61-69 w/Morgan Guaranty Trust Co of NY; 61-69 w/Shearman & Sterling; Confindential Asst 60-61, Sec of Commerce; Mbr, Bar of NY, DC; Lt 53-57, USNR attached to the Central Intelligence Agency. Mbr CFR.

Guinzburg, Thomas Henry







Gam, Rita; Unger, Rustine

Book Publisher, Doubleday & Co (NY); Pres, Viking Press (NYC); Governor 68, Yale U Press; Trustee, American Book Publishers Council, Franklin Publications; Corpral 44-46, USMCR

Henningsen, Victor William  Jr.







Ludington, Mary Florence Bemis

Pres, CEO  Henningsen Foods (White Plains, NY); Dir, Institute of Am Poultry Industries; Mayor 69-71, (Pelham Manor, NY); Lt 43-45, USNR; Di, Deer Island Club

Kemp, Philip Sperry 






NE, Omaha

Goodwin, Emily Fitzgerald

Pres Playtime Equipment Co  (NE);  Pres Ed Myers Co (Omaha); VP Production, Data Documents, Inc (Omaha); Mbr  62-72, Yale Alumni Bd; CM 2/c 43-46, USNR

Lambert, Paul Christopher     







Lee, Mary

Us Ambassador Ecudaor,Ptnr 66-  , Estates & Trust Dept, Whitman, Breed, Abbott & Morgan (NYC); Lawyer 55-66, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy (NYC); Cprl 53-55, US Army Intelligence

Lovett, Sidney                       







Campbell, Joan

Sr Minister, First Church of Christ, Congregrational;    VP 66-, Community Renewal Soc , Chicago; Pastor 57-66, Rock Spring Congregrational Church VA, Arlington; Sr Minister, Union Church, IL, Hinsdale; Pastor 53-57, Congregrational Church, MA, Littleton; Dir 69- , Chicago Teological Seminary

Luckey, Charles Pinckney 







Cruikshank, Elaine

Minister, Middlesbury Congregrational Church, CT; Sgt 43-46, Army

MacLeish, William Hitchcock







Moll, Margaret Louise

Editor, Oceanus Magazine; Spec Asst to Pres, Dir, Foundation Relations, Yale U; Exec Dir 66-68, Ctr for Inter-Am Relations; Sr Editor 58-64, Vison Magazine; Exec Com 69-, Yale Alumni Bd; 1st Lt 51-54, Army

McLean, Robert III  







Lewis, Elizabeth Madison

Pres, Cushman & Wakefield of PA; VP Administration Philadelphia 1976 Bicentennial Corp; Sales 57-64, Owens-Illinois; Marketing Consultant 65-67; S/Sgt 53-56, USMC

Pionzio, Dino John







DeLucia, Rose M

VP Dillon, Read; 1st Sec US Embassy, Bogota, Columbia; Deputy Chief of Station 70, CIA (Santiago, Chile)

Shepard, Donald Carrington Jr.







Steinborg, Jane

CEO, Sr VP, Menasha Corp (Neenah, WS); T/Sgt 43-46, USMC

Anderson, Thomas Hill




Medical Student





Eden, John W.







Ballou, Caroline Brayton

 VP 79, Russell Reynolds Associates; Pres 78-79, TVI Corp; VP 77-78, First Municipal Leasing Corp; Asst Sec 76-77, Economic development; Deputy Undersecretary 75-76, Dept Commerce; Exec VP 68-75, Graham Engineering Corp (York, PA); Div Mgr 59-67, AMF Inc; VP 51-59, The Eden Corp; Lt 45-47, 53-5, USN

Ellis, Garrison McClintock Noel







Williams, Phoebe

Editor, Publisher, The Country Publishers, Inc; Pres 70-73, Wilson, VanDoren-Ellis Co; Urban Affairs Consultant; Asst Dir 68-70, Baltimore Regional Planning Council; Spec Asst 65-68, Congressional and Community Relations, Office Economic Opportunity; Lt jg 51-55, USNR

Ellis, George Corson Jr.







Ferguson, Joan

Chmn, CEO, Pres Kessler-Ellis Products Co

Love, Ralph Frank                







Moorow, Ann

Stockbroker; Mgr, Plan Forecasting, IBM World Trade Corp (NY); 1st Lt 51-53, USAF

Lufkin, Chauncey Forbush Jr







Heard, Elizabeth

Pres Hytec, Inc (Olympia, WA)

Mathews, Craig  







Chutter, Harriett Elizabeth

Ptnr, Leva, Hawes, Symington, Martin & Oppenheimer (DC); Dir 65- Meriwether Home for Children;  70- w/Barker Found, 70- w/Evironmental Law Inst; 1st Lt 54-57, Inf USAR

Mayer, Charles Theodore 







Starhemberg, Countess Franziska

Spec Asst to 82- , Undersecretary of Defense for Policy; Delegate 52-77, Societe Generale de Belgique; Chmn, Pres 68-, Foreign Policy Discussion Group (DC); 1st Lt 43-46, 51-53, Army

McNamara,  Thomas Philip   







Podlich, Pearl Elizabeth

Production Mgr, Glenn Arm Plant, Koppers Co (MD)

Price, Raymond Kissam Jr.








Pres, Economic Club of NY; Consultant 83- , William S Paley & Co, NYC; Consultant 78-83, Pres Nixon;  Spec Consultant 73-74, US Pres; Spect Asst  69-73, US Pres; Asst  67-68, Richard Nixon; Editor of 57-66, Editorial Page 64-66, NY Herald Tribune; Reporter  57 , Life; Writer, Asst to Editor 55-56 , Colliers; Lt 51-55, USNR; Visting Fellow 77-, AEI; Author, With Nixon, wrote GHW Bush's 1992 Republican nomination speech.

Reid, Edward Snover III    







Grylls, Carroll

Ptnr 57-64, Davis, Polk & Wardwell (NYC); Dirs, Gen Mills, Inc, Metropolitian Savings Bank,The Brookly Museum, Metropolitan Opera Assn; Trustee & Mbr Exec Com Brooklyn Inst of Arts & Science; Capt 51-53, USMC; Lt USN Avaiation WWII

Ross, Thomas Bernard




Literary Work



Ekstrand, Gunilla

Sr VP, Corporate Affairs, RCA (NY); Asst Secy Defense, 77-81; DC Bureau Chief 70-77, DC Coorespondent 58-77, Foreign Correspondent 58-68, Chicago Sun-Times; 58 w/UPI; w/55-58 International News Service; Lt 51-54, USN

Russell, Richard Warren







Wehmann, Katherine Rae

Pres, Gen Mgr, James Russell Engineering Works (Boston); Cprl 52-55, Army

Ryan, Joseph Mather                     1951







Carmichael, Beverly Ann

VP Investments, Dean Witter Reynolds, Inc, MI; Institutional Salesman, Blyth & Co, MI; PFC Army 46-48

Shepard, Charles Robinson Smith







Pelkey, Mary Jo

Assoc fellow 70, Pierson College, Yale U; English Teacher, Hillhouse High School (New Haven); Asst Dean 55-57, Yale College; Pres 71-79, VP 70, Yale-in-China ; Chmn English Dept 57-61, St John's School (Houston); Headmaster 61-62, Phoenix (AZ) Country Day School;  64-69, w/Hamden (CT) Hall; Dir, RTA; T/5 45-46, Inf Army 45-46;

Aberg, Donlan Vincent  Jr.







Brose, Jean Helen

VP Sales & Marketing Abbott Labs; Pres Nutrition products of America, LA, CA

Buckley, Fergus Reid







Howell, Elizabeth

Novelist, Lecturer; Lt  1952-54, USAF

Claude, Abram Jr.             







Dee, Mary

Ptnr, Ray & Berndtson; Exec VP, Security Pacific Financial Services, (NYC); Sr VP 72-80, Dillon, Read & Co; VP 69-72, BesSeminaryer Securities Corp; VP 55-69, Morgan Guaranty Trust; 55-69 Port Authority of NY; Trustee, Lennox Hill Hosp; Pres, Treas Natl Industries for the Blind NYC; Sgt 46-48, USArmy

Connick, Andrew Jackson








Ptnr, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; LT  1952-54, USAF

Cruikshank, Paul Fessenden Jr.         







Wayland, Alice

VP Strategic Planing 74-76, USRA; Pres 71-74, Fort Worth & Denver Ry Co; Asst VP marketing planning  67-71, Burlington Northern; Operating Dept 52-76, Great Northern; VP Operations & Maintinece, The Milwaukee Road; Alumni Fund Agt; Lt jg 52-56, USN

Eisler, Colin Tobias  







Blitzer, Benita

Prof, NYU Institute of Fine Arts (NYC)

Finney, Graham Stanley     




City Government



Becker, Katharine Pillsbury

Sr Ptnr, The Conversation Co, PA; Commisioner Addiction Services Agency NYC; Dir of Planning  57-60, (Portland ME); Many Philladelphia gov and schools positions; Spec 3 54-56, US Army

Haight, Charles Seymour Jr.







Peightal, Mary Jan

US Dist Judge 76- , (Southern Dist of NY); Ptnr 57-76, Haight, Gardner, Poor & Havens (NYC); Trial Attny 55-57, US DOJ Admiralty & Shipping

Hincks, John Winslow







Lockwood, Marcia

Ptnr, Robinson, Robinson & Cole (Hartford, CT);  Lt 52-55, USNR; Dir 58-61, RTA

Kittredge, Frank Dutton          







Bradshaw, Barbara

National Foreign Trade Council; VP, Asia-Pacific Div, GE Co; Mgr, Desk Side Time Sharing Operation, GE Co; Dirs,  Philippine Appliance Corp, Toshiba, Inc, Elpor Electric Co, Philippine Electric Co;  Lt 54-58, USN

Roberts, George Brooke Jr.            






Jamica, Stony Hill

Bentley, Zara

St Joesph's U, PA; Dir EA/TB 74-76, Dept of State; Spec Asst to Deputy Sec 73-74, Dept of State; Deputy Chief Mission, US Embassy, Kingston, Jamaica; 3d Sec US Embassy , Bangkok, 2d Sec US Embassy Vientiane 60-62; Intrnl relations Officer, Dept State 62-66; 1st Sec US Embassy Dar es Salaam 67-70; Lt  53-57, USN

Senay, Edward Charles     








Prof Psychiatry, Chief of Drug Studies, U Chicago

Spears, Robert Samuel   







Marcy, Carolyn Brewer

Asst VP, Asst Sales Mgr, Republic Steel Corp (IL)

Steadman, John Montague







Lunt, Alison Storer

Assoc Dean, Prof Law, Georgetown U (DC); Spec Asst to 65-68, Sec Defense; Deputy Under Sec 64-65, Army; Attny 63-64, US DOJ (DC); Visiting Prof Law U PA Law School, Philadelphia; Assoc 56-63, Pilsbury, Madison & Sutro (SF); Assoc Justice, D.C. Court of Appeals; Gen Counsel 68-70, Air Force

Vorys, Martin West









Bulkey, Jonathan Duncan









Bush, Jonathan James







Bradley, Josephine Colwell

Chmn Bd, J Bush & Co; Gen Ptnr 60-70, GH Walker & Co; Lt 53-55, US Army

Donaldson, William Henry 







Burger, Evan

Chmn 2003- , Securities and Exchange Comm; Chmn CEO Donaldson Enterprises, Inc, NYC; Dean 75-80, Prof Management Studies, Yale; Spec Advsr 75, US Pres; Under Secretary 73-74, State US; Founder, Chmn of Bd, CEO 59-73, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc (NYC); Mbr 53-70, Alumni Fund; Mbr, Yale Development; Trustee 70- Ford Foundation, Beekman Dwntwn Hosp, Wesleyan U; Mbr 71-7, Yale Corp;  Mbr 75-, Yale Investment Comm; Dir, Deer Island Corp; 53-55 Lt USMC

Durham Edwin A.  II               




Mineral Exploration


TX, Corpus Christi


Managing General Ptnr, Everest Exploration (uranium and minerals); 59-69 Southern Petroleum Exploration, Inc; Exec Asst 56-59, Frankfort Oil Co; Dir 55-59, Petroleum Exploration, Wiser Oil Co, Southern Petroleum Exploration, Inc; Dir 60-65, Thor-Jet Inc; many others; LT 53-55, USMC

Emerson, Christy Payne






CA, Berkely

Frey, Alice; Yasui, Joan

Ptnr, The Bret Harte Retirement Ctr; Dir Development 65-68, Philadelphia Housing Authority; Lt jg 53-56, USNR

Lufkin, Dan Wende 







Blagden, Elise Grace

Chmn, Exec Com, Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc (NYC); Chmn Bd, Dirs, AZ-CO Land & Cattle Co, Ontario Motor Speedway, Inc; Overseas Natl Airways, Inc, Pan Ocean Oil Corp, Harvard Bus Sch Clb NY, Opportunity Funding Corp; Gov, NY Stock Exchange; Trustees, Hotchkiss School, Pine Manor Jr Col, Dansbury Hosp, Natl Conf Christians & Jews, Inc; 1st Lt, USMCR

Marshall,  John Birnie                   









McLane, James Price







Hamby, Barbara C

Advertising Sales, Time, Inc; Venture Mgr, General Mills (Minneapolis); Chmn 69, Lee Wards subsidary Gen Mills; Chmn 69, Bd Ed Minnetonka Schl Dst; Pfc 53-55, US Army Counter Intelligence Corps

Menton, John Dennis






CT, New Canaan



Mitinger, Joseph Berry 







Birmingham, Suzanne

Ptnr Mitinger & Mitinger (Greensburg, PA); City Solicitor (Greensburg); 1st Lt 54-56, FA US Army

Noble, Lawerence Mason Jr.                   







Rike, Helen Conklin

Assoc Sec 71-81, Yale U; Dir 70-71, Undergradute Financial Aid, Yale U; Asst to Dir Admissions 62, Asst Dir 63-66, Admissions, Dir 66-70, Freshman Sholarships & Assoc Dir Admissions; Trainee Hanover Bank; w/Aluminum Co Canada; w/Centre D'Etudes Industrielles; Sales Rep 57-62, Aluminum Ltd; 1st Lt 53-55,  USMC

Novkov, David Arthur







Fegancher, Joyce Ann

Pres, CEO, Crossville Rubber Products (TN); Fctry mgr, General Tire & Rubber Co (Wabash, IN); Spec 3, 54-56 Army

Walker, George Herbert III              







Gedge, Kimberly

U.S. Ambassador to Hungary, Chmn, Pres, CEO, Stifel, Nicolaus & Co, Inc (MO); Dirs, Mbr Exec Com, Securities Industry Assn; Bd Gov 83, Midwest Stock Exchange; Assoc Dir, A Gary Shilling & Co; Dir, VChmn, Webster College (MO); Mngng Ptnr, in charge Chicago office GH Walker & Co; Dirs, GH Walker & Co, Inc, Rixson, Inc, Marine Resources, Inc, Lafayette Federal Savings & Loan Assn, Laidlaw Corp

Weber, John William 







Rhoten, Carolyn

Mgt Consultant and Principal, Pres, Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett, Inc, MA; SR VP 79-82, Boston Gas; Principal, 74-79, Temple, Barker & Sloane; Asst Administrator, 74, Federal Energy Admin; Pres 72-73, Chayes Virginia Inc; 60-71 w/ McKinsey & Co, Inc, Chicago; Prof Engineer (OH); Lt  55-58, USN

Woodsum, Harold Edward Jr.             






ME/Cape Elizabeth

Patterson, Joan C

Attny, Ptnr Drummond, Woodsum, Plimpton & MacMahon (ME); Mbr 67, Cape Elizabeth Town Council; Pvt 53-55, Inf US Army

Benninghoff, Harry Bryner







Shields, Nanacy M

Dist Sales Mgr, Proctor & Gamble Co; Lt 55-57, USAF

Evans, Tilgham Boyd







Goodrich, Lorraine

Ptnr, Shields & Co (NYC)

Fortunato, S. Joseph 







Kimball, Dian

Ptnr, Pitney, Hardin, Kipp & Szuch (Newark NJ); Mbr 70, Alumni Bd

Giesen, Arthur Rossa, Jr.   







Hopkins, Dorothy Ann

Pres,Treas, Augusta Steel Corp (Vienna VA); Mbr 64-74, 76, VA House of Delegates

Gifford, Richard Cammann







Thorsen, Wendy Evans

Sales, Dir Marketing, Distribution Sciences Inc (Oak Brook, IL)

Hiers, Richard Hyde                  







Gale, Jane Leslie

Prof, Religion, U FL (Gainesville, FL); Faculty 58-61, Yale Div School; Sec 56-61, RTA

Kilrea, Walter Charles









Meyer, Russell William Jr.







Vaughn, Helen Scott

Pres, Cessna Aircraft Co (KS); Pres, American Aviation Corp (Cleveland, OH); Dir 75-, Fourth Ntnl Bank; Dir 82- KS Gas & Electric; Attny, Arter & Hadden, Cleveland; Capt 55-58, USAF

Morton, Thruston Ballard Jr.




Radio, TV



Baquie, Julie

VChmn, Cosmos Broadcasting Corp (KY); Pres Orion Broadcasting, Inc (Louisville); 55-56, w/US Army

Polich, Richard Frank       








Pres, Tallix Inc

Price, Ross Edward






Austrialia, Syndal, Victoria



Reponen, Robert Gordon







Underwood, Deborah Hartshorn; Weickert, Stefanie

Gen Mgr, Bancode Jerez (London); Asst Mgr, First Natl City Bank (Moorgate, London); Capt 54-58, Army

Ryan, Allan A. III                







Redmond, Barbara

Sr VP, Smith Barney Harris Upham & Co, Inc (NYC); Dir  RTA

Schnaitter, Spencer Jason








City Attny (Madison, IN)

Thornton, Edmund Braxton   







Moore, Elizabeth Oakes

Pres, CEO Ottawa Silica Co (Ottawa, IL); Chmn IL Nature Preserves Comm; Chmn Historic Sites Adv Council; 1st Lt 54-56, USMC

Bryan, Lloyd Thomas Jr.,






England, London

Haenlein, Janet E

 First VP, First Ntnl Bank of Boston, London; Associate 61-66, Shearman & Sterling, NY; VP 66-70, First Ntnl Bank of Chicago, Frankfurt; Lt 59-61, US Army

DeForest, Stephen Elliott







Agathon, Sylvia Lynn

Ptnr, Riddell, Williams, Voorhees, Ivie & Bullitt, (Seattle); Lt 55-57, USN

Fehr, Gerald F.        






WA, Seattle

Snider, Sally Jean

Dr, Sr VP Finance, Sec, Family Life Insurance Co, (WA); Lt 55-57, USNR

Gow, Richard Haigh







Lawson, Patricia Alice

President, Zapata Oil; Pres, CEO, Enterprise Oil & Gas (TX); Chmn Bd, CEO, Stratford of Texas, Inc; 1st Lt 56-58 USAF

Green, Charles Grady  




Finance 3/19/1933



Salisbury, Mary Elizabeth div

Exec VP, Channing Fund (NYC); Spec 3 55-57, US Army

Guidotti, Hugh George Jr.       







Crossman, Sarah T

Teacher, Coach, Chm Science Dept, Hudson High Scool (Hudson, MA)

Hansen, Roger Allen  







Blake, Wendy

Exec VP, The Chicago Corp, (IL); Gov, Midwest Stock Exchange; VP, Dean Witter & Co; Pres, Deer Island Club Corp; Lt 55-57, USN

Hudson, Franklin Donald 







Wheatley, Rosemary

Exec VP, Founder, Integrated Genetics, Inc, (MA); Dir of Marketing, Latin America, Sylvania Intrnl Div GTE (NYC); Advisor Domestic Peace Corp (Puerto Rico); Capt 56-58, USAF

Johanson, Stanley Morris






TX, Austin

Cunningham, Geraldine Ray

Prof, Law U TX School of Law; Teaching Fellow 61-63, Harvard Law School; Capt 58-61, USAF

Mathias, Philip Hoffman II







Fischer, Shirley

Dist Mgr, Bell Telephone Co (PA); E-5 56-58, Army

McCullough, David Gaub        




Literary work




Editor, Am Heritage Pub Co, Inc (NYC)

Searles, Paul David







Lawson, Mary

VP, International Group, PET Inc, MO; VP 80-82, WM Underwood Co; Philippines Dir 71-74, Asia Regional Dir 74-75, Deputy Dir 75-76, US Peace Corps; Deputy Chmn 76-80,  Nat'l Endowmnet for the Arts; High School, History Teacher (Westport, CT); Brand Mgr 58-62, Procter & Gamble; VP Dir 62-67, Glendinning Assoc; 1st Lt, USMC

Shugart, Thorne Martin       









Steadman, Richard Cooke







Nuckolls, Jane B

Chmn National Convenience Stores; Dir, Storage Technology, Inc; Chmn, Childrens Computer Workshop; Trustees, Children's Television Workshop, Brearly School; Author 80, Pres Mandated Study "National Military Command System; Head, Defense Transition Team 76-77, Carter/Mondale; Deputy Asst Sec Defense  66-69, East Asia; Staff Ofc 57-59, Bd of Natn'l Estimates, CIA 

Walker, Ray Carter








Psychiatrist; 59-64, w/GH Walker & Co; 1st Lt 57-59, AUS

Banks, Howard Daniel







Snyder, Sandra

Ist VP, VP corp finanace, Blyth & Co; 1st Lt 56-58,  USMC

Boasberg III, James Emanuel







Szold, Sarah

Ptnr, Boasberg, Klores, Feldesman & Tucker (DC); Ptnr, Boasberg, Granat & Kass (DC); Spec 4, 59-60, Army

D'Avanzo, Louis A.








Opthalmologist, (Kailua, HI)

Dempsey, Andrew Squire







Gibson, Hope

Attny, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey; Lt 56-59, USAF

Durfee, Charles Gibson Jr.






PA, Pittsburgh

Vilas, Camilla

Dir, International Projects, Westinghouse Electric Corp; Mgr, Quality Assurance, Westinghouse Power Systems, (PA); 65, Westinghouse commercial and Naval Nuclear programs; 60-65, General Dynamics/Electric Boat; Lt jg 56-60, USN

Esselstyn, Caldwell Blakesman Jr.          








Surgeon, Cleveland Clinic (OH); Capt 66-68, US Army

Gaines, Milton John






CA, Oakland

Reinker, Phyliss Ann

Dir, Marketing Winfield Design Associates Inc (SF, CA); Lt 56-60, USN Aviaton

Ingalls, David Sinton Jr.       







Robinson, Cynthia

Mayor 80- , Local Village; LT 56-60, USNR

Jamieson, Thomas Crawford Jr.







O'Connell, Mary Lee

Ptnr, Jamieson, Walsh, McCardell, Moore & Peskin, Princeton; Attny 66-68, 70-, (Lawernce Township, Mercer County); Adv Bd 67-, NJ Realty Title Insurance Co; Dir 70-, 1st Ntnl Bank Princeton; Bd Trustees 73- , RP Fdn (NJ); Sgt 59-60, Army Intelligence

Malloy, Terrence Reed







Munley, Michele

Surgeon, Urologist; Chief Urology PA Hosp (Philadelphia); 1st Lt 56-58, Army Airborne

McGregor, Jack Edwin







Dangerfield, Carol

Member, Advisory Board, Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation; Of Counsel, Cohen & Wolf. Principal, Freeborn Investors, LLC; CEO, Aquarion Company; Dirs, People's Bank (Connecticut's largest bank), Aquarion Water Company, CDG Technology, Inc., and the Connecticut Committee of the Regional Plan Association, Atlantic League of Professional Baseball Clubs, Barnum Museum, Bay State Gas Company (NYSE), Fairfield University, National Hockey League, University of Bridgeport, and Yale-New Haven Hospital.; Pres, Hampton-Douglas Corp (NY); Chmn 81, Hampton-Windsor Corp; 81- Chmn Intrntnl Water Resources, Ltd; Lawyer, Reed, Smith, Shaw & McClay (DC); CEO Carey Energy Corp., a multinational oil company, was general counsel, U.S. Pay Board in the Cost of Living Council; VP, Gen Counsel 72-74, Potomac Electric Power Co; 71, w/US Dept of State Trustees 65- , Point Park College (Pittsburgh), 64-70 Western PA School for the Deaf; Mbr 62-70, PA State Senate; Pres 66-70, Pitts Hockey Club; Gov 67-69, Ntl Hockey League

Menton, James Paul   








VP, Intrntnl Marketing, Owens Corning Fiberglas Corp (OH); Stewart & Co (Baltimore); Lt 56-59, USMC

Orr, Andrew Alexander          







Pedersen, Ann

Pres, Spray Products (Oaks, PA); S/Sgt 57-58 Army

Speed, James Breckinridge 







Young, Marilyn

Pres Arkansas-Best Freight System, Inc (Fort Smith, AR); Dirs, Trucking Employers, Inc, Central & Southern Motor Freight Bureau, Southern Operators, Inc, Am Trucking Assn; Dir, Transport Insurance Co (TX)

Traphagen, Peter Abraham







Peplinski, Lorna

VP, Operations, Custom Engineering Co (PA)Pres Hanley Corp; Dir, School Bd; E5 56-58, Army 56-58

Ackerman, Stephen Harry







Tamblin, Kaye M

VP, Finance & Admin, Caesars World Inc, CA; VP, Treas, Transcon Lines; Maj Gen 57-60, USMCR

Bowman, Ralph David







Billingsly, Joan (div)

Acct Supervisor, Rumril Hoyt, Inc; 57-60 USMC

Carlsen, Ray Allen 







Claspy, Judith L

Physician, Instr Dept Medicine, Spcl NIH Fellow 69-70, U of WA; Res Assoc, Seattle VA Hosp; 68-69, U of Copenhagen; Capt 63-65, USAF

Clark, Russell Inslee Jr.








Headmaster 1970- , Horace Mann School, Bronx; Teacher, Admin 57-58, 60-61, Lawernceville School;  Asst Master 62-65, Trumball Col, Dean 63-65, Dean of Admissions Yale U; Trustee, US Grant Foundation, Ford Foundation and many others; Capt 58-60, USAF

Cushman, Charles W.






Tawain, Tapei/ Japan


Teacher, (Punahou, HI); Camp Zama, (Tokoyo)

Dunn, George J.  






OH, Cleveland

Fisher, Rebecca Dobbin

VP, Gen Counsel, Sr Attorney, Standard Oil Co, (OH); Assoc 67-68, Squire, Sanders & Dempsey; Assoc 60-67, McAfee, Hanning, Newcomer & Hazlett

Fritzche, Peter B.







Black, Ruth Evelyn

Chmn, Pres EAC Industries, Inc, (IL); Dir Bus Dev, Quaker Oats; Dir 65-76, Elyria Co; Dir 64-67, Neracher Investment Co; Dir 64-68, Wells Aluminum, Accurate Products, Hauske Harlen Furniture Co

Loucks, Vernon Reece Jr.,






Belgium, Brussels

Thomas, Ann

Pres, CEO 76-, Baxter Travenol Laboratories, Inc, VP for Europe & Africa, Travenol Laboratories SA, Belgium, w/company since 63; Sr Mngmnt Cnslt 63-65, George Fry & Associates (IL);  Dirs, John L & Helen Kellogg Foundationn, Northwest U, Kemper Educ & Charitable Fund, Continental IL Corp, Continental IL Ntnl Bank & Trust, Dun & Bradstreet Corp, Emerson Electric Co Inc, Quaker Oats; 1st Lt, USMC

Loughran, Anthony Hookey







Krotzer, Jean Stewart

Plant Construction Engineer, Pacific Telephone; Mbr Bohemian Club; Lt Col 50-55, USMCR

Lumpkin, Richard Anthony         







Gawthrop, Gail

Pres, VP, Treas, IL Consolidated Telephone, Co; Dir, 1st National Bank (IL); 1st Lt 57-59, Army

Oberlin (Owseichik), John Philip









Palmer, Lindley Guy II                       







Lawerence, June M

Sr VP, Ayco Corp (CT); Sr VP 78-82, Fiduciary Trust Co; Managing Ptnr 66-78, Davis, Palmer & Biggs (NYC); VP 58-66, Bank of NY; Capt 58, Army

Ritchie, Wallace Parks Jr.







Jewell, Barbara C

Gen Surgeon, U VA School of Medicine, VA; Surgeon, Active Duty, Div Surgery Walter Reed Army Inst of Research (DC); Lt Cmndr 70

Somerville,  John Wheeler








VP, Brown Management Co (HI)

Williams, William Bruce   







Phillips, Jo Anne

Chief Pilot 68-, Pan Am Business Jet Div (Teterboro, NJ); Brokerage Trainee 67-68, Merril, Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith; Major 57-67, USMC; Major 68, USMCR

Allen, Charles Edward







Seaman, Gloria Frances

Sr Ptrnr Hamel, Park, McCabe & Saunders, DC; Ptrnr Hogan & Hartson, DC; Chmn, 72-76 Gen Counsel, Federal Home Loan Bank Bd; 1962-68 Sullivan & Cromwell

Blue, Linden Stanley







Whiteley, Kathryn

Pres, CEO, Beech Aircraft Corp; Managing Dir, CEO 80-82, Lear Fan, Ltd; Asst to the Pres 75-80, Gates Learjet Corp; Exec VP, Sec 64-74, Colorado & Western Properties Corp; 71-75 Denver City Council; Reg Chmn 67-70, Alumni Fund, Yale U; Capt 61-64, USAF

Cassel, John A.  








Pres, Selfin Corp

Cheney, Ronald Lawton           







Kenefick, Kathleen; Sargent, Beverly


Cushman, Robert Edgar Jr.






Belgium, Brussels

Sumner, Lee

 Mgr, Brussels Branch First National City Bank; Managing Dir, Asia Pacific Capital Corp, Ltd, (Hong Kong); VP Citibank, NYC; E-2 58-59, Army

Embersits, John Frank







McGrath, Harriet

Pres, CEO, Energy Resource Management Co, Operations Resource Management Co, Technical Resource Management Co, Thermtran, Ltd Exec VP, COEngineer Welsbach Corp, NY; Dir 69, Union Trust Co; Dir 68, NH Chamber of Commerce; Dir 65-75, University Operations, Yale U; Bus Mgr 66-69, Yale U; Officer, Mbr 70-75, Yale Corp; Asst Treas, Dir, RTA

Howe, Gary Woodson






NE, Omaha

Grinbergs, Anda

Bd Dir 75-, VP 74-, Exec Editor, 67-  Editor, Omaha World-Herald (NE); Lt USN 58-61

Morey, Robert Willis Jr.








Pres, RW Morey, Inc (CA); William Hutchinson & Co (SF, CA); Chmn Bd Dir, Infra Red Circuits & Controls

Pendexter, John Fowler







Dougan, Karla

Mgt Consultant, Pres, Pendexter & Co (CT)

Phelan, Howard Taylor







Voss, Mary Elizabeth

Pres, CEO, Welsbach Corp, CT; Pres, CEO, Jamacia Water & Utilities, Inc (Greenwich CT); Dir 65-70, Operations & developments, Officer 67-70 Yale Corp, asst instr 59-60, Physics Yale U;, Consultant 59-62, National Security Admin (NSA); Mgt Consultant 60-65, Arthur D Little, Inc; Mbr 63-, Alumni Bd; Dir 66-70, RTA

Post, Russell Lee Jr.             







Ritchey, Linda Norton

Ptnr, Cummings & Lockwood, CT; Mbr 79-82, CT State Senate; Mbr 72-78, CT State Legislature; Deputy Commisioner 71-72 , Personnel, State of CT; Ptnr, Post & Pratt; Ptnr 65-70, Shipman & Goodwin (CT)

Preston, John Louis                        1958







Morrison, Elizabeth F

Pres, CEO, Action Industries, Inc (PA); Pres, Stiffler Stores, Inc (OH); Pres, Creative Service Div, Sigma Marketing Systems, Inc,( Rockville Centre, NY)

Shackelford, Robert Campbell 








Instr Economics Dept, U IL Urbana, IL

Van Antwerp, William Meadow Jr




Armed Services



Colosimo, Helen Marie

Capt, USMC

Wheeler, Thomas Beardsley







Robertson, Anne Tuck

Exec VP, Asst Gen Mgr, MA Mutual Life Insurance Co (Boston); Lt 58-60, USN

Adams, Stephen







Forster, Barbara

Pres Assoc Bankers Corp, Pres Adams Communications Corp; Mining Engineer

Bodman, William Camp



Beta Theta Pi




Lyman, Louise Pomeroy

Farmer & Business Consultant (former corporate businessman)

Connors, James Joseph III







Heaton, Joy

Pres Lowery Organ, IL; Cnslnt Mckinsey and Co; Purchasing Mgr, Winchester, Div of Olin; Mgt Consulting Associate, NYC; Lt jg 59-62, USN

Cooke, John Parick



Beta Theta Pi




Matheson, H Torrey

Corp Mgr Facilities, Exec offices Emery Air Freight; Dir 69- International Contsruction, Inc, (DC); Capt 60-65, USMC

Ercklentz, Alexander Tonio         







Ley, Katherine B

Mgr, Foreign Investment Dept, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co, (NYC); Dir 73, Wilmar Corp, 73-75, Massassoit Management Corp; Treas, Dir 71-75, Travellers Aid; Investment Comm 69, Atlantic Funds; Treas, Dir 69, Internationall Social Service American Branch Inc; Treas, RTA

Esselstyn, Erik Canfield



Beta Theta Pi




Pomeroy, Susan; Bingham, June Mitchell

Gesell Institue for Human Development, Sgt E-5 60-63

Hemphill, James Tierney                  







Cobb, Cynthia

Lawyer, Corcoran, Hardesty, Whyte, Hemphill & Ligon, (DC); Asst General Counsel, Consolodation Coal Co, Pittsburgh PA

Holbrook, John Jr.  



Zeta Psi




Murphy, Edythe Walden

Ptnr, International Consortium of Architects Icon Arc, Pres International Construction, Icon, Inc (DC); Chmn Bd, Dir 69- , ICON Inc; Dir  70- , Decisions Analysis Corp, (DC); VP, Trustee, Foundation for Studies of Modern Science (NJ, Princeton) 68- ; Capt  59-62, USMC; Asst Sec 65-68, RTA

Kingsley, Charles Capen







Hill, Gretchen U

Ptnr 69-, Assoc 62-68, Wiggin & Dana (New Haven); Mbr 69-, Yale Alumni Bd

Lightfoot, Richard Bissett       



Beta Theta Pi




Fay, Judith

Pres, Lightfoot Broadcasting Group; Chmn, Soundings Publications, Inc (CT); Attny, Winthrop, Stimson, Putnam & Roberts, NYC; Sr Dir 67-68, Office U Development, Yale

Lord, Winston








Co-Chairman of the International Rescue Committee; 93-97 Assistant Secretary of State; 85-89 Ambassador to China; 83-88 Pres, Chairman of the Council on Foreign Relations; 73-77  State Department Director of Policy Planning; 70-73 Special Assistant to the National Security Advisor to Kissinger; Mbr Planning Staff National Security Council; 1960s Defense Dept Chairman of the National Endowment for Democracy; Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment National Commission on America and the New World;

Mayor, Michael Brook



Beta Theta Pi




Rowland, Elizabeth

Orthopedic Suregeon, Mary Hitchcock Clinic (Hanover NH)

Sheffield, James Rockwell



Zeta Psi




Wilkinson, June

Pres, US Comm UNICEF; Asst Prof, Dir, Center for Education in Africa, Teachers College Columbia U (NYC); Program Specialist 65-67, Ford Foundation (Narobi, Kenya)

Thorson, Peter Andreas                     1959







Paull, Sara P

Pres, Thorson Brown (CT); Pres Optical Sciences Group, Inc (SF, CA); VP 68-70, Laird, Inc; VP 59-68, Morgan Guaranty Trust Co; Dir 82, Trade Finance Corp; Dir, RTA

Tyler, Cheever         



Zeta Psi





Attny, w/ Wiggin & Dana (New Haven)

Ball, David George







Arnold, Morganne Lee

Sec, Sr VP Amax, Inc; Attny Williams, Mullen, Christian & Dobbins; Asst Sec Labor 1989-92, Bush Admin; Legal Counsel, Babcokc & Wilcox, Co; Treas  64-66, Pres 66-68, Deer island Club Corp; Pres 65-, GD Miller, Corp

Beane, Frank Eastman Jr.



Beta Theta Pi




Baker, Rosemary

Pres, Owner, JCA Limited, CT; VP United Bank of Denver; Lt 60-65, USNR

Capron, Paul III








Marketing Rep IBM; Capt 61-63, US Army

Dominick, David DeWitt







Stein, Mary Helen

Ptnr, Dominick Law Offices, (CO); Asst administrator 71-73, US EPA; Lawyer, Commisioner 69-71, Federal Water Quality Administration, Dept of Interior,( DC); Legislative Asst 66-67, Sen Milward Simpson, Sen C P Hansen 67-69, R WY; Capt  60-63, USMC

Ernst, Frederick Vincent          






NY, Summit

Nye, Else G

VP, Marketing & International Operations, Great Southern Paper; CoMgr Export Sales, Great Northern Paper Co (NYC)

Garnsey, William Herrick







Mehaffey, Diane Price

Pres, Sec, Garnesy & Wheeler, Ford Dealer (CO); Greely Leasing Co; Dir, Weld Cnty Credit Bureau; Bd Mbr, IntraWest Bank of Greely; Lt 60-64, USN

Giegengack, Robert Francis Jr.        







Marshall, Francesca

Asst Prof Geology U PA

Holbrook, David Doubleday                   1960



Zeta Psi




Gales, Holly C

Exec VP, Marsh & McLennan, Inc (NYC)

Lindgren, Richard Hugo                     







MacPherson, Anne Howard

VP, Private Capital, Inc; VP, White, Weld & Co (NYC); Pres, Treas, Deer Island Club Corp; LT 62-65, USN

Lusk, Peter Anthony







Morrissy, Katherine

Gen Ptnr, Dir Marketing, Forstmann-Leff Associates (NYC); 72-74 w/EF Hutton & Co; Co-Founder, Chmn Bd 74-76 , Federal Loan Corp; Mbr 62-72, Mgr 68-72; Lehman Bros (LA, CA)

McCarthy, Charles Edward   






IL, Chicago


Dean, Timothy Dwight College, Yale U

Meek, John Burgess



Beta Theta Pi




Cooke, Sally Ann

VP, VA Chemicals, Inc; Mgr, Organic Chemicals, Inc (Portsmouth, VA); Lt 61-65, USN

Northrop, Robert Smitter         







Lockett, Margaret L

Physician, Research Natl Institutes of Health, USPHS, Laboratory Climincal Investigation, National Inst Allergt & Infectious Diseases (Bethesda); Research Pysician 66-69, Pakistan-SEATO Cholera Research Lab, Dacca; House Physician 64-66, Buffalo Gen Hosp; Lt Cmndr 66-, USPHS

Scott, Eugene Lytton       







MacLeod, Merrill S

Pres, Sports Investors, Inc (NYC); Author, Feature and Free-lance Writer 65-70, NY Times, Esquire, Sports Illustrated; Dir National Leisure, Inc; Trustee Kip's Bay Boys Club; Counsel, w/Kelly, Grimes & Winston; 60-61 w/USAR

Smith, Bruce Donald III




Art, Education, Finance



Moore, Margaret

Commercial Investments, Development (CO);Sculptor, Teacher

Bissell, George Thomas








Treas, Low Cost Housing Corp; Lt 61-65. USN

Bockrath, Richard Charles Jr.







Kutti, Tina

Research, Prof, Microbiology, Indiana U Medical School

Bowles, William Carter  Jr.



Phi Gamma Delta




Reynolds, Mary Parminter

Lawyer, Covington & Burling; Assoc 65-68, Hawkins, Delafield & Wood; Asst Campaign Mgr 68, Charles Mathais(R-MD); Treas  66-68, Deer Island Fund Drive

Clark, Thomas Whitton







Fager, Anne B

Clark Paper Converting, Inc OH; Sales Mgr, Paper Mill Div, Chase Bag Co, Chagrin Falls, OH

Cogswell, John Marshall







Hurley, Brooke

Lawyer, Ptnr Cogswell & Wehrle; Capt  1965-67, USMC

DeNeufville, John Phillip







Bayon, Suzanne

VP, Energy Conversion Devices; Research Assoc, Exxon Corporate Research Lab

Hamlin, Charles B.








Orthopedic Surgeon, Hosp for Special Surgery (NYC)

Lindsay, Dale Alton Jr.   








VP Investments, White, Weld (NYC); VP Laird Inc. investments (NYC); 61-68, US Army

MacLean, Kenneth Jr.                    







Cooke, Rebecca Barbour

Ptnr, Amsler, Hagenah, MacLean Architects, Inc, McDesmond & Lord, Inc (Boston); S/Sgt E6 64-70, Army Natnl Guard

Pyle, Michael Johnson







Selby, Shary

Mfg Rep, Mike Pyle Interests, sporting goods), Sports broadcaster, WGN; Owner/Ptnr, St Bernard Inn Restaurant; Rep White, Weld & Co (Chicago); Prof Football Player 61-69, Capt Bears 63-69, Chicago Bears; Pres 67, NFL Players Assn; Mbr 62, Natl Guard

Seeley, George Wheeler







Slaymaker, Susan

Chmn History Dept, Belmont Hill School

Singleton, Thomas Hall           







Lally, Diane G

Dir Marketing, Management Scope International; Businesss Mgr, Wilson Sporting Goods Co (IL); Abbot Labs; 62-65 w/USMC

Stewart, James Corb







Dean, Barbara

Asst VP, Trust Ofcr, Security Trust Co of Rochester (NY); Attny, Harris, Beach & Wilcox (NY); Lt 64-68, USNR

Waddel, Geoffrey Hamilton 








Dir, Preforming Arts Programs, NY State Council on the Arts; Actor; Singer; Lt 62-65, USNR

Walsh, John Joseph Jr.              







Galston, Virginia Alys

Governing Bd, 76- Yale U Art Gallery; Assoc Curator, European Paintings, Metropolitian Museum of Art; Adjunct Assoc Prof Art History, Columbia U NYC; Lecturer, Research Asst 66-68, Frick Collection, NY; Petty Officer 3/C 57-59, USNR

Back, Samuel Hutchins







Maddock, Jane Scotland

Assoc Dir of Development CT College; Dir of Career Plans 73-76, State U NY;Assoc Dir  1970-73 , Office of Placement and Instruction in Edu, Univ of VA; Instr 1962-68, History, The Lawerenceville School;  Assoc Dir of Development Mystic Seaport Museum

Brandt, John Henry







Ellison, Jonny M

Resident Psychiatrist, McLean Hosp (Belmont MA); Instr, Clinical Fellow in Psychiatry, Harvard Medical School

Brewster, James Henry IV







Crowley, Susan

Owner, The Formsman, (Miami); VP Marketing Sales, Out Island Airways, (Nassau Bahamas); Spec 4, 58-61, US Army

Brooks, Tristam Anthony







Leith, Linda Browning

Mng Dir, Salomon Brothers, Inc; Ptnr 73-77, Loeb, Rhoades & Co; Asst VP 64-73, First Boston Corp, NY; LT 62-64, USN; Officer 70-72, Deer Island Club Corp

Burr, Charles Bentley II               







Peck, Mary Ray

Sr Ptnr, Griffith & Burr, (PA); Asst US Attorney  69-71, (PA); Alumni Fund

Childs, Henry Clay







Pavek, Charlotte Mary

Writer (Japanologist); History Teacher 64-66, Gunnery School

Chimenti, Norman Victor  







Morgan, BJ

Attorney, McBride, Baker & Schlosser,(IL); Asst Dir Industrial Relations, Asst Corp Sec, Kroehler Mfg Co; Sgt 63-64, USMC

Hamilton, William    







Vargas, Candida Darcy

Cartoonist, Writer, New Yorker Magazine; Pfc 64-65, Army

Holland, Henry Thompson     







Winchell, Quanah L

Operations Mgr, Axles Europe, UK; EDP-Mgr, Mgt Inf Services, JL Hudson Co Detroit

LeFevre, Ronald Eaton  



Phi Gamma Delta





Physician, Urology Res Cleveland Clinic; Lt Cmmndr 68-70, USN

Ligon, Thomas B.                        








Actor, Producer, Director; VP Openhand Corp

Peck, Arthur John Jr.          







Lodge, Susan Williams

Asst Sec, Corning Glass Works (NY); Lawyer 68- 72, Shearman & Sterling, NYC; Admissions Officer 62-65, The Lawerenceville NJ School

Spitz, Robert Wayne



Phi Gamma Delta




Berger, Honor

Marketing Rep, IBM Corp (IL)

Terry, Wyllys III








Asst Superintendent of Schools; Teacher, Varisty Hockey Coach Deerfield Academy (Deerfield MA); Forest Conslt, Real Estate Broker 67-70, James W Sewall, Co; 1st Lt 62-65, USMC

Zucker, Bernard Benjamin                  1962




Literary Work



Wolkstein, Diane

Author, Precious Stones Co (NY)C

Ahlbrandt, Roger S.  Jr.







Amajoyi, Cordelia

Prof & Asst Dir Ctr for Social & Urban Research U Pittsburgh; 81-82 H.U.D.; Teaching Asst U WA

Becket, Peter Logan







Young, Linda H

Real Estate, Austin, TX; Trust & Estate Administrator 72-77, US Trust Co of NY; Capt 63-66, USMCR

Boren, David Lyle





Education, Law, Government



Little, Janna Lou; Shi, Molly W

Pres 95-, U OK; US Senator  79-94, Chmn Senate Select Comm on Inteligence; Governor 75-79, OK;   Mbr 67-75, OK House of Representatives, Dist 28; Prof. Political Science, Chmn Div of Social Sciences  70-74, Baptist Univ, Shawnee OK; Amer Assn Rhodes Scholars; LT 68, OK Army Natl Guard, Co Commander

Clay, Jesse Loring   




Social Work/Writing



Caring, Mary-Louise

Writer & Property Management; Bushwick Social Service (NYC)

Frank, Charles Augustus III               







Taylor, Elizabeth Joan

Sr VP, The United States Trust Co of NY; VP, Syndicate Dept, W E Hutton & Co, (NYC); Pvt 63-69, USAR

Gill, Michael Gates 







Lyon, Miss

Sr VP, Creative Dir, Lansdowne Advertising; Copywriter, J Walter Thompson (NYC)

Gwin, Samuel Lawrence Jr.               







Nivisom, Susan L

Writer 82; Asst Sec 76-82, MA Financial Services Co; Assoc 71-76, Gaston Snow & Ely Bartlett; Capt  63-68, Army

Hewitt, Henry Hollis






OR, Portland

Beaty, Carol Ann

Attny , Stoel, Rives, Boley, Fraser & Wyse; Davies, Biggs, Strayer, Stoel & Boley (OR); adjunct Prof of Law, Lewis & Clark Law School; Capt 63-65, Army

Jones, Theodore Stephen







Wark, Mariann

Medical Epidemiologist, International health program office, CDC, GA; Epidemiologist 74-77, WHO Smallpox eradication; Physician, US Public Health service Anchorage, AK; Intern, Res 67-69, Standford U Hosp; surgeon 69, US PHS

Marsh, William Lee    








Gen Counsel, Health & Tennis Corp of America (CA); Adminstrator 73-81, IL Appellate Court, 1st Dist; Warrant Ofcr 63-66 , Army Intelligence

Moser, Richard Eugene       






CA/Palo Alto

Barton, Donna

Pres, CEO Lefcourt Group, Inc (CA);Exec VP, CEO, Lefcourt, Golub, Baer & Moneypenny, Inc; Pres, Lefcourt Investments, Inc: Pres, Remcourt Corp; Capt USMC 63-69; Presidential Helicopter Pilot 67-69

Nordhaus, William Dawbney







Feise, Barbara

Prof, Assoc, Asst Prof Economics 67-79, Yale U; Mbr 77-79, Council of Economic Advisors, US

O'Connell, Timothy James







Freitas, Nancy

VP, Oyster Bay Management Co, American Life of NY; Sgt 66-69, USAF

Rose, Jonathan Chapman   








Asst Attny Gen of US, in charge of Office of Legal Policy (DC); Ptnr 77-81, Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue (DC); Deputy Asst Gen  75-77, Anti-trust; Assoc Deputy Attny Gen 74-75, US; General Counsel, Council on International Economic Policy, White House; Spec Asst to Pres 71-72, White House; Law Clerk, 67-68, Justice Cutter, MA Supreme Judicial Court; 1st Lt 69-71, Army

Rulon-Miller, Patrick 








Investment Adviser, VP  Inverness Counsel, Inc (NYC); 66-68, w/Bank of NY; 64, w/Farming in Israel at Kibutz-Galon; 64-66 w/Empire Trust; 66-68 w/Bank NY

Best, Geoffry Donald Charles







Micaud, Suzanne H

 Assoc, Ptnr 1969-, LeBeouf, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae; English Instr 64-66, American University, Beruit, Lebanon

Cirie, John Arthur




Marine Corps



Gawlak, Ann

Spec Asst to Asst Sec of Navy; Lt Col, Dir Advertising, Marine Corps Recruiting; Capt 64-, USMC

Clay, Alexander Stephens 







Straus, Helen Harrison

Attny Associated Kilpatrick Cody Rogers McClatchey & Regenstein, Altana GA; Spec Rep of Pres 77-79, Indian Land Claims Negotiations; Dir, US-Rep of China Joint Economic Council; Counsel  69-71, Metropolitian Alanta Council on Crime; Clerk 67-68, RC Body, US Court Eastern Dist of PA

Francis, Samuel Hopkins      







Williams, Roberta Louise

Research Physicist Bell Labs; Lt 64-66, USN

Gillette, Howard Frank Jr.          








Asst Prof, American Civilization, American Studies, George Washington U (DC); Co-Ordinator 70, Project Pursestrings, Citizens Lobby to End the War

Kaminsky, Robert Isadore






TX, Houston

Janger, Marsha Ann

Urologist, TX; Physician 69-72, US Army, Beaumont Hosp (El Paso)

Lynch, Dennis Patrick                    1964







Blades, Ann Marie

Institutional Stock Broker 76-,  Lynch & Mayer, Inc, NYC; AP Sales 67-75, Smith, Barney & Co, Inc (NYC); Treas Deer Island Club; QM/2 64-65 USCG

McBride, Jonathan Evans                    1964







Dean, Emilie E

Pres 79-, McBride Associates, Inc (DC); VP 76-79, Simmons Associates, Inc; 72-76 Lionel D Edie & Co (NYC); 68-72 w/Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith (DC); VP 68-70, Alumni Assn Sidwell Friends School; Lt 64-68, USNR

Prindle, Thomas Harrison 








Teaching Assoc 68-69, Acting Instr 69-70, German Yale U

Pulaski, Charles Alexander Jr.  







Holden, Linda Shannon

Prof Law, ASU (AZ); Attny, Tyler, Cooper, Grant, Bowerman & Keefe (New Haven, CT)

Rowe, Thomas D. Jr.               








Assoc Dean, Prof Law, Duke U, School of Law; Law Clerk 70-71 , Assoc Justice Potter Stewart, Supreme Court US

Straw, Ralph Lynwood







Temme, Diane Patricia

Attny, Wharton, Stewart & Davis (Somerville, NJ)

Van Loan, Eugene 







Ammon, Judith

Capt 67-71, US Army JAGC

Wilbur, John Smith  Jr.             




Law Student




Attny, Ptnr, Caldwell Pacetti-Barrow & Salisbury (FL); Trial Attny, US DOJ. Asst US Attny, US Virgin Islands; Lt 64-68, USN Seal Team

Wolfe, Stephen H             




Ministry, Finance




Investment Planner, US Trust Co (NYC)

Ali, Mehdi Raza








VP 76-80, General Motors; VP Pepsico, Inc; VP 74-75, Asst VP 73, Asst Treas 70-72, Morgan Guaranty Trust

Benoit, Charles Edward Jr.








Asst Program Officer, Ford Foundation; Officer in Charge 73-75, Saigon, Ford Foundation; Independent study of Chinese, Taiwan Normal U, Taipei; Research Staff 68-69, Rand Corp, Saigon; Staff 66-68, AID/Dept of State;

Clark, Gerald Holland          









Clark, Stephen Edward






CA/SF-Los Altos

Mueller, Etta Inge

Lawyer, Athearn, Chandler & Hoffman; Coach 65-66, Peruvian Natl Swim Team; Lt  69-71, USA Signal Corps

Clay, Timothy J.








Lawyer, Ptnr, Phillips & Giraud, Paris; Convoy, Hewitt, O'Brien & Boardman, NYC

Coombs, Orde Musgrave   




Literary & TV Work




Co-host, "Conversations" WPIX TV; Contributing Editor, New Yorker Magazine

Corey, Alan Lyle III               







Benson, Christine L

Assoc Broker NYSE, Wertheim & Co; Carlisle & DeCoppet

Desjardins, Peter Earl           







Ranch, Germaine Arlene

Managing Dir, Gulf Consulting Group, UAE; FMC International, Austria; Consultant 69-71, McKinsey & Co, (NY); Mbr 62, Certificat d'Etudes Politiques, U de Paris; Export Sales Mgr 65-67, Societe UMG, Automation, Paris; Lt 59-61, US Army

Fetner, Philip Jay         








Sr Ptnr, P Jay Fetner Associates, Managing Principal of African Development Group (DC); Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen & Hamilton (NYC); Teaching Fellow 69-70, Harvard

Lagercrantz, Bengt Magnus






Sweden, Stockholm


Planning Group asst, SKF Argentina 69; Trainee 67-69, Buenos Aires Branch, First Natl Cty Bank of NY; LM Ericsson 70

Pinney, John Mercer 








Pres, John Pinnet Associates, Inc; Dir 78-81, Office on Smoking & Health, US Dept of Health & Human Services; Lt USN, Bureau Naval Personnel (DC)

Pond, Jeffrey Craig







Winsborough, Jan

Attny, Holland & Hart, Denver

Quarles, James Perrin III







Spies, Margaret Anne

Legal Staff 72-75 , Office of Enforcement, EPA  (DC); Co Dir76, Water Project, Natural Resources Defense Council; 1st Lt 65-68, Army

Shattuck, HF John III







Toelle, Petra

Exec Dir, ACLU (DC); Visting Lecturer, Columbia, NYU, Princeton, Harvard, VA; Lawyer, Chambers of the Hon Edward Wienfield, US Courthouse (Foley Sq, NYC); Projects Dir 69-70, Yale Law Journal;  68 w/McCarthy Press Campgn; 69 w/Vietnam Moratorium Comm

Zallinger, Peter Franz  








Freelance Illustrator; Lt 66-69, USNR

Bockstoce, John R.








Curator of Ethnology, New Bedford Whaling Museum; Asst to Dir 68-70, U Museum, U of PA; Intern Asst 66, Sec Smithsonian

Bradford, Timothy McFall








Ptnr Hewitt Associates; 70 Dir, 71 Bd of Gov., Teacher of English, Greenwich Country Day Schools

Brown, George Clifford








Orthopaedic Surgeon; Surgical Intern, Roosevelt Hospital; Lt Army Reserve

Cross, Alan Whitmore







Johnson, Marion Morgan

Pediatrics, Strong Memorial Hosp, Rochester NY; VP, GD Miller Corp

Dalby, Michael Thomas








Asst Prof, Chinese History Dept, U Chicago

Howard, James Ernest            







Bauer, Marianne L

Ptnr, Kirkpatrick, Lockhart, Johnson & Hutchison, PA; Assoc Montgomery, McCracken, Walker & Rhoades; Assoc Gen Counsel, Staff Lawyer 71-80 Trustess of Penn Central Transportation Co; Mbr  69-75, PA Natl Guard

Kerry, John Forbes 







Thorne, Julia Stimson

US Senator MA; Ptnr 79-83, Kerry & Sragow; 1st Asst DA 76-79 (Middlesex County, MA); Co-ordinator, MA Vietnam Vetrans Against the War; Lt 66-70, USNR

Laidley, Forrest David   








Gen Counsel, Ptnr Wm Blair & Co

Pershing, Richard Warren








Lt, 101st Airborne Div

Rumsey, David McIver







Binkerd, Patricia

Pres, General  Atlantic Realty Group (CA); Research Assoc 68-71, Yale Art School Faculty

Singer, Ronald Leonard  







Hallgren, Anne Cathrine

VP, James River Corp, CT; VP, Gen Mgr 80-82, VP 77-80, American Can Co; SR VP, CFO Welsbach Corp; Operations Research Analyst 68-70, US DOD

Smith, Frederick Wallace




Business, Finance



Grisham, Linda B

Founder, CEO, Pres Federal Express; Aviation Conslts, Investments, Little Rock; Dir Business Roundtable, CATO Institute, Library of Congress James Madison Council, Mayo Foundation, VChmn U.S.-China Business Council; Capt 66-69, USMC

Stanberry, William Burks Jr.







Morris, Carolyn

Pres, CEO Surgicare Corp (TX);Pres, CEO 74-81, VP Gen Counsel 71-73, Hycel, Inc; VP. Corporate Attny, Spec Asst to Pres 69-71, Crutcher Resources Corp

Thorne, David Hoadley                     1966








Pres, Thorne & Co (MA); Ptnr, Martilla, Payne, Kiley & Thorne; Dir 80-, Turner Corp, North American Energy Systems; Lt 66-70, USN

Vargish, Thomas                 







Griffin, Kathryn Louise

Assoc Pro,f of Surgery, WV U Medical Ctr (WV); Physician, Intern Surgery Dept, NYU-Bellvue Med Ctr (NYC)

Afeoju, Bernard Ikecukwu







Arnold, Morganne Lee

Heat Transfer Engineer, The Ralph M Parsons, Co:Petroleum Engineer 68-73, Shell Oil

Ashe, Victor Henderson








Member, Board Directors, Federal National Mortgage Association (Fannie Mae); Mayor 75- , Knoxville, TN; TN State Senate; Mbr 68-72, TN House of Representatives; Lance Corporal, USMC

Bush, Derek George






VA, McLean

Chewing, Emily Blair

MBA Harvard

Foster, David John      







Junor, Joanne

Mgr, VP Results Management, Accuracy Corp, OH; Gen Mgr, VP Market Development 77-82, Accuracy Leasing, Inc; Asst to Pres 69, Rockford Aeromatic Products; Supply officer 69-72, USN

Garnsey, Walter W., Jr.







McKracken, Georgia P

Attny, Kelly, Haglund, Garnsey & Kahn (CO)

Lilley, Robert McGregor                 








Mnging Dir, Ehrmanns Wine Shippers Ltd, (UK, London); Dir, Evironmental Resources, Inc (DC); Mgr 69-70, Gov Affairs Del Monte Corp; Cord Found fellowship 68-69, Public Affairs; Pfc 68-69, Army

Miller, James Whipple                    






NJ, Princeton

Silin, Pamela

Publisher/Editor Digest of Financial Planning Ideas; Asst Prof Oriental Languages, UC Berkeley

Mitchell, H. Coleman Jr.








Producer81-, "Gimme A Break"; Sec, VP Uncle Toby Productions, CA; Writer, Story Editor, Exec Script cnsltnt 74-77, MTM Enterprises, The Bob Newhart Show, Rhoda, etc, ; Independent Producer 77-81, affiliated w/Columbia Pictures TV

Neigher, Geoffrey Mark      








TV Writer/Producer 71-74, Writer MTM Enterprises; Producer 74-77, Columbia Pictures TV; Producer 81-, NBC TV, "Gimme A Break"; Law & Order: Criminal Intent, Northern Exposure, Picket Fences, Rhoda, Bob Newhart Show and more

Preston, James Marshall




Law, Finance




Attny, Goodwin, Proctor & Hoar (MA); Assoc, Coudert Freres (Paris); Corporate Finance, First Boston Corp  (NYC)

Richards, David Alan       







DelMonanco, Marianne

Ptnr 83- , Sidley & Austin (NY); Assoc Ptnr 77-82, Coudert Brothers; Assoc 72-77, Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison; Spcl Asst 69-71, Fgn Visitors, Yale Inetrnational Office

Saxon, James M








Pres, General Syndicators of America (NYC); Bond Salesman, Salomon Brothers; Lawyer 70-72 w/Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft

Snell, Bradford Curie     








Counsel, US Senate Antitrust Subcommittee; 72 w/Brookings Institution; 71-72 w/Assoc Pillsbury, Madison, (Sutro, CA)

Swil, Roy Anthony






South Africa/Johannesburg


Management Accountant; Exec Asst to Managing Dir, First National City Bank Ltd (South Africa, Johannesburg)

Thompson, Stepehn Eberly Jr.           








Dir, Klah Klahnee Wildlife Sanctuary, OR; Pres 79-, Marmotological Society

Austin, Roy Leslie







Sutherland, Glynis

U.S. Ambassador to Trinidad and Tobago; Associate Professor of Sociology, Justice and African American Studies; 94-98, Dir. Crime, Law and Justice, Department of Sociology, PA State

Birge, Robert Richards 







Schwiebert, Joanne

Asst Prof Chemistry, U CA, Riverside, CA; 2nd Lt, 71 USAF

Brown, Christopher Walworth







Clark, Amy Forbes

Admn Asst to Hon Sam Roberts, Chief Justice Supreme Court of PA; Publishing Trainee 69-70, Time, Inc; Lawyer

Bush, George Walker





Armed Services


Apt 8, 5000 Longmont Dr Houston, TX

Welch, Laura

Pres 2000-, US; Governor 96-2000, TX; Investor Texas Rangers; Pres, Harken Energy; CEO Bush Exploration Co; Lt Pilot  68-74, Texas Air Natl Guard

Cohen, Kenneth Saul







Albert, Patricia Ann

Dentist, Private practice; Faculty Emory U; VP, US Dial Corp, PSA, Inc; Mbr Br Dir 78-, Alliance Theatre Co

Cowdry, Rex William








Associate Director of the White House’s National Economic Council; 76, US Public Health Service; Assoc Clinical Dir, Intramural Research Program, NIMH, MD; Assoc Clinical Prof Georgetown U

Etra, Donald.






NY/Columbia Law Sch


Lawyer 95, Donald Etra; Assoc 81, Sidley & Austin; Asst US Attny 78-81, DOJ (LA); Assoc 71-73, Ralph Nader (DC); U.S. Attorney 73-77, Dept of Justice; Dir, RTA; 72-75 Pres 70-72, Dear Island Club

Gallico, G.Gregory III







Levine, Ellen Biggs Polly

Surgeon, MA General Hosp; Asst Prof 80, Harvard Med Sch

Guthrie, Robert Karle III






West Germany/VA

Mellewigt, Marion Adelheid

 U of Regensberg, West Germany

Kolar, Bruton Ward (Britt)







McMahan, Margaret Louisa

Family Physician; LT, USN, attached to US Embassy, Nicosia, Cyrpus; US Naval Intelligence

McCallum, Robert Davis Jr.







Weems, Mary Rankin

Associate Attorney General, Assistant Attorney General Civil Division; Ptnr, Alston & Bird (GA)

Saleh, Muhammad Ahmed







Soderstron, Mary

VP Timex Corporation, CT; Group Pension Dept, CT General Life Ins Co, Hartford; Adjunct Faculty, Poly Sci Dept U Hartford;

Schmidt, Thomas Carl







Beaumont, Deborah Caroline

Owner, Management of Montana; Spec 5 68-70, Army

Schollander, Donald Arthur







Stark, Penny Susan

Pres North Shore Development Corp (OR); Dir, Student Employment, Financial Aids Lewis & Clark College (Portland); Institutional Sales, Eastman Zdillon Securities; 67-68 w/USMC; Olympian

Thorne, Brinkley Stimpson







Cox, Marie

Ptnr, Metcalf & Thorne, Mgr Thorne Market (MA)

Arras, Robert Edward Jr.







Koehler, Ann  

Gen Mgr, Far East Molasses Corp, Philippines

Bouscaren, Michael Frederic  







Clark, Edith

VP, Mngr, Putnam Management Co, (Boston); Dir 74-75, RTA;  Lt jg, USNR (Canal Zone)

Buck, Charles Henry III







Ezell, Cheryl Lynn

Businees Dir; Teaching Asst Music Dept UC Berkley;

Cosgrove, Thomas Francis Jr.







Hinton, Wenedllyn

Exec Search consultant, The Cosgrove Co, (CT); Asst VP for Staffing 80-82, Hartford Insurance Group; 73-78, Aetna Life & Casualty

Demaree, Frank Edward II 









Dowling, Brian J. 







Lampert, Betsy

Quarteback, Boston Patriots

Fuller, Henry W.







Rivinus, Judith

Boatyard Operator (Nova Scotia); Gradute work, London School of Economics

Livingston II, Richard H.B.







Dubben, Elizabeth

VP, Treas, Admiral Shipping Services, Inc (FL); Treas 77-79, Lorentzen Shipping Agency (FL);  Skaarup Shipping Corp (NYC)

Madden, Bernard Patrick







Whitlock, Deborah Russell

Marketing Dir, VP, First Bancorp, Inc (CT); Mbr 77-79, CT State Senate; 71-72w/ Woodbridge Bank & Trust Co; 73-75 w/First New Haven Ntnl Bank; High school teacher

Miller, Wentworth Earl 






NJ, Montclair

Palm, Joy Marie

Asst US Attny 80-82, Eastern Dist NY; Asst DA 77-80, Kings Co, Brooklyn; 70, Rhodes Scholar

O'Leary, John Joseph Jr.







Cepeda, Patricia

Ptnr, Pierce, Atwood, Scribner, Allen, Smith & Lancaster (ME); Mayor 80-81 (Portland, ME); Mellon Fellow literature, Clare College, Cambridge, England

Schwarzman, Stephen Allen.







Philips, Ellen

Managing Director, Lehman Brothers Kuhn Loeb, Inc (NYC); Financial Analyst 69-70, Donald, Lufkin & Jenrette, Inc (NYC); National Guard

Selander, Duane Arthur







Zorna, Audrey Marie

The Continental Insurance Co (NJ); Supervisor Southland Corp (Denver); Cprl 62-65, USMC

Thompson, William McIlwaine Jr.







Wilson, Elsie Dunn

Lawyer (TX); VP, Founder, Dir 74-80, Guardian Oil Co; 72-76 w/Christian, Barton, Epps, Brent & Chappell (VA)

Woodlock, Douglas Preston







Powers, Patricia Mathilde

U.S. Federal District Judge 86-  (MA); Asst US Attny, 79-83 (New England Organized Crime Strike Force, MA); Instr 81-82, Harvard Law School; Lawyer 76-79, Goodwin, Procter & Hoar (MA); Staff 73-75, US SEC; Newspaperman 69-73, Chicago Sun-Times (IL, DC)

Brown, William Scott








Publications Editor, U MT; Copy Editor 71, New Haven Journal Courier; Exec Dir 73-74, RTA, Resident Patriarch 77, RTA

Case, Philip Benham Jr.        








Pres, Southeast Ohio Oil & Gas Assn

Downing, Earl S. III             






CA,Santa Cruz


Pres, Downing & Associates (Solar Heating)

Eyre, Lawrence L.








Dept of Religious Studies, U VA; Dean of Faculty, Maharishi International U School, (IA); Teacher 76,  Transcendental Meditation; Yale Alumni Bd; Editor, RTA Catalogue

Friedland, Johnathan David






Jerusalem, Israel

Feinstein, Paula Ruth

Attny, S Freidman & Co (Israel)

Greenberg, Stephen David              







Katz, Myrna

Attny, Manatt, Phelps, Rothenberg & Tunney, CA; Pro Basebal 70-74, Texas Rangers

Hodes, Douglas Michael




Insurance, Finance




VP, Actuarial Asst Met Life (NYC)

Jackson, Terrence John   








Coal Sales Mgr, Phillips coal Co, TX; 75-81 w/Consolidation Coal Co; History Teacher, Football coach, Woodmere Academy (Woodmere, NY)

Miller, Thomas Clairborne








Exec VP, Bankers Finance Investment Management Corp (VA); Trust Dept, Riggs Ntnl Bank (DC)

Morgan, Robert McNair  








Lawyer, Covington & Burling (DC); 1st Lt 70-72, AUS, Vietnam

Ohene-Frempong, Kwaku           








Pediatric Hematologist, Tulane U, School of Medicine

Peters, Daniel James                







Kolodny, Annette

Mbr, 70-72 Vietnam Resistance Brigade

Scattergood, Thomas Bevan








Germantown Friends Schhol, PA; English Teacher, Moses Brown School

Thompson, Jonathan Penfield








Engineer, Sales Mgr, Fairchild Automated Parts, Inc, CT; Pres, 80-83, Sec 78-80 Deer Island Club Corp; Sec 80-83 GD Miller Corp

Trower, C. Christopher








Ptnr, Brown, Todd & Heyburn (KY); Spec Asst to Dir 71-73, KY Crime Commission; Rhodes Scholar, Oxford

Babst, James Anthony







Wegmann, Cynthia Anne

Ptnr, Chaffe, McCall, Phillips, Toler & Sarpy, LA

Bryan, James Taylor







Kyser, Carroll Amanda

Attny, Cooper, Williams & Bryan

Ekfelt, Richard (Dick) Henry








Investment Advisor (Oi & Gas); Private Practice 76-82, (DC); Law Clerk 74-76, WV Supreme Court of Appeals

Feinerman, James Vincent 








Assoc, Davis, Polk & Wardwell; Fullbright Lecturer in Law  82-83, Peking U; Undergrad Admission Office 71-73, Mbr 74-75 Bd of Govenors, Yale U; Staff 71-73, Yale-in-China

Fortgang, Jeffrey








Clinical Psychologist, Bay Colony Health Services

Galvin, Michael Gerard  








Head, Galvin Advertising

Halpin, Thomas Michael









Hernandez, Carols Arturo   








Physician, Columbia

Inman, Robert Davies








Physician, Ont, Canada; Asst Prof Medicine Cornell U  (NY)

Johnson, Wilbur John  Jr.









Kosturko, William Theodore 








Sr VP, Counsel, Society for Savings, CT; Assoc 74-79, Day, Berry & Howard

Levin, Charles Herbert









Morgan, James Wallace







Frazee, Mary Louise

Superintendent (Pocantico Hills, NY); Teacher (CT, NY)

Noyes, Edward MacArthur 








Physician (Sunrise Hosp, NV)

Taft, Thomas Prindle








School Teacher, Carpenter

Cangelosi, Russell Joseph









Clark, Douglas Wells








Cnsltng Engineer 82- , Principal engineer 80-82 , Digital Equipment Corp; Mbr 76-80, Research Staff, Xerox, Palo Alto

Csar, Michael F.








Attny, Wilson & McIlvaine, (IL)

Evans, Peter Seelye









Fisher, Scott B.  








Gen Mgr, Employee Relations, Petroleum Information Corp, (CO)

Lewis, Mark Sanders         








Ptnr, Island Technologies

Lutz, Karl Evan 








Ptnr, Kirkland & Ellis (IL)

MacDonald, Richard Joesph II       






Canada, Ont, Rexdale



McLaren, Michael Glenn








Ptnr, Thomason, Hendrix & Harvey (TN); Pres, Treas, Sec, Deer Island Club Corp

Moyer, Douglas Richard  








Builder/woodworker; Ptnr Mendocino Recording Co (CA)

Ritterbush, Stephen Grover Jr.         









Sauber, Richard Alan








Attny, Chief, Defense Procurement Fraud Unit, DOJ (DC)

Walden, Robert Stewart









Wilson, Zebuon Vance








Sr Dir 79-83, Independent Educational Services; Principal 77-79, Teacher 74-79, The Lovett School

Ziegler, Stan Warren








Clinical Psychologists

Barasch, Alan Sidney







Welner, Renee

80-83, Payne Whitney Clinic

Bellis,  Tedric Lawrence








Pres, Sea Hawk Transfer, Inc; Ptnr, Sierra Associates, NY

Finney, C. Roger









Green, Benjamin P. 









Highfill, Philip Henry III             








Free-Lance Pianist; Mbr, 74 Santa Fe Opera

Huey, Mark Christopher        








Instructor English, Monoroe Community College, (NY)

Karageorge, James Louis








Freelance Commercial Photographer

Liles, Coit Redfearn








Legislative Asst 75-80, Hon WG Hefner; Staff Aide  73-74, Hon Sam J Ervin; Dir, Deer Island Club Corp

Lonsdorf, David B.









MacDonald, Stephen Joseph 








Lawyer, Assoc, Smith Lyons, Torrance, Stevenson & Mayer

Mattlin, Fred Walter








Ptnr, Ross & Hardies (FL)

McPhee, Stephen Joseph        








Asst Prof, Medicine, U CA (SF, CA)

Moore, David Clement        








Mgr, Schumberger Investment Service BV, Netherlands

Scott, William Iain                  








Lawyer, w/Tilley, Carson & Findlay, Canada, Toronto; Caretaker, 75-76, Treas, RTA, Inc

Sulzer, James Sothern








Writer/Teacher, Nantucket Chamber Music Center (MA); Project Mgr 77-82,  WGBH-TV (MA)

Ayeroff, Frederick Charles







Szydlo, Dr Lillian


Barge, Richard Mason







Rosengarten, Lynn

Attny, Fisher & Phillips; Sgt E-5 67-70, Army Intelligence

Bellis, Jon Michael







Barry, Kathryn

79-81 Y Psychiatric Inst; Spec Educ, 75-78 Hopkins Grammer School

Bisaro, Larry R.






Canada, BC


Chartered Accounting

Cohen, Robert Lewis








Owner, Wingstar Film Productions, Inc; writer, producer 75-76, Tele-Tactics, Inc

Connors, David Michael      








Attny LeBouef, Lamb, Leiby & MacRae, (UT); Missionary 74-76, LDS Italy

Diamond, Peter C.








Dir, Oylmpic Planning, ABC; Assoc Producer 77-80, Olympics Research NBC; Oylmpics Researcher 74-76, ABC

Doyle, Thomas James Jr.              








Asst VP, International Bond Ratings, Standard & Poor's

Eisenberg, Bruce Alan








Attny, Cohen, Snyder, McCellan, Eisenberg & Katzenberg

Gonzalez, Timoteo F. 









Kelly, Brian Christopher








Of Counsel, Ptnr 53-82, Brooks, Kelly & Barron (NV)

Lewis, George Emanuel       








Anthony Braxton Quartet; Count Basie Orchestra

Murchison, Brian Cameron  






Asst Prof of Law, Washington & Lee U, School of Law; 74-76 Peace Corps, West Africa


95 w/ACUS-USIA Rule of Law in Africa Program, Ghana; Prof 90, Law, Washington and Lee U; Prof  Law, Director 91-94, Frances Lewis Law Center; Assistant Prof 82-86, Assoc Prof 86-90, Prof 90-91, Law; Assoc, Hamel, Park, McCabe and Saunders (Washington, DC); Peace Corps 74-76 (Benin, West Africa)

Spear, Wesley John









Thorne, Charles Hedges McKinstry       








Chief 92, Plastic Surgery Service, Bellevue Hospital; Director 89-98, Plastic Surgery Residency Program, N.Y.U. Medical Center; Program Director 98-, Aesthetic Surgery Fellowship, Manhattan Eye, Ear and Throat Hospital

Ashenfelter, Alan Thompson








Physician, Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, FL

Bender, Kenneth Arthur







Ruiz, Leticia Cruz

Marketing Mgr, Mexico, Central Am, Caribbean, RBC Trade Finance, Inc, NYC

Buckley, Christopher Taylor








Mnging Editor, Roving Editor, Esquire Magazine; Chief Speechwriter 81-83 , VP of US;

Burke, James Eugene III                    







Rouse, Judith

Attorney, Keating, Muething & Klekamp, OH; 78-81, Taft, Stettinius & Hollister

English, William Deshay Jr.           








1st Lt 69-72, AUS Intelligence, Vietnam

Gaines, Edwin Frank









Green, Rudolph          









Kanehl, Phillip Edwin









MacKenzie, Kenneth Malcolm









Reigeluth, Douglas Scott








Deputy Mgr, Brown Brothers Harriman & Co (NY)

Saffen, David     









Struzzi, Thomas Allen 








Marketing Mgr, TWA (NY); Internat'l Marketing Mgr 81-82, TWA (London)

Wald, Stephen George       








Talmudist/Theologian, Doctoral Candidate, Hebrew U of Jerusalem

Zorthian, Gregory Jannig








New Business Mgr, Circulation, Fortune Magazine, Time Inc ( NYC); Legislative Aide, US  Rep Jonathan Bingham; Dir, Deer Island Corp

Blattner, Robert William









Brubaker, John Kim







Richter, Elizabeth B

Mngr, Southern New England Southwestern Co

Capozzalo, Douglas Daniel   









Casscells, Christopher Dyson








Resident Physician, Yale-New Haven Hosp

Childs, Starling Winston    








Asst Prof 81-82, Biology, U Hartford; 81- CT Forest & Parks Assn; 76-77, New Zealand Forest Service; Dir 79-82, RTA

Davies, Philip Turner









Fort, Donald Kenneth









Gates, Edward Raymond                    1976









Gibson, Richard Channing Jr.            




Literary Work





Hart, Dennis Charles








Lawyer, Testa, Hurwitz & Thibeault (MA)

Leverett, Miles Watson 








Songwriter/Singer, On Company (NYC)

Mehta, Arjay Singh             








Indian Railway Traffic Services

Morgenstern, Marc Jaime








Exec Producer, KNXT News (LA, CA)

Oler, Clark Kimberly Jr.









Williams, Darryl L.   









Blakely, Marvin








Law Clerk, Contra Costa Cnty, DA Office; Bd Governors, Hasting College of Law

Brubaker, James Robert







Anderson, Nancy

Asst VP, Citicorp; Club agent 77-, RTA

Cooper, Carnell








Surgery, U MN

Fredericks, Joel Richard









Goldberg, Richard Julius   








Sales Consultant, Elcomp Systems (PA)

Grayson, William Cabell, Jr. 








Sales Mgr, Asst VP, Coldwell Banker Real Estate Services

Kee, Christopher Andrew









Lalley, Patrick William









Lawler, Quentin John   








Account Exec, Paine, Webber Mitchell & Hutchins (CT)

Newman, Thomas Montgomery 









Perry, David Bulkey









Rimar, Stephen III








Pediatrics, Yale-New Haven Hosp

Schlesinger, Daniel Adam








Harvard Law

Scott, Larry Glenn









Tom Chan Bruce III   








VP, Chinese Trading, Chinese Noodle Co, Man Chena Corp (IL)

Albritton, Paul Berem








Assoc Graham & James, CA

Baran, Mark R.








Financial Planner, Executive Planning Associates

Bassi, Keith Alan







Lucas, Paula J

Attny, Bassi & Rega, PA

Clark, J. Bruce 









Gile, Lawrence Maclester  








Columbia, Grad School of Business; Insurance Broker, Alexander & Alexander, Inc (NY); Dir, RTA

Holmes, Peter Samuel     








Law Student

Hook, Noble









Karp, Benjamin C









Marinelli, David Leonard                









Owens, Samuel L.









Piel, Geoffrey D.









Rizzo, Robert John








Surgeon, Brigham & Women's Hosp (MA); Dir, RTA

Roy, John Marcus 






Puerto Rico


Admin Dir, The International Chamber Arts Series, Inc, PR

Sullivan, Charles S.









Turner, Elvin D.









Brown, Robert Nelson








Actor, Monty Silver Agency

Edozien, Anthony O.









Fore, John Arthur    








Dir 77-79, Yale Co-op Corp

Holmbee, Jeffrey Arthur   








Medical School

Lorenson, David Harold








Engineer, Cumming North Atlantic, Inc (MA)

McNally, Edward E.




Law, Government




Sr. Assoc. Counsel, President; General Counsel, Office of Homeland Security; Spec Asst to the Asst Attny Gen, US Dept of Justice, (DC); Dir 83-, Govenors Project on Organized Crime & Narcotics Trafficking; Press Aide 81-, Office of VP, US 

Moses, Jack Thomas








Stanfrod Grad School; Assoc Consultant 80-82, Data Resources, Inc

Nondorf, Kurt D.    









O'Brien, Donald Patrick








Lawyer, Wood, Cambell, Moody & Gibbs (TX)

Peters, Eric Brooks 









Skrovan, Stephen Thomas 








Stand-up Comedian

Stevenson, Charles P.








TV News, KGTV (CA)

Westerfield, Richard H.









Wilson, Daniel Richard 








Psychiatry Resident, McLean Hosp (MA)

Yent, James B. Jr.               









Austin, Samuel Monroe









Chibundu, Maxwell O.                









Davenport, George Leovy








Petroleum Geologist, Bolyard Oil & Gas, (CO)

DeVore, Mark Samuel








MD, U of Cincinnati Med School

Dilworth, George Toby








Spec Asst, US Senator Paul Tsongas

Fleming, Andrew T.









Hatem, John J. 









Kagan, Robert William








Asst editor 80-81, The Public Interest

Lawrence, Gary Martin        






Canada, Ontario



Mulhern, Daniel Kevin




Social work




Pres, Coalition on Human Dignity; Dir 81-83, The Center (New Orleans)

Peters, Elliot Remsen                  









Stevens, Eric Eugene                       1980








Washington U Medical School (MO)

Teig, Joseph Benjamin 








Singer, Actor; Rooms Controller 81, Marriot Corp

Tumpane, Timothy Michael   








Production Planner, Quaker Oats Co (IA)

Zigerelli, Lawrence John         








Asst Brand Mgr, Marketing, Procter & Gamble (OH)

Bullock, Stanton B.








East Hampton Town Councilman

Campbell, Kimberly C.









Carlsson, Mats Erik








Travel Guide, Italy

Choa, Christopher James       








Architect 82-, David Paul Helpern & Associates, NYC; Designer 81-82, Leigh & Orange, Hong Kong; Designer 82-, Contractor Russell Restoration Corp

Conway, Joseph Leo Jr.








Securities Option Arbitrageur, Mabon, Nugent & Co, NYC

Grandine, Thomas Allan  









Novosel, David Gerard   









O'Keefe, Regis James         









Peters, Kenneth Graham









Peterson, Paul Clifford      









Russell, Richard George









Staven, Karl Eric 








Psychodrama Intern, ST Elizabeths (DC)

Stratton, Daniel James









Tingey, Douglas Stuart








Sales Rep, Xerox

Troy, Alexander               








Harvard Law School

Bass, James Edward









Breslau, Jonathan









Burkus, Gregory James           









Campbell, Gavin Elliott             








Analyst, Internation Trade section Div, IL Dept of Agriculture

Devlin, Michael William






Hong Kong


English Lecturer, Chinese U, (Hong Kong)

Leone, Frederick Anthony        









McAfee, William Andrew               








City Editor, Black River Tribune (VT); Features Editor, North Country News

Meyers, Bryan Fitch      








Medical Student, USN

Murchison, Robert W.                  









Rachlin, David Isaiah      









Reid, Jasper  








VP, Transeastern, Inc; VP, Plenux International Corp; Consultantng Editor, Global Digest, Inc (NY)

Salzman, Mark Joseph     








Teacher English, Yale-in-China, Hunan, PRC

Sanhago, Eddie









Towers, Jonathan David








Writer, Editor, Copy, Satellite News, Group W Satellite Communications (CT)

Wright, William Henry II               








Mergers & Acquistions, Morgan & Stanley & Co, Inc (NYC); Head Page 77-78, Republican Cloakroom, US House of Rep

Yang, James Ting-Yeh








Yale Law School

Abrams, Peter Mark









Brooks, Peter Moody









Cerveris, Michael Ernest    









Franklin, Richard David









Gale, Frederick Scott              









Kafoglis, Christian Nicholas









Kaushal, Shalesh









Montesano, Michael John III 









Nichols, William Allen









Noel, Christopher                  









Pinela, Carlos           









Sharp,  Jonathan Douglas         









Sheffield, John Van Loon  









Wagner, Victor Edmond









Andrie, Paul James









Coggins, Daniel Seton  









Crawley, Brian Scott









Davison, Henry Pomeroy









Graves, Earl Gilbert Jr.             








President, Black Enterprise magazine

Henston, Douglas Robert









Herskovits, David Nathaniel   









Jung, Michael David









Kahle, Jeffrey Lewis









Lampert, Edward Scott








ESL Investments Inc -Owns Sears and K-Mart (article at http://mind.ctrl.org/cgi-bin/forum/ikonboard.cgi?s=8b3ddbdb47781f8c66f25d330886ca01;act=ST;f=6;t=23)

Litt, David Geoffrey 









Skibell, Steven Alan        









Urquijo, Conzalo       









Weinstein, Adam     









Wiseman, David Batshaw








Attorney, Justice Department, Civil Division

Boasberg, James Emanuel








Associate Judge, Superior Court of the District of Columbia

Carlin, William John Carr JR









Chandrasekhar, Ashok Jai









Frankel, Scott David






OH/Pepper Pike



Grossman, Jay Alan









Kwok, Wei-Tai









Lindy, Peter Barnes









Misner, Timothy Charles






MD/Silver Springs



Mnu Chin Steven Terner









Petela, James Gerard









Powers, Richard Hart









Smock, Morgan Robert






MN/New Hope



Taft, Horace Dutton









Thomson, Gregory Allan









Walsh, Kevin Sanchez






NY/Pelham Manor



Boasberg, Thomas Alexander









Budill, Edward McRae









Chittenden, John Sisson






NY, Brookly



Crotty, Sean Patrick






ME, Kennebunkport



Dodge, William Sickels






CA/ San Anselmo



Gottheim, Joshua Chess






NY. Johnson City



Havas, Steffan Thayer






NV/ Reno



Hilliard, Jeffrey






PA/ Stroudsbourg



Kline, David Franklin






ND, Fargo



Meyer, Tory Austin






NY, Chappaqua



Quamina, Alvan Vincent George









Reeves, William Huntington






VA, Richmond



Schillinger, Edward Alexander






NY, Mt Kisco



Strong, Thomas Joseph









Walton, Reginald Keith








Sec 1896- Columbia U; Sr Advsr to Undersecretary of US Dept of Treas for Enforcement

Cheeks, George Arthur






OH/ University Heights



Dudley, Andrew Jenkins






IL/Oak Park



Ewing, Dino Bartlett









Guettel, Adam Arthur









Jeffries, Christopher Warden






CT/New Canaan



Keck, David Alderson









Loveyjoy, John Cooper









Millard, Hugh









Moscoso, Ricardo









Nguyen, Linh Cuu









Shapiro, Michael David









Sylvain, John Stanislaus Henry, II






NH/Hampton Falls



Wheeler, Kenneth Edward






NY/Springfield Gardens



Wishnie, Michael Joel






MA/ Newton



Yoder, Paul Justin






CA/Elk Grove










































































































































Agha, Sohail









Alicea, Noel






NJ/ Newark



Ashby, Arlan Marcus Caine






NY/ Edison



Cervepis, Todd Christopher






NC/ Durham



Cornwell, Michael James









Fisher, Whitney Charles









Giamatti, Paul Edwards Valentine









Haas, James Andrew









Korn, Daniel






NY/Fresh Meadows



Lawerence, Glover Harold









O'Brien, Edward Orestes






NY/St. James



Puchtler, Joel Scobie






NH/ Barrington



Ryan, Michael David






NY/Staten Island



Walsh, Michael Francis









Williams, Derrick Maurice









Abrams, Lawrence Dewyatt









Aibel, Matthew Benjamin









Allara, Willis Chapman









Arndt, Willis Chapman, Jr.






CT/Old Lyme



Cohen, Andrew Jay









Figueroa, Richard









Gajdusek, Karl Lawrence






CA/Corte Madera



Hajanal, Zoltan Lloyd






Canda/Whiteshore Place



Liu, Eric P.






NY/Wappingers Falls



Milbank, Dana Timothy









Nondorf, James Gregory Robert









Pike, Stephen Langdon









Reed, Mark Armstead









Sellars, Reginald Bryant









Wertheim, John Vincent






NM/Santa Fe



Alston, Jonathan Adriel






NJ/ Newark



Battle, Marell Eston









Campbell, Cecil Dean Clarke






MD/Silver Spirings



Delevett, Peter Christian, II









Estep. Bryon Stearns









Goolsbee, Austan Dean









Johnson, Terrell Gordon






MA/ Mendon



Jones, Benjamin Silliman









Keaveney, Kevin Michael






CO/CO springs



Passoja, Erik Allen









Schwimmer, David Adam









Stracks, John Steven









Vasquez, Wilfredo









Webster, Douglas Clifford









Worth, John Harold









Abdul, Makunda









Bernstein, Daniel Jeremy









Davis, Marco Antonio Enrique Castaneda






NY/Mt. Vernon



Gitchell, Joseph Graham






IA, Ames



Gray, David Edman






OH, Dayton



Kirchman, Dana









Kouri, Christopher Henry









O'Buachalla, Ciaran Padraig









Romain, Alex









Sharkey, Catherine Moira









So, Lilly Yang






NY/Rye Brook



Stanley, Elizabeth Ahylyn









Strain, Christian Raymond






France/ Chatou





















Boren, Carrie Christine









Colavito, Peter Nicholas









Gonzales, Oscar Reynaldo






Honduras, Puerto Cortes



Lehman, Ann Louise









Ngo, Karen Ka-Kei









Park, Chan









Peters, Gregory Kent









Pihl, Tina









Rothman, Adam









Ruff, Tayna Renee









Sheronas, David Anthony









Skidmore, Robert Riley









Taylor, Camilla Bronwen






OH/Cleve;and Heights



Vishio, Eva Patrice









Whyte, Paul Andrew









Breyer, Nell Beryl









Clark, Philip









Gilhool, Nicholas Kane









Grennan, Kate






NY/Jersey City



Hess, Mignon Page









Lee, Simon Craddock









Leonhardt, David René









Lieberman, Aaron Oscar Lewis









Martinson, Haldan






CA/Santa Monica



Perry, Imani Nia Chiara









Rocha, Alina Merceds









Saunders, John Kenneth









Singley, M'Balia Kafi






PA/Melrose Park



Warnick, Angela Lee









Waterman, Shana Christie









Dacosta, Michelle Marcia









Emerson, Geoffrey Guy









Grunstein, Yoav









Hadayia, Jennifer Marie









Joo, Sonya Yunee






NJ/Berkley Heights



Martin, Donald Washington






VA/Rural Retreat



Martinez, Enrique






CA/Union City



Mellish, Daniel Joseph






IL/Downers Grove



Nelson, Emily









Phan, Anh Ngoc






CA/San Jose



Poole, Yusef









Rivera, Aimee









Rosenbaum, Judith









Shiffman, Daniel Thomas









Wagner, Janna Marie









Crane, Monica Kim






MO/St. Louis



Flores, Israel









Guckenberger, Virginia Walker









Hahn, Albert Sanghyup









Jackson, Kwame Addae






CA/Santa Barbara



Krishnamurthy, Preethi









Malvestutto, Carlos Diego









Mazurkiewicz, Tony






IN/Crown Point



Norton, Nadjwa Effat Laila









Oda, Jonathan Francis Tadashi









Okpokwasili, Okwuchukwu Addania









Oppenheimer, Mark Edward








writer w/ Hartford Courant, NY Times BookReview, The New Yorker, Slate, Playboy Magazine

Pipersburgh, Denise Joan









Taylor, Clinton Watson









Weintraub, Rebecca Lynn






NY/White Plains



Arputhasamy, Paula









Das, Sarba









Estrada, Francisco Javier









Farhadian, Tali Farimah






NJ/ Englewood Cliffs



Johnston, Michael Christopher Cox









Klein, Jonathan Adam









Obioha, Nkechinyere Lovena









Park, Hyun






Spain/Los Palmas



Reeder, Gary Lacy, II









Selzer, Robert Jackson









Shakman, Matthew Joseph









Sims, Patrick James









Sweet, David McIntyre






PA/St. Davids



Whaley, Darcy Anne






WA/Federal Way



Yoon, Jane






NJ/river Vale



Bain, Regina






FL/rivera Beach



Choo, Michael Youngjun






MA/Cambridge Korea



Feigelson, Joshua Meir






MI/Ann Arbor -- CT/NH


asst. to the Pres, AMS Planing & Research

Fromm, Blanca Monica Nele









Gastic, Blue (Billie)









Gilbert, Laura Elaine









Herskovits, Adrianna Zara









Hunterton, Gaberiel Sargent






NV/Las Vegas



Hoo, Robert George









Knable, Miles Andrew









Kronman, Matthew Pattersom









Min, Hae-Won









Pan, Christopher








Acting Dir, Asian American Cultural Ctr

Wilson, Isaiah, II









Williams, Lorelei








Analyst, Andersen Consulting

Abbot, Frances Reyburn (Frankie)









Auh, Eugene









Benton, Scott Richard






IL, West Dundee



Eisenstadt, Leora F.






NY/White Plains



Falcon, Angel Luis, Jr.






NJ/South Hackensack



Fromm, Juliette Erica









Gonzalez-Altamirano, Julio









Lee, Earl Andrew









McBride, Webster Dean






MD/Checy Chase



Medard, Wilodene Anastasia-Marie









Murphy, Maiya Jane









Petit, Charles J.









Raborar, Farrah Ann









Rashid, Tauheedah









Scott, Shannon









Anderson, Dargie









Berrelez, Manuel









Blake, Benjamin









Borghese, Luca









Charles, Anana









Denit, Kelly









Heikkila, Jennifer









Hirway, Hrishikesh









Hongo, Andrew









Johnson, Ayanna









Kirowski, John









Lester, Sara









Mizrahi, Celine









Renan, Daphna









Walker, Christopher









Amaez, Daniel






NY/Yorktown Heights



Barret, Annie Rachel









Boone, Louvonia









Cavaco, Isaiah









Duncan, Mark MacKenzie






CA/Santa Ynez



Gahan, Kimberly Ann









Harris, Melanie






NY/New Rochelle



Maserati, Sarah Anne






CA/Palo Alto



Mazza, Peter









Nam, Steve Taek









Popper, Lauren Jane









Proper, Scott Bradley









Reyes, Patrick









Sandy, Akobe









Slade David









Austin, Scott Alan






NJ/River Edge



Bair, Caitlin









Banerjee, Bidisha









Bazzle, John Bradley









Gaughen, Patrick Robert









Goldsmith, William Dixon






NC/Old Fort



Herlwig, Paige Lynn






IA/Des Moines



Hudson, Jared McCabe






CT/ New Milford



Im, Jaisohn









Jiminez, Carlos






CA/Baldwin Park



Montgomery, Kenita Trenae









Montoya, Maceo









Penna, Timothy Rick









Premejee, Sharmeen Malik









Ruiz, Sara Elizabeth









Archibong, Ime









Cobbett, Ashley









Feins, Eric









Kelly, E. B.









Lange, Jason









Norris, Graham









Pearce, James









Schraufnagel, Billy








































































Almy, Chad









Ashraf, Sumeyya









Burke, James









Melniker, Sophie









So, Perry









Vitelli, Paul


























































































Carr, Rob









Croffy, Ally









Fairbanks, Eve









Favors, Jeohn









Grimm, Dan









Morales, Derek









Ng, Derek









Schemmer, Katharine









Shamas, Raja









Shanor, Dicky









Smith, Kirby









Sokolow, Eleanor









Tang, Aaron



























Austin, Paige









Babha, Satya









Dalby, Owen









Dyches, Brandon









Edsail, Caroline









Fei, Jessica









Frericks, Anson









Hopkins, A. J.









Mehta, Nazneen









Liebenluft, Jacob









Phan, Don









Raza, Gul









Sarnelli, Crissaris









Shamas, Diala









Members of Snake and Book

snake and bones

A photo of the founders of the Order of book and Snake. Notice the human skull and crossbones.

Members of Skull and Bones 1861

1861 skulls

Seated (left to right): Sextus Shearer and William H. Fuller. Standing (left to right): Robert L. Chamberlain, Simeon E. Baldwin, Hubert S. Brown, Francis E. Kernochan, William E. Park, Ralph O. Williams, Franklin B. Dexter, John Mitchell, Edward R. Sill, Alexander P. Root, Stauford Newell, Tracy Peck, Jr., Anthony Higgnis. From the family of Judge Simeon E. Baldwin.

Members of Skull and Bones 1868

1868 skulls

Seated (left to right): Anson Phelps Tinker and L. Baron Colt. Standing (left to right): [First two are not identified on the verso of the picture.] Thomas Chalmers Sloane, Henry P. Wright, James Kingsley Thacher, Coburn Dewees Berry, Samuel Tweedy, James Coffin, Chauncey Bunce Brewster, William Allison McKinney, Charles Henry Farnam, Edward Jefferson Tytus, [Last individual not identified on the verso of the picture.] Remaining unidentified members were William P. Dixon, John Lewis, and William Curtis Wood.

Members of Skull and Bones 1871

1871 skulls

Seated (left to right): William Kneeland Townsend and Charles Hopkins Clark. Standing (left to right): Howard Mansfield, Herbert Evelyn Kinney, Henry Rutherford Elliot, Frederick Mead, Jr., Watson Robertson Sperry, Frederick Collin, Robert Brinkley Lea, Alfred Bishop Mason, Edwin Forrest Sweet, Wilbert Warren Perry, Thomas Thacher, George Arthur Strong, Charles Daniel Hine.

Members of Skull and Bones 1878

1878 skulls

Members of Skull and Bones 1884

1884 skulls

Seated (left to right): Wilbur F. Booth and A. Parker Wilder. Standing (left to right): George R. Blodgett, Gustave F. Gruener, Ray Tompkins, Harry M. Painter, Thomas G. Lawrance, Paul E. Jenks, Reginald Foster, Maxwell Evarts, Frederic S. Jones, Samuel A. Booth, Henry B. Twombly, and Alexander Lambert. Photograph gift of Henry R. Gruener.



Members of Skull and Bones 1887

1887 skulls

Standing (left to right): John Bennetto, Robert N. Corwin, William H. Cowles, Willard R. Douglass, William L. Thacher, Clinton L. Hare, Alexander B. Coxe, John Rogers, Jr., William B. Kendall, Walter B. Sheppard, Samuel Knight, Oliver G. Jennings. Seated (left to right): John N. Pomeroy, George G. Haven, Jr., William Kent.

Members of Skull and Bones class of 1892

1892 skulls

Yale Bones Class of 1892 seated left to right Ernest Kyle, Hugh Aiken Bayne. Standing left to right Knight Dexter Cheney, Benjamin Lewis Crosby, Clive Day, William Lloyd Kitchel, Henry Solon Graves, Pierre Jay, Howell Cheney, Stanford Newel Morison, Frank Julian Price, Edward Boltwood, [Thomas] Lee McClung, James Wernham Dunsford Ingersoll, James William Husted

Members of Skull and Bones class of 1900

1900 skulls

Seated (left to right):
Frederick Baldwin Adams, Hulbert Taft.
Standing (left to right):
John Morgan Hopkins, Ashley Day Leavatt, Frank Dexter Cheney, Stuart Brown Camp, James Cowan Greenway, Malcolm Douglas, Corliss Esmonde Sullivan, John Walter Cross, Percy Avery Rockefeller, Brace Whitman Paddock, Frederic Winthrop Allen, George Armstrong Lyon.

Members of Skull and Bones class of 1901
1901 skulls

Members of Skull and Bones class of 1904

1904 skulls

Class of  ???? maybe 1873  Skull and Bones

1873 skulls

Skull and Bones Class ????

skulls unknown year

Skull and Bones 1948

1948 skulls



President Bush's cabinet

14 of the 17 policymakers in the picture currently belong to the Council on Foreign Relations (cfr.org).  Two others, Rumsfeld (currently a member of the Trilateral Commission) and Laird, are former members of the CFR.  Of the 17, George W. Bush himself is the only one who has not belonged to the organization, but he is a member of the ‘Skull and Bones’, another of the One World Monopolists’ elite cabal.

Starting on the left:  Former Secretary of Defense Harold Brown, former Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger, former Secretary of State James Baker, former Secretary of State Colin Powell, former Secretary of Defense James Schlesinger, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, Vice President Dick Cheney, President George W. Bush, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, former Secretary of State George Shultz, former Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird, former Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright , former Secretary of State Alexander Haig, former Secretary of Defense Frank Carlucci, former Secretary of Defense William Perry, and former Secretary of Defense William Cohen.

Photograph:  John F. McManus, A Snapshot of CFR Dominance, February 6, 2006, The New American.

H/T - www.stopthenorthamericanunion.com


List of CFR Members

Initial List of Council on Foreign Relations Members that have affiliations with other subversive cults




CFR=Council on Foreign Relations

J=Jewish (very incomplete)

RS=Rhodes Scholar

S&B=Skull and Bones (Yale)

TC=Trilateral Commission


David L. Aaron                           CFR 1996

Charles Spencer. Abbot                   CFR 1996

Wilder K. Abbott                         CFR

A. Robert Abboud                         CFR 1996

Labeeb M. Abboud                         CFR 1996

James C. Abegglen                        CFR 1996

Rawi Abdelal                             CFR

Elie Abel                                CFR 1996

Philip Hauge Abelson                     CFR

Gina Kay Abercrombie-Winstanley          CFR

Robert John Abernethy                    CFR 1996

Mona Aboelnaga                           CFR

Morris Berthod Abram                     CFR/RS

Morton Isaac Abramowitz                  CFR

Elliott Abrams                           CFR 1996

David M. Abshire                         CFR 1996

Odeh Felix Aburdene                      CFR 1996

Dean Gooderham Acheson                   BB/CFR

Theodore C. Achilles                     BB/CFR

Peter Ackerman                           CFR 1996

John F. Ackers                           CFR

Ray Adam                                 CFR

Gordon M. Adams                          CFR 1996

Robert McCormick Adams                   CFR 1996

Ruth Salzman Adams                       CFR

Carol C. Adelman                         CFR 1996

Kenneth L. Adelman                       CFR 1996

Allen R. Adler                           CFR

Herbert Agar                             CFR

William Agee                             CFR

Harold M. Agnew                          CFR 1996

Robert F. Agostinelli                    CFR 1996

Martin Agronsky                          CFR 1996

William Edward Aheam                     CFR

Kamal Ahmad                              CFR

Laura Ahn                                CFR

Woodrow Ahn                              CFR

C. Michael Aho                           CFR

Alfred L. Aiken                          CFR21

Bernard M Aidinoff                       CFR

Nurith Aizenman                          CFR

Fouad Ajami                              CFR

Anthony B. Akers                         CFR

John F. Akers                            CFR

James Elmer Akins                        CFR

Alice Patterson Albright                 CFR

Rene Albrecht-Carrie                     CFR

Madeleine Korbel Albright                CFR/J

Michael H. Alderman                      CFR

George H. Aldrich                        CFR

Winthrop Williams Aldrich                CFR

Archibald S. Alexander                   CFR

Henry C. Alexander                       CFR

James Strange Alexander                  CFR21/S&B 1882

Margo N. Alexander                       CFR

Robert J. Alexander                      CFR

Sarah Elizabeth Alexander                CFR

Roger P. Alford                          CFR

William P Alford                         CFR

Paul Arthur Allaire                      BB/CFR/TC

F. Aley Allan                            CFR

Joe L. Allbritton                        CFR

Charles E. Allen                         CFR

Charles Edward Allen II                  S&B 1958/CFR

F. Aley Allen                            CFR

Frederick Hobbes Allen                   CFR21

Jodi T. Allen                            CFR

Lew Allen Jr (Gen.)                      CFR

Philip E. Allen                          CFR

Raymond B. Allen                         CFR

Richard V. Allen                         CFR

Robert E. Allen                          CFR/TC

James B. Alley                           CFR

Graham Tillety Allison, Jr.              BB/CFR/TC

Richard C. Allison                       CFR

Alexander W. Allport                     CFR

S. C. Allyn                              CFR

Michael Almond                           CFR

Alan N. Alpern                           CFR

Jonathan Alter                           CFR

Karen J. Alter                           CFR

Jon B. Alterman                          CFR

Roger Altman                             CFR

William C. Altman                        CFR

Arthur Goodhart Altschul                 CFR

Frank Altschul                           CFR21  1984-

David Altshuler                          CFR

Donna Maria Alvarado                     CFR

Jose E. Alvarez                          CFR

Amyas Ames                               CFR

Oakes Ames                               CFR

Hoyt Ammidon                             CFR

Robert Amory, Jr.                        CFR

Deborah Susan Amos                       CFR

David A. Andelman                        CFR

Arthur M. Anderson                       CFR

Barbara Ann Anderson                     CFR

Craig B. Anderson                        CFR

Desaix, Anderson                         CFR

Dillon Anderson                          CFR

Edward G. Anderson, III                  CFR

George W. Anderson, Jr.                  CFR

Harold F. Anderson                       CFR

Harold W. Anderson                       CFR

John Bayard Anderson                     CFR/TC

Joseph A. Anderson                       CFR

Lisa Anderson                            CFR

Marcus A. Anderson (Gen.)                CFR

Paul F. Anderson                         CFR

Robert Bruce Anderson                    CFR

Robert Orville Anderson                  BB/CFR

Roger E. Anderson                        CFR

Dwayne Orville Andreas                   BB/CFR/TC

Terry Andreas                            CFR

David R. Andrews                         CFR

John S. Andrews                          CFR

James Waterhouse Angell                  CFR

Manual R. Angulo                         CFR

Manuel R. Angulo                         CFR

Norbert L. Anschuetz                     CFR

M Michael Ansour                         CFR

Robert Anthoine                          CFR

John Duke Anthony                        CFR

David Pushel Apgar                       CFR

Jerry Apodaca                            CFR

Mari Carmen Aponte                       CFR

Kwame Anthony Appiah                     CFR

David Ernest Apter                       CFR

Rand Vincent Araskog                     CFR/TC

Shellye L. Archambeau                    CFR

Tomas A. Arciniega                       CFR

Cresencio S. Arcos                       CFR

Stanley S. Arkin                         CFR

Roone Arledge                            CFR

Michael Hayden Armacost                  BB/CFR/TC

Norman Armour                            CFR

Anne Legendre Armstrong                  CFR

C. Michael Armstrong                     CFR

DeWitt C. Armstrong III                  CFR

Hamilton Fish Armstrong                  CFR21   1928-

John A. Armstrong                        CFR

Willis C. Armstrong                      CFR

Gustavo Arnavat                          CFR

Henry H. Arnhold                         CFR

Millard W. Arnold                        CFR

Michael Aronson                          CFR

Fabiola R. Arredondo                     CFR

Adrienne Arsht                           CFR

Robert J. Art                            CFR

Alberta Arthurs                          CFR

Carole Artigiani                         CFR

Edwin Lewis Artzt                        CFR

Max Ascoli                               CFR

Diego C. Asencio                         CFR

Robert E. Asher                          CFR

Sarah Scott Ashton                       CFR

Ronald D. Asmus                          CFR

Les Aspin                                CFR

Vicki-Ann E. Assevero                    CFR

Harold Pratt Associates                  CFR

George E. Assousa                        CFR

Alfred Leroy Atherton Jr.                CFR

Bama Athreya                             CFR

Sidney Atman                             CFR

William Wallace Atterbury                CFR21

William Attwood                          CFR

J. Brian Atwood                          CFR

M. Genevieve Atwood                      CFR

Henry G. Aubrey                          CFR

James E. Auer                            CFR

Stuart C. Auerbach                       CFR

Norman R. Augustine                      CFR

Bromwell Ault                            CFR

Jesse Huntley Ausubel                    CFR

Josiah Lee Auspitz                       CFR

B. L. Austin                             CFR

Paul Austin                              CFR

Jesse H. Ausubel                         CFR

John F. Avedon                           CFR

John E. Avery                            CFR

Patrick G. Awuah, Jr.                    CFR

Robert M. Axelrod                        CFR

H. Brandt Ayers                          CFR

Khalid Azim                              CFR

Bruce E. Babbitt                         CFR/TC

Eileen F. Babbitt                        CFR

Harriet C. Babbitt                       CFR

C. Stanton Babcock                       CFR

Jules S. Bache                           CFR21

George Backer                            CFR

Robert Low Bacon                         CFR21

Kenneth H. Bacon                         CFR

John Carter Bacot                        CFR

John S. Badeau                           CFR

William B. Bader                         CFR

Donald A. Baer                           CFR

M. Delal Baer                            CFR

Mario L. Baeza                           CFR

Elizabeth Frawley Bagley                 CFR

Charles Waldo Bailey                     CFR

Leslie Elizabeth Bains                   CFR

Charles F. Baird                         CFR

Peter W. Baird                           CFR

Zoe Baird                                CFR

Edgar R. Baker                           CFR

George Barr Baker                        CFR21

George P. Baker                          CFR

Howard H. Baker, Jr.                     CFR

James Edgar Baker                        CFR

James Addison Baker III                  CFR

John R. Baker                            CFR

Nancy Kassebaum Baker                    CFR

Pauline H. Baker                         CFR

Ray Stannard Baker                       CFR21

Stewart A. Baker  (NSA General Counsel)  CFR

Thurbert E. Baker                        CFR

Shaul Bakhash                            CFR

Peter Bakstansky                         CFR

Paul Balaran                             CFR

Malcolm Baldridge                        CFR

David A. Baldwin                         CFR

Hanson W. Baldwin                        CFR

Henry Furlong Baldwin                    CFR

Robert Edwear Baldwin                    CFR

Robert H. B. Baldwin                     CFR

Sherman Baldwin                          CFR

Carter F. Bales                          CFR

Kenneth D. Balick                        CFR

Gerald L. Baliles                        CFR

David George Ball                        S&B 1960/CFR

George Wildman Ball                      BB/CFR

George T. Ballou                         CFR

David Baltimore                          CFR

Harding F. Bancroft                      CFR

Laurence Merrill Band                    CFR

Donald K. Bandler                        CFR

Louis L. Banks                           CFR

Mira Radielovic                          CFR

Benjamin R. Barber                       CFR

Charles F. Barber                        CFR

James Alden Barber, Jr.                  CFR

Joseph Barber                            CFR

Perry O. Barber, Jr.                     CFR

James W. Barco                           CFR

William G. Bardel                        CFR

Teresa C. Barger                         CFR

Thomas C. Barger                         CFR

Frederick C. Barghoorn                   CFR

Joel D. Barkan                           CFR

James M. Barker                          CFR

John P Barker                            CFR

Robert R. Barker                         CFR

Henri J. Barkey                          CFR

Solomon Barkin                           CFR

Erica Jean Barks-Ruggles                 CFR

William E. Barlow                        CFR

William J. Barnds                        CFR

Joseph Fels Barnes                       CFR

Harry G. Barnes Jr.                      CFR

Julius H. Barnes                         CFR21

Michael D. Barnes  (D-Md)                CFR

Richard J. Barnet                        CFR

A. Doak Barnett                          CFR

Edward W. Barnett                        CFR

Frank R. Barnett                         CFR

Robert W. Barnett                        CFR

Vicent M. Barnett, Jr.                   CFR

F. William Barnett                       CFR

Michael S. Barr                          CFR

Robert I. Barr                           CFR21

Thomas D. Barr                           CFR

Harry P. Barrand, Jr.                    CFR

Barbara McConnell Barrett                CFR

Edward W. Barrett                        CFR

John Adams Barrett                       CFR

Nancy Smith Barrett                      CFR

Leland Barrows                           CFR

John L. Barry                            CFR

Lisa B. Barry                            CFR

Thomas Corcoran Barry                    CFR

Jill Barshay                             CFR

Charlene Barshefsky                      CFR

Reginald Bartholomew                     CFR

Joseph W. Bartlett                       CFR

Thomas A. Bartlett                       CFR

Timothy J. Bartlett                      CFR

Robert Leroy Bartley                     BB/CFR/TC

David A. Bartsch                         CFR

Jacques Barzun                           CFR

Albert C. Bashawaty                      CFR

John T. Basek                            CFR

Jeremy B. Bash                           CFR

Adrian Anthony Basora                    CFR

James Edward Bass                        S&B 1982/CFR

Peter E. Bass                            CFR

Robert P. Bass, Jr.                      CFR

Warren Bass                              CFR

Francis Keith Bassolino                  CFR

Whitman Bassow                           CFR

Philip Bastedo                           CFR

William H. Bateman                       CFR

Marston Bates                            CFR

Dana T. Batholomew                       CFR

Allan R. Batkin                          CFR

Francis M. Bator                         CFR

Peter A. Bator                           CFR

Charles Battaglia                        CFR

Lucius D. Battle                         CFR

Joanne R. Bauer                          CFR

Carol Edler Baumann                      CFR

Roger R. Bauman                          CFR

William H. Baumer                        CFR

James P. Baxter III                      CFR

Randolph. Baxter                         CFR

Richard R. Baxter                        CFR

Birch E. Bayh, Jr.                       CFR

Edward Ashley Bayne                      CFR

Gerald F. Beal                           CFR

Jacob D. Beam                            CFR

Atherton Bean                            CFR

Frank D. Bean                            CFR

Ronald S. Beard                          CFR

Richard I. Beattie                       CFR

Amos L. Beaty                            CFR21

Hans W. Becherer                         CFR

Perry S. Bechky                          CFR

Stephen Davison Bechtel, Jr.             CFR

Steven Davison Bechtel                   CFR

Loftus E. Becker                         CFR

Benjamin H. Beckhart                     CFR

David Z. Beckler                         CFR

Pierre Bedard                            CFR

Gregory R. Bedrosian                     CFR

Frederick Sessions Beebe                 BB/CFR

Richard E. Beeman                        CFR

Samuel H. Beer                           CFR

Louis Begley                             CFR

Jack N. Behrman                          CFR

Thomas C. Beierle                        CFR

David O. Beim                            CFR

Nicholas F. Beim                         CFR

William S. Beinecke                      CFR

Ruth Margolies Beitler                   CFR

Robert A. Belfer                         CFR

Burwell B. Bell                          CFR

Daniel W. Bell                           CFR

David Elliot Bell                        BB/CFR

Elliott Vance Bell                       BB/CFR   1953-

Gordon P. Bell                           CFR

Holley Mack Bell                         CFR

J. Bowyer Bell                           CFR

Joseph C. Bell                           CFR

Peter Dexter Bell                        CFR

Robert G. Bell                           CFR

Ruth Greenspan Bell                      CFR

Stephen E. Bell                          CFR

Thomas D. Bell                           CFR

Carol Bellamy                            CFR

John B. Bellinger III                    CFR

Judith Hippler Bello                     CFR

Stephanie K. Bell-Rose                   CFR

Terence H. Benbow                        CFR

Matthew J .V. Bencke                     CFR

Harry J. Benda                           CFR

Gerald J. Bender                         CFR

Bertha Benedict                          CFR

Kennette M. Benedict                     CFR

Esther T. Benjamin                       CFR

Robert S. Benjamin                       CFR

Robert H. Benmosche                      CFR

Douglas J. Bennet Jr.                    CFR

Andrew Bennett                           CFR

Christina Anne Bennett                   CFR

Donald V. Bennett                        CFR

Jack F. Bennett                          CFR

John C. Bennett                          CFR

Martin Toscan Bennett                    CFR

Susan J. Bennett                         CFR

William B. Bennett                       CFR

Nora J. Bensahel                         CFR

Janet Benshoof                           CFR

Lucy Peters Wilson Benson                CFR/TL

William B. Benton                        CFR

Lloyd M. Bentsen, Jr.                    BB/CFR

Tristan E. Beplat                        CFR

Bernard R. Berelson                      CFR

Douglas K. Bereuter                      CFR

Margaret Bergen                          CFR

Peter Bergen                             CFR

Joshua A. Berger                         CFR

Marilyn Berger                           CFR

Morroe Berger                            CFR

Peter Lampert Berger                     CFR

Samuel Richard ("Sandy") Berger          BB/CFR/J

Suzanne Berger                           CFR

Abram Bergson                            CFR

C. Fred Bergsten                         BB/CFR/TC

Helle Bering                             CFR

L. V. Berkner                            CFR

Bruce D. Berkowitz                       CFR

Pamela B. Berkowsky                      CFR

Adolf A. Berle, Jr.                      CFR

Adolf Augustus Berle                     CFR

Howard L. Berman (D-Ca)                  CFR

Jonathan Berman                          CFR

Kenneth W. Bernard                       CFR

John E. Berndt                           CFR

David S. Bernstein                       CFR

Edward M. Bernstein                      CFR

Peter W. Bernstein                       CFR

Robert L. Bernstein                      CFR

Tom A. Bernstein                         CFR

John G. Berquist                         CFR21

Susan Vail Berresford                    CFR/TC

Scott D. Berrie                          CFR

Jan Carol Berris                         CFR

Sidney B. Berry                          CFR

Alan D. Bersin                           CFR

Edward M. Berstein                       CFR

Robert L. Berstein                       CFR

Samuel Reading Bertron                   CFR21/S&B 1885

Gary K. Bertsch                          CFR

Peter Justus Beshar                      CFR

Simon Michael Bessie                     CFR

William A. Best III                      CFR

Theodore C. Bestor                       CFR

Robert M. Bestani                        CFR

Richard K. Betts                         CFR

Thomas J. Betts                          CFR

Austin M. Beutner                        CFR

Herman W. Bevis                          CFR

Jeffrey Bewkes                           CFR

John C. Beyer                            CFR

Kian Beyzavi                             CFR

Raj Bhala                                CFR

Seweryn Bialer                           CFR

Kenneth J. Bialkin                       CFR

Jeffrey P. Bialos                        CFR

Nicole M. Bibbins                        CFR

Jewelle Bickford                         CFR

Barbara Bicksler                         CFR

George C. Biddle                         CFR

Percy W. Bidwell                         CFR

Stephen E. Biegun                        CFR

Eric R. Biel                             CFR

Betsy Biemann                            CFR

Henry S. Bienen                          CFR

Abraham L. Bienstock                     CFR

John C. Bierley                          CFR

David J. Biggs                           CFR

John H. Biggs                            CFR

Peter I. Bijur                           CFR

Richard B. Bilder                        CFR

James H. Billington                      CFR

James D. Bindenagel                      CFR

James Henry Binger                       CFR

Jonathan Brewster Bingham                CFR/S&B 1936

Nicholas Burns Binkley                   CFR

Hans Binnendijk                          CFR

Nancy Birdsall                           CFR

Roger E. Birk                            CFR

John P. Birkelund                        CFR

David E. Birenbaum                       CFR

John P. Birkelund                        CFR

Eugene A. Birnbaum                       CFR

Sanford D. Bishop, Jr.                   CFR

Richard M. Bissell, Jr.                  CFR

Eric C. Bjornlund                        CFR

Cyril E. Black                           CFR

Edwin F. Black                           CFR

Eugene Robert Black                      BB/CFR

Joseph E. Black                          CFR

Peter Black                              CFR

Shirley Temple Black                     CFR

Stanley Warren Black                     CFR

William Blackie                          CFR

Coit Dennis Blacker                      CFR

Donald L. M. Blackmer                    CFR

J. Kenneth Blackwell                     CFR

James A Blackwell Jr.                    CFR

Robert D. Blackwill                      CFR

Norman P. Blake                          CFR

Robert O. Blake                          CFR

Charles P. Blahous III                   CFR

Floyd G. Blair                           CFR

Robert Orris Blake                       CFR

Stephen Blank                            CFR

Andrew Blauvelt                          CFR

Barry M. Blechman                        CFR

Edward Bleier                            CFR

Robert Jay Blendon                       CFR

Alan Stuart Blinder                      CFR

Alan John Blinken                        CFR

Donald M. Blinken                        CFR

C. I. Bliss                              CFR

Bruce Bliven                             CFR21

Julia Chang Bloch                        CFR

Evan Todd Bloom                          CFR

Michael R. Bloomberg                     CFR

Lincoln P. Bloomfield                    CFR

Richard Joseph Bloomfield                CFR

Kathy Finn Bloomgarden                   CFR

Roger M. Blough                          CFR

Roy Blough                               CFR

John A. Blum                             CFR

Richard C. Blum                          CFR

George Blumenthal                        CFR21

Richard Blumenthal                       CFR

Sidney S. Blumenthal                     CFR

Werner Michael Blumenthal                CFR/TC J

Alexander Bernet Blumrosen               CFR

Arthur G. Boardman, Jr.                  CFR

Harry Boardman                           CFR

Daniel E. Bob                            CFR

Philip Chase Bobbitt                     CFR

Louis Boccardi                           CFR

Ken A. Bode                              CFR

Andy Sorin Bodea                         CFR

William C. Bodie                         CFR

Nancy Bodurtha                           CFR

Paul H. Boeker                           CFR

Harold Boeschenstein                     CFR

William W. Boeschenstein                 CFR

Carroll R. Bogert                        CFR

Norbert A. Bogdan                        CFR

Michael D. Boggs                         CFR

Frederick M. Bohen                       CFR

Charles E. Bohlen                        CFR

Mrs. Avis T. Bohlen                      CFR

John Augustus Bohn                       CFR

Landrum R. Bolling                       CFR

Martin J. Bollinger                      CFR

Charles G. Bolte                         CFR

Joshua B. Bolten                         CFR

John R. Bolton                           CFR

William P. Bonbright                     CFR21

George Clement Bond                      CFR

Jean Carey Bond                          CFR

Robert D. Bond                           CFR

Andrea Bonime-Blanc                      CFR

C. H. Bonesteel III                      CFR

Dennis J. Bonney                         CFR

Dudley B. Bonsal                         CFR

Philip W. Bonsal                         CFR

Salih Booker                             CFR

John F. Bookout                          CFR

Howard L. Boorman                        CFR

Max Boot                                 CFR

Carter Booth                             CFR

Albert C. Boothby                        CFR

Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR

David Lyle Boren (D-Ok)                  CFR/S&B

Christopher J. Borgen                    CFR

Ellen Bork                               CFR

Hugh Borton                              CFR

Rudy Boschwitz (R-Mn)                    CFR

Meena Bose                               CFR

Philip A. Bossert Jr.                    CFR

Alfred C. Bossom                         CFR21

Stephen W. Bosworth                      CFR

John C. Botts                            CFR

Peter N. Bouckaert                       CFR

Jo Ivey Boufford                         CFR

Antonina W. Bouis                        CFR

Marshall M. Bouton                       CFR

Denis A. Bovin                           CFR

Vincent E. Bowen III                     CFR

William Gordon Bowen                     CFR

Joseph Lyon Bower                        CFR

John C. Bowers                           CFR

John Z. Bowers                           CFR

Robert Richardson Bowie                  BB/CFR/TC

Chester ("Chet") Bliss Bowles            CFR

Erskine B. Bowles                        CFR

Frank Bowles                             CFR

Frank Lee Bowman                         CFR

Isaiah Bowman                            CFR21  1921-1950

Richard C. Bowman                        CFR

Charles G. Boyd                          CFR

Hugh N. Boyd                             CFR

William M. Boyd II                       CFR

Delia M. Boylan                          CFR

Paul Bracken                             CFR

Richard S. Braddock                      CFR

John Brademas                            BB/CFR/RS/TC

Spruille Braden                          CFR

Thomas W. Braden                         CFR

Richard Bradfield                        CFR

Amory Howe Bradford                      CFR/S&B 1934

Zeb B. Bradford                          CFR

Edward R. Bradley                        CFR

Tom Bradley                              CFR/TC

William ("Bill") Bradley                 CFR/RS

William L. Bradley                       CFR

Sonnefeldt Bradshaw                      CFR

Thorton F. Bradshaw                      CFR/CR

Jacqueline V. Brady                      CFR

Linda Parrish Brady                      CFR

Nicholas Frederick Brady                 BB/CFR

William Gage Brady, Jr.                  CFR

Rose Brady                               CFR

Lawrence J. Brainard                     CFR

S. Lael Brainard                         CFR

Paul J. Braisted                         CFR

David A. Bramlett                        CFR

W. F. Bramstedt                          CFR

Daniel H. Branch                         CFR

Lewis M. Branscomb                       CFR

William H. Branson                       CFR

Marcus W. Brauchli                       CFR

David Braunschvig                        CFR

Carter M. Braxton                        CFR

Aurelia E. Brazeal                       CFR

Henry C. Breck                           CFR

Henry Reynolds Breck                     CFR

Henry Eltinge Breed                      CFR

Eric M. Breindel                         CFR

L. Paul Bremer III                       CFR

Donald G. Brennan                        CFR

Charles H. Brent                         CFR21

George W. Breslauer                      CFR

John J. Bresnan                          CFR

Albert Breton                            CFR21

Gretchen Wilson Brevnov                  CFR

John D. Brewer                           CFR

Kingman Brewster, Jr.                    BB/CFR

Steve G. Breyer                          CFR

Norman Bridge                            CFR21

Everett Ellis Briggs                     CFR

Andrew Felton Brimmer                    CFR

Esther Diane Brimmer                     CFR

Charles M. Brinckerhoff                  CFR

David Brinkley                           CFR

Douglas G. Brinkley                      CFR

George A. Brinkley                       CFR

Crane Brinton                            CFR

William M. Bristol                       CFR

David V.B. Britt                         CFR

Alfred Brittain III                      CFR

Raymond L. Brittenham                    CFR

Robin Broad                              CFR

Harry G. Broadman                        CFR

Mitchell Brock                           CFR

Steven V. Brock                          CFR

William E. Brock III                     CFR/TC

Frederick C. Broda                       CFR

Christopher W. Brody                     CFR

Kenneth D. Brody                         CFR

Elana Broitman                           CFR

Thomas John ("Tom") Brokaw               CFR

Randolph W. Bromery                      CFR

D. Allen Bromley                         CFR

Edgar Miles Bronfman                     CFR

Detlev Wulf Bronk                        CFR

Rachel Bronson                           CFR

Arthur Bronwell                          CFR

Edward W. Brooke                         BB/CFR

Richard Brookhiser                       CFR

Carol L. Brookins                        CFR

Harvey Brooks                            CFR

John W. Brooks                           CFR

Karen B. Brooks                          CFR

Melvin Brorby                            CFR

John A. Bross                            CFR

Charles N. Brower                        CFR

Alice L. Brown                           CFR

Brian A. Brown                           CFR

Carroll Michael Brown                    CFR

Courtney C. Brown                        CFR

Cynthia Brown                            CFR

Elmer E. Brown                           CFR21

Francis Brown                            CFR

Frederic J. Brown                        CFR

Gwendolyn A. Brown                       CFR

Harold Brown                             CFR/TC J

Harrison Scott Brown                     CFR

Irving Brown                             BB/CFR

John Mason Brown                         CFR

Kathleen Brown                           CFR

L. Carl Brown                            CFR

Lester R. Brown                          CFR

Michael Arrington Brown                  CFR

Michael E. Brown                         CFR

Philip Marshall Brown                    CFR21

Phoebe W. Brown                          CFR

Richard P. Brown Jr.                     CFR

Sevellon Brown                           CFR

Seyom Brown                              CFR

Tobias Josef Brown                       CFR

Walter Lyman Brown                       CFR

William O. Brown                         CFR

Robert S. Browne                         CFR

George A. Brownell                       CFR

Lincoln C. Brownell                      CFR

David S. Browning                        CFR

David K. E. Bruce                        BB/CFR

James Bruce                              CFR

Judith Bruce                             CFR

Melissa L. S. Bruemmer                   CFR

Russell J. Bruemmer                      CFR

Percival F. Brundage                     CFR

Gro Harlem Bruntland                     CFR

Henry J. Bruton                          CFR

Greyson L. Bryan                         CFR

Michael E. Bryant                        CFR

Ralph C. Bryant                          CFR

John E. Bryson                           CFR

Ian J. Brzezinski                        CFR

Mark F. Brzezinski                       CFR

Zbigniew Brzezinski                      BB/CFR/TC

Paul W. Bucha                            CFR

Mark E. Buchman                          CFR

William Frank Buckley, Jr.               BB/S&B 1950/CFR

J. Fred Bucy                             CFR

Bruce Bueno de Mesquita                  CFR

Thomas Buergenthal                       CFR

William B. Buffum                        CFR

Arthur Bullard                           CFR21

George Bugliarello                       CFR

John C. Bullitt                          CFR

Hugh Bullock                             CFR

Mary Brown Bullock                       CFR

Ralph Johnson Bunche                     CFR

McGeorge Bundy                           BB/CFR/S&B 1940

William Putman Bundy                     S&B 1939/CFR/B

Arthur H. Bunker                         CFR

Ellsworth Bunker                         CFR

C. Sterling Bunnell                      CFR

John R. Bunting, Jr.                     CFR

Josiah Bunting                           CFR

Jeffrey H. Bunzel                        CFR

Deborah K. Burand                        CFR

David A. Burchinal                       CFR

William A. Burck                         CFR

William Burden                           CFR

William Armestead Moale Burden           CFR  1945-

Carter L. Burgess                        CFR

Geoffrey P. Burgess                      CFR

John A. Burgess                          CFR

W. Randolph Burgess                      BB/CFR

James Eugene Burke III                   CFR/S&B 1975/TC

Holly J. Burkhalter                      CFR

Frederick Burkhardt                      CFR

Edward L. Burlingame                     CFR

Christopher J. Burn                      CFR

John G. Burnett                          CFR

Arthur F. Burns                          CFR/J

James MacGregor Burns                    CFR

Patrick Owen Burns                       CFR

R. Nicholas Burns                        CFR

William F. Burns  (Gen.)                 CFR

William J. Burns  (State Dept.)          CFR

Richard Burt                             CFR

Daniel Farrell Burton Jr.                CFR

Rodgers Christopher Busbee               CFR

Donald F. Bush                           CFR

George Herbert Walker Bush               CFR/S&B 1948/TC

Rolland H. Bushner                       CFR

Donald S. Bussey                         CFR

John Bussey                              CFR

George L. Bustin                         CFR

James Busuttil                           CFR

Willard C. Butcher                       CFR

George Lee Butler (Gen.)                 CFR

William Joseph Butler                    CFR

Samuel C. Butler                         CFR

William F. Butler                        CFR

Benjamin J. Buttenwieser                 CFR/J

W. Walton Butterworth                    CFR

William Butterworth                      CFR21

Richard M. Buxbaum                       CFR

Gail Buyske                              CFR

James MacGregor Byrne                    CFR21

Patrick M. Byrne                         CFR

Robert F. Byrnes                         CFR

Henry A. Byroade                         CFR

Fletcher L. Byrom                        CFR/CR

Richard A. Cabell                        CFR

Elizabeth Cabot                          CFR

John M. Cabot                            CFR

Louis Wellington Cabot                   BB/CFR

Thomas Dudley Cabot                      CFR

Jose A. Cabranes                         CFR

Diane Alleva Caceres                     CFR

Camille M. Caesar                        CFR

Jane Cahill                              CFR

Kevin M. Cahill                          CFR

Anne Hessing Cahn                        CFR

Frank V. Cahouet                         CFR

Charles Cain, Jr.                        CFR

Kenneth L. Cain                          CFR

Dawn T. Calabia                          CFR

Massimo Calabresi                        CFR

Alexander Calder,Jr.                     CFR

Kent Eyring Calder                       CFR

Dan Caldwell                             CFR

Philip Caldwell                          CFR

Robert G. Caldwell                       CFR

Robert J. Caldwell                       CFR21

Alexander D. Calhoun                     CFR

Michael J. Calhoun                       CFR

Joseph A. Califano Jr.                   CFR

Daniel Calingaert                        CFR

Hugh Calkins                             CFR

Thomas M. Callaghy                       CFR

David L. Callahan                        CFR

Robert J. Callander                      CFR

Michael A. Callen                        CFR

David Patrick Calleo                     CFR

D. Wayne Calloway                        CFR

Kevin Callwood                           CFR

Hugh D. Camp                             CFR

Carolyn Margaret Campbell                CFR

Colin Goetze Campbell                    CFR

F. Gregory Campbell                      CFR

H. Donald Campbell                       CFR

John C. Campbell                         CFR

Kurt M. Campbell                         CFR

Thomas J. Campbell                       CFR

W. Glenn Campbell                        CFR

William Campbell                         CFR

Christopher Canavan                      CFR

Cass Canfield                            CFR

Franklin O. Canfield                     CFR

James M. Cannon                          CFR

Jonathan Capehart                        CFR

Juan C. Cappello                         CFR

David A. Caputo                          CFR

Lisa M. Caputo                           CFR

Paul W. Caraway                          CFR

Nestor T. Carbonell                      CFR

Andrew G. Carey                          CFR

Hugh L. Carey                            CFR

John L. Carey                            CFR

Sarah C. Carey                           CFR

William Daniel Carey                     CFR

William F. Carey                         CFR21

Manuel Luis Carlos                       CFR

Scott Alexander Carlson                  CFR

Steven E. Carlson                        CFR

Frank Charles Carlucci III               CFR/TC

William D. Carmichael                    CFR

Albert Carnesale                         CFR

Thomas Carothers                         CFR

Paolo G. Carozza                         CFR

W. Samuel Carpenter III                  CFR

Ted Galen Carpenter                      CFR

John W. Carr                             CFR

Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR

Walter C. Carrington                     CFR

Richard L. Carrion-rexach                CFR

J. Speed Carroll                         CFR

Mitchell B. Carroll                      CFR

Reba Anne Carruth                        CFR

Charles William Carson, Jr.              CFR

Ralph M. Carson                          CFR

Robert Carswell                          CFR

Ashton B. Carter                         CFR

Barry Edward Carter                      CFR

George E. Carter                         CFR

Hodding Carter III                       CFR

James Earl Carter, Jr. (Pres.)           CFR/TC

James H. Carter                          CFR

Mark Andrew Carter                       CFR

Marshall Nichols Carter                  CFR

Theodore N. Carter                       CFR

William D. Carter                        CFR

John B. Cary                             CFR

William L. Cary                          CFR

Clifford Philip Case                     BB/CFR

Everett N. Case                          CFR

James H. Case,Jr.                        CFR

John C. Case                             CFR

Gerhard Casper                           CFR

Eileen E. Cassidy                        CFR

Walter S. Catlow                         CFR

Douglass Cater                           CFR

John M. Cates, Jr.                       CFR

Elliot R. Cattarulla                     CFR

Jean Cattier                             CFR

Henry E. Catto Jr.                       CFR

Frank J. Caufield                        CFR

Matthew P. Caulfield                     CFR

Richard Edward Cavanagh                  CFR

Carey Cavanaugh                          CFR

Ray Charles Cave                         CFR

Arthur Karl Cebrowski                    CFR

Gina Celcis-Concepcion                   CFR

Richard ("Dick") F. Celeste              CFR/RS

Paul G. Cerjan                           CFR

Victor D. Cha                            CFR

James C. Chace                           BB/CFR

Thomas L. Chadbourne                     CFR21

William M. Chadbourne                    CFR21

John H. Chafee (R-Ri)                    CFR/TC

Maya Chadda                              CFR

John T. Chain, Jr.                       CFR

Herschelle S. Challenor                  CFR

Joseph P. Chamberlain                    CFR21

Anne Cox Chambers                        CFR

Walid Georges Chamoun                    CFR

George Champion                          CFR

Gerald L. Chan                           CFR

Ronnie C. Chan                           CFR

John Chancellor                          CFR

David C. Chang                           CFR

Gareth C. C. Chang                       CFR

Joyce Chang                              CFR

Juju Chang                               CFR

Clifford Chanin                          CFR

Jonathan A. Chanis                       CFR

Elaine L. Chao                           CFR

Victor Tzu-Ping Chao                     CFR

John F. Chapman                          CFR

Margaret Holt Chapman                    CFR

Cory Charles                             CFR

Robert Bruce Charles                     CFR

Jonathan Isa Charney                     CFR

Robert Alan Charpie                      CFR

Robert Chartener                         CFR

Anthony R. Chase                         CFR

W. Howard Chase                          CFR

Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR

Robert J. Chaves                         CFR

Linda Chavez (Reagan Aide)               CFR

Ricardo Chavira                          CFR

Abram J. Chayes                          CFR

Antonia Handler Chayes                   CFR

Terrence J. Checki                       CFR

Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR

Kimball C. Chen                          CFR

Kenneth I. Chenault                      CFR

Elizabeth L. Cheney                      CFR

Richard B. Cheney                        CFR

Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR

Ward Cheney                              CFR

Leo Cherne                               CFR

Purnendu Chatterjee                      CFR

Terence J. Checki                        CFR

Daniel S. Cheever                        CFR

Richard B. Cheney                        CFR/TC

Stephen A. Cheney                        CFR

Kyra Cheremeteff                         CFR

Saj Cherian                              CFR

Ben M. Cherrington                       CFR

Pedro P. Cherry                          CFR

A. Lawrence Chickering                   CFR

Richard T. Childress                     CFR

Marquis Childs                           CFR

Thomas W. Childs                         CFR

George Hastings Chittenden               CFR/S&B 1939

Audrey Choi                              CFR

Stephen J. Choi                          CFR

Peter Charles Choharis                   CFR

Derek H. Chollet                         CFR

Paula H. J. Cholmondeley                 CFR

Marjorie Ann Chorlins                    CFR

Nazli Choucri                            CFR

Jack C. Chow                             CFR

John F. Christiansen                     CFR

Patricia Hewitt Christensen              CFR

Thomas J. Christensen                    CFR

Geryld Bradley Christianson              CFR

Lansdell K. Christie                     CFR

Ronald Irvin Christie                    CFR

Daniel William Christman                 CFR

Walter L. Christman                      CFR

Robert Christopher                       CFR

Warren Christopher                       CFR

Buntzie Ellis Churchill                  CFR

Hendon Chubb II                          CFR

Percy Chubb II                           CFR

Edgar M. Church                          CFR

Frank Church                             CFR

Frank Cilluffo                           CFR

Jeffrey L. Cimbalo                       CFR

Joseph Cirincione                        CFR

Walker L. Cisler                         CFR

Henry G. Cisneros                        CFR/TC

Marc A. Cisneros                         CFR

Gordon R. Clapp                          CFR

Priscilla A. Clapp                       CFR

Richard H. Clarida                       CFR

Dick Clark (D-Ia)                        CFR

Donald C. Clarke                         CFR

Edwin N. Clark                           CFR

Howard Longstreth Clark                  CFR

James F. Clark                           CFR

J. H. Cullum Clark                       CFR

Mark Edmond Clark                        CFR

Noreen M. Clark                          CFR

Ralph L. Clark                           CFR

Susan Lesley Clark                       CFR

Wesley Kanne Clark (Gen.)                CFR

William Clark, Jr.                       CFR

Donald C. Clarke                         CFR

Jack G. Clarke, Sr.                      CFR

Lewis L. Clarke                          CFR21

Lawrence William Clarkson                CFR

Lucius D. Clay                           CFR

Steven C. Clemons                        CFR

Teresa H. Clarke                         CFR

Peter A. Clement                         CFR

John L. Clendenin                        CFR

Harlan B. Cleveland                      BB/CFR/RS

Harold Van B. Cleveland                  BB/CFR

Peter Matthews Cleveland                 CFR

Donald K. Clifford Jr.                   CFR

Everett R. Clinchy                       CFR

William R. Cline                         CFR

William F. Clinger Jr. (R-Pa)            CFR

William Jefferson Clinton (Pres.)        BB/CFR/RS/TC

Patricia M. Cloherty                     CFR

Edward T. Cloonan                        CFR

Stanley Wills Cloud                      CFR

Ernest T. Clough                         CFR

Michael Clough                           CFR

John H. Coatsworth                       CFR

Charles E. Cobb Jr.                      CFR

Paul Whit Cobb Jr.                       CFR

Tyrus W. Cobb                            CFR

Barbara S. Cochran                       CFR

Molly M. Cochran                         CFR

C. Shelby Coffey                         CFR

Joseph Irving Coffey                     CFR

Charles Albert Coffin                    CFR21

Edmund Coffin                            CFR

Vance Coffman                            CFR

Abby Joseph Cohen                        CFR

Ariel Cohen                              CFR

Benjamin J. Cohen                        CFR

Benjamin V. Cohen                        CFR

Betsy H. Cohen                           CFR

Eliot A. Cohen                           CFR

Herman Jay Cohen                         CFR

Jerome Alan Cohen                        CFR

Joel E. Cohen                            CFR

Jerome B. Cohen                          CFR

Patricia Cohen                           CFR

Richard M. Cohen                         CFR

Roberta Jane Cohen (State Dept.)         CFR

Stephen Bruce Cohen  (State Dept.)       CFR

Stephen Frand Cohen                      CFR

Stephen S. Cohen                         CFR

Evelyn Speyer Colbert                    CFR

William Sebastian Cohen                  CFR/TC

Elizabeth L. Colagiuri                   CFR

Jonathan E. Colby                        CFR

Charles W. Cole                          CFR

Johnnetta B. Cole                        CFR

Samuel A. Cole                           CFR

Thomas Winston Jr. Cole                  CFR

Isobel Coleman                           CFR

Lewis W. Coleman                         CFR

William T. Coleman Jr.                   CFR

William Thaddeus Coleman, Jr.            CFR/TC

Isobel Coles                             CFR

James S. Coles                           CFR

Julius E. Coles                          CFR

Alberto R. Coll                          CFR

Emilio G. Collado                        CFR

F. R. Collbohm                           CFR

David E. Collier                         CFR

L. V. Collings                           CFR

Joseph J. Collins                        CFR

Charles C. Collingwood                   CFR/RS

Charles P. Collingwood                   CFR

Manetta Tree Collingwood                 CFR

Mark M. Collins Jr.                      CFR

Kent G. Colwell                          CFR

Richard E. Combs Jr.                     CFR

Philip E. Comstock Jr.                   CFR

James B. Conant                          CFR

Melvin Conant                            CFR

Sydney M. Cone III                       CFR

Richard P. Conlon                        CFR

James L. Connaughton                     CFR

Leila Anne Conners Petersen              CFR

Gerald E. Connolly                       CFR

John T. Connor                           CFR

Bryan Conrad                             CFR

Jill M. Considine                        CFR

John J. Considine                        CFR

Pamela Constable                         CFR

Jill Conway                              CFR

Donald C. Cook                           BB/CFR

Frances D. Cook                          CFR

Gary M. Cook                             CFR

Gretchen R. Cook                         CFR

Gretchen Rachelle Cook-Anderson          CFR

Goodwin Cooke                            CFR

Howard A. Cook                           CFR

John F. Cooke                            CFR

Frank Coolbaugh                          CFR

Archibald Cary Coolidge                  CFR21-1928

Nicholas J. Coolidge                     CFR

George William Coombe Jr.                CFR

Charles A. Coombs                        CFR

Philip H. Coombs                         CFR

Jane Abell Coon                          CFR

Joan Ganz Cooney                         CFR

Charles A. Cooper                        CFR

Chester L. Cooper                        CFR

Franklin S. Cooper                       CFR

James H. S. Cooper                       CFR

John Milton Cooper                       CFR

John Sherman Cooper                      S&B 1923/CFR

Kathleen B. Cooper                       CFR

Kerry Cooper                             CFR

Rebecca J. Cooper                        CFR

Richard Newell Cooper                    BB/CFR/TC

Lammont du Pont Copeland                 BB/CFR

Kathleen A. Corbet                       CFR

Anthony H. Cordesman                     CFR

Andrew Wellington Cordier                BB/CFR

Wayne A. Cornelius Jr.                   CFR

Henry Cornell                            CFR

E. Gerald Corrigan                       BB/CFR/TC

Dale R. Corson                           CFR

G. A. Costanzo                           CFR

William A. Costello                      CFR

Suzanne Cott                             CFR

William R. Cotter                        CFR

Charles E. Cotting                       CFR

Joseph P. Cotton                         CFR21

Frederic R. Coudert                      CFR21

Tom B. Coughran                          CFR

William H. Courtney                      CFR

Elizabeth M. Cousens                     CFR

Norman Cousins                           CFR/WF

Jock Covey                               CFR

Sally Grooms Cowal                       CFR

Geoffrey Cowan                           CFR

L. Gray Cowan                            CFR

Louis Gray Cowan                         CFR

Peter F. Cowhey                          CFR

Gardner Cowles                           BB/CFR

John Cowles                              CFR

John Cowles, Jr.                         CFR

Charles R. Cox                           CFR

Edward Finch Cox                         CFR

Howard E. Cox Jr.                        CFR

Robert G. Cox                            CFR

Robert W. Cox                            CFR

Margaret E. Crahan                       CFR

Winthrop Murray Crane III                CFR

Lorne W. Craner                          CFR

Paul D. Cravath                          CFR21-1940

John F. Crawford                         CFR

Marion V. Creekmore Jr.                  CFR

Dana S. Creel                            CFR

Roger W. Cressey Jr.                     CFR

Kyle Crichton                            CFR

George Crile III                         CFR

Ann Crittenden                           CFR

Bathsheba N. Crocker                     CFR

Chester A. Crocker                       CFR

Adelaide McGuinn Cromwell                CFR

Devon G. Cross                           BB/CFR

James E. Cross                           CFR

June V. Cross                            CFR

Sam Y. Cross                             CFR

Theodore Cross                           CFR

Barbara Crossette                        CFR

Homer D. Crotty                          CFR

Trammell Crow                            CFR

Philip K. Crowe                          CFR

William J. Crowe, Jr.                    CFR/TC

Lester Crown                             CFR

Daniel Lester Cruise                     CFR

Lester M. Crystal                        CFR/TC

Lee Cullum                               CFR

John C. Culver  (D-Ia)                   CFR

Robert L. Cummings                       CFR

Robert L. Cummings, Jr.                  CFR

Donald Cuneo                             CFR

James B. Cunningham                      CFR

Nelson W. Cunningham                     CFR

Walter J. P. Curley Jr.                  CFR

Kerry Kennedy Cuomo                      CFR

Mario M. Cuomo                           CFR

Flavio Curnpiano                         CFR

Jean A. Curran, Jr.                      CFR

Robert Theodore Curran                   CFR

Charles B. Curtis                        CFR

Edward P. Curtis                         CFR

Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR

F. Kingsbury Curtis                      CFR21

Gerald L. Curtis                         CFR/TC

Peter Cusick                             CFR

Maryann K. Cusimano Love                 CFR

Lloyd N. Cutler                          CFR

Walter L. Cutler                         CFR

Kenneth A. Cutshaw                       CFR

Ana Grier Cutter                         CFR

W. Bowman Cutter                         CFR

Arthur I. Cy                             CFR

Ivo H. Daalder                           CFR

Geoffrey D. Dabelko                      CFR

Alfonse M. D' Amato                      CFR

Michael K. Dahlman                       CFR

Rene d'Harnoncourt                       CFR

Brian D. Dailey                          CFR

William B. Dale                          CFR

Charles H. Dallara                       BB/CFR

George Albert Dalley                     CFR

Alexander Dallin                         CFR

Dorinda G. Dallmeyer                     CFR

Gregory Dalton                           CFR

James E. Dalton                          CFR

Kenneth W. Dam                           BB/CFR

Marcia Wachs Dam                         CFR

Lori Fisler Damrosch                     CFR

John A. G. Dancy                         CFR

William H. Danforth                      CFR

Ana R. Daniel                            CFR

Donald C. F. Daniel                      CFR

D. Ronald Daniel                         CFR

Nomsa Daniels                            CFR

Royden Dangerfield                       CFR

Robert M. Danin                          CFR

Arthur V. Danner                         CFR

Mark D. Danner                           CFR

Charles F. Darlington                    CFR

Richard Gordon Darman                    CFR/TC

Norris Darrell                           CFR

Michele Samantha Dash                    CFR

Russell J. Da Silva                      CFR

Earl C. Daum                             CFR

John A. Davenport                        CFR/S&B 1926

Donald K. David                          CFR

Jack David                               CFR

Alfred E. Davidson                       CFR

Daniel I. Davidson                       CFR

Ralph K. Davidson                        CFR

Ralph Parsons Davidson                   CFR

Fred A. Davies                           CFR

Rodger P. Davies                         CFR

Allison S. Davis                         CFR

Evan A. Davis                            CFR

Jacquelyn K. Davis                       CFR

Jerome Davis                             CFR

John A. Davis                            CFR

John William Davis                       CFR21-1955

Kathryn W. Davis                         CFR

Kim Gordon Davis                         CFR

Lynn E. Davis                            BB/CFR/TC

Maceo N. Davis                           CFR

Malcolm W. Davis                         CFR21

Marvin H. Davis                          CFR

Nathanael V. Davis                       CFR

Norman Hezekiah Davis                    CFR21-1944

Vincent Davis                            CFR

Daniel P. Davison                        CFR

Frederick Trubee Davison                 CFR21/S&B 1918

Kristina Perkin Davison                  CFR

W. Phillips Davison                      CFR

Karen Lea Dawisha                        CFR

Peter M. Dawkins                         CFR

Christine L. Dawson                      CFR

Horace G. Dawson III                     CFR

Horace G. Dawson Jr.                     CFR

Marion M. Dawson Carr                    CFR

Anthony Day                              CFR

Arthur Raymond Day                       CFR

Clive Day                                CFR21/S&B 1892

Robert Addison Day Jr.                   CFR

Drew Saunders Days III                   CFR

Arnaud De Borchgrave                     CFR

Arthur H. Dean                           CFR 1955-

Eli Whitney Debevoise                    CFR

F. Amanda De Busk                        CFR

Alfred C. De Crane Jr.                   CFR

Henry Wheeler De Forest                  CFR21

Christian de Guigne III                  CFR

Peter E. De Janosi                       CFR

Rodolfo O. De La Garza                   CFR

C.W. de Kiewiet                          CFR

Oscar A. de Lima                         CFR

George De Menil                          CFR

Joy A. de Menil                          CFR

Lois Pattison de Menil                   CFR

Samuel De Palma                          CFR

Alphonse De Rosso                        CFR

Macarthur De Shazer                      CFR

Robert P. De Vecchi                      CFR

Imrie De Vegh                            CFR

Henry P. de Vries                        CFR

Rimmer De Vries                          CFR

Karen De Young                           CFR

Edwin A. Deagle Jr.                      CFR

Arthur Hobson Dean                       BB/CFR21

Edgar P. Dean                            CFR

Jonathan Dean                            CFR

Robert William Dean                      CFR

Alice M. Dear                            CFR

John V. Deaver                           CFR

Eli Whitney Debevoise II                 CFR

Barbara Knowles Debs                     CFR

Richard A. Debs                          CFR

F. Amanda DeBusk                         CFR

William C. Decker                        CFR

Alfred C. DeCrane                        CFR

Midge Decter                             CFR

Roxanne J. Decyk                         CFR

Fred T. Dedrick                          CFR

Ralston H. Deffenbaugh Jr.               CFR

Terry L. Deibel                          CFR

Frank Del Olmo                           CFR

Andrew John Delaney                      CFR

Stephen J. Del Rosso                     CFR

Carlos Deltoro                           CFR

Marisa J. Demeo                          CFR

Frederick Lewis Deming                   BB/CFR

Rust MacPherson Deming                   CFR

Robert E. Denham                         CFR

Robert J. Denison                        CFR

Alfred L. P. Dennis                      CFR21

Everette E. Dennis                       CFR

Brewster C. Denny                        CFR

David B. H. Denoon                       CFR

E. Hazel Denton                          CFR

James S. Denton                          CFR

Phil E. DePoy                            CFR

Raghida Dergham                          CFR

Patricia Murphy Derian                   CFR

Kenneth Tindall Derr                     CFR

James V. Derrick Jr.                     CFR

Vivian Lowery Derryck                    CFR

Michael L. Dertouzos                     CFR

Padma Desai                              CFR

Rohit M. Desai                           CFR

MacArthur DeShazer                       CFR

Patrick J. DeSouza                       CFR

Emile Despres                            CFR

Gina H. Despres                          CFR

I.M. Destler                             CFR

Wallace R. Deuel                         CFR

John Mark Deutsch                        CFR

Michael J. Deutch                        CFR

Phillip J. Deutch                        CFR

Shelley Deutch                           CFR

Robert P. DeVecchi                       CFR

Caroline Maury Devine                    CFR

John J. Devine                           CFR

M. Colette Devine                        CFR

Thomas J. Devine                         CFR

Rimmer DeVries                           CFR

Thomas Edmund Dewey                      BB/CFR

J. Frederic Dewhurst                     CFR

Byron Dexter                             CFR

Karen J. DeYoung                         CFR

Rene D'Hamoncourt                        CFR

Michael W. Diamond                       CFR

Christopher S. Dickey                    CFR

John Sloan Dickey                        CFR

Norman D. Dicks  (D-Wa)                  CFR

R. Russell Dickson, Jr.                  CFR

Valerie L. Dickson-Horton                CFR

Joan Didion                              CFR

John Diebold                             BB/CFR

William Diebold, Jr.                     CFR

Jackson K. Diehl (Washington Post)       CFR

Robert L. Dilenschneider                 CFR

C. Douglas Dillon                        BB/CFR

Clarence Dillon                          CFR21

Douglas Dillon                           CFR

J. Richardson Dilworth                   CFR

Joseph (Dick) Richardson Dilworth        S&B 1938/CFR

Rita Di Martino                          CFR

James Dimon                              CFR

Thomas Alan Dine                         CFR

Robert C. Dinerstein                     CFR

Viet D. Dinh                             CFR

David Norman Dinkins                     CFR

Paula DiPerna                            CFR

Nadia Diuk                               CFR

Edward P. Djerejian                      CFR

Gregory Djerejian                        CFR

Joseph Di Paola Jr.                      CFR

Paula J. Dobriansky                      CFR

Christopher J. Dodd (D-Ct)               CFR

Thomas J. Dodd                           CFR

Harold Willis Dodds                      CFR1935-1943

Cleveland E. Dodge                       CFR

William S Dodge                          CFR

Justin W. Doebele                        CFR

David J. Doerge                          CFR

William C. Doherty, Jr.                  CFR

Harold E. Jr. Doley                      CFR

Charles Dollard                          CFR

Jorge I. Dominguez                       CFR

Thomas R. Donahue                        CFR

Robert H. Donaldson                      CFR

William Henry Donaldson                  CFR/S&B 1953

Thomas E. Donilon                        BB/CFR
McKay Donkin                             CFR
Edward S. Donnell                        CFR
Ellsworth Donnell                        CFR
James C. Donnell II                      CFR
April Kanne Donnellan                    CFR
Harold C. Donnelly                       CFR
Frederic G. Donner                       CFR
Hedley Williams Donovan                  BB/CFR/RS/TC
Charles F. Doran                         CFR
Rudiger Dornbusch                        CFR
Goldthwaite H. Dorr                      CFR
Russell H. Dorr                          CFR
Norman Dorsen                            CFR
Oscar John Dorwin                        CFR
Amanda Jean Dory                         CFR
Grant R. Doty                            CFR
Paul M. Doty, Jr.                        CFR
Frank N. Doubleday                       CFR21
Russell Doubleday                        CFR21
Diana Lady Dougan                        CFR
Stephen P. Duggan                        CFR21-1950
James P. Dougherty                       CFR
Donald W. Douglas, Jr.                   CFR
Lewis W. Douglas                         CFR 1940-
Paul W. Douglas                          CFR
Percy L. Douglas                         CFR
Loren Douglass                           CFR
Robert R. Douglass                       CFR
John Nicholas Dowling                    CFR
Walter Dowling                           CFR
James S. Doyle                           CFR
Michael William Doyle                    CFR
William H. Draper, Jr.                   CFR
William Drayton, Jr.                     CFR
John C. Dreier                           CFR
Sidney David Drell                       CFR
William M. Drennan, Jr. (Col.)           CFR
Elizabeth Drew                           CFR
Joel Dreyfuss                            CFR
Jonathan Drimmer                         CFR
Richard Lee Drobnick                     CFR
Joy E. Drucker                           CFR
Richard A. Drucker                       CFR
Pamela Druckerman                        CFR
Roscoe Drummond                          CFR
J.R. Drumwright                          CFR
Ann Druyan                               CFR
Orvil E. Dryfoos                         CFR
Kenneth M. Duberstein                    CFR
Seth H. Dubin                            CFR
David Dubinsky                           CFR
J. Delafield DuBois                      CFR
Stephen M. Dubrul Jr.                    CFR
Robert Ducas                             CFR
David Adams Duckenfield                  CFR
Johnita P. Due                           CFR
Charles A. Duelfer                       CFR
Althea L. Duersten                       CFR
Joseph Daniel Duffey                     CFR
David A. Duffie                          CFR
Gloria Charmian Duffy                    CFR
James H. Duffy                           CFR
Michael J. Dugan  (Gen.)                 CFR
Stephen P. Duggan                        CFR21
Michael S. Dukakis                       CFR
Angier Biddle Duke                       CFR
Robin Chandler Duke                      CFR
Peggy Dulany                             CFR
Allen Welsh Dulles                       BB/CFR 1927-
John Foster Dulles                       CFR21
Charles F. Dunbar                        CFR
Charles William Duncan Jr.               CFR
John C. Duncan                           CFR
Andrew Dunigan                           CFR
Craig G. Dunkerley                       CFR
Joan Banks Dunlop                        CFR
Kempton Dunn                             CFR
Lewis A. Dunn                            CFR
Michael M. Dunn                          CFR
Philip A. Dur                            CFR
F. Tillman Durdin                        CFR
G. Robert Durham                         CFR
Patrick J. Durkin                        CFR
Frederick Gary Dutton                    CFR
Michael Raoul Duval                      CFR
Nancy Bearg Dyke                         CFR
Esther Dyson                             CFR
Vernon A. Eagle                          CFR
Lawrence S. Eagleburger                  CFR
Ralph Earle III                          CFR
William A. Earner                        CFR
Maurice A. East                          CFR
Michael R. Eastman                       CFR
Donald B. Easum                          CFR
Frederick M. Eaton                       CFR
Ralph E. Eberhart                        CFR
William D. Eberle                        CFR
Ferdinand Eberstadt                      CFR
Nicholas N. Eberstadt                    CFR
Marsha A. Echols                         CFR
Bailey Morris Eck                        CFR
Alexander Eckstein                       CFR
Elizabeth C. Economy                     CFR
Donna R. Ecton                           CFR
Linda Hiniker Eddleman                   CFR
Randolph P. Eddy                         CFR
Albert I. Edelman                        CFR
Gerald M. Edelman                        CFR
Marian Wright Edelman                    CFR
Richard Winston Edelman                  CFR
Julius C. C. Edelstein                   CFR
Phanor J. Eder                           CFR
Mark D. W. Edington                      CFR
Christopher Edley Jr.                    CFR
Gary R. Edson                            CFR
A. R. Edwards                            CFR
Howard L. Edwards                        CFR
Mickey Edwards                           CFR
Robert H. Edwards                        CFR
William H. Edwards                       CFR
Laura L. Efros                           CFR
Thomas E. Eggers                         CFR
Rosa Ehrenreich                          CFR
Thomas Ehrlich                           CFR
Clark M. Eichelberger                    CFR
Barry J. Eichengreen                     CFR
Otto M. Eidlitz                          CFR21
Karl Eikenberry                          CFR
Karl Eilers                              CFR21
Hermann Frederick Eilts                  CFR
Luigi R. Einaudi                         CFR
Mario Einaudi                            CFR
Jessica P. Einhorn                       CFR/TC
Robert J. Einhorn                        CFR
Lewis Einstein                           CFR
Charles R. Eisendrath                    CFR
Dwight D. Eisenhower                     CFR 1952
Stuart E. Eizenstat                      CFR/J
Michael Eisner                           CFR
Leslie Carol Eliason                     CFR
Abram I. Elkus                           CFR21
Susan K. Ellingwood                      CFR
Byron K. Elliott                         CFR
Inger McCabe Elliott                     CFR
L. W. Elliott                            CFR
Osborne Elliot                           CFR
Randle Elliott                           CFR
William Y. Elliott                       CFR
James Reed Ellis                         CFR
Mark S. Ellis                            CFR
Patricia Ellis                           CFR
Rodney Ellis                             CFR
Keith Paty Ellison                       CFR
Daniel Ellsberg                          CFR
Robert Fred Ellsworth                    CFR
George Elsey                             CFR
Edward E. Elson                          CFR
Robert T. Elson                          CFR
John Hart Ely                            CFR
Nancy Halliday Ely-Raphel                CFR
Ainslie T. Embree                        CFR
Brooks Emeny                             CFR
Alice F. Emerson                         CFR
E. A. Emerson                            CFR
John B. Emerson                          CFR
Rupert Emerson                           CFR
Christopher Emmet                        CFR
Irving M. Engel                          CFR
Robert D. English                        CFR
David B. Ensor                           CFR
Alain Charles Enthoven                   CFR
L. Brooks Entwistle                      CFR
Ray R. Eppert                            CFR
Barbara Epstein                          CFR
Jason Epstein                            CFR
Jeffrey E. Epstein                       CFR/TC
Joshua M. Epstein                        CFR
Guy Feliz Erb                            CFR
Richard D. Erb                           CFR
Claude E. Erbsen                         CFR
Robert F. Erburu                         CFR/TC
Alexander T. Ercklentz                   CFR
Haleh Esfandiari                         CFR
Charisse Espy                            CFR
Albert E. Ernst                          CFR
Armand G. Erpf                           CFR
William Erwing, Jr.                      CFR
Susan G. Esserman                        CFR
Robert H. Estabrook                      CFR
Alfredo Estrada                          CFR
Daniel C. Esty                           CFR
Mark Ethridge                            CFR
Carol V. Evans                           CFR
Gail H. Evans                            CFR
Harold M. Evans                          CFR
John C. Evans                            CFR
John K. Evans                            CFR
Roger F. Evans                           CFR
Rowland Evans Jr.                        CFR
Tatjana H. Evans                         CFR
Susan M. S. Everingham                   CFR
John Scott Everton                       CFR
Anthony P. Ewing                         CFR
Sherman Ewing                            CFR/S&B 1924
John Exter                               CFR
Larry L. Fabian                          CFR
Charles B. Fahs                          CFR
Merle Fainsod                            CFR
John King Fairbank                       CFR/RS
Charles H. Fairbanks Jr.                 CFR
Douglas Fairbanks                        CFR
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.                    CFR
Richard M. Fairbanks III                 CFR
Mathea Falco                             CFR
Mark Falcoff                             CFR
Pamela S. Falk                           CFR
Richard A. Falk                          CFR
Richard A. Falkenrath                    CFR
James Mackenzie Fallows                  CFR
Katherine W. Fanning                     CFR
Francis W. La Farge                      CFR
Jonathan Foster Fanton                   CFR
J. Rodney Faraon                         CFR
Tom J. Farer                             CFR
Evelyn N. Farkas                         CFR
Maggie M. Farley                         CFR
Garland R. Farmer, Jr.                   CFR
Thomas L. Farmer                         CFR
Eric P. Farnsworth                       CFR
Jay C. Farrar                            CFR
Stephen Prescott Farrar                  CFR
Thomas A. Farrington                     CFR
Dante B. Fascell (D-Fl)                  CFR
Irina A. Faskianos                       CFR
William H. P. Faunce                     CFR21
Leila Fawaz                              CFR
Sidney B. Fay                            CFR
Peter D. Feaver                          CFR
Edward F. Feely                          CFR
Mark C. Feer                             CFR
Mark Feierstein                          CFR
Evan A. Feigenbaum                       CFR
Richard E. Feinberg                      CFR
Ava S. Feiner                            CFR
Lee Feinstein                            CFR
Herbert Feis                             CFR
Gustave Feissel                          CFR
Samuel H. Feist                          CFR
Douglas J. Feith                         CFR
Bernard T. Feld                          CFR
Mark B. Feldman                          CFR
Sandra Feldman                           CFR
Martin Stuart Feldstein                  BB/CFR/TC
Jeffrey Feltman                          CFR
William P. Fenn                          CFR
Michael R. Fenzel                        CFR
Charles Henry Ferguson                   CFR
Glenn Walker Ferguson                    CFR
James Lord Ferguson                      CFR/S&B 1944
John Henry Ferguson                      BB/CFR
Ronald E. Ferguson                       CFR
Suzanne R. Ferlic                        CFR
Anthony C. Fernandes                     CFR
Jose W. Fernandez                        CFR
Frank E. Ferrari                         CFR
Geraldine Anne Ferraro                   CFR
Keith E. Ferrazzi                        CFR
Antonio Luis Ferre                       CFR
Helen Aguirre Ferre                      CFR
Maurice A. Ferre                         CFR
Lisa Carolyn Ferrell                     CFR
Fereidun Fesharaki                       CFR
Murray Feshbach                          CFR
Hart Fessenden                           CFR
Jeffrey L. Fiedler                       CFR
William Osgood Field, Jr.                CFR
Bertram M. Fields                        CFR
Craig I. Fields                          CFR
Eugene V. Fife                           CFR
Russell Hunt Fifield                     CFR
Maria C. Figueroa Kupcu                  CFR
Robert J. Filippone                      CFR
Barbara Denning Finberg                  CFR
Hani K. Findakly                         CFR
Bernard I. Finel                         CFR
Seymour Maxwell Finger                   CFR
Lawrence S. Finkelstein                  CFR
Luke W. Finlay                           CFR
Grant Ellis Finlayson                    CFR
Thomas Knight Finletter                  BB/CFR 1944-
John H. Finley                           CFR21-1929
Edwin A. Jr. Finn                        CFR
James Finn                               CFR
Martha Finnemore                         CFR
John B. Finney                           CFR
Paul B. Finney                           CFR
Charles M. Firestone                     CFR
Harvey S. Firestone, Jr.                 CFR
Leonard K. Firestone                     CFR
Edwin B. Firmage                         CFR
David Joseph Fischer                     CFR
George Fischer                           CFR
John S. Fischer                          CFR
Stanley Fischer                          CFR
Wesley R. Fishel                         CFR
Annie Fisher                             CFR
Cathleen S. Fisher                       CFR
Edgar J. Fisher                          CFR
Peter Ryerson Fisher                     CFR
Richard W. Fisher                        CFR
Roger D. Fisher                          CFR
Pieter Fisher                            CFR
Albert Fishlow                           CFR
Daniel W. Fisk                           CFR
James Brown Fisk                         CFR
Sarah A. W. Fitts                        CFR
Lauri J. Fitz-pegado                     CFR
Frances Fitzgerald                       CFR
Harold E. Fitzgibbons                    CFR
Pamela Flaherty                          CFR
Peter T. Flaherty                        CFR
L. Gordon Flake                          CFR
Peter L. Flanagan                        CFR
Stephen J. Flanagan                      CFR
Stephanie H. Flanders                    CFR
Peter M. Flanigan                        CFR
G. Peter Fleck                           CFR
Alan H. Fleischmann                      CFR
Julius Fleischmann                       CFR
Manly Fleischmann                        CFR
Rachel Fleishman                         CFR
Lamar Fleming, Jr.                       CFR
Henry Fletcher                           CFR21
Michael T. Florinsky                     CFR
Michele A. Flournoy                      CFR
Stephen E. Flynn                         CFR
William H. Foege                         CFR
Ronald R. Fogleman                       CFR
Robert H. Foglesong                      CFR
S. R. Foley Jr. (Adm.)                   CFR
Thomas Stephen Foley (D-Wa)              BB/CFR/TC
R. G. Follis                             CFR
George A. Folsom                         CFR
Victor Folsom                            CFR
Carlos E. Fonts                          CFR
Edward T. Foote III                      CFR
William Fulbright Foote                  CFR
Allen B. Forbes                          CFR21
Carl W. Ford, Jr.                        CFR
Gerald Rudolph Ford, Jr.                 BB/CFR
Guy Stanton Ford                         CFR
Nevil Ford                               CFR
Paul B. Ford Jr.                         CFR
Thomas K. Ford                           CFR
Henrietta Holsman Fore                   CFR
Claude E. Forkner                        CFR
Shepard L. Forman                        CFR
Michael V. Forrestal                     CFR
Robert P. Forrestal                      CFR
Lynn Forester                            CFR
Shepard Forman                           CFR
Theodore J. Forstmann                    CFR
Raymond Blaine Fosdick                   CFR21
Rosemarie Forsythe                       CFR
V. Page Fortna                           CFR
Gail Fosler                              CFR
Austin T. Foster                         CFR
Brenda Lei Foster                        CFR
Charles C. Foster                        CFR
Richard N. Foster                        CFR
William Chapman Foster                   BB/CFR 1959-
Philip D. Reed Foundation, Inc.          CFR
The Ahmanson Foundation                  CFR
The Marc Haas Foundation                 CFR
The Starr Foundation                     CFR
The William and Mary Greve Foundation    CFR
Henry Hamill Fowler                      CFR
Wyche Jr. Fowler                         CFR
Joseph Carrere Fox                       CFR/S&B 1938
Donald T. Fox                            CFR
Eleanor M. C. Fox                        CFR
Joseph Carrere Fox                       CFR
William T. R. Fox                        CFR
Fred C. Foy                              CFR
Arthur B. Foye                           CFR
Arminio Fraga                            CFR
Thomas M. Franck                         CFR
Albert Francke III                       CFR
Susan Fraker                             CFR
Andrew D. Frank                          CFR
Barney Frank (D-Ma)                      CFR
Brian L. Frank                           CFR
Charles R. Frank Jr.                     CFR
Isaiah Frank                             CFR
Joseph A. Frank                          CFR
Melinda Yee Franklin                     CFR
Richard A. Frank                         CFR
Charles Frankel                          CFR
Francine R. Frankel                      CFR
Jeffrey A. Frankel                       CFR
Max Frankel                              BB/CFR/J
Felix Frankfurter                        BB/CFR/J
Barbara Hackman Franklin                 CFR
George S. Franklin, Jr.                  CFR
John M. Franklin                         CFR
P. A. S. Franklin                        CFR21
William E. Franklin                      CFR
Dean F. Frasche                          CFR
Leon Fraser                              CFR 1936-1945
Jendayi E. Frazer                        CFR
Kenneth C. Frazier                       CFR
Myra M. Frazier                          CFR
Leopold Frederick                        CFR21
J. Wayne Fredericks                      CFR
Jonathan M. Fredman                      CFR
Lloyd A. Free                            CFR
Emanuel R. Freedman                      CFR
Eugene M. Freedman                       CFR
Bennett Freeman                          CFR
Constance J. Freeman                     CFR
Harry L. Freeman                         CFR
Orville L. Freeman                       CFR
Roger C. Freeman                         CFR
Cyrus F. Freidheim Jr.                   CFR
Stephen C. Freidheim                     CFR
Ladeene A. Freimuth                      CFR
Peter H.B. Frelinghuysen                 BB/CFR
Marion R. Fremont-smith                  CFR
John French                              CFR
Gerald Freund                            CFR
Walter Edwin Frew                        CFR21
Donald N. Frey                           CFR
Richard A. Freytag                       CFR
Michel Fribourg                          CFR
Paul J. Fribourg                         CFR
Edward R. Fried                          CFR
Aaron Louis Friedberg                    CFR
Alexander Stephen Friedman               CFR
Bart Friedman                            CFR
Benjamin Morton Friedman                 CFR
Fredrica S. Friedman                     CFR
Jordana Friedman                         CFR
Stephen James Friedman                   BB/CFR/TC
Thomas L. Friedman                       BB/CFR/TC
Berent Friele                            CFR
Wendy Frieman                            CFR
Theodore Friend                          CFR
Henry J. Friendly                        CFR
William Frist                            CFR
Louis D. Froelick                        CFR21
Michael B. G. Froman                     CFR
David Fromkin                            CFR
Joseph Fromm                             CFR
Ellen L. Frost                           CFR
David M. Frudenthal                      CFR
Earl H. Fry                              CFR
Varian Fry                               CFR
Alton Frye                               CFR
William R. Frye                          CFR
Ann M. Fudge                             CFR
Otto Fuerbringer                         CFR
Leon S. Fuerth                           CFR
Glen S. Fukushima                        CFR
Francis Fukuyama                         CFR
Richard S. Fuld, Jr.                     CFR
C. Dale Fuller                           CFR
Carlton P. Fuller                        CFR
Kathryn Scott Fuller                     CFR
Keith Fuller                             CFR
Robert G. Fuller                         CFR
William P. Fuller                        CFR
William Bewick Fullerton                 CFR
Edgar S. Fumiss, Jr.                     CFR
The Dillon Fund                          CFR
Mark T. Fung                             CFR
Victor K. K. Fung                        CFR
E.N. Funkhouser, Jr.                     CFR
Holden Furber                            CFR
Richard Mortimer Furlaud                 CFR
Gail Furman                              CFR
Ellen V. Futter                          CFR
Charles A. Gabriel  (Gen.)               CFR
Hauge Gabriel                            BB/CFR
John Lewis Gaddis                        CFR
John A. Gade                             CFR21
Orit B. Gadiesh                          CFR
Felice D. Gaer                           CFR
James R. Gaines                          CFR
Evan G. Galbraith                        CFR
John Kenneth Galbraith                   CFR
Peter W. Galbraith                       CFR
Charles F. Gallagher                     CFR
Dennis Gallagher                         CFR
John F. Gallagher, Jr.                   CFR
James P. Gallatin                        CFR
Robert L. Gallucci                       CFR
John R. Galvin (Gen.)                    CFR
Sandra Galvis                            CFR
Sergio J. Galvis                         CFR
Sidney D. Gamble                         CFR
Sumit Ganguly                            CFR
Pamela B. Gann                           CFR
Lewis S. Gannett                         CFR
John C. Gannon                           CFR
Charles S. Ganoe                         CFR
George F. Gant                           CFR
Nathan Gantcher                          CFR
Ronie Richele Garcia-Johnson             CFR
Passalacqua Juan Manuel Garcia           CFR
Robert G. Gard Jr.                       CFR
Nathan P. Gardels                        CFR
Arthur Z. Gardiner                       CFR
Anthony Laurence Gardner                 CFR
James A. Gardner                         CFR
John William Gardner                     CFR
Nina Luzzatto Gardner                    CFR
Richard Newton Gardner                   CFR/RS/TC
Robert L. Gardner                        BB/CFR
Harry A. Garfield                        CFR21
Leonard Garment                          CFR
Sherman Garnett                          CFR
Suzanne R. Garment                       CFR
Albert H. Garretson                      CFR
John W. Garrett                          CFR21
Lloyd K. Garrison                        CFR
Murray J. Gart                           CFR
Jeffrey E. Garten                        CFR
Raymond L. Garthoff                      CFR
Clifton C. Garvin, Jr.                   CFR
Richard L. Garwin                        CFR
George A. Gaston                         CFR21
Patricia E. Gaston                       CFR
Henry Louis Gates, Jr.                   CFR
Philomene A. Gates                       CFR
Robert Michael Gates                     CFR
Samuel E. Gates                          CFR
Thomas S. Gates                          CFR
Charles Gati                             CFR
Toby Trister Gati                        CFR
William S. Gaud                          CFR
Claire Lynn Gaudiani                     CFR
F. Gregory Gause III                     CFR
James M. Gavin                           CFR
Catherine Gay                            CFR
Edwin F. Gay                             CFR21-1945
Helene D. Gayle                          CFR
Bradley Gaylord                          CFR
Paul R. S. Gebhard                       CFR
Jeffrey Gedmin                           CFR
Inge Gedo                                CFR
Clifford Geertz                          CFR
Frederick V. Geier                       CFR
Paul E. Geier                            CFR
Philip O. Geier                          CFR
Peter F. Geithner                        CFR
Timothy F. Geithner                      CFR
Sam Gejdenson (D-Ct)                     CFR
Amos Gelb                                CFR
Bruce S. Gelb                            CFR
Leslie H. Gelb                           CFR/TC
Richard Lee Gelb                         CFR
Lionel M. Gelber                         CFR
Murray Gell-Mann                         CFR
Barton David Gellman                     CFR
Anna Gelpern                             CFR
Harold S. Geneen                         CFR
John M. George                           CFR
Peter Andrew Georgescu                   CFR
Richard A. Gephardt (D-Mo)               CFR
Louis Gerber                             CFR
David Richmond Gergen                    BB/CFR/TC
Gail M. Gerhardt                         CFR
H. A. Gerhart                            CFR
John K. Gerhart                          CFR
Adrienne Germain                         CFR
Louis V. Gerschel                        CFR
Patrick A. Gerschel                      CFR
Carl Samuel Gershman                     CFR
Allan Gerson                             CFR
Elliot F. Gerson                         CFR
Ralph J. Gerson                          CFR
Louis V. Gerstner, Jr.                   BB/CFR/TC
Michael Getler                           CFR
Max E. Gevers                            CFR
Henry R. Geyelin                         CFR
Phillip Laussat Geyelin                  CFR
Georgia Anne Geyer                       CFR
Joachim Gfoeller Jr.                     CFR
Michael Gfoeller                         CFR
Tatiana C. Gfoeller                      CFR
Loren Ghiglione                          CFR
Carol Ann Giacomo                        CFR
John Howard Gibbons                      CFR
Nancy Reid Gibbs                         CFR
Frank B. Gibney                          CFR
James Suydam Gibney                      CFR
Hugh Gibson                              CFR21
Gordon D. Giffin                         CFR
James Henry Giffen                       CFR
Harry D. Gideonse                        BB/CFR
Sidney F. Giffin                         CFR
Andres V. Gil                            CFR
Peter B. Gil                             CFR
Carl J. Gilbert                          CFR
H. N. Gilbert                            CFR
Jackson B. Gilbert                       CFR
Jarobin Gilbert Jr.                      CFR
Steven J. Gilbert                        CFR
Huntington Gilchrist                     CFR
Bates Gill                               CFR
Michael J. Gillespie                     CFR
S. Hazard Gillespie                      CFR
Michael James Gillette                   CFR
John P. Gillin                           CFR
Kenneth O. Gilmore                       CFR
Richard Gilmore                          CFR
Chadbourne Gilpatric                     CFR
Roswell Leavitt Gilpatric                BB/CFR
Robert G. Gilpin, Jr.                    CFR
Newton L. Gingrich (R-Ga)                CFR
Marc Charles Ginsberg                    CFR
David Ginsburg                           CFR
Jane C. Ginsburg                         CFR
Ruth Bader Ginsburg                      CFR/J
Robert N. Ginsburgh                      CFR
Bonnie S. Glaser                         CFR
Charisse Glassman                        CFR
Robert R. Glauber                        CFR
S. Everett Gleason                       CFR
T. Keith Glennan                         CFR
Peter Gleysteen                          CFR
William H. Gleysteen Jr.                 CFR
Norma Globerman                          CFR
Carol Gluck                              CFR
Frederick W. Gluck                       CFR
Jeffrey Scott Glueck                     CFR
Peter Henry Glusker                      CFR
Frank A. Godchaux III                    CFR
I. Lamond Godwin                         CFR
Samuel V. Goekjian                       CFR
Robert Walton Goelet, Jr.                CFR21
Richard K. Goeltz                        CFR
Robert F. Goheen                         CFR
Charlynn Goins                           CFR
Roberto C. Goizueta                      CFR
Arthur J. Goldberg                       CFR/J
Michael E. Goldberg                      CFR
Ronnie Lee Goldberg                      CFR
Susan A. Goldberg                        CFR
Marvin L. Goldberger                     CFR
James R. Golden                          CFR
William Theodore Golden                  CFR
James M. Goldgeier                       CFR
Harrison J. Goldin                       CFR
Charles N. Goldman                       CFR
Emily O. Goldman                         CFR
Guido Goldman                            CFR
Marshall I. Goldman                      CFR
Merle D. Goldman                         CFR
Samuel P. Goldman                        CFR21/J
Peter C. Goldmark, Jr.                   CFR
Neil Goldschmidt                         CFR/TC
Jack Landman Goldsmith III               CFR
Robert S. Goldsmith                      CFR
Gordon Goldstein                         CFR
Jeffrey A. Goldstein                     CFR
Morris Goldstein                         CFR
Harmon H. Goldstone                      CFR
David L. Goldwyn                         CFR
Paul D. Golob                            CFR
Stephanie Ruth Golob                     CFR
Ralph E. Gomory                          CFR
David C. Gompert                         CFR
Nelson Ricardo Gonzalez                  CFR
Robert C. Good                           CFR
James E. Goodby                          CFR
Arthur L. Goodhart                       CFR
Andrea Pierce Goodman                    CFR
George J. W. Goodman                     CFR
Herbert I. Goodman                       CFR
John B. Goodman                          CFR
Nancy F. Goodman                         CFR
Roy M. Goodman                           CFR
Sherri Wasserman Goodman                 CFR
Andrew Jackson Goodpaster (Gen.)         BB/CFR
Carter Goodrich                          CFR
Leland M. Goodrich                       CFR
Albert Hamilton Gordon                   CFR
John A. Gordon (Gen.)                    CFR
Kermit Gordon                            CFR
Lincoln Gordon                           BB/CFR
Michael R. Gordon                        CFR
Philip H. Gordon                         CFR
Albert  Gore, Jr.                        CFR
Jamie S. Gorelick                        CFR
Joseph T. Gorman                         BB/CFR/TC
Paul F. Gorman                           CFR
Alan L. Gornick                          CFR
Wytze Gorter                             CFR
Porter J. Goss                           CFR
Victor Gotbaum                           CFR
Gidion Gottlieb                          CFR
Rose E. Gottemoeller                     CFR
Kurt Gottfried                           CFR
Gidon A. G. Gottlieb                     CFR
Stuart Gottlieb                          CFR
Peter M. Gottsegen                       CFR
Laurence M. Gould                        CFR
Peter G. Gould                           CFR
Peter A. Gourevitch                      CFR
Joseph Peter Grace, Jr.                  CFR
William C. Grace                         CFR21
Henry Franklin Graff                     CFR
Robert D. Graff                          CFR
Bob Graham (D-Fl)                        CFR
Carol Lee Graham                         CFR
Katherine Graham                         BB/CFR/TC J
Lawrence Otis Graham                     CFR
Philip Graham                            CFR
Thomas Graham, Jr.                       CFR
Thomas Wallace Graham                    CFR
William R. Graham, Jr.                   CFR
James P. Grant                           CFR
Stephen R. Grand                         CFR
Michael D. Granoff                       CFR
James P. Grant                           CFR
Stephen A. Grant                         CFR
Ulysses S. Grant III                     CFR
Stephen R. Graubard                      CFR
Howard D. Graves                         CFR
Charles D. Gray                          CFR
Gordon Gray                              CFR
Hanna Holborn Gray                       CFR
Prentiss N. Gray                         CFR21
William Latimer Gray                     CFR
Judy S. Grayson                          CFR
Joseph A. Grazier                        CFR
R. Scott Greathead                       CFR
Richard Jr. Greco                        CFR
Bill Green (Washington Post)             CFR
Carl J. Green                            CFR
Ernest G. Green                          CFR
Jerrold D. Green                         CFR
Joseph C. Green                          CFR
Michael Jonathan Green                   CFR
Shane Green                              CFR
Arthur N. Greenberg                      CFR
Evan G. Greenberg                        CFR
Jeffrey W. Greenberg                     CFR
Karen J. Greenberg                       CFR
Maurice ("Hank") Raymond Greenberg       BB/CFR/TC
Sanford D. Greenberg                     CFR
Robert Stephen Greenberger               CFR
A. Crawford Greene                       CFR
James C. Greene                          CFR
Jerome D. Greene                         CFR21
Joseph N. Greene, Jr.                    CFR
Margaret L. (Gretchen) Greene            CFR
Wade Greene                              CFR
James L. Greenfield                      CFR
Meg Greenfield                           CFR
Crawford H. Greenewalt                   CFR
James Greenfield                         CFR
Meg Greenfield                           CFR
Alan J. Greenspan                        CFR/TC
G. Jonathan Greenwald                    CFR
Joseph Adolph Greenwald                  CFR
Hugh D.S. Greenway                       CFR
Herman Greenwood                         CFR
Donald P. Gregg                          CFR
Vartan Gregorian                         CFR
Wallace C. Gregson                       CFR
Richard Grenier                          CFR
Louisa Coan Greve                        CFR
Linda Griego                             CFR
Anne-Marea Griffin                       CFR
Samuel B. Griffith II                    CFR
Thomas Griffith                          CFR
William Edgar Griffith                   CFR
Alyssa A. Grikscheit                     CFR
Peter Grimm                              CFR
Joseph A. Grimes Jr.                     CFR
Julie M. Grimes                          CFR
Janet Mullins Grissom                    CFR
A. Whitney Griswold                      CFR
Teg C. Grondahl                          CFR
Peter Bolton Grose                       CFR
Ernest A. Gross                          CFR
Martin J. Gross                          CFR
Patrick W. Gross                         CFR
Alexander Grosset                        CFR21
Gene M. Grossman                         CFR
Brandon H. Grove, Jr.                    CFR
Curtiss C. Grove                         CFR
Paul C. Grove                            CFR
Allen Grover                             CFR
Ray J. Groves                            CFR
Alfred M. Gruenther                      BB/CFR
Joseph A. Grundfest                      CFR
George Vincent Grune                     CFR
Henry Anatole Grunwald                   BB/CFR
Sydney Gruson                            CFR
Gabriel Guerra-Mondragon                 CFR
Harry Frank Guggenheim                   CFR
Stephen E. Guisinger                     CFR
Sidney L. Gulick                         CFR21
Edmund Asbury Gullion                    CFR
Andrew S. Gundlach                       CFR
Hartford Gunn                            CFR
John J. Gunther                          BB/CFR
Pranay Gupte                             CFR
Murray I. Gurfein                        CFR
Judith Gustafson                         CFR
Lilita V. Gusts                          CFR
John H. Gutfreund                        CFR/TC
John H.J. Guth                           CFR
Edwin O. Guthman                         CFR
Henning P. Gutmann                       CFR
Bernard M. Gwetzman                      CFR
Catherine Gwin                           CFR
Joseph Mo Ha                             CFR
Lynn Elisa Haaland                       CFR
Ernest van den Haag                      CFR
The Mark Haas Foundation                 CFR
Mimi L. Haas                             CFR
Peter E. Haas                            CFR
Robert D. Haas                           CFR/TC
Richard N. Haass                         CFR
Inmaculada Habsburg-Lothringen           CFR
Nina L. Hachigian                        CFR
Craig D. Hackett                         CFR
Yvonne Yazbeck Haddad                    CFR
Stephen John Hadley                      CFR
Joseph A. Hafner  Jr.                    CFR
Chuck Hagel                              CFR
Katherine A. Hagen                       CFR
Eric H. Hager                            CFR
Stephan M. Haggard                       CFR
Keith D. Hahn                            CFR
Michael L. Haider                        CFR
Alexander Meigs Haig, Jr.                CFR/TC
George Winthrop Haight                   CFR/S&B 1928
Roya Hakakian                            CFR
Peter Hakim                              CFR
Najeeb E. Halaby                         CFR
David Halberstram                        CFR
David D. Hale                            CFR
C. Barrows Hall                          CFR
John P. Hall                             CFR
John W. Hall                             CFR
Kathryn Walt Hall                        CFR
Katherine Hall-Martinez                  CFR
Claus M. Halle                           CFR
Louis J. Halle, Jr.                      CFR
Mark S. Hallerberg                       CFR
Paul Hallingby, Jr.                      CFR
David R. Halperin                        CFR
Morton H. Halperin                       CFR
Ted Halstead                             CFR
Thomas A. Halsted                        CFR
Michael H. Haltzel                       CFR
David A. Hamburg                         CFR
Jill Hamburg                             CFR
Margaret Ann Hamburg                     CFR
Jill Hamburg-Coplan                      CFR
Ann O. Hamilton                          CFR
Charles V. Hamilton                      CFR
Daniel Hamilton                          CFR
Edward K. Hamilton                       CFR
Fowler Hamilton                          CFR
J. W. H. Hamilton                        CFR21
Jonathan C. Hamilton                     CFR
Lee H. Hamilton  (D-In)                  CFR/TC
Michael P. Hamilton                      CFR
Ruth Simms Hamilton                      CFR
Thomas J. Hamilton                       CFR
John Hays Hammond                        CFR21
John Henry Hammond                       CFR21
Paul Hammond                             CFR
D. Holly Hammonds                        CFR
Oliver W. Hammonds                       CFR
John J. Hamre                            CFR
Larry Hanauer                            CFR
William A. Hance                         CFR
Ellen Hancock                            CFR
Scott M. Hand                            CFR
Stephen Handelman                        CFR
Patricia L Hanscom                       CFR
Herbert J Hansell                        CFR
Hansen Carol Rae                         CFR
John W. Hanes, Jr.                       CFR
Patricia L. Hanscom                      CFR
Haywood S. Hansell, Jr.                  CFR
Herbert J. Hansell                       CFR
Carl Thor Hanson                         CFR
Giselle P. Hantz                         CFR
Evie Hantzopoulos                        CFR
Maurice Harari                           CFR
Frederick Harbison                       CFR
Deborah A. Harding                       CFR
Harry Harding                            CFR
John P. Hardt                            CFR
Raymond A. Hare                          CFR
John Lawrence Hargrove                   CFR
Bernard W. Harleston                     CFR
Jane Harman (D-Ca)                       CFR
Sidney Harman                            CFR
James A. Harmon                          CFR
Blaire Harms                             CFR
James W. Harpel                          CFR
Conrad K. Harper                         CFR
J. G. Harrar                             CFR
E. Roland Harriman                       CFR
Edward Roland Noel Harriman              CFR/S&B 1917
William Averell Harriman                 CFR/S&B 1913-1955
David A. Harris                          CFR
Irving B. Harris                         CFR
James T. Harris, Jr.                     CFR
Jay T. Harris                            CFR
John M. Harris                           CFR
Joseph E. Harris                         CFR
Katherine Harris                         CFR
Martha Caldwell Harris                   CFR
George Leslie Harrison                   CFR/S&B 1910
Selig S. Harrison                        CFR
William B. Harrison Jr.                  CFR
Joseph Close Harsch                      BB/CFR
Edward R. Harshberger                    CFR
Augustin S. Hart                         CFR
Augustin S. Hart, Jr.                    CFR
Brett J. Hart                            CFR
Francis R. Hart                          CFR21
Gary Hart                                CFR
Parker T. Hart (Pete)                    CFR
Todd C. Hart                             CFR
Robert W. Hartley                        CFR
Arthur A. Hartman                        BB/CFR
Broderick Haskell                        CFR
John H. F. Haskell Jr.                   CFR
Caryl Parker Haskins                     CFR 1961-
Charles H. Haskins                       CFR21
Robert S. Hatfield                       CFR
Gina Marie L. Hatheway                   CFR
Arthur A. Hauck                          CFR
Gabriel Hauge                            BB/CFR
John Resor Hauge                         CFR
Rita E. Hauser                           CFR
William Locke Hauser                     CFR
Theresa Ann Havell                       CFR
H. Field Haviland, Jr.                   CFR
Ashton Hawkins                           CFR
F. William Hawley                        CFR
Steronica Dunston Hawthorne              CFR
Alexandre P. Hayek                       CFR
Alfred Hayes                             CFR
Margaret Daly Hayes                      CFR
Rita Derrick Hayes                       CFR
Samuel P. Hayes                          CFR
Fred Haynes                              CFR
Lukas Harrison Haynes                    CFR
Ulric St.Clair Haynes Jr.                CFR
Brooks Hays                              BB/CFR
John T. Hays                             CFR
Thomas B. Hayward (Adm.)                 CFR
John N. Hazard                           CFR
Charles D. Hazen                         CFR21
Henry T. Heald                           CFR
Harold Harris Healy, Jr.                 CFR/S&B 1943
Alexander Heard                          CFR
Ruby P. Hearn                            CFR
Ronald R. Heath                          CFR
Charles B. Heck                          CFR/TC
Siegfried S. Hecker                      CFR
August Heckscher                         CFR
Mitchell W. Hedstrom                     CFR
Barbara D. Heep-Richter                  CFR
Paul Heer                                CFR
Totton P. Heffelfinger II                CFR
Stanley J. Heginbotham                   CFR
J. Bryan Hehir                           CFR
Elaine F. Heifetz                        CFR
Jacob E. Heilbrunn                       CFR
Samuel Heilner                           CFR21
Michael A. Heilperin                     BB/CFR
John Gaines Heimann                      CFR
Charles A. Heimbold Jr.                  CFR
James B. Heimowitz                       CFR
Benjamin W. Heineman Jr.                 CFR
Melvin L. Heineman                       CFR
Stephen B. Heintz                        CFR
Harry Leonard Heintzen                   CFR
Henry John Heinz II                      BB/CFR/S&B 1931
Teresa F. Heinz                          CFR
Dennis J . Hejlik                        CFR
Robert C. Helander                       CFR
Frederick Heldring                       CFR
Ricki Tigert Helfer                      CFR
Michael A. Heller                        CFR
Richard M. Heller                        CFR
F. Warren Hellman                        CFR
Donald Charles Hellmann                  CFR
Harold H. Helm                           CFR
Robert W. Helm                           CFR
Robert A. Helman                         CFR
Richard McGarrah Helms                   CFR
Mark Helprin                             CFR
Arthur C. Helton                         CFR
L. J. Henderson, Jr.                     CFR
Loy W. Henderson                         CFR
William Henderson                        CFR
David C. Hendrickson                     CFR
Alice H. Henkin                          CFR
Louis Henkin                             CFR
John M. Hennessy                         CFR
Daniel Paul Henninger                    CFR
Alan K. Henrikson                        CFR
David Dodds Henry                        CFR
Nancy L. Henry                           CFR
Harriet Hentges                          CFR
Alexander Herard                         CFR
Roy A. Herberger Jr.                     CFR
Charles Frazer Hermann                   CFR
Antonia Hernandez                        CFR
Colon Rafael Hernandez                   CFR
Antonia Hernandez                        CFR
W. Rogers Herod                          CFR
Edwin M. Herr                            CFR21
Pendleton Herring                        CFR
Owen Edward Herrnstadt                   CFR
Jean Herskovits                          CFR
Christian Archibald Herter               BB/CFR
Christian Archibald Herter, Jr.          CFR
Rebecca K. C. Hersman                    CFR
Dale R. Herspring                        CFR
Frederic P. Herter                       CFR
Roger Hertog                             CFR
Arthur Hertzberg                         CFR
Hendrik Hertzberg                        CFR
Barbara Herz                             CFR
Charles M. Herzfeld                      CFR
Paul M. Herzog                           CFR
Robert E. Herzstein                      CFR
Theodore Martin Hesburgh                 BB/CFR/TC
Sheila N. Heslin                         CFR
Jerome S. Hess                           CFR
John B. Hess                             CFR
Curtis A. Hessler                        CFR
James M. Hester                          CFR
William Alexander Hewitt                 BB/CFR/TC
Sylvia Ann Hewlett                       CFR
Fred Hiatt                               CFR
William M. Hickey                        CFR
Irvin Hicks Jr.                          CFR
Irvin Hicks Sr.                          CFR
John F. Hicks Sr.                        CFR
Kathleen Holland Hicks                   CFR
E. Michael Higginbotham                  CFR
Robert F. Higgins                        CFR
Tracy E. Higgins                         CFR
Keith Highet                             CFR
B. Boyd Hight                            CFR
Edward T. Hightower                      CFR
Forrest F. Hill                          CFR
George Watts Hill                        CFR
J. French Hill                           CFR
J. Tomilson Hill                         CFR
James T. Hill, Jr.                       CFR
John A. Hill                             CFR
Joseph C. Hill                           CFR
Pamela Hill                              CFR
Raymond D. Hill                          CFR
John Hillen                              CFR
Martin J. Hillenbrand                    CFR
Sonja Hillgren                           CFR
Carla Anderson Hills                     CFR/TC
Laura Hume Hills                         CFR
Robert C. Hills                          CFR
Roger Hilsman                            CFR
Robert P. Hilton                         CFR
James A. Himes                           CFR
Ruth J. Hinerfeld                        CFR
Rachel Hines                             CFR
Walker D. Hines                          CFR21
Randall Hinshaw                          CFR
Deane Roesch Hinton                      CFR
John L. Hirsch                           CFR
Albert O. Hirschman                      CFR
Charles J. Hitch                         CFR
Christine M. Y. Ho                       CFR
Jim Hoagland                             CFR
Joseph P. Hoar (Gen.)                    CFR
Matthew T. Hobart                        CFR
Tammany D. Hobbs-Miracky                 CFR
William P. Hobby                         CFR
Frank W. Hoch                            CFR
Harold K. Hochschild                     BB/CFR
Walter Hochschild                        CFR
Amoretta M. Hoeber                       CFR
Andrew R. Hoehn                          CFR
William Edwin Hoehn Jr.                  CFR
Malcolm I. Hoenlein                      CFR
Nancy L. Hoepli                          CFR
Philip Hofer                             CFR
Mark R. Hoffenberg                       CFR
Adonis Edward Hoffman                    CFR
Auren Hoffman                            CFR
Bruce Hoffman                            CFR
Michael L. Hoffman                       CFR
Paul Gray Hoffman                        BB/CFR
Stanley H. Hoffman                       BB/CFR
James Fulton Hoge, Jr.                   BB/CFR/TC
Warren M. Hoge                           CFR
Elis S. Hoglund                          CFR
George Roberts Hoguet                    CFR
Robert L. Hoguet, Jr.                    CFR
John Hohenberg                           CFR
Mary Elizabeth Hoinkes                   CFR
Hajo Holborn                             CFR
Richard Charles Albert Holbrooke         BB/CFR/TC
M. Staser Holcomb                        CFR
John L. Holden                           CFR
James B. Holderman                       CFR
John P. Holdren                          CFR
Laura S. Haynes Holgate                  CFR
Jane E. Holl                             CFR
Kenneth Holland                          CFR
William L. Holland                       CFR
Anne Lorraine Hollick                    CFR
Stuart W. Holliday                       CFR
Dwight F. Holloway Jr.                   CFR
Alan F. Holmer                           CFR
Alan R. Holmes                           CFR
Henry Allen Holmes                       CFR
Julius C. Holmes                         CFR
Kim R. Holmes                            CFR
Stephen T. Holmes                        CFR
Alessandra Griffiths Holowesko           CFR
Willem Holst                             CFR
Pat M. Holt                              CFR
Hamilton Holt                            CFR21
L. Emett Holt, Jr.                       CFR
Pat M. Holt                              CFR
John D. Holum                            CFR
Arthur B. Homer                          CFR
Sidney Homer                             CFR
George V. Hook                           CFR
Richard D. Hooker Jr.                    CFR
Benjamin L. Hooks                        CFR
Townsend Walter Hoopes II                S&B 1944/CFR
Calvin B. Hoover                         CFR
Herbert W. Hoover, Jr.                   CFR
Lyman Hoover                             CFR
Judith Richards Hope                     CFR
Richard O. Hope                          CFR
Luke D. Hopkins                          CFR
Bruce C. Hopper                          CFR
Arnold L. Horelick                       CFR
Gary N. Horlick                          CFR
Robert D. Hormats                        CFR/TC
Garfield H. Horn                         CFR
Karen N. Horn                            CFR
Miriam Horn                              CFR
Sally K. Horn                            CFR
Stanley K. Hornbeck                      CFR
Matina Souretis Horner                   CFR
Richard H. Hornik                        CFR
Irving Louis Horowitz                    CFR
Alan W. Horton                           CFR
Philip C. Horton                         CFR
Robert Scott Horton                      CFR
Halford L. Hoskins                       CFR
Harold B. Hoskins                        CFR
Bradley C. Hosmer                        CFR
Germaine A. Hoston                       CFR
Richard C. Hottelet                      CFR
Amory Houghton III (R-NY)                CFR
Arthur A. Houghton, Jr.                  CFR
James R. Houghton                        CFR/TC
Edward Mandell House                     CFR21/33rd
Karen Elliott House                      CFR
David Franklin Houston                   CFR21-1927
Frank K. Houston                         CFR
Herbert S. Houston                       CFR21
Frederick L. Hovde                       CFR
Allan Justus Hovey, Jr.                  CFR
A. E. Dick Howard                        CFR
Christopher Bernard Howard               CFR
Graeme K. Howard                         CFR
John R. Howard                           CFR
Lyndsay C. Howard                        CFR
M. William Howard Jr.                    CFR
John Howe                                CFR
Walter Howe                              CFR
Ernest M. Howell                         CFR
John I. Howell                           CFR
Peter Howell                             CFR
Charles P. Howland                       CFR21-1931
Nicholas C. Howson                       CFR
Edwin C. Hoyt, Jr.                       CFR
Mont P. Hoyt                             CFR
Palmer Hoyt                              CFR
Sharon Hemond Hrynkow                    CFR
Ta-Lin Hsu                               CFR
Mala Htun                                CFR
Richard L. Huber                         CFR
Benjamin Huberman                        CFR
David E. Hudson                          CFR21
Manley O. Hudson                         CFR21
Michael C. Hudson                        CFR
Stewart J. Hudson                        CFR
Lee W. Huebner                           CFR
Gary C. Hufbauer                         CFR
Roy Michael Huffington                   CFR
Shirley M. Hufstedler                    CFR
Duane L. Hughes                          CFR
John Chambers Hughes (State Dept.)       CFR
Justin Hughes                            CFR
Lynn N. Hughes                           CFR
Lyric M. Hughes                          CFR
R. John Hughes                           CFR
Thomas Lowe Hughes                       BB/CFR
H.C. Huglin                              CFR
John W. Huizenga                         CFR
Cordell W. Hull                          CFR
Tamela Hultman                           CFR
Timothy A. Hultquist                     CFR
Cameron R. Hume                          CFR
Ellen H. Hume                            CFR
Arthur William Hummel Jr.                CFR
Hubert H. Humphrey                       CFR
Jeffrey A. Hunker                        CFR
Warren S. Hunsberger                     CFR
James Ramsay Hunt, Jr.                   CFR
Swanee Hunt                              CFR
Clarence E. Hunter                       CFR 1942-1953
Robert Edward Hunter                     BB/CFR
Shireen T. Hunter                        CFR
Charlayne Hunter-Gault                   CFR
David S. Huntington                      CFR
Patricia Skinner Huntington              CFR
Samuel Phillips Huntington               CFR
Jon M. Huntsman Jr.                      CFR
Jacob Coleman Hurewitz                   CFR
John B. Hurford                          CFR
Edward N. Hurley                         CFR21
James B. Hurlock                         CFR
Matthew Hunter Hurlock                   CFR
Robert J. Hurst                          CFR
Seth L. Hurwitz                          CFR
Sol Hurwitz                              CFR
Robert L. Hutchings                      CFR
Glenn H. Hutchins                        CFR
Charles Hutzler                          CFR
Philip M. Huyck                          CFR
Joel Z. Hyatt                            CFR
Henry B. Hyde                            CFR
James N. Hyde                            CFR
William George Hyland                    CFR/TC
Allen I. Hyman                           CFR
Alberto Ibarguen                         CFR
Henry L. Ickelheimer                     CFR21
Robert S. Ingersoll                      CFR
John B. Inglis                           CFR
David R. Ignatius                        CFR
Mansoor Ijaz                             CFR
G. John Ikenberry                        CFR
Fred Charles Ikle                        CFR
Alice Stone Ilchman                      CFR
Karl F. Inderfurth (Rick)                CFR
Robert Stephen Ingersoll                 CFR
Bobby Ray Inman                          CFR/TC
Charles P. Issawi                        CFR
Open Society Institute                   CFR
Michael D. Intriligator                  CFR
Ray R. Irani                             CFR
Leon E. Irish                            CFR
Patricia L. Irvin                        CFR
David W. Irwin                           CFR
John N. Irwin II                         CFR
Steven M. Irwin                          CFR
William G. Irwin                         CFR21
Maxine Isaacs                            CFR
Norman E. Isaacs                         CFR
Walter Seff Isaacson                     CFR/RS
John Jay Iselin                          CFR
O'Donnell Iselin                         CFR
Steven L. Isenberg                       CFR
Christopher Isham                        CFR
Adam R. Isles                            CFR
Mahnaz Z. Ispahani                       CFR
Charles Issawi                           CFR
Deborah H. Isser                         CFR
Yves-Andr Istel                          CFR
William M. Itoh                          CFR
Kenneth R. Iverson                       CFR
M. Douglas Ivester                       CFR
William H. Izlar Jr.                     CFR
Paul Jabber                              CFR
Henry Jackelen                           CFR
Nancy P. Jacklin                         CFR
Bruce P. Jackson                         CFR
Elmore Jackson                           CFR
Eric K. Jackson                          CFR
Jesse L. Jackson                         CFR
John Howard Jackson                      CFR
John R. Jackson                          CFR
Lois M. Jackson                          CFR
Sarah Jackson                            CFR
William E. Jackson                       CFR/S&B 1941
William H. Jackson                       CFR
John E. Jacob                            CFR
Eli S. Jacobs                            CFR
Nehama Jacobs                            CFR
Harold K. Jacobson                       CFR
Jerome Jacobson                          CFR
Mark R. Jacobson                         CFR
Tamar Jacoby                             CFR
Amy Myers Jaffe                          CFR
Sam A. Jaffe                             CFR
Jay Jakub                                CFR
Arthur Curtiss James                     CFR21
Francis J. James                         CFR
George F. James                          CFR
J. K. Jamieson                           CFR
Jackson Janes                            CFR
Mark Weston Janis                        CFR
Morton L. Janklow                        CFR
Merit E. Janow                           CFR
Marius B. Jansen                         CFR
Jane S. Jaquette                         CFR
Alfred Jaretzki, Jr.                     CFR
James M. Jarvie                          CFR21
Nancy A. Jarvis                          CFR
Robert E. Jastrow                        CFR
Jacob K. Javits                          BB/CFR/J
Nelson Dean Jay                          BB/CFR
Cindy R. Jebb                            CFR
Bradley C. Jeffries                      CFR
Bonnie D. Jenkins                        CFR
John K. Jenney                           CFR
Robert L. Jervis                         CFR
Alpheus W. Jessup                        CFR34-1953
John K. Jessup                           CFR
Philip C. Jessup                         CFR
Howard Franklin Jeter                    CFR
Calvin C. Jillson                        CFR
Robert D. Joffe                          CFR
Lionel Skipwith Johns                    CFR
Alba B. Johnson                          CFR21
Douglas W. Johnson                       CFR21
Edward F. Johnson                        CFR
Herschel V. Johnson                      CFR
Howard C. Johnson                        CFR
Howard W. Johnson                        CFR
James A. Johnson (Fed. Nat. Mortgage)    CFR
James E. Johnson                         CFR
Jay L. Johnson                           CFR
Jeh Charles Johnson                      CFR
Karen H. Johnson                         CFR
Joseph Esrey Johnson                     BB/CFR 1950-
L. Oakley Johnson                        CFR
Larry D. Johnson                         CFR
Lester B. Johnson                        CFR
Lionel C. Johnson                        CFR
Nancie S. Johnson                        CFR
Nancy Lee Johnson (R-CT)                 CFR
Robbin S. Johnson                        CFR
Robert Henry Johnson                     CFR
Robert L. Johnson                        CFR
Robert Wood Johnson, Jr.                 CFR
Robert Wood Johnson IV                   CFR
Suzanne Nora Johnson                     CFR
Thomas S. Johnson                        CFR
Willene A. Johnson                       CFR
Wyatt Thomas Johnson                     CFR/TC
Tom Johnson                              CFR
Henry R. Johnston                        CFR
W. H. Johnstone                          CFR
Alan Kent Jones                          CFR
Anita K. Jones                           CFR
Benjamin Felt Jones                      CFR
David C. Jones                           CFR
David J. Jones (Gen.)                    CFR
David L. Jones                           CFR
James R. Jones (D-Ok)                    CFR
Jeffrey B. Jones                         CFR
Joseph E. Jones                          CFR21
Kerri-Ann Jones                          CFR
Nigel W. Jones                           CFR
Peter T. Jones                           CFR
Sidney R. Jones                          CFR
Thomas Victor Jones                      CFR
Thomas W. Jones                          CFR
Peter Martin Joost                       CFR
Amos Azariah Jordan                      CFR
Eason T. Jordan                          CFR
Vernon Eulion Jordan, Jr.                BB/CFR/TC
William J. Jorden                        CFR
Geri M. Joseph                           CFR
Ira Benjamin Joseph                      CFR
James A. Joseph                          CFR
Richard A. Joseph                        CFR
Devereux C. Josephs                      CFR51-1958
William Josephson                        CFR
John T. Joyce                            CFR
John P. Jumper                           CFR
Helen B. Junz                            CFR
Kenneth I. Juster                        CFR
Lewis B. Kaden                           CFR
Robert P. Kadlec                         CFR
Donald Kagan                             CFR
Robert W. Kagan                          CFR
Jerome H. Kahan                          CFR
George McTurnan Kahin                    CFR
Miles Kahler                             CFR
Harry Kahn                               CFR
Herman Kahn                              CFR
Otto Hermann Kahn                        CFR21-1934
Peter Robert Kahn                        BB/CFR/J
Archibald C. Kains                       CFR21-1934
Miranda M. Kaiser                        CFR
Philip M. Kaiser                         CFR
Robert Greeley Kaiser                    CFR
Shanthi A. Kalathil                      CFR
Bernard Kalb                             CFR
Marvin Kalb                              CFR
Jan Kalicki                              CFR
Thomas Amadeus Kalil                     CFR
Felix A. Kalinski                        CFR
Andrew Martin Kamarck                    CFR
Elaine Ciulla Kamarck                    CFR
Peter H. Kaminer                         CFR
Howard Kaminsky                          CFR
Max M. Kampelman                         CFR
Virginia Ann Kamsky                      CFR
Donald Perry Kanak                       CFR
Jonathan Kandell                         CFR
R. Keith Kane                            CFR
Roger E. Kanet                           CFR
C. S. Eliot Kang                         CFR
Peter Robert Kann                        CFR
Kermit I. Kansner                        CFR
Walter H. Kansteiner III                 CFR
Arnold Kanter                            CFR
Rosabeth Ross Kanter                     CFR
Mickey Kantor                            CFR
Gilbert E. Kaplan                        CFR
Harold J. Kaplan                         CFR
Helene Lois Kaplan                       CFR
Jeffrey A. Kaplan                        CFR
Mark N. Kaplan                           CFR
Stephen S. Kaplan                        CFR
Robert Alexander Kapp                    CFR
Ethan B. Kapstein                        CFR
Anne Karalekas                           CFR
Susan L. Karamanian                      CFR
Adrian Karatnycky                        CFR
Bruce E. Karatz                          CFR
Thomas G. Karis                          CFR
Terry Lynn Karl                          CFR
Stanley Karnow                           CFR
Margaret Padelford Karns                 CFR
Charles Kartman                          CFR
Robert Kasdin                            CFR
Stephen L. Kass                          CFR
Jordan S. Kassalow                       CFR
Allen H. Kassof                          CFR
Andrew R. Kassoy                         CFR
Farooq Kathwari                          CFR
Abraham Katz                             CFR
Daniel Roger Katz                        CFR
Milton Katz                              BB/CFR
Ronald S. Katz                           CFR
Stanley N. Katz                          CFR
Nicholas de Belleville Katzenbach        CFR/RS
Edward L. Katzenback, Jr.                CFR
Peter J. Katzenstein                     CFR
Daniel J. Kaufman                        CFR
James Lee Kauffman                       CFR
Henry J. Kaufman                         CFR
Robert R. Kaufman                        CFR
William Weed Kaufmann                    CFR
Kira Kay                                 CFR
Charles Robert Kaye                      CFR
Dalia Dassa Kaye                         CFR
Carl Kaysen                              BB/CFR
Juliette N. Kayyem                       CFR
Farhad Kazemi                            CFR
Charlotte G. Kea                         CFR
Christopher Kean                         CFR
Thomas H. Kean                           CFR
Jude Kearney                             CFR
David Todd Kearns                        CFR
Alton G. Keel Jr.                        CFR
Royal R. Keely                           CFR21
Lonnie S. Keene                          CFR
Spurgeon M. Keeny Jr.                    CFR
Dexter Merriam Keezer                    CFR
David M. Keiser                          CFR
Catherine McArdle Kelleher               CFR
Stephen M. Kellen                        CFR
Edmond J. Keller                         CFR
Kenneth H. Keller                        CFR
Barbara L. Kellerman                     CFR
Paul Xavier Kelley                       CFR
Peter Bicknell Kellner                   CFR
David Kellogg                            CFR
Frederic R. Kellogg                      CFR21
Arthur L. Kelly                          CFR
James P. Kelly                           CFR
John Hubert Kelly                        CFR
Herbert C. Kelman                        CFR
A. Donald Kelso                          CFR
Eugenia Kemble                           CFR
Geoffrey Kemp                            CFR
Frederick S. Kempe                       CFR
Frederick C. Kempner                     CFR
Maximillian W. Kempner                   CFR
Donald McIntosh Kendall                  CFR/TC
Peter B. Kenen                           CFR
George F. Kennan                         BB/CFR
Kenneth Keniston                         CFR
Christopher J. Kennan                    CFR
Elizabeth T. Kennan                      CFR
George Frost Kennan                      CFR
Craig Kennedy                            CFR
Donald F. Kennedy                        CFR
Robert F. Kennedy                        CFR
Roger G. Kennedy                         CFR
F. Donald Kenney                         CFR
Spurgeon M. Kenny, Jr.                   CFR
Fred I. Kent                             CFR21
William H. Kent                          CFR
Nannerl O. Keohane                       CFR
Robert O. Keohane                        CFR
Harry F. Kern                            CFR
Paul J. Kern                             CFR
Ann Zwicker Kerr                         CFR
Clark Kerr                               CFR
Bob Kerrey                               CFR
John Forbes Kerry (D-Md)                 CFR/S&B 1966
Peggy Kerry                              CFR
Martha Neff Kessler                      CFR
John G. Kester                           CFR
W. Carl Kester                           CFR
James L. Ketelsen                        CFR
Francis A. Kettaneh                      CFR
Paul V. Keyser, Jr.                      CFR
Peter Kezirian                           CFR
Zalmay M. Khalilzad                      CFR
Neeraj L. Khemlani                       CFR
Nicola N. Khuri                          CFR
Herman S. Kiaer                          CFR
John W. Kiermaier                        CFR
Robert Edward Kiernan III                CFR
William S. Kies                          CFR21
Robert R. Kiley                          CFR
James R. Killian, Jr.                    CFR
Andrew B. Kim                            CFR
Hanya Marie Kim                          CFR
Sukhan Kim                               CFR
John H. Kimberly                         CFR
John R. Kimberly                         CFR
Robert M. Kimmitt                        CFR
James V. Kimsey                          CFR
Lawrence John Kinde                      CFR
Charles King                             CFR
Frederic R. King                         CFR
Henry Lawrence King                      CFR
James E. King, Jr.                       CFR
John A. King, Jr.                        CFR
Kay King                                 CFR
Robert R. King                           CFR
Willard V. King                          CFR21
Thomas C. Kinkaid                        CFR
William R. Kintner                       CFR
Judith Kipper                            CFR
Grayson Louis Kirk                       CFR 1950-
Joseph Lane Kirkland                     CFR/TC
Lane E. Kirkland                         CFR
Richard I. Kirkland, Jr.                 CFR
Jeane Duane Jordan Kirkpatrick           CFR/TC
Melanie M. Kirkpatrick                   CFR
Stephen D. Kiser                         CFR
Henry Alfred Kissinger                   BB/CFR/TC J
George B. Kistiakowsky                   CFR
Jeffrey C. Kitchen                       CFR
Orde F. Kittrie                          CFR
Karin L. Kizer                           CFR
Helaine S. Klasky                        CFR
Robert Kleiman                           CFR
David Klein                              CFR
Edward Klein (NYT)                       CFR
George Klein                             CFR
Jacques Paul Klein                       CFR
Joe A. Klein (Newsweek)                  CFR
Roger C. Kline                           CFR
Frank G. Klotz                           CFR
James M. Klurfeld                        CFR
Gary E. Knell                            CFR
Douglas Knight                           CFR
Edward S. Knight                         CFR
Jessie J. Knight Jr.                     CFR
Robert Huntington Knight                 CFR
L. Werner Knoke                          CFR
Antonie T. Knoppers                      BB/CFR
Klaus Knorr                              CFR
William Allen Knowlton                   CFR
John H. Knox                             CFR
William E. Knox                          CFR
Deborah J. Kobak                         CFR
Jennie M. Koch                           CFR
Wendy M. Koch                            CFR
John E. Koehler                          CFR
Robert P. Koenig                         CFR
Richard Jay Kogan                        CFR
Foy D. Kohler                            CFR
Walter J. Kohler                         CFR
Hans Kohn                                CFR
Andrew Kohut                             CFR
Charles E. M. Kolb                       CFR
James Thomas Kolbe (R-Az)                CFR
Edward A. Kolodziej                      CFR
George Kolt                              CFR
Steven R. Koltai                         CFR
Lucy Komisar                             CFR
Morton M. Kondracke                      CFR
Ted Koppel                               CFR/J
Lawrence J. Korb                         CFR
Josef Korbel                             CFR
Andrzej Korbonski                        CFR
Jessica Korn                             CFR
John C. Kornblum                         CFR
Alexander G. Korol                       CFR
Edward M. Korry                          CFR
Mike Vincent Kostiw                      CFR
Mahesh K. Kotecha                        CFR
Steven Kotler                            CFR
Walter M. Kotschnig                      CFR
Louis Kraar                              CFR
Lillian E. Kraemer                       CFR
Kirk Kraeutler                           CFR
Joseph Kraft                             BB/CFR
Robert E. Kramek                         CFR
David J. Kramer                          CFR
Helen M. Kramer                          CFR
J. Reed Kramer                           CFR
Jane Kramer                              CFR
Mark Nathan Kramer                       CFR
Michael Kramer                           CFR
Steven Philip Kramer                     CFR
C. Douglas Kranwinkle                    CFR
Thomas F. Kranz                          CFR
Stephen D. Krasner                       CFR
Richard M. Krasno                        CFR
Lawrence B. Krause                       CFR
Clifford Krauss                          CFR
Charles Krauthammer                      CFR
Henry R. Kravis                          BB/CFR
Fred Krawchuk                            CFR
Alvin W. Krech                           CFR21
Mary Jeanne Kreek                        CFR
Paul H. Kreisberg                        CFR
Thomas Krens                             CFR
Andrew F. Krepinevich                    CFR
Michael Krepon                           CFR
Juanita Morris Kreps                     CFR
Jay L. Kriegel                           CFR
Bernard Krisher                          CFR
Sandra Jeanne Kristoff                   CFR
Irving Kristol                           CFR
Anthony Townsend Kronman                 CFR
Walter Kross                             CFR
Anne O. Krueger                          CFR
Harvey Krueger                           BB/CFR
David Kruidenier                         CFR
Charles Chandler Krulak                  CFR
Charlotte Ku                             CFR
Roger M. Kubarych                        CFR
Jack B. Kubisch                          CFR
Andrew Carrigan Kuchins                  CFR
Nancy Jo. Kuenstner                      CFR
Steven G. Kull                           CFR
Bruce Robellet Kuniholm                  CFR
Geraldine S. Kunstadter                  CFR
Charles A. Kupchan                       CFR
Clifford A. Kupchan                      CFR
Robert H. Kupperman                      CFR
Daniel C. Kurtzer                        CFR
James R. Kurth                           CFR
Daniel C. Kurtzer                        CFR
Robert A. Kushen                         CFR
Stewart Kwoh                             CFR
Jeri L. Laber                            CFR
Henry R. Labouisse                       CFR
Thomas G. Labrecque                      CFR/TC
Dan B. Lacy                              CFR
Edward Ladd                              CFR
Wolf Ladejinsky                          CFR
Philip Lader                             CFR
Joyce A. Ladner                          CFR
Vinca S. Lafleur                         CFR
Mark P. Lagon                            CFR
Stanley R. Laing                         CFR
Ellen Laipson                            CFR
Melvin R. Laird                          CFR
Vanessa Laird                            CFR
Anthony Lake                             CFR
David A. Lake                            CFR
William Anthony Lake                     CFR
William T. Lake                          CFR
Betty Goetz Lall                         CFR
Stephen E. Lamar                         CFR
Denis David Lamb                         CFR
Horace R. Lamb                           CFR
Brett B. Lambert                         CFR
Benjamin S. Lambeth                      CFR
Donald S. Lamm                           CFR
Lansing Lamont                           CFR
Peter T. Lamont                          CFR
Thomas Stilwell Lamont                   CFR/Pilgrim Soc.
Thomas William Lamont                    BB/CFR21
James B. Lampert                         CFR
Virginia A. Lampley                      CFR
David M. Lampton                         CFR
Roy Lamson, Jr.                          CFR
Carol J. Lancaster                       CFR
George Walter Landau                     CFR
Jim Alfred Lande                         CFR
James M. Landis                          CFR
Lauren R. Landis                         CFR
Joanne Landy                             CFR
Charles M. Lane                          CFR
David J. Lane                            CFR
James Thomas Laney                       CFR
Robert E. Lang                           CFR
George D. Langdon Jr.                    CFR
Paul F. Langer                           CFR
William L. Langer                        CFR
John D. Langlois                         CFR
Walter Consuelo Langsam                  CFR
Charles T. Lanham                        CFR
Edward G. Lansdale                       CFR
Joseph Lapalombara                       CFR
Lewis H. Lapham                          CFR
Gail W. Lapidus                          CFR
Nicholas R. Lardy                        CFR
Sigurd S. Larmon                         CFR
F. Stephen Larrabee                      CFR
Charles R. Larson                        CFR
Hal B. Lary                              CFR
Jonathan Lash                            CFR
Lawrence J. Lasser                       CFR
Harold D. Lasswell                       CFR
Noel V. Lateef                           CFR
Kenneth S. Latourette                    CFR21
Owen Lattimore                           CFR
Leonard Alan Lauder                      CFR
Ronald S. Lauder                         CFR
Paul A. Laudicina                        CFR
Perry Laukhuff                           CFR
Kermit Lausner                           CFR
Philip C. Lauinger Jr.                   CFR
Jeffrey Laurenti                         CFR
Ned C. Lautenbach                        CFR
David A. Laventhol                       CFR
Franklin L. Lavin                        CFR
David Lawrence                           CFR
Richard D. Lawrence                      CFR
Robert Z. lawrence                       CFR
William H. Lawrence                      CFR
Eugene K. Lawson                         CFR
Lawrence E. Laybourne                    CFR
John G. Laylin                           CFR
Christopher Layne                        CFR
Shelly B. Lazarus                        CFR
Steven Lazarus                           CFR
A. B. Leach                              CFR21
James Albert Smith Leach (R-In)          CFR/TC
Henry Goddard Leach                      CFR21
David C. Leavy                           CFR
James A. Leach                           CFR
Eugene LeBaron                           CFR
Joshua Leberberg                         CFR
Paul Leclerc                             CFR
John M. Leddy                            CFR
Joshua Lederberg                         CFR
Ivo John Lederer                         CFR
Gordon Nathaniel Lederman                CFR
Bryce Lee                                CFR
Charles Henry Lee                        CFR
Chong-Moon Lee                           CFR
Elliott H. Lee                           CFR
Ernest S. Lee                            CFR
Ivy L. Lee                               CFR21
Janet Lee                                CFR
William L. Lee                           CFR
Dinah Lee-Kung                           CFR
David W. Leebron                         CFR
Roger S. Leeds                           CFR
Mildred Robbins Leet                     CFR
Ernest W. Lefever                        CFR
LaSalle D. Leffal III                    CFR
Russell Cornell Leffingwell              CFR21-1960
Richard S. Leghom                        CFR
Jeffrey W. Legro                         CFR
Robert H. Legvold                        CFR
Herbert Henry Lehman                     CFR21/J
John R. Lehman                           CFR
John F. Lehman Jr.                       CFR
Orin Lehman                              CFR
Robert F. Lehman III                     CFR
Ronald Frank Lehman II                   CFR
Deborah M. Lehr                          CFR
James Lehrer                             CFR
Jim Lehrer                               CFR
Hal Lehrman                              CFR
Lewis E. Lehrman                         CFR
John Foster Leich                        CFR
Monroe Leigh                             CFR
Marc E. Leland                           CFR
Joseph Lelyveld                          CFR
Gerald A. LeMelle                        CFR
Tilden J. LeMelle                        CFR
Wilbert J. LeMelle                       CFR
J. Stuart Lemle                          CFR
Hyman L. Lemnitzer                       CFR
Robert J. Lempert                        CFR
Amanda V. Leness                         CFR
Alexander T. J. Lennon                   CFR
Sarah G. J. Lennon                       CFR
William J. Lennox Jr.                    CFR
Louis C. Lenzen                          CFR
William M. LeoGrande                     CFR
James Fulton Leonard Jr.                 CFR
James G. Leonard                         CFR
Kenneth Lynch Leonard                    CFR
Richard C. Leone                         CFR
Eva Lerner-Lam                           CFR
Norbert G. Leroy                         CFR
Ann Mosely Lesch                         CFR
Donald S. Leslie                         CFR
John C. Leslie                           CFR
John W. Leslie Jr.                       CFR
Ian O. Lesser                            CFR
Laurence LeSuer                          CFR
Marcel J. Lettre II                      CFR
Gerald M. Levin                          CFR/TC/J
Herbert Levin                            CFR
John A. Levin                            CFR
Michael Stuart Levin                     CFR
Neil D. Levin                            CFR
Irvine Raskin Levine                     CFR
Marne L. Levine                          CFR
Mel Levine (D-Ca)                        CFR
Susan B. Levine                          CFR
Marc Levinson                            CFR
Mitchel Levitas                          CFR
Kenneth Joel Levit                       CFR
Mitchel Levitas                          CFR
Jonathan E. Levitsky                     CFR
Jeremy I. Levitt                         CFR
Marion J. Levy Jr.                       CFR
Philip I. Levy                           CFR
Reynold Levy                             CFR
Samuel J. Levy                           CFR
Walter James Levy                        BB/CFR
Anthony Lewis (NYT)                      CFR
Bernard Lewis                            CFR
David A. Lewis                           CFR
Edward T. Lewis                          CFR
Elise Carlson Lewis                      CFR
Flora Lewis                              CFR/TC
John P. Lewis                            CFR
John Wilson Lewis                        CFR
Herbert Lewis                            CFR
Loida Nicolas Lewis                      CFR
Roger Lewis                              CFR
Samuel W. Lewis                          CFR/J
Sherman R. Lewis Jr.                     CFR
Stephen R. Lewis Jr. (Carleton College)  CFR
W. Walker Lewis                          CFR
Wilmarth S. Lewis                        CFR
Frank Lewisohn                           CFR
Samuel A. Lewisohn                       CFR21
Glen S. Lewy                             CFR
Lehmann Li                               CFR
Lu Li                                    CFR
Victor H. Li                             CFR
I. Lewis Libby (Scooter)                 CFR
John H. Lichtblau                        CFR
Cynthia C. Lichtenstein                  CFR
Walter Lichtenstein                      CFR
James Edmund Lieber                      CFR
Robert J. Lieber                         CFR
Henry R. Lieberman                       CFR
Jodi B. Lieberman                        CFR
Joseph I. Lieberman (D-Ct)               CFR
Nancy A. Lieberman                       CFR
Kenneth G. Lieberthal                    CFR
William A. Liffers                       CFR
Robert K. Lifton                         CFR
Timothy Light                            CFR
Robert E. Lightizer                      CFR
Milton C. Lightner                       CFR
David E. Lilienthal                      CFR
Sally L. Lilienthal                      CFR
A. N. Lilley                             CFR
James Roderick Lilley                    CFR
Edward J. Lincoln                        CFR
George A. Lincoln                        CFR
Michael E. Lind                          CFR
Tod Lindberg                             CFR
Harold F. Linder                         CFR
Ernest K. Lindley                        CFR
Warren T. Lindquist                      CFR
Beverly Lindsay                          CFR
Franklin Anthony Lindsay                 BB/CFR
George N. Lindsay, Jr.                   CFR
James M. Lindsay                         CFR
John V. Lindsay                          CFR
Richard C. Lindsay                       CFR
Samuel McCune Lindsay                    CFR21
Paul M. A. Linebarger                    CFR
Jonathan S. Linen                        CFR
William E. Lingelbach                    CFR
Walter L. Lingle, Jr.                    CFR
Troland S. Link                          CFR
David F. Linowes                         CFR
Sol M. Linowitz                          CFR
Kenneth Lipper                           CFR
Tamara Lipper                            CFR
Brian C. Lippey                          CFR
Thomas W. Lippman                        CFR
Walter Lippmann                          CFR21, 1932-1937
Thomas H. Lipscomb                       CFR
Seymour Martin Lipset                    CFR
John P. Lipsky                           CFR
Seth Lipsky                              CFR
Leon Lipson                              CFR
Karin M. Lissakers                       CFR
Oliver J. Lissitzyn                      CFR
Robert E. Litan                          CFR
Edward H. Litchfield                     CFR
David G. Litt                            CFR
David Little (USIP)                      CFR
Herbert S. Little                        CFR
L. K. Little                             CFR
Milton J. Little Jr.                     CFR
Edmund W. Littlefield                    CFR
Robert S. Litwak                         CFR
Betty W. Liu                             CFR
Eric P. Liu                              CFR
Margaret C. Liu                          CFR
Robert Gerald Livingston                 CFR
J. Bruce Llewellyn                       CFR
Derwood W. Lockard                       CFR
Edwin A. Locke, Jr.                      CFR
John E. Lockwood                         CFR
Manice deF Lockwood III                  CFR
William W. Lockwood                      CFR
Jan M. Lodal                             CFR
George Cabot Lodge                       CFR
Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.                   CFR
John Langeloth Loeb                      CFR
Marshall Loeb                            CFR
Francis D. Logan                         CFR
Herbert I. London                        CFR
Susan M. Long                            CFR
William J. Long                          CFR
George Loft                              CFR
Herbert London                           CFR
Victor M. Longstreet                     CFR
Bevis Longstreth                         CFR
Richard C. Longworth                     CFR
Susan Longworth                          CFR
Alfred L. Loomis                         CFR
Henry Loomis                             CFR
Robert H. Loomis                         CFR
A. William Loos                          CFR
Donald E. Loranger Jr.                   CFR
Bette Bao Lord                           CFR
Robert H. Lord                           CFR21
Winston Lord                             CFR
Oivind Lorentzen III                     CFR
Harold H. Loucks                         CFR
William Roger Louis                      CFR
Robert H. Lounsbury                      CFR
Linda S. Lourie                          CFR
Glenn Cartman Loury                      CFR
Jay Lovestone                            CFR
Thomas E. Lovejoy                        CFR
Jon B. Lovelace                          CFR
Robert Ambercrombie Lovett               CFR/S&B 1918
Stephen Low                              CFR
Andreas F. Lowenfeld                     CFR
Barry F. Lowenkron                       CFR
James G. Lowenstein                      CFR
Abraham F. Lowenthal                     CFR
Elmer W. Lower                           CFR
Frank E. Loy                             CFR
James Milton Loy                         CFR
Ignacio E. Lozano Jr.                    CFR
Monica C. Lozano                         CFR
Donald Lu                                CFR
Robert A. Lubar                          CFR
Isador Lubin                             BB/CFR
Nancy Lubin                              CFR
Stanley B. Lubman                        CFR
C. Payne Lucas                           CFR
Charles F. Luce                          CFR
Henry Robinson Luce                      BB/CFR/S&B 1920
Edward C. Luck                           CFR
William Lucy                             CFR
R. E. Ludt                               CFR
Wendy W. Luers                           CFR
William Henry Luers                      CFR
J. C. Luitweiler                         CFR
David L. Luke III                        CFR
John A. Luke Jr.                         CFR
Lora Lumpe                               CFR
Samuel D. Lunt                           CFR
Ian S. Lustick                           CFR
Jane Holl Lute                           CFR
Edward N. Luttwak                        CFR
Ky Luu                                   CFR
Anne R. Luzzatto                         CFR
Katharine C. Lyall                       CFR
Joseph P. Lyford                         CFR
Princeton Nathan Lyman                   CFR
Richard Wall Lyman                       CFR
Edward S. Lynch                          CFR
Thomas F. Lynch III                      CFR
William Lynch Jr.                        CFR
Myles V. Lynk                            CFR
James Thomas Lynn                        CFR/TC
Laurence Edwin Lynn Jr.                  CFR
David William Lyon                       CFR
E. Wilson Lyon                           CFR
Gene M. Lyons                            CFR
James E. Lyons                           CFR
Richard Kent Lyons                       CFR
Christopher Yi-Wen Ma                    CFR
Marcus Mabry                             CFR
Raymond Edwin Mabus, Jr.                 CFR
John R. MacArthur                        CFR21
A. Brunson MacChesney III                CFR
Charles F. MacCormack                    CFR
J. Carlisle MacDonald                    CFR
Gordon J. F. MacDonald                   CFR
Shawn A. MacDonald                       CFR
Gary E. MacDougal                        CFR
David W. MacEachron                      CFR
Emily MacFarquhar                        CFR
Adrien MacGillivray                      CFR
Gracia Machel                            CFR
Fritz Machlup                            CFR
William F. Machold                       CFR
Malcolm A. MacIntyre                     CFR
Frank Cary Macioce                       CFR
Murdoch MacIver                          CFR
Kathryn S. Mack                          CFR
Leo S. MacKay Jr.                        CFR
Bruce K. MacLaury                        CFR
John D. Macomber                         CFR
William Butts Macomber                   CFR
Ewen Cameron MacVeagh                    CFR
Lincoln MacVeagh                         CFR
William F. Machold                       CFR
Eileen R. Mackevich                      CFR
Robert M. Macy Jr.                       CFR
William P. Maddox                        CFR
H.R. Maddux                              CFR
Arturo Madrid                            CFR
August Maffry                            CFR
Peter A. Magowan                         CFR
John D. Maguire                          CFR
Walter N. Maguire                        CFR
Mark S. Mahaney                          CFR
Thomas G. Mahnken                        CFR
Catherine F. Mahoney                     CFR
Margaret E. Mahoney                      CFR
Thomas H. Mahoney IV                     CFR
Vincent A. Mai                           CFR
Charles S. Maier                         CFR
Christopher J. Makins                    CFR
William P. Mako                          CFR
Frederic V. Malek                        CFR
Clement B. Malin                         CFR
Tom Malinowski                           CFR
Richard Mallery                          CFR
Severo Mallet-Prevost                    CFR21
Robert L. Mallett                        CFR
Robert Malley                            CFR
Harry Mallinson                          CFR
George W. Mallory                        CFR
Walter H. Mallory                        CFR 1945, 1951-
Harald B. Malmgren                       CFR
Philippa Malmgren                        CFR
Kim Malone                               CFR
David R. Malpass                         CFR
Mahmoud A. Mamdani                       CFR
Charles T. Manatt                        CFR
Marie Antoinette Manca                   CFR
Michael E. Mandelbaum                    CFR
Lewis Manilow                            CFR
Audrey Forbes Manley                     CFR
Hillary P. Mann                          CFR
James H. Mann                            CFR
Michael D. Mann                          CFR
Thomas C. Mann                           CFR
Bayless Manning                          CFR
Edward Deering Mansfield                 CFR
Jim Manzi                                CFR
J. Eugene Marans                         CFR
Louis C. Marburg                         CFR21
David Marchick                           CFR
Anna Patricia Marcucci                   CFR
John Arthur Marcum                       CFR
Stanley Marcus                           CFR
Carl Marcy                               CFR
Murrey Marder                            CFR
David I. Margolis                        CFR
Roger A. Marinzoli                       CFR
David Everett Mark                       CFR
Hans M. Mark                             CFR
Luis Munoz Marin                         CFR
Hans Micheal Mark                        CFR
Julius Mark                              CFR
Rebecca P. Mark                          CFR
Lester Markel                            CFR
Jonathan B. Marks                        CFR
Leonard H. Marks                         CFR
Paul A. Marks                            CFR
Russell E. Marks Jr.                     CFR
Ann Roell Markusen                       CFR
Alice Tepper Marlin                      CFR
Theodore R. Marmor                       CFR
Phebe A. Marr                            CFR
Donald Baird Marron                      CFR
Tom F. Marsh                             CFR
Andrew W. Marshall                       CFR
Anthony D. Marshall                      CFR
Charles Burton Marshall                  CFR
Clifford B. Marshall                     CFR
Dale Rogers Marshall                     CFR
Catherine Marshall                       CFR
F. Ray Marshall                          CFR
Katherine Marshall                       CFR
Daniel R. Martin                         CFR
Zachary Blake Marshall                   CFR
Edwin M. Martin                          CFR
Lisa L. Martin                           CFR
Lynn M. Martin                           CFR
Susan Forbes Martin                      CFR
William F. Martin                        CFR
William McChesney Martin, Jr.            CFR
Joan Martin-Brown                        CFR
Armando Bravo Martinez                   CFR
Joseph A. Martino                        CFR
Leo S. Martinuzzi Jr.                    CFR
Kati Marton                              CFR
William W. Marvel                        CFR
Anthony William Marx                     CFR
Michael T. Masin                         CFR
John W. Masland                          CFR
Edward S. Mason                          BB/CFR
Elvis L. Mason                           CFR
Gregory Mason                            CFR21
L. Camille Massey                        CFR
Walter E. Massey                         CFR
Suzanne Massie                           CFR
Elisa C. Massimino                       CFR
Michael Mastanduno                       CFR
John E. Masten                           CFR
Carlton A. Masters                       CFR
Michael J. Matheson                      CFR
Edward J. Mathews                        CFR
Jessica (Tuchman) Mathews                CFR
Sylva M. Mathews                         CFR
Michael S. Mathews                       CFR
Sylvia M. Mathews                        CFR
William R. Mathews                       CFR
Charles McCormick Mathias, Jr. (R-Md)    BB/CFR
Edward J. Mathias                        CFR
Brian Pierre Mathis                      CFR
Jack F. Matlock Jr.                      CFR
Robert T. Matsui (D-Ca)                  CFR
Naotaka Matsukata                        CFR
William B. Matteson                      CFR
Eugene A. Matthews                       CFR
John C. Matthews                         CFR
Markel Matthews                          CFR
Graham D. Mattison                       CFR
Gale A. Mattox                           CFR
Daniel C. Matuszewski                    CFR
Andre Maximov                            CFR
Kenneth Robert Maxwell                   CFR
A. Wilfred May                           CFR
Ernest R. May                            CFR
George 0. May                            CFR27-1953
Michael M. May                           CFR
Oliver May                               CFR
Stacy May                                CFR
Claudette M. Mayer                       CFR
Ferdinand L. Mayer                       CFR
Gerald M. Mayer                          CFR
Gerald M. Mayer, Jr.                     CFR
Lawrence A. Mayer                        CFR
Alice E. Mayhew                          CFR
C. William Maynes, Jr.                   CFR
Charles William Maynes                   BB/CFR
Michael J. Mazarr                        CFR
Jay Mazur                                CFR/TC
William Gage McAfee                      CFR
Jef Olivarius McAllister                 CFR
Singleton B. McAllister                  CFR
Douglas McArthur II                      CFR
Thomas Bayard McCabe                     CFR
Barry R. McCaffrey                       CFR
Cynthia Lillian McCaffrey                CFR
John S. McCain III (R-Az)                CFR
H. Carl McCall                           CFR
Thomas McCance                           CFR
Edward McCann                            CFR
Patrick F. McCartan                      CFR
John W. McCarter Jr.                     CFR
James P. McCarthy (Gen)                  CFR
John G. McCarthy                         CFR
Paul B. McCarthy                         CFR
John F. McCauley                         CFR
Stanley A. McChrystal                    CFR
Tonya D. McClary                         CFR
John H. McClement                        CFR21
Robert M. McClintock                     CFR
John Jay McCloy II                       BB/CFR 1953
Charles Peter McColough                  CFR
John Alex McCone                         CFR
Elizabeth J. McCormack                   CFR
James McCormack, Jr.                     BB/CFR
David H. McCormick                       CFR
Vance C. McCormick                       CFR21
Donald G. McCouch                        CFR
Paul Winston McCracken                   BB/CFR/TC
Dave K. McCurdy (D-Ok)                   CFR
John D. McCutcheon                       CFR
Joseph M. McDaniel, Jr.                  CFR
James A. McDermott (D-Wa)                CFR
Walsh McDermott                          CFR
Sean Daniel McDevitt                     CFR
Alonzo L. McDonald                       CFR
James G. McDonald                        CFR21
Tom McDonald                             CFR
William J. McDonough                     BB/CFR
Edward D. McDougal, Jr.                  CFR
Myres S. McDougal                        CFR
Gay J. McDougall                         CFR
Joan M. McEntee                          CFR
Ross A. McFarland                        CFR
Jennifer A. McFarlane                    CFR
Robert C. McFarlane (Bud)                CFR
Patricia Ann McFate                      CFR
Michael A. McFaul                        CFR
Cappy R. McGarr                          CFR
Gates White McGarrah                     CFR21
Gale W. McGee                            BB/CFR
George C. McGee                          BB/CFR
George Crews McGhee                      BB/CFR
David E. McGiffert                       CFR
John F. McGillicuddy                     CFR
George Stanley McGovern                  CFR
Alan McGowan                             CFR
Eugene R. McGrath                        CFR
Margaret McGrath                         CFR
James H, McGraw, Jr.                     CFR
James H. McGraw                          CFR21
Constantine E. McGuire                   CFR21
Raymond J. McGuire                       CFR
William McGurn                           CFR
Thomas R. McHale                         CFR
Donald F. McHenry                        BB/CFR
John McHugh                              CFR21
Vernon McKay                             CFR
Porter McKeever                          CFR
Elizabeth A. McKeon                      CFR
John K. Mckinley                         CFR
Robert M. McKinney                       CFR
Thomas H. McKittrick                     CFR
Thomas F. McLarty III                    CFR
Charles James McLaughlin                 CFR
David T. McLaughlin                      CFR
Donald H. McLaughlin                     CFR
John E. McLaughlin                       CFR
Donald H. McLean, Jr.                    CFR
Mora L. McLean                           CFR
Sheila Avrin McLean                      CFR
Jon Blythe McLin                         CFR
Darrin Michael McMahon                   CFR
Doyle McManus                            CFR
Jason D. McManus                         CFR
Kathleen R. McNamara                     CFR
Robert Strange McNamara                  BB/CFR/TC
Thomas McNamara                          CFR
Thomas L. McNaugher                      CFR
John T. McNaughton                       BB/CFR
Robert McNeil                            CFR
Michael J. McNerney                      CFR
Merrill A. McPeak (Gen)                  CFR
Brian C. McPeek                          CFR
Harry C. McPherson Jr                    CFR
M. Peter McPherson                       CFR
Lawrence C. McQuade                      CFR
Samuel McRoberts                         CFR21
Robert S. McWade                         CFR
Jon Meacham                              CFR
Dana G. Mead                             CFR
Walter Russell Mead                      CFR
Dennis L. Meadows                        CFR
Donella H. Meadows                       CFR
Jeanne Terry Meadows                     CFR
Robert F. Meagher                        CFR
John J. Mearsheimer                      CFR
John F. Meck                             CFR
David S. Medina                          CFR
Kathryn B. Medina                        CFR
Mark C. Medish                           CFR
Richard Medley                           CFR
Sharon I. Meers                          CFR
Ghebre Selassie Mehreteab                CFR
Ved Mehta                                CFR
Doris M. Meissner                        CFR
Irene W. Meister                         CFR
James E. Mejia                           CFR
Eric D. K. Melby                         CFR
Judy Hendren Mello                       CFR
George R. Melloan                        CFR
Richard A. Melville                      CFR
Sarah E. Mendelson                       CFR
Jose F. Mendez                           CFR
Saul H. Mendlovitz                       CFR
Roberto G. Mendoza                       CFR
Carl Braun Menges                        CFR
John Roger Menke                         CFR
S. Stanwood Menken                       CFR21
Rajan Menon                              CFR
Livingston T. Merchant                   CFR
H. C. L. Merillat                        CFR
Claire Sechler Merkel                    CFR
Christian Merkling                       CFR
Theodor Meron                            CFR
John E. Merow                            CFR
Philip Merrill                           CFR
Jack Neil Merritt (Gen)                  CFR
Duncan Merriwether                       CFR
Zoltan Merszei                           CFR
Julie Ann Mertus                         CFR
Charles Merz                             CFR
Carmelo Mesa-Lago                        CFR
Matthew S. Meselson                      CFR
F. Andy Messing  Jr.                     CFR
Zach P. Messitte                         CFR
William Curtis Messner Jr.               CFR
Ricardo A. Mestres, Jr.                  CFR
George Rich Metcalf                      CFR
Ruben F. Mettler                         CFR
Herman A. Metz                           CFR21
Barry Metzger                            CFR
Herman A. Metzger                        CFR
Jamie Frederic Metzl                     CFR
Carl J. Meyer                            CFR
Charles A. Meyer                         CFR
Cord Meyer, Jr.                          CFR
Edward C. Meyer (Shy)                    CFR
Eugene Meyer                             CFR
John Robert Meyer Jr.                    CFR21
John M. Meyer Jr.                        CFR
Karl E. Meyer                            CFR
Katherine Meyer                          BB/CFR/TC
Laurence H. Meyer                        CFR
Michael Ryder Meyer                      CFR
Harold J. Meyerman                       CFR
Martin Meyerson                          CFR
Sidney E. Mezes                          CFR21
Marguerite Michaels                      CFR
Sig Mickelson                            CFR
Ellen P. Mickiewicz                      CFR
Elizabeth Midgley                        CFR
Harold Midtbo                            CFR
Eugene B. Mihaly                         CFR
Robbins Milbank                          CFR
John G. Milburn                          CFR21
Gwendolyn Mikell                         CFR
Edward L. Miles                          CFR
Judith B. Milestone                      CFR
D. G. Millar                             CFR
Mark J. Millard                          CFR
Anja Miller                              CFR
Arjay Miller                             CFR/TC
Benjamin R. Miller                       CFR
Charles D. Miller                        CFR
David Charles Miller Jr.                 CFR
David Hunter Miller                      CFR21
Debra L. Miller                          CFR
Edward G. Miller, Jr.                    CFR
Francis P. Miller                        CFR
Franklin C. Miller                       CFR
J. Irwin Miller                          CFR
Judith Miller (NYT)                      CFR
Ken Miller (Credit Suisse First Boston)  CFR
Layli Miller                             CFR
Linda B. Miller                          CFR
Marcia E. Miller                         CFR
Matthew L. Miller                        CFR
Paul David Miller                        CFR
Paul  L. Miller                          CFR
Paul R. Miller, Jr.                      CFR
Roberta Balstad Miller                   CFR
Scott L. Miller                          CFR
William B. Miller                        CFR
William Green Miller                     CFR
William J. Miller                        CFR
Michelle Beth Miller-Adams               CFR
Allan R. Millett                         CFR
John A. Millington                       CFR
Clark B. Millikan                        CFR
Max F. Millikan                          CFR
John S. Millis                           CFR
Walter Millis                            CFR
Bradford Mills                           CFR
Karen Gordon Mills                       CFR
Susan Linda Mills                        CFR
Valerie A. Mims                          CFR
Clark H. Minor                           CFR
Harold B. Minor                          CFR
Newton Norman Minow                      CFR
Daniel R. Mintz                          CFR
Lourdes R. Miranda                       CFR
Frank J. Mirkow                          CFR
Yehudah Mirsky                           CFR
Alexander V. Mishkin                     CFR
Arthur M. Mitchell III                   CFR
Charles E. Mitchell                      CFR
George H. Mitchell Jr.                   CFR
George J. Mitchell (D-Me)                CFR
James P. Mitchell                        CFR
Sidney A. Mitchell                       CFR
Wandra Mitchell                          CFR
Wesley C. Mitchell                       CFR 1927-1934
David M. Mize                            CFR
Jan V. Mladek                            CFR
Kiichi Mochizuki                         CFR
Mike Masato Mochizuki                    CFR
Leo Model                                CFR
Sherwood G. Moe                          CFR
George D. Moffett                        CFR
Walter Thomas Molano                     CFR
Edgar R. Molina                          CFR
Susan K. Molinari                        CFR
Thomas E. Monaghan                       CFR
Walter Fritz Mondale                     BB/CFR/TC
Ernest J. Moniz                          CFR
George Cranwell Montgomery               CFR
Mark C. Montgomery                       CFR
Parker G. Montgomery                     CFR
Philip O'Bryan Montgomery III            CFR
Robert H. Montgomery                     CFR21
John M. Montias                          CFR
Joyce Lewinger Moock                     CFR
Carol Baldwin Moody                      CFR
Jim Moody                                CFR
William S. Moody                         CFR
Ben T. Moore                             CFR
Edward C. Moore                          CFR21
Edward F. Moore                          CFR
George S. Moore                          CFR
Hugh Moore                               CFR
John J. Moore, Jr.                       CFR
John M. Moore                            CFR
John Norton Moore                        CFR
Jonathan Moore                           CFR
Julia A. Moore                           CFR
Paul Moore Jr. (Bishop)                  CFR
Maurice T. Moore                         CFR
Robert A. Moore                          CFR
Walden Moore                             CFR
William T. Moore                         CFR
Thomas S. Moorman Jr. (Gen)              CFR
George E. Moose                          CFR
Richard M. Moose                         CFR
Alberto J. Mora                          CFR
Antonio G. Mora                          CFR
Milinda Moragoda                         CFR
Theodore H. Moran                        CFR
William E. Moran, Jr.                    CFR
David E. Morey                           CFR
Cecil Morgan                             CFR
D. P. Morgan                             CFR
George A. Morgan                         CFR
Henry Sturgis Morgan                     CFR
Shepard Morgan                           CFR
Oskar Morgenstern                        CFR
Hans J. Morgenthau                       CFR
Henry Morgenthau, Sr.                    CFR21
James William Morley                     CFR
Gene P. Morrell                          CFR
Grinnell Morris                          CFR
Max K. Morris                            CFR
Milton D. Morris                         CFR
Bailey Morris-Eck                        CFR
Roland S. Morris                         CFR21
Lloyd N. Morrisett                       CFR
Arthur C. Morrissey                      CFR
David A. Morse                           CFR
Edward L. Morse                          CFR
Kenneth P. Morse                         CFR
David H. Mortimer                        CFR
Louis Morton                             CFR
Robert Adam Mosbacher                    CFR
Teed Michael Moseley                     CFR
Philip E. Mosely                         CFR
Alfred H. Moses                          CFR
Michael David Mosettig                   CFR
Kenneth A. Moskow                        CFR
Michael H. Moskow                        CFR
James N. Moskowitz                       CFR
Ambler H. Moss Jr.                       CFR
David A. Moss                            CFR
Joel W. Motley                           CFR
John L. Mott                             CFR
Roy P. Mottahedeh                        CFR
Daniel T. Motulsky                       CFR
Lucia Mouat                              CFR
Alexander Motyl                          CFR
Bill D. Moyers                           BB/CFR
Daniel Patrick Moynihan (D-NY)           CFR
John Edwin Mroz                          CFR
Daniel H. Mudd                           CFR
Henry T. Mudd                            CFR
Margaret Farris Mudd                     CFR
Malcolm Muir                             CFR
Eusebio M. Mujal-Leon                    CFR
David C. Mulford                         CFR
William David Mulholland Jr.             CFR
Henry Muller (Time Magazine)             CFR
Steven Muller                            CFR
James C. Mulvenon                        CFR
Carl E. Mundy Jr.                        CFR
Edwin S. Munger                          CFR
George Munoz                             CFR
Marin Luis Munoz                         CFR
Dana G. Munro                            CFR
George B. Munroe                         CFR
Vernon Munroe, Jr.                       CFR
Henry Lee Munson                         CFR
Winthrop R. Munyan                       CFR
Emily Moto Murase                        CFR
Joshua Muravchik                         CFR
Forrest D. Murden, Jr.                   CFR
Rupert Murdoch                           CFR
Deroy Murdock                            CFR
William F. Murdy                         CFR
George Murnane                           CFR21
Caryle Marie Murphy                      CFR
Donald R. Murphy                         CFR
Ewell E. Murphy, Jr.                     CFR
Franklin D. Murphy                       CFR
Grayson M. P. Murphy                     CFR
Joseph S. Murphy                         CFR
Richard W. Murphy                        CFR
Robert Daniel Murphy                     BB/CFR
Thomas S. Murphy                         CFR
Allan E. Murray (Mobil)                  CFR/TC
Douglas P. Murray                        CFR
Ian P. Murray                            CFR
Janice L. Murray                         CFR
Leonard Murray II                        CFR
Lori Esposito Murray                     CFR
Robert J. Murray                         CFR
Edward R. Murrow                         CFR
Martha Twitchell Muse                    CFR
Denys P. Myers                           CFR
Toby S. Myerson                          CFR
Arnold Nachmanoff                        CFR
Michael L. Nacht                         CFR
M. Ishaq Nadiri                          CFR
John A. Nagl                             CFR
Andrew Nagorski                          CFR
Zygmunt Nagoriski                        CFR
K. A. Namkung                            CFR
Raymond Donald Nasher                    CFR
John W. Nason                            CFR
Andrew J. Nathan                         CFR
James A. Nathan                          CFR
Robert R. Nathan                         CFR
Marc B. Nathanson                        CFR
Raffiq A. Nathoo                         CFR
Ted M. Natt                              CFR
Henry R. Nau                             CFR
Alexander Navab                          CFR
Rosamond Lee Naylor                      CFR
Haleh Nazeri                             CFR
Alfred C. Neal                           BB/CFR
Stephen L. Neal (D-NC)                   CFR
Kevin G. Nealer                          CFR
John D. Negroponte                       CFR
Aryeh Neier                              CFR
William A. Neilson                       CFR21
Anne  Nelson                             CFR
Clifford C. Nelson                       CFR
Daniel N. Nelson                         CFR
Fred M. Nelson                           CFR
Jack H. Nelson (L. A. Times)             CFR
Marie E. Nelson                          CFR
Merlin E. Nelson                         CFR
Robert L. Nelson, Jr.                    CFR
Steven C. Nelson                         CFR
Richard A. Nenneman                      CFR
Stephanie G. Neuman                      CFR
Norman Neureiter                         CFR
Sigmund Neumann                          CFR
Richard E. Neustadt                      CFR
Esther R. Newberg                        CFR
Andre W. G. Newburg                      CFR
Nancy S. Newcomb                         CFR
Barbara W. Newell                        CFR
John Newhouse                            BB/CFR
Constance Barry Newman                   CFR
Frank N. Newman                          CFR
Jay H. Newman                            CFR
Priscilla A. Newman                      CFR
Richard T. Newman                        CFR
David Dunlop Newsom                      CFR
M. Diana H. Newton                       CFR
Quigg Newton, Jr.                        CFR
Edward N. Ney                            CFR
Nick J. Nicholas Jr.                     CFR
Calvin J. Nichols                        CFR
Carole Nichols                           CFR
Nancy Stephenson Nichols                 CFR
Rodney W. Nichols                        CFR
Thomas S. Nichols                        CFR
William I. Nichols                       CFR
Jan Nicholson                            CFR
A. L. Nickerson                          CFR
Eugene H. Nickerson                      CFR
Reinhold Niebuhr                         CFR
John M. Niehuss                          CFR
Rosemary Neaher Niehuss                  CFR
Nancy Nielsen                            CFR
Waldemar August Nielsert                 CFR
Claudia Nierenberg                       CFR
William A. Nierenberg                    CFR
A. Kenneth Nilsson                       CFR
Matthew Nimetz                           CFR
Paul Henry Nitze                         BB/CFR
William A. Nitze                         CFR
Crystal Nix                              CFR
Richard M. Nixon                         CFR
Ivana Astrid Nizich                      CFR
Eli M. Noam                              CFR
Luis G. Nogales                          CFR
Janne Emilie Nolan                       CFR
Marcus Noland                            CFR
Richard H. Nolte                         CFR
Frederick E. Nolting, Jr.                CFR
Eric S. Nonacs                           CFR
Robert Harry Nooter                      CFR
William S. Norman                        CFR
Grover Glenn Norquist                    CFR
Lauris Norstad                           BB/CFR
Augustus Richard Norton                  CFR
Charles Dyer Norton                      CFR21
Eleanor Holmes Norton                    CFR
W. W. Norton                             CFR21
Suzanne F. Nossel                        CFR
Frank W. Notestein                       CFR
Lucio A. Noto                            CFR
Barnet Nover                             CFR
Charles Phelps Noyes                     CFR
Henry R. Noyes                           CFR21
W. Albert Noyes, Jr.                     CFR
Jeffrey D. Nuechterlein                  CFR
Walter Nugent                            CFR
Bruce Nussbaum                           CFR
John Nuveen                              CFR
J. Benjamin H. Nye                       CFR
Joseph S. Nye, Jr.                       BB/CFR/RS/TC
George W. Oakes                          CFR
John Bertram Oakes                       CFR
John G. H. Oakes                         CFR
Phyllis Elliott Oakley                   CFR
Robert Bigger Oakley                     CFR
Don Oberdorfer                           CFR
Dennis J. O'Brien                        CFR
Justin O'Brien                           CFR
Carol Ocleireacain                       CFR
Mary Ellen Oconnell                      CFR
Roderic L. O'Connor                      CFR
Sandra Day O'Connor                      CFR
Walter F. O'Connor                       CFR
Philip A. Odeen                          CFR
John S. Odell                            CFR
R. S. Oelman                             CFR
William E. Odom                          CFR
Anthony G. Oettinger                     CFR
Morris W. Offit                          CFR
J. Daniel O'Flaherty                     CFR
Alfred Ogden                             CFR/S&B 1932
William S. Ogden                         CFR
Kongdan Oh                               CFR
Joseph A O'Hare                          CFR
Merle Aiko Okawara                       CFR
Michel Oksenberg                         CFR
Arthur M. Okun                           CFR
Herbert S. Okun                          CFR
L. Jay Oliva                             CFR
April Oliver                             CFR
Howard T. Oliver                         CFR21
Lionel H. Olmer                          CFR
Cecil J. Olmsted                         CFR
Norman Olsen                             CFR
Ronald L. Olson                          CFR
William Clinton Olson                    CFR
Lee D. Olvey                             CFR
Cormac K. H. O'Malley                    CFR
Thomas E. Omestad                        CFR
Michael James O'Neill                    CFR
John R. Opel                             CFR
Franz M. Oppenheimer                     CFR
Fritz E. Oppenheimer                     CFR
Harry Frederick Oppenheimer              CFR
J. Robert Oppenheimer                    CFR
Julius Robert Oppenheimer                CFR
Michael F. Oppenheimer                   CFR
Kevin P. O'Prey                          CFR
John E. Orchard                          CFR
Diane Orentlicher                        CFR
Stephen A. Orlins                        CFR
Norman J. Ornstein                       CFR
Robert C. Orr                            CFR
Peter R. Orszag                          CFR
Earl D. Osborn                           CFR
Frederick H. Osborn                      CFR
Geo. K. Osborn, (Col.)                   CFR
John E. Osborn                           CFR
William Church Osborn                    CFR21
William H. Osborn                        CFR
Lithgow Osborne                          CFR
Richard de J. Osborne                    CFR
Stanley de J. Osborne                    CFR
Robert E. Osgood                         CFR
Elise O'Shaughnessy                      CFR
Elizabeth M. Osisek                      CFR
Margaret Osmer-McQuade                   CFR
Peter L. W. Osnos                        CFR
Susan Sherer Osnos                       CFR
Christian Ostermann                      CFR
William Brian Ostlund                    CFR
F. Taylor Ostrander, Jr.                 CFR
Stephen T. Ostrander                     CFR
Joaquin F. Otero                         CFR
Maurice A. Oudin                         CFR21
Andrew N. Overby                         CFR
Douglas W. Overton                       CFR
Michael S. Ovitz                         CFR
Garry Owen                               CFR
Henry David Owen                         CFR
Robert Bishop Owen                       CFR
James W. Owens                           CFR
William A. Owens (Adm.)                  CFR
Bernard H. Oxman                         CFR
Stephen Alan Oxman                       CFR
Robert B. Oxnam                          CFR
Kenneth A. Oye                           CFR
Douglas Haines Paal                      CFR
Frank Pace, Jr.                          CFR
Harry P. Pachon                          CFR
George Randolph Packard                  CFR
Leslie Paffrath                          CFR
Carter W. Page                           CFR
Howard W. Page                           CFR
John H. Page                             CFR
Robert Guthrie Page                      CFR/S&B 1922
Walter Hines Page                        CFR
George C. Paine II                       CFR
Abraham Pais                             CFR
Hannah C. Pakula                         CFR
William Samuel Paley                     CFR/J
John G. Palfrey                          CFR
Edward S. Pallesen                       CFR
Mark Palmer                              CFR
Norman D. Palmer                         CFR
Ronald D. Palmer                         CFR
April Palmerlee                          CFR
Victor H. Palmieri                       CFR
Farah A. Pandith                         CFR
Wolfgang K. H. Panofsky                  CFR
Kurt F. Pantzer                          CFR
Stewart J. Paperin                       CFR
Scott Edward Pardee                      CFR
Herbert Pardes                           CFR
James W. Pardew Jr.                      CFR
Alexandra Wood Parent                    CFR
Louise M. Parent                         CFR
H. K. Park                               CFR
Richard L. Park                          CFR
Barrett Parker                           CFR
Barrington Daniels Parker Jr.            CFR
Elizabeth Rindskopf Parker               CFR
Jason H. Parker                          CFR
Jay M. Parker                            CFR
Karen E. Parker                          CFR
Karen Parker-Feld                        CFR
Maynard M. Parker                        CFR
Penny Parker                             CFR
Philo W. Parker                          CFR
Richard Bordeaux Parker                  CFR
George L. Parkhurst                      CFR
Roger P. Parkinson                       CFR
Michael Christopher Parks                CFR
Jonathan Paris                           CFR
Gerald L. Parsky                         CFR
John C. Parsons                          CFR
Richard Dean Parsons                     CFR
William Barclay Parsons                  CFR21
Carlos E. Pascual                        CFR
Juliette M. Passer-Muslin                CFR
Herbert Passin                           CFR
Howard G. Paster                         CFR
Ed Pastor                                CFR
Robert A. Pastor                         CFR
Parag Patel                              CFR
Hugh T. Patrick                          CFR
Stewart M. Patrick                       CFR
Thomas Harold Patrick                    CFR
Alan J. Patricof                         CFR
Ernest T. Patrikis                       CFR
Ellmore C. Patterson                     CFR
Frederick D. Patterson                   CFR
Gardner Patterson                        CFR
Michael G. Paul                          CFR
Norman S. Paul                           CFR
Roland A. Paul                           CFR
Henry M. Paulson, Jr.                    CFR
Judith K. Paulus                         CFR
Barry Pavel                              CFR
Donald M. Payne (D-NJ)                   CFR
Frederick B. Payne                       BB/CFR
Frederick H. Payne                       CFR21
Samuel B. Payne                          CFR
Charles Shipman Payson                   CFR
George Foster Peabody                    CFR21
Thomas P. Peardon                        CFR
Norman Pearlstine                        CFR/J
Andrew C. Pearson                        CFR21
John E. Pearson                          CFR
Scott D. Pearson                         CFR
Gardner G Peckham                        CFR
Richard Foote Pedersen (State Dept.)     CFR
Rena M. Pederson                         CFR
Claiborne Pell                           CFR
Robert H. Pelletreau Jr.                 CFR
Eric J. Pelofsky                         CFR
Victor A. Pelson                         CFR
Karl J. Pelzer                           CFR
Frederico F. Pena                        CFR
James K. Penfield                        CFR
Mark Jeffrey Penn                        CFR
Paul G. Pennoyer                         CFR
Robert M. Pennoyer                       CFR
Charles H. Percy (R-Il)                  CFR
Raul Perea-Henze                         CFR
Joseph Robert Perella                    CFR
Guido R. Perera                          CFR
Richard D. Perea                         CFR
Don Peretz                               CFR
David Perez                              CFR
Linda J. Perkin                          CFR
Courtland D. Perkins                     CFR
Edward Joseph Perkins                    CFR
James Alfred Perkins                     BB/CFR
James H. Perkins                         CFR21
Milo Perkins                             CFR
Roswell B. Perkins                       CFR
George R. Perkovich                      CFR
Richard Norman Perle                     CFR/J
Janice Elaine Perlman                    CFR
Amos Perlmutter                          CFR
Louis Perlmutter                         CFR
Henry H. Perritt, Jr.                    CFR
Elizabeth Jean Perry                     CFR
Hart Perry                               CFR
Robert Ceplias Perry                     CFR
William J. Perry                         CFR
Hillary Kircher Peruzzi                  CFR
Arthur King Peters                       CFR
Aulana L. Peters                         CFR
C. Brooks Peters                         CFR
Michael P. Peters                        CFR
Gustav H. Petersen                       CFR
Howard C. Petersen                       BB/CFR
Holly Peterson                           CFR
Mathew Scott Petersen                    CFR
Peter G. Peterson                        CFR/TC
Rudolph A. Peterson                      CFR
David H. Petraeus                        CFR
Richard W. Petree Sr.                    CFR
Richard W. Petree Jr.                    CFR
Thomas E. Petri                          CFR
Stephen R. Petschek                      CFR
Peter J. Pettibone                       CFR
John R. Petty                            CFR
Joseph Peyronnin                         CFR
Lawrence A. Pezzullo                     CFR
Robert Louis Pfaltzgraff, Jr.            CFR
Jane Cahill Pfeiffer                     CFR
Leon K Pfeiffer                          CFR
Steven B. Pfeiffer                       CFR
Kien D. Pham                             CFR
Susan J. Pharr                           CFR
John J. Phelan, Jr.                      CFR
Cecil M. Phillips                        CFR
Christopher H. Phillips                  CFR
David L. Phillips                        CFR
Russell A. Phillips Jr.                  CFR
William Phillips                         CFR
Herman Phleger                           CFR
Harvey Picker                            CFR
James V. Pickering                       CFR
Thomas Reeve Pickering                   BB/CFR
Steve R. Pieczenik                       CFR
Alberto M. Piedra, Jr.                   CFR
Gerald Piel                              BB/CFR
Lawrence W. Pierce                       CFR
Ponchitta  Pierce                        CFR
William C. Pierce                        CFR
Jan Piercy                               CFR
Lewis E. Pieroon                         CFR21
Roland Pierotti                          CFR
Andrew J. Pierre                         CFR
Warren Lee Pierson                       CFR
Alan Jay Parrish Pifer                   CFR
Charles McGee Piggott                    CFR
H. Harvey Pike                           CFR
John E. Pike                             CFR
Kathryn Pilgrim                          CFR
Russell I. Pillar                        CFR
Donald L. Pilling (R. Adm.)              CFR
Charles J. Pilliod Jr.                   CFR
Michael Pillsbury                        CFR
Juliana Geran Pilon                      CFR
Lionel I. Pincus                         CFR
Walter H. Pincus                         CFR
W. Stewart Pinkerton, Jr.                CFR
John A. Pino                             CFR
Daniel Pipes                             CFR
Richard E. Pipes                         CFR
Howard S. Piquet                         CFR
Jane G. Pisano                           CFR
Joe W. Pitts III                         CFR
Louis D. Pizzarello                      CFR
John B. M. Place                         CFR
John N. Plank                            CFR
E. Raymond Platig                        CFR
Alan A. Platt                            CFR
Alexander Hartley Platt                  CFR
Nicholas Platt                           CFR
Donald C. Platten                        CFR
Marc F. Plattner                         CFR
Stephanie S. Platz                       CFR
Peter G. Plaut                           CFR
Richard L. Plepler                       CFR
Calvin H. Plimpton                       CFR
Francis T. P. Plimpton                   CFR
Calvin H. Plirnpton                      CFR
Valerie Ploumpis                         CFR
Joseph J. Plurneri II                    CFR
Rutherford M. Poats                      CFR
Michael N. Pocalyko                      CFR
Norman Podhoretz                         BB/CFR
L. Welch Pogue                           CFR
Richard W. Pogue                         CFR
Charles Poletti                          CFR
Frank L. Polk                            CFR21-1943
George W. Polk                           CFR
Judd Polk                                CFR
William R. Polk                          CFR
Gerald A. Pollack                        CFR
Jonathan D. Pollack                      CFR
Kenneth M. Pollack                       CFR
Lester Pollack                           CFR
Nelson W. Polsby                         CFR
Elizabeth Pond                           CFR
Daniel Bruce Poneman                     CFR
T. Coleman Du Pont                       CFR21
Ithiel DeSola Pool                       CFR
Marquita J. Pool-Eckert                  CFR
DeWitt Clinton Poole                     CFR
Marquita J. Pool                         CFR
Clara A. Pope                            CFR
Anne Brandeis Popkin                     CFR
Frank P. Popoff                          CFR
J. Sheppard Poor                         CFR
Frank P. Popoff                          CFR
John Edward Porter (R-Il)                CFR
Jonathan D. Portes                       CFR
Richard D. Portes                        CFR
Arturo C. Porzecanski                    CFR
Adam Posen                               CFR
Barry R. Posen                           CFR
Micheal H. Posner                        CFR
James H. Post                            CFR21
Wesley W. Posvar                         CFR
Robert S. Potter                         CFR
William C. Potter                        CFR
Catherine Powell                         CFR
Colin L. Powell                          BB/CFR
Jerome H. Powell                         CFR
Philip H. Power                          CFR
Thomas F. Power, Jr.                     CFR
Timothy E. Powers                        CFR
Averill L. Powers                        CFR
Joshua B. Powers                         CFR
Thomas Moore Powers                      CFR
Robert C. Pozen                          CFR
P. F. A. Prance                          CFR
Robert John Pranger                      CFR
Sheri Prasso                             CFR
Sheridan T. Prasso                       CFR
Edmund T. Pratt, Jr.                     CFR
H. Irving Pratt                          CFR
John T. Pratt                            CFR21
Henry Precht                             CFR
Daryl G. Press                           CFR
Frank Press                              CFR
Larry Pressler (R-Sd)                    CFR
Jerome Preston                           CFR
Lewis Thompson Preston                   CFR
Kenneth Prewitt                          CFR
Daniel M. Price                          CFR
Don K. Price                             BB/CFR
Hugh B. Price                            CFR
John R. Price Jr.                        CFR
Raymond Price, Jr.                       CFR
Robert Price                             CFR
Glenn T. Prickett                        CFR
William W. Priest, Jr.                   CFR
Daniel B. Prieto III                     CFR
William C. Prillaman                     CFR
Charles O. Prince III                    CFR
Ross J. Pritchard                        CFR
Penny Pritzker                           CFR
Thomas J. Pritzker                       CFR
John B. Prizer                           CFR
George E. Probst                         CFR
Herbert V. Prochnow                      CFR
Lisa R. Pruitt                           CFR
Jeffrey F. Pryce                         CFR
William T. Pryce                         CFR
Donald James Puchala                     CFR
Allen E. Puckett                         CFR
Robert H. Puckett                        CFR
Edward L. Pulling                        CFR
Thomas L. Pulling                        CFR
Susan Kaufman Purcell                    CFR
Robert E. Pursley                        CFR
Nigel Purvis                             CFR
Nathan M. Pusey                          CFR
John S. Pustay (Gen.)                    CFR
Robert D. Putnam                         CFR
Edwin J. Putzell, Jr.                    CFR
Lucian W. Pye                            CFR
Cassandra A. Pyle                        CFR
Kenneth B. Pyle                          CFR
Anthony C. E. Quainton                   CFR
William B. Quandt                        CFR
George H. Quester                        CFR
Philip W. Quigg                          CFR
Kevin F. F. Quigley                      CFR
Leonard V. Quigley                       CFR
Jane Bryant Quinn                        CFR
John M. Quinn                            CFR
Maxwell M. Rabb                          CFR
Isidor Isaac Rabi                        BB/CFR
Alexander Rabinowitch                    CFR
Victor Rabinowitch                       CFR
Robert W. Radtke                         CFR
Laurence I. Radway                       CFR
Franklin Delano Raines                   CFR/RS
John Raisian                             CFR
Regan Elisabeth Ralph                    CFR
Joseph W. Ralston                        CFR
J. Howard Rambin                         CFR
Lilia L. Ramirez                         CFR
Joshua Cooper Ramo                       CFR
Sean R. Randolph                         CFR
Simon Ramo                               CFR
Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)                 CFR
Gustav Ranis                             CFR
Clyde E. Rankin III                      CFR
Robin Lynn Raphel                        CFR
Alan H. Rappaport                        CFR
Nicholas J. Rasmussen                    CFR
J. Thomas Ratchford                      CFR7
M. J. Rathbone                           CFR
Dan Rather                               CFR
George W. Rathjens                       CFR
Steven R. Ratner                         CFR
Steven Lawrence Rattner                  CFR
Gregory J. Rattray                       CFR
Rudolph S. Rauch III                     CFR
Alan Charles Raul                        CFR
Kal L. Raustiala                         CFR
Earl C. Ravenal                          CFR
Albert  V. Ravenholt                     CFR
Richard Ravitch                          CFR
Samantha F. Ravich                       CFR
Lawrence G. Rawl                         CFR
George W. Ray, Jr.                       CFR
David A. Raymond                         CFR
Jack Raymond (NYT)                       CFR
Lee R. Raymond                           CFR/TC
Celina B. Realuyo                        CFR
Harry Reasoner                           CFR
Samuel Reber                             CFR
Kristin D. Rechberger                    CFR
Charles Edgar Redman                     CFR
Charles B. Reed                          CFR
Jack Reed                                CFR
John Shed Reed                           BB/CFR
Joseph Verner Reed                       CFR
Philip Dunham Reed                       CFR 1945-
William Sears Reese                      CFR
Jay B. L. Reeves                         CFR
Donald Thomas Regan                      CFR
Edward V. Regan                          CFR
Ned Regan                                CFR
William M. Reichert                      CFR
Ogden Rogers Reid                        CFR
Whitelaw Reid                            CFR
Saskia S. Reilly                         CFR
William K. Reilly                        CFR
Dennis Joe Reimer (Gen.)                 CFR
G. Frederick Reinhardt                   CFR
John E. Reinhardt                        CFR
Carmen M. Reinhart                       CFR
Jehuda Reinharz                          CFR
Fred W. Reinke                           CFR
Edwin O. Reischauer                      CFR
Michael M. Reisman                       CFR
William Michael Reisman                  CFR
Mitchell B. Reiss                        CFR
William Reitzel                          CFR
Elizabeth J. Remick                      CFR
William S. Renchard                      CFR
Charles Byron  Renfrew                   CFR
Milbrey Rennie                           CFR
Renate Rennie                            CFR
Wesley F. Rennie                         CFR
Gordon S. Rentschler                     CFR
John C. Reppert                          CFR
Judith V. Reppy                          CFR
Judith V. Reppy                          CFR
Stanley Rogers Resor                     CFR
James Barrett Reston                     BB/CFR
Henry Reuss                              BB/CFR
Roger Revelle                            CFR
Nicholas Andrew Rey                      CFR
Carolyn Ann Reynolds                     CFR
Lloyd G. Reynolds                        CFR
John B. Rhinelander                      CFR
Alfred Rheinstein                        CFR
Frank H. T. Rhodes                       CFR
John Bower Rhodes Sr.                    CFR
Thomas L. Rhodes                         CFR
William R. Rhodes                        BB/CFR
Abraham A. Ribicoff (D-Ct)               CFR/J
Condoleezza Rice                         CFR
Donald Blessing Rice                     CFR
Donald S. Rice                           CFR
Joseph A. Rice                           CFR
Susan Elizabeth Rice                     CFR
Brian Allen Rich                         CFR
John H. Rich, Jr.                        CFR
Michael D. Rich                          CFR
Anne C. Richard                          CFR
Paul G. Richards                         CFR
Stephen H. Richards                      CFR
Arthur Berry Richardson                  CFR
David B. Richardson                      CFR
Dorsey Richardson                        CFR
Elliot Lee Richardson                    CFR
Frank H. Richardson                      CFR
Henry J. Richardson III                  CFR
John Richardson                          CFR
John Richardson, Jr.                     CFR
Richard W. Richardson                    CFR
William B. Richardson                    CFR
William R. Richardson (Gen.)             CFR
Yolonda Richardson                       CFR
Joan F. Richman                          CFR
Anthony H. Richter                       CFR
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgeway                BB/CFR/TC
Matthew B. Ridgway                       CFR
Rozanne Lejeanne Ridgway                 BB/CFR/TC
David Rieff                              CFR
Winfield W. Riefler                      CFR45-1950
Harold Riegelman                         CFR
John Edward Rielly                       CFR/TC
Hans A. Ries                             CFR
Imran Riffat                             CFR
Robert S. Rifkind                        CFR
Roger W. Riis                            CFR21
Edward C. Riley                          CFR
Elizabeth R. Rindskopf                   CFR
Michael L. Riordan                       CFR
Joseph P. Ripley                         CFR
S. Dillon Ripley II                      CFR
John B. Ritch III                        CFR
A. Victoria Rivas-Vazquez                CFR
Richard R. Rivers                        CFR
Arnold Rivkin                            CFR
David B. Rivkin, Jr.                     CFR
Donald H. Rivkin                         CFR
Alice M. Rivlin                          CFR/J
Nayla M. Rizk                            CFR
Nicholas X. Rizopoulos                   CFR
Charles S. Robb                          CFR/TC
Carla Anne Robbins                       CFR
Donald G. Robbins, Jr.                   CFR
Joseph F. Robert, Jr.                    CFR
Stephen Robert                           CFR
Bradley H. Roberts                       CFR
Chalmers M. Roberts                      CFR
George Roberts                           CFR
Henry Lithgow Roberts                    BB/CFR
John J. Roberts                          CFR
Richard Todd Roberts                     CFR
Walter R. Roberts                        CFR
Barbara Paul Robinson                    CFR
Charles Wesley Robinson                  BB/CFR/TC
David Z. Robinson                        CFR
Davis R. Robinson                        CFR
Donald H. Robinson                       CFR
Eugene Harold Robinson                   CFR
Geroid T. Robinson                       CFR
James D. Robinson III                    CFR
Leland Rex Robinson                      CFR
Leonard H. Robinson, Jr.                 CFR
Linda S. Robinson                        CFR
Pearl T. Robinson                        CFR
Randall Robinson                         CFR
Olin C. Robison                          CFR
Chester J. La Roche                      CFR
James G. Roche                           CFR
David Rockefeller                        BB/CFR/TC
David Rockefeller Jr.                    CFR 1949
James Stillman Rockefeller               CFR
John D. Rockefeller IV (D-WV)            CFR/TC
John Davison Rockefeller III             CFR
Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller               BB/CFR
Nicholas Rockefeller                     CFR
Rodman Clark Rockefeller                 CFR
Victor E. Rockhill                       CFR
Hays H. Rockwell                         CFR
Peter W. Rodman                          CFR
Rita M. Rodriquez                        CFR
Vincent A. Rodriquez                     CFR
Riordan Roett                            CFR
J. Hugh Roff Jr.                         CFR
Bernard William Rogers                   CFR/RS
David Rogers                             CFR
James Grafton Rogers                     CFR
John M. Rogers                           CFR
Lindsay Rogers                           CFR
Wallace B. Rogers                        CFR21
William Dill Rogers                      CFR
William Pierce Rogers                    CFR
Frederick F. Roggero                     CFR
Natasha Lance Rogoff                     CFR
Kaaren M. Rohan                          CFR
Felix George Rohatyn                     CFR
Thomas P. Rohlen                         CFR
Ervin J. Rokke                           CFR
Nancy Ellen Roman                        CFR
Alan D. Romberg                          CFR
Philip J. Pomero                         CFR
Anthony D. Romero                        CFR
Carlos A. Romero-Barcelo                 CFR
Philip Joseph Romero                     CFR
Serafino Romualdi                        CFR
Ann E. Rondeau                           CFR
John H. Roney                            CFR
Robert Vincent Roosa                     BB/CFR/RS
Ruth Amende Roosa                        CFR
Kermit Roosevelt                         CFR
Nicholas Roosevelt                       CFR
Theodore Roosevelt IV                    CFR
Elihu Root                               CFR21
Elihu Root, Jr.                          CFR
Oren Root                                CFR
Elmo Roper                               CFR
Daniel Rose                              CFR
Elihu Rose                               CFR
Frederick P. Rose                        CFR
Gideon Rose                              CFR
John P. Rose, (Col.)                     CFR
Charlie Peete Rose, Jr.                  CFR
Richard Rosecrance                       CFR
Arthur H. Rosen                          CFR
Daniel H. Rosen                          CFR
Jane K. Rosen                            CFR
Robert L. Rosen                          CFR
Stephen Peter Rosen                      CFR
Mark B. Rosenberg                        CFR
David S. Rosenblatt                      CFR
Lionel Rosenblatt                        CFR
Peter R. Rosenblatt                      CFR
Mort Rosenblum                           CFR
Stephen S. Rosenfeld                     CFR
Patricia L. Rosenfield                   CFR
Patricia L. Rosenfield                   CFR
Adolph G. Rosengarten, Jr.               CFR
Robert Rosenkranz                        CFR
Samuel I. Rosenman                       CFR
Lewis Rosenstiel                         CFR
Robert B. Rosenstock                     CFR
Abraham Michael Rosenthal                CFR
Arthur J. Rosenthal                      CFR21
Douglas Eurico Rosenthal                 CFR
Jack Rosenthal                           CFR
Joel H. Rosenthal                        CFR
Mitchell S. Rosenthal                    CFR
William Scranton Rosenthal               CFR
E. John Rosenwald, Jr.                   CFR
Nina Rosenwald                           CFR
Willam Rosenwald                         CFR
Carmen R. Rosenweig                      CFR
Jeffrey A. Rosenweig                     CFR
Robert M. Rosenzweig                     CFR
Axel G. Rosin                            CFR
Jeeremy D. Rosner                        CFR
Ronald W. Roskens                        CFR
Henry Rosovsky                           CFR/TC
Alison K. Ross                           CFR
Anne Ekstrand Ross                       CFR
Arthur Ross (Financier)                  CFR
Christopher W. S. Ross                   CFR
Dennis B. Ross                           BB/CFR/J
Emory Ross                               CFR
James D. Ross                            CFR
Michael Ross                             CFR
Robert S. Ross                           CFR
Roger Ross                               CFR
Thomas B. Ross                           CFR
T. J. Ross                               CFR
David J. Rosso                           CFR
Charles O. Rossotti                      CFR
C. Nicholas Rostow                       CFR
Elspeth Davies Rostow                    CFR
Eugene Victor Rostow                     BB/CFR
Nicholas Rostow                          CFR
Walt Whitman Rostow                      CFR/RS
Robert I. Rotberg                        CFR
Linda S. Rotblatt                        CFR
Katherine L. Roth                        CFR
Kathryn G. Roth                          CFR
Kathryn Roth-Douquet                     CFR
Kenneth Roth (Human Rights Watch)        CFR
Stanley Owen Roth                        CFR
William Matson Roth                      CFR
William V. Roth, Jr. (R-De)              CFR/TC
David M. Rothenberg                      CFR
Timothy S. Rothermel                     CFR
David Jochanan Rothkopf                  CFR
Linda D. Rottenberg                      CFR
Roger G. Rouse                           CFR
Ronald A. Route                          CFR
Richard Halworth Rovere                  CFR
Arthur W. Rovine                         CFR
Leo S. Rowe                              CFR21
Henry S. Rowen                           CFR
Edward L. Rowny                          CFR
Alexander B. Royce                       CFR
Arthur Mark Rubin                        CFR
Barnett R. Rubin                         CFR
James P. Rubin                           CFR
Nancy H. Rubin                           CFR
Robert Edward Rubin                      CFR
Seymour Jeffrey  Rubin                   CFR
William Doyle Ruckelshaus                CFR/TC
Warren B. Rudman                         CFR
Trudy S. Rubin                           CFR
Neil L. Rudenstine                       CFR
Warren B. Rudman (R-NH)                  CFR
Lloyd I. Rudolph                         CFR
Susanne Hoeber Rudolph                   CFR
Warren B. Rudman                         CFR
Oscar M. Ruebhausen                      CFR
Robert M. Ruenitz                        CFR
Raimundo L. Ruga                         CFR
John G. Ruggie                           CFR
William A. Rugh                          CFR
Donald Henry Rumsfeld                    BB/CFR
Carlisle Ford Runge                      CFR
George Rupp                              CFR
David Kenneth Rush                       CFR
Kenneth Rush                             CFR
Dean Rusk                                BB/CFR/RS
Donald S. Russell                        CFR
Frank Ford Russell                       CFR/S&B 1926
Lindsay Russell                          CFR21
T. W. Russell, Jr.                       CFR
Elisabeth Russin                         CFR
Dankwart A. Rustow                       CFR
Vernon W. Ruttan                         CFR
Douglas Rutzen                           CFR
Josh N. Ruxin                            CFR
Arthur F. Ryan (Prudential)              CFR
John T. Ryan, Jr.                        BB/CFR
John T. Ryan III                         CFR
Michael E. Ryan                          CFR
Charles Hamilton Sabin                   CFR21
Alexander Sachs                          CFR
Howard J. Sachs                          CFR
Jeffrey D. Sachs                         CFR
Paul M. Sacks                            CFR
Thomas A. Saenz                          CFR
Nadav Safran                             CFR
Scott D. Sagan                           CFR
Mildred D. Sage                          CFR
Edward W. Said                           CFR
Carol Knuth Sakoian                      CFR
Jeswald W. Salacuse                      CFR
Ana Maria Salazar                        CFR
George R. Salem                          CFR
Frederic V. Salerno                      CFR
Harrison Salisbury                       CFR
Irving Salomon                           CFR
Richard E. Salomon                       CFR
William R. Salomon                       CFR
Charles E. Saltzman                      BB/CFR
Anthony David Salzman                    CFR
Herbert Salzman                          CFR
Gary Samore                              CFR
Steven B. Sample                         CFR
Barbara Christie Samuels II              CFR
Michael A. Samuels                       CFR
Nathaniel Samuels                        CFR
Richard J. Samuels                       CFR
Miguel Antonio Sanchez                   CFR
Nestor D. Sanchez                        CFR
Orlando Sanchez                          CFR
David Sandalow                           CFR
Sheryl K. Sandberg                       CFR
Michael J. Sandel                        CFR
Alison B. Sander                         CFR
Barry A. Sanders                         CFR
Edward G. Sanders                        CFR
J. Stanley Sanders                       CFR
Marlene Sanders                          CFR
Robin Renee Sanders                      CFR
Amy Sands                                CFR
Charles S. Sanford, Jr.                  CFR
Terry Sanford (D-NC)                     CFR
David E. Sanger                          CFR
Charles Edward Santos                    CFR
Miriam Sapiro                            CFR
Harvey M. Sapolsky                       CFR
Howland H. Sargeant                      CFR
Stephen Thomas Sargeant                  CFR
Noel Sargent                             CFR
David Sarnoff                            CFR/J
Saskia Sassen                            CFR
James R. Sasser                          CFR
Robert Barry Satloff                     CFR
Kumi Sato                                CFR
Joseph C. Satterthwaite                  CFR
Ralph Southey Saul                       CFR
Harold Henry (Hal) Saunders              CFR
Paul J. Saunders                         CFR
Phillip C. Saunders                      CFR
Frank Savage                             CFR
John C. Sawhill                          CFR/TC
Peterson John Sawhill                    CFR
Melvin E. Sawin                          CFR21
Mark Sawoski                             CFR
Diane Sawyer                             CFR
John E. Sawyer                           CFR
Robert A. Scalapino                      BB/CFR
John Scall                               CFR
Henry Brewer Schacht                     CFR/TC
Oscar Schachter                          CFR
Nadia C. Schadlow                        CFR
Matthew P. Schaefer                      CFR
Howard Bruner Schaffer                   CFR
J. Robert Schaetzel                      CFR
Howard B. Schaffer                       CFR
Teresita T. Schaffer                     CFR
Joseph Halle Schaffner                   CFR
John H. Schafter                         CFR
Kori Naomi Schake                        CFR
J. Salwyn Schapiro                       CFR
William E. Schaufele Jr.                 CFR
Jerrold L. Schecter                      CFR
David J. Scheffer                        CFR
Lawrence Scheinman                       CFR
Orville Hickok Schell                    CFR
Orville Hickok Schell, Jr.               CFR
Thomas C. Schelling                      CFR
James Raymond Schenck                    CFR
Robert M. Scher                          CFR
Harry Scherman                           CFR
Thomas Schick                            CFR
Frank W. Schiff                          CFR
John M. Schiff                           CFR
Mortimer L. Schiff                       CFR21
Richard Schifter                         CFR
A. Arthur Schiller                       CFR
Warner S. Schilling                      CFR
Willem C. Schilthuis                     CFR
Mark P. Schlefer                         CFR
Arthur Meier. Schlesinger, Jr.           CFR
Jacob M. Schlesinger                     CFR
James Rodney Schlesinger                 CFR
Stephen Schlesinger                      CFR
Herbert S. Schlosser                     CFR
Anya A. Schmemann                        CFR
Serge Schmemann                          CFR
Herbert Schmertz                         CFR
Adolph William Schmidt                   BB/CFR
Benno C. Schmidt Jr.                     CFR
Herman J. Schmidt                        CFR
Bernadotte Everly Schmitt                CFR
Kurt L. Schmoke                          CFR
J. Benjamin Schmoker                     CFR
Edward Schmults                          CFR
Hubert A. Schneider                      CFR
Jan Schneider                            CFR
William Schneider (AEI/CNN)              CFR
Arthur Schneier                          CFR
William Schneier                         CFR
Douglas E. Schoen                        CFR
Enid C. B. Schoettle                     CFR
Daniel L. Schorr                         CFR/J
Elliot J. Schrage                        CFR
Brian T. Schreiber                       CFR
William A. Schreyer                      CFR
Christopher Matthew Schroeder            CFR
Patricia Schroeder (D-CO)                CFR
Richard F. Schubert                      CFR
G. Edward Schuh                          CFR
Jill A. Schuker                          CFR
Michael P. Schulhof                      CFR
William F. Schulz                        CFR
Charles L. Schultze                      CFR
Edward Schumacher                        CFR
Charles E. Schumer (D-NY)                CFR
C. V. R. Schuyler                        CFR
Susan Carroll Schwab                     CFR
William B. Schwab                        CFR
Eric Paul Schwartz                       CFR
Ethan Schwartz                           CFR
Frederic A. O. Schwartz                  CFR
Harry Schwartz                           CFR
Adam Schwarz                             CFR
Benjamin C. Schwarz                      CFR
Frederick A. O. Schwarz Jr.              CFR
William W. Schwarzer                     CFR
Stephen A. Schwarzman                    CFR
Stephen M. Schwebel                      CFR
Elaine F. Sciolino                       CFR
David Wilson Scott                       CFR
James Brown Scott                        CFR21
John Scott                               CFR
Stuart N. Scott                          CFR
William Ryland Scott                     CFR
Brent Scowcraft                          BB/CFR/TC
William W. Scranton                      CFR/TC
Brent Scrowcraft                         BB/CFR/TC
Glenn T. Seaborg                         CFR
Henry R. Seager                          CFR21
Norman P. Seagrave                       CFR
Robert C. Seamans Jr.                    CFR
Jonathan E. Sears                        CFR
James B. Seaton III                      CFR
Walter J. Sedwitz                        CFR
Sheldon J. Segal                         CFR
Susan Louise Segal                       CFR
Frederick C. Seibold Jr.                 CFR
Ivan Seidenberg                          CFR
John L. Seigenthaler                     CFR
John W. Seigle                           CFR
Chris Seiple                             CFR
Frederick Seitz                          CFR
Eugene A. Sekulow                        CFR
Edwin Robert Anderson Seligman           CFR21
Eustace Seligman                         CFR
Douglas Selin                            CFR
Ivan Selin                               CFR
Simon Serfaty                            CFR
Frank W. Sesno                           CFR
Stephen R. Sestanovich                   CFR
Cordenio A. Severance                    CFR21
John O. B. Sewall                        CFR
Sarah Bulkeley Sewall                    CFR
John W. Sewell                           CFR
Charles Seymour                          CFR21/S&B 1908
Forrest W. Seymour                       CFR
Frances J. Seymour                       CFR
Whitney North Seymour                    CFR
D. Michael Shafer                        CFR
Jeffrey R. Shafer                        CFR
Gail S. Shaffer                          CFR
Barbara Shailor                          CFR
Beth Shair-Goyer                         CFR
Donna E. Shalala                         CFR/TC
John A. Shalikashvili (Gen.)             CFR
David Shambaugh                          CFR
Albert Shanker                           CFR/TC
Andrew J. Shapiro                        CFR
Eli Shapiro                              CFR
George M. Shapiro                        CFR
Hal Scott Shapiro                        CFR
Harold Tafler Shapiro                    CFR
Irving S. Shapiro                        CFR
Isaac Shapiro                            CFR
Judith R. Shapiro                        CFR
Jason T. Shaplen                         CFR
Daniel A. Sharp                          CFR
George C. Sharp                          CFR
James H. Sharp                           CFR
Walter R. Sharp                          CFR
Henry D. Sharpe, Jr.                     CFR
John Shattuck                            CFR
Albert Shaw                              CFR21
G. Howland Shaw                          CFR
Herbert M. Shayne                        CFR
Andrew B. Shea                           CFR
Dorothy C. Shea                          CFR
Brooke L. Shearer                        CFR
Warren W. Shearer                        CFR
Lawrence H. Shearman                     CFR21
Vincent Sheean                           CFR
Kevin P. Sheehan                         CFR
Paul C. Sheeline                         CFR
Frederick Sheffield                      CFR
Jill W. Sheffield                        CFR
Soroush Richard Shehabi                  CFR
Stanley K. Sheinbaum                     CFR
Jack Sheinkman (Jacob)                   BB/CFR
Eleanor Bernert Sheldon                  CFR
Sally Swing Shelley                      CFR
Ronald K. Shelp                          CFR
Henry Hug Shelton                        CFR
Joanna Reed Shelton                      CFR
Sally A. Shelton-Colby                   CFR
George H. Shenk                          CFR
Maury David Shenk                        CFR
David A. Shepard                         CFR
Frank Parsons Shepard                    CFR/S&B 191
Stephen B. Shepard                       CFR
Robeert Thomas Shepardson                CFR
Whitney H. Shepardson                    CFR21/RS 1921-
Howard C. Sheperd                        CFR
William R. Sheperd                       CFR21-1927
Paul C. Sherbert                         CFR
Alan R. Sheriff                          CFR
Irving H. Sherman                        CFR
Michael Sherman                          CFR
Wendy R. Sherman                         CFR
George L. Sherry                         CFR
Benjamin B Sherwood                      CFR
Elizabeth D. Sherwood-Randall            CFR
Jerome J. Shestack                       CFR
Geoffrey B. Shields                      CFR
Lisa Shields                             CFR
Murray Shields                           CFR
W. Clifford Shields                      CFR
Albert Shiels                            CFR21
Gary M. Shiffman                         CFR
Michael Shifter                          CFR
Josette S. Shiner                        CFR
James I. Shinn                           CFR
Richard R. Shinn                         CFR
Eric Shinseki                            CFR
Walter Vincent Shipley                   CFR/TC
Jacqueline W. Shire                      CFR
William Lawrence Shirer                  CFR
Susan L. Shirk                           CFR
Faryar Shirzad                           CFR
Boris Shishkin                           CFR
Amity Ruth Shlaes                        CFR
Christopher Cole Shoemaker               CFR
Don Shoemaker                            CFR
Raymond Shonholtz                        CFR
Jennifer A. Shore                        CFR
David Shorr                              CFR
Vinca Showalter                          CFR
Donald W. Shiver                         CFR
Donald W. Shriver Jr.                    CFR
Robert Sargent Shriver, Jr.              CCFR
Gustave Harry Shubert                    CFR
Colette Shulman                          CFR
Marshall Darrow Shulman                  BB/CFR
George Pratt Shultz                      CFR/TC
Stanley S. Shuman                        CFR
George N. Shuster                        CFR
Benjamin R. Shute                        CFR
Gary G. Sick                             CFR
Henry Siegbert                           CFR
Henry Siegman                            CFR
Elisabeth N. Sifton                      CFR
Leon V. Sigal                            CFR
Paul E. Sigmund                          CFR
C. J. Silas                              CFR/TC
Laurence H. Silberman                    CFR
Robert S. Silberman                      CFR
Alan M. Silberstein                      CFR
James R. Silkenat                        CFR
Allison Silver                           CFR
Daniel B. Silver                         CFR
Ron Silver                               CFR
Robert B. Silvers                        CFR
Dimitri K. Simes                         CFR
Adele Smith Simmons                      CFR
Jamal N. Simmons                         CFR
P. J. Simmons                            CFR
Ruth J. Simmons                          CFR
Wallace D. Simmons                       CFR21
Francoise L. Simon                       CFR
Hugh V. Simon, Jr.                       CFR
William Edward Simon                     CFR
Hans Simons                              CFR
Julie A. Simons                          CFR
John Lowery Simpson                      CFR
Albert G. Sims                           CFR
Gretchen Crosby Sims                     CFR
Robert B. Sims                           CFR
Paula J. Sinclair                        CFR
Steven W. Sinding                        CFR
Richard N. Sinkin                        CFR
Joseph John Sisco                        CFR
Timothy D. Sisk                          CFR
Francis H. Sisson                        CFR21
James Baker Sitrick                      CFR
Thomas E. Skidmore                       CFR
Elliott P. Skinner                       CFR
Kiron Kanina Skinner                     CFR
Jennifer Friedman Sklarew                CFR
Michael M. Skol                          CFR
Eugene B. Skolnikoff                     CFR
David R. Slade                           CFR
John Elliot Slater                       CFR
Joseph E. Slater                         CFR
Anne-Marie Slaughter                     CFR
Matthew J. Slaughter                     CFR
Richard A. Slaughter                     CFR
John Slawson                             CFR
Paul S. Slawson                          CFR
Ann Brownell Sloane                      CFR
Walter Becker Slocombe                   CFR
John J. Slocum                           CFR
Leon Sloss                               CFR
Lawrence M. Small                        CFR
Kathleen Smalley                         CFR
Patricia T. Smalley                      CFR
S. Bruce Smart Jr.                       CFR
Andrew F. Smith                          CFR
Carleton Smith                           CFR
Carleton Sprague Smith                   CFR
Clint E. Smith                           CFR
Clint N. Smith                           CFR
Datus C. Smith, Jr.                      CFR
David Shivernick Smith                   CFR
Dewitt C. Smith Jr.                      CFR
Edwin M. Smith                           CFR
Everett R. Smith                         CFR
Gaddis Smith                             CFR
Gare A. Smith                            CFR
Gerard Coad Smith                        CFR/TC
H. Alexander Smith                       CFR
Harold Page Smith                        CFR
Hayden N. Smith                          CFR
Hedrick L. Smith                         CFR
Horace H. Smith                          CFR
James McCall Smith                       CFR
Jean Kennedy Smith                       CFR
Jeffrey H. Smith                         CFR
John T. Smith II                         CFR
Leighton W. Smith Jr. (Snuffy)           CFR
Malcolm B. Smith                         CFR
Michael B. Smith                         CFR
Nicole Venable Smith                     CFR
Perry M. Smith (Maj. Gen.)               CFR
Peter Hopkinson Smith                    CFR
R. Jeffrey Smith                         CFR
Richard M. Smith                         CFR
Robert W. Smith                          CFR
Stephen Grant Smith (Editor)             CFR
Theodore M. Smith                        CFR
Tony Smith (AP)                          CFR
Sulzberger Smith                         CFR
W. Mason Smith, Jr.                      CFR
W. Y. Smith                              CFR
Wayne S. Smith                           CFR
Winthrop H. Smith Jr.                    CFR
Arthur Smithies                          CFR
Samuel D. Smoots                         CFR
Henry DeW. Smyth                         CFR
Don M. Snider (CSIS)                     CFR
L. Britt Snider                          CFR
Robert Anthony Snow                      CFR
Olympia J. Snowe (R-Me)                  CFR
David M. Snyder                          CFR
Jack L. Snyder                           CFR
Jed C. Snyder                            CFR
Richard C. Snyder                        CFR/J
Richard Edward Snyder                    CFR
Timothy D. Snyder                        CFR
Dorothy Meadow Sobol                     CFR
Nancy E. Soderberg                       BB/CFR
Abraham David Sofaer                     CFR
Louis B. Sohn                            CFR
Stephen Joshua Solarz                    CFR
Peter O. A. Solbert                      CFR/S&B 1941
Dorothy Meadow Sobol                     CFR
Nancy E. Soderberg                       CFR
Abraham David Sofaer                     CFR
Louis B. Sohn                            CFR
Stephen J. Solarz (D-NY)                 CFR
Peter O. A. Solbert                      CFR
Steven L. Solnick                        CFR
Andrew W. Solomon                        CFR
Anne G. K. Solomon                       CFR
Anthony M. Solomon                       CFR/TC
Joshua N. Solomon                        CFR
Lisa J. Solomon                          CFR
Peter J. Solomon                         CFR
Richard H. Solomon                       CFR
Robert Solomon                           CFR
Davidson Sommers                         CFR
H. Marshall Sonenshine                   CFR
Tara Diane Sonenshine                    CFR
H. Christian Sonne                       CFR
Maurice Sonnenberg                       CFR/TC
Helmut Sonnenfeldt                       CFR
R. W. Sonnenfeidt                        CFR/TC
Helmut Sonnenfeldt                       BB/CFR/TC
Richard W. Sonnenfeldt                   CFR
Raymond James Sontag                     CFR
Gillian Martin Sorensen                  CFR
Raymond James Sontag                     CFR
Theodore C. Sorensen                     CFR
George Soros                             BB/CFR
Paul Soros                               CFR
Lauren Kephart Soth                      CFR
E. E. Soubry                             CFR
Frank A. Southard, Jr.                   CFR
James D. Southwick                       CFR
Michael Ira Sovern                       CFR
Carl A. Spaatz                           CFR
Carl B. Spaeth                           CFR
James William Spain                      CFR
Jonathan Spalter                         CFR
Kenneth M. Spang                         CFR
Scott M. Spangler                        CFR
Debora L. Spar                           CFR
Leonard S. Spector                       CFR
David C. Speedie                         CFR
David C. Speedie III                     CFR
Theodore C. Speers                       CFR
Kirsten Elizabeth Speidel                CFR
Edson W. Spencer                         CFR
John H. Spencer                          CFR
Percy C. Spencer                         CFR
William C. Spencer                       CFR
Joan Edelman Spero                       CFR/TC
Joshua B. Spero                          CFR
James Gustave Speth                      CFR
Jerry I. Speyer                          CFR
Harold R. Spiegel                        CFR
John W. Spiegel                          CFR
Carl Spielvogel                          CFR
Ronald I. Spiers                         CFR
J. Andrew Spindler                       CFR
Herbert John Spiro                       CFR
Charles Merville Spofford                BB/CFR/S&B 1924, 1955
Mansfield D. Sprague                     CFR
Robert C. Sprague                        CFR
John M. Spratt Jr. (D-SC)                CFR
Jenny Springer                           CFR
Allan Sproul                             CFR
Robert G. Sproul                         CFR
Harold Sprout                            CFR
Howard M. Squadron                       CFR
Nadine Srossen                           CFR
Alisa M. Stack-O'Connor                  CFR
D. Andrew Stackpole                      CFR
Stephen H. Stackpole                     CFR
John Stacks                              CFR
Donald L. Staheli                        CFR
Eugene Staley                            CFR
Helena Stalson                           CFR
Stephen Stamas                           CFR
Charles S. Stanford, Jr.                 CFR
Francis X. Stankard                      CFR
Peter W. Stanley                         CFR
Timothy W. Stanley                       CFR
Edwin F. Stanton                         CFR
Frank Stanton                            CFR
R. John Stanton, Jr.                     CFR
Eugene S. Staples                        CFR
Kristen Staples                          CFR
The Starr Foundation                     CFR
Kenneth I. Starr                         CFR
S. Frederick Starr                       CFR/TC
E. Blythe Stason                         CFR
Harold E. Stasson                        CFR
Charles B. Stauffacher                   CFR
Richard C. Steadman                      CFR
James H. Stebbins                        CFR
Richard P. Stebbins                      CFR
Louellen Stedman                         CFR
Ronald Steel                             CFR
Richard J. Stegemeier                    CFR
Paul E. Steiger                          CFR
David Fred Stein                         CFR
Elliot Stein Jr.                         CFR
Eric Stein                               CFR
Harold Stein                             CFR
Mark Brian Stein                         CFR
Paul E. Stein                            CFR
David Joel Steinberg                     CFR
James B. Steinberg                       CFR
Mark R. Steinberg                        CFR
Richard H. Steinberg                     CFR
John D. Steinbruner                      CFR
Daniel Steiner                           CFR
Joshua L. Steiner                        CFR
Steven E. Steiner                        CFR
Edward L. Steiniger                      CFR
John D. Stempel                          CFR
Angela E. Stent                          CFR
Alfred C.Stepan                          CFR
George Stephanopoulos                    BB/CFR/RS
Claude O. Stephens                       CFR
J. E. Wallace Sterling                   CFR
David J. Stern                           CFR
Ernest Stern                             CFR
Fritz Stern                              CFR
H. Peter Stern                           CFR
Jeffrey Stern                            CFR
Jessica E. Stern                         CFR
Paula Stern (Carnegie Endowment)         CFR
Todd D. Stern                            CFR
Walter P. Stern                          CFR
Michael E. Sterner                       CFR
David Sternlight                         CFR
Anne Stetson                             CFR
Clarence C. Stetson                      CFR21
Edward R. Stettinius, Jr.                CFR
Charles R. Stevens                       CFR
James W. Stevens                         CFR
Paul Schott Stevens                      CFR
Adlai Ewing Stevenson                    CFR
Adlai Ewing Stevenson III                BB/CFR 1958-
Charles A. Stevenson                     CFR
John R. Stevenson                        CFR
William E. Stevenson                     CFR
Donald M. Stewart                        CFR
George Stewart                           CFR
Gordon C. Stewart                        CFR
Patricia Carry Stewart                   CFR
Robert Burgess Stewart                   CFR
Robert McLean Stewart                    CFR
Ruth Ann Stewart                         CFR
Daniel D. Stid                           CFR
Judith Hicks Stiehm                      CFR
Joseph E. Stiglitz                       CFR
Deborah F. Stiles                        CFR
Ned B. Stiles                            CFR
Chauncey Stillman                        CFR
Ralph S. Stillman                        CFR
Richard G. Stilwell                      CFR
Leroy D. Stinebower                      CFR
Kate Stith                               CFR
Robert B. Stobaugh                       CFR
David Alan Stockman                      CFR
George D. Stoddard                       CFR
John G. Stoessinger                      CFR
William A. Stofft                        CFR
Alan Stoga                               CFR
Bruce Stokes                             CFR
Isaac N. P. Stokes                       CFR
Louis Stokes (D-Oh)                      CFR
Donald C. Stone                          CFR
Jeremy J. Stone                          CFR
Michael P. W. Stone                      CFR
Randall Stone                            CFR
Roger D. Stone                           CFR
Shepard Stone                            BB/CFR
Leland Stowe                             CFR
Jerome A. Straka                         CFR
Julius A. Straton                        CFR
Donald B. Straus                         CFR
Jack I. Straus                           CFR
Oscar Straus II                          CFR/J
Oscar S. Straus                          CFR21
Ralph I. Straus                          CFR
Robert Kenneth Straus                    CFR
Albert Strauss                           CFR21
Lewis Lichtenstein Strauss               CFR/J
R. Peter Strauss                         CFR
Robert Schwartz Strauss                  CFR/TC
Simon D. Strauss                         CFR
Robert Strausz-Hupe                      CFR
Michael A. Strautmanis                   CFR
Joseph R. Strayer                        CFR
Theodore Cuyler Streibert                CFR
John J. Stremlau                         CFR
Howard Stringer                          CFR
Marin J. Strmecki                        CFR
James M. Strock                          CFR
Jane E Stromseth                         CFR
Benjamin Strong                          CFR
Thomas F. Stroock                        CFR
Nadine Strossen                          CFR
Joe H. Stroud                            CFR
A.D. Struble                             CFR
William O. Studeman (Adm.)               CFR
Simeon Strunsky                          CFR21
Rose Styron                              CFR
Michael E. M. Sudarkasa                  CFR
Niara Sudarkasa                          CFR
Karen M. Sughrue                         CFR
Ezra N. Suleiman                         CFR
Seth R. Sulkin                           CFR
Gina E. Sullivan                         CFR
Gordon Russell Sullivan (Gen.)           CFR
Leon H. Sullivan                         CFR
Louis Wade Sullivan                      CFR
Margaret C. Sullivan                     CFR
William Healy Sullivan                   CFR
Arthur Hays Sulzberger                   BB/CFR/J
Arthur Ochs ("Punch") Sulzberger         CFR
Cyrus L. Sulzberger                      BB/CFR
Hays Sulzberger                          CFR
Ochs Sulzberger                          CFR
Harry G. Summers Jr (COL)                CFR
Lawrence H. Summers                      BB/CFR
Jack B. Sunderland                       CFR
Thomas Egbert Sunderland                 CFR
Ibrahim K Sundiata                       CFR
Patrick Moore Supanc                     CFR
Walter Sterling Surrey                   CFR
Leo A. Suslow                            CFR
Mona K. Sutphen                          CFR
Peter D. Sutherland                      CFR/TC
James Smyrl Sutterlin                    CFR
Francis X. Sutton                        CFR
Cedric Suzman                            CFR
Emory Coblentz Swank                     CFR
David H. Swanson                         CFR
John J. Sweeney                          CFR
Arthur Sweetser                          CFR21
Julia Ellen Sweig                        CFR
Brandon W. Sweitzer                      CFR
Eric P. Swenson                          CFR
Sidney A. Swensrud                       CFR
Scott L. Swid                            CFR
Stephen Claar Swid                       CFR
Peter Bird Swiers                        CFR
James W. Swihart                         CFR
John Temple Swing                        CFR
Stanley M. Swinton                       CFR
Gerard Swope, Jr.                        CFR
W. Stuart Symington                      CFR
Peter L. Szanton                         CFR
Roman Szporluk                           CFR
Henry Waters Taft                        CFR21/S&B 1880
Julia Vadala Taft                        CFR
William Howard Taft IV                   CFR
Paul Tagliabue                           CFR
Shirin R. Tahir-Kheli                    CFR
Phillips Talbot                          CFR
Strobe Talbott                           CFR/RS/TC
Jeffrey W. Taliaferro                    CFR
Puneet Talwar                            CFR
Kara W.Y. Tan Bhala                      CFR
Angelica Tang                            CFR
David K. Y. Tang                         CFR
George K. Tanham                         CFR
Frank Tannenbaum                         CFR
Theodore Tannewald                       CFR
Harold Tanner                            CFR
Raymond Tanter                           CFR
Raul R. Tapia                            CFR
Jesse W. Tapp                            CFR
Peter Tarnoff                            CFR/TC J
Bruce C. Tater                           CFR
Frank J. Tasco                           CFR
Gligor A. Tashkovich                     CFR
William Taubman                          CFR
Daniel K. Tarullo                        CFR
Archibald W. Taylor                      CFR21
Arthur R. Taylor                         CFR
Carl Taylor                              CFR21
George E. Taylor                         CFR
James S. Taylor                          CFR
Kathryn Pelgrift Taylor                  CFR
Maxwell D. Taylor                        CFR
Myron C. Taylor                          CFR 1943-1959
Wayne Chatfield Taylor                   CFR
William Jesse Taylor Jr.                 CFR
John E. Tedstrom                         CFR
David J. Teece                           CFR
Peter B. Teeley                          CFR
Robert M. Teeter                         CFR
Nancy H. Teeters                         CFR
Erastus T. Tefft                         CFR21
Ruti G. Teitel                           CFR
Michael S. Teitelbaum                    CFR
Shibley Telhami                          CFR
Edward Teller                            CFR
Ashley J. Tellis                         CFR
Maurice Tempelsman                       CFR
Richard H. Templeton                     CFR
Dina Simone Temple-Raston                CFR
George J. Tenet                          CFR/J
Leonard B. Tennyson                      CFR
Anthony P. Terracciano                   CFR
Sarah M. Terry                           CFR
Gregory F. Teverton                      CFR
Archibald G. Thacher                     CFR21
Charles A. Thayer                        CFR
Robert H. Thayer                         CFR
Thomas C. Theobald                       CFR
Marc A. Thiessen                         CFR
Pamela Beth Thiessen                     CFR
G. Richard Thoman                        BB/CFR
Barbara S. Thomas                        CFR
Brooks Thomas                            CFR
Evan W. Thomas III                       CFR
Franklin Augustine Thomas                CFR
H. Gregory Thomas                        CFR
James P. Thomas                          CFR
Lee B. Thomas, Jr.                       CFR
Hillary Thomas-Lake                      CFR
Max W. Thomburg                          CFR
Earle S. Thompson                        CFR
Kenneth W. Thompson                      CFR
Llewellyn E. Thompson                    CFR
Robert Louis Thompson                    CFR
W. Scott Thompson                        CFR
William Boyce Thompson                   CFR21
James A. Thomson (Rand Corp.)            CFR
James C. Thomson Jr.                     CFR
Richard L. ("Dick") Thornburgh           CFR
Richard Paul Thornell                    CFR
John L. Thornton                         CFR
Thomas Perry Thornton                    CFR
Louisa Thoron                            CFR
Willard L. Thorp                         CFR
Lester C. Thurow                         CFR
John Tibby                               CFR
Chang-Lin Tien                           CFR
John K. Tien, Jr.                        CFR
Paul E. Tierney Jr.                      CFR
Ronald Tiersky                           CFR
Ricki Rhodarmer Tigert                   CFR
Kimberly Till                            CFR
Charles C. Tillinghast, Jr.              CFR
Seth P. Tillman                          CFR
Susan Lynne Tillou                       CFR
Clare H. Timberlake                      CFR
Kristen Timothy                          CFR
Edward Larocque Tinker                   CFR
Sarah LivingstonTimpson                  CFR
Cynthia A. Tindell                       CFR
Frederick S. Tipson                      CFR
Amina Tirana                             CFR
Laurence Alan Tisch                      CFR/J
Randall L. Tobias                        CFR
Michael P. Todaro                        CFR
Maurice Linwood Todd                     CFR
Terence A. Todman                        CFR
Terence A. Todrnan                       CFR
Monica Duffy Toft                        CFR
Maynard J. Toll Jr.                      CFR
Alexander C. Tomlinson                   CFR
Roy Tomlinson                            CFR21
Michael R. Tomz                          CFR
Tuong-Vy Ton                             CFR
Lyman M. Tondel, Jr.                     CFR
Audrey Ronning Topping                   CFR
Seymour Topping                          CFR
Maria Elena Torano                       CFR
Carlos Del Toro                          CFR
Art Torres                               CFR
Esteban Edward Torres                    CFR
Gerald Torres                            CFR
Raidza M. Torres                         CFR
Robert G. Torricelli (D-NJ)              CFR
Robert C. Toth                           CFR
Alair Townsend                           CFR
Edward Townsend                          CFR
Kathleen Kennedy Townsend                CFR
Oliver Townsend                          CFR
Stephen Joel Trachtenberg                CFR
Frank N. Trager                          CFR
Harry D. Train II                        CFR
John Train                               CFR
Russell E. Train                         CFR
Bernard E. Trainor (Gen.)                CFR
Eugene P. Trani                          CFR
J. C. Traphagen                          CFR
Martin B. Travis, Jr.                    CFR
Stephen J. Treadway                      CFR
John Elting Treat                        CFR
Thomas J. Trebat                         CFR
Timothy Paul Trenkle                     CFR
Gregory Frye Treverton                   CFR
Henry Trewhitt                           CFR
Philip Harold Trezise                    CFR
Robert H. Trice, Jr.                     CFR
Robert Triffin                           CFR
Charles R. Trimble                       CFR
Guy E. Tripp                             CFR21
Juan Terry Trippe                        CFR
Vera M. Trojan                           CFR
Peter D. Trooboff                        CFR
Alexander Buel Trowbridge                CFR
Nancy Sherwood Truitt                    CFR
David Bicknell Truman                    CFR
Edwin M. Truman                          CFR
Lucian K. Truscott, Jr.                  CFR
Robert Wood Johnson Jr. Charitable Trust CFR
Elizabeth G. Tsipis                      CFR
Kosta Tsipis                             CFR
H. Anton Tucher                          CFR
Edward Hallam Tuck                       CFR
William Hallam Tuck                      CFR
Jonathan B. Tucker                       CFR
Katherine K. Tucker                      CFR
Nancy Bernkopf Tucker                    CFR
Richard Frank Tucker                     CFR
Robert W. Tucker (Johns Hopkins)         CFR
Nancy D. Turck                           CFR
Astrid S. Tuminez                        CFR
Ko-Yung Tung                             CFR
Nancy B. Turck                           CFR
John Turkevich                           CFR
Elisabeth Russin Turner                  CFR
J. Michael Turner                        CFR
Robert F. Turner                         CFR
Stansfield Turner                        CFR
William C. Turner                        CFR
Michael D. Tusiani                       CFR
Gordon B. Tweedy                         CFR
William R. Tyler                         CFR
R. Emmett Tyrrell Jr (BOB)               CFR
Laura D'Andrea Tyson                     CFR/TC
Abraham L. Udovitch                      CFR
Mark A. Uhlig                            CFR
Richard H. Ullman                        CFR
Cornelius M. Ulman                       CFR
Alfred C. Ulmer, Jr.                     CFR
Marybeth Peterson Ulrich                 CFR
Sanford J. Ungar                         CFR
David C. Unger                           CFR
Leonard Unger (AMB)                      CFR
Arthur R. Upgren                         CFR
Maureen T. Upton                         CFR
Thomas N. Urban                          CFR
Robert M. Uriu                           CFR
William R. Usher (Maj. Gen.)             CFR
Victor A. Utgoff                         CFR
Garrick Utley                            CFR
Albert E. Utton                          CFR
Giorgio Uzielli                          CFR
Alexander M. Vagliano                    CFR
Sara Vagliano                            CFR
Detlev F. Vagts                          CFR
Viron Peter Vaky                         CFR
Jiri Valenta                             CFR
Alan Chester Valentine                   CFR
Debra A. Valentine                       CFR
Arturo A. Valenzuela                     CFR
Thomas C. Van Cleve                      CFR
Donna Lee Van Cott                       CFR
Brian Van De Mark                        CFR
Gregory E. Van Der Vink                  CFR
Henry Pitney Van Dusen                   CFR
Michael H. Van Dusen                     CFR
Ted Van Dyk                              CFR
Stephen W. Van Evera                     CFR
James A. Van Fleet (Gen.)                CFR
John Van Oudenaren                       CFR
DeForest Van Slyck                       CFR/S&B 1920
John Van Stirum                          CFR
Constant M. Van Vlierden                 CFR
Van Voorst L. Bruce                      CFR
Cyrus Roberts Vance                      CFR/TC
Marsha Vande Berg                        CFR
Martina E. Vandenberg                    CFR
Jon Vanden Heuvel                        CFR
Katrina Vanden Heuvel                    CFR
William J. Vanden Heuvel                 CFR
Robert D. Vander  Lugt                   CFR
Frank Arthur Vanderlip                   CFR
Jeffrey Paul Varanini                    CFR
Marta B. Varela                          CFR
Harold E. Varmus                         CFR
Ian Vasquez                              CFR
Veblen Tom C.                            CFR
Sesto E. Vecchi                          CFR
Mark S. Vecchio                          CFR
Carol Michele Veit                       CFR
Lawrence A. Veit                         CFR
Nicholas A. Veliotes                     CFR
Richard R. Verma                         CFR
Peter H. Vermilye                        CFR
Raymond Vernon                           BB/CFR
Verstandig Toni Grant                    CFR
Verville Elizabeth G.                    CFR
John W. Jr (Gen.) Vessey                 CFR
Henry Viccellio                          CFR
Henry Viccellio, Jr.                     CFR
David J. Vidal                           CFR
Pote Videt                               CFR
Curtis G. Viebranz                       CFR
Stephen Viederman                        CFR
Richard Noyes Viets                      CFR
Adis Maria Vila                          CFR
George R. Vila                           CFR
Arturo Villar                            CFR
Jacob Viner                              CFR
Milton Viorst                            CFR
Enzo Viscusi                             CFR
Alberto Vitale                           CFR
Richard A. Voell                         CFR
Ezra F. Vogel                            CFR
Sandra Louise Vogelgesang                CFR
Jay M. Vogelson                          CFR
Stephen R. Volk                          CFR
George J. Vojta                          CFR
Paul Adolph Volker                       BB/CFR/TC
K. Gayle Rose Von Eckartsberg            CFR
Mark Louis Von Hagen                     CFR
Frank N. Von Hippel                      CFR
Alfred H. Von Klemperer                  CFR
Roderick K. Von Lipsey                   CFR
Robert B. Von Mehren                     CFR
Tracy S. Voorhees                        CFR
Delgado Votaw Carmen                     CFR
Carl E. Vuono (Gen.)                     CFR
Linda Joy Wachner                        CFR
Andrew Baruch Wachtel                    CFR
Rick Waddell                             CFR
James J. Wadsworth                       CFR
Mary Wadsworth-Darby                     CFR
Robert C. Waggoner                       CFR
Charles W. Wagley                        CFR
Marshall Ivan Wais Jr.                   CFR
Richard Wait                             CFR
Frederic E. Wakeman Jr.                  CFR
Arthur Nelson Waldron                    CFR
Jane Wales                               CFR
A. Lightfoot Walker                      CFR
Charles Edward Walker                    CFR
George G. Walker                         CFR
George R. Walker                         CFR
Jacques P. Walker                        CFR
Jenonne Walker                           CFR
John L. Walker                           CFR
Joseph Walker, Jr.                       CFR
William Nickerson Walker                 CFR
Mary Lynn Walker-Huntley                 CFR
Sarah K. Walkling                        CFR
T. F. Walkowicz                          CFR
Roger Windham Wallace                    CFR
Schuyler C. Wallace                      CFR
Celeste A. Wallander                     CFR
Mitchel B. Wallerstein                   CFR
Henry C. Wallich                         CFR
Christine  I. Wallich                    CFR
Peter J. Wallison                        CFR
Ian Kennard Walsh                        CFR
Michaela Walsh                           CFR
Walter N. Walmsley                       CFR
Barbara Walters                          CFR/J
Anthony John Walton                      CFR
Reginald Kieth Walton                    CFR
Kenneth N.Waltz                          CFR
Leah Zell Wanger                         CFR
Walter Wanger                            CFR
Eric M. Warburg                          BB/CFR
Felix Moritz Warburg                     CFR21/J
Frederick Marcus Warburg                 CFR
James Paul Warburg                       CFR
Paul Mortiz Warburg                      CFR21/J 1921-1932
Chester Ward                             CFR
F. Champion Ward                         CFR
Harry E. Ward                            CFR21
Jennifer C. Ward                         CFR
Katherine T. Ward                        CFR
Patrick Joseph Ward                      CFR
Thomas E. Ward                           CFR
Allen Wardwell                           CFR21
Carl Ware                                CFR
Ethelbert Warfield                       CFR
Edward L. Warner III                     CFR 1940-1945
John William Warner                      CFR
Rawleigh Warner, Jr.                     CFR
Volney J.ames Warner                     CFR
Paul C. Warnke                           CFR
Gerald L. Warren                         CFR
John Edwin Warren                        CFR
Lewis M. Warren, Jr.                     CFR
Shields Warren                           CFR
Abbott McConnell Washburn                CFR
John L. Washburn                         CFR
Bruce Wasserstein                        CFR
Donald Wasson                            CFR
R. Gordon Wasson                         CFR
John Isaac Waterbury                     CFR21
Cherri D. Waters                         CFR
Ralph J. Watkins                         CFR
Alexander F. Watson                      CFR
Arthur Kittrege Watson                   CFR
Burl S. Watson                           CFR
Peter S. Watson                          CFR
Thomas John Watson                       CFR
Thomas John Watson, Jr.                  CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr.                       CFR
Ben J. Wattenberg                        CFR
Glenn E. Watts                           CFR/TC
John H. Watts                            CFR
William Watts                            CFR
George Wauchope                          CFR
Matthew Waxman                           CFR
Alva O. Way                              CFR
Dennis Weatherstone                      CFR
David R. Weaver                          CFR
George L-P Weaver                        CFR
Sylvester L. Weaver, Jr.                 CFR
Hoyt K. Webb                             CFR
Vanderbilt Webb                          CFR21
Doron Weber                              CFR
Vin Weber (R-Mn)                         CFR
Bethuel M. Webster                       CFR
William Hedgcock Webster                 CFR
William F. Wechsler                      CFR
Steven Weddle                            CFR
Ruth Wedgwood                            CFR
Edward Weeks                             CFR
Jennifer R. Weeks                        CFR
Leroy S. Wehrle                          CFR
Murray L. Weidenbaum                     CFR
George Weigel                            CFR
George B. Weiksner Jr.                   CFR
Frank A. Weil                            CFR
John L. Weinberg                         CFR
Steven Weinberg (physicist)              CFR
Caspar W. Weinberger                     CFR/TC
Myron Weiner                             CFR
Richard S. Weinert                       CFR
W. Bruce Weinrod                         CFR
Michael M. Weinstein                     CFR
Sidney Weintraub                         CFR
Jacob Weisberg                           CFR
Steven R. Weisman (NYT)                  CFR
Andrew Scott Weiss                       CFR
Charles Weiss Jr.                        CFR
Cora Weiss                               CFR
Edith Brown Weiss                        CFR
Elizabeth Anne Weiss                     CFR
Seymour Weiss  (Adm.)                    CFR
Stanley A. Weiss                         CFR
Thomas G. Weiss                          CFR
Ivan S. Weissman                         CFR
Victor F. Weisskopf                      CFR
Peter R. Weitz                           CFR
C. David Welch                           CFR
Jasper A. Welch, Jr. (Gen.)              CFR
John Francis Welch, Jr.                  CFR
Larry D. Welch (Gen.)                    CFR
Leo Dewey Welch                          CFR
William F. Weld                          CFR
David P. Welker                          CFR
Charles Wellborn, Jr.                    CFR
Damon Wells Jr.                          CFR
Herman B. Wells                          CFR
Louis T. Wells Jr.                       CFR
Samuel F. Wells Jr.                      CFR
Walter N. Wells                          CFR
Ira T. Wender                            CFR
E. Allan Wendt                           CFR
Henry Wendt                              CFR/TC
Kenneth Wernimont                        CFR
Mitzi M. Wertheim                        CFR
Stephan D. Wesbrook                      CFR
Joanna Weschler                          CFR
Edwin J. Wesely                          CFR
Albert C. F. Wesphal                     CFR
J. Robinson West                         CFR
Owen O'Driscoll West                     CFR
Robert LeRoy West                        CFR
Togo Dennis West Jr.                     CFR
William C. Westmoreland                  CFR
Albert C. F. Westphal                    CFR
Burns H. Weston                          CFR
Olin L. Wethington                       CFR
Anne L. Wexler                           CFR
George Hunt Weyerhaeuser                 CFR
Lally Graham (Elizabeth) Weymouth        CFR
Charles W. Whalen, Jr.                   CFR
Richard J. Whalen                        CFR
Clifton R. Wharton, Jr.                  CFR/TC
John K. Wheeler                          CFR
John P. Wheeler III                      CFR
Oliver P. Wheeler                        CFR
Richard W. Wheeler                       CFR
Walter H. Wheeler, Jr.                   CFR
Howard P. Whidden                        CFR
Taggart Whipple                          CFR
William Whipple                          CFR
Arthur P. Whitaker                       CFR
C. S. Whitaker                           CFR
Jennifer Seymour Whitaker                CFR
Mark Whitaker                            CFR
Frank X. White                           CFR
Gilbert F. White                         CFR
H. Lee White                             CFR
James G. White                           CFR21
John Campbell White                      CFR
John P. White                            CFR
John P. White III                        CFR
Julia A. White                           CFR
Maureen White                            CFR
Peter C. White                           CFR
Robert John White                        CFR
Robert M. White                          CFR
Theodore H. White                        CFR/J
Timothy J. White                         CFR
William H. White                         CFR
Walter H. White Jr.                      CFR
William K. Whiteford                     CFR
John Cunningham Whitehead                BB/CFR/TC
Charles Sheldon Whitehouse               CFR/S&B 1947
Allen S. Whiting                         CFR
Christina B. Todd Whitman                CFR
Marina Von Neumann Whitman               CFR/TC
Russell R. Whitman                       CFR21
Craig R. Whitney                         CFR
John Hay Whitney                         CFR
Arnold Whitridge                         CFR
Frederick B. Whittemore                  CFR
William E. Whyman                        CFR
Howard J. Wiarda                         CFR
George Woodward Wickersham               CFR21-1936
John Adams Wickham, Jr.                  CFR
Jennifer Widner                          CFR
Anita Volz Wien                          CFR
Carolyn Seely Wiener                     CFR
Jonathan Baert Wiener                    CFR
Malcolm Hewitt Wiener                    CFR
Elie Wiesel                              CFR
Torsten Nils Wiesel                      CFR
Leon Wieseltier                          CFR
Jerome Bert Wiesner                      CFR/J
Albert H. Wiggin                         CFR21
Charles A. Wight                         CFR
Brayton Wilbur, Jr.                      BB/CFR
C. Martin Wilbur                         CFR
Peter Wilby                              CFR
Francis O. Wilcox                        BB/CFR
Robert B. Wilcox                         CFR
Payson S. Wild, Jr.                      CFR
Aaron Wildavsky                          CFR
Frazar B. Wilde                          BB/CFR
Claud Kern Wildenthal                    CFR
Walter W. Wilds                          CFR
Richard Arthur Wiley                     CFR
Maya D. Wiley                            CFR
Richard A. Wiley                         CFR
W. Bradford Wiley                        CFR
Harry E. Wilhelm                         CFR
Robert E. Wilhelm                        CFR
Thomas Lloyd Wilkerson                   CFR
Edith B. Wilkie                          CFR
Roger W. Wilkins                         CFR
Sharon P. Wilkinson                      CFR
Theodore L. Wilkinson                    CFR
George Will                              CFR/TC
Fay Willey                               CFR
Aaron S. Williams                        CFR
Avon N. Williams III                     CFR
Christine Williams                       CFR
Cindy Williams                           CFR
Dave H. Williams                         CFR
Earl Carter Williams                     CFR
Eddie Nathan Williams                    CFR
Harold M. Williams                       CFR
Franklin Hayden Williams                 CFR
Harold Marvin Williams                   CFR
Howard Roy Williams                      CFR
Haydn Williams                           CFR
John H. Williams                         CFR 1937-
Joseph Hill Williams                     CFR
Langbourne M. Williams                   CFR
Margaret Douglas Williams                CFR
Maurice Jacoutot Williams                CFR
Melvin F. Williams, Jr.                  CFR
Michael J. Williams                      CFR
Paul R. Williams                         CFR
Reba White Williams                      CFR
William H. Williams                      CFR21
William J. Williams, Jr.                 CFR
Edwin D. Williamson                      CFR
Irving A. Williamson                     CFR
Richard Salisbury Williamson             CFR
Thomas Samuel Williamson, Jr.            CFR
Joseph H. Willits                        CFR
Mason Willrich                           CFR
Lucius Wilmerding, Jr.                   CFR
Robert George Wilmers                    CFR
Caroll L. Wilson                         CFR
Don M. Wilson III                        CFR
Donald Malcolm Wilson                    CFR
Ernest James Wilson III                  CFR
Gretchen Wilson                          CFR
Heather A. Wilson                        CFR
Howard E. Wilson                         CFR
John Donald Wilson                       CFR
Karen E. Wilson                          CFR
Margaret Scarbrough Wilson               CFR
Michael Wilson                           BB/CFR
O. Meredith Wilson                       CFR
Percy C. Wilson                          CFR
Serena Lynn Wilson                       CFR
Jacques D. Wimpfheimer                   CFR
Andrew W. Winden                         CFR
Montague W. Winfield                     CFR
Adrien Katherine Wing                    CFR
Henry S. Wingate                         CFR
Jay Winik                                CFR
Andrew C. Winner                         CFR
Herbert S. Winokur, Jr.                  CFR
Thomas Winship                           CFR
Richard S. Winslow                       CFR
Michael Russell Winston                  CFR
Philip Steele Winterer                   CFR
Francis X. Winters                       CFR
Laura Winters                            CFR
David J. Winton                          CFR
David A. Wirth                           CFR
John D. Wirth                            CFR
Timothy Endicott Wirth (D-Co)            CFR
Frank G. Wisner II                       BB/CFR
Graham G. Wisner                         CFR
Anne A. Witkowsky                        CFR
Tamara Cofman Wittes                     CFR
Michael Witunski                         CFR
Fred F. Woerner (Gen.)                   CFR
James D. Wofensohn                       BB/CFR
Harris Llewellyn Wofford                 CFR
Elmer P. Wohl                            CFR
Richard H. Wohl                          CFR
William C. Wohlforth                     CFR
Albert Wohlstetter                       BB/CFR
Roberta Wohlstetter                      CFR
Albert Wohstetter                        CFR
Charles Wolf Jr.                         CFR
Ira Wold                                 CFR
Milton Albert Wolf                       CFR
James David Wolfensohn                   BB/CFR
Arnold Wolfers                           CFR
Alan William Wolff                       CFR
Peter I. Wolff                           CFR
Paul D. Wolfowitz                        BB/CFR/TC
Jon B. Wolfsthal                         CFR
Neal S. Wolin                            CFR
Lee S. Wolosky                           CFR
Howard E. Wolpe (D-Mi)                   CFR
Howard E. Wolpe                          CFR/J
Tracy R. Wolstencroft                    CFR
Meredith Woo-Cummings                    CFR
Bryce Wood                               CFR
Harleston R. Wood                        CFR
Jack B. Wood, (Col.)                     CFR
Joseph R. Wood                           CFR
Richard D. Wood                          CFR
Robert C. Wood                           CFR
Suzanne Wood                             CFR
David Woodbridge                         CFR
Henry S. Woodbridge                      CFR
William H. Woodin                        CFR21
Herbert B. Woodman                       CFR
Ward W. Woods                            CFR
Ward W. Woods, Jr.                       CFR
Donald B. Woodward                       CFR
Susan L. Woodward                        CFR
Harry Woolf                              CFR
Clarence M. Woolley                      CFR 1932-1935
Knight Woolley                           CFR/S&B 1917
R. James Woolsey, Jr.                    CFR/RS
Suzanne H. Woolsey                       CFR
Eden Y. Woon                             CFR
Minky Worden                             CFR
Jacob Worenklein                         CFR
Christine E. Wormuth                     CFR
Christian Fritz Wortman                  CFR
Kent Wosepka                            CFR
Cecil Wray, Jr.                          CFR
Walter B. Wreston                        CFR
W. Howard Wriggins                       CFR
Abi E. Wright                           CFR
Jerauld Wright                           CFR
Joseph R. Wright, Jr.                    CFR
L. Patrick Wright                        CFR
Matice J. Wright                         CFR
Quincy Wright                            CFR
Robin Wright                             CFR
Theodore P. Wright                       CFR
Paolo G. Wright-Carozza                  CFR
William H. Wright II                     CFR
Henry Merritt Wriston                    CFR 1943-
Walter Bigelow Wriston                   BB/CFR
Norman A. Wulf                           CFR
Holly Wyatt-Walter                       CFR
Thomas H. Wyman                          CFR
Guy Patrick Wyser-Pratte                 CFR
Charles Edward Wyzanski, Jr.             CFR
Mona Yacoubian                           CFR
Nur Yalman                               CFR
Chen Ning Yang                           CFR
James Ting-Yeh Yang                      CFR/S&B 1982
Linda Tsao Yang                          CFR
Phoebe L. Yang                           CFR
Daniel Yankelovich                       CFR
Michael B. Yanney                        CFR
Adam Yarmolinsky                         CFR
Stephen Jerome Yates                     CFR
Melinda C. Yee                           CFR
Daniel H. Yergin                         CFR
Theodore O. Yntema                       CFR
John N. Yochelson                        CFR
David B. Yoffie                          CFR
Jaime Ernesto Yordan                     CFR
Herbert F. York                          CFR
Nancy Akemi Yoshihara                    CFR
Casimir A. Yost                          BB/CFR
Charles W. Yost                          CFR
Alice Young (CSIS)                       CFR
Allyn A. Young                           CFR21
Andrew Young                             CFR/TC
C. G. Young                              CFR21
Donna Ecton Young                        CFR
Edgar B. Young                           CFR
George H. Young III                      CFR
Jay T. Young                             CFR
Kenneth T. Young, Jr.                    CFR
M. Crawford Young                        CFR
Michael K. Young                         CFR
Nancy Young                              CFR
Owen D. Young                            CFR21, 1927-1940
Richard Young                            CFR
T. Cuyler Young                          CFR
Kneeland C. Youngblood                   CFR
William S. Youngman                      CFR
Frederick T. C. Yu                       CFR
Peter M. Yu                              CFR
Richard A. Yudkin (Gen.)                 CFR
Raul H. Yzaguirre                        CFR
William D. Zabel                         CFR
Donna A. Zaccaro                         CFR
Donald S. Zagoria                        CFR
Florence S. N. Zake                      CFR
Dov S. Zakheim                           CFR
Michel Zaleski                           CFR
Robert Lawrence Zangrillo                CFR
Vahan B. Zanoyan                         CFR
Frank G. Zarb                            CFR
I. William Zartman                       CFR
Amy B. Zegart                            CFR
Arthur Zeikel                            CFR
Philip D. Zelikow                        CFR
J. D. Zellerbach                         CFR
Philip D. Zelikow                        CFR
C. Robert Zelnick                        CFR
Jonathan I. Zemmol                       CFR
Ezra Khedouri Zilkha                     CFR
Edwin M. Zimmerman                       CFR
Peter D. Zimmerman                       CFR
William Zimmerman (Pic 'n Save)          CFR
Warren Zimmermann                        CFR
Dorothy Shore Zinberg                    CFR
Norton Donald Zinder                     CFR
Anthony Charles Zinni                    CFR
Alan Z. J. Zinser                        CFR
Brian R. Zipp                            CFR
James d. Zirin                           CFR
Kimberly Marten Zisk                     CFR
Jonathan L. Zittrain                     CFR
Robert B. Zoellick                       BB/CFR/TC
James J. Zogby                           CFR
Joseph R. Zogby                          CFR
Aristide Rodolphe Zolberg                CFR
Marvin Zonis                             CFR
Iva Zoric                                CFR
Barry Zorthian                           CFR/S&B 1941
Charles A. Zraket                        CFR
Harriet Zuckerman                        CFR
Mortimer Benjamin Zuckerman              BB/CFR/J
Elmo Russell Zumwalt, Jr. (Adm.)         CFR
Arnold J. Zurcher                        CFR
Charles John Zwick                       CFR






Aaron, David L. - former Ambassador to OECD (1993-1997); former Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade (1997-2000)
Abbot, Charles S. "Steve"(Admiral) - former Deputy Commander of U.S. European Command; a Rhodes Scholar
Abbott, Wilder K.
Abboud, A. Robert
Abboud, Labeeb M. - general counsel for International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Abell, Keith W.
††† Abercrombie, Cara L.
Abercrombie-Winstanley, Gina Kay
Abernethy, Robert John - chairman of American Standard Development Company, Inc.
Abizaid, John P. (Gen.) - Commander of Central Command (CENTCOM)
Abramowitz, Michael J. - No. 2 editor at the Washington Post
Abramowitz, Morton I. - former Ambassador to Thailand (1978-1981) and Turkey (1989-1991)
Abrams, Elliott - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs; major Iran-Contra figure
††† Abrams, Stacey Y.
Abshire, David M. - former Ambassador to NATO (1983-1987)
Aburdene, Odeh F. - former Vice President for Middle East business at Occidental Petroleum
Ackerman, Peter - Chairman of the board of Freedom House
Adams, Gordon M. - professor at George Washington Univ. Elliott School
Adams, Michael F. - President of the University of Georgia
Adams, Robert McCormick - former Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute (1984-1994)
***Adams, Timothy Dees

Adelman, Carol C. - senior fellow and director of Hudson's Center for Science in Public Policy
Adelman, Kenneth L. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1983-1987)
Adler, Allen R.
Aggarwal, Vinod K. - political science professor at Berkeley
Agnew, Harold M. - former director of Los Alamos Labratory (1970-1979); former New Mexico State Senator
Agostinelli, Robert F.
Ahearn, William Edward - former executive editor at The Associated Press (AP)
††† Ahern, Stephanie R.
Aidinoff, M. Bernard - senior counsel for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP; director for AIG
Ajami, Fouad - professor at Johns Hopkins University
††† Albion, Alexis K.
Albright, Madeleine K. - former Secretary of State (1997-2001); former Ambassador to UN (1993-1997)
Alderman, Michael H.
† Alderman, Peter Belmont - an associate of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Aldrich, George H. - a judge on the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal (at The Hague); former U.S. representative at the United Nations' Law of the Sea Conference (1977-1981)
Alexander, Margo N. - former banker for UBS Warburg and Paine Webber
Alexander, Robert J.
Alford, William P. - professor at Harvard Law School
† Ali, Mustafa Javed
Allaire, Paul A. - former Chairman and CEO of Xerox
† Allan, Scott Hazzard Jr.
Allbritton, Joe L. - former CEO of Riggs Bank
† Allen, J. Michael III
Allen, Jodie T. - managing editor of U.S.News & World Report
Allen, Lew Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (1978-1982); director of National Security Agency (1973-1977)
Allen, Richard V. - former National Security Advisor (1981-1982)

Allen, William L. - former editor-in-chief of National Geographic
Allison, Graham T. - Director of Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs at Harvard; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Policy and Plans (1993-1995)
Allison, Richard C.
Almond, Michael A.
Alonzo, Anne L. - recently a co-chair of Hispanic Alliance for Free Trade
Alter, Jonathan H. - senior editor and editor of Newsweek
Alterman, Jon B. 'an analyst and political commentator at the CSIS
Altman, Roger C. - Chairman of Evercore Partners Inc.; Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton (1993-1995)
Altman, William C. - a Rhodes Scholar
Altshuler, David - CEO of Binnacle Capital and Chair of TechFoundation
Alvarado, Donna Maria - Vice Chair of the Ohio Board of Regents
Alvarez, Jose E. - professor at Columbia Law School
†Alvarez, Kira M.
Alving, Amy E. - vice president for technology at Science Applications International Corporation
† Amador, Angelo I. - Director of Immigration Policy for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce
† Amanat, Omar S. - former founder of Tradescape Corporation
† Amerine, Jason L. (Major, Army) - professor at West Point; Special Forces officer; wounded in a friendly fire incident in Afghanistan
† Amlani, Ajay K.
Amos, Deborah Susan - National Public Radio and ABC News Propagandist
† Amr, Hady A. - former member of the board of the Virginia Public School Authority; former World Bank bureaucrat
Andelman, David A. - Executive Editor of Forbes.com; former CBS News correspondent
Andersen, Harold W.
Anderson, Craig B. - former President of National Council of Churches (1998-1999)
Anderson, Desaix - Executive Director of the Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization; former Charge d"Affaires ad interim (acting ambassador) to Red Vietnam (1995-1997)
Anderson, Edward G. III
Anderson, Gloria B.
Anderson, John B. (R-IL) - former member of House of Representatives (1961-1981); ran for President as independent in 1980
Anderson, Lisa - Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University
Anderson, Mark A.
Anderson, Paul F. - senior advisor to Booz Allen Hamilton
††† Anderson, Wendy R.
Andreas, Terry Lynn
Andrews, David R. - State Department Legal Adviser under Clinton; former General Counsel for PepsiCo.
Andrews, Michael A. (D-TX) - former member of House of Representatives (1983-1995)
Angelson, Mark A.
Ansour, M. Michael
Anthoine, Robert
Anthony, John Duke - founding President and CEO of the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations
Aossey, Nancy A. - President and CEO of International Medical Corps
Apgar, David P. - former vice president in Lehman Brothers' Financial Institutions Group
Aponte, Mari Carmen - appointed by Clinton in 1998 to be Ambassador to Dominican Republic; she withdrew her nomination
Appenteng, Kofi - attorney for Thacher Proffitt & Wood, LLP
Appiah, Kwame Anthony
Applebaum, Anne E. - columnist for Washington Post
Apter, David E. - former political science professor at Yale
Arcos, Cresencio S. - former Ambassador to Honduras (1990-1993)
Arend, Athony Clark - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Arkin, Stanley S. - senior partner of Arkin Kaplan LLP
Armacost, Michael H. - former Ambassador to Japan (1989-1993) and Philippines (1982-1984)
Armstrong, Anne L. - former Ambassador to Great Britain (1976-1977)
Armstrong, C. Michael - former CEO of Comcast, AT&T, and Hughes Electronic (involved in satellite scandal with Bernard Schwartz)
Armstrong, Lloyd, Jr.
Arnhold, Henry H.
Arnold, Millard W.
Aron, Adam M. - former Chairman and CEO of Vail Resorts; former senior VP of United Airlines and Hyatt Hotels
Aronson, Bernard W. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs (1989-1993)
Aronson, Jonathan David - professor at Univ. of Southern California
***Arsenian, Deana
Arsht, Adrienne - Chairman of the Board of Totalbank in Miami, Florida
Art, Robert J. - international relations professor at Brandeis University
Arthurs, Alberta - former director for arts and humanities at the Rockefeller Foundation; former President of Chatham College
Artigiani, Carole - Executive Director of Global Kids, Inc.
Asencio, Diego C. - former Ambassador to Brazil and Colombia
††† Aslan, Reza
Asmus, Ronald D. - former Deputy Asst. Sec. of State for European Affairs (1997-2000)
Assousa, George E.
† Atkins, Benjamin A.
Atkins, Betsy S. - President and CEO of Baja LLC; a trustee at Florida International University
***Atkinson, Caroline - Deputy Director for the Western Hemisphere of the International Monetary Fund
Atwood, J. Brian - Dean of the Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at Univ. of Minnesota; former Administrator of Agency for International Development [AID] (1993-1999)
Auer, James E. - former Navy officer; a professor at Vanderbilt
Aufhauser, David D. - former Treasury Department General Counsel under Dubya (2001-2003); currently a global general counsel of UBS
Augustine, Norman R. - former Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin
† Auslin, Michael R. - Japanese history professor at Yale
Auspitz, Josiah Lee - a director at The Sabre Foundation
Ausubel, Jesse H. - Director of the Program for the Human Environment and Senior Research Associate at The Rockefeller University
Avedon, John F. - writer and author
Avery, John E.
Awuah, Patrick G. Jr. - founder and president of Ashesi University
Axelrod, Robert M. - professor at University of Michigan
Ayers, H. Brandt - publisher of The Anniston Star (Alabama)
† Ayres, Alyssa C. - deputy director of the Center for the Advanced Study of India
Azim, Khalid

Babbitt, Bruce - former Secretary of the Interior (1993-2001); former Governor of Arizona (1978-1987)
Babbitt, Eileen F. - a professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Babbitt, Harriet C. - former Ambassador to OAS
Bacchus, James L. (D-FL) - former member of House of Representatives (1991-1995); former "judge"of World Trade Organization
***Bacevich, Andrew J. - professor of international relations at Boston University
Bacon, Kenneth H. - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs ("spokesman") under Clinton (1993-2001)
Bader, William B. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs (1999-2001)
Baer, Donald A. - Senior Executive Vice President for Strategy and Development of Discovery Communications, Inc.,
Baeza, Mario L. - founder of Baeza & Co.; serves on the board of directors of Tommy Hilfiger Corp.
Bagley, Elizabeth Frawley - former Ambassador to Portugal (1994-1997)
***Bailey, Ronald Lewis
Bains, Leslie E. - president of AFS International
Baird, Peter W.
Baird, Zoe - President of Markel Foundation; picked by Clinton to be attorney general; she withdrew her nomination during the "Nannygate" scandal
Baker, Howard H. Jr. - former Ambassador to Japan; former Senate Majority Leader (R-Tennessee)
Baker, James A. III - former secretary of State (1989-1992); former Secretary of the Treasury (1985-1988)

Baker, John R. (Lt. Gen.) - former Vice Commander of Air Mobility Command (2002-2005)
Baker, Nancy Kassebaum - former Senator (R-Kansas); married to Howard H. Baker Jr.
Baker, Pauline H. - President, The Fund for Peace
Baker, Stewart A. - Assistant Secretary for Policy for the Department of Homeland Security (2005-present)
Baker, Thurbert E. - Attorney General of Georgia
Bakhash, Shaul - professor at George Mason University
Bakstansky, Peter - Senior Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Balaran, Paul - former Executive Vice President and Secretary of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Baldwin Moody, Carol - former Chief Compliance Officer of TIAA-CREF
Baldwin, David A.
Baldwin, Robert Edward
Baldwin, Sherman
Bales, Carter F. - co-founder of The Wicks Group; former director of McKinsey & Company, Inc.
Balick, Kenneth
Baliles, Gerald L. (D-VA) - former Governor of Virginia (1986-1990)
† Ballou-Aares, Daniella - a consultant at Bain & Company
Balstad, Roberta
Band, Laurence M.
Bandler, Donald K. - former Ambassador to Cyprus (1999-2001)
Barber, Benjamin R. - professor at Univ. of Maryland
Barber, Charles F.
Barber, James Alden
Bardel, William G. - a Rhodes Scholar
Barger, Teresa C. - director of corporate governance for the World Bank
Barkan, Joel D. - former professor of political science at University of Iowa
Barkey, Henri J. - professor at Lehigh University
Barnes, Harry G. Jr. - former Ambassador to Chile, Romania, and India
Barnes, Michael D. (D-MD) - former member of House of Representatives (1979-1987)
Barnett, F. William - former Director of the Dallas Office of McKinsey & Company, Inc.
***Barnett, Robert B.
† Barod, Raenu
Barrett, Barbara McConnell - former deputy administrator of Federal Aviation Administration; a director of Raytheon
Barrett, John Adams
Barry, Grace - President of the Economic Club of Chicago
Barry, John L. (retired Maj. Gen., Air Force) - Director of Plans and Programs for Air Force Materiel Command
Barry, Lisa B.
Barry, Nancy M. - President of Women"s World Banking
Barry, Thomas Corcoran - founder and CEO of Zephyr Management
Barshefsky, Charlene - former U.S. Trade Representative; member of the Trilateral Commission
Bartholomew, Reginald - former Ambassador to NATO, Spain, Italy, and Lebanon
Bartlett, Joseph W. - former Under Secretary of Commerce under LBJ
Bartlett, Timothy J.
† Bartok, Kristen Leigh
Bartsch, David A.
Basek, John T.
Basora, Adrian A. - former Ambassador to Czechoslovakia (1992) and Czech Republic (1993-1995)
† Bass, Gary J. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Bass, Peter E.
Bass, Warren - Director of Special Projects/Terrorism Program at CFR
† Bates, Pamela M.
Batkin, Alan R. - Vice-Chairman of Kissinger Associates
Bator, Francis M. - former deputy National Security Advisor (1964-1967); professor at Harvard
Battaglia, Charles C.
Baxter, Randolph - Chief Judge of the U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Cleveland, Ohio
Bayh, Evan (D-Indiana) - U.S. Senator (1999-present); former Governor of Indiana (1989-1997)
Bean, Frank D.
Bearg-Dyke, Nancy - Executive Director of the International Peace and Security program at The Aspen Institute
Beattie, Richard I. - Partner and Chairman of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Beatty, Warren - infamous Hollywood actor
Becherer, Hans W. - retired chairman and CEO of Deere & Co.; director of JP Morgan Chase
Becker, Elizabeth H. - agricultural writer and propagandist for New York Times
Beckler, David Z.
Bedrosian, Gregory R. - CEO of Redwood Capital Group
Beeman, Richard E.
† Begel, Andrea D.
† Behringer, Michael P. - executive vice president for business development at Primedia; married to Nisha Kumar (CFR)
Beim, David O. - professor at Columbia Business School; former partner of Dillon, Read & Co.; a Rhodes Scholar
Beim, Nicholas F. - General Partner of Matrix Partners
***Bekavac, Nancy Yavor - President of Scripps College
Belfer, Robert A. - former Chairman and CEO of Belco Oil & Gas Corp.; former Enron director
† Belk, Peter I.
Bell, Burwell B. (Gen., Army) - Commander, U.S. Forces Korea; former Commander of U.S. Army Europe (USAREUR)
Bell, Gordon P.
† Bell, Jonathan N.
Bell, Joseph C. - a partner of Hogan & Hartson LLP; former Justice Department attorney
Bell, Mack
Bell, Peter Dexter - former President and CEO of CARE USA
Bell, Robert G. - Assistant NATO Secretary General for Defense Investment (1999-2003); former NSC advisor under Clinton
Bell, Ruth Greenspan - director of Resources for the Future"s environmental program
Bell, Steve
Bell, Thomas D. Jr.
Bellamy, Carol - Executive Director of UNICEF; former director of Peace Corps
Bellinger, John B. III - Dubya"s Chief Legal Advisor to the State Department
Bello, Judith H. - Senior Adviser, Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America; former General Counsel to the U.S. Trade Representative
Bell-Rose, Stephanie K.
Bender, Gerald J. - professor of international relations at Univ. of Southern California
Benedict, Kennette M. - Executive Director of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists (Note: this is the organization that maintains the "Doomsday Clock")
***Benioff, Marc R. - Chairman and CEO of salesforce.com
Benmosche, Robert H. "Bob" - former Chairman of the Board and CEO of Metropolitan Life Insurance (MetLife)
Bennet, Douglas J. - President of Wesleyan University
Bennett, Andrew Owen
Bennett, Christina Anne
Bennett, Susan J. - Director of International Exhibits at the Newseum; former editor of USA Today"s editorial page
Benshoof, Janet - professor at Harvard Law School
Benson, Lucy Wilson - former under Secretary of State for Security Assistance, Science, and Technology (1977-1980)
Bereuter, Douglas K. (R-Nebraska) - former member of House of Representatives (1979-2004)
Bergen, Peter Lampert - CNN Propagandist
***Berger, Joshua Adam
Berger, Marilyn
Berger, Samuel R. "Sandy" - former National Security Advisor (1997-2001)
Berger, Suzanne - political professor at MIT
Bergman, Lowell A. - former producer of CBS 60 Minutes
Bergsten, C. Fred - Director of Institute for International Economics; former Asst. Sec. of Treasury for International Affairs (1977-1981) under Carter
Berkley, Seth F. - President and founder of the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative
Berkowitz, Bruce D. - research fellow at Hoover Institution
Berman, Howard L. (D-CA) - House of Representatives (1983-present)
† Berman, John S.
Bernard, Kenneth W.
Berndt, John E.
Bernstein, David Scott
Bernstein, Peter W.
Bernstein, Robert L. - founding chairman of Human Rights Watch (1979-1997)
Bernstein, Tom A. - director of Human Rights First; works for Chelsea Piers Management Inc.
Berresford, Susan Vail - President of Ford Foundation
Berris, Jan
† Berry, Elizabeth Clay
Bersin, Alan D. - California Secretary of Education (2005-present); a Rhodes Scholar
Bertini, Catherine Ann - former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Management; also a Trilateralist
Bertsch, Gary K.
Beshar, Peter J. - senior vice president, general counsel, and corporate secretary at Marsh & McLennan Companies
Bessie, Simon Michael
Bestani, Robert M.
Bestor, Theodore C.
Betts, Richard K. - professor at Columbia University; Director, Institute of War and Peace Studies
Beutner, Austin M.
Bewkes, Jeffrey - president and chief operating officer of Time Warner, Inc.; former CEO of Home Box Office (HBO)
Beyzavi, Kian
Bhala, Raj - law professor at University of Kansas; former attorney for Federal Reserve Bank of New York
† Bhatia, Karan K. - current Deputy U.S. Trade Representative; former Asst. Sec. of Transportation under Dubya
Bialkin, Kenneth J. - a partner of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & From LLC
Bialos, Jeffrey P. - former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Industrial Affairs (1999-2001)
Bickford, Jewelle
Biddle, George C.
Biegun, Stephen Edward - Vice President of International Governmental Affairs for Ford Motor; former Executive Secretary of NSC under Dubya (2001-2003)
Biel, Eric R.
Biemann, Betsy
Bienen, Henry S. - President of Northwestern University
Bierley, John C.
Biersteker, Thomas J. - director of the Watson Institute for International Studies at Brown University; also a professor
Biggs, John H. - former Chairman and CEO of TIAA-CREF
† Billig, Michelle
Billingsley, Lucy C. - a director of Grameen Foundation USA
Bindenagel, James D. - served as Chargé d'Affaires ad interim of Germany (1996-1997).
Binkley, Nicholas Burns
Binnendijk, Hans
Birdsall, Nancy - president of Center for Global Development
Birkelund, John P. - former chairman and CEO of Dillon Read & Co.
Birnbaum, Eugene A.
Bishop, Sanford D. Jr. (D-Georgia) - House of Representative (1993-present)
† Bishop, William B.
Bissell, Richard E. - was Assistant Administrator at the U.S. Agency for International Development
Black, Cathleen P. - President of Hearst Magazines; a director of Coca-Cola and IBM
Black, Joseph E.
Black, Leon D.
Black, Shirley Temple - former Ambassador to Ghana and Czechoslovakia; former Hollywood actress
Black, Stanley Warren
† Blackburn, Leigh J.
Blacker, Coit D. - former SATTP and senior director for Russian, Ukranian, and Eurasian Affairs at NSC under Clinton
Blackwell, J. Kenneth - Ohio Secretary of State; former Ambassador to UN Human Rights Commission (1992-1993); former Mayor of Cincinnati (1979-1980)
Blackwill, Robert D. - former Ambassador to India (2001-2003)
Blake, Robert O. - former Ambassador to Mali (1970-1973)
Blank, Jonah
Blank, Stephen
Blechman, Barry M. - co-founder and chairman of Henry L. Stimson Center
Bleich, Jeffrey L. - litigation partner in the San Francisco office of Munger, Tolles & Olson LLP
Bleier, Edward
Blendon, Robert Jay - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Blinder, Alan S. - former Vice-Chairman of Federal Reserve; chairman of Saber Partners LLC
Blinken, Alan John - former Ambassador to Belgium (1993-1998)
Blinken, Antony J. - former SATTP and Senior Director for European Affairs at NSC under Clinton
Blinken, Donald - former Ambassador to Hungary (1994-1997)
† Bliss, Katherine E. - history professor at University of Massachusetts
Bloch, Julia Chang - former Ambassador to Nepal (1989-1993)
† Bloom, Alyse Nelson
† Bloom, David A.
Bloom, Evan T. - Counsel to the Inspector General at the State Department (under Dubya)
† Bloom, Mia M. - professor at University of Cincinnati
Bloomberg, Michael R. (R-NY) - Mayor of New York City (2002-present)
Bloomfield, Lincoln P. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs (2001-2005)
Bloomfield, Richard J. - former Ambassador to Portugal and Ecuador
Bloomgarden, Kathy Finn - a co-CEO of Ruder Finn Inc.
Blum, Richard C. - director of Northwest Airlines; Vice Chairman of the Board of Regents of the University of California
Blumenthal, Sidney S. - former assistant to the president under Clinton
Blumenthal, W. Michael - former Secretary of the Treasury (1977-1979)
Blumrosen, Alexander Bernet
Bob, Daniel E. - former foreign affairs assistant to the late Sen. William V. Roth Jr.
Bobbitt, Philip Chase - professor at Harvard Law School
Bodansky, Daniel M. - professor at University of Washington
Bode, Ken A. - former Dean of the Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University (1998-2002)
Bodea, Andy S.
† Boelhouwer, Pieter James Alexander
Bogert, Carroll R. - Associate Director of Human Rights Watch
Bohen, Frederick M. - former Assistant Secretary of HHS for Management and Budget (1979-1981)
Bohlen, Avis T. - former Ambassador to Bulgaria (1996-1999)
Bohn, John A. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1986-1989)
Bolling, Landrum R. - former President of Earlham College (1958-1973); President of Pax World Service
Bollinger, Lee C. - President of Columbia University
Bolton, John R. - Ambassador to the United Nations (2005-present)
Bond, Robert D.
Bondurant, Amy L. - former Ambassador to OECD; serves on the board of directors of Rolls-Royce
Bonime-Blanc, Andrea
***Bonner, Robert C. - former Commissioner of the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (2001-2005); former Administrator of the Drug Enforcement Administration (1990-1993)
Bonney, J. Dennis - former Vice Chairman of Chevron
† Booker, Cory A.
† Booth, Bruce L. Jr.
Booth, Carter
Boren, David L. (D-Okla.) - President of University of Oklahoma; former Senator (1979-1994); Rhodes Scholar and a member of Skull and Bones
† Borio, Luciana L.
Bork, Ellen E. - Deputy Director of PNAC (Project for the New America Century)
Boschwitz, Rudy (R-Minn.) - former Senator (1978-1991)

† Bosco, David Lyndon - senior editor of Foreign Policy and an "expert'at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Bosworth, Stephen W. - Dean of the Fletcher School at Tufts University; former Ambassador to Philippines and South Korea (1997-2001)
Botts, John C.
Boufford, Jo Ivey - former Dean of the Robert F. Wagner Graduate School of Public Service at New York University
Bouis, Antonina W.
Boulware-Miller, Kay
Bouton, Marshall M. - President of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
Bovin, Denis A.
Bowen, William G. - former President of Princeton University (1972-1988)
Bower, Joseph Lyon
Bower, Whitney A. - founding partner of 3i; former businessman at Bain Capital
Bowie, Robert R. - former Deputy to the Director of Central Intelligence for National Intelligence under Carter
† Bowker, David William
Bowles, Erskine B. - President of University of North Carolina; former head of Small Business Administration (1993-1995)
† Bowman, Bradley L.
Bowman, Frank Lee (Adm.) - retired in 2005
††† Bowyer, Elizabeth C.
Boyd, Charles Graham (Gen.) - former Air Force general; President and CEO of American Executives for National Security
† Boyer, Spencer Phipps
Bracken, Paul - political science professor at Yale University
Brademas, John (D-Indiana) - former member of the House of Rep. (1959-1981); former President of New York University; a Rhodes Scholar
Bradford, Zeb B. Jr. (Brig. Gen., Army) - retired Army officer
Bradley, Bill (D-NJ) - former U.S. Senator (1979-1997); a Rhodes Scholar and basketball player
***Bradley, David G. - Chairman of Atlantic Media Company
Bradley, William L.
Brady, Linda Parrish - Provost of the University of Oregon; former Dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences at North Carolina State University
Brady, Nicholas F. - former Secretary of the Treasury (1988-1993)
Brady, Rose
Brainard, Lael - senior fellow at Brookings Institution
††† Bramlett, Jeff G.
Bramwell, Elizabeth R.
Branch, Daniel H. - member of the Texas State House of Representatives (2002-present)
Branscomb, Lewis M. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Branson, Louise
Braswell, Kimberly G.
Brauchli, Marcus W. - global news editor and former national editor for The Wall Street Journal
Braunschvig, David - senior managing director of Bear Stearns; former managing director of Lazard Freres
Brazeal, Aurelia E. - former Ambassador to Ethiopia (2002-2005), Kenya, and Micronesia
Breck, Henry R.
Breed, Henry Eltinge III
Bremer, L. Paul III - former "pro-consul'to Iraq (2003-2004); former ambassador to the Netherlands (1983-1986)
† Bremmer, Ian A.
Breslauer, George William - Dean of the Political Science Department at UC Berkeley
Brewer, John D.
† Breyer, Chloe A. - Episcopal priest in the Diocese of New York
Breyer, Stephen G. - Supreme Court Justice (1994-present)
† Bridgett, Sundaa Ayo
Briger, Peter L. Jr. - former partner of Goldman Sachs
† Brigety, Reuben E. II
Brimmer, Andrew F. - former member, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (1966-1974); President of Brimmer & Co., Inc.
Brimmer, Esther Diane - professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Brinkley, Douglas G.
Britt, David V.B.
Britt, Glenn A. - Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Cable
Britton, Dennis A. - former editor-in-chief of Denver Post and Chicago Sun-Times
Broad, Robin - professor of School of International Service at American University
Broadman, Harry G.
††† Brod, Laura M.
Broda, Frederick C.
Brodsky, William J.
Brody, Christopher W.
Brody, Kenneth D. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1993-1996)
Brokaw, Tom - former NBC Propagandist; a Director of CFR
Bronfman, Edgar M. - President of World Jewish Congress
Bronner, Ethan S. - deputy foreign editor of New York Times
Bronson, Rachel - senior fellow and director of Middle East studies at CFR
Brookins, Carole L. - former U.S. Executive Director at the World Bank
† Brooks, Risa A. - political professor at Northwestern University
† Brooks, Stephen G.
Brower, Charles N. - former Judge of the Iran-United States Claims Tribunal (at The Hague)
Brown, Alice Lynn
Brown, Bartram S. - professor at Chicago-Kent College of Law at Illinois Institute of Technology
Brown, Carroll
Brown, Frederic J.
Brown, Gwendolyn A. - former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Budgets and Financial Policy (1995-2001)
Brown, Harold - former Secretary of Defense (1977-1981)
Brown, Katherine A.
Brown, Kathleen
Brown, Leon Carl - professor at Princeton
Brown, Lester R. - founder and President of the Earth Policy Institute
Brown, Michael E. - Dean of The Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University
Brown, Richard P. Jr.
Brown, Seyom - professor at Brandeis University
Browning, David S.
Bruce, Judith - a senior associate at the Population Council
Brun, Leslie A. - former chairman of Hamilton Lane Advisors; former managing director of Fidelity Bank
Bryan, Greyson L. - Partner of O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Bryant, Michael E.
Bryant, Ralph C. - a Rhodes Scholar
Bryson, John E. - Chairman and CEO of Edison International; Chairman of Southern California Edison Company
Brzezinski, Mark F. - partner of McGuire Woods LLP; former NSC assistant
Brzezinski, Zbigniew - former National Security Advisor (1977-1981); co-founder of Trilateral Commission
***Buaron, Roberto
Buchman, Mark Edward
† Buckberg, Elaine - Vice President of NERA Economic Consulting
Bueno de Mesquita, Bruce - professor at New York University
Buergenthal, Thomas - current World Court judge
Bugliarello, George - former President of Polytechnic University (1973-1994)
Bullock, Mary Brown - President of Agnes Scott College
Bumpas, Stuart Maryman - Partner of Locke Liddell & Sapp LLP
Bunzel, Jeffrey H. - George Herbert Walker III's son-in-law; married to G.H. Walker III"s daughter
Burand, Deborah K. - Executive Vice President for Progams at Grameen Foundation USA
Burgess, John A.
† Burke, Cody D.
Burke, James E. - former chairman of the board and CEO of Johnson & Johnson; NOT a member of Skull & Bones
***Burnham, Christopher Bancroft - Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations for Management; former Assistant Secretary of State for Resource Management under Duya
Burnley, James H. IV - former Secretary of Transportation (1987-1989)
Burns, Patrick Owen
Burns, R. Nicholas - current Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; former Ambassador to NATO (2001-2005)
Burns, William F. (Maj. Gen., Army) - former Director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1988-1989)
Burns, William J. - current Ambassador to Russia (2005-present)
Burrows, Mathew
Burt, Richard R. - former Ambassador to West Germany (1985-1989)
Burton, Daniel F. Jr. - HE IS NOT A CONGRESSMAN FROM INDIANA (Dan L. Burton is the Congressman from Indiana.)
† Busby, Joshua W.
† Bush, Jonathan S.
Bush, Mary K. - former alternate executive director of the International Monetary Fund (1984-1988)
***Bush, Richard C. III - a Brookings scholar; former Chairman of the Board of the American Institute in Taiwan (1997-2002)
Bushner, Rolland H.
Bussey, John C. - deputy managing editor of Wall Street Journal
Butler, Paul W. - partner of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP
Butler, Samuel C. - special counsel for Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
Butler, William J. - former President of the American Association of the International Commission of Jurists
Buultjens, Ralph
Buxbaum, Richard M. - professor at UC Berkley law school; a radical lawyer
Buyske, Gail
† Byrd, Kahlil J.
Byrne, Patrick M.

Cabot, Louis W. - Vice President of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences; former Chairman of Brookings Institution
Cabranes, Jose A. - federal judge on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (1994-present)
Caceres, Diane Alleva
Caesar, Camille M.
Cahill, Kevin M.
Cahn, Anne Hessing
Calabia, Dawn T. - a senior adviser for Refugees International
† Calabia, F. Christopher
Calabresi, Massimo F. T. - a reporter for Time magazine
Calder, Kent Eyring - professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Caldera, Louis E. - former Secretary of the Army (1998-2001)
Caldwell, Dan
Caldwell, Philip - former Chairman of Ford Motor Co.
Calhoun, Craig J. - sociology professor at New York University
Califano, Joseph A. Jr. - former secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare under Carter
† Calkins, Samuel L.
Callaghy, Thomas M. - political science professor at University of Pennsylvania
Callander, Robert J.
Callen, Michael A. - former Citibank and Citicorp banker
Calleo, David Patrick
Cambria, Salvatore F. (Brig. Gen., Army) - former Commander, Special Operations Command South, U.S. Southern Command
† Camner, Danielle D. - Director for Policy at Business Executives for National Security (BENS)
Camp, Roderic Ai
Campbell, Carolyn Margaret
Campbell, Colin G. - Chairman, President, and CEO of The Colonial Williamsburg Foundation
† Campbell, David Arthur
Campbell, F. Gregory
Campbell, Kurt M. - Aspen institute policy expert
Campbell, Thomas J. (R-CA) - Dean of the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley; former member of House of Representatives (1989-1993, 1995-2001)
Cannella, Margaret - former director of North American credit research at JP Morgan
Caperton, William Gaston III
Cappello, Juan Carlos
Caputo, David A. - President of Pace University (in New York City)
Caputo, Lisa M.
Carbonell, Nestor T. - Vice President for International Public Affairs at PepsiCo.
Cardenas, Jose A.
Carey, John
Carey, Sarah C. - attorney for Squire, Sanders & Dempsey
Carey, William P.
Cari, Joseph A. Jr.
† Carl, Maria L. (Lt. Col., Air Force) - Chief of Public Affairs at Patrick AFB (Cape Canaveral, Florida)
Carlos, Manuel Luis
Carlson, Scott A.
Carlucci, Frank C. - former Chairman of the Carlyle Group; former Secretary of Defense (1987-1989); former National Security Advisor (1986-1987); former Deputy Director of CIA (1978-1981)
† Carmel, David A.
Carmichael, William D.
Carnesale, Albert - former Chancellor of UCLA (1997-2005)
† Carone, Christa B.
Carothers, Thomas - a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Carpenter, Ted Galen - vice president for defense and foreign policy studies at the Cato Institute
Carr, John W.
Carrington, Walter C. - former Ambassador to Senegal and Nigeria
Carroll, J. Speed
† Carroll, Katherine Mooney - attorney for Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton
Carruth, Reba Anne
Carson, Charles William Jr. (Gen., USAF) - former commander of 12th Air Force, Tactical Air Command
Carson, Johnnie - former Ambassador to Kenya (1999-2003), Uganda, and Zimbwabwe
Carswell, Robert - attorney for Shearman & Sterling LLP; former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Carter
Carter, Ashton B. - professor at Harvard; former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1993-1997)
Carter, Barry E. - professor at Georgetown Law School
Carter, Hodding III - former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Jimmy Carter
Carter, James Earl "Jimmy" - former President of the U.S. (1977-1981); awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 2002
Carter, James H. - partner of Sullivan & Cromwell; President of The American Society of International Law
Carter, Mark Andrew
Carter, Marshall Nichols - Chairman of New York Stock Exchange (NYSE)
† Casebeer, William David
Casper, Gerhard - former President of Stanford University (1992-2000)
Cassel, Douglass W. Jr.
††† Castelblanco, David
Cattarulla, Elliot R. - former Vice President for Public Affairs at Exxon
Catto, Henry E. - former Ambassador to Great Britain (1989-1991) and El Salvador; chairman of the Atlantic Council
Caufield, Frank J. - director of Time Warner; co-founder of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers
Caulfield, Matthew P. (Brig. Gen., USMC) - retired Marine general
Cavanagh, Richard Edward - President and CEO of The Conference Board
Cavanaugh, Carey
Cave, Ray Charles
Celeste, Richard F. - former Ambassador to India (1997-2001); former Governor of Ohio (1983-1991); a Rhodes Scholar
Cerjan, Paul G. (Lt. Gen., Army) - Vice President of KBR Worldwide Military Affairs; former President of National Defense Univ.
Cha, Victor D. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
† Chacho, Tania Marie
Chadda, Maya
Challenor, Herschelle S.
Chambers, Anne Cox - former Ambassador to Belgium (1977-1981)
† Chambers, Liza B.
***Chamie, Joseph - Director of the Population Division, Department for Economic and Social Affairs at the United Nations
Chan, Gerald L.
Chan, Ronnie C. - Chairman of Hang Lung Group in Hong Kong
††† Chan, Tung
† Chandrasekaran, Rajiv A. - Baghdad bureau chief for Washington Post
Chang, David C. - former President of Polytechnic University
Chang, Gareth C. C. - President of Hughes International, corporate senior VP for Hughes Electronic, and Chairman of DirecTV Japan
Chang, Juju - ABC Propagandist
Chang-Robbins, Joyce - a Managing Director for Global Head of Emerging Markets at J.P. Morgan Chase
Chanin, Clifford
Chanis, Jonathan A.
† Chao, Amy L.
††† Chao, Angela A.
Chao, Elaine L. - Secretary of Labor (2001-present)
Charles, Robert Bruce - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs (2001-2005)
Charnovitz, Steve - law professor at George Washington University School of Law
Charpie, Robert A.
Chartener, Robert - former Goldman Sachs banker; partner of Winslow Partner LLC
Chase, Anthony R. - Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Chatterjee, Purnendu - a business investor from India; one of George Soro's business partners
Chaves, Robert J.
Chayes, Antonia Handler - former Under Secretary of the Air Force (1980-1981)
Checki, Terrence J. - Executive Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Chen, John S. - Chairman, CEO, and President of Sybase, Inc.; a director of Disney
Chen, Kimball C.
† Chen, Philip D.
Chenault, Kenneth I. - Chairman and CEO of American Express
Cheney, Richard B. "Dick" - Vice President of the U.S.; former Secretary of Defense; former Chairman and CEO of Halliburton; former member of the House of Representatives
Cheney, Stephen A. (Brig. Gen., USMC, retired) - Chief Operating Officer for Business Executives for National Security
Cherian, Saj
Chesler, Ellen - a senior fellow at the Open Society Institute; author of Woman of Valor (a biography on Margaret Sanger)
Cheston, Sheila C. - Senior Vice President, General Counsel, and Secretary of BAE Systems; former General Counsel of the Air Force (1995-1998)
††† Cheung, Chih T.
† Chichester, Mark H.
Chickering, A. Lawrence - founder and president of Educate Girls Globally
Choi, Audrey - former chief of staff to Council of Economic Advisers under Clinton; married to CFR gangster Robert C. Orr
Chollet, Derek H. - a CSIS expert; previously a foreign policy adviser to former Sen. John Edwards (D-NC)
Cholmondeley, Paula H. J.
† Chomiak, Theodora Bohachevsky
Choucri, Nazli - political professor at MIT
† Christensen, Aimee R.
Christensen, Guillermo Santiago
Christensen, Stan F.
Christensen, Thomas J. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
***Christenson, Michael J.
Christianson, Geryld B.
Christman, Daniel William (Lt. Gen.) - former Superintendent of U.S. Military Academy at West Point (1996-2001)
Christopher, Warren - former Secretary of State (1993-1997)
† Chung, Christine K.
Churchill, Buntzie Ellis - President of the World Affairs Council of Philadelphia
Cirincione, Joseph - a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Clapp, Priscilla A. - former Charge d"Affaires ad interim to Burma (1999-2002); former Deputy Director of the Office for Global Humanitarian Demining at the State Department under Clinton
Clarida, Richard H. - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy (2002-2003)
Clark, Dick (R-Iowa) - former Senator (1973-1979)
Clark, J. H. Cullum
Clark, Mark Edmond
Clark, Noreen M. - former Dean of the School of Public Health at University of Michigan (1995-2005)
Clark, Wesley K. (Gen.) - former NATO commander under Clinton; a Rhodes Scholar
Clark, William Jr. - former Ambassador to India (1989-1992)
Clarke, Donald C. - law professor at George Washington University law school
Clarke, Jack G.
Clarke, Teresa Hillary - former vice president of Goldman Sachs
***Clark-Johnson, Susan J. - president of the Newspaper Division at Gannett Publishing
Clarkson, Lawrence W. - Vice Chairman of National Bureau of Asian Research; former Boeing Senior Vice President
Claussen, Eileen B. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans, International Environmental and Scientific Affairs under Clinton (1996)
††† Clavel, Alex B.
Clement, Peter A.
† Clemetson, Lynette - New York Times propagandist; former Newsweek correspondent
Cleveland, Harlan - former Ambassador to NATO (1965-1969); a Rhodes Scholar
Cleveland, Peter Matthews
Clifford, Donald K. Jr.
***Clifford, Mark Lambert
Cline, William R.
Clinger, William F. Jr. (R-Penn.) - former member of House of Representatives (1979-1997)
Clinton, William Jefferson "Bill" - former President of the U.S. (1993-2001); a Rhodes Scholar
Cloherty, Patricia M.
Cloonan, Edward T. - Vice President for International and Corporate Affairs at AIG
Clough, Michael
Coatsworth, John H. - professor of Latin American affairs at Harvard
Cobb, Charles E. Jr. - former Ambassador to Iceland (1989-1992)
Cobb, Sue McCourt - former Ambassador to Jamaica (2001-2005)
Cobb, Tyrus W.
Cochran, Barbara S. - president of the Radio-Television News Directors Association; former CBS Washington Bereau chief
Coffey, C. Shelby III - former Editor and Executive Vice-President of the Los Angeles Times
Coffey, Joseph I.
Cogan, Charles G.
† Cogan, Jacob Katz - former law professor at University of Chicago
† Cogbill, John P.
Cohen, Abby Joseph - a managing director of Goldman Sachs
Cohen, Ariel
Cohen, Benjamin J.
Cohen, Betsy
Cohen, Eliot A. - PNAC thug; professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Cohen, Herman J. - former Ambassador to Gambia (1977-1980)
Cohen, Jerome Alan - attorney for Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Cohen, Joel E.
† Cohen, Paul H.
Cohen, Richard M.
Cohen, Roberta Jane
† Cohen, Shelley H.
Cohen, Stephen Bruce - professor at Georgetown Law School
Cohen, Stephen F. - professor of Russian history at New York University
Cohen, Stephen S.
Cohen, Warren I.
Cohen, William S. "Bill'(R-Maine) - former Secretary of Defense (1997-2001); former Senator (1979-1997)
Colby, Jonathan E. - managing director at The Carlyle Group
Cole, Johnnetta B. - President of Bennett College for Women; former President of Spelman College (1987-1997)
Cole, Jonathan R. - former Provost at Columbia University (1989-2003)
Coleman, Isobel - former partner of McKinsey & Co., former chairman and CEO of Nursing Hands, Inc.
Coleman, Lewis W. - President of DreamWorks Animation SKG
Coleman, William T. Jr. - Senior Partner for O'Melveny and Myers; former Secretary of Transportation (1975-1977)
Coles, Julius E. - President of Africare
Coll, Alberto R.
***Collins, Jay
Collins, Joseph J. - former Chairman and CEO of Time Warner Cable
Collins, Mark M. Jr. - Senior Advisor for Brown Advisory and Trust Company
Collins, Timothy C. - Senior managing director and CEO of Ripplewood Holdings, LLC
Collins, Wayne Dale - partner at Shearman & Sterling LLP
Comstock, Philip E. Jr.
† Conaton, Erin C.
† Conde, Cesar R.
Condit, Philip M. - former Chairman and CEO of Boeing
Cone, Sydney M. III - senior counsel of Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton
Conley, Dalton - sociology professor at New York University; author of "Honky" and "Being Black";(Note: the author is a white guy)
Conley, Jill G.
† Connelly, Matthew James
Conners Petersen, Leila Anne
Connolly, Gerald E.
Connor, John T. Jr.
Considine, Jill M. - Director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Constable, Pamela - Deputy Foreign Editor at The Washington Post; former Boston Globe reporter and propagandist
Conway, Jill - former President of Smith College; a director of Merrill Lynch, Colgate-Palmolive, and Nike (shoes)
Cook, Frances D. - former Ambassador to Oman, Burundi, and Cameroon
Cook, Gary M.
Cooke, Goodwin - former Ambassador to Central African Republic (1978-1980) a professor at Syracuse
Cooke, John F. - former President of The Disney Channel; currently a president and CEO of Western Territories Group, LLC
† Cooley, Alexander Anthony - professor at Barnard College
Coombe, George William Jr. - former Executive Vice President and General Counsel for Bank of America
Coon, Jane Abell - former Ambassador to Bangladesh (2000-2003)
††† Coon, Kiersten Todt
Cooney, Joan Ganz - producer of PBS"s Sesame Street; CFR chairman Peter G. Peterson"s wife
Cooper, Charles A.
Cooper, James H. S. (D-Tennessee) - member of the U.S. House of Representatives; a Rhodes Scholar
Cooper, John Milton Jr.
Cooper, Kathleen B. - Under Secretary of Commerce for Economic Affairs under Dubya
Cooper, Kerry
† Cooper, Laura K.
Cooper, Richard N. - former Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs (1977-1981)
† Cooper, Scott A.
Corbet, Kathleen A. - President of Standard & Poors
Corcoran, Carole A.
Cornelius, Wayne A. - professor at UC San Diego; director, Center for Comparative Immigration Studies at UC San Diego
Cornell, Henry - a managing director at Goldman Sachs
Cortez, Christopher (Maj. Gen., USMC, retired) - former Commanding General, Marine Corps Recruiting Command
Cott, Suzanne
Cotter, William R. - President of Oaks Foundation (NOT the Congressman from Connecticut - Congressman Cotter died in 1981)
Couric, Katherine A. "Katie" - CBS News Propagandist
Courtney, William - former Ambassador to Khazakhstan and Georgia
Cousens, Elizabeth M. - Vice President of International Peace Academy; a Rhodes Scholar
Covey, Jock - former principal deputy special representative of the UN secretary-general for the United Nations Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK); former senior deputy high representative in Bosnia
Cowal, Sally Grooms - former Ambassador to Trinidad & Tobago (1991-1994)
Cowan, Geoffrey - Dean of the Annenberg School for Communication at University of Southern California (USC)
Cowan, L. Gray - former Dean of the Graduate School of Public Affairs at State University of New York (SUNY) in Albany
††† Cowen, Leslee N.
Cowhey, Peter F. - Dean of the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UC San Diego
Cox, Edward F. - Richard Nixon"s son-in-law; Patricia Nixon"s husband
Cox, Howard E. Jr.
Coy, Craig P. - CEO of the Massachusetts Port Authority (i.e. Boston-Logan Int"l. Airport, Port of Boston, etc.)
Crahan, Margaret E.
††† Crandall, Russell C.
Craner, Lorne W. - President of International Republican Institute; former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2001-2005)
Crawford, John F.
† Crawford, Timothy W.
Crebo-Rediker, Heidi E.
Creekmore, Marion V. Jr. - former Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Crichton, Kyle
Crippen, Dan L. - former Director of Congressional Budget Office (1999-2003)
Crittenden, Ann - author and former propagandist for New York Times, Fortune, Newsweek, and CBS
Crocker, Bathsheba N. - a CSIS expert
Crocker, Chester A. - former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs under Reagan
††† Croft, Helima L.
Cromwell, Adelaide McGuinn
Cross, Devon G.
Cross, June V. - assistant professor of journalism at Columbia University; television producer; received two Emmy awards
Cross, Mary S.
Cross, Sam Y. - professor at Georgetown
Cross, Theodore
Crossette, Barbara - former UN bureau chief for New York Times
Crow, Michael M. - President of Arizona State University
Crowe, William J. (Adm.) - former Ambassador to Great Britain (1994-1997); former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1985-1989)
† Crowley, Monica Elizabeth
Crown, Lester - Chairman of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
††† Cruz, Heidi S.
Crystal, Lester M. - former president of NBC News (1977-1979)
† Cukier, Kenneth Neil
Cullum, Lee - former Propagandist for Dallas Morning News and PBS; member of Trilateral Commission
Cumming, Alfred
Cumming, Christine M. - First Vice President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Cummings, Alexander B. Jr. - president and chief operating officer of the Africa Group of The Coca-Cola Company
† Cummings, Craig P.
Cuneo, Donald
Cunningham, James B. - current Consul General to Hong Kong
Cunningham, Nelson W. - Managing Partner of Kissinger McLarty Associates
Curley, Walter J. P. Jr. - former Ambassador to France (1989-1993); former Ambassador to Ireland (1975-1977)
Curran, Robert T.
† Currie, Kelley E.
Curtis, Charles B. - former Deputy Secretary of Energy (1994-1997)
Curtis, Gerald L. - former director of the East Asian Institute at Columbia University; long-time Trilateralist
Cutler, Walter L. - former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Tunisia, and Zaire
Cutshaw, Kenneth A. - Executive Vice President and General Counsel of Church's Chicken; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement under Reagan and GHW Bush
Cutter, W. Bowman - a Rhodes Scholar; managing director of Warburg Pincus
Cyr, Arthur I. - author and professor at Carthage College, Wisconsin

D' Amato, Alfonse M. (D-NY) - former Senator (1981-1999)
Daalder, Ivo H. - a scholar at the Brookings Institution
Dady, Teresa Gail
† Dahm, Evelyn Pignatari
Dailey, Brian D. - former Senior Vice President of Washington Operations for Lockheed Martin
† Dajani, Omar M.
† Dal Bello, Michael A. - a Principal of The Blackstone Group
Dale, Helle
Dale, William B. - former Deputy Managing Director of IMF (1974-1984)
Daley, William M. - former Secretary of Commerce (1997-2000)
Dallara, Charles H. - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs under GHW Bush
Dalley, George Albert - former Chairman of Africare; a Counsel to Rep. Charles Rangel
Dallmeyer, Dorinda G.
Dalton, James E. (Gen., USAF) - former director of the Joint Staff; former Vice President of Logicon, Inc.
Dam, Kenneth W. - a law professor at University of Chicago; former Deputy Sec. of the Treasury (2001-2003); former Deputy Sec. of State (1982-1985); attended at least 7 Bilderberg meetings.
Dam, Marcia Wachs - Kenneth Dam"s wife
Damrosch, Lori Fisler - professor at Columbia
Danforth, William H. - former chancellor of the University of Washington in St. Louis, MO (1971-1995)
Daniel, D. Ronald
Daniel, Donald C. F.
Danilovich, John J. - former Ambassador to Brazil (2004-2005); former Ambassador to Costa Rica (2001-2004)
Danin, Robert M.
Danner, Mark D. - a writer for The New Yorker
***Daschle, Thomas Andrew - former Senate Majority Leader (D-South Dakota)
DaSilva, Russell J.
David, Jack - former chairman of the executive committee of the New York City Bar Association
Davidson, Ralph Parsons
† Davis, Christina L. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Davis, Florence A.
***Davis, Geoffrey Clark
Davis, Jacquelyn K. - executive vice president of the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis, Inc.; president of National Security Planning Associates, Inc.
Davis, Jerome - a Rhodes Scholar
Davis, Kathryn W.
Davis, Kim Gordon
Davis, Lynn E. - former Under Secretary of State for International Security Affairs under Clinton
***Davis, Marion Thomas
Davis, Nathaniel - former Ambassador to Switzerland, Chile, and Guatemala
Davis, Stephen B.
Davison, Kristina Perkin
Davison, W. Phillips
Dawisha, Karen Lea
Dawkins, Peter M. (Brig. Gen.) - Army officer who won the Heisman Trophy in 1958; a Rhodes Scholar
Dawson Carr, Marion M.
Dawson, Christine L.
Dawson, Horace G. Jr. - former Ambassador to Botswana (1979-1982)
Day, Arthur R.
Days, Drew Saunders III - former Solicitor General (1993-1996)
de Borchgrave, Arnaud - former editor of Newsweek and Washington Times
de Habsburgo, Inmaculada (known as "Inmaculada Habsburg'on the CFR 2004 roster)
de Janosi, Peter E.
de Lasa, Jose M. - Partner of Baker & McKenzie, LLP in New York
de Menil, George
***de Menil, Joy Alexandra - senior editor of The Atlantic
de Menil, Lois Pattison
de Rothschild, Lynn Forester - married to Evelyn de Rothschild (former chairman of N.M. Rothschild and Sons)
† de Swaan, Jean-Christophe
de Vries, Rimmer
† De, Rajesh
Deagle, Edwin A. Jr. - Under Secretary of the Air Force under Clinton
Dean, Jonathan
Dean, Robert W. - former Ambassador to Peru (1974-1977)
Dear, Alice M. - serves on the board of directors of Africare
Debevoise, Eli Whitney II - attorney (Senior Partner) for Arnold & Porter
Debs, Barbara Knowles - former President of Manhattanville College; former President of The New York Historical Society
Debs, Richard A. - Advisory director of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter; former Chief Operating Officer of Federal Reserve Bank of New York; married to Barbara Knowles Debs
DeBusk, F. Amanda - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Export Enforcement under Clinton (1998-2001)
DeCrane, Alfred C. Jr. - former Chairman and CEO of Texaco
Decyk, Roxanne J. - senior vice president of corporate affairs and human resources at Shell Oil Company
Dedrick, Fred T.
† Deeks, Ashley S.
Deffenbaugh, Ralston H. Jr. - President of Lutheran Immigration and Refugee Service
DeGioia, John J. - President of Georgetown University
††† Dehgan, Alex O.
Deibel, Terry L. - professor of national strategy at National War College
Del Rosso, Stephen J. - Senior Program Officer of Carnegie Corporation of New York
Deming, Rust Macpherson - former Ambassador to Tunisia (2000-2001)
† Dempsey, Jason K.
Deng, Francis M. - former Sudanese Ambassador to the United States; professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Denham, Robert E. - partner of Munger, Tolles, & Olson, LLP; former chairman of the board and CEO of Salomon, Inc.
Denison, Robert J.
Dennis, Everette E.
Denny, Brewster C. - former Dean of the Graduate School of Public Affairs at the University of Washington (1961-1980)
Denoon, David B. H. - political professor at New York University
Denton, Hazel
Denton, James S.
Dentzer, Susan - a PBS correspondent
DePoy, Phil E. - former President of Center for Naval Analyses
Dergham, Raghida - a New York-based propagandist for Al-Hayat
† Deri, Christopher Alan
Derian, Patricia Murphy - former Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (1977-1981)
Derr, Kenneth T. - former Chairman and CEO of Chevron
Derrick, James V. Jr. - former General Counsel of Enron Corporation
Derryck, Vivian Lowery - former AID administrator for Africa
††† Desai, Mitul I.
Desai, Padma - economics professor at Columbia
Desai, Rohit M.
††† Desai, Sunil B.
Desai, Vishakha N. - President of Asia Society
***Desch, Michael C. - political professor at University of Kentucky
DeShazer, MacArthur
DeSouza, Patrick J.
Despres, Gina H. - former tax counsel and foreign policy advisor to former Sen. Bill Bradley
Destler, I. M. - professor at the University of Maryland
Deutch, John - former CIA Director (1995-1996); pardoned by Clinton
Deutch, Shelley
DeVecchi, Robert P.
Devine, C. Maury
Devine, John J. - former CIA associate director of operations
Devine, Thomas J.
DeYoung, Karen J. - an associate editor at Washington Post
Diamond, Michael W.
Diaz, Charley L. - a Coast Guard officer
††† DiCasagrande, Rita L.
Dickey, Christopher S. - Paris bureau chief for Newsweek
† Dickinson, Laura A.
Dicks, Norman D. (D-WA) - House of Representatives (1977-present)
Dickson-Horton, Valerie L.
Didion, Joan - propagandist and playwright; author of Slouching Towards Bethlehem
Diehl, Jackson K. - columnist for the Washington Post
Dilenschneider, Robert L. - founder of the Dilenschneider Group; former President & CEO of Hill & Knowlton, Inc.
DiMartino, Rita - director emeriti of the National Council of La Raza
Dimon, James - Chief Executive Officer of JP Morgan Chase
Dine, Thomas A. - former executive director of AIPAC (1980-1993)

Dinerstein, Robert C. - former Global General Counsel at UBS Investment Bank
Dinkins, David N. - former Mayor of New York City (1990-1993)
DiPerna, Paula - former President of Joyce Foundation
***Dirks, Nicholas Bernard - Vice President for Arts and Sciences at Columbia University
Distlerath, Linda M. - Vice President of Global Health Policy for Merck & Co., Inc.
Diuk, Nadia - National Endowment for Democracy Director of Program for Central Europe and Eurasia
Djerejian, Edward P. - former Ambassador to Syria (1988-1991) and Israel (1993-1994)
Dobbins, James F. - former Ambassador to European Communities (EC) (1991-1993)
Dobriansky, Paula J. - Under Secretary of State for Democracy and Global Affairs
Doctoroff, Daniel L. - Deputy Mayor of New York City for Economic Development and Rebuilding
Dodd, Christopher J. (D-CT) - U.S. Senator (1981-present)
Doebele, Justin W.
Doerge, David J. - professor at Mount Mercy College
Doi, Ayako
Doley, Harold E. Jr. - serves on board of directors of Africare; former U.S. representative to the African Development Bank
Dominguez, Jorge I.
Donahue, Thomas R. - former president of AFL-CIO
Donaldson, Robert H. - former President of University of Tulsa
Donaldson, William H. - former Securities & Exchange Commission Chairman (2003-2005); member of Skull & Bones
Donatich, John E. - Director of Yale University Press
Donehoo, Stephen C.
Donfried, Karen Erika
Donilon, Thomas E. - partner of O'Melveny & Myers; former State Dept. Chief of Staff (1995-1997); a Bilderberger
† Donohue, Douglas S.
† Donohue, Laura K. - a CISAC fellow at Stanford
Donohue, Thomas J. Sr. - President of U.S. Chamber of Commerce
Doran, Charles F. - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
† Dormandy, Xenia B.M.
Dorsen, Norman - former President of American Civil Liberties Union (1976-1991)
Dory, Amanda Jean - a CSIS expert
Doty, Grant R. (Lt. Col., Army) - an Army officer
Doty, Paul M. Jr. - former professor at Kennedy School at Harvard; also a former biochemistry professor at Harvard
Dougan, Diana Lady - former Coordinator for International Communications and Information Policy (1984-1988)
Dougherty, James P.
Douglas, Michael - infamous Hollywood actor
Douglass, Loren
Douglass, Robert R. - former Vice Chairman of Chase Manhattan; Of Counsel for Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Dowling, John Nicholas
Doyle, Michael W. - professor at Columbia University
***Doyle, Noreen - former First Vice President of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (2001-2005)
Draper, William H. III - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1981-1986); a member of Skull and Bones
Drayton, William - President and CEO of Ashoka
Dreier, David T. (R-CA) - House of Representatives (1981-present)
Drell, Sidney D. - a Hoover Institution fellow
Drew, Elizabeth - former Washington correspondent for The New Yorker; propagandist and author
Dreyfuss, Joel - senior editor of Fortune magazine
Dreyfuss, Richard S. - Hollywood actor
† Drezner, Daniel W. - a professor at University of Chicago; soon to be a professor at Fletcher School at Tufts Univ.
Drobnick, Richard Lee
Drozdiak, William M. - President of the American Council on Germany
Drucker, Joy E. - Vice President of Stonebridge International LLC
Drucker, Richard A. - partner of Davis Polk & Wardwell
Druyan, Ann - CEO of Cosmos Studios; a scientist
Dryden, Ray N. Jr.
Duberstein, Kenneth M. - CEO of The Duberstein Group; former White House Chief of Staff
Dubin, Seth H. - of counsel to Satterlee Stephens Burke & Burke LLP
DuBrul, Stephen M. Jr. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1976-1979)
Duelfer, Charles A. - head of the Iraq Survey Group (ISG); former deputy director of UNSCOM (1993-2000)
Duersten, Althea L. - former managing director at JP Morgan
Duffey, Joseph D. - director of U.S. Information Agency under Clinton (1993-1997)
Duffie, David A. (Captain, Navy) - a Navy officer
Duffy, Gloria Charmian
Duffy, James H.
***DuGan, Gordon F. - CEO of W.P. Carey & Co.
† Duggan, Timothy E.
Duke, Robin Chandler - former Ambassador to Norway (2000-2001); the late Angier Biddle Duke"s (CFR) wife
Dulany, Peggy - David Rockefeller"s daughter; Founder and Chairman of The Synergos Institute
Dunbar, Charles F. - former Ambassador to Qatar (1983-1985) and Northern Yemen (1988-1981)
Duncan, Charles William Jr. - former Secretary of Energy (1979-1981)
Duncan, Graham A.
Dunigan, Patrick Andrew
Dunkerley, Craig G.
Dunlop, Joan B. - former president of the International Women's Health Coalition
Dunn, Kempton - former associate at Merrill Lynch
Dunn, Lewis A.
Dunn, Michael M. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - former President of National Defense University
Dur, Philip A. (Rear Admiral) - VP for Program Operations at Northrop Grumman; former Attache to France
Durkin, Patrick J.
Dworkin, Douglas A. - Defense Dept. general counsel under Clinton (1997-2001)
***Dyer, James W.
Dyson, Esther - chairman of Edventure Holdings

Eagleburger, Lawrence S. - former Secretary of State; former Ambassador to Yugoslavia
Earle, Ralph II - former Director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1980-1981)
East, Maurice A. - former dean of the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington Univ.
Eastman, John Lindner
Easum, Donald B. - former Ambassador to Nigeria and Upper Volta (Burkina Faso)
Eberhart, Ralph E. (Gen., USAF) - former Commander of Northern Command and NORAD (2000-2004)
Eberle, William D. - former Special Trade Representative (1970-1975); Chairman of Manchester Associates, Inc.
Eberstadt, Nicholas - scholar at the American Enterprise Institute
Echols, Marsha A.
Eck, Bailey Morris - columnist for London Financial News; former senior adviser in the Office of Economic Policy under Clinton
Economy, Elizabeth C. - a CFR anaylst
Ecton, Donna R.
Eddleman, Linda Hiniker
Eddy, Randolph P. III - Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations
Edelman, Gerald M. - awarded Nobel Prize for Physiology/Medicine in 1972
Edelman, Marian Wright - founder, CEO, and former President of Children"s Defense Fund
Edelman, Richard Winston
Edington, Mark D. W. - a chaplin at Harvard
Edley, Christopher Jr. - Dean of the School of Law (Boalt Hall) at UC Berkeley
Edwards, George C. III - professor of political science at Texas A&M
Edwards, Howard
Edwards, Mickey (D-Okla.) - former member of the House of Representatives (1977-1993); Aspen Insitute policy expert
Edwards, Robert H. - former President of Bowdoin College (1990-2001); former President of Carleton College
Edwards, Robert H. Jr. - partner of Hunton & Williams
Effron, Blair - a banker at UBS
Efros, Laura L. - a Senior Advisor for International Health Strategy at the Office of Science Technology and Policy in 2001
Eggers, Thomas E.
Eichengreen, Barry J. - economics and political professor at UC Berkeley
Eikenberry, Karl
Eilts, Hermann Frederick - former Ambassador to Egypt (1974-1979); former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1965-1970)
Einaudi, Luigi R. - former Ambassador to Organizations of American States (1989-1993)
Einhorn, Jessica P. - Dean of Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University
Einhorn, Robert J. - a CSIS expert
† Eisenbeis, Keri
Eisendrath, Charles R. - former Times propagandist; director of Knight-Wallace Fellows at Univ. of Michigan
Eizenstat, Stuart E. - former Ambassador to European Union; former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton
Elden, Richard - founder and former Chairman of Grosvenor Capital Management, L.P.
† Elder, Christine A.
Elliott, Dorinda - former assistant managing editor at Time magazine, former editor of Asiaweek; former Newsweek reporter
Elliott, Inger McCabe
Elliott, Osborn - former Dean of Journalism at Columbia
Ellis, James Reed
Ellis, Mark S.
Ellis, Patricia
Ellis, Rodney
Ellison, Keith Paty - former U.S. District Judge for Southern District of Texas (1999-2005); a Rhodes Scholar
Ellsberg, Daniel - Pentagon Paper leaker
Ellsworth, Robert F. (R-Kansas) - former Ambassador to NATO (1969-1971); former member of the House of Rep. (1961-1967)
Elson, Edward E. - former Ambassador to Denmark (1994-1998)
Ely-Raphel, Nancy Halliday - former Ambassador to Slovenia (1998-2001)
Embree, Ainslie T.
Emerson, John B. - President of Personal Investment Management at Capital Guardian Trust Company; former Chief Deputy City Attorney for Los Angeles
† Enders, Barbara Pillsbury
Ensor, David B. - CNN national security propagandist
Entwistle, L. Brooks - managing director of Goldman Sachs
Epstein, Jason
Epstein, Jeffrey - President of J. Epstein & Company, Inc.; President of N.A. Property, Inc.
Epstein, Joshua M. - a Brookings Institution scholar
Erb, Guy F.
Erb, Richard D. - former Deputy Managing Director of IMF (1984-1994)
Erbsen, Claude E.
Erburu, Robert F. - former Chairman and CEO of Times Mirror Company
Ercklentz, Alexander T. - partner of Brown Brothers Harriman & Co., a member of Skull & Bones
Erdmann, Andrew P. N. - historian and former professor; served as Iraq CPA adviser and NSC director under Dubya
† Erskine, Matthew Scott
Ervin, Clark Kent - former Inspector General of Homeland Security Dept. (2003-2004); a Rhodes Scholar
Esfandiari, Haleh - Director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson Center
Esserman, Susan G. - Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration (1994-1997)
Estabrook, Robert H.
Esty, Daniel C. - environmental professor at Yale; a Rhodes Scholar
Etzioni, Amitai (a.k.a. Werner Falk) - founder and director of The Communitarian Network; a Zionist terrorist
Evans, Gail H.
Evans, Harold M.

Fabian, Larry L. - former Senior Vice President of CFR (1994-1995)
† Factor, Elizabeth
Factor, Mallory
Fairbanks, Richard (M. III) - counselor for CSIS
Fairman, David M.
Falco, Mathea - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Narcotics Matters (1979-1981)
Falcoff, Mark - resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute
Falk, Pamela S.
Falk, Richard A. - professor of international law at Princeton
Fallon, Robert E.
Fallows, James - national correspondent for The Atlantic Monthly; a Rhodes Scholar
Fanton, Jonathan Foster - president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation; former chairman of Human Rights Watch (1998-2003)
Farer, Tom J. - Dean of Graduate School of International Studies at University of Denver
Farkas, Evelyn N.
† Farman-Farmaian, Elizabeth Worley
Farmer, Thomas L. - senior advisor of international finance for American Bankers Association
Farrar, Jay C. - retired Marine colonel
Farrar, Stephen Prescott
***Farrell, Diana - Director of the McKinsey Global Institute at McKinsey & Company
***Faskianos, Irina A.
† Fassler, Matthew J.
Fawaz, Leila - professor at the Fletcher School at Tufts University; former Dean for Humanities and Arts at Tufts
† Fazal, Tanisha M. - professor at Columbia University
Feigenbaum, Evan A.
††† Feinberg, Jared A.
Feinberg, Richard E. - professor at UC San Diego; former SATTP and director for Inter-American Affairs at NSC under Clinton
Feiner, Ava S.
† Feingold, Catherine Lynne
Feinstein, Dianne (D-CA) - U.S. Senator (1992-present)
Feinstein, Lee
Feissel, Gustave - former Chief of the UN mission in Cyprus (1993-1998)
Feist, Samuel H.
Feith, Douglas J. - former Under Secretary of Defense for Policy (2001-2005)
Feldman, Mark B.
† Feldman, Noah - law professor at New York University; a Rhodes Scholar
Feldstein, Martin S. - President and CEO of National Bureau of Economic Research; former chairman of Council of Economic Advisors (1982-1984); attended at least 8 Bilderberg meetings
Ferguson, Charles H.
Ferguson, James L. - former Chairman and CEO of General Foods Corporation; NOT A MEMBER OF SKULL & BONES
Ferguson, Roger W. Jr. - former Vice-Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1999-2006)
Ferguson, Tim W.
Fernandez, Jose W. - partner of O'Melveny & Myers LLP
Ferrari, Frank E.
Ferraro, Geraldine A. (D-NY) - former member of House of Rep. (1979-1985); Walter Mondale's running mate in 1984
Ferré, Antonio Luis
Ferré, Helen Aguirre
Ferré, Maurice A. - former Mayor of Miami, Florida (1973-1985)
Fesharaki, Fereidun - former energy advisor to the Prime Minister of Iran during the 1970s (under the Shah regime)
Fessenden, Hart
† Fessenden, Helen
Fiedler, Jeffrey L.
Fields, Bertram H. - former Hollywood lawyer and author
Fields, Craig I.
Fife, Eugene V. - Chairman of Eclipsys Corporation; former general partner of Goldman Sachs
† Filippone, Desiree Geneva
Filippone, Robert J.
Findakly, Hani K.
† Fine, Joshua Adam
Finelli, Francis A. (Lt. Col., Army, retired) - a Managing Director of the Carlyle Group
† Fink, Sheri L.
Finkelstein, Lawrence S.
† Finley, Sonya L.
Finn, Edwin A. Jr.
Finnemore, Martha - professor at The Elliott School at George Washington University
Finney, Paul B.
Firestone, Charles M. - executive director of the Aspen Institute Communications and Society Program
Firmage, Edwin B. - former law professor at University of Utah
Fisch, Mark
Fischbach, Gerald D. - Dean of the College of Physicians and Surgeons and Faculty of Medicine at Columbia University
† Fischer, Betsy
Fischer, Stanley - Governor of the Bank of Israel (Israel's central bank); former Vice Chairman of Citigroup; former First Deputy Managing Director of IMF; attended at least 3 Bilderberg meetings
Fisher, Julie Ann
Fisher, Peter R.
Fisher, Richard W. - President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas (2005-present)
Fisher, Roger D. - professor at Harvard Law School
Fishlow, Albert - professor at Columbia
Fisk, Daniel W. - Deputy Asst. Sec. of State for Western Hemisphere Affairs as of 2005
† Fitchett, Mercedes Carmela
Fitts, Sarah A. W. - partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
FitzGerald, Frances - awarded Pulitzer Prize in 1973
Fitzgibbons, Harold E.
† Fitzgibbons, John B.
***Fitz-Pegado, Lauri J.
***Flaherty, Martin S. - law professor at Fordham University School of Law
Flaherty, Pamela
Flaherty, Peter - former Deputy Attorney General under Carter
Flanagan, Stephen J. - Director, Institute for National Strategic Studies and Vice President for Research at the National Defense University
Flanigan, Peter M. - Advisor of UBS Securities LLC; former Managing Director of Dillon, Read & Co.; Nixon"s assistant
Fleischmann, Alan H. - former Chief of Staff for the Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (K.K. Townsend)
***Fleming, Gregory J. - president of Global Markets & Investment Banking at Merrill Lynch
Flom, Joseph H. - attorney for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom
Flournoy, Michele A. - a CSIS expert
Flynn, George J. (Brig. Gen., USMC) - Chief of Staff, U.S. Special Operations Command under Dubya
Flynn, Stephen E. (Coast Guard) - former Commander in the Coast Guard
Fn'Piere, Patrick John - a Pacific Council of International Policy senior vice president
Fogleman, Ronald R. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (1994-1997)
Foglesong, Robert H. (Gen.) - former U.S. Air Force Europe (USAFE) Commander; retired in 2006
††† Foley, C. Fritz
Foley, S. Robert Jr. (Adm.) - former Commander, U.S. Pacific Fleet (1982-1985); former Commander of Seventh Fleet
Foley, Thomas S. (D-WA) - former Ambassador to Japan (1997-2001); former Speaker of the House

Folsom, George A. - former President of International Republican Institute
† Fontaine, Richard H. Jr.
Fonts, Carlos E.
Foote, Edward T. II - former President of University of Miami (Florida)
† Forbes, Kristin J.
Ford, Gerald R. - former President of the United States (1974-1977)
Ford, Paul B. Jr.
Fore, Henrietta Holsman - Under Secretary of State for Management (2005-present); former Director of U.S. Mint (2001-2005)
Forman, Shepard L. - politics professor at New York University
† Forrest, Michelle R.
† Forrester, Jason William - Research Director of the Nuclear Threat Reduction Campaign
Forstmann, Theodore J. - senior partner of Forstmann Little & Co.; an investor
Forsythe, Rosemarie
Fosler, Gail D. - Senior Vice President and Chief Economist of The Conference Board
Foss, Michelle Michot - Director of the Center for Energy Economics
***Foster, Badi Garrett
Foster, Brenda Lei
Foster, Charles C.
Foster, Richard N. - Chief Executive Officer of Caxton Health Holdings LLC
Fourquet, Jose A.
Fowler, Jeffrey L. (Rear Adm.) - Commander, U.S. Navy Recruiting Command
Fowler, Wyche Jr. (D-Georgia) - former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1996-2001); former Senator (1987-1993)
Fox, Daniel M.
Fox, Donald T.
Fox, Eleanor M. - Of Counsel at Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Fox, Merritt Baker - law professor at Columbia
***Foxman, Abraham H.
Fraga Neto, Arminio - former Governor of The Central Bank of Brazil (1999-2003)
Franck, Thomas M. - professor at Georgetown Law School
Francke, Albert
Frank, Andrew D. - a professor at SAIS
Frank, Charles R. Jr.
Frank, Richard A. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
† Frankel, Adam B.
Frankel, Francine R. - professor at University of Pennsylvania
Frankel, Jeffrey A. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Franklin, Barbara Hackman - former Secretary of Commerce (1992-1993)
Franklin, William Emery
† Fravel, M. Taylor - political professor at MIT
Frazier, Kenneth C.
Fredman, Jonathan M.
Freedman, Alix M.
Freeman, Bennett
Freeman, Constance J.
Freeman, Harry L.
Freidheim, Cyrus F. - former Chairman and CEO of Chiquita Brands International, Inc. (i.e. Chiquita bananas)
Freidheim, Stephen C.
Frelinghuysen, Peter H. B. (R-NJ) - former member of the House of Representatives (1953-1975)
Frey, Donald N. - professor at Northwestern Univ.
† Frey, Howard A.
Freyer, Dana H. - attorney for Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher, & Flom
Fribourg, Paul J. - chairman and CEO of ContiGroup Companies, Inc.
Fried, Edward R.
Friedberg, Aaron Louis - PNAC member; professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
***Friedman, Alexander Stephen
Friedman, Bart - lawyer (Senior Partner) of Cahill Gordon & Reindel
Friedman, Benjamin M.
Friedman, Fredrica S.
Friedman, Jordana D.
Friedman, Stephen
Friedman, Stephen J. - former director of National Economic Council under Dubya
Friedman, Thomas L. - New York Times Propagandist
Frieman, Wendy
Friend, Theodore W.
Frist, William H. "Bill'(R-TN) - U.S. Senator (1995-present); Senate Majority Leader
Froman, Michael B.G. - Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer and Head of Strategy and Business Development for Citigroup Alternative Investments at Citigroup; a member of the Trilateral Commission
Fromkin, David
Fromm, Joseph
Frost, Ellen L.
† Frucher, Kate I.
Fry, Earl H.
Frye, Alton - former Vice President of CFR (1987-1993); former Senior Vice President of CFR (1993-1998)
Fudge, Ann M. - Chairman and CEO of Young and Rubicam Brands
Fukushima, Glen S. - President and CEO of Airbus Japan
Fukuyama, Francis - professor at the SAIS at Johns Hopkins University; a PNAC thug and Trilateralist
Fuld, Richard S. Jr. - Chairman and CEO of Lehman Brothers

† Fuller, Jacquelline Cobb
Fuller, Kathryn S. - former President and CEO of World Wildlife Fund
Fuller, William P. - former President of The Asia Foundation
Fung, Victor K. - Chairman, Li & Fung; Chairman, Prudential Asia Ltd., Hong Kong; a Trilateralist
Furlaud, Richard Mortimer - former Chairman and CEO of Squibb Corporation
Furman, Gail 'a psychologist at the New York University School of Medicine
Futter, Ellen V. - President of American Museum of Natural History; former President of Barnard College

Gaddis, John Lewis - history professor at Yale University
Gadiesh, Orit B. - chairman of the board of Bain & Company; previously served in the office of the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Israeli Army
† Gadsden, Amy Epstein
Gaer, Felice D. - a member of the Committee Against Torture
Gaines, James R.
Galbraith, Evan G. - former Ambassador to France (1981-1985); a member of Skull & Bones
Galbraith, Peter W. - former Ambassador to Croatia (1993-1998)
† Gallagher, John P.
Gallagher, Lacey Wingham
Gallucci, Robert L. - Dean of Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service; former Assistant Secretary of State for Politico-Military Affairs (1992-1994)
† Galper, Joshua P. - an associate at Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP
Galvis, Sergio J. - Secretary of the Council of the Americas; partner of Sullivan & Cromwell
Ganguly, Sumit - political science professor at Indiana University
Gann, Pamela B. - President of Claremont McKenna College (in Claremont, California)
Gannon, John C. - former deputy CIA director for Intelligence
Ganoe, Charles S.
Gantcher, Nathan - former President and co-CEO of Oppenheimer & Co.
Garber, Larry A. - Executive Director of the New Israel Fund; former Director of USAID's mission to Gaza and West Bank (1999-2004)
Garcia, Marlen
Garcia-Passalacqua, Juan M. - a political science professor in Puerto Rico
Gard, Robert G. Jr. (Lt. Gen., Army) - former President of National Defense University (1977-1981)
Gardels, Nathan P. - editor of Global Viewpoint and New Perspectives Quarterly
Gardner, Anthony Laurence
Gardner, James A.
Gardner, Nina Luzzatto
Gardner, Richard N. - former Ambassador to Spain and Italy; a Rhodes Scholar
Garment, Suzanne R. - an associate for Dow, Lohnes & Albertson
Garnett, Sherman - Dean of James Madison College at Michigan State University
† Garrett, Johnson
Garten, Jeffrey E. - former Dean of Yale School of Management (1995-2005); former Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade under Clinton
Garthoff, Raymond L. - former Ambassador to Bulgaria (1977-1979)
Garwin, Richard L. - a nuclear weapons designer at IBM"s Thomas J. Watson Research Center
Gaston, Patricia E.
Gates, Henry Louis Jr. - professor at Harvard; Chair of the Department of African and African American Studies at Harvard
Gates, Philomene A.
Gates, Robert M. - Secretary of Defense; former CIA Director (1991-1993); former President of Texas A&M University
Gati, Charles - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Gati, Toby Trister - former Assistant Secretary of State for Intelligence and Research under Clinton
Gaudiani, Claire L. - professor at New York University; former President of Connecticut College (1988-2001)
Gause, F. Gregory III - professor at University of Vermont
***Gavin, Francis J.
† Gavin, Michelle D. - a Rhodes Scholar
††† Gawronski, Joseph C.
Gay, Catherine
Gayle, Helene D. - President and CEO of CARE USA
Gedmin, V. Jeffrey - director of Aspen Institute Berlin
Geertz, Clifford - an anthropologist
Geier, Philip O.
Geithner, Peter F. - former Director of Asia Programs at Ford Foundation
Geithner, Timothy F. - President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Gelb, Bruce S. - former Ambassador to Belgium (1991-1993); former director of U.S. Information Agency (1989-1991)
Gelb, Leslie H. - former President of CFR (1993-2003)
Gell-Mann, Murray - awarded Nobel Price in physics in 1969
Gellert, Michael E. - chairman of the board of the Carnegie Institution of Washington
Gellman, Barton - a correspondent and reporter for Washington Post; a Rhodes Scholar
Gelpern Anna - law professor at Rutgers University-Newark
George, Robert P. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Georgescu, Peter Andrew - former Chairman and CEO of Young & Rubicam, Inc.
Gephardt, Richard A. "Dick"(D-Missouri) - former House Minority Leader
Gerber, Burton L. - former senior operations officer of CIA
Gerber, Louis
Gergen, David R. - professor at Harvard; former Clinton adviser; this is the man who told Alex Jones "It's none of your damn business" when asked about the Bohemian Grove rituals
Gerhart, Gail M.
Germain, Adrienne - President, International Women"s Health Coalition
Gerschel, Patrick A. - Chairman of Residential Company of America; former Lazard Freres banker
Gershman, Carl Samuel - President of the National Endowment for Democracy
Gerson, Allan - Chairman of Gerson International Law Group; brought first suit against Libya in Pan Am 103 case
Gerson, Elliot F. - American Secretary of the Rhodes (Scholarship) Trust; a Rhodes Scholar
Gerson, Ralph J.
Gerstein, Daniel M. (Col.) - Executive Officer to the Under Secretary of the Army (under Dubya)
Gerstner, Louis V. Jr. - Chairman of the Carlyle Group; former Chairman and CEO of IBM
† Gerstner, Louis V. III - Louis Gerstner"s son
Getler, Michael - ombudsman for PBS; former ombudsman for Washington Post
Gewirtz, Paul David - professor of constitutional law at Yale
Geyer, Georgie Anne - syndicated columnist; author of Guerilla Prince; interviewed Castro, Saddam, Ayatollah Kohmeini, Arafat, and Ghadafi
Gfoeller, Joachim Jr. - managing general partner of GMS Captial Partners, L.P.
Gfoeller, Michael
Gfoeller, Tatiana C. - Consul General of Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Ghiglione, Loren - former Dean of Medill School of Journalism at Northwestern University
† Gholz, Charles Eugene - public affairs professor at MIT
Giacomo, Carol Ann - diplomatic correspondent for Reuters News Agency
Gibbons, John Howard - former director of White House Office of Science and Technology (1993-1999)
Giffen, James Henry - a one-time counselor and advisor to Kazakhstan's dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev; arrested in 2003 for bribing Kazakh government officials and funneling over $20 million to Swiss Bank
Giffin, Gordon D. - former Ambassador to Canada (1997-2001)
***Gil, Andres Valerio - partner of Davis Polk & Wardwell"s
Gilbert, Jackson B.
Gilbert, Steven J.
Gill, Bates - a CSIS expert
Gillette, Michael James
Gilmore, James S. III - former Governor of Virginia (1998-2002)
Gilmore, Richard
Gilpin, Robert G. Jr. - former professor at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Gingrich, Newton L "Newt'(R-Georgia) - former Speaker of the House
Ginsberg, Gary L.
Ginsberg, Marc Charles - former Ambassador to Morocco (1993-1997)
Ginsburg, David 'Of Counsel at Powell Goldstein LLP in Washington
Ginsburg, Jane C.
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader - Supreme Court Justice (1993-present)
† Ginsburg, Thomas B. - professor at University of Illinois College of Law
Glaser, Bonnie S. - a CSIS expert
Glauber, Robert R. - former Under Secretary of the Treasury for Finance under "Daddy" Bush
Glennon, Michael J. - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Gleysteen, Peter - former managing director at Chase Manhattan
***Glickman, Daniel R. - former Secretary of Agriculture (1995-2001)
Globerman, Norma
† Glover Weiss, Juleanna Ruth
Gluck, Carol - history professor at Columbia
Gluck, Frederick W. - former Vice Chairman of The Bechtel Group and managing director of McKinsey & Co.
Godchaux, Frank A. III - Chairman of the Board of Riviana Foods, Inc.
Goeltz, Richard K. - former Vice Chairman of American Express
Goheen, Robert F. - former Ambassador to India (1977-1980); former President of Princeton (1957-1972)
Goins, Charlynn - Chairperson of the Board for New York City Health and Hospitals Corporation
Goldberg, Ronnie L.
† Goldberger, Bruce N. - a counsel of O'Melveny & Myers LLP (New York)
Goldberger, Marvin L. - former President of California Institute of Technology [Cal Tech] (1978-1987)
Golden, James R. (Brig. Gen., Army) - former executive at Tenneco; former Head of the Dept. of Social Sciences at West Point
Golden, William T.
† Golden-Vazquez, Abigail
Goldfield, Harold P. - Vice-Chairman and Executive Vice President of Stonebridge International LLC
Goldgeier, James M. - professor at The Elliott School at George Washington University
Goldin, Harrison J. - former Comptroller of The City of New York (New York City)
† Goldin, Matthew N.
Goldman, Charles N.
Goldman, Guido - co-chairman of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Goldman, Marshall I.
Goldman, Merle D. - former history professor at Boston University
† Goldman, Neal D.
Goldmark, Peter C. Jr. - former Chairman and CEO of International Herald Tribune; former President of Rockefeller Foundation
Goldsmith, Barbara - author and historian (i.e. The Straw Man)
Goldsmith, Jack Landman III - professor at Harvard Law School
Goldsmith, Russell D.
Goldstein, Gordon M.
Goldstein, Jeffrey A.
Goldstein, Morris
Goldwyn, David L. - former Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs under Clinton
Golob, Paul D. - senior editor at Times Books
Gomory, Ralph E. - President of Alfred P. Sloan Foundation
Gompert, David C.
Goodman, Allan E. - President and CEO of Institute of International Education
Goodman, George J.W.
Goodman, Herbert I.
Goodman, John B.
Goodman, Matthew P.
Goodman, Roy M. - President and CEO of United Nations Development Corporation; former New York State Senator (1968-2002)
Goodman, Sherri W. - former Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Environmental Security (under Clinton$$$)
Gordon, Albert H.
Gordon, John A. (Gen., USAF) - former deputy director of CIA (1997-2000); former administrator of National Nuclear Security Administration and Under Secretary of Energy for Nuclear Security (2000-2002)
Gordon, Lincoln - former Ambassador to Brazil (1961-1966); former President of Johns Hopkins Univ. (1967-1971); a Rhodes Scholar
Gordon, Michael R. - chief military correspondent for the New York Times; a Rhodes Scholar
Gordon, Philip H. - a Brookings scholar
***Gordon-Hagerty, Lisa E. - former Executive Vice President of the United States Enrichment Corporation
Gordon-Reed, Annette - author of Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemings: An American Controversy
Gorelick, Jamie S. - Deputy Attorney General under Clinton (1994-1997); Defense Dept. general counsel (1993-1994)
Gorman, Joseph T. - former chairman and CEO of TRW, Inc.
† Gorsuch, Neil M.
Gotbaum, Victor
Gottemoeller, Rose E. - Assistant Secretary of Energy for Nonproliferation and National Security under Clinton (2000-2001)
Gottfried, Kurt - co-founder of Union of Conerned Scientists
Gottlieb, Gidon A.G. - former international law professor at University of Chicago
Gottsegen, Peter M. - former General Partner of Salomon Brothers Inc.; former Kuhn, Loeb & Co. banker
Gould, Peter G.
Gourevitch, Peter A. - former Dean of the Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies at UC San Diego
Gourevitch, Philip - staff writer for The New Yorker
Grace, Lola Nashashibi
††† Graczewski, Timothy J.
Graff, Henry Franklin
Graff, Robert D.
Graham, Bob (D-FL) - former Senator (1987-2005); former Governor of Florida (1979-1987)
Graham, Carol Lee - professor at the University of Maryland
Graham, Thomas Jr.
Graham, Thomas W.
Granoff, Michael D. - President and CEO of Pomona Capital
Grant, Stephen A.
Graubard, Stephen Richards
††† Gray, David E.
Gray, Hanna Holborn - former President of the University of Chicago (1978-1993)
Greathead, R. Scott - attorney for Wiggin & Dana LLP
Green, Carl J.
Green, Eric F.
Green, Ernest G. - former managing director of Lehman Brothers; a major Chinagate convict; a friend of Clinton
Green, Jerrold D.
Green, Michael J.
***Green, Robert Shane
† Greenawalt, Alexander Kent Anton - an associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Greenberg, Arthur N.
Greenberg, David
Greenberg, Evan G. - President and CEO of ACE Limited
Greenberg, Glenn H.
Greenberg, Jeffrey W. - former chairman and CEO of Marsh and McLennan Companies
Greenberg, Karen J.
Greenberg, Lawrence Scott
† Greenberg, Lisa
Greenberg, Maurice R. - former Chairman and CEO of American International Group (AIG)
Greenberg, Sanford D.
Greenberger, Robert Stephen
Greene, Joseph N. Jr. - former principal officer of the U.S. Interests Section in Egypt (1972-1973)
Greene, Margaret L.
† Greene, Michelle D.
† Greene, Raymond F. III
Greene, Wade - former editor of Newsweek, The New York Times Magazine
***Greenough, Beverly Sills - former opera singer; former chair of the board of Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts
Greenspan, Alan - former Chairman of the Federal Reserve System (1987-2006); married to Andrea Mitchell
Greenwald, G. Jonathan
Greenway, Hugh D.S.
Gregg, Donald P. - former Ambassador to South Korea (1989-1993)
† Gregg, Heather S.
Gregorian, Vartan - President of Carnegie Corporation of New York; former President of Brown University (1989-1997)
Gregson, Wallace C. Jr. (Lt. Gen., USMC) - Commander, U.S. Marine Forces Pacific
Griego, Linda - president of Zapgo Entertainment Group; former Deputy Mayor of Los Angeles (1991-1993)
Griffiths, Phillip A.
Grimes, Joseph Anthony Jr.
Grissom, Janet Mullins
Grondine, Robert F. - partner of White & Case LLP in Tokyo, Japan; former Chairman and President of American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
††† Gronvall, Gigi Kwik
Grose, Peter
Gross, Martin J.
Gross, Patrick W. - chairman of The Lovell Group
† Grossman, Daniel E.
***Grossman, Marc - former Ambassador to Turkey (1995-1997)
Grove, Brandon (H. Jr.) - former Ambassador to Zaire (Congo-Kinshasa) from 1984-1987
† Grover, Katherine Sye
Groves, Ray J. - former Chairman and CEO of Ernst & Young
***Gruman, Jessie C.
† Gudwin, Ella R.
Guerra-Mondragon, Gabriel - former Ambassador to Chile (1994-1998)
Guff, Andrew J.
† Guilmartin, Eugenia Katherine
Gund, Agnes - former President of The Museum of Modern Art in New York City
Gundlach, Andrew S. - professor at Columbia Business School
† Gupta, Sanjay K. - senior medical correspondent and propagandist for CNN
Gupte, Pranay - columnist for New York Sun; former New York Times reporter; also a member of Royal Institute of International Affairs in London
† Gustavson, Céline Stephanie
Gutfreund, John H. - Former Chairman of the Board and CEO of Salomon Inc. (Salomon is now part of Citigroup.)
Guth, John H. J.
Guthman, Edwin O. - former editor of Los Angeles Times and The Philadelphia Inquirer
† Gvosdev, Nikolas K. - executive editor of The National Interest; a Rhodes Scholar
Gwertzman, Bernard M. - foreign affairs propagandist for the New York Times
Gwin, Catherine - Senior Evaluation Officer of Operations Evaluation Department at The World Bank

Ha, Joseph M. - Vice President for International Business and Government Relations at Nike, Inc. (shoes)
Haas, Mimi L. - Peter Haas Sr."s wife
Haas, Robert D. - Chairman of Levi Strauss & Co. (blue jeans)
Haass, Richard N. - President of the Council on Foreign Relations; also a Rhodes Scholar

Hachigian, Nina L.
Hackett, Craig D. (Maj. Gen., Army) - Commander, U.S. Army Security Assistance Command at Fort Belvoir, Virginia
Haddad, Yvonne Yazbeck - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Hadley, Stephen J. - National Security Advisor (2005-present)
Hafner, Joseph A. Jr. - President and CEO of Riviana Foods, Inc.
Hagel, Chuck (R-Nebraska) - U.S. Senator (1997-present)
Hagen, Katherine A. - former Deputy Director-General for external relations at International Labor Organization
Haggard, Stephan - professor at UC San Diego Graduate School of International Relations and Pacific Studies
† Haider, D. Blake
Haig, Alexander M. Jr. - former Secretary of State (1981-1982); former NATO commander
Hailston, Earl B. (Gen., USMC) - former commander of U.S. Marine Forces, Central Command (CENTCOM)
† Hajari, Nisid J. - managing editor of Newsweek International
Hakim, Peter - president of Inter-American Dialogue; former professor at MIT and Columbia
Hale, David D. - Chairman of Hale Advisors LLC and China Online, Inc.
Hale, Lyric Hughes - CEO and Publisher of China Online, Inc.
Hall, C. Barrows
Hall, John P.
Hall, Kathryn Walt - former Ambassador to Austria (1997-2001)
Halper, James D. - partner of Leonard Green & Partners, L.P.
Halperin, David R. - partner of Coudert Brothers LLP in Hong Kong
Halperin, Morton H. - State Dept. Policy Planning Director under Clinton
Halsted, Thomas A.
Haltzel, Michael H. - senior foreign policy advisor to Sen. Joseph Biden (D-Delaware)
Hamburg, David A. - former President of Carnegie Corporation of New York
Hamburg, Margaret Ann - Assistant Sec. of HHS for Planning and Evaluation under Clinton (1997-2001)
Hamel, Michael A. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - Commander of Space and Missile Systems Center, Air Force Space Command
Hamilton, Ann O.
Hamilton, Charles V. - co-author of "Black Power" (the other co-author was Stokely Carmichael)
Hamilton, Daniel - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Hamilton, Edward K. - chairman of Hamilton, Rainovitz & Alschuler, Inc.; former deputy mayor of New York City
Hamilton, Hugh Gerard Jr.
Hamilton, John Maxwell - Dean of the Manship School of Mass Communications at Louisiana State University
Hamilton, Lee H. (D-Indiana) - former member of House of Rep. (1965-1999); former Vice-Chairman of 9/11 Commission
† Hammond-Chambers, Rupert J. - President of U.S.-Taiwan Business Council
Hammonds, D. Holly
Hamre, John J. - President of CSIS; former Deputy Secretary of Defense (1997-2001)
Hancock, Ellen - former chairman and CEO of Exodus Communications
Hand, Lloyd N. - Chief of Protocol under LBJ; partner of Piper Rudnick Gray Cary
Hand, Scott M. - Chairman and CEO of Inco Limited
Handelman, Stephen - columnist for Time Canada (part of Time magazine)
Hansell, Herbert J. - State Department Legal Adviser under Carter
Hansen, Carol Rae
Hanson, Carl Thor
Hantz, Giselle P.
***Hantzopoulos, Paraskeve
Harari, Maurice
Hardin, Edward J.
† Hardin, Katherine Anderson
Harding, Deborah A.
Harding, Harry - former Dean of The Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University
Hardt, John P.
Hargrove, John Lawrence
Harman, Jane (D-CA) - House of Representatives (1993-1999, 2001-present)
Harman, Sidney - former Under Secretary of Commerce under Carter
Harmon, James A. - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1997-2001)
Harpel, James W. - founder and shareholder of First Reserve Corporation
Harper, Conrad K. - State Department Legal Adviser under Clinton
† Harrington, Maureen Ann
Harris, David A. - executive director of American Jewish Committee
Harris, Jay T. - former chairman and publisher of San Jose Mercury News
Harris, Joshua J.
Harris, Katherine (R-FL) - House of Representatives (2003-present); rigged the elections in Florida in 2000
Harris, Martha Caldwell
Harrison, Hope M. - associate history professor at The Elliott School at George Washington University
Harrison, Selig S. - a director at Center for International Policy; an "expert" on Korea affairs
Harrison, William B. Jr. - Chairman of the board of JP Morgan Chase; former CEO of JP Morgan Chase
Hart, Gary (D-Colo.) - former Senator (1975-1987); former presidential candidate in 1988; had an affair with Donna Rice

Hart, Robert C. ("Bob")
Hart, Todd Christopher
Hartley, Jane D.
Hartman, Arthur A. - former Ambassador to France (1977-1981); former Ambassador to Soviet Union (1981-1987)
† Hartogensis, Gordon A.
Hartzell, Jon K. - former Deputy Comptroller of the Currency (1990-1995); Chairman of KWR International, Inc.
Haseltine, William Alan - former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Human Genome Sciences, Inc.
Haskell, John H. F. Jr. - senior advisor at UBS Warburg; former Managing Director of Dillon Read & Co.
Hathaway, Robert M. - Director of the Asia Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars
Hauge, John Resor - Perot System Corporation
Hauser, Rita E. - President of The Hauser Foundation; former partner and counsel of Stroock & Stroock & Lavan
Hauser, William Locke
Havell, Theresa A. - President and Chief Investment Officer of Havell Capital Management, LLC
Hawkins, Ashton - former Executive Vice President of The Metropolitan Museum of Art
Hawley, F. William
† Hawthorne, Amy W. - a Middle East specialist; former Carnegie Endowment scholar
Hayden, Michael V. (Gen., USAF) - current CIA Director; former Director of National Security Agency (1999-2005)
Hayek, Alexandre P. - a managing director of Bear Stearns
Hayes, Margaret Daly
Hayes, Rita Derrick - former Deputy U.S. Trade Representative (1997-2001); former Ambassador to World Trade Organization
Haynes, Fred (Maj. Gen., USMC) - former Commanding General of Marine Corps Base at Camp Lejeune (1974-1975)
***Haynes, Lukas Harrison - Director of the New York Office of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Haynes, Ulric - former Ambassador to Algeria (1977-1981)
Hayward, Thomas B. (Adm.) - former Chief of Naval Operations (1978-1982)
† Heald, Lisa W.
Healey, Kerry Murphy
Healy, Harold H. Jr. - retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; a member of Skull and Bones
††† Heaney, Andrew P.
Heck, Charles B. - former North American Director of the Trilateral Commission
Hecker, Siegfried S.
Heckman, Leila
Hedges, Christopher Lynn
Hedstrom, Mitchell W. - former vice president and member of the restructuring committee at Citibank
Heep-Richter, Barbara D.
Heer, Paul
Heginbotham, Stanley J.
Hehir, J. Bryan - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Heimann, John G. - a banker at Warburg Pincus; former Chairman of Global Financial Institutions at Merrill Lynch
Heimbold, Charles A. Jr. - former Ambassador to Sweden (2001-2004)
Heimowitz, James B. (Jr.)
Heineman, Benjamin W. Jr. - former Assistant Secretary of HEW for Planning and Evaluation under Carter; a Rhodes Scholar
Heineman, Melvin L.
Heintz, Stephen B. - President of Rockefeller Brothers Fund
Heintzen, Harry Leonard
† Heinz, Christopher D.
Heinz, Teresa - Chairman of Heinz Family Philanthropies; John Kerry's wife (a.k.a. "Teresa Heinz Kerry")
Hejlik, Dennis J.
Helander, Robert C.
Heldring, Frederick
Heleniak, David W. - Vice Chairman of Morgan Stanley; senior partner of Shearman & Sterling LLP
Helfer, Ricki Tigert - former Chairman and CEO of FDIC (1994-1997)
Helgerson, John L. - former Deputy Inspector General of CIA (1998-2000); former Deputy Director of National Imagery and Mapping Agency
† Heller, Jane J. - an associate for Heller Ehrman LLP
Heller, Richard M.
Hellman, F. Warren - former partner of Lehman Brothers
Hellman, Steven E.
Hellmann, Donald Charles - international studies professor at Univ. of Washington
Helm, Robert W. - Defense Department Comptroller under Reagan
***Helm, Suzanne
Helman, Robert A. - partner and former chairman of Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP (1984-1998)
Helprin, Mark
Hendricks, Darryll E. - a senior vice president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Hendrickson, David C. - political science professor at Colorado College
Henkin, Alice H. - member of the Emeritus Board for Human Rights Watch
Henkin, Louis - professor at the Columbia University School of Law
Hennessy, John M. - former chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston; former Asst. Sec. of Treasury under Nixon
Henninger, Daniel P. - deputy editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page
Henrikson, Alan K. - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University; a Rhodes Scholar
Henry, Nancy L.
Henry, Peter A. (Colonel, Army) - former Chief of Staff of Multinational Security Transition Command in Iraq and former Deputy Commander of Civilian Police Assistance Training Team in Baghdad, Iraq.
Hentges, Harriet - former U.S. Institute of Peace director and bureaucrat
Herberger, Roy A. Jr.
Hermann, Charles F.
Hernandez Colon, Rafael - former governor of Puerto Rico (1973-1977, 1985-1993)
Hernandez, Antonia - President and General Counsel of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
† Hernandez, Ernesto P. III
† Herrera-Flanigan, Jessica Rae
Herrnstadt, Owen Edward
Herskovits, Jean - professor of history at State University of New York at Purchase
Hersman, Rebecca K. C.
Herspring, Dale R. - professor of political science at Kansas State University
Herter, Frederic P.
Hertog, Roger - The New Republic
Hertzberg, Hendrik - former speechwriter for Jimmy Carter; Editorial Director of The New Yorker
Hertzberg, Robert M. - a partner at Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw (Los Angeles)
Herz, Barbara - former World Bank executive; an "education'expert
Herzfeld, Charles M. - former Defense Dept. Director of Defense Research and Engineering (1990-1991)
***Herzstein, Jessica A.
Herzstein, Robert E. - lawyer (Partner) of Miller & Chevalier; former administrator of International Trade Adm. under Carter
Hesburgh, Theodore M. - former President of Notre Dame (1952-1987)
Hess, John B. - Chairman and CEO of Amerada-Hess
Hess, Marlene
Hessler, Curtis A. - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Economic Policy (1980-1981); a Rhodes Scholar
Hewlett, Sylvia Ann - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Heyman, William H.
Hiatt, Fred - editor of The Washington Post's editorial page
Hicks, Irvin - former Ambassador to Ethiopia (1994-1996) and Seychelles (1985-1987)
Hicks, John F. Sr. - former Ambassador to Eritrea (1996-1997)
***Hicks, Kathleen Holland
Hicks, Peggy L.
† Hidary, Jack D.
Higginbotham, F. Michael - professor of law at University of Baltimore
Higgins, Heather Richardson
† Higgins, Neal
Higgins, Robert F. - a lecturer at Harvard Business School
Hight, B. Boyd - Chair of the American University in Cairo
Hill, Fiona - a Brookings scholar
Hill, J. Tomilson - Vice Chairman of The Blackstone Group
Hill, James T. (Gen., Army) - former commander of U.S. Southern Command (2002-2004)
Hill, Janine W.
Hill, Joseph C.
Hill, Pamela
Hill, Raymond D.
Hillen, John - Dubya"s Assistant Secretary of State for Political-Military Affairs (2005-present)
Hillgren, Sonja - former President of the National Press Club
Hills, Carla A. - former U.S. Trade Representative (1989-1993); former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1975-1977); Vice-Chairman of CFR
***Hindery, Leo J. Jr.
Hinerfeld, Ruth - former President of the League of Women Voters of the United States
Hines, Rachel
Hinton, Deane R. - former Ambassador to Pakistan, Panama, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Zaire
Hirsch, John L. - former Ambassador to Sierra Leone (1995-1998)
Hirsh, Michael P. - senior editor of Newsweek
Hitz, Frederick P. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Hoagland, Jim - former associate editor of Washington Post
Hoar, Joseph Paul (Gen.) - Marine Corps general; former CENTCOM commander (1991-1994)
Hobbs Miracky, Tammany D.
Hobson, H. Lee
Hobson, Mellody - serves on the board of directors of Starbucks Coffee
Hoch, Frank W. - a Limited Partner of Brown Brothers Harriman

Hodin, Michael W.
Hoeber, Amoretta M. - former Deputy Under Secretary of the Army under Reagan
Hoehn, Andrew R. - Director of the Strategy and Doctrine Program in Project Air Force at RAND
Hoehn, William E. Jr.
Hoenlein, Malcolm I. - executive vice chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Hoffman, A. Michael
Hoffman, Bruce
Hoffmann, Stanley - professor at Harvard
Hofman, Steven I.
Hogan, Jeffrey N.
Hoge, James F. Jr. - Vice-Chairman of Human Rights Watch; editor of CFR"s propaganda magazine Foreign Affairs
Hoge, Warren M.
Hoguet, George Roberts
Hoinkes, Mary Elizabeth
Holbrooke, Richard C. - former Ambassador to United Nations and Germany; vice-chairman of Perseus, LLC
††† Holcomb, M. Scott
Holden, John L. - President of National Committee on United States-China Relations
Holdren, John P. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
††† Holford, Mande N.
Holgate, Laura S.H.
Hollick, Ann Lorraine
***Holliday, Stuart W. - Ambassador and Alternate U.S. Representative in the United Nations for Special Political Affairs
Hollifield, James Frank
† Hollis, Duncan Baker
Holloway, Dwight F. Jr.
Holmer, Alan F.
Holmes, Henry Allen - former Ambassador to Portugal under Reagan; former assistant secretary of Defense under Clinton
Holmes, Kim R. - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs under Dubya (2001-2005)
Holmes, Stephen T.
† Holst, Eric Allan
Holt, Pat M.
***Holtz-Eakin, Douglas - former Director of Congressional Budget Office (2003-2005)
Holum, John D. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1993-1998)
Hooker, Richard D. Jr.
Hope, Judith Richards - professor at Georgetown Law School
Hope, Richard O.
Horelick, Arnold L.
Horlick, Gary N.
Hormats, Robert D. - Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs (International); former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs under Reagan (1981-1982)
Horn, Karen N. - former President of Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland (1982-1987)

Horn, Sally K.
Horner, Matina Souretis - former President of Radcliffe College (1972-1989)
Hornik, Richard H.
Hornthal, James
Horowitz, Irving Louis - former professor at Rutgers University
Horton, Robert Scott
Hosmer, Bradley C. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - former Superintendent of U.S. Air Force Academy (1991-1994)
Hoston, Germaine A. - a professor on China-Japan-Asia matters at Univ. of California San Diego
Hottelet, Richard C.
Houghton, Amory Jr. (R-NY) - former member of the House of Representatives (1987-2005)
Houghton, James R. - Chairman of the Board and CEO of Corning, Inc.
† Houlihan, Kathleen
† House, Brett E.
House, Karen Elliott - former Publisher of Wall Street Journal
Howard, A. E. Dick
***Howard, Christopher Bernard
Howard, John R.
Howard, Lyndsay C.
Howard, M. William Jr.
Howell, Ernest M. - former Senior Vice President for Investments at Smith Barney
Howson, Nicholas C. - professor at Univ. of Michigan law school
† Hoyt, Kendall L.
Hoyt, Mont P.
***Hrinak, Donna J. - former Ambassador to Brazil, Venezuela, Bolivia, and Dominican Republic
Hrynkow, Sharon H. - Deputy Director of John E. Fogarty International Center at the National Institutes of Health in 2001
Hsu, Ta-Lin - chairman and founder of H & Q Asia Pacific
††† Huang, Yanzhong
Huber, Richard L.
Huberman, Benjamin - former director of the White House Office of Science and Technology (1981-1982)
Hudson, Manley O. Jr.
Hudson, Michael C. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Huebner, Lee W. - former Publisher and CEO of International Herald Tribune; a professor at Northwestern Univ.
Huey, John W. Jr.
Hufbauer, Gary C. - former finance professor at Georgetown; former Deputy Asst. Sec. of Treasury for international trade and investment policy under Carter
Huffington, Roy M. - former Ambassador to Austria (1990-1993)
Hughes, Lynn N.
Hughes, R. John
Hughes, Thomas Lowe - former President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace (1971-1991)
Hull, Edmund J. - former Ambassador to Yemen (2001-2004)
Hulsman, John C.
Hultman, Tamela
Hultquist, Timothy A. - advisory director of Morgan Stanley; former CEO of ThermoServe
Hume, Cameron R. - former Ambassador to South Africa (2001-2004); former Ambassador to Algeria (1997-2000)
Hume, Ellen H. - media researcher at University of Massachusetts in Boston; married to John H.F. Shattuck
Hunker, Jeffrey A.
Hunt, Swanee - former Ambassador to Austria (1993-1997)
Hunter, Robert E. - former Ambassador to NATO (1993-1997)
Hunter, Shireen T.
***Hunter, Thomas O. - senior vice president of Sandia National Labratories
Hunter, William Curt - Dean of the School of Business at University of Connecticut; director of Xerox
Hunter-Gault, Charlayne
Huntington, Patricia Skinner
Huntington, Samuel Phillips - author and professor at Harvard
††† Hurd, Elizabeth Shakman
† Hurd, Joseph Kindall III - director for international business affairs and development at America Online
Hurewitz, J.C.
Hurlock, James B.
† Hurowitz, Richard A.
Hurst, Robert J. - Vice Chairman of Goldman Sachs
Hurwitz, Sol
Hutchings, Robert L. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Hutchins, Glenn H.
Huyck, Philip M.
Hyatt, Joel Z. - CEO and co-founder of IndTV (the other co-founder is Al Gore)
***Hyland, Richard - law professor at Rutgers University
Hyland, William G. - former State Dept. Director of Intelligence and Research under Nixon and Ford
Hyman, Allen I.

Ibargüen, Alberto - former publisher and chairman of The Miami Herald
Ignatius, David R. - propagandist for Washington Post
Ijaz, Mansoor - FOX News propagandist and terrorism analyst
Ikenberry, G. John - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Ikle, Fred C. - former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1973-1977)
Ilchman, Alice Stone - former Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs under Carter (1978); former president of Sarah Lawrence College (1981-1998)
Immergut, Mel M. - Chairman of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
Inderfurth, Karl F. - former Assistant Secretary for South Asian Affairs under Clinton
Indyk, Martin S. - former Ambassador to Israel (1995-1997 and 2000-2001)
Ingersoll, Robert S. - former Ambassador to Japan (1972-1973)
††† Inglis, Shelley Case
Inman, Bobby R. (Adm.) - former Director of National Security Agency (1977-1981); former deputy director of CIA (1981-1982)
Intriligator, Michael D. - former economics and political science professor at UCLA
Irish, Leon E. - former President of the International Center for Not-for-Profit Law
Irvin, Patricia L. - Vice President for Operations and Planning of The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Isaacs, Maxine - adjunct professor at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Isaacson, Walter S. - President and CEO of Aspen Institute; a Rhodes Scholar
Iselin, John Jay - president of Marconi International Fellowship Foundation; former president of New York's Channel 13
Iseman, Frederick J. - chairman and managing partner of Caxton-Iseman Capital, Inc. and chairman of Buffets, Inc.
Isenberg, Steven L. - former publisher of New York Newsday
Isham, Christopher - senior producer at ABC News
Ispahani, Mahnaz - a CFR analyst
Istel, Yves-Andre - Senior Advisor of Rothschild Inc.
Itoh, William H. - former Ambassador to Thailand (1995-1999)
Ivester, M. Douglas - former Chairman of the Board and CEO of Coca-Cola
Izlar, WIlliam H. Jr.

Jabber, Paul
Jackelen, Henry
Jacklin, Nancy P. - current director of IMF
Jackson, Bruce P. - current Project Director of PNAC (Project for the New American Century)
Jackson, Jesse L. Sr. - founder and President of Rainbow-PUSH Coalition

Jackson, John Howard - professor at Georgetown Law School
Jackson, Lois M.
Jackson, Sarah
Jackson, Shirley Ann - President of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; former Chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Commission (1995-1999)
Jacob, John E. - Executive Vice President of Global Communications at Anheuser-Busch
Jacobs, Eli S.
Jacobs, Jack H.
††† Jacobs, Jennifer A.
Jacobs, Nehama
Jacobson, Jerome
Jaffe, Amy Myers
† Jamal, Amaney A.
James, Francis John
† Janes, David P.
Janes, Jackson - Executive Director of the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies
Janis, Mark Weston - law professor at University of Connecticut; a Rhodes Scholar
Janklow, Morton L.
Janow, Merit E.
Jaquette, Jane S. - politics professor at Occidental College (in Los Angeles)
Jarvis, Nancy A.
Jastrow, Robert - former director of NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies (1961-1981)
Jebb, Cindy R. (Col., Army) - Deputy Head of Dept. of Social Sciences at West Point
††† Jefferson, Ian Markus
Jenkins, Bonnie D.
† Jenkins, Jennifer Cecelia
Jensen, Kenneth M. - Executive Director of The American Committees on Foreign Relations
Jervis, Robert - professor at Columbia University
Jessup, Alpheus W.
Jessup, Philip C. Jr. - son of Philip Jessup Sr.
Jeter, Howard F. - former Ambassador to Nigeria (2000-2003)
Jett, Dennis C. - former Ambassador to Peru and Mozambique
Jillson, Calvin C. - political science professor at Southern Methodist University
Joffe, Robert D. - vice-chairman of Human Rights First; an attorney for Cravath Swaine & Moore LLP
Johns, Lionel Skipwith - former Associate Director for Technology at WH Science and Technology Policy
† Johnson Ward, L. Celeste
Johnson, Howard W. - former President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (1966-1971)
Johnson, James A. - Vice-Chairman of Perseus LLP

Johnson, James E. - former Assistant Secretary of the Navy for Manpower and Reserve Affairs under Nixon
Johnson, Jay L. (Adm.) - former Chief of Naval Operations (1996-2000)
Johnson, Jeh Charles
††† Johnson, Jerry L.
Johnson, Karen H. - Director of the Division of International Finance at Federal Reserve [as of 1998] (1998-$)
Johnson, L. Oakley - Senior Vice President of American International Group (AIG)
Johnson, Larry D. - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Johnson, Nancie S.
Johnson, Robbin S. - senior vice president for corporate affairs at Cargill, Inc.; a Rhodes Scholar
Johnson, Robert W. IV - owner of New York Jets (NFL)
† Johnson, Scott S.
Johnson, Thomas S. - Chairman & CEO of GreenPoint Bank; former President of Chemical Bank
Johnson, Willene A.
Johnson, Wyatt Thomas - former President of Cable News Network (CNN)
Jones, Alan Kent
Jones, Anita K. - engineering professor at University of Virginia
Jones, David C. (Gen.) - former Chairman of JCS (1978-1982)
Jones, David L. - Navy officer
† Jones, Frederick L. II
Jones, James R. (D-Okla.) - former Ambassador to Mexico (1993-1997); former member of House of Rep. (1973-1987)
Jones, Jeffrey B.
† Jones, Kali Chantelle
Jones, Kerri-Ann - Director of the Office of International Science and Engineering at The National Science Foundation
Jones, Thomas V. - former Chairman of the board and CEO of Northrop Corporation
Jones, Thomas W. - former Vice Chairman and President of TIAA-CREF
Joost, Peter Martin
Jordan, Eason T. - former CNN chief news executive (resigned in February 2005)
Jordan, Robert W. - former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (2001-2004)
Jordan, Vernon E. Jr. - Senior Managing Director of Lazard Freres LLC; Senior Counsel of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld, LLP; attended at least 15 Bilderberg meetings
Joseph, Geri M. - former Ambassador to the Netherlands (1978-1981)
Joseph, James A. - former Ambassador to South Africa (1995-1999)
† Joseph, Jofi John
Joseph, Richard A. - political science professor at Emory University; a Rhodes Scholar
Josephson, William
***Judge, Barbara Thomas
† Juhasz, Christina S.
Jumper, John P. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (2001-2005)
Junz, Helen B.
Juster, Kenneth I. - former Under Secretary of Commerce for Industry and Security (2001-2005)
† Jutkowitz, Alexander S.

† Kadel, Eric John Jr. - an associate at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Kaden, Lewis B. - Vice Chairman and Chief Administrative Officer of Citigroup
Kadlec, Robert P.
Kagan, Robert W. - Washington Post Propagandist
Kahan, Jerome H. - Director of Regional Studies at the Center for Naval Analyses; former Deputy Assistant Secretary for Intelligence and Research
Kahler, Miles
Kahn, Thomas S.
***Kaiser, Miranda Margaret
Kaiser, Philip M. - former Ambassador to Austria, Hungary, Senegal, and Mauritania; a Rhodes Scholar
Kaiser, Robert G. - Washington Post
Kalb, Bernard - retired propagandist; former Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs under Reagan (1985-1986)
Kalb, Marvin - retired CBS and NBC propagandist; former host of NBC"s Meet the Press; professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard

Kalicki, Jan H. - Counselor for International Strategy at ChevronTexaco
Kamarck, Andrew Martin - former President and Chairman of Export-Import Bank (1996-1997)
Kamarck, Elaine C. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard; founder and manager of Clinton Regime's National Performance Review (i.e. "reinventing government")
Kaminsky, Howard
Kampelman, Max M. - former State Department Counselor under Reagan (1987-1989)
Kamsky, Virginia Ann - founder and CEO of Kamsky Associates, Inc.; founding governor of American Chamber of Commerce in Beijing; a Red China trade agent
Kanak, Donald P. - former President of The American Chamber of Commerce in Japan
Kanet, Roger E. - former Dean of the School for International Studies at Univ. of Miami, Florida
Kang, C. S. Eliot
† Kang, Richard S.
Kann, Peter R. - CEO of Dow Jones & Co.
Kansteiner, Walter H. III - former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (2001-2003)
Kanter, Arnold - former Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs (1991-1993); Principal and founding member of the Scowcroft Group
Kanter, Rosabeth Moss
Kantor, Mickey - former Secretary of Commerce (1996-1997); former U.S. Trade Rep. (1993-1996)
† Kaplan, Eloise D.
Kaplan, Gilbert
Kaplan, Helene L. - Chairman of Carnegie Corporation of New York
† Kaplan, Joel D. - current Deputy Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Kaplan, Mark N.
***Kaplan, Richard N.
Kaplan, Stephen S.
Kapnick, Scott Bancroft - head of investment banking at Goldman Sachs
Kapp, Robert A. - former President of The U.S.-China Business Council
Kapstein, Ethan B. - a professor and a former vice president of CFR
† Karabell, Zachary - author and columnist
Karalekas, Anne
Karamanian, Susan L. - a professor at George Washington University School of Law; a Rhodes Scholar
Karatnycky, Adrian
Karatz, Bruce E. - Chairman and CEO of KB Home
Karis, Thomas G.
***Karl, Jonathan David
Karl, Terry Lynn - political science professor at Stanford
Karnow, Stanley - former chief correspondent for Time and Life
Karns, Margaret P. - political science professor at University of Dayton
Karp, Jonathan D.
Kartman, Charles - former Special Envoy for the Korea Peace Talks (1998); former Consul General of Sapporo, Japan
Kasdin, Robert - Senior Executive Vice President of Columbia University
Kass, Stephen L.
Kassalow, Jordan S.
***Kassinger, Theodore W. - former Deputy Secretary of Commerce (2004-2005)
Kassof, Allen H. - former President of the Project on Ethnic Relations
Kathwari, Farooq - Chairman, President, and CEO of Ethan Allen Interiors Inc. (i.e. Ethan Allen furniture)
† Katulis, Brian M. - Director of Democracy and Public Diplomacy at the Center for American Progress
Katz, Abraham - former Ambassador to OECD (1981-1984)
Katz, Daniel Roger
Katz, Robert J. - former general counsel of Goldman Sachs
Katz, Sherman E. - a CSIS expert
Katz, Stanley N. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Katzenstein, Peter J. - international studies professor at Cornell University
***Kauffman, Richard L.
Kaufman, Daniel J.
Kaufman, Henry - former Vice Chairman of Salomon, Inc.; director of Lehman Brothers
Kaufman, Robert R.
Kaufmann, William W.
Kavoukjian, Michael E.
***Kay, Kira
Kaye, Charles R. (Robert) - Co-President of Warburg Pincus LLC
† Kaye, David A.
Kaysen, Carl - former deputy National Security Advisor under Kennedy (1961-1963)
Kayyem, Juliette N. - director of Human Rights First; - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Kazemi, Farhad - professor of politics at New York University
Kea, Charlotte G.
Kean, Thomas H. - former President of Drew University; former chairman of 9/11 Commission; former Governor of New Jersey (1982-1990)
***Keane, John M. (retired Gen., Army) - appeared in a Bilderberg meeting in 2005
Keel, Alton G. Jr. - former Ambassador to NATO (1987-1989)
Keene, Lonnie S. (retired Lt. Col., Army) - retired Army officer; graduated from West Point in 1976
Keeny, Spurgeon M. Jr. - deputy director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency under Carter (1977-1981)
Kelleher, Catherine M.
Keller, Edmond J.
Keller, Kenneth H. 'former Senior Vice President of CFR (1993-1995)
Kellerman, Barbara L. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Kelley, Paul X. (Gen.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps (1983-1987)
Kellner, Peter Bicknell
Kellogg, David - publisher of CFR"s propaganda magazine Foreign Affairs
Kelly, Alfred F. Jr.
Kelly, Arthur L. - Managing Partner of KEL Enterprises; a director of Deere & Co.
Kelly, Francis J.
Kelly, James P. - former CEO of United Parcel Service (UPS)
Kelly, John H. - former Ambassador to Finland (1991-1994)
Kelman, Herbert C. - former professor of social ethics at Harvard; former President of International Studies Association
Kemble, Eugenia 'Executive Director of the Albert Shanker Institute
Kemp, Geoffrey
Kempe, Frederick S.
Kempner, Maximilian W.
Kendall, Donald McIntosh - former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of PepsiCo Inc.
Kenen, Peter B. - economics professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Keniston, Kenneth - professor of human development at MIT; a Rhodes Scholar
Kennan, Christopher J.
Kennan, Elizabeth T. - former President of Mount Holyoke College (1978-1995)
Kennedy, Caroline Bouvier - JFK"s daughter

Kennedy, Craig - President of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Kennedy, David W. - professor of law at Harvard Law School
Keohane, Nannerl O. - former president of Duke University (1993-2004)
Keohane, Robert O. - professor at Duke University and Princeton
Kern, Paul J. (Gen.) - senior counselor of The Cohen Group; former commander of U.S. Army Materiel Command (2001-2004)
Kerr, Ann Zwicker
Kerrey, Bob (D-Neb.) - former Senator (1989-2001); former Governor of Nebraska (1983-1987)
Kerry, John F. (D-Mass.) - U.S. Senator (1985-present); member of Skull & Bones; ran for president in 2004

Kerry, Peggy - John Kerry"s sister
Kessler, Glenn Andrew - a propagandist for Washington Post
Kessler, Martha Neff
Kester, W. Carl
Khalidi, Rashid I. - Arab studies professor at Columbia; a President of the American Committee on Jerusalem
Khalilzad, Zalmay M. - Ambassador to Iraq (2005-present); former Ambassador to Afghanistan (2003-2005)
† Khan, Moushumi M.
† Khosrowshahi, Cameron Kamran - author and writer
Khuri, Nicola N. - former professor at Rockefeller University
† Kifayat, Adnan
Kiley, Robert R.
Kim, Andrew Byong-Soo
Kim, Hanya Marie
Kim, Sukhan
Kimmitt, Robert M. - Deputy Secretary of the Treasury; former Ambassador to West Germany and Germany (1991-1993)
Kimsey, James V. - founding CEO of American Online (AOL)
Kinane, William Patrick
King, Henry L. - senior counsel at David, Polk & Wardwell
King, Kay
King, Robert R.
King, Susan Robinson - former Assistant Secretary of Labor for Public Affairs under Clinton; former ABC correspondent
***Kinsella, Kevin J.
Kipper, Judith - Director of the Middle East Forum at the CFR
***Kireopoulos, Antonios S.
† Kiriakou, Heather Katherine
Kirkland, Richard I.
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. - former Ambassador to the UN (1981-1985); died on December 8, 2006
***Kirkpatrick, John David
Kirkpatrick, Melanie M. - associate editor of The Wall Street Journal's editorial page; married to CFR member Jack David
Kishkovsky, Leonid - former President of National Council of Churches (1990-1991)
Kissinger, Henry A. - former Secretary of State (1973-1977); former National Security Advisor (1969-1975); appeared in at least 15 Bilderberg meetings; Viet Cong collaborator
Kittrie, Orde F. - law professor at Arizona State University
Kizer, Karin L.
† Kladakis, Monica Vegas
Klein, David
Klein, Edward - author of "The Truth About Hillary"
Klein, George
Klein, Jacques Paul - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Klein, Joseph A.
††† Kleine-Ahlbrandt, Stephanie T.
Klimp, Jack Wilbur (retired Lt. Gen., USMC) - former Commander of Task Force Mogadishu in 1993
Kline, Roger C.
Klotz, Frank G. (Lt. Gen.) - Vice Commander of Air Force Space Command (2005-present); a Rhodes Scholar
Klurfeld, James M. - editorial page editor at Newsday
Knell, Gary E. - President and CEO of Sesame Workshop (i.e. Sesame Street, etc.)
Knight, Edward S. - Treasury Dept. General Counsel under Clinton (1997-2001)
Knight, Jessie J. Jr. - President of the San Diego Regional Chamber of Commerce
Knowlton, William Allen (Maj. Gen.) - former Superintendent of U.S. Military Academy at West Point (1970-1974)
† Knudsen, Christine M. - Save the Children's child protection specialist
Kogan, Richard Jay - retired president and CEO of Schering-Plough Corporation
Kohut, Andrew - former President of The Gallup Organization (1979-1989); director of the Pew Research Center
† Kojac, Jeff
Kolb, Charles E. M. - President of the Committee for Economic Development
Kolbe, Jim (R-Arizona) - House of Representatives (1985-present)
Kolodziej, Edward A.
Koltai, Steven R.
Komisar, Lucy - journalist and rabid feminist
Kondracke, Morton - Fox News Propagandist; editor of Roll Call
Koonin, Steven E. - Chief Scientist of BP (British Petroleum); a member of Trilateral Commission
Korb, Lawrence J. - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs and Logistics under Reagan
Korbonski, Andrzej
† Kormos, Cyril Frederick
Kornblum, John C. - former Ambassador to Germany (1997-2001)
† Kornblut, Anne E.
Kostiw, Michael Vincent
Kotecha, Mahesh K.
Kotler, Steven
Kovner, Bruce S. - Chairman of American Enterprise Institute
Kraft, Robert K. - Owner of New England Patriots (NFL)
Kramek, Robert E. (Adm.) - former Commandant of the Coast Guard (1994-1998)
Kramer, J. Reed
Kramer, Jane
Kramer, Michael
Kramer, Orin S.
Kramer, Steven Philip
Kranwinkle, C. Douglas - Executive VP and General Counsel of Univision (a Spanish-language TV Propaganda outlet)
Kranz, Thomas F.
Krasner, Stephen D. - State Department Policy Planning Director (2005-present)
Krasno, Richard M. - former President and CEO of Institute for International Education
Krauss, Clifford
Krauthammer, Charles - Propagandist for Time and Washington Post
Kravis, Henry R. - Founding Partner of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.; attended at least 10 Bilderberg meetings
Kravis, Marie-Josée - Senior Fellow of Hudson Institute, Inc.; attended at least 14 Bilderberg meetings

Kreek, Mary Jeanne - Head of the Laboratory of the Biology of Addictive Diseases at Rockefeller University
Krens, Thomas - Director of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Foundation
Krepinevich, Andrew F. (Lt. Col., Army) - Executive Director of the Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments
Krepon, Michael - co-founder and former President of Henry L. Stimson Center
Kriegel, Jay L. - Executive Director of NYC2012 (campaign for Olympic Games to be held in New York City)
Krikorian, Victoria Reznik
Krisher, Bernard - former Time Asia correspondent
Kristof, Nicholas D. - columnist for the New York Times; a Rhodes Scholar
Kristoff, Sandra J. - senior vice president of New York Life Insurance Company; former SATTP and senior director for Asian Affairs at NSC (1996-1998)
† Kroeger, Kate M.J
Kronman, Anthony Townsend - former Dean of Yale Law School (1994-2004); law professor at Yale
Krueger, Anne O. - First Deputy Managing Director of International Monetary Fund
Krueger, Harvey - Vice Chairman of Lehman Brothers
Krulak, Charles Chandler (Gen.) - former Commandant of Marine Corps (1995-1999)
Ku, Charlotte - Executive Director and Exec. Vice President of The American Society of International Law
Kubarych, Roger M.
Kubisch, Jack B. - former Ambassador to Greece (1974-1977)
Kuenstner, Nancy Jo
Kull, Steven G. - professor at the University of Maryland

Laber, Jeri L.
††† Labott, Elise S.
Ladd, Edward
Lader, Philip – former Ambassador to Great Britain (1997-2001); former administrator of Small Business Adm. (1993-1997)
† Ladner, Drew J. – former Chief Information Officer at Treasury Dept. under Dubya (2003-2004)
LaFleur, Vinca – a CSIS expert
Lagomasino, Maria Elena – former chairman and CEO of J.P. Morgan Private Bank
Lagon, Mark P.
Laipson, Ellen – President and CEO of Henry L. Stimson Center
Lake, David A.
† Lal, Venkateshwar
Lamb, Denis – former Ambassador to OECD (1987-1990)
Lambert, Brett B.
Lambeth, Benjamin S. – author of NATO’s Air War for Kosovo
† Lambright, James H. – Chairman and President of Export-Import Bank
Lamont, Lansing
Lampton, David M. – a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins Univ.
Lancaster, Carol J. – professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service; former Dep. Asst. Sec. of State for African Affairs under Carter; former Deputy Administrator of USAID under Clinton
***Land, Richard D. – president of the Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission; also a Commissioner of U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom
Landau, George W. – former Ambassador to Chile, Venezuela, and Paraguay
Landers, James M. – propaganda columnist for Dallas Morning News
Lane, Charles M.
Lane, David J.
Laney, James T. – former Ambassador to South Korea (1993-1997); former President of Emory University (1977-1993)
Langlois, John D. Jr.
Langlois, Robert J. – President of the World Trade Center in Chicago
† Lanskoy, Miriam
† Lantz, Matthew P.
LaPalombara, Joseph – former political science professor at Yale
† Lapenn, Jessica E.
Lapham, Lewis H. – editor of Harper’s Magazine
† Lapham, Nicholas Payne – President of the African Parks Foundation of America
Lapidus, Gail W. – former political science professor at UC Berkeley
***Lariviere, Richard W. – Provost of Kansas University; former Dean of the College of Liberal Arts at the University of Texas at Austin
Lardy, Nicholas R. – a senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics (IIE)
Larrabee, F. Stephen – a RAND expert and professor
Larsen, Randall J. (Col., Air Force) – Founder and CEO, Homeland Security Associates, LLC; former AF officer
Larson, Charles R. (Adm.) – former Superintendent of U.S. Naval Academy under Reagan and Clinton
† Lasensky, Scott B. – Senior Research Associate at the Center for Conflict Analysis and Prevention
Lash, Jonathan – President of World Resources Institute
***Lasry, Marc – founder and Managing Partner of Avenue Capital Group
Lasser, Lawrence J. – former CEO of Putnam Investments
Lateef, Noel V. – President and CEO of Foreign Policy Association
† Latif, S. Amer
† Lau, Edwin – Project Leader of the OECD E-Government Project
Lauder, Leonard A. – Chairman of Estee Lauder Companies, Inc. (cosmetic, fragrance, etc.)
Lauder, Ronald S. – former Ambassador to Austria; Chairman of Clinique Labratories, Inc.
***Lauder, William Philip – President and CEO of Estee Lauder Companies, Inc.
Laudicina, Paul A. – Vice President and Managing Director of AT Kearney
Lauinger, Philip C. Jr.
Laurenti, Jeffrey – ran for U.S. House in 1986; former executive director of New Jersey Senate; former senior advisor to United Nations Foundation
Lautenbach, Ned C. – CEO of Covansys
Lautz, Terrill E. – Vice President and Program Director for Asia at Henry R. Luce Foundation
Laventhol, David A. – former publisher of The Los Angeles Times; former President of Times Mirror Company
Lawrence, Richard D.
Lawrence, Robert Z. – author and professor of trade at the JFK School of Government at Harvard
† Lawson, Chappell H. – political professor at MIT
Lawson, Eugene K. – President of U.S.-Russia Business Council
Layne, Christopher
Lazarus, Shelly B. (“Rochelle”) – Chief Executive of Ogilvy & Mather Worldwide (advertising firm)
Lazarus, Steven
Leach, James A. “Jim” (R-Iowa) – former member of the U.S. House of Representatives (1977-2007)
Leclerc, Paul – President and CEO of New York Public Library
Lederberg, Joshua – former president of Rockefeller University
***Lederman, Gordon Nathaniel
Lee, Chong-Moon – Founder and former Chairman and CEO of Diamond Multimedia Systems, Inc.
Lee, Nancy
Lee, Thea Mei
Lee-Kung, Dinah
Leebron, David W. – President of Rice University
† Leed, Maren
Leeds, Jeffrey T.
Leeds, Roger S. – a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins Univ.
Leet, Kenneth H.M.
Leet, Mildred Robbins – co-founder and Chair of Trickle Up Program
Leffall, LaSalle D. III – President and Chief Operating Officer of The NHP Foundation
Leghorn, Richard S.
Legro, Jeffrey W. – associate professor of international relations at University of Virginia
Legvold, Robert – political science professor at Columbia
Lehman, John F. – former Secretary of the Navy (1981-1987)
Lehman, Orin
Lehman, Ronald Frank II – former director of Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1989-1993)
Lehrer, Jim – PBS Propagandist
Leich, John Foster – former director of international studies program at Louisiana Tech University; former member of Free Europe Committee in 1950s
† Leklem, Erik James
Leland, Marc E. – co-chairman of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Lelyveld, Joseph – former executive director of New York Times
LeMelle, Gerald A.
LeMelle, Tilden J. – former President of University of the District of Columbia; former Provost of Hunter College
***Lemkin, Bruce S. – Deputy Under Secretary of the Air Force for International Affairs (2003-present)
Lemle, J. Stuart – Vice Chairman of the Board of Global Rights
Lempert, Robert J. – a RAND expert; a climate change scientist
† Lempert, Yael
Lennon, Alexander T. J. – editor-in-chief of the Washington Quarterly (CSIS’s journal)
Lennox, William J. Jr. (Lt. Gen.) – former Superintendent of U.S. Military Academy at West Point (2001-2006)
† Lenti, Sarah M. – former NSC official under Dubya; former Director of Iraq Reconstruction at the Defense Policy Office of NSC
Lenzen, Louis C.
LeoGrande, William M. – Dean of the School of Public Affairs at American University
Leonard, James F.
Leone, Richard C. – President of the Century Foundation; former Chairman of the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey (1990-1994)
Lesch, Ann Mosely – international relations professor at Villanova
Leslie, John W. Jr. – former Executive Director for Fund for Democratic Majority; former President of Sawyer/Miller Group
Lesser, Ian O.
Levensohn, Pascal N. – former Vice President of Temple Emanu-El in San Francisco
Leverett, Flynt L. – National Security Council staff, Senior Director for the Middle East Initiative (2002-2003)
Levin, Gerald M. – former Chairman and CEO of Time Warner
Levin, Herbert – former State Dept. official and national intelligence officer for Asian affairs; former executive director of America-China Society
Levin, John A.
Levin, Michael Stuart – Chairman of Newview Technologies Inc. (formerly known as e-STEEL)
Levine, Irving R. – former Dean of the College for International Studies at Lynn University (1995-?)
Levine, Mel (D-CA) – former member of the House of Representatives (1983-1993) [[[Mel Levine is NOT a Rhodes Scholar.]]]
Levine, Susan B.
Levinson, Marc
Levitt, Arthur Jr. – Senior Advisor to the Carlyle Group; former Chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission (1993-2001)
† Levitt, Matthew A.
Levy, Reynold
***Lew, Jacob J. (“Jack”) – Executive Vice President at New York University; former Director of OMB under Clinton
Lewis, Anthony – former columnist for the New York Times
Lewis, Bernard – professor at Princeton
Lewis, Edward T. – publisher of Essence magazine; Chairman and CEO of Essence Communications Partner
Lewis, John P. – former professor at Princeton University (NOTE: John P. Lewis is NOT a Congressman.)
***Lewis, Maureen A.
Lewis, Stephen R. Jr. – former President of Carleton College
Lewis, W. Walker – former partner of McKinsey & Co.; former President of Avon Products; a Rhodes Scholar
Lewy, Glen S.
Li, Lu
Libby, I. Lewis Jr. (“Scooter”) – former Chief of Staff to the Vice President (2001-2005); INDICTED in Valerie Plame case
Lichtblau, John H. – Chairman of Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, Inc.
Lichtenstein, Cynthia C. – former finance professor at Boston College
Lieber, James E.
Lieber, Robert J. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Lieberman, Joseph I. (D-CT) – U.S. Senator (1989-present); VP candidate in 2000 election
Lieberman, Nancy A. – a partner of Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & From LLC
† Lieberthal, Keith L.
Lieberthal, Kenneth G. – professor at University of Michigan
† Liebman, Benjamin Lesler – associate professor of law at Columbia Law School
Liebowitz, Jessica K.
Lifton, Robert K. – former President of American Jewish Congress
Light, Timothy
Lighthizer, Robert E.
Lilienthal, Sally L. – President and Founder of Ploughshares Fund
††† Lillevik, Line
Lincoln, Edward J. – former Special Economic Advisor to Ambassador Walter Mondale at the American Embassy in Japan
Lindberg, Tod – a research fellow at Hoover Institution and editor of Hoover Institution’s Policy Review
***Lindborg, Nancy E. – President of Mercy Corps
Linden, Josephine
Lindsay, Beverly
Lindsay, Franklin A. – attended a Bilderberg meeting in 1964
Lindsay, James M.
Linen, Jonathan S. – Vice Chairman of American Express; former President and CEO of Shearson Lehman Bros.
† Ling, Lisa J.
Link, Troland S. – Senior Counsel at Davis, Polk & Wardwell
† Linnington, Abigail T.
Linowes, David F. – former professor of political economy and public policy at University of Illinois
Lipman, Ira A. – founder, President, Chairman, and CEO of Guardsmark LLC
† Lippard, Joshua J. – a CSIS expert
Lipper, Kenneth – former Deputy Mayor of New York City (1983-1985)
† Lippert, Mark W.
Lippey, Brian C. – President and Chief Operating Officer of The Rohatyn Group; former managing director of Merrill Lynch
Lippman, Thomas W. – former Washington Post Middle East bureau chief and propagandist
Lipset, Seymour Martin – former president of the American Sociological Associatioin; a professor at George Mason Univ.
Lipsitz, Rochelle J. - Managing Partner of Border Crossings, L.L.C.
Lipsky, John P. – Chief Economist for JP Morgan Chase
Lipsky, Seth – former contributing editor of The Wall Street Journal
Lissakers, Karin M. – Consultant of Soros Fund Management LLC
Litan, Robert E. – an economic analyst at the Brookings Institution
Little, David
Little, Milton J. Jr.
Littlefield, Elizabeth L. – CEO of Consultative Group to Assist the Poor
† Littles, Sean-Noel
Litwak, Robert S. – director of international security studies at the Woodrow Wilson Center
Liu, Eric P. – a member of Skull & Bones
Livingston, Robert Gerald
Llewellyn, J. Bruce – Chairman of the Board and CEO of The Philadelphia Coca-Cola Bottling Company
Lodal, Jan M. – President and Treasurer of the Atlantic Council of the United States
Lodge, George Cabot
Loeb, Marshall – propagandist on CBS Radio Network; columnist for CBSMarketWatch.com; former Managing Editor of Money (1980-84), former Managing Editor of Fortune (1986-94), and former Editor of the Columbia Journalism Review (1996-99)
Logan, Francis D. – former Chairman and Partner of Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy; a Rhodes Scholar
† Lombardi, Clark B. – professor of Islamic history and law at Univ. of Washington School of Law; former law clerk to Judge Samuel Alito
London, Herbert I. – Chairman of the Hudson Institute
Long, William J. – Chairman of The Sam Nunn School of International Affairs at Georgia Tech
Longmuir, Shelley A. – former President of National Business Aviation Association (NBAA); a former Senior Vice President for International Regulatory and Government Affairs at United Airlines
Longstreth, Bevis – retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton; former SEC commissioner
Longworth, Richard C. – columnist and former business editor for Chicago Tribune
Loranger, Donald Eugene (Maj. Gen., USAF) – former Vice Commander of the 8th Air Force (1994-1996)
Lord, Bette Bao – Winston Lord’s wife; former chairman of Freedom House
Lord, Winston – former Ambassador to Red China (1985-1989); former President of CFR; a member of Skull & Bones
Lorentzen, Oivind III – President and CEO of Northern Navigation Group
Louis, William Roger
Loury, Glenn Cartman – economics professor at Boston University
Lovejoy, Thomas E. – former Chief Biodiversity Advisor for the World Bank; biologist who works in Amazon rain forest
Low, Stephen – former Ambassador to Nigeria and Zambia
Lowenfeld, Andreas F. – professor at New York University school of law
Lowenkron, Barry F. – current Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor (2005-present)
Lowenstein, James G. – former Ambassador to Luxembourg (1977-1981)
Lowenthal, Abraham F. – international relations professor at University of Southern California; former VP of CFR
Lowry, Glenn D. – Director of The Museum of Modern Art
† Lowrey, Richard A.
Loy, Frank E. – advisory director for Goldman Sachs; former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs (1997-2001)
Lozano, Ignacio E. – former Ambassador to El Salvador (1976-1977)
Lozano, Jose Ignacio – former publisher and CEO of La Opinion
Lozano, Monica C. – publisher and CEO of La Opinion (largest Spenish-language newspaper in the U.S.)
Lu, Xiaobo – associate professor of political science at Columbia
Lubin, Nancy – President of JNA Associates, Inc.
Lubman, Stanley B. – a Red Chinese sympathizer; lawyer and “expert” on Red Chinese legal system
Lucas, C. Payne – former President of Africare
† Lucas, Sarah T.
Luck, Edward C. – professor at Columbia
Lucy, William
† Ludes, James M.
Luers, Wendy W. – founder and President of the Foundation for a Civil Society (formerly known as Charter 77 Foundation); William H. Luer’s wife
Luers, William H. – former Ambassador to Venezuela (1978-1982) and Czechoslovakia (1983-1986)
Lugo, Luis E. – Director of the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life
Luke, John A. Jr. – Chairman and CEO of MeadWestvaco Corporation
Lustick, Ian S. – political science professor at University of Pennsylvania
Lute, Jane Holl – Assistant UN Under Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations
Luttwak, Edward N. – a senior fellow at CSIS; a longtime political consultant
Luzzatto, Anne R. – former Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Public Affairs and Private Sector under Clinton
Lyall, Katharine C. – former President of Univ. of Wisconsin System (1992-2004)
Lyman, Princeton N. – former Ambassador to Nigeria and South Africa
Lyman, Richard W. – former President of Stanford University (1970-1980); former President of The Rockefeller Foundation
Lynch, Thomas F. III (Colonel, Army) – Commander, U.S. Army Forces Central Command at Qatar
Lynk, Myles V.
Lynn, James T. – former Secretary of Housing and Urban Development (1973-1975)
Lynn, Laurence E. Jr.
***Lynton, Michael M. – Chairman and CEO of Sony Pictures Entertainment
Lyon, David W. – President and CEO of Public Policy Institute of California
Lyons, Gene M.
Lyons, James E.
Lyons, Richard Kent – professor at the Haas School of Business at UC Berkeley

Ma, Christopher - Vice President of Washington Post Company
Mabry, Marcus - a senior editor at Newsweek
Mabus, Raymond E. - former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia (1994-1996); former Governor of Mississippi (1988-1992)
MacCormack, Charles Frederick - President and CEO of Save the Children Federation, Inc.
MacDonald, Bruce Walter
MacDougal, Gary E.
Mack, Consuelo Cotter
Mack, J. Curtis II - professor at Pepperdine University
Mackay, Leo Sidney Jr.
Mackevich, Eileen R. - former President of Chicago Humanities Festival
MacLaury, Bruce K. - former President of Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis; former President of Brookings Institution
Macomber, John Dewitt - former president and chairman of Export-Import Bank (1989-1992)
Macy, Robert M. Jr.
Madigan, John W. - director of Morgan Stanley Dean Witter
† Magras, Krista M. (Major, Army) - former professor at West Point
Maguire, John David - former provost of Wesleyan University; former President of Claremont Graduate University
***Mahmoud, Adel - chief executive of the Global HIV Vaccine Enterprise; former President of Merck Vaccines
***Mahnken, Thomas G. - a military analyst; analyst for the Gulf War Air Power Survey (1991-1993)
Mahoney, Margaret E. - former President of The Commonwealth Fund
Mahoney, Paul G. - law professor at University of Virginia
Mahoney, Thomas H. IV
Mai, Vincent A. - Chairman and CEO of AEA Investors LLC
Maier, Charles S. - a history professor at Harvard
Makin, John Holmes
Makinson, Carolyn - executive director of MIT"s Center for International Studies
Mako, William P.
Makovsky, David - director of The Washington Institute's Project on the Middle East Peace Process
† Maldonado, Wendy A.
Malek, Frederic V. - Chairman of Thayer Capital Partners; one-time deputy director of CREEP; known for making a "hit list" of Jews while working for Nixon
††† Malik, Arslan
Malinowski, Tom - previously a Washington advocacy director of Human Rights Watch
Mallery, Richard - partner of Snell & Wilmer
Mallett, Robert L. - former Deputy Secretary of Commerce (1997-2001)
Malmgren, Harald B. - former Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (1972-1975)
Malmgren, K. Philippa
Malone, Kim
††† Maloney, Jason D.
Malpass, David R. - senior managing director and Chief Economist of Bear Stearns & Co., Inc.
Manatt, Charles T. - former Ambassador to Dominican Republic (1999-2001)
Manca, Marie Antoinette
Mandelbaum, Michael - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins Univ.
† Maniatis, Gregory A. - Senior European Policy Fellow at the Migration Policy Institute
Manilow, Lewis - trustee of the Art Institute of Chicago
Mann, James H. - a CSIS expert
Mann, Michael D. - former first Director of the Office of International Affairs at Securities and Exchange Commission
††† Mann, Sloan C.
Mann, Thomas E.
† Manyin, Mark E.
Manzi, Jim - former Chairman, President, and CEO of Lotus Development Corp. (software company)
Marans, J. Eugene - lawyer (Senior Counsel) for Cleary, Gottlieb, Steen, & Hamilton
Marcom, John E. Jr.
Marcum, John Arthur
Marder, Murrey - former propagandist for Washington Post; first person to use the phrase "credibility gap"
Margolis, David I.
Mariotti, Steven J. - Founder & President of the National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship
Mark, Hans M. - former Secretary of the Air Force (1979-1981)
Mark-Jusbasche, Rebecca P.
† Markey, Daniel S. - member of State Department Policy Planning Staff under Dubya; responsible for South Asian affairs
Marks, Paul A.
Marlin, Alice Tepper - President and CEO of Social Accountability International; former President and CEO of Council on Economic Priorities
Marquet, L. David (Captain, Navy) - former Commander of Submarine Squadron Three
Marr, Phebe A. - Senior Fellow at the Institute for National Strategic Studies at the National Defense University in 1997
Marron, Donald B. - former Chairman and CEO of PaineWebber Group Inc. (now part of UBS)
Marsh, Tom F.
Marshall, Andrew W.
Marshall, Anthony D. - former Ambassador to Seychelles, Trinidad & Tobago, Kenya, and Malagasy Rep. (Madagascar)
Marshall, Dale Rogers - former President of Wheaton College
Marshall, F. Ray - former Secretary of Labor (1977-1981)
Marshall, Katherine
Marshall, Zachary Blake - Executive Vice President of U.S.-Russia Business Council
Marten, Kimberly Joy
Martin, Daniel Richard
Martin, Lynn Morley - former Secretary of Labor (1991-1993)
Martin, Susan F. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Martin, William F. - former Deputy Secretary of Energy under Reagan
† Martinez, Jennifer S.
Martinez, Roman IV - a trustee of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Marton, Kati I. - author and former ABC propagandist; Chairman of International Women"s Health Coalition
Masin, Michael T. - senior partner of O'Melveny & Myers; former Vice Chairman of Verizon; former Vice Chairman of Citigroup
Massey, L. Camille
Massey, Walter E. - President of Morehouse College
Massimino, Elisa C. - Washington director of Human Rights First; also a lawyer
Mastanduno, Michael - professor of government at Dartmouth
Masters, Carlton A. - President and CEO of Goodworks International
Matheson, Michael J. - State Department Legal Adviser under Clinton
Mathews, Jessica T. - President of Carnegie Endowment for International Peace; frequent Bilderberger
Mathews, Michael S.
Mathews, Sylvia M. - President of Global Development Program; former Deputy Director of OMB (1999-2001)
Mathias, Charles McC. Jr. (R-Maryland) - former Senator (1969-1987)
Mathias, Edward J. - a Managing Director of The Carlyle Group
Mathis, Brian Pierre
Matlock, Jack F. Jr. - former Ambassador to Soviet Union (1987-1991)
† Matney, William Alan
Matsukata, Naotaka - Chairman of the Strategic International Business Practice
Matteson, William B. - retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Matthews, Barbara C. - Treasury Department Financial Attaché in Brussels (as of 2006)
Matthews, Eugene A.
††† Mattingly, Amanda Curtis
Mattox, Gale A. - a professor
Matuszewski, Daniel C.
Matzke, Richard H. - former Vice Chairman of ChevronTexaco
Maxwell, Kenneth R.
May, Ernest R. - history professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
May, Michael M. - former director of Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory
Mayer, Claudette
Mayer, Gerald M. Jr.
Mayhew, Alice E.
Maynes, Charles William - former Assistant Secretary of State for International Organization Affairs (1977-1980)
Mazur, Jay - former President of UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees)
McAfee, William Gage
McAllister, Jef Olivarius
McAllister, Singleton B.
McCaffrey, Barry R. (Gen.) - former Commander of U.S. Southern Command (1994-1996); Clinton's "drug czar"
McCain, John S. III (R-AZ) - U.S. Senator (1987-present); Vietnam War POW and Red collaborator
McCann, Edward F. II
McCartan, Patrick F.
McCarter, John W. Jr.
McCarthy, James P. (Gen., Air Force) - former Deputy Commander of European Command
McCarthy, Kathleen D.
McChrystal, Stanley A. (Maj. Gen., Army) - Vice Chief of Operations, Joint Staff at the Pentagon
† McClean, Lilyanne H.
McCloy, John J. II - John McCloy"s son
McClure, Robert L. (Col., Army) - former Chief of Army War Plans at the Pentagon; retired in 2004
McCormack, Elizabeth J.
McCouch, Donald G.
††† McCoy, Debra R.
McCoy, Jennifer L. - political science professor at Georgia State University
McCracken, Paul W. - former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors (1969-1972)
***McCray, Ronald David
McCurdy, Dave K. (D-Okla.) - former member of the House of Representatives (1981-1995)
McDermott, Jim (D-WA) - House of Representatives (1989-present)
McDevitt, Sean Daniel
McDonald, Alonzo L. - Chairman and CEO of Avenir Group, Inc.
***McDonald, James S.
††† McDonald, Kara C.
McDonald, Tom - former Ambassador to Zimbwabwe (1997-2001)
McDonough, William J. - former President of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
McDougall, Gay J.
McEntee, Joan M. - former Deputy Under Secretary for International Trade
McFarlane, Jennifer A.
McFarlane, Robert C. - former National Security Advisor (1982-1985)
McFate, Patricia Ann
McFaul, Michael A. - a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
McGarr, Cappy R. - partner in InterMedia Partners
† McGiffert, Carola H. - a CSIS expert
McGovem, George S. (D-SD) - former Senator (1963-1981); presidential candidate in 1972
McGowan, Alan H.
McGrath, Eugene R.
† McGurk, Brett H.
McGurn, William - chief editorial writer for Wall Street Journal
McHenry, Donald F. - former Ambassador to the United Nations (1979-1981)
††† McIntosh, Brent J.
† McKenna, Patrick R.
McKeon, Robert B. - President of Veritas Capital LLC
† McLarty, Mark C.
McLarty, Thomas F. III ("Mack") - President of Kissinger McLarty Associates; senior advisor to the Carlyle Group; former White House Chief of Staff
† McLaughlin, Andrew
McLaughlin, Charles James IV
McLaughlin, John E. - former Deputy Director of Central Intelligence Agency (2000-2004)
McLean, Mora L. - President and CEO of Africa-America Institute
McLean, Sheila Avrin - former General Counsel to the U.S. Foreign Economic Assistance Agency
McLin, Jon Blythe
McManus, Doyle
McManus, Jason D. - former editor-in-chief of Time, Inc.
McMaster, Herbert Raymond (Col., Army) - currently a commander of 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment
† McNally, Thomas A.
McNamara, Dennis L. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
McNamara, Kathleen R. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
McNamara, Robert S. - former President of World Bank (1968-1981); former Secretary of Defense (1961-1968)
McNamara, Thomas E. - former Ambassador to Colombia (1988-1991)
McNaugher, Thomas L. - a RAND analyst
† McNerney, Patricia Ann
McPeak, Merrill A. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (1990-1994)
McPherson, M. Peter - former President of Michigan State University (1993-2004); former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan
McQuade, Lawrence C. - Chairman of Qualitas International
McWade, Jessica C. - former Vice President of Corporate Affairs & Communications at Raytheon; former President of World Affairs Council of Boston
† Meacham, Carl E. - a staffer for Sen. Richard Lugar (R-Indiana)
Meacham, Jon
Mead, Dana G. - former Chairman and CEO of Tenneco, Inc.
Mead, E. Scott - a managing director of Goldman Sachs
Mead, Walter Russell - contributing editor to the Los Angeles Times
Meadows, Jeanne Terry - professor at Spelman College
Meagher, Robert F.
Mearsheimer, John J. - political science professor at University of Chicago
Medavoy, Mike - actor and co-founder of Phoenix Pictures and Orion Pictures (company that produced The Terminator)
Medawar, Adrienne
† Medeiros, Evan Sabino
Medina, Kathryn B.
Medish, Mark Christian - Partner of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld LLP
Medley, Richard - Founder and Chairman of Medley Global Advisors LLC
Meers, Sharon I.
† Meertens, Michelle A.
† Mehlman, Bruce Paul
Mehreteab, Ghebre Selassie - Co-Chairman and CEO of NHP Foundation
Mehta, Ved
Meigs, Montgomery C. (Gen.) - former United States Army Europe (USAEUR) Commander
† Meiman, Kellie A.
Meissner, Doris M. - former Commissioner of Immigration & Naturalization Service (1993-2000)
Meister, Irene W.
Melby, Eric D. K. - a member of The Scowcroft Group; former NSC staff member
Melloan, George R.
***Melton, Carol A. - Executive Vice President for Global Public Policy of Time Warner Inc.
Mendelson, Sarah E. - a CSIS expert
Mendelson-Forman, Johanna
Mendlovitz, Saul H. - Director of World Order Models Project at Rutgers University
Mendoza, Roberto G. - former Vice Chairman of JP Morgan & Co.
Menges, Carl B.
Menke, John R.
Menon, Rajan - professor of international relations at Lehigh University
Merkel, Claire Sechler
Merkel, David Austin
Meron, Theodor - professor at New York University
Merow, John E.
Merritt, Jack Neil (Gen.) - retired Army general
Merszei, Zoltan - former Chairman and CEO of Dow Chemical Co.; former Chairman of Hooker Chemical Co. (i.e. Love Canal)
Mesdag, Willem - Managing Partner of Red Mountain Capital Partners LLC
Meselson, Matthew S. - geneticist and professor at Harvard
Messing, F. Andy Jr.
Mestres, Ricardo A. Jr. - Senior Counsel of Sullivan & Cromwell; former Chairman of Sullivan & Cromwell (1995-2000)
Metzger, Barry - former General Counsel of the Asian Development Bank (1995-1999)
Metzl, Jamie Frederic - Executive Vice President of the Asia Society
† Meunier, Sophie - a Research Associate in Public and International Affairs at Princeton University
Meyer, Edward C. (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff (1979-1983)
Meyer, John Robert
Meyer, Karl E. - editor of World Policy Journal
Meyer, Michael Ryder
††† Meyer, Paul H.
Meyerman, Harold J. - former Managing Director of the Global Financial Institutions and Trade Group at Chase Manhattan
Meyerson, Martin - former President of University of Pennsylvania
Michaels, Marguerite - Midwest bureau chief and propagandist for Time magazine
Mickiewicz, Ellen - political science professor at Duke University
Midgley, Elizabeth
Mihaly, Eugene B. 'writer and former USAID and Peace Corps bureaucrat
Mikell, Gwendolyn - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Miles, Edward L.
Milestone, Judith B. - former senior vice president at CNN
Millard, Robert
***Miller, Aaron David - President of Seeds of Peace
Miller, Charles R.
Miller, Christopher D. (Brig. Gen., USAF) - Commander of 509th Bomb Wing, a Rhodes Scholar
Miller, David Charles Jr. - former Ambassador to Tanzania (1981-1984) and Zimbwabwe (1984-1986)
Miller, Debra Lynn
Miller, Franklin C. - Vice-President of The Cohen Group; former Asst. Sec. of Defense for International Security Policy (1997)
Miller, Judith - former New York Times Propagandist; spent time in prison for contempt of court in Valerie Plame case
Miller, Ken
Miller, Linda B. - former professor at Wellesley; author of World Order and Local Disorder
Miller, Marcia E.
† Miller, Martha
Miller, Matthew L.
† Miller, Michael T.
Miller, Scott L.
Miller, William Green - former Ambassador to Ukraine (1993-1998)
Miller, William Scott II
Millett, Allan R.
Millington, John A.
Mills, Bradford
Mills, Karen Gordon - managing director of Solera Capital, LLC
Mills, Susan Linda
Milner, Helen V. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Minow, Newton N. - attorney for Sidley, Austin, Brown, & Wood
Mintz, Daniel R.
Miranda, Lourdes R.
Miscik, Judith A.
Mishkin, Alexander V.
Mitchell, Andrea - NBC Propagandist; Alan Greenspan's wife
Mitchell, Arthur M. III
Mitchell, George J. (D-Maine) - former Senator (1980-2005); former Senate Majority Leader
Mitchell, Patricia E. - President of Public Broadcasting Service (PBS)
Mitchell, Wandra G. - former General Counsel for U.S. Agency for International Development
Mize, David M. (Maj. Gen., USMC) - former Commanding General of Camp Lejeune
Mochizuki, Kiichi - chairman of the Pacific Institute in New York City
Moe, Sherwood G.
Moffett, George D.
Molano, Walter Thomas
Mondale, Walter F. - former Ambassador to Japan (1993-1997); former Vice-President (1977-1981); former Senator
Moniz, Ernest J. - physics professor at MIT; former Under Secretary of Energy (1997-2001)
Montelongo, Michael - former Assistant Secretary of the Air Force for Financial Management and Comptroller (2001-2005)
Montgomery, George Cranwell - former Ambassador to Oman (1985-1989)
Montgomery, Harold H.
Montgomery, Parker G. - former Chairman and President of Cooper Development Company
Montgomery, Philip O'Bryan III
Moock, Joyce Lewinger
Moody, Jim (D-WI) - former member of the House of Representatives (1983-1993)
Moody, William S.
† Moore, Joanne C.
Moore, John J. Jr.
Moore, John M.
Moore, John Norton - law professor at University of Virginia
Moore, Jonathan - former State Department Director of the Bureau of Refugee Programs (1987-1989)
Moore, Julia A.
Moorman, Thomas S. Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force Vice Chief of Staff (1994-1997)
Moose, George E. - former Ambassador to Benin (1983-1986)
Moose, Richard M. - former Under Secretary of State for Management (1993-1997)
Mora, Alberto J. - former General Counsel of the Navy (2001-2006)
Mora, Antonio G. - co-ancher of CBS 2 Chicago; former anchor for Good Morning America on ABC
Moran, Theodore H. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Moravcsik, Andrew - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton; married to Anne-Marie Slaughter
Morey, David Edward
† Morgan, Betsy Lake
† Morgan, Charlotte M.
Morningstar, Richard L. - former Ambassador to European Union (1999-2001)
Morris, Charles R.
Morris, Frederic A. - executive policy advisor of science and technology for Washington Governor Gary Locke and chief scientist at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Morrison, J. Stephen - a CSIS expert
Morrissey, Arthur C. - Vice President of Corporate Business Development of Ball Aerospace; former CIA official
Morse, Edward L. - Executive Advisor of Hess Energy Trading Co., LLC (HETCO)
Morse, Kenneth P. - Senior Lecturer and Managing Director at MIT Entrepreneurship Center
***Morse, Stephen S. - Director of the Center for Public Health Preparedness at the Mailman School of Public Health of Columbia University
Mortimer, David H. - Averell Harriman"s grandson
Mosbacher, Robert A. - former Secretary of Commerce (1989-1992)
Moseley, Teed Michael (Gen.) - Air Force Chief of Staff (2005-present)

Moses, Alfred H. - former Ambassador to Romania (1994-1996)
Mosettig, Michael David - former producer of PBS MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour, NBC Nightly News and NBC Today Show;
Moskow, Kenneth A.
Moskow, Michael H. - President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago (1994-present)
Moss, Ambler H. Jr. - former Ambassador to Panama (1978-1982); former Dean of the Graduate School of International Studies at University of Miami (1984-1994)
Mossman, James
Motley, Joel W.
Mottahedeh, Roy P. - Middle East professor at Harvard
Motulsky, Daniel T.
Mouat, Lucia - former UN correspondent for Christian Science Monitor
Moyer, Homer E. Jr. - former General Counsel of Commerce Department (1980-1981)
Mroz, John Edwin - President and CEO of East-West Institute
Mudd, Daniel H. - current interim CEO of Fannie Mae
Mudd, Margaret F.
Mujal-Leon, Eusebio - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Mulberger, Virginia A. - a member of The Scowcroft Group; former NSC staff member
Mulcahy, Anne M. - Chairman and CEO of Xerox
Mulford, David C. - current Ambassador to India (2004-now)
Muller, Edward R. - Chairman and CEO of Mirant (an energy company)
Muller, Steven - former President of Johns Hopkins University (1972-1990)
† Mulvaney, Sean
Mundie, Craig James - Chief Research and Strategy Officer for Microsoft
Mundy, Carl E. Jr. (Gen.) - former Commandant of the Marine Corps (1991-1995)
Munger, Edwin S. - former geography professor at Cal Tech
Muñoz, George - former President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation
***Munroe, Alexandra Kneeland
Munroe, George B.
Munsch, Stuart B. (Captain, Navy) - a Rhodes Scholar; former Commander of USS Albuquerque
Munyan, Winthrop R.
Murase, Emily Moto
Muravchik, Joshua - resident scholar of American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
Murdoch, Rupert - CEO of News Corporation; Fuhrer of Fox News
Murdock, Deroy - contributing editor to National Review Online and a Scripps-Howard columnist
Murdy, WIlliam F.
† Murillo, Maria Victoria - professor at Columbia University
Murphy, Caryle Marie - Middle East correspondent and propagandist for Washington Post
Murphy, Ewell E. Jr.
Murphy, Richard W. - former Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Syria, and Philippines
† Murphy, Sean Patrick
Murphy, Thomas S. - former CEO of Capital Cities/ABC
Murray, Alan S. - co-host of "Capital Report'on CNBC; contributing editor to Wall Street Journal
Murray, Douglas J. (Col., USAF) - Head of Department of Political Science at Air Force Academy
Murray, Douglas P.
Murray, Ian P.
Murray, Janice L. - senior vice president, treasurer, and chief operating officer of CFR
Murray, Lori Esposito - State Department assistant under Clinton
Murray, Robert J. - former Under Secretary of the Navy under Carter
Muse, Martha Twitchell - Vice Chairman of the Americas Society and the Council of the Americas
Musham, Bettye Martin
† Mustafa, Herro K. - was a director of Israeli-Palestinian Affairs at NSC under Dubya
Myers, Richard B. (Gen.) - former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (2001-2005)
Myerson, Toby S. - partner of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
† Myrow, Stephen A. - former Chief of Staff for the Iraqi Ministry of Transportation in the Coalition Provisional Authority

Nachmanoff, Arnold - former deputy Assistant Sec. of the Treasury under Carter; former senior director of S.G. Warburg & Co.
Nacht, Michael - Dean of the Goldman School of Public Policy at UC Berkeley; former Assistant Director at the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (1994-1997)
Nadiri, M. Ishaq - economics professor at New York University
***Nagl, John A. (Major, U.S. Army) - a Rhodes Scholar; operations officer of Task Force 1/34 Armor of 1st Infantry Div. in 2004
Nagorski, Andrew
Nagorski, Zygmunt - writer and propagandist; former Vice President of Aspen Institute
Nakhleh, Emile A. - a Palestine-Arabist expert
† Naplan, Steven J.
***Napolitano, Janet A. - Governor of Arizona
Nash, Jack
Nash, William L. (Maj. Gen.) - former commander of U.S. Army 1st Armored Division (1995-1997)
Nasher, Raymond Donald - chairman of the Board of Comerica Bank-Texas
Nasr, Vali R. - professor at Naval Graduate School
Nathan, Andrew J. - professor at Columbia University
Nathan, James A.
† Nathan, Scott Andrew
Nathanson, Marc B.
Nathoo, Raffiq A. - a Senior Managing Director of The Blackstone Group
Nau, Henry R. - professor at The Elliott School at George Washington University
† Nauert, Heather Anne
Neal, Jeffrey C. - former Chairman of the Global Investment Banking Group at Merrill Lynch
Neal, Stephen L. (D-NC) - former member of House of Representatives (1975-1995)
Nealer, Kevin G. - a member of The Scowcroft Group
Nederlander, Robert Jr. - President and CEO of Nederlander Worldwide Entertainment
Negroponte, Diana Villiers - John D. Negroponte's wife
Negroponte, John D. - Director of National Intelligence office; former Ambassador to the United Nations, Iraq, Mexico, Philippines, and Honduras
Neier, Aryeh - President of Open Society Institute
††† Neilson, Trevor David
Nelson, Anne
Nelson, Daniel N.
† Nelson, Jodie Lee
Nelson, Merlin E.
† Nelson, Richard D.
Nelson, Robert L. Jr. - partner of Thelen Reid & Priest LLP in San Francisco
Nemazee, Hassan - Chairman and CEO of Nemazee Capital Corporation
Nenneman, Richard A.
Nepomnyashchy, Catharine Theimer - professor at Columbia and Barnard College
Nesbit, Lynn - a socialite
Neuger, Win J. - Executive Vice President and Chief Investment Officer at AIG
Neuman, Stephanie G.
Neureiter, Norman P.
Newberg, Esther R.
Newburg, Andre
Newcomb, Nancy S.
Newell, Barbara W. - former Ambassador to UNESCO (1979-1981); former President of Wellesley (1972-1980)
Newhouse, John
† Newman Hood, Alisa
Newman, Jay H.
Newman, Pamela J.
Newman, Pauline - federal judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit (1984-present)
Newman, Priscilla A.
Newman, Richard T.
Newsom, David D. - former Ambassador to Libya (1965-1968), Indonesia (1973-1977), and Philippines (1977-1978)
† Newstead, Jennifer Gillian
Newton, M. Diana Helweg - a CFR political analyst and researcher
Ney, Edward N. - former Ambassador to Canada (1989-1992)
Nicholas, N.J. Jr. "Nick" - former president of Time, Inc.; former CEO of Time Warner; a director of Xerox
† Nichols, Mark Alexander
Nichols, Rodney W.
Nicholson, Jan
††† Nicocelli, Ann M.
Nides, Thomas R.
Niehuss, John M. - former General Counsel of the Export-Import Bank
Niehuss, Rosemary Neaher
Nielsen, Nancy
Nilsson, A. Kenneth - Chairman of the Eureka Group, Inc.
† Nilsson, Keith R.
Nimetz, Matthew - State Department Counselor under Carter; a Rhodes Scholar
Nitze, William A. - Paul Nitze"s son; former assistant administrator at EPA (1994-2001)
Noam, Eli M. - professor at Columbia University's Graduate School of Business; married to ACLU president Nadine Strossen
Nogales, Luis G. - former chairman and CEO of United Press International (UPI)
Nolan, Janne Emilie
Noland, Marcus - a senior fellow at the Institute for International Economics
***Nolte, William M.
Nonacs, Eric S. - a foreign policy advisor for Slick at the Clinton Foundation
Nooter, Robert Harry
Norman, William S. - former President and CEO of the Travel Industry Association of America
Norquist, Grover Glenn - president of Americans for Tax Reform
Norton, Augustus Richard
Norton, Eleanor Holmes (D-DC) - Delegate (House of Rep.) for the District of Columbia (1991-present); former chairman of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Nossel, Suzanne F. - Deputy to the Ambassador for UN Management and Reform at the U.S. Mission to the UN (1999-2001)
Noto, Lucio A. - former Chairman and CEO of Mobil
Novack, Lynne Dominick
Novogratz, Jacqueline - CEO of Acumen Fund
† Novy-Marx, Milena K.
Nuechterlein, Jeffrey D. - Managing Director at National Gypsum Company
Nunn, Sam (D-GA) - former U.S. Senator (1972-1997)
Nussbaum, Bruce
Nye, Joseph S. Jr. - former Dean of John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University; a Rhodes Scholar

O'Cleireacain, Carol
O'Connor, Walter F.
O'Flaherty, J. Daniel - a Rhodes Scholar
O'Hanlon, Michael - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
O'Hare, Joseph A. - former President of Fordham University (1984-2003)
O'Malley, Cormac K.H.
O'Neal, E. Stanley - Chairman and CEO of Merrill Lynch
O'Neil, Kathleen A.
O'Neil, Michael J. - North American Director of the Trilateral Commission
O'Neill, Brian Deveraux - Managing Director and Chairman of JP Morgan Latin America
† O'Neill, Louis F.
O'Neill, Mark E.
O'Neill, Michael J.
O'Prey, Kevin P. - former President of DFI Government Services
O'Rourke, Patrick J. - correspondent for The Atlantic magazine; contributing editor at The Weekly Standard
Oakley, Phyllis E. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Population, Refugees, and Migration under Clinton
Oakley, Robert B. - former Ambassador to Somalia, Pakistan, and Zaire
Oberdorfer, Don - staff writer for the Washington Post; professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Odeen, Philip A. - former chairman of TRW, Inc.; director of Northrop Grumman
Odell, John S. - professor at Univ. of Southern California
Odom, William E. (Gen.) - former Director of National Security Agency (1985-1988)
Oettinger, Anthony G. - professor of information resources policy at Harvard
Offenheiser, Raymond C. Jr. - president of Oxfam America; former Ford Foundation Representative in Bangladesh
Offit, Morris W. - Co-Chief Executive Officer of Offit Hall Capital Management LLC; a director of AIG
Oh, Kongdan - a Brookings scholar; an analyst on East Asian affairs
Okawara, Merle Aiko - President & CEO of J.C. Foods
Oliva, L. Jay - former President of New York University (1991-2002)
Oliver, April A. - former propagandist who was fired by CNN several years ago for her "Operation Tailwind" reporting
Olmstead, Cecil J. - Of Counsel at Steptoe & Johnson LLP in Washington
† Olson, David Andrew
Olson, Jane T. - Chairman of Human Rights Watch
Olson, Lyndon L., Jr. - former Ambassador to Sweden (1997-2001)
Olson, Ronald L. - a senior partner at Munger, Tolles and Olson
Olson, William Clinton
Olvey, Lee D.
Omestad, Thomas E.
Onek, Joseph N. - Senior Policy Analyst of Open Society Policy Center
Oppenheimer, Andres M. - propagandist for The Miami Herald
Oppenheimer, Franz Martin
Oppenheimer, Michael F. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Orentlicher, Diane - law professor at American University
Orlins, Stephen A. - President of The National Committee on United States-China Relations; former Managing Director of Carlyle Asia; former President of Lehman Brothers Asia
Ornstein, Norman J. - a scholar at American Enterprise Institute
Orr, Robert C. - Assistant UN Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and Strategic Planning
Osborn, John E.
Osborne, Richard de J. - Treasurer of the Americas Society; Treasurer of the Council of the Americas
Osius, Margaret Elizabeth
Osmer McQuade, Margaret - former CFR Director of Meetings (1979-1993)
Osnos, Peter L. W. - director of Human Rights Watch
Osnos, Susan Sherer - a member of Human Rights Watch
Ostrander, F. Taylor
† Ostrov, Shirlene Delacruz
Otero, Maria - Vice-Chair of United States Institute of Peace
Ovitz, Michael S. - former President of Disney; former head of Creative Artists Agency; a Hollywood mogul
Owen, Henry David - former co-Chairman of The Bretton Woods Committee
Owen, Roberts Bishop - former State Department Legal Adviser under Carter (1979-1981)
Owens, James W. - Chairman and CEO of Caterpillar, Inc.
Owens, William A. (Adm.) - former Vice Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1994-1996)
Oxman, Bernard H. - former U.S. Representative to the Third UN Conference on the Law of the Sea
Oxman, Stephen A. - former Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs (1993-1994); a Rhodes Scholar
Oxnam, Robert B. - former president of Asia Society; married to CFR member Vishaka Desai
Oye, Kenneth A. - political professor at MIT

Paal, Douglas Haines - Director of the Taipei Office, American Institute in Taiwan (2002-present)
(Note: The director of the American Institute in Taiwan is the equivalent of an Ambassador to Taiwan-ROC; CFR gangster Jimmy Carter severed diplomatic ties with the Republic of China in 1979 and recognized Red China that year)
††† Pacheco, David A.
Pachios, Harold C. - former chairman of the Maine Democratic Party; former Deputy Congressional Liaison for the Peace Corps
Pachon, Harry P. - professor at University of Southern California
Packard, George R. - former Dean of the Paul Nitze School at Johns Hopkins University (1979-1993)
***Page, Carter W.
Paine, George C. II
Paisner, Bruce Lawrence - Vice President of The Hearst Corp.; President of Hearst Entertainment
Pakula, Hannah C. - author and socialite
Palmer, Mark - former Ambassador to Hungary (1986-1990); Vice-Chairman of the Freedom House (also known as "Robie Marcus Hooker Palmer")
Palmer, Ronald D. - former Ambassador to Malaysia, Mauritius, and Togo
Palmieri, Victor H.
† Pam, Jeremiah S.
† Pan, Eric J.
† Pan, Michael
† Pan, Philip P.
Panofsky, Wolfgang K. H. - former physicist and physics professor at Stanford
Paperin, Stewart J. - Executive Vice President of Open Society Institute
Pardee, Scott E.
Pardes, Herbert - former Dean of the Faculty of Medicine at Columbia University; former President of American Psychiatric Association
Pardew, James W. Jr. - former U.S. Special Representative for Military Stabilization in the Balkans under Clinton
† Parekh, Sanjay M. - founder of Digital Envoy
Parent, Louise M. - Executive Vice President and General Counsel of American Express
Paris, Jonathan
Parker Feld, Karen
Parker, Elizabeth Rindskopf - former General Counsel of CIA (1990-1995); former General Counsel of National Security Agency (1984-1989)
Parker, Jason H.
Parker, Jay M.
Parker, Penny L.
Parker, Richard B. - former Ambassador to Algeria (1975-1977) and Morocco (1978-1979)
Parkinson, Roger P.
Parks, Michael Christopher - former editor of Los Angeles Times; Director of Annenberg School of Journalism at University of Southern California
Parsky, Gerald L. - former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs (1974-1977)
Parsons, Richard D. - Chairman and CEO of Time Warner; former CEO of America Online (AOL)
Pascual, Carlos E. - current State Dept. assistant; former Ambassador to Ukraine (2000-2003)
Passer, Juliette M. - founder of legal and financial consulting firm International Project Development Group LLC
***Passman, Pamela S. - Vice President for Global Corporate Affairs and Deputy General Counsel of Microsoft
Paster, Howard G. - former Assistant to the President on Legislative Affairs under Clinton
Pastor, Robert A. - Vice President of International Affairs at American University; former NSC staff member under Carter
Patrick, Hugh T.
Patrick, Stewart M.
Patrick, Thomas Harold
Patricof, Alan Joel
Patrikis, Ernest T. - senior vice president and general counsel of AIG
† Patterson, Michael D.
Patterson, Patricia M. - former Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas
Pattiz, Norman J. - founder of Westwood One (largest radio network in America)
Paul, Douglas L.
Paul, Roland A.
Paulson, Henry M. Jr. - Secretary of the Treasury; former Chairman and CEO of Goldman Sachs
Paulus, Judith K.
Paumgarten, Nicholas Biddle
Pavel, Barry
† Pavilonis, Brigid Myers
Pearl, Frank H. - Chairman and CEO of Perseus LLC
Pearlstine, Norman - former editor-in-chief of Time magazine

Peckham, Gardner G. - former Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Legislative Affairs under GHW Bush
Pedersen, Richard Foote - former Ambassador to Hungary (1973-1975)
Pederson, Rena M. - editorial page editor of Dallas Morning News and author
Pell, Claiborne (D-Rhode Island) - former Senator (1961-1997)
† Pellathy, Gabriel B.
Pelletreau, Robert H. Jr. - former Ambassador to Egypt, Tunisia, and Bahrain
Pena, Federico F. - former Secretary of Transportation (1993-1997); former Secretary of Energy (1997-1998)
† Penn, Lawrence Edward III - Managing Director of The Camelot Group; former Lazard Freres banker
Penn, Mark Jeffrey
Perella, Joseph R.
Peretz, Don
***Perez, Antonio F.
Perez, David
Perkin, Linda J.
Perkins, Edward J. - former Ambassador to United Nations (1992-1993), Australia, and South Africa
Perkins, Roswell B. - Chairman of the American Law Institute; retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Perkovich, George R. - Vice President for Studies at Carnegie Endowment
Perlman, Janice Elaine
Perlmutter, Barbara S.
Perlmutter, Louis - Treasurer of the World Federation of United Nations Association; former Managing Director at Lazard Freres
Perritt, Henry H. Jr. - law professor at Chicago Kent College of Law at Illinois Institute of Technology
Perry, Elizabeth Jean
Perry, Robert C. - former Ambassador to Central African Republic (1999-2001)
Perry, William J. - former Secretary of Defense (1994-1997)
Persico, Joseph E. - author and propagandist; author of The Imperial Rockefeller: A Biography of Nelson A. Rockefeller (1982)
Peters, Mary Ann - former Ambassador to Bangladesh (2000-2003)
Peters, Michael P. - former Senior Vice President of CFR (1995-2002)
Peterson, Holly
† Peterson, Michael A.
Peterson, Peter G. - Chairman of CFR; former Secretary of Commerce; former Chairman of Lehman Brothers
Petraeus, David H. (Lt. Gen., Army) - Commander of Multi-National Security Transition Command in Iraq; former Commander of 101st Airborne Division
Petree, Richard W. - former President of US-Japan Foundation; former Deputy Ambassador to UN for Security and Political Affairs (1976-1981)
Petree, Richard W. Jr.
Petri, Thomas E. (R-WI) - House of Representatives (1979-present)
Petschek, Stephen R.
Pettibone, Peter J. - partner of Hogan & Hartson law firm in Moscow
Petty, John R.
Peyronnin, Joseph F. - an Executive Vice President for Telemundo Network; former President of Fox News; former Vice President and producer of CBS News
Pfaltzgraff, Robert L. Jr. - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Pfeiffer, Jane Cahill - director of MONY Group
Pfeiffer, Leon K.
Pfeiffer, Steven B. - partner of Fulbright & Jaworski LLP; a Rhodes Scholar
Phan, Dang Tan
Pharr, Susan J. - professor of Japanese politics at Harvard
Phelan, John J. Jr. - former Chairman and CEO of New York Stock Exchange
Phillips, Cecil M.
Phillips, Christopher H. - former Ambassador to Brunei (1989-1991)
Phillips, David L. - a Deputy Director at the Center for Preventive Action
Phillips, Jeanne L. - former Ambassador to OECD (2001-2003)
Picker, Harvey
Pickering, Thomas R. - Senior Vice President for International Relations at Boeing; former Ambassador to United Nations, Russia, India, Israel, Jordan, Nigeria, and El Salvador
Pieczenik, Steve R. - co-creator of the New York Times best-selling "Tom Clancy's Op-Center"and "Tom Clancy's Net Force"book series; a former State Department hostage negotiator and crisis manager
Piedra, Alberto M. Jr. - former Ambassador to Guatemala (1984-1987)
† Pierce, John vanden Heuvel
Pierce, Lawrence W. - former judge of the U. S. Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit (1981-1995)
Pierce, Ponchitta - former New York editor of Ebony magazine
Piercy, Jan - former Executive Director of The World Bank
Pierre, Andrew J. - former professor at Paul Nitze School at Johns Hopkins University
***Pifer, Steven K. - former Ambassador to Ukraine (1998-2000)
Pigott, Charles M. - former CEO of PACCAR, Inc. (truck manufacturing company)
Pike, John E. - Director of GlobalSecurity.org
Pilgrim, Kathryn ("Kitty") - CNN Propagandist
Pillar, Paul R. - former CIA agent; former National Intelligence Officer for the Near East and South Asia (2000-2005)
Pilling, Donald L. (Adm.) - former Vice Chief of Naval Operations (1997-2000); former Commander of U.S. Sixth Fleet
Pillsbury, Marnie S.
Pillsbury, Michael - former assistant undersecretary of defense for policy planning; a senior fellow at the Atlantic Council
Pilon, Juliana Geran - a research professor at The Institute of World Politics
Pincus, Lionel I. - Founder and Chairman of Warburg Pincus LLC
Pincus, Walter H. - Washington Post propagandist
Pinkerton, W. Stewart Jr.
Pipes, Daniel - propagandist and publisher of Middle East Quarterly
Pipes, Richard - former history professor at Harvard
Pitts, Joe W. III - lecturer at Stanford; former Chief Legal Officer for Nokia
† Pivik, George A. (Major, Army) - current Strategist and Policy Analyst at the Pentagon; White House fellow
† Pizer, William A. - a researcher at Resources for the Future
Pizzarello, Louis D. - Secretary-General of the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness
Plaks, Livia B. - President of the Project on Ethnic Relations
Platt, Alan A. - former senior associate at RAND corporation
Platt, Alexander H. - Chairman of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs
Platt, Nicholas - former Ambassador to Zambia (1982-1984) and Philippines (1987-1991)
Platt, Sheila Maynard
Plattner, Marc F. - vice-president for research and studies at the National Endowment for Democracy
Plepler, Richard L. - executive vice president of corporate communications at HBO in 1999
Plimpton, Calvin H. - former President of Amherst College (1960-1971)
Plutzik, Jonathan - former Chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston
Poats, Rutherford M. - former National Security Council staff member under Carter
Pocalyko, Michael Nicholas (Commander, Navy, retired) - managing director of Monticello Capital LLC
Pogue, Richard W.
***Poizner, Stephen L. - candidate for California State Assembly in 2004; candidate for California Insurance Commissioner in 2006
Polk, William R. - senior director of the W. P. Carey Foundation
Pollack, Gerald A.
Pollack, Jonathan D.
Pollack, Kenneth Michael - Brookings Institution scholar; former NSC staff member under Clinton
Pollack, Lester - former Managing Director at Lazard Freres; former Chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
††† Pollard, Neal A.
† Pollock, Robert Lansing
Polsby, Nelson W. - political science professor at UC Berkeley
Pond, Elizabeth - journalist and professor in Germany
Poneman, Daniel Bruce - Principal of the Scowcroft Group; former NSC staff member under Bush Sr. and Clinton
Pool-Eckert, Marquita J. - senior producer of CBS Sunday Morning
Popkin, Anne B.
Popoff, Frank - former Chairman and CEO of Dow Chemical Co.
Porter, John Edward (R-Illinois) - former member of House of Representatives (1980-2001)
Portes, Richard D. - a Rhodes Scholar
Porzecanski, Arturo C. - a CSIS expert
Posen, Adam S.
Posen, Barry R. - political professor at MIT
Posner, Michael - President of Human Rights First
Poste, George H.
Postol, Theodore A. - science and national security professor at MIT
Potter, WIlliam C. - Professor and Director of the Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies
† Pottinger, Matthew F.
Powell, Colin L. (Gen.) - former Secretary of State (2001-2005); former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1989-1993)
† Powell, Dina Habib - Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs (2005-present)
Powell, Jerome H.
Powers, Averill L. - former JP Morgan banker and lawyer
Powers, Thomas
Powers, Timothy E. - partner and Chairman of Haynes and Boone
Pozen, Robert C.
Pranger, Robert J.
Prasso, Sheridan T. - former Asia Editor at BusinessWeek;
Precht, Henry
Pregenzer, Arian L. - Senior Scientist at the Cooperative Monitoring Center at Sandia National Laboratories
† Prescott, Elizabeth M.
Press, William H. - Senior Fellow at the Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) in the Statistical Sciences group (Group D-1)
Pressler, Larry (R-SD) - former Senator (1979-1997); Rhodes Scholar
† Pressman, Jeremy - political science professor at University of Connecticut
Preston, Stephen W. - former General Counsel of the Navy (1998-2000)
Prewitt, Kenneth - former Director of Census Bureau (1997-2001)
Price, Daniel M. - former U.S. Trade Representative Principal Deputy General Counsel; a partner of Sidley Austin LLP
Price, John R. Jr. - Rhodes Scholar
Price, Raymond K. Jr. - a member of Skull & Bones
Price, Robert
Price, Steven
Priest, William W. Jr.
Prieto, Daniel B. III - Research Fellow of the Belfer Center and Research Director of the Homeland Security Partnership Initiative at Harvard
Prince, Charles O. III - Chairman and CEO of Citigroup
Pritzker, Penny S. - founder and Chairman of Classic Residence by Hyatt

Pritzker, Thomas J. - Chairman and CEO of The Pritzker Organization and Global Hyatt Corporation; Chairman of the Marmon Group
Proenza, Luis M. - President of the University of Akron
††† Protz, Jonathan M.
Prueher, Joseph Wilson (Adm.) - former Ambassador to Red China (1999-2001); former Commander of U.S. Pacific Command
Pryce, Jeffrey F. - Of Counsel of Steptoe & Johnson LLP in Washington
Puchala, Donald James - political science professor at University of South Carolina
Puckett, Robert H.
Pulling, Thomas L.
† Punke, Timothy E. - Partner of Preston, Ellis, Gates LLP
Purcell, Susan Kaufman - former Vice President of the Americas Society and the Council for the Americas
Pursley, Robert E. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - former commander of U.S. Forces in Japan (1972-1974)
Pustay, John S. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - former president of National Defense University (1981-1983)
Putnam, Robert D. - professor at Harvard
Pye, Lucian W. - former political professor at MIT
Pyle, Kenneth B. - history and Asian studies professor at Univ. of Washington; president of National Bureau of Asian Research

Quainton, Anthony C. E. - former Ambassador to Nicaragua, Peru, Kuwait, and Central African Republic
Quam, Lois E. - CEO of Ovations (part of UnitedHealth Group company)
Quandt, William B. - professor at University of Virginia
Quartel, Donald Robert, Jr. - Chairman and CEO of Freightdesk Technologies
Quester, George H. - professor at University of Maryland
Quigley, Kevin F. F. - President of the National Peace Corps Association
Quinn, Jane Bryant - contributing editor of Newsweek

***Raab, Jennifer J. - President of Hunter College
Rabb, Bruce - Counsel of Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP
Rabinowitch, Alexander - former history professor at Indiana University
Rabinowitch, Victor - former senior vice president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
††† Racz, Gregory N.
Radtke, Robert W. - President of Episcopal Relief and Development; a Rhodes Scholar
† Raine, Fernande Scheid
Raines, Franklin D. - former director of OMB; former CEO of Fannie Mae; Rhodes Scholar
† Raiser, Skye
Raisian, John - director of the Hoover Institution
Ramakrishna, Kilaparti - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Ramer, Bruce M. - Senior Partner of Gang, Tyre, Ramer & Brown
Ramer, Lawrence J. - Chairman of Ramer Equities, Inc.
Ramirez, Lilia L. (Commander, Navy) - former lobbyist at Raytheon; first Hispanic woman to attend U.S. Naval Academy
Ramo, Simon - a ballistic missile scientist and co-founder of TRW, Inc.; "Father of the ICBM"
***Ramsey, W. Russell
Randolph, R. Sean - President of the Bay Area Economic Forum; former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Energy for International Affairs (1985-1988)
Randt, Clark T. Jr. - Ambassador to Red China (2001-present)
Ranis, Gustav - professor of international economics at Yale
Rankin, Clyde E. III - Partner of Baker & MacKenzie LLP (New York)
Raphel, Robin Lynn - former Ambassador to Tunisia (1997-2000)
Rappaport, Alan H.
Ratchford, J. Thomas - professor at George Mason Univ. school of law
Rather, Dan - former CBS News Propagandist
† Ratnesar, Romesh M. - staff writer at Time magazine
Rattner, Steven L. - former New York Times writer and banker for Lazard Freres and Lehman Bros.
Rattray, Gregory John (Lt. Col., Air Force) - Commander of the 23rd Information Operations Squadron
Rauch, Rudolph S. - former Saigon correspondent for Time magazine during Vietnam War
Raul, Alan Charles - a partner for Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood
Ravenal, Earl C. - a senior fellow at CATO Institute; author of "Designing Defense for a New World Order"
Ravenholt, Albert V.
Ravich, Samantha F. - vice president for Proliferation Studies at The Long Term Strategy Project
Ravitch, Richard - partner in Ravitch, Rice & Company LLC; chairman of AFL-CIO Housing Investment Trust's Board of Trustees
Raymond, David A.
† Raymond, Douglas A.
Raymond, Jack
Raymond, Lee R. - former Chairman of the Board and CEO of ExxonMobil
† Read, Benjamin L. - assistant professor at University of Iowa
Reade, Claire E. - attorney (partner) for Arnold & Porter
Realuyo, Celina B.
Redman, Charles E. - former Ambassador to Sweden (1989-1991) and Germany (1994-1996)
Reed, Charles B. - Chancellor of California State University System; former Chancellor of State University System of Florida
Reed, Jack (D-RI) - U.S. Senator (1997-present)
Reed, Joseph Verner - former Ambassador to Morocco (1981-1985)
Reed, Lucy Ferguson - Vice President of The American Society of International Law
† Rees, Matthew R. - former senior adviser and chief speechwriter to then-SEC Chairman Bill Donaldson
Reese, William Sears - President and CEO of International Youth Foundation
Regan, Ned - former President of Baruch College; former New York State Comptroller
***Regens, James L.
Reichert, William M. - biomedical engineering professor at Duke University
Reid, Ogden (D-NY) - former Ambassador to Israel (1959-1961); former member of the House of Rep. (1963-1975)
Reiling, Peter A. - executive vice president of The Aspen Institute
***Reilly, Saskia S.
Reilly, William K. - former administrator of Environmental Protection Agency (1989-1993)
Reimer, Dennis Joe (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff (1995-1999)
***Reimers, Fernando Miguel
Reinhardt, John E. - former Ambassador to Nigeria (1971-1975)
Reinhart, Carmen M. - professor at the University of Maryland
Reinharz, Jehuda - President of Brandeis University
† Reinke, Jeffrey A. - Director of Special Programs at CFR
Reisman, William Michael - professor of international law at Yale
Reiss, Mitchell B. - former State Department Director of Policy Planning Staff (2003-2005)
Remington, Thomas F. - political science professor at Emory University
***Remnick, David J.
Renfrew, Charles Byron - former U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of California (1971-1980); former vice president and counsel for Chevron
† Renné, Jeannie M.
Rennie, Milbrey
Rennie, Renate - President of The Tinker Foundation
Reppert, John C. (Brig. Gen., Army) - Dean of the College of International and Security Studies at the George C. Marshall Center; former Defense Attache at U.S. Embassy in Moscow
Reppy, Judith V. - scientist and professor at Cornell
Resnicoff, Arnold E. (Captain, Navy) - former Navy Chaplain and rabbi
Resor, Stanley R. - former Secretary of the Army (1965-1971)
***Revzin, Philip S. - Editor and Publisher of Wall Street Journal Europe in Brussels
Rey, Nicholas A. - former Ambassador to Poland (1993-1997)
† Rhind, Eric Scott
Rhinelander, John B. - Senior Counsel of Shaw Pittman; Vice Chairman of the Lawyers Alliance for World Security (LAWS)
Rhodes, William R. - Chairman of the Americas Society; Chairman of the Council for the Americas; senior vice chairman of Citigroup; CEO of Citibank, N.A.
Ricardel, Mira R. - former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Eurasia (2001-2004)
Rice, Condoleezza - Secretary of State; former National Security Advisor (2001-2005)
Rice, Donald S.
Rice, Joseph A.
Rice, Joseph Lee III - chairman of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice, Inc.
Rice, Susan E. - former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs (1997-2001); a Triateralist and Rhodes Scholar
Rich, John H. Jr.
Rich, Michael D. - Executive Vice President of RAND
Richard, Anne C. - Vice President for Government Relations and Advocacy at the International Rescue Committee
† Richard, James J.
Richards, Ann W. - former Governor of Texas (1991-1995)
Richards, Paul G. - natural science professor at Columbia Univ.
Richards, Stephen H.
† Richardson, Benjamin F.
Richardson, Frank E. - former President and CEO of Shell Oil Co.
Richardson, Henry J. III - professor at Temple University
Richardson, John - former Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs under Ford
Richardson, Richard W.
Richardson, William B. "Bill" - Governor of New Mexico (2003-present); former Ambassdor to the United Nations and Secretary of Energy under Clinton
Richardson, William R. (Gen.) - former U.S. Army TRADOC commander under Reagan
Richardson, Yolonda C. - President and CEO of CEDPA (The Centre for Development and Population Activities)
***Richburg, Keith B.
Richter, Anthony H.
Riddell, Malcolm C.
Ridgway, Rozanne L. - former Ambassador to Finland and East Germany
Rieff, David
Rielly, John E. - former President of the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations
Riffat, Imran - former banker for JP Morgan Chase
Rifkind, Robert S. - a senior counsel for Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP
† Ringold, Dena - a senior economist at World Bank
Riordan, Michael L.
Riotta, Giovanni
Ritch, John B. III - former Ambassador to UN Office in Vienna (1993-2001); a Rhodes Scholar
Rivers, Richard R.
† Riviera, Gloria S.
Rivkin, David B. Jr.
Rivkin, David W. - partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Rivlin, Alice M. - former director of OMB (1994-1996); former Vice-Chairman of Federal Reserve (1996-1999)
Rizk, Nayla M. - a consultant
Robb, Charles S. (D-VA) - former Senator (1989-2001); former Governor of Virginia (1982-1986)
Robbins, Carla Anne
Robert, Joseph E. Jr. - Chairman and CEO of J.E. Robert Companies
Robert, Stephen - Chancellor of Brown University; former Chairman and CEO of Oppenheimer & Co.
Roberts, Bradley H.
Roberts, John J. - Senior Adviser of American International Group (he is NOT the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court)
Roberts, Walter R. - former Associate Director of the U.S. Information Agency
† Robertson, Cara W.
Robinson, Barbara Paul - partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP; former president of the New York City Bar Association (1994-1996)
Robinson, David Z.
Robinson, Davis R. - former State Department Legal Adviser under Reagan (1981-1985)
Robinson, James D. III - former Chairman and CEO of American Express
Robinson, Leonard H. Jr.
Robinson, Linda
Robinson, Pearl T. - assistant professor at Tufts University
† Robinson, Torrance W.
Robison, Olin C.
Rocca, Christina B. - current Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs
Rocha, V. Manuel - former Ambassador to Bolivia (2000-2002)
Roche, James G. - former Secretary of the Air Force (2001-2005)
Rockefeller, David - former Chairman of Chase Manhattan; "Godfather of World Government"
Rockefeller, David Jr. - David Rockefeller"s son
Rockefeller, John D. IV "Jay" (D-WV) - U.S. Senator (1985-present); former Governor of West Virginia (1977-1985); David Rockefeller"s nephew

Rockefeller, Nicholas - partner of Perkins Cole LLP
Rockwell, Hays H.
Rockwell, Keith McElroy
***Rodin, Judith - President of Rockefeller Foundation
Rodman, Peter W. - current Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
Rodriguez, Rita M.
Rodriguez, Vincent A.
Rodrik, Dani - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Roett, Riordan - professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Roff, J. Hugh Jr. - President and CEO of Roff Resources, LLC
Rogers, John M. - a federal judge for the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit
Rogers, William D. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American Affairs under Ford
Roggero, Frederick F. (Brig. Gen., USAF) - Deputy Director of Operations at the Air Mobility Command Headquarters
Rogoff, Kenneth S. - professor at Harvard; former Chief Economist of IMF; a Trilateralist

Rohan, Karen M.
Rohatyn, Felix G. - former Ambassador to France (1997-2000)
Rohlen, Thomas P.
Rokke, Ervin J. (Lt. Gen., USAF) - former president of National Defense University (1994-1997)
Roman, Nancy Ellen - vice president and director of the Washington Office of the CFR; former propagandist for Washington Times
† Romano, Christina M.
Romanowski, Alina L. - former Deputy Asst. Sec. of Defense for Near Eastern & South Asian Affairs under Clinton
Romberg, Alan D. - former Principal Deputy Director of State Dept. Policy Planning Staff (1994-1998)
Romero, Philip Joseph - former Dean of the Lundquist College of Business at Univ. of Oregon; former chief economist for California Governor Pete Wilson
Romero-Barcelo, Carlos A. - former Governor of Puerto Rico (1977-1985); former Delegate to the House of Rep. (1991-2001)
Rondeau, Ann E. (Vice Admiral) - Director of Navy Staff; former Commander of Naval Training Center Great Lakes

Roosevelt, Theodore IV - managing director of Lehman Brothers
† Rosand, Eric Alexander
Rose, Charlie Peete Jr. - founder of the "Charlie Rose Show"
Rose, Daniel - chairman of Rose Associates, Inc.
Rose, Elihu
Rose, Gideon - managing editor of CFR"s propaganda magazine Foreign Affairs
***Rose, Joseph B. - a chairman of the City Planning Commission of New York in 1999
Rose, Marshall - Chairman of The Georgetown Company
Rosecrance, Richard - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
††† Rosen, Andrew A.
Rosen, Arthur H.
Rosen, Daniel H.
Rosen, Gary
Rosen, Jack - Chairman of American Jewish Congress
Rosen, Jane K.
Rosen, Jeffrey Allen
Rosen, Robert L.
Rosenberg, Mark B.
Rosenblatt, Lionel A.
Rosenblatt, Peter R. - former ambassador to the Negotiations on the Future Political Status of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands (1977-81); a member on the Committee on the Present Danger
Rosenblum, Mort L.
Rosenfeld, Stephen S.
Rosenfield, Allan - Dean of the Mailman School of Public Health at Columbia University
Rosenfield, Patricia L.
††† Rosenkranz, Nicholas Quinn
Rosenkranz, Robert
Rosensweig, Jeffrey A.
Rosenthal, Douglas Eurico
Rosenthal, Jack
Rosenthal, Mitchell S. - was a psychiatrist and the president of Phoenix House in 1990
Rosenwald, E. John Jr. - Vice Chairman of Bear Stearns
Rosenwald, Nina
† Rosenwasser, Jon Jason - a PhD. candidate at the Fletcher School at Tufts University
Rosenzweig, Robert M.
Rosett, Claudia
Roskens, Ronald W. - former administrator of Agency for International Development (1990-1992); former President of University of Nebraska (1977-1990)
Rosner, Jeremy D.
Rosovsky, Henry - former dean of Faculty of Arts and Sciences at Harvard
Ross, Arthur
Ross, Christopher W. S. - former Ambassador to Syria and Algeria
Ross, Dennis B. - former State Dept. Director of Policy Planning Staff (1989-1992) and envoy
Ross, Gary N. - CEO of Petroleum Industry Research Foundation, Inc.; an oil market analyst
Ross, Robert S. (Jr. "Robin")
Rossabi, Morris - history professor at Columbia
Rosso, David J.
Rossotti, Charles O. - senior advisor to the Carlyle Group; former Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (1997-2002)
Rostow, Elspeth Davies
Rostow, Nicholas
Rotberg, Robert I. - President of World Peace Foundation; a Rhodes Scholar
Roth, Kenneth - Executive Director of Human Rights Watch

Roth, Stanley Owen - former Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs under Clinton (1997-2001)
Roth, William M. - former Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (1967-1969)
Rothkopf, David Jochanan - former Deputy Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade Policy under Clinton; a scholar at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Rottenberg, Linda D. - CEO and Co-founder of Endeavor
Route, Ronald A. (Vice Adm., Navy) - Navy Inspector General; former President of Naval War College (2003-2004)
Rovine, Arthur W.
Rowen, Henry S. - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs (1989-1991)
Rowny, Edward L. (Lt. Gen., Army) - former Ambassador and Special Advisor for Arms Control (1985-1990)
Roy, J. Stapleton - former Ambassador to Red China, Indonesia, and Singapore
Rubenstein, David M. - founder of the Carlyle Group
Rubin, Arthur Mark
Rubin, Barnett R. - professor and author of The Fragmentation of Afghanistan
***Rubin, Gretchen C. - former editor-in-chief of Yale Law Journal
Rubin, James P. "Jamie" - State Department spokesperson under Clinton
Rubin, Nancy H. - former head of the U.S. delegation to the U.N. Human Rights Commission (1997)
† Rubin, Nilmini Gunaratne - director of international finance at the National Security Council in 2003
Rubin, Robert E. - Vice-Chairman of CFR; director of Citigroup; former Secretary of the Treasury (1995-1999)
Rubin, Trudy S. - columnist and editorial board member for Philadelphia Inquirer
Rudder, Philip C.
Rudenstine, Neil L. - former President of Harvard University (1991-2001); Rhodes Scholar
† Rudesill, Dakota S.
Rudin, William C.
Rudman, Warren B. (R-NH) - former Senator (1981-1993)
Ruenitz, Robert M.
Ruggie, John G. - former Assistant United Nations Secretary-General; professor at Harvard University
Rugh, William A. - former Ambassador to Northern Yemen (1984-1987)
Runge, Carlisle Ford - Rhodes Scholar
Rupp, George E. - President and CEO of International Rescue Committee; former President of Columbia University (1993-2002)
Ruttan, Vernon W. - former economics professor at University of Minnesota
Ryan, Arthur F. - Chairman and CEO of Prudential Financial
Ryan, John T. III
Ryan, Kevin P. - former CEO of DoubleClick, Inc. [NOTE: HE IS NOT A NAVY OFFICER!!!]
Ryan, Michael E. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (1997-2001)
Ryan, Patrick G. Jr.

Sacerdote, Peter M. - advisory director for Goldman Sachs
Sachs, Jeffrey D. - Director of The Earth Institute at Columbia University
Sacks, Paul M. - President of Multinational Strategies, Inc.
† Saeed, Ahmed M.
Sagan, Scott D. - political science professor at Stanford
Sakoian, Carol Knuth
Salacuse, Jeswald William - former Dean of the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University (1986-1994)
Salazar, Ana Maria
Salem, George R. - former Solicitor of Labor (1985-1989); former partner of Akin Gump
Salomon, Richard E. - president of Mecox Ventures; serves as senior adviser to David Rockefeller
Salomon, William R.
† Salzhauer, Amy Lynn - CEO of Ignition Ventures, Inc.,
Salzman, Anthony David
Samore, Gary
Sample, Steven B. - President of University of Southern California (USC)
Samuels, Barbara Christie II
Samuels, Michael A. - former Ambassador to Sierra Leone (1975-1977)
Samuels, Richard J. - political professor at MIT
† Samway, Michael A.
Sanchez, Miguel Antonio
Sanchez, Orlando
Sandalow, David - former Assistant Secretary of State for Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs (1999-2001)
Sandel, Michael J. - professor at Harvard Law School; a Rhodes Scholar
Sander, Alison B.
Sanders, Barry A.
Sanders, Marlene - former ABC and CBS correspondent and producer
Sanderson, Steven E. - President and CEO of Wildlife Conservation Society
Sands, Amy - Deputy Director of Center for Nonproliferation Studies at the Monterey Institute of International Studies
Sanger, David E. - propagandist for New York Times; White House Correspondent for New York Times
Sapiro, Miriam - President of Summit Strategies International
Sapolsky, Harvey M. - political professor at MIT
††† Sapp, Angela M.
Sargeant, Stephen Thomas
† Sarotte, Mary Elise - university lecturer on politics at Cambridge (in England)
Sassen, Saskia - sociology professor at University of Chicago
Sasser, James R. (D-TN) - former Senator (1977-1995); former Ambassador to Red China (1995-1999)
Satcher, David - former Surgeon General (1998-2002)
Satloff, Robert B. - Executive Director of The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Saul, Ralph Southey - former Chairman of the Board of CIGNA Corporation
Saunders, Harold H. - former Asst. Sec. of State for Near Eastern and South Asian Affairs under Carter
Savage, Frank - a director of Lockheed Martin
Sawoski, Mark - political sciene professor at Roger Williams University
Sawyer, Diane - ABC News Propagandist
† Sawyer, Reid L. (Major, Army) - terrorism professor at West Point
Scalapino, Robert A. - former political science professor at UC Berkeley; founder of Institute of East Asian Studies
Schacht, Henry B. - former Chairman and CEO of Lucent Technologies
Schaffer, Howard Bruner - former Ambassador to Bangladesh (1984-1987)
Schaffer, Matthew
Schaffer, Teresita C. - former Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Schake, Kori - professor at West Point; a research fellow at Hoover Institution; former Director of Defense Strategy and Requirements at NSC under Dubya
Schearer, S. Bruce - former President of The Synergos Institute; former President of Population Resource Center
Schecter, Jerrold L. - former correspondent for Time
Schecter, Kate S.
Scheffer, David J. - former Ambassador at Large for War Crimes Issues (1997-2001)
† Schein, Jacqui Selbst
Scheinman, Lawrence - former professor at Cornell
Schell, Orville Hickok - Dean of the Graduate School of Journalism at UC Berkeley
Schell, Theodore H.
† Schenker, David K. - a Defense Dept. director on Syrian, Jordanian, Lebanese and Palestinian affairs (back in 2003)
Schick, Thomas - Executive Vice President for Corporate Affairs and Communications at American Express
Schiff, Frank W. - former Deputy Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs under LBJ
Schiff, Karenna Gore - Al Gore"s daughter
Schifter, Richard - former Assistant Secretary of State for Human Rights and Humanitarian Affairs (1985-1992)
† Schijman, E. Alixandre - Executive Director for Global Policy, Time Warner Inc.
Schiller, Vivian L. - Senior Vice President and General Manager of Discovery Times Channel
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. - Pulitzer Prize propagandist
Schlesinger, James R. - former CIA Director, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of Energy
Schlesinger, Stephen C. - publisher of World Policy Journal
Schlosser, Herbert S. - former President of NBC; former RCA executive
Schmemann, Serge - former Associated Press propagandist
Schmertz, Herbert - former vice president of public affairs at the Mobil Corporation
Schmidt, Benno Jr. - former President of Yale University (1986-1992)
Schmoke, Kurt L. - Dean of Howard University School of Law; former Mayor of Baltimore (1987-1999); Rhodes Scholar

Schneider, Jan - candidate who lost to Katherine Harris in 2002 and 2004 elections for House of Representatives
Schneider, William
Schneider, William Jr. - former Under Secretary of State or Security Assistance, Science, and Technology (1982-1986)
Schneier, Arthur - President of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation
††† Schnetzer, Amanda W.
Schoen, Douglas E. - former research and strategic consultant for Clinton during Cinton"s 1996 campaign
Schoettle, Enid C.B.
Schorr, Daniel L. - propagandist on National Public Radio's All Things Considered; former CBS and NY Times correspondent
Schrage, Elliot J. - Vice President for Global Communications and Public Affairs at Google, Inc.
† Schrage, Steven Patrick
Schramm, Carl J. - President and CEO of Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation
Schreiber, Brian T.
Schroeder, Christopher Matthew - CEO and publisher of Washingtonpost.Newsweek Interactive
Schubert, Richard Francis - former President of American Red Cross (1983-1989); former president of Bethlehem Steel
Schuepbach, Martin A.
Schuh, G. Edward - former Dean of Humphrey Institute of Public Affairs at University of Minnesota (1987-1997)
Schuker, Jill A. - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Public Affairs under Clinton (1994-1997)
Schulhof, Michael Peter - former President and CEO of Sony Corporation of America, Inc.
Schulz, WIlliam F. - Executive Director of Amnesty International USA
Schumacher Matos, Edward - CEO, Editorial Director and Founder, Meximerica Media Inc.
Schwab, George D.
Schwab, Susan Carroll - current U.S. Trade Representative; former Dean of the School of Public Policy at University of Maryland (1995-2003)
***Schwalbe, Nina Rebecca
Schwartz, Bernard L. - former Chairman and CEO of Loral Space and Communications
Schwartz, Eric Paul - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton; former SATTP and senior director at NSC under Clinton
Schwartz, Norton A. (Gen., USAF) - Commander of U.S. Transportation Command (2005-present)
Schwartz, Peter
Schwarz, Adam
Schwarzer, William W. - federal judge on the U.S. District Court for Northern District of California
Schwarzman, Stephen A. - Chairman and CEO of The Blackstone Group; member of Skull and Bones
Schwebel, Stephen M.
††† Schweitzer, Theodore U.
††† Schwerin, Samuel L.
Sciolino, Elaine F. - New York Times Propagandist; former diplomatic correspondent for New York Times
† Sciutto, James E. - ABC propagandist
***Scott, Jeannine B. - Senior Vice President at Africare
***Scott, Robert A. - President of Adelphi University; former President of Ramapo College of New Jersey (1985-2000)
Scowcroft, Brent (Lt. Gen., Air Force) - former National Security Advisor (1989-1993, 1975-1977)
Scranton, William W. - former Ambassador to United Nations (1976-1977); former Governor of Pennsylvania

Scully, Timothy R.
Seagrave, Norman P.
Seamans, Robert C. Jr. - former Secretary of the Air Force (1969-1973)
Sears, Jonathan E.
† Seasholes, Mark S. - an assistant professor at the Haas School of Business at UC Berekley
Seaton, James B. III
Segal, Sheldon J.
Segal, Susan Louise - President and CEO of the Americas Society; President and CEO of the Council of the Americas
***Seib, Gerald F. - Washington bureau chief of Wall Street Journal
Seibold, Frederick C. Jr.
Seiple, Chris - President of the Institute for Global Engagement
Sekulow, Eugene A. - former Chairman of the German American Chamber of Commerce, Inc. in New York City
† Selee, Andrew D.
Selin, Ivan - former chairman of Nuclear Regulatory Comission (1993-1995)
Sender, Henny - Wall Street Journal propagandist
Sesno, Frank W. - communications professor at George Mason University; former CNN propagandist
Sestanovich, Stephen R. - former Ambassador at Large and Special Adviser to the Secretary on the New Independent States (1997-2001)
† Setser, Brad W. - research associate at the Global Economic Governance Programme at University College at Oxford
† Sevilla, Christina R.
Sewall, John O.B. (Maj. Gen., Army) - former Vice Director for Strategic Plans and Policy (J-5) on the Joint Staff
Sewall, Sarah - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard; a Rhodes Scholar
Sewell, John W. - senior scholar at Woodrow Wilson Center; former president of Overseas Development Council
Sexton, John E. - President of New York University; Chairman of the Board of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Seymour, Frances J. - Director of the Institutions and Governance Program at the World Resources Institute
Shafer, D. Michael - professor and director of Center for Global Security and Democracy at Rutgers University
Shafer, Jeffrey R.
† Shaheen, Mark A. - Vice President of Civitas Group llc; former senior advisor for the Middle East in the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the State Department under Dubya
Shailor, Barbara - Director for International Affairs Department at AFL-CIO
Shalala, Donna E. - President of University of Miami (Florida); former HHS secretary (1993-2001)
Shalikashvili, John M. (Gen., Army) - former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1993-1997)

Shambaugh, David - professor at The Elliott School at George Washington University
Shanker, Thomas Daniel - Pentagon correspondent for The New York Times
Shapiro, Andrew J.
† Shapiro, Andrew L.
† Shapiro, Daniel B.
Shapiro, Harold T. - former President of Princeton (1988-2001)
Shapiro, Isaac
Shapiro, Judith R. - President of Barnard College; professor of School of International Service at American University
Shaplen, Jason T. - Vice President and Senior Advisor of Pacific Century Cyberworks in 2001
† Sharma, Anita - was an Information Officer for the International Organization for Migration's (IOM) Tsunami Emergency Relief Program in Indonesia
Sharp, Daniel A.
Shattuck, John - former Ambassador to Czech Republic (1998-2000); a member of Skull and Bones
Shaw, David E.
Shearer, Brooke L.
Sheehan, Kevin P.
Sheehan Michael A. - former Coordinator for Counterterrorism under Clinton (1998-2000)
Sheffield, Jill W. - President of Family Care International
Sheinbaum, Stanley K. - Publisher of New Perspectives Quarterly; organized the defense in the Pentagon Papers Trial; led a delegation of five American Zionists in 1988 to convince Yasser Arafat to recognize Israel and to renounce terrorism
Sheldon, Eleanor B.
Shelp, Ronald K.
Shelton, Joanna Reed
Shelton-Colby, Sally A. - former Ambassador to Barbados, Grenada, and Dominica, and Minister to St. Lucia (1979-1981)
Shenk, George H. - corporate lawyer; shareholder of Heller Ehrman LLP
Shepard, Stephen B.
Shepardson, Robert Thomas
Shepherd, J. Michael
Shepherd, Karen F. (D-Utah) - former member of House of Representatives (1993-1995)
Sheriff, Alan R.
Sherman, Wendy R. - principal of The Albright Group; former Asst. Sec. of State for Legislative Affairs under Clinton
Sherr, Lynn B. - ABC Propagandist; a 20/20 correspondent
Sherry, George L.
Sherwood, Benjamin B.
Sherwood-Randall, Elizabeth
Shields, Geoffrey B.
Shields, Lisa Katherine - a Vice President of CFR
Shiffman, Gary M. - Chief of Staff at U.S. Customs and Border Protection
Shifter, Michael - vice president for policy at the Inter-American Dialogue
Shiner, Josette S. - Dubya's Under Secretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
Shinn, James J.
Shinseki, Eric (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff (1999-2003)
Shipley, Walter V. - former Chairman of Chase Manhattan

Shirk, Susan L. - senior advisor to The Albright Group
Shirzad, Faryar - former Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Import Administration (2001-2005)
Shlaes, Amity Ruth - senior columnist and propagandist for Financial Times
Shoemaker, Christopher C.
Shonholtz, Raymond - President of Partners for Democratic Change
Shribman, David M. - syndicated columnist and propagandist
Shriver, Donald W. - former President of Union Theological Seminary in New York City
***Shriver, Timothy P. - Chairman and CEO of Special Olympics, Inc.
† Shu, John - an Associate for Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Shulman, Colette
Shulman, Marshall D.
Shultz, George P. - former Secretary of State, Secretary of the Treasury, and Secretary of Labor
Shultz, Susan Kent Fried
† Shuman, David L.
Shuman, Stanley S.
Sick, Gary G. - former NSC staff member; member of Human Rights Watch; executive director of Gulf/2000 Project
Siebert, Muriel F. - former Superintendent of Banking for the State of New York; former president of New York Women's Agenda
† Siegal, Bippy M.
Siegel, William D.
Siegman, Henry - former executive director of American Jewish Congress
† Sievers, Sara F.
Sifton, Elisabeth N.
† Sifton, John
Sigal, Leon V.
Sigmund, Paul E. - professor at Princeton
Sikkink, Kathryn A.
Silas, C.J. - former CEO of Phillips Petroleum
Silber, Laura J.
Silberman, Laurence H. - federal judge for U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit (1985-present); former Ambassador to Yugoslavia (1975-1977)
Silberman, Robert S.
Silberstein, Alan M. - former President and CEO of Western Union
Silkenat, James R.
Silver, Allison
† Silver, Brian M.
Silver, Daniel B.
Silver, Ron - infamous Hollywood actor; former president of Actors' Equity Association
Silvers, Robert B.
Simes, Dimitri K. - founding president of The Nixon Center
Simmons, Adele - President of the Global Philanthropy Partnership; former president of the John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Simmons, Matthew R. - chairman and president of Simmons & Company International
Simmons, P. J.
Simmons, Ruth J. - President of Brown University
***Simon, Denis Fred - Provost and Vice-President for Academic Affairs of the Levin Graduate Institute of International Relations and Commerce under the State University of New York; former President of China Consulting Associates (Boston)
Simon, Francoise L. - professor of marketing at Columbia Business School
Simon, Hugh V. Jr.
††† Simon, Jennifer J.
Sims, Calvin G.
Sinclair, Paula J.
Sinding, Steven W. - Director-General of the International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF)
† Singer, Peter Warren - a Brookings scholar; author of "Children at War"
† Singh, Manisha
† Singham, Shanker A. - Partner of Steel Hector & Davis LLP (Miami)
† Singleton, Lincoln Cameron
Sinkin, Richard N. - founder and Partner of InterAmerican Group
Sitrick, James Baker - Secretary-General of the World Federation of United Nations Associations
Skidmore, Thomas E. - professor of Brazilian history at Brown University
Skinner, Elliott P. - former Ambassador to Upper Volta [Burkina Faso] (1966-1969)
Skinner, Kiron Kanina - associate professor of history and political science at Carnegie Mellon Univ.
Sklarew, Jennifer Friedman
Skol, Michael M. - former Ambassador to Venezuela (1990-1993)
Skolnikoff, Eugene B. - former professor at MIT
Skora, Alexander J.
***Skorton, David J. - President of Cornell University (2006-present); former President of Univ. of Iowa (2003-2006)
Slade, David R.
Slattery, Jim C. (D-Kansas) - former member of U.S. House of Representatives (1983-1995)
Slaughter, Anne-Marie - Dean of Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs at Princeton
Slaughter, Richard A.
Slavin, Barbara
Slawson, Paul S.
Sloane, Ann Brownell
† Sloane, Margaret
Slocombe, Walter B. - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy under Clinton (1994-2001); also a Rhodes Scholar
Small, Lawrence M. - Secretary of the Smithsonian Institute (2000-present)
Smalley, Kathleen
Smalley, Patricia T.
Smart, Christopher W.
Smart, S. Bruce Jr. - former Under Secretary of Commerce for International Trade under Reagan (1985-1987)
Smeall, Christopher - partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Smith, Clint E.
Smith, Dane F. Jr. - former Ambassador to Senegal (1996-1999) and Guinea (1990-1993)
Smith, David Shiverick - former Ambassador to Sweden (1976-1977)
Smith, Edwin M. - law professor at University of Southern California
Smith, Fern M. - former U.S. District Judge for the Northern District of California (1988-2005)
***Smith, Fred Gary
***Smith, Frederick Wallace - Chairman and CEO of FedEx; member of Skull & Bones
Smith, Gayle E. - former SATTP and senior director for African Affairs at NSC (1998-2001)
Smith, Hedrick L.
Smith, Jean Kennedy - former Ambassador to Ireland (1993-1998)
Smith, Jeffrey H. - partner of Arnold & Porter; former General Counsel for CIA (1995-1996); former Army JAG officer
Smith, John T. II
† Smith, Justin B.
Smith, Malcolm B.
***Smith, Martin
Smith, Michael B.
Smith, Perry M. (Maj. Gen., USAF) - former Commandant of National War College (1983-1986)
Smith, Peter Hopkinson
Smith, R. Jeffrey
Smith, Richard M. - chairman and editor-in-chief of Newsweek
Smith, Stephen G. - former Editor of U.S. News & World Report
Smith, Theodore M.
Smith, Tony
Smith, W. Y. (Gen., USAF) - former Deputy Commander of U.S. European Command (1981-1983)
Smith, Winthrop H. Jr. - Chairman of WHS Holdings LLC
Snider, Don M.
Snider, L. Britt
Snow, Robert Anthony "Tony" - White House Press Secretary; former Fox News Propagandist
Snowe, Olympia J. (R-Maine) - U.S. Senator (1995-present)
Snyder, Jed C.
Snyder, Richard E.
Sobol, Dorothy Meadow - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins Univ.
Soderberg, Nancy E. - former Deputy National Security Advisor (1993-1997)
Sofaer, Abraham David -'State Department Legal Adviser under Reagan
Solarz, Stephen J. (D-NY) - former member of the House of Representatives (1975-1993)
Solnick, Steven L. - Ford Foundation Representative at the Moscow Office
Solomon, Andrew Wallace
Solomon, Anne G. K. - a CSIS expert
Solomon, Anthony M. - former President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Solomon, Joshua N.
Solomon, Peter J.
Solomon, Richard H. - former Ambassador to the Philippines (1992-1993)
Solomon, Robert - an economics expert at Brookings Institution
Sonenshine, H. Marshall
Sonenshine, Tara Diane - former ABC propagandist; former SATTP to Clinton and a member of NSC
† Song, Diana M.H.
Sonnenberg, Maurice
Sonnenfeldt, Helmut - former State Department Counselor under Ford
Sonnenfeldt, Richard W.
Sorensen, Gillian Martin - former UN Assistant Secretary-General for External Relations (1997-2003)
† Sorensen, Juliet Suzanne
Sorensen, Theodore C. - senior counsel of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP; JFK"s speechwriter and adviser
Soros, George - Hungarian-born financier, Chairman of Soros Fund Management
† Soros, Jonathan Allan - George Soro's son; Deputy Chairman of Soros Fund Management
Soros, Paul - a principal of Paul Soros Investment
††† Sosnicky, James R.
Soudriette, Richard W. - President of The International Foundation for Election Systems (IFES)
Sovern, Michael I. - former President of Columbia University (1980-1993)
† Spagnuolo, Stephen A.
† Spahn, Blake A.
Spain, James W. - former Ambassador to Turkey, Tanzania, Sri Lanka, and Maldive Islands
Spalter, Jonathan - a Principal with the Dewey Square Group
† Spaner, Jonathan S.
Spangler, Scott M. - former Vice-Chairman of Save the Children USA; former associate administrator of USAID (1992-1993)
† Spears, Suzanne Alexandra - associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Spector, Leonard S. - Deputy Director of the Monterey Institute of International Studies' Center for Nonproliferation Studies; former Energy Department bureaucrat
Speedie, David C. - special advisor to the president of Carnegie Corp. of NY and director of Islam Project
Spencer, John
Sperling, Gene B. - former director of National Economic Council under Clinton
Spero, Joan E. - President of Doris Duke Charitable Foundation; former Under Secretary of State for Economic and Agricultural Affairs under Clinton
Spero, Joshua B.
Speth, James Gustave - Dean of Yale School of Forestry and Environmental Studies; a Rhodes Scholar
Speyer, Jerry I. - Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
† Speyer, Robert J.
Spiegel, Daniel L. - partner of Akin, Gump, Strauss, Hauer & Feld
Spiegel, John W.
Spielvogel, Carl
Spiers, Ronald I. - former Ambassador to Turkey, Pakistan, and Bahamas
Spindler, J. Andrew - Executive Director of Financial Services Volunteer Corps
† Spinelli-Noseda, Carlos Javier
Spiro, Herbert John - former Ambassador to Equitorial Guinea and Cameroon
Spoon, Alan - former President of Washington Post Company (1993-2000)
Spratt, John M. Jr. (D-SC) - House of Representatives (1983-present)
Stacks, John
Stahl, Lesley R. - "60 Minutes' CBS Propagandist
Stam, Allan C.
Stamas, Stephen - Chairman of The American Assembly
† Stanford, Nina Zinterhofer
Stanger, Allison Katherine
Stanislaw, Joseph A.
† Stanley, Elizabeth A. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Stanton, Frank - former President of CBS
Staples, Eugene S.
††† Starr, Alexandra L.
Starr, Kenneth I. - NOT the independent counsel (Kenneth W. Starr was the independent counsel.)
Stavridis, James G. (Vice Admiral) - Senior Military Assistant to the Secretary of Defense (Rummy)
Steel, Ronald
Steiger, Paul E. - Wall Street Journal
Stein, David F.
Stein, Elliot
Stein, Eric
Steinberg, David J. - President of Long Island University
Steinberg, James B. - Dean of LBJ School of Public Affairs at Univ. of Texas; former Deputy National Security Advisor (1997-2001); State Dept. Policy Planning Director (1993-1997); frequent Bilderberger
Steinberg, Mark R.
Steinberg, Richard H.
Steinbruner, John D. - director of Center for International and Security Studies at (University of) Maryland
Steiner, Daniel
Steiner, Joshua L.
Steiner, Steven E. - former U.S. Representative to the Joint Compliance and Inspection Commission (JCIC) under GHW Bush
Stempel, John D. - professor at the Patterson School at University of Kentucky
Stent, Angela Evelyn - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Stepan, Alfred C. - former Dean of the School of International and Public Affairs at Columbia University (1983-1991)
Stern, David J. - Commissioner of the National Basketball Association (NBA)
Stern, Fritz - former professor at Columbia University
Stern, H. Peter
Stern, Jeffrey M.
Stern, Jessica E. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Stern, Paul G. - Chairman of Clairis Capital
Stern, Paula - Chairwoman of The Stern Group Inc.
Stern, Todd D.
Stern, Walter P. - Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Hudson Institute
† Sternberg, Marc S.
Sternberg, Seymour - Chairman of New York Life Insurance
Sterner, Michael E. - former Ambassador to United Arab Emeriates (1974-1975)
Stetson, Anne
Stevens, Charles R.
Stevens, James W. - former chairman of Prudential Asset Management Group
Stevens, Paul Schott - President of the Investment Company Institute; former NSC staff member under Reagan
Stevens, Robert J. - Chairman, President, and CEO of Lockheed Martin
Stevenson, Charles A. - a professor at National War College
† Stewart, Brittany D.
Stewart, C. Evan
Stewart, Donald M. - former President and CEO of The College Board (i.e. ACT, SAT, Advanced Placement)
Stewart, Gordon C.
Stewart, Jamie B. Jr. - former acting President of Federal Reserve Bank of New York (2003)
Stewart, Ruth Ann - a professor at the Wagner School at New York University
Stiehm, Judith Hicks - political science professor at Florida International University (FIU); former Provost of FIU
Stiglitz, Joseph E. - former chairman of Council of Economic Advisors (1995-1997)
Stiles, Deborah F.
Stith, Kate - law professor at Yale
Stobaugh, Robert B.
Stockman, David A. (R-Mich.) - former Director of OMB (1981-1985); former member of House of Rep. (1977-1981)
Stoessinger, John G. - international affairs professor at Trinity University (San Antonio, Texas)
Stoga, Alan J. - Vice Chairman of the Americas Society; Vice Chairman of the Council of the Americas
Stokes, Bruce
† Stone, Christopher B. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Stone, Jeremy J. - former President and CEO of Federation of American Scientists (FAS)
Stonesifer, Patricia Q. - CEO of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; former President of Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (1997-2006); serves on the board of directors of Amazon.com
††† Strasser, Jacqueline Laura
Straus, Donald B.
Straus, Oscar S. II
Strauss, Robert S. - Senior Partner of Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP; former Ambassador to Soviet Union
Streeb, Gordon L. - former Ambassador to Zambia (1990-1993)
Stremlau, John J. - former State Dept. Deputy Director of Policy Planning Staff (1989-1994); professor and head of the Department of International Relations at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg, South Africa
Stringer, Howard
Strmecki, Marin J. - Vice President and Director of Programs of the Smith Richardson Foundation; a Bilderberger
Strock, James M. - former California Secretary for Environmental Protection (1991-1997)
Stromseth, Jane E. - professor at Georgetown Law School; a Rhodes Scholar
Stroock, Thomas F. - former Ambassador to Guatemala (1989-1992)
Strossen, Nadine - President of American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)
Styron, Rose
Sudarkasa, Niara (a.k.a. Gloria Albertha Marshall) - former President of Lincoln University (1986-1998)
† Sufi, Awais - a director of The National Association of Muslim Lawyers
Sughrue, Karen M. - former Vice President of CFR (1993-1998)
† Suh, Ryung
Suleiman, Ezra N. - professor at Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Sullivan, Gordon R. (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff (1991-1995)
Sullivan, John D.
Sullivan, Louis W. - former Secretary of Health and Human Services (1989-1993)
††† Sumerlin, Donald M.
Summers, Lawrence H. - former President of Harvard; former Secretary of the Treasury
Sundiata, Ibrahim K.
Suro, Roberto A. - Director of The Pew Hispanic Center
Sutphen, Mona K.
Sutterlin, James S. - former State Dept. Inspector General (1973-1974)
Sutton, Francis X.
Suzman, Cedric
Swank, Emory C. - former Ambassador to Cambodia (1970-1974)
Swanson, Carl Axel
Sweeney, John J. - President of AFL-CIO
***Sweig, Julia Ellen - author of Inside the Cuban Revolution; currently a Nelson and David Rockefeller Senior Fellow for Latin America Studies and Director for Latin America Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations
Sweitzer, Brandon W. - Senior Advisor to the President for US Chamber of Commerce
Swid, Scott L.
Swid, Stephen Claar - Chairman and CEO of SESAC, Inc. (a performing rights organizations); former Chairman and CEO of SPIN (youth culture propaganda magazine), Westview Press; and SBK Entertainment World, Inc.
Swiers, Peter Bird - former Vice President of the Atlantic Council of the United States
Swing, John Temple - former President and CEO of Foreign Policy Association
Szporluk, Roman - former professor of Ukranian history at Harvard

Taft, Julia Vadala - former assistant secretary of State under Clinton
Taft, William H. IV - former Ambassador to NATO; former State Dept. Legal Adviser under Dubya
Tagliabue, Paul - former Commissioner of National Football League (NFL)
Tahir-Kheli, Shirin R. - professor at Johns Hopkins Univ.
Talbot, Phillips - former Ambassador to Greece (1965-1969)
Talbott, Strobe - President of Brookings Institution; former Deputy Secretary of State (1994-2001); a Rhodes Scholar
Talwar, Puneet
Tan Bhala, Kara W.Y.
Tang, David K. Y. - Deputy Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Tanner, Harold - chairman of Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations
Tanter, Raymond - visiting professor at Georgetown
Tapia, Raul R.
††† Tarnoff, Alexander
Tarnoff, Peter - former Under Sec. of State for Political Affairs (1993-1997); former president of CFR
Tarter, C. Bruce
Tarullo, Daniel K. - former Assistant Secretary of State for Economic and Business Affairs (1994-1997)
Tatlock, Anne M. - Chairman of the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
† Tauber, Charles E.
Taubman, William - a Russian studies professor at Amherst; author of Khrushchev: The Man and His Era
Taylor, Arthur R. - former President of Columbia Broadcasting System, Inc.
† Taylor, Cathy L.
Taylor, Diana L. - Superintendent of Banks for the State of New York (2003-present)
Taylor, James S.
Taylor, Kathryn Pelgrift
Teece, David J. - a professor at the Haas School at UC Berkeley
Teichner, Martha A. - CBS Propagandist; correspondent for CBS News Sunday Morning
Teitel, Ruti G. - professor at New York Law School
Teitelbaum, Michael S. - Rhodes Scholar
Telhami, Shibley - professor at University of Maryland
Tellis, Ashley Joachim - a senior associate at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Tempelsman, Maurice - chairman of the Corporate Council on Africa
Temple-Raston, Dina Simone
Tenet, George J. - former CIA Director (1997-2004)
Terracciano, Anthony P. - Former Chairman of Riggs National Corporation; former CEO of First Fidelity Bank
Terry, Sarah M. - former professor on Russia and Eastern Europe at Tufts University
Theobald, Thomas C. - former Chairman and CEO of Continental Bank Corp./former Vice Chairman of Citibank/Citicorp
Theros, Patrick N. - former Ambassador to Qatar (1995-1998)
Thiessen, Marc Alexander - a writer for National Review
Thoman, G. Richard - former president and CEO of Xerox
Thomas, Brooks
Thomas, Evan W. III - co-author of "The Wise Men"
Thomas, Franklin A. - former President of Ford Foundation (1979-1996)
Thomas, James P. Jr.
Thomas, Lee B. Jr.
Thomas, Lydia Waters - President and CEO of Mitretek Systems, Inc.; member of Dubya"s Homeland Security Advisory Council
† Thomas, Troy S.
Thomas-Graham, Pamela A.
Thompson, Fred D. (R-TN) - former U.S. Senator (1994-2003); author of the Chinagate "Thompson Report"
††† Thompson, Heather Dawn
††† Thompson, Nicholas E. S.
Thompson, Robert L. - Chairman of International Food & Agricultural Trade Policy Council
Thompson, W. Scott - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University; a Rhodes Scholar
Thomson, James A.
Thornburgh, Dick - former Attorney General (1988-1991); former Governor of Pennsylvania (1979-1987)
Thornell, Richard P.
Thornton, John L. - Chairman of The Brookings Institution; former President of Goldman Sachs; a professor at Tsinghua Univ. in Beijing; attended 6 Bilderberg meetings
Thoron, Louisa
† Thrope, Allen R.
Tien, John K. Jr.
***Tienda, Marta - sociology professor at Princeton University
† Tierney, Matthew S.
† Tierney, Patricia E. "Trish"
Tierney, Paul E. Jr. - chairman of Technoserve, Inc.
Tiersky, Ronald - professor of political science at Amherst College
Till, Kimberly - Vice President for Worldwide Media & Entertainment Group at Microsoft
Tillman, Seth P.
† Tilton, Andrew
Timbers, William H.
Timothy, Kristen
Timpson, Sarah Livingston
Tindell, Cynthia A.
Tipson, Frederick S. - Former Chief Counsel to the Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Tirana, Amina
† Tirpak, Bradley M.
Tisch, Andrew Herbert - former President of Bulova watch
Tisch, James S. - President and CEO of Loews Corporation
††† Tisne, Claire Marvel
Todman, Terence A. - former Ambassador to Spain, Denmark, Guinea, Chad, Argentina, and Costa Rica
***Toft, Monica Duffy - Associate Professor of Public Policy at the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Toll, Maynard J. Jr. - Chairman of Edmund S. Muskie Foundation
Tomlinson, Alexander C.
***Toobin, Jeffrey R. - CNN legal analyst for CNN Worldwide
Toomey, Kathleen Elizabeth
Topping, Audrey Ronning - an author and novelist
Topping, Seymour - former Managing Editor and Propagandist for the New York Times
Torano, Maria Elena - former president and CEO of Maria Elena Torano Associates
† Torop, Jonathan P.
Torres, Art - Chairman of the California Democratic Party; former California State Senator (1982-1994)
Torres, Gerald - former assistant attorney general under Clinton (1993-1994)
Torricelli, Robert G. (D-NJ) - former Senator (1997-2003)
Toth, Robert C.
Toungara, Jeanne Maddox - an Africanist scholar and a professor at Howard University
Townsend, Kathleen Kennedy - former Lieutenant Governor of Maryland (1995-2003)
Trachtenberg, Stephen Joel - President of George Washington University
Train, Harry D. II (Adm.) - former Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic (1978-1982); former Commander of Sixth Fleet (1976-1978)
Train, John
Train, Russell E. - former President of World Wildlife Fund; former administrator of Environmental Protection Agency
Trainor, Bernard E. (Gen., USMC) - military correspondent and propagandist for the New York Times and NBC

† Tran, Ly K. - Vice President of Business Devlopment; co-founder of AtHoc, Inc.
Trani, Eugene P. - President of Virginia Commonwealth University
Traub, James
Treadway, Stephen J.
† Treanor, Adam J.
Treanor, Mark C. - General Counsel of Wachovia Corporation
Treat, John Elting - former partner of Bear Stearns; former President of New York Mercantile Exchange
Trebat, Thomas J. - Managing Director for Economic and Market Analysis at Citigroup
Treverton, Gregory Frye - a senior policy analyst at RAND
Trice, Robert H. Jr. - Senior Vice President for Corporate Business Development at Lockheed Martin
Trimble, Charles R. - Chairman of U.S. GPS Industry Council
Trojan, Vera M.
Trooboff, Peter D. - a lawyer for Covington & Burling
Truitt, Nancy Sherwood
Truman, Edwin M. - former assistant secretary of the Treasury for international affairs (1997-2001)
† Tsalik, Svetlana - director of the Iraq Revenue Watch (a subsidiary of George Soro's Open Society Institute)
Tsehai, Elizabeth G. - founder and president of E.T. Communications
† Tsingos, Basilios E.
Tsipis, Kosta
Tucher, H. Anton
Tucker, Cynthia A. - Propagandist for Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Tucker, Jonathan B.
Tucker, Nancy Bernkopf - professsor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Tucker, Richard Frank
Tuggle, Clyde C. - president of the Russia, Ukraine & Belarus Division of The Coca-Cola Company
Tuminez, Astrid S.
Tung, Ko-Yung - former Vice President and General Counsel of the World Bank (1999-2003)
† Tunkey, James P.
† Tunnell, David Randolph
††† Turner, Douglas W.
Turner, J. Michael
Turner, James M.
Turner, Robert F. - professor at University of Virginia; first president of U.S. Institute of Peace (1986-1987)
Turner, Stansfield (Adm.) - former CIA Director (1977-1981); Rhodes Scholar
Tusiani, Michael D. - Chairman and CEO of Poten & Partners, Inc. (a ship and cargo brokerage firm)
Tyrrell, R. Emmett Jr. - editor of American Spectator; author of Boy Clinton
Tyson, Carole Henderson - former president of Black Professionals in International Affairs
Tyson, Laura D' Andrea - Dean of London Business School; former chairman of Council of Economic Advisors (1993-1995) and former director of National Economic Council (1995-1997)

Udovitch, Abraham L. - professor of Jewish civilization at Princeton
Uhlig, Mark - president of WelcomeLink, Inc.
Ullman, Richard H. - professor of international affairs at Princeton
Ulman, Cornelius M.
Ulrich, Marybeth Peterson - associate professor of government at U.S. Army War College; former Air Force officer
Ungar, Sanford J. - president of Groucher College; former host and propagandist of NPR's All Things Considered
Unger, David C.
Upton, Maureen T. - propagandist and sports reporter
Usher, William R. (Maj. Gen.) - former Air Force general
† Usher, William R. III
Utgoff, Victor A. - Deputy Director of the Strategy, Forces, and Resources Division of the Institute for Defense Analyses
Utley, Garrick - correspondent and propagandist for CNN; former NBC propagandist
† Uzeta, Jamie Ernesto - Director of Strategic Partnerships and Public Affairs for MTV (Music television)

† Vaccaro, Jonathan Matthew
Vagliano, Sara - chair of the Academic Affairs Committee at Agnes Scott College
Vagts, Detlev F. - professor at Harvard Law School
† Vaitheeswaran, Vijay V. - environment and energy propagandist for The Economist
Vaky, Viron P. - former Ambassador to Colombia, Venezuela, and Costa Rica
Valenta, Jiri
Valenti, Jack - former president of Motion Picture Association of America (1966-2004) and creator of the modern movie "rating system'(i.e. G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17, MA, etc.)
Valentine, Debra A. - former General Counsel of Federal Trade Commission under Clinton
Valenzuela, Arturo A. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service; former SATTP and senior director of Inter-American Affairs at NSC under Clinton
van der Vink, Gregory E.
Van Dusen, Michael H.
Van Dyk, Ted
Van Evera, Stephen - political professor at MIT
Van Fleet, James Alward - Gen. Van Fleet's grandson$$$
Van Oudenaren, John
Van Zandt, David Edgar - Dean of School of Law at Northwestern University
Vande Berg, Marsha
vanden Heuvel, Katrina - editor of The Nation
vanden Heuvel, WIlliam J. - former UN Ambassador to the European Office (1979)
Varela, Marta B - former Chair of the New York City Commission on Human Rights
Varmus, Harold E. 'former Director of National Institutes of Health under Clinton (1996-2000)
Vecchi, Sesto E. - a lawyer in Red Vietnam; member of board of governors of American Chamber of Commerce in Vietnam (Ho Chi Minh City Chapter)
Veit, Carol Michele - former vice president of Goldman Sachs; a consultant at C.V. Associates
Veit, Lawrence A. - former International Economist and Deputy Manager at Brown Brothers Harriman
Veliotes, Nicholas A. - former Ambassador to Egypt and Jordan
Vendley, William F. - secretary general for The World Conference of Religions for Peace
***Veneman, Ann M. - Executive Director of UNICEF; former Secretary of Agriculture (2001-2005)
Verleger, Philip K. Jr.
† Verma, Gagan
Vermilye, Peter H.
Verstandig, Toni G. - senior policy adviser at the Center for Middle East Peace and Economic Cooperation
Verveer, Melanne S. - former Assistant to the President and Chief of Staff to the First Lady under Clinton
Verville, Elizabeth G.
Vessey, John W. (Gen.) - former Chairman of Joint Chiefs of Staff (1982-1985)
Vester, Linda J. - Fox News Propagandist

Viccellio, Henry Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force general
† Vicenzino, Marco S. - Executive Director of the Global Strategy Project
Vick, Edward H. - Chief Operating Officer of Young & Rubicam Inc.
Victor, Alice S.
Vidal, David J. - former Vice President of CFR
Videt, Pote P. - former Deputy Minister of Commerce in the government of Thailand (1997)
Viebranz, Curtis G. - former president and Chief Operating Officer of Tacoda Systems
Viets, Richard Noyes - former Ambassador to Tanzania (1979-1981); former Ambassador to Jordan (1981-1984)
Vila, Adis M. - former Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration under GHW Bush (1989)
† Vinjamuri, Leslie - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Viorst, Milton
Viscusi, Enzo - Senior Group Vice President of Eni SpA
Vitale, Alberto
Vitale, David J. - Chief Administrative Officer of the Chicago Public Schools; former President and CEO of Chicago Board of Trade; former Vice Chairman of Bank One Corporation; a director of United Airlines
Voell, Richard Allen - former President and CEO of The Rockefeller Group
Vogel, Ezra F. - former professor at Harvard
Vogelgesang, Sandy Louise - former Ambassador to Nepal (1994-1997)
Vogelson, Jay M. - former Vice Chairman of the Texas Commission on the Arts (1994-1999)
Vojta, George J. - Founder and Chairman of eStandardsForum, Inc.; former vice chairman of the board of Bankers Trust New York Corporation
Volcker, Paul A. - former Chairman of the Federal Reserve (1979-1987)
Volk, Stephen R.
von Eckartsberg, K. Gayle Rose
von Lipsey, Rod (Roderick K.) - vice president at Goldman Sachs & Co. Private Wealth Management, Investment Management Division; a former Marine
von Mehren, Robert B. - retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Votaw, Carmen Delgado - Washington Representative for Girls Scouts of the USA
Vradenburg, George III - President of The Vradenburg Foundation; former General Counsel of CBS; former executive vice president at FOX; former AOL Time Warner executive
Vuono, Carl E. (Gen.) - former Army Chief of Staff (1987-1991)

Wachner, Linda J. - former CEO of Warnaco Group Inc. (lingerie company that went bankrupt)
Wachtel, Andrew Baruch - professor at Northwestern University
††† Wadhams, Caroline P.
Wadsworth-Darby, Mary - former Vice President and China Business Manager at Morgan Stanley Investment Management
Waggoner, Robert C.
Wais, Marshall I. Jr. - president and CEO of the Marwais Steel Company
***Wait, Jarett F.
Waldron, Arthur - professor of international relations at the University of Pennsylvania
Wales, Jane M. - President and CEO of the World Affairs Council of Northern California
† Walker, Anna Rachael
Walker, Charls E. - former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury (1970-1973)
Walker, George R.
† Walker, Gregg Alexander
Walker, Jenonne - former Ambassador to Czech Republic (1995-1998)
Walker, John L. - partner of Simpson, Thacher & Bartlett LLP
Walker, Nancy J. - President of AfricaNet; former Director of Office of African Affairs at the Office of the Secretary of Defense
Walker-Huntley, Mary L.
Wallace, Roger Windham
Wallach, Kenneth L.
Wallander, Celeste Ann - a CSIS expert
Wallerstein, Mitchel B. - Dean of the Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs at Syracuse University
Wallich, Christine I. - World Bank Country Director for Bangladesh
Wallison, Peter J. - former Treasury Department General Counsel under Reagan
***Walsh, Ian K.
Walsh, Michaela L. - former and founding president of Women"s World Banking
Walt, Stephen M. - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Walters, Barbara - ABC News Propagandist
Walton, Anthony John
Walton, R. Keith
Waltz, Kenneth N. - former political science professor at UC Berkeley
Wanger, Leah Zell - a trustee of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.; president of LZW Group
Ward, Jennifer C. - former Ambassador to Niger (1991-1993)
Ward, Katherine T.
Ware, Carl - senior adviser to the CEO of Coca-Cola
Warner, Edward L. III - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Strategy and Threat Reduction (1997-2001)
Warner, John William (R-VA) - U.S. Senator (1979-present); former Secretary of the Navy (1972-1974)
Warner, Margaret G. - PBS Propagandist

Warner, Mark R. (D-VA) - former Governor of Virginia (2002-2006)
Warner, Volney James (Brig. Gen., Army) - head of J-5 (Strategy and Analysis), Joint Forces Command
Warren, Gerald L.
Washburn, John L.
† Wasserman, Debra L. - former executive director of Israel Policy Forum
Wasserstein, Bruce - Chairman and CEO of Lazard Freres
Waterbury, John - former Director of the Center of International Studies at the Woodrow Wilson School at Princeton
Watson, Alexander F. - former Ambassador to Peru (1986-1989)
Watson, Peter S. - professor at Oxford; former Chairman of International Trade Commission
Watts, John H.
Watts, William
Waxman, Matthew C. - Principal Deputy Director of State Department Policy Planning Staff under Dubya
Weatherstone, Dennis - former Chairman and CEO of JP Morgan Chase
Weaver, David R.
Webb, Hoyt K.
Weber, Doron - a Rhodes Scholar
Weber, Vin (R-Minn.) - former member of the House of Representatives (1981-1993); Chairman of National Endowment for Democracy
Webster, William H. - former CIA Director (1987-1991); former FBI Director (1978-1987)

Wechsler, William Frederick
Weddle, Steven
Wedgwood, Ruth - professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins University
Wehrle, Leroy Snyder
Weidenbaum, Murray - former chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors (1981-1982)
Weigel, George - PNAC thug
Weiksner, George B. - Vice Chairman of Credit Suisse First Boston
Weil, Frank A. - Chairman of Abacus & Associates, Inc.; former Administrator of Industry and Trade Administration at Commerce Dept.
***Weill, Sanford I. - former Chairman of Citigroup
Weinberg, David B. - partner of Wiley, Rein & Fielding, LLP
Weinberg, John L.
Weinberg, Steven
Weinert, Richard S.
Weinrod, W. Bruce - former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for European and NATO Policy under GHW Bush
Weinstein, David E. - professor at Columbia Univ.
† Weinstein, Jeremy M. - assistant professor at Stanford
Weinstein, Michael M.
Weinstock, Davis II - a trustee of Bank Street
Weintraub, Sidney - a CSIS expert
Weisberg, Jacob M. - journalist and editor of Slate magazine; a Rhodes Scholar
Weisman, Steven R.
Weiss, Andrew Scott
Weiss, Charles Jr. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Weiss, Cora - President of the Hague Appeal for Peace Foundation
Weiss, Edith Brown - professor at Georgetown Law School
Weiss, Stanley A. - chairman of Business Executives for National Security, Inc.
Welch, C. David - current Assistant Sec. of State for Near Eastern Affairs (2005-present); former Ambassador to Egypt (2001-2005)
Welch, Jasper A. Jr. (Gen.) - former Air Force general
Welch, Larry D. (Gen.) - former Air Force Chief of Staff (1986-1990)
Weld, Susan R.
Weld, William F. - former Governor of Massachusetts (1991-1997)
***Wellde, George W. Jr.
† Weller, David L. - a counsel at Wilmer Hale; former Deputy Assistant US Trade Representative (USTR) for China, Hong Kong and Taiwan under Dubya (2004-2006)
Wells, Damon
Wells, Louis T. Jr. - professor of international management at Harvard Business School
Wells, Samuel F. Jr.
Wender, Ira T.
Wendt, Allan - former Ambassador to Slovenia (1993-1995)
Wertheim, Mitzi Mallina
Wesbrook, Stephen D.
Weschler, Joanna - UN advocacy director for Human Rights Watch
Wesely, Edwin J. - former chairman of CARE
Wessel, Michael R. - former general counsel and adviser to former Rep. Dick Gephardt
West, Francis J. ("Bing") - Under Secretary of Defense for Policy and International Security Affairs under Reagan
West, J. Robinson - Chairman of United States Institute of Peace
West, Togo D. Jr. - former Army Secretary and Secretary of Veterans Affairs under Clinton
† Westfield, Elisa M. - an associate at Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Westin, David L. - President of ABC television
Westly, Steven P. - California State Controller (2003-present)
Weston, Burns H. - former law professor at University of Iowa
Wethington, Olin L. - former director of economic policy for the CPA in Iraq; former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs (1991-1992)
Wexler, Anne - a Presidential Assistant under Carter
Weymouth, Elizabeth G. (Lally) - Katharine Graham"s daughter; sister of Washington Post CEO Donald E. Graham
Whalen, Richard J.
Wharton, Clifton R. Jr. 'former Deputy Secretary of State (1993-1994); former chairman of TIAA-CREF
Wheeler, John K.
Wheeler, John P. III
Whitaker, C. S. - former Dean of Social Sciences at University of Southern California
Whitaker, Jennifer Seymour
Whitaker, Mark
††† White Barton, Laura J.
White, John P. - former Assistant Secretary of Defense for Manpower, Reserve Affairs, and Logistics (1977-1978)
White, Julia A.
White, Mary Jo - attorney for Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
White, Maureen - a National Finance Chair for DNC; former U.S. Representative to UNICEF (1998-2001)
White, Peter C. - president of Southern Center for International Studies
White, Robert J.
White, William H. - Mayor of Houston, Texas (2003-present)
Whitehead, John C. - former Deputy Secretary of State (1985-1989); former partner of Goldman Sachs; a Bilderberger
Whitman, Christine Todd (R-NJ) - former Governor of New Jersey (1994-2001); former EPA administrator (2001-2003)

Whitman, Marina v. N. - professor at Michigan State University
† Whitney, Christopher B.
Whitney, Craig R.
Whittemore, Frederick B. - partner and managing director of Morgan Stanley & Co.
Wiarda, Howard J. - a CSIS expert
Wien, Anita Volz - Vice Chairman of the G7 Group
Wiener, Carolyn Seely
Wiener, Malcolm H. - former businessman and chairman of The Millburn Corporation; an author on ancient Mediterranean civilizations
Wiesel, Elie - founding chairman of United States Holocaust Memorial Council; awarded Nobel Peace Prize in 1986
† Wiesel, Elisha
Wilby, Peter
† Wilcox, Elizabeth Roberts
Wildenthal, C. Kern - former President of The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Wiley, Richard A - former Defense Department General Counsel under Ford
Wilhelm, Robert E.
Wilkerson, Thomas Lloyd (Maj. Gen., USMC) - former Commander of Marine Forces Reserve
Wilkie, Edith B.
Wilkins, Roger W.
† Wilkinson, Amy M.
† Wilkinson, Daniel C.
Wilkinson, Sharon P. - former Ambassador to Burkina Faso and Mozambique
† Wille, Serena B. - an associate at Wilmer, Cutler
Williams, Aaron S. - VP for International Business Development in RTI"s Center for International Development
Williams, Brian D. - NBC Propagandist
Williams, Christine
Williams, Cindy - political professor at MIT
Williams, Dave H.
††† Williams, Elizabeth Helen
Williams, Harold M. - former Chairman of Securities and Exchange Commission (1977-1981)
Williams, Haydn - former President of The Asia Foundation
Williams, Howard Roy
† Williams, Joseph W.
† Williams, Lawrence H.
Williams, Margaret Douglas
Williams, Reba White
† Williams, Thomas R. II
Williams, William J. Jr. - Of Counsel at Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Williamson, Edwin D. - former State Department Legal Adviser (1990-1993); a partner for Sullivan & Cromwell LLP
Williamson, Irving A. - former Deputy General Counsel at Office of the U.S. Trade Representative under Clinton
Williamson, Richard Salisbury - former Asst. Sec. of State for International Organization Affairs under Reagan (1988-1989)
† Williamson, Samuel Gates
Willrich, Mason - founder of EnergyWorks
Wilmers, Robert G. - chairman of the board of M & T Bank Corporation
Wilson, Don M. III - a Risk officer for JP Morgan Chase
Wilson, Donald M.
Wilson, Ernest James III - politics professor at University of Maryland
Wilson, Margaret S. - Chairman and CEO of Scarbroughs
† Winch, Steven D.
Winfield, W. Montague (Maj. Gen., Army) - Commander of U.S. Army Cadet Command
Wing, Adrien Katherine
Winik, Jay - author and professor at University of Maryland
Winkler, Matthew A.
Winokur, Herbert S. Jr. - Chairman and CEO of Capricorn Holdings, Inc.
Winston, Michael R.
Winterer, Philip S.
Winters, Francis X. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Wirth, David A. - professor at the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University
Wirth, Timothy E. (D-Colo.) - former Senator (1987-1993); former Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs (1993-1997)
Wisch, Steven J.
Wise, Carol
Wise, Louise Holly B.
Wisner, Frank G. (II) - former Ambassador to Egypt and Philippines
Wisner, Graham G.
Witkowsky, Anne A. - a CSIS expert
Woerner, Fred F. (Gen.) - former Commander of U.S. Southern Command (1987-1989)
Wofford, Harris L. (D-Penn.) - former Senator (1991-1995)

Wohlforth, William C.
Wohlstetter, Roberta - the late Albert Wohlstetter"s wife
††† Wojcicki, Anne E.
Wolf, Charles Jr. - senior economics adviser at RAND
Wolf, Ira
† Wolfensohn, Adam R.
Wolfensohn, James D. - former President of World Bank (1995-2005); attended at least 14 Bilderberg meetings
Wolff, Alan William - former U.S. Deputy Special Representative for Trade Negotiations (1977-1979)
Wolff, I. Peter
† Wolff, Jason R.
Wolfowitz, Paul D. - President of the World Bank (2005-present); former Deputy Secretary of Defense; former Dean of the Paul Nitze School (SAIS); appeared in at least 8 Bilderberg meetings
Wolin, Neal S. - Treasury Dept. General Counsel under Clinton (1993-1997)
Wolosky, Lee S. - partner of Boies, Schiller & Flexner, LLP
Wolpe, Howard (D-Mich.) - former member of the House of Representatives (1979-1993)
Wolstencroft, Tracy R. - a managing director of Goldman Sachs
Woo-Cumings, Meredith - professor of political science at University of Michigan
Woodruff, Judy C. - former CNN Propagandist
Woods, Ward W. - Chairman of the Executive Committee of Wildlife Conservation Society
Woodward, Susan L. - professor at CUNY; former head of the Analysis and Assessment Unit in the office of the Special Representative of the Secretary General for UNPROFOR (i.e. Bosnia)
Woolsey, R. James 'former CIA Director (1993-1995); a Rhodes Scholar
Woolsey, Suzanne H. - a trustee of the German Marshall Fund of the U.S.
Woon, Eden Y. - former director of Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce
Worden, Minky - Media Director for Human Rights Watch
Worenklein, Jacob J. - former managing director of Lehman Brothers
Wortzel, Larry M. (Col., Army) - Army Attaché at the American Embassy in Beijing (1995-1997)
Wray, Cecil - retired partner of Debevoise & Plimpton LLP
Wriggins, W. Howard 'former Ambassador to Sri Lanka and Maldive Islands
Wright, Joseph R. Jr. - current CEO of PanAmSat Corporation; former Director of OMB (1985, 1988-1989)
Wright, Lawrence G. 'propagandist for The New Yorker; author of "Remembering Satan"
Wright, Robin - correspondent and propagandist for Washington Post
Wright, William H. II - Managing Director of Morgan Stanley; a member of Skull & Bones
† Wrona, Richard M. Jr.
† Wu, Timothy - professor at Columbia Law School
Wulf, Norman A. - former U.S. Representative to the First Meeting of the Preparatory Committee for the 2005 Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
Wylie, Andrew - literary agent and President of Wylie Agency
Wyser-Pratte, Guy Patrick - chairman and CEO of Wyser-Pratte & Co.

Yacoubian, Mona - State Department assistant under Clinton
Yalman, Nur O. - professor of Middle Eastern Studies at Harvard
Yang, Linda Tsao - former executive director of Asian Development Bank
Yang, Phoebe L.
Yankelovich, Daniel - chairman and co-founder of Public Agenda; board of directors for Loral Space & Communications
Yanney, Michael B. - chairman of America First Companies
† Yao Massbach, Nancy
Yegen, Christian C.
***Yellen, Janet Louise - President of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco
Yergin, Daniel H. - Chairman of Cambridge Energy Research Associates
Yochelson, John N. - former President of the Edmond de Rothschild Foundation
Yoffie, David B. - business professor at Harvard; a director of Intel
† Yoran, Catherine Lotrionte
Yordan, Jaime Ernesto - former Managing Director and Chiarman of Goldman Sachs Latin America
Yost, Casimir A. - professor at Georgetown Univ. School of Foreign Service
Young, Alice - Partner in the New York office of Kaye Scholer LLP
Young, Andrew - former Ambassador to UN; former Mayor of Atlanta
Young, George H. III
† Young, Gwen Kathleen
Young, Jay T.
Young, M. Crawford
Young, Michael K. - President of the University of Utah (2004-present); former Dean of George Washington Univ. Law School
Young, Nancy
Youngblood, Kneeland C. - chairman of the board of American Beacon Funds
Youngwood, Alfred D. - chairman and partner of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP
Yu, Frederick T .C.
Yun, Philip W. - Vice President for Resource Development at The Asia Foundation; former Senior Adviser to the Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs under Clinton
Yzaguirre, Raul H. - former President and CEO of National Council of La Raza

Zabel, William D. - chairman of Human Rights First; attorney for Schulte, Roth & Zabel LLP
Zagoria, Donald S.
Zahn, Paula A. - CNN Propagandist; former CBS and FOX Propagandist
Zakaria, Arshad R.
Zakaria, Fareed - Newsweek propagandist (international edition)
Zakheim, Dov S. - former Defense Department Comptroller (2001-2005)
Zaleski, Michel - businessman; President of The Dominican Republic Education and Mentoring Project
† Zamagni, William E. Jr.
Zanoyan, Vahan B. - a Senior Director of the Petroleum Finance Company in 1995
Zarb, Frank G. - former chairman of the NASDAQ Stock Market, Inc.; director of AIG
Zartman, I. William - a professor at SAIS at Johns Hopkins Univ.
† Zbar, Brett I.W.
Zegart, Amy B. - an associate professor of public policy at UCLA
Zeikel, Arthur - former Chairman of Merrill Lynch Asset Management
Zelikow, Philip D. - State Department Counselor (2005-now); former Executive Director of 9/11 Commission
Zelnick, C. Robert - Chairman of Dept. of Journalism at Boston University; former ABC News propagandist
Zemmol, Jonathan I.
Zilkha, Ezra K.
Zimmerman, Edwin M. - former Assistant Attorney General for Antitrust Division under LBJ
Zimmerman, Peter D.
Zinberg, Dorothy Shore - professor at Kennedy School of Government at Harvard
Zinder, Norton D.
Zinni, Anthony Charles (Gen., USMC) - former CENTCOM commander (1997-2000)
Zipp, Brian R.
Zirin, James D. - partner of Sidley, Austin, Brown & Wood LLP
Zittrain, Jonathan L. - visiting professor at Harvard Law School
Zoellick, Robert B. - former Deputy Secretary of State (2005-2006); former U.S. Trade Representative (2001-2005)
Zogby, James J. - founder and president of Arab-American Institute
Zolberg, Aristide R. - professor of political science at the Graduate Faculty of New School University in New York City
Zonis, Marvin - former economic professor at the University of Chicago
Zorthian, Barry - spokesman at the U.S. Embassy in Saigon during Vietnam War; a member of Skull & Bones
Zucker, Howard Alan - Deputy Assistant Secretary of HHS for Health under Dubya
Zuckerman, Harriet
Zuckerman, Mortimer B. - Propagandist and editor-in-chief of U.S. News and World Report
Zwick, Charles J. - former director of the Bureau of the Budget (1968-1969)
††† Zwirn, Daniel B.
Zysman, John A. - professor of political science at UC Berkeley


[1] Liberty Tree

[2] Antony C. Sutton

[3] Deanna Spingola : The New World Order, It's Their Party! Part 3 by Deanna Spingola

The Trilateral Commission Membership Roster

The Trilateral Commission

By William P. Litynski
May 2007

Executive Committee

- European Chairman
THOMAS S. FOLEY - North American Chairman
YOTARO KOBAYASHI - Pacific Asia Chairman

HERVÉ DE CARMOY - European Deputy Chairman
ANDRZEJ OLECHOWSKI - European Deputy Chairman
GEORGES BERTHOIN - European Honorary Chairman
OTTO GRAF LAMBSDORF - European Honorary Chairman
PAUL RÉVAY - European Director

ALLAN E. GOTLIEB - North American Deputy Chairman
LORENZO H. ZAMBRANO - North American Deputy Chairman
PAUL A. VOLCKER - North American Honorary Chairman
MICHAEL J. O'NEIL - North American Director

HAN SUNG-JOO - Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman
SHIJURO OGATA - Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman
TADASHI YAMAMOTO - Pacific Asia Director

DAVID ROCKEFELLER - Founder and Honorary Chairman


Paul Adams
, Chief Executive, British American Tobacco, London
Urban Ahlin, Member of the Swedish Parliament and Deputy Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, Stockholm
Krister Ahlström, Vice Chairman, Stora Enso and Fortum; former Chairman, Finnish Employers Confederation; former Chairman, Ahlström Corp., Helsinki
Edmond Alphandéry, Chairman, Caisse Nationale de Prévoyance, Paris; former Chairman, Electricité de France (EDF); former Minister of the Economy and Finance
Jacques Andréani, Ambassadeur de France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States
Jerzy Baczynski, Editor-in-Chief, Polityka, Warsaw
Estela Barbot, Director, AGA; Director, Bank Santander Negocios; Member of the General Council, AEP -- Portuguese Business Association, Porto; General Honorary Consul of Guatemala, Lisbon
*Erik Belfrage, Senior Vice President, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken; Director, Investor AB, Stockholm
Marek Belka, Executive Secretary, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), Geneva; former Prime Minister of Poland, Warsaw; former Ambassador-at-Large and Chairman, Council for International Coordination, Coalition Provisional Authority, Baghdad
Baron Jean-Pierre Berghmans, Chairman of the Executive Board, Lhoist Group, Limelette, Belgium
*Georges Berthoin, International Honorary Chairman, European Movement; Honorary Chairman, The Jean Monnet Association; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris
Nicolas Beytout, Editor, Le Figaro, Paris ; former Editor, Les Echos, Paris
Carl Bildt, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Sweden; former Chairman, Kreab Group of public affairs companies; former Chairman, Nordic Venture Network, Stockholm; former Member of the Swedish Parliament, Chairman of the Moderate Party and Prime Minister of Sweden; former European Union High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina & UN Special Envoy to the Balkans
Ana Patricia Botin, Executive Chairman, Banesto; Vice Chairman, Urbis; Member of the Management Committee, Santander Group, Madrid
Jean-Louis Bourlanges, Member of the European Parliament (ALDE Group/UDF) and Chairman, Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs, Brussels; former President of the European Movement in France, Paris
*Jorge Braga de Macedo, President, Tropical Research Institute, Lisbon; Professor of Economics, Nova University at Lisbon; Chairman, Forum Portugal Global; former Minister of Finance
Lord Brittan of Spennithorne, Vice Chairman, UBS Investment Bank, London; former Vice President, European Commission
Jean-Louis Bruguière, First Magistrate and First Vice President of the Paris County Court
Robin Buchanan, Senior Partner, Bain & Company, London
*François Bujon de l'Estang, Ambassadeur de France; Chairman, Citigroup France, Paris; former Ambassador to the United States
Edelgard Bulmahn, Member of the German Bundestag and Chairwoman of the Committee on Economic Affairs; former Federal Minister, Berlin
Sven Burmester, Writer and Explorer, Denmark; former Representative, United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Beijing; former World Bank Deputy Secretary and Representative in Cairo
Richard Burrows, Governor, Bank of Ireland; Director, Pernod Ricard; Chairman, the Scotch Whisky Association; former President, IBEC (The Irish Business and Employers Confederation), Dublin
*Hervé de Carmoy, Chairman, Almatis, Frankfurt-am-Main; former Partner, Rhône Group, New York & Paris; Honorary Chairman, Banque Industrielle et Mobilière Privée, Paris; former Chief Executive, Société Générale de Belgique
Antonio Carrapatoso, Chairman of the Board of Directors, Vodafone Portugal, Lisbon; Member of the Board of Directors, Vodafone Spain & Vodacom
Salvatore Carrubba, Director of Strategies and Columnist, Il Sole 24 Ore, Milan; former Culture Alderman, Municipality of Milan
Carme Chacon Piqueras, First Vice-President of the Spanish Parliament, Madrid
Jürgen Chrobog, Chairman, BMW Herbert Quandt Foundation, Munich; former German Deputy Foreign Minister and Ambassador to the United States
Luc Coene, Minister of State; Deputy Governor, National Bank of Belgium, Brussels
Sir Ronald Cohen, Founding partner and Executive Chairman, Apax Partners Worldwide, London
Bertrand Collomb, Chairman, Lafarge, Paris; Chairman, World Business Council for Sustainable Development
*Richard Conroy, Chairman, Conroy Diamonds & Gold, Dublin; Member of Senate, Republic of Ireland
Alfonso Cortina, Chairman, Inmobiliaria Colonial; Chairman, Repsol-YPF Foundation, Madrid
Eduardo Costa, Executive Vice Chairman, Banco Finantia, Lisbon; Member, Forum Portugal Global
Enrico Tomaso Cucchiani, Chairman, Lloyd Adriatico, Trieste; Member of the Management Board, Allianz, Munich
Michel David-Weill, Former Chairman, Lazard LLC, worldwide; Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Eurazeo, Paris
*Vladimir Dlouhy, Senior Advisor, ABB; International Advisor, Goldman Sachs; former Czechoslovak Minister of Economy; former Czech Minister of Industry & Trade, Prague
*Bill Emmott, Former Editor, The Economist, London
Pedro Miguel Echenique, Professor of Physics, University of the Basque Country; President, Foundation Donostia International Physic Center (DIPC); former Basque Minister of Education, San Sebastian
Laurent Fabius, Member of the French National Assembly and of the Foreign Affairs Committee; former Prime Minister & Minister of the Economy & Finance, Paris
Oscar Fanjul, Vice Chairman, Omega Capital, Madrid
Grete Faremo, Director of Law and Corporate Affairs for Western Europe, Microsoft; former Executive Vice President, Storebrand; former Norwegian Minister of Development Cooperation, Minister of Justice and Minister of Oil and Energy, Oslo
*Nemesio Fernandez-Cuesta, Executive Director of Upstream, Repsol-YPF; former Chairman, Prensa Española, Madrid
Jürgen Fitschen, Member of the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank, Frankfurt am Main
Klaus-Dieter Frankenberger, Foreign Editor, Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, Frankfurt am Main
Louise Fresco, University Professor, University of Amsterdam; Member of the Board of non-executive Directors, RABO Bank, Utrecht; former Assistant Director-General, Head of Agriculture Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in Rome
Hugh Friel, Chief Executive, Kerry Group, Tralee, Co. Kerry, Ireland
Lykke Friis, Pro-Rector, University of Copenhagen
*Michael Fuchs, Member of the German Bundestag, Berlin; former President, National Federation of German Wholesale & Foreign Trade
Lord Garel-Jones, Managing Director, UBS Investment Bank, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Minister of State at the Foreign Office (European Affairs)
*Antonio Garrigues Walker, Chairman, Garrigues Abogados y Asesores Tributarios, Madrid
Wolfgang Gerhardt, Member of the German Bundestag; Chairman of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation; former Chairman of the Free Democratic Party, Berlin
Lord Gilbert, Member of the House of Lords; former Minister for Defence, London
Esther Giménez-Salinas, Rector, Ramon Llull University; Professor of Criminal Law, ESADE Law School, Ramon Llull University, Barcelone
General The Lord Guthrie, Director, N M Rothschild & Sons, London; Member of the House of Lords; former Chief of the Defence Staff, London
Antti Herlin, Chairman of the Board, Kone Oyj, Helsinki
Alfonso Iozzo, Managing Director, San Paolo IMI Group, Turin
*Mugur Isarescu, Governor, National Bank of Romania, Bucharest; former Prime Minister
*Baron Daniel Janssen, Honorary Chairman, Solvay, Brussels
Zsigmond Jarai, President, National Bank of Hungary, Budapest
Trinidad Jiménez, International Relations Secretary of the Socialist Party (PSOE) & Member of the Federal Executive Committee, Madrid
*Béla Kadar, Member of the Hungarian Academy, Budapest; Member of the Monetary Council of the National Bank; President of the Hungarian Economic Association; Former Ambassador of Hungary to the O.E.C.D., Paris; former Hungarian Minister of International Economic Relations and Member of Parliament
Robert Kassai, General Vice President, The National Association of Craftmen’s Corporations, Budapest
*Lord Kerr of Kinlochard, Deputy Chairman and Senior Independent Non-executive Director of Royal Dutch Shell; Member of the House of Lords; Director of Rio Tinto, the Scottish American Investment Trust, London; former Secretary General, European Convention, Brussels; former Permanent Under-Secretary of State and Head of the Diplomatic Service, Foreign & Commonwealth Office, London; former British Ambassador to the United States
Denis Kessler, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Scor, Paris; former Chairman, French Insurance Association (FFSA); Former Executive Vice-Chairman, MEDEF-Mouvement des Entreprises de France (French Employers’ Confederation)
Klaus Kleinfeld, Chief Executive Officer, Siemens, Munich
*Sixten Korkman, Managing Director, The Research Institute of the Finnish Economy (ETLA) & Finnish Business and Policy Forum (EVA), Helsinki
Gabor Kovacs, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Bankar Holding; Founder, KOGART (the Kovacs Gabor Art Foundation), Budapest
Ivan Krastev, Chairman of the Board and Programme Director for Political Research, Centre for Liberal Strategies, Sofia; Editor-in-Chief, Bulgarian Edition, Foreign Policy
Jiri Kunert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Zivnostenska banka; President of the Czech Association of Banks, Prague
Ulysses Kyriacopoulos, Chairman, S&B Group; former Chairman, Federation of Greek Industries, Athens
*Count Otto Lambsdorff, Partner, Wessing Lawyers, Düsseldorf; former Chairman, Friedrich Naumann Foundation, Berlin; former Member of German Bundestag; Honorary Chairman, Free Democratic Party; former Federal Minister of Economy; former President of the Liberal International; Honorary European Chairman, The Trilateral Commission, Paris
Kurt Lauk, Member of the European Parliament (EPP Group-CDU); Chairman, Globe Capital Partners, Stuttgart; President, Economic Council of the CDU Party, Berlin; Former Member of the Board, DaimlerChrysler, Stuttgart
Anne Lauvergeon, Chairperson of the Executive Board, Areva; Chairperson and Chief Executive Officer, Cogema, Paris
Pierre Lellouche, Member of the French National Assembly and of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Paris; former President, NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Enrico Letta, Under State Secretary, Office of the Prime Minister, Italy; former Minister of European Affairs, Industry, and of Industry and International Trade, Rome
Thomas Leysen, Chief Executive Officer, Umicore, Brussels
Marianne Lie, Director General, Norwegian Shipowner’s Association, Oslo
Erkki Liikanen, Chairman of the Board, Bank of Finland, Helsinki; former Finnish Minister of Finance; former European Commissioner
Count Maurice Lippens, Chairman, Fortis, Brussels
Helge Lund, Chief Executive Officer of the Norwegian Oil Company, Statoil, Oslo
*Cees Maas, Vice Chairman and Chief Financial Officer of the ING Group, Amsterdam; former Treasurer of the Dutch Government
Peter Mandelson, Member of the European Commission (Trade), Brussels; former Member of the British Parliament; former Secretary of State to Northern Ireland and for Trade and Industry
Abel Matutes, Chairman, Empresas Matutes, Ibiza; former Member of the European Commission, Brussels; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Madrid
Francis Maude, Member of the British Parliament; Chairman of the Conservative Party; Director, Benfield Group; former Shadow Foreign Secretary, London
Joao de Menezes Ferreira, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ECO-SOROS, Lisbon; former Member of the Portuguese Parliament
Peter Mitterbauer, Honorary President, The Federation of Austrian Industry, Vienna; President and Chief Executive Officer, Miba, Laakirchen
Dominique Moïsi, Special Advisor to the Director General of the French Institute for International Relations (IFRI), Paris
Mario Monti, President and Professor Emeritus, Bocconi University, Milan; Chairman of BRUEGEL and of ECAS, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (Competition Policy)
Luca Cordero di Montezemolo, Chairman, Fiat, Turin; Chairman, Confindustria (Italian Confederation of Industry), Rome
Sir Mark Moody-Stuart, Chairman, Anglo American; former Chairman, Royal Dutch/Shell Group, London
Klaus-Peter Müller, Chairman of the Board of Managing Directors, Commerzbank, Frankfurt-am-Main; President, Association of German Banks (BDB), Berlin
Heinrich Neisser, Former President, Politische Akademie, Vienna; Professor of Political Sciences at Innsbruck University; former Member of Austrian Parliament and Second President of the National Assembly
Harald Norvik, Chairman and Partner, ECON Management; former President and Chief Executive, Statoil, Oslo
Ewald Nowotny, Chief Executive Officer, BAWAG P.S.K., Vienna
Arend Oetker, President, German Council on Foreign Relations (DGAP); Vice Chairman, Federation of German Industries; Managing Director, Dr. Arend Oetker Holding, Berlin
*Andrzej Olechowski, Founder, Civic Platform; Former Chairman, Bank Handlowy; former Minister of Foreign Affairs and of Finance, Warsaw
Richard Olver, Chairman, BAE Systems, London
Janusz Palikot, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Polmos, Lublin; Vice President, Polish Confederation of Private Employers; Co-owner, Publishing House slowo/obraz terytoria; Member of the Board of Directors, Polish Business Council, Warsaw
Dimitry Panitza, Founding Chairman, The Free and Democratic Bulgaria Foundation; Founder and Chairman, The Bulgarian School of Politics, Sofia
Lucas Papademos, Vice President, European Central Bank, Frankfurt-am-Main; former Governor of the Bank of Greece
Lord Patten of Barnes, Chancellor of the University of Oxford; Chairman, International Crisis Group, Brussels; former Member of the European Commission (External Relations), Brussels; former Governor of Hong Kong; former Member of the British Cabinet, London
Volker Perthes, Director, SWP (German Institute for International and Security Affairs), Berlin
Carlo Pesenti, Managing Director, Italcementi, Bergamo
Dieter Pfundt, Personally Liable Partner, Sal. Oppenheim Bank, Frankfurt am Main
Josep Piqué, Chairman of the Popular Party of Catalunya, Barcelona; Member of the Parliament of Catalunya; Member of the Spanish Senate; former Minister of Foreign Affairs
Benoît Potier, Chairman of the Management Board, L’Air Liquide, Paris
Alessandro Profumo, Chief Executive Officer, UniCredito Italiano, Milan
Luigi Ramponi, Member of the Italian Senate; former Chairman of the Defence Committee of the Chamber of Deputies, Rome; former Deputy Chief of the Defence Staff (Italian Army)
Juha Rantanen, President and Chief Executive Officer, Outokumpu Group, Espoo, Finland
Wanda Rapaczynska, President of the Management Board, Agora, Warsaw
Gianfelice Rocca, Chairman, Techint Group of Companies, Milan; Vice President, Confindustria, Rome
H. Onno Ruding, Chairman, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels; Former Vice Chairman, Citibank; former Dutch Minister of Finance
Anthony Ruys, Former Chairman of the Executive Board, Heineken, Amsterdam
Ferdinando Salleo, Vice Chairman, MCC (Mediocredito Centrale), Rome; former Ambassador to the United States
Jacques Santer, Honorary State Minister, Luxembourg; former Member of the European Parliament; former President of the European Commission; former Prime Minister of Luxembourg
*Silvio Scaglia, Chairman, Fastweb; former Managing Director, Omnitel, Milan
Paolo Scaroni, Chief Executive Officer, ENI, Rome
*Guido Schmidt-Chiari, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Constantia Group; former Chairman, Creditanstalt Bankverein, Vienna
Henning Schulte-Noelle, Chairman of the Supervisory Board and former Chief Executive Officer, Allianz, Munich
Prince Charles of Schwarzenberg, Minister of Foreign Affairs; Founder and Director, Nadace Bohemiae, Prague; Member of the Czech Senate; former Chancellor to President Havel; former President of the International Helsinki Federation for Human Rights
*Carlo Secchi, Professor of European Economic Policy and former Rector, Bocconi University; Vice President, ISPI, Milan; former Member of the Italian Senate and of the European Parliament
*Tøger Seidenfaden, Editor-in-Chief, Politiken, Copenhagen
Maurizio Sella, Chairman, Gruppo Banca Sella, Biella; former Chairman, Association of Italian Banks (A.B.I.), Rome
Slawomir S. Sikora, Chief Executive Officer and Citigroup Country Officer for Poland, Bank Handlowy w Warszawie, Warsaw
Stefano Silvestri, President, Institute for International Affairs (IAI), Rome; Commentator, Il Sole 24 Ore; former Under Secretary of State for Defence, Italy
Lord Simon of Highbury, Member of the House of Lords, Deputy Chairman of Unilever; Non-Executive Director of Suez Group; Senior Adviser of Morgan Stanley Europe; former Minister for Trade & Competitiveness in Europe; former Chairman of BP, London
Nicholas Soames, Member of the British Parliament, London
Sir Martin Sorrell, Chief Executive Officer, WPP Group, London
*Thorvald Stoltenberg, President, Norwegian Red Cross, Oslo; former Co-Chairman (UN) of the Steering Committee of the International Conference on Former Yugoslavia; former Foreign Minister of Norway; former UN High Commissioner for Refugees
*Petar Stoyanov, Former President of the Republic of Bulgaria; Member of Bulgarian Parliament; Chairman of Parliamentary Group of United Democratic Forces; Chairman of Union of Democratic Forces, Sofia
Peter Straarup, Chairman of the Executive Board, Danske Bank, Copenhagen; Chairman, the Danish Bankers Association
*Peter Sutherland, Chairman, BP p.l.c.; Chairman, Goldman Sachs International; Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General for Migrations; former Director General, GATT/WTO; former Member of the European Commission; former Attorney General of Ireland
Björn Svedberg, Former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Ericsson, Stockholm; former President and Group Chief Executive, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken
Pavel Telicka, Partner, BXL-Consulting, Prague
Jean-Philippe Thierry, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, AGF (Assurances Générales de France), Paris
Lady Barbara Thomas Judge, Chairman, UKAEA (United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority); former US Securities Exchange Commissioner
*Harri Tiido, Ambassador of Estonia and Head of the Estonian Mission to NATO, Brussels
Marco Tronchetti Provera, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pirelli & C., Milan; Deputy Chairman, Confindustria, Rome; former Chairman, Telecom Italia
Andreas Treichl, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Erste Bank der Oesterreichischen Sparkassen, Vienna
Elsbeth Tronstad, Executive Director, Confederation of Norwegian Enterprise (NHO); former Vice President, ABB, Oslo
Loukas Tsoukalis, Special Adviser to the President of the European Commission; Professor at the University of Athens and the College of Europe; President of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), Athens
Mario Vargas Llosa, Writer and Member of the Royal Spanish Academy, Madrid
*George Vassiliou, Former Head of the Negotiating Team for the Accession of Cyprus to the European Union; former President of the Republic of Cyprus; Former Member of Parliament and Leader of United Democrats, Nicosia
Franco Venturini, Senior Editorial Commentator on Foreign Affairs, Corriere della Sera, Rome
Janne Virkkunen, Senior Editor-in-Chief, Helsingin Sanomat, Helsinki
*Marko Voljc, Chief Executive Officer, K & H Bank, Budapest; former General Manager of Central Europe Directorate, KBC Bank Insurance Holding, Brussels; former Chief Executive Officer, Nova Ljubljanska Banka, Ljubljana
Alexandr Vondra, Deputy Prime Minister for European Affairs; former Minister of Foreign Affairs, Prague
Joris Voorhoeve, Member of the Council of State; former Member of the Dutch Parliament; former Minister of Defence, The Hague
*Panagis Vourloumis, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hellenic Telecommunications Organization (O.T.E.), Athens
Marcus Wallenberg, Chairman of the Board, Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB), Stockholm
*Serge Weinberg, Chairman of the Supervisory Board, Accor; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Weinberg Capital Partners; former Chairman of the Management Board, Pinault-Printemps-Redoute; former President, Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IRIS), Paris
*Heinrich Weiss, Chairman, SMS, Düsseldorf; former Chairman, Federation of German Industries, Berlin
Nout Wellink, President, Dutch Central Bank, Amsterdam
Hans Wijers, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Akzo Nobel, Arnhem
Emilio Ybarra, former Chairman, Banco Bilbao-Vizcaya, Madrid


John Bruton
, European Union Ambassador & Head, Delegation of the European Commission to the United States
Lene Espersen, Minister of Justice, Denmark
Toomas Hendrik Ilves, President of the Republic of Estonia, Tallinn
Pedro Solbes, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Economy and Finances, Spain; former Member of the European Commission
Karsten D. Voigt, Coordinator of German-American Cooperation, Federal Foreign Ministry, Germany


Madeleine K. Albright
, Principal, The Albright Group LLC, Washington, DC; former U.S. Secretary of State
Graham Allison, Director, Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former Special Advisor to the Secretary of Defense under President Ronald Reagan and former Assistant Secretary of Defense under President William Clinton
Richard L. Armitage, President, Armitage International LLC, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
James L. Balsillie, Co-Chief Executive Officer, Research in Motion, Ltd., Waterloo, ON
Charlene Barshefsky, Senior International Partner, Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, Washington, DC; former U.S. Trade Representative
Alan R. Batkin, Vice Chairman, Eton Park Capital Management, New York, NY
Lael Brainard, Vice President and Director, Global Economy and Development Program, the Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former Deputy Director of the U.S. National Economic Council
Doug Bereuter, President, The Asia Foundation, San Francisco, CA; former Member, U.S. House of Representatives
*C. Fred Bergsten, Director, Peterson Institute for International Economics, Washington, DC; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for International Affairs
Catherine Bertini, Professor of Public Administration, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY; former Under-Secretary-General for Management, United Nations
Dennis C. Blair, USN (Ret.), Consultant and former President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Defense Analyses, Alexandria, VA; former Commander in Chief, U.S. Pacific Command
Herminio Blanco Mendoza, Private Office of Herminio Blanco, Mexico City, NL; former Mexican Secretary of Commerce and Industrial Development
Stephen W. Bosworth, Dean, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University, Medford, MA; former U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Korea
David G. Bradley, Chairman, Atlantic Media Company, Washington, DC
Harold Brown, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; General Partner, Warburg Pincus & Company, New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of Defense
*Zbigniew Brzezinski, Counselor, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; Robert Osgood Professor of American Foreign Affairs, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, Johns Hopkins University; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Louis C. Camilleri, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Altria Group, Inc., New York, NY
Raymond Chrétien, Strategic Advisor, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, Montreal, QC; Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Center for International Studies of the University of Montreal; former Associate Under-Secretary of State of External Affairs; former Ambassador of Canada to the Congo, Belgium, Mexico, the United States and France
William T. Coleman III, Founder, Chairman, and Chief Executive Officer, Cassatt Corporation; Founder, former Chairman and CEO and Member, Board of Directors, BEA Systems, Inc., San Jose, CA
Timothy C. Collins, Senior Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer, Ripplewood Holdings, New York, NY
Richard N. Cooper, Maurits C. Boas Professor of International Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chairman, U.S. National Intelligence Council; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs
E. Gerald Corrigan, Managing Director, Goldman, Sachs & Co., New York, NY; former President, Federal Reserve Bank of New York
Michael J. Critelli, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pitney Bowes Inc., Stamford, CT
Lee Cullum, former regular commentator, "NewsHour with Jim Lehrer," and columnist, Dallas, TX
Gerald L. Curtis, Burgess Professor of Political Science, Columbia University, New York, NY; Visiting Professor, Graduate Research Institute for Policy Studies, Tokyo
Lynn Davis, Senior Political Scientist, The RAND Corporation, Arlington, VA; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security
Arthur A. DeFehr, President and Chief Executive Officer, Palliser Furniture, Winnipeg, MB
André Desmarais, President and Co-Chief Executive Officer, Power Corporation of Canada, Montréal, QC; Deputy Chairman, Power Financial Corporation
John M. Deutch, Institute Professor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA; former Director of Central Intelligence; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense
Jamie Dimon, President and Chief Executive Officer, JPMorgan Chase & Co., New York, NY
Peter C. Dobell, Founding Director, Parliamentary Centre, Ottawa, ON
Wendy K. Dobson, Professor and Director, Institute for International Business, Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON; former Canadian Associate Deputy Minister of Finance
Kenneth M. Duberstein, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Duberstein Group, Washington, DC; former Chief of Staff to President Ronald Reagan
Robert Eckert, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Mattel, Inc., El Segundo, CA
Jessica P. Einhorn, Dean, Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC; former Managing Director for Finance and Resource Mobilization, World Bank
Jeffrey Epstein, President, J. Epstein & Company, Inc., New York, NY; President, N.A. Property, Inc.
Dianne Feinstein, Member (D-CA), U.S. Senate
Martin S. Feldstein, George F. Baker Professor of Economics, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; President and Chief Executive Officer, National Bureau of Economic Research; former U.S.Chairman, President’s Council of Economic Advisors
Roger W. Ferguson, Jr., Chairman, Swiss Re America Holding Corporation, Washington, DC; former Vice Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System
Stanley Fischer, Governor of the Bank of Israel, Jerusalem; former President, Citigroup International and Vice Chairman, Citgroup, New York, NY; former First Deputy Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
Richard W. Fisher, President and Chief Executive Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas, Dallas, TX; former U.S. Deputy Trade Representative
*Thomas S. Foley, Partner, Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, Washington, DC; former U.S. Ambassador to Japan; former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives; North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Michael B.G. Froman, Managing Director, Chief Operating Officer and Head of Strategy and Business Development, Citigroup Alternative Investments, Citigroup Inc., New York, NY
Francis Fukuyama, Bernard L. Schwartz Professor International Political Economy, Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, Washington, DC
Dionisio Garza Medina, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, ALFA, Garza Garcia, NL
Richard A. Gephardt, former Member (D-MO), U.S. House of Representatives
David Gergen, Professor of Public Service, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Editor-at-Large, U.S. News and World Report
Peter C. Godsoe, retired Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Scotiabank, Toronto, ON
*Allan E. Gotlieb, Senior Advisor, Bennett Jones LLP, Toronto, ON; Chairman, Sotheby’s, Canada; former Canadian Ambassador to the United States; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Bill Graham, Member of Parliament, Canadian House of Commons; former Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, Ottawa, ON
Donald E. Graham, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Washington Post Company, Washington, DC
Jeffrey W. Greenberg, Managing Principal, Aquiline Capital Partners, LLC, New York, NY; former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Marsh & McLennan Companies
Richard N. Haass, President, Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY; former Director, Policy Planning, U. S. Department of State; former Director of Foreign Policy Studies, The Brookings Institution
James T. Hackett, Chairman, President, and Chief Executive Officer, Anadarko Petroleum Corp., The Woodlands, TX
John J. Hamre, President, Center for Strategic and International Studies, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller)
William A. Haseltine, Chairman, Haseltine Global Health, LLC, and President, The William A Haseltine Foundation for Medical Sciences and the Arts; Washington, DC and New York, NY
Richard F. Haskayne, Board Chairman Emeritus, University of Calgary, AB; past Chairman of the Board of TransCanada Corporation
Charles B. Heck, Senior Adviser and former North American Director, Trilateral Commission; Associate Professor of History and Global Perspectives, Principia College
*Carla A. Hills, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Hills & Company, International Consultants, Washington, DC; former U.S. Trade Representative; former U.S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
Richard Holbrooke, Vice Chairman, Perseus LLC, New York, NY; chairman of the Asia Society and the American Academy in Berlin; former U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for European and Canadian Affairs; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; and former U.S. Ambassador to Germany
*Karen Elliott House, writer, Princeton, NJ; former Senior Vice President, Dow Jones & Company, and Publisher, The Wall Street Journal
Alejandro Junco de la Vega, President and Director, Grupo Reforma, Monterrey, NL
Robert Kagan, Senior Associate, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, DC
Arnold Kanter, Principal and Founding Member, The Scowcroft Group, Washington, DC; former U.S. Under Secretary of State
Charles R. Kaye, Co-President, Warburg Pincus LLC, New York, NY
Michael Klein, Co-President, Corporate and Investment Banking, and Chief Executive Officer, Global Banking, Citigroup Inc., New York, NY
Steven E. Koonin, Chief Scientist, BP, London, UK
Enrique Krauze, General Director, Editorial Clio Libros y Videos, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, DF
Robert Lane, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Deere & Company, Moline, IL
Fred Langhammer, Chairman, Global Affairs, The Estée Lauder Companies, Inc., New York, NY
Jim Leach, former Member (R-IA), U.S. House of Representatives
Winston Lord, Co-Chairman of Overseeers and former Co-Chairman of the Board, International Rescue Committee, New York, NY; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of State for East Asian and Pacific Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to China
E. Peter Lougheed, Senior Partner, Bennett Jones, Barristers & Solicitors, Calgary, AB; former Premier of Alberta
*Roy MacLaren, former Canadian High Commissioner to the United Kingdom; former Canadian Minister of International Trade; Toronto, ON
John A. MacNaughton, former President and Chief Executive Officer, Canada Pension Plan Investment Board, Toronto, ON
Antonio Madero, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, San Luis Corporacion, S.A. de C.V., Mexico City, DF
John Manley, Senior Counsel, McCarthy Tétrault LLP, Ottawa, ON; former Canadian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance
*Sir Deryck C. Maughan, Managing Director and Chairman, KKR Asia, Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co., New York, NY; former Vice Chairman, Citigroup
Jay Mazur, President Emeritus, UNITE (Union of Needletrades, Industrial and Textile Employees); Vice Chairman, Amalgamated Bank of New York; and President, ILGWU's 21st Century Heritage Foundation, New York, NY
James Moore, Member, Canadian Parliament, Ottawa, ON; Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada and the Pacific Gateway and Vancouver 2010 Olympics
Marc H. Morial, President and Chief Executive Officer, National Urban League, New York, NY; former Mayor, New Orleans, LA
Heather Munroe-Blum, Principal and Vice-Chancellor, McGill University, Montreal, QC
Brian Mulroney, Senior Partner, Ogilvy Renault, Barristers and Solicitors, Montréal, QC; former Prime Minister of Canada
*Indra K. Nooyi, Chairman Elect and Chief Executive Officer, PepsiCo, Inc., Purchase, NY
Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Distinguished Service Professor at Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Dean, John F. Kennedy School of Government; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
David J. O'Reilly, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chevron Corporation, San Ramon, CA
Richard N. Perle, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute, Washington, DC; member and former Chairman, Defense Policy Board, U.S. Department of Defense; former U.S. Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Policy
Thomas R. Pickering, Vice Chairman, Hills & Company, International Consultants, Washington, DC; former Senior Vice President, International Relations, The Boeing Company, Arlington, VA; former U.S. Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs; former U.S. Ambassador to the Russian Federation, India, Israel, El Salvador, Nigeria, the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and the United Nations
Martha C. Piper, former President and Vice-Chancellor, The University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
Richard Plepler, Executive Vice President, HBO, New York, NY
Joseph W. Ralston, USAF (Ret)., Vice Chairman, The Cohen Group, Washington, DC; former Commander, U.S. European Command, and Supreme Allied Commander NATO; former Vice Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, U.S. Department of Defense
Charles B. Rangel, Member (D-NY), U.S. House of Representatives
*Susan Rice, Senior Fellow, Foreign Policy Studies and Global Economy and Development Programs, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; former Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for African Affairs, National Security Council
Hartley Richardson, President, James Richardson & Sons, Ltd., Winnipeg, MB
Joseph E. Robert, Jr., Chairman and Chief Executive Office, J.E. Robert Companies, McLean, VA
John D. Rockefeller IV, Member (D-WV), U.S. Senate
Kenneth Rogoff, Professor of Economics and Director, Center for International Development, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chief Economist and Director, Research Department, International Monetary Fund, Washington, DC
Charles Rose, Host of the Charlie Rose Show and Charlie Rose Special Edition, PBS, New York, NY
David M. Rubenstein, Co-founder and Managing Director, The Carlyle Group, Washington, DC
*Luis Rubio, President, Center of Research for Development (CIDAC), Mexico City, DF
Arthur F. Ryan, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Prudential Financial, Inc., Newark, NJ
Jaime Serra, Chairman, SAI Consulting, Mexico City, DF; former Mexican Minister of Trade and Industry
Dinakar Singh, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, TPG-Axon Capital, New York, NY; former Co-head, Principal Strategies Department, Goldman Sachs
Anne-Marie Slaughter, Dean, Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Gordon Smith, Director, Centre for Global Studies, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC; Chairman, Board of Governors, International Development Research Centre; former Canadian Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Personal Representative of the Prime Minister to the Economic Summit
Donald R. Sobey, Chairman Emeritus, Empire Company Ltd., Halifax, NS
Ronald D. Southern, Chairman, ATCO Group, Calgary, AB
James B. Steinberg, Dean, LBJ School of Public Affairs, University of Texas, Austin, TX; former Vice President and Director of the Foreign Policy Studies Program, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy National Security Advisor
Jessica Stern, Academic Director, Program on Terrorism and the Law, Harvard Law School, and Lecturer in Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA
Barbara Stymiest, Chief Operating Officer, RBC Financial Group, Toronto, ON
Lawrence H. Summers, Charles W. Eliot University Professor of Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former President, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former U.S. Secretary of the Treasury
John J. Sweeney, President, AFL-CIO, Washington, DC
Strobe Talbott, President, The Brookings Institution, Washington, DC; former U.S. Deputy Secretary of State
George J. Tenet, Distinguished Professor, Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, Georgetown University, Washington, DC; former U.S. Director of Central Intelligence
John Thain, Chief Executive Officer, New York Stock Exchange, Inc.; former President and Co-Chief Operating Officer, Goldman Sachs & Co., New York, NY
G. Richard Thoman, Managing Partner, Corporate Perspectives and Adjunct Professor, Columbia University, New York, NY; former President and Chief Executive Officer, Xerox Corporation; former Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, IBM Corporation
*Paul A. Volcker, former Chairman, Wolfensohn & Co., Inc., New York; Frederick H. Schultz Professor Emeritus, International Economic Policy, Princeton University; former Chairman, Board of Governors, U.S. Federal Reserve System; Honorary North American Chairman and former North American Chairman, Trilateral Commission
William H. Webster, Senior Partner, Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP, Washington, DC; former U.S. Director of Central Intelligence; former Director, U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation; former Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eighth Circuit
Fareed Zakaria, Editor, Newsweek International, New York, NY
*Lorenzo H. Zambrano, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, CEMEX, Monterrey, NL; North American Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Ernesto Zedillo, Director, Yale Center for the Study of Globalization, Yale University, New Haven, CT; former President of Mexico
Mortimer B. Zuckerman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, U.S. News & World Repor,t and Publisher, New York Daily News; Founder and Chairman of Boston Properties, Inc.; New York, NY
William T. Coleman, Jr., Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC; Senior Partner and the Senior Counselor, O’Melveny & Myers, Washington, DC; former U.S. Secretary of Transportation
Henry A. Kissinger, Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC; Chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc., New York, NY; former U.S. Secretary of State; former U.S. Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs
Robert S. McNamara, Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, Washington, DC; former President, World Bank; former U.S. Secretary of Defense; former President, Ford Motor Company.
David Rockefeller, Founder, Honorary Chairman, and Lifetime Trustee, Trilateral Commission, New York, NY


Richard B. Cheney
, Vice President of the United States
Paula J. Dobriansky, U.S. Under Secretary of State for Global Affairs
Luis Téllez, Secretary of Communications and Transport of Mexico
Paul Wolfowitz, President, World Bank

Note: Those without city names are Japanese Members.
Korean names are shown with surname first.

Narongchai Akrasanee, Director and Chairman of Board of Executive Directors, Export Import Bank of Thailand; former Minister of Commerce of Thailand; Bangkok
Ali Alatas, Advisor and Special Envoy of the President of the Republic of Indonesia; former Indonesian Minister for Foreign Affairs; Jakarta
Philip Burdon, Former Chairman, Asia 2000 Foundation; New Zealand Chairman, APEC; former New Zealand Minister of Trade Negotiations; Wellington
Fujio Cho, Chairman, Toyota Motor Corporation
Cho Suck-Rai, Chairman, Hyosung Group, Seoul
Chung Mong-Joon, Member, Korean National Assembly; Vice President, Federation Internationale de Football Association (FIFA); Seoul
Barry Desker, Vice Chairman, Singapore Business Federation; Director, Institute of Defence and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University; Honorary Advisor to the Minister for Trade and Industry, Singapore
Takashi Ejiri, Lawyer, Asahi Koma Law Office
Jesus P. Estanislao, President and Chief Executive Officer, Institute of Corporate Directors/Institute of Solidarity in Asia, Manila; former Philippine Minister of Finance
Hugh Fletcher, Chancellor, The University of Auckland; former Chief Executive Officer, Fletcher Challenge
Hiroaki Fujii, Advisor, The Japan Foundation; Chairman, Mori Arts Center; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Kingdom
Shinji Fukukawa, Chairman, TEPIA, The Machine Industry Memorial Foundation
Yoichi Funabashi, Chief Diplomatic Correspondent and Columnist, The Asahi Shimbun
Carrillo Gantner, President, The Myer Foundation; Melbourne
Ross Garnaut, Professor of Economics, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra
*Toyoo Gyohten, President, Institute for International Monetary Affairs; Senior Advisor, The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, Ltd.
*Han Sung-Joo, Chairman, International Policy Studies Institute of Korea; President, Seoul Forum for International Affairs; Professor Emeritus, Korea University, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
*Stuart Harris, Professor of International Relations, Research School of Pacific and Asian Studies, Australian National University, Canberra; former Australian Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs
Azman Hashim, Chairman, AmBank Group, Kuala Lumpur
John R. Hewson, Chairman, The John Hewson Group, Sydney; Former Leader of the Federal Opposition, Australia; Special Adviser to the Under Secretary of UNESCAP
Ernest M. Higa, President and CEO, Higa Industries
Hong Seok Hyun, former Chairman and CEO, Joong Ang Ilbo; former Korean Ambassador to the United States; Seoul
Shintaro Hori, Partner and Chairman, Bain & Company Japan, Inc.
Murray Horn, Managing Director, Institutional Banking, ANZ (NZ) Ltd., Sydney; Chairman, ANZ Investment Bank; former Parliament Secretary, New Zealand Treasury
Hyun Hong-Choo, Senior Partner, Kim & Chang, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United Nations and to the United States; Seoul
Hyun Jae-Hyun, Chairman, Tong Yang Group, Seoul
Shin’ichi Ichimura, Professor Emeritus, Kyoto University; former Director, International Centre for the Study of East Asian Development, Kitakyushu
Nobuyuki Idei, Chief Corporate Advisor and Chairman, Sony Advisory Board, Sony Corporation
Noriyuki Inoue, Chairman and CEO, Daikin Industries, Ltd.
Motoo Kaji, Professor Emeritus, University of Tokyo
Kasem Kasemsri, Honorary Chairman, Thailand-U.S. Business Council, Bangkok; Chairman, Advisory Board, Chart Thai Party; Chairman, Thai-Malaysian Association; former Deputy Prime Minister of Thailand
Koichi Kato, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Secretary-General, Liberal Democratic Party
K. Kesavapany, Director, Institute of Southeast Asian Studies, Singapore
Kim Kihwan, International Advisor, Goldman Sachs, Asia, Seoul; Chair, Seoul Financial Forum; former Korean Ambassador-at-Large for Economic Affairs
Kim Kyung-Won, President Emeritus, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul; former Korean Ambassador to the United States and the United Nations; Senior Advisor, Kim & Chang Law Office
Kakutaro Kitashiro, Chairman of the Board, IBM Japan, Ltd.; Chairman, KEIZAI DOYUKAI (Japan Association of Corporate Executives)
Shoichiro Kobayashi, Advisor, Kansai Electric Power Company, Ltd.
*Yotaro Kobayashi, Chief Corporate Advisor, Fuji Xerox Co., Ltd.; Pacific Asia Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Akira Kojima, Chairman, Japan Center for Economic Research ( JCER )
Koo John, Chairman, LS Cable Ltd.; Chairman, LS Industrial Systems Co.; Seoul
Kenji Kosaka, Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology
*Lee Hong-Koo, Chairman, Seoul Forum for International Affairs, Seoul; former Korean Prime Minister; former Korean Ambassador to the United Kingdom and the United States
Lee In-ho, University Professor, Myongji University, Seoul; former President, Korea Foundation; former Korean Ambassador to Finland and Russia
Lee Jay Y., Vice President, Corporate Strategy Office, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., Seoul
Lee Kyungsook Choi, President, Sookmyung Women's University, Seoul
Adrianto Machribie, Chairman, PT Freeport Indonesia, Jakarta
*Minoru Makihara, Senior Corporate Advisor, Mitsubishi Corporation
Hiroshi Mikitani, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer, Rakuten, Inc.
Yoshihiko Miyauchi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, ORIX Corporation
Isamu Miyazaki, Honorary Advisor, Daiwa Institute of Research, Ltd.; former Director-General of the Japanese Economic Planning Agency
*Kiichi Miyazawa, former Prime Minister of Japan; former Finance Minister; former Member, House of Representatives
Yuzaburo Mogi, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Kikkoman Corporation
Mike Moore, former Director-General, World Trade Organization, Geneva; Member, New Zealand Privy Council, Auckland; former Prime Minister of New Zealand
Moriyuki Motono, President, Foreign Affairs Society; former Japanese Ambassador to France
Jiro Murase, Managing Partner, Bingham McCutchen Murase, New York
*Minoru Murofushi, Counselor, ITOCHU Corporation
Osamu Nagayama, President and CEO, Chugai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Masao Nakamura, President and Chief Executive Officer, NTT Docomo Inc.
Masashi Nishihara, President, Research Institute for Peace and Security
Taizo Nishimuro, Advisor to the Board, Toshiba Corporation
Roberto F. de Ocampo, President, Asian Institute of Management; former Secretary of Finance, Manila
Toshiaki Ogasawara, Chairman, Nifco Inc.; Chairman and Publisher, The Japan Times Ltd.
Sadako Ogata, President, Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA); former United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
*Shijuro Ogata, former Deputy Governor, Japan Development Bank; former Deputy Governor for International Relations, Bank of Japan; Pacific Asia Deputy Chairman, Trilateral Commission
Sozaburo Okamatsu, President, Industrial Property Cooperation Center; former Chairman, Research Institute of Economy, Trade & Industry (RIETI)
*Yoshio Okawara, President, Institute for International Policy Studies; former Japanese Ambassador to the United States
Yoichi Okita, Professor, National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies
Ariyoshi Okumura, Chairman, Lotus Corporate Advisory, Inc.
Anand Panyarachun, Chairman, Thai Industrial Federation; Chairman, Saha-Union Public Company, Ltd.; former Prime Minister of Thailand; Bangkok
Ryu Jin Roy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Poongsan Corp., Seoul
Eisuke Sakakibara, Professor, Waseda University; former Japanese Vice Minister of Finance for International Affairs
SaKong Il, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Institute for Global Economics, Seoul; former Korean Minister of Finance
Yoshiyasu Sato, Advisor, Tokyo Electric Power Co. Ltd.; former Japanese Ambassador to China
Yukio Satoh, President, The Japan Institute of International Affairs; former Japanese Ambassador to the United Nations
Sachio Semmoto, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, eAccess, Ltd.
Masahide Shibusawa, President, Shibusawa Ei’ichi Memorial Foundation
Arifin Siregar, Chairman of the Governing Board, Indonesian Council on World Affairs (ICWA); former International Advisor, Goldman Sachs (Pacific Asia) LLC; former Ambassador of Indonesia to the United States; Jakarta
Jacob Soetoyo, Director and Shareholder of P.T.Gesit Maju Corporation; Jakarta
Shigemitsu Sugisaki, Vice Chairman, Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd.; former Deputy Managing Director of the International Monetary Fund (IMF)
Tsuyoshi Takagi, President, JTUC-Rengo (Japanese Trade Union Confederation)
Keizo Takemi, Member, Japanese House of Councillors; former State Secretary for Foreign Affairs
Akihiko Tanaka, Professor , University of Tokyo
Hitoshi Tanaka, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Deputy Minister for Foreign Affairs
Naoki Tanaka, President, Center for International Public Policy Studies
Teh Kok Peng, President, GIC Special Investments Private Ltd., Singapore
Kiyoshi Tsugawa, Executive Adviser & Member of Japan Advisory Board, Lehman Brothers Japan, Inc.; Member of the Board, Aozora Bank; Chairman, ARAMARK ASIA
Junichi Ujiie, Chairman, Nomura Holdings, Inc.
Sarasin Viraphol, Executive Vice President, Charoen Pokphand Co., Ltd., Bangkok; former Deputy Permanent Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Thailand
Cesar E. A. Virata, Corporate Vice Chairman and Acting Chief Executive Officer, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Manila; former Prime Minister of Philippines
*Jusuf Wanandi, Vice Chairman, Board of Trustees, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, Jakarta
Etsuya Washio, President, The Foundation for Workers Welfare and Cooperative Insurance; former President, Japanese Trade Union Confederation (RENGO)
Koji Watanabe, Senior Fellow, Japan Center for International Exchange; former Japanese Ambassador to Russia
Osamu Watanabe, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO)
Taizo Yakushiji, Member, Council for Science and Technology Policy of the Cabinet Office of Japan; Executive Research Director, Institute for International Policy Studies
Tadashi Yamamoto, President, Japan Center for International Exchange; Pacific Asia Director, Trilateral Commission
Noriyuki Yonemura, Chairman, Japan Small and Medium Enterprise Management Consultants Association


Masaharu Ikuta
, Director General, Postal Services Corporation.
Takeshi Kondo, President, Japan Highway Public Corporation (Nihon Doro Kodan)
Hisashi Owada, Judge, International Court of Justice
Yasuhisa Shiozaki, Chief Cabinet Secretary; former Senior Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs; Member, Japanese House of Representatives; former Parliamentary Vice Minister for Finance


Abdlatif Al-Hamad
, Director General and Chairman, Arab Fund for Economic and Social Development; former Kuwait Minister of Finance and Planning
André Azoulay, Adviser to H.M. King Mohammed VI, Rabat
Morris Chang, Chairman, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Taipei
Omar Davies, Member of the Jamaican Parliament and Minister of Finance and Planning, Kingston; former Director General, Planning Institute of Jamaica
Hüsnü Dogan, General Coordinator, Nurol Holding, Ankara; former Chairman of the Board of Trustees, Development Foundation of Turkey; former Minister of Defence
Alejandro Foxley, Member of the Senate and former Chairman of the Finance Committee and the Joint Budget Committee, Chilean Congress, Valparaiso
Jacob A. Frenkel, Vice Chairman, American International Group, Inc. and Chairman, AIG's Global Economic Strategies Group, New York, NY; Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, G-30; former Chairman, Merrill Lynch International; former Governor, Bank of Israel; former Economic Counselor and Director of Research, IMF; former Chairman, Board of Governors of the Inter-American Development Bank; former David Rockefeller Professor of Economics, University of Chicago
Victor K. Fung, Chairman, Li & Fung; Chairman, Prudential Asia Ltd., Hong Kong
Frene Ginwala, Speaker of the National Assembly, Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, Cape Town
H.R.H. Prince El Hassan bin Talal, President, The Club of Rome; Moderator of the World Conference on Religion and Peace; Chairman, Arab Thought Forum, Amman
Ricardo Hausmann, Professor of the Practice of Economic Development, Center for International Development, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; former Chief Economist, Inter-American Development Bank; former Venezuelan Minister of Planning and Member of the Board of the Central Bank of Venezuela
Serhiy Holovaty, Member of the Supreme Rada; President of the Ukrainian Legal Foundation; former Minister of Justice, Kiev
Sergei Karaganov, Deputy Director, Institute of Europe, Russian Academy of Sciences; Chairman of the Presidium of the Council on Defense and Foreign Policy, Moscow
Jeffrey L.S. Koo, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Chinatrust Investment, Bank, Taipei
Richard Li, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Pacific Century Group Holdings Ltd., Hong Kong
Ricardo Lopez Murphy, Visiting Research Fellow, Latin American Economic Research Foundation, Buenos Aires; former Argentinian Finance Minister and Defence Minister
Andrónico Luksic Craig, Vice Chairman, Banco de Chile, Santiago
Qin Yaqing, Vice President, China Foreign Affairs University, Beijing; Vice President, China National Association for International Studies
Itamar Rabinovich, President, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv; former Ambassador to the United States
Rüsdü Saracoglu, President of the Finance Group, Koç Holding; Chairman, Makro Consulting, Istanbul; former State Minister and Member of the Turkish Parliament; former Governor of the Central Bank of Turkey
Roberto Egydio Setubal, President and Chief Executive Officer, Banco Itaú S.A. and Banco Itaú Holding Financiera S.A., Sao Paulo
Stan Shih, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, The Acer Group, Taipei
Gordon Wu, Chairman and Managing Director, Hopewell Holdings Ltd., Hong Kong
Wu Jianmin, President, China Foreign Affairs University; Executive Vice President, China National Association for International Studies
Grigory A. Yavlinsky, former Member of the State Duma; Leader of the “Yabloko” Parliamentary Group; Chairman of the Center for Economic and Political Research, Moscow
Yu Xintian, President, Shanghai Institute for International Studies, Shanghai
Yuan Ming, Vice Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University, Beijing
Zhang Yunling, Director, Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), Beijing
Wang Jisi, Dean, School of International Studies, Peking University, Beijing


The Facts on the Trilateral Commission Show New World Order Plot

By www.FDRS.org .  Saturday, November 3, 2007

The Facts on the Trilateral Commission Reveal That David Rockefeller and Other Elite Crooks Want Global Government Tyranny.

“The Trilateral Commission is international and is intended to be the vehicle for multinational consolidation of the commercial and banking interests by seizing control of the political government of the U.S.” - Sen. Barry Goldwater

When looking at the facts on the Trilateral Commission, it’s important to understand that it was set up as a front for the exact same goals of the Council on Foreign Relations.

The Trilateral Commission is another tool used by the leaders of the CFR shadow government.

The world’s elite utilizes secretive organizations such as the Committee of 300 structure, the CFR, the Bilderberg Society, and the Trilateral Commission to further its ultimate goal of global domination.

Although all these groups play a part in the movement toward a One World Government, the facts on the Trilateral Commission all lead us more specifically to the Council on Foreign Relations.


Let’s allow Jim Marrs to let you know the facts on the Trilateral Commission regarding how it started. We quote from his book, Rule by Secrecy:

“The concept of the Trilateral Commission was originally brought to (David) Rockefeller by Zbigniew Brzezinski, then head of the Russian Studies Department at Columbia University. While at the Brookings Institution, Brzezinski had been researching the need for closer cooperation between the trilateral nations of Europe, North America, and Asia.

“… With the blessing of the Bilderbergers and the CFR, the Trilateral Commission began organizing on July 23-24, 1972, at the 3,500-acre Rockefeller estate at Pocantico Hills… New York.

“… The Trilateral Commission officially was founded on July 1, 1973, with David Rockefeller as chairman. Brzezinski was named founding North American director.” pp. 22-24

One of the most basic facts on the Trilateral Commission is simply that it was formed to deflect attention away from the CFR.


The facts on the Trilateral Commission show us that its most influential members (who also are on the CFR Membership List) are extremely active in forming U.S. government policy.

“Many of the original members of the Trilateral Commission are now in positions of power where they are able to implement policy recommendations of the Commission; recommendations that they, themselves, prepared on behalf of the Commission. It is for this reason that the Commission has acquired a reputation for being the Shadow Government of the West.” – Journalist and Trilateral Commission researcher Robert Eringer


One of the facts on the Trilateral Commission is that Ronald Reagan was very vocal in his distain for anyone who was involved with the Commission before he was elected President in 1980. He was critical of Jimmy Carter for being a Trilateral member and for the fact that nineteen Trilaterals were in the Carter administration.

Reagan said that, if elected, he would investigate the Trilateral Commission. He even went so far as to say that he would never allow George Bush Sr. a place in his administration because Bush was a Trilateral and a CFR member.

In Rule by Secrecy, Marrs offers us a glimpse into how powerful those in control of our government patsies and puppets are as he relates how George Bush became nominated for the Vice-Presidency:

“… national media commentators suddenly began talking about a ‘dream ticket’...” The dream ticket was Reagan - President/Gerald Ford-VP, “which would have created a shared presidency"… it was… “suggested that since Ford had been president (before) he should choose half the Reagan cabinet.

“Faced with the prospect of presiding over half a government, Reagan rushed to the convention floor” and said, “… I then believed that because of all the talk and how something might be growing through the night that it was time for me to advance the schedule a little bit… I have asked and I am recommending to this convention that tomorrow when the session reconvenes that George Bush be nominated for vice president.” --p. 29 (emphasis added)

Wow! What a reversal. Reagan went from never letting Bush in his administration to making him second-in-command!

When you understand the basic facts on the Trilateral Commission and the fact that Bush was a member of it, the CFR, the Skull and Bones Society, and was a former CIA director, it’s easy to see what happened. The CFR controllers like Rockefeller own the media which started the story that got Reagan moved to bring in their puppet - George Bush.


Not only did Reagan bring in Bush but he “never again uttered a word against the Commission or the CFR… Reagan’s fifty-nine-member transition team was composed of twenty-eight CFR members, ten members of the elite Bilderberg group, and at least ten Trilaterals.

“He even appointed prominent CFR members to three of the nation’s most sensitive offices: Secretary of State Alexander Haig (a Trilateral founding member), Secretary of Defense Casper Weinberger, and Secretary of the Treasury Donald Regan. Additionally, he named Bush’s campaign manager, James A. Baker III, who then served as chairman of the Reagan-Bush campaign committee, as his chief of staff. Baker is a fourth-generation member of a family long connected to Rockefeller oil interests.” - Rule by Secrecy, pp. 29-30

Only two months after being elected, Reagan was almost killed. Bush would have stepped into office in 1981 instead of 1988.

Who do you think controlled the decisions of the 1980’s U.S. Government… Ronald Reagan or Trilateral Commission and CFR bankers and industrialists like Rockefeller?

The facts on the Trilateral Commission and its big brother, the Council on Foreign Relations, lead us to see that the elite has and is still in charge of moving us toward a totalitarian New World Order.


More facts on the Trilateral Commission:

“The word “Trilateral” means “three-sided” - the three sides in this case being North America, Europe,and Japan. North America, Europe and Japan have several things in common. Most important is their wealth, which is derived primarily from industrial production. Even agriculture is industrialized in the sense that farmers in the Trilateral countries use large amounts of machinery.

“The industrially-generated wealth of the Trilateral countries is a product of their technological advance over the rest of the world. Kenichi Ohmae, in his book Triad Power notes that as of 1981, the Trilateral countries produce about 90% of the airplanes manufactured world-wide; about 80% of the computers; over 70% of the cars and similar proportions of other high-technology products.

“Perhaps more telling, Ohmae notes that ‘...the vast majority of new patents registered and exchanged among Free World countries are concentrated within five nations: Japan, the United States, West Germany, France and the United Kingdom. During 1982, these five nations represented 85 percent of the 10,000 patents registered in the world. (p. 126)’ - The Trilateral Commission and the New World Order


We’re all about exposing the frauds that an investigation of the facts on the Trilateral Commission bring up, like the fact that the same founders who formed the CFR (which formed the Commission), formed the Federal Reserve.

A big key to stopping the banksters intent on totalitarian New World Order is exposing the fraud of Federal Reserve banking history and its resultant money creation scheme; which allows the banking elite to steal from the American public, thus duping the “prisoners” to fund their own “prisons”, such as the already built New World Order prisons.

You need to understand that the elite funds its plans through illegal taxation and fraudulent debt creation. By blindly buying into Federal taxes and a mountain of debt, Americans are unwittingly funding the elite and their totalitarian plans. It doesn’t have to be this way. If the people are educated on the fraud, the fraud falls apart.

This is one of the most disturbing facts on the Trilateral Commission, the CFR, and the rest of it: the American people are upset about what’s happening, but allowing themselves to be bilked for the funding!



Original Content at http://www.opednews.com/articles/opedne_bert_bro_071101_the_decline_and_fall.htm

November 1, 2007

The Decline And Fall Of America

By Bert Brooks

It is estimated that over 9 million people are currently imprisoned worldwide. It is believed that this number is likely to be much higher, in view of general under-reporting and a lack of data from various countries. In absolute terms, the United States currently has the largest inmate population in the world, with more than 2 1/2 million people locked up in prison and jails, while both Russia and China put together have only a prison population of under 2 million. Although the United States represents less than 5% of the world's population, over 25% of the people incarcerated around the world are housed in the American prison system. The federal government predicts "one in eleven men will be incarcerated in his lifetime, one in four if he is black".

I always thought that 9/11 conspiracy theories were ridiculous so I never took the time to even investigate it myself, until I accidentally stumbled across a documentary on the collapse of building 7, which in return opened up my eyes to things that I thought could never be true. After 9/11 Osama Bin Laden denied credit for the attack, but said he supported it completely. The US Government was quick to leave the blame on his shoulders all the same. Was entering Afghanistan just the first part of a bigger plan? The war on terror! Who is the United States actually at war with? Terror? How can you be at war with a word or a feeling?

It is known that Saddam Hussein had completely wiped out Al Qaeda and The Taliban throughout Iraq, and that there was no threat to any international communities. Saddam had no ties to 9/11. So why did The United States really invade and take over the country of Iraq without UN approval? Weapons Of Mass Destruction? Could this be the second part of a much bigger plan? Could it be possible that certain world leaders are trying to make bible prophecy come true with this New World Order?

When was the last time you heard the word Homeland used by a government? Nazi Germany! The United States is currently looked at as War Criminals by every other country in the world today. Just like Nazi Germany. Will there be an identifying mark that all people will have to accept?  666 or The Mark of the beast? Maybe it will be less sinister. Like a National ID Card. It has been confirmed that a micro chipped National ID Card will be in full production sometime in late 2008. Could this be true? Research it yourself! 

In 2006 under the name of terror, with the American people’s approval our constitution was changed with the signing of The Military Commissions Act of 2006 which removed Habeas Corpus completely which in return rendered The United States Constitution ineffective at that time.  The 1877 Posse Comitatus Act which says there will be no military policing in America is gone. In may of 2007 PDD 51 and HSPD 20 were passed giving the president total power over all forms of government from tribal to federal in any national emergency. July 17 of 2007 Executive Order #13422 was passed which completed the circle of a total dictatorial authority.

In the name of fear and massive multi media campaigns, Americans have let themselves be ushered into the coming police state, where the government will be watching your every move. While American’s were busy watching reality television, in 2005 The United States Government signed an agreement with Canada and Mexico dissolving all borders between the three countries by 2010. This is called The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Or: The North American Union! Here is a glimpse at The Amero. This is what the new American currency might look like. Fashioned after the Euro this will be the currency for all of North America. Could this all be happening for real? Just look it up on any major search engine.  This information is all available for those who seek the truth. The Illuminati? The Free Masons? The New World Order? Skull And Bones? The Bohemian Grove? The North American Union? Martial Law? Military Check Points? U.S. Concentration Camps? A One World Government? It will all be coming to your doorstep in the next few years if we ALL do not act now!  The Time Is HERE!  Act Now America, Before It Is Too Late! STOP H.R. 1955 NOW!

Authors Website: www.worldmediawatch.org

Authors Bio: I own and Operate The World Media Watch Television Network.



A briefer on CFR which was founded and is stacked with Skull and Bones Members

The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and The New World Order

- By William Blase

For those who may be confused by the controversies surrounding the "New World Order", a One-World-Government, and American concern over giving the UN more power; those unaware of the issues involved; and those wishing more background, I offer the following.

Originally presented for an Honors Class, "Dilemmas of War and Peace," at New Mexico State University, the paper was ridiculed and characterized by Dr. Yosef Lapid, (an acknowledged and locally quoted "expert" on Terrorism and Middle Eastern affairs) as "paranoid... possibly a symptom of mental illness." You may judge for yourself.

Citing source data is the "scientific method," but does not seem to apply to "Conspiracy Theories." A thousand sources may be quoted, yet will not convince the "skeptics," the "realists." It seems to me the "symptoms of mental illness" are on their side, if they refuse to look at evidence ("There are none so blind as those who WILL not see"); or perhaps something more sinister is at work, such as a knowledge of the truth, that does not want YOU to know.

To be paranoid means to believe in delusions of danger and persecution. If the danger is real, and the evidence credible, then it cannot be delusional. To ignore the evidence, and hope that it CANNOT be true, is more an evidence of mental illness.

The issue involves much more than a difference of philosophy, or political viewpoint. Growing up in the midst of the "Cold War," our generation was taught that those who attempted to abolish our national sovereignty and overthrow our Constitutional government were committing acts of treason. Please judge for yourself if the group discussed is guilty of such.

If one group is effectively in control of national governments and multinational corporations; promotes world government through control of media, foundation grants, and education; and controls and guides the issues of the day; then they control most options available. The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR), and the financial powers behind it, have done all these things, and promote the "New World Order", as they have for over seventy years.

The CFR is the promotional arm of the Ruling Elite in the United States of America. Most influential politicians, academics and media personalities are members, and it uses its influence to infiltrate the New World Order into American life. Its' "experts" write scholarly pieces to be used in decision making, the academics expound on the wisdom of a united world, and the media members disseminate the message.

To understand how the most influential people in America came to be members of an organization working purposefully for the overthrow of the Constitution and American sovereignty, we have to go back at least to the early 1900's, though the story begins much earlier (depending on your viewpoint and beliefs).

That a ruling power elite does indeed control the U.S. government behind the scenes has been attested to by many americans in a position to know. Felix Frankfurter, Justice of the Supreme Court (1939-1962), said: "The real rulers in Washington are invisible and exercise power from behind the scenes." In a letter to an associate dated November 21, 1933, President Franklin Roosevelt wrote, "The real truth of the matter is, as you and I know, that a financial element in the large centers has owned the government ever since the days of Andrew Jackson." February 23, 1954,

Senator William Jenner warned in a speech: "Outwardly we have a Constitutional government. We have operating within our government and political system, another body representing another form of government, bureaucratic elite which believes our Constitution is outmoded."

Baron M.A. Rothschild wrote, "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."

All that is needed to effectively control a government is to have control over the nation's money: a central bank with a monopoly over the supply of money and credit. This had been done in Western Europe, with the creation of privately owned central banks such as the Bank of England.

Georgetown professor Dr. Carroll Quigley (Bill Clinton's mentor while at Georgetown) wrote about the goals of the investment bankers who control central banks: "... nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole... controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."

The Bank of the United States (1816-36), an early attempt at an American central bank, was abolished by President Andrew Jackson, who believed that it threatened the nation. He wrote: "The bold effort the present bank had made to control the government, the distress it had wantonly produced...are but premonitions of the fate that awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution or the establishment of another like it."

Thomas Jefferson wrote: "The Central Bank is an institution of the most deadly hostility existing against the principles and form of our Constitution...if the American people allow private banks to control the issuance of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered."

Does that not describe the situation in America today?

The U.S. managed to do without a central bank until early in this century, when, according to Congressman Charles Lindbergh, Sr., "The Money Trust caused the 1907 panic, and thereby forced Congress to create a National Monetary Commission." Headed by Senator Nelson Aldrich, father-in-law of John D. Rockefeller, Jr., the Commission recommended creation of a central bank.

Though unconstitutional, as only "The Congress shall have Power...To coin Money, regulate the Value thereof..." (Article I, Section 8, U.S. Constitution) the Federal Reserve Act was passed in December 1913; ostensibly to stabilize the economy and prevent further panics, but as Lindberg warned Congress: "This act establishes the most gigantic trust on earth...the invisible government by the money power, proven to exist by the Money Trust investigation, will be legalized." The Great Depression and numerous recessions later, it is obvious the Federal Reserve produces inflation and federal debt whenever it desires, but not stability.

Congressman Louis McFadden, House Committee on Banking and Currency Chairman (1920-31), stated: "When the Federal Reserve Act was passed, the people of these United States did not perceive that a world banking system was being set up here. A super-state controlled by international bankers and industrialists...acting together to enslave the world...Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal its powers but the truth is--the Fed has usurped the government."

Although called "Federal," the Federal Reserve system is privately owned by member banks, makes its own policies, and is not subject to oversight by Congress or the President. As the overseer and supplier of reserves, the Fed gave banks access to public funds, which enhanced their lending capacity.

Peter Kershaw, in "Economic Solutions" lists the ten major shareholders of the Federal Reserve Bank System as: Rothschild: London and Berlin; Lazard Bros: Paris; Israel Seiff: Italy; Kuhn- Loeb Company: Germany; Warburg: Hamburg and Amsterdam; Lehman Bros: New York; Goldman and Sachs: New York; Rockefeller: New York. (That most, if not all of these families just happen to be Jewish, you may judge the significance of yourself). The balance of stock is owned by major commercial member banks.

According to Devvy Kidd, "Why A Bankrupt America?" The Federal Reserve pays the Bureau of Engraving & Printing approximately $23 for each 1,000 notes printed. 10,000 $100 notes (one million dollars) would thus cost the Federal Reserve $230. They then secure a pledge of collateral equal to the face value from the U.S. government. The collateral is our land, labor, and assets... collected by their agents, the IRS. By authorizing the Fed to regulate and create money (and thus inflation), Congress gave private banks power to create profits at will.

As Lindberg put it: "The new law will create inflation whenever the trusts want inflation...they can unload the stocks on the people at high prices during the excitement and then bring on a panic and buy them back at low prices...the day of reckoning is only a few years removed." That day came in 1929, with the Stock Market crash and Great Depression.

One of the most important powers given to the Fed was the right to buy and sell government securities, and provide loans to member banks so they might also purchase them. This provided another built-in mechanism for profit to the banks, if government debt was increased. All that was needed was a method to pay off the debt. This was accomplished through the passage of the income tax in 1913.

A national income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895 by the Supreme Court, so a constitutional amendment was proposed in Congress by none other than ...Senator Nelson Aldrich. As presented to the American people it seemed reasonable enough: income tax on only one percent of income under $20,000, with the assurance that it would never increase.

Since it was graduated, the tax would "soak the rich", ...but the rich had other plans, already devising a method of protecting wealth. As described by Gary Allen in his 1976 book "The Rockefeller File," "By the time the (16th) Amendment had been approved by the states, the Rockefeller Foundation was in full operation...about the same time that Judge Kenesaw Landis was ordering the breakup of the Standard Oil monopoly...John D...not only avoided taxes by creating four great tax-exempt foundations; he used them as repositories for his 'divested' interests...made his assets non-taxable so that they might be passed down through generations without...estate and gift taxes...Each year the Rockefellers can dump up to half their incomes into their pet foundations and deduct the "donations" from their income tax."

Exchanging ownership for control of wealth, foundations are also a handy means for promoting interests that benefit the wealthy. Millions of foundation dollars have been "donated" to causes such as promoting the use of drugs, while degrading preventive medicine. Since many drugs are made from coal tar derivatives, both oil companies and drug manufacturing concerns (many Rockefeller owned or controlled) are the main beneficiaries.

With the means to loan enormous sums to the government (the Federal Reserve), a method to repay the debt (income tax), and an escape from taxation for the wealthy, (foundations), all that remained was an excuse to borrow money. By some happy "coincidence," in 1914 World War I began, and after American participation national debt rose from $1 billion to $25 billion.

Woodrow Wilson was elected President in 1913, beating incumbent William Howard Taft, who had vowed to veto legislation establishing a central bank. To divide the Republican vote and elect the relatively unknown Wilson, J.P. Morgan and Co. poured money into the candidacy of Teddy Roosevelt and his Progressive Party.

According to an eyewitness, Wilson was brought to Democratic Party headquarters in 1912 by Bernard Baruch, a wealthy banker. He received an "indoctrination course" from those he met, and in return agreed, if elected: to support the projected Federal Reserve and the income tax, and "listen" to advice in case of war in Europe and on the composition of his cabinet.

Wilson's top advisor during his two terms was a man named Colonel Edward M. House. House's biographer, Charles Seymour, called him the "unseen guardian angel" of the Federal Reserve Act, helping to guide it through Congress. Another biographer wrote that House believed: "...the Constitution, product of eighteenth-century minds...was thoroughly outdated; that the country would be better off if the Constitution could be scrapped and rewritten..." House wrote a book entitled "Philip Dru: Administrator," published anonymously in 1912. The hero, Philip Dru, rules America and introduces radical changes, such as a graduated income tax, a central bank, and a "league of nations."

World War I produced both a large national debt and huge profits for those who had backed Wilson. Baruch was appointed head of the War Industries Board, where he exercised dictatorial power over the national economy. He and the Rockefellers were reported to have earned over $200 million during the war. Wilson backer Cleveland Dodge sold munitions to the allies, while J.P. Morgan loaned them hundreds of millions, with the protection of U.S. entry into the war.

While profit was certainly a motive, the war was also useful to justify the notion of world government. William Hoar reveals in "Architects of Conspiracy" that during the 1950s, government investigators examining the records of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, a long- time promoter of globalism, found that several years before the outbreak of World War I, the Carnegie trustees were planning to involve the U.S. in a general war, to set the stage for world government.

The main obstacle was that Americans did not want any involvement in European wars. Some kind of incident, such as the explosion of the battleship Main, which provoked the Spanish - American war, would have to be provided as provocation. This occurred when the Lusitania, carrying 128 Americans on board, was sunk by a German submarine, and anti-German sentiment was aroused. When war was declared, U.S. propaganda portrayed all Germans as Huns and fanged serpents, and all Americans opposing the war as traitors.

What was not revealed at the time, however, was that the Lusitania was transporting war munitions to England, making it a legitimate target for the Germans. Even so, they had taken out large ads in the New York papers, asking that Americans not take passage on the ship.

The evidence seems to point to a deliberate plan to have the ship sunk by the Germans. Colin Simpson, author of "The Lusitania," wrote that Winston Churchill, head of the British Admiralty during the war, had ordered a report to predict the political impact if a passenger ship carrying Americans was sunk. German naval codes had been broken by the British, who knew approximately where all U-boats near the British Isles were located.

According to Simpson, Commander Joseph Kenworthy, of British Naval Intelligence, stated: "The Lusitania was deliberately sent at considerably reduced speed into an area where a U-boat was known to be waiting...escorts withdrawn." Thus, even though Wilson had been reelected in 1916 with the slogan "He kept us out of war," America soon found itself fighting a European war. Actually, Colonel House had already negotiated a secret agreement with England, committing the U.S. to the conflict. It seems the American public had little say in the matter.

With the end of the war and the Versailles Treaty, which required severe war reparations from Germany, the way was paved for a leader in Germany such as Hitler. Wilson brought to the Paris Peace Conference his famous "fourteen points," with point fourteen being a proposal for a "general association of nations," which was to be the first step towards the goal of One World Government-the League of Nations.

Wilson's official biographer, Ray Stannard Baker, revealed that the League was not Wilson's idea. "...not a single idea--in the Covenant of the League was original with the President." Colonel House was the author of the Covenant, and Wilson had merely rewritten it to conform to his own phraseology.

The League of Nations was established, but it, and the plan for world government eventually failed because the U.S. Senate would not ratify the Versailles Treaty.

Pat Robertson, in "The New World Order," states that Colonel House, along with other internationalists, realized that America would not join any scheme for world government without a change in public opinion.

After a series of meetings, it was decided that an "Institute of International Affairs", with two branches, in the United States and England, would be formed.

The British branch became known as the Royal Institute of International Affairs, with leadership provided by members of the Round Table. Begun in the late 1800's by Cecil Rhodes, the Round Table aimed to federate the English speaking peoples of the world, and bring it under their rule.

The Council on Foreign Relations was incorporated as the American branch in New York on July 29, 1921. Founding members included Colonel House, and "...such potentates of international banking as J.P. Morgan, John D. Rockefeller, Paul Warburg, Otto Kahn, and Jacob Schiff...the same clique which had engineered the establishment of the Federal Reserve System," according to Gary Allen in the October 1972 issue of "AMERICAN OPINION."

The founding president of the CFR was John W. Davis, J.P. Morgan's personal attorney, while the vice-president was Paul Cravath, also representing the Morgan interests. Professor Carroll Quigley characterized the CFR as "...a front group for J.P. Morgan and Company in association with the very small American Round Table Group." Over time Morgan influence was lost to the Rockefellers, who found that one world government fit their philosophy of business well. As John D. Rockefeller, Sr. had said: "Competition is a sin," and global monopoly fit their needs as they grew internationally.

Antony Sutton, a research fellow for the Hoover Institution for War, Revolution, and Peace at Stanford University, wrote of this philosophy: "While monopoly control of industries was once the objective of J.P. Morgan and J.D. Rockefeller, by the late nineteenth century the inner sanctums of Wall Street understood the most efficient way to gain an unchallenged monopoly was to 'go political' and make society go to work for the monopolists-- under the name of the public good and the public interest."

Frederick C. Howe revealed the strategy of using government in a 1906 book, "Confessions of a Monopolist": "These are the rules of big business...Get a monopoly; let society work for you; and remember that the best of all business is politics..."

As corporations went international, national monopolies could no longer protect their interests. What was needed was a one world system of government controlled from behind the scenes. This had been the plan since the time of Colonel House, and to implement it, it was necessary to weaken the U.S. politically and economically.

During the 1920's, America enjoyed a decade of prosperity, fueled by the easy availability of credit. Between 1923 and 1929 the Federal Reserve expanded the money supply by sixty-two percent. When the stock market crashed, many small investors were ruined, but not "insiders." In March of 1929 Paul Warburg issued a tip the Crash was coming, and the largest investors got out of the market, according to Allen and Abraham in "None Dare Call it Conspiracy."

With their fortunes intact, they were able to buy companies for a fraction of their worth. Shares that had sold for a dollar might now cost a nickel, and the buying power, and wealth, of the rich increased enormously.

Louis McFadden, Chairman of the House Banking Committee declared: "It was not accidental. It was a carefully contrived occurrence...The international bankers sought to bring about a condition of despair here so that they might emerge as rulers of us all."

Curtis Dall, son-in-law of FDR and a syndicate manager for Lehman Brothers, an investment firm, was on the N.Y. Stock Exchange floor the day of the crash. In "FDR: My Exploited Father-In-Law," he states: "...it was the calculated 'shearing' of the public by the World-Money powers triggered by the planned sudden shortage of call money in the New York Market."

The Crash paved the way for the man Wall Street had groomed for the presidency, FDR. Portrayed as a "man of the little people", the reality was that Roosevelt's family had been involved in New York banking since the eighteenth century.

Frederic Delano, FDR's uncle, served on the original Federal Reserve Board. FDR attended Groton and Harvard, and in the 1920's worked on Wall Street, sitting on the board of directors of eleven different corporations.

Dall wrote of his father-in-law: "...Most of his thoughts, his political 'ammunition,'...were carefully manufactured for him in advance by the CFR-One World Money group. Brilliantly... he exploded that prepared 'ammunition' in the middle of an unsuspecting target, the American people--and thus paid off and retained his internationalist political support."

Taking America off the gold standard in 1934, FDR opened the way to unrestrained money supply expansion, decades of inflation--and credit revenues for banks. Raising gold prices from $20 an ounce to $35, FDR and Treasury Secretary Henry Morgenthau, Jr. (son of a founding CFR member), gave international bankers huge profits.

FDR's most remembered program, the New Deal, could only be financed through heavy borrowing. In effect, those who had caused the Depression loaned America the money to recover from it. Then, through the National Recovery Administration, proposed by Bernard Baruch in 1930, they were put in charge of regulating the economy. FDR appointed Baruch disciple Hugh Johnson to run the NRA, assisted by CFR member Gerard Swope. With broad powers to regulate wages, prices, and working conditions, it was, as Herbert Hoover wrote in his memoirs: "...pure fascism;...merely a remaking of Mussolini's 'corporate state'..." The Supreme Court eventually ruled the NRA unconstitutional.

During the FDR years, the Council on Foreign Relations captured the political life of the U.S. Besides Treasury Secretary Morgenthau, other CFR members included Secretary of State Edward Stettinus, War Secretary Henry Stimson, and Assistant Secretary of State Sumner Welles.

Since 1934 almost every United States Secretary of State has been a CFR member; and ALL Secretaries of War or Defense, from Henry L. Stimson through Richard Cheney.

The CIA has been under CFR control almost continuously since its creation, starting with Allen Dulles, founding member of the CFR and brother of Secretary of State under President Eisenhower, John Foster Dulles. Allen Dulles had been at the Paris Peace Conference, joined the CFR in 1926, and later became its president.

John Foster Dulles had been one of Woodrow Wilson's young proteges at the Paris Peace Conference. A founding member of the CFR...he was an in-law of the Rockefellers, Chairman of the Board of the Rockefeller Foundation, and Board Chairman of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

In 1940 FDR defeated internationalist Wendell Willkie, who wrote a book entitled "One World," and later became a CFR member. Congressman Usher Burdick protested at the time on the floor of the House that Willkie was being financed by J.P. Morgan and the New York utility bankers. Polls showed few Republicans favored him, yet the media portrayed him as THE Republican candidate.

Since that time nearly ALL presidential candidates have been CFR members. President Truman, who was not a member, was advised by a group of "wise men," all six of whom were CFR members, according to Gary Allen. In 1952 and 1956, CFR Adlai Stevenson challenged CFR Eisenhower.

In 1960, CFR Kennedy (who was probably killed because he had the courage NOT to go along with all their plans) CFR Nixon. In 1964 the GOP stunned the Establishment by nominating its candidate over Nelson Rockefeller.

Rockefeller and the CFR wing proceeded to picture Barry Goldwater as a dangerous radical. In 1968 CFR Nixon ran against CFR Humphrey. The 1972 "contest" featured CFR Nixon vs. CFR McGovern.

CFR candidates for president include George McGovern, Walter Mondale, Edmund Muskie, John Anderson, and Lloyd Bentsen. In 1976 we had Jimmy Carter, who is a member of the Trilateral Commission, created by David Rockefeller and CFR member Zbigniew Brzezinski with the goal of economic linkage between Japan, Europe, and the United States, and: "...managing the world economy...a smooth and peaceful evolution of the global system." We have also had (though his name strangely disappears from the membership list in 1979) CFR director (1977-79) George Bush, and last but not least, CFR member Bill Clinton.

They have all promoted the "New World Order," controlled by the United Nations. The problem is that "...the present United Nations organization is actually the creation of the CFR and is housed on land in Manhattan donated to it by the family of current CFR chairman David Rockefeller," as Pat Robertson describes it.

The original concept for the UN was the outcome of the Informal Agenda Group, formed in 1943 by Secretary of State Cordell Hull. All except Hull were CFR members, and Isaiah Bowman, a founding member of the CFR, originated the idea.

The American delegation to the San Francisco meeting that drafted the charter of the United Nations in 1949 included CFR members Nelson Rockefeller, John Foster Dulles, John McCloy, and CFR members who were communist agents--Harry Dexter White, Owen Lattimore, and the Secretary-General of the conference, Alger Hiss. In all, the Council sent forty-seven of its members in the United States delegation, effectively controlling the outcome.

Since that time the CFR and its friends in the mass media (largely controlled by CFR members such as Katherine Graham of the "Washington Post" and Henry Luce of" Time, Life"), foundations, and political groups have lobbied consistently to grant the United Nations more authority and power. Bush and the Gulf War were but one of the latest calls for a "New World Order."

Admiral Chester Ward, a member of the CFR for over a decade, became one of its harshest critics, revealing its inner workings in a 1975 book, "Kissinger ON THE COUCH." In it he states "The most powerful cliques in these elitist groups have one objective in common: they want to bring about the surrender of the sovereignty and national independence of the United States."

Most members are one-world-government ideologists whose long- term goals were officially summed up in September 1961 State Department Document 7277, adopted by the Nixon Administration: "...elimination of all armed forces and armaments except those needed to maintain internal order within states and to furnish the United Nations with peace forces...by the time it (UN global government) would be so strong no nation could challenge it."

Within the CFR there exists a "much smaller group but more powerful...made up of Wall Street international bankers and their key agents. Primarily, they want the world banking monopoly from whatever power ends up in control of the global government ...This CFR faction is headed by the Rockefeller brothers," according to Ward.

What must be remembered is that this is not some lunatic- fringe group...these are members of one of the most powerful private organizations in the world: the people who determine and control American economic, social, political, and military policy. Members' influence and control extends to "leaders in academia, public service, business, and the media," according to the CFR 1993 "Annual Report."

Their founding they describe as: "American Participants in the Paris Peace Conference decided that it was time for more private Americans to become familiar with the increasing responsibilities and obligations of the United States...there was a need for an organization able to provide for the continuous study of U.S. foreign police for the BENEFIT OF ITS MEMBERS (emphasis mine) and a wider audience of interested Americans."

They sponsor hundreds of programs, where members "exchange views with American and foreign officials and policy experts... discuss foreign policy issues...consider international issues of concern to the business community" (Corporate business), and "...affiliated groups of community leaders throughout the United states...meet with decision makers."

The CFR states that it is "host to many views, advocate of none," and it "has no affiliation with the U.S. government." No, no affiliation at all, if you don't count: "A Council member was elected president of the United States...Dozens of other Council colleagues were called to serve in cabinet and sub-cabinet positions," as they describe it in "Foreign Affairs," along with many members of Congress, the Supreme Court, the Joint Chiefs, the Federal Reserve, and many other Federal bureaucrats.

They are not AFFILIATED with government, they ARE the government, in effect.

One re-occurring view was stated in the 50th anniversary issue of "Foreign Affairs," the official publication of the CFR. In an article by Kingman Brewster, Jr. entitled "Reflections on Our National Purpose." Our purpose should be, according to him, to do away with our nationality, to "take some risks in order to invite others to pool their sovereignty with ours..."

These "risks" include disarming to the point where we would be helpless against the "peace-keeping" forces of a global UN government. We should happily surrender our sovereignty to the world government in the interests of the "world community."

Today we have the spectacle of Spc. 4 Michael New, a U.S. soldier in Germany who refuses to wear the uniform of the UN, facing an "administrative discharge." He states rightly that he swore an oath to defend the U.S. Constitution, not the United Nations. Many other Americans have taken that same oath, such as myself, and believe it is our sworn duty still to defend the Constitution, since an oath sworn before God must be fulfilled. (Why else do we swear to tell the truth in our courts, or when taking public office?) Is it a crime these days to actually BELIEVE in God and the oath that was taken?

Meanwhile, others who attempt to destroy the Constitution and our sovereignty are given honors and position...At least they are not hypocrites...only supremely arrogant.

"In short, the 'house of world order' will have to be built from the bottom up rather than from the top down...An end run around national sovereignty, eroding it piece by piece, will accomplish much more than the old fashioned assault..." in the opinion of Richard N. Gardner, former deputy assistant Secretary of State in "Foreign Affairs," April 1974.

James Warburg, son of CFR founder Paul Warburg, and a member of FDR's "brain trust," testified before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on February 17, 1950, "We shall have world government whether or not you like it--by conquest or consent."

Is this an AMERICAN speaking, or a dangerous lunatic? Who is this "We" who threatens to CONQUER us?

They are a group that actually has the power to do it, and is doing it every day, bit by bit.

CFR Members in the mass media, education, and entertainment push their propaganda of "humanism" and world brotherhood. We should all live in peace under a world government, and forget about such selfish things as nationalities and patriotism. We can solve our own problems. We don't need God, or morals, or values: it's all relative, anyway, right?...Because if we actually had some moral character and values, we might be able to discern that these people are actually EVIL.

The Bible says that the LOVE of money is the root of all evil (1 Tim. 6:10). These people are evil because they love money and power, and greed drives them to do anything to achieve their goals. They have lost all morality and conscience, and believe such concepts, as well as our Constitution, "outdated".

THAT is insanity--to have more wealth than can be spent, and still it is never enough. They have to control governments, start wars, conspire to rule the world; least the "common people" wake up to how they have gained their wealth, take it away from them, and demand that they pay the price for their crimes.

That is why they constantly pit us one against the other, with "Diversity," Affirmative Action, and other programs,...black against white, men against women, rural against urban, ranchers against environmentalists, and on and on...least we look in their direction.

We The People are held to a much higher standard. If we threaten the President or a public official, we are charged with a crime...yet the One-World-Gang can threaten the Constitution and the liberties of We The People, the sovereign rulers of this nation, and nothing is said or done.

Perhaps they do not fear what Man can do to them... they believe they have arranged everything, and their power and wealth will prevail in this world. However, those among them who have sworn an oath before God to uphold and defend the Constitution: the President, members of Congress, and the military; may find one day that they do indeed have something to fear.

List of CFR Members

Colonel House, the fallen angel, still has relatives controlling the CFR. Karen Elliot House is Chairman of the Membership Committee, and a member of the Nominating Committee, along with Jeane Kirkpatrick. David Rockefeller is now "Honorary Chairman of the Board", after serving as Chairman 1970-1985; and "Director Emeritus," after serving as a Director 1949-1985. Peter G. Peterson is Chairman, Admiral B. R. Inman is Vice Chairman, while Thomas Foley and Jeane Kirkpatrick are Directors serving on the Executive Committee.

These "private citizens" have access to government officials and policy makers as often as they wish, yet the results of their meetings can only be given to other government officials, corporate officers, or law partners. Participants are forbidden to transmit an attributed statement to any public medium, such as newspapers or TV, where there is "risk that it will promptly be widely circulated or published," as the "Annual Report" puts it.

Should not OUR public officials be forbidden to meet in secret with private groups? Public officials should only be allowed to discuss public business and policy in a public forum. The Public...remember US?

There is much more to say about this group and their plans for America. Gary Allen, in "The Rockefeller File," states that they are behind the many regional government plans, which would abolish city, county, and state lines, leaving us at the mercy of federal bureaucrats; and behind the push for "land use" controls. They want "federal control of everything. Since they intend to control the federal government..."

There are also the many allegations of involvement in gun running, drug smuggling, prostitution and sex slaves; and the many mysterious assassinations and "suicides" of witnesses and others who get too close to the truth...but that is another story.


·         Bo Adelmann, 1986. "The Federal Reserve System." The New American, October 17.

·         Gary Allen, 1976. The Rockefeller File. Seal Beach, CA: '76 Press.

·         Gary Allen with Larry Abraham, 1972. None Dare Call it Conspiracy. Rossmoor, CA: Concord Press.

·         "Congressional Record," December 22, 1913, Vol. 51.

·         Phoebe and Kent Courtney, 1962. America's Unelected Rulers, The Council on Foreign Relations. New Orleans: Conservative Society of America.

·         Curtis B. Dall, 1970. FDR My Exploited Father-In-Law. Washington D.C.: Action Associates.

·         A. Ralph Epperson, 1985. The Unseen Hand. Tucson, AZ: Publius Press.

·         F.D.R.: His Personal Letters, 1950. New York: Duell, Sloan and Pearce.

·         William P. Hoar, 1984. Architects of Conspiracy. Belmont MA: Western Islands.

·         Herbert Hoover, 1952. The Memoirs of Herbert Hoover, The Great Depression 1929-1941. New York: Macmillan.

·         Frederick C. Howe, 1906. Confessions of a Monopolist. Chicago: Public Publishing Co.

·         Robert C. Johansen, 1980. Models of World Order, in "Dilemmas of War and Peace."

·         Peter Kershaw, 1994. "Economic Solutions."

·         Devvy Kidd, 1995. "Why A Bankrupt America?" Colorado: Project Liberty.

·         Ferdinand Lundberg, 1938. America's 60 Families. New York: Vanguard.

·         Louis T. McFadden, 1934. "The Federal Reserve Corporation, remarks in Congress." Boston: Forum Publication Co.

·         James Perloff, 1988. The Shadows of Power. Appleton, WI: Western Islands.

·         Carroll Quigley, 1966. Tragedy and Hope. New York: Macmillan.

·         Pat Robertson, 1991. The New World Order. Dallas: Word Publishing.

·         Charles Seymour, ed., 1926. The Intimate Paper of Colonel House. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

·         Colin Simpson, 1972. The Lusitania. Boston: Little, Brown.

·         Arthur D. Howde Smith, 1940. "Mr House ob5 Texas." New York: Funk and Wagnalls.

·         Antony C. Sutton, 1975. Wall Street and FDR. New Rochelle, New York: Arlington House.

·         George Sylvester Viereck, 1932. The Strangest Friendship in History. New York: Liveright.

This document may be freely distributed or quoted in any medium, provided credit is given to the author and The Courier. Copyright 1995





Tuesday, November 6, 2007


It's the politician's mantra, "If you can make an "X", you're my kind of guy." The "X" is quite interesting because it's a bit of a mockery on the illumined man, because they know you're not illumined. You're in the dark. You're the "profane," you see, and "X" was the symbol of the illumined man. It was also used for those who couldn't read and write, not so long ago really. Mark your "X" down, that was your sign. That was your oath when you put a little "X" down there. You're giving authority to someone and you'll be in obeyance to that authority. That's what soldiers did in Europe in the last century. In the early last century and the centuries before, they marked their "X" because they couldn't read or write and they were now under the total command of their superiors. They've given their rights away as a member of the public to be a private. You're owned privately. There's another type of law you can see behind all of this, which you can figure out if you put the time to it, but it's all to do with contracts and contractual law. It's far better to have people believe that they have a say in things. They found out this 200-odd years ago in Britain. It's much easier if you give them what they think is democracy and representation, that way they don't revolt every four or five years. You just kick the last lot out and then you scratch your heads and you wonder why there seems to be an agenda continuing here with the next bunch that's in. Thomas Jefferson mentioned this in his own writings. He said, "When you see a particular agenda being carried forth through different houses (meaning different elected groups one after the other) and you see a particular agenda continuing, then you're under a form of control." Totalitarian type tyranny and we can certainly see it. It's not hard to see if anybody really wants to open the books. It's not conspiracy because those who have been the visible leaders to this, the front-men, have been well documented in the past. We find that in the writings of John Dee going back to England in the 1500's, the British Empire -- "Brytish Empire" (Brightish Empire) as he called it, with a free trade association of countries that would join and get special status if they joined; and eventually this system would be global. We also see it re-emerging in the time of Cecil Rhodes with his Rhodes Foundation and the amalgamation of the Rhodes Foundation with Lord Milner and the Round Table groups, now known as "The Royal Institute of International Affairs" that really is a government that is unelected. It has people placed in governments, but they have many people outside of the government in high positions and in big bureaucracies in federal levels; and this was also to bring in a world state based on Plato's Republic. They push continuously for a society where people will serve the world state. They will serve it. They will believe it's their duty to serve the world state. It sounds very appealing to the left-wingers because left wings are always looking for utopia and it never turns out that way. Even Gorbachev had to admit that. You find the guys that play both sides of the fence tend to say very honest things. They can afford to. It doesn't mean that they're against it. They just tell you it doesn't work. Utopias tend to create absolute horror on countries and nations and peoples, down through the centuries, as you hammer and force them to conform into a system, which is technically alien to them. A system based on a priority of commerce and banking. That is never questioned in all these utopian schemes strangely enough. These tokens for exchanges, the thing called "money" is never questioned, nor is it ever questioned as to why specific families have the right to decide what money is. Together these families form what is called "The World Bank", another front, a façade. Carroll Quigley, who was a professor at Georgetown University—Georgetown being famous for training people to go on to be high level bureaucrats first to do service abroad, generally in forms of charitable agencies, and then they come back and go up the ladder. He was responsible for picking out Rhode Scholars to send to Oxford in England, where this seems to be the center of all of this globalism really stems from. Oxford is tied with Cambridge for different functions. Cambridge tends to put out into the world the aristocratic elite, the ones that are a bit brighter to give positions to go out into the world. They run the spy agencies and stuff. Whereas Oxford seems to be based on training the people to go into high-level politics and bureaucracies worldwide. The Royal Institute of International Affairs has a branch in every British Commonwealth country, so you'll have the Australian Institute of International Affairs, Canadian Institute of International Affairs, et cetera, et cetera. Back in the early 1900's, Milner proposed and it was accepted and implemented that they'd take in other countries, such as India and Pakistan and countries which were not part of the Empire, eventually, such as the USA, and sure enough they'd be called The Council on Foreign Relations, so not to upset the citizenry of the countries who were non-affiliated with the British Empire. You'll find that the policies for the U.S. and all the English speaking countries having dictated fairly openly in their own writings for over a hundred years. Carroll Quigley mentioned that no one in these countries, NO ONE EVER, EVER, (underline ever) is elected to high office without being vetted and passed years before by the Royal Institute of International Affairs. It would be a form of scaled down competition for what appears to the public to be parties, but in reality the top people that form the upper cabinets would all be handpicked and vetted and trained for the position, years before the public even hear their names. That's also the same with the likes of Canada, with the provinces to the provincial level. The premiers and provincial level are also picked, vetted, passed and okayed. The reason THEY HAVE NEVER LOST CONTROL OF THEIR AGENDA AND THE DIRECTION—IS THEY PLAN THE FUTURE LIKE A BUSINESS. It's a business. They plan it with meticulous detail, not only a business but as a war; and the people of the world don't know the war is upon them. The elite factions of The Council on Foreign Relations (which is the American branch of The Royal Institute of International Affairs) are from aristocratic families in America, and the U.S. does have this aristocracy. It's got a fantastic reputation through propaganda of not having the same snobbery as parts of Europe, but it certainly does, just as much in fact, and they try and disguise it under different accents and so on, but still they're all from the same "Old Boys School". This has gone on for hundreds of years and the party business is a joke. It's one agenda. All countries have signed their sovereignty away when they signed first of all the "Atlantic Charter" at the beginning of World War II, and then subsequently they reinforced that by sending more of their sovereignty away with the United Nations. They cannot back out of the United Nations and go solo or sovereign without being called "a rogue nation". That's what they mean by that. They've broken their contract. It's all run by high Freemasonry. Back to John Dee and the Rosicrucian's—they were the ones who put out branches just like monks do. In monasteries, you'll find different branches of monks (because this is an ancient system) would ordain other or charter other branches of monks. The Dominicans would give branches off of itself and they call themselves something else et cetera, et cetera. It's kind of like weeds. They grow in the same stock like a dandelion and then blow away multifariously. You have these associations all going back to what we call today "Freemasonry," with its base structure comprised of the public, the profane and the low Masons who don't know much at all but are sworn to uphold this system. Regardless of what happens, they will uphold it. That's what a base is for. The base with the "all seeing eye" and even on their dollar and the Great Seal, which is the reverse side of the Great Seal, of two sides of it like the Janus character. It's planted in a wilderness. That's what it symbolizes, the parched wilderness. The wilderness of ignorance, the profane, the public and it rises above the public. It dominates the public and so the intellect - the light, "the intelligentsia" have been given the right to dominate the lessers. They are not the bosses though. The media has had a fantastic job of doing its usual of whipping up the frenzy, which they themselves coined the term. The election fever and the people who are programmed go right into the election mode of fever voting for whoever says the right things, because that's what parties do. It reminds me of the Community Party and Lenin said it and Marx before him. "You must lie to get in. You tell the people what they want to hear and once you're in, you do what you want." That really is what democracy is. If you look at democracy, there's not country where you can actually throw anybody out that you've elected if they go their own way. This has been tried here in Canada, even on local levels, and the people who investigate this and try to get the elected officials out find out that "under democracy the only right you have is to vote them in." That's the only right you have. Once they're in, they don't have to be responsible to you. You'd think they'd learn this down through the ages. You think people who grow up and see two or three elections in their life would start to catch on, but the conditioning overpowers them. The talking heads of the media gets them into the sports phrase and even use sports terminology, the same phrases you'll hear in football games, and one's bashing the other and who's routing whom, and it's like a war. It's such a farce, really, because it's all done by PR campaigns, publicity managers and scriptwriters. You're seeing actors basically parrot what they're told to parrot. They're lost without their scripts. That's why they always make such incredible boo-boos when they open their mouths and say what they think. They just parrot what they're said to say. They're actors on the stage like Shakespeare said. The people never fail to fall for this. They've been lied to so many times they haven't a clue what's really going on in the world, or what the big picture is, or the agenda—or, if they do, they're double-minded. It's like Orwell's double-speak: The ability to hold two opposite opinions in your head at the same time and rationalize each one of them. That's a condition of psychological tampering, basically. It's gets me that they actually really want these people who say these things, they really want them to do and implement these things that they promise to do. PROMISES. It's amazing. It never ever alters. They've been doing this democracy business for a couple of centuries now. It keeps evolving and changing, mind you, in its style and the people don't notice that either. They really think those people and the multimillionaires and the big corporate ex-CEOs that they vote for are going to change their lives for the better for them. All they have to do is to look for a little bit of honesty with themselves, because that's the only place that you can start, unless you torture somebody like Chertoff and his bunch do. That's the only time you get the truth out of someone. You can't force the truth out of someone if they're a born liar; and people who can lie to whole nations are born liars. It's a particular skill that's hard to do it without blushing or flickering the eyelids and that type of thing; and they do it very well. If they were in a lower class, they'd be very good salesmen selling vacuum cleaners that probably don't work. Honesty. You have to start with yourself and that means: Why do you honestly expect someone else to change your world for you? I highly recommend Carroll Quigley's books "Tragedy & Hope" and "The Anglo-American Establishment". Quigley, who was often consulted by the top politicians on policy abroad, was no simple professor. He was also the historian for the American branch of The Royal Institute of International Affairs called "The CFR" (Council on Foreign Relations). He had access to their records. He updated them and he was quite open about much of it in his writings. He tells you "here is the reasons why things really happen in history," and sure enough, it fills in all the little black spots that you don't get in school. All you have in school is dates and times, wars and battles and generals, and who won what and who killed who. They never go into what companies backed it up. What international corporations supplied the stuff? Who made fortunes? Which individuals made fortunes and also paid off the politicians? He does this. He goes into it in pretty good detail. He's the guy who picked Bill Clinton for a Rhodes Scholarship. Clinton, like all of them, are groomed from childhood for their roles. The president's you'll have in 10 years time have already been picked, same as prime ministers. The major events you'll find in history as you gone in years are already planned like a business format. "Nothing happens in politics by chance" and FDR said that. So why do people vote? Prior to all elections, Joe and Jane Average are worried about their own personal lives. Their lifestyle never matches the image they're sold by the media, by the "culture creators" at the top. Therefore they tend to blame themselves and that creates uncertainty in themselves and their own decision making. They feel like children. That's what they want you to feel like, like children who are helpless and then they can bring forth the father figures who seem full of self-confidence. They realize your concerns. They feel your pain and they vocalize what they know is going through your own lives what you're feeling. That's why we have such uncertainty in the world. It helps to make sure that we do keep this farce going by voting, thinking we can change it. I mean we shouldn't really encourage these guys by voting. It would be something else if we stopped voting all together, then the "real bosses" would have to come forth with force and show their faces, because they would not allow the system to disintegrate which they have always kept control of for thousands of years—the commercial system with its mercantile law. People vote because they're afraid. They want reassurance. They want to be made to feel that they're secure. This is what every CON MAN down through history has observed and they know how to exploit these fears. It's great when you can create the fears and then you can exploit them. You give the problem. You have the reaction to the problem for the public, then the fear, then you offer the solutions. It doesn't mean you have to carry those solutions out; or, if you do, you'll word it in such a way that it turns out completely different than the people envisage. People want heroes because they have no faith in themselves. Aldous Huxley in his Berkeley speech (which you can download from this site) was quite correct when he said that most people are really unhappy in their lives. He knew because the system which he and his forbearers had created were making it so. Most people certainly began to be terribly unhappy with all the anxiety of war after war and basically depressions; and in Britain, all through the '70's and '80's, it was called "a recession". They didn't want to call it "a depression". Everybody was depressed all right, but they called it "a recession." They were de-industrializing the country without telling the public that this was the official plan they'd actually signed back in 1945 or '46 with the United Nations to de-industrialize it for the European Union. The generations who were born in that period afterwards simply went through welfare and job after job if they could get it. The "dole," as they called it, a term borrowed from ancient Rome who gave the dole of wine and bread everyday to the public to keep them happy, to keep them from revolting. Everything was planned that way, as I say, which is now disclosed. They admitted it after they united Europe officially under a government. They came out and declassified all the documentation. So generations can suffer and they don't care at the top, because "well, the plan's the plan," you see, and "you can't make an omelet without breaking eggs," as Mr. Rockefeller said. People have to realize that the main problems they'll face in their life and they blame themselves for, it's not really their fault at all. They're conditioned in a system which gives them a fake perception of reality. When the myth that they go for does not turn out the same way as the myth is supposed to, they blame themselves and get depressed. They have family breakups. The children go their own way because they're indoctrinated in the school. That's where they get their values from, totally different from the parents, every few years they update this agenda to make it even more so. The people look for a hero outside of themselves, one who voices the concerns that they feel; and that's all they need is acknowledgement this person has stated their problems. They know their problems. They want a hero outside themselves and that's why they vote. It's interesting that when you look at the ones behind Adolph Hitler, who are often portrayed in history as a bunch of little nobody's who just worked their way up in society, renegades little psychopaths; and yet they try to make them seem as though they're almost illiterate; and that's really the upper class snobbery there because these guys were not stupid. We find that Goring, for instance, who was a flamboyant character and no doubt psychopathic to boot, and probably very likeable if you knew him personally, and who loved to dress in a Roman toga for his parties, and who was a theosophist and who carried his big jar of crystal around with him for the "good vibrations." He says: "It's the easiest thing to take control of a country. A few people can do it," he said. "All you have to do is to hype up the fear of an external threat and claim that the government's not doing enough to stop it and the public and that you will do more if you get in to protect them and then they'll vote for you. They'll get you in." People forget that Adolph Hitler was voted in democratically before he became de facto dictator. Albert Pike, the Pope of Freemasonry in the 1800's, said, "We always give the public their heroes. We give the heroes to every faction, every side." The people, once they hear this person saying all the right things, will give their allegiance to that person because "he or she speaks for me." That's how we rationalize it, and we sit back and we guide it again. They say go here, go do this, do that—and we do it. We give our power to the "authorized heroes". The VOTE SCAM never began with electronic voting. It's always been a scam. Even if they did it correctly and upfront and honestly, it wouldn't matter, because once again, the "Big Boys" at the top are handpicked and groomed by people you'll never see, like The Royal Institute of International Affairs Council, long before you ever hear the name and years and years before they ever run for office. The easiest way to control people is to get them into parties, especially two parties. This or that, up or down, left or right. You'll hear talk show hosts use the same formula on AM stations, your local AM stations or city AM stations, then they get you into the emotive topic. Are you for euthanasia? Are you against euthanasia? Are you for this? Are you for that? They drum it up, and sure enough, the people obligingly fall into their camps. Their emotional responses to sounds, to words, they're conditioned and they fall into their camps. If you want to control masses of people, you give them at least two parties. Three's a bit untidy but you can use the third one occasionally when it's so blatantly obvious the corruption is in both parties, you can always use the third one for a little while, as they do in Canada, once in a blue moon. The whole party thing is the easiest way to control millions of people. The United States was supposed to be a Republic first, which followed specific guidelines. Although they were wrote in such a way you could drive buses through it, and that was deliberate too. The party system is easy to take over because you just have to put your guy or a few at the top, and the rest are like trained seals at the circus. You know all the other politicians there they'd want the party. They want to get up the ladder. They're all Masons. They clap their fins (you know, their hands) and cheer their boss on and tell their constituents, "Well, I didn't like that, but I had to toe the party line," you see. "Toe the line," that's a Masonic saying. Sure enough, they do and the public says, "Oh well, I guess he had to," you see, and "we let it happen," but really, we encourage them by voting. In the Soviet Union they made it law that you had to vote because people just weren't coming out, so they made it law; because legally, you see, you have to give your power to the beast that rules you. They forced the people to participate. In Australia, I don't know if they passed it or not, but Howard the Prime Minister there, I think he's been there forever, he was going to do the same thing in Australia, because really there's not confidence in the system. The people are a little bewildered as to why all these things are happening, all this globalization and the Pacific Rim Region set-up and the laws that are getting passed. They can't quite figure it out, so he was thinking of making it mandatory to vote. If there's anybody in Australia, let me know, it would be interesting to see. They talked about that in Canada, but tossed it around once in a while. It's "good" you see when you can give them the right to rule over you. It's governed as such it's ruled because it's ruled to an agenda. "A rule" is another Masonic term because the first cane, the priest (Cane, Cain) and the first rulers were made of cane. Even when I was in school, maybe even still you can get cheap ones from China made of cane and marked off. It used to be inches. Now it's probably centimeters, as they move from the 12 to the 10 system. Again, the binary code coming in there, Masonic again, everything is, you see. You're living in a system which you don't even recognize is all around you, right down to your measurements. In the mythological ideal, The Republic would have been a system where there was one state. I mean it's like one party where all the rules and tenants of the party were laid down and "fixed in stone." The representatives would come from your area to represent just you, the people. That's what is in its mythological form. The party system of course does away that, because all the little hacks at the bottom have worked their way in there for power sake and status. They don't go there to serve the people. They'll say all right things because it's their nature, as good little psychopaths, when in reality it's self-serving. That's where they meet the future business contact, big ones. The largest contracts, of course, dished out in a country are from the federal government, so they make all their acquaintances for business future and so on. They're not there to serve the people. It's rather sad to see that's happened in all countries over the last 150 years or so, when even the ones who were supposed to represent the working people sell out very quickly, often beforehand, because they hand-pick their leaders; and again, they are all Masons. That's the common bond throughout the whole planet—Freemasonry. In all of its names, it's the same thing, male and female. Interestingly enough, I tuned into the news tonight on the Canadian television (I get three stations with my rabbit ears here), and there's a spokesman for a political party in Canada, a woman, and she gave the most obvious freemasonic handshake, so she's Eastern Star. It was interesting to see it so blatant. I guess she's only just passed the third degree and not much higher, because it was just too obvious; but that's the system we live under. It's the same in business. It's the same in law. It's the same everywhere. The signs, the symbols, the language is all around you and you don't see it. You don't see it. However, any president of the United States goes up to give his speech on the podium, everything around that set (and it's a set for your viewing), the same kind of methodology goes into the creation of that background as it does in a movie where everything's debated. Should this be here? Should that be there? Is this the right color? Color is very important too. It's a language. It goes all the way back, actually before Pythagoras who was the guy who brought it out of Egypt where he studied. You'll find every president of the United States will tell you his format by the way the flag behind them is draped. If the arrows are showing with the leg, you know the job is war. If it's the other leg of the eagle holding the olive branch, his job is to at least pretend peace, like Bill Clinton pretended peace; although, more missiles flew over the Middle East from ships and blew up all over the place in Iraq during his whole tenure there—TEN-YEAR. You can tell a good deal by the background. It's a language for "those in the know." Yep, if you can make an X, you're my kind of guy. Isn't it really interesting to see when it's time for electing who's going to be the front man at the top this fever they drum up with all the balloons. Balloons, placards, badges, funny hats, and cheering and so on at the party headquarters, it's like a circus. This is supposed to deal with you and problems with the country, finances and all; and here they are having a circus to drum up hysteria for the public and the public seem to respond to it. I noticed when I came to this country the difference in the advertising techniques, because they're suited to the types of mentality they've given to the public – and there is a culture mentality to give to the public. It's given to you. You're born into it and they update it, just like they update computers every so often, and the public never notice. In Britain, the ads were pretty boring because it was all suits and ties and steadfast and upstanding guys selling you something. Whereas in the U.S. and Canada, at that time it was salesmen who were dressed up literally like circus clowns with the big red noses on and big shoes and balloons in their hands selling used cars. I thought, "who in their right mind would buy a used car from a clown?" Yet they were successful it seems. The same technique is used for voting, as though utopia is coming tomorrow if you just vote this person in. Tomorrow comes and goes and then the promises are all broken and the same agenda, the same United Nations agenda moves steadily forward as always. It doesn't change and the people don't learn because they think this is all real, and they say, "if this bunch turned out bad, we'll vote the next bunch in next time," and that's what you really do. You don't vote new people in. You're voting the last lot out. You're so sick of them and yet you've no memory to realize the bunch you're voting in did the same thing when they were in the last time. In this system which is a totalitarian system which has always worn, not always worn but generally wears the velvet glove that covers the iron fist. It's much easier to have people obey by compliance rather than by brute force and to make them think they are actually guiding their own lives. But you'll find in this system all of, again, the mythos to do with the culture and the safety nets are out there for you that you're meant to believe are there. You've a caring system. You'll find the tools, if you have to go and use them eventually one day, and I always liken them to a highway that you walk along and there's your pick axe there and I don't need that. I'll keep going and there's the hammer there. I'll keep going. There's a spade. I'll keep going, I don't need that. However, if you ever do, you'll find that when you pick them up to use and you hit that pick-axe on the road, it bounces because it's made of rubber. It's made of rubber. THE SYSTEM DOESN'T GIVE OUT THE TOOLS TO HELP YOU OVERCOME THE SYSTEM. That's how clever this is. Everyone's divided from race, creed, religion, generations, male, female. Everything's divided and divided and divided. Every so often they get on side of the other fighting the other, via the media, over some emotive topic and that keeps it going, all divided and conquered. Everyone's divided and conquered. This is a science, an ancient science that is taught to those who are not elected, because the real bosses are not elected and they have no responsibility to answer to the public. It's so interesting to see that when, officially for the first time as an organization, The Council on Foreign Relations came on Canadian television nationally in March 2005 to do with the signing of the "United Americas Agreement." They said they were behind it, openly. None of those guys were elected to any political office. Some of them had been in politics prior to that. Some hadn't. They belong to these organizations, these "foundations" as they call them, because Masons make foundations and you build the society on the foundations. They are not responsible for their acts or decisions to the public. That's your democracy for you. The trick at election time is to whip up the public into a frenzy, because it's important that they get you "back in the box," getting involved as you think you are. Once you're into that frenzy and panic state and looking at the limited alternatives you're given, they've got you where they want you. They want your authorization to rule over you, come what may. People have asked me, "How do you combat this kind of totalitarian system, a secret government behind government?" I tell them; and I've said this on many radio shows and the hosts have never taken it up. They've dropped it quietly. I say: "Look. If you're going to give people authority to rule over you and do as they wish to you and your children, you better make sure you know everything about them. Everything about them, and you should definitely demand to know what organizations they belong to, have sworn allegiance to and have sworn to obey." That's a start. That's a very, very important start. When you find that they belong to all the nefarious organizations with "secrets" as they like to call them, not 'secret organizations', then you can't trust them at all. You cannot trust them, no matter what they say. Supposing they get down on their knees and repent and whatever they do, you can't ever trust them again. These people have sold out completely. People who sell out completely will repeat it over and over to the highest bidder. Carroll Quigley in his own books "Tragedy & Hope," writing in the 1960s said, "Nothing would stop this agenda because it has already taken over the U.S. Congress and Senate" (50 to 60 years prior to the writing of his book). "And by the time those in the public that would ever figure it out would catch on, the agenda would be accomplished." That's exactly how they united Europe, by the same secrecy, lying to the public and parliament after parliament that was elected in simply went along with the agenda – kept their mouth shut. Made excuses to the public as to why the country was in such a sad situation and getting sadder all the time, until it was all over and done. Then, once they had united Europe under a parliament, they declassified the documents to say, "Yes, this agenda to unite Europe must be kept secret from the public until it is completed." That's open democracy for you. It is no different in any other so-called "democratic" country.The old Rhodes/Milner groups, the secret government that was authorized to exist by the British Crown, were chartered to exist and do what they're doing, has never stopped on its goal towards this world government. Margaret Thatcher said it best. She said: "We who are ex-premiers of countries in various nations comprise another government." She says: "We never retire. We know each other. We've worked with each other for years and that is too valuable to be thrown away." She said that they were unelected, and now that they were out of office, they were not responsible to the public or recall or any of that nonsense. They could quietly work and get more done behind the scenes working for this private -- (the real one that exists) towards their agenda. Now it's interesting to note that the Rhodes Milner group of The Royal Institute of International Affairs has stated 80 years ago or more. It was about 100 years ago that they stated that they'd work with any type of government, even conflicting types like Communism. That's true because they helped to create Communism. This group is composed of the upper elite of the noble families of Europe, primarily Britain but now it's the rest of Europe. One of the points that they wanted to make was "they wanted to eradicate the middle classes under the guise of equality." They never mentioned eradicating the upper class and all their privileges. They take it as a priority that that will go on forever. That's what Aldous Huxley was talking about when he mentioned "the dominant minority." He said: "There always has been a dominant minority and I see no reason why there shouldn't always be one." It's true. There's nothing to stop them with their agenda, because the sad reality is we have been born into a Matrix system, totally planned and organized prior to your birth, prior to your parents birth, and this agenda has been going on for an awful long time. Even if President Bush or anyone else had another born-again experience, and the last time Bush had it was when he put out the coffin at Yale University the Skull & Bones Society. That's what it means when they do that; and that's what he means when he refers to it. Even if he had a real one, whatever that is, he couldn't stop it. If he did, he would be Lincoln'ed or Kennedy'ed in public view to warn others to stay in line. There's no doubt about that. The big boys at the top do not tolerate disobedience from any of their hirelings. I will be going into this system of control with The Royal Institute of International Affairs and The Council on Foreign Relations in more detail on tomorrow's show, so you can tune in then. There's nothing out there that really is as it seems to be. It's the appearance, it's the illusion of a particular spin on reality that's propagated to us the public. Most people have no idea that they're living in a scripted format of propaganda. You truly are meant to believe; and that's the trick of it, to make you believe that you're the most well informed people that's ever walked the planet because of all the news stations that you have, but all of the news stations get their news and basically their marching orders from the same source. That's why you flick through the channels if you have cable or satellite and you'll hear the same stories across the country, one after the other, in the same sequence, including the trivia. Same trivia. It's all controlled to give you the impression that you're the most informed being that's walked the planet. If you believe that, you'll never figure it out. You'll never figure out that your perceptions have been given to you. The diagnosis of the system has been given to you. You allow everything to come along that's detrimental to you like sheep, and you'll wonder why things are just "going to the dogs" as they say. This is the trick of the creation of particular perception. It's non-stop PR propaganda and public relations. There's nothing, from your local police station to even your school board, that doesn't come through a PR spokesperson, public relations. There's nothing. It's like having an intermediary lawyer to redefine reality to you. That's what a PR person does, to put a spin on something until it becomes acceptable to you. You don't think past the spin; and with this big circus show of elections, remember something. In ancient times they knew the trick of division. They knew that the public would join this group or that group. The trick was giving you the groups that you'd identify with, with always the right spokesperson to say what you were thinking. It's very simple. It's never failed. I don't see any reason why it should fail, really, with the majority of the public and the symbol of the eagle which is ancient – an ancient symbol going back for many thousands of years and has come down through the centuries through Rome. Prior to that, it was in Egypt, too, and then the Roman Empire, to the United States and the Russian system. They have the eagle as well. In high Masonry, the eagle is one like the falcon that can symbolically go as high as the sun and look into the face of the sun. That's what it means; and you'll find the symbol of the arrows and the olive branch very revealing. Very old symbol, you'll find it in the Old Testament, if you care to look, and you should ask yourself why they picked that one. The war and the peace, the arms can create war or peace. The wings are the parties left and right, male and female. These are the terms that they use. Emotion versus logic – that's what they mean by it. They're very sexist, of course, and they really hate females at the top. The body is covered by a shield – the body of the bird is covered by a shield. The body is hidden. The real body is hidden. You see the head above, but, again, in Masonic terms you can figure it out quite simply. The head below, the real virile power is covered. You don't get to see that. In ancient Egypt, they had two eyes sometimes on some of their symbols of pyramids. When the top eye was open, the bottom was closed and vice versa. The public get to see what they're meant to see, and nothing more. You'll find that there'll be some people who are replaced with this election over, as a token, but they were decided to go long before the public heard of it. They never leave politics. They join the real workers behind the scenes where they're not responsible to the general public. Mr. Rumsfeld, of course, was already scheduled to go off and do his nefarious things behind the scenes. He was always a front-man for the chemical companies and the big weaponry firms in combination with those chemical companies. He was the guy that even on the CBC was shown going over years ago and shaking his Masonic handshake with Saddam Hussein when he was giving him the chemicalized weaponry. Mr. Rumsfeld will simply go back into the "real work" behind the scenes, where he can do a lot of stuff without being responsible to Joe Public or the press or anyone else. You won't hear what he's been up to until years later. That's how the real system works. These guys never leave the art and the system they're involved in of governance, as opposed to government. Look at the website for upcoming shows. I'm on RBN broadcasting. No one's backing me; and for those who want to help out, you can check out how they can do it on the website at cuttingthroughthematrix.com.


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Bush again using the sign of the Devil.




A briefer on Skull and Bones

The Order of the Skull and Bones: Everything you always wanted to know, but were afraid to ask

- By Kris Millegan (Editor, Conspiracy Theory Research List)

1. The Secret Origins of Skull & Bones

The story begins at Yale, where three threads of American social history -- espionage, drug smuggling and secret societies -- intertwine into one.

Elihu Yale was born near Boston, educated in London, and served with the British East India Company, eventually becoming governor of Fort Saint George, Madras, in 1687. He amassed a great fortune from trade and returned to England in 1699. Yale became known as quite a philanthropist; upon receiving a request from the Collegiate School in Connecticut, he sent a donation and a gift of books. After subsequent bequests, Cotton Mather suggested the school be named Yale College, in 1718.

A statue of Nathan Hale stands on Old Campus at Yale University. There is a copy of that statue in front of the CIA's headquarters in Langley, Virginia. Yet another stands in front of Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts (where George H.W. Bush ('48) went to prep school and joined a secret society at age twelve).

Nathan Hale, along with three other Yale graduates, was a member of the "Culper Ring," one of America's first intelligence operations. Established by George Washington, it was successful throughout the Revolutionary War. Nathan was the only operative to be ferreted out by the British, and after speaking his famous regrets, he was hanged in 1776. Ever since the founding of the Republic, the relationship between Yale and the "Intelligence Community" has been unique.

In 1823, Samuel Russell established Russell and Company for the purpose of acquiring opium in Turkey and smuggling it to China. Russell and Company merged with the Perkins (Boston) syndicate in 1830 and became the primary American opium smuggler. Many of the great American and European fortunes were built on the "China"(opium) trade.

One of Russell and Company's Chief of Operations in Canton was Warren Delano, Jr., grandfather of Franklin Roosevelt. Other Russell partners included John Cleve Green (who financed Princeton), Abiel Low (who financed construction of Columbia), Joseph Coolidge and the Perkins, Sturgis and Forbes families. (Coolidge's son organized the United Fruit company, and his grandson, Archibald C. Coolidge, was a co-founder of the Council on Foreign Relations.)

William Huntington Russell ('33), Samuel's cousin, studied in Germany from 1831-32. Germany was a hotbed of new ideas. The "scientific method" was being applied to all forms of human endeavor. Prussia, which blamed the defeat of its forces by Napoleon in 1806 on soldiers only thinking about themselves in the stress of battle, took the principles set forth by John Locke and Jean Rosseau and created a new educational system. Johan Fitche, in his "Address to the German People," declared that the children would be taken over by the State and told what to think and how to think it.

Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel took over Fitche's chair at the University Of Berlin in 1817, and was a professor there until his death in 1831. Hegel was the culmination of the German idealistic philosophy school of Immanuel Kant.

To Hegel, our world is a world of reason. The state is Absolute Reason and the citizen can only become free by worship and obedience to the state. Hegel called the state the "march of God in the world" and the "final end". This final end, Hegel said, "has supreme right against the individual, whose supreme duty is to be a member of the state." Both fascism and communism have their philosophical roots in Hegelianism. Hegelian philosophy was very much in vogue during William Russell's time in Germany.

When Russell returned to Yale in 1832, he formed a senior society with Alphonso Taft ('33). According to information acquired from a break-in to the "tomb" (the Skull and Bones meeting hall) in 1876, "Bones is a chapter of a corps in a German University.... General Russell, its founder, was in Germany before his Senior Year and formed a warm friendship with a leading member of a German society. He brought back with him to college, authority to found a chapter here." So class valedictorian William H. Russell, along with fourteen others, became the founding members of "The Order of Scull and Bones," later changed to "The Order of Skull and Bones".

The secretive Order of Skull and Bones exists only at Yale. Fifteen juniors are "tapped" each year by the seniors to be initiated into next year's group. Some say each initiate is given $15,000 and a grandfather clock. Far from being a campus fun-house, the group is geared more toward the success of its members in the post-collegiate world.

The family names on the Skull and Bones roster roll off the tongue like an elite party list -- Lord, Whitney, Taft, Jay, Bundy, Harriman, Weyerhaeuser, Pinchot, Rockefeller, Goodyear, Sloane, Stimson, Phelps, Perkins, Pillsbury, Kellogg, Vanderbilt, Bush, Lovett and so on.

William Russell went on to become a general and a state legislator in Connecticut. Alphonso Taft was appointed U.S. Attorney General, Secretary of War (a post many "Bonesmen" have held), Ambassador to Austria, and Ambassador to Russia (another post held by many "Bonesmen"). His son, William Howard Taft ('87), is the only man to be both President of the United States and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

2. Secrets of the "Tomb"

The Order flourished from the very beginning in spite of occasional squalls of controversy. There was dissension from some professors, who didn't like its secrecy and exclusiveness. And there was backlash from students, showing concern about the influence "Bones" was having over Yale finances and the favoritism shown to "Bonesmen."

In October of 1873, Volume 1, Number 1, of The Iconoclast was published in New Haven. It was only published once and was one of very few openly published articles on the Order of Skull and Bones.

From The Iconoclast:

“We speak through a new publication. because the college press is closed to those who dare to openly mention 'Bones'....

Out of every class Skull and Bones takes its men. They have gone out into the world and have become, in many instances, leaders in society. They have obtained control of Yale. Its business is performed by them. Money paid to the college must pass into their hands, and be subject to their will. No doubt they are worthy men in themselves, but the many, whom they looked down upon while in college, cannot so far forget as to give money freely into their hands. Men in Wall Street complain that the college comes straight to them for help, instead of asking each graduate for his share. The reason is found in a remark made by one of Yale's and America's first men: 'Few will give but Bones men and they care far more for their society than they do for the college....'

Year by year the deadly evil is growing. The society was never as obnoxious to the college as it is today, and it is just this ill-feeling that shuts the pockets of non-members. Never before has it shown such arrogance and self-fancied superiority. It grasps the College Press and endeavors to rule it all. It does not deign to show its credentials, but clutches at power with the silence of conscious guilt.

To tell the good which Yale College has done would be well nigh impossible. To tell the good she might do would be yet more difficult. The question, then, is reduced to this -- on the one hand lies a source of incalculable good -- on the other a society guilty of serious and far-reaching crimes. It is Yale College against Skull and Bones!! We ask all men, as a question of right, which should be allowed to live?”

At first, the society held its meetings in hired halls. Then in 1856, the "tomb", a vine-covered, windowless, brown-stone hall was constructed, where to this day the "Bonesmen" hold their "strange, occultish" initiation rites and meet each Thursday and Sunday.

On September 29, 1876, a group calling itself "The Order of File and Claw" broke into the Skull and Bones' holy of holies. In the "tomb" they found lodge-room 324 "fitted up in black velvet, even the walls being covered with the material." Upstairs was lodge-room 322, "the 'sanctum sanctorium' of the temple... furnished in red velvet" with a pentagram on the wall. In the hall are "pictures of the founders of Bones at Yale, and of members of the Society in Germany, when the chapter was established here in 1832." The raiding party found another interesting scene in the parlor next to room 322.

From The Fall Of Skull And Bones:

“On the west wall, hung among other pictures, an old engraving representing an open burial vault, in which, on a stone slab, rest four human skulls, grouped about a fools cap and bells, an open book, several mathematical instruments, a beggar's scrip, and a royal crown. On the arched wall above the vault are the explanatory words, in Roman letters, 'We War Der Thor, Wer Weiser, Wer Bettler Oder, Kaiser?' and below the vault is engraved, in German characters, the sentence; 'Ob Arm, Ob Beich, im Tode gleich.'

The picture is accompanied by a card on which is written, 'From the German Chapter. Presented by D. C. Gilman of D. 50'.”

Daniel Coit Gilman ('52), along with two other "Bonesmen," formed a troika which still influences American life today. Soon after their initiation in Skull and Bones, Daniel Gilman, Timothy Dwight ('49) and Andrew Dickinson White ('53) went to study philosophy in Europe at the University of Berlin. Gilman returned from Europe and incorporated Skull and Bones as Russell Trust, in 1856, with himself as Treasurer and William H. Russell as President. He spent the next fourteen years in New Haven consolidating the order's power.

Gilman was appointed Librarian at Yale in 1858. Through shrewd political maneuvering, he acquired funding for Yale's science departments (Sheffield Scientific School) and was able to get the Morrill Land Bill introduced in Congress, passed and finally signed by President Lincoln, after being vetoed by President Buchanan.

This bill, "donating public-lands for State College for agriculture and sciences", is now known as the Land Grant College Act. Yale was the first school in America to get the federal land scrip and quickly grabbed all of Connecticut's share at the time. Pleased by the acquisitions, Yale made Gilman a Professor of Physical Geography.

Daniel was the first President of the University of California. He also helped found, and was the first president of, John Hopkins.

Gilman was first president of the Carnegie Institution and involved in the founding of the Peabody, Slater and Russell Sage Foundations.

His buddy, Andrew D. White, was the first president of Cornell University (which received all of New York's share of the Land Grant College Act), U.S. Minister to Russia, U.S. Ambassador to Berlin and first president of the American Historical Association. White was also Chairman of the American delegation to the first Hague Conference in 1899, which established an international judiciary.

Timothy Dwight, a professor at Yale Divinity School, was installed as president of Yale in 1886. All presidents since, have been either "Bonesmen" or directly tied to the Order and its interests.

The Daniel/Gilman/White trio was also responsible for the founding of the American Economic Association, the American Chemical Society and the American Psychological Association. Through their influences on John Dewey and Horace Mann, this trio continues to have an enormous impact on education today.

3. Networks of Power

In his book America's Secret Establishment, Antony Sutton outlined the Order of Skull and Bones' ability to establish vertical and horizontal "chains of influence" that ensured the continuity of their conspiratorial schemes.

The Whitney-Stimson-Bundy links represent the "vertical chain".

W. C. Whitney ('63), who married Flora Payne (of the Standard Oil Payne dynasty), was Secretary of the Navy. His attorney was a man named Elihu Root. Root hired Henry Stimson ('88), out of law school. Stimson took over from Root as Secretary of War in 1911, appointed by fellow Bonesman William Howard Taft. Stimson later became Coolidge's Governor-General of the Philippine Islands, Hoover's Secretary of State, and Secretary of War during the Roosevelt and Truman administrations.

Hollister Bundy ('09) was Stimson's special assistant and point man in the Pentagon for the Manhattan Project. His two sons, also members of Skull and Bones, were William Bundy ('39) and McGeorge Bundy ('40) -- both very active in governmental and foundation affairs.

The two brothers, from their positions in the CIA, the Department of Defense and the State Department, and as Special Assistants to Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, exercised significant impact on the flow of information and intelligence during the Vietnam "War."

William Bundy went on to be editor of Foreign Affairs, the influential quarterly of the Council on Foreign Affairs (CFR). McGeorge became president of the Ford Foundation.

Another interesting group of "Bonesmen" is the Harriman/Bush crowd. Averil Harriman ('13), "Elder Statesman" of the Democratic Party, and his brother Roland Harriman ('17) were very active members. In fact, four of Roland's fellow "Bonesmen" from the class of 1917 were directors of Brown Brothers, Harriman, including Prescott Bush ('17), George Bush's dad.

Since the turn of the century, two investment bank firms -- Guaranty Trust and Brown Brothers, Harriman -- were both dominated by members of Skull and Bones. These two firms were heavily involved in the financing of Communism and Hitler's regime.

Bonesman share an affinity for the Hegelian ideas of the historical dialectic, which dictates the use of controlled conflict -- thesis versus anti-thesis -- to create a pre-determined synthesis. A synthesis of their making and design, where the state is absolute and individuals are granted their freedoms based on their obedience to the state -- a New World Order.

Funding and political maneuvering on the part of "Bonesmen" and their allies helped the Bolsheviks prevail in Russia. In defiance of federal laws, the cabal financed industries, established banks and developed oil and mineral deposits in the fledgling USSR

Later, Averil Harriman, as minister to Great Britain in charge of Lend-Lease for Britain and Russia, was responsible for shipping entire factories into Russia. According to some researchers, Harriman also oversaw the transfer of nuclear secrets, plutonium and U. S. dollar printing plates to the USSR

In 1932, the Union Banking Corporation of New York City had enlisted four directors from the ('17) cell and two Nazi bankers associated with Fritz Thyssen, who had been financing Hitler since 1924.

From George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography:

“President Franklin Roosevelt's Alien Property Custodian, Leo T. Crowley, signed Vesting Order Number 248 [11/17/42] seizing the property of Prescott Bush under the Trading with Enemy Act. The order, published in obscure government record books and kept out of the news, Note #4 explained nothing about the Nazis involved; only that the Union Banking Corporation was run for the 'Thyssen family' of 'Germany and/or Hungary' -- 'nationals ... of a designated enemy country.'

By deciding that Prescott Bush and the other directors of the Union Banking Corporation were legally 'front men for the Nazis', the government avoided the more important historical issue: In what way 'were Hitler's Nazis themselves hired, armed, and instructed by' the New York and London clique of which Prescott Bush was an executive manager? ...

4. New York Times, December 16, 1944, ran a five-paragraph page 25 article on actions of the New York State Banking Department. Only the last sentence refers to the Nazi bank, as follows: 'The Union Banking Corporation, 39 Broadway, New York, has received authority to change its principal place of business to 120 Broadway.'

The Times omitted the fact that the Union Banking Corporation had been seized by the government for trading with the enemy, and the fact that 120 Broadway was the address of the government's Alien Property Custodian.”

After the war, Prescott went on to become a U. S. Senator from Connecticut and favorite golfing partner of President Eisenhower. Prescott claims responsibility for getting Nixon into politics and takes personal credit for bringing Dick on board as Ike's running mate in 1952.

4. Name Roster of the Secret Establishment

There were so many "Yalies" in the OSS that Yale's drinking tune, the "Whiffenpoof Song", became an "unofficial" song of the OSS. Many in the OSS were "Bonesmen" or belonged to the other Yale senior societies.

Robert Lovett ('18), Harriman's childhood friend, had been tapped into Skull & Bones by Prescott Bush's cell of '17 and was a director at Brown Brothers, Harriman.

Again, from George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:

“On October 22, 1945, Secretary of War Robert Patterson created the Lovett Committee, chaired by Robert A. Lovett, to advise the government on the post-World War II organization of U.S. intelligence activities.... The new agency would 'consult' with the armed forces, but it must be the sole collecting agency in the field of foreign espionage and counterespionage. The new agency should have an independent budget, and its appropriations should be granted by Congress without public hearings. Lovett appeared before the Secretaries of State, War, and Navy on November 14, 1945.... Lovett pressed for a virtual resumption of the wartime Office of Strategic Services (OSS).... The CIA was established in 1947 according to the prescription of Robert Lovett, of Jupiter Island.”

Gaddis Smith, a history professor at Yale, said, "Yale has influenced the Central Intelligence Agency more than any other university, giving the CIA the atmosphere of a class reunion." And "Bonesman" have been foremost among the "spooks" building the CIA's "haunted house."

F. Trubee Davison ('18) was Director of Personnel at the CIA in the early years. Some of the other "Bonesmen" connected with the intelligence community are:

·         Sloane Coffin, Jr. ('49)

·         V. Van Dine ('49)

·         James Buckley ('44)

·         Bill Buckley ('50)

·         Hugh Cunnigham ('34)

·         Hugh Wilson ('09)

·         Reuben Holden ('40)

·         Charles R. Walker ('16)

·         Yale's 'unofficial' Secretary of War, Robert D. French ('10)

·         Archibald MacLiesh ('15)

·         Dino Pionzio ('50), CIA Deputy Chief of Station during Allende overthrow

·         William and McGeorge Bundy

·         Richard A. Moore ('3?)

·         Senator David Boren ('63)

·         Senator John Kerry ('66)

...and, of course, George Herbert Walker Bush. Bush tapped Coffin, who tapped Buckley.

Some other prominent Bonesmen include:

·         Henry Luce ('20), Time-Life

·         John Thomas Daniels ('14), founder Archer Daniels Midland

·         Gifford Pinchot ('89), President Theodore Roosevelt's chief forester

·         Frederick E. Weyerhaeuser ('96)

·         Harold Stanley ('08), founder of Morgan Stanley, investment banker

·         Alfred Cowles ('13), Cowles Communication

·         Henry P. Davison ('20), senior partner Morgan Guaranty Trust

·         Thomas Cochran ('04) Morgan partner

·         Senator John Heinz ('31)

·         Pierre Jay ('92), first chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York

·         George Herbert Walker, Jr. ('27), financier and co-founder of the NY Mets

·         Artemus Gates ('18), President of New York Trust Company, Union Pacific, TIME, Boeing Company

·         William Draper III (50), the Defense Department, UN and Import-Export Bank

·         Dean Witter, Jr.('44), investment banker

·         Senator Jonathan Bingham ('36)

·         Potter Stewart ('36), Supreme Court Justice

·         Senator John Chaffe ('47)

·         Harry Payne Whitney ('94), husband of Gertrude Vanderbilt, investment banker

·         Russell W. Davenport ('23), editor Fortune Magazine, created Fortune 500 list

·         Evan G. Galbraith ('50), Ambassador to France and Managing Director of Morgan Stanley

·         Richard Gow ('55), president Zapata Oil

·         Amory Howe Bradford ('34), husband of Carol Warburg Rothschild and general manager for the New York Times

·         C. E. Lord ('49), Comptroller of the Currency

·         Winston Lord ('59), Chairman of CFR, Ambassador to China and assistant Secretary of State in the Clinton administration

Ever since Nixon re-established America's political relationship with China, many of our ambassadors to that country have been Bonesmen, including George Bush, the first Chief U. S. Liaison Officer to the Peoples Republic of China.

5. China and the Opium Wars

Why all this interest in China? Well, China, among other things, is one of the largest producers and users of opiates in the world.

For a while, in the 1800s, the Yankee Clippers in Connecticut and Massachusetts were the fastest ships on the ocean. Speed was crucial to the opium trade; whoever made the trip from Turkey/India to Macao/Hong Kong/Shanghai first got the most for their goods.

During the Opium Wars, the U.S. chose to stand on the sidelines and cheer for the English and French, knowing that treaty obligations would bring the U.S. a share in the spoils. Russell and Company was at times the only trading house operating in Canton and used the opportunity to developed strong commercial ties and handsome profits.

Powerful national interests were behind the drug trade, because American traders were badly in need of some article the Chinese would buy, since by this time the seal breeding grounds had been nearly wiped out. If the Chinese had not bought opium from Americans, then United States imports of silk, porcelain and tea would have to paid in precious coin, which was in short supply. In 1843, when the Port of Shanghai was opened, Russell and Co. was one of its earliest traders.

In 1903, Yale Divinity School set up a program of schools and hospitals in China. Mao Zedong was among the staff. During the intrigues of China in the 1930s and '40s, American intelligence called upon the resources of "Yale in China", and George Bush's cousin and fellow "Bonesman" Reuben Holden.

After stints as UN Ambassador and Chairman of the Republican National Committee for the beleaguered Richard Nixon, George Bush was sent to look after the "China trade". The Bush family is still very much involved in the economic activities of "Red" China.

Many researchers contend that George Bush has been with CIA since the early 1950s, and that one of his jobs was to consolidate and co-ordinate the worldwide narcotics industry, the largest industry on Earth. Some say that one of the reasons behind the Vietnam "Police Action" was a cover for the consolidation of the "Golden Triangle".

6. The War on Drugs: An "Intellectual Fraud"

Before the Vietnam "War", the Golden Triangle was run by French Intelligence and Corsican mobsters. After the French bailed out and America moved in, the triangle was run by U.S. intelligence, with aid from Sicilian mobsters. This narcotics network is well documented in The Politics of Heroin in S. E. Asia by Alfred McCoy, The Great Heroin Coup by Henrik Kruger and Double-Cross by Sam and Chuck Giancana.

Vice-President George Bush, as Chairman of President Reagan's cabinet-level working group and as Director of the National Narcotics Interdiction System, was the highest U. S. governmental official involved in the "war on drugs".

Frances Mullen, Jr., former head of the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), called Bush's efforts "an intellectual fraud" and "a liability rather than an asset". Soon after these statements, Mullen resigned and the resultant General Accounting Office (GAO) report was buried.

In July, 1985, the suppressed GAO paper reported that there were "no benefits from the National Narcotics Border Interdiction System, directed by George Bush. In fact, the overall effect was to encourage supply...."

Monika Jensen-Stevenson, a 60 Minutes producer, quit her job after the CBS news program refused to air the story she had uncovered relating to the covert drug trade. Her book, Kiss The Boys Goodbye, details how our intelligence community used the apparatus of the POW/MIA governmental agencies as a cover for the trafficking of opiates from the Golden Triangle.

President Reagan appointed Reform Party founder and Texas billionaire Ross Perot to the President's Advisory Council on Foreign Intelligence. Reagan made Perot a special presidential investigator, looking into America's POW and MIAs from the Vietnam "War".

Ross took the job to heart and spent considerable time and money in pursuit of the quest. He was given special clearance and access. He asked questions and interviewed everyone he could find.

From Kiss The Boys Goodbye:

“Relations between Bush and Perot had gone downhill ever since the Vice-President had asked Ross Perot how his POW/MIA investigations were going.

'Well, George, I go in looking for prisoners,' said Perot, 'but I spend all my time discovering the government has been moving drugs around the world and is involved in illegal arms deals.... I can't get at the prisoners because of the corruption among our own people.'

This ended Perot's official access to the highly classified files as a one-man presidential investigator. 'I have been instructed to cease and desist,' he had informed the families of missing men early in 1987.”

The wholesale importation of cocaine into the U.S. during "Iran/Contra" is also well documented. George Bush, is known "to be in the loop" with many of the players keeping in contact directly with his office.

Also, there has been much speculation as to the use of the off-shore rigs, pipelines and other assets of Zapata Offshore being used for narcotic trans-shipments.

Narcotics such as cocaine and heroin cannot be manufactured without the precursor chemicals. One of the largest makers of these precursor chemicals is the Eli Lilly Company of Indianapolis, Indiana. The Quayle family is a large stockholder, and George Bush has been on the Board of Directors. Eli Lilly is also the company that first synthesized LSD for the CIA.

7. George Bush, Skull & Bones and the JFK Assassination

Rodney Stich's book Defrauding America tells of a "deep-cover CIA officer" assigned to a counter-intelligence unit, code-named Pegasus. This unit "had tape-recordings of plans to assassinate Kennedy" from a tap on the phone of J. Edgar Hoover. The people on the tapes were "[Nelson] Rockefeller, Allen Dulles, [Lyndon] Johnson of Texas, George Bush and J. Edgar Hoover."

Could George Bush be involved in the JFK assassination?

In 1963, Bush was living in Houston, busily carrying out his duties as president of the Zapata Offshore oil company. He denied the existence of a note sent by the FBI's J. Edgar Hoover to "Mr. George Bush of the CIA." When news of the note surfaced, the CIA first said they never commented on employment questions, but later relented said yes, a "George Bush" was mentioned in the note, but that it was "another" George Bush, not the man who took office in the White House in 1988.

Some intrepid reporters tracked down the "other" George Bush and discovered that he was just a lowly clerk who had shuffled papers for the CIA for about six months. He never received any interagency messages from anybody at the FBI, let alone the Queen Mary.

It is also worth noting that a CIA code word for Bay of Pigs was Operation Zapata, and that two of the support vessels were named Barbara and Houston.

Many say that George Bush was high up on the CIA ladder at the time, running proprietorial vehicles and placed in a position of command, responsible for many of the Cubans recruited into "service" at the time. All through the Iran-Contra affair, Felix Rodriguez, the man who captured and had Che Guevara killed for the CIA, always seemed to call Bush's office first.

From The Realist (Summer, 1991):

“Bush was working with the now-famous CIA agent, Felix Rodriguez, recruiting right-wing Cuban exiles for the invasion of Cuba. It was Bush's CIA job to organize the Cuban community in Miami for the invasion.... A newly discovered FBI document reveals that George Bush was directly involved in the 1963 murder of President John Kennedy. The document places marksmen by the CIA. Bush at that time lived in Texas. Hopping from Houston to Miami weekly, Bush spent 1960 and '61 recruiting Cubans in Miami for the invasion....

George Bush claims he never worked for the CIA until he was appointed Director by former Warren Commission director and then president Jerry Ford in 1976. Logic suggests that is highly unlikely. Of course, Bush has a company duty to deny being in the CIA. The CIA is a secret organization. No one ever admits to being a member. The truth is that Bush has been a top CIA official since before the 1961 invasion of Cuba, working with Felix Rodriguez. Bush may deny his actual role in the CIA in 1959, but there are records in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba that expose Bush's role...”

On the Watergate tapes, June 23, 1972, referred to in the media as the 'smoking gun' conversation, Nixon and his Chief of Staff, H.R. Haldeman, were discussing how to stop the FBI investigation into the CIA Watergate burglary. They were worried that the investigation would expose their connection to 'the Bay of Pigs thing.' Haldeman, in his book The Ends of Power, reveals that Nixon always used code words when talking about the 1963 murder of JFK. Haldeman said Nixon would always refer to the assassination as 'the Bay of Pigs'.

On that transcript we find Nixon discussing the role of George Bush's partner, Robert Mosbacher, as one of the Texas fundraisers for Nixon. On the tapes Nixon keeps referring to the 'Cubans' and the 'Texans.' The 'Texans' were Bush, Mosbacher and Baker. This is another direct link between Bush and evidence linking Nixon and Bush to the Kennedy assassination.

8. Motives for the Conspiracy

So, why would an intelligence agency/secret society want to smuggle drugs and assassinate JFK?

Well, they make a lot of money, and they garner intelligence assets through their participation. There's also the rationale that the world is a seamy and unseemly place, and if you're going to be the 'big boy' on the block, you better know what's going on. And what better way of knowing than by running it yourself? There are also some who theorize that the covert drug trade fits with plans to destabilize American families and society. Through demoralizing and fracturing the body politic, they can impose their will using psychological warfare and the political alchemy of the Hegelian dialectic.

James Shelby Downard's article, Sorcery, Sex, Assassination and the Science of Symbolism, an underground classic, links American historical events with a wild, numerological, grand occult plan "to turn us into cybernetic mystery zombies". The assassination of JFK, this article contends, was the performance of a public occult ritual called The Killing of the King, designed as a mass-trauma, mind-control assault against our U.S. national body-politic.

During Operation Sunrise, Operation Blowback, Operation Paperclip and others, thousands of Nazi scientists, researchers and administrators were brought to the United States after World War II. Many were "smuggled" into the country against direct, written, orders from President Harry S. Truman.

Project Monarch was the resumption of a mind-control project called Marionette Programming, which started in Nazi Germany. The basic component of the Monarch Program is the sophisticated manipulation of the mind, using extreme trauma to induce Multiple Personality Disorder.

Mr. Downward feels that the perpetrators purposefully murdered JFK in such a way as to affect our National identity and cohesiveness -- to fracture America's soul. Even the blatancy of their conspiracy was designed to show "their superiority" and "our futility".

There have been studies that show a correlation between the JFK assassination and the rise in violence in society, distrust of government and other extensions of social ills.

9. The Illuminati: Subverting the Body Politic

Why this attack against our body politic?

In 1785, a bolt of lightning struck a courier en route to Paris from Frankfort-on-the-Main. A tract written by Adam Weishaupt, founder of the Illuminati, Original Shift in Days of Illuminations, was recovered from the dead messenger, containing the secret society's long-range plan for "The New World Order through world revolution".

The Bavarian Government outlawed the society and in 1787 published the details of The Illuminati conspiracy in The Original Writings of the Order and Sect of the Illuminati.

In Adam Weishaupt's own words:

“By this plan, we shall direct all mankind in this manner. And, by the simplest means, we shall set all in motion and in flames. The occupations must be so allotted and contrived that we may, in secret, influence all political transactions.”

There is disagreement among scholars as to whether or not the Illuminati survived its banishment. Nevertheless, the group had been quite successful in attracting members and had allied itself with the extensive Masonic networks.

The Illuminati was publicly founded May 1, 1776 at the University of Ingolstadt by Weishaupt, Professor of Canon Law. It was a very "learned" society; Weishaupt drew the earliest members of his new order from among his students.

On December 5, 1776, students at William and Mary College founded a secret society, Phi Beta Kappa. A second chapter was formed, at Yale, in 1780. The anti-Masonic movement in the United States during the 1820s held groups such as Phi Beta Kappa in a bad light. Because of pressure, the society went public. This is noted by some researchers as the direct cause of the appearance of Yale's Order of Skull and Bones.

In The Cyclopedia Of Fraternities, a genealogical chart of general Greek-Letter college fraternities in the United States, shows Phi Beta Kappa as "the parent of all the fraternal systems in [American] higher education." There is only one "side" lineal descendant: the Yale chapter of 1780. The line then continues to Skull and Bones in 1832, and on through the other "only at Yale" senior societies, Scroll & Key and Wolf's Head.

Phi Beta Kappa is the "first three Greek letters, for 'Philosophia Biou Kubernetes' or 'Love of wisdom, the helmsman of life'." A skull homophone is scull, a quick, gliding boat and part of Skull & Bones first nomenclature.

John Robison, a professor of natural philosophy at Edinburgh University in Scotland and a member of a Freemason Lodge, said that he was asked to join the Illuminati. After study, he concluded the purposes of the Illuminati were not for him.

In 1798, he published a book called Proofs Of A Conspiracy:

“An association has been formed for the express purpose of rooting out all the religious establishments and overturning all the existing governments.... the leaders would rule the World with uncontrollable power, while all the rest would be employed as tools of the ambition of their unknown superiors.”

Proofs of A Conspiracy was sent to George Washington. Responding to the sender of the book with a letter, the president said he was aware the Illuminati were in America. He felt that the Illuminati had "diabolical tenets" and that their object was "a separation of the People from their government."

In Proofs Of A Conspiracy, Robison printed the ceremony of initiation of the "Regent degree" in Illuminism. In it "a skeleton is pointed out to him [the initiate], at the feet of which are laid a crown and a sword. He is asked 'whether that is the skeleton of a king, nobleman or a beggar.' As he cannot decide, the president of the meeting says to him, 'The character of being a man is the only one that is importance'".

This is, essentially, the same as the writing in the Skull & Bones "tomb":

“Wer war der Thor, wer Weiser, Bettler oder Kaiser? Ob Arm, ob Reich, im Tode gleich.”

Which reads:

“Who was the fool, who the wise man, beggar or king? Whether poor or rich, all's the same in death.”

10. Skull & Bones = Illuminati?

Is the Order of the Skull & Bones part of the Illuminati?

When a person is initiated into Skull & Bones, they are given a new name, similar to the practice of the Illuminati. And many recorded Illuminati members can be shown to have contact and/or strong influences with many of the professors that taught "Bonesmen" in Berlin.

When a secret society conspires against the sovereignty of a king, they need to organize, raise funds, make their plans operational, and hopefully bring them to fruition.

Could we have in the United States a secret society that has used the "National Security State" as a cover for their nefarious plans?

From George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography:

“That September [1951], Robert Lovett replaced Marshall as secretary of defense. Meanwhile, Harriman was named director of the Mutual Security Agency, making him the U.S. chief of the Anglo-American military alliance. By now, Brown Brothers, Harriman was everything but commander-in-chief.

A central focus of the Harriman security regime in Washington (1950-53) was the organization of covert operations and 'psychological warfare.' Harriman, together with his lawyers and business partners, Allen and John Foster Dulles, wanted the government's secret services to conduct extensive propaganda campaigns and mass-psychology experiments within the U.S.A., and paramilitary campaigns abroad....

The Harriman security regime created the Psychological Strategy Board (PSB) in 1951. The man appointed director of the PSB [was] Gordon Gray.... Gordon's brother, R.J. Reynolds chairman Bowman Gray Jr., was also a naval intelligence officer, known around Washington as the 'founder of operational intelligence.' Gordon Gray became a close friend and political ally of Prescott Bush; and Gray's son became for Prescott's son, George, his lawyer and the shield of his covert policy.”

So you have the Whitney/Stimson/Bundy clan and the Harriman/Bush boys wielding a tremendous amount of influence on the political, economic and social affairs of America and the world. Then you have Prescott Bush's buddy Richard Nixon as an activist vice-president. Then, a nation-chilling assassination, some time under LBJ with the Bundy boys keeping things in line, then Nixon as President with "Bonesmen" aides Ray Price ('51) and Richard A. Moore. Some time out for a Trilateralist-Democrat-patsy president, followed by Prescott's son as an activist vice-president under Reagan. Next, we get a Skull and Bones president who declares a "New World Order" while beating up on his business partner, Saddam Hussein.

After twelve years of Republican administrations, Bush passes the reins to his drug smuggling buddy from Arkansas, Bill Clinton, who studied at Yale Law School. According to some researchers, Clinton was recruited as a CIA operative while a Rhodes Scholar at Oxford. Could this be the "old Hegelian historical dialectic process"?

11. World History: Plan or Accident?

Will we get another failed Democratic administration? A scandal as disgraceful as Nixon's fall? When Robert P. Johnson (William Barr) told Clinton in a bunker in Arkansas that “you are our fair-haired boy, but you do have competition for the job you seek. We would never put all our eggs in one basket. You and your state have been our greatest asset.... Mr. Casey wanted me to pass on to you, that unless you fuck up and do something stupid, you are number one on our short list for shot at the job you always wanted.

So, you have William Casey -- CIA Director, George Bush's campaign manager and Sovereign Knight of Malta -- speaking through the proxy of George Bush's last Attorney General to George's rival in the 1992 federal elections. Is it all just a show and sham for U.S. hoi polloi?

Perhaps so, if there exists the type of control over the electoral process as told by Mae Brussell and the suppressed book VoteScam, written by Jim and Ken Collier:

“...Your vote and mine may now be a meaningless bit of energy directed by preprogrammed computers-which can be fixed to select certain pre-ordained candidates and leave no footprints or paper trail.”

In short, computers are covertly stealing your vote.

For almost three decades the American vote has been subject to government-sponsored electronic theft.

The vote has been stolen from you by a cartel of federal "national security" bureaucrats, who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists -- and the owners and managers -- of the major Establishment news media, who have decided in concert that how America's votes are counted, by whom they are counted and how the results are verified and delivered to the public is, as one of them put it, 'Not a proper area of inquiry.'

By means of an unofficial private corporation named News Election Service (NES), the Establishment press has actual physical control of the counting and dissemination of the vote, and it refuses to let the public know how it is done.”

Is the American electorate subjected to cyclic propaganda, pre-selected candidates and winners, and psychological warfare to alienate Americans from the institutions established to serve them by the Constitution? Are the Democratic and Republican National Parties used for a Hegelian experiment in controlled conflict?

Pamela Churchill Harriman, Averil's wife, is one of the Democratic Party's biggest fund-raisers. She once gave Bill a job as director of her "PAM PAC" when he was defeated for governor in 1980. Bill paid her back by appointing her as Ambassador to France.

Another Harriman/Bush friend, Eugene Stetson ('34), was an assistant manager for Prescott Bush at Brown Brothers, Harriman's New York office. He organized the H. Smith Richardson Foundation. The foundation, in the late 1950s, participated in the MKULTRA, the CIA's domestic covert psychological warfare operation. The Richardson Foundation helped to finance the testing of psychotropic drugs, including LSD, at Bridgewater Hospital in Massachusetts, the center of some of the most brutal MK-ULTRA experiments.

During the Iran-Contra operations, the H. Smith Richardson Foundation was a "private donors steering committee," working with the National Security Council to co-ordinate the Office of Public Diplomacy. This was an effort to propagandize in favor of and run cover for the Iran-Contra operations, and to coordinate published attacks on opponents of the program.

The H. Smith Richardson Foundation also runs the Center for Creative Leadership at Langley to "train leaders of the CIA," as well as another center near Greensboro, North Carolina, that trains CIA and Secret Service Agents. Almost everyone who achieves the military rank of general also gets this training.

This is just the tip of an iceberg. You also have eugenics and population control, suppressed history and technology, yearly retreats, profitable partnerships with brutal dictators, deals with "terrorists", the involvement of the Knights of Malta, war-mongering and profiteering, mind-control, secret societies for teens, ritual magic and more -- all spinning the dark threads in the web of conspiracy that our spinning blue ball has gotten caught in.

We've got a whole new crop of "Bonesmen" coming up, including George H.W. Bush's son George W. Bush ('68), Governor of Texas.

When Don Schollander ('68), the Olympic gold-medalist and only known Skull and Bones member living in Portland, was contacted by Willamette Week reporter John Schrang regarding his involvement in the Order, he said, "It's really something I can't talk about."

Not wouldn't, but "couldn't".

In wake of Antony Sutton's first ground-breaking exposes of the Order, the Sterling Library at Yale has refused to allow any other researchers access to the Russell Trust papers.

Daniel Gilman, like most Bonesmen, makes no mention of Skull & Bones or the Russell Trust in his memoirs or biographies.

So, are we all just 'fodder" for a secret society with satanic overtones that is attempting to form a one world government with themselves at the helm? Or is the Order of Skull and Bones just a bunch of frat boys from Yale? Wanna bet your future on it?

© Copyright Little Red Hen, 1996

George Bush:

·         George Bush; The Unauthorized Biography Webster Griffin Tarpley and Anton Chaitkin

·         Two Faces of George Bush By Anthony C. Sutton Wiswell Ruffin House 1988

·         George Bush: An Intimate Portrait By Fitzhugh Green Hippocrene Books

·         The Immaculate Deception: The Bush Crime Family Exposed By Russell S. Bowen (ret. Brigadier General, U. S. Army) America West Publishers 1991

·         Compromised: Clinton, Bush and the CIA -- How the Presidency was Co-opted by the CIA By Terry Reed & John Cummings Spi Books 1994

·         The Mafia, C.I.A. & George Bush: Corruption, Greed and Abuse of Power in the Nation's Highest Office -- The Untold Story Of America's Greatest Financial Debacle By Pete Brewton SPI Books 1992

·         The Iran-Contra Connection: Secret Teams and Covert Operations in the Reagan Era By Jonathan Marshall, Peter Dale Scott & Jane Hunter South End Press 1987

·         October Surprise: America's Hostages in Iran and the Election of Ronald Reagan By Gary Slick Times Books , Random House 1991

·         The Iran-Contra Scandal: The Declassified History Editors - Peter Kornbluh & Malcom Byrne The New Press 1993

·         For Operation Zapata - The Crisis Years: Kennedy and Khrushchev, 1960-63 By Michael R. Beschloss Edward Burlingame Books 1991

Names of the ships at the Bay of Pigs:

·         La Batalla de Giron By Quintin Pino Machado

·         La Habana: Editorial de Ciencias Sociales 1983. This source quotes one ship as the Barbara J. According to Quintin Pino Machado, the Houston had been given the new name of Aguja (Swordfish) and the Barbara that of Barracuda for the purposes of this operation.

·         Bay of Pigs, The Untold Story By Peter Wyden Simon and Schuster 1979. This book also mentions the Barbara J.

Skull and Bones - Secret Societies:

·         An Introduction to the Order By Anthony Sutton Veritas publishing 1988

·         America's Secret Establishment: An introduction to The Order of Skull & Bones By Anthony Sutton Liberty House 1986

·         A Brief History of the Skull & Bones Society at Yale University By John Lawerence Private Paper 1991

·         The Last Secrets of Skull and Bones By Ron Rosenbaum Esquire Magazine, September, 1977

·         Yale Society Resists Peeks Into Its Crypt By David W. Dunlap New York Times, 11/4/88

·         Skull and Bones -- Bush's Boy's Club By Peggy Alder-Robohm (researcher) Covert Action Quarterly No. 33 (Winter 1990)

·         Skeleton in His Closet By John Schrag Willamette Week, September 19-25, 1991

·         The Cyclopedia Of Fraternities By Albert Stevens, ed. E. B. Treat and Company 1907

·         The Philosophy of Right (1821), The Philosophy of History By Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel Great Books, Encyclopedia Brittanica 1952

·         Life of the Party: The Biography of Pamela Digby Churchill Hayward Harriman By Christopher Ogden Little and Brown and Company 1994

·         Who's Who of the Elite By Robert Gaylon Ross, Sr. RIE 1995

·         Youth from Every Quarter: A Bicentennial History Of Phillips Academy, Andover By Frederick S. Allis, Jr. Phillips Academy 1979

·         The Wise Men: Six Friends and the World They Made By Walter Issacson & Evan Thomas Simon & Schuster, Touchstone Books 1988

·         Born of the Blood By John Robison

·         Secret Societies and Psychological Warfare By Michael Hoffman II Wiswell Ruffin House 1989/1992

·         The Occult Conspiracy: Secret Societies -- Their Influence and Power in World History By Michael Howard Destiny Books 1989

·         The Sword and the Grail: Of The Grail and the Templars and a True Discovery of America By Andrew Sinclair Crown Publishers 1992

CIA and Intelligence:

·         Cloak & Gown: Scholars of the Secret War, 1939-1961 By Robin W. Winks William Morrow, Quill Edition 1987

·         OSS: The Secret History of America's First Central Intelligence Agency By R. Harris Smith University of California 1972

·         Defrauding America: A Pattern Of Related Scandals -- Dirty Secrets Of The CIA And Other Government Operations By Rodney Stich Diablo Western Press 1993

·         The Secret Team: The CIA and Its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the World By Fletcher Prouty Prentice Hall 1973

·         The Crimes of Patriots: A True Tale of Dope, Dirty Money & the CIA By Jonathan Kwitney Norton 1987

·         Official and Confidential: The Secret Life of J. Edgar Hoover By Anthony Summers Pocket Star Books 1993/1994

Drug Trafficking:

·         Kiss The Boy's Goodbye: How The United States Betrayed It's Own POWs In Vietnam By Monika Jensen Stevens & William Stevenson Plume 1991

·         The Chinese Opium Wars By Jack Breeching Harcourt Brace Jovanovich 1975

·         Dope, Inc.: The Book that Drove Kissenger Crazy By the Editors of Executive Intelligence Review Executive Intelligence Review 1992

·         The Proper Bostonians By Cleveland Amory E. P. Dutton 1947

·         The Politics of Heroin in S.E. Asia By Alfred McCoy Harper & Row 1991

·         The Great Heroin Coup: Drugs, Intelligence & International Fascism By Henrik Kruger South End Press 1980

·         Double Cross: The Explosive, Inside Story of the Mobster Who Controlled America By Sam & Chuck Giancana Warner Books 1992

·         The War Conspiracy: The Secret Road to the Second Indochina War By Peter Dale Scott Bobbs-Merril 1972

·         The Soong Dynasty By Sterling Seagrave Harper & Row Perennial Library 1986

·         America's Secret Aristocracy By Stephen Bingham Berkley Books 1990

·         The Big White Lie: The Deep Cover Operation that Exposed the CIA Sabotage of the Drug War By Michael Levine Thunder's Mouth Press 1993

·         Agency of Fear By Edward Jay Epstein Verso 1990

·         Out of Control: The Story of the Reagan Administration's Secret War in Nicaragua, the Illegal Bombs Pipeline, and the Contra Drug Connection By Leslie Cockburn Little Brown 1987

·         The Guns 'n' Drugs Reader By various authors Prevailing Winds Research 1991

·         Contrabandista! By Evert Clark & Nicholas Hoorock Preger 1973

·         Blacklisted News, Secret History: from Chicago, '68 to 1984 By The New Yippie Book Collective Bleecker Publishing 1983

·         Storming Heaven: LSD and The American Dream By Jay Stevens Harper Row 1987

JFK Assassination:

·         Secret and Suppressed: Banned Ideas & Hidden History By Jim Kieth, ed. Feral House 1993

·         The Role of Richard Nixon and George Bush in the Assassination of President Kennedy By Paul Kangas The Realist, Summer 1991

·         Treason For My Daily Bread By Mikhail Lebedev Vallancey Press 1977

·         Hired To Kill Oswald And Prevent The Assassination Of JFK: Richard Case Nagell Is -- The Man Who Knew Too Much By Dick Russell Carroll & Graf 1992

·         The Torbitt Document: Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal (1970) By William Torbitt (David Copeland?) Prevailing Winds Research 1991

Nazis & Communism:

·         Old Nazis, the New Right, and the Republican Party By Russ Bellant South End Press 1989,1990,1991

·         The Borman Brotherhood By William Stevenson HBJ 1973 NY

·         American Swastika: The Shocking Story of Nazi Collaborators in Our Midst from 1933 to the Present Day By Charles Higham Doubleday and Co, 1985

·         Operation Sunrise By Bradley F. Smith & Elena Agarossi Basic Books 1979

·         Secret Agenda: The United States Government, Nazi Scientist and Project Paperclip, 1945 to 1990 By Linda Hunt St. Martin's Press, 1991

·         Trading with the Enemy: An Expose of the Nazi-American Money Plot 1933-1949 By Charles Higham Delacorte Press 1983

·         Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution By Antony Sutton Arlington House 1974

·         Conspiracy, Mind Control & The New World Order: A Nation Of Sheep By William Lederer W.W. Norton 1961

·         Who Rules America? A Century of Invisible Government By John McConaughy Longmans, Green and Co. 1934

·         New World Order: The Ancient Plan of Secret Societies By William Still Hunington House 1990

·         Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in our Time By Carroll Quigley Macmillan Company 1966

·         The Secret life of Ronald Reagan By Larry Flynt & Donald Freed Prevailing Winds Research 1991

·         Architects Of Conspiracy: An Intriguing History By William P. Hoar Western Islands 1984

·         Trance Formation Of America By Cathy O'Brien & Mark Phillips Global Trance Formation Info Ltd. 1995

·         Casebook On Alternative 3: UFO's Secret Societies and World Control By Jim Keith Illuminet Press 1994

·         Millennium: Peace, Promises, and the Day They Take Our Money Away By Texe Marrs Living Truth Publishers 1990

·         The Franklin Cover-Up: Child Abuse, Satanism, and Murder in Nebraska By John DeCamp AWT, Inc. 1992

·         Conspiracies, Cover-Ups and Crimes: From JFK to the CIA Terrorist Connection By Jonathan Vankin Paragon House 1992 Dell edt

·         Witness To A Century By George Seldes Ballantine Books 1987

The Power Elite By C. Wright Mills Oxford University Press 1956


The last word on what a small group of little dicked men ruining our country.


Tuesday, December 04, 2007
The Sskull and Bones masturbocapitalist play ...
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Anthony Sutton On 'Skull & Bones,' US Banks Financing Hitler, & 'Trance-Formation'


Antony Sutton, is the author of 26 books, many of which can be purchased on-line at Amazon or Barnes & Noble.  Liberty House Press at 1-800-343-6180 has copies of America's Secret Establishment and Best Enemy Money Can Buy for sale.

The following interview with Mr. Sutton is dated July 6, 1999

Antony C. Sutton, 74, has been persecuted but never prosecuted for his research and subsequent publishing of his findings. His mainstream career was shattered by his devotion towards uncovering the truth. In 1968, his Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development was published by The Hoover Institute at Stanford University. Sutton showed how the Soviet state's technological and manufacturing base, which was then engaged in supplying the North Vietnamese the armaments and supplies to kill and wound American soldiers, was built by US firms and mostly paid for by the US taxpayers. From their largest steel and iron plant, to automobile manufacturing equipment, to precision ball-bearings and computers, basically the majority of the Soviet's large industrial enterprises had been built with the United States help or technical assistance.

Professor Richard Pipes, of Harvard, said in his book, Survival Is Not Enough: Soviet Realities and America's Future (Simon & Schuster;1984): "In his three-volume detailed account of Soviet Purchases of Western Equipment and Technology . . . [Antony] Sutton comes to conclusions that are uncomfortable for many businessmen and economists. For this reason his work tends to be either dismissed out of hand as 'extreme' or, more often, simply ignored."

The report was too much and Sutton's career as a well-paid member of the academic establishment was under attack and he was told that he "would not survive".
His work led him to more questions than answers. "Why had the US built-up it's enemy? Why did the US build-up the Soviet Union, while we also transferred technology to Hitler's Germany? Why does Washington want to conceal these facts?"

Sutton, following his leads, proceeded to research and write his three outstanding books on Wall Street: and FDR; and the Rise of Hitler; and The Bolshevik Revolution. Then, someone sent Antony a membership list of Skull and Bones and--"a picture jumped out". And what a picture! A multigenerational foreign-based secret society with fingers in all kinds of pies and roots going back to 'Illuminati' influences in 1830's Germany.

For the full story, check-out Sutton's book America's Secret Establishment, in print for 14 years and available from Liberty House Press, 1-800-343-6180.

Skull And Bones

Here, in a recent e-mail interview, are Antony Sutton's own reflections and answers to questions from myself and other researchers.

Pre-interview note from Antony Sutton: Remember all my papers on this are in deep storage 1000 miles away and cannot be accessed and I've not even thought about S&B for 15 years. I had no idea that any interest had been aroused out there. I know the book is a steady seller from the royalty reports; but that is all. For the last 10 years I have been in complete seclusion working on future technology...I'm more engineer than historian. The only visitors I've had or meetings have been with three-letter agency people, who arrive on the doorstep unannounced and complain I am hard to find. Big Brother has the ability apparently to find anyone. Nothing mysterious about this, I just dislike publicity and social interaction. . . . You will see from the Dutch TV episode that my work still upsets the "powers that be" so these are merely reasonable precautions. 

KM - Can you tell the story of how you learned of Skull & Bones? And how you felt?

AS - I knew nothing of S&B until I received a letter in the early 80's asking if I would like to look at a genuine membership list. For no real reason I said yes. It was agreed to send the package by Federal Express and I could keep it for 24 hours, it had to be returned to the safe. It was a "black bag" job by a family member disgusted with their activities. For the benefit of any S&B members who may read and doubt the statement; the membership list is in two volumes, black leather bound. Living members and deceased members in separate volumes. Very handsome books. I spent all night in Kinko's, Santa Cruz , copied the entire volumes and returned within the 24 hour period. I have never released any copies or identified the source. I figured each copy could be coded and enable S&B to trace the leak. How did I feel? I felt then (as I do now} that these "prominent" men are really immature juveniles at heart. The horrible reality is that these little boys have been dominant in their influence in world affairs. No wonder we have wars and violence. Skull and Bones is the symbol of terrorist violence, pirates, the SS Deaths Head Division in WW Two, labels on poison bottles and so on. I kept the stack of xerox sheets for quite a while before I looked at them--when I did look--a picture jumped out, THIS was a significant part of the so called establishment. No wonder the world has problems!

KM - What is the percentage of active members?

AS - I haven't checked for 15 years...it used to be about one quarter. With the rise of the Bush dynasty it will increase somewhat, as they climb on the bankwagon. The Demos had their turn with Harriman in the 40's and 50's.

KM - How many active members are there?

AS - Usually about 600 alive at any one time . . . recently more active.

KM- What is your take on the grandfather clock that each member allegedly receives?

AS - They do get a clock I've had that confirmed and you will see it in the photos in ASE (AMERICA'S SECRET ESTABLISHMENT). Might be symbolic, perhaps to state their organization goes on timelessly.

KM - Has Skull and Bones lost its clout?

AS - Well look at the recent fundraiser for George Bush...Republicans are stuffing money into his pockets...I suggest members recently got behind one of their own and decided to push George all out for  president--and Democrats can't do a thing because Democrat Bones are not going to allow the Party to use the ultimate weapon--George's membership in a foreign secret society.

KM - What do you know of George ' W.' Bush?

AS - He is a third generation Bonesman. My personal impression is that he doesn't have the drive of his father or the skills of his grandfather....--but I could be very wrong. He can beat anyone hands down--EXCEPT  VENTURA. If Bush handlers allow a face to face debate between Bush and Ventura, Ventura will win. Remember Ventura has admitted to his so-called "sins". Bush has a closet full waiting to emerge. People are getting bored with cover ups and spin. 2000 may see the end of the Bones influence or--reality that these Bones people are powerful.

KM - Is the 'name' of the German group known?

AS - Almost certainly Illuminati.

KM - Some people say that there are other 'cells'; what do you think?

AS - There are many other secret societies. I've only looked at S&B. Unfortunately no historian will keep his  job if he tries to explore conspiracy...this is taboo for the  American Historical Association. Sooner or later outsiders  will take a look. I've long thought that S&B fits the legal  definition of a conspiracy and needs to be officially investigated. Yes there should be other cells. No secret society worth anything is going to keep its inner actions written down on paper. If the gigantic electronic monitoring apparatus is for national security purposes; then it should be monitoring these people 24 hours a day.

KM - What are your thoughts on Wolf's Head? Scroll & Key? And the other Senior societies at Yale?

AS - Wolfs Head, Scroll and Key seem to be pale imitations of S&B, but they have the same objective of  deliberately building discrimination into a society. I listened to Jesse Ventura last night and he made the point that the Founding Fathers intended for CITIZENS to represent the people. I agree, a trucker, a farmer, a teacher--represents the people not a bunch of professional pols or a secret society like S&B. All these societies place their own members ahead of the pack and give preference to their own members--this is discrimination par excellence.

KM - Have you read Cathy O'Brian's book  Trance-Formation Of America? What do think of it?

AS - The book does not contain one piece of hard physical evidence.. I think Cathy O'Brien BELIEVES SHE IS TELLING THE TRUTH . . . but remember that Mark Phillips is a skilled neuro-linguistic-programmer. Another point that really concerns me is this...where did this story originate? It originated in Communist Chinese Intelligence and Mark Phillips had a contractual relationship with the ChiComs. This could be an attempt to destabilize the US. No doubt these Washington pols are fully capable of these weird practices, just look at Bohemian Grove but that doesn't mean that the book is an accurate portrayal. If the book is credible I would think the police would have raided Bohemian Grove long ago.

My best guess is that the Chinese picked up whispers of Washington scandals and blew them out of proportion for their own purposes. This is a GUESS...I don't know.  One thing that puzzled me, with all these sexual shenanigans how do Washington politicians find time to do anything else? According to the book this is a full time  occupation for Senator Byrd and others.

KM - What did your study of elites, economics, secrecy and technology do for your career?

AS-Depends what you mean by "career"? By conventional standards I am an abject failure. I've been  thrown out of two major Universities (UCLA and Stanford)  denied tenure at Cal State Los Angeles. Every time I write something, it appears to offend someone in the Establishment and they throw me to the wolves. On the other hand I've written 26 books, published a couple of newsletters and so on...even more important I've never compromised on the truth And I don't quit. In material terms...hopeless failure. In terms of discovery...I think I've been successful. Judge a man by his enemies.  William Buckley called me a "jerk". Glenn Campbell, former Director of the Hoover Institution, Stanford called  me "a problem".

KM - Do you believe that there has been suppression of technology? Has it been major or minor?

AS - Yes there has been suppression but its going to be impossible to suppress the new emerging paradigm. 

KM - The Federal Reserve, the House of Morgan, House of Rothschild and Skull and Bones are they related?

AS - Best source for this is a book by me THE FEDERAL RESERVE CONSPIRACY, 1995 CPA, PO Box 596, Boring OR 97007.

KM- On Skull and Bone's influencing John Dewey and Horace Mann; are there good source materials to follow that story?

AS - Depends what you want to find. You could explore the 10(?) volume works of Dewey... outrageous  Hegelianism, the state is supreme, the individual merely a pawn to be trained. This is the basis of our 'educational system"...or you could go and explore the members of S&B who brought the system to the US. This trained "sausage mind" outlook has thoroughly permeated our universities--that's why we have the peer review system...we are all supposed to think alike and find the same answers. This political correctness garbage is another step to total thought control.

AH - Did any of Hitler's economic policies threaten the interests of the international bankers, and if so did that play a role in his downfall?

AS - Hitler's economic policies were OK'd by the bankers right through the war...ITT, Chase, Texaco and others were operating in Nazi-held France as late as  1945. In fact Chase in Paris was trying to get Nazi accounts as late as 1944. When we got to Germany in May 1945, I remember seeing a (bombed-out)  Woolworth store in Hamburg and thinking, "What's Woolworth doing in Nazi Germany?" While we were bombed and shelled it was "business as usual" for Big  Business. Try the Alien Custodian Papers. See my BEST ENEMY MONEY CAN BUY for more information. Union Banking is very important. I made a documentary for Dutch National TV some years ago. It got all the way  through the production process to the Dutch TV Guide...at the last minute it was pulled  and another film substituted. This documentary has proof of Bush  financing Hitler-- documents. Maybe my Dutch friends will still get it viewed, but the apparatus reaches into Holland.

KM - What is the story that was going to be told on Dutch TV? And what is the story of it's censorship?

AS - Couple of years back, a Dutch TV production company from Amsterdam--under contract to Dutch National TV--came to US to make documentary on S&B. They went to the Bones Temple and other places and interviewed people on East Coast. On West Coast, they interviewed myself and one other person. I saw extracts from the original and it is a good professional job. They had documents linking Bush family and other S&B members to financing Hitler through Union Banking of New York and its Dutch correspondent bank. More than I have in WALL STREET AND THE RISE OF HITLER. The first version was later upgraded into a two part documentary and scheduled for showing this last March. It was pulled at last minute and has never been shown.

AH - Who has been financing Milosevic, and what role has the international banking community played in the Balkans?

AS - I haven't looked at this one. Of course the notorious Black Hand society is located in the Balkans. See WW One.

DG - What is the importance of your work on Skull and Bones?

AS - The potential is extraordinary. IF we find that secret societies are indeed significant the entire history of the last two centuries will have to be re-written. At this point in 1999, the potential has not been explored by others and I've moved back to my original interest--technology. Apparently people see some merit in the work. It is never advertised. It is an underground word of mouth distribution but has sold steadily from 1986 to date. Every month I get a royalty check, so I know  it is selling. But my original enthusiastic statement has not been fulfilled.

KM - What do you see for the future?

AS - Chaos, confusion and ultimately a battle between the individual and the State. The individual is the stronger; and will win. The state is a fiction sanctified by Hegel and his followers to CONTROL the individual. Sooner or later people will wake up. First we have to dump the trap of right and left, this is a Hegelian trap to divide and control. The battle is not between right and left; it is between us and them. The message is getting through. ASE has sold for 15 years, small but steady. No advertising. Its an underground work. But the breadth of interest is amazing. From Black Africa, to Russia (12,000 copies), right, left...it cuts across all ethnic, political, social lines...The spirit of God is within us as individuals. Skull & Bones represents death. It has no life spirit and pretends that the State "is the march of God on earth". The thinking of immature juveniles, deadly and destructive and has almost totally infected Washington. What to do? Find yourself and  then go to work.....tell your friends and put out the message. The answer is within you. _____ Antony Sutton, is the author of 26 books, many of which can be purchased on-line at Amazon or Barnes & Noble. Liberty House Press at 1-800-343-6180 has copies of America's Secret Establishment and Best Enemy Money Can Buy for sale. New York Editors . . . In talking to a magazine in New York that is working on a feature story on George ' W ' Bush and was thinking of doing a piece on S&B. I asked how about a sidebar on Antony Sutton? After getting responses peppered with phrases such as; "Someone is claiming he's a John Bircher" and; Here is what one editor (who shall remain nameless) had to say about Sutton:

"Liberty House was/is a right wing publishing company located in Billings, Montana. Anthony Sutton was a research fellow at Stanford's Hoover Institution. Among many other claims, Sutton's book accuses Skull and Bones of funding and encouraging "the Maxist/Leftist '60s revolution"....and diverting attention by drawing students into disarmament and/or environmental groups and issues. Although there seems to be some real info in his book, it reads like a classic text of right-wing propaganda, filled with hyperbole and unsourced allegations" Antony Sutton's response:

What's wrong with these editors? I was thrown out of the Hoover Institution by the CIA types....I am definitely persona non-grata. Director Glenn Campbell actually threatened me: "you will not survive."

Some right winger!! I've never been a member of the Birch Society or any society come to that. I'd like to have that Editor say that to my face. They're sick! Get his comments on the above...and have him come up with some proof. What's the legal definition of slander...it has to be untrue and malicious. Do they have any money? When it comes right down to it the NY people didn't even read my book...else they would know that I see the right-left approach as a Hegelian trap...as for lack of evidence Ill leave that to the readers. On second thought they probably never heard of Hegel. When Lenin referred to 'useful idiots" he must have had these people  in mind.


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