
  Dr Patricia Masse


05/18/2022 23:26:59

Patti this is Zoraida tell me exactly what you need do you need a chest x-ray do you need any KG do you need a.m. history and physical because it looks like you exit out so I don't know if that means you don't need me to do it and I need to do is get a new analysis and some blood work on her or if you do so text me back and thanks for taking good care of her

05/18/2022 23:29:01

Hey… you usual pre op
CBC, cmp, pt inr, cxr, ekg

05/19/2022 00:58:00

Got it

05/20/2022 04:21:46

Looking to get the results of the chest x-ray on Michelle Richard

05/20/2022 04:22:53

I have a gentleman who is going to need a hernia repair he's a driver and I think they may try to pass it through his Workmen's Comp. but in any event he had a left inguinal hernia fixed years ago he's got a ride hernia that needs to get fixed and he also has scrotal hydrocele. Do you work with a urologist for the drainage or can you handle this? Patient's name is

05/20/2022 04:23:28

James DesJardins date of birth 321 1961 telephone number 906-250-1138

05/20/2022 04:24:26

I can see him Tuesday

05/20/2022 04:28:55


05/20/2022 04:29:18

I’ll call him on Monday

05/20/2022 04:29:25

Have a great weekend

05/21/2022 19:11:30

You too