


06/24/2022 00:21:38

Good afternoon Dr. Navarro,

This is Katie Abunassar, I hope you remember me.
I came to your office on June 6th for a spider vein treatment behind my left knee. You did the saline sclerotherapy and told me that you took most of it out. Unfortunately 3 weeks later most of the spider veins are still very visible. Would it be possible to set up an appointment to come for a re- treatment to address what didn’t work the first time? I hope it would be a complimentary session. Thank you

06/24/2022 00:22:05

06/24/2022 00:22:05

06/24/2022 01:21:15

Please come in today and let me address it and do the right thing

06/24/2022 01:22:58

Call 561 333 6366

06/24/2022 01:42:11

Thank you. I can’t today. We have guests. I live in Naples. I will call to schedule for another day. Thank you so much.