Tag Archives: Frank Brady

In the Words of a Heroic Whistleblower – Christine C. Anderson Former NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Tells of Corruption in Attorney Disciplinary Agency. Fingers former Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill and Sherry Cohen of the First Department

In the Words of a Heroic Whistleblower – Christine C. Anderson Former NY Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department Tells of Corruption in Attorney Disciplinary Agency. Fingers former Chief Counsel Thomas Cahill and Sherry Cohen of the First Department

September 21st, 2009

Excerpt from Expose Corrupt Courts @ http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com/

See Video of Senator John L. Sampson’s 1st Hearing on Court ‘Ethics’ Corruption

The Next Ethics Corruption Hearing will be in NYC on Thursday, September 24th !! The June 8, 2009 hearing is on two videos:



Monday, September 21, 2009

NY State Court Insider Calls For Federal Prosecutor
Christine C. Anderson
Attorney at Law
227 Riverside Drive, Ste. 2N
New York, New York 10025

September 13, 2009(via Confirmed Overnight Delivery)

The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr.
Attorney General of the United States

Office of the Attorney General
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. Preet Bharara
United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York

United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007

Hon. William M. Welch II
Chief, Public Integrity Uni
United States Department of Justice
950 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20530-0001

The Hon. John L. Sampson,Chairman
New York State Senate Judiciary Committee
409 Legislative Office Building
Albany, NY 12247

Re: Request for Federal Investigation Into Allegations of Corruption and
Witness Intimidation and Appointment of Federal Monitor


My name is Christine C. Anderson. For six and one-half years, I was a Principal Attorney of the New York State Appellate Division, First Department’s Departmental Disciplinary Committee (the “DDC”). The DDC is responsible for investigating and disciplining attorneys found guilty of misconduct in representing the public in the Bronx and Manhattan. After discovering and reporting of acts of misconduct and corruption at the DDC, which acts constituted an abuse of power and a fraud upon the public, my employment was summarily terminated in June, 2007.

Prior to my employment with the DDC, I was in private practice for over twenty years. Before that, I worked for the Human Resources Administration of New York City. In other words, I am a thoroughly seasoned attorney, with a broad based knowledge of general practice.

As a result of my wrongful termination in retaliation for my reporting misconduct in violation of my First Amendment rights, I instituted a lawsuit captioned Anderson v. State of New York, et al., 07 Civ. 9599 (S.D.N.Y. 2007). (A copy of my complaint in this action is attached hereto as Exhibit A.) Specifically, I discovered and reported that employees of the DDC had engaged in, inter alia, the “whitewashing” complaints of misconduct leveled against certain “select” attorneys and law firms. This “whitewashing” sometimes involved burying cases or destroying evidence, so that certain complaints were inevitably, unavoidably, dismissed. I witnessed this destruction of evidence myself. Other reported misconduct involves victimizing attorneys lacking privileged positions or connections.

Although the then Chief Counsel of the DDC, Thomas Cahill, stepped down in 2007, evidence clearly establishes that under the leadership of Alan Friedberg, the current Chief Counsel, the same practice of corruption and whitewashing of complaints continues. Such practice robs the public of any hope at justice; it also works to the detriment of the very public the DDC is duty-bound to serve.

During the course of my litigation against the DDC, a former colleague of mine, who still works as a Principal Attorney at the DDC, agreed to testify on my behalf at a deposition. This former colleague, Nicole Corrado, has been employed by the DDC for approximately eight years, prior to which she worked as a prosecutor for New York State. On the morning of her deposition, however, while en route to her deposition, Ms. Corrado was approached on the street by a supervisor at the DDC, who threatened and intimidated her with respect to her upcoming deposition testimony. Although terribly shaken, Ms. Corrado nonetheless sat for her deposition and testified truthfully. Following her deposition, however, Ms. Corrado has been subjected to further harassment and intimidation at the hands of the DDC. She has been forced to take a leave of absence as a result.

On June 8, 2009, I testified at a hearing convened by John L. Sampson, New York State Senator and Chairman of the New York State Standing Committee On The Judiciary. (A copy of my affidavit submitted to the Committee is attached hereto as Exhibit B.) At that hearing, several witnesses testified as to their shocking experiences with the grievance and judiciary committees in New York State. Shockingly, within days of my testimony, in my lawsuit, my sealed medical and psychiatric records were filed and posted publicly on the court’s Internet filing system by counsel for the defendants – i.e., the New York State Attorney General’s Office. I regard those actions as horrifically unethical and malicious, and taken in deliberate retaliation for my testifying at the Senate hearing.

The detailed testimony presented by innumerable witnesses at the June 8th Senate hearing reveals the manifold reports of corruption and abuse by the State’s Disciplinary Committees. (A copy of the transcript of this hearing is attached hereto as Exhibit C.) Charges included concealment of evidence, obstruction of justice, extortionate sexual threats by attorneys, pilfering of estates by attorneys, abuse of power, fraud, conspiracy and repeated violations of state and federal constitutional rights.

In light of the foregoing, it is plain that the enduring practice of allowing attorneys in this state to police themselves is fundamentally flawed. With the numerous reports of abuse by both attorneys and state officials, the corruption in the court system has reached a critical stage. Accordingly, I respectfully request that you authorize the appointment of a Special Prosecutor to investigate the epidemic of honest services fraud in the New York state court system, and the appointment of a Federal Monitor, to oversee the lawful operation of the same.

Thank you for your time and attention. I look forward to your response.

Very truly yours,

Christine C. Anderson

cc w/o enc:

The Hon. David A. Paterson
New York State Governor
Office of the Governor of New York State
State Capitol
Albany, New York 12224

The Hon. Boyd M. Johnson III
Deputy United States Attorney for the
Southern District of New York
Public Corruption Unit
United States Department of Justice
One St. Andrews Plaza
New York, New York 10007

The Hon. Loretta A. Preska
Chief U.S. District Judge
United States Courthouse
Southern District of New York
500 Pearl Street
New York, New York 10007-1312

The Hon. Andrew M. Cuomo
New York State Attorney General
Office of the Attorney General of New York State
The Capitol
Albany, New York 12224-0341

The Hon. Luis A. Gonzalez
Presiding Justice, New York State Appellate Division,1st Department
27 Madison Avenue
New York, New York 10010

The Hon. Joseph M. Demarest, Jr.
Assistant Director in Charge, New York Division
26 Federal Plaza, 23rd Floor
New York, New York 10278-0004


bronx born, black robe wearing, person said…
It’s about time. Where do I sign up to talk.

September 21, 2009 7:46 AM 
Anonymous said…
these bastards torture this woman, a woman with morals & character and guided by the light and then you post her psychiatric records, you bastards burn in hell……

by the way, that is the way they work Christine, if they can not find your psychiatric problems, they make them up and pass them around……and my FEDS have done nothing about it………..

why, because it will involve to many, maybe ex us attorneys, lawyers, maybe a senator, his prostitue, etc………..
who should all be arrested!!!!!!!!!!!

the evil always hits hardest before a victory!

we will keep praying for Christine Anderson!

September 21, 2009 8:27 AM 
Anonymous said…
hey Christine, I notified my AG office that they are passing around false medical information,
I have names, dates, etc…..
If you need me, contact Frankand many other Felonies!


September 21, 2009 8:33 AM 
Anonymous said…
My wife works for OCA. She wants to talk to the feds but is afraid of the state employees. What should she do?

September 21, 2009 8:35 AM 
Anonymous said…
my FBI is also aware they are passing around false documents, false medical information, altering my medical information,
so I am not allowed to speak as to the felonies they are committing…..good try boys, we can not find her psych rider, we will just write it on the top of this paper……

you didn’t know I was almost dead,
recovering from major surgery and one of the worst types of misdiagnosed adenomas known……..
where did all that paperwork go?

we will just change all this so she will not be allowed to speak!
bunch of backstabbing, bloodsucking bastards burn in hell

September 21, 2009 8:42 AM 
Anonymous said…
I am sure someone will respond to the question about wife works for OCA and who should she talk to shortly,……

September 21, 2009 9:11 AM 
Anonymous said…
when is resonsible parties at the AG office going to be arrested?
hey FEDS, bring handcuffs to the hearings,throw these bastards in jail 
September 21, 2009 9:13 AM 
Anonymous said…
hey Maziarz where is the transparency you so greatly claim you want, so what channel and what time will these criminals be televised on Thursday?

September 21, 2009 9:16 AM 
Anonymous said…
maybe Christine and Nicole need to file at the FBI/DA’s/us attorney office and have them arrested, use the law to stop their abuse!

September 21, 2009 9:33 AM 
Anonymous said…
Sampson has enough information from the June hearings to warrant a federal investigation…so why he is he seeking anything additional…his continued actions are suspect. What has he promised will be his recommendation when he concludes his public airing of MULTIPLE incidences of corruption?

Ms Anderson is absolutley correct in reporting the retaliation BY OCA…against anyone who supports her as well as against herslf.

In my present federal lawsuit my 3 witnesses have been fired after sick leave, fired in general and one forced to quit. OCA’S witnessess spewing perjury have all been promoted…soon after….including the hearing officer who is now the executive director of the 5th judicial district.

In my original federal case against OCA n the 90’s (which this present case is an offshoot of) …I was forced to go to a psychiatrist in order to claim worker’s comp benefits. The judge whom I accused of sexual harassment… his atty…went to a supreme ct judge to seek opening the psychiatric records to the public..because OCA paid for the visits through comp….and that WAS granted.

Once I became aware of this court order..all my visits reported stories and information about the hostile female court employees and the crimes committed by OCA. The atty found that information unpublishable, so he requested an exam by a forensic psychiatrist….which supreme ct said NO to. So this atty was friend’s with the state ins fund lawyer handling my comp case and he went through him. That slick move ended with the state paid doctor finding on my behalf entirely….and him stating to me…OCA IS SCREWING WITH YOU….I hope you get millions. OCA paid him for those reports…that remain hidden somehwhere at the 8th district offices.

As I am now forced to fight them again in federal court due to continued retaliation…the crimes and witness retaliaton has become more agressive and criminal as I have reported on this blog for 3 years.

Ms Anderson…you are not alone as OCA has become a total syndicate of crime and corruption. I await a response to your letters…as I can and will substantiate everything you have stated the NY court system is guilty of…relative to major criminal activity against anyone who dares to expose their illegal activities.

September 21, 2009 10:39 AM 
Anonymous said…
evil hits hardest before a VICTORY!

know that you are guided with faith and grace….

September 21, 2009 10:40 AM 
Anonymous said…
this explains everything they did many years ago, keep passing around your false information,
it is called a FELONY!
and proves who you bastards are!
Is that 8 years for lying to a FED, wouldn’t want those public officials in jail for 8 years….
explains why the FEDS have not arrested them!
Get them ST Christine
ST Nicole! 
September 21, 2009 10:47 AM 
Anonymous said…
Where’s Cuomo? His lawyers defend these crooks in Federal and State Court actions. Cuomo knows; he doesn’t act. An opportunity for Paterson to ask why Cuomo doesn’t prosecute corruption, but only defends the corrupt.

September 21, 2009 11:31 AM 
Anonymous said…
maybe they will send their friends over to masturbate, or have your neighbors file false police reports, screw with your property so you have to file and delete your records, how about banging and clanging everytime you step in your yard
just to try to nail you again, as they did me…….
your DA will do nothing to charge them, the paperwork will disappear…
they will try anything to discredit you………keep your courage
but most of all thank you for your strength and honesty of the evil that exists in our courts system!

September 21, 2009 11:40 AM 
Anonymous said…
OCA is directed by their counsel’s office…the office that creates the crime and retaliation actions to be carried out against those OCA wishes to defame who move to expose them…as they portray them s crazy or mentally unstable. The information maybe doctored and most often extracted from the hostile and mentally challenged females that work for OCA!

I of course know this from 15 yrs ago and the story I told you above gathered from information from close supervisory sources, oh yes…the CJC and lawyers close to OCA administration….all willing to tell on them. Sorry OCA you just cannot know and attack everyone I have contact with in the legal community.

I also got a heads up about the insanity defamation in my 2004 OIG investigation that I requested relative to OCA retaliation. An employee…. who eventually turned on me…..oh this should make for an interesting trial…whispered in my ear the day the hearing was to begin….. that my supervisor and friend of the removed judge… and heavy politico daughter of a major judicial influential political party….. told her that her goal was to make me appear crazy. This was the same remark made by the atty for the ex-judge in the 90’s….and this lady supervisor worked for as a secretary for 11 yrs and is connected politically to the supreme court judge that is the first cousin of the ex-judge’s atty.

The court system thrives on inflammatory statements…true or altered…. and dares you to prove otherwise.

Ms. Anderson…you must get information personal and work related that reflects workplace unfitness and incompetency… like drug habits, alcohol use at work and driving to or from work in that state,sleeping with hearing officers that rule AGAINST OCA, stolen property in the purchasing of hot goods etc…
about the employees/supervisors that are attacking you and submit them in affidavit form…under penalties of perjury. Don’t be shy…they want to ruin your life!

September 21, 2009 11:52 AM 
Anonymous said…
go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being.Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!

September 21, 2009 1:09 PM 
Anonymous said…
go to their enemies, tell their enemies, that is a start and then systematically prove what immoral and corrupt character they have!
they will use the ilk of the world to discredit you and behind your back, prove what they are, because the only thing that will tell such lies about another human being is a prostitute! Remember you are dealing with prostitutes who enjoy torturing another human being.Walk in the Light, You are of the Light!

September 21, 2009 1:09 PM 
Anonymous said…
well if they can say your fat, your a slut, your stupid, they have to use the “your crazy” tactic……nice try you bunch of prostitutes of our New York State Court System!

September 21, 2009 1:16 PM 
Anonymous said…
Christine and Nicole you should thank the AG for putting those records on the net, you have just proved the crudibility of the AG Office, it is not to protect and serve, it is to selectively persecute……….

great work by the AG’s Office!
does ST Andrew, really want to be Governor?

September 21, 2009 1:29 PM 
Anonymous said…
maybe Guilaini did it!
see you can not trust any of them when money is involved……stop the money trail
expose the complaints!

September 21, 2009 1:46 PM 
Anonymous said…
Sure that the FBI knows a great many things, but when are they going to do something? Have seen this before with the FBI and nothing happens because of some elected official.

September 21, 2009 2:21 PM 
Luisa said…
GREAT LETTER CHRISTINE…I just mailed out a similar letter this morning to to same individuals..Let’s PRAY that something happens very soon..God Bless..It’t time to ROCK the HOUSE!!!!Lock up all of the THUGS that are responsible and throw away the KEY!!!!Stay Strong.

September 21, 2009 3:42 PM

New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, June 08, 2009, Senator John Sampson Chairman. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption – Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen

New York Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing, June 08, 2009. Testimony from Whistleblower Christine C. Anderson of the NY Supreme Court of Public Office Corruption,

Thomas Cahill & Sherry Cohen of the First Dept fingered.

September 19th, 2009

Part 1 The Case All Starts with A Whistleblower Complaint and Iviewit is Marked “Legally Related” by Judge Shira A. Scheindlin to that Case. In the following video of a June 08, 2009 Judiciary Committee Hearing in New York, Christine C. Anderson (my hero) gives the real jiggy on the NYS Court Corruptions, she is first to testify. In her Original Complaint she mentions Iviewit and the Onion Peels and there goes another.



6:45 Martin Gold, Alan Friedberg (DDC)
32:00 Christine Anderson (whistleblower)
49:00 Kevin Mckeowen (victim of DDC)
1:4:00 Tembeckjian Klonic (CJC)
1:21:00 Judge Hart (target of (CJC)
1:39:00 Pamela Carvel (victim of DDC)
150:00 Paul Altman (victim of DDC)
2:03:00 Luisa Esposito (victim of DDC)
2:12::00 Will Galison (victim of DDC)
2:26 Elanor Capagrossa (target of DDC)
2:41 Bob Ostertag (Former pres. NYBA) – This guy opens by stating that he is going to give the f finger to Will Galison who just completed riviting testimony of the rampant corruption in the courts.  Nice display of legal etiquette and manners in a public hearing, the frieghtening part of the story is that he is so angry he is being tapped in a public forum at a Public Hearing.  Looney Tunes material.
2:53 John Aretakis (target of DDC)

Eliot Bernstein was slated to testify but the entire hearing was cancelled after a two hour break took place and the now infamous Coup on the NY Senate took place, just in time to shut down and prevent the most riviting testimony against the criminals running the courts was to be given.  Urban Legend has it that the Coup was directed at preventing further information on the depth of the corruption from exposure, especially Bernstein’s testimony.




In what seems to some, as never ending Bizarre twists of Conflicts and more in the $65 Billion dollar Bernard Madoff Ponzi Investigation, the newly appointed Chief of the Criminal Division in the US Attorney’s Office of the Southern District of New York, Richard B. Zabel, has recently been forced off the Madoff Investigation. Zabel’s father, William Zabel, represents Jeffrey Picower of Palm Beach, Florida who is allegedly complicit in the Madoff scheme according to the SDNY Bankruptcy Trustee in the Madoff case.

The story linked from ABC News reported by Brian Ross and Joseph Rhee on October 9, 2009. Preet Bharara, who previously was the chief counsel to Senator Charles E. Schumer, confirmed as United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York in August 2009, a short time ago. Now, Bharra’s Chief of the Criminal Division Richard Zabel just Appointed this week, October 2009, is removed from all Madoff Investigation matters due to Conflicts of Interest.

“He has recused himself from any involvement in the Madoff case,” a spokesperson for the U.S. Attorney’s office, Rebekah Carmichael, told ABCNews.com Friday. Zabel’s appointment announced Tuesday. The spokeswoman declined to provide any details about who would oversee and supervise the Madoff investigation.

In court documents, trustee lawyers allege Picower was the “biggest beneficiary of Madoff’s scheme,” clearing more than $7.2 billion. The trustee alleged the money was “a form of compensation by Madoff to Picower for perpetuating the Ponzi scheme.” The U.S. Attorney’s office declined to say whether Picower is considered a target of the criminal investigation.

In what has received little if any real attention from the major media sources currently, former US Attorney General Michael Mukasey under former President Bush had previously recused himself from the Madoff Affairs while acting as the top US Attorney General allegedly due to the work of his son Marc Mukasey who was representing Madoff’s right hand man Frank DiPascali. DiPascali has since Pled Guilty in Federal court to Fraud charges in August, the same month Bharra was confirmed by the US Senate to take over the US Attorney’s Office in the Southern District.

Marc Mukasey has worked with Rudy Guliani’s firm during these years while Guliani’s former Police Commissioner Bernard Kerik awaits trial on federal charges in White Plains, New York including allegations of taking several hundred thousand dollars of renovations from a construction company allegedly connected to organized crime families.

According to one source, Lawyers in the Madoff case say another set of indictments expected shortly after Labor Day have been held up as a new prosecutorial team settles in to the U.S. Attorney’s office in Manhattan.

For a link to the ABC News story, see below @


In related news, Trillion Dollar Inventor, Eliot I. Bernstein filed Motions which are still pending at the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals to address the very types of conflicts in his 12 Count 12 Trillion Dollar RICO, Anti-trust and related lawsuit, that have surfaced above in the Madoff case. The Bernstein Motions also discuss Conflicts centering on the Madoff saga where the Proskauer Rose law firm publicly identified as having the most clients in the Madoff scheme while simultaneously being at the heart of allegations in the Trillion-dollar Iviewit saga now known as “Patentgate”. Inventor Bernstein’s Motion at the US Second Circuit is to Compel the Court to address Conflicts of Interest and other matters according to law which have been ignored while the Court and attorneys perpetuate never ending Conflicts.

For a link to the Motion to Compel @ http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=78

Another Proskauer / Madoff tie came from the SEC OIG stinging report on Madoff harshly criticizing lax regulators for overlooking the Madoff information from WHISTLEBLOWERS & others inside the SEC, for years. According to TPM, in 2004 an SEC attorney, Genevievette Walker-Lightfoot, notified the SEC of the Ponzi but was forced out of her job, the SEC later settling a claim filed by Lightfoot. Upon termination, Lightfoot turned over the Madoff file to Jacqueline Wood who then presumably buried the report that could have exposed the Ponzi in 04. SEC OIG’s report mentions Wood of Proskauer throughout the entire report as a key figure in the regulatory failure. http://www.sec.gov/news/studies/2009/oig-509.pdf . After leaving the SEC, Wood took a Proskauer partnership.

Inventor Bernstein’s RICO and related case was marked legally “related” in the US District Court of Judge Shira Scheindlin to the federal Whistleblower case of Christine C. Anderson who has been exposing systemic corruption within the Manhattan based NYS First Department Appellate Division where Wall Street lawyers are regulated. Anderson subjected to threats, assault and intimidation for exposing the criminal activities of the First Department. The Anderson case is heading to trial soon and now scheduled to begin Jury Selection on Oct 13, 2009 if not delayed by the appearance of recent additional counsel for Anderson.

Inventor Bernstein also has a Motion to Disqualify pending in the SDNY Bankruptcy Court of Judge Martin Glenn for Judge Glenn’s repeatedly failing to respond to and address conflicts of interest in the Bankruptcy proceedings of Silicon Graphics Inc. ( SGI ). SGI filed a second protection petition in Chapter 11 just 6 days after receiving Notice from Bernstein of a Formal SEC Complaint filed by Bernstein alleging a possible Trillion Dollar fraud involving the Intel Corporation ( Intel ), SGI and Defense giant Lockheed Martin ( Lockheed ). Intel, SGI and Lockheed were owners of Real3d Inc., a graphics company located in Orlando, Florida on Lockheed property whose history traces back to the Apollo Lunar Space projects. Real3d Inc was under signed Non Disclosure Agreement and Licensing Agreements and more with Bernstein and his companies Iviewit. The technologies were tested, validated and used in the Real3d Labs and leading Engineers from Intel, Lockheed and SGI and Real3d called the technologies “priceless.”

Formal Intel SEC complaint found @ http://www.iviewit.tv/CompanyDocs/United%20States%20District%20Court%20Southern%20District%20NY/20090325%20FINAL%20Intel%20SEC%20Complaint%20SIGNED2073.pdf

Inventor Bernstein and his family suffered an Iraqi style Car Bombing of their Family Minivan in Boynton Beach, Florida while preparing Court papers relating to the Trillion Dollar fraud, intellectual property and Patent theft. The claims have elevated to charges of Fraud Upon The United States Patent & Trademark Offices ( USPTO ), World Patent Agencies, the Federal Small Business Administration and more. The Commissioner of Patents suspended Bernstein’s patents several years ago while Harry I. Moatz of the USPTO’s Office of Enrollment and Discipline investigates attorneys involved in the Fraud from Proskauer Rose, Foley & Lardner and more with Federal Agents. Bernstein’s former patent counsel Kenneth Rubenstein of Proskauer and MPEGLA counsel, is alleged to have used Bernstein’s invention to enrich his patent pooling schemes at MPEGLA while using Anticompetitive Monopolistic Practices to annihilate Bernstein and his companies. Proskauer has since acquired Rubenstein and control of the patent pools, blocking Bernstein, their client, from his royalties. Full pictorial evidence of the car bombing found @ www.iviewit.tv .

In the SDNY Bankruptcy Court of Judge Glenn, a major Wall Street law firm, Davis Polk & Wardell LLP ( DPW ) ) was found to be simultaneously representing Lockheed, Silicon Graphics, the Accountants for Silicon Graphics, and major Market players like Morgan Stanley and CIBC at the same time in the case and more. Sales transactions between Lockheed, Silicon Graphics and Intel are at issue in the BK creating obvious and overwhelming Conflicts of Interest for the law firm. Inventor Bernstein also pointed out to the Bankruptcy Court that the law firm had recruited back to the firm former SEC Enforcement officer Linda Chatman Thomsen who left the SEC in Feb. 2009 after coming under fire for the SEC failures in the Madoff matters. According to published sources, Linda Chatman Thomsen recruited back to the DPW firm just 4 days after Inventor Bernstein filed an Emergency Motion in the Bankruptcy Court announcing the related Trillion Dollar fraud and other allegations.

For an interactive Link to the Written Testimony recently submitted by Inventor Bernstein to the NYS Senate Judiciary Committee with press releases and links attached, see: http://iviewit.tv/wordpress/?p=165

Other Important Links

Whistleblower Anderson calls for Special Prosecutor
NY Ethics Scandal tied to International Espionage & Satellite Communications Intercepts
Inventor EIB petitions the White House, President Obama & US AG Eric Holder
R3D – Wikipedia
Bernard Madoff SEC’s Revolving Door & Linda Chatman Thomsen returning to Davis Polk Wardell Apr 13, 09 after EIB files Emergency Motion in SGI BK after SEC complaint against Intel, R3D, Mar 25, 09 http://www.oid-ido.org/imprimer.php3?id_article=1030

FOR THE ORIGINAL PRESS RELEASE VISIT THE TOTALLY AWESOME FREE PRESS RELEASE @ http://www.free-press-release.com/news-conflicts-force-prosecutor-off-madoff-investigation-see-related-story-trillion-dollar-iviewit-inventor-eliot-bernstein-files-conflicts-obstruction-1255371427.html

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