New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing before Hon. Chair John Sampson, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption, Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered. Testimony of Eliot Bernstein Iviewit.

New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption, Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered.

Saturday, September 19th, 2009

Part 1 The Case All Starts with A Whistleblower Complaint and Iviewit is Marked “Legally Related” by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin to that Case. In the following video of a June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing in New York, Christine C. Anderson (my hero) gives the real jiggy on the NYS Court Corruptions, she is first to testify. In her Original Complaint she mentions Iviewit and the Onion Peels and there goes another.



6:45 Martin Gold, Alan Friedberg (DDC)
32:00 Christine Anderson (whistleblower)
49:00 Kevin Mckeowen (victim of DDC)
1:4:00 Tembeckjian Klonic (CJC)
1:21:00 Judge Hart (target of (CJC)
1:39:00 Pamela Carvel (victim of DDC)
150:00 Paul Altman (victim of DDC)
2:03:00 Luisa Esposito (victim of DDC)
2:12::00 Will Galison (victim of DDC)
2:26 Elanor Capagrossa (target of DDC)
2:41 Bob Ostertag (Former pres. NYBA) – This guy opens by stating that he is going to give the f finger to Will Galison who just completed riviting testimony of the rampant corruption in the courts.  Nice display of legal etiquette and manners in a public hearing, the frieghtening part of the story is that he is so angry he is being tapped in a public forum at a Public Hearing.  Looney Tunes material.
2:53 John Aretakis (target of DDC)

Eliot Bernstein was slated to testify but the entire hearing was cancelled after a two hour break took place and the now infamous Coup on the NY Senate took place, just in time to shut down and prevent the most riviting testimony against the criminals running the courts was to be given.  Urban Legend has it that the Coup was directed at preventing further information on the depth of the corruption from exposure, especially Bernstein’s testimony.