
  Ron Denman


06/03/2022 19:12:46

Zoraida Navarro here I haven't checked but I think Irene sent me the contract. I'm moving money from my pension funds probably won't be ready till Monday and Tuesday

06/03/2022 19:13:05

Let me know that you receive this

06/04/2022 00:42:12

On another call. Will get back to you asap!

06/04/2022 02:19:36

No problem we can talk Monday just wanted to make sure you didn't think I left it hanging

06/05/2022 20:00:52

On another call. Will get back to you asap!

06/05/2022 20:01:59

Letter should be on its way.

06/05/2022 20:11:43

Great. Spoke to Irene this morning I am forwarding you a plan to restore bonito to his home if you have another email you want me to send it to you let me know I'm sending it to

06/06/2022 08:45:54

Sorry I've been texting you to some weird number I just realized that you're not getting anything

06/06/2022 08:47:07

We need to talk in morning to strategize .