When I-View-It Comes to Town ~ All Hell Breaks Loose for Intel Corp, SGI, Lockheed, IBM and the New York Supreme Court Appellate Division First Department
Surf with Vision
A few examples below may make you think when Iviewit comes to town, all hell breaks loose. For or Four examples,
- Feds’ insider trading wiretap snares IBM heir apparent
The heir apparent to IBM CEO Sam Palmisano has been arrested and charged with insider trading, as US authorities cracked down on an alleged $20m scheme involving shares in some of the IT industry’s biggest names. Full Article at The Register
Other Executives charged included Robert Moffatt, senior vice president and executive in IBM’s systems and technology group,
Then read the email below to Mr. Palmisano from Iviewit only a couple months prior.
- Intel
http://online.wsj.com/article/BT-CO-20091113-712436.html Intel Sewell departs Intel right after letter to him and CEO Otellini who is rumored to be on way out.
Intel Capital where Hassan Miah came from and where he went back we find fishy practices leading to arrests
- SGI – Iviewit sends over Intel letter and more to SGI counsel informing them of 12 count 12 trillion lawsuit and more from Real3D, they run into bankruptcy, which they had just emerged from and this time they forgot to notify court of liabilities and then the Ropes and Gray Lawyer gets busted in insider case with the lot of scum @ http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aBxccSGF8pZQ
- Proskauer or Porksour, well we all know that house of cards has crumbled with Stanford and all the other issues and ones coming.
- New York First Department Disciplinary – Unfolding fast on an ethics department run by the mob thanks to heroic whistleblower efforts etc. and my favorite quote from Gotti’s mom to the judges in NY, the mob calling the judges mobsters, how apropos.
And the fearsome John ‘Junior’ Gotti, son of the late Mafia boss, also seems to have a henpecking mother.
On trial in New York, accused of gutting a man in a bar fight and facing charges of extortion, kidnapping, robbery and shootings, Gotti appears to be more concerned about the attentions of his mother, Victoria. At his trial, Mrs Gotti yelled at the judges and prosecutors: ‘F***ing gangsters! You sons of b****s! Put your sons in there.’
Read more @
From: Eliot I. Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@gmail.com]
Sent: Saturday, February 28, 2009 12:20 AM
To: Robert C. Weber, Senior Vice President, Legal & Regulatory Affairs, & General Counsel @ IBM Corporation (rweber@us.ibm.com); Robert C. Weber (roswellc@us.ibm.com); IBM Non-Management Directors, c/o Chair, IBM Directors and Corporate Governance Committee, International Business Machines Corporation, (nonmanagementdirectors@us.ibm.com); Samuel J. Palmisano, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer @ IBM Corporation (Sam@us.ibm.com)
Cc: Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire (caroline@cprogers.com); Marc R. Garber Esq. @ Flaster Greenberg P.C.; Michele M. Mulrooney Esq. – Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris (MMulrooney@JTWAMM.com)
Subject: FEDERAL COMPLAINT SERVICE Docket No. 08-4873-cv FINAL SIGNED BRIEF PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT BERNSTEIN USCA 2nd Circ 13988ll.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Professional
Samuel and Robert,
Please accept the following as service of my Brief in the USCA 2nd Circ. as IBM Corp. is a named Defendant in these matters. Please report this liability to all proper regulatory agencies, shareholders, and liability carriers. Thank you, Eliot Bernstein
From: Eliot I. Bernstein [mailto:iviewit@gmail.com]
Sent: Friday, February 27, 2009 7:05 PM
To: Deborah Holmes, Deputy Clerk, United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Pro Se Cases @ United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit; Civil Cases @ United States Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit
Cc: Caroline Prochotska Rogers, Esquire; Marc R. Garber Esq. @ Flaster Greenberg P.C.; Michele M. Mulrooney Esq. – Jackoway Tyerman Wertheimer Austen Mandelbaum & Morris; ‘Andy Dietz’; Barry Becker @ Rock-It Cargo USA, Inc.; iviewit@iviewit.tv; ‘Guy Iantoni’; Frank Brady @ Expose Corrupt Courts
Subject: Docket No. 08-4873-cv FINAL SIGNED BRIEF PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT BERNSTEIN USCA 2nd Circ 13988ll.pdf – Adobe Acrobat Professional
Surf with Vision
Dear Deborah,
I have enclosed, per our conversations and your instructions, a PDF copy of my FINAL SIGNED BRIEF FOR PLAINTIFF-APPELLANT BERNSTEIN USCA 2nd Circ for Docket No. 08-4873-cv. I have also sent the document via US Mail as you specified and thus this electronic communication and the mailed copy should constitute a timely filing. I have attached in the document the following,
1. US Postmaster Certified Letter Receipts showing the same Document as attached herein has been mailed and postmarked with the date Friday, February 27th 2009,
2. A signed Electronic Notification Agreement,
3. A Signed Anti-Virus Certification Form of which a virus check was performed,
4. A Signed Notice of Appearance Form and
5. A Signed Brief.
If you need additional information, please feel free to contact me.
Eliot I. Bernstein
Iviewit Technologies, Inc.
2753 N.W. 34th St.
Boca Raton, Florida 33434-3459
(561) 245.8588 (o)
(561) 886.7628 (c)
(561) 245-8644 (f)
others I like
www.deniedpatent.com by Crystal L. Cox
http://exposecorruptcourts.blogspot.com by Frank Brady aka Kevin McKeown
www.judgewatch.org/index.html by Elena Ruth Sassower and Doris Sassower