Pt Cynthia Hampton
06/29/2022 04:10:17
Is it possible for your aesthetician to give me the article on the gastric condition?
06/29/2022 04:48:31
I sent to you Look it up on the Internet it is called SIBO Which stands for syndrome of inappropriate bacterial overgrowth in the small colon. It happens when people are on antibiotics for a long time.
06/29/2022 04:49:59
Sorry I had to push out but we took time to have you talk to Linda about the peel And although I appreciate it that you waited for me to do sclerotherapy, This was one time I needed to run out of time and couldn't take your 30 minute appointment to answer all your questions. Hope you're not offended. Dr. Navarro
06/29/2022 04:51:18
Run on time I meant, and as I said I could've discussed that with you in a leisurely manner on Monday.
06/29/2022 05:11:19
SIBO is in the small intestine not small colon.
06/29/2022 05:12:40
06/29/2022 05:13:13
What to expect from the Vipeel 4 days after.