


03/24/2022 22:37:05

Hey Dr. Navarro, it’s Ryan Magdinec with Solta. We met when I was at Thermi. Are you at ADD by chance?

03/24/2022 22:57:48

I think you have the wrong Navarro

03/24/2022 22:59:10

I think I met a laser tech named Ryan but I don't know what Salt it is I have no idea with thermes is ?

03/24/2022 22:59:22

Does add mean American college of dermatology

03/24/2022 23:02:49

Yes it does

03/24/2022 23:03:08

Solta manufactures Fraxel, Clear & Brilliant, and Thermage

03/24/2022 23:03:42

Ok I assume you're at the aDG

03/24/2022 23:03:57

Unfortunately I'm in bed suffering from a severe flu so I'll talk to you next week

03/24/2022 23:04:21

Yep, I am up here in Boston. Sorry to hear that.. hope you feel better!