In the Words of a Heroic Whistleblower – Christine C. Anderson Former NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Tells of Corruption in Attorney Disciplinary Agency. Fingers former Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill and Sherry Cohen of the First Department

In the Words of a Heroic Whistleblower – Christine C. Anderson Former NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Tells of Corruption in Attorney Disciplinary Agency. Fingers former Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill and Sherry Cohen of the First Department

Monday, September 21st, 2009

Excerpt from Expose Corrupt Courts @

See Video of Senator John L. Sampson’s 1st Hearing on Court ‘Ethics’ Corruption

The Next Ethics Corruption Hearing will be in NYC on Thursday, September 24th !! The June 8, 2009 hearing is on two videos:


Monday, September 21, 2009

NY State Court Insider Calls For Federal Prosecutor
Christine C. Anderson
Attorney at Law
227 Riverside Drive, Ste. 2N
New York, New York 10025

September 13, 2009(via Confirmed Overnight Delivery)

The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General of the United States

Office of the Attorney General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. Preet Bharara
United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007

Hon. William M. Welch II
Chief, Public Integrity Uni
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. John L. Sampson,Chairman
New York State Senate Judiciary Committee
409 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

Re: Request for Federal Investigation Into Allegations of Corruption and
Witness Intimidation and Appointment of Federal Monitor


My name is Christine C. Anderson. For six and one-half years, I was a Principal Attorney of the New York State Appellate Division, First Department’s Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”). The DDC is responsible for investigating and disciplining attorneys found guilty of misconduct in representing the public in the Bronx and Manhattan. After discovering and reporting of acts of misconduct and corruption at the DDC, which acts constituted an abuse of power and a fraud upon the public, my employment was summarily terminated in June, 2007.

Prior to my employment with the DDC, I was in private practice for over twenty years. Before that, I worked for the Human Resources Administration of New York City. In other words, I am a thoroughly seasoned attorney, with a broad based knowledge of general practice.

As a result of my wrongful termination in retaliation for my reporting misconduct in violation of my First Amendment rights, I instituted a lawsuit captioned Anderson v. State of New York, et al., 07 Civ. 9599 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). (A copy of my complaint in this action is attached hereto as Exhibit A.) Specifically, I discovered and reported that employees of the DDC had engaged in, inter alia, the “whitewashing” complaints of misconduct leveled against certain “select” attorneys and law firms. This “whitewashing” sometimes involved burying cases or destroying evidence, so that certain complaints were inevitably, unavoidably, dismissed. I witnessed this destruction of evidence myself. Other reported misconduct involves victimizing attorneys lacking privileged positions or connections.

Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.

During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.

On June 8, 2009, I testified at a hearing convened by John L. Sampson, New York State Senator and Chairman of the New York State Standing Committee On The Judiciary. (A copy of my affidavit submitted to the Committee is attached hereto as Exhibit B.) At that hearing, several witnesses testified as to their shocking experiences with the grievance and judiciary committees in New York State. Shockingly, within days of my testimony, in my lawsuit, my sealed medical and psychiatric records were filed and posted publicly on the court’s Internet filing system by counsel for the defendants – i.e., the New York State Attorney General’s Office. I regard those actions as horrifically unethical and malicious, and taken in deliberate retaliation for my testifying at the Senate hearing.

The detailed testimony presented by innumerable witnesses at the June 8th Senate hearing reveals the manifold reports of corruption and abuse by the State’s Disciplinary Committees. (A copy of the transcript of this hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit C.) Charges included concealment of evidence, obstruction of justice, extortionate sexual threats by attorneys, pilfering of estates by attorneys, abuse of power, fraud, conspiracy and repeated violations of state and federal constitutional rights.

In light of the foregoing, it is plain that the enduring practice of allowing attorneys in this state to police themselves is fundamentally flawed. With the numerous reports of abuse by both attorneys and state officials, the corruption in the court system has reached a critical stage. Accordingly, I respectfully request that you authorize the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the epidemic of honest services fraud in the New York state court system, and the appointment of a Federal Monitor, to oversee the lawful operation of the same.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Christine C. Anderson

cc w/o enc:

The Hon. David A. Paterson
New York State Governor
Office of the Governor of New York State
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

The Hon. Boyd M. Johnson III
Deputy United States Attorney for the
Southern District of New York
Public Corruption Unit
United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007

The Hon. Loretta A. Preska
Chief U.S. District Judge
United States Courthouse
Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, New York 10007-1312

The Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General of New York State
The Capitol
Albany, New York 12224-0341

The Hon. Luis A. Gonzalez
Presiding Justice, New York State Appellate Division,1st Department
27 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10010

The Hon. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr.
Assistant Director in Charge, New York Division
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10278-0004


bronx born, black robe wearing, person said…
It’s about time. Where do I sign up to talk. 

September 21, 2009 7:46 AM 
Anonymous said…
these bastards torture this woman, a woman with morals & character and guided by the light and then you post her psychiatric records, you bastards burn in hell…… 

by the way, that is the way they work Christine, if they can not find your psychiatric problems, they make them up and pass them around……and my FEDS have done nothing about it………..

why, because it will involve to many, maybe ex us attorneys, lawyers, maybe a senator, his prostitue, etc………..
who should all be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!

the evil always hits hardest before a victory!

we will keep praying for Christine Anderson!

September 21, 2009 8:27 AM 
Anonymous said…
hey Christine, I notified my AG office that they are passing around false medical information,
I have names, dates, etc…..
If you need me, contact Frank 

and many other Felonies!


September 21, 2009 8:33 AM 
Anonymous said…
My wife works for OCA. She wants to talk to the feds but is afraid of the state employees. What should she do? 

September 21, 2009 8:35 AM 
Anonymous said…
my FBI is also aware they are passing around false documents, false medical information, altering my medical information,
so I am not allowed to speak as to the felonies they are committing….. 

good try boys, we can not find her psych rider, we will just write it on the top of this paper……

you didn’t know I was almost dead,
recovering from major surgery and one of the worst types of misdiagnosed adenomas known……..
where did all that paperwork go?

we will just change all this so she will not be allowed to speak!
bunch of backstabbing, bloodsucking bastards burn in hell

September 21, 2009 8:42 AM 
Anonymous said…
I am sure someone will respond to the question about wife works for OCA and who should she talk to shortly,…… 

September 21, 2009 9:11 AM 
Anonymous said…
when is resonsible parties at the AG office going to be arrested?
hey FEDS, bring handcuffs to the hearings,throw these bastards in jail 

September 21, 2009 9:13 AM 
Anonymous said…
hey Maziarz where is the transparency you so greatly claim you want, so what channel and what time will these criminals be televised on Thursday? 

September 21, 2009 9:16 AM 
Anonymous said…
maybe Christine and Nicole need to file at the FBI/DA’s/us attorney office and have them arrested, use the law to stop their abuse! 

September 21, 2009 9:33 AM 
Anonymous said…
Sampson has enough information from the June hearings to warrant a federal investigation…so why he is he seeking anything additional…his continued actions are suspect. What has he promised will be his recommendation when he concludes his public airing of MULTIPLE incidences of corruption? 

Ms Anderson is absolutley correct in reporting the retaliation BY OCA…against anyone who supports her as well as against herslf.

In my present federal lawsuit my 3 witnesses have been fired after sick leave, fired in general and one forced to quit. OCA’S witnessess spewing perjury have all been promoted…soon after….including the hearing officer who is now the executive director of the 5th judicial district.

In my original federal case against OCA n the 90’s (which this present case is an offshoot of) …I was forced to go to a psychiatrist in order to claim worker’s comp benefits. The judge whom I accused of sexual harassment… his atty…went to a supreme ct judge to seek opening the psychiatric records to the public..because OCA paid for the visits through comp….and that WAS granted.

Once I became aware of this court order..all my visits reported stories and information about the hostile female court employees and the crimes committed by OCA. The atty found that information unpublishable, so he requested an exam by a forensic psychiatrist….which supreme ct said NO to. So this atty was friend’s with the state ins fund lawyer handling my comp case and he went through him. That slick move ended with the state paid doctor finding on my behalf entirely….and him stating to me…OCA IS SCREWING WITH YOU….I hope you get millions. OCA paid him for those reports…that remain hidden somehwhere at the 8th district offices.

As I am now forced to fight them again in federal court due to continued retaliation…the crimes and witness retaliaton has become more agressive and criminal as I have reported on this blog for 3 years.

Ms Anderson…you are not alone as OCA has become a total syndicate of crime and corruption. I await a response to your letters…as I can and will substantiate everything you have stated the NY court system is guilty of…relative to major criminal activity against anyone who dares to expose their illegal activities.

September 21, 2009 10:39 AM 
Anonymous said…
evil hits hardest before a VICTORY! 

know that you are guided with faith and grace….

September 21, 2009 10:40 AM 
Anonymous said…
this explains everything they did many years ago, keep passing around your false information,
it is called a FELONY!
and proves who you bastards are!
Is that 8 years for lying to a FED, wouldn’t want those public officials in jail for 8 years….
explains why the FEDS have not arrested them!
Get them ST Christine
ST Nicole! 

September 21, 2009 10:47 AM 
Anonymous said…
Where’s Cuomo? His lawyers defend these crooks in Federal and State Court actions. Cuomo knows; he doesn’t act. An opportunity for Paterson to ask why Cuomo doesn’t prosecute corruption, but only defends the corrupt. 

September 21, 2009 11:31 AM 
Anonymous said…
maybe they will send their friends over to masturbate, or have your neighbors file false police reports, screw with your property so you have to file and delete your records, how about banging and clanging everytime you step in your yard
just to try to nail you again, as they did me…….
your DA will do nothing to charge them, the paperwork will disappear…
they will try anything to discredit you……… 

keep your courage
but most of all thank you for your strength and honesty of the evil that exists in our courts system!

September 21, 2009 11:40 AM 
Anonymous said…
OCA is directed by their counsel’s office…the office that creates the crime and retaliation actions to be carried out against those OCA wishes to defame who move to expose them…as they portray them s crazy or mentally unstable. The information maybe doctored and most often extracted from the hostile and mentally challenged females that work for OCA! 

I of course know this from 15 yrs ago and the story I told you above gathered from information from close supervisory sources, oh yes…the CJC and lawyers close to OCA administration….all willing to tell on them. Sorry OCA you just cannot know and attack everyone I have contact with in the legal community.

I also got a heads up about the insanity defamation in my 2004 OIG investigation that I requested relative to OCA retaliation. An employee…. who eventually turned on me…..oh this should make for an interesting trial…whispered in my ear the day the hearing was to begin….. that my supervisor and friend of the removed judge… and heavy politico daughter of a major judicial influential political party….. told her that her goal was to make me appear crazy. This was the same remark made by the atty for the ex-judge in the 90’s….and this lady supervisor worked for as a secretary for 11 yrs and is connected politically to the supreme court judge that is the first cousin of the ex-judge’s atty.

The court system thrives on inflammatory statements…true or altered…. and dares you to prove otherwise.

Ms. Anderson…you must get information personal and work related that reflects workplace unfitness and incompetency… like drug habits, alcohol use at work and driving to or from work in that state,sleeping with hearing officers that rule AGAINST OCA, stolen property in the purchasing of hot goods etc…
about the employees/supervisors that are attacking you and submit them in affidavit form…under penalties of perjury. Don’t be shy…they want to ruin your life!

September 21, 2009 11:52 AM 
Anonymous said…
go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being. 

Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!

September 21, 2009 1:09 PM 
Anonymous said…
go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being. 

Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!

September 21, 2009 1:09 PM 
Anonymous said…
well if they can say your fat, your a slut, your stupid, they have to use the “your crazy” tactic……nice try you bunch of prostitutes of our New York State Court System! 

September 21, 2009 1:16 PM 
Anonymous said…
Christine and Nicole you should thank the AG for putting those records on the net, you have just proved the crudibility of the AG Office, it is not to protect and serve, it is to selectively persecute………. 

great work by the AG’s Office!
does ST Andrew, really want to be Governor?

September 21, 2009 1:29 PM 
Anonymous said…
maybe Guilaini did it!
see you can not trust any of them when money is involved…… 

stop the money trail
expose the complaints!

September 21, 2009 1:46 PM 
Anonymous said…
Sure that the FBI knows a great many things, but when are they going to do something? Have seen this before with the FBI and nothing happens because of some elected official. 

September 21, 2009 2:21 PM 
Luisa said…
GREAT LETTER CHRISTINE…I just mailed out a similar letter this morning to to same individuals..Let’s PRAY that something happens very soon..God Bless..It’t time to ROCK the HOUSE!!!!Lock up all of the THUGS that are responsible and throw away the KEY!!!!Stay Strong. 

September 21, 2009 3:42 PM

New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption, Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered.

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Part 1 The Case All Starts with A Whistleblower Complaint and Iviewit is Marked “Legally Related” by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin to that Case. In the following video of a June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing in New York, Christine C. Anderson (my hero) gives the real jiggy on the NYS Court Corruptions, she is first to testify. In her Original Complaint she mentions Iviewit and the Onion Peels and there goes another.



6:45 Martin Gold, Alan Friedberg (DDC)
32:00 Christine Anderson (whistleblower)
49:00 Kevin Mckeowen (victim of DDC)
1:4:00 Tembeckjian Klonic (CJC)
1:21:00 Judge Hart (target of (CJC)
1:39:00 Pamela Carvel (victim of DDC)
150:00 Paul Altman (victim of DDC)
2:03:00 Luisa Esposito (victim of DDC)
2:12::00 Will Galison (victim of DDC)
2:26 Elanor Capagrossa (target of DDC)
2:41 Bob Ostertag (Former pres. NYBA) – This guy opens by stating that he is going to give the f finger to Will Galison who just completed riviting testimony of the rampant corruption in the courts.  Nice display of legal etiquette and manners in a public hearing, the frieghtening part of the story is that he is so angry he is being tapped in a public forum at a Public Hearing.  Looney Tunes material.
2:53 John Aretakis (target of DDC)

Eliot Bernstein was slated to testify but the entire hearing was cancelled after a two hour break took place and the now infamous Coup on the NY Senate took place, just in time to shut down and prevent the most riviting testimony against the criminals running the courts was to be given.  Urban Legend has it that the Coup was directed at preventing further information on the depth of the corruption from exposure, especially Bernstein’s testimony.


Federal Judge Martin Glenn, Southern District of NY is under fire & request for investigation for Title 18 Obstruction of Justice & related charges by Inventor Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies as Whistleblower Christine Anderson heads to trial


Surf with Vision

Iviewit Press Release @

Federal Judge Martin Glenn, Southern District of NY is under fire & request for investigation for Title 18 Obstruction of Justice & related charges by Inventor Eliot Bernstein of Iviewit Technologies as Whistleblower Christine Anderson heads to trial



New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing before Hon. Chair John Sampson, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption, Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered. Testimony of Eliot Bernstein Iviewit.

New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption, Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered.

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Part 1 The Case All Starts with A Whistleblower Complaint and Iviewit is Marked “Legally Related” by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin to that Case. In the following video of a June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing in New York, Christine C. Anderson (my hero) gives the real jiggy on the NYS Court Corruptions, she is first to testify. In her Original Complaint she mentions Iviewit and the Onion Peels and there goes another.



6:45 Martin Gold, Alan Friedberg (DDC)
32:00 Christine Anderson (whistleblower)
49:00 Kevin Mckeowen (victim of DDC)
1:4:00 Tembeckjian Klonic (CJC)
1:21:00 Judge Hart (target of (CJC)
1:39:00 Pamela Carvel (victim of DDC)
150:00 Paul Altman (victim of DDC)
2:03:00 Luisa Esposito (victim of DDC)
2:12::00 Will Galison (victim of DDC)
2:26 Elanor Capagrossa (target of DDC)
2:41 Bob Ostertag (Former pres. NYBA) – This guy opens by stating that he is going to give the f finger to Will Galison who just completed riviting testimony of the rampant corruption in the courts.  Nice display of legal etiquette and manners in a public hearing, the frieghtening part of the story is that he is so angry he is being tapped in a public forum at a Public Hearing.  Looney Tunes material.
2:53 John Aretakis (target of DDC)

Eliot Bernstein was slated to testify but the entire hearing was cancelled after a two hour break took place and the now infamous Coup on the NY Senate took place, just in time to shut down and prevent the most riviting testimony against the criminals running the courts was to be given.  Urban Legend has it that the Coup was directed at preventing further information on the depth of the corruption from exposure, especially Bernstein’s testimony.


Iviewit Silicon Graphics Bankruptcy Filing to Remove Judge Martin Glenn

Iviewit Silicon Graphics Bankruptcy Filing to Remove Judge Martin Glenn


20090918 Motion to Compel Disqualification of Judge Martin Glenn FINAL SIGNED C


September 19th, 2009



- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - x

In re


HOLDINGS, INC., et al.,

                                                                                            Chapter 11

                                                                                             Case No. 09-11701 (MG)

                                                                                             (Jointly Administered)

—- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – x








  1. I Eliot Bernstein, Creditor and Claimant previously filed an Emergency motion seeking injunctive and other relief in April of 2009, and filed Proof of Claim No. 225 herein, and recently moved for various relief including but not limited to an extension of time to respond to objections to my proof of claim with such objections filed by Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, motion for an adjournment of a hearing on Sept. 15, 2009 for the appointment of counsel to Eliot Bernstein, motion for the determination of conflicts of interest, and other relief now move to compel the immediate Disqualification of SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, Vacating all Orders of SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn in these jointly administered proceedings specifically including an Order dated September 15, 2009, and for an immediate stay of proceedings pending oversight and assignment of these proceedings to an independent and neutral Judge in accordance with due process and Rules and Codes of Conduct applicable herein.




  1. SGI, hereinafter the Debtors, herein, filed for Ch. 11 Bankruptcy Protection on April 1, 2009 several months after emerging from a prior Ch. 11 case.
  2. More importantly, however, is that SGI’s filing in Ch. 11 on April 1, 2009 came within 6 days of the filing of a formal SEC complaint by myself against the Intel Corporation announcing a Trillion Dollar fraud to the SEC also involving Debtors SGI as well thru a Company which was mutually owned by Intel and SGI along with Lockheed Martin called Real3d Inc of Orlando, Florida.
  3. That company Real3d Inc. is at the heart and central of a host of investigations and complaints as well as having been under signed NDA with myself and the Iviewit technologies dating back to 1998 or so.
  4. The alleged “sales” transactions between Intel, the Debtors SGI, and Lockheed Martin involving Real3d Inc. were expressly made a part of the Formal SEC Complaint filed on March 25, 2009, 6 days before the SGI bankruptcy on April 1, 2009.
  5. As referenced in my Emergency Motion filed April 9, 2009, In House General Counsel for Debtors SGI Evelyn Ramirez was expressly placed on notice of the formal SEC Intel Real3d Inc and related complaint on March 25, 2009 just days before the Ch. 11 filing herein.
  6. Despite this express notice on March 25, 2009, the April 1, 2009 Ch. 11 filing wholly failed to List the claims of Eliot Bernstein and related claims herein amounting to a Fraud in filing by SGI upon which THIS Court, SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn, was duly noticed.
  7. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn was further upon direct Notice as of April 9, 2009 with my Emergency filing of the existence of ongoing and open investigations involving multiple federal offices including at the USPTO where Harry Moatz, Director of the OED of the USPTO and a federal official had specifically directed me to file Fraud against the USPTO. Further, Moatz assembled a team of patent office officials to work with myself to file to remove all former counsel from the applications and respond to outstanding issues to move the IP into a suspended status. After review of the allegations, the Commissioner of Patents then Suspended various Patent applications herein pending investigation relating to the Trillion Dollar Technologies at issue. Inventor change forms filed to change the fraudulent inventors and certain IP that has falsified inventors were not changeable without an Act of Congress to change existing USPTO privacy policies, Senator Dianne Feinstein has been reviewing these matters, as well as, members of the House Judiciary Committee.
  8. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn was further placed on express notice of actions by the Office of Inspector General Glenn A. Fine of the US DOJ, pending matters with the OPR of the FBI and the federal whistleblower case of Christine Anderson now heading to trial in the Southern District of NY which my Amended Complaint at the US District Court was marked legally “related” to by District Court Judge Shira Scheindlin.
  9. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn was further on direct notice that the Debtors SGI had simultaneously moved at the time of filing Ch. 11 on April 1, 2009 to simultaneously Employ as Special Counsel the law firm of Davis Polk Wardell (DPW) and Ropes and Gray, LLP by an application filed on such date by Ropes and Gray, LLP including a Declaration by William Kelly of DPW and that DPW was simultaneously representing the Lockheed Martin Corporation and SGI, the Debtors herein, both of whom were Equity owners in Real3d Inc which was under signed NDA with my technologies and at the heart of my complaints and investigations herein.
  10. Most shockingly, the Declaration of DPW attorney William Kelly places Mr. Kelly as an Inside Officer at SGI during ALL of the Relevant initial years of the Technologies theft with SGI and Real3d Inc. and later as Outside counsel for SGI while at DPW who simultaneously represents Lockheed Martin, the other Company with Intel at the heart of the Technology thefts with Real3dInc and violations of signed NDAs.
  11. Thus, Clear Facial Conflicts appeared on the Records and Dockets of these proceedings certainly as of the date of my Emergency Motion filing on April 9, 2009 and thus SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn should be charged with knowledge of such conflicts as of at least April 9, 2009.
  12. Additional specified conflicts made in writing prior to the Sept. 15, 2009 hearing which have been knowingly, deliberately and intentionally disregarded as part of the wall of conflicts machinery of RICO activity in legal proceedings include DPW further simultaneously representing Lockheed, SGI owners in Real3d Inc, while also simultaneously representing the Financial Accountants KPMG employed by SGI in this Ch. 11 bankruptcy while further representing other major companies under NDA with my technologies such as CIBC and Morgan Stanley creating conflict within conflict herein.
  13. It is noted for Historical reference at this time that the Formal SEC complaint filed in March of 2009 expressly referenced failures to follow FASB No. 5 and similar Accounting Rules in this Trillion dollar fraud. As of the filing of my Emergency Motion on April 9, 2009, the Nation ( United States ) has heard almost daily reports of Financial Fraud and related investigations after the collapse of Wall Street, the $65 Billion plus Madoff fraud, and $8Billion Stanford fraud and more while Davis Polk Wardell simultaneously represents multiple players in the Wall Street debacle and most interestingly Recruited and Hired back to DPW former head of Enforcement at the SEC Linda Chatman Thomsen who left the SEC under fire for the failures that lead to the $65Billion Madoff fraud. Such facts involving the Madoff and SEC and Linda Chatman Thomsen matter were of such public knowledge that SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glenn should be presumed to have taken judicial notice herein. Published sources claim that Linda Thomsen was recruited back to DPW in April 2009 shortly after my filings herein.
  14. Many threads tie together several of these financial schemes with the Iviewit technologies and companies, including Madoff, Dreier and Stanford, as pled in my federal RICO case, fully incorporated herein by reference, US 2nd Circ. Docket No. ( 08-4873-cv ) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. and USDC SDNY Docket No. ( 07cv11196 ) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.



                                     INDEPENDENT AND NEUTRAL JUDGE

  1. As noted by the US 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in an appeal of a case coming out of Operation Greylord, a massive FBI investigation into Judicial corruption in Cook County of Illinois, the United States Supreme Court   “has observed that “[a] fair trial in a fair tribunal is a basic requirement of due process.” In re Murchison, 349 U.S. 133, 136, 75 S.Ct. 623, 99 L.Ed. 942 (1955); see also McBride, 428 F.3d at 667 (”Fairness of course requires an absence of actual bias in the trial of cases…”).” See, Guest v McCann, .
  2. 28 USC 455 provides in part as follows: “(a) Any justice, judge, or magistrate judge of the United States shall disqualify himself in any proceeding in which his impartiality might reasonably be questioned.”
  3. Disqualification is thus mandatory and shall be compelled where “impartiality might reasonably be questioned”.
  4. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn is required under the federal Rules of Judicial Conduct as follows:


A. Respect for Law. A judge should respect and comply with the law and should act at all

times in a manner that promotes public confidence in the integrity and impartiality of the

judiciary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Canon 2A. An appearance of impropriety occurs when reasonable minds, with

knowledge of all the relevant circumstances disclosed by a reasonable inquiry, would conclude that the judge’s honesty, integrity, impartiality, temperament, or fitness to serve as a judge is impaired. Public confidence in the judiciary is eroded by irresponsible or improper conduct by judges. A judge must avoid all impropriety and appearance of impropriety. . . . . . . . . . “




  1. At the time of the first hearing in which I participated by Telephonic testimony on May 8, 2009, I, Eliot I. Bernstein, specifically requested On the Record of proceedings for Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, LLP AND THIS Court, Hon. SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn, to affirm and disclose affirmatively that no conflicts of interest exist. Also a Conflict of Interest disclosure form was submitted to the Court for review and affirmation or denial of any Conflicts.
  2. Both Special Counsel Ropes & Gray, LLP and Judge Glenn Stood SILENT and knowingly, Intentionally and deliberately failed to affirm or disaffirm if conflicts of interest existed in the proceedings herein.
  3. It was at ALL Times Reasonable then on May 8, 2009 to question the Impartiality of Bankruptcy Judge Glenn for failing to require Special Counsel Ropes & Gray to Affirm or disaffirm conflicts herein and also for the Judge himself to fail to affirm or disaffirm conflicts and it was further reasonable to question Judge Glenn’s commitment to obligations to uphold law since the Court has an affirmative duty to address conflicts in the proceedings and regulate the conduct of the attorneys.


  1. Nonetheless, I Eliot I. Bernstein in most reasonable fashion thereafter specifically outlined in further detail the conflicts of interest which were Facially existent on the Record of Proceedings as of April 9, 2009 by a Response to Special Counsel Ropes & Gray filed Sept. 10, 2009 which noted the Silence of Ropes and Gray and Judge Glenn on May 8, 2009, and again asked for affirmance or denial of conflict and to resolve conflicts prior to proceeding.
  2. Special Counsel Ropes & Gray had been placed on further specified notice by myself in this filing of Sept. 10, 2009 that Ropes and Gray as Lawyers claim to own highly technical Patents in the realm of digital and video imaging which is not only precise part of the area where my Original owner status in Technologies exists, but further that the very nature of the Fraud on the USPTO urged to be filed by Federal official Harry Moatz as Director of the OED of the USPTO involved Fraud in filings and applications by Lawyers and likewise Judge Glenn and Ropes and Gray were informed in Writing by my filing on Sept 10, 2009 that the legally “related” federal Whistleblower case of Christine Anderson heading to trial in the District Court of Judge Scheindlin of the SDNY involved the Iviewit technology matters and systemic public corruption involving the whitewashing of professional complaints of attorneys at the DDC of the NYS First Department.
  3. Yet, despite the prior request orally on May 8, 2009 and the now written motion and specified notice and request of Sept. 10, 2009, Special Counsel Ropes and Gray files a nearly 13 page reply to my response with Judge Glenn and yet STILL fails to affirm or deny conflict and deliberately glosses over and disregards all such matters which are at the heart and core of these proceedings.
  4. At the hearing Sept. 15, 2009 appearing telephonically again, I reiterated and repeated my requests for conflict resolution and disclosure of both Special Counsel Ropes and Gray and Judge Martin Glenn making this the second request Orally now on two separate proceeding dates, May 8, 2009 and Sept. 15, 2009, in addition to the written filings of my Emergency motion dated April 9, 2009 which should have placed Judge Glenn on Notice of the conflicts and my subsequent written motion and response on Sept 10, 2009 which specifically demanded and requested conflict disclosure and resolution and of course the requirements and operation of law and due process necessitating that the Judge be independent, neutral and free from conflict and regulate the proceedings in like manner.
  5. Yet, in what appears to be the Standard Equation or Recipe as it were for RICO and corruption advanced through the machinery of Judicial Office, Judge Martin Glenn has knowingly, deliberately, purposely and intentionally disregarded law, Rule and codes of conduct by issuing an Order on Sept. 15, 2009 in writing which wholly, fully and absolutely disregards the core issues at hand and the requirements of law, the federal Rules of Judicial Conduct and other despite full knowledge of same by Judge Martin Glenn and by merely reciting somewhat meaningless facts to provide the Order with a false appearance of legitimacy.
  6. Under such circumstances, the impartiality of Judge Glenn is reasonably in question along with failure to follow and enforce law including the law of conflicts and thus Judge Martin Glenn is compelled and mandated to Disqualify himself under 28 USC 455, federal Rules of Judicial Conduct, and law from these proceedings and Vacate all orders herein and any act short of this immediate result is a further Obstruction of Justice and actionable due process violation herein.
  7. It is noted that this fraudulent Order of Sept. 15, 2009 contains no mention whatsoever of any request to address conflicts much less any analysis or reason or rationale and the Order therefore lacks a rationale basis and is likewise Void under FRCP 60 and is otherwise void and to be vacated under FRCP Rule 60 as a fraud upon the court and proceedings. More importantly there is no analysis, discussion or portion of the Order which address the Core Fraud and Factual issues contested in the proceedings which necessarily implicate the Conflicts not addressed and include but are not limited to Fraud by SGI in the original 2006 filings and the subsequent Fraud in filings on April 1, 2009 upon recent discovery of entanglement and a Formal SEC Complaint in a Trillion Dollar accounting and related fraud involving equity partners Lockheed Martin and Intel from Real3d Inc.
  8. It is further noted for historical reference that the fraudulent and voidable Order of Judge Martin Glenn dated Sept. 15, 2009 was issued in less than a mere few hours of taking the motions of Eliot I. Bernstein “under advisement” and was issued without even a remote appearance or attempt at a full and fair Hearing which should have mandated Conflict resolution and provision for Discovery on contested issues and mandated an extension and adjournment of time herein.
  9. Moreover such fraudulent and void Order fails to discuss or analyze in any manner the claims of Eliot I. Bernstein and the Specified list of Engineers and Business managers and officers referenced in the Formal SEC complaint of March 25, 2009 involving Real3d Inc, Intel, Lockheed Martin and SGI, the Debtors herein and that the Debtors SGI did not even attempt to advance any engineer or technical person to counter the claims of Eliot Bernstein involving the Technology herein at minimum creating contested factual issues appropriate for discovery and contested adversary proceedings.
  10. It is noted that the actions herein shall be investigated against SDNY Judge Glenn and applicable staff for Title 18 obstruction of justice and related fraud crimes and for due process RICO conspiracy actions.
  11. It is further noted that On the Record of proceedings on Sept. 15, 2009, SDNY Bankruptcy Judge Glenn was affirmatively requested to sign a Conflicts of interest disclosure which he wrongfully refused to affirm or deny.




  1. My Sept. 10, 2009 filing specifically referenced SDNY Bankruptcy Court Operations Manager Mr. Diamond and Staff in relation to my attempts to secure appointment of counsel and other relief herein.
  2. Despite Operations Manager Mr. Diamond indicating he should be consulted for Policies of the SDNY in relation to Appointment of Counsel, in prejudicial manner Judge Glenn disregarded all such matters and requests in a further abuse of discretion herein.




  1. For all the reasons noted herein, and it is further noted that filings before Judge Glenn indicated that SDNY US District Court Judge Scheindlin had called my case a “Murder” case while I alleged formally attempted murder shown by the car bombing of my minivan at my website Bankruptcy Judge Martin Glen shall:


      1. Immediately Disqualify himself from these proceedings and Vacate all Orders herein specifically including the Order of Sept. 15, 2009 and the order denying an injunction and Order approving Sale ( quickest bankruptcy Ch. 11 sale ) and all such Orders herein;
      2. Self Report the conduct herein to all appropriate oversight bodies, Committees, the Judicial Council, the OIG of the DOJ, the US Attorney for the SDNY, the DOJ, the USPTO and OED of the USPTO, applicable NY State and related Bar Associations, the NY AG Public Integrity and related units, the US House and Senate Judiciary Committees, and other;


    1. Immediately stay proceedings upon disqualification pending assignment and transfer to an independent and neutral Bankruptcy Judge;
    2. And for such other and further relief as may be proper.



Dated:____________                                                _________________________

Eliot I. Bernstein, Pro Se
Claim No. 225

Claimant and Creditor

2753 N.W. 34th St

Boca Raton, FL 33434

(561) 245-8588







OF THE DEBTORS TO CLAIM OF ELIOT I. BERNSTEIN ) on this Court, requesting this Court serve all named Plaintiffs, Defendants, Creditors, Debtors and other necessary parties via the United States Marshal Service or other method this Court deems acceptable, or otherwise so reply to me as to the correct parties to further serve for this case with all applicable addressing information.



2753 N.W. 34th Street

Boca Raton, FL 33434

(561) 245-8588

(561) 886-7628

Tags: eliot bernstein, intel, iviewit, lockheed, martin glenn, patent, patentgate, sex, sgi, silicon graphics, xxx
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September 11th, 2009

September 6th, 2009


Proskauer Rose Sued in Stanford Ponzi – Blood Oaths with Regulators – Iviewit Suit “LEGALLY” related to NY Supreme Court Whistleblower Christine Anderson Heading to Trial with Judge Shira Scheindlin

Whistleblower Suit Set for Trial

As the public federal trial of systemic corruption allegations inside the NY State Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department (First Dept) approaches, more bad news for the Proskauer Rose law firm erupted. Last week WSJ reported CFO of Stanford Financial Group, James Davis, involved in the $7 Billion Robert Allen Stanford Ponzi. Davis pleaded Guilty to fed charges while appearing to implicate counsel Proskauer & partner Thomas Sjoblom orchestrating a plan to Obstruct SEC & FBI investigations into Stanford & more.

Christine C. Anderson a former Staff Attorney at the First Dept filed WHISTLEBLOWER allegations in a fed suit slated for trial Oct 13 in US District Court Southern District NY (USDC), Anderson v State of NY, 07cv09599.

Anderson’s suit adjudicated by Judge Shira Scheindlin contains allegations of retaliation against Anderson for termination from her job of 6 yrs, after Anderson exposed systemic Whitewashing & Obstruction inside the First Dept, claiming favoritism by the First Dept for favored law firms & attorneys. &

Anderson’s suit set to bring volcanic like testimony involving public office corruption & testimony by officials of the NY State Unified Court system, including Court of Appeals Chief Judge Jonathan Lippman, Presiding Judge at the First Dept during the firing of Anderson. Along with Lippman will be Defendants in Anderson, First Dept Supervisor Sherry Cohen, Former Chief Counsel Thomas J. Cahill, Hon John Buckley, David Spokony & Catherine O’Hagen Wolfe, Clerk @ US Second Circuit Court of Appeals (USCA), an initial Anderson defendant in her former job as Clerk for the First Dept, now witness in Anderson. Anderson claims Physical Abuse & Harassment by Cohen for her heroic WHISTLEBLOWING, Anderson gave riveting testimony to the NY Senate Judiciary Committee headed by former Proskauer asst Sen. John L. Sampson. Anderson testimony @ 30min


Prior to permitting Anderson to trial, Scheindlin marked 7 suits, including Iviewit’s Trillion Dollar suit legally “related” to Anderson.

Proskauer Ties to Stanford, Madoff & Dreier

The Stanford Ponzi investigation may be the card that knocks down the house of cards at Proskauer. Uncovering of the $65 Billion Madoff Ponzi led the SEC & FBI to intensify investigations into Stanford,

‘Perhaps the most alarming is that Stanford Investment Bank has exposure to losses from the Madoff fraud scheme despite the bank’s public assurance to the contrary’, said the SEC.

Ironically, Sjoblom worked for the SEC & now is implicated in FBI & SEC actions, advising client Stanford on “how” to lie to the SEC. Huffington Post on Feb 20, 09 claims,

Sjoblom, a partner at law firm Proskauer Rose doing work for Stanford’s company’s Antigua affiliate, told authorities that he ‘disaffirmed’ everything he had told them to date…Sjoblom spent nearly 20 years at the SEC, & served as an Asst Chief Litigation Counsel in the SEC’s Division of Enforcement from 1987-1999.

Bloomberg on Jan 14, 09 states,

The week after Bernard Madoff was charged with running a $50 billion Ponzi scheme, Proskauer Rose…offered a telephone briefing on the scandal for its wealthy clients. With only a day’s notice, 1,300 Madoff investors dialed in. ‘This is a financial 9/11 for our clients’, said Proskauer litigation partner Gregg Mashberg…‘People are dying for information.’

Following the “client” call, investigations began into major “clients” involved in Madoff, Proskauer having perhaps the most Madoff “clients”, many who originally claimed to be victims may now be accomplice. SEC OIG delivered a stinging report on Madoff harshly criticizing lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from WHISTLEBLOWERS & others inside the SEC, for years.

Proskauer has further ties to Madoff according to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. SEC OIG’s report mentions Wood of Proskauer throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failure.

After leaving the SEC, Wood took a Proskauer partnership.

Laura Pendergest-Holt, Stanford’s CIO, criminally charged in the Stanford investigation, then filed a civil suit against Proskauer & Sjoblom claiming they “hung her out to dry” before the SEC. Meanwhile, Sjoblom solicited a multi-million dollar retainer from Stanford’s Chairman, A. Stanford, the night before the events with Holt at the SEC.

WSJ reports filing of a Class Action suit against Sjoblom & Proskauer in TX after Davis’ incriminating plea agreement implicated Proskauer, seeking damages for the entire $7 Billion in damages for Proskauer’s role Aiding & Abetting,

The civil suit is largely based on a plea agreement that we mentioned in this post yesterday, which focuses in part of the alleged actions of Sjoblom, who became outside counsel for Stanford’s international bank based in Antigua in the Caribbean starting in 05.

Another defendant in the Iviewit Lawsuit, convicted felon Marc S. Dreier, found orchestrating yet another bizarre Ponzi, in the Dreier scheme, we find former Proskauer partner Sheila M. Gowan as bankruptcy trustee in the suit.

NY Attorney General Defendant in Iviewit Suit

While acting as the NY Gov, Eliot Spitzer, former NY AG, reached out to his former Deputy AG Dietrich Snell who left the AG to take a Proskauer partnership, in order for Snell to act as defense counsel for Spitzer during the TrooperGate / HookerGate scandals, resulting in Spitzer’s resignation.

Snell working for Spitzer at the NY AG when Iviewit filed complaints with the First Dept & NY AG against attorneys involved in the patent thefts. Spitzer a named Defendant in the suit, other Defendants include First Dept, law firms ( Proskauer Rose, Meltzer, Lippe, Goldstein & Schlissel, Foley & Lardner ) & corp defendants include, Intel Corporation, Lockheed Martin Corporation, Silicon Graphics, Inc., IBM, MPEG-LA, LLC, Crossbow Ventures, Wayne Huizenga, & many more.

Cease & Desist

Iviewit secured seed funding from billionaire Wayne Huizenga & Crossbow Ventures whose investments were two-thirds SBA funds. Iviewit signed & executed NDAs, licensing agreements & strategic alliances starting in 1998 with many Fortune 1000 companies. Companies with signed agreements include; Real 3D, Inc., ( a consortium of Intel, Lockheed & SGI ) Dell, Wachovia, Warner Bros., AOLTW, Raymond James, Lehman Brothers, Bear Stearns, CIBC World Markets / Oppenheimer, Kodak, Motorola, General Instrument Corporation, Paine Webber, Pequot, Sony, MGM, NCR & more.

Recent formal Cease & Desist & Demand Letters have gone out to major players Intel, Lockheed & SGI, who formed Real 3D, where leading experts & engineers from the companies tested & used the technologies. Iviewit filed a formal complaint to SEC Chairperson, Mary Shapiro against Intel & others. The complaints filed for possible violations of FASB No. 5 resulting from possible failure to report liabilities to Shareholders. Liabilities resulting from the Trillion Dollar suit they are named defendants in & failure to report liabilities resulting from knowing & willful infringement in violation of signed agreements for almost 10 yrs. Accounting for the liabilities should appear in the Annual Report to Stockholders as required under FASB.

In recent patent disputes, settlement in excess of $600M was reached involving RIM Blackberry & NTP on the strength of an NDA.

Microsoft was issued an Injunction that awarded hundreds of millions in damages to i4i, for willful infringement of technologies embedded in MS Word. The injunction also forces a product recall of ALL products with MS Word since 2003.

Injunction in the Iviewit suit forcing a Cease & Desist & product recall would shut down internet video, reduce digital TV channels by over 75%, recall hardware & software that uses the technologies since 1998, a recall unparalleled in history. The Iviewit matters involve investigations ongoing with the DOJ, DOJ OIG Glenn Fine, Harry Moatz, Director OED US Patent Office, the FBI OPR, the SBA OIG, former US AG Michael Mukasey, current US AG Eric H. Holder, Jr & more. Feb 09 petition to President Barack Obama & Holder @



EliotI. Bernstein
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Holdings, Inc. – FL
Iviewit Technologies, Inc. – DL, Inc. – DL, Inc. – FL, Inc. – DL
I.C., Inc. – FL LLC – DL
Iviewit LLC – DL
Iviewit Corporation – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – FL
Iviewit, Inc. – DL
Iviewit Corporation
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)


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Carl Person on Creating Independent Contractors ( Iviewit

Carl Person on Creating Independent Contractors ( Iviewit

September 03 2009

Posted in independent contractors coverage

While waiting for Wes McKinley the courageous State Representative from Colorado to call-in Carl Person elaborates to Paula Gloria the development of his ideas for the many possible solutions for the difficult times we face, including Paula points out the problem of iviewit technology the people who developed video compression the imperative technology to allow YouTube to become as valuable as it did

Duration : 0:45:15

Carl Person


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Wallstreet Journal Proskauer & Sjoblom sued in a Class Action Suit in the Allen Stanford Matter – All roads lead to Iviewit

Wallstreet Journal Proskauer & Sjoblom sued in a Class Action Suit in the Allen Stanford Matter

Saturday, August 29th, 2009

WSJ on the cases, trends and personalities of interest to the business community.

August 28, 2009, 5:42 PM ET

Sjoblom, Proskauer Rose Face Fallout From Stanford Affair

By Amir Efrati

sjoblomWow. Plaintiffs’ lawyers work fast!

On Thursday, as we wrote, the former No. 2 executive at Stanford Financial Group pleaded guilty to aiding a multibillion-dollar Ponzi scheme and appeared to implicate Stanford’s outside lawyer, Tom Sjoblom, in a scheme to obstruct a Securities and Exchange Commission investigation into the firm.

Well, lo-and-behold, on the same day, several victims of the fraud filed a class-action lawsuit against Sjoblom (pictured) and his law firm, Proskauer Rose.

The suit, filed in federal court in Dallas, says Sjoblom and Proskauer are liable for $7 billion in damages for aiding and abetting Stanford’s alleged fraud.

According to a story by the NLJ’s Leigh Jones, Proskauer said in a statement that the lawsuit was “legally flawed and factually erroneous.” (Click  here for the complaint and scroll to page 19 for the relevant allegations.) Sjoblom’s lawyer, James Cole, declined to comment. Sjoblom hasn’t been criminally charged with any wrongdoing.

The civil suit is largely based on a plea agreement that we mentioned in this post yesterday, which focuses in part of the alleged actions of Sjoblom, who became outside counsel for Stanford’s international bank, based in Antigua in the Caribbean, starting in 2005.

One of the first examples of alleged wrongdoing by Sjoblom and Proskauer involves a 2006 fax sent to Sjoblom by Leroy King, an Antigua banking regulator, whom prosecutors say was being bribed by Stanford to rubber-stamp Stanford’s activities. (King was criminally charged by U.S. prosecutors and could be extradited to the U.S.)

In the fax, King allegedly asked for Sjoblom’s help in crafting a response to a different Caribbean banking regulator who was asking about the firm. The lawsuit states: “Recognizing that he had already been paid through cash bribe payments from Stanford, King concluded the August 1, 2006 facsimile transmission with the following handwritten words: ‘Please do not bill me (laugh), Thanks a million, Lee.”

Let us offer up an observation: Judging from the outcome of a recent and slightly analogous situation, the claims against Proskauer might be a long shot.

In a separate recent case in which a partner at a major law firm was charged and convicted of aiding his client’s fraud, the firm so far hasn’t had to pony up cash, despite the best efforts of members of the plaintiffs’ bar. A former partner at Mayer Brown, Joseph Collins, was convicted earlier this year of helping to cover up fraud at his client, Refco Inc., a commodities broker. A story yesterday by AmLaw Litigation Daily notes that Mayer Brown “succeeded in beating back nearly every attempt to hold it liable in civil suits for the damage caused by Refco’s collapse” in 2005. The commodities broker had hidden $430 million in bad debts from the company’s auditors and investors.

Wall Street Journal Re Proskauer Rose & Sir Allen Stanford – Indictment Cranks Up Heat on Proskauer’s Sjoblom

Wall Street Journal Re Proskauer Rose & Sir Allen Stanford

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Need a Real Sponsor here

May 14, 2009, 3:03 PM ET

Indictment Cranks Up Heat on Proskauer’s Sjoblom

sjoblomTuesday’s indictment (click here) in the Stanford Financial Group matter was focused primarily at Laura Pendergest-Holt, the firm’s chief information officer. Pendergest-Holt pleaded not guilty on Thursday to the two charges lodged against her — both related to an alleged plot to obstruct an SEC investigation into the company.

But the indictment also turns up the heat on Proskauer Rose partner Tom Sjoblom, about whom we’ve posted before (here, here and here), and whom Pendergest-Holt herself sued in March. Click here for a story from Business Week on the matter.

The indictment alleges that “Attorney A” (Sjoblom) and others made misleading statements to the SEC in February in order to cause the agency to delay interviewing Allen Stanford and the Stanford CFO about the firm’s financial condition. Sjoblom, the indictment alleges, also misled the SEC by telling the agency that Pendergest-Holt and Stanford’s president would be better witnesses who could offer the agency better information regarding the firm. Sjoblom allegedly said that Stanford and his CFO “were executive level officers who were not involved in the ‘nuts and bolts’ of business operations and could not tell the SEC attorneys about details” of the firm’s assets. The SEC agreed to delay the depositions of Stanford and his CFO.

Sjoblom has not been charged with wrongdoing.

The indictment then alleges that Sjoblom sent an email to Pendergest-Holt and the Stanford CFO regarding the need to tell the SEC about all of the firm’s investments. He wrote that they needed to “rise to the occasion” and that “our livelihood depends on it.”

Later, of course, prosecutors say Pendergest-Holt twice lied during sworn testimony before the SEC by saying she didn’t know about a key part of the firm’s investments, known as Tier III. The value of those investments, purportedly worth billions of dollars, was largely fictional, the trustee of Stanford’s firm said in a recent report.

James Cole, Sjoblom’s attorney, did not immediately return a phone call. We’ll let you know if we hear back.

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Sjoblom got his law degree at something called William Mitchell College of law — no kidding. So what do you expect?

    • I thought lying to the SEC was the job.

    • Let’s not be so snobbish about law schools. There are fine lawyers that graduated from William Mitchell, although I know nothing about Mr. Sjoblom. I don’t understand why anon at 4:46 would smear all graduates of that school. And I’m not defending it because I went to it — actually, my degree is from a Big Ten law school (aka, the best collection of law schools in the country).

    • If Laura Pendergest-Holt is the firm’s chief information officer, she must know everything, right? Not the CEO, not the CFO. Once again, the SEC has shown it is an agency in total collapse, staffed by incompetent clerks who look to indict nobodies while leaving the masterminds alone, if the SEC can. Stanford should have been called before the SEC first, he was running the show. Instead, the SEC calls Laura in, represented by an attorney who tosses her to the wolves. There is a difference between being wrong with the facts and lying, a difference the SEC bureaucrats do not care about when they are looking to indict low hanging fruit. And Laura Pendergest-Holt is some peach, although that is no justification for a homely SEC female functionary to push for poor Laura’s indictment.

    • anybody that went to willy mitchell or a big ten law school is a joke — michigan and northwestern are pretenders and the mid-20 rankings of the also-rans like iowa, minnesota, etc. — are you kidding? so sad.

    • What in the name Hades is the derivation of “Sjoblom”?

    • At 6:43a, the poster says that it is “so sad” that the Big Ten even has law schools. Well, it has eight schools in the top 35. With my Big Ten law degree, over the last 30 years, I’ve trounced lots of people with Top 5 law degrees — too many to count, both in court and in the workplace. I very successfully competed against the Ivies and other so-called T14s (what a joke to try to separate those from the rest!) when I was at a federal agency, and I very successfully compete with them now that I am a partner at a Top 20 law firm. The joke is on the poster, who thinks that his/her T14 degree gives some clear advantage. Don’t look in the mirror — you’re about to be run over by someone with a degree that is not T14. Then go and whine that “they just don’t get it.” Correct: we just don’t get it.

    • 1:31 asks the derivation of “Sjoblom.” It’s obviously Norwegian. Great name. Love those Norwegian names.


      Investors who have been burned in these scams should start to seek redress from the lawyers who were involved with these scams. I personally have been trying to notify regulators and authorities of a ONE TRILLION DOLLAR scam that is putting states like New York and Florida at huge risk, as well as, companies like Intel, Lockheed, SGI and IBM. The states and companies involved in the fraud fail to acknowledge the risk exposing shareholders and citizens to impending liabilities. Investigators, courts and federal agents ignoring the crimes and evidence, including a car-bombing attempt on my life. I know how Harry Markopolos felt trying to expose Madoff in a world without regulation.
      Did I hear Proskauer Rose is involved in Madoff (involved many clients too) and acted as Allen Stanford’s attorney. Investors who lost money in these scams should start looking at the law firm Proskauer’s assets for recovery. First, Proskauer partner Gregg Mashberg claims Madoff is a financial 9/11 for their clients, if they directed you to Madoff sue them. Then, Proskauer partner Thomas Sjoblom former enforcement dude for SEC and Allen Stanford attorney, declares PARTY IS OVER to Stanford employees and advises them to PRAY, this two days before SEC hearings. Then at hearings, he lies with Holt to SEC saying she only prepared with him but fails to mention Miami meeting at airport hanger. Then Sjoblom resigns after SEC begins investigation and sends note to SEC disaffirming all statements made by him and Proskauer, his butt on fire. If you were burned in Stanford sue Proskauer.
      Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and Michael Grebe (former RNC Counsel, Bradley Foundation CEO and Former Foley CEO) are also in a TRILLION dollar FEDERAL LAWSUIT legally related to a WHISTLEBLOWER CASE also in FEDERAL COURT. Marc S. Dreier, brought in through Raymond A. Joao of Meltzer Lippe after putting 90+ patents of mine in his own name, is also a defendant in the Federal Case.
      The Trillion Dollar suit according to Judge Shira Scheindlin is one of PATENT THEFT, MURDER & A CAR BOMBING. For graphics on the car bombing visit
      The Federal Court cases
      United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit Docket 08-4873-cv – Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al. – TRILLION DOLLAR LAWSUIT
      Cases @ US District Court – Southern District NY
      (07cv09599) Anderson v The State of New York, et al. – WHISTLEBLOWER LAWSUIT
      (07cv11196) Bernstein, et al. v Appellate Division First Department Disciplinary Committee, et al.
      (07cv11612) Esposito v The State of New York, et al.,
      (08cv00526) Capogrosso v New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct, et al.,
      (08cv02391) McKeown v The State of New York, et al.,
      (08cv02852) Galison v The State of New York, et al.,
      (08cv03305) Carvel v The State of New York, et al., and,
      (08cv4053) Gizella Weisshaus v The State of New York, et al.
      (08cv4438) Suzanne McCormick v The State of New York, et al.
      ( ) John L. Petrec-Tolino v. The State of New York

Suit Claims Foley & Lardner Disclosed Confidential Patent Information

Suit Claims Foley & Lardner Disclosed Confidential Patent Information

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

ABA Journal
Posted Aug 25, 2009, 11:29 am CDT
Debra Cassens Weiss

 A patent holding company has sued Foley & Lardner, claiming that the law firm disclosed confidential patent information learned during settlement talks.
The suit claims Foley & Lardner used the information to file a lawsuit on behalf of its client, Japanese electronics manufacturer Kyocera, according to The BLT: The Blog of Legal Times and the Am Law Litigation Daily. The Kyocera suit sought a declaratory judgment that it did not infringe the patents of the holding company, SPH America.
SPH America had earlier sued Kyocera for infringement of a different patent used in cell phone technology. The new suit says SPH disclosed in confidence during settlement negotiations that it also held patent rights for 3G wireless technology, but it did not plan to sue Kyocera over those patents. Kyocera’s discovery judgment action concerned the 3G technology, but was not filed under seal, according to the BLT summary of the SPH suit.
The SPH suit was filed Friday in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia. SPH America was formed in 2008 by a former associate at Fish & Richardson.