
  +15129719033,+19104772198,Lynn Baldwin,Kevi Hall ParalegalHall,+19543947461


05/05/2022 17:55:04

Good Morning

05/05/2022 17:55:42

Good morning

05/05/2022 18:11:44

05/05/2022 18:13:10

According to my father he was recently taken to see this doctor with his caretaker that was hired to take care of him full-time by Derek Byerly by the name of marina Navarro. According to my dad Marina was trying to force Dr. Castillo to write some sort of drug for my dad. My dad said the doctor Castillo looked her dead in the eye and said he doesn't need that I know what you are trying to do and I'm the doctor.

05/05/2022 18:13:24

I'm sending Bill over to talk to the doctor to see what he can dig up

05/05/2022 18:15:05

When I called CVS, I was told that Doc was on respiradone And according to Kevin that is the number one drug found in nursing home fraud where the patients are giving it because number one it dumps him up but number two it can make them violent and aggressive. There are multiple large lawsuits against Pfizer and all the other big Pharma companies because of the drug causing severe side effects including congestive heart failure and breasts and little kids that were fed this garbage

05/05/2022 18:16:32

Alliance title company is handling the sale according to Bill he could not find any kind of realtors license for Chris Toomey But he did dig up 40 pages worth of criminal and lawsuits against Derek and The realtor Chris Toomey

05/05/2022 18:18:01

I mean to say it dumps them up and it is caused rest to develop inlittle boysAlliance title company is handling transaction

05/05/2022 18:26:38

In the meantime Bill dug up 40 pages on criminal and civil lawsuits against Byerly and the Realtor chris Toomey

05/05/2022 18:28:02

My contact info

05/05/2022 18:28:18

Dr. Z. Navarro, MD Vein Centre of Palm Beaches 955 sansburys'way suite 209 , WPB, FL 33411 My office phone 561-333-6366 My cell phone 561 506 6616

05/05/2022 18:29:35

I meant to say DOPES them up not dumps them up I hate AUTOCORRECT

05/05/2022 18:46:28

05/05/2022 19:48:38

Ok hopefully Castillo will give a Statement to support your own Emergency motion

05/05/2022 19:49:15

Please have Bill email all this info on Guardian and Realtor asap

05/05/2022 20:54:07

Realtor does have a license SL681892 under Richard James Toomey

05/05/2022 20:54:21

I have email both reports

05/05/2022 21:29:50

Doing Affiavits

05/05/2022 21:30:41

We can do affidavits all day long but I need live witnesses in court We can use them to attach to pleadings

05/05/2022 21:31:07

So any witness
Who gives affidavit. Make
We have their
Address and email for subpoenas. Thx.

05/05/2022 21:31:38

Yes indeed

05/05/2022 21:33:04

I'll be done with zoom shortly and will call dr.

05/05/2022 22:00:00

Jeff Donna can do copy scan job now if you pick up file from my house I shared his name address and cell here

05/05/2022 23:09:02

I have no new emails in days from anyone except 1 from Lynn last night

05/06/2022 00:49:51

Hi Inger..we're we doing a call today I thought?

05/06/2022 00:53:28

It yet they are picking up files now. When they return the files then I can go over them

05/07/2022 02:08:45

Finally in. Route see you shortly

05/07/2022 02:11:09


05/07/2022 02:43:41

Spoke w Lynn and Doctors and believe this is an Emergency Habeus Corpus Produce Father n Doctoor via Zoom which the Court should have done last week before a Stay Away. So that is what I am working on

05/07/2022 02:44:35

You have better sense on indirect criminal contempt but some of my work should help that

05/07/2022 03:04:17

K look forward to seeing draft then arthur and. Wil edit

05/07/2022 03:37:57

Inger do we have the Transcript yet?

05/07/2022 04:56:34

Florida statute requires Temporary Guardian authority to act to be Renewed by Court Order every 90 days. Did this happen?

05/07/2022 04:57:36

I'll check but don't think so

05/07/2022 04:58:21

Just met
Bill for an hour I got the file. To everyone Happy Kentuky Derby and Happy Mothers Day

05/07/2022 04:58:35

And please make sure we have clear statement on Dr Castillo and the Caretaker trying to force prescribe Risperdal few weeks ago which can cause psychotic reaction and Dr Castillo refused

05/07/2022 04:59:02

You too Inger!

05/07/2022 04:59:42

And Doctors and Bill please make sure we have clear statement on Dr Castillo and the Caretaker trying to force prescribe Risperdal few weeks ago which can cause psychotic reaction and Dr Castillo refused . Did Bill reach out to Dr Castillo?

05/07/2022 05:15:29

I should have transcript Monday also so I can point out to court dad kawyer lied about criminal investigation and ask to remove her as lawyer.

05/07/2022 05:16:27

Mtn to dismiss many reasons but we will check dockets and orders. Judge said both sides agreed to keep it going when I questioned its length. We will use that also

05/07/2022 05:20:10

Great understand what I need to do

05/07/2022 05:25:10

Ok am prepping Petition and law from my side n will share for edit and review and additions

05/07/2022 05:25:15

This looks like Guardianship that grew a life of its own to grab money n property

05/07/2022 05:25:56

Need to know Monday if court proceedings recorded and can we order all transcripts if so

Need to dig in on title company and realtor connection and I wonder how often they are appointed to cases by their friend guardian

05/07/2022 05:27:51

Need liaison sept of cops for service of depo and subpoenas for hearing.

Need the 991 call by dr

Need ambulance guys info

Hotel receipts and lunch receipts if possible

Visitor logs at hospital and arbor

Complaints against arbor
Just some thoughts everyone feel free to drop comments here if any issue. Ideas themes. Needed info. The lights for questions or cross.

05/07/2022 05:27:54


05/07/2022 19:55:21

05/08/2022 00:34:02

Added Arts in a conversation

05/08/2022 00:34:46

Added Maritza to conversation didn't realize I had omitted.

05/08/2022 00:40:57

No need for a response no need for a response sending videos so I

05/08/2022 00:41:29

so everyone has copies

05/08/2022 00:42:36

You all may want to include Atty Arthur Morburger
I am so proud & thrilled to see the great legal reasoning & planning that's going on here

05/08/2022 01:48:12

Arthur doesn't text so in emails.

05/08/2022 02:51:05

I visited with his priest and recorded

05/08/2022 02:56:26

It went very well he was to fire dismiss Attorney Slater

05/08/2022 06:57:33


05/08/2022 06:57:35

Good night all

05/08/2022 08:39:27

Good night

05/08/2022 08:40:21

Thank you all. Good night?

05/08/2022 18:54:11

Inger what motions being filed today ? Since it appears the realtor and the title company may be one of the same we need to stop the sale ASAP

05/08/2022 20:05:43

Yes that's a good point

05/08/2022 20:06:12

I will be gathering further information

05/08/2022 20:34:50

Plea not guilty demand for discovery

Start subpoenas -need all info on each witness and doc to pick

05/08/2022 20:36:44

Stipulate out attorneys

Tomorrow start Mtn set aside orders and Mtn dismiss Mtn visitation Mtn reset

05/08/2022 20:36:57

Need to see writs

05/08/2022 21:44:25

Inger are you speaking today?

05/08/2022 21:49:47

K yes give me a few hours

05/08/2022 22:03:55


05/08/2022 23:05:11

Need a few more hours guys keep gathering the evidence

H-Did the clerk tell u about recordings or not? Did the police liaison give u info on hours and service?

Please email the witness list so far with names addresses and small summary of testimony along with affidavits and documents. Also I need a document list with copies of evidence we are using so far

05/08/2022 23:06:11

Kevin-pull florida indirect criminal contempt defenses. If u need specifics I can speak later not quite ready but getting better

05/08/2022 23:31:20


05/09/2022 00:31:10

Inger Hope this finds you feeling better. This is. BILL client wants me to record deed and durable power of Attorney

05/09/2022 00:43:12

Please do not do that today give
Me a day or two To consider the Judge could consider it contempt and I need to do more research. I am
Working slowly now for a few hours Just can't talk yet. Voice healing quickly

We need to file a
Motion to set aside order of sale and to cancel sale We will determine e if we record or attach to Motion. I can't make a decision yet

05/09/2022 01:21:13


05/09/2022 01:21:18


05/09/2022 01:24:20

Agreed with Inger

05/09/2022 01:25:02


05/09/2022 02:06:20

Was I sent any Statement from Joe or the priest yet? Also Bill whatever we got on Realtor n Guardian?

05/09/2022 02:07:21

And the police

05/09/2022 02:07:40

Please get all the statements is one place and a list of documents and all the documents in one place.

05/09/2022 02:30:40

Give me time to do my investigation

05/09/2022 02:36:07

You got it

05/09/2022 02:36:11

Don't expect any news for few days

05/09/2022 02:37:33

Ok well let's organize what we have so far I'll send out my request for their discovery later today then I'll get a good nights rest and work tomorrow thank god I am feeling better quickly. Can't talk yet but can think

05/09/2022 02:46:46


05/09/2022 02:48:34

As everyone knows I been pre occupied with Doctor ur client her Father Hotel Hosptial nursing home burning up the road without min to spare

05/09/2022 02:49:28

I am just now able to begin focusing on preparing witniess statements

05/09/2022 02:49:32

Holding off on durable power of attorney and warranty deed as requested

05/09/2022 02:50:20

And focusing on background of Gaurdian and realtor etc

05/09/2022 02:50:33

Thanks buddy. Don't forget answers to liaison and court recordings. Not pushing or expecting today

05/09/2022 02:51:16

Got you.

05/09/2022 02:55:43

Inger do you have a copy of Petition for Sale? There is no Order for Sale. Should you Notice the Guardian on Objections to Sale?

05/09/2022 02:55:44

Counsel Melissa is the contact for subpeona process she inform me to use email

05/09/2022 02:57:04

Melissa 561 688 3000 legal dept

05/09/2022 02:57:19

All request through emails

05/09/2022 02:58:29

I am at courthouse now looking at Gaurdian file for sale of house order etc

05/09/2022 03:01:25

05/09/2022 03:01:35

I need the clerk of the guardian court to tell us if they record the courtroom like the criminal cases or not so we know if transcripts are available? I don't think so

Also can someone call this Courtreporter to ask about our transcript and make sure it is paid for and delivered to us via email today

05/09/2022 03:01:37

05/09/2022 03:01:46

I would but still can't talk.

05/09/2022 03:06:55

My understanding is Guardianship proceedings are supposed to be Recorded

05/09/2022 03:17:10

I will check all this out asap

05/09/2022 03:17:55

The courthouse closed on me at 4pm I always thought 5pm

05/09/2022 03:18:27

Early bird gets worm I will be here 8am sharp

05/09/2022 03:18:59


05/09/2022 03:19:36

Cannot make out court reporter number card blank?

05/09/2022 03:20:13

Hold on I see it

05/09/2022 05:18:16

A call to clerk of court first to see if it exists as I don't believe it does-but if so then have
Them email the order form to us. Then we go through docket and pick every
Hearing. And then we either order via email or take payment to courthouse

I do need any transcripts from
Any depositions or where there was a court reporter. I can locate that on the notice of hearings for all the past hearings to see if it lists a court reporter on the notice I can ask the other side

05/09/2022 05:18:35

Plus we need all the videos in one place to go over

05/09/2022 08:27:51

Questioned “Give me time to do my investigation ”

05/09/2022 08:29:14

Questioned “Good”

05/09/2022 08:34:41

Laughed at “Give me time to do my investigation ”

05/09/2022 08:34:46

Removed a laugh from “Give me time to do my investigation ”

05/09/2022 08:35:03

Removed a question mark from “Good”

05/09/2022 08:40:55

Typing out list of witnesses and affidavits will try to send it tonight with address and telephone number

05/09/2022 08:41:23

Also will send you a file of most recent mediation attempts and I mean attempts because Slater did everything she could to make sure it didn't work

05/09/2022 09:12:51


05/09/2022 11:48:06

05/09/2022 12:59:22

PCheck your emails I started sending this to you on the phone and forgot we had agreed to send the stuff on a jGroup email

05/09/2022 20:40:58

There is no order in place to sell the home I am in the clerksoffice confirm by clerk

05/09/2022 20:42:14


05/09/2022 20:42:34


05/09/2022 20:44:27

Altho they'll argue the order to list will encompass the sale

05/09/2022 20:46:29

Probably so I agree nothing to assume or take for granted with this situation

05/09/2022 20:46:44

I am going to work on realtor

05/09/2022 20:47:19

Type Father Anthony statement for his signature

05/09/2022 20:48:18

As to Biento stating he wants todismiss his lawyer and Father found him to be of sound mind

05/09/2022 20:48:47

We must also get 2 Doctors opinions

05/09/2022 20:49:03

I have orders to list and dispose of personal property and I thought sale. I'll be working starting around noon. I'll send relevant docs and summary of issues. Did someone create a master email with everyone's name on it so I can do everything in that one chain to keep it in order ? If not everyone type your email here and your backup email if you use more than one like me

05/09/2022 20:49:14

While you're looking for sweetheart deals for friends or self dealing. It cld be argued that he is supposed to look out for the best interest of Bonito yet agreed to sell at an artificially low price

05/09/2022 20:49:50

Does anyone want me to add them to the service list from the court directly if so Tell me which email to use so o add you when I file the plea today.

05/09/2022 20:50:20

I still can't talk much but I will be working about 6 hours on this case today.

05/09/2022 20:51:17

I'll change the subject line on the email for each issue I address so when you guys send or respond to emails feel free to add or change subject lines and in the email use all caps to divide issues so it is clear and easy to see transitions

05/09/2022 20:52:02

Lynn Keven and I need to set up a time together tomorrow to zoom some of the legal issues with arthur. Later afternoon. I want to begin to set up appeals. Writs and potential recusal

05/09/2022 21:16:27


05/09/2022 21:20:14

The clerk ask me if I was Attorney of record ask me to write my name said I needed a court order to see and read file than she called the Gaurdian to inform him I requested to see the file

05/09/2022 21:21:08

I wrote Inger Garica was Attorney of record and I was her investigator

05/09/2022 21:22:02

They sure are trying to keep tight control on the case

05/09/2022 21:23:47

Inger may be able-to get a stipulation

05/09/2022 21:24:24

We will be focusing on:

Order to show cause and response

Visitation and records for dad

Striking the show cause based on misrepresentations but Counse for sad and request to terminate her

Real estate transaction and property preservation. Setting aside and potentially honoring and transferring ownership

Dismiss of entire teg sue to lapse of time and no conclusive findings and or fining dad not incapacitisted or incompetent

Motion for reimbursement of fees and costs

Withdrawal of prior lawyers

05/09/2022 21:24:25


05/09/2022 21:25:01

I have the entire court file. Most of it is on thumb drives also

05/09/2022 21:25:15

I need to know about the recordings in the courtroom or not

05/09/2022 21:25:32

Otherwise I need to track down any court reporters

05/09/2022 21:25:35

Yes indeed I second your motion.

05/09/2022 21:26:15

I have a call into court reporter calling her again now

05/09/2022 21:28:22

I thought Transcript was supposed to be ready Friday last week?

05/09/2022 21:29:19

Maybe it is but I am following through to make sure we have it in hand

05/09/2022 21:29:32

I will resend research Inger as autonomy of Ward is supposed to be focus but Stay Away didn't consider that

05/09/2022 21:30:16

Yes of course but usually they would Email it to Attorney

05/09/2022 21:33:24

Yes but she does not have it in hand yet

05/09/2022 21:34:40

Court reporter has not responded to me and it is a day late so I asked Hagen to call for me since I can't talk. I just get her voicemail. If I don't have by end of day I will need to file motion to compel it as another delay tactic they are keeping information from us.

05/09/2022 21:48:04

Got it. Have seen that Tactic n game before. Understood

05/09/2022 21:48:52

Yes they hired court reporter not giving me transcript on purpose it seems

05/09/2022 21:51:09

A motion to compel sounds perfect especially if they hired court reporter & are deliberately slowing down the process

05/09/2022 22:08:16


05/09/2022 22:09:04

So if we can get court reporters email address
So I can send her final demand r transcript today

05/09/2022 22:09:34


Should I file motion to have court appoints a special prosecutor and reset for a day trial ???

05/09/2022 22:09:54

You don't have to answer yet I'll formulate questions and we can research and discuss

05/09/2022 22:10:08

But we have a constitutional right to

05/09/2022 22:10:24

Discovery and witness and documents in advance. And not a 1 hour cram down

05/09/2022 22:10:43

I wonder if they are altering the transcript as we speak

05/09/2022 22:11:02

If I suspect it after I read it I will request to hear the original taping

05/09/2022 22:16:52


05/09/2022 22:23:44

A special prosecutor for the contempt issue, right? That could be a double edge sword. I've heard of getting a different judge to hear the question of contempt on a motion by a judge. The 1st judge has a right to testify
It might be handled first buy a motion to set aside the contempt bc of a basic misunderstanding brought on by Bonito's overzealous attorneys and guardians prior to learning the facts. If you lose, I'd move for a different Judge.

05/09/2022 22:32:50


05/09/2022 22:33:08

Just thoughts. I will file plea not guilty and demand for discovery

05/09/2022 22:57:38

I sent court reporter demand for transcript and explanation of delay. If she doesn't respond by end of day -I filing motion and reaching out to her licensing agency for assistance

05/09/2022 23:00:21

Good move

05/09/2022 23:00:50

This is Bullshit

05/09/2022 23:03:13

Okay everybody I just recorded video and audio a conversation between Toomey and myself he brag about his affliction with Attorney Debra Slater and Guardain Dereck. In 3 pending cases listen to the tape

05/09/2022 23:03:15

This proves there ways of doing busniess

05/09/2022 23:08:07

05/09/2022 23:08:07

I would offer to help and shake hands but that would be battery

05/09/2022 23:08:38

Thank god feeling better. Being careful isolating but working again ueehhaa

05/09/2022 23:08:53

5 days apart

05/09/2022 23:11:19

Just received message frommy reporter friend Channel 25 she is coming to the hearing with camera man and investigative reporter

05/09/2022 23:11:46

She wants to speak with Inger this afternoon

05/09/2022 23:12:19

Get times dates in place

05/09/2022 23:12:43

I m forwarding her message

05/09/2022 23:13:09

Remember I can't speak much. Plus these are private proceedings so we need to be careful they won't let them in

05/09/2022 23:13:18

Hi Bill this is Tiffany Kenney. I have tried reaching Inger but have had no luck. Can you please tell me the time of the hearing later this week? I'd like to have a camera there and I believe our investigative reporter is going to be there as well. Please let me know what time the hearing is and in what quart room. Thank you so much

05/09/2022 23:13:41

We can speak a tiny bit today. Give her my cell and tell her to text me.

05/09/2022 23:14:08

Text no voice mail I'll respond to her

05/09/2022 23:15:18

I will do it now

05/09/2022 23:16:12

What's your entire cell number

05/09/2022 23:16:49

954 394 7461 right

05/09/2022 23:32:39


05/09/2022 23:33:28

Court reporter responded she turning in transcript to reporting firm and sent them my email so waiting for invoice and once we pay they release it. I'll forward it via l and tell you here when I send it

05/09/2022 23:53:25


05/10/2022 04:20:10

I found him he is across from Gardens mall rehab lapsed center

05/10/2022 04:21:15

Doctor Breur just return my call he also put in your Father Chart he is able to make is own decisons

05/10/2022 04:21:49


05/10/2022 04:32:48

512-971-9033? Who is this so I can label it?

05/10/2022 04:33:21

We have two different threats going on just so you guys know to check both and this one has the additional number-is this dr 2?

05/10/2022 04:33:29

Sister to Z

05/10/2022 04:34:12

Bill you rock

05/10/2022 04:53:50

Kevin wants copies of transcripts asap. Please csll me if you need my credit card info?

05/10/2022 05:05:07

Emphasized “Cool”

05/10/2022 05:31:13

I'm calling US legal support at the number that Inger gave us and nobody's answering it looks like it's a fax machine I've called him National number which is 1-877-479-2484 and they say someone's gonna call me on the message but I haven't spoken to human being yet

05/10/2022 05:33:40

I got the email message I'm paying it now

05/10/2022 05:38:16


05/10/2022 05:52:27

Inger who is this WinterLaw firm? When are we doing zoom? This needs aggressive attention

05/10/2022 05:54:38

Pay for the transcripts of May 4, 2022 inge helped

05/10/2022 05:54:49

Winter law is Derek Byerly's attorney

05/10/2022 05:55:09

Kevin transcript should be away tonight

05/10/2022 05:57:29

Please get me transcript as soon as able

05/10/2022 06:06:03

I emailed for a copy payment done with dr. I'll send upon receipt I asked them to copy dr so if she see before me she will send. Good night all this is enough for my first day back with Covid lol dr helped save my life here so let's kick ass as best we can

05/10/2022 06:06:53

Ok feel better

05/10/2022 06:07:10

Ok feel better

05/10/2022 06:12:24

I am thank god I am. And thank my wonderful wonderful two beautiful doctors My mom died of this so I am glad it's not two in the family. You guys also get rest noon zoom tomorrow

05/10/2022 06:40:44

I'm going to catch a bite with Joe the bailiff haven't eaten all day don't hesitate to call me. One of my patients as a CNA gave me a number to check on Luzmarina Navarro Navarro

05/10/2022 06:41:33

Hi Dr Navarro
Hope your dad is doing better.
4052 Bald Cypress way
Tallahassee, FL 32399
Fax 561-304-0312
You can check on any Health care workers.
Any facility Licensed in Florida

05/10/2022 07:54:24

Good night now finicky quitting

05/10/2022 07:54:25


05/10/2022 07:54:27

When is Transcript arriving?

05/10/2022 07:58:34

Call inge i paid

05/10/2022 08:14:33

I emailed Inge and told her to forward it to Kevin ASAP I'm checking out guys I'm exhausted I haven't slept in four days and I just crashed

05/10/2022 08:14:57

Maritza needs to come in the morning to my office to sign the change of counsel for Daniela Roberts

05/10/2022 16:21:13

05/10/2022 16:27:34

05/10/2022 16:38:01

05/10/2022 16:40:33

05/10/2022 17:20:42

Good Morning dream team last night I found these videos on YouTube some of these cases have occurred in Florida should Bill put out a feeler to them about Benito's story?

05/10/2022 17:21:32

Maritza come To my office to sign petition to withdraw Our former attorney Donia

05/10/2022 17:43:03

Have we retained a copy of a 911 call?

05/10/2022 18:11:38

Sent 2 emails..check spam. If needed. Can discuss in a few hours. Kevin

05/10/2022 18:18:23

Only email I received is reminding us to subpoena Buchmayer as to how Slater got appointed

05/10/2022 18:22:09

Check spam n other folders there are 3 from last night thank you

05/10/2022 18:36:14

Please only use this one and check that there are five conversions otherwise Maritza isn't getting in any information

05/10/2022 18:39:42

Spoke to Dr. Kenneth Manchon Benito and Isabel (Our deceased mother) I will give us an affidavit that maritza took very good care of our parents taking them to appointments. That he was very surprised by the break up of the family and even more surprised when my dad decided to go see another physician as his primary

05/10/2022 18:41:25

Dr. mansion recommended that we called the Director of nursing at the facility where dad is Called Luxe And ask what Psychiatrist go to the facility I think Bill is 100% right if we can get a psychiatrist to say that my dad is competent even though he might need help that would have a good standing in Court

05/10/2022 18:48:10

Bill which luxe facility is dad at ?

05/10/2022 18:48:45

Kevin I am checking for folders now

05/10/2022 18:51:31

Please send Maritza's phone and email separate so I can Save in my system. Inger Lynn Bill n Catherine should have 3 emails from me early in morning. Turning this phone off a few hours for more sleep. Most important are Transcript and Dr Castillo

05/10/2022 19:54:24

The email for the transcript is:

05/10/2022 20:11:20

Across from Gardens mall lnee knows how to spell it. I can go see your Dad anytime

05/10/2022 20:13:04

Lynne knows th

05/10/2022 20:38:35

Dr sign pious stipulation and email back to him this morning so he is out today

05/10/2022 20:38:37

Please sign

05/10/2022 20:38:41

Good morning all

05/10/2022 20:39:11

Thank you

05/10/2022 20:39:15

I have court from 10-11:45 so is noon zoom good or 1 pm zoom. I'll send link

05/10/2022 20:39:35


05/10/2022 20:50:24

1pm. Thx

05/10/2022 20:51:50


05/10/2022 20:53:22

05/10/2022 20:53:23

11900 Taylor Dr. N., Palm Beach Gardens. 561-514-5114

05/10/2022 20:55:41


05/10/2022 20:56:38

LA POSADA I will need to make reservations to dine with Biento

05/10/2022 20:56:44


05/10/2022 21:03:34

Hopefully youwill be dining with him at his house

05/10/2022 21:04:14

Motion to withdraw Pepin signed by maritza me an email to all of you I did not date when it would be sign I'm assuming it's today

05/10/2022 21:05:16

Motion to withdraw Donia Robertssigned by me and Maritza again please enter the date it's E signed

05/10/2022 21:05:45

Motion to substitue Inger signed and emailed to you

05/10/2022 21:05:56

Inger call me if concerns

05/10/2022 22:46:34

Lynn as far as Catholic Charities etc we are treading into potential Cross Exam material Inger can use so Bill Inger everyone should get on same page n focused with plan m strategy before running out randomly thanks

05/10/2022 22:47:58

There you go again herding cats

05/10/2022 22:48:32


05/10/2022 23:31:19

Hi Inger.we are all waiting on Zoom. How are you?

05/10/2022 23:45:36

I think inger says zoom at 1 pm

05/10/2022 23:47:14

Where is Invite?

05/10/2022 23:53:51

Setting up now. Are the two dr together? If not what is dr m email for invite?

05/10/2022 23:57:15

Just send go to waiting room please forward to dr m

05/11/2022 00:03:35

I emailed zoom invite to you guys

05/11/2022 00:03:37

Come into waiting room I'll let you in shortly

05/11/2022 00:04:12


05/11/2022 00:05:31

Maritza is w me but her email is:

05/11/2022 00:06:03

Waiting in room thanks

05/11/2022 01:53:16

Inge4 has to let me in

05/11/2022 02:04:03

Was waiting in hold 15 mins then hung up

05/11/2022 02:21:23

I am available now just talk to Kevin he ask you hook us up

05/11/2022 02:21:36


05/11/2022 04:10:04

744.464 we need to file a suggestion of capacity right away also. Kevin and Lynn look at it and see this is the way to go

05/11/2022 04:11:04

A little backwards since this retires right that we're never actually adjudicated but have been taken away

05/11/2022 04:25:43

744.3031 emergency temporary guardian

Limited to what appointments says

90 day and 90 day extension must show emergency still exists

05/11/2022 06:44:27

Yes that is the section I texted and emailed the other day and is the focus. Sorry I had to drop out of end of call w Bill but had an appointment. Am back now so please email if any of the Research focus has changed. Thank you

05/11/2022 07:00:42

05/11/2022 07:00:42

No it's fine. I am going
To rest now good first day back alive

05/11/2022 07:02:42

Bill. If you can grab from both Drs all the relevant original documents and affidavits and divorce file tomorrow and bring it here with your files. Tonight I am not up see seeing anyone. I have tons of reading to do

Remember 911 call. Ambulance info and any medical records hospital admission ambulance docs your have also

So come when ready tomorrow- not hard and fast time just after 12.

05/11/2022 07:03:11

This way dr doesn't drive tonight and they can both focus on answering the allegations I. Detail in writing for me. Thank you and good night

05/11/2022 07:44:36

05/11/2022 07:44:36

Since I wasn't on Zoom video today my swelling is going down thanks Dr. Navarro. Regroup in morning but will be drafting n researching tonight. I do have 8 am Dental Appointment tomorrow but free all day after. Thank you

05/11/2022 07:47:14

The two dr's are amazing souls and I hope to end this soon and be lifetime friends and then let's do a documentary and movie and go change the laws with all this stupid abuse Plus I want to interview the Drs to do update on my cancer documentary.

So pick your characters and goals for this. Then we can have some fun and let's go win an Oscar

05/11/2022 07:52:28


05/11/2022 12:06:41

Dream team do not let Pepin nor Donia off the hook without getting a final Statement to the effect that Daniel was at a wedding she didn't realize I hadn't told Pepin I assume she had. And I had told her in one text not to tell Pepin but that was in relation to considering a lease pendants I didn't need him jacking up the bill when it was something she could do

05/11/2022 12:27:21

They won't admit to anything. Pipin already put his position in writing and the text are self explanatory. We can discuss . Two edge ⚔️ in removing and leaving as judge may force them to do Tuesday hearing and they are possible witnesses

05/11/2022 18:33:08

Good morning team Inge I'm on your way to drop off the file this morning closer to me

05/11/2022 18:35:16


05/11/2022 18:37:20

I'm about 10 minutes away from your gate

05/11/2022 19:41:37

Dr kenneth l manchon
107 john f kennedy drive 33462
Cell # 561 676 5671
Office 561 295 6962. Internist who treated my father and mother for several years my father loved him all of a sudden my dad it was was transferred Dr Louis Castillo

05/11/2022 19:41:48

Willing to give us an affidavit and probably testify by zoom

05/11/2022 19:41:53

Sent draft n outline by email n research case by email check spam if you don't see this

05/11/2022 19:42:08

Got it

05/11/2022 19:43:13

I Need to do motions for zoom appearance and testimony Today I will need to have my witness and documents list ready to go as best as ready

05/11/2022 19:44:44

Financial affidavit For the divorce and the divorce file indicates that my father makes 8000+ on his pension alone a month curiously the affidavit does not list the value of the paid off house as $469,00 to $600,000 but rather has an amount of zero!

05/11/2022 19:44:56

Just finished reading Kevin's motions n research. They were in spam so thanks for the heads up.
They r amazing. His motto is "Hit them hard!" n he did. Brilliant.
Drs Z n M, Just in case do u have a psychiatrist to examine Benito?

05/11/2022 19:45:08

That is bankrupt only on paper he is not liquid

05/11/2022 19:45:31

Bill says that he has a psychiatrist that will testify in court that we could use but he didn't give me the name

05/11/2022 20:23:03

K so home
Doesn't need to be sold to pay bills as alleged. It needs to be sold to pay lawyers and guardian

05/11/2022 20:23:45

Not in best interest of ward. Anything else you can send. The three property appraiser last year tax bills please. Plus any utilities bill or hoa a Lense you have access too

05/11/2022 20:24:10

Yes that should be put in the motions

05/11/2022 20:24:36

05/11/2022 20:24:41

Yep thieves greedy thieves abusing Benito and the system as well

05/11/2022 20:25:49

Interesting this is the caretaker who claims she's a CNA anyway she's never ever called me or texted me and she doesn't have my number all of a sudden she wants to be buddy buddy she's a spy

05/11/2022 20:29:26

That's OK. So long as you know that you can use her to get info

05/11/2022 20:34:05


05/11/2022 20:49:53

Inger I am going to need more time

05/11/2022 21:05:27

So the 9/24/21 petition to pay divorce lawyer states the entire basis for this guardianship to begin with was the wife taking advantage on or about March 5 2021. Since that is now resolved
By the divorce what is the reason to continue the guardianship. It alleged the examining committee evaluated him. Who were the three people on that committee and why did litigation ensue and it not be
Ed -because it was inconclusive and we fought it?

05/11/2022 21:05:34

I need any Wells Fargo statements you have also to subpoena ll transactions

05/11/2022 21:08:45

I need to know if you have ever seen the guardianship checking account and the accountings and I need a copy of that or the information to subpoena it imperative to prove they don't need
To sell house to support dad plus is there any
Previous invoices or bills for the guardianship expenses spent to date ?

05/11/2022 21:09:25

The 8/31/21 order suspends all power of attorneys so land transfer is a problem to discuss

05/11/2022 21:16:19

They need to be on notice they will have a fight on their hands if they try to sell dad's hm.
Otherwise they will use his & your consent to do so. If it's bona fide buyer ie innocent, clean hands, u will not get hm back

05/11/2022 21:18:50

The motion has to address n attack that Order including the home the Order appears illegal in many respects

05/11/2022 21:19:34

They need to be on Notice to Freeze Stop Halt

05/11/2022 21:19:55


05/11/2022 21:26:40

The 2/21/22 2nd petition to extend guardianship for 90 days says it is to maintain status quo pending further settlement not sell the damm house

05/11/2022 21:27:32

My Heller esq the mediator. I need anything you have from mediation. The noTice of mediation zoom link. I have the proposed settlement

05/11/2022 21:29:05

3/1/22 extension for guardian illegal as it extends it over 9 days paragraph 2 so maybe motion to strike it and cancel and dismiss

05/11/2022 21:31:27

2/21/22 second petition to extend filed
By Nina paragraph 8 and 9 claim emergency still exists what is the basis and why a memory care facility to make it look like he can't think??? Who decided that?

05/11/2022 21:33:08

That makes the 3/1/22 order extending the guardianship illegal as it goes beyond 90 days by the language of the order

05/11/2022 22:09:22

There can only be 180 so one 90 day extension 2nd DCA n 4th DCA

05/11/2022 22:09:28

This is Statutory

05/11/2022 22:10:37

Lynn and I were just talking about the motion. Inger when do you want to get Legal minds on board so we can get to a Filing?

05/11/2022 22:14:33

I am still organizing gathering thinking. Kevin and Lynn you can start motions just tell me what but I want Kevin
To finish research on the 90 days and authority to sell house by temporary guardian and can the parties stipulate to extend without proving the emergency still exists? I think it overstepped courts authority to grant extension

05/11/2022 22:14:35

I am working on notice now

05/11/2022 22:15:22

Drs sorry
But I need you to sign the new
Stipulations for both lawyer on both cases
And I need
Appearance in second
Now also to get access to filings. Did you know there was
Two different cases
Pending now still ?

05/11/2022 22:32:11

Inger did you read the Draft Emergency motion sent in Word n PDF?

05/11/2022 22:33:02

Sent at like 4 am this morning? The research is in the motion

05/11/2022 22:38:26

The Doctor is forwarding it to you again it's most all in there

05/11/2022 22:39:11

Yes I mentioned mentioned 2 cases yesterday

05/11/2022 22:43:34

Yes read my motion it says all that with case law

05/11/2022 22:44:38

Inge read kevins motion i just resent on group email

05/11/2022 22:48:58

Kevin n I discussed it at length today. He cld add a paragraph or 2 to discuss competency n the hm, but it's really wonderful. U cld amend it later if u want.
We all will breathe easier after some thing is filed to put them on notice not to sell the home

05/11/2022 23:28:03

Inger did you get my draft yet?

05/12/2022 01:29:54

Where is home sale order? Inger when are we talking?

05/12/2022 01:33:29

I am working on something. Can't talk yet

05/12/2022 01:34:14


05/12/2022 03:41:12

05/12/2022 03:51:49

Please send by email Dr Navarro thank you

05/12/2022 04:02:30

I am confused Inger about all the Discovery n whatnot on Contempt when the Research discussed yesterday confirmed the invalidity of the Contempt and Draft motion seeks Injunction n continuance of Contempt while Seeking Contact w Benito Most important and seeks Stay of Sale? I sent the Draft at 4 am and all the cases are in there 4th DCA n 2nd DCA?

05/12/2022 04:05:24

Especially if Sheriff hasn't even served? The Medical Issues for Benito I thought were Paramount and also Defense yet if Guardianshio knocked out as Drafted there is No Contempt so Focus back to Benito where it seemed to belong?

05/12/2022 06:21:02

It's not getting filed till tomorrow after I review it and verify the cases etc. i just finished will bill please do not distract him with anything but what o asked him to do. We have a serious time issue. Once I finish my plea and Mtn to continue I will focus with kevin on that motion and file that

05/12/2022 06:21:55

Thank you for understanding we need to focus on exactly what I need to defend this misdemeanor charge which could lead to one year in jail if not defended properly. Once this is prepared

05/12/2022 06:22:05

Or continued we then focus on the home then the dismissal

05/12/2022 06:22:22

We made a lot of progress today yearning apart lies in pleadings and orders.

05/12/2022 06:23:11

Bill understands exactly what I need and is preparing what he can. Tomorrow I will give further instructions to the Drs and meet with them Saturday to prepare their testimony

05/12/2022 20:55:44

Good morning dream team, updates?

05/12/2022 21:07:08

Inger do you print out Subeona forms for service Benito records available upon subpeona at records dept inside hosptial

05/12/2022 21:07:56

I am addressing Doctor now meant to get your busniess cards

05/12/2022 21:08:02

DR..Navarro In progress please wait few hours thank you

05/12/2022 21:08:21


05/13/2022 00:46:19

I am finishing the other filings now first. I'll email a copy shortly

05/13/2022 00:47:06

Then I work on subpoenas and the motion with kevin. Kevin and I spoke for almost 3 hours yesterday. We went over some more laws and issues and we will work on motion.

05/13/2022 01:36:07

Serving Judge shortly and requesting a cancellation without hearing so we can breathe for a minute. There I not emergency on this right now so she should grant it

05/13/2022 01:42:15

Ok Inger great call we will get it done everything moving in right direction let's all stay focused and coordinate as needed a lot coming together in good ways

05/13/2022 01:46:07

Inger we may just want to initiate this by formal Preliminary Injunction Restraining Order and Notice the Guardian and parties to halt freeze by Prefiling Email Notice by statute? Just a thought?

05/13/2022 01:52:07

As the press is involved, it will keep their interest. It's throwing a rock at a hornets nest. They declared war so shd we. I love it

05/13/2022 02:03:26

Awesome I tell you team Awesome I am knocking out my to do list.

05/13/2022 02:03:41

3 more hours work

05/13/2022 02:32:16


05/13/2022 02:51:05

Sent you copies of the listing with Zillow showing dad's home

05/13/2022 02:51:36

Maritza did a bang up job with the witness list for affadavits

05/13/2022 02:51:59

Since you guys all the videos and pictures with dad says he wants to get the heck out of there and come home with us in the hotel

05/13/2022 02:52:13

Sent you not since you

05/13/2022 02:52:38

Bill's going to try to get a notary public to go with him tomorrow and get all the affidavits notarized I approved

05/13/2022 02:52:52

Was also going to check to see if anything funny has been filed in the court with the deed

05/13/2022 02:53:34

Of note the signature of dad on the divorce papers appears to be a fraud when we get copies of the documents for dad to sign his house I don't have a problem paying for forensic writing expert

05/13/2022 03:04:12

Bill we
Can meet tomorrow to do the subpoenas
You have been soo soo busy and I really need a nap soon. And I am sure you need
To stop and regroup so we can go over all.

So spend the balance
Of day getting all the evidence
Everyone. All originals that I need
For trial in case and
Bring all with you Then when we are
Done you can go get affidavits signed or get them signed before you come

I sent judge
The motions and proposed order. Nina did not object to continuance. Slater did not respond.

05/13/2022 03:04:26

Kevin and I will have
To work on his motion over

05/13/2022 03:06:05

Sounds great you are correct I will be more ready tommorow

05/13/2022 03:08:07

Kevin can you start an objection to the sale motion. Tomorrow I can walk you through some of the law
And Lynn has also been reading the statute and rules

I want to file that also before the judge either signs the motion to sell without hearing or sets
The hearing

05/13/2022 03:17:22

Yes that should all be part of the Prelim Injunction motion I started all relief combined in one Prelim TRO I already had section on that n while Lynn wants separate Motions No in my experience successfully on the rare Prohibition relief yes they should all be under same umbrella

05/13/2022 04:00:45

Ok guys news -the court is not holding the trial Tuesday --she is holding a zoom arraignment so we do not need to subpoena until we know the new dates. So we need to appear Tuesday at 1 by zoom for the arraignment. I already filed the plea of not guilty but we will amount that on the record. So I am going to rest the balance of the day. Bill I will see you tomorrow to see all the evidence we have so far but you can put your head back on Lol. Kevin we will work some tomorrow also. Good night to all and stay safe. Thank you for all your help. We make a good team guys

05/13/2022 04:03:03

Sounds good

05/13/2022 04:03:19

Yes in fact we do

05/13/2022 04:04:06

I will work on restraining motion

05/13/2022 04:04:29

Sounds good

05/13/2022 05:19:25

Inger great job on the Motion to Continue and just the first step in this battle and sets up factual record perfectly. Get your rest. I sawvJohnson doing Zoom instead. Now she will get hit with the next omnibus relief motion in nature of prohibition . Rest up thank you

05/13/2022 05:20:24

I think your Motion to Continue could go to the TV investigators in my view

05/13/2022 05:42:56

05-13-2022 05_42_56.mp4

05/13/2022 06:01:28

I see bedsore wow.

05/14/2022 04:37:51

Wendy and Ed Nordine got into see my dad today and they were not stopped had a pleasant visit and dad was actually walking now but bad news is dad says they're taking him out of the facility Monday

05/14/2022 04:38:41

Worse than this and appears Marins dad's caretaker has assume Maritza's identity reports he got back have her living permanently at 245 North Hampton and she's got bank loans and things on your credit record so this is a identity fraud and she's doing something with the Housing Authority that he's gonna give me the particulars

05/14/2022 04:40:46

And talking with Kevin and maritza we discovered that judge Agrama -Keever During the zoom divorce proceedings had said publicly that they were many irregularities in this case she did not understand why his guardianship for taking so long and she felt very uneasy ranting that a divorce and we made it back to Johnson. In other words a grandma kiva can be a witness for usWorse than this and appears a dad's caretaker has assume Maritza's identity reports he got back have her living permanently at 245 North Hampton and she's got bank loans and things on your credit record so this is a identity fraud and she's doing something with the Housing Authority that he's gonna give me the particulars

05/14/2022 04:41:32

Sending Kevin the divorce proceeding transcripts so he can look further into this

05/14/2022 20:17:50

Was not able to find the actual transcript of not the divorce proceedings but of a grandma Keevers proceeding where she said that this case was messed up and shit this is taking too long and she did not feel comfortable and put it back to Johnson

05/14/2022 20:21:36

05/14/2022 20:22:05

Benito yesterday visited by Wendy and Ed Nordine wearing his little cross and saying that even though this place is nice he wants to go back to his house with his daughters

05/14/2022 20:23:04

He was walking with his walker and he escorted them outside

05/14/2022 20:51:01


05/14/2022 20:51:53

Love this photo of him remarkable since Doctor Breur took over his care.

05/14/2022 20:53:35

I am in Church till noon than I plan to go visit Benito and Sunday Brunch which I would love to take him and return him to this decent place

05/14/2022 20:54:08

This afternoon I plan to meet with Inger

05/14/2022 20:54:16

Full day.

05/14/2022 20:55:53

Okay I would be interested I'm finding out if someone is already living in dad's house and his belongings have been stolen

05/14/2022 20:57:30

Better not be so I can find that out by posing as realtor

05/14/2022 20:57:42

So someone should
By house if possible. Maybe bill can ask security if house is empty

05/14/2022 20:58:56

I will do much more than that I will take photos do house inspection no problem be delighted

05/14/2022 21:00:00

05-14-2022 21_00_00.mp4

05/14/2022 21:01:06

They won't let you in it's u set co tract already

05/14/2022 21:01:07

Under contract

05/14/2022 21:01:09

There is a pending motion to dispose of property so hopefully it is not touched yet

05/14/2022 21:11:57

Video of my parents at the San Francisco trip Maritza and I treated them to for the 63rd wedding anniversary. My father says I have two great daughters

05/14/2022 21:12:09

05-14-2022 21_12_09.mp4

05/14/2022 22:42:10

Hey Team just learn that Channel 12 as been doing videos all last week on problems with guardianship we will have to view that news but Tiffanny is our reporter.

05/14/2022 22:42:56

Going to lunch than to visit Benito

05/14/2022 22:43:34

Look forward to seeing ou INGER BY MID AFTERNOON

05/14/2022 22:44:05


05/14/2022 23:12:19

05-14-2022 23_12_19.mp4

05/14/2022 23:12:55

05-14-2022 23_12_55.mp4

05/14/2022 23:13:11

05-14-2022 23_13_11.mp4

05/15/2022 01:10:06

Bill -come in morning See if u can go by house today without rucas I am resting today we have a tough week ahead

05/15/2022 01:17:47

Johnson should be Disqualified. What Motions are going to go in?

05/15/2022 01:21:07

Check your email there is a plan to put Benito Navarro back in his home written by Maritza and myself let me know what I need to do to fix it

05/15/2022 01:27:18

Ok but I am trying to figure out from Inger what Motions are getting filed tomorrow? Gotta move for Injunction etc and take the gloves off w Johnson n set her up for Prohibition if she doesn't withdraw

05/15/2022 01:40:27

Yes. I need to file objection to sale and since may 22 90 days expires we want to file we disagree to any further extensions

05/15/2022 01:41:09

I am sorry but still resting. I need to heal I'll see how I feel later

05/15/2022 01:49:59

What about my motion knocking this out ? It's illegal as he'll. The lawyers in the case said it. Judge Agrieva Grana on Divorce said it. The 4th DCA 2nd DCA n Statute says it. You don't get to Extend this indefinitely. By statute you get 90 days then 1 n 1 only 90 days by Strict Compliance. The statute n 2nd DCA n 4th DCA says it. Time to Fight Johnson Knock her out. Get Benito n Stop the Conflicted Corruptiion.stop playing in their sandbox

05/15/2022 01:58:07

Kevin I agree 100 percent Inger I will plan to come in morning hours early have coffee on feed ducks

05/15/2022 02:01:56

One Omnibus Motion like I started that can get cleaned up n fleshed out that addresses Benito the house the doctors contact n the Illegal contempt. If she denies it take her to 4th DCA right away

05/15/2022 02:02:19

Sounds good

05/15/2022 02:02:59

Amen indeed get ready for fireworks to come light them up

05/15/2022 02:04:19

4th DCA made crystal clear its a Strict Compliance statute and she commits Reversible Error by not complying. It's already in my Draft we can just clean it up n add to it

05/15/2022 02:05:16

Bless those pleadings with the law of the land Amen

05/15/2022 02:05:50

Ok I also want a
Separate motion to stop to sale and motion to set
Aside orders and incorporates the big one

05/15/2022 02:07:14

Strict Compliance for "Temporary" is 90 days by Statute with ONE Additional 90 day Extension. Statutory Construction and Interpretation. 2nd DCA says 180 days. Why do you need separate Motions when it's all illegal? The Statutory Scheme has Property n Care under one umbrella

05/15/2022 02:08:49

The Statute I reference authorizes Injunctions on property n care needs at same time. That's what a Guardianship takes care of

05/15/2022 02:17:56

We don't need a Letter from Doctor that Benito is Willing to go home n wants to. We need to Produce Benito as the Statute Required for Adjudicatory Hearing n hear Directly from Benito himself one of Major Johnson Errors in the Case. And she needs to be shown n told that as part of Disqualifying. We would need or want a Doctor to say it's OK. But hey look at Johnsons other Grave Error doing the Contempt? She didn't hear from any Doctor or Benito. She punished the Daughters to Benitos detriment n needs to be told that

05/15/2022 02:20:19

In the other case there was an examining committee. Reports stale I am filing appearance in other case and we need to also file a motion threee

05/15/2022 02:20:22


05/15/2022 02:23:17

Why give a case life that should be gone? We need Conference call w Lynn the Doctors n Bill to get on same page

05/15/2022 02:30:51

Do we know the last time anyone from examining Committee did anything? This case needs Restart with new Judge new appointed lawyer new Committee etc. They had 90 days to get the job done. The Court professionals failed likely for kickbacks on house sake etc

05/15/2022 02:32:06

P0 bvkb x a x

05/15/2022 02:33:37

Po bv ?

05/15/2022 02:35:22

I said the first day this was in Court on this Emergency we needed The Case to be heard on Our paperwork not theirs.we need to be on same page for how that happens. Too much time going by but yes you have very serious issues and I did too for 3 days so I get it. Just wanna talk it all out Conference call everyone

05/15/2022 02:36:15

That was typo Hack error I been trying not to use this one due to hack but you seem to respond here more

05/15/2022 02:42:28

Get ready for this I was stop by security at entrance gate exam my ID no visitors of any kind except Attorney Slater and Gaurdian Derick Byler

05/15/2022 02:43:43

Ok. They will report it to them so they know we are looking

05/15/2022 02:49:05

We Need to File Attacking Illegality of Order August 2021 n Appointment of Byerly as Ilkegal Not complying with Statute start there to Knock this all out

05/15/2022 02:50:02


05/15/2022 02:50:25

I questions their Authority they revealed we are not allowed to talk got my tag number and told me there is a on going investigaton going on. Into whom as visited him I was pissed

05/15/2022 02:50:34

And need to do same in other case at same time

05/15/2022 02:50:52


05/15/2022 02:51:52

The Court was Required by Statute to make Fact Findings at Adjudicatory Evidentiary Hearing by Clear n Convincing Evidence by Statute and Court had Limited Time to do so. Essence of the illegality

05/15/2022 02:51:55

I'll file motion for walk through of home and permission to video

05/15/2022 02:52:15


05/15/2022 02:52:27

Must show emergency still exists

05/15/2022 03:08:57

This is where I chat with all for this case

05/15/2022 03:31:38

Makes 8t very hard for me to chat here. May as well drop off the thread

05/15/2022 04:33:54

Kevin I thought this was the way to talk to you. If not add another number
Or something to chat

05/15/2022 04:34:12

Sorry been out today. Been reading but can't type today. .

05/15/2022 04:44:13

I can barely type here software getting interfered. Are you all not getting the other group Chat same group from my 518 309 2094 Google Voice App number?

05/15/2022 04:44:31

Will send again from that Chat now

05/15/2022 04:46:26

Can't we add that number here?

05/15/2022 04:47:40

No I keep telling you sometimes I can't even type n respond in this chat or scroll to all the messages

05/15/2022 04:48:41

So are we setting up another chat and starting to use that moving forward? I didn't see anything from a new chat with all of us

05/15/2022 04:52:15


05/15/2022 05:11:53

Already set up n Inger you responded there the other night everyone else there too

05/15/2022 05:23:16

This is the only one I am using

05/15/2022 05:36:07

This is where I always chatted lol

05/15/2022 06:08:22

No there is the other one you responded in with everyone need to use that

05/15/2022 06:30:53


05/15/2022 06:31:18


05/15/2022 06:31:25

Can you text what emergency is here

05/15/2022 06:35:02

Are they moving him back to Arden?

05/15/2022 06:36:15

Is the place he is at a
Place that can. Keep him for a while
Longer or is it just rehab? How do you know where and when they are
Moving him?

05/15/2022 06:59:40

They are going to move him tomorrow to unknown location. He should be allowed to stay put in La Posada.

05/15/2022 07:00:01

Please answer on other chat line Kevin set up.

05/15/2022 07:03:37

I don't have another chat just this one

05/15/2022 07:40:17

We should also make the Emergency Motion under 1.540 at same time setting aside Orders and Appointment of Byerly n Slater due to the Statutory violations by the Court

05/15/2022 07:41:02

Including the House Sale. Attack this at the Root and entire Bad Tree falls

05/15/2022 08:36:57

Kevin just sent you an important e-mail. Please read before tonight's conference.

05/15/2022 08:37:32

Tried calling you, but not answer.

05/15/2022 09:14:10

Bill on call

05/15/2022 09:55:06

Talk tomorrow

05/15/2022 10:06:33

Speak in morning Bill good night

05/15/2022 10:06:42

Yes indeed counsel

05/15/2022 10:06:47

Johnson & Johnson to Pay More Than $2.2 Billion to Resolve Criminal and Civil Investigations | OPA | Department of Justice

05/15/2022 10:07:12

Got it

05/15/2022 10:10:23

Cool somewhere there is Prior Florida news on this maybe from Tampa area FYI we think Marissa pressured Dr Castillo to prescribe this against his Doctor Orders a few weeks ago as Benito reported to Zoiraida

05/15/2022 10:17:36

Inger this is 2019 by CNBC Iin another case.. I been in tune in following this drug from the Child Guardian case I was Suspended for but got FBI Agent on.. the State n Child Protective Services refused to turn over medical records and then few years later the Feds were prosecuting in other states- J&J must pay $8 billion in case over male breast growth linked to Risperdal

05/15/2022 10:18:36

05/15/2022 10:18:42

05/15/2022 10:19:59

Ok great but now you are in the other chat best on my end to use other one thank you

05/15/2022 10:31:38

Ok emailed expert hopefully he calls in morning. Good night. Goal is termination asap by May 22, 2022.

05/15/2022 10:36:17


05/17/2022 12:26:52

Maritza and Zoraida have email to Inge and Kevin are affidavits revised and including suspicions of wrongdoing by Derek and marina insulator and points Isupport this

05/17/2022 12:27:01

Good night I think I'm gonna sleep like a baby tonight

05/17/2022 19:16:06

Good morning I am finding out n the procedure and cost of yesterday transcripts and doing my 2 very important Affiavits this morning get back o you today when it's done

05/17/2022 19:19:13

Ok take your time carefully Touch base with press and without saying much tell her you want to set up a call with you and I for later today for 5 minute update

05/17/2022 19:19:50

Will do

05/17/2022 19:19:59

Kevin we will all leave
You be to focus. Text
Me privately for questions and guidance. I need to do something this morning for about 5 hours. But I know the first things going out

05/17/2022 19:20:43

Hope the Drs got some well needed rest. Get your boots on ladies the war is about to begin with our new weapons and orders

05/17/2022 19:36:02

Well set up an individual chat on this phone then also

05/17/2022 19:57:43

Bill actually see if reporter available this morning for 5

05/17/2022 19:57:55

If so call me when u have her on phone

05/17/2022 19:58:29

Yes indeed

05/17/2022 19:58:46

Be around 10 am

05/17/2022 21:15:26

Good morning dream team
As per Ingers request Maritza And I will leave her alone To concentrate on motions

05/17/2022 21:15:43

As per Kevin's request and I will leave him alone to concentrate on motions

05/17/2022 21:17:55

Sent Kevin a updated affidavit From myself and Maritza with added list of horrors from Derek and Arden Court (Here after be referred to as AC) at midnight last night.

05/17/2022 21:26:39

Can someone dig into Arden online for me -news articles complaints. Check licensing. We need to find out who Licences them and do a 119 request to Tallahassee

05/17/2022 23:46:42

On it

05/18/2022 00:42:33

Ok met with real estate expert. He is on it

05/18/2022 00:43:18

Cool Beans

05/18/2022 00:57:49

I just forwarded
To you guys the petition for over 55k for home health care costs. We need to analyze and tear apart and tell me anything important to know in writing please. This is why they are so desperate
To sell the home. Dr can we see if this is
By Medicair or does he qualify for Medicaid. We need to get a financial plan in place to present to dismiss these 4 cases now 4 cases. Uuugg. So please look and all email your opinions. This isn't even the guardian fees or the 3 lawyers so they have already spent the entire equity in the house if they have their way and they leave him penniless and no place to go So get on it guys and gather info and suggestions and comments. Except Kevin you stick on original motion today. Thx

05/18/2022 01:33:04

Got itv

05/18/2022 01:33:08

Got it

05/18/2022 01:37:07


05/18/2022 04:42:33

I think we shd try to get the SAO involved. They used to have an elder crimes division. I think the SO has an elder crimes division

05/18/2022 09:55:50

It's a good thing Inger was cautious about filing the deed. Bankruptcy may be best since he's homesteaded n they can't take his home away

05/18/2022 09:58:52

He should not need to file Bankruptcy just for purposes of stopping a Sale if he needs to otherwise that's a separate issue

05/18/2022 10:01:07

Right but then he can bankrupt all the attorney fees and medical bills lol

05/18/2022 10:01:22

All he has of his $400,000 is $800. Looks like he may need it.

05/18/2022 10:01:37

Use the federal court to protect him from state court. Let's play it by ear. I'll get advice

05/18/2022 10:02:10

Urs won't it be nice to screw the guardian and lawyers back. Then sue for the 400k

05/18/2022 10:02:31

One day at a time here

05/18/2022 10:03:16

Today we spoke to press for 45 they are sharing And met with real estate expert and pulled dockets. Got the press on it also. They r excited now

05/18/2022 10:04:12

Good night Lynn tomorrow I want to discuss some prosecution tips. And tomorrow I am ordering transcripts.

05/18/2022 10:04:39

This appears to be a Broward scam moved north

05/18/2022 10:05:04

Drs keep preparing a financial plan to present for his care at home.

05/18/2022 10:05:35

Keep digging into anything that concerns you. Write me a list of any concerns and goals

05/18/2022 10:06:30

Totally agree n am thrilled about the press. It's always good to have professional dirt digging so long as they're on our side😄

We have good news tonight, Zoraida & Maritza were at my hm. Marsha, the woman from Catholic charities happened to be there. She may be a wonderful witness.

05/18/2022 10:07:08

I'll be happy to help

05/18/2022 10:10:28

Catholic charities kawyer is secretly helping me. Smart guy. Told me his firm may walk away from their fees

05/18/2022 10:11:05

May 22 d day. Dismissal or appeals goal

05/18/2022 10:12:03

Only 4 days away. If dismissed sale off table I am going to start in buyer next. Inform him he is wasting his time. See if he walks voluntarily

05/18/2022 10:12:36

Motion to inspect house and hopefully they did something stupid

05/18/2022 10:13:52

Keep diligent and be careful ears and eyes open. Email me any and all developments as they happen or text here so it doesn't get lost in translation. We have a bunch of smart people here with same goals

05/18/2022 10:52:08

05/18/2022 11:00:20

What is the likelihood that we would walk into a woman's social gathering tonight at Lynn's house and discover that the court appointed social worker that Brookemeyer terrorized off the case would be there?

05/18/2022 11:00:54

What is the likelihood that she had met Lynn only twice at these gatherings and this was her third visit?

05/18/2022 11:02:42

What is the likelyhood That she is retired from the court system and serve as our witness That we were loving daughters, and that she is shocked that this case is still going on and dad hasn't been declared incompetent?

05/18/2022 11:04:50

Well If you say none , you would be wrong. Even Lynn was shocked at this God orchestrated coincidence. Even after she was off the case she would call Maritza in particular developed a great relationship with her.

05/18/2022 11:05:25

Maritza has her number have her text it to Inger. Also she couldn't understand why Derek was on this case as he only works in Broward.

05/18/2022 11:11:46

Don't be surprised if you don't find the buyer according to Bernstein this is a money laundering scheme. There is a cartel that buys the houses at any price gives a good chunk of money to the swiindlets Derek And Slater, and now has a property exchanged for the dirty money. Transactions all done in Cash

05/18/2022 11:14:23

Be clear I've already checked and Medicare only pay for home care if it's medically necessary but not if it's custodial. I will dig into it deeper. I'll also try to go through the bill But it's nebulous. I will call manager and ask her to explain all of it to me . I'll also ask her why she would wait months to collect her money. And I will also ask her if she's already paid.

05/18/2022 11:14:41

Bill Are you still alive?

05/18/2022 11:14:44

Yes. In my research they came to palm beach. Broward is full up many cases where slater dads attorney represents this guardian And at the last hearing the judge asked me if I had a conflict representing both defendants. I told her not at this time. She said thank you. Now watch I show skater and Derick's undisclosed relationship-they are manipulating courts and doing agreed orders to go past statutory deadline over the 90 plus 90 days. The reporter understands she needs to cross to broward. I also know new state attorney so they are going to be approached if we uncover this 30 year scam in broward courts. There are over 200 cases of Slater-found 6 so far with her and Derek. She has been his lawyer over and over. Derik is currently suing a home in broward also. This is their gig their deal. Any bill uncovered it based on realtors mouth and the press uncovered 10 homes from dead people in Derik's name I need help on the computer work. I can give directions if what I need.

05/18/2022 11:15:58

Asked me what I need to do to help you with the computer work

05/18/2022 11:16:38

As to the laundering. If this title company is dirty with realtor they would be sanctioned by their licensing board when we file complaint

05/18/2022 11:17:34

Derek also has Facebook from an older woman called Joyce Slater. Couldn't find out was related to Debra Slater.

05/18/2022 11:17:37

Let's tell morning. Sending private text now

05/18/2022 11:19:38

Goodnight my fearless friend!!
You are tiny but you are powerful !!

05/18/2022 11:20:29

Great info but prefer in other chat difficult to read n reply here

05/18/2022 11:21:54

For tomorrow morning the name of the social worker that is willing to help us and was the court appointed social worker is marcia Jackson Maritza has her number

05/18/2022 11:21:57

I have a large Lexus nexus report reporter gave us. I'll send u a copy tomorrow. There we get done answers. He is the Derik with 1975 birthday

05/18/2022 11:22:21

Says the other tiny powerhouse

05/18/2022 11:52:23

Marsha Jackson
Tel. 561-602-4869.

05/19/2022 05:06:19

Okay team here is my plan and what I have since learned very interesting the security gate was given instructions not to let anyone in to visit Biento however once you get inside beyond the gate horse of different color the rehab as it anyone is allowed to visit. Matter of fact nobody instructs them about visitation decisions

05/19/2022 05:09:53

Here is my suggested plan I am preparing a Affiavit for Biento Navarro to sign along with a letter firing Debra Slater. With attached tape recording he is competent and willing to testify. What do you think Inger Kevin Lynne Daughters it's time to let Beinto stick up for himself I will be the message this is what I do

05/19/2022 05:17:36

Bill I agree but I am concerned that the judge will use it against us so I am telling you not to do it

05/19/2022 05:18:23


05/19/2022 05:19:30

How about I at least visit. Him I don't want to take any action that will back fire

05/22/2022 22:16:32

05/27/2022 19:38:45

05-27-2022 19_38_45.amr

05/27/2022 19:41:40

Dated april 30 At 10:59 PM doesn't sound like a guardian frantically looking for his kidnapped ward

05/27/2022 20:46:34


05/27/2022 20:47:45

Yeah!!! You found it.

05/27/2022 20:49:32

I will be with Inger this afternoon around 3pm let Doc know

05/27/2022 20:50:05

I will need to pick up those 2signed affiavits

05/27/2022 22:07:44

Bill did you contact Laura and Tenna ?

05/27/2022 22:31:53


05/28/2022 01:02:04

05/28/2022 01:03:06

Just fyi inger read
Kevin skip

05/28/2022 01:13:06


05/28/2022 03:31:31

I am awaiting there statements via email return

05/28/2022 11:01:05

I, Maritza Navarro and Zoraida Navarro at this time want you to pause any and all work. We have what we need and will contact you ifv
we need more services We have no more money. Inger has no authority to tell you what to do on our case,

05/28/2022 11:01:08

Can't speak to that not my place but let's not get adverse there are important Hearings this week and we need to coordinate as a team. Inger and I are speaking again in the morning and been coordinating today.

05/28/2022 11:01:08

Doctors I have been texting you both n tried to call back

05/28/2022 11:01:08

If she needs something she will let us know but we are not made of money and we will let you know, because too much duplication of effort and Inger has not communicated where this is going. ZORAIDA sent you these errands and now finds out that much of this is unnecessary. Until the emergency motion to dismiss the expired ETG is filed we are all spinning our wheels and spending money we don't have . When INGE gives us the go ahead to get Tracy in, then Zoraida will call you and the clock starts again. ZORAIDA's phone is not working and asked me to send you this.

05/28/2022 19:48:26


05/28/2022 21:26:59

I DN receive all emails from the chain of 5. In some instances bc my email was misspelled. Pls use:
The hg for the home sale is freaking me out. Pls try to keep the hg time as our motions are dispositive of the sale motion.
Inger needs to ask the other side. If they DN agree, file a motion to continue n keep the time slot for our motions
We should consider filing bankruptcy now. All he has is $800. He's a perfect candidate.
That way they don't get paid.
The question is: what does bankruptcy do to ETG? Is it now in Fed Ct?

05/28/2022 21:29:07

We must have a motion in to dissolve the ETG by Monday

05/28/2022 21:29:46

Thanks Lynn Inger n I have it under control n no it's not time for Bankruptcy

05/28/2022 21:31:25

Lynn you were on the call last night. I know what I am doing n coordinating w Inger just fine thank you

05/28/2022 21:36:26

I know u r good, In fact the best, but bankruptcy may be a wise choice later anyhow. They blew thru all of Benitos savings. That way, they won't get paid for it

05/28/2022 21:38:00

If we have a dirty judge, I am fearful the sale will slide thru

05/28/2022 21:40:21

Yes understood. The help is appreciated but right now Suggestions are best for email so Inger n I can focus on final steps. Like I said last night there will be time to Review and Comment. Texts all make us think urgent but if not critical becomes distracting so emails with questions or suggestions best for now. Will call later. Thanks for the assistance

05/28/2022 21:52:21

Am also halfway into 13 hour drive to see n support my mother so text if you want my attention or to check email or if brainstorm but we can talk later too. Def want your Eyes n legal mind to Review Final Draft

05/28/2022 21:52:22

Sorry. Will do. Stay safe🙏🏻

05/28/2022 21:52:24

No you are fine n love the help no worries. I want you to look n review. We will be on target as discussed last night

05/28/2022 22:14:09


05/29/2022 11:54:03

05/29/2022 22:36:08

05/29/2022 22:59:41

Be it ever so humble there is no place like home.

05/29/2022 23:02:51

05/29/2022 23:02:51

05/29/2022 23:42:21

I am finishing a few things on phone with Kevin now

05/29/2022 23:59:05


05/30/2022 00:03:40

I agree with Lynne on this situation Judge is bought and paid for this is dateline material allowing 91 year old man home to be taken out from under him it's a shame and a scam

05/30/2022 00:04:08

I am going to alert my contacts in Media

05/30/2022 00:05:03

They must be exposed and investigated

05/30/2022 00:06:48

Bar complaint on Debra Slater with evidence to turn in her license

05/30/2022 01:58:22

Zoraida If you need to contact me contact me separately I can't use this group chat anymore

05/30/2022 02:38:45

I’ll ask in motion. I’ll be out next 3 hours. Did u guys send the rest of the videos evidence photos discovery comments ? Thx

05/30/2022 02:46:58

Send specifics to

05/30/2022 03:19:39

Out Motion should Demand Benito be Produced by Zoom so he can be Heard by Statute and law. Am speaking to Inger soon

05/30/2022 03:34:45

05/30/2022 03:34:45

Uncle Mike 9 yra ago up here in Kinderhook when his older sister Nancy passed and her children who are my cousins in Tennessee came up for Services

05/30/2022 03:34:50

05/30/2022 03:37:08

Awwww. Soooo sweet

05/30/2022 03:38:39

Yes thank you fun guy no matter what life threw at him

05/30/2022 04:33:34

Yes I am doing Mtn for him to appear also

05/30/2022 05:42:48


05/30/2022 05:43:09

Great family picture Kevin

05/30/2022 06:21:16

Thanks Bill

05/30/2022 07:40:35


05/30/2022 07:49:11

Bill I'll call you in morning. Kevin and I have the motions and things we are
Filing. We will do final strategy meeting shortly and then start filing one after the other. I am missing a lot of your videos and pictures still I got 23 last night.

05/30/2022 07:49:29

I will be up early working on this and one other thing next two days straight

05/30/2022 07:51:42

Sounds good

05/30/2022 07:51:53

I stand ready

05/30/2022 07:52:19

Inger, can I help you at all?

05/30/2022 07:52:58

Yes, please!

05/30/2022 07:53:51

Your 19 percent helping. Lynne rubbing off that legal talent indeed

05/30/2022 07:56:55

Lynn tomorrow yes after Kevin and I finish. I am going to keep it simple and do very direct to the point pleadings to the many issues I see

05/30/2022 07:59:28

Here is the plan so far I will finalize and start implementation

Mtn to dismiss 90 days expired

Mtn Benito to attend by zoom and I lectionary of him and home and where is he

Objection and response to mtn to sell and for access as personal property already gone without court permission basis he is not incapacitated and he wants
To go home and fire his lawyer and was potentially mislead
For reason for sale plus the specific attacks on the false allegations by Derek in verified motion

05/30/2022 07:59:42

Writ of prohibition ready to file right before hearing also

05/30/2022 08:00:00

Criminal cases
Then numerous subpoenas and requests
For production. Ect mtn to dismiss Ntc
Appearance plea demand for discovery depositions

05/30/2022 08:02:02

Mental health case
Same files as
Guardianship case

Writ of prohibition
Mtn to dismiss due to no finding of incapacity by committee

Guardianship case also

Ntc of filing all the pictures and videos of bed sores and him
Stating he won't go back to place wants to fire lawyer and be with daughters

Motion to disqualify Debra slater. Derick and the realtor for conflicts and pattern of conduct

Subpoena I have
Lists depositions

Kevin's motions you have done so far including injunction etc

Affidavit of the two Dr they did not want home or personal items
Sold as they intend to keep dad at house and help take
Of him.

05/30/2022 08:02:28

Any other suggestions or motions let
By 10 to 11 am tomorrow

05/30/2022 08:45:54

Inger, will you pls send the name of the RE buyer so Karen can look him up? I'd bet we find him on other properties of Derrick

05/30/2022 08:56:35

It is on the motions I gave everyone. I'll email the motion to you look at the exhibits

05/30/2022 09:38:11

Jose Fleites is the " buyer"i sent the contract let me know you got it.

05/30/2022 12:29:16

Your mtns are terrific. I'd add:

Mtn to have all hgs open FS 744.1095 so Bonito can hear, testify & present evid. It shd be exposed to the light of public scrutiny from the press etc

Mtn for verified inventory FS
744. 365 (2)(a) ret Items missing from hm on Byerly's Improper mgmt of wards assets FS 744.474 Proposed RE sale said personal prop wld remain at hm. Photos show furn missing. ETG DN have ct approval to sell personality. Sanctions shd apply. No fees or pay dtrs atty fees.

Mtn for ETG sanctions
744.358 (2)(b) Abuse neglect exploitation by guardian. Benito moved 3+ times etc
744.361 ETG contrary to Benito best health finance & personal int
744.3215 rts incl (f) remain independent (m) Receive visitors & communicate w others

Mtn for atty sanctns Slater:
744.3215 Avaricious Slater acted contrary to Benito‘s best int: to assist ETG, to isolate Benito
744.446 breach of fiduciary duty

05/30/2022 20:30:33

I read Lynns motion. I want them the put in. We have let you know suggestions at it is 9:30 now

05/30/2022 20:31:48

If you need bill to get transcribed priest recording let me know Bill needs to get you pictures i cannot figure out his phone for him

05/30/2022 20:32:13

Sending notarized affidavits as they come

05/30/2022 20:32:31

I want in person hearing for Thursday

05/30/2022 20:32:56

I want dad there Bill can pick him up and bring to court

05/30/2022 20:42:06

Not gonna happen there is a stay away order guys so be realistic. We are hitting the technicalities and trying to reverse what s agreed upon earlier

05/30/2022 20:43:21

We will be lucky if we stop the hearings due to the dismissal and this sale violated last extension that was done for 'status quo " and statutorily illegal

05/30/2022 20:44:35


05/30/2022 20:46:05

Stay Away Order has to go n should have gone before

05/30/2022 20:46:55

Inger pls call me

05/30/2022 20:49:52

I am on a zoom

05/30/2022 20:49:58

Will text when done

05/30/2022 20:50:18

Could a shoulda. All we can do is try to fix it

05/30/2022 20:52:09

I will be delighted to transport Biento

05/30/2022 21:14:57

It gonna happen. Heads out of the sky Focus on getting me the last evidence please.

05/30/2022 21:16:48

I will

05/30/2022 21:16:51


05/30/2022 21:31:35

Probably true but absolutely need to have Demand to Produce Benito by ZOOM

05/30/2022 21:31:49

At minimum

05/30/2022 21:39:11

Yes I am working on that one now

05/30/2022 21:48:49


05/30/2022 21:52:12

Zoom is not good for this type of hearing

05/30/2022 21:53:14

You have no choice that is why I am trying for dismissal also. I can file a motion to reset in person but they will not agree that I know

05/30/2022 21:55:31

FS 744.1095 Permits Bonito to hear testify and present evidence

05/30/2022 21:56:18

Yes but that may have to be by zoom

05/30/2022 21:56:29

Amen Amen indeed Indeed

05/30/2022 21:57:01

If it is either way he must be prep

05/30/2022 21:58:10

Well you have important witniess testimony

05/30/2022 21:58:14

We have
To prep him

05/30/2022 21:58:17

Priest and myself

05/30/2022 21:58:39


05/30/2022 21:59:03

Inger do you want for me to serve subeona today

05/30/2022 22:32:07

Nor do we want to Prep Him it has to be His Statements but we can ask if he was Prepped or Medicated

05/30/2022 22:41:37

Inger, pls file objectn to mtn hg Thur on sale of assets bc.
1. Benito has rt to be heard
2. ETG expired, no standing
3.They in bad faith harmed Benito & wasted all his other assets
4.Tremendous injustice to deprive him of homestead where lived 38 yrs n has means to continue living
5. To do otherwise Is inflictg great mental physical n economic harm on elderly by corruptg & violating statutes intended to help him

05/30/2022 22:45:49

By prepping Benito, we need to ensure we are on the same pg w him; that they DN turn him ag dtrs & he is not medicated

05/30/2022 22:52:40

We can't Prep him Lynn but Inger can direct n question him After he appears period

05/30/2022 22:52:56

Bill can't be talking to him yet period

05/30/2022 23:05:28

Why not? He was never specifically told not to see Bonito. He has a good relationship w him. Derek's acts illegal stop'g visitors FS 7744.3215

05/30/2022 23:13:41

He is Working for Inger who works for the Doctors who have Stay Away plus we don't want to be perceived as undue influence it ain't happening until Order lifted or some critical event please let's focus where we need to thank you

05/30/2022 23:21:10

I agree

05/30/2022 23:39:21

A good trial atty always tries to prep witnesses. It's not a bad thing. Surprises RE rarely good in a trial. He needs to know what it's about; to be told to tell the truth. He needs to know what to expect

05/30/2022 23:39:29

I agree

05/30/2022 23:40:23

Not here Lynn. In other scenarios of course

05/31/2022 00:43:46

Inger you have all been notarized

05/31/2022 00:44:04

The Media and police investigation is desperately needed come on already. Inger needs help bust down the walls of injustice in Palm Beach County

05/31/2022 00:44:06

It's outrageous what they are doing above the law abusing there positions to steel a man house

05/31/2022 00:44:07

Amen indeed.

05/31/2022 00:44:31


05/31/2022 00:45:10

Bill why did you go there? Lynn this isn't helping us today

05/31/2022 00:46:27

I have 2 pm call with bankrutpcy lawyer about recording deeds and filing of the court orders the sale and to be included in motion and writ that will be filed if they grant order

05/31/2022 00:46:47

So after 2 pm call I am working directly on each motion to start filing today

05/31/2022 00:47:20


05/31/2022 00:47:22

Thx for all the comments i do pay attention and listen to what
Could be helpful

05/31/2022 00:48:48

Is David the Bankruptcy lawyer?

05/31/2022 00:48:59

What is the problem go were???

05/31/2022 00:49:21

Go where are you talking about be clear now

05/31/2022 00:50:39

Bill Catherine said u went to see Benito today n got shut out again.

05/31/2022 00:51:10

No the lawyer bill knows. We have a 2 pm call with him about options to stop sale outside this hearing so I know if I am disclosing the deeds etc

05/31/2022 00:55:11


05/31/2022 00:56:06

Bill you calling at 2 -I know you have that transcript thing at same
You can text
Attorney number
Also and I will start call

05/31/2022 00:56:54

2pm conference

05/31/2022 00:56:55

I am getting tape transcribed

05/31/2022 00:56:58

No Tom Zeichman

05/31/2022 00:56:59

Or Joe Grant

05/31/2022 01:02:58

Ok well I am ready when you are bill

05/31/2022 01:33:36

Left message with koe the other bankrutpcy attorney and I believe that we can try to stop the payments to any medical facility or attorneys pending a bankruptcy hearing

05/31/2022 01:33:46

Plus I am looking into best way to have bankruptcy ready be
It for one daughter both or just dad

05/31/2022 01:34:10

Will let you know once I get initial thoughts back then introduce him to drs

05/31/2022 01:52:06

Good I Jeff message with Attorney Joe Grant he was on conference

05/31/2022 01:52:29

I probably need to stop by Inger

05/31/2022 03:15:32

Am I supposed to be waiting for your call or something Zoraida

05/31/2022 03:17:08

Nothing yet sorry bi here spoke to two lawyers waiting for 3 rd

05/31/2022 03:39:44

I'll he has
To go do for me

05/31/2022 04:01:27

Inger I am here n will be whenever needed

05/31/2022 04:05:08

I am having dinner and filing something on my case for am then I am working on all our motions so about two hours kevin. If you have access to yshat you have
Some please email to mem

05/31/2022 05:15:49


05/31/2022 07:02:58

Be on standby tomorrow for comments to docs. Working on all without interruptions.
Hopefully the bankruptcy lawyer goes and gets filing ready. Bill push him please

05/31/2022 07:08:29

I emailed the criminal discovery I just received a total joke but that is for later. Lynn this is us.

05/31/2022 08:03:29

Wld u pls double check my email address. I DN get it. I am available if you want to talk

05/31/2022 08:36:13

Tomorrow will for sure

05/31/2022 18:53:55

Good morning. Please check spam for email outline sent last night. Thank you

05/31/2022 22:12:14

In my haste to send the response to Kevin's email, I forgot perhaps most impt mtn of all:
Mtn to vacate stay away order & to prevent forced isolation of Benito by ETG

05/31/2022 22:12:53

Yes indeed so important

05/31/2022 22:14:56

That's all in there Lynn so you are not reading things n this is more distractions

06/01/2022 00:01:09

Just heard from Rick Locke and Guardianship advocate well known to Elliot Bernstein. Slater is a known predator and they have a case that he's going to forward to me

06/01/2022 00:01:31

Bill just text me and says the priest won't attend the hearing and he definitely doesn't wanna get involved with anything legal

06/01/2022 00:03:29

I was just on with bill so from 3 pm on I'll be locked in my office with headphones on working on what I need to file. I will call or text you as I need things. The teo dr and bill can testify that dad doesn't want to sel and you only agreed to listing because you were misled it was needed to pay dads bills.

06/01/2022 00:05:23

Okay If I don't respond call my office 561-333-6366