Copyright, Eliot Bernstein, 1996 


Lying lifeless in a coma, the events recounted unfolded in my blood-bathed eyes. An endorphin dream? Not only did my life flash before my eyes, another countless hundreds of lifetimes in equally as many life forms, came dancing in the brilliance. Dying, I watched the world from above, I traversed through time, to see all I had been, forever. The time continuum bent back and then sprung forward, and a vision was created in the variation.

A vision that forever blinded me. Blinded me from what is, and what is not. A vision that reeks of disaster, disaster for the human race. A vision of the human child suffering, the cries of babes as they die. I have seen it before, death of a species from pure and simple greed. A Shakespearean psycho-trauma, I am forever cast in fear. Fear that compels one to the edges of insanity.

Sent back to tell this most horripilating horror story, to pray that it does not fall on deaf ears.

Part I. The Evolution & Fall of the Dinosaur

I. Prey to Predator.

In the beginning,

We were weak food for the chain,

We had no great sin.

Then one day the sun changed and hardened our skin.

So hard we became, we rotted our brain.



From rodents on the run, to masters of the gun,

Yet in the end we were prey to the setting sun.

In the end we had eaten our friends.

We began to prey on our own kind.

Too late to make amends,

A species gone mad in mind.

Here lies the truth to the dinosaur story.

Your future a parallel, the end of your species final glory?

Heed these rhyming lines of extinction,

For our lesson, may be your redemption.

From rodents on the run, to masters of the gun,

Yet in the end, prey to the setting sun.

II. Tyrannosaurus Rex and Mother Green

I rule the world!

All animals I swallow.

I am the number one dinosaur species,

King of the Jungle!

I’ll shred your flesh to pieces,

And gnaw on your bones,

No one escaping,

My invincible throne.

My skin my battle armor,

When I come to town there is no honor.

Lock the doors and hide the children,

For wherever I go, it's a bloodbath cauldron.

I am Tyrannosaurus Rex! A Killing Fiend.

The Mean Green Cannibalistic Killing Machine.

Don't think I started this way,

But it is a result of so much killing each day.

Not for rational reason, so much vegetation was in season;

We killed for play, left the corpses to decay,

Now we live in disease infested rot,

A tribute to our magnificent lot.

We killed all our resources.

Now we must pay!

In the end it is easy to look back for the mistakes,

But it is much too late to change your fate.

I am Tyrannosaurus Rex!

A Killing Fiend.

The Mean Green Cannibalistic Killing Machine.

The animals, once our friends,

Hide for their lives when we roll in,

Afraid they will be the next Dinosaur dish,

Which means the end for that species and it’s kin.

Killing each species was no challenge,

Far inferior was their armor.

The children tasting far superior,

We ate them first,

To their parents horror.

I am Tyrannosaurus Rex! A Killing Fiend.

The Mean Green Cannibalistic Killing Machine.

III. Where have all the creatures gone

I look back to all I have conquered, massacred, and ate,

In the name of this or that.

I see only hate.

We laid to waste so many friends,

No one cared to face the evil we had become,

Our sins piled up since the changing of the sun.

We once feared the powers up above,

Now we believed we were the chosen ones.

In such thought, one can become insane,

Delusions of grandeur like a syphilitic parasite chewing your brain,

You respect nothing higher,

You begin to feel hells fire.

Now, so decadently obese, basically fat,

I look at all the rats on the lawn, can't catch a one.

Where have all the creatures gone?

Starving and dying dinosaurs pile at my feet,

Overpopulated our resources deplete,

200 million years before our defeat.

Nonillion more we will be obsolete,

I fear, I fear, the beginning for the meek.

How could we not see?

The fate of greed,

There were those others, who began to eat nothing with mothers,

Fearing something greater, like a creator,

We laughed and ate them in the end, too.

Is extinction innate?

Time has come for our fate?

Why did we wait, couldn’t change our ways,

Now so large I can hardly mate!

I look at all the rats on the lawn, can't catch a one.

Where have all the creatures gone?


IV. A lesson for the next king

To you I can not sing love songs.

The end has come from our wrongs.

We did not heed the warning signs,

Now I sing deathly rhymes.

As fast as a meteor we were consumed?

No, we are the cause of our doom!

No future will our children bloom.

To you the next king of the world,

Your power will lie in the ability to nurture.

Not in the power that comes from murder.

Once you lose respect for mother natures creatures,

To oblivion she will damn you forever,

Forgiving you never.

As fast as a meteor we were consumed?

No, we are the cause of our doom!

No future will our children bloom.

Part II. The Rise and Fall of Man

I. Tyranno-man-iac

Through this parallel dimension I fell,

To mankind’s current hell.

Here at the top of the food chain,

Here because I have a brain.

That's why there are things like acid rain?

These dinosaur dreams are not insane.

They speak to me.

They are in pain.

And through the dark,

I hear the cries.

I know extinction's bark.

The lies, the lies, the lies.

Will our followers tell of meteors or of an ice age land?

Or will we bear the truth.

Extinction of all, from man"kind" hands!

II. Nuclear Blues

Here I am modern man.

I have a nuclear plan,

Nobody can withstand.

Spent so much time and money,

Figuring how to kill everybody.

Light a fire a million degrees.

Killing becomes a breeze.

Set the world on fire.

Mankind's greatest desire.

This we call power.

Like mother nature's flower?

Not ashamed!

Who would be blamed?

All children fried!

Will you cry this insane?

Look at our wonderful ways.

The only creature to kill for belief.

The cause of worldwide grief.

My dreams now gossamers,

My hell of Warmares.

In our hate,

We seal our fate.

Creating an eternity with Dante.

A three-headed dog waits.

IV. A Wasted Revolution - The 60’s, 70’s, 80’s and 90’s.

We began with a revolution.

Then we gave up our resolutions.

Sold our souls to the institution.

Mother earth we committed to prostitution!

You ask for the solutions,

Afraid of radical revolutions.

You want my work for the system?

I must sell my soul with conditions!

No fruition,

See my position.

Need a fucking revolution!

We had the plan.

Don't give in to the man!

We made a stand.

Didn't give a damn.

Flower children with flower power.

Now destroying rain forests by the hour?

The fight now pathetic of course,

It might comprise my Porsche.

You want my respect for the system?

I must sell my soul with conditions.

No fruition,

See my position,

Need a fucking revolution.

V. Kill the Planet. Save the People!

Kill the People. Save the Planet!

Mother Earth, in your veins, poisons we have pumped.

The breast that feeds our young.

Your eyes,


Filled with smog, scum and soot,

In the name of technology,

Man has forgot the beauty of your ecology,

Fucked humanity,

All creatures that you nurture shamed.

For this crime, man, alone to blame.

Will we kill the planet?

For the love of gold and to be elite?

And who will save the people,

When resources precious to life they deplete?


Ignore her no longer!

She dies at your feet.

If you fail this greatest of challenges,

It will be your own defeat.

From generations past that loved her not,

She might as well be dead.

I blame her not,

If for our deeds,

She kills us for our greed.

Will we desecrate the planet?

For the love of gold and to be elite?

And who will save the people,

When resources precious to life they deplete?




Against these crimes of nature.

Once bountiful, her cup runneth over.

And rape!

And reap!

Was our respect to her?

Now she and her babies die,

Evidence that we were not her Lover.

Will we kill the planet?

For love of gold and to be elite?

And who will save the people,

When resources precious to life they deplete?

VI. Kind Man

I am an animal.

Forgot my name,

Got lost in killing every living thing.

Extincting species by the hour my game.

Will GOD allow me in his fellowship ring?


I will inhabit the earth alone,

If I cannot change my horrible throne.

We were called man"kind", a great misnomer,

For a creature soon to be a loner.

The question now is how to change our stance?

To caretaker of the planets creatures.

A noble cause, a true alliance.

What nobleness would we receive?

Protecting and preserving God’s art pieces.

Where to begin?

Kill the industrial revolution!

Let the new rein in.

If we are not able to undo our ways,

Then surely we will be accountable to pay.

In our children’s lives maybe no ozone.

The sun burning their eye’s closed.

Will we cuddle them when they have no skin, but bone?


We will inhabit the planet alone,

If we can not change our horrible throne.

We were called man"kind", a great misnomer,

For a creature soon to be a loner.

When the children hold their heads to the sky,

For a sip of water,

Will you cry?

"Children this is a horrible game,

For surely your eyes will fill with acid and pain.

Never ever should you play in the rain?

For we forgot to protect the water,

Now it tastes like a fucking sewer."

Or better that;

With a Chernobyl in your home,

When missing this or that, they come only with a groan.

We were called man"kind"?

A great misnomer,

For a creature soon to be a loner.

VII. A lesson from a dying king

Petty are the thoughts of mankind in the face of death.

Weary world, wipe your eyes.

See the grander and greater sky.

Center not upon yourself.

You are but an integral part,


Your continuous friend in heart.

Answers will never come.

You go through life on instinct.

In your end, you will be known for yours alone.

Accept that you are not the whole;

For that is the fool who has no soul.

Love all equally!

There is no greater or grander thing.

To place yourself on a pedestal so high,

Is to miss the beauty of the skies,

And set yourself apart,



Alone, in the dark.



Above the rest?

Cry not that you missed the best.

Destiny, in your control,

You're every action,

A reflection on your soul.

Selflessness the goal, of a truly loving soul.

We only see,

But for a brief bit of our eternity,

The greater and the grander things,

Which with it this strange life does bring.

For past, present, and future are of no concern,

For as a part, you see no start.

Fool hearted to linger on the end.

Before your birth.

In this blind state.

Where did you abate?

When you die.

Where will you next rise?

I ask these questions in disguise,

Too not arose fear within your eyes,

But instead, to fill your head with the magnanimity of your part.

The glories of life surround you for a second.

Or for eternity?

How far backward or forward can you see?

Fixated on this brief moment in your history.

In one swift breath,

Your life here will expire.

Will one more be your desire?

Or are you content with your lives fire.

Knowing you will forever go higher?

Not frightened of what lies ahead.

Anticipating the wonders of what's now living,

And will soon be considered dead.

For you will always be a part,

Of this God's grandest piece of art,

No matter what kind of heart.

But will your soul be filled with the joys,

Of the greater and the grander things,

With which it this strange life does bring?

In orbit all around,

Life's greatest pleasures abound,

Wake to see the morning light,

In a truly selfless plight.

Weary world,

Open your eyes,

And see the changes necessary for life to survive.

Children rise!

Rebellion and revolution must save the skies,

Our self-indulgences are killing us so.

In the race to be civilized,

Mankind has lost chivalry.

Blinded in fright, greed and insecurity,

Man will never see salvation's light,

If the children do not raise up the fight,

Taught from birth to accept their plight;

Evil thoughts and actions will soon look right.

Taught raise not objection.

The child grows in complete deception.

Poor mother earth, must surely be in hell,

To deliver from her womb man.

The destructive force that delves to kill her next born.

To see her children divided against one another,

Killing and beating her lovin' creatures.

No respect for her wombly nurture,

No life may have a future!

Time has played against Mother Nature.

Will she again be able to nurture?

Maybe, it is time to nurture her?

From sea to shining sea.

And rebuild her womb.

The atmospheric and environmental sea.

With no time in the looking glass,

The abuses must change fast.

Solutions are easy.

Change seems impossible.

With the answers clear,

What can mankind truly fear?

Possibly the loss of his wars, creed, and greed,

Which are all sick and wrong claims of his victory.

For mans most prized possessions,

Seem more the devil's obsessions.

And children behold these problems of old,

To forget the problems only makes them grow.

It is on your heads to make a stance,

For your own and all creatures futures chance.

From this gross scene of our ancestors past,

You are responsible to bring it back to beauty at last!

Do not bow in despair,

All is not yet lost.

Conquer these fears.

Or you will pay the cost!




 New song

"The Horror, The Horror

I slip to insane as I drift to and fro,

My mind begins to see the tragedies,

That exist for you and I,

Dinosaurs of a different kind.


Deny that we are not the same,

Torn between our greed and shame.

Blindly conquering the earth,

Do we conquer ourselves first.


Deeper into sleep I fall,

Afraid that the dream is real after all,

Not sure, if I am here or there,

I meet God in the mirror.


To my soul he speaks,

That man is truly meek,

No greatness will he crown,

To his creation,

A sick clown.

In hell their souls will rot,

Not below,

But here and now,

Caught in human folly,

Wrapped in sin,

Damnation begets the current situation,

Man can no longer see creation.


Man hates creation,

For it lowers his power,

He murders God,

In primal rage,

Savagely destroying Gods creation,

Egotistical jubilation.


Hiding deep within the rot,

Lie you and I,

Supporting the plot.

Denying our own personal responsibility,

We claim the answer is on the throne,

Some political authority,

Like the Nazi party,

Controls our destiny.

Freeing us of the criminality,

Or did you secretly vote it to power?



Story line...

In 3-D

A Rock-n-Roll Symphony - Different bands for each poem.

Part I

The setting opens in a plush rain forest environment. The story begins with the dinosaur's skin in a soft state. A dino mother with her young out feeding is suddenly and viciously attacked (Tarantino style) by a superior predator. The murders leave the entire family dead but one baby that watches but escapes. We see his initial struggle for survival in a harsh environment with pterodactyls and the likes.

Next comes a solar change and the sun breaks through the deep clouds, suddenly animals and foliage are burning up, yet the change has a dramatic effect on the dinosaur, it's skin becomes extremely thick, so thick in fact that it's predators no longer can penetrate the skin to kill. The dinosaur now invincible, the rise to king of the jungle.

Next comes the dinosaur's rule over the planet. In a killing frenzy, enjoying his wonderful domain, the entire earth, we follow the dinosaur on a male egotistic conquering with no respect. We follow the brutal murdering of anything that moved. We see the dinosaur gloat in greed.

Next, we see the destruction of resources caused by the new imbalance in the kingdom. Dinosaurs have over consumed and over populated. They begin cannibalism. We again go through scenes of war from desperation and starvation.

Their plight becomes helpless as other creatures slowly begin to steal the starving dinosaurs eggs, at the same time that they are so large the can not mate any longer. Thus a horrible end, with dinosaurs starving and becoming food for the smaller creatures.

Part II

Next comes primitive man in the rain forest. A family suddenly and violently gets ambushed and killed in a brutal fashion by a large predator. One child survives. Some symbolic type change occurs (Kubrick 2001 style) and we see man develop a brain.

We follow man through his rise to king of the jungle. We see him violently conquer the entire domain. We see him begin to overpopulate and slowly man vs. man conflict starts to arise over space. Each different man cult, attempting to grow through slaughter of other populations. We begin a cinematic ultra violent panning through wars in chronological order.

After the war presentation we begin a mirage of our world today. We focus on the overpopulation, starvation, destruction of resources etc. We show man destroying the ozone, the sun breaking through and burning all but the rats on the lawn.