
  Francisco Cleaning Service


07/01/2021 06:22:10

07/01/2021 19:36:39

It's beautiful because of people like you, Thanks for always being there

07/03/2021 19:50:34

07/21/2021 06:12:49

07/21/2021 08:19:37

Beautiful movie about the Mirabel sisters and the dictator Trujillo

07/31/2021 17:52:06

07/31/2021 17:52:06

07/31/2021 17:52:06

07/31/2021 17:52:08

Francisco please pick up my dishwasher at the Goodwill address on the receipt . They are waiting for you on Monday ask for the gentleman named Chad he knows what it's all about

08/14/2021 08:43:07

08/22/2021 04:47:26

I need a big favor from you and Rosemary in reference to my father give me a call tomorrow

08/22/2021 04:48:46

10/26/2021 01:54:37

10/26/2021 02:52:31


12/30/2021 04:57:56

12/30/2021 04:57:56

12/31/2021 11:26:35

04/05/2022 08:04:43

04/05/2022 08:06:14

El Yodo pueder evitar los cuistes en la boca. Deja que rosemarie vea esto.

04/05/2022 08:06:46


04/16/2022 20:52:41

05/26/2022 04:50:23

Que dios te de la paz y tranquilidad en este triste tiempo

05/26/2022 04:50:44

Linda te manda saludos y oraciones

05/26/2022 04:50:58

Gracias mi amiga

05/28/2022 01:55:45

Como te va ?

05/28/2022 02:08:36

Todo bien ,tranquilo con Dios a delante

05/30/2022 03:32:08

Okay rezo por ti y tu hermana

05/30/2022 03:59:24

Gracias mi amiga

06/01/2022 05:14:50

For tomorrow's zoom meeting at 2 o'clock listen up everybody.
1. Download Zoom from the Apple Store app or your android.
2. At 1:45 tomorrow June 2, 2022
Open up the Zoom app
It will ask you for a meeting ID
Meeting ID 81552771532
It will ask you for the meeting password. The password is

You will come to a screen that will tell you that the judge will let you in at 2 PM.

You are what are called COURT WATCHERS you cannot speak unless the judge asked you to speak. Speaking out, yelling or voicing disapproval will only get the judge to shut us down and rule for the opposing party.
If the judge asks who you are you can say you are interested parties, friends of Benito, here to support Maritza and Zoraida. Play with this tonight so that you don't get confused tomorrow. If you need help call me.

If for some reason you cannot get into the zoom you can listen to the call and it will register as you are present by calling either of these
1-877-853-5257 or

06/08/2022 06:15:16

The stay away order for relatives and friends has been lifted. You are free to visit Benito he is in
La Posada
11900 Taylor Dr., Palm Beach Gardens Florida
room 1014 ?
Tel 561-701-8197
Please check up on him to cheer him up he's been isolated for almost 3 weeks. Don't discuss anything about this case if you know about it, I don't want to worry him. Just make sure he's happy I'm doing OK thanks guys you all the best!
Zoraida and Maritza

06/08/2022 07:32:48

Thank you

06/10/2022 18:18:29

Perdona que no te vi este jueve

06/10/2022 18:21:27

Mi fue temprano porque no me sentia bien. cuando tengas tiempo necesito alguien que me mueva algunas cosas en la casa